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SN: It is sickening that Minister Edghill is ignorant of how human rights are applied.

Heres the Response that Stabroek News will not publish to their websites comments-section anytime
soon. We have already waited three hours for this reply to its first comment to appear.
Dear Editor,
Perhaps not such a "brave" and "intelligent" commentary by Mr. Kissoon after all ... Mr. Kissoon is
renowned for his proclivity to glib gibberish!
We hold no brief for Mr. McGarrel or Mr. Edghill, having addressed both of their predispositions (both
admirable and unmemorable) in previous messages.
However, we have also addressed Mr. Vidyaratha Kissoon's inaccuracies in, inter alia, the on-line article
"The Case Against Cross-Dressing and Transgenderism in Guyana" (
Guyana-UPDATED ) Mr. Kissoon has been less than forthcoming in his participation in the deception of
Guyanese parents on the role that sasod and its website is playing in "recruiting" Guyanese teenagers to
the "gay" lifestyle.
Nowhere is Vidyaratha Kissoon advocating treatment, healing, recovery for the victims of the psycho-
sexual disorder called same-sex-attraction-disorder!
In fact, the highlight at Section K of the document above (page 13 of 15) outlines why we saw the
resignation of Kissoon from the Rights of the Child Commission as an appropriate decision.
We raised similar issues in the communication to the government of Guyana in "Universal Periodic
Review: Open Letter to Guyana's Parliamentarians September 2010 Updated" (
Parliamentarians-September-2010-UPDATED )
Update 6/20/14:
The following comment in response to RogerWilli was still awaiting moderation nine hours after it was
sent on 6/19. At 6:30am on 6/20, it still had not been officially allowed:
Sarkar Saheb (replies to ) RogerWilli 9 hours ago
I fully support you WILLI! SASOD has contributed very little to the rights of the child! I think Kissoon
is/was on that panel along with Kwame(?). I have not heard of Kissoon demanding the removal of
Kwame! What is next? The rights of Pedophilia????

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