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Table of Contents

Title Page Copyright Page Dedication Acknowledgements

Chapter 1 - AN UNEPECTED !EUN"#N Chapter $ - %"TTE! TA&TE& Chapter '
- UNDE! &U&P"C"#N Chapter ( - A TA&TE #) "N&ANT"* Chapter + - T,E
-#N. &EA!C, Chapter / - UNEPECTED C#0PAN* Chapter 1 -
E2E!*T,"N. Chapter 3 - A CE-E%!AT"#N "NTE!!UPTED Chapter 4 -
%!#T,E!& "N A!0& Chapter 15 - A )!"END "N NEED Chapter 11 - )A0"-*
Chapter 1$ - UNEPECTED 6#!D& Chapter 1' - &C,##- &UC7& Chapter 1( -
EAT"N. 6"T, EDD"E --#!--2-AD8& 6#!&T N".,T0A!E Chapter 1+ -
7!"&T#))8& !E2EN.E Chapter 1/ - &T!EN.T, Chapter 11 - T,E ,UN.E!
Chapter 13 - EC,#E& )!#0 T,E PA&T Chapter 14 - T,E T!UT, ,U!T&
Chapter $5 - -")E8& -"TT-E &U!P!"&E& Chapter $1 - A &-A*E!8&
DETE!0"NAT"#N Chapter $$ - %!EA7"N. AND ENTE!"N. Chapter $' -
,A--#6EEN Chapter $( - &,UTT"N. UP Chapter $+ - T,E END #) A--
&EC!ET& Chapter $/ - .#"N. ,#0E Chapter $1 - "N2"TAT"#N& Chapter $3 -
T,AN7&."2"N. Chapter $4 - A 9UE&T"#N #) ,#NE&T* Chapter '5 -
C#N)!#NT"N. #T"& Chapter '1 - T# T!U&T #! N#T T# T!U&T Chapter '$ -
T,E )##D #) .EN"U& Chapter '' - UN,APP* NE6 *EA! Chapter '( - T,E
%E."N"N. #) T,E END Chapter '+ - T,E C-EAN&"N. Chapter '/ - C#0"N.
#UT #) T,E C#))"N Chapter '1 - T"0E ,EA-& A-- 6#UND& Chapter '3 -
)A--EN &N#6 Chapter '4 - C#0E T,E P!A2U& Chapter (5 - T,E T!UT,
Chapter (1 - ,#N#! T,* )AT,E! Chapter ($ - &A*"N. .##D%*E Chapter ('
- )-#6E!& )#! NE--* Chapter (( - T,E !ET!"A- Chapter (+ -
A%#UT T,E AUT,#! DUTT#N C,"-D!EN8& %##7&
A di:ision of Peng;in *o;ng !eaders .ro;p
P;blished by the Peng;in .ro;p
Peng;in .ro;p <U&A= "nc>? '1+ ,;dson &treet? New *ork? New *ork 1551(? U>&>A>
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This book is a work of fiction> Names? characters? places? and incidents are either the
prod;ct of the
a;thor8s imagination or are ;sed fictitio;sly? and any resemblance to act;al persons?
li:ing or dead?
b;siness establishments? e:ents? or locales is entirely coincidental>
Copyright $515 by ,eather %rewer
All rights reser:ed> No part of this p;blication may be reprod;ced or transmitted in
any form or by any
means? electronic or mechanical? incl;ding photocopying? recording? or any
information storage and retrie:al system now known or to be in:ented? witho;t
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a re:iewer who wishes to D;ote brief passages in connection with a re:iew written for
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The p;blisher does not ha:e any control o:er and does not ass;me any responsibility
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C"P Data is a:ailable>
P;blished in the United &tates by D;tton Children8s %ooks>
a di:ision of Peng;in *o;ng !eaders .ro;p
'(+ ,;dson &treet? New *ork> New *ork 1551(
e"&%N B 413-1-151-(('(+-'
httpBFF;s>peng;ingro;p>com To my agent? 0ichael %o;rret? for belie:ing in 2lad--and
me--from the :ery
beginning? and for contin;ing to belie:e>
And to the 0inion ,orde? for being the most fangtastic b;nch of o;tcasts on the
planet> 6itho;t yo;? 2lad wo;ld not be> AC7N#6-ED.0ENT& An enormo;s
amo;nt of thanks sho;ld go to my incredible editors? -iE 6aniewski and 0a;reen
&;lli:an? for their brilliance and immeas;rable amo;nt of patience> %ig? well-deser:ed
thanks to Team 2lad at Peng;in *o;ng !eadersB Don 6eisberg? -a;ri ,ornik? )elicia
)raEier? &cottie %ow-ditch? Erin Dempsey? Aennifer ,aller? Andrew ,arwell? &hanta
Newlin? Christian );enfha;sen? Emily !omero? Co;rtney 6ood? Allison 2erost?
!osanne -a;er? Aason ,enry? and many more "8m s;re "8m forgetting to name here>
Thanks to my sister? Dawn 2anniman? for keeping my sanity <relati:ely= intact and for
being there whene:er " need her> And a big sho;t-o;t to 0T%? who tr;ly get it>
Pa;l? Aacob? and AleCandria? " co;ld not ha:e written and p;blished an entire series
witho;t yo;r ;nfailing s;pport> Nor co;ld " contin;e to write? and contin;e to feel
happy? safe? and lo:ed witho;t the %rewer Clan behind me e:ery step of the way>
*o;8:e helped me reach GThe End>G And this is only the beginning> P!#-#.UE
A %!"E) DET#U! D8A%-#8& )-E&, had almost completely healed from his
blistering battle with the s;n a year and a half before? b;t his hand >>> his hand was
gone for good> ,e was eternally scarred and the honor of his name fore:er stained? all
beca;se of a teenage boy by the name of 2ladimir Tod>
Now D8Ablo dropped to his knees and shook his head? his wide eyes locked on the
man before him? his :oice trembling slightly> G%;t > > > whyH "8:e done nothing wrongIG
The man standing before D8Ablo remained silent> ,is feat;res were draped with
shadows? as if e:en the lights cast by the office lamps were afraid to to;ch him>
The air was thick? f;ll of a warning that D8Ablo co;ld not deny> And e:en tho;gh the
office window was open and a slight breeEe was r;ffling the c;rtains? the air felt
hea:y? stale? stagnant? old> "t was diffic;lt to breathe in>
G"8:e > > >G D8Ablo began his tho;ght? b;t then closed his mo;th again? fearing the
reperc;ssions his words might bring>
,e looked at the man--the familiar face? feat;res he knew all too well--and held his
hands ;p in a pleading gest;re> #r more eCactly? his only hand >>> and the st;mp that
had been left behind after 2lad had taken that hand with the -;cis> %;t his pleading
wo;ld not be eno;gh to stop what was coming>
&;ddenly? the &hadow 0an leaped across the room? knocking D8Ablo onto the floor>
6ith his fangs bared? the &hadow 0an thr;st his hand forward> The tips of his fingers
pierced D8Ablo8s flesh> D8Ablo howled and thrashed in torment? gnashing his teeth?
str;ggling to get free> The man p;shed hard? forcing his hand deeper inside D8Ablo8s
chest> 6ith a bitter p;rse of his lips? he whispered into D8Ablo8s ear? G" ha:e p;t this
off for far too long> *o; ha:e ser:ed yo;r p;rpose>G
,e gripped D8Ablo8s still beating heart and p;lled? freeing the organ from his chest>
&tanding? the man sD;eeEed ;ntil what he had held was no more than a m;shy p;lp>
The light left D8Ablo8s eyes> ,e was dead> The door opened and a second man entered>
The man in shadows stood and shook D8Ablo8s blood from his hand> G!emo:e the
head and b;rn the body> " want to make s;re he stays dead>G 1
The word trembled? perhaps e:en more than 2lad8s lips were trembling as he spoke it
alo;d> ,e searched the man8s eyes? scr;tiniEed his la;gh lines? dared to seek o;t some
flaw that wo;ld show him that the man standing in front of him was anyone b;t his
%;t there was no flaw to be fo;nd> "t was Tomas> #r maybe his twin> Not that he had
had a twin> E:en if he did? the odds of him and his twin brother both becoming
:ampires were astronomical> And the man standing before him was definitely a
:ampire> 2lad co;ld smell it on him> "t smelled like blood> And wisdom> And yo;th>
All rolled together> There was nothing else like it in the world>
2lad8s :ision bl;rred with tears? his heart filling with impossible do;bt> This co;ldn8t
be his father> ,is father was dead> ,e knew> ,e8d seen the charred corpse? smelled
death in the room> Tomas Tod was dead> And standing right in front of him>
Do;btf;lly? almost angrily? he croaked? GDadHG Tomas nodded? his mo;th shr;gging?
sorrow and pain and loss l;rking in his eyes> 6hen he spoke? it remo:ed only a
portion of 2lad8s do;bt> G*es? son>G
2lad t;rned at the sh;ffling noise behind him> Aoss? bleeding? broken? was scrambling
for the stake? str;ggling to stand>
)or a moment? 2lad had all b;t forgotten him? had all b;t forgotten that he was abo;t
to kill Aoss> ,is friend> ,is betrayer>
Aoss st;mbled? collapsing on the gro;nd> 2lad flicked his eyes between Aoss and his
father? b;t remained motionless? in complete? capt;red awe of the man before him>
GAre yo; >>>G 2lad g;lped? the taste of Dorian8s blood still on his tong;e? the memory
of Dorian8s madness still racing thro;gh his tho;ghts> Dorian had been brilliant? b;t
insane> ,ad 2lad inherited some of that insanity by drinking his bloodH ,ad his worst
fears been realiEedH ,e8d known that doing as Dorian had asked and drinking from
him wo;ld be a terrible risk? b;t he8d done it anyway> #tis had drank from Dorian8s
son? Adrian? and now had telekinetic powers? so it8s not like the warning of biEarre
conseD;ences hadn8t been there in front of him the entire time> And yet? he went
thro;gh with it> A;st before Dorian died? 2lad had drank his blood> And maybe now he
was craEy> 0aybe now there was no going back at all>
,e took a deep breath and forced the words from his lips? already knowing that the
answer to his D;estion was no> "t had to be> %eca;se he was like Dorian now> ,e was
craEy> Completely? ;tterly insane> Not to mention hall;cinating> GAre yo; realHG
The :ision of his father merely smiled> Tomas stood in silence--a memory? something
looming o:er 2lad8s e:ery tho;ght? e:ery nightmare? e:ery action> ,is father> ,is dead
father> ,ere> Now>
2lad closed his eyes briefly? ha;nted by the memory of the fire that took his parents?
wondering if it was to be his p;nishment to see :isions of his father now> .rowing
more and more certain that feeding from Dorian had poisoned his mind? 2lad sighed
and opened his eyes again> The man that looked like his father? his craEy :ision?
whate:er it was >>> was gone> #nly he and Aoss and Dorian8s corpse remained in the
2lad sp;n aro;nd? searching the s;rro;nding area? b;t saw no one> Not e:en so m;ch
as a broken twig? indicating mo:ement> ,is heart sank> CraEy or not? it had been nice
to see his father8s smiling face again>
Then there was a noise> 2lad whipped aro;nd to see ,enry racing into the clearing? his
face ghostly pale> G2ladI Are yo; okayH " had this horrible feeling> -ike >>> like yo;
needed me>G
And 2lad did need him> ,e8d J;st beaten Aoss within an inch of his life? and had J;st
witnessed the impossible> ,e may ha:e J;st made the biggest mistake e:er-- drinking
from a madman--and right now? the only person in the world he felt he co;ld co;nt on
was his dr;dge> ,is best friend> G,enry >>> e:erything is so messed ;p>G ,enry8s eyes
went wide as they dropped to 2lad8s mo;th> GD;de? is that bloodH 6ho ha:e yo; been
feeding onHG
2lad8s eyes mo:ed to Dorian8s corpse> ,enry8s followed> ,e shook his head> G*o; fed
on the creepy :ampire stalker g;yH No offense? 2lad? b;t " imagine there are tastier
options o;t there>G
G" had to> ,e >>> he told me " had to> And Aoss >>> oh man? AossIG 2lad took a deep
breath before r;shing to where the &layer lay? the memory of his father still b;rning on
the edge of his tho;ghts> %;t he co;ldn8t tell ,enry> Not yet> "t was too fresh? like an
eCposed wo;nd>
Aoss was lying on his back? his forehead smooth? his eyes closed? his chest rising and
falling in shallow? pained breaths> %reaths that rapidly slowed ;ntil it seemed there
were no breaths at all> 2lad knelt beside him? trepidation taking hold of e:ery cell in
his body> GAossHG
%;t Aoss co;ldn8t answer> ,e was ;nconscio;s> #r worse> ,ad 2lad killed himH "t was
possible> ,ell? with 2lad8s :ampire strength? not to mention his ;nleashed f;ry? it was
,enry swore ;nder his breath and knelt beside his co;sin? his heartbeat racing> 2lad
listened to the steady th;mps po;nding in his ears? drowning o;t any sign that Aoss
was still ali:e> G6hat happened? 2ladH 6hat happened between yo; twoH 6hat did
yo; doHG
2lad p;t two shaking? terrified fingers to Aoss8s neck and sighed in relief at the steady
beating of a p;lse>
,e hadn8t killed Aoss> And felt strangely both relie:ed and disappointed by that fact>
,enry went into action> 6itho;t meeting 2lad8s eyes? he p;lled Aoss8s cell phone from
his pocket and said? G6e ha:e to get him to the hospital> "8m calling an amb;lance>
*o; head back to Nelly8s> "8ll meet yo; there>G
GNo? ,enry>G 2lad shook his head slowly> G"8m staying here with him ;ntil the
amb;lance comes> "t8s the least " can do>G ,enry set his Jaw> GThe least yo; can do is
get o;t of here so we don8t ha:e too many D;estions from the cops> " got this? 2lad> -et
me handle it>G GNo>G 2lad8s tone became darker and gra:elly? f;ll of determination> ,e
co;ldn8t lea:e Aoss> Not now> Not after almost killing him> G" need to stay>G
,enry sighed hea:ily> G)ine> %;t once the amb;lance takes him away? yo;8re going to
tell me e:erything that happened here tonight>G
Time flew in a series of moments and emotions? b;t 2lad didn8t feel present in it> ,e
was there? b;t not really there at all> ,e was the ca;se of this> A;st as Aoss had been the
ca;se of 2lad8s near death J;st a few short years before>
,e waited by Aoss8s side? whispering apologies> Apologies that he wo;ldn8t ha:e meant
only moments ago> Apologies that he ne:er wo;ld ha:e dreamed he wo;ld ;tter to the
boy who had betrayed him in so many ways> ,e was sorry> E:en if Aoss had deser:ed
e:ery blow> ,e was sorry> ,enry was at his side? D;iet and aloof>
Then? before the cops came? 2lad and ,enry retreated into the woods? hiding? so that
no one co;ld see them> "t seemed like only moments--mere breaths--before they saw
the lights flashing as the amb;lance approached> -ights so similar to those that he8d
seen in his fe:erish memories after Aoss had stabbed that damn stake of his thro;gh
2lad8s back? thro;gh his heart> -ights that had con:inced him he was dying> ,e
wondered if Aoss was con:inced of that now? or if the pain had dragged him ;nder
2lad8s eyes locked on Dorian8s corpse> The E0Ts approached Aoss? and 2lad knew
they8d see Dorian> ,e knew there wo;ld be D;estions> Then? as if Dorian wasn8t e:en
there? the two men stepped o:er his corpse and headed straight for Aoss>
#nce the lights from the amb;lance had faded into the distance? 2lad t;rned away?
lea:ing the scene of his crime behind> -ea:ing the man who looked like his father
behind> -ea:ing his anger toward Aoss behind> -ea:ing e:erything? perhaps e:en a bit
of himself? behind for good> Nothing mattered now> #nly his friend? the boy he p;t
into the hands of doctors and n;rses> #nly Aoss mattered>
%eca;se Aoss was his friend> %eca;se after e:erything they8d been thro;gh? he knew
that fact more than anything> "f Aoss had mistakenly killed Dorian when trying to kill
him? there had to be a reason for it> %eca;se they were friends>
And all that mattered right now was making s;re Aoss was okay> Nothing else> Not
e:en 2lad8s dad> "f it was his dad> "t might ha:e been a ghost? or something weird
cooked ;p by 2lad8s imagination> "t was something? for s;re> &omething> &omething
not real> &omething Dorian8s blood had p;t inside his brain> $
%"TTE! TA&TE& A 6A!0 &U00E! %!EE@E br;shed 2lad8s black bangs from
his eyes as he and ,enry made their way back to Nelly8s ho;se> As soon as the
amb;lance had p;lled away? ,enry had demanded answers from 2lad? and? after
co:ering Dorian8s body with some fallen? leaf-co:ered branches? 2lad had gi:en them>
E:en tho;gh they were hard to say> E:en tho;gh the tr;th of it all wasn8t :ery pretty>
2lad had been walking away? away from e:erything> ,e was going to clean o;t his
parents8 room and then lea:e %athory behind fore:er> ,e was going to r;n from
Elysia8s brand of J;stice like a coward> %;t something had stopped him? and that
something was Aoss> #r? more acc;rately? Aoss8s stake>
,e had no idea what had made Aoss attack him> "n fact? he8d tho;ght they8d come to a
sort of ;nderstanding in their ;n;s;al friendship> %;t Aoss had attacked? and if it hadn8t
been for Dorian stepping in the way? Aoss wo;ld ha:e killed 2lad>
Then Dorian had told 2lad to do the impossibleB drink from him> ,e8d said it was the
only way for 2lad to know the prophecy of the Pra:;s> &o? moments before Dorian8s
death? he drank> And then he8d t;rned his f;ry on Aoss? b;t was stopped>
And now >>> now e:erything was messed ;p and nothing wo;ld e:er be the same again>
G6hat made yo; stopHG 2lad blinked? slowing his steps some> G6hat do yo; meanHG
,enry was still right beside him? keeping his pace? his eyes occasionally finding 2lad
in the darkness> G6hat made yo; stop beating AossH 6hat made yo; not kill himHG
2lad chewed his bottom lip for a moment? m;lling o:er ,enry8s possible reaction to
the news that Tomas Tod was ali:e and well> At least in 2lad8s fe:ered imagination?
anyway> G"f " told yo;? yo;8d think " was n;ts>G
G" already think that? so come on> #;t with it? 2lad>G "t was the same tone he8d ;sed to
get 2lad to do >>> well? anything? e:er since day one of their friendship> 2lad knew he
co;ldn8t resist> ,e also knew he needed to confide in someone before he lost it
completely> GA :oice stopped me>G
G#mino;s? creepy? and weird rolled into one? d;de>G ,enry slowed his steps and
stopped 2lad by grabbing his slee:e? t;gging him to a stop> G6hose :oice was itH The
tooth fairyH Principal &nelgro:eH 6as it the :oice of .lobH These details make a
difference? man>G
2lad swallowed hard? and then forced the words from his lips? his eyes on ,enry the
entire time> G"t was my dad? ,enry> " saw him> ,e was standing right there in the
clearing> And then he was gone> A;st >>> gone>G ,enry8s eyes had gone wide? b;t he
nodded> G#kay> &o> *o; saw yo;r dad>G
2lad shr;gged and wished :ery m;ch that he co;ld sink into the gro;nd and disappear>
,enry g;lped> GAli:eHG
2lad readied a glare to show ,enry eCactly how st;pid that D;estion was? b;t he
stopped himself> After all? it wasn8t st;pid> %;t 2lad didn8t know how to answer
eCactly? beca;se his dad may or may not be ali:e> ,e wasn8t s;re>
,enry was doing his best to be s;pporti:e? e:en if he was looking at 2lad as if he8d
lost his mind completely> ,e slapped 2lad on the sho;lder and said? G!;n that whole
story by me again? wo;ld yaH " J;st wanna make s;re "8m hearing it right>G
"n the few min;tes they had left before they reached Nelly8s ho;se? 2lad went o:er
e:ery detail again? this time eCplaining more abo;t why he drank from Dorian? and
e:ery bit of detail that he co;ld remember abo;t seeing his dad> %y the time they
stepped onto Nelly8s porch? ,enry looked fraEEled> G6hoa> That is messed ;p>G
2lad nodded as he opened the door> "t was messed ;p> And the worst part was that
2lad had no idea if the person standing J;st inside the door was really there? or J;st a
nightmare coaCed into his reality by Dorian8s tainted blood>
G2ladimir Tod> "t8s so good to see yo; again>G Em smiled and held ;p a cookie that
she8d clearly helped herself to in the kitchen> G6o;ld yo; like a cookieHG 2lad glanced
at ,enry and then looked back to Em? shaking his head in shock> &he was early> 6ay
early> 2lad wasn8t ready for his trial yet> Not by a long shot> ,er presence filled him
with disg;st? b;t it was co;ntered by his ;tter relief that Nelly was working do;ble
shifts at the hospital all week> &he? fort;nately? wo;ld miss o;t on the pleas;re of Em8s
Em was dressed in a black corset and black baggy Tripp pants? with p;rple stitching>
#n her feet were Con:erse? not ;nlike the ones 2lad was wearing> &he smiled a
s;perior smile and perched on the arm of the co;ch? breaking the cookie in half> &he
held o;t the other half to 2lad? who shook his head in ref;sal> )rowning? almost
po;ting? she forced the cookie into his hand>
2lad grimaced at her to;ch? b;t after a near-glare from Em? took a bite> The chocolate
chips tasted bitter>
Em finished her half of the cookie and licked her fingertips clean> G" s;ppose yo;8re
wondering why "8m here>G
%eside her stood Enrico? who looked ashamed to be her escort> 2lad nodded to him?
ignoring Em for the moment> GEnrico? it8s good to see yo; again>G
Enrico--the owner of 2 %ar and Dorian8s father--mo:ed forward? shaking 2lad8s hand
and smiling warmly? tho;gh something dark l;rked in his eyes> GA pleas;re? as always?
2ladimir>G 2lad didn8t ha:e the heart to inform Enrico of Dorian8s passing> Not yet?
The steps creaked as #tis made his way downstairs> ,e was shirtless? his hair still
dripping from a recent shower? a white? damp towel draped aro;nd his neck> G" tho;ght
" heard :oices down here> EnricoH To what do " owe the honor of yo;r companyHG As
#tis8s eyes fo;nd Em? his sho;lders sl;mped some? his demeanor darkened> 2lad
wondered if anyone was e:er happy to see her>
Enrico glanced at Em? who nodded> Then he looked back to #tis> G"8m afraid there8s
been a tragedy> "t seems a member of Elysia? an important :ampire fig;re? has been
assassinated>G No one spoke> 2lad8s heart th;mped twice? hard? then ret;rned to its
D;iet race> Dorian> They knew abo;t Dorian after all> The air thickened> %;t still? no
one spoke>
)inally? as if ;nable to handle the silence? it was ,enry who broke it> G&ome of ;s
don8t ha:e telepathy? y8know> 6ho diedHG
Em glared at him? as if seeing him for the first time and hating him on sight> 2lad
winced> ,enry didn8t e:en blink> 2lad was beginning to think that nothing co;ld scare
a 0c0illan>
Thro;gh clenched teeth? Em spoke? b;t not to ,enry> &he wo;ld only speak to the
:ampires in the room> G"t wo;ld seem that D8Ablo has been m;rdered>G
2lad whipped his eyes back to Em in shock> D8AbloH DeadH The :ampire who had
been a thorn in 2lad8s side for fo;r years? the :ampire who 2lad was certain wo;ld
ne:er cease trying to kill him? the :ampire who 2lad co;nted on to be the big bad e:il
in his life >>> was deadH %y someone else8s handH "t wasn8t possible> "t co;ldn8t ha:e
happened> There was no way D8Ablo co;ld be dead> The g;y had s;r:i:ed ha:ing a
giant hole shot thro;gh him with the -;cis? for crying o;t lo;d> 2lad looked at Enrico>
G*o;8re >>> s;reHG
Enrico nodded> GTwo piles of ash were fo;nd> 6hen we tested them for DNA? both
matched D8Ablo? which meant that his head had likely been remo:ed before b;rning>G
G"t co;ld be a trick>G ,enry8s :oice so;nded so foreign in a room filled with :ampires>
%;t he was right>
G"t8s no trick? h;man>G Em8s tone was biting> 6hich was probably what she was abo;t
to do to ,enry if he didn8t sh;t ;p> G6e8re well :ersed in how many o;nces of ashes a
b;rned :ampire lea:es behind> D8Ablo is dead> Do not do;bt that for a second>G
2lad felt oddly hollow> "t was almost as if a friend had been stolen from him before
he8d had the chance to say goodbye> A horrible? e:il? maniacal friend who wanted
nothing more than to see 2lad s;ffer> #tis stood at the foot of the stairs? his eCpression
blank> Em stood and 2lad had to fight the immediate ;rge to step back> )olding her
arms in front of her? she said? GNeedless to say? yo;r trial8s been compromised? as a
portion of the charges against yo; ha:e been dropped d;e to D8Ablo8s con:enient
GCon:enientHG ,enry snorted? drawing Em8s hate-filled eyes> G6hat are yo; sayingH
That 2lad killed D8AbloH )at chance> ,e hasn8t been :ery s;ccessf;l at that in the
2lad was abo;t to warn ,enry that if he :al;ed his life at all? he8d Eip his lips> %;t it
was too late> Em shot across the room ;ntil she was almost nose to nose with 2lad8s
dr;dge> &he scraped a long? p;rple fingernail down his cheek? drawing blood? b;t
,enry didn8t wince> 2lad tho;ght he might ha:e gone into shock> Either that? or
despite e:erything 2lad had told his best friend abo;t Em? ,enry hadn8t D;ite p;t two
and two together? that the ancient? e:il being known as Em was also the c;te girl
standing in front of him? her eyes like daggers> Poor ,enry> Poor st;pid? st;pid ,enry>
,er :oice was almost a p;rr> G,;man? yo; ha:e no idea the pain that " can bring yo;> "
s;ggest yo; keep yo;r tho;ghts to yo;rself? lest " gi:e in to the o:erwhelming ;rge to
skin yo; ali:e>G
2lad glanced at his ;ncle? who was watching the scene with some interest? b;t still not
speaking> Then he t;rned back to Em> G&o what are yo; implying? eCactlyH That "
killed D8AbloH #r that " had someone kill himHG #tis spoke? his :oice D;iet? somber>
GNeither is tr;e>G
Em stepped back and t;rned on her heel to face #tis> After silently ga;ging him for a
moment? she flicked her eyes back to 2lad> %efore she co;ld speak? ,enry whispered?
GD;de? the e:il chick is kinda hot>G
2lad rolled his eyes? b;t stopped once Em had ret;rned her attention to him> &he didn8t
e:en glance at ,enry again> G#ne charge still remains against yo;? little one> The
charge that yo;r father entered into a romantic relationship with a h;man>G
,enry shot 2lad a telling glance? b;t 2lad was already on the case> G"8m only standing
trial for that beca;se my dad is dead? rightHG &he nodded once? s;spicion and do;bt
l;rking in her eyes> 2lad took a deep breath> G6hat wo;ld yo; say if " told yo; that "
saw my dad tonight? ali:e and wellHG
#tis spoke? b;t inside 2lad8s head? away from the prying ears of the company they
kept> GThis is not a game? 2ladimir> *o; cannot fool Em in order to gain more time>G
G" know> "8m not trying to fool anyone? #tis> " really saw him>G
#tis fell silent for a moment? then nodded to his nephew and stepped back? looking
deeply dist;rbed> G6e will disc;ss this at length once Em is gone? yesHG G#f co;rse>G
Em seemed to m;ll this o:er for a moment before replying> GAre yo; willing to testify
to that fact? little oneHG 2lad set his Jaw and nodded once>
GThen it seems a trial is coming? after all> A trial for Tomas? if yo; can prod;ce him by
the final day of December> 6e8ll hold it right here in the D;aint little town of %athory>
,owe:er? if yo; cannot prod;ce yo;r father? ali:e and well? then yo; will stand trial
for his crimes> And yo; will die for them> &lowly> And as painf;lly as possible> "8m
s;re " don8t ha:e to remind yo; that his romance with a h;man falls on yo;r head if he
has perished>G &he met 2lad8s gaEe? and tho;gh her :oice so;nded kind? there was no
kindness to be fo;nd in the depths of her eyes> G"t is only beca;se of my fondness for
Tomas? and o;r history? that " am gi:ing yo; or yo;r father any time at all to say
goodbye to the world> Consider it a kindness? and respect my decision by not r;nning>
"f yo; r;n? if yo; attempt to hide? " will make it m;ch worse for yo; >>> and for yo;r
father? if he really is ali:e>G
#tis8s :oice was low and wondering> GAnd what of D8Ablo8s m;rderH ,a:e yo; any
&he t;rned to face him? and something ;nspoken passed between them> 2lad didn8t
know what it was? b;t it was ;nsettling? to say the least> 2lad said? G6hat historyH
,ow did yo; and my dad know one anotherHG
Em cl;cked her tong;e> GTomas and " were well acD;ainted> *o; see? " am his
grandmother> 0other to "gnati;s>G &he pa;sed a moment? waiting for her words to sink
in> 6hen they didn8t? she said? G"8m yo;r great-grandmother? 2ladimir>G
2lad8s chest felt oddly hollow> -ike someone had d;g an enormo;s hole thro;gh his
rib cage witho;t him being aware>
.reat-grandmother> The girlish monster whose eyes reflected a h;nger to witness his
demise was his great-grandmotherH No> &he co;ldn8t be>
,e shook his head? ref;sing to belie:e Em? and trailed his eyes from her to his ;ncle?
who looked both na;seated and dist;rbed> G0y great-grandmotherHG
After a moment of silence? perhaps to gather his words caref;lly? #tis said? G"t8s tr;e>
Em is my grandmother? yo;r father8s grandmother? and "gnati;s8s mother>G
Then #tis stepped closer> GAnd it8s absol;tely no reflection on yo;? 2ladimir> 6e can8t
choose o;r parentage> #r o;r grandparentage>G
Em smiled? b;t it ne:er D;ite reached her eyes> &he stood? br;shing the cookie cr;mbs
from her clothes> G6e can? howe:er? choose o;r children> Tho;gh sometimes we
choose poorly>G
,er eyes fell on 2lad then? b;rning with hatred that she co;ldn8t hide> G#;r great-
grandchildren? on the other hand >>> well >>> " s;ppose sometimes o;r children and their
children choose poorly as well>G
An awkward silence fell o:er the not-so-happy family then> No one spoke or mo:ed
;ntil Em t;rned toward the door> As she stepped o;tside? she said? G*o; ha:e ;ntil
December thirty-first to collect yo;r father and deli:er him to the Co;ncil of Elders>
And so help me if yo; are lying abo;t his still li:ing? which " s;spect yo; are> %;t
know that yo;8:e only prolonged yo;r life by a few short months? as death is the only
p;nishment for the charges that remain against yo;>G
2lad released the breath his l;ngs had been clinging to for what seemed like an
eternity> ,e8d J;st sa:ed his own life> At least for a little while> The problem was that
now he had to do the impossible> ,e had to find his father> '
UNDE! &U&P"C"#N T,E E0E!.ENC* !##0 6A& C!#6DED and lo;d and?
tho;gh he waited for what seemed like fore:er? no one stopped mo:ing to gi:e him
some answers? to tell 2lad whether his friend was going to li:e or die>
,enry had dri:en them as fast as he co;ld once Em had left Nelly8s ho;se? b;t only
after they8d stopped back at the clearing? to look for Aoss8s backpack--or more
importantly? 2lad8s father8s Jo;rnal> The book meant something to 2lad? and now with
the possible mirac;lo;s ret;rn of his father to life? he wondered if the Jo;rnal wo;ld
offer him answers that he hadn8t seen in its pages before? or if the Jo;rnal might lead
him to his dad> %;t all they fo;nd was a patch of grass? stained with Dorian8s blood?
nothing more> Conf;sion en:eloped 2lad--where was DorianH %;t as hope that Dorian
had somehow s;r:i:ed began to fill him? 2lad recalled Dorian8s last moments and
knew that he was dead> 6here his body went was another D;estion> 2lad tried not to
look at the spot where Dorian had perished? tried hard not to think abo;t his final
moments> Then he c;rsed himself for not thinking to grab the Jo;rnal earlier> %;t it
wo;ld be at the hospital? with Aoss> "t had to be>
#tis had insisted that he had some important b;siness to take care of first? b;t that he8d
grab Nelly and meet them in the emergency room>
)inally? after way too long? a man in a white lab coat approached? his m;scles tense?
his mo;th p;rsed> ,e knew> &omehow he knew that 2lad was responsible> G*o; came
to see the boy who was beatenHG 2lad nodded? swallowing his g;ilt like a bitter pill>
GAoss 0c0illan>G
The man in the white coat--2lad co;ldn8t get a good look at the name on his badge--
flipped thro;gh some papers on the chart he was holding and made a note in
handwriting that reminded 2lad of #tis8s chicken scratchings> Then he met 2lad8s
gaEe? his eyes hooded? his eCpression g;arded> G,e8s awake now? b;t J;st barely> The
pain medication we administered is keeping him fairly groggy> Can yo; tell me what
G" >>>G "mmense and immediate g;ilt seeped into 2lad8s m;scles? into his bones? into
e:ery organ--mostly his heart> )ollowing it was the realiEation that re:ealing anything
to anyone at this point wo;ld likely land him in a lot of tro;ble? maybe e:en Jail> "t
was this tho;ght that had J;st entered his mind when he laid eyes on two ;niformed
police officers who were crossing the room? their eyes fiCed on him> 2lad8s neCt words
came o;t m;ttered? distant? lost> GNo> " can8t>G
,enry stepped forward> G-ook? Aoss is my co;sin and 2lad8s friend> 6e J;st want to
know if he8s okay>G The taller cop? the gr;mpy-looking one? said? G2ladimir TodHG
2lad looked from one cop to the other as if he didn8t know that they were here to arrest
him for p;tting Aoss in the hospital> 2lad wo;ld8:e bet his life on that> ,is life> That
thing that Aoss had tried to take twice now>
%;t no one wo;ld foc;s on that> 0ostly beca;se 2lad co;ldn8t tell them witho;t
re:ealing the fact that he was a :ampire> 6ell? half :ampire? if they wanted to get
The shorter cop? the one with a friendly smile? said? G6e8d like to ha:e a word with
yo;? please>G
2lad g;lped? the l;mp in his throat the siEe of a grapefr;it? and managed a nod> They
coaCed him away from ,enry? who was looking more than a little tense> The friendly
cop didn8t miss a beat> G,ow well do yo; know Aoss 0c0illanHG
GPretty well> 6e8re friends>G 2lad shr;gged? his heart breaking o:er what he8d done to
Aoss> )or the life of him? he8d ne:er seen it coming> Not after they8d patched things ;p?
not after their long? nightly sessions where they8d mock-fight> Tonight it had been self-
defense> %;t admittedly? it was also a bit of :engeance on 2lad8s part --something that
now sat in the pit of his stomach? fermenting> G#r? were? " g;ess>G )riendly cop smiled
warmly> 2lad was glad he was the one doing the talking> .r;mpy cop J;st looked >>>
well >>> gr;mpy> GNot so friendly anymore? ehHG G6e had a fight>G GAbo;t a girlHG
GNo> A;st >>> "8m not s;re what it was abo;t> Aoss has been acting really different lately>G
2lad8s tho;ghts whirled inside his brain like a tornado> 6hy wo;ld they think a girl
was in:ol:edH Did they know abo;t 0eredithH "s that why they tho;ght 2lad beat Aoss
so badlyH ,e raked his bangs back from his eyes with a trembling hand> G-ook? am " in
)riendly cop leaned in closer? lowering his :oice as tho;gh they shared a deep? dark
secret> G,as Aoss e:er mentioned his ;ncle to yo;H Abraham 0c0illanH &aid anything
at all abo;t himHG 2lad blinked> 6hat did this ha:e to do with him p;tting Aoss in the
hospitalH GNo> Not that " can remember> 6hyHG
The two officers eCchanged looks and )riendly ga:e 2lad8s sho;lder a light sD;eeEe>
GThat8s all we needed to know? 2lad> Thanks for yo;r cooperation> 6e hope yo;r
friend reco:ers D;ickly> An accident? was it? that p;t him hereHG
2lad looked him dead in the eye? and before he co;ld stop himself? complete honesty
spilled o;t o:er his tong;e> GNo? sir>G )riendly pa;sed then? his eyebrows f;rrowing?
;nderstanding lighting ;p his eyes>
This was it> This was the part where the cop slapped c;ffs on him and dragged him off
to prison> 2lad knew it> ,e co;ld feel it> The cop ;nderstood he was admitting to
committing a :iolent crime and was seconds away from reaching for his handc;ffs>
)riendly frowned? then ga:e 2lad8s sho;lder another sD;eeEe> GE:en so>G
As the officers walked away? 2lad stared after them? st;nned and not at all certain why
he hadn8t been arrested>
2lad saw Nelly r;shing down the corridor? looking both frightened and concerned>
#tis was at her side> Nelly said? GAre yo; okayH 6hat happened between yo; boysH "s
Aoss okayHG
2lad lowered his :oice? and e:en tho;gh the words he chose were the right ones? he
co;ldn8t help b;t feel terrible abo;t ;ttering them> Terrible? beca;se while they were
tr;e? they didn8t change the fact that he8d come too close to killing the one person on
the planet he really co;nted as a friend on the same le:el as ,enry> E:en after what
Aoss had done> GAoss tried to stake me> " had to defend myself>G #tis8s eyes narrowed as
if to say " told yo; so> At the same time? Nelly8s widened>
The door to Aoss8s room opened and his mother stepped o;tside? followed by his father>
2lad hadn8t e:en seen them go in> %;t then? he8d been a little distracted by that whole
possible arrest thing> G0rs> 0c0illan? are yo; okayH "s AossHG
Aoss8s mom sniffled into a wrecked tiss;e and glared at 2lad> GDon8t talk to me> And
stay away from my son>G
2lad searched his mind? b;t co;ldn8t think of anything that was appropriate to say> &o
instead? he did as instr;cted and closed his mo;th>
Aoss8s dad looked at #tis? an almost apologetic gleam in his eye--one that 2lad co;ldn8t
;nderstand> 2lad co;ldn8t help b;t notice that Aoss8s dad didn8t look at him e:en once>
G,e8ll be okay> "t8s J;st that we8:e been dealing with Aoss in and o;t of hospitals and in
and o;t of fights for a few years now> "t8s >>> it8s a lot to take>G
Nelly parted her lips to say something? b;t #tis shot her a look that begged her not to>
#tis followed the 0c0illans into the family waiting room? where 0atilda and %ig
0ike were now waiting with ,enry> 2lad tho;ght he sho;ld say something to them?
b;t wasn8t s;re what to say> ,e tho;ght of p;lling ,enry to the side to eCplain what
had happened between him and the cops? b;t that wo;ld mean walking by Aoss8s
parents again--something he was certain wo;ld be a really bad idea>
After se:eral min;tes? #tis ret;rned and said? GThey8re taking Aoss to a special medical
facility to reco:er? b;t won8t say where> ,is parents? especially his mother? blame yo;?
2lad> Aoss told them yo; got in a fight and he lost? b;t he didn8t mention what really
happened? that yo;8re a :ampire and he8s a &layer> At least we can be thankf;l for
2lad met his ;ncle8s eyes and spoke with his tho;ghts> G#tis> There8s something "
forgot to tell yo; earlier> Dorian is dead>G #tis looked tro;bled? b;t strangely relie:ed?
as if he were free now> G" know> " smelled his blood and h;rried to in:estigate> "8:e
hidden the body a bit better> -ater? 2ikas and " will dispose of it> 6hat happened
G,e sa:ed me from Aoss> ,e took the stake for me> And then he told me to>>> G 2lad8s
tho;ghts trailed off> ,e wasn8t s;re eCactly how m;ch of what happened he sho;ld
re:eal to his ;ncle> )or now? it was probably better not to mention that he8d also drank
from Dorian? b;t rather to form;late a plan for what to do neCt> )irst thing firstB he had
to determine if Dorian8s blood had act;ally made him craEy? and that meant
confronting the specter of his father before telling #tis abo;t any of it> "f he co;ld find
his dad? he wo;ldn8t ha:e to tell #tis abo;t drinking from Dorian> %eca;se it8s not like
he hadn8t known that Dorian8s blood had been tainted in some way> After all? Uncle
#tis de:eloped the biEarre ability to close doors with a single tho;ght? J;st by drinking
from Dorian8s son> And Dorian always seemed to know what was abo;t to happen >>>
right ;p ;ntil the :ery end> #tis had seemed afraid of Dorian? which had made 2lad
afraid of him> "f 2lad admitted to #tis what he8d done? he was in for the lect;re of his
life> The last thing he needed was more s;per:ision> #tis raised a sharp eyebrow> GTo
2lad shook his head? ignoring the fact that Nelly looked increasingly ;ncomfortable
d;ring their silent con:ersation> GNothing> *o; took care of the bodyHG
G" did for now> "t8s fort;nate the E0Ts didn8t see it> %;t " imagine that was a bit of
s;bconscio;s control on yo;r part>G #tis held his gaEe? raising an eyebrow G*o;8re
s;re there8s nothing else yo; want to tell meHG
2lad f;rrowed his brow a bit at #tis8s cas;al mention of s;bconscio;s control--
whate:er that was--and made a mental note to ask his ;ncle abo;t it later> Then he
chewed his bottom lip for a moment? reconsidering his decision not to tell #tis abo;t
drinking Dorian8s blood> After all? keeping secrets from #tis had ne:er helped him in
the past> &till? this felt important> This? he needed to fig;re o;t on his own> GNot at the
Nelly patted 2lad8s arm> G" don8t mean to interr;pt yo;r telepathic con:ersation? b;t
let8s get yo; home>G
2lad nodded slowly? :ery m;ch wishing he co;ld see Aoss at least once before he left>
,e also wanted a peek inside Aoss8s backpack? to grab the Jo;rnal before it fell into the
wrong--meaning &layer &ociety--hands> %;t it didn8t look like that was going to
happen> Not tonight? anyway> Tonight 2lad had to let Aoss8s parents fret o:er him? and
tr;st that he and Aoss were still friends? despite what Aoss had tried to do to him> The
way that he8d tr;sted him d;ring their late-night mock-fights> The way he felt dri:en to
tr;st Aoss? e:en now? despite what he had done> Nelly h;gged him tightly? her caring
words a whisper in his ear> G*o; look shaken> Don8t worry Aoss will li:e> "8d bet my
n;rsing degree on it>G 2lad shook his head and whispered back> G"ts not that>G That
sweet? mothering concern entered her gaEe> G6hat is itHG G" saw > > >G 2lad ca;ght
himself? shook his head> ,e co;ldn8t tell Nelly abo;t his dad> &he co;ldn8t know what
he tho;ght he saw ;ntil he8d confronted the craEy demons himself and pro:ed to
himself that his father wasn8t really ali:e? and that he really was J;st as n;ts as Dorian
had been> GNe:er mind> " m;st ha:e imagined it> " co;ld ;se some fresh air? act;ally>
"8ll meet yo; g;ys o;tside when yo;8re ready to go>G
As he passed by the door of the family waiting room? 2lad glanced inside> .r;mpy
cop took notice? nodding toward him and n;dging )riendly cop> Apparently? he was
still on their radar? b;t there wasn8t m;ch he co;ld do abo;t that>
,e stepped o;t a side door and into the night? to the alley where a coolness greeted
him that promised that while s;mmer was here officially? spring had not yet loosened
its grip entirely> At the end of the alley were two cops? dressed in ;niform? standing by
a Toyota Pri;s> 2lad fig;red they were disc;ssing gi:ing the absent owner a ticket>
That is? ;ntil one cop opened the door and dropped a pile of paperwork on the front
6eird> 2ery weird that two ;niformed police officers wo;ld be dri:ing a Pri;s and not
an official police cr;iser>
2lad slowed his steps to a D;iet halt> ,e was considering going back inside? b;t
co;ldn8t p;t his finger on eCactly why the scene seemed so wrong to him> "t was J;st
an ;nsettled feeling in the pit of his stomach--probably bro;ght on by the sight of more
cops? when he8d J;st been D;estioned by two> .;ilt> Plain and simple>
#ne of the cops t;rned toward 2lad> ,e had a thin scar r;nning from the corner of his
left eye to the corner of his mo;th> 6hen he saw 2lad? he n;dged his friend and both
t;rned toward him> GECc;se me? son? b;t are yo; 2ladimir TodH 6e ha:e a few
D;estions to ask yo;>G
2lad frowned and shr;gged> GTalk to yo;r friends inside> They already asked me
D;estions>G The cops eCchanged glances and mo:ed down the alley toward 2lad> 2lad
c;rsed himself for not keeping his mo;th sh;t and waited> The scarred cop smiled as
they approached> G*o; ha:e a mo;th on yo;? son> %etter watch that> "t8ll get yo; in
tro;ble some day>G The other cop? the slightly bald one? gr;nted> 2lad sighed> G*o;
ha:e D;estions for meHG
GA;st one> "8m J;st c;rios>G &car looked 2lad in the eye and held his gaEe> G6hy didn8t
yo; finish him offH " mean? yo;r b;ddies wo;ldn8t ha:e stopped ;ntil they got the Job
done> &o why did yo; let Aoss li:eHG
2lad8s heart picked ;p its pace in conf;sion> ,e f;rrowed his brow and shook his head
slightly> G6hat are yo; talking abo;tHG %aldy reached for his nightstick? and 2lad8s
eyes shot to its tip as it left its holster> "ts sharp? sil:er tip>
"t wasn8t a nightstick> "t was a stake> The cops standing in front of him were &layers>
2lad held ;p his hands and stepped back slowly> G-isten? g;ys? we don8t want to do
,is back met with something fleshy behind him> )riendly cop--who wasn8t looking so
friendly anymore> G6e do> 6e really do>G
.r;mpy cop was standing beside )riendly? still looking pee:ed> Now 2lad knew
eCactly why>
They were here to finish the Job that Aoss had started> That was why 2lad wasn8t going
to Jail> %eca;se they8d been waiting ;ntil this moment to p;t him somewhere far
worse> "n his gra:e>
2lad watched )riendly from the corner of his eye? his heart racing when )riendly8s
hand dropped to his night stake> 6ith a deep breath and a set Jaw? 2lad realiEed what
he had to do> ,e had no way o;t of this sit;ation b;t thro;gh it>
%efore the &layers co;ld act? 2lad Jammed his elbow back into )riendly8s ribs>
)riendly bent forward? making an oof so;nd? b;t 2lad didn8t hesitate> ,e sp;n aro;nd
with :ampiric speed? whipping D;ickly aro;nd )riendly> ,e was thankf;l-- thankf;l
that he8d worked so hard with 2ikas to train himself in how to mo:e? how to defend
himself if necessary> All of those ho;rs in the old barn had been worth it> ,e knew
what he was doing? despite his ;tter s;rprise that he knew what he was doing>
As he mo:ed? he snatched the stake from )riendly8s hand> ,e stopped behind the
&layer and shot his arm forward? the &layer8s back cracking a;dibly as bones snapped?
and 2lad sent him flying> 0oments later? )riendly hit the pa:ement behind &car and
%aldy? moaning? b;t ;nmo:ing>
.r;mpy growled and sw;ng his stake at 2lad? b;t 2lad d;cked back? then grabbed
him by the arm and whipped him to the side? where .r;mpy bo;nced off the wall of
the adJacent b;ilding and landed in an ;nconscio;s heap> As he t;rned back to the
remaining &layers? 2lad swore he heard one comment on his eyes? which meant they8d
probably t;rned iridescent p;rple again> ,e wasn8t eCactly s;rprised> 2lad raised a
sharp eyebrow at &car? and D;ipped? G&till s;re yo; wanna do thisHG
%y the look in his eye? 2lad was certain that not only did &car want to engage him? he
wanted to kill him> 2lad shook his head? sighing> GAll right then? c;pcake> *o; better
bring it>G
"ns;lt crossed &car8s eyes and he stepped forward> As he did so? 2lad J;mped ;p?
planting his foot on the &layer8s thigh> ,e flipped his body backward? and as he t;rned
completely o:er in the air? he bro;ght his foot ;p hard? kicking &car in the Jaw> The
crack of breaking bone silenced all noises aro;nd them> 2lad flipped o:er? then
foc;sed on his body? willing it ;pward? ;ntil he came to land on the side of the
b;ilding--feet flat against the wall? body parallel to the gro;nd--perfectly perched on
the bricks there? held in place by his newfo;nd mastery of his ho:ering abilities> "t>
6as> C##->
E:en 2lad didn8t really belie:e he was capable of all of these mo:es? e:en if 2ikas had
worked with him all d;ring his J;nior year to get him ;sed to the powers he now
possessed> ,e only wished ,enry had been there to see all the &layer b;tt he was
kicking> Then 2lad saw something that stole the smile from his face> %aldy had
withdrawn his stake from its holster> ,e whipped it ;p at 2lad and 2lad bent back? b;t
almost too late> The sil:er tip tore thro;gh the fabric of his shirt-- right o:er his heart>
,is skin was scratched and st;ng like craEy? b;t 2lad co;ldn8t foc;s on that> ,e was
too angry? too f;rio;s that these &layers didn8t know when to D;it> A;st like Aoss>
0aybe all &layers were alike>
,e J;mped from the b;ilding8s side and came down hard? p;lling &car8s and %aldy8s
heads down with him? cracking them against the pa:ement> "n one fell swoop? he8d
knocked them ;nconscio;s and walked away? as if nothing had happened>
Three steps o;t of the alley? 2lad stopped and looked back at the wo;nded &layers>
6hat was he becomingH 6hat on earth was he becomingH (
A TA&TE #) "N&ANT"* 2-AD &AN7 D#6N "N T,E %AC7&EAT of #tis8s car>
,is tho;ghts were clo;ded with the knowledge that he8d J;st kept two secrets from his
;ncle in a single day> ,e hadn8t mentioned the &layers? he hadn8t told him abo;t
drinking from Dorian? and he wasn8t eCactly certain why he8d kept those details from
#tis p;lled into Nelly8s dri:eway and had J;st barely come to a stop before 2lad was
o;t the door and inside the ho;se? ;p the stairs? and pacing back and forth across his
bedroom> 2lad was stressed? b;t more than that he was afraid> Afraid of what he was
becoming? afraid of the immense powers that he now possessed>
#n one hand? he didn8t want these powers? didn8t want anything at all to do with freaky
Pra:;s powers> %;t on the other >>> it was really cool knowing that he was capable of
almost s;perhero mo:es> &till? it scared him to think that he might lose himself in the
moment? that he was tr;ly capable of ca;sing someone real harm> "t was eno;gh to
make his head spin> Eno;gh to make him craEy>
,e waited for a good ho;r? pacing back and forth as D;ietly as he was able? ;ntil the
ho;se had gone D;iet and 2lad was certain that Nelly was in bed and sleeping> Then
he p;t his plan into action> ,e was going back to the clearing to find his dad>
"t wasn8t m;ch of a plan? not really? b;t it was all that 2lad had? so he went with it> ,e
cracked open his bedroom door? his ears perked for any so;nd? any sign that his
g;ardian wo;ld catch him sneaking o;t? b;t the only noise he heard was Amenti
mewing softly downstairs--probably at a mo;se? or? more likely? o;t of boredom> ,e
crept o;t of his bedroom and cringed the moment the floor of the library sD;eaked
beneath his feet> %;t Nelly didn8t respond>
2lad breathed a :ery soft sigh of relief and mo:ed forward? promising himself that
he8d be more caref;l> To his disbelie:ing horror? his toe ca;ght the corner of the r;g
and 2lad flew forward? crashing into the small Tiffany lamp on the table? sending it
flying> "n slow motion? the lamp toppled forward> 2lad stretched o;t his arm to catch
it? b;t he was still falling> "t became a race to what wo;ld hit the gro;nd first-- him or
the lamp>
Time picked ;p its pace J;st as each of them were mere inches from the floor> The
lamp shattered and 2lad landed with a string of c;rse words> Pieces of colorf;l glass
flew e:erywhere? and 2lad scrambled to his feet? hastily snatching ;p the base of the
lamp> ,e set it cl;msily back onto the table? c;rsing and gr;mbling>
Now he8d ne:er be able to sneak o;t and see if the image of Tomas he saw was flesh
and blood> %eca;se e:en a deaf person in a coma wo;ld ha:e heard the commotion he
J;st ca;sed>
,e looked at Nelly8s door and readied himself for her D;estions as to what on earth he
was doing ;p so late smashing her fa:orite lamp> %;t to his shock and wonder? Nelly
didn8t make a so;nd> Not so m;ch as a peep>
2lad raised worried eyebrows and headed to Nelly8s bedroom door? his feet cr;nching
on bits of broken lamp> 7nocking lightly? 2lad listened for any sign of Nelly mo:ing
within> GNellyH *o; okayHG
6hen there was no answer? 2lad opened the door a crack to check on his a;nt> &he
was lying in bed? co:ers b;nched all aro;nd her? sleeping peacef;lly? as if the so;nd of
breaking glass and cl;msy th;mping hadn8t J;st happened right o;tside her door> 2lad
f;rrowed his brow> ,e knew she was a hea:y sleeper? b;t this was ridic;lo;s>
G&he8ll be f;rio;s that yo; broke that lamp? 2ladimir>G #tis was behind him in the
library? a small plate of warm chocolate chip cookies in hand>
,e held it o;t to his nephew? b;t 2lad shook his head and t;rned his eyes back to his
snooEing a;nt> G6hy doesn8t Nelly e:er hear me sneaking o;tH " mean? "8m pretty lo;d>
%;t she ne:er catches me>G
#tis bit into a cookie and licked away the warm? gooey chocolate from his bottom lip>
G"t8s a s;bconscio;s order? otherwise known as s;bconscio;s control>G
2lad stared at him? then blinked> #ne day? #tis was going to realiEe that 2lad still
wasn8t a h;ndred percent ed;cated on all things :ampire> Until then? he was going to
ha:e to deal with a lot of D;estioning glances from his nephew> #tis popped the rest of
the cookie into his mo;th and chewed before he answered> GA s;bconscio;s order is
control o:er a h;man that yo; don8t e:en ha:e to think abo;t in order to eCec;te> )or
instance? yo;8:e ne:er wanted Nelly to wake ;p and find yo; sneaking o;t? so yo; told
her sleeping mind to keep sleeping>G
2lad gawked at him> "f #tis had made mention of that trick years ago? 2lad wo;ldn8t
ha:e tho;ght twice abo;t sneaking o;t? wo;ldn8t e:er ha:e hesitated> GCan all
:ampires do thatHG #tis shr;gged> GNot all? b;t some>G G6hy isn8t it in the
Compendi;mHG GNo book has all the answers? 2ladimir> Not e:en a book as
comprehensi:e as the Compendi;m>G
2lad sighed> "f only the Compendi;m did ha:e all the answers >>> and if only 2lad had
any idea at all where it now was> "t had disappeared from his possession at the end of
his J;nior year and? despite his search efforts? it didn8t seem to be res;rfacing any time
soon> 6hich s;cked? beca;se the Compendi;m knew more abo;t Elysia than 2lad
dared to dream> GThat s;cks>G #tis shr;gged again and picked ;p another cookie>
After stealing one more protecti:e glance at his sleeping a;nt? 2lad closed Nelly8s
door and looked hopef;lly at his ;ncle> GAre yo; going to tell her " was sneaking o;tHG
#tis ga;ged him for a moment before speaking> GNo> " ass;me yo; ha:e yo;r
GThanks? #tis>G 2lad t;rned? ready to head down the stairs? b;t #tis stopped him with
a word> G2ladimir>G
6hen 2lad looked back at his ;ncle? he didn8t need #tis to tell him why he8d called
him back> #tis was waiting for an eCplanation> #tis wanted to know abo;t the ret;rn
of 2lad8s father> 2lad sighed? his sho;lders sl;mping> G" saw him? #tis> " saw my dad>
#ne min;te Dorian was sa:ing my life? and the neCt " was beating Aoss to a p;lp? ready
to kill him? and then >>> then my dad told me to stop>G GAnd thenHG GThen he
#tis took this all in for a long? silent moment? then nodded> 2lad co;ldn8t read his
eCpression? eCactly? b;t he was fairly s;re that #tis belie:ed him> G" tr;st yo;8re off to
find him thenHG G*es> Alone for now> "f " don8t find him on my own? tho;gh? "8ll need
yo;r help>G G*o; are going to sweep this mess ;p first? yesHG 2lad cringed> G" was
planning on blaming Amenti for the mess>G
#tis flashed him a look that screamed Gget the broom?G before he ch;ckled and looked
aro;nd the room> G6here is that cat? anywayHG 2lad shr;gged> GProbably chasing
mice> !eally fat? really slow mice>G
After sweeping ;p the shattered remains of what once was Nelly8s fa:orite lamp? 2lad
headed o;t the front door>
,e h;rried across town? to the place where Aoss had attacked him> The memories of
what had transpired flooded thro;gh his mind? thro;gh his :ery so;l? ;ntil 2lad8s heart
felt hea:y and hollow> Aoss had tried to take his life> Again> Dorian--craEy? strange?
