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PHPExcel Developer Documentation

Author: Maarten Balliauw

Version: 1.6.7
Date: 2 July 2014
1. Contents
PHPExcel Developer Documentation............................................................................1
1. ontent!..........................................................................................................2
2. Prere"ui!ite!.....................................................................................................#
#. $rc%itecture..................................................................................................... &
4. reatin' a !prea(!%eet.........................................................................................7
&. Per)ormin' )ormula calculation!............................................................................22
6. *ea(in' an( writin' to )ile...................................................................................24
7. re(it!........................................................................................................... #2
$ppen(ix $+ ,ali( array -ey! )or !tyle apply.rom$rray/0...................................................##
PHPExcel Developer Documentation 2
2. Prerequisites
2.1. Software requirements
1%e )ollowin' !o)tware i! re"uire( to (evelop u!in' PHPExcel+
PHP ver!ion &.2 or newer
PHP exten!ion p%p23ip ena4le(
2.2. Installation instructions
5n!tallation i! "uite ea!y+ copy t%e content! o) t%e la!!e! )ol(er to any location
in your application re"uire(.
$)terwar(!6 ma-e !ure you can inclu(e all PHPExcel )ile!. 1%i! can 4e ac%ieve( 4y
re!pectin' a 4a!e )ol(er !tructure6 or 4y !ettin' t%e PHP inclu(e pat%6 )or example+
set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . '/path/to/PHPExcel/');
2.3. Useful links and tools
1%ere are !ome lin-! an( tool! w%ic% are very u!e)ul w%en (evelopin' u!in' PHPExcel. Plea!e re)er
to t%e PHPExcel o(ePlex pa'e! )or an up(ate ver!ion o) t%e li!t 4elow.
2.3.1. OpenXML / prea!s"eetML
File format documentation
OpenXML Explained e-boo
Microsoft Office !ompatibilit" #ac for $ord% Excel% and #o&er#oint '(() File Formats
OpenXML #aca*e Explorer'eExplorer7
2.3.2. #requentl$ as%e! questions
1%e up8to8(ate ..$.>. pa'e )or PHPExcel can 4e )oun( on,iew.a!px:title;.$>=re)errin'1itle;*e"uirement!.
&"ere seems to 'e a pro'lem (it" c"aracter enco!in)...
5t i! nece!!ary to u!e @1.8< enco(in' )or all text! in PHPExcel. 5) t%e !cript u!e! (i))erent enco(in'
t%en it i! po!!i4le to convert t%e text! wit% PHPA! iconv/0 )unction.
PHP complains a'out *ip+rc"ive not 'ein) ,oun!
Ma-e !ure you meet all *e"uirement!6 e!pecially p%p23ip exten!ion !%oul( 4e ena4le(.
Excel 2--. can not open t"e ,ile )enerate! '$ PHPExcel/0riter/2--. on 0in!o(s
Excel found unreadable content in '*.xlsx'. Do you want to recover the contents of this workbook?
If you trust the source of this workbook, click Yes.
Bome ver!ion! o) t%e p%p23ip exten!ion on ?in(ow! contain an error w%en creatin' C5P )ile!. 1%e
ver!ion t%at can 4e )oun( on %ttp+77!nap!.p%p.net7win#27p%p&.28win#28late!t.3ip !%oul( wor- at
all time!.
PHPExcel Developer Documentation #
Protection on m$ (or%s"eet is not (or%in)1
?%en you ma-e u!e o) any o) t%e wor-!%eet protection )eature! /e.'. cell ran'e protection6
pro%i4itin' (eletin' row!6 ...06 ma-e !ure you ena4le wor-!%eet !ecurity. 1%i! can )or example 4e
(one li-e t%i!+
#eature X is not (or%in) (it" PHPExcel/0riter/2
Dot all )eature! o) PHPExcel are implemente( in t%e *ea(er 7 ?riter cla!!e!. 1%i! i! mo!tly (ue to
un(erlyin' li4rarie! not !upportin' a !peci)ic )eature or not %avin' implemente( a !peci)ic )eature.
.or example auto)ilter i! not implemente( in PE$* Bprea(!%eet2Excel2writer6 w%ic% i! t%e 4a!e o)
our Excel& writer.
#ormulas !on3t seem to 'e calculate! in Excel2--3 usin) compati'ilit$ pac%1
1%i! i! normal 4e%aviour o) t%e compati4ility pac-6 Excel2007 (i!play! t%i! correctly. @!e
PHPExcel2?riter2Excel& i) you really nee( calculate( value!6 or )orce recalculation in Excel200#.
ettin) column (i!t" is not 1--4 accurate
1ryin' to !et column wi(t%6 5 experience one pro4lem. ?%en 5 open t%e )ile in Excel6 t%e actual
wi(t% i! 0.71 point! le!! t%en it !%oul( 4e.
Eoo-! li-e u!in' ali4ri a! t%e (e)ault )ont lea(! to t%i! pro4lem+
1%i! can 4e )ixe( /w%en nee(e(0 4y u!in' anot%er (e)ault )ont+
o!"PHPExcel#$getActi%eSheet()#$get'e(aultSt)le()#$get*ont()#$set+a,e('A&ial -)&');
2.3.3. &utorials
French #+#Excel tutorial
PHPExcel Developer Documentation 4
3. +rc"itecture
3.1. Schematical
3.2. Spreadsheet in memory
PHPExcelF! arc%itecture i! 4uilt in a way t%at it can !erve a! an in8memory !prea(!%eet. 1%i! mean!
t%at6 i) one woul( want to create a we4 4a!e( view o) a !prea(!%eet w%ic% communicate! wit%
PHPExcelF! o4Gect mo(el6 %e woul( only %ave to write t%e )ront8en( co(e.
Ju!t li-e (e!-top !prea(!%eet !o)tware6 PHPExcel repre!ent! a !prea(!%eet containin' one or more
wor-!%eet!6 w%ic% contain cell! wit% (ata6 )ormula!6 ima'e!6 H
3.3. Readers and writers
In it! own6 PHPExcel (oe! not provi(e t%e )unctionality to rea( )rom or write to a per!i!te(
!prea(!%eet /on (i!- or in a (ata4a!e0. 1o provi(e t%at )unctionality6 rea(er! an( writer! can 4e
By (e)ault6 t%e PHPExcel pac-a'e provi(e! !ome rea(er! an( writer!6 inclu(in' one )or t%e Ipen
JME !prea(!%eet )ormat /a.-.a. Excel 2007 )ile )ormat0. Kou are not limite( to t%e (e)ault rea(er!
an( writer!6 a! you are )ree to implement t%e PHPExcel2?riter25*ea(er an(
PHPExcel2?riter25?riter inter)ace in a cu!tom cla!!.
PHPExcel Developer Documentation &
PHPExcel Developer Documentation 6
5. Creatin) a sprea!s"eet
4.1. The !"#cel class
1%e PHPExcel cla!! i! t%e core o) PHPExcel. 5t contain! re)erence! to t%e containe( wor-!%eet!6
(ocument !ecurity !ettin'! an( (ocument meta (ata.
1o !impli)y t%e PHPExcel concept+ t%e PHPExcel cla!! repre!ent! your wor-4oo-.
4.2. $orksheets
$ wor-!%eet i! a collection o) cell!6 )ormulaF!6 ima'e!6 'rap%!6 H 5t %ol(! all (ata you want to
repre!ent a! a !prea(!%eet wor-!%eet.
4.3. %ccessin& cells
$cce!!in' cell! in a PHPExcel wor-!%eet !%oul( 4e pretty !trai'%t)orwar(. 1%i! topic li!t! !ome o)
t%e option! to acce!! a cell.
5.3.1. ettin) a cell value '$ coor!inate
Bettin' a cell value 4y coor(inate can 4e (one u!in' t%e wor-!%eetF! set-ell.alue met%o(.
o!"PHPExcel#$getActi%eSheet()#$set-ell.alue('/0'1 'So,e %alue');
5.3.2. 6etrievin) a cell '$ coor!inate
1o retrieve t%e value o) a cell6 t%e cell !%oul( )ir!t 4e retrieve( )rom t%e wor-!%eet u!in' t%e
get-ell met%o(. $ cellF! value can 4e rea( a'ain u!in' t%e )ollowin' line o) co(e+
5) you nee( t%e calculate( value o) a cell6 u!e t%e )ollowin' co(e. 1%i! i! )urt%er explaine( in 4.4.##
Bettin' t%e (e)ault column wi(t%.
5.3.3. ettin) a cell value '$ column an! ro(
Bettin' a cell value 4y coor(inate can 4e (one u!in' t%e wor-!%eetF!
set-ell.alue/)-olu,nAndRo2 met%o(.
// Set cell /0
o!"PHPExcel#$getActi%eSheet()#$set-ell.alue/)-olu,nAndRo2(31 01 'So,e %alue');
5.3.5. 6etrievin) a cell '$ column an! ro(
1o retrieve t%e value o) a cell6 t%e cell !%oul( )ir!t 4e retrieve( )rom t%e wor-!%eet u!in' t%e
get-ell/)-olu,nAndRo2 met%o(. $ cellF! value can 4e rea( a'ain u!in' t%e )ollowin' line o)
// 4et cell /0
o!"PHPExcel#$getActi%eSheet()#$get-ell/)-olu,nAndRo2(31 0)#$get.alue();
5) you nee( t%e calculate( value o) a cell6 u!e t%e )ollowin' co(e. 1%i! i! )urt%er explaine( in 4.4.##
Bettin' t%e (e)ault column wi(t%.
// 4et cell /0
o!"PHPExcel#$getActi%eSheet()#$get-ell/)-olu,nAndRo2(31 0)#$get-alculated.alue();
5.3.7. Loopin) cells
Loopin) cells usin) iterators
1%e ea!ie!t way to loop cell! i! 4y u!in' iterator!. @!in' iterator!6 one can u!e )oreac% to loop
wor-!%eet!6 row! an( cell!.
