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Mr. Alkondavilli G sends us the following Extract with Translation.
Extract from Sambhu Rahasyam. Chapter 267.
Siva informs Parvati: -
For the wise who are desirous of composing poetry, the indigenous (languages) is as
certainly to be acquired as the Samskrit. 33.
Even so, know, is the Dravid (Tamil) language, which, the great sage Agastya did
systematize. 34.
In the past, did this great sage Agastya meditate on Me (Siva);
And by knowledge granted by Me, did he design the Dravid (Tamil) grammar, 35.
Dravid is a gift from Brahma, pleased by the prayer of Agastya;
Hence no blame of unscientificness lies against its logology. 36.
J ust as mush as the Samskrit tongue is designed for Heaven-giving
Is indigenous Dravid the bestower as well of Heaven. 37.
Hence other languages such as are born in the lands Andhra and Karnataka, are not
virgin, because untraceable to Rishis, so say linguists. 38,
As thus poetry in other languages need apology.
The indigenous Dravid needeth it not, for tis unique. 39.

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