knowing Dorian--was dead> %y Aoss8s hand> And one other thing was decidedly
missing from the area> ,is dad> 6hich meant 2lad probably was craEy? after all>
2lad8s sho;lders sl;mped and he t;rned back toward town? determined to search e:ery
inch that was accessible e:en into the nighttime? ;ntil he either fo;nd his dad or
accepted the insanity that he was now plag;ed with> As st;pid as it was? he8d really?
really been hoping against hope that he wasn8t craEy? that maybe--J;st maybe--the
:ision of his father had been real? and that he8d been mirac;lo;sly gi:en a second
,e walked along the o;tskirts of %athory ;ntil he came to -ong !oad Cemetery>
&tepping ;nder the gate? his eyes swept o:er the shadowy stones and ;nkempt lawn in
a search for the impossible? in search of his dad> %;t he fo;nd no one> A;st tombstones?
trees? rocks? and grass> And memories>
ECiting the cemetery? he made his way across town? walking along -;gosi Trail ;ntil
he came to his old ho;se> ,is dad wo;ldn8t be inside--he co;ld g;ess that m;ch--b;t
2lad wanted to search e:ery b;sh? e:ery tree? in hopes that his father had? in some
small way? come home again> ,e had to be there? had to be somewhere in %athory>
2lad had seen his dad with his own two eyes> ,e knew it> ,e wasn8t craEy> ,e hadn8t
been infected by Dorian8s blood in the worst way imaginable> ,ad heH
,e reached o;t with his blood? foc;sing? hoping for a hint that any :ampire? aside
from those he already knew abo;t? was in town? was anywhere that he co;ld reach>
%;t he sensed nothing> ,e stretched o;t with his abilities? f;rther than he8d e:er done
before? b;t there was no one to find> &o he went back to searching the town? hoping
he8d find at least minor e:idence that might point to his dad act;ally still being ali:e>
)i:e ho;rs later? 2lad st;mbled home> ,is search had been fr;itless> +
T,E -#N. &EA!C, A 6EE7 ,AD PA&&ED since the first night 2lad had
searched the town o:er for any sign of his father? any sign that he might not be
completely craEy>
At least he wasn8t alone in his D;est> &ometimes 2lad8s searches were cond;cted with
,enry? sometimes with #tis> &adly? each night? 2lad came home completely
con:inced that Dorian8s blood had infected him with biEarre hall;cinations> %;t he
co;ldn8t stop searching> "t was--real or not--his dad? after all>
,e8d reached o;t with his blood a h;ndred times or more? to no a:ail> The only
:ampires besides himself in %athory were #tis and 2ikas> "t was as if his dad had
:anished into thin air> Thin? empty? noneCistent air>
2lad had told only Em? Enrico? #tis? ,enry? and 2ikas abo;t what he tho;ght he saw
the night Aoss went to the hospital>
6ith his head swimming from tho;ghts and theories abo;t who and what he8d
enco;ntered that night? 2lad mo:ed his fork aro;nd in his spaghetti and sighed
After a moment? he looked ;p from his plate to find 2ikas? #tis? and Nelly staring at
him eCpectantly> %linking? he said? G6hatHG
The three eCchanged looks? and then Nelly reached o:er and patted his hand> G*o;
were J;st m;ttering? dear? something abo;t not being craEy> "s something wrongHG
2lad blinked again> ,ad he been m;tteringH ,e8d been so lost in his tho;ghts? he
wasn8t really s;re> 0aybe this was what craEy felt like> 0aybe first yo; start seeing
dead people? and second? yo; start m;mbling things ;nder yo;r breath witho;t
A hard knock on the front door echoed thro;gho;t Nelly8s ho;se> Then the doorknob
t;rned and the door opened> ,enry poked his head inside> G,ey? 2lad? are yo; readyHG
"t was time> Time for another search> 2lad sighed and p;shed his chair back from the
table> Nelly looked worried> G6here are yo; goingHG #tis patted her on the hand> G"t8s
nothing? dearest> A;st some g;y time? "8m s;re> 6hat8s for dessertHG After casting #tis
an appreciati:e glance? 2lad followed ,enry o;t the door>
,enry met his eyes as they made their way back to the car> G&o ha:e yo; spoken to
&now latelyH #ctober mentioned something when " ran into her at the park the other
2lad swallowed hard and opened the passenger door> GNo> No? " ha:en8t spoken to her>
"n fact >>> " released her as my dr;dge>G
The words left his mo;th so easily? almost cas;ally? b;t they sent a bolt of pain
thro;gh the center of his so;l> ,e missed &now? missed her deeply? and totally
regretted releasing her> %;t nothing co;ld be done abo;t that now>
,enry8s Jaw hit the gro;nd? b;t 2lad flashed him a look that said not to inD;ire f;rther
if he wanted to li:e o;t the night> After a moment? ,enry closed his mo;th>
2lad didn8t want to talk abo;t &now> ,e co;ld barely think abo;t her witho;t his heart
breaking> &o he looked at ,enry and str;ggled with his words> G&o how8s Aoss doingHG
G0;ch better> They say he8s ;p and walking aro;nd now> ,is parents still won8t say
where they8:e taken him> "t8s kinda weird? act;ally>G ,enry glanced at him> G*o;
sho;ldn8t worry? d;de> ,e8ll be fine> %esides >>> he kinda had it coming? rightHG
A l;mp formed in 2lad8s throat and? no matter how hard he tried? he co;ldn8t seem to
swallow it> G!ight>G
As they were getting into ,enry8s car? 2lad said? G&o did yo; notice if he had my dad8s
Jo;rnal or notH "t was in his backpack> Did yo; checkHG
,enry slid the key in the ignition and t;rned the engine o:er> "t r;mbled to life> GAs far
as " can tell? Aoss doesn8t ha:e that Jo;rnal? man> 6o;ld yo; stop worryingH "t8ll t;rn
;p> A;st like yo;r dad>G ,o;rs later? 2lad stared down at a cr;dely drawn map of
%athory on the table with hopeless? helpless eyes> ,e8d searched e:ery sD;are inch of
the town he called home? a doEen times o:er> ,is dad was nowhere to be fo;nd> And
2lad was beginning to wonder if his dad wanted to be fo;nd> "f he was still really
ali:e? that is>
After ho;rs of fr;itless searching tonight? he and ,enry had ret;rned to Nelly8s in the
wee ho;rs of the morning> Nelly had already left for work? m;ch to the comfort of
2lad? who was sitting at the table? trying to calm his fraEEled ner:es>
G6hat apo;t :he cemepeweyHG ,enry p;lled his head o;t of the fridge? a leg of
8chippen8 barely held in his teeth? his arms loaded with what 2lad co;ld only ass;me
wo;ld soon become a sandwich>
GC8mon? the cemeteryH !eallyH Try to be a little more stereotypical>G 2lad contin;ed to
stare at the map? his head resting on his hands? p;shing his hair back o;t of his eyes>
G%esides? "8:e already checked there >>> three times>G G#h yeah? we were there
Th;rsday? weren8t weHG GAnd &at;rday>G A hea:y sigh flew from 2lad8s chest>
G6ell? there has to be somewhere we ha:en8t tried>G %read and mayo and cheese and
meat were being thrown together? confirming 2lad8s initial s;spicions> The strawberry
yog;rt was a s;rprise? b;t when yo;8:e spent as m;ch time with ,enry as 2lad had?
yo; learned not to ask D;estions>
GNo? there isn8t> 6e8:e been o:er the whole damn townIG 2lad p;shed himself away
from the table? mo:ing it as he did so> ,e walked o:er to the window abo:e the sink?
stared o;t for a moment? then ret;rned right back to the place he8d started> )lopping
down in the chair? he stared at the map again>
,e was ne:er going to find his dad> %eca;se his dad was dead> And he was J;st a
hall;cinating l;natic>
GCalm down? man> 6e8ll find him>G ,enry took the first bite of the monstrosity that he
had b;ilt between two slices of bread> As toppings spilled o;t onto the plate 2lad
mar:eled at the fact that his friend hadn8t sho;ted? G"t8s A-"2EIG before digging in>
G*o; mean if he8s act;ally o;t there> "f " ha:en8t lost it completely>G .r;mbling his
fr;strations? 2lad cr;mpled ;p the map and threw it across the room> #tis ca;ght it
effortlessly in midair> ,e looked from the wad of paper in his hand to his nephew> G"
take it yo; ha:en8t had m;ch l;ck in yo;r search for Tomas>G 2lad glared? b;t he
wasn8t mad at #tis> ,e was mad at his sit;ation>
,e sighed hea:ily? and winced slightly at the h;nger pain that shot across his stomach>
GNo> No l;ck at all> 6hat abo;t yo;? anythingHG
#tis shook his head? his face drawn? and ret;rned the cr;mpled map to the table?
smoothing it o;t as best he co;ld> GNothing> Not a trace> "f Tomas is really o;t there?
something tells me he doesn8t want to be fo;nd>G
2lad stared at the map again? b;t didn8t really see it> All he co;ld see was the in:isible
clock that was ticking away the remaining min;tes of his life> ,is ;ncle had said alo;d
J;st what he was thinking> 6hat if his dad was hiding from himH 6hat if he had no
plans to come forward again at allH "t was almost worse than the idea of his dad being
G#tis >>>G ,e met his ;ncle8s eyes? lowering his :oice to a whisper> G&ho;ld " r;nH "
mean? they8ll kill me either way? rightH "f " find my dad and hand him o:er they might
kill ;s both? or if " don8t find him at all? "8m probably still as good as dead? aren8t "H &o
what8s the differenceH 6hy make it easy on themHG
GThey8ll tort;re yo; for months before killing yo; if yo; r;n>G #tis shr;gged? as if this
was an e:eryday occ;rrence> 0aybe? 2lad tho;ght with a sh;dder? it was> GThat being
said? it is an option> %;t not one witho;t a price>G
2lad chewed his bottom lip for a moment before speaking again> GThey8d go after yo;
and 2ikas? wo;ldn8t theyHG
GAnd Nelly> And ,enry> And e:eryone yo;8:e e:er known and lo:ed>G &omething
foreboding was l;rking in #tis8s gaEe? b;t 2lad co;ldn8t D;ite p;t his finger on what it
was> GThey didn8t come after me when they tho;ght my dad was on the r;n>G
,enry looked ;p from his monster sandwich and nodded> ,e didn8t speak? b;t only
beca;se his mo;th was f;ll of the yog;rt-coated monstrosity>
#tis cocked an eyebrow at 2lad? as if what he were abo;t to say were painf;lly
ob:io;s> GThat8s beca;se of who yo; are? 2ladimir> 0;ch of Elysia fears yo;? fears
what yo; are capable of>G G6hat am " capable ofHG The room grew silent> 2lad was
ta;nting his ;ncle on p;rpose? baiting him? trying to get #tis to admit that there was
e:en a tiny smidgeon of possibility l;rking within the Pra:;s stories that #tis had
deemed fairy tales> 6hen his ;ncle ref;sed to respond? 2lad met his gaEe and said?
G#tis? do yo; belie:e in the prophecy >>> e:en a little bitHG
#b:io;s tension filled his ;ncle> ,e pa;sed for a moment? as if s;mmoning the
co;rage to speak? or perhaps J;st p;tting the words together in his mind before
speaking them alo;d> G" cannot deny what "8:e been witness to o:er the past few years?
b;t " ref;se to belie:e that yo; are capable of ensla:ing the h;man race>G GDorian said
"8ll do that o;t of charity>G GDorian was a madman>G
2lad8s Jaw tightened> "t was time to come clean and tell #tis the tr;th abo;t what
happened the night Dorian died> No matter what #tis might ha:e to say abo;t it>
G6hat if "8m a madman now? #tisH 6hat if yo; areHG #tis met his gaEe? his forehead
lined with conf;sion> G6hat do yo; meanHG
6ith a deep breath? 2lad released words from his lips? words that he8d been holding in
all s;mmer long> G" drank from him> " drank from Dorian>G
#tis p;rsed his lips> ,e seemed angry? b;t 2lad wasn8t s;re why eCactly> 2lad had
ne:er promised his ;ncle that he wo;ldn8t feed from Dorian> "n fact? #tis had ne:er
said anything abo;t the s;bJect at all> &till? his ;ncle looked like he8d been betrayed in
the worst way> GAnd yo; wonder why yo;8re seeing :isions of yo;r fatherHG
2lad tried hard to ignore that> E:en tho;gh it st;ng? especially coming from his ;ncle>
,e co;nted two heartbeats? then a third> After a deep breath? he met #tis8s eyes again?
calm> 6ell? mostly calm? anyway>
G6e both drank his blood? in some manner> " drank his? yo; drank his son Adrian8s>
6hat8s the differenceH %eca;se " really don8t see it> "f it8s so bad that " did it? then
yo;8re J;st as g;ilty>G ,e hadn8t raised his :oice? not D;ite? b;t his tone was defiant>
#tis was acting like he was ashamed of 2lad8s actions> %;t really? when it came down
to it? craEy or not? 2lad was glad he drank from Dorian? glad that he honored a dying
:ampire8s final wish> E:en if it did make him hall;cinate things that co;ld not possibly
#tis8s face fl;shed pink? b;t only for a second> ,e tossed the wadded ;p map into the
recycling bin> G" made a h;ge mistake? 2ladimir> A dr;nken? st;pid? imbecilic mistake
born of pain and loss> " was mo;rning yo;r father and blood-dr;nk and st;pid eno;gh
to listen to Dorian> %;t yo; >>> what were yo; thinkingH *o;8re better than me-so m;ch
better than me> And now>>>G #tis shook his head sadly> G,is blood >>> it taints people>G
G,e told me to do it>G 2lad held his ;ncle8s gaEe? determined> GAnd " tr;sted him> &o "
#tis8s eyes widened in s;rprise> &omething else l;rked there too> %etrayal? maybe>
0aybe regret> %;t 2lad wasn8t certain why> ,e knew that #tis hadn8t tr;sted Dorian
and that #tis had wanted to protect 2lad from him? b;t he wasn8t at all certain he
tr;sted his ;ncle8s moti:es> "n fact? he was a bit concerned that maybe #tis had wanted
him to stay away from Dorian to ens;re that 2lad wo;ldn8t entertain any idea at all
that he was the Pra:;s> After all? to this day #tis was still in denial abo;t 2lad8s stat;s>
0aybe he was afraid of it> And if that were tr;e? then maybe he was afraid of 2lad>
#tis sighed in fr;stration and defeat> G%;t whyH 6hy did yo; listen to himH ,ow
co;ld yo; tr;st DorianHG
2lad chose his words caref;lly and spoke them crisply so that #tis co;ld not sh;t them
o;t of his do;bting? fearf;l mind> G%eca;se he8s the 7eeper of the Prophecy? #tis> And
"8m the &;bJect of that prophecy>G
#tis t;rned away? throwing his arms ;p? m;ttering something in Elysian code that had
to be a c;rse word> ,enry winced at the so;nd of it? e:en tho;gh he--like 2lad --had
no idea what #tis was saying> 6hen #tis t;rned to 2lad? #tis began pacing back and
forth across the room> G6ho told yo; thatH 6ho told yo; those wordsH 6ho told yo;
that there was s;ch a thing as a 7eeper and a &;bJectHG 2lad wet his lips and tried hard
to keep his :oice calm? e:en tho;gh it s;re felt like #tis was trying to fight with him>
GDorian did>G GAnd yo; belie:ed him>G "t wasn8t a D;estion? b;t 2lad offered a single
nod in response>
#tis stopped pacing and shook his head slowly? sadly--as if he8d failed at sa:ing his
nephew from something tr;ly frightening> ,e placed his palms on the table? closed his
eyes? and simply breathed deeply for se:eral min;tes before speaking again> The
silence was deafening? and droned on for what seemed like an eternity> G,a:e yo;
eCperienced any >>> strange effects >>> since feeding from himHG
G#nly if yo; co;nt seeing my dead father>G 2lad sighed? his eyes flicking to ,enry and
back to his ;ncle> GDorian said " co;ld know the prophecy if " drank from him> That8s
why " did it? #tis> %eca;se he said that it was his Job as the 7eeper of the Prophecy to
deli:er the prophecy to me? and that the only way to do it was for me to feed from him>
The prophecy >>> it8s in his blood> #r was> Now it8s in mine>G
#tis released a sharp? disbelie:ing breath--one that immediately filled 2lad with
shame> GAnd ha:e yo; complete knowledge of this so-called prophecy now?
2ladimirHG 2lad8s heart slid ;p into his throat> #tis didn8t belie:e him>
,e swallowed hard and met his ;ncle8s gaEe? certainty and confidence filling him to
the brim> G#tis? "8:e seen the prophecy? and whether yo; belie:e me or not? it doesn8t
matter> "t8s real> As real as the blood in my :eins>G
,enry had finally finished his sandwich and Joined the con:ersation with something
2lad had eCpected to come from #tis8s mo;th> G6hat if Dorian was lyingHG
G,e was not lying>G 2ikas8s :oice r;mbled into the room as he entered> GDorian was
mad? this is tr;e? b;t he was an honest man> An honest madman> And " happen to
know for a fact that he did indeed carry the prophecy in his :eins>G
2lad really looked at 2ikas for the first time since he8d drank from Dorian> ,is :oice
was D;iet? and tinged with a strange sense of disbelief> G*o; were there that night>
*o; killed those men--the )oreteller and Transcriber--once Dorian knew the
prophecy>G 2ikas offered a single nod> GThat " did? 0ahlyenki Dya:ol? as it was to be
Dorian8s task? b;t the boy was too weak? and far too gentle to commit s;ch an act> As
twisted as his mind was? it was only o;t of reaction to all that he had been faced with> "
rather liked Dorian and was sad to hear of his passing> Apart from his madness? he was
a kindly :ampire>G
2lad nodded in agreement? relie:ed to learn that he wasn8t the only one who8d come to
;nderstand Dorian? to like him> #tis was staring at them both as if they8d lost their
minds? b;t he didn8t speak> 2ikas stepped closer? his smile warm> G,a:e yo; had any
:isions? 0ahlyenki Dya:olHG
2lad sighed> "n fact? he had> !ight after drinking Dorian8s blood? he8d had a :ision of
himself r;ling o:er :ampirekind and ensla:ing the h;man race> %;t admitting that was
admitting that he wo;ld one day soon be the e:il thing the prophecy had foretold> &o
he lied> GNo> Nothing yet>G
2ikas sighed and patted 2lad on the sho;lder> ,is eyes sparkled with enco;ragement
and s;pport--nothing like what #tis had been offering> GPerhaps with time>G
Changing the s;bJect to a more comfortable one? #tis said? GAny l;ck with yo;r search
for Tomas? 2ikasH 6e ha:en8t had m;ch l;ck here in town at all>G
2ikas shook his head and took a seat at the long plank table? eyeing a bottle of
bloodwine> GNo l;ck as of yet? my old friend> Dya:ol is nowhere to be fo;nd> )or a
moment " tho;ght " fo;nd a trace? b;t the trail has gone dead? it seems>G 2lad8s eyes
shot to meet 2ikas8s? h;rt and anger warring inside them> Dead> ,ow co;ld he ;se that
2ikas cl;cked his tong;e and flashed him an apologetic glance> G)orgi:e me?
2ladimir> " ha:e forgotten my candor> " am a fool>G
2lad sank back in his seat> G*o; may not be the only one? 2ikas> "f " don8t find my dad
soon >>> then maybe #tis is right> 0aybe " am craEy>G They all looked at 2lad then?
wordlessly? as if ga;ging his sanity le:el> After a moment? 2lad stood and headed for
the front door? ,enry in tow behind him>
#tis stopped him with a hand on his sho;lder> 9;ietly? he said? G6hate:er yo; decide
to do? we will s;pport yo;> "f yo; decide to r;n? we8re prepared for whate:er comes>
%;t please? tell ;s before yo; go so that " can make arrangements to hide Nelly from
2lad cringed at the :ery idea of bringing down Elysia8s brand of J;stice on his family?
his friends? b;t he met #tis8s eyes and nodded> Then he was o;t the door> ,e had a lot
to think abo;t? and there was only one place to do it> 6ith a brief goodbye to ,enry
once they were o;tside? 2lad was on his way to the only place he co;ld tr;ly be alone
to think> The belfry> ,is sanct;ary> The only place in the world he felt safe>
2lad mo:ed thro;gh %athory effortlessly? his mind clo;ded with tro;bled tho;ghts> A
slight breeEe danced thro;gh the air? bringing a bit of cool to the lingering s;mmer
heat> ,e was gratef;l for it> Too m;ch of his s;mmer had been spent o;tdoors? in the
sticky heat> &o he slowed his steps and allowed himself a moment to enJoy his walk--
something he hadn8t done in months>
#nce he reached the school? he floated effortlessly to the arched windows of the belfry
and stepped inside> #nly>>> The room wasn8t dark> The room wasn8t empty> 2lad wasn8t
A candle was lit on the small table beside his father8s chair? ill;minating the space with
a flickering warmth> The photograph of his father was no longer in its space on the
wall> "t was being cradled by hands> )amiliar hands> ,ands that had ca;ght 2lad when
he fell off the roof> ,ands that had bandaged his elbow when he t;mbled from his
bike> ,ands that he knew well>
Tomas Tod was sitting in his chair? holding his framed photograph? looking ;p at 2lad
with an eCpectant? albeit worried? smile> G2ladimir>G ,e breathed? standing> G&on> "t8s
been too long? and this meeting is o:erd;e>G /
UNEPECTED C#0PAN* ,"& DAD> Ali:e and in the flesh and standing less than
ten feet in front of him>
6hich meant 2lad really was craEy> After all? he only seemed to see his dad when no
one else was aro;nd? and all other e:idence pointed to no additional :ampires being in
%athory> E:en now? he co;ldn8t sense Tomas8s presence when he reached o;t with his
blood> "t was as if his father wasn8t really there> 2lad was insane> ,e was off his
rocker? for s;re>
GNo? yo;8re not? 2lad> *o;8re perfectly sane? " ass;re yo;>G Tomas--the man who
looked like Tomas? anyway--shook his head> ,e set the photograph down on the table
neCt to the candle and met 2lad8s eyes? his gaEe pleading> GTr;st me> The reason yo;
can8t detect me by reaching o;t with yo;r blood is beca;se " b;rned my 0ark away>
"8m not s;rprised #tis or 2ikas didn8t realiEe that wo;ld be an effect of ha:ing
remo:ed my 0ark? as so few :ampires ha:e s;r:i:ed the task> Doing so hasn8t seemed
to harm my abilities? tho;gh> Telepathy? speed? mind control--all intact? it seems> "
s;ppose " sho;ld co;nt my blessings>G
2lad Jolted at the so;nd of that :oice> ,e swallowed the growing l;mp in his throat>
Either it was his father? or his imagination was brilliantly creati:e>
They watched one another for a moment b;t as 2lad started to speak? Tomas held ;p a
hand? his eyes kind? sympathetic? f;ll of an immense? o:erwhelming g;ilt> GAs for my
disappearance >>> son? " owe yo; an eCplanation--G
As the words began to lea:e Tomas8s lips? 2lad8s eyes snapped to him in a glare> G*o;
owe me a hell of a lot more than that> "f yo;8re real? that is>G
Tomas lowered his eyes apologetically? G"ndeed> And "8d meant to come forward
sooner> %;t " had to wait ;ntil " was certain we8d be alone> " am being h;nted? as it
2lad tightened his Jaw? his heart racing--racing with fear and panic and ;pset and
do;bt and something else too> Anger> "mmense and immediate anger> Thro;gh
clenched teeth? he growled? G" don8t gi:e a damn if yo;8re being h;nted> " don8t care if
the entire &layer &ociety is on yo;r heels and all of Elysia is thirsting for yo;r blood>
All " care abo;t is where yo;8:e been for the last eight years> 6hat happened the day
of the fire> 6hat happened to yo;? what happened to 0om? and why> And yo;8re going
to eCplain e:erything to me> %;t first >>> before yo; say another word? before yo; refer
to me as yo;r son again? before yo; take another breath >>> pro:e to me that yo;8re
really my dad> Pro:e to me that yo;8re really >>> here>G
Tomas nodded and f;rrowed his brow? his feat;res almost too similar to what 2lad
saw in the mirror e:ery day> After a moment? his apparent distress eased some--if only
a little? and he met 2lad8s g;arded eyes> GDid yo; get my noteH The one " scribbled in
the margins of the Compendi;m of Conscientia? directing yo; to my Jo;rnalHG
That was something only Tomas wo;ld know> %;t it was also something only 2lad
wo;ld know? so he still had no real e:idence whether or not the man he saw before
him was flesh and blood? let alone his father> ,e co;ldn8t tr;st his possibly poisoned
mind> Not one bit>
2lad stood there? looking at the man who8d created him? the man who8d ta;ght him to
read? who8d been there for him e:ery day ;ntil a fire had torn them apart> -et the
madness take him> At least he8d see his father again> At least he wo;ldn8t be alone
,is bitter anger remained? b;t it was instantly o:ershadowed by a mingling of both
immense relief and dire need> Need for family> Need for his dad>
6itho;t warning? he grabbed his dad and gripped him tightly in an embrace> ,is dad
was warm? solid? real> ,e was back> ,is dad was back> &omehow? against all the odds
and e:erything that 2lad had ;nderstood to be reality? somehow his dad was back
from the dead> And if he wasn8t? 2lad didn8t want to know> "f he was craEy? 2lad
wanted :ery m;ch to stay that way? to enJoy e:ery single moment of his insanity>
Tomas hesitated--as if taken aback for a moment--then p;t his arms aro;nd his son> ,e
breathed words into 2lad8s hair? words that 2lad :ery m;ch needed to hear> G"t8s all
right now? 2lad> E:erything is going to be all right> "8m here now And " can eCplain
e:erything>G 1
E2E!*T,"N. 2-AD &AT #N T,E C#UC,? b;t he co;ldn8t sit still? no matter how
he hard he tried> &o instead? he stood and paced some back and forth across the li:ing
room of his old ho;se--#tis8s c;rrent ho;se--his eyes eCpectantly on his father the
entire time>
They8d left the belfry at 2lad8s insistence and after an arg;ment--Tomas had been
rel;ctant to go somewhere he might be seen by someone other than his son> %;t 2lad
had d;g his heels in> "f he was going to hear details of his mother8s death and his
father8s mirac;lo;s escape? he wanted to hear them where it all happened? in the place
where his life had taken a dramatic? downward t;rn> ,ome>
,e was waiting for answers? answers that his dad had ass;red him were coming once
they got there> And the waiting was killing him>
,e8d li:ed for years not knowing what had transpired the day of the fire> Now he
wo;ld know> Now he wo;ld know e:erything> Tomas looked abo;t the room? his eyes
somewhat tro;bled by what he saw> G" see #tis redecorated>G
G"t needed a lot of work after staying empty for so long>G 2lad8s words were c;rt? b;t
he didn8t mean for them to be> ,e was J;st so angry that all of this time he8d been led
to belie:e that his dad was dead? and yet here he was? ali:e and in the flesh> And it
didn8t help that his dad J;st wo;ldn8t get to the point> G&o abo;t that eCplanation >>>G
Tomas met his eyes before releasing a tro;bled sigh> G" s;ppose " sho;ld begin with
the day " disappeared? and yo;r mother >>> yo;r mother >>>G
2lad swallowed hard? tearing his gaEe away from his father8s eyes> The sorrow there
was almost too m;ch for him to bear> G&o 0om really is deadHG
,is dad nodded? a hea:y air abo;t him> After he did so? 2lad nodded too? a familiar
ache forming at the center of his chest> ,e8d known for years that his mom was gone
fore:er? b;t seeing his dad again had sparked the hope that maybe? J;st maybe? it had
all been a horrible mis;nderstanding> )oolish? he knew? b;t no amo;nt of reason or
good sense co;ld ha:e do;sed the spark of hope within him>
G" awoke that morning to find that my alarm clock had been t;rned off? as had yo;r
mother8s> That was good of yo;? 2lad? to want ;s to sleep in? to show ;s that yo; were
more than capable of getting yo;rself off to school on yo;r own>G ,e looked at 2lad?
an apology l;rking in his eyes that wo;ld not lea:e his lips? not ;ntil he8d eCplained
e:erything he needed to> &till? 2lad appreciated seeing it there? knowing that it was
coming soon eno;gh> G" slipped o;t of bed? lea:ing 0ellina still resting? and stole
away to &tokerton> "t had become common for me to spy on Elysia? yo; see? and more
common still for me to do so witho;t telling yo;r mother> &o " left> Unable to resist the
;rge of being near :ampirekind> "8m s;re yo;8:e realiEed since yo;8:e come to know
2ikas and yo;r ;ncle that being away from o;r kind for too long is painf;l>G
"t was painf;l> 2lad hated being away from his ;ncle for :ery long? and it h;rt beyond
h;rt to lea:e &iberia a few years ago> ,e absol;tely ;nderstood the loss of Elysia>
G&o? " left> 6hen " ret;rned home ho;rs later? my need for :ampire contact satisfied
for the moment? " saw smoke billowing o;t of my bedroom window and Nelly cradling
yo; in her arms in the front yard> " knew that what had happened co;ld only be my
"t was his fa;lt> ,e8d said it> 6hate:er it was that had happened? whate:er it was that
had taken his mom away from him? it was his dad8s fa;lt> Not 2lad8s> Not 2lad8s> 2lad
watched him? waiting? a strange sense of relief filling him>
Tomas sat on the arm of the co;ch? his forehead lined with tension and g;ilt> 6hen he
finally res;med speaking? it was with a h;shed tone> G"t8s no secret that " am a wanted
man in Elysia? or was? before my pres;med death>G
G*o; were after too>G ,is dad shot him a glance? and 2lad said? G" mean? lots of
:ampires didn8t belie:e yo; were act;ally dead>G
Tomas sighed> GAhh>>> This is tr;e? son> %;t what yo; may not know is that " am also
wanted by another gro;p? tho;gh they are also :ampires> A secret society who belie:e
that one day a :ampire will be born? not made>G 2lad tensed> ,is :oice was gr;ff>
G*o;8re talking abo;t the Pra:;s>G
6ith a nod? Tomas said? GThis gro;p belie:es that he--yo;--will lead them in a re:olt
against the nonbelie:ers and that yo; will lift :ampirekind to its proper place? where
we li:e openly amongst the h;mans and feed on them at will> These :ampires >>> they
are the reason yo;r mother is dead? and they are the reason that " disappeared that day
and ha:e stayed hidden for these se:en years> They were there watching when " got
home that day? among the crowd> That is why " co;ldn8t come to yo; ;ntil now> That is
why " had to lea:e the moment " did> " had to r;n? 2lad> " had to hide> "f there was any
hope of my keeping yo; ali:e? it was in my keeping my distance from yo;> "f "8d
stayed in contact with yo;? " sh;dder to think of the painf;l death it wo;ld ha:e
bro;ght yo;>G
G6hy did yo; come to me nowH And why wait for so long after that night in the
clearingH *o; co;ld ha:e told me all of this thenH 6hy waitH 6hy make me waitHG
Tomas pa;sed then? a look of trepidation crossing his feat;res? as if what he was abo;t
to say neCt was diffic;lt for him> GE:ery :ampire " ha:e come into contact with since
that day has been killed? and " myself ha:e only barely escaped death by their hands a
n;mber of times> After seeing yo; that night " D;estioned whether or not " was doing
the right thing> %y the time "8d decided that " was? yo;8d beg;n searching for me with
other people> " really wanted o;r first con:ersation to be J;st between the two of ;s>G
2lad took this in and then nodded slowly> "t made sense? he s;pposed> "n a really
st;pid way> GThat gro;p yo; mentionedH "8:e heard of them? act;ally>G Tomas raised
an eyebrow? b;t said nothing> 2lad cleared his throat> G6hy do they want yo; deadHG
G6hen yo; were born? " knew something was amiss> 2ampires don8t bear children> "t
J;st doesn8t happen> There ha:e been others who ha:e broken the law of separation in
the hopes that they might be able to bring abo;t the Pra:;s> " broke the law for lo:e>
Perhaps that is what made yo;r birth possible> ,owe:er? we knew that yo;r :ery
eCistence wo;ld gi:e that gro;p special interest in yo;> That8s why yo;r mother and "
stole away to %athory--so that we co;ld raise yo; in peace? and so that " co;ld
disco:er the reason for yo;r eCistence> Thro;gh spying on Elysia and stealing away
into their libraries? " hoped to know e:erything " co;ld abo;t this prophecy> 6hile the
word Pra:;s is spelled simply eno;gh? its meaning is far more compleC> There were
theories in the books " read? b;t they were J;st theories? nothing concrete that stated
eCactly why the Pra:;s wo;ld come>G A far away eCpression came into his eyes> Then?
as if coming back to the present? he contin;ed> GThro;gh my trials? " learned the tr;th>
The Pra:;s--yo;> my son--will bring peace to the world> *o; will ;nite ;s all and r;le
o:er all with yo;r good sense and generosity traits that " know yo; are well acD;ainted
with> %;t the members of this gro;p >>> this secret society >>> they seek to ;se yo; for
their selfish gain> They tried to kill me to stop me from re:ealing what " know to the
world and to yo;> They will try again> 6e can tr;st no one? 2lad> Their gro;p is f;ll of
liars and con men>G
2lad listened for a moment? filled with so many D;estions? b;t first? he had to know>
G6ho was in the bed with 0omH ,ow did the fire startHG
G" don8t know> " can only ass;me it was one of the :ampires who were after me> And "
don8t know how the fire started>G GThis gro;p> D8Ablo was part of them>G G6asHG ,is
dad raised a sharp eyebrow? c;riosity ebbing from him> 2lad shook his head> GDead
GD8Ablo >>>G Tomas rolled the name o:er on his tong;e? as if he hadn8t spoken it in
years> &omething crossed his eyes that looked like regret? or maybe loss> G"8:e known
D8Ablo for nearly two cent;ries> ,e may ha:e been ambitio;s and at times a fool? b;t "
didn8t think he8d be in:ol:ed with a gro;p like that> *o;8re certainHG 2lad nodded>
GPositi:e> And Em>G
G"8:e known of Em8s in:ol:ement for some time> ,owe:er? hers is more of a position
to g;arantee that she is not s;pplanted as leader> &he wants to pre:ent the coming of
the Pra:;s more than anything> Anyone elseHG
2lad searched his memory? b;t no one else in his life came across as s;spect> GNot that
" know of>G
Tomas leaned closer and spoke with his tho;ghts--e:en tho;gh his words were locked
safe inside 2lad8s mind? he whispered> G-isten? 2lad> These :ampires are sly and
;nderhanded They co;ld appear to be yo;r best friend and yo; wo;ldn8t e:en know
they were plotting against yo;> " need to know e:ery :ampire yo;8:e been in contact
with since " left>G G%esides D8Ablo and Em? there was the rest of the Co;ncil of Elders?
a small gro;p that met here at the ho;se--" don8t know their names--and Aasik? b;t he8s
dead now> There was "gnati;s >>>G 2lad flicked his eyes to his father? g;ilt filling him>
G" mean? my >>> my grandfather> ,e8s also dead> #tis >>> killed him> ,e had no choice>
"8m sorry>G
GNo need for g;ilty feelings? 2lad> ,e was an abysmal monster>G ,is dad sD;eeEed his
sho;lder and smiled a small smile> 2lad relaCed some at the sight of that smile> GNone
of those so;nd like members> ,mmm >>> perhaps they ha:en8t infiltrated yo;r life> Can
yo; think of anyone elseH &omeone close to yo;? perhaps? someone yo; feel yo; can
2lad searched his memory? sighing> G-et8s see> There8s 2ikas? of co;rse> And the
:ampires in &iberia>G
G" tr;st 2ikas completely> %;t others in &iberia >>> well? let8s J;st keep an eye o;t for
familiar faces? shall weHG Tomas looked tro;bled? b;t determined> GAnyone elseHG
2lad chewed his bottom lip for a moment before answering> GThere was Dorian >>G ,is
dad8s eyes widened in instant shock> GDorianH *o; >>> met >>> DorianH8
)lashing thro;gh 2lad8s mind was e:ery enco;nter that 2lad had e:er had with
Dorian> )rom their initial meeting? where Dorian had tried to force him to gi:e his
blood? to the strange con:ersations in the oddest places? to their last meeting? when
Dorian had sa:ed his life by sacrificing his own> Try as he might? he co;ld not block
o;t how Dorian8s blood had tasted on his tong;e> ,e wet his lips and met his father8s
gaEe> GUm >>> yeah> *o; co;ld say that> *o; didn8t see him in the clearing that night?
the night yo; came backHG
Tomas shook his head? filling 2lad with dread> Dread beca;se he had to be the one to
share the news--news which pained him and wo;ld fore:er> G,e8s dead too>G
&o m;ch death? all s;rro;nding him> 2lad8s heart sank as he wondered if those
:ampires wo;ld still be ali:e had they not come into contact with him> &ometimes he
felt like he was poison? infecting e:eryone aro;nd him>
G,e J;mped in between Aoss and me? taking the stake for me> That8s why " was hitting
Aoss when yo; came ;p> " was going to kill him>G G" know yo; were> " co;ld see it in
yo;r eyes>G
G*o; stopped me> 6hyHG 2lad swallowed the e:er-present l;mp in his throat> G"
mean? Aoss is J;st a &layer? rightH &o why sa:e his lifeH 6hy stop me from killing
,is dad grew D;iet for a moment before speaking> G" stopped yo; beca;se " tho;ght if
yo;8d killed the boy? yo;8d ne:er forgi:e yo;rself>G G)or all yo; knew? we were
enemies in combat>G
Tomas shook his head> G6rong> Enemies don8t fight with s;ch determined passion>
That kind of foc;s is reser:ed for friends at odds with one another>G
After a long? silent moment--one filled with the realiEation that his dad still ;nderstood
him? e:en after all of those years apart--2lad sighed? ret;rning to the former s;bJect>
GAnyway> That J;st lea:es #tis? and #tis wo;ld ne:er plot against me>G
There was a pa;se before Tomas spoke in a distracted? s;ddenly worried :oice> GNo>>>
not #tis> ,e wo;ldn8t >>>G
)r;strated? 2lad ran a hand thro;gh his hair> "f what his dad was saying was right? his
problems had only beg;n to s;rface> G6hat are we going to doHG
Tomas met his eyes> G" need my Jo;rnal? 2lad> 6ithin it? "8:e contained some ;sef;l
tools that might help ;s> 6here is itHG
G" think Aoss has it> %;t there might be a problem getting it back> " forgot to grab it
from his backpack in the clearing that night? and " co;ldn8t get it from him at the
hospital> And now his parents ha:e taken him away for the s;mmer> &o this co;ld take
some time>G
Tomas m;ttered an Elysian c;rse ;nder his breath before patting 2lad reass;ringly on
the sho;lder> G6e8ll get it back> %;t for now? ;ntil we know who we can tr;st >>> this is
all between ;s? okayHG
The back screen door banged sh;t and 2lad and Tomas lifted their eyes to #tis as he
mo:ed thro;gh the kitchen> ,e pa;sed when he saw them in the li:ing room> #tis was
froEen in place? his disbelie:ing eyes locked on Tomas> The wondering silence
stretched on fore:er> #tis didn8t mo:e? didn8t e:en blink> Then the corner of his mo;th
twitched slightly>
Tomas darted a glance at 2lad before t;rning awkwardly back to his brother> G#tis >>>
it8s >>> it8s so good to see yo;>G
#tis stood there? silent as stone> Then he set his Jaw and went back o;t the door?
slamming it behind him> After a single heartbeat? Tomas followed>
Two heartbeats after that? 2lad strode o;t the door? determined not to be left behind>
E:en tho;gh he knew that he hadn8t been in:ited to this con:ersation>
6hen he finally ca;ght ;p to #tis? Tomas reached o;t? grabbed #tis by the slee:e>
G#tis? stop> -et me eCplain>G
&eemingly against his own good sense? #tis stopped and looked back at his brother>
GECplain whatH ECplain why 2lad has spent almost a decade witho;t a fatherH ECplain
why yo; chose to let him feel g;ilty of yo;r death all this timeH ,ow abo;t yo;
eCplain why the hell yo; decided to come back now? and why? rather than J;st coming
o;t of the shadows? yo;8:e let that poor kid walk aro;nd here thinking he was craEy for
seeing yo; that night in the clearingH 6ell? yo;8re clearly ali:e> *o;8re clearly back in
2lad8s life and "8m s;re e:erything will be J;st great from now on> 6hat more is there
to eCplainHG
2lad winced> ,e8d always known his ;ncle to be straightforward with his opinion? b;t
those remarks were meant to b;rn> To bleed? e:en> Tomas looked like he8d been
slapped> GPerhaps why " left in the first placeHG #tis sighed> G" am in no mood for fairy
tales? Tomas>G
2lad looked at his ;ncle> GDid it e:er occ;r to yo; that he might be telling the tr;thH
*o;8:e already J;dged him? #tis> 6itho;t e:en hearing a word abo;t why he was
gone> 6hy not listenH #r are yo; afraid that yo; might do the ;nthinkable and forgi:e
#tis held 2lad8s gaEe wordlessly and 2lad didn8t need to ask why he wasn8t speaking>
#tis was D;iet beca;se he knew that 2lad was right> And 2lad was right beca;se he
was afraid of the same thing? that he might forgi:e his father for ca;sing him so m;ch
pain if he listened so;ndly to Tomas8s eCc;ses> #nly he was willing to work past it>
Tomas p;rsed his lips? looking more than a little berated? fr;strated? and embarrassed>
6hat8s more? the look in his eyes said that he knew he8d wronged #tis? had wronged
e:eryone? and he wanted to make amends> GThe tr;th? then> The complete and ;tter
tr;th? which is all "8d intended to gi:e yo;? #tis> They were going to kill me> They
were going to kill me and kidnap 2lad? t;rning him to their own hatef;l p;rposes if "
came into contact with him> 6ith my absence? 2lad had a chance> " distracted them
with mind control and conf;sed them with glyphs> " led them away from my son so
that he wo;ld ha:e a chance at a f;lfilling life? a normal life> "f " hadn8t fled? who
knows what might ha:e happenedH ,is blood might ha:e been spilled all o:er the
#tis dropped his eyes to the gro;nd and his :oice became lower? D;ieter? o:erflowing
with disappointment> GThat8s why yo; left? b;t why did yo; stay goneH 6hy did yo;
stay silent all these yearsH *o; co;ld8:e reached o;t> Thro;gh me> Thro;gh 2ikas> %;t
yo; did nothing> *o; abandoned yo;r own son>G GTo protect himIG GTo protect
yo;rself>G 2lad8s Jaw hit the gro;nd? shocked> G#tis>>>G Tomas looked h;rt> G6hat are
yo; saying? #tisHG
G"8m saying yo;8re a coward>G #tis slanted his eyes? his words t;rning bitter> G*o; left
him? Tomas> 6hen yo;r son needed yo; the most? yo; left him> Don8t deny it> And
don8t yo; deny it either? 2ladimir> ,e left> 6hen things got ro;gh? he left> A;st to
protect himself> ,e8s selfish> ,e8s always been selfish>G The air was thick with tension>
2lad reached ;p and sD;eeEed #tis8s sho;lder? b;t #tis shook it away> G)orgi:e him if
yo; want? nephew> " ha:e better things to do>G
2lad8s heart felt hea:y? hollow> ,ere he was? standing between the two men who
meant the most to him in this world? and he8d ne:er felt so ;nhappy before> "t wasn8t
s;pposed to be like this> GUncle #tis? please don8t lea:e>G
#tis t;rned away then and Tomas took a step after him? desperation filling his tone>
G&o what yo;8re saying is that " left him >>> like " left yo;? when yo; needed me the
mostH 6ith barely a pa;se beforehand? #tis whipped aro;nd? sho:ing 2lad o;t of the
way> ,is fist flew thro;gh the air? connecting with Tomas8s eye> Tomas flew back
se:eral feet? landing on the gro;nd with a th;mp> DaEed? Tomas sat ;p and to;ched his
eye gingerly> #tis walked away witho;t another word>
Tomas sighed? his sho;lders sagging> ,e watched after his brother? so D;iet? absol;tely
o:erwhelmed by the se:erity of his mistake>
And it was J;st that> A mistake? a poor decision that he had made? hoping to protect his
son> E:en 2lad co;ld see that>
After a moment? Tomas looked ;p and met 2lad8s eyes? his cheeks fl;shed> The p;ffy
br;ise aro;nd his eye was already healing with :ampiric speed? t;rning from p;rple to
bl;e to green to yellow right before 2lad8s eyes> "n seconds? it looked as if the p;nch
had ne:er happened> G*o;r ;ncle is a diffic;lt man> &t;bborn> Terribly st;bborn>G
After a pa;se? 2lad helped his father to his feet and t;rned to follow #tis back to the
ho;se> G,e may be? b;t he does ha:e a point>G
The walk back to 2lad8s old ho;se was short? brisk? and D;iet >>> too D;iet> ,e co;ld
hear his father8s footsteps behind him>
#ne thing was s;re> "f #tis co;ld see Tomas too? then 2lad wasn8t craEy> The tho;ght
made him breathe a sigh of relief> %;t his ;ncle had raised some good D;estions>
9;estions that sent a prickle of angry electricity o:er 2lad8s ner:es> 6hy had his dad
waited so long to re:eal himselfH And where had he been this entire timeH
2lad p;lled open the back door and walked in? s;rprised to see #tis ha:ing a frantic
con:ersation with Nelly who c;t him off the moment she noticed her ward> The door
behind 2lad opened and Tomas stepped inside> Awkwardly? almost sheepishly? he
smiled and approached Nelly with open arms> GNelly>G
Nelly8s face paled> )or a moment? 2lad tho;ght he spied the glimmer of tears> GTomas>
*o;8re >>> yo;8re >>>G GAli:e? yes>G Tomas looked reproachf;l> G"8m sorry? Nelly> &o :ery
sorry>G G*o; sho;ld be> *o;8:e r;ined that boy8s life? Tomas> ,e blamed himself for
yo;r death> And for 0ell--G Nelly8s trembling hand fo;nd her mo;th and co:ered it in
hopef;l sorrow? her engagement ring twinkling in the low light> %;t Tomas shook his
head in reply to an ;nasked D;estion> 0ellina was dead>
Tears welled in Nelly8s eyes? spilling o:er onto her cheeks> &he shook her head> ,er
tone remained calm? b;t 2lad co;ld tell that she was f;rio;s> GDamn yo;? Tomas Tod>
Damn yo; for e:ery tear yo; made that boy shed> Damn yo; for e:ery worried tho;ght
in his head> 0ellina wo;ld ne:er ha:e--G
G" did it for him? Nelly> " left to protect 2lad>G Tomas8s words rang tr;e? b;t e:en so?
his reasons didn8t sit well with 2lad8s g;ardian> #r 2lad>
GDid it e:er occ;r to yo; that he might ha:e been better off with one parent than with
G,e was better off> ,e had yo;>G A small? charming smile t;gged at the corners of his
mo;th? and 2lad wondered how anyone co;ld resist that charm>
%;t then Nelly slapped his dad so hard that the so;nd echoed across the room> &he
mo:ed o;t the door? #tis on her heels? witho;t another word>
Tomas stood there? looking h;rt> ,is cheek had fl;shed pink? b;t D;ickly paled again>
G" s;ppose " deser:ed that>G
2lad was still angry? b;t he felt g;ilty for feeling that way> ,is dad co;ldn8t ha:e
intended any harm in doing what he did> And then when he finally comes back? to
right his wrongs? and to help any f;rther complications? he8s greeted with nothing b;t
f;ry and reJection> 2lad swallowed hard> GThey8re J;st angry> 6e8:e all been thro;gh
so m;ch>G
Tomas8s eyes shimmered> ,is pain was e:ident> 2lad co;ldn8t help b;t wonder what
had h;rt him more? their words or the p;nishment he was p;tting himself thro;gh>
GDid no one miss my presence eno;gh to o:erlook the pain "8:e ca;sed yo; >>> e:en for
a momentHG
2lad was abo;t to say that he had missed his father terribly? b;t J;st was so
o:erwhelmed with e:erything that had happened> %;t his words were c;t short while
still poised on the tip of his tong;e>
G)or a moment? my friend>G "t was a familiar :oice> 6arm and friendly and thickly
accented in rich !;ssian tones> 2lad was glad to hear it> A;dging by the so;nd in his
dad8s :oice? so was he> A smile lit ;p his feat;res as he t;rned to face his old friend>
G2ikas? yo; old dog>G
2ikas embraced him and patted his back ro;ghly? letting o;t a relie:ed la;gh> G*o;8:e
been missed? my old friend> That? " ass;re yo;> "t has been too long? Dya:ol? and it
seems yo;8:e already made s;ch a stirring with yo;r ret;rn from the dead>G
The look in Tomas8s eyes was a pained one as they mo:ed to the door and back>
G--will be fine> .i:e him time>G 2ikas smiled? looking back and forth between 2lad
and his father> GNow? let8s toast to this happy re;nion? and yo; and yo;r son can catch
;p some? ehHG 3
A CE-E%!AT"#N "NTE!!UPTED @a 2asIG 2ikas8s :oice was J;bilant? e:en if it
was sl;rring slightly> "n the last ho;r? the three of them--2lad> 2ikas? and Tomas--had
emptied three bottles of bloodwine> 2lad8s portion had been eCactly one glass >>> one
glass which had remained ;nto;ched and sitting in front of him the entire time> ,e
stared into it? trying to wrap his head aro;nd his father8s mirac;lo;s ret;rn> ,e sho;ld
ha:e been happy>
,e wasn8t> And he was feeling more than a little ashamed abo;t it>
After all? here he was? with his dad> Together again? at last> %;t all 2lad co;ld think of
was how he was s;pposed to t;rn his dad o:er to Em8s monstro;s whims> %y the end
of the year? he was going to ha:e to say goodbye to his dad again> This time? fore:er>
Tomas raised his glass with a bleary grin> G@a 2asIG
2lad set his goblet on the table> G&o where were yo;H This entire time yo; were gone?