PHPExcel Developer Documentation 7
Below i! an example w%ere we rea( all t%e value! in a wor-!%eet an( (i!play t%em in a ta4le.
o!"Reade& 7 PHPExcel_8O*acto&)99c&eateReade&('Excel:;;<');
o!"PHPExcel 7 o!"Reade&#$load(=test.xlsx=);
o!">o&?sheet 7 o!"PHPExcel#$getActi%eSheet();
echo '5ta!le$' . =@n=;
(o&each (o!">o&?sheet#$getRo28te&ato&() as &o2) A
echo '5t&$' . =@n=;
cell8te&ato& 7 &o2#$get-ell8te&ato&();
cell8te&ato&#$set8te&ateOnl)Existing-ells((alse); // This loops all cells1
// e%en i( it is not set.
// /) de(ault1 onl) cells
// that a&e set 2ill !e
// ite&ated.
(o&each (cell8te&ato& as cell) A
echo '5td$' . cell#$get.alue() . '5/td$' . =@n=;

echo '5/t&$' . =@n=;
echo '5/ta!le$' . =@n=;
Dote t%at we %ave !et t%e cell iteratorF! set8te&ateOnl)Existing-ells() to )al!e. 1%i! ma-e!
t%e iterator loop all cell!6 even i) t%ey were not !et 4e)ore.
,he cell iterator &ill return null as the cell if it is not set in the &orsheet-
Bettin' t%e cell iteratorF! set8te&ateOnl)Existing-ells()to (alse will loop all cell! in t%e wor-!%eet
t%at can 4e availa4le at t%at moment. 1%i! will create new cell! i) re"uire( an( increa!e memory u!a'eL Inly
u!e it i) it i! inten(e( to loop all cell! t%at are po!!i4ly availa4le.
Loopin) cells usin) in!exes
Ine can u!e t%e po!!i4ility to acce!! cell value! 4y column an( row in(ex li-e /0610 in!tea( o) A$1A
)or rea(in' an( writin' cell value! in loop!.
Dote+ 5n PHPExcel column in(ex i! 084a!e( w%ile row in(ex i! 184a!e(. 1%at mean! A$1A M /0610
Below i! an example w%ere we rea( all t%e value! in a wor-!%eet an( (i!play t%em in a ta4le.
o!"Reade& 7 PHPExcel_8O*acto&)99c&eateReade&('Excel:;;<');
o!"PHPExcel 7 o!"Reade&#$load(=test.xlsx=);
o!">o&?sheet 7 o!"PHPExcel#$getActi%eSheet();
highestRo2 7 o!">o&?sheet#$getHighestRo2(); // e.g. 3;
highest-olu,n 7 o!">o&?sheet#$getHighest-olu,n(); // e.g '*'
highest-olu,n8ndex 7 PHPExcel_-ell99colu,n8ndex*&o,St&ing(highest-olu,n); // e.g.
echo '5ta!le$' . =@n=;
(o& (&o2 7 3; &o2 57 highestRo2; DD&o2) A
echo '5t&$' . =@n=;
(o& (col 7 ;; col 57 highest-olu,n8ndex; DDcol) A
PHPExcel Developer Documentation <
echo '5td$' . o!">o&?sheet#$get-ell/)-olu,nAndRo2(col1 &o2)#$get.alue() .
'5/td$' . =@n=;
echo '5/t&$' . =@n=;
echo '5/ta!le$' . =@n=;
5.3.8. 9sin) value 'in!ers to ,acilitate !ata entr$
5nternally6 PHPExcel u!e! a (e)ault PHPExcel_-ell_8.alue/inde& implementation
/PHPExcel_-ell_'e(ault.alue/inde&0 to (etermine (ata type! o) entere( (ata u!in' a cellF!
set.alue() met%o(.
Iptionally6 t%e (e)ault 4e%aviour o) PHPExcel can 4e mo(i)ie(6 allowin' ea!ier (ata entry. .or
example6 a PHPExcel_-ell_Ad%anced.alue/inde& cla!! i! pre!ent. 5t automatically convert!
percenta'e! an( (ate! entere( a! !trin'! to t%e correct )ormat6 al!o !ettin' t%e cellF! !tyle
in)ormation. 1%e )ollowin' example (emon!trate! %ow to !et t%e value 4in(er in PHPExcel+
/EE PHPExcel E/
&eFui&e_once 'PHPExcel.php';
/EE PHPExcel_-ell_Ad%anced.alue/inde& E/
&eFui&e_once 'PHPExcel/-ell/Ad%anced.alue/inde&.php';
/EE PHPExcel_8O*acto&) E/
&eFui&e_once 'PHPExcel/8O*acto&).php';
// Set %alue !inde&
PHPExcel_-ell99set.alue/inde&( ne2 PHPExcel_-ell_Ad%anced.alue/inde&() );
// -&eate ne2 PHPExcel o!"ect
o!"PHPExcel 7 ne2 PHPExcel();
// ...
// Add so,e data1 &ese,!ling so,e di((e&ent data t)pes
o!"PHPExcel#$getActi%eSheet()#$set-ell.alue('AG'1 'Pe&centage %alue9');
o!"PHPExcel#$getActi%eSheet()#$set-ell.alue('/G'1 '3;H');
// -on%e&ts to ;.3 and sets pe&centage cell st)le
o!"PHPExcel#$getActi%eSheet()#$set-ell.alue('AC'1 ''ate/ti,e %alue9');
o!"PHPExcel#$getActi%eSheet()#$set-ell.alue('/C'1 ':3 'ece,!e& 3I0J');
// -on%e&ts to date and sets date (o&,at cell st)le
!reatin* "our o&n .alue binder is eas"
?%en a(vance( value 4in(in' i! re"ure(6 you can implement t%e PHPExcel_-ell_8.alue/inde& inter)ace
or exten( t%e PHPExcel_-ell_'e(ault.alue/inde& or PHPExcel_-ell_Ad%anced.alue/inde&
4.4. !"#cel recipes
1%e )ollowin' pa'e! o))er you !ome wi(ely8u!e( PHPExcel recipe!. Plea!e note t%at t%e!e (o DI1
o))er complete (ocumentation on !peci)ic PHPExcel $P5 )unction!6 4ut Gu!t a 4ump to 'et you
!tarte(. 5) you nee( !peci)ic $P5 )unction!6 plea!e re)er to t%e $P5 (ocumentation.
.or example6 4.4.7 Bettin' a wor-!%eetF! pa'e orientation an( !i3e cover! !ettin' a pa'e orientation
to $4. It%er paper )ormat!6 li-e @B Eetter6 are not covere( in t%i! (ocument6 4ut in t%e PHPExcel
$P5 (ocumentation.
5.5.1. ettin) a sprea!s"eet3s meta!ata
PHPExcel allow! an ea!y way to !et a !prea(!%eetF! meta(ata6 u!in' (ocument property acce!!or!.
Bprea(!%eet meta(ata can 4e u!e)ul )or )in(in' a !peci)ic (ocument in a )ile repo!itory or a
PHPExcel Developer Documentation 9
(ocument mana'ement !y!tem. .or example Micro!o)t B%arepoint u!e! (ocument meta(ata to
!earc% )or a !peci)ic (ocument in it! (ocument li!t!.
Bettin' !prea(!%eet meta(ata i! (one a! )ollow!+
o!"PHPExcel#$getP&ope&ties()#$set-&eato&(=Kaa&ten /alliau2=);
o!"PHPExcel#$getP&ope&ties()#$setLastKodi(ied/)(=Kaa&ten /alliau2=);
o!"PHPExcel#$getP&ope&ties()#$setTitle(=O((ice :;;< MLSM Test 'ocu,ent=);
o!"PHPExcel#$getP&ope&ties()#$setSu!"ect(=O((ice :;;< MLSM Test 'ocu,ent=);
o!"PHPExcel#$getP&ope&ties()#$set'esc&iption(=Test docu,ent (o& O((ice :;;< MLSM1
gene&ated using PHP classes.=);
o!"PHPExcel#$getP&ope&ties()#$setNe)2o&ds(=o((ice :;;< openx,l php=);
o!"PHPExcel#$getP&ope&ties()#$set-atego&)(=Test &esult (ile=);
5.5.2. ettin) a sprea!s"eet3s active s"eet
1%e )ollowin' line o) co(e !et! t%e active !%eet in(ex to t%e )ir!t !%eet+
5.5.3. 0rite a !ate into a cell
5n Excel6 (ate! are !tore( a! numeric value! countin' t%e num4er o) (ay! elap!e( !ince 1900801801.
.or example6 t%e (ate A200<8128#1A i! repre!ente( a! #9<1#. Kou can veri)y t%i! in Micro!o)t I))ice
Excel 4y enterin' t%at (ate in a cell an( a)terwar(! c%an'in' t%e num4er )ormat to ANeneralA !o t%e
true numeric value i! reveale(.
?ritin' a (ate value in a cell con!i!t! o) 2 line! o) co(e. Belect t%e met%o( t%at !uit! you t%e 4e!t.
Here are !ome example!+
// K)SOL#li?e ti,esta,p ':;;0#3:#J3'
PHPExcel_-ell99set.alue/inde&( ne2 PHPExcel_-ell_Ad%anced.alue/inde&() );
o!"PHPExcel#$getActi%eSheet()#$set-ell.alue(''3'1 ':;;0#3:#J3')
// PHP#ti,e (Qnix ti,e)
ti,e 7 g,,?ti,e(;1;1;13:1J31:;;0); // int(3:J;R03R;;)
// Excel#ti,e
o!"PHPExcel#$getActi%eSheet()#$set-ell.alue(''3'1 JI03J)
1%e a4ove met%o(! )or enterin' a (ate all yiel( t%e !ame re!ult. PHPExcel2Btyle2Dum4er.ormat
provi(e! a lot o) pre8(e)ine( (ate )ormat!.
