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Paragraphlength de!cription o" #oo$% &#l'r#&
(ate "ir!t p'#li!hed in an) edition
*n) availa#le in"o on the p'#lication hi!tor)
*n) other comment!
+n"ormation !peci"ic to print edition
,.g. -'!.ell li#rar)% /01.4 #/1h c./.
+mage o" "ront o" #oo$% 2/00 pi3el! .ide
+mage o" !pine% 2/00 pi3el! high
P'#li!her code o" electronic edition% a! a!!igned #) the CC,L
*'thor +( a! a!!igned #) p'#li!her
-oo$ +( a! a!!igned #) p'#li!her
,dition or ver!ion o" electronic edition
Comment! a#o't editorial practice!4 .hether !pelling
.a! normali5ed% .hat .a! done .ith endo"line
h)phen!% correction! made% tagging practice!% etc.
* li!t o" p'#li!hed edition! and change!
C'rrent editorial6p'#lication !tat'! o" te3t
7ther comment!
T8*9SL*T78:S P8,;*C,
TH, (edication to <ing ,d.ard the Si3th i! remar$a#l) intere!ting% a! it re"er! to the character
o" Poper) at that da)% and to it! manoe'vre! .ith regard to a =eneral Co'ncil. The lang'age i!
!trong% and perhap! ro'gher than .hat .o'ld #e at pre!ent '!ed% #'t !till tr'e according to all .e
gather "rom hi!tor) a! to the !tate o" thing! in tho!e da)!. The main principle! o" Poper) are !till
the !ame% and !imilar are it! proceeding!% tho'gh the) ma) #e more di!g'i!ed% and it! !pirit i!
e>'all) intolerant and per!ec'ting. Li$e Mahomedani!m% it i! e3cl'!ive% and ever in?'rio'! to the
harmon) and peace o" !ociet).
The order in .hich the ,pi!tle! are arranged i! not the !ame a! in o'r ver!ion. There ha! not #een
a 'ni"ormit) in thi! re!pect among the ancient!. The rea!on "or the arrangement here adopted .a!
pro#a#l) thi!% that the ;ir!t ,pi!tle o" Peter% and the ;ir!t o" @ohn% had% "rom the #eginning% #een
'niver!all) ac$no.ledged a! gen'ine% .hile the ,pi!tle o" @ame!% the Second o" Peter% and that
o" @'de% had not "rom the "ir!t #een 'niver!all) received a! canonical% tho'gh the) .ere
event'all) !o received. The Second and the Third ,pi!tle o" @ohn .ere evidentl) not deemed #)
Calvin a! AcatholicBC and "or thi! rea!on% a! it !eem!% he omitted them.
The .ord ACatholic%C or =eneral% a! applied to the ,pi!tle! here e3plained% ha! #een di""erentl)
'nder!tood. Some have tho'ght that the) have #een th'! called% #eca'!e the) contain catholic
tr'th!B #'t other ,pi!tle! might% "or thi! rea!on% #e al!o called catholic. 7ther! have !'ppo!ed that
catholic i! !)non)mo'! .ith canonicalB #'t in thi! ca!e al!o there i! no more rea!on "or appl)ing
the .ord to the!e ,pi!tle! than to an) other ,pi!tle!. -'t the more pro#a#le opinion i!% that the)
.ere called Catholic% or =eneral% #eca'!e the) .ere not .ritten to an) partic'lar Ch'rch% #'t to
@e.i!h or to =entile Chri!tian! generall). Moreover% the term .a! not given them at "ir!t% #'t in
!'#!e>'ent age!.
The mo!t pro#a#le dates o" the five ,pi!tle! here e3plained are the " 4 D
The ,pi!tle o" @ame!% *.(. E1
The ;ir!t ,pi!tle o" Peter% *.(. E5
The Second ,pi!tle o" Peter% *.(. E5
The ;ir!t% ,pi!tle o" @ohn
*.(. EF
Thi! i! the order according to the date! mo!t approved #) the learned. There i!% "or the mo!t part%
a 'nanimit) a! to the date! o" the three "ir!t ,pi!tle!B #'t .ith regard to the ,pi!tle o" @'de% and
the ;ir!t ,pi!tle o" @ohn% there i! not the !ame agreement. There are man) .ho "i3 later date!4 to
@'de% 10% and to @ohn% 11 or 1/. -'t thi! i! a matter o" no great con!e>'ence.
9o do'#t can #e ?'!tl) entertained #'t that @*M,S% called the Le!!% .a! the a'thor o" the ,pi!tle.
He .a! the !on o" *lphae'! or Cleopa!% and o" Mar)% pro#a#l) a co'!in% not a !i!ter% o" Mar) the
mother o" o'r Lord. Hence he i! called o'r Lord:! #rother% G
=alatian! 1411BJ that i!% a near
relative% a! the Kord #rother i! o"ten ta$en in Script're. He too$ a leading part in the co'ncil held
at @er'!alem% mentioned in *ct! 15B and% according to Jerome, he re!ided there thirt) )ear!% and
pre!ided over the Ch'rch. He .a! p't to death% a! Hege!ipp'! relate!% .ho "lo'ri!hed in the
!econd cent'r)% #) a t'm'lt'o'! mo#% e3cited #) @e.i!h 5ealot!% in the )ear E/.
The canonicit) o" @ame!:! ,pi!tle ha! #een a !'#?ect o" di!p'te% tho'gh almo!t 'niver!all)
allo.ed in the pre!ent da). The "act! re!pecting it% according to Basnage, are the!e% D ('ring
the three "ir!t cent'rie! it .a! not e3ten!ivel) $no.nB in the "o'rth cent'r) it! a'thenticit) .a!
#) some di!p'tedB #'t in the "i"th cent'r) it .a! 'niver!all) ac$no.ledged a! gen'ineB and it ha!
ever !ince #een !o ac$no.ledged% .ith a ver) "e. e3ception!. Khat !eem! to #e a !'""icient
evidence in it! "avor i! the "act% that it i! "o'nd a! a part o" Hol) Script're in the "ir!t S)riac
Ler!ion% .hich .a! made earl) in the !econd cent'r).
The occa!ion o" .riting the ,pi!tle appear! to have #een the a#'!e made o" the doctrine o" "ree
grace #) pro"e!!ing Chri!tian!% D a !'#?ect re"erred to al!o #) Pa'l in 8oman! vi.% and in hi!
other ,pi!tle!. *#o'nding grace i! at one time de!pi!ed and re?ectedB at another time it i! t'rned
into licentio'!ne!!4 the!e are evil! .hich have ever prevailed in the Ch'rch. The Phari!ee i! too
pro'd to receive graceB the *ntinomian pretend! to receive and magni") grace% that he ma)
grati") the inclination! o" hi! !in"'l nat're. +t .a! again!t the *ntinomian that @ame! .rote hi!
*ccording to Lardner and Macknight, the ,pi!tle .a! addre!!ed to the .hole @e.i!h nation% at
home and a#road% #eliever! and 'n#eliever!B according to Grotius and Wall, to the @e.!
di!per!ed a#road indi!criminatel)% #elieving and 'n#elievingB according to Michaelis, to the
#elieving @e.!% .hile the 'n#elieving .ere not overloo$edB #'t according to Beza and Scott, to
the !cattered @e.! .ho pro"e!!ed the Chri!tian "aith. *nd thi! la!t opinion ha! the !tronge!t
rea!on! and evidence in it! "avor.
Kith regard to the First ,pi!tle o" P,T,8% there ha! never #een a do'#t re!pecting it!
gen'inene!!. Thi! *po!tle too$ a prominent part at "ir!t in the ca'!e o" Chri!tianit)% #'t o" hi!
la#or! a"ter the co'ncil at @er'!alem% in the )ear 41% recorded in *ct! 15.% .e have no acco'nt in
Script're. Mention i! indeed made% in
=alatian! /411% o" hi! #eing a"ter.ard! at *ntioch. +t
ha! #een ?'!tl) concl'ded "rom the !'per!cription o" thi! ,pi!tle that he e3erci!ed hi! mini!tr) in
tho!e part! .hich are here mentioned.
+t .a! tho'ght #) Beza and Grotius that the ,pi!tle .a! addre!!ed to converted @e.!B #'t #)
Doddridge, Macknight, and Scott, to Chri!tian! in general% #oth @e.! and =entile!. The latter
opinion i! the mo!t pro#a#le. The arg'ment! a!!igned #) Horne, in hi! +ntrod'ction% in "avor o"
the "ormer opinion% are #) no mean! !ati!"actor).
Kith regard to the Second ,pi!tle o" P,T,8% do'#t! have #een entertained #) !ome a! to it!
a'thenticit). +t appear! that it .a! not at "ir!t !o .idel) $no.n a! hi! ;ir!t ,pi!tleB and thi! .a!
pro#a#l) the rea!on .h) there .ere !ome d'ring the "ir!t three cent'rie! .ho did not regard it a!
gen'ine. -'t it ha! #een >'oted a! a part o" Script're #) !ome o" the earlie!t ;ather!% and "'ll)
ac$no.ledged a! a'thentic #) tho!e o" the "o'rth and !'cceeding cent'rie!.
The First ,pi!tle o" @7H9 ha! "rom the #eginning #een 'ni"orml) received a! a portion o" (ivine
8evelation. Some di""erence ha! e3i!ted a! to the per!on! "or .hom it .a! e!peciall) intended%
D a matter o" no great importance. Some have !'ppo!ed it to have #een .ritten "or the @e.i!h
Chri!tian! in @'deaB #'t other!% .ith more pro#a#ilit)% "or Chri!tian! generall)% #oth @e.i!h and
Tho'gh there i! no name attached to it% )et there ha! #een 'niver!al con!ent "rom the #eginning
that @ohn .a! it! a'thorB and indeed the !t)le o" it thro'gho't i! !'""icient to !he. that he .a! the
.riter o" itB "or hi! =o!pel and the -oo$ o" 8evelation are in thi! re!pect e3actl) ali$eB and it i! a
!t)le pec'liarl) hi! o.n.
@M(,% or @'da!% .a!% a! he !a)!% the #rother o" @ame!% and there"ore the !on o" *lphae'! or
Cleopa!. Tho'gh he doe! not call him!el" an apo!tle% )et he proved him!el" to #e !o #) !a)ing
that he .a! the #rother o" @ame!. He i! called% a! @ame! .a!% the #rother o" o'r Lord%
Matthe. 10455. Ke have in Script're no acco'nt o" hi! mini!tr) a"ter the da) o" Penteco!t.
Hi! ,pi!tle .a! not at "ir!t 'niver!all) received a! canonical. Thi! i! ac$no.ledged #) rigen,
!use"ius, and Jerome# at the !ame time% the) them!elve! !o regarded itB and @erome !a)! that in
hi! da) it .a! #) mo!t received a! gen'ineB and it ha! #een >'oted a! a part o" Script're #)
$lement o" *le3andria% %ertullian, $&ril o" @er'!alem% 'thanasius, 'm"rose, and 'ugustine(

That !ome o" the ,pi!tle! .ere not 'niver!all) received a! a'thentic at "ir!t i! no matter o"
.onder% .hen .e con!ider the !cattered condition o" the Ch'rch% and the !cant) mean! o"
comm'nication. The "act% that some had do'#t! re!pecting them doe! not in the lea!t degree
invalidate their gen'inene!!B on the contrar)% it ha! cond'ced to !trengthen the evidence in their
"avorB "or the do'#t! o" !ome m'!t have occa!ioned a more min'te in>'ir) a! to their
a'thenticit). *nd it .a! not long #e"ore all the ,pi!tle!% a#o't .hich there had #een !ome do'#t!%
had attained the 'niver!al appro#ation o" the Ch'rchB and .hat Lardner !tate! i! .orth) o"
!pecial attention% D That no .riting!% received #) the primitive Ch'rch a! gen'ine% have #een
!ince proved to #e !p'rio'!B and that no .riting!% regarded #) it a! !p'rio'!% have #een !ince
proved to #e gen'ine.
The ,ditor m'!t mention here% .hat perhap! he o'ght to have mentioned #e"ore% D that in hi!
tran!lation! he ha! not al.a)! retained .hat i! called the hi!torical pre!ent ten!e% .hich i! o"ten
'!ed #) $alvin, according to the practice o" Latin and =ree$ .riter!% and al!o o" the Prophet!
and the ,vangeli!t!. Thi! mode o" .riting doe! not accord .ith the '!age o" the pre!ent da).
7'r tran!lator! have not #een 'ni"orm in thi! re!pect either in the 9e. or the 7ld Te!tamentB "or
the) !ometime! departed "rom the original a! to thi! ten!e% tho'gh% "or the mo!t part% the)
retained it. *!% "or in!tance% in
@ohn 1140140% the hi!torical pre!ent i! not retained in the
01th% .hile it i! retained in the 40th ver!e. The anomalie! a! to the ten!e! o"ten met .ith%
e!peciall) in the P!alm!% have ari!en "rom overloo$ing thi! pec'liarit). The "'t're in He#re. i!
ver) o"ten '!ed "or the pre!entB and thi! i! the hi!torical pre!ent% and o'ght to #e rendered in o'r
lang'age in the pa!t ten!e.
THRUSSLNGTON, Sept.. 29, 1855.
,(K*8( TH, S+NTH
@7H9 C*LL+9.
-,H7L(% + ret'rn to )o' again% mo!t e3cellent <ing. ;or tho'gh + did not e3pect that the
Commentarie! on +!aiah% .hich + latel) dedicated to )o'r Ma?e!t)% .ere a .orth) gi"t% )et it .a!
o""ered .ith m) heart) good .i!he!. + have% there"ore% tho'ght o" adding the Catholic ,pi!tle!% a!
the) are commonl) called% a! a !'pplement to ma$e 'p a "'ll mea!'re% !o that #oth might come
to )o'r hand! at the !ame time. *nd do'#tle!!% !ince the) .ere .ritten either to =entile! "ar
di!tant% or to !'ch a! inha#ited vario'! co'ntrie! "ar a!'nder% it i! nothing ne. to them to pa!!
over the !ea% and to ma$e a long circ'it in coming to )o'r Ma?e!t). *t the !ame time + th'! a! a
private individ'al o""er to )o'% mo!t ill'!trio'! <ing% m) la#or!% that #eing p'#li!hed 'nder )o'r
name% the) ma) pro"it all.
*nd tr'l)% i" there ha! ever #een a time .hen the tr'th o" =od o'ght to have #een "reel) and
#oldl) maintained% it ha! never #een more nece!!ar) than in the pre!ent da)% a! all m'!t !ee. 9ot
to mention the atrocio'! cr'elt) e3erci!ed to.ard! it! pro"e!!or!% to omit al!o all tho!e
machination! #) .hich Satan "ight! again!t it% !ometime! covertl) and !ometime! openl)% there
are place! in .hich the p're doctrine o" 8eligion latel) prevailed% #'t .here no. the !atellite! o"
the 8oman *ntichri!t% #) their !p'rio'! de"ormation! !o moc$ Chri!t a! tho'gh the) gave a reed
in hi! hand in!tead o" a !cepter% and laid a cro.n o" thorn! on hi! head. Khen the!e cra"t)
corr'pter! o" the p'rit) o" the =o!pel hope #) their art! grad'all) to e3ting'i!h it% .ith .hat
co.ardice do the) connive at the!e moc$erie! o""ered to Chri!t% .ho o'ght to have ha5arded
their li"e a h'ndred time! rather than to redeem it "or a ver) !hort time #) their per"idio'!
+n the meantime% the Pope him!el"% to complete the la!t traged) o" cr'ci")ing the Son o" =od% i!
!aid to have !'mmoned again hi! o.n ma!$ed co'ncil. Tho'gh he marche! .ith hi! !avage
!oldier) to o#literate the name o" Chri!t and to de!tro) hi! Ch'rch% )et ever) $ind o" co'ncil i! to
him a! a !acred !.ord% to ma$e !la'ghter a! it .ere a !olemn rite. Th'! Pa'l'! the Third% .hen
he had re!olved to $ill and de!tro) all #) .hom the de"en!e o" tr'th .a! pre"erred to their o.n
li"e% made a !ho. at Trent o" that odio'! !pectre% tho'gh di!g'i!ed in "ine color!% that he might
p't an end to the =o!pel a! it .ere #) it! th'nder!. -'t all that preparation% .hen the good
"ather! had #eg'n% thro'gh !ome gleam! emitted at the !e!!ion!% to da55le the e)e! o" the !imple%
.a! p't an end to #) a !ecret and !'dden #la!t "rom the hol) !eat% and vani!hed into !mo$e%
e3cept that "or the p'rpo!e o" contin'ing the terror% a little clo'd re!ted "or a time on -ononia.
Hence @'li'!% hi! !'cce!!or% .ho had per"ormed hi! part previo'!l) at Trent% i! !aid to #e
preparing him!el" no. "or thi! !tratagem% a! tho'gh thi! onl) remained a! mean! to o#literate the
=o!pel "rom the memor) o" men% that i!% to "'lminate again!t '! .ith the horri#le and terri"ic
decree! o" co'ncilB tho'gh man) thin$ that he onl) ma$e! a preten!e. -'t it !igni"ie! #'t little
.hether he pretend! or reall) mean! to call a co'ncil. +t i! indeed a thing clear and .ell proved%
that !ince the Papac) #egan to decline thro'gh the e""ort! o" L'ther% .hoever occ'pied that
citadel o" t)rann)% tho'gh the) might hope to o#tain !ome !'pport "rom a co'ncil% the) )et have
!h'nned thi! $ind o" remed) in .a) !imilar to a !ic$ man% .ho% #eing all over "'ll o" 'lcer!%
dread! even the to'ch o" the mo!t tender ph)!ician. There"ore common even among children i!
the !a)ing% that the Papac) cannot other.i!e #e a!!i!ted #) a co'ncil than #) ca'teri5ing or
-'t + !ee no ca'!e .h) the Pope! dread co'ncil! !o m'ch% e3cept that "ear i! an in!epara#le
companion o" a #ad con!cience. ;or .hat% + pra)% .a! the late ra##le at Trent% Gto .hich )et the)
gave the name o" a hol)% general% and ec'menical !)nod%J #'t a !ort o" empt) apparition% .hich
no more di!t'r#ed the plea!'re! o" the Pope than the clangor o" tr'mpet!% or the !o'nd o" dr'm!%
.ith .hich he dail) am'!e! him!el"O Kere% indeed% a !)nod "rom all part! reall) a!!em#led% here
might #e !ome ca'!e o" "ear% le!t a di!t'r#ance% ari!ing in !o great a m'ltit'de% !ho'ld occa!ion a
greater t'm'lt. -'t #) !'ch "ictitio'! co'ncil! a! that o" Trent% .ho can #elieve that a Pope co'ld
#e terri"ied an) more than #) children:! rattle!% #'t that on the contrar) he .o'ld !.eetl)
!l'm#er a! thro'gh the #landi!hment! o" a >'ieter !leepO ;or e3ample% t.o or three cardinal!
!hall #e cho!en #) the Pope% #eing hi! #o!om "riend!% .ho !hall .ield all the a'thorit). The !ame
t)rant .ill hire "rom hi! co'rtier! !ome greed) "ello. "or a "e. d'cat! a month% .ho% #eing
clothed in the ma!$ o" a patriarch% .ill !ervilel) declare a! hi! o.n opinion .hat had #een
dictated to him. S'ch .a! that #lind 8o#ert at Trent% .hom + !a. !ome time ago at 8ati!#on%
#'!)ing him!el"% not le!! "ooli!hl) than .ic$edl)% in #ehal" o" the Pope% .hen #) hi!
inveiglement! he tried to dra. me to a con"erence .ith Contaren'!. There .ill "l) together "rom
all +tal) the threehal"penn) #i!hop!% o" .hom there .ill #e a va!t a#'ndance. There .ill come
al!o "rom ;rance and Spain !ome o" the lightheaded and "at'ito'!% and other! in"amo'! "or the
vice! o" their "ormer li"eB .ho a"ter.ard! ret'rning home .ill #oa!t that the) had rendered a
good and "aith"'l !ervice to the Catholic Ch'rch. Moreover% there .ill come "orth "rom the cave!
o" mon$! a great con"l'3 o" "rog! into that mar!h% .ho #) their eager croa$ing .ill #ani!h "ar
a.a) ever) tr'th. KhatP do + imagine here a ne. thing% or do + not% on the contrar)% correctl)
de!cri#e the a!!em#l) .hich .a! latel) !een at TrentO
Kh) then i! it that the Pope dread! the!e g'ardian! o" hi! o.n tri#'nal% .ho are all% in the first
place% hi! o.n !ervile creat're!B and .ho% in the second place% !ee$ no other thing than to gain #)
an) mean! hi! "avorO
7'r @'li'! e!peciall)% .ho i! a veteran in matter! o" thi! $ind% can in moc$er)% .henever he
plea!e!% compo!e !'ch a co'ncil a! thi!% !o a!% in the meantime% to leave a! '!'al the thing
'ndone. *nd% indeed% a! he ha! given to man) o" the (ominican! the red cap% it !eem! to #e no
o#!c're prel'de o" !'ch an event. Thi! order% a! the) !a)% ha! ever #een in "avor .ith himB #'t
!'ch pro"'!ion ari!e! "rom a higher ca'!e. He% indeed% $no.! .ell% that none are more !hamele!!
than the!e #eggarl) "ello.!% a! he ha! o"ten emplo)ed at hi! nod their illi#eral and !ordid
!ervice!. Khen he rai!ed them again to thi! dignit)% he $ne. that .hatever he might #id them to
do% none .o'ld #e more a'dacio'! or more cr'el than the). -e!ide!% he i! not ignorant that mo!t
o" the!e h'ngr) dog!% "eeding on the !ame re.ard!% .o'ld r'!h into an) contention! he .i!he!. +
do not% ho.ever% !a) that the) are mi!ta$en .ho declare that he doe! not de!ire a co'ncil. -'t
.hen he ha! arranged hi! o.n theater% !ome !'dden !torm .ill #e rai!ed .ith no great tro'#le%
.hich .ill di!t'r# the .hole proceeding. Hence% at the ver) #eginning% i" hi! o.n advantage !o
re>'ire it% he .ill "old 'p the c'rtain!. * co'ncil% ho.ever% tho'gh an empt) phantom% he thin$!
to #e to him li$e Herc'le!:! cl'#% to la) Chri!t pro!trate% and to #rea$ in piece! the remnant o" the
Khen thi! prince o" impiet) !o .ic$edl) trample! 'pon the glor) o" o'r =od and the !alvation o"
men% doe! it #ecome '! #) !ilence to #etra) the !acred ca'!eO na)% .e o'ght to 'ndergo h'ndred
death!% .ere that po!!i#le% rather than to !'""er !o 'n.orth)% .ic$ed% and #ar#aro'! oppre!!ion
o" !o'nd doctrine to contin'e 'n$no.n thro'gh o'r !loth.
-'t let '! grant .hat i! hardl) credi#le% that the Pope .ith hi! #and doe! !erio'!l) intend to call a
co'ncil. +n that ca!e Chri!t .ill not% at the "ir!t vie.% #e !o gro!!l) moc$edB )et in thi! .a) a
.ic$ed con!pirac) .o'ld #e "ormed *gain!t him4 na)% the greater the "ame o" the gravit) and
!plendor o" the Papal co'ncil% the more in?'rio'! .o'ld it #e to the Ch'rch% and a more dread"'l
pe!t .o'ld it prove. ;or it cannot po!!i#l) #e hoped% that an a!!em#l) gathered 'nder the
a'thorit) o" *ntichri!t% !ho'ld #e governed #) the Spirit% or that the !lave! o" Satan !ho'ld
e3erci!e an) moderation. +n the "ir!t place% the Pope% the pro"e!!ed and !.orn enem) o" Chri!t%
.o'ld occ'p) there the chie" place o" a'thorit). Tho'gh he .o'ld e!peciall) pretend to a!$ the
opinion! o" the ;ather! !itting there% )et #eing terri"ied #) hi! pre!ence% the) .o'ld all "ollo.
.hat .o'ld plea!e him. -'t in an a!!em#l) "'ll) agreeing in ever) impiet)% .hat need .o'ld
there #e o" di!!im'lationO S'ch% + have no do'#t% i! ever) one o" the cardinal!. +n that ver)
college% .hich pretend! to #e a holier !enate% there prevail!% it i! evident% an ,pic'rean contempt
o" =od% a !avage hatred o" tr'th% a ra#id "'r) again!t all the pio'!. Then the order o" #i!hop!%
doe! it not con!i!t nearl) o" the !ame mon!ter!O e3cept that man) among them are !loth"'l a!!e!%
.ho neither openl) de!pi!e =od% nor ho!tilel) oppo!e !o'nd doctrineB )et the) are !o enamo'red
.ith their o.n depraved !tate% that the) cannot end're an) re"ormation. *dd to thi!% that
a'thorit) .ill re!ide almo!t .holl) .ith the "e.% .ho% #eing indeed altogether de!tit'te o" an)
concern "or tr'e religion% .ill !he. them!elve! the mo!t "ierce !'pporter! o" the 8oman See4
other! .ill ma$e 'p the n'm#er. *! ever) one o" the!e .ill !pea$ the mo!t atrocio'! thing!
again!t '!% there .ill #e man) not onl) o" tho!e .ho ma) onl) give their vote!% #'t al!o o" the
prince!% .ho .ill !'#!cri#e either .illingl) and gladl) according to their o.n inclination!% or
"rom am#ition% or "rom "ear.
+ am not ho.ever% !o 'n?'!t a! not to concede that !ome o" the!e have a !o'nder ?'dgment and
are not other.i!e ill di!po!edB #'t the) do not po!!e!! !o m'ch co'rage% that the) .ill dare to
re!i!t the .ic$edne!! o" the .hole #od). There .ill #e perhap!% amid!t a tho'!and% t.o or three
.ho ma) dare to give a hal"'ttered .ord "or Chri!t% Ga! Peter Pa'l Lergeri'! at TrentJ #'t the
hol) co'ncil o" the ;ather! .ill have a remed) at hand% !o that !'ch ma) not create an) "'rther
tro'#leB "or #eing ca!t into pri!on% the) .ill #e pre!entl) driven to a recantation% or the) .ill have
to pa) the penalt) o" death "or too m'ch "reedom o" !peech% or the) .ill have to drin$ the c'p o"
perpet'al !ilence.
-'t !'ch i! the e>'it) .ith .hich .e are treated% that .e are 'ntamea#le and hopele!!l) perver!e
heretic!% e3cept .e !ee$ "rom the hol) co'ncil the r'le "or the nece!!ar) re"ormation% e3cept .e
ac>'ie!ce .itho't an) dem'r in it! decree!% .hatever the) ma) #e. Ke% indeed% do not !h'n the
a'thorit) o" a legitimate co'ncil% Gi" !'ch co'ld #e had%J a! .e have alread) made !'""icientl)
evident #) clear proo"!. -'t .hen the) re>'ire that .e are to #o. to the ?'dgment o" the chie"
adver!ar) o" Chri!t .itho't an) appeal% and indeed on thi! condition% that religion i! to #e
de"ined at their .ill and plea!'re% and not #) the Kord o" =od% .hat rea!on have .e "or
!'#mi!!ion% e3cept .e are prepared .illingl) and $no.ingl) to den) Chri!tO There i! no rea!on
"or an) one to o#?ect and !a)% that .e di!tr'!t #e"ore the time. Let them give '! a co'ncil in
.hich there .ill #e a "ree li#ert) given to de"end the ca'!e o" tr'th4 i" to that .e re"'!e to come%
and to give a rea!on "or all that .e have done% then the) .ill ?'!tl) charge '! .ith cont'mac).
-'t !o "ar .ill a permi!!ion #e given '! "reel) to !pea$% that there i! no do'#t #'t that .e !hall #e
prevented "rom ma$ing even a !'ita#le de"en!e. ;or ho. can the) li!ten to the clear!o'nding
th'nder! o" tr'th% .ho can #) no mean! #ear .arning! ho.ever #land and conve)ed in !o"t
.hi!per!O -'t thi! the) p'#licl) do D The) invite '!B i! it that the) ma) grant '! !ome place on
the lo.e!t !eat!O 9a)% the) declare that it i! not la."'l to admit an) one to their !itting! e3cept
the anointed and the mitred. Then let them !it% provided .e are heard% declaring the tr'th .hile
!tanding. The) an!.er% that the) "reel) promi!e a hearingB that i!% that having pre!ented a
!'ppliant petition% #eing ordered immediatel) to depart% a"ter the t'r#'lent clamo'r! o" !ome
da)!% .e !hall #e recalled "or the p'rpo!e o" #eing condemned. + !a) clamo'r!% not that an)
altercation o" di!!ident! i! to #e in that a!!em#l)% #'t that the !acred ear! o" #i!hop! having #een
!o irreverentl) o""ended #) '!% the indignit) .ill appear to them intolera#le. +t i! not 'n$no.n
ho. t'm'lt'o'! i! their violence. S'rel)% .hen he) o'ght to determine the ca'!e .ith rea!on%
thi! can never #e o#tained "rom them% .hen not even a !light hearing can #e hoped "or.
Ke !hall endeavor to re!tore =od:! .or!hip to it! p'rit)% p'rged "rom the inn'mera#le
!'per!tition! #) .hich it ha! #een corr'pted. Here the pro"ane orator! .ill chatter a#o't nothing
#'t the in!tit'te!% the old rite! and ceremonie! o" the ;ather!% a! tho'gh the Ch'rch ta'ght #) the
cele!tial mini!tr) o" the prophet! and o" Chri!t $ne. no other .a) o" .or!hipping =od than #)
adopting% in #r'tal !t'pidit)% the dreg! o" 8om'l'!% made "a!cinating #) the anile dotage! o"
9'ma Pompili'!. -'t .here i! that !implicit) o" o#edience .hich the Lord ever).here ma$e! !o
m'ch o" and !o di!tinctl) re>'ire!O
+" the controver!) #e concerning the depravit) o" h'man nat're% the mi!era#le and lo!t !tate o"
man$ind% the grace and o" Chri!t% or the "reene!! o" o'r !alvation% the) .ill immediatel)
#ring "or.ard and dogmaticall) allege the p'tid a3iom! o" the !chool!% a! thing! that o'ght to #e
received .itho't di!p'te. The Hol) Spirit teache! '! in Script're% that o'r mind i! !mitten .ith
!o m'ch #lindne!!% that the a""ection! o" o'r heart are !o depraved and perverted% that o'r .hole
nat're i! !o vitiated% that .e can do nothing #'t !in% 'ntil he "orm! a ne. .ill .ithin '!. He
con!train! '!% condemned to eternal death% to reno'nce all con"idence in o'r o.n .or$!% and to
"lee to o'r onl) a!)l'm% the merc) o" =od% and to tr'!t in it "or all o'r righteo'!ne!!. He al!o%
inviting '! to =od% te!ti"ie! that =od i! reconciled to '! onl) thro'gh the #lood o" Chri!t% and
#id! '! to rel) on Chri!t:! merit!% and to come #oldl) to the heavenl) tri#'nal. That none o" the!e
thing! ma) #e heard% tho!e endle!! decree! are add'ced% to violate .hich i! deemed more
'nla."'l than to di!#elieve =od and all hi! angel!.
7" the !acrament! the) .ill not permit a .ord to #e !aid% di""ering "rom the notion! entertained
o" them. *nd .hat el!e i! thi! #'t to precl'de the po!!i#ilit) o" an) re"ormationO -'t it i! ea!) to
!ho. ho. prepo!tero'! i! the admini!tration o" the !acrament! 'nder the Papac)% !o that hardl)
an)thing #ear! an a""init) to the gen'ine doctrine o" Chri!t. Khat !p'rio'! corr'ption! have crept
in% na)% .hat di!grace"'l !acrilege! have enteredP +t i! not la."'l to move a >'e!tion on thi!
!'#?ect. Hence it i! a common !a)ing .ith theologian!% .hich the) have p'#li!hed ever).here in
their #oo$!4 That the Ch'rch ma) remain !a"e% care m'!t e!peciall) #e ta$en that the co'ncil
!ho'ld not admit a do'#t re!pecting the chie" controver!ie! o" the pre!ent da). Come "orth al!o
ha! latel)% in the +talian lang'age% the in!ipid #oo$ o" one M'ti'!% .itle!!l) #reathing nothing #'t
carnage% in .hich he d.ell! pro"'!el) on thi! point% that nothing el!e i! to #e done #) the
reverend ;ather!% .hen the) meet in co'ncil% #'t to prono'nce .hat alread) appear! to them
right on the .hole !'#?ect% and to compel '! to !'#!cri#e to their !ang'inar) edict!. + !ho'ld not
indeed have tho'ght it nece!!ar) to mention the hoar!e chattering! o" thi! 'nl'c$) o.l% had not
Pope @'li'! recommended the .or$. Hence reader! ma) ?'dge .hat !ort o" co'ncil M'ti'!
recommend!% and i! to #e e3pected "rom @'li'! hi! approver.
*! then .e !ee that the!e antichri!t! r'!h on .ith de!perate pertinacit) in order to de!tro) !o'nd
doctrine% and .ith e>'al in!olence #oldl) e3'lt that the) .ill !et 'p a ma!$ed co'ncil "or no
other p'rpo!e than that% having p't to "light the go!pel% the) ma) cele#rate their o.n victor)B let
'! al!o in o'r t'rn gather co'rage to "ollo. the #anner o" o'r leader% having p't on the armor o"
tr'th. Kere onl) the p're and !imple doctrine o" Script're to !hine "orth a! it o'ght% ever) one%
.ho re"'!e! not to open hi! e)e!% .o'ld ac$no.ledge the Papac) to #e a !avage and an e3ecra#le
mon!ter% made 'p% thro'gh Satan:! art!% o" inn'mera#le ma!!e! o" error!. ;or .e ma$e it evident
#) the mo!t !olid proo"!% that the glor) o" =od i! !o di!tri#'ted #) a !acrilegio'! rending among
"ictitio'! idol!% that hardl) a h'ndredth portion o" hi! right remain! to him. *nd "'rther% .hen
the) re!erve "or him !ome portion o" .or!hip% .e can !ho. that no part o" it i! !incere% ina!m'ch
a! all thing! are "'ll o" the !'per!titio'! invention! o" menB the la. o" =od i! al!o loaded .ith
!imilar device!% "or mi!era#le con!cience! are held #o'nd 'nder the )o$e o" men% rather than
r'led #) =od:! commandment!B and the) groan and toil 'nder the 'n?'!t #'rden o" !o man)
tradition!% na)% the) are oppre!!ed .ith a cr'el t)rann). Ke declare that% prevaricating o#edience
can avail nothing e3cept to lead men to a deeper la#)rinth. Ke !he. clearl) "rom Script're% that
Chri!t:! 'nder the Papac) i! almo!t a#oli!hed% that hi! grace i! in a great mea!'re made
void% that 'nhapp) !o'l! removed "rom him% are in"lated .ith a "atal con"idence in their o.n and .or$!. Ke prove that pra)er to =od% !'ch a! i! pre!cri#ed #) hi! .ord% G.hich )et i!
the onl) tr'e a!)l'm o" !alvationJ i! .holl) !'#verted. Ke plainl) !he. that the !acrament! are
ad'lterated #) e3traneo'! invention!% and are al!o tran!"erred to a "oreign p'rpo!eB "or the
o" the Spirit i! impio'!l) tied to them% and .hat i! pec'liar to Chri!t i! a!cri#ed to them. Then .e
di!o.n the n'm#er seven, .hich the) have pre!'mpt'o'!l) adopted. The ma!! al!o% .hich the)
imagine to #e a !acri"ice% .e prove to #e a di!grace"'l denial o" the !acri"ice o" Chri!t. There are
man) other !acrilegio'! thing! o" .hich .e ma$e it evident that the) are g'ilt).
(o'#tle!!% .ere onl) the Script're allo.ed it! o.n a'thorit)% there are none o" the!e thing!
re!pecting .hich o'r adver!arie! .o'ld not #e con!trained to #e m'te. *nd thi! i! .hat the) #)
no mean! di!!em#le% .hen the) contend that to the am#ig'o'! meaning o" Script're% .e
o'ght to !tand !olel) on the ?'dgment o" the Ch'rch. Kho% + pra)% doe! not !ee% that #) la)ing
a!ide the .ord o" =od% the .hole right o" de"ining thing! i! th'! tran!"erred to themO Tho'gh
the) ma) $i!! the clo!ed copie! o" the Script're a! a $ind o" .or!hip% .hen )et the) charge it
.ith #eing o#!c're and am#ig'o'!% the) allo. it no more a'thorit) than i" no part o" it e3i!ted in
.riting. Let them a!!'me !pecio'! title! a! the) plea!e% that the) ma) not appear to allege
an)thing #e!ide! the dictate! o" the Spirit% Ga! the) are .ont to #oa!t%J )et it i! a !ettled and "i3ed
thing .ith them% that all rea!on! #eing laid a!ide% their .ill alone o'ght to #e #elieved
Then% le!t the "aith"'l !ho'ld #e carried a#o't #) ever) .ind o" impo!t're% le!t the) !ho'ld #e
e3po!ed to the cra"t) cavil! o" the 'ngodl)% #eing ta'ght #) the !'re e3periment o" "aith% let them
$no. that nothing i! more "irm or certain than the teaching o" Script're% and on that !'pport let
them con"identl) rec'm#. *nd !ince .e !ee that it i! !hame"'ll) de"ormed #) the "al!e comment!
o" the Sophi!t!% and that at thi! da) the hired ra##le o" the Pope are #ent on thi! arti"ice% in order
that #) their !mo$e the) ma) o#!c're the light% it #ehove! '! to #e more intent on the re!toration
o" it! #rightne!!.
+% indeed% have in an e!pecial manner re!olved to devote m)!el" to thi! .or$% a! long a! + live%
.henever time and opport'nit) !hall #e a""orded me. +n the "ir!t place% the Ch'rch to .hich +
#elong !hall th'! receive the "r'it o" thi! la#or% !o that it ma) herea"ter contin'e the longerB "or
tho'gh a !mall portion o" time remain! to me "rom the d'tie! o" m) o""ice% )et that% ho. !mall
!oever it ma) #e% + have determined to devote to thi! $ind o" .riting.
-'t to ret'rn to )o'% mo!t% ill'!trio'! <ing% here )o' have a !mall pledge% m) Commentarie! on
the Catholic ,pi!tle!% .here man) thing! have #een deemed o#!c're and recondite% .hich + have
endeavored !o to e3plain% that an ea!) acce!! to the tr'e meaning might #e open to a reader not
altogether !loth"'l. *nd a! interpreter! o" Script're% according to their opport'nit)% are to !'ppl)
.eapon! to "ight again!t *ntichri!t% !o al!o )o' m'!t #ear in mind that it i! a d't) .hich #elong!
to )o'r Ma?e!t)% to vindicate "rom 'n.orth) cal'mnie! the tr'e and gen'ine interpretation o"
Script're% !o that p're religion ma) "lo'ri!h. +t .a! not .itho't rea!on that =od commanded #)
Mo!e!% that a! !oon a! a $ing .a! appointed over hi! people% he !ho'ld ta$e care to have a cop)
o" the La. .ritten o't "or him!el". Kh) !o% i" he had% a! a private individ'al% alread) e3erci!ed
him!el" diligentl) in thi! .or$% #'t that he might $no. that $ing! have them!elve! need o" thi!
remar$a#le doctrine% and are e!peciall) en?oined to de"end and maintain itB the Lord ha! a!!igned
to hi! La. a !acred ha#itation in their palace!. Moreover% !ince the heroic greatne!! o" )o'r mind
"ar !'rpa!!e! the mea!'re o" )o'r age% there i! no rea!on .h) + !ho'ld add more .ord! to
!tim'late )o'.
;are.ell% mo!t no#le <ing. Ma) the Lord protect )o'r Ma?e!t) a! he ha! alread) done% govern
)o' and )o'r co'n!ellor! .ith the !pirit o" .i!dom and "ortit'de% and $eep )o'r .hole $ingdom
in !a"et) and peace.
GENEVA, Jan. 24, 1551.
TH, ;+8ST ,P+STL, 7; P,T,8
TH, *8=MM,9T
TH, de!ign o" Peter in thi! ,pi!tle i! to e3hort the "aith"'l to a denial o" the .orld and a
contempt o" it% !o that #eing "reed "rom carnal a""ection! and all earthl) hindrance!% the) might
.ith their .hole !o'l a!pire a"ter the cele!tial $ingdom o" Chri!t% that #eing elevated #) hope%
!'pported #) patience% and "orti"ied #) co'rage and per!everance% the) might overcome all $ind!
o" temptation!% and p'r!'e thi! co'r!e and practice thro'gho't li"e.
Hence at the ver) #eginning he proclaim! in e3pre!! .ord! the grace o" =od made $no.n to '!
in Chri!tB and at the !ame time he add!% that it i! received #) "aith and po!!e!!ed #) hope% !o that
the godl) might rai!e 'p their mind! and heart! a#ove the .orld. Hence he e3hort! them to
holine!!% le!t the) !ho'ld render void the price #) .hich the) .ere redeemed% and le!t the)
!ho'ld !'""er the incorr'pti#le !eed o" the Kord% #) .hich the) had #een regenerated into eternal
li"e% to #e de!tro)ed or to die. *nd a! he had !aid% that the) had #een #orn again #) =od:! Kord%
he ma$e! mention o" their !pirit'al in"anc). Moreover% that their "aith might not vacillate or
!tagger% #eca'!e the) !a. that Chri!t .a! de!pi!ed and re?ected almo!t #) the .hole .orld% he
remind! them that thi! .a! onl) the "'l"illment o" .hat had #een .ritten o" him% that he .o'ld #e
the !tone o" !t'm#ling. -'t he "'rther teache! them that he .o'ld #e a "irm "o'ndation to tho!e
.ho #elieve in him. Hence he again re"er! to the great honor to .hich =od had rai!ed them% that
the) might #e animated #) the contemplation o" their "ormer !tate% and #) the perception o" their
pre!ent #ene"it!% to devote them!elve! to a godl) li"e.
He a"ter.ard! come! to partic'lar e3hortation!% D that the) .ere to cond'ct them!elve! in
h'milit) and o#edience 'nder the government o" prince!% that !ervant! .ere to #e !'#?ect to their
ma!ter!% that .ive! .ere to o#e) their h'!#and! and to #e mode!t and cha!te% and that% on the
other hand% h'!#and! .ere to treat their .ive! .ith $indne!!. *nd then he command! them to
o#!erve .hat .a! ?'!t and right to.ard! one anotherB and that the) might do thi! the more
.illingl)% he !et! #e"ore them .hat .o'ld #e the "r'it D a peacea#le and happ) li"e.
*!% ho.ever% it happened to Chri!tian!% that ho. m'ch !oever the) !o'ght peace% the) .ere o"ten
hara!!ed #) man) in?'rie!% and had the .orld "or no ?'!t ca'!e inimical to them% he e3hort! them
calml) to #ear their per!ec'tion!% .hich the) $ne. .o'ld promote their !alvation. ;or thi!
p'rpo!e he #ring! "or.ard the e3ample o" Chri!t. 7n the other hand% he remind! them .hat
'nhapp) end a.ait! the 'ngodl)% .hil!t in the meantime =od .onder"'ll) deliver! hi! Ch'rch
"rom death #) death. He !till "'rther re"er! to the e3ample o" Chri!t to en"orce the morti"ication
o" the "le!h. To thi! e3hortation he add! vario'! and #rie" !entence!B #'t !hortl) a"ter he ret'rn!
to the doctrine o" patience% !o that the "aith"'l might mingle con!olation .ith their evil!%
regarding it a! good "or them to #e cha!ti!ed #) the paternal hand o" =od.
*t the #eginning o" the "i"th chapter he remind! the elder! o" their d't)% that the) .ere not to
t)ranni5e over the Ch'rch% #'t to pre!ide 'nder Chri!t .ith moderation. He recommend! to the
)o'ng mode!t) and teacha#lene!!. *t length% a"ter a !hort e3hortation% he clo!e! the ,pi!tle .ith
a pra)er.
*! to the place "rom .hich he .rote% all do not agree. There i!% ho.ever% no rea!on that + !ee
.h) .e !ho'ld do'#t that he .a! then at -a#)lon% a! he e3pre!!l) declare!.
-'t a! the
per!'a!ion had prevailed% that he had moved "rom *ntioch to 8ome% and that he died at 8ome%
the ancient!% led #) thi! !ole arg'ment% imagined that 8ome i! here allegoricall) called -a#)lon.
-'t a! .itho't an) pro#a#le con?ect're the) ra!hl) #elieved .hat the) have !aid o" the 8oman
epi!copate o" Peter% !o al!o thi! allegorical "igment o'ght to #e regarded a! nothing. +t i! indeed
m'ch more pro#a#le that Peter% according to the character o" hi! apo!tle!hip% traveled over tho!e
part! in .hich mo!t o" the @e.! re!idedB and .e $no. that a great n'm#er o" them .ere in
-a#)lon and in the !'rro'nding co'ntrie!.
CH*PT,8 1
1 PETER 1:1-2
1. Peter% an apo!tle o" @e!'! Chri!t% to the
!tranger! !cattered thro'gho't Pont'!%
=alatia% Cappadocia% *!ia% and -ith)nia%
1. Petr'!% apo!tol'! @e!' Chri!ti%
electi! in>'ilini! >'i di!per!i !'nt per
Pont'rn% =alatiam% Cappadociam%
*!iam et -ith)niam%
2. ,lect according to the "ore$no.ledge o"
=od the ;ather% thro'gh !ancti"ication o" the
Spirit% 'nto o#edience and !prin$ling o" the
#lood o" @e!'! Chri!t4 =race 'nto )o'% and
peace% #e m'ltiplied.
2. Sec'nd'm precognitionem
(eiPatri! in !ancti"icatione Spirit'!%
in o#edientiam et a!per!ionem
!ang'i ni! @e!' Chri!tiB =ratia vo#i!
et pa3 m'ltiplicet'r.
1. )eter, an a*ostle( Khat in thi! !al'tation i! the !ame .ith tho!e o" Pa'l% re>'ire! no ne.
e3planation. Khen Pa'l pra)ed "or grace and *eace, the ver# i! le"t o'tB #'t Peter add! it% and
!a)!% "e multi*lied# !till the meaning i! the !ameB "or Pa'l did not .i!h to the "aith"'l the
#eginning o" grace and peace% #'t the increa!e o" them% that i!% that =od .o'ld complete .hat he
had #eg'n.
%o the elect, or the elected. +t ma) #e a!$ed% ho. co'ld thi! #e "o'nd o't% "or the election o" =od
i! hid% and cannot #e $no.n .itho't the !pecial revelation o" the SpiritB and a! ever) one i! made
!'re o" hi! o.n election #) the te!timon) o" the Spirit% !o he can $no. nothing certain o" other!.
To thi! + an!.er% that .e are not c'rio'!l) to in>'ire a#o't the election o" o'r #rethren% #'t o'ght
on the contrar) to regard their calling% !o that all .ho are admitted #) "aith into the ch'rch% are to
#e co'nted a! the electB "or =od th'! !eparate! them "rom the .orld% .hich i! a !ign o" election.
+t i! no o#?ection to !a) that man) "all a.a)% having nothing #'t the !em#lanceB "or it i! the
?'dgment o" charit) and not o" "aith% .hen .e deem all tho!e elect in .hom appear! the mar$ o"
=od:! adoption. *nd that he doe! not "etch their election "rom the hidden co'n!el o" =od% #'t
gather! it "rom the e""ect% i! evident "rom the conte3tB "or a"ter.ard! he connect! it .ith the
sanctification of the S*irit( *! "ar then a! the) proved that the) .ere regenerated #) the Spirit o"
=od% !o "ar did he deem them to #e the elect o" =od% "or =od doe! not !ancti") an) #'t tho!e
.hom he ha! previo'!l) elected.
Ho.ever% he at the !ame time remind! '! .hence that election "lo.!% #) .hich .e are !eparated
"or !alvation% that .e ma) not peri!h .ith the .orldB "or he !a)!% according to the forekno+ledge
of God( Thi! i! the "o'ntain and the "ir!t ca'!e4 =od $ne. #e"ore the .orld .a! created .hom he
had elected "or !alvation.
-'t .e o'ght .i!el) to con!ider .hat thi! precognition or "ore$no.ledge i!. ;or the !ophi!t!% in
order to o#!c're the grace o" =od% imagine that the merit! o" each are "ore!een #) =od% and that
th'! the repro#ate are di!ting'i!hed "rom the elect% a! ever) one prove! him!el" .orth) o" thi! or
that lot. -'t Script're ever).here !et! the co'n!el o" =od% on .hich i! "o'nded o'r !alvation% in
oppo!ition to o'r merit!. Hence% .hen Peter call! them elect according to the precognition o"
=od% he intimate! that the ca'!e o" it depend! on nothing el!e #'t on =od alone% "or he o" hi!
o.n "ree .ill ha! cho!en '!. Then the "ore$no.ledge o" =od e3cl'de! ever) .orthine!! on the
part o" man. Ke have treated thi! !'#?ect more at large in the "ir!t chapter o" the ,pi!tle to the
,phe!ian!% and in other place!.
*! ho.ever in o'r election he a!!ign! the "ir!t place to the grat'ito'! "avor o" =od% !o again he
.o'ld have '! to $no. it #) the e""ect!% "or there i! nothing more dangero'! or more
prepo!tero'! than to overloo$ o'r calling and to !ee$ "or the certaint) o" o'r election in the
hidden pre!cience o" =od% .hich i! the deepe!t la#)rinth. There"ore to o#viate thi! danger% Peter
!'pplie! the #e!t correctionB "or tho'gh in the "ir!t place he .o'ld have '! to con!ider the
co'n!el o" =od% the ca'!e o" .hich i! alone in him!el"B )et he invite! '! to notice the e""ect% #)
.hich he !et! "orth and #ear! .itne!! to o'r election. That e""ect i! the !ancti"ication o" the
Spirit% even e""ect'al calling% .hen "aith i! added to the o't.ard preaching o" the go!pel% .hich
"aith i! #egotten #) the in.ard operation o" the Spirit.
%o the so,ourners(
The) .ho thin$ that all the godl) are th'! called% #eca'!e the) are
!tranger! in the .orld% and are advancing to.ard! the cele!tial co'ntr)% are m'ch mi!ta$en% and
thi! mi!ta$e i! evident "rom the .ord dis*ersion .hich immediatel) "ollo.!B "or thi! can appl)
onl) to the @e.!% not onl) #eca'!e the) .ere #ani!hed "rom their o.n co'ntr) and !cattered here
and there% #'t al!o #eca'!e the) had #een driven o't o" that land .hich had #een promi!ed to
them #) the Lord a! a perpet'al inheritance. He indeed a"ter.ard! call! all the "aith"'l
!o?o'rner!% #eca'!e the) are pilgrim! on the earthB #'t the rea!on here i! di""erent. The) .ere
!o?o'rner!% #eca'!e the) had #een di!per!ed% !ome in Pont'!% !ome in =alatia% and !ome in
-ith)nia. +t i! nothing !trange that he de!igned thi! ,pi!tle more e!peciall) "or the @e.!% "or he
$ne. that he .a! appointed in a partic'lar manner their apo!tle% a! Pa'l teache! '! in
=alatian! /4F. +n the co'ntrie! he en'merate!% he incl'de! the .hole o" *!ia Minor% "rom
the ,'3ine to Cappadocia.

-nto o"edience( He add! t.o thing! to !ancti"ication% and !eem! to 'nder!tand!! o" li"e
#) o"edience, and #) the s*rinkling o" the #lood o" Chri!t the remi!!ion o" !in!. -'t i" the!e #e
part! or effects o" !ancti"ication% then !ancti"ication i! to #e ta$en here !ome.hat di""erent "rom
.hat it mean! .hen '!ed #) Pa'l% that i!% more generall). =od then !ancti"ie! '! #) an e""ect'al
callingB and thi! i! done .hen .e are rene.ed to an o#edience to hi! righteo'!ne!!% and .hen .e
are !prin$led #) the #lood o" Chri!t% and th'! are clean!ed "rom o'r !in!. *nd there !eem! to #e
an implied all'!ion to the ancient rite o" !prin$ling '!ed 'nder the la.. ;or a! it .a! not then
!'""icient "or the victim to #e !lain and the #lood to #e po'red o't% e3cept the people .ere
!prin$ledB !o no. the #lood o" Chri!t .hich ha! #een !hed .ill avail '! nothing% e3cept o'r
con!cience! are #) it clean!ed. There i! then to #e 'nder!tood here a contra!t% that% a! "ormerl)
'nder the la. the !prin$ling o" #lood .a! made #) the hand o" the prie!tB !o no. the Hol) Spirit
!prin$le! o'r !o'l! .ith the #lood o" Chri!t "or the e3piation o" o'r !in!.
Let '! no. !tate the !'#!tance o" the .holeB .hich i!% that o'r !alvation "lo.! "rom the
grat'ito'! election o" =odB #'t that it i! to #e a!certained #) the e3perience o" "aith% #eca'!e he
!ancti"ie! '! #) hi! SpiritB and then that there are t.o e""ect! or end! o" o'r calling% even
into o#edience and a#l'tion #) the #lood o" Chri!tB and "'rther% that #oth are the .or$ o" the
Hol) Spirit.
Ke hence concl'de% that election i! not to #e !eparated "rom calling% nor the
grat'ito'! righteo'!ne!! o" "aith "rom!! o" li"e.
1 PETER 1:3-
3. -le!!ed #e the =od and ;ather o" o'r 3. -enedict'! (e'! et Pater (omini
Lord @e!'! Chri!t% .hich% according to hi!
a#'ndant merc)% hath #egotten '! again
'nto a livel) hope% #) the re!'rrection o"
@e!'! Chri!t "rom the dead%
no!tri @e!' Chri!ti% >'i !ec'nd'm
m'ltam !'am mi!ericordiam
regen'it no! in !pem vivare% per
re!'rrectionem @e!' Chri!ti e3
!. To an inheritance incorr'pti#le% and
'nde"iled% and that "adeth not a.a)%
re!erved in heaven "or )o'%
!. +n haereditatem incorr'pti#ilem et
incontaminatam et immarce!ci#ilem%
repo!it'm in caeli! erga vo!%
. Kho are $ept #) the o" =od
thro'gh "aith 'nto !alvation% read) to #e
revealed in the la!t time.
. R'i virt'te (ei c'!todimini per
"idem in !al'tem% >'t parata e!t
revelari tempore 'ltimo.
Blessed "e God( Ke have !aid that he main o#?ect o" thi! epi!tle i! to rai!e '! a#ove the .orld% in
order that .e ma) #e prepared and enco'raged to !'!tain the !pirit'al conte!t! o" o'r .ar"are.
;or thi! end% the $no.ledge o" =od:! #ene"it! avail! m'chB "or% .hen their val'e appear! to '!%
all other thing! .ill #e deemed .orthle!!% e!peciall) .hen .e con!ider .hat Chri!t and hi!
#le!!ing! areB "or ever)thing .itho't him i! #'t dro!!. ;or thi! rea!on he highl) e3tol! the
.onder"'l grace o" =od in Chri!t% that i!% that .e ma) not deem it m'ch to give 'p the .orld in
order that .e ma) en?o) the inval'a#le trea!'re o" a "'t're li"eB and al!o that .e ma) not #e
#ro$en do.n #) pre!ent tro'#le!% #'t patientl) end're them% #eing !ati!"ied .ith eternal
;'rther% .hen he give! than$! to =od% he invite! the "aith"'l to !pirit'al ?o)% .hich can !.allo.
'p all the oppo!ite "eeling! o" the "le!h.
'nd Father of our Lord Jesus $hrist( Mnder!tand the .ord! th'!% D C-le!!ed #e =od .ho i! the
;ather o" @e!'! Chri!t.C ;or% a! "ormerl)% #) calling him!el" the =od o" *#raham% he de!igned to
mar$ the di""erence #et.een him and all "ictitio'! god!B !o a"ter he ha! mani"e!ted him!el" in hi!
o.n Son% hi! .ill i!% not to #e $no.n other.i!e than in him. Hence the) .ho "orm their idea! o"
=od in hi! na$ed ma?e!t) apart "rom Chri!t% have an idol in!tead o" the tr'e =od% a! the ca!e i!
.ith the @e.! and the T'r$!. Kho!oever% then% !ee$! reall) to $no. the onl) tr'e =od% m'!t
regard him a! the ;ather o" Chri!tB "or% .henever o'r mind !ee$! =od% e3cept Chri!t #e tho'ght
o"% it .ill .ander and #e con"'!ed% 'ntil it #e .holl) lo!t. Peter meant at the !ame time to
intimate ho. =od i! !o #o'nti"'l and $ind to.ard! '!B "or% e3cept Chri!t !tood a! the middle
per!on% hi! goodne!! co'ld never #e reall) $no.n #) '!.
Who hath "egotten us again( He !he.! that !'pernat'ral li"e i! a gi"t% #eca'!e .e are #orn the
children o" .rathB "or had .e #een #orn to the hope o" li"e according to the "le!h% there .o'ld
have #een no nece!!it) o" #eing #egotten again #) =od. There"ore Peter teache! '!% that .e .ho
are #) nat're de!tined to eternal death% are re!tored to li"e #) =od:! merc). *nd thi! i!% a! it .ere%
o'r !econd creation% a! it i! !aid in the "ir!t chapter o" the ,pi!tle to the ,phe!ian!. Livel& or
living ho*e, mean! the hope o" li"e.
*t the !ame time there !eem! to #e an implied contra!t
#et.een the hope "i3ed on the incorr'pti#le $ingdom o" =od% and the "ading and tran!ient hope!
o" man.
'ccording to his a"undant merc&( He "ir!t mention! the e""icient ca'!e% and then he point! o't
the mediating ca'!e% a! the) !a). He !he.! that =od .a! ind'ced #) no merit! o" o'r! to
regenerate '! 'nto a living hope% #eca'!e he a!!ign! thi! .holl) to hi! merc). -'t that he might
more completel) red'ce the merit! o" .or$! to nothing% he !a)!% great .multam/ merc&( *ll%
indeed% con"e!! that =od i! the onl) a'thor o" o'r !alvation% #'t the) a"ter.ard! invent
e3traneo'! ca'!e!% .hich ta$e a.a) !o m'ch "rom hi! merc). -'t Peter commend! merc) aloneB
and he immediatel) connect! the .a) or manner% "& the resurrection of $hrist# "or =od doe! not
in an) other .a) di!cover hi! merc)B hence Script're ever direct! o'r attention to thi! point. *nd
that Chri!t:! death i! not mentioned% #'t hi! re!'rrection% involve! no incon!i!tenc)% "or it i!
incl'dedB #eca'!e a thing cannot #e completed .itho't having a #eginningB and he e!peciall)
#ro'ght "or.ard the re!'rrection% #eca'!e he .a! !pea$ing o" a ne. li"e.
!. %o an inheritance(
The three .ord! .hich "ollo. are intended to ampli") =od:! graceB "or
Peter Ga! + have #e"ore !aidJ had thi! o#?ect in vie.% to impre!! o'r mind! thoro'ghl) a! to it!
e3cellenc). Moreover% the!e t.o cla'!e!% Ato an inheritance incorr'pti#le%C etc.% and Ato !alvation
read) to #e revealed%C + deem a! #eing in appo!ition% the latter #eing e3planator) o" the "ormerB
"or he e3pre!!e! the !ame thing in t.o .a)!.
,ver) .ord .hich "ollo.! i! .eight). The inheritance i! !aid to #e reserved, or pre!erved% that
.e ma) $no. that it i! #e)ond the reach o" danger. ;or% .ere it not in =od:! hand% it might #e
e3po!ed to endle!! danger!. +" it .ere in thi! .orld% ho. co'ld .e regard it a! !a"e amid!t !o
man) change!O That he might then "ree '! "rom ever) "ear% he te!ti"ie! that o'r !alvation i!
placed in !a"et) #e)ond the harm! .hich Satan can do. -'t a! the certaint) o" !alvation can #ring
'! #'t little com"ort% e3cept each one $no.! that it #elong! to him!el"% Peter add!% for &ou( ;or
con!cience! .ill calml) rec'm# here% that i!% .hen the Lord crie! to them "rom heaven% A-ehold%
)o'r !alvation i! in m) hand and i! $ept "or )o'.C -'t a! !alvation i! not indi!criminatel) "or all%
he call! o'r attention to "aith% that all .ho are end'ed .ith "aith% might #e di!ting'i!hed "rom the
re!t% and that the) might not do'#t #'t that the) are the tr'e and legitimate heir! o" =od. ;or% a!
"aith penetrate! into the heaven!% !o al!o it appropriate! to '! the #le!!ing! .hich are in heaven.
. Who are ke*t "& the *o+er of God( Ke are to notice the connection .hen he !a)!% that .e are
$ept .hile in the .orld% and at the !ame time o'r inheritance i! re!erved in heavenB other.i!e
thi! tho'ght .o'ld immediatel) creep in% AKhat doe! it avail '! that o'r !alvation i! laid 'p in
heaven% .hen .e are to!!ed here and there in thi! .orld a! in a t'r#'lent !eaO Khat can it avail
'! that o'r !alvation i! !ec'red in a >'iet har#o'r% .hen .e are driven to and "ro amid!t tho'!and
!hip.rec$!OC The apo!tle% there"ore% anticipate! o#?ection! o" thi! $ind% .hen he !he.!% that
tho'gh .e are in the .orld e3po!ed to danger!% .e are )et $ept #) "aithB and that tho'gh .e are
th'! nigh to death% .e are )et !a"e 'nder the g'ardian!hip o" "aith. -'t a! "aith it!el"% thro'gh the
in"irmit) o" the "le!h% o"ten >'ail!% .e might #e al.a)! an3io'! a#o't the morro.% .ere not the
Lord to aid '!.

*nd% indeed% .e !ee that 'nder the Papac) a dia#olical opinion prevail!% that .e o'ght to do'#t
o'r "inal per!everance% #eca'!e .e are 'ncertain .hether .e !hall #e tomorro. in the !ame !tate
o" grace. -'t Peter did not th'! leave '! in !'!pen!eB "or he te!ti"ie! that .e !tand #) the
o" =od% le!t an) do'#t ari!ing "rom a con!cio'!ne!! o" o'r o.n in"irmit)% !ho'ld di!>'iet '!.
Ho. .ea$ !oever .e ma) then #e% )et o'r !alvation i! not 'ncertain% #eca'!e it i! !'!tained #)
=od:! *!% then% .e are #egotten #) "aith% !o "aith it!el" receive! it! !ta#ilit) "rom =od:! Hence i! it! !ec'rit)% not onl) "or the pre!ent% #'t al!o "or the "'t're.
-nto salvation( *! .e are #) nat're impatient o" dela)% and !oon !'cc'm# 'nder .earine!!% he
there"ore remind! '! that !alvation i! not de"erred #eca'!e it i! not )et prepared% #'t #eca'!e the
time o" it! revelation i! not )et come. Thi! doctrine i! intended to no'ri!h and !'!tain o'r hope.
Moreover% he call! the da) o" ?'dgment the last time, #eca'!e the re!tit'tion o" all thing! i! not to
#e previo'!l) e3pected% "or the intervening time i! !till in progre!!. Khat i! el! called the
la!t time% i! the .hole "rom the coming o" Chri!tB it i! !o called "rom a compari!on .ith the
preceding age!. -'t Peter had a regard to the end o" the .orld.
1 PETER 1:"-#
". Kherein )e greatl) re?oice% tho'gh no.
"or a !ea!on Gi" need #eJ )e are in heavine!!
thro'gh mani"old temptation!B
". +n >'o e3'ltati!% pa'li!per n'nc% !i
op'! e!ti% contri!tati in varii!
$. That the trial o" )o'r "aith% #eing m'ch
more precio'! than o" gold that peri!heth%
tho'gh it #e tried .ith "ire% might #e "o'nd
'nto prai!e% and honor% and glor)% at the
appearing o" @e!'! Chri!t4
$. Mt pro#atio "idel ve!trae m'lto
pretio!ior a'ro% >'od perit et tamen
per ignem pro#at'r% reperiat'r in
la'dem et honorem et gloriam% >''m
revela#it'r @e!'! Chri!t'!4
#. 8eceiving the end o" )o'r "aith% even the
!alvation o" &our !o'l!.
#. 8eportante! "inem "idel ve!trae%
!al'tem animar'm.
". Wherein &e greatl& re,oice, or% +n .hich )e e3'lt. Tho'gh the termination o" the =ree$ ver# i!
do'#t"'l% )et the meaning re>'ire! that .e read% A)e e3'lt%C rather than Ae3'lt )e.C 0n +hich
re"er! to the .hole that i! !aid o" the hope o" !alvation laid 'p in heaven. -'t he rather e3hort!
than prai!e! themB "or hi! o#?ect .a! to !he. .hat "r'it .a! to come "rom the hope o" !alvation%
even !pirit'al ?o)% #) .hich not onl) the #itterne!! o" all evil might #e mitigated% #'t al!o all
!orro. overcome. *t the !ame time to e3'lt i! more e3pre!!ive than to re?oice.

-'t it !eem! !ome.hat incon!i!tent% .hen he !a)! that the "aith"'l% .ho e3'lted .ith ?o)% .ere at
the !ame time !orro."'l% "or the!e are contrar) "eeling!. -'t the "aith"'l $no. #) e3perience%
ho. the!e thing! can e3i!t together% m'ch #etter than can #e e3pre!!ed in .ord!. Ho.ever% to
e3plain the matter in a "e. .ord!% .e ma) !a) that the "aith"'l are not log! o" .ood% nor have
the) !o dive!ted them!elve! o" h'man "eeling!% #'t that the) are a""ected .ith !orro.% "ear
danger% and "eel povert) a! an evil% and per!ec'tion! a! hard and di""ic'lt to #e #orne. Hence the)
e3perience !orro. "rom evil!B #'t it i! !o mitigated #) "aith% that the) cea!e not at the !ame time
to re?oice. Th'! !orro. doe! not prevent their ?o)% #'t% on the contrar)% give place to it. *gain%
tho'gh ?o) overcome! !orro.% )et it doe! not p't an end to it% "or it doe! not dive!t '! o"
h'manit). *nd hence it appear! .hat tr'e patience i!B it! #eginning% and% a! it .ere% it! root% i!
the $no.ledge o" =od:! #le!!ing!% e!peciall) o" that grat'ito'! adoption .ith .hich he ha!
"avored '!B "or all .ho rai!e hither their mind!% "ind it an ea!) thing calml) to #ear all evil!. ;or
.hence i! it that o'r mind! are pre!!ed do.n .ith grie"% e3cept that .e have no participation o"
!pirit'al thing!O -'t all the) .ho regard their tro'#le! a! nece!!ar) trial! "or their !alvation% not
onl) ri!e a#ove them% #'t al!o t'rn them to an occa!ion o" ?o).
1e are in heaviness, or% Se are made !orro."'l. +! not !orro. al!o the common lot o" the
repro#ateO "or the) are not "ree "rom evil!. -'t Peter meant that the "aith"'l end're !orro.
.illingl)% .hile the 'ngodl) m'rm'r and perver!el) contend .ith =od. Hence the godl) #ear
!orro.% a! the tamed o3 the )o$e% or a! a hor!e% #ro$en in% the #ridle% tho'gh held #) a child. =od
#) !orro. a""lict! the repro#ate% a! .hen a #ridle i! #) "orce p't in the mo'th o" a "erocio'! and
re"ractor) hor!eB he $ic$! and o""er! ever) re!i!tance% #'t all in vain. Then Peter commend! the
"aith"'l% #eca'!e the) .illingl) 'ndergo !orro.% and not a! tho'gh "orced #) nece!!it).
-) !a)ing% though no+ for a season, or% a little .hile% he !'pplied con!olationB "or the !hortne!!
o" time% ho.ever hard evil! ma) #e% doe! not a little le!!en themB and the d'ration o" the pre!ent
li"e i! #'t a moment o" time. 0f need "e# the condition i! to #e ta$en "or a ca'!eB "or he p'rpo!ed
to !he.% that =od doe! not% .itho't rea!on% th'! tr) hi! peopleB "or% i" =od a""licted '! .itho't a
ca'!e% to #ear it .o'ld #e grievo'!. Hence Peter too$ an arg'ment "or con!olation "rom the
de!ign o" =odB not that the rea!on al.a)! appear! to '!% #'t that .e o'ght to #e "'ll) per!'aded
that it o'ght to #e !o% #eca'!e it i! =od:! .ill.
Ke m'!t notice that he doe! not mention one temptation% #'t man)B and not temptation! o" one
$ind% #'t manifold tem*tations( +t i!% ho.ever% #etter to !ee$ the e3po!ition o" thi! pa!!age in the
"ir!t chapter o" @ame!.
$. Much more *recious than of gold( The arg'ment i! "rom the le!! to the greaterB "or i" gold% a
corr'pti#le metal% i! deemed o" !o m'ch val'e that .e prove it #) "ire% that it ma) #ecome reall)
val'a#le% .hat .onder i! it that =od !ho'ld re>'ire a !imilar trial a! to "aith% !ince "aith i!
deemed #) him !o e3cellentO *nd tho'gh the .ord! !eem to have a di""erent meaning% he )et
compare! "aith to gold% and ma$e! it more precio'! than gold% that hence he might dra. the
concl'!ion% that it o'ght to #e "'ll) proved.
+t i! moreover 'ncertain ho. "ar he e3tend! the
meaning o" the .ord!% AtriedC dokima>zesqai and AtrialC doki>mion.
=old i!% indeed% tried #) "ireB "ir!t. .hen it i! !eparated "rom it! dro!!B and then% .hen a
?'dgment. i! to #e "ormed o" it! p'rit). -oth mode! o" trial ma) ver) !'ita#l) #e applied to "aithB
"or .hen there i! m'ch o" the dreg! o" 'n#elie" remaining in '!% and .hen #) vario'! a""liction!
.e are re"ined a! it .ere in =od:! "'rnace% the dro!! o" o'r "aith i! removed% !o that it. #ecome!
p're and clean #e"ore =odB and% at the !ame time% a trial o" it i! made% a! to .hether it #e tr'e or
"ictitio'!. + am di!po!ed to ta$e the!e t.o vie.!% and .hat immediatel) "ollo.! !eem! to "avor
thi! e3planationB "or a! !ilver i! .itho't honor or val'e #e"ore it #e re"ined% !o he intimate! that
o'r "aith i! not to #e honored and cro.ned #) =od 'ntil it #e d'l) proved.
't the a**earing of Jesus $hrist, or% .hen @e!'! Chri!t !hall #e revealed. Thi! i! added% that the
"aith"'l might learn to hold on co'rageo'!l) to the la!t da). ;or o'r li"e i! no. hidden in Chri!t%
and .ill remain hidden% and a! it .ere #'ried% 'ntil Chri!t !hall appear "rom heavenB and the
.hole co'r!e o" o'r li"e lead! to the de!tr'ction o" the e3ternal man% and all the thing! .e !'""er
are% a! it .ere% the prel'de! o" death. +t i! hence nece!!ar)% that .e !ho'ld ca!t o'r o.n e)e! on
Chri!t% i" .e .i!h in o'r a""liction! to #ehold glor) and prai!e. ;or trial! a! to '! are "'ll o"
reproach and !hame% and the) #ecome glorio'! in Chri!tB #'t that glor) in Chri!t i! not )et
plainl) !een% "or the da) o" con!olation i! not )et come.

%. Whom having not seen, or% Khom tho'gh )e have not !een. He la)! do.n t.o thing!% that the)
loved Chri!t .hom the) had not !een% and that the) #elieved on him .hom the) did not then
#ehold. -'t the "ir!t ari!e! "rom the SecondB "or the ca'!e o" love i! "aith% not onl) #eca'!e the
$no.ledge o" tho!e #le!!ing! .hich Chri!t #e!to.! on '!% move! '! to love him% #'t #eca'!e he
o""er! '! per"ect "elicit)% and th'! dra.! '! 'p to him!el". He then commend! the @e.!% #eca'!e
the) #elieved in Chri!t .hom the) did not !ee% that the) might $no. that the nat're o" "aith i! to
ac>'ie!ce in tho!e #le!!ing! .hich are hid "rom o'r e)e!. The) had indeed given !ome proo" o"
thi! ver) thing% tho'gh he rather direct! .hat .a! to #e done #) prai!ing them.
The "ir!t cla'!e in order i!% that "aith i! not to #e mea!'red #) !ight. ;or .hen the li"e o"
Chri!tian! i! apparentl) mi!era#le% the) .o'ld in!tantl) "ail% .ere not their happine!! dependent
on hope. ;aith% indeed% ha! al!o it! e)e!% #'t the) are !'ch a! penetrate into the invi!i#le $ingdom
o" =od% and are contented .ith the mirror o" the KordB "or it i! the demon!tration o" invi!i#le
thing!% a! it i! !aid in
He#re.! 1141. Hence tr'e i! that !a)ing o" Pa'l% that .e are a#!ent
"rom the Lord .hile .e are in the "le!hB "or .e .al$ #) "aith and not #) !ight. G
Corinthian! 54EQ.J
The !econd cla'!e i!% that "aith i! not a cold notion% #'t that it $indle! in o'r heart! love to Chri!t.
;or "aith doe! not Ga! the !ophi!t! prattleJ la) hold on =od in a con"'!ed and implicit manner%
G"or thi! .o'ld #e to .ander thro'gh devio'! path!BJ #'t it ha! Chri!t a! it! o#?ect. Moreover% it
doe! not la) hold on the #are name o" Chri!t% or hi! na$ed e!!ence% #'t regard! .hat he i! to '!%
and .hat #le!!ing! he #ring!B "or it cannot #e #'t that the a""ection! o" man !ho'ld #e led there%
.here hi! happine!! i!% according to that !a)ing%
AKhere )o'r trea!'re i!% there i! al!o )o'r heart.C G
Matthe. E4/1.J
1e re,oice, or% Se e3'lt. He again re"er! to the "r'it o" "aith .hich he had mentioned% and not
.itho't rea!onB "or it i! an incompara#le #ene"it% that con!cience! are not onl) at peace #e"ore
=od% #'t con"identl) e3'lt in the hope o" eternal li"e. *nd he call! it ,o& uns*eaka"le, or
'n'ttera#le% #eca'!e the peace o" =od e3ceed! all comprehen!ion. Khat i! added% full of glor&, or
glori"ied% admit! o" t.o e3planation!. +t mean! either .hat i! magni"icent and glorio'!% or .hat i!
contrar) to that .hich i! empt) and "ading% o" .hich men .ill !oon #e a!hamed. Th'!
2glorified3 i! the !ame .ith .hat i! !olid and permanent% #e)ond the danger o" #eing #ro'ght to
Tho!e .ho are not elevated #) thi! ?o) a#ove the heaven!% !o that #eing content .ith
Chri!t alone% the) de!pi!e the .orld% in vain #oa!t that the) have "aith.
#. 4eceiving the end of &our faith( He remind! the "aith"'l .here the) o'ght to direct all their
tho'ght!% even to eternal !alvation. ;or thi! .orld hold! all o'r a""ection! en!nared #) i!
all'rement!B thi! li"e and all thing! #elonging to the #od) are great impediment!% .hich prevent
'! "rom appl)ing o'r mind! to the contemplation o" the "'t're and !pirit'al li"e. Hence the
*po!tle !et! #e"ore '! thi! "'t're li"e a! a !'#?ect o" deep meditation% and he indirectl) intimate!
that the lo!! o" all other thing! i! to #e deemed a! nothing% provided o'r !o'l! #e !aved. -)
!a)ing receiving, he ta$e! a.a) all do'#t% in order that the) might more cheer"'ll) go on% #eing
certain o" o#taining !alvation.
+n the meantime% ho.ever% he !he.! .hat the end o" "aith i!%
le!t the) !ho'ld #e overan3io'!% #eca'!e it i! a! )et de"erred. ;or o'r adoption o'ght no. to
!ati!") '!B nor o'ght .e to a!$ to #e introd'ced #e"ore the time into the po!!e!!ion o" o'r
inheritance. Ke ma) al!o ta$e the end "or re.ardB #'t the meaning .o'ld #e the !ame. ;or .e
learn "rom the *po!tle:! .ord!% that !alvation i! not other.i!e o#tained than #) "aithB and .e
$no. that "aith lean! on the !ole promi!e o" grat'ito'! adoptionB #'t i" it #e !o% do'#tle!!
!alvation i! not to the merit! o" .or$!% nor can it #e hoped "or on their acco'nt.
-'t .h) doe! he mention souls onl)% .hen the glor) o" a re!'rrection i! promi!ed to o'r #odie!O
*! the !o'l i! immortal% !alvation i! properl) a!cri#ed to it% a! Pa'l !ometime! i! .ont to !pea$%
AThat the !o'l ma) #e !aved in the da) o" the Lord.C
1 Corinthian! 545.J
-'t it i! the !ame a! tho'gh he had !aid A,ternal !alvation.C ;or there i! an implied compari!on
#et.een it and the mortal and "ading li"e .hich #elong! to the #od). *t the !ame time% the #od)
i! not e3cl'ded "rom a participation o" glor) .hen anne3ed to the !o'l.
1 PETER 1:1&-12
1&. 7" .hich !alvation the prophet! have
en>'ired and !earched diligentl)% .ho
prophe!ied o" the grace that !ho'ld come
'nto )o'4
1&. (e >'a !al'te e3>'i!ier'nt et
!cr'tati !'nt prophetee% >'i de "'t'ra
erga no! gratia vaticinati !'ntB
11. Searching .hat% or .hat manner o"
time% the Spirit o" Chri!t .hich .a! in them
did !igni")% .hen it te!ti"ied #e"orehand the
!'""ering! o" Chri!t% and the glor) that
!ho'ld "ollo..
11. Scr'tante! in >'em a't
c'?'!modi tempori! artic'l'm
!igni"icaret >'i in illi! erat Spirit'!
Chri!tiB pri'! te!ti"ican! vent'"a! in
Chri!t'm a""lictione!% et >'ee
!e>''t'rae erant gloria!B
12. Mnto .hom it .a! revealed% that not
'nto them!elve!% #'t 'nto '!% the) did
mini!ter the thing! .hich are no. reported
'nto )o' #) them that have preached the
go!pel 'nto )o' .ith the Hol) =ho!t !ent
do.n "rom heavenB .hich thing! the angel!
de!ire to loo$ into.
12. R'i#'! revelat'm e!t >'od non
!i#i ip!i!% !ed no#i! mini!tra#ant
haec% >'ae n'nc ann'nciata !'nt
vo#i! per co! >'i vo#i! praedicar'nt
evangelit'm% per Spirit'm !anct'm
mi!!'m e coeloB in >'ae de!iderant
angeli pro!picere.
He hence commend! the val'e o" !alvation% #eca'!e the prophet! had their mind! inten!el) "i3ed
on itB "or it m'!t have #een a great matter% and po!!e!!ing pec'liar e3cellenc)% .hich co'ld have
th'! $indled in the prophet! a !pirit o" in>'ir) re!pecting it. -'t !till more clearl) doe! =od:!
goodne!! to.ard '! !hine "orth in thi! ca!e% #eca'!e m'ch more i! no. made $no.n to '! than
.hat all the prophet! attained #) their long and an3io'! in>'irie!. *t the !ame time he con"irm!
the certaint) o" !alvation #) thi! ver) anti>'it)B "or "rom the #eginning o" the .orld it had
received a plain te!timon) "rom the Hol) Spirit.
The!e t.o thing! o'ght to #e di!tinctl) noticed4 he declare! that more ha! #een given to '! than
to the ancient "ather!% in order to ampli") #) thi! compari!on the grace o" the go!pelB and then%
that .hat i! preached to '! re!pecting !alvation% cannot #e !'!pected o" an) novelt)% "or the Spirit
had "ormerl) te!ti"ied o" it #) the prophet!. Khen% there"ore% he !a)! that the prophet! !earched
and !ed'lo'!l) in>'ired% thi! doe! not #elong to their .riting! or doctrine% #'t to the private
de!ire .ith .hich ever) one #oiled over. Khat i! !aid a"ter.ard! i! to #e re"erred to their p'#lic
-'t that each partic'lar ma) #e more evident% the pa!!age m'!t #e arranged 'nder certain
propo!ition!. Let the "ir!t then #e thi!% D that the Prophet! .ho "oretold o" the grace .hich
Chri!t e3hi#ited at hi! coming% diligentl) in>'ired a! to the time .hen "'ll revelation .a! to #e
made. The !econd i!% D that the Spirit o" Chri!t predicted #) them o" the "'t're condition o"
Chri!t:! $ingdom% !'ch a! it i! no.% and !'ch a! it i! e3pected )et to #e% even that it i! de!tined
that Chri!t and hi! .hole #od) !ho'ld% thro'gh vario'! !'""ering!% enter into glor). The third i!%
D that the prophet! mini!tered to '! more a#'ndantl) than to their o.n age% and that thi! .a!
revealed to them "rom a#oveB "or in Chri!t onl) i! the "'ll e3hi#ition o" tho!e thing! o" .hich
=od then pre!ented #'t an o#!c're image. The "o'rth i!% D that in the =o!pel i! contained a clear
con"irmation o" prophetic doctrine% #'t al!o a m'ch "'ller and plainer e3planationB "or the
!alvation .hich he "ormerl) proclaimed a! it .ere at a di!tance #) the prophet!% he no. reveal!
openl) to '!% and a! it .ere #e"ore o'r e)e!. The la!t propo!ition i!% D that it hence appear!
evident ho. .onder"'l i! the glor) o" that !alvation promi!ed to '! in the =o!pel% #eca'!e even
angel!% tho'gh the) en?o) =od:! pre!ence in heaven% )et #'rn .ith the de!ire o" !eeing it. 9o.
all the!e thing! tend to !he. thi! one thing% that Chri!tian!% elevated to the height o" their "elicit)%
o'ght to !'rmo'nt all the o#!tacle! o" the .orldB "or .hat i! there .hich thi! incompara#le
#ene"it doe! not red'ce to nothing O
1&. f +hich salvation( Had not the "ather! the !ame !alvation a! .e haveO Kh) then doe! he !a)
that the "ather! in5uired, a! tho'gh the) po!!e!!ed not .hat i! no. o""ered to '!O The an!.er to
thi! i! plain% that !alvation i! to #e ta$en here "or that clear mani"e!tation o" it .hich .e have
thro'gh the coming o" Chri!t. The .ord! o" Peter mean no other thing than tho!e o" Chri!t% .hen
he !aid%
AMan) $ing! and prophet! have de!ired to !ee the thing! .hich )e !ee% and have not !een
them.C G
Matthe. 1041Q.J
*! then the prophet! had #'t a limited $no.ledge o" the grace #ro'ght #) Chri!t% a! to it!
revelation the) ?'!tl) de!ired !omething more. Khen Simeon% a"ter !eeing Chri!t% prepared
him!el" calml) and .ith a !ati!"ied mind "or death% he !he.ed that he .a! #e"ore 'n!ati!"ied and
an3io'!. S'ch .a! the "eeling o" all the godl).
11. *nd .hat the) in>'ired i! pointed o't .hen he add!, Searching +hat, or +hat manner of
time( There .a! a di""erence #et.een the la. and the go!pel% a veil a! it .ere #eing interpo!ed%
that the) might not !ee tho!e thing! nearer .hich are no. !et #e"ore o'r e)e!. 9or .a! it indeed
proper% .hile Chri!t the S'n o" righteo'!ne!! .a! )et a#!ent% that the "'ll light !ho'ld !hine a! at
midda). *nd tho'gh it .a! their d't) to con"ine them!elve! .ithin their pre!cri#ed limit!% )et it
.a! no !'per!tition to !igh .ith a de!ire o" having a nearer !ight ;or .hen the) .i!hed that
redemption !ho'ld #e ha!tened% and de!ired dail) to !ee it% there .a! nothing in !'ch a .i!h to
prevent them patientl) to .ait a! long a! it plea!ed the Lord to de"er the time. Moreover% to !ee$
a! to prophecie! the partic'lar time% !eem! to me 'npro"ita#leB "or .hat i! !po$en o" here i! not
.hat the prophet! ta'ght% #'t .hat the) .i!hed. Khere the Latin interpreter! render% Ao" "'t're
grace%C it i! literall)% Ao" the grace .hich i! to )o'.C -'t a! the meaning remain! the !ame% + .a!
not di!po!ed to ma$e an) change.
+t i! more .orth) o" o#!ervation% that he doe! not !a) that the prophet! !earched according to
their o.n 'nder!tanding a! to the time .hen Chri!t:! $ingdom .o'ld come% #'t that the) applied
their mind! to the revelation o" the Spirit. Th'! the) have ta'ght '! #) their e3ample a !o#riet) in
learning% "or the) did not go #e)ond .hat the Spirit ta'ght them. *nd do'#tle!! there .ill #e no
limit! to man:! c'rio!it)% e3cept the Spirit o" =od pre!ide! over their mind!% !o that the) ma) not
de!ire an)thing el!e than to !pea$ "rom him. *nd "'rther% the !pirit'al $ingdom i! a higher
!'#?ect than .hat the h'man mind can !'cceed in inve!tigating% e3cept the Spirit #e the g'ide.
Ma) .e al!o there"ore !'#mit to hi! g'idance.
11. %he S*irit of $hrist +hich +as in them( ;ir!t% A.ho .a! in them%C and !econdl)% Ate!ti")ing%C
that i!% giving a te!timon)% #) .hich e3pre!!ion he intimate! that the prophet! .ere end'ed .ith
the Spirit o" $no.ledge% and indeed in no common manner% a! tho!e .ho have #een teacher! and
.itne!!e! to '!% and that )et the) .ere not parta$er! o" that light .hich i! e3hi#ited to '!. *t the
!ame time% a high prai!e i! given to their doctrine% "or it .a! the te!timon) o" the Hol) SpiritB the
preacher! and mini!ter! .ere men% #'t he .a! the teacher. 9or doe! he declare .itho't rea!on
that the Spirit o" Chri!t then r'ledB and he ma$e! the Spirit% !ent "rom heaven% to pre!ide over the
teacher! o" the =o!pel% "or he !he.! that the =o!pel come! "rom =od% and that the ancient
prophecie! .ere dictated #) Chri!t.
%he sufferings of $hrist( That the) might #ear !'#mi!!ivel) their a""liction!% he remind! them
that the) had #een long ago "oretold #) the Spirit. -'t he incl'de! m'ch more than thi!% "or he
teache! '!% that the Ch'rch o" Chri!t ha! #een "rom the #eginning !o con!tit'ted% that the cro!!
ha! #een the .a) to victor)% and death a pa!!age to li"e% and that thi! had #een clearl) te!ti"ied.
There i!% there"ore% no rea!on .h) a""liction! !ho'ld a#ove mea!'re depre!! '!% a! tho'gh .e
.ere mi!era#le 'nder them% !ince the Spirit o" =od prono'nce! '! #le!!ed.
The order i! to #e noticedB he mention! !'""ering! "ir!t% and then add! the glorie! .hich are to
"ollo.. ;or he intimate! that thi! order cannot #e changed or !'#vertedB a""liction! m'!t precede
glor). So there i! to #e 'nder!tood a t.o"old tr'th in the!e .ord!% D that Chri!tian! m'!t !'""er
man) tro'#le! #e"ore the) en?o) glor)% D and that a""liction! are not evil!% #eca'!e the) have
glor) anne3ed to them. Since =od ha! ordained thi! connection% it doe! not #ehove '! to !eparate
the one "rom the other. *nd it i! no common con!olation% that o'r condition% !'ch a! .e "ind it to
#e% ha! #een "oretold !o man) age! ago.
Hence .e learn% that it i! not in vain that a happ) end i! promi!ed to '!B !econdl)% .e hence
$no. that .e are not a""licted #) chance% #'t thro'gh the in"alli#le providence o" =odB and
la!tl)% that prophecie! are li$e mirror! to !et "orth to '! in tri#'lation! the image o" cele!tial glor).
Peter% indeed% !a)!% that the Spirit had te!ti"ied o" the coming a""liction! o" Chri!tB #'t he doe! not
!eparate Chri!t "rom hi! #od). Thi!% then% i! not to #e con"ined to the per!on o" Chri!t% #'t a
#eginning i! to #e made .ith the head% !o that the mem#er! ma) in d'e order "ollo.% a! Pa'l al!o
teache! '!% that .e m'!t #e con"ormed to him .ho i! the "ir!t#orn among hi! #rethren. +n !hort%
Peter doe! not !pea$ o" .hat i! pec'liar to Chri!t% #'t o" the 'niver!al !tate o" the Ch'rch. -'t it
i! m'ch "itted to con"irm o'r "aith% .hen he !et! "orth o'r a""liction! a! vie.ed in Chri!t% "or .e
there#) !ee #etter the connection o" death and li"e #et.een '! and him. *nd% do'#tle!!% thi! i! the
privilege and manner o" the hol) 'nion% that he !'""er! dail) in hi! mem#er!% that a"ter hi!
!'""ering! !hall #e completed in '!% glor) al!o ma) have it! completion. See more on thi! !'#?ect
in the third chapter o" the ,pi!tle to the Colo!!ian!% and in the "o'rth o" the "ir!t ,pi!tle to
12. -nto +hom it +as revealed( Thi! pa!!age ha! #een !trangel) perverted #) "anatic!% !o a! to
e3cl'de the "ather! .ho lived 'nder the la. "rom the hope o" eternal !alvation. ;or it doe! not
den) that the prophet! '!e"'ll) mini!tered to their o.n age% and edi"ied the ch'rch% #'t teache!
'! that their mini!tr) i! more '!e"'l to '!% #eca'!e .e are "allen on the end! o" the .orld. Ke !ee
ho. highl) the) e3tolled the $ingdom o" Chri!t% ho. a!!id'o'! the) .ere in adorning it% ho.
diligentl) the) !tim'lated all to !ee$ itB #'t the) .ere #) death deprived o" the privilege o" !eeing
it a! it no. i!. Khat el!e then .a! thi!% #'t that the) !pread the ta#le% that other! might
a"ter.ard! "eed on the provi!ion! laid on it. The) indeed ta!ted #) "aith o" tho!e thing! .hich the
Lord ha! #) their hand! tran!mitted to #e en?o)ed #) '!B and the) al!o partoo$ o" Chri!t a! the
real "ood o" their !o'l!. -'t .hat i! !po$en o" no. i! the e3hi#ition o" thi! #le!!ing% and .e
$no. that the prophetic o""ice .a! con"ined a! it .ere .ithin limit!% in order that the) might
!'pport them!elve! and other! .ith the hope o" Chri!t% .ho .a! to come. The) there"ore
po!!e!!ed him a! one hidden% and a! it .ere a#!ent D a#!ent% + !a)% not in or grace% #'t
#eca'!e he .a! not )et mani"e!ted in the "le!h. There"ore hi! $ingdom al!o .a! a! )et hid a! it
.ere 'nder covering!. *t length de!cending on earth% he in a manner opened heaven to '!% !o that
.e might have a near vie. o" tho!e !pirit'al riche!% .hich #e"ore .ere 'nder t)pe! e3hi#ited at a
di!tance. Thi! "r'ition then o" Chri!t a! mani"e!ted% "orm! the di""erence #et.een '! and the
prophet!. Hence .e learn ho. the) mini!tered to '! rather than to them!elve!.
-'t tho'gh the prophet! .ere admoni!hed "rom a#ove that the grace .hich the) proclaimed
.o'ld #e de"erred to another age% )et the) .ere not !loth"'l in proclaiming it% !o "ar .ere the)
"rom #eing #ro$en do.n .ith .earine!!. -'t i" their patience .a! !o great% !'rel) .e !hall #e and thrice 'ngrate"'l% i" the "r'ition o" the grace denied to them .ill not !'!tain '! 'nder
all the evil! .hich are to #e end'red.
Which are no+ re*orted to &ou, or anno'nced to )o'. He again mar$! the di""erence #et.een the
ancient doctrine and the preaching o" the go!pel. ;or a! the righteo'!ne!! o" =od i! revealed in
the go!pel% having a te!timon) "rom the la. and the prophet!% !o al!o the glor) o" Chri!t% o"
.hich the Spirit te!ti"ied "ormerl)% i! no. openl) proclaimed. *nd at the !ame time he hence
prove! the certaint) o" the go!pel% #eca'!e it contain! nothing #'t .hat had #een long ago
te!ti"ied #) the Spirit o" =od. He "'rther remind! them% that 'nder the #anner o" the !ame Spirit%
#) hi! dictation and g'idance% the go!pel .a! preached% le!t the) might thin$ o" an)thing h'man
in thi! ca!e.
Which things the angels desire to look into( +t i! indeed the highe!t prai!e to the go!pel% that it
contain! trea!'re! o" .i!dom% a! )et concealed and hidden "rom angel!. -'t !ome one ma)
o#?ect% and !a) that it i! not rea!ona#le that thing! !ho'ld #e open and $no.n to '! .hich are
hidden "rom angel!% .ho al.a)! !ee the "ace o" =od% and are hi! mini!ter! in r'ling the ch'rch%
and in the admini!tration o" all hi! #le!!ing!. To thi! + an!.er% that thing! are open to '! a! "ar a!
.e !ee them in the mirror o" the .ordB #'t o'r $no.ledge i! not !aid to #e higher than that o"
angel!B Peter onl) mean! that !'ch thing! are promi!ed to '! a! angel! de!ire to !ee "'l"illed. Pa'l
!a)! that #) the calling o" the =entile! the .onder"'l .i!dom o" =od .a! made $no.n to angel!.
"or it .a! a !pectacle to them% .hen Chri!t gathered into one #od) the lo!t .orld% alienated "or !o
man) age! "rom the hope o" li"e. Th'! dail) the) !ee .ith admiration the magni"icent .or$! o"
=od in the government o" hi! ch'rch. Ho. m'ch greater .ill their admiration #e% at .itne!!ing
the la!t di!pla) o" divine ?'!tice% .hen the $ingdom o" Chri!t !hall #e completedP Thi! i! a! )et
hidden% the revelation o" .hich the) !till e3pect and ?'!tl) .i!h to !ee.
The pa!!age indeed admit! o" a t.o"old meaningB either that the trea!'re .e have in the go!pel
"ill! the angel! .ith a de!ire to !ee it% a! it i! a !ight e!peciall) delight"'l to themB or that the)
an3io'!l) de!ire to !ee the $ingdom o" Chri!t% the living image o" .hich i! !et "orth in the go!pel.
-'t the la!t !eem! to me to #e the mo!t !'ita#le meaning.
1 PETER 1:13-1"
13. Khere"ore gird 'p the loin! o" )o'r
mind% #e !o#er% and hope to the end% "or the
grace that i! to #e #ro'ght 'nto )o' at the
revelation o" @e!'! Chri!t4
13. R'are !'ccincti l'm#i! menti!
ve!trae% !o#rii% per"ecte !perate in eam
>'ae ad vo! de"ert'r gratiam% in
revelatione @e!' Chri!tiB
1!. *! o#edient children% not "a!hioning
)o'r!elve! according to the "ormer l'!t! in
1!. Tan>'am "ilii o#ediente!% non
con"ormati pri!tini!% >'ae in ignorantia
)o'r ignorance4 ve!tra regnar'nt% c'piditati#'!4
1". -eca'!e it i! .ritten% -e )e hol)B "or +
am hol).
1". Propterea >'Td !cript'm e!t% Sancti
e!tote% >'ia ego !anct'! !'m.
Levitic'! 11444B 114/B /04Q.J
;rom the greatne!! and e3cellenc) o" grace he dra.! an e3hortation% that it !'rel) #ehoved them
the more readil) to receive the grace o" =od% a! the more #o'nti"'ll) he #e!to.ed it 'pon them.
*nd .e m'!t notice the connection4 he had !aid% that !o elevated .a! the $ingdom o" Chri!t% to
.hich the go!pel call! '!% that even angel! in heaven de!ire to !ee itB .hat then o'ght to #e done
#) '! .ho are in the .orldO (o'#tle!!% a! long a! .e live on earth% !o great i! the di!tance
#et.een '! and Chri!t% that in vain he invite! '! to him!el". +t i! hence nece!!ar) "or '! to p't o""
the image o" *dam and to ca!t a!ide the .hole .orld and all hinderance!% that #eing th'! !et at
li#ert) .e ma) ri!e 'p.ard! to Chri!t. *nd he e3horted tho!e to .hom he .rote% to #e prepared
and !o#er% and to hope "or the grace! o""ered to them% and al!o to reno'nce the .orld and their
"ormer li"e% and to #e con"ormed to the .ill o" =od.

Then the "ir!t part o" the e3hortation i!% to gird 'p the loin! o" their mind and to direct their
tho'ght! to the hope o" the grace pre!ented to them. +n the !econd par% he pre!cri#e! the manner%
that having their mind! changed% the) .ere to #e "ormed a"ter the image o" =od.
13. Wherefore gird u* the loins of &our mind( +t i! a !imilit'de ta$en "rom an ancient c'!tomB "or
.hen the) had long garment!% the) co'ld not ma$e a ?o'rne)% nor convenientl) do an) .or$%
.itho't #eing girded 'p. Hence the!e e3pre!!ion!% to gird 'p one:!!el" "or a .or$ or an
'nderta$ing. He then #id! them to remove all impediment!% that #eing !et at li#ert) the) might go
on to =od. Tho!e .ho philo!ophi5e more re"inedl) a#o't the loin!% a! tho'gh he commanded
l'!t! to #e re!trained and chec$ed% depart "rom the real meaning o" the *po!tle% "or the!e .ord!
mean the !ame .ith tho!e o" Chri!t%
ALet )o'r loin! #e girded a#o't% and #'rning lamp! in )o'r hand!%C G
L'$e 1/405%J
e3cept that Peter do'#le! the metaphor #) a!cri#ing loin! to the mind. *nd he intimate! that o'r
mind! are held entangled #) the pa!!ing care! o" the .orld and #) vain de!ire!% !o that the) ri!e
not 'p.ard to =od. Kho!oever% then% reall) .i!he! to have thi! hope% let him learn in the "ir!t
place to di!entangle him!el" "rom the .orld% and gird 'p hi! mind that it ma) not t'rn a!ide to
vain a""ection!. *nd "or the !ame p'rpo!e he en?oin! !o#riet)% .hich immediatel) "ollo.!B "or he
commend! not temperance onl) in eating and drin$ing% #'t rather !pirit'al !o#riet)% .hen all o'r
tho'ght! and a""ection! are !o $ept a! not to #e ine#riated .ith the all'rement! o" thi! .orld. ;or
!ince even the lea!t ta!te o" them !tealthil) dra.! '! a.a) "rom =od% .hen one pl'nge! him!el"
into the!e% he m'!t nece!!aril) #ecome !leep) and !t'pid% and he "orget! =od and the thing! o"
Ho*e to the end, or% Per"ectl) hope. He intimate! that tho!e .ho let their mind! loo!e on vanit)%
did not reall) and !incerel) hope "or the grace o" =odB "or tho'gh the) had !ome hope% )et a!
the) vacillated and .ere to!!ed to and "ro in the .orld% there .a! no !olidit) in their hope. Then
he !a)!% for the grace +hich +ill "e "rought to &ou, in order that the) might #e more prompt to
receive it. =od o'ght to #e !o'ght% tho'gh "ar o""B #'t he come! o" hi! o.n .ill to meet '!. Ho.
great% then% m'!t #e o'r ingratit'de i" .e neglect the grace that i! th'! !et #e"ore '!P Thi!
ampli"ication% then% i! e!peciall) intended to !tim'late o'r hope.
Khat he add!% 't the revelation of Jesus $hrist, ma) #e e3plained in t.o .a)!4 that the doctrine
o" the =o!pel reveal! Chri!t to '!B and that% a! .e !ee him a! )et onl) thro'gh a mirror and
enigmaticall)% a "'ll revelation i! de"erred to the la!t da). The "ir!t meaning i! approved #)
,ra!m'!% nor do + re?ect it. The !econd !eem!% ho.ever% to #e more !'ita#le to the pa!!age. ;or
the o#?ect o" Peter .a! to call '! a.a) #e)ond the .orldB "or thi! p'rpo!e the "itte!t thing .a! the
recollection o" Chri!t:! coming. ;or .hen .e direct o'r e)e! to thi! event% thi! .orld #ecome!
cr'ci"ied to '!% and .e to the .orld. -e!ide!% according to thi! meaning% Peter '!ed the
e3pre!!ion !hortl) #e"ore. 9or i! it a ne. thing "or the apo!tle! to emplo) the prepo!ition ejn in
the !en!e o" eijv. Th'!% then% + e3plain the pa!!age% D C So' have no need to ma$e a long
?o'rne) that )o' ma) attain the grace o" =odB "or =od anticipate! )o'B ina!m'ch a! he #ring! it
to )o'.C -'t a! the "r'ition o" it .ill not #e 'ntil Chri!t appear! "rom heaven% in .hom i! hid the
!alvation o" the godl)% there i! need% in the meantime% o" hopeB "or the grace o" Chri!t i! no.
o""ered to '! in vain% e3cept .e patientl) .ait 'ntil the coming o" Chri!t.
1!. 's o"edient children( He "ir!t intimate! that .e are called #) the Lord to the privilege and
honor o" adoption thro'gh the =o!pelB and% !econdl)% that .e are adopted "or thi! end% that he
might have '! a! hi! o#edient children. ;or tho'gh o#edience doe! not ma$e '! children% a! the
gi"t o" adoption i! grat'ito'!% )et it di!ting'i!he! children "rom alien!. Ho. "ar% indeed% thi!
o#edience e3tend!% Peter !he.!% .hen he "or#id! =od:! children to con"orm to or to compl) .ith
the de!ire! o" thi! .orld% and .hen he e3hort! them% on the contrar)% to con"orm to the .ill o"
=od. The !'m o" the .hole la.% and o" all that =od re>'ire! o" '!% i! thi!% that hi! image !ho'ld
!hine "orth in '!% !o that .e !ho'ld not #e degenerate children. -'t thi! cannot #e e3cept .e #e
rene.ed and p't o"" the image o" old *dam.
Hence .e learn .hat Chri!tian! o'ght to propo!e to them!elve! a! all o#?ect thro'gho't li"e% that
i!% to re!em#le =od in holine!! and p'rit). -'t a! all the tho'ght! and "eeling! o" o'r "le!h are in
oppo!ition to =od% and the .hole #ent o" o'r mind i! enmit) to him% hence Peter #egin! .ith the
ren'nciation o" the .orldB and certainl)% .henever the Script're !pea$! o" the o" =od:!
image in '!% it #egin! here% that the old man .ith hi! l'!t! i! to #e de!tro)ed.
0n &our ignorance( The time o" ignorance he call! that #e"ore the) .ere called into the "aith o"
Chri!t. Ke hence learn that 'n#elie" i! the "o'ntain o" all evil!. ;or he doe! not '!e the .ord
ignorance% a! .e commonl) doB "or that Platonic dogma i! "al!e% that ignorance alone i! the ca'!e
o" !in. -'t )et% ho. m'ch !oever con!cience ma) reprove the 'n#elieving% neverthele!! the) go
a!tra) a! the #lind in dar$ne!!% #eca'!e the) $no. not the right .a)% and the) are .itho't the
tr'e light. *ccording to thi! meaning% Pa'l !a)!%
ASe hence"orth .al$ not a! the =entile!% in the vanit) o" their mind% .ho have the mind
dar$ened% #eing alienated "rom the li"e o" =od% #eca'!e o" the ignorance that i! in them.C
,phe!ian! 441Q.J
Khere the $no.ledge o" =od i! not% there dar$ne!!% error% vanit)% de!tit'tion o" light and li"e%
prevail. The!e thing!% ho.ever% do not render it impo!!i#le that the 'ngodl) !ho'ld #e con!cio'!
o" doing .rong .hen the) !in% and $no. that their ?'dge i! in heaven% and "eel an e3ec'tioner
.ithin them. +n !hort% a! the $ingdom o" =od i! a $ingdom o" light% all .ho are alienated "rom
him m'!t nece!!aril) #e #lind and go a!tra) in a la#)rinth.
Ke are in the meantime reminded% that .e are "or thi! end ill'minated a! to the $no.ledge o"
=od% that .e ma) no longer #e carried a.a) #) roving l'!t!. Hence% a! m'ch progre!! an) one
ha! made in!! o" li"e% !o m'ch progre!! ha! he made in the $no.ledge o" =od.
Here a >'e!tion ari!e!% D Since he addre!!ed the @e.!% .ho .ere ac>'ainted .ith the la.% and
.ere #ro'ght 'p in the .or!hip o" the onl) tr'e =od% .h) did he charge them .ith ignorance and
#lindne!!% a! tho'gh the) .ere heathen!O To thi! + an!.er% that it hence appear! ho. pro"itle!! i!
all $no.ledge .itho't Chri!t. Khen Pa'l e3po!ed the vain #oa!ting o" tho!e .ho .i!hed to #e
.i!e apart "rom Chri!t% he ?'!tl) !aid in one !hort !entence% that the) did not hold the head.
Colo!!ian! /411.J S'ch .ere the @e.!B #eing other.i!e im#'ed .ith n'm#erle!!
corr'ption!% the) had a veil over the e)e!% !o that the) did not !ee Chri!t in the La.. The doctrine
in .hich the) had #een ta'ght .a! indeed a tr'e lightB #'t the) .ere #lind in the mid!t o" light%
a! long a! the S'n o" 8ighteo'!ne!! .a! hid to them. -'t i" Peter declare! that the literal
di!ciple! even o" the La. .ere in dar$ne!! li$e the heathen!% a! long a! the) .ere ignorant o"
Chri!t% the onl) tr'e .i!dom o" =od% .ith ho. m'ch greater care it #ehove! '! to !trive "or the
$no.ledge o" himP
1( He +ho hath called &ou is hol&( He rea!on! "rom the end "or .hich .e are called. =od !et! '!
apart a! a pec'liar people "or him!el"B then .e o'ght to #e "ree "rom all poll'tion!. *nd he >'ote!
a !entence .hich had #een o"ten repeated #) Mo!e!. ;or a! the people o" +!rael .ere on ever)
!ide !'rro'nded #) heathen!% "rom .hom the) might have ea!il) adopted the .or!t e3ample! and
inn'mera#le corr'ption!% the Lord "re>'entl) recalled them to him!el"% a! tho'gh he had !aid%
ASe have to do .ith me% )e are mineB then a#!tain "rom the poll'tion! o" the =entile!.C Ke are
too read) to loo$ to men% !o a! to "ollo. their common .a) o" living. Th'! it happen!% that !ome
lead other! in troop! to all $ind! o" evil% 'ntil the Lord #) hi! calling !eparate! them.
+n #idding '! to #e hol& li$e him!el"% the proportion i! not that o" e>'al!B #'t .e o'ght to
advance in thi! direction a! "ar a! o'r condition .ill #ear. *nd a! even the mo!t per"ect are
al.a)! ver) "ar "rom coming 'p to the mar$% .e o'ght dail) to !trive more and more. *nd .e
o'ght to remem#er that .e are not onl) told .hat o'r d't) i!% #'t that =od al!o add!% A+ am he
.ho !ancti") )o'.C
+t i! added% 0n all manner of conversation, or% in )o'r .hole cond'ct. There i! then no part o" o'r
li"e .hich i! not to #e redolent .ith thi! good odo'r o" holine!!. ;or .e !ee that in the !malle!t
thing! and almo!t in!igni"icant% the Lord acc'!tomed hi! people to the practice o" holine!!% in
order that the) might e3erci!e a more diligent care a! to them!elve!.
1 PETER 1:1$-22
1$. *nd i" )e call on the ;ather% .ho
.itho't re!pect o" per!on! ?'dgeth
according to ever) man:! .or$% pa!! the
time o" )o'r !o?o'rning here in "ear4
1$. ,t !i Patrem invocati!% e'm >'i
!ine per!onae acceptione !ec'nd'm
c'?'!>'e op'! ?'dicat% in timore
conver!ante!% ternp'! incolat'! ve!tri
1%. ;ora!m'ch a! )e $no. that )e .ere not
redeemed .ith corr'pti#le thing!% a! !ilver
and gold% "rom )o'r vain conver!ation
received #) tradition "rom )o'r "ather!B
1%. Sciente! >'Td non
corr'pti#ili#'!% argento vel a'ro%
redempti !iti! U vana conver!atione U
patri#'! traditaB
22. P'ri"icante! anima! ve!tra! in
o#edientia veritati! per Spirit'm% in
22. Seeing )e have p'ri"ied )o'r !o'l! in
o#e)ing the tr'th thro'gh the Spirit 'nto
'n"eigned love o" the #rethren% !ee that )e
love one another .ith a p're heart "erventl).
"raternam charitatem non "ictam% e3
p'ro corde diligite vo! m't'T
1$( 'nd if &e call on the Father( The) are !aid here to call on =od the ;ather% .ho pro"e!!ed
them!elve! to #e hi! children% a! Mo!e! !a)!% that the name o" @aco# .a! called on ,phraim and
Mana!!eh% that the) might #e co'nted hi! children. G
=ene!i! 4F41E.J *ccording to thi!
meaning al!o% .e !a) in ;rench reclamer( -'t he had a regard to .hat he had !aid #e"ore% Aa!
o#edient children.C *nd "rom the character o" the ;ather him!el"% he !he.! .hat !ort o"
o#edience o'ght to #e rendered. He ,udges, he !a)!% +ithout looking on the *erson, that i!% no
o't.ard ma!$ i! o" an) acco'nt .ith him% a! the ca!e i! .ith men% #'t he !ee! the heart% G
Sam'el 1E4QBJ and hi! e)e! loo$ on "aith"'lne!!. G
@eremiah 540.J Thi! al!o i! .hat Pa'l
mean! .hen he !a)! that =od:! ?'dgment i! according to tr'th% G
8oman! /4/BJ "or he there
inveigh! again!t h)pocrite!% .ho thin$ that the) deceive =od #) a vain preten!e. The meaning i!%
that .e #) no mean! di!charge o'r d't) to.ard! =od% .hen .e o#e) him onl) in appearanceB "or
he i! not a mortal man% .hom the o't.ard appearance plea!e!% #'t he read! .hat .e are
in.ardl) in o'r heart!. He not onl) pre!cri#e! la.! "or o'r "eet and hand!% #'t he al!o re>'ire!
.hat i! ?'!t and right a! to the mind and !pirit.
-) !a)ing% 'ccording to ever& man6s +ork, he doe! not re"er to merit or to re.ardB "or Peter doe!
not !pea$ here o" the merit! o" .or$!% nor o" the ca'!e o" !alvation% #'t he onl) remind! '!% that
there .ill #e no loo$ing to the per!on #e"ore the tri#'nal o" =od% #'t that .hat .ill #e regarded
.ill #e the real !incerit) o" the heart. +n thi! place "aith al!o i! incl'ded in the .or$. +t hence
appear! evident ho. "ooli!h and p'erile i! the in"erence that i! dra.n% D A=od i! !'ch that he
?'dge! ever) one o" '! #) the integrit) o" hi! con!cience% not #) the o't.ard appearanceB then .e
o#tain !alvation #) .or$!.C
%he fear that i! mentioned% !tand! oppo!ed to heedle!! !ec'rit)% !'ch a! i! .ont to creep in% .hen
there i! a hope o" deceiving .ith imp'nit). ;or% a! =od:! e)e! are !'ch that the) penetrate into
the hidden rece!!e! o" the heart% .e o'ght to .al$ .ith him care"'ll) and not negligentl). He
call! the pre!ent li"e a so,ourning, not in the !en!e in .hich he called the @e.! to .hom he .a!
.riting !o?o'rner!% at the #eginning o" the ,pi!tle% #'t #eca'!e all the godl) are in thi! .orld
pilgrim!. G
He#re.! 11410%0F.J
1%. Forasmuch as &e kno+, or% $ Here i! another rea!on% dra.n "rom the price o" o'r
redemption% .hich o'ght al.a)! to #e remem#ered .hen o'r !alvation i! !po$en o". ;or to him
.ho rep'diate! or de!pi!e! the grace o" the go!pel% not onl) hi! o.n !alvation i! .orthle!!% #'t
al!o the #lood o" Chri!t% #) .hich =od ha! mani"e!ted it! val'e. -'t .e $no. ho. dread"'ll)
!acrilegio'! it i! to regard a! common the #lood o" the Son o" =od. There i! hence nothing .hich
o'ght !o m'ch to !tim'late '! to the practice o" holine!!% a! the memor) o" thi! price o" o'r
Silver and gold( ;or the !a$e o" ampli")ing he mention! the!e thing! in contra!t% !o that .e ma)
$no. that the .hole .orld% and all thing! deemed precio'! #) men% are nothing to the e3cellenc)
and val'e o" thi! price.
-'t he !a)! that the) had #een redeemed from their vain conversation,
in order that .e might
$no. that the .hole li"e o" man% 'ntil he i! converted to Chri!t% i! a r'ino'! la#)rinth o"
.andering!. He al!o intimate!% that it i! not thro'gh o'r merit! that .e are re!tored to the right
.a)% #'t #eca'!e it i! =od:! .ill that the price% o""ered "or o'r !alvation% !ho'ld #e e""ect'al in
o'r #ehal". Then the #lood o" Chri!t i! not onl) the pledge o" o'r !alvation% #'t al!o the ca'!e o"
o'r calling.
Moreover% Peter .arn! '! to #e.are le!t o'r 'n#elie" !ho'ld render thi! price void or o" no
e""ect. *! Pa'l #oa!t! that he .or!hipped =od .ith a p're con!cience "rom hi! "ore"ather!%
/ Timoth) 140%Jand a! he al!o commend! to Timoth) "or hi! imitation the piet) o" hi!
grandmother Loi!% and o" hi! mother ,'nice% G
/ Timoth) 145%J and a! Chri!t al!o !aid o" the
@e.! that the) $ne. .hom the) .or!hipped G
@ohn 44//%J it ma) !eem !trange that Peter
!ho'ld a!!ert that the @e.! o" hi! time learnt nothing "rom their "ather! #'t mere vanit). To thi! +
an!.er% that Chri!t% .hen he declared that the .a) or the $no.ledge o" tr'e religion #elonged to
the @e.!% re"erred to the la. and the commandment! o" =od rather than to the peopleB "or the
temple had not to no p'rpo!e #een #'ilt at @er'!alem% nor .a! =od .or!hipped there according
to the "ancie! o" men% #'t according to .hat .a! pre!cri#ed in the La.B he% there"ore% !aid that
the @e.! .ere not going a!tra) .hile o#!erving the La.. *! to Pa'l:! "ore"ather!% and a! to Loi!%
,'nice% and !imilar ca!e!% there i! no do'#t #'t that =od ever had at lea!t a !mall remnant among
that people% in .hom !incere piet) contin'ed% .hile the #od) o" the people had #ecome .holl)
corr'pt% and had pl'nged them!elve! into all $ind! o" error!. +nn'mera#le !'per!tition! .ere
"ollo.ed% h)pocri!) prevailed% the hope o" !alvation .a! #'ilt on the mere!t tri"le!B the) .ere not
onl) im#'ed .ith "al!e opinion!% #'t al!o "a!cinated .ith the gro!!e!t dotage!B and the) .ho had
#een !cattered to vario'! part! o" the .orld% .ere implicated in !till greater corr'ption!. +n !hort%
the greater part o" that nation had either .holl) "allen a.a) "rom tr'e religion% or had m'ch
degenerated. Khen% there"ore% Peter condemned the doctrine o" the "ather!% he vie.ed it a!
'nconnected .ith Chri!t% .ho i! the !o'l and the tr'th o" the La..
-'t .e hence learn% that a! !oon a! men depart "rom Chri!t% the) go "atall) a!tra). +n vain i!
pretended in thi! ca!e the a'thorit) o" the ;ather! or an ancient c'!tom. ;or the Prophet ,5e$iel
cried to the @e.!%
AKal$ )e not in the !tat'te! o" )o'r "ather!.C
,5e$iel /041F.J
Thi! o'ght al!o to #e no le!! attended to #) '! in the pre!ent da)B "or% in order that the
redemption o" Chri!t ma) #e e""ect'al and '!e"'l to '!% .e m'!t reno'nce o'r "ormer li"e% tho'gh
derived "rom the teaching and practice o" o'r "ather!. Thrice "ooli!h% then% are the Papi!t!% .ho
thin$ that the name o" ;ather! i! a !'""icient de"en!e "or all their !'per!tition!% !o that the) #oldl)
re?ect .hatever i! #ro'ght "or.ard "rom the Kord o" =od.
1#. 's of a lam"( He mean! #) thi! !imilit'de% that .e have ill Chri!t .hatever had #een
!hado.ed "orth #) the ancient !acri"ice!% tho'gh he e!peciall) all'de! to the Pa!chal lam#. -'t
let '! hence learn .hat #ene"it the reading o" the La. #ring! '! in thi! re!pectB "or% tho'gh the
rite o" !acri"icing i! a#oli!hed% )et it a!!i!t! o'r "aith not a little% to compare the realit) .ith the
t)pe% !o that .e ma) !ee$ in the "ormer .hat the latter contain!. Mo!e! ordered a .hole or
per"ect lam#% .itho't #lemi!h% to #e cho!en "or the Pa!!over. The !ame thing i! o"ten repeated a!
to the !acri"ice!% a! in Levitic'! /0B in 9'm#er! /FB and in other place!. Peter% #) appl)ing thi! to
Chri!t% teache! '! that he .a! a !'ita#le victim% and approved #) =od% "or he .a! per"ect%
.itho't an) #lemi!hB had he had an) de"ect in him% he co'ld not have #een rightl) o""ered to
=od% nor co'ld he paci") hi! .rath.
2&. Who veril& +as foreordained( He again #) a compari!on ampli"ie! the grace o" =od% .ith
.hich he had pec'liarl) "avored the men o" that age. ;or it .a! not a common or a !mall "avor
that =od de"erred the mani"e!tation o" Chri!t to that time% .hen )et he had ordained him in hi!
eternal co'ncil "or the !alvation o" the .orld. *t the !ame time% ho.ever% he remind! '!% that it
.a! not a ne. or a !'dden thing a! to =od that Chri!t appeared a! a SaviorB and thi! i! .hat
o'ght e!peciall) to #e $no.n. ;or% in addition to thi!% that novelt) i! al.a)! !'!picio'!% .hat
.o'ld #e the !ta#ilit) o" o'r "aith% i" .e #elieved that a remed) "or man$ind had !'ddenl)
occ'rred at length to =od a"ter !ome tho'!and! o" )ear!O +n !hort% .e cannot con"identl) rec'm#
on Chri!t% e3cept .e are convinced that eternal !alvation i! in him% and al.a)! ha! #een in him.
-e!ide!% Peter addre!!ed the @e.!% .ho had heard that he had alread) #een long ago promi!edB
and tho'gh the) 'nder!tood nothing tr'e or clear or certain re!pecting hi! and o""ice% )et
there remained among them a per!'a!ion% that a 8edeemer had #een promi!ed #) =od to the
+t ma) )et #e a!$ed% *! *dam did not "all #e"ore the creation o" the .orld% ho. .a! it that Chri!t
had #een appointed the 8edeemerO "or a remed) i! po!terior to the di!ea!e. M) repl) i!% that thi!
i! to #e re"erred to =od:! "ore$no.ledgeB "or do'#tle!! =od% #e"ore he created man% "ore!a. that
he .o'ld not !tand long in hi! integrit). Hence he ordained% according to hi! .onder"'l .i!dom
and goodne!!% that Chri!t !ho'ld #e the 8edeemer% to deliver the lo!t race o" man "rom r'in. ;or
herein !hine! "orth more "'ll) the 'n!pea$a#le goodne!! o" =od% that he anticipated o'r di!ea!e
#) the remed) o" hi! grace% and provided a re!toration to li"e #e"ore the "ir!t man had "allen into
death. +" the reader .i!he! "or more on thi! !'#?ect% he ma) "ind it in m) +n!tit'te!.
But +as manifest, or mani"e!ted. +ncl'ded in the!e .ord!% a! + thin$% i! not onl) the per!onal
appearance o" Chri!t% #'t al!o the proclamation o" the =o!pel. ;or% #) the coming o" Chri!t% =od
e3ec'ted .hat he had decreedB and .hat he had o#!c'rel) indicated to the "ather! i! no. clearl)
and plainl) made $no.n to '! #) the =o!pel. He !a)! that thi! .a! done in these last times,
meaning the !ame a! .hen Pa'l !a)!%
A+n the "'llne!! o" time%C G
=alatian! 444BJ
"or it .a! the mat're !ea!on and the "'ll time .hich =od in hi! co'n!el had appointed. For &ou(
He doe! not e3cl'de the "ather!% to .hom the promi!e had not #een '!ele!!B #'t a! =od ha!
"avored '! more than them% he intimate! that the greater the amplit'de o" grace to.ard! '!% the
more reverence and ardor and care are re>'ired o" '!.
21. Who "elieve( The mani"e!tation o" Chri!t re"er! not to all indi!criminatel)% #'t #elong! to
tho!e onl) on .hom he #) the =o!pel !hine!. -'t .e m'!t notice the .ord!% Who "& him "elieve
in God7 here i! !hortl) e3pre!!ed .hat "aith i!. ;or% !ince =od i! incomprehen!i#le% "aith co'ld
never reach to him% e3cept it had an immediate regard to Chri!t. 9a)% there are t.o rea!on! .h)
"aith co'ld not #e in =od% e3cept Chri!t intervened a! a Mediator4 "ir!t% the greatne!! o" the
divine glor) m'!t #e ta$en to the acco'nt% and at the !ame time the littlene!! o" o'r capacit). 7'r
ac'tene!! i! do'#tle!! ver) "ar "rom #eing capa#le o" a!cending !o high a! to comprehend =od.
Hence all $no.ledge o" =od .itho't Chri!t i! a va!t a#)!! .hich immediatel) !.allo.! 'p all
o'r tho'ght!. * clear proo" o" thi! .e have% not onl) in the T'r$! and the @e.!% .ho in the place
o" =od .or!hip their o.n dream!% #'t al!o in the Papi!t!. Common i! that a3iom o" the !chool!%
that =od i! the o#?ect o" "aith. Th'! o" hidden ma?e!t)% Chri!t #eing overloo$ed% the) largel) and
re"inedl) !pec'lateB #'t .ith .hat !'cce!!O The) entangle them!elve! in a!to'nding dotage!% !o
that there i! no end to their .andering!. ;or "aith% a! the) thin$% i! nothing el!e #'t an
imaginative !pec'lation. Let '!% there"ore% remem#er% that Chri!t i! not in vain called the image
o" the invi!i#le =od% G
Colo!!ian! 1415BJ #'t thi! name i! given to him "or thi! rea!on%
#eca'!e =od cannot #e $no.n e3cept in him.
The !econd rea!on i!% that a! "aith 'nite! '! to =od% .e !h'n and dread ever) acce!! to him%
e3cept a Mediator come! .ho can deliver '! "rom "ear. ;or !in% .hich reign! in '!% render! '!
hate"'l to =od and him to '!. Hence% a! !oon a! mention i! made o" =od% .e m'!t nece!!aril) #e
"illed .ith dreadB and i" .e approach him% hi! ?'!tice i! li$e "ire% .hich .ill .holl) con!'me '!.
+t i! hence evident that .e cannot #elieve in =od e3cept thro'gh Chri!t% in .hom =od in a
manner ma$e! him!el" little% that he might accommodate him!el" to o'r comprehen!ionB and it i!
Chri!t alone .ho can tran>'illi5e con!cience!% !o that .e ma) dare to come in con"idence to
%hat raised him u* from the dead( He add!% that Chri!t had #een rai!ed 'p "rom the dead% in order
that their "aith and hope% #) .hich the) .ere !'pported% might have a "irm "o'ndation. *nd
here#) again i! con"'ted the glo!! re!pecting 'niver!al and indi!criminate "aith in =odB "or had
there #een no re!'rrection o" Chri!t% !till =od .o'ld remain in heaven. -'t Peter !a)! that he
.o'ld not have #een #elieved in% e3cept Chri!t had ri!en. +t i! then evident.% that "aith i!
!omething el!e than to #ehold the na$ed ma?e!t) o" =od. *nd rightl) doe! Peter !pea$ in thi!
mannerB "or it #elong! to "aith to penetrate into heaven% that it ma) "ind the ;ather there4 ho.
co'ld it do !o% e3cept it had Chri!t a! a leaderO
A-) him%C !a)! Pa'l% A.e have con"idence o" acce!!.C
,phe!ian! 041/.J
+t i! !aid al!o% in
He#re.! 441E% that rel)ing on o'r high prie!t% .e can come .ith
con"idence to the throne o" grace. Hope i! the anchor o" the !o'l% .hich enter into the inner part
o" the !anct'ar)B #'t not .itho't Chri!t going #e"ore. G
He#re.! E411.J ;aith i! o'r victor)
again!t the .orld% G
1 @ohn 544J and .hat i! it that ma$e! it victorio'!% e3cept that Chri!t%
the Lord o" heaven and earth% ha! '! 'nder hi! g'ardian!hip and protection O
*!% then% o'r !alvation depend! on the re!'rrection o" Chri!t and hi! !'preme "aith and
hope "ind here .hat can !'pport them. ;or% e3cept he had #) ri!ing again tri'mphed over death%
and held no. the highe!t !overeignt)% to protect '! #) hi! .hat .o'ld #ecome o" '!%
e3po!ed to !o great a a! that o" o'r enemie!% and to !'ch violent attac$!O Let '!% there"ore%
learn to .hat mar$ .e o'ght to direct o'r aim% !o that .e ma) reall) #elieve in =od.
22. Seeing &e have *urified &our souls, or% P'ri")ing )o'r !o'l!. ,ra!m'! #adl) render! the
.ord!% AKho have p'ri"ied%C etc. ;or Peter doe! not declare .hat the) had done% #'t remind!
them o" .hat the) o'ght to do. The participle i! indeed in the pa!t ten!e% #'t it ma) #e rendered
a! a ger'nd% A-) p'ri")ing% etc.C The meaning i!% that their !o'l! .o'ld not #e capa#le o"
receiving grace 'ntil the) .ere p'ri"ied% and #) thi! o'r 'ncleanne!! i! proved.
-'t that he
might not !eem to a!cri#e to '! the o" p'ri")ing o'r !o'l!% he immediatel) add!% through
the S*irit# a! tho'gh he had !aid% ASo'r !o'l! are to #e p'ri"ied% #'t a! )e cannot do thi!% o""er
them to =od% that he ma) ta$e a.a) )o'r "ilth #) hi! Spirit.C He onl) mention! !o'l!% tho'gh
the) needed to #e clean!ed al!o "rom the de"ilement! o" the "le!h% a! Pa'l #id! the Corinthian!%
/ Corinthian! Q41BJ#'t a! the principal 'ncleanne!! i! .ithin% and nece!!aril) dra.! .ith it
that .hich i! o't.ard% Peter .a! !ati!"ied .ith mentioning onl) the "ormer% a! tho'gh he had
!aid% that not o't.ard action! onl) o'ght to #e corrected% #'t the ver) heart! o'ght to #e
thoro'ghl) re"ormed.
He a"ter.ard! point! o't the manner% "or p'rit) o" !o'l con!i!t! in o#edience to =od. %ruth i! to
#e ta$en "or the r'le .hich =od pre!cri#e! to '! in the =o!pel. 9or doe! he !pea$ onl) o" .or$!%
#'t rather "aith hold! here the primac). Hence Pa'l !peciall) teache! '! in the "ir!t and la!t
chapter o" the ,pi!tle to the 8oman!% that "aith i! "iat #) .hich .e o#e) =odB and Peter in *ct!%
the "i"teenth chapter% #e!to.! on it thi! e'log)% that =od #) it p'ri"ie! the heart.
-nto love of the "rethren, or% Mnto #rotherl) love. He #rie"l) remind! '! .hat =od e!peciall)
re>'ire! in o'r li"e% and the mar$ to .hich all o'r endeavor! !ho'ld #e directed. So Pa'l in the
"ir!t chapter o" the ,pi!tle to the ,phe!ian!% .hen !pea$ing o" the per"ection o" the "aith"'l%
ma$e! it to con!i!t in love. *nd thi! i! .hat .e o'ght the more care"'ll) to notice% #eca'!e the
.orld ma$e! it! o.n !anctit) to con!i!t o" the verie!t tri"le!% and almo!t overloo$! thi! the chie"
thing. Ke !ee ho. the Papi!t! .ear) them!elve! #e)ond mea!'re .ith tho'!and invented
!'per!tition!4 in the meantime% the la!t thing i! that love .hich =od e!peciall) commend!. Thi!%
then% i! the rea!on .h) Peter call! o'r attention to it% .hen !pea$ing o" a li"e rightl) "ormed.
He had #e"ore !po$en o" the morti"ication o" the "le!h% and o" o'r con"ormit) .ith the .ill o"
=odB #'t he no. remind! '! o" .hat =od .o'ld have '! to c'ltivate thro'gh li"e% that i!% m't'al
love to.ard! one anotherB "or #) that .e te!ti") al!o that .e love =odB and #) thi! evidence =od
prove! .ho the) are .ho reall) love him.
He call! it unfeigned, (ajnupo>kriton)% a! Pa'l call! "aith in
1 Timoth) 145B "or nothing i!
more di""ic'lt than to love o'r neigh#or! in !incerit). ;or the love o" o'r!elve! r'le!% .hich i!
"'ll o" h)pocri!)B and #e!ide!% ever) one mea!'re! hi! love% .hich he !he.! to other!% #) hi!
o.n advantage% and not #) the r'le o" doing good. He add!% ferventl&# "or the more !loth"'l .e
are #) nat're% the more o'ght ever) one to !tim'late him!el" to "ervor and earne!tne!!% and that
not onl) once% #'t more and more dail).
1 PETER 1:23-2
23. -eing #orn again% not o" corr'pti#le
!eed% #'t o" incorr'pti#le% #) the .ord o"
=od% .hich liveth and a#ideth "or ever.
23. 8egeniti non e3 !emine
corr'pti#ili% !ed incorr'pti#ili% per
!ermonem viventi! (ei et manenti!
in aetern'm.
2. -'t the .ord o" the Lord end'reth "or
ever. *nd thi! i! the .ord .hich #) the
go!pel i! preached 'nto )o'.
2. Ler#'m a'tem (omini manet in
aetern'mB hoc a'tem e!t ver#'m
>'od ann'ntiat'm e!t vo#i!.
23. Being "orn again( Here i! another rea!on "or an e3hortation% D that !ince the) .ere ne. men
and #orn again o" =od% it #ehoved them to "orm a li"e .orth) o" =od and o" their !pirit'al
regeneration. *nd thi! !eem! to #e connected .ith a ver!e in the ne3t chapter re!pecting the mil$
o" the .ord% .hich the) .ere to !ee$% that their .a) o" living might corre!pond .ith their #irth.
+t ma)% ho.ever% #e e3tended .ider% !o a! to #e connected al!o .ith .hat ha! gone #e"oreB "or
Peter collected together tho!e thing! .hich ma) lead '! to an 'pright and a hol) li"e. The o#?ect.%
then% o" Peter .a! to teach '! that .e cannot #e Chri!tian! .itho't regenerationB "or the =o!pel i!
not preached% that it ma) #e onl) heard #) '!% #'t that it ma)% a! a !eed o" immortal li"e%
altogether re"orm o'r heart!.
Moreover% the corru*ti"le seed i! !et in oppo!ition to =od:!
.ord% in order that the "aith"'l might $no. that the) o'ght to reno'nce their "ormer nat're% and
that it might #e more evident ho. m'ch i! the di""erence #et.een the children o" *dam .ho are
#orn onl) into the .orld% and the children o" =od .ho are rene.ed into a heavenl) li"e. -'t a!
the con!tr'ction o" the =ree$ te3t i! do'#t"'l% .e ma) read% Athe living .ord o" =od%C a! .ell a!%
Athe .ord o" the living =od.C *!% ho.ever% the latter reading i! le!! "orced% + pre"er itB tho'gh it
m'!t #e o#!erved% that the term i! applied to =od to the character o" the pa!!age. ;or% a! in
He#re.! 441/% #eca'!e =od !ee! all thing!% and nothing i! hid "rom him% the apo!tle arg'e!
that the .ord o" =od penetrate! into the inmo!t marro.% !o a! to di!cern tho'ght! and "eeling!B
!o% .hen Peter in thi! place call! him the living =od% .ho a#ide! "or ever% he re"er! to the .ord%
in .hich the perpet'it) o" =od !hine! "orth a! in a living mirror.
2!( For all flesh( He aptl) >'ote! the pa!!age "rom +!aiah to prove #oth cla'!e!B that i!% to ma$e
it evident ho. "ading and mi!era#le i! the "ir!t #irth o" man% and ho. great i! the grace o" the
ne. #irth. ;or a! the Prophet there !pea$! o" the re!toration o" the Ch'rch% to prepare the .a) "or
it% he red'ce! men to nothing le!t the) !ho'ld "latter them!elve!. + $no. that the .ord! are
.rongl) t'rned #) !ome to another !en!eB "or !ome e3plain them o" the *!!)rian!% a! tho'gh the
Prophet !aid% that there .a! no rea!on "or the @e.! to "ear !o m'ch "rom "le!h% .hich i! li$e a
"ading " 7ther! thin$ that the vain con"idence .hich the @e.! repo!ed in h'man aid!% i!
reproved. -'t the Prophet him!el" di!prove! #oth the!e vie.!% #) adding% that the people .ere a!
gra!!B "or he e3pre!!l) condemn! the @e.! "or vanit)% to .hom he promi!ed re!toration in the
name o" the Lord. Thi!% then% i! .hat + have alread) !aid% that 'ntil their o.n emptine!! ha! #een
!he.n to men% the) are not prepared to receive the grace o" =od. +n !hort% !'ch i! the meaning o"
the Prophet4 a! e3ile .a! to the @e.! li$e death% he promi!ed them a ne. con!olation% even that
=od .o'ld !end prophet! .ith a command o" thi! $ind. The Lord% he !a)!% .ill )et !a)% ACom"ort
)e m) peopleBC and that in the de!ert and the .a!te% the prophetic voice .o'ld )et #e heard% in
order that a .a) might #e prepared "or the Lord. G
+!aiah 404E.J
*nd a! the o#!tinate pride .hich "illed them% m'!t have #een nece!!aril) p'rged "rom their
mind!% in order that an acce!! might #e open "or =od% the Prophet added .hat Peter relate! here
re!pecting the vani!hing glor) o" the "le!h. Khat i! manO he !a)! D gra!!B .hat i! the glor) o"
manO the " o" the gra!!. ;or a! it .a! di""ic'lt to #elieve that man% in .hom !o m'ch
e3cellenc) appear!% i! li$e gra!!% the Prophet made a $ind o" conce!!ion% a! tho'gh he had !aid%
A-e it% indeed% that "le!h ha! !ome glor)B #'t le!t that !ho'ld da55le )o'r e)e!% $no. that the
" !oon .ither!.C He a"ter.ard! !he.! ho. !'ddenl) ever)thing that !eem! #ea'ti"'l in men
vani!he!% even thro'gh the o" the Spirit o" =odB and #) thi! he intimate!% that man !eem!
to #e !omething 'ntil he come! to =od% #'t that hi! .hole #rightne!! i! a! nothing in hi!
pre!enceB that% in a .ord% hi! glor) i! in thi! .orld% and ha! no place in the heavenl) $ingdom.
%he grass +ithereth, or% ha! .ithered. Man) thin$ that thi! re"er! onl) to the o't.ard manB #'t
the) are mi!ta$enB "or .e m'!t con!ider the compari!on #et.een =od:! .ord and man. ;or i" he
meant onl) the #od) and .hat #elong! to the pre!ent li"e% he o'ght to have !aid% in the !econd
place% that the !o'l .a! "ar more e3cellent. -'t .hat he !et! in oppo!ition to the gra!! and it!
" i! the .ord o" =od. +t then "ollo.!% that in man nothing #'t vanit) i! "o'nd. There"ore%
.hen +!aiah !po$e o" "le!h and it! glor)% he meant the .hole man% !'ch a! he i! in him!el"B "or
.hat he a!cri#ed a! pec'liar to =od:! .ord% he denied to man. +n !hort% the Prophet !pea$! o" the
!ame thing a! Chri!t doe! in
@ohn 040% that man i! .holl) alienated "rom the $ingdom o"
=od% that he i! nothing #'t an earthl)% "ading% and empt) creat're% 'ntil he i! #orn again.
2. But the +ord of God( The Prophet doe! not !he. .hat the .ord o" =od i! in it!el"% #'t .hat
.e o'ght to thin$ o" itB "or !ince man i! vanit) in him!el"% it remain! that he o'ght to !ee$ li"e
el! Hence Peter a!cri#e! and e""icac) to =od:! .ord% according to the a'thorit) o"
the Prophet% !o that it can con"er on '! .hat i! real% !olid% and eternal. ;or thi! .a! .hat the
Prophet had in vie.% that there i! no permanent li"e #'t in =od% and that thi! i! comm'nicated to
'! #) the .ord. Ho.ever "ading% then% i! the nat're o" man% )et he i! made eternal #) the .ordB
"or he i! remo'lded and #ecome! a ne. creat're.
%his is the +ord +hich "& the gos*el is *reached unto &ou, or% .hich ha! #een declared to )o'.
He "ir!t remind! '!% that .hen the .ord o" =od i! mentioned% .e are ver) "ooli!h i" .e imagine
it to #e remote "rom '! in the air or in heavenB "or .e o'ght to $no. that it ha! #een revealed to
'! #) the Lord. Khat% then% i! thi! .ord o" the Lord% .hich give! '! li"eO ,ven the La.% the
Prophet!% the =o!pel. Tho!e .ho .ander #e)ond the!e limit! o" revelation% "ind nothing #'t the
impo!t're! o" Satan and hi! dotage!% and not the .ord o" the Lord. Ke o'ght the more care"'ll)
to notice thi!% #eca'!e impio'! and L'ci"erian men% cra"til) to =od:! .ord it! o.n
honor% at the !ame time attempt to dra. '! a.a) "rom the Script're!% a! that 'nprincipled man%
*grippa% .ho highl) e3tol! the eternit) o" =od:! .ord% and )et treat! .ith !c'rrilit) the Prophet!%
and th'! indirectl) la'gh! to !corn the Kord o" =od.
+n !hort% a! + have alread) reminded )o'% no mention i! here made o" the .ord .hich lie! hid in
the #o!om o" =od% #'t o" that .hich ha! proceeded "rom hi! mo'th% and ha! come to '!. So again
it o'ght to #e #orne in mind% that =od de!igned #) the *po!tle! and Prophet! to !pea$ to '!% and
their mo'th! i! the mo'th o" the onl) tr'e =od.
Then% .hen Peter !a)!% Which has "een announced, or declared% to &ou, he intinate! that the
.ord i! not to #e !o'ght el! than in the =o!pel preached to '!B and tr'l) .e $no. not the
.a) o" eternal li"e other.i!e than #) "aith. -'t there can #e no "aith% e3cept .e $no. that the
.ord i! de!tined "or '!.
To the !ame p'rpo!e i! .hat Mo!e! !aid to the people%
ASa) not in thine heart% Kho !hall a!cend into heaven% etc.B nigh i! the .ord% in th) mo'th
and in th) heart.C
(e'teronom) 0041/.J
That the!e .ord! agree .ith .hat Peter !a)!% Pa'l !he.!
8oman! 104E% .here he teache!
'! that it .a! the .ord o" "aith .hich he preached.
There i! here% #e!ide!% no common e'log) on preachingB "or Peter declare! that .hat i! preached
i! the li"egiving .ord. =od alone i! indeed he .ho regenerate! '!B #'t "or that p'rpo!e he
emplo)! the mini!tr) o" menB and on thi! acco'nt Pa'l glorie! that the Corinthian! had #een
!pirit'all) #egotten #) him. G
1 Corinthian! 4415.J +t i! indeed certain that tho!e .ho plant
and tho!e .ho .ater% are nothingB #'t .henever =od i! plea!ed to #le!! their la#or% he ma$e!
their doctrine e""icacio'! #) the o" hi! SpiritB and the voice .hich i! in it!el" mortal% i!
made an in!tr'ment to comm'nicate eternal li"e.
CH*PT,8 /
1 PETER 2:1-
1. Khere"ore% la)ing a!ide all malice% and
all g'ile% and h)pocri!ie!% and envie!% and
all evil !pea$ing!%
1. Proinde depo!ita omni malitia et
omni dolo et !im'lationi#'! et
invidii! et omni#'! o#trectationi#'!%
3. +" !o #e )e have ta!ted that the Lord is
3. Si >'idem g'!ta!ti! >'Td #enign'!
!it (omin'!B
. Se al!o% a! livel) !tone!% are #'ilt 'p a
!pirit'al ho'!e% an hol) prie!thood% to o""er
'p !pirit'al !acri"ice!% accepta#le to =od #)
@e!'! Chri!t.
. +p!i >'o>'e tan>'am vivi lapide!%
aedi"icamini% dom'! !pirit'ale!%
!acerdoti'm !anct'm% ad o""erenda!
!pirit'ale! ho!tia!% accepta! (eo per
@e!'m Chri!t'm.
*"ter having ta'ght the "aith"'l that the) had #een regenerated #) the .ord o" =od% he no.
e3hort! them to lead a li"e corre!ponding .ith their #irth. ;or i" .e live in the Spirit% .e o'ght
al!o to .al$ in the Spirit% a! Pa'l !a)!. G
=alatian! 54/5.J +t i! not% then% !'""icient "or '! to
have #een once called #) the Lord% e3cept .e live a! ne. creat're!. Thi! i! the meaning. -'t a!
to the .ord!% the *po!tle contin'e! the !ame metaphor. ;or a! .e have #een #orn again% he
re>'ire! "rom '! a li"e li$e that o" in"ant!B #) .hich he intimate! that .e are to p't o"" the old
man and hi! .or$!. Hence thi! ver!e agree! .ith .hat Chri!t !a)!%
A,3cept )e #ecome li$e thi! little child%
)e !hall not enter into the $ingdom o" =od.C
Matthe. 1F4/.J
0nfanc& i! here !et #) Peter in oppo!ition to the ancientne!! o" the "le!h% .hich lead! to
corr'ptionB and 'nder the .ord milk, lie incl'de! all the "eeling! o" !pirit'al li"e. ;or there i! al!o
in part a contra!t #et.een the vice! .hich he en'merate! and the !incere mil$ o" the .ordB a!
tho'gh he had !aid% AMalice and h)pocri!) #elong to tho!e .ho are ha#it'ated to the corr'ption!
o" the .orldB the) have im#i#ed the!e vice!4 .hat pertain! to in"anc) i! !incere !implicit)% "ree
"rom all g'ile. Men% .hen gro.n 'p% #ecome im#'ed .ith env)% the) learn to !lander one
another% the) are ta'ght the art! o" mi!chie"B in !hort% the) #ecome hardened in ever) $ind o"
evil4 in"ant!% to their age% do not )et $no. .hat it i! to env)% to do mi!chie"% or the li$e
thing!.C He then compare! the vice!% in .hich the oldne!! o" the "le!h ind'lge!% to !trong "oodB
and mil$ i! called that .a) o" living !'ita#le to innocent nat're and !imple in"anc).
1. 'll malice( There i! not here a complete en'meration o" all tho!e thing! .hich .e o'ght to la)
a!ideB #'t .hen the *po!tle! !pea$ o" the old man% the) la) do.n a! e3ample! !ome o" tho!e
vice! .hich mar$ hi! .hole character.
A<no.n%C !a)! Pa'l% Aare the .or$! o" the "le!h% .hich are the!e%C G
=alatian! 5411BJ
and )et he doe! not en'merate them allB #'t in tho!e "e. thing!% a! in a mirror% .e ma) !ee that
immen!e ma!! o" "ilth .hich proceed! "rom o'r "le!h. So al!o in other pa!!age!% .here he re"er!
to the ne. li"e% he to'che! onl) on a "e. thing!% #) .hich .e ma) 'nder!tand the .hole
Khat% then% he !a)! amo'nt! to thi!% D AHaving laid a!ide the .or$! o" )o'r "ormer li"e% !'ch a!
malice% deceit% di!!im'lation!% env)ing!% and other thing! o" thi! $ind% devote )o'r!elve! to
thing! o" an oppo!ite character% c'ltivate $indne!!% hone!t)%C etc. He% in !hort% 'rge! thi!% that
ne. moral! o'ght to "ollo. a ne. li"e.
2. %he sincere milk of the +ord( Thi! pa!!age i! commonl) e3plained according to the rendering
o" ,ra!m'!% AMil$ not "or the #od) #'t "or the !o'lBC a! tho'gh the *po!tle reminded '! #) thi!
e3pre!!ion that he !po$e metaphoricall). + rather thin$ that thi! pa!!age agree! .ith that !a)ing
o" Pa'l%
A-e )e not children in 'nder!tanding% #'t in malice.C
1 Corinthian! 144/0.J
That no one might thin$ that in"anc)% void o" 'nder!tanding and "'ll o" "at'it)% .a! commended
#) him% he in d'e time meet! thi! o#?ectionB !o he #id! them to de!ire mil$ "ree "rom g'ile% and
)et mi3ed .ith right 'nder!tanding. Ke no. !ee "or .hat p'rpo!e he ?oin! the!e t.o .ord!%
rational and guileless, Glogiko<n kai< a]dolov.J ;or !implicit) and >'ic$ne!! o" 'nder!tanding
are t.o thing! apparentl) oppo!iteB #'t the) o'ght to #e mi3ed together% le!t !implicit) !ho'ld
#ecome in!ipid% and le!t malicio'! cra"tine!! !ho'ld creep in "or .ant o" 'nder!tanding. Thi!
mingling% .ell reg'lated% i! according% to .hat Chri!t !a)!%
A-e )e .i!e a! !erpent!% and harmle!! a! dove!.C
Matthe. 1041E.J
*nd th'! i! !olved the >'e!tion .hich might have #een other.i!e rai!ed.

Pa'l reprove! the Corinthian! #eca'!e the) .ere li$e children% and there"ore the) co'ld not ta$e
!trong "ood% #'t .ere "ed .ith mil$. G
1 Corinthian! 041.J *lmo!t the !ame .ord! are "o'nd
He#re.! 541/. -'t in the!e pa!!age! tho!e are compared to children .ho remain al.a)!
novice! and ignorant !cholar! in the doctrine o" religion% .ho contin'ed in the "ir!t element!% and
never penetrated into the higher $no.ledge o" =od. Milk i! called the !impler mode o" teaching%
and one !'ita#le to children% .hen there i! no progre!! made #e)ond the "ir!t r'diment!. @'!tl)%
then% doe! Pa'l charge thi! a! a "a'lt% a! .ell a! the a'thor o" the ,pi!tle to the He#re.!. -'t
mil$% here% i! not elementar) doctrine% .hich one perpet'all) learn!B and never come! to the
$no.ledge o" the tr'th% #'t a mode o" living .hich ha! the !avor o" the ne. #irth% .hen .e
!'rrender o'r!elve! to #e #ro'ght 'p #) =od. +n the !ame manner in"anc) i! not !et in oppo!ition
to manhood% or "'ll age in Chri!t% a! Pa'l call! it in
,phe!ian! 4410% #'t to the ancientne!!
o" the "le!h and o" "ormer li"e. Moreover% a! the in"anc) o" the ne. li"e i! perpet'al% !o Peter
recommend! mil$ a! a perpet'al aliment% "or he .o'ld have tho!e no'ri!hed #) it to gro..
3. 0f so "e that &e have tasted# or% +" indeed )e have ta!ted. He all'de! to
P!alm 044F%
ATa!te and !ee that the Lord i! good.C
-'t he !a)! that thi! ta!te i! to #e had in Chri!t% a!% do'#tle!!% o'r !o'l! can "ind no re!t
an).here #'t in him. -'t he ha! dra.n the gro'nd o" hi! e3hortation "rom the goodne!! o" =od%
#eca'!e hi! $indne!!% .hich .e perceive in Chri!t% o'ght to all're '!B "or .hat "ollo.!%
%o +hom coming, i! not to #e re"erred !impl) to =od% #'t to him a! he i! revealed to '! in the
per!on o" Chri!t. 9o.% it cannot #e #'t that the grace o" =od m'!t"'ll) dra. '! to him!el"
and in"lame '! .ith the love o" him #) .hom .e o#tain a real perception o" it. +" Plato a""irmed
thi! o" hi! -ea'ti"'l% o" .hich a !hado.) idea onl) he #eheld a"ar o""% m'ch more tr'e i! thi!
.ith regard to =od.
Let it then #e noticed% that Peter connect! an acce!! to =od .ith the ta!te o" hi! goodne!!. ;or a!
the h'man mind nece!!aril) dread! and !h'n! =od% a! long a! it regard! him a! rigid and !evereB
!o% a! !oon a! he ma$e! $no.n hi! paternal love to the "aith"'l% it immediatel) "ollo.! that the)
di!regard all thing! and even "orget them!elve! and ha!ten to him. +n !hort% he onl) ma$e!
progre!! in the =o!pel% .ho in heart come! to =od.
-'t he al!o !he.! "or .hat end and to .hat p'rpo!e .e o'ght to come to Chri!t% even that .e
ma) have him a! o'r "o'ndation. ;or !ince he i! con!tit'ted a !tone% he o'ght to #e !o to '!% !o
that nothing !ho'ld #e appointed "or him #) the ;ather in vain or to no p'rpo!e. -'t he o#viate!
an o""en!e .hen he allo.! that Chri!t i! re?ected #) menB "or% a! a great part o" the .orld re?ect
him% and even man) a#hor him% he might "or thi! rea!on #e de!pi!ed #) '!B "or .e !ee that !ome
o" the ignorant are alienated "rom the =o!pel% #eca'!e it i! not ever).here pop'lar% nor doe! it
conciliate "avor to it! pro"e!!or!. -'t Peter "or#id! '! to e!teem Chri!t the le!!% ho.ever de!pi!ed
he ma) #e #) the .orld% #eca'!e he% not.ith!tanding% retain! hi! o.n .orth and honor #e"ore
. 1e also, as livel& or living stones, are "uilt u*( The ver# ma) #e in the imperative a! .ell a! in
the indicative mood% "or the termination in =ree$ i! am#ig'o'!. -'t in .hatever .a) it i! ta$en%
Peter no do'#t meant to e3hort the "aith"'l to con!ecrate them!elve! a! a !pirit'al temple to =odB
"or he aptl) in"er! "rom the de!ign o" o'r calling .hat o'r d't) i!. Ke m'!t "'rther o#!erve% that
he con!tr'ct! one ho'!e "rom the .hole n'm#er o" the "aith"'l. ;or tho'gh ever) one o" '! i!
!aid to #e the temple o" =od% )et all are 'nited together in one% and m'!t #e ?oined together #)
m't'al love% !o that one temple ma) #e made o" '! all. Then% a! it i! tr'e that each one i! a
temple in .hich =od d.ell! #) hi! Spirit% !o all o'ght to #e !o "itted together% that the) ma) "orm
one 'niver!al temple. Thi! i! the ca!e .hen ever) one% content .ith hi! o.n mea!'re% $eep!
him!el" .ithin the limit! o" hi! o.n d't)B all have% ho.ever% !omething to do .ith regard to
-) calling '! living stones and s*iritual #'ilding% a! he had #e"ore !aid that Chri!t i! a living
!tone% he intimate! a compari!on #et.een '! and the ancient templeB and thi! !erve! to ampli")
divine grace. ;or the !ame p'rpo!e i! .hat he add! a! to s*iritual sacrifices( ;or #) ho. m'ch
the more e3cellent i! the realit) than the t)pe!% #) !o m'ch the more all thing! e3cel in the
$ingdom o" Chri!tB "or .e have that heavenl) e3emplar% to .hich the ancient !anct'ar) .a!
con"orma#le% and ever)thing in!tit'ted #) Mo!e! 'nder the La..
' hol& *riesthood( +t i! a !ing'lar honor% that =od !ho'ld not onl) con!ecrate '! a! a temple to
him!el"% in .hich he d.ell! and i! .or!hipped% #'t that he !ho'ld al!o ma$e '! prie!t!. -'t Peter
mention! thi! do'#le honor% in order to !tim'late '! more e""ect'all) to !erve and .or!hip =od.
7" the !pirit'al !acri"ice!% the "ir!t i! the o""ering o" o'r!elve!% o" .hich Pa'l !pea$! in
8oman! 1/41B "or .e can o""er nothing% 'ntil .e o""er to him o'r!elve! a! a !acri"iceB
.hich i! done #) den)ing o'r!elve!. Then% a"ter.ard! "ollo. pra)er!% than$!giving% alm!deed!%
and all the d'tie! o" religion.
'cce*ta"le to God( +t o'ght al!o to add not a little to o'r alacrit)% .hen .e $no. that the
.or!hip .e per"orm to =od i! plea!ing o him% a! do'#t nece!!aril) #ring! !loth .ith it. Here%
then% i! the third thing that en"orce! the e3hortationB "or he declare! that .hat i! re>'ired i!
accepta#le to =od% le!t. "ear !ho'ld ma$e '! !loth"'l. +dolater! are indeed 'nder the in"l'ence o"
great "ervor in their "ictitio'! "orm! o" .or!hipB #'t it i! !o% #eca'!e Satan ine#riate! their mind!%
le!t the) !ho'ld come to con!ider their .or$!B #'t .henever their con!cience! are led to e3amine
thing!% the) #egin to !tagger. +t i!% indeed% certain that no one .ill !erio'!l) and "rom the heart
devote him!el" to =od% 'ntil he i! "'ll) per!'aded that he !hall not la#or in vain.
-'t the *po!tle add!% through Jesus $hrist( There i! never "o'nd in o'r !acri"ice! !'ch p'rit)%
that the) are o" them!elve! accepta#le to =odB o'r !el"denial i! never entire and complete% o'r
pra)er! are never !o !incere a! the) o'ght to #e% .e are never !o 5ealo'! and !o diligent in doing
good% #'t that o'r .or$! are imper"ect% and mingled .ith man) vice!. 9everthele!!% Chri!t
proc're! "avor "or them. Then Peter here o#viate! that .ant o" "aith .hich .e ma) have
re!pecting the accepta#lene!! o" o'r .or$!% .hen he !a)!% that the) are accepted% not "or the
merit o" their o.n e3cellenc)% #'t thro'gh Chri!t. *nd it o'ght to $indle the more the ardor o"
o'r e""ort!% .hen .e hear that =od deal! !o ind'lgentl) .ith '!% that in Chri!t he !et! a val'e on
o'r .or$!% .hich in them!elve! de!erve nothing. *t the !ame time% the .ord!% "& or thro'gh
$hrist, ma) #e "itl) connected .ith o""eringB "or a !imilar phra!e i! "o'nd in
AThro'gh him let '! o""er the !acri"ice o" prai!e to =od.C
The !en!e% ho.ever% .ill remain the !ameB "or .e o""er !acri"ice! thro'gh Chri!t% that the) ma)
#e accepta#le to =od.
1 PETER 2:"-%
". Khere"ore al!o it i! contained in the
Script're% -ehold% + la) in Sion a chie"
corner !tone% elect% precio'!4 and he that
#elieveth on him !hall not #e con"o'nded.
". Propterea etiam continet !cript'ra%
,cce pono in Sion lapidem
ang'larem% elect'rn% pretio!'m% et
>'i crediderit in illo% non p'de"iet.
%. *nd a !tone o" !t'm#ling% and a roc$ o"
o""en!e% even to them .hich !t'm#le at the
.ord% #eing di!o#edientB .here'nto al!o
the) .ere appointed.
%. ,t Lapi! impactioni!% et petra
o""endic'li ii! >'i imping'nt in
Sermonem% nec cred'ntB in >'od
etiam ordinati "'erant.
". Wherefore also it is contained in Scri*ture# or% Khere"ore al!o the Script're contain!.

The) .ho re"er the ver# AcontainC Gperie>ceinJ to Chri!t% and render it Aem#race%C #eca'!e
thro'gh him all the!e 'nite together% .holl) depart "rom the meaning o" the *po!tle. 9o #etter i!
another e3po!ition% that Chri!t e3cel! other!B "or Peter !impl) intended to >'ote the te!timon) o"
He then !he.! .hat had #een ta'ght #) the Hol) Spirit in the Script're!% or% .hich
i! the !ame thing% that .hat he add! i! contained in them. 9or i! it an 'n!'ita#le con"irmation o"
the preceding ver!e. ;or .e !ee "or .hat !light rea!on!% and almo!t "or none% man) re?ect Chri!t%
and !ome "all a.a) "rom himB #'t thi! i! a !t'm#ling#loc$ .hich a#ove all other thing! !tand! in
the .a) o" !omeB the) are dra.n a.a)% #eca'!e not onl) the common people de!pi!e and re?ect
Chri!t% #'t al!o tho!e .ho are high in dignit) and honor% and !eem to e3cel other!. Thi! evil ha!
almo!t ever prevailed in the .orld% and at thi! da) it prevail! m'chB "or a great part o" man$ind
?'dge o" Chri!t according to the "al!e opinion o" the .orld. Moreover% !'ch i! the ingratit'de and
impiet) o" men% that Chri!t i! ever).here de!pi!ed. Th'! it i!% that .hile the) regard one another%
"e. pa) him hi! d'e honor. Hence Peter remind! '! o" .hat had #een "oretold o" Chri!t% le!t the
contempt or the re?ection o" him !ho'ld move '! "rom the "aith.
9o.% the "ir!t pa!!age% .hich he add'ce!% i! ta$en "rom
+!aiah /F41EB .here the Prophet%
a"ter having inveighed again!t the de!perate .ic$edne!! o" hi! o.n nation% at length add!%
ASo'r per"id) !hall not prevent =od "rom re!toring hi! ch'rch% .hich no. thro'gh )o'
lie! .holl) in a r'ino'! !tate.C
+!aiah /F41EJ
The manner o" re!toration he th'! de!cri#e!% A+ .ill la) in Sion a !tone.C Ke hence learn that
there i! no #'ilding 'p o" the Ch'rch .itho't Chri!tB "or there i! no other "o'ndation #'t he% a!
Pa'l te!ti"ie!% G
1 Corinthian! 0411.J Thi! i! no matter o" .onder% "or all o'r !alvation i!
"o'nd onl) in him. Kho!oever% then% t'rn! a.a) "rom him in the lea!t degree% .ill "ind hi!
"o'ndation a precipice.
There"ore the Prophet not onl) call! him a corner!tone% .hich connect! the .hole edi"ice% #'t
al!o a !tone o" trial% according to .hich the #'ilding i! to #e mea!'red and reg'latedB and "arther%
he call! him a !olid "o'ndation% .hich !'!tain! the .hole edi"ice. He i! th'!% then% a corner!tone%
that he might #e the r'le o" the #'ilding% a! .ell a! the onl) "o'ndation. -'t Peter too$ "rom the
.ord! o" the Prophet .hat .a! e!peciall) !'ita#le to hi! arg'ment% even that he .a! a cho!en
!tone% and in the highe!t degree val'a#le and e3cellent% and al!o that on him .e o'ght to #'ild.
Thi! honor i! a!cri#ed to Chri!t% that ho. m'ch !oever he ma) #e de!pi!ed #) he .orld% he ma)
not #e de!pi!ed #) '!B "or #) =od he i! regarded a! ver) precio'!. -'t .hen he call! him a
corner!tone% he intimate! that tho!e have no concern "or their !alvation .ho do not rec'm# on
Chri!t. Khat !ome have re"ined on the .ord Acorner%C a! tho'gh it meant that Chri!t ?oin!
together @e.! and =entile!% a! t.o di!tinct .all!% i! not .ell "o'nded. Let '!% then% #e content
.ith a !imple e3planation% that he i! !o called% #eca'!e the .eight o" the #'ilding re!t! on him.
Ke m'!t "'rther o#!erve% that the Prophet introd'ce! =od a! the !pea$er% "or he alone "orm! and
plan! hi! o.n Ch'rch% a! it i! !aid in
P!alm QF4E1% that hi! hand had "o'nded Sion. He%
indeed% emplo)! the la#or and mini!tr) o" men in #'ilding itB #'t thi! i! not incon!i!tent .ith the
tr'th that it i! hi! o.n .or$. Chri!t% then% i! the "o'ndation o" o'r !alvation% #eca'!e he ha! #een
ordained "or thi! end #) the ;ather.
*nd he !a)! in Sion, #eca'!e there =od:! !pirit'al temple .a! to have it! #eginning. That o'r
"aith% there"ore% ma) "irml) re!t on Chri!t% .e m'!t come to the La. and to the Prophet!. ;or
tho'gh thi! !tone e3tend! to the e3treme part! o" the .orld% it .a! )et nece!!ar) "or it to #e
located "ir!t in Sion% "or there at that time .a! the !eat o" the Ch'rch. -'t it i! !aid to have #een
then !et% .hen the ;ather revealed him "or the p'rpo!e o" re!toring hi! Ch'rch. +n !hort% .e m'!t
hold thi!% that tho!e onl) re!t on Chri!t% .ho $eep the 'nit) o" the Ch'rch% "or he i! not !et a! a
"o'ndation!tone e3cept in Sion. *! "rom Sion the Ch'rch .ent "orth% .hich i! no. ever).here
!pread% !o al!o "rom Sion o'r "aith ha! derived it! #eginning% a! +!aiah !a)!%
A;rom Sion !hall go "orth the la.%
and the .ord o" the Lord "rom @er'!alem.C G
+!aiah /40.J
Corre!ponding .ith thi! i! .hat i! !aid in the P!alm!%
AThe !cepter o" th) .ill the Lord !end "orth "rom Sion.C G
P!alm 1104/.J
He that "elieveth( The Prophet doe! not !a) in him, #'t declare! generall)% AHe that #elieveth
!hall not ma$e ha!te.C *!% ho.ever% there i! no do'#t #'t that =od !et! "orth Chri!t there a! the
o#?ect o" o'r "aith% the "aith o" .hich the Prophet !pea$! m'!t loo$ on him alone. *nd% do'#tle!!%
no one can rightl) #elieve% #'t he .ho i! "'ll) convinced that in Chri!t he o'ght .holl) to tr'!t.
-'t the .ord! o" the Prophet ma) #e ta$en in t.o .a)!% either a! a promi!e or a! an e3hortation.
The "'t're time i! re"erred to% AHe !hall not ma$e ha!teBC #'t in He#re. the "'t're i! o"ten to #e
ta$en "or an imperative% ALet him not ma$e ha!te.C Th'! the meaning .o'ld #e% A-e )e not
moved in )o'r mind!% #'t >'ietl) entertain )o'r de!ire!% and chec$ )o'r "eeling!% 'ntil the Lord
.ill #e plea!ed to "'l"ill hi! promi!e.C So he !a)! in another place%
A+n !ilence and in >'ietne!! !hall #e )o'r !trength%C
+!aiah 00415.J
-'t a! the other reading !eem! to come nearer to Peter:! interpretation% + give it the pre"erence.
Then the !en!e .o'ld not #e 'n!'ita#le% AHe .ho #elieveth !hall not .averC or vacillateB "or he
ha! a "irm and permanent "o'ndation. *nd it i! a val'a#le tr'th% that rel)ing on Chri!t% .e are
#e)ond the danger o" "alling. Moreover% to #e a!hamed G*udefieriJ mean! the !ame thing. Peter
ha! retained the real !en!e o" the Prophet% tho'gh he ha! "ollo.ed the =ree$ ver!ion.

