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Vol. XVII No.

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The Judas of Journalism
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April, 15th 1996
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ou re not gomig to aKe run or us

like you did last year,
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Free To Pervert Justice
By Heather Irene Rosenow want through intimidation. By teaching this and cumbing to a confusion inspired cowardice.
practicing what they preach, they have managed to Something must be done or a dangerous message
Recently problems have arisen between a militia do very well for themselves. Not only have they will be sent to militia groups everywhere; step on
group who call themselves "The Freemen" and the been so bold to do this right under the govern- the toes of the US government and very little will
United States gov- militia representatives have
ernment. What against what the Freemen are
needs to be clarified believe they are nothing but
for many people is )utthe basic message remains.
that this would-be r political career is over if she
standoff should not, go up in smoke. That's what
and cannot, be com- the government has been per-
pared to Ruby Ridge try is all about.
or Waco. Obviously ged to interfere with the law
the federal govern- >rtunate result of this political
ment made mistakes ;tration of complete incompe-
in the past, the infer- tence on the part of the gov-
no at Waco being th« ernment on both state and
but here I believe the federal levels in dealing with
Freemen. They are r internal crises covered by the
pound, which they ref media. They've just recently
for any truly ideologic realized that the masses pay
running from the go\ attention to what they do,
committed very legit and it fazed them a bit. While
against them includ4 very little has really been
threats against govel accomplished, a move
fighting for somethin toward progress manifested
they are preying on ar itself in the form of two
reeling from economic stresses which caused many loaders are getting away with putting prices on arrests. Leroy Schweitzer and Daniel Peterson
to go under with no apparent hope of recovery on people's heads. The government has been tip-toe- were taken into custody on April 1st. Both are high
the horizon. These Freemen, as they call them- ing around this situation like it's a ticking time ranking Freemen leaders who have been involved
selves, have given seminars on how to evade the bomb. Granted they have good reasoning, but with the group since the 1970's. When brought into
law, practice successful fraud, and get what you there's a difference between being careful and suc- court both refused to cooper- continued on p
continued on page 5


By Katherine Zafiris made cabin in rural Montana. He had no electricity preach antitechnology to me over dinner." No. No
or running water. He survived by working odd jobs one knew The Unabomber, no one had been inside
This week the infamous "Unabomber" was and hunting rabbits. In a letter to his pen pal Juan the cabin to say that whatever the FBI has found
found and captured by the FBI. He was secured by Sanchez Arrola, Kaczynski wrote that he was in there was really there. So, this man had strong
a simple twist of fate. It seems that The extreme poverty with only $53.01, just enough to views about the government and about technolo-
Unabomber's brother, David Kaczynski, had stave off hunger without hunting for rabbits. gy. I know four people off the top of my head who
found in the attic of his mother's home, papers that In letters to Arrola, Kaczynski also wrote in detail have similar views. I myself have similar views
seemed suspicious. These documents contained about hunting and trying to work odd jobs. He said about the government and have strong views
information that seemed reminiscent of The in one letter that if he wanted to travel to see his about immigrants, social security, and welfare. My
Unabomber's ideas and thoughts. After a long, friend, he would have to stop eating for year to save views are usually not widely accepted, but that
and probably, threatening moral dilemma, David up the money. It seems that Theodore Kaczynski's doesn't mean that I still don't believe in them.
Kaczynski showed the FBI the information that he brother had been sending him money for along time There is someone on staff here at the paper who
and Susan Swanson, a private investigator, had but suddenly stopped after a while. Kaczynski also thinks NASA is watching him through his televi-
uncovered. The original notion that Ms. Swanson wrote in depth about how horrible he found the sion. He's written and told people his views. Does
and Mr. Kaczynski set out on was initially ruled government and how he found the injustices of the that mean that one day he'll send bombs to astro-
out Theodore Kaczynski as The Unabomber. But government to be unbearable. He called the officials nauts in response to his paranoia?
the similarities proved to be too much. in the government liars and that they would do any- My whole point is that it seems to be a little too
There was much corresponding evidence to the thing to carry out their injustices. convenient. It seems that the FBI took the one loner
contrary notion that Theodore Kaczynski was not Another surprising fact to Mr. Kaczynski's life who lived like a frontier man, had harsh views
The Unabomber. The similarities that were evident that was that he wrote letters, but did not like to about the government. His brother was probably
were that Theodore Kaczynski had been places receive advice. In one letter he wrote, "If you want sick of him and turned him in and the FBI jumped
that The Unabomber had been thought to have to be my friend, don't give me advice." It seems all over it like cockroaches to a plate of spaghetti. If
been. The biggest similarity was in the papers and that Theodore Kaczynski began to withdraw from that is all that is needed to become an infamous
letters of Theodore Kaczynski, that were found in society after he quit his teaching job at Berkeley. It criminal in the eyes of the American public, then
his mother's attic. The contents of these documents seem that his parents reprimanded him often there is a man down the block from where I live
were very similar to the ideas of The Unabomber about quitting and soon after he wanted nothing to that has the same disheveled appearance and that
in his antitechnology manifesto. It also became do with his family. lives in a three bedroom house with no heat and
known through further investigation that With all the information that has surfaced in the collects newspapers. Maybe he's the one who real-
Theodore Kaczynski had played with chemical past week about this case some things just don't fit. ly killed J.F.K.
explosives as a child and was fascinated with rock- The FBI wants you to believe that they caught a As an educated intelligent person, anyone who
ets. And finally through a letter writing friend of man who has avoided capture for 17 years on a has read the papers and seen the news knows that
Theodore Kaczynski it became known that he liked simple twist of fate, and that his brother was the Theodore Kaczynski has not yet been linked to any
to carve things out of wood. one who turned him in. Why would a man sup- of The Unabomber's crimes. There is mounting evi-
The most interesting fact about Theodore posedly very intelligent just leave all kinds of evi- dence and there is speculation; but the question to
Kaczynski was that he was highly educated. A dence like documents in his cabin, just waiting to ask yourself is, how much do you trust the United
Harvard education and a teaching stint at the be discovered? States Government? How much do you trust a gov-
University of California at Berkeley. This is an inter- Has anyone been able to go inside the cabin or ernment that is founding a whole case on a man's
esting fact because of his choice of how he lived. has anyone ever been inside the cabin to say "Sure constitutional and inalienable right to write down
Theodore Kaczynski lived in a one room hand- I saw a bomb in the corner" or "Sure, he used to what he feels and thinks? If [continued on page 9

