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I wish to express my sincere gratitude to my friends and family for sticking by me, with my passion
to help others by creating work such as this book. I have long given advice to people verbally and
many friends and family have pushed me to release this type of information to get my word out
further afield.
Thank you to all my kids and my wonderful wife Carrie, for putting up with my deep thinking in
creating this book. Thank you to Andrea Samadi for her support and allowing me to pester her
continuously with ideas and suggestion. Thank you to John Allan of Pinpoint Fitness for pushing
me with excellent advice too.
Without you all, I would still be sitting in contemplation with no real action!

This book is part of the Living Life Harmonically collection, where

mind, body and spirit combine harmonically, reaching our highest
infinite potential.

The Slimtuition Plan

Ryan PJ O'Neill
Copyright 2013 True Intuition

All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this work, in whole or in part, in any form.
This work is only my opinion. It is not medical advice or diagnosis. Only opinions based upon my
own personal experience, research and in-depth study or information detailed in medical journals, is
shared. I DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE or prescribe any treatments. Please consult with a
medical professional before making any diet or nutrition changes.
I trust 100% in all information I share here and all has been personally tested before I share. Please
do likewise, question all information, test it safely and gain alternative advice where need be. Be
critical, flexible and open minded but also be aware and seek advice from registered medical
establishments if need be.


Introduction to Slimtuition


Ryan's Story


The Five Success Keys Natural Cycle


The Five Success Keys Stickman Slim


Success Key 1 Feed Your Hunger


Success Key 2 Eat What You Love

19. Lets Recap The Success Keys

20. The Slimtuition Blueprint
22. Bonus Material Affirmations
23. Bonus Material 5 Super-foods for Health
26. Bonus Material Meditation
27. The Success Journal Information

11. Success Key 3 Eat Mindfully & Enjoy

28. 21 Day Success Journal

14. Success Key 4 Stop When Satisfied


16. Success Key 5 Let Go

56. Credits

Printable Images For Your Success

The Slimtuition Plan

The secret to lasting weight-reduction

Your weight-reduction starts now with the reading and application of this very simple to follow step by step E-book, which will kick start your program, ease
your mind and get you back to loving food. My goal is purely to assist you in returning to your natural body weight, you are going to learn the secrets I
applied and used to drop 120lbs of fat while eating all the foods I loved. So initially you will be eating
ANYTHING you wish, but in later phases (Ebooks & Programs) once you achieve the aforementioned
goals of comfort around food and return to natural weight, you can then become educated in healthy
foods for optimum energy and vitality. Optimum health is obviously the purpose overall here, first
though, lets get the weight off and then you will have the confidence and motivation to pursue the best
you can be. I am hugely confident that I can not only assist with getting you back to your bodies natural
weight but that in future work, you will join me in gaining amazing internal health.

Follow Precisely, Suspend Belief and be flexible in the mind!

Please scrub everything you think you know about weight-reduction at this
stage. If you do not empty your mind, you will be unable to take in this new
and very simple information.
The Japanese master Nan-in gave audience to a professor of philosophy.
Serving tea, Nan-in filled his visitors cup, and kept pouring. The professor
watched the overflow until he could restrain himself no longer: Stop! The cup is over full, no more will go in. Nan-in said: Like
this cup, you are full of your own opinions and speculations. How can I show you Zen unless you first empty your cup. Can you
see why you need to empty your mind of the old conditioned diet mentality, the information on this page will result in joy for over
70% of you (highest success rate of any eating plan). I lost over 120lbs effortlessly within 1 year with the information I am about to
share, its up to you whether you use it or not, I know it works and I know it works for over 70% of people and I know there is no
easier way to lose weight without causing serious damage.
So what is my story and what makes the information so reliable?

My Story
I was where you are now!

Where you sit today is exactly where I was a few years ago. The uniqueness of the information I am sharing comes from
my own personal experience mixed in with study, I dug deep to find the answer to lasting enjoyable weight reduction. At
my heaviest weight I tipped the scales at an incredible 310lbs which is 22 stone 2lb for all you UK readers; I was in
serious danger of conditions such as diabetes, stroke and heart disease to name just a few. Another thing noticed was that
my breathing was becoming very heavy while physically I was beginning to struggle with everyday tasks such as
climbing stairs. Something had to change and fast, but every single diet I attempted would end in failure, I just could not
restrict the foods that I loved.
It's so easy for naturally thin people who've never had a weight problem to dictate to us on how to reduce our weight
effectively. I personally struggle to understand how they know how we feel without actually walking this path; the
emotions that we go through must be alien to them. I do tip my hat at many who try to help us though as it is a worthy
cause, I applaud their dedication and hope they continue assisting us. It's hard to relate to them though as they have not
really been here where we are and I can only hope that by seeing where I was, this can
motivate you and get you excited at the possibilities of returning to your natural body
In my journey I did encounter ridicule at a small level, it was certainly evident, even
among past friends and deep down this hurt. To be told by someone who was supposed to be your friend that you would never
see a lower weight again can cause great grief within. Thankfully I used the above effectively to change my life and if you
allow me I would like to help you do the same.
It would have been a little hypocritical if I had not walked this path personally, while expecting you to walk it blindly on my
say-so. My results speak for themselves and there are many places online and off where you can check them for yourself.
What I am trying to do is impress upon you is that the information you're about to put into action can change your life without
restriction, complication or any real difficulty. Truly, after every single diet I have been through, emotions and hurt included, if I can do it then surely, as the
sun will rise tomorrow, so can you.
Since returning to my natural body weight I have been on a mission to help others free themselves from the diet mentality. To do this, I have studied not only
naturally thin people but looked at the multitude of eating plans in relation to the five successful keys I applied to my life. I will be giving you these keys soon,
some will cry that they are common-sense but I beg to differ because looking at the obesity rates, I know with absolute certainty that they are not being applied
at all.

My Story
I was where you are now!

Can you relate to any of the following:

Yo-yo dieting which has left you heavier.

Food cravings when you restrict certain food or food groups.
Low self-esteem due to your weight current and failed dieting.
Scared to eat certain food, classifying foods good & bad.
Utterly fed up with this cycle you are stuck on.