1. Bee !ection O@!in' value 4in(er! to )acilitate (ata entryO to learn more a4out t%e
$(vance(,alueBin(er u!e( in t%e )ir!t example.
2. 5n previou! ver!ion! o) PHPExcel up to an( inclu(in' 1.6.66 w%en a cell %a( a (ate8li-e
num4er )ormat co(e6 it wa! po!!i4le to enter a (ate (irectly u!in' an inte'er PHP8time
wit%out convertin' to Excel (ate )ormat. Btartin' wit% PHPExcel 1.6.7 t%i! i! no lon'er
#. Excel can al!o operate in a 190484a!e( calen(ar /(e)ault )or wor-4oo-! !ave( on Mac0.
Dormally6 you (o not %ave to worry a4out t%i! w%en u!in' PHPExcel.
PHPExcel Developer Documentation 10
5.5.5. 0rite a ,ormula into a cell
5n!i(e t%e Excel )ile6 )ormula! are alway! !tore( a! t%ey woul( appear in an En'li!% ver!ion o)
Micro!o)t I))ice Excel. 1%i! i! irre'ar(le!! o) w%ic% lan'ua'e ver!ion o) Micro!o)t I))ice Excel you
may %ave u!e( to create t%e Excel )ile.
1%ere)ore6 w%en you write )ormula! wit% PHPExcel6 you mu!t alway! u!e En'li!% )ormula!. 1%e
)ollowin' rule! %ol(+
Decimal !eparator i! A.A /perio(0
.unction ar'ument !eparator i! A6A /comma0
Matrix row !eparator i! APA /!emicolon0
$lway! u!e En'li!% )unction name!
?%en t%e )inal wor-4oo- i! opene( 4y t%e u!er6 Micro!o)t I))ice Excel will ta-e care o) (i!playin'
t%e )ormula accor(in' t%e application! lan'ua'e. 1ran!lation i! ta-en care o) 4y t%e applicationL
1%e )ollowin' line o) co(e write! t%e )ormula Q;M5D/B2+&0R into t%e cell B<. Dote t%at t%e )ormula
mu!t !tart wit% Q;Q to ma-e PHPExcel reco'ni!e t%i! a! a )ormula.
o!"PHPExcel#$getActi%eSheet()#$set-ell.alue('/0'1 '7K8+(/:9-C)');
$ cellF! )ormula can 4e rea( a'ain u!in' t%e )ollowin' line o) co(e+
5) you nee( t%e calculate( value o) a cell6 u!e t%e )ollowin' co(e. 1%i! i! )urt%er explaine( in 4.4.##
Bettin' t%e (e)ault column wi(t%.
5.5.7. Explicitl$ set a cell3s !atat$pe
Kou can !et a cellF! (atatype explicitly 4y u!in' t%e cellF! set.alueExplicit met%o(6 or t%e
set-ell.alueExplicit met%o( o) a wor-!%eet. HereF! an example+
5.5.8. C"an)e a cell into a clic%a'le 96L
Kou can ma-e a cell a clic-a4le @*E 4y !ettin' it! %yperlin- property+
o!"PHPExcel#$getActi%eSheet()#$set-ell.alue('E:R'1 '');
5) you want to ma-e a %yperlin- to anot%er wor-!%eet7cell6 u!e t%e )ollowin' co(e+
o!"PHPExcel#$getActi%eSheet()#$set-ell.alue('E:R'1 '');
5.5... ettin) a (or%s"eet3s pa)e orientation an! si:e
Bettin' a wor-!%eetF! pa'e orientation an( !i3e can 4e (one u!in' t%e )ollowin' line! o) co(e+
Dote t%at t%ere are a((itional pa'e !ettin'! availa4le. Plea!e re)er to t%e $P5 (ocumentation )or all
po!!i4le option!.
5.5.;. Center a pa)e "ori:ontall$/verticall$
1o center a pa'e %ori3ontally7vertically6 you can u!e t%e )ollowin' co(e+
PHPExcel Developer Documentation 11
5.5.<. ettin) t"e print "ea!er an! ,ooter o, a (or%s"eet
Bettin' a wor-!%eetF! print %ea(er an( )ooter can 4e (one u!in' t%e )ollowin' line! o) co(e+
o!"PHPExcel#$getActi%eSheet()#$getHeade&*oote&()#$setOddHeade&('X-XHPlease t&eat
this docu,ent as con(identialT');
o!"PHPExcel#$getActi%eSheet()#$getHeade&*oote&()#$setOdd*oote&('XLX/' .
o!"PHPExcel#$getP&ope&ties()#$getTitle() . 'XRPage XP o( X+');
Bu4!titution an( )ormattin' co(e! /!tartin' wit% =0 can 4e u!e( in!i(e %ea(er! an( )ooter!. 1%ere i!
no re"uire( or(er in w%ic% t%e!e co(e! mu!t appear.
1%e )ir!t occurrence o) t%e )ollowin' co(e! turn! t%e )ormattin' ID6 t%e !econ( occurrence turn! it
I.. a'ain+
Buper!cript an( !u4!cript cannot 4ot% 4e ID at !ame time. ?%ic%ever come! )ir!t win! an( t%e
ot%er i! i'nore(6 w%ile t%e )ir!t i! ID.
1%e )ollowin' co(e! are !upporte( 4y Excel2007+
o(e )or Ole)t !ectionO /t%ere are t%ree %ea(er 7 )ooter location!6
Ole)tO6 OcenterO6 an( Ori'%tO0. ?%en
two or more occurrence! o) t%i! !ection mar-er exi!t6 t%e content!
)rom all mar-er! are concatenate(6 in t%e or(er o) appearance6 an(
place( into t%e le)t !ection.
o(e )or Ocurrent pa'e SO
o(e )or Ototal pa'e!O
&font size
o(e )or Otext )ont !i3eO6 w%ere )ont !i3e i! a )ont !i3e in point!.
o(e )or Otext )ont colorO
*NB olor i! !peci)ie( a! **NNBB
1%eme olor i! !peci)e( a! 11BDD w%ere 11 i! t%e t%eme
color 5(6 B i! eit%er OTO or O8O o) t%e tint7!%a(e value6 DD i! t%e
tint7!%a(e value.
o(e )or Otext !tri-et%rou'%O on 7 o))
o(e )or Otext !uper !criptO on 7 o))
o(e )or Otext !u4!criptO on 7 o))
o(e )or Ocenter !ectionO. ?%en two or more occurrence! o) t%i!
!ection mar-er exi!t6 t%e content! )rom all mar-er! are
concatenate(6 in t%e or(er o) appearance6 an( place( into t%e center
o(e )or O(ateO
o(e )or OtimeO
o(e )or Opicture a! 4ac-'roun(O
Plea!e ma-e !ure to a(( t%e ima'e to t%e %ea(er7)ooter+
o!"'&a2ing 7 ne2
o!"'&a2ing#$set+a,e('PHPExcel logo');
o(e )or Otext !in'le un(erlineO
o(e )or O(ou4le un(erlineO
o(e )or Ori'%t !ectionO. ?%en two or more occurrence! o) t%i!
PHPExcel Developer Documentation 12
!ection mar-er exi!t6 t%e content! )rom all mar-er! are
concatenate(6 in t%e or(er o) appearance6 an( place( into t%e ri'%t
o(e )or Ot%i! wor-4oo-A! )ile pat%O
o(e )or Ot%i! wor-4oo-A! )ile nameO
o(e )or O!%eet ta4 nameO
o(e )or a(( to pa'e S
o(e )or !u4tract )rom pa'e S
&font n!"e#font t$%e
o(e )or Otext )ont nameO an( Otext )ont typeO6 w%ere )ont name an(
)ont type are !trin'! !peci)yin' t%e name an( type o) t%e )ont6
!eparate( 4y a comma. ?%en a %yp%en appear! in )ont name6 it
mean! Onone !peci)ie(O. Bot% o) )ont name an( )ont type can 4e
locali3e( value!.
o(e )or O4ol( )ont !tyleO
o(e )or O4ol( )ont !tyleO
o(e )or Ore'ular )ont !tyleO
o(e )or Oitalic )ont !tyleO
o(e )or Oitalic )ont !tyleO
&-#&ol' *t!li+
o(e )or O4ol( italic )ont !tyleO
o(e )or Ooutline !tyleO
o(e )or O!%a(ow !tyleO
5.5.1-. ettin) printin) 'rea%s on a ro( or column
1o !et a print 4rea-6 u!e t%e )ollowin' co(e6 w%ic% !et! a row 4rea- on row 10.
