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SI;;;C, 'QN V D I IJ _WI;I.Q'''"»i NT PI AN Dls~ HICT DUC""lprION~


"Westerly Creek Neighborhood"

~"i>n!ia!1lf!'-!I!!~Y m61!t~ IIlllm!Utu lMtii. am"" te-

I.elli. c: .. """ ..... .,.



2. DfBt:i~;Jd!lIt"{ ...... r 25111 A ..... n~~d[Wal:! ... h ·S~t.


.3. i!llQ!~""lllU ·01 &~ S dw .. IJlng[ un!tel , ~ .oe ... foft.ftlaliJe<n'Ual· .. ~, .. ~, wllh!P""'"t ... rTiI • ...:t J\HO" .... "1i11:w- .... twaan 2eu. .",,£1 29lb A .... on .......



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5. ~ jlilt:tudl"", boe.:lawn .e!tbll~.'k gen Mu..ivi .... & .. j"v.....:i, an I..,._d Fred Tho,!!""

, , .11 ·""lghiioo.h,,1>11

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tI~, .iOm!' .. 1.",onIng. liolf corgna :stong WlMltert,· QI'e'l!II.

6.511 .... 1.~tu are n_ .. d for'lnlltftutk!naJ Q!!"col'jlolate Wle.

7. iSlwu,.ld;enUfii! 10r .x1",1Il I "lngh!N!l tIla1. _J!'lP!~n!~ Il'f!lIiden'U.1 ~'j!w,

!J. ~'i>!I!<i't:!U!\' Kh!HI.I ~!t!i! ",I. !1Q!!It!I!I",hgQ!f~ilff!.r,.

Distri-.t I ia a 4&9 acnlo residBnlla.l nelighborhood. located In the southwest COlI\nElr of the· Stap1G1a,n ~dt.e adjacent to the Park Hili. East Mg,nt!(;I~!r .and l!;h1g!1'!1!!1 Aurur~,.el'9hbO)"".Dods. It I9 b(I1,lftded by QwebecSI..aet and FI~d Tho_as Par,k on 'th:e west, Montv;iew Boufe¥:B,rd on lhe south, the We.llwl'ly C!fQQk anHlI on 'hili ea9t ~:nd uxtlitndud 29th AV!lInu'l!' on the nQr-th.

:;.!ollECTt.oN "V D ,,' D~VE:LI[II:P r:::Nr:f LAN DJ"T,.'GT t";lI"'~'''T'''r<~

District I comprises 489 acres in the far southwest: corner of the site. The site abuts the

existing Park run and East Montclair neighborhoods on the west and south. The goal is to

create an urban, predomina.ntly single family residential neighborhood connected to - and

consistent in scale with -. theadjacent residential communities. Some of the site's existing

structures can support employment and public uses within the newly created neighborhood.

BIrds-eye view ,of li:t:lstrlct I iooklng west 'rom Westerly Cre.,.k ,0£.1'(19:;1 I'OQfl!Vp~ .!:!!nd ill!i\alnageWillll1 to the Ineighbo"," hood erenter" a,nd ,bey,oud to ,P·a.rk HUrt.

S"Iv..teC!l ilvhitlon :slf'Uctul!'e,!I, such II .. the AM'R Combs Execullive' Terminall, will become 1f!<Lr1i of tho new neighbor-hOliliodi. 'Ii1ieba];iiih co will ba phased Gulli and Ilheir materials reeyeled to Iho exlent possible •

.4 cU~Ui!et Cenler If! a smalltllliixe.use .nea providing so ..... Y!<;;IIi!'~ and amenities ito l'esldent!lal OInt! etnp,loyntenil uSeS In ilha ,surrou.nding nel:gh:boll'hoodl• U&es in DlfIi'iti.;tl Wo!dd inolude a palik. school, day caFe. A!e!'¥a1ion. apart_ent.~,. cOlnmunhv garden .... us $"..,. vi~e and limited employment.

M'oderote de,nsity res'd,enttlal projects willii comprise the -tg!Fitv 0:0' ho ..... i .. g ''Ilo;>~h of 26th .AV'I):R""",., The in .. slratig .. above dJepicts single famil,,. do'a~hud homes Gur,l'ently ,be[ng constructed In an, Innl'l project In nOl'thw,est Denver.

District Iiis amoderate density residential neighborheod,

Seurh of 26th Avenue. residential dells itie.s averaging eight du/acre will blend with those of existing adjacent neighborhoods. Twenty-Sixth Avenue and nonb will havea mix of more moderate density hoasiag averaging fifteen du/acre, including single family detached, townhouses. duplexes and triplexes, garden apanmems and walk-ups, two to four stories, This area win also provide a mix of lower density, two to four :'leary commercial uses, including office campus, research, profeJ;siul1al, educational and employment services. A careful selection of existing smaller-scale rbuildings reused for these types of commercial uses can be Interwovw into this neighborhood prov.iding walk-to-work opportunities Ioa residents, The ileighbotbood will be flanked onitsedges by parks and open space - an enhanced Quebec Street and Fred 'Thomas Park on me west; and a restored Westerly Creekldra1nageway!golf course network on the east, Other smaller parkways, boufevards and parks will also become part of the neighberheod, These provide additional 0pJXlrtu!lli~ies for unique residential settings, including some higher-density, LWo [0, three story, single-fami]y residential building WJles (townhouses, carriage houses, two families, ete.),

Housing palter.ns ,in neighbDrhoDds; such as Park Hill or Washlng,lon Park ilnuS1r,ate desirable ,a.speets of B mDdel for new deveh:!,pment .. Stlr_t:s are ~1d'",~'IIIl!! ilg scal~ with park. ilree lauwns and d~etached sidew·alk9. Humes ""'Fe typically lSingle and duplex .truetufesw1tih pot\ches in 'non' and alley access In title bllck.

A District Ceeuer will serve the population of [he immediate neighborhood as well as existing adjacent neighborhoods. This center will provide servicesto allow surrounding residents to meet their daily needs within walking distance. 'The center will also serve us a focal point for community facil ities and resources. Daycare.jransit stops and an elementary school with recreation areas, wHI he located around a twoacrepublic square. This area could become the setting for a post office, church or community halt with convenience retail and professional offices focused around 26th Avenue. The District Center will also provlde sites for moderate density holt~iflg types, including elderly housing and flats above shops and offices.

Prlv,ale' Deye'!.,prn:~nl. At fun buUd'out il is anticipated thai District I will conlaln app:roxi_akdy 2,401:1 units of tiou.sin,g and 2,1OD j,ob .. iln 1.3"1 mUnO" &quare leel, 'Df space. Housing densities will val",. f,rom ,an averil,ge of! eIght duta¢re '(suRlc'lent iI,o support tren5!lt] soulh oJ! 26th Avenue ,to 15 !:iIwac",,' ,",,!"ttl gf 2.6th "'vo;.nue IlmnsiU",ning int:o Pi$'bict n. The District Center win serve, the popula'~on.f the Immedia'!Q nei:ghborhood as wen ,as, adjacent exlstln,!:! nelghbDrhODds. a!'lDwlng till,'!! m&jiOirHy of ",~id~>!,!,t"", 10 rn,.,~t iI'h .. 'i .. dllil,. n .. ~d". wittoin w,alking di$tu.nce ,of their Ii'e'sldence.

'51; TIQ Y I:>

PubUe Realm -District I I.s anchored at 11:15 east and west:: edges by paru. and, O'1'IC.MMionfacllitie .... A'ongl fls we8'1er.n ed:ge win be an enlarged and enhanced Fired ThomBs IP,a:rk. Alonglb, e'astern edge win be B, n<itlletl",le I_ri'lilliil!!t golf .,ourn.., and drivioiig Hinge. a _stored Westerly Creek anel a largeuliban park. A landscaped drslnageway will s_v,e as a linear pam DID""!) 23rd 4,"""'."'''"' CQ,,,,,.,.ctii!"!!!II tl,",$ ~",\!; ... ,~ ~!"Id ..... est. e'm open ,space ele,ment.s. In addition till' 23rd AV·BIlIu'e,pri'ma:ry new Sit_els .. ,erving Dlshi",t I willi lie 26th Av·enue. 29th Avenue and Yosemite Parkway. Tw:,enty-slxtb Avenue wiD be, discontinuous, at Quebec S,tmM $0) 1.Iiiili,t t.t.\llHi¢ O;O:;;lln".,. mgv,," w,e.;;ot ~c;ro$$ Quebec S,tl'eetandlm:pact the adjacent neighbo .... huod. syracuse Street wUl ,8:150 be dlsconlllnuGus ne!!Ir 'Fred Thoma'!ll P'llrk to. (lIl"event contlnuouslraffi:c soulh ilbrough. existing nei'ghborhoods. An,eighbu .... hDed park and 5chool .. ite ... _ iiocated at the District Center. A, speelolslteJeserved fur a public. Instllutional ...... ,iv-icU.$e i'lli:ndicato:=d "II Ih",' ~t .....

$O:CT'"'' V 0' Oo;v 1.0 .... " ..... PLr.N O~5T I IC1' Or::S"'-::RI~' rU,)N

.. DISTRICT II "Stapleton Park Neighborhood"

I. PN<kiilllflat"lf ~IW" fi'IiHlt Im!I.!DH Witll I'!H~ MI:i1I111I _ ,lrdjRnnI: to



2< '~ i:mn!tI, ililtric!v;l!nDr lOt !lyr.o""' ... Sti'<I\t1,IOOO 5mHJI •• rte.d, ,~ OI@I' ........ d1alktjn.el\.u:llr,,!lth .:KIstb>g! ' ........... L



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IIIriIlhRJ>.IlIdt .. y~ p~ Tim stJeet ~o;I"ffll

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the n ofHw) bUlldlngl,'

use. ~OOofll_Jo. Mglonal ""","c .""""""""" irt Itoe tem1I:n.d could IMCBMb IMt4I ....... iIotI • .,.,_ .... d ~ CGm!!IGtiom;,

Ii. l!!Iidrig 1tGuB/n1 ,HJaGIIiIIt ~~ ~-nl:nth;!lf1d ~A_UH lflaiud.a ,~ ,mdI ckaINllI, .. Wll,", miHlans.

'B. Sppo"'! ItlmI, ,1'MMVUd ''''~it!lUGi'i!ll M c~ rateUmtl.

7. 8I!'Iwl at l1li '" Ip!II1IC!ftiI '01' !Il!k'lInu1 TemiIna.I bu\IdInp,' !!II w.m i!lI.l!IJ!pn!pI1alEl !li\PP"I1~,,*,~

Il. 1~""IK'r~ ~ of

'1liI! :,;I_~ Info !!It..

~ .r.v~11!!'M.

Dlostll'ld II til' a uS4 .,,", high denO!lity ,.nixed uo;<e distlli ... ilocailedii:ll tbe southwest part 01 the Stapleton site a't the terwooflu6 0' M.a"lln. LUithoi' King Boule:vard. Ili:1Si adjaIC.o'nt tathe IParik Hili neighborhood, the

,1 .• 7Q/270J Quebec 'raeJ'wBY .interchange and the hotels aleng Qu.abec S,tAlet. DJslrlct boundalrileiil:are QueooCStrael on tho west, Sand 'Clfeek ntool'l·70 O'n tIl,e no!!'th. ,e:dendell:! :lMh AVetiuDQn the !J,g_h, ,fUl!c!! !:II mpJQr urtta'!'! park at Ifte confluence or Sand! and Wc~tell'!J' 'Clfeeks on the ,,,asl.

:;; cnol'! II 0 I 1lP,;II£l.OF> t:f\jT PI..AI't n."1TRIc..T" Dc CoRIPTIOt(

District II is a 654-acre area that includes the existing Stapleton terminal and the major support buildings and airfield improvements that surround it. This district is currently the

most urbanized portion of the Stapleton site, It has the greatest concentration of building

space, paved surface, infrastructure and environmental remediation requirements. The

district has been an important regional destination for 65 years. With regional highway access and a future regional transit center at Smith Road and Syracuse Street, the area

will retain the capacity to support large-scale regional activities. Whether the terminal

building itself is reused or removed, this site will be important to the entire northeast

metropolitan area.

Blrd .... eya vIew or District III looking west bolO .he uFb .. n p!'I'rik ,over a m'lxed-use cQ!"I"I~"ial nll!ighborhood t. Ihe Smith Raadllranslil station, and the QUBbec St_1 hotel:s just beyond.

., .. t II contains the vast majority of existing buiidl .. g space' on the Siapieloft propDl'lJ':.

Medrum to high den. sity milled·'ust;li' development wi!11 heneflt 'roml e](eel. Ee·nt access. ty' and mBA}! ,other !!ilte' amollliltJe'S.

!:jEt:, """ V U I Ll~"~ lO""'f!:NT Pl, ..

Cf T~~IC T DC I~R'l , IO~

An intenn.udal transporta .. lion facmt)<, linking !!'~i~ Uanslt wll'h buses, autos, pm:I'esmilfiS_d bicycles W'II] be loc:ated withl" 100 IDfstrl.ct Cen'_. at the Intersecllial of SII!eet and the proposed rail conidor a!oog Smith I'mad.

Historic ""lrueture9 within l)istriQt In such as Hangal!'5 5 and 6" p'rovldie oppor1u. "Mius IOifli!reatiive reuse. "l'hB8e, l!aoU"i~lls "Oil( lID 6ul:labla fol!' 'recreational', rMllin" .. t .nl~rI,,'II\iI,,",ei'lt reuse wittlil'n this spoclallty use di'strict.

A transit-oriented District Center will be located by III proposed rail corridor along the northedge of me district where Smi tb Road intersects wirh Syracuse Street. This Center will serve primarily employment and higher-density residential needs, It wil!l also serve as an iatermodal facility Ilnking rail. bus and pedestrian networks.

District IT is consldered a. special-use dlistdct, but it is not a single-usc zone. The ten-nina] buiJdillg or site w.w accommodate a mix: of retail/commercial/entertajnmcnt/ educatiunal resources for the region. This lccation of higher-density crfficelcommerdal uses may expand over time fr-om the terminal area to Quebec and Syracuse streets, with densities ofO,S In 1.0 FAR in buildings ranging from three up to seven stories.

Lower-density commercial, office and research facilities wU] be located south of the terminal. Average PARs of 0.5 in buildit~gs of two to' four stories and higher density housing along Yosemite Pal"kWifj and me new urban park will be ~ypical in this art-a.