I suffered from the above and more, I was stuck on an endless cycle and I was actually getting no-where fast. Sure, I
would lose weight but within a few weeks (if I managed to go so long) I would begin piling on the pounds as I craved
the foods I was restricting. My mind was making the food the most special, magical and lovely substance known to
man/woman and it was all due to restriction. Its one of the magical keys, when you come to understand exactly what has
caused the problem you will gasp for air and have one of those Ah ha moments. Its not
you, its not me.......its the diets!!
As soon as I understood the concepts I am about to share with you, my life changed and
my weight reduced all the way back to a healthy body weight. I stopped fussing over
food, I started to enjoy meal times and I was at great ease. Granted, I was also pretty miffed at myself for all the waisted years
of dieting and listening to other people who thought they had the newest fad. How could I have become so detached from the
secret keys that are in-built in every single person on this planet?
I have the feeling you know exactly how I felt, I fully trust that you can relate with the above and that now you, like me, have
truly had enough and you are ready to reclaim your power while inspired to use the keys to success.
Listen, please take this little piece of wisdom from someone who has been in your position. Everything you need to succeed in weight-reduction resides within
you and has absolutely nothing to do with foods, pills or magic potions. You have to impress this upon your mind, you have to empty out the thoughts on
calories, carbs or a whole plethora of information that has been foisted upon you.
You will thank me later, like I thanked those who helped me and opened my eyes to true power and freedom. Are you ready?

The 5 Success Keys

The Secret that is open to all!
The Natural Cycle Within

Everything in nature runs in cycles whether this be day & night, the seasons or the
great galactic cycles such as we just noticed with the whole false information
surrounding the Mayan 2012 prophecies. This is exactly the same for simple things
such as how we eat, we can view it properly by thinking in terms of cycles [see image
When you start going external by following specific plans, counting things like
calories or eating due to the time on a clock, you interrupt nature and its unique
wisdom. If you would just get back to using our natural signals, like I do, regardless of
the food you eat, you would return to a natural body weight suited to your body
Some of you will even eat when you are not even hungry while others will eat so fast
that they have no idea at all whether they are full till its far too late. We may have a
percentage of people who torture themselves with foods they hate but consume
because someone said they should. You know, some will even keep eating when they
are clearly full or even stuffed, just because their plate has food on it or as they paid
for it, they are eating it!
Make a promise to yourselves from this moment in time, make it definite and make it
very clear indeed.....

I am in control
I am going within for my signals
I will get back to my perfect natural body weight with no stress
I am unique with everything I need to be happy

Everyone I speak to about weight-reduction gets the same thing from me Internal
signals are not the enemy, so stop masking them and going external Nature is far
more intelligent than the limited mindset of those who preach through text-books. We
have signals that are in place to ensure we run optimally, they are very clear and to be

used by everyone.
Do you use your signals? Have you been masking them and going external?

The 5 Success Keys

The Secret that is open to all!
Stickman Slim

Before giving your the success keys, it would be advisable for us to have a look at the visual graphic named Stickman Slim so that we can see how the
signals work.
The body is wired up nicely with in-built signals that feed back to the brain. These
signals can range from alerting us about the ambient temperature so that we can adjust it
or letting us know that we must use the toilet to empty waste from our bodies.
The signal that we are interested at this time is the hunger and full signal.
Can you recall, if you close your eyes, a time when you were hungry and exactly how it
made you feel? Where does the signal start and how does it increase in strength and
more importantly what are the dangers of refusing to act upon it?

Light headedness
Feeling stressed

The list could go on and on but these are an example of what may happen if you
continue to ignore a signal. You see, we are perfect manifestations with a host of unique
alert systems to ensure we run at optimum health. To ignore this in-built wisdom is very
dangerous and over time can lead to dis-ease and stress that can be very hard on the
We all easily and without question follow the signals for sleep and toilet needs and I
have yet to meet anyone who will allow something or someone external to dictate when
we should follow these. On the flip side, the hunger signal has been demonised and a
whole host of external diet plans have taught people to chase this away and to ignore the
feeling of being full and satisfied. This has resulted in a large proportion of society to
have habits that ensure they will forever struggle to reduce their weight and keep it off.
Your body is a manifestation of the mind. Any thoughts, habits and paradigms you hold
will become manifest in the body and through the body which will result in the final-

The 5 Success Keys

The Secret that is open to all!
Stickman Slim

vision you see in the mirror today. All that you have done through the mind in the past can be seen in todays results and all that you do from this moment will be your future vision.

Look at the stick figure (Right) which is a magnificent tool for understanding how the body is a
manifestation of the mind and how WE can take control. By changing our thoughts and thinking for
ourselves (instead of following external information) we can begin the task of taking control of our
mindset, our sub-conscious mind and thus our reality. This takes practice but the more and more you
begin to listen to your bodys signals and use the suggestions to assist, the eventuality is that you
will alter your installed eating habits and part of your paradigm. From then on in...its as easy as
tying your shoes laces, driving the car while holding conversations and you will easily communicate
between the body and mind for optimum health and living.
You need to be fully aware and practice in these initial days though, you had to do similar when
learning to tie your shoes or in your driving lessons. You thought those were going to be hard to
master but eventually they sunk in and where did they sink too? Your powerful sub-conscious
The control centre, your sub-conscious mind that regulates your breathing without the need to
second guess and the area that attracts in and manifests your reality and perceptions, master this
with practice and your life will spin so fast to a sweet area, that you will wonder why you have not
discovered this exciting possibility before.
In a moment I am going to begin the Five Success Keys and give directions so you can get started
NOW! I would like to take this moment to ask you first, are you following thus far? Is this making
sense to you or do you feel that you may need to go back and re-read before we get practical.
Let me offer more support right now, if you are confused at all at this point, please feel free to email
me right now for some support.....

The 5 Success Keys

The Secret that is open to all!

