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Yaa Akhwaat, in case some missed this sermon.

I tried my best
to take notes while listening, I do not have them all, and nor is
it word per word.. but inshallaah it's a great piece of advice
and motivation.... so I hope you all benefit, and inshallaah it
should be posted fully prepared after Eid inshallaah in the
saudi gazette.... just bare with me since it was before fajr
while jotting down...

Soon islaam will reveal its power, most important thing is to promote islaam. We
have to support and defend the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alaihi
wasallaam) from all that is spread against him.... Those people who defend the
messenger of islaam (sallallaahu alaihi wasallaam) it reflects there love for there
Some ppl are counted as muslims, but they deviate many young muslims. And
hit the ummah in its hearts, and collect people against islaam.. ..Islaam will
always be in the trust worthy hands.

Those who involve in black majic, and think they cure disease, take help of jinn
and devils. Getting help for there wims and desires, they have there own ways to
promote there evil.
Drugs is one problem we face, is what destructs the ummah, people that spread
these evils there main objective is to ruin the young people. The authority of this
country is aware and there to protect the ummah of this harm with the help of

Terrorism is international problem some people take advantage of it, those

people with this suicidal mission are evil, they divide the community. Should
solve your problems in the atmosphere of love, they want to twist or change the
meaning of the book. They follow there own desires,they dont understand certain
The early mulsims depended on Allaah, this message will never die the quraan is
gonna be used....core of the whole mission is Laa ilaha illallaa, you must turn to
Allaah fully to supplicate to Him and sacrifice. We believe in the angels, life afterd
Your faith keeps you away from the deviated people, gives you the power,
strength and energy and get rid of your pride. And stay away from prohibitions
and stick to the sunnah,salaah is connection of man and allaah increases the
faith in his heart. It helps you to concetrate and purify your body, zakaah also
purifies the persons heart. It also is the feeling of the rich person to sympathize
with the poor person.
Also fasting enduring it patiently connects between the poor and the rich, and it
will make the rich contribute to the poor. The hajj will prepare you to be ready for
the day of the resurrection, the place is the same time is the same.

All this is a trust in our hands we must preserve it in our hands. Prohibited us
from murder, fornication, alcohol and avoid it for Allaah. Keep away from all
prohibitions, keep away from ignorance and deviations. And people who do not
observe it they follow there desires and whims we should know that this is all
ordained by Alllaah the powerful and all wise. May Allaah protect us from the
enemies of this ummah, put it in safety and security.

Avoid the interest and usury, base the education on the sunnah to protect the
youth. Oh Muslim ummah the reality of ailments in this society is a great
difference, is due to the fact that Muslim keep away from there religion. Up hold
this shariah because it gives honor in this world and happiness in the hereafter.
Apply the shariah of allaah for your security, and preserve your faith. Join the
hearts through eemaan, your enemy is trying to destruct your belief. Don't be
deceived by those people that are gonna by all means destruct the ummah.

Raise your kids to be pious and keep them away from evil manners. All must be
kind to your parents, Allaah has decreed for us to be kind. And worship non but
allaah, and the hadith was mention about the mother being mentioned three
times by the mufti.Then the grand mufti mentioned the hadith about hajj, where it
was also said go practice jihaad by being good to your mother. Try your best to
do what benefits the ummah. The weak nations are being tooken over by the
powerful nations.

Pilgrims be greatful to allaah that Allaah has let you reach this land, and made
your hajj easier be greatful. Adhere to the instructions to Allaah. Attain piety
allaah has asigned people to make hajj easy for the pilgrims. Allaah protected the
deen of this ummah, Abdul wahaab rahimahullaah ta ala came in the 12 century
untill Allaah granted victory to them, and through them. Believe in Allaah sincerly
and contemplate of parting from this world. And about the first stage in the
grave,the angel will come down and give good tidings, supporters of both words.
The ones with bad souls they will be beating themselves up, you will stand in
front of Allaah, the sun will be one mile away. the sweat will reach up to the feet,
some to there breast, some to there mouth. Allaah will declare to the people of
fire to live life without death... the shaytaan shrinks down soo small on the arafah.
Raise your hands and ask Allaah to forgive you.... we ask Allaah to forgive
those who believe in his oneness.. *makes duaa in the end*

Umm Mu'aawiyah

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