Over !he long term, ~his area will become appropriare for concentrations of higher densicy office/commercial as well as residentiaf space witltin Stapleton, taking advantage of extraordinary access, amenities, and visibility and the 10m stop and bus feeder system. Office densities 'Up to l.5 FAR and housing densities of up to 40 du/acre could be located here,

Private Development - At full bgildQul. Di&1r!'c' III coyld employ moll'(t tbl'l!" 1,5,,000 people, roughly ,49% of thesll.e's lotol, In &.6 mUlIo!:'! 5qu;B!nofeet _$pace. In addiil11an, j·t willi '",.nl,a) .. approxi'mately 850 housing untls at deQsltles !I"Elaching up to 40 du/acre. Higher em,plDymunl and h,Qusing de.n.sitiGs are consi:slentw!t:h th~ g!O!!trl:ct"s high i:!MI~'" of i!!!o;o;Eo$sibUlty t!0 regional transportatilon .systems aDd the' pres<once of the sub. silantial base of ho:lels Silang Quebec Sheel. While, this dis'Diet will benufit greatly from .succ!!Ni&'"d !I'iJ!.!I'lilV of the terminal' bull.d,!ng. lis long-term viability Is not depend:enl on th.o t,orml. nal 51: ... uctu .....

Public Realm· The public rea'hn of District II 'ncrudes sove .... al 'pa~$ ~I!IUI parkwfillf compon!ll'nts. The; major uli\ban par,k to the east IInk,'s Westerly Creek to the teirmlna~ arei!. I,. !i!!nUe!~ pation Gf the teirmlna~ HFea'si'Gle .... a ",gluft.d destination. It is :sul'ro:undDd bV <Ill :st.-es,t and,p.u'J!;w,ays,ystem i'nclu;ding SYR!Jcu&e Street ·to the 'west, Yose.mi:le P,arlitway t:o the· 'Basi, 35th Avenue tu It",.. ",,01'11'1 ~.r!QI 29th Awt!!lue t'O the :south. Parkways on 35th A.l\lenue anE! 29th Al\lenuo Will Ills .. Bet Ili'" linear greenways c·onvewiog surface watel' drainago to Wene.r!VCrE!!itk. A water quaUty enhitncemenl ,area is ~oc:ated adJacent to Sand Creek n.ear a 9,peclal $ttl(lI'$8erv9d 'or a :~!'gnificantinstitut.iuRal OF <;lQI!'PQral:u US8,. a'!ll Ind1calted by the star.


1,~P,pi 0;1",1"011",:1,' ~51''' ... 11111 1'aD(luu.

2. Diltrlct C.mer al Jlavana ,51,IM' ,lind 2616 Aytmg",

l). QMtltx.0f'G-~2 dw,dl!~

units p lie .... '10' .... I!!IIIn.

tl"I ...

4.,. 71mnRil!Itt!!'I!1i1l ~_t~ ino:Illldmll ~I!<I l:IJiV>:ii'llii strfm1, Which Is ,d1uMltlflU. ;tUB anUflng O~ til' A.UFDI!a:lO th~ lout ... Dn.ll' 26lh A_till _o1li!Ig NO 'foPeOriill, St.

II. S:m4iWall1arl, ene!!:

CHlI"ldo. ~ mdo:ra.tlorl.. I..IIndH'llpod':HttlS.ollS, dHln.IJ!!1I 1I01Th10ra, and I'nadian Ian 26thl A .... ~""

8. Di)volap ng!n1owrbgod !I!Il!,,"!J!WnliG;Ulu :I!l1IpI~ pFGgFtlm;lj wi1I'iAu.\'PJB.

7. I:)&ivoi'~1jI .tatJc'lt, lind ~untv ~MiJi, tLdellgn uuJdDllD.u:lor lIIIighl.,.way ImproVDI1lDtrtB'. 'drainag,D andl ,bulll)l':lb IiIIICUB •

• creen.1no1 and a!llWlIII 'ClOIl' trGl.ellh

a. 'EilmlllntlU)'!I! • ill! at nQilgl'ibol'ltooo!l Ge1er.

SE.CTIQN V D I D~'If~l.J:JfI'.rU:.I"iT Pr IAN 01& rntC'T iD~C:;'R. ~~aN:

""'CIISTRICT III "BlujfLake Neighborhood"





Dislricl III iis a, 429 ,acre> ro:sidllnlia'i ne'igh'borhood located In the southwost carner of the St,aplelon sito adjacent to 'Origin.' A,l,.Il"(Ira. Peo,rla '51_t and M'Drris, Heigbl~ n"'!Rh_Qr,h~od~. It Is bounded by tt!", gslJt .vetilue p!re,B of norl'hwest: AU1'oJ'a on tho soutth. Peoria Street, Filzshnons HO'spila'l. Sand Creek, Park on the 1lIii!ll!t. S.!l!!nd Creek to the north and Westerly Oreek tu th"" wO!!>st. ImPledlat:ely nartbeasl of SandCnH!!k !!!!'E!,eon-e.edQnallacmtles o·f both the CiilV and Co!.!nt¥ i!!Ind U!e S~t*' 0:1 Colorado.

EUufll!.ake Is an !m:portant natural amenity along Sand e.reek.. Ttl .. n_ oRel's signilica:nt wildli.feand impr.Q:ll. Shr9' vIews of dDWntown ,and 'h.e fro.flt I'ang·e.

SECT' OJ'( V IJ j Y LDP"':rH \,11.'"

C~5'f. I~ f DE: c.HH' ~ .fitll'i

District ill is a 429-,acre area occupying the far southeast corner of the Stapleton site. It

lies adjacent to the existing residential communities in Aurora immediately to the south.

District m provides another opportunity to create a diverse) vibrant residential COIlliTIUni-

ty with strong ties to the adjacent neighborhoods. The future of District m will be heavi-

ly influenced by the areas around it The restoration and improvement of Wesmerly

Creek) Sand Creek andl Bluff Lake wUI allow this district extraordinary access to outdoor

amenities, wildlife and recreation,

Single .,amily' deta.ehod resi. dencv&, tOWl!lhous. es,. Dndm!iltf.'"rU~ $tr .. u;,tun.<s will be mi.Ked with-lottie natural ftaig'hbo.,. hood setting o. DI$"h'U:;t m.

BI,i'd$.0Y. "iew I:i)oldng 'sGtdbeast ".Om the conllHence of .Sand and Wester:ly C!I'$$UW ttl'" n!!ligtlbor!hoo'lil c.unter, 26th Avenue par:kw.ay and beyond;, 10 Original Aurora.

:B!YH !!..;;I!k;,1iO wn! [b. "'QIi!I fQo;~" point o,J ... ., .,II[I$n8.v. ,ope'" s:p.,eQ SY!!Itern, wttlhln Bnd ,adfacenil. to IJlst.rlct III_ 'fbis, area wJU be:re'!ltol'edi along 'With Westerly Creek and Sand CFeek asp,a'" 0' the :site's, ova:rall c,pen space sy'Stem" · mUlion dol.lars of funding has been ~Ommltt" U, Its de¥e!opment !!!.!f ftn !E1:i:i!V,!li'OtiPileJil'flil !E!;i!!.Ie,ptfon Center where local schools will besfnl:m.:sile !(mviilro~monta.1 oducati'Dn pl'Dgrams i:n the lall 01199'5.

Access to adjacent open space amenities, coupled with dramatic views of the Front Range and skyltine of downtown Denver, wiU give the site significarn appeal. Successful development as an ultan village, however, will alscrcquire joint efforts with Aurora [0 improve Ihe edge conditions along the curren I. airport boundary endrehabilirare housing aadcomrnercial structures in the area between COral!; Avenue and 2.'5th Avenue, In addldon, proposed expansion of City J)111d CouniY and State correctional Iaeilities immediately north of Bluff Lake will need to be managed carefully, so tham it does not prevent suceessfu I conversion of District III to prj marl Jy residential use. Access to correcrional sites should be oriented [0 Smith Road. Buildings should not exceed midrise heights. Facility perimeters should screen groundlevel activity from view, reduce visibility of security wire and llmh sound (loudspeaker) impacts.

District ill is intended as a low-rise, Julative1y lcw-density resldeufial neighborhood (at 10 du/acre average) with densities and scale roughly similar 10 that of adjacent residential: ne@1borlloods. Predominantly a sing le- family re. s idersial district. it will contain a neighborhood center of 16S;.~er size. intensity and mix of uses than the District Center in District 1 01' IT. This will be rhe center ofcommunlry facilities (including elementary school and recreation facilities) around a connnunity park: andadjacem 10 Bluff Lake, A range of more moderate-density llousing types (two tu three s'lory townnouses, duplexes, flatsand <!partrnents) could alsobe located here.

The District will also conraln a traditional residential parkway. anda park drive edging the Sand and Westerly Creekcorrldcrs, as well as smaller parks and drainage-ways These loclllitions provide opponuuiries for a range of housing types,

HO'T!!;-: ,A t.ulndi'ul DI F.I",j·b"'o~k p;Q~Q~$, ~1(11'19 th •• outh.'&rp hOt.ld«ary IOf 101 ~1lr",lct In are pari of the StIl,p'l'alo:n i!d~o aWIII6d bV 'I.P.Ii .. Cll~ and Count!l 0.1 Derl'lil'.lj'~ but IJoe wltt":ln 'UUJ mun'iCil,p.IIiII" botrnltr.n!il'. ,g.r t.,tt. City 1011 A;ur!I:IIriI!!!II. IJltl:mYI.l.& diM::1:Eiiluna No.MlnD !tlig·!i;,i:Sg ~DiI"liU 01' !lh"'~v ,pi!!iOOIc:i m~'1 bQ aP-DrnVOO I~~ AY!l)~",

A. eou;pell .. tlviIIIi .fhlrt M.l'111 bill!l' !lwEJ'ijdil!!l;ri:.llillien with A ..... l"!I!I!n!I 'to 1I,d:d'~. tl'l;a- :llpI!toC'lrJc clrc:Lm'I:amnca 9 a'l th~la &Du1P1",· 9Fn jljvdmi.illif.r ., thl) !!:I:n;gi~

5t'C I N V D DI::"'["IO l"["NT PLAN :t T s e-r- ()

IPriy,ate Developmenl -, :Dlst:rllQt .Ii' Is, eompl1sed b'iostly .., ",'!ddontl1al housing a.t relativel:y Ilow d@R$iilli@·s. (10 du{acrel. AI build out n hi antlc;ipMed ttUft Ittlstrict III wlU ,accomaUldate. approxirnamllil 2,.5,50 hcnl'6!ing units and a limited amount D" employment. The majority of these' Jobs, wililbe focamd i:n a small nelghbolihood center. A:n vle.vmary schoof will be i'nco,rpo· rrated within ilhe ,eent,er :;uQ:ac>tlln1! to IIIlgff' LiL">tlI.

Pul:>lIe Real:", ~ Distllicl In is 5UlTiOunded by public parks and apen, spac:e Bm,I:JniUes. -1~fl!l,elY to, tbe uo.l1h WllJbe tiRe aluff Lake En,vi_monbl Eduicaliion Center ilnd the !J'e$toli'ed ~!'d Cre~. wh'lch will be fronted by ... scenic roadw,ay. IInRUtdiata1r1o the west 'wIll be' rt!!Slotied Westerly 'Creek and' a ,large ut'ban parJl: s'imilall' in S:ize 10 'WiI!!Iilhi"'IJ!ion PiI!rk... A lin_I" mallilage/gl'ee'Dway wt:lf ,extend: int"" title district 'from We'st.ol'illf Crack. '1\Yenty'·Sixth Avenue ~k;wpy Will vl!.t~ !:'ilJOfig the so.lll_nedge of the dJstrlct lermlnati'ng, at a .powial ~dte, !ndi~OiMI bJ' ,the star neall' Peo. 5t_t. As 'with Dae ot:holl' dls1,r;Jct .sites IdentlHed by 5ta~'t tl'i:l!i, sit .. I", a I'(jell!tJon where the ·com,bin'Ol'tion .faccess .• visibility,. pYOlI;!( to op • ., SI!!'OI!r;::Oi> Qr other 'factOJ',s 5Qggesis 'Utat on'ly specia'i public Gil' p.rivate uses should occur.

,. PNt!Qmiinallllr IIn:qI'llI)'Mln]!I 13nd' U''''$ wm. hl!!he~l: ,tpllliity offico and R&D pHs ~.lonQ 'fi>!;Imlte Ii'lIr1!;WII,Y.

g. Tranfiiklrillnteli mmlci.;C.ntll !!II

Y .. s.m1~ I;>Ad[WM' ~ S""I1bIRlUId.

3 • .I!IIWk of 14 5',,"1l' "'"'cl ....... "T .... ri .... e parklQ!f, ,0'.1,1> !!'fed .... "..rght 1110"9 yl)~'''1liil: .. 1I1Id!:wBl!.

d. Rr!nSl!lfUllol! .1'-'8: 1n~I"d[n1l p."sel'llPtlcrp, ""dr'usII or ~h."" ",.Istlng

y ...... mtt.'Pmtw"Jo' ~dg1> ,1I""""",,I.TO,Imp.., ...... ""'!lb to UuoSmilb, AmId, ,lIFl<lrlal 'c'"m .......... "IIgn. mont. ,all t .... "'''''tlng .... 11 .sp1l.'I ... lb. nDrth ali\d fUll iouilliout of the IiI"VlJIL",

,&t ..... , Int ..... hmI.g ...

,5. LandllC8pfl HI .. 1>70

.... lbac'" ,....., rel:lq[Ulndi i&l!i!:lQR muHl"'IMIImU, iii tli!o, Sand CNH;kcoi'i\IIIOI'.

6. ~ extsUng nul'&et")' and wlfilllMr slITIIiac sb 101 a.u:mmunlly :igYli. eulhlnl' ,anlilt'l(lmdl'fan M1MtlM. ElI;p.;rnd the! "lImlo ecumpOs.tlnl GpDulllan tlw!wi.

S" l~Otw V 01 Dt: ... t.!l<>I·ME."'~ PUll<f ~'~T"'CT lIr:SCIlLPT.ON

... DISTRICT IV "Sand Creei: Neighborhood"






~'I! ••

Distlilct IV 115 ill 279 ,acre ,emplo.ym,ent.Q,riented area lOcated In the ,.,iddle O'f .liie 5'101"1 ... 10'1'1' ,!lite lIlilliliiked by reglO'nal, highway Bnd .. ,alii co .... ridors.11I is bounded by .,·70 on the n,arth, Havana Street an the eas·t, ,and Sand Creek OR t.he south and welOt.

I': or< \' P DI:.1I 1 J MJ:N"T PL~~

,D!5TRU:T CI:SC flJf1T~O"'!i.

District IV comprises 279 acres between 1-70 and the Smith Road/Union Pacific railroad

corridor. This area is highly visible from the highway and has direct access to the highway

via the Havana Street interchange, Site access is complicated to some extent by the pres-

ence of the rail spur running north to serve the Montbello area and the northern portion of

the Stapleton site. This district can accommodate a wide variety of employment-related.

uses, Once the Yosemite Parkway road connections are in place, the portions of the district

abutting Yosemite will provide exceptional visibility) dramatic views and good access for business users, A future rail transit stop will become a neighborhood focal point at Smith

Road and Yosemite Parkway near the Sand Creek corridor trail system.