" mean> 6hereHG
Tomas took another drink and said? GE:erywhere and nowhere? my son> " tra:eled the
globe? :isited my home in -ondon? stayed ;nseen> "t was lonely? 2lad> 0ore lonely
than yo; can e:er imagine> " co;ldn8t speak with many :ampires? since "8d risk
re:ealing myself to Em and others who cry o;t for my blood> &o " had a lot of time to
think> %y happy circ;mstance? " tra:eled to &iberia one day? and as " was spying on my
:ampire brethren there--o;t of loneliness? " s;ppose--" witnessed a f;neral pyre> A
c;rio;s thing? with no body to be fo;nd>G
2lad took in a sharp breath> ,is dad8s mock-f;neral> ,is dad had been there? after all>
G"magine my s;rprise to see a yo;nger :ersion of myself? standing before the pyre>G
A l;mp formed in 2lad8s throat at the memory> G"t was a trib;te to yo;> %;t " co;ldn8t
say goodbye>G ,is dad sD;eeEed his hand and held his gaEe> 6armth and compassion
ebbed from him> G" know> Thank yo; for that>G
2ikas took another swig from his goblet> G*o; ha:e a good son? Dya:ol> And he has a
good father> " hate to taint o;r con:ersation with bad news? b;t we ha:e yet to disc;ss
the foreboding shadow of Em and what has transpired in yo;r absence>G Tomas
nodded and refilled his glass> G#f co;rse> Please>G
2ikas met 2lad8s eyes for a moment? and 2lad was almost certain that he was going to
;se telepathy? to ask 2lad what he wanted his dad to know and what he might not want
to disc;ss on his dad8s first night officially back from the dead> %;t then 2ikas shook
his head? as if indicating that Tomas had the right to know all of it> )ort;nately? 2lad
agreed> Then 2ikas began> G2lad tra:eled to New *ork to accompany his ;ncle to his
trial> %;t in a rather shocking t;rn of e:ents? 2lad8s own pretrial was anno;nced> "t
was ;neCpected and completely against any conteCt of law that the Co;ncil of Elders
has e:er acknowledged> "t was shocking to hear his name fly from Em8s lips> #f
co;rse? now >>> yo;r ret;rn changes all that? Dya:ol>G
G,ow? eCactlyHG Tomas8s eyes grew wide? almost fearf;l> )or a moment? the
bloodwine released its bleary hold on him>
2ikas and 2lad eCchanged knowing glances> At their silent response? Tomas darted
his eyes to his son> G2lad> Tell me>G
2lad p;shed his chair back silently? and stood> ,e didn8t know how to tell his dad that
he had to choose between t;rning his father o:er to Elysia or facing his own demise>
,e mo:ed to the sink and tossed the contents of his goblet into it> The bloodwine
splashed against the sink8s insides and swirled down the drain> Crimson against
stainless steel> Down the drain--J;st as 2lad8s e:erything was abo;t to be> ,e co;ldn8t
t;rn his father in> &o death wo;ld come for him> ,e had no choice>
2lad leaned against the co;nter for a moment? taking a deep breath> ,e blew it o;t
slowly before t;rning aro;nd and meeting his father8s gaEe> Then? like a coward? he
t;rned to 2ikas> G6hat good will telling him do? 2ikasH No one can stop thisK no one
can help me>G
2ikas held ;p a calming hand> G#ne man can help yo;? 0ahlyenki Dya:ol> *o;r
father> Now tell him> Tell him what it is that Em eCpects yo; to do>G
Tomas pa;sed briefly at hearing 2lad8s nickname? then t;rned to face his son> G6hat
can " do? 2ladH "8ll do anything>G 2lad8s hands were shaking> ,e looked from 2ikas?
who nodded enco;ragement? to his father? who was waiting on edge> There was only
one thing that Em wanted> GEm says that " sho;ld t;rn yo; in by New *ear8s E:e? or
face my trial and eCpect death> %;t " can8t do that? Dad> " can8t t;rn yo; o:er to her>
&he8s a monster>G
Tomas ret;rned his goblet to the table with a th;mp> ,is tone shifted slightly? as if he
was losing patience with his son> G*o; sho;ld ha:e told me> The moment yo; saw me?
yo; sho;ld ha:e said something>G 2lad8s :oice dropped to a whisper> G6hy do yo;
so;nd angryHG
G%eca;se " am angry> Not at yo;> At myself> )or r;nning away in fear? for p;tting yo;
thro;gh hell? thinking that " was helping yo;? thinking that " was protecting yo; all this
time> %;t no> " was making it worseIG Tomas8s :oice had risen? his eyes growing moist
with anger and sorrow? regret and fr;stration> GUp ;ntil this point? " ha:e failed yo; as
a father? 2lad> %;t no more> " will face Elysian J;stice this December? and nothing will
change my mind abo;t that>G
A long silence passed> ,is dad held his gaEe? and 2lad8s heart sank with
;nderstanding> ,is dad wo;ld rather die than h;rt him again> No matter what 2lad
said or did? he was going to lose his family all o:er again> GDon8t> Don8t do that> "8ll be
damned if yo;8re going to take my dad away from me again after all of this time>G The
room grew terribly D;iet>
2lad set his Jaw and glared at his dad? the man he8d missed so m;ch since the day of
the fire? since the day he8d lost e:erything> ,is words were sharp? like dagger blades?
and aimed straight at Tomas> Tomas? who8d left him behind> Tomas? who8d made him
belie:e that his parents were both gone fore:er>
2lad shook his head? o:erwhelmed with emotions> Anger at losing his parents> Anger
at the possibility of losing his dad again> GDon8t> A;st don8t> " don8t want to hear another
word>G 2ikas cl;cked his tong;e> G2ladimir? that is no way to speak to yo;r--G
Tomas raised a hand? silencing 2ikas8s chastising interr;ption> ,is eyes ne:er left
2lad8s? b;t he didn8t speak> ,e was waiting? waiting for 2lad to ha:e his say> G" hate
the idea of losing yo; again> %;t what8s worse is that " hate yo; for being gone in the
first place> " hate yo; for not telling me where yo; were and that yo; were okay> " hate
yo; for endangering my life? Nelly8s life? and #tis8s life with yo;r lies> And " hate yo;
for letting 0om die? for not protecting her> " hate yo;G> 2lad crossed the room and
gripped the doorknob> "t was only then that he realiEed that his hands were shaking>
%efore stepping o;t the door? he whispered? beca;se it was all he co;ld bear to do>
G%;t the worst part is that " hate myself for hating yo;>G
2lad stepped o;tside> ,e wasn8t s;re where he was going? he only knew that where:er
it was? it had to be away from here? away from his dad? away from the pain that had
seeped into his chest? into his so;l> ,e had no idea what had come o:er him> ,e8d
forgi:en his father for being gone? and was so ;ndeniably happy to ha:e him back> ,e
had no eCplanation for the barbs on his tong;e> ECcept >>>
ECcept for the fact that he didn8t want to lose his dad again> Not after e:erything he8d
been thro;gh>
G0ahlyenki Dya:ol > > >G 2ikas8s words followed him o;t the door and h;ng in the
night> 2ikas came too? grabbing 2lad8s sho;lder gently? stopping his escape> %;t 2lad
knew what he was going to say> ,e was going to tell 2lad that he was wrong? to ;rge
him to apologiEe>
2lad bit his tong;e for a moment before speaking> GNothing yo; can say will take
away how " feel? 2ikas> &o don8t bother>G
%oth were D;iet for a long time> Then? J;st as 2lad had lifted his foot to step off the
porch? 2ikas spoke again> Calmly> Almost serenely> GDid it e:er occ;r to yo; what it
m;st ha:e been like for yo;r fatherH ,e lost his wife and his son and all of Elysia in
one day> "n one fell swoop? he lost all sense of family--and was forced to keep his
distance from his only son? in order to protect him? not knowing if it really wo;ld> Can
yo; imagine the pain that he8s eCperiencedH 6e8:e all been thro;gh a lot since that
day? 2ladimir> %;t who has s;ffered moreH *o; had the lo:e of Nelly and then later?
#tis> " had Elysia> *o;r father had no one> No one and nothing to D;iet the ache in his
2lad released a sh;ddered breath> &elfish--that8s what he8d been> 2ikas was right> ,e8d
had it bad? b;t Tomas >>> he8d had it far worse> At least 2lad had a family in Nelly and
#tis> At least he had Elysia with 2ikas and the other :ampires? if only for a moment>
2ikas sD;eeEed his sho;lder? ;rging him inside> GCome? 0ahlyenki Dya:ol> " belie:e
the g;ilt that Tomas feels for lea:ing yo; is p;nishment eno;gh for his wrongdoing>
Don8t yo;HG
6ith sagging sho;lders? 2lad mo:ed back into the ho;se? where Tomas was waiting>
Tomas was still sitting at the table? his eyes lowered? his eCpression s;bd;ed> ,e
waited a moment? pa;sing? as if to form J;st the right words in the forefront of his
mind> #nce he had them? he spoke? his :oice soft? soothing> G*o; didn8t gi:e me a
chance to respond>G
#f co;rse 2lad didn8t> .i:ing him that chance wo;ld8:e opened 2lad ;p to more
heartache? and he wasn8t eCactly in the mood> ,e had no choice now b;t to listen>
%eca;se 2ikas was right> 2lad was p;shing away the father who he lo:ed? who he8d
missed for so long> And all beca;se he was scared to death of losing him all o:er
A pensi:e look crossed Tomas8s face> #ne f;ll of meaning? and regret> GPerhaps yo;
sho;ld hate me>G
A soft breeEe blew thro;gh the open window? r;stling the drapes> "t was the only
so;nd ;ntil his dad spoke again>
G" like to think that " left Elysia to protect yo;r mother? and that " left %athory to
protect yo;? b;t the tr;th? 2lad--the real tr;th--is that " was afraid? am afraid? and it is
beca;se of my fear? my cowardice? that yo;r mother is gone and yo;r life is in
contin;o;s danger> " can8t deny it> " can8t take it back> %;t " am more sorry for my
cowardice than yo; co;ld e:er belie:e? more filled with regret than " ha:e e:er been in
my fo;r h;ndred and twenty-three years on this earth> And " promise yo;? " will spend
the rest of my days making it ;p to yo; howe:er " can> "f that means doing the right
thing this time aro;nd and not r;nning? then so be it>G Tears shimmered in his eyes>
,is :oice grew gr;ff> G"8m sorry? 2lad> 0ore sorry than yo;8ll e:er know? son> " was
2lad felt his resol:e melt away> &wallowing the threat of tears? he met his father8s
eyes> ,e was abo;t to tell his dad that e:erything was going to be okay? that as long as
he st;ck aro;nd and they fig;red o;t what to do abo;t Em8s looming deadline?
e:erything wo;ld work o;t> %;t then the door opened? and #tis stepped inside> The air
thickened with tension>
2ikas gest;red with his eyes to the stairs? b;t 2lad shook his head> ,e wasn8t lea:ing>
Not now> Not while his dad and #tis were at odds>
#tis took a step? then another? as if he hoped to D;ietly mo:e past Tomas? and end the
con:ersation before it had a chance to begin> %;t Tomas wo;ld ha:e none of it> ,e
spoke with a raspy? h;shed :oice> G#tis? please> &it> -et8s talk abo;t whate:er8s
tro;bling yo;>G G" think yo; know :ery well what tro;bles me? Tomas>G G0y presence?
tho;gh " admit? "8m conf;sed by yo;r reaction> " had tho;ght--G
G6hate:er yo; tho;ght doesn8t matter? beca;se the fact remains that yo; are J;st as
selfish as yo; e:er were>G #tis8s tone changed then? still stern? b;t open to hearing
what Tomas had to say> G" want answers? Tomas>G ,e flicked his eyes to 2lad and
back> G6e all do>G
2ikas parted his lips and #tis snapped? his :oice rising in :enomo;s ;pset? GAnd "
want them from Tomas? 2ikas>G Tomas was D;iet for a while? then said? G&o m;ch
anger coming from my brother --G G,alf brother? rememberHG
G*es> As it seems yo; will not let me forget?G Tomas whispered> G&o m;ch anger
coming from my half brother and my son >>> an eCplanation is warranted? for certain>
%;t? #tis? "8m not arrogant eno;gh to ask for or eCpect forgi:eness from either of yo;--
only compassion> "8:e been alone for so :ery long> And my decision to ret;rn --no
matter what it might mean to 2lad8s life--was not an easy one to come by> &o please? if
yo; wo;ld? gi:e me time? and " will eCplain e:erything that yo; ask of me>G 2lad
looked at #tis? half begging him to listen? half ;nderstanding why he wo;ldn8t> #tis
a:oided his gaEe entirely? b;t 2lad wasn8t s;re why>
G6hen yo;8re really ready? ready to be totally honest? Tomas? yo; know how to find
me> Until then? my compassion waits in preser:e>G The back door slammed? signifying
#tis8s abr;pt eCit> 4
%!#T,E!& "N A!0& "T 6A& T,!EE DA*& before #tis and Tomas spoke again>
2lad had spent many ho;rs at his old ho;se? keeping his dad company? e:en tho;gh
Tomas had been eerily D;iet? dist;rbingly reser:ed> Tomas had been keeping :igil
inside his home? his eyes rarely straying from the windows> 2lad wo;ld ha:e bet
anything that he was waiting for #tis? waiting for his brother to come to his senses and
talk to him> %;t #tis? as Tomas had said? was a :ery st;bborn man> Not that 2lad
co;ld blame him>
2lad had J;st rinsed o;t their m;gs after a fine meal of A positi:e topped off with
mini-marshmallows--a :ampire8s answer to hot cocoa--when his dad stood? with a
determined look in his eye? and walked o;t the back door> 6hen he looked to 2ikas
for answers? the !;ssian merely shr;gged and said? GPerhaps the silence is abo;t to be
broken> *o; sho;ld go with him? 0ahlyenki Dya:ol> "n case > > >G %;t he didn8t finish
his sentence? lea:ing 2lad to wonder in case what>
!egardless? 2lad followed> 6hen he ca;ght ;p to his dad? he said nothing? only kept
him company? secretly pleased that Tomas was clearly heading for Nelly8s ho;se>
6hen they got there? Tomas pa;sed on the porch steps? as if do;bting his earlier
determination> 2lad frowned and strode forward? opening the door and calling o;t for
his a;nt> GNelly? do we ha:e any cookiesH "8m feeling snacky>G
Taking a deep breath? Tomas walked ;p the steps and thro;gh the door? closing it
D;ietly behind him>
G" J;st baked some> Chocolate chip>G Nelly walked into the room? drying her hands on
a kitchen towel> 6hen she spied Tomas standing there? her face paled> )or a moment?
2lad tho;ght she might order him o;t of her ho;se> %;t then she said? G6o;ld yo; like
a cookie? TomasH They8re still warm>G !elief flooded Tomas8s eyes> GThank yo;> "8d
lo:e one>G Then? as if it were the most nat;ral thing in the world? Nelly mo:ed forward
and h;gged him tightly? wordlessly>
2lad wasn8t s;re how long #tis had been in the room? b;t he saw him now? watching
Tomas with a wary gaEe>
Tomas wrapped his arms gently aro;nd Nelly and whispered words of comfort> ,e
and #tis eCchanged glances? b;t 2lad wasn8t s;re what those glances meant>
)inally? Tomas released Nelly from the embrace? meeting her eyes with a kind smile>
#tis stepped forward and p;t an arm aro;nd her? almost protecti:ely> Nelly dabbed at
her eyes with the towel and released a shaking breath> ,er eyes hadn8t left Tomas e:en
once since he8d entered the room> G"8m glad yo; came o:er> "t8s time things got back to
normal aro;nd here>G
Tomas nodded? his smile slipping into a sorrowf;l p;rse of the lips> GNelly? can yo;
e:er find it in yo;r heart to forgi:e meHG
)or the first time? Nelly looked o:er at #tis> 6hen #tis lowered his eyes and said
nothing? the anger still boiling off of him? she set her Jaw st;bbornly and forced a
smile> GThere8s nothing to forgi:e> *o; m;st ha:e been terrified? so yo; ran> Anyone
who wo;ld claim that they8d ha:e done otherwise is likely kidding themsel:es>G 2lad
co;ldn8t be certain? b;t that so;nded like a Jab at #tis> Tomas looked relie:ed>
Nelly clapped her hands together> G"t8s getting late and "8m tired> "8m s;re 2ladimir is
eCha;sted too> 6hy don8t " get yo; two boys some A% negati:e to go with yo;r
cookies and lea:e yo; to celebrate yo;r re;nionHG
2lad looked from Nelly to his dad and ;ncle> ,e wasn8t tired in the least and Nelly
looked abo;t as perky as one can get> #tis8s eyes began to slant in a glare at her
s;ggestion? b;t then he ca;ght himself? as if he J;st realiEed he was abo;t to flash a
dirty look at the woman he lo:ed> Nelly met his eyes? her tone serio;s? b;t gentle> G)or
me? #tis> Please> And for yo;r nephew>G
As if remembering that 2lad was in the room? #tis glanced at him? his sho;lders
relaCing some? almost in defeat> ,e co;ldn8t fight Nelly> ,e8d lose> 2lad had learned
that years ago> The woman had an arsenal of g;ilt-ind;cing tools and was adept at
e:ery one of them> G2ladimirH *o;8re tired? rightHG Nelly looked at him eCpectantly>
The clock on the wall said it was J;st a few min;tes after se:en> The s;n was still
shining o;tside> %;t Nelly wanted him to go ;pstairs? to lea:e #tis and Tomas alone to
hash o;t details that she tho;ght might harm him in some way> %;t 2lad wasn8t abo;t
to lea:e> ,e had a right to the answers that Tomas wo;ld gi:e> ,e shook his head at
his g;ardian? defiant> G"8m not going anywhere? Nelly> " ha:e e:ery right to hear this>G
Nelly looked pained and ca;ght? b;t e:ent;ally she nodded and headed ;p the stairs
alone> 6hen her bedroom door clicked sh;t? 2lad t;rned to face his father and ;ncle>
G)iC this> %eca;se it8s killing me to see the two people " care most abo;t in this world
hating one another> )iC it> )or me>G
#tis and Tomas eCchanged looks--long? silent? lingering looks that spoke :ol;mes>
)inally? #tis nodded> ,e wo;ld do anything for his nephew> G" need answers? Tomas>G
Tomas looked relie:ed> G" need D;estions to answer> Ask them> -et8s be done with
#tis met his gaEe> The defiance and anger had completely left his tone> All that was
left behind was c;riosity and ;nderstanding> G6here ha:e yo; been all this timeHG
GE:erywhere> ,iding o;t like a dog> #ccasionally spying on Elysia>G G#n meH #n
2ladHG G*es>G
2lad chewed his bottom lip for a moment> "t was ;nsettling to think that his dad had
been watching him and #tis> ,e co;ldn8t help b;t wonder what his dad might ha:e
#tis shook his head> "t was apparent he was wondering the same thing> G6hy not
confide in ;s that yo; were afraid for yo;r lifeHG
2lad sat forward? nodding> G6e co;ld8:e helped hide yo; with glyphs and st;ff> *o;
wo;ldn8t ha:e been so alone> And we co;ld8:e been together>G Tomas8s eyes went wide
with horror at the tho;ght> G" co;ldn8t endanger either of yo; that way>G
GThat8s st;pid>G 2lad shook his head? holding his dad8s gaEe> G"f yo; can8t co;nt on
yo;r family? who can yo; co;nt onHG
After a moment? his dad sighed hea:ily> G*o;8re right> " was being st;pid> " see that
now>G G6hy did yo; wait so long to come backHG #n the heels of #tis8s D;estion? 2lad
added? GAnd why come back nowHG
Tomas ran a trembling hand thro;gh his hair> G" had planned ne:er to ret;rn> E:er> To
let yo; both belie:e that " had perished> To disappear into the night? the sole carrier of
my horrific b;rden> %;t " recently o:erheard a con:ersation between Em and another
:ampire that s;ggested yo;r life may be in danger? 2lad> " knew " had to come back? to
help yo; if " co;ld> " had no idea that it was something as serio;s as a trial>G
GAnd 0ellinaH "s she tr;ly > > >G #tis :oice was firm? g;arded? b;t something else
l;rked beneath the s;rface> Pain>
Tomas8s :oice cracked> ,e so;nded like he was crying? b;t no tears fell> GDead> " don8t
know who the other person in that bed was> " can only ass;me the worst>G
2lad looked away> ,e didn8t want to hear abo;t his mom> ,e didn8t want to hear that
she8d been with someone else the day she died? or that she was dead after all> ,e
blocked it o;t from his emotions and pretended not to ha:e heard a single word abo;t
it> E:en tho;gh e:ery syllable had been etched into his heart with a raEor>
#tis8s :oice was caring? kind? f;ll of empathy> ,e was the ;ncle that 2lad had come to
know and lo:e once again> ,e leaned across the table and grasped Tomas8s hand in his>
G)rom all that Nelly8s told me? Tomas? 0ellina lo:ed yo; deeply> Don8t think s;ch
things of her> There has to be another eCplanation>G
There was a long pa;se> Then Tomas spoke again? his :oice h;shed? his eyes red with
the threat of tears> G6ill yo; forgi:e me? #tisH Can yo; possibly? e:en remotely? see
yo;rself forgi:ing me one dayH #r is my one hope a lost ca;seHG GNelly forgi:es yo;>
2ladimir has forgi:en yo;r>G
2lad glanced at his ;ncle> #tis knew> #tis knew that 2lad had forgi:en his father?
when 2lad hadn8t said a word> %;t he didn8t need telepathy for that> "t was ob:io;s to
anyone with a brain> 2lad lo:ed his dad> And had completely? totally forgi:en him for
any pain his actions might ha:e ca;sed> "t was o:er> "t was done> "t was past tense
now> #tis sighed> G6hat choice do " ha:eHG
2lad stood> ,e placed a hand on his dad8s sho;lder? and a hand on #tis8s? then
sD;eeEed> G"t8s abo;t time> Can " get yo; g;ys something to drinkHG #tis nodded>
G%loodwine? please? 2ladimir>G Tomas nodded as well>
2lad headed into the kitchen? ea:esdropping as he reached for a bottle of bloodwine
and str;ggled with the cork> Tomas said? G6hat can " do to pro:e myself to yo;? my
G*o;8re forgetting something? aren8t yo;HG #tis8s tone was s;ddenly clipped? somewhat
Tomas sighed? his tone f;ll of regret> G#tis? when " called yo; my half brother that
day? the day " left Elysia behind for the lo:e of 0ellina? when " implied that yo; were
less to me than a tr;e brother? that yo; were only partly my family? partly of my
blood >>> please know that it was o;t of anger and fr;stration> "8d wanted to make a
clean break with yo; before r;nning off with 0ellina> " was so terrified that if " did
not? yo; wo;ld t;rn on me? as yo; did on 2ikas> " was terrified that yo;r lo:e of Elysia
wo;ld o:ershadow yo;r lo:e of o;r brotherhood>G
#tis8s :oice h;shed then to almost a whisper> GNothing means more to me? Tomas>
,ow co;ld yo; think s;ch a thingHG
G*o; lo:ed 2ikas as well> %;t look at Nadya? the h;man who 2ikas so deeply lo:ed?
and how D;ickly yo; sabotaged his life with her>G ,is tone wasn8t angry? wasn8t
acc;sing in the least> A;st matter of fact> 2lad remembered his con:ersation with 2ikas
abo;t #tis8s betrayal> 2ikas had lo:ed a h;man? and #tis had notified the co;ncil of
his lawbreaking> "t made perfect sense that Tomas had feared a repeat> ,e sat the cork
on the co;nter and retrie:ed three goblets> As he po;red them f;ll to the brim with the
spicy blood? he heard #tis admit something that he wondered if he had e:er admitted
to 2ikas> #tis8s :oice grew gr;ff? like he was on the :erge of tears> G" was wrong>
0isg;ided>G GAnd nowHG
GNow > > > now " ha:e Nelly>G ,e grew D;iet for a moment? and when he contin;ed?
2lad co;ld almost hear the smile on his lips? see the slight bl;sh in his cheeks> G6ere
to be married in the spring>G Tomas ch;ckled some> G0y brotherH 0arry a h;manHG
GNelly isn8t J;st any h;man> &he8s special>G G#f that "8m well aware>G
#tis sighed? dropping his :oice to a near-whisper? perhaps so that 2lad wo;ld not
o:erhear> GThe Co;ncil of Elders eCpects 2ladimir to deli:er yo; by the end of the
year> 6hat do yo; propose we doHG
2lad picked ;p the glasses? sloshing bloodwine as he mo:ed slowly back to the dining
2lad8s dad was D;iet for a moment? as if m;lling his sit;ation o:er before speaking>
G6e8ll do J;st that> %;t for now? let8s keep my presence D;iet> .i:e me some time with
my son before " die>G
GTomas>G #tis pa;sed? as if the s;bJect were a sensiti:e one> "t was> G*o; know how
Em is> "8m certain she plans to kill him too? no matter if yo; t;rn yo;rself o:er or not>G
Tomas8s :oice shook slightly> G" know> %;t " will do anything within my power to stop
that from happening>G
GAnd " will help yo;>G There was a pa;se then? and when #tis spoke again--e:en
tho;gh he spoke J;st two simple words--2lad knew that all was well between his
father and ;ncle> ,e knew that somehow? Tomas had earned #tis8s tr;st back? and that
e:erything wo;ld be okay between then from now on> #tis8s :oice cracked slightly as
he spoke again> G0y brother>G 15
A )!"END "N NEED 2-AD8& ,EAD 6A& &P"NN"N. in a million different
directions? kind of like his feet had been d;ct taped to the side of the .ra:itron ride at
the carni:al> ,e8d lain in bed for fo;r ho;rs straight? b;t sleep ref;sed to come> 0ostly
beca;se that little :oice in his head ref;sed to sh;t ;p>
"t spoke of his dad8s mirac;lo;s ret;rn and #tis8s strange reaction> %;t mostly? it spoke
of &now> "n fact? it wo;ldn8t sh;t ;p abo;t her>
E:ery time he rolled o:er? closed his eyes? or breathed? an image wo;ld cross his
mind> Piecing them together? he co;ld see her as he8d left her the last time he saw her>
,e8d gi:en her a rose? bitten her forcibly? and p;shed her o;t of his life> At the time it
had felt right to release &now as his dr;dge? b;t e:er since then? 2lad was weighed
down by regret> And worse yet? he co;ldn8t think of the right way to apologiEe? the
right way to plead for forgi:eness and tell her how he felt> 0ostly beca;se he didn8t
know how he felt> And that? co;pled with tho;ghts abo;t his dad? was keeping him
awake> &o he slipped D;ietly? ;nnoticed? from the ho;se? and walked> And tho;ght>
,is tho;ghts were J;mbled>
2lad sighed and whipped his head aro;nd? looking for a street sign> ,e8d been walking
so long that he8d forgotten which direction he8d been walking in> "t was only then that
he realiEed where he8d ended ;p>
,e stood there for a long? silent? ;ncertain moment? staring at the ho;se? D;estioning
whether or not he sho;ld knock> 6ith a deep breath? he forced himself ;p the porch
steps and? before he co;ld stop himself? he raised his fist and knocked>
No one wo;ld answer> After all? it was almost midnight now> And e:en if someone did
answer? 2lad wo;ld ha:e bet his life? that someone wo;ld be :ery large and :ery
angry to see him>
6hen the so;nd of mo:ement inside reached his ears? he almost bolted? b;t held fast?
despite his fear of ha:ing his limbs ripped from his body> ,e co;ld do this> After all?
he was in need of a friend>
The door opened to re:eal pink f;EEy slippers--they reminded 2lad of cotton candy--
and an eD;ally pink robe> .littery pink lip gloss co:ered her lips still? as if she8d J;st
beg;n getting ready for bed and hadn8t D;ite remo:ed her make;p J;st yet>
&;rprise lit ;p 0eredith8s eyes> &he wasn8t smiling? b;t to 2lad8s relief? she wasn8t
frowning or glaring either> G,ey >>> 2lad> *o;8re o;t late> 6hat8s ;pHG
2lad sho:ed his th;mbs in his front pockets? dropping his eyes back down to her
cotton candy slippers> G" >>> was wondering if we co;ld talk> " mean? " co;ld really ;se
someone to talk to> "s that >>> is that okayHG
"t took him se:eral seconds? b;t when he looked ;p? he saw 0eredith was smiling> G#f
co;rse> "s the porch swing okayH 0ore pri:acy o;t here>G
A bit taken aback by s;rprise? 2lad nodded> 0eredith mo:ed past him and sat on the
wooden porch swing? patting the seat neCt to her> 2lad followed and sat down? the
wood creaking beneath his body? the chains sD;eaking some as the swing mo:ed> ,e
sat there for a long time? ;ns;re of how to begin> 0eredith remained silent>
)inally? 2lad cleared his throat> G&omething strange and kinda awesome has happened
and "8m a little messed ;p abo;t it>G
,e waited to see what 0eredith had to say> 6hen her only response was silence? he
fig;red he sho;ld probably gi:e her a little bit more information> ,e also fig;red he
sho;ld talk abo;t his dad and not &now> G"t t;rns o;t my dad s;r:i:ed the ho;se fire a
few years back> ,e8s > > > he8s back home now>G
,e looked at 0eredith? at her hand finding her mo;th open in shock> Then he nodded>
GThat8s pretty m;ch how " reacted too> The thing is >>> " tho;ght "8d be happy to see him
again> %;t mostly? "8m angry> And " feel really? really g;ilty for being so mad> " mean?
he8s had it ro;gh? what with losing my mom and then being so far away from me for so
long> And then he comes back and his son is mad at him for being gone>G
0eredith8s shock had eased some> &he reached o:er and took 2lad8s hand in hers? her
:oice soft and caring? like he knew it wo;ld be> &ome things yo; co;ld J;st co;nt on>
G"t8s okay to be angry? y8know> " mean? he disappeared for years> *o; tho;ght he was
dead? and then he shows ;p ali:eH "8d be angry too? " bet? if my dad did that>G ,er hand
was soft and warm? and 2lad really liked the way it felt in his> 0aybe too m;ch>
&he eyed him for a moment? a bit of sadness creeping into her eyes? as if she were
thinking the same thing> Then she released his hand> G" can only imagine how yo;
m;st be feeling right now> *o; m;st be freaking o;t> ,as he said where he8s been all
this timeHG
2lad shook his head slowly? relie:ed that 0eredith seemed to ;nderstand? relie:ed that
it was okay that he was mad at his father for abandoning him> G,e says he8s been all
o:er the world? kind of on the r;n> %;t he says he only stayed away to protect me from
something> &omething awf;l>G G,e m;st lo:e yo; a lot>G G0aybe that8s why " feel so
g;ilty abo;t being angry with him>G
G"8m not the smartest girl in the world? 2lad? b;t if "8:e learned one thing? it8s thisB
forgi:eness is cr;cial> "f yo; can8t forgi:e someone yo;8re mad at? that anger will
poison yo;> *o; ha:e to learn to let it go>G ,er hand was in his once again> &oft?
warm? and caring> )amiliar> !ight? e:en tho;gh it was wrong> GPeople ha:e reasons for
doing the things that they do? especially when they care abo;t yo;> *o; may not
always ;nderstand what they are? b;t if yo; can try to ;nderstand the person then yo;
might see that they really care? despite what happened>G
2lad met her eyes then> 6ith his peripheral :ision? he co;ld see fireflies glowing
softly all aro;nd the porch> A slight breeEe br;shed a stray hair from her eyes? and the
streetlight made her lip gloss shine slightly> 6hen 2lad spoke? his :oice was h;shed?
and he already knew the answer to his D;estion? b;t had to ask it anyway> GAre we still
talking abo;t my dadHG
The air between them warmed and before 2lad knew it? the space between them
shrank> ,e wasn8t s;re who mo:ed first or if they mo:ed in at the same time> ,e only
knew that their lips met in a tender kiss? and that neither p;lled away for se:eral
seconds> 6hen they did part? howe:er? a flash of g;ilt crossed 0eredith8s eyes> .;ilt
beca;se she had a thing for Aoss? the way Aoss had a thing for her> .;ilt beca;se she
and 2lad were o:er>
&omething str;ck 2lad that hadn8t before> The kiss? while perfectly nice? hadn8t made
his toes c;rl? hadn8t sent his heart into that fl;ttery rhythm? hadn8t made him diEEy with
happiness the way it had before> %eca;se 2lad had known better kisses> 7isses from a
girl called &now>
AmaEing? endearing? heartfelt kisses> 7isses that he had been missing not J;st with his
lips? b;t with his :ery so;l>
0;lling this o:er? 2lad wiped her lip gloss from his lips with the back of his hand>
2ampires? after all? didn8t sparkle>
0eredith stayed D;iet for a long time> 2lad wasn8t s;re what to say to break the
tension between them> )inally? as if pretending that the kiss hadn8t happened-- which
was probably for the best--she said? G2lad >>> "8m really glad yo; came here tonight>
6e8re friends? rightH 6e can talk abo;t st;ff> &t;ff that8s on o;r minds> &t;ff that
bothers ;s> Can8t weHG
2lad shr;gged? his tho;ghts still on &now> &now8s lips> &now8s porcelain skin> &now8s
;ndeniably wonderf;l e:erything> G#f co;rse>G
0eredith took a deep breath and f;rrowed her brow? her fingers c;rling o:er the edge
of the wooden swing> G#kay? so look >>> " know that yo; probably don8t like Aoss :ery
2lad snapped his eyes to her in a warning--a warning that this s;bJect was definitely
off-limits--b;t she persisted> G%;t he8s really concerned abo;t yo;> ,e sent me this e-
mail? mentioned that yo;8d gotten in a fight--G
2lad stood and mo:ed across the porch? throwing his goodbyes o:er his sho;lder> G"t
was nice talking with yo;? 0eredith> "8:e gotta go? b;t >>> "8ll see yo; aro;nd? okayHG
0eredith stood and followed him to the edge of the porch> As 2lad mo:ed down the
steps to the sidewalk? she spoke again> GA;st so yo; know? "8m not mad anymore> Not
abo;t how yo; broke ;p with me>G 2lad8s steps slowed> This he hadn8t eCpected at all>
,e raised his eyebrows in s;rprise? t;rning back to face her> G*o;8re notHG
0eredith shook her head? a soft brown c;rl falling to her cheek> ,er eyes were f;ll of
reason and sensibility--two D;alities 2lad tr;ly belie:ed he didn8t possess> G"8m s;re
yo; had yo;r reasons? and whate:er they were? they m;st8:e been pretty important>G
2lad swallowed hard? not eCactly anCio;s to disc;ss what his reasons were> After all?
he8d tried that once at the &now %all? and it backfired big-time> There wo;ld be no
telling 0eredith the tr;th> Not again> &he8d pro:en that she co;ldn8t handle hearing it>
,e dropped his gaEe to his shoes for a moment> GThey were>G
&he grew D;iet for a moment? and when she spoke? her lips trembled slightly> GAre yo;
still going o;t with that girl >>> the one yo; bro;ght to the &now %allHG
A hot pain flashed across 2lad8s chest> #ne of immense loss> &now> #h? how he
missed her> ,e shook his head? wondering where this con:ersation was going? b;t
hoping for a drastic change in s;bJect> GNot really> 6e don8t talk m;ch anymore>
,e didn8t mention that they didn8t talk m;ch beca;se 2lad was a:oiding her at all costs
o;t of fear he might h;rt her >>> or worse? lo:e her so completely that he co;ldn8t stay
away from her> Not to mention that he didn8t know how to apologiEe for the way he8d
left her> &ome things? he fig;red? were best left ;nsaid>
G2lad >>>G &he tilted her head to the side? her eyes large and sad> G>>> abo;t what yo;
said to me that night> *o; were >>> yo; were J;st kidding aro;nd? rightH Abo;t being
a >>> a :ampireHG
2lad8s heart sank> "t was here--his moment? the perfect time to admit his deepest secret
to 0eredith once again? to let her know who and what he really was> &he8d asked him>
All he had to do was confirm it>
%;t he co;ldn8t> "t wo;ld shatter her> E:en now? he co;ld see the pleading in her eyes?
pleading with him to take it all away? make it not so? gi:e her back the world she
tho;ght she li:ed in>
2lad sighed? and shook his head? slipping his hands inside his pockets and dropping
his gaEe to the gro;nd> ,is :oice was barely a whisper in the night> G*eah> "t was
nothing> A;st a Joke>G
The night shrank in aro;nd him? making him feel small? insignificant? st;pid> All he
wanted was to tell her the tr;th> ,e co;ldn8t e:en get that right>
0eredith8s :oice was D;iet? soft? tinged with a hint of s;rprise? as if she8d eCpected him
to tell her the opposite of what he had> G#h>G
,e looked at her then? and not for the first time wondered what Aoss had told her abo;t
his nighttime acti:ities? and abo;t 2lad> ,e took a deep breath and p;shed all of his
D;estions deep down inside of him> &ome things he co;ld not bring himself to tell? and
some things he co;ld not bring himself to ask> 6ith a hea:y sigh? he met her gaEe>
G.ood night? 0eredith>G
&he nodded? as if he8d answered her D;estion with his less than forthcoming reply>
G.ood night? 2lad>G 11
)A0"-* T,E TE0PE!ATU!E ,AD D!#PPED &#0E? hinting that s;mmer was
on its way o;t already? and a;t;mn was J;st aro;nd the corner> 6hich meant that
school was also J;st aro;nd the bend> &chool> );ll of tests and books and teachers and
the d;ll doldr;ms of 2lad8s senior year>
#n the ;pside? there were also dances? l;nchtime goofery? and the general bliss of
knowing that? ass;ming he passed all of his classes? it was his last year at %athory
,igh> ,is final moments> 6hich meant saying goodbye--something that 2lad was
eCperienced at> &omething he had been preparing for? for many years>
After all? he8d known better than many of the kids he went to school with what it
meant to say goodbye> To 2lad? saying goodbye was a painf;l? sometimes impossible
thing to do>
%;t for now? he p;shed tho;ghts of school away and looked at his dad? who was
standing at his side? staring down at all that was left of 0ellina8s memory> The
tombstone8s inscription lied abo;t who was b;ried there? incl;ding his father8s name
only beca;se he and Nelly had made an ass;mption> %;t the tr;th? the tr;th of her
name? stood o;t like a deep? dark shadow on the pale gray of the headstone>
0E--"NA T#DB %E-#2ED 0#T,E! AND 6")E? .#NE )#!E2E!> &;re? the
inscription didn8t read that> %;t it might as well ha:e>
%eside him? his father stared sorrowf;lly at 0ellina8s gra:e> No tears fell? b;t 2lad
co;ld tell he8d shed more than a few already o:er the loss of his wife> Clearing his
throat? 2lad said? GDo yo; think she8d be pro;d of meHG Tomas didn8t miss a beat>
G"mmensely pro;d> 6itho;t a do;bt>G
2lad sighed? br;shing the bangs from his eyes> G" barely sD;eak by my math classes> "
can8t keep a girlfriend> "8m not eCactly 0r> Pop;larity> Do yo; think she8d care abo;t
any of thatHG
,is dad shook his head? his eyes still on 0ellina8s headstone> GNot e:en for a second>
*o;r mother wo;ld be :ery pro;d of the man yo;8re becoming? 2lad>G 2lad
swallowed hard? hesitating for a moment before he spoke> GAre yo;HG The hint of a
smile to;ched his lips as he met 2lad8s eyes> GAbsol;tely>G 2lad felt a h;ge weight lift
from his sho;lders? from his so;l>
,is dad was pro;d of him> Despite e:erything> Despite all of his flaws> Despite his
initial anger at Tomas8s ret;rn>
The world swirled before 2lad8s eyes> "nstantly? he was transported into a waking
mo:ie? the same way he had been right after he8d drank from Dorian> ,e saw himself
at Nelly8s ho;se? standing behind his father? behind #tis? who all looked intensely
angry> Nelly was off to the side? her eyes wide? terrified> &tanding in front of them
were two :ampires? their fangs eCposed> The tall? thin :ampire growled? G>>> come with
;s now? or we will kill yo;r h;man>G
,is eyes mo:ed to Nelly and the :ision went away J;st as D;ickly as it had come?
swirling down the imaginary drain it had slithered ;p> 2lad8s heart rammed against his
6hen he came back to the cemetery? back to reality? he was lying on the gro;nd> ,is
father was looking at him with frightened eyes? as if 2lad had simply cr;mpled to the
gro;nd witho;t warning> 2lad J;mped to his feet and took off toward Nelly8s ho;se?
dragging his dad by the slee:e> G6e ha:e to get to NellyI There are :ampires there>
Nelly8s in dangerIG They both broke into a r;n? b;t not before Tomas said? G,ow do
yo; know? 2ladH ,ow do yo; know that8s tr;eHG
An image passed thro;gh 2lad8s mind--Dorian? wise? dangero;s Dorian? lying
bleeding? dying at the hand of Aoss> 2lad had dr;nk his blood beca;se Dorian insisted?
and it had changed him fore:er> "t had gi:en him :isions--two now--of the f;t;re> %;t
he said none of this> "nstead? he said? G" J;st know? okayH Now let8s mo:e>G
2lad raced ahead? the wind whipping thro;gh his hair as he ran> ,e didn8t think abo;t
any of his fellow %athory residents or what they might think if they saw him mo:ing
with s;ch incredible? inh;man speed> ,e only tho;ght of Nelly? and how he was going
to protect her from the :ampires in his :ision>
6hen they arri:ed at the ho;se? 2lad mo:ed ;p the steps and thro;gh the front door in
one fl;id motion> Two men? two :ampire men? were sitting on the sofa? looking
eCpectantly at the door as 2lad stepped inside> #tis was standing in the li:ing room?
looking paler than ;s;al> Nelly stood in the archway near the stairs? a conf;sed and
frightened look in her eyes> The secret of 2lad8s trial and sentencing wasn8t secret from
her anymore> ,is dad stepped in behind him and when he saw the :ampires 2lad had
predicted? he cast his son a ner:o;s glance> 2lad glared at the newcomers> G6hat do
yo; wantHG
The taller? thinner :ampire stood? his Jaw set> GEm sent ;s to ask abo;t yo;r progress
in locating yo;r father>G
The shorter :ampire? who was kind of stocky? slowly stood? his eyes on Tomas>
GTomas TodH *o;8re >>> ali:eH This >>> this cannot be>G
2lad8s heart sank> "f they knew his dad was ali:e? and that 2lad had fo;nd him? there
was no reason to wait any longer> "t was time to carry o;t Tomas8s trial and his
s;bseD;ent p;nishment> 6itho;t delay>
And they wo;ldn8t ha:e known abo;t Tomas if 2lad hadn8t r;shed his dad back in a
Tomas stepped forward? his sho;lders straight and pro;d? his Jaw set> ,e placed a
s;pporti:e? comforting hand on 2lad8s right sho;lder and stared the :ampires down>
GNeither " nor my son will be accompanying yo; to o;r demise> Not now> Not e:er?
The shorter :ampire so;nded aghast> G*o;r trial is imminent? Tomas? and will be
presided o:er by Em herself> *o;r--and yo;r son8s? "8d wager--sentence awaits> There8s
no denying it> And yo;? what? yo; plan to interfereH To ref;se to come face the
Co;ncil of EldersHG
G6e do>G #tis mo:ed forward then as well? placing his hand on 2lad8s left sho;lder
and glaring> GAs my brother said? gentlemen> *o; can8t ha:e him> E:er>G
The tall? thin :ampire growled? GTomas will come with ;s now? or we will kill yo;r
h;man>G ,is eyes mo:ed to Nelly and 2lad8s heart shot into his throat>
,e8d seen this> ,e8d li:ed this> "t was the f;t;re? and 2lad had known it was coming
abo;t in J;st this way> Clearly? drinking Dorian8s blood wo;ldn8t J;st re:eal the
prophecy to him> "t wo;ld also re:eal the f;t;re> And who knows what elseH 2lad
stepped in front of his a;nt and shook his head? growling? G"f yo; lay as m;ch as one
finger on her? "8ll tear yo; limb from limb>G
6ith his peripheral :ision? 2lad saw #tis mo:e D;ietly to the bookcase? the one
containing Nelly8s cookbooks> ,e saw #tis8s hand stretch o;t and close o:er a large
glass paperweight> 6hat did #tis think he was going to do? knock them o;t with a
paperweightH ,ighly ;nlikely> %esides? they were powerf;l :ampires? b;ilt for speed
and o;t for blood> "t didn8t eCactly seem like the smartest plan>
"gnoring his ;ncle? he foc;sed on the :ampires in front of him? who8d both bared their
fangs and were eyeing Nelly like she was their neCt meal>
Tomas growled? G"8m gi:ing yo; both fair warning> -ea:e now? before someone gets
Em8s cronies t;rned their attention to Tomas then? and the three began arg;ing in
Elysian code> 2lad t;rned to check on Nelly? and as he did? he saw what #tis was ;p
#tis had bitten his finger and was dragging it hastily across the paperweight in the
shape of his 0ark> A glyph> #tis was making a glyph> %;t what forH Then 2lad had
his answer>
The glyph glowed red> ,ot? bright? noticeably red> And 2lad recalled a con:ersation
they8d had abo;t glyphs? and how #tis had warned him ne:er to to;ch a red glyph? not
e:er> #tis sho;ted? GTomasIG
"mmediately? 2lad8s dad stepped o;t of the way? as if he8d known f;ll well what #tis
had been planning? had been doing> #tis tossed the paperweight toward the :ampires>
"nstincti:ely? the taller one ca;ght it> ,e had time eno;gh to blink D;estioningly before
his entire body cr;mbled to d;st> The room fell completely? ;tterly? painf;lly silent>
Nelly broke the silence with a gasp> 6ith barely a breath? #tis whisked her from the
room> )rom the kitchen? 2lad heard #tis8s :oice rising and falling in comforting tones>
Nelly8s :oice followed? shaking slightly> ,e was protecting her? and eCplaining away
what had J;st happened> 2lad wondered if any other h;man on the planet knew as
m;ch abo;t Elysia as Nelly did now> ,e do;bted it>
Tomas mo:ed toward the shorter :ampire? whose bottom lip was D;i:ering? and began
to speak? his :oice eerily calm> &o calm? in fact? that it sent a strange shi:er ;p 2lad8s
spine> G*o; are being allowed to li:e? b;t only beca;se my brother and " ha:e deemed
it necessary to o;r ca;se that yo; do so> 6e feel no pity for yo;> Nor do we feel any
meas;re of tr;st> Do yo; ;nderstandHG
The :ampire nodded? his terrified eyes on the paperweight? which lay in the pile of ash
on the carpet>
G.ood>G Tomas stepped closer? ;ntil 2lad was certain his hot breath was br;shing the
man8s forehead> G*o; will go back to Em? and yo; will deli:er her this message>
)ailing to do so will bring hell on yo;r heels> A hell yo; cannot possibly ;nderstand
and do not want> Do yo; ;nderstandHG The :ampire whimpered and nodded again>
2lad stood fascinated> ,is dad seemed so powerf;l? so strong? so c;nning> "t was no
wonder to him how Tomas had s;r:i:ed all those years on his own> ,e was strong>
-ike 2lad only wished he co;ld be>
G*o; will tell Em that there has been no sign of Tomas Tod? b;t his son contin;es to
search> *o; will tell her that on yo;r way o;t of town? yo; and yo;r friend were
attacked by a small gro;p of &layers? and after they dispatched yo;r friend? yo; fo;ght
them off :aliantly? b;t not before o:erhearing that they were headed to "taly> Promise
her with yo;r life that she will find the &layers there> Tell her this? and mean it as
yo;8:e ne:er meant anything before> " want yo; to belie:e it so that she will belie:e it>
And so help yo; if she doesn8t>G Tomas8s tone was still :ery calm as he spoke? and
2lad wo;ld ha:e bet that he was feeding his mind control into the :ampire8s tho;ghts>
The so;nd of his tone ga:e 2lad a frightened chill> ,e co;ld only imagine how the
other :ampire was feeling>
#tis ret;rned to the room? eCchanging nods with Tomas? who growled at the :ampire>
GNow go>G 1$
UNEPECTED 6#!D& 2-AD 6ATC,ED T,E &7* as ,enry dro:e them back
from the &tokerton 0all> D;ring the dri:e? he8d eCplained to ,enry all abo;t his
:ision? Em? and her cronies> After he8d eCplained? ,enry had asked why he8d agreed to
go to the mall after all of that> The answer was simpleB beca;se sometimes e:en half-
:ampires J;st want to act like normal teenagers> The sky was big and bl;e and
bea;tif;l? b;t he co;ldn8t help b;t foc;s on how empty it was? how empty the entire
eCperience was? witho;t &now>
,e missed her> And he was trying not to think abo;t her> #nly he was failing
,e closed his eyes for a min;te and pretended that the cool breeEe br;shing his hair
back from his eyes was &now8s hand> "t was eno;gh to bring a smile to his face> #ne
that b;rst like a b;bble when he opened his eyes and she wasn8t there>
,enry t;rned down the street? then p;lled ;p in front of Nelly8s ho;se and let the car
idle> 2lad started to open the door to get o;t? then closed it again and looked at his
friend> ,enry met his eyes and shr;gged> G6hatH &omething wrongHG
2lad chose his words caref;lly> GD;de? my dad8s been back for like a week now and
yo; still ha:en8t been o:er to see him> 6hat8s ;p with thatH ,e8d really like to see
,enry flinched? as if he8d been hoping he co;ld skate by for a few more weeks on lame
eCc;ses> ,e p;t the car in park and c;t the engine? then t;rned to 2lad with a sigh>
G*o;r dad was always the coolest g;y on the block? 2lad> " liked him? act;ally liked
him better than my dad> "t serio;sly b;mmed me o;t when he died>G ,enry flicked him
a glance? one f;ll of ;ncertainty> G6ell? yo; know what " mean> 6hen he >>> when he
G" know it8s weird that he8s back? that he8s still ali:e and all that? b;t ,enry >>> he needs
;s> All of ;s>G )r;strated? 2lad ran a hand thro;gh his hair> G"t8s J;st >>> lonely? y8knowH
" feel bad for him> All he tried to do was the right thing and now when he comes back?
trying once again to do the right thing? he gets p;nished for it> E:erybody was mad at
him? and e:en tho;gh that8s changed now? e:en tho;gh #tis and Nelly are being nicer
to him and ha:e forgi:en him and all? " can tell it still bothers him that we were all so
;pset> Not to mention that he walks into a h;ge mess--my mess--and feels the need to
come to my resc;e> &o please? for me? for my dad >>> J;st come inside and say hi>G
The street was D;iet? as ;s;al> No kids playing? no dogs barking> "t was J;st as it had
always been? b;t for 2lad? it felt different now> ,is dad8s ret;rn had changed
e:erything> ,e only hoped that it hadn8t changed the one thing in this world that he
co;ld co;nt on for s;re--that ,enry wo;ld ha:e his back and s;pport him in this too>
,enry stared o;t the windshield for a moment? and then sighed> "t wasn8t a sigh of
fr;stration or regret> "t was one of resol:e> G6here8s he been this whole timeHG
2lad shr;gged slightly> GE:erywhere> Nowhere> "t doesn8t matter> All that matters is
that my dad8s not dead>G ,enry p;lled his keys from the ignition and opened the
dri:er8s side door> ,esitantly hopef;l? 2lad said? G6here are yo; goingHG GTo see yo;r
dad> ,e so;nds like he co;ld ;se some company>G
A small smile to;ched 2lad8s lips> ,e didn8t know why he e:er do;bted his best friend>
,enry always had his back? no matter what> GThanks? ,enry>G G*o;8re welcome? b;t
"8m not doing it for yo;? 2lad> "8m doing it for him >>> and for me>G ,enry slid from his
seat? stepped o;t the door and closed it in one fl;id motion> 2lad followed him into
Nelly8s ho;se? still smiling>
#tis had mentioned the idea that Tomas might want to mo:e into his ho;se
permanently--it was? after all? Tomas8s home--b;t 2lad8s dad wasn8t comfortable with
the changes that #tis had made> ,e needed time to adJ;st? time to mo;rn 0ellina? time
to ready himself> &o Tomas was staying with Nelly for now> 2lad ;nderstood
,enry walked thro;gh the gate and ;p the front steps? and mo:ed into the ho;se?
sho;ting? G,ey? 0r> TodI *o; homeHG
2lad stepped inside? now grinning at the s;rprised? bef;ddled eCpression on his
father8s face> G,enry 0c0illanHG Tomas looked from ,enry to 2lad and back? his
own lips c;rling into a smile that barely mimicked theirs> G"t8s been years> ,ow are
yo;? ,enryHG
G&tar:ing> %;t " know there are cookies aro;nd here somewhere> Nelly bakes like a
fiend and is a s;cker for e:ery big-eyed girl sco;t in town> &o co;gh ;p the goods>G
Tomas ch;ckled and 2lad followed s;it> ,is dad pointed to the freeEer> GThin 0ints
are ;p there> They8re better froEen>G
Ten min;tes later? as they were m;nching on chocolate cookies and catching ;p on
c;rrent e:ents? ,enry sho:ed three cookies into his mo;th and said? G*8know what
wo;ld go great with theseH Carnage> "s yo;r boC '/5 still hooked ;pHG
2lad nodded toward the li:ing room? his mo;th too f;ll of s;gary sweetness to speak>
,enry grabbed the boC and led the way> GC8mon? 0r> Tod> *o; can be the red
G" >>> don8t play :ideo games? ,enry>G %oth boys snapped their eyes to Tomas? who
looked admittedly ashamed> GThat is? " >>> " ne:er ha:e> Played them> %efore>G
2lad shook his head in a chastising manner> G6ell? that8s something we ha:e to correct
immediately> 6o;ldn8t yo; say? Dr> 0c0illanHG
,enry folded his hands in front of him? straightening his sho;lders and rocking back
and forth on his feet> G*es? Dr> Tod> "8d say the patient is s;ffering from lack of
eCpos;re to kick-b;tt graphics and gore galore> 6hat do yo; prescribeHG
2lad nodded knowingly> G"mmediate and intense !ace to Armageddon acti:ity> "t8s the
only c;re>G ,enry raised an eyebrow? a smirk on his lips> G&tatHG 2lad grinned> G&tatIG
Dragging Tomas into the li:ing room--,enry p;lling from the front and 2lad p;shing
from the back--they ignored his pleas and sat him on the co;ch> 2lad dropped a
controller into his hand and ga:e him the best ad:ice he co;ld> GDon8t die>G Three
ho;rs later? Tomas had died more than 2lad e:er had d;ring an afternoon of play>
,enry shook his head? ch;ckling> GNo offense? sir? b;t yo; s;ck e:en worse than 2lad
does at this game>G Tomas la;ghed? warm and real> The so;nd of it warmed 2lad8s
2lad emptied the glass of # positi:e he8d been sipping from and his stomach r;mbled
its protest> "t wanted more? and ref;sed to be satisfied> Especially with bagged blood>
,is dad smiled at him? a c;rio;s gleam in his eye> G*o; look thin? 2lad> Are yo;
getting all the n;trients yo; needHG
2lad nodded? b;t he wasn8t honestly certain he was telling the tr;th> After all? what did
he know abo;t the differences between n;trients in bagged blood :ers;s freshH G*eah>
" think so>G
Tomas leaned closer? and in a bem;sed tone? said? G%;t are yo; getting all that yo;8d
likeHG &;ddenly? 2lad8s stomach r;mbled with need> %efore 2lad co;ld answer his
dad? ,enry glanced at the clock and m;ttered? G#h crap? "8m late> 0om will kill me>G
G-ate for whatHG
G*o; don8t want to know> -et8s J;st say it in:ol:es ten neighborhood women? tea?