$. -nto &ou therefore +hich "elieve( =od having prono'nced Chri!t to #e a precio'! and a
cho!en !tone% Peter dra.! the in"erence that he i! !o to '!. ;or% no do'#t% Chri!t i! there
de!cri#ed !'ch a! .e apprehend him #) "aith% and !'ch a! he prove! him!el" to #e #) real
evidence!. Ke o'ght% then% care"'ll) to notice thi! in"erence4 Chri!t i! a precio'! !tone in the
!ight o" =odB then he i! !'ch to the "aith"'l. +t i! "aith alone .hich reveal! to '! the val'e and
e3cellenc) o" Chri!t.
-'t a! the de!ign o" the *po!tle .a! to o#viate the o""en!e .hich the m'ltit'de o" the 'ngodl)
create!% he immediatel) add! another cla'!e re!pecting the 'n#elieving% that #) re?ecting Chri!t%
the) do not ta$e a.a) the honor granted him #) the ;ather. ;or thi! p'rpo!e a ver!e in
P!alm 11F4//% i! >'oted% that the !tone .hich the #'ilder! re?ected% i! #ecome%
neverthele!!% the head o" the corner. +t hence "ollo.!% that Chri!t% tho'gh oppo!ed #) hi!
enemie!% )et contin'e! in that dignit) to .hich he ha! #een appointed #) the ;ather. -'t .e m'!t
ta$e notice o" the t.o thing! here !aid% D the "ir!t i!% that Chri!t .a! re?ected #) tho!e .ho #ore
r'le in the Ch'rch o" =odB and the other% that their e""ort! .ere all in vain% #eca'!e nece!!aril)
"'l"illed m'!t have #een .hat =od had decreed% that i!% that he% a! the corner!tone% !ho'ld
!'!tain the edi"ice.
Moreover% that thi! pa!!age o'ght properl) to #e 'nder!tood o" Chri!t% not onl) the Hol) Spirit i!
a .itne!!% and Chri!t him!el"% .ho ha! th'! e3plained it% G
Matthe. /144/BJ #'t it appear!
al!o evident "rom thi!% that it .a! th'! commonl) 'nder!tood #e"ore Chri!t came into the .orldB
nor i! there a do'#t #'t thi! e3po!ition had #een delivered a! it .ere "rom hand to hand "rom the
"ather!. Ke hence !ee that thi! .a!% a! it .ere% a common !a)ing even among children re!pecting
the Me!!iah. + !hall% there"ore% no longer di!c'!! thi! point. Ke ma) ta$e it a! granted% that (avid
.a! th'! re?ected #) hi! o.n age% that he might t)pi") Chri!t.
Let '! no.% then% ret'rn to the "ir!t cla'!e4 Chri!t .a! re?ected #) the #'ilder!. Thi! .a! "ir!t
!hado.ed "orth in (avidB "or the) .ho .ere in co'nted him a! condemned and lo!t. The
!ame .a! "'l"illed in Chri!tB "or the) .ho r'led in the Ch'rch% re?ected him a! "ar a! the) co'ld.
+t might have greatl) di!t'r#ed the .ea$% .hen the) !a. that Chri!t:! enemie! .ere !o man)%
even the prie!t!% the elder!% and teacher!% in .hom alone the Ch'rch .a! con!pic'o'!l) !een. +n
order to remove thi! o""en!e% Peter reminded the "aith"'l that thi! ver) thing had #een predicted
#) (avid. He e!peciall) addre!!ed the @e.!% to .hom thi! properl) appliedB at the !ame time%
thi! admonition i! ver) '!e"'l at thi! da). ;or the) .ho arrogate to them!elve! the "ir!t place o"
a'thorit) in the Ch'rch% are Chri!t:! mo!t inveterate enemie!% and .ith dia#olical "'r) per!ec'te
hi! =o!pel.
The Pope call! him!el" the vicar o" Chri!t% and )et .e $no. ho. "iercel) he oppo!e! him. Thi!
!pectacle "righten! the !imple and ignorant. Kh) i! thi!O even #eca'!e the) con!ider not that
.hat (avid ha! predicted happen! no.. Let '!% then% remem#er that not tho!e onl) .ere #) thi!
prophec) .arned .ho !a. Chri!t re?ected #) the Scri#e! and Phari!ee!B #'t that .e are al!o #) it
"orti"ied again!t dail) o""en!e!% .hich might other.i!e 'p!et o'r "aith. Khenever then% .e !ee
tho!e .ho glor) in the title o" prelate!% ri!ing 'p again!t Chri!t% let it come to o'r mind!% that the
!tone i! re?ected #) the #'ilder!% according to the prediction o" (avid. *nd a! the metaphor o"
#'ilding i! common% .hen political or !pirit'al government i! !po$en o"% !o (avid call! them
#'ilder!% to .hom i! committed the care and o" governingB not #eca'!e the) #'ild rightl)%
#'t #eca'!e the) have the name o" #'ilder!% and po!!e!! the ordinar) +t hence "ollo.!%
that tho!e in o""ice are not al.a)! =od:! tr'e and "aith"'l mini!ter!. +t i!% there"ore% e3tremel)
ridic'lo'! in the Pope and hi! "! to arrogate to them!elve! !'preme and ind'#ita#le
a'thorit) on thi! !ole preten!e% that the) are the ordinar) governor! o" the Ch'rch. +n the "ir!t
place% their vocation to govern the Ch'rch i! in no .a) more ?'!t or more legitimate than that o"
Helioga#al'! to govern the empire. -'t tho'gh .e !ho'ld allo. them .hat the) 'n#l'!hingl)
claim% that the) are rightl) called% )et .e !ee .hat (avid declare! re!pecting the ordinar) r'ler!
o" the Ch'rch% that the) re?ected Chri!t% !o that the) #'ilt a !t)e "or !.ine rather than a temple "or
=od. The other part "ollo.!% that all the great% pro'd o" their and dignit)% !hall not prevail%
!o that Chri!t !ho'ld not contin'e in hi! o.n place.
'nd a stone of stum"ling( *"ter having com"orted the "aith"'l% that the) .o'ld have in Chri!t a
"irm and permanent "o'ndation% tho'gh the greater part% and even the chie" men% allo.ed him no
place in the #'ilding% he no. deno'nce! the p'ni!hment .hich a.ait! all the 'n#elieving% in
order that the) might #e terri"ied #) their e3ample. ;or thi! p'rpo!e he >'ote! the te!timon) o"
+!aiah F414. The Prophet there declare! that the Lord .o'ld #e to the @e.! a !tone o"
!t'm#ling and roc$ o" o""en!e. Thi! properl) re"er! to Chri!t% a! it ma) #e !een "rom the conte3tB
and Pa'l applie! it to Chri!t% G
8oman! 140/.J ;or in him the =od o" ho!t! ha! plainl)
mani"e!ted him!el".
Here% then% the terri#le vengeance o" =od i! deno'nced on all the 'ngodl)% #eca'!e Chri!t .o'ld
#e to them an o""en!e and a !t'm#ling% ina!m'ch a! the) re"'!ed to ma$e him their "o'ndation.
;or a! the "irmne!! and !ta#ilit) o" Chri!t i! !'ch that it can !'!tain all .ho #) "aith rec'm# on
himB !o hi! hardne!! i! !o great that it .ill #rea$ and tear in piece! all .ho re!i!t him. ;or there i!
no medi'm #et.een the!e t.o thing!% D .e m'!t either #'ild on him% or #e da!hed again!t him.

%. Which stum"le at the +ord( He point! o't here the manner in .hich Chri!t #ecome! a
!t'm#ling% even .hen men perver!el) oppo!e the .ord o" =od. Thi! the @e.! didB "or tho'gh
the) pro"e!!ed them!elve! .illing to receive the Me!!iah% )et the) "'rio'!l) re?ected him .hen
pre!ented to them #) =od. The Papi!t! do the !ame in the pre!ent da)B the) .or!hip onl) the
name o" Chri!t% .hile the) cannot end're the doctrine o" the =o!pel. Here Peter intimate! that all
.ho receive not Chri!t a! revealed in the =o!pel% are adver!arie! to =od% and re!i!t hi! .ord% and
al!o that Chri!t i! to none "or de!tr'ction% #'t to tho!e .ho% thro'gh head!trong .ic$edne!! and
o#!tinac)% r'!h again!t the .ord o" =od.
*nd thi! i! e!peciall) .hat de!erve! to #e noticed% le!t o'r "a'lt !ho'ld #e imp'ted to Chri!tB "or%
a! he ha! #een given to '! a! a "o'ndation% it i! a! it .ere an accidental thing that he #ecome! a
roc$ o" o""en!e. +n !hort% hi! proper o""ice i! to prepare '! "or a !pirit'al temple to =odB #'t it i!
the "a'lt o" men that the) !t'm#le at him% even #eca'!e 'n#elie" lead! men to contend .ith =od.
Hence Peter% in order to !et "orth the character o" the con"lict% !aid that the) .ere the 'n#elieving.
Whereunto also the& +ere a**ointed, or% to .hich the) had #een ordained. Thi! pa!!age ma) #e
e3plained in t.o .a)!. +t i!% indeed% certain that Peter !po$e o" the @e.!B and the common
interpretation i!% that the) .ere appointed to #elieve% "or the promi!e o" !alvation .a! de!tined
"or them. -'t the other !en!e i! e>'all) !'ita#le% that the) had #een appointed to 'n#elie"B a!
Pharaoh i! !aid to have #een !et 'p "or thi! end% that he might re!i!t =od% and all the repro#ate
are de!tined "or the !ame p'rpo!e. *nd .hat incline! me to thi! meaning i! the particle kai<
Gal!oJ .hich i! p't in.
+"% ho.ever% the "ir!t vie. #e pre"erred% then it i! a vehement
'p#raidingB "or Peter doe! hence enhance the !in o" 'n#elie" in the people .ho had #een cho!en
#) =od% #eca'!e the) re?ected the !alvation that had #een pec'liarl) ordained "or them. *nd no
do'#t thi! circ'm!tance rendered them do'#l) ine3c'!a#le% that having #een called in pre"erence
to other!% the) had re"'!ed to hear =od. -'t% #) !a)ing that the) .ere appointed to #elieve% he
re"er! onl) to their o't.ard call% even according to the covenant .hich =od had made generall)
.ith the .hole nation. *t the !ame time their ingratit'de% a! it ha! #een !aid% .a! !'""icientl)
proved% .hen the) re?ected the .ord preached to them.
1 PETER 2:#-1&
#. -'t )e are a cho!en generation% a ro)al
prie!thood% an hol) nation% a pec'liar
peopleB that )e !ho'ld !he."orth the prai!e!
o" him .ho hath called )o' o't o" dar$ne!!
into hi! marvello'! light4
#. Lo! a'tem gen'! elect'm% regale
!acerdoti'm% gen! !ancta% pop'l'! in
ac>'i!itionem% 't virt'te! enarreti!
e?'! >'i vo! e3 tene#ri! vocavit in
admira#ile l'men !''m4
1&. Khich in time pa!t +ere not a people%
#'t are no. the people o" =od4 .hich had
not o#tained merc)% #'t no. have o#tained
1&. R'i ali>'ando non pop'l'!% n'nc
a'tem pop'l'! (ei% >'i non
con!e>''ti erati! mi!ericordiam%
n'nc mi!ericordiam con!e>''ti e!ti!.
#. But &e are a chosen generation, or race. He again !eparate! them "rom the 'n#elieving% le!t
driven #) their e3ample Ga! it i! o"ten the ca!eJ the) !ho'ld "all a.a) "rom the "aith. *!% then% it
i! 'nrea!ona#le that tho!e .hom =od ha! !eparated "rom the .orld% !ho'ld mi3 them!elve! .ith
the 'ngodl)% Peter here remind! the "aith"'l to .hat great honor the) had #een rai!ed% and al!o to
.hat p'rpo!e the) had #een called. -'t .ith the !ame high title! .hich he con"er! on them%
Mo!e! honored the ancient people% G
,3od'! 114EBJ #'t the *po!tle:! o#?ect .a! to !he.
that the) had recovered again% thro'gh Chri!t% the great dignit) and honor "rom .hich the) had
"allen. +t i! at the !ame time tr'e% that =od gave to the "ather! an earthl) ta!te onl) o" the!e
#le!!ing!% and that the) are reall) given in Chri!t.
The meaning then i!% a! tho'gh he had !aid%
AMo!e! called "ormerl) )o'r "ather! a hol) nation% a prie!tl) $ingdom% and =od:!
pec'liar people4 all the!e high title! do no. "ar more ?'!tl) #elong to )o'B there"ore )o'
o'ght to #e.are le!t )o'r 'n#elie" !ho'ld ro# )o' o" them.C G
,3od'! 114EJ
+n the meantime% ho.ever% a! the greater part o" the nation .a! 'n#elieving% the *po!tle
indirectl) !et! the #elieving @e.! in oppo!ition to all the re!t% tho'gh the) e3ceeded them in
n'm#er% a! tho'gh he had !aid% that tho!e onl) .ere the children o" *#raham% .ho #elieved in
Chri!t% and that the) onl) retained po!!e!!ion o" all the #le!!ing! .hich =od had #) a !ing'lar
privilege #e!to.ed on the .hole nation.
He call! them a chosen race, #eca'!e =od% pa!!ing #) other!% adopted them a! it .ere in a
!pecial manner. The) .ere al!o a hol& nation# "or =od had con!ecrated them to him!el"% and
de!tined that the) !ho'ld lead a p're and hol) li"e. He "'rther call! them a *eculiar *eo*le, or% a
people "or ac>'i!ition% that the) might #e to him a pec'liar po!!e!!ion or inheritanceB "or + ta$e
the .ord! !impl) in thi! !en!e% that the Lord hath called '!% that he might po!!e!! '! a! hi! o.n%
and devoted to him. Thi! meaning i! proved #) the .ord! o" Mo!e!%
A+" )e $eep m) covenant% )e !hall #e to me a pec'liar trea!'re #e)ond all other nation!.C
,3od'! 1145.J
There i! in the ro&al *riesthood a !tri$ing inver!ion o" the .ord! o" Mo!e!B "or he !a)!% Aa
prie!tl) $ingdom%C #'t the !ame thing i! meant. So .hat Peter intimated .a! thi!% AMo!e! called
)o'r "ather! a !acred $ingdom% #eca'!e the .hole people en?o)ed a! it .ere a ro)al li#ert)% and
"rom their #od) .ere cho!en the prie!t!B #oth dignitie! .ere there"ore ?oined together4 #'t no.
)e are ro)al prie!t!% and% indeed% in a more e3cellent .a)% #eca'!e )e are% each o" )o'%
con!ecrated in Chri!t% that )e ma) #e the a!!ociate! o" hi! $ingdom% and parta$er! o" hi!
prie!thood. Tho'gh% then% the "ather! had !omething li$e to .hat )o'% have% )et )e "ar e3cel
them. ;or a"ter the .all o" partition ha! #een p'lled do.n #) Chri!t% .e are no. gathered "rom
ever) nation% and the Lord #e!to.! the!e high title! on all .hom he ma$e! hi! people.C
There i! "'rther% a! to the!e #ene"it!% a contra!t #et.een '! and the re!t o" man$ind% to #e
con!idered4 and hence it appear! more "'ll) ho. incompara#le i! =od:! goodne!! to.ard! '!B "or
he !ancti"ie! '!% .ho are #) nat're poll'tedB he cho!e '!% .hen he co'ld "ind nothing in '! #'t
"ilth and vilene!!B he ma$e! hi! pec'liar po!!e!!ion "rom .orthle!! dreg!B he con"er! the honor
o" the prie!thood on the pro"aneB he #ring! the va!!al! o" Satan% o" !in% and o" death% to the
en?o)ment o" ro)al li#ert).
%hat &e should she+ forth, or declare. He care"'ll) point! o't the end o" o'r calling% that he
might !tim'late '! to give the glor) to =od. *nd the !'m o" .hat he !a)! i!% that =od ha! "avored
'! .ith the!e immen!e #ene"it! and con!tantl) mani"e!t! them% that hi! glor) might #) '! #e
made $no.n4 "or #) *raises, or virt'e!% he 'nder!tand! .i!dom% goodne!!% righteo'!ne!!%
and ever)thing el!e% in .hich the glor) o" =od !hine! "orth. *nd "'rther% it #ehove! '! to declare
the!e virt'e! or e3cellencie! not onl) #) o'r tong'e% #'t al!o #) o'r .hole li"e. Thi! doctrine
o'ght to #e a !'#?ect o" dail) meditation% and it o'ght to #e contin'all) remem#ered #) '!% that
all =od:! #le!!ing! .ith .hich he "avor! '! are intended "or thi! end% that hi! glor) ma) #e
proclaimed #) '!.
Ke m'!t al!o notice .hat he !a)!% that .e have #een called o't o" dar$ne!! into =od:!
marvello'! or .onder"'l lightB "or #) the!e .ord! he ampli"ie! the greatne!! o" divine grace. +"
the Lord had given '! light .hile .e .ere !ee$ing it% it .o'ld have #een a "avorB #'t it .a! a
m'ch greater "avor% to dra. '! o't o" the la#)rinth o" ignorance and the a#)!! o" dar$ne!!. Ke
o'ght hence to learn .hat i! man:! condition% #e"ore he i! tran!lated into the $ingdom o" =od.
*nd thi! i! .hat +!aiah !a)!%
A(ar$ne!! !hall cover the earth% and gro!! dar$ne!! the peopleB #'t over thee !hall the
Lord #e !een% and hi! glor) !hall in thee !hine "orth.C G
+!aiah E04/.J
*nd tr'l) .e cannot #e other.i!e than !'n$ in dar$ne!!% a"ter having departed "rom =od% o'r
onl) light. See more at large on thi! !'#?ect in the !econd chapter o" the ,pi!tle to the ,phe!ian!.
1&( Which in time *ast +ere not a *eo*le( He #ring! "or con"irmation a pa!!age "rom Ho!ea% and
.ell accommodate! it to hi! o.n p'rpo!e. ;or Ho!ea% a"ter having in =od:! name declared that
the @e.! .ere rep'diated% give! them a hope o" a "'t're re!toration. Peter remind! '! that thi!
.a! "'l"illed in hi! o.n ageB "or the @e.! .ere !cattered here and there% a! the torn mem#er! o" a
#od)B na)% the) !eemed to #e no longer =od:! people% no .or!hip remained among them% the)
.ere #ecome entangled in the corr'ption! o" the heathen!B it co'ld not then #e !aid other.i!e o"
them% #'t that the) .ere rep'diated #) the Lord. -'t .hen the) are gathered in Chri!t% "rom no
people the) reall) #ecome the people o" =od. Pa'l% in
8oman! 14/E% applie! al!o thi!
prophec) to the =entile!% and not .itho't rea!onB "or "rom the time the Lord:! covenant .a!
#ro$en% "rom .hich alone the @e.! derived their !'periorit)% the) .ere p't on a level .ith the
=entile!. +t hence "ollo.!% that .hat =od had promi!ed% to ma$e a people o" no people% #elong!
in common to #oth.
Which had not o"tained merc&( Thi! .a! added #) the Prophet% in order that the grat'ito'!
covenant o" =od% #) .hich he ta$e! them to #e hi! people% might #e more clearl) !et "orthB a!
tho'gh he had !aid% AThere i! no other rea!on .h) the Lord co'nt! '! hi! people% e3cept that he%
having merc) on '!% gracio'!l) adopt! '!.C +t i! then =od:! grat'ito'! goodne!!% .hich ma$e! o"
no people a people to =od% and reconcile! the alienated.

1 PETER 2:11-12
11. (earl) #eloved% + #e!eech &ou, a!
!tranger! and pilgrim!% a#!tain "rom "le!hl)
l'!t!% .hich .ar again!t the !o'lB
11. *mici% adhortor vo! tan>'am
in>'ilino! et peregrino!% 't
a#!tineati! U carnali#'! de!iderii!%
>'e militant adver!'! animamB
12. Having )o'r conver!ation hone!t
among the =entile!B that% .herea! the)
!pea$ again!t )o' a! evildoer!% the) ma)%
#) &our good .or$!% .hich the) !hall
#ehold% glori") =od in the da) o" vi!itation.
12. Conver!ationem ve!tram inter
gente! #onam ha#ente!% 't in >'o
detrah'nt de vo#i! tan>'am
male"ici!% e3 #oni! operi#'!
ae!timante! .vel, con!iderante!J
glori"icent (e'm in die vi!itationi!.
11. 's strangers, or !o?o'rner!. There are t.o part! to thi! e3hortation% D that their !o'l! .ere to
#e "ree .ithin "rom .ic$ed and vicio'! l'!t!B and al!o% that the) .ere to live hone!tl) among
men% and #) the e3ample o" a good li"e not onl) to con"irm the godl)% #'t al!o to gain over the
'n#elieving to =od.
*nd "ir!t% to call them a.a) "rom the ind'lgence o" carnal l'!t!% he emplo)! thi! arg'ment% that
the) .ere !o?o'rner! and !tranger!. *nd he !o call! them% not #eca'!e the) .ere #ani!hed "rom
their co'ntr)% and !cattered into vario'! land!% #'t #eca'!e the children o" =od% .herever the)
ma) #e% are onl) g'e!t! in thi! .orld. +n the "ormer !en!e% indeed% he called them !o?o'rner! at
the #eginning o" the ,pi!tle% a! it appear! "rom the conte3tB #'t .hat he !a)! here i! common to
them all. ;or the l'!t! o" the "le!h hold '! entangled% .hen in o'r mind! .e d.ell in the .orld%
and thin$ not that heaven i! o'r co'ntr)B #'t .hen .e pa!! a! !tranger! thro'gh thi! li"e% .e are
not in #ondage to the "le!h.
-) the lusts or de!ire! of the flesh he mean! not onl) tho!e gro!! conc'pi!cence! .hich .e have
in common .ith animal!% a! the Sophi!t! hold% #'t al!o all tho!e !in"'l pa!!ion! and a""ection! o"
the !o'l% to .hich .e are #) nat're g'ided and led. ;or it i! certain that ever) tho'ght o" the
"le!h% that i!% o" 'nrene.ed nat're% i! enmit) again!t =od. G
8oman! F4Q.J
Which +ar against the soul( Here i! another arg'ment% that the) co'ld not compl) .ith the
de!ire! o" the "le!h% e3cept to their o.n r'in. ;or he re"er! not here to the conte!t de!cri#ed #)
Pa'l in the !eventh chapter o" 8oman!% and in the "i"th o" the =alatian!% a! he ma$e! the !o'l to
#e an antagoni!t to the "le!h4 #'t .hat he !a)! here i!% that the de!ire! o" the "le!h% .henever the
!o'l con!ent! to them% lead to perdition. He prove! o'r carele!!ne!! in thi! re!pect% that .hile .e
an3io'!l) !h'n enemie! "rom .hom .e apprehend danger to the #od)% .e .illingl) allo.
enemie! h'rt"'l to the !o'l to de!tro) '!B na)% .e a! it .ere !tretch "orth o'r nec$ to them.
12. 1our conversation( The !econd part o" the e3hortation i!% that the) .ere to cond'ct
them!elve! hone!tl) to.ard! men. Khat% indeed% precede! thi! in order i!% that their mind! !ho'ld
#e clean!ed #e"ore =odB #'t a regard !ho'ld al!o #e had to men% le!t .e !ho'ld #ecome a
hindrance to them. *nd he e3pre!!l) !a)! among the Gentiles# "or the @e.! .ere not onl) hated
ever).here% #'t .ere al!o almo!t a#horred. The more care"'ll)% there"ore% o'ght the) to have
la#ored to .ipe o"" the odi'm and in"am) attached to their name #) a hol) li"e and a .ell
reg'lated cond'ct.
;or that admonition o" Pa'l o'ght to #e attended to% ATo give no occa!ion
to tho!e .ho !ee$ occa!ion.C There"ore the evil !pea$ing! and the .ic$ed in!in'ation! o" the
'ngodl) o'ght to !tim'late '! to lead an 'pright li"eB "or it i! no time "or living li!tle!!l) and
!ec'rel)% .hen the) !harpl) .atch '! in order to "ind o't .hatever .e do ami!!.
%hat the& 8 ma& glorif& God( He intimate! that .e o'ght th'! to !trive% not "or o'r o.n !a$e%
that men ma) thin$ and !pea$ .ell o" '!B #'t that .e ma) glori") =od% a! Chri!t al!o teache! '!.
*nd Peter !he.! ho. thi! .o'ld #e e""ected% even that the 'n#elieving% led #) o'r good .or$!%
.o'ld #ecome o#edient to =od% and th'! #) their o.n conver!ion give glor) to himB "or thi! he
intimate! #) the .ord!% in the da& of visitation( + $no. that !ome re"er thi! to the la!t coming o"
Chri!tB #'t + ta$e it other.i!e% even that =od emplo)! the hol) and hone!t li"e o" hi! people% a! a
preparation% to #ring #ac$ the .andering to the right .a). ;or it i! the #eginning o" o'r
conver!ion% .hen =od i! plea!ed to loo$ on '! .ith a paternal e)eB #'t .hen hi! "ace i! t'rned
a.a) "rom '!% .e peri!h. Hence the da) o" vi!itation ma) ?'!tl) #e !aid to #e the time .hen he
invite! '! to him!el".
1 PETER 2:13-1"
13. S'#mit )o'r!elve! to ever) ordinance
o" man "or the Lord:! !a$e4 .hether it #e to
the $ing% a! !'premeB
13. S'#diti ergo e!tote omni
h'manae ordinationi propter
(omin'mB !ive regi tan>'am
1!. 7r 'nto governor!% a! 'nto them that are
!ent #) him "or the p'ni!hment o" evil
doer!% and "or the prai!e o" them that do
1!. Sive prae!idi#'!% tan>'am ii! >'i
per ip!'m mitt'nt'r% in vindictam
>'idem male"icor'm% la'dem verT
#enV agenti'm.
1". *! "ree% and not '!ing &our li#ert) "or a
cloa$ o" malicio'!ne!!% #'t a! the !ervant!
o" =od.
1". Mt li#eri% et non >'a!i praete3t'm
ha#ente! malitiae% li#ertatemB !ed
tan>'am !ervi (ei.
13. Su"mit &ourselves( He no. come! to partic'lar e3hortation!4 and a! o#edience .ith regard to
magi!trate! i! a part o" hone!t or good conver!ation% he dra.! thi! in"erence a! to their d't)%
AS'#mit )o'r!elve!%C or% -e )e !'#?ectB "or #) re"'!ing the )o$e o" government% the) .o'ld have
given to the =entile! no !mall occa!ion "or reproaching them. *nd% indeed% the @e.! .ere
e!peciall) hated and co'nted in"amo'! "or thi! rea!on% #eca'!e the) .ere regarded on acco'nt o"
their perver!ene!! a! 'ngoverna#le. *nd a! the commotion! .hich the) rai!ed 'p in the
province!% .ere ca'!e! o" great calamitie!% !o that ever) one o" a >'iet and peacea#le di!po!ition
dreaded them a! the plag'e% D thi! .a! the rea!on that ind'ced Peter to !pea$ !o !trongl) on
!'#?ection. -e!ide!% man) tho'ght the go!pel .a! a proclamation o" !'ch li#ert)% that ever) one
might deem him!el" a! "ree "rom !ervit'de. +t !eemed an 'n.orth) thing that =od:! children
!ho'ld #e !ervant!% and that the heir! o" the .orld !ho'ld not have a "ree po!!e!!ion% no% not even
o" their o.n #odie!. Then there .a! another trial% D *ll the magi!trate! .ere Chri!t:!
adver!arie!B and the) '!ed their o.n a'thorit)% !o that no repre!entation o" =od% .hich !ec're!
the chie" reverence% appeared in them. Ke no. perceive the de!ign o" Peter4 he e3horted the
@e.!% e!peciall) "or the!e rea!on!% to !he. re!pect to the civil
%o ever& ordinance of man( Some render the .ord!% Ato ever) creat'reBC and "rom a rendering !o
o#!c're and am#ig'o'!% m'ch la#or ha! #een ta$en to elicit !ome meaning. -'t + have no do'#t
#'t that Peter meant to point o't the di!tinct manner in .hich =od govern! man$ind4 "or the ver#
kti>zein in =ree$% "rom .hich kti>siv come!% mean! to "orm and to con!tr'ct a #'ilding.
S'ita#le% then% i! the .ord AordinationBC #) .hich Peter remind! '!% that =od the ma$er o" the
.orld ha! not le"t the h'man race in a !tate o" con"'!ion% that the) might live a"ter the manner o"
#ea!t!% #'t a! it .ere in a #'ilding reg'larl) "ormed% and divided into !everal compartment!. *nd
it i! called a human ordination, not #eca'!e it ha! #een invented #) man% #'t #eca'!e a mode o"
living% .ell arranged and d'l) ordered% i! pec'liar to men.
Whether it "e to the king( So he call! Cae!ar% a! + thin$% .ho!e empire e3tended over all tho!e
co'ntrie! mentioned at the #eginning o" the ,pi!tle. ;or tho'gh A$ingC .a! a name e3tremel)
hated #) the 8oman!% )et it .a! in '!e among the =ree$!. The)% indeed% o"ten called him
a'tocrat% Gaujtokra>tora J #'t !ometime! he .a! al!o called #) them $ing% Gbasileu<v.J -'t a! he
!'#?oin! a rea!on% that he o'ght to #e o#e)ed #eca'!e he e3celled% or .a! eminent or !'preme%
there i! no compari!on made #et.een Cae!ar and other magi!trate!. He held% indeed% the
!'preme po.erB #'t that eminence .hich Peter e3tol!% i! common to all .ho e3erci!e p'#lic
a'thorit). *nd !o Pa'l% in
8oman! 1041% e3tend! it to all magi!trate!. 9o. the meaning i!%
that o#edience i! d'e to all .ho r'le% #eca'!e the) have #een rai!ed to that honor not #) chance%
#'t #) =od:! providence. ;or man) are .ont to in>'ire too !cr'p'lo'!l) #) .hat right ha!
#een attainedB #'t .e o'ght to #e !ati!"ied .ith thi! alone% that i! po!!e!!ed and e3erci!ed.
*nd !o Pa'l c't! o"" the handle o" '!ele!! o#?ection! .hen he declare! that there i! no #'t
"rom =od. *nd "or thi! rea!on it i! that Script're !o o"ten !a)!% that it i! =od .ho gird! $ing!
.ith a !.ord% .ho rai!e! them on high% .ho tran!"er! $ingdom! a! he plea!e!.
*! Peter re"erred e!peciall) to the 8oman ,mperor% it .a! nece!!ar) to add thi! admonitionB "or
it i! certain that the 8oman! thro'gh 'n?'!t mean! rather than in a legitimate .a) penetrated into
*!ia and !'#d'ed the!e co'ntrie!. -e!ide!% the Cae!ar!% .ho then reigned% had po!!e!!ed
them!elve! o" the monarch) #) t)rannical "orce. Hence Peter a! it .ere "or#id! the!e thing! to #e
controverted% "or he !he.! that !'#?ect! o'ght to o#e) their r'ler! .itho't he!itation% #eca'!e
the) are not made eminent% 'nle!! elevated #) =od:! hand.
1!( r unto governors, or% Khether to pre!ident!. He de!ignate! ever) $ind o" magi!trate!% a!
tho'gh he had !aid% that there i! no $ind o" government to .hich .e o'ght not to !'#mit. He
con"irm! thi! #) !a)ing that the) are =od:! mini!ter!B "or the) .ho appl) him to the $ing% are
greatl) mi!ta$en. There i! then a common rea!on% .hich e3tol! the a'thorit) o" all magi!trate!%
that the) r'le #) the command o" =od% and are !ent #) him. +t hence "ollo.! Ga! Pa'l al!o
teache! '!J that the) re!i!t =od% .ho do not o#edientl) !'#mit to a ordained #) him.
For the *unishment( Thi! i! the !econd rea!on .h) it #ehove! '! reverentl) to regard and to
re!pect civil a'thorit)% and that i!% #eca'!e it ha! #een appointed #) the Lord "or the common
good o" man$indB "or .e m'!t #e e3tremel) #ar#aro'! and #r'tal% i" the p'#lic good i! not
regarded #) '!. Thi!% then% in !hort% i! .hat Peter mean!% that !ince =od $eep! the .orld in order
#) the mini!tr) o" magi!trate!% all the) .ho de!pi!e their a'thorit) are enemie! to man$ind.
9o. he a!!'me! the!e t.o thing!% .hich #elong% a! Plato !a)!% to a common.ealth% that i!%
re.ard to the good and p'ni!hment to the .ic$edB "or% in ancient time!% not onl) p'ni!hment .a!
allotted to evildoer!% #'t al!o re.ard! to the doer! o" good. -'t tho'gh it o"ten happen! that
honor! are not rightl) di!tri#'ted% nor re.ard! given to the de!erving% )et it i! an honor% not to #e
de!pi!ed% that the good are at the lea!t 'nder the care and protection o" magi!trate!% that the) are
not e3po!ed to the violence and in?'rie! o" the 'ngodl)% that the) live more >'ietl) 'nder la.!
and #etter retain their rep'tation% than i" ever) one% 'nre!trained% lived a! he plea!ed. +n !hort% it
i! a !ing'lar #le!!ing o" =od% that the .ic$ed are not allo.ed to do .hat the) li$e.
+t ma)% ho.ever% #e o#?ected here and !aid% that $ing! and magi!trate! o"ten a#'!e their
and e3erci!e t)rannical cr'elt) rather than ?'!tice. S'ch .ere almo!t all the magi!trate!% .hen
thi! ,pi!tle .a! .ritten. To thi! + an!.er% that t)rant! and tho!e li$e them% do not prod'ce !'ch
e""ect! #) their a#'!e% #'t that the ordinance o" =od ever remain! in "orce% a! the in!tit'tion o"
marriage i! not !'#verted tho'gh the .i"e and the h'!#and .ere to act in a .a) not #ecoming
them. Ho.ever% there"ore% men ma) go a!tra)% )et the end "i3ed #) =od cannot #e changed.
Kere an) one again to o#?ect and !a)% that .e o'ght not to o#e) prince! .ho% a! "ar a! the) can%
pervert the hol) ordinance o" =od% and th'! #ecome !avage .ild #ea!t!% .hile magi!trate! o'ght
to #ear the image o" =od. M) repl) i! thi!% that government e!ta#li!hed #) =od o'ght to #e !o
highl) val'ed #) '!% a! to honor even t)rant! .hen in There i! )et another repl) !till more
evident% D that there ha! never #een a t)rann)% Gnor can one #e imagined%J ho.ever cr'el and
'n#ridled% in .hich !ome portion o" e>'it) ha! not appearedB and "'rther% !ome $ind o"
government% ho.ever de"ormed and corr'pt it ma) #e% i! !till #etter and more #ene"icial than
1. For so is the +ill of God( He ret'rn! to hi! "ormer doctrine% le!t an occa!ion !ho'ld #e given
to the 'n#elieving to !pea$ evil% tho'gh he e3pre!!e! le!! than .hat he had !aid #e"oreB "or he
!a)! onl) that the mo'th! o" the "ooli!h o'ght to #e !topped. The phra!e .hich he adopt!% Ato
!top 'p ignorance%C tho'gh it ma) !eem har!h on acco'nt o" it! novelt)% doe! not )et o#!c're the
;or he not onl) call! the 'n#elieving "ooli!h% #'t al!o point! o't the rea!on .h) the)
!landered% even #eca'!e the) .ere ignorant o" =od. -'t ina!m'ch a! he ma$e! the 'n#elieving
to #e .itho't 'nder!tanding and rea!on% .e hence concl'de% that a right 'nder!tanding cannot
e3i!t .itho't the $no.ledge o" =od. Ho. m'ch !oever% then% the 'n#elieving ma) #oa!t o" their
o.n ac'tene!!% and ma) !eem to them!elve! to #e.i!e and pr'dent% )et the Spirit o" =od charge!
them .ith "oll)% in order that .e ma) $no. that% apart "rom =od% .e cannot #e reall) .i!e% a!
.itho't him there i! nothing per"ect.
-'t he pre!cri#e! the .a) in .hich the evil!pea$ing o" the 'n#elieving i! to #e re!trained% even
#) +ell9doing, or% #) doing good. +n thi! e3pre!!ion he incl'de! all the d'tie! o" h'manit) and
$indne!! .hich .e o'ght to per"orm to.ard! o'r neigh#or!. *nd in the!e i! incl'ded o#edience
to magi!trate!% .itho't .hich concord among men cannot #e c'ltivated. Kere an) one to o#?ect
and !a)% that the "aith"'l can never #e !o care"'l to do good% #'t that the) .ill #e evil!po$en o"
#) the 'n#elieving4 to thi! the o#vio'! an!.er i!% that the *po!tle here doe! not in an) degree
e3empt them "rom cal'mnie! and reproache!B #'t he mean! that no occa!ion o" !landering o'ght
to #e given to the 'n#elieving% ho.ever m'ch the) ma) de!ire it. *nd le!t an) one !ho'ld "'rther
o#?ect and !a)% that the 'n#elieving are #) no mean! .orth) o" !o m'ch regard that =od:!
children !ho'ld "orm their li"e to plea!e them% Peter e3pre!!l) remind! '! that .e are #o'nd #)
=od:! command to !h't 'p their mo'th!.
1"( 's free( Thi! i! !aid #) .a) o" anticipation% that he might o#viate tho!e thing! .hich are
'!'all) o#?ected to .ith regard to the li#ert) o" =od:! children. ;or a! men are nat'rall)
ingenio'! in la)ing hold on .hat ma) #e "or their advantage% man)% at the commencement o" the
=o!pel% tho'ght them!elve! "ree to live onl) "or them!elve!. Thi! doting opinion% then% i! .hat
Peter correct!B and he #rie"l) !he.! ho. m'ch the li#ert) o" Chri!tian! di""ered "rom 'n#ridled
licentio'!ne!!. *nd% in the "ir!t place% he denie! that there i! an) veil or prete3t "or .ic$edne!!%
#) .hich he intimate!% that there i! no li#ert) given '! to h'rt o'r neigh#or!% or to do an) harm to
other!. Tr'e li#ert)% then% i! that .hich harm! or in?'re! no one. To con"irm thi!% he declare! that
tho!e are "ree .ho !erve =od. +t i! o#vio'!% hence% to concl'de% that .e o#tain li#ert)% in order
that .e ma) more promptl) and more readil) render o#edience to =odB "or it i! no other than a
"reedom "rom !inB and dominion i! ta$en a.a) "rom !in% that men ma) #ecome o#edient to
+n !hort% it i! a "ree !ervit'de% and a !erving "reedom. ;or a! .e o'ght to #e the !ervant! o" =od%
that .e ma) en?o) thi! #ene"it% !o moderation i! re>'ired in the '!e o" it. +n thi! .a)% indeed% o'r
con!cience! #ecome "reeB #'t thi! prevent! '! not to !erve =od% .ho re>'ire! '! al!o to #e
!'#?ect to men.
1 PETER 2:1$
1$. Hono'r all men( Love the #rotherhood. 1$. 7mne! honorate% "raternitatem
;ear =od. Hono'r the $ing. diligite% (e'm timete% regem
Thi! i! a !'mmar) o" .hat i! gone #e"oreB "or he intimate! that =od i! not "eared% nor their ?'!t
right rendered to men% e3cept civil order prevail! among '!% and magi!trate! retain their
a'thorit). That he #id! honor to #e rendered to all% + e3plain th'!% that none are to #e neglectedB
"or it i! a general precept% .hich re"er! to the !ocial interco'r!e o" men.
The .ord honor ha!
a .ide meaning in He#re.% and .e $no. that the apo!tle!% tho'gh the) .rote in =ree$% "ollo.ed
the meaning o" .ord! in the "ormer lang'age. There"ore% thi! .ord conve)! no other idea to me%
than that a regard o'ght to #e had "or all% !ince .e o'ght to c'ltivate% a! "ar a! .e can% peace and
"riend!hip .ith allB there i!% indeed% nothing more adver!e to concord than contempt.
Khat he add! re!pecting the love o" #rethren i! !pecial% a! contra!ted .ith the "ir!t cla'!eB "or he
!pea$! o" that partic'lar love .hich .e are #idden to have to.ard! the ho'!ehold o" "aith%
#eca'!e .e are connected .ith them #) a clo!er relation!hip. *nd !o Peter did not omit thi!
connectionB #'t )et he remind! '!% that tho'gh #rethren are to #e !peciall) regarded% )et thi!
o'ght not to prevent o'r love "rom #eing e3tended to the .hole h'man race. The .ord fraternit&,
or #rotherhood% + ta$e collectivel) "or #rethren.
Fear God( + have alread) !aid that all the!e cla'!e! are applied #) Peter to the !'#?ect he .a!
treating. ;or he mean!% that honor paid to $ing! proceed! "rom the "ear o" =od and the love o"
manB and that% there"ore% it o'ght to #e connected .ith them% a! tho'gh he had !aid% AKho!oever
"ear! =od% love! hi! #rethren and the .hole h'man race a! he o'ght% and .ill al!o give honor to
$ing!.C -'t% at the !ame time% he e3pre!!l) mention! the king, #eca'!e that "orm o" government
.a! more than an) other di!li$edB and 'nder it other "orm! are incl'ded.
1 PETER 2:1%-2&
1%. Servant!% #e !'#?ect to &our ma!ter!
.ith all "earB not onl) to the good and
gentle% #'t al!o to the "ro.ard.
1%. ;am'li% !'#?ecti !int c'm omni
timore domini! suis, non !ol'm
#oni! et h'mani!% !ed etiam pravi!.
1#. ;or thi! i! than$.orth)% i" a man "or
con!cience to.ard! =od end're grie"%
!'""ering .rong"'ll).
1#. Haec enim e!t gratia% !i propter
con!cientiam (ei >'i!piam mole!tia!
"erat patien! in?'!tV.
2&. ;or .hat glor) i! it% i"% .hen )e #e
#'""eted "or )o'r "a'lt!% )e !hall ta$e it
patientl)O #'t i"% .hen )e do .ell% and
!'""er for it% )e ta$e it patientl)% thi! is
accepta#le .ith =od.
2&. R'ali! enim gloria% !i >''m
peccante! alapi! caedemini% !'""erti!O
!ed !i #ene "aciente! et in alii! a""ecti
!'""erti!% haec gratia ap'd (e'm.
1%( Servants, "e su",ect( Tho'gh thi! i! a partic'lar admonition% )et it i! connected .ith .hat i!
gone #e"ore% a! .ell a! the other thing! .hich "ollo.B "or the o#edience o" !ervant! to ma!ter!%
and o" .ive! al!o to their h'!#and!% "orm! a part o" civil or !ocial !'#?ection.
He "ir!t .o'ld have !ervant! to #e !'#?ect +ith all fear# #) .hich e3pre!!ion he mean! that
!incere and .illing reverence% .hich the) ac$no.ledge #) their o""ice to #e d'e. He then !et!
thi! "ear in oppo!ition to di!!im'lation a! .ell a! to "orced !'#?ectionB "or an e)e!ervice
Colo!!ian! 04/1%J a! Pa'l call! it% i! the oppo!ite o" thi! "earB and
"'rther% i" !ervant! clamor again!t !evere treatment% #eing read) to thro. o"" the )o$e i" the)
co'ld% the) cannot #e !aid properl) to "ear. +n !hort% "ear ari!e! "rom a right $no.ledge o" d't).
*nd tho'gh no e3ception i! added in thi! place% )et% according to other place!% it i! to #e
'nder!tood. ;or !'#?ection d'e to men i! not to #e !o "ar e3tended a! to le!!en the a'thorit) o"
=od. Then !ervant! are to #e !'#?ect to their ma!ter!% onl) a! "ar a! =od permit!% or a! "ar a! the
altar!% a! the) !a). -'t a! the .ord here i! not dou~loi% !lave!% #'t oijke>tai, dome!tic!% .e ma)
'nder!tand the "ree a! .ell a! the #ond !ervant! to #e meant% tho'gh it #e a di""erence o" little
:ot onl& to the good( Tho'gh a! to the d't) o" !ervant! to o#e) their ma!ter!% it i! .holl) a
matter o" con!cienceB i"% ho.ever% the) are 'n?'!tl) treated% a! to them!elve!% the) o'ght not to
re!i!t a'thorit). Khatever% then% ma!ter! ma) #e% there i! no e3c'!e "or !ervant! "or not "aith"'ll)
o#e)ing them. ;or .hen a !'perior a#'!e! hi! he m'!t indeed herea"ter render an acco'nt
to =od% )et he doe! not "or the pre!ent lo!e hi! right. ;or thi! la. i! laid on !ervant!% that the) are
to !erve their ma!ter!% tho'gh the) ma) #e 'n.orth). ;or the fro+ard he !et! in oppo!ition to the
e>'ita#le or h'maneB and #) thi! .ord he re"er! to the cr'el and the perver!e% or tho!e .ho have
no h'manit) and $indne!!.
+t i! a .onder .hat co'ld have ind'ced an interpreter to change one =ree$ .ord "or another% and
render it A.a).ard.C + !ho'ld !a) nothing o" the gro!! ignorance o" the Sor#on!% .ho commonl)
'nder!tand #) .a).ard% Gd&scolos%J the di!!ol'te or di!!ipated% .ere it not that the) !ee$ #) thi!
a#!'rd rendering to #'ild 'p "or '! an article o" "aith% that .e o'ght to o#e) the Pope and hi!
horned .ild #ea!t!% ho.ever grievo'! and intolera#le a t)rann) the) ma) e3erci!e. Thi! pa!!age%
then% !he.! ho. #oldl) the) tri"le .ith the Kord o" =od.
1#. For this is thank+orth&( The .ord grace or "avor% ha! the meaning o" prai!eB "or he mean!
that no grace or prai!e !hall #e "o'nd #e"ore =od% i" .e #ear the p'ni!hment .hich .e have #)
o'r "a'lt! de!ervedB #'t that the) .ho patientl) #ear in?'rie! and .rong! are .orth) o" prai!e and
accepted #) =od.
To te!ti") that it .a! accepta#le to =od% .hen an) one "rom con!cience
to.ard! =od per!evered in doing hi! d't)% tho'gh 'n?'!tl) and 'n.orthil) treated% .a! at that
time ver) nece!!ar)B "or the condition o" !ervant! .a! ver) hard4 the) .ere co'nted no #etter
than cattle. S'ch indignit) might have driven them to de!pairB the onl) thing le"t "or them .a! to
loo$ to =od.
For conscience to+ards God mean! thi!% that one per"orm! hi! d't)% not "rom a regard to men%
#'t to =od. ;or% .hen a .i"e i! !'#mi!!ive and o#edient to her h'!#and% in order to plea!e him%
!he ha! her re.ard in thi! .orld% a! Chri!t !a)! o" the am#itio'!% .ho loo$ed to the prai!e o"
men% G
Matthe. E41E.J The !ame vie. i! to #e ta$en o" other ca!e!4 Khen a !on o#e)! hi!
"ather in order to !ec're hi! "avor and #o'nt)% he .ill have hi! re.ard "rom hi! "ather% not "rom
=od. +t i!% in !hort% a general tr'th% that .hat .e do i! approved #) =od% i" o'r o#?ect #e to !erve
him% and i" .e are not in"l'enced #) a regard to man alone. Moreover% he .ho con!ider! that he
ha! to do .ith =od% m'!t nece!!aril) endeavor to overcome evil .ith good. ;or% =od not onl)
re>'ire! that .e !ho'ld #e !'ch to ever) one a! he i! to '!% #'t al!o that .e !ho'ld #e good to the
'n.orth) and to !'ch a! per!ec'te '!.
+t i! not% ho.ever% an a!!ertion .itho't it! di""ic'lt)% .hen he !a)!% that there i! nothing
prai!e.orth) in him .ho i! ?'!tl) p'ni!hedB "or% .hen the Lord p'ni!he! o'r !in!% patience i!
certainl) a !acri"ice o" !.eet odo'r to him% that i!% .hen .e #ear .ith a !'#mi!!ive mind o'r
p'ni!hment. -'t to thi! + repl)% that Peter doe! not here !pea$ !impl) #'t comparativel)B "or it i!
a !mall and !lender prai!e to #ear .ith !'#mi!!ion a ?'!t p'ni!hment% in compari!on .ith that o"
an innocent man% .ho .illingl) #ear! the .rong! o" men% onl) #eca'!e he "ear! =od. *t the
!ame time he !eem! indirectl) to re"er to the motiveB #eca'!e the) .ho !'""er p'ni!hment "or
their "a'lt!% are in"l'enced #) the "ear o" men. -'t the repl) alread) given i! !'""icient.
1 PETER 2:21-23
21. ;or even here'nto .ere )e called4
#eca'!e Chri!t al!o !'""ered "or '!% leaving
'! an e3ample% that )e !ho'ld "ollo. hi!
21. +n hoc enim vocati e!ti!B
>'oniam Chri!t'! >'o>'e pa!!'! e!t
pro vo#i!% relin>'en! vo#i!
e3empl'm% 't !e>'eremini ve!tigia
22. Kho did no !in% neither .a! g'ile "o'nd
in hi! mo'th4
22. R'i >''m peccat'm non "eci!!et%
nec invent'! e!!et dol'! in ore e?'!B
23. Kho% .hen he .a! reviled% reviled not
againB .hen he !'""ered% he threatened notB
#'t committed himself to him that ?'dgeth
23. R''m pro#ro a""iceret'r% non
regere#atB >''m pateret'r% non
commina#at'rB ca'!am vero
commenda#at ei >'i ?'!te ?'dicat.
21. For even hereunto +ere &e called( ;or tho'gh hi! di!co'r!e .a! re!pecting !ervant!% )et thi!
pa!!age o'ght not to #e con"ined to that !'#?ect. ;or the *po!tle here remind! all the godl) in
common a! to .hat the condition o" Chri!tianit) i!% a! tho'gh he had !aid% that .e are called #)
the Lord "or thi! end% patientl) to #ear .rong!B and a! he !a)! in another place that .e are
appointed to thi!. Le!t% ho.ever% thi! !ho'ld !eem grievo'! to '!% he con!ole! '! .ith the
e3ample o" Chri!t. 9othing !eem! more 'n.orth)% and there"ore le!! tolera#le% than
'nde!ervedl) to !'""erB #'t .hen .e t'rn o'r e)e! to the Son o" =od% thi! #itterne!! i! mitigatedB
"or .ho .o'ld re"'!e to "ollo. him going #e"ore '!O
-'t .e m'!t notice the .ord!% Leaving us an e;am*le(
;or a! he treat! o" imitation% it i!
nece!!ar) to $no. .hat in Chri!t i! to #e o'r e3ample. He .al$ed on the !ea% he clean!ed the
lepro'!% he rai!ed the dead% he re!tored !ight to the #lind4 to tr) to imitate him in the!e thing!
.o'ld #e a#!'rd. ;or .hen he gave the!e evidence! o" hi! it .a! not hi! o#?ect that .e
!ho'ld th'! imitate him. +t ha! hence happened that hi! "a!ting "or "ort) da)! ha! #een made
.itho't rea!on an e3ampleB #'t .hat he had in vie. .a! "ar other.i!e. Ke o'ght% there"ore% to
e3erci!e in thi! re!pect a right ?'dgmentB a! al!o *'g'!tine ! remind! '!% .hen
e3plaining the " pa!!age%
ALearn o" me% "or + am mee$ and lo.l) in heart.C
Matthe. 114/1.J
*nd the !ame thing ma) #e learnt "rom the .ord! o" PeterB "or he mar$! the di""erence #) !a)ing
that Chri!t:! patience i! .hat .e o'ght to "ollo.. Thi! !'#?ect i! handled more at large #) Pa'l in
8oman! F4/1% .here he teache! '! that all the children o" =od are "oreordained to #e made
con"orma#le to the image o" Chri!t% in order that he might #e the "ir!t#orn among man)
#rethren. Hence% that .e ma) live .ith him% .e m'!t previo'!l) die .ith him.
22. Who did no sin( Thi! #elong! to the pre!ent !'#?ectB "or% i" an) one #oa!t! o" hi! o.n
innocence% he m'!t $no. that Chri!t did not !'""er a! a male"actor. He% at the !ame time% !he.!
ho. "ar .e come !hort o" .hat Chri!t .a!% .hen he !a)!% that there .a! no guile found in his
mouth# "or he .ho o""end! not #) hi! tong'e% !a)! @ame!% i! a per"ect man. G
@ame! 04/.J He
then declare! that there .a! in Chri!t the highe!t per"ection o" innocenc)% !'ch a! no one o" '!
can dare claim "or him!el". +t hence appear! more "'ll) ho. 'n?'!tl) he !'""ered #e)ond all
other!. There i!% there"ore% no rea!on .h) an) one o" '! !ho'ld re"'!e to !'""er a"ter hi! e3ample%
!ince no one i! !o con!cio'! o" having acted rightl)% a! not to $no. that he i! imper"ect.
23. When he +as reviled, or% reproached. Here Peter point! o't .hat .e are to imitate in Chri!t%
even calml) to #ear .rong!% and not to avenge .rong!. ;or !'ch i! o'r di!po!ition% that .hen .e
receive in?'rie!% o'r mind! immediatel) #oil over .ith revenge"'l "eeling!B #'t Chri!t a#!tained
"rom ever) $ind o" retaliation. 7'r mind!% there"ore% o'ght to #e #ridled% le!t .e !ho'ld !ee$ to
render evil "or evil.
But committed him!el"% or% hi! ca'!e. The .ord cause i! not e3pre!!ed% #'t it i! o#vio'!l)
'nder!tood. *nd Peter add! thi! "or the con!olation o" the godl)% that i!% that i" the) patientl)
end'red the reproache! and violence o" the .ic$ed% the) .o'ld have =od a! their de"ender. ;or it
.o'ld #e a ver) hard thing "or '!% to #e !'#?ected to the .ill o" the 'ngodl)% and not to have =od
caring "or o'r .rong!. Peter% there"ore% adorn! =od .ith thi! high attri#'te% that he ,udgeth
righteousl&, a! tho'gh he had !aid% A+t #ehove! '! calml) to #ear evil!B =od in the meantime .ill
not neglect .hat #elong! to him% #'t .ill !he. him!el" to #e a righteo'! ?'dge.C Ho.ever
.anton then the 'ngodl) ma) #e "or a time% )et the) !hall not #e 'np'ni!hed "or the .rong! done
no. to the children o" =od. 9or i! there an) ca'!e "or the godl) to "ear% a! tho'gh the) .ere
.itho't an) protectionB "or !ince it #elong! to =od to de"end them and to 'nderta$e their ca'!e%
the) are to po!!e!! their !o'l! in patience.
Moreover% a! thi! doctrine #ring! no !mall con!olation% !o it avail! to alla) and !'#d'e the
inclination! o" the "le!h. ;or no one can rec'm# on the "idelit) and protection o" =od% #'t he .ho
in a mee$ !pirit .ait! "or hi! ?'dgmentB "or he .ho leap! to ta$e vengeance% intr'de! into .hat
#elong! to =od% and !'""er! not =od to per"orm hi! o.n o""ice. +n re"erence to thi! Pa'l !a)!%
A=ive place to .rath%C G
8oman! 1/411BJ and th'! he intimate! that the .a) i! clo!ed 'p
again!t =od that he might not him!el" ?'dge% .hen .e anticipate him. He then con"irm! .hat he
had !aid #) the te!timon) o" Mo!e!% ALengeance i! mine.C G
(e'teronom) 0/405.J Peter in
!hort meant thi!% that .e a"ter the e3ample o" Chri!t !hall #e more prepared to end're in?'rie!% i"
.e give to =od hi! o.n honor% that i!% i" .e% #elieving him to #e a righteo'! ?'dge% re"er o'r
right and o'r ca'!e to him.
+t ma) ho.ever #e a!$ed% Ho. did Chri!t commit hi! ca'!e to the ;atherB "or i" he re>'ired
vengeance "rom him% thi! he him!el" !a)! i! not la."'l "or '!B "or he #id! '! to do good to tho!e
.ho in?'re '!% to pra) "or tho!e .ho !pea$ evil o" '!. G
Matthe. 5444.J To thi! m) repl) i!%
that it appear! evident "rom the go!pelhi!tor)% that Chri!t did th'! re"er hi! ?'dgment to =od%
and )et did not demand vengeance to #e ta$en on hi! enemie!% #'t that% on the contrar)% he
pra)ed "or them% A;ather%C he !aid% A"orgive them.C G
L'$e /0404.J *nd do'#tle!! the
"eeling! o" o'r "le!h are "ar "rom #eing in 'ni!on .ith the ?'dgment o" =od. That an) one then
ma) commit hi! ca'!e to him .ho ?'dgeth righteo'!l)% it i! nece!!ar) that he !ho'ld "ir!t la) a
chec$ on him!el"% !o that he ma) not a!$ an)thing incon!i!tent .ith the righteo'! ?'dgment o"
=od. ;or the) .ho ind'lge them!elve! in loo$ing "or vengeance% concede not to =od hi! o""ice
o" a ?'dge% #'t in a manner .i!h him to #e an e3ec'tioner. He then .ho i! !o calm in hi! !pirit a!
to .i!h hi! adver!arie! to #ecome hi! "riend!% and endeavor! to #ring them to the right .a)%
rightl) commit! to =od hi! o.n ca'!e% and hi! pra)er i!% ATho'% 7 Lord% $no.e!t m) heart% ho.
+ .i!h them to #e !aved .ho !ee$ to de!tro) me4 .ere the) converted% + !ho'ld congrat'late
themB #'t i" the) contin'e o#!tinate in their .ic$edne!!% "or + $no. that tho' .atche!t over m)
!a"et)% + commit m) ca'!e to thee.C Thi! mee$ne!! .a! mani"e!ted #) Chri!tB it i! then the r'le to
#e o#!erved #) '!.
1 PETER 2:2!-2
2!. Kho hi! o.n !el" #are o'r !in! in hi!
o.n #od) on the tree% that .e% #eing dead to
!in!% !ho'ld live 'nto righteo'!ne!!4 #)
.ho!e !tripe! )e .ere healed.
2!. R'i peccata no!tra ip!e pert'lit in
corpore !'o !'per lign'm% 't peccati!
mort'i% ?'!titiae vivam'!4 c'?'! livori
!anati e!ti!.
2. ;or )e .ere a! !heep going a!tra)B #'t
are no. ret'rned 'nto the Shepherd and
-i!hop o" )o'r !o'l!.
2. ,rati! enim tan>'am ove!
errante!B !ed conver!i e!ti! n'nc ad
Pa!torem et ,pi!cop'm animar'm
Had he commended nothing in Chri!t:! death e3cept a! an e3ample% it .o'ld have #een ver)
"rigid4 he there"ore re"er! to a "r'it m'ch more e3cellent. There are then three thing! to #e
noticed in thi! pa!!age. The "ir!t i!% that Chri!t #) hi! death ha! given '! an e3ample o" patienceB
the !econd% that #) hi! death he re!tored '! to li"eB it hence "ollo.!% that .e are !o #o'nd to him%
that .e o'ght cheer"'ll) to "ollo. hi! e3ample. +n the third place% he re"er! to the general de!ign
o" hi! death% that .e% #eing dead to !in!% o'ght to live to righteo'!ne!!. *nd all the!e thing!
con"irm hi! previo'! e3hortation.
2!( Who his o+n self "are our sins( Thi! "orm o" !pea$ing i! "itted to !et "orth the e""icac) o"
Chri!t:! death. ;or a! 'nder the La.% the !inner% that he might #e relea!ed "rom g'ilt% !'#!tit'ted
a victim in hi! o.n placeB !o Chri!t too$ on him!el" the c'r!e d'e to o'r !in!% that he might atone
"or them #e"ore =od. *nd he e3pre!!l) add!% on the tree, #eca'!e he co'ld not o""er !'ch an
e3piation e3cept on the cro!!. Peter% there"ore% .ell e3pre!!e! the tr'th% that Chri!t:! death .a! a
!acri"ice "or the e3piation o" o'r !in!B "or #eing "i3ed to the cro!! and o""ering him!el" a victim
"or '!% he too$ on him!el" o'r !in and o'r p'ni!hment. +!aiah% "rom .hom Peter ha! ta$en the
!'#!tance o" hi! doctrine% emplo)! vario'! "orm! o" e3pre!!ion% D that he .a! !mitten #) =od:!
hand "or o'r !in!% that he .a! .o'nded "or o'r ini>'itie!% that he .a! a""licted and #ro$en "or o'r
!a$e% that the cha!ti!ement o" o'r peace .a! laid on him. -'t Peter intended to !et "orth the !ame
thing #) the .ord! o" thi! ver!e% even that .e are reconciled to =od on thi! condition% #eca'!e
Chri!t made him!el" #e"ore hi! tri#'nal a !'ret) and a! one g'ilt) "or '!% that he might !'""er the
p'ni!hment d'e to '!.
Thi! great #ene"it the Sophi!t! in their !chool! o#!c're a! m'ch a! the) canB "or the) prattle that
#) the !acri"ice o" the death o" Chri!t .e are onl) "reed a"ter #apti!m "rom g'ilt% #'t that
p'ni!hment i! redeemed #) !ati!"action!. -'t Peter% .hen he !a)! that he #ore o'r !in!% mean!
that not onl) g'ilt .a! imp'ted to him% #'t that he al!o !'""ered it! p'ni!hment% that he might
th'! #e an e3piator) victim% according to that !a)ing o" the Prophet% AThe cha!ti!ement o" o'r
peace .a! 'pon him.C +" the) o#?ect and !a)% that thi! onl) avail! #e"ore #apti!m% the conte3t
here di!prove! them% "or the .ord! are addre!!ed to the "aith"'l.
-'t thi! cla'!e and that .hich "ollo.!% "& +hose stri*es &e +ere healed, ma) #e al!o applied to
the !'#?ect in hand% that i!% that it #ehove! '! to #ear on o'r !ho'lder! the !in! o" other!% not
indeed to e3piate "or them% #'t onl) to #ear them a! a #'rden laid on '!.
Being dead to sins(
He had #e"ore pointed o't another end% even an e3ample o" patienceB #'t
here% a! it ha! #een !tated% it i! made more mani"e!t% that .e are to live a hol) and righteo'! li"e.
The Script're !ometime! mention! #oth% that i!% that the Lord trie! '! .ith tro'#le! and
adver!itie!% that .e might #e con"ormed to the death o" Chri!t% and al!o that the old man ha! #een
cr'ci"ied in the death o" Chri!t% that .e might .al$ in!! o" li"e. G
Philippian! 0410B
8oman! E44.J *t the !ame time% thi! end o" .hich he !pea$!% di""er! "rom the "ormer% not
onl) a! that .hich i! general "rom .hat i! partic'larB "or in patience there i! !impl) an e3ampleB
#'t .hen he !a)! that Chri!t !'""ered% that .e #eing dead to !in! !ho'ld live to righteo'!ne!!% he
intimate! that there i! in Chri!t:! death to morti") o'r "le!h% a! Pa'l e3plain! more "'ll) in
the !i3th chapter o" the ,pi!tle to the 8oman!. ;or he ha! not onl) #ro'ght thi! great #ene"it to
'!% that =od ?'!ti"ie! '! "reel)% #) not imp'ting to '! o'r !in!B #'t. he al!o ma$e! '! to die to the
.orld and to the "le!h% that .e ma) ri!e again to a ne. li"e4 not that one da) ma$e! complete thi!
deathB #'t .herever it i!% the death o" Chri!t i! e""icacio'! "or the e3piation o" !in!% and al!o "or
the morti"ication o" the "le!h.
2. For &e +ere as shee*( Thi! al!o ha! Peter #orro.ed "rom +!aiah% e3cept that the Prophet
ma$e! it a 'niver!al !tatement%
A*ll .e li$e !heep have gone a!tra).C G
+!aiah 504E.J
-'t on the .ord shee* there i! no partic'lar !tre!!B he indeed compare! '! to !heep% #'t the
empha!i! i! on .hat the Prophet add!% .hen he !a)! that ever) one had t'rned to hi! o.n .a).
The meaning then i!% that .e are all going a!tra) "rom the .a) o" !alvation% and proceeding in
the .a) o" r'in% 'ntil Chri!t #ring! '! #ac$ "rom thi! .andering.
*nd thi! appear! !till more evident "rom the cla'!e .hich "ollo.!% "ut are no+ returned to the
She*herd, etc.B
"or all .ho are not r'led #) Chri!t% are .andering li$e lo!t !heep in the .a)!
o" error. Th'!% then% i! condemned the .hole .i!dom o" the .orld% .hich doe! not !'#mit to the
government o" Chri!t. -'t the t.o title! given here to Chri!t are remar$a#le% that he i! the
She*herd and Bisho* of souls( There i! then no ca'!e to "ear% #'t that he .ill "aith"'ll) .atch
over the !a"et) o" tho!e .ho are in hi! "old and 'nder hi! care. *nd it i! hi! o""ice to $eep '! !a"e
#oth in #od) and !o'lB )et Peter mention! onl) !o'l!% #eca'!e thi! cele!tial Shepherd $eep! '!
'nder hi! o.n !pirit'al protection 'nto eternal li"e.
CH*PT,8 0
1 PETER 3:1-!
1. Li$e.i!e% )e .ive!% "e in !'#?ection to
)o'r o.n h'!#and!4 that% i" an) o#e) not
the .ord% the) al!o ma) .itho't the .ord
#e .on #) the conver!ation o" the .ive!B
1. Similiter m'liere! !'#?ectae !int
proprii! mariti!B 't etiam !i>'i !'nt
incred'li !ermoni% per '3or'm
conver!ationem a#!>'e !ermone
2. Khile the) #ehold )o'r cha!te
conver!ation cou*led .ith "ear.
2. Con!iderante! p'ram .vel, ca!tamJ
ve!tram in timore conver!ationemB
!. -'t let it "e the hidden man o" the heart%
in that .hich i! not corr'pti#le% even the
ornament o" a mee$ and >'iet !pirit% .hich
i! in the !ight o" =od o" great price.
!. Sed interior cordi! homo% >'i in
incorr'ptione !it'! e!t placidi et
>'ieti !pirit'!% >'i !pirit'! coram (eo
pretio!'! e!t .vel, >'od e!t coram
(eo pretio!'m.J
H, proceed! no. to another in!tance o" !'#?ection% and #id! .ive! to #e !'#?ect to their
h'!#and!. *nd a! tho!e !eemed to have !ome preten!e "or !ha$ing o"" the )o$e% .ho .ere 'nited
to 'n#elieving men% he e3pre!!l) remind! them o" their d't)% and #ring! "or.ard a partic'lar
rea!on .h) the) o'ght the more care"'ll) to o#e)% even that the) might #) their pro#it) all're
their h'!#and! to the "aith. -'t i" .ive! o'ght to o#e) 'ngodl) h'!#and!% .ith m'ch more
promptne!! o'ght the) to o#e)% .ho have #elieving h'!#and!.
-'t it ma) !eem !trange that Peter !ho'ld !a)% that a h'!#and might #e gained to the Lord
+ithout the +ord# "or .h) i! it !aid% that A"aith cometh #) hearing OC
8oman! 1041Q. To
thi! + repl)% that Peter:! .ord! are not to #e !o 'nder!tood a! tho'gh a hol) li"e alone co'ld lead
the 'n#elieving to Chri!t% #'t that it !o"ten! and paci"ie! their mind!% !o that the) might have le!!
di!li$e to religionB "or a! #ad e3ample! create o""en!e!% !o good one! a""ord no !mall help. Then
Peter !he.! that .ive! #) a hol) and pio'! li"e co'ld do !o m'ch a! to prepare their h'!#and!%
.itho't !pea$ing to them on religion% to em#race the "aith o" Chri!t.
2. While the& "ehold( ;or mind!% ho.ever alienated "rom the tr'e "aith% are !'#d'ed% .hen the)
!ee the good cond'ct o" #eliever!B "or a! the) 'nder!tood not the doctrine o" Chri!t% the) "orm an
e!timate o" it #) o'r li"e. +t cannot% then% #e #'t that the) .ill commend Chri!tianit)% .hich
teache! p'rit) and "ear.
3. Whose adorning( The other part o" the e3hortation i!% that .ive! are to adorn them!elve!
!paringl) and mode!tl)4 "or .e $no. that the) are in thi! re!pect m'ch more c'rio'! and
am#itio'! than the) o'ght to #e. Then Peter doe! not .itho't ca'!e !ee$ to correct in them thi!
vanit). *nd tho'gh he reprove! generall) !'mpt'o'! or co!tl) adorning% )et he point! o't !ome
thing! in partic'lar% D that the) .ere not arti"iciall) to c'rl or .reath their hair% a! it .a! '!'all)
done #) cri!pingpin!% or other.i!e to "orm it according to the "a!hionB nor .ere the) to !et gold
aro'nd their head4 "or the!e are the thing! in .hich e3ce!!e! e!peciall) appear.
+t ma) #e no. a!$ed% .hether the *po!tle .holl) condemn! the '!e o" gold in adorning the
#od). Kere an) one to 'rge the!e .ord!% it ma) #e !aid% that he prohi#it! precio'! garment! no
le!! than goldB "or he immediatel) add!% the *utting on of a**arel, or% o" clothe!. -'t it .o'ld #e
an immoderate !trictne!! .holl) to "or#id neatne!! and elegance in clothing. +" the material i!
!aid to #e too !'mpt'o'!% the Lord ha! created itB and .e $no. that !$ill in art ha! proceeded
"rom him. Then Peter did not intend to condemn ever) !ort o" ornament% #'t the evil o" vanit)% to
.hich .omen are !'#?ect. T.o thing! are to #e regarded in clothing% '!e"'lne!! and decenc)B and
.hat decenc) re>'ire! i! moderation and mode!t). Kere% then% a .oman to go "orth .ith her hair
.antonl) c'rled and dec$ed% and ma$e an e3travagant di!pla)% her vanit) co'ld not #e e3c'!ed.
The) .ho o#?ect and !a)% that to clothe one:!!el" in thi! or that manner i! an indi""erent thing% in
.hich all are "ree to do a! the) plea!e% ma) #e ea!il) con"'tedB "or e3ce!!ive elegance and
!'per"l'o'! di!pla)% in !hort% all e3ce!!e!% ari!e "rom a corr'pted mind. -e!ide!% am#ition% pride%
a""ectation o" di!pla)% and all thing! o" thi! $ind% are not indi""erent thing!. There"ore the) .ho!e
mind! are p'ri"ied "rom all vanit)% .ill d'l) order all thing!% !o a! not to e3ceed moderation.
!. But let it "e the hidden, man of the heart( The contra!t here o'ght to #e care"'ll) o#!erved.
Cato !aid% that the) .ho are an3io'!l) engaged in adorning the #od)% neglect the adorning o" the
mind4 !o Peter% in order to re!train thi! de!ire in .omen% introd'ce! a remed)% that the) are to
devote them!elve! to the c'ltivation o" their mind!. The .ord heart, no do'#t mean! the .hole
!o'l. He at the !ame time !he.! in .hat con!i!t! the !pirit'al adorning o" .omen% even in the
incorru*tness of a meek and 5uiet s*irit( A+ncorr'ptne!!%C a! + thin$% i! !et in oppo!ition to thing!
.hich "ade and vani!h a.a)% thing! .hich !erve to adorn the #od). There"ore the ver!ion o"
,ra!m'! depart! "rom the real meaning. +n !hort% Peter mean! that the ornament o" the !o'l i! not
li$e a "ading " nor con!i!t! in vani!hing !plendor% #'t i! incorr'pti#le. -) mentioning 5uiet
and a tran>'il s*irit, he mar$! o't .hat e!peciall) #elong! to .omenB "or nothing #ecome! them
more than a placid and a !edate temper o" mind.
;or .e $no. ho. o'trageo'! a #eing i! an
imperio'! and a !el".illed .oman. *nd "'rther% nothing i! more "itted to correct the vanit) o"
.hich Peter !pea$! than a placid >'ietne!! o" !pirit.
Khat "ollo.!% that it i! in the sight of God of great *rice, ma) #e re"erred to the .hole previo'!
!entence a! .ell a! to the .ord s*irit# the meaning indeed .ill remain the !ame. ;or .h) do
.omen ta$e !o m'ch care to adorn them!elve!% e3cept that the) ma) t'rn the e)e! o" men on
them!elve!O -'t Peter% on the contrar)% #id! them to #e more an3io'! "or .hat i! #e"ore =od o" a
great price.
1 PETER 3:-"
. ;or a"ter thi! manner in the old time the
hol) .omen al!o% .ho tr'!ted in =od%
adorned them!elve!% #eing in !'#?ection
'nto their o.n h'!#and!4
. Sic enim ali>'ando et !anctae
m'liere! >'ae !pera#ant in (e'm%
orna#ant !eip!a!% !'#?ectae proprii!
". ,ven a! Sarah o#e)ed *#raham% calling
him lord4 .ho!e da'ghter! )e are a! long a!
)e do .ell% and are not a"raid .ith an)
". R'emadmod'm et Sara o#edie#at
*#rahae% domin'm ip!'m appellan!%
c'?'! "iliae e!ti! "actae% !i
#ene"eceriti!% et non terreamini 'llo
He !et! #e"ore them the e3ample o" pio'! .omen% .ho !o'ght "or !pirit'al adorning rather than
o't.ard meretricio'! ornament!. -'t he mention! Sarah a#ove all other!% .ho% having #een the
mother o" all the "aith"'l% i! e!peciall) .orth) o" honor and imitation on the part o" her !e3.
Moreover% he ret'rn! again to !'#?ection% and con"irm! it #) the e3ample o" Sarah% .ho%
according to the .ord! o" Mo!e!% called her h'!#and Lord. G
=ene!i! 1F41/.J =od% indeed%
doe! not regard !'ch title!B and it ma) !ometime! #e% that one e!peciall) pet'lant and di!o#edient
!ho'ld '!e !'ch a .ord .ith her tong'eB #'t Peter mean!% that Sarah '!'all) !po$e th'!% #eca'!e
!he $ne. that a command had #een given her #) the Lord% to #e !'#?ect to her h'!#and. Peter
add!% that the) .ho imitated her "idelit) .o'ld #e her da'ghter!% that i!% rec$oned among the
". 'nd are not afraid( The .ea$ne!! o" the !e3 ca'!e! .omen to #e !'!picio'! and timid% and
there"ore moro!eB "or the) "ear le!t #) their !'#?ection% the) !ho'ld #e more reproach"'ll)
treated. +t .a! thi! that Peter !eem! to have had in vie. in "or#idding them to #e di!t'r#ed #)
an) "ear% a! tho'gh he had !aid% AKillingl) !'#mit to the a'thorit) o" )o'r h'!#and!% nor let "ear
prevent )o'r o#edience% a! tho'gh )o'r condition .o'ld #e .or!e% .ere )o' to o#e).C The .ord!
ma) #e more general% ALet them not rai!e 'p commotion! at home.C ;or a! the) are lia#le to #e
"rightened% the) o"ten ma$e m'ch o" a little thing% and th'! di!t'r# them!elve! and the "amil).
7ther! thin$ that the timidit) o" .omen% .hich i! contrar) to "aith% i! generall) reproved% a!
tho'gh Peter e3horted them to per"orm the d'tie! o" their calling .ith a co'rageo'! and intrepid
!pirit. Ho.ever% the "ir!t e3planation i! .hat + pre"er% tho'gh the la!t doe! not di""er m'ch "rom
1 PETER 3:-"
$. Li$e.i!e% )e h'!#and!% d.ell .ith them
according to $no.ledge% giving honor 'nto
the .i"e% a! 'nto the .ea$er ve!!el% and a!
#eing heir! together o" the grace o" li"eB that
)o'r pra)er! #e not hindered.
$. Liri !imiliter coha#itent !ec'nd'm
!cientiam% tan>'am in"irmiori va!i%
m'lie#ri impertiente! honorem%
tan>'am etiam cohaerede! gratiae
vitae Gvel% m'ltiplici! gratiae et
vitae%J ne prece! ve!trae
$. Like+ise, &e hus"ands, d+ell +ith them. ;rom h'!#and! he re>'ire! pr'denceB "or dominion
over their .ive! i! not given them% e3cept on thi! condition% that the) e3erci!e a'thorit)
pr'dentl). Then let h'!#and! remem#er that the) need pr'dence to do rightl) their d't). *nd
do'#tle!! man) "ooli!h thing! m'!t #e end'red #) them% man) 'nplea!ant thing! m'!t #e #orne
.ithB and the) m'!t at the !ame time #e.are le!t their ind'lgence !ho'ld "o!ter "oll). Hence the
admonition o" Peter i! not in vain% that the h'!#and! o'ght to coha#it .ith them a! .ith a +eaker
vessel( Part o" the pr'dence .hich he mention!% i!% that the h'!#and! honor their .ive!. ;or
nothing de!tro)! the "riend!hip o" li"e more than contemptB nor can .e reall) love an) #'t tho!e
.hom .e e!teemB "or love m'!t #e connected .ith re!pect.
Moreover% he emplo)! a t.o"old arg'ment% in order to per!'ade h'!#and! to treat their .ive!
hono'ra#l) and $indl). The "ir!t i! derived "rom the .ea$ne!! o" the !e3B the other% "rom the
honor .ith .hich =od "avor! them. The!e thing! !eem indeed to #e in a manner contrar)% D that
honor o'ght to #e given to .ive!% #eca'!e the) are .ea$% and #eca'!e the) e3celB #'t the!e
thing! .ell agree together .here love e3i!t!. +t i! evident% that =od i! de!pi!ed in hi! gi"t!% e3cept
.e honor tho!e on .hom he ha! con"erred an) e3cellenc). -'t .hen .e con!ider that .e are
mem#er! o" the !ame #od)% .e learn to #ear .ith one another% and m't'all) to cover o'r
in"irmitie!. Thi! i! .hat Pa'l mean! .hen he !a)! that greater honor i! given to the .ea$er
mem#er!% G
1 Corinthian! 1/4/0BJ even #eca'!e .e are more care"'l in protecting them "rom
!hame. Then Peter doe! not .itho't rea!on command that .omen !ho'ld #e cared "or% and that
the) !ho'ld #e honored .ith a $ind treatment% #eca'!e the) are .ea$. *nd then a! .e more
ea!il) "orgive children% .hen the) o""end thro'gh ine3perience o" ageB !o the .ea$ne!! o" the
"emale !e3 o'ght to ma$e '! not to #e too rigid and !evere to.ard! o'r .ive!.
The .ord vessel, a! it i! .ell $no.n% mean! in Script're an) !ort o" in!tr'ment.
Being heirs together .or co9heirs/ of the grace of life( Some copie! have Ao" mani"old graceBC
other!% in!tead o" Ali"e%C have the .ord Aliving.C Some read Acoheir!C in the dative ca!e% .hich
ma$e! no di""erence in the !en!e. * con?'nction i! p't #) other! #et.een mani"old grace and li"eB
.hich reading i! the mo!t !'ita#le.
;or !ince the Lord i! plea!ed to #e!to. in common on
h'!#and! and .ive! the !ame grace!% he invite! them to !ee$ an e>'alit) in themB and .e $no.
that tho!e grace! are mani"old in .hich .ive! are parta$er! .ith their h'!#and!. ;or !ome #elong
to the pre!ent li"e% and !ome to =od:! !pirit'al $ingdom. He a"ter.ard! add!% that the) are co
heir! al!o o" li"e% .hich i! the chie" thing. *nd tho'gh !ome are !tranger! to the hope o"
!alvation% )et a! it i! o""ered #) the Lord to them no le!! than to their h'!#and!% it i! a !'""icient
honor to the !e3.
%hat &our *ra&ers "e not hindered( ;or =od cannot #e rightl) called 'pon% 'nle!! o'r mind! #e
calm and peacea#le. *mong !tri"e! and contention! there i! no place "or pra)er. Peter indeed
addre!!e! the h'!#and and the .i"e% .hen he #id! them to #e at peace one .ith another% !o that
the) might .ith one mind pra) to =od. -'t .e ma) hence gather a general doctrine D that no
one o'ght to come to =od e3cept he i! 'nited to hi! #rethren. Then a! thi! rea!on o'ght to
re!train all dome!tic >'arrel! and !tri"e!% in order that each one o" the "amil) ma) pra) to =odB !o
in common li"e it o'ght to #e a! it .ere a #ridle to chec$ all contention!. ;or .e are more than
in!ane% i" .e $no.ingl) and .il"'ll) clo!e 'p the .a) to =od:! pre!ence #) pra)er% !ince thi! i!
the onl) a!)l'm o" o'r !alvation.
Some give thi! e3planation% that an interco'r!e .ith the .i"e o'ght to #e !paring and temperate%
le!t too m'ch ind'lgence in thi! re!pect !ho'ld prevent attention to pra)er% according to that
!a)ing o" Pa'l%
A(e"ra'd not one another% 'nle!! #) con!ent "or a time% that )e ma) give )o'r!elve! to "a!ting
and pra)er.C G
1 Corinthian! Q45.J
-'t the doctrine o" Peter e3tend! .ider4 and then Pa'l doe! not mean that pra)er! are interr'pted
#) m't'al coha#itation. There"ore the e3planation .hich + have given o'ght to #e retained.
1 PETER 3:%-#
%. ;inall)% #e )e all o" one mind% having
compa!!ion one o" anotherB love a!
#rethren% #e piti"'l% #e co'rteo'!4
%. (eni>'e !iti! omne! idem !entiente!%
compatiente!% "raternV vo! diligente!%
mi!ericorde!% h'mile!B
#. 9ot rendering evil "or evil% or railing
"or railing4 #'t contrari.i!e #le!!ingB
$ that )e are there'nto called%
that )e !ho'ld inherit a #le!!ing.
#. 9on reddente! mal'm pro malo% vel
conviti'm pro convitioB imo poti'!
#enedicente!% !ciente! >'od in hoc
vocati !iti!% 't #enedictionem hereditate
9o. "ollo. general precept! .hich indi!criminatel) #elong to all.
Moreover he !'mmaril)
mention! !ome thing! .hich are e!peciall) nece!!ar) to "o!ter "riend!hip and love. The "ir!t i!%
Be &e all of one mind, or% thin$ )e all the !ame thing. ;or tho'gh "riend! are at li#ert) to thin$
di""erentl)% )et to do !o i! a clo'd .hich o#!c're! loveB )ea% "rom thi! !eed ea!il) ari!e! hatred.
S)mpath) Gsumpa>qeiaJ e3tend! to all o'r "ac'ltie!% .hen concord e3i!t! #et.een '!B !o that
ever) one condole! .ith '! in adver!it) a! .ell a! re?oice! .ith '! in pro!perit)% !o that ever)
one not onl) care! "or him!el"% #'t al!o regard! the #ene"it o" other!.
Khat ne3t "ollo.!% Love as "rethren, #elong! pec'liarl) to the "aith"'lB "or .here =od i! $no.n
a! a ;ather% there onl) #rotherhood reall) e3i!t!. -e *itiful, or merci"'l% .hich i! added% mean!
that .e are not onl) to help o'r #rethren and relieve their mi!erie!% #'t al!o to #ear .ith their
in"irmitie!. +n .hat "ollo.! there are t.o reading! in =ree$B #'t .hat !eem! to me the mo!t
pro#a#le i! the one + have p't a! the te3tB "or .e $no. that it i! the chie" #ond to pre!erve
"riend!hip% .hen ever) one thin$! mode!tl) and h'm#l) o" him!el"B a! there i! nothing on the
other hand .hich prod'ce! more di!cord! than .hen .e thin$ too highl) o" o'r!elve!. Ki!el)
then doe! Peter #id '! to #e h'm#leminded Gtapeino>fronev%J le!t pride and ha'ghtine!! !ho'ld
lead '! to de!pi!e o'r neigh#or!.

#. :ot rendering evil for evil( +n the!e .ord! ever) $ind o" revenge i! "or#iddenB "or in order to
pre!erve love% .e m'!t #ear .ith man) thing!. *t the !ame time he doe! not !pea$ here o"
m't'al #enevolence% #'t he .o'ld have '! to end're .rong!% .hen provo$ed #) 'ngodl) men.
*nd tho'gh it i! commonl) tho'ght that it i! an in!tance o" a .ea$ and a#?ect mind% not to
avenge in?'rie!% )et it i! co'nted #e"ore =od a! the highe!t magnanimit). 9or i! it indeed eno'gh
to a#!tain "rom revengeB #'t Peter re>'ire! al!o that .e !ho'ld pra) "or tho!e .ho reproach '!B
"or to "less here mean! to pra)% a! it i! !et in oppo!ition to the !econd cla'!e. -'t Peter teache! '!
in general% that evil! are to #e overcome #) act! o" $indne!!. Thi! i! indeed ver) hard% #'t .e
o'ght to imitate in thi! ca!e o'r heavenl) ;ather% .ho ma$e! hi! !'n to ri!e on the 'n.orth).
Khat the !ophi!t! imagine to #e the meaning% i! a "'tile eva!ionB "or .hen Chri!t !aid% ALove
)o'r enemie!%C he at the !ame time con"irmed hi! o.n doctrine #) !a)ing% AThat )e might #e the
children o" =od.C
<no+ing that &e are thereunto called( He mean! that thi! condition .a! re>'ired o" the "aith"'l
.hen the) .ere called #) =od% that the) .ere not onl) to #e !o mee$ a! not to retaliate in?'rie!%
#'t al!o to #le!! tho!e .ho c'r!ed themB and a! thi! condition ma) !eem almo!t 'n?'!t% he call!
their attention to the re.ardB a! tho'gh he had !aid% that there i! no rea!on .h) the "aith"'l
!ho'ld complain% #eca'!e their .rong! .o'ld t'rn to their o.n #ene"it. +n !hort% he !he.! ho.
m'ch .o'ld #e the gain o" patienceB "or i" .e !'#mi!!ivel) #ear in?'rie!% the Lord .ill #e!to. on
'! hi! #le!!ing.
The ver#% klhrono>mein% to inherit% !eem! to e3pre!! perpet'it)% a! tho'gh Peter had !aid% that
the #le!!ing .o'ld not #e "or a !hort time% #'t perpet'al% i" .e #e !'#mi!!ive in #earing in?'rie!.
-'t =od #le!!e! in a .a) di""erent% "rom menB "or .e e3pre!! o'r .i!he! to him% #'t he con"er! a
#le!!ing on '!. *nd on the other hand% Peter intimate! that the) .ho !ee$ to revenge in?'rie!%
attempt .hat .ill )ield them no good% "or the) th'! deprive them!elve! o" =od:! #le!!ing.
1 PETER 3:1&-1
1&. ;or he that .ill love li"e% and !ee good
da)!% let him re"rain hi! tong'e "rom evil%
1&. R'i enim v'lt vitam diligere% et
videre die! #ono!% contineat ling'am
and hi! lip! that the) !pea$ no g'ile4 !'am U malo% et la#ia !'a% ne
lo>'ant'r dol'mB
1. -'t !ancti") the Lord =od in )o'r
1. Sed (omin'm e3ercit''m
!ancti"icate in cordi#'! ve!tri!.
1&. For he( He con"irm! the la!t !entence #) the te!timon) o" (avid. The pa!!age i! ta$en "rom
the thirt)"o'rth P!alm% .here the Spirit te!ti"ie! that it .ill #e .ell .ith all .ho $eep them!elve!
"rom all evildoing and .rongdoing. The common "eeling indeed "avor! .hat i! ver) di""erentB
"or men thin$ that the) e3po!e them!elve! to the in!olence o" enemie!% i" the) do not #oldl)
de"end them!elve!. -'t the Spirit o" =od promi!e! a happ) li"e to none e3cept to the mee$% and
tho!e .ho end're evil!B and .e cannot #e happ) e3cept =od pro!per! o'r .a)!B and it i! the
good and the #enevolent% and not the cr'el and inh'man% that he .ill "avor.
Peter ha! "ollo.ed the =ree$ ver!ion% tho'gh the di""erence i! #'t little. (avid:! .ord! are
literall) the!e% D AHe .ho love! li"e and de!ire! to !ee good da)!%C etc. +t i! indeed a de!ira#le
thing% !ince =od ha! placed '! in thi! .orld% to pa!! o'r time in peace. Then% the .a) o"
o#taining thi! #le!!ing i! to cond'ct o'r!elve! ?'!tl) and harmle!!l) to.ard! all.
The "ir!t thing he point! o't are the vice! o" the tong'eB .hich are to #e avoided% !o that .e ma)
not #e cont'melio'! and in!olent% nor !pea$ deceit"'ll) and .ith d'plicit). Then he come! to
deed!% that .e are to in?'re none% or ca'!e lo!! to none% #'t to endeavor to #e $ind to all% and to
e3erci!e the d'tie! o" h'manit).
11. Let him seek *eace( +t i! not eno'gh to em#race it .hen o""ered to '!% #'t it o'ght to #e
"ollo.ed .hen it !eem! to "lee "rom '!. +t al!o o"ten happen!% that .hen .e !ee$ it a! m'ch a!
.e can% other! .ill not grant it to '!. 7n acco'nt o" the!e di""ic'ltie! and hindrance!% he #id! '!
to !ee$ and p'r!'e it.
12. For the e&es of the Lord are over the righteous, or% on the righteo'!. +t o'ght to #e a
con!olation to '!% !'""icient to mitigate all evil!% that .e are loo$ed 'pon #) the Lord% !o that he
.ill #ring '! help in d'e time. The meaning then i!% that the pro!perit) .hich he ha! mentioned
depend! on the protection o" =odB "or .ere not the Lord to care "or hi! people% the) .o'ld #e
li$e !heep e3po!ed to .olve!. *nd that .e "or little rea!on rai!e a clamor% that .e !'ddenl)
$indle 'nto .rath% that .e #'rn .ith the pa!!ion o" revenge% all thi!% do'#tle!!% happen!% #eca'!e
.e do not con!ider that =od care! "or '!% and #eca'!e .e do not ac>'ie!ce in hi! aid. Th'! in
vain .e !hall #e ta'ght patience% e3cept o'r mind! are "ir!t im#'ed .ith thi! tr'th% that =od
e3erci!e! !'ch care over '!% that he .ill in d'e time !'ccor '!. Khen% on the contrar)% .e are
"'ll) per!'aded that =od de"end! the ca'!e o" the righteo'!% .e !hall "ir!t attend !impl) to
innocence% and then% .hen mole!ted and hated #) the 'ngodl)% .e !hall "lee to the protection o"
=od. *nd .hen he !a)!% that the ears o" the Lord are open to o'r pra)er!% he enco'rage! '! to
But the face of the Lord( -) thi! cla'!e he intimate! that the Lord .ill #e o'r avenger% #eca'!e he
.ill not al.a)! !'""er the in!olence o" the 'ngodl) to prevailB and at the !ame time he !he.! ho.
it .ill #e% i" .e !ee$ to de"end o'r li"e "rom in?'rie!% even that =od .ill #e an adver!ar) to '!.
-'t it ma)% on the other hand% #e o#?ected and !aid% that .e e3perience it dail) "ar other.i!e% "or
the more righteo'! an) one i!% and the greater lover o" peace he i!% the more he i! hara!!ed #) the
.ic$ed. To thi! + repl)% that no one i! !o attentive to righteo'!ne!! and peace% #'t that he
!ometime! !in! in thi! re!pect. -'t it o'ght to #e e!peciall) o#!erved% that the promi!e! a! to thi!
li"e do not e3tend "'rther than a! to .hat i! e3pedient "or '! to #e "'l"illed. Hence% o'r peace
.ith the .orld i! o"ten di!t'r#ed% that o'r "le!h ma) #e !'#d'ed% in order that .e ma) !erve =od%
and al!o "or other rea!on!B !o that nothing ma) #e a lo!! to '!.
13. Who is he that +ill harm &ou( He "'rther con"irm! the previo'! !entence #) an arg'ment
dra.n "rom common e3perience. ;or it happen! "or the mo!t part% that the 'ngodl) di!t'r# '!% or
are provo$ed #) '!% or that .e do not la#or to do them good a! it #ehove! '!B "or the) .ho !ee$
to do good% do even !o"ten mind! .hich are other.i!e hard a! iron. Thi! ver) thing i! mentioned
#) Plato in hi! "ir!t #oo$ on the 8ep'#lic% A+n?'!tice%C he !a)!% Aca'!e! !edition! and hatred! and
"ighting! one .ith anotherB #'t ?'!tice% concord and "riend!hip.C
Ho.ever% tho'gh thi!
commonl) happen!% )et it i! not al.a)! the ca!eB "or the children o" =od% ho. m'ch !oever the)
ma) !trive to paci") the 'ngodl) #) $indne!!% and !he. them!elve! $ind to.ard! all% are )et
o"ten a!!ailed 'nde!ervedl) #) man).
1!. Hence Peter add!% But if &e suffer for righteousness6 sake( The meaning i!% that the "aith"'l
.ill do more to.ard! o#taining a >'iet li"e #) $indne!!% than #) violence and promp"it'de in
ta$ing revengeB #'t that .hen the) neglect nothing to !ec're peace% .ere the) to !'""er% the) are
!till #le!!ed% #eca'!e the) !'""er "or the !a$e o" righteo'!ne!!. +ndeed% thi! latter cla'!e di""er!
m'ch "rom the ?'dgment o" o'r "le!hB #'t Chri!t ha! not .itho't rea!on th'! declaredB nor ha!
Peter .itho't rea!on repeated the !entence "rom hi! mo'thB "or =od .ill at length come a! a
deliverer% and then openl) .ill appear .hat no. !eem! incredi#le% that i!% that the mi!erie! o" the
godl) have #een #le!!ed .hen end'red .ith patience.
To !'""er for righteousness, mean! not onl) to !'#mit to !ome lo!! or di!advantage in de"ending
a good ca'!e% #'t al!o to !'""er 'n?'!tl)% .hen an) one i! innocentl) in "ear among men on
acco'nt o" the "ear o" =od.
Be not afraid of their terror( He again point! o't the "o'ntain and ca'!e o" impatience% that .e
are #e)ond d'e mea!'re tro'#led% .hen the 'ngodl) ri!e 'p again!t '!. ;or !'ch a dread either
di!hearten! '!% or degrade! '!% or $indle! .ithin '! a de!ire "or revenge. +n the meantime% .e do
not ac>'ie!ce in the de"en!e o" =od. Then the #e!t remed) "or chec$ing the t'r#'lent emotion! o"
o'r mind! .ill #e% to con>'er immoderate terror! #) tr'!ting in the aid o" =od.
-'t Peter no do'#t meant to all'de to a pa!!age in the eighth chapter o" +!aiahB "or .hen the @e.!
again!t the prohi#ition o" =od !o'ght to "orti") them!elve! #) the aid o" the =entile .orld% =od
.arned hi! Prophet not to "ear a"ter their e3ample. Peter at the !ame time !eem! to have t'rned
A"earC into a di""erent meaningB "or it i! ta$en pa!!ivel) #) the Prophet.% .ho acc'!ed the people
o" 'n#elie"% #eca'!e% at a time .hen the) o'ght to have relied on the aid o" =od and to have
#oldl) de!pi!ed all danger!% the) #ecame !o pro!trate and #ro$en do.n .ith "ear% that the) !ent
to all aro'nd them "or 'nla."'l help. -'t Peter ta$e! "ear in another !en!e% a! meaning that terror
.hich the 'ngodl) are .ont to "ill '! .ith #) their violence and cr'el threatening!. He then
depart! "rom the !en!e in .hich the .ord i! ta$en #) the ProphetB #'t in thi! there i! nothing
'nrea!ona#leB "or hi! o#?ect .a! not to e3plain the .ord! o" the ProphetB he .i!hed onl) to !he.
that% nothing i! "itter to prod'ce patience than .hat +!aiah pre!cri#e!% even to a!cri#e to =od hi!
honor #) rec'm#ing in "'ll con"idence on hi!
+ do not% ho.ever% o#?ect% i" an) one pre"er! to render Peter:! .ord! th'!% Fear &e not their fear#
a! tho'gh he had !aid% A-e )e not a"raid a! the 'n#elieving% or the children o" thi! .orld are .ont
to #e% #eca'!e the) 'nder!tand nothing o" =od:! providence.C -'t thi!% a! + thin$% .o'ld #e a
"orced e3planation. There i!% indeed% no need "or '! to toil m'ch on thi! point% !ince Peter here
did not intend to e3plain ever) .ord '!ed #) the Prophet% #'t onl) re"erred to thi! one thing% that
the "aith"'l .ill "irml) !tand% and can never #e moved "rom a right co'r!e o" d't) #) an) dread
or "ear% i" the) .ill !ancti") the Lord.
-'t thi! !ancti"ication o'ght to #e con"ined to the pre!ent ca!e. ;or .hence i! it that .e are
over.helmed .ith "ear% and thin$ o'r!elve! lo!t% .hen danger i! impending% e3cept that .e
a!cri#e to mortal man more to in?'re '! than to =od to !ave '!O =od promi!e! that he .ill
#e the g'ardian o" o'r !alvationB the 'ngodl)% on the other hand% attempt to !'#vert it. Mnle!!
=od:! promi!e !'!tain '!% do .e not deal 'n?'!tl) .ith him% and in a manner pro"ane himO Then
the Prophet teache! '! that .e o'ght to thin$ hono'ra#l) o" the Lord o" ho!t!B "or ho. m'ch
!oever the 'ngodl) ma) contrive to de!tro) '!% and .hatever the) ma) po!!e!!% he alone
i! more than !'""icientl)"'l to !ec're o'r !a"et).
Peter then add!% in &our hearts( ;or i"
thi! conviction ta$e! "'ll po!!e!!ion o" o'r mind!% that the help promi!ed #) the Lord i!
!'""icient "or '!% .e !hall #e .ell "orti"ied to repel all the "ear! o" 'n#elie".
1 PETER 3:1-1"
1. *nd "e read) al.a)! to give an an!.er
to ever) man that a!$eth )o' a rea!on o" the
hope that i! in )o' .ith mee$ne!! and "ear4
1( Parati a'tem !iti! ad
re!pon!ionem c'ivi! po!centi U vo#i!
rationem e?'! >'ae in vo#i! e!t !peiB
1". Having a good con!cienceB that%
.herea! the) !pea$ evil o" )o'% a! o" evil
doer!% the) ma) #e a!hamed that "al!el)
acc'!e )o'r good conver!ation in Chri!t.
1". C'm man!'et'dine et timore%
con!cientiam ha#ente! #onamB 't in
>'o de vo#i! o#trectant% tan>'am
male"ici!% p'de"iant d'm in"amant
#onam ve!tram in Chri!to
Tho'gh thi! i! a ne. precept% it )et depend! on .hat i! gone #e"ore% "or he re>'ire! !'ch
con!tanc) in the "aith"'l% a! #oldl) to give a rea!on "or their "aith to their adver!arie!. *nd thi! i!
a part o" that !ancti"ication .hich he had ?'!t mentionedB "or .e then reall) honor =od% .hen
neither "ear nor !hame hinder! '! "rom ma$ing a pro"e!!ion o" o'r "aith. -'t Peter doe! not
e3pre!!l) #id '! to a!!ert and proclaim .hat ha! #een given '! #) the Lord ever).here% and
al.a)! and among all indi!criminatel)% "or the Lord give! hi! people the !pirit o" di!cretion% !o
that the) ma) $no. .hen and ho. "ar and to .hom it i! e3pedient to !pea$. He #id! them onl)
to #e read) to give an an!.er% le!t #) their !loth and the co.ardl) "ear o" the "le!h the) !ho'ld
e3po!e the doctrine o" Chri!t% #) #eing !ilent% to the deri!ion o" the 'ngodl). The meaning then
i!% that .e o'ght to #e prompt in o'r "aith% !o a! to !et it "orth .henever nece!!ar)% le!t
the 'n#elieving thro'gh o'r !ilence !ho'ld condemn the religion .e "ollo..
-'t it o'ght to #e noticed% that Peter here doe! not command '! to #e prepared to !olve an)
>'e!tion that ma) #e mootedB "or it i! not the d't) o" all to !pea$ on ever) !'#?ect. -'t it i! the
general doctrine that i! meant% .hich #elong! to the ignorant and the !imple. Then Peter had in
vie. no other thing% than that Chri!tian! !ho'ld ma$e it evident to 'n#eliever! that the) tr'l)
.or!hipped =od% and had a hol) and good religion. *nd in thi! there i! no di""ic'lt)% "or it .o'ld
#e !trange i" .e co'ld #ring nothing to de"end o'r "aith .hen an) one made in>'irie! re!pecting
it. ;or .e o'ght al.a)! to ta$e care that all ma) $no. that .e "ear =od% and that .e pio'!l) and
reverentl) regard hi! legitimate .or!hip.
Thi! .a! al!o re>'ired #) the !tate o" the time!4 the Chri!tian name .a! m'ch hated and deemed
in"amo'!B man) tho'ght the !ect .ic$ed and g'ilt) o" man) !acrilege!. +t .o'ld have #een%
there"ore% the highe!t per"id) again!t =od% i"% .hen a!$ed% the) had neglected to give a te!timon)
in "avor o" their religion. *nd thi!% a! + thin$% i! the meaning o" the .ord a*olog&, .hich Peter
'!e!% that i!% that the Chri!tian! .ere to ma$e it evident to the .orld that the) .ere "ar o"" "rom
ever) impiet)% and did not corr'pt tr'e religion% on .hich acco'nt the) .ere !'!pected #) the
Ho*e here i! #) a meton)m) to #e ta$en "or "aith. Peter% ho.ever% a! it ha! #een !aid% doe! not
re>'ire them to $no. ho. to di!c'!! di!tinctl) and re"inedl) ever) article o" the "aith% #'t onl) to
!he. that their "aith in Chri!t .a! con!i!tent .ith gen'ine piet). *nd hence .e learn ho. all
tho!e a#'!e the name o" Chri!tian!% .ho 'nder!tand nothing certain re!pecting their "aith% and
have nothing to give a! an an!.er "or it. -'t it #ehove! '! again care"'ll) to con!ider .hat he
!a)!% .hen he !pea$! o" that ho*e that is in &ou# "or he intimate! that the con"e!!ion .hich "lo.!
"rom the heart i! alone that .hich i! approved #) =odB "or e3cept "aith d.ell! .ithin% the tong'e
prattle! in vain. +t o'ght then to have it! root! .ithin '!% !o that it ma) a"ter.ard! #ring "orth the
"r'it o" con"e!!ion.
1"( With meekness( Thi! i! a mo!t nece!!ar) admonitionB "or 'nle!! o'r mind! are end'ed .ith
mee$ne!!% contention! .ill immediatel) #rea$ "orth. *nd mee$ne!! i! !et in oppo!ition to pride
and vain o!tentation% and al!o to e3ce!!ive 5eal. To thi! he ?'!tl) add! fear# "or .here reverence
"or =od prevail!% it tame! all the "erocit) o" o'r mind!% and it .ill e!peciall) ca'!e '! to !pea$
calml) o" =od:! m)!terie!. ;or contentio'! di!p'te! ari!e "rom thi!% #eca'!e man) thin$ le!!
hono'ra#l) than the) o'ght o" the greatne!! o" divine .i!dom% and are carried a.a) #) pro"ane
a'dacit). +"% then% .e .o'ld render approved o" =od the con"e!!ion o" o'r "aith% all #oa!ting
m'!t #e p't a!ide% all contention m'!t #e relin>'i!hed.
Having a good conscience( Khat .e !a) .itho't a corre!ponding li"e ha! #'t little .eightB hence
he ?oin! to con"e!!ion a good con!cience. ;or .e !ee that man) are !'""icientl) read) .ith their
tong'e% and prate m'ch% ver) "reel)% and )et .ith no "r'it% #eca'!e the li"e doe! not corre!pond.
-e!ide!% the integrit) o" con!cience alone i! that .hich give! '! con"idence in !pea$ing a! .e
o'ghtB "or the) .ho prattle m'ch a#o't the go!pel% and .ho!e di!!ol'te li"e i! a proo" o" their
impiet)% not onl) ma$e them!elve! o#?ect! o" ridic'le% #'t al!o e3po!e the tr'th it!el" to the
!lander! o" the 'ngodl). ;or .h) did he #e"ore #id '! to #e read) to de"end the "aith% !ho'ld an)
one re>'ire "rom '! a rea!on "or it% e3cept that it i! o'r d't) to vindicate the tr'th o" =od again!t
tho!e "al!e !'!picion! .hich the ignorant entertain re!pecting it. -'t the de"en!e o" the tong'e
.ill avail #'t little% e3cept the li"e corre!pond! .ith it.
He there"ore !a)!% that the& ma& "e ashamed, .ho #lame )o'r good conver!ation in Chri!t% and
.ho !pea$ again!t )o' a! evildoer!B a! tho'gh he had !aid% A+" )o'r adver!arie! have nothing to
allege again!t )o'% e3cept that )o' "ollo. Chri!t% the) .ill at length #e a!hamed o" their
malicio'! .ic$edne!!% or at lea!t% )o'r innocence .ill #e !'""icient to con"'te them.C
1 PETER 3:1$-1%
1$. ;or it is #etter% i" the .ill o" =od #e !o%
that )e !'""er "or .elldoing% than "or evil
1$. Prae!tat enim #ene"aciendo G!i ita
"ert vol'nta! (eiJ pati >'Um
1%. ;or Chri!t al!o hath once !'""ered "or
!in!% the ?'!t "or the 'n?'!t% that he might
#ring '! to =od% #eing p't to death in the
"le!h% #'t >'ic$ened #) the Spirit4
1%. R'ia et Chri!t'! !emel pro
peccati! pa!!'! e!t% ?'!t'! pro
in?'!ti!% 't no! add'ceret (eoB
morti"icat'! >'idem carne%
vivi"icat'! a'tem !pirit'.
1$. For it is "etter( Thi! #elong! not onl) to .hat "ollo.! #'t to the .hole conte3t. He had
!po$en o" the pro"e!!ion o" "aith% .hich at that time .a! attended .ith great dangerB he !a)! no.
that it i! m'ch #etter% i" the) !'!tained an) lo!! in de"ending a good ca'!e% to !'""er th'! 'n?'!tl)
than to #e p'ni!hed "or their evil deed!. Thi! con!olation i! 'nder!tood rather #) !ecret
meditation% than #) man) .ord!. +t i! .hat indeed occ'r! ever).here in pro"ane a'thor!% that
there i! a !'""icient de"en!e in a good con!cience% .hatever evil! ma) happen% and m'!t #e
end'red. The!e have !po$en co'rageo'!l)B #'t then the onl) reall) #old man i! he .ho loo$! to
=od. There"ore Peter added thi! cla'!e% 0f the +ill of God "e so( ;or in the!e .ord! he remind!
'!% that i" .e !'""er 'n?'!tl)% it i! not #) chance% #'t according to the divine .illB and he a!!'me!%
that =od .ill! nothing or appoint! nothing #'t "or the #e!t rea!on. Hence the "aith"'l have
al.a)! thi! com"ort in their mi!erie!% that the) $no. that the) have =od a! their .itne!!% and that
the) al!o $no. that the) are led #) him to the conte!t% in order that the) ma) 'nder hi! protection
give a proo" o" their "aith.
1%. For $hrist also( +t i! another com"ort% that i" in o'r a""liction! .e are con!cio'! o" having
done .ell% .e !'""er according to the e3ample o" Chri!tB and it hence "ollo.! that .e are #le!!ed.
*t the !ame time he prove!% "rom the de!ign o" Chri!t:! death% that it i! #) no mean! con!i!tent
.ith o'r pro"e!!ion that .e !ho'ld !'""er "or o'r evil deed!. ;or he teache! '! that Chri!t
!'""ered in order to #ring '! to =od. Khat doe! thi! mean% e3cept that .e have #een th'!
con!ecrated to =od #) Chri!t:! death% that .e ma) live and die to himO
There are% then% t.o part! in thi! !entenceB the "ir!t i!% that per!ec'tion! o'ght to #e #orne .ith
re!ignation% #eca'!e the Son o" =od !he.! the .a) to '!B and the other i!% that !ince .e have
#een con!ecrated to =od:! !ervice #) the death o" Chri!t% it #ehove! '! to !'""er% not "or o'r
"a'lt!% #'t "or righteo'!ne!!: !a$e.
Here% ho.ever% a >'e!tion ma) #e rai!ed% (oe! not =od cha!ti!e the "aith"'l% .henever he !'""er!
them to #e a""lictedO To thi! + an!.er% that it indeed o"ten happen!% that =od p'ni!he! them
according to .hat the) de!erveB and thi! i! not denied #) PeterB #'t he remind! '! .hat a com"ort
it i! to have o'r ca'!e connected .ith =od. *nd ho. =od doe! not p'ni!h !in! in them .ho
end're per!ec'tion "or the !a$e o" righteo'!ne!!% and in .hat !en!e the) are !aid to #e innocent%
.e !hall !ee in the ne3t chapter.
Being *ut to death in the flesh( 9o. thi! i! a great thing% that .e are made con"orma#le to the
Son o" =od% .hen .e !'""er .itho't ca'!eB #'t there i! added another con!olation% that the death
o" Chri!t had a #le!!ed i!!'eB "or tho'gh he !'""ered thro'gh the .ea$ne!! o" the "le!h% he )et
ro!e again thro'gh the o" the Spirit. Then the cro!! o" Chri!t .a! not pre?'dicial% nor hi!
death% !ince li"e o#tained the victor). Thi! .a! !aid Ga! Pa'l al!o remind! '! in
Corinthian! 4410J that .e ma) $no. that .e are to #ear in o'r #od) the d)ing o" Chri!t% in order
that hi! li"e ma) #e mani"e!ted in '!. Flesh here mean! the o't.ard manB and S*irit mean! the
divine #) .hich Chri!t emerged "rom death a con>'eror.
1 PETER 3:1#-22
1#. -) .hich al!o he .ent and preached
'nto the !pirit! in pri!onB
1#. +n >'o et ii! >'i in !pec'la .vel, in
e3c'#ii!% vel, carcereJ erant
!piriti#'!% pro"ect'! pr!edicavitB
2&. Khich !ometime .ere di!o#edient%
.hen once the long!'""ering o" =od
.aited in the da)! o" 9oah% .hile the ar$
.a! a preparing% .herein "e.% that i!% eight
!o'l!% .ere !aved #) .ater.
2&. R''m inered'li "'i!!ent olim%
>''m !emel e3pecta#at'r (ei
patientia in die#'! 9oeB d'm
appara#at'r arca% in >'a pa'cae% hoc
e!t% octo animae !ervatae !'nt per
22. Kho i! gone into heaven% and i! on the
right hand o" =odB angel!% and a'thoritie!%
and!% #eing made !'#?ect 'nto him.
22. R'i e!t in de3tera (ei pro"ect'!
in coel'm% !'#?ecti! !i#i angeli!% et
pote!tati#'! et virt'ti#'!.
1#( B& +hich also( Peter added thi!% that .e might $no. that the vivi")ing o" the Spirit o"
.hich he !po$e% .a! not onl) p't "orth a! to Chri!t him!el"% #'t i! al!o po'red "orth .ith regard
to '!% a! Pa'l !he.! in
8oman! 545. He then !a)!% that Chri!t did not ri!e onl) "or him!el"%
#'t that he made $no.n to other! the !ame o" hi! Spirit% !o that it penetrated to the dead. +t
hence "ollo.!% that .e !hall not le!! "eel it in vivi")ing .hatever i! mortal in '!.
-'t a! the o#!c'rit) o" thi! pa!!age ha! prod'ced% a! '!'al% vario'! e3planation!% + !hall "ir!t
di!prove .hat ha! #een #ro'ght "or.ard #) !ome% and !econdl)% .e !hall !ee$ it! gen'ine and
tr'e meaning.
Common ha! #een the opinion hat Chri!t:! de!cent into hell i! here re"erred toB #'t the .ord!
mean no !'ch thingB "or there i! no mention made o" the !o'l o" Chri!t% #'t onl) that he .ent #)
the Spirit4 and the!e are ver) di""erent thing!% that Chri!t:! !o'l .ent% and that Chri!t preached #)
the o" the Spirit. Then Peter e3pre!!l) mentioned the S*irit, that he might ta$e a.a) the
notion o" .hat ma) #e called a real pre!ence.
7ther! e3plain thi! pa!!age o" the apo!tle!% that Chri!t #) their mini!tr) appeared to the dead%
that i!% to 'n#eliever!. +% indeed% allo. that Chri!t #) mean! o" hi! apo!tle! .ent #) hi! Spirit to
tho!e .ho .ere $ept a! it .ere in pri!onB #'t thi! e3po!ition appear! incorrect on !everal
acco'nt!4 ;ir!t% Peter !a)! that Chri!t .ent to s*irits, #) .hich he mean! !o'l! !eparated "rom
their #odie!% "or living men are never called !pirit!B and !econdl)% .hat Peter repeat! in the "o'rth
chapter on the !ame !'#?ect% doe! not admit o" !'ch an allegor). There"ore the .ord! m'!t #e
properl) 'nder!tood o" the dead. Thirdl)% it !eem! ver) !trange% that Peter% !pea$ing o" the
apo!tle!% !ho'ld immediatel)% a! tho'gh "orgetting him!el"% go #ac$ to the time o" 9oah.
Certainl) thi! mode o" !pea$ing .o'ld #e mo!t 'n!'ita#le. Then thi! e3planation cannot #e right.
Moreover% the !trange notion o" tho!e .ho thin$ hat 'n#eliever! a! to the coming o" Chri!t% .ere
a"ter hi! death "reed "rom their !in% need! no long re"'tationB "or it i! an ind'#ita#le doctrine o"
Script're% that .e o#tain not !alvation in Chri!t e3cept #) "aithB then there i! no hope le"t "or
tho!e .ho contin'e to death 'n#elieving. The) !pea$ .hat i! !ome.hat more pro#a#le% .ho !a)%
that the redemption o#tained #) Chri!t availed the dead% .ho in the time o" 9oah .ere long
'n#elieving% #'t repented a !hort time #e"ore the) .ere dro.ned #) the del'ge. The) then
'nder!tood that the) !'""ered in the "le!h the p'ni!hment d'e to their perver!ene!!% and )et .ere
!aved #) Chri!t% !o that the) did not peri!h "or ever. -'t thi! interpretation cannot !tandB it i!
indeed incon!i!tent .ith the .ord! o" the pa!!age% "or Peter a!cri#e! !alvation onl) to the "amil)
o" 9oah% and give! over to r'in all .ho .ere not .ithin the ar$.
+ there"ore have no do'#t #'t Peter !pea$! generall)% that the mani"e!tation o" Chri!t:! grace .a!
made to godl) !pirit!% and that the) .ere th'! end'ed .ith the vital o" the Spirit. Hence
there i! no rea!on to "ear that it .ill not "lo. to '!. -'t it ma) #e in>'ired% Kh) he p't! in pri!on
the !o'l! o" the godl) a"ter having >'itted their #odie!O +t !eem! to me that fulakh< rather mean!
a in .hich .atchmen !tand "or the p'rpo!e o" .atching% or the ver) act o" .atching.
"or it i! o"ten !o ta$en #) =ree$ a'thor!B and the meaning .o'ld #e ver) appropriate% that godl)
!o'l! .ere .atching in hope o" the !alvation promi!ed them% a! tho'gh the) !a. it a"ar o"". 9or
i! there a do'#t #'t that the hol) "ather! in li"e% a! .ell a! a"ter death% directed their tho'ght! to
thi! o#?ect. -'t i" the .ord *rison #e pre"erred% it .o'ld not #e 'n!'ita#leB "or% a! .hile the)
lived% the La.% according to Pa'l% G
=alatian! 04/0%J .a! a !ort o" pri!on in .hich the) .ere
$eptB !o a"ter death the) m'!t have "elt the !ame de!ire "or Chri!tB "or the !pirit o" li#ert) had not
a! )et #een "'ll) given. Hence thi! an3iet) o" e3pectation .a! to them a $ind o" pri!on.
Th'! "ar the *po!tle:! .ord! !eem to agree together% and .ith the thread o" the arg'mentB #'t
.hat "ollo.! i! attended .ith !ome di""ic'lt)B "or he doe! not mention the "aith"'l here% #'t onl)
the 'n#elievingB and thi! !eem! to overt'rn the preceding e3po!ition. Some have "or thi! rea!on
#een led to thin$ that no other thing i! !aid here% #'t that the 'n#elieving% .ho had "ormerl)
per!ec'ted the godl)% "o'nd the Spirit o" Chri!t an acc'!er% a! tho'gh Peter con!oled the "aith"'l
.ith thi! arg'ment% that Chri!t% even .hen dead% p'ni!hed them. -'t their mi!ta$e i! di!covered
#) .hat .e !hall !ee in the ne3t chapter% that the =o!pel .a! preached to the dead% that the)
might live according to =od in the !pirit% .hich pec'liarl) applie! to the "aith"'l. *nd it i! "'rther
certain that he repeat! there .hat he no. !a)!. -e!ide!% the) have not con!idered that .hat Peter
meant .a! e!peciall) thi!% that a! the o" the Spirit o" Chri!t !he.ed it!el" to #e vivi")ing in
him% and .a! $no.n a! !'ch #) the dead% !o it .ill #e to.ard! '!.
Let '!% ho.ever% !ee .h) it i! that he mention! onl) the 'n#elievingB "or he !eem! to !a)% that
Chri!t in !pirit appeared to tho!e .ho "ormerl) .ere 'n#elievingB #'t + 'nder!tand him
other.i!e% that then the tr'e !ervant! o" =od .ere mi3ed together .ith the 'n#elieving% and .ere
almo!t hidden on acco'nt o" their n'm#er. + allo. that the =ree$ con!tr'ction i! at variance .ith
thi! meaning% "or Peter% i" he meant thi!% o'ght to have '!ed the genitive ca!e a#!ol'te. -'t a! it
.a! not 'n'!'al .ith the *po!tle! to p't one ca!e in!tead o" another% and a! .e !ee that Peter
here heap! together man) thing!% and no other !'ita#le meaning can #e elicited% + have no
he!itation in giving thi! e3planation o" thi! intricate pa!!ageB !o that reader! ma) 'nder!tand that
tho!e called 'n#elieving are di""erent "rom tho!e to .hom he !aid the =o!pel .a! preached.
*"ter having then !aid that Chri!t .a! mani"e!ted to the dead% he immediatel) add!% When there
+ere formerl& un"elievers# #) .hich he intimated% that it .a! no in?'r) to the hol) "ather! that
the) .ere almo!t hidden thro'gh the va!t n'm#er o" the 'ngodl). ;or he meet!% a! + thin$% a
do'#t% .hich might have hara!!ed the "aith"'l o" that da). The) !a. almo!t the .hole .orld
"illed .ith 'n#eliever!% that the) en?o)ed all a'thorit)% and that li"e .a! in their Thi! trial
might have !ha$en the con"idence o" tho!e .ho .ere !h't 'p% a! it .ere% 'nder the !entence o"
death. There"ore Peter remind! them% that the condition o" the "ather! .a! not di""erent% and that
tho'gh the m'ltit'de o" the 'ngodl) then covered the .hole earth% their li"e .a! )et pre!erved in
!a"et) #) the o" =od.
He then com"orted the godl)% le!t the) !ho'ld #e ca!t do.n and de!tro)ed #eca'!e the) .ere !o
"e.B and he cho!e an e3ample the mo!t remar$a#le in anti>'it)% even that o" the .orld dro.ned
#) the del'geB "or then in the common r'in o" man$ind% the "amil) o" 9oah alone e!caped. *nd
he point! o't the manner% and !a)! that it .a! a $ind o" #apti!m. There i! then in thi! re!pect al!o
nothing 'n!'ita#le.
The !'m o" .hat i! !aid i! thi!% that the .orld ha! al.a)! #een "'ll o" 'n#eliever!% #'t that the
godl) o'ght not to #e terri"ied #) their va!t n'm#erB "or tho'gh 9oah .a! !'rro'nded on ever)
!ide #) the 'ngodl)% and had ver) "e. a! hi! "riend!% he .a! not )et dra.n a!ide "rom the right
co'r!e o" hi! "aith.

When once the long9suffering of God +aited( Thi! o'ght to #e applied to the 'ngodl)% .hom
=od:! patience rendered more !loth"'lB "or .hen =od de"erred hi! vengeance and did not
immediatel) e3ec'te it% the 'ngodl) #oldl) di!regarded all threatening!B #'t 9oah% on the
contrar)% #eing .arned #) =od% had the del'ge "or a long time #e"ore hi! e)e!. Hence hi!
a!!id'it) in #'ilding the ar$B "or #eing terri"ied #) =od:! ?'dgment% he !hoo$ o"" all torpidit).
21. %he like figure +hereunto( + "'ll) thin$ that the relative o'ght to #e read in the dative ca!e%
and that it ha! happened% thro'gh a mi!ta$e% that o{ i! p't% and not !". The meaning% ho.ever%
i! not am#ig'o'!% that 9oah% !aved #) .ater% had a !ort o" #apti!m. *nd thi! the *po!tle
mention!% that the li$ene!! #et.een him and '! might appear more evident. +t ha! alread) #een
!aid that the de!ign o" thi! cla'!e i! to !he. that .e o'ght not to #e led a.a) #) .ic$ed
e3ample! "rom the "ear o" =od% and the right .a) o" !alvation% and to mi3 .ith the .orld. Thi! i!
made evident in #apti!m% in .hich .e are #'ried together .ith Chri!t% !o that% #eing dead to the
.orld% and to the "le!h% .e ma) live to =od. 7n thi! acco'nt% he !a)! that o'r #apti!m i! an
antit)pe Gajnti>tuponJ to the #apti!m o" 9oah% not that 9oah:! #apti!m .a! the "ir!t pattern% and
o'r! an in"erior "ig're% a! the .ord i! ta$en in the ,pi!tle to the He#re.!% .here the ceremonie!
o" the la. are !aid to #e antit)pe! o" heavenl) thing!% G
He#re.! 144.J =ree$ .riter! appl)
the !ame .ord to !acrament!% !o that% .hen the) !pea$ o" the m)!tical #read o" the hol) S'pper%
the) call it the antit)pe. -'t here there i! no compari!on made #et.een the greater and the le!!B
the *po!tle onl) mean! that there i! a li$ene!!% and a! the) commonl) !a)% a corre!pondence.
Perhap! it might more properl) #e !aid to #e corre!pondenc)% Gajnti>strofon%J a! *ri!totle ma$e!
(ialectic! to #e the anti!trophV o" 8hetoric. -'t .e need not la#or a#o't .ord!% .hen there i! an
agreement a#o't the thing it!el". *! 9oah% then% o#tained li"e thro'gh death% .hen in the ar$% he
.a! enclo!ed not other.i!e than a! it .ere in the grave% and .hen the .hole .orld peri!hed% he
.a! pre!erved together .ith hi! !mall "amil)B !o at thi! da)% the death .hich i! !et "orth in
#apti!m% i! to '! an entrance into li"e% nor can !alvation #e hoped "or% e3cept .e #e !eparated
"rom the .orld.
:ot the *utting a+a& of the filth of the flesh( Thi! .a! added% #eca'!e it might #e that the greate!t
part o" men .o'ld pro"e!! the name o" Chri!tB and !o it i! .ith '!% almo!t all are introd'ced into
the ch'rch #) #apti!m. Th'!% .hat he had !aid #e"ore .o'ld not #e appropriate% that "e. at thi!
da) are !aved #) #apti!m% a! =od !aved onl) eight #) the ar$. Thi! o#?ection Peter anticipate!%
.hen he te!ti"ie! that he !pea$! not o" the na$ed !ign% #'t that the e""ect m'!t al!o #e connected
.ith it% a! tho'gh he had !aid% that .hat happened in the age o" 9oah .o'ld al.a)! #e the ca!e%
that man$ind .o'ld r'!h on to their o.n de!tr'ction% #'t that the Lord .o'ld in a .onder"'l .a)
deliver Hi! ver) !mall "loc$.
Ke no. !ee .hat thi! connection mean!B "or !ome one might o#?ect and !a)% A7'r #apti!m i!
.idel) di""erent "rom that o" 9oah% "or it happen! that mo!t are at thi! da) #apti5ed.C To thi! he
replie!% that the e3ternal !)m#ol i! not !'""icient% e3cept #apti!m #e received reall) and
e""ect'all)4 and the realit) o" it .ill #e "o'nd onl) in a "e.. +t hence "ollo.! that .e o'ght
care"'ll) to !ee ho. men commonl) act .hen .e rel) on e3ample!% and that .e o'ght not to "ear
tho'gh .e ma) #e "e. in n'm#er.
-'t the "anatic!% !'ch a! Sch'enc"eldi'!% a#!'rdl) pervert thi! te!timon)% .hile the) !ee$ to ta$e
a.a) "rom !acrament! all their and e""ect. ;or Peter did not mean here to teach that
Chri!t:! in!tit'tion i! vain and ine""icacio'!% #'t onl) to e3cl'de h)pocrite! "rom the hope o"
!alvation% .ho% a! "ar a! the) can% deprave and corr'pt #apti!m. Moreover% .hen .e !pea$ o"
!acrament!% t.o thing! are to #e con!idered% the !ign and the thing it!el". +n #apti!m the !ign i!
.ater% #'t the thing i! the .a!hing o" the !o'l #) the #lood o" Chri!t and the morti")ing o" the
"le!h. The in!tit'tion o" Chri!t incl'de! the!e t.o thing!. 9o. that the !ign appear! o"ten
ine""icacio'! and "r'itle!!% thi! happen! thro'gh the a#'!e o" men% .hich doe! not ta$e a.a) the
nat're o" the !acrament. Let '! then learn not to tear a.a) the thing !igni"ied "rom the !ign. Ke
m'!t at the !ame time #e.are o" another evil% !'ch a! prevail! among the Papi!t!B "or a! the)
di!ting'i!h not a! the) o'ght #et.een the thing and the !ign% the) !top at the o't.ard element%
and on that "i3 their hope o" !alvation. There"ore the !ight o" the .ater ta$e! a.a) their tho'ght!
"rom the #lood o" Chri!t and the o" the Spirit. The) do not regard Chri!t a! the onl) a'thor
o" all the #le!!ing! therein o""ered to '!B the) tran!"er the glor) o" hi! death to the .ater% the) tie
the !ecret o" the Spirit to the vi!i#le !ign.
Khat then o'ght .e to doO 9ot to !eparate .hat ha! #een ?oined together #) the Lord. Ke o'ght
to ac$no.ledge in #apti!m a !pirit'al .a!hing% .e o'ght to em#race therein the te!timon) o" the
remi!!ion o" !in and the pledge o" o'r renovation% and )et !o a! to leave to Chri!t hi! o.n honor%
and al!o to the Hol) SpiritB !o that no part o" o'r !alvation !ho'ld #e tran!"erred to the !ign.
(o'#tle!! .hen Peter% having mentioned #apti!m% immediatel) made thi! e3ception% that it i! not
the p'tting o"" o" the "ilth o" the "le!h% he !'""icientl) !he.ed that #apti!m to !ome i! onl) the
o't.ard act% and that the o't.ard !ign o" it!el" avail! nothing.
But the ans+er of a good conscience( The .ord 5uestion, or >'e!tioning% i! to #e ta$en here "or
Aan!.er%C or te!timon). 9o. Peter #rie"l) de"ine! the e""icac) and '!e o" #apti!m% .hen he call!
attention to con!cience% and e3pre!!l) re>'ire! that con"idence .hich can !'!tain the !ight o"
=od and can !tand #e"ore hi! tri#'nal. ;or in the!e .ord! he teache! '! that #apti!m in it! main
part i! !pirit'al% and then that it incl'de! the remi!!ion o" !in! and renovation o" the old manB "or
ho. can there #e a good and p're con!cience 'ntil o'r old man i! re"ormed% and .e #e rene.ed
in the righteo'!ne!! o" =odO and ho. can .e an!.er #e"ore =od% 'nle!! .e rel) on and are
!'!tained #) a grat'ito'! pardon o" o'r !in!O +n !hort% Peter intended to !et "orth the e""ect o"
#apti!m% that no one might glor) in a na$ed and dead !ign% a! h)pocrite! are .ont to do.
-'t .e m'!t notice .hat "ollo.!% "& the resurrection of Jesus $hrist( -) the!e .ord! he teache!
'! that .e are not to cleave to the element o" .ater% and that .hat i! there#) t)pi"ied "lo.! "rom
Chri!t alone% and i! to #e !o'ght "rom him. Moreover% #) re"erring to the re!'rrection% he ha!
regard to the doctrine .hich he had ta'ght #e"ore% that Chri!t .a! vivi"ied #) the SpiritB "or the
re!'rrection .a! victor) over death and the completion o" o'r !alvation. Ke hence learn that the
death o" Chri!t i! not e3cl'ded% #'t i! incl'ded in hi! re!'rrection. Ke then cannot other.i!e
derive #ene"it "rom #apti!m% than #) having all o'r tho'ght! "i3ed on the death and the
re!'rrection o" Chri!t.
22. Who is on the right hand of God( He recommend! to '! the a!cen!ion o" Chri!t 'nto heaven%
le!t o'r e)e! !ho'ld !ee$ him in the .orldB and thi! #elong! e!peciall) to "aith. He commend! to
o'r notice hi! !e!!ion on the ;ather:! right hand% le!t .e !ho'ld do'#t hi! to !ave '!. *nd
.hat hi! sitting at the right hand o" the ;ather mean!% .e have el! e3plained% that i!% that
Chri!t e3erci!e! !'preme ever).here a! =od:! repre!entative. *nd an e3planation o" thi!
i! .hat "ollo.!% angels "eing made su",ect to him# and he add! *o+ers and authorities onl) "or
the !a$e o" ampli"ication% "or angel! are '!'all) de!ignated #) !'ch .ord!. +t .a! then Peter:!
o#?ect to !et "orth #) the!e high title! the !overeignt) o" Chri!t.
CH*PT,8 4
1 PETER !:1-
1. ;ora!m'ch then a! Chri!t hath !'""ered
"or '! in the "le!h% arm )o'r!elve! li$e.i!e
.ith the !ame mind4 "or he that hath
!'""ered in the "le!h hath cea!ed "rom !inB
1. Chri!to igit'r pa!!o pro no#i!
carne% vo! >'o>'e eadem cogitatione
armaminiB >'od !cilicet >'i pa!!'!
e!t in carne% de!titit U peccatoB
2. That he no longer !ho'ld live the re!t o"
his time in the "le!h to the l'!t! o" men% #'t
to the .ill o" =od.
2. 9e ampli'! homin'm
conc'pi!centii!% !ed vol'ntati (ei%
>'od re!id''m e!t tempori! in carne%
. Kho !hall give acco'nt to him that i!
read) to ?'dge the >'ic$ and the dead.
. R'i reddit'ri !'nt rationem ei >'i
parat'! e!t ?'dicare vivo! et mort'o!.
1. Forasmuch then as $hrist( Khen he had #e"ore !et "orth Chri!t #e"ore '!% he onl) !po$e o" the
!'""ering o" the cro!!B "or !ometime! the cro!! mean! morti"ication% #eca'!e the o't.ard man i!
.a!ted #) a""liction!% and o'r "le!h i! al!o !'#d'ed. -'t he no. a!cend! higherB "or he !pea$! o"
the re"ormation o" the .hole man. The Script're recommend! to '! a t.o"old li$ene!! to the
death o" Chri!t% that .e are to #e con"ormed to him in reproache! and tro'#le!% and al!o that the
old man #eing dead and e3tinct in '!% .e are to #e rene.ed to a !pirit'al li"e. G
8oman! E44.J Set Chri!t i! not !impl) to #e vie.ed a! o'r e3ample% .hen .e !pea$
o" the morti"icaion o" the "le!hB #'t it i! #) hi! Spirit that .e are reall) made con"orma#le to hi!
death% !o that it #ecome! e""ect'al to the cr'ci")ing o" o'r "le!h. +n !hort% a! Peter at the end o"
the la!t chapter e3horted '! to patience a"ter the e3ample o" Chri!t% #eca'!e death .a! to him a
pa!!age to li"eB !o no. "rom the !ame death he ded'ce! a higher doctrine% that .e o'ght to die to
the "le!h and to the .orld% a! Pa'l teache! '! more at large in the !i3th chapter o" hi! ,pi!tle to
the 8oman!. He there"ore !a)!% arm &ourselves, or #e )e armed% intimating that .e are reall) and
e""ect'all) !'pplied .ith invinci#le .eapon! to !'#d'e the "le!h% i" .e parta$e a! .e o'ght o" the
e""icac) o" Chri!t:! death.
For he that hath suffered( The particle o#ti doe! not% + thin$% denote here the ca'!e% #'t i! to #e
ta$en a! e3planator)B "or Peter !et! "orth .hat that tho'ght or mind i! .ith .hich Chri!t:! death
arm! '!% even that the dominion o" !in o'ght to #e a#oli!hed in '!% !o that =od ma) reign in o'r
li"e. ,ra!m'! ha! incorrectl)% a! + thin$% rendered the .ord Ahe .ho did !'""er%C G*atie"aturJ
appl)ing it to Chri!t. ;or it i! an inde"inite !entence% .hich generall) e3tend! to all the godl)% and
ha! the !ame meaning .ith the .ord! o" Pa'l in
8oman! E4Q%
AHe .ho i! dead i! ?'!ti"ied or "reed "rom !inBC
"or #oth the *po!tle! intimate% that .hen .e #ecome dead to the "le!h% .e have no more to do
.ith !in% that it !ho'ld reign in '!% and e3erci!e it! in o'r li"e.

+t ma)% ho.ever% #e o#?ected% that Peter here !pea$! 'n!'ita#l) in ma$ing '! to #e con"orma#le
to Chri!t in thi! re!pect% that .e !'""er in the "le!hB "or it i! certain that there .a! nothing !in"'l in
Chri!t .hich re>'ired to #e corrected. -'t the an!.er i! o#vio'!% that it i! not nece!!ar) that a
compari!on !ho'ld corre!pond in all it! part!. +t i! then eno'gh that .e !ho'ld in a mea!'re #e
made con"orma#le to the death o" Chri!t. +n the !ame .a) i! al!o e3plained% not 'n"itl)% .hat
Pa'l !a)!% that .e are planted in the li$ene!! o" hi! death% G
8oman! E45BJ "or the manner i!
not altogether the !ame% #'t that hi! death i! #ecome in a manner the t)pe and pattern o" o'r
Ke m'!t al!o notice that the .ord flesh i! p't here #'t in a di""erent !en!eB "or .hen he
!a)! that Chri!t !'""ered in the "le!h% he mean! that the h'man nat're .hich Chri!t had ta$en
"rom '! .a! made !'#?ect to death% that i!% that Chri!t a! a man nat'rall) died. +n the !econd
cla'!e% .hich re"er! to '!% flesh mean! the corr'ption% and the !in"'lne!! o" o'r nat'reB and th'!
!'""ering in the "le!h !igni"ie! the den)ing o" o'r!elve!. Ke no. !ee .hat i! the li$ene!! #et.een
Chri!t and '!% and .hat i! the di""erenceB that a! he !'""ered in the "le!h ta$en "rom '!% !o the
.hole o" o'r "le!h o'ght to #e cr'ci"ied.
2. %hat he no longer( Here he !et! "orth the .a) o" cea!ing "rom !in% that reno'ncing the
coveting! o" men .e !ho'ld !t'd) to "orm o'r li"e according to the .ill o" =od. *nd th'! he
incl'de! here the t.o thing! in .hich renovation con!i!t!% the de!tr'ction o" the "le!h and the
vivi"ication o" the !pirit. The co'r!e o" good living i! th'! to #egin .ith the "ormer% #'t .e are to
advance to the latter.
Moreover% Peter de"ine! here .hat i! the r'le o" right living% even .hen man depend! on the .ill
o" =od. +t hence "ollo.!% that nothing i! right and .ell ordered in man:! li"e a! !oon a! he
.ander! "rom thi! r'le. Ke o'ght "'rther to notice the contra!t #et.een God6s +ill and the
covetings or l'!t! o" men( Ke hence 'nder!tand ho. great i! o'r depravit)% and ho. .e o'ght to
!trive to #ecome o#edient to =od. Khen he !a)!% the rest of time in the flesh, the .ord flesh
mean! the pre!ent li"e% a! in
He#re.! 54Q.
3. For the time *ast of our life ma& suffice( Peter doe! not mean that .e o'ght to #e .earied .ith
plea!'re!% a! tho!e are .ont to #e .ho are "illed .ith them to !atiet)B #'t that on the contrar) the
memor) o" o'r pa!t li"e o'ght to !tim'late '! to repentance. *nd do'#tle!! it o'ght to #e the
!harpe!t goad to ma$e '! r'n on .ell% .hen .e recollect that .e have #een .andering "rom the
right .a) the greate!t part o" o'r li"e. *nd Peter remind! '!% that it .o'ld #e mo!t 'nrea!ona#le
.ere .e not to change the co'r!e o" o'r li"e a"ter having #een enlightened #) Chri!t. ;or he
ma$e! a di!tinction here #et.een the time o" ignorance and the time o" "aith% a! tho'gh he had
!aid that it .a! #'t right that the) !ho'ld #ecome ne. and di""erent men "rom the time that
Chri!t had called them. -'t in!tead o" the lusts or coveting! o" men% he no. mention! the +ill of
the Gentiles, #) .hich he reprove! the @e.! "or having mi3ed .ith the =entile! in all their
poll'tion!% tho'gh the Lord had !eparated them "rom the =entile!.
+n .hat "ollo.! he !he.! that tho!e vice! o'ght to #e p't o"" .hich prove men to #e #lind and
ignorant o" =od. *nd there i! a pec'liar empha!i! in the .ord!% the time *ast of our life, "or he
intimate! that .e o'ght to per!evere to the end% a! .hen Pa'l !a)!% that Chri!t .a! rai!ed "rom
the dead% to die no more. G
8oman! E4E.J ;or .e have #een redeemed #) the Lord "or thi!
end% that .e ma) !erve him all the da)! o" o'r li"e.
0n lasciviousness( He doe! not give the .hole catalog'e o" !in!% #'t onl) mention! !ome o" them%
#) .hich .e ma) #rie"l) learn .hat tho!e thing! are .hich men% not rene.ed #) =od:! Spirit%
de!ire and !ee$% and to .hich the) are inclined. *nd he name! the gro!!er vice!% a! it i! '!'all)
done .hen e3ample! are add'ced. + !hall not !top to e3plain the .ord!% "or there i! no di""ic'lt)
in them.
-'t here a >'e!tion ari!e!% that Peter !eem! to have done .rong to man)% in ma$ing all men
g'ilt) o" la!civio'!ne!!% di!!ipation% l'!t!% dr'n$enne!!% and revelling!B "or it i! certain that all
.ere not involved in the!e vice!B na)% .e $no. that !ome among the =entile! lived hono'ra#l)
and .itho't a !pot o" in"am). To thi! + repl)% that Peter doe! not !o a!cri#e the!e vice! to the
=entile!% a! tho'gh he charged ever) individ'al .ith all the!e% #'t that .e are #) nat're inclined
to all the!e evil!% and not onl) !o% #'t that .e are !o m'ch 'nder the o" depravit)% that
the!e "r'it! .hich he mention! nece!!aril) proceed "rom it a! "rom an evil root. There i! indeed
no one .ho ha! not .ithin him the !eed o" all vice!% #'t all do not germinate and gro. 'p in
ever) individ'al. Set the contagion i! !o !pread and di""'!ed thro'gh the .hole h'man race% that
the .hole comm'nit) appear! in"ected .ith inn'mera#le evil!% and that no mem#er i! "ree or
p're "rom the common corr'ption.
The la!t cla'!e ma) al!o !'gge!t another >'e!tion% "or Peter addre!!ed the @e.!% and )et he !a)!
that the) had #een immer!ed in a#omina#le idolatrie!B #'t the @e.! then living in ever) part o"
the .orld care"'ll) a#!tained "rom idol!. * t.o"old an!.er ma) #e add'ced here% either that #)
mentioning the .hole "or a part% he declare! o" all .hat #elonged to a "e.% G"or there i! no do'#t
#'t the Ch'rche! to .hich he .rote .ere made 'p o" =entile! a! .ell a! o" @e.!%J or that he call!
tho!e !'per!tition! in .hich the @e.! .ere then involved% idolatrie!B "or tho'gh the) pro"e!!ed to
.or!hip the =od o" +!rael% )et .e $no. that no part o" divine .or!hip .a! gen'ine among them.
*nd ho. great m'!t have #een the con"'!ion in #ar#aro'! co'ntrie! and among a !cattered
people% .hen @er'!alem it!el"% "rom .ho!e ra)! the) #orro.ed their light% had "allen into e3treme
impiet)P "or .e $no. that dotage! o" ever) $ind prevailed .ith imp'nit)% !o that the high
prie!thood% and the .hole government o" the Ch'rch% .ere in the o" the Sadd'cee!.
!. Wherein the& think it strange( The .ord! o" Peter literall) are the!e% A+n .hich the) are
!tranger!% )o' not r'nning .ith them into the !ame e3ce!! o" riot% #la!pheming.C -'t the .ord% to
#e !tranger!% mean! to !top at a thing a! ne. and 'n'!'al. Thi! i! a .a) o" !pea$ing .hich the
Latin! al!o !ometime! '!e% a! .hen Cicero !a)! that he .a! a !tranger in the cit)% #eca'!e he
$ne. not .hat .a! carried on there. -'t in thi! place% Peter "orti"ie! the "aith"'l% le!t the) !ho'ld
!'""er them!elve! to #e di!t'r#ed or corr'pted #) the perver!e ?'dgment! or .ord! o" the
'ngodl). ;or it i! no light temptation% .hen the) among .hom .e live% charge '! that o'r li"e i!
di""erent "rom that o" man$ind in general. AThe!e%C the) !a)% Am'!t "orm "or them!elve! a ne.
.orld% "or the) di""er "rom all man$ind.C Th'! the) acc'!e the children o" =od% a! tho'gh the)
attempted a !eparation "rom the .hole .orld.
Then the *po!tle anticipated thi!% and "or#ade the "aith"'l to #e di!co'raged #) !'ch reproache!
and cal'mnie!B and he propo!ed to them% a! a !'pport% the ?'dgment o" =od4 "or thi! it i! that can
!'!tain '! again!t all a!!a'lt!% that i!% .hen .e patientl) .ait "or that da)% in .hich Chri!t .ill
p'ni!h all tho!e .ho no. pre!'mpt'o'!l) condemn '!% and .ill !he. that .e and o'r ca'!e are
approved #) Him. *nd he e3pre!!l) mention! the living and the dead, le!t .e !ho'ld thin$ that
.e !hall !'""er an) lo!!% i" the) remain alive .hen .e are deadB "or the) !hall not% "or thi! rea!on%
e!cape the hand o" =od. *nd in .hat !en!e he call! them the living and the dead% .e ma) learn
"rom the "i"teenth chapter o" the "ir!t ,pi!tle to the Corinthian!.
1 PETER !:"-11
". ;or% "or thi! ca'!e .a! the go!pel
preached al!o to them that are dead% that
the) might #e ?'dged according to men in
the "le!h% #'t live according to =od in the
". +n hoc enim et mort'i!
evangeli5at'! "'it Gvel% praedicat'm
"'it evangeli'm%J 't ?'dicent'r
>'iderm !ec'nd'm homine! carne%
vivant a'tem !ec'nd'm (e'm
$. -'t the end o" all thing! i! at hand4 #e )e
there"ore !o#er% and .atch 'nto pra)er.
$. Porro omni'm "ini! propin>''!
e!t4 !o#rii ita>'e e!tote% et vigilante!
ad precand'm.
11. +" an) !pea$% let him !pea$ a! the
oracle! o" =odB i" an) man mini!ter% let him
do it a! o" the a#ilit) .hich =od givethB that
=od in all thing! ma) #e glori"ied thro'gh
@e!'! Chri!t4 to .hom #e prai!e and
dominion "or ever and ever. *men.
11. Si>'i! lo>'it'r% lo>'at'r tan>'am
elo>'ia (eiB !i>'i! mini!trat%
tan>'am e3 virt'te >'am !'ppeditat
(e'!B 't in omni#'! glori"icet'r
(e'! per @e!'m Chri!t'rnB c'i e!t
gloria et imperi'm in !ec'la
!ec'lor'm. *men.
". For this cause +as the gos*el *reached also to them that are dead, or% He ha! #een
evangeli5ed to the dead. Ke !ee in .hat !en!e he ta$e! the "ormer pa!!age in the third chapter%
even that death doe! not hinder Chri!t "rom #eing al.a)! o'r de"ender. +t i! then a remar$a#le
con!olation to the godl)% that death it!el" #ring! no lo!! to their !alvation. Tho'gh Chri!t% then%
ma) not appear a deliverer in thi! li"e% )et hi! redemption i! not void% or .itho't e""ectB "or hi! e3tend! to the dead. -'t a! the =ree$ .ord i! do'#t"'l% it ma) #e rendered in the
ma!c'line% or in the ne'ter genderB #'t the meaning i! almo!t the !ame% that i!% that Chri!t had
#een made $no.n a! a redeemer to the dead% or that !alvation had #een made $no.n to them #)
the go!pel. -'t i" the grace o" Chri!t once penetrated to the dead% there i! no do'#t #'t that .e
!hall parta$e o" it .hen dead. Ke then !et "or it limit! m'ch too narro.% i" .e con"ine it to the
pre!ent li"e.
%hat the& might "e ,udged( + omit the e3planation! o" other!% "or the) !eem to me to #e ver)
remote "rom the *po!tle:! meaning. Thi! ha! #een !aid% a! + thin$% #) .a) o" anticipation% "or it
might have #een o#?ected% that the go!pel i! o" no #ene"it to the dead% a! it doe! not re!tore them
to li"e. Peter concede! a part o" thi! o#?ection% and )et in !'ch a .a)% that the) are not deprived o"
the !alvation o#tained #) Chri!t. There"ore% in the "ir!t cla'!e% .hen he !a)!% Athat the) might #e
?'dged in the "le!h% according to men%C it i! a conce!!ionB and A?'dgedC mean! here% a! o"ten
el! condemnedB and flesh i! the o't.ard man. So that the meaning i!% that tho'gh
according to the e!timation o" the .orld the dead !'""er de!tr'ction in their "le!h% and are deemed
condemned a! to the o't.ard man% )et the) cea!e not to live .ith =od% and that in their !pirit%
#eca'!e Chri!t >'ic$en! them #) hi! Spirit.
-'t .e o'ght to add .hat Pa'l teache! '! in
8oman! F410% that the Spirit i! li"eB and hence
it .ill #e% that he .ill at length a#!or# the relic! o" death .hich !till cleave to '!. The !'m o"
.hat he !a)! i!% that tho'gh the condition o" the dead in the "le!h i! .or!e% according to man% )et
it i! eno'gh that the Spirit o" Chri!t revive! them% and .ill event'all) lead them to the per"ection
o" li"e.

