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And when the angels said, Mary, Allah has chosen you and purified you. He has chosen you over
all other women. (Surah Almran, !"#
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
$ac% &over
Allah made t !"##$le %"r !e"!le t" under#tand h"& t" l'e the (ur)an)# m"ralty $y *'n* e+am!le# %r"m the
Pr"!het#) and "ther Mu#lm#) l'e#, One "% the#e #n-ere Mu#lm# # Mary. "ne "% the t&" &"men n"ted %"r ther
e+em!lary -hara-ter#: /Allah has made an e'ample for those who (elieve) the wife of *haraoh, when she
said) +My ,ord, (uild a house in the -arden for me in .our *resence, rescue me from *haraoh and his
deeds, and rescue me from this wrongdoing people. And Mary, the daughter of +mran, who guarded her
chastity/0e (reathed 1ur Spirit into her. She confirmed the 0ords of her ,ord and His $oo%, and was
one of the o(edient0 (Surat at12ahrm: 33134),
Allah ntr"du-e# Mary a# ha'n* /the deal Mu#lm &"man)# -hara-ter,0 2h# -hara-ter # -"m!letely d%%erent
than the -"mm"n -hara-ter "% &"men n t"day)# un$ele'n* #"-ete#. &here they u#ually #hare a -"mm"n
#"-ally a--e!ta$le -hara-ter handed d"&n %r"m ther an-e#t"r#,
A--"rdn* t" the (ur)an. h"&e'er. men and &"men ha'e the #ame re#!"n#$lte# and -hara-ter#. %"r Allah re%er#
t" /an deal Mu#lm -hara-ter,0
In th# $""k. &e deal &th the -"mm"n &"man)# -hara-ter a# #een n un$ele'n* #"-ete# and analy5e h"& th#
err"ne"u# -hara-ter $e-ame e#ta$l#hed, In addt"n. &e e+!l"re Mary)# -hara-ter. &h"m Allah ra#ed a$"'e all
"ther &"men. and there$y de%ne the /deal Mu#lm &"man)# -hara-ter,0
An"ther am "% the $""k # t" re'eal the n-"n##ten-e# n the -"mm"n &"man)# -hara-ter n un$ele'n*
#"-ete# and t" n%"rm !e"!le &h" are l""kn* %"r the truth a$"ut a &ay "% l%e and m"ralty that &ll lead them
t"&ard h"n"r. re#!e-ta$lty. and #u!er"rty "n Earth a# &ell a# n the Herea%ter,
A$123 3H4 A23H15
Adnan Oktar. &h" &rte# under the !en1name Harun Yahya. &a# $"rn n Ankara n 3678, Sn-e the 369:#. the
auth"r ha# !u$l#hed many $""k# "n %ath1related. #-ent%- and !"lt-al ##ue#, He # &ell1kn"&n a# the auth"r
"% m!"rtant &"rk# d#-l"#n* the m!"#ture "% e'"lut"n#t#. ther n'ald -lam#. and the dark la#"n# $et&een
;ar&n#m and #u-h $l""dy de"l"*e# a# %a#-#m and -"mmun#m,
All "% the auth"r)# &"rk# #hare "ne #n*le *"al: t" -"n'ey the (ur<an<# me##a*e. en-"ura*e reader# t" -"n#der
$a#- %ath1related ##ue# #u-h a# Allah<# e+#ten-e and unty and the Herea%ter= and t" e+!"#e rrel*"u# #y#tem#<
%ee$le %"undat"n# and !er'erted de"l"*e#, H# m"re than >:: &"rk#. tran#lated nt" 8> d%%erent lan*ua*e#.
en?"y a &de reader#h! a-r"## the &"rld,
@y the &ll "% Allah. the $""k# "% Harun Yahya &ll $e a mean# thr"u*h &h-h !e"!le n the t&enty1%r#t -entury
&ll attan the !ea-e. ?u#t-e. and ha!!ne## !r"m#ed n the (ur<an,
3o 3he 5eader
A #!e-al -ha!ter # a##*ned t" the -"lla!#e "% the the"ry "% e'"lut"n $e-au#e th# the"ry -"n#ttute# the $a## "%
all ant1#!rtual !hl"#"!he#, Sn-e ;ar&n#m re?e-t# the %a-t "% -reat"nAand there%"re. Allah<# e+#ten-eA
"'er the la#t 37: year# t ha# -au#ed many !e"!le t" a$and"n ther %ath "r %all nt" d"u$t, It # there%"re an
m!erat'e #er'-e. a 'ery m!"rtant duty t" #h"& e'ery"ne that th# the"ry # a de-e!t"n, Sn-e #"me reader#
may %nd the "!!"rtunty t" read "nly "ne "% "ur $""k#. &e thnk t a!!r"!rate t" de'"te a -ha!ter t" #ummar5e
th# #u$?e-t,
All the auth"r<# $""k# e+!lan %ath1related ##ue# n l*ht "% (ur<an- 'er#e#. and n'te reader# t" learn Allah<#
&"rd# and t" l'e $y them, All the #u$?e-t# -"n-ernn* Allah<# 'er#e# are e+!laned #" a# t" lea'e n" d"u$t "r
r""m %"r Bue#t"n# n the reader<# mnd, 2he $""k#< #n-ere. !lan. and %luent #tyle en#ure# that e'ery"ne "% e'ery
a*e and %r"m e'ery #"-al *r"u! -an ea#ly under#tand them, 2hank# t" ther e%%e-t'e. lu-d narrat'e. they -an $e
read at "ne #ttn*, E'en th"#e &h" r*"r"u#ly re?e-t #!rtualty are n%luen-ed $y the %a-t# the#e $""k# d"-ument
and -ann"t re%ute the truth%ulne## "% ther -"ntent#,
2h# and all the "ther $""k# $y the auth"r -an $e read nd'dually. "r d#-u##ed n a *r"u!, Reader# ea*er t"
!r"%t %r"m the $""k# &ll %nd d#-u##"n 'ery u#e%ul. lettn* them relate ther re%le-t"n# and e+!eren-e# t" "ne
In addt"n. t &ll $e a *reat #er'-e t" I#lam t" -"ntr$ute t" the !u$l-at"n and readn* "% the#e $""k#. &rtten
#"lely %"r the !lea#ure "% Allah, 2he auth"r<# $""k# are all e+tremely -"n'n-n*, C"r th# rea#"n. t" -"mmun-ate
true rel*"n t" "ther#. "ne "% the m"#t e%%e-t'e meth"d# # en-"ura*n* them t" read the#e $""k#,
We h"!e the reader &ll l""k thr"u*h the re'e&# "% h# "ther $""k# at the $a-k "% th# $""k, H# r-h #"ur-e
materal "n %ath1related ##ue# # 'ery u#e%ul. and a !lea#ure t" read,
In the#e $""k#. unlke #"me "ther $""k#. y"u &ll n"t %nd the auth"r<# !er#"nal 'e&#. e+!lanat"n# $a#ed "n
du$"u# #"ur-e#. #tyle# that are un"$#er'ant "% the re#!e-t and re'eren-e due t" #a-red #u$?e-t#. n"r h"!ele##.
!e##m#t- ar*ument# that -reate d"u$t# n the mnd and de'at"n# n the heart,
MA5.) A6 474M*,A5. M2S,M 01MA6
Harun .ahya (Adnan 1%tar#
A(out the Author
N"& &rtn* under the !en1name "% HARUN YAHYA. Adnan Oktar &a# $"rn n Ankara n 3678, Ha'n*
-"m!leted h# !rmary and #e-"ndary edu-at"n n Ankara. he #tuded %ne art# at I#tan$ul<# Mmar Snan
Un'er#ty and !hl"#"!hy at I#tan$ul Un'er#ty, Sn-e the 369:#. he ha# !u$l#hed many $""k# "n !"lt-al.
#-ent%-. and %ath1related ##ue#, Harun Yahya # &ell1kn"&n a# the auth"r "% m!"rtant &"rk# d#-l"#n* the
m!"#ture "% e'"lut"n#t#. ther n'ald -lam#. and the dark la#"n# $et&een ;ar&n#m and #u-h $l""dy
de"l"*e# a# %a#-#m and -"mmun#m,
Harun Yahya<# &"rk#. tran#lated nt" 8> d%%erent lan*ua*e#. -"n#ttute a -"lle-t"n %"r a t"tal "% m"re than 77.:::
!a*e# &th D:.::: llu#trat"n#,
H# !en1name # a -"m!"#te "% the name# Harun (Aar"n) and Yahya (E"hn). n mem"ry "% the t&" e#teemed
Pr"!het# &h" %"u*ht a*an#t ther !e"!le#< la-k "% %ath, 2he Pr"!het<# #eal "n h# $""k#< -"'er# # #ym$"l- and #
lnked t" ther -"ntent#, It re!re#ent# the (ur<an (the Cnal S-r!ture) and Pr"!het Muhammad (#aa#). la#t "% the
!r"!het#, Under the *udan-e "% the (ur<an and the Sunnah (tea-hn*# "% the Pr"!het F#aa#G). the auth"r make# t
h# !ur!"#e t" d#!r"'e ea-h %undamental tenet "% rrel*"u# de"l"*e# and t" ha'e the Hla#t &"rd.H #" a# t"
-"m!letely #len-e the "$?e-t"n# ra#ed a*an#t rel*"n, He u#e# the #eal "% the %nal Pr"!het (#aa#). &h" attaned
ultmate &#d"m and m"ral !er%e-t"n. a# a #*n "% h# ntent"n t" "%%er the la#t &"rd,
All "% Harun Yahya<# &"rk# #hare "ne #n*le *"al: t" -"n'ey the (ur<an<# me##a*e. en-"ura*e reader# t" -"n#der
$a#- %ath1related ##ue# #u-h a# Allah<# e+#ten-e and unty and the Herea%ter= and t" e+!"#e rrel*"u# #y#tem#<
%ee$le %"undat"n# and !er'erted de"l"*e#,
Harun Yahya en?"y# a &de reader#h! n many -"untre#. %r"m Inda t" Amer-a. En*land t" Ind"ne#a. P"land t"
@"#na. S!an t" @ra5l. Malay#a t" Italy. Cran-e t" @ul*ara and Ru##a, S"me "% h# $""k# are a'ala$le n
En*l#h. Cren-h. Ierman. S!an#h. Italan. P"rtu*ue#e. Urdu. Ara$-. Al$anan. Jhne#e. S&ahl. Hau#a. ;h'eh
(#!"ken n Mald'e#). Ru##an. Ser$"1Jr"at (@"#nan). P"l#h. Malay. Uy*ur 2urk#h. Ind"ne#an. @en*al.
;an#h and S&ed#h,
Ireatly a!!re-ated all ar"und the &"rld. the#e &"rk# ha'e $een n#trumental n many !e"!le re-"'ern* %ath n
Allah and *ann* dee!er n#*ht# nt" ther %ath, H# $""k#< &#d"m and #n-erty. t"*ether &th a d#tn-t #tyle
that<# ea#y t" under#tand. dre-tly a%%e-t any"ne &h" read# them, 2h"#e &h" #er"u#ly -"n#der the#e $""k#. -an
n" l"n*er ad'"-ate athe#m "r any "ther !er'erted de"l"*y "r materal#t- !hl"#"!hy. #n-e the#e $""k# are
-hara-ter5ed $y ra!d e%%e-t'ene##. de%nte re#ult#. and rre%uta$lty, E'en % they -"ntnue t" d" #". t &ll $e
"nly a #entmental n##ten-e. #n-e the#e $""k# re%ute #u-h de"l"*e# %r"m ther 'ery %"undat"n#, All
-"ntem!"rary m"'ement# "% denal are n"& de"l"*-ally de%eated. thank# t" the $""k# &rtten $y Harun Yahya,
2h# # n" d"u$t a re#ult "% the (ur<an<# &#d"m and lu-dty, 2he auth"r m"de#tly ntend# t" #er'e a# a mean# n
humanty<# #ear-h %"r Allah<# r*ht !ath, N" materal *an # #"u*ht n the !u$l-at"n "% the#e &"rk#,
2h"#e &h" en-"ura*e "ther# t" read the#e $""k#. t" "!en ther mnd# and heart# and *ude them t" $e-"me m"re
de'"ted #er'ant# "% Allah. render an n'alua$le #er'-e,
Mean&hle. t &"uld "nly $e a &a#te "% tme and ener*y t" !r"!a*ate "ther $""k# that -reate -"n%u#"n n !e"!le<#
mnd#. lead them nt" de"l"*-al -"n%u#"n. and that -learly ha'e n" #tr"n* and !re-#e e%%e-t# n rem"'n* the
d"u$t# n !e"!le<# heart#. a# al#" 'er%ed %r"m !re'"u# e+!eren-e, It # m!"##$le %"r $""k# de'#ed t"
em!ha#5e the auth"r<# lterary !"&er rather than the n"$le *"al "% #a'n* !e"!le %r"m l"## "% %ath. t" ha'e #u-h a
*reat e%%e-t, 2h"#e &h" d"u$t th# -an readly #ee that the #"le am "% Harun Yahya<# $""k# # t" "'er-"me
d#$ele% and t" d##emnate the (ur<an<# m"ral 'alue#, 2he #u--e## and m!a-t "% th# #er'-e are man%e#ted n
the reader#< -"n'-t"n,
One !"nt #h"uld $e ke!t n mnd: 2he man rea#"n %"r the -"ntnun* -ruelty. -"n%l-t. and "ther "rdeal# endured
$y the 'a#t ma?"rty "% !e"!le # the de"l"*-al !re'alen-e "% d#$ele%, 2h# -an $e ended "nly &th the
de"l"*-al de%eat "% d#$ele% and $y -"n'eyn* the &"nder# "% -reat"n and (ur<an- m"ralty #" that !e"!le -an
l'e $y t, J"n#dern* the #tate "% the &"rld t"day. leadn* nt" a d"&n&ard #!ral "% '"len-e. -"rru!t"n and
-"n%l-t. -learly th# #er'-e mu#t $e !r"'ded #!eedly and e%%e-t'ely. "r t may $e t"" late,
In th# e%%"rt. the $""k# "% Harun Yahya a##ume a leadn* r"le, @y the &ll "% Allah. the#e $""k# &ll $e a mean#
thr"u*h &h-h !e"!le n the t&enty1%r#t -entury &ll attan the !ea-e. ?u#t-e. and ha!!ne## !r"m#ed n the
@y Harun Yahya
2ran#lated $y Ya#ar Kutuk-u
Edted $y Eay Wll"u*h$y
2alat!a#a Mah, Emr Ia5 Jad, I$rahm Elma# I#merke5 A, @l"k Kat D Okmeydan1I#tan$ulL2urkey
Ph"ne: (M6: 434) 444 :: 99
Prnted and $"und $y San O%#et n I#tan$ul
Jendere Y"lu N": 4> Aya5a*a 1 I#tan$ul L 2urkey
Ph"ne: (M6: 434) 496 4D 4D
All tran#lat"n# %r"m the (ur<an are %r"m 2he N"$le (ur<an: a Ne& Rendern* "% t# Meann* n En*l#h $y Ha??
A$dalhaBB and A#ha @e&ley. !u$l#hed $y @""k&"rk. N"r&-h. UK, 3D4: JEL3666 AH,
A$$re'at"n# u#ed:
(#aa#1#all1Allahu <alyah &a #allam): May Allah $le## hm and *rant hm !ea-e (%"ll"&n* a re%eren-e t" the
Pr"!het Muhammad) (a#1<alayh<#1#alam): Pea-e $e u!"n hm (%"ll"&n* a re%eren-e t" the !r"!het# "r an*el#)
And when the angels said, Mary, Allah has chosen you and purified you. He has chosen you over
all other women. (Surah Almran, !"#
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
Intr"du-t"n 3:
Mary: An E+em!lary Mu#lm W"man 38
Mary<# S"n. the Pr"!het Ee#u# (!$uh) 8:
H"& Un$ele'n* S"-ete# Ne& W"men 98
2he Im!"rtan-e "% W"men 3:8
2he Mu#lm W"men<# Ideal Jhara-ter 374
Manner# and Jhara-ter# "% W"men N"ted n the (ur<an 4:D
J"n-lu#"n 4>8
2he ;e-e!t"n "% E'"lut"n 4D:
2he (ur<an. the "nly true *udan-e %"r humanty. &a# re'ealed #" that !e"!le &"uld kn"& h"& t" deal &th all "%
the #tuat"n# that they may en-"unter &hle n th# &"rld, In addt"n. the Sunnah (e+am!le) "% "ur Pr"!het (may
Allah $le## hm and *rant hm !ea-e) #h"&# h"& t" m!lement t# tea-hn*# nt" "ne<# l%e, Allah e'en made t
!"##$le %"r !e"!le t" under#tand h"& t" l'e the (ur<an<# m"ralty $y *'n* e+am!le# %r"m the Pr"!het#< and
"ther Mu#lm#< l'e#: H3here is an e'cellent e'ample in them for you to follow, that is for those whose hope is
in Allah and the ,ast 8ay. $ut if anyone turns away, Allah is the 5ich $eyond 6eed, the *raiseworthy9
(Surat al1Mumtahana: 8) and 90e have sent down &lear Signs to you, the e'ample of those who passed away
(efore you, and an admonition for those who guard against evilH (Surat an1Nur: >D), In the#e 'er#e#. He
remnd# #n-ere Mu#lm#. &h" h"!e %"r the $e#t n Herea%ter. that the !e"!le !re#ented n the (ur<an #er'e a#
*""d e+am!le# and *udan-e %"r them,
One "% the#e #n-ere Mu#lm# # Mary. "ne "% the t&" &"men n"ted %"r ther e+em!lary -hara-ter#: HAllah has
made an e'ample for those who (elieve) the wife of *haraoh, when she said) :My ,ord, (uild a house in the
-arden for me in .our *resence, rescue me from *haraoh and his deeds, and rescue me from this
wrongdoing people.: And Mary, the daughter of :mran, who guarded her chastity/0e (reathed 1ur
Spirit into her. She confirmed the 0ords of her ,ord and His $oo%, and was one of the o(edient9 (Surat at1
2ahrm: 33134), 2here%"re. e'ery $ele'er # re#!"n#$le %"r learnn* a$"ut Mary<# *""d -hara-ter %r"m the
(ur<an. &h-h *'e# the m"#t a--urate n%"rmat"n. and tryn* t" emulate her,
Allah ntr"du-e# Mary a# ha'n* the deal Mu#lm &"man<# -hara-ter, 2h# -hara-ter # -"m!letely d%%erent than
the -"mm"n -hara-ter "% &"men n t"day<# un$ele'n* #"-ete#. &here they u#ually #hare a -"mm"n #"-ally
a--e!ta$le -hara-ter handed d"&n %r"m ther an-e#t"r#, In the#e #"-ete#. men and &"men are e+!e-ted t"
-"n%"rm t" 'ery d%%erent #et# "% -hara-ter trat#. %"r men<# deal#. &"rld'e&. l%e#tyle. and e'aluat"n "% e'ent#
are $ele'ed t" $e d%%erent %r"m th"#e "% &"men,
A--"rdn* t" the (ur<an. h"&e'er. men and &"men ha'e the #ame re#!"n#$lte# and -hara-ter#. %"r Allah re%er#
t" an deal Mu#lm -hara-ter, He de%ne# the I#lam- -hara-ter n the %"ll"&n* 'er#e:
Men and women who are Muslims, men and women who are (elievers, men and women who are
o(edient, men and women who are truthful, men and women who are steadfast, men and women
who are hum(le, men and women who give charity, men and women who fast, men and women
who guard their chastity, men and women who remem(er Allah much) Allah has prepared
forgiveness for them and an immense reward. (Surat al;Ah<a() =>#
A# th# 'er#e #h"&#. ea-h !er#"n<# -hara-ter # n"t determned $y h# "r her #"-ety<# 'alue# "r -"ntnun*
tradt"n#. $ut $y the deal Mu#lm -hara-ter, Any &"man &h" ad"!t# th# -hara-ter &ll ha'e the #tr"n*e#t and
the m"#t #"ld !er#"nalty !"##$le, And $y m!lementn* t n her l%e. #he &ll &n Allah<# *""d !lea#ure and
l"'e. n#tead "% #tr'n* t" attan #tatu# "r #u!er"rty n her #"-ety,
In th# $""k. &e deal &th the -"mm"n &"man<# -hara-ter a# #een n un$ele'n* #"-ete# and analy5e h"& th#
err"ne"u# -hara-ter $e-ame e#ta$l#hed, In addt"n. &e e+!l"re Mary<# -hara-ter. &h"m Allah ra#ed a$"'e all
"ther &"men. and there$y de%ne the deal Mu#lm &"man<# -hara-ter, A# a re#ult "% th# analy##. &e &ll #ee that
th# #u!er"rty # "nly n term# "% %ath. %ear and re#!e-t "% Allah. and %ne -hara-ter. and that e'ery man "r
&"man &h" d"e# *""d deed# &ll $e ?u#tly re&arded &th Allah<# *""d !lea#ure. mer-y. and Parad#e. a#
ment"ned $ell"&: HAnyone, male or female, who does right actions and (elieves, will enter the -arden.
3hey will not (e wronged (y so much as the tiniest spec%H (Surat an1N#a<: 34D),
An"ther am "% the $""k # t" re'eal the n-"n##ten-e# n the -"mm"n &"men<# -hara-ter n un$ele'n*
#"-ete# and t" n%"rm !e"!le &h" are l""kn* %"r the truth a$"ut a &ay "% l%e and m"ralty that &ll lead them
t"&ard h"n"r. re#!e-ta$lty. and #u!er"rty "n Earth a# &ell a# n the Herea%ter,
MA5.) A6 474M*,A5. M2S,M 01MA6
3he 6ature of Her Society
A--"rdn* t" h#t"r-al #"ur-e#. Allah h"n"red Mary. &h" l'ed a!!r"+mately t&" mllenna a*". &th the $rth
"% the Pr"!het Ee#u# (!$uh), She &a# "ne "% the -h"#en &"men "n Earth a# &ell a# n the Herea%ter, @"rn n
R"man1"--u!ed Pale#tne. #he &a# a Ee&e## and l'ed n the Ee&#h -"mmunty,
Id"latry &a# R"me<# #tate rel*"n, 2he Ee&#. "n-e a nat"n !re%erred $y Allah H"'er all "ther $en*#H (Surat al1
@aBara: DO). had altered H# rel*"n. ad"!ted %al#e $ele%#. re$elled a*an#t Allah<# -"mmand#. and &ere n"
l"n*er *rate%ul %"r H# *%t# t" them, S"me "% them e'en martyred the Pr"!het# #ent t" them $y the *ra-e "% Allah.
$e-au#e they dd n"t lke the -"mmand# that the#e e+alted men -"n'eyed, 2he (ur<an re'eal# ther tran#*re##"n#:
0e made a covenant with the tri(e of srael and sent Messengers to them. 4ach time a Messenger
came to them with something their lower selves did not desire, they denied some and they murdered
others. (Surat al;Ma:ida) ?@#
Mary &a# $"rn at an un#ettled tme. &hen the Ee&#< "nly h"!e &a# ther e+!e-ted Me##ah (#a'"r), Unkn"&n t"
her. Allah had already determned t" -h""#e and ra#e her %"r th# h"ly duty, She &a# -entral t" the I#raelte#<
e+!e-tat"n#. %"r #he &"uld *'e $rth t" the Pr"!het Ee#u# (!$uh). &h"m He -"m!lment# n the %"ll"&n* term#:
HHis name is the Messiah, Aesus, son of Mary, of high esteem in this world and the Hereafter, and one of
those (rought near. He will spea% to people in the cradle and when fully grown, and will (e one of the
(elieversH (Surah Al <Imran: D71D8),
Allah -h"#e Mary t" re!re#ent m"ralty and true rel*"n am"n* her !e"!le. &h" had le%t the true rel*"n and
em$ra-ed #u!er#tt"n# and dle #!e-ulat"n, Allah re'eal# many a#!e-t# "% her l%e. am"n* them her $rth and
%amly. the $rth "% the Pr"!het Ee#u# (!$uh). her #u!er"r -hara-ter. and h"& #he re##ted her #"-ety<# #lander#
and a--u#at"n#,
Allah 4'alts :mran:s Bamily
Allah re'eal# that HAllah -h"#e Adam and N"ah. and the %amly "% A$raham and the %amly "% <Imran. "'er all
"ther $en*#Ade#-endant# "ne "% the "ther,,,H (Surah Al <Imran: >>1>D), In "ther &"rd#. <Imran<# %amly
de#-ended %r"m the Pr"!het# Adam (!$uh). N"ah (!$uh). and A$raham (!$uh). and they &ere e+alted !e"!le,
One "% the#e -h"#en !e"!le &a# Mary. &h"#e %amly #n-erely $ele'ed n Allah. re#!e-ted the lmt# that He ha#
e#ta$l#hed %"r humanty. and al&ay# #"u*ht and tru#ted Hm,
Mary:s $irth
When PImran<# &%e. a #n-ere $ele'er. %"und "ut that #he &a# !re*nant &th Mary. #he mmedately !rayed t"
Allah, She !ra#ed Hm and !r"m#ed that #he &"uld ded-ate her -hld t" Hm, When #he *a'e $rth t" a *rl. #he
named her Mary. &h-h mean# a$da n Ara$-. n "ther &"rd# Allah<# &"r#h!!er, Allah re'eal# her !rayer n the
%"ll"&n* 'er#e:
5emem(er when the wife of :mran said) 9My ,ord, have vowed to .ou whatever is in my wom(,
to (e devoted Cto .our serviceD. *lease accept it from me. .ou are the All;Hearing, the All;
Enowing.9 0hen she gave (irth, she said) 9My ,ordF have given (irth to a girl9/and Allah
%new very well what she had given (irth to, male and female are not the same/9and have named
her Mary and placed her and her children in .our safe%eeping from satan, the accursed.9 (Surah
Al :mran) =>;=G#
2he Ara$- &"rd muharreren. tran#lated here a# de'"ted Ft" Y"ur #er'-eG. mean# H!re"--u!ed "nly &th the
Herea%ter and ha'n* n" ntere#t n the &"rld. n the #er'-e "% Allah<# tem!le. &"r#h!!n* n *reat de'"t"n. "ne
&h"#e &"r#h! # n"t tanted $y &"rldly am#,H3
2rue %reed"m -an $e attaned "nly $y #er'n* Allah. #urrendern* t" Hm. and %reen* "ne#el% %r"m all #er'-e t"
any "ther $en*# "r 'alue#, 2h# # &hat <Imran<# &%e !rayed %"r &hen ded-atn* Mary t" Allah. %"r #he &#hed
her dau*hter t" $e #"me"ne &h" #er'ed "nly Allah and &h" dd n"t #eek her !e"!le<# "r #"-ety<# a--e!tan-e,
R*ht a%ter Mary<# $rth. her m"ther turned t"&ard Allah. #"u*ht H# *""d !lea#ure. and a#ked Hm t" !r"te-t
Mary. a# &ell a# her -hldren. %r"m #atan<# e'l, Allah a--e!ted th# &h"lehearted !rayer Hand made her FMaryG
*r"& n health and $eautyH (Surah Al <Imran: >O), In "ther &"rd#. Mary re-e'ed the $e#t u!$rn*n* and the m"#t
#u!er"r -hara-ter,
Mary<# m"ther<# &h"lehearted %ath n Allah. a--e!tan-e "% "nly Allah a# her ment"r. -"n#tant turnn* t"&ard
Hm. and her *enune #urrender t" Hm are 'ery m!"rtant e+am!le# u!"n &h-h all $ele'er# #h"uld re%le-t,
Allah &ommissions the *rophet Hacharia (p(uh# with 4ducating Mary
Allah *a'e the Pr"!het Qa-hara (!$uh) #n-ere %ath and e+alted hm. and *uded hm t" the r*hte"u# !ath, Allah
-"m!lment# hm and tell# u# a$"ut h# de'"t"n. h# !r"!er %ear and re#!e-t "% Hm. and h# #u!er"r -hara-ter:
And Hacharia, Aohn, Aesus, and 4liIah. All of them were among the (elievers. And shmael, 4lisha,
Aonah, and ,ot. All of them 0e favored over all (eings. And some of their fore(ears, descendants,
and (rothersJ 0e chose them and guided them to a straight path. (Surat al;An:am) K>;K?#
2he (ur<an re'eal# that Allah made the Pr"!het Qa-hara (!$uh) re#!"n#$le %"r edu-atn* Mary, He %ul%lled th#
tru#t. &tne##ed the many mra-le# n her l%e. and n"t-ed that #he &a# %a'"red "'er all "ther !e"!le, He #a& h"&
Allah<# *ra-e #u!!"rted her and met all "% her need#, C"r e+am!le:
And Hachaaria (ecame her guardian. 4very time Hacharia visited her in the sanctuary, he found
food with her. He as%ed) 9Mary, how did you come (y thisL9 She said) 9t is from Allah. Allah
provides for whoever He wills without any rec%oning.9 (Surah Al :mran) =?#
Mary<# an#&er t" h# Bue#t"n te#t%e# t" Allah<# *ra-e and !r"'den-e,
Allah *referred Mary over All 1ther 0omen
Mary &a# a m"#t de'"ut Mu#lm &h" *enunely ded-ated her#el% t" "ur L"rd. !ra#ed H# name. and turned
t"&ard Hm n !rayer -"n#tantly thr"u*h"ut her l%e, Eu#t a# Allah -h"#e <Imran<# %amly a$"'e all "ther#. He
-h"#e Mary and en#ured that #he &"uld $e edu-ated n the $e#t manner. !ur%ed %r"m all &-kedne##. and
!re%erred a$"'e all "ther &"men, Allah relate# her #u!er"rty:
And when the angels said) 9Mary, Allah has chosen you and purified you. He has chosen you over
all other women. Mary, o(ey your ,ord and prostrate and (ow with those who (ow.9 (Surah Al
:mran) !";!=#
Mary:s 4'emplary &hastity
Mary. lke the re#t "% her %amly. &a# kn"&n am"n* her !e"!le %"r her de'"t"n t" Allah a# &ell a# her rel*"#ty.
-ha#tty. and #n-erty, Allah #!eak# "% her a# #"me"ne "$edent t" Hm,
And Mary, the daughter of :mran, who guarded her chastity/0e (reathed 1ur Spirit into her.
She confirmed the 0ords of her ,ord and His $oo%, and was one of the o(edient. (Surat at;
3ahrim) M"#
N and she who guarded her chastity. 0e (reathed into her some of 1ur Spirit and made her and
her son a Sign for all the worlds. (Surat al;An(iya:) OM#
Mary Meets -a(riel
Mary e+!eren-ed many mra-le# thr"u*h"ut her l%e, One "% the#e &a# her meetn* &th Ia$rel, On-e. &hen #he
le%t her %amly and #"-ety and &ent t"&ard the ea#t. #he met Ia$rel. &h" a!!eared t" her n the %"rm "% a &ell1
$ult man:
Mention Mary in the $oo%, how she withdrew from her people to an eastern place and concealed
herself from them. 3hen 0e sent 1ur Spirit to her, and it too% on for her the form of a handsome,
well;(uilt man. (Surah Maryam) MG;M?#
N"t kn"&n* &h" th# man &a#. #he #"u*ht re%u*e &th Allah and t"ld hm that #he held Allah n the utm"#t %ear
and re#!e-t: HShe said) : see% refuge from you with the All;Merciful, Cleave meD if you have fear Cand
respectD of Allah<H (Surah Maryam: 39), Her &"rd# -learly dem"n#trate her -"m!lete tru#t n Allah. a# &ell a# the
m!"rtan-e #he !la-ed u!"n -ha#tty and de'"t"n t" Allah, Her &"rd# n"t "nly e+!re##ed all "% th#. $ut al#"
-alled u!"n th# unkn"&n man t" ha'e %ear and re#!e-t "% Allah,
Ia$rel ntr"du-ed hm#el% &th the %"ll"&n* &"rd#: H am only your ,ord:s messenger Can angelD so that He
can give you a pure (oyH (Surah Maryam: 36), A# Allah re-"unt# n the (ur<an:
0hen the angels said) 9Mary, your ,ord gives you good news of a 0ord from Him. His name is the
Messiah, Aesus, son of Mary, of high esteem in this world and the Hereafter, and one of those
(rought near.9 (Surah Al :mran) !>#
Mary re!led: HHow can have a (oy when no man has touched me and am not an unchaste womanRH
(Surah Maryam: 4:). there$y nd-atn* her -ha#tty, Ia$rel t"ld her that:
He C-a(rielD said) 9t will (e so.9 Allah creates whatever He wills. 0hen He decides on something,
He Iust says to it, 9$eF9 and it is. (Surah Al :mran) !?#
He said) 9t will (e so.9 .our ,ord says) 93hat is easy for Me. t is so that 0e can ma%e him a Sign
for humanity and a mercy from 2s. t is a matter already decreed.9 So she conceived him and
withdrew with him to a distant place. (Surah Maryam) "M;""#
@y Allah<# &ll. Mary $e-ame !re*nant &th the Pr"!het Ee#u# (!$uh) and yet remaned a 'r*n, Her !re*nan-y
&a# nde!endent "% th# &"rld<# u#ual -au#e1and1e%%e-t relat"n#h!, 2he -r-um#tan-e# "% h# -"n-e!t"n &ere
am"n* the %eature# "% the Pr"!het Ee#u#< (!$uh) mra-le#,
Mary:s 0ithdrawal
Allah re'eal# HSo she conceived him and withdrew with him to a distant placeH (Surah Maryam: 44), In th#
d#tant !la-e t" &h-h #he retreated. Allah #u!!"rted her &th H# *ra-e and !r"te-t"n and met all "% her materal
and !#y-h"l"*-al need# durn* her !re*nan-y,
N" d"u$t. Mary &thdre& %r"m her #"-ety %"r many rea#"n#, C"r e+am!le. Allah rem"'ed her %r"m her !e"!le<#
-rt-#m. %"r they -"uld n"t under#tand her mra-ul"u# #tuat"n, 2h# al#" ena$led her t" #!end th# !er"d n a
#tate "% -"ntentment and !ea-e, Later "n. $y an"ther mra-le. Allah re'ealed her mra-ul"u# -r-um#tan-e#.
re%uted all "% the a--u#at"n# and #lander# dre-ted t"&ard her. and re#t"red her m!e--a$le re!utat"n,
3he *rophet Aesus: (p(uh# $irth and Allah:s Support of Mary
Allah %ully #u!!"rted Mary thr"u*h"ut her !re*nan-y, It # 'ery d%%-ult %"r a &"man t" *'e $rth. a !"tentally
l%e1threatenn* e+!eren-e. all1al"ne. &th"ut med-al eBu!ment "r a md&%e<# a###tan-e, Ne'erthele##. Mary
"'er-ame all "% the#e d%%-ulte# $y !la-n* her -"m!lete tru#t n Allah, Allah hel!ed her &th re'elat"n# &hle
#he &a# #tru**ln* t"&ard a date tree n the %ull thr"e# "% la$"r !an#, Allah t"ld her n"t t" *re'e. that He had
!la-ed a #tream at her %eet. and that #he #h"uld #hake the date tree n "rder t" *et %re#hly r!e date# t" eat, He al#"
t"ld her t" drnk and t" del*ht her eye#, A# a re#ult. #he *a'e $rth n the $e#t !"##$le -r-um#tan-e#, Allah
re'eal# her #tuat"n:
3he pains of la(or drove her to the trun% of a date;palm. She e'claimed) 91h, if only had died
(efore this time and was something discarded and forgottenF9 A voice called out to her from under
her) 98o not grieve. .our ,ord has placed a small stream at your feet. Sha%e the trun% of the palm
toward you, and fresh, ripe dates will drop down to you. 4at and drin%, and delight your eyes. f
you should see anyone at all, Iust say) : have made a vow of a(stinence to the All;Merciful, and CsoD
today will not spea% to any human (eing.:9 (Surah Maryam) "=;"G#
Allah<# *ra-e and !r"te-t"n &a# -learly '#$le n th# #tuat"n, In %a-t. H# ad'-e t" her ha# $een -"n%rmed $y
m"dern #-en-e, We n"& analy5e th# ad'-e n #"me detal,
8o 6ot -rieve
A# #tated earler. Mary &thdre& %r"m her #"-ety #" that #he -"uld $e n a !#y-h"l"*-ally !ea-e%ul en'r"nment
and a&ay %r"m the hurt%ul $eha'"r "% !e"!le &h" -"uld n"t -"m!rehend her mra-ul"u# #tuat"n,
Allah t"ld her n"t t" *re'e and $e#t"&ed H# *ra-e and !r"te-t"n u!"n her, N" d"u$t. there &a# mu-h &#d"m
n th# ad'-e. ?u#t a# there &a# n Mary<# &thdra&al t" a d#tant !la-e, Mu#lm# mu#t n"t #urrender t" #adne##=
rather. they are t" tru#t n Allah and %eel the !ea-e "% mnd that -"me# &th kn"&n* that Allah &ll al&ay# hel!
2h# atttude. &h-h # reBured "% all $ele'er#. ha# $een -"n%rmed $y m"dern med-ne. %"r d"-t"r# tell &"men.
$"th durn* ther !re*nan-y and &hle they are *'n* $rth. t" mantan a !"#t'e atttude and a'"d any #adne##
and #tre##, H# ad'-e t" del*ht her eye# mean# n"t t" #urrender t" #adne## and t" en?"y the ne&# "% Allah<# *%t,
4at 8ates
Allah ad'#ed Mary t" eat %re#hly r!ened date#, 2"day. #u-h date# are -"n#dered t" $e %""d and med-ne,
S-ent#t# n"& kn"& that date# -"ntan m"re than ten #u$#tan-e# -"n#dered e##ental %"r the human $"dy<# &ell1
$en* and -"ntnun* health,
;ate# -"ntan !lenty "% the ea#ly d*e#ted and a$#"r$ed #u*ar# that *'e the human $"dy t# ener*y %"r heat and
m"'ement, M"re m!"rtantly. the#e #u*ar# are "% the %ru-t"#e ty!e and n"t "% the *lu-"#e ty!e. &h-h Bu-kly
ra#e# the $l""d1#u*ar le'el#, ;ate# !r"'de ener*y. hel! mu#-le t##ue# and ner'e -ell# de'el"!. and are
e#!e-ally $ene%-al %"r !e"!le &eakened $y llne## "r th"#e #u%%ern* %r"m e+hau#t"n. $e-au#e "% ther h*h
-al"r- 'alue, C"r e+am!le. 3:: *ram# "% date# -"ntan 3,7 *ram# "% !r"ten and 7: *ram# "% -ar$"hydrate#, In
addt"n. ther -al"r- 'alue # 447 k-al, Cre#h date# ha'e a 8:187 !er-ent #u*ar -"ntent and a 4 !er-ent !r"ten
M"dern med-al %ndn*# #u**e#t that date# $ene%t &"men &h" are alm"#t ready t" *'e $rth, ;"-t"r# n"&
ad'#e !re*nant &"men t" take %ru-t"#e1-"ntann* %""d# "n ther due date#. %"r #u-h %""d# !r"'de ener*y u#ed
$y the &eakened $"dy t" re'tal5e t#el%. ha'e a tr**er e%%e-t "n the mlk h"rm"ne# and thu# hel! the &"man<#
$"dy !r"du-e mlk. and al#" n-rea#e the '"lume "% that mlk,
2h# n%"rmat"n re'eal# #"me "% the &#d"m nherent n Allah<# ad'-e t" Mary, N"&. #-ent#t# n%"rm u# that
date # an m!"rtant #"ur-e "% nutrent# $e-au#e t -"ntan# all "% the ne-e##ary e##ental# %"r human l%e,4 In %a-t.
"ne ren"&ned e+!ert "n the #u$?e-t. N, H, W, ;"&#"n. #u**e#t# that "ne *la## "% mlk and "ne date !er day
!r"'de# a !er#"n<# daly nutrt"nal reBurement#,>
;ate# -"ntan 'ar"u# 'tamn# (e,*,. A. $eta1-ar"tene. @3. @4. @>. and @8) and mneral#. (e,*,. #"dum.
!"ta##um. -al-um. ma*ne#um. %$er. r"n. #ul!hur. !h"#!h"ru#. and -hl"rne) and are al#" r-h n %$er. %at#. and
!r"ten#, S"me "% the en#un* $ene%t# are a# %"ll"&#:
A date<# nutrt"nal 'alue # $a#ed "n the $alan-e $et&een t# mneral#, ;urn* the !r"l"n*ed !er"d "% m"rnn*
#-kne## and the altern* !hy#"*n"my. a #h"rta*e "% !"ta##um "--ur# and need# t" $e #u!!lemented, 2h# %rut<#
h*h !"ta##um -"ntent # -ertanly &el-"me here. a# t# r"le n !re#er'n* the $"dy<# &ater le'el#,
Ir"n -"ntr"l# the red $l""d -ell#< #ynthe## "% hem"*l"$n. &h-h !re'ent# anema durn* !re*nan-y and al#"
re*ulate# the $l""d<# R@J $alan-e. &h-h # #" -ru-al %"r the $a$y<# de'el"!ment, ;ue t" t# h*h r"n -"ntent.