o!"PHPExcel#$getActi%eSheet()#$set/&ea?( 'A3;' 1 PHPExcel_>o&?sheet99/REAN_RO> );
1%e )ollowin' line o) co(e !et! a print 4rea- on column D+
o!"PHPExcel#$getActi%eSheet()#$set/&ea?( ''3;' 1
PHPExcel_>o&?sheet99/REAN_-OLQK+ );
5.5.11. "o(/"i!e )ri!lines ("en printin)
1o !%ow7%i(e 'ri(line! w%en printin'6 u!e t%e )ollowin' co(e+
5.5.12. ettin) ro(s/columns to repeat at top/le,t
PHPExcel can repeat !peci)ic row!7cell! at top7le)t o) a pa'e. 1%e )ollowin' co(e i! an example o)
%ow to repeat row 1 to & on eac% printe( pa'e o) a !peci)ic wor-!%eet+
$setRo2sToRepeatAtTop/)Sta&tAndEnd(31 C);
5.5.13. peci,$ printin) area
1o !peci)y a wor-!%eetF! printi'n area6 u!e t%e )ollowin' co(e+
5.5.15. #ormattin) a cell
$ cell can 4e )ormatte( wit% )ont6 4or(er6 )ill6 H !tyle in)ormation. .or example6 one can !et t%e
)ore'roun( colour o) a cell to re(6 ali'ne( to t%e ri'%t6 an( t%e 4or(er to 4lac- an( t%ic- 4or(er
!tyle. EetF! (o t%at on cell B2+
PHPExcel Developer Documentation 1#
1%ere i! al!o an alternative manner to !et !tyle! on a cell. 1%e )ollowin' co(e !et! a cellF! !tyle to
)ont 4ol(6 ali'nment ri'%t6 top 4or(er t%in an( a 'ra(ient )ill+
'(ont' 7$ a&&a)(
'!old' 7$ t&ue
'align,ent' 7$ a&&a)(
'ho&iVontal' 7$
'!o&de&s' 7$ a&&a)(
'top' 7$ a&&a)(
'st)le' 7$ PHPExcel_St)le_/o&de&99/OR'ER_TH8+
'(ill' 7$ a&&a)(
't)pe' 7$
'&otation' 7$ I;1
'sta&tcolo&' 7$ a&&a)(
'a&g!' 7$ '**A;A;A;'
'endcolo&' 7$ a&&a)(
'a&g!' 7$ '********'
5) you want to copy t%e !tyle to ot%er cell!6 you can (uplicate t%e entire !tyle o4Gect+
o!"PHPExcel#$getActi%eSheet()#$duplicateSt)le( o!"PHPExcel#$getActi%eSheet()#
$getSt)le('/:')1 '/J9/<' );
Kou can al!o (uplicate a !tyle array into a ran'e o) cell!. Plea!e note t%at t%i! met%o( (oe! not
!upport con(itional )ormattin'.
1%e previou!ly create( example can 4e applie( to a cell ran'e /$#+E#0 u!in' t%e )ollowin' co(e+
'(ont' 7$ a&&a)(
'!old' 7$ t&ue
'align,ent' 7$ a&&a)(
'ho&iVontal' 7$
'!o&de&s' 7$ a&&a)(
'top' 7$ a&&a)(
'st)le' 7$ PHPExcel_St)le_/o&de&99/OR'ER_TH8+
'(ill' 7$ a&&a)(
PHPExcel Developer Documentation 14
't)pe' 7$
'&otation' 7$ I;1
'sta&tcolo&' 7$ a&&a)(
'a&g!' 7$ '**A;A;A;'
'endcolo&' 7$ a&&a)(
'a&g!' 7$ '********'
5.5.17. ettin) t"e !e,ault st$le o, a (or%s"eet
5t i! po!!4ile to !et t%e (e)ault !tyle o) a wor-!%eet wit% )ont6 4or(er6 )ill6 H !tyle in)ormation.
EetF! !et t%e (e)ault )ont to $rial !i3e <+
5.5.18. Con!itional ,ormattin) a cell
$ cell can 4e )ormatte( con(itionally6 4a!e( on a !peci)ic rule. .or example6 one can !et t%e
)ore'roun( colour o) a cell to re( i) it! value i! 4elow 3ero6 an( to 'reen i) it! value i! 3ero or more.
Ine can !et a con(itional !tyle rule!et to a cell u!in' t%e )ollowin' co(e+
o!"-onditional3 7 ne2 PHPExcel_St)le_-onditional();
o!"-onditional: 7 ne2 PHPExcel_St)le_-onditional();
conditionalSt)les 7 o!"PHPExcel#$getActi%eSheet()#$getSt)le('/:')#
a&&a)_push(conditionalSt)les1 o!"-onditional3);
a&&a)_push(conditionalSt)les1 o!"-onditional:);
5) you want to copy t%e rule!et to ot%er cell!6 you can (uplicate t%e !tyle o4Gect+
o!"PHPExcel#$getActi%eSheet()#$duplicateSt)le( o!"PHPExcel#$getActi%eSheet()#
$getSt)le('/:')1 '/J9/<' );
5.5.1.. +!! a comment to a cell
1o a(( a comment to a cell6 u!e t%e )ollowin' co(e. 1%e example 4elow a((! a comment to cell
o!"-o,,entRichText 7 o!"PHPExcel#$getActi%eSheet()#$get-o,,ent('E33')#$getText()#
PHPExcel Developer Documentation 1&
a,ount on the cu&&ent in%oice1 excluding .AT.');
5.5.1;. +ppl$ auto,ilter to a ran)e o, cells
1o apply an auto)ilter to a ran'e o) cell!6 u!e t%e )ollowin' co(e+
Mae sure that "ou al&a"s include the complete filter ran*e0
Excel (oe! !upport !ettin' only t%e caption row6 4ut t%atA! not a 4e!t practi!e...
5.5.1<. ettin) securit$ on a sprea!s"eet
Excel o))er! # level! o) Q protectionR+ (ocument !ecurity6 !%eet !ecurity an( cell !ecurity.
8 Document !ecurity allow! you to !et a pa!!wor( on a complete !prea(!%eet6 allowin'
c%an'e! to 4e ma(e only w%en t%at pa!!wor( i! entere(.
8 ?or-!%eet !ecurity o))er! ot%er !ecurity option!+ you can (i!allow in!ertin' row! on a
!peci)ic !%eet6 (i!allow !ortin'6 H
8 ell !ecurity o))er! t%e option to loc-7unloc- a cell a! well a! !%ow7%i(e t%e internal
$n example on !ettin' (ocument !ecurity+
$n example on !ettin' wor-!%eet !ecurity+
$n example on !ettin' cell !ecurity+
Mae sure "ou enable &orsheet protection if "ou need an" of the &orsheet protection features0
1%i! can 4e (one u!in' t%e )ollowin' co(e+ Uo4GPHPExcel8V'et$ctiveB%eet/08V'etProtection/08V!etB%eet/true0P
PHPExcel Developer Documentation 16
5.5.2-. ettin) !ata vali!ation on a cell
Data vali(ation i! a power)ul )eature o) Excel2007. 5t allow! to !peci)y an input )ilter on t%e (ata
t%at can 4e in!erte( in a !peci)ic cell. 1%i! )ilter can 4e a ran'e /i.e. value mu!t 4e 4etween 0 an(
1006 a li!t /i.e. value mu!t 4e pic-e( )rom a li!t06 H
1%e )ollowin' piece o) co(e only allow! num4er! 4etween 10 an( 20 to 4e entere( in cell B#+
o!".alidation 7 o!"PHPExcel#$getActi%eSheet()#$get-ell('/J')#$get'ata.alidation();
o!".alidation#$setT)pe( PHPExcel_-ell_'ata.alidation99TPPE_>HOLE );
o!".alidation#$setE&&o&St)le( PHPExcel_-ell_'ata.alidation99STPLE_STOP );
o!".alidation#$setE&&o&Title('8nput e&&o&');
o!".alidation#$setE&&o&('+u,!e& is not allo2edT');
o!".alidation#$setP&o,ptTitle('Allo2ed input');
o!".alidation#$setP&o,pt('Onl) nu,!e&s !et2een 3; and :; a&e allo2ed.');
1%e )ollowin' piece o) co(e only allow! an item pic-e( )rom a li!t o) (ata to 4e entere( in cell B#+
o!".alidation 7 o!"PHPExcel#$getActi%eSheet()#$get-ell('/C')#$get'ata.alidation();
o!".alidation#$setT)pe( PHPExcel_-ell_'ata.alidation99TPPE_L8ST );
o!".alidation#$setE&&o&St)le( PHPExcel_-ell_'ata.alidation99STPLE_8+*ORKAT8O+ );
o!".alidation#$setE&&o&Title('8nput e&&o&');
o!".alidation#$setE&&o&('.alue is not in list.');
o!".alidation#$setP&o,ptTitle('Pic? (&o, list');
o!".alidation#$setP&o,pt('Please pic? a %alue (&o, the d&op#do2n list.');
o!".alidation#$set*o&,ula3('=8te, A18te, /18te, -=');
?%en u!in' a (ata vali(ation li!t6 ma-e !ure you put t%e li!t 4etween Q an( Q an( t%at you !plit t%e
item! wit% a comma /60.
5) you nee( (ata vali(ation on multiple cell!6 one can clone t%e rule!et+
5.5.21. ettin) a column3s (i!t"
$ columnF! wi(t% can 4e !et u!in' t%e )ollowin' co(e+
5) you want PHPExcel to per)orm an automatic wi(t% calculation6 u!e t%e )ollowin' co(e. PHPExcel
will approximate t%e column wit% to t%e wi(t% o) t%e wi(e!t column value.
5.5.22. "o(/"i!e a column
1o !et a wor-!%eetF! column vi!i4ility6 you can u!e t%e )ollowin' co(e. 1%e )ir!t line explicitly !%ow!
t%e column 6 t%e !econ( line %i(e! column D.
5.5.23. =roup/outline a column
1o 'roup7outline a column6 you can u!e t%e )ollowin' co(e+
PHPExcel Developer Documentation 17
Kou can al!o collap!e t%e column. Dote t%at you !%oul( al!o !et t%e column invi!i4le6 ot%erwi!e t%e
collap!e will not 4e vi!i4le in Excel 2007.
Plea!e re)er to t%e part Q'roup7outline a rowR )or a complete example on collap!in'.
Kou can in!truct PHPExcel to a(( a !ummary to t%e ri'%t /(e)ault06 or to t%e le)t. 1%e )ollowin'
co(e a((! t%e !ummary to t%e le)t+
5.5.25. ettin) a ro(3s "ei)"t
$ rowF! %ei'%t can 4e !et u!in' t%e )ollowin' co(e+
5.5.27. "o(/"i!e a ro(
1o !et a wor-!%eetF! row vi!i4ility6 you can u!e t%e )ollowin' co(e. 1%e )ollowin' example %i(e! row
num4er 10.
