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Selection - The winners of the Booker Prize, the Pulitzer, Hu

go, Nebula (Pulitzer, Booker, Hugo, Neb 169.6 Mb
?? Booker Prize (Buker)
? 1977 Paul Scott - Staying up kontsa.fb2 935.6 Kb
? 1978 Iris Murdoch - The sea, the sea PROVERIIT.fb2 1.1 Mb
? 1978 Iris Murdoch - Sea, more.fb2 1.1 Mb
? 1980 William Golding - Rituals plavaniya.fb2 879.1 Kb
? 1981 Salman Rushdie - Children polunochi.fb2 1.4 Mb
? 1982 Thomas Kenelli - List Shindlera.fb2 1.6 Mb
? 1983 Joseph Coetzee - The Life and Times Michaela K.fb2 358.1 Kb
? 1984 Anita Brookner - Hotel "lake". FB2 333.3 Kb
? 1986 Kingsley Amis - Old devils. FB2 687.9 Kb
? 1989 Kazuo Ishiguro - Balance dnya.fb2 805.4 Kb
? 1990 Anthony Bayett - Obladat.fb2 1.3 Mb
? 1991 Ben Okri - Hungry doroga.fb2 1.7 Mb
? 1992 Michael Ondaatje - English patsient.fb2 540.5 Kb
? 1994 James Kelman - To what are they all zapozdalo.fb2 706.7 Kb
? 1996 Graham Swift - Last rasporyazheniya.fb2 475.5 Kb
? 1997 Arundhati Roy - God melochey.fb2 1.1 Mb
? 1998 Ian McEwan - Amsterdam.fb2 262.7 Kb
? 1999 Joseph Coetzee - Bescheste.fb2 441.4 Kb
? 2000 Margaret Atwood - The Blind ubiytsa.fb2 981.7 Kb
? 2001 Peter Carey - The true story of a gang of Kelli.fb2 1.2 Mb
? 2002 Yann Martel - Life Pi.fb2 1.1 Mb
? 2003 Bee Dee C Pierre - Vernon God Littl.fb2 681.2 Kb
? 2004 Alan Hollinghurst - Line krasoty.fb2 920.6 Kb
? 2005 John Banville - More.fb2 357.7 Kb
? 2008 Aravind Adiga - The White tigr.fb2 513.8 Kb
? 2009 Hilary Mantel - Wolf zal.fb2 2.3 Mb
? 2010 Howard Jacobson - The question Finklera.fb2 1.3 Mb
? 2011 Julian Barnes - Premonition kontsa.fb2 638.1 Kb
?? Not translated or otsutstvuyut.txt 1.0 Kb
?? Nebula Award (Nebula)
?? Story
? 1966 Brian Aldiss - The salivary derevo.fb2 143.6 Kb
? 1966 Roger Zelazny - Master snov.fb2 490.2 Kb
? 1967 Jack Vance - The Last zamok.fb2 186.1 Kb
? 1968 Michael Moorcock - Behold chelovek.fb2 204.0 Kb
? 1970 Harlan Ellison - A boy and his sobaka.fb2 201.4 Kb
? 1971 Fritz Leiber - Evil is found in Lankmare.fb2 169.5 Kb
? 1973 Arthur C. Clarke - Meeting with meduzoy.fb2 162.0 Kb
? 1974 Gene Wolfe - The Island of Dr. smerti.fb2 33.8 Kb
? 1976 Roger Zelazny - Return palacha.fb2 139.1 Kb
? 1978 Spider Robinson, Gene Robinson - Star t .. 637.2 Kb
? 1979 John Varley - Unobtrusive zreniya.fb2 110.6 Kb
? 1980 Barry Longyear - Enemy moy.fb2 140.1 Kb
? 1984 Greg Bear - Death skhvatka.fb2 201.9 Kb
? 1985 John Varley - Press "ENTER". FB2 262.2 Kb
? 1988 Kim Robinson - Blind geometr.fb2 105.0 Kb
? 1989 Connie Willis - The last "Winnebago". FB2 149.5 Kb
? 1990 Lois McMaster Bujold - Mountain skorbi.fb2 648.4 Kb
? 1992 Nancy Kress - Spanish nischie.fb2 1.0 Mb
? 1994 Jack Cady - dog dorogi.fb2 533.6 Kb
? 1995 Mike Resnick - Seven looks at Olduvai gorge ... 206.3 Kb
? 1998 Jerry Olshen - Do not dismantle!. FB2 638.2 Kb