"ne1and1a1hal% date# -an meet the $"dy<# t"tal r"n reBurement and thu# !re'ent all -"m!lant# -au#ed $y a la-k
"% r"n,
Jal-um and !h"#!h"ru# are 'ery m!"rtant element# n de'el"!n* and $alan-n* the #kelet"n and the $"ne
#tru-ture#, ;ate# !r"te-t the $"dy %r"m anema and &eak $"ne#. and thu# redu-e the r#k "% #u-h llne##e# &th
ther h*h nutrt"nal 'alue and h*h !h"#!h"ru#. -al-um. and r"n -"ntent,
S-ent#t# !"nt "ut that date# -an redu-e #tre## and ten#"n le'el#, Re#ear-h d"ne at @erkeley Un'er#ty re'ealed
that date# are r-h n 'tamn @3 (the Hner'e 'tamnH) and ma*ne#um (e##ental %"r mu#-le %un-t"n#). $"th "%
&h-h are e##ental %"r a #tr"n* ner'"u# #y#tem, Ma*ne#um # al#" 'ery m!"rtant %"r the kdney#. and t&" "r
three date# !er day are en"u*h t" meet all "% the human $"dy<# ma*ne#um reBurement#,D
;ate# al#" -"ntan %"l- a-d ('tamn @6). &h-h # e##ental %"r !re*nant &"men. due t" t# m!"rtant r"le n
%"rmn* ne& $l""d -ell#. !r"du-n* amn" a-d#. and de'el"!n* ne& -ell#, A# a re#ult. a !re*nant &"man need#
d"u$le the u#ual daly am"unt "% %"l- a-d, I% the $"dy<# %"l- a-d le'el# %all $el"& the reBured am"unt. $**er
$ut le## %un-t"nal red $l""d -ell# are %"rmed and anema "--ur#,
C"l- a-d. &h-h # -ru-al t" de'el"!n* the -ell<# *enet- makeu! and d'#"n. # the "nly #u$#tan-e that mu#t
$e d"u$led durn* !re*nan-y, ;ate# are 'ery r-h n %"l- a-d,
;urn* !re*nan-y. a &"man<# daly 'tamn A reBurement n-rea#e# t" 9:: u*, ;ate# are 'ery r-h n the
%"rem"#t 'tamn A: $eta1-ar"tene,7
M"#t "ther %rut# are !r"ten1!""r. $ut date# ha'e *""d !r"ten -"ntent,8
O+yt"-n # u#ed n m"dern med-ne t" a--elerate la$"r and # "%ten re%erred a# Hra!d $rth,H It al#"
n-rea#e# the le'el "% mlk !r"du-t"n %"ll"&n* $rth,O
Our Pr"!het (may Allah $le## hm and *rant hm !ea-e) !"nted "ut the $ene%t# "% date# n the %"ll"&n* hadth:
A %amly that ha# date# &ll n"t $e hun*ry,9 2h# # a !e-e "% 'ery *""d ad'-e,
All "% "ur -urrent n%"rmat"n "n date# re'eal# Allah<# n%nte &#d"m and *ra-e u!"n Mary. &h". n#!red $y
Allah. #at#%ed all "% her nutrt"nal need# $y eatn* date# and there$y ea#ed her -hld<# $rth, (Allah kn"&# the
Allah &reates a Stream
An"ther matter that #h"uld $e re%le-ted u!"n # the lttle #tream -reated $y Allah and H# ad'-e %"r Mary t" eat
and drnk, Allah t"ld Mary that He had !la-ed a #tream $y her %eet t" eat. drnk. and del*ht her eye#,
Water. lke date#. ea#e# la$"r !an# and re*ulate# mu#-le ten#"n, In %a-t. #"me m"dern $rth -ln-# ha'e !""l# n
&h-h the del'ery take# !la-e,
Water. &h-h # ne-e##ary %"r l%e and "ne<# !hy#-al &ell1$en*. !lay# an m!"rtant r"le n re*ulatn* the $"dy<#
tem!erature. tran#!"rtn* nutrt"nal element# and "+y*en. and rem"'n* &a#te matter %r"m the $"dy<# -ell#, It
al#" en#ure# the healthy m"'ement "% ?"nt#. #kn m"#ture and ela#t-ty. the d*e#t'e #y#tem. and !r"te-t#
t##ue# and "r*an#, Water # $e-"mn* m"re &dely u#ed n thera!y $y the day, J"nta-t &th &ater #tmulate# the
mmune #y#tem. n-rea#e# ant1#tre## h"rm"ne !r"du-t"n. redu-e# !an. and #tmulate# $l""d -r-ulat"n and
Water # m!"rtant durn* !re*nan-y %"r #e'eral rea#"n#, At that tme. &ater ntake # e#!e-ally ne-e##ary
$e-au#e the '"lume "% $l""d n-rea#e# and $e-au#e "% the de'el"!n* $a$y<# need#, W"men &h" -h""#e t" $rea#t1
%eed need !lenty "% &ater t" !r"du-e the ne-e##ary am"unt "% mlk, J"n#dern* that 9O !er-ent "% th# mlk #
&ater. &e -an #ee h"& m!"rtant th# !r"du-t"n #,
Water al#" mantan# the ele-tr"lyte $alan-e# n the $l""d "% the m"ther and the -hld, H"rm"ne# relea#ed durn*
!re*nan-y alter the &ay 'ar"u# $"dy %lud# are u#ed, 2"&ard the end "% the &"man<# !re*nan-y. $l""d '"lume
n-rea#e# 37: !er-ent. and the l"## "% &ater thr"u*h $reathn* # mu-h *reater, 2he amn"n %lud. n &h-h the
$a$y *r"&#. # rene&ed e'ery three h"ur#, H"&e'er. t -an de-rea#e. a# n the -a#e "% dehydrat"n -au#ed $y
n#u%%-ent &ater ntake,
;ehydrat"n durn* !re*nan-y al#" -an -au#e !remature la$"r, S"me h"rm"ne# relea#ed n #u-h #tuat"n# mtate
the h"rm"ne# that tr**er la$"r !an#, Ja#e# n &h-h !remature $rth # a #*n%-ant r#k are treated $y *'n*
%lud# thr"u*h the 'en#. a !r"-edure that h*hl*ht# the m!"rtan-e "% &ater ntake, Su-h !remature ten#"n# are
"%ten -ured $y th# %lud thera!y,
Water al#" %"rm# the human $"dy<# tran#!"rt #y#tem, Na the $l""d#tream. t -arre# %""d and "+y*en t" the
em$ry" and hel!# !re'ent #"me -"mm"n n%e-t"n# that -an -au#e m#-arra*e "r !remature la$"r and $rth,
Su%%-ent &ater ntake redu-e# the r#k# "% #u-h n%e-t"n#,3: ;"-t"r# n%"rm ther !atent# that ther &ater
reBurement n-rea#e# $y 7: !er-ent durn* !re*nan-y, I% the &ater ntake # n#u%%-ent. the $"dy redu-e# the
Buantty "% #"me %lud#. &h-h. n turn. -au#e# 'ar"u# -"m!lant#,33
M"dern #-en-e #h"&# "n-e m"re the &#d"m n Allah<# -reat"n "% the #tream %"r Mary and H# ad'-e t" eat
date# and drnk &ater, All "% th# # e'den-e "% Allah<# n%nte kn"&led*e,
Mary Sha%es the 8ate 3ree
Allah tells Mary to sha%e the date tree toward her when she was headed toward it in her la(or
pains. (Surah Maryam) ">#
;"-t"r# #ay that !ulln* #"methn* t"&ard "ne#el% durn* la$"r -an ha'e a !"#t'e e%%e-t "n the mu#-le#, In "rder
t" ea#e la$"r !an# and hel! $rn* a$"ut a #a%e del'ery. &"men are ad'#ed t" d" -ertan e+er-#e# that redu-e
!re##ure n the $"dy and. there%"re. the r#k "% -"m!l-at"n# durn* del'ery, 2hey are al#" th"u*ht t" Bu-ken the
!r"-e## "% *'n* $rth,34
;"-t"r# #u**e#t that n the #e-"nd #ta*e "% la$"r. the &"man<# head #h"uld $e #l*htly ra#ed t" take ad'anta*e "%
*ra'ty, 2hu#. h"#!tal del'ery r""m# ha'e $ed# &th #uta$ly !la-ed handle# and %""tre#t# that ena$le !re*nant
&"men t" *'e $rth n the m"#t -"m%"rta$le !"#t"n,
Other !ra-tt"ner# ad'#e ther !atent# t" #Buat "r #t "n #!e-ally ada!ted $rth -har#, @e%"re re-ent
te-hn"l"*-al de'el"!ment#. #"me $rth r""m# %eatured a r"!e han*n* %r"m the -eln*. &h-h the e+!e-tant
m"ther &a# t" u#e t" try and !ull her#el% u!. thu# hel!n* the $rth !r"-e##, All "% the#e meth"d# are the"ret-ally
and l"*-ally hel!%ul,3> Perha!# th# # &hy Allah t"ld Mary t" !ull and #hake the date tree, (Allah kn"&# the
Mary 5eturns to Her &ommunity
When Mary returned &th the Pr"!het Ee#u# (!$uh). her !e"!le -"uld n"t -"m!rehend Allah<# mra-le, 2hu#. they
#landered her. e'en th"u*h they kne& that #he. $en* a mem$er "% <Imran<# %amly. &a# de'"ut. held Allah n *reat
%ear and re#!e-t. had an mma-ulate -hara-ter. and al&ay# !r"te-ted her m"de#ty, Allah re'eal# #"me "% the#e
She (rought him to her people, carrying him. 3hey e'claimed) 9MaryF .ou have done an
unthin%a(le thingF Sister of Aaron, your father was not an evil man nor was your mother an
unchaste womanF9 (Surah Maryam) "?;"K#
N" d"u$t. th# &a# a tral %"r Mary. %"r #he had t" %a-e #u-h a--u#at"n# de#!te $en* a -ha#te &"man &h" held
Allah n the *reate#t re#!e-t and a&e, 2he#e !e"!le *n"red her m!e--a$le -hara-ter and h"n"ra$le -"ndu-t.
de#!te her "&n re!utat"n and that "% her %amly. and #". a# al&ay#. #he turned t"&ard Allah. and tru#ted n Hm.
kn"&n* that He &"uld de%end her n the $e#t !"##$le &ay,
Mary:s Pow of Silence
Allah. Wh" al&ay# an#&ered her !rayer# &th *ener"#ty and -"m!a##"n. *a'e her nner !ea-e durn* th# tral,
Kn"&n* that Allah &"uld e+"nerate her -"m!letely. Allah n#!red her t" make a '"&: Hf you should see
anyone at all, Iust say) : have made a vow of a(stinence to the All;Merciful, and today will not spea% to
any human (eing:H (Surah Maryam: 48), 2h# # &hat #he t"ld her !e"!le,
A%ter th#. #he "nly !"nted t" the Pr"!het Ee#u# (!$uh). a$"ut &h"m Allah #ad thr"u*h Ia$rel: HHe will spea%
to people in the cradle and when fully grown, and will (e one of the (elieversH (Surah Al <Imran: D8). &hen
!e"!le -"n%r"nted and #landered her,
Allah #h"&ed her !e"!le a *reat mra-le $y ena$ln* the Pr"!het Ee#u# (!$uh) t" #!eak &hle he &a# #tll a $a$y
n the -radle, 2hr"u*h h# &"rd#. Allah e+"nerated h# m"ther Mary and al#" ntr"du-ed the Pr"!het Ee#u# (!$uh)
a# "ne "% H# Pr"!het# #ent t" the I#raelte#:
She pointed toward him. 3hey as%ed) 9How can a (a(y in the cradle spea%L9 He CAesusD said) 9
am the servant of Allah. He has given me the $oo% and made me a *rophet. He has made me
(lessed wherever am, directed me to perform prayer and give alms C<a%atD as long as live, and to
show devotion to my mother. He has not made me insolent or arrogant. *eace (e upon me the day
was (orn and the day die, and the day am raised up again alive.9 3hat is Aesus, son of Mary, the
0ord of 3ruth a(out which they are in dou(t. (Surah Maryam) "O;=!#
2h# mra-le ama5ed Mary<# !e"!le, @y #ayn*: 9N and she who guarded her chastity. 0e (reathed into her
some of 1ur Spirit and made her and her son a Sign for all the worldsH (Surat al1An$ya<: 63). Allah made
$"th "% them #u!er"r t" all "ther !e"!le, Mary<# #u!er"r -hara-ter. h"n"r. and !urty &ere re'ealed thr"u*h th#
#!ee-h. and th"#e &h" had #landered her &ere de%eated,
@y #ayn*: HAnd 0e made the son of Mary and his mother a Sign and gave them shelter on a mountainside
where there was a meadow and a flowing springH (Surat al1Mu<mnun: 7:). He re'eal# that the Pr"!het Ee#u#
(!$uh) and Mary -"ntnued t" l'e under H# *ra-e a%ter the#e e'ent#,
3hose who Slandered Mary
2he#e mra-le# #h"&ed the I#raelte# that Allah had made Mary and the Pr"!het Ee#u# (!$uh) #u!er"r t" "ther
!e"!le, In %a-t. Allah re'eal# that th"#e &h" -"ntnued t" #lander Mary &"uld $e !un#hed #e'erely:
And C0e punished themD on account of their un(elief, their utterance of a monstrous slander
against Mary, and their saying) 90e %illed the Messiah, Aesus, son of Mary, Messenger of Allah.9
N (Surat an;6isa:) M>G;M>?#
Mary:s Superior &haracter
Mary # a r"le m"del %"r all Mu#lm &"men $e-au#e #he mantaned her m!e--a$le -hara-ter thr"u*h"ut her l%e,
Allah ra#ed her lke a l"'ely !lant. t" u#e the (ur<an<# e+!re##"n. and *a'e her a 'ery m!"rtant re#!"n#$lty,
Allah -h"#e her. ?u#t a# He -h"#e <Imran<# %amly. made her "ne !er#"n n th# lnea*e "% the m"#t de'"ut and
%ath%ul !e"!le. and had her ra#ed $y the#e 'rtu"u# !e"!le,
He then *a'e her the -hara-ter "% a -h"#en and #u!er"r Pr"!het $y entru#tn* her edu-at"n t" the Pr"!het
Qa-hara (!$uh), When #he rea-hed th# le'el "% maturty. Allah $e*an t" #h"& her H# mra-le#. and #he -learly
#a& H# *ra-e. !r"te-t"n. and mer-y u!"n her#el%, One e+am!le "% th# #u!!"rt and *ra-e &a# that #he %"und
%""d "n the altar &hene'er #he &"r#h!!ed Hm, Later "n. Allah ntr"du-ed her t" Ia$rel. &h" t"ld her a$"ut
Allah<# *ra-e "n her &th h# "&n &"rd#,
Mary dem"n#trated her *enune de'"t"n and l"yalty t" Allah thr"u*h her m!e--a$le 'rtue and $eha'"r, She
al#" e+!re##ed her !r"%"und and *enune de'"t"n t" Hm thr"u*h her determnat"n. de'"t"n. and un-"ndt"nal
#urrender t" H# &ll,
@en* al"ne n m"ment# "% *reat d%%-ulty &a# a *reat tral %"r her. $e-au#e #he had n" "ne t" hel!. #u!!"rt. "r
*ude her, U#ually. l"nely !e"!le #urrender t" hel!le##ne## and #adne##, @ut Mary dd n"t. %"r #he !la-ed all "%
her h"!e and tru#t "nly n Allah,
She -"n#tantly #"u*ht H# hel! and kne& that #he "nly needed t" "$ey Hm and %"ll"& H# *udan-e, She ne'er
*a'e n t" h"!ele##ne## and de!re##"n. n" matter h"& d%%-ult the tral. $e-au#e #he had #urrendered
&h"leheartedly t" Allah n the kn"&led*e that He &"uld turn all ad'er#te# nt" *""d and end the hard#h! n the
$e#t manner, And &th e'ery d%%-ulty. Allah *a'e her a #"lut"n. #u!!"rted her &th H# *ra-e and hel!. and
turned all hard#h!# nt" *""dne## and $eauty,
Her ne+!eren-e &a# al#" an m!"rtant a#!e-t "% her tral, She $e-ame !re*nant and del'ered her -hld all al"ne,
2"tally al"ne and *n"rant "% &hat t" d". #he re##ted !e##m#m and d#!layed her *reat #tren*th. &ll!"&er. and
determnat"n, In addt"n. #he had the !ea-e "% mnd -hara-ter#t- "% th"#e &h" kn"& that Allah #u!!"rt# them
&th the m"#t !er%e-t *%t#, 2hu# He ea#ed her $urden and hel!ed her t" #u--eed,
An"ther #*n "% Mary<# #u!er"r -hara-ter &a# the !aten-e #he #h"&ed &hle %ul%lln* her d%%-ult
re#!"n#$lte#, Her un$ele'n* !e"!le tred her !aten-e $y %aln* t" *ra#! her #u!er"r and h"n"ra$le !"#t"n.
'e&n* her a--"rdn* t" ther "&n m#*uded kn"&led*e. and a--u#n* her "% thn*# that #he had n"t d"ne, Here.
t"". #he #h"&ed her !aten-e and -"m!lete %ath n Allah, She dd n"t -"m!r"m#e her #tren*th. &ll!"&er. and
nte*rty. kn"&n* %ull &ell that Allah -"ntr"l# e'erythn* and thu# &"uld e+"nerate her,
An"ther n"t-ea$le -hara-ter trat &a# her t"tal la-k "% ntere#t n &nnn* her !e"!le<# a--e!tan-e, She had
#urrendered t" Allah &th a !ure %ath. and &a# there%"re una%%e-ted $y ther a--u#at"n# and -"mment#, I'en
her %ath and de'"t"n. all #he #tr"'e t" d" &a# t" $eha'e n the &ay that &"uld earn Allah<# *""d !lea#ure, A# a
re#ult. Allah re&arded her &th H# *ra-e,
2here are t&" &ay# "% -"n'eyn* "ne<# *""d -hara-ter t" "ther#: thr"u*h &"rd# and thr"u*h m"ral $eha'"r, 2he
#e-"nd &ay # %ar m"re e%%e-t'e and 'alua$le. %"r t # the *enune &ay and -ann"t $e mtated, One<# l%e and
$eha'"r -an re%le-t "ne<# $ele% "nly % t # *enunely al'e n "ne<# heart,
Mary d#!layed th# #u!er"r m"ralty and $e-ame a r"le m"del and a l'n* n'tat"n t" rel*"n thr"u*h her
%ath. $eha'"r. and -hara-ter, Her *enune -all # an#&ered n the $e#t !"##$le &ay. Allah &lln*, 2he $ele'er#<
%ath -"ntnue# t" dee!en a# they %"ll"& Mary<# e+am!le and try t" emulate her -hara-ter,
MA5.:S S16, 3H4 *51*H43 A4S2S (*$2H#
2he Pr"!het Ee#u# (!$uh). "ne "% Allah<# -h"#en !e"!le n th# l%e and n the Herea%ter. &a# *'en the
re#!"n#$lty "% -alln* h# !e"!le t" the r*ht !ath, Allah !"rtray# hm a# a !er#"n &h" &a# 'ery d%%erent %r"m
the !e"!le he met durn* h# l%e, C"r e+am!le. he &a# $"rn &th"ut a %ather. h# m"ther Mary had $een t"ld $y
H# an*el# that he &"uld $e h# !e"!le<# Me##ah. and had many "ther unBue Bualte#, One "% the#e # ment"ned
n the (ur<an:
3he Messiah, Aesus son of Mary, was only the Messenger of Allah and His 0ord, which He cast into
Mary, and a Spirit from Him. (Surat an;6isa:) M?M#
0hen the angels said) 9Mary, your ,ord gives you good news of a 0ord from Him. His name is the
Messiah, Aesus son of Mary, of high esteem in this world and the Hereafter, and one of those
(rought near.9 (Surah Al :mran) !>#
2he e+!re##"n W"rd "% Allah # u#ed "nly %"r the Pr"!het Ee#u# (!$uh), Allah re'ealed h# name. Ee#u# Me##ah.
$e%"re he &a# $"rn, 2h# # ?u#t "ne nd-at"n that h# -reat"n &a# d%%erent %r"m "ther !e"!le,
Only the (ur<an. &h-h Allah ha# !r"m#ed t" kee! nta-t and unaltered untl the ;ay "% Eud*ment. *'e# u#
a--urate n%"rmat"n a$"ut the Pr"!het Ee#u# (!$uh), Allah #tate# n the (ur<an that the Pr"!het Ee#u# (!$uh) &a#
n"t -ru-%ed. $ut rather. he &a# ra#ed t" the hea'en#, He &ll return n the End 2me#. the era !re-edn* the ;ay
"% Eud*ment, Many hadth# te#t%y t" the#e %a-t#,
We &ll n"& e+amne the#e %a-t# n #"me detal,
3he *rophet Aesus (p(uh# 0as 6ot &rucified
2he R"man #"lder# and Ee&#h !re#t# &h" &ere re#!"n#$le %"r arre#tn* the Pr"!het Ee#u# (!$uh) -lamed that
he &a# -ru-%ed and ded "n the -r"##, All Jhr#tan# a--e!t the#e -"re $ele%#. a# &ell a# the $ele% that he &a#
re#urre-ted and then a#-ended t" the hea'en#, H"&e'er. a Bute d%%erent a--"unt # !r"'ded n the (ur<an:
N and their saying) 90e %illed CQatalnaD the Messiah, Aesus son of Mary, Messenger of Allah.9
3hey did not %ill Cma QataloohuD him and they did not crucify Cma sala(oohuD him, (ut it was made
to seem so Cshu((ihaD to them. 3hose who argue a(out him are in dou(t a(out it. 3hey have no real
%nowledge of it, Iust conIecture. $ut they certainly did not %ill Cma QataloohuD him. (Surat an;6isa:)
Allah raised him CAesusD up to Himself Crafa:ahuD. Allah is Almighty, All;0ise. (Surat an;6isa:)
2he e+!re##"n &a# made t" #eem #" re'eal# that the Pr"!het Ee#u# (!$uh) &a# n"t martyred. $ut rather ra#ed t"
the hea'en#, Allah #tate# that th"#e &h" #ay "ther&#e ha'e n" kn"&led*e "% the truth, 2he !e"!le #a& #"me"ne
&h" l""ked lke the Pr"!het Ee#u# (!$uh) de. &hle. n realty. the Pr"!het Ee#u# (!$uh) a#-ended t" the hea'en#,
3he *rophets: 8eaths
An analy## "% the &"rd# u#ed t" narrate the Pr"!het#< death# and th"#e u#ed t" narrate the attem!t "n the Pr"!het
Ee#u#< (!$uh) l%e re'eal an m!"rtant %a-t, In the %r#t -a#e. the (ur<an u#e# Batala (t" kll). maata (t" de). halaka
(t" !er#h). #ala$a (t" -ru-%y). and a %e& "ther #!e-%- &"rd#, 2he (ur<an # 'ery -lear and #!e-%- a$"ut the %a-t
that H2hey dd n"t kll hm F&a ma Batal""huG and dd n"t -ru-%y hm F&a ma #ala$""huG,H Pe"!le &ere #h"&n a
lkene## "% the Pr"!het Ee#u# (!$uh). &h" n %a-t. &a# taken $a-k $y Allah and ra#ed t" the hea'en#:
0hen Allah said) 9Aesus, will ta%e you (ac% Cmutawaffee%aD, raise you up Cwa raafiRu%aD to Me,
and purify you of those who dis(elieve. And will place the people who follow you a(ove those who
dis(elieve until the 8ay of 5esurrection.9 (Surah Al :mran) >>#
In "ther &"rd#. the Pr"!het Ee#u# (!$uh) dd n"t e+!eren-e a n"rmal death, 2he &"rd ta&a%%a n the a$"'e 'er#e
# u#ed n the %"ll"&n* &ay#:
0afa) 3o &ause 3o 8ie, 3o 3a%e in 1ne:s Sleep, or 3o 3a%e $ac%
CAesus saidD, said to them nothing (ut what .ou ordered me to say) 90orship Allah, my ,ord and
your ,ord.9 was a witness against them as long as remained among them. $ut when .ou too%
me (ac% to .ou CtawaffaytaneeD, .ou were the 1ne watching over them. .ou are 0itness of all
things. (Surat al;Ma:ida) MM?#
2he e+!re##"n u#ed here -"me# %r"m the Ara$- &"rd &a%a. &h-h mean# the a-t "% takn* the #el% $a-k. n"t
klln* "r death, In %a-t. n Ara$- -"mmentare# t # n"t u#ed n the #en#e "% death, 2he -"mmentary "% I#lam-
#-h"lar al1(urtu$ # "ne e+am!le "% th#= he u#ed the e+!re##"n Hthe takn* a&ay "% the #el'e#H %"r the &"rd n
Bue#t"n, Cr"m the (ur<an a*an. &e under#tand that Htakn* the #el% $a-kH d"e# n"t ne-e##arly mean death, C"r
n#tan-e. th# &"rd # al#" u#ed n an"ther 'er#e t" de#-r$e the takn* $a-k "% a !er#"n &hle he "r #he # a#lee!:
t is He 0ho ta%es you (ac% to Himself Cyatawaffaa%umD at night, while %nowing the things you
perpetrate (y day, and then wa%es you up again, so that a specified term may (e fulfilled. (Surat al;
An:am) G@#
Allah #tate# that the Pr"!het Ee#u# (!$uh) &a# n"t martyred "r han*ed. that !e"!le &ere #h"&n a lkene## "% hm.
that He t""k hm $a-k (a# ha!!en# durn* #lee!). and ra#ed hm t" the hea'en#, C"r all "ther Pr"!het#. #u-h
&"rd# a# Batala "r ma&t (death). are u#ed, 2hu#. &e -an -"n-lude that the Pr"!het Ee#u# (!$uh) &a# !ut nt" a
#lee!1lke #tate and ra#ed t" Allah<# Pre#en-e. that he dd n"t e+!eren-e death a# &e kn"& t. and that he ha# le%t
"ur dmen#"n, (Allah kn"&# the truth,)
(C"r %urther n%"rmat"n "n the #u$?e-t. #ee 2he Pr"!het Ee#u# (!$uh) ;d N"t ;e $y Harun Yahya)
3he *rophet Aesus: (p(uh# 5eturn
Many 'er#e# re%er t" the Pr"!het Ee#u#< (!$uh) #e-"nd -"mn*, C"ll"&n* are #"me "% them:
M# 0hen Allah said) 9Aesus, will ta%e you (ac%, raise you up to Me, and purify you of those who
do not (elieve. And will place the people who follow you a(ove those who do not (elieve until the
8ay of 5esurrection. 3hen you will all return to Me, and will Iudge (etween you regarding the
things a(out which you differed.9 (Surah Al :mran) >>#
2h# 'er#e ment"n# a !e"!le &h" are %"ll"&er# "% the Pr"!het Ee#u# (!$uh) and &h" &ll $e a$"'e the
un$ele'er# untl the ;ay "% Re#urre-t"n, A--"rdn*ly. there &ll $e !e"!le &h" %"ll"& hm untl the ;ay "%
Eud*ment, L""kn* at !re#ent1day Jhr#tan#. &e #ee that the -"re "% ther rel*"n ha# $een tam!ered &th and #
n"t the #ame %ath !rea-hed $y the Pr"!het Ee#u# (!$uh), C"r e+am!le. they -lam that he # Allah<# #"n (Allah
%"r$d) and !art "% a 2rnty (the Cather. the S"n. and the H"ly S!rt), 2here%"re. $y tran#*re##n* the lmt# that
Allah e#ta$l#hed %"r humanty. t"day<# Jhr#tan# are %ar %r"m Allah<# true rel*"n and -ann"t $e -"n#dered a#
the Pr"!het Ee#u#< (!$uh) %"ll"&er#, 2he (ur<an #tate# em!hat-ally that th"#e &h" $ele'e n the 2rnty are
3hose who say that Allah is the third of three are un(elievers. 3here is no deity (ut Allah, C0ho isD
1ne. (Surat al;Ma:ida) ?=#
(Nery %e& !e"!le $ele'ed n the Pr"!het Ee#u# (!$uh) &hen he %r#t -ame t" Earth. and the !r"m#e re'ealed n
the 'er#e HI &ll !la-e the !e"!le &h" %"ll"& y"u a$"'e th"#e &h" d" n"t $ele'e untl the ;ay "% Re#urre-t"nH
had n"t yet -"me a$"ut,) 2here%"re. th"#e !e"!le &h" %"ll"& the Pr"!het Ee#u# (!$uh) mu#t a!!ear "n h# #e-"nd
-"mn* t" Earth at a tme -l"#e t" the La#t H"ur. and they &ll $e ra#ed a$"'e the un$ele'er# untl the ;ay "%
"# 3here is not one of the *eople of the $oo% who will not (elieve in him (efore he diesJ and on the
8ay of 5esurrection he will (e a witness against them. (Surat an;6isa:) M>O#
2he hm here #tand# %"r the Pr"!het Ee#u# (!$uh). a# the ne+t 'er#e# make -lear:
N and their saying) 90e %illed the Messiah, Aesus son of Mary, Messenger of Allah.9 3hey did not
%ill him and they did not crucify him, (ut it was made to seem so to them. 3hose who argue a(out
him are in dou(t a(out it. 3hey have no real %nowledge of it, Iust conIecture. $ut they certainly did
not %ill him. Allah raised him up to Himself. Allah is Almighty, All;0ise. (Surat an;6isa:) M>?;M>K#
S"me #-h"lar# nter!ret $e%"re he de# a# meann* $e%"re the death "% the Pe"!le "% the @""k (Ee&# and
Jhr#tan#), In th# -a#e. e'ery Ee& and Jhr#tan &"uld $ele'e n Pr"!het Ee#u# (!$uh) $e%"re he "r #he de#, @ut
Ara$- ln*u#t-# #h"&# that th# -lam # n"t -"rre-t, 2he !lural #u%%+ hum # u#ed n all th"#e 'er#e# "% the
(ur<an that re%er t" the Pe"!le "% the @""k (a# n Surat al1@ayyna 3 and 8. Surat al1Hadd 46. and Surat al1Ha#hr
4), Yet the #n*ular #u%%+ hu # em!l"yed n th# 'er#e, 2h# mean# that the 'er#e re!"rt# that the Pe"!le "% the
@""k &ll $ele'e n Pr"!het Ee#u# (!$uh) $e%"re h# death S n "ther &"rd#. $e%"re h# $"l"*-al death at h#
#e-"nd -"mn*, (And Allah kn"&# the truth,)
@e#de# durn* the Pr"!het Ee#u#< (!$uh) l%etme. the 'a#t ma?"rty "% the re*"n<# Ee&# re%u#ed t" $ele'e n hm.
and #"me "% them e'en attem!ted t" martyr hm, A# %"r th"#e Ee&# and Jhr#tan# &h" l'ed a%ter the Pr"!het
Ee#u# (!$uh) &a# ra#ed t" H# Pre#en-e. they -ann"t $e -alled h# %"ll"&er# %"r they d" n"t meet the (ur<an-
de%nt"n "% %ath and $ele%,
2he e+!re##"n "n the ;ay "% Re#urre-t"n he &ll $e a &tne## a*an#t them. nd-ate# a*an that the Pr"!het
Ee#u# (!$uh) &ll -"me a*an, 2he#e 'er#e# -"n-lu#'ely nd-ate that all Pe"!le "% the @""k &ll $ele'e $e%"re
the Pr"!het Ee#u# (!$uh) de#, 2he 'er#e re%er# t" the %uture. $e-au#e t #!eak# "% the Pr"!het Ee#u#< (!$uh) death,
2hen t ment"n# that all Pe"!le "% the @""k &ll $ele'e n hm. #"methn* that ha# n"t ha!!ened yet,
A# &e &ll #ee n detal n the -"mn* -ha!ter#. the Pe"!le "% the @""k &ll #ee and re-"*n5e hm. a# &ell a#
$e-"me h# Mu#lm %"ll"&er# &hle he l'e#. and the Pr"!het Ee#u# (!$uh) &ll te#t%y a$"ut ther -"ndu-t n the
Herea%ter, (Allah kn"&# the truth,)
>) H# return t" Earth # ment"ned n "ther 'er#e#. #u-h a# th"#e *'en $el"&:
0hen an e'ample is made of the son of Mary, your people laugh uproariously. 3hey retort) 90ho
is (etter, then, our deities or himL9 3hey only say this to you for argument:s sa%e. 3hey are indeed
a disputatious people. He is only a servant on whom 0e (estowed 1ur (lessing and whom 0e
made an e'ample for the tri(e of srael. f 0e wished, 0e could appoint angels in e'change for you
to succeed you on 4arth. (Surat a<;Hu%hruf) >?;G@#
Allah then re%er# t" hm $y a #!e-%- ttle. a S*n "% the H"ur:
He is a Sign of the Hour. Have no dou(t a(out it. $ut follow me. 3his is a straight path. (Surat a<;
Hu%hruf) GM#
2h# 'er#e -learly nd-ate# that the Pr"!het Ee#u# (!$uh) &ll -"me a*an. %"r he l'ed a!!r"+mately #+
-enture# $e%"re the (ur<an- re'elat"n, 2hu#. #n-e h# %r#t l%e -ann"t $e under#t""d a# a S*n "% the H"ur %"r
the ;ay "% Eud*ment. he &ll return durn* the End 2me#. the !er"d mmedately !re-edn* that ;ay, (Allah
kn"&# the truth,)
D) Many "ther 'er#e# nd-ate th# mra-ul"u# e'ent, Am"n* them are the %"ll"&n*:
0hen the angels said) 9Mary, your ,ord gives you good news of a 0ord from Him. His name is the
Messiah, Aesus son of Mary, of high esteem in this world and the Hereafter, and one of those
(rought near. He will spea% to people in the cradle and also when fully grown, and will (e one of
the (elievers,9 she as%ed) 9My ,ordF How can have a son when no man has ever touched meL9
He said) 9t will (e so.9 Allah creates whatever He wills. 0hen He decides on something, He Iust
says to it, 9$eF9 and it is. He will teach him the $oo% and 0isdom, and the 3orah and the -ospel.
(Surah Al :mran) !>;!K#
@ut &hat H@""kH &ll He tea-h the Pr"!het Ee#u# (!$uh)R Allah an#&er# th# Bue#t"n n the %"ll"&n* 'er#e.
&here the #ame e+!re##"n # u#ed:
5emem(er when Allah said) 9Aesus son of Mary, remem(er My (lessing to you and to your mother
when reinforced you with the *urest Spirit so that you could spea% to people in the cradle and
when you were fully grownJ and when taught you the $oo% and 0isdom, and the 3orah and the
-ospel.9 (Surat al;Ma:ida) MM@#
When &e e+amne the @""k re%erred t" n $"th 'er#e#. &e real5e that t nd-ate# the (ur<an. the %nal re'ealed
$""k #ent t" humanty, Earler @""k# &ere the 2"rah and the @$le (the P#alm#. re'ealed t" the Pr"!het ;a'd
(!$uh). # -"ntaned &thn the Old 2e#tament), An"ther 'er#e u#e# @""k n#tead "% (ur<an &hen l#tn* t
al"n*#de the 2"rah and the I"#!el:
Allah, there is no deity (ut Him, the ,iving, the Self;Sustaining. He has sent down the $oo% to you
with truth, confirming what was there (efore it. And He sent down the 3orah and the -ospel ...
(Surah Al :mran) ";=#
2hu#. the thrd $""k $en* tau*ht t" the Pr"!het Ee#u# (!$uh) # the (ur<an, O$'"u#ly. #n-e he &a# ra#ed t"
Allah<# Pre#en-e #"me 8:: year# $e%"re t# re'elat"n. he mu#t -"me a*an, Our Pr"!het<# (may Allah $le## hm
and *rant hm !ea-e) hadth# re'eal that the Pr"!het Ee#u# (!$uh) &ll rule a--"rdn* t" the (ur<an. n"t the @$le.
&hen he return#, (C"r m"re n%"rmat"n. #ee Harun Yahya. S*n# "% the La#t ;ay FI#tan$ul: Il"$al Pu$l#hn*.
4::>G,) 2h# nter!retat"n %t# the meann* "% the 'er#e, (Allah kn"&# the truth,)
7) In addt"n. H3he li%eness of Aesus in Allah:s Sight is the same as AdamH (Surah Al <Imran: 76) -"uld al#" $e
%"retelln* the Pr"!het Ee#u#< (!$uh) return, S-h"lar# !"nt "ut that $"th Pr"!het# &ere -reated &th"ut a %ather:
the Pr"!het Adam (!$uh) &a# -reated %r"m #"l $y Allah<# -"mmand @eT= the Pr"!het Ee#u# (!$uh) &a# -reated
&th"ut a %ather $y the #ame ;'ne -"mmand, 2he Pr"!het Adam (!$uh) &a# $r"u*ht d"&n %r"m the hea'en# t"
Earth= !erha!# the Pr"!het Ee#u# (!$uh) &ll $e $r"u*ht d"&n %r"m H# Pre#en-e n the End 2me#, (Allah kn"&#
the truth,) A# &e ha'e #een. the 'er#e# nd-atn* h# return are 'ery -lear, M"re"'er. the (ur<an d"e# n"t u#e any
#mlar e+!re##"n# %"r the "ther Pr"!het#= they are "nly u#ed %"r the Pr"!het Ee#u# (!$uh),
8) An"ther 'er#e re%errn* t" the Pr"!het Ee#u#< (!$uh) a#-en#"n # the %"ll"&n*:
CAesus said)D *eace (e upon me the day was (orn and the day die, and the day am raised up
again alive.9 (Surah Maryam) ==#
2h# 'er#e. &hen -"n#dered n -"n?un-t"n &th Surah Al <Imran: 77. #*nal# an m!"rtant realty: Surah Al
<Imran: 77 #!eak# "% the Pr"!het Ee#u# (!$uh) a# $en* taken $a-k t" Allah<# Pre#en-e and d"e# n"t #ay that he ha#
ded "r $een martyred, H"&e'er. Surah Maryam: >> re%er# t" the day &hen he &ll de, 2h# #e-"nd death # "nly
!"##$le % he l'e# "n Earth "n-e a*an, (Allah kn"&# the truth,)
O) An"ther !e-e "% e'den-e # the &"rd kahlaan. ment"ned n the 'er#e# $el"&:
5emem(er when Allah said) 9Aesus son of Mary, remem(er My (lessing to you and to your mother
when reinforced you with the *urest Spirit so that you could spea% to people in the cradle and
when you were fully grown C%ahlaanD.9 (Surat al;Ma:ida) MM@#
He will spea% to people in the cradle, and also when fully grown C%ahlaanD, and will (e one of the
righteous. (Surah Al :mran) !G#
2h# &"rd. &h-h a!!ear# "nly n the#e t&" 'er#e# and "nly &th re*ard t" the Pr"!het Ee#u# (!$uh). de#-r$e# h#
adult l%e $et&een the a*e >: and 7:, In "ther &"rd#. th# re!re#ent# a !er"d &hen he # n" l"n*er a y"un* man
$ut a &#e !er#"n "n the 'er*e "% entern* "ld a*e, S-h"lar# a*ree that th# &"rd nd-ate# an a*e *reater than >7,
2hey al#" #u**e#t. $a#n* ther -lam "n a hadth narrated $y I$n PA$$a#. that the Pr"!het Ee#u# (!$uh) &a# ra#ed
t" Allah<# Pre#en-e n h# early >:#. that he &ll e+!eren-e h# "ld a*e $y l'n* %"r an"ther D: year# a%ter h#
#e-"nd -"mn*. and that the a$"'e 'er#e # !r""% %"r th# mra-ul"u# e'ent,3D
2h# e+!re##"n # u#ed n the (ur<an "nly n re*ard t" the Pr"!het Ee#u# (!$uh) $e-au#e all "% the "ther Pr"!het#
that &e kn"& a$"ut %ul%lled ther re#!"n#$lty "% -alln* ther !e"!le t" $ele% a%ter they had already rea-hed a
mature a*e, In the -a#e "% the Pr"!het Ee#u# (!$uh). h"&e'er. t !"nt# "ut a mra-ul"u# #tuat"n. $e-au#e the
e+!re##"n# n the -radle and &hen %ully *r"&n h*hl*ht the t&" mra-ul"u# tme#,
At12a$ar. n h# &"rk 2he J"mmentary "% at12a$ar. e+!lan# the#e e+!re##"n# n the %"ll"&n* term#:
2he#e #tatement# (Surat al1Ma<da 33:) nd-ate that n "rder t" -"m!lete h# l%e#!an and #!eak t" !e"!le
&hen %ully *r"&n. the Pr"!het Ee#u# (!$uh) &ll -"me d"&n %r"m Hea'en, 2hat # $e-au#e he &a# ra#ed
t" Hea'en &hen #tll y"un*, 2h# 'er#e (Surah Al <Imran. D8) !r"'de# e'den-e that the Pr"!het Ee#u#
(!$uh) # l'n*, 2he Ahl al1Sunnah #hare th# 'e&. $e-au#e th# 'er#e #tate# that he &ll #!eak t" !e"!le
&hen %ully *r"&n, He &ll $e a$le t" *r"& %ully "nly &hen he return# t" Earth %r"m Hea'en,37
2he nter!retat"n# "% kahlaan. lke all the "ther n%"rmat"n a$"ut the Pr"!het Ee#u# (!$uh). nd-ate h#
mra-ul"u# return t" Earth n the End 2me# a# &ell a# h# e%%"rt# t" dre-t !e"!le t"&ard true rel*"n, N" d"u$t.
th# # *reat ne&# %"r all $ele'er#. a *%t and *ra-e %r"m Allah, 2hu#. $ele'er# are re#!"n#$le %"r #u!!"rtn* and
de%endn* the Pr"!het Ee#u# (!$uh) a%ter h# #e-"nd -"mn* n the m"#t a!!r"!rate manner and t" l'e $y the
(ur<an<# m"ralty,
3ogether with Ha<rat Mahdi (p(uh#, the *rophet Aesus 0ill &ause the Moral Palues of
slam to 5ule the 0orld
In addt"n t" the 'er#e# "% the (ur<an that m!art the *lad tdn*# "% the #e-"nd -"mn* "% the Pr"!het Ee#u#
(!$uh). the hadth# "% "ur Pr"!het (may Allah $le## hm and *rant hm !ea-e) al#" de#-r$e the Pr"!het Ee#u#<
(!$uh) return t" Earth n detal, A--"rdn*ly. &hen the Pr"!het Ee#u# (!$uh) return#. he &ll rule &th the (ur<an.