Success Key 1 - Feed Your Hunger

When you feel the pangs of hunger you are going to eat. People have been conditioned to go against their natural body signals,
they do not understand that hunger is a body signal we have for a reason. There are no faults with our body, its perfect in every
way, and it specifically knows its needs to a much superior level than the habituated mind we have allowed to set in place.
People who are trying to lose weight are absolutely terrified of the hunger body signal. They try and suppress it with a whole
manner of things and that truly is not healthy or advisable. Whether it be drinking excess caffeine, upping protein or any other
way, it is just crazy. I also feel that it is utterly irresponsible for anybody or any program to encourage the suppression of body
signals and intuition, which are clearly in place to alert you of a necessity for the very basics of life.
Think about that for a second! A light of realization is now shining within you isnt it? You most likely
have been following plans that try and coerce you into not following your own inner knowledge and
So when you are hungry with real hunger pangs you are going to eat food to satisfy this hunger. No ifs
and no buts, because your true intuition knows what it needs. Your body is not trying to trick you, its
not broken and they are not fictitious signals within you.

Your internal system is perfect!

Now one caveat I must mention at this point is some will eat for emotional needs. This is not real
hunger, it is a way to disguise you emotions and temporarily give you the good feelings that come with
consuming food. These issues are much deeper than your intuition and bodily needs and reside within
your sub-conscious, taking a stab at it, I would say relating to fear and one of its many sub-categories.


The 5 Success Keys

The Secret that is open to all!

Success Key 1 - Feed Your Hunger

True hunger will come on gradual with an empty feeling which moves through a process of slight pangs which intensify till a growl is
obvious, and then you move into severe pangs and discomfort. If left longer it will become very uncomfortable, actually painful and
nauseating and you will know all about it. It certainly is not advisable to let your body get so hungry that it needs to cause you such
discomfort and this will be solved by following the hunger scale in the subsequent pages.
please do not eat if you are not hungry, do not eat for boredom, sadness, anger or in celebration if it is not for the true signals of
intuition as mentioned before. If you do eat for the aforementioned emotions, you will not return to
your ideal body weight and you will be rebelling against your body. Self Sabotage is not good; you
are a perfect human being who just needs to re-connect to this wisdom you were born with.
When you were a baby you cried for food when hungry and stopped when you were full. When
you were upset due to needing a nappy change and being uncomfortable you did not take your
food to ease the feelings did you? Nope, you would push away the bottle and make it abundantly
clear, that was not the problem or solution! The same goes for eating now when not hungry and
dealing with feelingsplease take that into your mindset just now!

When you are hungry you are going to feed yourself.

If you are confused at all at this point, please feel free to email me right now for some support.....

The 5 Success Keys

The Secret that is open to all!

Success Key 2 - Eat What You Love

Yes you heard me correctly, I just told you to eat anything you fancy and enjoy fully. Yummy pizza, cheesy macaroni with garlic bread,
your number one take away meal, top nosh restaurant and most of all Christmas dinners with all the trimmings with nothing spared.
Now I know what you are thinking, that if you consume any of that you will end up gaining weight rather that losing it. You can give
yourself permission to remove those thoughts from your mindset and re-open that mind to what you are reading here, I mean, you are
going to test it all anyway so suspend judgement. I thought the same as you when I was told similar
information on easy weight loss as mentioned here and through my experiences and research,
weight gain is not the case and I can promise you that right now.
There are more keys to follow that will ensure you are listening to your intuition properly as well.
You see, we need to ensure that you fall back in love with your food and start enjoying life instead
worrying over your weight and what you want to consume. How can you possibly do the above, if
you are eating foods that other people are picking for you? I want you right now to go and get a
pen then fill out the list below: The top five foods you LOVE (Use a note pad if reading eBook). It
has to be your top foods and it has to be the foods that would make any diet utter bliss for you.
My Top 5 Foods


The 5 Success Keys

The Secret that is open to all!


Success Key 2 - Eat What You Love

Now have a look at your list.
I would like you to visualize all this food in front of you, with you knowing that you can eat any of it and still return to your ideal body
weight. I would like you to smell the wonderful aroma as it sits there freshly cooked or unwrapped and ready for consumption.
How are you feeling now? Excited, relieved, relaxed or best of all, free? Its excellent isnt it and it just gets better and better.
I want you to make a commitment right now that never again in your life will you allow others to tell
you what you can and cannot eat. You decide on your menu and only you. Its an inside game you
I bet now your thoughts are confused and also curious by what you know thus far, how this can be
your thinking. Your attention turns to chocolate, crisps or even alcohol, yes you can have them all
as long as you are truly hungry and not emotionally hungry and in the case of alcohol just do not
eat while drinking it (during and especially afterwards).
Just to further elaborate on alcohol, it actually has never interrupted my weight loss or my ability
to hear my body signals. I think the most damage to your body weight would come from the
lowering of your faculties and the inability to listen to your intuition. By all means enjoy your
alcohol, just stay away from the buffet tables or kebab shop afterwards! (considering that you are
over legal age also)

If you are confused at all at this point, please feel free to email me right now for some support.....

The 5 Success Keys

The Secret that is open to all!

Success Key 3 - Eat Mindfully & Enjoy

Now here is the magical key to hearing your body signals. You have to eat slowly and be fully aware at all times throughout your
meals. Under no circumstances do you eat with distractions of:

Newspapers or Magazines
Mobile Phones or Portable Game Systems
Any activity that takes your mind from your meal.

You need to be able to propel your full awareness on to your meals.

I want you to taste every single morsel of food that you place in your mouth, the food that you love
and cannot believe you can eat without fear or regret. The very foods that you thought you were
going to spend the rest of your life without and you now have the opportunity to eat freely while
following the steps. No excuses now, this is one of lifes joys you are partaking in and you are
going to enjoy it mindfully and very unhurriedly.
On my studies of intuition, mindset and eating habits, I have discovered that over weight
individuals eat far too fast and hardly ever taste the food. They ram it down their throats so fast,
lightening speed and do not listen to their bodies or its unique signals. How can they truly enjoy
the experience?
Paul McKenna tells us clearly in his best-selling book I Can Make You Thin that the flood of happy chemicals (serotonin) into the brain as we partake in this joy of life is why
overweight people eat so fast. Its not their fault, they are in bliss but afterwards they crash to shame as they realize what they have done, its a vicious circle.
You know what feels better? Eating when hungry knowing that you can eat what you want and still lose weight. When you reach goal there is no special maintenance. Youre set for


The 5 Success Keys

The Secret that is open to all!

