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S1kA1LGIC VISICN: 2013 to 2016
ClS wlll be recognlzed by Lhe wlder communlLy as a leader ln lnLernaLlonal educaLlon wlLh an
engaged sLudenL body, a dedlcaLed and skllled faculLy, an ouLsLandlng faclllLy, and as a school
LhaL provldes a hlghly relevanL and rlch learnlng experlence for Lhe sLudenLs wlLhln a carlng

8eLween Lhe perlod SepLember 2011 and March 2013 Csaka lnLernaLlonal School underLook a
ma[or assessmenL of lLs academlc programs, resources LhaL supporL learnlng, governance
sLrucLures, and supporL for sLudenL llfe ln preparaLlon for a comblned WASC and l8
accredlLaLlon vlslL. 1hls exLenslve evaluaLlon has been used Lo deflne Lhe school's sLraLeglc
plannlng framework Lo ensure LhaL ClS, ln parLnershlp wlLh SlS and kwansel Cakuln
loundaLlon, proacLlvely plans for Lhe fuLure. 1he plans resulLlng from Lhls sLudy reflecL Lhe
school's commlLmenL Lo Lhe conLlnued developmenL of ClS and Lhe Senrl campus as a cenLer
of excellence ln lnLernaLlonal, sLudenL-cenLered educaLlon and a place where professlonal
conversaLlons abouL Lhe fuLure of educaLlon ln boLh Lhe !apanese and lnLernaLlonal conLexLs
wlll Lake place.
1he loundaLlon ls enLerlng Lhe second phase of lLs 10 year sLraLeglc plan. ln Lhe flrsL flve years
Lhe focus was on reformlng Lhe governance sLrucLures. 1he focus of Lhe second half of Lhe 10
year plan ls !"#$%$&' )*+ ,-#.$)/ 01 +2-3#)$0& $& )*+ 30&)+4) 01 # '.05#. +&6$"0&7+&)8, ClS's own
SLraLeglc lan from 2013 Lo 2016 complemenLs Lhls umbrella goal very closely.
1he SLraLeglc lan ls dlvlded lnLo Lwo parLs: Lhe flrsL ls a revlew of our mlsslon, vlslon and
supporLlng bellefs as Lhe school moves Loward lLs 23
annlversary ln Lhe conLexL of Lhe merger
wlLh Lhe kC loundaLlon, Lhe second ouLllnes plans for four areas LhaL have been ldenLlfled as
fundamenLal Lo a sLrengLhenlng fuLure. 1hese are: learnlng communlLy, Lechnology and
learnlng, aLLracLlng learners, and Lhe ClS communlLy.
1he evaluaLlon process has provlded focus for Lhe developmenL of relevanL goals and school
wlde acLlon plans LhaL wlll conLlnue Lhe school's amblLlon Lo fulflll lLs mlsslon, Lo fully uLlllze lLs
unlque parLnershlps, and Lo be recognlzed as one of Lhe leadlng lnLernaLlonal schools ln Asla.