%ree Jhr#tan# %r"m the err"ne"u# $ele%# they ha'e %allen nt" and lead them t"&ard I#lam, He &ll !ray $ehnd
Ha5rat Mahd (!$uh). ntelle-tually de#tr"y the da??al and. t"*ether &th Ha5rat Mahd (!$uh). -au#e the m"ral
'alue# "% I#lam t" rule the &"rld, S"me "% the hadth# "n the #u$?e-t read:
He &ll rule %"r %"rty (D:) year# &th the $""k "% Allah and my Sunna. and then he &ll de, (Ealaladdn
a#1Suyut. al1I<lam Hukm1al I#a. Suleymanye L$rary. N", 3DD8L6= Sam @ay$al. 2he Return "% the
Me##ah n the A$rhama- Cath#. Yed'eren @""k#. Euly 4::4. !, 4>914D:)
Ee#u# F!$uhG &ll n"t -"me t" the !e"!le "% M"hammed a# a Pr"!het. $ut t" !ra-t-e the rel*"n "%
M"hammed, (Alu#. al1Ea&a$u<l Ca#h. I. 9>7= Sam @ay$al. 2he Return "% the Me##ah n the A$rhama-
Cath#. Yed'eren @""k#. Euly 4::4. !, 4>914D:)
Ee#u# (!$uh) &ll de#-end and &ll !ra-t-e "ur Pr"!het<# (may Allah $le## hm and *rant hm !ea-e) la&,
(E$u<l MUnteha. Verhu<l CWkhu<l Ek$er. X#tan$ul. 369D. !, >3= Sam @ay$al. 2he Return "% the Me##ah n
the A$rhama- Cath#. Yed'eren @""k#. Euly 4::4. !, 4>914D:)
He &ll ?ud*e $y the la& "% M"hammed. &ll adhere t" a Pr"!het e'en th"u*h he # "ne hm#el%. and &ll
$el"n* t" the !e"!le "% M"hammed, He &ll $e the !e"!le "% the Pr"!het. and he &ll $e the m"#t de'"ted
am"n* them Y (@ay$al. 2he Return "% the Me##ah n the A$rhama- Cath#. Yed'eren @""k#. Euly
4::4. !, 4>914D:)
Ya--e!t n" "ther rel*"n $ut I#lam Y FIn h# tmeG N"thn* and n"$"dy $ut Allah &ll $e &"r#h!!ed,,,,
(Ruh al1Ma<an. OL8:)
In the tme "% the Pr"!het Ee#u# (!$uh) and Ha5rat Mahd (!$uh). all &ea!"n# &ll %all #lent. all -"n%l-t# &ll end
n !ea-e. all d#a*reement# &ll $e re#"l'ed and l"'e. %rend#h! and $r"therh""d &ll rule the &"rld, 2h#
e+-ellent a*e # de#-r$ed thu# n the hadth#:
2he (-"m!etent# "%) $attle &ll a$and"n t# l"ad (arm# and eBu!ment), (Sunan I$n Ma?ah. 3:L>>D),
He &ll d" a&ay &th enmty and hatred,,, Earth &ll $e %lled &th !ea-e. ?u#t a# a $"&l # %lled &th
&ater, N" enmty &ll reman $et&een any"ne, All enmty. -"n%l-t. and d#a*reement &ll #urely 'an#h,
(Sahh Mu#lm. 3L3>8)
2he 'en"m &ll $e rem"'ed %r"m !"#"n"u# anmal#, E'en a #mall $"y &ll !la-e h# hand n a #er!ent<#
m"uth. and the #er!ent &ll n"t harm hm, 2he &"l% &ll $e lke a d"* n a herd "% #hee! "r *"at#,,,, In h#
tme. the &"l% &ll !lay &th the #hee! and #nake# &ll n"t harm -hldren, (Sunan I$n Ma?ah. !, >>31>7)
2hen Earth &ll $e t"ld t" $rn* %"rth t# %rut and re#t"re t# $le##n*, A# a re#ult there"%. there &"uld
*r"& F#u-h a lar*eG !"me*ranate that a *r"u! "% !e"!le &ll $e a$le t" eat t and #eek #helter under t#
#kn, A mlk -"& &ll *'e #" mu-h mlk that a &h"le !arty &ll a$le t" drnk, A mlk -amel &ll *'e
#u-h Fa lar*e Buantty "%G mlk that the &h"le tr$e &ll $e a$le t" drnk "ut "% t. and a mlk #hee! &ll
*'e #" mu-h mlk that the &h"le %amly &ll a$le t" drnk "ut "% that (A#1Suyut. Al1Ha& Ll1Cata&)
,,, And *""d# &ll $e #" !lent%ul that n"$"dy &ll &ant any m"re, (2a$ar. al1Eam al @ayan. N"l, NI. !,
3he *rophet Aesus (p(uh# and Ha<rat Mahdi (p(uh# 0ill &ome 3his &entury
2he &"rk# "% *reat and -"m!letely tru#t&"rthy I#lam- #-h"lar# #u-h a# the Sunan A$u ;a&ud and the Maktu$at
"% Ra$$an make t -lear that Allah &ll #end an nd'dual t" rene& the %ath and %ree t %r"m #u$#eBuent
addt"n# e'ery -entury:
Allah &ll ra#e %"r th# -"mmunty A2 2HE @EIINNINI OC ENERY HUN;RE; YEARS 2HE ONE WHO
WILL RENONA2E I2S RELIIION COR I2, (Sunan A$u ;a&ud. 7L3::)
One hadth re'ealn* that Ha5rat Mahd (!$uh) &ll -"me n H?r 3D:: ha# -"me d"&n %r"m "ur Pr"!het (may
Allah $le## hm and *rant hm !ea-e) a# %"ll"&#:
Pe"!le &ll *ather ar"und Ha5rat Mahd (!$uh) n the year 3D::, (R#alat al1Khuru? al1Mahd. !, 3:9)
Wthn a -ertan tme %rame n#de th# 3::1year !er"d the m"ral 'alue# "% I#lam &ll rule the &h"le &"rld and
the #y#tem "% the ant-hr#t that "!!"#e# them &ll $e entrely elmnated, H"&e'er. %"ll"&n* th# r#e. &h-h &ll
la#t %"r a!!r"+mately 3:: year#. the &"rld &ll enter a ne& !ha#e "% de*enerat"n. -"n-dn* &th the H?r
37::#, In "ne hadth narrated $y many #-h"lar#. n-ludn* Imam Ahmad $n Han$al. a hadth #-h"lar. "ur Pr"!het
(may Allah $le## hm and *rant hm !ea-e) !r"'de# m!"rtant n%"rmat"n a$"ut the $e*nnn* "% human h#t"ry
$y #ayn* that 78:: year# "% the l%e #!an "% the &"rld had !a##ed $y h# day:
Ahmad I$n Han$al tran#mtted n h# <Ilal: CINE 2HOUSAN; SIX HUN;RE; YEARS HANE
PASSE; CROM 2HIS WORL;, (Al1MuttaB al1Hnd. Al1@urhan % Alamat al1Mahd Akhr a51Qaman.
!, 96)
Hadth# tran#mtted %r"m "ur Pr"!het (may Allah $le## hm and *rant hm !ea-e) re'eal that the l%e #!an "% the
Earth &ll $e O.::: year#,
Ana# I$n Malk narrate# that the Me##en*er "% Allah (may Allah $le## hm and *rant hm !ea-e) #ad:
Alm*hty Allah ha# #ad: ONE ;AY IN 2HE SIIH2 OC YOUR LOR; IS LIKE A 2HOUSAN; OC
2HOUSAN; YEARS OC 2HE AIE OC 2HIS WORL; t" the "ne &h" meet# the need "% any "% h#
$r"ther# n the %ath "n the !ath "% Allah a# % he #!end# h# day# n %a#tn* and h# n*ht# n &"r#h!, (Al1
MuttaB al1Hnd. Al1@urhan % Alamat al1Mahd Akhr a51Qaman. !, 99)
Narrated %r"m ;aBBaB I$n Qad Al1Euhan: I t"ld the Me##en*er "% Allah (may Allah $le## hm and *rant
hm !ea-e) "% a dream I had had, In that dream the Me##en*er "% Allah (may Allah $le## hm and *rant
hm !ea-e) &a# at the t"! #te! "% a #e'en1#te!!ed !ul!t, He #ad: 2HE SENEN1S2EPPE; PULPI2 YOU
@urhan % Alamat al1Mahd Akhr a51Qaman. !, 96)
2he l%e #!an "% the -"mmunty # "ne thn* and that "% the &"rld an"ther, Sad Nur#. the *reate#t mu?addd "% the
la#t 3::: year# and 3>:: (He*ra #tyle). #ay# that Mu#lm# &ll reman "n the true !ath untl a -"mmand -"me#
%r"m Allah. and &ll $e '-t"r"u# untl ar"und 37:8 &th the ?ud*ement day !r"$a$ly takn* !la-e n 37D7 (Allah
kn"&# the truth),
HA *r"u! %r"m my -"mmunty &ll reman n truth untl Allah<# -"mmand Fthe Eud*ment ;ayG,H
2he a$?ad -al-ulat"n "% the -lau#e HA *r"u! %r"m my -"mmunty,,,H &h-h # 37D4 (433O) m!le# t# Fthe
-"mmunty<#G tme "% #ur''al, 2he a$?ad -al-ulat"n "% the -lau#e H&ll reman n truthH (&hen the *emnat"n
mark # -"unted) *'e# 37:8 (4:94)= t nd-ate# untl that date t &ll -"ntnue t# &"rk "% enl*htenment e'dently
and "$'"u#ly. and may$e '-t"r"u#ly= then untl 37D4 (433O) n #e-re-y and de%eat, 2he a$?ad -al-ulat"n "% the
-lau#e Huntl Allah<# -"mmandH (&hen the *emnat"n mark # -"unted) #u**e#t# that 2HE EU;IMEN2 ;AY
WILL @ECALL the un$ele'er n 37D7 (434:), (Ka#tam"nu Addendum. !, >>)
2he *reat Sunn #-h"lar Al1@ar5an? #tate# that the l%e #!an "% the ummah &ll n"t e+-eed the year 37:: (I#lam-
-alendar), (Allah kn"&# the truth,)
(Al1@ar5an?. Al1I#ha<ah l1a#hrat al1#a<ah. !, 466)
Suyut<# #tatement made "n the $a## "% the hadth handed d"&n %r"m "ur Pr"!het (may Allah $le## hm and *rant
hm !ea-e) # al#" that the l%e "% the Ummah &ll n"t *" !a#t the year 37:::
2HE LICE OC MY JOMMUNI2Y WILL NO2 EXJEE; 37:: YEARS, (Ealaladdn A#1Suyut. Al1
Ka#h% <an Mu?a&a5at Ha5h al1Ummah al1Al%= A#1Suyut. Al1Ha& Ll1Cata&. 4L4D9= I#mal HaBB al1
@uru#a&. 2a%#r Ruh al1@ayan DL484= Ahmad $n Han$al. Kta$ al1PIlal. !, 96)
A# # -lear %r"m the hadth# "% "ur Pr"!het (may Allah $le## hm and *rant hm !ea-e) and #tatement# $y *reat
I#lam- #-h"lar#. the H?r 3D::# &e are l'n* n are the a*e "% the -"mn* "% Ha5rat Mahd (!$uh), 2he Pr"!het
Ee#u# (!$uh) &ll return t" Earth durn* th# -entury. Ha5rat Mahd (!$uh) &ll a!!ear. and the m"ral 'alue# "%
I#lam &ll rule the &"rld,
H10 26$4,4P6- S1&434S P40 01M46
3he *lace of 0omen
All "% the kn"&led*e ne-e##ary %"r l'n* a l%e that &ll earn Allah<# *""d !lea#ure # -"ntaned n the (ur<an: the
true nature "% l%e "n Earth. &hy humanty &a# -reated. h"& t" l'e a %ul%lled l%e. and the m"#t a!!r"!rate
#y#tem "% m"ralty, Pe"!le &h" $ele'e n th# truth and l'e ther l'e# a--"rdn*ly &ll %nd true ha!!ne## here
and n the Herea%ter,
Un$ele'n* #"-ete#. h"&e'er. ha'e n" a$#"lute truth# "r !"&er# t" *ude ther !e"!le, In %a-t. they d" n"t kn"&
&here m"#t "% ther 'alue# -ame %r"m. &h" d#-"'ered them. and &hen and &hy they $e-ame ther #"-ety<#
#"-al n"rm#, 2he#e rule#. &h-h -ann"t $e a#-ertaned $ut are ad"!ted $y the -"mmunty a# a &h"le. &ere
nherted %r"m ther an-e#t"r#, In %a-t. all "% an un$ele'n* #"-ety<# 'alue#. deal#. and #"-al %"undat"n# are
$a#ed "n tradt"n. al#" kn"&n a# the &ay "% the an-e#t"r#, E'ery !er#"n ha# a %+ed !la-e $a#ed u!"n h# "r her
#"-al #tatu#. *ender. $ele%#. #tuat"n. and l%e#tyle,
A &"man<# !la-e # determned $y the#e %+ed -rtera and the d"mnant -reed#, In #"me #"-ete#. &"men are
th"u*ht t" ha'e a &eaker #"ul than men. ?u#t $e-au#e they are !hy#-ally &eaker, Sur!r#n*ly. many !e"!le
a-tually $ele'e th# le due t" the m#taken and -learly ll"*-al dea that a &"man<# !er#"nalty. m"ralty. and
a$lty are lmted n dre-t !r"!"rt"n t" her #l*hter $"dy, C"r n#tan-e. 'ar"u# a-t'te# are -la##%ed a# a man<#
?"$ "r a &"man<# ?"$, O$'"u#ly. ther d%%erent !hy#-al #tren*th and $uld ha'e #"me m!a-t u!"n &hat ta#k#
they !er%"rm, @ut n un$ele'n* #"-ete#. th# d#tn-t"n # $a#ed "n a -ertan $*"try that a#-r$e# t" them a
&eakne## n $"th ntelle-t and talent,
M"dern &"men. thr"u*h ther a$lte# and a-he'ement#. ha'e d#!r"'ed #u-h $a#ed a##ert"n# n many,
Ne'erthele##. #"me !art# "% #"-ety #tll -"n#der &"men t" $e n-"m!etent n #"me re#!e-t# "r $ele'e that men.
#m!ly $e-au#e they are men. -an d" a $etter ?"$,
Many !e"!le al#" m#takenly $ele'e that &"men ha'e a &eaker -hara-ter than men, In un$ele'n* #"-ete#. t #
taken %"r *ranted that &"men !an- and l"#e -"ntr"l. &herea# men reman -""l and -alm, Or. n a #tuat"n "%
ad'er#ty. men are #ad t" d#!lay *reat #tren*th "% -hara-ter. &herea# &"men re#!"nd meekly, Irl# are
-"ndt"ned t" -"n%"rm t" th# !re?ud-e %r"m early -hldh""d, Camle#. &h-h take *reat -are t" *'e ther $"y#
#tren*th "% -hara-ter. -"ndt"n ther *rl# &th "!!"#n* -hara-ter trat#, In the %a-e "% tr"u$le. $"y# are t"ld that
$"y# d"n<t -ry. $eha'e lke a man. $e $ra'e. d"n<t $e #-ared lke a lttle *rl. y"u are -ryn* lke a lttle *rl, Irl#
are al#" t"ld that they are d%%erent %r"m $"y# and that they #h"uld $eha'e a--"rdn*ly,
In #u-h #"-ete#. &"men<# ?"$# and re#!"n#$lte# are lmted t" -ertan area#, A# a -"n#eBuen-e "% th# $*"try.
m"#t #"-ete# #tll d#-rmnate a*an#t &"men, 2h# m#*uded 'e& "% &"men ha# re'ealed t#el% n 'ar"u#
&ay#, E#!e-ally n the !a#t. &"men &ere #u$?e-ted t" $ar$ar- $eha'"r, C"r e+am!le. Allah re'eal# that *rl#
&ere -"n#dered #" &"rthle## n #"me #"-ete# that ther %ather# $ured them al'e a# #""n a# they &ere $"rn:
N when the (a(y girl (uried alive is as%ed for what crime she was %illed. (Surat at;3a%wir) K;O#
In "ther 'er#e#. Allah #!eak# "% !e"!le &h"#e %a-e# turned an*ry u!"n learnn* that they had a ne& dau*hter and
hd n em$arra##ment %r"m ther !e"!le:
0hen one of them is given the good news of a (a(y girl, his face dar%ens and he is furious. He hides
away from people (ecause of the evil of the good news he has (een given. Should he %eep her
ignominiously or (ury her in the groundL 0hat an evil Iudgment they ma%eF (Surat an;6ahl) >K;
Allah al#" re'eal# that #u-h !e"!le -"n#dered ther dau*hter# t" $e !retty thn*# &h" &ere n-a!a$le "% #tandn*
u! %"r them#el'e#:
0hen any of them is given the good news of the very thing that he himself has ascri(ed to the All;
Merciful, his face dar%ens and he is furious. 90hatF Someone (rought up among pretty trin%ets
who cannot produce a cogent argumentF9 (Surat a<;Hu%hruf) M?;MK#
2hr"u*h H# Pr"!het#. Allah edu-ated #u-h !e"!le a$"ut the m#taken nature "% th# !re?ud-ed 'e&, @y mean#
"% the Pr"!het# and the #!read "% I#lam am"n* the !e"!le. th# *n"rant and d#*ra-e%ul "utl""k ha# $een *reatly
Allah remnd# !e"!le that &hate'er they ha'e -"me# %r"m Hm: H3he %ingdom of the heavens and 4arth
(elongs to Allah. He creates whatever He wills. He gives daughters to whoever He wills, and He gives sons
to whoever He wills, or He gives them (oth sons and daughters. And He ma%es whoever He wills (arren.
3ruly, He is All;Enowing, All;*owerful9 (Surat a#h1Shura: D617:), @"th *rl# and $"y# are *%t# %r"m Allah %"r
&h-h !e"!le mu#t $e thank%ul,
2hr"u*h"ut h#t"ry. many #"-ete# ha'e a##umed #u-h m#*uded atttude t"&ard# &"men, An m!"rtant realty.
h"&e'er. mu#t n"t $e "'erl""ked: 2he m"ralty. $eha'"r. and !er#"nalty "% #"me &"men hel! t" #!read and
?u#t%y th# *n"rant tradt"n $y !r"'n* t true,
I#lam re%ute# th# $*"ted 'e& $y de-larn* that all Mu#lm#. $y &h-h t mean# $"th men and &"men. ha'e #har!
mnd#. h*hly de'el"!ed %a-ulte# "% -"m!rehen#"n. a *reat #tren*th "% -hara-ter. and a #u!er"r #en#e "%
m"ralty, Mary and Phara"h<# &%e are e+-ellent e+am!le# "% th# truth,
In the -"mn* !a*e#. &e &ll e+amne $re%ly the *n"ran-e that !re'ent# &"men %r"m thr"&n* "%% th#
de#tru-t'e tradt"n and ad"!tn* rel*"n<# #u!er"r m"ralty. and d#!lay the -hara-ter d%%eren-e# $et&een
un$ele'n* and Mu#lm &"men,
0omen:s &haracter in 2n(elieving Societies
2he !red"mnant -hara-ter "% &"men &h" l'e n un$ele'n* #"-ete#. rre#!e-t'e "% ther edu-at"n "r "ther
a-he'ement#. # -lear %"r all t" #ee, One rea#"n %"r th# # that un$ele'n* #"-ete# en-"ura*e ther &"men. %r"m
an early a*e "n&ard. t" ad"!t th# #"-ally a!!r"'ed -hara-ter $y makn* t attra-t'e t" them, Surr"unded "n all
#de# $y the #ame ty!e "% #u**e#t"n#. *rl# u#ually -"m!ly &th"ut a #e-"nd th"u*ht, 2hey learn h"& t" $eha'e
!r"!erly $y "$#er'n* ther m"ther# and "ther &"men and then nternal5n* the deal# they #ee !"rtrayed, 2hey
re!eat ther r"le m"del#< e+!re##"n#. $e*n t" mm- ther $eha'"r. and *enerally try t" emulate them,
J"n#eBuently. n the a$#en-e "% "ther r"le m"del#. they a--e!t &hat they #ee a# the deal &"man and #tr'e t" l'e
u! t" that ma*e,
O$'"u#ly there are e+-e!t"n#. %"r #"me &"men re-"*n5e th# m#*uded tradt"n %"r &hat t # and re%u#e t"
ad"!t t, @ut th# re-"*nt"n al"ne -ann"t %ree them %r"m t, C"r e+am!le. they may e#-a!e #"me "% the
$eha'"ral %ault# $ut -"ntnue t" l'e a -"n%l-tn* and #el%1-"ntrad-t"ry e+#ten-e $e-au#e ther -hara-ter# are n"t
de%ned $y the (ur<an<# m"ralty, 2here%"re. the d%%eren-e# $et&een ther -hara-ter and that "% ther #"-ety<#
&"men n *eneral reman lmted t" ther re%u#al t" -"n%"rm t" #"-ety<# e+!e-tat"n#, All &"men &h" d" n"t
emulate the Mu#lm &"man<# -hara-ter de%ned n the (ur<an &ll #tll ha'e t" -"ntend &th ther "&n -hara-ter
ty!e. &h-h &ll reman n-"n##tent and err"ne"u#,
When &e e+amne the *eneral %eature# "% &"men l'n* n un$ele'n* #"-ete#. &e #ee that all "% them ha'e a
-"mm"n -hara-ter ty!e t" #u-h an e+tent that #"-ety !er-e'e# them a# all $en* the #ame, One "% the m"#t
-"mm"n 'e&# # that &"men d" n"t ha'e the #ame #tr"n* and !er##tent !er#"nalty a# men, M"#t &"men. a#
&ell a# men. -"n-ede th# %a-t and there%"re ne'er -"n#der them#el'e# -a!a$le "% !r"te-tn* "r de%endn* any"ne,
Sn-e they -"n#der them#el'e# n%er"r "r le## -a!a$le than men. they u#ually l""k %"r #"me"ne t" take -are "%
them. &hether %nan-ally "r "ther&#e. n "rder t" !r"te-t them#el'e# %r"m $ullyn* "r "ther dan*er#, 2hey e+!e-t
ther hu#$and# t" take -are "% them and then. &hen they are &d"&ed. ther #"n#,
2h# &eak -hara-ter lead# t" #u-h $eha'"ral !r"$lem# a# em"t"nal n#ta$lty. -ryn*. ?eal"u#y. hy#tera. $en*
ea#ly u!#et a$"ut thn*# "r &th !e"!le, Un$ele'n* #"-ete# -"n#der the#e -hara-ter#t-# t" $e !art "%
&"man<# nature. a# &ell a# ther $en* m"re #en#t'e t" ne*at'e e'ent#, 2here%"re. t # !er%e-tly all r*ht %"r
them t" -ry n #u-h -a#e#, Men. "n the "ther hand. are #u!!"#ed t" $e $ra'e and #tr"n*. $e-au#e "nly &"men are
$ele'ed t" $e ea#ly u!#et and h*hly em"t"nal, An"ther &de#!read "$#er'at"n # that #"me un$ele'n*
&"men Bu-kly #urrender t" h"!ele##ne##. &"rry and -"m!lann*. "r $e-"me ar*umentat'e &hen %a-ed &th
ad'er#ty, Su-h rea-t"n# are -"ntrary t" the (ur<an<# m"ralty,
All "% the#e -hara-ter trat# ha'e "ne thn* n -"mm"n: 2hey "nly $rn* *re% and unha!!ne## t" e'ery"ne, A# a
re#ult. #u-h &"men *" thr"u*h l%e $en* ten#e. unha!!y. and tr"u$led, In "ther &"rd#. ther de-#"n. &hether
-"n#-"u# "r n"t. t" adhere t" th# m#*uded tradt"n<# 'e& "% the deal &"man make# them m#era$le. $e-au#e
they are %"ll"&n* the &r"n* deal#. !ur!"#e n l%e. and &"rld'e&,
Eu#t lke all un$ele'er#. &"men -ha#e the tem!"rary l%e "% th# &"rld and t# llu#"ry attra-t"n#, 2her %"rem"#t
deal# are t" en?"y th# l%e<# !lea#ure# a# mu-h a# !"##$le. ra#e ther l'n* #tandard# -"ntnu"u#ly. ha'e a *""d
name and #tatu# n the -"mmunty. and &n ther #"-ety<# -"m!lment# and admrat"n,
2hey are #addened $y thn*# that they -ann"t -"ntr"l. #u-h a# &"rryn* a$"ut &hat the %uture may $rn* and
%earn* %"r ther l'e# and !r"!erty, A# ther #"-ety #u**e#t#. they #eek t" $e "nly *""d h"u#e&'e#. m"ther#. "r
&'e#, Or. the "ther thn* e+!e-ted "% them # that they a-Bure a *""d ?"$ and !ur#ue a -areer that &ll ena$le
them t" $e-"me %nan-ally nde!endent,
It *"e# &th"ut #ayn* that there # n"thn* &r"n* &th !ur#un* #u-h *"al#. %"r the#e are thn*# !e"!le -an
r*ht%ully de#re n l%e, H"&e'er. &hat # &r"n* # t" en-"ura*e &"men t" #!end ther l'e# &thn the#e
$"undare# and there$y lmt ther deal#, All human $en*# &ll $e ether re&arded "r !un#hed "n the ;ay "%
Eud*ment a--"rdn* t" ther e%%"rt#. "r la-k there"%. t" &n Allah<# *""d !lea#ure,
Un$ele'n* &"men ha'e "ne %undamental -hara-ter %la&: ther de#re t" en?"y "nly the !lea#ure# "% th# &"rld
and t" l'e a--"rdn*ly. $e-au#e e'erythn* they ha'e (e,*,. !re#t*e. #tatu#. %rend#. %amly. "r -hldren) are all
de#tned t" d#a!!ear, 2he "nly thn* that reman# %"re'er # Allah, 2here%"re. !e"!le #h"uld -h""#e ther
!er#"nalty. m"ral#. l%e#tyle. deal#. and e'erythn* el#e n "rder t" &n H# *""d !lea#ure, Other&#e. !e"!le &ll
%nd them#el'e# m!r#"ned n ther "&n lttle l'e# and n ther "&n lttle &"rld#. and then meet &th eternal
#u%%ern* and re*ret n the Herea%ter,
N" d"u$t. many &"men are d##at#%ed &th ther !la-e n #"-ety and thu# -"ntnue t" Bue#t"n and e#-a!e the
deal &"man tradt"n, 2hey "%ten a-he'e '#$le #u--e## n ther -h"#en %eld# and !"nt "ut the &r"n*ne## "%
ther #"-ety<# #tere"ty!-al 'e&# "% &"men, @ut $e-au#e they -"ntnue t" l'e $y ther un$ele'n* #"-ety<#
'alue# and d" n"t ad"!t the -hara-ter that &"uld &n them Allah<# *""d !lea#ure. they %al t" *et &hat they truly
#eek: true re#!e-t and ther #"-ety<# tru#t, E'en % they #eem t" ha'e real5ed ther *"al#. they reman unha!!y and
d#-"ntented $e-au#e they kn"& that they ha'e n"t truly and !ermanently a-he'ed them,
Pe"!le &h" $lndly ad"!t ther #"-ety<# #tere"ty!e# ha'e #"me e+-u#e# %"r ther $eha'"r, Cr#t "% all. they
$ele'e that the#e #"-al -reed# !re'ent &"men %r"m d#-ardn* the -hara-ter ty!e en'#a*ed %"r them, 2hey %ear
that #"-ety &ll -rt-5e "r a--u#e them. "r e'en make them "ut-a#t#, 2here%"re. they !re%er t" l'e a--"rdn* t"
ther un$ele'n* #"-ety<# deal -hara-ter ty!e# rather than r#kn* any !"##$le ne*at'e re!er-u##"n#,
An"ther rea#"n &hy #"me &"men he#tate t" d#-ard the #"-ally a--e!ta$le %emale r"le m"del # the !re##ure
they %ear %r"m th"#e !e"!le "% n%luen-e and auth"rty "'er them n ther mmedate en'r"nment, 2h# atttude
!re'ent# them %r"m m"'n* a&ay %r"m th# -hara-ter ty!e. e'en th"u*h they -learly re-"*n5e t# %ault#,
@ut the man rea#"n &hy the#e &"men -ann"t e#-a!e th# m#*uded -hara-ter ty!e # that they d" n"t kn"& h"&
t" %nd the deal -hara-ter that &"uld ena$le them t" %"r-e #"-ety t" a--e!t them "n-e they had $r"ken &th th#
tradt"n, Sn-e they la-k th# kn"&led*e. they -"ntnue t" l""k %"r a #"lut"n n the &r"n* !la-e#, C"r n#tan-e. a
h"u#e&%e thnk# that #he &ll %nd a $etter !la-e n #"-ety. a# &ell a# m"re re#!e-t and l"'e %r"m th"#e ar"und
her. $y $e-"mn* a $u#ne##&"man "r an"ther ty!e "% !r"%e##"nal, Lke&#e. a $u#ne##&"man $ele'e# that #he
&ll %nd the #ame thn*# $y -lm$n* the -"r!"rate ladder "r m"'n* t" a $etter. m"re re#!e-ta$le ?"$,
In realty. all #u-h &ay# "% thnkn* are %la&ed, 2here # "nly "ne &ay "% l%e. "ne -hara-ter. and "ne m"ralty that
&ll make them h"n"ra$le and #u!er"r n $"th &"rld#: l'n* a--"rdn* t" the (ur<an. &h-h end"&# all !e"!le
&th the #tr"n*e#t -hara-ter and the h*he#t m"ral#. and earn them Allah<# *""d !lea#ure a# &ell a# the !e"!le<#
l"'e and re#!e-t,
2here%"re. e'ery !er#"n mu#t n"t ad"!t the deal !er#"nalty th"u*ht %t %"r them. $ut rather #eek "ut and %nd the
truth, Allah ha# re'ealed the true#t -hara-ter trat# and the $e#t !er#"nalty %"r all !e"!le. and the &ay t" a-Bure
them # the ea#e#t and m"#t !er%e-t, Allah #ay#:
$ut as for him who (elieves and acts rightly, he will receive the (est of rewards, and 0e will issue a
command, ma%ing things easy for him. (Surat al;Eahf) KK#
3H4 M*153A6&4 1B 01M46
S"me !e"!le are una&are "% the m!"rtan-e and 'alue I#lam !la-e# u!"n &"men, W"men &h" d" n"t kn"& th#
realty. a# &ell a# all !e"!le &th n#u%%-ent kn"&led*e "% the (ur<an. try t" !r"te-t ther r*ht# $y &"rkn*
&thn ther &"rld'e&. &h-h %"ll"&# the l"*- "% un$ele%, S"-al -"ndt"n# ar"und the &"rld make th# realty
'ery "$'"u#, C"r e+am!le. many &"men -"ntnue t" $e e+!"#ed t" ll1treatment. '"len-e. and unem!l"yment.
and need t" $e taken -are "% a%ter ther hu#$and# ha'e ether d'"r-ed "r a$and"ned them. "r ha'e ded,
2he#e !r"$lem# &ll n"t $e #"l'ed untl !e"!le turn t" the "nly #"ur-e that -an !r"'de true and la#tn* #"lut"n#:
the (ur<an, N" #trate*y $a#ed u!"n an un$ele'n* #"-ety<# l"*- and 'alue# &ll #u--eed. a# Allah re'eal#:
f the truth were to follow their whims and desires, the heavens and 4arth and everyone in them
would have (een (rought to ruin. 6o indeedF 0e have given them that (y which they are
remem(ered Ci.e. their honor, eminence and dignityD, (ut they have turned away from it. (Surat al;
Mu:minun) ?M#
When !e"!le $a#e ther l'e# "n the r*ht# and &r"n*# "% ther "&n makn*. the re#ult# &ll al&ay# $e d#a#tr"u#,
E'erythn* and e'ery$"dy # thu# de#tned t" -"ntnue "n t# !ath "% de*enerat"n,
I'en the !er##ten-e "% the 'alue# $a#ed "n un$ele%. and de#!te $en* a&are "% ther tr"u$led l%e#tyle.
un$ele'er# -ann"t %nd a la#tn* #"lut"n t" ther !r"$lem#, 2hu#. they %nd them#el'e# -"ntnun* t" turn a&ay
%r"m the "nly !ath that &ll lead them t" !r"#!erty. e'en th"u*h they are 'ery &ell a&are "% t,
2he "nly #"lut"n # the (ur<an. &h-h !r"'de# the ea#e#t. a# &ell a# the m"#t -"ntent and $eaut%ul !ath. $y
&h-h t" l'e, 2he "nly !ath that -an lead t"&ard r*hte"u#ne## # H# !ath. %"r "nly t lead# t" *""dne## and
!r"#!erty, Allah re'eal# that the (ur<an $rn*# !e"!le h"n"r and d*nty. and that all &h" a$de $y t# 'alue# and
%"ll"& th# r*hte"u# !ath &ll %nd #u--e## n e'erythn* they undertake,
All true and la#tn* #"lut"n# t" &"men<# !r"$lem# are %"und n the (ur<an, I#lam. &h-h &a# re'ealed t" *ude
humanty t" #al'at"n. *enunely 'alue# &"men, Many 'er#e# !r"te-t &"men and ther r*ht#. %"r the (ur<an
elmnated the !re'alent m#*uded #tere"ty!e# "% &"men and *a'e them a re#!e-ta$le !"#t"n n #"-ety, Our
L"rd tea-he# that #u!er"rty n H# Pre#en-e # $a#ed n"t "n *ender. $ut rather "n "ne<# %ear and re#!e-t "% Allah.
%ath. *""d -hara-ter. de'"t"n. and ded-at"n t" Hm,
Allah ha# re'ealed the #te!# that &"men need t" take t" en#ure ther !r"te-t"n and re#!e-t &thn #"-ety. and %"r
them t" %nd the l"'e and d*nty that they de#er'e, All "% the#e mea#ure# $ene%t &"men and #eek t" !re'ent
dama*e t" ther ntere#t# "r any %"rm "% "!!re##"n and unne-e##ary #tre##,
In the ne+t #e-t"n. &e &ll d#-u## h"& the (ur<an en#ure# that &"men are treated a--"rdn* t" ther true 'alue
and h"n"r, A# Allah ha# re'ealed. I#lam 'alue# all !e"!le and $rn*# h"n"r. d*nty. and re#!e-ta$lty t" them n
$"th &"rld#,
3he 1nly Measure of 3rue Superiority
Un$ele'er#. &h"#e 'alue# d%%er %r"m th"#e re'ealed n the (ur<an. lead ther l'e# a--"rdn* t" ther #"-ety<#
'alue#. &h-h are the !r"du-t "% ther "&n rea#"nn* and there%"re unrela$le, In "ne 'er#e. Allah a#k# the
%"ll"&n* Bue#t"n:
8o they, then, see% the Iudgment of the 3ime of gnoranceL 0ho could (e (etter at giving Iudgment
than Allah for people with certaintyL (Surat al;Ma:ida) >@#
One "% the 'alue# $a#ed "n un$ele% # the -rtera %"r #u!er"rty, 2he un$ele'er#< -rtera %"r d#tn-t"n and
#u!er"rty are der'ed %r"m #u-h &"rldly 'alue# a# !r"!erty. #tatu#. -areer. %ame. "r !hy#-al attra-t"n, I% they
-ann"t meet the#e -rtera. they admre th"#e &h" -an and %eel relat'ely &"rthle## n -"m!ar#"n,
A# a re#ult. the detal# "% e'eryday #tuat"n# $e-"me m!"rtant &hen -la##%yn* !e"!le, C"r e+am!le. #"me
!e"!le -"n#der t 'tal that they l'e n a !"#h #u$ur$. ha'e the ne&e#t and m"#t de#ra$le -ar. ha'e !arent# &th
'ery #u--e##%ul -areer#. and ha'e a de#ra$le !r"%e##"n, Or. they &ant e+!en#'e and de#*ner1la$el -l"thn*.
&ell1!la-ed relat'e#. a d!l"ma %r"m the $e#t un'er#ty. and #" "n, When -h""#n* ther %rend#. a##"-ate#. "r
e'en ther !"tental #!"u#e. they %"ll"& the#e #ame -rtera,
In many -"untre#. !e"!le !la-e *reat m!"rtan-e u!"n #kn -"l"r. the lan*ua*e they #!eak. "r ther nat"nalty, In
%a-t. the #ame -rtera %"r #u!er"rty a!!ly t" all un$ele'n* #"-ete#. &th "nly #"me mn"r d%%eren-e# $a#ed
u!"n -ulture. h#t"ry. and "ther %a-t"r#,
At the r""t "% &"men<# !r"!er r"le le the 'ery #ame &r"n* -rtera, @y a!!lyn* ther #"-ety<# m#*uded
tradt"n and #el%1made -rtera. they -"ntnue t" treat &"men a# #e-"nd1-la## -t5en#,
Allah. "n the "ther hand. re'eal# that the $e#t and true#t -rtera # H#, It # re'ealed n the (ur<an that He ha# "nly
"ne -rter"n: a !er#"n<# %ear and re#!e-t "% Hm:
1 humanityF 0e created you from a male and female, and made you into peoples and tri(es so that
you might come to %now each other. 3he no(lest among you in Allah:s Sight is the one who guards
against evil Cone with the most taQwaD. Allah is All;Enowing, All;Aware. (Surat al;HuIurat) M=#
1 &hildren of AdamF 0e have sent down clothing to you to conceal your private parts, as well as
fine apparel, (ut the garment of heedfulness/that is (estF 3hat is one of Allah:s Signs, so that,
hopefully, you will pay heed. (Surat al;A:raf) "G#
In yet an"ther 'er#e. Allah re'eal# that th# %ear and re#!e-t # the m"#t $ene%-al Bualty that they -an attan:
H0hatever good you do, Allah %nows it. 3a%e provisionJ (ut the (est provision is the fear Cand respectD of
Allah. So have fear Cand respectD of Me, 1 people of intelligenceTH (Surat al1@aBara: 36O) 2here%"re. !e"!le
#h"uld n"t #tr'e %"r &ealth and !r"!erty. "r %ame and #tatu#. $ut rather %"r the %ear and re#!e-t "% Allah. %"r "nly
th# Bualty &ll make them #u!er"r and 'alued n $"th &"rld#,
Allah al#" ad'#e# !e"!le n"t t" #eek &ealth. &h-h ha# $e-"me a mea#ure "% #u!er"rty am"n* !e"!le. $ut t" a#k
%"r H# *""d &ll:
8o not covet what Allah has given to some of you in preference to others/men have a portion of
what they acQuire and women have a portion of what they acQuireJ (ut as% Allah for His (ounty.
Allah has %nowledge of all things. (Surat an;6isa:) ="#
2hu#. th"#e &h" mea#ure #u!er"rty n term# "% *ender. !hy#-al #tren*th. "r any "ther 'alue $ult u!"n un$ele%
are makn* a *reat m#take, A# He #ay# n the (ur<an: H3he men and women who give charity and ma%e a
good loan to Allah will have it increased for them, and they will have a generous reward9 (Surat al1Hadd:
39), In th# 'er#e Allah remnd# !e"!le. men a# &ell a# &"men. that "nly $y l'n* a--"rdn* t" the m"ralty that
He re'ealed n the (ur<an -an they %nd the true and #u!er"r re&ard,
Men and 0omen Are 4Qual
N" d"u$t. e'ery #"-ety kn"&# all "% the tradt"nal ar*ument# a$"ut &"men<# deal r"le and !la-e, 2her #"-al
#tatu# and m!"rtan-e n the %amly. &hether "r n"t they #h"uld &"rk. and "ther #"-al ##ue# ha'e $een d#-u##ed
#eemn*ly %"re'er, C"r Mu#lm#. the#e ##ue# &ere #ettled n the (ur<an: Men and &"men are eBual, 2he %a-t# that
men and &"men ha'e d%%erent !hy#-al $uld# and that &"men are *enerally &eaker than men are rrele'ant and
-ann"t $e u#ed t" redu-e &"men<# 'alue,
What truly matter# n I#lam- m"ralty # n"t &hether #"me"ne # male "r %emale. $ut &hether "r n"t he "r #he # a
$ele'er &h" %ear# and re#!e-t# Allah, Ea-h $ele'er # e+!e-ted t" #tr'e t" l'e $y the (ur<an<# m"ralty. %"r the
re#ult# "% th# #tru**le are &hat Allah 'alue# and &ll mea#ure n the Herea%ter, Allah re'eal# the Bualte# that all
Mu#lm#. male "r %emale. #h"uld ha'e:
3he men and women of the (elievers are friends of one another. 3hey command what is right and
for(id what is wrong, %eep up prayer and give the alms C<a%atD, and o(ey Allah and His Messenger.
