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Since last century, the ether hypothesis is considered dead.

In later experiments it also was not possible to prove the

ether. In the many discussions on ether at the beginning of
the last century and even later, no one seems to have considered
that the one thing they were looking for was simply too
small to be detected in experiments.
Apparently ether is considered as an element, which is large
enough to be proven. However already at the beginning of
the last century Max Planck -after the discovery of the quantum
of action-, has derived the units which were named after
him and has defined a tiny quantized quantity of the space as
a Planck length l m P
1,616199 1035 . Latest after this recognition,
the researchers should have actually been aware
that it is not possible to measure physical effects at these
small scales.
For centuries, the ether was defined with different, sometimes
even bizarre theories. However, the new world model
is not based on the old ideas of space and the ether, so I will
not use that term.
In the following chapters we will see that the "empty" space
has a structure, which previously was unknown. Even if the
properties of the "empty" space can not be detected directly,
there is enough evidence for the existence of a " substance
that permeates the entire universe and connects it with each
other " as Newton had described.

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