The Stony Brook Press page 2

3et (at
By Martha Chemas
bring the referenda back to the ballot. There
In an attempt to clarify my confusion I
were objections and the motion was taken to called Annette Hicks (did not return my
The results of the Polity elections are in. a vote. The outcome was 11-9 in favor with call), Keren Zolotov (phone was answered,
A surprising 3089 ballots were cast, more two abstentions. then hung up), Monique Maylor (said she'd
th n
L !1all 11
t h
ii c1i
l sAII nrsppnt thnliiht get back to me, but didn't), Erika Abel
10% of the this was the end of (phone real busy), and Nicole Rosner (got
Stony Brook the issue, the refer- back to me). Andre Vasquez and Kelvin
population. No enda would be tried Innocent's numbers are not listed.
real surprises again, and this time, According to Rosner, there is no money
as far as the if it failed, nothing for a new election, she said,"I will not vote
candidates are could be said about against the Senate...but logistically it
concerned, most it. This is not what would have been impossible to have anoth-
ran uncontest- happened. er election."
ed. For the posil Friday morning As it stands, the situation is diaphanous at
of Polity President the Polity Executive best. Why was a motion passed to allocate
Keren Zolotov scored a victory receiving Council held their regular meeting. During moneys for a run-off election and then lack
1272 votes to her opponent Kedar Desai's this meeting, a motion was made to veto the of funds cited as the reason for not having an
730 votes. In the VP race current Sophomore Senate's ruling. When the vote was taken the election? Why did more than a quarter of the
Rep. Monique Maylor beat Senator Joshua Senate's ruling was defeated. Annette Hicks, votes end up in the rubbish pile? Why was I
Prever with the vote count 1404 to 531. Keren Zolotov, Andre Vasquez, not asked for a
Current Freshman Rep. Kelvin Innocent ran and Kelvin Innocent voted in student ID when I
unopposed and not surprisingly, won the favor of vetoing the Senate's voted?
seat as Polity Secretary. All those running decision, while Erika Abel voted Statesman
as Class Reps. won since they all ran unop- against doing so. Nicole Rosner Associate Editor
posed as well. and Monique Maylor abstained. Paul Wright,
Also during the election seven referenda The reasons given for the veto thinks he has the
items were up for grabs. Five items were for were logistical. According to answer. Recent
the continuation of funding for current or members of the executive coun- editorials written
new organizations/projects. All five passed, cil, there is not enough money in Statesman have
meaning that NYPIRG, PSC, SPA and 3TV will left in the Election Board been hyper-criti-
continue getting a cut of your student activ- Treasury to hold another elec- cal of Polity
ity fee, additionally, the Roth Regatta will tion. Also noted was the con- President Annette
begin to receive a piece of the fee. tention that Statesman did not Hicks. Wright
Now for the slightly less expected part. promote themselves enough. feels that the veto
USSA and Statesman both went on referenda Perhaps the most bizarre reason is a manipulation
asking for an increase in the amount of given for the veto was that the on the part of
money they get from the student activity fee. USSA referenda had the same Statesmain Editors, Past and Present Hicks to silence
wording and it still passed. Standing g,foreground: Tom Masse Statesman.. In an
The USSA increase passed, the Statesman m Flanagan, Alexandra Cruz
There are many question to be Si: interview he stat-
failed. This would not be all that important
except for the fact that the student body in asked. The final vote count in the Statesman ed, "I question the decision handed down. To
voting down an increase to Statesman's bud- referenda question was 778 in favor of an me, it [the council's veto] reek's of censor-
get, also voted down whatever funds increase and 1215 against the proposed ship. Why...would the election board spend
Statesman was receiving prior to the elec- increase. Worth noting, however, is the fact all but $4 of their budget?...Sippose there
tion. The problem was that it was not made that 779 ballots were discarded, presumably needed to be a runoff election? I firmly
clear during election time
^... .
be-lieve that if certain candidates or referen-
that voting down an illegible. The da items were in our position, the council
increase would mean vot- more than would find the money for an election."
ing down any existing sup- 25% of votes Perhaps there is an abuse of power taking
port. discarded, place here, perhaps Statesman is crying sour
This was a concern to applied to any grapes in light of their defeat. The problem
people outside of the of the contest- is that now, the situation will never be
Statesman office. Election ed electoral cleared. Without a re-election we will never
Board Chair Kim Douglas races, could know for sure if the student body did not
appeared at last easily reverse realize voting against an increase would
Wednesday's Senate meet- any of the mean voting against current funding, or if
ing to discuss the ramif final stand- they were sending a clear message to
tions of the vague wording on ings. As ior Statesman, namely that they are not interest-
the election ballots. Implicit in requesting the lack of funds, I have in my possession a ed in subsidizing their brand of journalism
an increase is the stipulation that if the copy of the minutes for an emergency coun- any longer.
increase does not pass, the prior funding is cil meeting, held March 25, 1996 where a Regardless of which way you see it, the
shelved as well. This was not clear by simply motion made by Erika Abel is passed. What Council has sent a loud decree to the Senate.
looking at the ballot. Senate Alternate motion? To fund additional polling sites in Don't make waves.
Secretary Dave Shashoua, in light of the sit- HSC and the Gym and in case of a run-off
uation, motioned to have the wording made election to add funds to the Election Board
clearer (to avoid any misconceptions) and to Treasury. What gives?

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April 15, 1996 page 3
Editorial pl~esl~· 4 -~Fh~B9L~'I ~i~-·e~--~l ~wr -- a - - - ----..------ ~--~Pao~- ~-
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Constant Change
There was a nasty rumor circulating it create a new kind of safety or security haz-
amongst the student body last week. ard. The resident lots are not an especially
Supposedly, President Kenny is following coveted lot. Plus, regardless of anyone's
through with her major changes for the com- position in the university hierarchy, every-
muters attending the University. First, there body has different schedules. Whatever
was supposed to be free and more frequent problems that had already existed within the
bus service. Second, car registrations would campus' security system are not going to be
only cost $5 every five years. This includes all compounded or exacerbated by this proposal.
students that need to park at the University The real issue here is not the problem that
parking lots. Last, there would be hundreds would arise when the resident lots would
of new computer workstations and remote open but the issue here is the fact that there
access ports to the campus network. This is no room. The proposal is not a change or a
would probably sound like a godsend mes- resolution to the problem. Meaning, is the
sage worthy of adulation to the almighty bill going to be posted after the tuition?
administration. The wizened wise ones in the Where is the catch? What, or better yet, who
the world of wonders have finally remem- is going to pay for this .proposal?
bered to dust the old gray matter and give it Karen Gleisberg, president of the
a run. Could this be the beginning of change? Commuter Student Association, decided to
The above proposals is just the beginning vote the idea down because they did not want
of many changes that students would like to this to be a commuters vs. residents issue
seearound campus. The idea of any kind of but thinks that the rest of the proposal is a
open parking within eight minutes of walking great idea. The free bus service has been a
distance is very, very appealing to say the thorn in the commuters side for years and
least. In addition, bus services should have now the end of the Big Insult to commuters is
been free a long time ago. pending. Real changes happen when admin-
A few days after the proposals were istration will open the special events parking
announced, the members of the resident stu- lot. Supposedly this is under discussion and
dents expressed concern about the open should come to fruition within our lifetime.
parking policy and how it would affect their Real changes will happen if the whole cam-
safety because they would be losing their pus is open parking. The progress of change
spots and they would lose certain privileges may have to start at the resident lots anc
like the 7-11 runs at midnight. That's all nice making it open. It could be a step towards a
and sweet but that is not the issue. The jus- solution to many parking problems. I admil
tification of the residents paying more to go this could be bitter pill to swallow bul
to school and therefore should have parking changes have to be made and Stony Brook is
privileges is a moot point, even irrelevant due for one.
because everyone that parks in the To be true, the eradication of parking stick-
University lots pay the same amount of er fees and yearly fees for parking and free
money in order to park on those lots whether bus service is a good thing, opening up resi-
it be the South p or Roosevelt quad. Students dent parking lots is a half baked idea waiting
are billed that price regardless of the housing to explode, but we are still in the same place
status. By making the resident lots open does if you really take a good look. Changing the
not take away any resident's habits or luxu- labels do not change the content. There
ries of going out to 7-11 or out to the local should be real changes made from the inside
bars late in the evening. Classes end at 9:30 out . It could be painful maybe even hard bul
at night on Thursdays and 6:00 on Friday's. we should all remember the adage; the only
It will not create 'parking wars' between fac- constant thing in life is change.
ulty, staff, residents and commuters, nor will