$. But, or% moreover% the end of all things is at hand( Tho'gh the "aith"'l hear that their "elicit) i!
el! than in the .orld% )et% a! the) thin$ that the) !ho'ld live long% thi! "al!e tho'ght
render! them carele!!% and even !loth"'l% !o that the) direct not their tho'ght! to the $ingdom o"
=od. Hence the *po!tle% that he might ro'!e them "rom the dro.!ine!! o" the "le!h% remind!
them that the end o" all thing! .a! nighB #) .hich he intimate! that .e o'ght not to !it !till in the
.orld% "rom .hich .e m'!t !oon remove. He doe! not% at the !ame time% !pea$ onl) o" the end o"
individ'al!% #'t o" the 'niver!al renovation o" the .orldB a! tho'gh he had !aid% AChri!t .ill
!hortl) come% .ho .ill p't an end to all thing!.C
+t i!% then% no .onder that the care! o" thi! .orld over.helm '!% and ma$e '! dro.!)% i" the vie.
o" pre!ent thing! da55le! o'r e)e!4 "or .e promi!e% almo!t all o" '!% an eternit) to o'r!elve! in
thi! .orldB at lea!t% the end never come! to o'r mind. -'t .ere the tr'mpet o" Chri!t to !o'nd in
o'r ear!% it .o'ld"'ll) ro'!e '! and not !'""er '! to lie torpid.
-'t it ma) #e o#?ected and !aid% that a long !erie! o" age! ha! pa!!ed a.a) !ince Peter .rote thi!%
and )et that the end i! not come. M) repl) to thi! i!% that the time !eem! long to '!% #eca'!e .e
mea!'re it! length #) the !pace! o" thi! "leeting li"eB #'t i" .e co'ld 'nder!tand the perpet'it) o"
"'t're li"e% man) age! .o'ld appear to '! li$e a moment% a! Peter .ill al!o tell '! in hi! !econd
epi!tle. -e!ide!% .e m'!t remem#er thi! principle% that "rom the time .hen Chri!t once appeared%
there i! nothing le"t "or the "aith"'l% #'t .ith !'!pended mind! ever to loo$ "or.ard to hi! !econd

The +atchfulness and the so"riet& to .hich he e3horted them% #elong% a! + thin$% to the mind
rather than to the #od). The .ord! are !imilar to tho!e o" Chri!t4
AKatch )e% "or )e $no. neither the da) nor the ho'r .herein the Son o" Man cometh.C
Matthe. /5410.J
;or a! an ind'lgence in !'r"eiting and !leep render! the #od) 'n"it "or it! d'tie!% !o the vain care!
and plea!'re! o" the .orld ine#riate the mind and render it dro.!).
-) adding *ra&er, he point! o't an e3erci!e e!peciall) nece!!ar)% in .hich the "aith"'l o'ght to
#e partic'larl) occ'pied% !ince their .hole !trength depend! on the LordB a! tho'gh he had !aid%
2Since )e are in )o'r!elve! e3tremel) .ea$% !ee$ o" the Lord to !trengthen )o'.C He )et remind!
them that the) .ere to pra) earne!tl)% not "ormall).
%. 'nd a"ove all things( He commend! charit) or love a! the "ir!t thing% "or it i! the #ond o"
per"ection. *nd he #id! it to #e fervent, or inten!e% or vehement% .hich i! the !ame thingB "or
.ho!oever i! immoderatel) "ervent in !el"love% love! other! coldl). *nd he commend! it on
acco'nt o" it! "r'it% #eca'!e it #'rie! inn'mera#le !in!% than .hich nothing i! more de!ira#le. -'t
the !entence i! ta$en "rom Solomon% .ho!e .ord! are "o'nd in
Prover#! 1041/%
AHatred di!cover! reproache!% #'t love cover! a m'ltit'de o" !in!.C
Khat Solomon meant i! !'""icientl) clear% "or the t.o cla'!e! contain thing! .hich are !et in
contra!t the one .ith the other. *! then he !a)! in the "ir!t cla'!e that hatred i! the ca'!e .h)
men trad'ce and de"ame one another% and !pread .hatever i! reproach"'l and di!honora#leB !o it
"ollo.! that a contrar) e""ect i! a!cri#ed to love% that i!% that men .ho love one another% $indl)
and co'rteo'!l) "orgive one anotherB hence it come! that% .illingl) #'r)ing each other:! vice!%
one !ee$! to pre!erve the honor o" another.
Th'! Peter con"irm! hi! e3hortation% that nothing
i! more nece!!ar) than to cheri!h m't'al love. ;or .ho i! there that ha! not man) "a'lt!O
There"ore all !tand in need o" "orgivene!!% and there i! no one .ho doe! not .i!h to #e "orgiven.
Thi! !ing'lar #ene"it love #ring! to '! .hen it e3i!t! among '!% !o that inn'mera#le evil! are
covered in o#livion. 7n the other hand% .here loo!e rein! are given to hatred% men #) m't'al
#iting and tearing m'!t nece!!aril) con!'me one another% a! Pa'l !a)! G
=alatian! 5415.J
*nd it o'ght to #e noticed that Solomon doe! not !a) that onl) a "e. !in! are covered% #'t a
m'ltit'de o" !in!% according to .hat Chri!t declare!% .hen he #id! '! to "orgive o'r #rethren
!event) time! !even% G
Matthe. 1F4//.J -'t the more !in! love cover!% the more evident
appear! it! '!e"'lne!! "or the .ell#eing o" man$ind.
Thi! i! the plain meaning o" the .ord!. +t hence appear! ho. a#!'rd are the Papi!t!% .ho !ee$ to
elicit "rom thi! pa!!age their o.n !ati!"action!% a! tho'gh alm!giving and other d'tie! o" charit)
.ere a !ort o" a compen!ation to =od "or #lotting o't their !in!.
+t i! eno'gh to point o't #)
the .a) their gro!! ignorance% "or in a matter !o clear it .o'ld #e !'per"l'o'! to add man)
#. -se hos*italit&, or% -e ho!pita#le. *"ter having generall) e3horted them to love one another%
he !peciall) mention! one o" the d'tie! o" love. *t that time ho!pitalit) .a! commonl) '!ed% and
it .a! deemed in a manner a !acred $ind o" h'manit)% a! .e have !tated el! He then #id!
them m't'all) to e3erci!e it% !o that no one might re>'ire more "rom other! than .hat he him!el"
.a! prepared to render. He add!% +ithout murmurings, "or it i! a rare e3ample that one !pend!
him!el" and hi! o.n on hi! neigh#or .itho't an) di!paraging re"lection. Then the *po!tle .o'ld
have '! to !ho. $indne!! .illingl) and .ith a cheer"'l mind.
1&. 's ever& one hath received( He remind! '! .hat .e o'ght to #ear in mind .hen .e do good
to o'r neigh#or!B "or nothing i! more "itted to correct o'r m'rm'ring! than to remem#er that .e
do not give o'r o.n% #'t onl) di!pen!e .hat =od ha! committed to '!. Khen there"ore he !a)!%
AMini!ter the gi"t .hich ever) one ha! received%C he intimate! that to each had #een di!tri#'ted
.hat the) had% on thi! condition% that in helping their #rethren the) might #e the mini!ter! o"
=od. *nd th'! the !econd cla'!e i! an e3planation o" the "ir!t% "or in!tead o" mini!tr) he
mention! !te.ard!hipB and "or .hat he had !aid% Aa! ever) one hath received the gi"t%C he
mention! the mani"old grace! .hich =od vario'!l) di!tri#'te! to '!% !o that each might con"er in
common hi! o.n portion. +" then .e e3cel other! in an) gi"t% let '! remem#er that .e are a! to
thi! the !te.ard! o" =od% in order that .e ma) $indl) impart it to o'r neigh#or! a! their nece!!it)
or #ene"it ma) re>'ire. Th'! .e o'ght to #e di!po!ed and read) to comm'nicate.
-'t thi! con!ideration i! al!o ver) important% that the Lord hath !o divided hi! mani"old grace!%
that no one i! to #e content .ith one thing and .ith hi! o.n gi"t!% #'t ever) one ha! need o" the
help and aid o" hi! #rother. Thi!% + !a)% i! a #ond .hich =od hath appointed "or retaining
"riend!hip among men% "or the) cannot live .itho't m't'al a!!i!tance. Th'! it happen!% that he
.ho in man) thing! !ee$! the aid o" hi! #rethren% o'ght to comm'nicate to them more "reel)
.hat he ha! received. Thi! #ond o" 'nit) ha! #een o#!erved and noticed #) heathen!. -'t Peter
teache! '! here that =od had de!ignedl) done thi!% that he might #ind men one to another.
11. 0f an& man s*eak( *! he had !po$en o" the right and "aith"'l '!e o" gi"t!% he !peci"ie! t.o
thing! a! e3ample!% and he ha! cho!en tho!e .hich are the mo!t e;cellent or the mo!t reno.ned.
The o""ice o" teaching in the Ch'rch i! a remar$a#le in!tance o" =od:! "avor. He then e3pre!!l)
command! tho!e called to thi! o""ice to act "aith"'ll)B tho'gh he doe! not !pea$ here onl) o" .hat
.e o.e to men% #'t al!o o" .hat .e o.e to =od% !o that .e ma) not deprive him o" hi! glor).
He .ho !pea$!% then% that i!% .ho i! rightl) appointed #) p'#lic a'thorit)% let him s*eak as the
oracles of God# that i!% let him reverentl) in =od:! "ear and in !incerit) per"orm the charge
committed to him% regarding him!el" a! engaged in =od:! .or$% and a! mini!tering =od:! .ord
and not hi! o.n. ;or he !till re"er! to the doctrine% that .hen .e con"er an) thing on the #rethren%
.e mini!ter to them #) =od:! command .hat he ha! #e!to.ed on '! "or that p'rpo!e. *nd tr'l)%
.ere all tho!e .ho pro"e!! to #e teacher! in the Ch'rch d'l) to con!ider thi! one thing% there
.o'ld #e in them m'ch more "idelit) and devotedne!!. ;or ho. great a thing i! thi!% that in
teaching the oracle! o" =od% the) are repre!entative! o" Chri!tP Hence then come! !o m'ch
carele!!ne!! and ra!hne!!% #eca'!e the !acred ma?e!t) o" =od:! .ord i! not #orne in mind #'t #)
a "e.B and !o the) ind'lge them!elve! a! in a .orldl) !te.ard!hip.
+n the meantime% .e learn "rom the!e .ord! o" Peter% that it i! not la."'l "or tho!e .ho are
engaged in teaching to do an)thing el!e% #'t "aith"'ll) to deliver to other!% a! "rom hand to hand%
the doctrine received "rom =odB "or he "or#id! an) one to go "orth% e3cept he .ho i! in!tr'cted in
=od:! .ord% and .ho proclaim! in"alli#le oracle! a! it .ere "rom hi! mo'th. He% there"ore%
leave! no room "or h'man invention!B "or he #rie"l) de"ine! the doctrine .hich o'ght to #e
ta'ght in the Ch'rch. 9or i! the particle o" !imilit'de introd'ced here "or the p'rpo!e o"
modi")ing the !entence% a! tho'gh it .ere !'""icient to pro"e!! that it i! =od:! .ord that i! ta'ght.
Thi! .a!% indeed% commonl) the ca!e "ormerl) .ith "al!e prophet!B and .e !ee at thi! da) ho.
arrogantl) the Pope and hi! "! cover .ith thi! preten!e all their impio'! tradition!. -'t
Peter did not intend to teach pa!tor! !'ch h)pocri!) a! thi!% to pretend that the) had "rom =od
.hatever doctrine it plea!ed them to anno'nce% #'t% he too$ an arg'ment "rom the !'#?ect it!el"%
that he might e3hort them to !o#riet) and mee$ne!!% to a reverence "or =od% and to an earne!t
attention to their .or$.
0f an& man minister( Thi! !econd cla'!e e3tend! .ider% it incl'de! the o""ice o" teaching. -'t a! it
.o'ld have #een too long to en'merate each o" the mini!terial .or$!% he pre"erred !'mmaril) to
!pea$ o" them all together% a! tho'gh he had !aid% AKhatever part o" the #'rden tho' #eare!t in
the Ch'rch% $no. that tho' can!t do nothing #'t .hat ha! #een given time #) the Lord% and that
tho' art nothing el!e #'t an in!tr'ment o" =od4 ta$e heed% then% not to a#'!e the grace o" =od #)
e3alting th)!el"B ta$e heed not to !'ppre!! the o" =od% .hich p't! "orth and mani"e!t!
it!el" in the mini!tr) "or the !alvation o" the #rethren.C Let him then mini!ter as "& God6s *o+er,
that i!% let him regard nothing a! hi! o.n% #'t let him h'm#l) render !ervice to =od and hi!
%hat God in all things ma& "e glorified( Khen he !a)!% 0n all, the .ord ma) #e in the ma!c'line
or in the ne'ter genderB and th'! men or gi"t! ma) #e meant% and #oth meaning! are e>'all)
!'ita#le. The !en!e i!% that =od doe! not adorn '! .ith hi! gi"t!% that he ma) ro# him!el" and
ma$e him!el" a! it .ere an empt) idol #) tran!"erring to '! hi! o.n glor)% #'t that% on the
contrar)% hi! o.n glor) ma) ever).here !hine "orthB and that it i! there"ore a !acrilegio'!
pro"anation o" =od:! gi"t! .hen men propo!e to them!elve! an) other o#?ect than to glori") =od.
He !a)! through Jesus $hrist, #eca'!e .hatever .e have to mini!ter% he alone #e!to.! it
on '!B "or he i! the head% .ith .hich the .hole #od) i! connected #) ?oint! and #inding!% and
ma$eth increa!e in the Lord% according a! he !'pplieth !trength to ever) mem#er.
%o +hom "e *raise, or glor). Some re"er thi! to Chri!tB #'t the conte3t re>'ire! that it !ho'ld #e
rather applied to =odB "or he con"irm! the la!t e3hortation% #eca'!e =od ?'!tl) claim! all the
glor)B and% there"ore% men .ic$edl) ta$e a.a) "rom him .hat i! hi! o.n% .hen the) o#!c're in
an)thing% or in an) part% hi! glor).
1 PETER !:12-1$
12. -eloved% thin$ it not !trange concerning
the "ier) trial .hich i! to tr) )o'% a! tho'gh
!ome !trange thing happened 'nto )o'4
12. (ilecti% ne miramini >''m
e3ploramini per ignem ad
pro#ationem ve!tri% perinde ac !i
nov'm ali>'id vo#i! o#tingat4
13. -'t re?oice% ina!m'ch a! )e are
parta$er! o" Chri!t:! !'""ering!B that% .hen
hi! glor) !hall #e revealed% )e ma) #e glad
al!o .ith e3ceeding ?o).
13. Seal >'aten'! con!orte! e!ti!
pa!!ion'rn Chri!ti ga'dereB 't in
revelatione >'o>'e glorie e?'! ga'
deati! e3'ltante!.
1$. ;or the time i! come that ?'dgment
m'!t #egin at the ho'!e o" =od 4 D
1$. R'ando>'idem et temp'! e!t% 't
?'dici'm incipiat a domo (ei4D
12. Beloved, think it not strange, or% .onder not. There i! a "re>'ent mention made in thi! ,pi!tle
o" a""liction!B the ca'!e o" .hich .e have el! e3plained. -'t thi! di""erence i! to #e
o#!erved% that .hen he e3hort! the "aith"'l to patience% he !ometime! !pea$! generall) o"
tro'#le! common to man:! li"eB #'t here he !pea$! o" .rong! done to the "aith"'l "or the name o"
Chri!t. *nd "ir!t% indeed% he reminded them that the) o'ght not to have deemed it !trange a! "or a
thing !'dden and 'ne3pectedB #) .hich he intimate!% that the) o'ght #) a long mediation to have
#een previo'!l) prepared to #ear the cro!!. ;or .ho!oever ha! re!olved to "ight 'nder Chri!t:!
#anner% .ill not #e di!ma)ed .hen per!ec'tion happen!% #'t% a! one acc'!tomed to it% .ill
patientl) #ear it. That .e ma) then #e in a prepared !tate o" mind .hen the .ave! o"
per!ec'tion! roll over '!% .e o'ght in d'e time to ha#it'ate o'r!elve! to !'ch an event #)
meditating contin'all) on the cro!!.
Moreover% he prove! that the cro!! i! '!e"'l to '! #) t.o arg'ment!% D that =od th'! trie! o'r
"aith% D and that .e #ecome th'! parta$er! .ith Chri!t. Then% in the "ir!t place% let '! remem#er
that the trial o" o'r "aith i! mo!t nece!!ar)% and that .e o'ght th'! .illingl) to o#e) =od .ho
provide! "or o'r !alvation. Ho.ever% the chie" con!olation i! to #e derived "rom a "ello.!hip
.ith Chri!t. Hence Peter not onl) "or#id! '! to thin$ it !trange% .hen he !et! thi! #e"ore '!% #'t
al!o #id! '! to re?oice. +t i!% indeed% a ca'!e o" ?o)% .hen =od trie! o'r "aith #) per!ec'tionB #'t
the other ?o) "ar !'rpa!!e! it% that i!% .hen the Son o" =od allot! to '! the !ame co'r!e o" li"e
.ith him!el"% that he might lead '! .ith him!el" to a #le!!ed participation o" heavenl) glor). ;or
.e m'!t #ear in mind thi! tr'th% that .e have the d)ing o" Chri!t in o'r "le!h% that hi! li"e ma) #e
mani"e!ted in '!. The .ic$ed al!o do indeed #ear man) a""liction!B #'t a! the) are !eparated
"rom Chri!t% the) apprehend nothing #'t =od:! .rath and c'r!e4 th'! it come! that !orro. and
dread over.helm them.
Hence% then% i! the .hole con!olation o" the godl)% that the) are a!!ociate! .ith Chri!t% that
herea"ter the) ma) #e parta$er! o" hi! glor)B "or .e are al.a)! to #ear in mind thi! tran!ition
"rom the cro!! to the re!'rrection. -'t a! thi! .orld i! li$e a la#)rinth% in .hich no end o" evil!
appear!% Peter re"er! to the "'t're revelation o" Chri!t:! glor)% a! tho'gh he had !aid% that the da)
o" it! revelation i! not to #e overloo$ed% #'t o'ght to #e e3pected. -'t he mention! a t.o"old ?o)%
one .hich .e no. en?o) in hope% and the other the "'ll "r'ition o" .hich the coming o" Chri!t
!hall #ring to '!B "or the "ir!t i! mingled .ith grie" and !orro.% the !econd i! connected .ith
e3'ltation. ;or it i! not !'ita#le in the mid!t o" a""liction! to thin$ o" ?o)% .hich can "ree '! "rom
all tro'#leB #'t the con!olation! o" =od moderate evil!% !o that .e can re?oice at the !ame time.
1!( 0f &e "e re*roached( He mention! reproache!% #eca'!e there i! o"ten more #itterne!! in them
than in the lo!! o" good!% or in the torment! or agonie! o" the #od)B there i! there"ore nothing
.hich i! more grievo'! to ingen'o'! mind!. ;or .e !ee that man) .ho are !trong to #ear .ant%
co'rageo'! ill torment!% na)% #old to meet death% do )et !'cc'm# 'nder reproach. To o#viate thi!
evil% Peter prono'nce! tho!e #le!!ed% according to .hat Chri!t !a)!% G
Mar$ F405%J .ho are
reproached "or the !a$e o" the =o!pel. Thi! i! ver) contrar) to .hat men commonl) thin$ and
"eelB #'t he give! a rea!on% Because the S*irit of God, called al!o the S*irit of glor&, rests on
them. Some read the .ord! !eparatel)% Athat .hich #elong! to glor)%C a! tho'gh the .ord! .ere%
2glor& and the Spirit o" =od.C -'t the "ormer reading i! more !'ita#le a! to the !en!e% and% a! to
lang'age% more !imple. Then Peter !he.!% that it i! no hindrance to the happine!! o" the godl)%
that the) !'!tain reproach "or the name o" Chri!t% #eca'!e the) neverthele!! retain a complete
glor) in the !ight o" =od% .hile the Spirit% .ho ha! glor) ever connected .ith him% d.ell! in
them. So% .hat !eem! to the "le!h a parado3% the Spirit o" =od ma$e! con!i!tent #) a !'re
perception in their mind!.
n their *art( Thi! i! a con"irmation o" the la!t !entenceB "or he intimate! that it i! eno'gh "or the
godl)% that the Spirit o" =od te!ti"ie! that the reproache! end'red "or the !a$e o" the =o!pel% are
#le!!ed and "'ll o" glor). The .ic$ed% ho.ever% attempted to e""ect a "ar di""erent o#?ectB a!
tho'gh he had !aid% ASe can #oldl) de!pi!e the in!olence o" the 'ngodl)% #eca'!e the te!timon)
re!pecting )o'r glor)% .hich =od:! Spirit give! )o'% remain! "i3ed .ithin.C *nd he !a)! that the
S*irit o" =od .a! reproached% #eca'!e the 'n#elieving e3po!e to ridic'le .hatever he !'gge!t!
and dictate! "or o'r con!olation. -'t thi! i! #) anticipationB "or ho.ever the .orld in it!
#lindne!! ma) !ee nothing #'t .hat i! di!grace"'l in the reproache! o" Chri!t% he .o'ld not have
the e)e! o" the godl) to #e da55led .ith thi! "al!e opinionB #'t on the contrar) the) o'ght to loo$
'p to =od. Th'! he doe! not conceal .hat men commonl) thin$B #'t he !et! the hidden
perception o" "aith% .hich =od:! children po!!e!! in their o.n heart!% in oppo!ition to their
pre!'mption and in!olence. Th'! Pa'l #oa!ted that he had the mar$! o" Chri!t% and he gloried in
hi! #ond!. G
=alatian! E41Q.J He had at the !ame time !'""icientl) "o'nd o't .hat .a! the
?'dgment "ormed o" them #) the .orldB and )et he intimate! that it tho'ght "ooli!hl)% and that
tho!e are #lind together .ith the .orld% .ho e!teem the !lander! o" the "le!h glorio'!.
1. But Gor% ForJ let one of &ou( Here al!o he anticipate! an o#?ection. He had e3horted the
"aith"'l to patience% i" it happened to them to #e per!ec'ted "or the ca'!e o" Chri!tB he no. add!
the rea!on .h) he had onl) !po$en o" that $ind o" tro'#le% even #eca'!e the) o'ght to have
a#!tained "rom all evildoing. Here% then% i! contained another e3hortation% le!t the) !ho'ld do
an)thing "or .hich the) might !eem to #e ?'!tl) p'ni!hed. There"ore the ca'!al particle i! not%
here !'per"l'o'!% !ince the *po!tle .i!hed to give a rea!on .h) he !o m'ch e3horted the "aith"'l
to a "ello.!hip .ith the !'""ering! o" Chri!t% and at the !ame time to remind them #) the .a) to
live ?'!tl) and harmle!!l)% le!t the) !ho'ld #ring on them!elve! a ?'!t p'ni!hment thro'gh their
o.n "a'lt!B a! tho'gh he had !aid% that it #ehoved Chri!tian! to de!erve .ell o" all% even .hen
the) .ere #adl) and cr'ell) treated #) the .orld.
Kere an) one to o#?ect and !a)% that no one can #e "o'nd to #e !o innocent #'t that he de!erve!
"or man) "a'lt! to #e cha!ti!ed #) =odB to thi! + repl)% that Peter here !pea$! o" !in! "rom .hich
.e o'ght to #e entirel) "reed% !'ch a! the"t! and m'rder!B and + give "'rther thi! repl)% that the
*po!tle command! Chri!tian! to #e !'ch a! the) o'ght to #e. +t% i!% then% no .onder% that he
point! o't a di""erence #et.een '! and the children o" thi! .orld% .ho #eing .itho't =od:!
Spirit% a#andon them!elve! to ever) $ind o" .ic$edne!!. He .o'ld not have =od:! children to #e
in the !ame condition% !o a! to dra. on them!elve! #) a .ic$ed li"e the p'ni!hment allotted #)
the la.!. -'t .e have alread) !aid el! that tho'gh there are al.a)! man) !in! in the
elect% .hich =od might ?'!tl) p'ni!h% )et according to hi! paternal ind'lgence he !pare! hi! o.n
children% !o that he doe! not in"lict the p'ni!hment the) de!erve% and that in the meantime% "or
hono'r:! !a$e% he adorn! them .ith hi! o.n to$en! and tho!e o" hi! Chri!t% .hen he !'""er! them
to #e a""licted "or the te!timon) o" the =o!pel.
The .ord ajllotrioepi>skopov !eem! to me to de!ignate one .ho covet! .hat #elong! to another.
;or the) .ho gape a"ter pl'nder or "ra'd% in>'ire into a""air! o" other! .ith tort'o'! or croo$ed
e)e!% a! Horace !a)!B
#'t the de!pi!er o" mone)% a! the !ame !a)! el! loo$! on va!t
heap! o" gold .ith a !traight e)e.
1"( 1et if an) man !'""er as a $hristian( *"ter having "or#idden the Chri!tian! to do an) h'rt or
harm% le!t "or their evil deed!% li$e the 'n#elieving% the) !ho'ld #ecome hate"'l to the .orld% he
no. #id! them to give than$! to =od% i" the) !'""ered per!ec'tion! "or the name o" Chri!t. *nd
tr'l) it i! no common $indne!! "rom =od% that he call! '!% "reed and e3empted "rom the common
p'ni!hment o" o'r !in!% to !o honora#le a .ar"are a! to 'ndergo "or the te!timon) o" hi! =o!pel
either e3ile!% or pri!on!% or reproache!% or even death it!el". Then he intimate! that tho!e are
'ngrate"'l to =od% .ho clamor or m'rm'r on acco'nt o" per!ec'tion!% a! tho'gh the) .ere
'n.orthil) dealt .ith% !ince on the contrar) the) o'ght to regard it a! gain and to ac$no.ledge
=od:! "avor.
-'t .hen he !a)!% as a $hristian, he regard! not !o m'ch the name a! the ca'!e. +t i! certain that
the adver!arie! o" Chri!t omitted nothing in order to degrade the =o!pel. There"ore% .hatever
reproach"'l .ord! the) made '!e o"% it .a! eno'gh "or the "aith"'l% that the) !'""ered "or nothing
el!e #'t "or the de"en!e o" the =o!pel.
n this "ehalf, or% +n thi! re!pect. ;or !ince all a""liction! derive their origin "rom !in% thi!
tho'ght o'ght to occ'r to the godl)% A+ am indeed .orth) to #e vi!ited #) the Lord .ith thi! and
even .ith greater p'ni!hment "or m) !in!B #'t no. he .o'ld have me to !'""er "or righteo'!ne!!%
a! tho'gh + .ere innocent.C ;or ho. m'ch !oever the !aint! ma) ac$no.ledge their o.n "a'lt!%
)et a! in per!ec'tion! the) regard a di""erent end% !'ch a! the Lord !et! #e"ore them% the) "eel
that their g'ilt i! #lotted o't and a#oli!hed #e"ore =od. n this "ehalf% then% the) have rea!on to
glori") =od.
1$( For the time is come, or% Since al!o the time i! come. He ampli"ie! the con!olation% .hich the
goodne!! o" the ca'!e "or .hich .e !'""er #ring! to '!% .hile .e are a""licted "or the name o"
Chri!t. ;or thi! nece!!it)% he !a)!% a.ait! the .hole Ch'rch o" =od% not onl) to #e !'#?ect to the
common mi!erie! o" men% #'t e!peciall) and mainl) to #e cha!ti!ed #) the hand o" =od. Then%
.ith more !'#mi!!ion% o'ght per!ec'tion! "or Chri!t to #e end'red. ;or e3cept .e de!ire to #e
#lotted o't "rom the n'm#er o" the "aith"'l% .e m'!t !'#mit o'r #ac$! to the !co'rge! o" =od.
9o.% it i! a !.eet con!olation% that =od doe! not e3ec'te hi! ?'dgment! on '! a! on other!% #'t
that he ma$e! '! the repre!entative! o" hi! o.n Son% .hen .e do not !'""er e3cept "or hi! ca'!e
and "or hi! name.
Moreover% Peter too$ thi! !entence "rom the common and con!tant teaching o" Script'reB and thi!
!eem! more pro#a#le to me than that a certain pa!!age% a! !ome thin$% i! re"erred to. +t .a!
"ormerl) '!'al .ith the Lord% a! all the prophet! .itne!!% to e3hi#it the "ir!t e3ample! o" hi!
cha!ti!ement! in hi! o.n people% a! the head o" a "amil) correct! hi! o.n children rather than
tho!e o" !tranger!. G
+!aiah 1041/.J ;or tho'gh =od i! the ?'dge o" the .hole .orld% )et he
.o'ld have hi! providence to #e e!peciall) ac$no.ledged in the government o" hi! o.n Ch'rch.
Hence% .hen he declare! that he .o'ld ri!e 'p to #e the ?'dge o" the .hole .orld% he add! that
thi! .o'ld #e a"ter he had completed hi! .or$ on Mo'nt Sion. He indeed p't! "orth hi! hand
indi""erentl) again!t hi! o.n people and again!t !tranger!B "or .e !ee that #oth are in common
!'#?ected to adver!itie!B and i" a compari!on #e made% he !eem! in a manner to !pare the
repro#ate% and to #e !evere to.ard! the elect. Hence the complaint! o" the godl)% that the .ic$ed
pa!! their li"e in contin'al plea!'re!% and delight them!elve! .ith .ine and the harp% and at
length de!cend .itho't pain! in an in!tant into the grave D that "atne!! cover! their e)e! D that
the) are e3empt "rom tro'#le! D that the) !ec'rel) and ?o)"'ll) !pend their li"e% loo$ing do.n
.ith contempt on other!% !o that the) dare to !et their mo'th again!t heaven. G
@o# /1410B
P!alm Q0401.J +n !hort% =od !o reg'late! hi! ?'dgment! in thi! .orld% that he "atten! the
.ic$ed "or the da) o" !la'ghter. He there"ore pa!!e! #) their man) !in!% and% a! it .ere% connive!
at them. +n the meantime% he re!tore! #) correction! hi! o.n children% "or .hom he ha! a care, to
the right .a)% .henever the) depart "rom it.
+n thi! !en!e it i! that Peter !a)! that ?'dgment #egin! at the ho'!e o" =odB "or ?'dgment incl'de!
all tho!e p'ni!hment! .hich the Lord in"lict! on men "or their !in!% and .hatever re"er! to the
re"ormation o" the .orld.
-'t .h) doe! he !a) that it .a! no+ the time= He mean!% a! + thin$% .hat the prophet! declare
concerning hi! o.n time% that it e!peciall) #elonged to Chri!t:! $ingdom% that the #eginning o"
the re"ormation !ho'ld #e in the Ch'rch. Hence Pa'l !a)! that Chri!tian!% .itho't the hope o" a
re!'rrection% .o'ld o" all men #e the mo!t mi!era#le% G
1 Corinthian! 15411BJ and ?'!tl) !o%
#eca'!e% .hile other! ind'lge them!elve! .itho't "ear% the "aith"'l contin'all) !igh and groanB
.hile =od connive! at the !in! o" other!% and !'""er! them to contin'e torpid% he deal! rigidl)
.ith hi! o.n people% and !'#?ect! them to the di!cipline o" the cro!!.
1 PETER !:1$-1#
1$. D *nd i" it "ir!t "egin at '!% .hat !hall
the end "e o" them that o#e) not the go!pel
o" =odO
1$. D Si a'tem prim'm a no#i!%
>'i! "ini! eor'm >'i non o#edi'nt
evangelio (eiO
1#. Khere"ore% let them thatB !'""er
according to the .ill o" =od commit the
$eeping o" their !o'l! to him in .elldoing%
a! 'nto a "aith"'l Creator.
1#. +ta>'e >'i pati'nt'r !ec'nd'm
(ei vol'ntatem% tan>'am "ideli
po!!e!!ori commendent anima! !'a!
Khen the "aith"'l !ee that it i! .ell .ith the .ic$ed% the) are nece!!aril) tempted to #e envio'!B
and thi! i! a ver) dangero'! trialB "or pre!ent happine!! i! .hat all de!ire. Hence the Spirit o"
=od care"'ll) d.ell! on thi!% in man) place!% a! .ell a! in the thirt)!eventh P!alm% le!t the
"aith"'l !ho'ld env) the pro!perit) o" the 'ngodl). The !ame i! .hat Peter !pea$! o"% "or he
!he.! that a""liction! o'ght to #e calml) #orne #) the children o" =od% .hen the) compare the
lot o" other! .ith their o.n. -'t he ta$e! it a! granted that =od i! the ?'dge o" the .orld% and
that% there"ore% no one can e!cape hi! hand .ith imp'nit). He hence in"er!% that a dread"'l
vengeance .ill !oon overta$e tho!e .ho!e condition !eem! no. "avora#le. The de!ign o" .hat
he !a)!% a! + have alread) !tated% i! to !he. that the children o" =od !ho'ld not "aint 'nder the
#itterne!! o" pre!ent evil!% #'t that the) o'ght% on the contrar)% calml) to #ear their a""liction! "or
a !hort time% a! the i!!'e .ill #e !alvation% .hile the 'ngodl) .ill have to e3change a "ading and
"leeting pro!perit) "or eternal perdition.
-'t the arg'ment i! "rom the le!! to the greaterB "or i" =od !pare! not hi! o.n children .hom he
love! and .ho o#e) him% ho. dread"'l .ill #e hi! !everit) again!t enemie! and !'ch a! are
re#ellio'!P There i!% then% nothing #etter than to o#e) the =o!pel% !o that =od ma) $indl) correct
'! #) hi! paternal hand "or o'r !alvation.
1%. 'nd if the righteous( +t ha! #een tho'ght that thi! !entence i! ta$en "rom
11401B "or the =ree$ tran!lator! have th'! rendered .hat Solomon !a)!%
A-ehold% the ?'!t !hall on the earth #e recompen!edB ho. m'ch more the 'ngodl) and the
9o.% .hether Peter intended to >'ote thi! pa!!age% or repeated a common and a prover#ial
!a)ing% G.hich !eem! to me more pro#a#le%J
the meaning i!% that =od:! ?'dgment .o'ld #e
dread"'l again!t the 'ngodl)% !ince the .a) to !alvation .a! !o thorn) and di""ic'lt to the elect.
*nd thi! i! !aid% le!t .e !ho'ld !ec'rel) ind'lge o'r!elve!% #'t care"'ll) proceed in o'r co'r!e%
and le!t .e !ho'ld al!o !ee$ the !mooth and ea!) road% the end o" .hich i! a terri#le precipice.
-'t .hen he !a)!% that a righteous man is scarcel& saved, he re"er! to the di""ic'ltie! o" the
pre!ent li"e% "or o'r co'r!e in the .orld i! li$e a dangero'! !ailing #et.een man) roc$!% and
e3po!ed to man) !torm! and tempe!t!B and th'! no one arrive! at the port% e3cept he .ho ha!
e!caped "rom tho'!and death!. +t i! in the meantime certain that .e are g'ided #) =od:! hand%
and that .e are in no danger o" !hip.rec$ a! long a! .e have him a! o'r pilot.
*#!'rd% then% are tho!e interpreter! .ho thin$ that .e !hall #e hardl) and .ith di""ic'lt) !aved%
.hen .e !hall come #e"ore =od in ?'dgmentB "or it i! the pre!ent and not the "'t're time that
Peter re"er! toB nor doe! he !pea$ o" =od:! !trictne!! or rigo'r% #'t !he.! ho. man) and .hat
ard'o'! di""ic'ltie! m'!t #e !'rmo'nted #) the Chri!tian #e"ore he reache! the goal. Sinner here
mean! a +icked man
and the righteo'! are not tho!e .ho are altogether per"ect in
righteo'!ne!!% #'t .ho !trive to live righteo'!l).
1#( Wherefore let them that suffer( He dra.! thi! concl'!ion% that per!ec'tion! o'ght to #e
!'#mi!!ivel) end'red% "or the condition o" the godl) in them i! m'ch happier than that o" the
'n#elieving% .ho en?o) pro!perit) to their 'tmo!t .i!he!. He% ho.ever% remind! '! that .e !'""er
nothing e3cept according to the permi!!ion o" =od% .hich tend! m'ch to com"ort '!B .hen he
!a)!% Let them commit themselves to God, it i! the !ame a! tho'gh he had !aid% ALet them deliver
them!elve! and their li"e to the !a"e $eeping o" =od.C *nd he call! him a faithful *ossessor,
#eca'!e he "aith"'ll) $eep! and de"end! .hatever i! 'nder hi! protection or Some render
the .ord ACreatorBC and the term kti>sthv mean! #othB #'t the "ormer meaning + pre"er% "or #)
#idding '! to depo!it o'r li"e .ith =od% he ma$e! him it! !a"e $eeper. He add!% in +ell9doing, le!t
the "aith"'l !ho'ld retaliate the .rong! done to them% #'t that the) might on the contrar) contend
.ith the 'ngodl)% .ho in?'red them% #) .elldoing.
CH*PT,8 5
1 PETER :1-!
1. The elder! .hich are among )o' +
e3hort% .ho am al!o an elder% and a .itne!!
o" the !'""ering! o" Chri!t% and al!o a
parta$er o" the glor) that !hall he revealed4
1. Pre!#)tero! >'i inter vo! !'nt%
hortor ego >'i !im'l !'m pre!#)ter%
et te!ti! pa!!ion'rn Chri!ti% et gloriae
>'m revela#it'r particep!4
3. 9either a! #eing lord! over God6s
heritage% #'t #eing en!ample! to the "loc$4
3. 9ec tan>'am domini'm
e3ercente! adver!'! clero!% !ed 't
!iti! e3emplaria gregi!.
!. *nd .hen the chie" Shepherd !hall
appear% )e !hall receive a cro.n o" glor)
that "adeth not a.a).
!. ,t >''m appar'erit Princep!
pa!tor'm% reporta#iti!
immarce!ci#ilem gloriae coronam.
+9 e3horting pa!tor! to their d't)% he point! o't e!peciall) three vice! .hich are "o'nd to prevail
m'ch% even !loth% de!ire o" gain% and l'!t "or +n oppo!ition to the "ir!t vice he !et! alacrit)
or a .illing attentionB to the !econd% li#eralit)B to the third% moderation and mee$ne!!% #) .hich
the) are to $eep them!elve! in their o.n ran$ or !tation.
He then !a)! that pa!tor! o'ght not to e3erci!e care over the "loc$ o" the Lord% a! "ar onl) a! the)
are con!trainedB "or the) .ho !ee$ to do no more than .hat con!traint compel! them% do their
.or$ "ormall) and negligentl). Hence he .o'ld have them to do .illingl) .hat the) do% a! tho!e
.ho are reall) devoted to their .or$. To correct avarice% he #id! them to per"orm their o""ice
.ith a read) mindB "or .ho!oever ha! not thi! end in vie.% to !pend him!el" and hi! la#or
di!intere!tedl) and gladl) in #ehal" o" the Ch'rch% i! not a mini!ter o" Chri!t% #'t a !lave to hi!
o.n !tomach and hi! p'r!e. The third vice .hich he condemn! i! a l'!t "or e3erci!ing or
dominion. -'t it ma) #e a!$ed% .hat $ind o" doe! he meanO Thi!% a! it !eem! to me% ma)
#e gathered "rom the oppo!ite cla'!e% in .hich he #id! them to #e e3ample! to the "loc$. +t i! the
!ame a! tho'gh he had !aid that the) are to pre!ide "or thi! end% to #e eminent in holine!!% .hich
cannot #e% e3cept the) h'm#l) !'#?ect them!elve! and their li"e to the !ame common r'le. Khat
!tand! oppo!ed to thi! virt'e i! t)rannical pride% .hen the pa!tor e3empt! him!el" "rom all
!'#?ection% and t)ranni5e! over the Ch'rch. +t .a! "or thi! that ,5e$iel condemned the "al!e
prophet!% that i!% that the) r'led cr'ell) and t)rannicall). G
,5e$iel 0444.J Chri!t al!o
condemned the Phari!ee!% #eca'!e the) laid intolera#le #'rden! on the !ho'lder! o" the people
.hich the) .o'ld not to'ch% no% not .ith a "inger. G
Matthe. /044.J Thi! imperio'! rigo'r%
then% .hich 'ngodl) pa!tor! e3erci!e over the Ch'rch% cannot #e corrected% e3cept their a'thorit)
#e re!trained% !o that the) ma) r'le in !'ch a .a) a! to a""ord an e3ample o" a godl) li"e.
1. %he elders( -) thi! name he de!ignate! pa!tor! and all tho!e .ho are appointed "or the
government o" the Ch'rch. -'t the) called them pre!#)ter! or elder! "or honor:! !a$e% not
#eca'!e the) .ere all old in age% #'t #eca'!e the) .ere principall) cho!en "rom the aged% "or old
age "or the mo!t part ha! more pr'dence% gravit)% and e3perience. -'t a! !ometime! hoarine!! i!
not .i!dom% according to a =ree$ prover#% and a! )o'ng men are "o'nd more "it% !'ch a!
Timoth)% the!e .ere al!o '!'all) called pre!#)ter!% a"ter having #een cho!en into that order.
Since Peter call! him!el" in li$e manner a *res"&ter, it appear! that it .a! a common name%
.hich i! !till more evident "rom man) other pa!!age!. Moreover% #) thi! title he !ec'red "or
him!el" more a'thorit)% a! tho'gh he had !aid that he had a right to admoni!h pa!tor!% #eca'!e he
.a! one o" them!elve!% "or there o'ght to #e m't'al li#ert) #et.een colleag'e!. -'t i" he had the
right o" primac) he .o'ld have claimed itB and thi! .o'ld have #een mo!t !'ita#le on the pre!ent
occa!ion. -'t tho'gh he .a! an *po!tle% he )et $ne. that a'thorit) .a! #) no mean! delegated
to him over hi! colleag'e!% #'t that on the contrar) he .a! ?oined .ith the re!t in the
participation o" the !ame o""ice.
' +itness of the sufferings of $hrist( Thi! ma) #e e3plained o" doctrine% )et + pre"er to regard it
a! re"erring to hi! o.n li"e. *t the !ame time #oth ma) #e admittedB #'t + am more di!po!ed to
em#race the latter vie.% #eca'!e the!e t.o cla'!e! .ill #e more in harmon)% D that Peter !pea$!
o" the !'""ering! o" Chri!t in hi! o.n "le!h% and that he .o'ld #e al!o a parta$er o" hi! glor). ;or
the pa!!age agree! .ith that o" Pa'l% A+" .e !'""er together% .e !hall al!o reign together.C
-e!ide!% it avail! m'ch to ma$e '! #elieve hi! .ord!% that he gave a proo" o" hi! "aith #)
end'ring the cro!!. ;or it hence appear! evident that he !po$e in earne!tB and the Lord% #) th'!
proving hi! people% !eal! a! it .ere their mini!tr)% that it might have more honor and reverence
among men. Peter% then% had pro#a#l) thi! in vie.% !o that he might #e heard a! the "aith"'l
mini!ter o" Chri!t% a proo" o" .hich he gave in the per!ec'tion! he had !'""ered% and in the hope
.hich he had o" "'t're li"e.

-'t .e m'!t o#!erve that Peter con"identl) declare! that he .o'ld #e a parta$er o" that glor)
.hich .a! not )et revealedB "or it i! the character o" "aith to ac>'ie!ce in hidden #le!!ing!.
2. Feed the flock of God( Ke hence learn .hat the .ord pre!#)ter import!% even that it incl'de!
the o""ice o" "eeding. +t i! "or a "ar di""erent end that the Pope ma$e! pre!#)ter!% even that the)
ma) dail) !la) Chri!t% there #eing no mention made o" "eeding in their ordination. Let '! then
remem#er to di!ting'i!h #et.een the in!tit'tion o" Chri!t and the con"'!ion o" the Pope% it #eing
a! di""erent a! light i! "rom dar$ne!!. Let '! al!o #ear in mind the de"inition given o" the .ordB
"or the "loc$ o" Chri!t cannot #e "ed e3cept .ith p're doctrine% .hich i! alone o'r !pirit'al "ood.
Hence pa!tor! are not m'te h)pocrite!% nor tho!e .ho !pread their o.n "igment!% .hich% li$e
deadl) poi!on% de!tro) the !o'l! o" men.
The .ord!% as much as it is in &ou, mean the !ame a! tho'gh he had !aid% A*ppl) all )o'r
!trength to thi! ver) thing% and .hatever =od ha! con"erred on )o'.C The old interpreter
ha! given thi! rendering% AKhich i! among )o'BC and thi! ma) #e the !en!e o" the .ord!4 more
correct% ho.ever% i! the rendering o" ,ra!m'!% .hich + have "ollo.ed% tho'gh + do not re?ect nor
di!approve o" the other.

%he flock of God, or% o" the Lord% or% o" Chri!t4 it matter! little .hich )o' ta$e% "or the three
reading! are "o'nd in di""erent copie!.

%aking the oversight, or% di!charging the o""ice o" a #i!hop. ,ra!m'! render! the .ord!% ATa$ing
care o" it%C Gcuram illius agentes#J #'t a! the =ree$ .ord i! ejpiskopou~ntev + do'#t not #'t that
Peter meant to !et "orth the o""ice and title o" the epi!copate. Ke ma) learn al!o "rom other part!
o" Script're that the!e t.o name!% #i!hop and pre!#)ter% are !)non)mo'!. He then !he.! ho.
the) .ere rightl) to per"orm the pa!toral o""ice% tho'gh the .ord ejpiskopei~n generall) mean!
to pre!ide or to over!ee. Khat + have rendered Anot con!traintall)%C i! literall)% Anot nece!!aril)BC
"or .hen .e act according to .hat nece!!it) pre!cri#e!% .e proceed in o'r .or$ !lo.l) and
"rigidl)% a! it .ere #) con!traint.
3. :either as "eing lords, or% a! e3erci!ing dominion. The prepo!ition $ata in =ree$ i! ta$en% "or
the mo!t part% in a #ad !en!e4 then Peter here condemn! 'nrea!ona#le e3erci!e o" a! the
ca!e i! .ith tho!e .ho con!ider not them!elve! to #e the mini!ter! o" Chri!t and hi! Ch'rch% #'t
!ee$ !omething higher. *nd he call! partic'lar ch'rche! Alot!%C Gcleros#J "or a! the .hole #od) o"
the Ch'rch i! the Lord:! heritage% !o the ch'rche!% !cattered thro'gh to.n! and village!% .ere a!
!o man) "arm!% the c'lt're o" .hich he a!!ign! to each pre!#)ter. Some ver) ignorantl) thin$ that
tho!e called clerg) are meant here. +t .a!% indeed% an ancient .a) o" !pea$ing% to call the .hole
order o" mini!ter!% clerg)B #'t + .i!h that it had never occ'rred to the ;ather! to !pea$ th'!B "or
.hat Script're a!cri#e! in common to the .hole Ch'rch% it .a! #) no mean! right to con"ine to a
"e. men. *nd thi! .a) o" !pea$ing .a! !p'rio'!% at lea!t it .a! a depart're "rom apo!tolic
Peter% indeed% e3pre!!l) give! the ch'rche! thi! title% in order that .e ma) $no. that .hatever
men a!cri#e to them!elve! i! ta$en a.a) "rom the Lord% a! in man) place! he call! the Ch'rch
hi! pec'liar trea!'re% and the rod o" hi! heritage% .hen he intend! to claim hi! entire dominion
over itB "or he never deliver! to pa!tor! the government% #'t onl) the care% !o that hi! o.n right
remain! !till complete.
!. When the chief She*herd shall a**ear( ,3cept pa!tor! retain thi! end in vie.% it can #) no
mean! #e that the) .ill in good earne!t proceed in the co'r!e o" their calling% #'t .ill% on the
contrar)% #ecome o"ten "aintB "or there are inn'mera#le hindrance! .hich are !'""icient to
di!co'rage the mo!t pr'dent. The) have o"ten to do .ith 'ngrate"'l men% "rom .hom the)
receive an 'n.orth) re.ardB long and great la#or! are o"ten in vainB Satan !ometime! prevail! in
hi! .ic$ed device!. Le!t% then% the "aith"'l !ervant o" Chri!t !ho'ld #e #ro$en do.n% there i! "or
him one and onl) one remed)% D to t'rn hi! e)e! to the coming o" Chri!t. Th'! it .ill #e% that he%
.ho !eem! to derive no enco'ragement "rom men% .ill a!!id'o'!l) go on in hi! la#or!% $
that a great re.ard i! prepared "or him #) the Lord. *nd "'rther% le!t a protracted e3pectation
!ho'ld prod'ce lang'or% he at the !ame time !et! "orth the greatne!! o" the re.ard% .hich i!
!'""icient to compen!ate "or all dela)4 'n unfading cro+n of glor&, he !a)!% a.ait! )o'.
+t o'ght al!o to #e o#!erved% that he call! Chri!t the chief )astor# "or .e are to r'le the Ch'rch
'nder him and in hi! name% in no other .a) #'t that he !ho'ld #e !till reall) the Pa!tor. So the
.ord chief here doe! not onl) mean the principal% #'t him .ho!e all other! o'ght to
!'#mit to% a! the) do not repre!ent him e3cept according to hi! command and a'thorit).
1 PETER :-$
. Li$e.i!e% )e )o'nger% !'#mit )o'r!elve!
'nto the elder4 )ea% all o" )o' #e !'#?ect one
to another% and #e clothed .ith h'milit)B "or
=od re!i!teth the pro'd% and giveth grace to
the h'm#le.
. Similiter ?'niore!% !'#?ecti e!tote
!eniori#'!B !ic et omne!% alii alli!
!'#?iciaminiB h'militatem animi
ind'iteB propterea >'od (e'!
!'per#i! re!i!tit% h'mili#'! vero dat
$. Ca!ting all )o'r care 'pon himB "or he
careth "or )o'.
$. 7mni c'ra ve!tra in e'm con?ectaB
>'oniam illi c'ra e!t ve!tri.
. Like+ise, &e &ounger( The .ord elder i! p't here in a !en!e di""erent "rom .hat it had #e"oreB
"or it i! nece!!ar)% .hen a contra!t i! made #et.een them and the )o'nger% that the t.o cla'!e!
!ho'ld corre!pond. Then he re"er! to the elder! in age% having #e"ore !po$en o" the o""iceB and
th'! he come! "rom the partic'lar to the general. *nd in !hort% he #id! ever) one that i! in"erior
in age to o#e) the co'n!el! o" the elder!% and to #e teacha#le and h'm#leB "or the age o" )o'th i!
incon!tant% and re>'ire! a #ridle. -e!ide!% pa!tor! co'ld not have per"ormed their d't)% e3cept
thi! reverential "eeling prevailed and .a! c'ltivated% !o that the )o'nger !'""ered them!elve! to
#e r'ledB "or i" there #e no !'#?ection% government i! overt'rned. Khen the) have no a'thorit)
.ho o'ght #) right or order o" nat're to r'le% all .ill immediatel) #ecome in!olentl) .anton.
1ea, all( He !he.! the rea!on .h) the )o'nger o'ght to !'#mit to the elder% even that there might
#e an e>'a#le !tate o" thing! and d'e order among them. ;or% .hen a'thorit) i! granted to the
elder!% there i! not given them the right or the li#ert) o" o"" the #ridle% #'t the) are al!o
them!elve! to #e 'nder d'e re!traint% !o that there ma) #e a m't'al !'#?ection. So the h'!#and i!
the head o" the .i"e% and )et he in hi! t'rn i! to #e in !ome thing! !'#?ect to her. So the "ather ha!
a'thorit) over hi! children% and !till he i! not e3empt "rom all !'#?ection% #'t !omething i! d'e to
them. The !ame thing% al!o% i! to #e tho'ght o" other!. +n !hort% all ran$! in !ociet) have to de"end
the .hole #od)% .hich cannot #e done% e3cept all the mem#er! are ?oined together #) the #ond o"
m't'al !'#?ection. 9othing i! more adver!e to the di!po!ition o" man than !'#?ection. ;or it .a!
"ormerl) ver) tr'l) !aid% that ever) one ha! .ithin him the !o'l o" a $ing. Mntil% then% the high
!pirit!% .ith .hich the nat're o" men !.ell!% are !'#d'ed% no man .ill give .a) to anotherB #'t%
on the contrar)% each one% de!pi!ing other!% .ill claim all thing! "or him!el".
Hence the *po!tle% in order that h'milit) ma) d.ell among '!% .i!el) reprove! thi! ha'ghtine!!
and pride. *nd the metaphor he '!e! i! ver) appropriate% a! tho'gh he had !aid% AS'rro'nd
)o'r!elve! .ith h'milit) on ever) !ide% a! .ith a garment .hich cover! the .hole #od).C He )et
intimate! that no ornament i! more #ea'ti"'l or more #ecoming% than .hen .e !'#mit one to
For, or% #eca'!e. +t i! a mo!t grievo'! threatening% .hen he !a)!% that all .ho !ee$ to elevate
them!elve!% !hall have =od a! their enem)% .ho .ill la) them lo.. -'t% on the contrar)% he !a)!
o" the h'm#le% that =od .ill #e propitio'! and "avora#le to them. Ke are to imagine thatB =od
ha! t.o hand!B the one% .hich li$e a hammer #eat! do.n and #rea$! in piece! tho!e .ho rai!e 'p
them!elve!B and the other% .hich rai!e! 'p the h'm#le .ho .illingl) let do.n them!elve!% and i!
li$e a "irm prop to !'!tain them. Kere .e reall) convinced o" thi!% and had it deepl) "i3ed in o'r
mind!% .ho o" '! .o'ld dare #) pride to 'rge .ar .ith =odO -'t the hope o" imp'nit) no.
ma$e! '! "earle!!l) to rai!e 'p o'r horn to heaven. Let% then% thi! declaration o" Peter #e a! a
cele!tial th'nder#olt to ma$e men h'm#le.
-'t he call! tho!e hum"le, .ho #eing emptied o" ever) con"idence in their o.n .i!dom%
and righteo'!ne!!% !ee$ ever) good "rom =od alone. Since there i! no coming to =od e3cept in
thi! .a)% .ho% having lo!t hi! o.n glor)% o'ght not .illingl) to h'm#le him!el"O
". Hum"le &ourselves therefore( Ke m'!t ever #ear in mind "or .hatB end he #id! '! to #e
h'm#le #e"ore =od% even that .e ma) #e more co'rteo'! and $ind to o'r #rethren% and not
re"'!e to !'#mit to them a! "ar a! love demand!. Then the) .ho are ha'ght) and re"ractor)
to.ard! men% are% he !a)!% acting in!olentl) to.ard! =od. He there"ore e3hort! all the godl) to
!'#mit to =od:! a'thorit)B and he call! =od:! hi! hand, that he might ma$e them to "ear
the more. ;or tho'gh hand i! o"ten applied to =od% )et it i! to #e 'nder!tood here according to
the circ'm!tance! o" the pa!!age. -'t a! .e are .ont commonl) to "ear% le!t o'r h'milit) !ho'ld
#e a di!advantage to '!% and other! might "or thi! rea!on gro. more in!olent% Peter meet! thi!
o#?ection% and promi!e! eminenc) to all .ho h'm#le them!elve!.
-'t he add!% in due time, that he might at the !ame time o#viate too m'ch ha!te. He then
intimate! that it i! nece!!ar) "or '! to learn h'milit) no.% #'t that the Lord .ell $no.! .hen it i!
e3pedient "or '! to #e elevated. Th'! it #ehove! '! to )ield to hi! co'n!el.
$. $asting all our care( He more "'ll) !et! "orth here the providence o" =od. ;or .hence are
the!e prover#ial !a)ing!% AKe !hall have to ho.l among .olve!%C and% AThe) are "ooli!h .ho are
li$e !heep% e3po!ing them!elve! to .olve! to #e devo'red%C e3cept that .e thin$ that #) o'r
h'milit) .e !et loo!e the rein! to the a'dacit) o" the 'ngodl)% !o that the) in!'lt '! more
.antonl)O -'t thi! "ear ari!e! "rom o'r ignorance o" divine providence. 9o.% on the other hand%
a! !oon a! .e are convinced that =od care! "or '!% o'r mind! are ea!il) led to patience and
h'milit). Le!t% then% the .ic$edne!! o" men !ho'ld tempt '! to a "iercene!! o" mind% the *po!tle
pre!cri#e! to '! a remed)% and al!o (avid doe! in the thirt)!eventh P!alm% !o that having ca!t
o'r care on =od% .e ma) calml) re!t. ;or all tho!e .ho rec'm# not on =od:! providence m'!t
nece!!aril) #e in con!tant t'rmoil and violentl) a!!ail other!. Ke o'ght the more to d.ell on thi!
tho'ght% that =od care! "or '!% in order% "ir!t% that .e ma) have peace .ithinB and% !econdl)% that
.e ma) #e h'm#le and mee$ to.ard! men.
-'t .e are not th'! #idden to ca!t all o'r care on =od% a! tho'gh =od .i!hed '! to have !trong
heart!% and to #e void o" all "eelingB #'t le!t "ear or an3iet) !ho'ld drive '! to impatience. +n li$e
manner% the $no.ledge o" divine providence doe! not "ree men "rom ever) care% that the) ma)
!ec'rel) ind'lge them!elve!B "or it o'ght not to enco'rage the torpidit) o" the "le!h% #'t to #ring
re!t to "aith.
1 PETER :%-11
%. -e !o#er% #e vigilantB #eca'!e )o'r
adver!ar) the devil% a! a roaring lion%
.al$eth a#o't !ee$ing .hom he ma)
%. So#rii e!tote% vigilate% >'ia
adver!ari'! ve!ter dia#ol'!% tan>'am
leo r'gien!% circ'it% >'aeren! >'em
devoret Gvel% >'empiam devorareBJ
1&. -'t the =od o" all grace% .ho hath
called '! 'nto hi! eternal glor) #) Chri!t
@e!'!% a"ter that )e have !'""ered a .hile%
ma$e )o' per"ect% !ta#li!h% !trengthen% !ettle
1&. (e'! a'tera omni! gratiae% >'i
no! vocavit in aeternam !'am
gloriam per Chri!t'm @e!'m%
pa'li!per a""licto! ip!e vo! per"iciat%
con"irmet% corro#oret% !ta#iliat4
11. To him "e glor) and dominion "or ever
and ever. *men.
11. ,i gloria et imperi'm in !ec'la
!ec'lor'm. *men.
%. Be so"er( Thi! e3planation e3tend! .ider% that a! .e have .ar .ith a mo!t "ierce and mo!t"'l enem)% .e are to #e !tren'o'! in re!i!ting him. -'t he '!e! a t.o"old metaphor% that
the) .ere to #e !o#er% and that the) .ere to e3erci!e .atch"'lne!!. S'r"eiting prod'ce! !loth and
!leepB even !o the) .ho ind'lge in earthl) care! and plea!'re!% thin$ o" nothing el!e% #eing 'nder
the o" !pirit'al letharg).
Ke no. perceive .hat the meaning o" the *po!tle i!. Ke m'!t% he !a)!% carr) on a .ar"are in thi!
.orldB and he remind! '! that .e have to do .ith no common enem)% #'t one .ho% li$e a lion%
r'n! here and there% read) to devo'r. He hence concl'de! that .e o'ght care"'ll) to .atch. Pa'l
!tim'late! '! .ith the !ame arg'ment in the !i3th chapter o" the ,pi!tle to the ,phe!ian!% .here
he !a)! that .e have a conte!t not .ith "le!h and #lood% #'t .ith !pirit'al .ic$edne!!% etc. -'t
.e too o"ten t'rn peace into !loth% and hence it come! that the enem) then circ'mvent! and
over.helm! '!B "or% a! tho'gh placed #e)ond the reach o" danger% .e ind'lge o'r!elve!
according to the .ill o" the "le!h.
He compare! the devil to a lion% a! tho'gh he had !aid% that he i! a !avage .ild #ea!t. He !a)!
that he goes round to devo'r% in order to ro'!e '! to .arine!!. He call! him the adversar& o" the
godl)% that the) might $no. that the) .or!hip =od and pro"e!! "aith in Chri!t on thi! condition%
that the) are to have contin'al .ar .ith the devil% "or he doe! not !pare the mem#er! .ho "ight!
.ith the head.
#. Whom resist( *! the o" an enem) o'ght to !tim'late '! and ma$e '! more care"'l% !o
there .o'ld #e danger le!t o'r heart! "ailed thro'gh immoderate "ear% e3cept the hope o" victor)
.ere given '!. Thi! then i! .hat the *po!tle !pea$! o"B he !ho.! that the i!!'e o" the .ar .ill #e
pro!pero'!% i" .e indeed "ight 'nder the #anner o" Chri!tB "or .ho!oever come! to thi! conte!t%
end'ed .ith "aith% he declare! that he .ill certainl) #e a con>'eror.
4esist, he !a)!B #'t !ome one ma) a!$% ho.O To thi! he an!.er!% there i! !'""icient !trength in
"aith. Pa'l% in the pa!!age .hich + have alread) >'oted% en'merate! the vario'! part! o" o'r
armor% #'t the meaning i! the !ame% G
,phe!ian! E410%J "or @ohn te!ti"ie! that "aith alone i!
o'r victor) over the .orld.
<no+ing that the same afflictions, or !'""ering!. +t i! another con!olation% that .e have a conte!t
in common .ith all the children o" =odB "or Satan dangero'!l) trie! '!% .hen he !eparate! '!
"rom the #od) o" Chri!t. Ke have heard ho. he attempted to !torm the co'rage o" @o#%
ALoo$ to the !aint!% ha! an) one o" them !'""ered !'ch a thing OC
@o# 541.
The *po!tle on the other hand% remind! '! here that nothing happen! to '! #'t .hat .e !ee doe!
happen to other mem#er! o" the Ch'rch. Moreover a "ello.!hip% or a !imilar condition% .ith all
the !aint!% o'ght #) no mean! to #e re"'!ed #) '!.
-) !a)ing that the !ame !'""ering! are accom*lished, he mean! .hat Pa'l declare! in
Colo!!ian! 14/4% that .hat remain! o" the !'""ering! o" Chri!t i! dail) "'l"illed in the
The .ord!% that are in the +orld, ma) #e e3plained in t.o .a)!% either that =od prove! hi!
"aith"'l people indi!criminatel) ever).here in the .orld% or that the nece!!it) o" "ighting a.ait!
'! a! long a! .e are in the .orld. -'t .e m'!t o#!erve that having !aid #e"ore that .e are
a!!ailed #) Satan% he then immediatel) re"er! to ever) $ind o" a""liction!. Ke hence gather that
.e have al.a)! to do .ith o'r !pirit'al enem)% ho.ever adver!itie! ma) come% or .hatever the)
ma) #e% .hether di!ea!e! oppre!! '!% or the #arrenne!! o" the land threaten! '! .ith "amine% or
men per!ec'te '!.
1&. But the God of all grace( *"ter having !'""icientl) d.elt on admonition!% he no. t'rn! to
pra)erB "or doctrine i! in vain po'red "orth into the air% 'nle!! =od .or$! #) hi! Spirit. *nd thi!
e3ample o'ght to #e "ollo.ed #) all the mini!ter! o" =od% that i!% to pra) that he ma) give
!'cce!! to their la#or!B "or other.i!e the) e""ect nothing either #) planting or #) .atering.
Some copie! have the "'t're ten!e% a! tho'gh a promi!e i! madeB #'t the other reading i! more
commonl) received. *t the !ame time% the *po!tle% #) pra)ing =od% con"irm! tho!e to .hom he
.a! .riting% "or .hen he call! =od the a'thor o" all grace, and remind! them that the) .ere
called to eternal glor)% hi! p'rpo!e no do'#t .a!% to con"irm them in the conviction% that the
.or$ o" their !alvation% .hich he had #eg'n% .o'ld #e completed.
He i! called the God of all grace "rom the e""ect% "rom the gi"t! he #e!to.!% according to the
He#re. manner.
*nd he mention! e3pre!!l) all grace, "ir!t that the) might learn that ever)
#le!!ing i! to #e a!cri#ed to =odB and !econdl)% that one grace i! connected .ith another% !o that
the) might hope in "'t're "or the addition o" tho!e grace! in .hich the) .ere hitherto .anting.
Who hath called us( Thi!% a! + have !aid% !erve! to increa!e con"idence% #eca'!e =od i! led not
onl) #) hi! goodne!!% #'t al!o #) hi! gracio'! #enevolence% to aid '! more and more. He doe!
not !impl) mention calling% #'t he !he.! .here"ore the) .ere called% even that the) might o#tain
eternal glor). He "'rther "i3e! the "o'ndation o" calling in Chri!t. -oth the!e thing! !erve to give
perpet'al con"idence% "or i" o'r calling i! "o'nded on Chri!t% and re"er! to the cele!tial $ingdom
o" =od and a #le!!ed immortalit)% it "ollo.! that it i! not tran!ient nor "ading.
+t ma) al!o #e right% #) the .a)% to o#!erve that .hen he !a)! that .e are called in $hrist, "ir!t%
o'r calling i! e!ta#li!hed% #eca'!e it i! rightl) "o'ndedB and !econdl)% that all re!pect to o'r
.orthine!! and merit i! e3cl'dedB "or that =od% #) the preaching o" the go!pel% invite! '! to
him!el"% it i! altogether grat'ito'!B and it i! !till a greater grace that he e""icacio'!l) to'che! o'r
heart! !o a! to lead '! to o#e) hi! voice. 9o. Peter e!peciall) addre!!e! the "aith"'lB he there"ore
connect! the e""icacio'! o" the Spirit .ith the o't.ard doctrine.
*! to the three .ord! .hich "ollo.% !ome copie! have them in the a#lative ca!e% .hich ma) #e
rendered in Latin #) ger'nd! Gfulciendo, ro"orando, sta"iliendoJ #) !'pporting% #)
!trengthening% #) e!ta#li!hing.
-'t in thi! there i! not m'ch importance .ith regard to the
meaning. -e!ide!% Peter intend! the !ame thing #) all the!e .ord!% even to con"irm the "aith"'lB
and he '!e! the!e !everal .ord! "or thi! p'rpo!e% that .e ma) $no. that to "ollo. o'r co'r!e i! a
matter o" no common di""ic'lt)% and that there"ore .e need the !pecial grace o" =od. The .ord!
suffered a +hile, in!erted here% !he. that the time o" !'""ering i! #'t !hort% and thi! i! no !mall
11. %o him "e glor&( That he might add more con"idence to the godl)% he #rea$! o't into
than$!giving. Tho'gh thi! #e read in the indicative a! .ell a! in the optative mood% !till the
meaning i! nearl) the !ame.
1 PETER :12-1!
12. -) Silvan'!% a "aith"'l #rother 'nto )o'%
Ga! + !'ppo!e%J + have .ritten #rie"l)%
e3horting% and te!ti")ing that thi! i! the tr'e
grace o" =od .herein )e !tand.
12. Per Silvan'm vo#i! "id'm
"ratrem G't ar#itrorJ pa'ci! !crip!i%
e3hortan! et te!ti"ican! hanc e!!e
veram gratiam in >'a !tati!.
1!. Sal'tate vo! invicem in o!c'lo
1!. =reet )e one another .ith a $i!! o"
charit). Peace "e .ith )o' all that are in
Chri!t @e!'!. *men.
charitati!. =ratia vo#i! omni#'! >'i
e!ti! in Chri!to @e!'.
12. B& Silvanus( He e3hort! them at the concl'!ion o" the ,pi!tle to con!tanc) in the "aith4 )ea%
he declare! that hi! de!ign in .riting% .a! to retain them in o#edience to the doctrine .hich the)
had em#raced. -'t he "ir!t commend! the #revit) o" hi! ,pi!tle% le!t the reading o" it !ho'ld #e
tedio'! to themB and% !econdl)% he add! a !hort commendation o" hi! me!!enger% that the living
voice might #e added to .hat .a! .rittenB "or thi! .a! the de!ign o" the te!timon) he #ear! to hi!
"idelit). -'t the e3ception% as 0 su**ose, or thin$% .a! added% either a! to$en o" mode!t) or to let
them !'rel) $no.% that he !po$e according to the conviction o" hi! o.n mindB and it .a!
'nrea!ona#le "or them not to a!!ent to the ?'dgment o" !o great an apo!tle.
!;horting and testif&ing( Ho. di""ic'lt it i! to contin'e in the "aithP evidence! o" thi! are the
dail) de"ection! o" man)4 nor% indeed% i! !'ch a thing to #e .ondered at% .hen .e con!ider ho.
great i! the levit) and incon!i!tenc) o" men% and ho. great i! their inclination to vanit). -'t a!
no doctrine can !tri$e "irm and perpet'al root! in men:! heart!% i" it #e accompanied .ith an)
do'#t% he te!ti"ie! that =od:! tr'th% in .hich the) had #een ta'ght% .a! certain. *nd% do'#tle!!%
e3cept it! certaint) appear! to o'r mind!% .e m'!t at all time! nece!!aril) vacillate% and #e read)
to t'rn at ever) .ind o" ne. doctrine. -) the grace of God, he mean! "aith .ith all it! e""ect! and
13. %hat is at Ba"&lon( Man) o" the ancient! tho'ght that 8ome i! here enigmaticall) denoted.
Thi! comment the Papi!t! gladl) la) hold on% that Peter ma) appear to have pre!ided over the
Ch'rch o" 8ome4 nor doe! the in"am) o" the name deter them% provided the) can pretend to the
title o" an apo!tolic !eatB nor do the) care "or Chri!t% provided Peter #e le"t to them. Moreover% let
them onl) retain the name o" Peter:! chair% and the) .ill not re"'!e to !et 8ome in the in"ernal
region!. -'t thi! old comment ha! no color o" tr'th in it! "avorB nor do + !ee .h) it .a! approved
#) ,'!e#i'! and other!% e3cept that the) .ere alread) led a!tra) #) that error% that Peter had #een
at 8ome. -e!ide!% the) are incon!i!tent .ith them!elve!. The) !a) that Mar$ died at *le3andria%
in the eighth )ear o" 9eroB #'t the) imagine that Peter% !i3 )ear! a"ter thi!% .a! p't to death at
8ome #) 9ero. +" Mar$ "ormed% a! the) !a)% the *le3andrian Ch'rch% and had #een long a #i!hop
there% he co'ld never have #een at 8ome .ith Peter. ;or ,'!e#i'! and @erome e3tend the time o"
Peter:! pre!idenc) at 8ome to t.ent)"ive )ear!B #'t thi! ma) #e ea!il) di!proved #) .hat i! !aid
in the "ir!t and the !econd chapter o" the ,pi!tle to the =alatian!.
Since% then% Peter had Mar$ a! hi! companion .hen he .rote thi! ,pi!tle% it i! ver) pro#a#le that
he .a! at -a#)lon4 and thi! .a! in accordance .ith hi! callingB "or .e $no. that he .a!
appointed an apo!tle e!peciall) to the @e.!. He there"ore vi!ited chie"l) tho!e part! .here there
.a! the greate!t n'm#er o" that nation.
+n !a)ing that the Ch'rch there .a! a parta$er o" the !ame election% hi! o#?ect .a! to con"irm
other! more and more in the "aithB "or it .a! a great matter that the @e.! .ere gathered into the
Ch'rch% in !o remote a part o" the .orld.
M& son( So he call! Mar$ "or honor:! !a$eB the rea!on% ho.ever% i!% #eca'!e he had #egotten him
in the "aith% a! Pa'l did Timoth). 7" the kiss of love .e have !po$en el! 9o. he #id! thi!
to #e the $i!! o" love%
!o that the !incerit) o" the heart might corre!pond .ith the e3ternal act.
,9( 7; TH, ;+8ST ,P+STL, 7; P,T,8
TH, *8=MM,9T
TH+S ,pi!tle i! altogether .orth) o" the !pirit o" that di!ciple .ho% a#ove other!% .a! loved #)
Chri!t% that he might e3hi#it him a! a "riend to '!. -'t it contain! doctrine! mi3ed .ith
e3hortation!B "or he !pea$! o" the eternal (eit) o" Chri!t% and at the !ame time o" the
incompara#le grace .hich he #ro'ght .ith him .hen he appeared in the .orld% and generall) o"
all hi! #le!!ing!B and he e!peciall) commend! and e3tol! the ine!tima#le grace o" divine
7n the!e tr'th! he gro'nd! hi! e3hortation!B and at one time he admoni!he! '! in general to lead
a pio'! and hol) li"e% and at another time he e3pre!!l) en?oin! love. -'t he doe! none o" the!e
thing! in a reg'lar orderB "or he ever).here mi3e! teaching .ith e3hortation. -'t he partic'larl)
'rge! #rotherl) love4 he al!o #rie"l) to'che! on other thing!% !'ch a! to #e.are o" impo!tor!% and
!imilar thing!. -'t each partic'lar !hall #e noticed in it! o.n place.
CH*PT,8 1
1 JOHN 1:1-2
1. That .hich .a! "rom the #eginning%
.hich .e have heard% .hich .e have !een
.ith o'r e)e!% .hich .e have loo$ed 'pon%
and o'r hand! have handled% o" the Kord o"
1. R'od erat a# initio% >'od
a'divim'!% >'od vidim'! oc'li!
no!tri!% >'od int'iti !'m'!% >'od
man'! no!trae contrectaver'nt% de
Sermone vitaeB
2. G;or the li"e .a! mani"e!ted% and .e
have !een it% and #ear .itne!!% and !he.
'nto )o' that eternal li"e .hich .a! .ith
the ;ather% and .a! mani"e!ted 'nto '!.J
2. ,t vita mani"e!ta e!t% et vidim'!
et te!tam'r et ann'ntiam'! vo#i!
vitam aeternam% >'ae erat ap'd
Patrem% et mani"e!ta e!t no#i!.
He !ho.!% "ir!t% that li"e ha! #een e3hi#ited to '! in Chri!tB .hich% a! it i! an incompara#le good%
o'ght to ro'!e and in"lame all o'r! .ith a marvelo'! de!ire "or it% and .ith the love o" it.
+t i! !aid% indeed% in a "e. and plain .ord!% that li"e i! mani"e!tedB #'t i" .e con!ider ho.
mi!era#le and horri#le a condition death i!% and al!o .hat i! the $ingdom and the glor) o"
immortalit)% .e !hall perceive that there i! !omething here more magni"icent than .hat can #e
e3pre!!ed in an) .ord!.
Then the *po!tle:! o#?ect% in !etting #e"ore '! the va!t good% )ea% the chie" and onl) tr'e
happine!! .hich =od ha! con"erred on '!% in hi! o.n Son% i! to rai!e o'r tho'ght! a#oveB #'t a!
the greatne!! o" the !'#?ect re>'ire! that the tr'th !ho'ld #e certain% and "'ll) proved% thi! i! .hat
i! here m'ch d.elt 'pon. ;or the!e .ord!, What +e have seen, +hat +e have heard, +hat +e
have looked on, !erve to !trengthen o'r "aith in the go!pel. 9or doe! he% indeed% .itho't rea!on%
ma$e !o man) a!!everation!B "or !ince o'r !alvation depend! on the go!pel% it! certaint) i! in the
highe!t degree nece!!ar)B and ho. di""ic'lt it i! "or '! to #elieve% ever) one o" '! $no.! too .ell
#) hi! o.n e3perience. To #elieve i! not lightl) to "orm an opinion% or to a!!ent onl) to .hat i!
!aid% #'t a "irm% 'ndo'#ting conviction% !o that .e ma) dare to !'#!cri#e to the tr'th a! "'ll)
proved. +t i! "or thi! rea!on that the *po!tle heap! together !o man) thing! in con"irmation o" the
1. %hat +hich +as from the "eginning. *! the pa!!age i! a#r'pt and involved% that the !en!e ma)
#e made clearer% the .ord! ma) #e th'! arrangedB AKe anno'nce to )o' the .ord o" li"e% .hich
.a! "rom the #eginning and reall) te!ti"ied to '! in all manner o" .a)!% that li"e ha! #een
mani"e!ted in himBC or% i" )o' pre"er% the meaning ma) #e th'! given% AKhat .e anno'nce to )o'
re!pecting the .ord o" li"e% ha! #een "rom the #eginning% and ha! #een openl) !he.ed to '!% that
li"e .a! mani"e!ted in him.C -'t the .ord!% %hat +hich +as from the "eginning, re"er do'#tle!!
to the divinit) o" Chri!t% "or =od mani"e!ted in the "le!h .a! not "rom the #eginningB #'t he .ho
al.a)! .a! li"e and the eternal Kord o" =od% appeared in the "'llne!! o" time a! man. *gain%
.hat "ollo.! a! to the loo$ing on and the handling o" the hand!% re"er! to hi! h'man nat're. -'t
a! the t.o nat're! con!tit'te #'t one per!on% and Chri!t i! one% #eca'!e he came "orth "rom the
;ather that he might p't on o'r "le!h% the *po!tle rightl) declare! that he i! the !ame% and had
#een invi!i#le% and a"ter.ard! #ecame vi!i#le.
Here#) the !en!ele!! cavil o" Servet'! i! di!proved% that the nat're and e!!ence o" (eit) #ecame
one .ith the "le!h% and that th'! the Kord .a! tran!"ormed into "le!h% #eca'!e the li"egiving
Kord .a! !een in the "le!h.
Let '! then #ear in mind% that thi! doctrine o" the =o!pel i! here declared% that he .ho in the "le!h
reall) proved him!el" to #e the Son o" =od% and .a! ac$no.ledged to #e the Son o" =od% .a!
al.a)! =od:! invi!i#le Kord% "or he doe! not re"er here to the #eginning o" the .orld% #'t
a!cend! m'ch higher.
Which +e have heard, +hich +e have seen( +t .a! not the hearing o" a report% to .hich little
credit i! '!'all) given% #'t @ohn mean!% that he had "aith"'ll) learnt "rom hi! Ma!ter tho!e thing!
.hich he ta'ght% !o that he alleged nothing tho'ghtle!!l) and ra!hl). *nd% do'#tle!!% no one i! a
"it teacher in the Ch'rch% .ho ha! not #een the di!ciple o" the Son o" =od% and rightl) in!tr'cted
in hi! !chool% !ince hi! a'thorit) alone o'ght to prevail.
Khen he !a)!% .e have !een +ith our e&es% it i! no red'ndanc)% #'t a "'ller e3pre!!ion "or the
!a$e o" ampli")ingB na)% he .a! not !ati!"ied .ith !eeing onl)% #'t added% +hich +e have looked
u*on, and our hands have handled. -) the!e .ord! he !he.! that he ta'ght nothing #'t .hat had
#een reall) made $no.n to him.
+t ma) !eem% ho.ever% that the evidence o" the !en!e! little availed on the pre!ent !'#?ect% "or the o" Chri!t co'ld not #e perceived #) the e)e! nor "elt #) the hand!. To thi! + an!.er% that
the !ame thing i! !aid here a! in the "ir!t chapter o" the =o!pel o" @ohn% AKe have !een hi! glor)%
the glor) a! o" the onl) #egotten o" the ;atherBC "or he .a! not $no.n a! the Son o" =od #) the
e3ternal "orm o" hi! #od)% #'t #eca'!e he gave ill'!trio'! proo"! o" hi! (ivine !o that in
him !hone "orth the ma?e!t) o" the ;ather% a! in a living and di!tinct image. *! the .ord! are in
the pl'ral n'm#er% and the !'#?ect e>'all) applie! to all the apo!tle!% + am di!po!ed to incl'de
them% e!peciall) a! the a'thorit) o" te!timon) i! .hat i! treated o".
-'t no le!! "rivolo'! Ga! + have #e"ore !aidJ than imp'dent i! the .ic$edne!! o" Servet'!% .ho
'rge! the!e .ord! to prove that the Kord o" =od #ecame vi!i#le and capa#le o" #eing handledB
he either impio'!l) de!tro)! or mingle! together the t.o"old nat're o" Chri!t. +t i!% there"ore% a
p're "igment. Th'! dei")ing the h'manit) o" Chri!t% he .holl) ta$e! a.a) the realit) o" hi!
h'man nat're% at the !ame time den)ing that Chri!t i! "or an) other rea!on called the Son o" =od%
e3cept that he .a! conceived o" hi! mother #) the o" the Hol) Spirit% and ta$ing a.a) hi!
o.n !'#!i!tence in =od. +t hence "ollo.! that he .a! neither =od nor man% tho'gh he !eem! to
"orm a con"'!ed ma!! "rom #oth. -'t a! the meaning o" the *po!tle i! evident to '!% let '! pa!!
#) that 'nprincipled man.
f the Word of life. The genitive here i! '!ed "or an ad?ective% vivi")ing% or li"egivingB "or in
him% a! it i! !aid in the "ir!t chapter o" @ohn:! =o!pel% .a! li"e. *t the !ame time% thi! di!tinction
#elong! to the Son o" =od on t.o acco'nt!% #eca'!e he ha! in"'!ed li"e into all creat're!% and
#eca'!e he no. re!tore! li"e to '!% .hich had peri!hed% having #een e3ting'i!hed #) the !in o"
*dam. Moreover% the term Word ma) #e e3plained in t.o .a)!% either o" Chri!t% or o" the
doctrine o" the =o!pel% "or even #) thi! i! !alvation #ro'ght to '!. -'t a! it! !'#!tance i! Chri!t%
and a! it contain! no other thing than that he% .ho had #een al.a)! .ith the ;ather% .a! at length
mani"e!ted to men% the "ir!t vie. appear! to me the more !imple and gen'ine. Moreover% it
appear! more "'ll) "rom the =o!pel that the .i!dom .hich d.ell! in =od i! called the Kord.
2. For Gor% andJ the life +as manifested. The cop'lative i! e3planator)% a! tho'gh he had !aid%
AKe te!ti") o" the vivi")ing Kord% a! li"e ha! #een mani"e!ted.C The !en!e ma) at the !ame time
#e t.o"old% that Chri!t% .ho i! li"e and the "o'ntain o" li"e% ha! #een mani"e!ted% or% that li"e ha!
#een openl) o""ered to '! in Chri!t. The latter% indeed% nece!!aril) "ollo.! "rom the "ormer. Set a!
to the meaning% the t.o thing! di""er% a! ca'!e and e""ect. Khen he repeat!% We she+% or
anno'nce eternal life% he !pea$!% + have no do'#t% o" the e""ect% even that he anno'nce! that li"e i!
o#tained "or '! in Chri!t.
Ke hence learn% that .hen Chri!t i! preached to '!% the $ingdom o" heaven i! opened to '!% !o
that #eing rai!ed "rom death .e ma) live the li"e o" =od.
Which +as +ith the Father( Thi! i! tr'e% not onl) "rom the time .hen the .orld .a! "ormed% #'t
al!o "rom eternit)% "or he .a! al.a)! =od% the "o'ntain o" li"eB and the and the "ac'lt) o"
vivi")ing .a! po!!e!!ed #) hi! eternal .i!dom4 #'t he did not act'all) e3erci!e it #e"ore the
creation o" the .orld% and "rom the time .hen =od #egan to e3hi#it the Kord% that .hich
#e"ore .a! hid% di""'!ed it!el" over all created thing!. Some mani"e!tation had alread) #een
madeB the *po!tle had another thing in vie.% that i!% that li"e .a! then at length mani"e!ted in
Chri!t% .hen he in o'r "le!h completed the .or$ o" redemption. ;or tho'gh the "ather! .ere even
'nder the la. a!!ociate! and parta$er! o" the !ame li"e% )et .e $no. that the) .ere !h't 'p 'nder
the hope that .a! to #e revealed. +t .a! nece!!ar) "or them to !ee$ li"e "rom the death and
re!'rrection o" Chri!tB #'t the event .a! not onl) "ar remote "rom their e)e!% #'t al!o hid "rom
their mind!. The) depended% then% on the hope o" revelation% .hich at length in d'e time
"ollo.ed. The) co'ld not% indeed% have o#tained li"e% e3cept it .a! in !ome .a) mani"e!ted to
themB #'t the di""erence #et.een '! and them i!% that .e hold him alread) revealed a! it .ere in
o'r hand!% .hom the) !o'ght o#!c'rel) promi!ed to them in t)pe!.
-'t the o#?ect o" the *po!tle i!% to remove the idea o" novelt)% .hich might have le!!ened the
dignit) o" the =o!pelB he there"ore !a)!% that li"e had not no. at length #egan to #e% tho'gh it had
#'t latel) appeared% "or it .a! al.a)! .ith the ;ather.
1 JOHN 1:3-$
3. That .hich .e have !een and heard
declare .e 'nto )o'% that )e al!o ma) have
"ello.!hip .ith '!4 and tr'l) o'r
"ello.!hip i! .ith the ;ather% and .ith hi!
Son @e!'! Chri!t.
3. R'od vidim'! et a'divim'!%
ann'ntiam'! vo#i!% 't et vo!
!ocietatem ha#cati! no#i!c'm% et
!ocieta! no!tra !it c'm Patre et c're
"ilio e?'! @e!' Chri!to.
$. -'t i" .e .al$ in the light% a! he i! in
the light% .e have "ello.!hip one .ith
another% and the #lood o" @e!'! Chri!t hi!
Son clean!eth '! "rom all !in.
$. Si a'tem in l'ce am#'lam'!% !ic't
ip!e in l'ce e!t% !ocietatem ha#em'!
inter no! m't'am% et !ang'i! @e!'
Chri!ti "ilii e?'! em'ndat no! a# omni
3. %hat +hich +e have seen( He no. repeat! the third time the .ord!% seen and heard% that
nothing might #e .anting a! to the real certaint) o" hi! doctrine. *nd it o'ght to #e care"'ll)
noticed% that the herald! o" the =o!pel cho!en #) Chri!t .ere tho!e .ho .ere "it and "aith"'l
.itne!!e! o" all tho!e thing! .hich the) .ere to declare. He al!o te!ti"ie! o" the "eeling o" their
heart% "or he !a)! that he .a! moved #) no other rea!on to .rite e3cept to invite tho!e to .hom
he .a! .riting to the participation o" an ine!tima#le good. +t hence appear! ho. m'ch care he
had "or their !alvationB .hich !erved not a little to ind'ce them to #elieveB "or e3tremel)
'ngrate"'l .e m'!t #e% i" .e re"'!e to hear him .ho .i!he! to comm'nicate to '! a part o" that
happine!! .hich he ha! o#tained.
He al!o !et! "orth the "r'it received "rom the =o!pel% even that .e are 'nited there#) to =od% and
to hi! Son Chri!t in .hom i! "o'nd the chie" good. +t .a! nece!!ar) "or him to add thi! !econd
cla'!e% not onl) that he might repre!ent the doctrine o" the =o!pel a! precio'! and lovel)% #'t
that he might al!o !ho. that he .i!hed them to #e hi! a!!ociate! "or no other end #'t to lead
them to =od% !o that the) might #e all one in him. ;or the 'ngodl) have al!o a m't'al 'nion
#et.een them!elve!% #'t it i! .itho't =od% na)% in order to alienate them!elve! more and more
"rom =od% .hich i! the e3treme o" all evil!. +t i!% indeed% a! it ha! #een !tated% o'r onl) tr'e
happine!!% to #e received into =od:! "avor% !o that .e ma) #e reall) 'nited to him in Chri!tB o"
.hich @ohn !pea$! in the !eventeenth chapter o" hi! go!pel.
+n !hort% @ohn declare!% that a! the apo!tle! .ere adopted #) Chri!t a! #rethren% that #eing
gathered into one #od)% the) might together #e 'nited to =od% !o he doe! the !ame .ith other
colleag'e!B tho'gh man)% the) are )et made parta$er! o" thi! hol) and #le!!ed 'nion.
!. %hat &our ,o& ma& "e full. -) "'ll ?o)% he e3pre!!e! more clearl) the complete and per"ect
happine!! .hich .e o#tain thro'gh the =o!pelB at the !ame time he remind! the "aith"'l .here
the) o'ght to "i3 all their a""ection!. Tr'e i! that !a)ing%
AWhere )o'r trea!'re i!% there .ill #e )o'r heart al!o.C
Matthe. E4/1.J
Kho!oever% then% reall) perceive! .hat "ello.!hip .ith =od i!% .ill #e !ati!"ied .ith it alone%
and .ill no more #'rn .ith de!ire! "or other thing!.
AThe Lord i! m) c'p%C !a)! (avid% Aand m) heritageB the line! have "allen "or me on an
e3cellent lot.C G
P!alm 1E45% E.J
+n the !ame manner doe! Pa'l declare that all thing! .ere deemed #) him a! d'ng% in compari!on
.ith Chri!t alone. G
Philippian! 04F.J He% there"ore% ha! at length made a pro"icienc) in the
=o!pel% .ho e!teem! him!el" happ) in having comm'nion .ith =od% and ac>'ie!ce! in that
aloneB and th'! he pre"er! it to the .hole .orld% !o that he i! read) "or it! !a$e to relin>'i!h all
other thing!.
. %his then is the message% or promi!e. + do not di!approve o" the rendering o" the old
interpreter% AThi! i! the ann'nciation%C or me!!ageB "or tho'gh ejpaggeli>a mean! "or the mo!t
part a promi!e% )et% a! @ohn !pea$! here generall) o" the te!timon) #e"ore mentioned% the conte3t
!eem! to re>'ire the other meaning% e3cept )o' .ere to give thi! e3planation% AThe promi!e
.hich .e #ring to )o'% incl'de! thi!% or ha! thi! condition anne3ed to it.C Th'!% the meaning o"
the *po!tle .o'ld #ecome evident to '!.
;or hi! o#?ect here .a! not to incl'de the .hole
doctrine o" the =o!pel% #'t to !he. that i" .e de!ire to en?o) Chri!t and hi! #le!!ing!% it i!
re>'ired o" '! to #e con"ormed to =od in righteo'!ne!! and holine!!. Pa'l !a)! the !ame thing in
the !econd chapter o" the ,pi!tle to Tit'!% A*ppeared ha! the !aving grace o" =od to all% that
den)ing 'ngodline!! and .orldl) l'!t!% .e ma) live !o#erl) and righteo'!l) and holil) in thi!
.orldBC e3cept that here he !a)! metaphoricall)% that .e are to .al$ in the light% #eca'!e =od i!
-'t he call! =od light% and !a)! that he i! in the lightB !'ch e3pre!!ion! are not to #e too !trictl)
ta$en. Kh) Satan i! called the prince o" dar$ne!! i! !'""icientl) evident. Khen% there"ore% =od
on the other hand i! called the ;ather o" light% and al!o light% .e "ir!t 'nder!tand that there i!
nothing in him #'t .hat i! #right% p're% and 'nallo)edB and% !econdl)% that he ma$e! all thing! !o
mani"e!t #) hi! #rightne!!% that he !'""er! nothing vicio'! or perverted% no !pot! or "ilth% no
h)pocri!) or "ra'd% to lie hid. Then the !'m o" .hat i! !aid i!% that !ince there i! no 'nion
#et.een light and dar$ne!!% there i! a !eparation #et.een '! and =od a! long a! .e .al$ in
dar$ne!!B and that the "ello.!hip .hich he mention!% cannot e3i!t e3cept .e al!o #ecome p're
and hol).
0n him is no darkness at all( Thi! mode o" !pea$ing i! commonl) '!ed #) @ohn% to ampli") .hat
he ha! a""irmed #) a contrar) negation. Then% the meaning i!% that =od i! !'ch a light% that no
dar$ne!! #elong! to him. +t hence "ollo.!% that he hate! an evil con!cience% poll'tion% and
.ic$edne!!% and ever)thing that pertain! to dar$ne!!.
". 0f +e sa&. +t i!% indeed% an arg'ment "rom .hat i! incon!i!tent% .hen he concl'de! that the) are
alienated "rom =od% .ho .al$ in dar$ne!!. Thi! doctrine% ho.ever% depend! on a higher
principle% that =od !ancti"ie! all .ho are hi!. ;or it i! not a na$ed precept that he give!% .hich
re>'ire! that o'r li"e !ho'ld #e hol)B #'t he rather !he.! that the grace o" Chri!t !erve! "or thi!
end to di!!ipate dar$ne!!% and to $indle in '! the light o" =odB a! tho'gh he had !aid% AKhat =od
comm'nicate! to '! i! not a vain "ictionB "or it i! nece!!ar) that the and e""ect o" thi!
"ello.!hip !ho'ld !hine "orth in o'r li"eB other.i!e the po!!e!!ion o" the go!pel i! "allacio'!.C
Khat he add!% and do not the truth% i! the !ame a! i" he had !aid% AKe do not act tr'th"'ll). Ke do
not regard .hat i! tr'e and right.C *nd thi! mode o" !pea$ing% a! + have #e"ore o#!erved% i!
"re>'entl) '!ed #) him.
$. But if +e +alk in the light( He no. !a)!% that the proo" o" o'r 'nion .ith =od i! certain% i" .e
are con"orma#le to himB not that p'rit) o" li"e conciliate! '! to =od% a! the prior ca'!eB #'t the
*po!tle mean!% that o'r 'nion .ith =od i! made evident #) the e""ect% that i!% .hen hi! p'rit)
!hine! "orth in '!. *nd% do'#tle!!% !'ch i! the "actB .herever =od come!% all thing! are !o im#'ed
.ith hi! holine!!% that he .a!he! a.a) all "ilthB "or .itho't him .e have nothing #'t "ilth and
dar$ne!!. +t i! hence evident% that no one lead! a hol) li"e% e3cept he i! 'nited to =od.
+n !a)ing% We have fello+shi* one +ith another, he doe! not !pea$ !impl) o" menB #'t he !et!
=od on one !ide% and '! on the other.
+t ma)% ho.ever% #e a!$ed% AKho among men can !o e3hi#it the light o" =od in hi! li"e% a! that
thi! li$ene!! .hich @ohn re>'ire! !ho'ld e3i!tB "or it .o'ld #e th'! nece!!ar)% that he !ho'ld #e
.holl) p're and "ree "rom dar$ne!!.C To thi! + an!.er% that e3pre!!ion! o" thi! $ind are
accommodated to the capacitie! o" menB he i! there"ore !aid to #e li$e =od% .ho a!pire! to hi!
li$ene!!% ho.ever di!tant "rom it he ma) a! )et #e. The e3ample o'ght not to #e other.i!e
applied than according to thi! pa!!age. He .al$! in dar$ne!! .ho i! not r'led #) the "ear o" =od%
and .ho doe! not% .ith a p're con!cience% devote him!el" .holl) to =od% and !ee$ to promote
hi! glor). Then% on the other hand% he .ho in !incerit) o" heart !pend! hi! li"e% )ea% ever) part o"
it% in the "ear and !ervice o" =od% and "aith"'ll) .or!hip! him% .al$! in the light% "or he $eep! the
right .a)% tho'gh he ma) in man) thing! o""end and !igh 'nder the #'rden o" the "le!h. Then%
integrit) o" con!cience i! alone that .hich di!ting'i!he! light "rom dar$ne!!.
'nd the "lood of Jesus $hrist. *"ter having ta'ght .hat i! the #ond o" o'r 'nion .ith =od% he
no. !he.! .hat "r'it "lo.! "rom it% even that o'r !in! are "reel) remitted. *nd thi! i! the
#le!!edne!! .hich (avid de!cri#e! in the thirt)!econd P!alm% in order that .e ma) $no. that
.e are mo!t mi!era#le 'ntil% #eing rene.ed #) =od:! Spirit% .e !erve him .ith a !incere heart.
;or .ho can #e imagined more mi!era#le than that man .hom =od hate! and a#ominate!% and
over .ho!e head i! !'!pended #oth the .rath o" =od and eternal deathO
Thi! pa!!age i! remar$a#leB and "rom it .e "ir!t learn% that the e3piation o" Chri!t% e""ected #) hi!
death% doe! then properl) #elong to '!% .hen .e% in 'prightne!! o" heart% do .hat i! right and ?'!t
"or Chri!t i! no redeemer e3cept to tho!e .ho t'rn "rom ini>'it)% and lead a ne. li"e. +"% then% .e
de!ire to have =od propitio'! to '!% !o a! to "orgive o'r !in!% .e o'ght not to "orgive o'r!elve!.
+n !hort% remi!!ion o" !in! cannot #e !eparated "rom repentance% nor can the peace o" =od #e in
tho!e heart!% .here the "ear =od doe! not prevail.
Secondl)% thi! pa!!age !he.! that the grat'ito'! pardon o" !in! i! given '! not onl) once% #'t that
it i! a #ene"it perpet'all) re!iding in the Ch'rch% and dail) o""ered to the "aith"'l. ;or the *po!tle
here addre!!e! the "aith"'lB a! do'#tle!! no man ha! ever #een% nor ever .ill #e% .ho can
other.i!e plea!e =od% !ince all are g'ilt) #e"ore himB "or ho.ever !trong a de!ire there ma) #e in
'! o" acting rightl)% .e al.a)! go haltingl) to =od. Set .hat i! hal" done o#tain! no approval
.ith =od. +n the meantime% #) ne. !in! .e contin'all) !eparate o'r!elve!% a! "ar a! .e can% "rom
the grace o" =od. Th'! it i!% that all the !aint! have need o" the dail) "orgivene!! o" !in!B "or thi!
alone $eep! '! in the "amil) o" =od.
-) !a)ing% from all sin, he intimate! that .e are% on man) acco'nt!% g'ilt) #e"ore =odB !o that
do'#tle!! there i! no one .ho ha! not man) vice!. -'t he !he.! that no !in! prevent the godl)%
and tho!e .ho "ear =od% "rom o#taining hi! "avor. He al!o point! o't the manner o" o#taining
pardon% and the ca'!e o" o'r clean!ing% even #eca'!e Chri!t e3piated o'r !in! #) hi! #loodB #'t
he a""irm! that all the godl) are 'ndo'#tedl) parta$er! o" thi! clean!ing.
The .hole o" hi! doctrine ha! #een .ic$edl) perverted #) the !ophi!t!B "or the) imagine that
pardon o" !in! i! given '!% a! it .ere% in #apti!m. The) maintain that there onl) the #lood o"
Chri!t avail!B and the) teach% that a"ter #apti!m% =od i! not other.i!e reconciled than #)
!ati!"action!. The)% indeed% leave !ome part to the #lood o" Chri!tB #'t .hen the) a!!ign merit to
.or$!% even in the lea!t degree% the) .holl) !'#vert .hat @ohn teache! here% a! to the .a) o"
e3piating !in!% and o" #eing reconciled to =od. ;or the!e t.o thing! can never harmoni5e
together% to #e clean!ed #) the #lood o" Chri!t% and to #e clean!ed #) .or$!4 "or @ohn a!!ign! not
the hal"% #'t the .hole% to the #lood o" Chri!t.
The !'m o" .hat i! !aid% then% i!% that the "aith"'l $no. o" a certaint)% that the) are accepted #)
=od% #eca'!e he ha! #een reconciled to them thro'gh the !acri"ice o" the death o" Chri!t. *nd
!acri"ice incl'de! clean!ing and !ati!"action. Hence the and e""icienc) o" the!e #elong to
the #lood o" Chri!t alone.
Here#) i! di!proved and e3po!ed the !acrilegio'! invention o" the Papi!t! a! to ind'lgence!B "or
a! tho'gh the #lood o" Chri!t .ere not !'""icient% the) add% a! a !'#!id) to it% the #lood and
merit! o" mart)r!. *t the !ame time% thi! #la!phem) advance! m'ch "'rther among '!B "or a! the)
!a) that their $e)!% #) .hich the) hold a! !h't 'p the remi!!ion o" !in!% open a trea!'re made 'p
partl) o" the #lood and merit! o" mart)r!% and partl) o" the .orld! o" !'pererogation% #) .hich
an) !inner ma) redeem him!el"% no remi!!ion o" !in! remain! "or them #'t .hat i! derogator) to
the #lood o" Chri!tB "or i" their doctrine !tand!% the #lood o" Chri!t doe! not clean!e '!% #'t come!
in% a! it .ere% a! a partial aid. Th'! con!cience! are held in !'!pen!e% .hich the *po!tle here #id!
to rel) on the #lood o" Chri!t.
1 JOHN 1:%-1&
%. +" .e !a) that .e have no !in% .e
deceive o'r!elve!% and the i! not in '!.
%. Si di3erim'! >'od peccat'm non
ha#em'!% no! ip!o! decipim'!% et
verita! non e!t in no#i!.
1&. +" .e !a) that .e have not !inned% .e
ma$e him a liar% and hi! .ord i! not in '!.
1&. Si di3erim'! >'od non peccavim'!%
mendacem "acim'! e'm% et !ermo e?'!
non e!t in no#i!.
%. 0f +e sa&( He no. commend! grace "rom it! nece!!it)B "or a! no one i! "ree "rom !in% he
intimate! that .e are all lo!t and 'ndone% e3cept the Lord come! to o'r aid .ith the remed) o"
pardon. The rea!on .h) he !o m'ch d.ell! on the "act% that no one i! innocent% i!% that all ma)
no. "'ll) $no. that the) !tand in need o" merc)% to deliver them "rom p'ni!hment% and that the)
ma) th'! #e more ro'!ed to !ee$ the nece!!ar) #le!!ing.
-) the .ord sin% i! meant here not onl) corr'pt and vicio'! inclination% #'t the "a'lt or !in"'l act
.hich reall) render! '! g'ilt) #e"ore =od. -e!ide!% a! it i! a 'niver!al declaration% it "ollo.!% that
none o" the !aint!% .ho e3i!t no.% have #een% or !hall #e% are e3empted "rom the n'm#er. Hence
mo!t "itl) did *'g'!tine re"'te the cavil o" the Pelagian!% #) add'cing again!t them thi! pa!!age4
and he .i!el) tho'ght that the con"e!!ion o" g'ilt i! not re>'ired "or h'milit):! !a$e% #'t le!t .e
#) l)ing !ho'ld deceive o'r!elve!.
Khen he add!% and the truth is not in us% he con"irm!% according to hi! '!'al manner% the "ormer
!entence #) repeating it in other .ord!B tho'gh it i! not a !imple repetition% Ga! el! #'t he
!a)! that the) are deceived .ho glor) in "al!ehood.
#. 0f +e confess. He again promi!e! to the "aith"'l that =od .ill #e propitio'! to them% provided
the) ac$no.ledge them!elve! to "e !inner!. +t i! o" great moment to #e "'ll) per!'aded% that
.hen .e have !inned% there i! a reconciliation .ith =od read) and prepared "or '!4 .e !hall
other.i!e carr) al.a)! a hell .ithin '!. ;e.% indeed% con!ider ho. mi!era#le and .retched i! a
do'#ting con!cienceB #'t the tr'th i!% that hell reign! .here there i! no peace .ith =od. The
more% then% it #ecome! '! to receive .ith the .hole heart thi! promi!e .hich o""er! "ree pardon
to all .ho con"e!! their !in!. Moreover% thi! i! "o'nded even on the ?'!tice o" =od% #eca'!e =od
.ho promi!e! i! tr'e and ?'!t. ;or the) .ho thin$ that he i! called ,ust% #eca'!e he ?'!ti"ie! '!
"reel)% rea!on% a! + thin$% .ith too m'ch re"inement% #eca'!e ?'!tice or righteo'!ne!! here
depend! on "idelit)% and #oth are anne3ed to the promi!e. ;or =od might have #een ?'!t% .ere he
to deal .ith '! .ith all the rigor o" ?'!ticeB #'t a! he ha! #o'nd him!el" to '! #) hi! .ord% he
.o'ld not have him!el" deemed ?'!t% e3cept he "orgive!.
-'t thi! con"e!!ion% a! it i! made to =od% m'!t #e in !incerit)B and the heart cannot !pea$ to =od
.itho't!! o" li"e. +t then incl'de! tr'e repentance. =od% indeed% "orgive! "reel)% #'t in !'ch
a .a)% that the "acilit) o" merc) doe! not #ecome an enticement to !in.
'nd to cleanse us. The ver#% to clean!e% !eem! to #e ta$en in another !en!e than #e"oreB "or he
had !aid% that .e are clean!ed #) the #lood o" Chri!t% #eca'!e thro'gh him !in! are not imp'tedB
#'t no.% having !po$en o" pardon% he al!o add!% that =od clean!e! '! "rom ini>'it)4 !o that thi!
!econd cla'!e i! di""erent "ront the preceding. Th'! he initiate! that a t.o"old "r'it come! to '!
"rom con"e!!ion% D that =od #eing reconciled #) the !acri"ice o" Chri!t% "orgive! '!% D and that
he rene.! and re"orm! '!.
Kere an) one to o#?ect and !a)% that a! long a! .e !o?o'rn in the .orld% .e are never clean!ed
"rom all 'nrighteo'!ne!!% .ith regard to o'r re"ormation4 thi! i! indeed tr'eB #'t @ohn doe! not
re"er to .hat =od no. per"orm! in '!. He i! "aith"'l% he !a)!% to clean!e '!% not toda) or
tomorro.B "or a! long a! .e are !'rro'nded .ith "le!h% .e o'ght to #e in a contin'al !tate o"
progre!!B #'t .hat he ha! once #eg'n% he goe! on dail) to do% 'ntil he at length complete! it. So
Pa'l !a)!% that .e are cho!en% that .e ma) appear .itho't #lame #e"ore =od% G
14//BJ and in another place he !a)!% that the Ch'rch i! clean!ed% that it might #e .itho't !pot or
.rin$le. G
,phe!ian! 54/Q.J
+" )et an) one pre"er! another e3planation% that he !a)! the !ame thing over% + !hall not
1&. We make him a liar. He goe! !till "'rther% that the) .ho claim p'rit) "or them!elve!
#la!pheme =od. ;or .e !ee that he ever).here repre!ent! the .hole race o" man a! g'ilt) o" !in.
Kho!oever then trie! to e!cape thi! charge carrie! on .ar .ith =od% and acc'!e! him o"
"al!ehood% a! tho'gh he condemned the 'nde!erving. To con"irm thi! he add!% and his +ord is
not in usB a! tho'gh he had !aid% that .e re?ect thi! great tr'th% that all are 'nder g'ilt.
Ke hence learn% that .e then onl) ma$e a d'e progre!! in the $no.ledge o" the .ord o" the Lord%
.hen .e #ecome reall) h'm#led% !o a! to groan 'nder the #'rden o" o'r !in! and learn to "lee to
the merc) o" =od% and ac>'ie!ce in nothing el!e #'t in hi! paternal "avor.
CH*PT,8 /
1 JOHN 2:1-2
1. M) little children% the!e thing! .rite +
'nto )o'% that )e !in not. *nd i" an) man
!in% .e have an advocate .ith the ;ather%
@e!'! Chri!t the righteo'!4
1. ;ilioli mei% haec !cri#o vo#i!% 't non
pecceti!B >'od !i >'i! peccaverit%
advocat'm ha#em'! ap'd Patrein%
@e!'m Chri!t'rn ?'!t'm4
2. *nd he i! the propitiation "or o'r !in!B
and not "or o'r! onl)% #'t "or the sins of the
.hole .orld.
2. ,t ip!e e!t propitiatio pro peccati!
no!tri!% non pro no!tri! a'tem !ol'rn%
!ed etiam pro toti'! m'ndi.
1. M& little children( +t i! not onl) the !'m and !'#!tance o" the preceding doctrine% #'t the
meaning o" almo!t the .hole go!pel% that .e are to depart "rom !inB and )et% tho'gh .e are
al.a)! e3po!ed to =od:! ?'dgment% .e are certain that Chri!t !o intercede! #) the !acri"ice o" hi!
death% that the ;ather i! propitio'! to '!. +n the meantime% he al!o anticipate! an o#?ection% le!t
an) one !ho'ld thin$ that he gave licen!e to !in .hen he !po$e o" =od:! merc)% and !he.ed that
it i! pre!ented to '! all. He then ?oin! together t.o part! o" the go!pel% .hich 'nrea!ona#le men
!eparate% and th'! lacerate and m'tilate. -e!ide!% the doctrine o" grace ha! al.a)! #een
cal'mniated #) the 'ngodl). Khen the e3piation o" !ill! #) Chri!t i! !et "orth% the) #oa!tingl) !a)
that a licen!e i! given to !in.
To o#viate the!e cal'mnie!% the *po!tle te!ti"ie! "ir!t that the de!ign o" hi! doctrine .a! to $eep
men "rom !inningB "or .hen he !a)!% that &e sin not% hi! meaning onl) i!% that the)% according to
the mea!'re o" h'man in"irmit)% !ho'ld a#!tain "rom !in!. *nd to the !ame p'rpo!e i! .hat +
have alread) !aid re!pecting "ello.!hip .ith =od% that .e are to #e con"orma#le to him. He i!
not% ho.ever% !ilent a! to the grat'ito'! remi!!ion o" !in!B "or tho'gh heaven !ho'ld "all and all
thing! #e con"o'nded% )et thi! part o" tr'th o'ght never to #e omittedB #'t% on the contrar)% .hat
Chri!t i! o'ght to #e preached clearl) and di!tinctl).
So o'ght .e al!o to do at thi! da). *! the "le!h i! inclined to .antonne!!% men o'ght to #e
care"'ll) .arned% that righteo'!ne!! and !alvation are provided in Chri!t "or thi! end% that .e
ma) #ecome the hol) po!!e!!ion o" =od. Set .henever it happen! that men .antonl) a#'!e the
merc) o" =od% there are man) !narli!h men .ho load '! .ith cal'mn)% a! tho'gh .e gave loo!e
rein! to vice!. Ke o'ght !till #oldl) to go on and proclaim the grace o" Chri!t% in .hich
e!peciall) !hine! "orth the glor) o" =od% and in .hich con!i!t! the .hole !alvation o" men. The!e
#ar$ing! o" the 'ngodl) o'ght% + repeat it% to #e .holl) di!regardedB "or .e !ee that the apo!tle!
.ere al!o #) the!e #ar$ing! a!!ailed.
;or thi! rea!on he immediatel) add! the !econd cla'!e% that .hen .e !in .e have an advocate.
-) the!e .ord! he con"irm! .hat .e have alread) !aid% that .e are ver) "ar "rom #eing per"ectl)
righteo'!% na)% that .e contract ne. g'ilt dail)% and that )et there i! a remed) "or reconciling '!
to =od% i" .e "lee to Chri!tB and thi! i! alone that in .hich con!cience! call ac>'ie!ce% in .hich i!
incl'ded the righteo'!ne!! o" men% in .hich i! "o'nded the hope o" !alvation.
The conditional particle% if% o'ght to #e vie.ed a! ca'!alB "or it cannot #e #'t that .e !in. +n
!hort% @ohn mean!% that .e are not onl) called a.a) "rom !in #) the go!pel% #eca'!e =od invite!
'! to him!el"% and o""er! to '! the Spirit o" regeneration% #'t that a provi!ion i! made "or
mi!era#le !inner!% that the) ma) have =od al.a)! propitio'! to them% and that the !in! #) .hich
the) are entangled% do not prevent them "rom #ecoming ?'!t% #eca'!e the) have a Mediator to
reconcile them to =od. -'t in order to !he. ho. .e ret'rn into "avor .ith =od% he !a)! that
Chri!t i! o'r advocateB "or he appear! #e"ore =od "or thi! end% that he ma) e3erci!e to.ard! '!
the and e""icac) o" hi! !acri"ice. That thi! ma) #e #etter 'nder!tood% + .ill !pea$ more
homel). The interce!!ion o" Chri!t i! a contin'al application o" hi! death "or o'r !alvation. That
=od then doe! not imp'te to '! o'r !in!% thi! come! to '!% #eca'!e he ha! regard to Chri!t a!
-'t the t.o name!% #) .hich he a"ter.ard! !ignali5e! Chri!t% properl) #elong to the !'#?ect o"
thi! pa!!age. He call! him ,ust and a *ro*itiation. +t i! nece!!ar) "or him to #e #oth% that he might
!'!tain the o""ice and per!on o" an *dvocateB "or .ho that i! a !inner co'ld reconcile =od to '!O
;or .e are e3cl'ded "rom acce!! to him% #eca'!e no one i! p're and "ree "rom !in. Hence no one
i! "it to #e a high prie!t% e3cept he i! innocent and !eparated "rom !inner!% a! it i! al!o declared in
He#re.! Q4/E. )ro*itiation i! added% #eca'!e no one i! "it to #e a high prie!t .itho't a
!acri"ice. Hence% 'nder the La.% no prie!t entered the !anct'ar) .itho't #loodB and a !acri"ice% a!
a '!'al !eal% .a! .ont% according to =od:! appointment% to accompan) pra)er!. -) thi! !)m#ol it
.a! =od:! de!ign to !he.% that .ho!oever o#tain! "avor "or '!% m'!t #e "'rni!hed .ith a
!acri"iceB "or .hen =od i! o""ended% in order to paci") him a !ati!"action i! re>'ired. +t hence
"ollo.!% that all the !aint! .ho have ever #een and !hall #e% have need o" an advocate% and that
no one e3cept Chri!t i! e>'al to 'nderta$e thi! o""ice. *nd do'#tle!! @ohn a!cri#ed the!e t.o
thing! to Chri!t% to !he. that he i! the onl) tr'e advocate.
9o.% a! no !mall con!olation come! to '!% .hen .e hear that Chri!t not onl) died "or '! to
reconcile '! to the ;ather% #'t that he contin'all) intercede! "or '!% !o that an acce!! in hi! name
i! open to '!% that o'r pra)er! ma) #e heardB !o .e o'ght e!peciall) to #e.are% le!t thi! honor%
.hich #elong! pec'liarl) to him% !ho'ld #e tran!"erred to another.
-'t .e $no. that 'nder the Papac) thi! o""ice i! a!cri#ed indi!criminatel) to the !aint!. Thirt)
)ear! ago% thi! !o remar$a#le an article o" o'r "aith% that Chri!t i! o'r advocate% .a! nearl)
#'riedB #'t at thi! da) the) allo. that he i! indeed one o" man)% #'t not the onl) one. The)
among the Papi!t! .ho have a little more mode!t)% do not den) that Chri!t e3cel! other!B #'t the)
a"ter.ard! ?oin .ith him a va!t n'm#er o" a!!ociate!. -'t the .ord! clearl) mean that he cannot
#e an advocate .ho i! not a prie!tB and the prie!thood #elong! to none #'t to Chri!t alone. +n the
meantime .e do not ta$e a.a) the m't'al interce!!ion! o" !aint!% .hich the) e3erci!e in love
to.ard! one anotherB #'t thi! ha! nothing to do .ith the dead .ho have removed "rom their
interco'r!e .ith menB and nothing .ith that patronage .hich the) "eign "or them!elve!% that the)
ma) not #e dependent on Chri!t alone. ;or tho'gh #rethren pra) "or #rethren% )et the) all%
.itho't e3ception% loo$ to one advocate. There i!% then% no do'#t #'t the Papi!t! !et 'p again!t
Chri!t !o man) idol! a! the patron! or advocate! the) devi!e "or them!elve!.
Ke m'!t al!o notice #) the .a)% that tho!e err ver) gro!!l)% .ho imagine that Chri!t "all! on hi!
$nee! #e"ore the ;ather to pra) "or '!. S'ch tho'ght! o'ght to #e reno'nced% "or the) detract
"rom the cele!tial glor) o" Chri!tB and the !imple tr'th o'ght to #e retained% that the "r'it o" hi!
death i! ever ne. and perpet'al% that #) hi! interce!!ion he render! =od propitio'! to '!% and that
he !ancti"ie! o'r pra)er! #) the odor o" hi! !acri"ice% and al!o aid! '! #) pleading "or '!.
2. 'nd not for ours onl&. He added thi! "or the !a$e o" ampli")ing% in order that the "aith"'l might
#e a!!'red that the e3piation made #) Chri!t% e3tend! to all .ho #) "aith em#race the go!pel.
Here a >'e!tion ma) #e rai!ed% ho. have the !in! o" the .hole .orld #een e3piatedO + pa!! #)
the dotage! o" the "anatic!% .ho 'nder thi! preten!e e3tend !alvation to all the repro#ate% and
there"ore to Satan him!el". S'ch a mon!tro'! thing de!erve! no re"'tation. The) .ho !ee$ to
avoid thi! a#!'rdit)% have !aid that Chri!t
!'""ered !'""icientl) "or the .hole .orld% #'t
e""icientl) onl) "or the elect. Thi! !ol'tion ha! commonl) prevailed in the !chool!. Tho'gh then +
allo. that .hat ha! #een !aid i! tr'e% )et + den) that it i! !'ita#le to thi! pa!!ageB "or the de!ign o"
@ohn .a! no other than to ma$e thi! #ene"it common to the .hole Ch'rch. Then 'nder the .ord
all or .hole% he doe! not incl'de the repro#ate% #'t de!ignate! tho!e .ho !ho'ld #elieve a! .ell
a! tho!e .ho .ere then !cattered thro'gh vario'! part! o" the .orld. ;or then i! reall) made
evident% a! it i! meet% the grace o" Chri!t% .hen it i! declared to #e the onl) tr'e !alvation o" the
1 J'() 2: 3-"
3. *nd here#) .e do $no. that .e $no.
him% i" .e $eep hi! commandment!.
3. *t>'e in hoc cogno!cim'! >'od
cognovim'! e'm% !i praecepta e?'!
". He that !aith he a#ideth in him% o'ght
him!el" al!o !o to .al$%even a! he .al$ed.
". R'i dicit !e in eo manere% de#et%
!ic't ille am#'lavit% ita et ip!e
3. 'nd here"&% or #) thi!. *"ter having treated o" the doctrine re!pecting the grat'ito'! remi!!ion
o" !in!% he come! to the e3hortation! .hich #elong to it% and .hich depend on it. *nd "ir!t indeed
he remind! '! that the $no.ledge o" =od% derived "rom the go!pel% i! not ine""ect'al% #'t that
o#edience proceed! "rom it. He then !he.! .hat =od e!peciall) re>'ire! "rom '!% .hat i! the
chie" thing in li"e% even love to =od. Khat .e read here o" the living $no.ledge o" =od% the
Script're doe! not .itho't rea!on repeat ever).hereB "or nothing i! more common in the .orld
than to dra. the doctrine o" religion to "rigid !pec'lation!. +n thi! .a) theolog) ha! #een
ad'lterated #) the Sor#onian !ophi!t!% !o that "rom their .hole !cience not even the lea!t !par$
o" tr'e religion !hine! "orth. *nd c'rio'! men do ever).here learn !o m'ch "rom =od:! .ord% a!
ena#le! them to prattle "or the !a$e o" di!pla). +n !hort% no evil ha! #een more common in all
age! than vainl) to pro"e!! =od:! name.
@ohn then ta$e! thi! principle a! granted% that the $no.ledge o" =od i! e""icacio'!. He hence
concl'de!% that the) #) no mean! $no. =od .ho $eep not hi! precept! or commandment!. Plato%
tho'gh groping in dar$ne!!% )et denied that Athe #ea'ti"'lC .hich he imagined% co'ld #e $no.n%
.itho't "illing man .ith the admiration o" it!el"B !o he !a)! in hi! Phaedr'! and in other place!.
Ho. then i! it po!!i#le "or thee to $no. =od% and to #e moved #) no "eelingO 9or doe! it indeed
proceed onl) "rom =od:! nat're% that to $no. him i! immediatel) to love himB #'t the Spirit al!o%
.ho ill'minate! o'r mind!% in!pire! o'r heart! .ith a "eeling con"orma#le to o'r $no.ledge. *t
the !ame time the $no.ledge o" =od lead! '! to "ear him and to love him. ;or .e cannot $no.
him a! Lord and ;ather% a! he !he.! him!el"% .itho't #eing d'ti"'l children and o#edient
!ervant!. +n !hort% the doctrine o" the go!pel i! a livel) mirror in .hich .e contemplate the image
o" =od% and are tran!"ormed into the !ame% a! Pa'l teache! '! in
/ Corinthian! 041F.
Khere% there"ore% there i! no p're con!cience% nothing can #e there #'t an empt) phantom o"
Ke m'!t notice the order .hen he !a)!% We do kno+ that +e kno+ himB "or he intimate! that
o#edience i! !o connected .ith $no.ledge% that the la!t i! )et in order the "ir!t% a! the ca'!e i!
nece!!aril) #e"ore it! e""ect.
0f +e kee* his commandments. -'t there i! no one .ho in ever)thing $eep! themB there .o'ld
th'! #e no $no.ledge o" =od in the .orld. To thi! + an!.er% that the *po!tle i! #) no mean!
incon!i!tent .ith him!el"B !ince he ha! #e"ore !he.ed that all are g'ilt) #e"ore =od% he doe! not
'nder!tand that tho!e .ho $eep hi! commandment! .holl) !ati!") the la. Gno !'ch e3ample can
#e "o'nd in the .orldBJ #'t that the) are !'ch a! !trive% according to the capacit) o" h'man
in"irmit)% to "orm their li"e in con"ormit) to the .ill o" =od. ;or .henever Script're !pea$! o"
the righteo'!ne!! o" the "aith"'l% it doe! not e3cl'de the remi!!ion o" !in!% #'t on the contrar)%
#egin! .ith it.
-'t .e are not hence to concl'de that "aith rec'm#! on .or$!B "or tho'gh ever) one receive! a
te!timon) to hi! "aith "rom hi! .or$!% )et it doe! not "ollo. that it i! "o'nded on them% !ince the)
are added a! an evidence. Then the certaint) o" "aith depend! on the grace o" Chri!t aloneB #'t
piet) and holine!! o" li"e di!ting'i!h tr'e "aith "rom the"t $no.ledge o" =od .hich i! "ictitio'!
and deadB "or the tr'th i!% that tho!e .ho are in Chri!t% a! Pa'l !a)!% have p't o"" the old man.
Colo!!ian! 041.J
!. He that saith, 0 kno+ him. Ho. doe! he prove that the) are liar! .ho #oa!t that the) have "aith
.itho't piet)O even #) the contrar) e""ectB "or he ha! alread) !aid% that the $no.ledge o" =od i!
emcacio'!. ;or =od i! not $no.n #) a na$ed imagination% !ince he reveal! him!el" in.ardl) to
o'r heart! #) the Spirit. -e!ide!% a! man) h)pocrite! vainl) #oa!t that the) have "aith% the
*po!tle charge! all !'ch .ith "al!ehoodB "or .hat he !a)! .o'ld #e !'per"l'o'!% .ere there no
"al!e and vain pro"e!!ion o" Chri!tianit) made #) man.
. But +hoso kee*eth. He no. de"ine! .hat a tr'e $eeping o" =od:! la. i!% even to love =od.
Thi! pa!!age i!% + thin$% incorrectl) e3plained #) tho!e .ho 'nder!tand that the) plea!e the tr'e
=od .ho $eep hi! .ord. 8ather ta$e thi! a! it! meaning% Ato love =od in !incerit) o" heart% i! to
$eep hi! commandment!.C ;or he intended% a! + have #e"ore reminded )o'% #rie"l) to !he. .hat
=od re>'ire! "rom '!% and .hat i! the holine!! o" the "aith"'l. Mo!e! al!o !aid the !ame thing%
.hen he !tated the !'m o" the la..
A9o.% 7 +!rael% .hat doe! the Lord re>'ire o" thee% #'t to "ear and love him% and to .al$
in hi! precept!OC
(e'teronom) 1041/.J
*nd again he !a)!%
AChoo!e li"e% even to love the Lord th) =od% to !erve him and to cleave to him.C
(e'teronom) 00411% /0J
;or the la.% .hich i! !pirit'al% doe! not command onl) e3ternal .or$!% #'t en?oin! thi!
e!peciall)% to love =od .ith the .hole heart.
That no mention i! here made o" .hat i! d'e to men% o'ght not to #e vie.ed a! 'nrea!ona#leB "or
#rotherl) love "lo.! immediatel) "rom the love o" =od% a! .e !hall herea"ter !ee. Kho!oever%
then% de!ire! that hi! li"e !ho'ld #e approved #) =od% m'!t have all hi! doing! directed to thi!
end. +" an) one o#?ect! and !a)!% that no one ha! ever #een "o'nd .ho loved =od th'! per"ectl)B
to thi! + repl)% that it i! !'""icient% provided ever) one a!pired to thi! per"ection according to the
mea!'re o" grace given 'nto him. +n the meantime% the de"inition i!% that the per"ect love o" =od
i! the complete $eeping o" hi! la.. To ma$e progre!! in thi! a! in $no.ledge% i! .hat .e o'ght to
Here"& kno+ +e that +e are in him. He re"er! to that "r'it o" the go!pel .hich he had mentioned%
even "ello.!hip .ith the ;ather and the SonB and he th'! con"irm! the "ormer !entence% #)
!tating .hat "ollo.!% a! a con!e>'ence. "or i" it #e the end o" the go!pel to hold comm'nion .ith
=od% and no comm'nion can #e .itho't love% then no one ma$e! a real progre!! in "aith e3cept
he .ho cleave! "rom the heart to =od.
". He that saith he a"ideth in him. *! he ha! #e"ore !et #e"ore '! =od a! light "or an e3ample% he
no. call! '! al!o to Chri!t% that .e ma) imitate him. Set he doe! not !impl) e3hort '! to imitate
Chri!tB #'t "rom the 'nion .e have .ith him% he prove! that .e o'ght to #e li$e him. * li$ene!!
in li"e and deed!% he !a)!% .ill prove that .e a#ide in Chri!t. -'t "rom the!e .ord! he pa!!e! on
to the ne3t cla'!e% .hich he immediatel) add! re!pecting love to the #rethren.
1 J'() 2: $-11
$. -rethren% + .rite no ne. commandment
'nto )o'% #'t an old commandment% .hich
)e had "rom the #eginning4 the old
commandment i! the .ord .hich )e have
heard "rom the #eginning.
$. ;ratre!% non mandat'm nov'rn
mandment !cri#o vo#i!% !ed
mandat'm vet'!% >'od ha#'i!ti! a#
initio4 mandat'm vet'! e!t !ermo
>'em a'di!ti! a# initio.
11. -'t he that hateth hi! #rother i! in
dar$ne!!% and .al$eth in dar$ne!!% and
$no.eth not .hither he goeth% #eca'!e
that dar$ne!! hath #linded hi! e)e!.
11. R'i vero "ratrem !''m odit% in
tene#ri! am#'lat% nec !cit >'o vadat%
>'ia tene#rae e3caecar'nt oc'lo!
$. Brethren, 0 +rite no ne+ commandment. Thi! i! an e3planation o" the preceding doctrine% that
to love =od i! to $eep hi! commandment!. *nd not .itho't rea!on did he largel) d.ell on thi!
point. ;ir!t% .e $no. that novelt) i! di!li$ed or !'!pected. Secondl)% .e do not ea!il) 'nderta$e
an 'n.onted )o$e. +n addition to the!e thing!% .hen .e have em#raced an) $ind o" doctrine% .e
di!li$e to have an)thing changed or made ne. in it. ;or the!e rea!on! @ohn remind! '!% that he
ta'ght nothing re!pecting love #'t .hat had #een heard #) the "aith"'l "rom the #eginning% and
had #) long '!age #ecome old.
Some e3plain oldne!! di""erentl)% even that Chri!t no. pre!cri#e! no other r'le o" li"e 'nder the
=o!pel than .hat =od did "ormerl) 'nder the La.. Thi! i! indeed mo!t tr'eB nor do + o#?ect #'t
that he a"ter.ard! call! in thi! !en!e the .ord o" the go!pel the old commandment. -'t + thin$
that he no. mean! onl)% that the!e .ere the "ir!t element! o" the go!pel% that the) had #een th'!
ta'ght "rom the #eginning% that there .a! no rea!on .h) the) !ho'ld re"'!e that a! 'n'!'al #)
.hich the) o'ght to have #een long ago im#'ed. ;or the relative !eem! to #e '!ed in a ca'!ative
!en!e. He call! it then old% not #eca'!e it .a! ta'ght the "ather! man) age! #e"ore% #'t #eca'!e it
had #een ta'ght them on their ne. entrance into a religio'! li"e. *nd it !erved m'ch to claim
their "aith% that it had *roceeded "rom Chri!t him!el" "rom .hom the) had received the go!pel.
%he old commandment. The .ord old% in thi! place% pro#a#l) e3tend! "'rtherB "or the !entence i!
"'ller% .hen he !a)!% the +ord +hich &e have heard from the "eginning is the old commandment.
*nd a! +% indeed% thin$% he mean! that the go!pel o'ght not to #e received a! a doctrine latel)
#orn% #'t .hat ha! proceeded "rom =od% and i! hi! eternal tr'thB a! tho'gh he had !aid% ASe o'ght
not to mea!'re the anti>'it) o" the go!pel .hich i! #ro'ght to )o'% #) timeB !ince therein i!
revealed to )o' the eternal .ill o" =od4 not onl) then ha! =od delivered to )o' thi! r'le o" a hol)
li"e% .hen )e .ere "ir!t called to the "aith o" Chri!t% #'t the !ame ha! al.a)! #een pre!cri#ed and
approved #) him.C *nd% do'#tle!!% thi! onl) o'ght to #e deemed anti>'it)% and de!erve! "aith and
reverence% .hich ha! it! origin "rom =od. ;or the "iction! o" men% .hatever long pre!cription o"
)ear! the) ma) have% cannot ac>'ire !o m'ch a'thorit) a! to !'#vert the tr'th o" =od.
%. 'gain, a ne+ commandment. +nterpreter! do not appear to me to have attained the meaning o"
the *po!tle. He !a)! ne+% #eca'!e =od% a! it .ere% rene.! it #) dail) !'gge!ting it% !o that the
"aith"'l ma) practice it thro'gh their .hole li"e% "or nothing more e3cellent can #e !o'ght "or #)
them. The element! .hich children learn give place in time to .hat i! higher and more !olid. 7n
the contrar)% @ohn denie! that the doctrine re!pecting #rotherl) love i! o" thi! $ind% i! one .hich
gro.! old .ith time% #'t that it i! perpet'all) in "orce% !o that it i! no le!! the highe!t per"ection
than the ver) #eginning.
+t .a!% ho.ever% nece!!ar) that thi! !ho'ld #e added% "or a! men are more c'rio'! than .hat the)
o'ght to #e% there are man) .ho al.a)! !ee$ !omething ne.. Hence there i! a .earine!! a! to
!imple doctrine% .hich prod'ce! inn'mera#le prodigie! o" error!% .hen ever) one gape!
contin'all) "or ne. m)!terie!. 9o.% .hen it i! $no.n that the Lord proceed! in the !ame even
co'r!e% in order to $eep '! thro'gh li"e in that .hich .e have learnt% a #ridle i! ea!t on de!ire! o"
thi! $ind. Let him% then% .ho .o'ld reach the goal o" .i!dom% a! to the right .a) o" living% ma$e
pro"icienc) in love.
Which then is true% or .hich i! tr'th. He prove! #) thi! rea!on .hat he had !aidB "or thi! one
command re!pecting love% a! to o'r cond'ct in li"e% con!tit'te! the .hole tr'th o" Chri!t. -e!ide!%
.hat other greater revelation can #e e3pectedO "or Chri!t% do'#tle!!% i! the end and the
completion o" all thing!. Hence the .ord truth mean! thi!% that the) !tood% a! it .ere at the goal%
"or it i! to #e ta$en "or a completion or a per"ect !tate. He ?oin! Chri!t to them% a! the head to the
mem#er!% a! tho'gh he had !aid% that the #od) o" the Ch'rch ha! no other per"ection% or% that the)
.o'ld then #e reall) 'nited to Chri!t% i" hol) love e3i!ted contin'all) among them.
Some give another e3planation% AThat .hich i! the tr'th in Chri!t% i! al!o in )o'.C -'t + do not
!ee .hat the meaning o" thi! i!.
Because the darkness is *ast( The pre!ent time i! here in!tead o" the pa!tB "or he mean!% that a!
!oon a! Chri!t #ring! light% .e have the "'ll #rightne!! o" $no.ledge4 not that ever) one o" the
"aith"'l #ecome! .i!e the "ir!t da) a! m'ch a! he o'ght to #e% G"or even Pa'l te!ti"ie! that he
la#ored to apprehend .hat he had not apprehended% G
Philippian! 041/%J #'t that the
$no.ledge o" Chri!t alone i! !'""icient to di!!ipate dar$ne!!. Hence% dail) progre!! i! nece!!ar)B
and the "aith o" ever) one ha! it! da.n #e"ore it reache! the noonda). -'t a! =od contin'e! the
inc'lcation o" the !ame doctrine% in .hich he #id! '! to ma$e advance!% the $no.ledge o" the
=o!pel i! ?'!tl) !aid to #e the tr'e light% .hen Chri!t% the S'n o" righteo'!ne!!% !hine!. Th'! the
.a) i! !h't 'p again!t the a'dacit) o" tho!e men .ho tr) to corr'pt the p'rit) o" the =o!pel #)
their o.n "iction!B and .e ma) !a"el) deno'nce an anathema on the .hole theolog) o" the Pope%
"or it .holl) o#!c're! the tr'e light.
#. He that saith he is in the light. He p'r!'e! the !ame metaphor. He !aid that love i! the onl)
tr'e r'le according to .hich o'r li"e i! to #e "ormedB he !aid that thi! r'le or la. i! pre!ented to
'! in the =o!pelB he !aid% la!tl)% that it i! there a! the meridian light% .hich o'ght to #e
contin'all) loo$ed on. 9o.% on the other hand% he concl'de! that all are #lind and .al$ in
dar$ne!! .ho are !tranger! to love. -'t that he mentioned #e"ore the love o" =od and no. the
love o" the #rethren% involve! no more contrariet) than there i! #et.een the e""ect and it! ca'!e.
-e!ide!% the!e are !o connected together that the) cannot #e !eparated.
@ohn !a)! in the third chapter% that .e "al!el) #oa!t o" love to =od% e3cept .e love o'r #rethrenB
and thi! i! mo!t tr'e. -'t he no. ta$e! love to the #rethren a! a te!timon) #) .hich .e prove
that .e love =od. +n !hort% !ince love !o regard! =od% that in =od it em#race! men% there i!
nothing !trange in thi!% that the *po!tle% !pea$ing o" love% !ho'ld re"er at one time to =od% at
another to the #rethrenB and thi! i! .hat i! commonl) done in Script're. The .hole per"ection o"
li"e i! o"ten !aid to con!i!t in the love o" =odB and again% Pa'l teache! '!% that the .hole la. i!
"'l"illed #) him .ho love! hi! neigh#or% G
8oman! 104FBJ and Chri!t declare! that the main
point! o" the la. are righteo'!ne!!% ?'dgment% and tr'th. G
Matthe. /04/0.J -oth the!e
thing! are tr'e and agree .ell together% "or the love o" =od teache! '! to love men% and .e al!o
in realit) prove o'r love to =od #) loving men at hi! command. Ho.ever thi! ma) #e% it remain!
al.a)! certain that love i! the r'le o" li"e. *nd thi! o'ght to #e the more care"'ll) noticed%
#eca'!e all choo!e rather almo!t an)thing el!e than thi! one commandmerit o" =od.
To the !ame p'rpo!e i! .hat "ollo.!% and there is no occasion of stum"ling in him D that i!% in
him .ho act! in loveB "or% he .ho th'! live! .ill never !t'm#le.
11. But he that hateth his "rother( He again remind! '!% that .hatever !pecio'! appearance o"
e3cellenc) tho' !he.e!t% there i! )et nothing #'t .hat i! !in"'l i" love #e a#!ent. Thi! pa!!age
ma) #e compared .ith the thirteenth chapter o" the ;ir!t ,pi!tle to the Corinthian!% and no long
e3planation i! needed. -'t thi! doctrine i! not 'nder!tood #) the .orld% #eca'!e the greater part
are da55led #) all !ort! o" ma!$! or di!g'i!e!. Th'!% "ictitio'! !anctit) da55le! the e)e! o" almo!t
all men% .hile love i! neglected% or% at lea!t% driven to the "arthe!t corner.
1 J'() 2:12-1!
12. + .rite 'nto )o'% little children% #eca'!e
)o'r !in! are "orgiven )o' "or hi! name:!
12. Scri#o vo#i!% "ilioli% >'oniam
remitt'nt'r vo#i! peccata ve!tra
propter homer e?'!.
1!. + have .ritten 'nto )o'% "ather!% #eca'!e
)e have $no.n him that i! "rom the
#eginning. + have .ritten 'nto )o'% )o'ng
men% #eca'!e )e are !trong% and the .ord o"
=od a#ideth in )o'% and )e have overcome
the .ic$ed one.
1!. Scrip!i vo#i!% patre!% >'oniam
novi!ti! e'm >'i e!t a# initio. Scrip!i
vo#i!% adole!cente!% >'ia "orte! e!ti!%
et ver#'m (ei manet in vo#i!% et
vici!ti! mal'm ill'm.
12. Little children. Thi! i! !till a general declaration% "or he doe! not addre!! tho!e onl) o" a
tender age% #'t #) little children he mean! men o" all age!% a! in the "ir!t ver!e% and al!o herea"ter.
+ !a) thi!% #eca'!e interpreter! have incorrectl) applied the term to children. -'t @ohn% .hen he
!pea$! o" children% call! them paidi>a% a .ord e3pre!!ive o" ageB #'t here% a! a !pirit'al "ather% he
call! the old a! .ell a! the )o'ng% tekni>a. He .ill% indeed% pre!entl) addre!! !pecial .ord! to
di""erent age!B )et the) are mi!ta$en .ho thin$ that he #egin! to do !o here. -'t% on the contrar)%
le!t the preceding e3hortation !ho'ld o#!c're the "ree remi!!ion o" !in!% he again inc'lcate! the
doctrine .hich pec'liarl) #elong! to "aith% in order that the "o'ndation ma) .ith certaint) #e
al.a)! retained% that !alvation i! laid 'p "or '! in Chri!t alone.
Holine!! o" li"e o'ght indeed to #e 'rged% the "ear o" =od o'ght to #e care"'ll) en?oined% men
o'ght to #e !harpl) goaded to repentance%!! o" li"e% together .ith it! "r'it!% o'ght to #e
commendedB #'t !till .e o'ght ever to ta$e heed% le!t the doctrine o" "aith #e !mothered% D that
doctrine .hich teache! that Chri!t i! the onl) a'thor o" !alvation and o" all #le!!ing!B on the
contrar)% !'ch moderation o'ght to #e pre!ented% that "aith ma) ever retain it! o.n primac). Thi!
i! the r'le pre!cri#ed to '! #) @ohn4 having "aith"'ll) !po$en o" good .or$!% le!t he !ho'ld !eem
to give them more importance than he o'ght to have done% he care"'ll) call! '! #ac$ to
contemplate the grace o" Chri!t.
1our sins are forgiven &ou. Kitho't thi! a!!'rance% religion .o'ld not #e other.i!e than "ading
and !hado.)B na)% the) .ho pa!! #) the "ree remi!!ion o" !in!% and d.ell on other thing!% #'ild
.itho't a "o'ndation. @ohn in the meantime intimate!% that nothing i! more !'ita#le to !tim'late
men to "ear =od than .hen the) are rightl) ta'ght .hat #le!!ing Chri!t ha! #ro'ght to them% a!
Pa'l doe!% .hen he #e!eeche! #) the #o.el! o" =od:! mercie!. G
Philippian! /41.J
+t hence appear! ho. .ic$ed i! the cal'mn) o" the Papi!t!% .ho pretend that the de!ire o" doing
.hat i! right i! "ro5en% .hen that i! e3tolled .hich alone render! '! o#edient children to =od.
;or the *po!tle ta$e! thi! a! the gro'nd o" hi! e3hortation% that .e $no. that =od i! !o
#enevolent to '! a! not to imp'te to '! o'r !in!.
For his name6s sake. The material ca'!e i! mentioned% le!t .e !ho'ld !ee$ other mean! to
reconcile '! to =od. ;or it .o'ld not #e !'""icient to $no. that =od "orgive! '! o'r !in!% e3cept
.e came directl) to Chri!t% and to that price .hich he paid on the cro!! "or '!. *nd thi! o'ght the
more to #e o#!erved% #eca'!e .e !ee that #) the cra"t o" Satan% and #) the .ic$ed "iction! o"
men% thi! .a) i! o#!tr'ctedB "or "ooli!h men attempt to paci") =od #) vario'! !ati!"action!% and
devi!e inn'mera#le $ind! o" e3piation! "or the p'rpo!e o" redeeming them!elve!. ;or a! man)
mean! o" de!erving pardon .e intr'de on =od% #) !o man) o"stacles are .e prevented "rom
approaching him. Hence @ohn% not !ati!"ied .ith !tating !impl) the doctrine% that =od remit! to
'! o'r !in!% e3pre!!l) add!% that he i! propitio'! to '! "rom a regard to Chri!t% in order that he
might e3cl'de all other rea!on!. Ke al!o% that .e ma) en?o) thi! #le!!ing% m'!t pa!! #) and
"orget all other name!% and rel) onl) on the name o" Chri!t.
13. 0 +rite unto &ou, fathers. He come! no. to en'merate di""erent age!% that he might !he. that
.hat he ta'ght .a! !'ita#le to ever) one o" them. ;or a general addre!! !ometime! prod'ce! le!!
e""ectB )ea% !'ch i! o'r perver!it)% that "e. thin$ that .hat i! addre!!ed to all #elong! to them.
The old "or the mo!t part e3c'!e them!elve!% #eca'!e the) have e3ceeded the age o" learningB
children re"'!e to learn% a! the) are not )et old eno'ghB men o" middle age do not attend% #eca'!e
the) are occ'pied .ith other p'r!'it!. Le!t% then% an) !ho'ld e3empt them!elve!% he
accommodate! the =o!pel to all. *nd he mention! three age!% the mo!t common divi!ion o"
h'man li"e. Hence al!o% the Lacedemonian chor'! had three order!B the "ir!t !ang% AKhat )e are
.e !hall #eBC the la!t% AKhat )e are .e have #eenBC and the middle% AKe are .hat one o" )o'
have #een and the other .ill #e.C +nto the!e three degree! @ohn divide! h'man li"e.
He% indeed% #egin! .ith the old% and !a)! that the =o!pel i! !'ita#le to them% #eca'!e the) learnt
"rom it to $no. the eternal Son o" =od. Moro!ene!! i! the character o" the old% #'t the) #ecome
e!peciall) 'nteacha#le% #eca'!e the) mea!'re .i!dom #) the n'm#er o" )ear!. -e!ide!% Horace
in hi! *rt o" Poetr)% ha! ?'!tl) noticed thi! "a'lt in them% that the) prai!e the time o" their )o'th
and re?ect .hatever i! di""erentl) done or !aid. Thi! evil @ohn .i!el) remove!% .hen he remind!
'! that the =o!pel contain! not onl) a $no.ledge that i! ancient% #'t .hat al!o lead! '! to the
)e. eternit) o" =od. +t hence "ollo.! that there i! nothing here .hich the) can di!li$e. He !a)!
that Chri!t .a! from the "eginningB + re"er thi! to hi! (ivine pre!ence% a! #eing coeternal .ith
the ;ather% a! .ell a! to hi! o" .hich the *po!tle !pea$! in He#re.!% that he .a!
)e!terda) .hat he i! toda)B a! tho'gh he had !aid%
A+" anti>'it) delight! )o'% )e have Chri!t% .ho i! !'perior to all anti>'it)B there"ore hi!
di!ciple! o'ght not to #e a!hamed o" him .ho incl'de! all age! in Him!el".C
He#re.! 104FJ
Ke m'!t% at the !ame time% notice .hat that religion i! .hich i! reall) ancient% even that .hich i!
"o'nded on Chri!t% "or other.i!e it .ill #e o" no avail% ho.ever long it ma) have e3i!ted% i" it
derive! it! origin "rom error.
0 +rite unto &ou, &oung men. Tho'gh it #e a dimin'tive .ord% neani>skoi%
)et there i! no
do'#t #'t that he direct! hi! .ord to all .ho .ere in the " o" their age. Ke al!o $no. that
tho!e o" that age are !o addicted to the vain care! o" the .orld% that the) thin$ #'t little o" the
$ingdom o" =odB "or the rigor o" their mind! and the !trength o" their #odie! in a manner
ine#riate them. Hence the *po!tle remind! them .here tr'e !trength i!% that the) might no more
e3'lt a! '!'al in the "le!h. 1e are strong, he !a)!% "ecause &e have overcome Satan. The
cop'lative here i! to #e rendered ca'!ativel). *nd% do'#tle!!% that !trength i! .hat .e o'ght to
!ee$% even that .hich i! !pirit'al. *t the !ame time he intimate! that it i! not had other.i!e than
"rom Chri!t% "or he mention! the #le!!ing! .hich .e receive thro'gh the =o!pel. He !a)! that
the) had con>'ered .ho .ere a! )et engaged in the conte!tB #'t o'r condition i! "ar other.i!e
than that o" tho!e .ho "ight 'nder the #anner! o" men% "or .ar i! do'#t"'l to them and the i!!'e
i! 'ncertainB #'t .e are con>'eror! #e"ore .e engage .ith the enem)% "or o'r head Chri!t ha!
once "or all con>'ered "or '! the .hole .orld.
13. 0 +rite unto &ou, &oung children. The) needed another direction. That the =o!pel i! .ell
adapted to )o'ng children the *po!tle concl'de!% #eca'!e the) "ind there the ;ather. Ke no. !ee
ho. dia#olical i! the t)rann) o" the Pope% .hich drive! a.a) #) threat! all age! "rom the
doctrine o" the =o!pel% .hile the Spirit o" =od !o care"'ll) addre!!e! them all.
-'t the!e thing! .hich the *po!tle ma$e! partic'lar% are al!o generalB "or .e !ho'ld .holl) "all
o"" into vanit)% e3cept o'r in"irmit) .ere !'!tained #) the eternal tr'th o" =od. There i! nothing
in '! #'t .hat i! "rail and "ading% e3cept the o" Chri!t d.ell! in '!. Ke are all li$e orphan!
'ntil .e attain the grace o" adoption #) the =o!pel. Hence% .hat he declare! re!pecting )o'ng
children i! al!o tr'e a! to the old. -'t )et hi! o#?ect .a! to appl) to each .hat .a! mo!t
e!peciall) nece!!ar) "or them% that he might !he. that the) all .itho't e3ception !tood in need o"
the doctrine o" the =o!pel. The particle o#ti i! e3plained in t.o .a)!% #'t the meaning + have
given to it i! the #e!t% and agree! #etter .ith the conte3t.
1!. 0 have +ritten unto &ou, fathers. The!e repetition! + deem !'per"l'o'!B and it i! pro#a#le "lint
.hen 'n!$ill"'l reader! "al!el) tho'ght that he !po$e o" little children% the) ra!hl)
introd'ced the other t.o cla'!e!. +t might at the !ame time #e that @ohn him!el"% "or the !a$e o"
ampli")ing% in!erted the !econd time the !entence re!pecting the )o'ng men% G"or he add!% that
the) .ere !trong% .hich he had not !aid #e"oreBJ #'t that the cop)i!t! pre!'mpt'o'!l) "illed 'p
the n'm#er.
1 J'() 2:1-1$
1. Love not the .orld% neither the thing!
that are in the .orld. +" an) man love the
.orld% the love o" the ;ather i! not in him.
1. 9e diligati! ro'nd'm% ne>'e ea
>'ae in m'ndo !'nt4 !i >'i! diligit
m'nd'm non e!t charita! Patri! in
1$. *nd the .orld pa!!eth a.a)% and the
l'!t thereo"4 #'t he that doeth the .ill o"
=od a#ideth "or ever.
1$. *t>'i m'nd'! tran!it% et
conc'pi!centia e?'!B >'i a'tem "acit
vol'ntatem (ei manet in aetern'm.
1. Love not. He had !aid #e"ore that the onl) r'le "or living religio'!l)% i! to love =odB #'t a!%
.hen .e are occ'pied .ith the vain love o" the .orld% .e t'rn a.a) all o'r tho'ght! and
a""ection! another .a)% thi! vanit) m'!t "ir!t #e torn a.a) "rom '!% in order that the love o" =od
ma) reign .ithin '!. Mntil o'r mind! are clean!ed% the "ormer doctrine ma) #e iterated a h'ndred
time!% #'t .ith no e""ect4 it .o'ld #e li$e po'ring .ater on a #allB )o' can gather% no% not a drop%
#eca'!e there i! no empt) place to retain .ater.
-) the +orld 'nder!tand ever)thing connected .ith the pre!ent li"e% apart "rom the $ingdom o"
=od and the hope o" eternal li"e. So he incl'de! in it corr'ption! o" ever) $ind% and the a#)!! o"
all evil!. +n the .orld are plea!'re!% delight!% and all tho!e all'rement! #) .hich man i!
captivated% !o a! to .ithdra. him!el" "rom =od.
Moreover% the love o" the .orld i! th'! !everel) condemned% #eca'!e .e m'!t nece!!aril) "orget
=od and o'r!elve! .hen .e regard nothing !o m'ch a! the earthB and .hen a corr'pt l'!t o" thi!
$ind r'le! in man% and !o hold! him entangled that he thin$! not o" the heavenl) li"e% he i!
po!!e!!ed #) a #ea!tl) !t'pidit).
0f an& man love the +orld. He prove! #) an arg'ment "rom .hat i! contrar)% ho. nece!!ar) it i!
to ea!t a.a) the love o" the .orld% i" .e .i!h to plea!e =odB and thi! he a"ter.ard! con"irm! #)
an arg'ment dra.n "rom .hat i! incon!i!tentB "or .hat #elong! to the .orld i! .holl) at variance
.ith =od. Ke m'!t #ear in mind .hat + have alread) !aid% that a corr'pt mode o" li"e i! here
mentioned% .hich ha! nothing in common .ith the $ingdom o" =od% that i!% .hen men #ecome
!o degenerated% that the) are !ati!"ied .ith the pre!ent li"e% and thin$ no more o" immortal li"e
than m'te animal!. Kho!oever% then% ma$e! him!el" th'! a !lave to earthl) l'!t!% cannot #e o"
1". %he lust of the flesh% or% namel)% the l'!t o" the "le!h. The old interpreter render! the ver!e
other.i!e% "or "rom one !entence he ma$e! t.o. Tho!e =ree$ a'thor! do #etter% .ho read the!e
.ord! together% AKhatever i! in the .orld i! not o" =odBC and then the three $ind! o" l'!t! the)
introd'ce parentheticall). ;or @ohn% #) .a) o" e3planation% in!erted the!e three partic'lar! a!
e3ample!% that he might #rie"l) !he. .hat are the p'r!'it! and tho'ght! o" men .ho live "or the
.orldB #'t .hether it #e a "'ll and complete divi!ion% it doe! not !igni") m'chB tho'gh )o' .ill
not "ind a .orldl) man in .hom the!e l'!t! do not prevail% at lea!t one o" them. +t remain! "or '!
to !ee .hat he 'nder!tand! #) each o" the!e.
The "ir!t cla'!e i! commonl) e3plained o" all !in"'l l'!t! in generalB "or the "le!h mean! the
.hole corr'pt nat're o" man. Tho'gh + am 'n.illing to contend% )et + am 'n.illing to di!!em#le
that + approve o" another meaning. Pa'l% .hen "or#idding% in
8oman! 10414% to ma$e
provi!ion "or the "le!h a! to it! l'!t!% !eem! to me to #e the #e!t interpreter o" thi! place. Khat%
then% i! the "le!h thereO even the #od) and all that #elong! to it. Khat% then% i! the l'!t or de!ire o"
the "le!h% #'t .hen .orldl) men% !ee$ing to live !o"tl) and delicatel)% are intent onl) on their
o.n advantage!O Kell $no.n "rom Cicero and other!% i! the three"old divi!ion made #)
,pic'r'!B "or he made thi! di""erence #et.een l'!t!B he made !ome nat'ral and nece!!ar)% !ome
nat'ral and not nece!!ar)% and !ome neither nat'ral nor nece!!ar). -'t @ohn% .ell $ the
in!'#ordination Gajta$i>aJo" the h'man heart 'nhe!itantl) condemn! the l'!t o" the "le!h% #eca'!e
it al.a)! "lo.! o't immoderatel)% and never o#!erve! an) d'e medi'm. He a"ter.ard! come!
grad'all) to gro!!er vice!.
%he lust of the e&es. He incl'de!% a! + thin$% li#idino'! loo$! a! .ell a! the vanit) .hich delight!
in pomp! and empt) !plendor.
+n the la!t place "ollo.! *ride or ha'ghtine!!B .ith .hich i! connected am#ition% #oa!ting%
contempt o" other!% #lind love o" !el"% head!trong !el"con"idence.
The !'m o" the .hole i!% that a! !oon a! the .orld pre!ent! it!el"% o'r l'!t! or de!ire!% .hen o'r
heart i! corr'pt% are captivated #) it% li$e 'n#ridled .ild #ea!t!B !o that vario'! l'!t!% all .hich
are adver!e to =od% #ear r'le in '!. The =ree$ .ord% bi<ov rendered li"e% Gvita%J mean! the .a)
or manner o" living.
1$. 'nd the +orld *asseth a+a&. *! there i! nothing in the .orld #'t .hat i! "ading% and a! it
.ere "or a moment% he hence concl'de! that the) .ho !ee$ their happine!! "rom it% ma$e a
.retched and mi!era#le provi!ion "or them!elve!% e!peciall) .hen =od call! '! to the ine""a#le
glor) o" eternal li"eB a! tho'gh he had !aid% AThe tr'e happine!! .hich =od o""er! to hi! children%
i! eternalB it i! then a !hame"'l thing "or '! to #e entangled .ith the .orld% .hich .ith all it!
#ene"it! .ill !oon vani!h a.a).C + ta$e lust here meton)micall)% a! !igni")ing .hat i! de!ired or
coveted% or .hat captivate! the de!ire! o" men. The meaning i!% that .hat i! mo!t precio'! in the
.orld and deemed e!peciall) de!ira#le% i! nothing #'t a !hado.) phantom.
-) !a)ing that the) .ho do the .ill o" =od !hall a#ide for ever% or perpet'all)% he mean! that
the) .ho !ee$ =od !hall #e perpet'all) #le!!ed. Kere an) one to o#?ect and !a)% that no one
doeth .hat =od command!% the o#vio'! an!.er i!% that .hat i! !po$en o" here i! not the per"ect
$eeping o" the la.% #'t the o#edience o" "aith% .hich% ho.ever imper"ect it ma) #e% i! )et
approved #) =od. The .ill o" =od i! "ir!t made $no.n to '! in the la.B #'t a! no one !ati!"ie!
the la.% no happine!! can #e hoped "rom it. -'t Chri!t come! to meet the de!pairing .ith ne.
aid% .ho not onl) regenerate! '! #) hi! Spirit that .e ma) o#e) =od% #'t ma$e! al!o that o'r
endeavor% !'ch a! it i!% !ho'ld o#tain the prai!e o" per"ect righteo'!ne!!.
1 J'() 2:1%-1#
1%. Little children% it i! the la!t time4 and a!
)e have heard that antichri!t !hall come%
even no. are man) antichri!t!B .here#)
.e $no. that it i! the la!t time.
1%. ;ilioli% novi!!ima hora e!tB et !ic't
a'di!ti! >'od *ntichri!t'! vent'r'! !it%
etiam n'nc *ntichri!ti m'lti coeper'nt
e!!e4 'nde !cim'! e!!e novi!!imam
1#. The) .ent o't "rom '!% #'t the) .ere
not o" '!B "or i" the) had #een o" '!% the)
.o'ld no do'#t have contin'ed .ith '!B
#'t the) .ent o't% that the) might #e made
mani"e!t that the) .ere not all o" '!.
1#. ,3 no#i! egre!!i !'nt% !ed non
erant e3 no#i!B nam !i "'i!!ent e3
no#i!% perman!i!!ent 'ti>'e no#i!c'mB
!ed 't mani"e!ti "ierent >'od non erant
omne! e3 no#i!.
1%. 0t is the last time% or ho'r. He con"irm! the "aith"'l again!t o""en!e! #) .hich the) might have
#een di!t'r#ed. *lread) man) !ect! had ri!en 'p% .hich rent the 'nit) o" "aith and ca'!ed
di!order in the ch'rche!. -'t the *po!tle not onl) "orti"ie! the "aith"'l% le!t the) !ho'ld "alter% #'t
t'rn! the .hole to a contrar) p'rpo!eB "or he remind! them that the la!t time had alread) come%
and there"ore he e3hort! them to a greater vigilance% a! tho'gh he had !aid% AKhil!t vario'!
error! ari!e% it #ehoove! )o' to #e a.a$ened rather than to #e over.helmedB "or .e o'ght hence
to concl'de that Chri!t i! not "ar di!tantB let '! then attentivel) loo$ "or him% le!t he !ho'ld come
'pon '! !'ddenl).C +n the !ame .a) it #ehoove! '! to com"ort o'r!elve! at thi! da)% and to !ee #)
"aith the near advent o" Chri!t% .hile Satan i! ca'!ing con"'!ion "or the !a$e o" di!t'r#ing the
Ch'rch% "or the!e are the !ign! o" the la!t time.
-'t !o man) age! having pa!!ed a.a) !ince the death o" @ohn% !eem to prove that thi! prophec)
i! not tr'e4 to thi! + an!.er% that the *po!tle% according to the common mode adopted in the
Script're% declare! to the "aith"'l% that nothing more no. remained #'t that Chri!t !ho'ld appear
"or the redemption o" the .orld. -'t a! he "i3e! no time% he did not all're the men o" that age #)
a vain hope% nor did he intend to c't !hort in "'t're the co'r!e o" the Ch'rch and the man)
!'cce!!ion! o" )ear! d'ring .hich the Ch'rch ha! hitherto remained in the .orld. *nd do'#tle!!%
i" the eternit) o" =od:! $ingdom #e #orne in mind% !o long a time .ill appear to '! a! a moment.
Ke m'!t 'nder!tand the de!ign o" the *po!tle% that he call! that the la!t time% d'ring .hich all
thing! !hall #e !o completed% that nothing .ill remain e3cept the la!t revelation o" Chri!t.
's &e have heard that antichrist +ill come. He !pea$! a! o" a thing .ell $no.n. Ke ma) hence
concl'de that the "aith"'l had #een ta'ght and .arned "rom the #eginning re!pecting the "'t're
di!order o" the Ch'rch% in order that the) might% care"'ll) $eep them!elve! in the "aith the)
pro"e!!ed% and al!o in!tr'ct po!terit) in the d't) o" .atch"'lne!!. ;or it .a! =od:! .ill that hi!
Ch'rch !ho'ld #e th'! tried% le!t an) one $no.ingl) and .illingl) !ho'ld #e deceived% and that
there might #e no e3c'!e "or ignorance. -'t .e !ee that almo!t the .hole .orld ha! #een
mi!era#l) deceived% a! tho'gh not a .ord had #een !aid a#o't *ntichri!t
Moreover% 'nder the Papac) there i! nothing more notorio'! and common than the "'t're coming
o" *ntichri!tB and )et the) are !o !t'pid% that the) perceive not that hi! t)rann) i! e3erci!ed over
them. +ndeed% the !ame thing happen! altogether to them a! to the @e.!B "or tho'gh the) hold the
promi!e! re!pecting the Me!!iah% the) are )et "'rther a.a) "rom Chri!t than i" the) had never
heard hi! nameB "or the imaginar) Me!!iah% .hom the) have invented "or them!elve!% t'rn! them
.holl) a!ide "rom the Son o" =odB and .ere an) one to !he. Chri!t to them "rom the La. and
the Prophet!% he .o'ld onl) !pend hi! la#or in vain. The Pope! have imagined an *ntichri!t% .ho
"or three )ear! and a hal" i! to hara!! the Ch'rch. *ll the mar$! #) .hich the Spirit o" =od ha!
pointed o't *ntichri!t% clearl) appear in the PopeB #'t the triennial *ntichri!t la)! "a!t hold on the
"ooli!h Papi!t!% !o that !eeing the) do not !ee. Let '! then remem#er% that *ntichri!t ha! not onl)
#een anno'nced #) the Spirit o" =od% #'t that al!o the mar$! #) .hich he ma) #e di!ting'i!hed
have #een mentioned.
!ven no+ are there man& antichrists( Thi! ma) !eem to have #een added #) .a) o" correction% a!
the) "al!el) tho'ght that it .o'ld #e !ome one $ingdomB #'t it i! not !o. The) .ho !'ppo!e that
he .o'ld #e onl) one man% are indeed greatl) mi!ta$en. ;or Pa'l% re"erring to a "'t're de"ection%
plainl) !ho.! that it .o'ld #e a certain #od) or $ingdom. G
/ The!!alonian! /40.J He "ir!t
predict! a de"ection that .o'ld prevail thro'gh the .hole Ch'rch% a! a 'niver!al evilB he then
ma$e! the head o" the apo!ta!) the adver!ar) o" Chri!t% .ho .o'ld !it in the temple o" =od%
claiming "or him!el" divinit) and divine honor!. ,3cept .e de!ire .ill"'ll) to err% .e ma) learn
"rom Pa'l:! de!cription to $no. *ntichri!t. That pa!!age + have alread) e3plainedB it i! eno'gh
no. to'ch on it #) the .a).
-'t ho. can that pa!!age agree .ith the .ord! o" @ohn% .ho !a)! that there .ere alread) man)
antichri!t!O To thi! + repl)% that @ohn meant no other thing than to !a)% that !ome partic'lar !ect!
had alread) ri!en% .hich .ere "orer'nner! o" a "'t're *ntichri!tB "or Cerinth'!% -a!ilide!%
Marcion% Lalentin'!% ,#ion% *rri'!% and other!% .ere mem#er! o" that $ingdom .hich the (evil
a"ter.ard! rai!ed 'p in oppo!ition to Chri!t. Properl) !pea$ing% *ntichri!t .a! not )et in
e3i!tenceB #'t the m)!ter) o" ini>'it) .a! .or$ing !ecretl). -'t @ohn '!e! the name% that he
might e""ect'all) !tim'late the care and !olicit'de o" the godl) to repel "ra'd!.
-'t i" the Spirit o" =od even then commanded the "aith"'l to !tand on their .atch% .hen the)
!a. at a di!tance onl) !ign! o" the coming enem)% m'ch le!! i! it no. a time "or !leeping% .hen
he hold! the Ch'rch 'nder hi! cr'el and oppre!!ive t)rann)% and openl) di!honor! Chri!t.
1#. %he& +ent out from us. He anticipate! another o#?ection% that the Ch'rch !eemed to have
prod'ced the!e pe!t!% and to have cheri!hed them "or a time in it! #o!om. ;or certainl) it !erve!
more to di!t'r# the .ea$% .hen an) one among '!% pro"e!!ing the tr'e "aith% "all! a.a)% than
.hen a tho'!and alien! con!pire again!t '!. He then con"e!!e! that the) had gone o't "rom the
#o!om o" the Ch'rchB #'t he denie! that the) .ere ever o" the Ch'rch. -'t the .a) o" removing
thi! o#?ection i!% to !a)% that the Ch'rch i! al.a)! e3po!ed to thi! evil% !o that it i! con!trained to
#ear .ith man) h)pocrite! .ho $no. not Chri!t% reall)% ho.ever m'ch the) ma) #) the mo'th
pro"e!! hi! name.
-) !a)ing% %he& +ent out from us% he mean! that the) had previo'!l) occ'pied a place in the
Ch'rch% and .ere co'nted among the n'm#er o" the godl). He% ho.ever% denie! that the) .ere o"
them% tho'gh the) had a!!'med the name o" #eliever!% a! cha"" tho'gh mi3ed .ith .heat on the
!ame "loor cannot )et #e deemed .heat.
For if the& had "een of us. He plainl) declare! that tho!e .ho "ell a.a) had never #een mem#er!
o" the Ch'rch. *nd do'#tle!! the !eal o" =od% 'nder .hich he $eep! hi! o.n% remain! !'re% a!
Pa'l !a)!% G
/ Timoth) /411.J -'t here ari!e! a di""ic'lt)% "or it happen! that man) .ho
!eemed to have em#raced Chri!t% o"ten "all a.a). To thi! + an!.er% that there are three !ort! o"
tho!e .ho pro"e!! the =o!pelB there are tho!e .ho "eign piet)% .hile a #ad con!cience reprove!
them .ithinB the h)pocri!) o" other! i! more deceptive% .ho not onl) !ee$ to di!g'i!e them!elve!
#e"ore men% #'t al!o da55le their o.n e)e!% !o that the) !eem to them!elve! to .or!hip =od
arightB the third are tho!e .ho have the living root o" "aith% and carr) a te!timon) o" their o.n
adoption "irml) "i3ed in their heart!. The t.o "ir!t have no !ta#ilit)B o" the la!t @ohn !pea$!% .hen
he !a)!% that it i! impo!!i#le that the) !ho'ld #e !eparated "rom the Ch'rch% "or the !eal .hich
=od:! Spirit engrave! on their heart! cannot #e o#literatedB the incorr'pti#le !eed% .hich ha!
!tr'c$ root!% cannot #e p'lled 'p or de!tro)ed.
He doe! not !pea$ here o" the con!tanc) o" men% #'t o" =od% .ho!e election m'!t #e rati"ied. He
doe! not then% .itho't rea!on declare% that .here the calling o" =od i! e""ect'al% per!everance
.o'ld #e certain. He% in !hort% mean! that the) .ho "all a.a) had never #een thoro'ghl) im#'ed
.ith the $no.ledge o" Chri!t% #'t had onl) a light and a tran!ient ta!te o" it.
%hat the& might "e made manifest. He !he.! that trial i! '!e"'l and nece!!ar) "or the Ch'rch. +t
hence "ollo.!% on the other hand% that there i! no ?'!t ca'!e "or pert'r#ation. Since the Ch'rch i!
li$e a thre!hing"loor% the cha"" m'!t #e #lo.n a.a) that the p're .heat ma) remain. Thi! i!
.hat =od doe!% .hen he ca!t! o't h)pocrite! "rom the Ch'rch% "or he then clean!e! it "rom re"'!e
and "ilth.
1 J'() 2:2&-23
2&. -'t )e have an 'nction "rom the Hol)
7ne% and )e $no. all thing!.
2&. ,t vo! 'nctionem ha#eti! a Sancto%
et novi!ti! omnia.
23. Kho!oever denieth the Son% the !ame
hath not the ;ather.
23. 7mni! >'i negat ;ili'm% ne>'e
Patrem ha#et.
2&. But &e have an unction( The *po!tle mode!tl) e3c'!e! him!el" "or having !o earne!tl)
.arned them% le!t the) !ho'ld thin$ that the) .ere indirectl) reproved% a! tho'gh the) .ere r'de
and ignorant o" tho!e thing! .hich the) o'ght to have .ell $no.n. So Pa'l conceded .i!dom to
the 8oman!% that the) .ere a#le and "it to admoni!h other!. He at the !ame time !he.ed that the)
!tood in need o" #eing reminded% in order that the) might rightl) per"orm their d't).
8oman! 15414% 15.J The *po!tle! did not% ho.ever% !pea$ th'! in order to "latter themB #'t
the) th'! .i!el) too$ heed le!t their doctrine !ho'ld #e re?ected #) an)% "or the) declared .hat
.a! !'ita#le and '!e"'l% not onl) to the ignorant% #'t al!o to tho!e .ell in!tr'cted in the Lord:!
,3perience teache! '! ho. "a!tidio'! the ear! o" men are. S'ch "a!tidio'!ne!! o'ght indeed to #e
"ar a.a) "rom the godl)B it )et #ehoove! a "aith"'l and .i!e teacher to omit nothing #) .hich he
ma) !ec're a hearing "rom all. *nd it i! certain that .e receive .hat i! !aid .ith le!! attention
and re!pect% .hen .e thin$ that he .ho !pea$! di!parage! the $no.ledge .hich ha! #een given
'! #) the Lord. The *po!tle #) thi! prai!e did at the !ame time !tim'late hi! reader!% #eca'!e
the) .ho .ere end'ed .ith the gi"t o" $no.ledge% had le!! e3c'!e i" the) did not !'rpa!! other!
in their pro"icienc).
The !tate o" the ca!e i!% that the *po!tle did not teach them a! tho'gh the) .ere ignorant% and
ac>'ainted onl) .ith the "ir!t element! o" $no.ledge% #'t reminded them o" thing! alread)
$no.n% and al!o e3horted them to ro'!e 'p the !par$! o" the Spirit% that a "'ll #rightne!! might
!hine "orth in them. *nd in the ne3t .ord! he e3plained him!el"% having denied that he .rote to
them #eca'!e the) $ne. not the tr'th% #'t #eca'!e the) had #een .ell ta'ght in itB "or had the)
#een .holl) ignorant and novice!% the) co'ld not have comprehended hi! doctrine.
9o.% .hen he !a)! that the) $ne. all things% it i! not to #e ta$en in the .ide!t !en!e% #'t o'ght
to #e con"ined to the !'#?ect treated o" here. -'t .hen he !a)! that the) had an unction from the
Hol& ne% he all'de!% no do'#t% to the ancient t)pe!. The oil #) .hich the prie!t! .ere anointed
.a! o#tained "rom the !anct'ar)B and (aniel mention! the coming o" Chri!t a! the proper time
"or anointing the Mo!t Hol). G
(aniel 14/4.J ;or he .a! anointed #) the ;ather% that he
might po'r "orth on '! a mani"old a#'ndance "rom hi! o.n "'llne!!. +t hence "ollo.! that men
are not rightl) made .i!e #) the ac'men o" their o.n mind!% #'t #) the ill'mination o" the
SpiritB and "'rther% that .e are not other.i!e made parta$er! o" the Spirit than thro'gh Chri!t%
.ho i! the tr'e !anct'ar) and o'r onl) high prie!t.
21. 'nd that no lie is of the truth( He concede! to them a ?'dgment% #) .hich the) co'ld
di!ting'i!h tr'th "rom "al!ehoodB "or it i! not the dialectic propo!ition% that "al!ehood di""er! "rom
tr'th% G!'ch a! are ta'ght a! general r'le! in the !chool!BJ #'t .hat i! !aid i! applied to that .hich
i! practical and '!e"'lB a! tho'gh he had !aid% that the) did not onl) hold .hat .a! tr'e% #'t. .ere
al!o !o "orti"ied again!t the impo!t're! and "allacie! o" the 'ngodl)% that the) .i!el) too$ heed to
them!elve!. -e!ide!% he !pea$! not o" thi! or o" that $ind o" "al!ehoodB #'t he !a)!% that .hatever
deception Satan might contrive% or in .hatever .a) he might attac$ them% the& .o'ld #e a#le
readil) to di!ting'i!h #et.een light and dar$ne!!% #eca'!e the) had the Spirit a! their g'ide.
22. Who is a liar. He doe! not a!!ert that the) alone .ere liar! .ho denied that the Son o" =od
appeared in the "le!h% le!t no one in 'nloo!ing the $not !ho'ld a#ove mea!'re torment him!el"B
#'t that the) !'rpa!!ed all other!% a! tho'gh he had !aid% that e3cept thi! #e deemed a lie% no
other co'ld #e !o rec$onedB a! .e are .ont commonl) to !a)% A+" per"id) to.ard! =od and men
i! not a crime% .hat el!e can .e call a crimeOC
Khat he had generall) !aid o" "al!e prophet!% he no. applie! to the !tate o" hi! o.n timeB "or he
point! o't% a! #) the "inger% tho!e .ho di!t'r#ed the Ch'rch. + readil) agree .ith the ancient!%
.ho tho'ght that Cerinth'! and Carpocrate! are here re"erred to. -'t the denial o" Chri!t e3tend!
m'ch .iderB "or it i! not eno'gh in .ord! to con"e!! that @e!'! i! the Chri!t% e3cept he i!
ac$no.ledged to #e !'ch a! the ;ather o""er! him to '! in the go!pel. The t.o + have named gave
the title o" Chri!t to the Son o" =od% #'t imagined him to #e man onl). 7ther! "ollo.ed them%
!'ch a! *ri'!% .ho% adorning him .ith the name o" =od% ro##ed him o" hi! eternal divinit).
Marcion dreamt that he .a! a mere phantom. Sa#elli'! imagined that he di""ered nothing "rom
the ;ather. *ll the!e denied the Son o" =odB "or not one o" them reall) ac$no.ledged the tr'e
Chri!tB #'t% ad'lterating% a! "ar a! the) co'ld% the tr'th re!pecting him% the) devi!ed "or
them!elve! an idol in!tead o" Chri!t. Then #ro$e o't Pelagi'!% .ho% indeed% rai!ed no di!p'te
re!pecting Chri!t:! e!!ence% #'t allo.ed him to #e tr'e man and =odB )et he tran!"erred to '!
almo!t all the honor that #elong! to him. +t i!% indeed% to red'ce Chri!t to nothing% .hen hi! grace
and are !et a!ide.
So the Papi!t!% at thi! da)% !etting 'p "ree.ill in oppo!ition to the grace o" the Hol) Spirit%
a!cri#ing a part o" their righteo'!ne!! and !alvation to the merit! o" .or$!% "eigning "or
them!elve! inn'mera#le advocate!% #) .hom the) render =od propitio'! to them% have a !ort o"
"ictitio'! Chri!t% + $no. not .hatB #'t the livel) and gen'ine image o" =od% .hich !hine! "orth in
Chri!t% the) de"orm #) their .ic$ed invention!B the) le!!en hi! !'#vert and pervert hi!
Ke no. !ee that Chri!t% i! denied% .henever tho!e thing! .hich pec'liarl) #elong to him% are
ta$en a.a) "rom him. *nd a! Chri!t i! the end o" the la. and o" the go!pel% and ha! in him!el" all
the trea!'re! o" .i!dom and $no.ledge% !o he i! the mar$ at .hich all heretic! level and direct
their arro.!. There"ore the *po!tle doe! not% .itho't rea!on% make tho!e the chie" impo!tor!%
.ho "ight again!t Chri!t% in .hom the "'ll tr'th i! e3hi#ited to '!.
He is 'ntichrist. He !pea$! not o" that prince o" de"ection .ho .a! to occ'p) the !eat o" =odB
#'t all tho!e .ho !ee$ to overthro. Chri!t% he p't! them among that impio'! #and. *nd that he
might ampli") their crime% he a!!ert! that the ;ather% no le!! than the Son% i! denied #) themB a!
tho'gh he had !aid% AThe) have no longer an) religion% #eca'!e the) .holl) ca!t a.a) =od.C
*nd thi! he a"ter.ard! con"irm!% #) adding thi! rea!on% that the ;ather cannot #e !eparated "rom
the Son.
9o. thi! i! a remar$a#le !entence% and o'ght to #e rec$oned among the "ir!t a3iom! o" o'r
religion. )ea% .hen .e have con"e!!ed that there i! one tr'e =od% thi! !econd article o'ght
nece!!aril) to #e added% that he i! no other #'t he .ho i! made $no.n in Chri!t. The *po!tle
doe! not here treat di!tinctl) o" the 'nit) o" e!!ence. +t i!% indeed% certain% that the Son cannot #e
di!'nited "rom the ;ather% "or he i! o" the !ame e!!ence% Go%moou>siovBJ #'t another thing i!
!po$en o" here% that i!% that the ;ather% .ho i! invi!i#le% ha! revealed him!el" onl) in hi! Son.
Hence he i! called the image o" the ;ather% G
He#re.! 140%J #eca'!e he !et! "orth and
e3hi#it! to '! all that i! nece!!ar) to #e $no.n o" the ;ather. ;or the na$ed ma?e!t) o" =od
.o'ld% #) it! immen!e #rightne!!% ever da55le o'r e)e!B it i! there"ore nece!!ar) "or '! to loo$ on
Chri!t. Thi! i! to come to the light% .hich i! ?'!tl) !aid to #e other.i!e inacce!!i#le.
+ !a)% again% that there i! not here a di!tinct di!c'!!ion re!pecting the eternal e!!ence o" Chri!t%
.hich he ha! in common .ith the ;ather. Thi! pa!!age i!% indeed% a#'ndantl) !'""icient to prove
it4 #'t @ohn call! '! to thi! practical part o" "aith% that a! =od ha! given him!el" to '! to #e
en?o)ed onl) in Chri!t% he i! el! !o'ght "or in vainB or Gi" an) one pre"er! .hat i! clearerJ
that a! in Chri!t d.ell! all the "'llne!! o" the (eit)% there i! no =od apart "rom him. +t hence
"ollo.!% that T'r$!% @e.!% and !'ch a! are li$e them% have a mere idol and not the tr'e =od. ;or
#) .hatever title! the) ma) honor the =od .hom the) .or!hip% !till% a! the) re,ect him .itho't
.hom the) cannot come to =od% and in .hom =od ha! reall) mani"e!ted him!el" to '!% .hat
have the) #'t !ome creat're or "iction o" their o.nO The) ma) "latter them!elve! a! m'ch a! the)
plea!e% .ith their o.n !pec'lation!% .ho% .itho't Chri!t% philo!ophi5e on divine thing!B it i! !till
certain that the) do nothing #'t rave and rant% #eca'!e% a! Pa'l !a)!% the) hold not the Head.
Colo!!ian! /411.J +t i! o#vio'!% hence% to concl'de ho. nece!!ar) i! the $no.ledge o"
Man) copie! have the oppo!ite !entence% AHe .ho con"e!!e! the Son%C etc. -'t a! + thin$ that a
note #) !ome cop)i!t ha! cre*t into the te3t% + he!itated not to omit it.
-'t i" it! in!ertion #e
approved% the meaning .o'ld #e% that there i! no right con"e!!ion o" =od e3cept the ;ather #e
ac$no.ledged in the Son.
Kere an) one to o#?ect and !a)% that man) o" the ancient! tho'ght rightl) o" =od% to .hom Chri!t
.a! not $no.n4 + allo. that the $no.ledge o" Chri!t ha! not #een al.a)! !o e3plicitl) revealed%
neverthele!!% + contend that it ha! #een al.a)! tr'e% that a! the light o" the !'n come! to '! #) it!
ra)!% !o the $no.ledge o" =od ha! #een comm'nicated thro'gh Chri!t.
1 J'() 2:2!-2#
2!. Let that there"ore a#ide )o' .hich )e
have heard "rom the #eginning. +" that
.hich )e have heard "rom the #eginning
!hall remain in )o'% )e al!o !hall contin'e
in the Son% and in the ;ather.
2!. ,rgo >'od a'di!ti! a# initio% in
vo#i! maneat4 !i in vo#i! man!erit >'od
a# initio a'di!ti!% et vo! in Patre et ;ilio
2#. +" )e $no. that he i! righteo'!% )e
$no. that ever) one that doeth
righteo'!ne!! i! #orn o" him.
2#. Si no!ti! >'od ?'!t'! !it% cogno!cite
>'od >'i!>'i! "acit ?'!titiam e3 eo
genit'! e!t.
2!. Let that therefore a"ide in &ou. He anne3e! an e3hortation to the "ormer doctrineB and that it
might have more .eight% he point! o't the "r'it the) .o'ld receive "rom o#edience. He then
e3hort! them to per!everance in the "aith% !o that the) might retain "i3ed in their heart! .hat the)
had learnt.
-'t .hen he !a)!% from the "eginning% he doe! not mean that anti>'it) alone .a! !'""icient to
prove an) doctrine tr'eB #'t a! he ha! alread) !ho.n that the) had #een rightl) in!tr'cted in the
p're go!pel o" Chri!t% he concl'de! that the) o'ght o" right to contin'e in it. *nd thi! order o'ght
to #e e!peciall) noticedB "or .ere .e 'n.illing to depart "rom that doctrine .hich .e have once
em#raced% .hatever it ma) #e% thi! .o'ld not #e per!everance% #'t perver!e o#!tinac). Hence%
di!crimination o'ght to #e e3erci!ed% !o that a rea!on "or o'r "aith ma) #e made evident "rom
=od:! .ord4 then let in"le3i#le per!everance "ollo..
The Papi!t! #oa!t o" Aa #eginning%C #eca'!e the) have im#i#ed their !'per!tition! "rom
childhood. Mnder thi! preten!e the) allo. them!elve! o#!tinatel) to re?ect the plain tr'th. S'ch
perver!ene!! !he.! to '!% that .e o'ght al.a)! to #egin .ith the certaint) o" tr'th.
0n that +hich &e have heard. Here i! the "r'it o" per!everance% that the) in .hom =od:! tr'th
remain!% remain in =od. Ke hence learn .hat .e are to !ee$ in ever) tr'th pertaining to religion.
He there"ore ma$e! the greate!t pro"icienc)% .ho ma$e! !'ch progre!! a! .holl) to cleave to
=od. -'t he in .hom the ;ather d.ell! not thro'gh hi! Son% i! altogether vain and empt)%
.hatever $no.ledge he ma) po!!e!!. Moreover% thi! i! the highe!t commendation o" !o'nd
doctrine% that it 'nite! '! to =od% and that in it i! "o'nd .hatever pertain! to the real "r'ition o"
+n the la!t place% he remind! '! that it i! real happine!! .hen =od d.ell! in '!. The .ord! he
'!e! are am#ig'o'!. The) ma) #e rendered% AThi! i! the promi!e .hich he ha! promi!ed to '!%
even eternal li"e.C
So' ma)% ho.ever% adopt either o" the!e rendering!% "or the meaning i! !till
the !ame. The !'m o" .hat i! !aid i!% that .e cannot live other.i!e than #) no'ri!hing to the end
the !eed o" li"e !o.n in o'r heart!. @ohn in!i!t! m'ch on thi! point% that not onl) the #eginning o"
a #le!!ed li"e i! to #e "o'nd in the $no.ledge o" Chri!t% #'t al!o it! per"ection. -'t no repetition
o" it can #e too m'ch% !ince it i! .ell $no.n that it ha! ever #een a ca'!e o" r'in to men% that
#eing not content .ith Chri!t% the) have had a han$ering to .ander #e)ond the !imple doctrine
o" the go!pel.
2". %hese things have 0 +ritten unto &ou. The apo!tle e3c'!e! him!el" again "or having
admoni!hed them .ho .ere .ell end'ed .ith $no.ledge and ?'dgment. -'t he did thi!% that
the) might appl) "or the g'idance o" the Spirit% le!t hi! admonition !ho'ld #e in vainB a! tho'gh
he had !aid% A+ indeed do m) part% #'t !till it i! nece!!ar) that the Spirit o" =od !ho'ld direct )o'
in all thing!B "or in vain !hall +% #) the !o'nd o" m) voice% #eat )o'r ear!% or rather the air% 'nle!!
he !pea$! .ithin )o'.C
Khen .e hear that he .rote concerning !ed'cer!% .e o'ght al.a)! to #ear in mind% that it i! the
d't) o" a good and diligent pa!tor not onl) to gather a "loc$% #'t al!o to drive a.a) .olve!: "or
.hat .ill it avail to proclaim the p're go!pel% i" .e connive at the impo!t're! o" SatanO 9o one%
then% can "aith"'ll) teach the Ch'rch% e3cept he i! diligent in #ani!hing error! .henever he "ind!
them !pread #) !ed'cer!. Khat he !a)! o" the unction having #een received from him% + re"er to
2$. 'nd &e need not. Strange m'!t have #een the p'rpo!e o" @ohn% a! + have alread) !aid% i" he
intended to repre!ent teaching a! '!ele!!. He did not a!cri#e to them !o m'ch .i!dom% a! to den)
that the) .ere the !cholar! o" Chri!t. He onl) meant that the) .ere #) no mean! !o ignorant a! to
need thing! a! it .ere 'n$no.n to #e ta'ght them% and that he did not !et #e"ore them an)thing
.hich the Spirit o" =od might not o" him!el" !'gge!t to them. *#!'rdl)% then% do "anatical men
la) hold on thi! pa!!age% in order to e3cl'de "rom the Ch'rch the '!e o" the o't.ard mini!tr). He
!a)! that the "aith"'l% ta'ght #) the Spirit% alread) 'nder!tood .hat he delivered to them% !o that
the) had no need to learn thing! 'n$no.n to them. He !aid thi!% that he might add more a'thorit)
to hi! doctrine% .hile ever) one repeated in hi! heart an a!!ent to it% engraven a! it .ere #) the
"inger o" =od. -'t a! ever) one had $no.ledge according to the mea!'re o" hi! "aith% and a! "aith
in !ome .a! !mall% in other! !tronger% and in none per"ect% it hence "ollo.!% that no one $ne. !o
m'ch% that there .a! no room "or progre!!.
There i! al!o another '!e to #e made o" thi! doctrine% D that .hen men reall) 'nder!tand .hat i!
need"'l "or them% .e are )et to .arn and ro'!e them% that the) ma) #e more con"irmed. ;or .hat
@ohn !a)!% that the) .ere ta'ght all thing! #) the Spirit% o'ght not to #e ta$en generall)% #'t to #e
con"ined to .hat i! contained in thi! pa!!age. He had% in !hort% no other thing in vie. than to
!trengthen their "aith% .hile he recalled them to the e3amination o" the Spirit% .ho i! the onl) "it
corrector and approver o" doctrine% .ho !eal! it on o'r heart!% !o that .e ma) certainl) $no. that
=od !pea$!. ;or .hile "aith o'ght to loo$ to =od% he alone can #e a .itne!! to him!el"% !o a! to
convince o'r heart! that .hat o'r ear! receive ha! come "rom him.
*nd the !ame i! the meaning o" the!e .ord!% 's the same anointing teaches &ou of all things,
and is truthB that i!% the Spirit i! li$e a !eal% #) .hich the tr'th o" =od i! te!ti"ied to )o'. Khen
he add!% and is no lie% he point! o't another o""ice o" the Spirit% even that he end'e! '! .ith
?'dgment and di!cernment% le!t .e !ho'ld #e deceived #) lie!% le!t .e !ho'ld he!itate and #e
perple3ed% le!t .e !ho'ld vacillate a! in do'#t"'l thing!.
's it hath taught &ou, &e shall a"ide in him% or% a#ide in him. He had !aid% that the Spirit a#ode in
themB he no. e3hort! them to a#ide in the revelation made #) him% and he !peci"ie! .hat
revelation it .a!% A*#ide%C he !a)!% Ain Chri!t% a! the Spirit hath ta'ght )o'.C *nother
e3planation% + $no.% i! commonl) given% A*#ide in it%C that i!% the 'nction. -'t a! the repetition
.hich immediatel) "ollo.!% cannot appl) to an) #'t to Chri!t% + have no do'#t #'t that he !pea$!
here al!o o" Chri!tB and thi! i! re>'ired #) the conte3tB "or the *po!tle d.ell! m'ch on thi! point%
that the "aith"'l !ho'ld retain the tr'e $no.ledge o" Chri!t% and that the) !ho'ld not go to =od in
an) other .a).
He at the !ame time !he.!% that the children o" =od are "or no other end ill'minated #) the
Spirit% #'t that the) ma) $no. Chri!t. Provided the) t'rned not a!ide "rom him% he promi!ed
them the "r'it o" per!everance% even con"idence% !o a! not to #e a!hamed at hi! pre!ence. ;or
"aith i! not a na$ed and a "rigid apprehen!ion o" Chri!t% #'t a livel) and real !en!e o" hi!
.hich prod'ce! con"idence. +ndeed% "aith cannot !tand% .hile to!!ed dail) #) !o man) .ave!%
e3cept it loo$! to the coming o" Chri!t% and% !'pported #) hi! #ring! tran>'illit) to the
con!cience. -'t the nat're o" con"idence i! .ell e3pre!!ed% .hen he !a)! that it can #oldl)
!'!tain the pre!ence o" Chri!t. ;or the) .ho ind'lge !ec'rel) in their vice!% t'rn their #ac$! a! it
.ere on =odB nor can the) other.i!e o#tain peace than #) "orgetting him. Thi! i! the !ec'rit) o"
the "le!h% .hich !t'pe"ie! menB !o that t'rning a.a) "rom =od% the) neither dread !in nor "ear
deathB and in the meantime the) !h'n the tri#'nal o" Chri!t. -'t a godl) con"idence delight! to
loo$ on =od. Hence it i!% that the godl) calml) .ait "or Chri!t% nor do the) dread hi! coming.
21. 0f &e kno+ that he is righteous. He again pa!!e! on to e3hortation!% !o that he mingle! the!e
contin'all) .ith doctrine thro'gho't the ,pi!tleB #'t he prove! #) man) arg'ment! that "aith i!
nece!!aril) connected .ith a hol) and p're li"e. The "ir!t arg'ment i!% that .e are !pirit'all)
#egotten a"ter the li$ene!! o" Chri!tB it hence "ollo.!% that no one i! #orn o" Chri!t #'t he .ho
live! righteo'!l). +t i! at the !ame time 'ncertain .hether he mean! Chri!t or =od% .hen he !a)!
that the) .ho are #orn o" him do righteo'!ne!!. +t i! a mode o" !pea$ing certainl) '!ed in
Script're% that .e are #orn o" =od in Chri!tB #'t there i! nothing incon!i!tent in the other% that
the) are #orn o" Chri!t% .ho are rene.ed #) hi! Spirit.
CH*PT,8 0
1 JOHN 3:1-3
1. -ehold .hat manner o" love the ;ather
hath #e!to.ed 'pon '!% that .e !ho'ld #e
called the !on! o" =odP There"ore the
.orld $no.eth '! not% #eca'!e it $ne.
him not.
1. Lidete Gvel% videti!J >'alem
charitatem dedit no#i! Pater% 't "ilii (ei
nominem'r4 propterea m'nd'! non
novit no!% >'ia non novit ip!'m.
3. *nd ever) man that hath thi! hope in
him p'ri"ieth him!el"% even a! he i! p're.
3. ,t omni! >'i ha#et hanc !pem in eo%
p'ri"icat !eip!'m% >'emadmod'm ille
p'r'! e!t.
1. Behold. The !econd arg'ment i! "rom the dignit) and e3cellenc) o" o'r callingB "or it .a! not
common honor% he !a)!% that the heavenl) ;ather #e!to.ed on '!% .hen he adopted '! a! hi!
children. Thi! #eing !o great a "avor% the de!ire "or p'rit) o'ght to #e $indled in '!% !o a! to #e
con"ormed to hi! imageB nor% indeed% can it #e other.i!e% #'t that he .ho ac$no.ledge! him!el"
to #e one o" =od:! children !ho'ld p'ri") him!el". *nd to ma$e thi! e3hortation more "orci#le% he
ampli"ie! the "avor o" =odB "or .hen he !a)!% that love ha! #een "esto+ed% he mean! that it i!
"rom mere #o'nt) and #enevolence that =od ma$e! '! hi! childrenB "or .hence come! to '! !'ch
a dignit)% e3cept "rom the love o" =odO Love% then% i! declared here to #e grat'ito'!. There i!%
indeed% an impropriet) in the lang'ageB #'t the *po!tle pre"erred !pea$ing th'! rather than not to
e3pre!! .hat .a! nece!!ar) to #e $no.n. He% in !hort% mean! that the more a#'ndantl) =od:!
goodne!! ha! #een mani"e!ted to.ard! '!% the greater are o'r o#ligation! to him% according to the
teaching o" Pa'l% .hen he #e!o'ght the 8oman! #) the mercie! o" =od to pre!ent them!elve! a!
p're !acri"ice! to him. G
8oman! 1/41.J Ke are at the !ame time ta'ght% a! + have !aid% that
the adoption o" all the godl) i! grat'ito'!% and doe! not depend on an) regard to .or$!.
Khat the !ophi!t! !a)% that =od "ore!ee! tho!e .ho are .orth) to #e adopted% i! plainl) re"'ted
#) the!e .ord!% "or% in thi! .a) the gi"t .o'ld not #e grat'ito'!. +t #ehoove! '! e!peciall) to
'nder!tand thi! doctrineB "or !ince the onl) ca'!e o" o'r !alvation i! adoption% and !ince the
*po!tle te!ti"ie! that thi! "lo.! "rom the mere love o" =od alone% there i! nothing le"t to o'r
.orthine!! or to the merit! o" .or$!. ;or .h) are .e !on!O ,ven #eca'!e =od #egan to love '!
"reel)% .hen .e de!erved hatred rather than love. *nd a! the Spirit i! a pledge o" o'r adoption% it
hence "ollo.!% that i" there #e an) good in '!% it o'ght not to #e !et 'p in oppo!ition to the grace
o" =od% #'t% on the contrar)% to #e a!cri#ed to him.
Khen he !a)! that .e are called% or named% the e3pre!!ion i! not .itho't it! meaningB "or it i!
=od .ho .ith hi! o.n mo'th declare! '! to #e !on!% a! he gave a name to *#raham according to
.hat he .a!.
%herefore the +orld. +t i! a trial that grievo'!l) a!!a'lt! o'r "aith% that .e are not !o m'ch
regarded a! =od:! children% or that no mar$ o" !o great an e3cellenc) appear! in '!% #'t that% on
the contrar)% almo!t the .hole .orld treat! '! .ith ridic'le and contempt. Hence it can hardl) #e
in"erred "rom o'r pre!ent !tate that =od i! a ;ather to '!% "or the devil !o contrive! all thing! a! to
o#!c're thi! #ene"it. He o#viate! thi! o""en!e #) !a)ing that .e are not a! )et ac$no.ledged to
#e !'ch a! .e are% #eca'!e the .orld $no.! not =od4 a remar$a#le e3ample o" thi! ver) thing i!
"o'nd in +!aac and @aco#B "or tho'gh #oth .ere cho!en #) =od% )et +!hmael per!ec'ted the
"ormer .ith la'ghter and ta'nt!B and ,!a'% the latter .ith threat! and the !.ord. Ho.ever% then%
.e ma) #e oppre!!ed #) the .orld% !till o'r !alvation remain! !a"e and !ec're.
2. :o+ are +e the sons of God. He come! no. to .hat ever) one $no.! and "eel! him!el"B "or
tho'gh the 'ngodl) ma) not entice '! to give 'p o'r hope% )et o'r pre!ent condition i! ver) !hort
o" the glo. o" =od:! childrenB "or a! to o'r #od) .e are d'!t and a !hado.% and death i! al.a)!
#e"ore o'r e)e!B .e are al!o !'#?ect to tho'!and mi!erie!% and the !o'l i! e3po!ed to inn'mera#le
evil!B !o that .e "ind al.a)! a hell .ithin '!. The more nece!!ar) it i! that all o'r tho'ght!
!ho'ld #e .ithdra.n "rom the pre!ent vie. o" thing!% le!t the mi!erie! #) .hich .e are on ever)
!ide !'rro'nded and almo!t over.helmed% !ho'ld !ha$e o'r "aith in that "elicit) .hich a! )et lie!
hid. ;or the *po!tle:! meaning i! thi!% that .e act ver) "ooli!hl) .hen .e e!timate .hat =od ha!
#e!to.ed on '! according to the pre!ent !tate o" thing!% #'t that .e o'ght .ith 'ndo'#ting "aith
to hold to that .hich doe! not )et appear.
But +e kno+ that +hen he shall a**ear. The conditional particle o'ght to #e rendered a! an
adver# o" time% +hen. -'t the ver# a**ear mean! not the !ame thing a! .hen he '!ed it #e"ore.
The *po!tle ha! ?'!t !aid% it does not &et a**ear +hat +e shall "e% #eca'!e the "r'it o" o'r
adoption i! a! )et hid% "or in heaven i! o'r "elicit)% and .e are no. "ar a.a) traveling on the
earthB "or thi! "ading li"e% con!tantl) e3po!ed to h'ndred death!% i! "ar di""erent "rom that eternal
li"e .hich #elong! to the children o" =odB "or #eing enclo!ed a! !lave! in the pri!on o" o'r "le!h%
.e are "ar di!tant "rom the "'ll !overeignt) o" heaven and earth. -'t the ver# no. re"er! to
Chri!t% +hen% he shall a**earB "or he teache! the !ame thing .ith Pa'l% in
Colo!!ian! 040%
4% .here he !a)!%
ASo'r li"e i! hid .ith Chri!t in =od4 .hen Chri!t% .ho i! )o'r li"e% !hall appear% then !hall
)e al!o appear .ith him in glo..C G
Colo!!ian! 040%4J
;or o'r "aith cannot !tand other.i!e than #) loo$ing to the coming o" Chri!t. The rea!on .h)
=od de"er! the mani"e!tation o" o'r glor) i! thi!% #eca'!e Chri!t i! not mani"e!ted in the o"
hi! $ingdom. Thi!% then% i! the onl) .a) o" !'!taining o'r "aith% !o that .e ma) .ait patientl) "or
the li"e promi!ed to '!. *! !oon a! an) one t'rn! a.a) the lea!t "rom Chri!t% he m'!t nece!!aril)
The .ord to kno+% !he.! the certaint) o" "aith% in order to di!ting'i!h it "rom opinion. 9either
!imple nor 'niver!al $no.ledge i! here intended% #'t that .hich ever) one o'ght to have "or
him!el"% !o that he ma) "eel a!!'red that he .ill #e !ometime li$e Chri!t. Tho'gh% then% the
mani"e!tation o" o'r glor) i! connected .ith the coming o" Chri!t% )et o'r $no.ledge o" thi! i!
.ell "o'nded.
We shall "e like him. He doe! not 'nder!tand that .e !hall #e e>'al to himB "or there m'!t #e
!ome di""erence #et.een the head and the mem#er!B #'t .e !hall #e li$e him% #eca'!e he .ill
ma$e o'r vile #od) con"orma#le to hi! glorio'! #od)% a! Pa'l al!o teaches '! in
04/1. ;or the *po!tle intended !hortl) to !he. that the "inal end o" o'r adoption i!% that .hat ha!
in order preceded in Chri!t% !hall at length #e completed in '!.
The rea!on that i! added ma)% ho.ever% !eem inappropriate. ;or i" to !ee Chri!t ma$e! '! li$e
him% .e !hall have thi! in common .ith the .ic$ed% "or the) !hall al!o !ee hi! glor). To thi! +
repl)% that thi! i! to !ee him a! a "riend% .hich .ill not #e the case .ith the .ic$ed% "or the) .ill
dread hi! pre!enceB na)% the) .ill !h'n =od:! pre!ence% and #e "illed .ith terrorB hi! glo. .ill !o
da55le their e)e!% that the) .ill #e !t'pe"ied and con"o'nded. ;or .e !ee that *dam% con!cio'! o"
having done .rong% dreaded the pre!ence o" =od. *nd =od declared thi! #) Mo!e!% a! a general
tr'th a! to men%
A9o man !hall !ee me and live.C G
,3od'! 004/0.J
;or ho. can it #e other.i!e #'t that =od:! ma?e!t)% a! a con!'ming "ire% .ill con!'me '! a!
tho'gh .e .ere !t'##le% !o great i! the .ea$ne!! o" o'r "le!h. -'t a! "ar a! the image o" =od i!
rene.ed in '!% .e have e)e! prepared to !ee =od. *nd no.% indeed% =od #egin! to rene. in '!
hi! o.n image% #'t in .hat a !mall mea!'reP ,3cept then .e #e !tripped o" all the corr'ption o"
the "le!h% .e !hall not #e a#le to #ehold =od "ace to "ace.
*nd thi! i! al!o e3pre!!ed here% as he is. He doe! not% indeed% !a)% that there i! no !eeing o" =od
no.B #'t a! Pa'l !a)!%
AKe !ee no. thro'gh a gla!!% dar$l).C
1 Corinthian! 1041/.J
-'t he el! ma$e! a di""erence #et.een thi! .a) o" living% and the !eeing o" the e)e. +n
!hort% =od no. pre!ent! him!el" to #e !een #) '!% not !'ch a! he i!% #'t !'ch a! .e can
comprehend. Th'! i! "'l"illed .hat i! !aid #) Mo!e!% that .e !ee onl) a! it .ere hi! #ac$%
,3od'! 004/0BJ "or there i! too m'ch #rightne!! in hi! "ace.
Ke m'!t "'rther o#!erve% that the manner .hich the *po!tle mention! i! ta$en "rom the e""ect%
not "rom the ca'!eB "or he doe! not teach '!% that .e !hall #e li$e him% #eca'!e .e !hall !ee himB
#'t he hence prove! that .e !hall #e parta$er! o" the divine glor)% "or e3cept o'r nat're .ere
!pirit'al% and end'ed .ith a heavenl) and #le!!ed immortalit)% it co'ld never come !o nigh to
=od )et the per"ection o" glor) .ill not #e !o great in '!% that o'r !eeing .ill ena#le '! to
comprehend all that =od i!B "or the di!tance #et.een '! and him .ill #e even then ver) great.
-'t .hen the *po!tle !a)!% that .e !hall !ee him a! he i!% he intimate! a ne. and an ine""a#le
manner o" !eeing him% .hich .e en?o) not no.B "or a! long a! .e .al$ #) "aith% a! Pa'l teache!
'!% .e are a#!ent "rom him. *nd .hen he appeared to the "ather!% it .a! not in hi! o.n e!!ence%
#'t .a! ever !een 'nder !)m#ol!. Hence the ma?e!t) o" =od% no. hid% .ill then onl) #e in it!el"
!een% .hen the veil o" thi! mortal and corr'pti#le nat're !hall #e removed.
8e"ined >'e!tion! + pa!! #)4 "or .e !ee ho. *'g'!tine tormented him!el" .ith the!e% and )et
never !'cceeded% #oth in hi! ,pi!tle! to Pa'l'! and ;ort'nat'!% and in the Cit) o" =od% G/4/%J and
in other place!. Khat he !a)!% ho.ever% i! .orth) o" #eing o#!erved% that the .a) in .hich .e
live avail! more in thi! in>'ir) than the .a) in .hich .e !pea$% and that .e m'!t #e.are% le!t #)
.rangling a! to the manner in .hich =od can #e !een% .e lo!e that peace and holine!! .itho't
.hich no one !hall !ee him.
3. 'nd ever& man that hath this ho*e. He no. dra.! thi! in"erence% that the de!ire "or holine!!
!ho'ld not gro. cold in '!% #eca'!e o'r happine!! ha! not a! )et appeared% "or that hope i!
!'""icientB and .e $no. that .hat i! hoped "or i! a! )et hid. The meaning then i!% that tho'gh .e
have not Chri!t no. pre!ent #e"ore o'r e)e!% )et i" .e hope in him% it cannot #e #'t that thi! hope
.ill e3cite and !tim'late '! to "ollo. p'rit)% "or it lead! '! !traight to Chri!t% .hom .e $no. to
#e a per"ect pattern o" p'rit).
1 JOHN 3:!-"
!. Kho!oever committeth !in
tran!gre!!eth al!o the la.B "or !in i! the
tran!gre!!ion o" the la..
!. R'ic'n>'e "acit peccat'm% etiam
ini>'itatem "acitB et peccat'm e!t
". Kho!oever a#ideth hi him !inneth notB
.ho!oever !inneth hath not !een him%
neither $no.n him.
". R'i!>'i! in eo manet% non peccatB
>'i!>'i! peccat% non vidit e'm% nec
novit e'm.
!. Whosoever committeth% or doeth% !in. The *po!tle ha! alread) !ho.n ho. 'ngrate"'l .e m'!t
#e to =od% i" .e ma$e #'t little acco'nt o" the honor o" adoption% #) .hich he o" hi! o.n
good.ill anticipate! '!% and i" .e do not% at lea!t% render him m't'al love. He% at the !ame time%
introd'ced thi! admonition% that o'r love o'ght not to #e dimini!hed% #eca'!e the promi!ed
happine!! i! de"erred. -'t no.% a! men are .ont to ind'lge them!elve! more than the) o'ght% in
evil!% he reprove! thi! perver!e ind'lgence% declaring that all the) .ho !in are .ic$ed and
tran!gre!!or! o" the la.. ;or it i! pro#a#le that there .ere then tho!e .ho e3ten'ated their vice!
#) thi! $ind o" "latter)% A+t i! no .onder i" .e !in% #eca'!e .e are menB #'t there i! a great
di""erence #et.een !in and ini>'it).C
Thi! "rivolo'! e3c'!e the *po!tle no. di!!ipate!% .hen he de"ine! !in to #e a tran!gre!!ion o" the
divine la.B "or hi! o#?ect .a! to prod'ce hatred and horror a! to !in. The .ord sin !eem! light to
!omeB #'t ini>'it) or tran!gre!!ion o" the la. cannot appear to #e !o ea!il) "orgiven. -'t the
*po!tle doe! not ma$e !in! e>'al% #) charging all .ith ini>'it) .ho !inB #'t he mean! !impl) to
teach '!% that !in ari!e! "rom a contempt o" =od% and that #) !inning% the la. i! violated. Hence
thi! doctrine o" @ohn ha! nothing in common .ith the delirio'! parado3e! o" the Stoic!.
-e!ide!% to sin here% doe! not mean to o""end in !ome in!tance!B nor i! the .ord sin to #e ta$en
"or ever) "a'lt or .rong a man ma) commit.B #'t he call! that !in% .hen men .ith their .hole
heart r'n into evil% nor doe! he 'nder!tand that men !in% e3cept tho!e .ho are given 'p to !in. ;or
the "aith"'l% .ho are a! )et tempted #) the l'!t! o" the "le!h% are not to #e deemed g'ilt) o"
ini>'it)% tho'gh the) are not p're or "ree "rom !in% #'t a! !in doe! not reign in them% @ohn !a)!
that the) do not !in% a! + !hall pre!entl) e3plain more "'ll).
The import o" the pa!!age i!% that the perver!e li"e o" tho!e .ho ind'lge them!elve! in the li#ert)
o" !inning% i! hate"'l to =od% and cannot #e #orne .ith #) him% #eca'!e it i! contrar) to hi! La..
+t doe! not hence "ollo.% nor can it #e hence in"erred% that the "aith"'l are ini>'ito'!B #eca'!e
the) de!ire to o#e) =od% and a#hor their o.n vice!% and that in ever) in!tanceB and the) al!o
"orm their o.n li"e% a! m'ch a! in them lieth% according to the la.. -'t .hen there i! a deli#erate
p'rpo!e to !in% or a contin'ed co'r!e in !in% then the la. i! tran!gre!!edO
. 'nd &e kno+ that he +as manifested, or% hath appeared. He !he.! #) another arg'ment ho.
m'ch !in and "aith di""er "rom one anotherB "or it i! the o""ice o" Chri!t to ta$e a.a) !in!% and "or
thi! end .a! he !ent #) the ;atherB and it i! #) "aith .e parta$e o" Chri!t:! virt'e. Then he .ho
#elieve! in Chri!t i! nece!!aril) clean!ed "rom hi! !in!. -'t it i! !aid in
@ohn 14/1% that
Chri!t ta$e! a.a) !in!% #eca'!e he atoned "or them #) the !acri"ice o" hi! death% that the) ma)
not #e imp'ted to '! #e"ore =od4 @ohn mean! in thi! place that Chri!t reall)% and% !o to !pea$%
act'all) ta$e! a.a) !in!% #eca'!e thro'gh him o'r old man i! cr'ci"ied% and hi! Spirit% #) mean!
o" repentance% morti"ie! the "le!h .ith all it! l'!t!. ;or the conte3t doe! not allo. '! to e3plain
thi! o" the remi!!ion o" !in!B "or% a! + have !aid% he th'! rea!on!% AThe) .ho cea!e not to !in%
render void the #ene"it! derived "rom Chri!t% !ince he came to de!tro) the reigning o" !in.C
Thi! #elong! to the !ancti"ication o" the Spirit.
'nd in him is no sin. He doe! not !pea$ o" Chri!t per!onall)% #'t o" hi! .hole #od).

