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... through Bertha Dudde

New redemption period ....
No major spiritual adan!ement !an "e e#pe!ted on this earth
an$ longer% onl$ a &ew more people will &ind and wal' the right
path whi!h leads to (e .... "a!' to the Father)s house.
*here will !ertainl$ "e people eer$where ma'ing eer$ e&&ort to
wor' &or (e and ($ 'ingdom% supporting the do!trines o& the
arious e!!lesiasti!al organisations with sin!ere dedi!ation &or (e
.... *he$ will hae the good will to guide the human "eing into
truth and are su!!ess&ul too when ($ spirit !an wor' through
them as soon as the$ prea!h &or (e and ($ 'ingdom.
But onl$ &ew people ta'e the deelopment o& their soul seriousl$%
whose &aith in (e also in!ludes the "elie& that the$ hae a
responsi"ilit$ towards (e and who there&ore !ons!iousl$ lie their
earthl$ li&e.
+oweer% most people are and remain indi&&erent% een i& the$
are !on&ronted "$ the most power&ul spea'er .... *he$ simpl$
dismiss eer$thing spiritual with a superior smile% "e!ause people
!onsider it a &antas$ and unreal and are there&ore not !aptiated
"$ it either.
But &or the sa'e o& the &ew the wor' shall still "e done eagerl$%
"e!ause to hae saed onl$ one soul &rom its down&all% to hae
preented it &rom a repeated progress through the earth)s
!reations% is su!h a tremendous a!!omplishment that no e&&ort
should "e spared% sin!e eer$ soul will eternall$ than' its saiour
to hae guided it onto the right path.
(an$ people apparentl$ reert "a!' to &aith .... But greater still is
the num"er o& those who &all awa$ and !arelessl$ sa!ri&i!e their
&aith in (e and who do not a!'nowledge ,esus -hrist)s a!t o&
.alation as an a!t o& atonement &or the whole o& humanit$
either ....
/nd pre!isel$ "e!ause the "elie& in ,esus -hrist is in!reasingl$
de!lining% spiritual hardship is getting progressiel$ worse. *his
will &inall$ lead to the disintegration o& the earth so as to preent
an een deeper des!ent into dar'ness% whi!h shall "e
a!!omplished "$ releasing the spirits whi!h "elong to ($
adersar$ and !on&ining them again in the material !reation.
*ime and again 0 tell $ou that this earth !annot e#pe!t a spiritual
!hange &or the "etter% that a new period o& redemption will start
and that this% at the same time% will "e a spiritual as well as an
earthl$ turning point% "e!ause nothing whi!h lies and e#ists on%
in and a"oe the earth will remain% "ut eer$thing will "e
a new earth will emerge% and this new earth will start again in
law&ul order% so that the deelopment o& all spiritual su"stan!es
thereon will "e sa&eguarded and the pro!ess o& return within this
law&ul order will !ontinue.
($ eternal plan does not depend on whether $ou humans "eliee
this or not% "ut those o& $ou who do not "eliee ($ statements
will "e surprised how soon the da$ will dawn when the &irst
reelations &ul&il themseles1 when $ou ma$ $et witness a last
sign &rom (e whi!h shall !on&irm all reelations o& this nature ....
2spe!iall$ those people who deem themseles intelle!tuall$
superior to their &ellow human "eings den$ su!h last da$
reelations and thus also dou"t the truth o& ($ Word% whi!h is
transmitted to earth dire!tl$ &rom a"oe ....
3et who else !ould ma'e su!h a spe!i&i! predi!tion "ut +e Who
has eer$ power at +is disposal and Who is 4ord o& all the &or!es
o& heaen and earth5 ....
3ou !an indeed a!!ept +is Word to "e true and !ertain% &or 0 do
not merel$ spea' "ut also su"stantiate eer$ eent to "e in&li!ted
on $ou "$ ($ loe% wisdom and power% "e!ause this is ne!essar$
&or $our souls whi!h should still !all &or (e in the last hour "e&ore
the end.
($ predi!tions are not intended to a!hiee an$thing "ut to
stimulate $our sense o& responsi"ilit$% "$ "elieing that $ou are
soon approa!hing the end and "$ as'ing $ourseles whether and
how $ou !an stand "e&ore the e$es o& $our God and -reator ....
3ou should not "eliee those who den$ an end% who want to
awa'en in $ou humans the e#pe!tation o& !hanges &or the
"etter .... &or a spiritual renaissan!e on this er$ earth that onl$
re6uires a di&&erent human generation whi!h o"seres ($ will ....
On this earth no su!h human generation will "e &ound an$more%
"e!ause the de!line o& spiritualit$ is !ontinuing% and this alone
will result in the end o& this earth)s era.
For the earth is meant to "e a s!hool &or the spirit% "ut people)s
thoughts are dominated "$ matter and there&ore the$ themseles
will "e!ome matter again too% whi!h the$ desire a"oe all else.
B$ doing so the$ !ompletel$ &orget God Who gae them their
earthl$ li&e &or the sa'e o& a spe!i&i! purpose ....
/nd people do not &ul&il this purpose% een the earth itsel& does
not &ul&il this purpose an$ more% "e!ause diine order has "een
!ompletel$ reersed% the earth has "e!ome ($ adersar$)s
'ingdom who wants to preent the higher deelopment o& all
spiritual su"stan!es ....
/nd $ou% who still "eliee in humanit$)s spiritual turning point on
this earth% are spirituall$ deluded% $ou hae no inner
enlightenment% $ou are merel$ dire!ted "$ $our human intelle!t
to ma'e a!!usations and to den$ diine reelations and to
portra$ them as an e#pression o& the opposing spirit. Otherwise
$ou would 'now $ourseles whi!h leel humanit$ has arried at%
and $ou would do "etter to "e 6uiet% i& $ou $ourseles !annot
"eliee in an end .... than to e#pose $our la!' o& awareness "$
allegations whi!h oppose ($ predi!tions ....
Be!ause $ou too will hae to "e answera"le &or this% sin!e $ou
are% a&ter all% preenting people &rom ealuating their &ailed li&e
and thus &rom a return to (e% whi!h will hae to ta'e pla!e
"e&ore the end i& the soul is to "e saed &rom the appalling &ate
o& repeated !aptiit$ in the !reations o& the earth 7.
8u"lished "$ &riends o& new reelations o& God 90n&ormation%
download o& all translated reelations% theme:"oo'lets at1


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