Letters E3 -----. . CP~~ a ~ CI~BTr ---

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Mes amis: response to government plans to "cut politicaljabberdrivel into the comput
Ah, spring, and, right on schedule we spending" by cutting services and fir- er becauseyou insist upon using afonj
have the Press' annual festival of ing people. Meanwhile, here in the US, more appropriate for a bistro ment
French-bashing. I can't figure this out. Gingrich, Pataki and the rest of the than a periodicalletter From now on
Were your mothers frightened by slime, as John Giuffo's last article so type your letters in a font resembling
Maurice Chevalier or something? vividly put it, rape us bloody while we something that originated from c
We've been down this Champs Elysees sit around with our fingers up our romance language, instead of hiero
before, but I thought I'd toss in my noses wondering what to do. We have glyphics that distantly resemble
deux centimes anyway: no right to criticize the French, because English - we can't scan those in, anc
First, anyone who hates Eurodisney as rugged and tough as Americans I'm stuck typing them. Mange mot
can't be all bad. I was certainly proud think they are, we all know they're mierde.
to see them lobbing tomatoes at sheep (as has also handily been pro- . -- - ·7- .......
_ _ _

Mickey Mouse on the evening news. claimed in the pages of the Press) when
Disney descended on suburban Paris it comes to their government, or at least SHOTGUN WEDDING 1 -t,..+ t
, ve aoubtless
IYou oI s nIt
___uL___ _
neara aoout tme
with fake smile classes, fascistic dress they have been for the past 20 years. Britain's already stringent gun laws.
codes (something that 'independent' Third, if you've never had a woman massacre of a gradeschool class by a British police, and their counterparts in
Americans readily put up with that with unshaven armpits, don't knock it. gun devotee in Scotland. I got hold of a Ireland, do not carry guns and must
Europeans don't) and worst of all, a Vive la revolution, British newspaper which gave the inci- undergo rigorous psychological tests to
ban on alcohol. Sacre vache, can't you Efraim "and I'm not even French" dent in-depth coverage. They bemoan be among the few permitted to do so.
guys relate to that? Csuwoj the fact that it was the second such Recently, cops in the United Kingdom
Second, and more important, the atrocity in the UK in ten years!!! They voted against arming all officers. And
majority of the French people support- Music Editor's Response: Hello, should look over our way, where it British criminologists have shown that
ed a massive public employees' strike Efraim. I've been commissioned time seems to happen every couple weeks. even armed robbers there are leery of
that brought the country to a halt in and time again to copy your pseudo- Despite the efforts of a gun lobby,

The Stony Brook Press page 4

Editorial ___________--------
,I - - ~ - - -- -- •

The Parking Problem:

A Rebuttal Take Back The Night
Last week, the President's office tant attempt to band-aid a very real
---- I-
By John Giuffo silence perpetuates the violence" cut
through the air, bringing the group's
released information about a proposal problem for commuters.
On Tuesday, March 26, The Center for message of strength and solidarity to all
which would, among other things, Commuter's parking concerns are Womyn's Concern's sponsored the within hearing range.
open up all resident parking lots on more complex than a simple ineffec- annual Take Back The Night March. The The candlelight vigil was marked by
campus to commuter vehicles. All res- tive gesture could address. march started with a gathering in front of words of encouragement, detailing the fact
ident lots would then be open to a sort Commuters need a better and more Benedict College, where Lisa Pierce, that this year's march had one of the largest
of parking free-for-all. Residents, who frequent bus service, better security RHD of Whitman college, gave an inspi- turnouts in university history, inspiring
pay to live on campus would then at parking lots and some sort of rational speech before the group of 100+ faith in the effectiveness of the march.
have to compete with the thousands of advocate for their concerns at the women and men gathered there. Before More and more women and men join the
commuter students who commute to administrative level.
and from school every day, most with Commuter Student Association
their own cars. This would leave only President, Karen Gleisberg said,
a handful of spaces open to approxi- "We are for everything in the pro-
mately fifteen thousand members of posal except for the parking aspect.
the student body,, not to mention non- We feel that part of the proposal will
registered vehicles, faculty and staff only create tension and not solve
members, and visitors to the campus. any problems."
This would create havoc and have the The proposal will not work.
added effect of denying resident dri- Stealing from Peter to give paul
vers access to their own homes. In addi- something that's not available in the
tion, residents who are unable to park first place can only serve to anger all
near their residence halls during the involved. If President Kenny were
day because of the high volume of cars honestly interested in relieving the
fighting for the small amount of spots parking problem for commuters, she
on campus, would be forced to park would have freed ALL parking lots
their vehicles in either the North P or on campus for non-descript parking:
South P lots, having to take a bus back why should those people who pro- I
to their homes, and then face the vide support services have better ever, a woman, leaning out of a window and this can only lead to more and more
prospect of not having access to their access to parking than the students in Benedict, yelled "RAPE! YEAH!". enlightenment as to the realities of sexual
This woman should die. For someone to assault and rape on college campuses.
cars after midnight, when the campus this University exists for. It's our
be so utterly clueless about the impor- The vigil ended with a series of stories,
bus service stops running. This will school, yet the manager of the Union
tance of the march, AND for that person some from women who had been vic-
create a situation where you will have Deli gets to park behind The Student to be a woman, makes me question tims of sexual assault themselves, and
residents who need to get to their cars Union, and students get ticketed. whether or not the entrance requirements there was not a dry eye around Roth
making walks of up to a half hour in Kenny should sit down and for Stony Brook are stringent enough. Pond, as everyone hugged each other
length. In one of the most crime-ridden think back on her inaugural Despite this somewhat discouraging and left to head home, to digest the
campuses in the SUNY system, this is a promise to improve life for under- beginning to the evening, the march evening's events.
dangerous prospect at best. graduates here at Stony Brook. proceeded on its winding path through Awareness campaigns have come a
President Shirley Strum Kenny's She seems to have forgotten that most of the campus, to wind up finally long way in making people more
proposal is unfair, unwarranted and particular promise. at Roth Pond, where a candlelight vigil knowledgeable about rape, yet incidents
ill-conceived. This proposal is a bla- was held. Cheers of encouragement and such as the one I detailed earlier show

guns often using unloaded weapons or

__ shouts of empowerment accompanied just how much farther we have to go
from attack, they have to support a cul- the various cheers the marchers were towards educating the ignorant. And
loading them with blanks. ture in which violence is not an accept- shouting throughout the evening. what was that scared little girl but igno-
In some countries, like Germany, a gun able solution to conflict? But then maybe Chants such as "Women unite, take rant? Painfully, blaringly ignorant.
back the night!", and "University
can only be purchased after successful the whole basic premise of our culture
completion of an extensive training course would have to be changed. continue fro pag 2
and members of shooting clubs are not Deborah Brovniak continued from page 2 ate, demand- fraud, and any one of us could be
allowed to remove the weapons from club ing a "change of venue" to a court the victims of their practices. While
premises. within their "Justus Township." I may not agree with other militia
In the US, our rate of homicide by What 632-SNOW should have said on Upon being denied bail, Daniel organizations and their ideals, I can
guns is 150 times that of our British Wednesday, April 10th: the weather bureau Peterson reportedly muttered " still differentiate between people
cousins. Also, for every robber or has predicted 4-8 in. of snow (even though This will be worse than Waco." This with their own ideological purpos-
attacker shot in this country, 130 others 11.5 in. were on the ground) the Uniiversity is is of course in reference to a final es (regardless of however twisted
are killed or injured by guns. This sta- open (because it's not finals week). Students confrontation he expects to take they may be) and blatant fraud. The
place at the Justus Township group which has locked itself in
tistic includes accidents, suicides, mur- should use caution in coming to school
between government officials and Justus Township consists of com-
ders and snuffings of misdirected for- because as usual the Academic Mall is not
the fugitives held within. mon criminals whose goals include
eign exchange students dressed as John plowed. Commuting students are really SOL
Obviously the federal government only the improvement of their eco-
Travolta who don't understand "freeze" (shit outta luck!) because the South P lot has- cannot