Kherever Chri!t di""'!e! hi! e""icacio'! grace% he denie! that there i! an) more room "or !in. He%
there"ore% immediatel) dra.! thi! in"erence% that the) !in not .ho remain in Chri!t. ;or i" he
d.ell! in '! #) "aith% he per"orm! hi! o.n .or$% that i!% he clean!e! '! "rom !in!. +t hence
appear! .hat it i! to sin. ;or Chri!t #) hi! Spirit doe! not per"ectl) rene. '! at once% or in an
in!tant% #'t he contin'e! o'r renovation thro'gho't li"e. +t cannot then #e #'t that the "aith"'l are
e3po!ed to !in a! long a! the) live in the .orldB #'t a! "ar a! the $ingdom o" Chri!t prevail! in
them% !in i! a#oli!hed. +n the meantime the) are de!ignated according to the prevailing principle%
that i!% the) are !aid to #e righteo'! and to live righteo'!l)% #eca'!e the) !incerel) a!pire to
The) are !aid not to sin% #eca'!e the) con!ent not to !in% tho'gh the) la#or 'nder the in"irmit) o"
the "le!hB #'t% on the contrar)% the) !tr'ggle .ith groaning% !o that the) can tr'l) te!ti") .ith Pa'l
that the) do the evil the) .o'ld not.
He !a)! that the "aith"'l a"ide in Chri!t% #eca'!e .e are #) "aith 'nited to him% and made one
.ith him.
". Whosoever sinneth hath not seen him( *ccording to hi! '!'al manner he added the oppo!ite
cla'!e% that .e ma) $no. that "aith in Chri!t and $no.ledge o" him are vainl) pretended% e3cept
there #e!! o" li"e. ;or Chri!t i! never dormant .here he reign!% #'t the Spirit render!
e""ect'al hi! *nd it ma) #e rightl) !aid o" him% that he p't! !in to "light% not other.i!e
than a! the !'n drive! a.a) dar$ne!! #) it! o.n #rightne!!. -'t .e are again ta'ght in thi! place
ho. !trong and e""icacio'! i! the $no.ledge o" Chri!tB "or it tran!"orm! '! into hi! image. So #)
seeing and kno+ing .e are to 'nder!tand no other thing than "aith.
1 J'() 3:$-1&
$. Little children% let no man deceive )o'4
he that doeth righteo'!ne!! i! righteo'!%
even a! he i! righteo'!.
$. ;ilioli% nemo vo! decipiatB >ai "acit
?'!titiam ?'!t'! e!t% >'emadmod'm ille
?'!t'! e!t.
1&. +n thi! the children o" =od are
mani"e!t% and the children o" the devil4
1&. +n hoc mani"e!ti !'nt "ilii (ei et "ilii
(ia#oli% D
$. He that doeth righteousness. The *po!tle !he.! here that!! o" li"e i! te!ti"ied #) good
.or$!B nor doe! that li$ene!! o" .hich he ha! !po$en% that i! #et.een Chri!t and hi! mem#er!%
appear% e3cept #) the "r'it! the) #ring "orthB a! tho'gh he had !aid% ASince it #ehoove! '! to #e
con"ormed to Chri!t% the tr'th and evidence o" thi! m'!t appear in o'r li"e.C The e3hortation i!
the !ame .ith that o" Pa'l in =alatian!
A+" )e live in the Spirit% .al$ al!o in the Spirit.C
=alatian! 54/5J
;or man) .o'ld gladl) per!'ade them!elve! that the) have thi! righteo'!ne!! #'ried in their
heart!% .hile ini>'it) evidentl) occ'pie! their "eet% and hand!% and tong'e% and e)e!.
%. He that committeth sin, Thi! .ord% to commit% or to do% re"er! al!o to o't.ard .or$!% !o that
the meaning i!% that there i! no li"e o" =od and o" Chri!t% .here men act perver!el) and .ic$edl)%
#'t that !'ch are% on the contrar)% the !lave! o" the devilB and #) thi! .a) o" !pea$ing he !et!
"orth more "'ll) ho. 'nli$e the) are to Chri!t. ;or a! he ha! #e"ore repre!ented Chri!t a! the
"o'ntain o" all righteo'!ne!!% !o no.% on the other hand% he mention! the devil a! the #eginning
o" !in. He denied that an) one #elong! to Chri!t e3cept he .ho i! righteo'! and !he.! him!el" to
#e !'ch #) hi! .or$!B he no. a!!ign! to the devil all other!% and !'#?ect! them to hi!
government% in order that .e ma) $no. that there i! no middle condition% #'t that Satan
e3erci!e! hi! t)rann) .here the righteo'!ne!! o" Chri!t po!!e!!e! not the primac).
There are not ho.ever t.o adver!e principle!% !'ch a! the Manichean! have imaginedB "or .e
$no. that the devil i! not .ic$ed #) nat're or #) creation% #'t #ecame !o thro'gh de"ection. Ke
$no. al!o that he i! not e>'al to =od% !o that he can .ith e>'al right or a'thorit) contend .ith
him% #'t that he i! 'n.illingl) 'nder re!traint% !o that he can do nothing e3cept at the nod and
.ith the permi!!ion o" hi! Creator. @ohn% in the la!t place% in !a)ing that !ome .ere #orn o" =od
and !ome o" the devil% imagined no tradition !'ch a! the Manichean! dreamt o"B #'t he mean!
that. the "ormer are governed and g'ided #) the Spirit o" =od% and that the other! are led a!tra)
#) Satan% a! =od grant! to him thi! over the 'n#elieving.
For the Devil sinneth from the "eginning. *! #e"ore he !po$e not o" Chri!t per!onall)% .hen he
!aid that he i! righteo'!% #'t mentioned him a! the "o'ntain and the ca'!e o" righteo'!ne!!B !o
no.% .hen he !a)! that the (evil !in!% he incl'de! hi! .hole #od)% even all the repro#ateB a!
tho'gh he had !aid% thi! #elong! to the (evil% to entice men to !in. +t hence "ollo.!% that hi!
mem#er!% and all .ho are r'led #) him% give them!elve! 'p to commit !in. -'t the #eginning
.hich the *po!tle mention!% i! not "rom eternit)% a! .hen he !a)! that the Kord i! "rom the
#eginning% "or there i! a .ide di""erence #et.een =od and creat're!. -eginning a! to =od% re"er!
to no time. Since% then% the Kord .a! al.a)! .ith =od% )o' can "ind no point o" time in .hich
he #egan to #e% #'t )o' m'!t nece!!aril) admit hi! eternit). -'t here @ohn meant no other thing
than that the (evil had #een an apo!tate !ince the creation o" the .orld% and that "rom that time
he had never cea!ed to !catter hi! poi!on among men.
For this *ur*ose the Son of God +as manifested. He repeat! in other .ord! .hat he had #e"ore
!aid% that Chri!t came to ta$e a.a) !in!. Hence t.o concl'!ion! are to #e dra.n% that tho!e in
.hom !in reign! cannot #e rec$oned among the mem#er! o" Chri!t% and that the) can #) no
mean! #elong to hi! #od)B "or .herever Chri!t p't! "orth hi! o.n he p't! the (evil to
"light a! .ell a! !in. *nd thi! i! .hat @ohn immediatel) add!B "or the ne3t !entence% .here he
!a)! that tho!e .ho !in not are #orn o" =od% i! a concl'!ion "rom .hat i! gone #e"ore. +t i! an
arg'ment dra.n "rom .hat i! incon!i!tent% a! + have alread) !aidB "or the $ingdom o" Chri!t%
.hich #ring! righteo'!ne!! .ith it% cannot admit o" !in. -'t + have alread) !aid .hat not to sin
mean!. He doe! not ma$e the children o" =od .holl) "ree "rom all !inB #'t he denie! that an) can
reall) glor) in thi! di!tinction% e3cept tho!e .ho "rom the heart !trive to "orm their li"e in
o#edience to =od.
The Pelagian!% indeed% and the Catharian! did "ormerl) ma$e a .rong '!e o" thi! pa!!age% .hen
the) vainl) imagined that the "aith"'l are in thi! .orld end'ed .ith angelic p'rit)B and in o'r
o.n age !ome o" the *na#apti!t! have rene.ed thi! dotage. -'t all tho!e .ho dream o" a
per"ection o" thi! $ind% !'""icientl) !he. .hat !t'pid con!cience! the) m'!t have. -'t the .ord!
o" the *po!tle are !o "ar "rom co'ntenancing their error% that the) are !'""icient to con"'te it.
He !a)! that the) sin not .ho are #orn o" =od. 9o.% .e m'!t con!ider% .hether =od .holl)
regenerate! '! at once% or .hether the remain! o" the old man contin'e in '! 'ntil death. +"
regeneration i! not a! )et "'ll and complete% it doe! not e3empt '! "rom the #ondage o" !in e3cept
in proportion to it! o.n e3tent. +t hence appear! that it cannot #e #'t that the children o" =od are
not "ree "rom !in!% and that the) dail) !in% that i!% a! "ar a! the) have !till !ome remnant! o" their
old nat're. 9everthele!!% .hat the *po!tle contend! "or !tand! 'naltera#le% that the de!ign o"
regeneration i! to de!tro) !in% and that all .ho are #orn o" =od lead a righteo'! and a hol) li"e%
#eca'!e the Spirit o" =od re!train! the l'!ting o" !in.
The *po!tle mean! the !ame thing #) the seed o" =odB "or =od:! Spirit !o "orm! the heart! o" the
godl) "or hol) a""ection!% that the "le!h and it! l'!t! do not prevail% #'t #eing !'#d'ed and p't a!
it .ere 'nder a )o$e% the) are chec$ed and re!trained. +n !hort% the *po!tle a!cri#e! to the Spirit
the !overeignt) in the elect% .ho #) hi! repre!!e! !in and !'""er! it not to r'le and reign.
'nd he cannot sin. Here the *po!tle a!cend! higher% "or he plainl) declare! that the heart! o" the
godl) are !o e""ect'all) governed #) the Spirit o" =od% that thro'gh an in"le3i#le di!po!ition the)
"ollo. hi! g'idance. Thi! i! indeed "ar removed "rom the doctrine o" the Papi!t!. The Sor#on!% it
i! tr'e% con"e!! that the .ill o" man% 'nle!! a!!i!ted #) =od:! Spirit% cannot de!ire .hat i! rightB
#'t the) imagine !'ch a motion o" the Spirit a! leave! to '! the "ree choice o" good and evil.
Hence the) dra. "orth merit!% #eca'!e .e .illingl) o#e) the in"l'ence o" the Spirit% .hich it i!
in o'r to re!i!t. +n !hort% the) de!ire the grace o" the Spirit to #e onl) thi!% that .e are
there#) ena#led to choo!e right i" .e .ill. @ohn !pea$! here "ar other.i!eB "or he not onl) !he.!
that .e cannot !in% #'t al!o that the o" the Spirit i! !o e""ect'al% that it nece!!aril) retain!
'! in contin'al o#edience to righteo'!ne!!. 9or i! thi! the onl) pa!!age o" Script're .hich
teache! '! that the .ill i! !o "ormed that it cannot #e other.i!e than right. ;or =od te!ti"ie! that
he give! a ne. heart to hi! children% and promi!e! to do thi!% that the) ma) .al$ in hi!
commandment!. -e!ide!% @ohn not onl) !he.! ho. e""icacio'!l) =od .or$! once in man% #'t
plainl) declare! that the Spirit contin'e! hi! grace in '! to the la!t% !o that in"le3i#le per!everance
i! added to!! o" li"e. Let '! not% then% imagine .ith the Sophi!t! that it i! !ome ne'tral
movement% .hich leave! men "ree either to "ollo. or to re?ectB #'t let '! $no. that o'r o.n
heart! are !o r'led #) =od:! Spirit% that the) con!tantl) cleave to righteo'!ne!!.
MoreoverB .hat the Sophi!t! a#!'rdl) o#?ect% ma) #e ea!il) re"'ted4 the) !a) that th'! the .ill i!
ta$en a.a) "rom manB #'t the) !a) !o "al!el)4 "or the .ill i! a nat'ral po.erB #'t% a! nat're i!
corr'pted% it ha! onl) depraved inclination!. +t i! hence nece!!ar) that the Spirit o" =od !ho'ld
rene. it% in order that it ma) #egin to #e good. *nd% then% a! men .o'ld immediatel) "all a.a)
"rom .hat i! good% it i! nece!!ar) that the !ame Spirit !ho'ld carr) on .hat he ha! #eg'n% to the
*! to merit% the an!.er i! o#vio'!% "or it cannot #e deemed !trange that men merit nothingB and
)et good .or$!% .hich "lo. "rom the grace o" the Spirit% do not cea!e to #e !o deemed% #eca'!e
the) are vol'ntar). The) have al!o a re.ard% "or the) are #) grace a!cri#ed to men a! tho'gh the)
.ere their o.n.
-'t here a >'e!tion ari!e!% Khether the "ear and love o" =od can #e e3ting'i!hed in an) one .ho
ha! #een regenerated #) the Spirit o" =odO "or that. thi! cannot #e% !eem! to #e the import o" the
*po!tle:! .ord!. The) .ho thin$ other.i!e re"er to the e3ample o" (avid% .ho "or a time
la#ored 'nder !'ch a #ea!tl) !t'por% that not a !par$ o" grace appeared in him. Moreover% in the
"i"t)"ir!t P!alm% he pra)! "or the re!toration o" the Spirit. +t hence "ollo.! that he .a! deprived
o" him. +% ho.ever% do'#t not #'t that the !eed% comm'nicated .hen =od regenerate! hi! elect% a!
it i! incorr'pti#le% retain! it! virt'e perpet'all). +% indeed% grant that it ma) !ometime! #e !ti"led%
a! in the ca!e o" (avidB #'t !till% .hen all religion !eemed to #e e3tinct in him% a live coal .a!
hid 'nder the a!he!. Satan% indeed% la#or! to root o't .hatever i! "rom =od in the electB #'t .hen
the 'tmo!t i! permitted to him% there ever remain! a hidden root% .hich a"ter.ard! !pring! 'p.
-'t @ohn doe! not !pea$ o" one act% a! the) !a)% #'t o" the contin'ed co'r!e o" li"e.
Some "anatic! dream o" !omething + $no. not .hat% that i!% o" an eternal !eed in the elect% .hich
the) al.a)! #ring "rom their mother:! .om#B #'t "or thi! p'rpo!e the) ver) o'trageo'!l) pervert
the .ord! o" @ohnB "or he doe! not !pea$ o" eternal election% #'t #egin! .ith regeneration.
There are al!o tho!e .ho are do'#l) "rantic% .ho hold% 'nder thi! preten!e% that% ever)thing i!
la."'l to the "aith"'l% that i!% #eca'!e @ohn !a)! that the) cannot !in. The) then maintain that .e
ma) "ollo. indi!criminatel) .hatever o'r inclination! ma) lead '! to. Th'! the) ta$e the li#ert)
to commit ad'lter)% to !teal% and to m'rder% #eca'!e there can #e no !in .here =od:! Spirit
reign!. -'t "ar other.i!e i! the meaning o" the *po!tleB "or he denie! that the "aith"'l !in "or thi!
rea!on% #eca'!e =od ha! engraven hi! la. on their heart!% according to .hat the Prophet !a)!
@eremiah 01400.J
1&. 0n this the children of God are manifest( He !hortl) dra.! thi! concl'!ion% that tho!e in vain
claim a place and a name among the children o" =od% .ho do not prove them!elve! to #e !'ch #)
a pio'! and hol) li"e% !ince #) thi! evidence the) !he. that the) di""er "rom the children o" the
devil. -'t he doe! not mean that the) are rim! mani"e!ted% !o a! to #e openl) recogni5ed #) the
.hole .orldB #'t hi! meaning i! onl) thi!% that the "r'it and adoption al.a)! appear in the li"e.
1 J'() 3:1&-13
1&. D Kho!oever doeth not righteo'!ne!!
i! not o" =od% neither he that loveth not hi!
1&. D R'i!>'i! non "acit ?'!titiam% non
e!t e3 (eo% et >'i non diligit "ratrem
13. Marvel not% m) #rethren% i" the .orld
hate )o'.
13. 9e miremini% "ratre! mei% !i vo!
m'nd'! odit.
1&. Whosoever doeth not righteousness( To do righteo'!ne!! and to do !in% are here !et in
oppo!ition the one to the other. Then% to do righteo'!ne!! i! no other thing than to "ear =od "rom
the heart% and to .al$ in hi! commandment! a! "ar a! h'man .ea$ne!! .ill permitB "or tho'gh
righteo'!ne!! in a !trict !en!e i! a per"ect $eeping o" the la.% "rom .hich the "aith"'l are al.a)!
"ar o""B )et a! o""en!e! and "alling! are not imp'ted to them #) =od% righteo'!ne!! i! that
imper"ect o#edience .hich the) render to him. -'t @ohn declare! that all .ho do not live
righteo'!l) are not o" =od% #eca'!e all tho!e .hom =od call!% he regenerate! #) hi! Spirit.
Hence!! o" li"e i! a perpet'al evidence o" divine adoption.
:either he +ho loveth not his "rother. He accommodate! a general doctrine to hi! o.n p'rpo!e.
;or hitherto he ha! #een e3horting the "aith"'l to #rotherl) loveB no.% "or the !ame end% he re"er!
to tr'e righteo'!ne!!. Hence thi! cla'!e i! added in!tead o" an e3planation. -'t + have alread)
!tated the rea!on .h) the .hole o" righteo'!ne!! i! incl'ded in #rotherl) love. The love o" =od
hold!% indeed% the "ir!t placeB #'t a! on it depend! love to.ard! men% it i! o"ten% a! a part "or the
.hole% comprehended 'nder it% and al!o the latter 'nder the "ormer. Then he declare! that ever)
one .ho i! end'ed .ith #enevolence and h'manit)% i! th'! ?'!t% and i! to #e !o deemed% #eca'!e
love i! rite "'l"illment o" the la.. He con"irm! thi! declaration #) !a)ing that the "aith"'l had
#een !o taught "rom the #eginningB "or #) the!e .ord! he intimate! that the !tatement .hich he
made o'ght not to have appeared ne. to them.
12. :ot as $ain. Thi! i! another con"irmation% ta$en "rom .hat i! contrar)B "or in the repro#ate
and the children o" the devil hatred reign!% and it hold!% a! it .ere% the chie" place in their li"eB
and he #ring! "or.ard Cain a! an in!tance. +t !erved in the meantime to give them con!olation% a!
he at length concl'ded #) !a)ing% Marvel not, if the +orld hate &ou(
Thi! e3planation o'ght to #e care"'ll) noticed% "or men ever #l'nder a! to the .a) o" living%
#eca'!e the) ma$e holine!! to con!i!t o" "ictitio'! .or$!% and .hile the) torment them!elve!
.ith tri"le!% the) thin$ them!elve! do'#l) accepta#le to =od% a! the mon$!% .ho pro'dl) call
their mode o" living a !tate o" per"ectionB nor i! there an) other .or!hip o" =od 'nder the Papac)
#'t a ma!! o" !'per!tition!. -'t the *po!tle te!ti"ie! that thi! righteo'!ne!! alone i! approved #)
=od% that i!% i" .e love one anotherB and "'rther% that the devil reign! .here hatred% di!!im'lation%
env)% and enmit) prevail. Ke o'ght% ho.ever% at the !ame time% to #ear in mind .hat + have
alread) to'ched 'pon% that #rotherl) love% a! it proceed! "rom the love o" =od a! an e""ect "rom a
ca'!e% i! not di!?oined "rom it% #'t on the contrar) i! commended #) @ohn on thi! acco'nt%
#eca'!e it i! an evidence o" o'r love to =od.
-) !a)ing that $ain .a! driven to !la) hi! #rother% #eca'!e hi! .or$! .ere evil% he intimate!
.hat + have alread) !tated% that .hen impiet) r'le!% hatred occ'pie! the "ir!t place. He re"er! to
*#el:! righteo'! .or$!% that .e ma) learn to end're patientl) .hen the .orld hate! '!
grat'ito'!l)% .itho't an) ?'!t% provocation.
1 J'() 3:1-1%
1!. Ke $no. that .e have pa!!ed "rom
death 'nto li"e% #eca'!e .e love the
#rethren4 he that loveth not hi! #rother
a#ideth in death.
1!. 9o! !cim'! >'od tran!ierim'! a
morte in vitam% >'ia diligim'! "ratre!4
>'i non diligit "ratrem% manet in
1%. M) little children% let '! not love in
.ord% neither in tong'eB #'t in deed% and in
1%. ;ilioli mei% ne diligam'! !ermone%
ne>'e ling'a% !ed opere et veritate.
1!. We kno+( He commend! love to '! #) a remar$a#le e'log)% #eca'!e it i! an evidence o" a
tran!ition "rom death to li"e. +t hence "ollo.! that i" .e love the #rethren .e are #le!!ed% #'t that
.e are mi!era#le i" .e hate them. There i! no one .ho doe! not .i!h to #e "reed and delivered
"rom death. Tho!e then .ho #) cheri!hing hatred .illingl) give them!elve! 'p to death% m'!t #e
e3tremel) !t'pid and !en!ele!!. -'t .hen the *po!tle !a)!% that it i! $no.n #) love that .e have
pa!!ed into li"e% he doe! not mean that man i! hi! o.n deliverer% a! tho'gh he co'ld #) loving the
#rethren re!c'e him!el" "rom death% and proc're li"e "or him!el"B "or he doe! not here treat o" the
ca'!e o" !alvation% #'t a! love i! the !pecial "r'it o" the Spirit% it i! al!o a !'re !)m#ol o"
regeneration. Then the *po!tle dra.! an arg'ment "rom the !ign% and not "rom the ca'!e. ;or a!
no one !incerel) love! hi! #rethren% e3cept he i! regenerated #) the Spirit o" =od% he hence
rightl) concl'de! that the Spirit o" =od% .ho i! li"e% d.ell! in all .ho love the #rethren. -'t it
.o'ld #e prepo!tero'! "or all) one to in"er hence% that li"e i! o#tained #) love% !ince love i! in
order o" time po!terior to it.
The arg'ment .o'ld #e more pla'!i#le% .ere it !aid that love ma$e! '! more certain o" li"e4 then
con"idence a! to !alvation .o'ld rec'm# on .or$!. -'t the an!.er to thi! i! o#vio'!B "or tho'gh
"aith i! con"irmed #) all the grace! o" =od a! aid!% )et it cea!e! not to have it! "o'ndation in the
merc) o" =od onl). *! "or in!tance% .hen .e en?o) the light% .e are certain that the !'n !hine!B i"
the !'n !hine! on the place in .hich .e are% .e have a clearer vie. o" itB #'t &et .hen the vi!i#le
ra)! do not come to '!% .e are !ati!"ied that the !'n di""'!e! it! #rightne!! "or o'r #ene"it. So
.hen "aith i! "o'nded on Chri!t% !ome thing! ma) happen to a!!i!t it% !till it re!t! on Chri!t:!
grace alone.
1. 0s a murderer. To !tim'late '! !till more to love% he !he.! ho. dete!ta#le #e"ore =od i!
hatred. There i! no one .ho dread! not a m'rdererB na)% .e all e3ecrate the ver) name. -'t the
*po!tle declare! that all .ho hate their #rethren are m'rderer!. He co'ld have !aid nothing more
atrocio'!B nor i! .hat i! !aid h)per#olical% "or .e .i!h him to peri!h .hom .e hate. +t doe! not
matter i" a man $eep! hi! hand! "rom mi!chie"B "or the ver) de!ire to do harm% a! .ell a! the
attempt% i! condemned #e"ore =od4 na)% .hen .e do not o'r!elve! !ee$ to do an in?'r)% )et i" .e
.i!h an evil to happen to o'r #rother "rom !ome one el!e% .e are m'rderer!.
Then the *po!tle de"ine! the thing !impl) a! it i!% .hen he a!cri#e! m'rder to hatred. Hence i!
proved the "oll) o" men% that tho'gh the) a#ominate the name% the) )et ma$e no acco'nt o" the
crime it!el". Khence i! thi!O even #eca'!e the e3ternal "ace o" thing! engro!!e! o'r tho'ght!B #'t
the in.ard "eeling come! to an acco'nt #e"ore =od. Let no one there"ore e3ten'ate an) more !o
grievo'! an evil. Let '! learn to re"er o'r ?'dgment! to the tri#'nal o" =od.
1". Here"& *erceive +e% or% -) thi! .e $no.. He no. !he.! .hat tr'e love i!B "or it .o'ld not
have #een eno'gh to commend it% 'nle!! it! i! 'nder!tood. *! an ill!tance o" per"ect love%
he !et! #e"ore '! the e3ample o" Chri!tB "or he% #) not !paring hi! o.n li"e% te!ti"ied ho. m'ch he
loved '!. Thi! then i! the mar$ to .hich he #id! them to advance. The !'m o" .hat i! !aid i!% that
o'r love i! approved% .hen .e tran!"er the love o" o'r!elve! to o'r #rethren% !o that ever) one% in
a manner "orgetting him!el"% !ho'ld !ee$ the good o" other!.
+t i!% indeed% certain% that .e are "ar "rom #eing e>'al to Chri!t4 #'t the *po!tle recommend! to
'! the imitation o" himB "or tho'gh .e do not overta$e him% it i! )et meet% that .e !ho'ld "ollo.
hi! !tep!% tho'gh at a di!tance. (o'#tle!!% !ince it .a! the *po!tle:! o#?ect to #eat do.n the vain
#oa!ting o" h)pocrite!% .ho gloried that the) had "aith in Chri!t tho'gh .itho't #rotherl) love%
he intimated #) the!e .ord!% that e3cept thi! "eeling prevail! in o'r heart!% .e have no
connection .ith Chri!t. 9or doe! he )et% a! + have !aid% !et #e"ore '! the love o" Chri!t% !o a! to
re>'ire '! to #e e>'al to himB "or .hat .o'ld thi! #e #'t to drive '! all to de!pairO -'t he mean!
that o'r "eeling! !ho'ld #e !o "ormed and reg'lated% that .e ma) de!ire to devote o'r li"e and
al!o o'r death% "ir!t to =od% and then to o'r neigh#or!.
There i! another di""erence #et.een '! and Chri!t% D the virt'e or #ene"it o" o'r death cannot #e
the !ame. ;or the .rath o" =od i! not paci"ied #) o'r #lood% nor i! li"e proc'red #) o'r death% nor
i! p'ni!hment d'e to other! !'""ered #) '!. -'t the *po!tle% in thi! compari!on% had not in vie.
the end or the e""ect o" Chri!t:! deathB #'t he meant onl) that o'r li"e !ho'ld #e "ormed according
to hi! e3ample.
1$. But +hose hath this +orld6s good% or% +" an) one ha! the .orld:! !'!tenance. He no. !pea$!
o" the common d'tie! o" love% .hich "lo. "rom that chie" "o'ndation% that i!% .hen .e are
prepared to !erve o'r neigh#or! even to death. He% at the !ame time% !eem! to rea!on "rom the
greater to the le!!B "or he .ho re"'!e! to alleviate #) hi! good! the .ant o" hi! #rother% .hile hi!
li"e i! !a"e and !ec're% m'ch le!! .o'ld he e3po!e "or him hi! li"e to danger. Then he denie! that
there i! love in '!% i" .e .ithhold help "rom o'r neigh#or!. -'t he !o recommend! thi! e3ternal
$indne!!% that at the !ame time he ver) "itl) e3pre!!e! the right .a) o" doing good% and .hat !ort
o" "eeling o'ght to #e in '!.
Let thi!% then% #e the "ir!t propo!ition% that no one tr'l) love! hi! #rethren% e3cept he reall) !he.!
thi! .henever an occa!ion occ'r!B the !econd% that a! "ar a! an) one ha! the mean!% he i! #o'nd
!o "ar to a!!i!t hi! #rethren% "or the Lord th'! !'pplie! '! .ith the opport'nit) to e3erci!e loveB
the third% that the nece!!it) o" ever) one o'ght to #e !een to% "or a! an) one need! "ood and drin$
or other thing! o" .hich .e have a#'ndance% !o he re>'ire! o'r aidB the "o'rth% that no act o"
$indne!!% e3cept accompanied .ith !)mpath)% i! plea!ing to =od. There are man) apparentl)
li#eral% .ho )et do not "eel "or the mi!erie! o" their #rethren. -'t the *po!tle re>'ire! that o'r
#o.el! !ho'ld #e openedB .hich i! done% .hen .e are end'ed .ith !'ch a "eeling a! to
!)mpathi5e .ith other! in their evil!% no other.i!e than a! tho'gh the) .ere o'r o.n.
%he love of God. Here he !pea$! o" loving the #rethrenB .h) then doe! he mention the love o"
=odO even #eca'!e thi! principle i! to #e held% that it cannot #e #'t that the love o" =od .ill
generate in '! the love o" the #rethren.
*nd th'! =od trie! o'r love to him% .hen he #id! '!
to love men "rom a regard to him!el"% according to .hat i! !aid in
P!alm 1E4/%
AM) goodne!! reache! not to thee% #'t to.ard! the !aint! .ho are on the earth i! m) .ill
and m) care.C
1F. Let us not love in +ord. There i! a conce!!ion in thi! "ir!t cla'!eB "or .e cannot love in
tong'e onl)B #'t a! man) "al!el) pretend thi!% the *po!tle concedes% according to .hat i! o"ten
done% the name o" the thing to their di!!im'lation% tho'gh% in the !econd cla'!e% he reprove! their
vanit)% .hen he denie! that there i! realit) e3cept in the deed. ;or th'! o'ght the .ord! to #e
e3plained% D Let '! not pro"e!! #) the tong'e that .e love% #'t prove it #) the deedB "or thi! i!
the onl) tr'e .a) o" ! love.
1 J'() 3:1#-22
1#. *nd here#) .e $no. that .e are o" the
tr'th% and !hall a!!'re o'r heart! #e"ore him.
1#. ,t in hoc cogno!cim'! >'od e3
veritate !'mm!% et coram ip!o
per!'ade#im'! corda no!tra.
22. *nd .hat!oever .e a!$% .e receive o"
him% #eca'!e .e $eep hi! commandment!%
and do tho!e thing! that are plea!ing ill hi!
22. ,t !i>'id petierim'!% accipim'! a#
eo% >'ia praecepta e?'! !ervam'!% et
>'te coram co placent "acim'!.
1#. 'nd here"& +e kno+% or% #) thi! .e $no.. The .ord truth% he ta$e! no. in a di""erent !en!eB
#'t there i! a !tri$ing !imilarit) in the .ord!% D +" .e% in tr'th% love o'r neigh#or!% .e have an
evidence that .e are #orn o" =od% .ho i! tr'th% or that the tr'th o" =od d.ell! in '!. -'t .e m'!t
ever remem#er% that .e have not "rom love the $no.ledge .hich the *po!tle mention!% a!
tho'gh .e .ere to !ee$ "rom it the certaint) o" !alvation. *nd do'#tle!! .e $no. not other.i!e
that .e are the children o" =od% than a! he !eal! hi! "ree adoption on o'r heart! #) hi! o.n
Spirit.% and a! .e receive #) "aith the !'re pledge o" it o""ered in Chri!t. Then love i! acce!!or)
or an in"erior aid% a prop to o'r "aith% not a "o'ndation on .hich it re!t!.
Kh) then doe! the *po!tle !a)% We shall assure our hearts "efore GodO He remind! '! #) the!e
.ord!% that "aith doe! not e3i!t .itho't a good con!cienceB not that a!!'rance ari!e! "rom it or
depend! on it% #'t that then onl) .e are reall) and not "al!el) a!!'red o" o'r 'nion .ith =od%
.hen #) the e""icac) o" hi! Hol) Spirit he mani"e!t! him!el" in o'r love. ;or it i! ever meet and
proper to con!ider .hat the *po!tle handle!B "or a! he condemn! reigned and "al!e pro"e!!ion o"
"aith% he !a)! that a gen'ine a!!'rance #e"ore =od .e cannot have% e3cept hi! Spirit prod'ce! in
'! the "r'it o" love. 9everthele!!% tho'gh a good con!cience cannot #e !eparated "rom "aith% )et
no one !ho'ld hence concl'de that .e m'!t loo$ to o'r .or$! in order that o'r a!!'rance ma) #e
20. For if our heart condemn us. He prove!% on the other hand% that the) hi vain po!!e!! the name
and appearance o" Chri!tian!% .ho have not the te!timon) o" a good con!cience. ;or i" an) one i!
con!cio'! o" g'ilt% and i! condemned #) hi! o.n heart% m'ch le!! can he e!cape the ?'dgment o"
=od. +t hence "ollo.!% that "aith i! !'#verted #) the di!>'iet o" an evil con!cience.
He !a)!% that God is greater than our heart% .ith re"erence to ?'dgment% that. i!% #eca'!e he !ee!
m'ch more $eenl) than .e do% and !earche! more min'tel) and ?'dge! more !everel). ;or thi!
rea!on% Pa'l !a)!% that tho'gh he .a! not con!cio'! o" .rong him!el"% )et he .a! not there"ore
?'!ti"ied% G
1 Corinthian! 444BJ "or he $ne. that ho.ever care"'ll) attentive he .a! to hi!
o""ice% he erred in man) thing!% and thro'gh inadvertence .a! ignorant o" mi!ta$e! .hich =od
perceived. Khat then the *po!tle mean! i!% that he .ho i! hara!!ed and condemned #) hi! o.n
con!cience% cannot e!cape the ?'dgment o" =od.
To the !ame p'rpo!e i! .hat immediatel) "ollo.!% that =od kno+eth or !eeth all things. ;or ho.
can tho!e thing! #e hid "rom him .hich .e% .ho in compari!on .ith him are d'll and #lind% are
con!trained to !eeO Then ta$e thi! e3planation% ASince =od !ee! all thing!% he i! "ar !'perior to
o'r heart!.C ;or to render a cop'lative a! a ca'!al particle i! no ne. thing. The meaning i! no.
clear% that !ince the $no.ledge o" =od penetrate! deeper than the perception! o" o'r con!cience%
no one can !tand #e"ore him e3cept the integrit) o" hi! con!cience !'!tain! him.
-'t here a >'e!tion ma) #e rai!ed. +t i! certain that the repro#ate are !ometime! !'n$ #) Satan
into !'ch !t'por% that the) are no longer con!cio'! o" their o.n evil!% and. .itho't alarm or "ear%
a! Pa'l !a)!% r'!h headlong into perditionB it i! al!o certain% that h)pocrite! '!'all) "latter
them!elve!% and pro'dl) di!regard the ?'dgment o" =od% "or% #eing ine#riated #) a "al!e conceit
a! to their o.n righteo'!ne!!% the) "eel no conviction! o" !in. The an!.er to the!e thing! i! not
di""ic'ltB h)pocrite! are deceived #eca'!e the) !h'n the lightB and the repro#ate "eel nothing%
#eca'!e the) have departed "rom =odB and% indeed there i! no !ec'rit) "or an evil con!cience #'t
in hidingplace!.
-'t the *po!tle !pea$! here o" con!cience! .hich =od dra.! "orth to the light% "orce! to hi!
tri#'nal% and "ill! .ith an apprehen!ion o" hi! ?'dgment. SetB it i! at the !ame time generall) tr'e%
that .e cannot have a calm peace e3cept that .hich =od:! Spirit give! to p'ri"ied heart!B "or
tho!e .ho% a! .e have !aid% are !t'pe"ied% o"ten "eel !ecret comp'nction!% and torment
them!elve! in their letharg).
21. 0f our heart condemns not. + have alread) e3plained that thi! re"er! not to h&*ocrites nor to
the gro!! de!pi!er! o" =od. ;or ho. m'ch!oever the repro#ate ma) approve o" their o.n live!%
)et the Lord% a! Solomon !a)!% .eigheth their heart!. G
Prover#! 1E4/.J Thi! #alance o" =od%
#) .hich he trie! men% i! !'ch% that no one can #oa!t that he ha! a clean heart. The meaning%
then% o" the *po!tle:! .ord! i!% that then onl) .e come in calm con"idence into =od:! pre!ence%
.hen .e #ring .ith '! the te!timon) o" a heart con!cio'! o" .hat i! right and hone!t. That
!a)ing o" Pa'l i! indeed tr'e% that #) "aith% .hich relie! on the grace o" Chri!t% an access to =od
.ith con"idence i! opened to '!% G
,phe!ian! 041/BJ and al!o% that peace i! given '! #) "aith%
that o'r con!cience! ma) !tand peacea#l) #e"ore =od. G
8oman! 541.J -'t there i! not m'ch
di""erence #et.een the!e !entence!B "or Pa'l !he.! the ca'!e o" con"idence% #'t @ohn mention!
onl) an in!epara#le addition% .hich nece!!aril) adhere! to it% tho'gh it #e not the ca'!e.
Here% ho.ever% ari!e! a greater di""ic'lt)% .hich !eem! to leave no con"idence in the .hole
.orldB "or .ho can #e "o'nd .ho!e heart reprove! him in nothingO To thi! + an!.er% that the
godl) are th'! reproved% that the) ma) at the !ame time #e a#!olved. ;or it i! indeed nece!!ar)
that the) !ho'ld #e !erio'!l) tro'#led in.ardl) "or their !in!% that terror ma) lead them to
h'milit) and to a hatred o" them!elve!B #'t the) pre!entl) "lee to the !acri"ice o" Chri!t% .here
the) have !'re peace. Set the *po!tle !a)!% in another !en!e% that the) are not condemned%
#eca'!e ho.ever de"icient the) ma) con"e!! them!elve! to #e in man) thing!% the) are !till
relieved #) thi! te!timon) o" con!cience% that the) tr'l) and "rom the heart "ear =od and de!ire to
!'#mit to hi! righteo'!ne!!. *ll .ho po!!e!! thi! godl) "eeling% and at the !ame time $no. that
all their endeavor!% ho. m'ch!oever the) come !hort o" per"ection% )et plea!e =od% are ?'!tl)
!aid to have a calm or a peace"'l heart% #eca'!e there i! no in.ard comp'nction to di!t'r# their
calm cheer"'lne!!.
22. 'nd +hatsoever +e ask. The!e t.o thing! are connected% con"idence and pra)er. *! #e"ore he
!he.ed that an evil con!cience i! incon!i!tent .ith con"idence% !o no. he declare! that none can
reall) pra) to =od #'t tho!e .ho .ith a p're heart% "ear and rightl) .or!hip him. The latter
"ollo.! "rom the "ormer. +t i! a general tr'th ta'ght in Script're% that the 'ngodl) are not heard
#) =od% #'t that on the contrar)% their !acri"ice! and pra)er! are an a#omination to him. Hence
the door i! here clo!ed 'p again!t h)pocrite!% le!t the) !ho'ld in contempt o" him r'!h into hi!
He doe! not )et mean that a good con!cience m'!t #e #ro'ght% a! tho'gh it o#tained "avor to o'r
pra)er!. Koe to '! i" .e loo$ on .orld!% .hich have nothing in them #'t .hat i! a ca'!e o" "ear
and trem#ling. The "aith"'l% then% cannot other.i!e come to =od:! tri#'nal than #) rel)ing on
Chri!t the Mediator. -'t a! the love o" =od i! ever connected .ith "aith% the *po!tle% in order
that he might the more !everel) reprove h)pocrite!% deprive! them o" that !ing'lar privilege .ith
.hich =od "avor! hi! o.n childrenB that i!% le!t the) !ho'ld thin$ that their pra)er! have an
acce!! to =od.
-) !a)ing% "ecause +e kee* his commandments% he mean! not that con"idence in pra)er i!
"o'nded on o'r .or$!B #'t he teache! thi! onl)% that tr'e religion and the !incere .or!hip o" =od
cannot #e !eparated "rom "aith. 9or o'ght it to appear !trange that he '!e! a ca'!al particle%
tho'gh he doe! not !pea$ o" a ca'!eB "or an in!epara#le addition i! !ometime! mentioned a! a
ca'!e a! .hen one !a)!% -eca'!e the !'n !hine! over '! at midda)% there i! more heatB #'t it doe!
not "ollo. that heat come! "rom light.
1 J'() 3:23-2!
23. *nd thi! i! hi! commandment% That .e
!ho'ld #elieve on the name o" hi! Son
@e!'! Chri!t% and love one another% a! he
gave '! commandment.
23. ,t hoc e!t praecept'm e?'!% 't
eredamn! riomini ;ilii e?'! @e!'
Chri!ti% et no! diligam'! invicem%
!ic'ti praecept'm dedit no#i!.
2!. *nd he that $eepeth hi! commandment
d.elleth in him% and he in him4 and here#)
.e $no. that he a#ideth in '!% #) the
Spirit .hich he hath given '!.
2!. R'i !ervat praecepta e?'!% in ip!o
manet% et ip!e in eoB at>'e in hoc
cogno!cim'! >'od manet in no#le%
e3 Spirit' >'em no#le dedit.
23. 'nd this is his commandment. He again accommodate! a general tr'th to hi! o.n p'rpo!e.
The meaning i!% that !'ch i! the di!cord #et.een '! and =od% that .e are $ept o"" "rom an acce!!
to him% e3cept .e are 'nited #) love to one another. *t the !ame time he doe! not here commend
love alone% a! #e"ore% #'t ?oin! it a! the companion and attendant o" "aith.
The Sophi!t! #) their glo!!e! di!tort the!e .ord!% a! tho'gh li#ert) to pra) .ere o#tained #) '!%
partl) #) "aith and partl) #) .or$!. *! @ohn re>'ire! '! to $eep =od:! commandment! that .e
ma) pra) aright% and a"ter.ard! teache! '! that thi! $eeping re"er! to "aith and love% the)
concl'de% that "rom the!e t.o thing! o'ght .e to derive con"idence in pra)er. -'t + have alread)
!everal time! reminded )o'% that the !'#?ect here i! not ho. or #) .hat mean! men ma) prepare
them!elve! !o that the) ma) have con"idence to pra) to =od% "or he !pea$! not here o" the ca'!e
o" ill! or o" an) .orthine!!. @ohn onl) !he.!% that =od "avor! none .ith the honor and privilege
o" interco'r!e .ith him!el" #'t hi! o.n children% even tho!e .ho have #een regenerated #) hi!
Spirit. The import% then% o" .hat i! !aid i!% Khere the "ear and love o" =od do not prevail% it
cannot #e that =od .ill hear pra)er.
-'t i" it #e o'r p'rpo!e to o#e) hi! commandment!% let '! !ee .hat he command!. He doe! not%
ho.ever% !eparate "aith "rom loveB #'t he re>'ire! #oth together "rom '!. *nd thi! i! the rea!on
.h) he '!e! the .ord commandment in the !ing'lar n'm#er.
-'t thi! i! a remar$a#le pa!!ageB "or he de"ine! #rie"l) a! .ell a! l'cidl) in .hat the .hole
per"ection o" a hol) li"e con!i!t!. There i! then no rea!on that .e !ho'ld allege all) di""ic'lt)%
!ince =od doe! #) no mean! lead '! a#o't thro'gh long la#)rinth!% #'t !impl) and !hortl) !et!
#e"ore '! .hat i! right and .hat he approve!. -e!ide!% in thi! #revit) there i! no o#!c'rit)% "or he
!he.! to '! clearl) the #eginning and the end o" a li"e rightl) "ormed. -'t that a mention i! here
onl) made o" #rotherl) love% .hile the love o" =od i! omitted, the rea!on i!% a! .e have
el! !aid% that a! #rotherl) love "lo.! "rom the love o" =od% !o it i! a !'re and real evidence
o" it.
n the name of his Son. The name re"er! to preachingB and thi! connection de!erve! to #e
noticed% "or "e. 'nder!tand .hat it i! to #elieve on Chri!tB #'t "rom thi! mode o" !pea$ing% .e
ma) ea!il) concl'de that the onl) right "aith i! that .hich em#race! Chri!t a! he i! !et "orth in the
=o!pel. Hence al!o it i!% that there i! no "aith .itho't teaching% a! Pa'l al!o !he.! to '! in
8oman! 10414. Ke m'!t at the !ame time o#!erve% that the *po!tle incl'de! "aith in the
$no.ledge o" Chri!tB "or he i! the living image o" the ;ather% and in him are laid 'p all the
trea!'re! o" .i!dom and $no.ledge. *! !oon% then% a! .e t'rn a!ide "rom him% .e cannot do
an)thing el!e #'t .ander in error.
2!. 'nd he that kee*eth his commandments. He con"irm! .hat. + have alread) !tated% that the
'nion .e have .ith =od i! evident .hen .e entertain m't'al love4 not that o'r 'nion #egin!
there#)% #'t that it cannot #e "r'itle!! or .itho't e""ect .henever it #egin! to e3i!t. *nd he prove!
thi! #) adding a rea!on% #eca'!e =od doe! not a#ide in '!% e3cept hi! Spirit d.ell! in '!. -'t
.herever the Spirit i!% he nece!!aril) mani"e!t! hi! and e""icienc). Ke hence readil)
concl'de% that none a#ide in =od and are 'nited to him% #'t tho!e .ho $eep hi! commandment!.
Khen% there"ore% he !a)!% and "& this +e kno+% the cop'lative% and% a! a rea!on i! here given% i!
to #e rendered% A"or%C or% A#eca'!e.C -'t the character o" the pre!ent rea!on o'ght to #e
con!ideredB "or tho'gh the !entence in .ord! agree! .ith that o" Pa'l% .hen he !a)! that the
Spirit te!ti"ie! to o'r heart! that .e are the children o" =od% and that .e thro'gh him cr) to =od%
*##a% ;ather% )et there i! !ome di""erence in the !en!eB "or Pa'l !pea$! o" the certaint) o"
grat'ito'! adoption% .hich the Spirit o" =od !eal! on o'r heart!B #'t @ohn here regard! the e""ect!
.hich the Spirit prod'ce! .hile d.elling in '!% a! Pa'l him!el" doe!% .hen he !a)!% that tho!e are
=od:! children .ho are led #) the Spirit o" =odB "or there al!o he i! !pea$ing o" the morti"ication
o" the "le!h and!! o" li"e.
The !'m o" .hat i! !aid i!% that it hence appear! that .e are =od:! children% that i!% .hen hi!
Spirit r'le! and govern! o'r li"e. @ohn at the !ame time teache! '!% that .hatever good .or$! are
done #) '!% proceed "rom the grace o" the Spirit% and that the Spirit i! not o#tained #) o'r
righteo'!ne!!% #'t i! "reel) given to '!.
CH*PT,8 4
1 JOHN !:1-3
1. -eloved% #elieve not ever) !pirit% #'t tr)
the !pirit! .hether the) are o" =odB
#eca'!e man) "al!e prophet! are gone o't
into the .orld.
1. (ilecti% ne omni !pirit'i credati!%
!ed pro#ate !pirit'!% an e3 (eo !intB
>'ia m'lti p!e'doprophetae e3ier'nt
in m'nd'm.
3. *nd ever) !pirit that con"e!!eth not that
@e!'! Chri!t i! come in the "le!h i! not o"
=od4 and thi! i! that !pirit o" antichri!t%
.hereo" )e have heard that it !ho'ld comeB
and even no. alread) i! it in the .orld.
3. ,t omni! !pirit'! >'i non
con"itet'r @e!'m Chri!t'm in carne
veni!!e% e3 (eo non e!tB et hic e!t
antichri!t'!% de >'o a'dii!ti! >'od
vent'r'! !itB et n'nc ?am in m'ndo
H, ret'rn! to hi! "ormer doctrine% .hich he had to'ched 'pon in the !econd chapterB "or man) Ga!
it i! '!'al in ne. thing!J a#'!ed the name o" Chri!t "or the p'rpo!e o" !erving their o.n error!.
Some made a hal" pro"e!!ion o" Chri!tB and .hen the) o#tained a place among hi! "riend!% the)
had more opport'nit) to in?'re hi! ca'!e. Satan too$ occa!ion to di!t'r# the Ch'rch% e!peciall)
thro'gh Chri!t him!el"B "or he i! the !tone o" o""en!e% again!t .hom all nece!!aril) !t'm#le .ho
$eep not on the right .a)% a! !he.n to '! #) =od.
-'t .hat the *po!tle !a)! con!i!t! o" three part!. He "ir!t !he.! an evil dangero'! to the "aith"'lB
and there"ore he e3hort! them to #e.are. He *rescri"es ho. the) .ere to #e.are% that i!% #)
ma$ing a di!tinction #et.een the !pirit!B and thi! i! the !econd part. +n the third place% he point!
o't a partic'lar error% the mo!t dangero'! to them% he there"ore "or#id! them to hear tho!e .ho
denied that the Son o" =od appeared in the "le!h. Ke !hall no. con!ider each in order.
-'t tho'gh in the pa!!age thi! rea!on i! added% that man) "al!e prophet! had gone "orth into the
.orld% )et it i! convenient to #egin .ith it. The anno'ncement contain! a '!e"'l admonitionB "or
i" Satan had then alread) !ed'ced man)% .ho 'nder the name o" Chri!t !cattered their
impo!t're!% !imilar in!tance! at thi! da) o'ght not to terri") '!. ;or it i! the ca!e perpet'all) .ith
the =o!pel% that Satan attempt! to poll'te and corr'pt it! p'rit) #) variet) o" error!. Thi! o'r age
ha! #ro'ght "orth !ome horri#le and mon!tro'! !ect!B and "or thi! rea!on man) !tand ama5edB
and not $ .here to t'rn% the) ca!t a!ide ever) care "or religionB "or the) "ind no more
!'mmar) .a) "or e3tricating them!elve! "rom the danger o" error!. The) th'!% indeed% act mo!t%
"ooli!hl)B "or #) !h'nning the light o" tr'th% the) ca!t them!elve! into the dar$ne!! o" error!. Let%
there"ore% thi! "act remain "i3ed in o'r mind!% that "rom the time the =o!pel #egan to #e
preached% "al!e prophet! immediatel) appearedB and the "act .ill "orti") '! again!t !'ch o""en!e!.
The anti>'it) o" error! $eep! man)% a! it .ere% "a!t #o'nd% !o that the) dare not emerge "rom
them. -'t @ohn point! o't here all inte!tine evil .hich .a! then in the Ch'rch. 9o.% i" there
.ere impo!tor! mi3ed then .ith the *po!tle! and other "aith"'l teacher!% .hat .onder i! it% that
the doctrine o" the =o!pel ha! #een long ago !'ppre!!ed% and that man) corr'ption! have
prevailed in the .orldO There i!% then% no rea!on .h) anti>'it) !ho'ld hinder '! to e3erci!e o'r
li#ert) in di!ting'i!hing #et.een tr'th and "al!ehood.
1. Believe not ever& s*irit. Khen the Ch'rch i! di!t'r#ed #) di!cord! and contention!% man)% a! it
ha! #een !aid% #eing "rightened% depart "rom the =o!pel. -'t the Spirit pre!cri#e! to '! a "ar
di""erent remed)% that i!% that the "aith"'l !ho'ld not receive an) doctrine tho'ghtle!!l) and
.itho't di!crimination. Ke o'ght% then% to ta$e heed le!t% #eing o""ended at the variet) o"
opinion!% .e !ho'ld di!card teacher!% and% together .ith them% the .ord o" =od. -'t thi!
preca'tion i! !'""icient% that all are not to #e heard indi!criminatel).
The .ord s*irit + ta$e meton)micall)% a! !igni")ing him .ho #oa!t! that he i! endo.ed .ith the
gi"t o" the Spirit to per"orm hi! o""ice a! a prophet. ;or a! it .a! not permitted to an) one to
!pea$ in hi! o.n name% nor .a! credit given to !pea$er! #'t a! "ar a! the) .ere the organ! o" the
Hol) Spirit% in order that prophet! might have more a'thorit)% =od honored them .ith thi! name%
a! tho'gh he had !eparated them "rom man$ind in general. Tho!e% then% .ere called !pirit!% .ho%
giving onl) a lang'age to the oracle! o" the Hol) Spirit% in a manner repre!ented him. The)
#ro'ght nothing o" their o.n% nor came the) "orth in their o.n name -'t the de!ign o" thi!
honora#le title .a!% that =od:! .ord !ho'ld not lo!e the re!pect d'e to it thro'gh the h'm#le
condition o" the mini!ter. ;or =od .o'ld have hi! .ord to #e al.a)! received "rom the mo'th o"
man no other.i!e than i" he him!el" had appeared "rom heaven.
Here Satan interpo!ed% and having !ent "al!e teacher! to ad'lterate =od:! .ord% he gave them
al!o thi! name% that the) might more ea!il) deceive. Th'! "al!e prophet! have al.a)! #een .ont
!'percilio'!l) and #oldl) to claim "or them!elve! .hatever honor =od had #e!to.ed on hi! o.n
!ervant!. -'t the *po!tle de!ignedl) made '!e o" thi! name% le!t the) .ho "al!el) pretend =od:!
name !ho'ld deceive '! #) their ma!$!% a! .e !ee at thi! da)B "or man) are !o da55led #) the
mere name o" a Ch'rch% that the) pre"er% to their eternal r'in% to cleave to the Pope% than to den)
him the lea!t part o" hi! a'thorit).
Ke o'ght% there"ore% to notice thi! conce!!ion4 "or the *po!tle might have !aid that ever) !ort o"
men o'ght not to #e #elievedB #'t a! "al!e teacher! claimed the Spirit% !o he le"t them to do !o%
having at the !ame time reminded them that their claim .a! "rivolo'! and n'gator)% e3cept the)
reall) e3hi#ited .hat the) pro"e!!ed% and that tho!e .ere "ooli!h .ho% #eing a!toni!hed at the
ver) !o'nd o" !o honora#le a name% dared not to ma$e an) in>'ir) on the !'#?ect.
%r& the s*irits. *! all .ere not tr'e prophet!% the *po!tle here declare! that the) o'ght to have
#een e3amined and tried. *nd he addre!!e! not onl) the .hole Ch'rch% #'t al!o ever) one o" the
-'t it ma) #e a!$ed% .hence have .e thi! di!cernmentO The) .ho an!.er% that the .ord o" =od
i! the r'le #) .hich ever)thing that men #ring "or.ard o'ght to #e tried% !a) !omething% #'t not
the .hole. + grant that doctrine! o'ght to #e te!ted #) =od:! .ordB #'t e3cept the Spirit o"
.i!dom #e pre!ent% to have =od:! .ord in o'r hand! .ill avail little or nothing% "or it! meaning
.ill not appear to '!B a!% "or in!tance% gold i! tried #) the or to'ch!tone% #'t it. can onl) #e done
#) tho!e .ho 'nder!tand the artB "or neither the to'ch!tone nor the "ire can #e o" an) '!e to the
'n!$ill"'l. That .e ma) then #e "it ?'dge!% .e m'!t nece!!aril) #e endo.ed .ith and directed #)
the Spirit o" di!cernment. -'t a! the *po!tle .o'ld have commanded thi! in vain% .ere there no o" ?'dging !'pplied% .e ma) .ith certaint) concl'de% that the godl) !hall never #e le"t
de!tit'te o" the Spirit o" .i!dom a! to .hat i! nece!!ar)% provided the) a!$ "or him o" the Lord.
-'t the Spirit .ill onl) th'! g'ide '! to a right di!crimination% .hen .e render all o'r tho'ght!
!'#?ect to =od:! .ordB "or it i!% a! it ha! #een !aid% li$e the to'ch!tone% )ea% it o'ght to #e
deemed mo!t nece!!ar) to '!B "or that alone i! tr'e doctrine .hich i! dra.n "rom it.
-'t here a di""ic'lt >'e!tion ari!e!4 +" ever) one ha! the right and the li#ert) to ?'dge% nothing can
#e !ettled a! certain% #'t on the contrar) the .hole o" religion .ill #e 'ncertain. To thi! + an!.er%
that there i! a t.o"old trial o" doctrine% private and p'#lic. The private trial i! that #) .hich ever)
one !ettle! hi! o.n "aith% .hen he .holl) ac>'ie!ce! in that doctrine .hich he $no.! ha! come
"rom =odB "or con!cience! .ill never "ind a !a"e and tran>'il port other.i!e than in =od. P'#lic
trial re"er! to the common con!ent and polit) o" the Ch'rchB "or a! there i! danger le!t "anatic!
!ho'ld ri!e 'p% .ho ma) pre!'mpt'o'!l) #oa!t that the) are end'ed .ith the Spirit o" =od% it i! a
nece!!ar) remed)% that the "aith"'l meet together and !ee$ a .a) #) .hich the) ma) agree in a
hol) and godl) manner. -'t a! the old prover# i! too tr'e% ASo man) head!% !o man) opinion!%C it
i! do'#tle!! a !ing'lar .or$ o" =od% .hen he !'#d'e! o'r perver!ene!! and ma$e! '! to thin$ the
!ame thing% and to agree in a hol) 'nit) o" "aith.
-'t .hat Papi!t! 'nder thi! preten!e hold% that .hatever ha! #een decreed in co'ncil! i! to #e
deemed a! certain oracle!% #eca'!e the Ch'rch ha! once proved them to #e "rom =od% i!
e3tremel) "rivolo'!. ;or tho'gh it #e the ordinar) .a) o" !ee$ing con!ent% to gather a godl) and
hol) co'ncil% .hen controver!ie! ma) #e determined according to =od:! .ordB )et =od ha!
never #o'nd him!el" to the decree! o" an) co'ncil. 9or doe! it nece!!aril) "ollo.% that a! !oon a!
a h'ndred #i!hop! or more meet together in an) place% the) have d'l) called on =od and in>'ired
at hi! mo'th .hat i! tr'eB na)% nothing i! more clear that the) have o"ten departed "rom the p're
.ord o" =od. Then in thi! ca!e al!o the trial .hich the *po!tle pre!cri#e! o'ght to ta$e place% !o
that the !pirit! ma) #e proved.
2. Here"&% or #) thi!% kno+ &e. He la)! do.n a !pecial mar$ #) .hich the) might more ea!il)
di!ting'i!h #et.een tr'e and "al!e prophet!. Set he onl) repeat! here .hat .e have met .ith
#e"ore% that a! Chri!t i! the o#?ect at .hich "aith aim!% !o he i! the !tone at .hich all heretic!
!t'm#le. *! long then a! .e a#ide in Chri!t% there i! !a"et)B #'t .hen .e depart "rom him% "aith
i! lo!t% and all tr'th i! rendered void.
-'t let '! con!ider .hat thi! con"e!!ion incl'de!B "or .hen the *po!tle !a)! that Chri!t came% .e
hence concl'de that he .a! #e"ore .ith the ;atherB #) .hich hi! eternal divinit) i! proved. -)
!a)ing that he came in the flesh% he mean! that #) p'tting on "le!h% he #ecame a real man% o" the
!ame nat're .ith '!% that he might #ecome o'r #rother% e3cept that he .a! "ree "rom ever) !in
and corr'ption. *nd la!tl)% #) !a)ing that he came% the ca'!e o" hi! coming m'!t #e noticed% "or
he .a! not !ent #) the ;ather "or nothing. Hence on thi! depend the o""ice and merit! o" Chri!t.
*!% then% the ancient heretic! departed "rom the "aith% in one in!tance% #) den)ing the divine% and
in another #) den)ing the h'man nat're o" Chri!tB !o do the Papi!t! at thi! da)4 tho'gh the)
con"e!! Chri!t to #e =od and man% )et the) #) no mean! retain the con"e!!ion .hich the *po!tle
re>'ire!% #eca'!e the) ro# Chri!t o" hi! o.n meritB "or .here "ree.ill% merit! o" .or$!% "ictitio'!
mode! o" .or!hip% !ati!"action!% the advocac) o" !aint!% are !et 'p% ho. ver) little remain! "or
The *po!tle then meant thi!% that !ince the $no.ledge o" Chri!t incl'de! the !'m and !'#!tance
o" the doctrine re!pecting tr'e religion% o'r e)e! o'ght to #e directed to and "i3ed on that% !o that
.e ma) not #e deceived. *nd do'#tle!! Chri!t i! the end o" the la. and the prophet!B nor do .e
learn an)thing el!e "rom the go!pel #'t hi! and grace.
3. 'nd this is that s*irit of 'ntichrist. The *po!tle added thi!% to render more dete!ta#le the
impo!t're! .hich lead '! a.a) "rom Chri!t. Ke have alread) !aid that the doctrine re!pecting the
$ingdom o" *ntichri!t .a! .ell $no.nB !o that the "aith"'l had #een .arned a! to the "'t're
!cattering o" the Ch'rch% in order that the) might e3erci!e vigilance. @'!tl) then did the) dread
the name a! !omething #a!e and omino'!. The *po!tle !a)! no.% that all tho!e .ho depreciated
Chri!t .ere mem#er! o" that $ingdom.
*nd he !a)! that the !pirit o" antichrist .o'ld come% and that it +as alread) in the .orld% #'t in a
di""erent !en!e. He mean! that it .a! alread) in the .orld% #eca'!e it carried on in !ecret it!
ini>'it). *!% ho.ever% the tr'th o" =od had not a! )et #een !'#verted #) "al!e and !p'rio'!
dogma!% a! !'per!tition had not a! )et prevailed in corr'pting the .or!hip o" =od% a! the .orld
had not a! )et per"idio'!l) departed "rom Chri!t% a! t)rann)% oppo!ed to the $ingdom o" Chri!t%
had not a! )et openl) e3alted it!el"% he there"ore !a)!% that it +ould come.
1 JOHN !:!-"
!. Se are o" =od% little children% and have
overcome themB #eca'!e greater i! he that
i! in )o'% than he that i! in the .orld
!. Lo! e3 (eo e!ti!% "ilioli% et vici!ti!
co!B >'ia ma?or e!t >'i e!t in vo#i!%
>'am >'i in m'ndo.
". Ke are o" =od4 he that $no.eth =od
heareth '!B he that i! not o" =od heareth
not '!. Here#) $no. .e the !pirit o" tr'th%
and the !pirit o" error.
". 9o! e3 (eo !'m'!B >'i novit
(e'm% a'dit no!B >'i non e!t e3 (eo%
non a'dit no!4 in hoc cognocim'!
!pirit'm veritati! et !pirit'm errori!.
!. 1e are of God. He had !po$en o" one antichri!tB he no. mention! man). -'t the man) .ere the
"al!e prophet! .ho had come "orth #e"ore the head appeared.
-'t the *po!tle:! o#?ect .a! to
animate the "aith"'l% that the) might co'rageo'!l) and #oldl) re!i!t impo!tor!% "or alacrit) i!
.ea$ened .hen the i!!'e o" the conte!t i! do'#t"'l. -e!ide!% it might have ca'!ed the good to
"ear% .hen the) !a. that hardl) the $ingdom o" Chri!t had #een !et 'p% .hen enemie! !tood
read) to !'ppre!! it. Tho'gh then the) m'!t contend% )et he !a)! that the) had con>'ered%
#eca'!e the) .o'ld have a !'cce!!"'l i!!'e% a! tho'gh he had !aid that the) .ere alread)% tho'gh
in the middle o" the conte!tB% #e)ond an) danger% #eca'!e the) .o'ld !'rel) #e con>'eror!.
-'t thi! tr'th o'ght to #e "arther e3tended% "or .hatever conte!t! .e ma) have .ith the .orld
and the "le!h% a certain victor) i! to "ollo.. Hard and "ierce con"lict! indeed a.ait '!% and !ome
contin'all) !'cceed other!B #'t a! #) Chri!t:! .e "ight and are "'rni!hed .ith =od:!
.eapon!% .e even #) "ighting and !triving #ecome con>'eror!. *! to the main !'#?ect o" thi!
pa!!age% it i! a great con!olation% that .ith .hatever .ile! Satan ma) a!!ail '!% .e !hall !tand
thro'gh the o" =od.
-'t .e m'!t o#!erve the rea!on .hich i! immediatel) added% "ecause greater% or !tronger% i! he
.ho i! in )o' than he .ho i! in the .orld. ;or !'ch i! o'r in"irmit)% that .e !'cc'm# #e"ore .e
engage .ith an enem)% "or .e are !o immer!ed in ignorance that .e are open to all $ind! o"
"allacie!% and Satan i! .onder"'ll) art"'l in deceiving. Kere .e to hold o't "or one da)% )et a
do'#t ma) creep into o'r mind! a! to .hat .o'ld #e the ca!e tomorro.B .e !ho'ld th'! #e in a
!tate o" perpet'al an3iet). There"ore the *po!tle remind! '! that .e #ecome !trong% not #) o'r
o.n #'t #) that o" =od. He hence concl'de!% that .e can no more #e con>'ered than =od
him!el"% .ho ha! armed '! .ith hi! o.n to the end o" the .orld. -'t in thi! .hole
!pirit'al .ar"are thi! tho'ght o'ghtB to d.ell in o'r heart!% thatB it .o'ld #e all over .ith '!
immediatel) .ere .e to "ight in o'r o.n !trengthB #'t that a! =od repel! o'r enemie! .hile .e
are repo!ing% victor) i! certain.
. %he& are of the +orld. +t i! no !mall con!olation that the) .ho dare to a!!ail =od in '!% have
onl) the .orld to aid and help them. *nd #) the .orld the *po!tle mean! that portion o" .hich
Satan i! the prince. *nother con!olation i! al!o added% .hen he !a)! that the .orld em#race!
thro'gh the "al!e prophet! that .hich it ac$no.ledge! a! it! o.n.
Ke !ee .hat great
propen!it) to vanit) and "al!ehood there i! in men. Hence "al!e doctrine! ea!il) penetrate and
!pread "ar and .ide. The *po!tle intimate! that there i! no rea!on .h) .e !ho'ld on thi! acco'nt
#e di!t'r#ed% "or it i! nothing ne. or 'n'!'al that the .orld% .hich i! .holl) "allacio'!% !ho'ld
readil) hear$en to .hat i! "al!e.
". We are of God. Tho'gh thi! reall) applie! to all the godl)% )et it re"er! properl) to the "aith"'l
mini!ter! o" the =o!pelB "or the *po!tle% thro'gh the con"idence imparted #) the Spirit% glorie!
here that he and hi! "!ter! !erved =od in !incerit)% and derived "rom him .hatever
the) ta'ght. +t happen! that "al!e prophet! #oa!t o" the !ame thing% "or it i! their c'!tom to
deceive 'nder the ma!$ o" =odB #'t "aith"'l mini!ter! di""er m'ch "rom them% .ho declare
nothing o" them!elve! #'t .hat the) reall) mani"e!t in their cond'ct.
Ke o'ght% ho.ever% al.a)! to #ear in mind the !'#?ect .hich he here handle!B !mall .a! the
n'm#er o" the godl)% and 'n#elie" prevailed almo!t ever).hereB "e. reall) adhered to the
=o!pel% the greater part .ere r'nning headlong into error!. Hence .a! the occa!ion o" !t'm#ling.
@ohn% in order to o#viate thi!% #id! '! to #e content .ith the "!! o" the "aith"'l% #eca'!e all
=od:! children honored him and !'#mitted to hi! doctrine. ;or he immediatel) !et! in oppo!ition
to thi! a contrar) cla'!e% that the) .ho are not of God% do not hear the p're doctrine o" the
=o!pel. -) the!e .ord! he intimate! that the va!t m'ltit'de to .hom the =o!pel i! not
accepta#le% do not hear the "aith"'l and tr'e !ervant! o" =od% #eca'!e the) are alienated "rom
=od him!el". +t i! then no dimin'tion to the a'thorit) o" the =o!pel that man) re?ect it.
-'t to thi! doctrine i! added a '!e"'l admonition% that #) the o#edience o" "aith .e are to prove
o'r!elve! to #e o" =od. 9othing i! ea!ier than to #oa!t that .e are o" =odB and hence nothing i!
more common among men% a! the ca!e i! at thi! da) .ith the Papi!t!% .ho pro'dl) va'nt that
the) are the .or!hipper! o" =od% and )et the) no le!! pro'dl) re?ect the .ord o" =od. ;or tho'gh
the) pretend to #elieve =od:! .ord% )et .hen the) are #ro'ght to the te!t% the) clo!e their ear!
and .ill not hear% and )et to revere =od:! .ord i! the onl) tr'e evidence that .e "ear him. 9or
can the e3c'!e% made #) man)% have an) place here% that the) !h'n the doctrine o" the =o!pel
.hen proclaimed to them% #eca'!e the) are not "it to "orm a ?'dgmentB "or it cannot #e #'t that
ever) one .ho reall) "ear! and o#e)! =od% $no.! him in hi! .ord.
Kere an) one to o#?ect and !a)% that man) o" the elect do not immediatel) attain "aith% na)% that at
"ir!t the) !t'##ornl) re!i!tB to thi! + an!.er% that at that time the) are not to #e regarded% a! +
thin$% a! =od:! childrenB "or it i! a !ign o" a repro#ate man .hen the tr'th i! perver!el) re?ected
#) him.
*nd #) the .a)% it m'!t #e o#!erved% that the hearing mentioned #) the *po!tle% i! to #e
'nder!tood o" the in.ard and real hearing o" the heart% .hich i! done #) "aith.
Here"& kno+ +e. The antecedent to here"&% or% #) thi!% i! incl'ded in the t.o preceding cla'!e!%
a! tho'gh he had !aid% AHence the tr'th i! di!ting'i!hed "rom "al!ehood% #eca'!e !ome !pea$
"rom =od% other! "rom the .orld.C -'t #) the s*irit of truth and the s*irit of error% !ome thin$
that hearer! are meant% a! tho'gh he had !aid% that tho!e .ho give them!elve! 'p to #e deceived
#) impo!tor!% .ere #orn to error% and had in them the !eed o" "al!ehoodB #'t that the) .ho o#e)
the .ord o" =od !he. them!elve! #) thi! ver& "act to #e the children o" the tr'th. Thi! vie. + do
not approve o". ;or a! the *po!tle ta$e! !pirit! here meton)micall) "or teacher! or prophet!% he
mean!% + thin$% no other thing than that the trial o" doctrine m'!t #e re"erred to the!e t.o thing!%
.hether it #e "rom =od or "rom the .orld.
Ho.ever% #) th'! !pea$ing he !eem! to !a) nothingB "or all are read) to declare% that the) do not
!pea$ e3cept "rom =od. So the Papi!t! at thi! da) #oa!t .ith magi!terial gravit)% that all their
invention! are the oracle! o" the Spirit. 9or doe! Mahomet a!!ert that he ha! dra.n hi! dotage!
e3cept "rom heaven. The ,g)ptian! al!o% in "ormer time!% pretended that all their mad
a#!'rditie!% #) .hich the) in"at'ated them!elve! and other!% had #een revealed "rom a#ove. -'t%
to all thi! + repl)% that .e have the .ord o" the Lord% .hich o'ght e!peciall) to #e con!'lted.
Khen% there"ore% "al!e !pirit! pretend the name o" =od% .e m'!t in>'ire "rom the Script're!
.hether thing! are !o. Provided a devo't attention #e e3erci!ed% accompanied .ith h'milit) and
mee$ne!!% the !pirit o" di!cernment .ill #e given '!% .ho% a! a "aith"'l interpreter% .ill open to '!
the meaning o" .hat i! !aid in Script're.
1 J'() !:$-1&
$. -eloved% let '! love one anotherB "or
love i! o" =odB and ever) one that loveth i!
#orn o" =od% and $no.eth =od.
$. (ilecti% diligam'! no! m't'o% >'ia
dilectio e3 (eo e!tB et omni! >'i diligit
e3 (eo genit'! e!t% et cogno!cit (e'm.
1&. Herein i! love% not that .e loved =od%
#'t that he loved '!% and !ent hi! Son to "e
the propitiation "or o'r !in!.
1&. +n hoc e!t dilectio% non >'od no!
dile3erim'! (e'm% !ed >'od no! ip!e
dile3it% et mi!it ;ili'm propitiationem
pro peccati! no!tri!.
$. Beloved. He ret'rn! to that e3hortation .hich he en"orce! almo!t thro'gho't the ,pi!tle. Ke
have% indeed% !aid% that it i! "illed .ith the doctrine o" "aith and e3hortation to love. 7n the!e t.o
point! he !o d.ell!% that he contin'all) pa!!e! "rom the one to the other.
When he command! mutual love% he doe! not mean that .e di!charge thi! d't) .hen .e love o'r
"riend!% #eca'!e the) love '!B #'t a! he addre!!e! in common the "aith"'l% he co'ld not have
!po$en other.i!e than that the) .ere to e3erci!e m't'al love. He con"irm! thi! !entence #) a
rea!on o"ten add'ced #e"ore% even #eca'!e no one can prove him!el" to #e the !on o" =od% e3cept
he love! hi! neigh#or!% and #eca'!e the tr'e $no.ledge o" =od nece!!aril) prod'ce! love in '!.
He al!o !et! in oppo!ition to thi!% according to hi! '!'al manner% the contrar) cla'!e% that there i!
no $no.ledge o" =od .here there i! no love. *nd he ta$e! a! granted a general principle or tr'th%
that =od i! love% that i!% that hi! nat're i! to love men. + $no. that man) rea!on more re"inedl)%
and that the ancient! e!peciall) have perverted thi! pa!!age in order to prove the divinit) o" the
Spirit. -'t the meaning o" the *po!tle i! !impl) thi!% D that a! =od i! the "o'ntain o" love% thi!
e""ect "lo.! "rom him% and i! di""'!ed .herever the $no.ledge o" him come!% a! he had at the
#eginning called him light% #eca'!e there i! nothing dar$ in him% #'t on the contrar) he
ill'minate! all thing! #) hi! o.n #rightne!!. Here then he doe! not !pea$ o" the e!!ence o" =od%
#'t onl) !he.! .hat he i! "o'nd to #e #) '!.
-'t t.o thing! in the *po!tle:! .ord! o'ght to #e noticed% D that the tr'e $no.ledge o" =od i!
that .hich regenerate! and rene.! '!% !o that .e #ecome ne. creat're!B and that hence it cannot
#e #'t that it m'!t con"orm '! to the image o" =od. *.a)% then% .ith that "ooli!h glo!! re!pecting
'n"ormed "aith. ;or .hen an) one !eparate! "aith "rom love% it i! the !ame a! tho'gh he
attempted to ta$e a.a) heat "rom the !'n.
#. 0n this +as manifested% or% ha! appeared. Ke have the love o" =od to.ard! '! te!ti"ied al!o #)
man) other proo"!. ;or i" it #e a!$ed% .h) the .orld ha! #een created% .h) .e have #een placed
in it to po!!e!! the dominion o" the earth% .h) .e are pre!erved in li"e to en?o) inn'mera#le
#le!!ing!% .h) .e are end'ed .ith light and 'nder!tanding% no other rea!on can #e add'ced%
e3cept the grat'ito'! love o" =od. -'t the *po!tle here ha! cho!en the principal evidence o" it%
and .hat "ar !'rpa!!e! all other thing!. ;or it .a! not onl) an immea!'ra#le love% that =od
!pared not hi! o.n Son% that #) hi! death he might re!tore '! to li"eB #'t it .a! goodne!! the mo!t
marvelo'!% .hich o'ght to "ill o'r mind! .ith the greate!t .onder and ama5ement. Chri!t% then%
i! !o ill'!trio'! and !ing'lar a proo" o" divine love to.ard! '!% that .henever .e loo$ 'pon him%
he "'ll) con"irm! to '! the tr'th that =od i! love.
He call! him hi! onl& "egotten% "or the !a$e o" ampli")ing. ;or in thi! he more clearl) !he.ed
ho. !ing'larl) he loved '!% #eca'!e he e3po!ed hi! onl) Son to death "or o'r !a$e!. +n the
meantime% he .ho i! hi! onl) Son #) nat're% ma$e! man) !on! #) grace and adoption% even all
.ho% #) "aith% are 'nited to hi! #od). He e3pre!!e! the end "or .hich Chri!t ha! #een !ent #) the
;ather% even that .e ma) live thro'gh him% "or .itho't him .e are all dead% #'t #) hi! coming he
#ro'ght li"e to '!B and e3cept o'r 'n#elie" prevent! the e""ect o" hi! grace% .e "eel it in o'r!elve!.
1&. Herein is love. He ampli"ie! =od:! love #) another rea!on% that he gave '! hi! o.n Son at the
time .hen .e .ere enemie!% a! Pa'l teache! '!% in
8oman! 54FB #'t he emplo)! other
.ord!% that =od% ind'ced #) no love o" men% "reel) loved them. He meant #) the!e .ord! to
teach '! that =od:! love to.ard! '! ha! #een grat'ito'!. *nd tho'gh it .a! the *po!tle:! o#?ect
to !et "orth =od a! an e3ample to #e imitated #) '!B )et the doctrine o" "aith .hich he
intermingle!% o'ght not to #e overloo$ed. =od "reel) loved '!% D ho. !oO #eca'!e he loved '!
#e"ore .e .ere #orn% and al!o .hen% thro'gh depravit) o" nat're% .e had heart! t'rned a.a)
"rom him% and in"l'enced #) no right and pio'! "eeling!.
Kere the prattling! o" the Papi!t! entertained% that ever) one i! cho!en #) =od a! he "ore!ee! him
to #e .orth) o" love% thi! doctrine% that he "ir!t loved '!% .o'ld not !tandB "or then o'r love to
=od .o'ld #e "ir!t in order% tho'gh hi time po!terior. -'t the *po!tle a!!'me! thi! a! an evident
tr'th% ta'ght in Script're Go" .hich the!e pro"ane Sophi!t! are ignorant%J that .e are #orn !o
corr'pt and depraved% that there i! in '! a! it .ere an innate hatred to =od% !o that .e de!ire
nothing #'t .hat i! di!plea!ing to him% !o that all the pa!!ion! o" o'r "le!h carr) on contin'al .ar
.ith hi! righteo'!ne!!.
'nd sent his Son. +t .a! then "rom =od:! goodne!! alone% a! "rom a "o'ntain% that Chri!t .ith all
hi! #le!!ing! ha! come to '!. *nd a! it i! nece!!ar) to $no.% that .e have !alvation in Chri!t%
#eca'!e o'r heavenl) ;ather ha! "reel) loved '!B !o .hen a real and "'ll certaint) o" divine love
to.ard! '! i! !o'ght "or% .e m'!t loo$ el!e #'t to Chri!t. Hence all .ho in>'ire% apart
"rom Chri!t% .hat i! !ettled re!pecting them in =od:! !ecret co'n!el% are mad to their o.n r'in.
-'t he again point! o't the ca'!e o" Chri!t:! coming and hi! o""ice% .hen he !a)! that he .a!
!ent to #e a *ro*itiation for our sins. *nd "ir!t% indeed% .e are ta'ght #) the!e .ord!% that .e
.ere all thro'gh !in alienated "rom =od% and that thi! alienation and di!cord remain! 'ntil Chri!t
intervene! to reconcile '!. Ke are ta'ght% !econdl)% that it i! the #eginning o" o'r li"e% .hen =od%
having #een paci"ied #) the death o" hi! Son% receive! '! 'nto "avor4 "or *ro*itiation properl)
re"er! to the !acri"ice o" hi! death. Ke "ind% then% that thi! honor o" e3piating "or the !in! o" the
.orld% and o" th'! ta$ing a.a) the enmit) #et.een =od and '!% #elong! onl) to Chri!t.
-'t here !ome appearance o" incon!i!tenc) ari!e!. ;or i" =od loved '! #e"ore Chri!t o""ered
him!el" to death "or '!% .hat need .a! there "or another reconciliationO Th'! the death o" Chri!t
ma) !eem to #e !'per"l'o'!. To thi! + an!.er% that .hen Chri!t i! !aid to have reconciled the
;ather to '!% thi! i! to #e re"erred to o'r apprehen!ion!B "or a! .e are con!cio'! o" #eing g'ilt)%
.e cannot conceive o" =od other.i!e than a! o" one di!plea!ed and angr) .ith '!% 'ntil Chri!t
a#!olve! '! "rom g'ilt. ;or =od% .herever !in appear!% .o'ld have hi! .rath% and the ?'dgment
o" eternal death% to #e apprehended. +t hence "ollo.!% that .e cannot #e other.i!e than terri"ied
#) the pre!ent pro!pect. a! to death% 'ntil Chri!t #) hi! death a#oli!he! !in% 'ntil he deliver! '! #)
hi! o.n #lood "rom death. ;'rther% =od:! love re>'ire! righteo'!ne!!B that .e ma) then #e
per!'aded that .e are loved% .e m'!t nece!!aril) come to Chri!t% in .hom alone righteo'!ne!! i!
to #e "o'nd.
Ke no. !ee that the variet) o" e3pre!!ion!% .hich occ'r! in Script're% according to di""erent
a!pect! o" thing!% i! mo!t appropriate and e!peciall) '!e"'l .ith regard to "aith. =od interpo!ed
hi! o.n Son to reconcile him!el" to '!% #eca'!e he loved '!B #'t thi! love .a! hid% #eca'!e .e
.ere in the meantime enemie! to =od% contin'all) provo$ing hi! .rath. -e!ide!% the "ear and
terror o" an evil con!cience too$ a.a) "rom '! all en?o)ment o" li"e. Thence a! to the
apprehen!ion o" o'r "aith% =od #egan to love '! in Chri!t. *nd tho'gh the *po!tle here !pea$! o"
the "ir!t reconciliation% let '! )et $no. that to propitiate =od to '! #) e3piating !in! i! a
perpet'al #ene"it proceeding "rom Chri!t.
Thi! the Papi!t! al!o in part concedeB #'t a"ter.ard! the) e3ten'ate and almo!t annihilate thi!
grace% #) introd'cing their "ictitio'! !ati!"action!. ;or i" men redeem them!elve! #) their .or$!%
Chri!t cannot #e the onl) tr'e propitiation% a! he i! called here.
1 J'() !:11-1"
11. -eloved% i" =od !o loved '!% .e o'ght
al!o to love one another.
11. (ilecti% !i ita (e'! no! dile3it%
no! >'o>'e de#em'! invicem
1". *nd .e have $no.n and #elieved the
love that =od hath to '!. =od i! loveB and
he that d.elleth in love% d.elleth in =od%
and =od in him.
1". ,t no! cognovim'! et credim'!
dilectionem >'am ha#et (e'! in
no#i!4 (e'! charita! e!tB et >'i manet
in charitate% in (eo manet% et (e'! in
11. Beloved. 9o. the *lmight) accommodate! to hi! o.n p'rpo!e .hat he ha! ?'!t ta'ght '!
re!pecting the love o" =odB "or he e3hort! '! #) =od:! e3ample to #rotherl) loveB a! al!o Pa'l
!et! #e"ore '! Chri!t% .ho o""ered him!el" to the ;ather a !acri"ice o" plea!ant "ragrance% that
ever) one o" '! might la#or to #ene"it hi! neigh#or!. G
,phe!ian! 54/.J *nd @ohn remind! '!%
that o'r love o'ght not to #e mercenar)% .hen he #id! '! to love o'r neigh#or! a! =od ha! loved
'!B "or .e o'ght to remem#er thi!% that .e have #een loved "reel). *nd do'#tle!! .hen .e
regard o'r o.n advantage% or ret'rn good o""ice! to "riend!% it i! !el"love% and not love to other!.
12. :o man hath seen God. The !ame .ord! are "o'nd in the "ir!t chapter o" @ohn:! =o!pelB #'t
@ohn the -apti!t had not there e3actl) the !ame thing in vie.% "or he meant onl) that =od co'ld
not #e other.i!e $no.n% #'t a! he ha! revealed him!el" in Chri!t. The *po!tle here e3tend! the
!ame tr'th "arther% that the o" =od i! comprehended #) '! #) "aith and love% !o a! to $no.
that .e are hi! children and that he d.ell! in '!.
He !pea$!% ho.ever% "ir!t o" love% .hen he !a)!% that =od d+ells in us% i" .e love one anotherB
"or per"ected% or reall) proved to #e% in '! i! then hi! loveB a! tho'gh he had !aid% that =od !he.!
him!el" a! pre!ent% .hen #) hi! Spirit he "orm! o'r heart! !o that the) entertain #rotherl) love.
;or the !ame p'rpo!e he repeat! .hat he had alread) !aid% that .e $no. #) the Spirit .hom he
ha! given '! that he d.ell! in '!B "or it i! a con"irmation o" the "ormer !entence% #eca'!e love i!
the e""ect or "r'it o" the Spirit.
The !'m% then% o" .hat i! !aid i!% that !ince love i! "rom the Spirit o" =od% .e cannot tr'l) and
.ith a !incere heart love the #rethren% e3cept the Spirit p't! "orth hi! +n thi! .a) he
te!ti"ie! that he d.ell! in '!. -'t =od #) hi! Spirit d.ell! in '!B then% #) love .e prove that .e
have =od a#iding in '!. 7n the other hand% .ho!oever #oa!t! that he ha! =od and love! not the
#rethren% hi! "al!ehood i! proved #) thi! one thing% #eca'!e he !eparate! =od "ront him!el".
Khen he !a)!% and his love is *erfected% the con?'nction i! to #e ta$en a! a ca'!ative% for% or%
"ecause. *nd love here ma) #e e3plained in t.o .a)!% either that .hich =od !he.! to '!% or that
.hich he implant! in '!. That =od ha! given hi! Spirit to '!% or given '! o" hi! Spirit% mean! the
!ame thingB "or .e $no. that the Spirit in a mea!'re i! given to each individ'al.
1!. 'nd +e have seen. He no. e3plain! the other part o" the $no.ledge o" =od% .hich .e have
re"erred to% that he comm'nicate! him!el" to '! in hi! Son% and o""er! him!el" to #e en?o)ed in
him. +t hence "ollo.!% that he i! #) "aith received #) '!. ;or the de!ign o" the *po!tle i! to !he.%
that =od i! !o 'nited to '! #) "aith and love% that he reall) d.ell! in '! and render! him!el" in a
manner vi!i#le #) the e""ect o" hi! .ho other.i!e co'ld not #e !een #) '!.
Khen the *po!tle !a)!% We have, seen and do testif&% he re"er! to him!el" and other!. *nd #)
!eeing% he doe! not mean an) !ort o" !eeing% #'t .hat #elong! to "aith #) .hich the) recogni5ed
the glor) o" =od in Chri!t% according to .hat "ollo.!% that he .a! sent to #e the Savior of the
+orldB and thi! $no.ledge "lo.! "rom the ill'mination o" the Spirit.
1. Whosoever shall confess. He repeat! the tr'th% that .e are 'nited to =od #) Chri!t% and that
.e cannot #e connected .ith Chri!t e3cept% =od a#ide! in '!. Faith and confession are '!ed
indi!criminatel) in the !ame !en!eB "or tho'gh h)pocrite! ma) .i!el) #oa!t o" "aith% )et the
apo!tle here ac$no.ledge! none o" tho!e .ho ordinaril) con"e!!% #'t !'ch a! tr'l) and "rom the
heart #elieve. -e!ide!% .hen he !a)! that Jesus is the Son, of God% he #rie"l) incl'de! the !'m
and !'#!tance o" "aithB "or there i! nothing nece!!ar) "or !alvation .hich "aith "ind! not in Chri!t
*"ter having !aid in general% that men are !o 'nited to Chri!t #) "aith% that Chri!t 'nite! them to
=od% he !'#?oined .hat the) them!elve! had !een !o that he accommodated a general tr'th to
tho!e to .hom he .a! .riting. Then "ollo.! the e3hortation% to love one another a! the) .ere
loved #) =od. There"ore the order and connection o" hi! di!co'r!e i! thi!% D ;aith in Chri!t%
ma$e! =od to d.ell in men% and .e are parta$er! o" thi! graceB #'t a! =od i! love% no one d.ell!
in him e3cept he love! hi! #rethren. Then love o'ght to reign in '!% !ince =od 'nite! him!el" to
1". 'nd +e have kno+n and "elieved. +t i! the !ame a! tho'gh he had !aid% AKe have $no.n #)
#elievingBC "or !'ch $no.ledge i! not. attained #'t #) "aith. -'t .e hence learn ho. di""erent% i!
an 'ncertain or do'#t"'l opinion "rom "aith. -e!ide!% tho'gh he meant here% a! + have alread)
!aid% to accommodate the la!t !entence to hi! reader!% )et he de"ine! "aith in vario'! .a)!. He
had !aid #e"ore% that it i! to con"e!! that @e!'! i! the Son o" =odB #'t% he no. !a)!% Ke $no. #)
"aith =od:! love to.ard! '!. +t hence appear!% that the paternal love o" =od i! "o'nd in Chri!t%
and that nothing certain i! $no.n o" Chri!t% e3cept #) tho!e .ho $no. them!elve! to #e the
children o" =od #) hi! grace. ;or the ;ather !et! hi! o.n% Son dail) #e"ore '! "or thi! end% that he
ma) adopt '! in him.
God is love. Thi! i! a! it .ere the minor propo!ition in an arg'mentB "or "rom "aith to love he
rea!on! in thi! .a)4 -) "aith =od d.ell! in '!% and =od i! loveB then% .herever =od a#ide!% love
o'ght to #e there. Hence it "ollo.! that love i! nece!!aril) connected .ith "aith.
1 J'() !:1$-1%
1$. Herein i! o'r love made per"ect% that
.e ma) have #oldne!! in the da) o"
?'dgment4 #eca'!e a! he i!% !o are .e in
thi! .orld.
1$. +n hoc per"ecta e!t charita!
no#i!c'm% 't "id'ciam ha#aem'! in
die ?'dicii% >'od !ie't ille e!t% no!
>'o>'e !'m'! in hoc m'ndo.
1%. There i! no "ear in loveB #'t per"ect love
ca!teth o't "ear4 #eca'!e "ear hath torment.
He that "eareth i! not made per"ect in love.
1%. Timor non e!t in charitateB !ed
per"ecta charita! "ora! pellit timorem4
>'ia timor torment'm ha#etB >'i
a'tem timet% non e!t per"ect'! in
1$. Herein is our love made *erfect. There are t.o cla'!e! in thi! pa!!age% D that .e are then
parta$er! o" divine adoption% .hen .e re!em#le =od a! children their "atherB and, !econdl)% that.
thi! con"idence i! inval'a#le% "or .itho't it .e m'!t #e mo!t mi!era#le.
Then in the "ir!t place% he !he.! to .hat p'rpo!e =od ha! in love em#raced '!% and ho. .e
en?o) that grace mani"e!ted to '! in Chri!t.. Then% =od:! love to '! i! .hat i! to #e 'nder!tood
here. He !a)! it i! *erfected% #eca'!e it i! a#'ndantl) po'red "orth and reall) given% that it
appear! to #e complete. -'t he a!!ert! that no other! are parta$er! o" thi! #le!!ingB #'t tho!e
.ho% #) #eing con"ormed to =od% prove them!elve! to #e hi! children. +t i!% then% an arg'ment
ta$en "rom .hat i! an in!epara#le condition.
%hat +e ma& have "oldness. He no. #egin! to !he. the "r'it o" divine love to.ard! '!% tho'gh
he a"ter.ard! !he.! it more clearl) "rom the contrar) e""ect. +t i!% ho.ever% an inval'a#le
#ene"it% that .e can dare #oldl) to !tand #e"ore =od. -) nat're% indeed% .e dread the pre!ence o"
=od% and that ?'!tl)B "or% a! he i! the @'dge o" the .orld% and o'r !in! hold '! g'ilt)% death and
hell m'!t come to o'r mind! .henever .e thin$ o" =od. Hence i! that dread .hich + have
mentioned% .hich ma$e! men !h'n =od a! m'ch a! the) can. -'t @ohn !a)! that the "aith"'l do
not "ear% .hen mention i! made to them o" the la!t ?'dgment% #'t that on the contrar) the) go to
=od:! tri#'nal con"identl) and cheer"'ll)% #eca'!e the) are a!!'red o" hi! paternal love. ,ver)
one% then% ha! made !o m'ch pro"icienc) in "aith% a! he i! .ell prepared in hi! mind to loo$
"or.ard to the da) o" ?'dgment.
's he is. -) the!e .ord!% a! it ha! #een alread) !aid% he meant that it i! re>'ired o" '! at o'r t'rn
to re!em#le the image o" =od. Khat =od then in heaven i!% !'ch he #id! '! to #e in thi! .orld% in
order that .e ma) #e deemed hi! childrenB "or the image o" =od% .hen it appear! in '!% i! a! it
.ere the !eal o" hi! adoption.
-'t he !eem! th'! to place a part o" o'r con"idence on .or$!. Hence the Papi!t! rai!e their cre!t!
here% a! tho'gh @ohn denied that .e% rel)ing on =od:! grace alone% can have a !'re con"idence a!
to !alvation .itho't the help o" .or$!. -'t in thi! the) are deceived% #eca'!e the) do not
con!ider that the *po!tle here doe! not re"er to the ca'!e o" !alvation% #'t to .hat i! added to it.
*nd .e readil) allo. that no one i! reconciled to =od thro'gh Chri!t% e3cept he i! al!o rene.ed
a"ter =od:! image% and that the one cannot #e di!?oined "rom the other. 8ight then i! .hat i! done
#) the *po!tle% .ho e3cl'de! "rom the con"idence o" grace all tho!e in .hom no image o" =od i!
!eenB "or it i! certain that !'ch are .holl) alien! to the Spirit o" =od and to Chri!t. 9or do .e
den) that!! o" li"e% a! it i! the e""ect o" divine adoption% !erve! to con"irm con"idence% a! a
prop% !o to !pea$% o" the !econd orderB #'t in the meantime .e o'ght to have o'r "o'ndation on
grace alone.
9or indeed doe! the doctrine o" @ohn appear other.i!e con!i!tent .ith it!el"B "or
e3perience prove!% and even Papi!t! are "orced to con"e!!% that a! to .or$! the) al.a)! give an
occa!ion "or trem#ling. There"ore no one can come .ith a tran>'il mind to =od:! tri#'nal% e3cept
he #elieve! that he i! "reel) loved.
-'t that none o" the!e thing! plea!e the Papi!t!% there i! no rea!on "or an) one to .onder% !ince
#eing mi!era#le the) $no. no "aith e3cept that .hich i! entangled .ith do'#t!. -e!ide!%
h)pocri!) #ring! dar$ne!! over them% !o that the) do not !erio'!l) con!ider ho. "ormida#le i!
=od:! ?'dgment .hen Chri!t the Mediator i! not pre!ent% and !ome o" them regard the
re!'rrection a! "a#'lo'!. -'t that .e ma) cheer"'ll) and ?o)"'ll) go "orth to meet Chri!t% .e
m'!t have o'r "aith "i3ed on hi! grace alone.
1%. %here is no fear. He no. commend! the e3cellenc) o" thi! #le!!ing #) !tating the contrar)
e""ect% "or he !a)! that .e are contin'all) tormented 'ntil =od deliver! '! "rom mi!er) and
ang'i!h #) the remed) o" hi! o.n love to.ard! '!. The meaning i!% that a! there i! nothing more
mi!era#le than to #e hara!!ed #) contin'al in>'iet'de% .e o#tain #) $ =od:! love to.ard!
'! the #ene"it o" a peace"'l calmne!! #e)ond the reach o" "ear. +t hence appear! .hat a !ing'lar
gi"t o" =od it i! to #e "avored .ith hi! love. Moreover "rom thi! doctrine% he .ill pre!entl) dra.
an e3hortationB #'t #e"ore he e3hort! '! to d't)% he commend! to '! thi! gi"t o" =od% .hich #)
"aith remove! o'r "ear.
Thi! pa!!age% + $no.% i! e3plained other.i!e #) man)B #'t + regard .hat the *po!tle mean!% not
.hat other! thin$. The) !a) that there i! no "ear in love% #eca'!e% .hen .e vol'ntaril) love =od%
.e are not con!trained #) "orce and "ear to !erve him. Then according to them% !ervile "ear i!
here !et in oppo!ition to vol'ntar) reverenceB and hence ha! ari!en the di!tinction #et.een
!ervile and "ilial "ear. + indeed allo. it to #e tr'e% that .hen .e .illingl) love =od a! a ;ather%
.e are no longer con!trained #) the "ear o" p'ni!hmeritB #'t thi! doctrine ha! nothing in
common .ith thi! pa!!age% "or the *po!tle onl) teache! '!% that .hen the love o" =od i! #) '!
!een and $no.n #) "aith% peace i! given to o'r con!cience!% !o that the) no longer trem#le and
+t ma)% ho.ever% #e a!$ed% .hen doe! per"ect love e3pel "ear% "or !ince .e are end'ed .ith !ome
ta!te onl) o" divine love to.ard! '!% .e can never #e .holl) "reed "rom "earO To thi! + an!.er%
that% tho'gh "ear i! not .holl) !ha$en o""% )et .hen .e "lee to =od a! to a >'iet har#or% !a"e and
"ree "rom all danger o" !hip.rec$ and o" tempe!t!% "ear i! reall) e3pelled% "or it give! .a) to
"aith. Then "ear i! not !o e3pelled% #'t that it a!!ail! o'r mind!% #'t it i! !o e3pelled that it doe!
not torment '! nor impede that peace .hich .e o#tain #) "aith.
Fear hath torment. Here the *po!tle ampli"ie! !till "'rther the greatne!! o" that grace o" .hich he
!pea$!B "or a! it i! a mo!t mi!era#le condition to !'""er contin'al torment!% there i! nothing more
to #e .i!hed than to pre!ent o'r!elve! #e"ore =od .ith a >'iet con!cience and a calm mind.
Khat !ome !a)% that !ervant! "ear% #eca'!e the) have #e"ore their e)e! p'ni!hment and the rod%
and that the) do not their d't) e3cept .hen "orced% ha! nothing to do% a! it ha! #een alread)
!tated% .ith .hat the *po!tle !a)! here. So in the ne3t cla'!e% the e3po!ition given% that he .ho
"ear! i! not per"ect in love% #eca'!e he !'#mit! not .illingl) to =od% #'t .o'ld rather "ree
him!el" "rom hi! !ervice% doe! not comport at all .ith the conte3t. ;or the *po!tle% on the
contrar)% remind! '!% that it i! to 'n#elie" .hen an) one "ear!% that i!% ha! a di!t'r#ed
mindB "or the love o" =od% reall) $no.n% tran>'ili5e! the heart.
1 J'() !:1#-21
1#. Ke love him% #eca'!e he "ir!t loved '!. 1#. 9o! diligim'! e'm% >'ia prior
dile3it no!.
21. *nd thi! commandment have .e "rom
him% That he .ho loveth =od love hi!
#rother al!o.
21. ,t hoe praecept'm ha#em'! a#
ip!o% 't >'i (e'm diligit% diligat et
"ratrem !''m.
1#. We love him. The ver# ajgap~men ma) #e either in the indicative or imperative moodB #'t
the "ormer i! the more !'ita#le here% "or the *po!tle% a! + thin$% repeat! the preceding !entence%
that a! =od ha! anticipated '! #) hi! "ree love% .e o'ght to ret'rn to render love to him% "or he
immediatel) in"er! that he o'ght to #e loved in men% or that the love .e have "or him o'ght to #e
mani"e!ted to.ard! men. +"% ho.ever% the imperative mood #e pre"erred% the meaning .o'ld #e
nearl) the !ame% that a! =od ha! "reel) loved '!% .e al!o o'ght no. to love him.
-'t thi! love cannot e3i!t% e3cept it generate! #rotherl) love. Hence he !a)!% that the) are liar!
.ho #oa!t that the) love =od% .hen the) hate their #rethren.
-'t the rea!on he !'#?oin! !eem! not !'""icientl) valid% "or it i! a compari!on #et.een the le!!
and the greater4 +"% he !a)!% .e love not o'r #rethren .hom .e !ee% m'ch le!! can .e love =od
.ho i! invi!i#le. 9o. there are o#vio'!l) t.o e3ception!B "or the love .hich =od ha! to '! i!
"rom "aith and doe! not "lo. "rom !ight% a! .e "ind in
1 Peter 14FB and !econdl)% "ar
di""erent i! the love o" =od "rom the love o" menB "or .hile =od lead! hi! people to love him
thro'gh hi! in"inite goodne!!% men are o"ten .orth) o" hatred. To thi! + an!.er% that the *po!tle
ta$e! here a! granted .hat o'ght no do'#t to appear evident to '!% that =od o""er! him!el" to '!
in tho!e men .ho #ear hi! image% and that he re>'ire! the d'tie!% .hich he doe! not .ant
him!el"% to #e per"ormed to them% according to
P!alm 1E4/% .here .e read%
AM) goodne!! reache! not to thee% 7 LordB
to.ard! the !aint! .ho are on the earth i! m) love.C
*nd !'rel) the participation o" the !ame nat're% the need o" !o man) thing!% and m't'al
interco'r!e% m'!t all're '! to m't'al love% e3ceptB .e are harder than iron. -'t @ohn meant
another thing4 he meant to !he. ho. "allacio'! i! the #oa!t o" ever) one .ho !a)! that he love!
=od% and )et love! not =od:! image .hich i! #e"ore hi! e)e!.
21. 'nd this commandment. Thi! i! a !tronger arg'ment% dra.n "rom the a'thorit) and doctrine
o" Chri!tB "or he not% onl) gave a commandment re!pecting the love o" =od% #'t #ade '! al!o to
love o'r #rethren. Ke m'!t there"ore !o #egin .ith =od% a! that there ma) #e at the !ame time a
tran!ition made to men.
CH*PT,8 5
1 JOHN :1-
1. Kho!oever #elieveth that @e!'! i! the
Chri!t i! #orn o" =od4 and ever)one that
loveth him that #egat% loveth him al!o that
i! #egotten o" him.
1. 7mni! >'i credit >'od @e!'! e!t
Chri!t'!% e3 (eo genit'! e!tB et omni!
>'i diligit e'm >'i gen'it% diligit etiam
e'm >'i genit'! e!t a# eo.
. Kho i! he that overcometh the .orld%
#'t he that #elieveth that @e!'! i! the Son
o" =odO
. R'i! e!t >'i vincit m'nd'm% ni!i
>'i credit >'od @e!'! e!t ;ili'! (eiO
1. Whosoever "elieveth. He con"irm! #) another rea!on% that "aith and #rotherl) love are 'nitedB
"or !ince =od regenerate! '! #) "aith he m'!t nece!!aril) #e loved #) '! a! a ;atherB and thi!
love em#race! all hi! children. Then "aith cannot #e !eparated "rom love.
The "ir!t tr'th i!% that all% #orn o" =od% #elieve that% @e!'! i! the Chri!tB .here% again% )o' !ee that
Chri!t alone i! !et "orth a! the o#?ect o" "aith% a! in him it "ind! righteo'!ne!!% li"e% and ever)
#le!!ing that can #e de!ired% and =od in all that he i!.
Hence the onl) tr'e .a) o" #elieving i!
.hen .e direct o'r mind! to him. -e!ide!% to #elieve that he i! the Chri!t% i! to hope "rom him all
tho!e thing! .hich have #een promi!ed a! to the Me!!iah.
9or i! the title% Chri!t% given him here .itho't rea!on% "or it de!ignate! the o""ice to .hich he .a!
appointed #) the ;ather. *!% 'nder the La.% the "'ll re!toration o" all thing!% righteo'!ne!! and
happine!!% .ere promi!ed thro'gh the Me!!iahB !o at thi! da) the .hole o" thi! i! more clearl)
!et "orth in the go!pel. Then @e!'! cannot #e received a! Chri!t% e3cept !alvation #e !o'ght "rom
him% !ince "or thi! end he .a! !ent #) the ;ather% and i! dail) o""ered to '!.
Hence the *po!tle declare! that all the) .ho reall) #elieve have #een #orn o" =odB "or "aith i! "ar
a#ove the reach o" the h'man mind% !o that .e m'!t #e dra.n to Chri!t #) o'r heavenl) ;atherB
"or not an) o" '! can a!cend to him #) hi! o.n !trength. *nd thi! i! .hat the *po!tle teache! '!
in hi! =o!pel% .hen he !a)!% that tho!e .ho #elieve in the name o" the onl)#egotten% .ere not
#orn o" #lood nor o" the "le!h. G
@ohn 1410.J *nd Pa'l !a)!% that .e are end'ed% not .ith the
!pirit o" thi! .orld% #'t .ith the Spirit that i! "rom =od% that .e ma) $no. the thing! given '! #)
him. G
1 Corinthian! /41/.J ;or e)e hath not !een% nor ear heard% nor the mind conceived%
the re.ard laid 'p "or tho!e .ho love =odB #'t the Spirit alone penetrate! into thi! m)!ter). *nd
"'rther% a! Chri!t i! given to '! "or !ancti"ication% and #ring! .ith it the Spirit o" regeneration% in
!hort% a! he 'nite! '! to hi! o.n #od)% it i! al!o another rea!on .h) no one can have "aith% e3cept
he i! #orn o" =od.
Loveth him also that is "egotten of him. *'g'!tine and !ome other! o" the ancient! have applied
thi! to Chri!t% #'t not correctl). ;or tho'gh the *po!tle '!e! the !ing'lar n'm#er% )et he incl'de!
all the "aith"'lB and the conte3t plainl) !ho.! that hi! p'rpo!e .a! no other than to trace 'p
#rotherl) love to "aith a! it! "o'ntain. +t i!% indeed% an arg'ment dra.n "rom the common co'r!e
o" nat'reB #'t .hat. i! !een among men i! tran!"erred to =od.
-'t .e m'!t o#!erve% that the *po!tle doe! not !o !pea$ o" the "aith"'l onl)% and pa!! #) tho!e
.ho are .itho't% a! tho'gh the "ormer are alone to #e loved% and no care and no acco'nt to #e
had "or the latterB #'t he teache! '! a! it .ere #) thi! "ir!t e3erci!e to love all .itho't e3ception%
.hen he #id! '! to ma$e a #eginning .ith the godl).
2. B& this +e kno+. He #rie"l) !ho.! in the!e .ord! .hat tr'e love i!% even that .hich i! to.ard!
=od. He ha! hitherto ta'ght '! that there i! never a tr'e love to =od% e3cept .hen o'r #rethren
are al!o lovedB "or thi! i! ever it! e""ect. -'t he no. teache! '! that men are rightl) and d'l)
loved% .hen =od hold! the primac). *nd it i! a nece!!ar) de"initionB "or it o"ten happen!% that .e
love men apart "rom =od% a! 'nhol) and carnal "riend!hip! regard onl) private advantage! or
!ome other vani!hing o#?ect!. *!% then% he had re"erred "ir!t to the e""ect% !o he no. re"er! to the
ca'!eB "or hi! p'rpo!e i! to !he. that m't'al love o'ght to #e in !'ch a .a) c'ltivated that =od
ma) #e honored.
To the love o" =od he ?oin! the $eeping o" the la.% and ?'!tl) !oB "or .hen .e love =od a! o'r
;ather and Lord% reverence m'!t nece!!aril) #e connected .ith love. -e!ide!% =od cannot #e
!eparated "rom him!el". *!% then% he i! the "o'ntain o" all righteo'!ne!! and e>'it)% he .ho love!
him m'!t nece!!aril) have hi! heart prepared to render o#edience to righteo'!ne!!. The love o"
=od% then% i! not idle or inactive.
-'t "rom thi! pa!!age .e al!o learn .hat i! the $eeping o" the la.. ;or i"% .hen con!trained onl)
#) "ear% .e o#e) =od #) $eeping hi! commandment!% .e are ver) "ar o"" "rom tr'e o#edience.
Then% the "ir!t thing i!% that o'r heart! !ho'ld #e devoted to =od in .illing reverence% and then%
that o'r li"e !ho'ld #e "ormed according to the r'le o" the la.. Thi! i! .hat Mo!e! meant .hen%
in giving a !'mmar) o" the la.% he !aid%
A7 +!rael% .hat doe! the Lord th) =od re>'ire o" thee% #'t to love him and to o#e) himOC
(e'teronom) 1041/.J
3. His commandments are not grievous. Thi! ha! #een added% le!t di""ic'ltie!% a! it i! '!'all) the
ca!e% !ho'ld damp or le!!en o'r 5eal. ;or the) .ho .ith a. cheer"'l mind and great ardor have
p'r!'ed a godl) and hol) li"e% a"ter.ard! gro. .ear)% "inding their !trength inade>'ate.
There"ore @ohn% in order to ro'!e o'r e""ort!% !a)! that =od:! commandment! are not grievo'!.
-'t it ma)% on the other hand% #e o#?ected and !aid that .e have "o'nd it "ar other.i!e #)
e3perience% and that Script're te!ti"ie! that the )o$e o" the la. i! in!'pporta#le. G
154/.J The rea!on al!o i! evident% "or a! the denial o" !el" i!% a! it .ere% a prel'de to the $eeping
o" the la.% can .e !a) that it i! ea!) "or a man to den) him!el"O na)% !ince the la. i! !pirit'al% a!
Pa'l% in
8oman! Q414% teache! '!% and .e are nothing #'t "le!h% there m'!t #e a great
di!cord #et.een '! and the la. o" =od. To thi! + an!.er% that thi! di""ic'lt) doe! not ari!e "rom
the nat're o" the la.% #'t "rom o'r corr'pt "le!hB and thi! i! .hat Pa'l e3pre!!l) declare!B "or
a"ter having !aid that it .a! impo!!i#le "or the La. to con"er righteo'!ne!! on '!% he
immediatel) thro.! the #lame on o'r "le!h.
Thi! e3planation "'ll) reconcile! .hat i! !aid #) Pa'l and #) (avid% .hich apparentl) !eem!
.holl) contradictor). Pa'l ma$e! the la. the ma!ter o" death% declare! that it e""ect! nothing #'t
to #ring on '! the .rath o" =od% that i"% .a! given to increa!e !in% that it live! in order to $ill '!.
(avid% on the other hand% !a)! that it i! !.eeter than hone)% and more de!ira#le than goldB and
among other recommendation! he mention! the " D that it cheer! heart!% convert! to the
Lord% and >'ic$en!. -'t Pa'l compare! the la. .ith the corr'pt nat're o" manB hence ari!e! the
con"lict4 #'t (avid !he.! ho. the) thin$ and "eel .hom =od #) hi! Spirit ha! rene.edB hence
the !.eetne!! and delight o" .hich the "le!h $no.! nothing. *nd @ohn ha! not omitted thi!
di""erenceB "or he con"ine! to =od:! children the!e .ord!% God6s commandments are not
grievous% le!t an) one !ho'ld ta$e them literall)B and he intimate! that% it come! thro'gh the o" the Spirit% that it i! not grievo'! nor .eari!ome to '! to o#e) =od.
The >'e!tion% ho.ever% !eem! not a! )et to #e "'ll) an!.eredB "or the "aith"'l% tho'gh r'led #)
the Spirit% o" =od% )et% carr) on a hard conte!t .ith their o.n "le!hB and ho. m'ch!oever the)
ma) toil% the) )et hardl) per"orm the hal" o" their d't)B na)% the) almo!t "ail 'nder their #'rden%
a! tho'gh the) !tood% a! the) !a)% #et.een the !anct'ar) and the !teep. Ke !ee ho. Pa'l groaned
a! one held captive% and e3claimed that he .a! .retched% #eca'!e he co'ld not "'ll) !erve =od.
M) repl) to thi! i!% that the la. i! !aid to #e ea!)% a! "ar a! .e are end'ed .ith heavenl)
and overcome the l'!t! o" the "le!h. ;or ho.ever the "le!h ma) re!i!t% )et the "aith"'l "ind that
there i! no real en?o)ment e3cept in " =od.
+t m'!t "'rther #e o#!erved% that @ohn doe! not !pea$ o" the la. onl)% .hich contain! nothing #'t
command!% #'t connect! .ith it the paternal ind'lgence o" =od% #) .hich the rigor o" the la. i!
mitigated. *!% then% .e $no. that .e are gracio'!l) "orgiven #) the Lord% .hen o'r .or$! do
not come 'p to the la.% thi! render! '! "ar more prompt to o#e)% according to .hat .e "ind in
P!alm 10044%
AKith thee i! propitiation% that tho' ma)e!t #e "eared.C
Hence% then% i! the "acilit) o" $eeping the la.% #eca'!e the "aith"'l% #eing !'!tained #) pardon% do
not de!pond .hen the) come !hort o" .hat the) o'ght to #e. The *po!tle% in the meantime%
remind! '! that .e m'!t "ight% in order that .e ma) !erve the LordB "or the .hole .orld hinder!
'! to go .here the Lord call! '!. Then% he onl) $eep! the la. .ho co'rageo'!l) re!i!t! the
!. %his is the victor&. *! he had !aid that all .ho are #orn o" =od overcome the .orld% he al!o
!et! "orth the .a) o" overcoming it. ;or it might #e !till a!$ed% .hence come! thi! victor)O He
then ma$e! the victor) over the .orld to depend on "aith.
Thi! pa!!age i! remar$a#le "or tho'gh Satan contin'all) repeat! hi! dread"'l and horri#le on!et!%
)et the Spirit o" =od% declaring that .e are #e)ond the reach o" danger% remove! "ear% and
animate! '! to "ight .ith co'rage. *nd the pa!t time i! more emphatical than the pre!ent or the
"'t'reB "or he !a)!% that has overcome% in order that .e might "eel certain% a! tho'gh the enem)
had #een alread) p't to "light. +t i!% indeed% tr'e% that o'r .ar"are contin'e! thro'gh li"e% that o'r
con"lict! are dail)% na)% that ne. and vario'! #attle! are ever) moment on ever) !ide !tirred 'p
again!t '! #) the enem)B #'t a! =od doe! not arm '! onl) "or one da)% and a! "aith i! not that o"
one da)% #'t i! the perpet'al .or$ o" the Hol) Spirit% .e are alread) parta$er! o" victor)% a!
tho'gh .e had alread) con>'ered.
Thi! con"idence doe! not% ho.ever% introd'ce indi""erence% #'t render! '! al.a)! an3io'!l)
intent on "ighting. ;or the Lord th'! #id! hi! people to #e certain% .hile )et he .o'ld not have
them to #e !ec'reB #'t on the contrar)% he declare! that the) have alread) overcome% in order that
the) ma) "ight more co'rageo'!l) and more !tren'o'!l).
The term +orld ha! here a .ide meaning% "or it incl'de! .hatever i! adver!e to the Spirit o" =od4
th'!% the corr'ption o" o'r nat're i! a part o" the .orldB all l'!t!% all the cra"t! o" Satan% in !hort%
.hatever lead! '! a.a) "rom =od. Having !'ch a "orce to contend .ith% .e have an immen!e
.ar to carr) on% and .e !ho'ld have #een alread) con>'ered #e"ore coming to the conte!t% and
.e !ho'ld #e con>'ered a h'ndred time! dail)% had not =od promi!ed to '! the victor). -'t =od
enco'rage! '! to "ight #) promi!ing '! the victor). -'t a! thi! promi!e !ec're! to '! perpet'all)
the invinci#le o" =od% !o% on the other hand% it annihilate! all the !trength o" men. ;or the
*po!tle doe! not teach '! here that =od onl) #ring! !ome help to '!% !o that #eing aided #) him%
.e ma) #e !'""icientl) a#le to re!i!tB #'t he ma$e! victor) to depend on "aith aloneB and "aith
receive! "rom another that #) .hich it overcome!. The) then ta$e a.a) "rom =od .hat i! hi!
o.n% .ho !ing tri'mph to their o.n
. Who is he that overcometh the +orld. Thi! i! a rea!on "or the previo'! !entenceB that i!% .e
con>'er #) "aith% #eca'!e .e derive !trength "rom Chri!tB a! Pa'l al!o !a)!%
A+ can do all thing! thro'gh him that !trengtheneth me%C G
Philippian! 4410.J
He onl) then can con>'er Satan and the .orld% and not !'cc'm# to hi! o.n "le!h% .ho% di""ident
a! to him!el"% rec'm#! on Chri!t:! alone. ;or #) faith he mean! a real apprehen!ion o"
Chri!t% or an e""ect'al la)ing hold on him% #) .hich .e appl) hi! to o'r!elve!.
1 JOHN :"-#
". Thi! i! he that came #) .ater and #lood%
even @e!'! Chri!tB not #) .ater onl)% #'t
#) .ater and #lood4 and it i! the Spirit that
#eareth .itne!!% #eca'!e the Spirit i! tr'th.
". Hic e!t >'i venit per a>'am et
!ang'inem% @e!'m Chri!t'rnB non in
a>'a !ol'm% !ed in a>'a et !ang'ineB
et Spirit'! e!t >'i te!ti"icat'r%
>'ando>'idem Spirit'! e!t verita!.
#. +" .e receive the .itne!! o" men% the
.itne!! o" =od i! greater4 "or thi! i! the
.itne!! o" =od .hich he hath te!ti"ied o"
hi! Son.
#. Si te!timoni'm homin'm
recipim'!% te!timoni'm (ei ma?'!
e!tB >'oniam hoc e!t te!timoni'm
(ei% >'od te!ti"icat'! e!t de ;ilio !'o.
". %his is he than came. That o'r "aith ma) re!t !a"el) on Chri!t% he !a)! the real !'#!tance o" the
!hado.! o" the la. appear! in him. ;or + do'#t not #'t that he all'de! #) the .ord! +ater and
"lood to the ancient rite! o" the la.. The compari!on% moreover% i! intended "or thi! end% not onl)
that .e ma) $no. that the La. o" Mo!e! .a! a#oli!hed #) the coming o" Chri!t% #'t that .e
ma) !ee$ in him the "'l"illment o" tho!e thing! .hich the ceremonie! "ormerl) t)pi"ied. *nd
tho'gh the) .ere o" vario'! $ind!% )et 'nder the!e t.o the *po!tle denote! the .hole per"ection
o" holine!! and righteo'!ne!!% "or #) .ater .a! all "ilth .a!hed a.a)% !o that men might come
#e"ore =od p're and clean% and #) #lood .a! e3piation made% and a pledge given o" a "'ll
reconciliation .ith =odB #'t the la. onl) ad'm#rated #) e3ternal !)m#ol! .hat .a! to #e reall)
and "'ll) per"ormed #) the Me!!iah.
@ohn then "itl) prove! that @e!'! i! the Chri!t o" the Lord "ormerl) promi!ed% #eca'!e he #ro'ght.
.ith. him that #) .hich he !ancti"ie! '! .holl).
*nd% indeed% a! to the #lood #) .hich Chri!t reconciled =od% there i! no do'#t% #'t ho. he came
#) .ater ma) #e >'e!tioned. -'t that the re"erence i! to #apti!m i! not pro#a#le. + certainl) thin$
that @ohn !et! "orth here the "r'it and e""ect o" .hat he recorded in the =o!pel hi!tor)B "or .hat
he !a)! there% that .ater and #lood "lo.ed "rom the !ide o" Chri!t% i! no do'#t to #e deemed a
miracle. + $no. that !'ch a thing doe! happen nat'rall) to the deadB #'t it happened thro'gh
=od:! p'rpo!e% that Chri!t:! !ide #ecame the "o'ntain o" #lood and .ater% in order that the
"aith"'l ma) $no. that clean!ing Go" .hich the ancient #apti!m! .ere t)pe!J i! "o'nd in him% and
that the) might $no. that .hat all the !prin$ling! o" #lood "ormerl) pre!igni"ied .a! "'l"illed.
7n thi! !'#?ect .e d.elt more at large on the ninth and tenth chapter! o" the ,pi!tle to the
'nd it is the S*irit that "eareth +itness. He !he.! in thi! cla'!e ho. the "aith"'l $no. and "eel
the o" Chri!t% even #eca'!e the Spirit render! them certainB and that their "aith might not
vacillate% he add!% that a "'ll and real "irmne!! or !ta#ilit) i! prod'ced #) the te!timon) o" the
Spirit. *nd he call! the Spirit truth% #eca'!e hi! a'thorit) i! ind'#ita#le% and o'ght to #e
a#'ndantl) !'""icient "or '!.
$. %here are three than "ear record in heaven. The .hole o" thi! ver!e ha! #een #) !ome omitted.
@erome thin$! that thi! ha! happened thro'gh de!ign rather than thro'gh mi!ta$e% and that indeed
onl) on the part o" the Latin!. -'t a! even the =ree$ copie! do not agree% + dare not a!!ert an)
thing on the !'#?ect. Since% ho.ever% the pa!!age "lo.! #etter .hen thi! cla'!e i! added% and a! +
!ee that it i! "o'nd in the #e!t and mo!t approved copie!% + am inclined to receive it a! the tr'e
*nd the meaning .o'ld #e% that =od% in order to con"irm mo!t a#'ndantl) o'r "aith
in Chri!t% te!ti"ie! in three .a)! that .e o'ght to ac>'ie!ce in him. ;or a! o'r "aith ac$no.ledge!
three per!on! in the one divine e!!ence% !o it i! called in !o reall) .a)! to Chri!t that it ma) re!t
on him.
Khen he !a)!% %hese three are one% he re"er! not to e!!ence% #'t on the contrar) to con!entB a!
tho'gh he had !aid that the ;ather and hi! eternal Kord and Spirit harmonio'!l) te!ti") the !ame
thing re!pecting Chri!t. Hence !ome copie! have eijv e{n% A"or one.C -'t tho'gh )o' read e{n
eijsin% a! in other copie!% )et there i! no do'#t #'t that the ;ather% the Kord and the Spirit are !aid
to #e one% in the !ame !en!e in .hich a"ter.ard! the #lood and the .ater and the Spirit are !aid to
agree in one.
-'t a! the Spirit% .ho i! one .itne!!% i! mentioned it !eem! to #e an 'nnece!!ar)
repetition. To thi! + repl)% that !ince he te!ti"ie! o" Chri!t in vario'! .a)!% a t.o"old te!timon) i!
"itl) a!cri#ed to him. ;or the ;ather% together .ith hi! eternal Ki!dom and Spirit% declare! @e!'!
to #e the Chri!t a! it .ere a'thoritativel)% then% in thi! ea!e% the !ole ma?e!t) o" the deit) i! to #e
con!idered #) '!. -'t a! the Spirit% d.elling in o'r heart!% i! an earne!t% a pledge% and a !eal% to
con"irm that decree% !o he th'! again !pea$! on earth #) hi! grace.
-'t ina!m'ch a! all do not receive thi! reading% + .ill there"ore !o e3po'nd .hat "ollo.!% a!
tho'gh the *po!tle re"erred to the .itne!!e! onl) on the earth.
%. %here are three. He applie! .hat had #een !aid o" .ater and #lood to it:! o.n p'rpo!e% in
order that the) .ho re?ect Chri!t might have no e3c'!eB "or #) te!timonie! a#'ndantl) !trong and
clear% he prove! that it i! he .ho had #een "ormerl) promi!ed% ina!m'ch a! .ater and #lood%
#eing the pledge! and the e""ect! o" !alvation% reall) te!ti") that he had #een !ent #) =od. He
add! a third .itne!!% the Hol) Spirit% .ho )et hold! the "ir!t place% "or .itho't him the .a"er and
#lood .o'ld have "lo.ed .itho't an) #ene"itB "or it i! he .ho !eal! on o'r heart! the te!timon)
o" the .ater and #loodB it i! he .ho #) hi! ma$e! the "r'it o" Chri!t:! death to come to '!B
)ea% he ma$e! the #lood !hed "or o'r redemption to penetrate into o'r heart!% or% to !a) all in one
.ord% he ma$e! Chri!t .ith all hi! #le!!ing! to #ecome o'r!. So Pa'l% in
8oman! 144% a"ter
having !aid that Chri!t #) hi! re!'rrection mani"e!ted him!el" to #e the Son o" =od% immediatel)
add!% AThro'gh the !ancti"ication o" the Spirit.C ;or .hatever !ign! o" divine glor) ma) !hine
"orth in Chri!t% the) .o'ld )et #e o#!c're to '! and e!cape o'r vi!ion% .ere not the Hol) Spirit to
open "or '! the e)e! o" "aith.
8eader! ma) no. 'nder!tand .h) @ohn add'ced the Spirit a! a .itne!! together .ith the .ater
and the #lood% even #eca'!e it i! the pec'liar o""ice o" the Spirit% to clean!e o'r con!cience! #)
the #lood o" Chri!t% to ca'!e the clean!ing e""ected #) it to #e e""icacio'!. 7n thi! !'#?ect !ome
remar$! are made at the #eginning o" the Second ,pi!tle o" Peter% .here he '!e! nearl) the !ame
mode o" !pea$ing% that i!% that the Hol) Spirit clean!e! o'r heart! #) the !prin$ling o" the #lood
o" Chri!t.

