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The Enemies of Love

We need to breed this love thing

out of them
Blight their race with a cankerous
of narcissists and sociopaths
Give them our mind, create human beings
in our own
An elite class of overseers and fawning
o contaminate their codes, to pervert
and degrade
heir genetic integrit!
"old, unfeeling automotons and ruthless
career ps!chopaths
"ruel, demented control freaks
and a lunatic throng
of compromised and treasonous
Get them into ke! positions of power
and work it
#rom there
#ilter the most promising through our e$tensive
of secret societies
hrough our institutions of hierarchical
And rituals of occult satanic
Set things up to draw out the worse
in them
%ever the good
&ncourage conflict and competition
%urture their murderous lust
for celebrit!
And power
'eward greed and the impulse for getting on
in life
At the detriment of others
'oot out an! earl! signs of altruism
and cooperation
"reativit! and compassion
We have to pla! on their weaknesses
and appetites
(estro! their consistenc! with drugs
and pornograph!
With )unk-food and alcohol
*bliterate the threads that bond
them together
&rode their values, their traditions
of famil!
And communit!
(istract them, confuse them
Work from the shadows, operate b!
And subterfuge
Sedate them with our media and religions
'educe their numbers through war
and engineered
+accinate them, indoctrinate them
Bribe them, beat them, corrupt
Stifle them, suffocate them
Smear and discredit an! who rise up
and appoint themselves
As their leaders
Seduce them with gi,mos
and gadgets
With flat screens and smart phones
"ontrol them with mone! and scarsit!
-ock them into withering c!cles
of pauperism
And debt
Get to their children earl! with our s!stems
of education
And pollute their innocence
.oison their minds with useless
of learning
Stamp out their fire until there is not a single
-eft glowing inside them
his love impulse is like a virus, it must be
At source
If the! ever reali,ed )ust how powerful
it would make them
hen all our best-laid plans will be ruined
and our secret work
And the! would become all-knowing
and impeccable
Immune to all our great authorit!
and influence
And free to become masters of their own affairs
in this world
With special acknowledgement to all those who provided the images/
%o cop!right infringement intended/
0usic credit1 &$oplanet b! -ars -eonhard
0ike (avies 23
4une, 2536
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