? 1999 Sheila Finch - Lingster.fb2 1.0 Mb
? 2000 Ted Chang - History of your zhizni.fb2 189.3 Kb
? 2004 Neil Gaiman - Koralina.fb2 183.7 Kb
? 2005 Walter Williams - Green leopard chuma.fb2 149.9 Kb
? 2007 James Kelly - Pozhar.fb2 294.5 Kb
? 2012 Kids Johnson - Bridge over tuman.fb2 749.8 Kb
?? Not translated or otsutstvuyut.txt 321 b
?? Roman
? 1965 Frank Herbert - Dyuna.fb2 1.4 Mb
? 1966 Daniel Keyes - Flowers for Eldzhernona.fb2 774.1 Kb
? 1966 Samual Delaney - Babylon-17.fb2 379.5 Kb
? 1967 Samual Delaney - Crossing Eynshteyna.fb2 249.3 Kb
? 1968 Alex Panshin - Rite perehoda.fb2 914.2 Kb
? 1969 Ursula K. Le Guin - Left Hand Tmy.fb2 1.7 Mb
? 1970 Larry Niven - The world Koltso.fb2 627.9 Kb
? 1971 Robert Silverberg - Time peremen.fb2 725.5 Kb
? 1972 Isaac Asimov - Sami bogi.fb2 971.8 Kb
? 1973 Arthur C. Clarke - Rendezvous with Ramoy.fb2 701.7 Kb
? 1974 Ursula K. Le Guin - Obezdolennyy.fb2 1.2 Mb
? 1975 Joe Haldeman - The Neverending voyna.fb2 755.8 Kb
? 1976 Frederik Pohl - Man plyus.fb2 694.1 Kb
? 1977 Frederik Pohl - Vrata.fb2 485.9 Kb
? 1979 Arthur C. Clarke - Fountains raya.fb2 570.7 Kb
? 1980 Gregory Benford - Panorama vremen.fb2 723.1 Kb
? 1981 Gene Wolfe - Claw mirotvortsa.fb2 933.7 Kb
? 1983 David Brin - Star priliv.fb2 790.3 Kb
? 1984 William Gibson - Neyromant.fb2 908.8 Kb
? 1985 Orson Scott Card - Game Endera.fb2 599.8 Kb
? 1986 Orson Scott Card - Speaker for the net.fb2 770.4 Kb
? 1988 Lois McMaster Bujold - In a free padenii.f ... 841.2 Kb
? 1990 Ursula K. Le Guin - Tehanu. The last book of the Earth's ... 765.6 Kb
? 1991 Michael Swanwick - The Way priliva.fb2 526.8 Kb
? 1995 by Robert J. Sawyer - Deadly eksperiment.fb2 571.1 Kb
? 1998 Joe Haldeman - The "Jupiter". FB2 1.4 Mb
? 2002 Neil Gaiman - American bogi.fb2 1.8 Mb
? 2004 Lois McMaster Bujold - Paladin dush.fb2 1.6 Mb
? 2007 Michael Chabon - The Union of Jewish polismenov.fb2 1.3 Mb
? 2008, Ursula K. Le Guin - Prozrenie.fb2 798.9 Kb
? 2009 Paolo Bachigalupi - Zavodnaya.fb2 2.0 Mb
?? Not translated or otsutstvuyut.txt 958 b
?? Hugo Award (Hugo)
?? Story
? 1968 Philip Jose Farmer - Riders of the Purple ... 296.2 Kb
? 1968 Anne McCaffrey - Search Veyra.fb2 255.4 Kb
? 1969 Robert Silverberg - Night krylya.fb2 567.2 Kb
? 1970 Fritz Leiber - Ship prizrakov.fb2 178.3 Kb
? 1971 Fritz Leiber - Evil is found in Lankmare.fb2 169.5 Kb
? 1972 Paul Anderson - The Queen of Air and tmy.fb2 179.6 Kb
? 1973 Ursula K. Le Guin - The Word for the forest and the world odno.fb2 368.4
? 1974 James Tiptree - The girl that podklyuchili.fb2 154.8 Kb
? 1975 George RR Martin - Song of Lii.fb2 135.5 Kb
? 1976 Roger Zelazny - My Name - Legion.fb2 423.1 Kb
? 1978 Spider Robinson, Gene Robinson - Star t .. 637.2 Kb
? 1979 John Varley - Unobtrusive zreniya.fb2 110.6 Kb
? 1980 Barry Longyear - Enemy moy.fb2 140.1 Kb