-'t "rom the!e .ord! .e ma) learn% that "aith doe! not la) hold on a #are or an empt) Chri!t%
#'t. that hi! i! at the !ame time vivi")ing. ;or to .hat p'rpo!e ha! Chri!t #een !ent on the
earth% e3cept to reconcile =od #) the !acri"ice o" hi! deathO e3cept the o""ice o" .a!hing had
#een allotted to him #) the ;atherO
+t ma) ho.ever #e o#?ected% that the di!tinction here mentioned i! !'per"l'o'!% #eca'!e Chri!t
clean!ed '! #) e3piating o'r !in!B then the *po!tle mention! the !ame thing + indeed allo.
that clean!ing i! incl'ded in e3piationB there"ore + made no di""erence #et.een the .ater and the
#lood% a! tho'gh the) .ere di!tinctB #'t i" an) one o" '! con!ider! hi! o.n in"irmit)% he .ill
readil) ac$no.ledge that it i! not in vain or .itho't rea!on that #lood i! di!ting'i!hed "rom the
.ater. -e!ide!% the *po!tle% a! it ha! #een !tated% all'de! to the rite! o" the la.B and =od% on
acco'nt o" h'man in"irmit)% had "ormerl) appointed% not onl) !acri"ice!% #'t al!o .a!hing!. *nd
the *po!tle meant di!tinctl) to !ho. that the realit) o" #oth ha! #een e3hi#ited in Chri!t% and on
thi! acco'nt he had !aid #e"ore% A9ot #) .ater onl)%C "or he mean!% that not onl) !ome part o" o'r
!alvation i! "o'nd in Chri!t% #'t the .hole o" it% !o that nothing i! to #e !o'ght el!
#. 0f +e receive the +itness% or te!timon)% of men. He prove!% rea!oning "rom the le!! to the
greater% ho. 'ngrate"'l men are .hen the) re?ect Chri!t% .ho ha! #een approved% a! he ha!
related% #) =odB "or i" in .orldl) a""air! .e !tand to the .ord! o" men% .ho ma) lie and deceive%
ho. 'nrea!ona#le it i! that =od !ho'ld have le!! credit given to the% .hen !itting a! it .ere on
hi! o.n throne% .here he i! the !'preme ?'dge. Then o'r o.n corr'ption alone prevent! '! to
receive Chri!t%% !ince he give! '! "'ll proo" "or #elieving in hi! -e!ide!% he call! not onl)
that the te!timon) o" =od .hich the Spirit imprint! on o'r heart!% #'t al!o that .hich .e derive
"rom the .ater and the #lood. ;or that o" clean!ing and e3piating .a! not earthl)% #'t
heavenl). Hence the #lood o" Chri!t i! not to #e e!timated according to the common manner o"
menB #'t .e m'!t rather loo$ to the de!ign o" =od% .ho ordained it "or #lotting o't !in!% and al!o
to that divine e""icac) .hich "lo.! "rom it.
1 J'() :#-12
#. D ;or thi! i! the .itne!! o" =od .hich
he hath te!ti"ied o" hi! Son.
#. D Porro hoc e!t te!timoni'm (ei%
>'od te!ti"icat'! e!t de ;ilio !'o.
12. He that hath the Son hath li"eB and he
that hath not the Son o" =od hath not li"e.
12. R'i ha#et ;ili'm% ha#et vitamB >'i
non ha#et ;ili'm (ei% vitam non
#. For this is the +itness% or te!timon)% of God. The particle o#ti doe! not mean here the ca'!e%
#'t i! to #e ta$en a! e3planator)B "or the *po!tle% a"ter having reminded '! that =od de!erve! to
#e #elieved m'ch more than men% no. add!% that .e can have no "aith in =od% e3cept #)
#elieving in Chri!t% #eca'!e =od !et! him alone #e"ore '! and ma$e! '! to !tand in him. He
hence in"er! that .e #elieve !a"el) and .ith tran>'il mind! in Chri!t% #eca'!e =od #) hi!
a'thorit) .arrant! o'r "aith. He doe! not !a) that =od !pea$! o't.ardl)% #'t that ever) one o" the
godl) "eel! .ithin that =od i! the a'thor o" hi! "aith. +t hence appear! ho. di""erent "rom "aith i!
a "ading opinion dependent on !omething el!e.
1&. He that "elieveth not. *! the "aith"'l po!!e!! thi! #ene"it% that the) $no. them!elve! to #e
#e)ond the danger o" erring% #eca'!e the) have =od a! their "o'ndationB !o he ma$e! the
'ngodl) to #e g'ilt) o" e3treme #la!phem)% #eca'!e the) charge =od .ith "al!ehood. (o'#tle!!
nothing i! more val'ed #) =od than hi! o.n tr'th% there"ore no .rong more atrocio'! can #e
done to him% than to ro# him o" thi! honor. Then in order to ind'ce '! to #elieve% he ta$e! an
arg'ment "rom the oppo!ite !ideB "or i" to ma$e =od a liar #e a horri#le and e3ecra#le impiet)%
#eca'!e then .hat e!peciall) #elong! to him i! ta$en a.a)% .ho .o'ld not dread to .ithhold
"aith "rom the go!pel% in .hich =od .o'ld have him!el" to #e co'nted !ing'larl) tr'e and
"aith"'lO Thi! o'ght to #e care"'ll) o#!erved.
Some .onder .h) =od commend! "aith !o m'ch% .h) 'n#elie" i! !o !everel) condemned. -'t
the glor) o" =od i! implicated in thi!B "or !ince he de!igned to !he. a !pecial in!tance o" hi! tr'th
in the go!pel% all the) .ho re?ect Chri!t there o""ered to them% leave nothing to him. There"ore%
tho'gh .e ma) grant that a man in other part! o" hi! li"e i! li$e an angel% )et hi! !anctit) i!
dia#olical a! long: a! he re?ect! Chri!t. Th'! .e !ee !ome 'nder the Papac) va!tl) plea!ed .ith
the mere ma!$ o" !anctit)% .hile the) !till mo!t o#!tinatel) re!i!t the go!pel. Let '! then
'nder!tand% that it i! the #eginning o" tr'e religion% o#edientl) to em#race thi! doctrine% .hich he
ha! !o !trongl) con"irmed #) hi! te!timon).
11. %hat God hath given, us eternal life. Having no. !et% "orth the #ene"it% he invite! '! to
#elieve. +t i!% indeed% a reverence d'e to =od% immediatel) to receive% a! #e)ond controver!)%
.hatever he declare! to '!. -'t !ince he "reel) o""er! li"e to '!% o'r ingratit'de .ill #e
intolera#le% e3cept .ith prompt "aith .e receive a doctrine !o !.eet and !o lovel). *nd%
do'#tle!!% the .ord! o" the *po!tle are intended to !he.% that .e o'ght% not onl) reverentl) to
o#e) the go!pel% le!t .e !ho'ld a""ront =odB #'t% that .e o'ght to love it% #eca'!e it #ring! to '!
eternal li"e. Ke hence al!o learn .hat i! e!peciall) to #e !o'ght in the go!pel% even the "ree gi"t
o" !alvationB "or that =od there e3hort! '! to repentance and "ear% o'ght not to #e !eparated "rom
the grace o" Chri!t
-'t the *po!tle% that he might $eep '! together in Chri!t% again repeat! that li"e i! "o'nd in himB
a! tho'gh he had !aid% that no other .a) o" o#taining li"e ha! #een appointed "or '! #) =od the
;ather. *nd the *po!tle% indeed% #rie"l) incl'de! here three thing!4 that .e are all given 'p to
death 'ntil =od in hi! grat'ito'! "avor re!tore! '! to li"eB "or he plainl) declare! that li"e i! a gi"t
"rom =od4 and hence al!o it "ollo.! that .e are de!tit'te o" it% and the"t it. cannot #e ac>'ired #)
merit!B !econdl)% he teache! '! that thi! li"e i! con"erred on '! #) the go!pel% #eca'!e there the
goodne!! and the paternal love o" =od i! made $no.n to '!B la!tl)% he !a)! that .e cannot
other.i!e #ecome parta$er! o" thi! li"e than #) #elieving in Chri!t.
12. He that hath not the Son. Thi! i! a con"irmation o" the la!t !entence. +t o'ght% indeed% to have
#een !'""icient% that =od made li"e to #e in none #'t in Chri!t% that it might #e !o'ght in himB #'t
le!t an) one !ho'ld t'rn a.a) to another% he e3cl'de! all "rom the hope o" li"e .ho !ee$ it not in
Chri!t. Ke $no. .hat it i! to have Chri!t% "or he i! po!!e!!ed #) "aith. He then !he.! that all
.ho are !eparated "rom the #od) o" Chri!t are .itho't li"e.
-'t thi! !eem! incon!i!tent .ith rea!onB "or hi!tor) !he.! that there have #een great men%
end'ed .ith heroic virt'e!% .ho )et .ere .holl) 'nac>'ainted .ith Chri!tB and it !eem!
'nrea!ona#le that men o" !o great eminence had no honor. To thi! + an!.er% that .e are greatl)
mi!ta$en i" .e thin$ that .hatever i! eminent in o'r e)e! i! approved #) =odB "or% a! it i! !aid in
AKhat i! highl) e!teemed #) men i! an a#omination .ith =od.C G
L'$e 1E415J
;or a! the "ilthine!! o" the heart i! hid "rom '!% .e are !ati!"ied .ith the e3ternal appearanceB #'t
=od !ee! that 'nder thi! i! concealed the "o'le!t "ilth. +t i!% there"ore% no .onder i" !pecio'!
virt'e!% " "rom an imp're heart% and tending to no right end% have an ill odor to him.
-e!ide!% .hence come! p'rit)% .hence a gen'ine regard "or religion% e3cept "rom the Spirit o"
Chri!tO There i!% then% nothing .orth) o" prai!e e3cept in Chri!t.
There i!% "'rther% another rea!on .hich remove! ever) do'#tB "or the righteo'!ne!! o" men i! in
the remi!!ion o" !in!. +" )o' ta$e a.a) thi!% the !'re c'r!e o" =od and eternal death a.ait! all.
Chri!t alone i! he .ho reconciles the ;ather to '!% a! he ha! once "or all paci"ied him #) the
!acri"ice o" the cro!!. +t hence "ollo.!% that =od i! propitio'! to none #'t in Chri!t% nor i! there
righteo'!ne!! #'t in him.
Kere an) one to o#?ect and !a)% that Corneli'!% a! mentioned #) L'$e% G
*ct! 104/%J .a!
accepted o" =od #e"ore he .a! called to the "aith o" the go!pel4 to thi! + an!.er !hortl)% that =od
!ometime! !o deal! .ith '!% that the !eed o" "aith appear! immediatel) on the "ir!t da). Corneli'!
had no clear and di!tinct $no.ledge o" Chri!tB #'t a! he had !ome perception o" =od:! merc)% he
m'!t at the !ame time 'nder!tand !omething o" a Mediator. -'t a! =od act! in .a)! hidden and
.onder"'l% let '! di!regard tho!e !pec'lation! .hich pro"it nothing% and hold onl) to that plain
.a) o" !alvation% .hich he ha! made $no.n to '!.
1 J'() :13-1
13. The!e thing! have + .ritten 'nto )o'
that #elieve on the name o" the Son o"
=od% that )e ma) $no. that )e have
eternal li"e% and That )e ma) #elieve on the
name o" the Son o" =od.
13. Haec !crip!i ve#i! credenti#'! in
nomen ;ilii (ei% 't !ciati! >'od
vitam ha#eti! aeternam% et 't credati!
in nomen ;ilii (ei.
1. *nd i" .e $no. that he hear '!%
1. Si a'tem novim'! >'od a'dit
no!% >''m >'id petierim'!B novim'!
.hat!oever .e a!$% .e $no. that .e have
the petition! that .e de!ired o" him.
>'od ha#em'! petitione! >'a!
po!t'lavim'! a# eo.
13. %hese things have 0 +ritten unto &ou. *! there o'ght to #e a dail) progre!! in "aith% !o he !a)!
that he .rote to tho!e .ho had alread) #elieved% !o that the) might #elieve more "irml) and .ith
greater certaint)% and th'! en?o) a "'ller con"idence a! to eternal li"e. Then the '!e o" doctrine i!%
not onl) to initiate the ignorant in the $no.ledge o" Chri!t% #'t al!o to con"irm tho!e more and
more .ho have #een alread) ta'ght. +t there"ore #ecome! '! a!!id'o'!l) to attend to the d't) o"
learning% that o'r "aith ma) increa!e thro'gh the .hole co'r!e o" o'r li"e. ;or there are !till in '!
man) remnant! o" 'n#elie"% and !o .ea$ i! o'r "aith that .hat .e #elieve i! not )et reall)
#elieved e3cept there #e a "'ller con"irmation.
-'t .e o'ght to o#!erve the .a) in .hich "aith i! con"irmed% even #) having the o""ice and o" Chri!t e3plained to '!. ;or the *po!tle !a)! that he .rote the!e thing!% that i!% that
eternal li"e i! to #e !o'ght el!e #'t in Chri!t% in order that the) .ho .ere #eliever!
alread) might #elieve% that i!% ma$e progre!! in #elieving. +t i! there"ore the d't) o" a godl)
teacher% in order to con"irm di!ciple! in the "aith% to e3tol a! m'ch a! po!!i#le the grace o" Chri!t%
!o that #eing !ati!"ied .ith that% .e ma) !ee$ nothing el!e.
*! the Papi!t! o#!c're thi! tr'th in vario'! .a)!% and e3ten'ate it% the) !he. !'""icientl) #) thi!
one thing that the) care "or nothing le!! than "or the right doctrine o" "aithB )ea% on thi! acco'nt%
their !chool! o'ght to #e more !h'nned than all the Sc)lla! and Char)#di!e! in the .orldB "or
hardl) an) one can enter them .itho't a !'re !hip.rec$ to hi! "aith.
The *po!tle teache! "'rther ill thi! pa!!age% that Chri!t i! the pec'liar o#?ect o" "aith% and that to
the "aith .hich .e have in hi! name i! anne3ed the hope o" !alvation. ;or in thi! ca!e the end o"
#elieving i!% that .e #ecome the children and the heir! o" =od.
1!. 'nd this is the confidence. He commend! the "aith .hich he mentioned #) it! "r'it% or he
!he.! that in .hich o'r con"idence e!peciall) i!% that i!% that the godl) dare con"identl) to call on
=odB a! al!o Pa'l !pea$! in
,phe!ian! 041/% that .e have #) "aith acce!! to =od .ith
con"idenceB and al!o in
8oman! F415% that the Spirit give! '! a mo'th to cr) *##a% ;ather.
*nd do'#tle!!% .ere .e driven a.a) "rom an acce!! to =od% nothing co'ld ma$e '! more
mi!era#leB #'t% on the other hand% provided thi! a!)l'm #e opened to '!% .e !ho'ld #e happ)
even in e3treme evil!B na)% thi! one thing render! o'r tro'#le! #le!!ed% #eca'!e .e !'rel) $no.
that =od .ill #e o'r deliverer% and rel)ing on hi! paternal love to.ard! '!% .e "lee to him.
Let '!% then% #ear in mind thi! declaration o" the *po!tle% that calling on =od i! the chie" trial o"
o'r "aith% and that =od i! not rightl) nor in "aith called 'pon e3cept .e #e "'ll) per!'aded that
o'r pra)er! .ill not #e in vain. ;or the *po!tle denie! that tho!e .ho% #eing do'#t"'l% he!itate%
are end'ed .ith "aith.
+t hence appear! that the doctrine o" "aith i! #'ried and nearl) e3tinct 'nder the Papac)% "or all
certaint) i! ta$en a.a). The) indeed m'tter man) pra)er!% and prattle m'ch a#o't pra)ing to
=odB #'t the) pra) .ith do'#t"'l and "l'ct'ating heart!% and #id '! to pra)B and )et the) even
condemn thi! con"idence .hich the *po!tle re>'ire! a! nece!!ar).
'ccording to his +ill. -) thi! e3pre!!ion he meant #) the .a) to remind '! .hat i! the right .a)
or r'le o" pra)ing% even .hen men !'#?ect their o.n .i!he! to =od. ;or tho'gh =od ha!
promi!ed to do .hat!oever hi! people ma) a!$% )et he doe! not allo. them an 'n#ridled li#ert)
to a!$ .hatever ma) come to their mind!B #'t he ha! at the !ame time pre!cri#ed to them a la.
according to .hich the) are to pra). *nd do'#tle!! nothing i! #etter "or '! than thi! re!trictionB
"or i" it .a! allo.ed to ever) one o" '! to a!$ .hat he plea!ed% and i" =od .ere to ind'lge '! in
o'r .i!he!% it .o'ld #e to provide ver) #adl) "or '!. ;or .hat ma) #e e3pedient .e $no. notB
na)% .e #oil over .ith corr'pt and h'rt"'l de!ire!. -'t =od !'pplie! a t.o"old remed)% le!t .e
!ho'ld pra) other.i!e than according to .hat hi! o.n .ill ha! pre!cri#edB "or he teache! '! #)
hi! .ord .hat he .o'ld have '! to a!$% and he ha! al!o !et over '! hi! Spirit a! o'r g'ide and
r'ler% to re!train o'r "eeling!% !o a! not to !'""er them to .ander #e)ond d'e #o'nd!. ;or .hat or
ho. to pra)% .e $no. not% !a)! Pa'l% #'t the Spirit helpeth o'r in"irmit)% and e3cite! in '!
'n'ttera#le groan!. G
8oman! F4/E.J Ke o'ght al!o to a!$ the mo'th o" the Lord to direct
and g'ide o'r pra)er!B "or =od in hi! promi!e! ha! "i3ed "or '!% a! it ha! #een !aid% the right .a)
o" pra)ing.
1. 'nd if +e kno+. Thi! i! not a !'per"l'o'! repetition% a! it !eem! to #eB "or .hat the *po!tle
declared in general re!pecting the !'cce!! o" pra)er% he no. a""irm! in a !pecial manner that the
godl) pra) or a!$ "or nothing "rom =od #'t .hat the) o#tain. -'t .hen he !a)! that all the
petition! o" the "aith"'l are heard% he !pea$! o" right and h'm#le petition!% and !'ch a! are
con!i!tent .ith the r'le o" o#edience. ;or the "aith"'l do not give loo!e rein! to their de!ire!% nor
ind'lge in an)thing that ma) plea!e them% #'t al.a)! regard in their pra)er! .hat =od
Thi!% then% i! an application o" the general doctrine to the !pecial and private #ene"it o" ever)
one% le!t the "aith"'l !ho'ld do'#t that =od i! propitio'! to pra)er! o" each individ'al% !o that
.ith >'iet mind! the) ma) .ait 'ntil the Lord !ho'ld per"orm .hat the) pra) "or% and that #eing
th'! relieved "rom all tro'#le and an3iet)% the) ma) ca!t on =od the #'rden o" their care!. Thi!
ea!e and !ec'rit) o'ght not% ho.ever% to a#ate in them their earne!tne!! in pra)er% "or he .ho i!
certain o" a happ) event o'ght not to a#!tain "rom pra)ing to =od. ;or the certaint) o" "aith #)
no mean! generate! indi""erence or !loth. The *po!tle meantB that ever) one !ho'ld #e tran>'il in
the!e nece!!itie! .hen he ha! depo!ited hi! !igh! in the #o!om o" =od.
1 J'() :1"-1%
1". +" an) man !ee hi! #rother !in a !in
+hich is not 'nto death% he !hall a!$% and
he !hall give him li"e "or them that !in not
'nto death. There i! a !in 'nto death4 + do
not !a) that he !hall pra) "or it.
1". Si >'i! viderit "ratrem !''m
peccantem peccato non ad mortem%
petetB et da#it illi vitam peecanti% dico%
non ad mortem4 e!t peccat'm ad
mortemB non pro illo% dico% 't >'i!
1%. Ke $no. that .ho!oever i! #orn o"
=od !inneth notB #'t he that i! #egotten o"
=od $eepeth him!el"% and that .ic$ed one
to'cheth him not.
1%. 9ovlin'! >'od >'i!>'i! e3 (eo
genit'! e!t% non peccatB !ed >'i
genit'! e!t e3 (eo !ervat !eip!'m% et
malign'! non tangit e'm.
1". 0f an& man. The *po!tle e3tend! !till "'rther the #ene"it! o" that "aith .hich he ha!
mentioned% !o that o'r pra)er! ma) al!o avail "or o'r #rethren. +t i! a great thing% that a! !oon a!
.e are oppre!!ed% =od $indl) invite! '! to him!el"% and i! read) to give '! helpB #'t that he hear!
'! a!$ing "or other!% i! no !mall con"irmation to o'r "aith in order that .e ma) #e "'ll) a!!'red
that .e !hall never meet .ith a rep'l!e in o'r o.n ca!e.
The *po!tle in the meantime e3hort! '! to #e m't'all) !olicito'! "or the !alvation o" one
anotherB and he .o'ld al!o have '! to regard the "all! o" the #rethren a! !tim'lant! to pra)er. *nd
!'rel) it i! an iron hardne!! to #e to'ched .ith no pit)% .hen .e !ee !o'l! redeemed #) Chri!t:!
#lood going to r'in. -'t he !he.! that there i! at hand a remed)% #) .hich #rethren can aid
#rethren. He .ho .ill pra) "or the peri!hing% .ill% he !a)!% re!tore li"e to himB tho'gh the .ord!%
Ahe !hall give%C ma) #e applied to =od% a! tho'gh it .a! !aid% =od .ill grant to )o'r pra)er! the
li"e o" a #rother. -'t the !en!e .ill !till #e the !ame% that the pra)er! o" the "aith"'l !o "ar avail a!
to re!c'e a #rother "rom death. +" .e 'nder!tand man to #e intended% that he .ill give li"e to a
#rother% it i! a h)per#olical e3pre!!ionB it ho.ever contain! nothing incon!i!tentB "or .hat i!
given to '! #) the grat'ito'! goodne!! o" =od% )ea% .hat i! granted to other! "or o'r !a$e% .e are
!aid to give to other!. So great a #ene"it o'ght to !tim'late '! not a little to a!$ "or o'r #rethren
the "orgivene!! o" !in!. *nd .hen the *po!tle recommend! !)mpath) to '!% he at the !ame time
remind! '! ho. m'ch .e o'ght to avoid the cr'elt) o" condemning o'r #rethren% or an e3treme
rigor in de!pairing o" their !alvation.
' sin +hich is not unto death. That .e ma) not ca!t a.a) all hope o" the !alvation o" tho!e .ho
!in% he !he.! that =od doe! not !o grievo'!l) p'ni!h their "all! a! to rep'diate them. +t hence
"ollo.! that .e o'ght to deem them #rethren% !ince =od retain! them in the n'm#er o" hi!
children. ;or he denie! that !in! are to death% not onl) tho!e #) .hich the !aint! dail) o""end% #'t
even .hen it happen! that =od:! .rath i! grievo'!l) provo$ed #) them. ;or a! long a! room "or
pardon i! le"t% death doe! not .holl) retain it! dominion.
The *po!tle% ho.ever% doe! not here di!ting'i!h #et.een venial and mortal !in% a! it .a!
a"ter.ard! commonl) done. ;or altogether "ooli!h i! that di!tinction .hich prevail! 'nder the
Papac). The Sor#on! ac$no.ledge that there i! hardl) a mortal !in% e3cept there #e the gro!!e!t
#a!ene!!% !'ch a! ma) #e% a! it .ere% tangi#le. Th'! in venial !in! the) thin$ that there ma) #e
the greate!t "ilth% i" hidden in the !o'l. +n !hort% the) !'ppo!e that all the "r'it! o" original !in%
provided the) appear not o't.ardl)% are .a!hed a.a) #) the !light !prin$ling o" hol) .aterP *nd
.hat .onder i! it% !ince the) regard not a! #la!phemo'! !in!% do'#t! re!pecting =od:! grace% or
an) l'!t! or evil de!ire!% e3cept the) are con!ented toO +" the !o'l o" man #e a!!ailed #) 'n#elie"%
i" impatience tempt! him to rage again!t =od% .hatever mon!tro'! l'!t! ma) all're him% all the!e
are to the Papi!t! lighter than to #e deemed !in!% at lea!t a"ter #apti!m. +t i! then no .onder% that
the) ma$e venial o""en!e! o" the greate!t crime!B "or the) .eigh them in their o.n #alance and
not in the #alance o" =od.
-'t among the "aith"'l thi! o'ght to #e an ind'#ita#le tr'th% that .hatever i! contrar) to =od:!
la. i! !in% and in it! nat're mortalB "or .here there i! a tran!gre!!ion o" the la.% there i! !in and
Khat% then% i! the meaning o" the *po!tleO He denie! that !in! are mortal% .hich% tho'gh .orth)
o" death% are )et not th'! p'ni!hed #) =od. He there"ore doe! not e!timate !in! in them!elve!% #'t
"orm! a ?'dgment o" them according to the paternal $indne!! o" =od% .hich pardon! the g'ilt%
.here )et the "a'lt i!. +n !hort% =od doe! not give over to death tho!e .hom he ha! re!tored to
li"e% tho'gh it depend! not on them that the) are not alienated "rom li"e.
%here is a sin unto death. + have alread) !aid that the !in to .hich there i! no hope o" pardon le"t%
i! th'! called. -'t it ma) #e a!$ed% .hat thi! i!B "or it m'!t #e ver) atrocio'!% .hen =od th'! !o
!everel) p'ni!he! it. +t ma) #e gathered "rom the conte3t% that it i! not% a! the) !a)% a partial "all%
or a tran!gre!!ion o" a !ingle commandment% #'t apo!ta!)% #) .hich men .holl) alienate
them!elve! "rom =od. ;or the *po!tle a"ter.ard! add!% that the children o" =od do not !in% that
i!% that the) do not "or!a$e =od% and .holl) !'rrender them!elve! to Satan% to #e hi! !lave!. S'ch
a de"ection% it i! no .onder that it i! mortalB "or =od never th'! deprive! hi! o.n people o" the
grace o" the SpiritB #'t the) ever retain !ome !par$ o" tr'e religion. The) m'!t then #e repro#ate
and given 'p to de!tr'ction% .ho th'! "all a.a) !o a! to have no "ear o" =od.
Kere an) one to a!$% .hether the door o" !alvation i! clo!ed again!t their repentanceB the an!.er
i! o#vio'!% that a! the) are given 'p to a repro#ate mind% and are de!tit'te o" the Hol) Spirit% the)
cannot do an)thing el!e% than .ith o#!tinate mind!% #ecome .or!e and .or!e% and add !in! to
!in!. Moreover% a! the !in and #la!phem) again!t the Spirit ever #ring! .ith it a de"ection o" thi!
$ind% there i! no do'#t #'t that it i! here pointed o't.
-'t it ma) #e a!$ed again% #) .hat evidence! can .e $no. that a man:! "all i! "atalB "or e3cept
the $no.ledge o" thi! .a! certain% in vain .o'ld the *po!tle have made thi! e3ception% that the)
.ere not to pra) "or a !in o" thi! $ind. +t i! then right to determine !ometime!% .hether the "allen
i! .itho't hope% or .hether there i! !till a place "or a remed). Thi!% indeed% i! .hat + allo.% and
.hat i! evident #e)ond di!p'te "rom thi! pa!!ageB #'t a! thi! ver) !eldom happen!% and a! =od
!et! #e"ore '! the in"inite riche! o" hi! grace% and #id! '! to #e merci"'l according to hi! o.n
e3ample% .e o'ght not ra!hl) to concl'de that an) one ha! #ro'ght on him!el" the ?'dgment o"
eternal deathB on the contrar)% love !ho'ld di!po!e '! to hope .ell. -'t i" the impiet) o" !ome
appear to '! not other.i!e than hopele!!% a! tho'gh the Lord pointed it o't #) the "inger% .e
o'ght not to contend .ith the ?'!t ?'dgment o" =od% or !ee$ to #e more merci"'l than he i!.
1$. 'll unrighteousness. Thi! pa!!age ma) #e e3plained vario'!l). +" )o' ta$e it adver!ativel)%
the !en!e .o'ld not #e 'n!'ita#le% ATho'gh all 'nrighteo'!ne!! i! !in% )et ever) !in i! not 'nto
death.C *nd e>'all) !'ita#le i! another meaning% A*! !in i! ever) 'nrighteo'!ne!!% hence it
"ollo.! that ever) !in i! not 'nto death.C Some ta$e all unrighteousness "or complete
'nrighteo'!ne!!% a! tho'gh the *po!tle had !aid% that the !in o" .hich he !po$e .a! the !'mmit
o" 'nrighteo'!ne!!. +% ho.ever% am more di!po!ed to em#race the "ir!t or the !econd e3planationB
and a! the re!'lt i! nearl) the !ame% + leave it to the ?'dgment o" reader! to determine .hich o"
the t.o i! the more appropriate.
1%. We kno+ that +hosoever is "orn of God. +" )o' !'ppo!e that =od:! children are .holl) *ure
and "ree "rom all !in% a! the "anatic! contend% then the *po!tle i! incon!i!tent .ith him!el"B "or he
.o'ld th'! ta$e a.a) the d't) o" m't'al pra)er among #rethren. Then he !a)! that tho!e sin not
.ho do not .holl) "all a.a) "rom the grace o" =odB and hence he in"erred that pra)er o'ght to
#e made "or all the children o" =od% #eca'!e the) !in not 'nto death. * proo" i! added% That ever)
one% #orn o" =od% $eep! him!el"% that i!% $eep! him!el" in the "ear o" =odB nor doe! he !'""er
him!el" to #e !o led a.a)% a! to lo!e all !en!e o" religion% and to !'rrender him!el" .holl) to the
devil and the "le!h.
;or .hen he !a)!% that he i! not touched #) that +icked one% re"erence i! made to a deadl)
.o'ndB "or the children o" =od do not remain 'nto'ched #) the a!!a'lt! o" Satan% #'t the) .ard
o"" hi! !tro$e! #) the !hield o" "aith% !o that the) do not penetrate into the heart. Hence !pirit'al
li"e i! never e3ting'i!hed in them. Thi! i! not to !in. Tho'gh the "aith"'l indeed "all thro'gh the
in"irmit) o" the "le!h% )et the) groan 'nder the #'rden o" !in% loathe them!elve!% and cea!e not to
"ear =od.
<ee*eth himself. Khat properl) #elong! to =od he tran!"er! to '!B "or .ere an) one o" '! the
$eeper o" hi! o.n !alvation% it .o'ld #e a mi!era#le protection. There"ore Chri!t a!$! the ;ather
to $eep '!% intimating that it i! not done #) o'r o.n !trength. The advocate! o" "ree.ill la) hold
on thi! e3pre!!ion% that the) ma) thence prove% that .e are pre!erved "rom !in% partl) #) =od:!
grace% and partl) #) o'r o.n -'t the) do not perceive that the "aith"'l have not "rom
them!elve! the o" pre!ervation o" .hich the *po!tle !pea$!. 9or doe! he% indeed% !pea$ o"
their a! tho'gh the) co'ld $eep them!elve! #) their o.n !trengthB #'t he onl) !he.! that
the) o'ght to re!i!t Satan% !o that the) ma) never #e "atall) .o'nded #) hi! dart!. *nd .e $no.
that .e "ight .ith no other .eapon! #'t tho!e o" =od. Hence the "aith"'l $eep them!elve! "rom
!in% a! "ar a! the) are $ept #) =od. G
@ohn 1Q411.J
1 J'() :1#-21
1#. 'nd .e $no. that .e are o" =od% and
the .hole .orld lieth in .ic$edne!!.
1#. 9ovim'! >'od e3 (eo !'m'!% et
m'nd'! tor'! in maligno po!it'! e!t.
21. Little children% $eep )o'r!elve! "rom
idol!. *men.
21. ;ilioli% c'!todite vo! a# idoli!.
1#. We are of God. He ded'ce! an e3hortation "rom hi! previo'! doctrineB "or .hat he had
declared in common a! to the children o" =od% he no. applie! to tho!e he .a! .riting toB and
thi! he did% to !tim'late them to #e.are o" !in% and to enco'rage them to repel the on!et! o"
Let reader! o#!erve% that it i! onl) tr'e "aith% that applie! to '!% !o to !pea$% the grace o" =odB "or
the *po!tle ac$no.ledge! none a! "aith"'l% #'t tho!e .ho have the dignit) o" #eing =od:!
children. 9or doe! he indeed p't pro#a#le con?ect're% a! the Sophi!t! !pea$% "or con"idenceB "or
he !a)! that .e kno+. The meaning i!% that a! .e have #een #orn o" =od% .e o'ght to !trive to
prove #) o'r !eparation "rom the .orld% and #) the !anctit) o" o'r li"e% that .e have not #een in
vain called to !o great all honor.
9o.% thi! i! an admonition ver) nece!!ar) "or all the godl)B "or .herever the) t'rn their e)e!%
Satan ha! hi! all'rement! prepared% #) .hich he !ee$! to dra. them a.a) "rom =od. +t .o'ld
then #e di""ic'lt "or them to hold on in their co'r!e% .ere the) not !o to val'e their calling a! to
di!regard all the hindrance! o" the .orld. Then% in order to #e .ell prepared "or the conte!t% the!e
t.o thing! m'!t #e #orne in mind% that the .orld i! .ic$ed% and that o'r calling i! "rom =od.
Mnder the term +orld% the *po!tle no do'#t incl'de! the .hole h'man race. -) !a)ing that it
lieth in the +icked one% he repre!ent! it a! #eing 'nder the dominion o" Satan. There i! then no
rea!on .h) .e !ho'ld he!itate to !h'n the .orld% .hich condemn! =od and deliver! 'p it!el"
into the #ondage o" Satan4 nor i! there a rea!on .h) .e !ho'ld "ear it! enmit)% #eca'!e it i!
alienated "rom =od. +n !hort% !ince corr'ption pervade! all nat're% the "aith"'l o'ght to !t'd)
!el"denialB and !ince nothing i! !een in the .orld #'t .ic$edne!! and corr'ption% the) m'!t
nece!!aril) di!regard "le!h and #lood that the) ma) "ollo. =od. *t the !ame time the other thing
o'ght to #e added% that =od i! he .ho ha! called them% that 'nder thi! protection the) ma)
oppo!e all the machination! o" the .orld and Satan.
2&. 'nd +e kno+ that the Son of God is come. *! the children o" =od are a!!ailed on ever) !ide%
he% a! .e have !aid% enco'rage! and e3hort! them to per!evere in re!i!ting their enemie!% and "or
thi! rea!on% #eca'!e the) "ight 'nder the #anner o" =od% and certainl) $no. that the) are r'led
#) hi! SpiritB #'t he no. remind! them .here thi! $no.ledge i! e!peciall) to #e "o'nd.
He then !a)! that =od ha! #een !o made $no.n to '!% that no. there i! no rea!on "or do'#ting.
The *po!tle doe! not .itho't rea!on d.ell on thi! pointB "or e3cept o'r "aith i! reall) "o'nded on
=od% .e !hall never !tand "irm in the conte!t. ;or thi! p'rpo!e the *po!tle !he.! that .e have
o#tained thro'gh Chri!t a !'re $no.ledge o" the tr'e =od% !o that .e ma) not "l'ct'ate in
-) true =od he doe! not mean one .ho tell! the tr'th% #'t him .ho i! reall) =odB and he !o call!
him to di!ting'i!hing him "rom all idol!. Th'! true i! in oppo!ition to .hat i! "ictitio'!B "or it i!
ajlhqino<v% and not ajlhqh>v. * !imilar pa!!age i! in @ohn
AThi! i! eternal li"e% to $no. thee% the onl) tr'e =od%
and him .hom tho' ha!t !ent% @e!'! Chri!t.C G
@ohn 1Q40J
*nd he ?'!tl) a!cri#e! to Chri!t thi! o""ice o" ill'minating o'r mind! a! to the $no.ledge o" =od.
;or% a! he i! the onl) tr'e image o" the invi!i#le =od% a! he i! the onl) interpreter o" the ;ather%
a! he i! the onl) g'ide o" li"e% )ea% a! he i! the li"e and light o" the .orld and the tr'th% a! !oon a!
.e depart "rom him% .e nece!!aril) #ecome vain in o'r o.n device!.
*nd Chri!t i! !aid to have given us an understanding% not onl) #eca'!e he !he.! '! in the go!pel
.hat !ort o" #eing i! the tr'e =od% and al!o ill'minate! '! #) hi! SpiritB #'t #eca'!e in Chri!t
him!el" .e have =od mani"e!ted in the "le!h% a! Pa'l !a)!% !ince in him d.ell! all the "'llne!! o"
the (eit)% and are hid all the trea!'re! o" $no.ledge and .i!dom. G
Colo!!ian! /41.J Th'! it
i! that the "ace o" =od in a manner appear! to '! in Chri!tB not that there .a! no $no.ledge% or a
do'#t"'l $no.ledge o" =od% #e"ore the coming o" Chri!t%% #'t that no. he mani"e!t! him!el"
more "'ll) and more clearl). *nd thi! i! .hat Pa'l !a)! in
/ Corinthian! 44E% that =od% .ho
"ormerl) commanded light to !hine o't o" dar$ne!! at the creation o" the .orld% hath no. !hone
in o'r heart! thro'gh the #rightne!! o" the $no.ledge o" hi! glor) in the "ace o" Chri!t.
*nd it m'!t #e o#!erved% that thi! gi"t i! pec'liar to the elect. Chri!t% indeed% $indle! "or all
indi!criminatel) the torch o" hi! go!pelB #'t all have not the e)e! o" their mind! opened to !ee it%
#'t on the contrar) Satan !pread! the veil o" #lindne!! over man). Then the *po!tle mean! the
light .hich Chri!t $indle! .ithin in the heart! o" hi! people% and .hich .hen once $indled% i!
never e3ting'i!hed% tho'gh in !ome it ma) "or a time #e !mothered.
We are in him that is true. -) the!e .ord! he remind! '! ho. e""icacio'! i! that $no.ledge
.hich he mention!% even #eca'!e #) it .e are 'nited to Chri!tB and #ecome one .ith =odB "or it
ha! a living root% "i3ed in the heart% #) .hich it come! that =od live! in '! and .e in him. *! he
!a)!% .itho't a cop'lative% that4 .e are in him that is true, in his Son% he !eem! to e3pre!! the
manner o" o'r 'nion .ith =od% a! tho'gh he had !aid% that .e are in =od thro'gh Chri!t.
%his is the true God. Tho'gh the *rian! have attempted to el'de thi! pa!!age% and !ome agree
.ith them at thi! da)% )et .e have here a remar$a#le te!timon) to the divinit) o" Chri!t. The
*rian! appl) thi! pa!!age to the ;ather% a! tho'gh the *po!tle !ho'ld again repeat that he i! the
tr'e =od. -'t nothing co'ld #e more "rigid than !'ch a repetition. +t ha! alread) te!ti"ied
that the tr'e =od i! he .ho ha! #een made $no.n to '! in Chri!t% .h) !ho'ld he again add% %his
is the true GodO +t applie!% indeed% mo!t !'ita#l) to Chri!tB "or a"ter having ta'ght '! that Chri!t
i! the g'ide #) .ho!e hand .e are led to =od% he no.% #) .a) o" ampli")ing% a""irm! that Chri!t
i! that =od% le!t .e !ho'ld thin$ that .e are to !ee$ "'rtherB and he con"irm! thi! vie. #) .hat i!
added% and eternal life. +t i! do'#tle!! the !ame that i! !po$en o"% a! #eing the tr'e =od and
eternal li"e. + pa!! #) thi!% that the relative ou!tov '!'all) re"er! to the la!t per!on. + !a)% then%
that Chri!t i! properl) called eternal li"eB and that thi! mode o" !pea$ing perpet'all) occ'r! in
@ohn% no one can den).
The meaning i!% that .hen .e have Chri!t% .e en?o) the tr'e and eternal =od% "or el!e i!
he to #e !o'ghtB and% !econdl)% that .e #ecome th'! parta$er! o" eternal li"e% #eca'!e it i! o""ered
to '! in Chri!t tho'gh hid in the ;ather. The origin o" li"e i!% indeed% the ;atherB #'t the "o'ntain
"rom .hich .e are to dra. it% i! Chri!t.
21. <ee* &ourselves from idols. Tho'gh thi! #e a !eparate !entence% )et it i! a! it .ere an
appendi3 to the preceding doctrine. ;or the vivi")ing light o" the =o!pel o'ght to !catter and
di!!ipate% not onl) dar$ne!!% #'t al!o all mi!t!% "rom the mind! o" the godl). The *po!tle not onl)
condemn! idolatr)% #'t command! '! to #e.are o" all image! and idol!B #) .hich he intimate!%
that the .or!hip o" =od cannot contin'e 'ncorr'pted and p're .henever men #egin to #e in love
.ith idol! or image!. ;or !o innate in '! i! !'per!tition% that the lea!t occa!ion .ill in"ect '! .ith
it! contagion. (r) .ood .ill not !o ea!il) #'rn .hen coal! are p't 'nder it% a! idolatr) .ill la)
hold on and engro!! the mind! o" men% .hen an occa!ion i! given to them. *nd .ho doe! not !ee
that image! are the !par$!O Khat !par$! do + !a)O na)% rather torche!% .hich are !'""icient to !et
the .hole .orld on "ire.
The *po!tle at the !ame time doe! not onl) !pea$ o" !tat'e!% #'t al!o o" altar!% and incl'de! all
the in!tr'ment! o" !'per!tition!. Moreover% the Papi!t! are ridic'lo'!% .ho pervert thi! pa!!age
and appl) it to the !tat'e! o" @'piter and Merc'r) and the li$e% a! tho'gh the *po!tle did not
teach generall)% that there i! a corr'ption o" religion .henever a corporeal "orm i! a!cri#ed to
=od% or .henever !tat'e! and pict're! "orm a part o" hi! .or!hip. Let '! then remem#er that .e
o'ght care"'ll) to contin'e in the !pirit'al .or!hip o" =od% !o a! to #ani!h "ar "rom '! ever)thing
that ma) t'rn '! a!ide to gro!! and carnal !'per!tition!.
TH, *8=MM,9T
+t appear! "rom the .riting! o" @erome and ,'!e#i'!% that thi! ,pi!tle .a! not "ormerl) received
#) man) Ch'rche! .itho't oppo!ition. There are al!o at thi! da) !ome .ho do not thin$ it
entitled to a'thorit). +% ho.ever% am inclined to receive it .itho't controver!)% #eca'!e + !ee no
?'!t ca'!e "or re?ecting it. ;or .hat !eem! in the !econd chapter to #e incon!i!tent .ith the
doctrine o" "ree ?'!ti"ication% .e !hall ea!il) e3plain in it! o.n place. Tho'gh he !eem! more
!paring in proclaiming the grace o" Chri!t than it #ehooved an *po!tle to #e% it i! not !'rel)
re>'ired o" all to handle the !ame arg'ment!. The .riting! o" Solomon di""er m'ch "rom tho!e o"
(avidB .hile the "ormer .a! intent on "orming the o't.ard man and teaching the precept! o"
civil li"e% the latter !po$e contin'all) o" the !pirit'al .or!hip o" =od% peace o" con!cience% =od:!
merc) and grat'ito'! promi!e o" !alvation. -'t thi! diver!it) !ho'ld not ma$e '! to approve o"
one% and to condemn the other. -e!ide!% among the evangeli!t! them!elve! there i! !o m'ch
di""erence in !etting "orth the o" Chri!t% that the other three% compared .ith @ohn% have
hardl) !par$! o" that "'ll #rightne!! .hich appear! !o con!pic'o'! in him% and )et .e commend
them all ali$e.
+t i! eno'gh to ma$e men to receive thi! ,pi!tle% that it contain! nothing 'n.orth) o" an *po!tle
o" Chri!t. +t i! indeed "'ll o" in!tr'ction on vario'! !'#?ect!% the #ene"it o" .hich e3tend! to ever)
part o" the Chri!tian li"eB "or there are here remar$a#le pa!!age! on patience% pra)er to =od% the
e3cellenc) and "r'it o" heavenl) tr'th% h'milit)% hol) d'tie!% the re!training o" the tong'e% the
c'ltivation o" peace% the repre!!ing o" l'!t!% the contempt o" the .orld% and the li$e thing!% .hich
.e !hall !eparatel) di!c'!! in their o.n place!.
-'t a! to the a'thor% there i! !ome.hat more rea!on "or do'#ting. +t i! indeed certain that he .a!
not the Son o" We#edee% "or Herod $illed him !hortl) a"ter o'r Lord:! re!'rrection. The ancient!
are nearl) 'nanimo'! in thin$ing that he .a! one o" the di!ciple! named 7#lia! and a relative o"
Chri!t% .ho .a! !et over the Ch'rch at @er'!alemB and the) !'ppo!ed him to have #een the
per!on .hom Pa'l mentioned .ith Peter and @ohn% .ho he !a)! .ere deemed pillar!%
=alatian! /41.J -'t that one o" the di!ciple! .a! mentioned a! one o" the three pillar!% and
th'! e3alted a#ove the other *po!tle!% doe! not !eem to me pro#a#le. + am there"ore rather
inclined to the con?ect're% that he o" .hom Pa'l !pea$! .a! the !on o" *lphe'!. + do not )et den)
that another .a! the r'ler o" the Ch'rch at @er'!alem% and one indeed "rom the college o" the
di!ciple!B "or the *po!tle! .ere not tied to an) partic'lar place. -'t .hether o" the t.o .a! the
.riter o" thi! ,pi!tle% it i! not "or me to !a). That 7#lia! .a! act'all) a man o" great a'thorit)
among the @e.!% appear! even "rom thi!% that a! he had #een cr'ell) p't to death #) the "action o"
an 'ngodl) chie"prie!t% @o!eph'! he!itated not to imp'te the de!tr'ction o" the cit) in part to hi!
CH*PT,8 1
JAMES 1:1-!
1 @ame!% a !ervant o" =od and o" the Lord
@e!'! Chri!t% to the t.elve tri#e! .hich are
!cattered a#road% greeting.
1 @aco#'!% (ei ac (omini @e!'
Chri!ti !erv'!% d'odecim tri#'#'!
>'ae in di!per!ione !'nt% !al'tem.
2 M) #rethren% co'nt it all ?o) .hen )e "all
into diver! temptation!B
2 7mne ga'di'm e3i!timate% "ratre!
mei% >''m in tentatione! varia!
3 < thi!% that the tr)ing o" )o'r "aith
.or$eth patience.
3 Sciente! >'od pro#atio "idei
ve!trae% patientiam operat'r
! -'t let patience have her per"ect .or$%
that )e ma) #e per"ect and entire% .anting
! Patientia vero op'! per"ect'm
ha#eat% 't !iti! per"ecti et integri% in
n'llo de"iciente!.
1. %o the t+elve tri"es. Khen the ten tri#e! .ere #ani!hed% the *!!)rian $ing placed them in
di""erent part!. *"ter.ard!% a! it '!'all) happen! in the revol'tion! o" $ingdom! G!'ch a! then
too$ place%J it i! ver) pro#a#le that the) moved here and there in all direction!. *nd the @e.! had
#een !cattered almo!t 'nto all >'arter! o" the .orld. He then .rote and e3horted all tho!e .hom
he co'ld not per!onall) addre!!% #eca'!e the) had #een !cattered "ar and .ide. -'t that he !pea$!
not o" the grace o" Chri!t and o" "aith in him% the rea!on !eem! to #e thi!% #eca'!e he addre!!ed
tho!e .ho had alread) #een rightl) ta'ght #) other!B !o that the) had need% not !o m'ch o"
doctrine% a! o" the goad! o" e3hortation!.
2. 'll ,o&. The "ir!t e3hortation i!% to #ear trial! .ith a cheer"'l mind. *nd it .a! e!peciall)
nece!!ar) at that time to com"ort the @e.!% almo!t over.helmed a! the) .ere .ith tro'#le!. ;or
the ver) name o" the nation .a! !o in"amo'!% that the) .ere hated and de!pi!ed #) all people
.herever the) .entB and their condition a! Chri!tian! rendered them !till more mi!era#le%
#eca'!e the) held their o.n nation a! their mo!t inveterate enemie!. *t the !ame time% thi!
con!olation .a! not !o !'ited to one time% #'t that it i! al.a)! '!e"'l to #eliever!% .ho!e li"e i! a
con!tant .ar"are on earth.
-'t that .e ma) $no. more "'ll) .hat he mean!% .e m'!t do'#tle!! ta$e tem*tations or trial! a!
incl'ding all adver!e thing!B and the) are !o called% #eca'!e the) are the te!t! o" o'r o#edience to
=od. He #id! the "aith"'l% .hile e3erci!ed .ith the!e% to re?oiceB and that not onl) .hen the) "all
into one temptation% #'t into man)% not onl) o" one $ind% #'t o" vario'! $ind!. *nd do'#tle!!%
!ince the) !erve to morti") o'r "le!h% a! the vice! o" the "le!h contin'all) !hoot 'p in '!% !o the)
m'!t nece!!aril) #e o"ten repeated. -e!ide!% a! .e la#or 'nder di!ea!e!% !o it i! no .onder that
di""erent remedie! are applied to remove them.
The Lord then a""lict! '! in vario'! .a)!% #eca'!e am#ition% avarice% env)% gl'tton)%
intemperance% e3ce!!ive love o" the .orld% and the inn'mera#le l'!t! in .hich .e a#o'nd%
cannot #e c'red #) the !ame medicine.
Khen he #id! '! to count it all ,o&% it i! the !ame a! tho'gh he had !aid% that temptation! o'ght to
#e !o deemed a! gain% a! to #e regarded a! occa!ion! o" ?o). He mean!% in !hort% that there i!
nothing in a""liction! .hich o'ght to di!t'r# o'r ?o). *nd th'!% he not onl) command! '! to #ear
adver!itie! calml)% and .ith an even mind% #'t !he.! '! that thi! i! a rea!on .h) the "aith"'l
!ho'ld re?oice .hen pre!!ed do.n #) them.
+t i!% indeed% certain% that all the !en!e! o" o'r nat're are !o "ormed% that ever) trial prod'ce! in '!
grie" and !orro.B and no one o" '! can !o "ar dive!t him!el" o" hi! nat're a! not to grieve and #e
!orro."'l .henever he "eel! an) evil. -'t thi! doe! not prevent the children o" =od to ri!e% #)
the g'idance o" the Spirit% a#ove the !orro. o" the "le!h. Hence it i!% that in the mid!t o" tro'#le
the) cea!e not to re?oice.
3. <no+ing thi!% that the tr&ing. Ke no. !ee .h) he called adver!itie! trials or temptation!% even
#eca'!e the) !erve to tr) o'r "aith. *nd there i! here a rea!on given to con"irm the la!t !entence.
;or it might% on the other hand% #e o#?ected% AHo. come! it% that .e ?'dge that !.eet .hich to
the !en!e i! #itterOC He then !he.! #) the e""ect that .e o'ght to re?oice in a""liction!% #eca'!e
the) prod'ce "r'it that o'ght to #e highl) val'ed% even patience. +" =od then provide! "or o'r
!alvation% he a""ord! '! an occa!ion o" re?oicing. Peter '!e! a !imilar arg'ment at the #eginning
o" hi! "ir!t ,pi!tle% AThat the trial o" )o'r "aith% more precio'! than gold% ma) #e%C etc. Ke
certainl) dread di!ea!e!% and .ant% and e3ile% and pri!on% and reproach% and death% #eca'!e .e
regard them a! evil!B #'t .hen .e 'nder!tand that the) are t'rned thro'gh =od:! $indne!! 'nto
help! and aid! to o'r !alvation% it i! ingratit'de to m'rm'r% and not .illingl) to !'#mit to #e th'!
paternall) dealt .ith.
Pa'l !a)!% in
8oman! 540% that .e are to glor) in tri#'lation!B and @ame! !a)! here% that .e
are to re?oice. AKe glor)%C !a)! Pa'l% Ain tri#'lation!% $ that tri#'lation .or$eth patience.C
Khat immediatel) "ollo.! !eem! contrar) to the .ord! o" @ame!B "or he mention! pro#ation in
the third place% a! the e""ect o" patience% .hich i! here p't "ir!t a! tho'gh it .ere the ca'!e. -'t
the !ol'tion i! o#vio'!B the .ord there ha! an active% #'t here a pa!!ive meaning. Pro#ation or
trial i! !aid #) @ame! to prod'ce patienceB "or .ere not =od to tr) '!% #'t leave '! "ree "rom
tro'#le% there .o'ld #e no patience% .hich i! no other thing than "ortit'de o" mind in #earing
evil!. -'t Pa'l mean!% that .hile #) end'ring .e con>'er evil!% .e e3perience ho. m'ch =od:!
help avail! in nece!!itie!B "or then the tr'th o" =od i! a! it .ere in realit) mani"e!ted to '!. Hence
it come! that .e dare to entertain more hope a! to "'t'rit)B "or the tr'th o" =od% $no.n #)
e3perience% i! more "'ll) #elieved #) '!. Hence Pa'l teache! that #) !'ch a pro#ation% that i!% #)
!'ch an e3perience o" divine grace% hope i! prod'ced% not that hope then onl) #egin!% #'t that it
increa!e! and i! con"irmed. -'t #oth mean% that tri#'lation i! the mean! #) .hich patience i!
Moreover% the mind! o" men are not !o "ormed #) nat're% that a""liction o" it!el" prod'ce!
patience in them. -'t Pa'l and Peter regard not !o m'ch the nat're o" men a! the providence o"
=od thro'gh .hich it come!% that the "aith"'l learn patience "rom tro'#le!B "or the 'ngodl) are
there#) more and more provo$ed to madne!!% a! the e3ample o" Pharaoh prove!.
!. But let *atience have her *erfect +ork( *! #oldne!! and co'rage o"ten appear in '! and !oon
"ail% he there"ore re>'ire! per!everance. A8eal patience%C he !a)!% Ai! that .hich end're! to the
end.C ;or +ork here mean! the e""ort not onl) to overcome in one conte!t% #'t to per!evere
thro'gh li"e. Hi! per"ection ma) al!o he re"erred to the !incerit) o" the !o'l% that men o'ght
.illingl) and not "eignedl) to !'#mit to =odB #'t a! the .ord +ork i! added% + pre"er to e3plain it
o" con!tanc). ;or there are man)% a! .e have !aid% .ho !he. at "ir!t an heroic greatne!!% and
!hortl) a"ter gro. .ear) and "aint. He there"ore #id! tho!e .ho .o'ld #e *erfect and entire%
per!evere to the end. -'t .hat he mean! #) the!e t.o .ord!% he a"ter.ard! e3plain! o" tho!e
.ho "ail not% or #ecome not .earied4 "or the)% .ho #eing overcome a! to patience% #e #ro$en
do.n% m'!t% #) degree!% #e nece!!aril) .ea$ened% and at length .holl) "ail.
JAMES 1:-%
+" an) o" )o' lac$ .i!dom% let him a!$ o"
=od% that giveth to all men li#erall)% and
'p#raideth notB and it !hall #e given him.
Porro !i >'i! a'tem ve!tr'm
de!tit'it'r !apientia% po!t'let a (eo%
>'i dat omni#'! !impliciter% nec
e3pro#ratB et da#it'r ei.
" -'t let him a!$ in "aith% nothing
.avering. ;or he that .avereth i! li$e a
.ave o" the !ea driven .ith the .ind and
" Po!t'let a'tem in "ide% nihil
hae!itan!B nam >'i hae!itat !imili! e!t
"l'ct'i mari!% >'i a vento agit'r et
$ ;or let not that man thin$ that he !hall
receive an) thing o" the Lord.
$ non ergo e3i!timet homo ille >'od
!it >'ic>'am accept'r'! a (omino.
% * do'#le minded man i! 'n!ta#le in all
hi! .a)!.
% Lir d'plici animo% in!ta#ili! e!t in
omni#'! vii! !'i!.
. 0f an& of &ou lack +isdom( *! o'r rea!on% and all o'r "eeling! are aver!e to the tho'ght that .e
can #e happ) in the mid!t o" evil!% he #id! '! to a!$ o" the Lord to give '! .i!dom. ;or +isdom
here% + con"ine to the !'#?ect o" the pa!!age% a! tho'gh he had !aid% A+" thi! doctrine i! higher than
.hat )o'r mind! can reach to% a!$ o" the Lord to ill'minate )o' #) hi! SpiritB "or a! thi!
con!olation alone i! !'""icient to mitigate all the #itterne!! o" evil!% that .hat i! grievo'! to the
"le!h i! !al'tar) to '!B !o .e m'!t nece!!aril) #e overcome .ith impatience% e3cept .e #e
!'!tained #) thi! $ind o" com"ort.C Since .e !ee that the Lord doe! not !o re>'ire "rom '! .hat i!
a#ove o'r !trength% #'t that he i! read) to help '!% provided .e a!$% let '!% there"ore% learn%
.henever he command! an)thing% to a!$ "rom him the to per"orm it.
Tho'gh in thi! place to #e .i!e i! to !'#mit to =od in the end'rance o" evil!% 'nder a d'e
conviction that he !o order! all thing! a! to promote o'r !alvationB )et the !entence ma) #e
generall) applied to ever) #ranch o" right $no.ledge.
-'t .h) doe! he !a) 0f an& one, a! tho'gh all o" them did not .ant .i!dom. To thi! + an!.er% that
all are #) nat're .itho't itB #'t that !ome are gi"ted .ith the !pirit o" .i!dom% .hile other! are
.itho't it. *!% then% all had not made !'ch progre!! a! to re?oice in a""liction% #'t "e. there .ere
to .hom thi! had #een given% @ame!% there"ore% re"erred to !'ch ca!e!B and he reminded tho!e
.ho .ere not a! )et "'ll) convinced that #) the cro!! their !alvation .a! promoted #) the Lord%
that the) .ere to a!$ to #e end'ed .ith .i!dom. *nd )et there i! no do'#t% #'t that nece!!it)
remind! '! all to a!$ the !ame thingB "or he .ho ha! made the greate!t progre!!% i! )et "ar o""
"rom the goal. -'t to a!$ an increa!e o" .i!dom i! another thing than to a!$ "or it at "ir!t.
Khen he #id! '! to ask of the Lord, he intimate!% that he alone can heal o'r di!ea!e! and relieve
o'r .ant!.
%hat giveth to all men li"erall&. -) all% he mean! tho!e .ho a!$B "or the) .ho !ee$ no remed)
"or their .ant!% de!erve to pine a.a) in them. Ho.ever% thi! 'niver!al declaration% #) .hich
ever) one o" '! i! invited to a!$% .itho't e3ception% i! ver) importantB hence no man o'ght to
deprive him!el" o" !o great a privilege.
To the !ame p'rpo!e i! the promi!e .hich immediatel) "ollo.!B "or a! #) thi! command he
!he.! .hat i! the d't) o" ever) one% !o he a""irm! that the) .o'ld not do in vain .hat he
command!B according to .hat i! !aid #) Chri!t%
A<noc$% and it !hall #e opened.C
Matthe. Q4QB
L'$e 1141.J
The .ord li"erall&% or "reel)% denote! promptit'de in giving. So Pa'l% in
8oman! 1/4F%
re>'ire! !implicit) in deacon!. *nd in / Corinthian! F and / Corinthian! 1% .hen !pea$ing o"
charit) or love% he repeat! the !ame .ord !everal time!. The meaning% then% i!% that =od i! !o
inclined and read) to give% that he re?ect! none% or ha'ghtil) p't! them o""% #eing not li$e the
niggardl) and gra!ping% .ho either !paringl)% a! .ith a clo!ed hand% give #'t little% or give onl) a
part o" .hat the) .ere a#o't to give% or long de#ate .ith them!elve! .hether to give or not.
'nd u*"raideth not( Thi! i! added% le!t an) one !ho'ld "ear to come too o"ten to =od. Tho!e .ho
are the mo!t li#eral among men% .hen an) one a!$! o"ten to #e helped% mention their "ormal act!
o" $indne!!% and th'! e3c'!e them!elve! "or the "'t're. Hence% a mortal man% ho.ever open
handed he ma) #e% .e are a!hamed to .ear) #) a!$ing too o"ten. -'t @ame! remind! '!% that
there i! nothing li$e thi! in =odB "or he i! read) ever to add ne. #le!!ing! to "ormer one!%
.itho't an) end or limitation.
". But let him ask in faith. He !he.! here% "ir!t the right .a) o" pra)ingB "or a! .e cannot pra)
.itho't the .ord% a! it .ere% leading the .a)% !o .e m'!t #elieve #e"ore .e pra)B "or .e te!ti")
#) pra)er% that .e hope to o#tain "rom =od the grace .hich he ha! promi!ed. Th'! ever) one
.ho ha! no "aith in the promi!e!% pra)! di!!em#lingl). Hence% al!o% .e learn .hat i! tr'e "aithB
"or @ame!% a"ter having #idden '! to a!$ in "aith% add! thi! e3planation% nothing +avering% or%
do'#ting nothing. Then "aith i! that .hich relie! on =od:! promi!e!% and ma$e! '! !'re o"
o#taining .hat .e a!$. +t hence "ollo.!% that it i! connected .ith con"idence and certaint) a! to
=od:! love to.ard! '!. The diakri>nesqai% .hichhe '!e!% mean! properl) to in>'ire into #oth
!ide! o" a >'e!tion% a"ter the manner o" pleader!. He .o'ld have '! then to #e !o convinced o"
.hat =od ha! once promi!ed% a! not to admit a do'#t .hether he !hall #e heard or not.
He that +avereth% or do'#teth. -) thi! !imilit'de he !tri$ingl) e3pre!!e! ho. =od p'ni!he! the
'n#elie" o" tho!e .ho do'#t hi! promi!e!B "or% #) their o.n re!tle!!ne!!% the) torment them!elve!
in.ardl)B "or there i! never an) calmne!! "or o'r !o'l!% e3cept the) rec'm# on the tr'th o" =od.
He% at length% concl'de!% that !'ch are 'n.orth) to receive an)thing "rom =od.
Thi! i! a remar$a#le pa!!age% "itted to di!prove that impio'! dogma .hich i! co'nted a! an
oracle 'nder the .hole Papac)% that i!% that .e o'ght to pra) do'#tingl)% and .ith 'ncertaint) a!
to o'r !'cce!!. Thi! principle% then% .e hold% that o'r pra)er! are not heard #) the Lord% e3cept
.hen .e have a con"idence that .e !hall o#tain. +t cannot indeed #e other.i!e% #'t that thro'gh
the in"irmit) o" o'r "le!h .e m'!t #e to!!ed #) vario'! temptation!% .hich are li$e engine!
emplo)ed to !ha$e o'r con"idenceB !o that no one i! "o'nd .ho doe! not vacillate and trem#le
according to the "eeling o" hi! "le!hB #'t temptation! o" thi! $ind are at length to #e overcome #)
"aith. The ca!e i! the !ame a! .ith a tree% .hich ha! !tr'c$ "irm root!B it !ha$e!% indeed% thro'gh
the o" the .ind% #'t i! not rooted 'pB on the contrar)% it remain! "irm in it! o.n place.
%. ' dou"le9minded man% or% a man o" a do'#le mind. Thi! !entence ma) #e read #) it!el"% a! he
!pea$! generall) o" h)pocrite!. +t !eem!% ho.ever% to me to #e rather the concl'!ion o" the
preceding doctrineB and th'! there i! an implied contra!t #et.een the !implicit) or li#eralit) o"
=od% mentioned #e"ore% and the do'#lemindedne!! o" manB "or a! =od give! to '! .ith a
!tretched o't hand% !o it #ehoove! '! in o'r t'rn to open the #o!om o" o'r heart. He then !a)!
that the 'n#elieving% .ho have tort'o'! rece!!e!% are unsta"leB #eca'!e the) are never "irm or
"i3ed% #'t at one time the) !.ell .ith the con"idence o" the "le!h% at another the) !in$ into the
depth o" de!pair.
JAMES 1:#-11
# Let the #rother o" lo. degree re?oice in
that he i! e3alted4
# Porro gloriet'r "rater h'mili! in
!'#limate !'aB
1& -'t the rich% in that he i! made lo.4
#eca'!e a! the " o" the gra!! he !hall
pa!! a.a).
1& (ive! a'tem in h'militate !'a%
>'ia tan>'am "lo! her#ae prateteri#it.
11 ;or the !'n i! no !ooner ri!en .ith a
#'rning heat% #'t it .ithereth the gra!!% and
the " thereo" "alleth% and the grace o"
the "a!hion o" it peri!heth4 !o al!o !hall the
rich man "ade a.a) in hi! .a)!.
11 9am !ol e3ort'! e!t c'm ae!t'% et
e3are!cit her#a% et "lo! e?'! cecidit% et
decor a!pect'! e?'! periitB !ic et dive!
in !'i! vii! Gvel% copii!J marce!cet.
#. Let the "rother of lo+ degree. *! Pa'l% e3horting !ervant! !'#mi!!ivel) to #ear their lot% !et!
#e"ore them thi! con!olation% that the) .ere the "reemen o" =od% having #een !et "ree #) hi!
grace "rom the mo!t mi!era#le #ondage o" Satan% and remind! them% tho'gh "ree% )et to
remem#er that the) .ere the !ervant! o" =odB !o here @ame! in the !ame manner #id! the lo.l)
to glor) in thi!% that the) had #een adopted #) the Lord a! hi! childrenB and the rich% #eca'!e the)
had #een #ro'ght do.n into the !ame condition% the .orld:! vanit) having #een made evident to
them. Th'! the "ir!t he .o'ld have to #e content .ith their h'm#le and lo. !tateB and he "or#id!
the rich to #e pro'd. Since it i! incompara#l) the greate!t dignit) to #e introd'ced into the
compan) o" angel!% na)% to #e made the a!!ociate! o" Chri!t% he .ho e!timate! thi! "avor o" =od
aright% .ill regard all other thing! a! .orthle!!. Then neither povert)% nor contempt% nor
na$edne!!% nor "amine nor thir!t% .ill ma$e hi! mind !o an3io'!% #'t that he .ill !'!tain him!el"
.ith thi! con!olation. ASince the Lord ha! con"erred on me the principal thing% it #ehoove! me
patientl) to #ear the lo!! o" other thing!% .hich are in"erior.C
-ehold% ho. a lo.l) #rother o'ght to glor) in hi! elevation or e3altationB "or i" he #e accepted o"
=od% he ha! !'""icient con!olation in hi! adoption alone% !o a! not to grieve 'nd'l) "or a le!!
pro!pero'! !tate o" li"e.
13. But the rich, in that he is made lo+% orB in hi!!!. He ha! mentioned the partic'lar "or
the generalB "or thi! admonition pertain! to all tho!e .ho e3cel in honorB or in dignit)% or in an)
other e3ternal thing. He #id! them to glor) in their!! or littlene!!% in order to repre!! the
ha'ghtine!! o" tho!e .ho are '!'all) in"lated .ith pro!perit). -'t he call! it lo+ness% #eca'!e the
mani"e!ted $ingdom o" =od o'ght to lead '! to de!pi!e the .orld% a! .e $no. that all the thing!
.e previo'!l) greatl) admired% are either nothing or ver) little thing!. ;or Chri!t% .ho i! not a
teacher e3cept o" #a#e!% chec$! #) hi! doctrine all the ha'ghtine!! o" the "le!h. Le!t% then% the
vain ?o) o" the .orld !ho'ld captivate the rich% the) o'ght to ha#it'ate them!elve! to glor) in the
ca!ting do.n o" their carnal e3cellenc).
's the flo+er of the grass. Kere an) one to !a) that @ame! all'de! to the .ord! o" +!aiah% + .o'ld
not m'ch o#?ectB #'t + cannot allo. that he >'ote! the te!timon) o" the Prophet% .ho !pea$! not
onl) o" the thing! o" thi! li"e and the "ading character o" the .orld% #'t o" the .hole man% #oth
#od) and !o'lB #'t here .hat i! !po$en o" i! the pomp o" .ealth or o" riche!. *nd the meaning i!%
that glor)ing in riche! i! "ooli!h and prepo!tero'!% #eca'!e the) pa!! a.a) in a moment. The
philo!opher! teach the !ame thingB #'t the !ong i! !'ng to the dea"% 'ntil the ear! are opened #)
the Lord to hear the tr'th concerning the eternit) o" the cele!tial $ingdom. Hence he mention!
"rotherB intimating that there i! no place "or thi! tr'th% 'ntil .e are admitted into the order o"
=od:! children.
Tho'gh the received reading i! ejn tai~v porei>aiv% )et+ agree .ith ,ra!m'!% and read the la!t
.ord%pori>aiv% .itho't the diphthong Ain hi! riche!%C orB .ith hi! riche!B and the latter + pre"er.
JAMES 1:12-1
12 -le!!ed i! the man that end'reth
temptation4 "or .hen he i! tried% he !hall
receive the cro.n o" li"e% .hich the Lord
hath promi!ed to them that love him.
12 -eat'! vir >'i !'""ert
temptationemB >'od >''m pro#at'!
"'erit% accipiet coronam vitae% >'am
promi!it (e'! diligenti#'! ip!'m.
13 Let no man !a) .hen he i! tempted% +
am tempted o" =od4 "or =od cannot #e
tempted .ith evil% neither tempteth he an)
13 9emo >''m tentat'r dicat% * (eo
tentorB (e'! enim nec tentari mali!
pote!t% nec >'en>'am tentat.
1! -'t ever) man i! tempted% .hen he i!
dra.n a.a) o" hi! o.n l'!t% and enticed.
1! Sed 'n'!>'i!>'e tentat'r% d'm a
!'a conc'pi!centia a#!trahit'r% et
1 Then .hen l'!t hath conceived% it
#ringeth "orth !in4 and !in% .hen it i!
"ini!hed% #ringeth "orth death.
1 Po!t>'am ant'm conc'pi!centia
conceperit% parit peccat'm vero
per"ect'm generat mortem.
12. Blessed is the man. *"ter having applied con!olation% he moderated the !orro. o" tho!e .ho
.ere !everel) handled in thi! .orld% and again h'm#led the arrogance o" the great. He no.
dra.! thi! concl'!ion% that the) are happ) .ho magnanimo'!l) end're tro'#le! and other trial!%
!o a! to ri!e a#ove them. The .ord temptation ma) indeed #e other.i!e 'nder!tood% even "or the
!ting! o" l'!t! .hich anno) the !o'l .ithinB #'t .hich i! here commended% a! + thin$% i! "ortit'de
o" mind in end'ring adver!itie!. +t i!% ho.ever% a parado3% that the) are not happ) to .hom all
thing! come according to their .i!he!% #'t !'ch a! are not overcome .ith evil!.
For +hen he is tried. He give! a rea!on "or the preceding !entenceB "or the cro.n "ollo.! the
conte!t. +"% then% it #e o'r chie" happine!! to #e cro.ned in the $ingdom o" =od% it "ollo.!% that
the conte!t! .ith .hich the Lord trie! '!% are aid! and help! to o'r happine!!. Th'! the arg'ment
i! "rom the end or the e""ect4 hence .e concl'de% that the "aith"'l are hara!!ed #) !o man) evil!
"or thi! p'rpo!e% that their piet) and o#edience ma) #e made mani"e!t% and that the) ma) #e th'!
at length prepared to receive the cro.n o" li"e.
-'t the) rea!on a#!'rdl) .ho hence in"er that .e #) "ighting merit the cro.nB "or !ince =od ha!
grat'ito'!l) appointed it "or '!% o'r "ighting onl) render! '! "it to receive it.
He add!% that it i! *romised to tho!e .ho love =od. -) !pea$ing th'!% he mean! not that the love
o" man i! the ca'!e o" o#taining the cro.n% G"or =od anticipate! '! #) hi! grat'ito'! loveBJ #'t he
onl) intimate! that the elect .ho love him are alone approved #) =od. He then remind! '! that
the con>'eror! o" all temptation! are tho!e .ho love =od% and that .e "ail not in co'rage .hen
.e are tried% "or no other ca'!e than #eca'!e the love o" the .orld prevail! in '!.
13. Let no man, +hen he is tem*ted. Here% no do'#t% he !pea$! o" another $ind o" temptation. +t i!
a#'ndantl) evident that the e3ternal temptation!% hitherto mentioned% are !ent to '! #) =od. +n
thi! .a) =od tempted *#raham% G
=ene!i! //41%J and dail) tempt! '!% that i!% he trie! '! a!
to .hat are .e #) la)ing #e"ore '! an occa!ion #) .hich o'r heart! are made $no.n. -'t to dra.
o't .hat i! hid in o'r heart! i! a "ar di""erent thing "rom in.ardl) all'ring o'r heart! #) .ic$ed
He then treat! here o" in.ard temptation! .hich are nothing el!e than the inordinate de!ire!
.hich entice to !in. He ?'!tl) denie! that =od i! the a'thor o" the!e% #eca'!e the) "lo. "rom the
corr'ption o" o'r nat're.
Thi! .arning i! ver) nece!!ar)% "or nothing i! more common among men than to tran!"er to
another the #lame o" the evil! the) commitB and the) then e!peciall) !eem to "ree them!elve!%
.hen the) a!cri#e it to =od him!el". Thi! $ind o" eva!ion .e con!tantl) imitate% delivered do.n
to '! a! it i! "rom the "ir!t man. ;or thi! rea!on @ame! call! '! to con"e!! o'r o.n g'ilt% and not to
implicate =od% a! tho'gh he compelled '! to !in.
-'t the .hole doctrine o" !cript're !eem! to #e incon!i!tent .ith thi! pa!!ageB "or it teache! '!
that men are #linded #) =od% are given 'p to a repro#ate mind% and delivered over to "ilth) and
!hame"'l l'!t!. To thi! + an!.er% that pro#a#l) @ame! .a! ind'ced to den) that .e are tempted #)
=od #) thi! rea!on% #eca'!e the 'ngodl)% in order to "orm an e3c'!e% armed them!elve! .ith
te!timonie! o" Script're. -'t there are t.o thing! to #e noticed here4 .hen Script're a!cri#e!
#lindne!! or hardne!! o" heart to =od% it doe! not a!!ign to him the #eginning o" thi! #lindne!!%
nor doe! it ma$e him the a'thor o" !in% !o a! to a!cri#e to him the #lame4 and on the!e t.o thing!
onl) doe! @ame! d.ell.
Script're a!!ert! that the repro#ate are delivered 'p to depraved l'!t!B #'t i! it #eca'!e the Lord
deprave! or corr'pt! their heart!O -) no mean!B "or their heart! are !'#?ected to depraved l'!t!%
#eca'!e the) are alread) corr'pt and vicio'!. -'t !ince =od #lind! or harden!% i! he not the
a'thor or mini!ter o" evilO 9a)% #'t in thi! manner he p'ni!he! !in!% and render! a ?'!t re.ard to
the 'ngodl)% .ho have re"'!ed to #e r'led #) hi! Spirit. G
8oman! 14E.J +t hence "ollo.! that
the origin o" !in i! not in =od% and no #lame can #e imp'ted to him a! tho'gh he too$ plea!'re in
evil!. G
=ene!i! E4E.J
The meaning i!% that man in vain evade!% .ho attempt! to ca!t the #lame o" hi! vice! on =od%
#eca'!e ever) evil proceed! "rom no other "o'ntain than "rom the .ic$ed l'!t o" man. *nd the
"act reall) i!% that .e are not other.i!e led a!tra)% e3cept that ever) one ha! hi! o.n inclination
a! hi! leader and impeller. -'t that =od tempt! no one% he prove! #) thi!% #eca'!e he i! not
tem*ted +ith evils.
;or it i! the devil .ho all're! '! to !in% and "or thi! rea!on% #eca'!e he
.holl) #'rn! .ith the mad l'!t o" !inning. -'t =od doe! not de!ire .hat i! evil4 he i! not%
there"ore% the a'thor o" doing evil in '!.
1!. When he is dra+n a+a& "& his o+n lust( *! the inclination and e3citement to !in are in.ard%
in vain doe! the !inner !ee$ an ca'!e "rom an e3ternal imp'l!e. *t the !ame time the!e t.o
e""ect! o" l'!t o'ght to #e noticed D that it en!nare! '! #) it! all'rement!% and that it doe! '!
a.a)B each o" .hich i! !'""icient to render '! g'ilt).
1. %hen +hen lust hath conceived. He "ir!t call! that lust .hich i! not an) $ind o" evil a""ection
or de!ire% #'t that .hich i! the "o'ntain o" all evil a""ection!B #) .hich% a! he !he.!% are
conceived vicio'! #rood!% .hich at length #rea$ "orth into !in!. +t !eem!% ho.ever% improper% and
not according to the '!age o" Script're% to re!trict the .ord sin to o't.ard .or$!% a! tho'gh
indeed l'!t it!el" .ere not a !in% and a! tho'gh corr'pt de!ire!% remaining clo!ed 'p .ithin and
!'ppre!!ed% .ere not !o man) !in!. -'t a! the '!e o" a .ord i! vario'!% there i! nothing
'nrea!ona#le i" it #e ta$en here% a! in man) other place!% "or act'al !in.
*nd the Papi!t! ignorantl) la) hold on thi! pa!!age% and !ee$ to prove "rom it that vicio'!% )ea%
"ilth)% .ic$ed% and the mo!t a#omina#le l'!t! are not !in!% provided there i! no a!!entB "or @ame!
doe! not !he. .hen !in #egin! to #e #orn% !o a! to #e !in% and !o acco'nted #) =od% #'t .hen it
#rea$! "orth. ;or he proceed! grad'all) and !he.! that the con!'mmation o" !in i! eternal death%
and that !in ari!e! "rom depraved de!ire!% and that the!e depraved de!ire! or a""ection! have their
root in l'!t. +t hence "ollo.! that men gather "r'it in eternal perdition% and "r'it .hich the) have
proc'red "or them!elve!.
-) per"ected !in% there"ore% + 'nder!tand% not an) one act o" !in perpetrated% #'t the completed
co'r!e o" !inning. ;or tho'gh death i! merited #) ever) !in .hatever% )et it i! !aid to #e the
re.ard o" an 'ngodl) and .ic$ed li"e. Hence i! the dotage o" tho!e con"'ted .ho concl'de "rom
the!e .ord!% that !in i! not mortal 'ntil it #rea$! "orth% a! the) !a)% into an e3ternal act. 9or i!
thi! .hat @ame! treat! o"B #'t hi! o#?ect .a! onl) thi!% to teach that there i! in '! the root o" o'r
o.n de!tr'ction.
JAMES 1:1"-1%
1" (o not err% m) #eloved #rethren. 1" 9e erreti!% "ratre! mei dilecti4
1$ ,ver) good gi"t and ever) per"ect gi"t i!
"rom a#ove% and cometh do.n "rom the
;ather o" light!% .ith .hom i! no
varia#lene!!% neither !hado. o" t'rning.
1$ 7mni! donatio #ona et omne
don'm per"ect'm de!'r!'m e!t%
de!cenden! a Patre l'min'mB ap'd
>'em non e!t tran!m'tatio% a't
conver!ioni! o#'m#ratio.
1% 7" hi! o.n .ill #egat he '! .ith the
.ord o" tr'th% that .e !ho'ld #e a $ind o"
"ir!t"r'it! o" hi! creat're!.
1% +! !'a vol'ntate gen'it no!
veritati!% 't e!!em'! primitiae
>'aedam !'aram creat'rar'm.
1". Do not err. Thi! i! an arg'ment "rom .hat i! oppo!iteB "or a! =od i! the a'thor o" all good% it
i! a#!'rd to !'ppo!e him to #e the a'thor o" evil. To do good i! .hat properl) #elong! to him%
and according to hi! nat'reB and "rom him all good thing! come to '!. Then% .hatever evil he
doe!% i! not agreea#le to hi! nat're. -'t a! it !ometime! happen!% that he .ho >'it! him!el" .ell
thro'gh li"e% )et in !ome thing! "ail!% he meet! thi! do'#t #) den)ing that =od i! m'ta#le li$e
men. -'t i" =od i! in all thing! and al.a)! li$e him!el"% it hence "ollo.! that .elldoing i! hi!
perpet'al .or$.
Thi! rea!oning i! "ar di""erent "rom that o" Plato% .ho maintained that no calamitie! are !ent on
men #) =od% #eca'!e he i! goodB "or tho'gh it i! ?'!t that the crime! o" men !ho'ld #e p'ni!hed
#) =od% )et it i! not right% .ith regard to him% to regard among evil! that p'ni!hment .hich he
?'!tl) in"lict!. Plato% indeed% .a! ignorantB #'t @ame!% leaving to =od hi! right and o""ice o"
p'ni!hing% onl) remove! #lame "rom him. Thi! pa!!age teache! '!% that .e o'ght to #e !o
a""ected #) =od:! inn'mera#le #le!!ing!% .hich .e dail) receive "rom hi! hand% a! to thin$ o"
nothing #'t o" hi! glor)B and that .e !ho'ld a#hor .hatever come! to o'r mind% or i! !'gge!ted
#) other!% .hich i! not compati#le .ith hi! prai!e.
=od i! called the Father of lights% a! po!!e!!ing all e3cellenc) and the highe!t dignit). *nd .hen
he immediatel) add!% that there i! in him no shado+ of turning% he contin'e! the metaphorB !o
that .e ma) not mea!'re the #rightne!! o" =od #) the irradiation o" the !'n .hich appear! to
1%. f his o+n +ill. He no. #ring! "or.ard a !pecial proo" o" the goodne!! o" =od .hich he had
mentioned% even that he ha! regenerated '! 'nto eternal li"e. Thi! inval'a#le #ene"it ever) one o"
the "aith"'l "eel! in him!el". Then the goodne!! o" =od% .hen $no.n #) e3perience% o'ght to
remove "rom them all a contrar) opinion re!pecting him.
Khen he !a)! that =od of his o+n +ill% or !pontaneo'!l)% hath "egotten '!% he intimate! that he
.a! ind'ced #) no other rea!on% a! the .ill and co'n!el o" =od are o"ten !et in oppo!ition to the
merit! o" men. Khat great thing% indeed% .o'ld it have #een to !a) that =od .a! not con!trained
to do thi!O -'t he impre!!e! !omething more% that =od according to hi! o.n good.ill hath
#egotten '!% and ha! #een th'! a ca'!e to him!el". +t hence "ollo.! that it i! nat'ral to =od to do
-'t thi! pa!!age teache! '!% that a! o'r election #e"ore the "o'ndation o" the .orld .a!
grat'ito'!% !o .e are ill'minated #) the grace o" =od alone a! to the $no.ledge o" the tr'th% !o
that o'r calling corre!pond! .ith o'r election. The Script're !he.! that .e have #een
grat'ito'!l) adopted #) =od #e"ore .e .ere #orn. -'t @ame! e3pre!!e! here !omething more%
that .e o#tain the right o" adoption% #eca'!e =od doe! al!o call '! grat'ito'!l). G
144% 5.J ;arther% .e hence learn% that it i! the pec'liar o""ice o" =od !pirit'all) to regenerate '!B
"or that the !ame thing i! !ometime! a!cri#ed to the mini!ter! o" the go!pel% mean! no other thing
than thi!% that =od act! thro'gh themB and it happen! indeed thro'gh them% #'t he neverthele!!
alone doeth the .or$.
The .ord "egotten mean! that .e #ecome ne. men% !o that .e p't o"" o'r "ormer nat're .hen
.e are e""ect'all) called #) =od. He add! ho. =od #eget! '!% even #) the +ord of truth% !o that
.e ma) $no. that .e cannot enter the $ingdom o" =od #) an) other door.
%hat +e should "e a kind of firstfruits of his creatures. The .ord tina<% A!ome%C ha! the meaning
o" li$ene!!% a! tho'gh he had !aid% that .e are in a manner "ir!t"r'it!. -'t thi! o'ght not to #e
re!tricted to a "e. o" the "aith"'lB #'t it #elong! to all in common. ;or a! man e3cel! among all
creat're!% !o the Lord elect! !ome "rom the .hole ma!! and !eparate! them a! a hol) o""ering% to
+t i! no common no#ilit) into .hich =od e3tol! hi! o.n children. Then ?'!tl) are the)
!aid to #e e3cellent a! "ir!t"r'it!% .hen =od:! image i! rene.ed in them.
JAMES 1:1#-21
1# Khere"ore% m) #eloved #rethren% let 1# +ta>'e% "ratre! mei dilecti% !it
ever) man #e !.i"t to hear% !lo. to !pea$%
!lo. to .rath4
omni! homo celer ad a'diend'm%
tard'! a'tem ad lo>'end'm% tard'! ad
2& ;or the .rath o" man .or$eth not the
righteo'!ne!! o" =od.
2& +ra enim homin'! ?'!titiam (ei
non operat'r.
21 Khere"ore la) apart all "ilthine!! and
!'per"l'it) o" na'ghtine!!% and receive .ith
mee$ne!! the engra"ted .ord% .hich i!
a#le to !ave )o'r !o'l!.
21 R'apropter depo!ita omni
inm'nditie% et red'ndantia malitiae%
c'm man!'et'dine !'!cipite in!it'm
!ermonem >'i pote!t !ervare anima!
1#. Let ever& man. Kere thi! a general !entence% the in"erence .o'ld #e "ar"etchedB #'t a! he
immediatel) add! a !entence re!pecting the .ord o" tr'th !'ita#le to the la!t ver!e% + do'#t not
#'t that he accommodate! thi! e3hortation pec'liarl) to the !'#?ect in hand. Having then !et
#e"ore '! the goodne!! o" =od% he !he.! ho. it #ecome! '! to #e prepared to receive the
#le!!ing .hich he e3hi#it! to.ard! '!. *nd thi! doctrine i! ver) '!e"'l% "or !pirit'al generation i!
not a .or$ o" one moment. Since !ome remnant! o" the old man ever a#ide in '!% .e m'!t
nece!!aril) #e thro'gh li"e rene.ed% 'ntil the "le!h #e a#oli!hedB "or either o'r perver!ene!!% or
arrogance% or !loth% i! a great impediment to =od in per"ecting in '! hi! .or$. Hence% .hen
@ame! .o'ld have '! to #e !.i"t to hear% he commend! promptit'de% a! tho'gh he had !aid%
AKhen =od !o "reel) and $indl) pre!ent! him!el" to )o'% )o' al!o o'ght to render )o'r!elve!
teacha#le% le!t )o'r !!! !ho'ld ca'!e him to de!i!t "rom !pea$ing.C
-'t ina!m'ch a! .e do not calml) hear =od !pea$ing to '!% .hen .e !eem to o'r!elve! to #e
ver) .i!e% #'t #) o'r ha!te interr'pt him .hen addre!!ing '!% the *po!tle re>'ire! '! to #e !ilent%
to #e slo+ to s*eak. *nd% do'#tle!!% no one can #e a tr'e di!ciple o" =od% e3cept he hear! him in
!ilence. He doe! not% ho.ever% re>'ire the !ilence o" the P)thagorean !chool% !o that it !ho'ld not
#e right to in>'ire .henever .e de!ire to learn .hat i! nece!!ar) to #e $no.nB #'t he .o'ld onl)
have '! to correct and re!train o'r "or.ardne!!% that .e ma) not% a! it commonl) happen!%
'n!ea!ona#l) interr'pt =od% and that a! long a! he open! hi! !acred mo'th% .e ma) open to him
o'r heart! and o'r ear!% and not prevent him to !pea$.
Slo+ to +rath. Krath al!o% + thin$% i! condemned .ith regard to the hearing .hich =od demand!
to #e given to him% a! tho'gh ma$ing a t'm'lt it di!t'r#ed and impeded him% "or =od cannot #e
heard e3cept .hen the mind i! calm and !edate. Hence% he add!% that a! long a! .rath #ear! r'le
there i! no place "or the righteo'!ne!! o" =od. +n !hort% e3cept the heat o" contention #e
#ani!hed% .e !hall never o#!erve to.ard! =od that calm !ilence o" .hich he ha! ?'!t !po$en.
21. Wherefore la& a*art. He concl'de! #) !a)ing ho. the .ord o" li"e i! to #e received. *nd
"ir!t% indeed% he intimate! that it cannot #e rightl) received e3cept it #e implanted% or !tri$e root!
in '!. ;or the e3pre!!ion% to receive the implanted .ord% o'ght to #e th'! e3plained% Ato receive
it% that it ma) #e reall) implanted.C ;or he all'de! to !eed o"ten !o.n on and gro'nd% and not
received into the moi!t #o!om o" the earthB or to plant!% .hich #eing ca!t on the gro'nd% or laid
on dead .ood% !oon .ither. He then re>'ire! that it !ho'ld #e a living implanting% #) .hich the
.ord #ecome! a! it .ere 'nited .ith o'r heart.
He at the !ame time !he.! the .a) and manner o" thi! reception% even +ith meekness. -) thi!
.ord he mean! h'milit) and the readine!! o" a mind di!po!ed to learn% !'ch a! +!aiah de!cri#e!
.hen he !a)!%
A7n .hom doe! m) Spirit re!t% e3cept on the h'm#le and mee$OC G
+!aiah 5Q415.J
Hence it i!% that !o "ar pro"it in the !chool o" =od% #eca'!e hardl) one in a h'ndred reno'nce! the
!t'##ornne!! o" hi! o.n !pirit% and gentl) !'#mit! to =odB #'t almo!t all are conceited and
re"ractor). -'t i" .e de!ire to #e the living plantation o" =od% .e m'!t !'#d'e o'r pro'd heart!
and #e h'm#le% and la#or to #ecome li$e lam#!% !o a! to !'""er o'r!elve! to #e r'led and g'ided
#) o'r Shepherd.
-'t a! men are never th'! tamed% !o a! to have a calm and mee$ heart% e3cept the) are p'rged
"rom depraved a""ection!% !o he #id! '! to la& aside uncleanness and redundanc& of +ickedness.
*nd a! @ame! #orro.ed a compari!on "rom agric'lt're% it .a! nece!!ar) "or him to o#!erve thi!
order% to #egin #) rooting 'p no3io'! .eed!. *nd !ince he addre!!ed all% .e ma) hence concl'de
that the!e are the innate evil! o" o'r nat're% and that the) cleave to '! allB )ea% !ince he addre!!e!
the "aith"'l% he !he.! that .e are never .holl) clean!ed "rom them in thi! li"e% #'t that the) are
contin'all) !pro'ting 'p% and there"ore he re>'ire! that care !ho'ld #e con!tantl) ta$en to
eradicate them. *! the .ord o" =od i! e!peciall) a hol) thingB to #e "itted to receive it% .e m'!t
p't o"" the "ilth) thing! #) .hich .e have #een poll'ted.
Mnder the .ordkaki>ahe comprehend! h)pocri!) and o#!tinac) a! .ell a! 'nla."'l de!ire! or
l'!t!. 9ot !ati!"ied .ith !peci")ing the !eat o" .ic$edne!! a! #eing in the !o'l o" man% he teache!
'! that !o a#o'nding i! the .ic$edne!! that d.ell! there% that it over"lo.!% or that it ri!e! 'p a! it
.ere into a heapB and do'#tle!!% .ho!oever .ill .ell e3amine him!el" .ill "ind that there i!
.ithin him an immen!e chao! o" evil!.
Which is a"le to save. +t i! a high e'log) on heavenl) tr'th% that .e o#tain thro'gh it a !'re
!alvationB and thi! i! added% that .e ma) learn to !ee$ and love and magni") the .ord a! a
trea!'re that i! incompara#le. +t i! then a !harp goad to cha!ti!e o'r idlene!!% .hen he !a)! that
the .ord .hich .e are .ont to hear !o negligentl)% i! the mean! o" o'r !alvation% tho'gh "or thi!
p'rpo!e the o" !aving i! not a!cri#ed to the .ord% a! i" !alvation i! conve)ed #) the
e3ternal !o'nd o" the .ord% or a! i" the o""ice o" !aving i! ta$en a.a) "rom =od and tran!"erred
el!e.hereB "or @ame! !pea$! o" the .ord .hich #) "aith penetrate! into the heart! o" men% and
onl) intimate! that =od% the a'thor o" !alvation% conve)! it #) hi! =o!pel.
JAMES 1:22-2$
22 -'t #e )e doer! o" the .ord% and not
hearer! onl)% deceiving )o'r o.n !elve!.
22 ,!tote "actore! !ermone!% et non
a'ditore! !ol'm% "allente! vo! ip!o!.
23 ;or i" an) #e a hearer o" the .ord% and
not a doer% he i! li$e 'nto a man #eholding
hi! nat'ral "ace in a gla!!4
23 9am !i >'i! a'ditor e!t !ermone!%
et non "actor% hic !imili! e!t homini
con!ideranti "aciem nativitati! !'ae in
2! ;or he #eholdeth him!el"% and goeth hi!
.a)% and !traight.a) "orgetteth .hat
manner o" man he .a!.
2! Con!ideravit enim !eip!'m% et
a#iit% et protin'! o#lit'! e!t >'ali! !it.
2$ 8eligio p'ra et impoll'ta coram
(eo et Patre% haec e!t% Li!itare
2$ P're religion and 'nde"iled #e"ore =od
and the ;ather i! thi!% To vi!it the "atherle!!
and .ido.! in their a""liction% and to $eep
him!el" 'n!potted "rom the .orld.
p'pillo! et vid'a! in a""lictione
ip!or'm% inmac'lat'm !ervare !e a
22. Be &e doers of the +ord. The doer here i! not the !ame a! in
8oman! /410% .ho
!ati!"ied the la. o" =od and "'l"illed it in ever) part% #'t the doer i! he .ho "rom the heart
em#race! =od:! .ord and te!ti"ie! #) hi! li"e that he reall) #elieve!% according to the !a)ing o"
A-le!!ed are the) .ho hear =od:! .ord and $eep it%C
L'$e 114/FBJ
"or he !he.! #) the "r'it! .hat that implanting i!% #e"ore mentioned. Ke m'!t "'rther o#!erve%
that "aith .ith all it! .or$! i! incl'ded #) @ame!% )ea% "aith e!peciall)% a! it i! the chie" .or$
.hich =od re>'ire! "rom '!. The import o" the .hole i!% that .e o'ght to la#or that the .ord o"
the Lord !ho'ld !tri$e root in '!% !o that it ma) a"ter.ard! "r'cti").
23. He is like to a man. Heavenl) doctrine i! indeed a mirror in .hich =od pre!ent! him!el" to
o'r vie.B #'t !o that .e ma) #e tran!"ormed 'nto hi! image% a! Pa'l !a)! in
/ Corinthian!
041F. -'t here he !pea$! o" the e3ternal glance o" the e)e% not o" the vivid and e""icacio'!
meditation .hich penetrate! into the heart. +t i! a !tri$ing compari!on% #) .hich he #rie"l)
intimate!% that a doctrine merel) heard and not received in.ardl) into the heart avail! nothing%
#eca'!e it !oon vani!he! a.a).
2. %he *erfect la+ of li"ert&. *"ter having !po$en o" empt) !pec'lation% he come! no. to that
penetrating int'ition .hich tran!"orm! '! to the image o" =od. *nd a! he had to do .ith the
@e.!% he ta$e! the .ord la+% "amiliarl) $no.n to them% a! incl'ding the .hole tr'th o" =od.
-'t .h) he call! it a *erfect la+% and a la. o" li"ert&% interpreter! have not #een a#le to
'nder!tandB "or the) have not perceived that there i! here a contra!t% .hich ma) #e gathered "rom
other pa!!age! o" Script're. *! long a! the la. i! preached #) the e3ternal voice o" man% and not
in!cri#ed #) the "inger and Spirit o" =od on the heart% it i! #'t a dead letter% and a! it .ere a
li"ele!! thing. +t i!% then% no .onder that the la. i! deemed imper"ect% and that it i! the la. o"
#ondageB "or a! Pa'l teache! in
=alatian! 44/4% !eparated "rom Chri!t% it generate! to
condemn and a! the !ame !he.! to '! in
8oman! F410% it can do nothing #'t "ill '! .ith
di""idence and "ear. -'t the Spirit o" regeneration% .ho in!cri#e! it on o'r in.ard part!% #ring!
al!o the grace o" adoption. +t i!% then% the !ame a! tho'gh @ame! had !aid% AThe teaching o" the
la.% let it no longer lead )o' to #ondage% #'t% on the contrar)% #ring )o' to li#ert)B let it no longer
#e onl) a !choolma!ter% #'t #ring )o' to per"ection4 it o'ght to #e received #) )o' .ith !incere
a""ection% !o that )o' ma) lead a godl) and a hol) li"e.C
Moreover% !ince it i! a #le!!ing o" the 7ld Te!tament that the la. o" =od !ho'ld re"orm '!% a! it
appear! "rom
@eremiah 01405% and other pa!!age!% it "ollo.! that it cannot #e o#tained 'ntil
.e come to Chri!t. *nd% do'#tle!!% he alone i! the end and per"ection o" the la.B and @ame! add!
li"ert&% a! an in!epara#le a!!ociate% #eca'!e the Spirit o" Chri!t never regenerate! #'t that he
#ecome! al!o a .itne!! and an earne!t o" o'r divine adoption% !o a! to "ree o'r heart! "rom "ear
and trem#ling.
'nd continueth. Thi! i! "irml) to per!evere in the $no.ledge o" =odB and .hen he add!% this man
shall "e "lessed in his deed% or .or$% he mean! that #le!!edne!! i! to #e "o'nd in doing% not in
cold hearing.
2". Seem to "e religious. He no. reprove! even in tho!e .ho #oa!ted that the) .ere doer! o" the
la.% a vice 'nder .hich h)pocrite! commonl) la#or% that i!% the .antonne!! o" the tong'e in
detraction. He ha! #e"ore to'ched on the d't) o" re!training the tong'e% #'t "or a di""erent endB
"or he then #ade !ilence #e"ore =od% that .e might #e more "itted to learn. He !pea$! no. o"
another thing% that the "aith"'l !ho'ld not emplo) their tong'e in evil !pea$ing.
+t .a! indeed need"'l that thi! vice !ho'ld #e condemned% .hen the !'#?ect .a! the $eeping o"
the la.B "or the) .ho have p't o"" the gro!!er vice!% are e!peciall) !'#?ect to thi! di!ea!e. He
.ho i! neither an ad'lterer% nor a thie"% nor a dr'n$ard% #'t% on the contrar)% !eem! #rilliant .ith
!ome o't.ard !he. o" !anctit) .ill !et him!el" o"" #) de"aming other!% and thi! 'nder the
preten!e o" 5eal% #'t reall) thro'gh the l'!t o" !landering.
The o#?ect here% then% .a! to di!ting'i!h #et.een the tr'e .or!hipper! o" =od and h)pocrite!%
.ho are !o !.ollen .ith Phari!aic pride% that the) !ee$ prai!e "rom the de"ect! o" other!. 0f an&
one, he !a)!% seems to "e religious, that i!% .ho ha! a !ho. o" !anctit)% and the meantime "latter!
him!el" #) !pea$ing evil o" other!% it i! hence evident that he doe! not tr'l) !erve =od. ;or #)
!a)ing that hi! religion i! vain% he not onl) intimate! that other virt'e! are marred #) the !tain o"
evil!pea$ing% #'t that the concl'!ion i!% that the 5eal "or religion .hich appear! i! not !incere.
But deceiveth his o+n heart. + do not approve o" the ver!ion o" ,ra!m'! D A-'t !'""er! hi! heart
to errBC "or he point! o't the "o'ntain o" that arrogance to .hich h)pocrite! are addicted% thro'gh
.hich% #eing #linded #) an immoderate love o" them!elve!% the) #elieve them!elve! to #e "ar
#etter than the) reall) areB and hence% no do'#t% i! the di!ea!e o" !landering% #eca'!e the .allet%
a! *e!op !a)! in hi! *polog'e% hanging #ehind% i! not !een. 8ightl)% then% ha! @ame!% .i!hing to
remove the e""ect% that i!% the l'!t o" evil!pea$ing% added the ca'!e% even that h)pocrite! "latter
them!elve! immoderatel). ;or the) .o'ld #e read) to "orgive .ere the) in their t'rn to
ac$no.ledge them!elve! to #e in need o" "orgivene!!. Hence the "latterie! #) .hich the) deceive
them!elve! a! to their o.n vice!% ma$e them !'ch !'percilio'! cen!or! o" other!.
2$. )ure religion. *! he pa!!e! #) tho!e thing! .hich are o" the greate!t moment in religion% he
doe! not de"ine generall) .hat religion i!% #'t remind! '! that religion .itho't the thing! he
mention! i! nothingB a! .hen one given to .ine and gl'tton) #oa!t! that he i! temperate% and
another !ho'ld o#?ect% and !a) that the temperate man i! he .ho doe! not ind'lge in e3ce!! a! to
.ine or eatingB hi! o#?ect i! not to e3pre!! the .hole o" .hat temperance i!% #'t to re"er onl) to
one thing% !'ita#le to the !'#?ect in hand. ;or the) are in vain religio'! o" .hom he !pea$!% a!
the) are "or the mo!t part tri"ling pretender!.
@ame! then teache! '! that religion i! not to #e e!timated #) the pomp o" ceremonie!B #'t that
there are important d'tie! to .hich the !ervant! o" =od o'ght to attend.
To visit in nece!!it) i! to e3tend a helping hand to alleviate !'ch a! are in di!tre!!. *nd a! there
are man) other! .hom the Lord #id! '! to !'ccor% in mentioning .ido.! and orphan!% he !tate! a
part "or the .hole. There i! then no do'#t #'t that 'nder one partic'lar thing he recommend! to
'! ever) act o" love% a! tho'gh he had !aid% ALet him .ho .o'ld #e deemed religio'!% prove
him!el" to #e !'ch #) !el" denial and #) merc) and #enevolence to.ard! hi! neigh#or!.C
*nd he !a)!% "efore God% to intimate that it appear! in deed other.i!e to men% .ho are led a!tra)
#) e3ternal ma!$!% #'t that .e o'ght to !ee$ .hat plea!e! him. -) God and Father% .e are to
'nder!tand =od .ho i! a "ather.
CH*PT,8 /
JAMES 2:1-!
1 M) #rethren% have not the "aith o" o'r
Lord @e!'! Chri!t% the Lord o" glor)% .ith
re!pect o" per!on!.
1 ;ratre! mei% ne in acceptiona#'!
per!onar'm "idem ha#eati! (omini
@e!' Chri!ti e3 opinione% Gvel%
2 ;or i" there come 'nto )o'r a!!em#l) a
man .ith a gold ring% in goodl) apparel%
and there come in al!o a poor man in vile
2 Si enim ingre!!'! "'erit in coet'm
ve!tr'm vir a'reo! an'lo! ge!tan!%
ve!te ind'd'! !pliendidaB ingre!!'!
a'tem "'erit et pa'per in !ordida
3 *nd )e have re!pect to him that .eareth
the ga) clothing% and !a) 'nto him% Sit tho'
here in a good placeB and !a) to the poor%
Stand tho' there% or !it here 'nder m)
3 ,t re!pe3eriti! in c'm >'i ve!tem
"ert !plendidam% et ei di3eriti!% T'
!ede hic hone!te% et pa'peri di3eriti!%
T' !ta illic% vel% Sede hic !'# !ca#ello
ped'm meor'mB
! *re )e not then partial in )o'r!elve!% and
are #ecome ?'dge! o" evil tho'ght!O
! *n non di?'dicati ee!ti! in
vo#i!ip!i!% et "acti ?'dice! malar'm
Thi! reproo" !eem! at "ir!t !ight to #e hard and 'nrea!ona#leB "or it i! one o" the d'tie! o"
co'rte!)% not to #e neglected% to honor tho!e .ho are elevated in the .orld. ;'rther% i" re!pect o"
per!on! #e vicio'!% !ervant! are to #e "reed "rom all !'#?ectionB "or "reedom and !ervit'de are
deemed #) Pa'l a! condition! o" li"e. The !ame m'!t #e tho'ght o" magi!trate!. -'t the !ol'tion
o" the!e >'e!tion! i! not di""ic'lt% i" .hat @ame! .rite! i! not !eparated. ;or he doe! not !impl)
di!approve o" honor #eing paid to the rich% #'t that thi!% !ho'ld not #e done in a .a) !o a! to
de!pi!e or reproach the poorB and thi! .ill appear more clearl)% .hen he proceed! to !pea$ o" the
r'le o" love.
Let '! there"ore remem#er that the re!pect o" per!on! here condemned i! that #) .hich the rich i!
!o e3tolled% .rong i! done to the poor% .hich al!o he !he.! clearl) #) the conte3t and !'rel)
am#ition! i! that honor% and "'ll o" vanit)% .hich i! !he.n to the rich to the contempt o" the poor.
9or i! there a do'#t #'t that am#ition reign! and vanit) al!o% .hen the ma!$! o" thi! .orld are
alone in high e!teem. Ke m'!t remem#er thi! tr'th% that he i! to #e co'nted among the heir! o"
=od:! $ingdom% .ho di!regard! the repro#ate and honor! tho!e .ho "ear =od. G
Here then i! the contrar) vice condemned% that i!% .hen "rom re!pect alone to riche!% an)one
honor! the .ic$ed% and a! it ha! #een !aid% di!honor! the good. +" then tho' !ho'lde!t read th'!%
AHe !in! .ho re!pect! the rich%C the !entence .o'ld #e a#!'rdB #'t i" a! "ollo.!% AHe !in! .ho
honor! the rich alone and de!pi!e! the poor% and treat! him .ith contempt%C it .o'ld #e a pio'!
and tr'e doctrine.
1. Have not the faith% etc.% +ith res*ect of *ersons. He mean! that the re!pect o" per!on! i!
incon!i!tent .ith the "aith o" Chri!t% !o that the) cannot #e 'nited together% and rightl) !oB "or .e
are #) "aith 'nited into one #od)% in .hich Chri!t hold! the primac). Khen there"ore the pomp!
o" the .orld #ecome preeminent !o a! to cover over .hat Chri!t i!% it i! evident that "aith hath
#'t little vigor.
+n rendering th~v do>$hv% Aon acco'nt o" e!teem%C Ge; o*inione%J + have "ollo.ed ,ra!m'!B
tho'gh the old interpreter cannot #e #lamed% .ho ha! rendered it Aglor)%C "or the .ord mean!
#othB and it ma) #e "itl) applied to Chri!t% and that according to the dri"t o" the pa!!age. ;or !o
great i! the #rightne!! o" Chri!t% that it ea!il) e3ting'i!he! all the glorie! o" the .orld% i" indeed it
irradiate! o'r e)e!. +t hence "ollo.!% that Chri!t i! little e!teemed #) '!% .hen the admiration o"
.orldl) glor) la)! hold on '!. -'t the other e3po!ition i! al!o ver) !'ita#le% "or .hen the e!teem
or val'e o" riche! or o" honor! da55le! o'r e)e!% the tr'th i! !'ppre!!ed% .hich o'ght alone to
prevail. To sit "ecomingl& mean! to !it honora#l).
!. 're &e not then *artial in &ourselvesO or% are )e not condemned in )o'r!elve!. Thi! ma) #e
read a""irmativel) a! .ell a! interrogativel)% #'t the !en!e .o'ld #e the !ame% "or he ampli"ie!
the "a'lt #) thi!% that the) too$ delight and ind'lged them!elve! in !o great a .ic$edne!!. +" it #e
read interrogativel)% the meaning i!% A(oe! not )o'r o.n con!cience hold )o' convicted% !o that
)o' need no other ?'dgeOC +" the a""irmative #e pre"erred% it i! the !ame a! tho'gh he had !aid%
AThi! evil al!o happen!% that )e thin$ not that )e !in% nor $no. that )o'r tho'ght! are !o .ic$ed
a! the) are.C
JAMES 2:-$
Hear$en% m) #eloved #rethren% Hath not
=od cho!en the poor o" thi! .orld rich in
"aith% and heir! o" the $ingdom .hich he
hath promi!ed to them that love himO
*'dite% "ratre! mei dilecti% nonne
(e'! elegit pa'pere! m'ndi h'?'!
divite! in "ide et herede! regni >'od
promi!it ii! >'i dilig'nt e'mO
" -'t )e have de!pi!ed the poor. (o not
rich men oppre!! )o'% and dra. )o' #e"ore
the ?'dgment !eat!O
" Lo! a'tem contempt'i ha#i'!ti!
pa'perem4 nonne divite! t)rnnidem in
vo! e3ercent et iidem trah'nt vo! ad
$ (o not the) #la!pheme that .orth) name
#) the .hich )e are calledO
$ ,t iidem cont'melia a""ici'nt
#on'm nomen >'od invocat'm e!t
!'per vo!O
. Hearken, m& "eloved "rethren. He prove! no. #) a t.o"old arg'ment% that the) acted
prepo!tero'!l)% .hen "or the !a$e o" the rich the) de!pi!ed the poor4 The "ir!t i!% that it i!
'n#ecoming and di!grace"'l to ca!t do.n tho!e .hom =od e3alt!% and to treat reproach"'ll)
tho!e .hom he honor!. *! =od honor! the poor% then ever) one .ho rep'diate! them% rever!e!
the order o" =od. The other arg'ment i! ta$en "rom common e3perienceB "or !ince the rich are
"or the mo!t part ve3atio'! to the good and innocent% it i! ver) 'nrea!ona#le to render !'ch a
re.ard "or the .rong! the) do% !o that the) !ho'ld #e more approved #) '! than the poor% .ho
aid '! more than the) .rong '!. Ke !hall no. !ee ho. he proceed! .ith the!e t.o point!.
Hath not God chosen the *oor of this +orld= 9ot indeed alone% #'t he .i!hed to #egin .ith
them% that he might #eat do.n the pride o" the rich. Thi! i! al!o .hat Pa'l !a)!% that =od hath
cho!en% not man) no#le% not man) might) in the .orld% #'t tho!e .ho are .ea$% that he might
ma$e a!hamed !'ch a! are !trong G
1 Corinthian! 14/5.J +n !hort% tho'gh =od po'r! "orth hi!
grace on the rich in common .ith the poor% )et hi! .ill i! to pre"er the!e to tho!e% that the might)
might learn not to "latter them!elve!% and that the igno#le and the o#!c're might a!cri#e in .hat
the) are to the merc) o" =od% and that #oth might #e trained 'p to mee$ne!! and h'milit).
%he rich in faith are not tho!e .ho a#o'nd in the greatne!! o" "aith% #'t !'ch a! =od ha! enriched
.ith the vario'! gi"t! o" hi! Spirit% .hich .e receive #) "aith. ;or% do'#tle!!% !ince the Lord deal!
#o'nti"'ll) .ith all% ever) one #ecome! parta$er o" hi! gi"t! according to the mea!'re o" hi! o.n
"aith. +"% then% .e are empt) or need)% that prove! the de"icienc) o" o'r "aithB "or i" .e onl)
enlarge the #o!om o" "aith% =od i! al.a)! read) to "ill it.
He !a)!% that a $ingdom i! *romised to tho!e .ho love =od4 not that the promi!e depend! on
loveB #'t he remind! '! that .e are called #) =od 'nto the hope o" eternal li"e% on thi! condition
and to thi! end% that .e ma) love him. Then the end% and not the #eginning% i! here pointed o't.
". Do not the rich. He !eem! to in!tigate them to vengeance #) #ringing "or.ard the 'n?'!t r'le
o" the rich% in order that the) .ho .ere 'n?'!tl) treated% might render li$e "or li$e4 and )et .e are
ever).here #id to do good to tho!e .ho in?'re '!. -'t the o#?ect o" @ame! .a! anotherB "or he
onl) .i!hed to !he. that the) .ere .itho't rea!on or ?'dgment .ho thro'gh am#ition honored
their e3ec'tioner!% and in the meantime in?'red their o.n "riend!% at lea!t tho!e "rom .hom the)
never !'""ered an) .rong. ;or hence appeared more "'ll) their vanit)% that the) .ere ind'ced #)
no act! o" $indne!!4 the) onl) admired the rich% #eca'!e the) .ere richB na)% the) !ervilel)
"lattered tho!e .hom the) "o'nd% to their o.n lo!!% to #e 'n?'!t and cr'el.
There are% indeed% !ome o" the rich .ho are ?'!t% and mee$% and hate all 'nrighteo'!ne!!B #'t "e.
o" !'ch men are to #e "o'nd. @ame!% then% mention! .hat "or the mo!t part '!'all) happen!% and
.hat dail) e3perience prove! tr'e. ;or a! men commonl) e3erci!e their in doing .hat i!
.rong% it hence happen!% that the more an) one ha!% the .or!e he i!% and the more 'n?'!t
to.ard! hi! neigh#or!. The more care"'l then o'ght the rich to #e% le!t the) !ho'ld contract an)
o" the contagion .hich ever).here prevail! among tho!e o" their o.n ran$.
$. Worth&, or good name. + do'#t not #'t that he re"er! here to the name o" =od and o" Chri!t.
*nd he !a)!% "&% or% on, the +hich &e are calledB not in pra)er% a! Script're i! .ont !ometime! to
!pea$% #'t #) pro"e!!ionB a! the name o" a "ather% in
=ene!i! 4F41E% i! !aid to #e called on
hi! o""!pring% and in
+!aiah 441% the name o" a h'!#and i! called on the .i"e. +t i!% then% the
!ame a! tho'gh he had !aid% AThe good name in .hich )e glor)% or .hich )e deem it an honor to
#e called #)B #'t i" the) pro'dl) cal'mniate the glor) o" =od% ho. 'n.orth) are the) o" #eing
honored #) Chri!tian!PC
JAMES 2:%-11
% +" )e "'l"ill the ro)al la. according to the
!cript're% Tho' !halt love th) neigh#or a!
th)!el"% )e do .ell4
% Si legem >'idem regiam per"ecti!
?'3ta !cript'r'm% (ilige! pro3im'm
t''m !ic't teip!'m% #ene"aciti!.
Levitic'! 1141FB
Matthe. //401B
8oman! 1041B
=alatian! 5414.J
# -'t i" )e have re!pect to per!on!% )e
commit !in% and are convinced o" the la.
a! tran!gre!!or!.
# Sin per!onam re!piciti!% peccat'm
committi!% et redarg'imini a lege
vel'ti tran!gre!!ore!. G
(e'teronom) 141Q% 11.J
1& ;or .ho!oever !hall $eep the .hole
la.% and )et o""end in one point% he i!
g'ilt) o" all.
1& R'i!>'i! enim totam legem
!ervaverit% o""enderit a'tem in 'no%
"act'! e!t omni'm re'!.
11 ;or he that !aid% (o not commit
ad'lter)% !aid al!o% (o not $ill. 9o. i" tho'
commit no ad'lter)% )et i" tho' $ill% tho' art
#ecome a tran!gre!!or o" the la..
11 9am >'i di3it% 9e moecheri!% di3it
etiam% 9e occida!. R'od !i non "'eri!
moechat'!% occideri! tamen% "act'! e!
tran!gre!!or legi!.
9o. "ollo.! a plainer declarationB "or he e3pre!!l) point! o't the ca'!e o" the la!t reproo"% "or
the) .ere o""icio'!l) attentive to the rich% not "rom love% #'t on the contrar)% "rom a vain de!ire
o" attaining their "avor4 *nd it i! in anticipation% #) .hich he o#viated an e3c'!e on the other
!ideB "or the) might have o#?ected and !aid% that he o'ght not to #e #lamed% .ho h'm#l)
!'#miteth him!el" to the 'n.orth). @ame!% indeed% concede! that thi! i! tr'e% #'t he !he.! that it
.a! "al!el) pretended #) them% #eca'!e the) !he.ed thi! !'#mi!!ion o" homage% not "rom love to
their neigh#or!% #'t "rom re!pect o" per!on!.
+n the "ir!t cla'!e% then% he ac$no.ledge! a! right and prai!e.orth)% a! the d'tie! o" love .hich
.e per"orm to.ard! o'r neigh#or!. +n the !econd% he denie! that the am#itio'! re!pect o" per!on!
o'ght to #e deemed a! o" thi! $ind% "or it .idel) di""er! "rom .hat the la. pre!cri#e!. *nd the
hinge o" thi! an!.er t'rn! on the .ord! Aneigh#orC and Are!pect o" per!on!%C a! tho'gh he had
!aid% A+" )o' pretend that there i! a !ort o" love in .hat )o' do% thi! ma) #e ea!il) di!provedB "or
=od #id! '! to love o'r neigh#or!% and not to !he. re!pect o" per!on!.C -e!ide!% thi! .ord
Aneigh#orC incl'de! all man$ind4 he% then% .ho !a)!% that a ver) "e.% according to hi! o.n "anc)%
o'ght to #e honored% and other! pa!!ed #)% doe! not $eep the la. o" =od% #'t )ield! to the
depraved de!ire! o" hi! o.n heart. =od e3pre!!l) commend! to '! !tranger! and enemie!% and all%
even the mo!t contempti#le. To thi! doctrine the re!pect o" per!on! i! .holl) contrar). Hence%
rightl) doe! @ame! a!!ert% that re!pect o" per!on! i! incon!i!tent .ith love.
%. 0f &e fulfill the ro&al la+. The la. here + ta$e !impl) a! the r'le o" li"eB and to fulfill% or
per"orm it% i! to $eep it .ith real integrit) o" heart% and a! the) !a)% ro'ndl)% GrotundeBJ and he
!et! !'ch a $eeping in oppo!ition to a partial o#!ervance o" it. +t i! !aid% indeed% to #e a ro&al la+%
a! it i! the ro)al .a)% or roadB that i!% plain% !traight% and level% .hich% #) implication% i! !et in
oppo!ition to !in'o'! #)path! and .inding!.
*ll'!ion ho.ever i! made% a! + thin$% to !ervile o#edience .hich the) rendered to the rich% .hen
the) might% #) !erving in !incerit) their neigh#or!% #e not onl) "ree men% #'t live a! $ing!.
Khen% in the !econd place% he !a)!% that tho!e .ho had re!pect o" per!on! .ere convinced% or
reproved #) the la.% the la. i! ta$en according to it! proper meaning. ;or !ince .e are #idden #)
=od:! command to em#race all mortal!% ever) one .ho% .ith a "e. e3ception!% re?ect! all the
re!t% #rea$! the #ond o" =od% and invert! al!o hi! order% and i!% there"ore% rightl) called a
tran!gre!!or o" the la..
1&. For +hosoever shall kee* the +hole la+. Khat alone he mean! i!% that =od .ill not #e
honored .ith e3ception!% nor .ill he allo. '! to c't o"" "rom hi! la. .hat i! le!! plea!ing to '!.
*t the "ir!t vie.% thi! !entence !eem! hard to !ome% a! tho'gh the apo!tle co'ntenanced the
parado3 o" the Stoic!% .hich ma$e! all !in! e>'al% and a! tho'gh he a!!erted that he .ho o""end!
in one thing o'ght to #e p'ni!hed e>'all) .ith him .ho!e .hole li"e ha! #een !in"'l and .ic$ed.
-'t it i! evident "rom the conte3t that no !'ch thing entered into hi! mind.
;or .e m'!t al.a)! o#!erve the rea!on an)thing i! !aid. He denie! that o'r neigh#or! are loved
.hen a part onl) o" them i! thro'gh am#ition cho!en% and the re!t neglected. Thi! he prove!%
#eca'!e it i! no o#edience to =od% .hen it i! not rendered e>'all) according to hi! command.
Then a! the r'le o" =od i! plain and complete or per"ect% !o .e o'ght to regard completene!!B !o
that none o" '! !ho'ld pre!'mpt'o'!l) !eparate .hat he ha! ?oined together. Let there #e%
there"ore% a 'ni"ormit)% i" .e de!ire rightl) to o#e) =od. *!% "or in!tance% .ere a ?'dge to p'ni!h
ten the"t!% and leave one man 'np'ni!hed% he .o'ld #etra) the o#li>'it) o" hi! mind% "or he
.o'ld th'! !he. him!el" indignant again!t men rather than again!t crime!B #eca'!e .hat he
condemn! in one he a#!olve! in another.
Ke no.% then% 'nder!tand the de!ign o" @ame!% that i!% that i" .e c't o"" "rom =od:! la. .hat i!
le!! agreea#le to '!% tho'gh in other part! .e ma) #e o#edient% )et .e #e come g'ilt) o" all%
#eca'!e in one partic'lar thing .e violate the .hole la.. *nd tho'gh he accommodate! .hat i!
!aid to the !'#?ect in hand% it i! )et ta$en "rom a general principle% D that =od ha! pre!cri#ed to
'! a r'le o" li"e% .hich it i! not la."'l "or '! to m'tilate. ;or it i! not !aid o" a part o" the la.%
AThi! i! the .a)% .al$ )e in itBC nor doe! the la. promi!e a re.ard e3cept to 'niver!al
;ooli!h% then% are the !choolmen% .ho deem partial righteo'!ne!!% a! the) call it% to #e
meritorio'!B "or thi! pa!!age and man) other!% clearl) !he. that there i! no righteo'!ne!! e3cept
in a per"ect o#edience to the la..
11. For he that said% or he .ho hath !aid. Thi! i! a proo" o" the "ormer ver!eB #eca'!e the
La.giver i! to #e con!idered rather than each partic'lar precept apart. The righteo'!ne!! o" =od%
a! an indivi!i#le #od)% i! contained in the la.. Kho!oever% then% tran!gre!!e! one article o" the
La.% de!tro)!% a! "ar a! he can% the righteo'!ne!! o" =od. -e!ide!% a! in one part% !o in ever)
part% =od:! .ill i! to tr) o'r o#edience. Hence a tran!gre!!or o" the la. i! ever) one .ho o""end!
a! to an) one o" it! commandment! according to thi! !a)ing%
AC'r!ed i! he .ho "'l"ill! not all thing!.C
(e'teronom) /Q4/E.J
Ke "'rther !ee% that the tran!gre!!or o" the la.% and the g'ilt) o" all% mean the !ame according to
JAMES 2:12-13
12 So !pea$ )e% and !o do% a! the) that
!hall #e ?'dged #) the la. o" li#ert).
12 Sic lo>'imini% et !ic "acite% 't per
legem li#ertati! ?'dicandi.
13 ;or he !hall have ?'dgment .itho't
merc)% that hath !he.ed no merc)B and
merc) re?oiceth again!t ?'dgment.
13 @'dici'm enim !ine mi!ericordia
ei >'i non prae!titerit
mi!ericordiam Bet gloriat'r
mi!ericordia adver!'! ?'dici'm.
12. So s*eak &e. Some give thi! e3planation% that a! the) "lattered them!elve! too m'ch% the) are
!'mmoned to the right tri#'nalB "or men a#!olve them!elve! according to their o.n notion!%
#eca'!e the) .ithdra. them!elve! "rom the ?'dgment o" the divine la.. He then remind! them
that all deed! and .ord! are there to #e acco'nted "or% #eca'!e =od .ill ?'dge the .orld
according to hi! la.. *!% ho.ever% !'ch a declaration might have !mitten them .ith immoderate
terror% to correct or mitigate .hat the) might have tho'ght !evere% he add!% the la+ of li"ert&. ;or
.e $no. .hat Pa'l !a)!%
AKho!oever are 'nder the la. are 'nder a c'r!e.C
=alatian! 0410.J
Hence the ?'dgment o" the la. in it!el" i! condemnation to eternal deathB #'t he mean! #) the
.ord li"ert&% that .e are "reed "rom the rigor o" the la..
Thi! meaning i! not altogether 'n!'ita#le% tho'gh i" one e3amine! more min'tel) .hat
immediatel) "ollo.!% he .ill !ee that @ame! meant another thingB the !en!e i! a! tho'gh he had
!aid% A,3cept )e .i!h to 'ndergo the rigor o" the la.% )e m'!t #e le!! rigid to.ard! )o'r
neigh#or!B "or the la. o" li#ert) i! the !ame a! the merc) o" =od% .hich deliver! '! "rom the
c'r!e o" the la.C *nd !o thi! ver!e o'ght to #e read .ith .hat "ollo.!% .here he !pea$! o" the
d't) o" #earing .ith in"irmitie!. *nd do'#tle!! the .hole pa!!age th'! read! .ell4 ASince none o"
'! can !tand #e"ore =od% e3cept .e #e delivered and "reed "rom the !trict rigor o" the la.% .e
o'ght !o to act% that .e ma) not thro'gh too m'ch !everit) e3cl'de the ind'lgence or merc) o"
=od% o" .hich .e all have need to the la!t.C
13. For he shall have ,udgment( Thi! i! an application o" the la!t ver!e to the !'#?ect in hand%
.hich con"irm! altogether the !econd e3planation .hich + have mentioned4 "or he !he.!% that
!ince .e !tand thro'gh =od:! merc) alone% .e o'ght to !he. that to tho!e .hom the Lord
him!el" commend! to '!. +t i!% indeed% a !ing'lar commendation o" $indne!! and #enevolence%
that =od promi!e! that he .ill #e merci"'l to '!% i" .e #e !o to o'r #rethren4 not that o'r merc)%
ho. ever great it ma) #e% !he.n to.ard! men% merit! the merc) o" =odB #'t that =od .o'ld
have tho!e .hom he ha! adopted% a! he i! to them a $ind and an ind'lgent ;ather% to #ear and
e3hi#it hi! image on the earth% according to the !a)ing o" Chri!t%
A -e )e merci"'l% a! )o'r heavenl) ;ather i! merci"'l.C
Matthe. 54Q.J
Ke m'!t notice% on the other hand% that he co'ld deno'nce nothing on them more !evere or more
dread"'l than the ?'dgment o" =od. +t hence "ollo.!% that all the) are mi!era#le and lo!t .ho "lee
not to the a!)l'm o" pardon.
'nd merc& re,oiceth. *! tho'gh he had !aid% A=od:! merc) alone i! that .hich deliver! '! "rom
the dread and terror o" ?'dgment.C he ta$e! re,oicing or glor)ing in the !en!e o" #eing victorio'!
or tri'mphantB "or the ?'dgment o" condemnation i! !'!pended over the .hole .orld% and
nothing #'t merc) can #ring relie".
Hard and "orced i! the e3planation o" tho!e .ho regard merc) a! p't here "or the per!on% "or men
cannot properl) #e !aid to re?oice or glor) again!t the ?'dgment o" =odB #'t merc) it!el" in a
manner tri'mph!% and alone rein! .hen the !everit) o" ?'dgment give! .a)B tho'gh + do not den)
#'t that hence ari!e! con"idence in re?oicing% that i!% .hen the "aith"'l $no. that the .rath o"
=od in a manner )ield! to merc)% !o that #eing relieved #) the latter% the) are not over.helmed
#) the "ormer.
JAMES 2:1!-1$
1! Khat doth it pro"it% m) #rethren% tho'gh
a man !a) he hath "aith% and have not
.or$!O can "aith !ave himO
1! R'id prode!t% "ratre! mei% !i "idem
dicatali>'i! !e ha#ere% opera a'tem
non ha#eatO n'n>'id pote!t "ide!
!alv'm "acere ip!'mO
1 +" a #rother or !i!ter #e na$ed% and
de!tit'te o" dail) "ood%
1 R'od !i "rater a't !oror n'di
"'erint% et egente! >'otidiano vict'%
1$ ,ven !o "aith% i" it hath not .or$!% i!
dead% #eing alone.
1$ Sic et "ide!% !i opera non ha#'erit%
mort'a e!t per !e.
1!. What doth it *rofit. He proceed! to commend merc). *nd a! he had threatened that =od
.o'ld #e a !evere @'dge to '!% and at the !ame time ver) dread"'l% e3cept .e #e $ind and
merci"'l to.ard! o'r neigh#or!% and a! on the other hand h)pocrite! o#?ected and !aid% that "aith
i! !'""icient to '!% in .hich the !alvation o" men con!i!t!% he no. condemn! thi! vain #oa!ting.
The !'m% then% o" .hat i! !aid i!% that "aith .itho't love avail! nothing% and that it i! there"ore
.holl) dead.
-'t here a >'e!tion ari!e!% Can "aith #e !eparated "rom loveO +t i! indeed tr'e that the e3po!ition
o" thi! pa!!age ha! prod'ced that common di!tinction o" the Sophi!t!% #et.een 'n"ormed and
"ormed "aithB #'t o" !'ch a thing @ame! $ne. nothing% "or it appear! "rom the "ir!t .ord!% that he
!pea$! o" "al!e pro"e!!ion o" "aith4 "or he doe! not #egin th'!% A+" an) one ha! "aithBC #'t% A+" an)
!a)! that he ha! "aithBC #) .hich he certainl) intimate! that h)pocrite! #oa!t o" the empt) name
o" "aith% .hich reall) doe! not #elong to them.
That he call! it then faith, i! a conce!!ion% a! the 8hetorician! !a)B "or .hen .e di!c'!! a point% it
doe! no harm% na)% it i! !ometime! e3pedient% to concede to an adver!ar) .hat he demand!% "or
a! !oon a! the thing it!el" i! $no.n% .hat i! conceded ma) #e ea!il) ta$en a.a) "rom him. @ame!
then% a! he .a! !ati!"ied that it .a! a "al!e prete3t #) .hich h)pocrite! covered them!elve!% .a!
not di!po!ed to rai!e a di!p'te a#o't a .ord or an e3pre!!ion. Let '!% ho.ever% remem#er that he
doe! not !pea$ according to the impre!!ion o" hi! o.n mind .hen he mention! "aith% #'t that on
the contrar) he di!p'te! again!t tho!e .ho made a "al!e preten!e a! to "aith% o" .hich the) .ere
.holl) de!tit'te.
$an faith save him= Thi! i! the !ame a! tho'gh he had !aid% that .e do not attain !alvation #) a
"rigid and #are $no.ledge o" =od% .hich all con"e!! to #e mo!t tr'eB "or !alvation come! to '!
#) "aith "or thi! rea!on% #eca'!e it ?oin! '! to =od. *nd thi! come! not in an) other .a) than #)
#eing 'nited to the #od) o" Chri!t% !o that% living thro'gh hi! Spirit% .e are al!o governed #) him.
There i! no !'ch thing a! thi! in the dead image o" "aith. There i! then no .onder that @ame!
denie! that !alvation i! connected .ith it.
1. 0f a "rother% or% ;or i" a #rother. He ta$e! an e3ample "rom .hat .a! connected .ith hi!
!'#?ectB "or he had #een e3horting them to e3erci!e the d'tie! o" love. +" an) one% on the contrar)%
#oa!ted that he .a! !ati!"ied .ith "aith .itho't .or$!% he compare! thi! !hado.) "aith to the
!a)ing o" one .ho #id! a "ami!hed man to #e "illed .itho't !'ppl)ing him .ith the "ood o"
.hich he i! de!tit'te. *!% then% he .ho !end! a.a) a poor man .ith .ord!% and o""er! him no
help% treat! him .ith moc$er)% !o the) .ho devi!e "or them!elve! "aith .itho't .or$!% and
.itho't an) o" the d'tie! o" religion% tri"le .ith =od.
1$. 0s dead, "eing alone. He !a)! that "aith i! dead% #eing #) it!el"% that i!% .hen de!tit'te o" good
.or$!. Ke hence concl'de that it i! indeed no "aith% "or .hen dead% it doe! not properl) retain the
name. The Sophi!t! plead thi! e3pre!!ion and !a)% that !ome !ort o" "aith i! "o'nd #) it!el"B #'t
thi! "rivolo'! caviling i! ea!il) re"'tedB "or it i! !'""icientl) evident that the *po!tle rea!on! "rom
.hat i! impo!!i#le% a! Pa'l call! an angel anathema% i" he attempted to !'#vert the go!pel.
=alatian! 14F.J
JAMES 2:1%-1#
1% Sea% a man ma) !a)% Tho' ha!t "aith%
and + have .or$!4 !he. me th) "aith
.itho't th) .or$!% and + .ill !he. thee
m) "aith #) m) .or$!.
1% R'in dicat >'i!pam% T' "idem
ha#e!% et ego opera ha#eoB o!tende
mihi "idem t'am !ine operi#'!
Galia!% e3 operi#'!J t'i!% et ego ti#i
e3 operi#'! mei! o!tendam "idem
1# Tho' #elieve!t that there i! one =odB
tho' doe!t .ell4 the devil! al!o #elieve
and trem#le.
1# T' credi! >'od (e'! 'n'! e!t% #ene
"aci!B et daemone! cred'nt% ac
1%. 1ea, a man ma& sa&. ,ra!m'! introd'ce! here t.o per!on! a! !pea$er!B one o" .hom #oa!t!
o" "aith .itho't .or$!% and the other o" .or$! .itho't "aithB and he thin$! that #oth are at length
con"'ted #) the *po!tle. -'t thi! vie. !eem! to me too "orced. He thin$! it !trange% that thi!
!ho'ld #e !aid #) @ame!% %hou hast faith% .ho ac$no.ledge! no "aith .itho't .or$!. -'t in thi!
he i! m'ch mi!ta$en% that he doe! not ac$no.ledge an iron) in the!e .ord!. Then ajlla< + ta$e
"or Ana) ratherBC and ti<v "or Aan) oneBC "or the de!ign o" @ame! .a! to e3po!e the "ooli!h
#oa!ting o" tho!e .ho imagined that the) had "aith .hen #) their li"e the) !he.ed that the) .ere
'n#eliever!B "or he intimate! that it .o'ld #e ea!) "or all the godl) .ho led a hol) li"e to !trip
h)pocrite! o" that #oa!ting .ith .hich the) .ere in"lated.
She+ me. Tho'gh the more received reading i!% A#) .or$!%C )et the old Latin i! more !'ita#le%
and the reading i! al!o "o'nd in !ome =ree$ copie!. + there"ore he!itated not to adopt it. Then he
#id! to !he. "aith .itho't .or$!% and th'! rea!on! "rom .hat i! impo!!i#le% to prove .hat doe!
not e3i!t. So he !pea$! ironicall). -'t i" an) one pre"er! the other reading% it come! to the !ame
thing% AShe. me #) .or$! th) "aithBC "or !ince it i! not an idle thing% it m'!t nece!!aril) #e
proved #) .or$!. The meaning then i!% AMnle!! th) "aith #ring! "orth "r'it!% + den) that tho' ha!t
an) "aith.C
-'t it ma) #e a!$ed% .hether the o't.ard 'prightne!! o" li"e i! a !'re evidence o" "aithO ;or
@ame! !a)!% A0 +ill she+ thee m& faith "& m& +orks.C To thi! + repl)% that the 'n#elieving
!ometime! e3cel in !pecio'! virt'e!% and lead an honora#le li"e "ree "rom ever) crimeB and hence
.or$! apparentl) e3cellent ma) e3i!t apart "rom "aith. 9or indeed doe! @ame! maintain that
ever) one .ho !eem! good po!!e!!e! "aith. Thi! onl) he mean!% that "aith% .itho't the evidence
o" good .or$!% i! vainl) pretended% #eca'!e "r'it ever come! "rom the living root o" a good tree.
1#. %hou "elievest that there is one God. ;rom thi! one !entence it appear! evident that the .hole
di!p'te i! not a#o't "aith% #'t o" the common $no.ledge o" =od% .hich can no more connect
man .ith =od% than the !ight o" the !'n carr) him 'p to heavenB #'t it i! certain that #) "aith .e
come nigh to =od. -e!ide!% it .o'ld #e ridic'lo'! .ere an) one to !a)% that the devil! have "aithB
and @ame! pre"er! them in thi! re!pect to h)pocrite!. The devil trem"les% he !a)!% at the mention
o" =od:! name% #eca'!e .hen he ac$no.ledge! hi! o.n ?'dge he i! "illed .ith the "ear o" him.
He then .ho de!pi!e! an ac$no.ledged =od i! m'ch .or!e.
%hou doest +ell% i! p't do.n "or the p'rpo!e o" e3ten'ating% a! tho'gh he had !aid% A+t i!%
"or!oothP a great thing to !in$ do.n #elo. the devil!.C
JAMES 2:2&-2"
2& -'t .ilt tho' $no.% 7 vain man% that
"aith .itho't .or$! i! deadO
2& Li! a'tem !cire% 7 homo
inani!P >'od "ide! a#!>'e operi#'!
mort'a !itO
21 Ka! not *#raham o'r "ather ?'!ti"ied #)
.or$!% .hen he had o""ered +!aac hi! !on
'pon the altarO
21 *#raham pater no!ter% nonne e3
operi#'! ?'!ti"icat'! e!t% >''m "ili'm
!''m +!aac !'per altareO
2" ;or a! the #od) .itho't the !pirit i!
dead% !o "aith .itho't .or$! i! dead al!o.
2" R'emadmod'm enim corp'! !ine
anima mort''m e!t% ita et "ide! !ine
operi#'! mort'a e!t.
2&. But +ilt thou kno+. Ke m'!t 'nder!tand the !tate o" the >'e!tion% "or the di!p'te here i! not
re!pecting the ca'!e o" ?'!ti"ication% #'t onl) .hat avail! a pro"e!!ion o" "aith .itho't .or$!% and
.hat opinion .e are to "orm o" it. *#!'rdl) then do the) act .ho !trive to prove #) thi! pa!!age
that man i! ?'!ti"ied #) .or$!% #eca'!e @ame! meant no !'ch thing% "or the proo"! .hich he
!'#?oin! re"er to thi! declaration% that no "aith% or onl) a dead "aith% i! .itho't .or$!. 9o one .ill
ever 'nder!tand .hat i! !aid% nor ?'dge .i!el) o" .ord!% e3cept he .ho $eep! in vie. the de!ign
o" the .riter.
21. Was not '"raham. The Sophi!t! la) hold on the .ord ,ustified% and then the) cr) o't a! #eing
victorio'!% that ?'!ti"ication i! partl) #) .or$!. -'t .e o'ght to !ee$ o't a right interpretation
according to the general dri"t o" the .hole pa!!age. Ke have alread) !aid that @ame! doe! not
!pea$ here o" the ca'!e o" ?'!ti"ication% or o" the manner ho. men o#tain righteo'!ne!!% and thi!
i! plain to ever) oneB #'t that hi! o#?ect .a! onl) to !he. that good .or$! are al.a)! connected
.ith "aithB and% there"ore% !ince he declare! that *#raham .a! ,ustified "& +orks% he i! !pea$ing
o" the proo" he gave o" hi! ?'!ti"ication.
Khen% there"ore% the Sophi!t! !et 'p @ame! again!t Pa'l% the) go a!tra) thro'gh the am#ig'o'!
meaning o" a term. Khen Pa'l !a)! that .e are ?'!ti"ied #) "aith% he mean! no other thing than
that #) "aith .e are co'nted righteo'! #e"ore =od. -'t @ame! ha! >'ite another thing in vie.%
even to !he. that he .ho pro"e!!e! that he ha! "aith% m'!t prove the realit) o" hi! "aith #) hi!
.or$!. (o'#tle!! @ame! did not mean to teach '! here the gro'nd on .hich o'r hope o" !alvation
o'ght to re!tB and it i! thi! alone that Pa'l d.ell! 'pon.
That .e ma) not then "all into that "al!e rea!oning .hich ha! deceived the Sophi!t!% .e m'!t
ta$e notice o" the t.o "old meaning% o" the .ord ,ustified. Pa'l mean! #) it the grat'ito'!
imp'tation o" righteo'!ne!! #e"ore the tri#'nal o" =odB and @ame!% the mani"e!tation o"
righteo'!ne!! #) the cond'ct% and that #e"ore men% a! .e ma) gather "rom the preceding .ord!%
AShe. to me th) "aith%C etc. +n thi! !en!e .e "'ll) allo. that man i! ?'!ti"ied #) .or$!% a! .hen
an) one !a)! that a man i! enriched #) the p'rcha!e o" a large and val'a#le che!t% #eca'!e hi!
riche!% #e"ore hid% !h't 'p in a che!t% .ere th'! made $no.n.
22. B& +orks +as faith made *erfect.
-) thi! he again !he.!% that the >'e!tion here i! not
re!pecting the ca'!e o" o'r !alvation% #'t .hether .or$! nece!!aril) accompan) "aithB "or in thi!
!en!e it i! !aid to have #een per"ected #) .or$!% #eca'!e it .a! not idle. +t i! !aid to have #een
per"ected #) .or$!% not #eca'!e it received thence it! o.n per"ection% #'t #eca'!e it .a! th'!
proved to #e tr'e. ;or the "'tile di!tinction .hich the Sophi!t! dra. "rom the!e .ord!% #et.een
"ormed and 'n"ormed "aith% need! no la#ored re"'tationB "or the "aith o" *#ram .a! "ormed and
there"ore per"ected #e"ore he !acri"iced hi! !on. *nd thi! .or$ .a! not a! it .ere the "ini!hing% or
la!t .or$. ;ormerl) thing! a"ter.ard! "ollo.ed #) .hich *#raham proved the increa!e o" hi!
"aith. Hence thi! .a! not the per"ection o" hi! "aith% nor did it then "or the "ir!t time p't on it!
"orm. @ame! then 'nder!tood no other thing% than that the integrit) o" hi! "aith then appeared%
#eca'!e it #ro'ght "orth that remar$a#le "r'it o" o#edience.
23. 'nd the Scri*ture +as fulfilled. The) .ho !ee$ to prove "rom thi! pa!!age o" @ame! that the
.or$! o" *#raham .ere imp'ted "or righteo'!ne!!% m'!t nece!!aril) con"e!! that Script're i!
perverted #) himB "or ho.ever the) ma) t'rn and t.i!t% the) can never ma$e the e""ect to #e it!
o.n ca'!e. The pa!!age i! >'oted "rom Mo!e!. G
=ene!i! 154E.J The imp'tation o"
righteo'!ne!! .hich Mo!e! mention!% preceded more than thirt) )ear! the .or$ #) .hich the)
.o'ld have *#raham to have #een ?'!ti"ied. Since "aith .a! imp'ted to *#raham "i"teen )ear!
#e"ore the #irth o" +!aac% thi! co'ld not !'rel) have #een done thro'gh the .or$ o" !acri"icing
him. + con!ider that all tho!e are #o'nd "a!t #) an indi!!ol'#le $not% .ho imagine that
righteo'!ne!! .a! imp'ted to *#raham #e"ore =od% #eca'!e he !acri"iced hi! !on +!aac% .ho .a!
not )et #orn .hen the Hol) Spirit declared that *#raham .a! ?'!ti"ied. +t hence nece!!aril)
"ollo.! that !omething po!terior i! pointed o't here.
Kh) then doe! @ame! !a) that it .a! "'l"illedO ,ven #eca'!e he intended to !he. .hat !ort o"
"aith that .a! .hich ?'!ti"ied *#rahamB that i!% that it .a! not idle or evane!cent% #'t rendered
him o#edient to =od% a! al!o .e "ind in
He#re.! 114F. The concl'!ion% .hich i!
immediatel) added% a! it depend! on thi!% ha! no other meaning. Man i! not ?'!ti"ied #) "aith
alone% that i!% #) a #are and empt) $no.ledge o" =odB he i! ?'!ti"ied #) .or$!% that i!% hi!
righteo'!ne!! i! $no.n and proved #) it! "r'it!.
2. Like+ise also +as not 4aha". +t !eem! !trange that he connected together tho!e .ho .ere !o
'nli$e. Kh) did he not rather choo!e !ome one "rom !o large a n'm#er o" ill'!trio'! "ather!% and
?oin him to *#rahamO Kh) did he pre"er a harlot to all other!O he de!ignedl) p't together t.o
per!on! !o di""erent in their character% in order more clearl) to !he.% that no one% .hatever ma)
have #een hi! or her condition% nation% or cla!! in !ociet)% ha! ever #een co'nted righteo'!
.itho't good .or$!. He had named the patriarch% #) "ar the mo!t eminent o" allB he no. incl'de!
'nder the per!on o" a harlot% all tho!e .ho% #eing alien!% .ere ?oined to the Ch'rch. Kho!oever%
then% !ee$! to #e co'nted righteo'!% tho'gh he ma) even #e among the lo.e!t% m'!t )et !he.
that he i! !'ch #) good .or$!.
@ame!% according to hi! manner o" !pea$ing% declare! that 8aha# .a! ?'!ti"ied #) .or$!B and the
Sophi!t! hence concl'de that .e o#tain righteo'!ne!! #) the merit! o" .or$!. -'t he den) that
the di!p'te here i! concerning the mode o" o#taining righteo'!ne!!. Ke% indeed% allo. that good
.or$! are re>'ired "or righteo'!ne!!B .e onl) ta$e a.a) "rom them the o" con"erring
righteo'!ne!!% #eca'!e the) cannot !tand #e"ore the tri#'nal o" =od.
CH*PT,8 0
JAMES 3:1-
1 M) #rethren% #e not man) ma!ter!%
$ that .e !hall receive the greater
1 9olite pl're! magi!tri "ieri% "ratre!
meiB !ciente! >'od ma?'! ?'dici'm
!'mpt'ri !'m'!.
2 ;or in man) thing! .e o""end all. +" an)
man o""end not in .ord% the !ame i! a
per"ect man% and a#le al!o to #ridle the
.hole #od).
2 +n m'lti! enim la#im'r omne!4 !i
>'i! in !ermone non la#it'r% hic
per"ect'! e!t vir% 't >'i po!!!it "raeno
moderari tot'm etiam corp'!.
,ven !o the tong'e i! a little mem#er%
and #oa!teth great thing!.
+ta et ling'a p'!ill'm mem#r'm
e!t% et magna ?actat.
1. Be not man& masters. The common and almo!t 'niver!al interpretation o" thi! pa!!age i!% that
the *po!tle di!co'rage! the de!ire "or the o""ice o" teaching% and "or thi! rea!on% #eca'!e it i!
dangero'!% and e3po!e! one to a heavier ?'dgment% in ca!e he tran!gre!!e!4 and the) thin$ that he
!aid, Be not man& masters% #eca'!e there o'ght to have #een !ome. -'t + ta$e ma!ter! not to #e
tho!e .ho per"ormed a p'#lic d't) in the Ch'rch% #'t !'ch a! too$ 'pon them the right o"
pa!!ing ?'dgment 'pon other!4 "or !'ch reprover! !o'ght to #e acco'nted a! ma!ter! o" moral!.
*nd it ha! a mode o" !pea$ing '!'al among the =ree$! a! .ell a! Latin!% that the) .ere called
ma!ter! .ho !'percilio'!l) animadverted on other!.
*nd that he "or#ade them to #e man)% it .a! done "or thi! rea!on% #eca'!e man) ever).here did
thr'!t in them!elve!B "or it i!% a! it .ere% an innate di!ea!e in man$ind to !ee$ rep'tation #)
#laming other!. *nd% in thi! re!pect% a t.o"old vice prevail! D tho'gh "e. e3cel in .i!dom% )et
all intr'de indi!criminatel) into the o""ice o" ma!ter!B and then "e. are in"l'enced #) a right
"eeling% "or h)pocri!) and am#ition !tim'late them% and not a care "or the !alvation o" their
#rethren. ;or it i! to #e o#!erved% that @ame! doe! not di!co'rage tho!e #rotherl) admonition!%
.hich the Spirit !o o"ten and !o m'ch recommend! to '!% #'t that immoderate de!ire to
condemn% .hich proceed! "rom am#ition and pride% .hen an) one e3alt! him!el" again!t hi!
neigh#or% !lander!% carp!% #ite!% and malignantl) !ee$! "or .hat he ma) t'rn to a !ini!ter p'rpo!e4
"or thi! i! '!'all) done .hen impertinent cen!or! o" thi! $ind in!olentl) #oa!t them!elve! in the
.or$ o" e3po!ing the vice! o" other!.
;rom thi! o'trage and anno)ance @ame! recall! '!B and he add! a rea!on% #eca'!e the) .ho are
th'! !evere to.ard! other! !hall 'ndergo a heavier ?'dgment4 "or he impo!e! a hard la. on
him!el"% .ho trie! the .ord! and deed! o" other! according to the r'le o" e3treme rigorB nor doe!
he de!erve pardon% .ho .ill pardon none. Thi! tr'th o'ght to #e care"'ll) o#!erved% that the)
.ho are too rigid to.ard! their #rethren% provo$e again!t them!elve! the !everit) o" =od.
2. For in man& things +e offend all. Thi! ma) #e ta$en a! having #een !aid #) .a) o"
conce!!ion% a! tho'gh he had !aid% A-e it that tho' "inde!t .hat i! #lama#le in th) #rethren% "or
no one i! "ree "rom !in!B #'t do!t tho' thin$ that tho' art per"ect .ho '!e!t a !landero'! and
vir'lent tong'eOC -'t @ame! !eem! to me to e3hort '! #) thi! arg'ment to mee$ne!!% !ince .e
are o'r!elve! al!o !'rro'nded .ith man) in"irmitie!B "or he act! 'n?'!tl) .ho denie! to other! the
pardon he need! him!el". So al!o Pa'l !a)!% .hen he #id! the "allen to #e reproved $indl)% and in
the !pirit o" mee$ne!!B "or he immediatel) add!%
Acon!idering th)!el"% le!t tho' al!o #e tempted.C
=alatian! E41.J
;or there i! nothing .hich !erve! more to moderate e3treme rigor than the $no.ledge o" o'r o.n
0f an& man offend not in +ord. *"ter having !aid that there i! no one .ho doe! not !in in man)
thing!% he no. !he.! that the di!ea!e o" evil!pea$ing i! more odio'! than other !in!B "or #)
!a)ing that he .ho o""end! not .ith hi! tong'e i! *erfect% he intimate! that the re!training o" the
tong'e i! a great virt'e% and one o" the chie" virt'e!. Hence the) act mo!t perver!el) .ho
c'rio'!l) e3amine ever) "a'lt% even the lea!t% and )et !o gro!!l) ind'lge them!elve!.
He then indirectl) to'che! here on the h)pocri!) o" cen!or!% #eca'!e in e3amining them!elve!
the) omitted the chie" thing% and that .a! o" great moment even their evil!pea$ingB "or the) .ho
reproved other! pretended a 5eal "or per"ect holine!!% #'t the) o'ght to have #eg'n .ith the
tong'e% i" the) .i!hed to #e per"ect. *! the) made no acco'nt o" #ridling the tong'e% #'t% on the
contrar)% did #ite and tear other!% the) e3hi#ited onl) a "ictitio'! !anctit). +t i! hence evident that
the) .ere the mo!t reprehen!i#le o" all% #eca'!e the) neglected a primar) virt'e. Thi! connection
render! the meaning o" the *po!tle plain to '!.
3. We *ut "its in the horses6 mouths. -) the!e t.o compari!on! he prove! that a great part o" tr'e
per"ection i! in the tong'e% and that it e3erci!e! dominion% a! he ha! ?'!t !aid% over the .hole li"e.
He compare! the tong'e% "ir!t% to a #ridle% and then to a helm o" a !hip. Tho'gh a hor!e #e a
"erocio'! animal% )et he i! t'rned a#o't at the .ill o" it! rider% #eca'!e he i! #ridledB no le!! can
the tong'e !erve to govern man. So al!o .ith regard to the helm o" a !hip% .hich g'ide! a large
ve!!el and !'rmo'nt! the impet'o!it) o" .ind!. Tho'gh the tong'e #e a !mall mem#er% )et it
avail! m'ch in reg'lating the li"e o" man.
'nd "oasteth great things. The ver# megalaucei~n mean! to #oa!t one:! !el"% or to va'nt. -'t
@ame! in thi! pa!!age did not intend to reprove o!tentation !o m'ch a! to !ho. that the tong'e i!
the doer o" great thing!B "or in thi! la!t cla'!e he applie! the previo'! compari!on! to hi! !'#?ectB
and vain #oa!ting i! not !'ita#le to the #ridle and the helm. He then mean! that the tong'e i!
end'ed .ith great
+ have rendered .hat ,ra!m'! ha! tran!lated the im*etuosit&% the inclination% o" the pilot or
g'ideB "or o%rmh< mean! de!ire. + indeed allo. that among the =ree$! it de!ignate! tho!e l'!t!
.hich are not !'#!ervient to rea!on. -'t here @ame! !impl) !pea$! o" the .ill o" the pilot.
JAMES 3:-"
D -ehold ho. great a matter a little "ire
,cce e3ig''! igni! >'antam !)lvam
" *nd the tong'e i! a "ire% a .orld o"
ini>'it)4 !o i! the tong'e among o'r
mem#er!% that it de"ileth the .hole #od)%
and !etteth on "ire the co'r!e o" nat'reB and
it i! !et on "ire o" hell.
" ,t ling'a igni! e!t% et m'nd'!
ini>'itati!4 !ic in>'am ling'a
con!tit'ta e!t in mem#ri! no!tri!%
in>'inan! tot'm corp'!% in"lamman!
rotam nativitati!% et in"lammat'r a
He no. e3plain! the evil! .hich proceed "rom the neglect o" re!training the tong'e% in order that
.e ma) $no. that the tong'e ma) do m'ch good or m'ch evil% D that i" it #e mode!t and .ell
reg'lated% it #ecome! a #ridle to the .hole li"e% #'t that i" it #e pet'lant and violent% li$e a "ire it
de!tro)! all thing!.
He repre!ent! it a! a !mall or little fire% to intimate that thi! !mallne!! o" the tong'e .ill not #e a
hindrance that it! !ho'ld not e3tend "ar and .ide to do harm.
". -) adding that it i! a +orld of ini5uit&% it i! the !ame a! tho'gh he had called it the !ea or the
a#)!!. *nd he !'ita#l) connect! the !mallne!! o" the tong'e .ith the va!tne!! o" the .orldB
according to thi! meaning% * !lender portion o" "le!h contain! in it the .hole .orld o" ini>'it).
So is the tongue. He e3plain! .hat he meant #) the term +orld% even #eca'!e the contagion o"
the tong'e !pread! thro'gh ever) part o" li"eB or rather he !he.! .hat he 'nder!tood #) the
metaphor fire% even that the tong'e poll'te! the .hole man. He ho.ever immediatel) ret'rn! to
the "ire% and !a)!% that the +hole course of nature i! !et on "ire #) the tong'e. *nd he compare!
h'man li"e to a co'r!e or a .heel4 and ge>nesiv% a! #e"ore% he ta$e! "or nat're% G
The meaning i!% that .hen other vice! are corrected #) age or #) the !'cce!!ion o" time% or .hen
at lea!t then do not po!!e!! the .hole man% the vice o" the tong'e !pread! and prevail! over ever)
part o" li"eB e3cept one pre"er! to ta$e setting on fire a! !igni")ing a violent imp'l!e% "or .e call
that "ervid .hich i! accompanied .ith violence. *nd th'! Horace !pea$! o" .heel!% "or he call!
chariot! in #attle "ervid% on acco'nt o" their rapidit). The meaning then .o'ld #e% that the tong'e
i! li$e 'ntamed hor!e!B "or a! the!e dra. violentl) the chariot!% !o the tong'e h'rrie! a man
headlong #) it! o.n .antonne!!.
Khen he !a)! that it i! set on fire "& hell% it i! the !ame a! tho'gh he had !aid% that the
o'trageo'!ne!! o" the tong'e i! the "lame o" the in"ernal "ire.
;or a! heathen poet! imagined
that the .ic$ed are tormented #) the torche! o" the ;'rie!B !o it i! tr'e% that Satan #) the "an! o"
temptation! $indle! the "ire o" all evil! in the .orld4 #'t @ame! mean!% that "ire% !ent #) Satan% i!
mo!t ea!il) ca'ght #) the tong'e% !o that it immediatel) #'rn!B in !hort% that it i! a material "itted
"or receiving or "o!tering and increa!ing the "ire o" hell.
JAMES 3:$-12
$ ;or ever) $ind o" #ea!t!% and o" #ird!%
and o" !erpent!% and o" thing! in the !ea% i!
tamed% and hath #een tamed o" man$ind4
$ 7mni! enim nat'ra "erar'm et
vol'cr'm et !erpenti'm et
marinor'm% a nat'ra h'mana domat'r
et dimota e!t4
% -'t the tong'e can no man tameB it i! an
'nr'l) evil% "'ll o" deadl) poi!on.
% Ling'am vero n'll'! homin'm
domare pote!t% incoerci#ile mal'm%
plena veneno morti"ero.
12 Can the "ig tree% m) #rethren% #ear olive
12 9on pote!t% "ratre! mei% "ic'! olea!
pro"erreB a't viti! "ic'!B !ic n'll'! "on!
!al!am et d'lcem gignere a>'am.
#errie!O either a vine% "ig!O !o can no
"o'ntain #oth )ield !alt .ater and "re!h.
$. For ever& kind of "easts. Thi! i! a con"irmation o" the la!t cla'!eB "or that Satan #) the tong'e
r'le! mo!t e""ectivel) he prove! #) thi! D that it can #) no mean! #e #ro'ght to d'e orderB and
he ampli"ie! thi! #) compari!on!. ;or he !a)! that there i! no animal !o !avage or "ierce% .hich i!
not tamed #) the !$ill o" man% D that "i!he!% .hich in a manner inha#it another .orld% D that
#ird!% .hich are !o >'ic$ and roving D and that !erpent!% .hich are !o inimical to man$ind% are
!ometime! tamed. Since then the tong'e cannot #e re!trained% there m'!t #e !ome !ecret "ire o"
hell hidden in it.
Khat he !a)! o" .ild #ea!t!% o" !erpent!% and o" other animal!% i! not to #e 'nder!tood o" them
allB it i! eno'gh that the !$ill o" man !ho'ld !'#d'e and tame !ome o" the mo!t "erocio'! o" them%
and al!o that !erpent! are !ometime! tamed. He re"er! to pre!ent and to pa!t time4 the pre!ent
regard! and capacit)% and the pa!t% '!age or e3perience. He hence ?'!tl) concl'de! that the
tong'e i! "'ll o" deadl) poi!on.
Tho'gh all the!e thing! mo!t !'ita#l) re"er in the "ir!t place to the !'#?ect o" thi! pa!!age D that
the) claim an 'nrea!ona#le command over other!% .ho la#or 'nder a .or!e viceB )et a 'niver!al
doctrine ma) #e 'nder!tood a! ta'ght here% D that i" .e de!ire to "orm o'r li"e aright% .e m'!t
e!peciall) !trive to re!train the tong'e% "or no part o" man doe! more harm.
#. %here+ith% or% #) it, "less +e God. +t i! a clear in!tance o" it! deadl) poi!on% that it can th'!
thro'gh a mon!tro'! levit) tran!"orm it!el"B "or .hen it pretend! to #le!! =od% it immediatel)
c'r!e! him in hi! o.n image% even #) c'r!ing men. ;or !ince =od o'ght to #e #le!!ed in all hi!
.or$!% he o'ght to #e !o e!peciall) a! to men% in .hom hi! image and glor) pec'liarl) !hine
"orth. +t i! then a h)pocri!) not to #e #orne% .hen man emplo)! the !ame tong'e in #le!!ing =od
and in c'r!ing men. There can #e then no calling on =od% and hi! prai!e! m'!t nece!!aril) cea!e%
.hen evil!pea$ing prevail!B "or it i! impio'! pro"anation o" =od:! name% .hich the tong'e i!
vir'lent to.ard! o'r #rethren and pretend! to prai!e him. That he ma) there"ore rightl) prai!e
=od% the vie. o" evil !pea$ing a! to o'r neigh#or m'!t e!peciall) #e corrected.
Thi! partic'lar tr'th o'ght al!o to #e #orne in mind% that !evere cen!or! di!cover their o.n
vir'lence% .hich the) !'ddenl) vomit "orth again!t their #rethren .hatever c'r!e! the) can
imagine% a"ter having in !.eet !train! o""ered prai!e! to =od. Kere an) one to o#?ect and !a)% that
the image o" =od in h'man nat're ha! #een #lotted o't #) the !in o" *damB .e m'!t% indeed%
con"e!! that it ha! #een mi!era#l) de"ormed% #'t in !'ch a .a) that !ome o" it! lineament! !till
appear. 8ighteo'!ne!! and rectit'de% and the "reedom o" choo!ing .hat i! good% have #een lo!tB
#'t man) e3cellent endo.ment!% #) .hich .e e3cel the #r'te!% !till remain. He% then% .ho tr'l)
.or!hip! and honor! =od% .ill #e a"raid to !pea$ !landero'!l) o" man.
11. Doth a fountain. He add'ce! the!e compari!on! in order to !he. that a c'r!ing tong'e i!
!omething mon!tro'!% contrar) to all nat're% and !'#vert! the order ever).here e!ta#li!hed #)
=od. ;or =od hath !o arranged thing! .hich are contrar)% that inanimate thing! o'ght to deter '!
"rom a chaotic mi3t're% !'re a! i! "o'nd in a do'#le tong'e.