Success Key 3 - Eat Mindfully & Enjoy

So how slow do you eat? Well that is up to you but a good guideline to ensure these steps lead to maximum impact and the ability to
listen within would be to chew your food around about 15-20 times. Obviously, eventually your body signals will be so easy to pick up
that you will not need to consciously count every time you eat, but in the beginning use this to your advantage. Savour every mouthful
and put down the sandwich or fork and knife between every bite and just slow it all down.
You see, in my experience it takes between 20-30 minutes to feel the full signal. So try and reach this point by slowing down and being
fully mindful of the whole process. Awareness is the key here!
Do not let others discourage you, to compensate for their own realization of oops I ate too much
they will attack your new strategy, trying to make excuses that what you are doing is not natural or
something along those lines. Do not be upset with them over this, its just a human protection
system in the name of ego that does this.
Deep down they are frustrated and you are on the right track!
If questioned tell people you like to savour your foods, tell them you will not continue to eat the
way of others. Its just conditioning and constructs built by the collective masses, with the aid of
media and alleged testing by scientists et al. Tell them you no longer follow your brain for signals
and that its conditioning (placed there by parents telling you to eat faster and everything on the
plate) and you prefer to listen to the proper body signals for the good of your mind, body and


The 5 Success Keys

The Secret that is open to all!

Success Key 3 - Eat Mindfully & Enjoy

Here are some tips to aid you:

Sip at a glass of water between bites

Light conversations between bites (stay aware though)
Rest between bites by taking in the moment

Remember though, no alcohol!

You are being given an eye opening gift here, something that is conditioned out of us by our society
unintentionally. Please take it all in and do not cheat yourself out of living the life you want with no
worries over foods or diets.
Now there will be a time when you will eat too fast, that is not a problem as long as you ensure
you go aware immediately in the meal or on the next one. Please always keep in mind that you are
not on a diet so there is nothing to fall off.
Do not go and pig out if you forget one of the keys temporarily as it helps no one at all. It is an
emotional response to what you see as failure when in actuality, you have failed at nothing, the
conditioning has taken over time that will change and you will look back with a
Always relax back into the moment, no harm is done and return to your keys to success.

If you are confused at all at this point, please feel free to email me right now for some support.....


The 5 Success Keys

The Secret that is open to all!

Success Key 4 - Stop When Satisfied

Hey stop laughing at such common sense; well of course you stop when you are full Ryan I hear you say. But do you? I mean, on diets
people keep eating until they reach a magical number regardless if full or hungry and allow themselves to be dictated too. You like me
have been there; we have subscribed to that insanity in the past and no longer is this going to be the case!
As I previously mentioned, it takes roughly 20-30 minutes to feel the full signal in the body, now due to you following the previous
step of eat slowly and mindfully while savouring every bite, you will feel this signal.
It is very subtle and you will feel it in the solar plexus region of the body (see diagram) and as soon as you do so, you
stop eating immediately.
Is it this simple? Well yes and no, its going to take some practice in the beginning
as this is new to you and you have lost touch with your body signals. I want you to
stop as soon as you think you are full while always listening for cues from the body. In a short
period of time you will grow to recognize these feelings and signals from within and it will
become a breeze to you.
Now I would like to add that personally I do not care what is left on the plate when I am full. I stop
then either store the rest for later or I throw it in the bin, there is no universal law that says you
need to continue to eat because there is still food on your plate. Get out of that conditioned mode
which was installed by your parents unintentionally when still a child.
What you need to understand is this, if something is continually repeated to you over and over
enough times, you will incorporate that into your habits. So your parents bless them as they knew
no better, would continue to tell you to clear your plate. They would even add in emotional feelings
by telling you of starving kids in the world which then became embedded in your sub-conscious mind and has stuck with you throughout your life. Maybe even telling your kids the
same thing now?


The 5 Success Keys

The Secret that is open to all!

Success Key 4 - Stop When Satisfied

You most likely hate waste, eat the kids leftover food and feel frustrated when throwing out wasted food. You will overcome all of this
in time, as soon as the conditioning starts to disappear.
In the mean time:

Store your left overs for later

Store you kids left overs for later
Feed your bread products to the birds
Cook less food as you become aware of how little you actually eat
Order small meals if eating out High quality with the saving!

Another excellent result to your intuitive eating is that you will also save money due to how little
you eat, now that is always good!

If you are confused at all at this point, please feel free to email me right now for some support.....


The 5 Success Keys

The Secret that is open to all!

Success Key 5 - Let Go

We are creatures of habit after-all and we are surely conditioned by other peoples thoughts, beliefs or passed down information. Its
these programs running in our head that keep us away from living the life we truly desire. What we need to do in this final key and step
to success is LET GO!
You need to look at your thinking and assumptions in regards to eating. What are your implanted beliefs when we talk about losing
weight? Do you feel you need to count calories, eat salads and restrict foods?

Can You Let This Go?

I would like you to go within, close your eyes and say internally....I let go all conditioning, it is not
my reality and I trust myself 100%. Say it over and over, feel how great it is to trust yourselves
fully and smile happily.
Every time you feel yourself running from past conditioning, I would like to to repeat the above
and keep all the keys to success at the forefront of your new life. You are not an Intuitive eater, you
listen to your body, you have full control over your life and you run from experience and
results...not theories or conditioning!

The Bathroom Scale

Tune in carefully for this one, as this is an important factor of letting go.......


The 5 Success Keys

The Secret that is open to all!

