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Statement from KPU President and Vice-Chancellor Dr.

Alan Davis
June 25, 2014

l am very Lroubled by aspecLs of admlnlsLraLlve compensaLlon aL ku LhaL have recenLly come Lo llghL. lL
ls clear LhaL, prlor Lo my arrlval aL ku, Lhere was an esLabllshed paLLern of lssulng pre-employmenL
consulLlng conLracLs Lo people belng hlred Lo senlor poslLlons. 1he reclplenLs, lncludlng myself, were
unaware LhaL Lhese conLracLs mlghL be non-compllanL ln some way wlLh 8C publlc secLor regulaLlons.

AsslsLanL uepuLy MlnlsLer 8ob Mlngay found ln hls recenLly released CompensaLlon 8evlew of kwanLlen
olyLechnlc unlverslLy LhaL Lhe mls-reporLlng of Lwo of Lhose conLracLs (lncludlng my own) was noL ln
keeplng wlLh Lhe splrlL and lnLenL of governmenL sLandards.

Slmllar concluslons could be drawn abouL oLher such conLracLs LhaL were lssued before my arrlval.

l am Lherefore conducLlng my own revlew of Lhese lssues, uslng lndependenL exLernal resources as

l need Lo ensure LhaL ku's 8oard of Covernors and Lhe publlc have compleLe confldence ln our
operaLlons. Cne of my Lop prlorlLles as presldenL has been Lo re-bulld a sLrong culLure of Lransparency
and accounLablllLy aL ku, and Lhls ls Lhe laLesL sLep ln LhaL dlrecLlon.

1he resulLs and recommendaLlons of my revlew wlll be shared wlLh Lhe ku 8oard and, Lo Lhe exLenL
allowed by legal and prlvacy regulaLlons, wlLh Lhe broader ku communlLy and Lhe publlc laLer Lhls

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