be held responsible for what nomic status at the expense of other
in the colloquial sense. n't been touched. Busses are running slower happens in a stand-off with
this innocent citizens.
And yet, God forbid that there should be than usual (if that's possible). However park- group. While they have been trying
a law like a 5-day waiting period to pur- ing is simple, just drive far enough into the to avoid unnecessary violence at all ~
chase an assault weapon. That would just
limit the divinely-inspired right of every
numskull too keep a loaded piece in his
sock drawer where his kids can find it.
Yeah, that really contributes to a safer
lot so that your car gets stuck, no one knows costs, Justus Township and its lead-
where the spaces are anyway. ers seem to relish the idea of it. In
Students are advised to wear hip boots fact one could go so far as to say
because the puddles from the melting that the leaders are planning a con-
snow are feet deep in some places. Sharks frontation for their own purposes.
t a *p*

environment. In some states it's legal to have been sighted in the larger puddles An armed confrontation would dis-
pack concealed heat, just for the old ele- and 3 students have been reported missing. tract the general public from the
ment of surprise. No surprise that these Please keep calling this number for the real issue; that this group of people Room Stu--et
06 U-io

states also have high murder and armed most inaccurate, outdated information are nothing better than common
robbery rates and that ultimate safeguard possible. This information brought to crooks who are blaming the govern-
of domestic tranquility, the death penalty. you by SUNY SB working harder to ment for the failures in their lives.
Violence begets violence. When will screw students better. These people teach seminars on
people learn that off they want to be safe ---- I-
- L -- · ·-- --

April 15, 1996 page 5

By Chris Sorochin When Gerry Adams marched in the St. Paddy's
Glimpsed from the train at the Syosset LIRR sta- Day parade, Cardinal O'Connor and the rest of
I grew up near a small industrial city in western tion: a sign advertising a service which offers to the sanctimonious hypocrites failed to rise and
New York State. There, as in many other urban keep nannies and baby-sitters under in-house sur- present their backs to him. Perhaps if Gerry
areas, was a large, fortress like building known as veillance. Maybe they can videotape her pilfering Adams had a boyfriend...
the Armory. It was used for car shows, home Pop-Tarts, raiding the liquor cabinet or going And Rudy Giuliani, scourge of Palestinian ter-
shows and other exhibitions. During floods and down on her significant other while junior is busy rorists like Yasir Arafat, seems to have no problem
other natural disasters, cots were set up for those with Barney. Or maybe she's using the little tykes cozying up to their Irish counterparts. Suck up
who had to leave their homes. I once asked an in satanic rituals, a common practice among day- those ethnic votes, Rudy.
adult why this benevolent structure was called care workers who are known to turn their charges
"The Armory". I was told that arms and soldiers into mice or fly them to Venus. If you're taking the psychological test for the
could be kept there in case of an invasion. Soon I guess we can expect to see ads for compa- Police Department, don't forget that your favorite
It wasn't until years later, after I had moved away
andrA leoarned orme thinc;