Success Key 5 - Let Go

This scale is certainly no where near as beneficial as the one we have just spoke about, actually I will go as far to say it can
rule your life. By all means weigh yourself at the beginning to give you a starting point and to ensure you clear the doubt
away by knowing this is the real deal.
My personal advice to you and from someone who has been through it all would be, If you must weigh yourself do it either
weekly or better still every 14 days. There will come a point where you will not care for the scale and will not bother about
checking it as you will notice your progress by the way your clothes actually fit.
Never jump on every day or any more regular that the advice I have just
given, and I will tell you exactly why: It is a known fact that our weight fluctuates due
to water movement within the body, this can be anything up to a few pounds in one
day. Is it therefore
really appropriate to be jumping on and off the scale?
Furthermore, this brings me to my next reasoning.
If you see a gain you will throw in the towel and go back to diets and we know exactly
where that will take you. I do not care much for scales, but I did at points check in just
to reassure that I was not dreaming with all this yummy food and losing weight. I
remember one such time when it told me I had gained 3lb, I was pretty astonished but then remembered about water weight and how not to let
the scale have any power over me. I thought to myself that, I had lost a phenomenal amount of weight and I would leave it at this for a few days
then recheck just to make sure.
Four days later I jumped back on to see what was happening now, I let out a large giggle as I had not only dropped those nasty 3lbs of water but an additional 1lb had followed.
From then, I decided I would never let anything interrupt my mindset and have power over my intention to listen to just my body and to be done with everything else.


The 5 Success Keys

The Secret that is open to all!

Success Key 5 - Let Go

The thing is, Some people and I personally have done this in the past, would have went and pigged out which again returns to going
against your body. In addition, it then heaps a ton of negative emotions on the mind and to feel good you eat more, and the cycle goes
on and on till the few pounds gain or the no shift this week turns into 10lb+ and on the way back to hell.
I promise you that your intuition will guide you to the place you desire to go so please work with it.
Now a much better proposition is to use a tape measure and take your vital statistics, you know the ones. Another way is to see how
your clothes fit or even better buy the next size down in jeans or t-shirt and try them on every
so often till they fit and repeat the process. It can be real fun and will not have nearly as much
negative feedback as the scale.
Regardless of what the scale says, its the visible results that matter to you at this stage and what
you can judge more efficiently. I mean, you do not walk around the town with your weight
plastered on your head so why careyou only want to look good and be healthy after all.
Finally, Scales are also an external source to you, they hold no power over you and should not
dictate your moods. Please remember this as you walk your journey because in the end you will
have the last laugh when you look back.

If you are confused at all at this point, please feel free to email me right now for some support.....


The 5 Success Keys

The Secret that is open to all!

Lets Recap - The 5 Success Keys

Your Next Step

Success Key 1 - Feed Your Hunger

Success Key 2 - Eat What You Love
Success Key 3 - Eat Mindfully & Enjoy
Success Key 4 - Stop When Satisfied
Success Key 5 - Let Go

Hunger comes on slow, it causes light grumbles in the tummy area which increase as you ignore.
When you feel this you need to eat regardless. You go to the kitchen or outlet and get you favourite
food and not a food that you THINK you should eat to lose weight. You then remove all
distractions and concentrate solely on the food, eating slowly, chewing thoroughly and tasting all
the flavours fully.
When you feel the hunger has disappeared or a slight pressure on the solar plexus area, YOU
STOP - No clearing plates or eating when you need not!
Keep going over these keys in your mind, get your wonderful imagination involved. Anywhere the
mind has been, the body will follow. This is why keeping fat photos or fat jeans is counterproductive. Keep slim photos and buy clothes that both fit or are a size too small.
See yourself at your ideal weight, talk as if you are already there, in the present tense and watch how your mind which is marvellous, takes you
to that exact Image you hold in your head. You are banned from criticising yourself now, no more negative reinforced thoughts and ever image,
thinking process and self-talk will now be of how much you love yourself and your naturally slim size. Do not neglect this at all...if you do, do so at your own peril. Email me for
free, I will soon give you the support and a kick in the butt to get you back on track with this!
Are you okay at this point? Do you understand fully? Again I open my email for free, send me a message and I will talk with you. This is not the normal Ebook guide, this is
interactively open to you for much more that just a read and move on.


The Slimtuition Blueprint

Easy Success

This is the blueprint to your success on the Slimtuition program. Step by step,
knowing how it all goes together to create lasting joy in your life. In the following
pages you will see a mind map & blueprint
to success which is your blueprints for
staying on track. If you do not follow the
blueprints, you will notice that you lose
control of success to natural body weight.
My suggestion would be to print the pages
out and keep them handy so that you can
easily refer to them when need be. Keep a
copy next to your journal and also add it to
your kitchen fridge or wall too.
We are going to keep this very simple and very easy to do on a daily basis. No special
foods are needed and you can start NOW!


The Slimtuition Blueprint

Mindmap to Success

Stop When Full, Not When Plate Is Empty

Stop Between Bites, Drink Water

Am I Hungry?
Is It My Emotions?
Go Get Food

Put Full Awareness On The Food

Is It Food I love?

Eat Slowly, Taste It Fully

Get Comfortable

Remove all Distractions

The Slimtuition Blueprint

Take Your Path


Bonus Material
Information For You

Affirmations For Success

Extra Ooomph

(positive affirmation) a technique used to program the subconscious mind to effect change by repeating (or
meditating on) a key phrase...
Whether you mediate on these affirmations, write them down on post it notes and put them in prominent areas to you or repeat
them with feeling daily, they will assist you in your program here. Personally, I have post it notes everywhere, in my pockets and
I recite them all with feelings. This implants into your sub-conscious mind, eventually you will run them much in the same way
as you can tie show laces effortlessly or drive across town without thinking. So imagine, positive
behaviour running from your auto-pilot!! Now thats personal power!!

1. I am so happy & grateful that I am now at

my ideal body weight of _________lbs
2. I am healthy, happy and awe-inspired with
my bodies power.
3. Each day I get better and better, stronger and stronger and
younger and younger.
4. My body is amazing and looks after all my needs through its unique
system of signals and Intuition
5. I am in full control of my thinking, I decide on my future and reality and I am
creating joy and health.


Bonus Material
Information For You

5 Super Food For Health

Boost Yourself With Nature

1. Garlic
Natures Anti-Biotic and a truly amazing food. Allicin, which is present in Garlic, is the magical substance that
can fight most super-bugs according to the University of East-London. Its the cause of the strong odour within
Garlic and my gosh, it does not half kill some nasties. Personally, I have used Garlic to fight tooth infections and
it worked within 3 days, that is pretty amazing I am sure you agree. Garlic is said to also be instrumental in
treating high blood pressure, lowering cholesterol, and for helping to prevent certain
types of cancer, as well as its use as an immune stimulant. Reach for fresh Garlic and
be sure to crush it well to get it active or visit your health store and get the oil pills that
are NOT odourless...You need the compounds that cause the smell!