Bi.rdti-",,.vviO!JW 0' DiBt!"~~' tV ,_king vatil '1'0:. t:he 'Sand Creek ball fieldl complex ,across ·tl'ansit-Ol!'i<ln,ted b ... siness development; un yusemih. Pall"kway to flek and Indusltl'la~ stliluctUfeS. the lraIl Ggr~do!l' and ,ree·wayinl41lI'change.

L( a...:lalloo struct,ul'es could be diisa5sem:bled i1!!,nd relocated to the District IV !.ImBn agrlcult ... re area IGr U5e' as a, horse baft'l or '0'1" other ntliltvd hinctfoml"

no.msit and highwli!IlI"orlented busl· ":EU .. ", deve'lop'men!l: and related Ie_ploy. ee servicos occ ..... i'n Dlsb.lct, tV.


:.; c ,,, .. v 0 OEy .. t.OI'M >1'1' PL"N

OI .. 'I:'UC: D el"JI~ON


In ... ddlti:oi8 to su:llstantl:al buslneSlll, uses" an Urban Agrlc,lII:lural Ce;n1er wil! be located il1 Di:strii."t IV' sooth o' the Union. Pacific .. ai'l' CGQ'idoJ'. nol'th ot San.d Creek and, west of the COlilnty Jail facUiity. This unique ,&iite Wi!'! bo:. th"" to"IQD D,IT a c.umlnui'li,ty· larm, eq,uGs.triian 'aelUtilos, compDs.lng yards and a nursery. These filcmt;iQ~ g,ffel' iOn 6)(ce'lledl 0PP0l'tunity 'to prov,ide job training and expe,Tien.tial education, ,pFogralRmlng ',01' dlsadvan· lIaged youllh, ,a'S well as food,gl' I,he' needy.

Distiri'ct IV woUI be locate,!!! immediately adjacent'. a regional out· dODJ' Sports Com:plex ot! approx'lmately 100 acres. Providing !ightgd 1:1"".' fi.elds, baskelha.11 coul1:s. etc., this complex win ",,..rvft all of n,ortheas,tDen.ver.

Sites located between Srmth Road and 1-70 will lypicaUy support low-rise, low-density business uses - with the exception ofthe highly visible frontage among Yosemite Parkway, which could accommodate higher density business uses .. A diversity of husiness uses is encouraged in lhi1l district, The westernhalf towards Y;osemlte Parkway will be reserved for offlce and office campus uses with site densities up to LO FAR in three to five story buildings oriented to preserve mountain views. TIle eastern half towards Havana Street, Smith Roadand U nion Pacific lail corridors will incorporate: office campus, R&D and flex-space uses whh a density of 0.3 !FAR ill one rothree story buildings.

SLCTlt;l1Ij V D Dr:YCL FMl:tH f'LlI

01 Tfit 1" O":;S"':,,. T .aN~

A Mew'JetII-Pa.ckarrd Company plant located In ERst Fort Collins provides a good, example of how Ihoughtl!U1 siting of bUildings, truck aQ~"'''''$o p;;orking iI!'Id !_d~~eb~rs Ciln ,minimize impaetto ,...1TD1.lflding areas.

'Public ReB.I_ - Dis.tri,ct IV I's ·en~lIInC&d1 by it·s rcl'Btion,sh"p to' tho parks. !recreation and

D.p .. n, sp .. e", ~V~''''Q'!'' To tihe w·est Ues th.e ban ilfeld complex Bnd to tbe se"""h .• tti{l restored Send e_ek Col"rldor •. Along' 1-70.0. si'!gnlf.lcant setback. will be reserved .or IS.ndscaplng_ Starftlw~l@!" will lbg ItI'.an:!imi!lbnl to Sand Creek via surface dralna.geway.s whi.cb win also serve as linear 9.raenw.ays a.ndl

pa .. kW·HIo'~.

Private DeveloP'_nI - Atbuifi:l .. u:t. ,District; IV is anlli&ipal$d to a.o;eg"",~ modal", approximately 3,250 Jobs in 1'2..3 mlmn.nsquam 'aetof space. INa, res.ldenUal unllis· ,an! cu:nenH!tBntl:c\pated to be I'DCllted he1'e ..

S~.c;:.'SON V 0 I g~V['U:)~:I-~FH" PL,AN Ot~nriCT 0 .. ~t;R.PTIE;)H5.

"" DISTRICT V "Irondale Park Neighborhood"

t" PMdciiriI .... t .. ly ol'iJi!pk>,.. rneiit"~ Incl..d&.W mllHufao:>l"illl!g, .. ~!>I". dOsMbll'lli>r;j olfi_ 'lAd RWlIJIilih IIn<I"D~(jlllpnlool; with.lhlgliHla1 'I;IUIIIII;, g,ilI!II;' 1'lIN11.n1i ljIi'Ovl'lfed c:lDH~' ttl '!':r~_d DiiririGt VI.




2. 1)!18l.lg.l.C~J: .!lI!VIp; 11""'''''-_ ~4 o;I,t"-

n 47~h ""$!:Ill!!! !lnli!

If r!!! in_1.


3. ~~ItY, "f 1", stwy 8.t ..... ,tu ..... , with '"' ..... ~" pliii'll.lng.

Ii .. ··,..· ... • ........ ,., .... II 1111

4, 'lP;!I~Jt~mtlQll .I.m.m. IJteludlngl "' ...... [1"" gil if"!! .p .. tg. 'b", Vf!l~t:. !I'!:!nl. mlEIlIilln Qf t.!!)~!i: ~~!;

.. Ii 47'11'1 ,A ""' .. , "1111 bu~k

qVU"g 11 ug'", .ulj'!K"'1t

fe·"IOIOnU" , In

Dt!ltikl:t YI.

5. tlnil'niige coi'rlc:loi'ii ~iI""lng ID p""'11e ~\1 wHil:i , ... 11_, 111"" __ """

bldfMlri.g lind lutblm\. i..nnd:sc..,.. ,ot Ut. "70 , .... 1. ""'III .... 11 o::ompI<>I:l"n, 111 'Iho H",v_ Ditch ........ 0&1011.

Dlftrlct V ~~ ~ 5Q1 ft~1i'Oi> ",,",IUoymenl.nrfented area local,ed In th,e northeasll cornuii' Id tho Stapleton sit,e adjacent to' IhGMo.ntbelll:t ind,u:sliFi;al aires" II! iis bounded b,. 1-70 on thesoytb. Hi!iI,van~ $,",.~t; gnt:h~ ~~ ..... t!h~ .. ,xtended 56th Avenue ,on thenorlth,. a!rtd ... major ,d.rOl.lnD9Iewa,y and open space area 110 tbe, we9,t"

.seCT.OM v [] I Dr:~F.Lnpf'l!!:"T F'J..iIIN UIS-r r=HCT lJEo:;;.-CIU ,-tCN

District V comprises 561 acres north of I-70. and immediately west of Havana Street This

area has roe greatest capacity to accommodate employment activity, particularlylarger foots

print buildings. The area also provides the greatest access and flexibility for truck and rail

service. While this area will be largely employment-oriented, it will abut a residential area

immediately to its west. The goal is to create a successful environment formany forms of

business activity, while keeping the site walkable, transit accessible, respectfu] of the natural

environment, and completely integrated with the adjacent elements of the community.

Bird..,.erte viuw ofDi:sliri~etV looking nor1' from, 11w1·70f Havana 'reew'iilv Ent,a_baRge ,across ,gcner_s settt;;!C~b, to an e:m,pJI)JPlept·orlented, coPu!1ox;' IIIU! m>1!l'!ufa.e1;yr;Jng faenlti:es. VieWIS be!!,ond are 10 'lha pri!. m;'ll')\" .. pen .. pac ....... :""'1do .. and .. diiti,c .... t ..., .. 1 • ., ... 1;1"",1' a.m .. s.

Havana Stree.t provide.,. ... ,,,,.:e .. ,s te" Distrlicl V. Rail and blka, conrJdor,s pairallei l'I'Ie i!!;'rt'I~t" The, Havana Diltc=h, a diweFS'ionlof Irondale' G!.deh storm, water from ,pdiae.em Montbeilo. aJ50 pa ... alle'ls "hiis majDr I!tn!Bt.

Di.strict V ..... ilI of h ... an envillonment capab'leol! accommodut[rtg 'Ug'" CI;!.!pn. tlf cOl'po'ato" l'uilOearchand dellel· opm .. m: 111"«:1 manu'fietu .. lng fac'lItles.

... nO .. V 0 OFVI <:tl· ..... ~ f't ...

D.5Tff"lC"T DIi.JiCRI "TtQN

M.ajoli' emp1oye .. s fronting the 1·70 cOI'I'idol' will have a srgt1Ui!cant I.nlluence on IIhe site's image" These uses will be s'l:Ibsf.antiall!( set back "rom Ibe liUl,d:6c,aped ""BeWa!( frontage and fin ked tatha Interior 01 the Stapleton cOlMmunlty thl'ou,gh ",pell ~PP~"'. tflJl! .on!;!! roaclW31( con.nell;Otions.

District V will contain a mix of employment uses.jneluding low-density warehouse, distribution and lignu manufacturing; as well as flex. R&D and potentially office-related U5eS. The King Soopers siue Immediately west of Havana Street and south of 56th Avenue, is part of this district. A variety of parcel sizes and confi!,'lir-atiom; can be accommodated, from two Lip to 30 or more acres. Also, VanOLES frontage upportunities will include the Havana and associated rail corridors, ~ new business boulevard along we extended 47th/49th Street conid01~ 5lst Street extended. as well as new drainageway/opcn space corridors and the landscaped 1-70 corridor itself. Caretul site planning and bl.lilding criteria wiID! ensure the success of ~hese more visible locations.

A District Center will be kicated meat 47th Avenue and Havana. Street, offering transit access, daycare and other services to area employees.

Dlsll"h::f V 1.5. :intend",. b:o ~(:cQmrnodate a. mix ,ot wol'kpla,ce use;;;, hu;ludin.g w8relit:ouse" distribution and light manuf:ac· 'b:1r~ng; low d'enslq. Hex. R&D', and oUic:e ,campus us'e:!>1 low to medium density effie,e uses;: 3.nd at 3, lamr 1I,la'se, higher den.!!IiMlI' oillee l.I,Selil. Thelldent hi that the land ullie mlx.l'lnd' 'parcel size become ,more flne-griilltiedwtUi H grell,I .. r pl'OpOI'" ti:l:I:n at ,office·tllpe uses in the a,re'3S clasel'" to 1·70' and to

Di5triCtVI. .

Priva.te Dellelopment' • At buUd:au!l, tllllvlet, V win ~mpl~y qp!'QxiiTio11)!ly ,S,300 peoph', 'In aboul4S mUlion square fact of space. It wi,1 offer ran served site-Ii as 'well 016 'freew,i!I)I' fronta9~.h"!!!It:I:Ii!" wiill ~ IDWto m.ederal'e (.3 I,D.S FAR) wliLh Iypleal build. ing conf'i'g ... lI'alion .. 0' one to three stories. Limited se'rv:icea, that do not compDto with ·tho commemla1 cORter In District Vl Will"",· prqvla<;d ~i3Il' 47th Avenlile ,alHl Havana StJ'eet..

SI!: TI !>oj" n n ~ r LOI

P\I~Uc ,neaR ··l.IneIiJ !p,,!Jn~ dRIIlnftgeWft·Y8 0.1 w:ldtbs up to ;i!OO feet: organize Distrtcl V into larger parcEl" 'sroupingSpreln1,orced by' a modifj'ud grid' netwol1!l; of !!!'~I... 'Thtl'!iQ 9t_t eX'l'eosions prov:lde direct cOnJllJec. lionS to tho M ..... tb .. 'llo indushi .. 1 di,sln'cif dl'rectlvlo lhe ,e.ast. Boulevali'd extensions ¥11m occur at 45th Avonue, 47th ""venue a.1:KI 51st Avenue. Fvrtv,;SevenUi Avenue :providell' IIcceS!! across lhe site to Quelbec street, O:IM!I serves as the main BnbypomtfoF this area and EJ,istri'ct VI. ThD des'ign of local &tnHIt system", IBftQ;.dbIQ ,enough tDIEI.CCQnun.odate ;pi vari .. ty of' IpaK'U1 config_atiDns ,and ~. 'l'n:J:c.'k loop aeC>DS$ is provided ka.1H H\a,vana Street at reasonable [nt~rv .. JI!' to, ,distrilnd:D tra1fle through 'the site without lmduly impac1ing ,4"1th Avenue.,

1,. Vb! 0 " ""II';I .... U .. I lUi" IDmpJo~e"l JWilit ii"".5. wllb emplClymoDI illliilitetl 11101111 4911'114'1tb Avenue. lIIJ1cl nearlli-,'10.

2.- 0\ WlltH h~ lo~1rtecI In .. .,h 011111'11:' • ~ ~triC'1 VI: Cont., 1WOI'I\i&"!I!I!i&

hllW 'tan~"rvi ee :i tG ttl"

hOO1M porlion 11'1 111,&


3. ~ of'8.'tS

dwelli"lg" - .. "hI: per _no 1'0: ",sidenti"l "0;(1,

4".III!mIil~.I_nl .. 1Om1Qdill!! imp!l'OII.........t <>f u,..1:.Y0!f.27O/Q"""'" tm. ... chan.., 11_1,100 '" dlnlet p,oo.oll1I ....... .....u. .....

~, '" 'Ihe sit .. h<>m GiUe:bee ~, andmlrlim~kH'o .. 1 .. ....,11, baffle ' .... _Idem"'. oboe1 ..

5. l'nUoll"l1i11d m!tkg d .. ",,,,,, ~t .. nd ... "h .. g ......... 1' ar lIal', .. ",,1"11118, ,t .. d"", "aluMi Bntll""wll;dllra, babtbl and iltllll~ !l:c!I"~.

S. !>RQI;!all!l1!!!!J i'D1!i .. N .... 'lilP 1""tltu.llOOI'" .... <:Oi'P ... mbll,UJWi&

'1,EI_~rv~ :1:1'- In VI .. Dol VII .. ,,-II iii l!fi'lddl .... eli .... ' ~11 .. In VI.


Dj "T' ... ~ .,.. D -;I- :I ~ TION;;I

.. DISTRICTSVIIVII "Sand Hills Neighborhood"




.. ~ .. ... 11·

;jo'l"" .~ ... I!

.... '" ~

.. '



;II .... ~

.,.' , .

.. !!!'"

.. ....

Dist .. Jcts VI/VIi ::11'(1 808 acres of mb:edl use neighborhoods locatedi In the northwest corne:r ail· the Stapfeton site nea.lhe, 1-2:701 Quebec, Street intEnchange and Comm,erce Cit-v_ The,. are, bounded Iby 1.70 on thB'IiOLlt!h,. Quebec and Roslyn Streets, on the West" by ,S6ih A'ven.ue ,0:1'1 the,no:rt!h and b" Di ... triict V to;> t.,. ... ' ''''''':!!it. 1"1"'" P!,"'l:r!e'~ inQb~I!!'~Qdby the Maj .. 1' amenity on thu. h,,;title",!> porliion 0' the 511e • a multl-use paJ'k$ and open space' co:rrldor which connects, 1.0 tthe ad)jacent liIa,tiOfiii'i~1 wildlife area •.