5.5.28. =roup/outline a ro(
1o 'roup7outline a row6 you can u!e t%e )ollowin' co(e+
Kou can al!o collap!e t%e row. Dote t%at you !%oul( al!o !et t%e row invi!i4le6 ot%erwi!e t%e
collap!e will not 4e vi!i4le in Excel 2007.
HereF! an example w%ic% collap!e! row! &0 to <0+
(o& (i 7 C3; i 57 0;; iDD) A
o!"PHPExcel#$getActi%eSheet()#$set-ell.alue('A' . i1 =*+a,e i=);
o!"PHPExcel#$getActi%eSheet()#$set-ell.alue('/' . i1 =L+a,e i=);
o!"PHPExcel#$getActi%eSheet()#$set-ell.alue('-' . i1 =Phone+o i=);
o!"PHPExcel#$getActi%eSheet()#$set-ell.alue(''' . i1 =*ax+o i=);
o!"PHPExcel#$getActi%eSheet()#$set-ell.alue('E' . i1 t&ue);
Kou can in!truct PHPExcel to a(( a !ummary 4elow t%e collap!i4le row! /(e)ault06 or a4ove. 1%e
)ollowin' co(e a((! t%e !ummary a4ove+
5.5.2.. Mer)e/unmer)e cells
5) you %ave a 4i' piece o) (ata you want to (i!play in a wor-!%eet6 you can mer'e two or more cell!
to'et%er6 to 4ecome one cell. 1%i! can 4e (one u!in' t%e )ollowin' co(e+
*emovin' a mer'e can 4e (one u!in' t%e un,e&ge-ells met%o(+
PHPExcel Developer Documentation 1<
5.5.2;. >nsertin) ro(s/columns
Kou can in!ert7remove row!7column! at a !peci)ic po!ition. 1%e )ollowin' co(e in!ert! 2 new row!6
ri'%t 4e)ore row 7+
o!"PHPExcel#$getActi%eSheet()#$inse&t+e2Ro2/e(o&e(<1 :);
5.5.2<. +!! a !ra(in) to a (or%s"eet
$ (rawin' i! alway! repre!ente( a! a !eparate o4Gect6 w%ic% can 4e a((e( to a wor-!%eet.
1%ere)ore6 you mu!t )ir!t in!tantiate a new PHPExcel_>o&?sheet_'&a2ing6 an( a!!i'n it! propertie!
a meanin')ul value+
o!"'&a2ing 7 ne2 PHPExcel_>o&?sheet_'&a2ing();
1o a(( t%e a4ove (rawin' to t%e wor-!%eet6 u!e t%e )ollowin' !nippet o) co(e. PHPExcel create!
t%e lin- 4etween t%e (rawin' an( t%e wor-!%eet+
Kou can !et numerou! propertie! on a (rawin'6 %ere are !ome example!+
5.5.3-. +!! ric" text to a cell
$((in' ric% text to a cell can 4e (one u!in' PHPExcel_RichText in!tance!. HereF! an example6
w%ic% create! t%e )ollowin' ric% text !trin'+
1%i! invoice i! payable within thirty days after the end of the month unle!! !peci)ie( ot%erwi!e
on t%e invoice.
o!"RichText 7 ne2 PHPExcel_RichText( o!"PHPExcel#$getActi%eSheet()#
$get-ell('A30') );
o!"RichText#$c&eateText('This in%oice is ');
o!"Pa)a!le 7 o!"RichText#$c&eateTextRun('pa)a!le 2ithin thi&t) da)s a(te& the end
o( the ,onth');
o!"Pa)a!le#$get*ont()#$set-olo&( ne2
PHPExcel_St)le_-olo&( PHPExcel_St)le_-olo&99-OLOR_'ARN4REE+ ) );
o!"RichText#$c&eateText('1 unless speci(ied othe&2ise on the in%oice.');
5.5.31. De,ine a name! ran)e
PHPExcel !upport! t%e (e)inition o) name( ran'e!. 1%e!e can 4e (e)ine( u!in' t%e )ollowin' co(e+
// Add so,e data
o!"PHPExcel#$getActi%eSheet()#$set-ell.alue('A3'1 '*i&stna,e9');
o!"PHPExcel#$getActi%eSheet()#$set-ell.alue('A:'1 'Lastna,e9');
o!"PHPExcel#$getActi%eSheet()#$set-ell.alue('/3'1 'Kaa&ten');
o!"PHPExcel#$getActi%eSheet()#$set-ell.alue('/:'1 '/alliau2');
// 'e(ine na,ed &anges
PHPExcel Developer Documentation 19
o!"PHPExcel#$add+a,edRange( ne2 PHPExcel_+a,edRange('Pe&son*+'1 o!"PHPExcel#
$getActi%eSheet()1 '/3') );
o!"PHPExcel#$add+a,edRange( ne2 PHPExcel_+a,edRange('Pe&sonL+'1 o!"PHPExcel#
$getActi%eSheet()1 '/:') );
Iptionally6 a )ourt% parameter can 4e pa!!e( (e)inin' t%e name( ran'e local /i.e. only u!a4le on
t%e current wor-!%eet0. Dame( ran'e! are 'lo4al 4y (e)ault.
5.5.32. 6e!irect output to a client3s (e' 'ro(ser
Bometime!6 one really want! to output a )ile to a clientF! 4row!er6 e!pecially w%en creatin'
!prea(!%eet! on8t%e8)ly. 1%ere are !ome ea!y !tep! t%at can 4e )ollowe( to (o t%i!+
1. reate your PHPExcel !prea(!%eet
2. Iutput H11P %ea(er! )or t%e type o) (ocument you wi!% to output
#. @!e t%e PHPExcel2?riter2W o) your c%oice6 an( !ave to Qp%p+77outputR
PHPExcel2?riter2Excel2007 u!e! temporary !tora'e w%en writin' to p%p+77output. By (e)ault6
temporary )ile! are !tore( in t%e !criptF! wor-in' (irectory. ?%en t%ere i! no acce!!6 it )all! 4ac- to
t%e operatin' !y!temF! temporary )ile! location.
,his ma" not be safe for unauthori1ed .ie&in*0
Depen(in' on t%e con)i'uration o) your operatin' !y!tem6 temporary !tora'e can 4e rea( 4y anyone u!in' t%e
!ame temporary !tora'e )ol(er. ?%en con)i(entiality o) your (ocument i! nee(e(6 it i! recommen(e( not to
u!e p%p+77output.
H&&P "ea!ers
Example o) a !cript re(irectin' an Excel 2007 )ile to t%e clientA! 4row!er+
/E He&e the&e 2ill !e so,e code 2he&e )ou c&eate o!"PHPExcel E/
// &edi&ect output to client !&o2se&
heade&('-ontent#T)pe9 application/%nd.openx,l(o&,ats#
heade&('-ontent#'isposition9 attach,ent;(ilena,e7=,)(ile.xlsx=');
heade&('-ache#-ont&ol9 ,ax#age7;');
o!">&ite& 7 PHPExcel_8O*acto&)99c&eate>&ite&(o!"PHPExcel1 'Excel:;;<');
Example o) a !cript re(irectin' an Excel& )ile to t%e clientA! 4row!er+
/E He&e the&e 2ill !e so,e code 2he&e )ou c&eate o!"PHPExcel E/
// &edi&ect output to client !&o2se&
heade&('-ontent#T)pe9 application/%nd.,s#excel');
heade&('-ontent#'isposition9 attach,ent;(ilena,e7=,)(ile.xls=');
heade&('-ache#-ont&ol9 ,ax#age7;');
o!">&ite& 7 PHPExcel_8O*acto&)99c&eate>&ite&(o!"PHPExcel1 'ExcelC');
Ma-e !ure not to inclu(e any ec%o !tatement! or output any ot%er content! t%an t%e Excel
)ile. 1%ere !%oul( 4e no w%ite!pace 4e)ore t%e openin' X:p%p ta' an( at mo!t one line
4rea- a)ter t%e clo!in' :V ta' /w%ic% can al!o 4e omitte( to avoi( pro4lem!0.
Ma-e !ure t%at your !cript i! !ave( wit%out a BIM /Byte8or(er mar-0. /Becau!e t%i! count!
a! ec%oin' output0
Bame t%in'! apply to all inclu(e( )ile!
PHPExcel Developer Documentation 20
.ailin' to )ollow t%e a4ove 'ui(eline! may re!ult in corrupt Excel )ile! arrivin' at t%e client 4row!er6
an(7or t%at %ea(er! cannot 4e !et 4y PHP /re!ultin' in warnin' me!!a'e!0.
5.5.33. ettin) t"e !e,ault column (i!t"
De)ault column wi(t% can 4e !et u!in' t%e )ollowin' co(e+
5.5.35. ettin) t"e !e,ault ro( "ei)"t
De)ault row %ei'%t can 4e !et u!in' t%e )ollowin' co(e+
5.5.37. +!! a =D !ra(in) to a (or%s"eet
1%ere mi'%t 4e a !ituation w%ere you want to 'enerate an in8memory ima'e u!in' ND an( a(( it to
a PHPExcel wor-!%eet wit%out )ir!t %avin' to !ave t%i! )ile to a temporary location.