2. Manuka Honey
Packed full of antiviral, antioxidants and antibacterial properties so its no wonder the
Ancient Greeks used this extensively. Whether it be the common cold, flu or the
symptoms that result from these, Manuka Honey can ease you back to perfect health. Use Mauka Honey an hour before meals or
before bedtime, personally I take it by the spoon but you can eat it on toast or add it to your hot drink. I use it as a precaution, not
waiting till I am ill but on regular occasions I will indulge this magnificent substance.

3. Blueberries
Superb source of antioxidant that are absolutely delicious and I love, especially in the summer time. Research has shown that these little beauties can assist the
memory and even help you along in returning to your natural body weight by counteracting obesity as part of a healthy habit plan. They are a powerhouse
nutritionally and a guilt free treat that assists the body in in its repair. Get them on your shopping list!


Bonus Material
Information For You

5 Super Food For Health

Boost Yourself With Nature

4. Hemp Seeds
Hemp seeds are a great source of chlorophyll, calcium, magnesium, ascorbic acid, beta-carotene, fiber, iron,
potassium, riboflavin, niacin and thiamine and trace minerals. Phew, they pack a punch, and they should be part
of your healthy habit plan. Said to combat Eczema, easily digested and great for your muscles!!

5. Spirulina
Spirulina was a food source for the Aztecs and other Mesoamericans until the 16th
century. found in abundance at Lake Texcoco by French researchers in the 1960s, but
there is no reference to its use by the Aztecs as a daily food source after the 16th
century, probably due to the draining of the surrounding lakes for agricultural and
urban development. The first large-scale spirulina production plant, run by Sosa
Texcoco, was established there in the early 1970s.
Spirulina has also been traditionally harvested in Chad. It is dried into cakes called dih, which are used to make broths for meals,
and also sold in markets. The spirulina is harvested from small lakes and ponds around Lake Chad. Dried Spirulina contains about
60% (5171%) protein. It is a complete protein containing all essential amino acids, though with reduced amounts of methionine,
cysteine and lysine when compared to the proteins of meat, eggs and milk. This results in it being frequently paired with Whey
protein, due to its high cysteine content. It is, however, superior to typical plant protein, such as that from legumes.
It offers strength and endurance and it is best to consume after workouts for rapid healing effects and balancing blood sugar levels. Spirulina also contains the
same amount of iron that you would get from red meat.
There are many more great foods, these are the pick of the bunch for me. Open your mind, explore alternative health as your proceed in your journey
for perfect body weight and natural health. You are in control now!!


Bonus Material
Information For You

Relaxing The Mind
Learning how to meditate for only 20 minutes a day can have significant health changes and build strong lives.
The release from stress, the power of mind gained from going within in such a calm way and not forgetting Inner
peace and more relaxed way of being. Just 20 minutes and you can really change your life....
Find an area that you will not be disturbed, your own personal sanctuary where you can easily escape to on a
daily basis. You can furnish the area in items you love but you do not have to go to this effort. Its the practice that
matters really.

Get comfortable with your position, sit in the most relaxing way for you.


Close you eyes and take nice deep breaths, relaxing on each exhale.


Follow your breath, placing your concentrating on each breath...In/Out


Do not grasp onto any thought, let them float on by...follow the breath.


Start small, if you can only do a few minutes, excellent, build it up over time.

GoldenLifeZen gives us this tip for focus:

If you are having difficulties settling, you can try counting the breath which is an ancient meditation practice. On your
outbreath, silently count one, then two, and up to four. Then return to one. Whenever you notice your thoughts have
strayed far away or you find yourself counting thirtythree, simply return to one. In this way, one is like coming home to
the present moment. Its good to return without a backward glance. Visit the following link for more tips


The Success Journal

21 Days To New Habits

I work with the number 3 when it comes to new habits. My first goal is always 3 days, just 3 little days and then
assess how things are going. I then travel towards the 3 weeks (21 days) mark and I know from this time frame
that I am golden, I have began forming new habits and I am firmly on a positive road of success. After this its 3
months and then 3 years.
To assist in helping me reach these magically areas of positive habits and easy living, I journal my progress day
by day. Check-lists are employed so I can ensure I hit my sweet spot of success and I share my thoughts with the
journal by writing my positive aspects of the day and things I wish to improve on. This is an excellent tool for
seeing where you are, where you are going or where you have been and it reinforces how much you are in control
of your life and heading in a direction of abundance and joy.
Get into the habit of journalling your program for not only amazing natural body
weight, but your direction in life whether for your life purpose or overcoming a
ALL success people in life plan and journal!! When you think it, you should Ink it and
what better place to do so than in your personal journal.
In the following pages you will find your 21 day journal which can be printed for your
ease. Each day you can use the check-list, write your thoughts, ideas, questions or
problems and excel as you move from day to day.
Even more, by saving the journey in such a way, if you need my assistance via the email address shared throughout this book, you
can refer to areas without having to rely on your memory. This can be invaluable and ensure you stay firmly on the path of success.
Like many of the tasks in this book, its a vitally important processes that can be the difference between ultimate joy or non-inspired
How much do you want to this??
Good Luck!!


Success Journal
21 Days - Building New Habits

Day One

The more you trust your intuition, the more empowered you become, the stronger
you become, and the happier you become.
Gisele Bundchen


Journal Check-list
Did You Eat On The Hunger Signal
Did You Eat What You Love
Did You Chew Slow and Chew Thoroughly
Did You Stop When Satisfied, not clearing plates
Did You drink fresh clean water today
Did You Do Something Different, Breaking Habits
Did You Take Time To Reflect
Did You Show & Feel Gratitude
Did You Stay Off The Scales
I am Journalling For Success

Printable Worksheet

Success Journal
21 Days - Building New Habits

Day Two

The only real valuable thing is intuition.