""'T,ON V 0 OCV La NHH LAN D, TAlcr D ~IO'"

These two districts contain atotal of 808 acres of land, 'Together, they provide a mix of

housing, employment and institutional uses flanking the heart of the open space system on

the northern portion of the Stapleton property. District VI will accommodate a variety of

employment activities that are less buck-oriented than those in District V and more compati-

ble with adjacent residential use. District VI will also be the site of the "commercia] center"

for al] of the people living and working north of 1-700.

Dirds-eV& Vliew oil Districts Vltvll looking norlheast through the paM ... ilnd o.pen, spaee 'corridor from near t1he 1-:270/ Quebec Sireet l'ntel'CI)"119'" .<l'''-_ comm_ial and rosidential sites to the nation,,,,. wildlife ,area be),'ond'.

Thv multi-use parks and open space, corIFldol' wlli be a regionally a"' .. 'O:851. biB amenlily within the neigh'barhood _

_ Ittegrated u&e5wlll include stellll\i!i drainag,e. water q!.!l!!!litv enhancement, trail." ii, golf COUFSD, canals and pond&, for iln'igalion" natural ar·~$ ~!'!d wildlife, hab1tat.

111e Di5trict VII Cet".." willi be the't andl Hfl.ltIJe·,lngl place '011' sUlFrounJd.. ing nei'ghberhoods .. ServiceS willi occur in Ihl5 center' and will be limi:led on, perimel,ar Drtelliial rn!!ld ••


A hlghill( visible District. eenler,. loc.ated ut tho inh.~ 5~tiOn of 49t!ti St_et .• nul Yosemite Parkway, wll:l ccnYi.ain a tni)!' ofr&Sidol'lillia1. rotaU and cOimmel'cia~ servioes, In addition to, a t:ransil &top .andlalamental')' &ct:u;of. The center will be wltlltll] walkllU) dis" mneefoit g !il!'!~9t!nIiU>ll1 n!;!;lnbell' (It' reslde~"!!: iU.!!! (lmpl'oyees. It win prav'd'e conunol'Clal :sol"vlc·es 101' tho nnti_ northern portion of the site ..

Distric~ Vl is intended as a mixed-use disllikt, comalnlng a balance of residentiat, office, commercial and. retail uses, The southern portions of the district adjacent [0 the in~erstare comdor and District V will contain a mix of low density office, office cmnpru or R&D/flex type uses, Higher-density office

si tes are appropriate along the most visible porti ons of the site: l.he drainage/golf oourse;'hlghwaycorridQfS. TIle remainder of the district will contain residential uses, with a mix of low- and mid-density housing types in one- to three-story configurations. An average density of 8- is du/acre is called for here,

The Disniet Center sits at the crossroads of 49th Avenue and Yosemite Parkway, Highly vlsible and accessible. this center will contain a mix of mid- to higher-density housing and local convenience l'effiill [0 serve the residential and nearby workplace populations - possibly anchored by a. neighborhood retail center (containing supermarket, drugstore and support retail). Commercial services fOl" the majority of adjacent res.idential areas and workplaces will be located within walking distance. Competing servlces will. be-discouraged in strip commercia! centers flanking arterials such as Quebec Street. Havana Street and 56th Avenue on the exterior of ~he property. The center will. contain a transit stop, as well as anelementary school, middle school, and possibly other civic or institutional facilities, A major east/west drainageway connects me center to the major open space/golf course amenity. where the golf club facilities will be located, This center is connected to District vn via bridge and open space connecrlons, where it serves as the location for moderate density housing clustered around specially designated sites for ciVIC O~ eorpurate facilities.

District VU is predominantly a residential neighborhood, with a mix. of I ow and moderate density housing types. Residential densities will average 10 units per acre in OIlC- 1.0 ihree-story housing types. Sornemoderare density housing types (townhouses, courtyard apartments, garden apartrrJents and flats) will be located alongthe open space corridor and public open spaces, A small neighborhood center is clustered around the local elementary school, with access to the adjacent community park/drainugeway system, and will contain small quantities of moderate deusiry housing; da ycare and public space.

Prlv~t. P.,.".lgpm."1 • !!)'lc'ts VI anC!! VU wiill ~Qntaln approximately 3,000 housing unlils and empioy approximate'ly 4,000-5,000 pegp1. In about three mililion square feet of space. Many pllaminenl commercial and I"vsidQnlia! d vvlopmvnt sitQ:& wiIJ be I'ocat,ed along the slgnifies,nt open space system. either adJacont to tile 90'!f eour_. hilbitat ~l"Vas OF the prairie park. Given thol ..... Uing. acces51blllty and pll'Oxlmlty, to tlll,e aiFpor1l and d_ntownj lihese .. Ues will be diHicul:t: to duplicate anywhere In the' metropolitan region.

!Public Realm '0 Distr'cts VI and 'VII will include sig. nl'lciInt public 3&IiU,ls Including parkwalls" graeno w,ays, .. ,peel., :!I!t ••• two ellemenlary :lichoo) sites, 81 middle schooll, a cOMmunity park, 81\'111 gfi'~ of the larges.t qpen space' e,gmponents 'ound' on sUe. The opon :space wll! serve a 'variety ef needs, rncludlng addres!llll'lg raea" an~ I'aglo"., pal'''' •• , recl!'e,atlon andl golf demand, .supportlngl rest.oII'O' tion o' nalural systems, establishing wildlife' h .. bo• tat and "'a'll connoctionD, accomm, 100 yeaii' .fOOd nCiiYlnMenis and reducing nD-.poi·nt sour>ce poll·utlon. Ma[ol' roaCi eonnectlona servIng the di:s1:rrJct a~e Yosemite Parkwa .. running nol"l'h}sDuth. and 49th/47th Avenues runnilnu easl)waslo A redesllgned 1.270/Que:bee iO''''fchange will provide _ajar acee .... fal. th .. a_ .. o

::l,Jtldrij:jhIlwrJn ttl. IrIld'!lJ",


, I I I I I I

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" II

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S.EC:TlC" V D' DI! .. ,-1;1,'/"... P,-"'" <:>1".,.,,1<;' T 0""';"1' 'IQ'~"

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.. DISTRI,CT VIII i'Prairie Park Neighborhood"


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3. 1knlil:II. ~f 8-'1·5 dvrn.lllI!Ig UI1ilb pnr Ui'O tin' Nl'llI'dGntlal Q~aD'


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5. Sillfilfi~t ",UiI<llitl'im 01 :si!ild 1L1I1&, pralll'a' !!!fll!!l'> aIltar D'I Il:!!IIm. 109f1& ~o"' _1Ecrul 'IIrillOg the ,Sil!lh, A\lIl. Ufldol'pll~" .... d dATllulilpmeM or :hillbltat. fll elllll",& Ud ,progHlm;!j Iii ~1(H!'i_t"'nd''''Dn_l: ta, 'Lbo wlldllll!!' Rlft:l:g ...


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District VIII is iii 316 ael'4!! compact "",sh::lentlal neighborhood loellted at th"" RQr1,h$'rn'(lxlent of the Stapleton, shoo It is aolji'icent to the Flocl'ly Mounlarn Arsena'l INatlona1WiI'dlHo Area which. following ,env:ironmental cleanup, 'wUI be~onte anal:ional w:ildlife 'refuge and, permAn"",",. open spaoe. District VIII Is bounded by 56th AVenue on Ulce 9>g~lh. and by the w~ldlifa' refuge to tbe north an.tI ea90t" TM' Arsena! ~:p.Jtd bnmediallely west. Section 9. Is in,tent!ttdto bQ .. x:cll;ii;:led from the Wlldl'lte Area's bo'undar!e8 ~n!:! iTt. unlmat,ely be annexed hi! Commerce City;


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District VIII ]s a 316-acre parcel located in the far northern portion of the site above 56th Avenue, Today this area is bounded ort three sides by the Rocky Mountain Arsenal National

Wildlife Area. This district's future is closely tied to the development of the Arsenal National

Wildlife Area as a National Wildlife Refuge, and the major Sandhills Prairie Park on the Stapleton site. The uses accommodated in this district must be very wen integrated with a

sensitive natural environment dedicated to restoration, wildlife and habitat management, and

public education. While the district is presumed to be primarily residential, appropriate-scale

research or office uses could be incorporated as well. This area also offers several excellent

sites for regional cultural, edueational, corporate or visitor-qriented facilities,

-' ...

Plrcls-&YQ view of nlsb'lct VII' IOOkl!'!.g por1beasl komt't,. nature 1!!'aU bridge ilt 56th Ayenue across im.titutio·.nal lind ,co,,"po:rate' devel:oprnentbolrCle .. lng the Sundhtfls Pralll'l:e Palik. to a COMpact 1'Q9'!deQII!!l' ne'!g!tl:!ml'lood. and f!na!· tN' bel!l'", .. d tu th ... Ynli&s,I .. :nd:5. lakes , .... d wooded are.ilI$ 0' th .. INailion .. 1 Wil'dlil.., A .... a..

Th!ill nol'thernii!U'UaS of St, .. pl:etol!Jl 'iI!Je:!t as Di'stri",t vn~ a"", VQ5t open s,paces which have beon, I'Dgradod to aCCODUnodate long pElvedl I'Lnliway and 'sKiway sf_ctY_:5.

Compact developInenl of I'&s'idential. In'l!l,tP!Jllona!! and corpoll"ale uses wl.1 front 'Oldol naturall opo", I5!rpace, ,afforing tliJ[~",' Yluws, and recreatl.on .3CC:&SS.

District VlTI ls a. residential neighborhood of moderate-density housing types, with average densitie-s of 8-15 du/acre (single fami])y, townhouses. ~ertace housiag, flats, apartments. carriage houses in two to four story configurations). With orientation, access and/or views to the mouatains, Sandhills Prairie Park. wildlife refuge and local neighborhood parks, this neighborhood will offer aunique living environment. A neighborhood center will contain small amounts of publkspacevcommunity faciHties, and a transk stop.


To the cast is the National Wildlife Area interpretation site, destination for thousands of visitors .. 10 the west is section 9, an area earmarked fur commercial, park and visitor facilities by Commerce Cl[y. Cooperative planaing regarding District vm. the Natinnal Wildlife Areaand Section 9 bas already begun, including represenratives of Commerce City. Denver, the U.8. Fish and Wildlife. Service andthe Stapleton Redevelopment Foundation.

IFI:osic:ten.t., af District VIII _ill have unparalleled .aCNces'510 wlldUfe and ttie outdo_a. Adjacent to the 27·.squar·e nine Rocky Mountain Anwnal lN8t!on~! WlldJ.t. A'I'I)O!l !II11.d tF!1!!o Pc"Q:II"fa Park, Dfstr':ct VIII 01100''''' t:he opporlunity' to live in an en,vironrnent d_inatDd lilly naml's" tJeld mln:ade's from the, iii!earil of ttie mel_pulilan areD.

"lihis d'istil'ict also provides an ~pprg,prilaIQ .",0In'9 to:r busiM ne'sse·s and pubnc Institutions. tKeY' .. ites .. Iong·lhe prairi'e p.arik Ibave been hlsorved fOr" these u_s.





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Public Realm ~ Tille dominant ,pubUc',eat,ure 01 O!,s1dct: vln will be U,e 365 ... ",,'re Sand ....... P ..... irie Pa,rk., U wUI be a new t)l'pe cd park foil' th. City and County of Denver and me.tropoUtBn region, re!!lltorlng the' original 1H!~gh pl'!;Ii,n", II~nd"'l4Ip@, lh@ Sandhill", P .. ;d .. i.". The

p" ..... ··6 'topoSifaphy '0' ",Uins ,san,dhiUs" ,,"ogot.,lo.:l with tall and short praIrie grasse9. cott,onw,oods. wIllows and olhe .. shrubs will ,ott,r,aoct ill IN,ide vari,e,ty of birds, and sma'!! Inammals. With iii dir'$ct connection 1:0 the INMional Wi I d,lff,e, Area tel:he north, ,and east, il will Eoe' managed to prOilect the Irestored p,aide ee,o:syslem. while provid..Jng maxiimum opportunities lor pubUc recreaUoo. A, gra,d:e-sepa .. ld,ion a,tS6lh Avenue provides ¢'Onn&cti'ons '0.:1' anima'is. 'r-ails and dtainag:e, between Stapleton ,and ilhe Na:l'lonaE Wl'ldllle .Area to tho nQrI:h. S~oll;:ial aso sUe's o~C'I.I'r along 56th Avcnull !lro,nUng thQopen :space.

Private DDverapment ~ UIUmately, app:roxlmn.tely 4,300 re,sldents will eccupy 1.,900 units of ta.g", .. iP!III In Distrid VIII at averaging 0·'t5 dLl;/acN_ An additional 50001' more employees wIll work tn tl115 dl!!lltrlct as well. Re·sld:enll:allunllswUI be oriented Slnnmd Ihe'

p .... irie Park, N' Wi.dUla, Acrea, and I'ntoll'nal glleen. WO!IlfiS ,as much as pos$i'ble. Speeiial use sites ,oeeur along 56th Avenue fr&ntll'!g Ihe open :spae,o. The prluni:nent Icu~D:ti'on$ havebee:n set aside for lIIII;ajor InstltuiI~on .. ,! OJ"!' :c"rporate, :users,

TANKS QF 011.., (I<I~ THE

MIII..'ES OF' 'T1IHI"i"tI. E$ I'i'"






The greatest attention inme Development Pian process was given to housing and the creation of a sense of community, development of an eeunomic base 311ld edueadon and training,

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TIle social 1Ml([, economic aspects of a community are key componenrs of !:he concept of'sustainability, A snong sense of community, healthy and stable households, vital social instimtions and iii resitJjent local economy capable of providing COIltinning support to the pOplllati,on are ail necessary elements. These cendltions must accompany innovations in the physical environment and resource management if Stapleton is to become a truly sustaineble community.

While tile Development Plan process did not provide the opportunity to fully explore these aspects, some important directions did emerge. Aciditio:ruaJ. work and community consensus building will be required to more completely define and pursue Lhe socialand economic objectives of'the Development Flam!.