HereF! an example w%ic% 'enerate! an ima'e in memory an( a((! it to t%e active wor-!%eet+
// 4ene&ate an i,age
gd8,age 7 Zi,agec&eatet&uecolo&(3:;1 :;) o& die('-annot 8nitialiVe ne2 4' i,age
text-olo& 7 i,agecolo&allocate(gd8,age1 :CC1 :CC1 :CC);
i,agest&ing(gd8,age1 31 C1 C1 '-&eated 2ith PHPExcel'1 text-olo&);
// Add a d&a2ing to the 2o&?sheet
o!"'&a2ing 7 ne2 PHPExcel_>o&?sheet_Ke,o&)'&a2ing();
o!"'&a2ing#$set+a,e('Sa,ple i,age');
o!"'&a2ing#$set'esc&iption('Sa,ple i,age');
5.5.38. ettin) (or%s"eet :oom level
1o !et a wor-!%eetF! 3oom level6 t%e )ollowin' co(e can 4e u!e(+
Dote t%at 3oom level !%oul( 4e in ran'e 10 Y 400.
PHPExcel Developer Documentation 21
7. Per,ormin) ,ormula calculations
'.1. Usin& the !"#cel calculation en&ine
$! PHPExcel repre!ent! an in8memory !prea(!%eet6 it al!o o))er! )ormula calculation capa4ilitie!. $
cell can 4e o) a value type /containin' a num4er or text06 or a )ormula type /containin' a )ormula
w%ic% can 4e evaluate(0. .or example6 t%e )ormula O;B@M/$1+$100O evaluate! to t%e !um o) value!
in $16 $26 ...6 $10.
1o calculate a )ormula6 you can call t%e cell containin' t%e )ormulaF! met%o(
get-alculated.alue()6 )or example+
5) you write t%e )ollowin' line o) co(e in t%e invoice (emo inclu(e( wit% PHPExcel6 it evaluate! to
t%e value O64O+
$not%er nice )eature o) PHPExcelA! )ormula par!er6 i! t%at it can automatically a(Gu!t a )ormula
w%en in!ertin'7removin' row!7column!. HereA! an example+
Kou !ee t%at t%e )ormula containe( in cell E11 i! OB@M/E4+E90O. Dow6 w%en 5 write t%e )ollowin' line
o) co(e6 two new pro(uct line! are a((e(+
o!"PHPExcel#$getActi%eSheet()#$inse&t+e2Ro2/e(o&e(<1 :);
PHPExcel Developer Documentation 22
Di( you notice: 1%e )ormula in t%e )ormer cell E11 /now E1#6 a! 5 in!erte( 2 new row!06 c%an'e( to
OB@M/E4+E110O. $l!o6 t%e in!erte( cell! (uplicate !tyle in)ormation o) t%e previou! cell6 Gu!t li-e
ExcelA! 4e%aviour. Dote t%at you can 4ot% in!ert row! an( column!.
'.2. (nown limitations
1%ere are !ome -nown limitation! to t%e PHPExcel calculation en'ine. Mo!t o) t%em are (ue to t%e
)act t%at an Excel )ormula i! converte( into PHP co(e 4e)ore 4ein' execute(. 1%i! mean! t%at Excel
)ormula calculation i! !u4Gect to PHPF! lan'ua'e c%aracteri!tic!.
7.2.1. Operator prece!ence
5n Excel ATA win! over A=A6 Gu!t li-e AWA win! over ATA in or(inary al'e4ra. 1%e )ormer rule i! not w%at one
)in(! u!in' t%e calculation en'ine !%ippe( wit% PHPExcel.
*e)erence )or operator prece(ence in Excel+
*e)erence )or operator prece(ence in PHP+
7.2.2. X ? @ APo(erB
Power! in a )ormula entere( li-e A2 Z #A (onAt wor-. @!in' t%e PI?E*/0 )unction (oe! wor-+
A;PI?E*/2P #0A. 1%i! i! (ue to t%e )act t%at PHP treat! Z a! 4itwi!e JI* in!tea( o) power.
*e)erence )or )ormula! in Excel+
*e)erence )or operator! in PHP+
7.2.3. #ormulas involvin) num'ers an! text
.ormula! involvin' num4er! an( text may pro(uce unexpecte( re!ult! or even unrea(a4le )ile
content!. .or example6 t%e )ormula A;#TOHello OA i! expecte( to pro(uce an error in Excel /S,$E@EL0.
Due to t%e )act t%at PHP convert! QHelloR to a numeric value /3ero06 t%e re!ult o) t%i! )ormula i!
evaluate( a! # in!tea( o) evaluatin' a! an error. 1%i! al!o cau!e! t%e Excel (ocument 4ein'
'enerate( a! containin' unrea(a4le content.
*e)erence )or t%i! 4e%aviour in PHP+
PHPExcel Developer Documentation 2#
8. 6ea!in) an! (ritin) to ,ile
$! you alrea(y -now )rom part #.# *ea(er! an( writer!6 rea(in' an( writin' to a per!i!te( !tora'e i!
not po!!i4le u!in' t%e 4a!e PHPExcel cla!!e!. .or t%i! purpo!e6 PHPExcel provi(e! rea(er! an(
writer!6 w%ic% are implementation! o) PHPExcel2?riter25*ea(er an( PHPExcel2?riter25?riter.
).1. !"#cel*I+,actory
1%e PHPExcel $P5 o))er! multiple met%o(! to create a PHPExcel2?riter25*ea(er or
PHPExcel2?riter25?riter in!tance+
Direct creation
,ia PHPExcel25I.actory
$ll example! un(erneat% (emon!trate t%e (irect creation met%o(. Dote t%at you can al!o u!e t%e
PHPExcel25I.actory cla!! to (o t%i!.
8.1.1. Creatin) PHPExcel/6ea!er/>6ea!er usin) PHPExcel/>O#actor$
1%ere are 2 met%o(! )or rea(in' in a )ile into PHPExcel+ u!in' automatic )ile type re!olvin' or
$utomatic )ile type re!olvin' c%ec-! t%e (i))erent PHPExcel2*ea(er25*ea(er (i!tri4ute( wit%
PHPExcel. 5) one o) t%em can loa( t%e !peci)ie( )ile name6 t%e )ile i! loa(e( u!in' t%at
PHPExcel2*ea(er25*ea(er. Explicit mo(e re"uire! you to !peci)y w%ic% PHPExcel2*ea(er25*ea(er
!%oul( 4e u!e(.
Kou can create a PHPExcel2*ea(er25*ea(er in!tance u!in' PHPExcel25I.actory in automatic )ile
type re!olvin' mo(e u!in' t%e )ollowin' co(e !ample+
o!"PHPExcel 7 PHPExcel_8O*acto&)#$load(=;C(eatu&ede,o.xlsx=);
Kou can create a PHPExcel2*ea(er25*ea(er in!tance u!in' PHPExcel25I.actory in explicit mo(e
u!in' t%e )ollowin' co(e !ample+
o!"Reade& 7 PHPExcel_8O*acto&)99c&eateReade&(=Excel:;;<=);
o!"PHPExcel 7 o!"Reade&#$load(=;C(eatu&ede,o.xlsx=);
Dote t%at automatic type re!olvin' mo(e i! !li'%tly !lower t%an explicit mo(e.
8.1.2. Creatin) PHPExcel/0riter/>0riter usin) PHPExcel/>O#actor$
Kou can create a PHPExcel2?riter25writer in!tance u!in' PHPExcel25I.actory+
o!">&ite& 7 PHPExcel_8O*acto&)99c&eate>&ite&(o!"PHPExcel1 =Excel:;;<=);
).2. "#cel 2--. /Spreadsheet012 file format
Excel2007 )ile )ormat i! t%e main )ile )ormat o) PHPExcel. 5t allow! outputtin' t%e in8memory
!prea(!%eet to a .xl!x )ile.
8.2.1. PHPExcel/6ea!er/Excel2--.
6ea!in) a sprea!s"eet
Kou can rea( a .xl!x )ile u!in' t%e )ollowin' co(e+
o!"Reade& 7 ne2 PHPExcel_Reade&_Excel:;;<();
o!"PHPExcel 7 o!"Reade&#$load(=;C(eatu&ede,o.xlsx=);
PHPExcel Developer Documentation 24
6ea! !ata onl$
Kou can !et an t%e option !et*ea(DataInly on t%e rea(er6 to in!truct t%e rea(er to i'nore !tylin'6
(ata vali(ation6 H an( Gu!t rea( cell (ata+
o!"Reade& 7 ne2 PHPExcel_Reade&_Excel:;;<();
o!"PHPExcel 7 o!"Reade&#$load(=;C(eatu&ede,o.xlsx=);
6ea! speci,ic s"eets onl$
Kou can !et an t%e option !etEoa(B%eet!Inly on t%e rea(er6 to in!truct t%e rea(er to only loa( t%e
!%eet! wit% a 'iven name+
o!"Reade& 7 ne2 PHPExcel_Reade&_Excel:;;<();
o!"Reade&#$setLoadSheetsOnl)( a&&a)(=Sheet 3=1 =K) special sheet=) );
o!"PHPExcel 7 o!"Reade&#$load(=;C(eatu&ede,o.xlsx=);
6ea! speci,ic cells onl$
Kou can !et an t%e option !et*ea(.ilter on t%e rea(er6 to in!truct t%e rea(er to only loa( t%e cell!
w%ic% matc% a 'iven rule. $ rea( )ilter can 4e any cla!! w%ic% implement!