JAMES 3:13-1%
13 Kho i! a .i!e man and end'ed .ith 13 R'i! !apien! et intelligen! inter
$no.ledge among )o'O let him !he. o't
o" a good conver!ation hi! .or$! .ith
mee$ne!! o" .i!dom.
vo!O o!tendat e3 hone!ta
conver!atione opera !'a in
man!'et'dine !apientiae.
1! -'t i" )e have #itter env)ing and !tri"e
in )o'r heart!% glor) not% and lie not again!t
the tr'th.
1! Si vero aem'lationem amaraem
ha#eti!% et contentionem in corde
ve!tro% ne gloriemini% et mentiamini
adver!'! veritatem.
1% *nd the "r'it o" righteo'!ne!! i!
!o.n in peace o" them that ma$e peace.
1% ;r'ct'! a'tem ?'!titiae in pace
!eminat'r "acienti#'! pacem.
13. Who is a +ise man. *! the l'!t o" !landering ari!e! mo!tl) "rom pride% and a! the "al!e conceit
o" .i!dom "or the mo!t part generate! pride% he there"ore !pea$! here o" .i!dom. +t i! '!'al .ith
h)pocrite! to e3alt and !he. o"" them!elve! #) criminating all other!% a! the ca!e .a! "ormerl)
.ith man) o" the philo!opher!% .ho !o'ght glor) "or them!elve! #) a #itter a#'!e o" all other
order!. S'ch ha'ghtine!! a! !landero'! men !.ell .ith and are #linded #)% @ame! chec$ed% #)
den)ing that the conceit o" .i!dom% .ith .hich men "latter them!elve!% ha! in it an)thing divineB
#'t% on the contrar)% he declare! that it proceed! "rom the devil.
Then the meaning i!% that !'percilio'! cen!or!% .ho largel) ind'lge them!elve!% and at the !ame
time !pare none% !eem to them!elve! to #e ver) .i!e% #'t are greatl) mi!ta$enB "or the Lord
teache! hi! people "ar other.i!e% even to #e mee$% and to #e co'rteo'! to other!. The)% then% are
alone .i!e in the !ight o" =od% .ho connect thi! mee$ne!! .ith an hone!t conver!ationB "or the)
.ho are !evere and ine3ora#le% tho'gh the) ma) e3cel other! in man) virt'e!% do not )et "ollo.
the right .a) o" .i!dom.
*!. But if &e have "itter env&ing. He point! o't the "r'it! .hich proceed "rom that e3treme
a'!terit) .hich i! contrar) to mee$ne!!B "or immoderate rigor nece!!aril) #eget! mi!chievo'!
em'lation!% .hich pre!entl) #rea$ "orth into contention!. +t i!% indeed% an improper mode o"
!pea$ing% to place contention! in the heartB #'t thi! a""ect! not the meaningB "or the o#?ect .a! to
!he. that the evil di!po!ition o" the heart i! the "o'ntain o" the!e evil!.
He ha! called env&ing% or em'lation% "itterB "or it prevail! not% e3cept .hen mind! are !o in"ected
.ith the poi!on o" malignit)% that the) t'rn all thing! into #itterne!!.
That .e ma) then reall) glor) that .e are the children o" =od% he #id! '! to act calml) and
mee$l) to.ard! o'r #rethrenB other.i!e he declare! that .e are l)ing in a!!'ming the Chri!tian
name. -'t it i! not .itho't rea!on that he ha! added the a!!ociate o" env)ing% even strife% or
contention% "or conte!t! and >'arrel! ever ari!e "rom malignit) and env).
1. %his +isdom descendeth not. *! h)pocrite! .ith di""ic'lt) give .a)% he !harpl) chec$ed their
ha'ghtine!!% den)ing that to #e tr'e .i!dom .ith .hich the) .ere in"lated% .hile the) .ere
e3tremel) moro!e in !earching o't the vice! o" other!. Conceding to them% ho.ever% the term
+isdom% he !he.! #) the .ord! he applie! to it it! tr'e character% and !a)! that it i! earthl&,
sensual, devilish% or demoniac% .hile tr'e .i!dom m'!t #e heavenl)% !pirit'al% divineB .hich
three thing! are directl) contrar) to the three preceding one!. ;or @ame! ta$e! it a! granted% that
.e are not .i!e% e3cept .hen .e are ill'minated #) =od "rom a#ove thro'gh hi! Spirit.
Ho.ever% then% the mind o" man ma) enlarge it!el"% all it! ac'tene!! .ill #e vanit)B and not onl)
!o% #'t #eing at length entangled in the .ile! o" Satan% it .ill #ecome .holl) delirio'!.
Sensual% or animal% i! in oppo!ition to .hat i! !pirit'al% a! in
1 Corinthian! /414% .here
Pa'l !a)! that the !en!'al or animal man receive! not the thing! o" =od. *nd the pride o" man
co'ld not have #een more e""ect'all) ca!t do.n% than .hen th'! i! condemned .hatever .i!dom
he ha! "rom him!el"% .itho't the Spirit o" =odB na)% .hen "rom him!el" a tran!ition i! made to
the devil. ;or it i! the !ame a! tho'gh he had !aid% that men% " their o.n !en!e% or mind!%
or "eeling!% !oon #ecame a pre) to the del'!ion! o" Satan.
1". For +here env&ing is. +t i! an arg'ment "rom .hat i! contrar)B "or env)ing% #) .hich
h)pocrite! are in"l'enced% prod'ce! e""ect! contrar) to .i!dom. ;or .i!dom re>'ire! a !tate o"
mind that i! calm and compo!ed% #'t env)ing di!t'r#! it% !o that in it!el" it #ecome! in a manner
t'm'lt'o'!% and #oil! 'p immoderatel) again!t other!.
Some render ajkatastasi>a incon!tanc)% and !ometime! it mean! thi!% #'t a! it !igni"ie! al!o
!edition and t'm'lt% pert'r#ation !eem! the mo!t !'ita#le to thi! pa!!age. ;or @ame! meant to
e3pre!! !omething more than levit)% even that the malignant and the !landerer doe! ever)thing
con"'!edl) and ra!hl)% a! tho'gh he .ere #e!ide him!el"B and hence he add!% ever& evil +ork.
1$. But the +isdom +hich is from a"ove. He no. mention! the e""ect! o" cele!tial .i!dom .hich
are .holl) contrar) to the "ormer e""ect!. He !a)! "ir!t that it i! *ureB #) .hich term he e3cl'de!
h)pocri!) and am#ition.
He% in the !econd place% call! it *eacea"le% to intimate that it i! not
contentio'!. +n the third place% he call! it kind or h'mane% that .e ma) $no. that it i! "ar a.a)
"rom that immoderate a'!terit) .hich tolerate! nothing in o'r #rethren. He al!o call! it gentle or
tracta#leB #) .hich he mean! that it .idel) di""er! "rom pride and malignit). +n the la!t place% he
!a)! that it i! full of merc&% etc.% .hile h)pocri!) i! inh'man and ine3ora#le. -) good fruits he
generall) re"er! to all tho!e d'tie! .hich #enevolent men per"orm to.ard! their #rethrenB a!
tho'gh he had !aid% it i! "'ll o" #enevolence. +t hence "ollo.!% that the) lie .ho glor) in their
cr'el a'!terit).
-'t tho'gh he had !'""icientl) condemned h)pocri!)% .hen he !aid that .i!dom i! *ure or
!incereB he ma$e! it more clear #) repeating the !ame thing at the end. Ke are hence reminded%
that "or no other rea!on are .e #e)ond mea!'re moro!e or a'!tere% #'t thi!% #eca'!e .e too m'ch
!pare o'r!elve!% and connive at o'r o.n vice!.
-'t .hat he !a)!% +ithout discerning Gsine di,udicatione%J !eem! !trangeB "or the Spirit o" =od
doe! not ta$e a.a) the di""erence #et.een good and evilB nor doe! he render '! !o !en!ele!! a! to
#e !o void o" ?'dgment a! to prai!e vice% and regard it a! virt'e. To thi! + repl)% that @ame! here%
#) discerning or di!ting'i!hing re"er! to that overan3io'! and over!cr'p'lo'! in>'ir)% !'ch a! i!
commonl) carried on #) h)pocrite!% .ho too min'tel) e3amine the !a)ing! and doing! o" their
#rethren% and p't on them the .or!t con!tr'ction.
1%. 'nd the fruit of righteousness. Thi! admit! o" t.o meaning!% D that "r'it i! !o.n #) the
peacea#le% .hich a"ter.ard! the) gather% D or% that the) them!elve!% tho'gh the) mee$l) tolerate
man) thing! in their neigh#or!% do not )et cea!e to !o. righteo'!ne!!. +t i!% ho.ever% an
anticipation o" an o#?ectionB "or the) .ho are carried a.a) to evil !pea$ing #) the l'!t o"
!landering% have al.a)! thi! e3c'!e% AKhatP can .e then remove evil #) o'r co'rteo'!ne!!OC
Hence @ame! !a)!% that tho!e .ho are .i!e according to =od:! .ill% are !o $ind% mee$% and
merci"'l% a! )et not to cover vice! nor "avor themB #'t on the contrar) in !'ch a .a) a! to !trive
to correct them% and )et in a peacea#le manner% that i!% in moderation% !o that 'nion i! pre!erved.
*nd th'! he te!ti"ie! that .hat he had hitherto !aid tend! in no degree to do a.a) .ith calm
reproo"!B #'t that tho!e .ho .i!h to #e ph)!ician! to heal vice! o'ght not to #e e3ec'tioner!.
He there"ore add!% "& those +ho make *eaceB .hich o'ght to #e th'! e3plained4 the) .ho !t'd)
peace% are neverthele!! care"'l to !o. righteo'!ne!!B nor are the) !loth"'l or negligent in
promoting and enco'raging good .or$!B #'t the) moderate their 5eal .ith the condiment o"
peace% .hile h)pocrite! thro. all thing! into con"'!ion #) a #lind and "'rio'! violence.
CH*PT,8 4
JAMES !:1-3
1 ;rom .hence come .ar! and "ighting!
among )o'O come the) not hence% even o"
)o'r l'!t! that .ar in )o'r mem#er!O
1 Mnde #ella et p'gnae inter vo!O
nonne hinc% e3 vol'ptati#'! ve!tri!%
>'ae militant in mem#ri! ve!tri!.
2 Se l'!t% and have not4 )e $ill% and de!ire
to have% and cannot o#tain4 )e "ight and
.ar% )et )e have not% #eca'!e )e a!$ not.
2 Conc'pi!citi! et non ha#eti!B
invideti! et aem'lamini% et non
pote!ti! o#tinereB p'gnati! et
#elligeramini% non ha#eti!% propterea
>'od non petiti!B
3 Se a!$% and receive not% #eca'!e )e a!$
ami!!% that )e ma) con!'me it 'pon )o'r
3 Petiti!% et non accipiti!% >'ia male
petiti!% 't in vol'ptate! ve!tra!
1. From +hence come +ars. *! he had !po$en o" peace% and had reminded them that vice! are to
#e e3terminated in !'ch a .a) a! to pre!erve peace% he no. come! to their contention!% #) .hich
the) created con"'!ion among them!elve!B and he !he.! that the!e aro!e "rom their invidio'!
de!ire! and l'!t!% rather than "rom a 5eal "or .hat .a! ?'!t and rightB "or i" ever) one o#!erved
moderation% the) .o'ld not have di!t'r#ed and anno)ed one another. The) had their hot
con"lict!% #eca'!e their l'!t! .ere allo.ed to prevail 'nchec$ed.
+t hence appear!% that greater peace .o'ld have #een among them% had ever) one a#!tained "rom
doing .rong to other!B #'t the vice! .hich prevailed among them .ere !o man) attendant!
armed to e3cite contention!. He call! o'r "ac'ltie! mem"ers. He ta$e! lusts a! de!ignating all
illicit and l'!t"'l de!ire! or propen!itie! .hich cannot #e !ati!"ied .itho't doing in?'r) to other!.
2. 1e lust, or covet, and have not. He !eem! to intimate that the !o'l o" man i! in!atia#le% .hen he
ind'lge! .ic$ed l'!t!B and tr'l) it i! !oB "or he .ho !'""er! hi! !in"'l propen!itie! to r'le
'ncontrolled% .ill $no. no end to hi! l'!t. Kere even the .orld given to him% he .o'ld .i!h
other .orld! to #e created "or him. +t th'! happen!% that men !ee$ torment! .hich e3ceed the
cr'elt) o" all e3ec'tioner!. ;or that !a)ing o" Horace i! tr'e4
The tyrants ! S"#"$y !%n& n tr'ent (reater than en)y.
Some copie! have foneu>ete% A)e $illBC #'t + do'#t not #'t that .e o'ght to read% fqonei~te% A)e
env)%C a! + have rendered itB "or the ver#% to $ill% doe! in no .a) !'it the conte3t.
1e fight4 he
doe! not mean tho!e .ar! and "ighting!% .hich men engage in .ith dra.n !.ord!% #'t the violent
contention! .hich prevailed among them. The) derived no #ene"it "rom contention! o" thi! $ind%
"or he a""irm! that the) received the p'ni!hment o" their o.n .ic$edne!!. =od% indeed% .hom
the) o.ned not a! the a'thor o" #le!!ing!% ?'!tl) di!appointed them. ;or .hen the) contended in
.a)! !o 'nla."'l% the) !o'ght to #e enriched thro'gh the "avor o" Satan rather than thro'gh the
"avor o" =od. 7ne #) "ra'd% another #) violence% one #) cal'mnie!% and all #) !ome evil or
.ic$ed art!% !trove "or happine!!. The) then !o'ght to #e happ)% #'t not thro'gh =od. +t .a!
there"ore no .onder that the) .ere "r'!trated in their e""ort!% !ince no !'cce!! can #e e3pected
e3cept thro'gh the #le!!ing! o" =od alone.
3. 1e seek and receive not. He goe! "arther4 tho'gh the) !o'ght% )et the) .ere de!ervedl) deniedB
#eca'!e the) .i!hed to ma$e =od the mini!ter o" their o.n l'!t!. ;or the) !et no #o'nd! to their
.i!he!% a! he had commandedB #'t gave 'n#ridled licen!e to them!elve!% !o a! to a!$ tho!e thing!
o" .hich man% con!cio'! o" .hat i! right% o'ght e!peciall) to #e a!hamed. Plin) !
ridic'le! thi! imp'dence% that men !o .ic$edl) a#'!e the ear! o" =od. The le!! tolera#le i! !'ch a
thing in Chri!tian!% .ho have had the r'le o" pra)er given them #) their heavenl) Ma!ter.
*nd do'#tle!! there appear! to #e in '! no reverence "or =od% no "ear o" him% in !hort% no regard
"or him% .hen .e dare to a!$ o" him .hat even o'r o.n con!cience doe! not approve. @ame!
meant #rie"l) thi!% D that o'r de!ire! o'ght to #e #ridled4 and the .a) o" #ridling them i! to
!'#?ect them to the .ill o" =od. *nd he al!o teache! '!% that .hat .e in moderation .i!h% .e
o'ght to !ee$ "rom =od him!el"B .hich i" it #e done% .e !hall #e pre!erved "rom .ic$ed
contention!% "rom "ra'd and violence% and "rom doing an) in?'r) to other!.
JAMES !:!-"
! Se ad'lterer! and ad'ltere!!e!% $no. )e
not that the "riend!hip o" the .orld i!
enmit) .ith =odO .ho!oever there"ore
.ill #e a "riend o" the .orld i! the enem)
o" =od.
! *d'lteri et ad'lterae% an ne!citi!
>'od amicitia m'ndi inimictia (ei
e!tO >'i ergo vol'erit amic'! e!!e
m'ndi% inimic'! (ei con!tit'it'r.
(o )e thin$ that the !cript're !aith in
vain% The !pirit that d.elleth in '! l'!teth to
*n p'tati! >'od "r'!tra dicat
!cript'raO *n ad invidiam conc'pi!cit
!pirit'! >'i ha#itat in no#i!O
" -'t he giveth more grace. Khere"ore he
!aith% =od re!i!teth the pro'd% #'t giveth
grace 'nto the h'm#le.
" R'in ma?orem dat gratiam4 D
!. 1e adulterers. + connect thi! ver!e .ith the "oregoing ver!e!4 "or he call! them adulterers% a! +
thin$% metaphoricall)B "or the) corr'pted them!elve! .ith the vanitie! o" thi! .orld% and
alienated them!elve! "rom =odB a! tho'gh he had !aid% that the) had #ecome degenerated% or
.ere #ecome #a!tard!. Ke $no. ho. "re>'ent% in Hol) Script're% i! that marriage mentioned
.hich =od "orm! .ith '!. He .o'ld have '!% then% to #e li$e a cha!te virgin% a! Pa'l !a)!%
/ Corinthian! 114/.J Thi! cha!tit) i! violated and corr'pted #) all imp're a""ection!
to.ard! the .orld. @ame!% then% doe! not .itho't rea!on compare the love o" the .orld to
The)% then% .ho ta$e hi! .ord! literall)% do not !'""icientl) o#!erve the conte3t4 "or he goe! on
!till to !pea$ again!t the l'!t! o" men% .hich lead a.a) tho!e entangled .ith the .orld "rom =od%
a! it "ollo.!% D
The friendshi* of the +orld. He call! it the "riend!hip o" the .orld .hen men !'rrender
them!elve! to the corr'ption! o" the .orld% and #ecome !lave! to them. ;or !'ch and !o great i!
the di!agreement #et.een the .orld and =od% that a! m'ch a! an) one incline! to the .orld% !o
m'ch he alienate! him!el" "rom =od. Hence the Script're #id! '! o"ten to reno'nce the .orld% i"
.e .i!h to !erve =od.
. Do &e think. He !eem! to add'ce "rom Script're the ne3t " !entence. Hence
interpreter! toil m'ch% #eca'!e none !'ch% at lea!t none e3actl) ali$e% i! "o'nd in Script're. -'t
nothing hinder! the re"erence to #e made to .hat ha! #een alread) !aid% that i!% that the
"riend!hip o" the .orld i! adver!e to =od. MoreoverB it ha! #een rightl) !aid% that thi! i! a tr'th
.hich occ'r! ever).here in Script're. *nd that he ha! omitted the prono'n% .hich .o'ld have
rendered the !entence clearer% i! not to #e .ondered at% "or% a! it i! evident% he i! ever).here ver)
%he S*irit% or% (oe! the SpiritO Some thin$ that the !o'l o" man i! meant% and there"ore read the
!entence a""irmativel)% and according to thi! meaning% D that the !pirit o" man% a! it i!
malignant% i! !o in"ected .ith env)% that it ha! ever a mi3t're o" it. The)% ho.ever% thin$ #etter
.ho regard the Spirit o" =od a! intendedB "or it i! he that i! given to d.ell in '!.
+ then ta$e the
Spirit a! that o" =od% and read the !entence a! a >'e!tionB "or it .a! hi! o#?ect to prove% that
#eca'!e the) envied the) .ere not r'led #) the Spirit o" =odB #eca'!e he teache! the "aith"'l
other.i!eB and thi! he con"irm! in the ne3t ver!e% #) adding that he giveth more grace.
;or it i! an arg'ment ari!ing "rom .hat i! contrar). ,nv) i! a proo" or !ign o" malignit)B #'t the
Spirit o" =od prove! him!el" to #e #o'nti"'l #) the a""l'ence o" hi! #le!!ing!. There i! then
nothing more rep'gnant to hi! nat're than env). +n !hort% @ame! denie! that the Spirit o" =od
r'le! .here depraved l'!t! prevail% .hich e3cite to m't'al contentionB #eca'!e it i! pec'liarl) the
o""ice o" the Spirit to enrich men more and more contin'all) .ith ne. gi"t!.
+ .ill not !top to re"'te other e3planation!. Some give thi! meaning that the Spirit l'!teth again!t
env)B .hich i! too har!h and "orced. Then the) !a) that =od gives more grace to con>'er and
!'#d'e l'!t. -'t the meaning + have given i! more !'ita#le and !imple% D that he re!tore! '! #)
hi! #o'nt) "rom the o" malignant em'lation. The contin'ative particlede<i! to #e ta$en
adver!ativel)% "or ajlla< or ajlla> geB !o have + rendered it 5uin% #'t.
JAMES !:$-1&
$ S'#mit )o'r!elve! there"ore to =od.
8e!i!t the devil% and he .ill "lee "rom )o'.
$ S'#?ecti igit'r e!tote (eoB 8e!i!tite
dia#olo% et "'giet a vo#i!B
% (ra. nigh to =od% and he .ill dra. nigh
to )o'. Clean!e )o'r hand!% )e !inner!B and
p'ri") )o'r heart!% )e do'#le minded.
% *ppropin>'ate (eo% et
appropin>'a#it vo#i!B m'ndate
man'!% peccatore!B p'ri"icate corda
d'plici animoB
1& H'm#le )o'r!elve! in the !ight o" the
Lord% and he !hall li"t )o' 'p.
1& H'miliamini coram (eo% et eriget
$. Su"mit &ourselves. The !'#mi!!ion .hich he recommend! i! that o" h'milit)B "or he doe! not
e3hort '! generall) to o#e) =od% #'t re>'ire! !'#mi!!ionB "or the Spirit o" =od re!t! on the
h'm#le and the mee$. G
+!aiah 5Q415.J 7n thi! acco'nt he '!e! the illative particle. ;or a! he
had declared that =od:! Spirit i! #o'nti"'l in increa!ing hi! gi"t!% he hence concl'de! that .e
o'ght to la) a!ide env)% and to !'#mit to =od.
Man) copie! have introd'ced here the " !entence4 AKhere"ore he !aith% =od re!i!teth the
pro'd% #'t giveth grace 'nto the h'm#le.C -'t in other! it i! not "o'nd. ,ra!m'! !'!pect! that it
.a! "ir!t a note in the margin% and a"ter.ard! crept into the te3t. +t ma) have #een !o% tho'gh it i!
not 'n!'ita#le to the pa!!age. ;or .hat !ome thin$% that it i! !trange that .hat i! "o'nd onl) in
Peter% !ho'ld #e >'oted a! Script're% ma) #e ea!il) di!po!ed o". -'t + rather con?ect're that thi!
!entence .hich accord! .ith the common doctrine o" Script're% had #ecome then a !ort o"
prover#ial !a)ing common among the @e.!. *nd% indeed% it i! no more than .hat i! "o'nd in
P!alm 1F4/Q%
AThe h'm#le 7 Lord% tho' .ilt !aveB
and the e)e! o" the pro'd .ilt tho' ca!t do.n4C
and !imilar !entence! are "o'nd in man) other pa!!age!.
4esist the devil. He !he.! .hat that contention i! .hich .e o'ght to engage in% a! Pa'l !a)!% that
o'r conte!t i! not .ith "le!h and #lood% #'t he !tim'late! '! to a !pirit'al "ight. Then% a"ter having
ta'ght '! mee$ne!! to.ard! men% and !'#mi!!ion to.ard! =od% he #ring! #e"ore '! Satan a! o'r
enem)% .hom it #ehoove! '! to "ight again!t.
Ho.ever% the promi!e .hich he add!% re!pecting the "leeing o" Satan% !eem! to #e re"'ted #)
dail) e3perienceB "or it i! certain% that the more !tren'o'!l) an) one re!i!t!% the more "iercel) he
i! 'rged. ;or Satan% in a manner% act! pla)"'ll)% .hen he i! not in earne!t repelledB #'t again!t
tho!e .ho reall) re!i!t him% he emplo)! all the !trength he po!!e!!e!. *nd "'rther% he i! never
.earied .ith "ightingB #'t .hen con>'ered in one #attle% he immediatel) engage! in another. To
thi! + repl)% that "leeing i! to #e ta$en here "or p'tting to "light% or ro'ting. *nd% do'#tle!!% tho'gh
he repeat! hi! attac$! contin'all)% he )et al.a)! depart! van>'i!hed.
%. Dra+ nigh to God. He again remind! '! that the aid o" =od .ill not #e .anting to '!% provided
.e give place to him. ;or .hen he #id! '! to dra. nigh to =od% that .e ma) $no. him to #e
near to '! he intimate! that .e are de!tit'te o" hi! grace% #eca'!e .e .ithdra. "rom him. -'t a!
=od !tand! on o'r !ide% there i! no rea!on to "ear !'cc'm#ing. -'t i" an) one concl'de! "rom thi!
pa!!age% that the "ir!t part o" the .or$ #elong! to '!% and that a"ter.ard! the grace o" =od
"ollo.!% the *po!tle meant no !'ch thingB "or tho'gh .e o'ght to do thi!% )et it doe! immediatel)
"ollo. that .e can. *nd the Spirit o" =od% in e3horting '! to o'r d't)% derogate! nothing "rom
him!el"% or "rom hi! o.n po.erB #'t the ver) thing he #id! '! to do% he him!el" "'l"ill! in '!.
+n !hort% @ame! meant no other thing in thi! pa!!age% than that =od i! never .anting to '!% e3cept
.hen .e alienate o'r!elve! "rom him. He i! li$e one .ho #ring! the h'ngr) to a ta#le and the
thir!t) to a "o'ntain. There i! thi! di""erence% that o'r !tep! m'!t #e g'ided and !'!tained #) the
Lord% "or o'r "eet "ail '!. -'t .hat !ome cavil at% and !a)% that =od:! grace i! !econdar) to o'r
preparation% and a! it .ere the .aitingmaid% i! onl) "rivolo'!B "or .e $no. that it i! no ne.
thing that he add! no. to "ormer grace! and th'! enriche! more and more tho!e to .hom he ha!
alread) given m'ch.
$leanse )o'r hands. He here addre!!e! all tho!e .ho .ere alienated "rom =od and he doe! not
re"er to t.o !ort! o" men% #'t he call! the !ame sinners and dou"le9minded( 9or doe! he
'nder!tand ever) $ind o" !inner!% #'t the .ic$ed and tho!e o" a corr'pt li"e. +t i! !aid in
@ohn 140%
A=od doe! not hear !inner!BC
in the !ame !en!e a .oman i! called a !inner #) L'$e. G
L'$e Q40E.J +t i! !aid #) the !ame
and the other evangeli!t!% AHe drin$eth and eateth .ith !inner!.C He% there"ore% doe! not !mite all
indi!criminatel) to that !ort o" repentance mentioned here% #'t tho!e .ho are .ic$ed and corr'pt
in heart% and .ho!e li"e i! #a!e and "lagitio'! or at lea!t .ic$edB it i! "rom the!e he re>'ire! a
p'rit) o" heart and o't.ard cleanline!!.
Ke hence learn .hat i! the tr'e character o" repentance. +t i! not onl) an o't.ard amendment o"
li"e% #'t it! #eginning i! the clean!ing o" the heart. +t i! al!o nece!!ar) on the other hand that the
"r'it! o" in.ard repentance !ho'ld appear in the #rightne!! o" o'r .or$!.
#. Be afflicted and mourn. Chri!t deno'nce! mo'rning on tho!e .ho la'gh% a! a c'r!e%
L'$e E4/5BJ and @ame!% in .hat !hortl) "ollo.!% all'ding to the !ame .ord!% threaten! the
rich .ith mo'rning. -'t here he !pea$! o" that !al'tar) mo'rning or !orro. .hich lead! '! to
repentance. He addre!!e! tho!e .ho% #eing ine#riated in their mind!% did not perceive =od:!
?'dgment. Th'! it happened that the) "lattered them!elve! in their vice!. That he might !ha$e o""
"rom them thi! deadl) torpor% he admoni!he! them to learn to mo'rn% that #eing to'ched .ith
!orro. o" con!cience the) might cea!e to "latter them!elve! and to e3'lt on the verge o"
de!tr'ction. Then laughter i! to #e ta$en a! !igni")ing the "lattering .ith .hich the 'ngodl)
deceive them!elve!% .hile the) are in"at'ated #) the !.eetne!! o" their !in! and "orget the
?'dgment o" =od.
1&. Hum"le &ourselves, or% #e )e h'm#led. The concl'!ion o" .hat i! gone #e"ore i!% that the
grace o" =od then #e read) to rai!e '! 'p .hen he !ee! that o'r pro'd !pirit! are laid a!ide. Ke
em'late and env)% #eca'!e .e de!ire to #e eminent. Thi! i! a .a) .holl) 'nrea!ona#le% "or it i!
=od:! pec'liar .or$ to rai!e 'p the lo.l)% and e!peciall) tho!e .ho .illingl) h'm#le
them!elve!. Kho!oever% then% !ee$! a "irm elevation% let him #e ca!t do.n 'nder a !en!e o" hi!
o.n in"irmit)% and thin$ h'm#l) o" him!el". *'g'!tine .ell o#!erve! ! *! a tree m'!t
!tri$e deep root! do.n.ard!% that it ma) gro. 'p.ard!% !o ever) one .ho ha! not hi! !o'l "i3ed
deep in h'milit)% e3alt! him!el" to hi! o.n r'in.
JAMES !:11-12
11 Spea$ not evil one o" another% #rethren.
He that !pea$eth evil o" hi! #rother% and
?'dgeth hi! #rother% !pea$eth evil o" the
la.% and ?'dgeth the la.4 #'t i" tho' ?'dge
the la.% tho' art not a doer o" the la.% #'t a
11 9e detrahati! invicem% "ratre!B >'i
detrahit "ratri% a't ?'dicat "ratrem
!''m% detrahit legi% et ?'dicat legemB
!i a'tem ?'dica! legem% non e! "actor
legi! !ed ?'de3.
12 There i! one la.giver% .ho i! a#le to
!ave and to de!tro)4 .ho art tho' that
?'dge!t anotherO
12 Mn'! e!t legi!lator% >'i pote!t
!ervare et perdere4 t'% >'i! e! >'i
?'dica! alter'mO
11. S*eak not evil, or% de"ame not. Ke !ee ho. m'ch la#or @ame! ta$e! in correcting the l'!t "or
!landering. ;or h)pocri!) i! al.a)! pre!'mpt'o'!% and .e are #) nat're h)pocrite!% "ondl)
e3alting o'r!elve! #) cal'mniating other!. There i! al!o another di!ea!e innate in h'man nat're%
that ever) one .o'ld have all other! to live according to hi! o.n .ill or "anc). Thi! pre!'mption
@ame! !'ita#l) condemn! in thi! pa!!age% that i!% #eca'!e .e dare to impo!e on o'r #rethren o'r
r'le o" li"e. He then ta$e! detraction a! incl'ding all the cal'mnie! and !'!picio'! .or$! .hich
"lo. "rom a malignant and perverted ?'dgment. The evil o" !landering ta$e! a .ide rangeB #'t
here he properl) re"er! to that $ind o" !landering .hich + have mentioned% that i!% .hen .e
!'percilio'!l) determine re!pecting the deed! and !a)ing! o" other!% a! tho'gh o'r o.n moro!it)
.ere the la.% .hen .e con"identl) condemn .hatever doe! not plea!e '!.
That !'ch pre!'mption i! here reproved i! evident "rom the rea!on that i! immediatel) added% He
that s*eaketh evil of, or de"ame! his "rother, s*eaketh evil of, or de"ame! the la.. He intimate!%
that !o m'ch i! ta$en a.a) "rom the la. a! one claim! o" a'thorit) over hi! #rethren. (etraction%
then% again!t the la. i! oppo!ed to that reverence .ith .hich it #ehoove! '! to regard it.
Pa'l handle! nearl) the !ame arg'ment in 8oman! 14% tho'gh on a di""erent occa!ion. ;or .hen
!'per!tition in the choice o" meat! po!!e!!ed !ome% .hat the) tho'ght 'nla."'l "or them!elve!%
the) condemned al!o in other!. He then reminded them% that there i! #'t one Lord% according to
.ho!e .ill all m'!t !tand or "all% and at .ho!e tri#'nal .e m'!t all appear. Hence he concl'de!
that he .ho ?'dge! hi! #rethren according to hi! o.n vie. o" thing!% a!!'me! to him!el" .hat
pec'liarl) #elong! to =od. -'t @ame! reprove! here tho!e .ho 'nder the preten!e o" !anctit)
condemned their #rethren% and there"ore !et 'p their o.n moro!it) in the place o" the divine la..
He% ho.ever% emplo)! the !ame rea!on .ith Pa'l% that i!% that .e act pre!'mpt'o'!l) .hen .e
a!!'me a'thorit) over o'r #rethren% .hile the la. o" =od !'#ordinate! '! all to it!el" .itho't
e3ception. Let '! then learn that .e are not to ?'dge #'t according to =od:! la..
%hou art not a doer of the la+, "ut a ,udge. Thi! !entence o'ght to #e th'! e3plained4 AKhen
tho' claime!t "or th)!el" a to cen!'re a#ove the la. o" =od tho' e3empte!t th)!el" "rom
the d't) o" o#e)ing the la..C He then .ho ra!hl) ?'dge! hi! #rotherB !ha$e! o"" the )o$e o" =od%
"or he !'#mit! not to the common r'le o" li"e. +t i! then an arg'ment "rom .hat i! contrar)B
#eca'!e the $eeping o" the la. i! .holl) di""erent "rom thi! arrogance% .hen men a!cri#e to their
conceit the and a'thorit) o" the la.. +t hence "ollo.!% that .e then onl) $eep the la.%
.hen .e .holl) depend on it! teaching alone and do not other.i!e di!ting'i!h #et.een good
and evilB "or all the deed! and .ord! o" men o'ght to #e reg'lated #) it.
Kere an) one to o#?ect and !a)% that !till the !aint! .ill #e the ?'dge! o" the .orld% G
Corinthian! E4/%J the an!.er i! o#vio'!% that thi! honor doe! not #elong to them according to
their o.n right% #'t ina!m'ch a! the) are the mem#er! o" Chri!tB and that the) no. ?'dge
according to the la.% !o that the) are not to #e deemed ?'dge! #eca'!e the) onl) o#edientl)
a!!ent to =od a! their o.n ?'dge and the ?'dge o" all. Kith regard to =od he i! not to #e deemed
the doer o" the la.% #eca'!e hi! righteo'!ne!! i! prior to the la.B "or the la. ha! "lo.n "rom the
eternal and in"inite righteo'!ne!! o" =od a! a river "rom it! "o'ntain.
12. %here is one la+giver.
9o. he connect! the o" !a)ing and de!tro)ing .ith the o""ice
o" a la.giver% he intimate! that the .hole ma?e!t) o" =od i! "orci#l) a!!'med #) tho!e .ho
claim "or them!elve! the right o" ma$ing a la.B and thi! i! .hat i! done #) tho!e .ho impo!e a!
a la. on other! their o.n nod or .ill. *nd let '! remem#er that the !'#?ect here i! not civil
government% in .hich the edict! and la.! o" magi!trate! have place% #'t the !pirit'al government
o" the !o'l% in .hich the .ord o" =od alone o'ght to #ear r'le. There i! then one =od% .ho ha!
con!cience! !'#?ected #) right to hi! o.n la.!% a! he alone ha! in hi! o.n hand the to
!ave and to de!tro).
+t hence appear! .hat i! to #e tho'ght o" h'man precept!% .hich ca!t the !nare o" nece!!it) on
con!cience!. Some indeed .o'ld have '! to !he. mode!t)% .hen .e call the Pope antichri!t%
.ho e3erci!e! t)rann) over the !o'l! o" men% ma$ing him!el" a la.giver e>'al to =od. -'t .e
learn "rom thi! pa!!age !omething "ar more% even that the) are the mem#er! o" *ntichri!t% .ho
.illingl) !'#mit to #e th'! en!nared% and that the) th'! reno'nce Chri!t% .hen the) connect
them!elve! .ith a man that i! not onl) a mortal% #'t .ho al!o e3tol! him!el" again!t him. +t i!% +
!a)% a prevaricating o#edience% rendered to the devil% .hen .e allo. an) other than =od him!el"
to #e a la.giver to r'le o'r !o'l!.
Who art thou. Some thin$ that the) are admoni!hed here to #ecome reprover! o" their o.n vice!%
in order that the) might #egin to e3amine them!elve!% and that #) "inding o't that the) .ere not
p'rer than other!% the) might cea!e to #e !o !evere. + thin$ that their o.n condition i! !impl)
!'gge!ted to men% !o that the) ma) thin$ ho. m'ch the) are #elo. that dignit) .hich the)
a!!'med% a! Pa'l al!o !a)!% AKho art tho' .ho ?'dge!t anotherOC G
8oman! 1444.J
JAMES !:13-1$
13 =o to no.% )e that !a)% Toda) or to
morro. .e .ill go into !'ch a cit)% and
contin'e there a )ear% and #') and !ell% and
get gain4
13 *ge n'nc% >'i diciti!% Hodie et cra!
eam'! in civitatem% et tran!igam'!
illic ann'm 'n'm% et mercem'r et
1! Kherea! )e $no. not .hat !hall #e
on the morro.. ;or .hat i! )o'r li"eO
+t i! even a vapor% that appeareth "or a
little time% and then vani!heth a.a).
1! R'i ne!citi! >'id cra! "'t'r'm !itB
>'ae enim e!t vita no!traO vapor e!t
!cilicet ad e3ig''m temp'! apparen!%
deinde evane!cen!4
1$ There"ore to him that $no.eth to do
good% and doeth it not% to him it i! !in.
1$ R'i ergo novit "acere #on'm% nec
"acit% peccati re'! e!t.
13. Go to no+. He condemn! here another $ind o" pre!'mption% that man)% .ho o'ght to have
depended on =od:! providence% con"identl) !ettled .hat the) .ere to do% and arranged their
plan! "or a long time% a! tho'gh the) had man) )ear! at their o.n di!po!al% .hile the) .ere not
!'re% no not even o" one moment. Solomon al!o !harpl) ridic'le! thi! $ind o" "ooli!h #oa!ting%
.hen he !a)! that
Amen !ettle their .a)! in their heart% and that the Lord in the mean time r'le! the tong'e.C
Prover#! 1E41.J
*nd it i! a ver) in!ane thing to 'nderta$e to e3ec'te .hat .e cannot prono'nce .ith o'r tong'e.
@ame! doe! not reprove the "orm o" !pea$ing% #'t rather the arrogance o" mind% that men !ho'ld
"orget their o.n .ea$ne!!% and !pea$ th'! pre!'mpt'o'!l)B "or even the godl)% .ho thin$
h'm#l) o" them!elve!% and ac$no.ledge that their !tep! are g'ided #) the .ill o" =od% ma) )et
!ometime! !a)% .itho't an) >'ali")ing cla'!e% that the) .ill do thi! or that. +t i! indeed right and
proper% .hen .e promi!e an)thing a! to "'t're time% to acc'!tom o'r!elve! to !'ch .ord! a!
the!e% A+" it !hall plea!e the Lord%C A+" the Lord .ill permit.C -'t no !cr'ple o'ght to #e
entertained% a! tho'gh it .ere a !in to omit themB "or .e read ever).here in the Script're! that
the hol) !ervant! o" =od !po$e 'nconditionall) o" "'t're thing!% .hen )et the) had it a! a
principle "i3ed in their mind!% that the) co'ld do nothing .itho't the permi!!ion o" =od. Then a!
to the practice o" !a)ing% A+" the Lord .ill or permit%C it o'ght to #e care"'ll) attended to #) all
the godl).
-'t @ame! ro'!ed the !t'pidit) o" tho!e .ho di!regarded =od:! providence% and claimed "or
them!elve! a .hole )ear% tho'gh the) had not a !ingle moment in their o.n po.erB the gain
.hich .a! a"ar o"" the) promi!ed to them!elve!% tho'gh the) had no po!!e!!ion o" that .hich
.a! #e"ore their "eet.
1!. For +hat is &our life= He might have chec$ed thi! "ooli!h licen!e in determining thing! to
come #) man) other rea!on!B "or .e !ee ho. the Lord dail) "r'!trate! tho!e pre!'mpt'o'! men
.ho promi!e .hat great thing! the) .ill do. -'t he .a! !ati!"ied .ith thi! one arg'ment% .ho
ha! promi!ed to thee a li"e "or tomorro.O Can!t tho'% a d)ing man% do .hat tho' !o con"identl)
re!olve!t to doO ;or he .ho remem#er! the !hortne!! o" hi! li"e% .ill have hi! a'dacit) ea!il)
chec$ed !o a! not to e3tend too "ar hi! re!olve!. 9a)% "or no other rea!on do 'ngodl) men ind'lge
them!elve! !o m'ch% #'t #eca'!e the) "orget that the) are men. -) the !imilit'de o" va*or% he
!tri$ingl) !he.! that the p'rpo!e! .hich are "o'nded onl) on the pre!ent li"e% are altogether
1. 0f the Lord +ill. * t.o"old condition i! laid do.n% A+" .e !hall live !o long%C and% A+" the Lord
.illBC #eca'!e man) thing! ma) intervene to 'p!et .hat .e ma) have determinedB "or .e are
#lind a! to all "'t're event!.
-) .ill he mean! not that .hich i! e3pre!!ed in the la.% #'t
=od:! co'n!el #) .hich he govern! all thing!.
1". But no+ &e re,oice% or% glor). Ke ma) learn "rom the!e .ord! that @ame! condemned
!omething more than a pa!!ing !peech. 1e re,oice% or% glor)% he !a)!% in )o'r empt) #oa!ting!.
Tho'gh the) ro##ed =od o" hi! government% the) )et "lattered them!elve!B not that the) openl)
!et them!elve! 'p a! !'perior to =od% tho'gh the) .ere e!peciall) in"lated .ith con"idence in
them!elve!% #'t that their mind! .ere ine#riated .ith vanit) !o a! to di!regard =od. *nd a!
.arning! o" thi! $ind are '!'all) received .ith contempt #) 'ngodl) men D na)% thi! an!.er i!
immediatel) given% A$no.n to o'r!elve! i! .hat i! o""ered to '!% !o that there i! no need o" !'ch
a .arningBC D he allege! again!t them thi! $no.ledge in .hich the) gloried% and declare! that
the) !inned the more grievo'!l)% #eca'!e the) did not !in thro'gh ignorance% #'t thro'gh
CH*PT,8 5
JAMES :1-"
1 =o to no.% )e rich men% .eep and ho.l
"or )o'r mi!erie! that !hall come 'pon
1 *ged'm n'nc divite!% plorate%
'l'lante! !'per mi!erii! ve!tri! >'ae
advenient vo#i!.
2 So'r riche! are corr'pted% and )o'r
garment! are motheaten.
2 (ivitiae ve!trae p'tre"actae !'nt%
ve!timenta ve!tra a tinei! e3ce!a !'nt.
" Se have condemned and $illed the ?'!tB
and he doth not re!i!t )o'.
" Condemna!ti! et occidi!ti! ?'!t'm%
et non re!i!tit vo#i!.
1. Go to no+. The) are mi!ta$en% a! + thin$% .ho con!ider that @ame! here e3hort! the rich to
repentance. +t !eem! to me to #e a !imple den'nciation o" =od:! ?'dgment% #) .hich he meant to
terri") them .itho't giving them an) hope o" pardonB "or all that he !a)! tend! onl) to de!pair.
He% there"ore% doe! not addre!! them in order to invite them to repentanceB #'t% on the contrar)%
he ha! a regard to the "aith"'l% that the)% hearing o" the mi!era#le and o" the rich% might not env)
their "ort'ne% and al!o that $ that =od .o'ld #e the avenger o" the .rong! the) !'""ered%
the) might .ith a calm and re!igned mind #ear them.
-'t he doe! not !pea$ o" the rich indi!criminatel)% #'t o" tho!e .ho% #eing immer!ed in plea!'re!
and in"lated .ith pride% tho'ght o" nothing #'t o" the .orld% and .ho% li$e ine3ha'!ti#le g'l"!%
devo'red ever)thingB "or the)% #) their t)rann)% oppre!!ed other!% a! it appear! "rom the .hole
Wee* and ho+l% or% Lament% ho.ling. 8epentance ha! indeed it! .eeping% #'t #eing mi3ed .ith
con!olation% it doe! not proceed to ho.ling. Then @ame! intimate! that the heavine!! o" =od:!
vengeance .ill #e !o horri#le and !evere on the rich% that the) .ill #e con!trained to #rea$ "orth
into ho.ling% a! tho'gh he had !aid #rie"l) to them% AKoe to )o'PC -'t it i! a prophetic mode o"
!pea$ing4 the 'ngodl) have the p'ni!hment .hich a.ait! them !et #e"ore them% and the) are
repre!ented a! alread) end'ring it. *!% then% the) .ere no. "lattering them!elve!% and promi!ing
to them!elve! that the pro!perit) in .hich the) tho'ght them!elve! happ) .o'ld #e perpet'al% he
declared that the mo!t grievo'! mi!erie! .ere nigh at hand.
2. 1our riches. The meaning ma) #e t.o"old4 D that he ridic'le! their "ooli!h con"idence%
#eca'!e the riche! in .hich the) placed their happine!!% .ere .holl) "ading% )ea% that the) co'ld
#e red'ced to nothing #) one #la!t "rom =od D or that he condemn! a! their in!atia#le avarice%
#eca'!e the) heaped together .ealth onl) "or thi!% that the) might peri!h .itho't an) #ene"it.
Thi! latter meaning i! the mo!t !'ita#le. +t i!% indeed% tr'e that tho!e rich men are in!ane .ho
glor) in thing! !o "ading a! garment!% gold% !ilver% and !'ch thing!% !ince it i! nothing el!e than to
ma$e their glor) !'#?ect to r'!t and moth!B and .ell $no.n i! that !a)ing AKhat i! ill got i! !oon
lo!tBC #eca'!e the c'r!e o" =od con!'me! it all% "or it i! not right that the 'ngodl) or their heir!
!ho'ld en?o) riche! .hich the) have !natched% a! it .ere% #) violence "rom the hand o" =od.
-'t a! @ame! en'merate! the vice! o" .hich the rich #ro'ght on them!elve! the calamit) .hich
he mention!% the conte3t re>'ire!% a! + thin$% that .e !ho'ld !a)% that .hat he condemn! here i!
the e3treme rapacit) o" the rich% in retaining ever)thing the) co'ld la) hold on% that it might rot
'!ele!!l) in their che!t!. ;or th'! it .a!% that .hat =od had created "or the '!e o" men% the)
de!tro)ed% a! tho'gh the) .ere the enemie! o" man$ind.
-'t it m'!t #e o#!erved% that the vice! .hich he mention! here do not #elong to all the richB "or
!ome o" them ind'lge them!elve! in l'3'r)% !ome !pend m'ch in !ho. and di!pla)% and !ome
pinch them!elve!% and live mi!era#l) in their o.n "ilth. Let '!% then% $no. that he here reprove!
!ome vice! in !ome% and !ome vice! in other!. Ho.ever% all tho!e are generall) condemned .ho
'n?'!tl) acc'm'late riche!% or .ho "ooli!hl) a#'!e them. -'t .hat @ame! no. !a)!% i! not onl)
!'ita#le to the rich o" e3treme tenacit)% G!'ch a! ,'clio o" Pla't'!%J #'t to tho!e al!o .ho delight
in pomp and l'3'r)% and )et pre"er to heap 'p riche! rather than to emplo) them "or nece!!ar)
p'rpo!e!. ;or !'ch i! the malignit) o" !ome% that the) gr'dge to other! the common !'n and air.
3. ' +itness against &ou. He con"irm! the e3planation + have alread) given. ;or =od ha! not
appointed gold "or r'!t% nor garment! "or moth!B #'t% on the contrar)% #e ha! de!igned them a!
aid! and help! to h'man li"e. There"ore% even !pending .itho't #ene"it i! a .itne!! o"
inh'manit). The r'!ting o" gold and !ilver .ill #e% a! it .ere% the occa!ion o" in"laming the .rath
o" =od% !o that it .ill% li$e "ire% con!'me them.
1e have hea*ed treasure together4 The!e .ord! ma) al!o admit o" t.o e3planation!4 D that the
rich% a! the) .o'ld al.a)! live% are never !ati!"ied% #'t .ear) them!elve! in heaping together
.hat ma) #e !'""icient to the end o" the .orld% D or% that the) heap together the .rath and c'r!e
o" =od "or the la!t da)B and thi! !econd vie. + em#race.
!. Behold, the hire. He no. condemn! cr'elt)% the invaria#le companion o" avarice. -'t he re"er!
onl) to one $ind% .hich% a#ove all other!% o'ght ?'!tl) to #e deemed odio'!. ;or i" a h'mane and
a ?'!t man% a! Solomon !a)! in
Prover#! 1/410% regard! the li"e o" hi! #ea!t% it i! a
mon!tro'! #ar#arit)% .hen man "eel! no pit) to.ard! the man .ho!e !.eat he ha! emplo)ed "or
hi! o.n #ene"it. Hence the Lord ha! !trictl) "or#idden% in the la.% the hire o" the la#orer to !leep
.ith '! G
(e'teronom) /4415J. -e!ide!% @ame! doe! not re"er to la#orer! in common% #'t%
"or the !a$e o" ampli")ing% he mention! h'!#andmen and reaper!. ;or .hat can #e more #a!e
than that the)% .ho !'ppl) '! .ith #read #) their la#or !ho'ld #e pined thro'gh .antO *nd )et
thi! mon!tro'! thing i! commonB "or there are man) o" !'ch a t)rannical di!po!ition% that the)
thin$ that the re!t o" man$ind live onl) "or their #ene"it alone.
-'t he !a)! that thi! hire crieth% "or .hatever men retain either #) "ra'd or #) violence% o" .hat
#elong! to anotherB it call! "or vengeance a! it .ere #) a lo'd voice. Ke o'ght to notice .hat he
add!% that the cries o" the poor come to the ear! o" =od% !o that .e ma) $no. that the .rong
done to them !hall not #e 'np'ni!hed. The)% there"ore% .ho are oppre!!ed #) the 'n?'!t o'ght
re!ignedl) to !'!tain their evil!% #eca'!e the) .ill have =od a! their de"ender. *nd the) .ho
have the o" doing .rong o'ght to a#!tain "rom in?'!tice% le!t the) provo$e =od again!t
them% .ho i! the protector and patron o" the poor. *nd "or thi! rea!on al!o he call! =od the Lord
o" Sa#aoth% or o" ho!t!% intimating there#) hi! and hi! might% #) .hich he render! hi!
?'dgment more dread"'l.
. 0n *leasure. He come! no. to another vice% even l'3'r) and !in"'l grati"ication!B "or the) .ho
a#o'nd in .ealth !eldom $eep .ithin the #o'nd! o" moderation% #'t a#'!e their a#'ndance #)
e3treme ind'lgence!. There are% indeed% !ome rich men% a! + have !aid% .ho pine them!elve! in
the mid!t o" their a#'ndance. ;or it .a! not .itho't rea!on that the poet! have imagined Tantal'!
to #e h'ngr) near a ta#le .ell "'rni!hed. There have ever #een Tantalian! in the .orld. -'t
@ame!% a! it ha! #een !aid% doe! not !pea$ o" all rich men. +t i! eno'gh that .e !ee thi! vice
commonl) prevailing among the rich% that the) are given too m'ch to l'3'rie!% to pomp! and
*nd tho'gh the Lord allo.! them to live "reel) on .hat the) have% )et pro"'!ion o'ght to #e
avoided and "r'galit) practiced. ;or it .a! not in vain that the Lord #) hi! prophet! !everel)
reproved tho!e .ho !lept on #ed! o" ivor)% .ho '!ed precio'! ointment!% .ho delighted
them!elve! at their "ea!t! .ith the !o'nd o" the harp% .ho .ere li$e "at co.! in rich pa!t're!. ;or
all the!e thing! have #een !aid "or thi! end% that .e ma) $no. that moderation o'ght to #e
o#!erved% and that e3travagance i! di!plea!ing to =od.
1e have nourished &our hearts. He mean! that the) ind'lged them!elve!% not onl) a! "ar a! to
!ati!") nat're% #'t a! "ar a! their c'pidit) led them. He add! a !imilit'de% as in a da& of slaughter%
#eca'!e the) .ere .ont in their !olemn !acri"ice! to eat more "reel) than according to their dail)
ha#it!. He then !a)!% that the rich "ea!ted them!elve! ever) da) o" their li"e% #eca'!e the)
immer!ed them!elve! in perpet'al ind'lgence!.
". 1e have condemned. Here "ollo.! another $ind o" inh'manit)% that the rich #) their
oppre!!ed and de!tro)ed the poor and .ea$. He !a)! #) a metaphor that the ?'!t .ere
condemned and $illedB "or .hen the) did not $ill them #) their o.n hand% or condemn them a!
?'dge!% the) )et emplo)ed the a'thorit) .hich the) had to do .rong% the) corr'pted ?'dgment!%
and contrived vario'! art! to de!tro) the innocent% that i!% reall) to condemn and $ill them.
-) adding that the ?'!t did not resist them% he intimate! that the a'dacit) o" the rich .a! greaterB
#eca'!e tho!e .hom the) oppre!!ed .ere .itho't an) protection. He% ho.ever% remind! them
that the more read) and prompt .o'ld #e the vengeance o" =od% .hen the poor have no
protection "rom men. -'t tho'gh the ?'!t did not re!i!t% #eca'!e he o'ght to have patientl)
end'red .rong!% + )et thin$ that their .ea$ne!! i! at the !ame time re"erred to% that i! he did not
re!i!t% #eca'!e he .a! 'nprotected and .itho't an) help "rom men.
JAMES :$-#
$ -e patient there"ore% #rethren% 'nto the
coming o" the Lord. -ehold% the
h'!#andman .aiteth "or the precio'! "r'it
o" the earth% and hath long patience "or it%
'ntil he receive the earl) and latter rain.
$ Patienter ergo agite% "ratre!% '!>'e in
advent'm (omini. ,cce agricola
e3pectat pretio!'m "r'ct'm terrae%
patienter !e geren! erga e'm% donec
recipiat pl'vi'm mat'tinam et
% -e )e al!o patientB !ta#li!h )o'r heart!4
"or the coming o" the Lord dra.eth nigh.
% Patienter ergo agite et vo!B
con"irmate corda ve!tra% >'onim
advent'! (omini propin>''! e!t.
# =r'dge not one again!t another%
#rethren% le!t )e #e condemned4 #ehold%
the ?'dge !tandeth #e"ore the door.
# 9e ingemi!cati! alii in alio!% "ratre!%
ne condemnemeni4 ecce ?'de3 !tat pro
$. Be *atient therefore. ;rom thi! in"erence it i! evident that .hat ha! hitherto #een !aid again!t
the rich% pertain! to the con!olation o" tho!e .ho !eemed "or a time to #e e3po!ed to their .rong!
.ith imp'nit). ;or a"ter having mentioned the ca'!e! o" tho!e calamitie! .hich .ere hanging
over the rich% and having !tated thi! among other!% that the) pro'dl) and cr'ell) r'led over the
poor% he immediatel) add!% that .e .ho are 'n?'!tl) oppre!!ed% have thi! rea!on to #e patient%
#eca'!e =od .o'ld #ecome the ?'dge. ;or thi! i! .hat he mean! .hen he !a)!% unto the coming
of the Lord% that i!% that the con"'!ion o" thing! .hich i! no. !een in the .orld .ill not #e
perpet'al% #eca'!e the Lord at hi! coming .ill red'ce thing! to order% and that there"ore o'r
mind! o'ght to entertain good hopeB "or it i! not .itho't rea!on that the re!toration o" all thing! i!
promi!ed to '! at that da). *nd tho'gh the da) o" the Lord i! ever).here called in the Script're!
a mani"e!tation o" hi! ?'dgment and grace% .hen he !'ccor! hi! people and cha!ti!e! the 'ngodl)%
)et + pre"er to regard the e3pre!!ion here a! re"erring to o'r "inal deliverance.
Behold, the hus"andman. Pa'l #rie"l) re"er! to the !ame !imilit'de in
/ Timoth) /4E% .hen
he !a)! that the h'!#and man o'ght to la#or #e"ore he gather! the "r'itB #'t @ame! more "'ll)
e3pre!!e! the idea% "or he mention! the dail) patience o" the h'!#andman% .ho% a"ter having
committed the !eed to the earth% con"identl)% or at lea!t patientl)% .ait! 'ntil the time o" harve!t
come!B nor doe! he "ret #eca'!e the earth doe! not immediatel) )ield a ripe "r'it. He hence
concl'de!% that .e o'ght not to #e immoderatel) an3io'!% i" .e m'!t no. la#or and !o.% 'ntil
the harve!t a! it .ere come!% even the da) o" the Lord.
%he *recious fruit. He call! it precio'!% #eca'!e it i! the no'ri!hment o" li"e and the mean! o"
!'!taining it. *nd @ame! intimate!% that !ince the h'!#andman !'""er! hi! li"e% !o precio'! to him%
to lie long depo!ited in the #o!om o" the earth% and calml) !'!pend! hi! de!ire to gather the "r'it%
.e o'ght not to #e too ha!t) and "ret"'l% #'t re!ignedl) to .ait "or the da) o" o'r redemption. +t
i! not nece!!ar) to !peci") partic'larl) the other part! o" the compari!on.
%he earl& and the latter rains. -) the t.o .ord!% earl& and latter% t.o !ea!on! are pointed o'tB
the "ir!t "ollo.! !oon a"ter !o.ingB and the other .hen the corn i! ripening. So the prophet!
!po$e% .hen the) intended to !et "orth the time "or rain% G
(e'teronom) /F41/B
Ho!ea E40.J *nd he ha! mentioned #oth time!% in order more "'ll) to !he. that
h'!#andmen are not di!heartened #) the !lo. progre!! o" time% #'t #ear .ith the dela).
%. Sta"lish &our hearts. Le!t an) !ho'ld o#?ect and !a)% that the time o" deliverance .a! too long
dela)ed% he o#viate! thi! o#?ection and !a)!% that the Lord .a! at hand% or G.hich i! the !ame
thingJ that hi! coming .a! nigh. +n the meantime% he #id! '! to correct the !o"tne!! o"
the heart% .hich .ea$en! '!% !o a! not to per!evere in hope. *nd do'#tle!! the time appear! long%
#eca'!e .e are too tender and delicate. Ke o'ght% then% to gather !trength that .e ma) #ecome
hardened and thi! cannot #e #etter attained than #) hope% and a! it .ere #) a reali5ing vie. o" the
near approach o" o'r Lord.
#. Grudge not, or% groan not( *! the complaint! o" man) .ere heard% that the) .ere more
!everel) treated than other!% thi! pa!!age i! !o e3plained #) !ome% a! tho'gh @ame! #ade each to
#e contented .ith hi! o.n lot% not to env) other!% nor gr'dge i" the condition o" other! .a! more
tolera#le. -'t + ta$e another vie.B "or a"ter having !po$en o" the 'nhappine!! o" tho!e .ho
di!tre!! good and >'iet men #) their t)rann)% he no. e3hort! the "aith"'l to #e ?'!t to.ard! one
another and read) to pa!! #) o""en!e!. That thi! i! the real meaning ma) #e gathered "rom the
rea!on that i! added4 -e not >'er'lo'! one again!t anotherB lest &e "e condemned. Ke ma)%
indeed% groan% .hen an) evil torment! '!B #'t he mean! an acc'!ing groan% .hen one
e3po!t'late! .ith the Lord again!t another. *nd he declare! that th'! the) .o'ld all #e
condemned% #eca'!e there i! no one .ho doe! not o""end hi! #rethren% and a""ord them an
occa!ion o" groaning. 9o.% i" ever)one complained% the) .o'ld all have acc'!ed one anotherB
"or no one .a! !o innocent% that he did not do !ome harm to other!.
=od .ill #e the common ?'dge o" all. Khat% then% .ill #e the ca!e% #'t that ever) one .ho !ee$!
to #ring ?'dgment on other!% m'!t allo. the !ame again!t him!el"B and th'! all .ill #e given 'p
to the !ame r'in. Let no one% then% a!$ "or vengeance on other!% e3cept he .i!he! to #ring it on
hi! o.n head. *nd le!t the) !ho'ld #e ha!t) in ma$ing complaint! o" thi! $ind% he declare! that
the ?'dge .a! at the door. ;or a! o'r propen!it) i! to pro"ane the name o" =od% in the !lighte!t
o""en!e! .e appeal to hi! ?'dgment. 9othing i! a "itter #ridle to chec$ o'r ra!hne!!% than to
con!ider that o'r imprecation! vani!h not into air% #eca'!e =od:! ?'dgment i! at hand.
JAMES :1&-11
1& Ta$e% m) #rethren% the prophet!% .ho
have !po$en in the name o" the Lord% "or
an e3ample o" !'""ering a""liction% and o"
1& ,3empl'm accipite a""lictioni!%
"ratre! mei% et tolerentiae% propheta!%
>'i lo>''ti !'nt in nomine (omini.
11 -ehold% .e co'nt them happ) .hich
end're. Se have heard o" the patience o"
@o#% and have !een the end o" the LordB
that the Lord i! ver) piti"'l% and o" tender
11 ,cce #eato! e!!e d'cim'! eo! >'i
!'!tinent4 patientiam @o# a'di!ti!% et
"inem (omini vidi!ti!% >'od m'lt'm
!it mi!ericor! et commi!eran!.
1&. %ake, m& "rethren, the *ro*hets. The com"ort .hich he #ring! i! not that .hich i! according
to the common prover#% that the mi!era#le hope "or li$e companion! in evil!. That the) !et
#e"ore them a!!ociate!% in .ho!e n'm#er it .a! de!ira#le to #e cla!!edB and to have the !ame
condition .ith them% .a! no mi!er). ;or a! .e m'!t nece!!aril) "eel e3treme grie"% .hen an)
evil happen! to '! .hich the children o" =od have never e3perienced% !o it i! a !ing'lar
con!olation .hen .e $no. that .e !'""er nothing di""erent "rom themB na)% .hen .e $no. that
.e have to !'!tain the !ame )o$e .ith them.
Khen @o# heard "rom hi! "riend!%
AT'rn to the !aint!% can )o' "ind an) li$e to theeOC
@o# 541%J
it .a! the voice o" Satan% #eca'!e he .i!hed to drive him to de!pair. Khen% on the other hand%
the Spirit #) the mo'th o" @ame! de!ign! to rai!e '! 'p to a good hope% he !he.! to '! all the
"oregoing !aint!% .ho a! it .ere !tretch o't their hand to '!% and #) their e3ample enco'rage '!
to 'ndergo and to con>'er a""liction!.
The li"e o" men i! indeed indi!criminatel) !'#?ect to tro'#le! and adver!itie!B #'t @ame! did not
#ring "or.ard an) $ind o" men "or e3ample!% "or it .o'ld have availed nothing to peri!h .ith the
m'ltit'deB #'t he cho!e the prophet!% a "ello.!hip .ith .hom i! #le!!ed. 9othing !o #rea$! '!
do.n and di!hearten! '! a! the "eeling o" mi!er)B it i! there"ore a real con!olation to $no. that
tho!e thing! commonl) deemed evil! are aid! and help! to o'r !alvation. Thi! i!% indeed% .hat i!
"ar "rom #eing 'nder!tood #) the "le!hB )et the "aith"'l o'ght to #e convinced o" thi!% that the)
are happ) .hen #) vario'! tro'#le! the) are proved #) the Lord. To convince '! o" thi!% @ame!
remind! '! to con!ider the end or de!ign o" the a""liction! end'red #) the prophet!B "or a! o'r
o.n evil! .e are .itho't ?'dgment% #eing in"l'enced #) grie"% !orro.% or !ome other immoderate
"eeling!% a! .e !ee nothing 'nder a "ogg) !$) and in the mid!t o" !torm!% and #eing to!!ed here
and there a! it .ere #) a tempe!t% it i! there"ore nece!!ar) "or '! to ca!t o'r e)e! to another
>'arter% .here the !$) i! in a manner !erene and #right. Khen the a""liction! o" the !aint! are
related to '!% there i! no one .ho .ill allo. that the) .ere mi!era#le% #'t% on the contrar)% that
the) .ere happ).
Then @ame! ha! done .ell "or '!B "or he ha! laid #e"ore o'r e)e! a pattern% that .e ma) learn to
loo$ at it .henever .e are tempted to impatience or to de!pair4 and he ta$e! thi! principle a!
granted% that the prophet! .ere #le!!ed in their a""liction!% "or the) co'rageo'!l) !'!tained them.
Since it .a! !o% he concl'de! that the !ame ?'dgment o'ght to #e "ormed o" '! .hen a""licted.
*nd he !a)!% the *ro*hets +ho have s*oken in the name of the LordB #) .hich he intimate! that
the) .ere accepted and approved #) =od. +"% then% it had #een '!e"'l "or them to have #een "ree
"rom mi!erie!% do'#tle!! =od .o'ld have $ept them "ree. -'t it .a! other.i!e. +t hence "ollo.!
that a""liction! are !al'tar) to the "aith"'l. He% there"ore% #id! them to #e ta$en a! an e3ample o"
!'""ering a""liction. -'t patience al!o m'!t #e added% .hich i! a real evidence o" o'r o#edience.
Hence he ha! ?oined them #oth together.
11. %he *atience of Jo". Having !po$en generall) o" the prophet!% he no. re"er! to an e3ample
remar$a#le a#ove other!B "or no one% a! "ar a! .e can learn "rom hi!torie!% ha! ever #een
over.helmed .ith tro'#le! !o hard and !o vario'! a! @o#B and )et he emerged "rom !o deep a
g'l". Kho!oever% then% .ill imitate hi! patience% .ill no do'#t "ind =od:! hand% .hich at length
delivered him% to #e the !ame. Ke !ee "or .hat end hi! hi!tor) ha! #een .ritten. =od !'""ered not
hi! !ervant @o# to !in$% #eca'!e he patientl) end'red hi! a""liction!. Then he .ill di!appoint the
patience o" no one.
+"% ho.ever% it #e a!$ed% Kh) doe! the *po!tle !o m'ch commend the patience o" @o#% a! he had
di!pla)ed man) !ign! o" impatience% #eing carried a.a) #) a ha!t) !piritO To thi! + repl)% that
tho'gh he !ometime! "ailed thro'gh the in"irmit) o" the "le!h% or m'rm'red .ithin him!el"% )et
he ever !'rrendered him!el" to =od% and .a! ever .illing to #e re!trained and r'led #) him.
Tho'gh% then% hi! patience .a! !ome.hat de"icient% it i! )et de!ervedl) commended.
%he end of the Lord( -) the!e .ord! he intimate! that a""liction! o'ght ever to #e e!timated #)
their end. ;or at "ir!t =od !eem! to #e "ar a.a)% and Satan in the meantime revel! in the
con"'!ionB the "le!h !'gge!t! to '! that .e are "or!a$en o" =od and lo!t. Ke o'ght% then% to
e3tend o'r vie. "arther% "or near and aro'nd '! there appear! no light. Moreover% he ha! called it
the end o" the Lord% #eca'!e it i! hi! .or$ to give a pro!pero'! i!!'e to adver!itie!. +" .e do o'r
d't) in #earing evil! o#edientl)% he .ill #) no mean! #e .anting in per"orming hi! part. Hope
direct! '! onl) to the endB =od .ill then !he. him!el" ver) merci"'l% ho. ever rigid and !evere
he ma) !eem to #e .hile a""licting '!.
JAMES :12-13
12 -'t a#ove all thing!% m) #rethren%
!.ear not% neither #) heaven% neither #)
the earth% neither #) an) other oath4 #'t let
)o'r )ea #e )eaB and )o'r na)% na)B le!t )e
12 *nte omnia vero% "ratre! mei% 9e
?'reti!% ne>'e per coel'm% ne>'e per
terram% ne>'e ali'd >'odvi!
?'!?'rand'mB !it a'tem ve!tr'm. ,!t%
"all into condemnation. e!tB 9on% non4 ne in ?'dici'm Gvel%
!im'lationemJ incidati!.
13 +! an) among )o' a""lictedO let him
pra). +! an) merr)O let him !ing p!alm!.
13 *""lgit'r >'i! inter vo!O oret4 hilari
e!t animoO p!allat.
12. But a"ove all things. +t ha! #een a common vice almo!t in all age!% to !.ear lightl) and
incon!ideratel). ;or !o #ad i! o'r nat're that .e do not con!ider .hat an atrocio'! crime it i! to
pro"ane the name o" =od. ;or tho'gh the Lord !trictl) command! '! to reverence hi! name% )et
men devi!e vario'! !'#ter"'ge!% and thin$ that the) can !.ear .ith imp'nit). The) imagine%
then% that there i! no evil% provided the) do not openl) mention the name o" =odB and thi! i! an
old glo!!. So the @e.!% .hen the) !.ore #) heaven or earth% tho'ght that the) did not pro"ane
=od:! name% #eca'!e the) did not mention it. -'t .hile men !ee$ to #e ingenio'! in di!!em#ling
.ith =od% the) del'de them!elve! .ith the mo!t "rivolo'! eva!ion!.
+t .a! a vain e3c'!e o" thi! $ind that Chri!t condemned in
Matthe. 5404. @ame!% no.
!'#!cri#ing to the decree o" hi! ma!ter% command! '! to a#!tain "rom the!e indirect "orm! o"
!.earing4 "or .ho!oever !.ear! in vain and on "rivolo'! occa!ion!% pro"ane! =od:! name%
.hatever "orm he ma) give to hi! .ord!. Then the meaning i!% that it i! not more la."'l to !.ear
#) heaven or #) the earth% than openl) #) the name o" =od. The rea!on i! mentioned #) Chri!t D
#eca'!e the glor) o" =od i! ever).here in!cri#ed% and ever).here !hine! "orth. 9a)% men ta$e
the .ord!% heaven and earth% in their oath!% in no other !en!e and "or no other p'rpo!e% than i"
the) named =od him!el"B "or #) th'! !pea$ing the) onl) de!ignate the Kor$er #) hi! .or$!.
-'t he !a)!% a"ove all thingsB #eca'!e the pro"anation o" =od:! name i! not a !light o""en!e. The
*na#apti!t!% #'ilding on thi! pa!!age% condemn all oath!% #'t the) onl) !he. their ignorance. ;or
@ame! doe! not !pea$ o" oath! in general% nor doe! Chri!t in the pa!!age to .hich + have re"erredB
#'t #oth condemn that eva!ion .hich had #een devi!ed% .hen men too$ the li#ert) to !.ear
.itho't e3pre!!ing the name o" =od% .hich .a! a li#ert) rep'gnant to the prohi#ition o" the la..
*nd thi! i! .hat the .ord! clearl) mean% :either "& heaven, neither "& the earth. ;or% i" the
>'e!tion had #een a! to oath! in them!elve!% to .hat p'rpo!e .ere the!e "orm! mentionedO +t
then appear! evident that #oth #) Chri!t and #) @ame! the p'erile a!t'tene!! o" tho!e i! reproved
.ho ta'ght that the) co'ld !.ear .ith imp'nit)% provided the) adopted !ome circ'ito'!
e3pre!!ion!. That .e ma)% then% 'nder!tand the meaning o" @ame!% .e m'!t 'nder!tand "ir!t the
precept o" the la.% ATho' !halt not ta$e the name o" =od in vain.C +t hence appear! clear% that
there i! a right and la."'l '!e o" =od:! name. 9o.% @ame! condemn! tho!e .ho did not indeed
dare in a direct .a) to pro"ane =od:! name% #'t endeavored to evade the pro"anation .hich the
la. condemn!% #) circ'mloc'tion!.
But let &our &ea "e &ea. He #ring! the #e!t remed) to correct the vice .hich he condemn!% that i!%
that the) .ere ha#it'all) to $eep them!elve! to tr'th and "aith"'lne!! in all their !a)ing!. ;or
.hence i! the .ic$ed ha#it o" !.earing% e3cept that !'ch i! the "al!ehood o" men% that their
.ord! alone are not #elievedO ;or% i" the) o#!erved "aith"'lne!!% a! the) o'ght% in their .ord!%
there .o'ld have #een no nece!!it) o" !o man) !'per"l'o'! oath!. *!% then% the per"id) or levit)
o" men i! the "o'ntain "rom .hich the vice o" !.earing "lo.!% in order to ta$e a.a) the vice%
@ame! teache! '! that the "o'ntain o'ght to #e removedB "or the right .a) o" healing i! to #egin
.ith the ca'!e o" illne!!.
Some copie! have% A Let )o'r .ord Gor !peechJ #e% )ea% )eaB no% no.C The tr'e reading ho.ever%
i! .hat + have given% and i! commonl) receivedB and .hat he mean! + have alread) e3plained%
that i!% that .e o'ght to tell the tr'th% and to #e "aith"'l in o'r .ord!. To the !ame p'rpo!e i!
.hat Pa'l !a)! in
/ Corinthian! 141F% that he .a! not in hi! preaching )ea and na)% #'t
p'r!'ed the !ame co'r!e "rom the #eginning.
Lest &e fall into condemnation. There i! a di""erent reading% to the a""init) o" the .ord!
u%po< kri>sin and u%po>krisin.
+" )o' read% Ainto ?'dgmentC or condemnation% the !en!e .ill
clearl) #e% that to ta$e =od:! name in vain .ill not #e 'np'ni!hed. -'t it i! not 'n!'ita#le to !a)%
Ainto h)pocri!)BC #eca'!e .hen !implicit)% a! it ha! #een alread) !aid% prevail! among '!% the
occa!ion "or !'per"l'o'! oath! i! c't o"". +"% then% "idelit) appear! in all .e !a)% the di!!im'lation%
.hich lead! '! to !.ear ra!hl)% .ill #e removed.
13. 0s an& among &ou afflicted= he mean! that there i! no time in .hich =od doe! not invite '! to
him!el". ;or a""liction! o'ght to !tim'late '! to pra)B pro!perit) !'pplie! '! .ith an occa!ion to
prai!e =od. -'t !'ch i! the perver!ene!! o" men% that the) cannot re?oice .itho't "orgetting =od%
and that .hen a""licted the) are di!heartened and driven to de!pair. Ke o'ght% then% to $eep
.ithin d'e #o'nd!% !o that the ?o)% .hich '!'all) ma$e! '! to "orget =od% ma) ind'ce '! to !et
"orth the goodne!! o" =od% and that o'r !orro. ma) teach '! to pra). ;or he ha! !et the singing
of *salms in oppo!ition to pro"ane and 'n#ridled ?o)B and th'! the) e3pre!! their ?o) .ho are led%
a! the) o'ght to #e% #) pro!perit) to =od.
JAMES :1!-1
1! +! an) !ic$ among )o'O let him call "or
the elder! o" the ch'rchB and let them pra)
over him% anointing him .ith oil in the
name o" the Lord4
1! +n"irmat'r >'i! inter vo!O *dvocet
pre!#)tero! eccle!iae% et orent !'per
e'm% 'ng'ente! oleo in nomine
1 *nd the pra)er o" "aith !hall !ave the
!ic$% and the Lord !hall rai!e him 'pB and
i" he have committed !in!% the) !hall #e
"orgiven him.
1 ,t oratio "idei !erva#it aegrot'm% et
e3cita#it e'm (omin'!B et !i peccata
admi!erit% remittent'r illi.
1!. 0s an& sick among &ou. *! the gi"t o" healing a! )et contin'ed% he direct! the !ic$ to have
reco'r!e to that remed). +t i!% indeed% certain that the) .ere not all healedB #'t the Lord granted
thi! "avor a! o"ten and a! "ar a! he $ne. it .o'ld #e e3pedientB nor i! it pro#a#le that the oil .a!
indi!criminatel) applied% #'t onl) .hen there .a! !ome hope o" re!toration. ;or% together .ith
the there .a! given al!o di!cretion to the mini!ter!% le!t the) !ho'ld #) a#'!e pro"ane the
!)m#ol. The de!ign o" @ame! .a! no other than to commend the grace o" =od .hich the "aith"'l
might then en?o)% le!t the #ene"it o" it !ho'ld #e lo!t thro'gh contempt or neglect.
;or thi! p'rpo!e he ordered the pre!#)ter! to #e !ent "or% #'t the '!e o" the anointing m'!t have
#een con"ined to the o" the Hol) Spirit.
The Papi!t! #oa!t mightil) o" thi! pa!!age% .hen the) !ee$ to pa!! o"" their e3treme 'nction. -'t
ho. di""erent their corr'ption i! "rom the ancient ordinance mentioned #) @ame! + .ill not at
pre!ent 'nderta$e to !he.. Let reader! learn thi! "rom m) +n!tit'te!. + .ill onl) !a) thi!% that thi!
pa!!age i! .ic$edl) and ignorantl) pervertedB .hen e3treme 'nction i! e!ta#li!hed #) it% and i!
called a !acrament% to #e perpet'all) o#!erved in the Ch'rch. + indeed allo. that it .a! '!ed a! a
!acrament #) the di!ciple! o" Chri!t% G"or + cannot agree .ith tho!e .ho thin$ that it .a!
medicineBJ #'t a! the realit) o" thi! !ign contin'ed onl) "or a time in the Ch'rch% the !)m#ol al!o
m'!t have #een onl) "or a time. *nd it i! >'ite evident% that nothing i! more a#!'rd than to call
that a !acrament .hich i! void and doe! not reall) pre!ent to '! that .hich it !igni"ie!. That the
gi"t o" healing .a! temporar)% all are con!trained to allo.% and event! clearl) prove4 then the !ign
o" it o'ght not to #e deemed perpet'al. +t hence "ollo.!% that the) .ho at thi! da) !et anointing
among the !acrament!% are not the tr'e "!% #'t the ape! o" the *po!tle!% e3cept the)
re!tore the e""ect prod'ced #) it% .hich =od ha! ta$en a.a) "rom the .orld "or more than
"o'rteen h'ndred )ear!. So .e have no di!p'te% .hether anointing .a! once a !acramentB #'t
.hether it ha! #een given to #e !o perpet'all). Thi! latter .e den)% #eca'!e it i! evident that the
thing !igni"ied ha! long ago cea!ed.
%he *res"&ters% or elder!% of the church. + incl'de here generall) all tho!e .ho pre!ided over the
Ch'rchB "or pa!tor! .ere not alone called pre!#)ter! or elder!% #'t al!o tho!e .ho .ere cho!en
"rom the people to #e a! it .ere cen!or! to protect di!cipline. ;or ever) Ch'rch had% a! it .ere%
it! o.n !enate% cho!en "rom men o" .eight and o" proved integrit). -'t a! it .a! c'!tomar) to
choo!e e!peciall) tho!e .ho .ere end'ed .ith gi"t! more than ordinar)% he ordered them to !end
"or the elder!% a! #eing tho!e in .hom the and grace o" the Hol) Spirit more partic'larl)
Let them *ra& over him( Thi! c'!tom o" pra)ing over one .a! intended to !he.% that the) !tood
a! it .ere #e"ore =odB "or .hen .e come a! it .ere to the ver) !cene it!el"% .e 'tter pra)er! .ith
more "eelingB and not onl) ,li!ha and Pa'l% #'t Chri!t him!el"% ro'!ed the ardor o" pra)er and
commended the grace o" =od #) th'! pra)ing over per!on!. G
/ <ing! 440/B
@ohn 11441.J
1. -'t it m'!t #e o#!erved% that he connect! a promi!e .ith the pra)er% le!t it !ho'ld #e made
.itho't "aith. ;or he .ho do'#t!% a! one .ho doe! not rightl) call on =od% i! 'n.orth) to o#tain
an)thing% a! .e have !een in the "ir!t chapter. Kho!oever then reall) !ee$! to #e heard% m'!t #e
"'ll) per!'aded that he doe! not pra) in vain.
*! @ame! #ring! #e"ore '! thi! !pecial gi"t% to .hich the e3ternal rite .a! #'t an addition% .e
hence learn% that the oil co'ld not have #een rightl) '!ed .itho't "aith. -'t !ince it appear! that
the Papi!t! have no certaint) a! to their anointing% a! it i! mani"e!t that the) have not the gi"t% it i!
evident that their anointing i! !p'rio'!.
'nd if he have committed sins. Thi! i! not added onl) "or the !a$e o" ampli")ing% a! tho'gh he
had !aid% that =od .o'ld give !omething more to the !ic$ than health o" #od)B #'t #eca'!e
di!ea!e! .ere ver) o"ten in"licted on acco'nt o" !in!B and #) !pea$ing o" their remi!!ion he
intimate! that the ca'!e o" the evil .o'ld #e removed. *nd .e indeed !ee that (avid% .hen
a""licted .ith di!ea!e and !ee$ing relie"% .a! .holl) engaged in !ee$ing the pardon o" hi! !in!.
Kh) did he do thi!% e3cept that .hile he ac$no.ledged the e""ect o" hi! "a'lt! in hi! p'ni!hment%
he deemed that there .a! no other remed)% #'t that the Lord !ho'ld cea!e to imp'te to him hi!
The prophet! are "'ll o" thi! doctrine% that men are relieved "rom their evil! .hen the) are loo!ed
"rom the g'ilt o" their ini>'itie!. Let '! then $no. that it i! the onl) "it remed) "or o'r di!ea!e!
and other calamitie!% .hen .e care"'ll) e3amine o'r!elve!% #eing !olicito'! to #e reconciled to
=od% and to o#tain the pardon o" o'r !in!.
JAMES :1"-1%
1" Con"e!! )o'r "a'lt! one to another% and
pra) one "or another% that )e ma) #e
healed. The e""ect'al "ervent pra)er o" a
righteo'! man availeth m'ch.
1" Con"itemini invicem peccata
ve!tra% et orate invicem alii pro alii!% 't
!alvemini4 m'lt'm valet precatio ?'!ti
1$ ,lia! .a! a man !'#?ect to li$e pa!!ion!
a! .e are% and he pra)ed earne!tl) that it
might not rain4 and it rained not on the
earth #) the !pace o" three )ear! and !i3
1$ ,lia! homo erat pa!!ioni#'!
!imiliter o#no3i'! 't no!B et
precatione precat'! e!t% ne pl'eretB et
non pl'it !'per terram anno! tre! et
!e3 men!e!.
1% *nd he pra)ed again% and the heaven
gave rain% and the earth #ro'ght "orth her
1% ,t r'r!'m oravit% et coel'm dedit
pl'viam% et terra prot'lit "r'ct'm
1". $onfess &our faults one to another. +n !ome copie! the illative particle i! given% nor i! it
'n!'ita#leB "or tho'gh .hen not e3pre!!ed% it m'!t #e 'nder!tood. He had !aid% that !in! .ere
remitted to the !ic$ over .hom the elder! pra)ed4 he no. remind! them ho. '!e"'l it i! to
di!cover o'r !in! to o'r #rethren% even that .e ma) o#tain the pardon o" them #) their
Thi! pa!!age% + $no.% i! e3plained #) man) a! re"erring to the reconciling o" o""en!e!B "or the)
.ho .i!h to ret'rn to "avor m'!t nece!!aril) $no. "ir!t their o.n "a'lt! and con"e!! them. ;or
hence it come!% that hatred! ta$e root% )ea% and increa!e and #ecome irreconcila#le% #eca'!e
ever) one pernicio'!l) de"end! hi! o.n ca'!e. Man) there"ore thin$ that @ame! point! o't here
the .a) o" #rotherl) reconciliation% that i!% #) m't'al ac$no.ledgment o" !in!. -'t a! it ha! #een
!aid% hi! o#?ect .a! di""erentB "or he connect! m't'al pra)er .ith m't'al con"e!!ionB #) .hich he
intimate! that con"e!!ion avail! "or thi! end% that .e ma) #e helped a! to =od #) the pra)er! o"
o'r #rethrenB "or the) .ho $no. o'r nece!!itie!% are !tim'lated to pra) that the) ma) a!!i!t '!B
#'t the) to .hom o'r di!ea!e! are 'n$no.n are more tard) to #ring '! help.
Konder"'l% indeed% i! the "oll) or the in!incerit) o" the Papi!t!% .ho !trive to #'ild their
.hi!pering con"e!!ion on thi! pa!!age. ;or it .o'ld #e ea!) to in"er "rom the .ord! o" @ame!%
that the prie!t! alone o'ght to con"e!!. ;or !ince a m't'al% or to !pea$ more plainl)% a reciprocal
con"e!!ion i! demanded here% no other! are #idden to con"e!! their o.n !in!% #'t tho!e .ho in
their t'rn are "it to hear the con"e!!ion o" other!B #'t thi! the prie!t! claim "or them!elve! alone.
Then con"e!!ion i! re>'ired o" them alone. -'t !ince their p'erilitie! do not de!erve a re"'tation%
let the tr'e and gen'ine e3planation alread) given #e deemed !'""icient #) '!.
;or the .ord! clearl) mean% that con"e!!ion i! re>'ired "or no other end% #'t that tho!e .ho $no.
o'r evil! ma) #e more !olicito'! to #ring '! help.
'vaileth much( That no one ma) thin$ that thi! i! done .itho't "r'it% that i!% .hen other! pra) "or
'!% he e3pre!!l) mention! the #ene"it and the e""ect o" pra)er. -'t he name! e3pre!!l) the *ra&er
of a righteous or ?'!t man# #eca'!e =od doe! not hear the 'ngodl)B nor i! acce!! to =od open%
e3cept thro'gh a good con!cience4 not that o'r pra)er! are "o'nded on o'r o.n .orthine!!% #'t
#eca'!e the heart m'!t #e clean!ed #) "aith #e"ore .e can pre!ent o'r!elve! #e"ore =od. Then
@ame! te!ti"ie! that the righteo'! or the "aith"'l pra) "or '! #ene"iciall) and not .itho't "r'it.
-'t .hat doe! he mean #) adding effectual or e""icacio'!O ;or thi! !eem! !'per"l'o'!B "or i" the
pra)er avail! m'ch% it i! do'#tle!! e""ect'al. The ancient interpreter ha! rendered it Aa!!id'o'!BC
#'t thi! i! too "orced. ;or @ame! '!e! the =ree$ participle% ejneroume>nh% .hich mean!
A.or$ing.C *nd the !entence ma) #e th'! e3plained% A+t avail! m'ch% #eca'!e it i! e""ect'al.C