Discussion with a variety of cemmuaity representadves idenml:fieda number of functions and services as important aspects of social and economic development for the Stapleton projlect Among those emphasized were the following:

Economic Development Employment Assistance


Family Assistance

Youth Programs


Business Assistance

Library & Infonnation Services

Education & Job Training


Elder and Jnle.mgenef'dtiol1mi Care

Public Safety Health and Welm.ess

Public Art:


Goals and Prin.ciples

As part of the Development Plan process, project team members and community representatives reviewed goals identified! in the CIty and County's Comprehensive Plan, Overall Economic Development Plan, Il.eighoo:rhooo plans and other documents. Each of these documenta iden~ilfied important community objectives regarding !he development of neighborhoods, expansion of the community's economic base, advaacemens of educational and training objectives and most desirable methods tor addi-essmg a variety 'of social a:m.d cultural challenges .. The project teanu and Citizens, Advisory Board also created a set of principles to guide plilflning and developmeml of the Stapleton site. Thirteen of these principles related directly to the goals of creating and supporting viabk: neighborhoods, promoting diverse housing opportunlnes, fostering a strong sense of community, increasing educational. and training capacity and relevance, and expandingeconomic opportumties for Denver residents.

Criteria and Next Steps

Cle.arly many aspects of social, community and economic development will need to be addressed as the Srapleten development program moves forward, The Development Plan does provide some specmc gnidanee with respect to 1) housing and the creation of diverse neighborhoods and a sense of commULilty, 2} development of the Stapleton employment base and

3} creation of an innovative education and ttrahnling system. Highlights of the reoommemlationsregaallng each are provided below:

NeiglworluJOd Diver&ity and Sense ofCommuJrity Speciall attention shall be given 1.0 provldlng a variety of housing a,t Stapleton and to producing a diverse resident population fur tllite project and fur each of its residential neighborhoods. T11e,~e objectives include. diversity ill resldent incomes, moos, ages and family types.

A sense of community can be further developed by creating a level of peLmane,llcy through the location of .institutional uses in the neighborhoods. An aggressive marketing strategy and

A variety of development and! private land lise contrels will be neeessasy inwntives should be developed to attract the cultural

employed to seek a diverse 110USing population. Housing alrer- and community institutions sought tor the neighborhoods 00

Homing development policies should address a widerange of market segments and income levels.

• Stress hQllI.eowneDihijl in the mi:!. ()' units provided. Stapletol1 ffil.lsl,.competeeffcc!ively in the mll1ito ml'Jtkcl bywmbining the advanag~s of urban and sliburban. living.

• Provide it 'vari~ 'Of bt~LJlllng types and densities suitable for lower. ffil(ldJe WId h!yher tevd..s I,)f inwme" ~d»I needs and the eld.e"!'l)..

- CQncenU;ate the;JI1!!;O\t <!,CllSfty hm.lslm,g neer transit lines iU1~ uJl'lenrue~1I1 Jlei&h berhood eemers,

- Provide lower income and ~lJCCi<llI1t:ed:; I:lOusiQg im a. C1ispersed fashion i all neighborhoeds, keeping the propontiono ' Diforuable unns consisient wIth the mix fi:nmd In me larger community.

~ DO,vclbp di!!!1Xlrneil special needs ihoU.'iing followillg RuccesdOl '0Stab.l1.<;h}t1l.illf of market rare housing,

- Empllas ize hOWling [or middle income famiJies

Provide O)f;11 ~acc :liIJd Il:mertitics to atttd~1 higtl. end hmllimg n&!lfY 10 s.upportilie si!e's role as an employment center.

• Address the PIIlli ~ liu:«Whiibili:ly ooJectivc lJy emphiiSizlng ~1!Ch ~ us ~1af ru:cess,;,water .!Uld energy conservation, disllidand rellS!iille apJ\roaches to energysupply.reeyclil1g and trilJ1.'li\oriernanon.

.i:giilight ih~ 1'0 'Inv;;'3SpeC,tsand ameOifiesOf-ndjacenl residen- 11<i1 Ileighhc~rl1l'md.~ ueh M the major-prulkw2.YS in Park Hill. when mark\!!P&..S!apl~1l housing and llet,ghborhoods.

natives such as co-housing, mUltuam housing, sweat equity programs and continuing care environments for theelderly will be allowed and encouraged together with combined live/work space. Special incentives might be needed to encourage the development of targeted housing types. A design committee may be established In, among other thillg.~, carefully incorporate aifordableholJlsing into each n.eighborhood. :Zorung and

S CTUiN v i! I D VEl OP"O::Wl" rUm

50 I I ANI:) E"C~I'!OMIC: 1f'lTjF>nVJ::5

building codes mayrequlre amendment to facilitate the development of a. mixture of housing types. Special siting and design reqairemeats, beyond those currently required by Cily ordinance, shall be created to effectively and appropriately integrate a limbed number of "special use" facilities intothe ov,e.mU development plan,

All development decisions, shall rake ioro eonsideratton the varied characteristics ofthose housing neighbor!lOOOs that surround 'the projectt.

Along willi the design and sitmg of I;]]e housing itself the development and lil2Ulagenu::.ot. of ancillary facilities such as schools, public facilities, recsearionareas, daycare facilities, transportation, job sites and shopping areas shall also be evaluated to determine how they C3Ii! best effect the creation and maintenance of a diverseresidential popuJalti!oll for Stapleton.

Saccessful creation of diverse and heallhy neighborhoods and a sense of community will require community participation :in decision-making and goVernlW100 111at encourages residents and business owners of neighborhoods surrounding Stapleton as well as those on site. to be part of decisionsregardlng the development of me property and the delivery of public and quasi-public services, Inthis regard, a ta'llt force should be established 10 recommend methods of community participation noward these ends.

the site such eschurches, educational and research facilities and institutions such as me Museum of Natura:! History and the CSU Extension Service.







t:t::Y,[ON 1I r:: J no ,,-O'"ME: .... ..,.. PW N

t L ,.., ... t.1 Ec. r-~o.rn\C IN I I ~,ATIi¥lr:

Employment Base Consistent wirh the Development Plan principle of Econornic Opportunhy, Stapleton will provide an employment center tha.u serves Denver's needs into the next century and allows Denver residents to prosper through irnproved job and business

opportunities and an enhanced tax base. Diverse opportunities should be developed and! encouraged, including family enterprise, incubator businesses and secondary support businesses. Redevelopment of Stapleton and Lewry can serve as <l! springboard to stLmu1!ate reinvestment i:llthe nejg~horhoods and business areas surrounding the two sires.

Economlc Program

The project's Iong-temr economic success will not be tlile result of early identificanon of one or two subsrantial users. Aneconomic program for a sire of this sire will require several components, including;

• Fle~ility: Stapleton must be abre to respond to changing market conditions over a long period of time. A mix o·f uses will enable the site to offerproducr ill different sectors ofthe real estate market. .As one sector becomes weak, the site will be able to shift emphasl» to a stronger sector.

• Adherence to Vision: Initial site activities need to demonstrate the "vision" of the project and establish an Image, Early actions will also set precedents for how fumre decisions are made and bow future developmem wiII OCCIlr.

• MarketCreaiion Strategies: The size andlOllg"lerrn buiidout of the site heighten the need for srrategies to anract IJ.~C]IN, tenants, developers ami owners to the site, Prior work under Stapleton Tomorrow identified several potential market creation strstegies, These strategies focused on I) federal. cotporate and university-basedresearch; 2) an education and training center: and 3) cultural and tourism anractions. TIle Stapleton Developmeor Plan bas identified an additional strafe. gy which isccnsistent with the goo otenvlroranental responsibility preeticed throughout the site, Based upcn the new markets for enviroamental rechaologies being created throughout the world and Colorado's large existing base of professtonal, instiuxional, academic and org.<mi.7..aLi.Dnai resources, the Stapleton sj~e should be positioned as a Center foll' Environmental Technology and Sustainable Development. Stapleton has the opportunity to' provide a physic",1 site !hat can beidenw-led nationally and intemationallyas a vital center for the development and application of environmental technology mad sustainable development pructicc,c;, providlng a location for reseWrcil, demonstration and education.production facilities, related business aad institutional activ:imes, envIDrormenmUy sound communities and infrasmlcWre systems, and a business envircnmentthat would provide economic and marketing benefits for firms loc!l!ing there.

• Marketing Plan: Several chasacrenstics of the site, inc! uding its scale and proximity to downtown and DIA, will attracu national and iIl:Lemalionai user interest. A comprehensive marketing plan must be dr-afted and implemented to take advanlage ofthis interest The plan should strive to differentiate rhe site m as many ways as possible: e.g, by highlighLing its open spaces, mixed-use urban villages, mobility, efficient technologies, cerrnnumty ties, "green"business environment and technologies, and decentrallzed management and service delivery structures,

• Dil'er,~e Fum/i,ug BQSe~' One ofjhe keys to Stapleton's eC(F nomic SIIGCe!;S will be its ability 10 pursue grants from state aad federalagencles, foundarlonsand corporations. The site's large open space and wildlife lutbitll,~ corridors. innovative inlrasnueture and advances in transportation system design. as well as community training and edueafion inil1atives, could all be eligible fOI" grant funding under traditional programs or under special discretionary grants, Stapleton's designatinn as the National Center for .Ellvirornnel'llal Technology and Sustainable Development would enhance its ability to oblaiD funding.


• developing an aggressive marketing stralegy 10 seek and attract IiITllS ill the fields of euvironnlellta! science and technology

• inoorporating business areas in early phase development

• continuing to pursue developers for the terminal area

• moun ling an aggressive rnsrkedng effon [0 lease existing buildings and facilities

• engaging local releoomnsunicaticns experts to evaluate installation of advanced information technologies in the business and residential areas of Stapleton

• developing <ill incubator 011 Stapleton to nurture emerging enviroarnental technologies and bus messes

• providing entrepreneurial development and support programs

-inItiating collaberetive pianning efforts wifh I:h~ City of Aurora. the LowlY Redevelopment Authority and E$t Colfax business and neighborhood organitMOnsto develop stmtegies to rejuvenate rhe area between Stapleton and LaM)"

•. placing a priority on "signature proposals" for the site which will: serve as an. economic srinluJw; for (he region.


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ME!YfT EI~FOfil!'.S.







FINAL R.EPORT - cu.!OIcm::


Existing businesses must thrive and new eJlltrepreneurial buslnesses must emerge. A program 10 expand entrepreneurial skills of new Stapleton residen Is as well as residents of surrounding neighborhoods should be developed. 'Iheprogram could be modeled after other successful economic programs such as entrepreneurial !.raining programs availlable ihrough Ule Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce, educational illslilul:io]]S and the State of Colorado, M.arketing strJtegies and incentives should be developed to attract employers to Stapleton who will be acdve in promoting community and economic goals rorSrnpleLon such as entrepreneurial skill development, innovative education programs, hiring and training ),oudland local residents, ere,

Education and! Training Systems The q ualityof tile public school system.:iind worker lTIL~ning is oonsidered by many :in the: bu siness communi ty to be the most critical issue facing Denver and especially its neighborhoods. Image, integration, the representation of different constituencies and quality eoncems surround the Denver Public Schools .. Elementary school busing commncs to be a mejer issue for parents and the siogle most important reason why middle class families of all ethnic groups leave Denver while their children are school aged.

In eonrrast, many believe lhatfhe overall quality and special programs of Ole Denver Public Schools are far better than perceived. Some of the innovative programs tlmt may have applicability to Stapleton include family resource schools; m.agnet schools, fundamental academies; the career education center; extended day programs; challenged and highly gifted programs; rutd the High School for the Arts, For Stapleton to have integrated, diverse neighborhoods that include families with y01l11g: chil.drell, an effective approach [0 public education must beprovided Stapleton must be able to support innovation and experimentsdon with new models.

!5.i;; 11Q. 'J C I _ VF g.~"'I[:""T PLAN

CIt: 'l'\L AND caNC>.'>' ..... , j ... tl~~

The educational goal of S~apleton is ~o create an innovative public and private educatien and training syste.lill. Educational. programsat Stapleton will be lmked 00 and cG:mpiemcnmry with those at Lowry, as well as with: othee recreation and social service programs and facilities provided 011.. site. As 31iJ example, Stapleton could house school-to-work programs.

Sehoel-to-wers progFdfil8 prepare young people for the labor market by jn,tegrating school-based leaming atmgh school with structured learrting experiences at the workplace, Upon graduation, students are well prepared for a. range of post secondary options, Including skilled, entry level work" technical training and college, Bmployersenter into suuctnred partnerships with educational institutions and comrnunity-bssed organizations. European versions of such programs typic<ily include strucmred learning M the work site under the tutelage of a master and certlflcatlon of wmtplace skills by employers.

'. .

•. Estahiishmem of a strategic !:ask force. to develop an education 311d job tta:ining delivery model for Stapleron. The [ask force should include represeataaves of Denver Public SchooLs"higher education, experts on innovative approacbes 10 education, ttaining,ood business representatives, private and nontraditional providers of education and training, and oonmumiLy and political leaders.

The. task force .s bould;

- Conduct research on tbemost effective edocanonand crainillg niode!:s bo'tl! :rmtionallly and internationally (0 identify current inl'll>vatiofis.

- V ·11 ate whether ells charter schOOl legislation and SIlCoessful pmgrruru; a UPS represento;pportun:i~es...for SIa;pler{m and howedllcatlon at. S1a:pletDIl c01!l1 ~m~ to the prograni being gffered ai Lowry.

~ Evaluate how education,.be used as a m.agnetto ilItracl~~me4isesMd families to die aI're.

~ Evaluate new appr-oac:hes. '0 educating and r aming m~ risk students and integrnting intern, Il'aining and employ men' opportunitius wilh firms locatin.g..on site,

~ Determine if'th6re are innovative wu:ya to ~evelop enneprellcwia1 ~killsand ~tL~jlless 0peonum11e." fonll,~idenUl in !he immediate area

- Deiennine wh.ether the presenee of education facilities and programscan pmvide a oenler for oommumny tife and how !he design of neighborho~s or other aspects qfcommuruty planning would be affected in otdl1' to achieve thi:S end.

- Develop specific recommcnda!:nons for Stapleton regarding wruu education services should be de~vered, how and byw]iaID; wD;lIt pbysical and design implicstio WIll arise and how the recommendations can be anplememed,

~ Pursue schoQl-"tQ-wol'k programs with emp 0lle:rtl recruited tolhe site,

• Pursue funds avai:lable thmugtlthe School-Ulf-WmK Opportunities Act of 1994, which pmv ides "venture capital" to statES and comrnunlties 10 develop ,approadtb that are ooru;iS~ Lent with their UIIllqU:e social, economic and polltii-aJ instinrtions,

Working with a clean alate, an opportunity exists to examine the paysieal location and facility needs of schools on site and their proximity to other uses. Denver Public Schools is concerned fu."It stand alone. single purpose education facilities will be illilexible and a bueden to maintain in the fUIDre. Schools on Stapleton should share facilities with other activities IN· ·encou.rage joint use of facilities. Shared facilities loc&!edi in a neighbomood cemer could offer private ehildcare, adult edacation, recreation, health care, elder care or other services.

Existing Stapleton buildings should be evaluated for reuse ss educational or community facilities, A hangar building, for example could be renovated! as a schnol recreational facility. Specific oppertunities for such reuse exist witlhln District I of the site.


