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Import GridSim libraries into a JBuilder project

Follow the instructions in this file in order to import the GridSim library (gridsim.jar file) in your
JBuilder project.
First, right-click in the project and select Properties.
You will get the window depicted in the following picture. Then, go to Paths->Required Libraries.
In this tab you will get all the libraries that have already been imported to this project. To import
more libraries, just click on Add..
Now, you will get the window at the left, in the following picture (whose caption is Add to Project
Classpath). If the GridSim library does not appear, just click on New, and you will get the
window of the right, where you can create a new library. In this window, you just have to give a
name to the library (say libgridsim) and add the gridsim.jar file to the library path. To do this, just
click on Add and browse to the gridsim.jar file.
Click Ok, and you will have created a new library (libgridsim) containing the file gridsim.jar.
Click Ok, and that's all. As the following picture shows, you will get the GridSim library imported
into your project.
Now, you are ready to use GridSim!!!

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