*! it i! an arg'ment dra.n "rom thi! principle% that =od .ill not allo. the pra)er! o" the "aith"'l
to #e void or '!ele!!% he doe! not there"ore 'n?'!tl) concl'de that it avail! m'ch. -'t + .o'ld
rather con"ine it to the pre!ent ca!e4 "or o'r pra)er! ma) properl) #e !aid to #e ejnergou>menai%
.or$ing% .hen !ome nece!!it) meet! '! .hich e3cite! in '! earne!t pra)er. Ke pra) dail) "or the
.hole Ch'rch% that =od ma) pardon it! !in!B #'t then onl) i! o'r pra)er reall) in earne!t% .hen
.e go "orth to !'ccor tho!e .ho are in tro'#le. -'t !'ch e""icac) cannot #e in the pra)er! o" o'r
#rethren% e3cept the) $no. that .e are in di""ic'ltie!. Hence the rea!on given i! not general% #'t
m'!t #e !peciall) re"erred to the "ormer !entence.
1$. !lias +as a man. There are inn'mera#le in!tance! in Script're o" .hat he meant to proveB #'t
he cho!e one that i! remar$a#le a#ove all other!B "or it .a! a great thing that =od !ho'ld ma$e
heaven in a manner !'#?ect to the pra)er! o" ,lia!% !o a! to o#e) hi! .i!he!. ,lia! $ept heaven
!h't #) hi! pra)er! "or three )ear! and a hal"B he again opened it% !o that it po'red do.n
a#'ndance o" rain. Hence appeared the .onder"'l o" pra)er. Kell $no.n i! thi!
remar$a#le hi!tor)% and i! "o'nd in 1 <ing! 1Q and 1 <ing! 1F. *nd tho'gh it i! not there
e3pre!!l) !aid% that ,lia! pra)ed "or dro'ght% it ma) )et #e ea!il) gathered% and that the rain al!o
.a! given to hi! pra)er!.
-'t .e m'!t notice the application o" the e3ample. @ame! doe! not !a) that dro'ght o'ght to #e
!o'ght "rom the Lord% #eca'!e ,lia! o#tained itB "or .e ma) #) incon!iderate 5eal
pre!'mpt'o'!l) and "ooli!hl) imitate the Prophet. Ke m'!t then o#!erve the r'le o" pra)er% !o
that it ma) #e #) "aith. He% there"ore% th'! accommodate! thi! e3ample% D that i" ,lia! .a!
heard% !o al!o .e !hall #e heard .hen .e rightl) pra). ;or a! the command to pra) i! common%
and a! the promi!e i! common% it "ollo.! that the e""ect al!o .ill #e common.
Le!t an) one !ho'ld o#?ect and !a)% that .e are "ar di!tant "rom the dignit) o" ,lia!% he place!
him in o'r o.n ran$% #) !a)ing% that he .a! a mortal man and su",ect to the same *assions .ith
o'r!elve!. ;or .e pro"it le!! #) the e3ample! o" !aint!% #eca'!e .e imagine them to have #een
hal" god! or heroe!% .ho had pec'liar interco'r!e .ith =odB !o that #eca'!e the) .ere heard% .e
receive no con"idence. +n order to !ha$e o"" thi! heathen and pro"ane !'per!tition% @ame! remind!
'! that the !aint! o'ght to #e con!idered a! having the in"irmit) o" the "le!hB !o that .e ma) learn
to a!cri#e .hat the) o#tained "rom the Lord% not to their merit!% #'t to the e""icac) o" pra)er.
+t hence appear! ho. childi!h the Papi!t! are% .ho teach men to "lee to the protection o" !aint!%
#eca'!e the) had #een heard #) the Lord. ;or th'! the) rea!on% A-eca'!e he o#tained .hat he
a!$ed a! long a! he lived in the .orld% he .ill #e no. a"ter death o'r #e!t patron.C Thi! !ort o"
!'#tle re"inement .a! altogether 'n$no.n to the Hol) Spirit. ;or @ame! on the contrar) arg'e!%
that a! their pra)er! availed !o m'ch% !o .e o'ght in li$e manner to pra) at thi! da) according to
their e3ample% and that .e !hall not do !o in vain.
JAMES :1#-2&
1# -rethren% i" an) o" )o' do err "rom the
tr'th% and one convert himB
1# ;ratre! mei% !i >'i! inter vo!
erraverit a veritate% et converterit
>'i!piam e'mB
2& Let him $no.% that he .hich converteth
the !inner "rom the error o" hi! .a) !hall
!ave a !o'l "rom death% and !hall hide a
m'ltit'de o" !in!.
2& Cogno!cat >'od >'i converterit
peccatorem a# errore viae !'ae%
!erva#it animam a morte% et
m'ltit'dinem operiet peccator'm.
2&. Let him kno+. + do'#t .hether thi! o'ght rather to have #een .ritten% giv>skete% A$no.
)e.C -oth .a)! the meaning ho.ever i! the !ame. ;or @ame! recommend! to '! the correction o"
o'r #rethren "rom the e""ect prod'ced that .e ma) more a!!id'o'!l) attend to thi! d't). 9othing
i! #etter or more de!ira#le than to deliver a !o'l "rom eternal deathB and thi! i! .hat he doe! .ho
re!tore! an erring #rother to the right .a)4 there"ore a .or$ !o e3cellent o'ght #) no mean! to #e
neglected. To give "ood to the h'ngr)% and drin$ to the thir!t)% .e !ee ho. m'ch Chri!t val'e!
!'ch act!B #'t the !alvation o" the !o'l i! e!teemed #) him m'ch more precio'! than the li"e o"
the #od). Ke m'!t there"ore ta$e heed le!t !o'l! peri!h thro'gh o'r !loth% .ho!e !alvation =od
p't! in a manner in o'r hand!. 9ot that .e can #e!to. !alvation on themB #'t that =od #) o'r
mini!tr) deliver! and !ave! tho!e .ho !eem other.i!e to #e nigh de!tr'ction.
Some copie! have his soul% .hich ma$e! no change in the !en!e. +% ho.ever% pre"er the other
reading% "or it ha! more "orce in it.
'nd shall hide a multitude of sins. He ma$e! an all'!ion to a !a)ing o" Solomon% rather than a
>'otation. G
Prover#! 1041/.J Solomon !a)! that love cover! !in!% a! hatred proclaim! them.
;or the) .ho hate #'rn .ith the de!ire o" m't'al !landerB #'t the) .ho love are di!po!ed to
e3erci!e m't'al "or#earance. Love% then% #'rie! !in! a! to men. @ame! teache! here !omething
higher% that i!% that !in! are #lotted o't #e"ore =odB a! tho'gh he had !aid% Solomon ha! declared
thi! a! the "r'it o" love% that it cover! !in!B #'t there i! no #etter or more e3cellent .a) o"
covering them than .hen the) are .holl) a#oli!hed #e"ore =od. *nd thi! i! done .hen the
!inner i! #ro'ght #) o'r admonition to the right .a)4 .e o'ght then e!peciall) and more
care"'ll) to attend to thi! d't).
TH, *8=MM,9T
The do'#t! re!pecting thi! ,pi!tle mentioned #) ,'!e#i'!% o'ght not to $eep '! "rom reading it.
;or i" the do'#t! re!ted on the a'thorit) o" men% .ho!e name! he doe! not give% .e o'ght to pa)
no more regard to it than to that o" 'n$no.n men. *nd he a"ter.ard! add!% that it .a!
ever).here received .itho't an) di!p'te. Khat @erome .rite! in"l'ence! me !ome.hat more%
that !ome% ind'ced #) a di""erence in the !t)le% did not thin$ that Peter .a! the a'thor. ;or
tho'gh !ome a""init) ma) #e traced% )et + con"e!! that there i! that mani"e!t di""erence .hich
di!ting'i!he! di""erent .riter!. There are al!o other pro#a#le con?ect're! #) .hich .e ma)
concl'de that it .a! .ritten #) another rather than #) Peter. *t the !ame time% according to the
con!ent o" all% it ha! nothing 'n.orth) o" Peter% a! it !he.! ever).here the and the grace
o" an apo!tolic !pirit. +" it #e received a! canonical% .e m'!t allo. Peter to #e the a'thor% !ince it
ha! hi! name in!cri#ed% and he al!o te!ti"ie! that he had lived .ith Chri!t4 and it .o'ld have #een
a "iction 'n.orth) o" a mini!ter o" Chri!t% to have per!onated another individ'al. So then +
concl'de% that i" the ,pi!tle #e deemed .orth) o" credit% it m'!t have proceeded "rom PeterB not
that he him!el" .rote it% #'t that !ome one o" hi! di!ciple! !et "orth in .riting% #) hi! command%
tho!e thing! .hich the nece!!it) o" the time! re>'ired. ;or it i! pro#a#le that he .a! no. in
e3treme old age% "or he !a)!% that he .a! near hi! end. *nd it ma) have #een that at the re>'e!t o"
the godl)% he allo.ed thi! te!timon) o" hi! mind to #e recorded !hortl) #e"ore hi! death% #eca'!e
it might have !ome.hat availed% .hen he .a! dead% to !'pport the good% and to repre!! the
.ic$ed. (o'#tle!!% a! in ever) part o" the ,pi!tle the ma?e!t) o" the Spirit o" Chri!t appear!% to
rep'diate it i! .hat + dread% tho'gh + do not here recogni5e the lang'age o" Peter. -'t !ince it i!
not >'ite evident a! to the a'thor% + !hall allo. m)!el" the li#ert) o" '!ing the .ord Peter or
*po!tle indi!criminatel).
+ !hall no. come to the arg'ment% .hich ma) #e #rie"l) !tated.
The design i! to !he.% that tho!e .ho have once pro"e!!ed the tr'e "aith o" Chri!t% o'ght to
re!pond to their calling to the la!t. *"ter having then e3tolled% in high term!% the grace o" =od% he
recommend! to them holine!! o" li"e% #eca'!e =od '!'all) p'ni!he! in h)pocrite! a "al!e
pro"e!!ion o" hi! name% .ith dread"'l #lindne!!% and on the other hand he increa!e! hi! gi"t! to
tho!e .ho tr'l) and "rom the heart em#race the doctrine o" religion. He% there"ore% e3hort! them
to prove their calling #) a hol) li"e. *nd% to give a greater .eight to hi! admonition!% he !a)! that
he i! alread) near hi! end% and at the !ame time% e3c'!e! him!el" that he !o o"ten repeated the
!ame thing!% hi! o#?ect #eing that the) .ho !ho'ld remain alive on the earth a"ter hi! death%
might have .hat he% .hen alive% .rote% more deepl) "i3ed in their mind!.
*nd a! the "o'ndation o" tr'e religion i! the certaint) or the tr'th o" the go!pel% he !he.!% "ir!t%
ho. ind'#ita#le i! it! tr'th #) thi! "act%that he him!el" had #een an e)e.itne!! o" all thing!
.hich it contain!% and e!peciall) that he had heard Chri!t proclaimed "rom heaven to #e the Son
o" =odB and% in the !econd place% it .a! =odX! .ill that it !ho'ld #e #orne .itne!! to% and
approved #) the oracle! o" the prophet!.
He% ho.ever% predict!% at the !ame time% that danger .a! approaching "rom "al!e teacher!% .ho
.o'ld !pread impio'! invention!% a! .ell a! "rom the de!pi!er! o" =od% .ho .o'ld moc$ all
religionB and he did thi!% that the he !eem! to have !po$en th'! de!ignedl)% le!t the) e3pected that
the co'r!e o" tr'th in the $ingdom 7" Chri!t .o'ld #e tran>'il and peacea#le% and "ree "rom all
contention. He a"ter.ard!% a! on a ta#let% de!cri#e! the character and manner! o" tho!e .ho
.o'ld% #) their corr'ption!% poll'te Chri!tianit). -'t the de!cription .hich he pre!ent!%
e!peciall) !'it! the pre!ent age% a! it .ill #e more evident #) a compari!on. ;or he e!peciall)
dra.! hi! pen again!t L'cianic men% .ho a#andon them!elve! to ever) .ic$edne!!% and ta$e a
pro"ane licen!e to !he. contempt to =od% )ea% and treat .ith ridic'le the hope o" a #etter li"eB
and at thi! da) .e !ee that the .orld i! ever).here "'ll o" !'ch ra##le.
He "'rther e3hort! the "aith"'l% not onl) to loo$ al.a)! "or the coming o" Chri!t .ith !'!pended
and e3pectant mind!% #'t al!o to regard that da) a! pre!ent #e"ore their e)e!% and in the meantime
to $eep them!elve! 'npoll'ted "or the Lord4 in .hich doctrine he ma$e! Pa'l a! hi! a!!ociate and
approverB and to de"end hi! .riting! "rom the cal'mnie! o" the 'ngodl)% he !everel) reprove! all
tho!e .ho pervert them.
CH*PT,8 1
2 PETER 1:1-!
1. Simon Peter% a !ervant and an apo!tle o"
@e!'! Chri!t% to them that have o#tained
li$e precio'! "aith .ith '!% thro'gh the
righteo'!ne!! o" =od and o'r Savior @e!'!
Chri!t 4
1. Simeon Petr'!% et !erv'! et
apo!tol'! @e!' Chri!ti% ii! >'id ae>'V
pretio!am no#i!c'm !ortiti !'nt "idem%
per ?'!titiam (ei no!tri et Servatori!
@e!' Chri!tY%
!. Khere#) are given 'nto '! e3ceeding
great and precio'! promi!e!B that #) the!e
)e might #e parta$er! o" the divine nat're%
having e!caped the corr'ption that i! in the
.orld thro'gh l'!t.
!. R'i#'! et ma3imae pretio!ae
promi!!ione! no#i! donatae !'nt% 't
per Haec "iereti! divinae con!orte!
nat'rae% '#i "'geriti! corr'ptionem
>'ae in m'ndo e!t in conc'pi!centia.
1. Simon )eter( Pra)er ta$e! the "ir!t place at the #eginning o" thi! ,pi!tle% and then "ollo.!
than$!giving% #) .hich he e3cite! the @e.! to gratit'de% le!t the) !ho'ld "orget .hat great
#ene"it! the) had alread) received "rom =odX! hand. Kh) he called him!el" the servant and an
a*ostle o" @e!'! Chri!t% .e have el! !tated% even #eca'!e no one i! to #e heard in the
Ch'rch% e3cept he !pea$! a! "rom the mo'th o" Chri!t. -'t the .ord servant ha! a more general
meaning% #eca'!e it incl'de! all the mini!ter! o" Chri!t% .ho !'!tain an) p'#lic o""ice in the
Ch'rch. There .a! in the apo!tle!hip a higher ran$ o" honor. He then intimate!% that he .a! not
one "rom the ran$ o" mini!ter!% #'t .a! made #) the Lord an apo!tle% and there"ore !'perior to
Like *recious faith( Thi! i! a commendation o" the grace .hich =od had indi!criminatel) !he.ed
to all hi! elect peopleB "or it .a! no common gi"t% that the) had all #een called to one and the
!ame "aith% !ince "aith i! the !pecial and chie" good o" man. -'t he call! it like or e>'all)
*recious, not that it i! e>'al in all% #'t #eca'!e all po!!e!! #) "aith the !ame Chri!t .ith hi!
righteo'!ne!!% and the !ame !alvation. Tho'gh then the mea!'re i! di""erent% that doe! not
prevent the $no.ledge o" =od "rom #eing common to all% and the "r'it .hich proceed! "rom it.
Th'! .e have a real "ello.!hip o" "aith .ith Peter and the *po!tle!.
He add!% through the righteousness of God, in order that the) might $no. that the) did not
o#tain "aith thro'gh their o.n e""ort! or !trength% #'t thro'gh =odX! "avor alone. ;or the!e thing!
!tand oppo!ed the one to the other% the righteo'!ne!! o" =od Gin the !en!e in .hich it i! ta$en
hereJ and the merit o" man. ;or the e""icient ca'!e o" "aith i! called =odX! righteo'!ne!! "or thi!
rea!on% #eca'!e no one i! capa#le o" con"erring it on him!el". So the righteo'!ne!! that i! to #e
'nder!tood% i! not that .hich remain! in =od% #'t that .hich he impart! to men% a! in
8oman! 04//. -e!ide!% he a!cri#e! thi! righteo'!ne!! in common to =od and to Chri!t%
#eca'!e it "lo.! "rom =od% and thro'gh Chri!t it "lo.! do.n to '!.
2. Grace and *eace( -) grace i! de!ignated =od:! paternal "avor to.ard! '!. Ke have indeed
#een once "or all reconciled to =od #) the death o" Chri!t% and #) "aith .e come to the
po!!e!!ion o" thi! !o great a #ene"itB #'t a! .e perceive the grace o" =od according to the
mea!'re o" o'r "aith% it i! !aid to increa!e according to o'r perception .hen it #ecome! more
"'ll) $no.n to '!.
)eace i! addedB "or a! the #eginning o" o'r happine!! i! .hen =od receive! '! into "avorB !o the
more he con"irm! hi! love in o'r heart!% the richer #le!!ing he con"er! on '!% !o that .e #ecome
happ) and pro!pero'! in all thing!%
%hrough the kno+ledge, literall)% in the kno+ledgeB #'t the prepo!ition ejn o"ten mean!
Athro'ghC or A.ith4C )et #oth !en!e! ma) !'it the conte3t. + am% ho.ever% more di!po!ed to adopt
the "ormer. ;or the more an) one advance! in the $no.ledge o" =od% ever) $ind o" #le!!ing
increa!e! al!o e>'all) .ith the !en!e o" divine love. Kho!oever then a!pire! to the "'ll "r'ition o"
the #le!!ed li"e .hich i! mentioned #) Peter% m'!t remem#er to o#!erve the right .a). He
connect! together at the !ame time the $no.ledge o" =od and o" Chri!tB #eca'!e =od cannot #e
rightl) $no.n e3cept in Chri!t% according to that !a)ing%
A9o one $no.eth the ;ather #'t the Son% and he to .hom
the Son .ill reveal him.C G
Matthe. 114/QJ
3. 'ccording as his divine *o+er( He re"er! to the in"inite goodne!! o" =od .hich the) had
%alread) e3perienced% that the) might more "'ll) 'nder!tand it "or the "'t're. ;or he contin'e! the
co'r!e o" hi! #enevolence perpet'all) to the end% e3cept .hen .e o'r!elve! #rea$ it o"" #) o'r
'n#elie"B "or he po!!e!!e! e3ha'!tle!! and an e>'al .ill to do good. Hence the *po!tle
?'!tl) animate! the "aith"'l to entertain good hope #) the con!ideration o" the "ormer #ene"it! o"
;or the !ame p'rpo!e i! the ampli"ication .hich he ma$e!B "or he might have !po$en
more !impl)% A*! he ha! "reel) given '! all thing!.C -'t #) mentioning Adivine he ri!e!
higher% that i!% that =od ha! copio'!l) 'n"olded the immen!e re!o'rce! o" hi! -'t the
latter cla'!e ma) #e re"erred to Chri!t a! .ell a! to the ;ather% #'t #oth are !'ita#le. +t ma)
ho.ever #e more "itl) applied to Chri!t% a! tho'gh he had !aid% that the grace .hich i! conve)ed
to '! #) him% i! an evidence o" divinit)% #eca'!e it co'ld not have done #) h'manit).
%hat pertain to life and godliness% or% a! to li"e and godline!!. Some thin$ that the pre!ent li"e i!
meant here% a! godline!! "ollo.! a! the more e3cellent gi"tB a! tho'gh #) tho!e t.o .ord! Peter
intended to prove ho. #ene"icent and #o'nti"'l =od i! to.ard! the "aith"'l% that he #ro'ght them
to light% that he !'pplie! them .ith all thing! nece!!ar) "or the pre!ervation o" an earthl) li"e% and
that he ha! al!o rene.ed them to a !pirit'al li"e #) adorning them .ith godline!!. -'t thi!
di!tinction i! "oreign to the mind o" Peter% "or a! !oon a! he mentioned li"e% he immediatel) added
godline!!% .hich i! a! it .ere it! !o'lB "or =od then tr'l) give! '! li"e% .hen he rene.! '! 'nto
the o#edience o" righteo'!ne!!. So Peter doe! not !pea$ here o" the nat'ral gi"t! o" =od% #'t onl)
mention! tho!e thing! .hich he con"er! pec'liarl) on hi! o.n elect a#ove the common order o"
That .e are #orn men% that Ke are end'ed .ith rea!on. and $no.ledge% that o'r li"e i! !'pplied
.ith nece!!ar) !'pport% all thi! i! indeed "rom =od. *! ho.ever men% #eing perverted in their
mind! and 'ngrate"'l% do not regard the!e vario'! thing!% .hich are called the gi"t! o" nat're%
among =odX! #ene"it!% the common condition o" h'man li"e i! not here re"erred to% #'t the
pec'liar endo.ment! o" the ne. and Spirit'al li"e% .hich derive their origin "rom the $ingdom o"
Chri!t. -'t !ince ever)thing nece!!ar) "or godline!! and !alvation i! to #e deemed among the
!'pernat'ral gi"t! o" =od% let men learn to arrogate nothing to them!elve!% #'t h'm#l) a!$ o"
=od .hatever the) !ee the) are .anting in% and to a!cri#e to him .hatever good the) ma) have.
;or Peter here% #) attri#'ting the .hole o" godline!!% and all help! to !alvation% to the divine o" Chri!t% ta$e! them a.a) "rom the common nat're o" men% !o that he leave! to '! not
even the lea!t particle o" an) virt'e or merit.
%hrough the kno+ledge of him. He no. de!cri#e! the manner in .hich =od ma$e! '! parta$er!
o" !o great #le!!ing!% even #) ma$ing him!el" $no.n to '! #) the go!pel. ;or the $no.ledge o"
=od i! the #eginning o" li"e and the "ir!t entrance into godline!!. +n !hort% !pirit'al gi"t! cannot
#e given "or !alvation% 'ntil% #eing ill'minated #) the doctrine o" the go!pel% .e are led to $no.
=od. -'t he ma$e! =od the a'thor o" thi! $no.ledge% #eca'!e .e never go to him e3cept .hen
called. Hence the e""ect'al ca'!e o" "aith i! not the per!picacit) o" o'r mind% #'t the calling o"
=od. *nd he !pea$! not o" the o't.ard calling onl)% .hich i! in it!el" ine""ect'alB #'t o" the
in.ard calling% e""ected #) the hidden o" the Spirit .hen =od not onl) !o'nd! in o'r ear!
#) the voice o" man% #'t dra.! in.ardl) o'r heart! to him!el" #) hi! o.n Spirit.
%o glor& and virtue, or% #) hi! o.n glor) and Some copie! have ijdi>a do>$h"% A#) hi!
o.n glor)%& and it i! !o rendered #) the old interpreterB and thi! reading + pre"er% #eca'!e the
!entence !eem! th'! to "lo. #etter ;or it .a! PeterX! o#?ect e3pre!!l) to a!cri#e the .hole prai!e
o" o'r !alvation to =od% !o that .e ma) $no. that .e o.e ever) thing to him. *nd thi! i! more
clearl) e3pre!!ed #) the!e .ord!% D that he ha! called '! "& his o+n glor& and *o+er. Ho.ever%
the other reading% tho'gh more o#!c're% tend! to the !ame thingB "or he teache! '!% that .e are
covered .ith !hame% and are .holl) vicio'!% 'ntil =od clothe! '! .ith glor) and adorn! '! .ith
virt'e. He "'rther intimate!% that the e""ect o" calling in the elect% i! to re!tore to them the glorio'!
image o" =od% and to rene. them in holine!! and righteo'!ne!!.
!. Where"& are given to us( +t i! do'#t"'l .hether he re"er! onl) to glor) and or to the
preceding thing! al!o. The .hole di""ic'lt) ari!e! "rom thi!% D that .hat i! here !aid i! not
!'ita#le to the glor) and virt'e .hich =od con"er! on '!B #'t i" .e read% A#) hi! o.n glor) and there .ill #e no am#ig'it) nor perple3it). ;or .hat thing! have #een promi!ed to '! #)
=od% o'ght to #e properl) and ?'!tl) deemed to #e the e""ect! o" hi! and glor).
*t the !ame time the copie! var) here al!oB "or !ome have di j o{n% Aon acco'nt o" .homBC !o the
re"erence ma) #e to Chri!t. Khich!oever o" the t.o reading! )o' choo!e% !till the meaning .ill
#e% that "ir!t the promi!e! o" =od o'ght to #e mo!t highl) val'edB and% !econdl)% that the) are
grat'ito'!% #eca'!e the) are o""ered to '! a! gi"t!. *nd he then !he.! the e3cellenc) o" the
promi!e!% that the) ma$e '! parta$er! o" the divine nat're% than .hich nothing can #e conceived
;or .e m'!t con!ider "rom .hence it i! that =od rai!e! '! 'p to !'ch a height o" honor. Ke $no.
ho. a#?ect i! the condition o" o'r nat'reB that =od% then% !ho'ld ma$e him!el" o'r!% !o that all
hi! thing! !ho'ld in a manner #ecome o'r thing!% the greatne!! o" hi! grace cannot #e !'""icientl)
conceived #) o'r mind!. There"ore thi! con!ideration alone o'ght to #e a#'ndantl) !'""icient to
ma$e '! to reno'nce the .orld and to carr) '! alo"t to heaven. Let '! then mar$% that the end o"
the go!pel i!% to render '! event'all) con"orma#le to =od% and% i" .e ma) !o !pea$% to dei") '!.
-'t the .ord nature i! not here e!!ence #'t >'alit). The Manichean! "ormerl) dreamt that .e are
a part o" =od% and that %a"ter having r'n the race o" li"e .e !hall at length revert to o'r original.
There are al!o at thi! da) "anatic! .ho imagine that .e th'! pa!! over into the nat're o" =od% !o
that hi! !.allo.! 'p o'r nat're. Th'! the) e3plain .hat Pa'l !a)!% that =od .ill #e all in all
1 Corinthian! 154/F%J and in the !ame !en!e the) ta$e thi! pa!!age. -'t !'ch a deliri'm a!
thi! never entered the mind! o" the hol) *po!tle!B the) onl) intended to !a) that .hen dive!ted o"
all the vice! o" the "le!h% .e !hall #e parta$er! o" divine and #le!!ed immortalit) and glor)% !o a!
to #e a! it .ere one .ith =od a! "ar a! o'r capacitie! .ill allo..
Thi! doctrine .a! not altogether 'n$no.n to Plato% .ho ever).here de"ine! the chie" good o"
man to #e an entire con"ormit) to =odB #'t a! he .a! involved in the mi!t! o" error!% he
a"ter.ard! glided o""X to hi! o.n invention!. -'t .e% di!regarding empt) !pec'lation!% o'ght to
#e !ati!"ied .ith thi! one thing%that the image o" =od in holine!! and righteo'!ne!! i! re!tored
to '! "or thi! end% that .e ma) at length #e parta$er! o" eternal li"e and glor) a! "ar a! it .ill #e
nece!!ar) "or o'r complete "elicit).
Having esca*ed( Ke have alread) e3plained that the de!ign o" the *po!tle .a!% to !et #e"ore '!
the dignit) o" the glor) o" heaven% to .hich =od invite! '!% and th'! to dra. '! a.a) "rom the
vanit) o" thi! .orld. Moreover% he !et! the corr'ption o" the .orld in oppo!ition to the divine
nat'reB #'t he !he.! that thi! corr'ption i! not in the element! .hich !'rro'nd '!% #'t in o'r
heart% #eca'!e there vicio'! and depraved a""ection! prevail% the "o'ntain and root o" .hich he
point! o't #) the .ord lust( Corr'ption% then% i! th'! placed in the .orld% that .e ma) $no. that
the .orld i! in '!.
2 PETER 1:-#
. *nd #e!ide! thi!% giving all diligence%
add to )o'r "aith% virt'eB and to virt'e%
. *t>'e in hoc ip!'m omne !t'di'm
applicante!% !'#mini!trate in "ide ve!tra
virt'tem% in virt'te a'tem !cientiamB
#. -'t he that lac$eth the!e thing! i!
#lind% and cannot !ee a"ar o""% and hath
"orgotten that he .a! p'rged "rom hi!
old !in!.
#. C'i enim Haec non ad!'nt% caec'!
e!t% man' palpan!% p'rgationi! o#lit'!
veter'm delictor'm.
. 'nd "esides this( *! it i! a .or$ ard'o'! and o" immen!e la#or% to p't o"" the corr'ption .hich
i! in '!% he #id! '! to !trive and ma$e ever) e""ort "or thi! p'rpo!e. He intimate! that no place i!
to #e given in thi! ca!e to !loth% and that .e o'ght to o#e) =od calling '!% not !lo.l) or
carele!!l)% #'t that there i! need o" alacrit)B a! tho'gh he had !aid% AP't "orth ever) e""ort% and
ma$e )o'r e3ertion! mani"e!t to all.C D ;or thi! i! .hat the participle he '!e! import!.
'dd to &our faith virtue, or% S'ppl) to )o'r "aith virt'e. He !he.! "or .hat p'rpo!e the "aith"'l
.ere to !trive% that i!% that the) might have "aith adorned .ith good moral!% .i!dom% patience%
and love. Then he intimate! that "aith o'ght not to #e na$ed or empt)% #'t that the!e are it!
in!epara#le companion!. To !'ppl) to "aith% i! to add to "aith. There i! not here% ho.ever%
properl) a gradation a! to the !en!e% tho'gh it appear! a! to the .ord!B "or love doe! not in order
"ollo. patience% nor doe! it proceed "rom it. There"ore the pa!!age i! to #e th'! !impl) e3plained%
AStrive that virt'e% pr'dence% temperance% and the thing! .hich "ollo.% ma) #e added to )o'r
+ ta$e virtue to mean a li"e hone!t and rightl) "ormedB "or it i! not here ejne>rgeia% energ) or
co'rage% #'t ajreth<% virt'e% moral goodne!!. <no.ledge i! .hat i! nece!!ar) "or acting
pr'dentl)B "or a"ter having p't do.n a general term% he mention! !ome o" the principal
endo.ment! o" a Chri!tian. Brotherl&9kindness, filadelfi>a% i! m't'al a""ection among the
children o" =od. Love e3tend! .ider% #eca'!e it em#race! all man$ind.
+t ma)% ho.ever% #e here a!$ed% Khether Peter% #) a!!igning to '! the .or$ o" !'ppl)ing or
adding virt'e% th'! "ar e3tolled the !trength and o" "ree.illO The) .ho !ee$ to e!ta#li!h
"ree.ill in man% indeed concede to =od the "ir!t place% that i!% that he #egin! to act or .or$ in
'!B #'t the) imagine that .e at the !ame time cooperate% and that it i! th'! to '! that the
movement! o" =od are not rendered void and ine""icacio'!. -'t the perpet'al doctrine o"
Script're i! oppo!ed to thi! delirio'! notion4 "or it plainl) te!ti"ie!% that right "eeling! are "ormed
in '! #) =od% and are rendered #) him e""ect'al. +t te!ti"ie! al!o that all o'r progre!! and
per!everance are "rom =od. -e!ide!% it e3pre!!l) declare! that .i!dom% love% patience% are the
gi"t! o" =od and the Spirit. Khen% there"ore% the *po!tle re>'ire! the!e thing!% he #) no mean!
a!!ert! that the) are in o'r #'t onl) !he.! .hat .e o'ght to have% and .hat o'ght to #e
done. *nd a! to the godl)% .hen con!cio'! o" their o.n in"irmit)% the) "ind them!elve! de"icient
in their d't)% nothing remain! "or them #'t to "lee to =od "or aid and help.
%. For if these things "e in &ou( Then% he !a)!% )o' .ill at length prove that Chri!t i! reall)
$no.n #) )o'% i" )e #e end'ed .ith virt'e% temperance% and the other endo.ment!. ;or the
$no.ledge o" Chri!t i! an e""icacio'! thing and a living root% .hich #ring! "orth "r'it. ;or #)
!a)ing that the!e thing! .o'ld ma$e them neither "arren nor unfruitful, he !he.! that all tho!e
glor)% in vain and "al!el)% that the) have the $no.ledge o" Chri!t% .ho #oa!t o" it .itho't love%
patience% and the li$e gi"t!% a! Pa'l al!o !a)! in
,phe!ian! 44/0%
ASe have not !o learned Chri!t% i" !o #e that )e have heard him% and have #een ta'ght #)
him% a! the tr'th i! in @e!'!% that )e p't o"" the old man%C etc.
;or he mean! that tho!e .ho po!!e!! Chri!t .itho't!! o" li"e% have never #een rightl)
ta'ght hi! doctrine.
-'t he .o'ld not have the "aith"'l to #e onl) ta'ght patience% godline!!% temperance% loveB #'t he
re>'ire! a contin'al progre!! to #e made a! to the!e endo.ment!% and that ?'!tl)% "or .e are a!
)et "ar o"" "rom the goal. Ke o'ght% there"ore% al.a)! to ma$e advance!% !o that =od:! gi"t! ma)
contin'all) increa!e in '!.
#. But he that lacketh these things( He no. e3pre!!e! more clearl) that the) .ho pro"e!! a na$ed
"aith are .holl) .itho't an) tr'e $no.ledge. He then !a)! that the) go a!tra) li$e the #lind in
dar$ne!!% #eca'!e the) do not !ee the right .a) .hich i! !he.n to '! #) the light o" the go!pel.
Thi! he al!o con"irm! #) adding thi! rea!on% #eca'!e !'ch have "orgotten that thro'gh the #ene"it
o" Chri!t the) had #een clean!ed "rom !in% and )et thi! i! the #eginning o" o'r Chri!tianit). +t
then "ollo.!% that tho!e .ho do not !trive "or a p're and hol) li"e% do not 'nder!tand even the
"ir!t r'diment! o" "aith.
-'t Peter ta$e! thi! "or granted% that the) .ho .ere !till rolling in the "ilth o" the "le!h had
"orgotten their o.n p'rgation. ;or the #lood o" Chri!t ha! not #ecome a .a!hing #ath to '!% that
it ma) #e "o'led #) o'r "ilth. He% there"ore% call! them old !in!% #) .hich he mean!% that o'r li"e
o'ght to #e other.i!e "ormed% #eca'!e .e have #een clean!ed "rom o'r !in!B not that an) one can
#e p're "rom ever) !in .hile he live! in thi! .orld% or that the clean!ing .e o#tain thro'gh Chri!t
con!i!t! o" pardon onl)% #'t that .e o'ght to di""er "rom the 'n#elieving% a! =od ha! !eparated '!
"or him!el". Tho'gh% then% .e dail) !in% and =od dail) "orgive! '!% and the #lood o" Chri!t
clean!e! '! "rom o'r !in!% )et !in o'ght not to r'le in '!% #'t the !ancti"ication o" the Spirit o'ght
to prevail in '!B "or !o Pa'l teache! '! in
1 Corinthian! E411% A*nd !'ch .ere !ome o" )o'B
#'t )e are .a!hed%C etc.
2 PETER 1:1&-1
1&. Khere"ore the rather% #rethren% give
diligence to ma$e )o'r calling and election
!'re4 "or i" )e do the!e thing!% )e !hall
never "all4
1&. R'amo#rem magi!% "ratre!%
!t'dete "irmam ve!tram vocationem et
electionem "acere4 Haec enim !i
"eceriti!% non cadeti! 'n>'am4
1. Moreover% + .ill endeavor that )e ma)
#e a#le a"ter m) decea!e to have the!e
thing! al.a)! in remem#rance.
1. (a#o a'tem operam% 't etiam
!emper po!t me'm di!ce!!'m po!!iti!
hor'm ha#ere memoriam.
1&. Wherefore the rather, "rethren, give diligence( He dra.! thi! concl'!ion% that it i! one proo"
that .e have #een reall) elected% and not in vain called #) the Lord% i" a good con!cience and
integrit) o" li"e corre!pond .ith o'r pro"e!!ion o" "aith. *nd he in"er!% that there o'ght to #e
more la#or and diligence% #eca'!e he had !aid #e"ore% that "aith o'ght not to #e #arren.
Some copie! have% A#) good .or$!BC #'t the!e .ord! ma$e no change in the !en!e% "or the) are
to #e 'nder!tood tho'gh not e3pre!!ed.
He mention! calling "ir!t% tho'gh the la!t in order. The rea!on i!% #eca'!e election i! o" greater
.eight or importanceB and it i! a right arrangement o" a !entence to !'#?oin .hat preponderate!.
The meaning then i!% la#or that )o' ma) have it reall) proved that )o' have not #een called nor
elected in vain. *t the !ame time he !pea$! here o" calling a! the e""ect and evidence o" election.
+" an) one pre"er! to regard the t.o .ord! a! meaning the !ame thing% + do not o#?ectB "or the
Script're !ometime! merge! the di""erence .hich e3i!t! #et.een t.o term!. + have% ho.ever%
!tated .hat !eem! to me more pro#a#le.
9o. a >'e!tion ari!e!% Khether the !ta#ilit) o" o'r calling and election depend! on good .or$!%
"or i" it #e !o% it "ollo.! that it depend! on '!. -'t the .hole Script're teache! '!% "ir!t% that =odX!
election i! "o'nded on hi! eternal p'rpo!eB and !econdl)% that calling #egin! and i! completed
thro'gh hi! grat'ito'! goodne!!. The Sophi!t!% in order to tran!"er .hat i! pec'liar to =odX!
grace% to o'r!elve! '!'all) pervert thi! evidence. -'t their eva!ion! ma) #e ea!il) re"'ted. ;or i"
an) one thin$! that calling i! rendered !'re #) men% there i! nothing a#!'rd in thatB .e ma)
ho.ever% go !till "arther% that ever) one con"irm! hi! calling #) leading a hol) and pio'! li"e. -'t
it i! ver) "ooli!h to in"er "rom thi! .hat the Sophi!t! contend "orB "or thi! i! a proo" not ta$en
"rom the ca'!e% #'t on the contrar) "rom the !ign or the e""ect. Moreover% thi! doe! not prevent
election "rom #eing grat'ito'!% nor doe! it !he. that it i! in o'r o.n hand or to con"irm
election. ;or the matter !tand! th'!% D =od e""ect'all) call! .hom he ha! preordained to li"e in
hi! !ecret co'n!el #e"ore the "o'ndation o" the .orldB and he al!o carrie! on the perpet'al co'r!e
o" calling thro'gh grace alone. -'t a! he ha! cho!en '!% and call! '! "or thi! end% that .e ma) #e
p're and !potle!! in hi! pre!enceB p'rit) o" li"e i! not improperl) called the evidence and proo" o"
election% #) .hich the "aith"'l ma) not onl) te!ti") to other! that the) are the children o" =od%
#'t al!o con"irm them!elve! in thi! con"idence% in !'ch n manner% ho.ever that the) "i3 their
!olid "o'ndation on !omething el!e.
*t the !ame time% thi! certaint)% mentioned #) Peter% o'ght% + thin$% to #e re"erred to the
con!cience% a! tho'gh the "aith"'l ac$no.ledged them!elve! #e"ore =od to #e cho!en and called.
-'t + ta$e it !impl) o" the "act it!el"% that calling appear! a! con"irmed #) thi! ver) holine!! o"
li"e. +t ma)% indeed% #e rendered% La#or that )o'r calling ma) #ecome certainB "or the ver#
poiei~sqai i! tran!itive or intran!itive. Still% ho.ever )o' ma) render it% the meaning i! nearl) the
The import o" .hat i! !aid i!% that the children o" =od are di!ting'i!hed "rom the repro#ate #)
thi! mar$% that the) live a godl) and a hol) li"e% #eca'!e thi! i! the de!ign and end o" election.
Hence it i! evident ho. .ic$edl) !ome vile 'nprincipled men prattle% .hen the) !ee$ to ma$e
grat'ito'! election an e3c'!e "or all licentio'!ne!!B a! tho'gh% "or!oothP .e ma) !in .ith
imp'nit)% #eca'!e .e have #een prede!tinated to righteo'!ne!! and holine!!P
For if &e do these things( Peter !eem! again to a!cri#e to the merit! o" .or$!% that =od "'rther!
o'r !alvation% and al!o that .e contin'all) per!evere in hi! grace. -'t the e3planation i! o#vio'!B
"or hi! p'rpo!e .a! onl) to !he. that h)pocrite! have in them nothing real or !olid% and that% on
the contrar)% the) .ho prove their calling !'re #) good .or$!% are "ree "rom the danger o" "alling%
#eca'!e !'re and !'""icient i! the grace o" =od #) .hich the) are !'pported. Th'! the certaint)
o" o'r !alvation #) no mean! depend! on '!% a! do'#tle!! the ca'!e o" it i! #e)ond o'r limit!. -'t
.ith regard to tho!e .ho "eel in them!elve! the e""icacio'! .or$ing o" the Spirit% Peter #id! them
to ta$e co'rage a! to the "'t're% #eca'!e the Lord ha! laid in them the !olid "o'ndation o" a tr'e
and !'re calling.
He e3plain! the .a) or mean! o" per!evering% .hen he !a)!% an entrance shall "e ministered to
&ou( The import o" the .ord! i! thi!4 A=od% #) ever !'ppl)ing )o' a#'ndantl) .ith ne. grace!%
.ill lead )o' to hi! o.n $ingdom.C *nd thi! .a! added% that .e ma) $no.% that tho'gh .e have
alread) pa!!ed "rom death into li"e% )et it i! a pa!!age o" hopeB and a! to the "r'ition o" li"e% there
remain! "or '! )et a long ?o'rne). +n the meantime .e are not de!tit'te o" nece!!ar) help!. Hence
Peter o#viate! a do'#t #) the!e .ord!% AThe Lord .ill a#'ndantl) !'ppl) )o'r need% 'ntil )o'
!hall enter into hi! eternal $ingdom.C He call! it the $ingdom o" $hrist, #eca'!e .e cannot
a!cend to heaven e3cept 'nder hi! #anner and g'idance.
12. Wherefore 0 +ill not "e negligent. *! .e !eem to di!tr'!t either the memor) or the attention
o" tho!e .hom .e o"ten remind o" the !ame thing% the *po!tle ma$e! thi! mode!t e3c'!e% that he
cea!ed not to pre!! on the attention o" the "aith"'l .hat .a! .ell $no.n and "i3ed in their mind!%
#eca'!e it! importance and greatne!! re>'ired thi!.
ASe do% indeed%C he !a)!% A"'ll) 'nder!tand .hat the tr'th o" the go!pel i!% nor have + to con"irm
a! it .ere the .avering% #'t in a matter !o great% admonition! are never !'per"l'o'!B and%
there"ore% the) o'ght never to #e deemed ve3atio'!.C Pa'l al!o emplo)! a !imilar e3c'!e in
8oman! 15414%
A+ am per!'aded o" )o'% #rethren%C he !a)!% Athat )e are "'ll o" $no.ledge% !o a! to #e
a#le to admoni!h one another4 #'t + have more con"identl) .ritten to )o'% a! p'tting )o'
in mind.C
He call! that the *resent truth% into the po!!e!!ion o" .hich the) had alread) entered #) a !'re
"aith. He% then% commend! their "aith% in order that the) might remain "i3ed in it more "irml).
13. 1ea, 0 think it meet, or right. He e3pre!!e! more clearl) ho. '!e"'l and ho. nece!!ar) i!
admonition% #eca'!e it i! need"'l to aro'!e the "aith"'l% "or other.i!e torpor .ill creep in "rom
the "le!h. Tho'gh% then% the) might not have .anted teaching% )et he !a)! that the goad! o"
admonition! .ere '!e"'l% le!t !ec'rit) and ind'lgence Ga! it i! '!'all) the ca!eJ !ho'ld .ea$en
.hat the) had learned% and at length e3ting'i!h it.
He add! another ca'!e .h) he .a! !o intent on .riting to them% #eca'!e he $ne. that a !hort
time remained "or him. A+ m'!t diligentl) emplo) m) time%C he !a)!B A"or the Lord ha! made
$no.n to me that m) li"e in thi! .orld .ill not #e long.C
Ke hence learn% that admonition! o'ght to #e !o given% that the people .hom .e .i!h to #ene"it
ma) not thin$ that .rong i! done to them% and al!o that o""en!e! o'ght to #e !o avoided% that )et
the tr'th ma) have a "ree co'r!e% and e3hortation! ma) not #e di!contin'ed. 9o.% thi!
moderation i! to #e o#!erved to.ard! tho!e to .hom a !harp reproo" .o'ld not #e !'ita#le% #'t
.ho o'ght on the contrar) to #e $indl) helped% !ince the) are inclined o" them!elve! to do their
d't). Ke are al!o ta'ght #) the e3ample o" Peter% that the !horter term o" li"e remain! to '!% the
more diligent o'ght .e to #e in e3ec'ting o'r o""ice. +t i! not commonl) given to '! to "ore!ee
o'r endB #'t the) .ho are advanced in )ear!% or .ea$ened #) illne!!% #eing reminded #) !'ch
indication! o" the !hortne!! o" their li"e% o'ght to #e more !ed'lo'! and diligent% !o that the) ma)
in d'e time per"orm .hat the Lord ha! given them to doB na)% tho!e .ho are the !tronge!t and in
the " o" their age% a! the) do not render to =od !o con!tant a !ervice a! it #ehoove! them to
do% o'ght to >'ic$en them!elve! to the !ame care and diligence #) the recollection o"
approaching deathB le!t the occa!ion o" doing good ma) pa!! a.a)% .hile the) attend negligentl)
and !loth"'ll) to their .or$.
*t the !ame time% + do'#t not #'t that it .a! Peter:! o#?ect to gain more a'thorit) and .eight to
hi! teaching% .hen he !aid that he .o'ld endeavor to ma$e them to remem#er the!e thing! a"ter
hi! death% .hich .a! then nigh at hand. ;or .hen an) one% !hortl) #e"ore he >'it! thi! li"e%
addre!!e! '!% hi! .ord! have in a manner the "orce and o" a te!tament or .ill% and are
'!'all) received #) '! .ith greater reverence.
1!. 0 must *ut off this m& ta"ernacle( Literall) the .ord! are% AShort i! the p'ttingB a.a) o" thi!
ta#ernacle.C -) thi! mode o" !pea$ing% and a"ter.ard! #) the .ord Adeparting%C he de!ignate!
death% .hich it #ehoove! '! to noticeB "or .e are here ta'ght ho. m'ch death di""er! "rom
perdition. -e!ide!% too m'ch dread o" death terri"ie! '!% #eca'!e .e do not !'""icientl) con!ider
ho. "ading and evane!cent thi! li"e i!% and do not re"lect on the perpet'it) o" "'t're li"e. -'t
.hat doe! Peter !a)O He declare! that death i! departing "rom thi! .orld% that .e ma) remove
el! even to the Lord. +t o'ght not% then% to #e dread"'l to '!% a! tho'gh .e .ere to peri!h
.hen .e die. He declare! that it i! the p'tting a.a) o" a ta#ernacle% #) .hich .e are covered
onl) "or a !hort time. There i!% then% no rea!on .h) .e !ho'ld regret to #e removed "rom it.
-'t there i! to #e 'nder!tood an implied contra!t #et.een a "ading ta#ernacle and a perpet'al
ha#itation% .hich Pa'l e3plain! in
/ Corinthian! 541.
Khen he !a)! that it had #een revealed to him #) Chri!t% he re"er! not to the $ind o" death% #'t to
the time. -'t i" he received the oracle at -a#)lon re!pecting hi! death #eing near% ho. .a! he
cr'ci"ied at 8omeO +t certainl) appear! that he died ver) "ar "rom +tal)% e3cept he "le. in a
moment over !ea! and land!.
-'t the Papi!t!% in order to claim "or them!elve! the #od) o"
Peter% ma$e them!elve! -a#)lonian!% and !a) that 8ome i! called -a#)lon #) Peter4 thi! !hall #e
re"'ted in it! proper place. Khat he !a)! o" remem#ering the!e thing! a"ter hi! death% .a!
intended to !he.% that po!terit) o'ght to learn "rom him .hen dead. ;or the apo!tle! had not
regard onl) "or their o.n age% #'t p'rpo!ed to do '! good al!o. Tho'gh% then% the) are dead% their
doctrine live! and prevail!4 and it i! o'r d't) to pro"it #) their .riting!% a! tho'gh the) .ere
mani"e!tl) pre!ent .ith. '!.
2 PETER 1:1"-1%
1". ;or .e have not "ollo.ed c'nningl)
devi!ed "a#le!% .hen .e made $no.n
'nto )o' the and coming o" o'r
Lord @e!'! Chri!t% #'t .ere e)e.itne!!e!
o" hi! ma?e!t).
1". 9e>'e enim "a#'la! !n#tiliter
e3cogitata! Gvel% arte compo!ita!J
!e>''ti% notam vo#i! "ecim'! (omini
no!tri @e!' Chri!ti potentiam et
advent'mB !ed !pectatore! "acti e?'!
1%. *nd thi! voice .hich came "rom
heaven .e heard% .hen .e% .ere .ith him
in the hol) mo'nt.
1%. ,t hanc vocem no! a'divim'!%
d'm e!!em'! in monte !ancto c'm
1". For +e have not follo+ed cunningl&9devised fa"les( +t give! '! m'ch co'rage% .hen .e $no.
that .e la#or in a matter that i! certain. Le!t% then% the "aith"'l !ho'ld thin$ that in the!e la#or!
the) .ere #eating the air% he no. come! to !et "orth the certaint) o" the go!pelB and he denie!
that an)thing had #een delivered #) him #'t .hat .a! altogether tr'e and ind'#ita#le4 and the)
.ere enco'raged to per!evere% .hen the) .ere !'re o" the pro!pero'! i!!'e o" their calling.
+n the "ir!t place% Peter indeed a!!ert! that he had #een an e)e.itne!!B "or he had him!el" !een
.ith hi! o.n e)e! the glor) o" Chri!t% o" .hich he !pea$!. Thi! $no.ledge he !et! in oppo!ition
to cra"t) "a#le!% !'ch a! c'nning men are .ont to "a#ricate to en!nare !imple mind!. The old
interpreter render! the .ord A"eigned%C G"icta!BJ ,ra!m'!% A"ormed #) art.C +t !eem! to me that
.hat i! !'#tle to deceive i! meant4 "or the =ree$ .ord here '!ed% sofi&>zesqai% !ometime! mean!
thi!. *nd .e $no. ho. m'ch la#or men #e!to. on "rivolo'! re"inement!% and onl) that the)
ma) have !ome am'!ement. There"ore no le!! !erio'!l) o'ght o'r mind! to #e applied to $no.
the tr'th .hich i! not "allacio'!% and the doctrine .hich i! not n'gator)% and .hich di!cover! to
'! the glor) o" the Son o" =od and o'r o.n !alvation.
%he *o+er and the coming( 9o do'#t he meant in the!e .ord! to incl'de the !'#!tance o" the
go!pel% a! it certainl) contain! nothing e3cept Chri!t% in .hom are hid all the trea!'re! o"
.i!dom. -'t he di!tinctl) mention! t.o thing!% D that Chri!t had #een mani"e!ted in the "le!h%
D and al!o that .a! e3hi#ited #) him.
Th'!% then% .e have the .hole go!pelB "or .e
$no. that he% the longpromi!ed 8edeemer% came "rom heaven% p't on o'r "le!h% lived in the
.orld% died and ro!e againB and% in the !econd place% .e perceive the end and "r'it o" all the!e
thing!% that i!% that he might #e =od .ith '!% that he might e3hi#it in him!el" a !'re pledge o" o'r
adoption% that he might clean!e '! "rom the de"ilement:! o" the "le!h #) the grace o" hi! Spirit%
and con!ecrate '! temple! to =od% that he might deliver '! "rom hell% and rai!e '! 'p to heaven%
that he might #) the !acri"ice o" hi! death ma$e an atonement "or the !in! o" the .orld% that he
might reconcile '! to the ;ather% that he might #ecome to '! the a'thor o" righteo'!ne!! and o"
li"e. He .ho $no.! and 'nder!tand! the!e thing!% i! "'ll) ac>'ainted .ith the go!pel.
Were e&e9+itnesses, or #eholder!.
Ke hence concl'de% that the) #) no mean! !erve Chri!t% nor
are li$e the apo!tle!% .ho pre!'mpt'o'!l) mo'nt the p'lpit to prattle o" !pec'lation! 'n$no.n to
them!elve!B "or he alone i! the la."'l mini!ter o" Chri!t% .ho $no.! the tr'th o" the doctrine
.hich he deliver!4 not that all o#tain certaint) in the !ame .a)B "or .hat Peter !a)! i! that he
him!el" .a! pre!ent% .hen Chri!t .a! declared #) a voice "rom heaven to #e the Son o" =od.
Three onl) .ere then pre!ent% #'t the) .ere !'""icient a! .itne!!e!B "or the) had thro'gh man)
miracle! !een the glor) o" Chri!t% and had a remar$a#le evidence o" hi! divinit) in hi!
re!'rrection. -'t .e no. o#tain certaint) in another .a)B "or tho'gh Chri!t ha! not ri!en #e"ore
o'r e)e!% )et .e $no. #) .hom hi! re!'rrection ha! #een handed do.n to '!. *nd added to thi!
i! the in.ard te!timon) o" con!cience% the !ealing o" the Spirit% .hich "ar e3ceed! all the
evidence o" the !en!e!. -'t let '! remem#er that the go!pel .a! not at the #eginning made 'p o"
vag'e r'mor!% #'t that the apo!tle! .ere the a'thentic preacher! o" .hat the) had !een.
1$. For he received from God the Father( He cho!e one memora#le e3ample o't o" man)% even
that o" Chri!t% .hen% adorned .ith cele!tial glor)% he con!pic'o'!l) di!pla)ed hi! divine ma?e!t)
to hi! three di!ciple!. *nd tho'gh Peter doe! not relate all the circ'm!tance!% )et he !'""icientl)
de!ignate! them .hen he !a)!% that a voice came from the magnificent glor&( ;or the meaning i!%
that nothing earthl) .a! !een there% #'t that a cele!tial ma?e!t) !hone on ever) !ide. Ke ma)
hence concl'de .hat tho!e di!pla)! o" greatne!! .ere .hich the evangeli!t! relate. *nd it .a!
nece!!aril) th'! done% in order that the a'thorit) o" that voice .hich came might #e more a."'l
and !olemn% a! .e !ee that it .a! done all at once #) the Lord. ;or .hen he !po$e to the "ather!%
he did not onl) ca'!e hi! .ord! to !o'nd in the air% #'t #) adding !ome !)m#ol! or to$en! o" hi!
pre!ence% he proved the oracle! to #e hi!.
%his is m& "eloved Son( Peter then mention! thi! voice% a! tho'gh it .a! !'""icient alone a! ! "'ll
evidence "or the go!pel% and ?'!tl) !o. ;or .hen Chri!t i! ac$no.ledged #) '! to #e him .hom
the ;ather ha! !ent% thi! i! o'r highe!t .i!dom. There are t.o part! to thi! !entence. Khen he
!a)!% AThi! i!%C the e3pre!!ion i! ver) emphatical% intimating% that he .a! the Me!!iah .ho had
#een !o o"ten promi!ed. Khatever% then% i! "o'nd in the La. and the Prophet! re!pecting the
Me!!iah% i! declared here% #) the ;ather% to #elong to him .hom he !o highl) commended. +n the
other part o" the !entence% he anno'nce! Chri!t a! hi! o.n Son% in .hom hi! .hole love d.ell!
and centre!. +t hence "ollo.! that .e are not other.i!e loved than in him% nor o'ght the love o"
=od to #e !o'ght an).here el!e. +t i! !'""icient "or me no. onl) to to'ch on the!e thing! #) the
1%. 0n the hol& mount( He call! it the hol) mo'nt% "or the !ame rea!on that the gro'nd .a! called
hol) .here =od appeared to Mo!e!. ;or .herever the Lord come!% a! he i! the "o'ntain o" all
holine!!% he ma$e! hol) all thing! #) the odor o" hi! pre!ence. *nd #) thi! mode o" !pea$ing .e
are ta'ght% not onl) to receive =od reverentl) .herever he !he.! him!el"% #'t al!o to prepare
o'r!elve! "or holine!!% a! !oon a! he come! nigh '!% a! it .a! commanded the people .hen the
la. .a! proclaimed on Mo'nt Sinai. *nd it i! a general tr'th%
A-e )e hol)% "or + am hol)% .ho d.ell in the mid!t o" )o'.C G
Levitic'! 11444B 114/J
2 PETER 1:1#-21
1#. Ke have al!o a more !'re .ord o"
prophec)B .here'nto )e do .ell that )e
ta$e heed% a! 'nto a light that !hineth in a
dar$ place% 'ntil the da) da.n% and the
da)!tar ari!e in )o'r heart!B
1#. ,t ha#em'! "irmiorem
prophetic'm !ermonem% c'i #ene
"aciti! attendente!% tan>'am l'cernae
apparenti in caligino!o loco% donee
ill'ceat die!% et l'ci"er oriat'r in
cordi#'! ve!tri!B
21. ;or the prophec) came not in old time
#) the .ill o" manB #'t hol) men o" =od
!pa$e a! the) .ere moved #) the Hol)
21. 9e>'e enim vol'ntate homini!
allata e!t >'ondam prophetiaB !ed U
Spirit' Sancto imp'l!i% lo>''ti !'nt
!ancti (ei homine!.
1#. We have also( He no. !he.! that the tr'th o" the go!pel i! "o'nded on the oracle! o" the
prophet!% le!t the) .ho em#raced it !ho'ld he!itate to devote them!elve! .holl) to Chri!t4 "or
the) .ho .aver cannot #e other.i!e than remi!! in their mind!. -'t .hen he !a)!% AKe have%C
he re"er! to him!el" and other teacher!% a! .ell a! to their di!ciple!. The apo!tle! had the prophet!
a! the patron! o" their doctrineB the "aith"'l al!o !o'ght "rom them a con"irmation o" the go!pel. +
am the more di!po!ed to ta$e thi! vie.% #eca'!e he !pea$! o" the .hole Ch'rch% and ma$e!
him!el" one among other!. *t the !ame time% he re"er! more e!peciall) to the @e.!% .ho .ere
.ell ac>'ainted .ith the doctrine o" the prophet!. *nd hence% a! + thin$% he call! their .ord more
sure or "irmer.
;or the) .ho ta$e the comparative "or a po!itive% that i!% Amore !'re%C "or A!'re%C do not
!'""icientl) con!ider the .hole conte3t. The !en!e al!o i! a "orced one% .hen it i! !aid to #e
Amore !'re%C #eca'!e =od reall) completed .hat he had promi!ed concerning hi! Son. ;or the
tr'th o" the go!pel i! here !impl) proved #) a t.o"old te!timon)% D that Chri!t had #een highl)
approved #) the !olemn declaration o" =od% and% then% that all the prophecie! o" the prophet!
con"irmed the !ame thing. -'t it appear! at "ir!t !ight !trange% that the .ord o" the prophet!
!ho'ld #e !aid to #e more !'re or "irmer than the voice .hich came "rom the hol) mo'th o" =od
him!el"B "or% "ir!t% the a'thorit) o" =odX! .ord i! the !ame "rom the #eginningB and% !econdl)% it
.a! more con"irmed than previo'!l) #) the coming o" Chri!t. -'t the !ol'tion o" thi! $not i! not
di""ic'lt4 "or here the *po!tle had a regard to hi! o.n nation% .ho .ere ac>'ainted .ith the
prophet!% %and their doctrine .a! received .itho't an) di!p'te. *!% then% it .a! not do'#ted #)
the @e.! #'t that all the thing! .hich the prophet! had ta'ght% came "rom the Lord% it i! no
.onder that Peter !aid that their .ord .a! more !'re. *nti>'it) al!o gain! !ome reverence. There
are% #e!ide!% !ome other circ'm!tance! .hich o'ght to #e noticedB partic'larl)% that no !'!picion
co'ld #e entertained a! to tho!e prophecie! in .hich the $ingdom o" Chri!t had !o long #e"ore
#een predicted.
The >'e!tion% then% i! not here% .hether the prophet! de!erve more credit than the go!pelB #'t
Peter regarded onl) thi!% to !he. ho. m'ch de"erence the @e.! paid to tho!e .ho co'nted the
prophet! a! =odX! "aith"'l mini!ter!% and had #een #ro'ght 'p "rom childhood in their !chool.
Whereunto &e do +ell( Thi! pa!!age i!% indeed% attended .ith !ome more di""ic'lt)B "or it ma) #e
a!$ed% .hat i! the da) .hich Peter mention!O To !ome it !eem! to #e the clear $no.ledge o"
Chri!t% .hen men "'ll) ac>'ie!ce in the go!pelB and the darkness the) e3plain a! e3i!ting% .hen
the)% a! )et% he!itate in !'!pen!e% and the doctrine o" the go!pel i! not received a! ind'#ita#leB a!
tho'gh Peter prai!ed tho!e @e.! .ho .ere !earching "or Chri!t in the La. and the Prophet!% and
.ere advancing% a! #) thi! preceding light to.ard! Chri!t% the S'n o" righteo'!ne!!% a! the) .ere
prai!ed #) L'$e% .ho% having heard Pa'l preaching% !earched the Script're to $no. .hether
.hat he !aid .a! tr'e. G
*ct! 1Q411J
-'t in thi! vie. there i!% "ir!t% an incon!i!tenc)% #eca'!e it th'! !eem! that the '!e o" the
prophecie! i! con"ined to a !hort time% a! tho'gh the) .o'ld #e !'per"l'o'! .hen the go!pel
light i! !een. Kere one to o#?ect and !a)% that thi! doe! not nece!!aril) "ollo.% #eca'!e until doe!
not al.a)! denote the end. To thi! + !a)% that in command! it cannot #e other.i!e ta$en4 AKal$
'ntil )o' "ini!h )o'r co'r!eBC A;ight 'ntil )o' con>'er.C +n !'ch e3pre!!ion! .e do'#tle!! !ee
that a certain time i! !peci"ied.
-'t .ere + to concede thi! point% that the reading o" the
prophet! i! not th'! .holl) ca!t a!ideB )et ever) one m'!t !ee ho. "rigid i! thi! commendation%
that the prophet! are '!e"'l 'ntil Chri!t i! revealed to '!B "or their teaching i! nece!!ar) to '!
'ntil the end o" li"e. Secondl)% .e m'!t #ear in mind .ho the) .ere .hom Peter addre!!edB "or
he .a! not in!tr'cting the ignorant and novice!% .ho .ere a! )et in the "ir!t r'diment!B #'t even
tho!e re!pecting .hom he had #e"ore te!ti"ied% that the) had o#tained the !ame precio'! "aith%
and .ere con"irmed in the pre!ent tr'th. S'rel) the gro!! dar$ne!! o" ignorance co'ld not have
#een a!cri#ed to !'ch people. + $no. .hat !ome allege% that all had not made the !ame progre!!%
and that here #eginner! .ho .ere a! )et !ee$ing Chri!t% are admoni!hed.
-'t a! it i! evident "rom the conte3t% that the .ord! .ere addre!!ed to the !ame per!on!% the
pa!!age m'!t nece!!aril) #e applied to the "aith"'l .ho had alread) $no.n Chri!t% and had
#ecome parta$er! o" the tr'e light. + there"ore e3tend thi! dar$ne!!% mentioned #) Peter% to the
.hole co'r!e o" li"e% and the da&, + con!ider .ill then shine on '! .hen .e !hall !ee "ace to "ace%
.hat .e no. !ee thro'gh a gla!! dar$l). Chri!t% the S'n o" righteo'!ne!!% indeed% !hine! "orth in
the go!pelB #'t the dar$ne!! o" death .ill al.a)!% in part% po!!e!! o'r mind!% 'ntil .e !hall #e
#ro'ght o't o" the pri!on o" the "le!h% and #e tran!lated into heaven. Thi!% then% .ill #e the
#rightne!! o" da)% .hen no clo'd! or mi!t! o" ignorance !hall intercept the #right !hining o" the
*nd do'#tle!! .e are !o "ar "rom a per"ect da)% a! o'r "aith i! "rom per"ection. +t i!% there"ore% no
.onder that the !tate o" the pre!ent li"e i! called dar$ne!!% !ince .e are "ar di!tant "rom that
$no.ledge to .hich the go!pel invite! '!.
+n !hort% Peter remind! '! that a! long a! .e !o?o'rn in thi! .orld% .e have need o" the doctrine
o" the prophet! a! a g'idingB lightB .hich #eing e3ting'i!hed% .e can do nothing el!e #'t .ander
in dar$ne!!B "or he doe! not di!?oin the prophecie! "rom the go!pel% .hen he teache! '! that the)
!hine to !he. '! the .a). Hi! o#?ect onl) .a! to teach '! that the .hole co'r!e o" o'r li"e o'ght
to #e g'ided #) =odX! .ordB "or other.i!e .e m'!t #e involved on ever) !ide in the dar$ne!! o"
ignoranceB and the Lord doe! not !hine on '!% e3cept .hen .e ta$e hi! .ord a! o'r light.
-'t he doe! not '!e the compari!on% light, or lamp% to intimate that the light i! !mall and !paring%
#'t to ma$e the!e t.o thing! to corre!pond%that .e are .itho't light% and can no more $eep on
the right .a) than tho!e .ho go a!tra) in a dar$ nightB and that the Lord #ring! a remed) "or thi!
evil% .hen he light! a torch to g'ide '! in the mid!t o" dar$ne!!.
Khat he immediatel) add! re!pecting the da& star doe! not ho.ever !eem altogether !'ita#le to
thi! e3planationB "or the real $no.ledge% to .hich .e are advancing thro'gh li"e% cannot #e
called the #eginning o" the da). To thi! + repl)% that di""erent part! o" the da) are compared
together% #'t the .hole da) in all it! part! i! !et in oppo!ition to that dar$ne!!% .hich .o'ld
.holl) over!pread all o'r "ac'ltie!% .ere not the Lord to come to o'r help #) the light o" hi!
Thi! i! a remar$a#le pa!!age4 .e learn "rom it ho. =od g'ide! '!. The Papi!t! have ever and
anon in their mo'th% that the Ch'rch cannot err. Tho'gh the .ord i! neglected% the) )et imagine
that it i! g'ided #) the Spirit. -'t Peter% on the contrar)% intimate! that all are immer!ed in
dar$ne!! .ho do not attend to the light o" the .ord. There"ore% e3cept tho' art re!olved .il"'ll)
to ca!t th)!el" into a la#)rinth% e!peciall) #e.are o" departing even in the lea!t thing "rom the
r'le and direction o" the .ord. 9a)% the Ch'rch cannot "ollo. =od a! it! g'ide% e3cept it
o#!erve! .hat the .ord pre!cri#e!.
+n thi! pa!!age Peter al!o condemn! all the .i!dom o" men% in order that .e ma) learn h'm#l) to
!ee$% other.i!e than #) o'r o.n 'nder!tanding% the tr'e .a) o" $no.ledgeB "or .itho't the .ord
nothing i! le"t "or men #'t dar$ne!!.
+t "'rther de!erve! to #e noticed% that he prono'nce! on the clearne!! o" Script'reB "or .hat i!
!aid .o'ld -e a "al!e e'log)% .ere not the Script're "it and !'ita#le to !he. to '! .ith certaint)
the right .a). Kho!oever% then% .ill open hi! e)e! thro'gh the o#edience o" "aith% !hall #)
e3perience $no. that the Script're ha! not #een in vain called a light. +t i!% indeed% o#!c're to the
'n#elievingB #'t the) .ho are given 'p to de!tr'ction are .il"'ll) #lind. ,3ecra#le% there"ore% i!
the #la!phem) o" the Papi!t!% .ho pretend that the light o" Script're doe! nothing #'t da55le the
e)e!% in order to $eep the !imple "rom reading it. -'t it i! no .onder that pro'd men% in"lated
.ith the .ind o" "al!e con"idence% do not !ee that light .ith .hich the Lord "avor! onl) little
children and the h'm#le. Kith a !imilar e'log) (avid commend! the la. o" =od in P!alm! 11
and 111.
2&. <no+ing this first( Here Peter #egin! to !he. ho. o'r mind! are to #e prepared% i" .e reall)
.i!h to ma$e progre!! in !cript'ral $no.ledge. There ma) at the !ame time #e t.o
interpretation! given% i" )o' read ejphlu>sev a! !ome do% .hich mean! occ'rrence% imp'l!eB or%
a! + have rendered it% interpretation% ejpilu>sev -'t almo!t all give thi! meaning% that .e o'ght
not to r'!h on headlong and ra!hl) .hen .e read Script're% con"iding in o'r o.n 'nder!tanding.
The) thin$ that a con"irmation o" thi! "ollo.!% #eca'!e the Spirit% .ho !po$e #) the prophet!% i!
the onl) tr'e interpreter o" him!el".
Thi! e3planation contain! a tr'e% godl)% and '!e"'l doctrine% that then onl) are the prophecie!
read pro"ita#l)% .hen .e reno'nce the mind and "eeling! o" the "le!h% and !'#mit to the teaching
o" the Spirit% #'t that it i! an impio'! pro"anation o" itB .hen .e arrogantl) rel) on o'r o.n
ac'men% deeming that !'""icient to ena#le '! to 'nder!tand it% tho'gh the m)!terie! contain
thing! hidden to o'r "le!h% and !'#lime trea!'re! o" li"e "ar !'rpa!!ing o'r capacitie!. *nd thi! i!
.hat .e have !aid% that the light .hich !hine! in it% come! to the h'm#le alone.
-'t the Papi!t! are do'#l) "ooli!h% .hen the) concl'de "rom thi! pa!!age% that no interpretation
o" a private man o'ght to #e deemed a'thoritative. ;or the) pervert .hat Peter !a)!% that the)
ma) claim "or their o.n co'ncil! the chie" right o" interpreting Script'reB #'t in thi! the) act
indeed childi!hl)B "or Peter call! interpretation *rivate, not that o" ever) individ'al% in order to
prohi#it each one to interpretB #'t he !he.! that .hatever men #ring o" their o.n i! pro"ane.
Kere% then% the .hole .orld 'nanimo'!% and .ere the mind! o" all men 'nited together% !till .hat
.o'ld proceed "rom them% .o'ld #e private or their o.nB "or the .ord i! here !et in oppo!ition to
divine revelationB !o that the "aith"'l% in.ardl) ill'minated #) the Hol) Spirit% ac$no.ledge
nothing #'t .hat =od !a)! in hi! .ord.
Ho.ever% another !en!e !eem! to me more !imple% that Peter !a)! that Script're came not "rom
man% or thro'gh the !'gge!tion! o" man. ;or tho' .ilt never come .ell prepared to read it%
e3cept tho' #ringe!t reverence% o#edience% and docilit)B #'t a ?'!t reverence then onl) e3i!t!
.hen .e are convinced that =od !pea$! to '!% and not mortal men. Then Peter e!peciall) #id! '!
to #elieve the prophecie! a! the ind'#ita#le oracle! o" =od% #eca'!e the) have not emanated "rom
menX! o.n private !'gge!tion!.
To the !ame p'rpo!e i! .hat immediatel) "ollo.!% D "ut hol& men of God s*ake a! the) .ere
moved "& the Hol& Ghost( The) did not o" them!elve!% or according to their o.n .ill% "ooli!hl)
deliver their o.n invention!. The meaning i!% that the #eginning o" right $no.ledge i! to give
that credit to the hol) prophet! .hich i! d'e to =od. He call! them the hol& men of God, #eca'!e
the) "aith"'ll) e3ec'ted the o""ice committed to them% having !'!tained the per!on o" =od in
their mini!tration!. He !a)! that the) .ere D not that the) .ere #ereaved o" mind% Ga! the
=entile! imagined their prophet! to have #een%J #'t #eca'!e the) dared not to anno'nce an)thing
o" their o.n% and o#edientl) "ollo.ed the Spirit a! their g'ide% .ho r'led in their mo'th a! in hi!
o.n !anct'ar). Mnder!tand #) *ro*hec& of Scri*ture that .hich i! contained in the hol)
CH*PT,8 /
2 PETER 2:1-3
1. -'t there .ere "al!e prophet! al!o
among the people% even a! there !hall #e
"al!e teacher! among )o'% .ho privil)
!hall #ring in damna#le here!ie!% even
den)ing the Lord that #o'ght them% and
#ring 'pon them!elve! !.i"t de!tr'ction.
1. ;'er'nt a'tem et "al!i prophetae in
pop'lo% !ic'ti et inter vo! er'nt "al!i
doctore!% >'i !'#ind'cent !ecta!
perditioni!% et etiam (omin'm >'i eo!
redemit a#negante!% accer!ente! !i#i
celerem interit'm.
3. *nd thro'gh coveto'!ne!! !hall the)
.ith "eigned .ord! ma$e merchandi!e o"
)o'B .ho!e ?'dgment no. o" a long time
lingereth not% and their damnation
!l'm#ereth not.
3. ,t in avaritia "icti! !ermoni#'! de
vo#i! negotia#'nt'rB >'or'm ?'dici'm
pridem non ce!!at% et >'or'm perditio
non dormitat.
1. But there +ere( *! .ea$ con!cience! are '!'all) ver) grievo'!l) and dangero'!l) !ha$en%
.hen "al!e teacher! ari!e% .ho either corr'pt or m'tilate the doctrine o" "aith% it .a! nece!!ar)
"or the *po!tle% .hile !ee$ing to enco'rage the "aith"'l to per!evere% to remove o't o" the .a) an
o""en!e o" thi! $ind. He% moreover% com"orted tho!e to .hom he .a! .riting% and con"irmed
them #) thi! arg'ment% that =od ha! al.a)! tried and proved hi! Ch'rch #) !'ch a temptation a!
thi!% in order that novelt) might not di!t'r# their heart!. A9ot di""erent%C he !a)!% A.ill #e the
condition o" the Ch'rch 'nder the go!pel% "rom .hat it .a! "ormerl) 'nder the la.B "al!e
prophet! di!t'r#ed the ancient Ch'rchB the !ame thing m'!t al!o #e e3pected #) '!.C
+t .a! nece!!ar) e3pre!!l) to !he. thi!% #eca'!e man) imagined that the Ch'rch .o'ld en?o)
tran>'illit) 'nder the rein o" Chri!tB "or a! the prophet! had promi!ed that at hi! coming there
.o'ld #e real peace% the highe!t degree o" heavenl) .i!dom% and the "'ll re!toration o" all thing!%
the) tho'ght that the Ch'rch .o'ld #e no more e3po!ed to an) conte!t!. Let '! then remem#er
that the Spirit o" =od hath once "or all declared% that the Ch'rch !hall never #e "ree "rom thi!
inte!tine evilB and let thi! li$ene!! #e al.a)! #orne in mind% that the trial o" o'r "aith i! to #e
!imilar to that o" the "ather!% and "or the !ame rea!on D that in thi! .a) it ma) #e made evident%
.hether .e reall) love =od% a! .e "ind it .ritten in
(e'teronom) 1040.
-'t it i! not nece!!ar) here to re"er to ever) e3ample o" thi! $indB it i! eno'gh% in !hort% to $no.
that% li$e the "ather!% .e m'!t contend again!t "al!e doctrine!% that o'r "aith o'ght #) no mean! to
#e !ha$en on acco'nt o" di!cord! and !ect!% #eca'!e the tr'th o" =od !hall remain 'n!ha$en
not.ith!tanding the violent agitation! #) .hich Satan !trive! o"ten to 'p!et all thing!.
7#!erve al!o% that no one time in partic'lar i! mentioned #) Peter% .hen he !a)! there shall "e
false teachers% #'t that all age! are incl'dedB "or he ma$e! here a compari!on #et.een Chri!tian!
and the ancient people. Ke o'ght% then% to appl) thi! tr'th to o'r o.n time% le!t% .hen .e !ee
"al!e teacher! ri!ing 'p to oppo!e the tr'th o" =od% thi! trial !ho'ld #rea$ '! do.n. -'t the Spirit
remind! '!% in order that .e ma) ta$e the more heedB and to the !ame p'rpo!e i! the .hole
de!cription .hich "ollo.!.
He doe! not% indeed% paint each !ect in it! o.n color!% #'t partic'larl) re"er! to pro"ane men .ho
mani"e!ted contempt to.ard! =od. The %advice% indeed% i! general% that .e o'ght to #e.are o"
"al!e teacher!B #'t% at the !ame time% he !elected one $ind o" !'ch "rom .hom the greater danger
aro!e. Khat i! !aid here .ill herea"ter #ecome more evident "rom the .ord! o" @'de% .ho treat!
e3actl) o" the !ame !'#?ect.
Who *rivil& shall "ring in( -) the!e .ord! he point! o't the cra"tine!! o" Satan% and o" all the
'ngodl) .ho militate 'nder hi! #anner% that the) .o'ld creep in #) o#li>'e t'rning!% a! thro'gh
#'rro.! 'nder gro'nd.
The more .atch"'l% then% o'ght the godl) to #e% !o that the) ma)
e!cape their hidden "ra'd!4 "or ho.ever the) ma) in!in'ate them!elve!% the) cannot circ'mvent
tho!e .ho are care"'ll) vigilant.
He call! them o*inions of *erdition, or de!tr'ctive opinion!% that ever) one% !olicito'! "or hi!
!alvation% might dread !'ch opinion! a! the mo!t no3io'! pe!t!. *! to the .ord o*inions or
here!ie!% it ha! not% .itho't rea!on% #een al.a)! deemed in"amo'! and hate"'l #) the children o"
=odB "or the #ond o" hol) 'nit) i! the !imple tr'th. *! !oon a! .e depart "rom that% nothing
remain! #'t dread"'l di!cord.
!ven den&ing the Lord that "ought them( Tho'gh Chri!t ma) #e denied in vario'! .a)!% )et
Peter% a! + thin$% re"er! here to .hat i! e3pre!!ed #) @'de% that i!% .hen the grace o" =od i! t'rned
into la!civio'!ne!!B "or Chri!t redeemed '!% that he might have a people !eparated "rom all the
poll'tion! o" the .orld% and devoted to holine!! %and innocenc). The)% then% .ho thro. o"" the
#ridle% and give them!elve! 'p to all $ind! o" licentio'!ne!!% are not 'n?'!tl) !aid to den) Chri!t
#) .hom the) have #een redeemed. Hence% that the doctrine o" the go!pel ma) remain .hole and
complete among '!% let thi! #e "i3ed in o'r mind!% that .e have #een redeemed #) Chri!t% that he
ma) #e the Lord o" o'r li"e and o" o'r death% and that o'r main o#?ect o'ght to #e% to live to him
and to die to him. He then !a)!% that their s+ift destruction .a! at hand% le!t other! !ho'ld #e
en!nared #) them.
2. 'nd man& shall follo+. +t i!% indeed% no !light o""en!e to the .ea$% .hen the) !ee that "al!e
doctrine! are received #) the common con!ent o" the .orld% that a large n'm#er o" men are led
a!tra)% !o that "e. contin'e in tr'e o#edience to Chri!t. So% at thi! da)% there i! nothing that more
violentl) di!t'r#! pio'! mind! than !'ch a de"ection. ;or hardl) one in ten o" tho!e .ho have
once made a pro"e!!ion o" Chri!t% retain! the p'rit) o" "aith to the end. *lmo!t all t'rn a!ide into
corr'ption!% and #eing del'ded #) the teacher! o" licentio'!ne!!% the) #ecome pro"ane. Le!t thi!
!ho'ld ma$e o'r "aith to "alter% Peter come! to o'r help% and in d'e time "oretell! that thi! ver)
thing .o'ld #e% that i!% that "al!e teacher! .o'ld dra. man) to perdition.
-'t there i! a do'#le reading even in the =ree$ copie!B "or !ome read% Ala!civio'!ne!!%C and
other!% Aperdition.C + have% ho.ever% "ollo.ed .hat ha! #een mo!tl) approved.
B& reason of +hom the +a& of truth( Thi! + con!ider to have #een !aid "or thi! rea!on% #eca'!e a!
religion i! adorned .hen men are ta'ght to "ear =od% to maintain 'prightne!! o" li"e% a cha!te and
virt'o'! cond'ct% or .hen at lea!t the mo'th o" the .ic$ed i! clo!ed% that the) do not !pea$ evil
o" the go!pelB !o .hen the rein! are let loo!e% and ever) $ind o" licentio'!ne!! i! practiced% the
name and the doctrine o" Chri!t are e3po!ed to the reproache! o" the 'ngodl). 7ther! give a
di""erent e3planation D that the!e "al!e teacher!% li$e "ilth) dog!% #ar$ed at !o'nd doctrine. -'t
the .ord! o" Peter appear to me on the contrar) to intimate% that the!e .o'ld give occa!ion to
enemie! in!olentl) to a!!ail the tr'th o" =od. Tho'gh then the) .o'ld not them!elve! a!!ail the
Chri!tian "aith .ith cal'mnie!% )et the) .o'ld arm other! .ith the mean! o" reproaching it.
3. With feigned +ords( Peter endeavor! #) all mean! to render the "aith"'l di!plea!ed .ith
'ngodl) teacher!% that the) might re!i!t them more re!ol'tel) and more con!tantl). +t i!
e!peciall) an odio'! thing that .e !ho'ld #e e3po!ed to !ale li$e vile !lave!. -'t he te!ti"ie! that
thi! i! done% .hen an) one !ed'ce! '! "rom the redemption o" Chri!t. He call! tho!e feigned
+ords .hich arc art"'ll) "ormed "or the p'rpo!e o" deceiving.
Mnle!! then one i! !o mad a! to
!ell the !alvation o" hi! !o'l to "al!e teacher!% let him clo!e 'p ever) aven'e that ma) lead to their
.ic$ed invention!. ;or the !ame p'rpo!e a! #e"ore he repeat! again% that their de!tr'ction
dela)ed not% that i!% that he might "righten the good "rom their !ociet). ;or !ince the) .ere given
'p to a !'dden de!tr'ction% ever) one .ho connected him!el" .ith them% m'!t have peri!hed .ith
2 PETER 2:!-%
!. ;or i" =od !pared not the angel! that
!inned% #'t ca!t them do.n to hell% and
delivered them into chain! o" dar$ne!!% to
#e re!erved 'nto ?'dgmentB
!. Si enim *ngeli! >'i peccaverant%
(e'! non perpercit% !ed cateni!
caligini! in tartar'm praecipitato!
tradidit !ervando! in ?'dici'mB
%. G;or that righteo'! man d.elling among
them% in !eeing and hearing% ve3ed hi!
righteo'! !o'l "rom da) to da) .ith their
'nla."'l deed!BJ
%. 9am oc'li! et a'ri#'! ?'!t'! ille%
>''m ha#itaret inter ip!o! >'otidie
animam ?'!tam ini>'i! illor'm
operi#'! e3cr'cia#atB
!. For if( Ke have !tated ho. m'ch it #ehove! '! to $no. that the 'ngodl)% .ho #) their
mi!chievo'! opinion! corr'pt the Ch'rch% cannot e!cape =od:! vengeanceB and thi! he prove!
e!peciall) #) three remar$a#le e3ample! o" =odX! ?'dgment% D that he !pared not even angel!%
that he once de!tro)ed the .hole .orld #) a del'ge% that he red'ced Sodom to a!he!% and other
neigh#oring citie!. -'t Peter tho'ght it !'""icient to ta$e a! granted .hat o'ght to #e never
do'#ted #) '!% that i!% that =od i! the ?'dge o" the .hole .orld. +t hence "ollo.! that the
p'ni!hment he "ormerl) in"licted on the 'ngodl) and .ic$ed% he .ill no. al!o in"lict on the li$e
character!. ;or he can never #e 'nli$e him!el"% nor doe! he !he. re!pect o" per!on!% !o a! to
"orgive the !ame .ic$edne!! in one .hich he ha! p'ni!hed in anotherB #'t he hate! in?'!tice and
.rong e>'all)% .henever it i! "o'nd.
;or .e m'!t al.a)! #ear in mind that there i! a di""erence #et.een =od and menB "or men
indeed ?'dge 'ne>'all)% #'t =od $eep! the !ame co'r!e in ?'dging. ;or that he "orgive! !in!% thi!
i! done #eca'!e he #lot! them o't thro'gh repentance and "aith. He there"ore doe! not other.i!e
reconcile him!el" to '! than #) ?'!ti")ing '!B "or 'ntil !in i! ta$en a.a)% there i! al.a)! an
occa!ion o" di!cord #et.een '! and Him.
*! to the angels( The arg'ment i! "rom the greater to the le!!B "or the) .ere "ar more e3cellent
than .e are% and )et their dignit) did not pre!erve them "rom the hand o" =odB m'ch le!! then
can mortal men e!cape% .hen the) "ollo. them in their impiet). -'t a! Peter mention! here #'t
#rie"l) the "all o" angel!% and a! he ha! not named the time and the manner and other
circ'm!tance!% it #ehove! '! !o#erl) to !pea$ on the !'#?ect. Mo!t men are c'rio'! and ma$e no
end o" in>'irie! on the!e thing!B #'t !ince =od in Script're ha! onl) !paringl) to'ched on them%
and a! it .ere #) the .a)% he th'! remind! '! that .e o'ght to #e !ati!"ied .ith thi! !mall
$no.ledge. *nd indeed the) .ho c'rio'!l) in>'ire% do not regard edi"ication% #'t !ee$ to "eed
their !o'l! .ith vain !pec'lation!. Khat i! '!e"'l to '!% =od ha! made $no.n% that i!% that the
devil! .ere at "ir!t created% that the) might !erve and o#e) =od% #'t that thro'gh their o.n "a'lt
the) apo!tati5ed% #eca'!e the) .o'ld not !'#mit to the a'thorit) o" =odB and that th'! the
.ic$edne!! "o'nd in them .a! accidental% and not "rom nat're% !o that it co'ld not #e a!cri#ed to
*ll thi! Peter declare! ver) clearl)% .hen he !a)! that angel! "ell% tho'gh !'perior to menB and
@'de i! !till more e3pre!! .hen he .rite!% that the) $ept not their "ir!t e!tate% or their pre
eminence. Let tho!e .ho are not !ati!"ied .ith the!e te!timonie! have reco'r!e to the Sor#onian
theolog)% .hich .ill teach them re!pecting angel! to !atiet)% !o a! to precipitate them to hell
together .ith the devil!.
$hains of darkness( Thi! metaphor intimate! that the) are held #o'nd in dar$ne!! 'ntil the la!t
da). *nd the compari!on i! ta$en "rom male"actor!% .ho% a"ter having #een condemned% !'""er
hal" o" their p'ni!hment #) the !everit) o" the pri!on% 'ntil the) are dra.n "orth to their "inal
doom. Ke ma) hence learn% not onl) .hat p'ni!hment the .ic$ed !'""er a"ter death% #'t al!o
.hat i! the condition o" the children o" =od4 "or the) calml) ac>'ie!ce in the hope o" !'re and
per"ect #le!!edne!!% tho'gh the) do not a! )et en?o) itB a! the "ormer !'""er dread"'l agonie! on
acco'nt o" the vengeance prepared "or them.
. %he old +orld( The import o" .hat he !a)! i!% that =od% a"ter having dro.ned the h'man race%
"ormed again a! it .ere a ne. .orld. Thi! i! al!o an arg'ment "rom the greater to the le!!B "or
ho. can the .ic$ed e!cape the del'ge o" divine .rath% !ince the .hole .orld .a! once
de!tro)ed #) itO ;or #) !a)ing that eight onl) .ere !aved% he intimate! that a m'ltit'de .o'ld
not #e a !hield again!t =od to protect the .ic$edB #'t that a! man) a! !in !hall #e p'ni!hed% #e
the) "e. or man) in n'm#er.
-'t it ma) #e a!$ed .h) he call! 9oah the *reacher of righteousness( Some 'nder!tand that he
.a! the preacher o" the righteo'!ne!! o" =od% ina!m'ch a! Script're commend! =odX!
righteo'!ne!!% #eca'!e he de"end! hi! o.n and re!tore! them% .hen dead% to li"e. -'t + rather
thin$ that he i! called the preacher o" righteo'!ne!!% #eca'!e he la#ored to re!tore a degenerated
.orld to a !o'nd mind% and thi! not onl) #) hi! teaching and godl) e3hortation!% #'t al!o #) hi!
an3io'! toil in #'ilding the ar$ "or the term o" a h'ndred and t.ent) )ear!. 9o.% the de!ign o"
the *po!tle i! to !et #e"ore o'r e)e! =od:! .rath again!t the .ic$ed% !o a! to enco'rage '! at the
!ame time to imitate the !aint!.
". %he cities of Sodom( Thi! .a! !o memora#le an e3ample o" (ivine vengeance% that .hen the
Script're !pea$! o" the 'niver!al de!tr'ction o" the 'ngodl)% it all'de! commonl) to thi! a! the
t)pe. Hence Peter !a)!% that the!e citie! .ere made an e3ample. Thi! ma)% indeed% #e tr'l) !aid
o" other!B #'t Peter point! o't !omething !ing'lar% #eca'!e it .a! the chie" and a livel) imageB
)ea% rather% #eca'!e the Lord de!igned that hi! .rath again!t the 'ngodl) !ho'ld #e made $no.n
to all age!B a! .hen he redeemed hi! people "rom ,g)pt% he ha! !et "orth to '! #) that one "avor
the perpet'al !a"et) o" hi! Ch'rch. @'de ha! al!o e3pre!!ed the !ame thing% calling it the
p'ni!hment o" eternal "ire.
%. 0n seeing and hearing( The common e3planation i!% that Lot .a! ?'!t in hi! e)e! and ear!%
#eca'!e all hi! !en!e! a#horred the crime! o" Sodom. Ho.ever% another vie. ma) #e ta$en o" hi!
!eeing and hearing% !o a! to ma$e thi! the meaning% that .hen the ?'!t man lived among the
Sodomite!% he tormented hi! !o'l #) !eeing and hearingB "or .e $no. that he .a! con!trained to
!ee and hear man) thing! .hich greatl) ve3ed hi! mind. The p'rport o" .hat i! !aid then i!% that
tho'gh the hol) man .a! !'rro'nded .ith ever) $ind o" mon!tro'! .ic$edne!!% he )et never
t'rned a!ide "rom hi! 'pright co'r!e.
-'t Peter e3pre!!e! more than #e"ore% that i!% that ?'!t Lot 'nder.ent vol'ntar) !orro.!B a! it i!
right that all the godl) !ho'ld "eel no !mall grie" .hen the) !ee the .orld r'!hing into ever) $ind
o" evil% !o the more nece!!ar) it i! that the) !ho'ld groan "or their o.n !in!. *nd Peter e3pre!!l)
mentioned thi!% le!t .hen impiet) ever).here prevail!% .e !ho'ld #e captivated and ine#riated
#) the all'rement! o" vice!% and peri!h together .ith other!% #'t that .e might pre"er thi! grie"%
#le!!ed #) the Lord% to all the plea!'re! o" the .orld.
2 PETER 2:#-11
#. The Lord $no.eth ho. to deliver the
godl) o't o" temptation!% and to re!erve
the 'n?'!t 'nto the da) o" ?'dgment to #e
#. 9ovit (omin'! pio! e3 tentatione
eripereB in?'!to! a'tem in diem ?'dicii
p'niendo! !ervareB
11. Kherea! angel!% .hich are greater in and might% #ring not railing
acc'!ation again!t them #e"ore the Lord.
11. R''m angeli% >'i !'nt ro#ore et
potentia ma?ore!% non "erant adver!'!
illa! coram (omino cont'melio!'m
#. %he Lord kno+eth( Khat "ir!t o""end! the .ea$ i!% that .hen the "aith"'l an3io'!l) !ee$ aid%
the) are not immediatel) helped #) =odB #'t on the contrar) he !'""er! them !ometime! a! it
.ere to pine a.a) thro'gh dail) .earine!! and lang'orB and !econdl)% .hen the .ic$ed gro.
.anton .ith imp'nit) and =od in the meantime +! !ilent% a! tho'gh he connived at their evil
deed!. Thi! do'#le o""en!e Peter no. remove!B "or he te!ti"ie! that the Lord $no.! .hen it i!
e3pedient to deliver the godl) "rom temptation. -) the!e .ord! he remind! '! that thi! o""ice
o'ght to #e le"t to him% and that there"ore .e o'ght to end're temptation!% and not to "aint% .hen
at an) time he de"er! hi! vengeance again!t the 'ngodl).
Thi! con!olation i! ver) nece!!ar) "or '!% "or thi! tho'ght i! apt to creep in% A+" the Lord .o'ld
have hi! o.n to #e !a"e% .h) doe! he not gather them all into !ome corner o" the earth% that the)
ma) m't'all) !tim'late one another to holine!!O .h) doe! he mingle them .ith the .ic$ed #)
.hom the) ma) #e de"iledOC -'t .hen =od claim! to him!el" the o""ice o" helping% and
protecting hi! o.n% that the) ma) not "ail in the conte!t% .e gather co'rage to "ight more
!tren'o'!l). The meaning o" the "ir!t cla'!e i!% that thi! la. i! pre!cri#ed #) the Lord to all the
godl)% that the) are to #e proved #) vario'! temptation!% #'t that the) are to entertain good hope
o" !'cce!!% #eca'!e the) are never to #e deprived o" hi! aid and help.
'nd to reserve the un,ust( -) thi! cla'!e he !he.! that =od !o reg'late! hi! ?'dgment! a! to #ear
.ith the .ic$ed "or a time% #'t not to leave them 'np'ni!hed. Th'! he correct! too m'ch ha!te%
#) .hich .e are .ont to #e carried headlong% e!peciall) .hen the atrocit) o" .ic$edne!!
grievo'!l) .o'nd! '!% "or .e then .i!h =od to "'lminate .itho't dela)B .hen he doe! not do !o%
he !eem! no longer to #e the ?'dge o" the .orld. Le!t% then% thi! temporar) imp'nit) o"
.ic$edne!! !ho'ld di!t'r# '!% Peter remind! '! that a da) o" ?'dgment ha! #een appointed #) the
LordB and that% there"ore% the .ic$ed !hall #) no mean! e!cape p'ni!hment% tho'gh it #e not
immediatel) in"licted.
There i! an empha!i! in the .ord reserve, a! tho'gh he had !aid% that the) !hall not e!cape the
hand o" =od% #'t #e held #o'nd a! it .ere #) hidden chain!% that the) ma) at a certain time #e
dra.n "orth to ?'dgment. The participle kolazome>nouv% tho'gh in the pre!ent ten!e% i! )et to #e
th'! e3plained% that the) are re!erved or $ept to #e p'ni!hed% or% that the) ma) #e p'ni!hed. ;or
he #id! '! to rel) on the e3pectation o" the la!t ?'dgment% !o that in hope and patience .e ma)
"ight till the end o" li"e.
1&. But chiefl& them( He come! here to partic'lar!% accommodating a general doctrine to hi! o.n
p'rpo!eB "or he had to do .ith men o" de!perate .ic$edne!!. He then !he.! that dread"'l
vengeance nece!!aril) a.aited them. ;or !ince =od .ill p'ni!h all the .ic$ed% ho. can the)
e!cape .ho a#andon them!elve! li$e #r'te #ea!t! to ever) $ind o" ini>'it)O %o +alk after the
flesh, i! to #e given 'p to the "le!h% li$e #r'te animal!% .ho are not led #) rea!on and ?'dgment%
#'t have the nat'ral de!ire o" their "le!h a! their chie" g'ide. -) the lust of uncleanness
'nder!tand "ilth) and 'n#ridled grati"ication!% .hen men% having ca!t a.a) ever) virt'o'!
"eeling% and !ha$en o"" !hame% are carried a.a) into ever) 'ncleanne!!.
Thi! i! the "ir!t mar$ #) .hich he #rand! them% that the) are imp're men% given 'p to
.ic$edne!!. 7ther mar$! "ollo.% that the) de!pi!ed government% and "eared not to cal'mniate
and reproach men .hom =od had "avored .ith honora#le !tation! in li"e. -'t the!e .ord! re"er
to the !ame thingB "or a"ter having !aid that the) held government in contempt% he immediatel)
point! o't the "o'ntain o" thi! evil% that the) .ere *resum*tuous, or a'dacio'!% and self9+illed, or
and la!tl)% that he might more "'ll) e3hi#it their pride% he !a)! that the) did not
"ear nor trem#le .hen the) treated dignitie! .ith contempt. ;or it i! a mon!tro'! arrogance to
regard a! nothing the glor) .hich !hine! "orth in dignitie! appointed #) =od.
-'t there i! no do'#t #'t that in the!e .ord! he re"er! to the imperial and magi!terial po.erB "or
tho'gh there i! no la."'l !tation in li"e .hich i! not .orth) o" re!pect% )et .e $no. that the
magi!terial o""ice e3cel! ever) other% #eca'!e in governing man$ind =od him!el" i! repre!ented.
Then tr'l) glorio'! i! that in .hich =od him!el" appear!.
Ke no. perceive .hat the *po!tle meant in thi! !econd cla'!e% even that the) o" .hom he
!pea$! .ere "rantic men% lover! o" t'm'lt! and con"'!ionB "or no one can introd'ce anarch)
Gajnarci>anJ into the .orld .itho't introd'cing di!order Gajta$i>an.J 9o.% the!e .ith #old
e""ronter) vomited "orth reproache! again!t magi!trate!% that the) might ta$e a.a) ever) re!pect
"or p'#lic right!B and thi! .a! openl) to "ight again!t =od #) their #la!phemie!. There are al!o
man) t'r#'lent men o" thi! !ort at the pre!ent da)% .ho pro'dl) declare that the o" the
!.ord i! heathen and 'nla."'l% and "'rio'!l) attempt to !'#vert all government. S'ch "'rie!
Satan e3cite!% in order to di!t'r# and prevent the progre!! o" the go!pel. -'t the Lord hath dealt
"avora#l) .ith '!B "or he hath not onl) .arned '! to #e.are o" thi! deadl) poi!on% #'t hath al!o
#) thi! ancient e3ample "orti"ied '! again!t thi! !candal. Hence the Papi!t! act ver) di!hone!tl)%
.hen the) acc'!e '!% and !a) that !editio'! men are made !o #) o'r doctrine. The !ame thing
might indeed have #een alleged again!t the apo!tle! "ormerl)B and )et the) .ere a! "ar a!
po!!i#le "rom enco'raging an) !'ch .ic$edne!!.
11. Whereas angels( He hence !he.! their ra!h arrogance% #eca'!e the) dared to a!!'me more
li#ert) than even angel!. -'t it !eem! !trange that he !a)! that angel! do not #ring a railing
acc'!ation again!t magi!trate!B "or .h) !ho'ld the) #e adver!e to that !acred order% the a'thor o"X
.hich the) $no. to #e =odO .h) !ho'ld the) oppo!e r'ler! .hom the) $no. to #e e3erci!ing
the !ame mini!tr) .ith them!elve!O Thi! rea!oning ha! made !ome to thin$ that the devil! arc
meantB #'t the) do not th'! #) an) mean! e!cape the di""ic'lt). ;or ho. co'ld Satan #e !o
moderate a! to !pare men% !ince he i! the a'thor o" ever) #la!phem) again!t =odO *nd "'rther%
their opinion i! re"'ted #) .hat @'de !a)!.
-'t .hen .e con!ider the circ'm!tance! o" the time% .hat i! !aid applie! ver) !'ita#l) to hol)
angel!. ;or all the magi!trate! .ere then 'ngodl)% and #lood) enemie! to the go!pel. The) m'!t%
there"ore% have #een hate"'l to angel!% the g'ardian! o" the Ch'rch. He% ho.ever% !a)!% that men
de!erving hatred and e3ecration% .ere not condemned #) them in order that the) might !he.
re!pect to a divinel) appointed. Khile !'ch moderation% he !a)!% i! !he.n #) angel!% the!e
men "earle!!l) give vent to impio'! and 'n#ridled #la!phemie!.
2 PETER 2:12-1"
12. -'t the!e% a! nat'ral #r'te #ea!t!% made
to #e ta$en and de!tro)ed% !pea$ evil o" the
thing! that the) 'nder!tand notB and !hall
'tterl) peri!h in their o.n corr'ptionB
12. +!ti a'tem tan>'am #r'ta animalia%
nat'raliter genita in capt'ram et
perniciem% in >'i#'! nihil intellig'nt
maledicente!% in !'a corr'ptione
1". -'t .a! re#'$ed "or hi! ine>'it)4 the
d'm# a!!% !pea$ing .ith man:! voice%
"or#ade the madne!! o" the prophet.
1". Sed redarg't'! "'it de !'a
ini>'itateB animal !'#?'gale m't'm%
h'mana voce lo>'en!% prohi#'it
prophetae dementiam.
9'm#er! /041E% /F.J
12. But these( He proceed! .ith .hat he had #eg'n to !a) re!pecting impio'! and .ic$ed
corr'pter!. *nd% "ir!t% he condemn! their loo!e manner! and the o#!cene .ic$edne!! o" their
.hole li"eB and then he !a)! that the) .ere a'dacio'! and perver!e% !o that #) their !c'rrilo'!
garr'lit) the) in!in'ated them!elve! into the "avor o" man).
He e!peciall) compare! them to tho!e "rute animals, .hich !eem to have come to e3i!tence to #e
en!nared% and to #e driven to their o.n r'in #) their o.n in!tinctB a! tho'gh he had !aid% that
#eing ind'ced #) no all'rement!% the) o" them!elve! ha!ten to thro. them!elve! into the !nare!
o" Satan and o" death. ;or .hat .e render% naturall& "orn, Peter ha! literall)% Anat'ral #orn.C -'t
there i! not m'ch di""erence in the !en!e% .hether one o" the t.o ha! #een #) !ome#od) el!e
!'pplied% or #) p'tting do.n #oth he meant more "'ll) to e3pre!! hi! meaning.
Khat he add!% s*eaking evil o" the thing! that the) understand not, re"er! to the pride and
pre!'mption he mentioned in the preceding ver!e. He then !a)! that all e3cellenc) .a! in!olentl)
de!pi!ed #) them% #eca'!e the) .ere #ecome .holl) !t'pe"ied% !o that the) di""ered nothing
"rom #ea!t!. -'t the .ord + have rendered "or de!tr'ction% and a"ter.ard! in corr'ption% i! the
!ame% fqora<B #'t it i! vario'!l) ta$en4 #'t .hen he !a)! that the) .o'ld peri!h in their o.n
corr'ption% he !he.! that their corr'ption! .o'ld #e r'ino'! or de!tr'ctive.
13. $ount it *leasure.
*! tho'gh he had !aid% AThe) place their happine!! in their pre!ent
en?o)ment!.C Ke $no. that men e3cel #r'te animal! in thi!% that the) e3tend their tho'ght! m'ch
"arther. +t i!% then% a #a!e thing in man to #e occ'pied onl) .ith pre!ent thing!. Here he remind!
'! that o'r mind! o'ght to #e "reed "rom the grati"ication! o" the "le!h% e3cept .e .i!h to #e
red'ced to the !tate o" #ea!t!.
The meaning o" .hat "ollo.! i! thi!% AThe!e are "ilth) !pot! to )o' and )o'r a!!em#l)B "or .hile
the) "ea!t .ith. )o'% the) at the !ame time l'3'riate in their error!% and !he. #) their e)e! and
ge!t're! their la!civio'! l'!t! and dete!ta#le incontinenc).C ,ra!m'! ha! rendered the .ord!
th'!% A;ea!ting in their error!% the) deride )o'.C -'t thi! i! too "orced. +t ma) not 'naptl) #e th'!
e3plained% A;ea!ting .ith )o'% the) in!olentl) deride )o' #) their error!.C +% ho.ever% have given
the ver!ion .hich !eem! the mo!t pro#a#le% Al'3'riating in their error!% "ea!ting .ith )o'.C He
call! the li#idino'! !'ch a! had e)e! "'ll o" ad'lter)% and .ho .ere ince!!antl) led to !in .itho't
re!traint% a! it appear! "rom .hat i! a"ter.ard! !aid.
1!. Beguiling, or #aiting% unsta"le souls( -) the metaphor o" #aiting he remind! the "aith"'l to
#e.are o" their hidden and deceit"'l art!B "or he compare! their impo!t're! to hoo$! .hich ma)
catch the ' to their de!tr'ction. -) adding 'n!ta#le !o'l! he !he.! the rea!on "or ca'tion%
that i!% .hen .e have not !tr'c$ "irm root! in "aith and in the "ear o" the Lord4 and he intimate! at
the !ame time% that the) have no e3c'!e .ho !'""er them!elve! to #e #aited or l'red #) !'ch
"latterie!B "or thi! m'!t have #een a!cri#ed to their levit). Let there #e then a !ta#ilit) o" "aith%
and .e !hall #e !a"e "rom the arti"ice! o" the 'ngodl).
'n heart the& have e;ercised +ith covetous *ractices, or% .ith l'!t!. ,ra!m'! render! the la!t
.ord% Arapine!.C The .ord i! o" a do'#t"'l meaning. + pre"er Al'!t!.C *! he had #e"ore
condemned incontinence in their e)e!% !o he no. !eem! to re"er to the vice! latent in their heart!.
+t o'ght not% ho.ever% to #e con"ined to coveto'!ne!!. -) calling them c'r!ed or e3ecra#le
children% he ma) #e 'nder!tood to mean% that the) .ere !o either activel) or pa!!ivel)% that i!%
that the) #ro'ght a c'r!e .ith them .herever the) .ent% or that the) de!erved a c'r!e.
*! he ha! hitherto re"erred to the in?'r) the) did #) the e3ample o" a perver!e and corr'pt li"e% !o
he again repeat!% that the) !pread #) their teaching the deadl) poi!on o" impiet)% in order that
the) might de!tro) the !imple. He compare! them to -alaam% the !on o" -o5or% .ho emplo)ed a
venal tong'e to c'r!e =od:! people. *nd to !he. that the) .ere not .orth) o" a long re"'tation%
he !a)! that -alaam .a! reproved #) an a!!% and that th'! hi! madne!! .a! condemned. -'t #)
thi! mean! al!o he re!train! the "aith"'l "rom a!!ociating .ith them. ;or it .a! a dread"'l
?'dgment o" =od% that the angel made him!el" $no.n to the a!! #e"ore he did to the prophet% !o
that the a!!% perceiving =od di!plea!ed% dared not to advance "arther% #'t .ent #ac$% .hen the
prophet% 'nder the #lind imp'l!e o" hi! o.n avarice% p'!hed "or.ard again!t the evident
prohi#ition o" the Lord. ;or .hat .a! a"ter.ard! an!.ered to him% that he .a! to proceed% .a!
an evidence o" =odX! indignation rather than a permi!!ion. +n !hort% a! the greate!t indignit) to
him% the mo'th o" the a!! .a! opened% that he .ho had #een 'n.illing to !'#mit to =odX!
a'thorit) might have that a! hi! teacher. *nd #) thi! miracle the Lord de!igned to !he. ho.
mon!tro'! a thing it .a! to change the tr'th to a lie.
+t ma) #e here a!$ed% #) .hat right -alaam had the name o" a prophet% .hen it appear! that he
.a! addicted to man) .ic$ed !'per!tition!. To thi! + repl)% that the gi"t o" prophec) .a! !o
!pecial% that tho'gh he did not .or!hip the tr'e =od% and had not tr'e religion% he might )et have
#een end'ed .ith it. -e!ide!% =od ha! !ometime! ca'!ed prophec) to e3i!t in the mid!t o"
idolatr)% in order that men might have le!! e3c'!e.
9o.% i" an) one con!ider! the chie" thing! .hich Peter !a)!% he .ill !ee that hi! .arning i!
e>'all) !'ita#le to the pre!ent ageB "or it i! an evil .hich prevail! ever).here% that men '!e
!c'rrilo'! railler) "or the p'rpo!e o" deriding =od and the SaviorB na)% the) ridic'le all religion
'nder the cloa$ o" .itB and .hen addicted% li$e #ea!t!% to their o.n l'!t!% the) .ill mingle .ith
the "aith"'lB the) prattle !omething a#o't the go!pel% and )et the) pro!tit'te their tong'e to the
!ervice o" the devil% that the) ma) #ring the .hole .orld% a! "ar a! the) can% to eternal perdition.
The) are in thi! re!pect .or!e than -alaam him!el"% #eca'!e the) grat'ito'!l) po'r "orth their
malediction!% .hen he% ind'ced #) re.ard% attempted to c'r!e.
2 PETER 2:1$-1#
1$. The!e are .ell! .itho't .ater% clo'd!
that are carried .ith a tempe!tB to .hom
the mi!t o" dar$ne!! i! re!erved "or ever.
1$. +i !'nt "onte! !ine a>'a% ne#'lae
>'ae t'r#ine ag'nt'rB >'i#'! caligo
tene#rar'm in aetern'm parata e!t.
1#. Khile the) promi!e them li#ert)% the)
them!elve! are the !ervant! o" corr'ption4
"or o" .hom a man i! overcome% o" the
!ame i! he #ro'ght in #ondage.
1#. ('m li#ertatem illi! promitt'nt%
>''m ip!i !int !ervi corr'ptioni!4 a
>'o enim >'i! !'perat'! e!t% h'ie in
!ervit'tem e!t addict'!.
1$. %hese are +ells, or "o'ntain!% +ithout +ater( He !he.! #) the!e t.o metaphor!% that the) had
nothing .ithin% tho'gh the) made a great di!pla). * "o'ntain% #) it! appearance% dra.! men to
it!el"% #eca'!e it promi!e! them .ater to drin$% and "or other p'rpo!e!B a! !oon a! clo'd! appear%
the) give hope o" immediate rain to irrigate the earth. He then !a)! that the) .ere li$e "o'ntain!%
#eca'!e the) e3celled in #oa!ting% and di!pla)ed !ome ac'tene!! in their tho'ght! and elegance
in their .ord!B #'t that )et the) .ere dr) and #arren .ithin4 hence the appearance o" a "o'ntain
.a! "allacio'!.
He !a)! that the) .ere clouds carried #) the .ind% either .itho't rain% or .hich #'r!t "orth into a
calamito'! !torm. He there#) denote! that the) #ro'ght nothing '!e"'l% and that o"ten the) .ere
ver) h'rt"'l. He a"ter.ard! deno'nce! on them the dread"'l ?'dgment o" =od% that "ear might
re!train the "aith"'l. -) naming the mist or the #lac$ne!! of darkness, he all'de! to the clo'd!
.hich o#!c're the airB a! tho'gh he had !aid% that "or the momentar) dar$ne!! .hich the) no.
!pread% there i! prepared "or them a m'ch thic$er dar$ne!! .hich i! to contin'e "or ever.
1%. For +hen the& s*eak great s+elling .ord! of vanit&(
He mean! that the) da55led the e)e!
o" the !imple #) high"lo.n !t'"" o" .ord!% that the) might not perceive their deceit% "or it .a!
not ea!) to captivate their mind! .ith !'ch dotage!% e3cept the) .ere "ir!t #e!otted #) !ome
arti"ice. He then !a)! that the) '!ed an in"lated $ind o" .ord! and !peech% that the) might "ill the
' .ith admiration. *nd then thi! grandilo>'ence% .hich the ample l'ng! o" the !o'l !end
"orth% Ga! Per!i'! !a)!%
J .a! ver) !'ita#le to cover their !hi"t! and tr'mperie!. There .a!
"ormerl) a cra"t o" thi! $ind in Lalentin'!% and in tho!e li$e him% a! .e learn "rom the #oo$! o"
+renae'!. The) made .ord! 'nheard o" #e"ore% #) the empt) !o'nd o" .hich% the 'nlearned #eing
!mitten% the) .ere en!nared #) their reverie!.
There are "anatic! o" a !imilar $ind at thi! da)% .ho call them!elve! #) the pla'!i#le title o"
Li#ertine! or "reemen. ;or the) tal$ mo!t con"identl) o" the Spirit and o" !pirit'al thing!% a!
tho'gh the) roared o't "rom a#ove the clo'd!% and "a!cinate man) #) their tric$! and .ile!% !o
that )o' ma) !a) that the *po!tle ha! correctl) prophe!ied o" them. ;or the) treat all thing!
?oco!el) and !co""ingl)B and tho'gh the) are great !impleton!% )et a! the) ind'lge in all vice!%
the) "ind "avor .ith their o.n people #) a !ort o" droller). The !tate o" the ca!e i! thi!% that .hen
the di""erence #et.een good and evil i! removed% ever)thing #ecome! la."'lB and men% loo!ed
"rom all !'#?ection to la.!% o#e) their o.n l'!t!. Thi! ,pi!tle% there"ore% i! not a little !'ita#le to
o'r age.
%he& allure, or #ait% through the lusts of the flesh( He !tri$ingl) compare! to hoo$! the
all'rement! o" the 'ngodl)% .hen the) ma$e an)thing the) plea!e la."'lB "or a! the l'!t! o" men
are head!trong and craving% a! !oon a! li#ert) i! o""ered% the) la) hold on it .ith great avidit)B
#'t !oon a"ter.ard! the !trangling hoo$ .ithin i! perceived. -'t .e m'!t con!ider the .hole
!entence o" the *po!tle.
He !a)! that the) .ho had reall) e!caped "rom the !ociet) o" tho!e in error .ere again deceived
#) a ne. $ind o" error% even .hen the rein! .ere let loo!e to them "or the ind'lgence o" ever)
!ort o" intemperance. He here#) remind! '! ho. dangero'! are the .ile! o" the!e men. ;or it .a!
alread) a dread"'l thing that #lindne!! and thic$ dar$ne!! po!!e!!ed almo!t all man$ind. +t .a!%
there"ore% in a manner a do'#le prodig)% that men% "reed "rom the common error! o" the .orld%
!ho'ld% a"ter having received the light o" =od% #e #ro'ght #ac$ to a #ea!tl) indi""erence. Let '!
#e reminded o" .hat .e o'ght e!peciall) to #e.are o"% a"ter having #een once enlightened% that
i!% le!t Satan entice '! 'nder the preten!e o" li#ert)% !o a! to give o'r!elve! 'p to la!civio'!ne!!
to grati") the l'!t! o" the "le!h. -'t the) are !a"e "rom thi! danger .ho !erio'!l) attend to the
!t'd) o" holine!!.
1#. While the& *romise them li"ert&( He !he.! their incon!i!tenc)% that the) "al!el) promi!ed
li#ert)% .hile the) them!elve! !erved !in% and .ere in the .or!t #ondageB "or no one can give
.hat he ha! not. Thi! rea!on% ho.ever% doe! not !eem to #e !'""icientl) valid% #eca'!e it
!ometime! happen! that .ic$ed men% and .holl) 'nac>'ainted .ith Chri!t% preach '!e"'ll)
concerning the #ene"it! and #le!!ing! o" Chri!t. -'t .e m'!t o#!erve% that .hat i! condemned
here i! vicio'! doctrine% connected .ith imp'rit) o" li"eB "or the *po!tleX! de!ign .a! to o#viate
the deceptive all'rement! #) .hich the) en!nared the "ooli!h. The name o" li#ert) i! !.eet% and
the) a#'!ed it "or thi! end% that the hearer% #eing loo!ed "rom the "ear o" the divine la.% might
a#andon him!el" 'nto 'n#ridled licentio'!ne!!. -'t the li#ert) .hich Chri!t ha! proc'red "or '!%
and .hich he o""er! dail) #) the go!pel% i! altogether di""erent% "or he ha! e3empted '! "rom the
)o$e o" the la. a! "ar a! it !'#?ect! '! to a c'r!e% that he might al!o deliver '! "rom the dominion
o" !in% a! "ar a! it !'#?ect! '! to it! o.n l'!t!. Hence% .here l'!t! reign% and there"ore .here the
"le!h r'le!% there the li#ert) o" Chri!t ha! no place .hatever. The *po!tle then declare! thi! to all
the godl)% that the) might not de!ire an) other li#ert) #'t that .hich lead! tho!e% .ho are !et "ree
"rom !in% to a .illing o#edience to righteo'!ne!!.
Ke hence learn that there have ever #een depraved men .ho made a "al!e preten!e to li#ert)% and
that thi! ha! #een an old c'nning tric$ o" Satan. Ke need not .onder that at thi! da) the !ame
"ilth i! !tirred 'p #) "anatical men.
The Papi!t! t'rn and t.i!t thi! pa!!age again!t '!% #'t the) there#) #etra) their ridic'lo'!
imp'dence. ;or in the "ir!t place% men o" the "ilthie!t li"e% in p'#licho'!e! and #rothel!% #elch
o't thi! charge% that .e are the !ervant! o" corr'ption% in the li"e o" .hom the) cannot point o't
an)thing reproach"'l. +n the !econd place% !ince .e teach nothing re!pecting Chri!tian li#ert) #'t
.hat i! derived "rom Chri!t and hi! *po!tle!% and at the !ame time re>'ire the morti"ication o"
the "le!h% and the proper e3erci!e! "or !'#d'ing it% m'ch more !trictl) than the) do .ho !lander
'!% the) vomit "orth their c'r!e!% not !o m'ch again!t '! a! again!t the Son o" =od% .hom .e
have a! o'r certain teacher and a'thorit).
For of +hom a man is overcome( Thi! !entence i! derived "rom militar) la.B #'t )et it i! a
common !a)ing among heathen .riter!% that there i! no harder or a more mi!era#le #ondage than
.hen l'!t! r'le and reign. Khat then o'ght to #e done #) '!% on .hom the Son o" =od ha!
#e!to.ed hi! Spirit% not onl) that .e ma) #e "reed "rom the dominion o" !in% #'t that .e ma)
al!o #ecome the con>'eror! o" the "le!h and the .orldO
2 PETER 2:2&-22
2&. ;or i" a"ter the) have e!caped the
poll'tion! o" the .orld% thro'gh the
$no.ledge o" the Lord and Savior @e!'!
Chri!t% the) are again entangled therein%
and overcome% the latter end i! .or!e .ith
them than the #eginning.
2&. 9am !i ii >'i !'"'gerant a#
in>'inamenti! m'ndi per cognitionem
(omini et Servatori! @e!' Chri!ti%
r'r!'m ii!dem impliciti !'perant'r%
"acta !'nt illi! po!trema pe?ora
21. ;or it had #een #etter "or them not to
have $no.n the .a) o" righteo'!ne!!%
than% a"ter the) have $no.n it% to t'rn "rom
the hol) commandment delivered 'nto
21. Meli'! enim ip!i! e!!et non
cognovi!!e viam ?'!titiae% >'m '#i
cognover'nt converti a# eo% >'od illi!
tradit'm "'it% !ancto praecepto.
22. -'t it i! happened 'nto them according
to the tr'e prover#% The dog i! t'rned to hi!
o.n vomit% againB and the !o. that .a!
.a!hed to her in the mire.
22. Sed accidit illi! >'od vero
prover#io dicit'r% Cani! rever!'! ad
propri'm vomit'mB et !'! lota% ad
vol'ta#r'm coeni.
2&. For if after( He again !he.! ho. pernicio'! .a! the !ect .hich led men con!ecrated to =od
#ac$ again to their old "ilth and the corr'ption! o" the .orld. *nd he e3hi#it! the heino'!ne!! o"
the evil #) a compari!onB "or it .a! no common !in to depart "rom the hol) doctrine o" =od. +t
.o'ld have #een #etter "or them% he !a)!% not to have $no.n the .a) o" righteo'!ne!!B "or
tho'gh there i! no e3c'!e "or ignorance% )et the !ervant .ho $no.ingl) and .il"'ll) de!pi!e! the
command! o" hi! lord% de!erve! a t.o"old p'ni!hment. There .a! #e!ide! ingratit'de% #eca'!e
the) .il"'ll) e3ting'i!hed the light o" =od% re?ected the "avor con"erred on them% and having
!ha$en o"" the )o$e% #ecame perver!el) .anton again!t =odB )ea% a! "ar a! the) co'ld% the)
pro"aned and a#rogated the inviola#le covenant o" =od% .hich had #een rati"ied #) the #lood o"
Chri!t. The more earne!t then o'ght .e to #e% to advance h'm#l) and care"'ll) in the co'r!e o"
o'r calling. Ke m'!t no. con!ider each !entence.
-) naming the *ollutions of the +orld, he !he.! that .e roll in "ilth and are .holl) poll'ted%
'ntil .e reno'nce the .orld. B& the kno+ledge of $hrist he no do'#t 'nder!tand! the go!pel. He
te!ti"ie! that the de!ign o" it i!% to deliver '! "rom the de"ilement! o" the .orld% and to lead '! "ar
a.a) "rom them. ;or the !ame rea!on he a"ter.ard! call! it the +a& of righteousness( He then
alone ma$e! a right progre!! in the go!pel .ho "aith"'ll) learn! Chri!tB and he tr'l) $no.!
Chri!t% .ho ha! #een ta'ght #) him to p't o"" the old man and to p't on the ne. man% a! Pa'l
remind! '! in
,phe!ian! 44//.
21. -) !a)ing that having "or!a$en the commandment delivered unto them, the) ret'rned to their
o.n poll'tion!% he intimate! "ir!t% ho. ine3c'!a#le the) .ereB and !econdl)% he remind! '! that
the doctrine o" a hol) and virt'o'! li"e% tho'gh common to all and indi!criminatel) #elonging to
all% i! )et pec'liarl) ta'ght to tho!e .hom =od "avor! .ith the light o" hi! go!pel. -'t he
declare! that the) .ho ma$e them!elve! !lave! again to the poll'tion! o" the .orld "all a.a)
"rom the go!pel. The "aith"'l al!o do indeed !inB #'t a! the) allo. not dominion to !in% the) do
not "all a.a) "rom the grace o" =od% nor do the) reno'nce the pro"e!!ion o" !o'nd doctrine
.hich the) have once em#raced. ;or the) are not to #e deemed con>'ered% .hile the)
!tren'o'!l) re!i!t the "le!h and it! l'!t!.
22. But it has ha**ened unto them( *! the e3ample di!t'r#! man)% .hen men .ho had !'#mitted
to the o#edience o" Chri!t% r'!h headlong into vice! .itho't "ear or !hame% the *po!tle% in order
to remove the o""en!e% !a)! that thi! happen! thro'gh their o.n "a'lt% and that #eca'!e the) are
pig! and dog!. +t hence "ollo.! that no part o" the !in can #e a!cri#ed to the go!pel.
;or thi! p'rpo!e he >'ote! t.o ancient prover#!% the "ir!t o" .hich i! "o'nd a! the !a)ing o"
Solomon in
Prover#! /E411. -'t .hat Peter meant i! #rie"l) thi!% that the go!pel i! a
medicine .hich p'rge! '! #) .hole!ome vomiting% #'t that there are man) dog! .ho !.allo.
again .hat the) have vomited to their o.n r'inB and that the go!pel i! al!o a laver .hich clean!e!
all o'r 'ncleanne!!% #'t that there are man) !.ine .ho% immediatel) a"ter .a!hing% roll
them!elve! again in the m'd. *t the !ame time the godl) are reminded to ta$e heed to
them!elve!% e3cept the) .i!h to #e deemed dog! or !.ine.
CH*PT,8 0
2 PETER 3:1-!
1. Thi! !econd epi!tle% #eloved% + no.
.rite 'nto )o'B in #oth .hich + !tir 'p )o'r
p're mind! #) .a) o" remem#rance.
1. Hane ?am% dilecti% !ec'ndam vo#i!
!cri#o epi!tolam% in >'i#'! e3cito per
commone"actionem ve!tram p'ram
!. *nd !a)ing% Khere i! the promi!e o" hi!
comingO "or !ince the "ather! "ell a!leep%
all thing! contin'e a! the) .ere "rom the
#eginning o" the creation.
!. *c dicente!% M#i e!t promi!!io
advent'! e?'!O ,3 >'o enim patre!
dormier'nt% omnia !ic permanent a#
initio creationi!.
1. Le!t the) !ho'ld #e .earied .ith the Second ,pi!tle a! tho'gh the "ir!t .a! !'""icient% he !a)!
that it .a! not .ritten in vain% #eca'!e the) !tood in need o" #eing o"ten !tirred 'p. To ma$e thi!
more evident% he !he.! that the) co'ld not #e #e)ond danger% e3cept the) .ere .ell "orti"ied%
#eca'!e the) .o'ld have to contend .ith de!perate men% .ho .o'ld not onl) corr'pt the p'rit)
o" the "aith% #) "al!e opinion!% #'t do .hat the) co'ld to !'#vert entirel) the .hole "aith.
-) !a)ing% 0 stir u* &our *ure mind, he mean! the !ame a! tho'gh he had !aid% A+ .i!h to a.a$en
)o' to a !incerit) o" mind.C *nd the .ord! o'ght to #e th'! e3plained% A+ !tir 'p )o'r mind that it
ma) #e p're and #right.C ;or the meaning i!% that the mind! o" the godl) #ecome dim% and a! it
.ere contract r'!t% .hen admonition! cea!e. -'t .e al!o hence learn% that men even end'ed .ith
leaning% #ecome% in a manner% dro.!)% e3cept the) are !tirred 'p #) con!tant .arning!.
+t no. appear! .hat i! the '!e o" admonition!% and ho. nece!!ar) the) areB "or the !loth o" the
"le!h !mother! the tr'th once received% and render! it ine""icient% e3cept the goad! o" .arning!
come to it! aid. +t i! not then eno'gh% that men !ho'ld #e ta'ght to $no. .hat the) o'ght to #e%
#'t there i! need o" godl) teacher!% to do thi! !econd part% deepl) to impre!! the tr'th on the
memor) o" their hearer!. *nd a! men are% #) nat're% "or the mo!t part% "ond o" novelt) and th'!
inclined to #e "a!tidio'!% it i! '!e"'l "or '! to #ear in mind .hat Peter !a)!% !o that .e ma) not
onl) .illingl) !'""er o'r!elve! to #e admoni!hed #) other!% #'t that ever) one ma) al!o e3erci!e
him!el" in calling to mind contin'all) the tr'th% !o that o'r mind! ma) #ecome re!plendent .ith
the p're and clear $no.ledge o" it.
2. %hat &e ma& "e mindful( -) the!e .ord! he intimate! that .e have eno'gh in the .riting! o"
the prophet!% and in the go!pel% to !tir '! 'p% provided .e #e a! diligent a! it #ehove! '!% in
meditating on themB and that o'r mind! !ometime! contract a r'!t% or #ecome #edimmed thro'gh
dar$ne!!% i! to o'r !loth. That =od ma) then contin'all) !hine 'pon '!% .e m'!t devote
o'r!elve! to that !t'd)4 let o'r "aith at the !ame time ac>'ie!ce in .itne!!e! !o certain and
credi#le. ;or .hen .e have the prophet! and apo!tle! agreeing .ith '!% na)% a! the mini!ter! o"
o'r "aith% and =od a! the a'thor% and angel! a! approver!% there i! no rea!on that the 'ngodl)% all
'nited% !ho'ld move '! "rom o'r po!ition. -) the commandment of the a*ostles he mean! the
.hole doctrine in .hich the) had in!tr'cted the "aith"'l.
3. <no+ing this first( The participle kno+ing ma) #e applied to the *po!tle% and in thi! .a)% A+
la#or to !tir )o' 'p "or thi! rea!on% #eca'!e + $no. .hat and ho. great i! )o'r impending danger
"rom !co""er!.C + ho.ever pre"er thi! e3planation% that the participle i! '!ed in place o" a ver#% a!
tho'gh he had !aid% A<no. )e thi! e!peciall).C ;or it .a! nece!!ar) that thi! !ho'ld have #een
"oretold% #eca'!e the) might have #een !ha$en% had impio'! men attac$ed them !'ddenl) .ith
!co""! o" thi! $ind. He there"ore .i!hed them to $no. thi!% and to "eel a!!'red on the !'#?ect% that
the) might #e prepared to oppo!e !'ch men.
-'t he call! the attention o" the "aith"'l again to the doctrine .hich he to'ched 'pon in the
!econd chapter. ;or #) the last da&s i! commonl) meant the $ingdom o" Chri!t% or the da)! o" hi!
$ingdom% according to .hat Pa'l !a)!% AMpon .hom the end! o" the .orld are come.C G
Corinthian! 10411.J
The meaning i!% that the more =od o""er! him!el" #) the go!pel to the
.orld% and the more he invite! men to hi! $ingdom% the more a'dacio'! on the other hand .ill
'ngodl) men vomit "orth the poi!on o" their impiet).
He call! tho!e scoffers, according to .hat i! '!'al in Script're% .ho !ee$ to appear .itt) #)
! contempt to =od% and #) a #la!phemo'! pre!'mption. +t i!% moreover% the ver)
e3tremit) o" evil% .hen men allo. them!elve! to treat the a."'l name o" =od .ith !co""!. Th'!%
the "ir!t P!alm !pea$! o" the !eat o" !co""er!. So (avid% in P!alm! 111451% complain! that he .a!
derided #) the pro'd% #eca'!e he attended to =od:! la.. So +!aiah% in the /Fth chapter% having
re"erred to them% de!cri#e! their !'pine !ec'rit) and in!en!i#ilit). Let '! there"ore #ear in mind%
that there i! nothing to #e "eared more than a conte!t .ith !co""er!. 7n thi! !'#?ect .e !aid
!omething .hile e3plaining the third chapter o" the ,pi!tle to the =alatian!. *!% ho.ever% the
hol) Script're ha! "oretold that the) .o'ld come% and ha! al!o given '! a !hield #) .hich .e
ma) de"end o'r!elve!% there i! no e3c'!e .h) .e !ho'ld not #oldl) re!i!t them .hatever device!
the) ma) emplo).
!. Where is the *romise( +t .a! a dangero'! !co"" .hen the) in!in'ated a do'#t a! to the la!t
re!'rrectionB "or .hen that i! ta$en a.a)% there i! no go!pel an) longer% the o" Chri!t i!
#ro'ght to nothing% the .hole o" religion i! gone. Then Satan aim! directl) at the throat o" the
Ch'rch% .hen he de!tro)! "aith in the coming o" Chri!t. ;or .h) did Chri!t die and ri!e again%
e3cept that he ma) !ome time gather to him!el" the redeemed "rom death% and give them eternal
li"eO *ll religion i! .holl) !'#verted% e3cept "aith in the re!'rrection remain! "irm and
immova#le. Hence% on thi! point Satan a!!ail! '! mo!t "iercel).
-'t let '! notice .hat the !co"" .a!. The) !et the reg'lar co'r!e o" nat're% !'ch a! it !eem! to
have #een "rom the #eginning% in oppo!ition to the promi!e o" =od% a! tho'gh the!e thing! .ere
contrar)% or did not harmoni5e together. Tho'gh the "aith o" the "ather!% the) !aid% .a! the !ame%
)et no change ha! ta$en place !ince their death% and it i! $no.n that man) age! have pa!!ed
!.a). Hence the) concl'ded that .hat .a! !aid o" the de!tr'ction o" the .orld .a! a "a#leB
#eca'!e the) con?ect'red% that a! it had la!ted !o long% it .o'ld #e perpet'al.
2 PETER 3:-%
. ;or thi! the) .illingl) are ignorant o"%
that #) the .ord o" =od the heaven! .ere
o" old% and the earth !tanding o't o" the
.ater and in the .ater4
. 9am hoe ne!ci'nt volente!. >nTd
caeli ?am olim "'erint% et terra e3 a>'a%
et per a>'am con!i!ten!% (ei !ermoneB
%. Porri% ne hoc 'n'm no! lateat%
%. -'t% #eloved% #e not ignorant o" thi! one
thing% that one da) i! .ith the Lord a! a
tho'!and )ear!% and a tho'!and )ear! a!
one da).
dilecti% >'Td 'n'! die! ap'd
(omin'm perinde e!t 't mille anni% et
mille anni 't die! 'n'!.
. For this the& +illingl& are ignorant of( -) one arg'ment onl) he con"'te! the !co"" o" the
'ngodl)% even #) thi!% that the .orld once peri!hed #) a del'ge o" .ater!% .hen )et it con!i!ted
o" .ater!. G
=ene!i! 14/.J *nd a! the hi!tor) o" thi! .a! .ell $no.n% he !a)! that the)
+illingl&, or o" their o.n accord% erred. ;or the) .ho in"er the perpet'it) o" the .orld "rom it!
pre!ent !tate% de!ignedl) clo!e their e)e!% !o a! not to !ee !o clear a ?'dgment o" =od. The .orld
no do'#t had it! origin "rom .ater!% "or Mo!e! call! the chao! "rom .hich the earth emerged%
.ater!B and "'rther% it .a! !'!tained #) .ater!B it )et plea!ed the Lord to '!e .ater! "or the
p'rpo!e o" de!tro)ing it. +t hence appear! that the o" nat're i! not !'""icient to !'!tain and
pre!erve the .orld% #'t that on the contrar) it contain! the ver) element o" it! o.n r'in%
.henever it ma) plea!e =od to de!tro) it.
;or it o'ght al.a)! to #e #orne in mind% that the .orld !tand! thro'gh no other than that
o" =odX! .ord% and that there"ore in"erior or !econdar) ca'!e! derive "rom him their and
prod'ce di""erent e""ect! a! the) are directed. Th'! thro'gh .ater the .orld !tood% #'t .ater
co'ld have done nothing o" it!el"% #'t on the contrar) o#e)ed =odX! .ord a! an in"erior agent or
element. *! !oon then a! it plea!ed =od to de!tro) the earth% the !ame .ater o#e)ed in #ecoming
a r'ino'! in'ndation. Ke no. !ee ho. egregio'!l) the) err% .ho !top at na$ed element!% a!
tho'gh there .a! perpet'it) in them% and their nat're .ere not changea#le according to the
#idding o" =od.
-) the!e "e. .ord! the pet'lance o" tho!e i! a#'ndantl) re"'ted% .ho arm them!elve! .ith
ph)!ical rea!on! to "ight again!t =od. ;or the hi!tor) o" the del'ge i! an a#'ndantl) !'""icient
.itne!! that the .hole order o" nat're i! governed #) the !ole o" =od. G
+t !eem!% ho.ever% !trange that he !a)! that the .orld peri!hed thro'gh the del'ge% .hen he had
#e"ore mentioned the heaven and the earth. To thi! + an!.er% that the heaven .a! then al!o
!'#merged% that i!% the region o" the air% .hich !tood open #et.een the t.o .ater!. ;or the
divi!ion or !eparation% mentioned #) Mo!e!% .a! then con"o'nded. G
=ene!i! 14EBJ and the
.ord heaven i! o"ten ta$en in thi! !en!e. i" an) .i!he! "or more on thi! !'#?ect% let him read
*'g'!tine on the Cit) o" =od. Li". /0.
$. But the heavens and the earth +hich are no+( He doe! not in"er thi! a! the con!e>'enceB "or
hi! p'rpo!e .a! no other than to di!!ipate the cra"tine!! o" !co""er! re!pecting the perpet'al !tate
o" nat're% and .e !ee man) !'ch at thi! da) .ho #eing !lightl) em#'ed .ith the r'diment! o"
philo!oph)% onl) h'nt a"ter pro"ane !pec'lation!% in order that the) ma) pa!! them!elve! o"" a!
great philo!opher!.
-'t it no. appear! >'ite evident "rom .hat ha! #een !aid% that there i! nothing 'nrea!ona#le in
the declaration made #) the Lord% that the heaven and the earth !hall herea"ter #e con!'med #)
"ire% #eca'!e the rea!on "or the "ire i! the !ame a! that "or the .ater. ;or it .a! a common !a)ing
even among the ancient!% that "rom the!e t.o chie" element! all thing! have proceeded. -'t a! he
had to do .ith the 'ngodl)% he !pea$! e3pre!!l) o" their de!tr'ction.
%. But "e not ignorant of this one thing( He no. t'rn! to !pea$ to the godl)B and he remind! them
that .hen the coming o" Chri!t i! the !'#?ect% the) .ere to rai!e 'p.ard! their e)e!% "or #) !o
doing% the) .o'ld not limit% #) their 'nrea!ona#le .i!he!% the time appointed #) the Lord. ;or
.aiting !eem! ver) long on thi! acco'nt% #eca'!e .e have o'r e)e! "i3ed on the !hortne!! o" the
pre!ent li"e% and .e al!o increa!e .earine!! #) comp'ting da)!% ho'r!% and min'te!. -'t .hen
the eternit) o" =odX! $ingdom come! to o'r mind!% man) age! vani!h a.a) li$e !o man)
Thi! then i! .hat the *po!tle call! o'r attention to% !o that .e ma) $no. that the da) o"
re!'rrection doe! not depend on the pre!ent "lo. o" tine% #'t on the hidden p'rpo!e o" =od% a!
tho'gh he had !aid% AMen .i!h to anticipate =od "or thi! rea!on% #eca'!e the) mea!'re time
according to the ?'dgment o" their o.n "le!hB and the) are #) nat're inclined to impatience% !o
that celerit) i! even dela) to them4 do )e then a!cend in )o'r mind! to heaven% and th'! time .ill
#e to )o' neither long nor !hort.C
2 PETER 1:#-13
#. The Lord i! not !lac$ concerning hi!
promi!e% a! !ome men co'nt #'t i! long
!'""ering to.ard '!% not .illing that an)
!ho'ld peri!h% #'t that all !ho'ld come to
#. 9on tardat (omin'! in
promi!!ione% !ic'ti >'idam
tarditatem !lac$ne!!B e3i!timantB
!ed tolerantem !e prae#et erga no!%
nolen! 'llo! perire% !ed omne! ad
poenitentiam recipere Ga't% colligi%
vel% aggregari.J
13. 9everthele!! .e% according to hi!
promi!e% loo$ "or ne. heaven! and a
ne. earth% .herein d.elleth
13. 9ovo! a'tem coelo! et terram
novam ?'3ta promi!!'m e?'!
e3pectam'!% Yn >'i#'! ha#itat
#. But the Lord is not slack, or% dela)! not. He chec$! e3treme and 'nrea!ona#le ha!te #) another
rea!on% that i!% that the Lord de"er! hi! coming that he might invite all man$ind to repentance.
;or o'r mind! are al.a)! pr'rient% and a do'#t o"ten creep! in% .h) he doe! not come !ooner.
-'t .hen .e hear that the Lord% in dela)ing% !he.! a concern "or o'r !alvation% and that he
de"er! the time #eca'!e he ha! a care "or '!% there i! no rea!on .h) .e !ho'ld an) longer
complain o" tardine!!. He i! tard) .ho allo.! an occa!ion to pa!! #) thro'gh !loth"'lne!!4 there
i! nothing li$e thi! in =od% .ho in the #e!t manner reg'late! time to promote o'r !alvation. *nd
a! to the d'ration o" the .hole .orld% .e m'!t thin$ e3actl) the !ame a! o" the li"e o" ever)
individ'alB "or =od #) prolonging time to each% !'!tain! him that he ma) repent. +n the li$e
manner he doe! not ha!ten the end o" the .orld% in order to give to all time to repent.
Thi! i! a ver) nece!!ar) admonition% !o that .e ma) learn to emplo) time aright% a! .e !hall
other.i!e !'""er a ?'!t p'ni!hment "or o'r idlene!!.
:ot +illing that an& should *erish( So .onder"'l i! hi! love to.ard! man$ind% that he .o'ld
have them all to #e !aved% and i! o" hi! o.n !el" prepared to #e!to. !alvation on the lo!t. -'t the
order i! to #e noticed% that =od i! read) to receive all to repentance% !o that none ma) peri!hB "or
in the!e .ord! the .a) and manner o" o#taining !alvation i! pointed o't. ,ver) one o" '!%
there"ore% .ho i! de!iro'! o" !alvation% m'!t learn to enter in #) thi! .a).
-'t it ma) #e a!$ed% +" =od .i!he! none to peri!h% .h) i! it that !o man) do peri!hO To thi! m)
an!.er i!% that no mention i! here made o" the hidden p'rpo!e o" =od% according to .hich the
repro#ate are doomed to their o.n r'in% #'t onl) o" hi! .ill a! made $no.n to '! in the go!pel.
;or =od there !tretche! "orth hi! hand .itho't a di""erence to all% #'t la)! hold onl) o" tho!e% to
lead them to him!el"% .hom he ha! cho!en #e"ore the "o'ndation o" the .orld.
-'t a! the ver# crh~sai i! o"ten ta$en pa!!ivel) #) the =ree$!% no le!! !'ita#le to thi! pa!!age i!
the ver# .hich + have p't in the margin% that =od .o'ld have all% .ho had #een #e"ore
.andering and !cattered% to #e gathered or come together to repentance.
1&. But the da& of the Lord +ill come( Thi! ha! #een added% that the "aith"'l might #e al.a)!
.atching% and not promi!e tomorro. to them!elve!. ;or .e all la#or 'nder t.o ver) di""erent
evil!too m'ch ha!te% and !loth"'lne!!. Ke are !ei5ed .ith impatience "or the da) o" Chri!t
alread) e3pectedB at the !ame time .e !ec'rel) regard it a! a"ar o"". *!% then% the *po!tle ha!
#e"ore reproved an 'nrea!ona#le ardor% !o he no. !ha$e! o"" o'r !leepine!!% !o that .e ma)
attentivel) e3pect Chri!t at all time!% le!t .e !ho'ld #ecome idle and negligent% a! it i! '!'all)
the ca!e. ;or .hence i! it that "le!h ind'lge! it!el" e3cept that there i! no tho'ght o" the near
coming o" Chri!tO
Khat a"ter.ard! "ollo.!% re!pecting the #'rning o" heaven and earth% re>'ire! no long
e3planation% i" indeed .e d'l) con!ider .hat i! intended. ;or it .a! not hi! p'rpo!e to !pea$
re"inedl) o" "ire and !torm% and other thing!% #'t onl) that he might introd'ce an e3hortation%
.hich he immediatel) add!% even that .e o'ght to !trive a"ter!! o" li"e. ;or he th'!
rea!on!% that a! heaven and earth are to #e p'rged #) "ire% that the) ma) corre!pond .ith the
$ingdom o" Chri!t% hence the renovation o" men i! m'ch more nece!!ar). Mi!chievo'!% then% arc
tho!e interpreter! .ho con!'me m'ch la#or on re"ined !pec'lation!% !ince the *po!tle applie! hi!
doctrine to godl) e3hortation!.
Heaven and earth% he !a)!% !hall pa!! a.a) "or o'r !a$e!B i! it meet% then% "or '! to #e engro!!ed
.ith the thing! o" earth% and not% on the contrar)% to attend to a hol) and godl) li"eO The
corr'ption! o" heaven and earth .ill #e p'rged #) "ire% .hile )et a! the creat're! o" =od the) are
p'reB .hat then o'ght to #e done #) '! .ho are "'ll o" !o man) poll'tion!O *! to the .ord
godlinesses G*ietati"us%J the pl'ral n'm#er i! '!ed "or the !ing'lar% e3cept )o' ta$e it a! meaning
the d'tie! o" godline!!.
7" the element! o" the .orld + !hall onl) !a) thi! one thing% that the)
are to #e con!'med% onl) that the) ma) #e renovated% their !'#!tance !till remaining the !ame% a!
it ma) #e ea!il) gathered "rom
8oman! F4/1% and "rom other pa!!age!.
12. Looking for and hasting unto, or% .aiting "or #) ha!teningB !o + render the .ord!% tho'gh the)
are t.o participle!B "or .hat .e had #e"ore !eparatel) he gather! no. into one !entence% that i!%
that .e o'ght ha!til) to .ait. 9o. thi! contrario'! hope po!!e!!e! no !mall elegance% li$e the
prover#% AHa!ten !lo.l)%C Gfestina lente.J Khen he !a)!% AKaiting "or%C he re"er! to the end'rance
o" hopeB and he !et! ha!tening in oppo!ition to toporB and #oth are ver) appo!ite. ;or a! >'ietne!!
and .aiting are the pec'liaritie! o" hope% !o .e m'!t al.a)! ta$e heed le!t the !ec'rit) o" the
"le!h !ho'ld creep inB .e o'ght% there"ore% !tren'o'!l) to la#or in good .or$!% and r'n >'ic$l) in
the race o" o'r calling.
Khat he #e"ore called the da) o" Chri!t Ga! it i! ever).here called in
Script'reJ he no. call! the da) o" =od% and that rightl)% "or Chri!t .ill then re!tore the $ingdom
to the ;ather% that =od ma) #e all in all.
2 PETER 3:1!-1%
1!. Khere"ore% #eloved% !eeing that )e
loo$ "or !'ch thing!% #e diligent% that )e
ma) #e "o'nd o" him in peace% .itho't
!pot% and #lamele!!
1!. R'are% dilecti% >''m Haec
e3pecteti!% !t'dete incontaminati et
irreprehen!i#ile! a# eo in)eniri in
1%. -'t gro. in grace% and in the
$no.ledge o" o'r Lord and Savior @e!'!
Chri!t. To him #e glor) #oth nom and "or
ever. *men
1%. Cre!cite a'tem in gratia et notitia
(omini no!tri et Servatori! @e!'
Chri!tiB ip!i gloria et n'nc et in diem
1!. Wherefore( He ?'!tl) rea!on! "rom hope to it! e""ect% or the practice o" a godl) li"eB "or hope
i! living and e""icacio'!B there"ore it cannot #e #'t that it .ill attract '! to it!el". He% then% .ho
.ait! "or ne. heaven!% m'!t #egin .ith a! to him!el"% and diligentl) a!pire a"ter itB #'t
the) .ho cleave to their o.n "ilth% thin$ nothing% it i! certain% o" =odX! $ingdom% and have no
ta!te "or an)thing #'t "or thi! corr'pt .orld.
-'t .e m'!t notice that he !a)!% that .e o'ght to #e "o'nd #lamele!! #) Chri!tB "or #) the!e
.ord! he intimate!% that .hile the .orld engage! and engro!!e! the mind! o" other!% .e m'!t ca!t
o'r e)e! on the Lord% and he !he.! at the !ame time .hat i! real integrit)% even that .hich i!
approved #) hi! ?'dgment% and not that .hich gain! the Prai!e o" men.
The .ord *eace !eem! to #e ta$en "or a >'iet !tate o" con!cience% "o'nded on hope and patient
;or a! !o "e. t'rn their attention to the ?'dgment o" Chri!t% hence it i!% that .hile
the) are carried headlong #) their import'nate l'!t!% the) are at the !ame time in a !tate o"
di!>'iet'de. Thi! peace% then% i! the >'ietne!! o" a peacea#le !o'l% .hich ac>'ie!ce! in the .ord
o" =od.
+t ma) #e a!$ed% ho. an) one can #e "o'nd #lamele!! #) Chri!t% .hen .e all la#or 'nder !o
man) de"iciencie!. -'t Peter here onl) point! o't the mar$ at .hich the "aith"'l o'ght all to aim%
tho'gh the) cannot reach it% 'ntil having p't o"" their "le!h the) #ecome .holl) 'nited to Chri!t.
1. %he long9suffering of our Lord( He ta$e! it a! granted that Chri!t de"er! the da) o" hi!
coming% #eca'!e he ha! a regard "or o'r !alvation. He hence animate! the "aith"'l% #eca'!e in a
longer dela) the) have an evidence a! to their o.n !alvation. Th'!% .hat '!'all) di!hearten!
other! thro'gh .earine!!% he .i!el) t'rn! to a contrar) p'rpo!e.
!ven as our "eloved "rother )aul( Ke ma) ea!il) gather "rom the ,pi!tle to the =alatian!% a!
.ell a! "rom other place!% that 'nprincipled men% .ho .ent a#o't ever).here to di!t'r# the
ch'rche!% in order to di!credit Pa'l% made '!e o" thi! preten!e% that he did not .ell agree .ith the
other *po!tle!. +t i! then pro#a#le that Peter re"erred to Pa'l in order to !he. their con!entB "or it
.a! ver) nece!!ar) to ta$e a.a) the occa!ion "or !'ch a cal'mn). *nd )et% .hen + e3amine all
thing! more narro.l)% it !eem! to me more pro#a#le that thi! ,pi!tle .a! compo!ed #) another
according to .hat Peter comm'nicated% than that it .a! .ritten #) him!el"% "or Peter him!el"
.o'ld have never !po$en th'!. -'t it i! eno'gh "or me that .e have a .itne!! o" hi! doctrine and
o" hi! good.ill% .ho #ro'ght "or.ard nothing contrar) to .hat he .o'ld have him!el" !aid.
1". 0n +hich are some things( The relative +hich doe! not re"er to e*istles, "or it i! in the ne'ter
The meaning i!% that in the thing! .hich he .rote there .a! !ometime! an o#!c'rit)%
.hich gave occa!ion to the 'nlearned to go a!tra) to their o.n r'in. Ke are reminded #) the!e
.ord!% to rea!on !o#erl) on thing! !o high and o#!c'reB and "'rther% .e are here !trengthened
again!t thi! $ind o" o""en!e% le!t the "ooli!h or a#!'rd !pec'lation! o" men !ho'ld di!t'r# '!% #)
.hich the) entangle and di!tort !imple tr'th% .hich o'ght to !erve "or edi"ication.
-'t .e m'!t o#!erve% that .e are not "or#idden to read Pa'lX! ,pi!tle!% #eca'!e the) contain
!ome thing! hard and di""ic'lt to #e 'nder!tood% #'t that% on the contrar)% the) are commended to
'!% provided .e #ring a calm and teacha#le mind. ;or Peter condemn! men .ho are tri"ling and
volatile% .ho !trangel) t'rn to their o.n r'in .hat i! '!e"'l to all. 9a)% he !a)! that thi! i!
commonl) done a! to all the Script're4 and )et he doe! not hence concl'de% that .e are not to
read it% #'t onl) !he.!% that tho!e vice! o'ght to #e corrected .hich prevent improvement% and
not onl) !o% #'t render deadl) to '! .hat =od ha! appointed "or o'r !alvation.
+t ma)% ho.ever% #e a!$ed% Khence i! thi! o#!c'rit)% "or the Script're !hine! to '! li$e a lamp%
and g'ide! o'r !tep!O To thi! + repl)% that it i! nothing to #e .ondered at% i" Peter a!cri#ed
o#!c'rit) to the m)!terie! o" Chri!tX! $ingdom% and e!peciall) i" .e con!ider ho. hidden the) are
to the perception o" the "le!h. Ho.ever the mode o" teaching .hich =od ha! adopted% ha! #een
!o reg'lated% that all .ho re"'!e not to "ollo. the Hol) Spirit a! their g'ide% "ind in the Script're
a clear light. *t the !ame time% man) are #lind .ho !t'm#le at midda)B other! are pro'd% .ho%
.andering thro'gh devio'! path!% and "l)ing over the ro'ghe!t place!% r'!h headlong into r'in.
1$. 1e, therefore, "eloved( *"ter having !he.n to the "aith"'l the danger! o" .hich the) .ere to
#e.are% he no. concl'de! #) admoni!hing them to #e .i!e. -'t he !he.! that there .a! need o"
#eing .atch"'l% le!t the) !ho'ld #e over.helmed. *nd% do'#tle!!% the cra"t o" o'r enem)% the
man) and vario'! treacherie! .hich he emplo)! again!t '!% the cavil! o" 'ngodl) men% leave no
place "or !ec'rit). Hence% vigilance m'!t #e e3erci!ed% le!t the device! o" Satan and o" the
.ic$ed !ho'ld !'cceed in circ'mventing '!. +t% ho.ever !eem! that .e !tand on !lipper) gro'nd%
and the certaint) o" o'r !alvation i! !'!pended% a! it .ere% on a thread% !ince he declare! to the
"aith"'l% that the) o'ght to ta$e heed le!t the) !ho'ld "all "rom their o.n !tead"a!tne!!.
Khat% then% .ill #ecome o" '!% i" .e are e3po!ed to the danger o" "allingO To thi! + an!.er% that
thi! e3hortation% and tho!e li$e it% are #) no mean! intended to !ha$e the "irmne!! o" that "aith
.hich rec'm#! on =od% #'t to correct the !loth o" o'r "le!h. +" an) one .i!he! to !ee more on thi!
!'#?ect% let him read .hat ha! #een !aid on the tenth chapter o" the ;ir!t ,pi!tle to the
The meaning i! thi!% that a! long a! .e are in the "le!h% o'r tardine!! m'!t #e ro'!ed% and that thi!
i! "itl) done #) having o'r .ea$ne!!% and the variet) o" danger! .hich !'rro'nd '!% placed
#e"ore o'r e)e!B #'t that the con"idence .hich re!t! on =odX! promi!e! o'ght not to #e there#)
1%. But gro+ in grace( He al!o e3hort! '! to ma$e progre!!B "or it i! the onl) .a) o" per!evering%
to ma$e contin'al advance!% and not to !tand !till in the middle o" o'r ?o'rne)B a! tho'gh he had
!aid% that the) onl) .o'ld #e !a"e .ho la#ored to ma$e progre!! dail).
The .ord grace, + ta$e in a general !en!e% a! meaning tho!e !pirit'al gi"t! .e o#tain thro'gh
Chri!t. -'t a! .e #ecome parta$er! o" the!e #le!!ing! according to the mea!'re o" o'r "aith%
kno+ledge i! added to graceB a! tho'gh he had !aid% that a! "aith increa!e!% !o .o'ld "ollo. the
increa!e o" grace.
%o him "e glor&( Thi! i! a remar$a#le pa!!age to prove the divinit) o" Chri!tB "or .hat i! !aid
cannot #elong to an) #'t to =od alone. The adver# o" the pre!ent time% no.% i! de!igned "or thi!
end% that .e ma) not ro# Chri!t o" hi! glor)% d'ring o'r .ar"are in the .orld. He then add!% for
ever, that .e ma) no. "orm !ome idea o" hi! eternal $ingdom% .hich .ill ma$e $no.n to '! hi!
"'ll and per"ect glor).
TH, *8=MM,9T
TH7M=H there .a! a di!p'te among the ancient! re!pecting thi! ,pi!tle% )et a! the reading o" it i!
'!e"'l% and a! it contain! nothing incon!i!tent .ith the p'rit) o" apo!tolic doctrine% and .a!
received a! a'thentic "ormerl)% #) !ome o" the #e!t% + .illingl) add it to the other!. +t! #revit)%
moreover% doe! not re>'ire a long !tatement o" it! content!B and almo!t the .hole o" it i! nearl)
the !ame .ith the !econd chapter o" the la!t ,pi!tle.
*! 'nprincipled men% 'nder the name o" Chri!tian!% had crept in% .ho!e chie" o#?ect .a! to lead
the 'n!ta#le and .ea$ to a pro"ane contempt o" =od% @'de "ir!t !he.!% that the "aith"'l o'ght not
to have #een moved #) agent! o" thi! $ind% #) .hich the Ch'rch ha! al.a)! #een a!!ailedB and
)et he e3hort! them care"'ll) to #e.are o" !'ch pe!t!. *nd to render them more hate"'l and
dete!ta#le% he deno'nce! on them the approaching vengeance o" =od% !'ch a! their impiet)
de!erved. 9o.% i" .e con!ider .hat Satan ha! attempted in o'r age% "rom the commencement o"
the revived go!pel% and .hat art! he !till #'!il) emplo)! to !'#vert the "aith% and the "ear o" =od%
.hat .a! a '!e"'l .arning in the time o" @'de% i! more than nece!!ar) in o'r age. -'t thi! .ill
appear more "'ll) a! .e proceed in reading the ,pi!tle.
TH, ,P+STL, 7; @M(,
JUDE 1-2
1. @'de% the !ervant o" @e!'! Chri!t% and
#rother o" @ame!% to them that are !ancti"ied
#) =od the ;ather% and pre!erved in @e!'!
Chri!t% and called.
1. @'da! @e!' Chri!ti !erv'!% "rater
a'tem @aco#i%% vocati! >'i in (eo
Patre !ancti"icati !'nt% et in @e!'
Chri!to c'!toditi%
2. Merc) 'nto )o'% and peace% et and love%
#e m'ltiplied.
2. Mi!ericordia vo#i! et pa3 et
dilectio a'geat'r.
1. Jude the servant of Jesus $hrist. He call! him!el" the !ervant o" Chri!t% not a! the name applie!
to all the godl)% #'t .ith re!pect to hi! apo!tle!hipB "or the) .ere deemed pec'liarl) the !ervant!
o" Chri!t% .ho had !ome p'#lic o""ice committed to them. *nd .e $no. .h) the apo!tle! .ere
.ont to give them!elve! thi! honora#le name. Kho!oever i! not called% arrogate! to him!el"
pre!'mpt'o'!l) the right and a'thorit) o" teaching. Then their calling .a! an evidence to the
apo!tle!% that the) did not thr'!t them!elve! into their o""ice thro'gh their o.n .ill. +t .a! not%
ho.ever% o" it!el" !'""icient to #e appointed to their o""ice% e3cept the) "aith"'ll) di!charged it.
*nd% no do'#t% he .ho declare! him!el" to #e the !ervant o" =od% incl'de! #oth the!e thing!% that
i!% that =od i! the #e! o" the o""ice .hich he e3erci!e!% and that he "aith"'ll) per"orm! .hat
ha! #een committed to him. Man) act "al!el)% and "al!el) #oa!t to #e .hat the) are ver) "ar "rom
#eing4 .e o'ght al.a)! to e3amine .hether the realit) corre!pond! .ith the pro"e!!ion.
'nd "rother of James. He mention! a name more cele#rated than hi! o.n% and more $no.n to
the ch'rche!. ;or tho'gh "aith"'lne!! o" doctrine and a'thorit) do not depend on the name! o"
mortal men% )et it i! a con"irmation to the "aith% .hen the integrit) o" the man .ho 'nderta$e!
the o""ice o" a teacher i! made certain to '!. -e!ide!% the a'thorit) o" @ame! i! not here #ro'ght
"or.ard a! that o" a private individ'al% #'t #eca'!e he .a! co'nted #) all the Ch'rch a! one o"
the chie" apo!tle! o" Chri!t. He .a! the !on o" *lphe'!% a! + have !aid el! 9a)% thi! ver)
pa!!age i! a !'""icient proo" to me again!t ,'!e#i'! and other!% .ho !a)% that he .a! a di!ciple%
named 7#lia!% [@ame!%] mentioned #) L'$e% in
*ct! 15410B
*ct! /141F% .ho .a!
more eminent than the apo!tle! in the Ch'rch.
-'t there i! no do'#t #'t that @'de mention!
here hi! o.n #rother% #eca'!e he .a! eminent among the apo!tle!. +t i!% then% pro#a#le% that he
.a! the per!on to .hom the chie" honor .a! conceded #) the re!t% according to .hat L'$e
%o them that are sanctified "& God the Father% or% to the called .ho are !ancti"ied% etc.
-) thi!
e3pre!!ion% Athe called%C he denote! all the "aith"'l% #eca'!e the Lord ha! !eparated them "or
him!el". -'t a! calling i! nothing el!e #'t the e""ect o" eternal election% it i! !ometime! ta$en "or
it. +n thi! place it ma$e! #'t little di""erence in .hich .a) )o' ta$e itB "or he% no do'#t%
commend! the grace o" =od% #) .hich he ha! #een plea!ed to choo!e them a! hi! pec'liar
trea!'re. *nd he intimate! that men do not anticipate =od% and that the) never come to him 'ntil
he dra.! them.
7" the !ame he !a)! that the) .ere sanctified in God the Father% .hich ma) #e rendered% A#)
=od the ;ather.C + have% ho.ever% retained the ver) "orm o" the e3pre!!ion% that reader! ma)
e3erci!e their o.n ?'dgment. ;or it ma) #e% that thi! i! the !en!e% D that #eing pro"ane in
them!elve!% the) had their holine!! in =od. -'t the .a) in .hich =od !ancti"ie! i!% #)
regenerating '! #) hi! Spirit.
*nother reading% .hich the L'lgate ha! "ollo.ed% i! !ome.hat har!h% ATo the #eloved
Ghjgaphme>noivJ in =od the ;ather.C + there"ore regard it a! corr'ptB and it i!% indeed% "o'nd #'t
in a "e. copie!.
He "'rther add!% that the) .ere *reserved in Jesus $hrist. ;or .e !ho'ld #e al.a)! in danger o"
death thro'gh Satan% and he might ta$e '! at an) moment a! an ea!) pre)% .ere .e not !a"e
'nder the protection o" Chri!t% .hom the ;ather ha! given to #e o'r g'ardian% !o that none o"
tho!e .hom he ha! received 'nder hi! care and !helter !ho'ld peri!h.
@'de then mention! here a three"old #le!!ing% or "avor o" =od% .ith regard to all the godl)% D
that he ha! made them #) hi! calling parta$er! o" the go!pelB that he ha! regenerated them% #) hi!
Spirit% 'nto!! o" li"eB and that he ha! pre!erved them #) the hand o" Chri!t% !o that the)
might not "all a.a) "rom !alvation.
2. Merc& to &ou( Merc) mean! nearl) the !ame a! grace in the !al'tation! o" Pa'l. Kere an) one
to .i!h "or a re"ined di!tinction% it ma) #e !aid that grace i! properl) the e""ect o" merc)B "or
there i! no other rea!on .h) =od ha! em#raced '! in love% #'t that he pitied o'r mi!erie!. Love
ma) #e 'nder!tood a! that o" =od to.ard! men% a! .ell a! that o" men to.ard! one another.
it #e re"erred to =od% the meaning i!% that it might increa!e to.ard! them% and that the a!!'rance
o" divine love might #e dail) more con"irmed in their heart!. The other meaning i!% ho.ever% not
'n!'ita#le% that =od .o'ld $indle and con"irm in them m't'al love.
JUDE 3-!
3. -eloved% .hen + gave all diligence to
.rite 'nto )o' o" the common !alvation% it
.a! need"'l "or me to .rite 'nto )o'% and
e3hort &ou% that )e !ho'ld earne!tl)
contend "or the "aith .hich .a! once
delivered 'nto the !aint!.
3. (ilecti% >''m omne !t'di'm
adhi#erem ad !cri#end'm vo#i! de
comm'ni !al'te% nece!!e ha#'i
!cri#ere vo#i! ad vo! hortando! 't
certando ad?'veti! eam% >'ae !emel
tradita e!t !ancti!% "idem.
!. ;or there are certain men crept in
'na.are!% .ho .ere #e"ore o" old ordained
to thi! condemnationB 'ngodl) men%
t'rning the grace o" o'r =od into
la!civio'!ne!!% and den)ing the onl) Lord
=od% and o'r Lord @e!'! Chri!t.
!. S'#ingre!!i enim !'nt >'idam
homine!% olim prae!cripti ?'dici'm%
impii% (ei no!tri gratiam tran!"erente!
in la!civiam% et (e'm% >'i !ol'! e!t
Her'!% et (omin'm @e!'m Chri!t'm
3. When 0 gave diligence. + have rendered the .ord! spoudh<n poiou>menov% A*ppl)ing care4C
literall) the) are% AMa$ing diligence.C -'t man) interpreter! e3plain the !entence in thi! !en!e%
that a !trong de!ire con!trained @'de to .rite% a! .e '!'all) !a) o" tho!e 'nder the in"l'ence o"
!ome !trong "eeling% that the) cannot govern or re!train them!elve!. Then% according to the!e
e3po'nder!% @'de .a! 'nder a !ort o" nece!!it)% #eca'!e a de!ire to .rite !'""ered him not to re!t.
-'t + rather thin$ that the t.o cla'!e! are !eparate% that tho'gh he .a! inclined and !olicito'! to
.rite% )et a nece!!it) compelled him. He then intimate!% that he .a! indeed glad and an3io'! to
.rite to them% #'t )et nece!!it) 'rged him to do !o% even #eca'!e the) .ere a!!ailed Gaccording
to .hat "ollo.!J #) the 'ngodl)% and !tood in need o" #eing prepared to "ight .ith them.
Then% in the "ir!t place% @'de te!ti"ie! that he "elt !o m'ch concern "or their !alvation% that he
.i!hed him!el"% and .a! indeed an3io'! to .rite to themB and% !econdl)% in order to ro'!e their
attention% he !a)! that the !tate o" thing! re>'ired him to do !o. ;or nece!!it) add! !trong
!tim'lant!. Had the) not #een "ore.arned ho. nece!!ar) hi! e3hortation .a!% the) might have
#een !loth"'l and negligentB #'t .hen he ma$e! thi! pre"ace% that he .rote on acco'nt o" the
nece!!it) o" their ca!e% it .a! the !ame a! tho'gh he had #lo.n a tr'mpet to a.a$e them "rom
their torpor.
f the common salvation. Some copie! add A)o'r%C #'t .itho't rea!on% a! + thin$B "or he ma$e!
!alvation common to them and to him!el". *nd it add! not a little .eight to the doctrine that i!
anno'nced% .hen an) one !pea$! according to hi! o.n "eeling! and e3perienceB "or vain i! .hat
.e !a)% i" .e !pea$ o" !alvation to other!% .hen .e o'r!elve! have no real $no.ledge o" it. Then%
@'de pro"e!!ed him!el" to #e G!o to !pea$J an e3perimental teacher% .hen he a!!ociated him!el"
.ith the godl) in the participation o" the !ame !alvation.
'nd e;hort &ou. Literall)% Ae3horting )o'BC #'t a! he point! o't the end o" hi! co'n!el% the
!entence o'ght to #e th'! e3pre!!ed. Khat + have rendered% Ato help the "aith #) contending%C
mean! the !ame a! to !trive in retaining the "aith% and co'rageo'!l) to !'!tain the contrar)
a!!a'lt! o" Satan.
;or he remind! them that in order to per!evere in the "aith% vario'! conte!t!
m'!t #e enco'ntered and contin'al .ar"are maintained. He !a)! that "aith had #een once
delivered% that the) might $no. that the) had o#tained it "or thi! end% that the) might never "ail
or "all a.a).
!. For there are certain men cre*t in una+ares. Tho'gh Satan i! ever an enem) to the godl)% and
never cea!e! to hara!! them% )et @'de remind! tho!e to .hom he .a! .riting o" the !tate o"
thing! at that time. Satan no.% he !a)!% attac$! and hara!!e! )o' in a pec'liar mannerB it i!
there"ore nece!!ar) to ta$e 'p arm! to re!i!t him. Ke hence learn that a good and "aith"'l pa!tor
o'ght .i!el) to con!ider .hat the pre!ent !tate o" the Ch'rch re>'ire!% !o a! to accommodate hi!
doctrine to it! .ant!.
The .ord pareise>dusan% .hich he '!e!% denote! an indirect and !tealth) in!in'ation% #) .hich
the mini!ter! o" Satan deceive the ' "or Satan !o.! hi! tare! in the night% and .hile
h'!#andmen are a!leep% in order that he ma) corr'pt the !eed o" =od. *nd at the !ame time he
teache! '! that it i! an inte!tine evilB "or Satan in thi! re!pect al!o i! cra"t)% a! he rai!e! 'p tho!e
.ho are o" the "loc$ to do mi!chie"% in order that the) ma) more ea!il) creep in.
Before of old ordained. He call! that ?'dgment% or condemnation% or a repro#ate mind% #) .hich
the) .ere led a!tra) to pervert the doctrine o" godline!!B "or no one can do !'ch a thing e3cept to
hi! o.n r'in. -'t the metaphor i! ta$en "rom thi! circ'm!tance% #eca'!e the eternal co'n!el o"
=od% #) .hich the "aith"'l are ordained 'nto !alvation% i! called a #oo$4 and .hen the "aith"'l
heard that the!e .ere given 'p to eternal death% it #ehooved them to ta$e heed le!t the) !ho'ld
involve them!elve! in the !ame de!tr'ction. +t .a! at the !ame time the o#?ect o" @'de to o#viate
danger% le!t the novelt) o" the thing !ho'ld di!t'r# and di!tre!! an) o" themB "or i" the!e .ere
alread) long ago ordained% it "ollo.! that the Ch'rch i! not tried or e3erci!ed #'t according to the
in"alli#le co'n!el o" =od.
%he grace of our God. He no. e3pre!!e! more clearl) .hat the evil .a!B "or he !a)! that the)
a#'!ed the grace o" =od% !o a! to lead them!elve! and other! to ta$e an imp're and pro"ane
li#ert) in !inning. -'t the grace o" =od ha! appeared "or a "ar di""erent p'rpo!e% even that%
den)ing 'ngodline!! and .orldl) l'!t!% .e ma) live !o#erl)% righteo'!l)% and godl) in thi! .orld.
Let '!% then% $no. that nothing i! more pe!tilential than men o" thi! $ind% .ho "rom the grace o"
Chri!t ta$e a cloa$ to ind'lge in la!civio'!ne!!.
-eca'!e .e teach that !alvation i! o#tained thro'gh =od:! merc) alone% the Papi!t! acc'!e '! o"
thi! crime. -'t .h) !ho'ld .e '!e .ord! to re"'te their e""ronter)% !ince .e ever).here 'rge
repentance% the "ear o" =od% and!! o" li"e% and !ince the) them!elve! not onl) corr'pt the
.hole .orld .ith the .or!t e3ample!% #'t al!o #) their 'ngodl) teaching ta$e a.a) "rom the
.orld tr'e holine!! and the p're .or!hip o" =odO tho'gh + rather thin$% that tho!e o" .hom @'de
!pea$!% .ere li$e the li#ertine! o" o'r time% a! it .ill #e more evident "rom .hat "ollo.!.
%he onl& Lord God% or% =od .ho alone i! Lord. Some old copie! have% A Chri!t% .ho alone i!
=od and Lord.C *nd% indeed% in the Second ,pi!tle o" Peter% Chri!t alone i! mentioned% and there
he i! called Lord.
-'t He mean! that $hrist i! denied% .hen the) .ho had #een redeemed #)
hi! #lood% #ecome again the va!!al! o" the (evil% and th'! render void a! "ar a! the) can that
incompara#le price. That Chri!t% then% ma) retain '! a! hi! pec'liar trea!'re% me m'!t remem#er
that he died and ro!e again "or '!% that he might have dominion over o'r li"e and death.
5. + .ill there"ore p't )o' in remem#rance%
tho'gh )e once $ne. thi!% ho. that the
Lord% having !aved the people o't o" the
land o" ,g)pt% a"ter.ard de!tro)ed them
that #elieved not.
5. Commone"acere a'tem vo! volo%
>''m i!t'd !emel noveriti!% >'od
(omin'! po!t>'am e3 terra ,g)pti
pop'l'm !ervaverat% po!tea non
credente! perdidit.
Q. ,ven a! Sodom and the citie! a#o't
them% in li$e manner% giving them!elve!
over to "ornication% and going a"ter !trange
"le!h% are !et "orth "or an e3ample% in
e3emplar% !'""ering the vengeance o"
eternal "ire.
Q. R'emadmod'm Sodoma et
=omorrha% et >ae circ'm erant 'r#e!%
>''m !imili modo !cortatae e!!ent% et
a#ii!!ent po!t carnem alienam%
propo!itae !'nt igni! aeterni ?'dici'm
. 0 +ill therefore *ut &ou in remem"rance% or% remind )o'. He either mode!tl) e3c'!e! him!el"%
le!t he !ho'ld !eem to teach a! it .ere the ignorant thing! 'n$no.n to themB or% indeed% he
openl) declare! in an emphatical manner% G.hich + approve more o"%J that he add'ced nothing
ne. or 'nheard o" #e"ore% in order that .hat he .a! going to !a) might gain more credit and
a'thorit). + onl) recall% he !a)!% to )o'r mind .hat )o' have alread) learnt. *! he a!cri#e!
$no.ledge to them% !o he !a)! that the) !tood in need o" .arning!% le!t the) !ho'ld thin$ that the
la#or he 'ndertoo$ to.ard! them .a! !'per"l'o'!B "or the '!e o" =od:! .ord i! not onl) to teach
.hat .e co'ld not have other.i!e $no.n% #'t al!o to ro'!e '! to a !erio'! meditation o" tho!e
thing! .hich .e alread) 'nder!tand% and not to !'""er '! to gro. torpid in a cold $no.ledge.
9o.% the meaning i!% that a"ter havingB #een called #) =od% .e o'ght not to glor) carele!!l) in
hi! grace% #'t on the contrar)% to .al$ .atch"'ll) in hi! "earB "or i" an) tri"le! th'! .ith =od% the
contempt o" hi! grace .ill not #e 'np'ni!hed. *nd thi! he prove! #) three e3ample!. He "ir!t
re"er! to the vengeance .hich =od e3ec'ted on tho!e 'n#eliever!% .hom he had cho!en a! hi!
people% and delivered #) hi! 9earl) the !ame re"erence i! made #) Pa'l in the tenth
chapter o" the ;ir!t ,pi!tle to the Corinthian!. The import o" .hat he !a)! i!% that tho!e .hom
=od had honored .ith the greate!t #le!!ing!% .hom he had e3tolled to the !ame degree o" honor
a! .e en?o) at thi! da)% he a"ter.ard! !everel) p'ni!hed. Then in vain .ere all the) Pro'd o"
=od:! grace% .ho did not live in n manner !'ita#le to their calling.
The .ord *eo*le i! #) .a) o" honor ta$en "or the hol) and cho!en nation% a! tho'gh he had !aid
that it availed them nothing% that the) #) a !ing'lar "avor had #een ta$en into covenant. -)
calling them un"elieving% he denote! the "o'ntain o" all evil!B "or all their !in!% mentioned #)
Mo!e!% .ere to thi!% #eca'!e the) re"'!ed to #e r'led #) =od:! .ord. ;or .here there i!
the !'#?ection o" "aith% there o#edience to.ard! =od nece!!aril) appear! in all the d'tie! o" li"e.
". 'nd the angels. Thi! i! an arg'ment "rom the greater to the le!!B "or the !tate o" angel! i!
higher than o'r!B and )et =od p'ni!hed their de"ection in a dread"'l manner. He .ill not then
"orgive o'r per"id)% i" .e depart "rom the grace 'nto .hich he ha! called '!. Thi! p'ni!hment%
in"licted on the inha#itant! o" heaven% and on !'ch !'perior mini!ter! o" =od% o'ght !'rel) to #e
con!tantl) #e"ore o'r e)e!% !o that .e ma) at no time #e led to de!pi!e =od:! grace% and th'!
r'!h headlong into de!tr'ction.
The .ord ajrch< in thi! place% ma) #e aptl) ta$en "or #eginning a! .ell a! "or principalit) or
dominion. ;or @'de intimate! that the) !'""ered p'ni!hment% #eca'!e the) had de!pi!ed the
goodne!! o" =od and de!erted their "ir!t vocation. *nd there "ollo.! immediatel) an e3planation%
"or he !a)! that the) had left their o+n ha"itationB "or% li$e militar) de!erter!% the) le"t the !tation
in .hich the) had #een placed.
Ke m'!t al!o notice the atrocit) o" the p'ni!hment .hich the *po!tle mention!. The) are not
onl) "ree !pirit! #'t cele!tial!B the) are no. held #o'nd #) perpet'al chain!. The) not onl)
en?o)ed the glorio'! light o" =od% #'t hi! #rightne!! !hone "orth in them% !o that "rom them% a!
#) ra)!% it !pread over all part! o" the 'niver!eB no. the) are !'n$ in dar$ne!!. -'t .e are not to
imagine a certain place in .hich the devil! are !h't 'p% "or the *po!tle !impl) intended to teach
'! ho. mi!era#le their condition i!% !ince the time the) apo!tati5ed and lo!t their dignit). ;or
.herever the) go% the) drag .ith them their o.n chain!% and remain involved in dar$ne!!. Their
e3treme p'ni!hment i! in the meantime% de"erred 'ntil the great da) come!.
$. !ven as Sodom and Gomorrha. Thi! e3ample i! more general% "or he te!ti"ie! that =od%
e3cepting none o" man$ind% p'ni!he! .itho't an) di""erence all the 'ngodl). *nd @'de al!o
mention! in .hat "ollo.!% that the "ire thro'gh .hich the "ive citie! peri!hed .a! a t)pe o" the
eternal "ire. Then =od at that time e3hi#ited a remar$a#le e3ample% in order to $eep men in "ear
till the end o" the .orld. Hence it i! that it i! !o o"ten mentioned in Script'reB na)% .henever the
prophet! .i!hed to de!ignate !ome memora#le and dread"'l ?'dgment o" =od% the) painted it
'nder the "ig're o" !'l"'ro'! "ire% and all'ded to the de!tr'ction o" Sodom and =omorrha. +t i!
not% there"ore% .itho't rea!on that @'de !tri$e! all age! .ith terror% #) e3hi#iting the !ame vie..
Khen he !a)!% the cities a"out them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication% + do
not appl) the!e .ord! to the +!raelite! and the angel!% #'t to Sodom and =omorrha. +t i! no
o#?ection that the prono'n tou>toiv i! ma!c'lineB "or @'de re"er! to the inha#itant! and not to the
place!. To go after strange flesh% i! the !ame a! to #e given 'p to mon!tro'! l'!t!B "or .e $no.
that the Sodomite!% not content .ith the common manner o" committing "ornication% poll'ted
them!elve! in a .a) the mo!t "ilth) and dete!ta#le. Ke o'ght to o#!erve% that he devote! them to
eternal "ireB "or .e hence learn% that the dread"'l !pectacle .hich Mo!e! de!cri#e!% .a! onl) an
image o" a m'ch heavier p'ni!hment.
JUDE %-1&
%. Li$e.i!e al!o the!e "ilth) dreamer!
de"ile the "le!h% de!pi!e dominion% and
!pea$ evil o" dignitie!.
%. Similiter i!ti >'o>'e !omnii! del'!i%
carnem >'idem contaminant%
dominationem vero% re?ici'nt% et in
gloria! maledicta conger'nt.
1&. -'t the!e !pea$ evil o" tho!e thing!
.hich the) $no. notB #'t .hat the)
$no. nat'rall)% a! #r'te #ea!t!% in tho!e
thing! the) corr'pt them!elve!.
1&. +!ti vero >'ae c'm>'e non nover'nt%
convitii! ince!!'ntB >'aec'n>'e vero
nat'raliter tan>'am #r'ta animalia
!ci'nt% in ii! corr'mp'nt'r.
%. Like+ise also these. Thi! compari!on i! not to #e pre!!ed too !trictl)% a! tho'gh he compared
the!e .hom he mention! in all thing! to #e Sodomite!% or to the "allen angel!% or to the
'n#elieving people. He onl) !he.! that the) .ere ve!!el! o" .rath appointed to de!tr'ction% and
that the) co'ld not e!cape the hand o" =od% #'t that he .o'ld !ome time or another ma$e them
e3ample! o" hi! vengeance. ;or hi! de!ign .a! to terri") the godl) to .hom he .a! .riting% le!t
the) !ho'ld entangle them!elve! in their !ociet).
-'t he #egin! here more clearl) to de!cri#e the!e impo!tor!. *nd he !a)! "ir!t% that the) poll'ted
their "le!h a! it .ere #) dreaming% #) .hich .ord! he denote! their !t'pid e""ronter)% a! tho'gh
he had !aid that the) a#andoned them!elve! to all $ind! o" "ilth% .hich the mo!t .ic$ed a#hor%
e3cept !leep too$ a.a) !hame and al!o con!cio'!ne!!. +t i! then a metaphorical mode o"
!pea$ing% #) .hich he intimate! that the) .ere !o d'll and !t'pid a! to give 'p them!elve!
.itho't an) !hame to ever) $ind o" #a!ene!!.
There i! a contra!t to #e noticed% .hen he !a)! that the) defiled or poll'ted the flesh% that i!% that
the) degraded .hat .a! le!! e3cellent% and that )et the) de!pi!ed a! di!grace"'l .hat i! deemed
e!peciall) e3cellent among man$ind.
+t appear! "rom the !econd cla'!e that the) .ere !editio'! men% .ho !o'ght anarch)% that% #eing
loo!ed "rom the "ear o" the la.!% the) might !in more "reel). -'t the!e t.o thing! are nearl)
al.a)! connected% that the) .ho a#andon them!elve! to ini>'it)% do al!o .i!h to a#oli!h all
order. Tho'gh% indeed% their chie" o#?ect i! to #e "ree "rom ever) )o$e% it )et appear! "rom the
.ord! o" @'de that the) .ere .ont to !pea$ in!olentl) and reproach"'ll) o" magi!trate!% li$e the
"anatic! o" the pre!ent da)% .ho not onl) gr'm#le #eca'!e the) are re!trained #) the a'thorit) o"
magi!trate!% #'t "'rio'!l) declaim again!t all government% and !a) that the o" the !.ord i!
pro"ane and oppo!ed to godline!!B in !hort% the) !'percilio'!l) re?ect "rom the Ch'rch o" =od all
$ing! and all magi!trate!. Dignities or glorie! are order! or ran$! eminent in or honor.
#. 1et Michael the archangel. Peter give! thi! arg'ment !horter% and !tate! generall)% that angel!%
"ar more e3cellent than men% dare not #ring "or.ard a railing ?'dgment.
-'t a! thi! hi!tor) i! tho'ght to have #een ta$en "rom an apocr)phal #oo$% it ha! hence happened
that le!! .eight ha! #een attached to thi! ,pi!tle. -'t !ince the @e.! at that time had man) thing!
"rom the tradition! o" the "ather!% + !ee nothing 'nrea!ona#le in !a)ing that @'de re"erred to .hat
had alread) #een handed do.n "or man) age!. + $no. indeed that man) p'erilitie! had o#tained
the name o" tradition% a! at thi! da) the Papi!t! relate a! tradition! man) o" the !ill) dotage! o"
the mon$!B #'t thi! i! no rea!on .h) the) !ho'ld not have had some hi!torical "act! not
committed to .riting.
+t i! #e)ond controver!) that Mo!e! .a! #'ried #) the Lord% that i!% that hi! grave .a! concealed
according to the $no.n p'rpo!e o" =od. *nd the rea!on "or concealing hi! grave i! evident to all%
that i!% that the @e.! might not #ring "orth hi! #od) to promote !'per!tition. Khat .onder then i!
it% .hen the #od) o" the prophet .a! hidden #) =od% Satan !ho'ld attempt to ma$e it $no.nB and
that angel!% .ho are ever read) to !erve =od% !ho'ld on the other hand re!i!t himO *nd do'#tle!!
.e !ee that Satan almo!t in all age! ha! #een endeavoring to ma$e the #odie! o" =od:! !aint!
idol! to "ooli!h men. There"ore thi! ,pi!tle o'ght not to #e !'!pected on acco'nt o" thi!
te!timon)% tho'gh it i! not "o'nd in Script're.
That Michael i! introd'ced alone a! di!p'ting again!t Satan i! not ne.. Ke $no. that m)riad! o"
angel! are ever read) to render !ervice to =odB #'t he choo!e! thi! or that to do hi! #'!ine!! a! he
plea!e!. Khat @'de relate! a! having #een !aid #) Michael% i! "o'nd al!o in the #oo$ o"
ALet =od chide Gor chec$J thee% Satan.C G
Wechariah 04/.J
*nd it i! a compari!on% a! the) !a)% #et.een the greater and the le!!. Michael dared not to !pea$
more !everel) again!t Satan Gtho'gh a repro#ate and condemnedJ than to deliver him to =od to
#e re!trainedB #'t tho!e men he!itated not to load .ith e3treme reproache! the! .hich =od
had adorned .ith pec'liar honor!.
1&. But these s*eak evil of those things +hich the& kno+ not( He mean! that the) had no ta!te "or
an)thing #'t .hat .a! gro!!% and a! it .ere #ea!tl)% and there"ore did not perceive .hat .a!
.orth) o" honorB and that )et the) added a'dacit) to madne!!% !o that the) "eared not to condemn
thing! a#ove their comprehen!ionB and that the) al!o la#ored 'nder another evil D "or .hen li$e
#ea!t! the) .ere carried a.a) to tho!e thing! .hich grati"ied the !en!e! o" the #od)% the)
o#!erved no moderation% #'t gorged them!elve! e3ce!!ivel) li$e the !.ine .hich roll them!elve!
in !tin$ing m'd. The adver# naturall& i! !et in oppo!ition to rea!on and ?'dgment "or the in!tinct
o" nat're alone r'le! in #r'te animal!B #'t rea!on o'ght to govern men and to #ridle their
JUDE 11-13
11. Koe 'nto themP ;or the) have gone
in the .a) o" Cain% and ran greedil)
a"ter the error o" -alaam "or re.ard%
and peri!hed in the gain!a)ing o" Core.
11. Lae illi!% >'oniam viam Cain
ingre!!i !'nt G
=ene!i! 441/BJ et
deceptione mercedi! -alaam e""'!i !'nt
9'm#er! //4/1BJ et
contradictione Core perier'nt
9'm#er! /E4/.J
13. 8aging .ave! o" the !ea%
"oaming o't their o.n !hameB
.andering !tar!% to .hom i!
re!erved the #lac$ne!! o" dar$ne!!
"or ever.
13. Mndae e""eratae
mari!%de!p'mante! !'a ip!er'm
dedecoraB !telie erraticae% >'i#'!
caligo tene#rar'm in aetern'm
!ervata e!t.
11. Woe unto them( +t i! a .onder that he inveigh! again!t them !o !everel)% .hen he had ?'!t
!aid that it .a! not permitted to an angel to #ring a railing acc'!ation again!t Satan. -'t it .a!
not hi! p'rpo!e to la) do.n a general r'le. He onl) !he.ed #rie"l)% #) the e3ample o" Michael%
ho. intolera#le .a! their madne!! .hen the) in!olentl) reproached .hat =od honored. +t .a!
certainl) la."'l "or Michael to "'lminate again!t Satan hi! "inal c'r!eB and .e !ee ho.
vehementl) the prophet! threatened the 'ngodl)B #'t .hen Michael "or#ore e3treme !everit)
Gother.i!e la."'lJ% .hat madne!! .a! it to o#!erve no moderation to.ard! tho!e e3celling in
glor)O -'t .hen he prono'nced .oe on them% he did not !o m'ch imprecate evil on them% #'t
rather reminded them .hat !ort o" end a.aited themB and he did !o% le!t the) !ho'ld carr) other!
.ith them to perdition.
He !a)! that the) .ere the imitator! o" $ain% .ho #eing 'ngrate"'l to =od and perverting hi!
.or!hip thro'gh an 'ngodl) and .ic$ed heart% "or"eited hi! #irthright. He !a)! that the) .ere
deceived li$e Balaam #) a re.ard% #eca'!e the) ad'lterated the doctrine o" tr'e religion "or the
!a$e o" "ilth) l'cre. -'t the metaphor he '!e!% e3pre!!e! !omething moreB "or he !a)! that the)
overflo+ed% even #eca'!e their e3ce!! .a! li$e over" .ater. He !a)! in the third place% that
the) imitated the contradiction of $ore% #eca'!e the) di!t'r#ed the order and >'ietne!! o" tile
12. %hese are s*ots in &our feasts of charit&. The) .ho read% Aamong )o'r charitie!%C do not% a! +
thin$B% !'""icientl) e3plain the tr'e meaning. ;or he call! tho!e "ea!t! charities% Gajga>paiv%J
.hich the "aith"'l had among them!elve! "or the !a$e o" te!ti")ing their #rotherl) 'nit). S'ch
"ea!t!% he !a)!% .ere di!graced #) imp're men% .ho a"ter.ard! "ed them!elve! to an e3ce!!B "or
in the!e there .a! the greate!t "r'galit) and moderation. +t .a! then not right that the!e gorger!
!ho'ld #e admitted% .ho a"ter.ard! ind'lged them!elve! to an e3ce!! el!
Some copie! have% A;ea!ting .ith )o'%C .hich reading% i" approved% ha! thi! meaning% that the)
.ere not onl) a di!grace% #'t that the) .ere al!o tro'#le!ome and e3pen!ive% a! the) crammed
them!elve! .itho't "ear% at the p'#lic e3pen!e o" the ch'rch. Peter !pea$! !ome.hat di""erent%
.ho !a)! that the) too$ delight in error!% and "ea!ted together .ith the "aith"'l% a! tho'gh he had
!aid that the) acted incon!ideratel) .ho cheri!hed !'ch no3io'! !erpent!% and that the) .ere
ver) "ooli!h .ho enco'raged their e3ce!!ive l'3'r). *nd at thi! da) + .i!h there .ere more
?'dgment in !ome good men% .ho% #) !ee$ing to #e e3tremel) $ind to .ic$ed men% #ring great
damage to the .hole ch'rch.
$louds the) are +ithout +ater. The t.o !imilit'de! "o'nd in Peter are here given in one% #'t to
the !ame p'rpo!e% "or #oth condemn vain o!tentation4 the!e 'nprincipled men% tho'gh promi!ing
m'ch% .ere )et #arren .ithin and empt)% li$e clo'd! driven #) !torm) .ind!% .hich give hope o"
rain% #'t !oon vani!h into nothing. Peter add! the !imilit'de o" a dr) and empt) "o'ntainB #'t
@'de emplo)! other metaphor! "or the !ame end% that the) .ere trees fading% a! the vigor o" tree!
in a't'mn di!appear!. He then call! them tree! unfruitful, rooted u*% and t+ice deadB
tho'gh he had !aid% that there .a! no !ap .ithin% tho'gh leave! might appear.
13. 4aging +aves of the sea. Kh) thi! .a! added% .e ma) learn more "'ll) "rom the .ord! o"
Peter4 it .a! to !he.% that #eing in"lated .ith pride% the) #reathed o't% or rather ca!t o't the !c'm
o" high"lo.n !t'"" o" .ord! in grandilo>'ent !t)le. *t the !ame time the) #ro'ght "orth nothing
!pirit'al% their o#?ect #eing on the contrar) to ma$e men a! !t'pid a! #r'te animal!. S'ch% a! it
ha! #een #e"ore !tated% are the "anatic! o" o'r da)% .ho call them!elve! Li#ertine!. So' ma)
?'!tl) !a) that the) ma$e onl) r'm#ling !o'nd!B "or% de!pi!ing common lang'age% the) "orm "or
them!elve! an e3otic idiom% + $no. not .hat. The) !eem at one time to carr) their di!ciple!
a#ove heaven% then the) !'ddenl) "all do.n to #ea!tl) error!% "or the) imagine a !tate o"
innocenc) in .hich there i! no di""erence #et.een #a!ene!! and hone!t)B the) imagine a !pirit'al
li"e% .hen "ear i! e3ting'i!hed% and .hen ever) one heedle!!l) ind'lge! him!el"B the) imagine
that .e #ecome god!% #eca'!e =od a#!or#! the !pirit! .hen the) >'it their #odie!. Kith the more
care and reverence o'ght the !implicit) o" Script're to #e !t'died% le!t% #) rea!oning more
re"inedl) than i! right% .e !ho'ld not dra. men to heaven% #'t on the contrar) #e involved in
mani"old la#)rinth!. He there"ore call! them +andering stars% #eca'!e the) da55led the e)e! #) a
!ort o" evane!cent light.
JUDE 1!-1"
1!. *nd ,noch al!o% the !eventh "rom
*dam% prophe!ied o" the!e% !a)ing%
-ehold% the Lord cometh% .ith ten
tho'!and o" hi! !aint!%
1!. Pri'! a'tem etiam de ii!
vaticinat'! e!t !eptim'! a# *dam
,noch% dicen!% ,cce venit (omin'! in
!ancti! milli#'! !'i!%
1". The!e are m'rm'rer!% complainer!%
.al$ing a"ter their o.n l'!t!B and their
mo'th !pea$eth great !.elling +ords%
having men:! per!on! in admiration
#eca'!e o" advantage.
1". Hi !'nt m'rm'ratore!%>'er'li%
?'3ta conc'pi!centia! !'a!am#'lante!%
et o! illor'm lo>'it'rt'mida%
admirante! per!ona!% 'tilitati! gratia.
1!. 'nd !noch also. + rather thin$ that thi! prophec) .a! 'n.ritten% than that it .a! ta$en "rom
an apocr)phal #oo$B "or it ma) have #een delivered do.n #) memor) to po!terit) #) the
Kere an) one to a!$% that !ince !imilar !entence! occ'r in man) part! o" Script're%
.h) did he not >'ote a te!timon) .ritten #) one o" the prophet!O the an!.er i! o#vio'!% that he
.i!hed to repeat "rom the olde!t anti>'it) .hat the Spirit had prono'nced re!pecting them4 and
thi! i! .hat the .ord! intimateB "or he !a)! e3pre!!l) that he .a! the seventh "rom *dam% in
order to commend the anti>'it) o" the prophec)% #eca'!e it e3i!ted in the .orld #e"ore the "lood.
-'t + have !aid that thi! prophec) .a! $no.n to the @e.! #) #eing reportedB #'t i" an) one thin$!
other.i!e% + .ill not contend .ith him% nor% indeed% re!pecting the epi!tle it!el"% .hether it #e that
o" @'de or o" !ome other. +n thing! do'#t"'l% + onl) "ollo. .hat !eem! pro#a#le.
Behold, the Lord cometh% or came. The pa!t ten!e% a"ter the manner o" the prophet!% i! '!ed "or
the "'t're. He !a)!% that the Lord .o'ld come +ith ten thousand of his saints#
and #) !aint!
he mean! the "aith"'l a! .ell a! angel!B "or #oth .ill adorn the tri#'nal o" Chri!t% .hen he !hall
de!cend to ?'dge the .orld. He !a)!% ten thousand% a! (aniel al!o mention! m)riad! o" angel!%
(aniel Q410BJ in order that% the m'ltit'de o" the 'ngodl) ma) not% li$e a violent !ea%
over.helm the children o" =odB #'t that the) ma) thin$ o" thi!% that the Lord .ill !ometime
collect hi! o.n people% a part o" .hom are d.elling in heaven% 'n!een #) '!% and a part are hid
'nder a great ma!! o" cha"".
-'t the vengeance !'!pended over the .ic$ed o'ght to $eep the elect in "ear and .atch"'lne!!.
He !pea$! o" deeds and +ords% -eca'!e their corr'pter! did m'ch evil% not onl) #) their .ic$ed
li"e% #'t al!o #) their imp're and "al!e !peech. *nd their .ord! .ere hard% on acco'nt o" the
re"ractor) a'dacit)% #) .hich% #eing elated% the) acted in!olentl).
1". %hese are murmurers. The) .ho ind'lge their depraved l'!t!% are hard to plea!e% and moro!e%
!o that the) are never !ati!"ied. Hence it i!% that the) al.a)! m'rm'r and complain% ho.ever
$indl) good men ma) treat them.
He condemn! their pro'd lang'age% #eca'!e the) ha'ghtil)
made a #oa!t o" them!elve!B #'t at the !ame time he !he.! that the) .ere mean in their
di!po!ition% "or the) .ere !ervilel) !'#mi!!ive "or the !a$e o" gain. *nd% commonl)% thi! !ort o"
incon!i!tenc) i! !een in 'nprincipled men o" thi! $ind. Khen there i! no one to chec$ their
in!olence% or .hen there i! nothing that !tand! in their .a)% their pride i! intolera#le% !o that the)
imperio'!l) arrogate ever)thing to them!elve!B #'t the) meanl) "latter tho!e .hom the) "ear% and
"rom .hom the) e3pect !ome advantage. He ta$e! *ersons a! !igni")ing eternal greatne!! and
JUDE 1$-1#
1$. -'t% #eloved% remem#er )e the .ord!
.hich .ere !po$en #e"ore o" the apo!tle!
o" o'r Lord @e!'! Chri!t4
1$. Lo! a'tem dilecti% memore! e!ti!
Gvel% e!toteJ ver#or'm >'ae praedicta
!'nt a# apo!toli! (omini Chri!t4
no!tri @e!' nempe%
1#. The!e #e the) .hich !eparate
them!elve!% !en!'al% having not the Spirit.
1#. Hi !'nt >'i !eip!o! !egregant%
animale!% Spirit'm non ha#ente!.
1$. But, "eloved. To a mo!t ancient prophec) he no. add! the admonition! o" the apo!tle!% the
memor) o" .hom .a! recent. *! to the ver# mnh>sqhte% it ma$e! no great di""erence% .hether
)o' read it a! declarative or a! an e3hortationB "or the meaning remain! the !ame% that #eing
"orti"ied #) the prediction he >'ote!% the) o'ght to #e terri"ied. -) the last time he mean! that in
.hich the rene.ed condition o" the Ch'rch received a "i3ed "orm till the end o" the .orldB and it
#egan at the "ir!t coming o" Chri!t.
*"ter the '!'al manner o" Script're% he call! them !co""er! .ho% #eing ine#riated .ith a pro"ane
and impio'! contempt o" =od% r'!h headlong into a #r'tal contempt o" the (ivine -eing% !o that
no "ear nor reverence $eep! them an) longer .ithin the limit! o" d't)4 a! no dread o" a "'t're
?'dgment e3i!t! in their heart!% !o no hope o" eternal li"e. So at thi! da) the .orld i! "'ll o"
,pic'rean de!pi!er! o" =od% .ho having ca!t o"" ever) "ear% madl) !co"" at the .hole doctrine o"
tr'e religion% regarding it a! "a#'lo'!.
1#. %hese "e the& +ho se*arate themselves. Some =ree$ copie! have the participle #) it!el"%
other copie! add e%autou<v% Athem!elve!BC #'t the meaning i! nearl) the !ame. He mean! that
the) !eparated "rom the Ch'rch% #eca'!e the) .o'ld not #ear the )o$e o" di!cipline% a! the) .ho
ind'lge the "le!h di!li$e !pirit'al li"e.
The .ord sensual% or animal% !tand! oppo!ed to
!pirit'al% or to the renovation o" graceB and hence it mean! the vicio'! or corr'pt% !'ch a! men are
.hen not regenerated. ;or in that degenerated nat're .hich .e derive "rom *dam% there i!
nothing #'t .hat i! gro!! and earthl)B !o that no part o" '! a!pire! to =od% 'ntil .e are rene.ed
#) hi! Spirit.
JUDE 2&-2
2&. -'t )e% #eloved% #'ilding 'p
)o'r!elve! on )o'r mo!t hol) "aith%
pra)ing in the Hol) =ho!t%
2&. Lo! a'tem dilecti%
!ancti!!imaeve!trae "idei vo!met
!'per!tr'ente!% in Spirit' Sancti
2. To the onl) .i!e =od o'r Savior% "e
glor) and ma?e!t)% dominion and
#oth no. and ever. *men.
2. Soli !apienti (eo% Servatori no!tro%
gloria et magni"icentia et peri'm et
pote!ta!% n'nc% et in omnia !ec'la.
2&. But &e, "eloved. He !he.! the manner in .hich the) co'ld overcome all the device! o" Satan%
that i!% #) having love connected .ith "aith% and #) !tanding on their g'ard a! it .ere in their 'ntil the coming o" Chri!t. -'t a! he '!e! o"ten and thic$l) hi! metaphor!% !o he
ha! here a .a) o" !pea$ing pec'liar to him!el"% .hich m'!t #e #rie"l) noticed.
He #id! them "ir!t to "uild them!elve! on faithB #) .hich he mean!% that the "o'ndation o" "aith
o'ght to #e retained% #'t that the "ir!t in!tr'ction i! not !'""icient% e3cept the) .ho have #een
alread) gro'nded on tr'e "aith% .ent on contin'all) to.ard! per"ection. He call! their "aith most
hol&, in order that the) might .holl) rel) on it% and that% leaning on it! "irmne!!% the) might
never vacillate.
-'t !ince the .hole per"ection o" man con!i!t! in "aith% it ma) !eem !trange that he #id! them to
#'ild 'pon it another #'ilding% a! tho'gh "aith .ere onl) a commencement to man. Thi!
di""ic'lt) i! removed #) the *po!tle in the .ord! .hich "ollo.% .hen he add!% that men #'ild on
"aith .hen love i! addedB ,3cept% perhap!% !ome one ma) pre"er to ta$e thi! meaning% that men
#'ild on "aith% a! "ar a! the) ma$e pro"icienc) in it% and do'#tle!! the dail) progre!! o" "aith i!
!'ch% that it!el" ri!e! 'p a! a #'ilding.
Th'! the *po!tle teache! '!% that in order to increa!e in
"aith% .e m'!t #e in!tant in pra)er and maintain o'r calling #) love.
)ra&ing in the Hol& Ghost. The .a) o" per!evering i!% .hen .e are end'ed .ith the o"
=od. Hence .henever the >'e!tion i! re!pecting the con!tanc) o" "aith% .e m'!t "lee to pra)er.
*nd a! .e commonl) pra) in a "ormal manner% he add!% 0n the S*iritB a! tho'gh he had !aid% that
!'ch i! o'r !loth% and that !'ch i! the coldne!! o" o'r "le!h% that no one can pra) aright e3cept he
#e ro'!ed #) the Spirit o" =odB and that .e are al!o !o inclined to di""idence and trem#ling% that
no one dare! to call =od hi! ;ather% e3cept thro'gh the teaching o" the !ame SpiritB "or "rom him
i! !olicit'de% "rom him i! ardor and vehemence% "rom him i! alacrit)% "rom him i! con"idence in
o#taining .hat .e a!$B in !hort% "rom him are tho!e 'n'ttera#le groaning! mentioned #) Pa'l
8oman! F4/E.J +t i! not% then% .itho't rea!on that @'de teache! '!% that no one can pra) a!
he o'ght .itho't having the Spirit a! hi! g'ide.
21. <ee* &ourselves in the love of God( He ha! made love a! it .ere the g'ardian and the r'ler o"
o'r li"eB not that he might !et it in oppo!ition to the grace o" =od% #'t that it i! the right co'r!e o"
o'r calling% .hen .e ma$e progre!! in love. -'t a! man) thing! entice '! to apo!ta!)% !o that it i!
di""ic'lt to $eep '! "aith"'l to =od to the end% he call! the attention o" the "aith"'l to the la!t da).
;or the hope o" that alone o'ght to !'!tain '!% !o that .e ma) at no time de!pondB other.i!e .e
m'!t nece!!aril) "ail ever) moment.
-'t it o'ght to #e noticed that he .o'ld not have '! to hope "or eternal li"e% e3cept thro'gh the
merc) o" Chri!t4 "or he .ill in !'ch a manner #e o'r ?'dge% a! to have no other r'le in ?'dging '!
than that grat'ito'! #ene"it o" redemption o#tained #) him!el".
22. 'nd of some have com*assion. He add! another e3hortation% ! ho. the "aith"'l o'ght
to act in reproving their #rethren% in order to re!tore them to the Lord. He remind! them that !'ch
o'ght to #e treated in di""erent .a)!% ever) one according to hi! di!po!ition4 "or to the mee$ and
teacha#le .e o'ght to '!e $indne!!B #'t other!% .ho are hard and perver!e% m'!t #e !'#d'ed -)
Thi! i! the difference .hich he mention!.
The participle diakrino>menoi% + $no. not .h) thi! i! rendered in a pa!!ive !en!e #) ,ra!m'!. +t
ma)% indeed% #e rendered in either .a)% #'t it! active meaning i! more !'ita#le to the conte3t.
The meaning then i!% that i" .e .i!h to con!'lt the .ell#eing o" !'ch a! go a!tra)% .e m'!t
con!ider the character and di!po!ition o" ever) oneB !o that the) .ho are mee$ and tracta#le ma)
in a $ind manner #e re!tored to the right .a)% a! #eing o#?ect! o" pit)B #'t i" an) #e perver!e% he
i! to #e corrected .ith more !everit). *nd a! a!perit) i! almo!t hate"'l% he e3c'!e! it on the
gro'nd o" nece!!it)B "or other.i!e% the) .ho do not .illingl) "ollo. good co'n!el!% cannot he
Moreover% he emplo)! a !tri$ing metaphor. Khen there i! a danger o" "ire% .e he!itate not to
!natch a.a) violentl) .hom .e de!ire to !aveB "or it .o'ld not #e eno'gh to #ec$on .ith the
"inger% or $indl) to !tretch "orth the hand. So al!o the !alvation o" !ome o'ght to #e cared "or%
#eca'!e the) .ill not come to =od% e3cept .hen r'del) dra.n. Ler) di""erent i! the old
tran!lation% .hich reading i! ho.ever "o'nd in man) o" the =ree$ copie!B the L'lgate i!%
A8e#'$e the ?'dged%C G'rguite di,udicatos.J -'t the "ir!t meaning i! more !'ita#le% and i!% +
thin$% according to the old and gen'ine reading. The .ord to save% i! tran!"erred to men% not that
the) are the a'thor!% #'t the mini!ter! o" !alvation.
23. Hating even the garment. Thi! pa!!age% .hich other.i!e .o'ld appear o#!c're% .ill have no
di""ic'lt) in it% .hen the metaphor i! rightl) e3plained. He .o'ld have the "aith"'l not onl) to
#e.are o" contact .ith vice!% #'t that no contagion might reach them% he remind! them that
ever)thing that #order! on vice! and i! near to them o'ght to #e avoided4 a!% .hen .e !pea$ o"
la!civio'!ne!!% .e !a) that all e3citement! to l'!t! o'ght to #e removed. The pa!!age .ill al!o
#ecome clearer% .hen the .hole !entence i! "illed 'p% that i!% that .e !ho'ld hate not onl) the
"le!h% #'t al!o the garment% .hich% #) a contact .ith it% i! in"ected. The particle kai< even !erve!
to give greater empha!i!. He% then% doe! not allo. evil #e cheri!hed #) ind'lgence% !o that he
#id! all preparation! and all acce!!orie!% a! the) !a)% to #e c't o"".
2!. :o+ unto him that is a"le to kee* &ou. He clo!e! the ,pi!tle .ith prai!e to =odB #) .hich he
!he.! that o'r e3hortation! and la#or! can do nothing e3cept thro'gh the o" =od
accompan)ing them.
Some copie! have AthemC in!tead o" A)o'.C +" .e receive thi! reading% the !en!e .ill #e% A+t i!%
indeed% )o'r d't) to endeavor to !ave themB #'t it i! =od alone .ho can do thi! A Ho.ever% the
other reading i! .hat + pre"erB in .hich there i! an all'!ion to the preceding ver!eB "or a"ter
having e3horted the "aith"'l to !ave .hat .a! peri!hing% that the) might 'nder!tand that all their
e""ort! .o'ld #e vain e3cept =od .or$ed .ith them% he te!ti"ie! that the) co'ld not #e other.i!e
!aved than thro'gh the o" =od. +n the latter cla'!e there i! indeed a di""erent ver#%
fula>$ai% .hich mean! to g'ardB !o the all'!ion i! to a remoter cla'!e% .hen he !aid% <ee*
,9( 7; TH, ,P+STL, 7; @M(,
C*LL+9XS L,8S+79 7;
TH, ;+8ST ,P+STL, 7; P,T,8
CH*PT,8 1
1 P,T,8% an apo!tle o" @e!'! Chri!t% to the !o?o'rner! .ho are !cattered thro'gh Pont'!%
=alatia% Cappadocia% *!ia% and -ith)'ia%
2 ,lected according to the "ore$no.ledge o" =od the ;ather% thro'gh the !ancti"ication
o" the Spirit% 'nto o#edience and the !prin$ling o" the #lood o" @e!'! Chri!t4 =race to
)o' and peace #e m'ltiplied.
3 -le!!ed #e =od% even the ;ather o" o'r Lord @e!'! Chri!t% .ho% according to hi! great
merc) hath #egotten '! again to a living hope% thro'gh the re!'rrection o" @e!'! Chri!t
"rom the dead%
! To an inheritance incorr'pti#le% and 'nde"iled% and 'n"ading% laid 'p in heaven "or
Kho #) the o" =od are $ept thro'gh "aith 'nto !alvation% .hich i! read) to #e
revealed at the la!t time4
" 7n acco'nt o" .hich )e e3'lt% tho'gh no. "or a little .hile% i" it #e nece!!ar)% )e are
made !orro."'l thro'gh vario'! temptation!B
$ That the pro#ation o" )o'r "aith% m'ch more precio'! than gold .hich peri!heth%
tho'gh even it #e proved #) "ire% ma) #e "o'nd 'nto prai!e% and hono'r% and glor)%
.hen @e!'! Chri!t !hall #e revealed4
% Khom% tho'gh )e have not !een% )e loveB on .hom #elieving% tho'gh )e !ee him not%
)e e3'lt .ith ?o) 'n!pea$a#le and glorio'!B
# 8eceiving the end o" )o'r "aith% the !alvation o" )o'r !o'l!.
1& 7" .hich% !alvation the prophet! in>'ired and !earched% .ho prophe!ied o" "'t're
grace to '!B
11 Searching .hat or .hat manner o" time the Spirit o" Chri!t .ho .a! in them did
!igni")% previo'!l) te!ti")ing o" the !'""ering! o" Chri!t% and o" the glorie! .hich .ere
to "ollo.4
12 To .hom it .a! revealed% that not to them!elve!% #'t to '! the) mini!tered the thing!
.hich have #een no. declared to )o' #) tho!e .ho have preached to )o' the go!pel%
thro'gh the Hol) Spirit !ent "rom heavenB into .hich thing! the angel! de!ire to loo$.
13 There"ore% girding 'p the loin! o" )o'r mind% #eing !o#er% per"ectl) hope "or the grace
.hich i! to #e #ro'ght to )o' at the revelation o" @e!'! Chri!tB
1! *! o#edient children% not con"ormed to "ormer l'!t! .hich prevailed d'ring )o'r
1 -'t a! he .ho ha! called )o' i! hol)% #e )e al!o )o'r!elve! hol) in &our .hole
1" -eca'!e it i! .ritten% &-e )e hol)% "or + !in hol).&
1$ *nd !ince )e call on the ;ather% .ho% .itho't re!pect o" per!on!% ?'dgeth the .or$ o"
ever) one% p'!! in "ear the time o" )o'r
1% So?o'rningB $ that not .ith corr'pti#le thing!% !ilver or gold% )o' have #een
redeemed "rom )o'r vain .a) o" living% delivered do.n "rom the "ather!B
1# -'t .ith the precio'! #lood o" Chri!t% a! o" a lam# 'n!potted and 'nde"iled4
2& Kho had #een% indeed% "oreordained #e"ore the .orld .a! "o'nded% #'t ha! #een
mani"e!ted in the la!t time! "or )o'%
21 Kho thro'gh him #elieve in =od% .ho ha! rai!ed him "rom the dead% and ha! given
him glor)% that )o'r "aith and hope ma) #e in =od4
22 P'ri")ing )o'r !o'l! #) o#edience to the tr'th thro'gh the Spirit% .ith an 'n"eigned
#rotherl) love% love )e one another "rom a p're heart "erventl)B
23 Having #een #egotten again% not "rom a !eed that i! corr'pti#le% #'t incorr'pti#le%
thro'gh the .ord o" the living =od% .hich a#ideth "or ever.
2! ;or all "le!h i! a! gra!!% and all hi! glor) a! the " o" the gra!!4 .ither doe! the
gra!!% and it! " "ade!B
2 #'t the .ord o" the Lord remain! "or ever4 and thi! i! the .ord .hich ha! #een
declared to )o'.
CH*PT,8 /
1 La)ing a!ide% there"ore% all .ic$edne!!% and all g'ile% and di!!im'lation!% and
env)ing!% and all !landering!%
2 *! in"ant! latel) #orn% de!ire the mil$ that i! rational and g'ilele!!% that #) it )e ma)
3 +" indeed )e have ta!ted that the Lord i! gracio'!4
! To .hom coming a! to a living !tone% re?ected indeed #) men% #'t cho!en #) =od and
Se al!o )o'r!elve! a! living !tone! are #'ilt 'p a !pirit'al ho'!e% a hol) prie!thood% to
o""er !pirit'al !acri"ice!% accepta#le to =od thro'gh @e!'! Chri!t.
" There"ore al!o the Script're contain! this, &-ehold% + la) in Sion a corner!tone%
cho!en% precio'!B and he .ho #elieveth in him !hall not #e a!hamed.&
$ To )o'% then% .ho #elieve% he i! precio'!B #'t to the 'n#elieving% the !tone .hich the
#'ilder! re?ected% thi! ha! #ecome the head o" the cornerB
% *nd a !tone o" !t'm#ling and a roc$ o" o""en!e to tho!e .ho !t'm#le at the .ord%
#eing 'n#elievingB to .hich al!o the) had #een appointed.
# -'t )e are a cho!en race% a ro)al prie!thood% a hol) nation% a pec'liar people% that )e
ma) declare the virt'e! o" him .ho ha! called )o' o't o" dar$ne!!
1& +nto hi! marvelo'! light4 .ho !ometime! .ere not a people% #'t no. are the people o"
=odB .ho had not o#tained merc)% #'t no. have o#tained merc).
11 -eloved% + e3hort )o' a! !o?o'rner! and !tranger!% to a#!tain "rom carnal de!ire!%
.hich .ar again!t the !o'lB
12 Having )o'r #ehavior good among the =entile!% that .herea! the) !pea$ again!t )o'
a! evildoer!% the) ma)% con!idering )o'r good .or$!% glori") =od in the da) o"
13 -e then !'#?ect to ever) h'man ordinance "or the LordX! !a$eB
1! Khether to the $ing% a! !'premeB or to governor!% a! tho!e .ho are !ent #) him% "or the
p'ni!hment indeed o" evildoer!% #'t "or the prai!e o" tho!e .ho do .ell4
1 ;or !o i! the .ill o" =od% that #) .elldoing )e !ho'ld p't a !top to the ignorance o"
"ooli!h menB
1" *! "ree% and not having li#ert) a! a cloa$ "or .ic$edne!!% #'t a! the !ervant! o" =od.
1$ Honor all% love the #rotherhood% "ear =od% honor the $ing.
1% The !ervant!% let them #e !'#?ect .ith all "ear to their lord!% not onl) to the good and
h'mane% #'t al!o to the perver!e.
1# ;or thi! i! accepta#le% i" "or con!cience to.ard! =od an) one #ear! !orro.!% !'""ering
2& ;or .hat !ort o" glor) i! it% i" )e #ear it .hen having done evil )e #e #'""eted O #'t i"%
having done .ell and !'""ering% )e #ear it% thi! i! accepta#le .ith =od.
21 ;or to thi! end )o' have #een calledB #eca'!e Chri!t al!o !'""ered "or )o'% leaving )o'
an e3ample% that )e ma) "ollo. hi! "oot!tep!B
22 Kho did no !in% nor .a! g'ile "o'nd in hi! mo'thB .ho% .hen reviled% reviled not
23 Khen !'""ering% threatened notB #'t committed hi! ca'!e to him .ho ?'dgeth
2! Kho #are him!el" o'r !in! in hi! o.n #od) on the tree% that .e% #eing dead to !in% ma)
live to righteo'!ne!!B #) .ho!e #r'i!e have )e #een healed.
2 ;or )e .ere a! !heep going a!tra)B #'t )e have #een no. t'rned to the Shepherd and
-i!hop o" )o'r !o'l!.
CH*PT,8 0
1 +n li$e manner the .ive!% let them #e !'#?ect to their o.n h'!#and!% that even i" an)
#elieve not the .ord% the) ma) .itho't the .ord #e gained #) the #ehavior o" their
2 Khile o#!erving )o'r p're #ehavior and "ear4
3 Kho!e adorning% let it not #e the o't.ard% in the plaiting o" the hair and the encircling
o" gold% or the p'tting on o" cloa$!B
! -'t the inner man o" the heart% .hich i! in the incorr'ption o" a placid and >'iet !pirit%
.hich #e"ore =od i! precio'!.
;or !o "ormerl) al!o hol) .omen .ho hoped in =od% adorned them!elve!% #eing
!'#?ect to their o.n h'!#and!B
" *! Sara% +ho o#e)ed *#raham% calling him lordB .ho!e da'ghter! )e #ecome% .hen
)e do .ell% and are not terri"ied #) an) dread.
$ Let h'!#and! in li$e manner d.ell .ith them according to $no.ledge% giving honor to
the .i"e a! the .ea$er ve!!el% and a! ?ointheir! o" the grace o" li"e% that )o'r pra)er!
ma) not #e hindered.
% ;inall)% "e &e o" one mind% compa!!ionate% loving to the #rethren% merci"'l% h'm#le
# 9ot rendering evil "or evil% or railing "or railing% #'t on the contrar)% #le!! )e% $
that )o' have #een called "or thi! end% that )e ma) inherit a #le!!ing.
1& ;or let him .ho .o'ld love li"e and !ee good da)!% $eep hi! tong'e "rom evil and hi!
lip! "rom !pea$ing g'ileB let him t'rn a.a) "rom evil and do goodB
11 Let him !ee$ peace and p'r!'e it4
12 -eca'!e the e)e! o" the Lord are on the righteo'!% and hi! car! to their pra)er!B #'t the
"ace o" the Lord i! again!t them .ho do evil.
13 *nd .ho i! he .ho can do )o' harm% i" )e #e "! o" .hat i! good O
1! -'t i" )e al!o !'""er "or righteo'!ne!!% happ) are &e# and the "ear o" them "ear not% nor
#e tro'#ledB
1 -'t !ancti") the Lord o" ho!t! in )o'r heart!% and #e read) al.a)! "or an an!.er to an)
one a!$ing )o' a rea!on "or the hope that i! in )o'% .ith mee$ne!! and "earB
1" Having a good con!cience% that .herea! the) !pea$ again!t )o' a! evildoer!% the)
ma) #e a!hamed .ho !lander )o'r good #ehavior in Chri!t.
1$ ;or it i! #etter to !'""er% i" !o #e the .ill o" =od%

"or doing good than "or doing evil4
1% -eca'!e Chri!t al!o once !'""ered "or !in!% the ?'!t "or the 'n?'!t% that he might #ring
'! to =od% having indeed #een p't to death in the "le!h% #'t #ro'ght to li"e #) "ile
1# -) .hom having al!o gone% he preached to the !pirit! .ho .ere in pri!on%
2& Khen there .ere "ormerl) 'n#eliever!% .hen once the patience o" =od .aited in the
da)! o" 9oah%

.hile the ar$ .a! preparedB in .hich a "e.% that i!% eight !o'l!% .ere
!aved #) .aterB
21 Corre!ponding to .hich% #apti!m !ave! '! al!o no. Gnot the ca!ting a.a) o" the "ilth
o" the "le!h% #'t the an!.er o" a good con!cience to.ard! =odJ thro'gh the
re!'rrection o" @e!'! Chri!tB
22 Kho i! at the right hand o" =od% having gone into heaven% angel! and dominion! and! #eing made !'#?ect to him.
CH*PT,8 4
1 Chri!t then having !'""ered "or '! in the "le!h% #e )e al!o armed .ith the !ame mind4
#eca'!e he .ho hath !'""ered in the "le!h hath cea!ed "rom !inB
2 That he ma) no longer live the re!t o" hi! time in the "le!h to the l'!t! o" men% #'t to
the .ill o" =od.
3 ;or it i! eno'gh "or '!% that .e have .ro'ght% in the pa!t time o" li"e% the .ill o" the
=entile!% .hen .e .al$ed in la!civio'!ne!!% l'!t!% e3ce!!e! in .ine% revelling!%
#an>'eting!% and .ic$ed idolatrie!4
! 7n acco'nt o" .hich the) thin$ it !trange% that )e r'n not .ith them into the !ame
e3ce!! o" riot% !pea$ing evil of &ou#
Kho !hall give acco'nt to him .ho i! read) to ?'dge the living and the dead.
" ;or the go!pel ha! "or thi! end #een al!o preached to the dead% that the) ma) indeed #e
?'dged according to men in the "le!h% #'t live according to =od in the Spirit.
$ -'t the end o" all thing! i! nearB #e )e then !o#er% and .atch"'l to pra)B
% *nd a#ove all thing! having "ervent love among )o'r!elve!B "or love .ill cover a
m'ltit'de o" !in!.
# -e ho!pita#le to.ard! one another% .itho't m'rm'ring!.
1& *! ever) one ha! received a gi"t% mini!ter the !ame one to another% a! good di!pen!er!
o" the mani"old grace o" =odB
11 +" an) one !pea$% let him s*eak a! the oracle! o" =odB i" an) one mini!ter% let him do so
a! #) the .hich =od !'pplie!B that in all thing! =od ma) #e glori"ied thro'gh
@e!'! Chri!tB to .hom #e the glor) and the dominion "or ever and ever. *men.
12 -eloved% thin$ it not !trange .hen )e are tried #) "ire "or the p'rpo!e o" proving )o'%
a! tho'gh !ome ne. thing had happened to )o'B
13 -'t ina!m'ch a! )e are parta$er! o" the !'""ering! o" Chri!t% re?oiceB that at the
revelation al!o o" hi! glor) )e ma) e3'ltingl) re?oice.
1! +" )e #e reproached "or the name o" Chri!t% happ) are &e# "or the Spirit o" glor) and o"
=od re!t! 'pon )o'4 #) them% indeed% he i! !landered% #'t #) )o' he i! glori"ied.
1 -'t let none o" )o' !'""er a! a m'rderer% or a thie"% or an evildoer% or a! a coveter o"
another manX! good!B #'t i" a! a Chri!tian% let him not #e a!hamedB
1" 9a)% let him in thi! ca!e glori") =od4 "or it i! the time% .hen ?'dgment #egin! at the
ho'!e o" =odB
1$ -'t i" it #e "ir!t on '!% .hat +ill "e the end o" tho!e .ho o#e) not the go!pel o" =odO
1% *nd i" the righteo'! #e hardl) !aved% the 'ngodl) and the !inner% .here .ill the)
appear O
1# Let there"ore tho!e .ho !'""er according to the .ill o" =od% commit their !o'l! to him%
in doing good% a! to a "aith"'l po!!e!!or.
CH*PT,8 5
1 The elder! .ho are among )o' + e3hort% .ho am al!o an elder and a .itne!! o" the
!'""ering! o" Chri!t% and a parta$er o" the glor) .hich !hall #e revealed4
2 ;eed a! m'ch a! in )o' lieth the "loc$ o" =od% di!charging the o""ice o" #i!hop!% not
con!trainedl)% #'t .illingl)B not "or the !a$e o" "ilth) l'cre% #'t li#erall)B
3 *nd not a! e3erci!ing t)rann) over God>s heritage!% #'t that )e ma) #e pattern! to the
! *nd .hen the Chie" Shepherd !hall appear% )e !hall receive an 'n"ading cro.n o"
+n li$e manner the )o'nger% #e )e !'#?ect to the elderB )ea% #e )e all !'#?ect to one
another4 p't )e on h'milit) o" mindB #eca'!e =od re!i!teth the pro'd% #'t giveth grace
to the h'm#le.
" -e )e then h'm#led 'nder the might) hand o" =od% that he ma) e3alt )o' in d'e timeB
$ *ll )o'r care #eing ca!t on him% "or he care! "or )o'.
% -e !o#er% #e vigilant% #eca'!e )o'r adver!ar)% the (evil% a! a roaring lion% goeth
aro'nd% !ee$ing .hom he ma) devo'r4
# Khom re!i!t )e% #eing "irm in the "aith% $ that the !ame !'""ering! are
accompli!hed in )o'r #rethren in the .orld.
1& 9o. the =od o" all grace% .ho hath called '! to hi! eternal glor) thro'gh Chri!t @e!'!%
D ma) he per"ect )o'% .hile !'""ering "or a !hort time% con"irm% !trengthen% and
e!ta#li!h &ou7
11 To him #e the glor) and the dominion% "or ever and ever. *men.
12 -) S)lvan'!% a "aith"'l #rother to )o'% a! + !'ppo!e% + have .ritten in a "e. .ord!%
e3horting &ou and te!ti")ing that thi! i! the tr'e grace o" =od in .hich )e !tand.
13 The church, elected together .ith )o'% .hich i! in -a#)lon% !al'teth )o'% and Marc'!
m) !on.
1! Sal'te )e one another .ith the $i!! o" love. =race "e to )o' all .ho are in Chri!t
@e!'!. *men.
@7H9 C*LL+9:S L,8S+79 7;
TH, ;+8ST ,P+STL, 7; @7H9
CH*PT,8 1
1 Khat ha! #een "rom the #eginning% .hat .e have heard% .hat .e have !een .ith o'r
e)e!% .hat .e have loo$ed on% .hat o'r hand! have handled% concerning the .ord o"
2 G*nd the li"e ha! #een mani"e!ted% and .e have !een% and do te!ti")% and declare to )o'
that eternal li"e% .hich .a! .ith the ;ather% and ha! #een mani"e!ted to '!J D
3 Khat .e have !een and heard% declare .e to )o'% that )e al!o ma) have "ello.!hip
.ith '!B and o'r "ello.!hip i! .ith the ;ather% and .ith hi! Son @e!'! Chri!t4
! *nd .e .rite the!e thing! to )o'% that )o'r ?o) ma) #e complete.
*nd thi! i! the me!!age .hich .e have heard "rom him% and declare to )o'% that =od
i! light% and in him there i! not an) dar$ne!!.
" +" .e !a) that .e have "ello.!hip .ith him% and .al$ in dar$ne!!% .e lie% and do not
tell the tr'th.
$ -'t i" .e .al$ in the light% a! he i! in the light% .e have "ello.!hip one .ith another%
and the #lood o" @e!'! Chri!t hi! Son clean!eth '! "rom all !in.
% +" .e !a) that .e have no !in% .e deceive o'r!elve!% and the tr'th i! not in '!4
# +" .e con"e!! o'r !in!% "aith"'l i! he and ?'!t% !o a! to "orgive '! our !in!% and to
clean!e '! "rom all 'nrighteo'!ne!!4
1& +" .e !a) that .e have not !inned% .e ma$e him a liar% and hi! .ord i! not in '!.
CH*PT,8 /
1 M) little children% + .rite the!e thing! to )o'% that )o' ma) not !inB #'t i" an) one !in%
.e have an advocate .ith the ;ather% @e!'! Chri!t% the righteo'! one4
2 *nd he i! the propitiation "or o'r !in!% and not "or o'r! onl)% #'t al!o "or the sins o" the
.hole .orld.
3 *nd #) thi! .e $no. that .e have $no.n him% i" .e kee* hi! commandment!.
! He .ho !a)!% A+ $no. him%C and $eep! not hi! commandment!% i! a liar% and the tr'th
i! not in him4
-'t he .ho $eep! hi! .ord% veril) in him the love o" =od i! per"ectedB
" -) thi! .e $no. that .e are in him. He .ho !a)! that lie a#ide! in him% o'ght al!o
him!el" !o to .al$ a! he .al$ed.
$ -rethren% no ne. commandment do + .rite to )o'% #'t an old commandment% .hich
)o' have had "rom the #eginning4 the old commandment i! the .ord .hich )o' have
heard "rom the #eginning.
% *gain% a ne. commandment do + .rite to )o'B .hich i! tr'e in him and in )o'%
#eca'!e the dar$ne!! i! pa!!ing a.a)% and the tr'e light no. !hine!.
# He .ho !a)! that he i! in the light% and hate! hi! #rother% i! !till in dar$ne!!.
1& He .ho love! hi! #rother a#ide! in the light% and to him there i! no !t'm#ling4
11 -'t lie .ho hate! hi! #rother% .al$! in dar$ne!!B and he $no.! not .here he goeth%
#eca'!e dar$ne!! hath #linded hi! e)e!.
12 + .rite to )o'% little children% #eca'!e )o'r !in! are "orgiven )o' "or hi! name:! !a$e.
13 + .rite to )o'% "ather!% #eca'!e )e have $no.n him .ho i! "rom the #eginning. + .rite
to )o'% )o'ng men% #eca'!e )e have overcome the .ic$ed one. + .rite to )o'%
children% #eca'!e )e have $no.n the ;ather.
1! + have .ritten to )o'% "ather!% #eca'!e )e have $no.n him .ho i! "rom the #eginning.
+ have .ritten to )o'% )o'ng men% #eca'!e )e are !trong% and the .ord o" =od a#ide!
in )o'% and )e have overcome the evil one.
1 Love not the .orld% nor the thing! .hich are in the .orld4 i" an) one love! the .orld%
the love o" the ;ather i! not in him.
1" ;or .hatever i! in the .orld% .even the l'!t o" the "le!h% and the l'!t o" the e)e!% and
the pride o" li"e%J i! not "rom the ;ather% #'t "rom the .orld.
1$ *nd the .orld pa!!eth a.a)% and the l'!t o" itB #'t he .ho doeth the .ill o" =od%
a#ide! "or ever.
1% Little children% it i! the la!t ho'rB and a! )o' have heard that *ntichri!t i! to come%
even no. there are man) *ntichri!t i!4
1# Hence .e $no. that it i! the la!t ho'r. ;rom '! have the) gone o't% #'t o" '! the)
.ere not% "or had the) #een o" '!% the) .o'ld surel& have remained .ith '!B #'t the&
have gone out, that the) might #e made mani"e!t that the) .ere not o" '!.
2& -'t )e have an 'nction "rom the Hol) 7ne% and )e $no. all thing!.
21 + have not .ritten to )o'% #eca'!e )e $no. not the tr'th% #'t #eca'!e )e $no. it% and
that ever)thing "al!e i! not "rom the tr'th.
22 Kho i! a liar% #'t he .ho denie! @e!'! to #e the Chri!tO He i! an *ntichri!t% .ho denie!
the ;ather and the Son4
23 ,ver) one .ho denie! the Son hath not the ;ather.
2! Let% then% .hat )o' have heard "rom the #eginning remain in )o'4 i" .hat )o' have
heard "rom the #eginning remain in )o'% )e !hall al!o remain in the Son% and in the
2 *nd thi! i! the promi!e .hich he hath promi!ed to '!. even eternal li"e.
2" The!e thing! have + .ritten to )o' re!pecting them .ho !ed'ce )o'4 #'t the 'nction
.hich )e have received "rom him remain! in )o'% !o that )e have no need that an) one
!ho'ld teach )o'B
2$ -'t a! the 'nction teache! )o' all thing!% and i! tr'th% and i! not a lie% and a! it ha!
ta'ght )o'O so remain in him.
2% *nd no.% little children% contin'e in him% that .hen lie !hall appear% .e ma) have
con"idence% and not #e a!hamed at hi! pre!ence.
2# Since )e $no. that he i! righteo'!% $no. )e that ever) one .ho doeth righteo'!ne!!
ha! #een #orn o" him.
CH*PT,8 0
1 See .hat manner o" love the ;ather hath #e!to.ed on '!% that .e !ho'ld #e called the
!on! o" =odP the .orld "or thi! rea!on $no.eth '! not% #eca'!e it did not $no. him.
2 -eloved% .e are no. the !on! o" =od% and it doe! not )et appear .hat .e !hall #eB #'t
.e $no.% that .hen lie !hall appear% .e !hall #e li$e himB "or .e !hall !ee him a! he
3 *nd ever) one .ho hath thi! hope in him p'ri"ieth him!el"% ina!m'ch a! he i! p're.
! Kho!oever doeth !in% doeth al!o ini>'it)B and !in i! ini>'it).
-'t )e $no. that he appeared that he might ta$e a.a) o'r !in!% and !in i! not in him.
" Kho!oever a#ide! in him doth not !inB .ho!oever !in!% hath not !een him% nor $no.n
$ Little children% let no one deceive )o'% D he .ho doeth righteo'!ne!! i! righteo'!%
ina!m'ch a! he i! righteo'!4
% He .ho doeth !in% i! o" the devil% "or the devil !in! "rom the #eginning. The Son o"
=od .a! "or thi! end mani"e!ted% that he might 'ndo the .or$! o" the devil.
# Kho!oever ha! #een #orn o" =od% doth not do !in% #eca'!e hi! !eed remain! in himB
and he cannot !in% #eca'!e he ha! #een #orn o" =od.
1& -) thi! are made mani"e!t the !on! o" =od% and the !on! o" the devil% D ever) one
.ho doeth not righteo'!ne!!% i! not o" =od% nor he .ho love! not hi! #rother.
11 ;or thi! i! the me!!age that )e heard "rom the #eginning% that .e love one another4
12 9ot a! Cain% .ho .a! o" the .ic$ed one% and !le. hi! #rotherB and .h) did he !la)
himO #eca'!e hi! .or$! .ere evil% and hi! #rother:! righteo'!.
13 Konder not% m) #rethren% i" the .orld hate )o'.
1! Ke $no. that .e have pa!!ed "rom death to li"e% #eca'!e .e love the #rethrenB he .ho
love! not hi! #rother% remain! in death.
1 ,ver) one .ho hate! hi! #rother% i! a m'rdererB and )e $no. that no m'rderer ha!
eternal li"e a#iding in him.
1" -) thi! .e $no. love% that he laid do.n hi! o.n li"e "or '!B and .e o'ght to la) do.n
our live! "or the #rethren.
1$ -'t .hen an) one ha! thi! .orld:! good!% and !eeth hi! #rother in .ant% and clo!eth 'p
hi! #o.el! "rom him% ho. a#ideth the love o" =od in himO
1% M) little children% let '! not love in .ord% nor in tong'e% #'t in deed and in tr'th4
1# *nd #) thi! .e $no. that .e are o" the tr'th% and !hall a!!'re o'r heart! #e"ore him.
2& ;or i" o'r heart acc'!e '!% do'#tle!! =od i! greater than o'r heart% and $no.eth all
21 -eloved% i" o'r heart do not acc'!e '!% .e have con"idence to.ard! =od4
22 *nd i" .e a!$ an)thing% .e receive it "rom him% #eca'!e .e $eep hi! commandment!%
and do the thing! .hich are plea!ing in hi! !ight.
23 *nd thi! i! hi! commandment% that .e #elieve on the name o" hi! Son @e!'! Chri!t%
and love one another% a! he gave '! commandment.
2! *nd he .ho $eepeth hi! commandment% a#ideth in him% and he in himB and #) thi! .e
$no. that he a#ideth in '!% even #) the Spirit .hom he hath given '!.
CH*PT,8 4
1 -eloved% #elieve not ever) !pirit% #'t prove the !pirit! .hether the) are "rom =odB
#eca'!e man) "al!e prophet! have gone "orth into the .orld.
2 -) thi! $no. )e the Spirit o" =od% D ,ver) !pirit that con"e!!eth that @e!'! Chri!t ha!
come in the "le!h% i! "rom =odB
3 *nd ever) !pirit that con"e!!e! not that @e!'! Chri!t ha! come in the "le!h% i! not "rom
=odB and thi! i! the *ntichri!t% o" .hom )o' have heard that he i! to come% and he i!
no. alread) in the .orld.
! Se are o" =od% little children% and have overcome themB #eca'!e greater i! he .ho i! in
)o' than he .ho i! in the .orld.
The) are o" the .orldB there"ore o" the .orld do the) !pea$% and the .orld heareth
" Ke are o" =odB he .ho $no.eth =od heareth '!B he .ho i! not o" =od% doth not hear
'!4 #) thi! .e $no. the !pirit o" tr'th and the !pirit o" error.
$ -eloved% let '! love one anotherB #eca'!e love i! "rom =odB and ever) one .ho loveth
ha! #een #orn o" =od% and $no.eth =od.
% He .ho loveth not% $no.eth not =od% #eca'!e =od i! love.
# +n thi! ha! appeared the love o" =od to '!% that =od ha! !ent hi! onl)#egotten Son
into the .orld% that .e ma) live thro'gh him.
1& +n thi! i! love% not that .e have loved =od% #'t that =od ha! loved '! and !ent hi! Son
a propitiation "or o'r !in!.
11 -eloved% i" =od ha! !o loved '!% .e o'ght al!o to hive one another.
12 9o one hath ever !een =od4 i" .e love one another% =od a#ide! in '!% and hi! love ha!
#een per"ected in '!. 13 -) thi! .e $no. that .e a#ide in him% and he in '!%
#eca'!e he hath given '! o" hi! Spirit.
1! *nd .e have !een and do te!ti")% that the ;ather ha! !ent hi! Son to #e the Savio'r o"
the .orld.
1 He .ho !hall con"e!! that @e!'! i! the Son o" =od% =od a#ideth in him% and he in =od.
1" *nd .e have $no.n and have #elieved the love .hich =od hath to '!4 =od i! loveB
and he .ho a#ideth in love% a#ideth in =od% and =od in him.
1$ -) thi! ha! love in '! #een per"ected% that .e ma) have con"idence in the da) o"
?'dgment% #eca'!e a! He i!% !o are .e in thi! .orld.
1% ;ear i! not in love4 #'t per"ect love ca!teth o't "earB #eca'!e "ear hath tormentB and he
.ho "ear!% ha! not #een per"ected in love.
1# Ke love him% #eca'!e he ha! "ir!t loved '!.
2& +" an) one sa&, A+ love God,3 and hate hi! neigh#o'r% he i! a liarB "or he .ho love! not
hi! #rother .hom he !ee!% ho. can he love =od .hom he !ee! notO
21 *nd thi! commandment .e have "rom Him% that he .ho love! =od !ho'ld al!o love
hi! #rother.
CH*PT,8 5
1 ,ver) one .ho #elieve! that @e!'! i! the Chri!t ha! #een #orn o" =odB and ever) one
.ho love! Him .ho ha! #egotten% love! him al!o .ho ha! #een #egotten #) Him.
2 -) thi! .e $no. that .e love the children o" =od% .hen .e love =od and $eep hi!
3 ;or thi! i! the love o" =od% that .e $eep hi! commandment!B and hi! commandment!
are not grievo'!.
! ;or% .hatever ha! #een #orn o" =od overcometh the .orldB and thi! i! the victor)
.hich overcometh the .orld% o'r "aith.
Kho i! he .ho overcome! the .orld% #'t he .ho #elieve! that @e!'! i! the Son o"
" Thi! i! he .ho ha! come #) .ater and #lood% @e!'! Chri!tB not #) .ater onl)% #'t #)
.ater and #loodB and the Spirit i!
$ He .ho te!ti"ie!% ina!m'ch a! the Spirit i! tr'th. ;or there are three .ho te!ti") in
heaven% the ;ather% the Kord% and the Hol) SpiritB and the!e three are one.
% *nd there are three .ho te!ti") on earth% the Spirit% the .ater% and the #loodB
# *nd the!e three agree in one. +" .e receive the te!timon) o" men% the te!timon) o"
=od i! greater.
1& Moreover% thi! i! the te!timon) o" =od% .hich lie hath te!ti"ied re!pecting hi! o.n Son
GHe .ho #elieve! on the Son o" =od hath the te!timon) in him!el"B
11 He .ho #elieve! not =od% ma$e! him a liar% #eca'!e he hath not #elieved the
te!timon) .hich =od hath te!ti"ied re!pecting hi! o.n Son%J even thi! i! the te!timon)%
that =od hath given to '! eternal li"eB
12 *nd thi! li"e i! in hi! Son. He .ho hath the Son% hath li"eB he .ho hath not the Son o"
=od% hath not li"e.
13 The!e thing! have + .ritten to )o' .ho #elieve on the name o" the Son o" =od% that )e
ma) $no. that )e have eternal li"e% and that )e ma) #elieve on the name o" the Son o"
1! *nd thi! i! the con"idence .hich .e have to.ard! Him% that .hen .e a!$ an)thing
according to hi! .ill% he heareth '!4
1 *nd i" .e $no. that he hear! '! .hen .e a!$ an) thing% .e $no. that .e have the
petition! .hich .e have de!ired o" him.
1" +" an) one !ee hi! #rother !inning a !in not to death% he !hall a!$% and he .ill give to
him li"e "or him .ho !in! not to death4 there i! a !in to death% + do not !a) that an) one
!hall pra) "or that.
1$ ,ver) 'nrighteo'!ne!! i! !inB and there i! a !in not to death.
1% Ke $no. that ever) one .ho ha! #een #orn o" =od% !in! notB #'t he .ho ha! #een
#orn o" =od% $eep! him!el"% and the .ic$ed one to'che! him not.
1# Ke $no. that .e are o" =odB and the .hole .orld lieth in the .ic$ed one.
2& *nd .e $no. that the Son o" =od ha! come% and ha! given to '! an 'nder!tanding%
that .e ma) $no. him .ho i! tr'eB anti .e are in him .ho i! tr'e% in hi! Son @e!'!
Chri!t4 thi! i! the tr'e =od and eternal li"e.
21 Little children% $eep )o'r!elve! "rom idol!. *men.
C*LL+9:S L,8S+79 7;
TH, ,P+STL, 7; @*M,S.
CH*PT,8 1
1 @ame!% a !ervant o" =od and o" the Lord @e!'! Chri!t% to the t.elve tri#e! .hich are in
the di!per!ion% health4
2 Co'nt it all ?o)% m) #rethren% .hen )e "all into vario'! temptation!B
3 < that the tr)ing o" )o'r "aith .or$! patience4
! -'t let patience have it! per"ect .or$% !o that )e ma) #e per"ect and entire% in nothing
-'t i" an) o" )o' #e de"icient in .i!dom% let him a!$ it from =od% .ho giveth to all
"reel)% and doe! not 'p#raid4 and it !hall #e given to him.
" -'t let him a!$ in "aith% #) no mean! do'#tingB "or he .ho do'#t!% i! li$e a .ave o"
the !ea% .hich #) the .ind i! driven and to!!ed to and "ro.
$ Let not% then% that man thin$ that he !hall receive an)thing "rom the Lord.
% * man o" a do'#le mind i! 'n!ta#le in all hi! .a)!.
# 9o.% let a #rother .ho i! lo.% re?oice in hi! e3altationB and the rich in hi!!!4
1& -eca'!e a! a " o" gra!! !hall he pa!! a.a)4
11 ;or the !'n ri!e! .ith heat and .ither! the gra!!% and the " "all!% and the #ea't)
o" it! appearance peri!he!B !o al!o !hall the rich "ade a.a) in hi! riche!.
12 -le!!ed is the man% .ho end're! temptationB "or .hen he i! tried% he !hall receive the
cro.n o" li"e4 .hich the Lord hath promi!ed to them .ho love him.
13 Let no one% .hen he i! tempted% !a)% A-) =od + am tempted4C "or =od cannot #e
tempted #) evil!% nor doe! he tempt an) one.
1! -'t ever) one i! tempted% .hen he i! dra.n a.a) #) hi! o.n l'!t!% and i! en!nared.
1 Then l'!t% having conceived% #ring! "orth !inB and !in% #eing per"ected% #eget! death.
1" (o not err% m) #eloved #rethren4
1$ ,ver) good gi"t and ever) per"ect gi"t i! "rom a#ove% de!cending "rom the ;ather o"
light!% .ith .hom there i! no change nor !hado. o" t'rning.
1% 7" hi! o.n .ill ha! he #egotten '! #) the .ord o" tr'th% that .e might #e !ome
"ir!t"r'it! o" hi! creat're!.
1# Let ever) man% there"ore% m) #eloved #rethren% #e !.i"t to hear% !lo. to !pea$% !lo. to
2& ;or the .rath o" man .or$eth not the righteo'!ne!! o" =od.
21 La&ing a!ide then all "ilthine!! and red'ndanc) o" .ic$edne!!% receive .ith mee$ne!!
the imp]anted .ord% .hich i! a#le to !ave )o'r !o'l!.
22 *nd #e )e doer! o" the .ord and not hearer! onl)% deceiving )o'r!elve!.
23 ;or i" an) one #e a hearer o" the .ord and not a doer% he i! li$e a man .ho loo$! on
hi! nat'ral "ace in a gla!!B
2! ;or he hath loo$ed on him!el" and departed% and hath immediatel) "orgotten .hat
manner o" man he .a!.
2 -'t he .ho attentivel) loo$! on the per"ect la. o" li#ert) and contin'e! to do !o%thi!
man, #eing not a "orget"'l hearer% #'t a doer o" the .or$% !hall #e #le!!ed in hi! .or$.
2" +" an) one !eem! to #e religio'! among )o' and #ridleth not hi! tong'e% #'t deceiveth
hi! o.n heart% hi! religion i! vain.
2$ P're religion and 'nde"iled #e"ore =od even the ;ather% i! thi!%To vi!it the orphan!
and .ido.! in their a""liction% to $eep him!el" 'n!potted "rom the .orld.
CH*PT,8 /
1 M) #rethren% have not the "aith o" o'r Lord @e!'! Chri!t .ith re!pect o" per!on! on
acco'nt o" rep'tation.
2 ;or i" there enter into )o'r a!!em#l) a man .earing gold ring!% having on a !plendid
dre!!% and there enter in al!o a poor man in !ordid clothingB
3 *nd )e have re!pect to him .ho .ear! a !plendid dre!!% and !a) to him% ASit

tho' here
honora#l)%C and )e !a) to the poor% AStand tho' there%C or% ASit here 'nder m) "oot
! *re )e not condemned in )o'r!elve!% and #ecome ?'dge! o" evil tho'ght!O
Hear% m) #eloved #rethren% Ha! not =od cho!en the poor o" thi! .orld to "e rich in
"aith and heir! o" the $ingdom .hich he hath promi!ed to them .ho love HimO
" -'t )e have de!pi!ed the poor. (o not the rich domineer over )o'% and dra. )o'
#e"ore ?'dgment!eat!O
$ (o the) not #la!pheme the good name .hich i! called on )o'O
% +" indeed )e "'l"ill the ro)al la.% according to Script're%
# ATho' !halt love th) neigh#or a! th)!el"%C )e do .ell4 #'t i" )e re!pect per!on!% )e
commit !in% and are reproved #) the la. a! tran!gre!!or!.
1& ;or .ho!oever !hall $eep the .hole la.% and )et o""end in one thing% #ecome! g'ilt)
o" all4
11 ;or he .ho hath !aid% ATho' !halt not commit ad'lter)%C hath !aid al!o% ATho' !halt
not $ill.C 9o. i" tho' committe!t no ad'lter)% )et i" tho' $ille!t% tho' #ecome!t a
tran!gre!!or o" the la..
12 So !pea$ )e and !o do% a! tho!e .ho !hall #e ?'dged #) the la. o" li#ert).
13 ;or ?'dgment .ill #e .itho't merc) to him .ho hath not !he.ed merc)B and merc)
glorieth again!t ?'dgment.
1! Khat doe! it avail% m) #rethren% i" an) one !a) that he hath "aith% and have not .or$!O
Can "aith !ave himO
1 9o.% i" a #rother or a !i!ter #e na$ed and in .ant o" dail) #read% and one o" )o' !a) to
them% A=o a.a) in peace% #e .armed and #e "illedB3
1" Tho'gh )e give them not tho!e thing! .hich are nece!!ar) "or the #od)% .hat doe! it
1$ ,ven !o "aith% i" it hath no .or$!% #eing #) it!el"% i! dead.
1% 9a)% rather% one ma) !a)% 2%hou ha!t "aith and + have .or$!B !he. me th) "aith
.itho't th) .or$!% and + .ill #) m) .or$! !he. thee m) "aith.C
1# Then #elieve!t that there i! one =odB tho' doe!t right4 the devil! al!o #elieve and
2& -'t .ilt tho' $no.% 7 vain man% that "aith .itho't .or$! i! deadO
21 *#raham o'r "ather% .a! he not

