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1. Promoting breastfeeding

2. Complementary feeding
Introduce complementary feeds in addition to breast milk after the age of 6 months
Encourage continued breastfeeding up to 2 years and beyond!!!
Enriching the babys food with 2 to 3 different types of foods at each meal helps baby grow
strong and healthy

Breast milk is all a baby needs for the first six months of life; it has adequate nutrients and water
to satisfy and quench the thirst. ------No water, food or fluids should be given!!!
Initiate breastfeeding within the first 30 minutes after delivery- This stimulates milk production
Breast feed the child on demand; every time a child wants to feed.
Colostrum helps clean the newborn stomach and therefore no need for sugar water
Do you have any mother to mother support groups attached to your facility????- This means women
supporting women breastfeed their babies. This is the best strategy of promoting breastfeeding!!!!

How much vitamin A have you given today??? It is one of the best ways to save childrens lives!!!!
Supplement every twice yearly to children 6-59months; Remember to supplement postpartum mothers
within 4 weeks after delivery!!!!

In all this, encourage continue

Have you come across
a child with diarrhoea
today??? Remember
to give Zinc to all
children with
diarrhoea-Helps in
Did you know that
Zinc helps in Vitamin
A transportation???!
Iron/ Folate to all pregnant mothers for vitality and productivity.
Promote healthy pregnancies!!!!
Promote the consumption of iodised salt at the household level.
Do you know that iodine is lost when exposed in air and heat???
Store in air tight containers!!!
Every opportunity to deworm should not be missed!!! Did you know
that intestinal worms deplete bodys stores for iron, folate, Vitamin
A, Zinc and Iodine???
Hygiene is the key to a healthy lifestyle!!! Wash your hands
before handling food and after visiting the toilet.
Look out for the signs of malnourished child and treat/refer
appropriately- To OTP, SFP or Stabilization Centres (Inpatient)
Are all children 0 to 59 months visiting the facility growth monitored??
How many have I growth monitored today???? What are the
current trends in my facility??

Document every service that
you provide- It counts!!!!
Do you have the relevant tools
for every service you are

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