D;ilting? and me being charming and fetching cookies>G ,enry sh;ddered :isibly>
G#therwise known as the worst night of hell a g;y my age co;ld possibly eCperience> G
GAnd " tho;ght Nelly was bad>G 2lad ch;ckled> G&ee ya? man> G G&ee yea>G ,enry
hesitated in the doorway for a moment before speaking> G,ey? 0r> TodHG
GPlease? ,enry> Call me Tomas> 6e8re both men? and grown men refer to one another
by first name>G GTomas>G ,enry seemed to m;ll the name o:er on his tong;e? getting
comfortable with it> Then he broke into his trademark grin and on his way o;t the
door? said? G"8m glad yo;8re not dead? d;de>G Tomas smiled? his eyes dancing with a
bem;sed light> GAs am "? ,enry> As am ">G
,o;rs later? after dinner? and once his dad and #tis were well into a bottle of
bloodwine and reminiscent tales of their yo;th? 2lad slipped o;t the door and down
the street to the belfry> 6ith barely a tho;ght? he floated ;pward and stepped gingerly
thro;gh the stone arch> ,e didn8t light any candles--he knew eCactly what he was
going to find and where it was> As he retrie:ed his Jo;rnal from the small table neCt to
his dad8s chair? 2lad smiled? pressing the book to his chest> ,e co;ld hardly wait to
share it with his dad? and hoped that Tomas wo;ld feel a stronger connection with him
by reading what awaited him on the pages within>
6ith his Jo;rnal in hand? he dropped from the belfry and headed back to Nelly8s as fast
as he was able? despite the nagging reminder in his tho;ghts that he needed to find
Tomas8s Jo;rnal? and find it fast> Tomorrow? he told himself> ,e8d look for it some
more tomorrow> Tonight belonged to the only semblance of normalcy 2lad8s life had
e:er really had>
A cool breeEe floated thro;gh the air? br;shing 2lad8s hair from his eyes as he made
his way from the belfry back to Nelly8s ho;se> ,e was feeling oddly light? strangely
hopef;l? as he na:igated his way thro;gh the darkness> A brief flash of memory flitted
thro;gh his tho;ghts like a h;mmingbird--"gnati;s? his grandfather? the maker of both
his dad and his ;ncle? had once attacked him on this stretch? and had almost killed him>
,e wondered if his dad wo;ld ha:e killed "gnati;s the way that #tis did? witho;t
regret> &omething told him Tomas wo;ld ha:e>
,e ro;nded the corner then? thinking back briefly to Aasik? and how Aasik had stolen
his blood> ,e wondered if the money had been worth the theft and all that wo;ld come
to pass? b;t wagered it had not> The memory of the pain? the ;tter emptiness that had
en:eloped 2lad left a dark? shallow hole at the center of his being>
"t was weird how the past kept sneaking ;p on him> A;st when he tho;ght he was o:er
something? there it was again>
A shadowy fig;re sat on Nelly8s porch swing> 2lad froEe with his foot on the bottom
step> The fig;re lifted its head? meeting 2lad8s eyes> 2lad8s world came to a screeching
halt? an ;tter stop> ,e didn8t e:en breathe> The Jo;rnal in his hand was completely
Aoss nodded? as if acknowledging the strangeness that was hanging in the air between
2lad parted his lips to speak? b;t then realiEed that he had nothing to say> ,e wanted
to apologiEe? b;t somehow it felt as if they were past that? as if it were too late for
words> ,e wanted to ask if Aoss was okay after how badly 2lad had beaten him? and
where he8d gone to heal from his wo;nds? b;t he closed his mo;th and p;rsed his lips
instead> %eca;se the tr;th of it all remainedB they were e:en> Each had nearly taken the
other8s life> They were in a dead heat in the race to kill one another> #nce friends? they
were now something completely different> They were :ampire and &layer> 0ortal
enemies> 2lad braced himself for what he knew was coming? readying himself for a
Aoss shook his head> Apparently? he didn8t need telepathy to read 2lad8s tho;ghts> G"8m
not here as a &layer> "8m here as yo;r friend> 0y last act as yo;r friend? yo; might
2lad relaCed some? b;t only slightly> ,e had to be :igilant? to remain on g;ard>
&layers? after all? co;ldn8t be tr;sted> #tis had been right all along? something which
pained 2lad terribly> ,e8d wanted to belie:e in their friendship? to belie:e that despite
their differences? he and Aoss were really friends> %;t what if he was wrongH
,e met Aoss8s gaEe> G"s this abo;t re:engeH %eca;se " won8t let yo; trick me again?
,e knew it co;ldn8t be so simple> Aoss wanted what he8d wanted all alongB blood>
&trangely? the same thing that 2lad wanted? b;t in another way> )or another reason>
A;st another one of the :ast differences between them>
Aoss shook his head in response> GThis is abo;t something else entirely> "8:e been
trying to call yo; all s;mmer? b;t >>> my mom isn8t eCactly keen on the idea of yo; and
me talkingG 2lad swallowed hard? remembering her reaction to him the night he8d p;t
Aoss in the hospital> G&o what do yo; wantHG
Aoss dropped his :oice to a h;shed tone? one that 2lad nearly had to strain to hear> "t
so;nded like he8d been crying> Aoss> 6ho ne:er cried>
GPeace? 2lad> " want peace> %;t no peace can eCist between ;s> Not nowG ,e shook his
head again? this time as if to s;mmon the strength that he wo;ld need to say whate:er
it was he8d come here to say> ,e looked at 2lad again? his eyes hidden by the night8s
shadows> G" was originally sent to %athory to locate and eCting;ish yo;> " was sent
back to gather information and then kill yo;? #tis? and 2ikas> After " failed on both
co;nts? the &layer &ociety con:ened and it was decided that they wo;ld cleanse
2lad looked at him then? a D;estion poised on his tong;e> &omething that in his head
so;nded like G6hat the hell are yo; talking abo;tHG
Aoss sighed hea:ily? as if a h;ge weight were on his sho;lders> GA cleansing remo:es
all life within an area that does not belong to a &layer>G
2lad8s eyes grew h;ge> ,is heart picked ;p its rhythm in shock> GThey plan to kill
Aoss nodded gra:ely> GThat was the plan> %;t " str;ck a deal> To sa:e e:eryone-- e:en
some :ampires--" ha:e to kill one :ampire? 2lad> A;st one> #ne specific :ampire>G The
air left 2lad8s l;ngs in complete ;nderstanding> ,im> Aoss had to kill him> "n order to
sa:e e:eryone? 2lad had to die>
GThey agree that if " take yo;r life? e:eryone else will be allowed to contin;e li:ing>
%;t if " don8t > > >G Aoss swallowed hard? as if the s;bJect were a diffic;lt one for him> G>
> > or if " try to help people r;n and hide from the cleansing? they8ll h;nt e:eryone down
and kill them all? me incl;ded> " don8t care abo;t that part? b;t 0eredith? my mom? my
dad? e:eryone > > >G
2lad shook his head> "t wasn8t possible> Co;ldn8t be possible> GCan they really do
thatHG Aoss nodded then? witho;t hesitation> G"t8s what they do? 2lad> &layers are
nat;rally skilled> Eno;gh to take down :ampires? and yo; know what skills :ampires
possess> Now imagine ;ns;specting h;mans> "t8s possible> %elie:e me>G 2lad sank
down ;ntil he was sitting on the porch step> "t had to be him> ,im or e:eryone he8d
e:er lo:ed> ,is insides felt as if they8d been painted black>
There was a soft sD;eak as Aoss left the porch swing and came to sit beside him on the
steps> After a long? silent moment? Aoss slipped his wooden stake from the leather
holster on his hip and placed it between them> 2lad co;ld think of no better fitting
6hen Aoss spoke again? his :oice was soft> &oft and strangely kind> GThe thing is >>> we
both know that yo;8re stronger than " am? 2lad> 6e both know " can8t beat yo;> %;t "
ha:e to try> And the only way " can s;cceed >>> the only way that e:eryone we care
abo;t can possibly s;r:i:e this >>> is if yo; let me>G
G-et yo;HG 2lad8s eyes snapped to those of his former friend> G*o; mean? let yo; kill
meHG Aoss nodded slowly> GThe &layer &ociety is gi:ing me ;ntil the end of the year>
%y December thirty-first? either yo;8ll be dead or the cleansing will begin>G
2lad8s sho;lders sank in defeat> No matter what 2lad did? it seemed? he was going to
ha:e a terrible New *ear8s E:e>
Aoss was lea:ing the decision ;p to him? and tr;sting he8d make the right choice> And
there was no D;estion what that choice was>
Aoss8s :oice was a whisper> GA;st so yo; know? "8m working on a plan> There has to be
some way we can stop the &ociety from doing this witho;t killing yo;>G G6hat8s yo;r
planHG Aoss swallowed hard? his eyes straight ahead>
2lad ga;ged him for se:eral min;tes before a horrified whisper escaped him> G*o;
don8t ha:e a plan> Do yo;? AossHG Aoss shifted ;ncomfortably> GNo> %;t "8ll come ;p
with something>G
G6e>G 2lad patted Aoss on the back firmly holding his gaEe> G6e8ll come ;p with
They sat there? silent? for a long time as 2lad took the enormity of his sit;ation in?
wrapping his head aro;nd it> -i:e and e:eryone wo;ld die> Die and e:eryone wo;ld
li:e> "t seemed like s;ch a simple choice> %;t nothing is e:er as simple as it seems> 1'
&C,##- &UC7& 2-AD *A6NED so hard that his Jaw ached slightly once he was
finished> ,e hadn8t eCactly been sleeping great since >>> well? e:er> %;t staying ;p late
with Dad and #tis had pro:en ill-ad:ised when it came to the first day of 2lad8s senior
year> 2lad hadn8t e:en set foot on the gro;nds of %athory ,igh yet? and already? he
was s;ffering from an ac;te case of &enioritis> ,ow was he s;pposed to care abo;t
what grade he8d get in 6orld ,istory when e:eryone in the world was o;t to kill himH
,e was m;lling o:er the ethical obligation of not skipping his first day when a familiar
car p;lled ;p>
,enry rolled down his window and gr;nted at 2lad to grab his backpack> Neither was
looking forward to 6orld ,istory first thing in the morning? especially not after a
s;mmer of things that had kept them from hanging o;t :ery m;ch> 2lad had been
totally immersed in his search for his father? and then once he8d finally fo;nd him? he8d
been all abo;t making ;p for lost time> &o? apart from teaching Tomas how to
:anD;ish two-dimensional e:il foes? time with ,enry had fallen by the wayside>
0o:ies went ;nseen? concerts went ;nattended? or at least these things weren8t done
with his best friend> 2lad cast ,enry a g;ilty glance> G&o yo; ne:er told me how
!et;rn of Psycho &lasher Chainsaw .;y from ,ell was> Did yo; find someone to go
!et;rn of Psycho &lasher Chainsaw .;y from ,ell was probably the most anticipated
seD;el of all time? and r;mor had it? there was a scene feat;ring death by toothpicks
that was not to be missed> ,enry? in his 0c0illan way? had called earlier in the
s;mmer with ad:anced screening tickets> %;t 2lad had declined> "t was bad timing?
b;t that didn8t mean that 2lad didn8t care>
"n fact? he absol;tely cared> %;t he co;ldn8t lea:e his search for his dad> And once he8d
fo;nd him? he co;ldn8t lea:e his side> "t might be the only time they had left together>
,enry scratched his head and yawned> To 2lad8s great disg;st? his hair remained
flawless> As he stretched? he said? G*eah? #ctober and " went together>G 2lad blinked>
G#ctoberH 0y #ctoberHG Not that she was in any way? shape or form his #ctober> Not
like that> %;t still> &he was more 2lad8s #ctober than ,enry8s> That m;ch 2lad was
willing to bet on>
,enry shr;gged> G" mentioned " had tickets and she J;mped at the chance to see it> "t
was a great mo:ie? d;de> "8:e ne:er seen so m;ch blood and gore> And don8t get me
started on the garden hose scene>G 2lad8s sho;lders sl;mped a little> #n some le:el? he
was hoping the mo:ie was mediocre at best>
&till? he was glad ,enry had a good time> E:en if he went with #ctober> 6hich was
2lad started to wonder something abo;t his two :ery different friends--something
impossible and strange--then shook it from his tho;ghts> Nope> Ne:er> #ctober and
,enry were abo;t as different as night and day> "t wo;ld ne:er happen>
They mo:ed ;p the steps and thro;gh the door? and once they had their locker n;mbers
and sched;les in hand? 2lad and ,enry parted ways> ,enry8s locker was at the
opposite end of the hall from 2lad8s? b;t they8d meet ;p again later in 6orld ,istory>
2lad had J;st reached his when the light from the windows ca;ght his attention>
"t was the beginnings of a bea;tif;l morning> The s;n had already warmed the grass>
The crystalline bl;e sky was only marred by p;ffy cotton clo;ds? adding to its bea;ty>
The air smelled sweet? like roses? like lilacs> "t was? in short? the perfect morning>
Apart from the dark clo;d which h;ng o:er 2lad8s e:ery tho;ght> Tho;ghts of Aoss>
Tho;ghts of Em> Tho;ghts filled with pain and loss and death>
,is life was changing--had changed--fore:er> And it was going nowhere good? fast>
Not to mention that his h;nger was deepening? worsening> That word s;mmed it ;p
better than any other? he tho;ght> 6orsening>
-ately? e:ery person who crossed his path looked more and more like a cheeseb;rger>
0ore and more like all they were lacking were a side of fries> "t was tro;bling? to say
the least> .rabbing the lock on his locker? he flipped the center circle aro;nd? trying to
get the combination to work> And that8s when he sensed >>> something> &omeone>
&omeone familiar> &omeone he wo;ld know anywhere? anytime> &omeone he hadn8t
seen or spoken to at all since the day he8d released her as his dr;dge>
&traightening? he closed his eyes and inhaled? taking in the scent of roses and
raspberries and all that was good abo;t being ali:e> A smile threatened to to;ch his
lips? b;t he fo;ght it? knowing what it meant that she was here? knowing what he
wo;ld ha:e to do? and not knowing at all if he had the strength to do it? to p;sh her
away again>
#pening his eyes? he sensed her behind him? her delectable blood calling o;t to him?
beckoning him> 6ith a sigh? and witho;t t;rning to face her? he said? G&now>G
&he waited? perhaps wondering how he knew it was her> )inally? ;nable to resist any
longer? 2lad t;rned slowly>
&he was dressed in gothic fineryB a long? black? flowing skirt? a black blo;se? and a
black pin-striped waist cincher> ,er eyes were lined with thick black and her lips-- her
sad? po;ting lips--were colored a rich b;rg;ndy? a color that instantly reminded him of
2lad looked her o:er and fo;ght the longing within him> The longing? he was
s;rprised? wasn8t to feed on her--well? not J;st to feed on her? anyway> "t was to reach
o;t? to make physical contact? to hold her close> "t made him ache to feel s;ch things?
to yearn for a girl he co;ldn8t ha:e? wo;ldn8t ha:e> &he deser:ed better> &he deser:ed
m;ch better than him>
,er eyes darted to his wrist and then back to his face> &he smiled? b;t it didn8t come
thro;gh honestly eno;gh> &he was happy to see him? b;t miserable at the same time>
2lad swallowed hard> ,is mo;th felt parched> &o m;ch so that he was amaEed that
d;st didn8t p;ff o;t when he spoke> G,i>G
&he drew a deep breath> A ner:o;s one> G-isten? 2lad> %efore " say anything else to
yo; " ha:e to tell yo; something> " >>> " told Eddie Poe some things> " didn8t mean to> "t
J;st >>> kind of happened> And "8m sorry> &o sorry> ,e ca;ght me at a really bad time?
and >>> "8m sorry>G
A single c;rse word ripped thro;gh his tho;ghts? b;t he steadied himself> "t wasn8t
&now8s fa;lt> Eddie was a conni:ing little worm> And &now had likely been in an
emotionally :;lnerable state>
0aybe it was beca;se of him> %eca;se of how he8d left her> %leeding and broken and
conf;sed and alone> "n an alley> Near a D;mpster> -ike she was trash that he8d J;st
gotten rid of> ,e was a monster> And he deser:ed whate:er happened to him> %;t her
dad >>> he was a monster too> A;st a different kind of monster>
2lad dropped his eyes? b;t J;st for a moment> ,is :oice D;ieted to a h;sh> G"t8s okay>
"t8s okay? &now> " know yo;8d ne:er h;rt me on p;rpose>G
At the moment? he didn8t care what Eddie Poe knew or how he knew it> ,e only cared
that &now was here? here in %athory and still talking to him after the way he8d treated
her> ,e knew a miracle when he saw one> G6hat are yo; doing here? anywayH At
%athory ,igh? " mean>G
G"8m li:ing with a foster family here in %athory now> 0y dad> ,e >>> well? it got pretty
bad>G )or the first time? 2lad noticed the br;ises on her face and arms? co:ered with a
thin layer of make;p> 0ake;p that co;ld not hide her pain>
,e8d abandoned her to her father? that thing? that beast> ,e8d walked away and left her
alone with someone who h;rt her> 2lad8s heart raced in anger--anger at her father?
anger at himself> G"f he h;rt yo;--G
G"t doesn8t matter> ,e took a swing and " got sick of his ab;se? so " fo;ght back> And "
won> " J;st >>> wanted to let yo; know "8m here now> "n case >>> in case yo; e:er want to
talk or something> " sho;ld ha:e called before> " sho;ld ha:e told yo;> " J;st >>>
co;ldn8t>G &adness flitted across her face> ,er eyes glistened and she t;rned away>
&he was lea:ing> &he was walking away witho;t another word? and 2lad co;ldn8t help
b;t think that she8d been dealing with all of this on her own? that he hadn8t been strong
eno;gh? man eno;gh to J;st pick ;p the phone and call her? to see how she was doing>
&;dden worry that she8d ne:er speak to him again filled his heart with dread--terror
that this was? somehow? the last moment he8d e:er ha:e this chance> ,is heart raced
with panic at the :ery tho;ght>
&he8d taken no more than two steps before 2lad mo:ed forward? catching her gently
by the arm? and whispering in her ear> GDo yo; still feel it? &nowH That connectionH
E:en tho;gh yo;8re not my dr;dge anymoreHG
&now kept her eyes away from his? b;t 2lad knew she was :ery aware of his presence?
J;st as he was of hers> A crackle of electricity ran between his fingers and her arm> "t
was s;btle? gentle? b;t sweet> )inally? she cleared her throat and whispered> G" know "
feel something> And " know that nothing yo; co;ld e:er do to me co;ld make me stop
feeling it> Not e:en releasing me as yo;r dr;dge>G
2lad let go of her arm and ran a hand thro;gh his hair? sweeping his thick black bangs
from his eyes> G" can8t change what happened> Not e:en if " wanted to> #nce a :ampire
releases a dr;dge? that8s it> "t8s o:er>G
GThat8s not what "8m talking abo;t and yo; know it> %esides? it8s not o:er? 2lad> " can
feel it in my blood> " co;ld sense that yo; were near> 6e8re not e:en connected
anymore and we8re > > > connected> *o; can feel it too> *o;r eyes gi:e yo; away>
,er eyes were on him? peering into his with a yearning? a yearning that both enticed
and frightened 2lad> ,e co;ldn8t be with &now> ,e was dangero;s> ,e8d h;rt her> ,e
knew that m;ch> And maybe? J;st maybe? he8d h;rt her worse than her father e:er did>
After a long silence? she mo:ed down the hall> #:er her sho;lder? she said? G&ee yo;
aro;nd? 2lad>G *o;r eyes gi:e yo; away> The words echoed in his mind? bringing him
back to Dorian? back to what Dorian had said abo;t the fo;r who were chosen to keep
the prophecy> Their eyes all flashed? for some reason> They all flashed odd colors at
moments of eCtreme power> %;t whyH
.reat> A;st what he needed> As if being completely? totally baffled abo;t his feelings
for his former dr;dge wasn8t eno;gh> -et8s throw a batch of conf;sion into the miC>
,is locker opened at last> Taped sec;rely to the inside of the door was a digital :oice
recorder? and a note which read? GPlay me>G "t was an omino;s thing that made 2lad8s
blood r;n cold> ,is stomach flip-flopped for se:eral seconds before he p;lled the
recorder from the door> After a moment of hesitation? he pl;gged his earb;ds into it
and hit play>
At first? he heard static> Then Eddie8s :oice? eager and falsely kind> G"t8s okay> A;st tell
me again what yo; told me before> )or the record>G Then &now8s :oice? m;ffled?
cracking? like she8d been crying a lot> G2ladimir Tod> ,e8s a :ampire> ,e feeds on me>
" mean? he ;sed to>G
The recording stopped and a new one began> This time it was J;st Eddie8s :oice? and
he was speaking directly to 2lad> G-ike what yo; hear? 2ladH *eah? " bet not> There8s
more> &o m;ch more> 0eet me tonight at EAT> Ten o8clock> Don8t be late> 6e ha:e to
talk> And come alone>G
The recording ended and 2lad slipped the b;ds from his ears with trembling fingers>
Eddie was becoming a problem that needed rectifying once and for all> 1(
EAT"N. 6"T, EDD"E --#!--2-AD8& 6#!&T N".,T0A!E 2-AD PA&&ED
T,E D##! #) EAT for the se:enth time? m;ttering his immense displeas;re ;nder
his breath in a string of obscenities> ,e had to go in? had no choice b;t to walk thro;gh
that door and Join Eddie for a late dinner? b;t he didn8t ha:e to like it>
)or a brief moment? 2lad wished that someone? some :ampire other than himself?
some person witho;t a conscience and good morals--someone like D8Ablo? for
eCample--wo;ld come along and drain Eddie dry> %;t deep down? he knew that killing
Eddie wo;ldn8t sol:e his problem> There wo;ld always be someone wanting
something from him> There wo;ld always be an Eddie Poe in his life? in some manner>
After one more pass? 2lad reached for the door handle and p;lled? the smells of
delicio;s h;man food miCed with the scent of delectable h;man blood wafting o;t the
door? o:erwhelming his senses>
"t was craEy how h;ngry he was> &;ddenly? he missed &now--the closeness? the
feeding? the kisses--b;t he p;shed it back down? away from his immediate attention>
-ater? when he was away from Eddie? away from the tro;bles of his day? he co;ld
think abo;t &now and determine eCactly what to do with these feelings he had for her>
%;t for now? he had to foc;s on Eddie Poe? the boy who co;ld :ery easily r;in his
entire life> ,e stepped inside? his heart hea:y>
Eddie was sitting in a booth by the window? m;lling o:er a plastic-coated men;? as if
this were any other night? as if he weren8t a :ile? e:il little weasel? as if he weren8t
completely selfish and ;tterly dr;nk with power? power which he held o:er 2lad8s
e:ery choice> ,e was dressed in a bl;e-and-white-striped polo and Jeans? his wire-
framed glasses slightly crooked? a dimple in one cheek> 2lad had ne:er noticed the
dimple before> Nor had he noticed that Eddie was both cr;el and calc;lating? not back
in kindergarten? not when they8d started middle school together? not e:er >>> at least? not
;ntil today> &;re? Eddie had become a bit obsessed with eCposing 2lad in recent years?
b;t 2lad ne:er really? not deep down anyway? tho;ght that Eddie was really? tr;ly
capable of r;ining his life> #kay? maybe he had? b;t something abo;t Eddie incl;ding
&now in his sordid plan had serio;sly ;pset 2lad> ,e had no b;siness incl;ding her? he
had no right to ;se her pain--pain that 2lad feared he had partly ca;sed--in his twisted
plans to h;rt 2lad and lift himself into fame8s arms>
2lad approached slowly? deliberately so as not to startle Eddie> ,e wanted the little
weasel to be calm? to feel like he was in complete control> 0idstep 2lad came ;p with
a plan> "t was so simple? he didn8t know why he hadn8t tho;ght of it before> After
dinner? he8d follow Eddie home and bite him? making Eddie his dr;dge> Then he8d
order Eddie to stop all of this nonsense> "t was brilliant in its simplicity> "t co;ldn8t fail>
)eeling a bit more confident abo;t their enco;nter? 2lad slid into the booth? opposite
his nemesis>
Eddie didn8t e:en take his eyes off the men;? a smirk to;ching his lips> G" think "8ll
ha:e the meat loaf> 6hat abo;t yo;HG
2lad8s Jaw tensed> "t was all he co;ld do not to bite Eddie here and now? and be done
with this nightmare> G"8m not h;ngry>G
"t was a lie> And the look Eddie flashed him not only said that it was a lie? it also said
that Eddie knew he wasn8t h;ngry for anything b;t blood>
The waitress came by and Eddie ordered the meat loaf with a side of )rench fries? then
took the liberty of ordering 2lad a b;rger--eCtra rare--with fries? and two sodas> The
two sat D;ietly waiting for their food> 6hen it arri:ed after se:eral tense? silent
min;tes? 2lad p;shed the plate away and eyed his stalker down> G-et8s get this o:er
with? Eddie> 6hat eCactly do yo; want from meHG
Eddie sD;irted some ketch;p on his fries and popped a really gooey one into his
mo;th> As he chewed? he smiled and spoke matter-of-factly> G6e8ll get to that> %;t
we8ll start with what " initially wanted? which is? of co;rse? fame> " want to be a
somebody 2lad> And yo;8re my road to being somebody> " can eCpose yo;? y8know "
ha:e eno;gh e:idence to eCpose yo; right and proper>G
)rom the leather satchel on the seat beside him? Eddie withdrew a thick manila
en:elope> ,e spilled the contents on the tableB photographs of 2lad in :ario;s :ampire
poses? small @iplocs with things like hair and fingernail clippings? 2lad8s birth record?
and on and on and on> The photographs were the most damning e:idence? as were the
physical samples--2lad was pretty certain his DNA wo;ldn8t show ;p as entirely
h;man> "t was tro;bling to look at> %;t Eddie was forgetting one important thing> GNo
one is going to belie:e yo;? Eddie> ECcept maybe one of those rag magaEines that
people b;y at the grocery store J;st to la;gh at>G %;t Eddie wasn8t faEed> That strange
smile remained on his lips>
G*o; don8t listen :ery well? 2lad> That8s what " wanted> Past tense> 0y demands ha:e
changed> " want more now> And yo;8re going to gi:e it to me? or else "8ll eCpose yo; to
the world>G ,e reached back into his satchel and p;lled o;t a stack of letters--some
from well-respected tele:ision prod;cers? some from important? notable ;ni:ersity
professors--all of which stated that they were :ery? :ery interested in seeing any
e:idence that Eddie might ha:e that another species of mammal eCists on earth? one
that co;ld lay to rest the story behind the G:ampire myth>G "t was different than his
;s;al threat> This time Eddie had what amo;nted to e:idence? and important people
lined ;p ready to belie:e him> ,e was good> Too good>
2lad inhaled sharply> Eddie8s blood was A% negati:e> The temptation to forego the
whole dr;dge plan and drain Eddie dry was immediate and intense> %;t 2lad took a
deep breath? released it? and foc;sed on his plan of action> G&o what do yo; want
Eddie chewed a bite of meat loaf and swallowed? then washed it down with a drink of
his soda> ,e gathered ;p his e:idence and letters? placing them neatly inside his
satchel once again> Then he leaned forward? smiling like they shared a special secret>
G" want yo; to make me a :ampire>G
2lad blinked> ,is chest felt hea:y and tight and not at all like it was s;pposed to> G*o;
>>> whatHG
Eddie8s smile was confident and calm> ,e knew he8d s;rprised 2lad> Eddie? it seemed?
knew too m;ch abo;t him these days> GA :ampire? 2lad> And if yo; don8t make me a
:ampire? "8m going to eCpose yo;>G
A :ampire> 2lad had ne:er seen it coming> After e:erything that Eddie had done to
eCpose him? after all of the e:idence he had? he was willing to forego his chance at
pop;larity for the act of transforming into a bloodthirsty creat;re of the night> 2lad
shook his head in ;tter disbelief> G6hy wo;ld yo; want to be a :ampire? EddieH Tr;st
me? it won8t make yo;r life any easier> Now? do me--do both of ;s--a fa:or and forget
abo;t all of this> And stay away from &now>G
Eddie shook his head> GNot on yo;r life? sport> &now is my key to becoming a
:ampire> After all? " know how to get to her> &o yo;8ll do as " say? or &now will ha:e
an ;nfort;nate accident>G 6ho did this g;y think he was--the .odfatherH 2lad
growled? G6hat makes yo; think " won8t J;st kill yo;HG
A smirk to;ched Eddie8s lips> ,e met 2lad8s gaEe and said? G)rankly > > > " don8t think
yo; ha:e it in yo;>G
Anger and indignation welled ;p in 2lad> ,ere he sat--a :ampire? for crying o;t lo;d--
and e:en a little weasel like Eddie co;ldn8t respect that? co;ldn8t fear the possibility
that 2lad was capable of killing him>
Caref;lly looking aro;nd to make s;re no one was watching? 2lad let his fangs
elongate> ,e snapped at Eddie? G" co;ld kill yo; right now>G Eddie leaned forward? a
serio;s? dark dare in his eyes> G&o do it>G
A long silence passed? and slowly? 2lad8s fangs shrank back inside his g;ms> %eca;se
the tr;th of it all was something that Eddie had no way of really knowingB 2lad
co;ldn8t kill Eddie? beca;se he knew it was wrong>
Eddie popped a fry into his mo;th and chewed> ,e didn8t bother to swallow before he
started talking again> G"8ll gi:e yo; fi:e months> That gi:es me time to p;t my affairs
in order? say goodbye to this life? and it gi:es yo; time to decide> Come 2alentine8s
Day? yo;8re going to decide what yo; want least--to create a fellow creat;re of the
night? or to eCpose yo;rself and all of Elysia>G ElysiaH 2lad started> Eddie really did
know what he was talking abo;t> %;t howH
G%esides?G Eddie contin;ed? G"8:e ne:er had a good 2alentine8s Day> Not once> "t8s
abo;t time " did? and this one will totally take the cake>G
2lad sat in silence as Eddie finished his meal? so relie:ed that all of this wasn8t an
iss;e? that he had the sol;tion right there in his mo;th? hiding inside his g;ms> #ne
bite> That8s all it wo;ld take> The bill came and Eddie slapped some money down on
the table> As they stood? Eddie threw 2lad another smile> G#h? and if yo;8re thinking
of making me yo;r h;man sla:e--like ,enry--yo; can forget it> "8:e been taking garlic
s;pplements e:ery day for o:er a year now> "8m willing to bet my blood wo;ld make
yo; pretty sick? maybe e:en kill yo;> &o " wo;ldn8t try it if " were yo;> %;t don8t worry
>>> by 2alentine8s Day? "8ll be all sorts of tasty again> And don8t e:en think abo;t
making me yo;r dr;dge then? either> " ha:e a friend on the looko;t for any signs that
yo; made me yo;r sla:e? and "8:e instr;cted him to mo:e forward with the eCpos;re
plan if that sho;ld happen>G 2lad do;bted :ery m;ch that Eddie had any friends at all?
b;t it did gi:e him pa;se>
Eddie walked o;t the door and 2lad swore lo;dly? attracting the eyes of e:eryone in
the small diner> ,e slid D;ickly from the booth and followed Eddie o;t the door?
stopping him on the sidewalk with his words? words that left his mo;th in angry tones>
GEddie? yo; don8t want this> " know it so;nds glamoro;s and amaEing? b;t being a
:ampire isn8t anything like ,ollywood paints it> "t8s gr;esome and lonely and at times?
pretty horrible> "t8s like being a reg;lar teenager? only worse> "t8s the last thing "8d wish
on anybody>G
Eddie sighed? t;rning back to face him> G*o; can float? 2lad> And yo; can mo:e
inh;manly fast> *o;8re incredibly strong and can o;tli:e any h;man> 6hy wo;ldn8t "
want itH Drinking blood " can deal with? and being alone "8m ;sed to> %esides? " won8t
be alone> "8ll ha:e my maker to keep me company>G
2lad8s fangs slid from his g;ms? as if coaCing him to take the risk? to bite Eddie and
drain him dry? and deal with the possible conseD;ences of ingesting garlic> ,is heart
th;mped steadily against his ribs in anticipation> %;t 2lad remained still> ,e had fi:e
months to either change Eddie8s mind or come ;p with a plan> )i:e months> #f co;rse?
if the &layers or Em had their way? none of this wo;ld e:en matter> GEddie?G he
growled> Eddie raised his eyebrows eCpectantly> 2lad nodded at him> G6atch yo;rself>
"8d hate for anything bad to happen to yo;>G Eddie ch;ckled before t;rning to lea:e>
G*o;8re f;ll of crap? 2lad> " like that abo;t yo;>G
As 2lad watched him disappear down the sidewalk? the center of his chest ached? like
it was f;ll of poison> "n a way? it was> "t was filled to the brim with hatred> ,atred for a
boy that 2lad had once felt sorry for> 1+
7!"&T#))8& !E2EN.E 2-AD 6A& ,A-)6A* AC!#&& T,E PA!7"N. -#T
when ,enry said something that made 2lad8s eyes roll back in his head>
G*o;8re acting so biEarre lately>G
2lad t;rned back to his friend with disbelie:ing eyes> GAre yo; serio;sH *o;8re the
one acting weird> *o;8re act;ally willingly walking into The Crypt with me> Not to
mention that this whole thing was yo;r idea> &o what8s ;p with thatHG
,enry shr;gged> G" J;st meant that yo;8:e been oddly mellow lately> " eCpected more
from yo;? what with yo;r dad still being ali:e? yo;r life being threatened at e:ery t;rn?
Eddie getting more aggressi:e? and &now now going to %athory ,igh>G
2lad shook his head? determined not to let ,enry change the s;bJect> G6hy did yo;
bring me here? ,enryH 6hy are we at The CryptHG
,enry grew D;iet? then shr;gged again> G"t8s nothing> " J;st wanted to bring this CD "
b;rned to #ctober> " forgot to gi:e it to her at l;nch>G
As ,enry mo:ed forward? toward the cl;b8s front door? 2lad8s footfalls slowed? his Jaw
dropping open J;st as slowly as his feet were mo:ing> Then? as ,enry opened the door?
2lad picked ;p the pace again> GA miC tapeHI *o; made her a miC tapeHIG
The door closed and 2lad shook his head in ;tter shock> &omething told him there was
more to ,enry and #ctober now than he8d realiEed>
,e wasn8t s;re how he felt abo;t the idea that maybe his :ery different friends were
into one another> #n one hand? he cared deeply abo;t both of them and wanted them to
be happy> #n the other hand? ,enry 0c0illan didn8t eCactly ha:e a great history with
girls> This was the g;y who ;sed to make it his goal to kiss a different girl e:ery week>
Then he started dating 0elissa and went completely the opposite way? becoming
totally and completely? almost scarily? de:oted to one girl> "f ,enry had any kind of
balance at all? he8d wish them l;ck> %;t he worried abo;t ,enry> And he worried abo;t
#ctober> ,e8d ne:er known her to ha:e a boyfriend? and he co;ldn8t imagine her
hanging o;t with a g;y who shopped at stores in the mall that she sneered at as she
walked by> The whole thing was :ery? :ery weird> %;t >>> it was only a CD> 0aybe it
meant nothing> #r maybe it meant e:erything> Either way? there was really nothing he
co;ld do abo;t it> 2lad released a deep breath and p;lled open the door>
,e descended the sloped ramp into the cl;b? and was greeted by the familiar th;mp of
m;sic that made him feel ali:e and a crowd of people he felt tr;ly at home with> The
lights were low? as ;s;al? and the place was packed> #n the dance floor? ,enry was
handing #ctober her new CD> &he threw her arms aro;nd his neck and h;gged him>
2lad sighed and leaned back against the wall? th;mping his head against the drywall in
fr;stration and closing his eyes? waiting for a sol;tion to present itself> "t didn8t> %;t
something else did>
"mmense and immediate pain ripped thro;gh 2lad8s face> ,is nose made a cr;nching
so;nd as someone8s fist po;nded into it--one hit? b;t hard eno;gh to co;nt as fo;r>
%lood sprayed from his nose and hot white pain shot thro;gh his entire sk;ll> ,e
d;cked? cro;ching? shaken and worried that his attacker wo;ld p;nch again> Daring a
glance ;p at whoe:er had hit him? 2lad was act;ally s;rprised to see a :ery f;rio;s
7ristoff standing o:er him? 2lad8s blood in his hair? 2lad8s blood on his fist> 7ristoff8s
eyes were cold and calc;lating? and 2lad bet that if he didn8t get o;t of this fast?
7ristoff was going to do his best to hospitaliEe him> And witho;t eCposing himself as
a :ampire? 2lad was definitely in danger of that> #f co;rse? he8d heal fast> %;t getting
beaten ;p didn8t feel good in the least>
7ristoff8s bloody fist was held at the ready as he growled at 2lad? who8d slid to the
floor? his head and face po;nding? his nose feeling like a big balloon> G*o; h;rt &now?
so " h;rt yo;> &he doesn8t come here anymore? all beca;se of yo;> And now #ctober is
hanging o;t with ,enry 0c0illan> ,enry 0c0illan? of all peopleI And yo; bro;ght
him here> *o;8:e r;ined e:erything abo;t The Crypt> *o;8:e r;ined e:erything "
lo:e>G ,e raised his fist again? m;rdero;s intent in his eyes> GAnd now "8m gonna r;in
%ehind closed lips? 2lad8s fangs shot from his g;ms> ,e wasn8t s;re if it was in
reaction to the smell of blood--his own blood? e:en--or a defensi:e mane;:er> ,e only
knew that the smell was too m;ch for him to bear> ,e was h;ngry? so h;ngry? and
s;rro;nded by the :ery thing his body had been screaming for> &;stenance> ,;mans>
2lad8s world sp;n? swirling before him like water down a drain> Then he was capt;red
by a :ision> A :ision of 7ristoff r;nning across the football field of %athory ,igh>
"t was insane> 7ristoff--once Da:id--r;nning on a football fieldH 2lad had ne:er
known him to enJoy sports before? b;t yet there he was? his sil:er hair blowing in the
wind? his eyes wide and ali:e> ,is feet falling solidly in a sprint> !ight on his heels
was Eddie Poe> -ittle Eddie Poe> Eddie was grinning? and 2lad gasped at what he saw
in that grin> )angs> 2ampire fangs>
2lad p;lled from the :ision with a shocked gasp to see ,enry grabbing 7ristoff8s arm?
his :oice a low growl> G*o; do? yo; die>G
The two eyeballed one another for a moment? before 7ristoff finally yanked his arm
away and crossed the room to the :el:et co;ches there> The crowd that had gathered to
witness the eCchange dispersed and ,enry helped 2lad to his feet>
2lad8s eyes were locked on 7ristoff> ,e grabbed ,enry by the slee:e? his breaths
coming D;ick and shallow> G6e ha:e to help him? ,enry> 6e ha:e to protect him>G
G6hoHG ,enry looked aro;nd? completely lost>
2lad nodded toward the :el:et co;ches? where 7ristoff was being pampered by
se:eral goth girls> G7ristoff> 6e ha:e to sa:e him>G ,enry narrowed his eyes> ,e didn8t
seem the least bit concerned abo;t the g;y who had J;st p;nched his best friend in the
face> ,e did? howe:er? seem a little s;rprised at 2lad8s concern> G)rom whoH #r
2lad8s headache s;bsided as his nose healed? b;t it was replaced by another pain --the
pain of knowing what was to come> G)rom Eddie Poe> Eddie8s going to become a
:ampire and go after 7ristoff>G
,enry8s eyes grew wide> ,e darted glances between 2lad and 7ristoff> G,ow can yo;
know thatHG
G%eca;se > > >G 2lad8s :oice dropped to a horrified whisper> The knowledge of what he
was abo;t to say was cr;shing him from the inside> G"8m going to make him one>G 1/
&T!EN.T, 2-AD &-UN. ,"& %AC7PAC7 #2E! ,"& &,#U-DE! and had
J;st opened the door when his dad stopped him> G2ladimir > > > a word? if yo; will>G
,e already knew what his dad was going to ask> "t was the same thing he8d asked
e:ery day since he8d been home? and recently? his tone had changed to one of
desperation> 2lad got how important it was that they find the Jo;rnal> ,e8d been
looking e:erywhere? short of shaking it from Aoss8s person> G" ha:en8t fo;nd it yet?
Dad> Any l;ckHG Tomas shook his head> G" fear we may ha:e to search the &layer8s
2lad winced? the idea not sitting right with him at all> ,e hadn8t asked Aoss for the
Jo;rnal yet> 0ostly beca;se he still wasn8t certain he co;ld tr;st Aoss a h;ndred
percent> Pl;s? he was hoping he8d find it elsewhere? hoping like hell that he8d imagined
it sticking o;t of Aoss8s backpack that night in the clearing> ,e8d e:en asked ,enry to
poke aro;nd a bit? to see if he co;ld find it at Aoss8s ho;se> %;t ,enry8s search had
t;rned ;p nothing>
G*o; do realiEe how important it is that we find my Jo;rnal? yesH "t co;ld sa:e ;s both?
2lad sighed> G" know> A;st >>> J;st let me try a few more spots before we go raiding
Aoss8s bedroom? okayHG
After a long moment? Tomas nodded? and 2lad headed toward the door> 6hen his
fingers br;shed the knob? 2lad t;rned back to his father> G"8m still not entirely s;re
why we8re looking for the Jo;rnal> ECactly how will it help ;s stop Em and the trialHG
,is dad lowered his :oice? as if he was sharing a great secret with 2lad> GThe Jo;rnal
was written on pages of :ery old teCt--teCt that can only be re:ealed by being eCposed
to blood or fire>G
2lad tho;ght back to Diablo and his rit;al> ,e8d smeared the backs of some pages with
blood and words had been re:ealed>
G" belie:e the details of a special rit;al are contained within the pages> "f we apply fire
to those pages? " belie:e we will ;nco:er eCactly how to stop Em and all who might
oppose ;s>G Tomas folded his arms in front of him? raising a stark eyebrow> G%;t first
we m;st find the Jo;rnal>G
2lad nodded and made his way o;t the door> "f what his dad said was right? it co;ld
mean the end to all of their problems> ,e and his dad co;ld li:e o;t their days a happy
family once more> They co;ld stop Em? e:en stop the &layer &ociety? and all wo;ld be
well> They J;st needed that Jo;rnal>
The entire walk to school was a fog? his tho;ghts foc;sed on the Jo;rnal and where it
might be> ,e knew it was likely in Aoss8s possession> After all? the last he8d seen of it? it
had been in his backpack> %;t 2lad still didn8t feel right abo;t breaking into Aoss8s
home> "t felt dirty> "t felt wrong>
As 2lad reached the school? his eyes were drawn to the sight of two :ery familiar
girls? arg;ing at the top of the steps of %athory ,igh> #ne in pink> The other in black>
0eredith and &now>
0eredith had her nose scr;nched? as if something didn8t smell :ery good> %ehind her
stood 0elissa ,art and a handf;l of other semipop;lar girls whose names had slipped
2lad8s memory> G#h please> A;st look at what yo;8re wearingIG
&now shook her head? calm? cool? collected> G" ref;se to accept fashion ad:ice from
someone whose closet looks like Pepto-%ismolG>
G"8m J;st saying that 2lad8s beha:ior is pretty ;npredictable> 0aybe yo; sho;ld lea:e
him alone> " mean? yo; don8t e:en know him>G
G" know him better than anyone at this school>G &now glanced across the parking lot at
,enry8s car? which was J;st p;lling in> 2lad was s;ddenly glad he hadn8t bothered to
wait for his best friend> This eCchange was far more entertaining than anything on the
radio> GECcept for ,enry? " mean>G Neither girl had noticed 2lad> And 2lad liked it
that way> 0eredith tossed her chocolate c;rls o:er her sho;lder? her tone s;perior>
G)ace it> ,e8ll ne:er go o;t with yo;? &now>G
&now stepped toward her then? and 0eredith stepped back> &now8s words were a hiss>
G*o; face it? princess> " don8t need a boy cr;shing on me in order to feel good abo;t
myself> "f 2lad doesn8t date me? that8s fine> "f he does? great> %;t "8m not going to base
my entire sense of self-esteem on whether or not " ha:e a date to the prom>G 0eredith
snorted> G" honestly don8t know what he sees in yo;>G
G0aybe it8s my charming sense of h;mor and ability to p;t ;p with crap from his eC-
girlfriend>G 6ith that? &now opened the door and slipped inside> And 2lad was left
with something he8d ne:er realiEed before>
0eredith didn8t know him at all> "f she co;ldn8t see why he liked &now? she had no
idea who he e:en was>
&lowly? he made his way ;p the steps? toward her> 6hen he stopped in front of
0eredith? 0elissa and the other girls flashed her knowing smiles before disappearing
inside> 0eredith brightened at the sight of him> G0orning? 2lad> ,ow are yo;HG
G&trength>G &he blinked? the smile slipping from her face> G6hatHG
G&trength? 0eredith> That8s what " see in &now> ,er amaEing strength>G ,e held her
gaEe? his lips p;rsed> 0eredith shook her head> G" J;st want yo; to be happy>G
2lad t;rned and opened the door> As he looked back at 0eredith--at the girl he
tho;ght he lo:ed before he knew what lo:e was? he shook his head> G" am happy >>>
with &now>G 11
T,E ,UN.E! 2-AD !#--ED #2E! "N %ED? trying to ignore his aching stomach
and failing miserably> ,ed already downed three blood bags on his way ;p to his
room? and then later sn;ck downstairs and downed three more> %;t his appetite wasn8t
satiated by the donated blood> "t tasted still? stagnant? lifeless on his tong;e> ,e wanted
Needed more>
,e slipped from his bed and down the stairs? still dressed? as if he knew he8d be taking
a walk later? and p;t his shoes on in the dark> As he descended the stairs? he heard his
dad snoring D;ietly on the co;ch>
,e mo:ed down the steps and o;t the front door witho;t making a so;nd? then headed
;p the street toward the park> 6hat 2lad needed was a good? long walk? and then? once
he8d eCha;sted himself? he8d fall back in bed? too tired to e:en think abo;t how h;ngry
he was>
A scent was on the air--one of adrenaline and spirit and blood> 2lad followed that
scent into the park and? standing in the shadows? watched a woman making her laps
aro;nd the track>
&he was r;nning at a steady clip? tho;gh 2lad had no idea why she tho;ght it was a
good idea to eCercise in the middle of the night--e:en in this town> ,er footfalls
slapped the pa:ement in a rhythm that matched closely the rhythm of her heart> 2lad
watched her as she ro;nded the bend? heading straight for him now> ,e stepped
backward? deeper into the shadows>
,e didn8t know what he planned to do> ,e only knew that she wo;ldn8t see it coming?
that she wo;ld be the end to a means? that his terrible thirst? his ;nbearable h;nger
wo;ld be satiated at last>
,e licked his lips as she approached? and J;st as she stepped within a few feet of him?