3hey are the people on whom Allah will have mercy. Allah is Almighty, All;0ise. (Surat at;3aw(a)
A# Allah re'eal#. all Mu#lm#. re*ardle## "% ther *ender. ha'e the #ame re#!"n#$lte#: t" &"r#h! Allah. l'e
a--"rdn* t" the (ur<an<# m"ralty. -"mmand *""d and !re'ent e'l. and a$de $y the (ur<an<# rule# and ad'-e,
Allah !r"m#e# e'ery"ne &h" %ear# and re#!e-t# the lmt# that He ha# e#ta$l#hed %"r humanty that He &ll *'e
them the a$lty t" d#tn*u#h r*ht %r"m &r"n*:
1 you who (elieveF f you have fear of Cand respectD Allah, He will give you discrimination, erase
your (ad actions, and forgive you. Allah:s favor is indeed immense. (Surat al;Anfal) "O#
One<# *ender ha# n" $earn* "n th#. %"r Allah ha# *'en e'ery"ne an ntelle-t -a!a$le "% leadn* hm "r her t" the
r*ht !ath. rea-hn* the r*ht de-#"n#. and *'n* the r*ht re#!"n#e# n return %"r $ele% and de'"t"n, 2here%"re.
ntelle-t ha# n"thn* t" d" &th *ender= rather. t ha# e'erythn* t" d" &th "ne<# de'"t"n. %ear. and re#!e-t "%
Any man "r &"man &h" a-t# "n the m!ul#e# "% the ntelle-t der'ed %r"m $ele% -an a-he'e #u--e## n many
area#, 2h# de!end# "n ther &ll. m"t'at"n. and !er##ten-e, @ele'er# ne'er re#t "n ther laurel#. %"r t # !art "%
I#lam- m"ralty t" al&ay# #tr'e t" $e m"re ntell*ent. talented. re#!"n#$le. and 'rtu"u#. a# &ell a# t" #eek t"
al&ay# m!r"'e u!"n ther -hara-ter, Allah re'eal# that $ele'er# !ray t" Hm %"r a -hara-ter that &ll make them
r"le m"del# %"r th"#e ar"und them:
3hose who say) 91ur ,ord, give us Ioy in our wives and children, and ma%e us a good e'ample for
those who guard against evil.9 (Surat al;BurQan) ?!#
A Mu#lm &"man &h" d"e# her $e#t n e'erythn* #he undertake# and &h" &"rk# t" de'el"! an e+em!lary
-hara-ter and m"ralty. &ll e+-el n her #"-ety, She &ll -arry "ut her re#!"n#$lte# -"m!etently. rea-h the
r*ht de-#"n#. %nd the $e#t #"lut"n#. and take the m"#t a!!r"!rate a-t"n#,
A# e+!laned earler. I#lam #tate# that men and &"men are t"tally eBual, C"r $"th "% them. t all de!end# "n ther
a$lty t" e+-eed &hat # e+!e-ted "% them $y real5n* the %ull !"tental "% ther -hara-ter and !er#"nalty. and $y
%ul%lln* ther re#!"n#$lte#, C"r th# rea#"n. $ele'n* &"men d" n"t #tru**le %"r eBualty &th men. $ut e+ert
them#el'e# n the ra-e t" d" *""d. de%ned n the (ur<an a# the e%%"rt t" &n Allah<# *""d !lea#ure, C"r th# end.
they ra-e t" $e-"me the !er#"n m"#t l"'ed $y Allah #" that they may &n H# *""d !lea#ure and $e the neare#t t"
Hm, Allah re'eal# that the#e e%%"rt# determne the Mu#lm<# #u!er"rty "'er "ther# n th# l%e a# &ell a# n the
Such people are truly racing toward good things, and they are the first to reach them. (Surat al;
Mu:minun) GM#
3hen 0e made 1ur chosen servants inherit the $oo%. $ut some of them wrong themselves, some
are am(ivalent, and some outdo each other in good (y Allah:s permission. 3hat is the great favor.
(Surah Batir) ="#
2he eBualty $et&een men and &"men # al#" #een n the %a-t that Allah *'e# them eBual r*ht# n th# &"rld:
0e made everything on 4arth adornment for it so that 0e could test them to see whose actions are
the (est. (Surat al;Eahf) ?#
4very soul will taste death. 0e test you with (oth good and evil as a trial. And you will (e returned
to 2s. (Surat al;An(iya:) =>#
In the a$"'e 'er#e#. Allah re'eal# that He te#t# men and &"men #" that they -an #h"& &h" # $etter, In an"ther
'er#e. He #ay# that He &ll te#t men and &"men &th 'ar"u# tral# untl the day they de. and that th"#e &h" #h"&
!aten-e &ll $e re&arded &th H# mer-y:
0e will test you with a certain amount of fear and hunger, as well as loss of wealth, life, and fruits.
$ut give good news to the steadfast. (Surat al;$aQara) M>>#
Allah *a'e ea-h man and &"man a %+ed num$er "% year#. h"ld# them $"th re#!"n#$le %"r ther -h"-e#. *a'e
them a #en#e "% r*ht and &r"n*. and made ther $a#e n#tn-t# and #atan ther eneme#, And &h"e'er #h"&#
#tren*th "% -hara-ter and &"rk# %"r *""d n the %a-e "% the#e realte# here "n Earth &ll re-e'e the $e#t re&ard#
%r"m Allah n $"th &"rld#:
will not let the deeds of any doer among you go to waste, male or female/you are (oth the same
in that respect. 3hose who have left their homes and were driven from their homes, and CwhoD
suffered harm in My 0ay and fought and were %illed, will erase their (ad actions and admit them
into -ardens with rivers flowing under them, as a reward from Allah. 3he (est of all rewards is
with Allah. (Surah Al :mran) MO>#
He al#" remnd# men and &"men that n" "ne &ll $e treated un?u#tly a# re*ard# the re&ard# they are t" re-e'e "n
Earth a# &ell a# n the Herea%ter: HAnyone who acts rightly, male or female, (eing a (eliever, 0e will give
them a good life and will recompense them according to the (est of what they did9 (Surat an1Nahl: 6O),
n the Sur:an Men and 0omen Are Addressed in the Same Manner
L""kn* at the (ur<an n *eneral. &e #ee that men and &"men are addre##ed n the #ame manner, 2h# # yet
an"ther nd-at"n that Allah # -"n-erned "nly &th a !er#"n<# true and heart1%elt $ele% and n"t h# "r her a*e "r
*ender, In th# re#!e-t. the (ur<an addre##e# men and &"men t"*ether and remnd# them that they ha'e the #ame
re#!"n#$lte#, 2here are many #u-h 'er#e#. am"n* them: HAnyone, male or female, who does right actions
and (elieves, will enter the -arden. 3hey will not (e wronged (y so much as the tiniest spec%H (Surat an1
N#a: 34D),
An"ther 'er#e n &h-h Allah addre##e# men and &"men t"*ether # *'en $el"&:
0hoever does an evil act will only (e repaid with its eQuivalent. $ut whoever acts rightly, male or
female, (eing a (eliever, such a person will enter the -arden, wherein they will (e provided for
without any rec%oning. (Surah -hafir) !@#
When re'ealn* thn*# a$"ut un$ele'er#. Allah al#" addre##e# them n the #ame manner, He re'eal# that
un$ele'er# and hy!"-rte# "% $"th *ender# &ll $e treated alke, C"r e+am!le:
3he men and women of the hypocrites are as (ad as one another. 3hey command what is wrong
and for(id what is right, and they %eep their fists tightly closed. 3hey have forgotten Allah, so He
has forgotten them. 3he hypocrites are deviators. (Surat at;3aw(a) G?#
Allah has promised the men and women of the hypocrites and un(elievers the Bire of Hell,
remaining in it timelessly, forever. t will suffice them. Allah has cursed them. 3hey will have an
everlasting punishment. (Surat at;3aw(a) GK#
3his was so that Allah might punish hypocritical men and women as well as the associating men
and women/those who thin% (ad thoughts a(out Allah, and turn toward the men and women of
the (elievers. Allah is 4ver;Borgiving, Most Merciful. (Surat al;Ah<a() ?=#
And so that He might punish hypocritical men and women as well as associating men and women/
those who thin% (ad thoughts a(out Allah. 3hey will suffer an evil turn of fate. Allah is angry with
them, has cursed them, and prepared Hell for them. 0hat an evil destinationF (Surat al;Bath) G#
A# the#e 'er#e# make -lear. men and &"men are eBual n ther tral "n Earth a# &ell a# n the re&ard they re-e'e
n the Herea%ter,
3he Palue of Mothers
I#lam- m"ralty *uarantee# all !e"!le<# #"-al and !er#"nal l'e# and #h"&# them h"& t" l'e the ea#e#t. m"#t
-"ntent. and ha!!e#t l%e, 2h# m"ralty !re#-r$e# ?u#t-e. under#tandn*. -"m!a##"n. and hel!%ulne## t"&ard all
!e"!le. re*ardle## "% *ender. a*e. and e-"n"m- #tatu#, Irre#!e-t'e "% &h"m they are dealn* &th. Mu#lm# are
reBured t" al&ay# a$de $y th# m"ralty a# $e#t they -an, Mu#lm# ad"!t the#e #u!er"r m"ral -hara-ter#t-#
$e-au#e Allah tell# them t" d" #", A# a re#ult. a !er#"n<# #"-al #tatu#. *ender. a*e. and "ther #u-h -hara-ter#t-#
are rrele'ant t" them,
Allah states the importance of treating women, especially mothers, well. *arents do their (est to
give their children a good education, a decent character, and teach them to treat all other people
properly. -iven that they ma%e many sacrifices, financial or otherwise, for many years, the
children are o(ligated to return their efforts and selfless support with respect and service. Allah
reveals this responsi(ility)
0e have instructed man to honor his parents. (Surat al;:An%a(ut) K#
0e have instructed man to (e good to his parents. (Surat al;AhQaf) M>#
Say) 9&ome, and will recite to you what your ,ord has made for(idden to you) that you do not
associate anything with Him, that you (e good to your parents, that you do not %ill your children
(ecause of poverty/0e will provide for you and them, that you do not approach indecency/
outward or inward, and that you do not %ill any person Allah has made inviolate/e'cept with the
right to do so. 3hat is what He instructs you to do so that, hopefully, you will use your intellect.9
(Surat al;An:am) M>M#
It # al#" re'ealed n the (ur<an that "ne mu#t treat !arent# &ell and a'"d arr"*an-e and !rde:
0orship Allah, and do not associate anything with Him. $e good to your parents and relatives,
orphans and the very poor, neigh(ors who are related to you and neigh(ors who are not related to
you, companions and travelers, and your slaves. Allah does not love anyone vain or (oastful. (Surat
an;6isa:) =G#
Jlearly. Allah ad'#e# !e"!le t" al&ay# $e under#tandn*. -"m!a##"nate. and re#!e-t%ul t"&ard ther !arent#, He
al#" remnd# u# "% the d%%-ulte# that m"ther# #u%%er &hle *'n* $rth and ra#n* ther -hldren, C"r e+am!le:
0e have instructed man concerning his parents. $earing him caused his mother great de(ility, and
the period of his weaning was two years) 9-ive than%s to Me and to your parents. am your final
destination.9 (Surah ,uQman) M!#
0e have instructed man to (e good to his parents. His mother (ore him with difficulty and, with
difficulty, gave (irth to himJ and his (earing and weaning ta%e thirty months. 3hen when he
achieves his full strength and reaches forty, he says) 9My ,ord, %eep me than%ful for the (lessing
.ou (estowed on me and on my parents, and %eep me acting rightly, pleasing .ou. Ma%e my
descendants righteous. have repented to .ou, and am truly one of the Muslims.9 (Surat al;
AhQaf) M>#
E'ery m"ther #u%%er# %"r many m"nth# and d#!lay# *reat de'"t"n n "rder t" *'e $rth, A# Allah re'eal#. th# #
an a*"n5n* !r"-e## %"r her, A%ter th# !er"d. #he ad"!t# a #el%le## de'"t"n and $e*n# t" %eed and nurture her
-hld, Allah remnd# !e"!le "% th# realty and !"nt# "ut that m"ther# are 'ery #!e-al $en*#, In addt"n. He
ad'#e# !e"!le n"t t" %"r*et ther !arent#< #el%le## de'"t"n t" them and t" treat them eBually &ell &hen they rea-h
"ld a*e and $e-"me de!endent:
.our ,ord has decreed that you should worship none (ut Him, and that you should show %indness
to your parents. 0hether one or (oth of them reach old age with you, do not say 92ghF9 to them
out of irritation, and do not (e harsh with themJ rather, spea% to them with gentleness and
generosity. 3a%e them under your wing, out of mercy, with due humility and say) 91 ,ord, show
mercy to them as they did in loo%ing after me when was small.9 (Surat al;sra:) "=;"!#
A# &e all kn"&. "ld a*e mean# the l"## "% !hy#-al #tren*th. dynam#m. health. and ener*y, Su-h !e"!le $e-"me
de!endent "n "ther !e"!le<# -are. !r"te-t"n. and hel!, 2her mental %a-ulte# de-rea#e. and they -"me %a-e t" %a-e
&th mem"ry l"## and "ther !r"$lem#, Mu#lm#. a# reBured $y Allah. treat ther elderly !arent# &th -"m!a##"n.
under#tandn*. and -are,
In the 'er#e# -ted a$"'e. Allah re'eal# h"& Mu#lm# #h"uld treat ther elderly !arent#, A# &e #ee. He %"r$d#
Mu#lm# t" #h"& e'en the #l*hte#t d#re#!e-t t"&ard ther !arent# and -"mmand# them t" #ay n-e thn*# and
treat them *ently #" that they &ll ha'e n" rea#"n t" $e-"me u!#et, A# a re#ult. Mu#lm# are 'ery under#tandn*.
-"n#derate. and -are%ul &th ther elderly !arent#, 2hey d" ther $e#t t" make ther !arent# -"m%"rta$le and
-"ntnue t" l"'e and re#!e-t them, J"n#dern* the d%%-ulte# and -"m!lant# a##"-ated &th "ld a*e. Mu#lm#
try t" !r"'de %"r ther !arent#< need# $e%"re $en* a#ked t" d" #", Whate'er the -r-um#tan-e#. they are al&ay#
!"lte and *'n*,
Mu#lm# n"t "nly !r"'de %"r ther !arent#< #!rtual and !#y-h"l"*-al need#. $ut al#" d" e'erythn* t" meet ther
materal and %nan-al need#, Allah re'eal# that !arent# ha'e r*ht# t" ther -hldren<# %nan-al a###tan-e:
3hey will as% you what they should give away. Say) 9Any wealth you give away should go to your
parents and relatives, orphans and the very poor, and travelers.9 0hatever good you do, Allah
%nows it. (Surat al;$aQara) "M>#
2he Pr"!het E"#e!h<# (!$uh) e+em!lary treatment "% h# !arent# # a !er%e-t e+am!le %"r all !e"!le, C"ll"&n* h#
a!!"ntment $y the Kn* a# trea#urer "% E*y!t. he h"#ted h# !arent# n the m"#t re#!e-ta$le manner and then
e+!re##ed h# *rattude and de'"t"n t" them $y #eatn* them "n the thr"ne, Allah re'eal# the Pr"!het E"#e!h<#
(!$uh) $eha'"r:
3hen when they entered into Aoseph:s presence, he drew his parents close to him and said) 94nter
4gypt safe and sound, if Allah wills.9 He raised his parents up onto the throne. 3he others fell
prostrate in front of him. He said) 9My father, truly this is now the interpretation of the dream
had. My ,ord has made it all come true, and He was %ind to me (y letting me out of prison and
(rought you from the desert when satan had caused dissent (etween me and my (rothers. My ,ord
is %ind to anyone He wills. He is indeed All;Enowing and All;0ise.9 (Surah .usuf) OO;M@@#
It # re'ealed n the (ur<an that $ele'er# !ray %"r ther !arent# and %"r Allah<# %"r*'ene## and mer-y %"r them,
Cr"m #"me "% the 'er#e#. &e *ather that the Pr"!het# made #mlar !rayer#, Allah re'eal# that the Pr"!het N"ah
(!$uh) !rayed %"r h# !arent#: H1 My ,ord, forgive me and my parents and all who enter my house as
(elievers, and all the men and women of the (elievers. $ut do not increase the wrongdoers e'cept in ruin9
(Surah Nuh: 49),
We under#tand %r"m the (ur<an that I#lam- m"ralty !la-e# a *reat 'alue "n !arent#, Allah make# -lear that #u-h
-hara-ter trat# are m!"rtant %"r all Mu#lm# &hen they are y"un* a# &ell a# &hen they are "ld,
H"&e'er. n -ertan -a#e# $ele'er# are reBured t" d#"$ey ther !arent#, C"r e+am!le:
$ut if they try to ma%e you associate something with Me a(out which you have no %nowledge, do
not o(ey them. Eeep company with them correctly and courteously in this world, (ut follow the
way of him who turns to Me. 3hen you will return to Me, and will inform you a(out the things
you did. (Surah ,uQman) M>#
2hr"u*h th# 'er#e. Allah ad'#e# Mu#lm# t" d#"$ey ther !arent# "nly % the latter -h""#e t" re$el a*an#t Allah
and en-"ura*e ther -hldren t" d" the #ame, @ut #tll. a# reBured $y I#lam<# m"ralty. "ne mu#t n"t $e
d#re#!e-t%ul t"&ard them and mu#t h"n"r ther &#he# and treat them &ell,
0omen in Married ,ife
Relat"n#h!# $a#ed "n &"rldly 'alue# -an de*enerate nt" $a#ene##. a# "%ten ha!!en# n marra*e, When !e"!le<#
l"'e and re#!e-t # $a#ed "n the#e 'alue#. they -an l"#e the#e %eeln*# Bu-kly &hen -r-um#tan-e# -han*e, 2h# #
alm"#t ne'ta$le &hen l"'e. re#!e-t. and l"yalty de!end "n "ne<# $eauty. &ealth. health. ?"$. "r #tatu#. %"r &hen
the#e tem!"rary and #u!er%-al -hara-ter#t-# d#a!!ear. #" &ll the "ther !er#"n<# l"'e, S"me"ne &h" %"ll"&#
#u-h -rtera &ll %nd n" rea#"n t" -"ntnue t" l"'e and h"n"r h# "r her #!"u#e &hen the $a## %"r th"#e 'alue# #
@ele%. %ear and re#!e-t "% Allah. and de-en-y "% -hara-ter are &hat make l"'e. re#!e-t. and l"yalty endure,
S"me"ne &h" l"'e# h# "r her #!"u#e %"r ther $ele% and -hara-ter &ll. n marred l%e. $e re#!e-t%ul. l"yal. and
de-ent, L"#n* "ne<# y"uth. health. "r $eauty &ll n"t a%%e-t the l"'e and -"n#derat"n am"n* #!"u#e# %"r ea-h
"ther. and nether &ll l"#n* "ne<# &ealth "r #"-al #tatu#, 2hey &ll n"t -au#e tr"u$le "r d#-"ntent t" the "ther
!er#"n $e-au#e "% ther %rm $ele% and %ear and re#!e-t "% Allah. &hate'er the -r-um#tan-e#, @ele'er# &ll
al&ay# $e *entle and -"m!a##"nate. a# &ell a# %ar and under#tandn*. %"r they &ll -"n#der th# t" $e a
re#!"n#$lty entru#ted t" them $y Allah,
S" -l"#e # the martal relat"n#h! that n the (ur<an Allah #ay# "% the #!"u#e#: H3hey are clothing for you, and
you for them9 (Surat al1@aBara: 39O), In th# 'er#e. Allah remnd# !e"!le that ea-h #!"u#e ha# eBual
re#!"n#$lte#, 2he &"rd H-l"thn*H #tand# %"r the re#!"n#$lty "% *uardn* and !r"te-tn* "ne an"ther and al#"
#u**e#t# that men and &"men ha'e -"m!lementary Bualte#,
2he m!"rtan-e "% l"'e and -"m!a##"n n marra*e # #tated n an"ther 'er#e: HAmong His Signs is that He
created spouses for you of your own %ind, so that you might find tranQuillity in them. And He has placed
affection and compassion (etween you. 3here are certainly Signs in that for people who reflectH (Surat ar1
Rum: 43), @ele'er# -"n#der ther #!"u#e# t" $e *%t# that Allah ha# *'en nt" ther -are. and there%"re 'alue "ne
an"ther *reatly, 2hey #h"& a%%e-t"n and -"m!a##"n &hen ther #!"u#e make# a m#take "r %all# #h"rt n #"me
&ay. and kn"& that $eha'n* a--"rdn* t" the (ur<an &ll hel! them "'er-"me all d%%-ulte# and #"l'e ther
!r"$lem#, A# a re#ult. marra*e hel!# $"th #!"u#e# %nd -"ntentment and !ea-e,
Wth the !hra#e Hyou have (een intimate with one anotherH (Surat an1N#a<: 43). Allah !r"-lam# the -l"#ene##
and ntma-y "% marred l%e, 2he #e-ret "% th# -l"#ene##. ntma-y. and 'alun* "% ea-h "ther # ther ntent"n t"
-reate an e'erla#tn* t"*etherne## that &ll e+tend nt" the Herea%ter, 2rue l"yalty and l"'e reBure# th# atttude,
Sn-e ther l"'e # nether #el%#h n"r tem!"rary. $ut ntended t" $e e'erla#tn*. they are -"m!letely l"yal. -l"#e.
h"ne#t. and ntmate &th "ne an"ther,
A# &e ha'e #een. the (ur<an<# m"ralty %"rm# the $a## %"r a martal relat"n#h! $a#ed "n t"*etherne##. "ne n
&h-h $"th !arte# %ear and re#!e-t Allah and %"ll"& H# m"ralty, In #u-h a relat"n#h!. ea-h !er#"n<# l"yalty.
%ath%ulne##. l"'e. #n-erty. -"m!a##"n. and m"de#ty -"m!lement and #u!!"rt the "ther !er#"n, Su-h a marra*e
# #ta$le and l"n*1la#tn*, 2he marra*e# "% !e"!le &th"ut the#e Bualte#. "n the "ther hand. are #h"rt1l'ed,
C"r the#e rea#"n#. I#lam -"n#der# marra*e t" $e a -"m%"rt %"r &"men. %"r n t #he e+!eren-e# l"'e. re#!e-t.
l"yalty. and %ath%ulne## n the $e#t !"##$le &ay, She # al&ay# re#!e-ted. 'alued. and h"n"red, 2he a$#en-e "%
any !rde. #u!er"rty -"m!le+. and le# ena$le# her t" %nd !ea-e and -"ntentment,
Our Pr"!het (may Allah $le## hm and *rant hm !ea-e) $e-ame a *reat e+am!le %"r all Mu#lm# n th# re#!e-t,
Allah re%er# t" th# realty n the %"ll"&n* 'er#e: HY"u ha'e an e+-ellent m"del n the Me##en*er "% Allah. %"r all
&h" !ut ther h"!e n Allah and the La#t ;ay and remem$er Allah mu-hH (Surat al1Ah5a$: 43), He %reBuently
#tated the m!"rtan-e and 'alue "% Mu#lm &"men. a# n th# hadth: H2he &h"le &"rld # a !r"'#"n. and the $e#t
"$?e-t "% $ene%t "% the &"rld # the !"u# &"man,H38
In an"ther hadth. he #ad: "The most perfect believer in faith is the one who is the best of them in good conduct.
The best of you is the one among you who treats his wife the best,H3O
H# m!e--a$le $eha'"r # a r"le m"del %"r all Mu#lm#, In "ne hadth. he !"nt# "ut the m!"rtan-e "% treatn*
marred &"men n the n-e#t &ay:
H2he $e#t "% y"u # the "ne &h" # the $e#t t" h# &'e#. and I am the $e#t "% y"u t"&ard my &'e#,H39
He remnded e'ery"ne n a hadth "% the m!"rtan-e "% 'alun* &"men: HAct kindly toward women,H36
Our Pr"!het (may Allah $le## hm and *rant hm !ea-e). &h" # a r"le m"del %"r all $ele'er#. al&ay# treated h#
&'e# *ently. n-ely. and &th -"m!a##"n, A#ha #ad: "I have never seen a man who was more compassionate to
his family members than Muhammad (may Allah bless him and grant him peace)."4:
$eing *rotective of 0omen
@y !r"-lamn* H0e send down in the Sur:an that which is a healing and a mercy to the (elievers.H (Surat
al1I#ra<: 94) Allah #tate# that I#lam- m"ralty &ll al&ay# dre-t !e"!le t"&ard the *""d and that the (ur<an<#
'er#e# are a mer-y %"r them, 2he#e 'er#e#. re'ealed t" -reate -"ntentment and ?u#t-e am"n* !e"!le. *uarantee the
r*ht# "% &"men n $"th ther #"-al and %amly l'e#, And. the 'er#e H0e (ring you the truth and the (est of
e'planationsH (Surat al1CurBan: >>) make# -lear the %a-t that the (ur<an -"ntan# all "% the kn"&led*e needed t"
%nd the 'alue. l"'e. and re#!e-t that they de#er'e n e'ery a#!e-t "% ther l'e#,
2h# # a *reat mer-y. -"m%"rt. and *%t %r"m Allah %"r &"men a# &ell, When !e"!le $eha'e a--"rdn* t" the
(ur<an<# m"ral#. all d#!ute# "'er the r"le and !la-e "% &"men n #"-ety. a# &ell a# the -"ntr"'er#y #urr"undn*
them n un$ele'n* #"-ete#. &ll -ertanly -"me t" an end,
We &ll n"& e+!l"re #"me "% the 'er#e# that *uard &"men<# #"-al r*ht# and re'eal ther m!"rtan-e and 'alue n
I#lam<# m"ral #y#tem,
8ivorcing 0omen with 3heir &onsent
2he $ele'er#< %ear and re#!e-t "% Allah. a# &ell a# ther $ele%. -au#e them t" "$ey ther -"n#-en-e and the
(ur<an<# 'alue# at e'ery m"ment, @ut %"r un$ele'er#. ther $a#e n#tn-t# and #atan are ther *udn* n%luen-e#,
2hu#. they #eek t" #at#%y ther #el%1ntere#t and ther e*" n#tead "% a-tn* %arly and n-ely, 2h# #-enar" # "%ten
#een &hen relat"n#h!# end. #u-h a# a marra*e $a#ed u!"n %nan-al #el%1ntere#t,
C"r the#e !e"!le. d'"r-e mean# the end "% all $"nd# $a#ed "n mutual ntere#t. %"r &hen the#e ntere#t# n" l"n*er
e+#t. there # n" l"n*er any rea#"n %"r them t" 'alue "r re#!e-t the "ther !arty, A# a re#ult. they #ee n" rea#"n t"
d" anythn* *""d %"r that !er#"n. and #" m"'e t" !r"te-t ther "&n ntere#t# re*ardle## "% the "ther !er#"n<#
@ele'er# d#!lay a t"tally d%%erent ty!e "% $eha'"r n #u-h -r-um#tan-e#. %"r ther "nly *"al n l%e # t" &n
Allah<# *""d !lea#ure, Cully a&are that %"ll"&n* the &hm# "% ther #el%1ntere#t "r e*" d#!lea#e# Hm. they
adhere t" the (ur<an<# m"ralty and ther -"n#-en-e, 2here%"re. e'en n the -a#e "% d'"r-e. they treat ea-h "ther
&ell and &th ?u#t-e,
Allah -"mmand# men t" d'"r-e ther &'e# n the $e#t !"##$le &ay: H0hen you divorce women and they are
near the end of their waiting period, then either retain them with correctness and courtesy or release them
with correctness and courtesy9 (Surat al1@aBara: 4>3), Pur#un* "nly Allah<# *""d !lea#ure. they treat ther e+1
&'e# &th -"m!a##"n. !"ltene##. re#!e-t. and th"u*ht%ulne##. there$y -"ntnun* ther %"rmer l"'n* and
re#!e-t%ul manner t"&ard ea-h "ther, Allah re'eal# the male $ele'er#< -"rre-t $eha'"r n #u-h -r-um#tan-e#:
1 you who (elieveF 0hen you marry (elieving women and then divorce them (efore you have
touched them, there is no waiting period for you to calculate for them, so give them a gift and let
them go with %indness. (Surat al;Ah<a() !O#
-uaranteeing 8ivorced 0omen:s Binancial Security
Allah re'eal# that a #n-ere Mu#lm man mu#t *uarantee h# e+1&%e<# %nan-al #e-urty n "rder t" #a%e*uard her
-"ntnued %nan-al &ell1$en*:
8ivorced women should receive maintenance given with correctness and courtesy) a duty for all
who guard against evil. (Surat al;$aQara) "!M#
When determnn* th# am"unt. a Mu#lm man mu#t a-t -"n#-ent"u#ly and -"n#der h# e+1&%e<# #"-al #tandn*
and need#, Allay #ay# n the (ur<an that:
... *rovide for them/He who is wealthy according to his means, and he who is less well off
according to his means/a provision to (e given with correctness and courtesy) a duty for all good;
doers. (Surat al;$aQara) "=G#
He who has plenty should spend out of his plenty (to those women he divorces#, (ut he whose
provision is restricted should spend from what Allah has given him. Allah does not demand from
anyone more than He has given it. Allah will appoint, after difficulty, ease. (Surat at;3alaQ) ?#
In "ther &"rd#. Allah h"ld# e'ery"ne. &th"ut e+-e!t"n. re#!"n#$le a--"rdn* t" ther %nan-al mean# and
reBure# them t" !ay a #uta$le mantenan-e, S"me un$ele'er# -"n#der t a &a#te "% m"ney t" !ay alm"ny t"
ther e+1&'e#. $e-au#e they nether $ele'e n the Herea%ter n"r #eek Allah<# *""d !lea#ure, Sn-e they "nly &#h
t" #a%e*uard ther #el%1ntere#t. they -"n#der !"ntle## t" a-t #el%le##ly t"&ard #"me"ne %r"m &h"m they are
e#tran*ed and thu# -an e+!e-t n" $ene%t, C"r th# rea#"n. they #eek t" a'"d th# re#!"n#$lty. at lea#t !artally "r
-"m!letely, On the "ther hand. male $ele'er#. a# ment"ned a$"'e. -"ntnue t" treat ther e+1&'e# &ell and d"
&hat they -an t" meet ther %nan-al need#,
@ele'er# under#tand that t # n"t ne-e##arly &hat they d". $ut rather &hat ther true ntent"n #. that &ll &n
them H# *""d !lea#ure, 2h# truth # e+!laned n the %"ll"&n* &"rd#: H3heir flesh and (lood does not reach
Allah, (ut your heedfulness does reach Him9 (Surat al1Ha??: >O), C"r th# rea#"n. a $ele'n* man &lln*ly
%ul%ll# h# re#!"n#$lte# t"&ard h# e+1&%e n th# re#!e-t, H"&e'er. % #he d"e# n"t &#h t" re-e'e her due and
% #he &#he# t" %"re*" th# r*ht. her %"rmer hu#$and -ann"t $e held re#!"n#$le: H-ive women their dowry as
an outright gift. $ut if they are happy to give you some of it, ma%e use of it with pleasure and goodwillH
(Surat an1N#a<: D),
4';0ives 5etain 3heir *roperty
2he (ur<an al#" !r"te-t# a &"man<# ntere#t# $y #tatn* that #he retan# &hat her %"rmer hu#$and *a'e her &hle
they &ere marred: Hf you desire to e'change one wife for another and have given your original wife a large
amount, do not ta%e any of it. 0ould you ta%e it (y means of slander and outright crimeL How could you
ta%e it when you have (een intimate with one another, and they have made a (inding contract with youL9
(Surat an1N#a<: 4:143),
Allah remnd# !e"!le that $ele'n* men mu#t re#!e-t the term# "% ther marra*e a*reement, One "% the#e term#
# that re*ardle## "% the am"unt "% !r"!erty "r m"ney that a &"man re-e'e# %r"m her hu#$and durn* ther
marra*e. he ha# n" r*ht t" take t $a-k a%ter he d'"r-e# her, @ele'n* men kn"& th# truth. and #" d" ther $e#t
t" "$ey th# -"mmand,
t is not lawful for you to %eep anything you have given them, unless a couple fears that they will
not remain within Allah:s limits Cthat He esta(lished for humanityD. f you fear that they will not
remain within these limits, there is nothing wrong in the wife ransoming herself with some of what
she received. 3hese are Allah:s limits Cthat He esta(lished for humanityD, so do not overstep them.
3hose who overstep these limits are wrongdoers. (Surat al;$aQara) ""O#
A# #een. I#lam- m"ralty ha# a 'ery h*h "!n"n "% &"men and #eek# t" !re'ent them %r"m #u%%ern* any
d%%-ulte# "r hard#h!#, 2hu#. $ele'n* men #a%e*uard the r*ht# "% &"men and are m"#t -"n#derate t"&ard
Housing 8ivorced 0omen
When t -"me# t" h"u#n* an e+1&%e. Allah !r"-lam#: H,et them live where you live, according to your
means. 8o not put pressure on them, so as to harass them. f they are pregnant, maintain them until they
give (irth. f they are suc%ling for you, give them their wages and consult together with correctness and
courtesy. $ut if you ma%e things difficult for one another, another woman should do the suc%ling for you9
(Surat at12alaB: 8), @ele'n* men are reBured t" meet ther e+1&'e#< e'ery need. $"th materal and "ther&#e. #"
that they &ll n"t %all u!"n hard tme#, Cr#t. the e+1&%e mu#t $e h"u#ed untl a #uta$le h"me -an $e arran*ed %"r
her, I% #he # !re*nant. her %"rmer hu#$and mu#t -"'er all "% the -"#t# a##"-ated &th her health and -are untl #he
*'e# $rth, What truly matter# here # that $ele'n* men a-t n a th"u*ht%ul and under#tandn* manner. &hate'er
the -r-um#tan-e# may $e. and en#ure that the e+1&%e<# %nan-al and "ther need# $e met #" that #he &ll n"t
e+!eren-e any hard#h!, All "% the#e matter# mu#t $e re#"l'ed a# !re#-r$ed n the (ur<an,
8o 6ot nherit 0omen (y Borce
Allah ha# made many re-"mmendat"n# n "rder t" #a%e*uard &"men<# #"-al r*ht#, C"r e+am!le. He remnd#
1 you who (elieveF 3here is no permission for you to inherit women (y force. 6or may you treat
them harshly, so that you can ma%e off with part of what you have given them, unless they commit
an act of flagrant indecency. ,ive together with them correctly and courteously. (Surat an;6isa:)
Safeguarding the 5ights of 1rphaned -irls
2he 'er#e $el"& dra&# "ur attent"n t"&ard the -"rre-t treatment "% &"men:
3hey will consult you concerning women. Say) 9Allah advises a(out themJ and also what is recited
to you in the $oo% a(out orphan girls to whom you do not give the inheritance they are owed, while
at the same time desiring to marry themJ and also a(out young children who are denied their
rights) that you should act Iustly with respect to orphans.9 0hatever good you do, Allah %nows it.
(Surat an;6isa:) M"?#
S"me un$ele'er# #eek t" d#!"##e## th"#e &eak and 'ulnera$le !e"!le &h" ha'e n" *uardan t" l""k a%ter ther
$e#t ntere#t#, One *r"u! "% #u-h !e"!le -"n##t# "% %emale "r!han# &h". $e-au#e "% ther &ealth. are "%ten #"u*ht
"ut $y *reedy men, Allah &arn# $ele'er# a$"ut the#e e'l1mnded !e"!le. re'eal# ther -hara-ter trat#. and
-"mmand# them t" $e r*hte"u#,
@ele'er# kn"& that Allah # All1Seen* and &ll -all them t" a--"unt %"r ther a-t"n# n the Herea%ter, 2hey are
a&are "% the l"## a&atn* th"#e &h" -heat and de%raud !e"!le here "r are un?u#t "r mer-le## t" them, I'en th#
realty. they #hun all #u-h e'l. kn"&n* that a lttle a'ar-e n th# l%e -"uld lead t" eternal #u%%ern* n the
Herea%ter, 2here%"re. they #a%e*uard the "r!han<# ntere#t# and d" &hat they -an t" kee! all e'l1mnded !e"!le
a&ay %r"m them, Lke&#e. they #tr-tly h"n"r the r*ht# "% any "r!han they #eek t" marry and ha'e n" #e-ret !lan
t" a-Bure her &ealth %"r them#el'e#,
3H4 M2S,M 01M46:S 84A, &HA5A&345
In the (ur<an. Allah n%"rm# u# h"& $ele% $ene%t# a &"man:
8o not marry women who associate Cothers with AllahD until they (elieve. A slave girl who is one of
the (elievers is (etter for you than a woman who associates Cothers with AllahD, even though she
may attract you. And do not marry men who associate Cothers with AllahD until they (elieve. A
slave who is one of the (elievers is (etter for you than a man who associates Cothers with AllahD,
even though he may attract you. Such people call you to the Bire, whereas Allah calls you, with His
permission, to the -arden and forgiveness. He ma%es His Signs clear to people so that, hopefully,
they will pay heed. (Surat al;$aQara) ""M#
Allah re'eal# that $ele%. %ear and re#!e-t "% Allah. and I#lam- m"ralty are the %"rem"#t -au#e# "% the $ele'er#<
#tren*th "% -hara-ter and 'rtue, @ele% make# all "% a !er#"n<# Bualte# meann*%ul, In addt"n. the (ur<an<#
m"ralty hel!# &"men. and e'ery"ne el#e. t" a-Bure a m"#t #tr"n*. #"ld. and 'rtu"u# -hara-ter, A# Allah
re'ealed n the 'er#e. H6o indeedF 0e have given them that (y which they are remem(ered Ci.e. their honor,
eminence and dignityD9 (Surat al1Mu<mnun: O3). th# m"ralty *'e# !e"!le ther d*nty and h"n"r, 2here%"re.
&"men &h" l'e $y th# m"ralty &ll $e re#!e-ted and en?"y ther de#er'ed h"n"r and d*nty,
A# &e ment"ned earler. Allah ha# n"t determned #e!arate -hara-ter# %"r men and &"men and there%"re -all# "n
all !e"!le t" a$de $y "ne Mu#lm -hara-ter, 2here%"re. Mu#lm# %ear and re#!e-t Allah. #eek H# *""d !lea#ure.
and #eek "nly t" &n the Herea%ter. n the %ull kn"&led*e that th# &"rldly l%e # tem!"rary and that he "r #he &ll
de "ne day,
All Mu#lm# al&ay# #tr'e t" l'e $y the (ur<an<# m"ralty, W"men &h" d" #" are %ree %r"m all "% the -hara-ter
de%e-t#. &eakne##e#. and !re?ud-e# %"und am"n* un$ele'er#, In#tead. they de'el"! a #tr"n* -hara-ter $a#ed "n
ther $ele%, @ele'er# d#re*ard the #u**e#t"n# and -rt-#m# "% ther #"-ety. %amly. "r %rend# and l'e
a--"rdn* t" the (ur<an<# 'alue# and m"ralty,
Mary # "ne "% the $e#t r"le m"del# %"r #u-h &"men. %"r durn* all "% the d%%-ult tral# that #he under&ent at the
hand# "% her un$ele'n* #"-ety. #he al&ay# #h"&ed her #tren*th "% -hara-ter and nte*rty, And. the #tren*th that
#he der'ed %r"m her $ele% n Allah. her #n-ere #u$m##"n t" Hm. and her -"n#tant adheren-e t" I#lam<# 'alue#
ena$led her t" !re#er'e her h"n"r and nte*rty, In %a-t. #he &a# n"ted %"r the#e Bualte# am"n* !e"!le,
In the -"mn* !a*e#. &e &ll e+!l"re the $a#-# "% a &"man<# deal -hara-ter and h"& mu-h t d%%er# %r"m the
-hara-ter "% un$ele'n* &"men,
Muslim 0omen Su(mit to Allah
Mu#lm &"men $ele'e n Allah &th a true heart. #u$mt -"m!letely t" Hm. are a&are that there # n" "ther
dety. that He # the L"rd "% e'ery $en* and thn*. and that He # All1P"&er%ul, 2here%"re. #he %ear# and re#!e-t#
"nly Hm and #eek# t" &n "nly H# *""d !lea#ure, She &"r#h!# "nly Hm. a--e!t# "nly Hm a# her -l"#e#t
%rend. and #eek# "nly H# hel!, She al#" kn"&# that "nly He -an dre-t *""d and $ad t"&ard her. and #" l'e# n
the %ull kn"&led*e that #he # de!endent "n Hm, She kn"&# that He kee!# her al'e. !r"'de# and -are# %"r her.
and !r"te-t# and *uard# her, C"r the#e rea#"n#. #he ha# n" e+!e-tat"n# "% "ther !e"!le,
She $ele'e# n Allah &th"ut the #l*hte#t d"u$t n her heart %"r her &h"le l%e. ne'er l"#n* heart "r $ele%
re*ardle## "% the -r-um#tan-e#, She kn"&# h"& t" $e *rate%ul and -"ntent &th her -l"#ene## t" Hm $"th &hen
her l%e # *""d and &hen #he # under*"n* d%%-ulte#, She # n a #tate "% -"n#tant #u$m##"n. -ertan "% "ur
L"rd<# l"'e. -"m!a##"n. %"r*'ene##. and !r"'den-e,
When #he en-"unter# a !r"$lem. #he kn"&# that Allah ha# !r"'ded a #"lut"n n the (ur<an. and that &hat matter#
m"#t # her -"ntnued #n-ere l"'e. #u$m##"n. and tru#t n Allah, She # -ertan "% Allah<# !r"m#e that He -reate#
e'erythn* a--"rdn* t" H# ?u#t-e and &th &#d"m and *""dne##,
E'en % her !r"$lem# #eem t" *" "n %"re'er. #he ne'er #urrender# t" h"!ele##ne## "r &"rre# &hen H# hel! &ll
-"me, J"ntent &th &hat He ha# #ent her &ay. #he mantan# her !aten-e and #u$m##"n. kn"&n* that
#"methn* *""d &ll -"me "ut "% t, She remem$er# &hat Allah #ay# n the (ur<an a$"ut th"#e &h" a$and"n ther
$ele% n #u-h tme#, In addt"n. #he re-te# HMy ,ord is with me and will guide me9 (Surat a#h1Shu<ara<: 84).
?u#t a# the Pr"!het# dd &hen %a-ed &th hard#h!, 2hr"u*h"ut her l%e. her !r"%"und %ath ena$le# her t" #ee
Allah<# -"m!a##"n. -l"#ene##. l"'e. hel!. and %rend#h! at all tme#,
2h# #u!er"r -hara-ter $e-"me# e'en m"re d#tn-t'e &hen -"m!ared &th that "% un$ele'n* &"men, S"me
un$ele'n* &"men d" n"t #h"& the a!!r"!rate de*ree "% #u$m##"n n ther en-"unter#. $e-au#e they *n"re the
%a-t that Allah -reate# e'erythn* and n#ert# mu-h &#d"m and *""dne## hdden theren, One "% the $e#t1kn"&n
-hara-ter#t-# "% #u-h &"men # ther m!aten-e. la-k "% determnat"n. !an-. and thr"&n* tantrum# &hen
e+!eren-n* 'ar"u# hard#h!#,
C"r th# rea#"n. and t" #a'e them#el'e# the ha##le. men "%ten try t" kee! &"men a&ay %r"m !"tentally
tr"u$le#"me #tuat"n#, M"'e# and n"'el# are %ull "% #u-h #t"re#, Sn-e they d" n"t !la-e ther tru#t n Allah and
d" n"t #u$mt t" Hm. they -ann"t %nd the !aten-e and re#"lut"n t" endure hard tme#, In %a-t. ther #tren*th #
n dre-t !r"!"rt"n t" the #5e "% the *an they -an e+!e-t %r"m &"rkn* thr"u*h the#e d%%-ulte#,
@ele'n* &"men der'e ther #tren*th %r"m ther $ele% and ther determnat"n t" &n Allah<# *""d !lea#ure,
2here%"re. ther re##tan-e -an $e Bute !"&er%ul, He re'eal# th# truth n the %"ll"&n* 'er#e "% the (ur)an:
HAllah:s guidance, that is true guidance. 0e are commanded to su(mit as Muslims to the ,ord of all the
worldsH (Surat al1An<am: O3), Allah *'e# *""d ne&# t" th"#e &h" #u$mt t" Hm:
3hose who su(mit themselves completely to Allah and do good have grasped the Birmest Handhold.
