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Kolesteatoma merupakan suatu kista benigna sel skuamous dengan keratin yang
terdiri dari 3 komponen, yaitu komponen kista, matriks dan perimatriks. Kolesteatoma
disebut OMSK tipe bahaya, karena merusak tulang disebut tipe tulang, karena perluasan
kolesteatoma yang merupakan epitel skuamosa disebut juga tipe skuamosa (dangerous
type, bony type, squamous type chronic suppurative otitis media).. Kolesteatoma dapat
terjadi pada semua kelompok usia dimana gambaran klinik dari kolesteatoma kadang tidak
spesifik yaitu adanya keluhan pasien berupa otorea yang periodik atau terus menerus,pada
beberapa kasus tidak disertai otorea dengan derajat penurunan pendengaran yang juga
bervariasi. Tidak ada terapi medikamentosa untuk kolesteatoma, untuk eradikasinya
memerlukan pembersihan melalui operasi Dilaporkan kasus otitis media supuratif kronis
dengan kolesteatoma seorang penderita laki-laki, berumur 41 tahun, dilakukan adalah canal
wall down tympanoplasty untuk eradikasi penyakit. Hari ke-12 pasca operasi tampon
mastoid dilepas, mukosa tumbuh dengan baik, sekret minimal. Sekitar 4- 5 minggu pasca
operasi kavum mastoid telah kering
Kata kunci : kolesteatoma,canal wall down tympanoplasty

Cholesteatoma is a keratinized squamous cells benign cyst which consists of three
components, which are cysts, matrix and primatrix. Cholesteatoma also is known as
hazardous type of OMSK, but when it causes bone damage it is classified as bone type, and
when it is due to the expansion of squamous epithelium it is classified as squamous type
(dangerous type, bony type , squamous type of chronic suppurative otitis media) .
Cholesteatoma can occur in all age groups in which the clinical symptoms of cholesteatoma
are sometimes presents as a non-specific complaints such as otorea which occurs periodically
or continuously, although in some cases otorea does not present, the degree of hearing loss
caused by are also cholesteatoma varied. There is currently no medical treatment for
cholesteatoma, to treat cholesteatoma surgical cleanup operations are required. This case
report is about male patient, aged 41 years old that present with chronic suppurative otitis
media with cholesteatoma, canal wall down tympanoplasty procedure was carried out for
disease eradication. On the 12
day of post-operative mastoid tampon was removed, mucosal
shows promising growth, minimal secretions. Approximately 4-5 weeks postoperative
mastoid cavity is dried.
Keywords : Cholesteatoma , canal wall down tympanoplasty

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