2lad looked at her? really looked at her> &he was a person> A real? li:e person> 6ith a
family> 6ith friends> 6hat was he thinkingH
,er steps slowed as she ca;ght sight of him> ,er eyes widened in s;rprised fear>
Alarm shot thro;gh her :eins? both shaking 2lad and filling him with disg;st> Disg;st
with himself for what he8d been abo;t to do>
,e forced a smile and said? G*o; sho;ld be caref;l o;t here> %athory8s not as safe as
yo; might think> ,a:e a good night>G Then he did what had seemed impossible only
seconds before> ,e t;rned aro;nd and walked away? his stomach r;mbling in protest>
G2ladimir TodHG
A word? fo;r letters? shocked and fo;l? crossed his lips as he t;rned back to face the
,e wasn8t at all s;rprised to see her p;lling a sil:er-tipped stake from the holster on
her thigh> %;t he was s;rprised to see her whip into action and r;n straight for him
witho;t so m;ch as a blink>
&he raised the stake? and 2lad looked ;p at it? hating that st;pid piece of wood? that
thing that had ca;sed him so m;ch stress> "t was a symbol? the stake> And to 2lad it
was a symbol of hatred? of absol;te ref;sal of peace>
"t was also a distraction techniD;e? beca;se as 2lad was watching the stake? thinking
D;ickly of a plan of defense? the &layer woman whipped aro;nd? sweeping 2lad8s legs
with a kick> 2lad fell backward? b;t ca;ght his balance J;st before he fell> As he
st;mbled? she bro;ght the stake forward> 2lad reached ;p in a blink? gripping her
wrist? eyeing her down>
,e co;ld snap it> &nap the bone and ca;se her real pain> ,e knew it and? more
importantly she knew it too> %;t she still wo;ldn8t stop? and her eyes slanted into a
defying glare>
2lad weighed his options--fight or flight--and in the end? he p;shed her backward
se:eral yards? releasing her witho;t harm? and t;rned to lea:e> "t was o:er> 2lad didn8t
want to fight> There wo;ld? if he and Aoss didn8t come ;p with a solid plan of action?
come a time when he wo;ld ha:e to face the &layer &ociety> %;t not now> Not if he
had anything to say abo;t it> ,is stomach r;mbled its protests> The woman8s :eins
were f;ll of a delectable % negati:e? and it was calling o;t to him? ta;nting his thirst>
%ehind him? he heard the woman8s feet r;nning softly o:er the gro;nd> &he was
coming at him again> &he wo;ld not stop? wo;ld ne:er stop> And as she got closer? the
monster inside of him screamed with h;ngry delight> )resh blood? eno;gh to satiate his
immense h;nger? and it was being deli:ered to him by someone who probably
deser:ed to be bitten>
A s;dden Jolt went thro;gh 2lad> The realiEation of what he was thinking? of what he
was abo;t to allow himself to do>
P;shing the monster back deep down inside? and witho;t p;tting a conscio;s effort
into his actions at all? 2lad mo:ed> )ast> "n blinding speed? he t;rned and approached
the &layer? spinning aro;nd? lifting his leg chest high> ,e kicked the &layer back?
sending her flying from him> ,e had time eno;gh to notice that she was still gripping
the stake when she hit the large oak across the park with f;ll force> &he cr;mpled to
the gro;nd? ;nconscio;s and ;nbitten>
Another fo;r letter word--a different one this time-- crossed 2lad8s lips? b;t for a
different reason> %eca;se not only was Aoss right abo;t &layers heading to %athory >>>
>>> they looked like reg;lar people? which wo;ld make them impossible to pick o;t of a
crowd> They co;ld hide o;t in the open> And there wo;ld be a lot of them> 13
EC,#E& )!#0 T,E PA&T 2-AD 6A& &"TT"N. #N NE--*8& %AC7 &TEP?
listening to the so;nds of night aro;nd him? p;nishing himself for ha:ing e:en
considered feeding from the so;rce> )orcibly> 6itho;t consent>
There was something wrong with him>
*eah? said that other :oice--the one that only spoke when he was feeling ra:eno;s-
something was wrong? and that something was that he was h;ngry> ,e was a h;ngry
:ampire> 6hat else did he eCpectH A little self-control> That8s for s;re>
%;t he wasn8t J;st beating himself ;p o:er considering drinking from that &layer
woman in the park--or e:en o:er attacking her and knocking her ;nconscio;s> ,e was
also waiting> 6aiting for answers>
After he8d left the park? he8d ret;rned to Nelly8s ho;se> And as he8d placed his shoes
inside the coat closet? he co;ldn8t help b;t notice something wrapped ;p in a plastic
bag and t;cked in the :ery back of the closet> C;riosity had gotten the better of him?
and he8d peered inside the bag> 6hat he fo;nd had shaken his world and bro;ght a
flood of D;estions to the tip of his tong;e> 9;estions that only #tis co;ld answer>
,e8d paced the kitchen for almost an ho;r? his tho;ghts flitting from one strange
eD;ation to another? with nothing adding ;p in #tis8s fa:or> At last? with a deep breath?
he walked o;t the back door? sat down on the step? and reached o;t with telepathy to
his ;ncle> G#tis? are yo; sleepingH G
0oments later? #tis creaked open the back door and poked his head o;t> G6hat8s the
matter? 2ladimir? co;ldn8t sleepHG
,e patted the step beside him> G,a:e a seat? Uncle #tis> There are some things " need
to talk to yo; abo;t>G
#tis nodded? the smile slipping from his face? as if he knew this were coming> ,e took
a seat beside 2lad and they watched the night for a while> The stars were bright and
shining? and the sky was so f;ll of them that it almost seemed like there were too many
stars in the sky? too m;ch brightness in the world when 2lad8s tho;ghts were so dark
and shadowed> 2lad glanced at his ;ncle and said? G" was attacked by a &layer
,e co;ld see #tis :isibly tense? b;t his ;ncle8s tone remained as calm as co;ld be>
GAre yo; all rightHG
2lad nodded> ,e decided not to mention how close he8d come to draining the woman
dry> There were? of co;rse? far more important things to disc;ss> Things that had been
plag;ing 2lad e:er since he8d opened the bag at the back of the coat closet> GUncle
#tis >>> "8:e been doing a lot of thinking> And some things yo;8:e told me o:er the
years don8t D;ite add ;p>G
,is ;ncle didn8t respond? merely folded his hands together and kept his eyes on the
gro;nd in front of him> "t seemed to 2lad an act of contrition? like he were g;ilty of
J;st abo;t anything 2lad wo;ld acc;se him of? and was a little bit relie:ed that he8d
been fo;nd o;t>
Taking a deep breath? 2lad contin;ed> GA few years ago? yo; told me that my dad had
been a :ampire for a h;ndred years before yo; made the change> Then a co;ple years
later? yo; ga:e me a letter describing the day yo; were t;rned> *o; made it so;nd like
yo; were both t;rned into :ampires that day>G #tis was :ery still? as if waiting for
2lad to force him to speak> 2lad raised an eyebrow at his ;ncle> G&o which story8s
At first? #tis said nothing> %;t then he spoke--his :oice h;shed and raspy--and 2lad
knew that #tis felt badly> Abo;t what? he had no idea> G%oth? 2ladimir> %oth stories
are tr;e> %;t that doesn8t mean " sho;ld ha:e shared either with yo;>G G,ow can they
both be tr;eHG
GTomas was made a :ampire one h;ndred years before " was taken to the %astille> At
the time? " tho;ght he was also h;man--" didn8t belie:e in s;ch things as :ampires back
then> -ike most h;mans? " was blissf;lly ;naware of what l;rks in the shadows of the
night> -ike most h;mans? " was a fool>G ,e swallowed hard then and? gathering his
tho;ghts? said? G*o;r grandfather? "gnati;s? was a c;nning man? b;t he was also cr;el>
,e8d made Tomas a :ampire and ;sed him as his sla:e? yo; see> Tomas was miserable?
and so alone> ,e8s s;ffered? 2ladimir> *o;r father has s;ffered more than anyone "8:e
e:er known>G 2lad took it all in? b;t was still left with a D;estion poised on the tip of
his tong;e> G6hat happenedH 6hat happened eCactly that day in the %astilleHG
GThere is a law in Elysia> 6e can only change willing h;mans into :ampires> "t was a
law created to limit the :ampire pop;lation> A strange law? considering a :ampire
wo;ld ha:e to re:eal himself in order to gain permission>G ,e shook his head? as did
2lad? both mar:eling o:er the many inconsistencies in Elysian law> G"gnati;s had
arranged for my and Tomas8s imprisonment> " li:ed what " tho;ght were my final days
in that cell? with only the company of the man who wo;ld become yo;r father> "
tho;ght " was doomed? 2ladimir? and in the end " made a choice>G
A sinking feeling entered 2lad8s chest> ,is dad had lied> ,is dad had tricked #tis into
becoming a :ampire>
#tis shook his head> GDon8t think poorly of him> "t was my choice to make and " don8t
regret it at all> "gnati;s--yo;r grandfather--was a horrible man? and tho;gh Tomas had
initially resisted his de:io;s plan to gain my permission? he soon realiEed that while he
might not ha:e been strong eno;gh to escape "gnati;s alone? he might be strong
eno;gh with a brother there to back him ;p> ,e wo;ld be free? finally? of a tyrannical
father? of the man who planned to ensla:e ;s both>G
GThe way it8s been told to me? after " t;rned? Tomas attacked "gnati;s? calling to me to
assist and " did> E:en then we were inseparable? yo; see> 6e fo;ght? b;t " ha:e no
memory of it> "gnati;s had wo;nded me--a fledgling? J;st a babe? not at all capable of
facing a :ampire as old or as strong as "gnati;s--so terribly that " almost perished> %;t
Tomas fended o;r father off and took me to &iberia? where 2ikas tended to my
#tis8s eyes were wide and sad> A tiny m;scle in his Jaw twitched as he t;rned to face
2lad> G&o yes? both stories are correct> %;t if yo; hold any ill will at all against yo;r
father? " shall ne:er forgi:e myself for telling these tales to yo;> ,e is a good man> "
owe him my life>G
2lad opened his mo;th> ,e was abo;t to say that he co;ldn8t possibly be angry at his
dad for ha:ing followed the whims of his insane creator> ,is dad had been afraid? and
besides? the entire act had gi:en 2lad #tis> And that wasn8t anything he regretted at all>
%;t then the so;nd of raised :oices edged its way aro;nd the corner of the ho;se> 2lad
and #tis eCchanged glances? then mo:ed wordlessly aro;nd to the front of the ho;se to
see what was going on> 6hat they saw had 2lad8s Jaw on the floor>
Enrico was standing in the street? merely feet from Tomas--his eyes wide with l;nacy?
a sword in his hand> ,is fangs were bared? despite the fact that they were in p;blic?
where any h;man might see them>
They were arg;ing in Elysian code> Unable to ;nderstand the lang;age in its spoken
form? 2lad glanced at #tis? hoping he8d translate> %;t #tis had set his Jaw and stepped
forward? interr;pting> G.entleman? this con:ersation was ;na:oidable? b;t m;st it take
place where any h;man can peer o;t their window and witnessH *es? Enrico? yo;r
belo:ed son has perished> %;t it was at the hand of a &layer? and d;e to his own
actions> *o; cannot blame Tomas for that>G
G" don8t? #tis> " don8t blame him>G Enrico shook his head? and then cast a cold glance
on 2lad> G" blame his son>G
Then something happened that made 2lad realiEe that he was probably the only
:ampire there that hadn8t been aware of what was really going on? what #tis and
Tomas were really trying to pre:ent>
Enrico mo:ed behind 2lad with lightning fast speed? pressing the sharp blade to his
throat> #ne small mo:e and he wo;ld be beheaded>
The blade was cold and the cold was only warmed by the slight trickle of blood down
2lad8s neck as Enrico pressed the sword into him in a warning to Tomas and #tis>
G#ne mo:e and "8ll decapitate him> *o; both know " will>G
Enrico was crying> 2lad co;ld hear it in his :oice? feel it against his cheek> Then he
whispered? G" ha:e to do this? 2ladimir> " am sorry? b;t my son >>> my son was
e:erything to me> 6itho;t him? " cannot go on>G !aising his :oice he cried o;t into the
night? G" want J;sticeIG
Then he whispered it again into 2lad8s hair? all sense of reason gone> G" want J;stice>G
Tomas didn8t step forward--in fact? both he and #tis seemed froEen to the spot-- b;t he
did raise a sharp eyebrow at Enrico> G"f it8s J;stice that yo; want? " s;ggest yo; seek it
in the blood of the &layer &ociety>G 2lad swallowed hard? then winced as the blade
sank into his skin a bit deeper> ,e hoped like hell his dad had some idea of what he
was doing> T;rning his head slightly? he looked at Enrico> GPlease? Enrico> "t wasn8t
me> " >>> " lo:ed Dorian> ,e was a good friend to me> " cried when he was killed>G
Enrico8s craEy? metallic la;ghter filled the air> 2lad co;ld hear the madness on its
edges> Apparently? he really had lost his mind> 2lad8s fingers trembled? gi:ing his
whole body a c;e to shake in fear as well>
CraEy :ampires were terrifying? and more dangero;s than he e:er wanted to witness>
Enrico8s la;ghter died down at last> G*o; cried> *o; cried when my Dorian was taken
from me> %;t did yo; tell me when " came to see yo; that day with EmH #r did " ha:e
to learn of my son8s demise--his m;rder--G Enrico gripped a handf;l of 2lad8s hair? G--
thro;gh a cas;al con:ersation with Crat;sHG
#tis took a bold step forward> "n response? Enrico tightened his hold on 2lad8s hair and
yanked it back? eCposing his bleeding neck> "t was a wordless warningB stay back? or
"8ll kill him faster> Then Enrico loosened his grip some and said? G0y pain is
immeas;rable? and witho;t yo;? 2ladimir? this pain wo;ld not be>G
2lad swooned> ,is world became a blending of colors and so;nd> A;st when he
tho;ght he might black o;t? e:erything came into foc;s again> ,e was seeing clearly>
,e knew what he had to do>
2lad reached ;p with his right hand and gripped Enrico8s wrist> The moment his th;mb
br;shed Enrico8s 0ark? a s;rge of power shot thro;gh 2lad? the power of the Pra:;s>
After all? a 0ark was merely a glyph by another name? and glyphs had a tendency to
heighten and ;nleash 2lad8s Pra:;s gifts>
At least? that was a theory> E:ery time he to;ched a glyph? his eyes glowed> E:ery
time he to;ched a glyph? he felt more powerf;l than he had before> &o? it was a theory>
%;t one he was willing to bet on>
2lad foc;sed on his hand? willing it to become hot--hotter than e:er before> The glow
from the 0ark tra:eled down Enrico8s arm? ;ntil it en:eloped the blade with a heat that
e:en Enrico co;ld not withstand> ,e cried o;t? dropping the sword> And 2lad was
free> The sword was no longer pressed against his throat> Enrico was no longer
standing behind him? holding him prisoner>
Enrico was no longer standing? period> The moment his weapon had fallen? Tomas and
#tis were on him? pinning him to the gro;nd> #nce Enrico was ;nder control? Tomas
stood again and mo:ed toward 2lad? b;t ca;tio;sly? as if 2lad might ca;se him harm
if he mo:ed too D;ickly> ,e pl;cked Enrico8s sword from the gro;nd and t;rned it
o:er in his hands? then met #tis8s eyes> G"t seems there may be something to this
Pra:;s prophecy after all>G 14
T,E T!UT, ,U!T& 2-AD 6A& &"TT"N. #N T,E C#UC,? staring at the floor
between his feet? wondering if his family? the closest :ampires to him? were e:er going
to sh;t ;p and eCplain to him eCactly what had J;st happened>
%eca;se 2lad knew b;t co;ldn8t ;nderstand> And it scared the hell o;t of him> ,is
hands were shaking>
#nce Tomas had collected the sword? #tis tapped into Enrico8s mind? calming him?
soothing his tort;red tho;ghts with mind control? p;tting him to sleep for the time
being> 2lad8s dad then placed a call to Enrico8s brother? who promised to come collect
him immediately> Then he and #tis had ;shered 2lad silently across town? not wanting
to wake Nelly? wanting to be alone to disc;ss whate:er it was that had occ;rred> And
that meant going to the ho;se on -;gosi Trail? where 2ikas was waiting> 6here 2lad
was now sitting? waiting for answers> ,e only wished they wo;ld stop arg;ing already
and get on with their eCplanation>
G6hat other eCplanation is there for the things that 2lad is capable of? #tisHG ,is dad
so;nded completely aggra:ated? fr;strated with #tis8s st;bbornness>
G6hat is he capable ofH No more than any other :ampire? Tomas> 2ladimir is as
normal as they come>G #tis was trying his absol;te hardest to remain calm? to keep any
twinge of tension from his :oice? b;t his tone was slipping>
Tomas looked as if his brother had J;st slapped him> G*o; can8t be serio;s> 6hat abo;t
his speedH 6hat abo;t his ;nconscio;s controlH ,is :ampire detectionH ,is mind
controlH )rom what 2ikas tells me? 2lad is skilled beyond any of ;s>G
#tis shook his head> ,e looked fraEEled? desperate> G*o;8d like to think that? Tomas?
b;t " ass;re yo;? 2lad is an ordinary creat;re of the night> ,e is nothing at all like the
so-called prophecy describe>G
G6hat abo;t his eyes? #tisHG Tomas had leaned forward? meeting his brother8s gaEe>
#tis winced? as if not wanting to be reminded> Tomas8s :oice was calm? collected?
kind? b;t insistent> GThey flash iridescent p;rple at the oddest times> 0;ch like
Dorian8s eyes ;sed to flash iridescent bl;e>G 2lad8s :oice came o;t scratchy and ro;gh>
G6hat happened to meHG As if noticing him for the first time? all eyes fell on 2lad>
G6hat happened to me J;st nowH And what happened to EnricoH Did " act;ally b;rn
him J;st by thinking abo;t itHG ,is heart had sank into his stomach> ,e had a horrible
feeling that he8d inJ;red Enrico somehow>
Tomas and #tis eCchanged glances? b;t it was 2ikas who decided to reply> G*o; don8t
know how yo; b;rned Enrico? 0ahlyenki Dya:olHG
2lad swallowed hard? shaking his head> GNot>>> not really> " wanted to stop him> And
then the sword grew hot> "t was like " willed it to happen? and then it happened>G
#tis took a seat beside him? and sat D;ietly for a moment before he spoke? his :oice
soft and f;ll of shock> G"t was amaEing> *o; forced him to drop the weapon witho;t
serio;sly inJ;ring or killing him> %;t what st;nned me most were yo;r eyes> &o bright
p;rple? b;t that was almost drowned o;t by the shimmer o:erlaying it> An iridescent
glow that reeked of power>G
Tomas had been eyeing #tis the entire time that he was speaking> At last? he said? G0y
son is the Pra:;s? #tis> *o; cannot deny what yo; ha:e seen>G
#tis fl;ng an arm ;p in aggra:ation> GPrepostero;sI There is no s;ch thing> "t8s dri:el>
All of itI There8s a so;nd eCplanation for his eyes changing and for what he did to
Enrico> There has to beIG
2ikas shook his head> G0y friend? e:en " am at a loss to eCplain what " ha:e seen this
boy accomplish> Perhaps there is more to this so-called prophecy than we realiEe>
Perhaps 2ladimir is this Pra:;s of which the stories speak>G
The color drained from #tis8s face> G"t8s J;st a story> And if it were tr;e? 2ladimir
wo;ld be e:il incarnate> " ref;se to belie:e s;ch things abo;t my own nephew> "
cannot> " will not>G Tomas8s :oice grew softer> GNothing says the Pra:;s will be e:il?
G"t is said that the Pra:;s will come to r;le o:er :ampirekind and ensla:e the h;man
race> ,ow can that be interpreted as anything b;t e:ilHG #tis8s entire body seemed
tense> E:ery m;scle was tight? e:ery ner:e on alert> ,e was deep in denial and ready
to defend his ca;se> GDorian said that " will ensla:e the h;man race o;t of charity>G
E:eryone grew silent for a moment as 2lad spoke> ,e stood and mo:ed in front of
#tis? meeting his gaEe and ref;sing to stand down> ,e kept his :oice calm? s;bd;ed?
b;t certain> G" am the Pra:;s? #tis> E:en " can8t deny it anymore> *o; ha:e to belie:e
me? tho;gh? "8m not e:il> %;t " am the Pra:;s>G
#tis8s face went from white to bright red in a manner of seconds> ,e flicked his eyes
from his nephew to his brother to his friend and back to 2lad again> As #tis opened
the door? he pa;sed? his face ret;rning to that same ghostly pale> ,e shook his head
and looked back at 2lad> G.ood night? nephew>G
&omething abo;t the tone in his :oice created a knot in 2lad8s stomach> As did the fact
that 2lad hadn8t gotten a chance to ask #tis abo;t what he8d fo;nd in the closet> $5
-")E8& -"TT-E &U!P!"&E& 2-AD !#--ED #UT #) %ED? scratching his head
and yawning as he made his way downstairs> The s;n was J;st barely peeking in
thro;gh the windows? and the ho;se was eerily D;iet> As he hit the bottom step? the
front door opened to re:eal #tis> ,is shirt was co:ered in dried blood? his eyes wide
and s;rprised to see 2lad> ,e seemed to ga;ge 2lad for a moment before speaking>
Gyo;8re ;p early> " tho;ght yo;8d still be sleeping>G
2lad shr;gged> GNightmares> ,ad a hard time sleeping> 6ere yo; o;t feeding all
G)eedingHG #tis raised an eyebrow? then a look of realiEation crossed his face> GAh yes
>>> of co;rse> " was >>> famished> &tress does that to me>G
#tis ;nb;ttoned his blood-soaked shirt and tossed it in the bathroom hamper? then
grabbed a black T-shirt from a nearby clothes basket and slipped it on> ,e didn8t speak>
,e was wearing a T-shirt? which 2lad had ne:er seen him do before>
#nce #tis was dressed again? he mo:ed to the kitchen and filled a coffee m;g with
blood> ,e mo:ed as if his mind were completely somewhere else? foc;sed on things
that were more important than his day-to-day tasks> After he set the m;g inside the
microwa:e? 2lad said? G" tho;ght yo; were o;t feeding all night>G #tis nodded> G"
2lad looked from his ;ncle to the microwa:e with a perpleCed glance> GThen what8s
with the m;g of bloodHG
#tis f;rrowed his brow and snapped? GNot e:erything " do m;st meet with yo;r
appro:al? 2ladimir>G
The room grew :ery D;iet? only filling with so;nd as the microwa:e beeped> #tis
collected it and sat at the table? sipping D;ietly and reading the morning paper> 2lad
watched him for a moment? wondering eCactly what #tis had been ;p to> ,is ;ncle
had only snapped at him on rare occasions? b;t something abo;t this time was
different> #tis seemed distant? lost in tho;ght> "t bothered 2lad>
2lad t;rned witho;t another word and headed for the li:ing room? content to waste the
morning away with a game of !ace to ArmageddonB The )inal Ascent> ,is dad was
lying on the co;ch? eyes closed? sleeping so;ndly> ,is hair was the same black as
2lad8s> ,is mo;th was the same shape> Ten years flash thro;gh 2lad8s mind> *ears
with his parents? years with his dad>
"n his wildest dreams? he ne:er imagined it was possible that his father was still ali:e>
And e:en if he had? he ne:er wo;ld ha:e imagined their re;nion to be filled with so
m;ch tension? so m;ch ;ncertainty>
Deciding that :ideo games co;ld wait? he mo:ed back to the kitchen and took a seat
opposite #tis at the long plank table> 0aybe #tis didn8t want to talk? b;t 2lad did> G"t8s
strange? isn8t itH ,a:ing my dad back? " mean> A;st when " think "8m ;sed to it? " get
weirded o;t again>G
#tis8s hands on the paper tensed? his fingers c;rled> ,e picked ;p his m;g and sipped?
his eyes on the paper> Not reading? J;st pointedly not looking at 2lad> G*es> "t8s :ery
strange>G G*o; seem to be getting along pretty okay now>G #tis gr;nted in response>
2lad chewed his bottom lip for a moment before speaking> GDo yo; belie:e his eCc;se
for not being aro;ndH That he was trying to protect meHG
G" told yo; years before and " reiterate? 2ladimir> Tr;st no one>G A dark shadow
crossed #tis8s eyes> ,is :oice D;ieted ;ntil it was J;st abo:e a whisper> GNot e:en me>G
2lad looked at him and said alo;d what he8d been wondering since he saw #tis8s
bloody shirt> #tis? who wasn8t a sloppy eater at all> Co:ered in blood> G6here eCactly
were yo; last night? #tisH 6hat eCactly were yo; doingHG
2lad8s D;estions h;ng in the air between them? and 2lad co;ldn8t recall a time before
when he had e:er felt s;ch a distance between his ;ncle and himself> #tis felt far
away? almost ;nreachable? and he wasn8t s;re why> G" was taking care of some things>G
#tis drained his m;g and set it on the table? licking his lips absently> G%y the way? "
ha:e news> News yo; sho;ld be told> Enrico is dead>G
2lad8s Jaw dropped> ,is heart slammed against his chest once? then went still> G6hatHG
The phone rang> #nce> Twice> 2lad barely heard it>
DeadH Enrico was deadH The :ampire that had been a warm friend? and Dorian8s
maker? #tis8s friend? owner of 2 %ar >>> was deadH "t wasn8t possible> ,e J;st saw
Enrico last night> Three rings> )o;r> #tis8s :oice was gra:elly> G*o;8d better answer
that> "t8s yo;r dr;dge>G !el;ctantly? 2lad stood and picked ;p the recei:er> G,ey? can "
call yo; backH "8m --G
G!eal D;ick> The 0opey Teenage %ears are doing a s;rprise concert in &tokerton
tonight> "8:e heard at one point they light the edge of the stage on fire? and the lead
singer di:es into the crowd> "t8s gonna be epic? d;de> And did " mention the backstage
meet and greetH .reg hooked me ;p with two tickets> *o; inHG ,enry8s :oice was f;ll
of Joy--in eCact contrast to the :ibe in 2lad8s kitchen at the moment>
2lad blinked? his world tipping> Dead> Enrico was dead> G6hatH "--no> " can8t>
&omething8s come ;p> " kinda need to talk to yo; abo;t it> %;t later? okayHG
,enry8s tone immediately shifted to one of loyal concern> G6hat happened? manH *o;
okayHG &ighing? 2lad said? G*eah> " g;ess> "8ll fill yo; in later> ,a:e f;n at the
concert>G G*o; s;reHG GTotally> %;t come o:er after and "8ll catch yo; ;p on the ;tter
hell that is my life>G G#kay> ,ey >>> maybe "8ll ask #ctober >>>G &haking his head? 2lad
h;ng the phone ;p as D;ickly as he co;ld and t;rned back to his ;ncle> G6hat
happened to EnricoHG %;t #tis was gone> $1
A &-A*E!8& DETE!0"NAT"#N P-EA&E>G
The word escaped Aoss8s lips before he had time to think abo;t how the &ociety wo;ld
:iew it> GPleaseG wasn8t in their :ocab;lary> GPleaseG was an admission of weakness>
%;t it was too late now> ,e8d said it? and they8d heard it>
&oftly? D;ietly? so that his parents wo;ldn8t o:erhear his telephone con:ersation from
downstairs? Aoss whispered? GNo one has to die> The citiEens of %athory are innocent>G
G&omeone m;st die? &layer>G ,e knew that :oice> "t was the :oice of %radford? the
:oice of the &layer &ociety8s high co;ncil> "t was a kind :oice? b;t ;nrelenting and f;ll
of hidden meaning> 0eaning that Aoss f;lly intended to comprehend>
G&omeone>G Aoss scratched his forehead? m;lling o:er the word> G6hy not kill me
insteadH "8ll make it easy? "8ll come to -ondon> *o; can dispatch me as yo; please>
-ea:e the innocent bystanders o;t of it>G
G6e want Tod dead> Consider it a kindness that we8re gi:ing yo; ;ntil the end of the
Aoss8s hand was shaking on the recei:er> G6hy so longH 6hy be so patientH *o; ne:er
ha:e in the past> Unless " was doing recon>G
%;t he knew why they were gi:ing him so m;ch time> %eca;se it took time to contact
the members of the &ociety> They were scattered all o:er the globe--some of them in
places that were ;nreachable by telephone or witho;t "nternet> They were gi:ing him
time not o;t of kindness? b;t beca;se they had it to gi:e> E:en now? they were
gathering ;p the &layers from aro;nd the world for the cleansing> %eca;se it took more
than a few &layers to p;ll it off> "t wo;ld take all of them>
And all of them co;ld cleanse a town f;ll of :ampires> They8d done it before>
Together? they were far more powerf;l than they e:er were apart> There8d be no
stopping them> A hard l;mp formed in Aoss8s throat as any glimmer of hope faded
away into the night> #ne last time? he ;ttered? GPlease>G G*o; ha:e o;r answer?
The line went dead then? and Aoss was left with an emptiness that he had ne:er known
before> $$
%!EA7"N. AND ENTE!"N. A#&& &AT %AC7 #N T,E &6"N. on Nelly8s
porch? his eyes wide> G6hoa>
2lad shot him a look> G6hat8s wrongHG
Aoss shook his head> ,e still looked kinda shocked> They8d been talking for a few
ho;rs now? abo;t anything b;t the possibility that Aoss was going to ha:e to stake him>
)inally? 2lad co;ldn8t take it anymore and had told Aoss what his dad had said abo;t
the Jo;rnal? in hopes that if Aoss had it? he8d hand it o:er> G" J;st had no idea that
:ampires had access to rit;als that powerf;l> ,ow did yo;r dad get itH " mean? it8s in
his Jo;rnal--where:er it is? rightHG
G" don8t know? b;t if we find that Jo;rnal? all of o;r problems are sol:ed>G 2lad
watched him? trying to ga;ge whether or not Aoss was hiding something> &ay the
Jo;rnal? for instance> %;t his eCpression didn8t gi:e any hint of deception> G" don8t tr;st
it>G Aoss shook his head again? this time sitting ;p straight? looking more confident> G"t
can8t be that easy? 2lad> Nothing e:er is>G 2lad8s Jaw dropped> GEasyH 6e ha:e no idea
e:en where to lookIG G#kay? so easy was the wrong word? b;t--G
GAoss> "t8s o;r only option short of yo; staking me> Are yo; going to help me look for it
or notHG ,e set his Jaw st;bbornly> They were in this together> ,e needed Aoss> Needed
his help>
Aoss sighed hea:ily> ,e looked o;t at the night? watched a car pass slowly by? glanced
at the shadow of a cat in the b;shes? and then sighed again> G6here sho;ld we startHG
Ten min;tes later? they were across town? hiding in the shadows? away from prying
G6aitIG Aoss called to 2lad in a whisper? b;t it was too late--he8d already slid thro;gh
the window of Eddie8s d;mpy little ho;se? right into what looked like his parent8s
bedroom> 2lad peeked his head back o;t the window and shook his head in a D;estion>
Aoss sighed? and still whispering? b;t this time? more frantically? said? G" think
somebody8s home>G
2lad glanced to his left> A bl;e light was flickering in the window neCt to the room he
was in> The li:ing room? he was g;essing? and someone was watching tele:ision> 2lad
tho;ght? b;t only for a moment> Then he whispered to Aoss? G6ait right here> 6e8:e
come this far? and "8m not lea:ing that little weasel8s room ;nsearched>G
Despite Aoss8s D;iet protests? 2lad mo:ed silently thro;gh the messy room to the door>
Creaking it open slightly? he listened? b;t all he co;ld hear was the Price "s !ight
blaring in the room neCt to him> 6ith a deep breath for bra:ery? 2lad opened the door
and slipped into the hall> After an easy decision of which way to go-- toward the
tele:ision noise or away from it? 2lad mo:ed down the hall> The neCt door was the
bathroom? b;t the door after that >>> that was all Eddie8s>
Pasted? pinned? stapled? and taped to the wall were tons of tabloid headlines abo;t this
monster or that--mostly :ampires> #n the far wall was a desk piled with papers> "t took
2lad a good ten min;tes to search for his dad8s Jo;rnal? to no a:ail>
,e tried to open the window in Eddie8s room? b;t it was nailed sh;t> Probably panicky
little Eddie8s idea on how to keep a :ampire at bay>
,e mo:ed back to the master bedroom and looked o;t of the open window to a
ner:o;s-looking Aoss> G&oHG 2lad shook his head> GNothing>G Aoss asked? G6here8s the
last place yo; saw this thing anyway? 2ladHG
2lad tho;ght for J;st a moment before answering> G"n yo;r backpack on the night yo;
staked Dorian>G
"t was Aoss8s t;rn to stop talking> &haking his head? his feat;res paling? he said? G"
didn8t take it? 2lad> " swear> &omeone m;st8:e p;t it there> And then that someone
m;st8:e taken it o;t again> %eca;se " don8t ha:e it>G 2lad ga;ged his honesty le:el for a
moment> ,e belie:ed Aoss> E:en tho;gh e:eryone on the planet wo;ld tell him not to>
G" don8t s;ppose yo; know where the Compendi;m is either? h;hHG GThe whatHG 2lad
sighed> GNothing> A;st a book " lost>G )rom behind him? 2lad heard someone mo:ing
down the hallway> GAll right? maI -et me p;t my backpack awayI .eesh >>>G Aoss
mo;thed? GEddieHG
2lad nodded> ,e was sorely tempted to di:e from the window? b;t instead he waited
for Eddie to go to the main area of the ho;se> Then he sl;nked back down the hall to
Eddie8s room> Eddie8s backpack was on the bed in a heap> 2lad closed his eyes as he
reached for it? praying to anyone and anything at all that his dad8s Jo;rnal wo;ld be
inside> "t wasn8t> 2lad8s heart sank? and hopelessness en:eloped him> $'
,A--#6EEN "T &UC7ED 6,EN ,alloween night fell on a school night? b;t it
s;cked e:en worse when it fell on a school night in the middle of the week>
That being said? 2lad wasn8t abo;t to let it r;in his f;n> After all? it was going to be his
last ,alloween e:er> Nobody was going to r;in it for him> Nobody>
,e and ,enry had had a good? long la;gh abo;t the cost;mes they were going to wear
this year? and not e:en Principal &nelgro:e was going to rob them of their good time>
,enry was dressed in a cheesy black nylon cape--one he8d borrowed from 2lad--and
had his hair slicked back and spray painted black? complete with a widow8s peak> ,e
was e:ery bit a stereotypical old-school ,ollywood :ampire? and 2lad was his
companion? his sla:e? his dr;dge> %;t in the worst way possible> 2lad was dressed in a
filthy s;it? complete with fake b;gs attached> ,e was !enfield to ,enry8s Drac;la>
And the :ery idea of switching places for the e:ening had sent them into hysterical
#f co;rse? it wasn8t e:ening> Not yet> "t was J;st after l;nch period> %;t fort;nately?
Principal &nelgro:e was feeling gi:ing this year and had allowed the st;dents of
%athory ,igh to dress in cost;me for the day>
%;t no parties> And no posters or banners with the word ,alloween> And no cost;me
parades> And no Jack-o8-lanterns>
6e wo;ldn8t want anyone to ha:e any f;n? now wo;ld weH After all? f;n like that
co;ld lead to kids liking school> And that? 2lad tho;ght as he smirked? J;st wo;ldn8t be
right? now wo;ld it? &nelgro:eH
2lad closed his locker door and as he did? the smile slipped from his face> Aoss was
standing there? not in cost;me at all? his eyes red and lined with p;rple br;ises that
indicated he hadn8t been sleeping well? a somber eCpression on his face> ,e eyed 2lad
for a moment before nodding> G-et me g;ess >>> !enfieldHG
2lad nodded back? e:er aware of the slight b;lge ;nder Aoss8s shirt> ,is stake> G,enry
and " tho;ght it wo;ld be f;nny>G #nly it didn8t feel f;nny right now> Nothing did> Aoss
sighed? leaning against the lockers> ,e looked like he co;ld fall asleep standing ;p>
Poor g;y> G,a:e yo; tho;ght any more abo;t o;r >>> o;r sit;ationH " mean? if we can8t
find the Jo;rnal? what are we going to doHG
2lad bit his lip and nodded> "t was hard not to think abo;t> Die so e:eryone yo; lo:e
can li:e? or li:e and e:eryone yo; lo:e will die> "t was a no-brainer? really> G" ha:e
tho;ght abo;t it>G GAndHG
GAnd " think yo;8re right> "f we don8t find the Jo;rnal? "8ll ha:e to die? Aoss> " can8t be
selfish like that>G 2lad met his gaEe? meaning e:ery word he8d spoken> GAnd no one
can know b;t ;s>G
Aoss nodded? a sad? dark light in his eyes> G#f co;rse> No one b;t ;s> And "8ll >>> "8ll do
what " can to make it D;ick? okayHG
G" appreciate that>G "t settled the sick feeling in 2lad8s stomach some to know that Aoss
was dreading this almost as m;ch as he was> !;nning a hand thro;gh his hair? he
lowered his :oice and said? G%;t it8s not e:en a factor> %eca;se we8re going to find that
Jo;rnal? and e:erything8s going to be all right>G Aoss nodded? b;t 2lad co;ld see do;bt
fill his eyes>
&ighing? 2lad said? G-ook? it t;rns o;t Elysia is planning to kill me come the end of
December anyway> &o if we do this the morning of New *ear8s E:e >>> well? then at
least " get one more Christmas with Nelly? #tis? and my dad? rightH *o; know> "f we
don8t find the Jo;rnal>G
A shadow? one of mo;rnf;l regret? passed o:er Aoss8s face> ,is eyes filled with tears
and he met 2lad8s eyes? g;ilt flowing from him> G"8m sorry? 2lad>G 2lad sD;eeEed
Aoss8s sho;lder and sighed> G0e too>G
As Aoss t;rned away to head to his neCt class? 2lad called o;t to him> GAoss? if yo;8re
not b;sy later >>> "8d like to take yo; somewhere>G
Aoss hesitated for a moment? then nodded> &;spicion crossed his eyes? followed
D;ickly by g;ilt for ha:ing been s;spicio;s of his friend8s moti:es>
2lad co;ldn8t blame him> They8d been thro;gh a lot together> Not all of it good>
G,enry will pick yo; ;p> %e ready at eight? okayHG An eCha;sted smile lit ;p Aoss8s
face> G*eah> *eah? no problem>G
2lad watched o;t the window for ,enry8s car to p;ll ;p that night? and when it did? he
wasn8t the least bit s;rprised that it took ,enry8s co;sin more than a few min;tes to get
o;t of the car> The plan was simple--introd;ce Aoss to Tomas before heading o;t to
0atthew8s ann;al ,alloween party>
%efore they co;ld ring the doorbell? 2lad had opened the door> GCome on in> " want
yo; to meet someone>G
,e walked a :ery ner:o;s looking Aoss thro;gh the ho;se and into the kitchen? where
#tis was car:ing a p;mpkin with Nelly? and Tomas and 2ikas were emptying a bottle
of bloodwine> All eyes t;rned to Aoss as he entered the room? and instantly? he flicked
his eyes to 2lad? as if wondering if he8d been betrayed>
Nelly smiled brightly> GAossI ,ow are yo;? dearH There are fresh baked cookies on the
co;nter? boys> ,elp yo;rsel:es>G
2lad n;dged Aoss o:er to where Tomas was standing and said? GAoss >>> " want yo; to
meet my dad> ,e8s where " get my :ampire traits from>G
%oth Aoss and Tomas looked ca;ght? shocked? as if neither tho;ght 2lad had any sense
left in his sk;ll>
,enry helped himself to a handf;l of cookies> Earlier? when 2lad had told him his
idea? ,enry had agreed that it was pretty brilliant>
#f co;rse? ,enry also tho;ght that finding new things to blow ;p with firecrackers
was pretty brilliant>
GAnd Dad?G 2lad cleared his throat? readying himself for any kind of o;tb;rst? GAoss is
a :ery good friend of mine> ,e8s also ,enry8s co;sin> And a &layer>G
Tomas tensed? b;t #tis and 2ikas didn8t> They were too b;sy pretending that Aoss
wasn8t e:en in the room> Thro;gh clenched teeth? Tomas said? GAnd yo; bro;ght him
here to meet yo;r :ampire father>G
2lad nodded? setting his Jaw> G" want the people " care abo;t to know one another? and
what8s more? " want them to ha:e a healthy respect for one another>G The room fell
silent> That is? ;ntil Nelly rinsed her hands off in the sink> &he was drying them on a
kitchen towel when she smiled at Aoss> G*o; and Tomas share a lo:e of history? yo;
know> *o;8:e read it? and well? he8s li:ed it> An old man like Tomas has lots of
wonderf;l stories to share>G
Tomas8s tension broke as he ch;ckled> G#ld manHI Nelly? "8ll ha:e yo; know " am :ery
yo;ng> A;st eCperienced>G ,enry nodded> GECperienced is code for old>G E:eryone--
e:en #tis? e:en 2ikas--la;ghed>
Then Tomas t;rned back to Aoss? who still looked a little on edge? and said? GCan " get
yo; something to drink? AossHG
GThat wo;ld be great> Thanks>G Aoss smiled at 2lad then--a caref;l? still concerned
After finishing a few sodas? the boys said their goodbyes and headed o;t the door to
0atthew8s party> A;st as they were stepping ;p onto 0atthew8s porch? ,enry stopped
2lad and said? GD;de> " don8t get it> 6hy did yo; feel the need to introd;ce Aoss and
yo;r dadH " mean? "8m totally happy to help> " J;st don8t ;nderstand eCactly what
p;rpose it ser:es>G
2lad watched as Aoss greeted 0eredith and then looked back at ,enry> G" li:e in two
worlds? ,enry> And in one of those worlds? " stand between mortal enemies> " needed
to know? J;st for one moment? that peace is possible>G ,enry sighed and shook his
head> G%;t if peace isn8t likely--and tr;st me? it8s not --then why bother getting them
togetherHG 2lad shr;gged and headed for the door> G" ha:e to try? ,enry>G
The li:ing room had been completely transformed into a foggy? misty swamp?
complete with swamp monsters b;rsting from the fog and &panish moss dangling from
the spooky fake trees> 2lad and ,enry made their way thro;gh the crowd and down
the stairs to the basement? where the party was in f;ll swing> 0atthew8s parents had
completely o;tdone themsel:es this year? and what 2lad descended into looked
nothing at all like a basement and e:erything like a creepy ha;nted castle>
&tanding by the p;nch bowl? tho;gh? was a bea;tif;l fairy> 6ith black? tattered wings>
2lad beamed at &now and made his way across the room> G,ey> Nice wings>G &now
eyed him ;p and down for a moment before grinning> G-et me g;ess> !enfieldHG
2lad ch;ckled> G#f co;rseI *8know >>> yo;8re one of the few people that will see the
h;mor in my being ,enry8s h;man sla:e>G
&he took a drink of p;nch and set her glass on the table> 2lad co;ldn8t help b;t notice
that her smile was smaller when she spoke> G6ell? " ha:e some eCperience in that
2lad cleared his throat? s;ddenly ;ncomfortable> There it was> That eternal reminder
that he had h;rt &now> That he had changed their li:es fore:er> G"8m sorry? &now> )or
lea:ing yo; the way " did> " sho;ld ha:e eCplained>G &now watched him for a moment?
then nodded> G*eah> *o; sho;ld ha:e>G
0;sic was playing? something with a hea:y techno beat> %;t after a moment it
stopped? and was replaced by something slow and melodic> After a moment? 2lad
recogniEed it as G%rokenG by &eether> After the first :erse? 2lad met &now8s eyes>
G6anna danceHG &he smiled again? this time more completely? and said? G"8d lo:e to>G
,e led her to the fog-co:ered dance floor> %y the time they reached the center? the
chor;s had started? and 2lad8s hands were shaking slightly>
,e reached for her hand and she ga:e his a sD;eeEe? her lips in a ner:o;s p;rse> Then
2lad p;lled her closer and they began to sway> ,is hands were on her waist and her
arms looped his neck> And the warmth between them was amaEing>
&he smelled sweet and good and so wonderf;l that 2lad breathed in her scent? and he
didn8t once think abo;t her blood? or how it had e:er tasted on his tong;e> ,e only
tho;ght of the way she looked at him? and the way it made him feel> ,e only tho;ght
of what his life had been like with &now? and what it had been like witho;t> "t had
been better with &now? despite the g;ilt of ;sing her as a food so;rce> %etter? beca;se
she listened whene:er he needed to talk> %etter? beca;se she had been e:erything he8d
e:er needed her to be for him? whene:er he needed her to be it> &he8d ;nderstood him?
accepted him? and lo:ed him> And in ret;rn? he8d p;shed her away>
2lad8s heart was th;mping strongly> "t felt good to hold &now in his arms> "t felt right>
%;t he co;ldn8t seem to open his mo;th to tell &now what he was feeling? or how he
wished that it wo;ld ne:er end>
&he looked ;p at him wordlessly? and her eyes said it all> &he felt the same way? b;t
something ref;sed to let her say it alo;d> 0aybe they were c;rsed by the same thingB
fear> Utter terror of knowing what it was to lo:e someone so deeply that they became a
part of yo;> &now was no longer his dr;dge-she was his match> &he was f;nny?
intrig;ing? confident? and cool> &he was? 2lad saw now? e:erything he had e:er
wanted in a girl> And as they swayed to the m;sic? they grew closer and closer? ;ntil
their bodies were pressed together? their foreheads to;ching>
2lad p;lled back? b;t only long eno;gh to look into her eyes before placing a tender
kiss on her lips> &now kissed back and when their lips parted? she drew him closer? her
arms wrapped tightly aro;nd him>
6hen the song ended and they broke apart at last? 2lad swore that he saw the glimmer
of tears in her eyes> $(
&,UTT"N. UP A-- 2-AD 6ANTED to think abo;t was how &now felt in his arms
last night> %;t other things--darker things--kept in:ading his tho;ghts? demanding his
attention> Enrico was dead> Dead and gone? and all that #tis wo;ld say abo;t it was
that he8d heard from someone--some nameless :ampire--that someone had killed him>
D8Ablo was dead too> &omeone had ripped the heart from his chest and cr;shed it into
a p;lp>
2lad was :ery worried that that someone J;st might be #tis> That #tis? maybe? had
killed both :ampires> )or reasons he did not yet know>
Not that he co;ld blame #tis for wanting to obliterate D8Ablo> After all? he and D8Ablo
completely despised one another> A;dging by the fight they engaged in d;ring 2lad8s
sophomore year? they shared a dark history that 2lad didn8t know the half of>
The e:idence was staggering> #tis8s blood-soaked shirt the morning after Enrico had
been killed? and this>
2lad t;rned #tis8s hat o:er in his hands> "t was what he8d fo;nd in the closet? and
hadn8t yet had a chance to D;estion his ;ncle abo;t> %;t he really needed to> The hat
was splattered with blood--blood that smelled like D8Ablo8s? e:en after an ob:io;s dry-
cleaning attempt> 6as #tis trying to co:er his tracksH 6hyH And why kill EnricoH
"t bothered him that #tis wo;ld take a life? let alone :ampire life> E:en D8Ablo8s> 2lad
felt like if anyone had to do it? if anyone really had to kill D8Ablo? that it wo;ld8:e
come down to him> %;t it hadn8t>
"t had come down to someone else--maybe his ;ncle--and 2lad hadn8t e:en gotten a
chance to make D8Ablo see the error of his ways> &t;pid :ampire> &t;pid half-insane
2lad ret;rned the hat to the bag in the closet> ,e8d ha:e to talk to #tis soon and find
o;t eCactly what was going on> %eca;se bloody shirts and hats and learning of the
deaths of people all aro;nd 2lad didn8t eCactly make him want to tr;st #tis>
,is tho;ghts flashed back on their beginning> #nce #tis had re:ealed his relationship
to 2lad? 2lad had been so willing to tr;st him? so anCio;s to help him and listen to
him> 6hat if the whole thing had been an act? a trickH 6hat if #tis was a horrible
person? e:en worse than D8AbloH 6hat if #tis had been spending all this time st;dying
him and trying to find a way to steal his Pra:;s powersH 6hat if his insistence that the
Pra:;s prophecy was J;st a myth was all an actH
2lad sh;ddered at the idea> ,e made a mental note to disc;ss the possibility with his
dad? who he knew wo;ld protect him? if needed> ,e hadn8t fo;nd his dad8s Jo;rnal yet?
b;t it had to be somewhere> And once he did locate it? his dad wo;ld fiC e:erything>
That8s what dads do>
Tho;gh the death of Enrico weighed hea:ily on his tho;ghts? it wasn8t his reason for
lea:ing Nelly8s place and crossing town? and then standing o;tside the front doors of
%athory ,igh? watching st;dents as they h;rried from warm cars? thro;gh the
blistering early chill of a;t;mn? into the warm b;ilding> There was no a:oiding school>
And there was something else there> &omeone else> &now>
%efore they8d danced at the ,alloween party? 2lad had been a:oiding her for weeks>
6atching her closely? longing for her to;ch? b;t keeping a caref;l? safe distance>
%eca;se he didn8t want to h;rt her>
,e8d been both thankf;l and disappointed that they shared no classes? and relie:ed that
she stayed tr;e to her c;rfew so that he wo;ldn8t b;mp into her on his way to the
belfry at night> %;t there she was? her pale cheeks fl;shed pink from the cold? a
stocking cap with bat wings on her head? shi:ering her way ;p the steps>
,e had to hand it to her> &now certainly wasn8t like other girls> &he didn8t call or write
him notes> &he didn8t talk abo;t him to his friends or wait o;tside his locker> &he went
on with her life with D;iet dignity and grace> And it was really starting to b;g the crap
o;t of 2lad>
The tr;th was? he8d missed her> 0issed her kisses? missed her company> And last night
showed him that he was tired of being witho;t her? tired of fighting against his feelings
for her> ,e only hoped that she felt the same way>
%;t how was he s;pposed to relate that to &now witho;t so;nding desperateH And
wasn8t it cr;el to confess his feelings to her only now that he was going to dieH At
Nelly8s ho;se--still at Nelly8sK he and his dad hadn8t mo:ed back home J;st yet beca;se
his dad was still tormented by the memory of 0ellina8s death--2lad had circled the
date on the calendar that he and Aoss had agreed to> The date he wo;ld die? if he didn8t
locate the Jo;rnal in time? in order to sa:e e:eryone that both of them lo:ed> December
thirty-first> ,is death was imminent> ,e8d see them all J;st one last time and then
disappear into the bl;stery snow with Aoss> To end it> To end it all>
0aybe it was selfish to choose to lea:e them all behind on a holiday> %;t he had no
&elfish or not? that made telling &now how he felt all the more important> And after
not being able to say anything at the party to her abo;t it? he knew he had to tell her
2lad smiled as she ascended the steps? completely ;naware that he was e:en waiting
for her> &he was wearing black pants with laces that went all the way ;p each leg?
Con:erse shoes with tiny sk;lls all o:er them? and a T-shirt which read Come to the
Dark &ideB 6e ,a:e Cookies> &he was bea;tif;l? with her eyes lined thickly with
black? her lips in a slight? confident smirk as she passed a gro;p of pop;lar girls? who
made D;iet? snarky comments abo;t her fashion choices> -ike him? &now was
different> -ike him? she stood o;t from the crowd> %;t ;nlike him? she totally owned
A shi:er of ner:o;sness crawled ;p his spine> &he might resent him for not being in
to;ch ;ntil she mo:ed to %athory> &he might not ha:e any feelings toward him at all
anymore? despite what it had seemed like at the ,alloween party> None of these
responses wo;ld s;rprise 2lad> ,e was wrong to c;t her o;t of his life> ,e was wrong
to p;sh her away in some insane p;rs;it of protecting her>
%;t he was really J;st trying to protect himself> &now was his match? his perfect
match> &he was ;nderstanding? open? honest? and so :ery bea;tif;l that it made 2lad8s
chest ache>
A good ache> #ne that hinted that his heart wo;ld eCplode if he didn8t hold her again
soon> G&now >>>G ,er name fell from his lips in a whisper? b;t it was eno;gh to make
her stop in her tracks>
&he looked ;p at him and smiled? a sadness l;rking in her eyes> 0aybe it was a
sadness that spoke of her longing for him> #r maybe it was something else> 0aybe
she8d mo:ed on? had fo;nd another boy? and that8s what the threat of tears at the end of
their dancing had meant? and what her eyes were trying to tell him now>
2lad mo:ed down the steps? ;ntil he was standing right in front of her> ,e held her
gaEe for a long time? searching for the right words> None of the ones he8d practiced
with on his way to school seemed right> )inally? with a deep breath for bra:ery? he
spoke> G&ometimes? " do incredibly st;pid things> -ike challenging ,enry to a
0o;ntain Dew ch;g-off> -ike gi:ing Amenti eCtra catnip when Nelly isn8t looking>
-ike breaking off all contact with my perfect match> Can yo; forgi:e meH Can yo;
e:er forgi:e meH %eca;se >>> " lo:e yo;? &now> And if yo; can8t forgi:e me? "--G
G2lad>G &he shook her head> G&h;t ;p>G
At first? his heart sank> Then she mo:ed forward? pressing her lips tightly to his in a
diEEying? wonderf;l kiss--one so m;ch better than e:en the kiss they8d shared on the
dance floor--and 2lad8s heart soared ;p into the atmosphere? thro;gh clo;ds and sky
and stars? and it ne:er came back down> ,e lo:ed &now> And &now lo:ed him> And
for the moment? that was all that mattered> $+
T,E END #) A-- &EC!ET& T,E!E "& N# 6A* this is gonna work>G ,enry
shook his head adamantly? peering ;p at the open arched windows of the belfry with
do;bt> GNo offense? 2lad? b;t "8:e seen yo; in gym class and "8m not abo;t to tr;st my
f;t;re career as a ballroom dancer to someone who can8t bench press eighty po;nds
witho;t ;sing his freaky :ampire powers>G
2lad raised an eyebrow> %allroom dancingH ,enry was abo;t as gracef;l as a three-
legged dog> ,e had to be Joking>
,enry s;r:eyed the distance? shaking his head once again> G*o;8ll break o;r legs? for
Aoss8s eyes grew wide? and 2lad almost sl;gged ,enry> The last thing he needed was
two panicky passengers> G"t8ll be fine? ,enry> Now hold on>G
Aoss had looped his arm thro;gh 2lad8s left arm? and ,enry grabbed onto 2lad8s
sho;lders> 6ith a deep breath? 2lad concentrated and willed his body ;pward? floating
thro;gh the air? carrying his two closest friends to his most secret of sanct;aries> "t was
time to let go of all secrets>
%esides? they needed somewhere D;iet and pri:ate to talk? somewhere that ,enry
co;ldn8t r;n away from>
6hen 2lad reached the ledge? the three of them stepped inside the room> ,enry looked
aro;nd and whistled? impressed> G6hoa >>> when yo; said yo; h;ng o;t ;p here? "8d
eCpected some old books and a few d;st b;nnies> Not this>G
2lad lit the candles and nodded to Aoss? who8d been watching him eCpectantly since
they entered the belfry> They8d planned it all o;t> ,enry8s co;sin wo;ld start the
eCplanation? and 2lad wo;ld assist> 0aybe it wo;ld be easier to hear coming from
family> 0aybe it wo;ldn8t>
"t didn8t matter> ,enry had to hear? had to know what was coming for him> )or them
all> Aoss cleared his throat and looked at his co;sin> Nothing abo;t his post;re said that
he was ready for this> G,enry >>> listen> There8s something 2lad and " need to tell yo;>
,enry flicked his eyes between them? s;spicion and concern lighting ;p his
G&omething8s abo;t to happen> &omething that none of ;s can stop> And " need yo;r
s;pport--we need yo;r s;pport>G G"s it something badHG ,enry whispered> 2lad ga:e
his sho;lder a sD;eeEe? b;t said nothing>
"t was bad> !eally bad> 6orse than ,enry wo;ld e:er know--he and Aoss had agreed
on that> They8d tell ,enry abo;t the &layer &ociety and abo;t Em> They8d tell him
abo;t the Jo;rnal and how important it was> %;t they wo;ldn8t tell him abo;t their last-
resort plan of action? abo;t Aoss staking 2lad> ,e was better off not knowing> #r? more
acc;rately? Aoss8s face was better off witho;t ,enry8s fists knowing>
G*o; know "8m a >>> &layer >>> rightHG At ,enry8s nod? Aoss looked a bit relie:ed and
contin;ed> G" belong to a gro;p known as the &layer &ociety> They eCist solely for the
p;rpose of eCting;ishing :ampires> They belie:e that :ampires are an abomination? an
e:il that has to be sn;ffed o;t before it infects mankind>G
To 2lad8s s;rprise--and great Joy--he saw disg;st in Aoss8s eyes> ,e didn8t know if that
was beca;se Aoss had changed his mind abo;t :ampires? or if it was something to do
with his feelings for the &ociety now> ,e only knew that seeing it was way better than
seeing the blind follower that Aoss had once been>
Aoss looked like he was str;ggling with what was coming neCt> %;t ,enry had to
know> GThe &ociety is coming to %athory> And they plan to m;rder e:eryone in this
town? ;nless " do something they8:e instr;cted me to do>G ,enry raised an eyebrow>
G,ow many of themHG Aoss whispered? GAll of them> ,;ndreds> Almost a tho;sand>G
,enry seemed to relaC some> GThat8s not so many>G
2lad leaned forward> G"t8s eno;gh? ,enry> Eno;gh to cleanse this town of e:ery h;man
being in it>G
Aoss nodded his agreement> G#ne well-trained &layer can take down a gro;p of a
h;ndred men witho;t blinking an eye>G G#kay >>> so that8s bad>G ,enry took a deep
breath and released it> G%;t what makes yo; think they8re capable of act;ally doing it?
act;ally killing e:eryoneHG
G%eca;se they8:e done it before> #nly no one b;t the &ociety knows they8:e done it>
)rom nat;ral disasters? like wild-fires? to pop;lations J;st disappearing--the &layer
&ociety has made an art o;t of making people disappear> Aoss looked immensely
embarrassed to be a part of that gro;p> 0aybe? 2lad tho;ght? he wasn8t anymore> Not
deep down> Not in his heart>
,enry ran an eCha;sted hand thro;gh his hair and sighed> G&o >>> what do they want
yo; to do eCactlyHG
Aoss swallowed hard and wet his lips before speaking> GThey want me to kill a
:ampire>G ,enry8s face dropped>
Aoss cleared his throat> ,e and 2lad stood slowly and Aoss said? Act;ally >>> they want
me to kill one :ampire in partic;lar>G
&lowly--:ery slowly? almost painf;lly so--;nderstanding came to ,enry8s eyes> ,is
face t;rned red> ,e J;mped ;p? swinging his fist? b;t 2lad mo:ed as fast as he was
able to and stopped him? holding ,enry in place with the ;se of his :ampire strength>
6itho;t it? ,enry probably wo;ld8:e broken 2lad8s arm J;st to get to Aoss> G" won8t let
yo; kill him? AossI " won8t let yo; h;rt 2ladIG Aoss held ;p his hands and stepped back>
"t was 2lad8s t;rn>
2lad kept his :oice as calm as he was able> GCome on? ,enry> Calm down> Please
don8t make me order yo; to sit and listen? okayH PleaseHG
At first? ,enry wasn8t b;dging> ,e fo;ght back as hard as he co;ld? b;t 0c0illan or
not? he was no match for 2lad> )inally? he sighed? his sho;lders sl;mping? his eyes red
and moist with fr;stration and ;pset> 6ith a nod from 2lad? Aoss contin;ed> GThey
want 2lad to die? ,enry> And if he doesn8t die? e:eryone else--incl;ding yo;-will>G
,enry glared at Aoss? and 2lad knew e:ery fo;l word that was going thro;gh his best
friend8s head> ,e hated his co;sin for what he was saying? and hated that his :ampire
master wo;ldn8t let him J;st beat the snot o;t of him for saying it> 2lad said?