3he end result of all affairs is with Allah. (Surah ,uQman) ""#
6ot soF All who su(mit themselves completely to Allah and are good;doers will find their reward
with their ,ord. 3hey will feel no fear and will %now no sorrow. (Surat al;$aQara) MM"#
3he Muslim 0omen, the Sur:an, and the Hadiths
A# # the -a#e &th all $ele'er#. a Mu#lm &"man<# #"le #"ur-e# "% *udan-e are the (ur<an and the #unnah
(e+am!le) "% "ur Pr"!het (may Allah $le## hm and *rant hm !ea-e), She #ha!e# her !er#"nalty. -hara-ter.
l%e#tyle. deal#. de#re#. $eha'"r. and m"ralty a--"rdn* t" the#e t&" #"ur-e#, @y a#kn* H8o they then see% the
Iudgment of the 3ime of gnoranceL 0ho could (e (etter at giving Iudgment than Allah for people with
certaintyL9 (Surat al1Ma<da: 7:). Allah !r"-lam# that the m"#t -"rre-t and $e#t ?ud*ment# are -"ntaned n the
(ur<an, M"re"'er.
... 0e have sent down the $oo% to you ma%ing all things clear and as guidance, and mercy and good
news, for the Muslims. (Surat an;6ahl) KO#
Our Pr"!het (may Allah $le## hm and *rant hm !ea-e) #ad: HNerly. I ha'e le%t am"n* y"u the @""k "% Allah
and the #unnah (e+am!le) "% H# A!"#tle, I% y"u h"ld %a#t t" them. y"u #hall ne'er *" a#tray,H43 Wth the#e
&"rd#. he remnded Mu#lm# that the m"#t m!"rtant *udan-e # the (ur<an and h# #unnah,
When l""kn* at an un$ele'n* #"-ety<# #tere"ty!-al dea# "% &"men. &e n"t-e mmedately that they a-t
a--"rdn* t" ther &hm# "r n#tn-t#, 2he -"ndt"nn* they re-e'e %r"m -hldh""d "n&ard a$"ut the deal
&"man<# -hara-ter $e-"me alm"#t ther #"le #"ur-e "% *udan-e, I'en that the &"men n ther mmedate
en'r"nment a-t and #!eak n the #ame &ay. that &"men !"rtrayed n %lm# and n"'el# d#!lay the #ame -hara-ter.
that !e"!le #eem t" a*ree "n &hat a &"man<# -hara-ter #h"uld $e. ther -hara-ter # a ha$tual "ne, 2hu#. t # ea#y
t" !red-t h"& they &ll re#!"nd n -ertan #tuat"n#. &hat de-#"n# they &ll rea-h. h"& they &ll $eha'e. and
e'en &hat they &ll #ay,
On the "ther hand. Mu#lm &"men al&ay# rea-t -"rre-tly. make the r*ht de-#"n#. and "$tan the $e#t re#ult#
$e-au#e they are *uded $y the (ur<an and the Pr"!het<# (may Allah $le## hm and *rant hm !ea-e) #unnah,
@e#de#. they d" n"t e+!eren-e the unha!!ne## and d#-"ntent that un$ele'n* &"men d", A# re'ealed n the
%"ll"&n* 'er#e. Mu#lm men and &"men lead a ha!!y l%e. a# !r"m#ed $y Allah: HAnyone who acts rightly,
male or female, (eing a (eliever, 0e will give them a good life and recompense them according to the (est
of what they didH (Surat an1Nahl: 6O),
Muslim 0omen Have -reat deals
One "% the un$ele'er#< m"#t m#*uded -hara-ter trat# # the re#tr-t"n# that they !la-ed "n !e"!le<# deal#.
th"u*ht#. and l%e#tyle, In the -a#e "% &"men. #"-ety tell# them that they ha'e -ertan dute# and re#!"n#$lte#
that they are e+!e-ted t" %ul%ll t" the $e#t "% ther a$lty, U#ually. they are n"t en-"ura*ed t" a-Bure d%%erent
deal# "r de'el"! ther !er#"nalte#, Only &hen &"men $e-"me a&are "% th# realty d" they $e*n t" !er-e'e the
need t" #eek *reater deal#. &den ther h"r5"n. and de'el"! ther !er#"nalte#,
Prmarly. &"men are e+!e-ted t" !r"'de %"r and -ater t" ther %amle#< need# and ra#e ther -hldren, Other&#e.
they %"-u# "n them#el'e#. a--"rdn* t" the -"ndt"nn* they re-e'ed &hen y"un*, 2hey -"n-entrate "n ther
!hy#-al a!!earan-e. har #tyle. make1u!. -l"thn* and %a#h"n n *eneral= kee!n* ther h"me# -lean= and talkn*
&th ther %rend#, Whle there # n"thn* &r"n* &th #u-h a-t'te#. t # &r"n* t" lmt ther l'e# ?u#t t" the#e
ta#k# &th"ut e'en kn"&n* &hy th# # #",
Allah -reated men and &"men %"r a !ur!"#e and re'ealed ther re#!"n#$lte# n the (ur<an, M"#t m!"rtantly.
ea-h &"man # re#!"n#$le t" "ur L"rd. %"r He -reated her. *a'e her l%e. !r"te-ted and &at-hed "'er her. and
!r"'ded %"r her, Men and &"men are reBured t" lead the m"ral l%e !re#-r$ed $y Allah. &"r#h! and #er'e Hm.
and t" &n H# *""d !lea#ure, 2hey are reBured t" tell !e"!le &h" are %ar %r"m the ha!!y and -"ntented l%e "%
%"ll"&n* the (ur<an<# 'alue# a$"ut I#lam<# 'alue# and t" make a *enune e%%"rt t" hel! them dra& -l"#er t"
Allah<# !lea#ure. mer-y. and Parad#e, 2hey mu#t #tr'e t" #a'e !e"!le %r"m #u%%ern* under the n%luen-e "% the
d#"rder. and %r"m ne*at'e %rame# "% mnd. all "% &h-h are !re#ented $y #atan and thu# are de'"d "% true l"'e.
re#!e-t. and %rend#h!,
All $ele'er# are "$l*ed t" hel! and *ude th"#e &h" are &eak and d#tre##ed t" H# !ath:
0hat reason could you have for not fighting in the 0ay of Allah/for those men, women, and
children who are oppressed and say) 91ur ,ord, ta%e us out of this city whose inha(itants are
wrongdoersF -ive us a protector from .ouF -ive us a helper from .ouFL9 (Surat an;6isa:) ?>#
Allah %urther remnd# Mu#lm# that they are "$l*ed t" a###t "r!han#. !e"!le &h" are #tranded. and "ther needy
0orship Allah and do not associate anything with Him. $e good to your parents and relatives,
orphans and the very poor, neigh(ors who are related to you and neigh(ors who are not related to
you, and companions, travelers, and your servants. Allah does not love anyone vain or (oastful.
(Surat an;6isa:) =G#
A Mu#lm &"man # a&are "% all the#e re#!"n#$lte# and #" d"e# n"t %"-u# "nly "n her#el%, Rather. #he d"e# her
$e#t t" #"l'e the !r"$lem# ar"und the &"rld. #u-h a# hel!n* !e"!le &h" are #u%%ern*. %*htn* n%e-t"u#
d#ea#e#. &"rkn* &th -hldren d#!la-ed "r "r!haned $y &ar and -"n%l-t. and takn* -are "% the elderly and
"ther &"men a# % they &ere her "&n !r"$lem#,
She *'e# her %ull attent"n t" e'ery matter n her daly l%e. $e-au#e #he kn"&# that the truly m!"rtant thn* # t"
&n Allah<# *""d !lea#ure. l'e the (ur<an<# m"ralty. and #!read th# m"ralty n "rder t" $rn* true -"ntentment
and ha!!ne## t" all "ther#, C"r th# rea#"n. #he a-t# n the kn"&led*e that &hat #he en-"unter# ea-h day # n"t #"
m!"rtant &hen !ut nt" the "'erall -"nte+t "% &hat #he &a# -reated t" d",
Muslim 0omen Are 8ignified
... And the soul and what proportioned and inspired it with depravity or heedfulnessJ he who
purifies it has succeeded, he who covers it up has failed. (Surat ash;Shams) ?;M@#
2he a$"'e 'er#e# &arn !e"!le a$"ut the #el%#h e*" that. &hen n"t $r"u*ht under -"ntr"l. &ll lead them t"
lmtle## e'l, A !er#"n<# %ear and re#!e-t "% Allah. a# &ell a# h# "r her $ele% n the Herea%ter. *'e# ea-h !er#"n
the #tren*th and rea#"n t" re##t the#e tem!tat"n#,
Wth"ut th# a&arene##. !e"!le &ll %"ll"& ther de#re# and n"t &"rry a$"ut ther meetn* &th Allah n the
Herea%ter. &here they &ll $e held a--"unta$le %"r ther deed#, I% h# e*" demand# an*er. ?eal"u#y. "r ll1treatment
"% #"me"ne el#e. he &ll ndul*e t, I% her #el%#h e*" en-"ura*e# her t" 'ent her an*er "r ?eal"u# %ru#trat"n &th
n#nuat"n#. m"-kery. #lander. le#. -"n#!ra-e#. "r hy!"-rt-al $eha'"r. #he &ll "$l*e t &th"ut *'n* t a
#e-"nd th"u*ht, Su-h !e"!le &ll -"mmt all "% the#e #n# &th"ut re#er'at"n. $e-au#e they $ele'e that they &ll
ne'er ha'e t" a--"unt %"r ther deed#,
Allah. h"&e'er. re'eal# that all "% the#e a-t'te# are un-"n#traned e'l# -alled %"r $y the #el%#h e*", When
!e"!le a-t "n the#e m!ul#e#. thn*# ?u#t *et &"r#e, Pe"!le &h" -ann"t -"ntr"l ther em"t"n#. e'en &hen they
kn"& that &hat they are d"n* # &r"n*. #h"& that they are $"th &eak and *n"re ther -"n#-en-e, In "ther
&"rd#. they #eem t" *r"& #maller, It # de$a#n* t" $e una$le t" a-t maturely "r re#!"nd rat"nally &hen ther
#el%#h e*"# #u**e#t "ther&#e, A# Allah re'eal#. the d*n%yn* and r*ht%ul re#!"n#e t" #u-h e'l #u**e#t"n# # t"
*n"re them and a-t -"n#-ent"u#ly, 2h# -hara-ter trat need# t" $e &"rked "n. %"r e'entually t &ll earn "ther
!e"!le<# re#!e-t and l"'e and ra#e the !er#"n<# rank# n H# eye#. a# &ell a# n the eye# "% "ther !e"!le,
Mu#lm &"men ha'e en"u*h d*nty and -hara-ter t" re?e-t #u-h de$a#n* $eha'"r %"r #mall *an#, Allah n%"rm#
u# "% the -"n#!rn* nature "% un$ele'n* &"men: HHe saw the shirt torn at the (ac% and said) :3he source of
this is women:s deviousness. 0ithout a dou(t your guile is very great:9 (Surah Yu#u%: 49), S"me un$ele'n*
&"men try t" re#"l'e #tuat"n# $y -"n#!rn*. ntr*un*. "r lyn* n#tead "% #eekn* rat"nal #"lut"n#, Indul*n*
#atan<# #u**e#t"n#. they %all $a-k "n hy!"-r#y. -"&ard-e. "r de'"u# meth"d#, @ele'n* &"men. "n the "ther
hand. re#"l'e ther !r"$lem# $y h"ne#ty. "!enne##. and #n-erty. %"r ther a&arene## "% Allah t"tally rem"'e#
them %r"m #u-h na!!r"!rate $eha'"r,
Un$ele'n* &"men al#" are -hara-ter5ed $y en'y, Allah ment"n# en'"u# !e"!le and &arn# "ther# a$"ut ther
e'l: HSay) : see% refuge with the ,ord of 8ay(rea%, from the evil of what He has created and from the evil
of the dar%ness when it gathers, and from the evil of women who (low on %nots and from the evil of an
envier when he envies:9 (Surat al1CalaB: 317), S"me un$ele'n* &"men are !r"ne t" #u-h $eha'"r. &h-h
-au#e# d#tru#t. tantrum#. $r"ken relat"n#h!#. and endle## ar*ument#. all "% &h-h re#ult n an un%ul%lled and
unha!!y l%e, In addt"n. they -au#e *reat #u%%ern* and dama*e t" them#el'e# and t" th"#e ar"und them,
@ele'n* &"men. h"&e'er. &ll d#re*ard th# a#!e-t "% human e*". kn"&n* that t lead# t" *reat l"##e# n th#
l%e a# &ell a# n the ne+t,
M"-kery # an"ther -hara-ter de%e-t "% un$ele'n* &"men, In the %"ll"&n* 'er#e Allah &arn# them a*an#t #u-h
$eha'"r: H1 you who (elieveF *eople should not ridicule others who may (e (etter than themselvesJ nor
should any women ridicule other women who may (e (etter than themselves. And do not find fault with
one another or insult each other with derogatory nic%namesH (Surat al1Hu?urat: 33),
2h"#e &"men &h" are #ha!ed $y the un$ele% that rule# ther #"-ete# d" n"t he#tate t" rd-ule !e"!le %"r ther
#h"rt-"mn*# "r t" m"-k "ther#. $e-au#e they d" n"t thnk "% the Herea%ter, 2hey d" n"t -"n#der th# $eha'"r a#
&r"n*. $ut rather a# a knd "% hum"r, O%ten th# m"-kery # n"t e'en 'er$al. $ut # e+!re##ed $y makn* %a-e#.
r"lln* "ne<# eye#. mtatn* ther manner#m#. "r &h#!ern* a$"ut them, @ele'n* &"men #hun #u-h a-t'te#.
$e-au#e they kn"& that Allah reBure# them t" l'e a--"rdn* t" the (ur<an<# m"ralty,
In an"ther 'er#e. Allah remnd# !e"!le n"t t" #!e-ulate "r *"##! a$"ut "ther#: H1 you who (elieveF Avoid most
suspicion. ndeed, some suspicion is a crime. 8o not spy and do not (ac%(ite one another. 0ould any of you
li%e to eat his (rother:s dead fleshL 6o, you would hate it. And have fear of Allah. Allah is 4ver;5eturning,
Most Merciful9 (Surat al1Hu?urat: 34),
@ele'n* &"men l'e d*n%ed l'e#, In#tead "% m"-kn* "ther#. they try t" hel!, 2hey -"m!lment !e"!le &h"
are #u--e##%ul. n#tead "% #u--um$n* t" en'y and *"##!, And. &hen n the -"m!any "% un$ele'n* !e"!le &h"
m*ht #"meh"& "%%end them. they d" n"t -"m!r"m#e ther nte*rty "r d*nty,
Muslim 0omen Have a Strong &haracter and 0illpower
2he 'alue# "% un$ele% u#ually dent%y !"&er &th #u-h thn*# a# m"ney. %ame. !re#t*e. "r #tatu#. %"r ea-h "%
them # $ele'ed t" -"n%er !"&er "n that !art-ular !er#"n, In %a-t. e'en "ne &h" a-Bure# the !atr"na*e "% #u-h a
!er#"n -"n#der# hm#el% "r her#el% t" $e !"&er%ul, In realty. h"&e'er. !"&er $a#ed "n th# &"rld<# m!ermanent
'alue# -an d#a!!ear ?u#t a# Bu-kly a# t a!!eared,
Mu#lm# der'e ther !"&er %r"m ther %ath. and #" ther !"&er ne'er -han*e#, 2h# # an m!"rtant %a-t"r n the
-hara-ter "% Mu#lm &"men. and Allah de#-r$e# t n the %"ll"&n* term#:
1 you who (elieveF f any of you renounce your religion, Allah will (ring forward a people whom
He loves and who love Him, hum(le to the (elievers, fierce to the un(elievers, who strive in the 0ay
of Allah and do not fear the (lame of any censurer. 3hat is the un(ounded favor of Allah, which He
gives to whoever He wills. Allah is $oundless, All;Enowing. (Surat al;Ma:ida) >!#
An"ther m!"rtant I#lam- -hara-ter trat re'ealed here # the $ele'er#< #tr"n* !er#"nalty. &h-h -an &th#tand
the -rt-#m "% !e"!le, Mu#lm# kn"& 'ery &ell that all Pr"!het# &ere a--u#ed and !er#e-uted. made t" #u%%er
and %"r-ed t" em*rate. "r e'en martyred, Ne'erthele##. the#e Pr"!het# are the $ele'er#< r"le m"del#. due t" ther
#tr"n*. endurn*. and #"ld !er#"nalte#. a# &ell a# ther !aten-e and determnat"n,
A# Allah re'eal#. Mu#lm# kn"& that they &ll $e te#ted n th# l%e thr"u*h hard#h!. #u%%ern*. and n#ultn*
&"rd#: H.ou will (e tested in your wealth and in yourselves, and you will hear many a(usive words from
those given the $oo% (efore you and from those who associate Cothers with AllahD. $ut if you are steadfast
and guard against evil, that is the most resolute course to ta%e9 (Surah Al <Imran: 398), 2hey &ll re*ard all
#u-h e'ent# a# "!!"rtunte# t" !r"'e ther %ath n Allah. ther #urrender and l"yalty t" Hm. and &ll endure them
&th determnat"n and !aten-e,
2hey ne'er #h"& the &eakne##e# "% un$ele'n* &"men, N" "ne<# n#ult#. rude $eha'"r. "r -rt-#m -au#e# them
t" l"#e heart "r $e-"me &eak. and they -"n#der t $eneath ther d*nty t" re#!"nd &th an em"t"nal d#!lay "%
hurt "r $en* u!#et, Whate'er ha!!en#. they tru#t n Allah and kee! ther !ea-e "% mnd. kn"&n* that Allah #
e'er Eu#t and All1Kn"&n*. and that Hthey will not (e wronged (y so much as the smallest spec%9 (Surat an1
N#a<: D6), 2hey #urrender t" Allah. kn"&n* that He &ll e+!"#e any n?u#t-e. and #" d" n"t &"rry a$"ut any
un%"unded a--u#at"n,
S"me un$ele'n* &"men -"n#der #tren*th and &ll!"&er t" $e male -hara-ter#t-#. "ut "% the m#taken $ele%
that "nly men ha'e t" #h"& #tren*th and determnat"n %"r them#el'e#. a# &ell a# %"r the &"men n ther -har*e.
n the %a-e "% ad'er#ty, 2hu#. they -"n#der t t" $e n ther $e#t ntere#t t" #urrender t" men<# ntelle-t. &ll!"&er.
and #tren*th, E#!e-ally &hen en-"untern* tr"u$le and d%%-ulty. they l"#e &hate'er lttle #tren*th and &ll!"&er
they ha'e and !an-. and thu# *'e them#el'e# u! t" rrat"nal and -"n%u#ed $eha'"r,
2h# !ale and &eak !er#"nalty lead# un$ele'n* &"men t" !ay t"" mu-h attent"n t" &hat "ther !e"!le thnk
a$"ut them, O%ten. they kn"&n*ly d" #"methn* &r"n* ?u#t t" m!re## "ther# "r t" &n a re#!e-ta$le !la-e
am"n* them, Lke&#e. % they are -rt-5ed. they %eel $elttled and d#lked. and #" %eel de'a#tated, N"t
under#tandn* that &hat matter# # ther 'alue n Allah<# Pre#en-e. they "nly #eek the a!!r"'al "% !e"!le and end
u! $en* u!#et and d#trau*ht. thnkn* that all they e'er d" # a &a#te, A# a re#ult. they $e-"me de!re##ed and
l"#e ther #tren*th. &ll!"&er. and -"ura*e,
@ut Mu#lm &"men ne'er #ta**er $e-au#e "% !e"!le<# -rt-#m, I'en that they mea#ure them#el'e# $y the
yard#t-k "% the (ur<an. &h-h #!ell# "ut -learly &hat # r*ht and &hat # &r"n*. they #tr'e t" l'e u! t" the
(ur<an- m"ralty, I% they are -rt-5ed %"r d"n* #". they $e-"me e'en m"re determned and #tr"n*er n ther
!ur#ut "% H# *""d !lea#ure. &h-h # the h*he#t *"al t" !ur#ue, @ele'n* that "nly the (ur<an<# m"ralty *'e#
them any 'alue n th# &"rld and the ne+t. they d" n"t -are &hat "ther !e"!le thnk "% them, E'en % they are all
al"ne. they d" n"t %"ll"& the ma?"rty $ut reman nde!endent, @edu55aman Sad Nur#. &hen d#-u##n* th#
matter. #tated that the !e"!le<# a!!r"'al ha# n" #*n%-an-e %"r th"#e &h" l'e n &ay# de#*ned t" &n H# *""d
2he ;'ne a##ent # #u%%-ent, I% He # y"ur $el"'ed. then e'erythn* # y"ur $el"'ed, I% He # n"t y"ur
$el"'ed. then the a!!lau#e "% the entre &"rld # utterly &"rthle##,44
Y"u #h"uld #eek ;'ne !lea#ure n y"ur a-t"n#, I% Alm*hty Allah # !lea#ed. t # "% n" m!"rtan-e e'en
#h"uld the &h"le &"rld $e d#!lea#ed, I% He a--e!t# an a-t"n and e'ery"ne el#e re?e-t# t. t ha# n" e%%e-t,
On-e H# !lea#ure ha# $een *aned and He ha# a--e!ted an a-t"n. e'en % y"u d" n"t a#k t "% Hm.
#h"uld He &#h t and H# &#d"m reBure t. He &ll make "ther# a--e!t t, He &ll make them -"n#ent t"
t. t"", C"r th# rea#"n. the #"le am n th# #er'-e #h"uld $e the dre-t #eekn* "% ;'ne !lea#ure,4>
O l"&er #el%. % y"u a-Bured y"ur Jreat"r<# a##ent &th y"ur !ety and de'"t"n. then t #hall $e #u%%-ent
and there #hall $e n" need t" l""k %"r !e"!le<# a##ent, I% the !e"!le a*ree and a--e!t "n Allah<# $ehal%.
then t # *""d, I% they a-t t" *an &"rldly $le##n*#. then t #hall $e utterly &"rthle##, @e-au#e they are
&eak #er'ant#. ?u#t lke y"u,,,4D
Muslim 0omen Are $alanced and Measured
Pe"!le &h" l'e $y ther "&n #el%1made rule# -an ea#ly make -"m!r"m#e# &hen they deem t n ther $e#t
ntere#t# t" d" #", N" !aram"unt *udn* !rn-!le #ha!e# ther l'e# and *'e# !ermanen-e t" ther !er#"nalte#,
2here%"re. %r"m tme t" tme. ther !er#"nalte# #h"& #*n# "% -han*e and -ann"t $e -"n#dered -"n##tent,
2he de%nn* %a-t"r # u#ually ther #el%#h e*". %"r Allah re'eal# that all !e"!le ha'e $een -reated &th e*"t#t-
tenden-e#, I% !e"!le are ruled $y ther e*". all "% ther $eha'"r &ll $e determned a--"rdn*ly, 2h# &ll ha'e an
m!a-t "n ther !er#"nalty<# $alan-e. -"n##ten-y. and #ta$lty, C"r e+am!le. they -an $e-"me an*ry. em"t"nal.
-r"##. "r en'"u# at a m"ment<# n"t-e and then re%le-t t n ther $eha'"r, Su-h !e"!le -"n#tantly #ur!r#e "ther#
&th ther une+!e-ted rea-t"n#. and #" e'"ke d#tru#t and un-ertanty,
Su-h -hara-ter trat# are %"und am"n* un$ele'n* &"men, Sn-e they are %ar rem"'ed %r"m the (ur<an<# 'alue#.
they #urrender t" the #tere"ty!ed em"t"n# "% &"men and let ther l'e# $e determned $y th# $eha'"r,
E'entually. th# lead# them t" rrat"nal and m$alan-ed $eha'"r,
@ele'n* &"men. #n-e they read the (ur<an. kn"& that ther e*" al&ay# tem!t# them t"&ard &-kedne## and that
#atan &ll try t" !er#uade them t" ndul*e n m$alan-ed and rrat"nal $eha'"r and t" a-t "n ther n#tn-t#, In
many 'er#e#. He remnd# !e"!le that th"#e &h" a--e!t the (ur<an<# *udan-e and %"ll"& the '"-e "% ther
-"n#-en-e &ll de'el"! an deal !er#"nalty and $e-"me d#tn*u#hed n $"th &"rld#,
Mu#lm &"men a-Bure th# #tr"n* and #u!er"r !er#"nalty $y %"ll"&n* the !ath #h"&n $y Allah, 2h# n'"l'e#
-"n%"rmn* ther re#!"n#e# t" I#lam<# 'alue# n "rder t" de'el"! a mea#ured and $alan-ed !er#"nalty, 2her
a-t"n#. 'e&!"nt#. and l"*- &ll ne'er #ur!r#e "ther !e"!le. %"r ther !er#"nalte# &ll al&ay# re%le-t the
#ta$lty %l"&n* %r"m the (ur<an<# m"ralty, In "ther &"rd#. they &ll ha'e rela$le !er#"nalte#. unlke all
un$ele'n* &"men,
Muslim 0omen Are 6ot rrationally 4motional or Sentimental
Un$ele'er# thnk that $en* em"t"nal # an m!"rtant !art "% the human -hara-ter, A--"rdn* t" th# 'e&. the
re#ultn* $eha'"r # a %eeln* that need# t" $e e+!eren-ed, Su-h $eha'"ral de%e-t# a# $en* an*ry. u!#et. and
ntr"'erted. "r &ee!n*. -"m!lann*. and a!athy. are en-"ura*ed. %"r they #u!!"#edly -"me %r"m the heart, 2h#
'e& # -"m!letely &r"n*, In un$ele'n* #"-ete#. #u-h em"t"nal#m. e#!e-ally that #een n &"men. #
re#!"n#$le %"r a &eak !er#"nalty, And. a# &e #a& a$"'e. !e"!le &th &eak !er#"nalte# are. t" a *reat e+tent.
una$le t" thnk rat"nally "r l"*-ally and thu# -ann"t make a!!r"!rate de-#"n#,
Mu#lm &"men kn"& the #el%#h e*"<# Bualte# and h"& t" %*ht them. %"r ther !er#"nalte# and l'e# are de%ned
$y the (ur<an, 2hey kn"& that em"t"nal#m -l"ud# the mnd. !re'ent# realty %r"m $en* #een a# t #. and -au#e#
&eakne## and rre#"lut"n, In addt"n. they are 'ery &ell a&are that #u-h #tere"ty!-al Bualte# a# $en*
#entmental. u!#et. ntr"'erted. an*ry. and en'"u# are n"t -"n##tent &th the $ele'er#< -hara-ter. $e-au#e Allah
d"e# n"t lke t and tell# Mu#lm# t" re%ran %r"m t,
2he#e $eha'"ral de%e-t# ##ue %r"m %la&ed $ele%# and the la-k "% #u%%-ent a&arene## "% -ertan %a-t#, Pe"!le
&h" ea#ly #urrender t" them ha'e ether %"r*"tten "r el#e -"ntnue t" deny the %a-t that Allah # All1P"&er%ul=
-reate# e'erythn* a--"rdn* t" H# &#d"m. ?u#t-e. and *""dne##= -reate# &hate'er He &ll#= and an#&er# all
Ienune #urrender and ded-at"n t" Hm. a# &ell a# kn"&n* that He -"ntr"l# e'erythn*. re#ult# n #een*
*""dne## n e'erythn* and !re'ent# na!!r"!rate em"t"n1$a#ed $eha'"r, Mu#lm &"men *uard them#el'e#
a*an#t all #u-h $eha'"ral de%e-t# "ut "% ther #tr"n* l"'e. and %ear and re#!e-t "% Allah, 2hey #eek t" $e r"le
m"del# "% I#lam- $eha'"r. !er#"nalty. and h*h m"ralty. a# re'ealed n the %"ll"&n* 'er#e: H3hose who say)
:1ur ,ord, give us Ioy in our wives and children and ma%e us a good e'ample for those who guard against
evil:H (Surat al1CurBan: OD), 2hu#. they ne'er *'e &ay t" de!re##"n "r em"t"nal#m,
A'"dn* the#e n"n1I#lam- -hara-ter trat#. they a-Bure a #tr"n* !er#"nalty n "rder t" #er'e a# e+am!le# t"
"ther &"men and a-t n %ull a&arene## "% th# re#!"n#$lty, @y -lean#n* ther e*" %r"m &-kedne##. they %nd
*ener"#ty and -"ntentment n $"th &"rld# and thu# l'e ha!!y l'e#: Ht is the people who are safeguarded
from the avarice of their own selves who are successfulH (Surat al1Ha#hr: 6),
Muslim 0omen Have a -enuine and 6atural *ersonality
Sn-erty mean# t" $e the #ame n e'ery #tuat"n= t" ha'e "ne<# heart re%le-t t# %eeln*# a# they are= and t" $e
h"ne#t. "!en. and -lear, In "ther &"rd#. t -"n##t# "% %ully and h"ne#tly re'ealn* "ne<# !er#"nalty and th"u*ht#
&th"ut #eekn* any *an %"r d"n* #", An m!"rtant %eature "% #n-erty # the m!"##$lty "% mtatn* n "ne<#
l%e &hat *"e# "n n "ne<# heart, A #n-ere !er#"n<# $eha'"r -"me# %r"m the heart. # natural. and -reate# a 'ery
!"#t'e and la#tn* m!re##"n "n "ther !e"!le, A *enune !er#"n<# l""k#. -"n'er#at"n. #tyle. and $"dy lan*ua*e
are natural and n%luental,
H"&e'er. many !e"!le are una&are "% #n-erty<# !"&er and e%%e-t and #" l""k %"r t el#e&here, S"me !e"!le
re#"rt t" !reten-e. h"!n* t" d#-"'er &hat $eha'"r "r &ay "% thnkn* &ll !lea#e the "ther !e"!le, Sn-e all
!e"!le ha'e d%%erent -hara-ter trat#. the#e n#n-ere !e"!le de'el"! a #uta$le !er#"nalty %"r ea-h !er#"n they
&ant t" n%luen-e. $eha'e d%%erently. and try t" a!!ear a# % they &ere re!re#entn* d%%erent th"u*ht#, @ut #n-e
th# n#n-ere a!!r"a-h %"r-e# !e"!le nt" hy!"-r#y. t d"e# n"t ha'e the de#red e%%e-t and e'entually -reate# an
atm"#!here "% re!ul#"n. -"ldne##. and d#tan-e, In addt"n. #u-h !e"!le make "ther# ner'"u#. %"r they ne'er
kn"& &hat t" e+!e-t,
Allah tell# u# a$"ut #u-h !e"!le:
Allah has made a metaphor for them of a man owned (y several partners in dispute with one
another, and another man wholly owned (y a single man. Are they the sameL *raise (e to AllahF
3he fact is that most of them do not %now. (Surat a<;Humar) "O#
Un$ele'er# -"n#der !reten-e a le*tmate $eha'"r. $e-au#e they d" n"t re%le-t #u%%-ently u!"n the
-"n#eBuen-e# "% n#n-erty t"&ard Allah and "ther !e"!le, Preten-e # e#!e-ally -"mm"n am"n* un$ele'n*
&"men. %"r #"me "% them a!!ear t" lke and take an ntere#t n "ther#. &h"m they nether re#!e-t n"r lke. $ut
$a-k$te ne'erthele## $e-au#e "% #"me -"mm"n ntere#t# that they may ha'e, 2hey -an le and -heat "ne an"ther
&th"ut a #e-"nd th"u*ht "r. $y -"n-ealn* ther ant!athy. -reate the "!!"#te m!re##"n, Lke&#e. they -an
-"n-eal the#e %eeln*# and try t" %""l the !e"!le they 'alue and lke 'ery mu-h,
Mu#lm &"men d" n"t $eha'e th# &ay. $e-au#e ther l'e# are *uded $y ther #n-ere %ear and re#!e-t "% Allah,
2hey ne'er &"rry a$"ut !lea#n* any"ne %"r #"me #mall materal *an. %"r Allah and many "ther !e"!le de#!#e
#u-h $eha'"r, Rather. they #eek t" $eha'e n a &ay that &ll &n them H# *""d !lea#ure, 2hey al#" kn"& that
Allah lke# "nly th"#e &h" are #n-ere. %"r HHe %nows what the heart contains9 (Surat ash;Shura) "!#. n
another verse, Allah says) 93hough you spea% out loud, He %nows your secrets and what is even more
concealed9 (Surah 2a1Ha: O), C"r th# rea#"n. "nly un$ele'er# #eek t" -"n-eal %r"m "ther# &hat # really n ther
@e#de#. Mu#lm &"men kn"& that &nnn* !e"!le<# !lea#ure &ll n"t $ene%t them n ether &"rld. %"r Allah ha#
re'ealed that He &ll n"t %"r*'e any"ne &h" a#-r$e# !artner# t" Hm, 2here%"re. all $ele'er# mu#t re%ran %r"m
#u-h $eha'"r. %"r #eekn* t" &n "ther !e"!le<# a!!r"'al # ?u#t "ne "% the many &ay# "% a#-r$n* !artner# t"
Muslim 0omen Are Honest
Allah remnd# !e"!le n"t t" le:
1 .ou who (elieveF Have fear Cand respectD of Allah and spea% the right word. He will put your
actions right for you and forgive you your wrong deeds. (Surat al;Ah<a() ?@;?M#
... Have done with the defilement of idols and with telling lies. (Surat al;HaII) =@#
He al#" re'eal# that turnn* the truth u!#de d"&n and lyn* $rn*# e'l and #atan<# %rend#h!:
Shall tell you upon whom the demons descendL 3hey descend on every evil liar. 3hey give them a
hearing, and most of them are liars. (Surat ash;Shu:ara:) ""M;""=#
A# Allah re'eal# &th HJur#ed $e the lar#H (Surat adh1;haryat: 3:). Mu#lm &"men kn"& that Allah
d#a!!r"'e# "% lyn* and #" re%ran %r"m t, A&are that all "% ther &"rd# &ll -"n%r"nt them n the Herea%ter.
$ele'n* &"men #!eak "nly &"rd# "% *""dne##. &h-h &ll $e re&arded &th Allah<# *ra-e and mer-y,
Le#. &h-h &ll $rn* *reat l"## n the Herea%ter. $rn* n" $ene%t n th# &"rld ether, A# they al&ay# lead t"
!#y-h"l"*-al and materal l"##. hy!"-rt-al and n#n-ere !e"!le re%le-t ther true nature "n ther %a-e#,
Admttn* t" them#el'e# that they are d#h"ne#t and n#n-ere. they l"#e ther #el%1re#!e-t and the re#!e-t %"r th"#e
&h"m they de-e'e, Ne'erthele##. they $ele'e that "ther# d" n"t !er-e'e ther n#n-erty and #" de'el"! a
#u!er"rty -"m!le+ t"&ard them, @ut #u-h $eha'"r lead# t" a ma?"r d%%-ulty: One # %"r-ed t" de'el"! m"re
and m"re ela$"rate le# t" -"n-eal the truth. and there%"re l'e# &th the -"n#tant %ear "% $en* e+!"#ed, Allah &ll
e+!"#e ther n#n-erty and le# ether n th# &"rld "r the ne+t,
On the "ther hand. telln* the truth # #u!er"r and d*n%yn*, Allah re'eal# the d%%eren-e $et&een *""d &"rd#
and -"rru!t &"rd# n the %"ll"&n* e+am!le:
8o you not see how Allah ma%es a metaphor of a good word) a good tree whose roots are firm and
whose (ranches are in heavenL t (ears fruit regularly (y its ,ord:s permission. Allah ma%es
metaphors for people so that, hopefully, they will pay heed. 3he metaphor of a corrupt word is that
of a rotten tree, uprooted on 4arth:s surface. t has no staying;power. Allah ma%es those who
(elieve firm with the Birm 0ord in the life of this world and the Hereafter. $ut Allah misguides the
wrongdoers. Allah does whatever He wills. (Surah (rahim) "!;"?#
A&are "% the *""dne## and !r"#!erty nherent n truth and h"ne#ty. Mu#lm &"men ne'er -"m!r"m#e n #u-h
matter#. re*ardle## "% the -"n#eBuen-e# t" them#el'e# "r "ther#, Wth -"ura*e and "!enne##. they #!eak the truth
at all tme#, Allah re'eal# th# -hara-ter trat:
1 you who (elieveF $e upholders of Iustice, (earing witness for Allah alone, even against yourselves
or your parents and relatives. 0hether they are rich or poor, Allah is well a(le to loo% after them.
8o not follow your own desires and deviate from the truth. f you twist or turn away, Allah is aware
of what you do. (Surat an;6isa:) M=>#
Allah al#" remnd# !e"!le n"t t" #a-r%-e truth and h"ne#ty n m"ment# "% an*er:
1 you who (elieveF Show integrity for the sa%e of Allah, (earing witness with Iustice. 8o not let
hatred for a people incite you into not (eing Iust. $e Iust. 3hat is closer to heedfulness. Have fear of
Allah. Allah is aware of what you do. (Surat al;Ma:ida) K#
In un$ele'n* #"-ete#. many &"men le t" ther %amly mem$er#. #!"u#e#. -hldren. #$ln*#. "r %rend#, 2hey
ha'e an e+-u#e %"r ea-h "% the#e le#: #"me le# are harmle##. t # alr*ht t" le n "rder t" $ene%t #"me"ne. "r
&hte le# d" n"t -"unt, C"r n#tan-e. they $ele'e that there # n"thn* &r"n* &th lyn* a$"ut &here they ha'e
$een. &h"m they ha'e $een &th. "r "n &hat they ha'e #!ent ther m"ney, Su-h thn*#. they -lam. are lttle
harmle## le# -"mm"n n e'ery marra*e,
In realty. n"ne "% the#e e+-u#e# # 'ald. #n-e Allah ha# %"r$dden le#, M"re"'er. lyn* # a -hara-ter#t- "%
#atan, A# &e kn"&. #atan re#"rted t" le# n "rder t" *et the Pr"!het Adam (!$uh) and h# &%e e+!elled %r"m
Mu#lm &"men kn"& the %nal de#tnat"n "% lar#. %"r ther *udn* !rn-!le# are the (ur<an and "ur Pr"!het<#
(may Allah $le## hm and *rant hm !ea-e) #unnah, 2here%"re. they re%ran %r"m th# a-t'ty and #tr'e t" reman
h"ne#t. $e-au#e %"ll"&n* the truth at all tme# &ll $rn* *""dne## and re#!e-t, Our Pr"!het (may Allah $le##
hm and *rant hm !ea-e) t"ld the $ele'er# that:
H2ruth%ulne## lead# t" r*hte"u#ne##. and r*hte"u#ne## lead# t" Parad#e, And a man kee!# "n telln* the
truth untl he $e-"me# a truth%ul !er#"n,H47
Muslim 0omen Are $rave
A -"mm"n #tere"ty!e. "%ten held $y un$ele'n* men. # that &"men d" n"t ha'e the ne-e##ary !aten-e and
maturty t" deal &th -ertan #tre##%ul #tuat"n#, In %a-t. they $ele'e that &"men a-tually make matter# &"r#e and
$e-"me la$lte#, 2here # an element "% truth n th# -lam, Wherea# men tend t" reman -""l e'en n 'ery
dan*er"u# #tuat"n# and ?u#t deal &th t -"ura*e"u#ly. un$ele'n* &"men "%ten #urrender t" %ear and !an-.
there$y e#-alatn* the #tuat"n and makn* t e'en m"re d%%-ult %"r them#el'e#, C"r th# rea#"n. men are "%ten
%"r-ed t" -alm ther &"men d"&n &hle tryn* t" re#"l'e the #tuat"n,
Su-h a #tuat"n # n-"n-e'a$le %"r Mu#lm &"men. %"r ther l"'e. tru#t. ded-at"n. and #u$m##"n t" Allah
hel! them de'el"! a #tr"n*. -"ura*e"u#. and $ra'e !er#"nalty, 2hey kn"& that Allah &ll te#t them &th hard#h!
and that th"#e &h" reman %rm n ther #u$m##"n and ded-at"n t" Hm &ll $e re&arded &th H# mer-y, 2h#
make# them e'en m"re determned. a# Allah re'eal# $el"&:
Many a *rophet has (een %illed, when there were many thousands with him. 3hey did not give up
in the face of what assailed them in the 0ay of Allah, nor did they wea%en, nor did they yield. Allah
loves the steadfast. (Surah Al :mran) M!G#
3hose who, when disaster stri%es them, say) 90e (elong to Allah, and to Him we will return.9
(Surat al;$aQara) M>G#
3hose to whom people said) 93he people have gathered against you, so fear them.9 $ut that merely
increased their faith, and they said) 9Allah is enough for us and the $est of -uardians.9 (Surah Al
:mran) M?=#
2h# $ra'ery # $a#ed "n ther la-k "% -"n-ern %"r ther &"rldly l%e. %"r they kn"& that ther #u$m##"n and tru#t
n Allah &ll $e re&arded n the $e#t !"##$le &ay, Allah *a'e l%e and &ll take t $a-k a*an. ?u#t a# He *a'e
e'erythn* el#e (e,*,. health. y"uth. and !r"!erty) and &ll take t all $a-k a*an, A&are "% th# truth. and that
Allah -reate# e'erythn* a--"rdn* t" H# &#d"m and *""dne##. they mantan ther !ea-e "% mnd, A# a re#ult.
