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Be Serpentine

The Hyde
Discharge is a blog site. It exists on
the net in many forms on blog and
myspace and facebook. It is art by
barrow boys and girls…

«discharge came about after cocaine

jesus had visited a site called Vespertyn,
the creation of the girl child genius who
was once known as transience. together
with doriandra smith (another divinity),
cocaine jesus set about perverting
this concept to a dark vision of his and
doriandra’s creation.

the dark angels of discharge were born.

after awhile others came (and went).
discharge finished and was replaced by
discharge 2, discharge 3, discharge 4 and
now discharge 5.

and the story continues...»

this is the first chapbook, Edited by CJ

Duffy and features the art of cocaine jesus
– doriandra smith – murmurists – jase
daniels – stickleback2 – junior – lazare
– Kek-W – ruela – matina.L.stamatakis
– robert chrysler – aaron held.

Be Serpentine The Hyde is the first in a

series of chapbooks. Each will be edited
by a different member of the discharge
team. The second chapbook will be
edited and devised by Doriandra Smith.
The discharge
Is discharge Dada?
No, it is not.
Influenced by and with a similar attitude
to, but not Dada..

Is discharge Fluxus?
No, it is not.
Influenced by and with a similar attitude
to, but not Fluxus.

Is discharge art for intellectuals?

No, discharge is for anyone and every-
one who appreciates creativity in all its
myriad forms. Be it static visual, audio
or moving image; the written word or
the deconstructed, non-linear form. The
spoken word and noise.

All creativity is the springboard for

discharge. It highjack’s a multitude of
genres and disciplines and transposes
them onto the internet.
discharge is electronically transmitted
art, be it via blog, myspace or whatever
format possible, it can also be produced
and seen in classic formats.

The discharge Chapbook.

The discharge Building by Parts book.

discharge has no rules. All contributors

to discharge are responsible adults.

discharge has no leaders although it has

an elected body of rotating editors who
oversee rather than dictate the flow of
the group.

The aim of discharge is to profile creative

people and to do away with the preten-
sion of the art world. Everyday people
creating art everyday to an exceptional

Art by barrow boys and girls.

discharge is international.
Trailer Trash
The house sat like an industrial wart in the middle of an estate.
Tyre empties huddled rats in the cold comfort they were accustomed.

Beside the sink they kept a plastic bin to collect used tea bags.
Scratchy little ticks ran up and down stubby knees.

The children’s names were mumbles, insignificant little shits

Who gathered around in clumps near the park and the street.
You could get a camel through the fathers intellect.
Beer heavy belly with an encyclopaedic knowledge of soaps.
He lounged in a desperate chair that had died and been re-stuffed.
Whilst his lady wife, a loose term for a careworn child bearer,
Lulled her dried elbows in a water lacking suds.

The curtains hung like suspicion in cobwebbed threads.

Dead flies gathered in a testament to unnecessary house work.
Milk bottles fell where the hen pecked child had spent them.
On dirty floors and under crusty seats and beside the cracked door.

A fug of cigarette smoke suspended like death above their knees.

Outside a rancid rodent of a dog ran barking bitter obscenities.

The wind trembled before blowing past the corroded window frames.
A car sat blind eyed and belligerent in a craze of beer crates.

You could gather starlight in the sordid stains that fled the floor.
Forgotten mail ran riot around the broken post box.
Forgotten meals grew green on pitted porcelain plates.

The threat of random violence collected in dusty adjectives.

Expletive high and pointless with a raised ham fist to frighten.
Sundays travelled like Mondays in a redundant haze.
A growing feeling of age old apathy hung brooding and black.

The distant voices of people didn’t intrude beyond the fence.

Television had killed without malicious intent the need for speech.
Just grunts and nods that escaped dry lips and thin heads.
Life began at somewhere where the money went but not here.

Images and words by cocaine jesus

By Murmurists
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
item #6921

My kind grows on trees. I seek to be receptive. Let that be convenient for you.

Chat soon...

By murmurists
By Jase Daniels
Nobody Hears The Prison Anymore
Amulet Breasts: December 5th
1. A permutation in yellow, drunken conversations the helios between hours
2. Hind fur galloping fast enough to occupy magical space
3. Words mist, exteriors returning to the sweetest now

Alien syntaxes (a throne of tiny blue people) can be seen floating through glowing, lofty deliriums.
Vaginas chant beneath the moon. Mayan radio cleaves the universe, the perennial variance set to
autonomous. An assemblage of brainwaves (required to nod the speed of light).

The dark side of a good idea...

Psychically nebulous (one wet finger here) at the exact intersection where thought can no longer
be bothered to articulate differences. Talking about bones still capable of making this evening
blush the lower timorous, waters in pleasure. The history of ruin not groped for years, not what
memory (upward razors that forget absolutely, its own pectoral) evokes in the rendered sun.