GE:eryone? ,enry> Nelly? #tis? &now? yo;r parents> E:eryone>G
G,e8s lying>G The bitter words left ,enry8s tong;e in a siEEle> %;t as soon as he said
them? he do;bted them> G,e co;ld be lying>G
2lad shook his head> Aoss was telling the tr;th> They both knew that> GAoss came to me
and told me abo;t what the &ociety8s plans were? and it t;rns o;t? there8s this rit;al in
my dad8s Jo;rnal that co;ld stop the &layers? and co;ld e:en stop Em>G ,enry8s eyes lit
;p with s;rprise> G&o where is itHG
2lad and Aoss eCchanged looks> "t was 2lad who answered> G6e don8t know> %;t
we8re looking for it>G A whisper escaped ,enry> GAnd if yo; don8t find itHG
The room went silent for se:eral min;tes> Then 2lad sD;eeEed ,enry8s sho;lder>
G-et8s not worry abo;t that J;st yet? okayH )irst we ha:e to foc;s on finding that
G"8m all for finding the Jo;rnal? b;t why not kill some other :ampire and tell them it
was 2ladH #r tell them he stepped into the s;nlight and b;rst into flamesHG
Aoss shook his head and sighed? as if he8d gone o:er e:ery scenario a billion times?
trying to find a way for 2lad to li:e> GThey8d know? ,enry> 2lad is >>> well >>>G GThe
Pra:;sHG &omething in ,enry8s tone so;nded almost annoyed> Aoss nodded slowly>
)or the first time since hearing the news of 2lad8s impending death? ,enry tore his
gaEe from his co;sin and looked at 2lad? one eyebrow cocked> G6hat abo;t bringing
in more :ampires--like the :ampires who were gathered last year at yo;r old ho;se in
s;pport against yo;r trialHG 2lad shook his head> GAnyone who stands against Em
p;blicly will die? ,enry> " can8t risk their li:es J;st to sa:e my own>G
,enry threw his arms ;p and growled? his face fl;shing red as his temper flew> G6ell?
;se mind control and con:ince e:eryone yo; mo:ed to Tahiti thenIG
G,enry >>>G 2lad met his best friend8s gaEe? trying like hell to get ,enry to ;nderstand
that he and Aoss had tho;ght of e:ery possible a:en;e> GDon8t yo; think we8:e tried to
come ;p with other ideasH %eca;se we ha:eI This is it? okayH This is the only way> 6e
find the Jo;rnal> That8s it>G
Aoss ran a hand thro;gh his hair and sighed> G" wish there was something more we
co;ld do>G
2lad shot him a warning glance> ,e co;ldn8t let it slip that the only other option and
their fall-back plan was for Aoss to stake 2lad> They had to keep that secret from
,enry at all costs> #r else ,enry wo;ld end ;p doing something really st;pid>
,enry leaned closer to 2lad? his :oice dropping to a conspiring whisper> G,a:e yo;
considered that Aoss may be lyingHG
2lad had considered it> %;t he knew that deep down? in his g;t? he felt like Aoss was
telling him the tr;th> And that was good eno;gh for 2lad>
2lad looked from Aoss back to ,enry> G" tr;st him? ,enry> And " need yo; to tr;st him
too>G ,enry shook his head gra:ely? defiantly> G" can8t>G GThen tr;st me? the way yo;
always ha:e>G
,enry was D;iet for a long time> )inally? he sighed hea:ily? defeated> G" g;ess " don8t
ha:e a choice>G
2lad patted him ro;ghly on the sho;lder> ,is words were a whisper> GThat makes
three of ;s>G $/
.#"N. ,#0E 6,AT A%#UT some sort of disg;iseHG
2lad rolled his eyes as he and ,enry made their way down the sidewalk from the &top
L &hop> #n their way back from searching the park for his dad8s Jo;rnal? they8d each
bo;ght a two-liter of 2a;lt and se:eral bags of candy? beca;se nothing says weekday
afternoon like a massi:e? head-eCploding s;gar r;sh> GA disg;iseH &erio;sly? ,enryH "
can8t hide from :ampires? beca;se they can find me by reaching o;t for my blood> And
" can8t hide from &layers in a cost;me of some sort beca;se it8s st;pid> A fake
m;stache isn8t the answer> ,enry shr;gged> G6ell > > > change yo;r name then>G
2lad slowed his steps to a stop> ,enry stopped too> GThey can8t find 2ladimir Tod if
Egbert ,argro:e is sleeping in his bed>G 6ith that? 2lad smacked ,enry ;pside the
head> ,enry sho;ted? GD;deIG and r;bbed at the offended area> 2lad shook his head>
G*o; really are a geni;s? ,enry> "8ll see ya later? okayHG As 2lad t;rned toward Nelly8s
gate? ,enry called o;t? G&ee ya later? Egbert>G &haking his head? 2lad mo:ed thro;gh
the gate? ;p the steps? and into the ho;se> 6hat he saw inside left him conf;sed and
G" J;st don8t ;nderstand what the r;sh is? Tomas> "t8s >>> it8s so soon> Can8t yo; wait
another monthHG Nelly8s :oice was shaking slightly in ;pset> 2lad co;ld tell that she
was doing e:erything in her power not to start crying? b;t that dam co;ld break at any
moment> GA;st one month> 6hat8s the harmHG
Tomas sighed and gathered Nelly8s hands in his? meeting her eyes with calm
;nderstanding> GNelly? yo;8:e been a wonderf;l mother fig;re to 2lad? b;t it8s time>
"t8s time for ;s to mo:e home again and contin;e with the life we left behind> "t8s time
for ;s to mo:e back to -;gosi Trail>G
#tis was standing in the backgro;nd? not speaking> 2lad hadn8t been able to read his
eCpression since his dad had beg;n telling them abo;t mo:ing back home? b;t if he
had to wager a g;ess? he8d say that #tis was worried> Abo;t what? he had no idea>
Nelly sD;eeEed Tomas8s hands? her fingers shaking> G" J;st don8t ;nderstand the r;sh>G
GNelly > > >G Tomas took on a parental tone? chastising her> G6hat r;shH "8:e been here
for months and 2lad has been in yo;r care for years> "t8s time we went home> And
nothing yo; say can change my mind>G
,e held her gaEe for a moment and as he let go of her hands? Nelly8s eyes dropped to
the floor in defeat> 2lad glanced at #tis? who still hadn8t mo:ed? who still hadn8t
shown so m;ch as a crack in his blank eCpression> Tomas sD;eeEed 2lad8s sho;lder>
GPack yo;r belongings tonight> 6e mo:e in the morning>G 2lad blinked> That was fast>
G6hat abo;t #tisH 6ill he stay with ;sHG
Tomas shook his head> #tis? at last? spoke? tho;gh 2lad still co;ldn8t tell what he was
thinking> G"8ll mo:e in here? with Nelly> "t8s only appropriate? as we8ll be a married
co;ple soon>G
G6hat abo;t 2ikasHG 2lad8s bottom lip trembled as he spoke> "t s;rprised him how
ner:o;s he was abo;t mo:ing back into his old ho;se? b;t he was> Ner:o;s and
apprehensi:e and completely weirded o;t by the idea> 0;ch like he8d been weirded
o;t that his dad was still ali:e after all>
,is dad nodded> A;dging by the look in his eye? he was in no mood to entertain
arg;ments from his son> G2ikas will remain in the g;est room ;ntil the end of the year?
when he8ll ret;rn to &iberia>G
2lad swallowed hard> "t was a cold reminder that he and his dad wo;ldn8t see the new
year> "f he didn8t find that Jo;rnal? he8d die at the hand of Aoss? at the hand of his friend
the &layer? to sa:e e:eryone in town from a horrible demise> #tis and his dad wo;ld be
none the wiser> Not ;ntil it was too late> No one wo;ld know ;ntil then> ECcept for
,enry? Aoss? and &now> &now? who he hadn8t e:en told yet> And the only reason he8d
told ,enry and was planning to tell &now was so Aoss had people to back him ;p? to
defend that it had been 2lad8s choice? that Aoss wasn8t really a bad g;y after all> %;t he
had no idea how to e:en broach the s;bJect with &now>
&now? who walked him home e:ery day after school now> &now? who sn;ck D;ick
kisses in the hall before l;nch> &now? who had D;ickly become his reason for going to
school e:ery day? despite knowing that he8d ne:er li:e to see grad;ation>
As if s;mmoned by tho;ght--something that was totally impossible now that she was
no longer his dr;dge--the doorbell rang> 2lad opened it to re:eal &now? dressed in
knee-high moto boots? black trench coat? black skinny Jeans? and a black T-shirt that
read " 7"&&ED A 2A0P"!E AND A-- " .#T 6A& T,"& -#U&* T-&,"!T> ,er
hair was br;shed behind one ear? re:ealing a pewter ear c;ff that cl;ng to her lobe>
&eeing him? her smile broadened and she threw herself at him in a sD;ealy h;g> 2lad
sD;eeEed her tight and sat her down gently? bl;shing slightly that his dad? ;ncle? and
Nelly were still in the room>
As if collecting herself from the tra;ma of hearing that 2lad was finally mo:ing o;t of
her ho;se? Nelly took a deep breath and smiled at &now> GCome on in? &now dear? the
cookies are J;st waiting to be frosted>G
&omething that 2lad had noticed abo;t Nelly since he8d started dating &nowB she kept
finding reasons for &now to come o:er for a :isit? which probably meant she liked
&now> This time they were frosting s;gar cookies for a bake sale that Nelly had
organiEed at the hospital> &omething else he8d noticedB Nelly was :ery caref;l not to
lea:e them alone together> 0aybe she worried that 2lad wo;ld lose control of his
h;nger and h;rt &now> 0aybe she worried abo;t hickeys> 2lad had no idea> "t was
sweet? in its own way> &weet? and only mildly annoying>
&now walked into the kitchen and 2lad followed? smiling> "t was always good to see
her? and amaEing that she was his girlfriend> ,is act;al girlfriend> ,is real? li:e? in the
flesh? happy to hold his hand and frost st;pid cookies with him girlfriend>
#tis and his dad retired to the li:ing room? and Nelly directed 2lad and &now to the
table in the kitchen? where T;pperware containers of ;nfrosted cookies were sitting>
There had to be at least thirty large containers? and at least three h;ndred cookies> 2lad
raised his eyebrows at Nelly> G" hope yo;8re not eCpecting perfection>G
&now nodded> G" hope yo;8re not eCpecting all of them to get frosted> They look
delicio;s? Nelly>G Nelly smiled> G*o; can eat any cookies yo; break>G 2lad grinned
and snapped a cookie in two? handing one half to &now? who m;nched on it happily>
Nelly cl;cked her tong;e> G2ladimirIG
#:er the neCt two ho;rs? 2lad and &now frosted each cookie with white or red or
green frosting? then sprinkled some with sil:er candy sprinkles and drew :ario;s
pict;res on the others with eCtra frosting in a t;be> After a while? 2lad8s hand was
cramping> &now held ;p a cookie for him? one she8d decorated> The smirk on her face
said it all? b;t what she8d written on the cookie sent 2lad into hysterics> The cookie
was frosted white and written on it in red frosting were two wordsB %ite 0e>
2lad wiped the tears from his eyes and? fighting another fit of hysterical giggles? said?
G"8m not s;re that sentiment wo;ld go o:er well at a charitable bake sale>G
&now sho:ed the cookie into 2lad8s mo;th? frosting sD;ishing o;t all o:er his lips> G"
made it for yo;I " made it specialIG
2lad chewed the cookie and swallowed it in a g;lp? then reached for the green frosting
and smeared a l;mp on &now8s nose>
&now blinked at him? sitting there with a big glob of green on the end of her nose?
looking like some m;tated Eombie form of !;dolph? and growled> G*o;> Are> DeadIG
&natching ;p a t;be of red frosting? she sD;eeEed it hard? pointing it right at him>
)rosting sD;irted o;t and landed on his head> 2lad barely had time to react before
&now was r;bbing it into his scalp>
They were la;ghing so hard? and throwing so m;ch frosting aro;nd? that they barely
heard Nelly walk back into the room with a horrified gasp> G6hat ha:e yo; done to
my kitchenHG
2lad and &now eCchanged grins and tried hard to contain their la;ghter> 2lad said?
G6e8re sorry? Nelly> 6e8ll clean it ;p>G %efore Nelly co;ld gro;nd him? #tis entered
the room> 6ith a glance at 2lad? who was co:ered in frosting from head to toe? he
distracted Nelly with a kiss> GDarling? let8s go o;t to dinner> "8m s;re 2ladimir has
e:erything ;nder control and yo;r kitchen will be good as new when we ret;rn>G Nelly
threw ;p her hands in disg;st> GDid yo; see--G
G" did? and "8m certain 2ladimir will scr;b e:ery inch before we get home>G #tis led
Nelly from the room> 6ith his tho;ghts? he said to 2lad? G"f yo; don8t? she8ll m;rder
yo;> *o; know that? rightHG G" know> And " will> Promise>G 2lad smiled> %;t his smile
was tinged with his ongoing s;spicion of his ;ncle> ,e hadn8t confronted #tis yet> ,e8d
wanted to >>> b;t co;ldn8t s;mmon ;p the bra:ery reD;ired> Not yet? anyway>
Nelly pa;sed? as if remembering she was abo;t to lea:e 2lad alone with his girlfriend>
G6hat abo;t--G
GTomas will be here> "t8s fine> -et8s go>G After a brief pa;se? Nelly finally let him lead
her o;t the front door>
An ho;r later? the kitchen was almost completely restored> &now was scr;bbing the
table with a moist sponge> 2lad was wiping down the co;nters? his tho;ghts drifting to
a place he8d hoped to a:oid> There wo;ld be no more of this> No more frosting fights>
No more Nelly8s wrath> No more hearing &now8s la;ghter> No more silent
con:ersations with #tis> No more anything? if he? Aoss? and ,enry didn8t find the
Jo;rnal fast> G2ladHG &now was watching him? her eyes f;ll of concern> GAre yo;
okayHG ,e wasn8t> And wo;ldn8t e:er be again>
6hen he didn8t answer? she dropped the sponge on the table? p;t a caring hand on his
sho;lder and asked? G"s e:erything all rightHG 2lad c;pped her hand and shook his
head> GNo? &now> E:erything isn8t all right> E:erything is abo;t as far from all right as
it can get>G
,e reached o;t with his blood? b;t co;ldn8t detect his dad anywhere in the ho;se> "t
took him a min;te to remember that he co;ldn8t track his dad the way he co;ld other
:ampires> %;t still? it seemed they were alone? for the moment> And it was time to tell
&now abo;t Aoss> Time to tell her that these were their final days together>
,e sat her down at the table? and after eCplaining e:erything--the &layer &ociety? Aoss?
,enry? his trial? e:erything--he waited for her to respond> Unlike the con:ersation with
,enry? 2lad felt compelled to tell her e:erything>
-arge? ro;nd tears spilled silently from her eyes> Then she h;gged him tightly and
whispered? G"8m glad yo; told me> " ;nderstand? " do> " wish it didn8t ha:e to be this
way> " wish we had longer to be together> %;t >>> " ;nderstand> Thanks for tr;sting me>G
,e h;gged her tightly and held her for a long time? wishing that he was li:ing some
other life? in some other place? that he wasn8t ca;sing &now any pain>
&omewhere where he was a normal teenager? with normal problems? and answers to
the D;estions that were plag;ing his e:ery tho;ght> $1
"N2"TAT"#N& 2-AD C-#&ED ,"& -#C7E! at the end of the school day> ,e was
abo;t to throw his backpack o:er his sho;lder and head for &now8s locker? when he
spied a familiar? weasel-like face passing by> GEddie? come here a sec? wo;ld yaHG
Eddie Poe pa;sed midstep? then approached 2lad? an eager glint in his eye> ,e knew
that he had 2lad where he wanted him> ,e knew there was nothing 2lad co;ld do b;t
accept his fate and t;rn him into a :ampire> %eca;se he8d threatened &now? and 2lad
wasn8t eCactly certain he co;ld protect her from Eddie> %eca;se 2lad wasn8t really
capable of killing him> %eca;se 2lad had been gi:en no choice in this matter> %;t
2lad didn8t care abo;t Eddie8s threats anymore> G"8m not making yo; a :ampire?
Eddie>G Eddie8s eyes clo;ded with anger> G*es? yo; are>G GNo? Eddie> "8m not>G 2lad
kept his words clipped? his tone matter-of-fact>
The fact of the matter was that Eddie Poe was a terrible? e:il? :indicti:e h;man being>
2lad co;ld only imagine what Eddie wo;ld t;rn into once he was a :ampire> ,e8d be
powerf;l? :iolent? and hatef;l to the core> ,e take re:enge on h;mans who8d wronged
him? and wo;ld show no mercy or ;nderstanding to the :ictims he8d feed on> And 2lad
wo;ld be to blame>
No> No? he wo;ldn8t make Eddie into a :ampire> Eddie was already a monster>
%esides? he8d decided that once he was dead? Eddie wo;ld be :iewed as a terrible
person for spreading s;ch insane r;mors abo;t a dead boy--a boy who died in a
terrible accident> &o why sho;ld he gi:e in to Eddie8s ridic;lo;s demandsH "f Eddie
Poe wanted fame and fort;ne? 2lad wasn8t abo;t to hand it to him> ,e was going to
ha:e to find another way to get it>
2lad s;pposed he co;ld ha:e J;st let it go> After all? his deadline wasn8t going to come
along ;ntil after 2lad wo;ld be dead and gone> %;t it was the principle of the matter?
and :ery m;ch something that 2lad needed to make clear> ,e stared Eddie down?
determined> The m;scles in Eddie8s Jaw began to twitch> G"8ll eCpose yo;> *o; ha:e no
idea the hell that " can bring down on yo;>G
2lad8s words were a low growl> G&a:e it? Eddie> "8:e made ;p my mind and nothing
yo; can do will change it> ECpose me> Do yo;r worst> " don8t really gi:e a damn
Then an image filled 2lad8s mind> The same image that 2lad had glimpsed at The
Crypt> 7ristoff? r;nning across the high school football field? ;tterly terrified? with a
:ampiric? h;ngry Eddie Poe on his tail> The pict;re in his mind was so clear that 2lad
wasn8t certain if it were a :ision or the memory of his :ision> %;t it was clear> ,is
stomach flipped? and 2lad ran a tense hand thro;gh his hair> 6hat did it all meanH
,enry snatched Eddie8s folder from his grasp and tossed it down the hallway )risbee-
style> ,e got better distance this time> 6ith a glare at Eddie? ,enry said? G)etch?
Eddie8s face t;rned p;rple and he wandered down the hall? in search of his lost folder>
,enry leaned ;p against 2lad8s closed locker door> ,e played it cas;al? b;t 2lad co;ld
tell he was deep in mo;rning for his best friend> 2lad said? GDo yo; wanna catch a
mo:ie or something tonightHG GNot really>G
GCome on> " was thinking we8d see @ombie Pirates from #;ter &pace>G The corner of
2lad8s mo;th t;gged ;p in a smirk> ,enry shook his head> G"t doesn8t come o;t till
2lad shr;gged> GNelly snagged some tickets to an ad:anced screening> 6e can in:ite
Aoss too and J;st hang o;t> .i:e ;p the .reat Ao;rnal &earch for a night and J;st chill>G
G"n:ite me to whatHG Aoss had mo:ed down the hall and Joined them> The circles ;nder
his eyes were looking a little less dark since they told ,enry what was going on come
December thirty-first> %;t only a little> 2lad smiled at him> GTo see @ombie Pirates
from #;ter &pace>G G"t8s o;tHG GNot till )riday? b;t " ha:e ad:anced tickets> *o; inHG
Aoss :isibly deflated> G"8m s;pposed to go see Cotton Candy 7isses with 0eredith
2lad and ,enry eCchanged horrified glances> Not only was 0eredith dragging Aoss to
a romantic comedy> %;t she was dragging him to a romantic comedy >>> with b;nnies>
,enry sD;eeEed his co;sin8s sho;lder> G&o >>> this gi:es yo; a great eCc;se not toHG
Aoss beamed? as if he co;ld see the Eombie light at the end of the o;ter space t;nnel>
GECactly> &ee yo; at eight>G
!emembering Nelly8s nagging instr;ctions? 2lad said? G#h hey? "8m s;pposed to in:ite
yo; g;ys to Thanksgi:ing dinner at Nelly8s neCt week>G Aoss brightened some> G"s it
okay if 0eredith comes alongHG &omething hea:y settled at the pit of 2lad8s stomach>
G&;re>G %;t 2lad wasn8t s;re> ,e wasn8t s;re at all>
%eca;se that meant that 0eredith and &now were going to both be there> And he
wo;ld ha:e nowhere to hide from the ;ncomfortable combination of his eC and his
girlfriend> ECcept maybe in the mashed potatoes> GCrap?G ,enry m;ttered> G" forgot
my binder in 0s> -ippman8s class>G Aoss said? G"8m o;tta here> &ee yo; g;ys later>G
,enry and 2lad nodded to Aoss and ,enry closed his locker> G%e right back? man>
Don8t lea:e witho;t me>G 2lad grabbed his backpack and sh;t his locker> #f co;rse
he8d wait for ,enry> That8s what friends do> As he waited? the hall pop;lation thinned
drastically> Nobody h;ng aro;nd school any longer than they had to> Nobody normal?
anyway> G,ey? loser>G 2lad tensed? b;t he didn8t t;rn aro;nd> A meaty hand ga:e his
sho;lder a sho:e> G" said hey? loser>G
2lad t;rned his head toward the :oice? b;t already knew what he8d see> %ill and Tom>
&till thick-headed? still st;pid? and still :ery m;ch anCio;s to smack 2lad aro;nd> GNot
today? g;ys> "8m not in the mood>G
%ill snorted> G6e8re not trying to make o;t with yo;? D;eer> 6e J;st want to show yo;
2lad sighed and scanned the hall for any sign of ,enry> Uns;ccessf;l in his search? he
sighed again> G&how me whatHG
Tom stepped closer? a cr;el grin spreading across his face> ,is breath smelled oddly
like kitty litter> G6hat it feels like to get yo;r b;tt kicked>G
2lad8s eyes went wide and locked on Tom8s fist as he sw;ng toward 2lad8s right eye>
Then 2lad d;cked and started to r;n? b;t %ill blocked his escape>
Tom sw;ng again? and this time? he connected> 2lad8s cheek eCploded with pain and
he fell to the floor on all fo;rs> %ehind him? %ill and Tom were la;ghing> %;t 2lad
fo;nd none of this f;nny>
Not the way they8d intimidated him since kindergarten> Not the way they called him
names and knocked his books from his hands> Not the way they8d sho:ed his head
inside his locker or wrote :ile ins;lts on his notebook when he wasn8t looking> Not the
way they teased him abo;t the ho;se fire> None of it> And he was awf;lly sick of
listening to them la;gh>
2lad p;shed back? ;sing all of his :ampire might? not gi:ing a damn if the b;llies
realiEed what he was? sick and tired and ticked off at being treated less like a h;man
being and more like a piata for most of his life? and did a windmill kick? catching
%ill in the knee> %ill went down hard on his left arm? and 2lad heard a snap> %;t
before the crack of bone e:en registered in his mind? 2lad had flipped himself ;p to
standing with :ampiric speed and grabbed Tom by the shirt> ,e p;lled back his fist
and Tom8s eyes went wide> G#h my .od? yo;r eyesI 6hat >>> what the hell are yo;HIG
2lad set his Jaw and threw his arm forward in a p;nch> Tom8s blood splattered onto his
fist and he threw the b;lly back? into the lockers> As Tom slid down? landing in a heap
with %ill? 2lad t;rned and walked away> As he did so? he replied? G"8m the Pra:;s> And
don8t yo; forget it>G $3
T,AN7&."2"N. T,E &0E-- #) PU0P7"N P"E was killing 2lad> There weren8t
many smells that really got his drool going o;tside of h;man blood? b;t p;mpkin pie--
that was a killer> And Nelly had warned him to stay away from the s;cc;lent dessert
;ntil after Thanksgi:ing dinner was o:er>
,e liked p;mpkin pie so m;ch? in fact? that abo;t a week ago Nelly had baked him one
in place of a birthday cake> T;rning eighteen had ne:er tasted so sweet> %;t he wanted
more> Now>
,e contented himself with sitting in the kitchen? sniffing the sweet? spice-laden scent
of freshly baked p;mpkin pie? and contemplated what it might taste like with a side of
steaming A positi:e> ,e was betting it wo;ld be delectable>
-icking his lips? he warmed ;p a m;g of blood in the microwa:e and tried to keep his
eyes off the pie> Dinner was abo;t to begin> ,e co;ld hold o;t another ho;r or two>
%;t so help ,enry if he hogged it all>
The doorbell rang and the relati:e peace of Nelly8s ho;se--which 2lad greatly missed
calling home? as he and his dad had been li:ing in their ho;se once more for almost a
week now--was de:o;red by the so;nds of friends and family> E:eryone was thereB
0atilda? %ig 0ike? ,enry? .reg? Aoss8s parents? Aoss? 2lad8s dad? #tis? Nelly?
0eredith? and &now>
2lad greeted e:eryone? offering an awkward smile to 0eredith--remembering the
awkward kiss she8d gi:en him J;st a few short months ago--and helped &now with her
coat> This? of co;rse? inspired Nelly that 2lad sho;ld take care of all of the coats> &o
2lad wandered blindly ;p the stairs? a pile of coats in his arms? ;nable to see where he
was stepping> ,e finally? mirac;lo;sly? made it ;pstairs to the library ;nharmed and
set the coats in a neat pile on Amenti8s fa:orite chair> Amenti mewed ;p at him from
the floor? as if to ask him J;st what he tho;ght he was doing> 2lad bent at the knees
and scratched her chin? inciting a p;rr> G&orry? girl> %;t yo;8ll ha:e to find somewhere
else for yo;r millionth nap of the day>G As if in response? Amenti walked straight into
2lad8s old room and J;mped on the bed? c;rling ;p in a ball> 2lad sighed> G,ey>G
The whispered :oice made him J;mp? b;t he t;rned to see that Aoss had sn;ck away
from the chaos downstairs> After settling his heart rate? 2lad said? G,ey? Aoss>G
Aoss flicked his eyes abo;t ner:o;sly and then? stepping closer? said? G" J;st wanted to
let yo; know that " spotted a &layer earlier today? l;rking aro;nd town? scoping things
o;t> &o " don8t think the &ociety is going to hold o;t m;ch longer> " searched the so;th
end of town for the Jo;rnal? b;t some of those ho;ses were really hard to get into>G
2lad nodded> G" got chased o;t by old man &te:ens last night> .ood thing he has that
prosthetic leg or "8d be in Jail right now>G
Aoss frowned> G6e8:e almost searched the entire town? 2lad> 6hat if it8s not in
%athoryHG 2lad patted Aoss on the arm> G"t has to be> "t J;st has to be> %eca;se if it8s
not > > >G
,e didn8t ha:e to finish his sentence> They both knew what wo;ld happen if they didn8t
find the Jo;rnal>
Aoss nodded? b;t he still looked tense> 2lad raised an eyebrow at him> G6hat8s going
on? AossH E:erything okayHG Aoss sighed? looked down at his feet? sh;ffled them> G"t8s
J;st that > > >G GA;st whatHG
6hen Aoss met his eyes? 2lad co;ld see J;st what> Aoss was ha:ing do;bts> G" don8t
know if " can do it> &take yo;? " mean> *o;8re >>> yo;8re my friend> Tr;th be told? yo;8re
my best friend> " don8t know if " can kill yo;? 2lad> " mean? first there8s the D;estion of
whether yo;r Pra:;s powers will pre:ent me from doing so at all >>> b;t there8s also the
fact that yo;8re my friend> 6hat if " can8t e:en tryHG 2lad bit his bottom lip? shaking
his head> After all this? after all the planning and heartache and do;bt he8d eCperienced?
he was finally ready >>> and Aoss wasn8t> GThere8s no other way to protect e:eryone?
Aoss> Unless we can locate that rit;al and stop all of this? yo; ha:e to try> " know it8s
hard? b;t yo; ha:e to> Neither one of ;s has a choice in this> &o J;st do it? okayHG
Tomas8s :oice echoed ;p the stairs> G2ladH AossH Dinner-time>G
After a reass;ring glance at Aoss? 2lad mo:ed down the stairs> A moment later? Aoss
Earlier in the day? Nelly had 2lad and ,enry mo:e the spare table from the basement
to the kitchen and place it at the end of the long plank table> &he8d co:ered them both
with b;rg;ndy damask tablecloths and decorated them in a;t;mn finery> There wo;ld
be? Nelly insisted? no kids8 table at her ho;se> Nelly :iewed teenagers as people? not
babies> Nelly rocked>
6hen 2lad entered the dining room? he fo;nd Nelly going o:er tiny details? like how
the napkins were folded> GNelly?G he said? p;tting an arm aro;nd her sho;lder? Git
looks perfect>G
Nelly smiled? her tension easing some> G*o; always know J;st what to say? 2ladimir>G
,e ga:e her a h;g and tho;ght abo;t e:ery holiday he8d spent with Nelly> &he8d
always made e:erything so perfect for him? for e:eryone b;t herself> "t was part of
what made Nelly so great>
The table was set with tons of candles? bea;tif;l dishes? earth and Jewel-tone
decorations? and? of co;rse? the finest food that 2lad had e:er laid eyes on> 6hich
meant that 0atilda had done the maJority of the cooking>
Aoss took a seat by 0eredith? which J;st happened to be directly across from 2lad>
&now sat to 2lad8s right> The air felt awkward? strange> %;t he wasn8t s;re if it felt that
way for anyone else b;t him>
Under the table? &now laced her fingers thro;gh his and sD;eeEed> ,er hand was cold>
2lad g;essed that she was ner:o;s too> After all? sitting across from him was the girl
he8d been cr;shing on since the third grade? the girl he8d compared all girls to ;ntil
recently> And she was pretty> 0eredith was bea;tif;l and f;nny and sweet> &he looked
nothing at all like &now? and 2lad was s;re that scared &now> After all? &now didn8t
think she was all that bea;tif;l- e:en tho;gh she was> &he didn8t think she was sweet
or nice or worthy of dating any boy? let alone 2lad--e:en tho;gh she was that too>
2lad didn8t ha:e to read her mind to know these things> ,e J;st knew them> &now had
been h;rt growing ;p? and it was going to take her a long time to realiEe what a
wonderf;l? pretty? insanely cool person she was> &he was different than 0eredith> %;t
different didn8t mean she wasn8t J;st as amaEing> #r e:en more so> ,e sD;eeEed her
hand back and offered her a smile>
Tomas took his seat neCt to 0eredith? whose eyes brightened at the sight of his pocket
watch> G6hat a pretty watch? 0r> Tod>G
GThank yo;? 0eredith> The most bea;tif;l part is on the inside>G Tomas smiled and
flipped the watch open? re:ealing a pict;re of 2lad8s mom> Aoss glanced o:er at the
pict;re and asked? G6ho is sheHG
G0y wife? 0ellina>G Tomas looked somewhat on edge and snapped the pocket watch
The strangest sensation spread thro;gh 2lad8s insides> Tingling and p;lling and :ery?
:ery odd> 2lad felt himself slide thro;gh time and space? back to a moment that he
tho;ght he knew> All at once? he wasn8t sitting at Thanksgi:ing dinner with his friends
and family> ,e was standing on the corner somewhere in downtown &tokerton>
&now was falling and the streetlights were lit> 2lad crossed the street? not knowing
how he8d gotten here? b;t somehow instincti:ely knowing where he was s;pposed to
6hen he reached the corner? he stopped> A;st a few yards down the sidewalk? he
spotted something that told him what was really going on>
,is mother--or rather? the woman who wo;ld one day become his mother--was talking
to a handsome stranger? a man that 2lad knew as Tomas? a man who was a :ampire>
%;t 0ellina didn8t know yet> After all? this was their initial meeting--2lad had read
abo;t it in his father8s Jo;rnal a h;ndred times> &he smiled brightly at him and said?
G6alk me homeHG
Part of 2lad feared for her safety> Part of him wanted to warn her that she sho;ldn8t
walk home with strange men> &trange men were dangero;s> Especially strange men
with fangs> %;t this was the past? and 2lad was merely reli:ing it thro;gh Tomas8s
,e wondered briefly if this was how Dorian seemed to know so m;ch abo;t
e:erything? if he8d spent m;ch of his time being s;cked into the past? into people8s
memories? people8s tho;ghts>
2lad tailed them down the street? not always keeping his distance? and then? at a
partic;larly shadow-filled corner? he stopped dead in his tracks> Tomas looked ;p and
down the street> &eeing that they were alone? he grabbed 0ellina by the arm? his fangs
eCposed? and bit into her wrist>
&he cried o;t? yanking her hand back> Tomas released her> G*o; are my dr;dge now>
Come with me>G
0ellina followed? sniffling? ;nable to resist her :ampire master8s direct command>
G6hat do yo; wantHG Tomas nodded matter-of-factly> G" want a child>G
A;st as D;ickly as 2lad had been ripped from the dinner table? he was ret;rned? his
fork halfway to his mo;th with a bite of marshmallow-co:ered sweet potatoes> ,e sat
the fork down? no longer h;ngry? and looked at his father>
Tomas la;ghed and smiled warmly at something #tis had J;st said> ,is eyes were
bright with Joy--Joy at being ret;rned to his family> 2lad sat in stony silence? playing
the scene o:er and o:er again in his mind>
,e snapped his eyes to #tis? b;t #tis was b;sy chatting with %ig 0ike> ,e glanced at
his dad again? b;t Tomas was scooping mashed potatoes onto his plate> Dr;dge>
0ellina had been Tomas8s dr;dge> 6hich meant he8d been feeding from her? not from
blood bags> 6hich meant he8d lied to 2lad? abo;t so many things> ,is dr;dge> Anger
b;rned within his chest> Anger that reD;ired answers> And soon>
&now sD;eeEed his hand again? this time to get his attention> 2lad sD;eeEed back? b;t
said nothing>
2lad8s mom had been his dad8s dr;dge> And for some reason? Tomas had kept it a
secret> 2lad J;st had to fig;re o;t why>
6hat8s more? 2lad wasn8t concei:ed in some diEEying sense of romance> ,e was
concei:ed for a p;rpose by a dri:en man and a woman who was ;nder someone else8s
control> %;t whyH $4
A 9UE&T"#N #) ,#NE&T* 2-AD 6A-7ED T,!#U., T,E 7"TC,EN
D##! of his ho;se and slammed it behind him> ,is dad? who had left Nelly8s abo;t a
half ho;r before 2lad? was already inside and looked ;p eCpectantly at 2lad8s rather
lo;d entrance> 2ikas looked ;p too? then eCc;sed himself from the room> Tomas said?
G*o; were rather D;iet all thro;gh dinner> &omething on yo;r mind? sonHG
2lad set his Jaw> G" want to know eCactly what happened the day 0om died? and "
want to know now>G
Tomas dropped his gaEe to the floor> ,is :oice lowered as well> GThen let8s go
;pstairs? and "8ll eCplain all that " can recall>G
Their walk thro;gh the ho;se was silent as the gra:e> Tomas lead> 2lad followed> %y
the time they got to the master bedroom? which had been recently thoro;ghly
reno:ated? 2lad was pretty s;re he co;ld act;ally feel the tension in the air between
them> ,is dad was probably feeling g;ilty abo;t not telling 2lad that 0ellina had been
his dr;dge? and rightf;lly so> That wasn8t the sort of thing yo; left o;t of con:ersations
with yo;r half-:ampire son>
,e8d tr;sted his dad> ,e8d not D;estioned his moti:es e:en once> %;t this >>> this was
too m;ch>
And if this had been kept a secret all these years? what else was Tomas capable of
,is dad pa;sed in front of the bedroom door? then reached o;t and opened it with a
flick of his wrist> 6hen he spoke? his :oice was gr;ff? as if he were on the :erge of
eCha;stion> G6hat do yo; want to knowHG
Ge:erything>G 2lad walked past him into the room? blocking o;t the horrible memory
of finding his mother--and someone he tho;ght was his father--on that terrible day> ,e
mo:ed closer to the window? not t;rning on the lights? letting the moonlight light the
way> GThat morning? " t;rned off yo;r alarms? b;t yo; got ;p before the fire started>
6here were yo; goingHG
Tomas released a tense breath before speaking> GAs " mentioned before? " was going to
spy on Elysia> 0ore specifically? to steal books from their library in &tokerton>G 2lad8s
defenses rose e:en f;rther> G%ooks abo;t the Pra:;sHG After a brief pa;se? Tomas
answered? G*es>G GAnd when yo; got backHG G"t was too late> *o;r mother was gone>G
G6ho was in bed neCt to herHG G" don8t know>G G"f yo; had to wager a g;ess >>>G
,is dad8s :oice rose in terrible ;pset> GThis was possibly the worst moment in my
entire life and yo; want me to reli:e that pain> 6hyHG
2lad looked at him for a long time before speaking> ,e was trying to decide if this
man? his father? had been lying to him for years? and if he co;ld tell that J;st by
looking at him> ,e co;ldn8t> G" J;st want to ;nderstand> " want to know what happened
to her and why>G
G&o do "? 2lad> %;t those answers are ne:er going to come>G Tomas shook his head
2lad released a sigh> ,e8d hoped it wo;ldn8t come to this? hoped that his dad wo;ld
come clean witho;t needing to be p;shed> G,ow did yo; not feed on 0om? being so
close to herH #tis says he J;st lo:es Nelly too m;ch to feed from her> 6as it that way
for yo;HG G*esG ,is dad flicked his eyes ner:o;sly abo;t the room> G#f co;rse>G
2lad shook his head> ,e was tired of this? tired of the lies> ,e wanted the tr;th> E:en a
shred of it> GDid yo; really s;bsist on bagged blood? DadH #r were yo; feeding on
Tomas dropped his eyes to the floor> ,e knew he8d been ca;ght> "t was right there in
his eCpression> 2lad almost felt sorry for him> G" ;sed the bagged blood the maJority of
the time? b;t s;pplemented with blood from the homeless in &tokerton>G
2lad tightened his Jaw and boldly asked? G6as 0om yo;r dr;dge? DadH Did yo; feed
from herHG The silence was st;nning> Tomas8s :oice dropped to a whisper> G6o;ld it
matter if she wasHG G*es>G GwhyHG
G%eca;se it changes things> %eca;se it means that yo; weren8t eCactly forthcoming
with me> "t means yo; lied>G 2lad8s :oice ca;ght in his throat> GDid yo; lie to meHG
G6hat bro;ght all of this on all of a s;dd--G Understanding lit ;p his eyes> GAhh >>>
#tis> " sho;ld ha:e known> 6hat did he tell yo;? that "8m not to be tr;stedHG
2lad shook his head again> GThis isn8t abo;t #tis> "t8s abo;t what " saw d;ring dinner>
"t8s abo;t the night yo; and 0om met> *o; bit her> Against her will? yo; made her
yo;r dr;dge>G
GThe blood> Dorian8s blood> "t8s gi:en yo; gifts that " had not imagined> 6onderf;lIG
Tomas smiled> ,is :oice had taken on an eerily cas;al tone? like they were talking
abo;t their plans for later rather than whether or not 2lad8s dad had e:er fed on 2lad8s
mom? whether or not he co;ld control her with a tho;ght> G&he was my dr;dge> %;t "
lo:ed her? 2lad> )rom the moment " saw her? " lo:ed her> &he ga:e me yo;? after all>
0y son> The Pra:;s>G
Disg;st filled him> GAnd if " wasn8t the Pra:;sH "f " were J;st some normal :ampire kid
>>> wo;ld yo; be so pro;d of me thenHG
G#f co;rse> %;t yo; are the Pra:;s> There8s no do;bting that now>G Tomas smiled and
a strange fog glaEed his eyes? as if he were miles away? lost in whate:er make-belie:e
world made him the happiest> GE:erything " ha:e done? " ha:e done for yo;? 2lad>
E:erything "8:e done? "8:e done beca;se " lo:e yo;> *o; are the Pra:;s> And yo; will
embrace yo;r f;t;re> *o; will manifest destiny>G '5
C#N)!#NT"N. #T"& 2-AD 6A& A%#UT T# A&7 his dad J;st what the hell he
was talking abo;t? when he was interr;pted by a familiar :oice>
G2lad?G Aoss so;nded o;t of breath as he fl;ng himself into the room> ,is skin was also
dist;rbingly pale and small beads of sweat cl;ng to his brow> G" ha:e to talk to yo;>
Now> Alone>G
Tomas raised a sharp eyebrow? b;t mo:ed silently from the room> 2lad co;ldn8t help
b;t wonder where the con:ersation might ha:e t;rned if Aoss hadn8t interr;pted> 6hen
Tomas was gone? 2lad t;rned to Aoss> G6hat8s going onHG
Aoss closed the door and began pacing? his tone h;rried? tense> ,e so;nded angry>
G6hat did yo; doHG 2lad blinked> GCan yo; be more specificHG
Aoss threw his arms in the air? his eyes lighting ;p with hot f;ry and betrayal> GThat
&layer " told yo; abo;t is deadI *o; didn8t ha:e to kill him> Do yo; ha:e any idea
what this will meanH There are already another fo;r h;ndred &layers coming to
%athory beca;se of thisI "t8s only a matter of time before the cleansing begins>G
2lad shook his head? holding his hands ;p in front of him like a prisoner begging for
forgi:eness for his crimes> E:en tho;gh he hadn8t committed any> GAoss? slow down> "
didn8t kill anyone> Aoss looked st;nned> G*o; dind8tHG 2lad shook his head? c;rtly?
GThen who did yo; tellH *o;r ;ncleH *o;r fatherH 2ikasHG The anger was still there?
l;rking ;nder the s;rface? ready to eCplode at any second> "t scared 2lad to see it>
GNo one? okayH " didn8t tell anyone there was another &layer in town> 6hat makes yo;
so certain it was a :ampire who killed himHG Aoss ran a hand thro;gh his hair? sighing>
GNo h;man co;ld ha:e killed him that way> ,e was fo;nd with his heart ripped from
inside his chest and cr;shed to a p;lp>G 2lad8s heart shot into his throat> ,is eyes went
wide> G" ha:e to go>G G2lad? what abo;t the &layersH 6e ha:e to--G GNot now? Aoss>G
,e had to get to #tis> ,e had to ask #tis if he8d killed the &layer> Aoss so;nded
fr;strated> G%;t we ha:e to--G
GNot nowIG 2lad yelled? and whipped o;t the door and across town as fast as he co;ld
mo:e> ,e fo;nd #tis in Nelly8s kitchen> %reathlessly? he said? G#tis>G G2ladimir>G #tis
met his eyes and his smile wilted> G&omething on yo;r mindHG There was> And that
something was the death of e:eryone in %athory>
2lad wet his lips? s;ddenly ner:o;s> Ner:o;s to know whether or not #tis had J;st
single-handedly started a war between the &layer &ociety and e:eryone 2lad e:er
lo:ed> GThere8s something " need to ask yo;? and " need for yo; to be completely
honest with me? at all costs> #kayHG
#tis closed his eyes briefly> 6hen he opened them again and spoke? his tone was soft?
gentle> ,e also so;nded like he8d been eCpecting this con:ersation? which was in and
of itself an admission of g;ilt> GComplete honestyH No matter how yo; may reactHG
G*es>G Gokay>G GDid yo; kill D8AbloHG
#tis8s eyes grew wide with alarm> The s;rprise in his tone completely threw 2lad>
G6hatH No>G GAnd the &layer that8s been wandering aro;nd %athory--did yo; kill
himHG G" ha:e no idea what yo;8re talking abo;t>G
2lad f;rrowed his brow> ,e searched #tis8s face for any sign that he was lying? b;t
fo;nd none> GAnd EnricoHG "ns;lt and pain crossed #tis8s eCpression then? b;t he didn8t
gi:e :oice to it> ,e merely replied? G" swear on my lo:e for Nelly? 2lad> " am not
responsible for any of these deaths>G
Conf;sion en:eloped 2lad> ,is ;ncle seemed completely innocent> %;t if #tis didn8t
do these things? who didH G*o; didn8t rip their hearts o;t and mash them to a p;lpHG
"t was #tis8s t;rn to f;rrow his brow> GNo? b;t " ha:e to admit? yo;r line of D;estioning
has piD;ed my interest> 6hat bro;ght this abo;tHG This didn8t make any sense at all> "t
had to be #tis> There was no one else> 2lad shook his head> G*o;r shirt was drenched
in blood the day after Enrico was m;rdered> *o;r hat has D8Ablo8s blood on it>G
G"t wasn8t me? 2ladimir> " swear on Nelly8s life and all that she means to me> "t wasn8t
me> " confess that " don8t mo;rn D8Ablo8s passing? and " ha:e no idea how his blood
came to stain my hat> " ha:en8t e:en seen that hat in ages> 0y shirt was bloody beca;se
" went on a bit of a feeding frenEy> And " hadn8t e:en been aware that there was
another &layer besides yo;r friend Aoss in town> %;t " killed neither man> And
Enrico >>> " mo;rn Enrico8s loss> *o;8re free to search my memories? if yo; wish>G #tis
met his eyes then? and 2lad saw the tr;th within them> ,is ;ncle hadn8t done any of
these things>
2lad shook his head? almost g;iltily> G" don8t need to search yo;r memories? #tis> "
tr;st yo;>G ,is ;ncle held his gaEe? as if daring him to read his mind> GPerhaps yo;
sho;ld search them> There are things locked away that yo; sho;ld learn> Things that "
cannot bring myself to tell yo;> Things abo;t yo;r father>G 2lad raised a sharp
eyebrow> G-ike how my mom was his dr;dgeH G
#tis looked s;rprised that 2lad knew abo;t the tr;e nat;re of his parents8 relationship>
,e nodded? as if there were more to know> GThat8s one of the things? yes>G G6hat else
is thereHG #tis sighed> G" lo:e yo;r father? 2ladimir? b;t he has always had a taste for
the forbidden>G
2lad pa;sed? ;ncertain if he wanted to hear whate:er it was that #tis had to tell him>
%;t at the same time? he had to hear it> ,e had to know> 7nowing something? after all?
was far better than being ignorant abo;t it> E:en if it was a bad something>
G)orbiddenH 6hat8s forbiddenH 6hat do yo; know that yo;8re not telling me? #tisH
!emember? yo; promised me total honesty> "8m holding yo; to yo;r word as a
#tis nodded> That lost-in-tho;ght look ret;rned to his eyes for a moment before he
spoke again> "t was ;nsettling>
GTomas was always reading> )rom the time " knew him? he always had his nose in a
book>G #tis ran his fingertips along the length of the kitchen table as he mo:ed aro;nd
it> G%;t not J;st any book> %ooks from the Elysian libraries> &pecial books> )orbidden
books>G #tis dropped his gaEe to the tabletop for a moment> ,is :oice was a whisper?
light and airy> %;t the meaning behind his words made 2lad8s heart feel hea:y? tho;gh
2lad wasn8t s;re why eCactly>
2lad tho;ght back to the note he8d fo;nd in his dad8s office a few years ago> The one
with a single word scribbled on the back> "t wasn8t a diffic;lt g;ess to make> G%ooks
abo;t the Pra:;s>G
G*es>G Pressing his palms to the tabletop? #tis met 2lad8s gaEe and held it> G,e set o;t
to create the Pra:;s? 2ladimir> ,e chose yo;r mother based on theories s;rro;nding
the Pra:;s myth? and made her his dr;dge so that she co;ld not resist> ,e lo:ed her?
yes> %;t the lo:e came later> )irst? he ;sed her to bring abo;t an impossible thing--to
procreate with a h;man and bring a half-breed child into the world? a child that wo;ld
come to r;le o:er :ampirekind and ensla:e the h;man race> ,e created yo; for that
p;rpose> "8m J;st not certain why>G
,atred and f;ry and all sorts of e:il things that 2lad had not tho;ght he was capable of
feeling toward his ;ncle came boiling ;p from within 2lad8s :ery so;l> ,ow dare he>
,ow dare #tis insin;ate that Tomas wo;ld e:er do something so despicable> G*o;
lieIG #tis8s :oice remained calm and s;re> G" speak the tr;th> Complete honesty? no
matter how yo; may react--rememberHG 2lad began pacing back and forth across the
kitchenB r;nning thro;gh his mind was e:ery loyalty that #tis had e:er pro:en to him>
6hy wo;ld he start lying nowH There had to be a reason> ,e glared at his ;ncle>
G*o;8re saying he planned it? that he planned my birth so that he wo;ld be the father of
the Pra:;s>G GThat8s precisely what "8m saying>G GAnd if " don8t belie:e yo;HG 2lad8s
heart was hammering against his ribs> The corner of #tis8s mo;th twitched? b;t only
slightly> GAsk yo;r father>G '1
T# T!U&T #! N#T T# T!U&T 2-AD 0#2ED D#6N T,E &"DE6A-7 in a
determined stride? wishing that he co;ld J;st fly across town at :ampiric speed again>
%;t #tis had lect;red him on ;sing his gifts o;t in the open? and how he was
endangering e:eryone he lo:ed-- e:en Nelly--by doing so> %;t he wanted to get back
home fast? to confront his father with what #tis had said? before he had too m;ch time
to think abo;t it>
,e approached his ho;se on -;gosi Trail and slowed his steps? s;rprised to find Aoss
and ,enry o;tside? engaged in a heated arg;ment> As he mo:ed closer? Aoss glanced at
him? his face red? his eyes strained? his :oice eCha;sted> G,e knows? 2lad> ,e knows
what we planned to do if we don8t find the Jo;rnal>G 2lad8s eyes went wide> ,e looked
from Aoss to ,enry and back> G*o; told himHG
,enry sho:ed Aoss hard> Aoss barely mo:ed> ,enry8s eyes were red and f;rio;s> G" read
it in his st;pid Jo;rnalIG
2lad looked at ,enry? so conf;sed and so wishing that his dr;dge had picked a better
time for this> G6hat Jo;rnalHG ,enry sho:ed Aoss again> G*o;8re not the only one who
keeps a Jo;rnal? 2lad> Now tell me? who8s idea was it not to tell me Aoss was going to
ha:e to kill yo;HG
The air was stifling? despite the cool breeEe> 2lad and Aoss eCchanged looks that spoke
:ol;mes> They both had come to that concl;sion> %;t they both didn8t ha:e to s;ffer
for it> 2lad said? G"t was my idea? ,enry>G
%efore 2lad co;ld react? ,enry balled ;p his fist and p;nched him in the nose> "t felt
like 2lad8s sk;ll had imploded> And there was blood> )resh blood> All o:er 2lad8s
face? his lips> ,e had to fight the s;dden ;rge to tear into ,enry8s J;g;lar>
2lad8s fangs shot from his g;ms and he t;rned on ,enry? growling> GThis is why we
didn8t tell yo;I %eca;se we knew yo;8d react this wayIG
G*o; co;ld ha:e told meI &ho;ld ha:e told meI "8m yo;r friend? and his co;sinI 6hat
the hell? manH "8:e kept yo; safe for thirteen years? 2lad> 6hat makes yo; think "8d
stop nowHG ,e was still ;pset? that m;ch was clear? b;t m;ch of ,enry8s f;ry had been
released in that p;nch> A;st as 2lad co;ld feel his nose swelling? it started to shrink
again? healing in a way that only a :ampire nose co;ld heal> ,e looked at Aoss? and
then back at ,enry> G*o;8re right> 6e sho;ld ha:e told yo;> %;t yo; know now> &o
help ;s>G
,enry shook his head> GD;de? we8:e searched the entire st;pid town> *o;r dad8s
Jo;rnal is gone>G 2lad sighed> GThen we need another option>G The three of them stood
silently for se:eral min;tes>
Then 2lad said? G%;t we8ll disc;ss it later? okayH )or now? " ha:e something important
to talk to my dad abo;t>G
Aoss nodded and made his way down the sidewalk> After he8d gone? ,enry sD;eeEed
2lad8s sho;lder before t;rning to lea:e> G&orry abo;t the nose? d;de>G
2lad tried not to look down? e:en tho;gh he8d climbed ;p into the big oak tree easily
eno;gh> "t still made him ner:o;s? and he still wondered why ,enry had insisted on
climbing it when they were little kids> ,e8d been ;p there for abo;t an ho;r? m;lling
o:er eCactly how to approach his dad> &o far? he still had no idea>
&o maybe it was fate that opened the back door of 2lad8s ho;se and p;shed Tomas o;t
and in the direction of the old oak tree> ,is dad smiled ;p at him> G" tho;ght "8d find
yo; here>G
2lad shifted some on the branch to a more comfortable position> G6hyH " ne:er liked
climbing this tree>G Tomas shr;gged> GA;st a feeling " had>G GCan yo; still detect fellow
:ampires? now that yo;r 0ark is goneHG G*es>G G%;t they can8t detect yo;HG GNo>G
GCan they control yo;HG Tomas raised an eyebrow? looking :ery m;ch like 2lad8s
older reflection> G"s that really what8s on yo;r mind? 2ladHG 2lad set his Jaw> G6ell?