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Csaka Internat|ona| Schoo| of kwanse| Gaku|n
M|ss|on, V|s|on and 8e||efs that |nform the V|s|on
Csaka lnLernaLlonal School alms Lo develop sLudenLs who are lnformed, carlng and creaLlve
lndlvlduals who conLrlbuLe Lo a global communlLy.
Csaka lnLernaLlonal School and Senrl lnLernaLlonal School were founded Lo brlng LogeLher, for
Lhe beneflL of reLurnee, naLlonal, and lnLernaLlonal resldenLs of Lhe kansal reglon, Lhe besL of
!apanese and non-!apanese educaLlonal ldeas, sysLems, and Lechnlques lnLo Lwo schools whlch
share a bulldlng, programs, currlcula, phllosophles, experlences, and goals.
1he vlslon for our schools ls besL revealed by sLaLemenLs of bellef. Lach sLaLemenL ls lnLended
for all of our schools' dlvlslons, from elemenLary Lhrough grade 12.
l. 1wo Schools 1ogeLher
1. We belleve LhaL lL ls lmporLanL for Lhe Lwo schools Lo conLlnually explore ways Lo come
LogeLher because Lhls brlngs greaL beneflL Lo our sLudenLs.
2. We belleve LhaL Lhe closeness of Lhe schools ls so lmporLanL LhaL lL ls Lhe cenLral parL of
our vlslon.
ll. Lxchange of ldeas
1. We belleve LhaL our schools should be a place where ldeas, parLlcularly educaLlonal ldeas,
are freely exchanged among faculLy, parenLs, and sLudenLs.
2. We belleve Lhe dlverslLy of experlences of our faculLy, parenLs, and sLudenLs should be
celebraLed and Lhe free exchange of ldeas wlll enhance Lhls celebraLlon.
lll. undersLandlng of CulLures
1. We belleve LhaL our schools should be deeply lnvolved ln Lhe culLure of our hosL counLry ln
sLudy, appreclaLlon, and undersLandlng.
2. We belleve LhaL our schools should also be lnvolved wlLh Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween Lhe
culLure of !apan and Lhe surroundlng culLures of Asla and Lhe resL of Lhe world.
3. We belleve LhaL slnce our communlLy ls composed of so many culLures, our schools should
be a place where lnLerculLural undersLandlng ls modeled, sLudled, and celebraLed.
lv. Learnlng
1. We belleve LhaL Lhe speclal naLure of our schools should encourage sLudenLs Lo be well-
rounded, creaLlve lndlvlduals, responslble Lhlnkers and doers, and Lhls ls why we belleve Lhe
opporLunlLles should be full of cholces, speclal programs, and lnnovaLlve sLrucLures.
2. We belleve LhaL one of Lhe key responslblllLles of our schools ls Lo encourage sLudenLs Lo
learn how Lo learn and Lo carry Lhls klnd of learnlng lnLo adulLhood.
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v. Common Cround
1. We belleve LhaL our schools should represenL a common ground beLween !apanese and
non-!apanese ldeas, pracLlces, bellefs, and LradlLlons.
vl. Model
1. We belleve LhaL our Lwo schools should exlsL as a model for oLhers.
2. We belleve LhaL one of our goals ls Lo demonsLraLe new ldeas, pracLlces, Lechnlques, and
sysLems Lo oLher schools around !apan and Lhe world.

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S1kA1LGIC AkLA 1: Learn|ng commun|ty
ClS alms Lo provlde a learnlng envlronmenL for all sLudenLs LhaL ls supporLlve, challenglng and
relevanL. ClS currenLly has a sLrong base on whlch Lo bulld. WlLh Lhe alm of belng recognlzed
as one of Lhe leadlng lnLernaLlonal schools ln Asla, currlculum, assessmenL and professlonal
developmenL, have been ldenLlfled as areas for furLher developmenL.
GCAL 1. Lstab||sh an organ|zat|ona| structure w|th spec|f|ed ro|es to ensure that vert|ca|
art|cu|at|on |n a|| curr|cu|ar areas from grades k-12 are regu|ar|y rev|ewed and strengthened
! LsLabllsh a common undersLandlng of a quallLy learnlng experlence
! Modlfy and conflrm new [ob descrlpLlons for Lhe programme coordlnaLors LhaL
esLabllshes Lhelr role as pedagoglcal leaders
! 8evlew exlsLlng sub[ecL speclflc documenLs and allgn Lhem k-12
GCAL 2. Create and |mp|ement a k-12 systemat|c approach for ut|||z|ng format|ve and
summat|ve assessments |n order to mon|tor academ|c progress and prov|de t|me|y feedback
! SelecL Lhe mosL approprlaLe reporLlng daLabase for our currenL and fuLure needs wlLh
a LargeL of a SepLember 2013 lmplemenLaLlon
! uevelop a common undersLandlng of formaLlve and summaLlve assessmenL Lhrough
professlonal developmenL
! 8evlew Lhe reporLlng Llmellne and Lhe conLenL and meLhod of each reporLlng perlod
GCAL 3. Cont|nue to prov|de t|me|y profess|ona| deve|opment to support teachers accord|ng
to the expected standards |n , M and D ||nk|ng th|s to the cont|nu|ng deve|opment of
each person's effect|veness |n the schoo|
! ConLlnue Lo bulld Lhe effecLlveness and role of Lhe professlonal developmenL
! LxpllclLly llnk Lhe Leacher developmenL process Lo allgn wlLh school and lndlvldual
Leacher's needs
! LsLabllsh a clear undersLandlng of Lhe lmporLance of Lhe professlonal developmenL
budgeL wlLh Lhe loundaLlon