$ele'n* &"men ne'er l"#e heart n the %a-e "% dan*er. hard#h!. "r !er#"nal r#k,
Curtherm"re. ther -"ura*e # re%le-ted n ther determnat"n t" "$#er'e the lmt# that Allah ha# m!"#ed u!"n
humanty, Whate'er the #tuat"n. they d" n"t make -"m!r"m#e# &th the (ur<an<# m"ralty "r %ear "r re#!e-t any
thn* "r $en* "ther than Allah, Allah re'eal# th# Bualty n the 'er#e *'en $el"&:
N those who conveyed Allah:s Message and had fear Cand respectD of Him, fearing Cand respectingD
no one e'cept Allah. Allah suffices as a 5ec%oner. (Surat al;Ah<a() =O#
Muslim 0omen 5efrain from 4mpty 0ords and 8eeds
Allah de%ne# the $ele'er# a# Hth"#e &h" turn a&ay %r"m &"rthle## talkH (Surat al1Mu<mnun: >) and Hth"#e &h"
d" n"t $ear %al#e &tne## and &h". &hen they !a## $y &"rthle## talk. !a## $y &th d*ntyH (Surat al1CurBan: O4),
In "ther &"rd#. Mu#lm# &h" -"me %a-e t" %a-e &th #u-h #tuat"n# d" n"t -"m!r"m#e "n ther d*nty and
h"n"r and d" n"t $eha'e n an un1I#lam- manner,
Pa##n* tme n #u-h &ay# # -"mm"n am"n* un$ele'n* &"men, A# &e ment"ned a$"'e. &"men &h" ha'e n"t
a-Bured *reat deal# are -hara-ter5ed $y -ertan ty!e# "% $eha'"r, S"me are "% $ene%t t" ther %amle#. ther
en'r"nment. and them#el'e#. &hle "ther# are ?u#t ha$t# de#*ned t" !a## tme, S"me "% the $e#t kn"&n "% the#e
are #"-al5n* &th %rend# "n -ertan day#. #!endn* the &h"le day &at-hn* tele'#"n !r"*ram# "% n" !art-ular
'alue. #!endn* h"ur# "n the !h"ne. -"m!lann* a$"ut anythn* and e'erythn*. *"##!n*. and d#-u##n* "ther
!e"!le<# #h"rt-"mn*#, 2he -"mm"n den"mnat"r "% all the#e a-t'te# # that they $ene%t n" "ne,
Allah re'eal# that #u-h !e"!le<# heart# are dra&n t"&ard the thn*# "% th# &"rld:
3heir hearts are distracted. (Surat al;An(iya:) =#
Mu#lm &"men a'"d #u-h u#ele## a-t'te#. #n-e they are &ell a&are that Allah ha# *ranted !e"!le "nly a
lmted am"unt "% tme, Kn"&n* that they mu#t u#e th# tme t" &n Allah<# *""d !lea#ure. mer-y. and H#
Parad#e. they l'e e'ery m"ment "% ther l'e# a--"rdn*ly, N"t &lln* t" &a#te e'en "ne m"ment &th !"ntle##
a-t'te# "r #mall talk. &h-h they &ll re*ret n the Herea%ter. they #tr'e t" d" *""d deed#, A# He re'eal#. they
are en*a*ed n a -"n#tant ra-e t" &n H# *""d !lea#ure: H3hey (elieve in Allah and the ,ast 8ay, enIoin the
right and for(id the wrong, and compete in doing good. 3hey are among the (elievers9 (Surah Al <Imran:
Muslim 0omen Are &haste and Honora(le
0ealth and sons are the em(ellishment of the life of this world. $ut, in your ,ord:s Sight, right
actions that are lasting (ring a (etter reward and are a (etter (asis for hope. (Surat al;Eahf) !G#
2hr"u*h th# 'er#e. Allah re'eal# an m!"rtant %a-t t" !e"!le: 2h"#e thn*# that are #" m!"rtant %"r #"me and t"
&h-h they ded-ate ther entre l'e# t" "$tann*. are "nly the tem!"rary !lea#ure# "% th# l%e, 2he "nly true and
la#tn* 'alue# are the #!rtual 'alue# and ther %rm e#ta$l#hment n a !er#"n<# l%e, @ut !e"!le &h" d#re*ard th#
realty -ha#e &ealth. #tatu#. and !r"!erty due t" ther m#*uded $ele% that the#e &ll $rn* them h"n"r. re#!e-t.
and true 'alue#, Lke&#e. they mea#ure "ther# &th the#e 'alue# and. a--"rdn* t" ther materal &ealth. de-de
&hether t" re#!e-t. lke. and admre them "r n"t,
In realty. Allah *'e# all "% the#e thn*# a# *%t# %"r the !e"!le t" u#e, @ut the Bualte# that $rn* d#tn-t"n and
&"rth n H# Pre#en-e a# &ell a# here "n Earth. #u-h a# h"n"r. -ha#tty. and nte*rty. are 'ery d%%erent, 2he#e
Bualte#. al"n* &th the Mu#lm#< %ear and re#!e-t "% Allah. *'e !ur!"#e and 'alue t" ther l%e and &n them
"ther !e"!le<# #n-ere re#!e-t and l"'e, E'en the r-he#t. m"#t $eaut%ul "r !"&er%ul !er#"n -ann"t ha'e the #ame
de*ree "% #u!er"rty and e+alted nature a# a -ha#te. h"n"ra$le. and 'rtu"u# !er#"n, A !er#"n "% #u-h Bualte#
ha# a natural radan-e. $eauty. and de!th "% #"ul,
Allah re'eal# that He h"n"r# th"#e &h" make a *enune e%%"rt t" l'e $y the (ur<an<# m"ralty and %ear and re#!e-t
Hm. a# # H# due: 9f you avoid the serious wrong actions you have (een for(idden, 0e will erase your (ad
actions and admit you (y a -ate of HonorH (Surat an1N#a<: >3) and that:
3he men and women who give charity and ma%e a good loan to Allah will have it increased for
them, and they will have a generous reward. (Surat al;Hadid) MK#
Pe"!le<# true h"n"r # re'ealed $y ther re%u#al t" $e-"me $a#e &hen &th $a#e !e"!le. t" #eek lttle *an# $y lttle
%raud#. t" $eha'e lke un$ele'er#. le. and $e-"me a hy!"-rte, In "ther &"rd#. they re#!"nd t" all !e"!le &th the
#ame maturty and *""d -hara-ter, Mu#lm &"men d#!lay h"n"r and nte*rty $y $eha'n* n a--"rdan-e &th
ther -"m!lete %ear and re#!e-t "% Allah. a# &ell a# ther t"tal $ele% n and #u$m##"n t" Hm, 2hey ne'er
-"m!r"m#e "'er #u-h ##ue#. %"r they kn"& that d"n* #" &ll d#!lea#e Hm and !ut them "n the #ame le'el a#
In many 'er#e#. Allah ment"n# the m!"rtan-e "% -ha#tty and h"& t $ene%t# &"men, He re'eal# that Mary<#
-hara-ter and -ha#tty # an e+am!le %"r all &"men. re*ardle## "% tme "r l"-at"n. and remnd# them "% ther
en#un* #u!er"rty:
And when the angels said) 9Mary, Allah has chosen you and purified you. He has chosen you over
all other women.9 (Surah Al :mran) !"#
In "ther 'er#e#. Allah remnd# !e"!le that -ha#tty # an m!"rtant and de%nn* -hara-ter#t- "% Mu#lm &"men:
f any of you do not have the means to marry free women who are (elievers, you may marry slave
girls who are (elievers. Allah %nows (est a(out your faithJ you are all the same in that respect.
Marry them with their owners: permission and give them their dowries correctly and courteously
as married women, not in fornication or ta%ing them as lovers. (Surat an;6isa:) ">#
... so are chaste women from among the (elievers and chaste women of those given the $oo% (efore
you, once you have given them their dowries in marriage, not in fornication or ta%ing them as
lovers. $ut as for anyone who reIects faith, his actions will come to nothing, and in the Hereafter he
will (e among the losers. (Surat al;Ma:ida) >#
Jha#tty $rn*# h"n"r and re#!e-t t" &"men and !re'ent# ther $en* made t" #u%%er n #"-ety, In an"ther 'er#e.
Allah #tate# that Hthis ma%es it more li%ely that they will (e recogni<ed and not (e harmed9 (Surat al1Ah5a$:
Mu#lm &"men a-Bure h"n"r. nte*rty. and re#!e-t $y adhern* t" the lmt# that Allah ha# e#ta$l#hed %"r
humanty, A !er#"n<# 'rtu"u# and -ha#te nature -an $e determned %r"m h# "r her $eha'"r. -"n'er#at"n.
m"'ement#. %a-al e+!re##"n#. and e'en %r"m a #mle, A -ha#te &"man ha# a natural aura "% &ell1$en*. a radant
!er#"nalty. and a tru#t&"rthy -hara-ter, A# Allah re'eal#. Mu#lm# are re-"*n5ed $y the#e Bualte#, In %a-t.
9their mar% is on their faces, the traces of prostration...H (Surat al1Cath: 46),
MA6645S A68 &HA5A&345S 1B 01M46 61348 6 3H4 S25:A6
A$dn* $y the (ur<an lead# "ne t" the r*ht !ath. %"r H6ews has come to them that contains a threat)
consummate wisdom...9 (Surat al1(amar: D17), In an"ther 'er#e. Allah remnd# u# that the (ur<an<# 'er#e# and
a--"unt# "% !a#t !e"!le !r"'de many e+am!le# and mu-h ad'-e: H3here is instruction in their stories for
people of intelligence. 3his is not a narration that has (een invented, (ut a confirmation of all that came
(efore, a clarification of everything, and a guidance and a mercy for people who (elieveH (Surah Yu#u%:
Allah ment"n# the de'"ut &"men &h" #u$mtted t" Hm %r"m the de!th "% ther heart# #" that $ele'er# -"uld
learn a$"ut ther e+em!lary -hara-ter trat# and then emulate them, Al#". the#e 'er#e# #!eak "% &"men &h"
!er##t n ther un$ele% de#!te $en* n'ted t" $ele'e. and thu# d#tan-e them#el'e# %r"m H# mer-y,
In the %"ll"&n* !a*e#. &e &ll e+!l"re the *""d -hara-ter e+am!le# "% the de'"ut Mu#lm &"men ment"ned n
the (ur<an and re'eal the %eature# "% th"#e un$ele'n* &"men &h" $e-ame l"#t n denal, We -an learn #e'eral
m!"rtant le##"n# %r"m th"#e &h" ether -"uld n"t "r &"uld n"t -"m!rehend the #u!er"rty "% %ath de#!te $en*
under the !r"te-t"n "% Pr"!het#,
3he -ood &haracter of *haraoh:s 0ife
Allah ment"n# t&" %emale r"le m"del# %"r $ele'er#: Mary and Phara"h<# &%e, Cr"m the 'ery $e*nnn* "% th#
$""k. &e ha'e #h"&n h"& Allah -h"#e Mary a$"'e all "ther &"men $e-au#e "% her -ha#tty. heart1%elt de'"t"n t"
Hm. and #tr"n* %ath n Hm, 2he -hara-ter "% Phara"h<# &%e # de#-r$ed $el"&:
Allah has made an e'ample for those who (elieve) the wife of *haraoh, when she said) 9My ,ord,
(uild a house in the -arden for me in .our *resence, rescue me from *haraoh and his deeds, and
rescue me from this wrongdoing people.9 (Surat at;3ahrim) MM#
Phara"h<# &%e # an"ther r"le m"del %"r $ele'n* &"men, She &tne##ed %r"m -l"#e u! Phara"h<# '"lent nature.
the e+treme# t" &h-h he t""k h# denal. and h"& he "!!re##ed the Ee&#,
A# H*haraoh was high and mighty in the land. He was one of the profligateH (Surah Yunu#: 9>) re'eal#.
Phara"h &a# a mer-le## and &-ked man &h" #u$?e-ted h# !e"!le t" '"len-e, C"r e+am!le. he dd n"t harm
&"men $ut klled ther male -hldren, 2h# !un#hment &a# un$eara$le, All "% E*y!t $el"n*ed t" hm. and he
l'ed n *reat &ealth and *randeur, N" "ne dared t" d#a*ree &th hm "r re$el a*an#t hm. %"r he &a#. $y
E*y!tan tradt"n. -lamn* t" $e the *"d "% the E*y!tan# and the I#raelte#,
Allah #ent the Pr"!het M"#e# (!$uh) a# a remnder t" Phara"h and a# a #a'"r t" the I#raelte#, U!"n the Pr"!het
M"#e#< (!$uh) n'tn* the E*y!tan# t" Allah<# true rel*"n and -alln* them t" %"r#ake ther d"l# %"r Allah.
Phara"h threatened e'ery"ne that: 9f you ta%e any god other than me, will certainly throw you into prisonH
(Surat a#h1Shu<ara<: 46), A# a re#ult. "nly a %e& y"un* !e"!le $ele'ed: H6o one (elieved in Moses, e'cept for a
few of his people, out of fear that *haraoh and the elders would persecute themH (Surah Yunu#: 9>), S"me
!e"!le &h" an#&ered the Pr"!het M"#e#< (!$uh) -all t" %ath $y $ele'n* n hm -ame %a-e t" %a-e &th Phara"h<#
&-ked and '"lent meth"d#:
*haraoh said) 9Have you (elieved in him (efore authori<ed you to do soL 3his is Iust some plot
you have concocted in the city to drive its people from it. will cut off your alternate hands and
feet, and then will crucify every one of you.9 (Surat al;A:raf) M"=;M"!#
2he rea#"n %"r #u-h -ruelty # re'ealed n an"ther 'er#e:
C3he magicians said)D 9.ou are only avenging yourself on us (ecause we (elieved in our ,ord:s
Signs when they came to us. 1ur ,ord, pour down steadfastness upon us and ta%e us (ac% to .ou
as Muslims.9 (Surat al;A:raf) M"G#
Phara"h<# &-kedne## t"&ard !e"!le &h" re?e-ted h# rule $y $ele'n* n Allah &a# -learly '#$le, @ut h# &%e.
de#!te kn"&n* all "% th#. dd n"t %ear Phara"h<# retr$ut"n "r -ruelty. %"r #he -"n#dered &nnn* Allah<# *""d
!lea#ure. l"'e. and -l"#ene## t" $e %ar m"re m!"rtant, Her de'"t"n and #u$m##"n t" Hm. a# &ell a# the
!aten-e. %ath. and -"ura*e that #he #h"&ed &hle -"n-ealn* her $ele% under d%%-ult -r-um#tan-e#. are
e+em!lary le##"n# %"r all $ele'er#,
In addt"n. t mu#t n"t $e %"r*"tten that #n-e "nly Phara"h "&ned all "% E*y!t<# trea#ure# and *%t#. #he &a#
&lln* t" *'e all "% the#e u! n "rder t" &n Allah<# *""d !lea#ure and l'n* $y I#lam- m"ralty, In "ther &"rd#.
#he -"n#dered all "% her hu#$and<# !"##e##"n# &"rthle##, Her #n-erty # -learly '#$le n her !rayer:
... when she said) 9My ,ord, (uild a house in the -arden for me in .our *resence, rescue me from
*haraoh and his deeds, and rescue me from this wrongdoing people.9 (Surat at;3ahrim) MM#
Her #u!er"r -hara-ter !r"'ed that #he &a# n"t atta-hed t" th# &"rldly l%e $ut "nly de#red Allah<# *""d !lea#ure.
mer-y. and Parad#e, Allah relate# her *enune %ath a# an e+am!le %"r all Mu#lm# and made her #u!er"r n $"th
3he 3rust of the *rophet Moses: (p(uh# Mother in Allah
Allah re'eal# that Phara"h &a# a tran#*re##"r. a &-ked ruler &h" "!!re##ed h# !e"!le and #lau*htered the male
-hldren "% h# nat"n:
*haraoh e'alted himself arrogantly in the land and divided its people into camps, oppressing one
group (y slaughtering their sons and letting their women live. He was one of the corrupters. (Surat
al;Sasas) !#
2he Pr"!het M"#e# (!$uh) &a# $"rn n E*y!t durn* th# "!!re##'e rule, Allah -h"#e hm and -"mmanded hm
t" #tru**le a*an#t Phara"h<# "!!re##"n, Allah n%"rmed h# m"ther that #he #h"uld !r"te-t hm:
0hen 0e revealed to your mother) 9*lace him into the (o' and place it upon the sea. 3he sea will
wash it up on the shore, where an enemy of Mine and his will pic% it up.9 (Surah 3a Ha) =K;=O#
0e revealed to Moses:s mother) 9Suc%le him and then when you fear for him, place him upon the
sea. 8o not fear or grieveJ 0e will return him to you and ma%e him one of the Messengers.9 (Surat
al;Sasas) ?#
Allah remnded the Pr"!het M"#e#< (!$uh) m"ther n"t t" %ear "r *re'e, Rather. #he &a# t" !ut her ne&$"rn $a$y
nt" a $"+ and then !la-e t u!"n the &ater, Jarryn* "ut #u-h an "rder reBure# "ne t" ha'e a m"#t *enune %ath
and tru#t n Allah. n"t t" ment"n #u$m##"n, @ut h# m"ther &a# tred &th #u-h an e'ent and !a##ed th# te#t.
&h-h re'ealed her #u!er"r -hara-ter a# &ell a# her de'"t"n t" and tru#t n Hm, 2hu#. #he $e-ame an e+am!le
%"r all $ele'er# untl the ;ay "% Eud*ment,
A%ter #he had -arred "ut H# "rder. and kn"&n* that th# te#t &"uld try her t" the lmt#. Allah #tren*thened her
heart &th !aten-e and !er#e'eran-e:
Moses:s mother felt a great emptiness in her heart and she almost gave him awayJ only 0e fortified
her heart so that she would (e one of the (elievers. (Surat al;Sasas) M@#
A# re'ealed n the %"ll"&n* 'er#e. the Pr"!het M"#e#< (!$uh) m"ther a#ked h# ##ter t" %"ll"& hm &th"ut $en*
#een #" that #he -"uld kn"& &hat ha!!ened t" her #"n: HShe #ad t" h# ##ter. <I" a%ter hm,< She ke!t an eye "n
hm %r"m a%ar. and they &ere n"t a&areH (Surat al1(a#a#: 33),
Allah determned a de#tny %"r the Pr"!het M"#e# (!$uh) and -reated e'erythn* #" that t &"uld un%"ld a# He
&lled, He had the Pr"!het M"#e# (!$uh). &h" &a# t" %*ht Phara"h. $r"u*ht t" h# !ala-e and ra#ed $y h#
%amly, Allah al#" had hm #u-kled $y h# true m"ther. %"r h# ##ter ad'#ed Phara"h<# %amly t" ra#e hm and
#u**e#ted her "&n m"ther a# h# &etnur#e:
0e first made him refuse all wetnurses, so she as%ed) 9Shall show you to a household who will
feed him for you and (e good to himL9 (Surat al;Sasas) M"#
Su$#eBuently. Allah reunted the Pr"!het M"#e# (!$uh) &th h# m"ther %"r the %"ll"&n* rea#"n:
3hat is how 0e returned him to his mother so that she might delight her eyes and feel no grief, and
so that she would %now that Allah:s promise is true. $ut most of them do not %now this. (Surat al;
Sasas) M=#
A# the 'er#e make# -lear. Allah te#ted the de'"t"n "% the Pr"!het M"#e#< (!$uh) m"ther and. n return %"r her
!aten-e. #u$m##"n. and #tren*th "% -hara-ter. arran*ed e'ent# #" that #he -"uld take -are "% hm, Allah al#"
made th# e'ent a -au#e %"r the Pr"!het M"#e# (!$uh). &h" &"uld "ne day a##ume *reat re#!"n#$lte# n E*y!t
and %*ht t" %ree the I#raelte# %r"m Phara"h<# "!!re##"n. t" $e $r"u*ht u! n Phara"h<# !ala-e n -l"#e !r"+mty
t" hm, Allah re'eal#:
3he family of *haraoh pic%ed him up so that he might (e an enemy and a source of grief to them.
&ertainly *haraoh, Haman, and their troops were in the wrong. (Surat al;Sasas) K#
3he wife of *haraoh said) 9A source of delight for me and for youJ do not %ill him. t may well (e
that he will (e of use to us, or perhaps we could adopt him as a son.9 3hey were not aware. (Surat
al;Sasas) O#
Allah -reate# e'erythn* a--"rdn* t" a #!e-%- de#tny and tre# !e"!le &th e'ent# &thn th# de#tny, A# He
re'eal#. "ur L"rd *'e# *""d ne&# t" th"#e &h" are !atent. a# n the -a#e "% the Pr"!het M"#e#< (!$uh) m"ther.
and &ll *ude them t" *""dne## &th H# mer-y:
0e will test you with a certain amount of fear and hunger, and loss of wealth, life, and fruits. $ut
give good news to the steadfast. (Surat al;$aQara) M>>#
3he 0omen the *rophet Moses (p(uh# Helped
Allah re'eal# that a%ter lea'n* E*y!t. the Pr"!het M"#e# (!$uh) &ent ea#t t"&ard Madyan, 2here. he #a& t&"
&"men &h" &ere &atn* near a &ell #" that ther anmal# drnk, When he a#ked them a$"ut th#. they t"ld hm
that $e-au#e ther %ather &a# t"" "ld t" d" th# ?"$. they had t" $rn* ther anmal#, H"&e'er. they had t" &at
$e-au#e "% the #he!herd# &h" &ere already at the &ater, Allah re'eal# th# #tuat"n:
0hen he arrived at the water of Madyan, he found a crowd of people drawing water there.
Standing apart from them, he found two women holding (ac% their sheep. He as%ed) 90hat are
you two doing hereL9 3hey said) 90e cannot draw water until the shepherds have driven off their
sheep. .ou see, our father is a very old man.9 So he drew water for them. (Surat al;Sasas) "=;"!#
2her $eha'"r #h"&# that they &ere #tr-tly -ha#te &"men &h" #"u*ht t" !r"te-t them#el'e# n en'r"nment# that
they -"n#dered un#a%e and un$e-"mn*, 2he #he!herd# -au#ed them t" #tay a&ay %r"m the &ell, 2he Pr"!het
M"#e#< (!$uh) tru#t&"rthy a!!earan-e -"n'n-ed the &"men that t &"uld $e alr*ht t" #!eak &th hm, A%ter
learnn* "% ther !l*ht. he t""k t u!"n hm#el% t" hel! them $y &atern* ther anmal#,
2he $eha'"r "% the#e t&" &"men # a *""d e+am!le %"r all Mu#lm &"men, In #!te "% $en* n need. they
!re%erred t" *uard ther -ha#tty e'en th"u*h t -"m!l-ated matter# %"r them, Kn"&n* that t &a# m"re m!"rtant
t" !lea#e Allah. they -h"#e t" &at, J"n#eBuently. Allah #ent them a tru#t&"rthy !er#"n t" hel! them,
Allah *a'e them a *reat $le##n* $y #endn* the Pr"!het M"#e# (!$uh) t" them. &h" then &atered ther anmal#
and !rayed: HMy ,ord, am truly in need of any good .ou have in store for meH (Surat al1(a#a#: 4D), Later.
"ne "% the &"men returned and #ad that her %ather had n'ted hm t" h# h"u#e n return %"r h# hel!:
1ne of them came wal%ing shyly up to him and said) 9My father invites you so that he can pay you
your wage for drawing water for us.9 (Surat al;Sasas) ">#
1ne of them said) 9Hire him, father. 3he (est person to hire is someone strong and trustworthy.9
(Surat al;Sasas) "G#
Jlearly #he meant t" n%"rm her %ather that #he -"n#dered the Pr"!het M"#e# (!$uh) t" $e a tru#t&"rthy !er#"n,
A%ter #een* the truth "% h# dau*hter<# &"rd#. ther %ather a#ked hm t" -"n#der marryn* "ne "% h# dau*hter#,
2he#e &"men<# $eha'"r. e#!e-ally ther !r"te-t"n "% ther -ha#tty. # a *""d e+am!le %"r all Mu#lm#, In return
%"r ther de'"t"n n th# re#!e-t. Allah ea#ed ther $urden &th a tru#t&"rthy !er#"n and let "ne "% them $e-"me
the Pr"!het M"#e#< (!$uh) &%e,
$alQis, Sueen of Sa(a
2hank# t" Allah<# *ra-e and *%t#. the Pr"!het S"l"m"n (!$uh) e#ta$l#hed a *reat kn*d"m. "ne that # #tll
admred. &th h# arme# %"rmed "% men and ?nn#, H# !ala-e &a# $ult u#n* the m"#t ad'an-ed te-hn"l"*e# "%
that era and d#!layed a *reat ae#thet- #tyle, In the (ur<an Allah relate# that @alB#. the Bueen "% Sa$a. entered
nt" an e-"n"m-al and !"lt-al dal"*ue &th the Pr"!het S"l"m"n (!$uh), N" d"u$t. there # mu-h &#d"m and
ad'-e n th# n%"rmat"n %"r $ele'er#,
Allah re'eal# that a h""!"e n the Pr"!het S"l"m"n<# (!$uh) army $r"u*ht hm #"me m!"rtant ne&# a$"ut the
Bueen "% Sa$a:
However, it was not long delayed, and then it Cthe hoopoeD said) 9 have comprehended something
you have not and (ring you accurate intelligence from Sa(a. found a woman ruling over them
who has (een given everything. She possesses a mighty throne. found (oth her and her people
prostrating to the sun instead of Allah. Satan has made their actions seem good to them and
de(arred them from the 0ay, so they are not guided and do not prostrate to Allah, 0ho (rings out
what is hidden in the heavens and 4arth, and %nows what you conceal and what you divulge.9
(Surat an;6aml) "";">#
Cr#t. the h""!"e *a'e the Pr"!het S"l"m"n (!$uh) #"me n%"rmat"n a$"ut the Bueen<# Bualte#: She had
e'erythn* n a$undan-e. ruled the kn*d"m "% Sa$a. and had a *reat thr"ne, He dre& the attent"n there$y t" the
!"&er "% her kn*d"m and her rule,
@a#ed "n th# n%"rmat"n. the Pr"!het S"l"m"n (!$uh) &r"te a letter t" @alB# and n'ted her t" $ele'e n Allah
and #urrender t" hm, 2he Bueen mmedately real5ed the #*n%-an-e "% th# letter and d#-u##ed t &th her nner
-r-le, 2h# e'ent # related n the (ur<an:
She said) 91 councilF A no(le letter has (een delivered to me. t is from Solomon and says) :n the
name of Allah, the Merciful, the &ompassionate. 8o not rise up against me, (ut come to me in
su(mission.:9 She said) 91 council. -ive me your opinion a(out this matter. t is not my ha(it to
ma%e a final decision until have heard what you have to say.9 (Surat an;6aml) "O;="#
Her -"un-l re#!"nded: H0e possess strength and great force. $ut the matter is in your hands, so consider
what you commandH (Surat an1Naml: >>), 2h# #h"&# that #he had *reat !"&er "'er her kn*d"m,
She t""k u! the ad'-e "% her ad# and -h"#e -aut"n:
90hen %ings enter a city, they lay waste to it and ma%e its mightiest inha(itants the most a(ased.
3hat is what they too will do. will send them a gift, and then wait and see what the messengers
(ring (ac%.9 (Surat an;6aml) =!;=>#
Her !rmary *"al &a# t" d#-"'er h# true ntent"n, 2he Pr"!het S"l"m"n (!$uh). &h" under#t""d her #trate*y.
re?e-ted the *%t# and #ent her an"ther me##a*e:
CSolomon said to the messenger)D 95eturn to them. 0e will come to them with troops they cannot
face, and will e'pel them from it a(ased and humiliated.9 (Surat an;6aml) =?#
He &arned her "n-e m"re "% h# army<# rre##t$le !"&er and &arned her t" #urrender, He al#" reBue#ted that h#
army<# leader# $rn* her thr"ne t" hm. %"r t #ym$"l5ed her rule, A dem"n %r"m am"n* the ?nn# $r"u*ht t n the
tme t take# t" $lnk. and the Pr"!het S"l"m"n (!$uh) then had t altered, When @alB# %nally -ame t" hm. he
a#ked her &hether th# thr"ne $el"n*ed t" her:
3hen when she came, she was as%ed) 9s your throne li%e thisL9 She said) 9t is e'actly li%e it. 0e
were given the %nowledge (efore it, and we were su(missive.9 And what she worshipped (esides
Allah impeded her. She was from an un(elieving people. (Surat an;6aml) !";!=#
In #!te "% $en* %r"m a land "% #un &"r#h!!er#. the Bueen "% Sa$a &a# Bute a%%e-ted $y the *enune manner "%
the Pr"!het S"l"m"n<# (!$uh) letter. h# rat"nal #tyle. !"&er. and m"#t m!re##'e !ala-e, All "% th# led her t"
$ele'e and $e-"me a Mu#lm, Allah re'eal# her #u$m##"n t" hm:
She was told) 94nter the courtyard.9 $ut when she saw it, she supposed it to (e a pool and (ared
her legs. He said) 9t is a courtyard paved with glass.9 She said) 9My ,ord, have wronged myself,
(ut have su(mitted with Solomon to the ,ord of all the worlds.9 (Surat an;6aml) !!#
2h# a--"unt "% the Bueen "% Sa$a and the Pr"!het S"l"m"n (!$uh) -"ntan# &#d"m and ad'-e, 2he Bueen<#
a$lty t" rea#"n -"rre-tly ena$led her t" #ee the truth and a-t a--"rdn*ly, In #!te "% her 'ery d%%erent $ele%#.
#he #urrendered t" Allah and $ele'ed n Hm &th"ut he#tat"n &hen #he real5ed the truth, 2h# # an e+am!le "%
e+em!lary $eha'"r,
0omen in 8enial) 3he 0ives of the *rophet ,ot (p(uh# and the *rophet 6oah (p(uh#
In the (ur<an Allah al#" relate# n%"rmat"n a$"ut t&" &"men &h" dened Hm and #" met ther %nal %ate: an
a$"de n Hell, 2hey had #"methn* 'ery m!"rtant n -"mm"n: 2her hu#$and# &ere Pr"!het#,
Pr"!het# &ere !e"!le -h"#en $y Allah. Wh" h"n"red them $y makn* them H# Me##en*er# and n-rea#n* ther
!hy#-al a# &ell a# mental a$lte#, C"r th# rea#"n. t # 'ery m!"rtant t" n"te that the &'e# "% the Pr"!het N"ah
(!$uh) and the Pr"!het L"t (!$uh) dd n"t $ele'e. de#!te kn"&n* that Pr"!het# a-ted "nly a--"rdn* t" true
re'elat"n and &tne##n* ther hu#$and#< *enune $ele%. *""d -hara-ter. &#e #!ee-h. and rat"nal de-#"n#,
2he#e t&" &"men. h"&e'er. later $e-ame un*rate%ul and $etrayed them, Allah #ay#:
Allah has made an e'ample for those who are an un(elieving people) the wife of 6oah and the wife
of ,ot. 3hey were married to two of 1ur servants who were (elievers, (ut they (etrayed them and
were not helped at all against Allah. 3hey were told) 94nter the Bire along with all who enter it.9
(Surat at;3ahrim) M@#
;e#!te ther -l"#ene## t" the#e Pr"!het# l"'ed $y Allah and &nner# "% H# *""d !lea#ure and Parad#e. the#e
&"men dd n"t $ene%t %r"m Allah<# mer-y, M"re"'er. ther n#n-erty -au#ed them t" -all H# &rath u!"n
them#el'e#, C"r e+am!le. the Pr"!het L"t<# (!$uh) &%e &a# de#tr"yed al"n* &th her un$ele'n* !e"!le:
3he only response of his people was to say) 98rive the family of ,ot out of your cityF 3hey are
people who %eep themselves pureF9 So 0e rescued him and his family/e'cept for his wife. 0e
ordained her to (e one of those who stayed (ehind. 0e rained down a rain upon them. How evil is
the rain of those who are warnedF (Surat an;6aml) >G;>K#
C3he angels said)D 90e are going to destroy the people of this city. 3ruly its inha(itants are
wrongdoers.9 He CA(rahamD said) 9,ot is in it.9 3hey said) 90e %now very well who is in it. 0e
are going to rescue him and his family/e'cept for his wife. She will (e one of those who stay
(ehind.9 0hen 1ur messengers CangelsD came to ,ot, he was distressed on their account, feeling
incapa(le of protecting them. 3hey said) 98o not fear and do not grieve. 0e are going to rescue
you and your family/e'cept for your wifeJ she will (e one of those who stay (ehind. 0e will (ring
down on the inha(itants of this city a devastating punishment from heaven (ecause of their
deviance.9 (Surat al;:An%a(ut) =M;=!#
@"th "% the#e &"men &ere *'en a *reat "!!"rtunty n l%e $y $e-"mn* the &'e# "% Pr"!het#, @ut nether
&"men -"uld -"n'ert th# "!!"rtunty nt" a *reat re&ard n $"th &"rld#. and #" they dd n"t attan #u-h he*ht#,
C"r th# rea#"n. they e+!eren-ed Allah<# &rath and &ere de$a#ed and $elttled,
3he 0ife of the 4gyptian -overnor
In the (ur<an Allah ment"n# the &%e "% an E*y!tan *"'ern"r, A# a re#ult "% a -"n#!ra-y hat-hed $y h#
$r"ther#. the Pr"!het E"#e!h (!$uh) &a# #"ld $y a trader t" th# E*y!tan *"'ern"r, Allah re'eal# the
-r-um#tan-e# "% h# arr'al n th# h"u#eh"ld:
3he 4gyptian who had (ought him told his wife) 9,oo% after him with honor and respect. t:s
possi(le he will (e of use to us, or perhaps we might adopt him as a son.9 And thus 0e esta(lished
Aoseph in the land to teach him the true meaning of events. Allah is in control of His affair.
However, most of humanity does not %now. And then when he (ecame a full;grown man, 0e gave
him %nowledge and right Iudgment too. 3hat is how 0e reward all doers of good. (Surah .usuf)
Allah !la-ed the Pr"!het E"#e!h (!$uh) n th# h"u#eh"ld, When he rea-hed adulth""d. Allah $e#t"&ed
kn"&led*e and &#d"m "n hm. tau*ht hm h"& t" nter!ret dream#. *a'e hm !re%eren-e "'er all "ther#. and
#u!!"rted hm &th H# *ra-e,
Allah te#ted the Pr"!het E"#e!h (!$uh) n the %"ll"&n* manner: 2he *"'ern"r<# &%e tred t" #edu-e hm, A#
re'ealed n the 'er#e#. #he #hut the d""r# and made -ertan demand#, H"&e'er. the Pr"!het E"#e!h (!$uh) t""k
re%u*e n Allah #" that he &"uld n"t -"mmt #u-h a #n. and turned a&ay,
In "rder t" -han*e her ntent"n#. he remnded her "% her hu#$and. &h" &a# h# ma#ter. and #ad that he &a#
-"ntent &th hm a# a ma#ter and there%"re -"uld n"t $etray hm, He al#" t"ld her that e'ld"er# &"uld n"t %nd
#al'at"n and that &hat #he de#red &a# e'l, Allah relate# the entre e'ent n the %"ll"&n* 'er#e:
3he woman whose house it was solicited him. She (arred the doors and said) 9&ome over here.9 He
said) 9Allah is my refugeF He is my lord and has (een good to me with where live. 3hose who do
wrong will surely not succeed.9 (Surah .usuf) "=#
Cully a&are "% the lmt# e#ta$l#hed %"r humanty $y Allah. the Pr"!het E"#e!h (!$uh) re$u%%ed her ad'an-e#:
She wanted him and he would have wanted her, had he not seen the &lear *roof of his ,ord. 3hat
happened so that 0e might avert from him all evil and lust. He was 1ur chosen servant. (Surah
.usuf) "!#
;urn* th# -"n%r"ntat"n. the &"man<# hu#$and entered the r""m, 2" !re#er'e her re!utat"n. the &"man led
and. de#!te the Pr"!het E"#e!h<# (!$uh) -ha#te and de'"ut $eha'"r. a--u#ed hm "% tryn* t" #edu-e her. and
demanded that he $e !un#hed, 2he (ur<an- a--"unt relate#:
3hey raced to the door. She tore his shirt at the (ac%. 3hey met her hus(and (y the door. She
as%ed) 9How should a man whose intention was to harm your family (e punished for what he did,
e'cept with prison or painful punishmentL9 (Surah .usuf) ">#
Jlearly. #he had an e'l -hara-ter and dd n"t %ear "r re#!e-t Allah. %"r #he #"u*ht t" $etray her hu#$and $y
-"mmttn* a #n and #landern* an nn"-ent man #" that he. and n"t #he. &"uld $e !un#hed, 2h# al#" nd-ate#
that her #el%#h de#re "'err"de her -"n#-en-e,
In the %a-e "% the#e dan*er"u# a--u#at"n#. the Pr"!het E"#e!h (!$uh) t"ld the truth: HIt &a# #he &h" tred t"
#edu-e meH (Surah Yu#u%: 48), One "% the &"man<# relat'e# made a #u**e#t"n a$"ut h"& t" a#-ertan the truth:
A witness from her people then declared) 9f his shirt is torn in front, she spea%s the truth and he
has clearly told a shameless lie. f his shirt is torn at the (ac%, then she has lied and he has clearly
told the simple truth.9 (Surah .usuf) "G;"?#
C"ll"&n* th# #u**e#t"n. her hu#$and #a& that the Pr"!het E"#e!h<# (!$uh) #hrt &a# t"rn %r"m $ehnd,
2here%"re. t $e-ame e'dent that the Pr"!het E"#e!h (!$uh) had $een runnn* t"&ard the d""r and that h# &%e
had $een -ha#n* hm, Allah re'eal# the *"'ern"r<# re#!"n#e:
He saw the shirt torn at the (ac% and said) 93he source of this is women:s deviousness. 0ithout a
dou(t, your guile is very great. Aoseph, ignore all of this. And you, my wife, should as% forgiveness
for your evil act. 3here is no dou(t that you are in the wrong.9 (Surah .usuf) "K;"O#
A# the#e 'er#e# make -lear. the *"'ern"r kne& that the Pr"!het E"#e!h (!$uh) &a# nn"-ent, H"&e'er. th# &a#
n"t the end "% th# a%%ar, A# re'ealed n the %"ll"&n* 'er#e. &"rd "% th# n-dent #!read "ut#de the !ala-e:
HSome city women said) :3he governor:s wife solicited her servant. He:s fired her heart with love. 0e see
that she:s the one to (lame:H (Surah Yu#u%: >:), 2he#e &"men &ere a&are that the Pr"!het E"#e!h (!$uh) &a#
n"t t" $lame. $ut that the *"'ern"r<# &%e &a#, When the &%e real5ed that #he &a# the talk "% the t"&n. #he $e*an
t" hat-h an"ther #-heme,
Seekn* t" !r"'e that #he -"uld n"t $e %aulted %"r de#rn* the Pr"!het E"#e!h (!$uh) &h". a# re'ealed n the
'er#e#. &a# e+tremely hand#"me. #he #"u*ht t" make them !artner# n her #hame%ul deed, She n'ted the &"men
t" her h"me, When they arr'ed. they &ere *'en %rut kn'e# #" that they -"uld !eel ther %rut, 2hen #he t"ld the
Pr"!het E"#e!h (!$uh) t" enter the r""m and &at-hed ther rea-t"n#, When they #a& hm. they &ere #" #tunned
$y h# hand#"mene## that they -ut them#el'e#, Allah re'eal#:
$ut when she heard of their malicious tal%, she sent for them and made a sumptuous meal. 3hen
she gave a %nife to each of them. She said Cto AosephD) 9-o out to them.9 0hen they saw him, they
were ama<ed (y him and cut their hands. 3hey e'claimed) 9Allah preserve usF 3his is no man.
0hat can this (e (ut a no(le angel hereF9 (Surah .usuf) =M#
2he Pr"!het E"#e!h<# (!$uh) hand#"mene## made the#e &"men remem$er Allah. and #" they !ra#ed Hm %"r the
$eauty He had -reated, 2hey -lamed that #u-h $eauty -"uld n"t $e human and that the Pr"!het E"#e!h (!$uh)
mu#t $e an an*el, 2he *"'ern"r<# &%e admtted t" them that #he had #"u*ht t" #edu-e hm and that he had tred t"
reman -ha#te, Ne'erthele##. #he re!eated her de#re %"r hm n ther !re#en-e "n-e m"re:
She said) 9.ou seeF t:s him you (lamed me for. tried to seduce him, (ut he refused. f he does not
do what order him, he will (e put in prison and (rought low.9 (Surah .usuf) ="#
Her $eha'"r e+!"#ed her &-ked and u*ly -hara-ter, May$e #he th"u*ht that #he -"uld *et a&ay &th t $e-au#e
"% her #tatu# and &ealth, She made an u*ly "%%er. and the Pr"!het E"#e!h (!$uh) -"untered t $y #eekn* re%u*e
&th Allah %r"m her:
My ,ord, the prison is prefera(le to me than what they call on me to do. 2nless .ou turn their
guile away from me, it may well (e that will fall for them and so (ecome a man of ignorance.