can theyHG
GNo> "8m free of Elysia8s binds>G Tomas met 2lad8s gaEe> G6hat8s tro;bling yo;? sonH
Talk to me> 6hat8s going thro;gh that head of yo;rsH "f something8s going on? J;st tell
me> "8m always here for yo;>G
2lad slid forward? dropping from the branch and floated effortlessly to the gro;nd>
After he landed? he met his dad8s eyes> G&omeone told me something abo;t yo;>
&omething dist;rbing> " came here to ask yo; if it8s tr;e or not> %;t "8m not really s;re "
want to know>G G0aybe "8m not the one yo; sho;ld be asking>G G*o;8re the only one
who can answer my D;estion>G GThen maybe yo; sho;ld be asking a different
D;estion? son>G 2lad sighed> "t felt like his world was falling apart> G-ike whatHG
G-ike >>> do yo; tr;st meHG ,is dad smiled slightly and ga:e his sho;lder a sD;eeEe? his
eyes f;ll of a warmth that only a father co;ld con:ey> G%eca;se if yo; do? then no
other D;estion need be asked> "f yo; tr;st me? no one and nothing else matters>G
,is words h;ng in the air between them? and 2lad eCamined each one like an
eCtremely caref;l s;rgeon? picking them apart and p;tting them back together again> "n
the end? they made perfect sense>
2lad nodded slowly? p;shing away all of #tis8s craEy theories and e:ery bad tho;ght
that he8d had abo;t his dad since he left Nelly8s ho;se J;st an ho;r ago> ,e did tr;st his
dad> And that was all that mattered> '$
T,E )##D #) .EN"U& "T 6A& -UNC,T"0E at %athory ,igh &chool> -;nchtime
on a T;esday? which co;ld only mean one thing>
"t was Taco T;esday> ,enry8s fa:orite day of the week>
,enry8s l;nch tray had been co:ered with eight tacos when they8d stepped o;t of line?
b;t they8d only been at the table for abo;t ten min;tes and his s;pply was already
r;nning dangero;sly low> ,e was down to three? and another fresh? cr;nchy shell was
already in his hand and lifted to his open mo;th>
2lad8s tray contained fo;r tacos> Aoss8s contained three> %;t neither was feeling :ery
h;ngry at the moment>
G6hat abo;t yo;r ;ncleH *o; said he8s open-minded> Can8t he get together a b;nch of
:ampires to help ;sH #r maybe talk some sense into this Em personHG Aoss8s :oice was
low? b;t 2lad co;ld tell he was on the :erge of sho;ting in fr;stration> They8d been
searching for a sol;tion? a plan? for weeks now to no a:ail> E:ery idea they8d had so far
was dangero;sly st;pid>
2lad sighed> GNot gonna happen? Aoss> #tis can8t change Em8s mind? and "8m betting
she has more followers than he does in Elysia> &he8s ancient> People fear her> 6hat
abo;t yo;r ;ncleH Can8t he change the minds of the &layer &ocietyHG
Aoss threw him a glance that said that that s;bJect was closed> Apparently? Aoss was
abo;t as close to his ;ncle as 2lad had been to D8Ablo>
Aoss p;shed his tray back? folded his arms on the table in front of him? and rested his
chin on them> ,e was silent for a long time? b;t when he spoke? his words to;ched
2lad deeply> G" don8t want to kill yo;>G
2lad sl;mped his sho;lders in defeat> GAnd " don8t want to die> %;t we8re r;nning o;t
of options and time>G
Aoss released a hea:y? tro;bled sigh> G" don8t know what to do> The &layer &ociety
won8t stop ;nless yo;8re dead>G
GAnd Em won8t stop ;ntil "8m dead>G 2lad sighed too> "t came from deep within him?
from the center of his :ery being> G6hat are we gonna doHG A lo;d cr;nch came from
,enry as he took the last bite of his last taco> ,e chewed lo;dly? then stretched his arm
across the table to Aoss8s tray? snagging another taco> As he bro;ght the taco back to
his own tray? he shr;gged with one sho;lder> G)ake yo;r death>G
Aoss sat ;p slowly? blinking at ,enry> 2lad straightened his post;re? glancing from
Aoss to ,enry and back>
,enry hadn8t been doing m;ch talking at all since the other night? when they8d told him
all abo;t the fallback plan> And the killer thing was >>> his s;ggestion was kind of
brilliant? and way too ob:io;s for 2lad and Aoss to ha:e missed it d;ring their long
debates abo;t what to do>
Aoss shook his head? as ;nwilling as 2lad to accept that ,enry had J;st had an
eCcellent idea> G,ow are we going to do that eCactlyH The &layers aren8t blind and the
:ampires can detect 2lad by reaching o;t with their blood>G
,enry pa;sed for a moment? midchew? as if m;lling Aoss8s D;estion o:er in his mind>
&eemingly satisfied with his tho;ght process? he swallowed another bite? looked at
2lad? and said? GThat clearing J;st o;tside of town has a cliff on the north end? J;st
beyond the trees> "f the &layers see yo; go o:er and yo; ;se yo;r freaky Pra:;s
powers to block the :ampires8 detection >>> it co;ld work>G
2lad tho;ght abo;t it? and e:en tho;gh the idea had settled the sick feeling in the pit of
his stomach at least a little--to the point where he almost reached for a taco himself?
there was still that other thing to be considered> G%;t ,enry? if " go o:er that cliff? "8ll
break my neck>G
,enry shook his head and rolled his eyes before helping himself to a taco from 2lad8s
tray> GD;de> ,a:e yo; forgotten who yo; areH *o; can ho:er>G
Aoss and 2lad eCchanged looks> Tense? scr;tiniEing? wondering looks> This co;ld
work> This co;ld really work> They collecti:ely shook their heads and the corner of
2lad8s mo;th lifted in a small smile> G*o;8:e been holding o;t on ;s? ,enry> " had no
idea yo; were so f;ll of great ideas>G
,enry held ;p his taco--formerly 2lad8s--and grinned> G-ittle-known fact? gentlemen>
Tacos are the food of geni;s>G
2lad and Aoss grinned too and the three toasted to ,enry8s brilliant plan with tacos?
thankf;l that it was T;esday? and that they finally had a small chance of fiCing all of
their problems in one fell swoop> ''
UN,APP* NE6 *EA! 2-AD 6A& D#NN"N. T,E NE6 &7U-- &CA!) that
Nelly had knitted him and gi:en to him on Christmas? standing o;tside in the cold> ,is
fingers were starting to go n;mb> %eside him? Aoss was twirling his stake between his
fingers? waiting> Today was the day> The day that they wo;ld d;pe &layers and
:ampires alike? and see J;st how well ,enrys taco-f;eled plan wo;ld work>
They8d been waiting for ho;rs now and the s;n had finally beg;n its descent> %;t there
was still no sign of either the &ociety or Elysia> 2lad was beginning to wonder if
they8d e:er show>
,e and Aoss hadn8t spoken m;ch since arri:ing in the clearing> 0aybe beca;se there
was nothing to say> #r maybe beca;se they were both going o:er the plan again and
again in their minds> "t had to work> "t J;st had to>
A;st as Aoss had t;rned to 2lad and started to say something to break the silence? there
was a r;stle in the b;shes to the right and o;t stepped a man> ,e was dressed in earth
tones? slacks with boots? a b;tton-down shirt and :est? a flowing? almost capelike
trench coat> A brown leather baldric holding siC small blades crossed his chest> At his
hip was a leather holster? holding a wooden stake> ,is cheek was scarred? a fo;r-inch-
wide crescent shape> ,e cocked a displeased eyebrow at Aoss> G*o;8re s;pposed to kill
it> Not speak with it>G
Aoss st;mbled o:er his words? h;rrying to retrie:e his own stake from the gro;nd and
ret;rn it to its place on his hip> GUncle Abraham >>> yo;8re >>> here >>>G
Abraham p;rsed his lips> G#n yo;r feet? &layer> Dispatch this :ampire> !id the world
of this e:il> Do as yo; ha:e been instr;cted to do>G
%y the tone in his :oice? 2lad got the feeling that Aoss8s ;ncle didn8t like weakness? and
when Abraham looked at Aoss? it was all he co;ld see> Aoss looked from his ;ncle to
2lad and back again> G" was abo;t to>G
,ere it was> Time to enact their get-o;t-of-Jail-free plan> All they needed was a
:ampire to witness 2lad8s mirac;lo;s eCec;tion>
GAbraham> "t8s been too long>G 2lad8s dad wore a pec;liar smile as he entered the
clearing> 2lad raised an eyebrow at the familiarity in his tone? and resisted the ;rge to
sigh in relief> They had their :ampire> Now it was Aoss8s t;rn> 2lad eyed Aoss8s stake?
ready as he8d e:er be>
Abraham8s hand hesitated on his stake> ,is tone was f;ll of s;rprise and alarm? and
J;st a little bit of fear> ,e reached ;p and gently stroked the scar on his cheek>
G#h? now isn8t this a s;rprising re;nionHG 2lad t;rned at the familiar :oice> #tis
offered him a wink and then t;rned to face the &layer>
G#tis>G Abraham8s :oice held no s;rprise this time? like he8d eCpected #tis to be along
anytime since Tomas was here> 2lad raised a sharp eyebrow> G*o; three know one
#tis smiled? keeping his eyes on Aoss8s ;ncle the entire time> G#h yes> Abraham and
yo;r father are well acD;ainted>G
GNice scar? by the way>G Tomas grinned? then glanced at his son> GAnd #tis and
Abraham are simply the best of friends>G
GThat8s not at all how " recall it> %;t my memory8s fading>G #tis took a step closer to
Abraham? b;t? to 2lad8s s;rprise? Abraham didn8t take a step back> ,e stood there
defiantly> #tis smiled> GPerhaps we sho;ld reminisce abo;t old timesHG G#:er a
drinkHG Tomas stifled a ch;ckle as he too stepped closer to Abraham>
Abraham gripped his stake and glared at them both? growling? G"8ll ha:e yo;r heads>G
#tis cl;cked his tong;e> G-ike that fatef;l day? Abraham? there are only two &layers
here? and three :ampires> *o; are o;twitted and o;tmatched>G
Tomas shook his head? stepping e:en closer> GAnd this time? we won8t t;rn the other
Abraham la;ghed? and by the so;nd of it? 2lad was pretty s;re it wasn8t something he
did often> G*o; act;ally think "8m here aloneH 6hat kind of fool do yo; take me forHG
A wooden stake whipped by Tomas8s head> ,e had J;st barely d;cked it before it
slammed siC inches into a tree behind him> 2lad whipped his head aro;nd to see a
&layer standing in the woods? a modified crossbow in his hands> #tis D;ipped? G#ne
with a short lifespan>G
2lad looked at Aoss and nodded> Aoss nodded back? then ran toward 2lad? stake held
high> 2lad bolted across the clearing? b;t kept his mo:ements slow eno;gh that Aoss
co;ld keep ;p> They wrestled for a moment? str;ggling for the stake and then Aoss
raised his eyebrows? as if to silently ask 2lad if he was ready> 2lad nodded> That8s
when Aoss pretended to stake him? and then tossed him o:er the cliff>
2lad flew o:er the edge? b;t with a little concentration? ho:ering J;st o;t of sight was
an easy thing to do> )rom abo:e? all he heard were whispers and m;ttering> "t had
worked> They had totally faked his own death> ,e owed ,enry abo;t a Eillion tacos>
&trong fingers tangled in his hair and p;lled him ;pward> 2lad almost screamed as it
felt like his scalp was being torn off> -ying on the gro;nd? once more in the clearing?
2lad looked ;p to find Em holding his hair? looking disg;sted> G)aking yo;r death? are
weH Not a bright boy? my great-grandson> That has to be the oldest-- and d;mbest--
trick in the book>G
&he looked back at Abraham and said? G"f yo; tr;ly belie:e? &layer? that yo;8re going
to take Tomas8s life before "8:e had the pleas;re? yo; sho;ld think again> "8:e come to
carry o;t a sentence that has been a long time coming> &he glanced at 2lad8s dad>
G"taly? TomasH !eally>G
6hen she looked back at Abraham? her eyes were no longer rolling> GDon8t think the
threat of wood will do so m;ch as make me hesitate> " knew yo;r great-great-
grandfather>G &he snapped her teeth playf;lly at Abraham and grinned> G,e was
At her final word? a gro;p of no less than siC &layers descended on the clearing> Em?
as if eCpecting this? snatched Abraham close to her while elongating her fangs and
hissing into his ear? GCall off yo;r pets? Abraham> #r die>G Abraham hesitated? then
wa:ed them away>
2lad ne:er tho;ght he8d e:er be happy to see Em? b;t at the moment? he kinda was>
-i:e and learn> '(
T,E %E."N"N. #) T,E END E2E!*#NE "N T,E C-EA!"N.-all b;t Abraham
and Aoss--relaCed some then>
GNot so fast? Tomas>G Em8s :oice was an echo in the night> %oth Tomas and 2lad
blinked at her> GThere is the slight matter of yo;r eCec;tion to tend to>G 2lad stood?
br;shing the dirt from his clothes? and looked at his father> Tomas merely shr;gged
cas;ally? as if her threats meant nothing to him>
G" think we might ha:e slightly more pressing matters at hand? 0adame Co;ncil>G The
sarcasm in Tomas8s :oice was e:ident>
G" think that the assembled mass of :ampires c;rrently in %athory can more than take
care of a small gro;p of &layers>G An e:il glint crossed her eyes> G" bro;ght them in
6ith a twitch of her finger two of her cronies stepped forward from their spot in the
s;rro;nding woods> GAlert the others and take care of them>G
The bigger of the two nodded> ,is lips spread into a smile as he let his fangs elongate?
and broke into a r;n? followed closely by the other>
2lad said? GThat won8t be eno;gh>G Em glared at him? and he met her gaEe with eD;al
intensity> 2lad shook his head? o:erwhelmed by the enormity of his sit;ation> GThere
are more &layers coming> Aoss has to kill me or e:eryone will die>G 2lad mo:ed
forward? eyeing Em with certainty> G*o; incl;de>G
G2lad? don8t>G Tomas reached o;t a hand to stop his son from mo:ing toward the oldest
:ampire in eCistence? b;t was ;nable to restrain him> Two more of her cronies eCited
the woods and mo:ed protecti:ely in front of Em> 2lad stopped J;st short of them? his
eyes locked on Em> G0y life will end? J;st as yo; want it to> The only difference is that
Aoss will be the one to kill me>G
Em said? GThat eager to die? are weHG 2lad wasn8t s;re how? b;t it seemed that each
time Em smiled she looked e:en more e:il> G*o;r chance will come> )or now my
attention is on yo;r father> #nce " ha:e dispatched him? " will take my sweet pleas;res
with yo;r>G #ne of Em8s henchmen grabbed 2lad by the sho;lders and t;rned him
aro;nd to hold him in place> Em8s gaEe fell on Tomas> &he was going to make 2lad
watch his father die> 2lad swallowed hard> "t co;ldn8t happen> "t wo;ldn8t>
)rom the corner of his eye? he watched as Abraham and Aoss slinked away> Abraham
practically had to force Aoss from the clearing? b;t 2lad was glad he went>
6hen her bodyg;ards started to go after the &layers? Em merely smiled> G-et them go>
6e8ll h;nt them later> "t8ll be entertaining>G
GEm? aren8t yo; forgetting somethingH Tomas has yet to ha:e a trial>G #tis flicked his
eyes from his brother to Em? as if hoping that this loophole might b;y some time for
Tomas? and for him to come ;p with a plan>
G6e8re not really concerned with the formalities anymore? dear #tis> There is no
D;estion of his g;ilt> The proof of it is standing there>G Em8s head motioned to where
2lad was being held? tho;gh her eyes ne:er left Tomas> GNow? all that is left is to
watch Joyo;sly as the life drains from his eyes>G
The remaining :ampires in Em8s ento;rage mo:ed forward to restrain Tomas as Em
p;lled an ornate dagger from her long black coat and began to walk slowly toward
GAww? to hell with this>G &omething told 2lad that #tis hadn8t meant to speak his
tho;ghts o;t lo;d>
Throwing his coat off his sho;lders? #tis ran forward like a lightning bolt> "f killing
Em was the only way to stop this madness? then so be it> The speed at which he mo:ed
made him appear as a bl;r to all eyes aro;nd him> 2lad had ne:er seen his ;ncle mo:e
so fast before>
A hand stretched o;t from nowhere and met #tis8s face at f;ll speed> The cr;nch of
bone breaking made 2lad wince> #tis flipped o:er backward in the air? landing on the
back of his neck and cr;mpling into a heap at the :ampire bodyg;ard8s feet> ,e had hit
the gro;nd before his coat had a chance to fall in the place he had left it standing> Em
leaned down to where #tis lay> GNow that wasn8t :ery smart was itHG &he p;t her
fingers into the blood that was dripping from his wo;nds and cleaned them off in her
mo;th? m;ch like a child who J;st finished a chocolate bar on a hot day> GAnd " was
going to let yo; li:e> #h well? " g;ess yo; J;st got in line after yo;r nephew>G &he
stood with a twinkle in her eye> G%;t first?G Em raised the dagger abo:e her head?
G.oodbye? Tomas Tod>G
An arrow car:ed from a single piece of wood? tipped in sil:er embedded in Em8s
sho;lder> The dagger fell to the gro;nd as she screamed> )ig;res? cloaked in shadow?
s;rro;nded the clearing> &tepping into the light in front of Em? Abraham had a sm;g
look on his face> GThat was J;st a warning> %;t "8m glad that arrow was fired by one of
o;r first years? Em> " was hoping " wo;ld be the one who got to kill yo;>G
G*o; ha:e no idea that yo; J;st :ol;nteered yo;r little gro;p for eCtinction?
Abraham>G Em grasped the arrow and? with a yelp? p;lled hard? yanking it free of its
fleshy D;i:er> The wo;nd began to heal almost instantlyK her eyes held the ferocity of
a cornered tiger> GThis battle has been looming for cent;ries> This war has gone on for
too long> Today it ends when " feast on the blood of the last &layer>G '+
T,E C-EAN&"N. T,E #PP#!TUN"T* T,AT #T"& ,AD been hoping for had
presented itself? and he8d be damned if he was going to let it pass him by> The :ampire
who was holding Tomas had released him and gone to the aid of his p;ppeteer> #tis
stood neCt to his brother? his face already healed> The only e:idence of the inJ;ry
stained the front of his shirt red>
#tis p;t a hand on Tomas8s sho;lder? GCome on? let8s help 2lad>G G" don8t think we
need to>G Tomas was smiling as he nodded toward his son>
Apparently #tis wasn8t the only one who had heard the telltale knock of opport;nity8s
fist> 2lad stood abo:e the :ampire who had been holding him> The :ampire8s wrist
was twisted in 2lad8s hand? his th;mb sticking painf;lly o;t onto the air> 2lad8s foot
was on the back of the man8s neck? p;shing his face into the gro;nd> Tomas looked on
with an air of pride? #tis with a gasp of amaEement>
2lad smirked> G6hatH ,enry8s brother? .reg? was also on the wrestling team> ,e
ta;ght me a co;ple of mo:es>G
GAnd yo; learned them :ery well? son>G Tomas leaned down to the :ampire on the
gro;nd> G"8d tell yo; to pick on someone yo;r own siEe? b;t " don8t think it really
matters in this case>G #tis shook his head in amaEement> GCome on? yo; two> -et8s get
o;t of here>G
2lad released the :ampire he was holding and started to follow his ;ncle o;t of the
clearing> There was a lo;d th;mp behind them> 6hen they t;rned? Tomas was picking
himself ;p off of the gro;nd? kicking away the hand that had tripped him> The :ampire
that had J;st been bested by a teenager didn8t want to gi:e ;p his D;arry so easily>
G*o; g;ys go ahead? "8ll handle this>G Tomas8s eyes darkened as his fangs shot o;t in
anger> 2lad saw his dad deli:er a kick to the face of the fallen :ampire before #tis
grabbed 2lad8s sho;lder and led him o;t of the clearing and into the streets of %athory>
GUncle #tis? where are we goingHG They walked at a h;rried pace? occasionally
breaking into a Jog>
G%ack to Nelly8s ho;se> 6e ha:e to get yo; o;t of here>G #tis sp;n aro;nd to a:oid
being hit by the car that was barreling down the street> G6hat in the world is going
,e t;rned to look ;p the street? then down> Cars were e:erywhere? lights beaming
down on them? horns so;nding> 2lad followed his gaEe> The scene reminded him of
e:ery disaster mo:ie he8d e:er seen> The people of the peacef;l? midwestern town
were fleeing for their li:es? and they didn8t care who they trampled on their way o;t>
G#h non>G 2lad8s face fell> 6hat color there had been in his cheeks was now gone>
GThey8:e started the cleansing>G 2lad broke into a r;n> #tis called behind him? G6here
are yo; goingHG G" ha:e to find AossIG
"n a flash of :ampiric speed? #tis was in front of him? blocking his path> G2lad? can8t
yo; see that it8s too late for that now> "f the cleansing has beg;n the only way to stop it
is to annihilate the &layers> *o;r friend Aoss? incl;ded> ,e co;ld be compromised> ,e
co;ld be on their side> ,e may ha:e lied>G
GAoss didn8t lie? #tisI And it looks like Em8s cronies ha:e already started>G 2lad
pointed to the intersection a block in front of them> There were at least twenty &layers
locked in f;ll combat with an eD;al n;mber of :ampires> &takes flew? fangs were
bared? 2lad co;ld smell the garlic from where he stood> "t made him sick to his
stomach> %odies on both sides fell like oak lea:es on an a;t;mn day? lifeless and red>
#tis looked worried> GCome on? 2lad? we need to go>G
G*eah >>> yeah? right behind ya>G 2lad t;rned again to follow his ;ncle> They
backtracked and t;rned down a different street to a:oid the battle> As they ro;nded the
neCt corner on their way back to Nelly8s ho;se? they came face-to-face with another
small battalion of &layers>
There were probably twel:e or thirteen of them? 2lad co;ldn8t be s;re> ,e and #tis
stopped in their tracks as one of the &layers began to speak> G6ell? well? well? now
there8s a face " recogniEe> 2ladimir Tod? isn8t itHG The man smirked as he drew a
sil:er-tipped stake from his pocket> 2lad had no idea who this man was or how he was
able to recogniEe him> G*es? Aoss has kept ;s well informed> ,e may not be m;ch of a
&layer? b;t he is an eCcellent spy>G
#tis and 2lad began to back away slowly? not in retreat? b;t eno;gh to gi:e them time
to take in their plight>
G%oy? yo;r skills in combat ha:e been impro:ing in the past co;ple of years? b;t if yo;
do ha:e any special powers in there? this wo;ld be a good time to fig;re o;t how to
;se them>G "nstincti:ely #tis and 2lad mo:ed ;ntil they were back-to-back as the
&layers mo:ed to encircle them>
"n his mind? 2lad co;ld hear #tis8s :oice? GThey8ll be coming from all sides? b;t they8ll
only be one deep> This is act;ally good for ;s> G G.ot it>G "n the heat of the moment?
2lad forgot that he co;ld speak telepathically>
G" know how hard this is for yo;? 2ladimir? b;t yo; ha:e to aim to kill> #therwise?
we8:e already lost this battle> G
2lad stopped for a moment> ,e knew what had to be done? b;t tho;ght he co;ld still
deny that fact to himself> That is ;ntil his ;ncle p;t it into words> There was no way
aro;nd it> 2lad wo;ld ha:e to kill if he were to s;r:i:e> There was a &layer coming
right at him> There was no time to think? only time to act>
2lad ran with incredible speed? mo:ing from &layer to &layer? snapping necks as he
mo:ed> They didn8t ha:e time to react> They didn8t e:en ha:e time to blink> %y the
time he slowed his mo:ements? he realiEed they were s;rro;nded by se:eral dead
bodies> !o;ghly half of the &layers that had been abo;t to attack were lying before
him? lifeless> 2lad felt a wa:e of na;sea almost knock him down> And g;ilt> ,orrible
g;ilt> ,e8d killed> ,e8d killed them all> #tis sD;eeEed his sho;lder? breathless>
G2ladimir? where did yo; learn to fight like thatH " know it8s not something that 2ikas
ta;ght yo;> *o; mo:ed so fast>G
2lad shook his head> ,e was ass;ming it was a Pra:;s thing? b;t it scared the hell o;t
of him to lose himself like that> GThere8s no time to eCplain now? #tis> " ha:e to go find
Aoss> ,e8s the only one who can p;t a stop to this>G
G2ladimir? " told yo;> "t8s too late for that> %esides? if yo; think "8m going to let yo;
walk o;t there and :ol;nteer to get staked? yo;8re craEy>G
G"t8s not like that? Uncle #tis> *o;8re right? it8s too late for that> %;t if " don8t do
something? then e:eryone will die>G 2lad8s chest felt tight? like he might start
hyper:entilating at any moment> GDon8t worry " can handle myself> *o; need to get
Nelly to safety>G
#tis looked at him? as if ga;ging his sincerity> Then he sighed and offered 2lad a nod>
GAll right? b;t we8re not lea:ing town witho;t yo;> Do what yo; ha:e to do and meet
;s at the high school>G 2lad nodded and took off as fast as he co;ld> To where? he had
no idea> '/
C#0"N. #UT #) T,E C#))"N 0ANEU2E!"N. T,!#U., T,E &T!EET& of
his small town? 2lad co;ld hardly recogniEe where he was> "t looked more like one of
the battlegro;nds that he saw on the news rather than the place he had grown ;p>
Police lights and sirens blared as they sped thro;gh the streets> )ires b;rned in trash
cans and on wrecked or abandoned cars> There were bodies lying all aro;nd? :ampire?
&layer? and innocent bystander alike>
As he passed the lifeless body of Principal &nelgro:e? 2lad lost his compos;re as well
as his l;nch> &;re he hadn8t liked the g;y? b;t he deser:ed better than this> 0aybe he
was right to not ha:e liked 2lad all these years> After all? look where 2lad had led
him? led the whole town for that matter>
2lad grew angry> Angry at Aoss> Angry at Abraham> Angry at the &layers and the
:ampires> %;t most of all? angry at himself> This was all his fa;lt>
%;t he was past that now and there was no going back> 2lad had chosen this path and
he had to pro:e? to himself more than anyone else? that he was man eno;gh to walk it>
T;rning the corner? 2lad spotted another battle raging in front of him? b;t there was
something different abo;t this one> 2lad didn8t see any :ampires fighting> The
townspeople were fighting back> And what8s more? they were doing a pretty good Job>
2lad smiledK maybe the people of %athory were a little more than the &layer &ociety
had eCpected>
After two more battles blocking his path and one fight of his own? in:ol:ing three
&layers who wo;ld certainly feel it when they woke ;p in the morning? 2lad decided
to take to the top of the trees> ,e had to find Aoss and Abraham and there was only one
place in %athory where one co;ld s;r:ey the whole town at once> 2lad had to get to
the belfry>
As 2lad ro;nded the corner of the school he spied a familiar sight> The goths were
assembled on the steps of the school> G.;ysIG 2lad h;rried o:er to them? almost
breathless? f;ll of panic> G,a:e yo; g;ys seen AossHG
G*eah? " did>G &prat J;mped ;p and pointed toward the middle of town? G&ome old g;y
was draggin8 him aro;nd by the arm? o:er by EAT? b;t that was like twenty min;tes
G2lad?G #ctober had a worried look in her eyes? Gha:e yo; seen ,enryH ,e8s not
answering his phone>G
2lad8s heart ached for her> #ctober was clearly :ery worried> G"8m s;re he8s fine> "n
fact " know he is> "8d ha:e felt it if something had happened to him>G
G)elt itH %oy? " g;ess yo; g;ys are really close friends? aren8t yo;HG The sarcasm
flowed in 7ristoff8s words>
"gnoring him? 2lad t;rned to the others in the gro;p? G-ook? g;ys? " need yo;r help>
%;t first " ha:e to tell yo; something> &omething >>> well >>> abo;t the tr;th> 0y tr;th?
that is>G
2lad took a deep breath> ,e was abo;t to willingly break Elysian law "f he were able
to stop the &layers then he might still be able to get o;t of eCec;tion if he played his
cards right> They might act;ally gi:e him a fair trial> After all? he hadn8t known abo;t
the law when he broke it before> "f he broke the law now? he wo;ld condemn himself
to death> That is? if he s;r:i:ed the day>
%;t he had to tell them> ,e had to tell the goths abo;t who and what he was> %eca;se
he needed them> Now more than e:er> And the only way for him to know they were on
his side was if he was completely honest with them>
G6hat is it? 2ladHG #ctober had mo:ed closer to him? p;tting her hand on his sho;lder
in concern> ,e took a deep breath> Then another one? this time deeper> ,e was
ner:o;s> &trike that> ,e was downright terrified>
G"8m >>> a :ampire>G ,e braced himself for the la;ghter and ridic;le that was abo;t to
come> "t wo;ld> After all? none of them really belie:ed in :ampires> And e:en if they
did? that wo;ld make him a freak> A bigger freak than they8d tho;ght he was before his
admission> #ctober? &prat? Andrew? and 7ristoff eCchanged glances? then looked at
2lad like they were still waiting for him to re:eal his big secret>
#ctober smiled> G*eah >>> we kinda know that already> "s there >>> something else yo;
wanna cl;e ;s in onHG G*o; told ;s sophomore year? rememberHG &prat shr;gged like
it was no big deal> Andrew merely nodded> 7ristoff said nothing>
2lad blinked in ;tter conf;sion> G6ait >>> yo; already knowH ,ow do yo; already
knowH "t8s my deepest? darkest secret>G #ctober shr;gged> G*o; told ;s a few years
ago at The Crypt? rememberHG
2lad did remember> They had been playacting> #r so he8d tho;ght> And for f;n?
beca;se he knew they8d ass;me he was pretending? 2lad had told them his inner tr;th--
that he was a :ampire> !;nning a hand thro;gh his hair in conf;sion? 2lad blinked
again> G%;t " tho;ght yo; tho;ght " was Joking>G
&he raised a sharp eyebrow at him> G2lad? no offense? b;t look at yo;> "f yo;8re not a
:ampire? yo;8re clearly the most anemic goth "8:e e:er seen>G
&prat nodded enth;siastically> ,e seemed to ha:e a hard time standing in one spot>
2lad wagered it had something to do with his piCie stick obsession> G*eah? yo;8re way
pale> Pl;s? yo;r fangs are cooler than 7ristoff8s >>> and he had his c;stom made>G
7ristoff8s face fl;shed red as he whipped aro;nd to glare at his hyper friend>
#ctober ga:e 2lad8s sho;lder a sD;eeEe> G6e belie:ed yo;> %eca;se that8s what
friends do>G
G%ig whoop> &o yo;8re a real :ampire? who cares>G 7ristoff stormed off aro;nd the
school? his sho;lders sl;mped? the edges of his :ery being siEEling>
2lad watched after him? somewhat taken aback> ,e and 7ristoff had ne:er really been
what yo;8d call friends? b;t it still b;gged him that 7ristoff was acting so ;pset>
G6hat8s his problem anywayHG G,e wants what yo; ha:e? 2lad>G #ctober peeked
aro;nd the end of the school b;ilding and watched 7ristoff walk away> GThat8s why he
ne:er liked yo;>G
G#h? " didn8t know> " mean >>> wait a min;te >>>G !ealiEing what she was saying? that
7ristoff had always been Jealo;s of him for act;ally being a :ampire? 2lad gaped
openly G*o; mean? yo; all belie:ed me back thenH E:ery word " said abo;t being a
:ampireH " tho;ght it came off as a Joke>G
G"8m s;re that8s how yo; meant it? b;t c8mon? 2lad> "f yo; can be honest with anyone?
yo; know it8s ;s? rightHG #ctober smiled at him> G&o? what do yo; need o;r help withHG
2lad fo;nd himself smiling? e:en amidst all the chaos> G" need to find Aoss>G GDone>G
Andrew led the way? and the rest of the goths followed> &ans 7ristoff>
And 2lad was left knowing that his tr;e friends didn8t care that he was s;ch a freak
after all> '1
T"0E ,EA-& A-- 6#UND& T,E*8D AU&T !EAC,ED EAT? when 2lad spied a
familiar sight> Eddie Poe? :ampire? chasing 7ristoff down an alley> 7ristoff? who
looked absol;tely terrified>
A;st like in 2lad8s :ision>
2lad sho;ted to #ctober? and then took off after them> ,e didn8t catch ;p ;ntil Eddie
and 7ristoff were crossing the football field> 2lad mo:ed with :ampiric speed? ;ntil he
was standing right in front of Eddie Poe> Eddie? who now had fangs> Eddie? who had
somehow gotten himself in too deep>
2lad looked him o:er? his pale skin? his elongated fangs? and shook his head slowly?
both in disappointment and disbelief> G,ow? EddieH ECactly how did yo; become a
Eddie cl;cked his tong;e? shaking his head in bem;sement and r;nning the tip of his
tong;e o:er the points of his fangs> G2lad? yo; know how> 6hy ask a D;estion when
yo; already know the answerHG
Terror filled 2lad8s insides> 6hat was Eddie insin;atingH That 2lad had t;rned him
into a :ampire and then somehow forgottenH That was insane >>> wasn8t itH G" mean >>>
how did yo; become a :ampire witho;t my helpHG
G*o;8re not the only :ampire on the planet? as yo; well know>G A sly grin spread
across Eddie8s face> "t was all 2lad co;ld do to refrain from slapping it off of him>
GAfter yo; ref;sed to become my creator? " was f;rio;s> " was on my way to the post
office? ready to ship off a package that wo;ld eCpose yo; and? e:ent;ally? the rest of
Elysia>G Elysia> Eddie knew all abo;t Elysia now> "ntimately> "n a way that only
:ampires did>
This co;ldn8t be possible> "t co;ldn8t be happening> Eddie was a :ampire> A real? li:e?
bloodthirsty :ampire> "t was like a bad dream> %;t it was real>
G%;t then " ran into Em>G A smile danced on Eddie8s lips? one that made 2lad cringe>
Em> #f co;rse> "f anyone was maniacal and insane eno;gh to think that making Eddie
Poe into a :ampire was a good idea? it was her> G&he told me she admired my strengths
and wo;ld gi:e me the gift of eternity> All "8d ha:e to do is rid the world of yo; when
the time came>G
2lad shook his head and spoke as if he were talking to a child> G,asn8t Em told yo;
abo;t the prophecy? EddieH "8m the Pra:;s> And the Pra:;s can8t be killed>G
G*o; can now> E:er since D8Ablo remo:ed yo;r in:incibility a few years ago with that
rit;al>G Eddie8s tone was bitter> Each word that left his lips hit 2lad hard in the g;t? like
p;nches> Then Eddie smiled pleasantly? a cr;el glint in his eyes> G"8m not st;pid> *o;
really sho;ldn8t ;nderestimate me>G
Eddie knew> ,e knew e:erything> Em had made him into a :ampire? armed him with
knowledge? and set his sights on 2lad>
Eddie8s eyes grew dist;rbed as he looked o:er 2lad8s sho;lder> G*o; also sho;ldn8t
;nderestimate yo;r &layer friend>G 2lad whipped aro;nd to find Aoss approaching? his
stake held firmly in one hand> A moment of do;bt shadowed his tho;ghts? and he
wondered if Aoss was there to make another attempt on his life>
Then a familiar feeling swept o:er him> The feeling of being p;nched in the back> That
same sensation he8d eCperienced his freshman year? when Aoss had staked him>
2lad looked down as he dropped to his knees> ,is world swirled before him? then
sharpened once again>
6ood> There was wood sticking o;t of his chest> ,e8d been staked> )or the second
time> #nly this time >>> it was by Eddie>
&hock took him o:er> ,is heart beat strongly? defiantly against the splintered wood of
the cr;de instr;ment that Eddie had constr;cted> 2lad wondered briefly if Eddie had
created it in wood shop> "f so? he probably got points off for not sanding it smooth
eno;gh> 2lad hoped so? anyway>
Aoss8s eyes grew wide in horror as he r;shed to 2lad8s aid> ,e dropped to his knees? his
hand shaking o:er the end of the stake> G2ladI 2lad? are yo; okayH 6hat do " doH
6hat do " doHIG 2lad co;ghed? sending a small trickle of blood from the corner of his
mo;th> There was nothing Aoss co;ld do> Nothing at all>
And strangely? 2lad wasn8t scared> A;st s;rprised> &;rprised that it had been Eddie to
stake him> &;rprised that it hadn8t been Aoss>
,e also wasn8t in a whole lot of pain? which meant one of two things> Either he8d
beg;n to go n;mb from shock? or something was different this time aro;nd> And with
e:ery blood-drinking fiber of his being >>> 2lad was betting on option %>
,e reached ;p with a steady hand and grasped the tip of the stake between his fingers>
6ith all his might? he p;lled on the wood ;ntil it slipped painf;lly from his chest?
lea:ing tiny splinters behind in his l;ngs? his heart> There was no g;sh of blood? no
diEEying pain> "t was easy> )ar easier than 2lad had e:er imagined>
#nce the stake was o;t? he stood? aware of a tickling sensation in his chest> Eddie and
Aoss were staring? d;mbfo;nded? as the hole that Eddie8s stake had made? healed
closed before their eyes> "t so;nded a bit like spiders >>> J;st like when his blood had
healed the hole in D8Ablo a few years ago> 2lad mo:ed closer to Eddie and growled> G"
told yo; " can8t die>G
Eddie8s eyes grew enormo;s in fright> ,e t;rned and ran as fast as his :ampire legs
co;ld carry him> 2lad was amaEed not to see a stream of ;rine trailing after him> ,e
tho;ght abo;t chasing after Eddie? abo;t finishing him off and p;tting him o;t of his
misery> %;t in the end? he let Eddie go>
After a moment? Aoss placed a still-shaking hand on 2lad8s sho;lder> G*o; did the
right thing? letting him go like than>G 2lad shook his head> G"8m not entirely s;re it was
the right thing to do>G
,e ran his fingertips lightly o:er his chest? where the skin was now smooth thro;gh
the hole in his shirt> #ne thing was for s;re> D8Ablo8s rit;al hadn8t remo:ed his
in:incibility after all> '3
)A--EN &N#6 2-AD TU!NED )!#0 A#&& when he spied a familiar sight>
&now? looking lo:ely and rather kick b;tt in her stompy military boots? mo:ing down
the steps of %athory ,igh? her eyes reflecting the determination in her so;l> ,e hadn8t
worried abo;t her? not e:en once? d;ring the war that had broken o;t all o:er %athory>
There was no need for him to worry abo;t &now> &he knew how to take care of
herself> &he was strong>
%;t he was incredibly gratef;l to see that she was okay? that she hadn8t been harmed by
a flying stake or a biting fang>
&he had J;st ;sed a pretty fierce ro;ndho;se kick on a &layer? disarming him like a
pro> 2lad didn8t e:en know she co;ld fight> %;t it was cool to watch>
Despite what was going on all aro;nd them? 2lad fo;nd himself smiling at the sight of
her> And when her eyes fo;nd his? she smiled too--in that same impossible way>
"mpossible beca;se thre was no reason for them to smile now> %;t J;st seeing one
another was pro:ing reason eno;gh>
&;ddenly? &now8s eyes went wide? so wide that 2lad tho;ght she might be in physical
pain> &he ran toward him? down the steps? and l;rched forward> 2lad mo:ed to catch
her? b;t she knocked him to the side> Twisting his body aro;nd? he ca;ght her as he
fell and they t;mbled down the steps in a heap> "t was almost comical> That is >>> ;ntil
2lad saw the blood> &now8s blood> )lowing from her chest>
A broad-sho;ldered &layer with a long? thin scar drawing a line from his left eye to the
corner of his mo;th approached with a hea:y step and ripped the stake from &now8s
chest> &he cried o;t and 2lad co:ered the wo;nd? his hands shaking in shock>
,e knew that &layer> That was the &layer from the alley? one of the fo;r who8d been
posing as policemen? from earlier in the year after he8d p;t Aoss in the hospital> %;t
more importantly >>> &now had been staked> &now had been horribly inJ;red> The
&layer m;st ha:e mistaken her gothic bea;ty for the traits of a :ampire> The &layer
eyed 2lad for a second? and then lifted his wooden weapon in the air>
"nside 2lad8s :eins? he felt a s;rge of immense power> ,e locked eyes with his wo;ld-
be killer and ;ttered a single command? not knowing if it wo;ld work> GDrop it>G
The stake hit the steps and clattered down se:eral more steps ;ntil it was yards away>
The &layer8s lips shook in fear> G*o;r eyes > > >G
2lad gripped &now--too pale now--to his chest and screamed at the &layer with e:ery
bit of his anger and hatred and o:erwhelming fr;stration> GD"EIG The &layer8s eyes
b;gged and his Jaw went slack> 2lad8s heart beat twice before the man fell to the
gro;nd? dead> A deep? critical horror en:eloped 2lad as he stared at the man8s corpse>
,e8d J;st killed the &layer with a word> ,e took one breath? released it slowly> Then
another> This power> "t was too m;ch to wield> Too m;ch for anyone to e:en taste>
&tr;ggling with his emotions--which were filled with all kinds of self-loathing? e:en
tho;gh he8d only said it beca;se of what the man had done to &now--he t;rned back to
the matter at hand> %lood bloomed from &now8s wo;nd> 2lad had ne:er seen so m;ch
,e opened his mo;th to scream? to sho;t for someone? anyone? to sa:e her? help her>
%;t no one co;ld hear him o:er the so;nds of war>
&now8s p;lse grew weak> ,er eyes began to fl;tter closed? b;t before they did? she
parted bloodstained lips and whispered? G" sa:ed yo;> " had >>> a :ision> *o; were
killed >>> in my dream> %;t then " saw the &layer >>> and " stopped him> " sa:ed yo;r>G
,is world swirled aro;nd him? b;t he forced the :ision to remain at bay> ,e didn8t
want to know what the f;t;re wo;ld bring> Not now> Not when he was on the :erge of
losing &now>
Tears po;red from his eyes> ,e was losing her> ,e was losing the only girl who had
e:er really ;nderstood him? had e:er really lo:ed him? and there was nothing he co;ld
do abo;t it>
2lad bent down and br;shed his lips against &now8s forehead> ,is tears dripped onto
her cheeks? and he whispered repeatedly? Ghat can " do? &nowH "8ll do anything>
Anything> 6hat can " do to sa:e yo;HG '4
C#0E T,E P!A2U& T,E!E8& #N-* #NE T,"N. yo; can do? 2ladimir>G #tis8s
eyes were dark? dark and sad and tro;bled in the worst way? ;nlike 2lad had e:er seen
them> ,is shirt was marred with blood and dirt--the filth of battle> ,e m;st ha:e been
fighting somewhere nearby and saw what had happened to &now 2lad hadn8t seen him
approach? b;t he was glad his ;ncle was here now G*o; can let her die? or >>> yo; can
t;rn heir>G
Gt;rn herHG 2lad co;ldn8t belie:e what he was hearing> #tis co;ldn8t possibly be
s;ggesting that he--
Gt;rn her into one of ;s? welcome her into Elysia? make her a :ampire >>> or say yo;r
goodbyesG #tis8s :oice was soft? b;t stern> The choice? he8d made clear? was ;p to
2lad> G%;t don8t " need her permission to t;rn herHG G" think we8re beyond following
Elysia8s laws tonight? 2ladimir>G
2lad looked down at &now in his arms> ,er eyes were closed and her skin was paler
then he8d e:er seen> E:en her lips? painted a deep b;rg;ndy? paled to a lighter shade as
blood po;red from her wo;nd> &he8d lost conscio;sness? which was both a blessing
and a c;rse> A blessing beca;se he hoped that it lessened her pain some> A c;rse
beca;se it robbed him of the chance to ask her if she8d rather die than be like him>
&he wo;ld die> #r li:e o;t her life as a bloodthirsty creat;re of the night> "t was ;p to
him to choose her fate> Entirely ;p to him>
GThere8s something yo; sho;ld know before yo; decideG #tis dropped his eyes to
&now then for a moment? his :oice h;shing some? as if o;t of respect for the dead>
G&he may not s;r:i:e the transformation> "t8s possible that she will? b;t " ha:e ne:er
heard of a released dr;dge t;rning s;ccessf;lly> Not once> Their blood reJects the
transformation for some reason> *o; may lose her anyway? 2ladimir>G
2lad ignored the blood that was soaking thro;gh his clothes> ,e ignored the so;nds of
war all aro;nd him> ,e ignored e:en his ;ncle8s caring presence and looked at &now?
really looked at her for the first time> .ently? he ran his th;mb down her cheek>
%ending down? he kissed her D;iet lips? swallowing his tears> ,e had to be strong> )or
&now> G" ha:e to try? #tis>G
#tis ga;ged his sincerity for a moment? then? as if satisfied by what he saw in 2lad8s
eyes? he spoke> GDrain her? b;t not completely> *o; want her heartbeat as slow as
possible? b;t still beating> "t takes a great amo;nt of control? b;t yo;8re capableG A
flash of do;bt crossed #tis8s eyes> 2lad tried to ignore it? b;t co;ldn8t>
G#nce she8s drained? yo; m;st mo:e D;ickly> %ite yo;r wrist? gi:e her yo;r blood>
&he8ll co;gh and choke and fight? b;t that8s a nat;ral reaction> %e ready for itG #tis
sD;eeEed his sho;lder and as he ran off to assist a yo;ng :ampire fight off two &layers?
he sho;ted something else to 2lad? b;t 2lad co;ldn8t hear him o:er the noise of the
2lad lifted &now? cradling her in his arms> ,e was going to sa:e her? sa:e her at any
cost> "t was the right thing to do >>> wasn8t itH
,is fangs slipped from his g;ms and he bit down on her neck? her blood splashing
against his tong;e> Trying to block o;t the incredible taste of her blood? he swallowed
and swallowed again? drinking far more from her than he e:er had before> &he lay
helpless in his arms? and he wrapped his arms aro;nd her? holding her close>
,e lo:ed &now> And he wanted nothing more in this world than for her to s;r:i:e? for
them to be together? for e:erything to be all right>
As #tis had said? her heartbeat slowed s;bstantially> 2lad fo;ght the monster within
him and won? withdrawing his fangs from her porcelain neck> ,e bit into his right
wrist and held it to her mo;th? watching as his blood slipped from his wrist to her
tong;e? ;ntil his wo;nd healed closed again> Then he waited? and watched> At first?
nothing happened>
Then &now l;rched forward? co;ghing? her body wracked with :iolent spasms> The
moment she8d shown any sign of life? 2lad8s 0ark glowed brightly? brighter than e:er
before> &now choked and sp;ttered and shook> After a long time-time that was drawn
o;t by his ;tter terror of losing her--she went still> Too still> &now8s eyes were opened?
b;t there was no life in them> 2lad screamed? GN#III &nowI Not yo;I Not yo;IG
,e p;lled her close and sobbed into her soft black hair> ,er body was limp> ,er heart
wasn8t beating> E:erything abo;t her that had made her &now was gone> &he was dead>
Dead? before he co;ld tell her that she was his perfect match in e:ery way? that she
was e:erything he e:er wanted in a girl>
Dead? before she co;ld eCperience a life f;ll of la;ghter and smiles instead of one
o:erwhelmed by pain> Dead> Dead and gone> And she wasn8t e:er coming back>
2lad wiped the tears from his cheeks and laid &now8s body gently on the steps>
&lowly? he stood? s;r:eying the battlegro;nd all aro;nd him> ,e saw &layers staking
:ampires? :ampires biting &layers and ripping them limb from limb> ,e saw terrified
citiEens r;nning? trying to get away from horrors they co;ldn8t ;nderstand> ,e saw
familiar faces scattered thro;gh the crowd--Aoss> 0eredith? #ctober? ,enry> And all he
co;ld think was that this wasn8t s;pposed to be happening> ,is family? his friends? they
weren8t s;pposed to be s;ffering> Elysia wasn8t s;pposed to be eCposed> The &layer
&ociety wasn8t s;pposed to be here>
"nside of him? something bigger and brighter and more powerf;l than anything 2lad
had e:er eCperienced before welled ;p? b;rning> A fiery ball of power filled with
hatred and disg;st and want of peace> ,e t;rned and ran ;p the steps of %athory ,igh?
and as he reached the top he recalled the :ision he8d eCperienced when he8d first drank
Dorian8s blood> ,e realiEed? with great relief? that he had been completely wrong abo;t
what he tho;ght he saw in that :ision> ,e was the Pra:;s-- oh yes? there was no
do;bting that now--b;t he was the Pra:;s in a way that no one b;t Dorian saw> ,e
co;ld kill them all> 6ith b;t a single tho;ght? he co;ld command them all to do his
bidding and die> %;t>>>
As m;ch as 2lad was :ampire? he was also h;man> "ncredible strength? amaEing
speed? mind control--these things were all gifts from his :ampiric side> %;t his ability
to know right from wrong >>> that was all h;man? and despite e:erything that had
happened--to him? to the citiEens of %athory? to his belo:ed &now--he knew what he
had to do>
,e was the only :ampire e:er born> %;t he had a h;man mother? a mother who lo:ed
him and cherished him and had gi:en him his sense of ca;tion? his :iew that deep
down? people were tr;ly good> ,e had spent so many years foc;sing on his :ampire
side that he8d neglected to see the many h;man traits he possessed> ,e was like
0ellina in as many ways as he was like Tomas> ,e was a h;man> And a :ampire> And
the Pra:;s>
,e knew the prophecy now? knew e:ery word of it as it raced thro;gh his :eins> And
his destiny was crystal clear>
2lad faced the town of %athory? taking in the blood and terror and fear> ,e lifted his
arms high and with all of his being? with e:ery bit of e:ery part of his so;l? he
screamed o;t? G&T#PIG
,is eyes b;rned? and he knew that they were flashing brighter than e:er before? J;st as
they had in his :ision> All at once? e:ery single li:ing being in the :icinity froEe> No
one mo:ed> No one spoke> 2lad--the Pra:;s--was in complete control of them all>
E:ery :ampire? he reigned o:er> E:ery h;man? he had the power to protect? ensla:ing
them with b;t a tho;ght? for their own good> The prophecy was right> "t was the
interpretation that had been wrong> A label doesn8t make something so> A label is J;st
a word> "t8s what a person does that makes them who they are>
,e tho;ght of &now? tho;ght of her cold? pale body lying at the bottom of the steps?
tho;ght of how he8d ne:er get a chance to tell her how he really felt> Then he
whispered? G-ook at me>G E:ery li:ing being in %athory complied? b;t still 2lad
repeated his order in a tearf;l sho;t? G-ook at meIIG
,e pointed to &now and said? G*o;8:e all done this> 2ampires? &layers? h;mans> This
is all yo;r doing> People are dying beca;se yo; can8t let go of yo;r hatred for e:en a
second> People are dying beca;se of yo; > > >G ,is :oice dropped to a whisper> G> > >
beca;se of meG
2lad ran a hand thro;gh his hair? br;shing his bangs from his eyes> ,e took a moment
to think? to form the words in his mind before he spoke them alo;d> G2ampires? all
:ampires? eCcept for my family and close friends? go back to yo;r co;ncils> !emember
what happened here? b;t don8t plan any kind of retaliation> -et it go> .o on with yo;r
li:esG "nstantly? the :ampires stopped what they were doing and walked away>
2lad contin;ed> G&layers? eCcept for Aoss? go home> )orget yo; e:er saw e:en one
:ampire in %athory> And h;mans > > >G
A sigh escaped him? one filled with relief that e:eryone within earshot was forced to
obey> GTend to the wo;nded and take care of the dead> 6hen the s;n rises tomorrow?
yo;8ll only remember that an earthD;ake happened here? and that people died beca;se
of it> )orget the :ampires> )orget the &layers> "t8s o:er>G ,e8d make ,enry remember?
oh yes> And #ctober and the other goths too>
,e still wasn8t s;re abo;t 0eredith> %;t then >>> maybe it wo;ld make Aoss8s life easier
to ha:e her remember as well> After all? it co;ldn8t ha:e been easy lying to her the
entire time abo;t who he was? what he was> 2lad knew from eCperience>
The h;mans shifted aro;nd? tending to the inJ;red and clearing away the dead> A D;iet
peace settled all aro;nd him? b;t 2lad felt no relief> ,e still had lost &now> ,e still had
lost Eddie to Em8s will> ,e still had lost 0eredith to Aoss> And he still had no idea
what had happened to his mother that fatef;l day>
-ooking o:er the crowd? he realiEed that his father was missing from the pict;re>
0o:ing down the steps? lifting &now8s body and cradling her in his arms? he h;rried
with :ampiric speed across town? knowing that he wo;ld find Tomas in their ho;se? in
their home> #nce there? he placed &now on the co;ch and co:ered her bea;tif;l face
with his mom8s fa:orite afghan? which was now free of that smoky smell? thanks to
Nelly8s determination> ,e kissed the cloth that co:ered her lips and br;shed away fresh
tears? knowing that he wo;ld ne:er lo:e anyone again the way that he lo:ed &now>
!;shing ;pstairs? he stopped at the silho;ette standing in the doorway of the master
bedroom> Tomas8s sho;lders were s;nk? as if he were feeling defeated> 2lad reached
o;t? to;ching his left sho;lder with an inD;isiti:eness that e:en he co;ldn8t eCplain>
GCome inside? 2lad> Come inside and learn the tr;thG 6itho;t so m;ch as a glance
back at his son? Tomas mo:ed into the bedroom? his eyes on the bed> The left side?