Infrastructure Costs

As the Stapleton site changes character over the next several decades, new development wilJrequire a significant investment 'in infrasrruefure.jncluding majortranspcrtarion projects such as freeway improvements, pU!blic transit, roadways and

bridges; utilities; drainage in greeJ.!waYIl;. parks and parkways; recreation facilities; <lndoommu!lity fadlities sllCh as schools, libraries, recreation facilities and police stations,

This Infrastrucrureis estimated to cost approximately $288 million (in 1994 dollars). This estimate assumes:

~lhaL the Ai"l']Xlrt System is responsible for !:he eosts of abatementof hazardous meterials in alii buildings and! ofremediatllon of all surface, subsurface and groundwater contaminatinn;

·111& the Airport System is responsible for thecesr of demolition of alii buildings and structures not intended fot use beyond the interim program; and.

• that the-cost of runway, taxiway and apron demolition will be fully offset by revenues generated 'through on-sire and off~ sirereuse of aggregates generated by recyclmg.

111e chart titled SUITunary of hlfmstruotl1J"ie Costs provides a llst of inn--dStruclure identified in the Stapleton Development PJ!an the cost of which is, $28.'7.6 million. Some of the facilities, such ~s the regional parks and cultural faci[ities, benefit nu~ on]y Stapleton but also the Denver region, These facilities are candidates for broad-based funding mechanisms.

The preliminary cost esnmares for roads, bridges, water, sewer and parks, recrearten andparkway,'l/g:re.enways were based on average qusetlties and unit costs, The estimares were prepared by IBRW, Inc. and Civitas, Inc., engineers and planners on the Development Plan ream; with review by City and County staff

.,I;C:T,,: .. H V F"' OE"I:LQPM ...... PL FINAI"CIAL AN ... LY"15

Stapleton will OC4;Up)!·9o unfq;ue 'nIche among Ih. many :new developme,nt iUld redevetopmenta.reas wiiliJtilii 1Iti~ region.

for areas such as P<IIXs. recreation and open space. Signiticmr additional engineering work is necessary to refine the cost estiimates to account for engineering and design. An additional amount has been added as acondngenoy allowance. Costs do not include financecharges. AJl costs are in 1994 dollars,

The cose estimates were prepared based on Development Plan level iaformation and will be updated as tlhe infrastructure Items reach more detalled stages of design and engineeeng, The cost estimates are adequate fOT purposes nf preparing the Infrastructure Financiag Plan, but ~he expected changes in tiliJ.e estimates as beuer ~nformaLion becomes available will require adj ustmen ts to calculations of fees and allocation of costs to various f\lnding sources,



I;.llUN V 10 Vi L<l 1.1'1'1 ~T Pl..A' ..

F.HI\ C;'I\L , Al...Y51



1 Me:lorlrlransportatlon P'mJects Havl!l.l1a1I-70 & Quebecl

1-270 Int!l'rohange ~pgradEl$ Ugh I Rail 8; Ai. Trail. Stations Subtotal Transportation

$50.000.000 $3.000.000 $S3,ClOO,OOO

............................................................................................ " LU n t

2 l'IoadwaysfStruclures Arterials

Structures - Bridges SlIIbtolol RQadwPYS

3 Utllttles

Sanitary Sewer Water DlstrlQlJliQn Utility Abanccnment Subtotal Ulilities

4 Drainage In Greenways

$75.118.595 $14.249,400 $89.367,995

$4,496.118 $14.557.172 $1.557,020 $2D .. 61 0;3 D9

.... ,",.,",.,"-".,,"",.,",.,''''''''''''''''''''', .. ,." ... ".,'".,"""', .. ,""', ... """'''''··'''·'''·,,·''~ .. ,,··''''··''' .. i

5 PSl'"ks, Reo .• Parkways., etc.

Major TradItional Palfk

Prairie Park ,Community Parks Neighborl1ood Parks Parkways

lirail Habitat CorrldofS Golf Course

Oll1eT Flecreatlon Fecl:lities Subtot.aJ parks., etc.

6 Commllnity facllitres Schools


Fire Sielions Police, Stations

Subtotal CommunIty Pac.


$14.875.00Q $10.950.000 $8.250.000 $S,OClD.<Cl00 $9,.8£>6,34-0 $6.771.600 $7.000,COO .$S, j j 0.000


s:!lS,QOD.OOQ ::1)1,125.300 $0 $635.100 $37.760.400

Description of Facilities

The Stapleton Development Plan identifies the major Categories of facilities necessary to serve the redevelopment program. Infrastructure and community facilities wiU be constructed on Stapleton in response to development demands, As level of service thresholds are approached for each facility, further development will be permined only with the onsirucuon of the next needed lneremeru of :in Irastructure, S ina: development will be in accordance with market demand, it. is not possible to specify in this report precisely where O[ when various elements will be required, This section, therefore, will describe infrastrucmre needed at buildou; With respect to public works projects, Ordinance 71 i will apply, requiring I % of the prcjecr CO$t to be invested in public art. TIrc following paragraphs provide am expanded description of tile lnfrastrucune to be funded,

Majo," Transp'orfatioll Projects

NOm: No specific cost estimates are presently available for the treeway improvements or public transit improvements programmed to serve the Stapleton area. The Denver Regional Council ot'Governments (DRCOG) will be the source For developing these estimares. DRCOG has programmed over $325 million for the 1-70 corridor which is defined as a Major Transportation Investment Corridor in its 2015 Interim Regfuonal Transportation Plan dated October 13, 1993. A study of 1-70 corridor options is ongoing.

Freeway Improvements Development of the area will require improvements to the Qllebecf]-270 interchange and the Havana/[-70 interchange. The costs of these interchanges are preliminarily estimsred a~ $.50 millinn, bun substantial engineering work is required to determine fmal cost No other major freeway improvements are necessary to support development of the project. However, due to regional travel conditions, major expansion of 1-70 and I-270 is programmed by DRCOG.

Publil; Tron.vit TIle Denver Regional Transportation District (RTD) is responsible for peovldlng transit service to the Stapleton sire. Tnitially!:he site will be served by bus transit, ROO uansit is planned tCl serve the project in later stages of development. IBm,; stops and park-and-ride stations wID be provided at the major activity centers as D means of facilil:ll!ting public transit

RID wit] be responsible for construction of any mil system alignment between Downtown Denver and the Denver International Airport which will also Serve development al Stapleton. RID is presently s1:lIdymg me implementation of the rail system in the northeast corridor.

.sr CT '0" v F orvl:.l..O!o1 NT "!.II N F" N"~C'A " ... ,,-. { ,

well ill> a 25% allowance for design and contingencies. Roadway costs do not include costs for associated major sewer and water transmission mains. Further, no cost sharing between Aumra 01' Commerce City is assumed, although these cities may contribute fundil1g to the roadways hcnefiLing their respective areas.

Major easl/wesL connectors include: 56th Avenue. 47tb-49th Avenue, Smith Road, extension of Martin Luther King Boulevard, 26th Avenue and! 23rd Avenue.

Initially the site will be served by bus transit Rail transit is planned to serve the project in the later stages of development.

RTD has not developed a final strategy fur this extension and The major nortb/south connectors will be Yosemite Parkway

substantial additional work needs to occur before the alignment and Syracuse Sneet, Yosemite Parkway wm require new

can be submitted for funding. In financing for such improvemeats, it is common for 25% of the fundfug to come from local sources and 75% from federal and state sources,

Coors assigned to new development at Stapleton will likely be the costs of bus tumouts, bus shelter and station costs at all intermodal station serving buses and mil vehicles ..


The mad system will include llanes for regional. tmffic as well a'> lanes serving local traffic. None of the major roads are programmed for greater than four lanes. Costs of these roadways include clearing and grading curb. gutter, sidewalk, paving, medians, landscaping, drainage, li~l.ii!1g" street furniture, as

bridge construction or reconstruction of the existing bridge over I-70, Quebec Street on the west border and Havana Street On the east border will require substamlal improvements to support development uf Stapleton, Significant s'lrucLllI:e improvements are required across 1-70 and at the 1-2701Quebec :interchange to improve capacity. safety and 1J'ahl, connections.


Sutli:tn.ry Sewer Costs San.itary sewer costs. are forthe major sanilmy sewer pipe system both under the roadways and offroad, The only areal presently served by sewer are 11m terrninail complex and existing buildings.






1I'H"','I' 'rIES 'rIilESE IIREA5,

REQ U I RIE DI. ,~ii





s c. , ..... v ... I 0 .. 1:....:1. QI H!I;UT PI..J\~ 1'1"r.NC''''~ I'\N ~"'!;I§

Water Transmisri(JI:1. and Distrlbtmul1 The existing looped s~pply network ties into existing mains at the 56th Avenue 42" diameter steel conduit and terminates with a connection to an existing 36" diameter RCP conduit in" Montview Boulevard. The proposed siite service main is a 36" diameter main that runs in Yosemite Parkway. AJ] proposed service loops are tapped into the Yosemite mall wilb taps provided for by fnture-phased development.

Water transmission and distribution costs include the major water Line system both unde.r the roadways and off-road. The onlyareas presently served by waser are the terminal complex and mocations occupied by existing buildings.

utility Abando.nnwnt The si.te has niJn1erous existing water, sewer and drainiige lines serving the existing airport operation that will likely 00 abandoned because they are unnecessary, sebstaadard or inadequate b) serve the I"leiW development programmed fbr the site. 'Ihese lines will have to be removed or filled.

Other Utilities A cost of other utilities such as telephone,. gas and electric has not been included because it is assumed Ih.arlhese are costs recovered directly by jhe respective utility companies, To theextent that utilities MlQ constraeted ahead of reimbursemeDls, the project's cash flow may be impacted.

G.reenways/with Drlli.nage

The Development Plan inchides a natural drainage system that. will provide open space, waterrecharge and recreation oppornmities as welll !!IS accommodate stonnwater management requiiI'em.enitS. The drainage system is planned to cost less and 00 more beneficial to the environment than the more cenventiona! piped Milum drainage systems. Costs include grading of swales and drninage basins, landscaping and pipingeosrs,

Parks/Recreation and Parkways

Regitmol Parks 1iiNo major regional parks ate planned, A 175-<l.cre traditlonal regional paJi<. is planned for the area just 'east of the Stapleton ThrmmaI. This park will. be designed for bothacsive and. passive recreational activities as well as a site for major institutional uses, NQrth of 1-70, <Ie 36S-acre pr:mtl park is planned which will border Districts Vl, Vlland vrn.

Neighbof/uJ(}d a.tId Co.rnmunity Parlf.j' Six. neighborhood parks are planned for each of the major residential areas. Two new 20'-acre community parks are planned, Fred Thomas Community !Prot. is p~oo for a l(}.acre expansion. A 106- acre sports complex both a baseball/softball and scccer/rugby complex is planned in !he western portion of the site between the Union Pacific railroad tracks and ]-70.

P'iJrkwttys Linear parkways Me incorporated into tJlte design of several of the major roads for addirionaf open space and trails.

Major Trail/Habitat Corridors Three major trai1lhabitat (-<}1Ti~ dorsare programmed! for the site. These include the stream corridors along Sand and Westerly Creeks, the lowland corridor between Sand Creek and the NationalWi.ldllfe Area and the upland 00111100r between Sand Creek. and the National Wildlife Area ..

R.ecreation Facilities A substaatial number of recreation Iaeilities can be accommodated in the Development PlaII. iFacili1y locations havebeen identified for a championship go~f eou P.iC , Ii learning golf course, 3IIl outdoor sposts complex and equestrian facilities. Additional items such as a recreadon center, swimruing facilities, ice skating rink, cycling facmties and other items may also need to be accommodated over time 011 the site,

Community Facilities

Schools Denver Public Schools (DPS), an independent school district, operates public schools that wii~l serve the p~e6oct. TIle development plan includes sites for four elementary schools and one middle school.

Land for school sites would be dedicated by the City and County III Denver Public Schools consistent with the City's Zoning Ordinance, DPS is assumed to be responsible for fooding llnc ennsuuetlon of the seJhoolq. The cstirnased cost of school construction is $6 million each for four elementary schools and $12 million for the middle school,

The Development Plan Principles call for innovaeive approaches to provide delivery of public services, including schools, Programs such as shared facilities development and use. charter schools or other innovative approaches to educaficn may be Implemented, Olllliy the bask costs of coaventional educational facilities have been estimated to date.

Librtuy AIlliOugh 110 specific sites have been identified for a library. it islikely tha:l with over 25 ,Of.() resideats some library Facilities will be needed on site ..

FiT;e mId PO'lice Two tire statioss serving the airport are already located onjhe site. No additional fire stations are necessary.

Denver has relocated illl FoHey Academy onto the site. If a substation is necessary to serve the project, Stapleton wiU fund its share ina fashion comparable to tile Gateway development area

TIle infrastructure facilities described above wiUbe phased in response to the market fOf housing and commercial/lndustrial space. The overall project is anti.cipated to have a lengthy buildout period 000 to' 50 years depending on demand. The site does contain a number of areas where development can be iniillated without S]gnificant infrastructure cost, Development will occuria m.ese areas in response LO market demand and the abWty 00 fund necessary lnfrasmreture. lt will be importaIlt for the City and COI!III~Y to. identify lneremencs of development that are financially feasihle. Appropriate phasing' will be pamcular~ ly important for the early stages of development to make cerrain that [he project hegiHs successfully.

5r.r.r,..,:j"''''' OElnl.o ''''l Pt..'" F.Nn....,~IAl. r.,..ALVSIS

The .general reqo±rements for infi;aslroctureand ifacillities. and tbe recommended method ~f ftmding 10 implemMt ihe ~vcloprIllent Plan, are descQbed in the follow"Ulg paragrapas, The mftastrucrure and public fOlCilities required ~o Se,e S~letoTI can be.grouped into three C<ltf}

1. B'ackbonelnfrast1'ucture.. This &,'11JLlP includes freeway and ltiterchange improvements, major arteriw roads.rail and bus transit, roadway medians, sewer t:runJ:(system, water It'dfismissioll system. storm drainage system. basic utiliti~ and neighborhood connector streets,

2.., CQmnllmity Fael/illes. 'This group includes regional and community pazks, open space colTidors;"'Schoois, library; police and fire facilities.

3. In-Tract SubiliVisum b~frosln«:tU!e. :This group includes nefglloom&5d road" sewer; water, storm drainage, setbaok I&ndscapmgMd street trees and.neigblxlIbood parks.

Backbone inf'rastrucLure prim:aciilly serves the adjacent develop" ment but also all land uses within the prejece area and the broader region. In Denver, most backbone infrastmcture is assigned! to adjacent development as f~'Ontage Improvements. Howe-ver, oversized facilities. such as the fifth MId sixfh travel lanes of major roads and medians, are financed through a brnadbased funding system such as a fee program.

Community facilities serve all land uses within the project area and are funded through a financing system th<fL allocates lhe costs fairly to each benefiti~ land use.

In-tract subdivision infrastructutebeaefits on1y ill specific meighl:loihoodand the costs im:t'; allccated only to the benefiling properties within iliat development, In-tract infrastructure win be assigned to the specific property benefitted 'by tile improvements.