Albert Einstien


Journal Check-list
Did You Eat On The Hunger Signal
Did You Eat What You Love
Did You Chew Slow and Chew Thoroughly
Did You Stop When Satisfied, not clearing plates
Did You drink fresh clean water today
Did You Do Something Different, Breaking Habits
Did You Take Time To Reflect
Did You Show & Feel Gratitude
Did You Stay Off The Scales
I am Journalling For Success

Printable Worksheet

Success Journal
21 Days - Building New Habits

Day Three

Listen to your intuition. It will tell you everything you need to know.
Anthony J. D'Angelo


Journal Check-list
Did You Eat On The Hunger Signal
Did You Eat What You Love
Did You Chew Slow and Chew Thoroughly
Did You Stop When Satisfied, not clearing plates
Did You drink fresh clean water today
Did You Do Something Different, Breaking Habits
Did You Take Time To Reflect
Did You Show & Feel Gratitude
Did You Stay Off The Scales
I am Journalling For Success

Printable Worksheet

Success Journal
21 Days - Building New Habits

Day Four

Intuition will tell the thinking mind where to look next.

Jonas Salk


Journal Check-list
Did You Eat On The Hunger Signal
Did You Eat What You Love
Did You Chew Slow and Chew Thoroughly
Did You Stop When Satisfied, not clearing plates
Did You drink fresh clean water today
Did You Do Something Different, Breaking Habits
Did You Take Time To Reflect
Did You Show & Feel Gratitude
Did You Stay Off The Scales
I am Journalling For Success

Printable Worksheet

Success Journal
21 Days - Building New Habits

Day Five

It is through science that we prove, but through intuition that we discover.

Henri Poincare


Journal Check-list
Did You Eat On The Hunger Signal
Did You Eat What You Love
Did You Chew Slow and Chew Thoroughly
Did You Stop When Satisfied, not clearing plates
Did You drink fresh clean water today
Did You Do Something Different, Breaking Habits
Did You Take Time To Reflect
Did You Show & Feel Gratitude
Did You Stay Off The Scales
I am Journalling For Success

Printable Worksheet

Success Journal
21 Days - Building New Habits

Day Six

I allow my intuition to lead my path.

Manuel Puig


Journal Check-list
Did You Eat On The Hunger Signal
Did You Eat What You Love
Did You Chew Slow and Chew Thoroughly
Did You Stop When Satisfied, not clearing plates
Did You drink fresh clean water today
Did You Do Something Different, Breaking Habits
Did You Take Time To Reflect
Did You Show & Feel Gratitude
Did You Stay Off The Scales
I am Journalling For Success

Printable Worksheet

Success Journal
21 Days - Building New Habits

Day Seven

Intuition is a spiritual faculty and does not explain, but simply points the way.
Florence Scovel Shinn


Journal Check-list
Did You Eat On The Hunger Signal
Did You Eat What You Love
Did You Chew Slow and Chew Thoroughly
Did You Stop When Satisfied, not clearing plates
Did You drink fresh clean water today
Did You Do Something Different, Breaking Habits
Did You Take Time To Reflect
Did You Show & Feel Gratitude
Did You Stay Off The Scales
I am Journalling For Success

Printable Worksheet

Success Journal
21 Days - Building New Habits

Day Eight

Cease trying to work everything out with your minds. It will get you nowhere. Live
by intuition and inspiration and let your whole life be Revelation.
Eileen Caddy


Journal Check-list
Did You Eat On The Hunger Signal
Did You Eat What You Love
Did You Chew Slow and Chew Thoroughly
Did You Stop When Satisfied, not clearing plates
Did You drink fresh clean water today
Did You Do Something Different, Breaking Habits
Did You Take Time To Reflect
Did You Show & Feel Gratitude
Did You Stay Off The Scales
I am Journalling For Success

Printable Worksheet

Success Journal
21 Days - Building New Habits

Day Nine

All great men are gifted with intuition. They know without reasoning or analysis,
what they need to know.
Alexis Carrel


Journal Check-list
Did You Eat On The Hunger Signal
Did You Eat What You Love
Did You Chew Slow and Chew Thoroughly
Did You Stop When Satisfied, not clearing plates
Did You drink fresh clean water today
Did You Do Something Different, Breaking Habits
Did You Take Time To Reflect
Did You Show & Feel Gratitude
Did You Stay Off The Scales
I am Journalling For Success

Printable Worksheet

Success Journal
21 Days - Building New Habits

Day Ten

Intuition comes very close to clairvoyance; it appears to be the extrasensory

perception of reality.
Alexis Carrel


Journal Check-list
Did You Eat On The Hunger Signal
Did You Eat What You Love
Did You Chew Slow and Chew Thoroughly
Did You Stop When Satisfied, not clearing plates
Did You drink fresh clean water today
Did You Do Something Different, Breaking Habits
Did You Take Time To Reflect
Did You Show & Feel Gratitude
Did You Stay Off The Scales
I am Journalling For Success

Printable Worksheet

Success Journal
21 Days - Building New Habits

Day Eleven

I never took sheet music seriously. I could do better myself just by listening to other
people and using my own intuition.
Brian May


Journal Check-list
Did You Eat On The Hunger Signal
Did You Eat What You Love
Did You Chew Slow and Chew Thoroughly
Did You Stop When Satisfied, not clearing plates
Did You drink fresh clean water today
Did You Do Something Different, Breaking Habits
Did You Take Time To Reflect
Did You Show & Feel Gratitude
Did You Stay Off The Scales
I am Journalling For Success

Printable Worksheet

Success Journal
21 Days - Building New Habits

Day Twelve

Trusting our intuition often saves us from disaster.