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S1kA1LGIC AkLA 2: 1echno|ogy and |earn|ng
AL ClS we recognlze Lhe role LhaL new Lechnologles wlll play ln enhanclng Lhe educaLlonal
experlence and posslblllLles for learnlng. We seek Lo provlde an envlronmenL for sLudenLs and
Leachers Lo Lake advanLage of new educaLlonal Lools Lo do 'new Lhlngs ln new ways' and Lo acL
as a model for oLhers Lo adapL.
GCAL 1. kev|ew and ensure that the |nfrastructure |s opt|ma| for our future I1 needs
! 8evlew Lhe wlreless provlslon and capablllLy
! uevelop Lhe role of Lhe Lechnology dlrecLor Lo supporL hls or her cenLral role ln Lhe
vlslon and dlrecLlon of Lechnology use wlLhln Lhe school and ln relaLlon Lo SlS and Lhe
! ConLlnue Lo educaLe Lhe communlLy abouL approprlaLe use of Lhe sysLems ln place Lo
ensure effecLlve use of resources
GCAL 2. rov|de students and teachers w|th re||ab|e hardware and software that |s age
appropr|ate for the students and f|ts seam|ess|y w|th the curr|cu|um needs
! WlLh Lhe Lechnology dlrecLor's lnpuL and ln cooperaLlon wlLh Lhe loundaLlon's k-12
plannlng commlLLee develop a medlum range plan Lo replace and upgrade equlpmenL
! Conslder how Lo bulld on Lhe one Lo one moblle LableL Lrlal
! ln cooperaLlon wlLh Lhe ClS llbrarlan conLlnue Lo redeflne Lhe llbrary as a cenLer of
learnlng wlLhln Lhe school LhaL uLlllzes Lhe besL pracLlces of access Lechnology
GCAL 3. rov|de the necessary support for teachers so that the ava||ab|e techno|ogy can be
appropr|ate|y ut|||zed |n the c|assroom
! 1hrough Lhe guldance of Lhe Lechnology dlrecLor and ClS llbrarlan develop a
comprehenslve professlonal developmenL plan LhaL ensures boLh a base sklll level and
personallzed learnlng opporLunlLles
! rovlde supporL for Leachers Lo research and experlmenL wlLh Lechnology use ln Lhe
classroom Lo enhance learnlng

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S1kA1LGIC AkLA 3: Attract|ng |earners
ClS ls consldered Lo be a unlque school wlLhln Lhe lnLernaLlonal school world. lLs relaLlonshlp
wlLh SlS, a !apanese mlddle and hlgh school, means LhaL lL has an lnLegral llnk wlLh Lhe hosL
counLry. WlLhln Lhls relaLlonshlp we are commlLLed Lo bulldlng a culLurally dlverse communlLy
whlch creaLes a poslLlve learnlng envlronmenL. Cver Lhe nexL Lhree years we alm Lo bulld on
Lhls unlque poslLlon and Lo galn recognlLlon as a leadlng lnLernaLlonal school ln !apan and Asla
and ln dolng so aLLracL new learners Lo our communlLy.
GCAL 1. Cont|nue to deve|op the un|que |dent|ty of the schoo| |n the context of |ts
partnersh|ps w|th SIS and kwanse| Gaku|n that effect|ve|y commun|cates the un|que
character of CIS
! ln con[uncLlon wlLh Lhe Campus Supervlsor and 8oard of 1rusLees, clarlfy Lhe value of
ClS Lo Lhe larger loundaLlon
! 1hrough Lhls dlscusslon, conLlnue Lo hlghllghL Lhe unlque naLure of Lhe school and Lhe
value of lLs parLnershlps wlLh a !apanese school and large educaLlonal loundaLlon
! uevelop a medlum Lerm markeLlng plan almed aL LargeL audlences ln Lhe local
communlLy, !apan and around Lhe world
! ConLlnue Lo develop Lhe school webslLe as an accuraLe reflecLlon of Lhe school aL work
GCAL 2. Ach|eve fu|| enro||ment of a cu|tura||y d|verse popu|at|on who w||| contr|bute to and
benef|t from the emphas|s on |nternat|ona| educat|on and g|oba| m|ndedness
! uevelop Lhe Clobal luLures rogram Lhrough Lhe webslLe and adverLlslng Lo achleve
speclflc number LargeLs by Lhe second and Lhlrd years.
! LsLabllsh pollcy supporL for Leachlng asslsLance ln lower elemenLary Lo allow
malnLenance of full classes and ln Lurn supporL enrollmenL furLher up Lhe school
! 8edeflne Lhe Lransfer pollcy beLween ClS and SlS Lo ensure famllles can make good
declslons and allow Lhe school sufflclenL Llme Lo replace sLudenLs who make Lhls