2lad noted? where his mother ;sed to sleep>
2lad glanced o;t the bedroom window as he entered the room? and said? G" stopped it--
the fighting--" stopped it all with barely a tho;ght> "t8s o:er> %;t >>> " can8t help b;t
wonder >>> where were yo; when the &layers were attackingH " didn8t see yo;
anywhere>G G" am so disappointed in yo;? son>G
2lad8s Jaw hit the floor> G6hat are yo; talking abo;tH &layers were attacking
Tomas closed his eyes? as if eCha;sted from dealing with a yo;ng child8s whims> G"
ha:e been infinitely patient> ,ow else can " bring yo; to this tr;thHG
2lad blinked? conf;sed> ,e had no idea what his dad was talking abo;t> &omething
inside his chest grew hea:y with fear>
Tomas clasped his hands behind him and began pacing slightly> G" ha:e lied to yo;?
my son? b;t only to protect yo;? only to open yo;r eyes to the tr;th after years of lies
told to yo; by #tisG
&omething inside 2lad8s chest sD;eeEed his heart ;ntil he tho;ght it might b;rst>
G6hat did he? and yo;? lie abo;t eCactlyHG
GThere is a gro;p who s;pports the coming of the Pra:;s> "t is called the Al;mno and
was created to do all that they co;ld in s;pport of bringing abo;t the Pra:;s? to lay
their e:ery reso;rce and e:en their li:es down for the ca;se> %;t "8m not being h;nted
by them> "n fact? " am the gro;p8s fo;nding member>G 2lad8s eyes widened? and Tomas
held ;p his hands and h;rried to eCplain> G*o; belie:ed #tis? son? yo; belie:ed e:ery
lie he spewed abo;t o;r gro;p? abo;t how e:il we are? abo;t how the Pra:;s was a
myth> %;t " ass;re yo;? this is not the case> 6e ha:e an honorable ca;se? and yo; are a
gift to all of Elysia>G
2lad shook his head> G" don8t >>> ;nderstand> 6hyH And #tis--why wo;ld he think that
yo;r gro;p is e:ilHG GAealo;sy perhaps> #tis always was the Jealo;s type>G
That didn8t so;nd anything at all like the #tis he knew? b;t 2lad kept that tho;ght to
G*o; had an ;nbreakable tr;st for the man> That is? ;ntil " planted e:idence to shake
that tr;st> #tis8s hat will ne:er be the same? "8m afraid> %;t it was important to instill
do;bt in yo;r heart> Do;bt that yo;r perfect ;ncle was e:er so perfect>G The corner of
his mo;th lifted in a brief smile> Gdespite what yo; may belie:e? it is the Pra:;s8s place
to right the wrongs of Elysia? my son? and to p;t h;mans in their proper placeG G%;t
"8m h;man> Partly? anyway> And 0om > > >G ,is heart ached> Gmom > > >G
G" lo:ed yo;r mother> As m;ch as a :ampire can lo:e a h;man> &he knew her place?
ser:ed her p;rpose> &he was a good dr;dge> %;t she was also lacking in loyalty toward
the endG The corner of Tomas8s mo;th twitched in irritation> G" was going to let her
li:e> %;t then " learned that she8d been making secret plans to steal away with yo; in
the night? and worse? to t;rn me in to Elysia for my crimes> &omehow? she8d contacted
Dorian--the one :ampire " co;ld not possibly control or d;pe> ,e sent his son? Adrian?
here? to meet with her in secret? to in:estigate her claims? little good it did his>G
G%;t Adrian > > >G 2lad rolled the name o:er on his tong;e> Dorian8s son> And 2lad had
once seen his name written on a piece of paper >>> in Tomas8s handwriting> G" tho;ght
#tis killed him> #tis tho;ght that tooG
G#tis was too dr;nk on blood that night to know what was happening> " sent Adrian a
note from yo;r mother? to meet her that night? a f;ll day before Dorian8s instr;ction for
him to come> Adrian stole away to do so? and " ;sed my mind control powers to help
#tis to falsely recall draining him dry> After all? " co;ldn8t ha:e anyone s;specting that
those were the charred remains of Adrian and not me>G Tomas shook his head> "t was
sickening and frightening and horrible how easy it seemed to be for him to disc;ss
s;ch awf;l things with s;ch a cas;al tone> G" had no choice? 2ladimir> " bo;nd yo;r
mother and Adrian to the bed> And once the drapes were drawn? the s;n did the rest>
Adrian was abo;t as sensiti:e to the s;n as a :ampire can get>G
2lad bit his bottom lip> ,ard> Until he tasted blood> Then he t;rned back to his father>
G6ho opened the drapesHG Tomas blinked? as if he had no idea what 2lad was talking
abo;t> GPardonHG
G6ho opened the drapes? TomasHG ,e didn8t call him GDad?G wo;ldn8t call him that
word> ,e wasn8t acting like a dad> A dad wo;ld8:e done whate:er he co;ld ha:e to
protect his son> A dad wo;ldn8t ha:e planned o;t his son8s entire life as a way to lift
himself into a position of power> And a dad certainly wo;ldn8t ha:e m;rdered his son8s
mother> ,e was a monster> A :ile? e:il? cr;el monster? who deser:ed nothing more
than pain in ret;rn> Calling him by his first name instead of GdadG was a start? b;t only
The instant h;ng in the air like a hot? crackling clo;d between them> Tomas8s eyes
darkened? as if he wasn8t ;sed to ins;bordination>
The so;nd of soft footsteps approaching distracted them both? b;t still the clo;d
Then a :oice broke in> &tern? f;ll of warning? and so familiar> 2ikas> G2ladimir? yo;
sho;ldn8t ;se s;ch a disrespectf;l tone with yo;r father>G
The silence ret;rned and after some time? harsh reality hit 2lad? nearly knocking him
G"t was yo; > > >G ,e mo:ed his eyes? f;ll of wondering disbelief? to 2ikas> 2ikas8s
wrist was no longer home to a 0ark> "t was scarred? J;st like Tomas8s> ,e looked back
to Tomas> ,is throat closed for a moment in horrified realiEation> E:en as the words
escaped him? he was ha:ing a diffic;lt time grasping the meaning behind them> G*o;
killed my mother> 2ikas opened the drapes and >>> yo; both killed my mom > > >G
2ikas shook his head? cl;cking his tong;e? and softened his tone as if trying to soothe
a child> G&he was J;st a h;man? 0ahlyenki Dya:ol> %esides? it was for the good of the
ca;seG To 2lad8s horror? his father nodded in agreement> They both wore the look of
two people who had no idea what the big f;ss was abo;t> "t ripped at 2lad8s so;l to see
s;ch emptiness? s;ch selfish? horrible disregard for the most important woman in
2lad8s life>
G*o; killed my momIG ,e sho:ed his father? b;t Tomas didn8t e:en flinch> &omething
abo;t the way they were standing told 2lad he wo;ldn8t be allowed to lea:e> Not ;ntil
they had their say> ,e shook his head? his heart breaking> G*o;8re monsters> 6orse
than D8Ablo e:er wasG
Clasping his hands behind his back? his father took on a more formal tone? like a
soldier reporting details to his general> GD8Ablo8s been rightly dispatched> ,e lost his
faith? thinking he co;ld take yo;r place> ,e knew " was going into hiding? to watch
yo;? to p;sh yo; D;ietly from the shadows in the right direction? to wait for the proper
time to claim what is rightf;lly mine> %;t he somehow lost sight of o;r p;rpose and
tried to claim yo;r stat;s as Pra:;s for his own> And then there8s Enrico? who8d :owed
to stop at nothing to ;nco:er any treachery leading to Dorian8s death> Dorian knew of
my plans? knew e:erything abo;t e:erything? it seemed> " knew if Enrico was left to
li:e? he8d e:ent;ally ;nco:er hints of his son8s knowledge of my plans? and " co;ldn8t
ha:e that> %esides? " ne:er liked him> And he was half mad? so killing him was really a
charitable actG
2lad almost gasped? b;t ca;ght himself> ,e was shocked by what he was hearing? and
immensely angry to hear it> ,e didn8t know this man at all? and ne:er had>
G*o;r mother8s death was necessary beca;se her loyalty to me was lacking> E:ery boy
reaches the moment when he lea:es his mother behind? 2lad> " J;st mo:ed yo;r
moment closer> "t was easy> -ike stealing and b;rning that damn Compendi;m so that
yo; wo;ldn8t grow to belie:e Elysia8s :iew that the Pra:;s is e:il> -ike hiding my
Jo;rnal in Aoss8s backpack? to see how far yo; wo;ld go? to see if yo; wo;ld kill a
friend> Tho;gh? in hindsight? " sho;ld ha:e retrie:ed it immediately> %efore that Eddie
boy so c;nningly stole it away> "t took fore:er for me to retrie:e it from him> The
smell of his blood is eCcr;ciatingly distracting>G
2lad shook his head--his new? darker reality settling into the still horrified part of his
brain> ,is father and his friend> They8d planned his birth and killed his mother>
E:erything that had e:er been wrong with 2lad8s life was beca;se of them> ,e glared
at Tomas? glared so hard he wished he co;ld shoot lasers from his eyes and b;rn o;t
Tomas8s cold? black heart> GwhyHG A small smile danced on Tomas8s lips> G6hen " left
that day? the day of the fire? it was so that " co;ld con:ince Em that " was dead? to gi:e
me time? time to li:e witho;t the threat of a trial and wait ;ntil after yo;r eighteenth
birthday? when " knew the prophecy wo;ld be f;lfilled> " was watching yo;? often at a
distance? b;t always for the same reasonB to watch yo;r Pra:;s powers grow and take
shape> The belie:ers think that " do all that " do in order to raise yo; ;p as the Pra:;s>
%;t "8m afraid my reasons aren8t as simple as that> *o; see? D8Ablo was a fool> No one
can steal yo;r stat;s as Pra:;s ;ntil yo;8:e f;lly de:eloped yo;r Pra:;s powers> And
yo; J;st ha:e> &o isn8t my timing remarkableHG
2lad shot him a shocked glare that was bitter and f;ll of hatred> G" will ne:er help yo;>
"8ll do anything in my powers to keep yo; from gaining my Pra:;s traits> AnythingI
E:en if it means my death>G Tomas merely smiled>
G*o; will break? my son?G he whispered? that strange smile on his lips as he leaned
closer to 2lad? like they shared some twisted secret> G6e ha:e o;r ways>G (5
T,E T!UT, T#0A& AND 2"7A& D"&APPEA!ED> #ne moment 2lad was
standing there? eyeing his father down? and the neCt min;te? both :ampires had
disappeared in a bl;r of :ampiric speed> The second he realiEed they were gone? he ran
as fast as he was able to? whipping thro;gh the town? on the h;nt for the men who8d
killed his mother for their own selfish gain>
Near the high school? he fo;nd #tis? looking lost and conf;sed> ,e stopped r;nning
immediately> G#tisI "s e:erything all rightHG
#tis shook his head slowly> ,e stared down the street? then ;p it for a moment before
speaking to 2lad in a distant? distracted tone> G*o;r a;nt> > > >2ladimir > > > Nelly? ha:e
yo; seen NellyH &he was J;st with me? and then she was gone> -ike a d;st storm> A;st
here and gone> " can8t seem to find her anywhere>G
2lad mo:ed his eyes slowly o:er the landscape? scr;tiniEing e:ery inch of the area
s;rro;nding them> %;t #tis was right> Nelly was nowhere to be fo;nd> ,orror filled
2lad as his father8s words echoed in his mind> G6e ha:e o;r ways>G No> #h no>
Tomas and 2ikas had taken her? taken Nelly? and all 2lad co;ld think was that they
were going to h;rt her if he didn8t bend to their will> #tis fo;nd 2lad8s eyes? his filling
with concern> GthatH 6hat is itHG
G0y dad >>> and 2ikas >>> they killed my mom? #tis> They killed D8Ablo? and Enrico
too>G Disbelief filled 2lad8s heart e:en tho;gh he knew it to be tr;e> Tomas had killed
his wife? no matter how m;ch 2lad wished that it wasn8t tr;e> 6ishing a thing didn8t
make it so>
#tis8s eyes grew wide> GthatH That8s D;ite the acc;sation to make? 2ladimir> Are yo;
certainHG 2lad nodded> Gcompletely> " heard it from Tomas8s own lips> And there8s
more> ,e8s the leader of that gro;p? #tis> The :ampires who s;pport the coming of the
Pra:;sH ,e started it all>G
#tis8s pale face grew red momentarily? and he swore lo;dly in Elysian code> 2lad was
:ery s;rprised to realiEe that he ;nderstood what #tis was saying> E:en if he co;ldn8t
speak Elysian code? he was at least beginning to ;nderstand the swear words>
#tis paced for se:eral seconds before t;rning back to 2lad> G" had my s;spicions> )or
years? " wondered if Tomas was part of that gro;p> %;t " co;ldn8t bring myself to
belie:e it> " co;ldn8t accept that my brother? my friend? was one of those mindless?
r;thless belie:ers> *o; do know what this means >>> abo;t yo;r birth? yesHG
2lad nodded slowly> G"t means that my father only created me beca;se he wanted to be
the creator of the Pra:;s> "t means he ne:er really lo:ed me or my mom>G
#tis placed a caring hand on his sho;lder> G6e don8t know that? 2ladimir> %;t we do
know that he belie:es so completely that yo; are the Pra:;s? the man that the prophecy
spoke of? that he will do anything to f;rther his ca;se> Anything> E:en kill to con:ince
yo; to follow his twisted path>G G"t8s not that? #tis> ,e >>> he wants to be the Pra:;s>G
#tis shook his head? his whispered words t;rning bitter on his tong;e> GDamn him>
,e8ll stop at nothing to f;lfill his selfish desire>G
G6e sho;ld r;n> NowI .o after them>G 2lad8s heart was beating a million miles a
second at the tho;ght of what horrible things might happen to Nelly if they didn8t reach
her on time> #tis shook his head> G.o> .o now> "8ll ha:e to dri:e> "8m >>> inJ;red?
2lad followed #tis8s eyes to his side? where he was cl;tching his blood-soaked shirt> "t
hadn8t been soaked a moment before> Not that 2lad had noticed anyway> G#tis >>> oh
my god? what happened to yo;HG
#tis lifted his shirt? and the sight of the siC-inch gash sent a wa:e of na;sea o:er 2lad?
almost knocking him o:er> G"t8s healing? b;t it8ll take time? and " can8t r;n that fast
while it8s healing> .o on witho;t me> "8ll be there soonG
G#tis? yo; know " can8t lea:e yo; behind> " want yo; there with me to face my father> "
>>> " don8t know if "8m strong eno;gh to face him and 2ikas alone>G A sleek? black car?
whipped aro;nd the corner? fishtailing ;ntil the :ehicle was right in front of them> The
dri:er8s window lowered and ,enry grinned> GNeed a rideHG 2lad f;rrowed his brow in
conf;sion> G,ow did yo; knowHG
,enry shr;gged> GA;st had a feeling> "8m learning to tr;st the feelings " ha:e? especially
when it comes to sa:ing yo;r b;tt> Now are yo; getting in or notHG G#tis is h;rt>G
Aoss leaned o:er from the passenger seat and looked o;t the open window at 2lad> G"8ll
get in the back with him and do what " can>G
#tis eyed the &layer warily? b;t finally nodded> After Aoss and 2lad had him safely in
the backseat? 2lad eCplained e:erythingB abo;t his dad? abo;t Nelly> %;t it was only
after 2lad recalled a certain dream that had plag;ed him one night in his eighth-grade
year that 2lad knew eCactly where to go> After some instr;ction? ,enry took off with a
screech? barreling toward &tokerton at shocking speeds> "t was the fastest that ,enry
had e:er dri:en>
,enry parked in front of the &tokerton co;ncil b;ilding? and when they all piled o;t?
incl;ding a healed #tis? 2lad wasn8t the least bit s;rprised to see Tomas standing on
the front steps? his hand cl;tching the back of Nelly8s neck? Nelly8s eyes wide and
terrified? Nelly speechless>
2lad tapped into his Pra:;s powers and tried to eCec;te control o:er Tomas? b;t
co;ldn8t> &t;nned? he looked at his father in conf;sion>
Tomas la;ghed> G"t seems that part of the prophecy was misinterpreted? 0aster Pra:;s>
*o; cannot control a :ampire who has b;rned his 0ark away>G 2lad p;rsed his lips
angrily? blocking Tomas from his tho;ghts>
Tomas8s :oice was cr;el> G" don8t ;nderstand why yo; fight against fate? my son> *o;
are the Pra:;s and " am yo;r father> " will take this b;rden from yo; at any cost> Then
" will r;le o:er :ampirekind and ensla:e the h;man race> "t8s ;na:oidable>G
2lad shook his head c;rtly as he approached> GThat8s not tr;e> The prophecy says the
Pra:;s will only ensla:e the h;mans o;t of charity>G Tomas p;rsed his lips in anger?
b;t didn8t speak> 2lad flicked his eyes to Nelly? who looked so scared that her skin was
almost as pale as Tomas8s> G-et her go? Dad> -et her go> Please>G
A cr;el? hatef;l eCpression crossed Tomas8s eyes> G*o; ha:e a choice to make? my
son> 7ill #tis now and " will let her li:e> Don8t kill him and " will drain her of e:ery
drop before yo;r eyes>G
2lad looked from Nelly to #tis in shock> ,e co;ldn8t imagine either of them lea:ing
his life permanently> Especially not by his own hand> Gb;t > > > whyHG
Tomas8s :oice so;nded deeper? almost gra:elly in tone> "t so;nded like he was dancing
on the edge of madness> Not D;irky Dorian madness> !eal madness> G%eca;se it
am;ses me> Now choose> #r " shall choose for yo;r>G
#tis set his Jaw and looked at 2lad> G7ill me? 2lad> "8:e li:ed a long life> And if " can8t
li:e another day with Nelly? "8d rather be dead> &a:e her> Please>G
Tomas glanced at 2lad> G"f yo; :al;e yo;r a;nt8s life? 2lad? yo;8ll kill yo;r dear ;ncle
and head ;pstairs to the roof? where 2ikas has caref;lly laid o;t the tools we8ll need to
complete o;r transaction> "f the hidden script in my Jo;rnal is any indication? the final
details of the rit;al will be messy> "t reD;ires emptying yo; of both yo;r in:incibility--
something that D8Ablo failed miserably at--and e:ery drop of blood>G
Nelly t;rned her head? tho;gh Tomas still grasped her neck? and looked back at him?
her Jaw clenched> GTomas Tod? yo; will not h;rt this boy> 6hat wo;ld 0ellina think
of all of thisH ,a:e yo; lost yo;r mind entirelyHG
)or a long moment? they stood staring one another down? ;ntil Nelly softened some?
her eyes wide with sorrow? her head shaking> GThat8s it? isn8t itH *o; ha:e lost yo;r
mind> Tomas? this is yo;r son> *o; ga:e him life? held him in yo;r arms? fed him?
clothed him> And tho;gh recent years ha:e been from a distance? yo;8:e watched him
grow into the amaEing yo;ng man yo; see before yo;> *o; can8t do this> *o; can8t
h;rt 2lad> ,e8s yo;r son> *o; ga:e him life>G GAnd so it is mine to take? Nelly>G
Nelly8s eyes were moist with anger and determination> G" won8t let yo; h;rt him?
TomasI 0ellina isn8t here to defend her son> &he isn8t here beca;se of yo;> " won8t lose
2lad the way " lost her> " won8t? TomasI " won8tIG &he yanked herself away from
Tomas8s grasp and reached for 2lad? who in t;rn reached for his a;nt>
,is eyes lit ;p with madness? Tomas sho;ted? GAnd " won8t let yo; manip;late my
sonI 0* &#NIG
%efore 2lad8s and Nelly8s hands co;ld make contact? Tomas gnashed his teeth into
Nelly8s neck? draining her in seconds> 2lad froEe in shock> E:en his Pra:;s powers
co;ldn8t shake him from his disbelie:ing daEe> 6itho;t another word? Tomas flew ;p
the side of the b;ilding to the roof> Nelly collapsed>
2lad heard the so;nd of her heartbeat in his ears> "t slowed? then stopped before she
co;ld take another breath> #tis followed Tomas in a f;rio;s bl;r> 2lad J;st stood there?
staring at Nelly> ,is caretaker> ,is second mother> Dead> (1
,#N#! T,* )AT,E! AN "NTEN&E ,EAT started at 2lad8s toes and worked its
way ;p his body? ;ntil e:ery inch of his skin felt like it was being eng;lfed by flames>
);ry washed o:er him like a fire>
GDon8t do anything st;pid? 0ahlyenki Dya:ol> *o; were created for a p;rpose> &er:e
that p;rpose well>G 2ikas was standing in the alley? one eyebrow cocked> "t was clear
he was looking for a fight? or at the :ery least? to distract 2lad from chasing after
2lad tried to p;sh into his mind? to control him? to make him J;st stop> &top and go
away> %;t he co;ldn8t>
6ith a grin? 2ikas held ;p his wrist? re:ealing a scar where his 0ark had once been> G"
b;rned it o;t of me> All of Elysia8s control? gone> E:en the Pra:;s cannot control me
Aoss and ,enry eCchanged determined glances? and ,enry nodded to 2lad> G6e8:e got
this g;y> *o; go after #tis--he co;ld probably ;se yo;r help>G
Aoss slipped his stake from its holster at his waist and slapped the bea;tif;lly car:ed?
sil:er-tipped h;nk of wood into 2lad8s hand> The same stake that had been b;ried in
his chest J;st a few short years before> 6ith a set Jaw and a worried eCpression? Aoss
said? G6hate:er yo; do? don8t miss>G
2lad sD;inted ;p? blocking the glow of the streetlights with his hand> #tis was
standing on the edge of the &tokerton co;ncil b;ilding? looking down at him with
wide? panic-stricken eyes>
2lad knew this moment> ,e8d dreamed it> )o;r years ago? he8d dreamed it> And now it
was coming to pass>
%lood dripped from a c;t on #tis8s forehead> ,e wiped it away with his slee:e?
smearing it across his pale skin> G2ladimir? r;nI !;n and don8t look backIG
%;t 2lad wasn8t abo;t to t;rn his back on family> ,e foc;sed hard on his body and
willed it ;pward? shooting higher and faster than he e:er had before> ,e stepped
nimbly onto the b;ilding8s roof and p;lled #tis back from the edge> #tis shook his
head and pleaded thro;gh his tears> GPlease go? 2lad> *o; ha:e no idea what he8s
capable of>G
2lad looked across the rooftop to the shadowy fig;re standing there> Tomas> ,is
%ehind him was the horrible table that D8Ablo had strapped him to a few years ago?
and on top of that was a large syringe and Tomas8s Jo;rnal> 2lad sD;eeEed #tis8s
sho;lder> GThis isn8t yo;r fight? #tis> "t8s mine>G
%;t then 2lad was hit in the side and knocked to the gro;nd> ,is knee smacked the
tarred roof and cracked a;dibly> ,e winced and swore alo;d> Tomas was fast>
-ightning fast> Almost as fast as 2lad>
2lad glanced ;p at his ;ncle and saw #tis8s eyes grow wide> ,e looked back to his
father? b;t his :ision bl;rred> The scene abo:e him t;rned red? like blood> And then
2lad was immersed in a memory> ,e was no longer on the roof? b;t standing in a
library--a familiar :ision? one he8d glimpsed as one of the memories #tis had shared
with him> Tomas was poring o:er the pages of an old book> A wall of books
s;rro;nded him> #tis entered the room? his steps slowing? a smile on his face>
G!eading? againH 6hat this timeHG
Tomas looked ;p? his intense foc;s broken by a s;rprised smile> GA;st some old stories>
To pass the time? yo; know> 6hat abo;t yo;H " tho;ght yo; were on a plane to
#tis eyed the book Tomas was now co:ering with his forearm with some s;spicion> G"
cancelled at the last min;te> " tho;ght we co;ld do some h;nting together> 6hat are
yo; readingHG GPoetry>G The lie left his lips easily? sickening 2lad>
#tis frowned and snatched the book from Tomas8s hands> GTheories of the Pra:;s
Prophecy? TomasH 6hyH *o; don8t ha:e any interest in Joining the Al;mno? do yo;HG
Tomas shook his head adamantly> G#f co;rse not> "8m J;st c;rio;s>G GAbo;t whatHG
GAbo;t whether or not it8s possible>G
The world swirled again and 2lad fo;nd himself back in the present? engaging his
father> They were facing one another? 2lad with a stake in hand? Tomas with a familiar
black t;be grasped firmly in his palm> The -;cis> 2lad stared at it in disbelief>
G!ecogniEe thisH " retrie:ed it from the co;ncil b;ilding months ago>G Dark shadows
crossed his eyes> G*o; can8t fight it> "8ll ser:e in yo;r place? 2lad> *o;r memory will
be raised ;p to a near god-like stat;s amongst my followers> *o; don8t want this fight>
Tr;st me> *o;8d rather do as yo;8re told>G n
2lad growled? GDon8t tell me what " want> *o;8re nobody to me> Nothing> A;st a
stranger> A;st a bad dream>G
G*o;r partner in e:erything or yo;r worst nightmare> *o; decide>G Tomas whipped
forward with lightning speed? hitting 2lad in the side and knocking him o:er>
2lad hit the gro;nd with s;ch force that his :ision wa:ered> A;mping to his feet? 2lad
mo:ed after his father? throwing p;nches and missing? the stake held firmly in his
hand> Tomas gnashed his teeth forward? biting into 2lad8s sho;lder> 2lad cried o;t and
backed away as fast as he was able>
Then Tomas grinned? his teeth red with 2lad8s blood? and glanced down at #tis> G#tis
has been clo;ding yo;r mind> &o let8s J;st clear things ;p for yo;? shall weHG
,e mo:ed forward? heading straight for #tis? a h;ngry? e:il look in his eyes> ,e held
;p the -;cis? pointing it straight at #tis8s heart>
,enry flew thro;gh the air and connected with the side of the b;ilding with a meaty
smack> ,e fell into a D;mpster> )rom within the garbage? his :oice croaked? G#h?
please> "8:e had harder smacks from my grandma>G
Aoss stared ;p at 2ikas? a seemingly immortal? ;nbeatable foe> 6itho;t Aoss8s stake?
they were dead> %;t at least they wo;ld die knowing that they helped a friend when he
most needed them> 2ikas mo:ed forward? a bloody? awf;l? e:il grin on his face> And
Aoss prepared to say goodbye to the world>
Time slowed>
Tomas8s footsteps echoed on the blacktop> #tis8s heart was beating in time with e:ery
2lad looked at the two of them? at the man who had bro;ght him into this world and
the man who had kept him safe within it? and realiEed that he had ne:er been witho;t a
father--not since the day #tis walked into his life> ,e had a dad> #ne who lo:ed him
for who he was? not what he co;ld offer> #tis was his dad? despite what a DNA test
might say> Tomas la;ghed bitterly> G*o;r fatherH *o;8d act;ally think that abo;t yo;r
;ncleHG 2lad glared and clamped down on his tho;ghts once again>
G#tis hasn8t earned that title? my son> "8:e been there e:ery day of yo;r lifeI *o; might
not ha:e seen me? b;t " was there> E:en that day at my f;neral pyre> " was listening?
2lad> " was there> *o; co;ldn8t say goodbye to me then? J;st as yo; cannot resist me
now>G "t was the wrong thing to say>
GTomasIG 2lad sho;ted as he sp;n aro;nd? the stake held tightly in his fist> GDon8t
to;ch himIG
#tis fl;ng his arm forward? knocking the -;cis from Tomas8s grip> ,e sho;ted to
2lad? G.rab itIG
Time? still crawling? mo:ed forward> 2lad stretched his arm in front of him? his fingers
J;st br;shing the end of the -;cis as it t;mbled o:er the b;ilding8s edge> A brilliant
white light shot from one end? t;rning o:er and o:er as it made its descent>
-ight filled the street> %rilliant? white? hot light that ill;minated ,enry as he ran
toward 2ikas> "t was bea;tif;l? in its own way> And Aoss co;ldn8t help b;t wonder if
that was the light that people who8d li:ed thro;gh near-death eCperiences had claimed
to see>
Aoss was ready for the final blow> ,e released a deep breath and met 2ikas8s eyes>
,e wo;ld watch the :ampire8s final attack> ,e wo;ld stand ;p and confront death with
all that he had? all that he was> %;t then the brilliant light t;mbled to the gro;nd?
slashing thro;gh 2ikas from the middle of his head all the way thro;gh his body>
2ikas fell to the gro;nd in two distinct pieces>
,enry picked ;p the strange flashlight that the light had come from and t;rned it o:er
in his hand> GNo wayI "t8s that -;cis thing> The thing from Nelly8s atticIG
Aoss had no idea what a -;cis was? b;t he was relie:ed that it had come to his resc;e>
The -;cis was gone> 6ith a f;rio;s howl? Tomas grabbed #tis by the throat>
,e was going to kill him? kill 2lad8s ;ncle? steal from 2lad one of the :ery few people
in this world who had e:er lo:ed him? who had e:er cared abo;t 2lad in any way>
Unless 2lad stopped him>
2lad whipped his arm forward and b;ried the stake deep in Tomas8s chest before
p;lling it back again? lea:ing behind a large? bloody hole> Time stopped> 2lad8s
heartbeat stopped> Then time started again> %;t slowly> #h? so slowly>
The stake left 2lad8s hand? parting from his fingertips and t;mbling for what felt like
an eternity thro;gh the air? before clattering on the floor below> The so;nd it made
when it hit re:erberated thro;gh the air? th;ndering in 2lad8s ears> A;st as slowly as the
stake had fallen? so did 2lad? dropping thro;gh the thick air to his knees> "t wasn8t ;ntil
he made contact with the gro;nd that he released the breath he8d been holding in-
locked tight? safe? within his l;ngs? as if it might be his last> "t came o;t so;nding like
a gasp>
A pool of crimson bloomed o;t from beneath his dad8s body> &e:eral small trails of
blood were drawing their way o;tward in a spiderweb> #ne of the webs drew closer to
2lad b;t stopped before it to;ched him>
2lad forced his body to draw another breath> &low> E:en> The neCt one came easier?
b;t sh;ddered> ,e8d killed his dad>
,is father? creator? the man who ga:e him life? ta;ght him how to ride a bike? n;rsed
his b;mps and br;ises? showed him what it was to be a man? to be a :ampire? made
2lad want to be J;st like him> 2lad killed him> And now nothing wo;ld be all right
e:er again>
Tomas was on his back? one arm stretching o;t toward where 2lad knelt? his face
t;rned toward his son? eyes open> %;t there was no life in those eyes? J;st as there had
been no lo:e in them moments before> ,e was dead> Nelly was dead too>
,e8d lost his dad all o:er again> ,is mom too> "t was 2lad8s worst nightmare? replayed
all o:er again>
Tears welled in 2lad8s eyes and po;red o;t onto his cheeks? J;st as slowly as
e:erything else seemed to be mo:ing> Alone> 2lad was alone> And he8d ne:er get them
back> Not e:er>
6arm hands closed o:er 2lad8s sho;lders> ,e didn8t need to look ;p to know that they
belonged to #tis> ,is ;ncle didn8t speak--e:en witho;t the ;se of telepathy? #tis
seemed to ;nderstand that for some moments? there are no words> #tis sD;eeEed and
the tears fell freely from 2lad8s eyes> "t was o:er> %oth Nelly and his mom had been
a:enged? and #tis had been sa:ed> 2lad had done it all with one fell swoop> All it had
cost him was e:erything> ($
&A*"N. .##D%*E T,E )-A0E& -"C7ED UP6A!D? T#6A!D T,E &7*?
from Tomas8s pyre> The small crowd? all :ampires? had been gathered in stoic silence
for some time> #tis had told 2lad that it was tradition that he say something? b;t 2lad
had no words left to speak> &o #tis? e:er the ;nderstanding mentor? had taken the reins
and said some wonderf;l things abo;t Tomas? 2lad8s father? #tis8s brother>
None of them? 2lad tho;ght? had been lies> %;t #tis did lea:e o;t certain details>
Details that were still b;rning like fire thro;gh 2lad8s insides> ,e felt g;ilty for
thinking s;ch things? for feeling so angry and betrayed? b;t mostly he felt g;ilty for
feeling g;ilty> ,e was right to end Tomas8s life> ,e8d sa:ed #tis--maybe e:en all of
h;mankind--and a:enged his mom and Nelly> ,e sho;ld8:e been relie:ed> ,e
sho;ld8:e been e:en a bit pro;d? b;t he wasn8t> ,e wasn8t s;re how he was s;pposed to
feel> ,e J;st felt >>> empty>
2ampires lined ;p at the pyre? saying their goodbyes> "t was only after the crowd had
filed o;t? that #tis broke the silence>
G*o; don8t ha:e to speak? 2ladimir> "f yo;8:e nothing to say? yo; can lea:e him with
yo;r silence> "t8s okay>G ,e ga:e 2lad8s sho;lder a caring sD;eeEe before stepping ;p
to the pyre himself> ,e was ;p there for a long time? and when he stepped away? 2lad
noticed with great s;rprise the tears streaking down his cheeks> Despite e:erything?
#tis still mo;rned the loss of his friend> 2lad co;ldn8t help b;t think that #tis was a far
better person than he>
2lad watched the pyre for se:eral min;tes before approaching> The heat from the
flames warmed 2lad8s face and? if 2lad had any tears moistening his cheeks? they
wo;ld ha:e dried immediately as he approached> %;t there were none>
2lad8s pain? at least for now? was trapped on the inside as he tried to rationaliEe J;st
what had happened> ,e tried to ;nderstand his father8s point of :iew> %;t co;ldn8t>
&tanding there at the pyre? 2lad tried to think of the words he wanted to lea:e his
father8s immortal so;l with? the words that wo;ld say goodbye fore:er? that wo;ld s;m
;p his final moments spent thinking abo;t Tomas Tod> After a long? silent moment?
2lad said? G*o; were wrong abo;t #tis> ,e is my father> "n e:ery way that co;nts>G
,e dropped his :oice to a whisper then? flicking his eyes from the pyre to the caref;lly
wrapped body which lay to the side? awaiting b;rning> G6here:er we go after this life?
" hope that yo;8re there? and " hope that 0om and Nelly forgi:e yo; in ways that "
As 2lad t;rned? he saw #tis lift Tomas8s body and place it on the pyre> 2lad t;rned
and walked slowly from his father8s f;neral? feeling lighter somehow? feeling right>
)eeling J;stified>
The s;n crept o:er the horiEon then and behind him? Tomas8s body b;rst into an
eCplosion of heat and flames> All 2lad co;ld think was one word> A word he co;ldn8t
bring himself to say ;ntil now> G.oodbye>G ('
)-#6E!& )#! NE--* 2-AD C-UTC,ED T,E %#U9UET #) DA"&"E& in his
hand? trying hard not to cr;sh the delicate stems and failing miserably> Nelly lo:ed
daisies> &he8d tried n;mero;s times to plant them in the flower beds aro;nd her home?
b;t Amenti kept eating them> 2lad wondered if Amenti was adJ;sting to her new home
at the 0c0illans? and if she was eating all 0atilda8s daisies too> ,e missed Amenti>
,e missed Nelly>
"t was raining o;t? b;t only a little> A;st eno;gh to mist 2lad8s face and mask his tears>
%elie:ing in silly s;perstitions like rain on a wedding day bringing good l;ck? Nelly
wo;ld8:e been oddly optimistic abo;t rain on the day of her f;neral>
2lad dropped his eyes to his s;it> ,e was s;pposed to be wearing it to her wedding>
Not this>
People had already stood and shared their memories of his a;nt? b;t not 2lad> ,is
:oice? like Nelly? was nowhere to be fo;nd> As the last of the crowd filed by her
coffin? 2lad stood? his heart hea:y? and approached> The coffin was closed? at 2lad8s
reD;est> ,e co;ldn8t bear looking at Nelly8s body co;ldn8t bear the tho;ght of people
thinking that this shell was really her? when the real Nelly was now where:er his mom
6ith a deep breath? 2lad laid the daisies on top of Nelly8s coffin and whispered? G"
lo:e yo;? Nelly> *o; were a good a;nt? a good mom> " miss yo;>G
As he walked away? #tis ca;ght him in a tight? sorrowf;l embrace> 2lad stood there?
letting #tis h;g him? letting #tis cry> %;t 2lad did neither> ,e was n;mb> ((
T,E !ET!"A- 2-AD &T!A".,TENED ,"& &,#U-DE!& and took a deep breath?
releasing it slowly> The air inside the small room located beneath 2 %ar was st;ffy and
felt thick? b;t that might J;st ha:e been 2lad8s perception of it> ,e was? after all? here
to face his retrial? and with it? the decision of the Co;ncil of Elders on whether or not
he wo;ld li:e>
,e was betting on dying> E:erything abo;t :ampiric law? after all? insisted on it> ,e
J;st wished they8d get on with it already>
The nine co;ncil members had been whispering for some time now? b;t when the
president t;rned toward 2lad? he fo;nd himself holding his breath> Time held still>
Then the familiar face smiled? and 2lad heard words that he ne:er dreamed that he
wo;ld hear> G2ladimir Tod> This co;ncil deems that while yo; may not be innocent of
all charges? we cannot prosec;te yo; d;e to lack of information> As D8Ablo was the
sole witness to yo;r crimes and is now deceased >>> he cannot attest to yo;r g;ilt> *o;
are free to go>G 2lad searched his ;ncle8s eyes and fo;nd only tr;th> #tis smiled>
"t was strange to be p;t on trial by his only li:ing relati:e and closest confidant? b;t
once 2ikas had died of what was now being referred to as a terrible accident? #tis had
opted to take 2ikas8s seat on the co;ncil> ,e was insistent? in fact? that it was time for
Elysia to learn to be right and J;st and fair> Then? after Em had disappeared following
the attempted--and failed--cleansing of %athory? his fellow co;ncil members insisted
that #tis lead them by taking her seat> To his right? in D8Ablo8s chair? was Crat;s--a
:ampire 2lad had met briefly last year>
Things were different now> Em8s tyranny was no longer clo;ding the Co;ncil of
Elders? and no one on the co;ncil--to 2lad8s knowledge--had anything to do with
Tomas8s sordid plans to raise 2lad ;p as some e:il being who wo;ld control
:ampirekind8s e:ery mo:e> 2lad was the Pra:;s? and the maJority of Elysia had
accepted that fact> %;t the definition of what that meant had changed> 2lad wo;ld do
e:erything he co;ld to define the Pra:;s as a peacemaker? as a bridge between worlds>
As the co;ncil filed o;t? chatting cas;ally? 2lad approached the table? where his ;ncle
was still sitting> G&o does this mean yo;8re mo:ing to New *ork? #tisHG
GNot at all> The Co;ncil of Elders only con:enes a few times a year> "8d prefer to
contin;e li:ing in %athory> %esides >>> "8:e J;st accepted the position of principal at
%athory ,igh>G #tis8s eyes twinkled--something they hadn8t done e:en once since the
day they8d lost Nelly> "t was good to see> 2lad shook his head? ch;ckling> G*o; like
going there e:ery day? don8t yo;H "t8s like yo; feel some kind of connection with that
school or something>G
GAbsol;tely> "n fact >>> " was a priest at that ch;rch many moons ago>G &omething dark
and strangely f;ll of bem;sement crossed #tis8s eyes then? and 2lad tho;ght back to
the stories that ;pperclassmen had passed down to freshmen? abo;t the :ampire priest
in that ch;rch who8d drained his congregation dry years and years ago? before %athory
,igh was a school> ,e parted his lips to ask if the r;mors were tr;e? b;t #tis c;t him
off with a smirk> G%;t that8s a story for another time>G
2lad shook his head? a small smile c;rling his lips> There was so m;ch more to #tis
than e:en he knew? and now they had ages to share things together> "t was easy to let
go of his c;riosity for the time being> After all? something was happening that 2lad
had been certain wo;ldn8t> ,e8d s;r:i:ed his retrial> ,e was going to li:e> (+
.!ADUAT"#N 2-AD -##7ED "N T,E 0"!!#! AND P!ACT"CED his fake
smile--the same fake smile he8d been practicing for months now> ,e8d need it today of
all days> %esides? Nelly wo;ld ha:e wanted him to smile at his high school grad;ation>
%;t there was no way he was p;tting on that st;pid sD;are hat ;ntil they got to the
GAll setHG #tis peeked his head into 2lad8s room> %oCes still lined the walls? b;t 2lad
was relie:ed to be back in Nelly8s ho;se? e:en if it was only temporary? only ;ntil he
started classes at &tokerton Uni:ersity in the fall> ,e hadn8t been able to bring himself
to :isit his dad8s ho;se e:er since Tomas8s death? b;t neither had #tis? so #tis hired
mo:ers to gather their things and bring them back to Nelly8s ho;se> "t was 2lad8s ho;se
now? thanks to Nelly8s will? and he was happy to share it with #tis? who looked
anCio;s to get going>
GA;st abo;t> "t8s not like it takes m;ch for a g;y to get ready for this? #tis> *o;8re
starting to so;nd like Nelly>G ,e smiled--a gen;ine smile--b;t it didn8t last> ,is Joke
had bro;ght abo;t that look again? that shadowy? sad look in #tis8s eyes> "nstantly?
2lad felt ashamed> ,e sho;ld know better than to bring ;p Nelly> ,er death had aged
#tis? had h;rt him in ways that 2lad co;ld only imagine> 2lad opened his mo;th to
apologiEe? b;t #tis wa:ed him off and h;rried downstairs>
2lad dropped his gaEe to the black grad;ation gown he was wearing> 6hose idea was
it that forcing people to wear giant m;;m;;s and cardboard sD;ares on their heads and
then parade in front of people was the way to celebrate s;r:i:ing thirteen years of
school anywayH
&hr;gging? he picked ;p his cardboard hat and pa;sed in front of his dresser> )rom
atop the wooden s;rface? 2lad pl;cked the necklace that now held his parents8
wedding rings and clasped it aro;nd his neck? t;cking it into his gown> )rom inside the
top drawer? he withdrew his secret boC? and from within that? he withdrew his father8s
onyC ring> &lipping it onto his finger? 2lad made his way down the stairs> ,e was
ready> !eady to face %athory ,igh J;st one last time> #tis was waiting for him o;tside?
neCt to his crappy car> ,e was wearing a gray and black three-piece s;it? and his
infamo;s r;mpled p;rple top hat? which had been recently repaired? remo:ing all signs
of Tomas8s handiwork> G6hy do yo; wear that thing? #tisH "t8s not like it matches
anything yo; own>G #tis smiled--a tr;e? honest smile that came from the heart> GThis
hat was a gift to me from a yo;ng woman whom " had ta;ght se:eral years ago>G
G%;t still> 6hyHG 2lad wrinkled his nose> ,e swore he saw moth holes in the p;rple
fabric> G"t8s kind of an ;gly hat>G
#tis smiled a faraway smile? one that said that he was thinking abo;t long ago times
and happy memories> G" wear it beca;se it reminds me of her? e:en if she8d long since
forgotten the man she ga:e it to? the man who ta;ght mythology at her college for
merely one semester her sophomore year>G
2lad shook his head? sighing> "t was clear his ;ncle wasn8t going to ditch the hat? and
he still wasn8t s;re why> G&he m;st ha:e been pretty special>G
G&he was> A shame abo;t her taste in hats>G The smile on #tis8s lips spread to his eyes>
G&he co;ldn8t cook either> *o;r a;nt ne:er co;ld >>>G 2lad almost choked on a gasp>
GNellyHI *o; knew Nelly before yo; came hereHG
#tis nodded> G" knew it was her the moment " saw her? b;t if she remembered me? she
ne:er said> &till >>> " like to think the hat ga:e me away> " like to think she remembered
the b;mbling mythology teacher she gifted with a terrible hat>G
A l;mped formed in 2lad8s throat> ,e co;ld barely speak aro;nd it> GThat8s >>> that8s
really sweet? #tis>G #tis flipped open his pocket watch and frowned> GAnd we8re really
They dro:e fairly D;ickly to the high school witho;t another word> #tis had J;st p;t
the car into park when he p;t a hand on 2lad8s arm? stopping him from opening the
door> 2lad raised an eyebrow> G%;t we8re late >>>G GThis is important? 2ladimir>G "t was
#tis8s t;rn to raise an eyebrow> G6o;ld yo; mindHG
6ith a smile? 2lad foc;sed? slowing down e:erything and e:eryone aro;nd them ;ntil
only he and #tis co;ld mo:e or speak> "t was like p;tting life on pa;se--one of his
many Pra:;s traits> )rom the glo:e compartment? #tis withdrew a thin black boC> ,e
handed it to 2lad? some trepidation in his eyes> G*o; sho;ld ha:e this? especially in
light of recent e:ents>G
2lad lifted the lid> "nside were a small pile of doc;ments> At the top of the first was
the word Gdeed>G 2lad f;rrowed his brow> G6hat is this? #tisHG
G"t8s the deed to Tomas8s home? in England> "t still stands? has been perfectly preser:ed?
in fact> "t8s the last place yo;r father li:ed as a h;man? and where he spent m;ch time
while on the r;n from Elysia> "t8s yo;rs >>>G ,is ;ncle flicked his eyes to him> G>>> if yo;
want it>G 2lad nodded> ,e did want it> ,e8d lo:ed his dad> E:en if his dad had been too
maniacal and selfish to lo:e him back> G*o;8ll stay? won8t yo;? #tisH 6ith me? "
#tis smiled as 2lad bro;ght the world back into motion> %irds once again flew
o:erhead> People were walking by? chattering> Cars were dri:ing down the street
again> G)ore:er and a day? 2ladimir> "8ll stay as long as yo; need me>G
A knock on the window startled 2lad? b;t he sho;ld ha:e been eCpecting it> #;tside?
,enry and #ctober were looking incredibly impatient> 2lad co;ldn8t help b;t notice
they were wearing matching hickeys>
#tis nodded for 2lad to go and when he opened the door? ,enry said? G6here ha:e
yo; beenH "t8s almost timeIG GAfraid they8ll change their mind abo;t yo;? ,enryHG
2lad smirked> #ctober grinned> G,e8s J;st eCcited? 2lad> 6e all are> &toker UIIIG
2lad raised an eyebrow at her> G"t8s &tokerton Uni:ersity? #ctober> 6ho calls it &toker
UHG G" do>G
,enry grinned and laced his fingers with #ctober8s> 2lad co;ldn8t help b;t smile at the
two of them> They were a great co;ple? good for one another in e:ery way> #ctober
was wild and free and ;niD;e> ,enry was gro;nded and real> And together? they were
abo;t the happiest co;ple that 2lad had e:er seen> They mo:ed toward the grad;ation
gro;nds? #tis h;rrying on ahead--fac;lty was s;pposed to arri:e a half ho;r before--
and on the way? 2lad noticed another co;ple? a co;ple that bro;ght a l;mp to his
throat? a co;ple that he was still torn by the presence of>
Aoss and 0eredith were holding hands? smiling sweetly into each other8s eyes> At the
sight of him? Aoss seemed to shrink back some? b;t 0eredith held fast onto his hand>
Despite e:erything? 2lad was still eCtremely weirded o;t by the fact that they were
dating> 0eredith smiled? her lips shimmering pink> G,ey 2lad> All ready to grad;ateHG
G"f it means ne:er coming back to %athory ,igh? then yes> " was ready fo;r years ago>G
2lad sighed? a smirk to;ching the corners of his lips> G&o>>> where are yo; going to
college? 0eredithH &tokerton UHG
G*o; mean &toker U>G #ctober shr;gged when e:eryone blinked at her> G6hatH "8m
trying to start a trend>G 0eredith shook her head> GNot for me> "8m headed for the
Uni:ersity of California>G 2lad glanced at Aoss> G*o; too? AossHG
GAct;ally "8m taking a break between high school and college> %;t "8ll get there>G Aoss
slipped his hand from 0eredith8s for a moment and t;gged on 2lad8s slee:e> G-isten?
2lad >>> can we talk in pri:ate for a secondHG
Nodding? 2lad stepped to the side? away from the gro;p? where he and Aoss co;ld talk>
Aoss dropped his eyes to the gro;nd> G" wanted to apologiEe for e:erything> The
&layers were way wrong? and e:erything " did to yo; >>> "8m sorry? okayHG
G"8m sorry? too> )or e:erything> %;t Aoss >>> if yo; keep insisting on apologiEing? yo;8ll
ne:er get past this> " forga:e yo; months ago? rememberHG 2lad gripped Aoss tightly in
a h;g? patting his back> GDon8t be a stranger? okayH And >>> take care of 0eredithHG
G#f c;rse>G Aoss patted his back too and as they reJoined the gro;p? he said? GThink
Eddie Poe will show ;p to collect his diplomaHG 2lad blinked ;p into the sky> G"t8s
pretty s;nny today? so " do;bt it> %esides? from what "8:e heard in Elysia? " think he
sticks pretty close to Em e:er since his transformation>G
#ctober tilted her head in fascinated c;riosity> &he8d been asking a lot of D;estions
abo;t Elysia e:er since 2lad told her to remember what had happened> GAre they a
2lad shook his head> GNo> Eddie8s more like an annoying pet? from what " ;nderstand>
%;t at least he got what he wanted>G G6hat8s thatHG GTo be special>G
They all lined ;p then to walk in their caps and gowns? to parade in front of the parents
and staff? and collect their diplomas> 2lad was more than ready for it>
At the sight of mo:ement to his right? he t;rned his head? his fake smile morphing into
a gen;ine one> G" tho;ght yo;8d decided to sleep in or something>G
GAnd miss my last day of high schoolH No friggin8 wary>G &now beamed> &he looked
so pretty? e:en prettier since her transformation> G&o what took yo; so longHG
G&;nscreen> " was ready on time ;ntil " remembered that " needed to apply s;nscreen>
0an >>>G &he sighed hea:ily? dramatically> GDoes it get any easierHG
GNo> %;t at least yo; ha:e company>G 2lad kissed the back of her hand? inhaling her
scent> !oses> -ife> And something darker now? something fitting> &now was a
,e recalled her moment of transformation? how he8d tho;ght she8d died> %;t that was
what #tis had sho;ted back to him? something cr;cial that he hadn8t heard> G&he8ll die
before she t;rns? 2lad>G
);nny how mishearing things--or not hearing them at all--can really screw things ;p>
2lad sD;eeEed &now8s hand and t;rned his eyes to the stage> 0eredith %rookstone? the
class :aledictorian? was gi:ing her speech? b;t 2lad didn8t really care> ,e8d heard those
words before? f;ll of hope and wonder at what the coming days will bring> %;t 2lad
didn8t wonder abo;t that> ,e knew that whate:er wo;ld come? he wo;ld face with his
;ncle? with his friends> ,e knew that whate:er was going to happen? he was ready for
&now beamed at him and 2lad8s heart skipped a beat? almost stopping> ,is entire body
froEe with fear> 6itho;t her e:en being aware of it? &now8s eyes flashed iridescent
2lad gasped? not knowing what it meant? and not knowing what the f;t;re might
bring> A%#UT T,E AUT,#! ,eather %rewer was not yo;r typical teen growing ;p>
and she8s certainly not yo;r typical ad;lt now> &he belie:es that teens are the answer to
the world8s problems> that spiderwebs are things of bea;ty? and that e:ery occasion
calls for black nail polish> 6hen she8s not dressing in black? she8s dressing in black >>>
and co;nts herself l;cky to be the s;preme r;ler of the 0inion ,orde> ,eather doesn8t
belie:e in happy endings>>> ;nless they in:ol:e blood> &he li:es in 0isso;ri with her
h;sband and two children> 2isit ,eather at www>heatherbrewer>com>

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