labor history, that I came to the

labouif -~---s -`I-I-'
I- -- --
nies to watch the surveillance people who watch color is blue, which supposedly indicates conser-
vatism and respect for authority.,
1.) I had no idea that such sophisticated scientif-
realization that the Armory was ic methods were used to choose police officers.
indeed to be a headquarters for That must be why our police departments are so
troops and weapons, but not free of corruption and brutality.
against foreign invasion. Armories 2.)I wonder if anyone besides deviant little me
were built in anticipation of "civil has given any thought to the idea that conser-
unrest", a charming euphemism vatism and respect for authority may not be the
that I even later came to realize most desirable traits to look for in a police candi-
meant that if grandpa, grandma date. How about respect for the individual and
and their quaint immigrant cohorts concern for the community as a whole? Tolerance
ever got sick of being exploited, and open mindedness? Why do I get the feeling
mistreated and forced to work long that those colors may not be in style?
hours for little pay in the mills and
factories of the Allegheny River Don't forget that April 15th is Tax Day. As you're
Valley, official government troops, paying don't forget that 52% of your tax dollars go
as well as non-official private toward paying for past wars and making future
goons, could be called in and a wars possible. Most of that money could be much
stockpile of arms would be at the better spent elsewhere. Don't forget to raise this all
ready=/ to helpJ. "restore order". -j important issue when someone starts to pop off
the nannies. All this oversight, but no civilian about how we need to cut spending to save money.
My sister lives with her husband and family in a review board for police!
middle-to upper-class suburb of Houston called Everyone wants control of their lives and many
The Woodlands. In keeping with the rustic theme, I don't have to remind those of you who dwell on people think that means being able to control oth-
you may only paint your home brown or green or campus that you're under the watchful eye of the ers. Life and people are unpredictable and nothing
some combination thereof. An aggressive State in regard too what you do in the privacy of is for sure. Restrictions can be put upon restrictions
Neighborhood Association makes sure that all your room. Who'd have thought we'd come to the and it won't lead to any greater security. New
homeowners are in conformity. Any building or day when "hosting a party" is a punishable offense? Agey as it sounds, it will only come through an
alteration (like a treehouse for the kids) must be Girlfriend is moving to Brooklyn to be nearer to evolution -in human consciousness.
approved by a politburo composed, I surmise, of school. She's moving into a school-owned apart-
residents with nothing better to do than make life ment building (she wigs when I tell her its really a
difficult for others. dorm). Not only must she give up her cat but she
So much for the "freedom" that comes with pri- was also encouraged by a school official to report
vate property. any other resident committing the unspeakable
crime of "harboring a pet". Maybe they can hire
On a Greyhound bus from Washington DC back to the surveillance service to do "pet patrol".
New York, the driver introduces himself and then
proceeds to lecture us at length about how there is to On the anniversary of the Oklahoma City bomb-
be no smoking of anything anywhere on the bus and ing, expect those stand-up folks in Congress to
no alcohol consumption. Any one caught indulging pass a really dangerous "counterterrorism" bill.
in such demonic pursuits will be removed from the This bill will allow federal agencies to spy on,
bus by the state police. After a good couple minutes harass and even prosecute members of groups,
of combined morality lecture and threat, he wished however nonviolent, that the State Department has
us, with no irony I could detect, a pleasant trip. declared to be "linked to terrorists". This would
This gratuitous invasion of some uniformed lack- have included, for example, Citizens In Solidarity
ey's petty authoritarianism into my Zenlike placidi- with the People of El Salvador (CISPES), one of the
ty inspired me, who under normal circumstances few sources or truth about Central America during
would never have smoked, to go into the toilet the smoke-and-mirrors Reagan years
somewhere in South Jersey and light up. The driver, The bill also provides for deportation based on
an Eastern European gentleman who must have testimony by unidentified witnesses and secret
had some experience with repressive and annoying evidence in cases involving aliens, but let's not kid
regulations, rattled them off with the perfunctory ourselves-once they've got an opening they'll be mIlll
wm,ý a
off-handedness that such rules cry out for. anxious to find a way to introduce such unconsti-
I waited for a time when my fellow passengers were tutional measures into proceedings against citizens lTO fziýl^m
lP ^
^^^^^s MsT
asleep, but several went into the cubicle after me. as well-most likely in the name of "national secu-
Luckily, things have not yet degenerated to the point rity". Britain tried such tactics in response to IRA
where people appoint themselves Smoke Gestapo bombings, but that didn't stop the bombings and
and rat to the driver. I could just picture the Stalin of alot of innocent people did jail time.
the Steering Wheel stopping and refusing to proceed Another legislative doing that should cause
until the Phantom Smoker turned himself in. alarm is the telecommunications bill, which is
Next time I'll plan ahead and mix a delicious and designed to concentrate more control over infor-
refreshing "Greyhound Gimlet", which will be mation distribution into the hands of ever fewer
deadly alcoholic, yet look to the naked eye like corporate media behemoths. Not too conducive to
juice or soda. And I'll sit there getting discreetly an informed electorate is it?
shitfaced, wallowing in subversive glee.
The Stony Brook Press page 6
By El Paisa multinationals. Achieving their corporate position The sense of honest disbelief and absolute con-
by climbing the ladder of a strong growing compa- viction that they (the unemployed) were being
In recent weeks I have noticed a common theme ny for a decade or two they considered their eco- wronged by the companies and system, this disas-
in public interest prevailing through newspapers nomic position quite stable. After their lay off few, sociate state in which the men found themselves
and local magazines. The stories are sometimes if any, companies would rehire them because of the was astonishing. These men were unable to con-
categorized under headings about the economy, high salary that their credentials warranted and ceive that the same market economy which had
international markets or perhaps shuffled to the the fact that in 10 to 15 years they would be eligi- provided them with everything material in their
end pages of said publications which editors saved ble for retirement pay. When their unemployment lives was also responsible for their present condi-
for "everyday people" biographies and stories. pay ran out several of the men developed clinical tion. They would not accept that the government
A commonly known disease has somehow depression and/or other stress related conditions which allowed them the freedom to choose the job
I1___ 1_ L__ r._ . _ _ _1. ...
mutated outsiae or its connnea sector ana is tney oest saw it is tne same government
reported to be ravaging individuals and fami- which now discounts them because they are
lies throughout this vast nation. The disease neither producers nor consumers.
has traditionally affected minorities, the poor, When asked for possible solutions the
and "people with color". Its recent spread to majority of those interviewed mentioned
areas of middle and upper middle class white longer lasting unemployment benefits, gov-
America has left its victims shocked and con- ernment funded retraining, and other types
fused. Worst of all the government claims to be of currently non existing federal and state
unable to address the disease itself and tem- aid. They wanted socialist reforms and wel-
porarily placates it's citizens by ameliorating fare aid though they would probably never
only the symptoms for a limited time after the use those terms. Social reforms meant to help
initial infection. out of work citizens are implemented in soci-
These news and public interest stories all eties throughout the world. Spain, France,
include a quote from the affected individual(s) and the Netherlands just to name a few,
which sound of the "I never thought it would implement socialist policies into their welfare
happen to me" response. This airborne disease states in order to retain a functioning society.
that was thnlooh t1o discriminato on thP basis of STnfortunatePlv a Cdecad and a half of richt
color and ethnicity, this disease, unemployment, in and were forced to live off friends or dwindling wing republican rule have made the words social-
actuality does not. Middle and upper middle class savings accounts. ist and welfare obscene. Indirectly those who
white males are losing their jobs in ever increasing What moved me about these stories was not the voted the said regime into power are also respon-
numbers in America today. They are confused and plight of qualified yet unemployed individuals sible for implementing and accepting the "welfare
shocked when the job security their company and who are ignored by the system which profited from queens" and socialist as analogous to evil empire
nation promised them is lost in the muddy waters them for the best 10 or 20 years of their lives. The ideology, so when the benefits run out and the rent
of downsizing and mergers. events in my own country and in those incorporat- is due; TAKE IT LIKE AN AMERICAN.
Several of the stories I encountered involved for- ed countries Americans detachedly call "the inner
mer employees of the electronic and computer cities" have made me calloused to such situations.

Vani shing SUNY

By Haniel Shen What does this all mean? In short, imagine
longer lines at all "Student Services" counters, no
Havefun this
NYPIRG, the New York Public Interest
Research Group, among other things, has been
involved in a mass campaign for higher educa-
new books in the library, shorter library hours,
fewer faculty and staff due to department down-
sizing, lower enrollment due to the number of
tion over the past year. Besides presences at
Lobby Day and the higher education rally at
the NYPIRG Spring Conference in Albany, the
Stony Brook chapter has also taken part in two
students who won't be able to afford SUNY after
the tuition hike, the denial of financial aid, or
both combined, and basically an overall deterio-
take full credit
ration of the SUNY system as a whole. It is this
media events over the past year, the most
notable being a Halloween press conference
during which each Long Island school involved
possible future SUNY, a depressing product of
the tyranny of the State, that NYPIRG would like
to exhibit on April 25th. Stony Brook will be play-
wrote postcards to the Governor and filled a ing an active role in the event. We will be playing
coffin with them. The fight for higher education the roles of the deprived students forced to take
is not anywhere near over, but NYPIRG's final classes outdoors because we can't afford the lux-
St.John's SummerSessions
Check the boxfor more information on St.John- University's programs.
event for this term will be occurring next week. ury of academic buildings, and members of the
0I Sl(Iiiiru;leai
On Thursday, April 25th, Long Island NYPIRG Stony Brook faculty will be acting as the teachers ._____

chapters will be putting on a "Guerrilla of the future, alone in their departments, having c.i i;r.,hui . |llcai .\d-. __Calo_
Theater", in which a mock SUNY will be acted to deal with fewer benefits and larger classes. S(Coiiili, l-<lltolC<.»tiI C1(,1h
(;iC______ S_____l___ jip__
out in front of the Mineola Supreme Court. The Anyone wishing to take part in this event For afree catalog call Metropolitan College of St.John' University
event's purpose is to illustrate to the media, should contact NYPIRG as soon as possible, at (718) 990-1381 or complete this coupon andfax to (718) 990-5846
community, and most importantly, politicians at 2-6457. Transportation WILL be provided or mail to: Metropolitan College of St. John'v University, 8000
what the future SUNY will be like should the to and from Stony Brook. Vans are scheduled Utopia Pkwy., Jamaica, NY 11439. 1, havr more than i ,0OO
0W e.%
hbart i Io IS undeigri wuatlfe
r/d/l. 12 ar
giduatne ('redils. All c1U1WIS
Governor's budget be passed. For those of you to leave USB around 10:30 in the morning,
who don't already know, Governor Pataki's
(exf'.l/ welilnd) are awilh, abolh
al Ounw
en and SJ
and we should be back on campus by 2 in the Staten lanl (pInI.
"iM ,or f.I,it mItoIwse.
Dlay anld vwning rl. se ST
proposed State Budget will be affecting SUNY afternoon. All members of Stony Brook are Registration begins I NIVER'IfY
April 29, 1996. l
in three major ways: invited to take part in the event. We NEED to
1) A 71.8 MILLION DOLLAR cut will be show the legislators and our community S-__ 1996 St.flhns Summer Session I
made to the SUNY operating budget. what the proposed budget will do to SUNY, I ?
"U "
Ma 13. Ma, I
M ^""_•-.My (t' lnrm.Klau.&. t,,. lu,,w
2) A 100 MILLION DOLLAR cut will be how it will decimate our ranks and con- I 'Ins@, u 2't
-Al 2 (12,-MI l<
made to TAP, the Tuition Assistance Program, tribute to the downfall of higher education in I nM-SIi
,,ti ..MuII Ll'. ^ <nil hlwlrr
& l;Uc~t~t)

a source of financial aid for many SUNY stu- the State of New York. This is YOUR school,
dents, plus changes in eligibility require- and therefore it is YOUR responsibility to
ments: Will you get TAP next year?
3) A 250 dollar tuition hike, which rides sub-
ensure that its future is kept bright, by fend-
ing off the darkness of Pataki's budget. Come
L Z" - f f"" -
g- - -
tlety on the back of last year's 750 dollar hike. act out in Mineola on April 25th with 4 1/4 x 7" /11lt
SIony1/1k levs
This translates to an outrageous ONE THOU- NYPIRG. Show the community what Pataki 418/<%
SAND dollar increase in tuition in just one year! wants SUNY to become.