(Surah .usuf) ==#
Allah an#&ered h# !rayer and rem"'ed th# -"n#!ra-y. &h-h &a# #et a*an#t hm, 2he *"'ern"r and all "% the
&"men &h" &tne##ed h# &%e<# "%%er. de#!te kn"&n* that the Pr"!het E"#e!h (!$uh) &a# nn"-ent. -h"#e t"
#de &th n?u#t-e and a-ted &th"ut -"n#-en-e: the Pr"!het E"#e!h (!$uh) &a# "rdered t" $e m!r#"ned. e'en
th"u*h h# nn"-en-e &a# -learly #een $y all, He remaned there %"r many year#. a# Allah re'eal#: H2hen. a%ter
they had #een the S*n#. they th"u*ht that they #h"uld #tll m!r#"n hm %"r a tmeH (Surah Yu#u%: >7), H"&e'er.
th# ha# $een a $le##n* %"r the Pr"!het E"#e!h (!$uh), Allah th&arted the &"men<# #-heme# and. n return %"r h#
de'"t"n and #n-erty t" Hm. %reed the Pr"!het E"#e!h (!$uh) %r"m !r#"n. !r"-lamed h# nn"-en-e. and made
hm a leader n E*y!t,
2he#e e'ent# -"ntan a *reat deal "% n%"rmat"n that all $ele'er# #h"uld !"nder, 2he a-t"n# "% the E*y!tan
*"'ern"r<# &%e and the "ther &"men -learly #h"& h"& the un$ele'er#< -"n#!ra-e# a%%e-t $ele'er#. ?u#t h"&
determned the#e m#*uded !e"!le -an $e. and h"& they -an rat"nal5e ther trea-hery t" them#el'e#, Pe"!le
&h" d" n"t %ear "r re#!e-t Allah -an ea#ly '"late ther -"n#-en-e. #-heme a*an#t the nn"-ent n "rder t"
a-he'e ther #el%#h de#re#. and thnk n"thn* "% #landern* the nn"-ent, A# Allah re'eal# thr"u*h th#
*"'ern"r<# &"rd#: H2he #"ur-e "% th# # &"men<# de'"u#ne##, Wth"ut a d"u$t. y"ur *ule # 'ery *reatH (Surah
Yu#u%: 49), 2h# a#!e-t "% un$ele'n* &"men # related n "ther 'er#e# a# %"ll"&#:
8o not (e li%e a woman who spoils the thread she has spun (y unraveling it after it is strong, (y
ma%ing your oaths a means of deceiving one another, merely (ecause one community is (igger than
another. Allah is only testing you (y this. He will ma%e clear to you on the 8ay of 5esurrection the
things a(out which you differed. (Surat an;6ahl) O"#
Say) 9 see% refuge with the ,ord of the 8ay(rea%, from the evil of what He has created and from
the evil of the dar%ness when it gathers, and from the evil of women who (low on %nots.9 (Surat al;
BalaQ) M;!#
Allah &arn# "% the &-kedne## "% !e"!le &h" %"ll"& ther #el%#h de#re# $y -"n#!rn*. -heatn*. and d"n* e'l
t" "ther#, 2he a$"'e 'er#e nd-ate# that the e'l "% #u-h &"men -an $e hu*e, H"&e'er. t mu#t ne'er $e %"r*"tten
that Allah !r"m#e# t" $rn* the -"n#!ra-e# "% #u-h !e"!le t" nau*ht, A $ad -hara-ter al&ay# harm# the "ne &h"
ha# t, On the "ther hand. "ne<# %ear and re#!e-t "% Allah. a# &ell a# "ne<# r*hte"u#ne##. al&ay# re#ult n Allah<#
hel! and *ra-e,
Mary &a# an e+alted &"man. "ne !ra#ed $y Allah and *'en the re#!"n#$lty "% $rn*n* the Pr"!het Ee#u#
(!$uh) nt" th# &"rld: HMary, Allah has chosen you and purified you. He has chosen you over all other
women9 (Surah Al <Imran: D4), Allah made her a r"le m"del %"r all %uture *enerat"n#,
Allah al#" re'ealed the Pr"!het Ee#u#< (!$uh) -l"#ene## t" Hm: HHis name is the Messiah, Aesus son of Mary,
of high esteem in this world and the Hereafter, and one of those (rought near9 (Surah Al <Imran: D7), Wth
the !hra#e Hhe was pleasing to his ,ordH (Surah Maryam: 77). Allah re'eal# H# !lea#ure &th the Pr"!het
I#hmael (!$uh), He !ra#e# the Pr"!het En"-h (!$uh) and re'eal# h# h*h #tatu# n H# Pre#en-e: HMention
4noch in the $oo%. He was a true man and a *rophet. 0e raised him up to a high placeH (Surah Maryam:
7817O), Allah ment"n# the Pr"!het A$raham (!$uh). the Pr"!het I#aa- (!$uh). and the Pr"!het Ea-"$ (!$uh) a#
men "% #tren*th. %"re#*ht. and #u!er"rty: Hn 1ur eyes, they are among the (est of chosen menH (Surah Sad:
DO), Allah al#" #tate# that the Pr"!het I#hmael (!$uh). the Pr"!het El#ha (!$uh) and the Pr"!het ;hu<l1K%l
(!$uh) &ere: Hamong the (est of menH (Surah Sad: D9). and !ra#e# the Pr"!het S"l"m"n (!$uh) %"r h# de'"t"n:
H0hat an e'cellent servantF He truly turned to his ,ordH (Surah Sad: >:), And a# %"r the Pr"!het A$raham
(!$uh). Allah #ay#: HAllah too% A(raham as an intimate friendH (Surat an1N#a<: 347),
Allah re'eal# that "ur Pr"!het Muhammad (may Allah $le## hm and *rant hm !ea-e) # Htruly vast in
character.H and &ll ha'e 9a wage that never failsH (Surat al1(alam: >1D),
N" d"u$t. the %a-t that Allah !ra#e# H# Pr"!het# and "ther de'"ut Mu#lm# n th# manner -learly re'eal# ther
d*n%ed #tatu#, It # a *reat h"n"r t" $e t"ld #u-h thn*# a# Allah # !lea#ed &th y"u. that y"u ha'e $een ra#ed t"
a h*h #tatu#. that y"u ha'e $een -h"#en a# Allah<# -l"#e %rend. t" $e "ne "% the de#er'n*. "r that y"u are a *""d
#er'ant, E'ery $ele'er de#re# t" $e re&arded &th H# -l"#ene##. %rend#h!. and *""d !lea#ure, In "rder t"
real5e th# de#re. h"&e'er. they mu#t n"t -"n#der the#e *%t# a# $en* "nly %"r Pr"!het# and mu#t real5e that "ur
L"rd<# mer-y and *ra-e # 'ery *reat, Allah ha# re'ealed that He &ll an#&er all "% the !rayer# made $y the #n-ere
$ele'er# &h" turn t" Hm, C"r th# rea#"n. $"th men and &"men mu#t d" ther $e#t t" attan the Pr"!het#< h*h
H3hose for whom the $est from 2s was preordained will (e far away from itH (Surat al1An$ya<: 3:3), 2h#
'er#e re%er# t" th"#e t" &h"m "ur L"rd *a'e *""dne##, Allah *'e# e'ery"ne. re*ardle## "% *ender. the
"!!"rtunty t" $e-"me "ne "% H# -h"#en !e"!le, What &e mu#t d" t" a-he'e th# *"al # t" $"nd &th Allah
thr"u*h "ur l"'e %"r Hm and h"ld Hm dearer than anythn* el#e $y l'n* a--"rdn* t" &hat !lea#e# Hm,
Any"ne &h" l'e# th# *enune %ath. Allah &lln*. &ll %nd the $e#t re&ard n H# Pre#en-e,
3H4 84&4*316 1B 4P1,2316
;ar&n#m. n "ther &"rd# the the"ry "% e'"lut"n. &a# !ut %"r&ard &th the am "% denyn* the %a-t "% Jreat"n.
$ut # n truth n"thn* $ut %aled. un#-ent%- n"n#en#e, 3his theory, which claims that life emerged (y chance
from inanimate matter, was invalidated (y the scientific evidence of miraculous order in the universe and
in living things, as well as (y the discovery of a(out =@@ million fossils revealing that evolution never
happened. n this way, science confirmed the fact that Allah created the universe and the living things in it.
3he propaganda carried out today in order to %eep the theory of evolution alive is (ased solely on the
distortion of the scientific facts, (iased interpretation, and lies and falsehoods disguised as science.
Yet th# !r"!a*anda -ann"t -"n-eal the truth, 2he %a-t that the theory of evolution is the greatest deception in
the history of science ha# $een e+!re##ed m"re and m"re n the #-ent%- &"rld "'er the la#t 4:1>: year#,
Re#ear-h -arred "ut a%ter the 369:# n !art-ular ha# re'ealed that the -lam# "% ;ar&n#m are t"tally un%"unded.
#"methn* that ha# $een #tated $y a lar*e num$er "% #-ent#t#, In the Unted State# n !art-ular. many #-ent#t#
%r"m #u-h d%%erent %eld# a# $"l"*y. $"-hem#try and !ale"nt"l"*y re-"*n5e the n'aldty "% ;ar&n#m and
em!l"y the %a-t "% Jreat"n t" a--"unt %"r the "r*n "% l%e,
We ha'e e+amned the -"lla!#e "% the the"ry "% e'"lut"n and the !r""%# "% Jreat"n n *reat #-ent%- detal n
many "% "ur &"rk#. and are #tll -"ntnun* t" d" #", I'en the en"rm"u# m!"rtan-e "% th# #u$?e-t. t &ll $e "%
*reat $ene%t t" #ummar5e t here,
3he Scientific &ollapse of 8arwinism
A# a !a*an d"-trne *"n* $a-k a# %ar a# an-ent Iree-e. the the"ry "% e'"lut"n &a# ad'an-ed e+ten#'ely n the
nneteenth -entury, 2he m"#t m!"rtant de'el"!ment that made t the t"! t"!- "% the &"rld "% #-en-e &a#
Jharle# ;ar&n<# 2he Or*n "% S!e-e#. !u$l#hed n 3976, In th# $""k. he "!!"#ed. n h# "&n eye#. the %a-t
that Allah -reated d%%erent l'n* #!e-e# "n Earth #e!arately. %"r he err"ne"u#ly -lamed that all l'n* $en*#
had a -"mm"n an-e#t"r and had d'er#%ed "'er tme thr"u*h #mall -han*e#, 8arwin:s theory was not (ased on
any concrete scientific findingJ as he also accepted, it was Iust an 9assumption,H M"re"'er. a# ;ar&n
-"n%e##ed n the l"n* -ha!ter "% h# $""k ttled 98ifficulties on 3heory,9 the theory failed in the face of many
critical Questions,
;ar&n n'e#ted all "% h# h"!e# n ne& #-ent%- d#-"'ere#. &h-h he e+!e-ted t" #"l'e the#e d%%-ulte#,
H"&e'er. -"ntrary t" h# e+!e-tat"n#. #-ent%- %ndn*# e+!anded the dmen#"n# "% the#e d%%-ulte#, 2he
de%eat "% ;ar&n#m n the %a-e "% #-en-e -an $e re'e&ed under three $a#- t"!-#:
3) 2he the"ry -ann"t e+!lan h"& l%e "r*nated "n Earth,
4) N" #-ent%- %ndn* #h"&# that the He'"lut"nary me-han#m#H !r"!"#ed $y the the"ry ha'e any e'"lut"nary
!"&er at all,
>) 2he %"##l re-"rd !r"'e# the e+a-t "!!"#te "% &hat the the"ry #u**e#t#,
In th# #e-t"n. &e &ll e+amne the#e three $a#- !"nt# n *eneral "utlne#:
3he Birst nsurmounta(le Step) 3he 1rigin of ,ife
2he the"ry "% e'"lut"n !"#t# that all l'n* #!e-e# e'"l'ed %r"m a #n*le l'n* -ell that emer*ed "n the
!rmt'e Earth >,9 $ll"n year# a*", H"& a #n*le -ell -"uld *enerate mll"n# "% -"m!le+ l'n* #!e-e# and. %
#u-h an e'"lut"n really "--urred. &hy tra-e# "% t -ann"t $e "$#er'ed n the %"##l re-"rd are #"me "% the
Bue#t"n# that the the"ry -ann"t an#&er, H"&e'er. %r#t and %"rem"#t. &e need t" a#k: H"& dd th# H%r#t -ellH
Since the theory of evolution ignorantly denies &reation, it maintains that the 9first cell9 originated as a
product of (lind coincidences within the laws of nature, without any plan or arrangement, A--"rdn* t" the
the"ry. nanmate matter mu#t ha'e !r"du-ed a l'n* -ell a# a re#ult "% -"n-den-e#, Su-h a -lam. h"&e'er. #
n-"n##tent &th the m"#t una##ala$le rule# "% $"l"*y,
9,ife &omes Brom ,ife9
In h# $""k. ;ar&n ne'er re%erred t" the "r*n "% l%e, 2he !rmt'e under#tandn* "% #-en-e n h# tme re#ted
"n the a##um!t"n that l'n* $en*# had a 'ery #m!le #tru-ture, Sn-e mede'al tme#. #!"ntane"u# *enerat"n.
&h-h a##ert# that n"n1l'n* materal# -ame t"*ether t" %"rm l'n* "r*an#m#. had $een &dely a--e!ted, It &a#
-"mm"nly $ele'ed that n#e-t# -ame nt" $en* %r"m %""d le%t"'er#. and m-e %r"m &heat, Intere#tn*
e+!erment# &ere -"ndu-ted t" !r"'e th# the"ry, S"me &heat &a# !la-ed "n a drty !e-e "% -l"th. and t &a#
$ele'ed that m-e &"uld "r*nate %r"m t a%ter a &hle,
Smlarly. ma**"t# de'el"!n* n r"ttn* meat &a# a##umed t" $e e'den-e "% #!"ntane"u# *enerat"n, H"&e'er.
it was later understood that worms did not appear on meat spontaneously, (ut were carried there (y flies
in the form of larvae, invisi(le to the na%ed eye,
E'en &hen ;ar&n &r"te 2he Or*n "% S!e-e#. the $ele% that $a-tera -"uld -"me nt" e+#ten-e %r"m n"n1
l'n* matter &a# &dely a--e!ted n the &"rld "% #-en-e,
H"&e'er. five years after the pu(lication of 8arwin:s (oo%, ,ouis *asteur announced his results after long
studies and e'periments, that disproved spontaneous generation, a cornerstone of 8arwin:s theory, In h#
trum!hal le-ture at the S"r$"nne n 398D. *asteur said) 96ever will the doctrine of spontaneous generation
recover from the mortal (low struc% (y this simple e'periment,H48
C"r a l"n* tme. ad'"-ate# "% the the"ry "% e'"lut"n re##ted the#e %ndn*#, H"&e'er. a# the de'el"!ment "%
#-en-e unra'eled the -"m!le+ #tru-ture "% the -ell "% a l'n* $en*. the dea that l%e -"uld -"me nt" $en*
-"n-dentally %a-ed an e'en *reater m!a##e,
nconclusive 4fforts of the 3wentieth &entury
2he %r#t e'"lut"n#t &h" t""k u! the #u$?e-t "% the "r*n "% l%e n the t&enteth -entury &a# the ren"&ned
Ru##an $"l"*#t Ale+ander O!arn, Wth 'ar"u# the#e# he ad'an-ed n the 36>:#. he tred t" !r"'e that a l'n*
-ell -"uld "r*nate $y -"n-den-e, 2he#e #tude#. h"&e'er. &ere d""med t" %alure. and O!arn had t" make the
%"ll"&n* -"n%e##"n:
Un%"rtunately. h"&e'er. the !r"$lem "% the "r*n "% the -ell # !erha!# the m"#t "$#-ure !"nt n the
&h"le #tudy "% the e'"lut"n "% "r*an#m#,4O
E'"lut"n#t %"ll"&er# "% O!arn tred t" -arry "ut e+!erment# t" #"l'e th# !r"$lem, 2he $e#t kn"&n e+!erment
&a# -arred "ut $y the Amer-an -hem#t Stanley Mller n 367>, J"m$nn* the *a#e# he alle*ed t" ha'e e+#ted
n the !rm"rdal Earth<# atm"#!here n an e+!erment #et1u!. and addn* ener*y t" the m+ture. Mller
#ynthe#5ed #e'eral "r*an- m"le-ule# (amn" a-d#) !re#ent n the #tru-ture "% !r"ten#,
@arely a %e& year# had !a##ed $e%"re t &a# re'ealed that this e'periment, which was then presented as an
important step in the name of evolution, was invalid, for the atmosphere used in the e'periment was very
different from the real 4arth conditions.49
A%ter a l"n* #len-e. Miller confessed that the atmosphere medium he used was unrealistic,46
All the evolutionists: efforts throughout the twentieth century to e'plain the origin of life ended in failure,
2he *e"-hem#t Ee%%rey @ada. %r"m the San ;e*" S-r!!# In#ttute a--e!t# th# %a-t n an art-le !u$l#hed n
Earth ma*a5ne n 3669:
2"day a# &e lea'e the t&enteth -entury. &e #tll %a-e the $**e#t un#"l'ed !r"$lem that &e had &hen &e
entered the t&enteth -entury: H"& dd l%e "r*nate "n EarthR>:
3he &omple' Structure of ,ife
2he !rmary rea#"n &hy the the"ry "% e'"lut"n ended u! n #u-h a *reat m!a##e re*ardn* the "r*n "% l%e #
that e'en th"#e l'n* "r*an#m# deemed t" $e the #m!le#t ha'e "ut#tandn*ly -"m!le+ #tru-ture#, 2he -ell "% a
l'n* thn* # m"re -"m!le+ than all "% "ur man1made te-hn"l"*-al !r"du-t#, 3oday, even in the most
developed la(oratories of the world, a living cell cannot (e produced (y (ringing organic chemicals
2he -"ndt"n# reBured %"r the %"rmat"n "% a -ell are t"" *reat n Buantty t" $e e+!laned a&ay $y -"n-den-e#,
3he pro(a(ility of proteins, the (uilding (loc%s of a cell, (eing synthesi<ed coincidentally, is M in M@O>@ for
an average protein made up of >@@ amino acids. n mathematics, a pro(a(ility smaller than M over M@>@ is
considered to (e impossi(le in practical terms,
2he ;NA m"le-ule. &h-h # l"-ated n the nu-leu# "% a -ell and &h-h #t"re# *enet- n%"rmat"n. # a
ma*n%-ent data$ank, I% the n%"rmat"n -"ded n ;NA &ere &rtten d"&n. t &"uld make a *ant l$rary
-"n##tn* "% an e#tmated 6:: '"lume# "% en-y-l"!eda# -"n##tn* "% 7:: !a*e# ea-h,
A 'ery ntere#tn* dlemma emer*e# at th# !"nt: ;NA -an re!l-ate t#el% "nly &th the hel! "% #"me #!e-al5ed
!r"ten# (en5yme#), H"&e'er. the #ynthe## "% the#e en5yme# -an $e real5ed "nly $y the n%"rmat"n -"ded n
;NA, A# they $"th de!end "n ea-h "ther. they ha'e t" e+#t at the #ame tme %"r re!l-at"n, 2h# $rn*# the
#-enar" that l%e "r*nated $y t#el% t" a deadl"-k, Pr"%, Le#le Or*el. an e'"lut"n#t "% re!ute %r"m the
Un'er#ty "% San ;e*". Jal%"rna. -"n%e##e# th# %a-t n the Se!tem$er 366D ##ue "% the S-ent%- Amer-an
It # e+tremely m!r"$a$le that !r"ten# and nu-le- a-d#. $"th "% &h-h are #tru-turally -"m!le+. ar"#e
#!"ntane"u#ly n the #ame !la-e at the #ame tme, Yet t al#" #eem# m!"##$le t" ha'e "ne &th"ut the
"ther, And #". at %r#t *lan-e. "ne m*ht ha'e t" -"n-lude that l%e -"uld ne'er. n %a-t. ha'e "r*nated $y
-hem-al mean#,>3
N" d"u$t. % t # m!"##$le %"r l%e t" ha'e "r*nated #!"ntane"u#ly a# a re#ult "% $lnd -"n-den-e#. then t ha#
t" $e a--e!ted that l%e &a# H-reated,H 2h# %a-t e+!l-tly n'aldate# the the"ry "% e'"lut"n. &h"#e man !ur!"#e
# t" deny Jreat"n,
maginary Mechanism of 4volution
2he #e-"nd m!"rtant !"nt that ne*ate# ;ar&n<# the"ry # that $"th -"n-e!t# !ut %"r&ard $y the the"ry a#
He'"lut"nary me-han#m#H &ere under#t""d t" ha'e. n realty. n" e'"lut"nary !"&er,
;ar&n $a#ed h# e'"lut"n alle*at"n entrely "n the me-han#m "% Hnatural #ele-t"n,H 2he m!"rtan-e he !la-ed
"n th# me-han#m &a# e'dent n the name "% h# $""k: 2he Or*n "% S!e-e#. @y Mean# "% Natural Sele-t"nY
Natural #ele-t"n h"ld# that th"#e l'n* thn*# that are #tr"n*er and m"re #uted t" the natural -"ndt"n# "% ther
ha$tat# &ll #ur''e n the #tru**le %"r l%e, C"r e+am!le. n a deer herd under the threat "% atta-k $y &ld anmal#.
th"#e that -an run %a#ter &ll #ur''e, 2here%"re. the deer herd &ll $e -"m!r#ed "% %a#ter and #tr"n*er
nd'dual#, H"&e'er. unBue#t"na$ly. th# me-han#m &ll n"t -au#e deer t" e'"l'e and tran#%"rm them#el'e#
nt" an"ther l'n* #!e-e#. %"r n#tan-e. h"r#e#,
2here%"re. the me-han#m "% natural #ele-t"n ha# n" e'"lut"nary !"&er, ;ar&n &a# al#" a&are "% th# %a-t and
had t" #tate th# n h# $""k 2he Or*n "% S!e-e#:
Natural #ele-t"n -an d" n"thn* untl %a'"ura$le nd'dual d%%eren-e# "r 'arat"n# "--ur,>4
,amarc%:s mpact
S". h"& -"uld the#e H%a'"ra$le 'arat"n#H "--urR ;ar&n tred t" an#&er th# Bue#t"n %r"m the #tand!"nt "% the
!rmt'e under#tandn* "% #-en-e at that tme, A--"rdn* t" the Cren-h $"l"*#t Jhe'aler de Lamar-k (3ODD1
3946). &h" l'ed $e%"re ;ar&n. l'n* -reature# !a##ed "n the trat# they a-Bured durn* ther l%etme t" the
ne+t *enerat"n, He a##erted that the#e trat#. &h-h a--umulated %r"m "ne *enerat"n t" an"ther. -au#ed ne&
#!e-e# t" $e %"rmed, C"r n#tan-e. he -lamed that *ra%%e# e'"l'ed %r"m antel"!e#= a# they #tru**led t" eat the
lea'e# "% h*h tree#. ther ne-k# &ere e+tended %r"m *enerat"n t" *enerat"n,
;ar&n al#" *a'e #mlar e+am!le#, In h# $""k 2he Or*n "% S!e-e#. %"r n#tan-e. he #ad that #"me $ear# *"n*
nt" &ater t" %nd %""d tran#%"rmed them#el'e# nt" &hale# "'er tme,>>
H"&e'er. the la&# "% nhertan-e d#-"'ered $y Ire*"r Mendel (394419D) and 'er%ed $y the #-en-e "% *enet-#.
&h-h %l"ur#hed n the t&enteth -entury. utterly dem"l#hed the le*end that a-Bured trat# &ere !a##ed "n t"
#u$#eBuent *enerat"n#, 2hu#. natural #ele-t"n %ell "ut "% %a'"r a# an e'"lut"nary me-han#m,
6eo;8arwinism and Mutations
In "rder t" %nd a #"lut"n. ;ar&n#t# ad'an-ed the HM"dern Synthet- 2he"ry.H "r a# t # m"re -"mm"nly
kn"&n. Ne"1;ar&n#m. at the end "% the 36>:#, Ne"1;ar&n#m added mutat"n#. &h-h are d#t"rt"n# %"rmed
n the *ene# "% l'n* $en*# due t" #u-h e+ternal %a-t"r# a# radat"n "r re!l-at"n err"r#. a# the H-au#e "%
%a'"ra$le 'arat"n#H n addt"n t" natural mutat"n,
2"day. the m"del that ;ar&n#t# e#!"u#e. de#!te ther "&n a&arene## "% t# #-ent%- n'aldty. # ne"1
;ar&n#m, 2he the"ry mantan# that mll"n# "% l'n* $en*# %"rmed a# a re#ult "% a !r"-e## &here$y numer"u#
-"m!le+ "r*an# "% the#e "r*an#m# (e,*,. ear#. eye#. lun*#. and &n*#) under&ent Hmutat"n#.H that #. *enet-
d#"rder#, Yet. there # an "utr*ht #-ent%- %a-t that t"tally undermne# th# the"ry: Mutat"n# d" n"t -au#e l'n*
$en*# t" de'el"!= "n the -"ntrary. they are al&ay# harm%ul,
2he rea#"n %"r th# # 'ery #m!le: ;NA ha# a 'ery -"m!le+ #tru-ture. and rand"m e%%e-t# -an "nly harm t, 2he
Amer-an *enet-#t @, I, Ran*anathan e+!lan# th# a# %"ll"&#:
Cr#t. *enune mutat"n# are 'ery rare n nature, Se-"ndly. m"#t mutat"n# are harm%ul #n-e they are
rand"m. rather than "rderly -han*e# n the #tru-ture "% *ene#= any rand"m -han*e n a h*hly "rdered
#y#tem &ll $e %"r the &"r#e. n"t %"r the $etter, C"r e+am!le, if an earthQua%e were to sha%e a highly
ordered structure such as a (uilding, there would (e a random change in the framewor% of the
(uilding which, in all pro(a(ility, would not (e an improvement,>D
N"t #ur!r#n*ly. n" mutat"n e+am!le. &h-h # u#e%ul. that #. &h-h # "$#er'ed t" de'el"! the *enet- -"de. ha#
$een "$#er'ed #" %ar, All mutat"n# ha'e !r"'ed t" $e harm%ul, It &a# under#t""d that mutat"n. &h-h #
!re#ented a# an He'"lut"nary me-han#m.H # a-tually a *enet- "--urren-e that harm# l'n* thn*#. and lea'e#
them d#a$led, (2he m"#t -"mm"n e%%e-t "% mutat"n "n human $en*# # -an-er,) O% -"ur#e. a de#tru-t'e
me-han#m -ann"t $e an He'"lut"nary me-han#m,H Natural #ele-t"n. "n the "ther hand. H-an d" n"thn* $y
t#el%.H a# ;ar&n al#" a--e!ted, 2h# %a-t #h"&# u# that there # n" He'"lut"nary me-han#mH n nature, Sn-e n"
e'"lut"nary me-han#m e+#t#. n" #u-h any ma*nary !r"-e## -alled He'"lut"nH -"uld ha'e taken !la-e,
3he Bossil 5ecord) 6o Sign of ntermediate Borms
2he -leare#t e'den-e that the #-enar" #u**e#ted $y the the"ry "% e'"lut"n dd n"t take !la-e # the %"##l re-"rd,
A--"rdn* t" the un#-ent%- #u!!"#t"n "% th# the"ry. e'ery l'n* #!e-e# ha# #!run* %r"m a !rede-e##"r, A
!re'"u#ly e+#tn* #!e-e# turned nt" #"methn* el#e "'er tme and all #!e-e# ha'e -"me nt" $en* n th# &ay,
In "ther &"rd#. th# tran#%"rmat"n !r"-eed# *radually "'er mll"n# "% year#,
Had th# $een the -a#e. numer"u# ntermedary #!e-e# #h"uld ha'e e+#ted and l'ed &thn th# l"n*
tran#%"rmat"n !er"d,
C"r n#tan-e. #"me hal%1%#hLhal%1re!tle# #h"uld ha'e l'ed n the !a#t &h-h had a-Bured #"me re!tlan trat# n
addt"n t" the %#h trat# they already had, Or there #h"uld ha'e e+#ted #"me re!tle1$rd#. &h-h a-Bured #"me
$rd trat# n addt"n t" the re!tlan trat# they already had, Sn-e the#e &"uld $e n a tran#t"nal !ha#e. they
#h"uld $e d#a$led. de%e-t'e. -r!!led l'n* $en*#, E'"lut"n#t# re%er t" the#e ma*nary -reature#. &h-h they
$ele'e t" ha'e l'ed n the !a#t. a# Htran#t"nal %"rm#,H
f such animals ever really e'isted, there should (e millions and even (illions of them in num(er and
variety. More importantly, the remains of these strange creatures should (e present in the fossil record. In
The rigin of !pecies. ;ar&n e+!laned:
I% my the"ry $e true. num$erle## ntermedate 'arete#. lnkn* m"#t -l"#ely all "% the #!e-e# "% the #ame
*r"u! t"*ether mu#t a##uredly ha'e e+#ted,,, J"n#eBuently. e'den-e "% ther %"rmer e+#ten-e -"uld $e
%"und "nly am"n*#t %"##l reman#,>7
H"&e'er. ;ar&n &a# &ell a&are that n" %"##l# "% the#e ntermedate %"rm# had yet $een %"und, He re*arded th#
a# a ma?"r d%%-ulty %"r h# the"ry, In "ne -ha!ter "% h# $""k ttled H;%%-ulte# "n 2he"ry.H he &r"te:
Why. % #!e-e# ha'e de#-ended %r"m "ther #!e-e# $y n#en#$ly %ne *radat"n#. d" &e n"t e'ery&here
#ee nnumera$le tran#t"nal %"rm#R Why # n"t all nature n -"n%u#"n n#tead "% the #!e-e# $en*. a# &e
#ee them. &ell de%nedRY @ut. a# $y th# the"ry nnumera$le tran#t"nal %"rm# mu#t ha'e e+#ted. &hy
d" &e n"t %nd them em$edded n -"untle## num$er# n the -ru#t "% the earthRY Why then # n"t e'ery
*e"l"*-al %"rmat"n and e'ery #tratum %ull "% #u-h ntermedate lnk#R Ie"l"*y a##uredly d"e# n"t re'eal
any #u-h %nely *raduated "r*an- -han= and th#. !erha!#. # the m"#t "$'"u# and *ra'e#t "$?e-t"n
&h-h -an $e ur*ed a*an#t my the"ry,>8
8arwin:s Hopes Shattered
H"&e'er. alth"u*h e'"lut"n#t# ha'e $een makn* #trenu"u# e%%"rt# t" %nd %"##l# #n-e the mddle "% the
nneteenth -entury all "'er the &"rld. n" tran#t"nal %"rm# ha'e yet $een un-"'ered, All "% the %"##l#. -"ntrary t"
the e'"lut"n#t#< e+!e-tat"n#. #h"& that l%e a!!eared "n Earth all "% a #udden and %ully1%"rmed,
One %am"u# @rt#h !ale"nt"l"*#t. ;erek N, A*er. admt# th# %a-t. e'en th"u*h he # an e'"lut"n#t:
2he !"nt emer*e# that % &e e+amne the %"##l re-"rd n detal. &hether at the le'el "% "rder# "r "%
#!e-e#. &e %nd S "'er and "'er a*an S n"t *radual e'"lut"n. $ut the #udden e+!l"#"n "% "ne *r"u! at
the e+!en#e "% an"ther,>O
2h# mean# that in the fossil record, all living species suddenly emerge as fully formed, without any
intermediate forms in (etween, 2h# # ?u#t the "!!"#te "% ;ar&n<# a##um!t"n#, Al#". th# # 'ery #tr"n*
e'den-e that all l'n* thn*# are -reated, 2he "nly e+!lanat"n "% a l'n* #!e-e# emer*n* #uddenly and
-"m!lete n e'ery detal &th"ut any e'"lut"nary an-e#t"r # that t &a# -reated, 2h# %a-t # admtted al#" $y the
&dely kn"&n e'"lut"n#t $"l"*#t ;"u*la# Cutuyma:
Jreat"n and e'"lut"n. $et&een them. e+hau#t the !"##$le e+!lanat"n# %"r the "r*n "% l'n* thn*#,
Or*an#m# ether a!!eared "n the earth %ully de'el"!ed "r they dd n"t, I% they dd n"t. they mu#t ha'e
de'el"!ed %r"m !re1e+#tn* #!e-e# $y #"me !r"-e## "% m"d%-at"n, I% they dd a!!ear n a %ully
de'el"!ed #tate. they mu#t ndeed ha'e $een -reated $y #"me "mn!"tent ntell*en-e,>9
Bossils show that living (eings emerged fully developed and in a perfect state on the 4arth, 2hat mean# that
Hthe "r*n "% #!e-e#.H -"ntrary t" ;ar&n<# #u!!"#t"n. # n"t e'"lut"n. $ut &reation,
3he 3ale of Human 4volution
2he #u$?e-t m"#t "%ten $r"u*ht u! $y ad'"-ate# "% the the"ry "% e'"lut"n # the #u$?e-t "% the "r*n "% man, 2he
;ar&n#t -lam h"ld# that man e'"l'ed %r"m #"1-alled a!e1lke -reature#, ;urn* th# alle*ed e'"lut"nary
!r"-e##. &h-h # #u!!"#ed t" ha'e #tarted D17 mll"n year# a*". #"me Htran#t"nal %"rm#H $et&een !re#ent1day
man and h# ma*nary an-e#t"r# are #u!!"#ed t" ha'e e+#ted, A--"rdn* t" th# -"m!letely ma*nary #-enar".
%"ur $a#- H-ate*"re#H are l#ted:
". Australopithecus
#. $omo habilis
%. $omo erectus
&. $omo sapiens
E'"lut"n#t# -all man<# #"1-alled %r#t a!e1lke an-e#t"r# Au#tral"!the-u#. &h-h mean# HS"uth A%r-an a!e,H
2he#e l'n* $en*# are a-tually n"thn* $ut an "ld a!e #!e-e# that ha# $e-"me e+tn-t, E+ten#'e re#ear-h d"ne
"n 'ar"u# Au#tral"!the-u# #!e-men# $y t&" &"rld %am"u# anat"m#t# %r"m En*land and the USA. namely.
L"rd S"lly Qu-kerman and Pr"%, Jharle# O+nard. #h"&# that the#e a!e# $el"n*ed t" an "rdnary a!e #!e-e# that
$e-ame e+tn-t and $"re n" re#em$lan-e t" human#,>6
E'"lut"n#t# -la##%y the ne+t #ta*e "% human e'"lut"n a# Hh"m".H that # Hman,H A--"rdn* t" ther -lam. the
l'n* $en*# n the H"m" #ere# are m"re de'el"!ed than Au#tral"!the-u#, E'"lut"n#t# de'#e a %an-%ul
e'"lut"n #-heme $y arran*n* d%%erent %"##l# "% the#e -reature# n a !art-ular "rder, 2h# #-heme # ma*nary
$e-au#e t ha# ne'er $een !r"'ed that there # an e'"lut"nary relat"n $et&een the#e d%%erent -la##e#, Ern#t Mayr.
"ne "% the t&enteth -entury<# m"#t m!"rtant e'"lut"n#t#. -"ntend# n h# $""k One L"n* Ar*ument that
H!art-ularly h#t"r-al F!u55le#G #u-h a# the "r*n "% l%e "r "% H"m" #a!en#. are e+tremely d%%-ult and may
e'en re##t a %nal. #at#%yn* e+!lanat"n,HD:
@y "utlnn* the lnk -han a# Au#tral"!the-u# Z H"m" ha$l# Z H"m" ere-tu# Z H"m" #a!en#. e'"lut"n#t#
m!ly that ea-h "% the#e #!e-e# # "ne an"ther<# an-e#t"r, H"&e'er. re-ent %ndn*# "% !ale"anthr"!"l"*#t# ha'e
re'ealed that Au#tral"!the-u#. H"m" ha$l#. and H"m" ere-tu# l'ed at d%%erent !art# "% the &"rld at the #ame
M"re"'er. a -ertan #e*ment "% human# -la##%ed a# H"m" ere-tu# ha'e l'ed u! untl 'ery m"dern tme#, H"m"
#a!en# neandarthalen## and H"m" #a!en# #a!en# (!re#ent1day man) -"1e+#ted n the #ame re*"n,D4
2h# #tuat"n a!!arently nd-ate# the n'aldty "% the -lam that they are an-e#t"r# "% "ne an"ther, 2he late
Ste!hen Eay I"uld e+!laned th# deadl"-k "% the the"ry "% e'"lut"n alth"u*h he &a# hm#el% "ne "% the leadn*
ad'"-ate# "% e'"lut"n n the t&enteth -entury:
What ha# $e-"me "% "ur ladder % there are three -"e+#tn* lnea*e# "% h"mnd# (A, a%r-anu#. the r"$u#t
au#tral"!the-ne#. and H, ha$l#). n"ne -learly der'ed %r"m an"therR M"re"'er. n"ne "% the three
d#!lay any e'"lut"nary trend# durn* ther tenure "n earth,D>
Put $re%ly. the #-enar" "% human e'"lut"n. &h-h # Hu!heldH &th the hel! "% 'ar"u# dra&n*# "% #"me Hhal%
a!e. hal% humanH -reature# a!!earn* n the meda and -"ur#e $""k#. that #. %rankly. $y mean# "% !r"!a*anda. #
n"thn* $ut a tale with no scientific foundation,
L"rd S"lly Qu-kerman. "ne "% the m"#t %am"u# and re#!e-ted #-ent#t# n the U,K,. &h" -arred "ut re#ear-h "n
th# #u$?e-t %"r year# and #tuded Au#tral"!the-u# %"##l# %"r 37 year#. %nally -"n-luded. de#!te $en* an
e'"lut"n#t hm#el%. that there is, in fact, no such family tree (ranching out from ape;li%e creatures to man.
Qu-kerman al#" made an ntere#tn* H#!e-trum "% #-en-eH ran*n* %r"m th"#e he -"n#dered #-ent%- t" th"#e he
-"n#dered un#-ent%-, A--"rdn* t" Qu-kerman<# #!e-trum. the m"#t H#-ent%-HAthat #. de!endn* "n
-"n-rete dataA%eld# "% #-en-e are -hem#try and !hy#-#, A%ter them -"me the $"l"*-al #-en-e# and then the
#"-al #-en-e#, At the %ar end "% the #!e-trum. &h-h # the !art -"n#dered t" $e m"#t Hun#-ent%-.H are He+tra1
#en#"ry !er-e!t"nHA-"n-e!t# #u-h a# tele!athy and #+th #en#eAand %nally Hhuman e'"lut"n,H Qu-kerman
e+!lan# h# rea#"nn*:
We then m"'e r*ht "%% the re*#ter "% "$?e-t'e truth nt" th"#e %eld# "% !re#umed $"l"*-al #-en-e.
lke e+tra#en#"ry !er-e!t"n "r the nter!retat"n "% man<# %"##l h#t"ry. &here t" the %ath%ul
Fe'"lut"n#tG anythn* # !"##$le S and &here the ardent $ele'er Fn e'"lut"nG # #"metme# a$le t"
$ele'e #e'eral -"ntrad-t"ry thn*# at the #ame tme,DD
2he tale "% human e'"lut"n $"l# d"&n t" n"thn* $ut the !re?ud-ed nter!retat"n# "% #"me %"##l# unearthed $y
-ertan !e"!le. &h" $lndly adhere t" ther the"ry,
8arwinian BormulaF
@e#de# all the te-hn-al e'den-e &e ha'e dealt &th #" %ar. let u# n"& %"r "n-e. e+amne &hat knd "% a
#u!er#tt"n the e'"lut"n#t# ha'e &th an e+am!le #" #m!le a# t" $e under#t""d e'en $y -hldren:
2he the"ry "% e'"lut"n a##ert# that l%e # %"rmed $y -han-e, A--"rdn* t" th# rrat"nal -lam. l%ele## and
un-"n#-"u# at"m# -ame t"*ether t" %"rm the -ell and then they #"meh"& %"rmed "ther l'n* thn*#. n-ludn*
man, Let u# thnk a$"ut that, When &e $rn* t"*ether the element# that are the $uldn*1$l"-k# "% l%e #u-h a#
-ar$"n. !h"#!h"ru#. ntr"*en and !"ta##um. "nly a hea! # %"rmed, N" matter &hat treatment# t under*"e#. th#
at"m- hea! -ann"t %"rm e'en a #n*le l'n* $en*, I% y"u lke. let u# %"rmulate an He+!ermentH "n th# #u$?e-t
and let u# e+amne "n the $ehal% "% e'"lut"n#t# &hat they really -lam &th"ut !r"n"un-n* l"udly under the
name H8arwinian formulaH:
Let e'"lut"n#t# !ut !lenty "% materal# !re#ent n the -"m!"#t"n "% l'n* thn*# #u-h a# !h"#!h"ru#. ntr"*en.
-ar$"n. "+y*en. r"n. and ma*ne#um nt" $* $arrel#, M"re"'er. let them add n the#e $arrel# any materal that
d"e# n"t e+#t under n"rmal -"ndt"n#. $ut they thnk a# ne-e##ary, Let them add n th# m+ture a# many amn"
a-d# and a# many !r"ten#Aa #n*le "ne "% &h-h ha# a %"rmat"n !r"$a$lty "% 3 n 3:67:Aa# they lke, Let
them e+!"#e the#e m+ture# t" a# mu-h heat and m"#ture a# they lke, Let them #tr the#e &th &hate'er
te-hn"l"*-ally de'el"!ed de'-e they lke, Let them !ut the %"rem"#t #-ent#t# $e#de the#e $arrel#, Let the#e
e+!ert# &at n turn $e#de the#e $arrel# %"r $ll"n#. and e'en trll"n# "% year#, Let them $e %ree t" u#e all knd#
"% -"ndt"n# they $ele'e t" $e ne-e##ary %"r a human<# %"rmat"n, 6o matter what they do, they cannot
produce from these (arrels a human, say a professor that e'amines his cell structure under the electron
microscope, 2hey -ann"t !r"du-e *ra%%e#. l"n#. $ee#. -anare#. h"r#e#. d"l!hn#. r"#e#. "r-hd#. lle#.
-arnat"n#. $anana#. "ran*e#. a!!le#. date#. t"mat"e#. mel"n#. &atermel"n#. %*#. "l'e#. *ra!e#. !ea-he#.
!ea%"&l#. !hea#ant#. mult-"l"ured $utter%le#. "r mll"n# "% "ther l'n* $en*# #u-h a# the#e, Indeed. they -"uld
n"t "$tan e'en a #n*le -ell "% any "ne "% them,
@re%ly. unconscious atoms cannot form the cell $y -"mn* t"*ether, 2hey -ann"t take a ne& de-#"n and
d'de th# -ell nt" t&". then take "ther de-#"n# and -reate the !r"%e##"r# &h" %r#t n'ent the ele-tr"n
m-r"#-"!e and then e+amne ther "&n -ell #tru-ture under that m-r"#-"!e, Matter is an unconscious, lifeless
heap, and it comes to life with Allah:s superior creation.