PHPExcel2*ea(er25*ea(.ilter. By (e)ault6 all cell! are rea( u!in' t%e
1%e )ollowin' co(e will only rea( row 1 an( row! 20 Y #0 o) any !%eet in t%e Excel )ile+
class K)Read*ilte& i,ple,ents PHPExcel_Reade&_8Read*ilte&
pu!lic (unction &ead-ell(colu,n1 &o21 2o&?sheet+a,e 7 '') A
// Read title &o2 and &o2s :; # J;
i( (&o2 77 3 \\ (&o2 $7 :; XX &o2 57 J;)) A
&etu&n t&ue;
&etu&n (alse;
o!"Reade& 7 ne2 PHPExcel_Reade&_Excel:;;<();
o!"Reade&#$setRead*ilte&( ne2 K)Read*ilte&() );
o!"PHPExcel 7 o!"Reade&#$load(=;Rla&gescale.xlsx=);
8.2.2. PHPExcel/0riter/Excel2--.
0ritin) a sprea!s"eet
Kou can write a .xl!x )ile u!in' t%e )ollowin' co(e+
o!">&ite& 7 ne2 PHPExcel_>&ite&_Excel:;;<(o!"PHPExcel);
#ormula preCcalculation
By (e)ault6 t%i! writer pre8calculate! all )ormula! in t%e !prea(!%eet. 1%i! can 4e !low on lar'e
!prea(!%eet!6 an( may4e even unwante(. Kou can %owever (i!a4le )ormula pre8calculation+
o!">&ite& 7 ne2 PHPExcel_>&ite&_Excel:;;<(o!"PHPExcel);
O,,ice 2--3 compati'ilit$ pac%
Becau!e o) a 4u' in t%e I))ice200# compati4ility pac-6 t%ere can 4e !ome !mall i!!ue! w%en openin'
Excel2007 !prea(!%eet! /mo!tly relate( to )ormula calculation0. Kou can ena4le I))ice200#
compati4ility wit% t%e )ollowin' co(e+
o!">&ite& 7 ne2 PHPExcel_>&ite&_Excel:;;<(o!"PHPExcel);
PHPExcel Developer Documentation 2&
Office'((2 compatibilit" should onl" be used &hen needed
I))ice200# compati4ility option !%oul( only 4e u!e( w%en nee(e(. 1%i! option (i!a4le! !everal I))ice2007 )ile
)ormat option!6 re!ultin' in a lower8)eature( I))ice2007 !prea(!%eet w%en t%i! option i! u!e(.
&emporar$ stora)e
?%en wor-in' wit% lar'e !prea(!%eet!6 a u!e)ul )eature i! (i!- cac%in'. ?%en (i!- cac%in' i!
ena4le(6 t%i! writer u!e! )ile 4a!e( temporary !tora'e in!tea( o) memory 4a!e( temporary !tora'e
w%erever po!!i4le. By (e)ault6 temporary )ile! are !tore( in t%e !criptF! wor-in' (irectory. ?%en
t%ere i! no acce!!6 it )all! 4ac- to t%e operatin' !y!temF! temporary )ile! location. Dote t%at (i!-
cac%in' (oe! not !pee( up writin'6 it only lower! memory u!a'e w%en nee(e(.
,emporar" stora*e ma" not be safe for unauthori1ed .ie&in*0
Depen(in' on t%e con)i'uration o) your operatin' !y!tem6 temporary !tora'e can 4e rea( 4y anyone u!in' t%e
!ame temporary !tora'e )ol(er. ?%en con)i(entiality o) your (ocument i! nee(e(6 it i! recommen(e( not to
u!e (i!- cac%in'.
Kou can ena4le (i!- cac%in' u!in' t%e )ollowin' co(e+
o!">&ite& 7 ne2 PHPExcel_>&ite&_Excel:;;<(o!"PHPExcel);
Iptionally6 t%e location o) t%e (i!- cac%e )ol(er can 4e !peci)ie( u!in' t%e )ollowin' co(e+
o!">&ite& 7 ne2 PHPExcel_>&ite&_Excel:;;<(o!"PHPExcel);
o!">&ite&#$setQse'is?-aching(t&ue1 =/ho,e/phpexcel/dis?cache=);
).3. Seriali3ed file format
Beriali3e( )ile )ormat i! a manner o) !torin' a PHPExcel !prea(!%eet to (i!-6 creatin' a )ile
containin' a !eriali3e( PHPExcel in!tance. 5t o))er! a )a!t an( ea!y way to !tore an( rea( a
3eriali1ed file format should not be used as a persistent stora*e method0
Bince !eriali3e( )ile! may not 4e compati4le trou'% (i))erent PHPExcel ver!ion!6 it i! not a 'oo( i(ea to u!e t%i!
a! a per!i!tent !tora'e met%o(. 1%in- o) t%e !eriali3e( )ile )ormat a! a temporary !tora'e6 )or example
4etween 2 4atc% !cript! t%at (epen( on eac% ot%erF! output.
8.3.1. PHPExcel/6ea!er/eriali:e!
6ea!in) a sprea!s"eet
Kou can rea( a .p%pxl )ile u!in' t%e )ollowin' co(e+
o!"Reade& 7 ne2 PHPExcel_Reade&_Se&ialiVed();
o!"PHPExcel 7 o!"Reade&#$load(=;C(eatu&ede,o.phpxl=);
8.3.2. PHPExcel/0riter/eriali:e!
0ritin) a sprea!s"eet
Kou can write a .p%pxl )ile u!in' t%e )ollowin' co(e+
o!">&ite& 7 ne2 PHPExcel_>&ite&_Se&ialiVed(o!"PHPExcel);
).4. "#cel ' /4I,,2 file format
Excel& )ile )ormat i! t%e ol( Excel )ile )ormat6 implemente( in PHPExcel to provi(e a uni)orm
manner to create 4ot% .xl!x an( .xl! )ile!. 5t i! 4a!ically a mo(i)ie( ver!ion o) PE$*
Bprea(!%eet2Excel2?riter6 an( %a! t%e !ame limitation! an( )eature! a! t%e PE$* li4rary.
PHPExcel Developer Documentation 26
Excel& )ile )ormat will not 4e (evelope( any )urt%er6 it Gu!t provi(e! an a((itional )ile )ormat )or
Excel4 567FF8 limitations
Plea!e note t%at B5.. )ile )ormat %a! !ome limit! re'ar(in' to !tylin' cell! an( %an(lin' lar'e !prea(!%eet! via
8.5.1. PHPExcel/6ea!er/Excel7
6ea!in) a sprea!s"eet
Kou can rea( a .xl! )ile u!in' t%e )ollowin' co(e+
o!"Reade& 7 ne2 PHPExcel_Reade&_ExcelC();
o!"PHPExcel 7 o!"Reade&#$load(=;C(eatu&ede,o.xls=);
6ea! !ata onl$
Kou can !et an t%e option !et*ea(DataInly on t%e rea(er6 to in!truct t%e rea(er to i'nore !tylin'6
(ata vali(ation6 H an( Gu!t rea( cell (ata+
o!"Reade& 7 ne2 PHPExcel_Reade&_ExcelC();
o!"PHPExcel 7 o!"Reade&#$load(=;C(eatu&ede,o.xls=);
6ea! speci,ic s"eets onl$
Kou can !et an t%e option !etEoa(B%eet!Inly on t%e rea(er6 to in!truct t%e rea(er to only loa( t%e
!%eet! wit% a 'iven name+
o!"Reade& 7 ne2 PHPExcel_Reade&_ExcelC();
o!"Reade&#$setLoadSheetsOnl)( a&&a)(=Sheet 3=1 =K) special sheet=) );
o!"PHPExcel 7 o!"Reade&#$load(=;C(eatu&ede,o.xls=);
6ea! speci,ic cells onl$
Kou can !et an t%e option !et*ea(.ilter on t%e rea(er6 to in!truct t%e rea(er to only loa( t%e cell!
w%ic% matc% a 'iven rule. $ rea( )ilter can 4e any cla!! w%ic% implement!
PHPExcel2*ea(er25*ea(.ilter. By (e)ault6 all cell! are rea( u!in' t%e
1%e )ollowin' co(e will only rea( row 1 an( row! 20 Y #0 o) any !%eet in t%e Excel )ile+
class K)Read*ilte& i,ple,ents PHPExcel_Reade&_8Read*ilte&
pu!lic (unction &ead-ell(colu,n1 &o21 2o&?sheet+a,e 7 '') A
// Read title &o2 and &o2s :; # J;
i( (&o2 77 3 \\ (&o2 $7 :; XX &o2 57 J;)) A
&etu&n t&ue;
&etu&n (alse;
o!"Reade& 7 ne2 PHPExcel_Reade&_ExcelC();
o!"Reade&#$setRead*ilte&( ne2 K)Read*ilte&() );
o!"PHPExcel 7 o!"Reade&#$load(=;Rla&gescale.xls=);
8.5.2. PHPExcel/0riter/Excel7
0ritin) a sprea!s"eet
Kou can write a .xl! )ile u!in' t%e )ollowin' co(e+
o!">&ite& 7 ne2 PHPExcel_>&ite&_ExcelC(o!"PHPExcel);
PHPExcel Developer Documentation 27
&emporar$ stora)e
5nternally6 Excel& writer !tore! temporary )ile! on (i!-. ?%en your !erver a(mini!trator (i!a4le( )ile
acce!! on t%e operatin' !y!temF! temporary (irectory6 you can overri(e t%e (e)ault 4y u!in' t%e
)ollowin' co(e+
o!">&ite& 7 ne2 PHPExcel_>&ite&_ExcelC(o!"PHPExcel);
).'. 5S6 /5omma Separated 6alues2
B, /omma Beparate( ,alue!0 are o)ten u!e( a! an import7export )ile )ormat wit% ot%er !y!tem!.
PHPExcel allow! rea(in' an( writin' to B, )ile!.