April 15, 1996 page 7

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F GHT Tf pO. R
By Keith C. Doell not going to the Teach-Out, he is part of the nating each day and how many hours more on the
problem if he does not inform them later what weekend? All that they asked is one of those hours
There is something that needs to be said, has to they can do, and he is part of the problem if he or any hour for that matter. If the only contribution
be said, and will be said. Last Thursday I went to does not participate in a student organization you made all semester to NYPIRG or any other
the Teach-Out, supposedly "Stony Brook's day of that fights for students rights, student university organizations was to come to
action". I stood amongst the few and listened to Big government has sold us as being a mindless the rallies would you think it would make a differ-
the brave speakers talk about the proposed SUNY generation that lacks passion for what goes on ence. Think about what a statement it would have
funding cuts and tuition increase, and it dawned outside our MTV worlds. They have studied us made to the government if channel 12 had filmed
upon me afterwards that there was something and have written us off as a generation of stu- several thousand students at the Teach Out rally.
missing. Something about those individual dents who only care about getting A's and mak- What do you think the government thought when
speeches that left me at unease. Something about ing our first million. This school recently has they watched the news and saw empty spaces in
them that made me realize that there was a big prided itself for being among the top 25 ranked in the crowd? What message was really sent to the
idea that was left out. What was it? It is simply the physics, mathematics, and geology but what are government? We are the victims of our own labor.
one word that our generation still has not learned the consequences of this. The consequence is that I can hot emphasize more the importance to unite.
the meaning of and that is COMMUNITY. the sciences do not teach their student to stand We are strong only in numbers. Collectively, we
I stood there and saw a hand full of people, that together, in retrospect it teaches them to be sepa- can make more of an impact with less effort, but
at its best was five hundred, and heard one student rate. It does not provide room to allow students to uncollectively we make less of an impact with
lecturer praise-this outcome. For myself, the num- learn the benefits of being a community outside more effort. We must fight for the things that are
bers were pathetic. There are 24,000 students on the sciences. What good is a university that has a worth fighting for. Education is where our future
this campus and only 2% of them found the time to good science department if it does not have a lies and-it is definitely worth fighting for.
come and listen about what was going to directly sense of overall community. What good will a My fellow colleagues, let's wake up out of our
affect them. Let's face the facts as a community, we new miracle cure, archeological find, or any other fantasy worlds. I apologize for being crude, but
are lost because we do not unite when we need to. scientific discovery by that matter be if there is no the fact is that the majority of us will join the
Do students actually think that the government future there to benefit from it. masses. It is the masses that suffer. It is historic
proposed a SUNY de-funding and tuition increase The Teach-Out was not an issue for one just the and unless we do something now all of the
all by themselves? No, my fellow colleagues, we arts or and other specific group in general. It was money we will make in the future will not go
too play a part in this insanity. Our society has and is an issue for each and everyone of the 24,000 towards exotic trips to the Caribbean islands or
taught us unfortunately to point fingers always at community members on this campus. NYPIRG is into fancy sports cars but rather into our future
the bad guy and say; "hang him!" but we never an organization on this campus that is run and children's tuition expenses and high taxes. Let's
look at ourselves as the culprits, staffed by students. It is an organization that is not wait until it is to late. Until we find our-
A student might say how can I be part of the dedicated to fighting for student's rights, and selves waiting for another lost generation to
problem? I say he is part of the problem if he is makes a legitimate effort to bring a sense of com- save us. Lets unite now! ! !
not registered to vote, he is part of the problem if munity back to campus. To participate in NYPIRG *Come to NYPIRG general meetings on
he does not vote, he is part of the problem if he most of the time only requires one hour of your life Wednesdays 1:30 PM, room # 079 at the Student
does not go home and give his friends hell for a week. How many hours are students procrasti- Union.
I I II_ -C~- - - ·

I--- _~
By El Paisa The defense budget has faced serious cut backs they did in the fifties if a tint of red were detected
as a result of the "new world order". on those impoverished Latin nations. The US has
There are several well known and amply trod Criminalization provides jobs in this country, thou- successfully played the commie card for over fifty
upon reasons for the criminalization of drugs. sands of jobs, just like the defense industry once years in order to manipulate economic trade, stabi-
Some of them flounder on thin premises of history, did. Everyone in the DEA, most of the CIA and lize and create their economy, and control the polit-
morality, and public safety. There are at least as thousands of correctional and law enforcement ical climate in Central and South America, today
many reasons for the legalization of they use drugs.
controlled substances most of which In short this nutritious new staple on the
hold their basis on common sense. American plate satisfies; necessary lever-
Otherwise intelligent and well age over neighbors, provides jobs in every-
rounded individuals seem to lose thing from law enforcement to chemical
their world perspective and enter companies (because Colombian laborato-
the myopic world of nail jewelry ries don't make their own chemicals but
and tanning salons when discussing like the rest of the world buy American),
legalization. The words conspiracy creates massive amounts of capital which is
and genocide seldom enter into the laundered through American banks, and
argument. This country has many provides a platform on which even the
economic and political incentives to scummiest of politicians can safely stand.
continue the criminalization of Are there side effects you ask? Yes, but
drugs. Their concern for the safety of judging by the economic attention paid to
America's youth and belief in family them by the government we can assume
values do not enter into the equa- them to be minimal. Thousands of people
tion. Drugs are money and money is who can't afford clean needles are infected
power, this sounds quite benign with AIDS every day,-a generation of black
when you imagine inner city corner and Hispanic males are either dead or
hustlers and foreign kingpins, but incarcerated, an uncountable amount of
seldom is this applied to the larger Latin American workers and their families
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picture. i ne arug war nas been slnu nave oeen oevastatea as tneir national
smoothly onto the plates of Americans as a substi- officers are employed because drugs are illegal in economies bend in the face of the US controlled
tute for the cold war. America needs an image off the US. But what else can this wonderful drug do IMF and World Bank, and lastly a biting aftertaste
which to exist, without a formidable one or seem- you may ask, the imposition of drug policies to the of Hypocrisy may be felt after consumption but as
ingly formidable adversary the country is forced to satisfaction of American officials is one if not the we all know a good 'ol American beer will wash
look inwards. Four years of relative peace have biggest piece of leverage used on the rest of the that right down.
shown us the effects of this, race riots, midwest continent. The IMF and World Bank now deny
militias, etc., implosion is a very real concept kids. loans and threaten countries with the same ease