Backbone infrastructure typically assigned as frontage improvements and in-tract subdivision improvements are prograrnmed to be financed privately. Regional servins backbone infrastructure costs and COlrn:nUJ..1i~ facilities wlll be funded through a combination of hapaci fees, connection charges, City mid County funding sources, bond financing, t,'J1mL and private funding. Feesand connection charges mclude City impact fees, connection fees for sewer and waterand storm drainage assessments.

The Stapleton Development Plan includes many unique

features associated' with the concept of a sustainable community.

Bond financing mechanisms may be used to fund either the private funding of the fee Iundiag, These mechallisms include local tax and assessment districts, Tille 32 Special Districts and General Obligation bonds.

Grant funding may be available from a variety offederal, state, foundation and corporate sources . Many gwant funding sources may noteven be available today. but will evolve as the result of new policies and programs. Additional funding may be available from the A irport System, as discussed in the previous section, from either the interim use program or profits from the operation of DIA.

The Stapleton Development PLan incil.ldes many unique feateres associared with the concept of a sustainable community. The large open space and wildlife habitat corridors, innovative storm drainage system and advances in transportation system design ail merit special attention. Many of these Improvements

could be eligible for grant funding under traditional programs or under special discretionary grants. A key 110 implementing many of the unique characteristics of the Development Plan will be devising a program to aggressively pursue grants from state and! federal a.gencies, foundations and corporationa. The concept of Stapleton being designated as a national center for envlrcnrnental eechnology and sustainable development may enhance lhe abiJity to attract such grants ..

Facilities that provide specific benefits to the development projects should be funded through impact and connection fees unless timing considerations and costs require the sale of special district bonds in order to provide the required in1rasncture, In addition 10 connection fees. a Stapleton Infrastructure Fee is proposed to fund many of the required infrastructure improvements. This strategy is meant [0 allow market demand to dictate the pace of development and [0 minimize the debt burden and interest carrying costs. In addition, it reflects the anticipated de-sirabil~ty of limiting the use of special district bonds fur the financing of Stapleton development

Funding Sources

The following paragraphs, briefly describe 111e recommended financing techniques.

The financing of Stapleton's infrnstruoture will come from a variety of sources depending upon the type of improvement and the relative beneflt to ihe Local community aru:l/Of region. Funding will be obtained through 11. combination of infrastructure fees, Local tax and assessment districts, private capital, state ami federal transportation funding. grants, genera] municipal revenues, tax increment financing, Allport. System revenue, eonnection fees and special districts. Primary and secondary funding sources for each inlrastruemrc line item are shown in the chart titled Recommended Public Facilities Costs and Funding Sources, Intrastructure commianents associated wilh on-going negotiatioas wilh prospective purchasers of property were not considered in this analysis.

ar;CTIQ" v I" i D~Vr:;LOJ"U:1I PLAN F ...... l'lp" It'lL Af'.IAL"t ~!i

MaIQ~ T-.-an:&pDrlailonProj&llis Hav;;tnafl·70 8 OtJQbG~

1·270 VClmp.

LI~I'1! Rnl] & Air Train Stamm S~bt'Qlal il'i'ans porlalion

:2 Roadwo,ys!.S,lruclu.rns RI)OOwa,y.s

.Slru~~ ,m;r~ • BrldgQs Subtotal RDadways


Slln~.ary 511W1I1 Waler OlslribuUon Ulillty Abandonmlln! Subl~lal UUlltles

.; Oratl10flB In G ..... enw a y"

§ 1"a<k9, Reo., 'PPrl<wIlY", ete, Major Tradltlono] Park

P,ulrr" Park

Community Park".

", .. Jgl1bomood Par~s PDrI<.WOlYS l'reJlll-labllal Garrido rs (l,atiCau.."..,

Ofh(Jf F!(Jor""Il!ln Frn;mtr,,~ :hiblot .. 1 PH,ks, .. IC,


151),000 IJ;3,(]OO 153,11[10

$7SYi9 $14,:149 $B9,368

$4,496 $14,557 $1,557 ':W.6~O

$14,1175 $10,950 $8,250 $8,000 $9,866 $6,772 !l7,OOO :li<i,l1 0


$S6,OOO $;,1.25 $f"I iSMS $37;760






SPR(olIA't. j1l19'l'RIC~

lIIDIIl"f~13r publro Schools


3) Urba1"i Dmlnage



, 1 Slapl"oo n Il'IIffasl1lJrnUm 1" ....

, ~ ,l\,.,CB 1 rID< otml A=BSsm ~ n1. I)rs1Ticl.

2)PrI\'1!r.!! C<!p"la!

,~ ,~,tvalQ Fou,ooa.lJons

2) Spe<,;!W 'rmer%!


3) ParkB & OpGn S.p::lce FLLIlooff:

II GmnlProg'~ms ;2~ Tral!~po"'aUOT1 Fl.lndbn(,l i>rotml[fU'

~ I Gena",1 r-toncil· lima n R .. nowa! Tax [!'l<:I'Qrnel1t Fij'lanegng

:11 connection ,Fees 3) NAW GO Bonds ,4) L&ndS"I .. Prolits G) Airprul Sl'~tom

p p
p p
p p
p P
P P P'
P' P P
P p
P p p p p p

s s

6 Commun'!ty 10"0::11111",,

SchoC>l$ Ubj!lf)l

Fir .. SIa.lloi1s Police Siatlons

SuDlota.1 Community FiilOr;~IUIl5


S .. "t;:T ICI\I v r'" DF ..,.~ .. III:;U,:lM N ... P ....... N

f'INANI'=~A.L. AN ~'I.."'W ~;,Io

Site Development Sources

SlDpreton infrastructure Fee TIle Stapleton Development Plan requires construction of a I1Urn bet of facilities thal providt: benef ts s()~ei.y or primarily to Stapleton. Many of these facilities are of general benefit to the entire Stapleton project. Also, One of the major tenets of the financing plan is to build facilities, where possible, QJi a pay-as-you-go basis. In order to fund these pay-as-you-go facilities, the financing plan calls for a special Stapleton Infrastrucnae Fee to be charged at tl1e mne of development (building penni.t).The fee is similar in structure and illtenL totheproposed Gateway Development Impact Fee that is presently being reviewed Ibylhe City and County. The Stapleton Inftastrucrure Fee may be used to fund the foHowing items:

major roadways and medians bridges and structures

sewer collection lines and facilities water distribution mains and facilities library facilities

police facilities

community parks and recreation facilities trails and habitat. corridors

If adopted, the Ci"IY win establish a. special fund for this fee arid will determine the construction sequence of improvements funded by the fee. 'The fee will be adjusted annually fow inflation and periodically for cost changes as better information becomes availablecencerning tile facilities ..

Many facili~ies. proposed for funding by the Stapleton fni:asltt1LclUrc Fee mayinstead he funded by a special district bond (e.g. roads, sewer, water, park and recreation. improvemenss) with credits against the infrastructure fee. 'J.11e amount of funding from each of these OOUfCe8 will evolve over time based Oil actual needs, ilie pace of developmentand !he abilhy ~o sell bends, Polential application of these funding mechalliSruJ.1S is discussed below,

The Stapleton Infrastructure Fee has beenestimated based On the full bulldoue of the project. However, due to me lengthy abserp-

tion periods for some aflhe office and indusninl land uses, it is likely that ihe fee collecsed wi.ll not be sufficient to construct some irnprevemeats by the lime they are necessary. A similar problem is faced in the Gateway FimiJu:ing PIM. Fillillicillg mechanisms may be necessary to address suoo timing issues.

Local Tax _WId Asse SSlnrJllt D.istricts Colorado In w provides for 8 variety of local tax and assessment districts, Property owners may establish one oftliese districts. through the City mid C .. mnLy to accomplish specific purposes, The City and COllnlymay also be able to. e.~mblillh a district on iL~ own developable propeny. Improvements constructed !IS part of a special improvement district must confer a special! benefit to liTrLe real property which is jncluded within thedistrict and against which an assessment is imposed or levied.

The foUowing briefly describes each of four types of special districts that could be implemented as part of the redevelop" ment of Stapleton:

.•. LocalImprovemene District (LID): An LID is a geographicall area defined in the ordinance adopted by the municipality creatiJilg the district Ie is not a separnte entity. bas 110 power to La x or condemn propertyand does not have a separate governing board. Facilities funded Lypically include: street construetion, curb, gutter and si.dewaillk improvements, water distribution or sewer collection lines or facilities. The property to be assessed mustrecelve a corresponding special benefit, Bonds Ina y be .issued 00 fund improvements.

• General ImprovementDlstrict (GlD): AGID requires that more than 50% of the registered electors wlm own real. property in the proposed district illea petition. The district is 11 quasiIIDloojcipaJ corporation 00£1 polirical subdivision of the state. The governing board of lithe rnnnicipality is the ex-offrcic board of directors of the district, but a separate gov{:ming bowrd may be appointed. The district Cm'UJ k established for ili.e purpose ot'eonstructing or acquid ng any public Improvement although the improvement caunot dupHcate any e~jstil1g or proposed municijpa::! improvement. General Obligation bonds of tl1e dislrict may be issued following approval by the registered voters of the district

• Business Improvement District (BID): A BID requires that 50% of the acreage shall have been developedand used as commercial pmpcrty prior 10 the formation of 'Ililc district The district is a quasi-municipal corporation and pofitical subdivision of the state. The governing board of the municipality is the ex-officio board of direct on; of the district, but the governing board may also be appointed. Improvements authorized for funding are similar to an LID and bonds may be issued.

• TItle 32 Special District; These special districts give landowners the ability to tax and assess property Lo support the issuance of their own bonds 10 finanee infrastructure and to coruml that process w1dlln.1imits. TIlle 32 Special Districrs differ from I:he LID. GID or BID districts ;Uri that the developer. rather than the City and County, controls [be District. The City has historically been opposed 10 such disrriets, but may consider sueh a district at Stapleton under restricted conditions and specialcircumstances, The impact of Amendment L, which limits the CHy and County's revenues and expenditures, may also warrant a new look at Tille 32 Special Districts.

The use of these districrs will evolve over Lime a" dchu financing requirements are identified. IDiff"el'eiu special disrricr applications are likely to OCCUI," within specific development areas at Stapleton. However; these special disnicts will primarily be used to fund improvements benefiting a specific projectand not for a significant portion of the general hnprovements benefiling the entire project,

Priflote Copital

Private funding from developIllelltprojoclS will primarily be used to fund in-unci subdivision improvemems end frontage improvements (mad, curb, gurter, sidewalk, underground utilitles, drainage, neighborhood parks and lzndscaplng), Pniivaue funding may be advanced for certain area-wide irnprovemeats that must be funded lO serve the lll"Ojool with t1J reimbursement agreement. These funding and eonsnuetion agreements, will be handled with Subdivision Improvement Agreements and COl1currellcy Requirements. Local tax or assessment districts discussed above rna y be used to fund some or all of the in-tract Improvement

5.:.:'flO .... v r O~tc .. Q"'1""T PI.JI.N !=!'rrri,H.t~ t:;.j hot- i\N'/I,1, 1" "';,1:1-

Statt!,Regiollal, Federal TrmupOI1.aLiaTl. Fl!fldillg Programs

Major improvements to the £-70 corridor are presently being planned by the Denver Regional Council of Govermnents (DRCOG). The 20[5 Interim Regional Transportatirm Plan identifies the 1-70 corridor from Downtown Denver to DIA as

a Major Transporranon Investment Corridor. Currently $325 million is programmed for investment in the corridor. DRCOO Is beginning a Corridor Study to determine Ole necessary comblnarlon of freeway, arterial reads and/or transit facili ties necessary to serve (he Corridor, It is likely thin Stapleton will gain slgnificam benefit from the recorrnnended imprnvemerns,

Funding for transportation improvements. is avallable from federal, state and !ocallevels. DRCOO's Regional Transportaticn Plan describes transportation funding sources in detai]. The following paragraphs briefly summarize the major eranspanaLion litlllding sources,

Federal funds are programmed under the 1991 Inrermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act OSTEA). These funds are designated for highway, transit and paratransit purposes, :LSTEA provides unprecedented local discretion for directing the funds to road QI" transit projects thal sub:'l:tantially improve LltIe efficiency of [helransporlatiol1 system. Demonstration grants are avmlable lo test new teehnologies or operating systems.

State funds are primarily provided by the Colorado Highway Users Trust Fund, These capital funds are typically used to march federal proje-Cts to leverage a. s much federal money tiS possible.

Local funds for highway and road projects are primarily provided by local government general funds or loca1 government special assessments. The E-470 Authority is a special district designed 10 fund the construction of E-470. Local funds for bus and rail transit are provided roy the RegLomli Transit District sales and use tax and farebox revenues,


Upon closure of SU1:pletoJ1, me' base levels of sales and property

taxes generated by the site will be extremely low. An urban

FQumlouons Olld Special Interest Groups renewal tax increment disrrtct created for 0111 ora portion of the

The unique features of Stapleton associated with a sustainable site in the early stage."> of redevelopment cou ld capture some

community may make improvements eligihlc for funding from portion of 'the new increment associated with redevelopment

a variety of'private foundations, special iruerest group!', and for reinvestment in the site. Revenues from this source have

parks and open space funders, Examples of these opportunities nor been presumed in the financial and infrastructure financing

include the large open space and wildlife habitat corridors, analysis provided here. Use of tax incremenL financing will be

innovative storm drainage systems, advances in transportation a policy decision made by the Mayor, City Council and the

design, energy efficient communities. and environmental DURA Board of Commissioners, -II is likely lhal tax increment

restoration, to name a few. financing will play some rule, and perhaps an illnporumt role, in the financing of infrastructure and site improvemerrts, Use of

Denver City- Wide tax increment financing could reduce the need for infrastruc-

Denver General Obligation Bonds uire fundling from other sources.

~[C rtOI"t1 Y " Dt't'l lOP t_r T PLAN


Grant Programs TIle innovative features of the Stapleton reuse p1.1D. may provide the opportunity to anract grunts from a wide variety of sources including srate, federal and ccrporate sources. 11l1~ extent of grant funding cannot. be known with certainty, bur will reqll1re an opportunistic approach aggressiveI)' pursuing grants where available.

The innovativefeatures of the Stapleton reuse plan may provide the opportunity to attract grants from a wide variety of sources including state.federal and corporate sources.

/'c) mentioned earlier. Denver's voters have historically approved general obligation bonds for parks, schools. libraries and infrastructure of slgnlllcam importance In the City. Some 1.11' Sti:lp~elon's r:aci I ities may qu<llify as providmg city-wide benefit and could be included in future general obligation bond issues.