? 1981 Gordon Dickson - The Lost Dorsay.fb2 223.9 Kb
? 1982 Paul Anderson. The Queen of Air and tmy.fb2 113.4 Kb
? 1985 John Varley - Press "ENTER". FB2 262.2 Kb
? 1986 Roger Zelazny - 24 Views of Mount Fuji by Hokusai ... 1.6 Mb
? 1988 Orson Scott Card - Eye for oko.fb2 113.5 Kb
? 1989 Connie Willis - The last "Winnebago". FB2 149.5 Kb
? 1990 Lois McMaster Bujold - Mountain skorbi.fb2 648.4 Kb
? 1992 Nancy Kress - Spanish nischie.fb2 1.0 Mb
? 1994 Harry Turtledove - In nizine.fb2 216.6 Kb
? 1995 Mike Resnick - Seven looks at Olduvai gorge ... 206.3 Kb
? 1996 Allen Steele - The Death of Captain Fyuchera.fb2 89.4 Kb
? 1998 Allen Steele - Where Angels Fear stupit.fb2 1.2 Mb
? 2000 Connie Willis - Winds of marble arki.fb2 2.6 Mb
? 2003 Neil Gaiman - Koralina.fb2 183.7 Kb
? 2004 Vernon Vinge - Cookies monstr.fb2 122.4 Kb
? 2007 Robert Reed - Eva times, Eve dva.fb2 137.0 Kb
? 2009 Nancy Kress - The Nexus Erdmanna.fb2 269.6 Kb
? 2010 Charles Stross - Palimpsest.fb2 565.2 Kb
?? Not translated or otsutstvuyut.txt 1.0 Kb
?? Roman
? 1951 Robert A. Heinlein - Sky fermer.fb2 630.9 Kb
? 1953 Alfred Bester - The Man Without litsa.fb2 819.3 Kb
? 1954 Ray Bradbury - 451 degrees Farengeytu.fb2 500.6 Kb
? 1956 Robert A. Heinlein - Double zvezda.fb2 640.8 Kb
? 1958 Fritz Leiber - Large vremya.fb2 465.4 Kb
? 1959 James Blish - It sovesti.fb2 3.7 Mb
? 1960 Robert A. Heinlein - Starship desant.fb2 456.0 Kb
? 1961 Walter Miller - Anthem Leybovitsu.fb2 2.8 Mb
? 1962 Robert A. Heinlein - Stranger in a Strange strane.fb2 1.9 Mb
? 1963 Philip K. Dick - Man in the High zamke.fb2 548.1 Kb
? 1964 Clifford D. Simak - Interchange stantsiya.fb2 739.4 Kb
? 1965 Fritz Leiber - Strannik.fb2 1.3 Mb
? 1966 Roger Zelazny - This bessmertnyy.fb2 566.4 Kb
? 1966 Frank Herbert - Dyuna.fb2 1.4 Mb
? 1967 Robert A. Heinlein - The Moon - a severe hozyayka.fb2 811.0 Kb
? 1968 Roger Zelazny - Prince sveta.fb2 991.9 Kb
? 1969 John Brunner - Stand on Zanzibare.fb2 2.1 Mb
? 1970 Ursula K. Le Guin - Left Hand tmy.fb2 1.3 Mb
? 1971 Larry Niven - The world Koltso.fb2 627.9 Kb
? 1972 Philip Jose Farmer - In their damaged bodies are true ... 498.3 Kb
? 1973 Isaac Asimov - Sami bogi.fb2 971.8 Kb
? 1974 Arthur C. Clarke - Rendezvous with Ramoy.fb2 701.7 Kb
? 1975 Ursula K. Le Guin - Obezdolennyy.fb2 1.2 Mb
? 1976 Joe Haldeman - The Neverending voyna.fb2 755.8 Kb
? 1978 Frederik Pohl - Vrata.fb2 485.9 Kb
? 1980 Arthur C. Clarke - Fountains raya.fb2 570.7 Kb
? 1981 Joan Vinge - The Snow koroleva.fb2 1.2 Mb
? 1982 Caroline Cherry - Last baza.fb2 938.2 Kb
? 1983 Isaac Asimov - Edge osnovaniya.fb2 753.6 Kb
? 1984 David Brin - Star priliv.fb2 790.3 Kb
? 1985 William Gibson - Neyromant.fb2 908.8 Kb
? 1986 Orson Scott Card - Game Endera.fb2 599.8 Kb
? 1987 Orson Scott Card - Speaker for the net.fb2 770.4 Kb
? 1988 David Brin - The War of Vozvyshenie.fb2 1.2 Mb