The Stony Brook Press page 8


Broder Ora Washington

By David S. Broder chance of winning. Vin Weber, the former array of state leaders who not only enjoy high pop-
Minnesota representative who is a national co- ularity at home but are conducting useful experi-
WASHINGTON-In the pages of U.S. News & chairman of the Dole campaign, said the other day ments in welfare, health care, education, criminal
World Report, Michael Barone has revived the idea that Dole may have a hard time out campaigning justice and corrections, and economic develop-
that Bob Dole should form a "shadow govern- Bill Clinton, one on one, but that a contest between ment-the things voters really care about-and are
ment" well in advance of the Republican National the Republican Party and the Democratic Party is doing it with balanced budgets and, often, tax cuts
Convention. He could use its members to delineate an eminently winnable proposition. Make Dole as well.
the direction his presidency would take and to give "one of many" carrying the GOP message, Weber Dole has said, as he campaigned in their states,
sharper definition to his differences with the said, and the odds don't look that tough. that he "wants to do for America what ... (fill in the
Democratic administration of President Clinton. In addition to that general advantage, Engler's blank) ... has done for this state." The Engler idea
When the essence of the idea was proposed by "shadow government" idea has three specific ben- would let him dramatize that promise.
Michigan Gov. John Engler (R) a year ago, it made efits for Dole and the GOP. The first, and most Finally, a "shadow government" could build the
sense. And it makes even more sense now that Dole obvious, is that it provides a vehicle for bringing link to Congressional Republicans that would be
has cinched the GOP nomination 90 far ahead of back on stage the most successful and prestigious essential to the success of a Dole administration.
the August convention and the November election. players in past Republican administrations-the With the participation of key congressional leaders
Engler's idea, as he outlined it in interviews and foreign policy and national security people. and committee chairmen, it could draft a new
a speech back then, was that the nominee actually Dole could surround himself with such men as "Contract With America" that could serve as the
pick his vice-presidential running mate and Colin Powell, Dick Cheney, Brent Scowcroft, James platform for the Dole campaign and the agenda for
announce the makeup of his Cabinet before the Baker, George Shultz and, yes, George Bush, and his first year as president.
convention. When I bounced the idea off thereby reinforce the idea that the party whose House Speaker Newt Gingrich is already think-
Republican National Committee Chairman Haley leaders brought the Cold War to a successful con- ing along these lines, knowing that the power of
Barbour back then, he was skeptical. clusion and dealt with the breakup of the Soviet his 1994 Contract was not so much in its specific
There are all sorts of practical reasons why Dole Union has the experience and maturity to handle provisions as in its success in combating public
should not lock himself into early formal choices- the challenges of this new era in world affairs. Scynicism about politicians' promises. Especially at
including the likelihood that the electoral map and Conventional wisdom says foreign policy rarely a time when Clinton's strategy involves putting
therefore the strategic considerations in naming a counts for much in presidential elections, but Dole distance between himself and congressional
running mate may well change once any third- and has gotten a strong response to the passages in his Democrats, a pledge by Republicans from Dole on
fourth-party possibilities are clear. stump speech in which he talks about the respon- down to stand or tall on a "contract" with the vot-
But as Barone points out, Engler's goal can be sibilities of world leadership-and Clinton still has ers is a potentially powerful idea-and one that
achieved just as well by Dole's forming a set of task but a shaky hold on that franchise. could subordinate the San Diego convention
forces and letting voters draw the correct inference Second, a "shadow government"' could show- debates with Pat Buchanan and his followers to
that these are the people who would be his advis- case Engler and the other Republican governors footnote status.
ers and deputies if he were president. whose administrations offer the best preview of
Such an approach fits the thinking of key Dole what a Dole-led government would do in domes- (c) 1996, Washington Post Writers Group
advisers on how he can give himself his best tic policy. The Republicans are blessed with an

Pore^ To The People

By Anne Ruggiero This belief is at the core of the Women's continued from page 2 nothing ever looked liked a
Movement, and, although it is specifically meant conspiracy again, this would be the last one.
I know. Feminism is dead. It's outdated. Bra- for women, it is applicable to anyone. A history teacher of mine said that history is
burning went out of style with bell bottoms and So-called feminism is no longer about hating men, made by accident. I agree with that and hope that
lava lamps. The militant femanazi and the over- or burning bras. Today's women, although less this is the same case. But the problem with this
achieving yuppie woman are no longer chic. Is it vocal, fight for their rights in an all-inclusive man- case is the media and the public are misrepresent-
back to the days when a woman silently stands ner, trying not to alienate others. At Stony Brook, ing the facts. Yesterday, I was having a conversa-
by her man and concentrates on looking cute? the Center for Womyn's Concerns provides infor- tion with someone in the office and he said that
Not quite. The message of the Women's mation, support, and programs for the campus this has to be the guy, because they found type
Movement was not lost, not on us. We are the community. According the Center's constitution, written copies of the antitechnology manifesto in
daughters of the revolutionaries, while we may the main objective of the organization is to inform Kaczynski's cabin. This is exactly what I am speak-
be quieter than our more militant predecessors, the public about issues relevant to women. Recent ing of, misrepresentation of the facts. They did not
we still believe in the cause. programs funded by the Center include the Take find type written copies of the manifesto, they
Our mothers and aunts were outspoken, fearless, Back the Night March, which was a huge success. found papers that were similar to the manifesto.
and brazen. They caught the attention of the media Coming up on Thursday, April 18, the Center pre- Similar and copies are two different words with
and brought the struggle into every household. sents a seminar on masturbation . (That's right, different meanings. Someone else later that night
While media attention helped the movement masturbation. Say it with me, mas-tur-ba-tion.) For told me that it has to be the guy because the FBI
immensely, it also sparked an equally publicized centuries, women have been taught to suppress arrested him. Like the FBI has never arrested any-
backlash movement. The backlash quieted the their sexuality. For many women, sex is an obliga- one who was innocent or just arrested someone, so
majority of feminists, but the cause is still very much tion, enjoyable for men, a duty for women. While they won't seem as incompetent as they are.
alive. As women of the 1990's, it is our responsibili- many men will admit to masturbating, the topic is The American government is not a model gov-
ty to continue believing in the principles of the strictly off-limits to females. But guess what? It's not ernment for others to follow. And I believe that the
Women's Movement. We are individuals. We are dirty, it's not disgusting, you won't go blind, and it public realizes this. What goes on in other coun-
worthwhile beings, independent of men. A woman's will make your sex life much better. Getting com- tries goes on here also. What this country repri-
value should not be judged upon how many chil- fortable with yourself (mentally as well as physical- mands others for goes right on in your own city
dren she produces or how clean her house is. These ly) can only make you a more powerful person. We are not immune to the atrocities and lack of
are the ideals which we continue to stand by. It is time for women to acknowledge their valid- civil rights of other countries. It goes on right here.
I have been asked by the Center for Womyn's ity, but doing so doesn't necessarily mean march- But what we do have is the right to say, think, and
Concerns not to use the term feminism in this arti- ing naked and chanting "womyn power". believe the way we want to. This is what separates
cle. Indeed, "feminism" has received a negative Becoming an independent and assertive individ- us. Once the government begins too censor that,
connotation. Carolina Garnier, the co-president of ual is probably the best achievement a woman can then we are in no better shape then a deer caught
the Center, said that the word "feminism" is too have. Men can leave, children grow up, and looks in headlights. The only that is worse for us is that
socially exclusive. The modern Women's fade. But you will always have your own identity, we will all be seen as fools because we believed in
Movement fights for the equality and social mobil- as long as you build that identity on a strong foun- this country. I'm sure Thomas Jefferson, militant
ity of all minority groups. People should be dation. Visit the Center for Womyn's Concerns. See revolutionary, is turning over in his grave.
viewed as individuals, regardless of race, national- what they have to offer. Information never hurts.
ity, or gender, and not stereotyped into categories.