2he the"ry "% e'"lut"n. &h-h -lam# the "!!"#te. # a t"tal %alla-y -"m!letely -"ntrary t" rea#"n, 2hnkn* e'en
a lttle $t "n the -lam# "% e'"lut"n#t# d#-l"#e# th# realty. ?u#t a# n the a$"'e e+am!le,
3echnology in the 4ye and the 4ar
An"ther #u$?e-t that reman# unan#&ered $y e'"lut"nary the"ry # the e+-ellent Bualty "% !er-e!t"n n the eye
and the ear,
@e%"re !a##n* "n t" the #u$?e-t "% the eye. let u# $re%ly an#&er the Bue#t"n "% h"& &e #ee, L*ht ray# -"mn*
%r"m an "$?e-t %all "!!"#tely "n the eye<# retna, Here. the#e l*ht ray# are tran#mtted nt" ele-tr- #*nal# $y
-ell# and rea-h a tny #!"t at the $a-k "% the $ran. the H-enter "% '#"n,H 2he#e ele-tr- #*nal# are !er-e'ed n
th# -enter a# an ma*e a%ter a #ere# "% !r"-e##e#, Wth th# te-hn-al $a-k*r"und. let u# d" #"me thnkn*,
2he $ran # n#ulated %r"m l*ht, 2hat mean# that t# n#de # -"m!letely dark. and that n" l*ht rea-he# the !la-e
&here t # l"-ated, 2hu#. the H-enter "% '#"nH # ne'er t"u-hed $y l*ht and may e'en $e the darke#t !la-e y"u
ha'e e'er kn"&n, H"&e'er. y"u "$#er'e a lumn"u#. $r*ht &"rld n th# !t-h darkne##,
3he image formed in the eye is so sharp and distinct that even the technology of the twentieth century has
not (een a(le to attain it, C"r n#tan-e. l""k at the $""k y"u are readn*. y"ur hand# &th &h-h y"u are h"ldn*
t. and then l%t y"ur head and l""k ar"und y"u, Ha'e y"u e'er #een #u-h a #har! and d#tn-t ma*e a# th# "ne at
any "ther !la-eR E'en the m"#t de'el"!ed tele'#"n #-reen !r"du-ed $y the *reate#t tele'#"n !r"du-er n the
&"rld -ann"t !r"'de #u-h a #har! ma*e %"r y"u, 2h# # a three1dmen#"nal. -"l"red. and e+tremely #har!
ma*e, C"r m"re than 3:: year#. th"u#and# "% en*neer# ha'e $een tryn* t" a-he'e th# #har!ne##, Ca-t"re#.
hu*e !rem#e# &ere e#ta$l#hed. mu-h re#ear-h ha# $een d"ne. !lan# and de#*n# ha'e $een made %"r th#
!ur!"#e, A*an. l""k at a 2N #-reen and the $""k y"u h"ld n y"ur hand#, Y"u &ll #ee that there # a $*
d%%eren-e n #har!ne## and d#tn-t"n, M"re"'er. the 2N #-reen #h"&# y"u a t&"1dmen#"nal ma*e. &herea#
&th y"ur eye#. y"u &at-h a three1dmen#"nal !er#!e-t'e &th de!th,
C"r many year#. ten# "% th"u#and# "% en*neer# ha'e tred t" make a three1dmen#"nal 2N and a-he'e the '#"n
Bualty "% the eye, Ye#. they ha'e made a three1dmen#"nal tele'#"n #y#tem. $ut t # n"t !"##$le t" &at-h t
&th"ut !uttn* "n #!e-al >1; *la##e#= m"re"'er. t # "nly an art%-al three1dmen#"n, 2he $a-k*r"und # m"re
$lurred. the %"re*r"und a!!ear# lke a !a!er #ettn*, Ne'er ha# t $een !"##$le t" !r"du-e a #har! and d#tn-t
'#"n lke that "% the eye, In $"th the -amera and the tele'#"n. there # a l"## "% ma*e Bualty,
E'"lut"n#t# -lam that the me-han#m !r"du-n* th# #har! and d#tn-t ma*e ha# $een %"rmed $y -han-e, N"&.
% #"me$"dy t"ld y"u that the tele'#"n n y"ur r""m &a# %"rmed a# a re#ult "% -han-e. that all "% t# at"m# ?u#t
ha!!ened t" -"me t"*ether and make u! th# de'-e that !r"du-e# an ma*e. &hat &"uld y"u thnkR H"& -an
at"m# d" &hat th"u#and# "% !e"!le -ann"tR
I% a de'-e !r"du-n* a m"re !rmt'e ma*e than the eye -"uld n"t ha'e $een %"rmed $y -han-e. then t # 'ery
e'dent that the eye and the ma*e #een $y the eye -"uld n"t ha'e $een %"rmed $y -han-e, 2he #ame #tuat"n
a!!le# t" the ear, 2he "uter ear !-k# u! the a'ala$le #"und# $y the aur-le and dre-t# them t" the mddle ear.
the mddle ear tran#mt# the #"und '$rat"n# $y nten#%yn* them. and the nner ear #end# the#e '$rat"n# t" the
$ran $y tran#latn* them nt" ele-tr- #*nal#, Eu#t a# &th the eye. the a-t "% hearn* %nal5e# n the -enter "%
hearn* n the $ran,
2he #tuat"n n the eye # al#" true %"r the ear, 2hat #. the $ran # n#ulated %r"m #"und ?u#t a# t # %r"m l*ht, It
d"e# n"t let any #"und n, 2here%"re. n" matter h"& n"#y # the "ut#de. the n#de "% the $ran # -"m!letely
#lent, Ne'erthele##. the #har!e#t #"und# are !er-e'ed n the $ran, In y"ur -"m!letely #lent $ran. y"u l#ten t"
#ym!h"ne#. and hear all "% the n"#e# n a -r"&ded !la-e, H"&e'er. &ere the #"und le'el n y"ur $ran mea#ured
$y a !re-#e de'-e at that m"ment. -"m!lete #len-e &"uld $e %"und t" $e !re'aln* there,
A# # the -a#e &th ma*ery. de-ade# "% e%%"rt ha'e $een #!ent n tryn* t" *enerate and re!r"du-e #"und that #
%ath%ul t" the "r*nal, 2he re#ult# "% the#e e%%"rt# are #"und re-"rder#. h*h1%delty #y#tem#. and #y#tem# %"r
#en#n* #"und, ;e#!te all "% th# te-hn"l"*y and the th"u#and# "% en*neer# and e+!ert# &h" ha'e $een &"rkn*
"n th# endea'"r. n" #"und ha# yet $een "$taned that ha# the #ame #har!ne## and -larty a# the #"und !er-e'ed
$y the ear, 2hnk "% the h*he#t1Bualty h1% #y#tem# !r"du-ed $y the lar*e#t -"m!any n the mu#- ndu#try, E'en
n the#e de'-e#. &hen #"und # re-"rded #"me "% t # l"#t= "r &hen y"u turn "n a h1% y"u al&ay# hear a h##n*
#"und $e%"re the mu#- #tart#, H"&e'er. the #"und# that are the !r"du-t# "% the human $"dy<# te-hn"l"*y are
e+tremely #har! and -lear, A human ear ne'er !er-e'e# a #"und a--"m!aned $y a h##n* #"und "r &th
atm"#!her-# a# d"e# a h1%= rather. t !er-e'e# #"und e+a-tly a# t #. #har! and -lear, 2h# # the &ay t ha# $een
#n-e the -reat"n "% man,
S" %ar. n" man1made '#ual "r re-"rdn* a!!aratu# ha# $een a# #en#t'e and #u--e##%ul n !er-e'n* #en#"ry data
a# are the eye and the ear, H"&e'er. a# %ar a# #een* and hearn* are -"n-erned. a %ar *reater truth le# $ey"nd all
2" Wh"m ;"e# the J"n#-"u#ne## that See# and Hear# &thn the @ran @el"n*R
Wh" &at-he# an allurn* &"rld n the $ran. l#ten# t" #ym!h"ne# and the t&ttern* "% $rd#. and #mell# the r"#eR
2he #tmulat"n# -"mn* %r"m a !er#"n<# eye#. ear#. and n"#e tra'el t" the $ran a# ele-tr"1-hem-al ner'e
m!ul#e#, In $"l"*y. !hy#"l"*y. and $"-hem#try $""k#. y"u -an %nd many detal# a$"ut h"& th# ma*e %"rm#
n the $ran, H"&e'er. y"u &ll ne'er -"me a-r"## the m"#t m!"rtant %a-t: Wh" !er-e'e# the#e ele-tr"1-hem-al
ner'e m!ul#e# a# ma*e#. #"und#. "d"r#. and #en#"ry e'ent# n the $ranR 2here # a -"n#-"u#ne## n the $ran
that !er-e'e# all th# &th"ut %eeln* any need %"r an eye. an ear. and a n"#e, 2" &h"m d"e# th# -"n#-"u#ne##
$el"n*R O% -"ur#e t d"e# n"t $el"n* t" the ner'e#. the %at layer. and neur"n# -"m!r#n* the $ran, 2h# # &hy
;ar&n#t1materal#t#. &h" $ele'e that e'erythn* # -"m!r#ed "% matter. -ann"t an#&er the#e Bue#t"n#,
Bor this consciousness is the spirit created (y Allah. &h-h need# nether the eye t" &at-h the ma*e# n"r the
ear t" hear the #"und#, Curtherm"re. t d"e# n"t need the $ran t" thnk,
E'ery"ne &h" read# th# e+!l-t and #-ent%- %a-t #h"uld !"nder "n Alm*hty Allah. and %ear and #eek re%u*e n
Hm. %"r He #Buee5e# the entre un'er#e n a !t-h1dark !la-e "% a %e& -u$- -entmeter# n a three1dmen#"nal.
-"l"red. #had"&y. and lumn"u# %"rm,
A Materialist Baith
2he n%"rmat"n &e ha'e !re#ented #" %ar #h"&# u# that the theory of evolution is incompati(le with scientific
findings. 2he the"ry<# -lam re*ardn* the "r*n "% l%e # n-"n##tent &th #-en-e. the e'"lut"nary me-han#m#
t !r"!"#e# ha'e n" e'"lut"nary !"&er. and %"##l# dem"n#trate that the reQuired intermediate forms have
never e'isted, S". t -ertanly %"ll"&# that the the"ry "% e'"lut"n #h"uld $e !u#hed a#de a# an un#-ent%- dea,
2h# # h"& many dea#. #u-h a# the Earth1-entered un'er#e m"del. ha'e $een taken "ut "% the a*enda "% #-en-e
thr"u*h"ut h#t"ry,
H"&e'er. the the"ry "% e'"lut"n # ke!t "n the a*enda "% #-en-e, S"me !e"!le e'en try t" re!re#ent -rt-#m#
dre-ted a*an#t t a# an Hatta-k "n #-en-e,H WhyR
2he rea#"n # that th# the"ry # an nd#!en#a$le d"*mat- $ele% %"r #"me -r-le#, 2he#e -r-le# are (lindly
devoted t" materal#t !hl"#"!hy and ad"!t ;ar&n#m $e-au#e t # the "nly materal#t e+!lanat"n that -an $e
!ut %"r&ard t" e+!lan the &"rkn*# "% nature,
Intere#tn*ly en"u*h. they al#" -"n%e## th# %a-t %r"m tme t" tme, A &ell1kn"&n *enet-#t and an "ut#!"ken
e'"lut"n#t. R-hard J, Le&"ntn %r"m Har'ard Un'er#ty. -"n%e##e# that he # H%r#t and %"rem"#t a materal#t
and then a #-ent#tH:
It # n"t that the meth"d# and n#ttut"n# "% #-en-e #"meh"& -"m!el u# a--e!t a materal e+!lanat"n "%
the !hen"menal &"rld. $ut. "n the -"ntrary. that &e are %"r-ed $y "ur a !r"r adheren-e t" materal
-au#e# t" -reate an a!!aratu# "% n'e#t*at"n and a #et "% -"n-e!t# that !r"du-e materal e+!lanat"n#. n"
matter h"& -"unter1ntut'e. n" matter h"& my#t%yn* t" the unntated, M"re"'er. that materal#m #
a$#"lute. #" &e -ann"t all"& a ;'ne Fnter'ent"nG,,,D7
2he#e are e+!l-t #tatement# that ;ar&n#m # a d"*ma ke!t al'e ?u#t %"r the #ake "% adheren-e t" materal#m,
2h# d"*ma mantan# that there # n" $en* #a'e matter, 2here%"re. t ar*ue# that nanmate. un-"n#-"u# matter
$r"u*ht l%e nt" $en*, It n##t# that mll"n# "% d%%erent l'n* #!e-e# (e,*,. $rd#. %#h. *ra%%e#. t*er#. n#e-t#.
tree#. %l"&er#. &hale#. and human $en*#) "r*nated a# a re#ult "% the ntera-t"n# $et&een matter #u-h a# !"urn*
ran. l*htnn* %la#he#. and #" "n. "ut "% nanmate matter, 2h# # a !re-e!t -"ntrary $"th t" rea#"n and #-en-e,
Yet ;ar&n#t# -"ntnue t" *n"rantly de%end t ?u#t #" a# n"t t" a-kn"&led*e. n ther "&n eye#. the e'dent
e+#ten-e "% Allah,
Any"ne &h" d"e# n"t l""k at the "r*n "% l'n* $en*# &th a materal#t !re?ud-e #ee# th# e'dent truth: All
l'n* $en*# are &"rk# "% a Jreat"r. Wh" # All1P"&er%ul. All1W#e. and All1Kn"&n*, 2h# Jreat"r # Allah.
Wh" -reated the &h"le un'er#e %r"m n"n1e+#ten-e. n the m"#t !er%e-t %"rm. and %a#h"ned all l'n* $en*#,
3he 3heory of 4volution) 3he Most *otent Spell in the 0orld
Any"ne %ree "% !re?ud-e and the n%luen-e "% any !art-ular de"l"*y. &h" u#e# "nly h# "r her rea#"n and l"*-.
&ll -learly under#tand that $ele% n the the"ry "% e'"lut"n. &h-h $rn*# t" mnd the #u!er#tt"n# "% #"-ete#
&th n" kn"&led*e "% #-en-e "r -'l5at"n. # Bute m!"##$le,
A# e+!laned a$"'e. th"#e &h" $ele'e n the the"ry "% e'"lut"n thnk that a %e& at"m# and m"le-ule# thr"&n
nt" a hu*e 'at -"uld !r"du-e thnkn*. rea#"nn* !r"%e##"r# and un'er#ty #tudent#= #u-h #-ent#t# a# En#ten
and Ialle"= #u-h art#t# a# Hum!hrey @"*art. Crank Snatra and Lu-an" Pa'ar"tt= a# &ell a# antel"!e#. lem"n
tree#. and -arnat"n#, M"re"'er. a# the #-ent#t# and !r"%e##"r# &h" $ele'e n th# n"n#en#e are edu-ated !e"!le.
t # Bute ?u#t%a$le t" #!eak "% th# the"ry a# Hthe m"#t !"tent #!ell n h#t"ry,H Ne'er $e%"re ha# any "ther $ele%
"r dea #" taken a&ay !e"!le#< !"&er# "% rea#"n. re%u#ed t" all"& them t" thnk ntell*ently and l"*-ally. and
hdden the truth %r"m them a# % they had $een $lnd%"lded, 2h# # an e'en &"r#e and un$ele'a$le $lndne## than
the t"tem &"r#h! n #"me !art# "% A%r-a. the !e"!le "% Sa$a &"r#h!!n* the Sun. the tr$e "% the Pr"!het
A$raham (a#) &"r#h!!n* d"l# they had made &th ther "&n hand#. "r #"me am"n* the !e"!le "% the Pr"!het
M"#e# (a#) &"r#h!!n* the I"lden Jal%,
In %a-t. Allah ha# !"nted t" th# la-k "% rea#"n n the (ur<an, In many 'er#e#. He re'eal# that #"me !e"!le#< mnd#
&ll $e -l"#ed and that they &ll $e !"&erle## t" #ee the truth, S"me "% the#e 'er#e# are a# %"ll"&#:
As for those who do not (elieve, it ma%es no difference to them whether you warn them or do not
warn them, they will not (elieve. Allah has sealed up their hearts and hearing and over their eyes is
a (lindfold. 3hey will have a terri(le punishment. (Surat al;$aQara, G;?#
N 3hey have hearts with which they do not understand. 3hey have eyes with which they do not see.
3hey have ears with which they do not hear. Such people are li%e cattle. 6o, they are even further
astrayF 3hey are the unaware. (Surat al;A:raf, M?O#
4ven if 0e opened up to them a door into heaven, and they spent the day ascending through it, they
would only say) 91ur eyesight is (efuddledF 1r rather we have (een put under a spellF9 (Surat al;
HiIr, M!;M>#
W"rd# -ann"t e+!re## ?u#t h"& a#t"n#hn* t # that th# #!ell #h"uld h"ld #u-h a &de -"mmunty n thrall. kee!
!e"!le %r"m the truth. and n"t $e $r"ken %"r 37: year#, It # under#tanda$le that "ne "r a %e& !e"!le m*ht $ele'e
n m!"##$le #-enar"# and -lam# %ull "% #tu!dty and ll"*-alty, H"&e'er. Hma*-H # the "nly !"##$le
e+!lanat"n %"r !e"!le %r"m all "'er the &"rld $ele'n* that un-"n#-"u# and l%ele## at"m# #uddenly de-ded t"
-"me t"*ether and %"rm a un'er#e that %un-t"n# &th a %la&le## #y#tem "% "r*an5at"n. d#-!lne. rea#"n. and
-"n#-"u#ne##= a !lanet named Earth &th all "% t# %eature# #" !er%e-tly #uted t" l%e= and l'n* thn*# %ull "%
-"untle## -"m!le+ #y#tem#,
In %a-t. n the (ur<an Allah relate# the n-dent "% the Pr"!het M"#e# (a#) and Phara"h t" #h"& that #"me !e"!le
&h" #u!!"rt athe#t- !hl"#"!he# a-tually n%luen-e "ther# $y ma*-, When Phara"h &a# t"ld a$"ut the true
rel*"n. he t"ld the Pr"!het M"#e# (a#) t" meet &th h# "&n ma*-an#, When the Pr"!het M"#e# (a#) dd #". he
t"ld them t" dem"n#trate ther a$lte# %r#t, 2he 'er#e# -"ntnue:
He said) 9.ou throw.9 And when they threw, they cast a spell on the people:s eyes and caused them
to feel great fear of them. 3hey produced an e'tremely powerful magic. (Surat al;A:raf, MMG#
A# &e ha'e #een. Phara"h<# ma*-an# &ere a$le t" de-e'e e'ery"ne. a!art %r"m the Pr"!het M"#e# (a#) and
th"#e &h" $ele'ed n hm, H"&e'er. h# e'den-e $r"ke the #!ell. "r H#&all"&ed u! &hat they had %"r*ed.H a#
re'ealed n the 'er#e:
0e revealed to Moses) 93hrow down your staff.9 And it immediately swallowed up what they had
forged. So the 3ruth too% place and what they did was shown to (e false. (Surat al;A:raf, MM?;MMK#
A# &e -an #ee. &hen !e"!le real5ed that a #!ell had $een -a#t u!"n them and that &hat they #a& &a# ?u#t an
llu#"n. Phara"h<# ma*-an# l"#t all -red$lty, In the !re#ent day t"". unle## th"#e &h". under the n%luen-e "% a
#mlar #!ell. $ele'e n the#e rd-ul"u# -lam# under ther #-ent%- d#*u#e and #!end ther l'e# de%endn*
them. a$and"n ther #u!er#tt"u# $ele%#. they al#" &ll $e humlated &hen the %ull truth emer*e# and the #!ell #
$r"ken, In %a-t. &"rld1ren"&ned @rt#h &rter and !hl"#"!her Mal-"lm Mu**erd*e. &h" &a# an athe#t
de%endn* e'"lut"n %"r #"me 8: year#. $ut &h" #u$#eBuently real5ed the truth. re'eal# the !"#t"n n &h-h the
the"ry "% e'"lut"n &"uld %nd t#el% n the near %uture n the#e term#:
I my#el% am -"n'n-ed that the the"ry "% e'"lut"n. e#!e-ally the e+tent t" &h-h t<# $een a!!led. &ll
$e "ne "% the *reat ?"ke# n the h#t"ry $""k# n the %uture, P"#terty &ll mar'el that #" 'ery %lm#y and
du$"u# an hy!"the## -"uld $e a--e!ted &th the n-red$le -redulty that t ha#,D8
2hat %uture # n"t %ar "%%: On the -"ntrary. !e"!le &ll #""n #ee that H-han-eH # n"t a dety. and &ll l""k $a-k on
the theory of evolution as the worst deceit and the most terri(le spell in the world. 2hat #!ell # already
ra!dly $e*nnn* t" $e l%ted %r"m the #h"ulder# "% !e"!le all "'er the &"rld, Many !e"!le &h" #ee t# true %a-e
are &"ndern* &th ama5ement h"& they -"uld e'er ha'e $een taken n $y t,
3hey said 9-lory (e to .ouF
0e have no %nowledge e'cept what .ou have taught
us. .ou are the All;Enowing, the All;0ise.9
(Surat al;$aQara) ="#
3, Mahmud Alu#. Ruh al1Maan % 2a%#r al1(ur<an (@erut). >:3>>1>D= I#mal HakkW @ur#e'. Ruhu<l @eyan
(S!rtual Meann*) (I#tan$ul: 3>:8 ah) 3:>43,
4, &&&,*e"-te#,-"mLS"H"LEa#elL>9:6Lhurma,htm
>, H;ate and Health=H &&&,#*!1date#,-"mLdate,htm
D, I$d,
7, H;ate Palm.H 2elmed!ak A*r-ulture= &&&,telmed!ak,-"mLa*r-ulture#,a#!Ra[a*r-ulture\$[date]!alm
8, I$d,
O, H@reak Y"ur Ca#tn* On ;ate#.H I#lam"nlne,net= htt!:LL369,87,3DO,36DLEn*l#hLS-en-eL4:::LOLart-le7, #html=
HM"thern* and O+yt"-n "r H"rm"nal J"-ktal# %"r 2&".H Sarah @la%%er Hrdy and J, Sue Jarter =
9, Sahh Mu#lm hadth#,
6, &&&,ya#am#a*lk,-"mLHa$erAraS"nu-, a#!Rt+tAnahtar3[M*ren= htt!:LL&&&,aut#mtr, "r*Lhydr"tera!hy,htm
3:, HPre*anan-y and Water=H &&&,mum-u,-"mLhtmlLart-le,!h!R#d[4DO
33, &&&,$e$ek,-"mLnde+,a#!R$"lum[34\ha$erd[3O>
34, &&&,$e$ek,-"mLnde+,a#!R$"lum[D\k"nu[D6
3>, H2he #e-"nd #ta*e "% !re*nan-y=H &&&,mum-u,-"mLhtmlLart-le,!h!R#d[D>
3D, Muhammad Khall Herra#. Ca#l al1MaBal % ra%PPI#a hayyan &a nu5ulh &a Batlh ad1;a??al. (Jar": Makta$
at al1Sunnah. 366:). 4:,
37, Imam at12a$ar. 2a%#r al12a$ar. 4:749= 3:4DO,
38, Sahh Mu#lm. @""k 9. N", >D87
3O, Imam Iha55al. Ihya Ulum1Id1;n (2he @""k "% Rel*"u# Learnn*#) (Ne& ;elh: I#lam- @""k Ser'-e.
4::3). 4:>4,
39, I$d,
36, Sahh Mu#lm. @""k 9. N", >D89= al1@ukhar hadth#,
4:, Sahh Mu#lm. HKta$ al1Cada<l.H 8>,
43, Sahh al1@ukhar hadth#,
44, @edu55aman Sad Nur#. 2he R#ale1 Nur J"lle-t"n. @arla Lahka#W (@arla Letter#). O9,
4>, @edu55aman Sad Nur#. 2he R#ale1 Nur J"lle-t"n. 2he Cla#he# J"lle-t"n: 2he 2&enty1%r#t Cla#h,
4D, @edu55aman Sad Nur#. 2he R#ale1 Nur J"lle-t"n. Me#ne'1 Nurye (H2he #eed1$edH "% the R#ale1 Nur).
47, Sahh al1@ukhar hadth#,
48, Sdney C"+. Klau# ;"#e. M"le-ular E'"lut"n and 2he Or*n "% L%e. W, H, Creeman and J"m!any. San
Cran-#-". 36O4. !, D,
4O, Ale+ander I, O!arn. Or*n "% L%e. ;"'er Pu$l-at"n#. Ne&Y"rk. 36>8. 367> (re!rnt). !, 368,
49, HNe& E'den-e "n E'"lut"n "% Early Atm"#!here and L%e.H @ulletn "% the Amer-an Mete"r"l"*-al
S"-ety. '"l 8>. N"'em$er 3694. 3>4913>>:,
46, Stanley Mller. M"le-ular E'"lut"n "% L%e: Jurrent Statu# "% the Pre$"t- Synthe## "% Small M"le-ule#.
3698. !, O,
>:, Ee%%rey @ada. Earth. Ce$ruary 3669. !, D:,
>3, Le#le E, Or*el. H2he Or*n "% L%e "n Earth.H S-ent%- Amer-an. '"l, 4O3. O-t"$er 366D. !, O9,
>4, Jharle# ;ar&n. 2he Or*n "% S!e-e# $y Mean# "% Natural Sele-t"n. 2he M"dern L$rary. Ne& Y"rk. !,
>>, Jharle# ;ar&n. 2he Or*n "% S!e-e#: A Ca-#mle "% the Cr#t Edt"n. Har'ard Un'er#ty Pre##. 368D. !,
>D, @, I, Ran*anathan. Or*n#R. Penn#yl'ana: 2he @anner "% 2ruth 2ru#t. 3699. !, O,
>7, Jharle# ;ar&n. 2he Or*n "% S!e-e#: A Ca-#mle "% the Cr#t Edt"n. !, 3O6,
>8, Jharle# ;ar&n. 2he Or*n "% S!e-e#. !, 3O4,
>O, ;erek A, A*er. H2he Nature "% the C"##l Re-"rd.H Pr"-eedn*# "% the @rt#h Ie"l"*-al A##"-at"n. '"l 9O.
36O8. !, 3>>,
>9, ;"u*la# E, Cutuyma. S-en-e "n 2ral. Panthe"n @""k#. Ne& Y"rk. 369>. !, 36O,
>6, S"lly Qu-kerman. @ey"nd 2he I'"ry 2"&er. 2"!ln*er Pu$l-at"n#. Ne& Y"rk. 36O:. O713D= Jharle# E,
O+nard. H2he Pla-e "% Au#tral"!the-ne# n Human E'"lut"n: Ir"und# %"r ;"u$tH. Nature. '"l 479. >96,
D:, HJ"uld #-en-e $e $r"u*ht t" an end $y #-ent#t#< $ele% that they ha'e %nal an#&er# "r $y #"-ety<# relu-tan-e
t" !ay the $ll#RH S-ent%- Amer-an. ;e-em$er 3664. !, 4:,
D3, Alan Walker. S-en-e. '"l, 4:O. O Mar-h 369:. !, 33:>= A, E, Kel#". Phy#-al Antr"!"l"*y. 3#t ed,. E, @,
L!n-"tt J",. Ne& Y"rk. 36O:. !, 443= M, ;, Leakey. Oldu'a I"r*e. '"l, >. Jam$rd*e Un'er#ty Pre##.
Jam$rd*e. 36O3. !, 4O4,
D4, Ee%%rey Klu*er. HN"t S" E+tn-t A%ter All: 2he Prmt'e H"m" Ere-tu# May Ha'e Sur''ed L"n* En"u*h 2"
J"e+#t Wth M"dern Human#.H 2me. 4> ;e-em$er 3668,
D>, S, E, I"uld. Natural H#t"ry. '"l, 97. 36O8. !, >:,
DD, S"lly Qu-kerman. @ey"nd 2he I'"ry 2"&er. !, 36,
D7, R-hard Le&"ntn. H2he ;em"n1Haunted W"rld.H 2he Ne& Y"rk Re'e& "% @""k#. Eanuary 6. 366O. !, 49,
D8, Mal-"lm Mu**erd*e. 2he End "% Jhr#tend"m. Irand Ra!d#: Eerdman#. 369:. !, D>,
We have sent down Clear Signs to you and the example of those who passed away before you and an
admonition for those who guard against evil. (Surat an-Nur, 3!
Not so$ %ll who submit themselves &ompletely to %llah and are good-doers will find their reward with their
'ord. (hey will feel no fear and will )now no sorrow. (Surat al-*a+ara, ,,"!
(he page of the &ontaining Surah /aryam0 ,-,,.
... What an ex&ellent servant$ 1e truly turned to his 'ord. (Surah Sad, 3#!
3n 4ur eyes, they are among the best of &hosen men. (Surah Sad, 5!
6iovanni *ellini.s painting depi&ting /ary, ,2#2. 3t is on display in the St. 7a&&aria &hur&h in 8eni&e. (his
altar painting, oil on wood, measures #" x "53 &m. 3t was later on transferred onto &anvas.
1is name is the /essiah, 9esus, son of /ary, of high esteem in this world and the 1ere after, and one of
those brought near. (Surah %l :3mran, 2!
'oren<o 'otto.s painting, =/adonna and Child with St.s >eter, Christine, 'iberale, and 9erome,= ,2#2-#?,
depi&ts /ary and the saints. 3t is on display in the Chur&h of Santa Cristina, (reviso, 3taly.(his oil painting
on wood measures ,55 x ,?" &m.
(he page of the &ontaining Surah /aryam0 ,"-"2.
4ne of 6iovanni *ellini.s masterwor)s, =@rari (ripty&h,= ,;;, is displayed in the Chur&h of @rari, 8eni&e,
(heir 'ord responds to them0 :3 will not let the deeds of any doer among you go to waste, male or female A
you are both the same in that respe&t...B (Surah %l :3mran, ,C2!
%ny blessing you have is from %llah. (hen when harm tou&hes you, you &ry to 1im for help. (Surat an-Nahl,
%llah.s advi&e to /ary to eat dates &ould be an indi&ation to their benefi&ial vitamins and minerals.
4 humanity Demember %llahEs blessing to you. 3s there any &reator other than %llah providing for you from
heaven and earthF (here is no deity but 1im. So how have you been led astrayF (Surah @atir, 3!
*lood loss during birth &auses the body.s blood sugar levels to drop. Gates, whi&h have a sugar &ontent in
ex&ess of 2# per&ent, are very nutritional and provide more than enough of the body.s re+uirements.

%llah has bought from the believers their souls and their wealth in return for the 6arden ... (Surat at-
(awba, ,,,!
... Demember %llahEs blessings, so that hopefully, you will be su&&essful. (Surat al-%Eraf, ?C!
Demember when %llah said, ::9esus, son of /ary, remember /y blessing to you and to your mother ...B (Surat
al-/aEida, ,,#!
*ut as for those who have believe and do right a&tions, their 'ord will guide them by their faith. Divers will
flow under them in 6ardens of Gelight (Surah Hunus, C!
6entile da @abriano.s painting in the gothi& style, depi&ts /ary (,"3!. (he altarpie&e was &ommissioned by
the Stro<<i family for the Chur&h of Santa (rinita in @loren&e.
(heir 'ord gives them the good news of 1is mer&y and good pleasure and 6ardens where they will enIoy
everlasting delight. (Surat at-(awba, ",!
Cima da Conegliano.s painting, ,2#C-,#. 3t is on display in the Chur&h of the Carmini, 8eni&e, 3taly.
... /y 'ord, 3 am truly in need of any good Hou have in store for me. (Surat al--asas, "!
... 8i&tory &omes from no one but %llah. %llah is %lmighty, %ll-Wise. (Surat al-%nfal, ,#!
>aolo 8eronese.s =@east in the 1ouse of 'evi,= an oil painting from ,253. 3t is on display in 8eni&e.s
%&&ademia /useum. (his pi&ture from the 3talian Denaissan&e depi&ts the >rophet 9esus (pbuh! and the
Jvery person will taste death. (hen you will be returned to Ks. (Surat al-:%n)abut, 25!
(hat is the Lnower of the Knseen and the 8isible, the %lmighty, the /ost /er&iful. (Surat as-SaIda, ?!
Go not &onsider %llah to be unaware of what the wrongdoers perpetrate. 1e is merely deferring them to a
Gay on whi&h their sight will be transfixed. (Surah 3brahim, "!
... We have sent down the *oo) to you ma)ing all things &lear and as guidan&e and mer&y and good news for
the /uslims. (Surat an-Nahl, ;C!
(ruly %llah has )nowledge of the 1our and sends down abundant rain and )nows what is in the womb. No
one )nows what he or she will earn tomorrow and no one )nows in what land he or she will die. %llah is %ll-
Lnowing, %ll-%ware. (Surah 'o)man, 3!
*lessed be 1e who has the Lingdom in 1is 1and$ 1e has power over all things. (Surat al-/ul), ,!
(he )ingdom of the heavens and earth belongs to %llah. %llah has power over all things. (Surah %l :3mran,
(he blind and the seeing are not the same. Nor are those who have believe and do right a&tions the same as
those who do evil. What little heed they pay$ (Surah 6hafir, 2;!
We have sent down Signs ma)ing things &lear. %llah guides whoever 1e wills to a straight path. (Surat an-
Nur, ?!
Whoever does an evil a&t will only be repaid with its e+uivalent.*ut whoever a&ts rightly, male or female,
being a believer, will enter the 6arden (an be! provided for in it without any re&)oning. (Surah 6hafir, #!
%nyone, male or female, who does right a&tions and is a believer will enter the 6arden. (hey will not be
wronged by so mu&h as the tiniest spe&). (Surat an-NisaE, ,"!
... turning towards 1im. 1ave fear and respe&t of 1im and establish prayer, and do not be among the
unbelievers. (Surat ar-Dum, 3,!
We will ease you to the Jasy Way. (Surat al-%Ela, ;!
Not so$ %ll who submit themselves &ompletely to %llah and are good-doers will find their reward with their
'ord. (hey will feel no fear and will )now no sorrow. (Surat al-*a+ara, ,,"!
Go not &onsider %llah to be unaware of what the wrongdoers do. 1e is merely deferring them to a Gay on
whi&h their sight will be transfixed, (Surah 3brahim, "!
*ut as for those who have believe and do right a&tions, We will not let the wage of good-doers go to waste.
(Surat al-Lahf, 3#!
%s for those who believed and did right a&tions, they will be made Ioyful in a verdant meadow. (Surat ar-
Dum, ,2!
(hey are the people guided by their 'ord. (hey are the ones who attain su&&ess. (Surat al-*a+ara, 2!
%s for those who hold fast to the *oo) and perform prayer, We will not let the wage of the righteous be
wasted. (Surat al-%Eraf, ,5#!
*elievers are those whose hearts tremble when %llah is mentioned, whose faith is in&reased when 1is Signs
are re&ited to them, and who put their trust in their 'ord. (Surat al-%nfal, "!
... when she said, :/y 'ord, build a house in the 6arden for me in Hour >resen&e and res&ue me from >haraoh
and his deeds and res&ue me from this wrongdoing people.E (Surat at-(ahrim, ,,!
%llah has promised the male and female believers 6ardens with rivers flowing under them, remaining in
them timelessly, for ever, and fine dwellings in the 6ardens of Jden. %nd %llahEs good pleasure is even
greater. (hat is the great vi&tory. (Surat at-(awba, 5"!
Wealth and sons are the embellishment of the life of this world. *ut, in your 'ordEs Sight, right a&tions
whi&h are lasting bring a better reward and are a better basis for hope. (Surat al-Lahf, ?!
... 1e )nows what the heart &ontains. (Surat ash-Shura, "!
... (he people who are safe-guarded from the avari&e of their own (lower! selves are su&&essful. (Surat al-
1ashr, C!
So %llah gave them the reward of this world and the best reward of the 1ereafter. %llah loves good-doers.
(Surah %l :3mran, ,;!
%s for those who ma)e %llah their friend, and 1is /essenger and those who believe0 it is the party of %llah
who is vi&torious$ (Surat al-/aEida, 2?!
%llah A there is no deity but 1im. So let the believers put their trust in %llah. (Surat at-(aghabun, ,3!
... Say0 :1e is my 'ordM there is no deity but 1im. 3 put my trust in 1im and 3 turn to 1im.E (Surat ar-Dad,
3f you have doubts about what We have sent down to 4ur servant, produ&e another surah e+ual to it, and
&all your witnesses, besides %llah, if you are telling the truth. (Surat al-*a+ara, "3!
N*elievers areO those who are aware that they will meet their 'ord and return to 1im. (Surat al-*a+ara, ?!
Jverything in the heavens and the Jarth belongs to %llah. ... (Surat an-Nur, ?!
(hose with faith, those who are 9ews, as well as Christians and Sabaeans, all who believe in %llah and the
'ast Gay and a&t rightly, will have their reward with their 'ord. (hey will feel no fear and will )now no
sorrow. (Surat al-*a+ara, ?"!
1amid %yta&.s &alligraphy, in whi&h the names of the >rophet /uhammad (may %llah bless him and grant
him pea&e! and the four rightly guided &aliphs are written.
3n this way We have sent it down as Clear Signs. %llah guides anyone 1e wills. (Surat al-1aII, ,?!
(hose who believe and do right a&tions and perform prayer and give the alms N<a)atO, will have their reward
with their 'ord... (Surat al-*a+ara, "55!
... NGo they not )nowO that %llah is the Lnower of all unseen thingsF (Surat at-(awba, 5;!
(his is a *oo) We have sent down and blessed, &onfirming what &ame before it, so that you &an warn the
/other of Cities N/a))ahO and the people around it. (hose who believe in the 1ereafter believe in it and
safeguard their prayer. (Surat al-%nEam, C"!
(here is no &reature &rawling on the Jarth or flying &reature, flying on its wings, who are not &ommunities
Iust li)e yourselves... (Surat al-%nEam, 3;!
La<as )er /us ta fa 3< <et.s &al lig raphy0 =%l lah is the *est of pro te& tors. 1e is the /ost Com pas si ona
te of the &om pas sionate.=
1e is 'ord of the heavens and the Jarth and everything in between them, so worship 1im and persevere in
1is worship. Go you )now of any other NdeityO with 1is NameF (Surah /aryam, ?2!
(hose who do not believe in %llahEs Signs are merely inventing lies. (hey are liars. (Surat an-Nahl, ,#2!
Clear insights have &ome to you from your 'ord. Whoever sees &learly, does so to his own benefit. Whoever
is blind, it is to his own detriment. 3 am not here as your )eeper.E (Surat al-%nEam, ,#!
Jyesight &annot per&eive 1im but 1e per&eives eyesight. 1e is the %ll->enetrating, the %ll-%ware. (Surat
al-%nEam, ,#3!
%s for those who hold fast to the *oo) and perform prayer, We will not let the wage of the righteous be
wasted. (Surat al-%Eraf, ,5#!
Go they not )now that %llah )nows their se&rets and their private tal), and that %llah is the Lnower of all
unseen thingsF (Surat at-(awba, 5;!
1e (Solomon! said, P/y 'ord, forgive me and give me a )ingdom the li)e of whi&h will never be granted to
anyone after me.(ruly Hou are the Jver-6iving.B (Surah Sad, 32!
@ear Nand respe&tO %llah. *eliever should put their trust in %llah. (Surat at-/aEida, ,,!
Ni&holaus LnQpfer.s =(he -ueen of Sheba before Solomon,= oil painting measuring 53.2 x ;, &m, is
displayed in the 1ermitage /useum, St. >etersburg, Dussia.
... We donEt asso&iate anything with %llah. %nd that is how %llah has favoured us and all humanity, but most
do not give than)s. (Surah Husuf, 3;!
(hose who repent, those who worship, those who praise, those who fast, those who bow, those who
prostrate, those who &ommand the right, those who forbid the wrong, those who preserve the limits of
%llah0 give good news to the believers. (Surat at-(awba, ,,"!
Charles Garwin
'ouis >asteur destroyed the belief that life &ould be &reated from inanimate substan&es.
4ne of the evolutionists. gravest de&eptions is the way they imagine that life &ould have emerged
spontaneously on what they refer to as the primitive earth, represented in the pi&ture above. (hey tried to
prove these &laims with su&h studies as the /iller experiment. Het they again suffered defeat in the fa&e
of the s&ientifi& fa&ts0 (he results obtained in the ,C5#s proved that the atmosphere on what they
des&ribe as the primitive earth was totally unsuited to life.
@ren&h biologist 'amar&) put forward a very unreasonable &laim that giraffes evolved from antelopes. 3n
fa&t, %llah &reated giraffes spe&ially Iust li)e all other living things.
Crippled babies who were born in the aftermath of the Chernobyl disaster. (his pi&ture reveals that
mutations, whi&h evolutionists &laim have an effe&t on the origins of living things, a&tually have disastrous
effe&ts on human beings.
% 2#-millionyear- old fossil se+uoia leaf
% "C2-million- year-old fossil sea ur&hin
% ,"2- millionyear- old fossil &i&ada
% 2-to-35- million-yearold fossil sunfish
3maginary representations of .primitive. human beings are fre+uently employed in stories &arried by
proevolution newspapers and maga<ines. (he only sour&e for these stories, based on these imaginary
representations, are the imaginations of their authors. Het evolution has suffered su&h a defeat in the fa&e
of the s&ientifi& fa&ts that fewer reports &on&erning evolution now appear in s&ientifi& maga<ines.
Compared to &ameras and sound re&ording ma&hines, the eye and ear are mu&h more &omplex, mu&h more
su&&essful and possess far superior designs to these produ&ts of high te&hnology.
Someone loo)ing through a window is a&tually seeing images of the lands&ape that form in his brain, rather
than the outside world itself.
J'JC(D3C%' S36N%'
%N 3/%6J 4@ % '%NGSC%>J @4D/JG *H J'JC(D3C%' S36N%'S
'ight rea&hing the eyes is transformed into ele&tri&al signals by the opti&al &ells and transmitted to the
visual &entre at the rear of the brain. (he =&ons&iousness= in our brains per&eives these ele&tri&al signals
as the lands&ape.

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