Whatever the mirror owes us...

Flesh perfected in the process, a minor third after Satan asks the impossible of old, decaying film
clips (no legs to whisper a hole in the valley, the gate). Only lovers come here to be human again,
the emerald palindrome (semen the foggy bridge) and pure mathematics determining the flicker of

1. An octave away from grey impulses, the will to articulate a raindrop

2. Satori radar, the electric prophecy buried in androgyny
3. The nymph’s evolution lies beyond the good and evil of crashing imagery

December 5th: The Prison Is No Longer Heard

Words by Robert Chrysler

By stickleback2 and cocaine jesus
By Matina L Stamatakis
Leg Extensions on a Budget.
The surgical procedure turned out to be relatively simple: the patient - who for
reasons of privacy we shall refer to as “P” - was strapped to the kitchen-table
using a selection of belts stolen from a local charity-shop . Assorted knives and
kitchen implements were used to remove both of his legs above the knee. An
electric turkey-carver was used in place of a bone-saw and an old fan-belt I
found in my garage served as a makeshift ligature. Instead of haemostats I
utilised a bag of brightly-coloured plastic clothes-pegs from Poundstretcher. All
instruments were sterilised in a column of steam from the spout of a boiling
kettle (manufacturer unknown).

“P” was initially distressed by the lack of general anesthetic, but after consum-
ing 30cl of cheap brandy he quickly began to calm down. A strip of gaffer tape
and an old tennis-ball that I discovered in the garden made an excellent bag-
gag. Blood-loss was reduced by cauterising the tips of the severed Superficial
Femoral Arteries with a soldering-iron.

The lower halves of the legs were temporarily stored in the fridge-freezer while
I extended his femurs with wooden 2x4 battens sawn to a length of 55cm.
These were initially nailed directly onto the bone, but failed to support the pa-
tient’s weight, so I replaced them with some brass screws (unbranded, 6mm
gauge, 1cm length) from my DIY tool-box. The bottom halves of “P’s” legs were
then re-attached using a similar methodology.

The batten-prostheses were given a more natural-looking finish by padding

them out with some loft insulation off-cuts which were held in position by a
pair of my wife’s old tights. “P” recovered quickly from the surgical trauma and
- with the help of intensive physiotherapy - was up and walking again within
21 days. The onset of gangrene in the feet was delayed by packing the interior
of his boots with ice.

From a purely psychological standpoint, “P” benefited immeasurably from this

procedure. The increase in height has helped free him from the crippling agora-
phobia and social anxiety that has afflicted him since infancy. A follow-up study
in 2006 found that “P” has subsequently married and his wife is expecting their
first child.

(Parts of this article originally appeared in Vol. 46 (May, 2004) of The British
Journal of Reconstructive Surgery under the title “New Developments in the
Use of Radical Amputation and Artificial Leg-Protheses for the Treatment of
Separation Anxiety Disorder.”)

1. St. Margaret’s Hospice, Kings Street, Taunton.

2. Fish-knife, steak-knife, vegetable-scraper and potato-peeler (author’s own).
3. £9.99, Argos.
4. £7.99, 70cl Asda own-brand.
5. As described by Carpley and Itano, Vol. 163, North American Journal of Surgery.
6. £2.99, B&Q