?'!ti"ied #) .or$!% .hen he o""ered 'p +!aac hi! !on
on the altarO
22 See!t tho' that "aith cooperated .ith hi! .or$!% and "aith .a! #) .or$! made per"ectO
23 *nd "'l"illed .a! the Script're .hich !aith% A*#raham #elieved =od% and it .a!
co'nted to him "or righteo'!ne!!4C and he .a! called the ;riend o" =od
2! Se then !ee% that #) .or$! i! man ?'!ti"ied% and not #) "aith onl)
2 +n li$e manner al!o 8aha# the harlot% .a! not !he ?'!ti"ied #) .or$!% .hen !he
received the me!!enger!% and !ent them "orth another .a)O
2" ;or a! the #od) .itho't the !o'l i! dead% !o al!o "aith .itho't .or$! i! dead.
CH*PT,8 0
1 -e not man) ma!ter!% m) #rethren% $ that .e !hall receive greater ?'dgment4
2 ;or in man) thing! .e all o""end. +" an) one o""end not in .ord% he i! a per"ect man% a!
one .ho can #ridle al!o the .hole #od).
3 -ehold% .e p't #ridle! in hor!e!: month!% that the) ma) o#e) '!% and .e t'rn a#o't
their .hole #od).
! -ehold al!o the !hip!% ho.ever large the) ma) #e and driven #) "ierce .ind!% )et the)
are t'rned a#o't #) a ver) !mall helm .herever the .ill o" the pilot .i!he!.
So al!o the tong'e i! a ver) !mall mem#er and #oa!t! great thing!.
" -ehold% a little "ire% .hat >'antit) o" .ood it #'rn!P *nd the tong'e i! a "ire% and a
.orld o" ini>'it). So i! the tong'e among o'r mem#er!B it de"ile! the .hole #od) and
!et! on "ire the .hole co'r!e o" nat're% and it i! !et on "ire #) hell.
$ ;or ever) $ind o" #ea!t!% and o" #ird!% and o" !erpent!% and o" thing! in the !ea% i!
tamed and ha! #een tamed #) man$ind4
% -'t the tong'e no man can tame% an 'nre!traina#le evil% "'ll o" deadl) poi!on.
# -) it .e #le!! =od% even the ;atherB and #) it .e c'r!e men made a"ter hi! li$ene!!P
1& ;rom the !ame mo'th proceed! #le!!ing and c'r!ingP The!e thing!% m) #rethren% o'ght
not to #e !o.
11 (oe! a "o'ntain "rom the !ame opening !end "orth the !.eet and the #itterO
12 Can a "igtree% m) #rethren% #ear olive#errie!B or a vine% "ig!O !o no "o'ntain can
#ring "orth #rin) and !.eet .ater.
13 Kho i! .i!e and intelligent among )o'O Let him !he. #) a good cond'ct hi! .or$!
.ith mee$ne!! o" .i!dom.
1! -'t i" )e have #itter em'lation and contention in )o'r heart% glor) not% and lie not
again!t the tr'th.
1 Thi! i! not the .i!dom .hich come! "rom a#ove% #'t earthl)% animal% demoniacal4
1" ;or .here em'lation and contention are, there i! con"'!ion and ever) evil .or$.
1$ -'t the .i!dom .hich i! "rom a#ove% i! "ir!t p're% then peacea#le% h'mane% tracta#le%
"'ll o" merc) and o" good .or$!% not o""icio'!l) pr)ing% not di!!em#ling4
1% *nd the "r'it o" righteo'!ne!! i! !o.n in peace #) tho!e .ho ma$e peace.
CH*PT,8 4
1 Khence .ar! and "ighting! among )o'O are the) not hence%"rom )o'r l'!t! .hich
.ar in )o'r mem#er!O
2 Se covet and have notB )e env) and em'late% and cannot o#tainB )e "ight and .ar% )et
)e have not% #eca'!e )e do not a!$B
3 Se a!$ and receive not% #eca'!e )e a!$ ami!!% that )e ma) !pend it on )o'r l'!t!.
! *d'lterer! and ad'ltere!!e!P $no. )e not% that the "riend!hip o" the .orld i! enmit) to
=odO Kho!oever then .ill #e a "riend o" the .orld% #ecome! the enem) o" =od.
(o )e thin$ that the Script're !pea$! in vainO (oe! the Spirit .ho d.ell! in '!% l'!t to
" 9a)% he giveth more grace4 hence He !aith% =od re!i!t! the pro'd% #'t giveth grace to
the h'm#le.
$ -e )e then !'#?ect to =odB re!i!t the devil and he .ill "lee "rom )o'.
% (ra. nigh to =od% and he .ill dra. nigh to )o'4 clean!e )o'r hand!% )e !inner!B and
p'ri") &our heart!% )e do'#leminded.
# -e a""licted and mo'rn and .eepB let )o'r la'ghter #e t'rned to mo'rning% and )o'r
?o) to !orro..
1& -e h'm#led #e"ore =od% and he .ill e3alt )o'.
11 (e"ame not one another% #rethrenB he .ho de"ame! a #rother and ?'dge! hi! #rother%
de"ame! the la. and ?'dge! the la.B #'t i" tho' ?'dge the la.% tho' art not a doer o"
the la.% #'t a ?'dge.
12 7ne i! the la.giver% .ho can !ave and de!tro)B .ho art tho' .ho ?'dge!t anotherO
13 Come no. )e .ho !a)% AToda)% or% tomorro.% .e !hall go into the cit) and pa!! there
a )ear% and trade and ma$e gain4C .ho $no. not .hat i! to #e tomorro.B "or .hat i!
)o'r li"eO
1! +t i! indeed a vapor% .hich "or a !hort time appear!% and then vani!he! a.a).
1 7n the contrar) )e o'ght to !a)% A+" the Lord .ill% and .e live% .e !hall do thi! or
that.C -'t no. )e glor) in )o'r pre!'mption!4 all !'ch glor)ing i! evil. He then .ho
$no.! to do good and doeth it not% i! g'ilt) o" !in.
CH*PT,8 5
1 Come no. )e rich% .eep and ho.l "or )o'r mi!erie!% .hich !hall come 'pon &ou(
2 So'r riche! are #ecome rotten% and )o'r garment! are eaten #) moth!B
3 So'r gold and !ilver are r'!ted% and their r'!t .ill #e a .itne!! again!t )o'% and !hall
eat all )o'r "le!h a! "ire4 )e have heaped together a trea!'re "or the la!t da)!.
! -ehold the .age! o" the .or$men% .ho have reaped )o'r "ield!% "ra'd'lentl) $ept
#ac$ #) )o'% lo'dl) cr)B and the crie! o" tho!e .ho have #een reaping have entered
into the ear! o" the Lord o" Sa#aoth.
+n plea!'re! have )e lived on the earth% and have #een .antonB )e have no'ri!hed )o'r
heart! a! in a da) o" !la'ghter.
" Se have condemned and $illed the ?'!tB and he doe! not re!i!t )o'.
$ -e patient then% #rethren% 'ntil the coming o" the Lord. -ehold% the h'!#andman .ait!
"or the precio'! "r'it o" the earth% having long patience "or it% 'ntil he receive! the
earl) and the latter rain.
% -e )e then al!o patientB !trengthen )o'r heart!B #eca'!e the coming o" the Lord i!
# =roan not one again!t another% #rethren% le!t )e #e condemnedB #ehold% the @'dge
!tand! #e"ore the door.
1& Ta$e% m) #rethren% the prophet!% .ho have !po$en in the name o" the Lord% a! an
e3ample o" !'""ering a""liction% and o" patience.
11 -ehold% .e co'nt them #le!!ed .ho end're4 )e have heard o" the patience o" @o#% and
have !een the end o" the Lord% that he i! ver) merci"'l and compa!!ionate.
12 -'t a#ove all thing!% m) #rethren% !.ear not% neither #) heaven% nor #) the earth% nor
#) an) other oathB #'t let )o'r! #e% )ea% )eaB no% noB le!t )e "all into condemnation.
13 +! an) one a""licted among )o'O let him pra)4 i! an) cheer"'lO let him !ing p!alm!4
1! +! an) !ic$ among )o'O let him call "or the elder! o" the ch'rchB and let them pra) over
him% anointing him .ith oil in the name o" the LordB
1 *nd the pra)er o" "aith !hall !ave the !ic$% and the Lord !hall rai!e him 'p4 and i" he
have committed !in!% the) !hall #e "orgiven him.
1" Con"e!! m't'all) )o'r !in!% and pra) "or one another% that )e ma) #e healed4 the
e""icacio'! pra)er o" a righteo'! man availeth m'ch.
1$ ,lia! .a! a man !'#?ect to pa!!ion! in the li$e manner a! .eB and he earne!tl) pra)ed
that it might not rainB and it rained not on the earth "or three )ear! and !i3 month!4
1% *nd he pra)ed again% and the heaven gave rain% and the earth #ro'ght "orth it! "r'it.
1# M) #rethren% i" an) one among )o' err "rom the tr'th% and !ome one convert himB
2& Let him $no.% that he .ho convert! a !inner "rom the error o" hi! .a) !hall !ave a !o'l
"rom death% and !hall cover a m'ltit'de o" !in!.
C*LL+9:S L,8S+79 7;
TH, S,C79( ,P+STL, 7; P,T,8.
CH*PT,8 1
1 S+M,79 P,T,8% a !ervant and an apo!tle o" @e!'! Chri!t% to tho!e .ho have o#tained
an e>'all) precio'! "aith .ith '!% thro'gh the righteo'!ne!! o" o'r =od and Savior
@e!'! Chri!tB
2 =race to )o' and peace #e m'ltiplied% thro'gh the $no.ledge o" =od% and o" @e!'! o'r
3 *! hi! divine ha! given '! all thing! .hich *ertain to li"e and godline!!%
thro'gh the $no.ledge o" him .ho hath called '! #) hi! o.n glor) and po.erB
! -) .hich al!o ver) great and precio'! promi!e! have #een "reel) given '!% that
thro'gh the!e )e might #ecome parta$er! o" the divine nat're% having e!caped the
corr'ption that i! in the .orld thro'gh l'!t.
*nd "or thi! p'rpo!e '!ing all diligence% add to )o'r "aith% virt'eB and to virt'e%
" *nd to $no.ledge% temperanceB and to temperance% patienceB and to patience%
$ *nd to godline!!% #rotherl) a""ectionB and to #rotherl) a""ection% love4
% ;or i" the!e #e in )o'% and #e a#o'nding% the) ma$e )o' to #e neither idle nor
'n"r'it"'l in the $no.ledge o" o'r Lord @e!'! Chri!tB
# -'t he in .hom the!e thing! are .anting i! #lind% and cannot !ee a"ar o""% having
"orgotten the clean!ing o" hi! old !in!.
1& There"ore% #rethren% !trive the more to ma$e )o'r calling and election !'reB "or i" )e do
the!e thing!% )e !hall never "all4
11 ;or th'! !hall a#'ndantl) #e !'pplied to )o' an entrance into the eternal $ingdom o"
o'r Lord and Savior @e!'! Chri!t.
12 + .ill not% there"ore% neglect al.a)! to remind )o' o" the!e thing!% tho'gh )e $no.
them% and have #een con"irmed in the pre!ent tr'th.
13 Sea% + thin$ it right% a! long a! + am in thi! ta#ernacle% to !tir )o' 'p #) reminding )o'B
1! Since + $no. that + am !hortl) to p't a.a) thi! ta#ernacle% a! al!o o'r Lord @e!'!
Chri!t hath made mani"e!t to me.
1 + .ill% ho.ever% endeavor% that )e ma) al!o #e a#le to have the!e thing! al.a)! in
remem#rance a"ter m) depart're.
1" ;or it .a! not c'nningl)devi!ed "a#le! that .e "ollo.ed% .hen .e made $no.n to
)o' the and the corning o" o'r Lord @e!'! Chri!tB #'t .e .ere e)e.itne!!e! o"
hi! ma?e!t)4
1$ ;or he received "rom =od the ;ather honor and glor)% .hen !'ch a voice a! thi! came
to him "rom the magni"icent glor)% &Thi! i! m) #eloved Son% in .hom + have #een .ell
1% *nd thi! voice .e heard% .hen .e .ere .ith him on the hol) mo'nt.
1# *nd .e have the more !'re .ord o" prophec)% to .hich )e do .ell in attending% a! to a
light !hining in a dar$ place% 'ntil the da) da.n% and the da)!tar ari!e in )o'r heart!B
2& < thi! "ir!t% that no prophec) o" the Script're i! o" a private !'gge!tion4
21 ;or prophec) came not "ormerl) #) the .ill o" manB #'t hol) men o" =od !po$e% #eing
moved #) the Hol) Spirit.
CH*PT,8 /
1 There .ere% ho.ever% "al!e prophet! al!o among the peopleB a! there .ill al!o #e "al!e
teacher! among )o'% .ho .ill !tealthil) #ring in opinion! o" perdition% den)ing even
the Lord .ho ha! redeemed them% #ringing on them!elve! !.i"t de!tr'ction.
2 *nd man) !hall "ollo. their r'ino'! co'r!e!% thro'gh .hom the .a) o" tr'th !hall #e
3 *nd thro'gh avarice the) !hall ma$e a trade o" )o' #) "eigned .ord!B .ho!e
?'dgment a long ago cea!e! not% and .ho!e perdition doe! not !l'm#er.
! ;or i" =od !pared not the angel! .ho had !inned% #'t having ca!t them into hell in
chain! o" dar$ne!!% delivered them to #e $ept "or ?'dgmentB
*nd i" he !pared not the old .orld% #'t !aved 9oah% the eighth *erson, a preacher o"
righteo'!ne!!% having #ro'ght in the "lood on the .orld o" the 'ngodl)B
" *nd i" having t'rned into a!he! the citie! o" the Sodomite! and o" =omorrah% he
condemned them .ith an overthre.% having made them an e3ample to tho!e .ho
.o'ld live 'ngodl)%
$ *nd delivered the righteo'! Lot% .ho .a! ve3ed #) the .ic$ed thro'gh their
la!civio'! cond'ctB
% ;or that righteo'! man% .hile d.elling among them% had #) !eeing and hearing hi!
righteo'! !o'l dail) tormented #) their ini>'ito'! deed!B
# The Lord. $no.eth ho. to deliver the godl) o't o" temptation!% and to re!erve the
'n?'!t "or the da) o" ?'dgment to #e p'ni!hedB
1& *nd e!peciall) tho!e .ho .al$ a"ter the "le!h in the l'!t o" 'ncleanne!!% and de!pi!e
government4 a'dacio'! and re"ractor)% the) "ear not to #la!pheme dignitie!%
11 Khen angel!% .ho are greater in !trength and #ring no railing ?'dgment again!t
them #e"ore the Lord.
12 -'t the!e% a! #r'te animal!% nat'rall) made to #e ta$en and de!tro)ed% #la!pheming
tho!e thing! .hich the) 'nder!tand not% !hall peri!h in their o.n corr'ption% receiving
the re.ard o" 'nrighteo'!ne!!B
13 (eeming riot in the da)time a plea!'re% the& are #lot! and !tain!% rioting in their o.n
error!% .hile "ea!ting .ith )o'B
1! Having e)e! "'ll o" ad'lter)% .hich cea!e not "rom !in% en!naring 'n!ta#le !o'l!%
having a heart e3erci!ed in l'!t!% acc'r!ed childrenB
1 Kho having le"t the right .a)% have gone a!tra)% " the .a) o" -alaam% the !on
o" -o!or% .ho loved the re.ard o" 'nrighteo'!ne!!B
1" -'t .a! reproved "or hi! ini>'it)B a m'te #ea!t o" #'rden% !pea$ing .ith the h'man
voice% re!trained the madne!! o" the prophet.
1$ The!e are "o'ntain! .itho't% .ater% clo'd! driven #) a tempe!t% "or .hom ha! #een
prepared thic$ dar$ne!! "or ever.
1% ;or .hen the) !pea$ mo!t ha'ght) .ord! o" vanit)% the) en!nare thro'gh the l'!t! o"
the "le!h% #) la!civio'!ne!!% tho!e .ho had reall) e!caped "rom !'ch a! live in errorB
1# Khile the) promi!e them li#ert)% the) them!elve! are the !lave! o" corr'ptionB "or #)
.hom an) one i! overcome% to him i! he #ro'ght into #ondage.
2& ;or i" the) .ho had e!caped "rom the poll'tion! o" the .orld% thro'gh the $no.ledge
o" the Lord and Savio'r @e!'! Chri!t% #ecome again entangled .ith the!e% and are
overcome% the la!t *ollutions #ecome .or!e to them than the "ormer4
21 ;or it .o'ld have #een #etter "or them not to have $no.n the .a) o" righteo'!ne!!%
than to have $no.n it, and to t'rn a.a) "rom the hol) commandment delivered to
22 -'t .hat i! !aid in the tr'e prover# ha! happened to them% &The

dog ha! ret'rned to
hi! o.n vomit% and the .a!hen !o. to her in the mire.&
CH*PT,8 0
1 Thi! !econd ,pi!tle% #eloved% + no. .rite to )o'B in #oth .hich + !tir 'p )o'r p're
mind #) admonition%
2 That )e ma) remem#er the .ord! .hich have #een "oretold #) the hol) Prophet! and
the commandment o" '! .ho are the apo!tle! o" the Lord and SaviorB
3 < thi! "ir!t% that !co""er! .ill come in the la!t da)!% .al$ing according to their
o.n l'!t!%
! *nd !a)ing% &Khere i! the promi!e o" hi! coming O "or !ince the "ather! have !lept% all
thing! remain a! "rom the #eginning o" the creation.&
;or o" thi! the) are .il"'ll) ignorant% that #) the .ord o" =od the heaven! .ere
"ormerl)% and the earth% !'#!i!ting #) .ater and thro'gh .aterB
" Thro'gh .hich the .orld% .hich then .a!% peri!hed% #eing over"lo.ed .ith .ater.
$ -'t the heaven! and the earth% .hich are no.% are re!erved #) the .ord o" the !ame%
and are $ept "or "ire again!t the da) o" ?'dgment and o" the perdition o" the 'ngodl).
% -'t o" thi! one thing% #eloved% #e )e not ignorant% that one da) .ith the Lord i! a! a
tho'!and )ear!% and a tho'!and )ear! a! one da).
# The Lord doe! not dela) a! to hi! promi!e% a! !ome co'nt dela)% #'t i! patient to.ard!
'!% not .illing that an) !ho'ld peri!h% #'t that all !ho'ld come to repentance.
1& -'t the da) o" the Lord .ill come a! a thie" in the night% in .hich the heaven! .ith a
tempe!t !hall pa!! a.a)% and the element! !hall melt .ith heat% and the earth and all it!
.or$! !hall #e #'rnt 'p.
11 Since then all the!e thing! !hall #e di!!olved% .hat o'ght .e to #e in all hol) cond'ct
and all godline!!B
12 Kaiting in ha!te "or the coming o" the da) o" =odB on acco'nt o" .hich the heaven!
#eing on "ire% !hall #e di!!olved% and the element! !hall #e con!'med .ith heat.
13 -'t according to hi! promi!e .e loo$ "or ne. heaven! and a ne. earth% in .hich
righteo'!ne!! d.ell!.
1! There"ore% #eloved% !ince )e loo$ "or the!e thing!% la#or to #e "o'nd #) him in peace%
'npoll'ted and #lamele!!B
1 *nd regard the patience o" o'r Lord a! !alvation% a! al!o o'r #eloved #rother Pa'l ha!
.ritten to )o' according to the .i!dom given to himB a! al!o in all hi! ,pi!tle!%
!pea$ing o" the!e thing!B in .hich there are !ome thing! hard to #e 'nder!tood% .hich
the 'nlearned and the 'n!ta#le pervert%
1" *! al!o other !cript're!% to their o.n r'in.
1$ (o )e then% #eloved% #eing "ore.arned% ta$e heed% le!t )e% #eing led a.a) #) the error
o" the .ic$ed% !ho'ld "all "rom )o'r o.n !tead"a!tne!!.
1% -'t gro. in the grace and $no.ledge o" o'r Lord and Savior @e!'! Chri!t4 to him #e
glor) #oth no. and "or ever. *men.
@7H9 C*LL+9:S L,8S+79
TH, ,P+STL, 7; @M(,.
1 @M(,% a !ervant o" @e!'! Chri!t% and the #rother o" @ame!% to the called% .ho are
!ancti"ied #) =od the ;ather% and pre!erved #) @e!'! Chri!tB
2 Merc) to )o' and peace and love #e increa!ed.
3 -eloved% .hen + .a! appl)ing all care to .rite to )o' o" the common !alvation% +
deemed it nece!!ar) to .rite to )o' in order to e3hort &ou, that )e !ho'ld #)
contending help the "aith once delivered to the !aint!.
! ;or crept in !tealthil) have certain men% ordained o" old to thi! ?'dgment% 'ngodl)%
t'rning the grace o" o'r =od into la!civio'!ne!!% and den)ing =od% the onl) !overeign%
and o'r Lord @e!'! Chri!t.
9o. + .i!h to remind )o'% tho'gh )e once $ne. thi!% that the Lord% a"ter having !aved
the people "rom the land o" ,g)pt% a"ter.ard! de!tro)ed the 'n#elievingB
" *nd the angel!% .ho had not $ept their o.n preeminence% #'t le"t their o.n a#ode% he
ha! re!erved 'nder dar$ne!! in eternal chain! "or the ?'dgment o" the great da).
$ *! Sodom and =omorrha% and the citie! aro'nd them% having in li$e manner
committed "ornication and gone a"ter !trange "le!h% have #een !et "orth "or an e3ample%
'ndergoing the ?'dgment o" eternal "ire4
% +n li$e manner al!o do the!e% del'ded .ith dream!% poll'te the "le!h% re?ect
government% and heap c'r!e! on dignitie!4
# Set Michael the archangel% .hen% contending .ith the devil% he di!p'ted a#o't the
#od) o" Mo!e!% dared not to #ring again!t him a reviling ?'dgment% #'t !aid%
1& AThe Lord re#'$e thee.C -'t the!e revile tho!e thing! .hich the) $no. not% #'t .hat
thing! the) $no. nat'rall)% a! #r'te #ea!t!B in the!e the) corr'pt them!elve!.
11 Koe to themP "or the) have gone in the .a) o" Cain% and a#andoned them!elve! to the
error o" -alaamX! re.ard% and peri!hed in the gain!a)ing o" Core.
12 The!e are !tain! in )o'r #rotherl) "ea!t!% "ea!ting .ith )o'% heedle!!l) "eeding
them!elve!B clo'd! .itho't .ater% driven a#o't #) .ind!B .ithering tree! o" a't'mn%
"r'itle!!% dead% rooted 'pB
13 8aging .ave! o" the !ea% "oaming o't their o.n !hameB .andering !tar!% "or .hom i!
re!erved the #lac$ne!! o" dar$ne!! "or ever4
1! *nd ,noch al!o% the !eventh "rom *dam% "ormerl) prophe!ied o" the!e% !a)ing%
A-ehold% the Lord cometh .ith tho'!and! o" hi! !aint!%
1 To e3ec'te .?'dgment on all% and to convict all the 'ngodl) o" the 'ngodl) deed! o"
'ngodline!! .hich the) have in an 'ngodl) manner done% and o" all the hard thing!
.hich 'ngodl) !inner! have !po$en again!t =od.C
1" The!e are m'rm'rer!% complainer!% .al$ing a"ter their o.n l'!t!B and their mo'th
!pea$! !.elling .ord!% admiring per!on! "or the !a$e o" gain.
1$ -'t )e% #eloved% remem#er the .ord! .hich have #een !po$en #e"ore #) the *po!tle!
o" o'r Lord @e!'! Chri!tB
1% ;or the) have told )o'% that in the la!t time !co""er! .o'ld come% .al$ing a"ter their
o.n 'ngodl) l'!t!.
1# The!e are the) .ho !eparate them!elve!% #eing !en!'al% having not the Spirit.
2& -'t )e% #eloved% #'ilding 'p )o'r!elve! on )o'r mo!t hol) "aith% pra)ing in the Hol)
21 <eep )o'r!elve! in the love o" =od% loo$ing "or the merc) o" o'r Lord @e!'! Chri!t
'nto eternal li"e.
22 *nd on !ome have merc)% ma$ing a di""erenceB
23 -'t other! !ave #) "ear% !natching them "rom the "ire% hating even the garment !potted
#) the "le!h.
2! 9o. to him .ho can $eep )o' "ree "rom !in and !et )o' "a'ltle!! #e"ore the pre!ence
o" hi! glor) .ith e3'ltation
2 To the onl) .i!e =od o'r Savior% #e glor) and ma?e!t)% dominion and #oth no.
and to all age!. *men.
I)+,- '. S/01,234
I)+,- '. N56,4
I)+,- '. C73537')4
I)+,- '. L537) W'8+4 5)+ P(854,4
L743 '. S28793/8, R,.,8,)2,4
See Horne6s +ntrod'ction% vol. 44part /4chap. 44!ect. 0.
See Wolfius6 Prolegomena to thi! ,pi!tle.
Horne, in hi! +ntrod'ction% vol. 44p. 4/5% mention! "o'r opinion! on thi! !'#?ect. *ccording
to -i!hop Pear!on% Mill% and Le Clerc% it .a! -a#)lon in ,g)ptB according to ,ra!m'!%
(r'!i'!% -e5a% (r. Light"oot% -a!nage% -ea'!o#re% (r. Cave% Ket!tein% (r!. -en!on and *.
Clar$e% it .a! -a#)lon in *!!)riaB according to Michaeli!% it .a! -a#)lon in Me!opotamiaB
and according to =roti'!% (r!. Khit#)% Lardner% Mac$night% and Hale!% -i!hop Tomline% and
all the learned o" the 8omi!h comm'nion% it i! to #e ta$en "ig'rativel) "or 8ome% according
to .hat .a! done #) @ohn in 8evelation 1Q4and 1F4Khat render! the la!t opinion ver)
impro#a#le i!% that to date an epi!tle at a place to .hich a "ig'rative name i! given% i! .itho't
another in!tance in Script're% and the thing it!el" !eem! >'ite a#!'rd. The lang'age o"
prophec) i! >'ite a di""erent matter. Pa'l .rote !everal o" hi! epi!tle! at 8ome% and in no
in!tance did he do an)thing o" thi! $ind. S'ch an opinion .o'ld have never gained gro'nd%
had there not #een "rom earl) time! a "ooli!h attempt to connect Peter .ith 8ome. *nd it i! to
#e regretted that !ome learned Prote!tant! have #een d'ped on thi! !'#?ect #) a ma!! o"
"ictitio'! evidence .hich ha! #een collected #) the parti!an! o" the 8omi!h Ch'rch. D !d(
+n>'ilini!# the) are tho!e .ho d.ell in a hired ho'!e% tenant!. The original% parepidh>moiv%
mean! tho!e .ho d.ell among a people% that i!% not their o.n. So?o'rner! or pilgrim! .o'ld
#e the #e!t .ord. The !entence literall) i!% ATo the !o?o'rner! o" the di!per!ion o" Pont'!.C
etc. D !d(

7n thi! >'e!tion #oth ancient and modern divine! have di""ered. +t i! to #e decided #) the
content! o" the ,pi!tle onl). There i! nothing decisive in "avor o" the opinion that it .a!
.ritten onl) to #elieving @e.!B #'t there i! a pa!!age% 1 Peter 440% .hich !eem! clearl) to
!he. that Peter incl'ded the #elieving =entile!B "or Athe a#omina#le idolatrie!C co'ld onl)
re"er to them% a! the @e.!% !ince the -a#)lonian captivit)% had never "allen into idolatr). D

The meaning .o'ld #e more clear% .ere .e to ma$e a change in the order o" the .ord!%
A,lected% according to the "ore$no.ledge o" =od% 'nto o#edience and the !prin$ling o" the
#lood o" @e!'! Chri!t% thro'gh .or, #)J the !ancti"ication o" the Spirit%C that i!% the) .ere
elected in order that the) might o#e) the go!pel% and #e clean!ed "rom the g'ilt o" !in #) the
#lood o" Chri!t% thro'gh the !ancti")ing o" the Spirit. +t .a! not their o#edience that
made them the elect% #'t the) .ere cho!en that the) might o#e)% and th'! o#e) thro'gh the
in"l'ence o" the Spirit. Thi! i! clearl) the doctrine o" thi! pa!!age. See
/ The!!alonian!
/410 D !d(

AThi! i! a He#rai!m%C !a)! Mac$night% A"or a ho*e of life( *ccordingl)% the S)riac ver!ion
hath here% in s*em vitae 8 to a ho*e of life(3 The #egetting again !eem! not to re"er to
in.ard renovation% #'t to .hat =od did #) rai!ing Chri!t "rom the dead. To #eget% !ometime!
mean! to p't one in a ne. !tate or conditionB a! the e3pre!!ion% AThi! da) have + #egotten
thee%C mean!% that =od had then con!tit'ted hi! Son a $ing% p'#licl) inve!ted him% a! it .ere%
.ith that o""ice. Similar i! the meaning here4 =od thro'gh the re!'rrection o" Chri!t re!tored
to the hope o" li"e hi! de!ponding "!4 hence the import o" the .ord AagainBC tho'gh
Macknight thin$! the re"erence to #e to the covenant o" grace made .ith o'r "ir!t parent!
a"ter the "all% and that #eliever! .ere #egotten the !econd time to the !ame hope #) the
re!'rrection o" Chri!t. The .ord "or A#egetting again%C i! onl) "o'nd here% and in a pa!!ive
!en!e in the /0d ver!e% .here it ha! a di""erent meaning% a! it evidentl) re"er! to the
renovation o" the heart. D !d(

Pare'! p't!% Athat i!% to an inheritance,3 ma$ing thi! !entence e3planator) o" Athe hope%C a!
hope here i! a meton)m) "or it! o#?ect. +t i! an inheritance Aincorr'pti#le%C not to #e
de!tro)ed #) a "lood or #) "ire% D C'nde"iled%C not li$e the land o" Canaan% it! t)pe% .hich
.a! de"iled #) it! inha#itant!% D C 'n"ading%C di""erent "rom an) .orldl) inheritance% "or the
.orld pa!!eth a.a). D !d(

The meaning .o'ld #e !ome.hat di""erent% #'t the !entence .o'ld #e more intelligi#le%
.ere .e to render it th'!% AKho are $ept #) "aith in the o" =od 'nto !alvation.C
Salvation here mean! that o" the #od) a! .ell a! o" the !o'l at the re!'rrection. D !d(

Some ta$e the ver# in a "'t're !en!e% A*t .hich GtimeJ )e !hall e3'ltBC and !ome a! #eing an
imperative% A7n acco'nt o" .hich e3'lt )eBC #'t neither o" the!e comport! .ith the conte3tB
"or the Fth ver!e prove! that he !pea$! o" pre!ent ?o)% and that he !tate! the ca!e a! it .a!
among them. +t i! #etter .ith $alvin to re"er A.herein%C or% Aon acco'nt o" .hich%C to the "act
!tated in the previo'! ver!e% that the) .ere $ept #) =od:! "or !alvation read) to #e
revealed. D !d(

The !eeming di""erence in meaning re"erred to% ari!e! "rom thi!% that the *po!tle '!e! t.o
no'n! Ga common thing in Script'reJ in!tead o" a no'n and an ad?ective or participle D Cthe
trial o" )o'r "aith%C in!tead o" A)o'r tried "aith%C or% A)o'r "aith .hen tried.C D !d(

The Aprai!e% honor% and glor)%C re"er to tried "aithB it .ill #e prai!ed or approved #) the
@'dge% honored #e"ore men and angel!% and "ollo.ed #) eternal glor). D !d(

*"ter A'n!pea$a#le%C Aglori"iedC m'!t mean !omething greater% or it ma) #e vie.ed a! more
!peci"ic% it i! a ?o) 'n!pea$a#le% it #eing a glori"ied ?o) in a mea!'re% or the ?o) o" the
glori"ied in heaven. *ccording to thi! vie. the .ord! ma) #e th'! rendered% A.ith ?o)
'n!pea$a#le and heavenl).C Doddridge give! thi! paraphra!e% AKith 'n'ttera#le and even
glori"ied ?o)% .ith !'ch a ?o) a! !eem! to anticipate that o" the !aint! in glor).C D !d(

+t i! nece!!ar) either to give a "'t're meaning to thi! participle% A-eing a#o't to receiveBC or
to vie. the *po!tle a! !pea$ing o" the !alvation o" the !o'l no.% a! di!tinct "rom the !alvation
o" the !o'l and #od) herea"ter. The latter vie. !eem! mo!t appropriate to the pa!!age. The
!o'l i! no. !aved #) "aith. The end o" "aith% it! o#?ect and accompli!hment% i! reconciliation
.ith =od% and reconciliation i! !alvation. D !d(

Pare'! o#!erve!% that the *po!tle% in thi! part o" the chapter% e3horted the "aith"'l to !o#riet)%
holine!!% h'milit)% and #rotherl) love% #) "ive rea!on!4 1% #eca'!e the) .ere the children o"
=od% ver. 14B /% #eca'!e =od i! hol)% and re>'ire! holine!!% ver. 15B 0% #eca'!e =od i! no
re!pecter o" per!on!% ver. 1QB 4% #eca'!e o" the val'e o" the price "or their redemption% ver. 1FB
and 5% #eca'!e the) had #een #orn again o" an immortal !eed% ver. /0. D !d(

ZThe ver# lutro> mean! properl) to redeem #) a price "rom t)rann) or #ondage% #'t it!
meaning here% and in
L'$e /44/1% and
Tit'! /414% i! merel) to deliver. ALain
conver!ationC !igni"ie! a '!ele!!% pro"itle!! mode o" living. D !d(

+t i! #etter to $eep the ten!e o" the participle% D AHaving p'ri"ied Gor% !ince )e have
p'ri"iedJ )o'r !o'l! #) o#e)ing the tr'th thro'gh the Spirit to an 'n"eigned love o" the
#rethren% love )e one another "erventl) "rom a p're heartB having #een #orn again%C etc.
The order here i! !imilar to .hat i! o"ten "o'nd in Script'reB p'ri"ication i! mentioned #e"ore
regeneration% a! #eing the mo!t vi!i#le and the e""ectB then .hat goe! #e"ore it a! #eing in a
manner the ca'!e. D !d(

Mo!t commentator!% li$e $alvin, repre!ent the seed a! the .ordB #'t the con!tr'ction doe!
not admit thi!B the .ord! are% AHaving #een #egotten "rom a !eed% not corr'pti#le% #'t
incorr'pti#le% thro'gh the living .ord o" =od% and "orever a#iding.C The A!eedC denote!
evidentl) the vital principle o" grace% the ne. nat're% the re!tored image o" =odB it i! the
!ame .ith .hat @ohn mean! .hen he !a)!%
AHi! !eed Gthat i!% o" =odJ remaineth in him.C G
1 @ohn 041.J
Then Athe .ordC i! !et "orth a! the mean! or in!tr'ment #) .hich thi! !eed i! implanted. The
AlivingC here doe! not mean li"egiving% a! !ome interpret it% #'t !tand! oppo!ed to .hat
cea!e! to #e valid4 and A"orever a#idingC more "'ll) e3pre!!e! it! meaning. The metaphor in
the para#le o" the ! i! >'ite di""erent4 the .ord there i! compared to a !eed !o.n on #ad
or good gro'ndB #'t here the t'rning o" a #ad into a good gro'nd i! the !'#?ectB and in thi!
proce!! the .ord i! emplo)ed a! an in!tr'ment. D !d(
7'r ver!ion here !eem! to conve) the mo!t !'ita#le meaning% #) ta$ing logiko<n "or tou~
lo>gouB !ee !imilar in!tance! in ver. 10 and 1 Peter 04Q. +t i! the .ord) mil$% or mil$ made 'p
o" the .ordB the .ord i! the mil$. Then a]dolon i! to #e ta$en in it! !econdar) meaning4 .hen
applied to per!on!% it mean! 'ndeceit"'l% or g'ilele!!B #'t .hen to thing!% gen'ine% p're%
'nad'lterated% 'nmi3ed .ith an)thing deleterio'!. Ke ma)% there"ore% render the .ord!%
A(e!ire the p're mil$ o" the .ord.C +t i! a mil$ not ad'lterated #) .ater or #) an)thing
poi!ono'!. There i! no contra!t here #et.een mil$ and !trong "oodB #'t it incl'de! all that i!
nece!!ar) a! an aliment "or the !o'l% .hen rene.ed. The Kord had #e"ore #een repre!ented
a! the in!tr'ment o" the ne. #irthB it i! no. !po$en o" a! the "ood and aliment o" the ne.
#orn. D !d(

Several copie! have h% graph< in!tead o" ejn th"~ graph<B and thi! reading $alvin ha!
"ollo.ed. -'t the ver# perie>c i! '!ed #) Jose*hus and other! in a pa!!ive !en!e. D !d(

The >'otation i! not e3actl) either "rom the He#re. or "rom the Se*t( The *po!tle !eem! to
have ta$en .hat .a! !'ita#le to hi! p'rpo!e. D !d(

*! to thi! ver# he ha!% #'t in the previo'! part! he come! nearer to the He#re. than to the
Se*t( Pa'l >'ote! thi! !entence
8oman! 1400B 10411% and "ollo.! the Se*t( a!
Peter doe!. +ndeed% the di""erence #et.een '(j( he !hall ma$e ha!te% and 'b(% he !hall #e
a!hamed% i! ver) !mallB and "'rther% the "ormer ver# admit! o" a !imilar meaning .ith the
latter. D !d(

There are in thi! ver!e t.o >'otation!% one "rom
P!alm 11F4//% and the other "rom
+!aiah F414. That "rom the P!alm! i! literall) the Se*t(, and i! the !ame a! >'oted in
Matthe. /144/B
Mar$ 1/410B and
L'$e /041Q. +n all the!e in!tance! it i!
li>qon% and not li>qov according to the He#re.. +t i! there"ore nece!!ar) to con!ider kata< as
to, or% +ith res*ect to, a! 'nder!tood% a thing not 'ncommon in =ree$. Kith regard to h%
timh< % a no'n "or an ad?ective% it re"er! to the !tone% or to him, in the preceding ver!eB #'t a!
the metaphor o" !tone i! !till contin'ed in thi! ver!e% it i! #etter to retain it here% Ait i!
precio'!%C that i!% the !toneB and e!peciall) a! Chri!t i! repre!ented #e"ore% in ver!e 4% a !tone
Aprecio'!C in the !ight o" =od. D !d(

The mo!t o#vio'! meaning i!% to con!ider the phra!e% A.ho !t'm#le at the .ord%C a! the
antecedent to eijv o{ Ato .hich4C the) #eing di!o#edient or 'n#elieving .ere de!tined to
!t'm#le at the .ord% and there#) to "all and to #e #ro$en. G
+!aiah F414%15.J To the
#elieving it .a! precio'!% #'t to the 'n#elieving it #ecame the !tone o" !t'm#lingB and thi!
!t'm#ling i! a ?'dgment to .hich all the 'nper!'aded Gliterall)J or the 'n#elieving% are
de!tined. + .o'ld render the t.o ver!e! th'!% D
ATo )o' then .ho #elieve it i! precio'!B #'t to the 'n#elieving G+ith regard to the !tone
.hich the #'ilder! have re?ected% the !ame +hich ha! #ecome the head o" the cornerJ even a
!tone o" !t'm#ling and roc$ o" o""en!eB that i!% to those .ho !t'm#le at the .ord% #eing
'n#elievingB to .hich al!o the) have #een appointed4C that i!% according to the te!timon) o"
Script're. D !d(

Thi! ver!e i! a >'otation "rom
Ho!ea /4/0% onl) the t.o cla'!e! are inverted. The
!ame i! >'oted #) Pa'l in
8oman! 14/5% in the !ame inverted "orm% and .ith thi!
di""erence% that Peter "ollo.! the He#re.% and Pa'l the Sept'agint. The He#re. i!% A+ .ill
have merc) 'pon her that had not o#tained merc)BC #'t according to the Sept'agint% A+ .ill
love her that had not #een loved.C The meaning i! the !ame% tho'gh the .ord! are di""erent.
D !d(

9either Aconver!ationC nor Ahone!tC are !'ita#le .ord!. +t i! di""ic'lt to "ind a proper .ord
in ,ngli!h "or ajnastroph< .hich mean! deportment% #ehavior% carriage% cond'ct% manner o"
live4 perhap! li"e .o'ld #e the #e!t .ord% AHaving )o'r li"e good among the =entile!BC that
i!% morall) good Gkalh<nJ right% or 'pright. D !d(

The .ord! literall) are% AS'#mit )e to ever) h'man creation4C #'t% a! Calvin !a)!% the =ree$
ver# mean! !ometime! to "orm% to con!tr'ctB and !o doe! arb to create% in He#re.. The no'n
ma) hence #e rendered Ain!tit'tion%C .hat i! "ormed. *! in the !econd ver!e% !o here% the
*po!tle% in a .a) almo!t pec'liar to him!el"% and the rever!e o" .hat i! commonl) done in
Script're% '!e! an ad?ective "or a no'n% Ah'manC "or Ao" manBC and he doe! the !ame in 1
Peter 04Q% Athe .omani!h .ea$er ve!!el%C in!tead o"C the .oman Gor .i"eJ the .ea$er
ve!!el.C Ke ma) then render the .ord!% AS'#mit )e to ever) in!tit'tion o" man.C The
re"erence i! clearl) to government. The o!ten!i#le agent in the "ormation o" all government!
i! manB #'t =od i! the overr'ler o" all thing!. D !d(

The .ord properl) mean! to m'55leB Athat )e% #) doing good% !ho'ld m'55le the he
ignorance o" "ooli!h menBCaccording to .hat i! done to !avage animal!% in order to prevent
them to do harm. D !d(

+t i! #etter to ta$e it in thi! .ide !en!e% than to limit it% a! !ome have done% to r'ler! or
magi!trate!% #eca'!e honor to magi!trate! i! incl'ded in the la!t cla'!e% AHono'r the $ing.C
D !d(

The .ord "or A!ervant!%C oijke>tai properl) mean! Adome!tic!%C or ho'!ehold !ervant!.
The) are mentioned a! the) came more in contact .ith their ma!ter!% and .ere more lia#le to
#e illtreated. D !d(

A=ood%C ajgaqoi~v% the $ind% #enevolentB Agentle%C ejpieike>sin% the )ielding% mild% patientB
A"ro.ard%C skolio~iv the croo$ed% perver!e% 'nto.ard% tho!e o" a cro!! di!po!ition% !el"
.illed% and hence cr'el% #eing neither $ind nor mee$. D !d(

Literall)% Athi! i! "avor%C that i!% .ith =od% a! at the end o" the ne3t ver!e. To A"ind "avor
.ith =odC i! a !imilar phra!e%
L'$e 1400% .hich mean! to "ind acceptance .ith him.
Ke ma) render the .ord!% AThi! i! accepta#le4C .ith .hom accepta#le% i! a"ter.ard!
e3plained. So the .ord zj in He#re. mean! a "avora#le acceptance% or appro#ation. See
=ene!i! E4FB 0/45( 8 !d(

Calvin ha! A)o'C in!tead o"C '!%C and ha! al!o A)o'C a"ter A!'""ered.C The a'thorit) a! to
MSS( i! nearl) e>'alB #'t the ver!e read! #etter .ith having A)o'C in #oth in!tance!% a! the
ver# A"ollo.C i! in the !econd per!on pl'ral% Athat &e ma) "ollo. in hi! "oot!tep!.C The .ord
"or Ae3ampleC i! u%pogrammo<n% a cop) !et #e"ore !cholar! to #e imitated% and ma) #e
rendered Aa pattern.C D !d(

7r% A-eing "reed "rom !in!4C ajpogeno>menoi% #eing a.a) "rom% having departed "rom% or%
#eing removed "rom. Beza render! it A#eing !eparated "rom.C ;reedom "rom the or
dominion o" !in !eem! more e3pre!!l) to #e intended% a! the end o" thi! "reedom i!% that .e
ma) live to righteo'!ne!!B the end o" "orgivene!! on the other hand i!% that .e ma) have
peace .ith =od. Beza, !stius, Grotis, and Scott, ta$e thi! vie. o" the !entence. The !'#?ect in
hand i! not the removal o" g'ilt% #'t holine!! o" li"e% and Chri!t in hi! !'""ering! i! !et "orth a!
the pattern to '!. Then in .hat "ollo.!% o'r di!ea!ed !tate and o'r .andering "rom the right
.a)% are the thing! re"erred to. Chri!t:! death .a! intended to an!.er t.o great end!% D to
remove g'ilt and to remove or to de!tro) !in in '!. The latter i! the !'#?ect o" thi! pa!!age. D

+ .o'ld render the cla'!e th'!% A-'t )o' have #een no. re!tored%C that i!% "rom )o'r
.andering% Ato the !hepherd and the #i!hop Gor% over!eerJ o" )o'r !o'l!.C Macknight thin$!%
that o'r Lord too$ the title o" !hepherd in order to !he. that he i! the per!on "oretold in
,5e$iel 044/0% and that Peter all'de!% in calling him #i!hop or over!eer% to the eleventh
ver!e o" that chapter% the latter cla'!e o" .hich% according to the Se*t( i!% A+ .ill over!ee
them%C Gejpiske>(omai.J D !d(
The #e!t con!tr'ction i! to regard Aadorning%C or ornament% a! 'nder!tood a"ter
A-'t the hidden man o" the heart% clothed in Gor .ithJ the incorr'pti#le adorning o" a mild
and >'iet !pirit.C
AMildC or mee$% not given to pa!!ion or .rath% patient% not pro'd nor arrogantB >'iet%
peacea#le% not garr'lo'!% not t'r#'lent% nor given to !tri"e and contention. D !d(

The .ord! are% AKho!e da'ghter! )e #ecome% .hen )e do .ell and "ear no terror.C Terror
here !tand! "or .hat terri"ie!. The paraphra!e o" Macknight !eem! to give the real and !imple
meaning o" the pa!!age% AKho!e da'ghter! )e Chri!tian .omen have #ecome% #) #ehaving
.ell to.ard! )o'r h'!#and!% and not #eing "rightened to action! contrar) to )o'r religion
thro'gh "ear o" di!plea!ing them.C

The received te3t i! the mo!t approved% and there i! no di""erent reading o" an) importance.
D !d(

+n the previo'! !tatement! o" partic'lar d'tie! #elonging to vario'! relation! in li"e% the d't)
o" ma!ter! to.ard! their !ervant! i! omitted. Some have hence in"erred that there .ere no
ma!ter! .ho .ere Chri!tian! among tho!e to .hom Peter .rote. -'t thi! co'ld not have #een
the ea!e% and "or thi! rea!on% #eca'!e Pa'l% in hi! ,pi!tle! to the ,phe!ian! and Colo!!ian!%
e3pre!!l) !peci"ie! the d't) o" ma!ter! to.ard! their !ervant!B and ,phe!'! and Colo!!e .ere
incl'ded in *!ia Minor% and it .a! to Chri!tian! !cattered thro'gho't that co'ntr) that Peter
.rote hi! ,pi!tle.
-'t thi! omi!!ion i! !ome.hat !ing'lar. *t the !ame time% tho'gh the ma!ter:! d't) i! not
!peci"icall) mentioned% .e ma) )et con!ider thi! ver!e a! having a !pecial re"erence to
ma!ter!% a! !)mpath)% #rotherl) love% and compa!!ion or commi!eration% are here inc'lcated.
The con!tr'ction o" the .hole pa!!age% #eginning at the 1Qth ver!e o" the la!t chapter% and
ending at the 1/th o" thi! G"or at the 10th o" thi!% he re!'me! the !'#?ect he le"t o"" at the end
o" the 1Eth o" the la!tJ de!erve! to #e noticed. AHono'r all%C i! the in?'nction .hich he
a"ter.ard! e3empli"ie! a! to !ervant!% .ive!% and h'!#and!B "or the con!tr'ction i! AHono'r
all D the !ervant! #eing !'#?ect% etc. D in li$e manner% the .ive! #eing !'#?ect% etc. D in
li$e manner% the h'!#and!% coha#iting according to $no.ledge% giving honor% etc.C Then
"ollo.! thi! ver!e in the !ame "orm% A*nd "inall)% all #eing o" one mind% !)mpathi5ing%
loving the #rethren% compa!!ionate% "riendl)minded Gor h'm#leminded%J not rendering%
etc.C *nd th'! he proceed! to the end o" the 1/th ver!e. *"ter.ard! he re!'me! the !'#?ect
re!pecting the treatment the Chri!tian! met .ith "rom the .orld.
Ma) .e not then concl'de% that a! the d't) o" ma!ter! doe! not come 'nder the idea o"
honoring, he did not !peci"icall) mention them% #'t re"erred onl) to the !pirit and temper
the) o'ght to have e3hi#itedO D !d(

Gries"ach ha! given the pre"erence to tapeino>fronev and ha! introd'ced it into the te3t. D

)ta>seiv ga>r pou h#ge ajdiki>a kai< mi>sea kai< ma>cav ejn ajllh>loiv pare>cei* h%de<
dikaiosu>nh o%mo>noian kai< fili>an. D 8ep. li#. 1.

ASancti")C here% !eem! to have the !ame meaning a! in o'r Lord:! pra)er% AHallo.ed%C or
!ancti"ied A#e th) nameBC .here it mean! honored or glori"ied. *nd to honor or glori") =od
in o'r heart! i! .hat Calvin ver) correctl) e3plain!. D !d(

The mo!t !ati!"actor) e3planation o" thi! pa!!age i! that o" Beza, Doddridge, Macknight,
and Scott# that the re"erence i! to .hat .a! done in the time o" 9oah% that i!% that Chri!t #)
hi! Spirit emplo)ed him a! a preacher o" righteo'!ne!!% tho'gh .ith no !'cce!!% a! the !pirit!
o" the men to .hom he preached .ere then in pri!on% re!erved% a! the "allen angel! are
repre!ented to #e% "or the ?'dgment o" the la!t da). The *po!tle had #e"ore !aid that Chri!t:!
Spirit .a! in the prophet! .ho "oretold hi! coming% 1 Peter 1411. The pa!!age ma) #e th'!
rendered% D
1#. A-) .hich al!o he% having gone% preached to the !pirit! .ho are in pri!on% "ormerl)
di!o#edient% .hen the long!'""ering o" =od .aited in the da)! o" 9oah%C etc.B or% according
to Mackight, Ato the !pirit! no+ in pri!on% .ho "ormerl) .ere di!o#edient%C etc. The .ord
A"ormerl)C !eem! to re>'ire Ano.C in the previo'! cla'!e% or% A.ho are%C a! rendered #)
Beza( AHe% having gone% preached%C i! !imilar to a phra!e in
,phe!ian! /41Q% A*nd
came and preached%C etc.B or% literall)% A*nd having come he preached%C etc. Pa'l doe! not
!pea$ o" hi! coming per!onall)% #'t #) hi! mini!ter!4 and Peter evidentl) !pea$! o" hi! going
in the !ame !en!e.
;or a#pa$ ej$ede>ceto% Gries"ach !'#!tit'te! ajpe$ede>ceto a! #eing the mo!t approved
reading. D !d(
The !'#?ect o" thi! pa!!age% "rom 1 Peter 0414 to 1 Peter 44E% i! !'""ering 'n?'!tl)% or "or
righteo'!ne!!: !a$e% and Chri!t i! #ro'ght a! an e3ample% he #eing ?'!t% !'""ered "or the
'n?'!t. *"ter a digre!!ion at the 11th ver!e o" the third chapter% the *po!tle ret'rn! here to hi!
"ormer !'#?ect% the e3ample o" Chri!t !'""ering in the "le!h or in hi! #od) and in order to
retain !till the idea that he .a! ?'!t .hen he !'""ered% thi! cla'!e !eem! to have #een p't in
parentheticall)% A;or he .ho !'""ered cea!ed "rom !in%C that i!% had no !in% #'t .a! ?'!t. *nd
hence in the " ver!e! he e3hort! them to lead a hol) li"e .hatever might #e the
oppo!ition "rom the .orld% !o that the) might #e li$e their Savior% !'""ering 'n?'!tl)% the)
them!elve! #eing innocent.
1. AChri!t then having !'""ered "or '! in the "le!h% arm )e al!o )o'r!elve! .ith the !ame
mind% G"or he .ho !'""ered in the "le!h cea!ed "rom !inBJ
2. !o a! to live no longer the remaining time in the "le!h to the l'!t! o" men% #'t to the .ill o"
The) .ere e3horted to re!olve to "ollo. the e3ample o" Chri!t% #'t in !'ch a .a) a! not to
!'""er "or their !in!% #'t "or righteo'!ne!!: !a$e. +t i! implied that the) had #een evildoer!%
#'t the) .ere no longer to #e !o% other.i!e their !'""ering in the "le!h .o'ld not #e li$e that
o" Chri!t. To !'""er a! .elldoer!% and not a! evildoer!% .a! to !'""er a! Chri!t did. D !d(

Khit#), Doddridge, and Mackight, regard the dead here a! the dead in !in!% according to
,phe!ian! /41. The "ir!t th'! paraphra!e! .hat "ollo.!% AThat the) might condemn
their "ormer li"e% and live a #etterBC the !econd% AThat the) might #e #ro'ght to !'ch a !tate o"
li"e a! their carnal neigh#or! .ill loo$ 'pon it a! a $ind o" condemnation and deathBC and the
third% AThat although the) might #e condemned% indeed% #) men in the "le!h% )et the) might
live eternall& #) =od in the Spirit.C
Beza, Hammond, and Scott, con!ider that the dead .ere tho!e alread) dead% that i!% .hen the
*po!tle .rote% and even #e"ore the coming o" Chri!t% ta$ing the dead in the !ame !en!e a! in
the "ormer ver!e4 #'t the) di""er a! to the cla'!e .hich "ollo.!. The t.o "ir!t interpret it a!
!igni")ing the !ame a! d)ing to !in and living to =od% a meaning .hich the "ormer part o" the
cla'!e can hardl) #ear4 #'t the vie. o" Scott i!% that the go!pel had #een preached to tho!e at
that time dead% that the) might #e condemned #) carnal men% or in the "le!h% a! evildoer!% #'t
live to =od thro'gh the Hol) Spirit. The onl) "a'lt% perhap!% .ith thi! rendering i! a! to the
.ord flesh, .hich !eem! to mean here the !ame a! flesh in
1 Peter 041F% that i!% the
#od)B and the .ord s*irit i! al!o in the !ame "orm% "or Gries"ach in that ver!e regard! the
article t"~ a! !p'rio'!. Then the rendering .o'ld #e% AThat the) might #e condemned in the
"le!h #) men% #'t live a! to =od thro'gh the Spirit.C There are t.o previo'! in!tance! o" the
.ord s*irit, .hen denoting the Hol) Spirit% #eing .itho't the article% that i!% in
1 Peter
14/ and //.
+t !eem! an o#?ection% that the go!pel had #een preached to them "or this end, that the) might
#e condemned to die #) .ic$ed menB #'t thi! had #een e3pre!!l) !tated #e"ore% in
Peter /4/14 A;or even here'nto% Gthat i!% !'""ering% mentioned in the "ormer ver!eJ .ere )e
calledBC or% A;or to thi! end )e have #een called.C Then Chri!t in hi! !'""ering i! mentioned a!
one .hom the) o'ght to "ollo..
There i! no other vie. !o con!i!tent .ith the .hole tenor o" the *po!tle:! arg'ment. D !d(

There i! no gro'nd to !'ppo!e% a! Hammond, Macknight, and !ome other! have !'ppo!ed%
that Athe end o" all thing!C .a! the end o" the @e.! a! a nation% the de!tr'ction o" the temple
and it! .or!hip. *nd it i! !trange that !'ch a notion !ho'ld #e entertained% e!peciall) .hen
.e con!ider that the *po!tle re"er! to the !ame !'#?ect in hi! Second ,pi!tle% .here the end
o" the .orld i! plainl) !po$en o". D !d(

The >'otation i! "rom the He#re.% and the !entence in the Se*t( i! evidentl) di""erent. The
!ame .ord! are "o'nd al!o in
@ame! 54/0.

A Tho'gh charit)% or #enevolence% hide! the "a'lt! o" others "rom the !everit) o" o'r cen!'re%
)et charit) or alm!giving i! totall) 'na#le to conceal our o+n "rom the o#!ervance o" o'r all
righteo'! @'dge. +ndeed% the onl) cover "or the!e% or to !pea$ more properl)% the di!charge o"
all their !tain!% i! faith% D i! the "lood o" Chri!t% .or$ing .ith repentance to.ard! =od.C D
Bisho* War"urton, >'oted #) Bloomfield( D !d(

Sic tamen 't limi! rapia! >'id prima !ec'ndo
Cera velit ver!'. . . . Sat. li#. /45% 50.

R'i!>'i! ingente! oc'lo irretorto
Spectat acervo!. D Carm. li#. it. 7d. /4/0.
The !in here re"erred to m'!t have !ome p'#lic act% p'ni!ha#le #) la.. The .ord mean! an
o#!erver o" other people:! a""air!% #'t he m'!t have done !o "or !ome !ini!ter p'rpo!e. He
.a! pro#a#l) a pr)er into matter! o" !tate or government in order to create di!content and to
rai!e commotion!B and thi! .a! an evil .hich prevailed m'ch at the time among the @e.!.
Hence A!edition!%C or "action!% .o'ld conve) pro#a#l) the right meaning. D !d(

+t certainl) a**ears a! a >'otation% a! the .ord! are literall) the !ame. +t i! to #e o#!erved
that the He#re. ha! Aon earth%C .hich !eem! to con"irm the vie. that !aved here re"er! to
deliverance! "rom the tro'#le!% trial!% and per!ec'tion!% .hich the righteo'! have to go
thro'gh d'ring li"eB and that scarcel&, or hardl)% or .ith di""ic'lt)% a! rendered #) Doddridge
and Macknight, i! to #e limited to the time o" the Chri!tian:! co'r!e in thi! .orldB "or% a!
Macknight o#!erve!% the *po!tle !pea$! in hi! Second ,pi!tle o" an a#'ndant entrance into
the heavenl) $ingdom #eing vo'ch!a"ed to all "aith"'l Chri!tian!. See
/ Peter 1411( 8

The t.o .ord!% A'ngodl)%C ajsebh<v% and A!inner%C ajmartlo<v% e3actl) corre!pond .ith
#'r and afj in He#re.B the "ir!t i! he .ho i! not pio'!% not a .or!hipper o" =od% having
neither "ear nor love to.ard! himB and the !econd i! the .ic$ed% and open and !hamele!!
tran!gre!!or% .ho regard! not .hat i! ?'!t and right. Grotius !a)!% that the "ir!t i! he .ho
!he.! no piet) to.ard! =odB and that the !econd i! one .ho o#!erve! no ?'!tice to.ard!
man. D !d(
The mo!t o#vio'! meaning i!% that Peter had #een an e&e9+itness o" Chri!t:! !'""ering!. So
the .ord A.itne!!C i! ta$en #) Grotius, Macknight, Doddridge, and Scott( D !d(

The ?ulgate, called here and el! Athe old interpreter%C !eem! to #e the mo!t correct%
a! vie.ed #) mo!t critic!. The !ame "orm o" .ord! i! "o'nd in the "ir!t ver!e% AThe elder!
+ho are among &ou.C D !d(

-) "ar the mo!t approved reading i! Ao" =od.C D !d(

Ke read in
1 Peter 4410% o" Athe mani"old grace o" =od%C .hich ma) #e vie.ed a!
e3planator) o" Athe =od o" all grace.C D !d(

+t !eem! that the preponderance a! to reading! i! in "avor o" thi! con!tr'ction% "or Gries"ach
ha! introd'ced into hi! te3t the!e three .ord! a! no'n!% sthri>$ei* sqen>sei* qemeli>sei*
#'t it i! a har!h con!tr'ction. The pro#a#ilit) i!% that thi! reading ha! #een introd'ced #eca'!e
o" the !en!e% a! it .a! not !een ho. the!e .ord! co'ld come a"ter Ama$e per"ect.C -'t the
order i! according to the '!'al !t)le o" the prophet!% e3ample! o" .hich are al!o "o'nd in the
9e. Te!tament4 the 'ltimate o#?ect i! mentioned "ir!t% and then .hat lead! to it. The .riter%
a! it .ere% retrograde! in!tead o" going "or.ard. See on thi! !'#?ect the pre"ace to the third
vol'me o" $alvin6s Commentarie! on @eremiah.
(ive!ted o" thi! pec'liarit)% the .ord! .o'ld r'n th'!4 Ama) he e!ta#li!h% !trengthen%
con"irm% per"ect )o'BC that i!% to give the .ord! more literall)% Ama) he p't )o' on a !olid
"o'ndation% render )o' !trong% render )o' "irm% ma$e )o' per"ect.C D !d(
See a 9ote in the ,pi!tle to the 8oman!% p. 54Q. D ,d.
+t i! more con!i!tent .ith the pa!!age to ta$e A"rom the #eginningC here a! "rom the #eginning
o" the =o!pel% "rom the #eginning o" the mini!tr) o" o'r Savior% #eca'!e .hat had #een "rom
the #eginning .a! .hat the apo!tle! had heard and seen. That another vie. ha! #een ta$en o"
the!e .ord! ha! #een to an overan3iet) on the part o" man)% e!peciall) o" the ;ather!%
to e!ta#li!h the divinit) o" o'r SaviorB #'t thi! i! .hat i! !'""icientl) evident "rom the !econd
ver!e. See ch. /4Q% /4. D !d.
Gries"ach ha! !'#!tit'ted ajggeli>a "or the .ord here '!ed% a! #eing mo!t approvedB #'t the
other% ejpaggeli>a% ha! al!o a !imilar meaning% anno'ncement% or me!!age% or command%
tho'gh in the 9e. Te!tament it i! mo!tl) ta$en in the !en!e o" a promi!e. D !d.
A;aith"'lC and A?'!tC are nearl) o" the !ame import% having #oth a regard to =od:! *romise%
onl) the latter a""ord! a !tronger or an additional gro'nd o" con"idence% ina!m'ch a! the
"'l"illment o" =od:! gracio'! promi!e i! !et "orth a! an act o" ?'!tice. So that the penitent ha!
here t.o o" =od:! attri#'te!% "aith"'lne!! and ?'!tice% to enco'rage and !'pport hi! "aith.
Ke ma)% at the !ame time% con!ider A?'!tC a! having re"erence to "orgivene!!% and A"aith"'lC
to clean!ing% according to a ver) common mode o" !tating thing! #oth in the 7ld and 9e.
Te!tament% the order in the !econd cla'!e #eing rever!ed. Then A,ustC mean! the !ame a!
.hen Pa'l !a)!% Athat he might #e ?'!t and the ?'!ti"ier o" him that #elieveth in @e!'!%C
8oman! 04/E. ;orgivene!! i! th'! an act o" ?'!tice% then% not to '!% #'t to Chri!t% .ho
made an atonement "or !in!. D !d.
That i!% that he re"er! to "orgivene!! in the t.o cla'!e!. D !d.
A+t !eem! to me that the *po!tle i! to #e 'nder!tood a! !pea$ing onl) o" all tho!e .ho #elieve%
.hether @e.! or =entile!% over the .hole .orld.C D Doddridge. 8 !d.
That thi! vie. i! correct% appear! evident "rom the .ord!% A.hich &e had "rom the #eginningBC
he call! it Aold%C #eca'!e the) had #een ta'ght it "rom Athe #eginning%C that i!% o" the go!pel.
Then Ane.C can mean no other thing than .hat $alvin !tate!% that it contin'e! !till in "orce% it
#eing% a! it .ere% al.a)! ne.. D !d.
Literall)% Aand to him there i! not a !t'm#ling#loc$BC that i!% nothing that ca'!e! him to
!t'm#le or "all. He i! not li$e him mentioned in the ne3t ver!e% .ho A+alks in dar$ne!! and
$no.! not .hither he goeth.C The !entence !eem! to have #een ta$en "rom P!alm 11141E5%
.ith thi! onl) di""erence% that it i! Ato them%C in!tead o" Ato him.C There i! in the Se*t. no
prepo!ition% #'t in He#re. the prepo!ition AtoC i! '!edB and ejn ha! !ometime! thi! meaning
in the 9e. Te!tament. See
Colo!!ian! 14/0B
1 The!!alonian! 44Q. D ,d.
The dimin'tive termination o"ten e3pre!!e! a""ectionB hence neani>skoi ma) properl) #e
rendered% Adear )o'th%C or Adear )o'ng menBC and !o tekni>a mou% in the "ir!t ver!e% ma) #e
rendered% AM) dear children.C D !d.
There are no di""erent reading! that can ?'!ti") the !'ppo!ition o" an interpolation. The onl)
reading that Gries"ach con!ider! pro#a#le i! e]gra(a "or gra>f at the end o" the 10th ver!e.
+" that #e adopted% then the three character! are mentioned% and in reg'lar order. The
o#?ection that tekni>a in ver. 1/% i! paidi>a in ver. 10% i! not valid% "or he '!e! the latter in the
!ame !en!e a! the "ormer in ver. 1F% a! denoting Chri!tian! in generalB .hile here% in
connection .ith A"ather!C and A)o'ng men%C the) m'!t mean tho!e )o'ng in )ear! or in the
pro"e!!ion o" the go!pel. The repetition i! "or the !a$e o" empha!i!. D !d.
+t i! con!idered #) man)% !'ch a! Macknight and Scott% that the three "ormer ver!e! are
connected .ith thi! D that the partic'lar! !tated .ith regard to little children% "ather!% and
)o'ng men% are add'ced a! rea!on! to en"orce thi! e3hortation% ALove not the .orld%C etc.
*nd thi! no do'#t i! the #e!t vie. o" the pa!!age. D !d.
There are t+o thing!% the .orld% and the thing! that are in the .orld. The .orld% th'!
di!ting'i!hed "rom .hat i! in it% mean!% according to Macknight% the .ic$ed and 'n#elieving%
the men o" the .orld% a! .hen o'r Savior !a)!% Athe .orld%C that i!% the 'n#elieving @e.!%
Ahateth )o'%C
@ohn 15411. *ccording to thi! vie.% the contra!t in ver!e 1Q appear! ver)
!'ita#le% AThe .orld Gthe 'ngodl) men o" the .orldJ pa!!eth a.a)% and it! l'!t% Gtheir l'!tBJ
#'t he that doeth the .ill o" =od a#ideth "or ever.C 7ther! thin$ that the #le!!ing! o" the
.orld are meant% the good thing! nece!!ar) "or the !'pport o" man% and that the!e are not to
#e loved% tho'gh the) ma) #e rightl) '!ed. +n thi! ca!e% Ain the .orldC m'!t have a di""erent
meaning% a thing not 'n'!'al in Script'reB it m'!t mean in the pre!ent !tate o" thing!. -'t the
mo!t con!i!tent vie. i! the "ir!t% that i!% to ta$e Athe .orldC thro'gho't a! !igni")ing the
'ngodl) men o" the .orld. Khat prevail among them are the l'!t! here mentioned% D !en!'al
grati"ication% avarice% and am#ition% the three god! .ho r'le and reign in man$ind. D !d.
A;rom the Hol) 7ne%C "rom the ;ather% !a) !omeB "rom the Son% !a) other!B "rom the Hol)
Spirit% according to a third part). -) comparing thi! ver!e .ith the /Qth and the /Fth ver!e%
.e !ee rea!on to concl'de that the AHol) 7neC i! Chri!t% .ho had promi!ed the Spirit to
teach hi! people. The 'nction% or the anointing% i! the act o" the Spirit #) .hich the tr'th i!
ta'ght. D !d.
Ta$ing thi! vie. o" the pa!!age% .e ma) give thi! rendering% D A Kho i! a liar% e3cept it #e
he .ho denie! that @e!'! i! the Chri!tOC D !d.
The .ord! are "o'nd in mo!t o" the MSS.% and in mo!t o" the ver!ion!% and in man) o" the
;ather!. -e!ide!% the) .holl) comport .ith the '!'al !t)le o" the *po!tle% .ho!e common
practice it .a! to !tate thing! po!itivel) and negativel)% and vice versa. Sec e!peciall) chap.
541/. D !d.
Thi!% .hich i! o'r ver!ion% i!% no do'#t% the #e!t con!tr'ction. A)romi!eC i! a meton)m) "or
.hat i! promi!ed4 AThi! i! the promi!e% .hich he hath promi!ed to '!% even eternal li"e.C
A,ternal li"eC i! in appo!ition .ith A.hich.C D !d.
+t i! the character o" @ohn:! !t)le that he o"ten pa!!e! a! it .ere a#r'ptl) "rom the Son to the
;ather% and "rom the ;ather to the SonB and o"ten the antecedent i! not the ne3t preceding
.ord% #'t one at !ome di!tance4 .e "ind thi! to #e the ca!e #) .hat the !entence contain!% a!
in the pre!ent in!tanceB the ne. #irth i! never a!cri#ed to the Son% re"erred to in the "oregoing
ver!e% #'t to the ;ather or to the Spirit. Hence .e m'!t concl'de that the righteo'! one
!po$en o" here% .ho together .ith the Son i! mentioned in the //d ver!e% i! the ;ather. *! the
intervening ver!e!% .ith the e3ception o" the /0d% .hich i! onl) e3planator) o" the previo'!
ver!e% appl) to the Son% !o thi! ver!e !eem! to re"er to the ;ather% con!i!tentl) .ith a mode o"
.riting common in Script're. D !d.
$alvin% li$e o'r ver!ion% render! te>kna% A!on!BC #'t the .ord .o'ld #e #etter rendered
Achildren%C AThat .e !ho'ld #e called the children o" =od.C The pa!!age might #e th'!
paraphra!ed% ASee .hat great proo" o" love the ;ather hath given '!% that .e !ho'ld #e made
the children o" =odC D !d.
AKhen he !hall appear%C re"er! to Chri!t% mentioned in the /Fth ver!e o" the la!t chapterB .hat
intervene! !eem! to have #een parentheticall) introd'ced. Thi! i! o"ten the manner o" .riting
"o'nd in thi! apo!tle. The end o" the Fth ver!e% in thi! chapter% i! connected .ith the 1EthB "or
the antecedent to ejkei~nov% he% in the latter ver!e% i! Athe Son o" =odC in the "ormer. D !d.
To do% or to commit% or to .or$% or to practice% !in% and to !in% are evidentl) '!ed in the !ame
!en!e #) the *po!tle4 and to commit or practice !in% according to .hat he !a)! in hi! =o!pel%
@ohn F404%J i! the !ame .ith #eing Athe !ervant o" !in.C +t i! hence evident% that in the
lang'age o" @ohn% to do !in% or to !in% mean! a prevailing or an ha#it'al co'r!e o" !inning.
Ke might render the "o'rth ver!e th'!% D
*E)ery &er ! s"n, "s a$s the &er ! %nr"(hte%sness+ !r s"n "s %nr"(hte%sness, r "n",%"ty, as
C5*:7) ren&ers "t.
The .ord ajnomi>a% literall)% i! la.le!!ne!!% #'t it i! never '!ed !trictl) in thi! !en!e either in
the Se*t. or the 9e. Te!tament. The term! #) .hich it i! commonl) e3pre!!ed% are%
.ic$edne!!% ini>'it)% tran!gre!!ion% 'nrighteo'!ne!!. See ver!e Q. D !d.
+t i! generall) ta$en a! re"erring to Chri!t per!onall)B he #eing mentioned here a! having no
!in% #eca'!e he i! in thi! re!pect an e3ample to hi! peopleB or% according to !ome% #eca'!e he
.a! there#) "itted "or the o""ice o" ta$ing a.a) o'r !in!B or% #eca'!e he had no !in o" hi! o.n
to ta$e a.a). Grotius vie.ed the pre!ent a! '!ed here "or the pa!t ten!e% D Aand !in .a! not
in him.C See a !imilar in!tance in
@ohn 154/Q D !d.
There i! no a'thorit) "or adding of God a"ter love in thi! ver!eB nor indeed i! it right% "or .hat
"ollo.! clearl) !ho.! that the love o" Chri!t i! .hat i! re"erred to. The antecedent to Ahe%C
GA#eca'!e he laid do.n%C [e.J i! Athe Son o" =odC in the Fth ver!e. The pa!!age ma) #e th'!
rendered% A-) thi! .e $no. love% that he laid do.n hi! o.n li"e "or '!B and .e o'ght to la)
do.n our live! "or our #rethren.C D !d.
AThe love o" =odC here i! love o" .hich =od i! the o#?ect% that i!% love to =od. D !d.
Beza and other! regard Aonl)%C or Amerel)%C a! 'nder!tood in the "ir!t cla'!e% according to a
mode o" !pea$ing .hich o"ten occ'r! in Script're% a! ALa#or not%C etc.% G
@ohn E4/Q.J
AM) dear children% let '! love% not onl) #) .ord% or .ith the tong'e% #'t #) .or$ and in
That i!% let '! not love onl) #) ma$ing in .ord! "air promi!e!% or #) e3pre!!ing !)mpath)
.ith the tong'e% #'t #) giving e""ect to o'r !)mpath) #) .or$!% and #) ma$ing o'r .ord
tr'e% #) "'l"illing it. Here .e "ind the !ame arrangement a! in man) other in!tance!B the
A.ordC ha! it! corre!pondence in Atr'thBC and Atong'e in A.or$.C
+t i! ?'!tl) o#!erved #) Macknight% that Athe *po!tle cannot #e !'ppo!ed to "or#id o'r '!ing
a""ectionate !peeche! to o'r #rethren in di!tre!! -'t he "or#iddeth '! to content o'r!elve!
.ith the!e. A D !d.
+t appear! that #) A!piritC thro'gho't thi! pa!!age% .e are to 'nder!tand a teacher claiming%
rightl) or "al!el)% to #e in"l'enced #) =od:! Spirit. 9or .o'ld it #e improper% #'t !'ita#le to
the conte3t% to con!ider the !pirit o" =od in thi! ver!e a! meaning a teacher g'ided #) =od.
The meaning o" the pa!!age might #e th'! e3pre!!ed% D
2. A-) thi! $no. )e the teacher o" =odB ever) teacher .ho con"e!!e! @e!'! Chri!t a! having
come in the "le!h% i! "rom =odB and
3. ever) teacher .ho doe! not con"e!! @e!'! Chri!t a! having come in the "le!h% i! not "rom
=odB and thi! i! the teacher o" *ntichri!t% Gor% the *nti Chri!tian teacher%J o" .hom )e have
heard that he i! coming% and he i! no. alread) in the .orld.C D !d.
Khen it i! !aid% )e Ahave overcome them%C the antecedent to AthemC i! no do'#t Athe "al!e
prophet!C in the "ir!t ver!e. +t i! '!'al .ith @ohn to re"er to antecedent! at !ome di!tance. See
@ohn 041E. D !d.
AThe .orldC i! in thi! ver!e identi"ied .ith Athe "al!e prophet!BC tr'e Chri!tian! had
overcome the!e "or thi! rea!on% #eca'!e greater .a! he that .a! in them than he that .a! in
the .orld% that i!% in the 'n#elieving and 'ngodl)% o" .hom the "al!e prophet! "ormed a part.
Hence it "ollo.!% AThe) are o" the .orld%C that i!% the) are o" the n'm#er o" tho!e .ho are
'ngodl) and .ic$ed% .ho ma$e 'p the $ingdom o" dar$ne!!. D !d.
The cla'!e% Athere"ore !pea$ the) o" the .orld%C i! hardl) a tr'e rendering% "or ejk never
mean! Ao"%C in the !en!e o" Aconcerning.C Macknight render! it A"rom.C Grotius paraphra!e!
the !entence th'!% AThe) preach thing! agreea#le to the di!po!ition! o" the .orldBC and
Doddridge th'!% AThe) !pea$ a! o" the .orld% a! ta$ing their in!tr'ction! "rom it.C -'t ejk%
li$e e; in Latin% mean! !ometime! Aaccording to%C a! in
Matthe. 1/40Q% A;or #) Gor%
according toJ th) .ord! tho' !halt #e ?'!ti"ied.C See al!o ver!e 04% A#'t o" Gor% according toJ
the a#'ndance%C etc. Then thi! !entence ma) #e th'! rendered% AThere"ore !pea$ the)
according to the .orld4C that i!% according to the vie.! and principle! o" the !'per!titio'! and
'ngodl) men o" the .orld. D !d.
*ccording to thi! vie.% Athe !pirit o" tr'thC mean! the teacher o" tr'th% and Athe !pirit o"
errorC the teacher o" errorB and thi! i! agreea#le to the .hole tenor o" the conte3t% the !pirit
thro'gho't denoting the per!on .ho claimed% rightl) or "al!el)% to #e 'nder the direction o"
the divine Spirit. A-) thi!%C re"er! to .hat had #een ?'!t !tated% that i!% that "al!e teacher!
.ere o" the .orld% and !pa$e thing! agreea#le to the .orldl)minded% and .ere heard #) the
.orld% and that the tr'e teacher! .ere "rom =od% and .ere heard or attended to #) tho!e .ho
$ne. =od% and .ere not attended to #) !'ch a! .ere ignorant o" him. +t .a! #) thi! !tatement
.hich he had made% the) co'ld di!ting'i!h #et.een the teacher o" tr'th and the teacher o"
error. The teacher o" tr'th .a! one "rom =od% and .a! attended to #) tho!e .ho $ne. =od%
and not #) tho!e .ho $ne. him notB on the other hand% the teacher o" error .a! "rom the
.orld% preached .hat .a! agreea#le to the men o" the .orld% and .a! hear$ened to #) them.
The order% a! it i! o"ten the ca!e% i! invertedB the teacher o" error% mentioned la!t% i! de!cri#ed
in the "i"th ver!e% and the teacher o" tr'th% mentioned "ir!t% at the #eginning o" the !i3th. D
Khat i! loveO +t i! a! m'ch a gi"t% a grace% a! "aithB it con!tit'te! a "itne!! "or heaven% #'t i!
in no .a) meritorio'!B and .ere it per"ect% there .o'ld #e nothing o" merit in itB "or the
highe!t degree! o" it come "ar !hort o" .hat i! d'e to =od. To !et 'p merit o" an) $ind on the
part o" man% #eto$en! e3treme #lindne!!% "or !alvation "rom "ir!t to la!t i! altogether
grat'ito'!. D !d.
Beza% Doddridge% Scott% and mo!t commentator!% regard love here a! that .hich i! in '!% and
not the love o" =od a! apprehended #) "aith. The main !'#?ect o" the *po!tle i! love in '!%
and the .ord! Aper"ectedC and A*erfect%C a! applied to it% !eem inappropriate to =od:! love
to.ard! '!B and thi! per"ection i! !aid in ver!e 1Qth to con!i!t in thi!% that a! =od i!% !o are .e
in thi! .orldB that i!% li$e him in love% a! =od i! !aid in the previo'! ver!e to #e love.
A;earC i! the "ear o" ?'dgment% mentioned in ver!e 1Qth% and he .ho "ear! i! !aid to #e not
per"ected or made per"ect in love% .hich o#vio'!l) re"er! to love in '!. *nd then it
immediatel) "ollo.!% AKe love him%C and the rea!on i! a!!igned% A#eca'!e he "ir!t loved '!.C
He a"ter.ard! proceed! to !ho. the indi!pen!a#le nece!!it) o" having love to =od and to the
#rethren D !d.
Literall)% Aand the .hole =od D totum Deum.C D !d.
The literal rendering o" the ver!e i! a! "ollo.!% D
A,ver) one .ho #elieve! that @e!'! i! the Chri!t ha! #een #egotten #) =odB and ever) one
.ho love! the #egetter love! al!o the #egotten #) him.C D !d.
The !'#?ect no do'#t i! love to the "rethren thro'gho'tB and thi! pa!!age !he.! thi! mo!t
clearl). Love to all i! evidentl) a d't)% #'t it i! not ta'ght here. D !d.
The love o" =od%C here clearl) mean! love to =od4 it i! the love o" .hich =od i! the o#?ect.
D !d.
The .ord! literall) are% D
A;or ever) thing #egotten #) =od overcome! the .orld%C etc. The ne'ter gender i! '!ed "or
the ma!c'line% Aever) thingC "or Aever) one%C a! in the "ir!t ver!eB or according to lk in
He#re.% it i! '!ed in a pl'ral !en!e% "or pa>ntev a! in
@ohn 1Q4/% Athat all Gpa~nJ .hich
tho' ha!t given him% he !ho'ld give them Gaujtoi~vJ eternal li"e.C
Macknight and other! have !aid that the ne'ter gender i! '!ed in order to comprehend all
!ort! o" per!on!% male! and "emale!% )o'ng and old% @e.! and =entile!% #ond or "ree. Kh)%
then% .a! not the ne'ter gender '!ed in the "ir!t ver!eO +t i! clearl) a pec'liarit) o" !t)le% and
nothing el!e% and o'ght not to #e retained in a tran!lation.
ALictor)C !tand! "or that .hich #ring! victor)% the e""ect "or the ca'!eB or it ma) de!ignate the
per!on% a! ni>kh mean! !ometime! the godde!! o" victor). D A*nd thi! the con>'ere!! .ho
con>'er! the .orld% even o'r "aith.C D !d.
$alvin pro#a#l) re"er! to printed copie! in hi! da)% and not to =ree$ MSS. *! "ar a! the
a'thorit) o" MSS. and ver!ion! and >'otation! goe!% the pa!!age i! !p'rio'!% "or it i! not
"o'nd in an& o" the =ree$ MSS prior to the 1Eth cent'r)% nor in an& o" the earl& versions%
e3cept the Latin% nor in !ome o" the copie! o" that ver!ionB nor i! it >'oted #) an) o" the earl)
Greek "ather!% nor #) earl) Latin "ather!% e3cept a ver) "e.% and even their >'otation! have
#een di!p'ted. The!e are facts .hich no re"ined con?ect're! can 'p!etB and it i! to #e
regretted that learned men% !'ch a! the late -i!hop Burgess% !ho'ld have la#ored and toiled in
an attempt !o hopele!! a! to e!ta#li!h the gen'inene!! o" thi! ver!e% or rather o" a part o" thi!
ver!e% and o" the #eginning o" the " The .hole pa!!age i! a! "ollo.!% the !p'rio'!
part #eing p't .ithin crotchet!% D
$. A;or there are three .ho #ear .itne!! [in heaven% the ;ather% the Kord% and the Hol)
=ho!tB and the!e three are one4
%. *nd there are three .ho #ear .itne!! in earth%] the Spirit and the .ater and the #loodB
and the!e three agree in one.C
*! to the con!tr'ction o" the pa!!age% a! "ar a! grammar and !en!e are concerned% it ma) do
.ith or .itho't the interpolation e>'all) the !ame. Khat ha! #een !aid to the contrar) on thi!
point% !eem! to #e nothing o" a deci!ive character% in no .a) !'""icient to !he. that the .ord!
are not !p'rio'!. +ndeed% the pa!!age read! #etter .itho't the interpolated .ord!B and a! to
the !en!e% that i!% the !en!e in .hich the) are commonl) ta$en #) the advocate! o" their
gen'inene!!% it ha! no connection .hatever .ith the general dri"t o" the pa!!age. D !d.
+" .e e3cl'de the .ord! deemed interpolated% .e ma) read the pa!!age th'!4
AThi! i! he .ho came .ith .ater and #lood% even @e!'! Chri!tB not .ith .ater onl)% #'t .ith
.ater and #lood4 the Spirit al!o #eareth .itne!!% "or Gor !eeing thatJ the Spirit i! tr'th Gor% i!
tr'eJB #eca'!e there are three .ho #ear .itne!!% the Spirit% the .ater% and the #lood% and the!e
three agree in one.
Ke !ee hence a rea!on .h) the Spirit i! !aid to #e tr'e% even #eca'!e he i! not alone% "or the
.ater and the #lood conc'r .ith him. Th'! a te!timon) i! "ormed con!i!tentl) .ith the
re>'irement o" the la.. Ke hence al!o !ee the import o" .hat i! !tated .hen the te!timon) o"
men i! mentioned% a! tho'gh he had !aid% The te!timon) o" three men i! received a! valid%
ho. m'ch more valid i! the te!timon) o" =od% .hich ha! three .itne!!e! in it! #ehal"O +t i!
called =od:! te!timon)% #eca'!e the .itne!!e! have #een ordered and appointed #) him.
Khen it i! !aid that he came .ith .ater and #lood% the meaning i!% that he came% having
.ater and #loodB the propo!ition dia< ha! !ometime! thi! meaning% and it i! changed in the
!econd cla'!e into ejn. Ke meet .ith !imilar in!tance! in
/ Corinthian! 0411% and in
/ Corinthian! 4411. See
8oman! /4/QB 4411.
*ccording to thi! con!tr'ction% the e3planation o" $alvin i! alone the right one% that the .ater
mean! clean!ing% and the #lood e3piation% the term! #eing #orro.ed "rom the rite! o" the la.B
and a re"erence i! al!o made to the la. .hen the .itne!! o" men i! mentioned. D !d.
+t i! rendered #) !ome% Athro'gh hi! Son @e!'! Chri!t.C 7'r ver!ion% Aeven in hi! Son @e!'!
Chri!t%C !eem! not to #e right% a! it ma$e! Ahim that i! tr'e%C to #e the Son% .hile the
re"erence i! to =od% a! in the previo'! cla'!e. The tr'e meaning .o'ld #e th'! conve)ed%C
*nd .e are in the tr'e God% "eing in hi! Son @e!'! Chri!tBC "or to #e in Chri!t% i! to #e in
=od. Three MSS.% the L'lgate% and !everal o" the ;ather!% read th'!% Aand .e are in hi! tr'e
Son @e!'! Chri!t. D !d.
The !al'tation i! pec'liarB #'t in the !ame "orm .ith the letter !end to *ntioch #) the
*po!tle!% Go" .hom @ame! .a! one%J and the ch'rch at @er'!alem%
*ct! 154/0. +t i!
there"ore apo!tolic% altho'gh adopted "rom a "orm commonl) '!ed #) the heathen .riter!.
*ct! /04/E. @ohn in
@ohn /410 and
@ohn /411 '!e! the ver# cai>zein in a
!imilar !en!eB and it mean! properl) to re?oice. +t #eing an in"initive% the ver# le>g% to !a)
or to #id% i! p't #e"ore it #) @ohn% and i! evidentl) 'nder!tood here. Hence the !al'tation ma)
th'! #e rendered% D
A@ame!% a !ervant o" =od and o" the Lord @e!'! Chri!t% #id!% Gor !end!% or .i!he!J ?o) to the
t.elve tri#e! .ho are in their di!per!ion.C
There had #een an eastern and a +estern di!per!ion% the "ir!t at the *!!)rian and -a#)lonian
captivit)% and the !econd d'ring the predominanc) o" the =recian .hich commenced
.ith *le3ander the =reat. *! thi! epi!tle .a! .ritten in =ree$% it .a! no do'#t intended more
e!peciall) "or tho!e o" the latter di!per!ion. -'t the #ene"it o" the ea!tern di!per!ion .a! !oon
con!'lted% a! the ver) first ver!ion o" the 9e. Te!tament .a! made into thi! lang'age% that i!%
the S)riacB and thi! .a! done at the #eginning o" the !econd cent'r).
The .ord '!ed #) @ame! i! doci>mion% trial% the act o" te!ting% and #) Pa'l docimh<* the
re!'lt o" te!ting% e3perience. @ame! !pea$! o" pro#ation% and Pa'l o" the e3perience gained
APer"ect%te>leioiC "'ll) gro.n% mat'reB Aentire%o%lo>clhzoi*C complete% no part .anting. The
"ir!t re"er! to the mat'rit) o" graceB and the !econd to it! completene!!% no grace #eing
.anting. The) .ere to #e li$e men "'ll gro.n% and not maimed or m'tilated% #'t having all
their mem#er! complete.
The literal meaning o" a%pl~v i! !impl) .itho't an) mi3t'reB the no'n% a%plo>thv% i! '!ed in
the !en!e o" !incerit)% .hich ha! no mi3t're o" h)pocri!) or "ra'd% G
/ Corinthian! 141/.J
and in the !en!e o" li#eralit)% or di!po!ition "ree "rom .hat i! !ordid or par!imonio'!% having
no mi3t're o" niggardline!!% G
/ Corinthian! F4/.J Thi! latter i! evidentl) the meaning
here% !o that Ali#erall)%C according to o'r ver!ion% i! the #e!t .ord.
AThe do'#leminded%C or the man .ith t.o !o'l!% di>(ucov% mean! here no do'#t the man
.ho he!itate! #et.een "aith and 'n#elie"% #eca'!e "aith i! the !'#?ect o" the pa!!age. Khen
again '!ed% in
@ame! 44F% it mean! a he!itation #et.een =od and the .orld.
The opinion o" Macknight and !ome other!% that the re"erence i! to the!! to .hich the
rich .ere red'ced #) per!ec'tion% doe! not comport .ith the pa!!age% "or the *po!tle
a"ter.ard! !pea$! o" the !hortne!! o" man:! li"e and it! 'ncertaint)% and not o" the "ading
nat're o" riche!% .hich .o'ld have #een mo!t !'ita#le% had he in vie. to com"ort the rich at
the lo!! o" propert). The Chri!tian !tate .a!!!C according to the e!timation o" the
The received te3t i! regarded a! the #e!t readingB the other i! "o'nd in ver) "e. copie!.
Literall)% A'ntempta#le #) evil!%C that i!% not capa#le o" #eing tempted or !ed'ced #) evil!% #)
thing! .ic$ed and !in"'l. He i! !o p're% that he i! not in"l'enced #) an) evil propen!itie!% that
he i! not !'#?ect to an) evil !'gge!tion!. +t hence "ollo.! that he tempt! or !ed'ce! no man to
.hat i! !in"'l. -eing him!el" 'na!!aila#le #) evil!% he cannot !ed'ce other! to .hat i! evil.
*! =od cannot #e tempted to do .hat i! !in"'l% he cannot po!!i#l) tempt other! to !in. The
.ord! ma) th'! #e rendered% D
13. ALet no one% .hen !ed'ced% !a)% Z-) =od + am !ed'cedB: "or =od i! not capa#le o"
#eing !ed'ced #) evil!% and he him!el" !ed'ceth no one.C
The .ord! are ver) !tri$ing% D C-'t ever) one i! tempted Gor% !ed'cedJ .hen% #) hi! o.n
l'!t% he is dra.n a.a)% Gthat i!% "rom .hat i! good%J and is ca'ght #) a #ait Gor% en!nared.JC
He i! in the "ir!t dra.n o"" "rom the line o" d't)% and then he i! ca'ght #) !omething that i!
plea!ing and pla'!i#le% #'t li$e the #ait% it ha! in it a deadl) hoo$.
Thi! ver!e m'!t #e ta$en in connection .ith .hat a! gone #e"ore. Khen he mention! Aever)
good gi"t%C it i! in oppo!ition to the evil o" .hich he !a)! =od i! not the a'thor. See
Matthe. Q411. *nd Aever) per"ect "reegi"t%C a! d>rhma mean!% ha! a re"erence to the
correction o" the evil .hich ari!e! "rom man him!el". *nd he call! "reegi"t per"ect% #eca'!e it
ha! no mi3t're o" evil% .hat he thro'gho't denie! that =od i! the a'thor o". Then the latter
part o" the ver!e #ear! a corre!pondence .ith the "ir!t. He call! =od Athe ;ather o" Light!.C
Light in the lang'age o" !cript're mean! e!peciall) t.o thing!% the light o" tr'th% divine
$no.ledge and holine!!. =od i! the "ather% the parent% the origin % the !o'rce o" the!e light!.
Hence "rom him de!cend! ever) good% '!e"'l% nece!!ar) gi"t% to deliver men "rom evil% "rom
ignorance and del'!ion% and ever) per"ect "reegi"t to "ree men "rom their evil l'!t!% and to
render them hol) and happ). *nd to !he. that =od i! ever the !ame% he add!% A.ith .hom
there i! no varia#lene!! or the !hado. Gor !hade% o" the !lighte!t appearanceJ o" a changeBC
that i!% .ho never varie! in hi! dealing! .ith men% and !he.! no !)mptom o" an) change%
#eing the a'thor and giver o" all good% and the a'thor o" no evil% that i!% o" no !in.
The "ir!t"r'it! #eing a part and a pledge o" the coming harve!t% to retain the metaphor% .e
m'!t regard Acreat're!C here a! incl'ding all the !aved in "'t're age!. Hence their opinion i!
to #e pre"erred% .ho regard the "ir!t convert!% .ho .ere @e.!% a! the "ir!t"r'it!.
Khat render! thi! pa!!age 'n!ati!"actor) i! the meaning given to pezissei>a% rendered #)
!ome A!'per"l'it)%C and #) other! Ared'ndanc).C The ver# pezisseu> mean! not onl) to
a#o'nd% #'t al!o to #e a re!id'e% to remain% to #e a remnant. See
Matthe. 144/0B
L'$e 141Q. *nd it! derivative pezi>sseuma i! '!ed in the !en!e o" a remnant or a
Mar$ F4FB and thi! ver) .ord i! '!ed in the Se*t(% "or rt( .hich mean! a
re!id'e% a remnant% or .hat remain!%
,ccle!ia!te! E4F. Let it have thi! meaning here%
and the !en!e .ill not onl) #e clear% #'t ver) !tri$ing. @ame! .a! addre!!ing tho!e .ho .ere
Chri!tian!B and he e3horted them to thro. a.a) ever) 'ncleanne!! and remnant o"
.ic$edne!!% or evil% a! the .ord caci>a more properl) mean!. See
*ct! F4//B
Peter /41E.
A,ver) 'ncleanne!!%C or "ilthine!!% mean! ever) $ind o" 'ncleanne!! ari!ing "rom l'!t"'l and
carnal ind'lgence!B and the Aremnant o" .ic$edne!!%C in tho'ght and in deed% mo!t !'ita#l)
$alvin ta$e! no notice o" the la!t !entence% Adeceiving )o'r!elve!.C The participle mean!
deceiving #) "al!e rea!oning.B it ma) #e rendered .ith Doddridge% A!ophi!ticall) deceiving
+t ma) #e rendered th'!% D CThe !ame !hall #e #le!!ed in Gor #)J the doing o" it%C that i!% the
.or$. The ver) doing o" the la. o" li#ert)% o" .hat the go!pel pre!cri#e!% ma$e! a man
#le!!ed or happ).
+t i! commonl) admitted to #e an interrogator) !entence4 A*nd do )e not ma$e a di""erence
among Gor% inJ )o'r!elve!% and #ecome ?'dge!% having evil tho'ght!OC literall)% A?'dge! o"
evil tho'ght!%C it #eing% a! the) !a)% the genitive ca!e o" po!!e!!ion. 7r the .ord! ma) #e
rendered% Aand #ecome ?'dge! o" evil Gor% "al!eJ rea!oning!OC or a! Beza render! the !entence%
Aand #ecome ?'dge!% rea!oning "al!el)%C concl'ding that the rich man .a! good and the poor
man #ad.
+t i! !aid #) Beza and other!% thatdiacri>nomainever mean! to #e ?'dged or condemned% #'t
to di!ting'i!h% to di!criminate% to ma$e a di""erence% and al!o to contend and to do'#t. The
di""erence made here .a! the re!pect o" per!on! that .a! !he.n% and the) made thi!
di""erence in them!elve!% in their o.n mind!% thro'gh the perver!e or "al!e tho'ght! or
rea!oning! .hich the) entertained. -'t it appear! that the!e pre"erence! .ere !he.n% not to
the mem#er! o" the Ch'rch% #'t to !'ch !tranger! a! might happen to come to their
Khen he !a)! ACan "aith !ave himOC hi! meaning i! ACan the "aith .hich he !a)! he ha! !ave
himOC that i!% "aith .hich i! dead and prod'ce! no .or$!B "or that i! the "aith clearl) intended
here% a! it appear! "rom .hat "ollo.!. To ma$e the meaning more evident% Macknight render!
the !entence th'!% D CCan thi! "aith !ave himOC that i!% the "aith that ha! not .or$!.
Thi! i! add'ced a! an ill'!tration4 a! the !a)ing o" a man to the na$ed% A-e )e clothed%C .hen
he doe! nothing% e""ect! no good% i! .holl) '!ele!!% !o i! that "aith that prod'ce! no .or$!B it
#eing a! it .ere dead% it cannot !ave.
+ .o'ld render the ver!e th'!4
A-'t one ma) !a)% Tho' ha!t "aith% + al!o have .or$!B !he. me th) "aith that is .itho't
.or$!% and + .ill !he. thee m) "aith #) m) .or$!.C
+t i! the !ame a! tho'gh he had !aid% ATho' ha!t "aith onl)% + have al!o .or$! in addition to
m) "aithB no.% prove to me that )o' have tr'e "aith .itho't having .or$! connected .ith it%
G.hich .a! impo!!i#le% hence he i! called a Zvain man%: or empt)headed% in
/4/0%J an + .ill prove m) "aith #) it! "r'it!% even good .or$!.
Gries"ach and other! regard cri<v a! the tr'e reading% contenanced #) mo!t MSS.% and
"o'nd in the S&r( and ?ulg(
Thi! ver!e i! a $e) to the meaning o" @ame!4 "aith i! to #e *roved #) .or$!B then "aith
properl) ?'!ti"ie! and !ave!% and .or$! prove it! gen'inene!!. Khen he !a)! that a man i!
?'!ti"ied #) .or$!% the meaning according tot hi! ver!e i!% that a man i! proved #) hi! .or$!
to #e ?'!ti"ied% hi! "aith there#) #eing !he.n to #e a living and not a dead "aith. Ke ma) .ell
#e !'rpri!ed% a! Doddridge .a!% that an)% ta$ing a vie. o" thi! .hole pa!!age% !ho'ld ever
thin$ that there i! an) contrariet) in .hat i! here !aid to #e the teaching o" Pa'l. The doctrine
o" Pa'l% that man i! ?'!ti"ied #) "aith and not #) .or$!% that i!% #) a living "aith% .hich .or$!
#) love% i! per"ectl) con!i!tent .ith .hat @ame! !a)!% that i!% that a man i! not ?'!ti"ied #) a
dead "aith #'t #) that "aith .hich prove! it! living #) prod'cing good .or$!% or #)
rendering o#edience to =od. The !'m o" .hat @ame! !a)! i!% that a dead "aith cannot !ave%
#'t a living "aith% and that a living "aith i! a .or$ing "aith D a doctrine ta'ght #) Pa'l a!
.ell a! #) @ame!.
The de!ign o" all'ding to the "aith o" devil! !eem! to have #een thi!% to !he. that tho'gh a
good man ma) #elieve and trem#le% )et i" he doe! not o#e) =od an do good .or$!% he ha! no
tr'e evidence o" "aith. 7#edient "aith i! that .hich !ave!% and not merel) that .hich ma$e! '!
trem#le. The connection .ith the preceding ver!e !eem! to #e a! "ollo.!% D
+n the "ormer ver!e the #oa!ter o" mere "aith i! challenged to prove that hi! "aith i! right and
there"ore !avingB the challenger .o'ld prove #) hi! .or$!. Then% in thi! ver!e% a te!t i!
applied D the ver) "ir!t article o" "aith i! mentioned4 A-e it that )o' #elieve thi!% )et thi!
"aith .ill not !ave )o'4 the devil! have thi! "aith% and in!tead o" #eing !aved the) trem#le.
+t i! ?'!tl) o#!erved #) Scott% that there i! the !ame di""ic'lt) in reconciling @ame! .ith
him!el" a! .ith Pa'l. *nd thi! di""ic'lt) at once vani!he!% .hen .e ta$e a vie. o" the .hole
pa!!age% and not con"ine o'r!elve! to !ingle e3pre!!ion!.
The previo'! !entence i! hardl) intelligi#le in o'r ver!ion or in $alvin6s( ASee!t tho' ho.
"aith .ro'ght Gcooperated% #) $.J .ith hi! .or$!OC The ver# i! sunerge>% .hich mean!
properl) to .or$ together% to cooperateB and it mean! al!o% a! the e""ect o" cooperating% to
aid% to help. ASee!t tho' ho. "aith aided him in hi! .or$!OC Schleusner give! thi! paraphra!e%
ATho' !ee! that *#raham .a! aided #) hi! "aith to do hi! remar$a#le .or$!.C Beza6s ver!ion
i!% ATho' !ee!t that "aith .a! the a!!i!tant GadministerJ o" hi! .or$!.C Some give the idea o"
com#ining to cooperating% ATho' !ee!t that "aith cooperated .ith hi! .or$!%C that i!% in
?'!ti"ication. +t ha! #een !aid% that i" thi! com#ination had #een intended% it o'ght to have
#een !aid that .or$! cooperated .ith hi! "aith% a! "aith% according to the te!timon) o"
!cript're and the nat're o" thing!% i! the primar) and the principal thing% and a! there can #e
no good .or$! .itho't "aith. -'t the "ir!t e3planation i! the mo!t con!onant .ith the .ord!
and .ith the dri"t o" the pa!!age.
The la!t ver!e i! le"t 'nnoticed% D
J56,4 2:2" A;or a! the #od) .itho't the !pirit i! dead% !o "aith .itho't .or$! Gor%
having no .or$!J i! dead.C
The meaning i! not% that .or$! are to "aith .hat the !pirit i! to the #od)% "or that .o'ld ma$e
.or$! to #e the li"e o" "aith% the rever!e o" the "actB #'t the meaning i!% that "aith having no
.or$! i! li$e a dead carca!! .itho't li"e.
AThe co'r!e o" nat're%C or the compa!! o" nat're% that i!% all that i! incl'ded in nat're% mean!
evidentl) the !ame .ith Athe .hole #od)C in the preceding cla'!e. There i! no !en!e%
compati#le .ith the pa!!age% in .hat !ome have !'gge!ted% Athe .hole co'r!e o" li"eBC "or
.hat idea i! conve)ed% .hen .e !a) that the tong'e in"lame! or !et! in a "lame the .hole
co'r!e o" li"eO -'t there i! an intelligi#le meaning% .hen it i! !aid% that the tong'e !et! in a
"lame the .hole machiner) o" o'r nat're% ever) "ac'lt) that #elong! to man.
A* #ad tong'e i! the organ o" the devil.C D !stius.
There i! a di""erent reading at the end o" the
@ame! 041/% adopted #) Gries"ach% tho'gh
re?ected #) Mill and other!4 ou#tv ou]te a%luco<n glucu< poih~sai u#dr% ASo neither can
!alt .ater prod'ce !.eet.C Thi! reading i! "avored #) the S&r( and ?ulg(% tho'gh the .ord! are
!ome.hat di""erent.
AKho i! .i!e and intelligent among )o'OC let him #) a good cond'ct !he. hi! .or$! in
mee$ne!! o" .i!dom.C
The arrangement here i! according to .hat i! common in !cript're4 Ki!dom the e""ect "ir!t%
then $no.ledge the ca'!e or .hat precede! it. +n .hat "ollo.! the order i! rever!edB
$no.ledge di!ting'i!he! #et.een good and #ad .or$!% and the good o'ght to #e e3hi#ited
.ith that mee$ne!! .hich .i!dom dictate!.
* !imilar order a! to the .ord! i! "o'nd here a! in the "ormer ver!e4 #itter env)ing i!
occa!ioned #) !tri"e o" contention. There ma) #e env)ing .itho't contention% #'t it i!
contention that commonl) ma$e! it #itter.
Scott con!ider! that thi! .i!dom .a! called Aearthl)%C #eca'!e it !o'ght earthl) di!tinction!%
and .a! o" earthl) origin% D C!en!'al%C or rather Anat'ral%C a! the .ord i! rendered in
Corinthian! /414% #eca'!e it .a! the re!'lt o" !'ch principle! a! natural men are act'ated #)%
!'ch a! env) and am#ition% D Cand devili!h%C #eca'!e it came "ir!t "rom the devil% and
con!tit'ted the image o" hi! pride% am#ition% malignit)% and "al!ehood.
The .ord A!en!'alC ha! led !ome to !'ppo!e that the re"erence i! to !en!'alit)% the
grati"ication o" carnal l'!t!4 #'t there i! nothing in the pa!!age that "avor! thi! vie.. The onl)
thing! mentioned are env) and a contentio'! !pirit% thing! .hich #elong to nat'ral man.
AP're%C a%gnh>% i! to #e 'nder!tood according to .hat the conte3t contain!. +t mean! .hat i!
"ree "rom taint or poll'tion4 the kind o" taint m'!t #e learnt "rom the pa!!age. The .i!dom
"rom a#ove i! contra!ted .ith the .i!dom "rom #elo.4 the latter ha! env) and contentionB the
"ormer i! Ap're%C #eing "ree "rom env)% and i! Apeacea#le.C
The .ord ajdiu>critov i! "o'nd onl) here% and ha! #een vario'!l) rendered% #eca'!e the ver#
"rom .hich it come! ha! vario'! meaning!% D to di!cern% to ma$e a di""erence% to ?'dge% to
e3amine% to contend or litigate% and to do'#t. +t i! rendered #) the ?ulg(% a! Anot ?'dgingC D
'ncen!orio'!B #) Beza% A.itho't contendingC D incontrover!ialB #) !rasmus% Ama$ing no
di""erenceC D impartialB and #) Hammond% Anot do'#ting%C i(e(% a! to the "aith.
AMncen!orio'! %C or% AimpartialBC !eem! the mo!t !'ita#le renderingB not given to ra!hne!! in
?'dging o" other!% or not ! re!pect o" per!on!% previo'!l) condemned in
/41. Then "ollo.! A'ndi!!em#ling%C not !a)ing one thing and meaning another.
There !eem! to #e a complete contra!t #et.een the t.o $ind! o" .i!dom. The .i!dom "rom
a#ove i! not envio'!% #'t p'reB i! not contentio'!% #'t peacea#leB doe! not create con"'!ion%
#'t i! patient and conciliator)B and in!tead o" prod'cing Aever) evil .or$%C it i! "'ll o" merc)
or #enevolence% and o" the "r'it! o" #enevolence% #eing not cen!orio'! or partial in ?'dgment%
and not di!!em#ling% or acting di!hone!tl). -) thi! compari!on% .e !ee .hat .ere !ome o"
the thing! incl'ded in Aever) evil .or$BC the) .ere the rever!e o" merc) or #enevolence% and
it! "r'it!% even cen!orio'!ne!! or partialit)% and di!!imilation. *nd )et tho!e .ho e3hi#ited all
tho!e evil thing! tho'ght that the) had .i!domP and even gloried in itP
+nvidia Sic'li non invenere t)ranni Ma?'! torment'm. D ,P+ST. Li#. +. /45F.
There i! no MS. nor ver!ion in "avor o" fqonei~te. Khen it i! !aid% A)e $ill%C the meaning i!%
that the) did !o a! to the hatred or env) the) entertained% "or hatred i! the root o" m'rder% and
ari!e! o"ten "rom env). Khat ha! evidentl) led $alvin and other! to con?ect're a mi!ta$e
here% ha! #een the di""ic'lt) ari!ing "rom the order o" the .ord!% ASe $ill and )e env)BC #'t
thi! order i! .holl) con!onant .ith the !t)le o" Script're% .here o"ten the greater evil or
good i! mentioned "ir!t% and then that .hich precede! or lead! to it. +t i! the !ame here a!
tho'gh the cop'lative% and% .ere rendered ca'!ativel)% A)e $ill #eca'!e )e env).C ,nv) i!
m'rder in the !ight o" =od.
The lang'age o" the .hole pa!!age i! highl) metaphorical. He call! their contention!!
and "ighting!BC "or the .hole tenor o" the pa!!age i! oppo!ed to the !'ppo!ition that her re"er!
to act'al .ar!. He adopt! a militar) term a! to in.ard l'!t! or am#itio'! de!ire!% that the)
Acarried on .arC in their mem#er!B the e3pedition "or their conte!t! .a! prepared .ithin%
m'!tered in their heart!. Then the character o" thi! .ar i! more plainl) de"ined% ASe covet%C
not% )e l'!tB A)e $ill%C or commit m'rder% "or A)e env)BC .hen )e cannot attain )o'r o#?ect!%
A)e .age .ar and "ight%C that i!% )e .rangle and >'arrel. *varice and am#ition .ere the t.o
prevailing evil!% #'t e!peciall) avariceB and avarice too "or the p'rpo!e o" grati")ing the l'!t!
and propen!itie! o" their !in"'l nat're% a! it appear! "rom the third ver!e.
There are .agonload! o" interpretation!% !a)! !rasmus% on thi! pa!!age. The one given #)
$alvin% and adopted #) Whit"&% Doddridge% Scholefield% and other!% i! the mo!t !ati!"actor)%
and .hat alone ena#le! '! to !ee a meaning in the .ord!% Amore grace%C in the "
ver!e. The Spirit d.ell! in =od:! people% and he d.ell! there to give more or increa!ing
grace% according to the tenor o" .hat i! !aid in
+!aiah 5Q415% .here =od i! !aid to
Ad.ell .ith him that i! o" a contrite and h'm#le !pirit%C and "or thi! p'rpo!e% Ato revive the
!pirit o" the h'm#le%C etc.
, " A(o )e thin$ that the !cript're !pea$eth thus in vainO (oth the Spirit .ho d.ell! in
'! l'!t to env)O na&% #'t he giveth more Gor increa!ingJ grace4 he there"ore !aith% =od !et!
him!el" in arra) again!t the in!olent% #'t give! grace to the h'm#le.C
The h'm#le are tho!e .ho are made !o #) graceB #'t =od promi!e! to give them more grace%
to per"ect that .hich had #eg'n.
The pa!!age i! "o'nd in all MSS. and ver!ion!4 there i!% there"ore% no gro'nd to thin$ it an
interpolation. *nd it i! ta$en literall) "rom
Prover#! 0404% according to the Se*t(B
tho'gh the "ir!t cla'!e di""er! "rom the He#re. in .ord!% )et it i! !'#!tantiall) the !ame. To
A!corn the !corner!%C and to Are!i!t Gor% to !tand in arra) again!tJ the pro'dC or in!olent% mean
the !ame thing.
+n the !eventh ver!e he !eem! !till to contin'e militar) term!% ASet )o'r!elve!% there"ore% in
arra) 'nder =od4 !tand 'p again!t the devil% and he .ill "lee "rom )o'.C +t i! e!peciall) to #e
o#!erved% that the "ir!t thing i! to #e 'nder the #anner and protection o" =od% and then .e can
!'cce!!"'ll) !tand 'p again!t the devil4 apart "rom =od% .e have no to re!i!t him.
The order in the " ver!e% the eighth% i! .orth) o" notice% a! an e3ample o" .hat i!
ver) common in Script're. The main thing i! "ir!t !tated% to dra. nigh to =od4 and then the
thing! .hich are previo'!l) nece!!ar)% to clean!e their hand! and to p'ri") their heart! D an
all'!ion pro#a#l) to the practice among the prie!t! o" the la.% o" .a!hing them!elve! #e"ore
the) engaged in the !ervice o" the temple. The) .ere to .a!h their hand! a! tho'gh the) had
#een !tained .ith #lood% a! the crime o" m'rder had #een imp'ted to them in
44/4 and the) .ere to p'ri") their heart! "rom the coveting! and am#itio'! de!ire! .hich the)
had entertained. ,3cept tho!e thing! .ere done the) co'ld not dra. nigh to =od. *nd "'rther%
to dra. nigh to =od .a! nece!!ar) #e"ore the) co'ld !et them!elve! in arra) 'nder hi!
a'thorit)% !o that there i! a connection #et.een thi! ver!e and the "ormer4 the 'ltimate o#?ect%
!tated "ir!t% .a! !'#mi!!ion to =od% and to #e 'nder hi! protectionB and all that "ollo.! .a!
nece!!ar) "or that p'rpo!e. The reg'lar order .o'ld #e% P'ri") )o'r heart!% clean!e )o'r
hand!% dra. nigh to =od% and #e !'#?ect to him. -'t thi! mode o" !tatement% #) going
#ac$.ard in!tead o" "or.ard% i! to #e met .ith in all part! o" Script're. See on thi! !'#?ect
the Pre"ace to the third vol'me o" $alvin6s Commentarie! on @eremiah.
Gries"ach add! cai
v% Aand ?'dge%C a reading "avored #) man) MSS. and the ver!ion!B
and do'#tle!! it ma$e! the pa!!age more complete% e!peciall) a! .hat "ollo.! #elong! to the
?'dge rather than to the la.giver% that i!% to !ave or to de!tro).
The .ord! ma) #e rendered th'!% A+" the Lord .ill% .e !hall #oth live and do thi! or that.C So
that living and doing are #oth dependent on =od:! .ill.
Man) commentator!% !'ch a! Grotius% Doddridge% Macknight% and Scott, con!ider that the
*po!tle re"er! at the #eginning o" thi! chapter% not to pro"e!!ing Chri!tian!% #'t to
'n#elieving @e.!. There i! nothing !aid that can lead to !'ch an opinion4 and i" the t.o
preceding chapter! .ere addre!!ed Ga! admitted #) allJ to tho!e .ho *rofessed the "aith% there
i! no rea!on .h) thi! !ho'ld not have #een addre!!ed to themB the !in! here condemned are
not .or!e than tho!e previo'!l) condemned. +ndeed% .e "ind #) the ,pi!tle! o" Peter% and #)
that o" @'de% that there .ere men pro"e!!ing religion at that time% .ho .ere not a .hit #etter
Gi" not .or!eJ than man) .ho pro"e!! religion in o'r age.
-e!ide!% it .a! not 'n'!'al % in addre!!e! to Chri!tian!% to addre!! 'n#eliever!. +ndeed% Pa'l
e3pre!!l) !a)!% AKhat have + to do to ?'dge them that are .itho'tOC
That there .ere rich men pro"e!!ing the go!pel at that time% i! evident "rom
@ame! 1410.
8e"erence i! made here to three sorts o" riche!% D !tore! o" corn% .hich rotted% D garment!%
.hich .ere motheaten% D and precio'! metal!% mone)% and ?e.el!% etc.% .hich r'!ted.
-) Ala!t da)!C are commonl) meant the da)! o" the go!pel. The da) o" ?'dgment i! o"ten
called #) @ohn% in hi! =o!pel% Athe la!t da)BC and the !ame !eem! to #e called here Athe la!t
da)!.C The re"erence made #) !ome% to the de!tr'ction o" @er'!alem% ha! nothing in the
pa!!age to "avor it. To Aheap trea!'re%C or to la) 'p a !tore% ha! an evident re"erence to the
da) o" ?'dgment% a! Pa'l ma$e! '!e o" the !ame e3pre!!ion in
8oman! /45% onl) he
add! A.rathC to it% .hich i! al!o added here #) the ?ulg( The .hole ver!e i! conminator)% and
in thi! !entence the rich are reminded o" the i!!'e% the "inal i!!'e o" their cond'ct. The
character o" the !tore i! to #e learnt "rom the preceding part o" the ver!e. +n trea!'ring
di!hone!t .ealth% the) .ere trea!'ring .rath "or them!elve!.
Man) have tho'ght that .hat i! re"erred to here i! the condemnation o" o'r Savior #) the
@e.i!h nation% e!peciall) a! he i! called o% di>caiov% Athe ?'!t one.C Thi! i! tr'e% #'r the
Chri!tian i! al!o called too% in
1 Peter 441F. @ame! ver) "re>'entl) individ'ali5e! the
"aith"'l% '!ing the !ing'lar "or the pl'ral n'm#er. The .hole conte3t prove! that he !pea$!
here o" the poor "aith"'l .ho !'""ered in?'!tice "rom the rich% pro"e!!ing the !ame "aith.
-e!ide!% the death o" Chri!t i! not a!cri#ed to the rich% #'t to the elder! and chie" prie!t!.
The t.o "ir!t ver#!% #eing aori!t!% ma) #e rendered in the pre!ent ten!e% e!peciall) a! the la!t
ver# i! in that ten!e. ;or in the ver) ne3t ver!e% the Qth% the aori!t i! !o '!ed. Ke ma) then
give thi! ver!ion% D
". ASe condemn% )e $ill the righteo'!B he !et! him!el" not in arra) again!t )o'.C
Pro#a#l) the aori!t i! '!ed% a! it e3pre!!e! .hat .a! done ha#it'all)% or a contin'ed act% li$e
the "'t're ten!e o"ten in He#re.. The preceding ver!e% the 5th% .here all the ver#! are aori!t!%
.o'ld #e #etter rendered in the !ame .a)% ASe live in plea!'re%C etc.
AThe end o" the LordC !eem! a !ing'lar e3pre!!ionB #'t te>lov% properl) the end% mean! al!o
the i!!'e% the 'p!hot% the termination% the concl'!ion. +t i! genitive o" the e""icient ca'!e% Athe
end Gor i!!'eJ given #) the Lord.C See
@o# 4/41/. *ccording to Gries"ach there are
three MSS .hich have e+leov% Amerc)BC .hich .o'ld #e ver) !'ita#le% D Cand )e have !een
the merc) o" the Lord% that the Lord i! ver) "'ll o" pit)% and compa!!ionate.C -'t the
a'thorit) i! not !'""icient.
;or eijv u%po>crisin there are !everal MSS.% #'t "or u%po< cri>sin there are not onl) !everal
MSS.% #'t the earlie!t ver!ion!% S&r( and ?ulg(B !o Gries"ach ta$e! the latter a! the tr'e
The illative ou,n% tho'gh "o'nd in !ome MSS.% i! not introd'ced into the te3t #) Gries"ach%
there #eing no !'""icient evidence in it! "avor. 9or doe! there appear a !'""icient rea!on "or
the connection mentioned #) $alvin. The t.o ca!e! !eem to #e di""erent. The elder! o" the
ch'rch .ere in the previo'! in!tance to #e called in% .ho .ere to pra) and anoint the !ic$%
and it i! !aid that the pra)er o" "aith Gi(e( o" mirac'lo'! "aithJ .o'ld !ave the !ic$% and that hi!
!in! .o'ld #e "orgiven him. Thi! .a! clearl) a ca!e o" mirac'lo'! healing. -'t .hat i!
!po$en o" in thi! ver!e !eem! to #e >'ite di""erent. Pra)er i! alone mentioned% not #) the
elder!% #'t #) a righteo'! man% not !aving a! in the "ormer ca!e% #'t availing m'ch. +t !eem!
pro#a#le then that the !in! o" the !ic$ mirac'lo'!l) healed .ere more e!peciall) again!t =odB
and that the !in! .hich the) .ere to con"e!! to one another .ere again!t the #rethren% al!o
vi!ited .ith ?'dgment and the remed) "or them .a! m't'al con"e!!ion% and m't'al pra)erB
#'t the !'cce!! in thi! ca!e .a! not a! !'re or a! certain a! in the "ormer% onl) .e are told that
an earne!t pra)er avail! m'ch. Then% to enco'rage thi! earne!t or "ervent pra)er% the ca!e o"
,lia! i! add'cedB #'t it had nothing to do .ith mirac'lo'! healing.
Thi! can hardl) #e admitted. The .ord e3pre!!e! .hat !ort o" pra)er i! that .hich avail!
m'ch. -e!ide!% to avail m'ch% and to #e e""ect'al% are t.o di!tinct thing!. The .ord a! a ver#
and a! a participle had commonl) an active !en!e. Schleusner give! onl) one in!tance in
.hich it ha! a pa!!ive meaning%
/ Corinthian! 14EB to .hich ma) #e added
Corinthian! 441/. +" ta$en pa!!ivel)% it ma) #e rendered%'ght%C that i!% #) the Spirit%
according to Macknight. -'t it ha! #een mo!t commonl) ta$en activel)% and in the !en!e o"
the ver#al ad?ective ejnergh<v% energetic%"'l% ardent% "ervent.
Simeon% and not Simon% i! the name a! here given% tho'gh a "e. copie! and the ?ulg( have
Simon. Hi! name i! given #oth .a)! el!e.hereB !ee
L'$e 54F% and
*ct! 15414.
Kh) he called him!el" Peter in the "ir!t ,pi!tle% and Simeon Peter here% doe! not appear. D
+t ha! #een maintained #) man)% that the rendering o" the!e .ord! o'ght to #e% Ao" o'r =od
and Savior @e!'! Chri!t%C +n thi! ca!e the ejn #e"ore Arighteo'!ne!!C .o'ld #e rendered AinBC
"or it i! more !'ita#le to !a) that "aith i! in than through the righteo'!ne!! o" Chri!t. Chri!t i!
th'! called here god a! .ell a! SaviorB and !o he i! called Ao'r Lord and Savior @e!'! Chri!tC
in chapter 041F% the article #eing '!ed in the !ame manner. D !d(
The connection here i! vario'!l) regarded. 7'r ver!ion and Calvin !eem to connect thi! ver!e
.ith the "oregoing% in thi! !en!e% that the *po!tle pra)! "or the increa!e o" grace and peace
"rom the con!ideration o" .hat =od had alread) done% or in con"ormit) .ith hi! previo'!
#ene"it!. 7ther!% perhap! more correctl)% vie. thi! ver!e a! connected .ith the 5th% and
render %v% ASince%C and the #eginning o" the 5th ver!e% A(o )e al!o "or thi! rea!on% giving
all diligence% add%C etc.B that i!% ASince =od ha! done !o great thing! "or )o'% )e al!o "or thi!
rea!on o'ght to #e diligent in adding to )o'r "aith virt'e% etc.C -'t %v and kai< ma) #e
rendered as and so( See
*ct! Q451. A*! hi! divine .... !o "or thi! rea!on% giving
all diligence% add%C etc.!d(
The order i! according to .hat i! common in Script'reB the chie" thing i! mentioned "ir!t% and
then that .hich lead! to it.!d(
The received te3t no do'#t contain! the tr'e rending. The .ord ajrrth< never mean! Apo.erC
either in the cla!!ic!% or in the Se*t.% or in the 9e. Te!tament. Beza and al!o Schleusner,
regard dia< a! e3pre!!ing the "inal ca'!e% toB it i! al!o '!ed in the !en!e o" A"or the !a$e o"%C
or% Aon acco'nt o".C A=lor) and virt'eC are in a !imilar order a! the previo'! .ord!% Ali"e and
godline!!%C and al!o in the !ame order .ith the concl'ding .ord! o" the ne3t ver!e%
Aparta$er! o" the divine nat're%C and Ae!caping the corr'ption! o" the .orld.C So that there i!
a corre!pondence a! to the order o" the .ord! thro'gho't the .hole pa!!age.
Kith re!pect to di j ,n% the rendering ma) #e% A"or the !a$e o" .hich%C that i!% "or the
p'rpo!e o" leading '! to Aglor) and virt'e%CC man) and precio'! promi!e! have #een givenB
and then the concl'!ion o" the ver!e !tate! the o#?ect in other .ord!% that .e might #) the!e
promi!e! #ecome parta$er! o" the divine nat're% having e!caped the poll'tion! o" the .orld.
,!caping the corr'ption o" the .orld i! Agodline!!%C i! Avirt'eBC and parta$ing o" the divine
nat're i! Ali"e%C i! Aglor).C Thi! complete corre!pondence con"irm! the meaning .hich Beza
and o'r ver!ion give to the prepo!ition dia< at the end o" the third ver!e. D !d(
Some% li$e Bisho* War"urton% have ver) ingenio'!l) attempted to !he. that there i! here a
reg'lar order and gradationB #'t it i! not the order o" ca'!e and e""ect. (i""erent thing! are
mentioned% and .hat i! added% ha! in !ome .a) or another a connection .ith the previo'!
.ord. To "aith add virt'e or moral cond'ctB that virt'e ma) #e rightl) "ormed% add
$no.ledgeB that $no.ledge ma) #e gained% add temperanceB that temperance ma) contin'e%
add patience or per!everanceB that per!everance ma) #e retained% add godline!! or piet)% that
i!% pra)er to =odB that godline!! ma) not #e alone% add #rotherl)$indne!!B and that #rotherl)
$indne!! ma) he enlarged% add love to all man$ind. The .ord added ha! a connection .ith
the immediatel) previo'! .ord% a! the .a)% mean!% or an addition. D !d(
The >'e!tion o" "ree.ill doe! not properl) #elong to thi! pa!!ageB "or the *po!tle .rite!% not
to tho!e in their nat'ral !tate% #'t to tho!e .hom he con!idered to #e ne. creat're!. The
>'e!tion o" "ree.ill o'ght to #e con"ined to conver!ion% and not e3tended to the !tate o"
tho!e .ho have #een converted. The tenth article o" the Ch'rch o" ,ngland nearl) meet! the
>'e!tion% )et not .holl)4 it a!cri#e! the .ill to t'rn mo!t di!tinctl) to =od% and !a)! that man
cannot t'rn him!el"B #'t it doe! not e3pre!!l) !a) .hether man can re!i!t the good.ill given
him% .hich i! the ver) gi!t o" the >'e!tion. -'t it !a)! "'rther% that the grace o" =od #) Chri!t
A.or$eth .ith '! .hen .e have that good.ill%C .hich !eem! certainl) to impl)% that the
good.ill "ir!t given i! made there#) e""ect'al. +" there #e% then% a cooperation% Ga! no do'#t
there i!%J it i! the cooperation% according to thi! *rticle% o" the good.ill "ir!t given% and not
o" an)thing in man #) nat're. D !d(
AHe i! #lind% Gmanu *al*ansJ !tro$ing .ith the hand%C i! CalvinX!B the ?ulgate i! manu
tentans% A"eeling .ith the hand4C #'t the original .ord mean!% Aclo!ing the e)e!%C according
to the =ree$ grammarian!% Hes&chius and Suidas4 AHe i! #lind% clo!ing hi! e)e!.C \!d(
There i! no !'""icient a'thorit) "or introd'cing them. -e!ide!% there i! no need o" them% "or
the .ord tau~ta% Athe!e thing!%C ha! #een o"ten previo'!l) repeated% and re"er! to the thing!
mentioned in ver!e! 5% E% and Q. D !d(
The order i! !'ch a! .e o"ten meet .ith% the vi!i#le e""ect "ir!t% and then the ca'!e% a! in
8oman! 1041B con"e!!ion% the o!ten!i#le act% i! mentioned "ir!t% and then "aith% .hich
precede! it. So here% calling% the e""ect prod'ced% i! "ir!t mentioned% and then election% the
ca'!e o" itB a! tho'gh he had !aid% AMa$e )o'r calling% .hich ha! proceeded "rom )o'r
election% !'re.C D !d(
Pa'l% at the #eginning o" thi! chapter% compare! o'r !tate in thi! .orld in a "ading #od) .ith
o'r !tate a#ove a"ter the re!'rrection in a glori"ied #od)% and ta$e! no acco'nt o" the
intervening time #et.een death and the re!'rrection. -) $eeping thi! in vie.% the .hole
pa!!age% other.i!e o#!c're% .ill appear >'ite clear. He !pea$! o" #eing 'nclothed and
clothed% that i!% o" #eing dive!ted o" one #od)% and o" p'tting on anotherB and con!i!tentl)
.ith thi! vie. he !pea$! o" not #eing "o'nd na$ed% that i!% .itho't a #od) a! a covering. D
+t ha! #een di!p'ted% .hether he re"er! here to .hat i! recorded in
@ohn /141F% 11% or to
a ne. revelation. The latter .a! the opinion o" !ome o" the ancient "ather!B and not .itho't
rea!on% "or in @ohn the manner o" hi! death i! .hat i! mentioned% #'t here the near approach
o" it% D t.o thing! .holl) di!tinct. D !d(
The ver# safi>z% once '!ed #) Pa'l in
/ Timoth) 0415% mean! Ato ma$e .i!e%C and in
thi! !en!e it i! '!ed in the Sept.B and it ma) properl) have a !imilar meaning here% Am)th! Gor%
"a#le!J made .i!e%C or made to appear .i!e a trade !till carried on in the .orld. The idea o"
cra"t and !'#tlet) i! .hat i! given to it in the cla!!ic!. D ,d.
Ke have the !ame order a! in !everal previo'! in!tance!B Apo.erC "ir!t% then Acoming.C +t i!
the pec'liar !t)le o" Script're. D ,d.
Spectator!% ejpo>ptai% loo$er! on% in!pector!% !'rve)or! it #eto$en! tho!e .ho not onl) !ee or
#ehold a thing% #'t .ho attentivel) loo$ on. +t i! more emphatical than aujto>ptai% Ae)e
.itne!!e!.C D ,d.
M'ch ha! #een .ritten on thi! !'#?ectB and the di""ic'lt) ha! ari!en "rom a .rong
con!tr'ction o" the pa!!age% .hich i! literall) a! "ollo.!4 D A*nd .e have more "irm the
prophetic .ord%C -ai< e]coman bebaio>teron to<n profhtiko<n lo>gon% that i!% .e have
rendered more "irm the prophetic .ord. Thi! i! con"irmed #) .hat "ollo.!B "or the prophetic
.ord i! compared to Aa light !hining in a dar$ place%C and% there"ore% not clear nor "irm 'ntil
it #e "'l"illedB #'t the) .ere doing .ell to attend to thi! light 'ntil the "'ll light o" the go!pel
!hone in their heart!. *! Scott maintain!% the re"erence here i! clearl) to the e3perience o"
Chri!tian! to their real $no.ledge o" divine tr'th!B "or it .a! to #e in their hearts% and not
#e"ore their e)e!.
* great deal o" learning ha! #een !pent to no p'rpo!e on thi! pa!!age. +t ha! #een #) mo!t
ta$en a! granted% that Athe and coming o" o'r Lord%C mentioned in ver!e 1E
% i! hi!
!econd coming% .hen the .hole pa!!age re"er! onl) and e3pre!!l) to hi! "ir!t coming. *nd on
thi! grat'ito'! and even "al!e !'ppo!ition i! gro'nded the ela#orate e3po!ition o" Sherlock,
Horsle&% and other!. \ !d(
There i! no command here4 the *po!tle onl) approve! o" .hat the) .ere doing%'nto
)e do .ell that )e ta$e heed.C D !d(
The *po!tle doe! not !pea$ o" the per"ect da)% #'t o" the da.n o" it% and the da)!tar i! that
.hich '!her! in the per"ect da). The go!pel i! the da.n and the da)!tar% compared .ith the
glimmering light o" prophec)% and compared too .ith the per"ect da) o" the heavenl)
$ingdom. Prophec) i! '!e"'l !tillB "or it! "'l"illment% "o'nd in the go!pel% greatl) !trengthen!
"aith. D !d(
There are in the main three rendering! o" thi! pa!!age4 D l. A9o Prophec) o" Script're i! o"
a private imp'l!e%C or inventionB D /. A9o prophec) o" Script're i! o" !el"interpretation%C
that i!% i! it! o.n interpreterB D 0. 9o prophec) o" Script're i! o" private interpretation% that
i!% i! not to #e interpreted according to the "ancie! o" men% #'t according to the .ord o" =od
and the g'idance o" hi! Spirit. 9o. .hich o" the!e corre!pond! .ith the conte3tO Clearl) the
"ir!t% the t.o other! have nothing in the pa!!age to co'ntenance them. The ne3t ver!e i!
evidentl) e3planator) o" thi! !entence% .hich !eem! at once to determine it! meaningB and% a!
it i! o"ten the ca!e in Script're% the e3planation i! given negativel) and po!itivel). Prophec)
did not come "rom the .ill o" manB it did come "rom the Spirit o" =od. -e!ide!% the
importance attached to the anno'ncement% A$ thi! e!peciall)%C i! not !o clearl) #orne
o't a! #) the "ir!t e3po!ition% #eca'!e the "act that prophec) did not come "rom man% i!
ever)thing in the >'e!tion% .hile the other e3po!ition! contain onl) thing! o" !'#ordinate
importance. Th'! .hat goe! #e"ore and come! a"ter tend! to con"irm the !ame vie..
Khether .e ta$e the con?ect'ral reading G.hich onl) di""er! "rom the other in one !mall
letterJ or that .hich i! "o'nd in all the MSS.% it ma) admit o" the meaning that ha! #een
given. There i! either an ejk% A"rom%C 'nder!tood% or the .ord *ro*hec& i! to #e repeated4 A9o
prophec) o" Script're i! from oneX! o.n e3planationBC or% A9o prophec) o" Script're i! a
*ro*hec& o" oneX! o.n e3planation%C or interpretation% that i!% a! to thing! to come.
$alvin ha! #een "ollo.ed in hi! vie. o" thi! pa!!age% among other!% #) Grotius, Doddridge%
and Macknight. !d(
APeter intimated that the here!ie! o" .hich he !pea$! .ere to #e introd'ced 'nder the color
o" tr'e doctrine% in the dar$. a! it .ere% and #) little and littleB !o that the people .o'ld not
di!cern their real nat're.C D Macknight(
The .ord here "or ALordC i! despo>thv% .hich i! more e3pre!!ive o" and a'thorit)
than -u>riov% commonl) rendered ALord.C Thi! !eem! to intimate the character o" the men
all'ded to4 the) denied Chri!t a! their !overeign% a! the) rendered no o#edience to him%
tho'gh the) ma) have pro"e!!ed to #elieve in him a! a Savior.D!d.
;e. copie! have Aperdition%C or perdition!% "or the .ord i! in the pl'ral n'm#erB and ver)
man) have Ala!civio'!ne!!%C and al!o the ?ulg. and S&r. ver!ion!. Having #e"ore mentioned
their de!tr'ctive opinion! or here!ie!% .hich involved the denial o" the Lord .ho #o'ght
them% he no. re"er! to the immoralit) .hich accompanied their "al!e doctrine!B and that
immoralit) i! here re"erred to i! evident "rom thi!% that the .a) o" tr'th .o'ld #e evil !po$en
o" or cal'mniated. D !d.
,ither A"eignedC or AinventedC ma) #e meant #) plastoi~v4 i" A"eigned%C then the) .ere
.ord! '!ed not conve)ing their real !entiment!% #'t adopted "or the p'rpo!e o" all'ring
other!% a! i! the ca!e .ith tho!e .ho pretend great 5eal "or tr'th and great love "or !o'l!%
.hen their o#?ect i! to gain adherent! "or "ilth) l'cre:! !a$e. -'t i" AinventedC #e adopted%
then lo>goi m'!t mean narrative! or "a#le!% D Ainvented Gor "ictitio'!J "a#le!%C or tale!. *nd
thi! i! the rendering o" Macknight( *nd he !a)!% that the *po!tle had pro#a#l) in vie. the
"a#le! concerning the vi!ion! o" angel! and the miracle! per"ormed at the !ep'lchre! o"
departed !aint!% .hich the "al!e teacher! in the earl) age!% and the mon$! in latter time!%
"a#ricated% to dra. mone) "rom the people. Similar are the device! o" !'per!titio'! men%
greed) o" gain% in ever) age. D !d(
The Ai"C at the #eginning o" the ver!e re>'ire! a corre!ponding cla'!e. Some% a! )iscator and
Macknight% !'ppl) at the end o" the !eventh ver!e% Ahe .ill not !pare thee%C or% A.ill he !pare
theeOC -'t there i! no need o" thi!% the corre!ponding cla'!e i! in the ninth ver!eB and thi! i!
o'r ver!ion. The deliverance o" the ?'!t i! there "ir!t mentioned% a! that o" Lot .a! the !'#?ect
o" the previo'! ver!e% and then the re!ervation o" the 'n?'!t "or ?'dgment% e3ample! o" .hich
he had #e"ore given. Thi! !ort o" arrangement i! common in Script're. D !d(
There i! a di""erence o" opinion a! to the .ord Aeighth4C !ome thin$ that the !en!e i!% that
9oah .a! the eighth per!on .ho .a! !aved at the del'ge% #eing one o" the eight .ho .ere
pre!erved. 7ther! render the .ord!% A9oah% the eighth preacher o" righteo'!ne!!%C calc'lating
"rom ,no!% in .ho!e time a! it i! !aid% Amen #ean to call 'pon the name o" the Lord.C
=ene!i! 44/E.J Light"oot and !ome other!% have held the latter opinion% tho'gh the
"ormer ha! #een more generall) approved. D !d(
8ather% A!el"plea!ing%C aujqa>deiv% .ho!e r'ling principle .a! to plea!e and grati")
them!elve!% .itho't regarding =odX! .ill or the good o" other! .ho!e god .a! !el". +n a
!econd !en!e% the .ord de!ignate! tho!e .ho are ha'ght)% arrogant% !'percilio'!% re"ractor)B
and !'ch i! commonl) the character o" !el"i!h men. D !d(
The .ord! ma) #e th'! rendered% D
A-'t the!e% a! nat'ral 'nrea!oning animal!% #orn "or capt're and de!tr'ction% !pea$ing
evil o" thing! .hich the) 'nder!tand not% !hall 'tterl) peri!h thro'gh their o.n
The) are compared to animal! .hich are #) nat're .itho't rea!on% and !'ch a! live on pre)%
.ild and rapacio'!% .hich !eem to have #een made to #e ta$en and de!tro)edB and the) are
o"ten ta$en and de!tro)ed .hile committing pl'nder. So the!e men% their .ic$edne!! .o'ld
#e the mean! o" en!naring and de!tro)ing them. D !d.
+t i! #etter to connect the "ir!t .ord! o" thi! ver!e% Areceiving the re.ard o"
'nrigrhteo'!ne!!%C .ith the "oregoing% and to #egin another period .ith thi! cla'!e% and to
render thi! ver!e and the " th'!% D
ACo'nting Gor% deemingJ riot in the da)time a plea!'re% the) are !pot! and !tain!% rioting
in their o.n del'!ion!% "ea!ting together .ith G14J )o'B having e)e! "'ll o" ad'lter) and
.hich cea!e not "rom !in% en!naring 'n!ta#le !o'l!% having a heart in'red to coveto'!
de!ire!% #eing children o" the c'r!e.C
The vario'! thing! !aid o" them are intended to !he. that the) .ere A!pot! and !tain!%C
di!grace"'l and de"iling4 the) rioted in carnal plea!'re% and rioted in del'!ion% and a!!ociated
.ith the "aith"'l% "ea!ting .ith themB the) .ere li#idino'!% and led 'n!ta#le !o'l! to "ollo.
their .a)!B the) .ere coveto'!% and !he.ed that the) .ere heir! to the c'r!e o" =od. D !d(
The .ord! are% D
*-r %tter"n( .'.asts ! )an"ty, they a$$%re,/ et#.
The .ord u+pe>rogka% #eing a ne'ter pl'ral% ma) #e rendered a! a no'nB literall)%
Aover!.elling! o" vanit)BC #'t .hen applied to .ord!% it mean! .hat i! pompo'!% in"lated%
#om#a!ticB #'t the!e #om#a!t! .ere tho!e o" vanit)% #eing empt)% '!ele!!% 'npro"ita#leB or a!
!ome render the .ord!% the) .ere the #om#a!t! o" "al!ehood% according to the meaning o" the
.ord a! '!ed o"ten in the Se*t.B the) !po$e "al!e thing! in a #om#a!tic and in"lated !train. D
Sat. 1414.
The end o" thi! ver!e i! not e3plained% #'t the .ord! o" the ver!ion% facta sunt illis *ostrema
*e,ora *riori"us% !eem to mean% that their la!t poll'tion! .o'ld #ecome .or!e to them than
their "ormer poll'tion!B and thi! i! the rendering o" Macknight. The !entence i! commonl)
ta$en in the !ame !en!e a! in
Matthe. 1/445% #'t the .ord! are !ome.hat di""erent. D
The *po!tle evidentl) admit! that the) had a !incere or a p're mind% that i!% "reed "rom the
poll'tion! re"erred to in the la!t chapterB #'t !till the) !tood in need o" #eing !tirred 'p #)
admonition!4 hence their mind! .ere not% in a !trict !en!e% per"ect% tho'gh !incere.D!d(
The con!tr'ction o" the pa!!age i! a! "ollo.!4 D A+n "oth .hich +% #) admonition% aro'!e
)o'r !incere mind to remem#er the .ord!% a"oretime !po$en #) the hol) prophet!% and the
doctrine o" '!% the apo!tle! o" o'r Lord and Savior.C
The ver# mnhsqh~nai i! connected .ith Aaro'!eBC and it i! in thi! ten!e '!ed activel) a! .ell
a! pa!!ivel). See
Matthe. /E4Q5% and
*ct! 10401. There i! in the no'n ejntolh<% a
meton)m)% the commandment "or .hat .a! commanded to #e ta'ght% the doctrine. +t ha! thi!
meaning% according to Schleusner% in
@ohn 1/450% and in thi! ,pi!tle% chapter /4/1. D
+t i! literall)% Athe la!t o" the da)!%C according to the He#re. "orm .(m(h t(rja% Athe
e3tremit) o" the da)!%C G
+!aiah /4/BJ #'t the meaning i! the !ame a! Athe la!t da)!%C a!
'!ed in
He#re.! 141% and +n other place!% that i!% the da)! o" the go!pel di!pen!ation.
D !d(
The t.o ver!e!% the "i"th and the !i3th% have #een di""erentl) e3plained. AThe earth%C !a)
!ome% A!'#!i!ting "rom .ater and thro'gh .ater%C that i!% emerging "rom .ater and made
"irm and !olid #) mean! o" .aterB .hich i! tr'e% "or thro'gh moi!t're the earth adhere!
together and #ecome! a !olid ma!!. 7ther! render the la!t cla'!e% Ain .ater%C or in the mid!t
o" .ater% that i!% !'rro'nded #) .aterB and thi! i! the mo!t !'ita#le meaning.
The di j !n at the #eginning o" the !i3th ver!e% re"er!% according to Beza, Whit"&, and
other!% to the heaven! and the earth in the preceding ver!e% the del'ge #eing occa!ioned #)
Athe .indo.! o" heaven #eing opened%C and Athe "o'ntain! o" the great deep #eing #ro$en
'p.C G
=ene!i! Q411.J A-) .hich Gor #) the mean! o" .hichJ the .orld at that time%
#eing over"lo.ed .ith .ater% .a! de!tro)ed.C
The o#?ection to thi! vie. i!% a! ?'!tl) !tated #) Macknight% that the corre!pondence #et.een
thi! ver!e and the " i! there#) lo!t4 the re!ervation o" the .orld to #e de!tro)ed #)
"ire i! e3pre!!l) a!cri#ed% in ver!e !eventh% to =od:! .ordB and to the !ame o'ght the
de!tr'ction o" the old .orld to #e a!cri#ed. Thi! i! do'#tle!! the meaning re>'ired #) the
pa!!age% #'t A.hichC #eing in the pl'ral% create! a di""ic'lt)% and there i! no di""erent reading.
Macknight !olve! the di""ic'lt) #) !a)ing that the pl'ral A.hichC or .hom% re"er! to A.ord%C
meaning Chri!t% and A=od%C a! in the "ir!t ver!e o" thi! chapter% Ain #oth .hich%C a re"erence
i! made to .hat i! implied in Athe !econd ,pi!tle%C that i!% the "ir!t. He !'ppo!e! that there i!
here the !ame anomalo'! mode o" !pea$ing. -'t the con?ect're .hich ha! #een made i! not
impro#a#le% that it i! a t)pographical mi!ta$e% !n #eing p't "or ou! or "or o{n. Then the
meaning .o'ld #e evidentB and the t.o part! .o'ld corre!pond the one .ith the other4
5. A;or o" thi! the) are .il"'ll) ignorant% that the heaven! e3i!ted o" old and the earth
G.hich !'#!i!ted "rom .ater and in .ater%J #)
E. the .ord o" =odB #) .hich the .orld at that time% #eing over
Q. "lo.ed .ith .ater% .a! de!tro)ed. -'t the pre!ent heaven! and the earth are #) Hi!
.ord re!erved% #eing $ept "or "ire to the da) o" ?'dgment and o" the perdition o" 'ngodl)
-) A.ordC here i! meant command% or or the fiat #) .hich the .orld .a! createdB and
#) the !ame it .a! de!tro)ed% and #) the !ame it .ill #e "inall) de!tro)ed. +n!tead o" aujt~
Athe !ameC Gries"ach ha! introd'ced into hi! te3t aujtou~% AHi!.C D !d.
* !imilar vie. .a! ta$en #) !stius, )iscator% and Beza( 8 !d.
The previo'! .ord i! al!o in the pl'ral n'm#er% Ain hol) conver!ation!.C Khat !eem! to #e
meant i!% that ever) part o" the cond'ct !ho'ld #e hol)% and that ever) part o" godline!!
!ho'ld #e attended to4 A+n ever) part o" a hol) li"e% and ever) act o" godline!!BC that i!% .e are
not to #e hol) in part or pio'! in part% #'t attend to ever) #ranch o" d't) to.ard! man% and
ever) #ranch o" d't) to.ard! =od. D !d.
*ll that i! !aid here i!% that there .ill #e ne. heaven! and a ne. earth% and not that the
pre!ent heaven! and the pre!ent earth .ill #e renovated. See
8evelation /0411B /141. D
The "ir!t meaning o" speu>d i! to ha!ten% and it i! o"ten '!ed% .hen connected .ith another
ver#% adver#iall) a! propo!ed #) CalvinB #'t .hen "ollo.ed a! here #) an acc'!ative ca!e% it
ha! o"ten the !econdar) meaning o" earne!tl) de!iring a thing. +t i! !o ta$en here #)
Schleusner% )arkhurst% and MacknightB A,3pecting and earne!tl) de!iring the coming o" the
da) o" =od.C D !d.
He !a)!% A,3pecting the!e thing!% #e diligent%C etc.B spouda>sate% ha!ten% ma$e !peed%
diligentl) !trive% earne!tl) la#or% care"'ll) endeavor4 AThere"ore% #eloved% !ince )e e3pect
the!e thing!% diligentl) !trive to #e "o'nd #) him in peace% 'n!potted and 'n#lama#leBC that
i!% having no !tain% and not chargea#le .ith crime. D !d.
Some !a)% ApeaceC .ith =odB #'t the vie. o" $alvin i! more !'ita#le here. D !d(
+t i! in the "eminine gender in !ome MSS. The a'thorit) a! to the copie! and ver!ion! i!
nearl) e>'al. The di""erence i! not m'ch a! to the !en!e% onl) Ain .hich epi!tle!%C read!
#etter. So tho'ght Beza, Mill% and other!.
+t ha! #een a >'e!tion a! to the partic'lar epi!tle re"erred to #) PeterB "or that he all'de! to
!ome partic'lar epi!tle i! evident "rom the manner in .hich he .rite!. The di""ic'lt) ha!
ari!en "rom connecting the re"erence made to Pa'l% onl) .ith the "ormer part o" the 15th
ver!e% .hile that part o'ght to #e vie.ed onl) a! an addition to the "ormer ver!eB and the
"ormer ver!e !tand! connected .ith the ne. heaven! and the ne. earth. So that the !'#?ect!
in hand are the da) o" ?'dgment% the "'t're !tate% and the nece!!it) o" #eing prepared "or itB
and that the!e are the thing! re"erred to i! evident "rom thi!% that he !a)!% that Pa'l !pea$! o"
them in all hi! epi!tle!% .hich i! not tr'e% a! to .hat i! !aid at the #eginning o" the 15th ver!e.
The pa!!age then o'ght to #e th'! rendered4 D
14. There"ore% #eloved% !ince )e e3pect the!e thing!% diligentl) !trive to #e "o'nd #) him
in peace% 'n!potted and 'n#lama#leB
15. and deem the long!'""ering o" o'r Lord to "e for !alvation4 even a! Pa'l% o'r #eloved
#rother% ha!% according to the .i!dom given
1E. to him% .ritten to )o'B a! al!o in all hi! epi!tle!% .hen !pea$ing in them o" the!e
thing!B in .hich Gepi!tle!J there are !ome thing! di""ic'lt to #e 'nder!tood%C etc.
9o. the !pecial epi!tle re"erred to .a! mo!t pro#a#l) the epi!tle to the He#re.!% one
partic'lar de!ign o" .hich .a! to direct the attention o" the @e.! to the co'ntr) promi!ed to
their "ather!. Some% indeed% hold that that epi!tle .a! .ritten to the @e.! in @'deaB #'t other!
maintain that it .a! .ritten to converted He#re.! generall)% .hether in @'dea or el!e.hereB
and thi! pa!!age !eem! to "avor the latter opinion.
+" the vie. given here i! right% that i!% that the !'#?ect! on .hich re"erence i! made to Pa'l%
are tho!e mentioned in the 1/
% the 10
% and 14
ver!e!% then there i! no epi!tle o" Pa'l .hich
co'ld #e more appropriatel) re"erred to than that to the He#re.!% a! the ne. heaven! and the
ne. earth an!.er e3actl) to Athe #etter and heavenl) co'ntr)%C mentioned in the ,pi!tle to
the He#re.!. See
He#re.! 1141E. -e!ide!% the e3hortation! and .arning! o" that epi!tle
.holl) coincide .ith the e3hortation given here #) Peter. D !d(
A=raceC i! the attainment% and Athe $no.ledgeC o" Chri!t i! the .a) and mean!. The chie"
thing i! o"ten mentioned "ir!t in Script're% then that .hich lead! to it4 or the ca'!e o" it. D
Some have held% that @ame!% mentioned in the "orecited place! in *ct!% .a! not @ame! the
apo!tle% #'t another @ame!% a di!ciple% and one o" the !event)% .ho .a! al!o called 7#lia!4 #'t
thi! i! not correct. D !d.
So Beza render! the .ord!% A To the called% !ancti"ied #) =od the ;ather% and pre!erved #)
@e!'! Chri!t4C that i!% to the e""ect'all) called% Ga! the .ord commonl) mean!%J !et apart and
!eparated #) =od "rom the 'ngodl) .orld% and $ept #) Chri!t% having #een committed to hi!
care and protection. D !d.
*! merc& i! that o" =od% !o it i! more con!i!tent to con!ider ApeaceC and Alove:: to #e tho!e o"
=od4 A ma) the merc)C o" =od% Aand the peaceC o" =od% Aand the loveC o" =od% A#e
increa!ed Gor m'ltipliedJ to )o'C D !d.
Then the rendering .o'ld #e% A-eloved% .hen + .a! appl)ing all care to .rite to )o' o" the
common !alvation% + deemed Gor "o'ndJ it nece!!ar) to .rite to )o'% in order to e3hort )o' to
contend "or the "aith once delivered to the !aint!.C Macknight and !ome other! give another
meaning to the "ir!t cla'!e% and one more literal4 A-eloved% ma$ing all ha!te to .rite to )o'%
concerning the common !alvation% + have tho'ght it nece!!ar)%C etc. ;or thi! ha!te the
*po!tle give! a rea!on in the " ver!e% A;or !ome men have !tealthil) crept in%C etc..
Thi! i! the mo!t o#vio'! meaning o" the pa!!age. D !d.
The meaning o" the ver# i!% to com#at "or% to !trive% "ight or contend "or. +t i! a .ord derived
"rom the game!% and e3pre!!e! a !tren'o'! e""ort. 7'r ver!ion conve)! .ell it! meaning%
Aearne!tl) contend "or the "aithBC or% the .ord! ma) #e rendered% A!tren'o'!l) com#at "or the
"aithBC not .ith the !.ord% !a)! Beza% #'t .ith !o'nd doctrine and the e3ample o" a hol) li"e.
D !d.
The .ord! literall) are% AKho have #een long ago Gor% !ome time pa!tJ "ore.ritten o" "or Gor%
a! toJ thi! ?'dgment.C The re"erence i! to prophec)B !'ch creeper! in "or the p'rpo!e o"
corr'pting the tr'th had #een "oretoldB and thi! creeping in "or !'ch a p'rpo!e .a! a
?'dgment "or )ielding 'p them!elve! to the del'!ion! o" Satan. The .ord pa>lai re"er!
inde"initel) to .hat i! pa!t% either long ago% or !ome time pa!t. See
Matthe. 114/1% and
Mar$ 15444. The re"erence ma) #e to ancient prophecie!% or to tho!e o" o'r Savior and
hi! *po!tle!. D !d.
AThe grace o" =odC here i! evidentl) the go!pel. The) tran!"ormed% !a)! Grotius% the go!pel to
a li#idino'! doctrine. D !d.
Gries"ach e3cl'de! /eo<n% A=od%C "rom the te3t4 then the pa!!age .o'ld corre!pond in
!en!e% .ith
/ Peter /41B literall)% Aden)ing the onl) !overeign and Lord o" '!% @e!'!
Chri!t.C The .ord despo>thn% !overeign% or ma!ter% i! '!ed #) @'de a! .ell a! #) Peter. +t
.a! not the grace% #'t the r'ling o" Chri!t that .a! deniedB the) #oa!ted o" hi! grace%
#'t did not !'#mit to him a! a $ing. Hence the .ord despo>thv i! '!ed D one e3erci!ing
a#!ol'te Ke ma) render the .ord!% Aden)ing o'r onl) !overeign and Lord% @e!'!
Chri!t.C D !d.
The AdreamingC i! connected .ith the three thing! .hich "ollo.% de"iling the "le!h% de!pi!ing
government. and !landering dignitie!. Hence the idea conve)ed #) o'r ver!ion% in .hich
filth& i! introd'ced% i! #) no mean! correct. *ll'!ion !eem! to #e made to the preten!ion! o"
"al!e prophet! in "ormer time!. See
@eremiah /04/5/Q. The "al!e prophet! ta'ght .hat
the) pretended to !ee in dream!% a! dream! a! .ell a! vi!ion! .ere vo'ch!a"ed to tr'e
prophet!. See
@oel /4/F. +t i! not impro#a#le that tho!e re"erred to here pretended that
the) had received .hat the) ta'ght.% #) !'pernat'ral dream!B "or ho. other.i!e co'ld the)
deceive other!% e!peciall) re!pecting error! !o gro!! and palpa#le a! are here mentionedO
The eighth ver!e i!% a! to it! con!tr'ction% connected .ith the !eventh. The %v and the
o%moi>v are corre!ponding term!B Aa! Sodom and =omorrha% etc.% are !et "orth "or an
e3ample% in li$e manner al!o the!e .o'ld #e.C Thi! i! the dri"t o" the pa!!ageB D
%. A+n li$e manner% indeed%!hall al!o the!e dreamer! #e
that i!% an e3ample o" divine vengeance%
.ho de"ile the "le!h% de!pi!e dominion% and revile dignitie!.C
Peter threatened them .ith A!.i"t de!tr'ction%C
/ Peter /41. There are here three thing!
mentioned .hich appl) to the three in!tance! previo'!l) add'ced4 li$e the Sodomite! the)
de"iled the "le!hB li$e the "allen angel! the) de!pi!ed dominionB and li$e the +!raelite! in the
.ilderne!!% the) reviled dignitie!B "or it .a! e!peciall) #) oppo!ing the given to
Mo!e! that the +!raelite! mani"e!ted their 'n#elie". D !d.
"te10 deadC i! deemed #) !ome a prover#ial e3pre!!ion to !igni") .hat i! altogether deadB
or% a! #) Macknight% it mean! that the) .ere dead .hen pro"e!!ing @'dai!m% and dead a"ter
having made a pro"e!!ion o" the go!pel. D ,d.
Thi! i! the mo!t common opinion. There i! no evidence o" !'ch a "ook #eing $no.n "or
!ome time a"ter thi! epi!tle .a! .rittenB and the #oo$ !o called .a! pro#a#l) a "orger)%
occa!ioned #) thi! re"erence to ,noch:! prophec). See Macknight:s Pre"ace to thi! ,pi!tle.
Mntil o" late% it .a! !'ppo!ed to #e lo!tB #'t in 1F/1% the late *rch#i!hop Laurence% having
"o'nd an ,thiopia ver!ion o" it% p'#li!hed it .ith a tran!lation. D !d.
Literall)% ZZ .ith hi! hol) m)riad!.C D !d
There !eem! to #e a .ant o" d'e order in the 15th ver!eB the e3ec'tion o" ?'dgment i!
mentioned "ir!t% and then the conviction o" the 'ngodl)B #'t it i! an order .hich e3actl)
corre!pond! .ith n'm#erle!! pa!!age! in Script're4 the "inal action "ir!t% and then that .hich
lend! to it. D !d.
Ke ma) render the .ord! A =r'm#ler! and "a'lt"inder!%C that i!% a! the .ord mean!% .ith
their o.n lot4 the) gr'm#led or m'rm'red again!t other!% and .ere di!contented .ith their
o.n conditionB and )et .al$ed in !'ch a .a) Gthat i!% in ind'lging their l'!t!%J a! made their
lot .or!e and occa!ioned !till more gr'm#ling. D !d.
Thi! i! the common interpretation% and )et it !eem! incon!i!tent .ith .hat i! previo'!l) !aid
o" the!e men% that the) crept in !tealthil)% and A"ea!tedC .ith the mem#er! o" the Ch'rch. The
e%autou<v% tho'gh retained #) Gries"ach% i! e3cl'ded #) Wetstein and other!% #eing a#!ent
"rom mo!t o" the MSS. The ver# ajpodiori>z% mean! to !eparate #) a #o'ndar) t.o
portion! "rom one another% and hence metaphoricall) to !eparate or ca'!e divi!ion!4 AThe!e
#e the) .ho ca'!e divi!ion!.C The) .ere doing the !ame thing a! tho!e mentioned #) Pa'l in
8oman! 1E41Q. The) .ere prod'cing di!cord! in the Ch'rch% and not !eparation! from
itB and #) contin'ing in it% the) #ecame A!pot! and !tain!C to it! mem#er!. D !d.
+t i! #etter to ta$e A"aithC here meton)micall) "or the .ord or doctrine o" "aith% the go!pelB
and the !en!e .o'ld #e more evident% .ere .e to render e%autou<v% Aone another%C a! it
mean! in
1 The!!alonian! 5410.
/0 A-'t )e% #eloved% #'ilding one another on )o'r mo!t hol) "aith% Gon the mo!t hol)
doctrine .hich )o' #elieve%J pra)ing #) the
/1 Hol) Spirit% $eep one another in love to =od% .aiting "or the merc) o" o'r Lord @e!'!
Chri!t to eternal li"e. *nd on !ome% indeed% have compa!!ion% ma$ing a di""erenceB #'t
other! !ave Kith "ear%: etc.
The .hole pa!!age .o'ld read th'! #etter% .hen their d't) to.ard! one another i!
!peci"icall) pointed o't. D !d.
Tho'gh mo!t agree that #) A"earC here i! meant terror% that i!% that the per!on! re"erred to are
to #e terri"ied #) the ?'dgment .hich a.aited themB )et .hat "ollo.! !eem! "avora#le to
another vie.% that "ear mean! the care and ca'tion .ith .hich the) .ere to #e treatedB "or the
act o" !aving them i! compared to that o" a man !natching an)thing "rom the "ire% in doing
.hich he m'!t #e care"'l le!t he him!el" !ho'ld #e #'rntB and then the other compari!on% that
o" a man !h'nning an in"ected garment le!t he !ho'ld catch the contagion% "avor! the !ame
vie.. Hence o'r ver!ion !eem! right D A+ith "ear.C D !d.
The do3olog) i! a! "ollo.!% D
ATo the onl) .i!e =od Gor% to the .i!e =od aloneJ o'r Savior% #e glor) and greatne!!% might
and dominion% #oth no. and thro'gh all age!.C
A(ominionC Gej$ousi>aJ i! the right to govern% imperial a'thorit) or po.erB AmightC
Gcra>tovJ i! !trength to e""ect hi! p'rpo!e% omnipotenceB Agreatne!!C Gmegalsu>nhJ
compri!e! $no.ledge% .i!dom% holine!!% and ever)thing that con!tit'te! .hat i! reall) great
and magni"icentB and Gdo>$aJ i! the re!'lt o" all the!e thing! .hich #elong to =odB all
terminate in hi! glor). The 'ltimate i!!'e i! "ir!t mentioned% then the thing! .hich lead to it.
+t i! #) ac$no.ledging hi! !overeign hi! capacit) to e3erci!e that D hi!
omnipotence% and hi! greatne!! in ever)thing that con!tit'te! greatne!!% that .e give him the
glor)% the honor% and the prai!e d'e to hi! name. D ,d

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