? 1989 Caroline Cherry - Saytin.fb2 1.6 Mb
? 1990 Dan Simmons - Giperion.fb2 1.8 Mb
? 1991 Lois McMaster Bujold - Game forov.fb2 1.1 Mb
? 1992 Lois McMaster Bujold - Barrayar.fb2 1.4 Mb
? 1993 Vernon Vinge - A Fire Upon the bezdnoy.fb2 2.1 Mb
? 1995 Lois McMaster Bujold - Dance otrazheniy.fb2 1.8 Mb
? 1996 Neal Stephenson - Diamond vek.fb2 943.5 Kb
? 1998 Joe Haldeman - The "Jupiter". FB2 1.4 Mb
? 2000 Vernon Vinge - Depth nebe.fb2 2.6 Mb
? 2001 JK Rowling - Harry Potter and the Goblet of ognya.fb2 1.1 Mb
? 2002 Neil Gaiman - American bogi.fb2 1.8 Mb
? 2004 Lois McMaster Bujold - Paladin dush.fb2 1.6 Mb
? 2005 Susanna Clarke - Jonathan Strange and Mr. Nor ... 1.7 Mb
? 2006 Robert Wilson - Spin.fb2 1.7 Mb
? 2007 Vernor Vinge - The End radug.fb2 1.4 Mb
? 2008 Michael Chabon - The Union of Jewish polismenov.fb2 1.3 Mb
? 2009 Neil Gaiman - The story of the kladbischem.fb2 538.8 Kb
? 2010 Paolo Bachigalupi - Zavodnaya.fb2 2.0 Mb
?? Not translated or otsutstvuyut.txt 911 b
?? Pulitzer Prize (Pulitzer)
? 1921 Edith Wharton - The Age of naivnosti.fb2 1.2 Mb
? 1925 Edna Ferber - Here's a taco-of-oy.fb2 826.2 Kb
? 1926 Sinclair Lewis - Erousmit.fb2 1.0 Mb
? 1928 Thornton Wilder - The Bridge of King Louis the Holy ... 391.2 Kb
? 1932 Pearl Buck - Zemlya.fb2 938.3 Kb
? 1937 Margaret Mitchell - Gone with the Wind (Volume 1). FB2 1.3 Mb
? 1937 Margaret Mitchell - Gone with the Wind (Volume 2). FB2 1.2 Mb
? 1939 Marjorie Rawlings - Sverstniki.fb2 3.0 Mb
? 1940 John Steinbeck - Grapes of gneva.fb2 1.7 Mb
? 1947 Robert Warren - All the King's rat.fb2 1.0 Mb
? 1953 Ernest Hemingway - The Old Man and more.fb2 159.7 Kb
? 1955 William Faulkner - Pritcha.fb2 810.6 Kb
? 1961 Harper Lee - To Kill a peresmeshnika.fb2 710.2 Kb
? 1963 William Faulkner - Pohititeli.fb2 594.9 Kb
? 1967 Bernard Malamud - Master.fb2 692.2 Kb
?? 1968 William Styron - Confessions of Nat Ternera.pdf 1.9 Mb
? 1976 Saul Bellow - Dar Gumboldta.fb2 1.2 Mb
? 1979 John Cheever - Angel on the Bridge (short stories) + story ... 906.4 Kb
? 1981 John Toole - Collusion ostolopov.fb2 818.8 Kb
? 1982 John Updike - Rabbit razbogatel.fb2 1.0 Mb
? 1984 William Kennedy - Iron buryan.fb2 705.8 Kb
? 1985 Alison Lurie - Foreign svyazi.fb2 1.1 Mb
? 1988 Toni Morrison - Vozlyublennaya.fb2 655.6 Kb
? 1991 John Updike - Rabbit uspokoilsya.fb2 1.3 Mb
? 1994 Annie Proulx - The Shipping novosti.fb2 859.9 Kb
? 1998 Philip Roth - American pastoral.fb2 1.6 Mb
? 1999 Michael Cunningham - Chasy.fb2 313.1 Kb
? 2001 Michael Chabon - The Adventures of Kavalier & Kleya.fb2 1.4 Mb
? 2003 Jeffrey Eugenides - Middle pol.fb2 1.2 Mb
? 2007 Cormac McCarthy - Doroga.fb2 331.3 Kb
? 2009 Elizabeth Strout - Olivia Kitteridzh.fb2 1.1 Mb
?? not translated into Russian or otsutstvuyut.txt 2.7 K

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