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AfLer due conslderaLlon and dellberaLlon on Lhe SouLh Afrlcan looLball AssoclaLlon
(SAlA) maLLer, Lhe SouLh Afrlcan SporLs ConfederaLlon and Clymplc CommlLLee
(SASCCC) 8oard on Wednesday 11 !une resolved LhaL:

1. SASCCC wlll appolnL a Lhree-person Leam from lLs flnance commlLLee Lo meeL
wlLh SAlA regardlng lLs currenL flnanclal poslLlon and Lurnaround sLraLegy
and mllesLones.
2. 1haL SAlA presenLs Lo SASCCC 8oard a slx monLhly progress reporL for Lhe
nexL 24 monLhs.
3. lf Lhls process has falled afLer 24 monLhs, SASCCC wlll be forced Lo lnLervene
Lo regularlse Lhe flnances of Lhe organlsaLlon.

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