Anne Wilson Schaef


Journal Check-list
Did You Eat On The Hunger Signal
Did You Eat What You Love
Did You Chew Slow and Chew Thoroughly
Did You Stop When Satisfied, not clearing plates
Did You drink fresh clean water today
Did You Do Something Different, Breaking Habits
Did You Take Time To Reflect
Did You Show & Feel Gratitude
Did You Stay Off The Scales
I am Journalling For Success

Printable Worksheet

Success Journal
21 Days - Building New Habits

Day Thirteen

We live in a culture that doesn't acknowledge or validate human intuition and

doesn't encourage us to rely on our intuitive wisdom.
Shakti Gawain


Journal Check-list
Did You Eat On The Hunger Signal
Did You Eat What You Love
Did You Chew Slow and Chew Thoroughly
Did You Stop When Satisfied, not clearing plates
Did You drink fresh clean water today
Did You Do Something Different, Breaking Habits
Did You Take Time To Reflect
Did You Show & Feel Gratitude
Did You Stay Off The Scales
I am Journalling For Success

Printable Worksheet

Success Journal
21 Days - Building New Habits

Day Fourteen

Don't try to comprehend with your mind. Your minds are very limited. Use your
Madeleine L'Engle, A Wrinkle in Time


Journal Check-list
Did You Eat On The Hunger Signal
Did You Eat What You Love
Did You Chew Slow and Chew Thoroughly
Did You Stop When Satisfied, not clearing plates
Did You drink fresh clean water today
Did You Do Something Different, Breaking Habits
Did You Take Time To Reflect
Did You Show & Feel Gratitude
Did You Stay Off The Scales
I am Journalling For Success

Printable Worksheet

Success Journal
21 Days - Building New Habits

Day Fifteen

Intuition is seeing with the soul.

Dean Koontz


Journal Check-list
Did You Eat On The Hunger Signal
Did You Eat What You Love
Did You Chew Slow and Chew Thoroughly
Did You Stop When Satisfied, not clearing plates
Did You drink fresh clean water today
Did You Do Something Different, Breaking Habits
Did You Take Time To Reflect
Did You Show & Feel Gratitude
Did You Stay Off The Scales
I am Journalling For Success

Printable Worksheet

Success Journal
21 Days - Building New Habits

Day Sixteen

Open your thoughts to the probability that you are more intuitive than you realize
Sylvia Clare


Journal Check-list
Did You Eat On The Hunger Signal
Did You Eat What You Love
Did You Chew Slow and Chew Thoroughly
Did You Stop When Satisfied, not clearing plates
Did You drink fresh clean water today
Did You Do Something Different, Breaking Habits
Did You Take Time To Reflect
Did You Show & Feel Gratitude
Did You Stay Off The Scales
I am Journalling For Success

Printable Worksheet

Success Journal
21 Days - Building New Habits

Day Seventeen

We always know which is the best road to follow, but we follow only the road that
we have become accustomed to.
Paulo Coelho


Journal Check-list
Did You Eat On The Hunger Signal
Did You Eat What You Love
Did You Chew Slow and Chew Thoroughly
Did You Stop When Satisfied, not clearing plates
Did You drink fresh clean water today
Did You Do Something Different, Breaking Habits
Did You Take Time To Reflect
Did You Show & Feel Gratitude
Did You Stay Off The Scales
I am Journalling For Success

Printable Worksheet

Success Journal
21 Days - Building New Habits

Day Eighteen

Nothing comes unannounced, but many can miss the announcement. So it's very
important to actually listen to your own intuition rather than driving through it.
Terence McKenna


Journal Check-list
Did You Eat On The Hunger Signal
Did You Eat What You Love
Did You Chew Slow and Chew Thoroughly
Did You Stop When Satisfied, not clearing plates
Did You drink fresh clean water today
Did You Do Something Different, Breaking Habits
Did You Take Time To Reflect
Did You Show & Feel Gratitude
Did You Stay Off The Scales
I am Journalling For Success

Printable Worksheet

Success Journal
21 Days - Building New Habits

Day Nineteen

The doctor of the future will be oneself.

Albert Schweitzer


Journal Check-list
Did You Eat On The Hunger Signal
Did You Eat What You Love
Did You Chew Slow and Chew Thoroughly
Did You Stop When Satisfied, not clearing plates
Did You drink fresh clean water today
Did You Do Something Different, Breaking Habits
Did You Take Time To Reflect
Did You Show & Feel Gratitude
Did You Stay Off The Scales
I am Journalling For Success

Printable Worksheet

Success Journal
21 Days - Building New Habits

Day Twenty

Intuition is the highest form of intelligence, transcending all individual abilities and
Sylvia Clare


Journal Check-list
Did You Eat On The Hunger Signal
Did You Eat What You Love
Did You Chew Slow and Chew Thoroughly
Did You Stop When Satisfied, not clearing plates
Did You drink fresh clean water today
Did You Do Something Different, Breaking Habits
Did You Take Time To Reflect
Did You Show & Feel Gratitude
Did You Stay Off The Scales
I am Journalling For Success

Printable Worksheet

Success Journal
21 Days - Building New Habits

Day Twenty One

The truth about life and lie about life is not measured by others but by your
intuition, which never lies.
Santosh Kalwar

Did You Eat On The Hunger Signal
Did You Eat What You Love
Did You Chew Slow and Chew Thoroughly
Did You Stop When Satisfied, not clearing plates
Did You drink fresh clean water today
Did You Do Something Different, Breaking Habits
Did You Take Time To Reflect
Did You Show & Feel Gratitude
Did You Stay Off The Scales
I am Journalling For Success
Printable Worksheet
WELL DONE - You Are On The Path To Lasting Positive Habits

Journal Check-list

Printable Worksheet


Printable Worksheet

Printable Worksheet


Printable Worksheet


Printable Worksheet


Printable Worksheet

Free Videos For You:

Hunger & Eating -
20 Minutes Presentation
Eating Habits -

Image Credits
This book has used many images from the fantastic stock photography resource site

and the wonderful, skilful and very creative photographers and designers. Below you will see each
artist listed, please do check out their work for your projects or personal use.

"Inspirational Stones" by Photography by

"Girl Pointing up with Light Bulb" by
"Garlic Bulbs In Basket" by Grant Cochrane
"Close Up Of Garlic background" by
"Fresh Spring Leaves" by jannoon02

"Calm Woman Doing Relaxing Yoga

Exercises" by David Castillo Dominici
"Budha Statue At Wat Arun Bangkok
Thailand" by sritangphoto
"Black Pencil On Open White Paper" by

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