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S1kA1LGIC AkLA 4: 1he CIS commun|ty
We sLrlve Lo be a carlng, lncluslve and respecLful communlLy. Lnsurlng LhaL all sLudenLs, who
come from a wlde range of backgrounds, feel connecLed Lo our communlLy and make a
successful LranslLlon ls a consLanL challenge. ln addlLlon, Lhe supporL for famllles, who may be
new Lo !apan or Csaka, ls also lmporLanL as we sLrlve Lo fulflll our mlsslon sLaLemenL. ln
keeplng wlLh our goal Lo be consldered a leadlng school we see Lhe conLlnulng developmenL of
a coheslve school communlLy as an lmporLanL quallLy Lo aLLracL famllles who are looklng for
academlc excellence, a focus on llfelong learnlng posslblllLles, famlly lnvolvemenL and soclally
lncluslve acLlvlLles.
GCAL 1. Cont|nue to bu||d a support|ve schoo| c||mate that expresses CIS's m|ss|on and
v|s|on as part of everyone's day-to-day exper|ence
! Lnhance Lhe pasLoral care program Lo provlde effecLlve personallzed supporL for every
sLudenL wlLhln Lhe communlLy based on researched lnLervenLlons
! uevelop a comprehenslve creaLlvlLy, acLlon and servlce program
! rovlde professlonal developmenL for faculLy ln Lhe area of dlfferenLlaLed educaLlon
and conLlnue Lo seek faculLy who are Lralned ln Lhls area
! ConLlnue Lo develop Lhe opporLunlLy for collaboraLlve plannlng pracLlces among
! Work closely wlLh Lhe 1A Lo supporL Lhem ln Lhelr provlslon of communlLy bulldlng
! Lnhance communlcaLlons beLween school and home Lhrough emall, publlcaLlons and
lnformaLlon sesslons LhaL provlde a connecLlon Lo academlc llfe
GCAL 2. Cont|nue to expand the commun|cat|on between the kG foundat|on and CIS to
broaden the number of peop|e work|ng |n regu|ar co||aborat|on between the two bod|es
! Lnsure Lhe conLlnued LranslaLlon of pollcy documenLs lnLo Lngllsh
! lnvolve ClS ln granL submlsslons LhaL allow ClS Lo research and presenL on educaLlonal
maLLers LhaL are relevanL boLh Lo ClS and also Lo Lhe broader !apanese educaLlon
! AcLlvely supporL SlS's educaLlonal research acLlvlLles
! Make regular presenLaLlons Lo Lhe loundaLlon abouL ClS's educaLlon
! uevelop Lles wlLh oLher kC schools Lo fosLer muLually beneflclal relaLlonshlps

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1hls sLraLeglc plan should be vlewed as a road map helplng us on Lhe school's [ourney from
2013 Lo 2016. lL wlll provlde Lhe plaLform for Laklng us Lo our nexL accredlLaLlon ln 2018. 1he
daLa collecLlon and wrlLlng of plans for Lhls sLudy Look nearly Lwo years and many people have
conLrlbuLed Lo lLs developmenL and Lhe concluslons LhaL were drawn from Lhe daLa.
1hls plan wlll be revlewed annually and lnpuL wlll be conLlnually soughL from all members of
Lhe communlLy. updaLes wlll be publlshed annually on Lhe school webslLe for Lhe communlLy
Lo read. 1herefore llke all [ourneys, as we collecL new daLa and recelve fresh lnpuL Lhe rouLe
may be modlfled as we flnd lmproved dlrecLlons.
8udgeL proposals wlll be reassessed annually on Lhe basls of each revlew Lo ensure LhaL all our
resources, wheLher Lhey be personnel, Llme, or flnanclal, are poslLloned Lo provlde Lhe
greaLesL lmpacL on sLudenL learnlng.
We lnvlLe all of Lhe communlLy Lo remaln lnvolved ln Lhls process by offerlng your supporL,
ldeas and commenLs as 'crlLlcal frlends'. ln Lhls regard we look forward Lo conLlnulng Lo work
wlLh sLudenLs, parenLs, faculLy, admlnlsLraLlon, loundaLlon members and alumnl ln ensurlng
ClS's poslLlon as an lmporLanL and vlbranL lnsLlLuLlon and as one of Asla's leadlng lnLernaLlonal

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lnformed, carlng, creaLlve lndlvlduals conLrlbuLlng Lo a global communlLy

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