Denver General FrmdlVroon Renewal Tax Increment Financing Denver has in special Cases shared net new rax revenues from a new development project with the property owner as part of an economic incentive program to achieve City goals. lnitially, the Airport System is the property owner, bur over time the Airport System will convey land to private owners .. Tn order to achieve specific goals, the City and COlmLY, 011 a case-by-case basis, may elect to provide some general fund money [0 specific aspects of'the Development Plan that provide community-wide benefit.

One method of revenue sharmg is through tile redevelopment powers of the Denver Urban Renewal Authority (DURA). The authority can create ID1 urban renewal dlstrlct at Stapleton and use sales lax increment {If property tax increment revenues as the source of repayment for bond financing of infrasuuctnre and improvements. The authority can also reimburse developers for eligible infrastructure improvements through tIIX increment revenues without issuing bonds.

City Profits from tlw Airport. System and Laml Sale Projects Net revenues .of the Airport System may be available to support a li mi led number of early site transition and improvementcosts,

Also potentially available forinvestment are proceeds from ll1e land disposition program llbat can be used to enhance the land values or fu til re sales by reinvesting in the iatrastructure program. Usc of the proceeds of dlspositlonland sales is all open issue and requires negotiation between the City and CuUfl~Y, the airlines, the FAA and other interested parties,

Comu:cli01d"ees TIle major cormeetioa fees include the following:

Waler Tap Fee: funds water treatment and transmission facilities ~ collected by Denver Water Department

SeiVf't Tap Fee: funds wastewater collection and treatmen; facilities - collected by Metro Wastewater Reclamation District and Denver WaJilew<ller Management Division.

Stapleton Airport has already funded both sewer and wHter capacity forthe existing airport operations. As a result, some credits for sewer and water system capacity may beavailable [0 reduce the amourrt of connection fees required from the Stapleton redevelopment project Estimates of lhl;se credits are nut availsblc at thistime .. Alsu. the Cityand County will need 10 determine the most appropriate method {If aUoc!:itmg these benefits to :-.pecific areas or users of me site.

Special Districts

Reginl1lJ.l Tram'P(~rh1Ji(m Dis/rid (KTD) Sales ani! Use Tax Funding for rail transit service and bus service to the Stapleton site will be provided Ihrough a comblnarlon of federaltransit funding marched with local. funding. RTD will likely use a combination of Sales aad Use Tax revenues and other revenues (passenger fares, etc.) 10 fund capital. improvements. RTD is presently studying a rail alignment from Downtown Denver to DlA along with several other transit corridors inthe metropolitan area,

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D~J1:",gr Public Sclwols Denver Public Schools (DPS), a separare entity ftom the Ci!y and County of Denver, hi responsible for providing K-12 public school facilities. School facilities are traditionally funded through the DPS general fund or through general obi i.gali on 1}()I1{L~ authorized by the voters of the school dislricL The most recent bond issue was paR.'ledl in r 9li9 which included .$1 OOmil1i.oll for schools construction, However, no schools located on the Stapleton site are presently planned by lhe school district and no funding is presently available.

In order 10 altracl families to [he proposed resldemial projects included in the Development Plan, a strong schools program will be necessary. Funding for elementary schools at the K-6 level located on the Srapleten sire will be of critical concern.

Enhanced funding for schools located on the Stapleton site may be needed to open schools early ill ihe development process. Funds could be provided by adding a schools component into the STapleton Impact Fee on residential development projects. Charter schools and other altemarives should also be considered for the Stapleton project

Ilrluu: Draillage lUld Flood Control District

Urban Drainage .and Rood Control District is responsible for flood control projects and drainage throughout the region. The Di strict's source of funding for capital and operations is a m W levy agruiflstlhe value of property, Recently, the Ciity and County of Denver has been receiving approximately $1 million annually for flood control projects. Stapleton will have to compete with other City and County projects for a ~hare of this funding. TIle most likely initial project lu be fi.mdoo. is the Westeriy Creek/Sand Creek flood control and restoration project



R[QtJl..J\TORV AND ~,. q, r::T M!!C;HI\NISMS

Mapping Plan, Illusll'Dtes, tho essential siel'l'lents of the public realm" 6IIch ilia ,arterial and prlneipa'l

.. b'ect:.." major opon space and drainage iI'!IM<'IIII, and 6ftQcrill aiRes for Clllfe:, eQI'I;J-Q'l'Pte. g,1' Insll'tutlona. USD'. The mapping plan identifies the MY IP!.Ib!k; d'IKiliion8 thaltwUI be necessary to establish tho CDnununfty stnrohnD within which development a~lvlty can luk." pfa ce,

The mapp]ng plan will be complemented and rein· fOl"Ced bJ" future decisiGns made a:9 part of zoning., platling and district planning a,cti:vilie5.

Uplolllll'nrkl a "" , lIabll!'!l DntiIliIjJ~ Col'fi~{), I H~nll!!t

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- 1M Park Drivc.'



Perhaps one ofthe greatest challenges associated w j U~ the Stapleton project is the creation of regulatory approaches, market mechanlsmsand programs which together can encourage achievement of 1.11.e. project's sustainable development objecLives. TIle development of Stapleton will be influenced by standards, codes and mher requirements relating to land use, buildings, environment, public silj'ety and health, commerce and other subj eet areas, Witllom changes in our ex i sting mel hods, many of the social, economic andenvironmental objecLives of the Stspieton development progl"dH.l will be dtfficukif not impossible to attain. At the same time, the approaches

1'1')1 ied UpOlll must be understood and accepted by the development indusb'y and marketplace.

TIle Development Plan oulllnes a general approach and provides some specific examples, The responsibility for developing these tools will presumably fall 1:0 the newly created developmem entity and tile City and County of Denver, with assistance frominterested individuals and organizaeions within !hc cOJ'lrllmmiLy. The opportunity also exists to draw upon ihe experiences of other communitles across the United States and elsewhere who have bcea experimenting with new approaches 1\0 these same needs.

Will new approaches reaJly be necessary? Clearly some aspects of our existing regulatory and market structures can be readily adapted, Bul many aspects or ow' current practices will inhiblt or even preclude efforts foachicvc Stapleton's lundarnontal social, environmental and economic goals. Many land use and zoning controls tend to segregate uses arid inhibit walkable community structure, Our inabillty to account for a variety of external ities and impacts encmn<lges inefficient lise of resources .. Experimentation continues to determine the most effective means of Linking private job creation with skill development and employment opponunitles for low income and minorily households, New approaches wi~1 be essential to ru]1'i!1 the objectives estahfished jn the St3pLeton Development Principles,

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A New Appmadl

How should our current approaches be modified to support a more sustainable 1'01'111 of development? The folluwing guidelines provide a start;

.' Regulation is unavoidable, butt is not by itself the answer; Market-based approaches that incorporate signals, feedback anti incentives must play an increasingly larger role.

• So called "third sector" andcornrnunity-based organizations can pIny importanll'OJes in advancing community objectives, Such entiues already play significant roles in areas such as affordabte housing, employment [t'aining and social services. Achieving Stapleton's sustainable development objectives will require mechanisms for establishing and operating essential prograrns. A mix of public. private and nonprofit approaches will be required.

• Where possible, regulatory structures need to become 1'!lO!'8 "erFo!'lmmcc oriented -concerned less with what people do and IIIme wilh how they do it. Regulation call sometimes be static and respond slowly to continuing changes in markets and technologies.

• Prescriptive regulation ("Use thismareriak" "ln~Ja.l1lhis equipment") should be used only as a lasr resort, Instead, regulation should establish objectives (energy usc per 11OUse~old. water consumprion per capita) and provide incentives and a range of options for achieving those objectives. Staadards and methods for achieving them should evolve over time.

• Over time, full-cost accounting will provide the most accurate J!cL of signals 10 businesses and individuals. These signals may be distorted Wday by failure to account for externalities, failure 10 consider life cycle costs, subsidies between activities and users, ere. The ehsllcnge will be to move towards more accurate market signals for activities wiih:in the Stapleton sil:e wiiliout ereatin..g a short-term disincentive tor siteirrvestors and users.






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~ Regulatory, market and programmatic approaches should create long-term benefits and value for Staplelull residents, visitors and investors. Potential benefits include increased competitiveness due to efficiency gains, improved worker productivity, protection from increasing regularory demands, increased community stability and increased CIJStomer/employee/eomm unity loyalty.

The enormity oJ'this tusk should not. be underestlrnared. Anenrion must be given 10 a whole variety of land use, design. lnfrastmeturc, resource management, service delivery, eornmunity linkage and community instnnrion <lSpeCIS ot ihe program, One of SlllpJelon's b'1etu'eS[ strengths, however, is the fact the site is publicly owned. This circumstance provides agreat opportunity for community innovation in these areas, Sttllpletol1 must be viewed as a "zone of innovation", where new approaches Lo all al>-pcclx of the project's institutional framework: will be definedand implemented. Success in creating new models that encourage innovation and support sustainable development objectives wiU contribute greatly 10 the market identity and appeal of the Stapleton site.


The projecs's institutional framework can be divided conceptually into two components:

1. Those decisions largely within the control of the project's sponsor/master developer (the City and County and new development. entity). This category includes such thillgS <IS basic decisiens on community infrastructure. hillel. use, urben design and financial policies, IIi)! essentlal ihar the choices involved in addressing these aspects of the development program result in a circumstance that is as supportive as possible of the program's sustainebte development objectives.

2. Those decisions lhat will be made by many businesses, households and individuals.

Atlhis second level, the challenge is to find ways 10 influence and support the decisions made hy businesses. households and individuals over [he course of the development and operadon

- --- - - - - -

'LANe. usit ·CQNT1IiOi.S .~ iONU'ifG A·NO De;;s'IGN: GU:lciE;LLNE:S'

no of the most hasic and important components ofH~e

institutional framework will be the zoning. des,ign guide-

Lines and other tools used to regulare the physical form of the

Srapleton eommunlry and encourage the pattern of develop-

ment described ill fue Staplefon Development Plan, The spe-

cific structure will likel y be accmbinarion of some exis I ins

approaches as well as tools and methods developed to

address Stapleton-'s unique circumstances and objectives,

The structure will in-elude three -comporlcnls. including i)

broad Ilm.d use ccmrols nt the suewidelevel. 2) more detailed

desit,'fII eomrols for' difiLJict~ .. am.!3} amix olsl.Wl-

dams. and programs applicable aJ the individual project scale,

Sitewide. Cmwv/s ~ A Public Framework Mapping lPlrul and new wnderUylng znne district will be adopted for the ~ite.

The mapping plan will identify essential elements of the public realm, such as arterial and principal streets, major open spaeeand drainage aFt:8:-\ and. sites for public facilities. The underlying zone district wil1 e8tablj,~l1 the basic for private devclopmeDt. TIu; ZiOIUng will establish basic use and dem:ily relationships, consistent with the Development Plan. It will provide substantial flexibility and encourage me integration of uses and! densities in subareas,

Districr Level' CUrHrol~ ~ Districs plans and design gllicrelines w ill be developed for each District District plal'ls will provide more delai 100 definition uf street and block panems, building rel1ltionslrlps and rhe design cbaraeteristics of District centers. Enforceable design guldelines will address issues such as eonsnucrlon qUality. height. denf!!ty, massing, setbacks, solar access, pedestrian systems. parking, landscaping, etc,, Incentives afld PNJgramlllllfic A ctillilios at the PT(~.iectL(!'Pet ~ Approaches to encouraging reso-urce efflclent design. reduced reliance an the automobile and strong'er OOm~ munity linkages will also inlluem.'C the physical design uf individual buildillgs and. subareas, These provisions, iII combinatlon with Ule subarea guidelines, will be extremely important in balancing the sustainable development and market acceptance objectives of the Stapleton reuse program.

Basic eemponcnts of the land use control system such as the mapping plrul and master rezoning will need to be early priorlues, Di~llia plunsc:an be phased over time as difterellt portions of the site are brought on tine. Basic standards, design guidelines and other programraaric elements will be needed

10 govern disposition of land Un! Districts designated for first phase marketing and dispesilion, It is anticipated mru the Ilewly created Stapleton development entiry will play a significant role incmfimg and implememmg w.any of the elements of the land useregulaicry strucnire.

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of the site. How will regulation, market mechanisms and progrnmmatic inltiatives lead to reduced consumption of resources, support expanded economic opportunitiesand promote diverse, successful eornm LII'D ities?

One major area of emphasisfor the project is to substantially reduce me resources consumed and environmental impacts created by employment, housing and other lnrman activity accommodated 011 the site. The project's basic resource management objectives can be sunnnarized as reduce. reuse .;md recycle. This philosophy in turn can reduce waste velumes, emissions and other impacts. At !]]e macro seale, the commitrnern 1.0 mixed use villages, imelligent infrastruclure, diverse mobility options and restoration and preservation of natural systems will contribute :significantly 10 achievement of these objectives. Beyond these corraninnene ... however, 11m project also vrequlres successful approaches al the scale of individual projOlctsJdevelopers/ businesses/households.

There is a rule for regulation, market approaches and programmatic initiatives ill achieving these objectives, Regulatory approaches will be important ill areas such as defining overall urban design requirements, preserving solar access, establishing minimum energy and water efficiency standards for buildings, requiring waste separetlon and facilltating use of recycled materials in new COIlsnuction. Market rnechanssms will play an important role in pricing of resources, providing incentives to consumers and creating market demand for waste products and recycled materials, Programmatic appr-oaches will be most appropriate in areas such .IS creating renewable energy demonstration projects, providing public education programs, forming a transportation management organizarion 01" facilitating recydUlg of construction waste.

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Clearly these are bUI a few examples of a wide range of approaches that may be necessary for Stapleton [0 achieve irs dual objectives of succeeding in the marketplace and succeedingas a model or responsible resource management. The mix of what is required, what is encouraged and what is actively promoted through programs will vary from one subject area to another. Only a llexible, user friendly and relatively comprehensive approach. however, will succeed in reducing resource consumption and errvironmenral impacts over time.

Similar challenges and opportunities apply with respect 10 the program's social and econumjc goals. Objectives such as diversi~y .. improved educational opportunities, job training and placemerit linkages and support tor new forms of child and elder care cannot simply be mandated by regulation. Success in these areas will also require a mix of approaches, w.ith a very heavy emphasis on progremmatlc activities and market mechanisms. As with resource management, it is essential [hat the underlying ccrnmuaiiy suuclure be supportive of these objectives, Good land planning, infrastructure design and financial policies alone, however, will not insure successfal cornmunities that effectively address Stapleton's social and economic objectives.

Regulatory approaches can assist with such fuings as insuringa mix of housing types and densities, or requiring Ihat Commercial and public services be located Where they are mosr accessible by fool and transit, Market mechanisms can provide support for private provision of ehildcare, elder care or specialty forms of housing (co-housing, continuing care environments, erc.), Many of these activities, however, will most likely be addressed fhrough programmatic actlv ities, For example. model education programs, training and p1accmcnL linkages with. the Lowry community college facilities or local youth involvement in site restoration and management will all require a programmatic base nr some sort, Stapleton mus.1 become a place nf innovation in terms of human instituuons as well as physical development.


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