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1. Background
Urinary tract infection (UTI) is a breeding ground for micro-organisms in the urinary tract,
which normally do not contain bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms. The place is often
experienced UTI is bladder (sistisis), urethra (uretretis), and kidney. (Toto Suharyanto &
Abdul Madjid, 2009)
According to WHO, urinary tract infection (UTI) is the second most common infectious
disease in the body of disease after respiratory tract infections and as many as 8.3 million
cases were reported per year. These infections are also more common in women than in men.
Indonesia is the fourth most populous country after China, India and the United States.
Indonesia's population is estimated as many as 250 million people with a growth penduduk1,
49 percent per year. (BPSI, 2002)
According to estimates by the Ministry of Health, the number of patients with UTI in
Indonesia is 90 to 100 cases per 100,000 population per year, or approximately 180,000 new
cases per year. Urinary tract infections in Indonesia incidence and prevalence is still quite
high, in pregnant women / postpartum 5-6%. The prevalence of UTI in the community
increased with increasing age. At the age of 40-60 years have a prevalence rate of 3.2%.
While at the same age or over 65 years old have about the prevalence of UTI by 20%.
Based on data from South Kalimantan Provincial Health Office in 2011, the incidence of
urinary tract infections about 1,264 cases. (Nopi Arisandy, 2013)
It turns out that women more often than men with age population figures, approximately 5 to
15%. Urinary tract infection is one of the most common problems encountered by health
workers, accounting for 6 to 7 million office visits per year. The majority of cases are
dominated by women. Like infesi during pregnancy should be dealt with appropriately.
Although symptoms do not appear, because there is an increased risk for the occurrence of
acute pyelonephritis and bacteriuria incidence frematur birth in women increases with age
and sexual activity. Prevalence seklolah 1% during the period increased to 5% during the
sexually active period. This is evidenced by the many findings that show a group of women
who are not married the incidence of UTI is lower compared to the group who are married.
The prevalence of UTI in the community increased with increasing age. In 40 to 60 years
have a prevalence rate of 3.2%, whereas at the same age or over 65 years old have about the
prevalence of UTI by 20%. Urinary tract infections can get to know both men and waniita of
all ages, both children, adolescents, adults and the elderly. However, of both sexes, it turns
out women more often than men in the general population figures, approximately 5 to 15%.
(Kyzka lala, 2013)
Urinary tract infection (UTI) depends on many factors; such as age, gender, prevalence of
bacteriuria, and predisposing factors that cause changes in the structure of the urinary tract
including the kidneys. Over a period of a few months of age and women over 65 years old
tend to suffer from UTIs than men. UTIs in men are rarely reported, except with predisposing
factors (originator). Prevalence of asymptomatic bacteriuria is more common in women.
Prevalence during the period of school (school girls) increased 1% to 5% during the sexually
active period. Prevalence of asymptomatic infection increased to 30%, both men and women.
(Aru W.Sudoyo, et al, 2007:553).
From research UTI, according to the study, approximately 10% of asymptomatic. In this case
the patient does not feel anything. Maybe there are but the symptoms the person is
considered as the usual symptoms. For asymptomatic is only known after being checked
through urine testing where their urine contained many bacteria.
Asymptomatic UTIs account for more dangerous, because without realizing it, the disease
will menggorogoti constantly. So, the person infected but he did not know and usually even
become chronic. To declare the existence of UTI should be found bacteria in the urine.
Bacteriuria is accompanied by symptoms of urinary tract called symptomatic bacteriuria.
While the so-called asymptomatic bacteriuria asymptomatic.
According to the data obtained from the medical record Regions Hospital Ulin Banjarmasin
in 2011. Disease Most Non-surgical inpatient in the top 10 diseases, including UTI sequence
to 10 of 10 diseases with the highest number of 34 patients in the hospital Ulin Banjarmasin
in 2011. At In 2012 the amount of ISK total of 11 patients were treated in the Cape and in
2013 there were inpatients catheterized patients is 183 per month of the amount of 7 people
or 3.8% experienced urinary tract infections. Based phenomena Isk disease in General
Hospital Banjarmasin in Space Cape, the authors are interested and challenged to do a case
study on Nursing In Clients who suffer from UTI in Space Cape Regional General Hospital
Banjarmasin 2014. With this case study can be wrong an overview for nurses in providing
nursing care to clients with better UTI.
2. Purpose
1.2.1 Purpose
The general objective of this report is to provide an overview of information on a client's
nursing care UTI based on real science with practice in the field with the approach
nursing process which includes assessment until pendokumen-tasian.
Special 1.2.2Tujuan
The specific objective of this report so that the author can: Assessing the health status of the client to collect the data and related problems
of UTI in biopsychosocial and spiritual.
2. Formulate nursing diagnoses.
3. Assign nursing interventions according to predefined diagnoses.
4. Establish and implement nursing interventions
5. Mendoku mentasikan nursing outcomes.
1.3 Benefits of Writing
Theoretically 1.3.1
The benefits are expected to increase the understanding and insight in improving the
quality of nursing care, particularly nursing care in patients with UTI disease.
1.3.2 In practice clients that can improve health, understanding, and knowing act
independently to prevent complications of the disease. For the hospital, to be able to help efforts to improve services to clients who
experience a UTI, so the quality of health services can be improved. For educational institutions For students, in order to continue to increase the skills, expertise, and
implementation of nursing care.
5. B agi nurse, to get input in implement nursing care with a process
approach good nursing on Client f n.
1.4 Method of Writing
The method used in this report is descriptive method through a case study approach to the
nursing process to explore all of the data that supports both subjective data and objective
data that is. The approach of the nursing process which includes assessment given in
biopsikososialdan spiritual, nursing diagnosis, nursing interventions, nursing
implementation, evaluation of nursing, and nursing documentation.
1.5 Systematics Writing
The writing consisted of doing systematics above. Chapter 1, an introduction that consists
of background, the formulation of the problem, purpose, objectives, benefits of writing as
well as scientific methods and systematic writing. Chapter 2, a theoretical review of UTI
which consists of anatomy and physiology, understanding, classification, etiology, signs
and symptoms, pathophysiology, pathways, signs and symptoms, investigations, medical
management, prognosis, and complications. While the theoretical review of UTI consists of
nursing assessment, nursing diagnosis, planning / intervention and evaluation. Chapter 3,
the results include an overview of nursing care UTI cases, analysis of data, nursing
diagnoses, implementation, and evaluation of progress notes. Chapter 4, conclusions and
suggestions made up of conclusions and suggestions, a list of references, and appendices.

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