Words by Kek-W
Filthy Libs by Aaron Held
swallow this
slide the percentage of the sun
parhelios and dog auratic perception figure descends
dilating gape rubber fingers run through the gas and beatings to the head
rubber fingers running through beaten greasy hair
in the television set of my mind TV my mind now becomes a stage
naked down the street in my opinion that television is now at the stage
of the road stark naked upper floor naked down the stairs of the road stark naked upstairs
you look that look of the watery cavity fist trough pupil stroke
infused by gamma light mind cracks gummed onto memories of euphoria
she was fourteen years of age
if you look at that side of the cavity watery fist lower pupil approximately
was fourteen years starstruck inhaling ether sulphate eiderdown strangler
and see the night lightning inside your skull synaptic storm
always scared when you come to get me in the evening to see inside the skull
always scared eleusian eraser of memories in highway fugue elation
infused by gamma light mind fissures
I think the stage is now television implementation of the road at the top floor stark naked
groundwater aspects of this case is less grip disciples.
It is 14 years old inhaled ether sulfate. see the inside of the skull and the evening when I came to my country
always scared. cast by the light of the heart cracks Leah spread
memories of the euphoria
Tranche percentage of Cmsoualkalp imagine sliding form
Yawn expansion rubber fingers run through the gas and beatings on the head
Rubber fingers running through beaten greasy hair
At the television set of my mind my mind Television is now at the stage
Naked down the street in my mind that television is now at the stage
Of the road stark naked on the upper floor naked down the stairs from the upper floor stark naked road
You look to look from the grip of a water trough cavity pupil stroke
Cast by gamma light Alhqoukali mind memories of euphoria
She was fourteen years of age
If you look at this aspect of the underground water less grip student, and was fourteen Aamaastnchak ether
sulphate blades suffocating Eiderdown
See the night of lightning inside your Aljmgmehaasvh
Always scared when I came to get me in the evening to see inside the skull
Always Balkhovmahaih memories of the main road in memory loss Elation
Cast by gamma light mind creases
I think the stage now is the implementation of the road in television top floor stark naked
Groundwater aspects of this case is less grip aftershocks.
It is 14 years of inhaling ether sulfate. See the inside of the skull and the evening when I came to my country
always fear. Cast in the light of the heart to the spread of cracks
Memories of Eminence
Imagine sliding percentage of the stock form
Run your fingers through a yawning expanding gas and beatings to the head with a rubber
Rubber fingers run through the gas and beatings to the head
My mind, my heart, the television set the stage for the current television
My mind now, and down the street naked on the stage, television
Road to the top of the stairs from the second floor to floor naked and naked naked naked in the street naked.
You look at the valley in the grip of the water hole stroke disciples.
The light cast by the gamma mind memories of euphoria
She was 14 years of age
If you look at these aspects of groundwater less grip students, and 14 sumyibeulreyideuneun ether sulfate.
The internal reference of the night, lightning
Always fear when I came to get me in the evening to see inside the skull.
The main road is always refreshed memories of memory loss
Gamma cast by the bright minds wrinkles
I think that the television is now in the implementation stage of the road naked and naked on the top floor
Draws underground aspect of this case deolhapnida aftershock.
It is 14 years of inhaled ether and sulfuric acid. When you view the interior of the skull, and the evening is always
the fear for my country. The cylindrical light of the proliferation of crack in the heart
Eminence of memories.

Words by Lazare
By Junior
What is the ugliest part of your body? by Ruela
for it would be lost among the brilliance of the demented stars shining heavily from across
the sea, this, this, this little legerdemain, as the bloody spot on the greasy dog who spends
copious amounts of dedication to lick, lick, lick while time passes in great enormity to
calmly snuff out the last vestige of beauty and grace, catchable in brief forms when juxta-
posed with lurid pigs. i am happy. i have spoken and have reached an orifice of memory to
sleep now the dreams of the dead. and i am happy.

Image and words by doriandra smith

“Be Serpentine the Hyde”, is the first of the Dark Angels of Discharge
chapbooks and was brought to you by:

1. cocaine jesus – English D.I.Y artist and poet.

He is not related to the pope and can be found here:
2. Doriandra Smith – American textile artist, writer, poet, musician and a band member of EXP.
She talks to carrion and can be found here:
3. Murmurists – English avant garde musician, artist, writer and poet. He keeps a clean house dontcha know?
He can be found here:
4. Junior – Spanish blogger and internet user. Artist and poet who hungers for the peace of giants.
She can be found here:
5. Thierry Tillier – Belgian artist and collagist who keeps Little Shiva in a glass cage gilded with damson feathers.
He can be found here:
6. Stickleback2 – English creative designer and artist who follows Liverpool FC as someone has to.
He can be found here:
7. Matina.L.Stamatakis – American poet, musician, artist, writer and mother who sometimes finds the time too.
She can be found here:
8. Ruela – Portuguese sculptor, artist and creative ubbermensch. Part punk, part goth, part none of the above.
He can be found here:
9. Robert Chrysler – Canadian poet, writer and surrealist magazine editor who doesn’t dream of melting clocks.
He can be found here:
10. Jase Daniels – English illustrator and artist who makes a living designing book covers.
He can be found
11. Lazare – Spanish poet, artist and de-constructionalist. He once had an Emily but that was ages ago.
He can be found here:
12. Aaron Held - Who hails from here and there and is a musician, artist, writer and poet. He has often re-invented the spoon.
He can be found here:
13. Kek-W – English musician, artist and surrealist writer and band member of Ice Bird Spiral.
He doesn’t like Eno and can be found here: here: Ice Bird Spiral MySpace
14. Tictac – Italian sculptress, artist, writer and multi-linguist. She keeps a metronome and a clean camera.
She can be found here:
15. C.J.Duffy – Wanna be author and editor of the first discharge chapbook He cuts the corn from the brewers whickers.
He can be found here:

For further information and for all communication, please contact us via:
The words and images contained within
this document are copyright of the respective
artists and authors © 2009.

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