!3V limitations
Plea!e note t%at B, )ile )ormat %a! !ome limit! re'ar(in' to !tylin' cell!6 num4er )ormattin'6 H
8.7.1. PHPExcel/6ea!er/CD
6ea!in) a CD ,ile
Kou can rea( a .c!v )ile u!in' t%e )ollowin' co(e+
o!"Reade& 7 ne2 PHPExcel_Reade&_-S.();
o!"PHPExcel 7 o!"Reade&#$load(=;C(eatu&ede,o.cs%=);
ettin) CD options
I)ten6 B, )ile! are not really Qcomma !eparate(R6 or u!e !emicolon /P0 a! a !eparator. Kou can
in!truct PHPExcel2*ea(er2B, !ome option! 4e)ore rea(in' a B, )ile+
o!"Reade& 7 ne2 PHPExcel_Reade&_-S.();
o!"PHPExcel 7 o!"Reade&#$load(=;C(eatu&ede,o.cs%=);
6ea! a speci,ic (or%s"eet
B, )ile! can only contain one wor-!%eet. 1%ere)ore6 you can !peci)y w%ic% !%eet to rea( )rom B,+
6ea! into existin) sprea!s"eet
?%en wor-in' wit% B, )ile!6 it mi'%t occur t%at you want to import B, (ata into an exi!tin'
PHPExcel o4Gect. 1%e )ollowin' co(e loa(! a B, )ile into an exi!tin' Uo4GPHPExcel containin' !ome
!%eet!6 an( import! onto t%e 6
o!"Reade& 7 ne2 PHPExcel_Reade&_-S.();
o!"Reade&#$load8ntoExisting(=;C(eatu&ede,o.cs%=1 o!"PHPExcel);
8.7.2. PHPExcel/0riter/CD
0ritin) a CD ,ile
Kou can write a .c!v )ile u!in' t%e )ollowin' co(e+
o!">&ite& 7 ne2 PHPExcel_>&ite&_-S.(o!"PHPExcel);
PHPExcel Developer Documentation 2<
ettin) CD options
I)ten6 B, )ile! are not really Qcomma !eparate(R6 or u!e !emicolon /P0 a! a !eparator. Kou can
in!truct PHPExcel2?riter2B, !ome option! 4e)ore writin' a B, )ile+
o!">&ite& 7 ne2 PHPExcel_>&ite&_-S.(o!"PHPExcel);
0rite a speci,ic (or%s"eet
B, )ile! can only contain one wor-!%eet. 1%ere)ore6 you can !peci)y w%ic% !%eet to write to B,+
#ormula preCcalculation
By (e)ault6 t%i! writer pre8calculate! all )ormula! in t%e !prea(!%eet. 1%i! can 4e !low on lar'e
!prea(!%eet!6 an( may4e even unwante(. Kou can %owever (i!a4le )ormula pre8calculation+
o!">&ite& 7 ne2 PHPExcel_>&ite&_-S.(o!"PHPExcel);
0ritin) 9&#C; CD ,iles
$ B, )ile can 4e mar-e( a! @1.8< 4y writin' a BIM )ile %ea(er. 1%i! can 4e ena4le( 4y u!in' t%e
)ollowin' co(e+
o!">&ite& 7 ne2 PHPExcel_>&ite&_-S.(o!"PHPExcel);
).). !T01
PHPExcel allow! you to write a !prea(!%eet into H1ME )ormat6 )or "uic- repre!entation o) t%e (ata
in it to anyone w%o (oe! not %ave a !prea(!%eet application on t%eir P.
+,ML limitations
Plea!e note t%at H1ME )ile )ormat %a! !ome limit! re'ar(in' to !tylin' cell!6 num4er )ormattin'6 H
8.8.1. PHPExcel/0riter/H&ML
Plea!e note t%at PHPExcel2?riter2H1ME only output! t%e )ir!t wor-!%eet 4y (e)ault.
0ritin) a sprea!s"eet
Kou can write a .%tm )ile u!in' t%e )ollowin' co(e+
o!">&ite& 7 ne2 PHPExcel_>&ite&_HTKL(o!"PHPExcel);
0rite all (or%s"eets
H1ME )ile! can contain one or more wor-!%eet!. 5) you want to write all !%eet! into a !in'le H1ME
)ile6 u!e t%e )ollowin' co(e+
0rite a speci,ic (or%s"eet
H1ME )ile! can contain one or more wor-!%eet!. 1%ere)ore6 you can !peci)y w%ic% !%eet to write to
PHPExcel Developer Documentation 29
ettin) t"e ima)es root o, t"e H&ML ,ile
1%ere mi'%t 4e !ituation! w%ere you want to explicitly !et t%e inclu(e( ima'e! root. .or example6
one mi'%t want to !ee 5i,g st)le7=position9 &elati%e; le(t9 ;px; top9 ;px; 2idth9
3G;px; height9 <0px;= s&c7=,ages/logo."pg= !o&de&7=;=$ in!tea(
o) 5i,g st)le7=position9 &elati%e; le(t9 ;px; top9 ;px; 2idth9 3G;px; height9
<0px;= s&c7=./i,ages/logo."pg= !o&de&7=;=$.
Kou can u!e t%e )ollowin' co(e to ac%ieve t%i! re!ult+
#ormula preCcalculation
By (e)ault6 t%i! writer pre8calculate! all )ormula! in t%e !prea(!%eet. 1%i! can 4e !low on lar'e
!prea(!%eet!6 an( may4e even unwante(. Kou can %owever (i!a4le )ormula pre8calculation+
o!">&ite& 7 ne2 PHPExcel_>&ite&_HTKL(o!"PHPExcel);
Em'e!!in) )enerate! H&ML in a (e' pa)e
1%ere mi'%t 4e a !ituation w%ere you want to em4e( t%e 'enerate( H1ME in an exi!tin' we4!ite.
PHPExcel2?riter2H1ME provi(e! !upport to 'enerate only !peci)ic part! o) t%e H1ME co(e6 w%ic%
allow! you to u!e t%e!e part! in your we4!ite.
Bupporte( met%o(!+
HereF! an example w%ic% retrieve! all part! in(epen(ently an( mer'e! t%em into a re!ultin' H1ME
o!">&ite& 7 ne2 PHPExcel_>&ite&_HTKL(o!"PHPExcel);
echo o!">&ite&#$gene&ateHTKLHeade&();
ht,l A
(ont#(a,il)9 Ti,es +e2 Ro,an;
(ont#siVe9 Ipt;
!ac?g&ound#colo&9 2hite;
echo o!">&ite&#$gene&ateSt)les((alse); // do not 2&ite 5st)le$ and 5/st)le$
echo o!">&ite&#$gene&ateSheet'ata();
echo o!">&ite&#$gene&ateHTKL*oote&();
0ritin) 9&#C; H&ML ,iles
$ H1ME )ile can 4e mar-e( a! @1.8< 4y writin' a BIM )ile %ea(er. 1%i! can 4e ena4le( 4y u!in' t%e
)ollowin' co(e+
PHPExcel Developer Documentation #0
o!">&ite& 7 ne2 PHPExcel_>&ite&_HTKL(o!"PHPExcel);
)... 7,
PHPExcel allow! you to write a !prea(!%eet into PD. )ormat6 )or )a!t (i!tri4ution o) repre!ente(
#DF limitations
Plea!e note t%at PD. )ile )ormat %a! !ome limit! re'ar(in' to !tylin' cell!6 num4er )ormattin'6 H
8...1. PHPExcel/0riter/PD#
Plea!e note t%at PHPExcel2?riter2PD. only output! t%e )ir!t wor-!%eet 4y (e)ault.
0ritin) a sprea!s"eet
Kou can write a .p() )ile u!in' t%e )ollowin' co(e+
o!">&ite& 7 ne2 PHPExcel_>&ite&_P'*(o!"PHPExcel);
0rite all (or%s"eets
PD. )ile! can contain one or more wor-!%eet!. 5) you want to write all !%eet! into a !in'le PD. )ile6
u!e t%e )ollowin' co(e+
0rite a speci,ic (or%s"eet
PD. )ile! can contain one or more wor-!%eet!. 1%ere)ore6 you can !peci)y w%ic% !%eet to write to
#ormula preCcalculation
By (e)ault6 t%i! writer pre8calculate! all )ormula! in t%e !prea(!%eet. 1%i! can 4e !low on lar'e
!prea(!%eet!6 an( may4e even unwante(. Kou can %owever (i!a4le )ormula pre8calculation+
o!">&ite& 7 ne2 PHPExcel_>&ite&_P'*(o!"PHPExcel);
&emporar$ stora)e
5nternally6 PD. writer !tore! temporary )ile! on (i!-. ?%en your !erver a(mini!trator (i!a4le( )ile
acce!! on t%e operatin' !y!temF! temporary (irectory6 you can overri(e t%e (e)ault 4y u!in' t%e
)ollowin' co(e+
o!">&ite& 7 ne2 PHPExcel_>&ite&_P'*(o!"PHPExcel);
PHPExcel Developer Documentation #1
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title;re(it!=re)errin'1itle;Home )or up8to8(ate cre(it!.
PHPExcel Developer Documentation #2
+ppen!ix +E Dali! arra$ %e$s ,or st$le appl$#rom+rra$AB
1%e )ollowin' ta4le li!t! t%e vali( array -ey! )or PHPExcel2Btyle apply.rom$rray/0 cla!!e!. 5) t%e
QMap! to propertyR column map! a -ey to a !etter6 t%e value provi(e( )or t%at -ey will 4e applie(
(irectly. 5) t%e QMap! to propertyR column map! a -ey to a 'etter6 t%e value provi(e( )or t%at -ey
will 4e applie( a! anot%er !tyle array.
$rray -ey+ Map! to property+
$rray -ey+ Map! to property+
$rray -ey+ Map! to property+
$rray -ey+ Map! to property+
'etEe)t/0P 'et*i'%t/0P 'et1op/0P 'etBottom/0
$rray -ey+ Map! to property+
$rray -ey+ Map! to property+
PHPExcel Developer Documentation ##
$rray -ey+ Map! to property+
co(e !et.ormato(e/0
$rray -ey+ Map! to property+
PHPExcel Developer Documentation #4

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