April 15, 1996 page 9

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The Stony Brook Press page 10

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Volume II, Number 1 A Press Parody Paper First Copy Totally Worthless

Students Vote To Cut Statesrag Funding

By TOM FLAMBOYANT Activity fee raising the fee now we don't get any referen-
Statesnman Sff -- from a dollar to a proposed a da money. We maight have to
On Tuesady and dollar twenty-five but it was cut corers here and there, but
Wednesday, students voted in voted down by the quote it's okay, we can do it. Just
the annual Polity elections unquote student body look at the array of quality
held a a number of locations because they are afraid of the advertising we have published
around campus, the union, truth that we publish and so in our paper. Amongst our
Roth, Kelly, H, and I think they wanted to use the vote advertisers are such reputable
the Library. as a way to get back at us. businesses as Big Barry's, The
They elected Keren Well let me tell you cheap Park Bench and Hooter's.
Zolotov as Polity President ( Jews something, WE DON'T Hooter's is great, they have
I hope you people are happy NEED YOUR MONEY! We girls with huge tits there and if
now we got a feminazi in have advertisers. We steal you try hard enough, they
office as the president of advertisers from The Mess might lean over and you could
Polity!) and Monique Maylor (HA HA!, we are so funny! look down their shirts. Statesrag editors Paul Wright & Alezandra Cruz fall to the
as Vice P But I
.residnt. The Stony Brook Mess! Get Anyhow, The Statesrag is ground in tears over the defunding
digress, I really have to write it? The Stony Brook Mess going on referenda again! HA! money because we just got their birdcages with that
this article .about the instead of the Stony Brook In your face! Polity let us run it some new computers and crap. We RULE!
Statesrag referenda and my Press! You guys wish you as a referenda item in a future they were expensive so we Well, um.. I've got a little
editor is yelling at me for this were as funny as us but you run-off election when ther have to pay for them and bit more space to fill and my
deadline crap so here goes. will never be!) Remember won't be as many people vote- besides we need those editor wants the whole space
The Statetesrag was on ref- that U. Magazine thing they ing or even aware that there is stipends we get for stuff. filled so umm.. I guess I'll
erendum for a $.25 increase had, well we got it now so Ha, a vote so we will probably pass Look at our paper compared just say that POLITY
in the money we get from Ha! So where was I, oh yeah. and then won't you feel quite to the Mess (HA!) We are so SUCKS! They are stealing
each student per semester in The So-called Student Body impotent as a "student body". much better. I can't believe your money, so LET EACH
the form of the Student voted down our increase so Anyways, we desrve the people would even try to line BECOME AWARE!

Duke Accuses Polity Of Bias

By MICA SCHIST Hammarth have been conspiring against him for the
Statesman Staff majority of the year. "They fear me," said Duke, "and so
Raoul Duke, former candidate for the office of Polity they've done everything they could to keep me out of
Treasurer, is launching a massive protest into the Polity office."
elections which occurred on March 26th and 27th. Duke According to docu-
alleges that a group of Polity officers conspired to keep ments filed by Duke with
him off the ballots and out of office. the State Board of INDEX
Duke, who was a write-in candidate for treasurer, was Elections, Hammarth and NEWS ..................... 1-2
"apopleptic" upon viewing his ballot for this year's elec- Hicks have been waging Police Blotter....................2
tions. Polity election officials had left the office of trea- a secret campaign against EDITORIAL............ ...............4
surer off the ballot entirely, not even providing a place for Duke for the last seven- LETTERS..................................5
voters to write in the name of a candidate. teen months. Amongst FEATURES.........................6-7
"I couldn't believe it," Duke told Statesrag reporters in Duke's allegations of SPORTS.................................. 8
a recent interview. "Those rat bastards in Polity intention- wrongdoing are accusa-
ally railroaded my campaign!" tions of vote tampering, COLUMNS:
Duke alleges that Polity election officials deliberately censorship, embezzle- The Washington Chronicles...3
left off the write-in space for treasurer so as to deny him ment, pandering, vehicu- According to Eve................6
a chance to win the office. "They knew I was running as lar manslaughter, and Cubie Speaks.................... ...8
a write in candidate," Duke said, "there was a full page regicide.
article about it in The Press, and I had posters up all over In addition to filing We Spout Racist Garbage
the Union. There is no conceiveable way they didn't his complaint, Duke -Page 2
know I was running. They left me off on purpose. has launched a $4 mil- We Misspell lots of stuff
According to Duke, Polity election officials removed lion lawsuit against -Page 4
the write-in space for treasurer under the direction of Polity and Specula, Inc Tom Masse is a
Polity President Annette Hicks and Specula Yearbook -Big Fat Cow
Raoul Duke's campaign poster Editor Angela Hammarth. Duke claims that Hicks and continued on page 9
2 Suspicious Black Men Seen Outside Kelly
Wednesday, April 10 Four Chinese students were We have one of those Spanish people made in Japan for little nip bodies,
seen outside the Physics building. on staff and I once had a black friend in and if it's one thing I ain't got, it's a
1:20 p.m. What a surprise! fourth grade. People are entitled to little nip body. In fact. I ain't got no
A wallet was reported stolen their opinions, and just because our body. I'm so lonely. I masturbate 20
from a bookbag left alone in the gym. 9:30 p.m. Editor-In-Chief has a few views that times a day. Some days, all I do is sit
No witnesses saw anyone take the A woman reported being are unpopular, people want to silence and eat Oreos. Eat, eat, eat. I'm so
wallet, but it has "spic" written all sexually harrassed outside the us and trample our first amendment fat. Sometimes, I even have trouble
over it. It's just something those peo- Chemistry building by three men rights! I say we should spend more reaching my penis to maturbate. I'll
ple would do. walking by, shouting lewd comments. time looking at wasteful programs such bet you those Japs can masturbate just
The woman was wearing a tight black as AIM/EOP or the Women's Studies fine. I still have a scar on my belly
9:00 p.m. top and a really short skirt: what does department than trying to deny some- from that desk. It's all I can do to not
Three black men who she expect? You dress to get atten- one their CONSTITUTIONALLY cry. But I won't cry: I ain't no fag.
looked suspicious were seen hanging tion, that's what is going to happen. GUARANTEED FIRST AMEND-
out at the base of the stairs of the What was she compaining about any- MENT RIGHTS! Kudos to Public Tuesday, April 16
Kelly Quad cafeteria. They were way? She wasn't that attractive, she Safety for their swift action. These
dressed in baggy clothing and were should be happy people found her radicals have no place in a place of 8:00 p.m.
probably fans of that "gangsta" (They attractive. higher learning, they About 100 Feminazis were
can't even spell right!) rap stuff, so should all be organizing at Benedict College for
they probably had guns. Let Each Saturday, April 13 POLICE B;LOTTER expelled. Let Each their Annual "Take Back The Night"
Become Aware! Become Aware! march. They whined and shouted
11:45 p.m. and disrupted all the students on this
Thursday, April 11 Two freaks BY FAT ASSE Monday, April 15 campus that are studying hard to
were seen outside make something out of their lives.
4:00 p.m. humanities smoking. One had blue 9:53 a.m. These women should just be quet, no
A noxious odor was reported hair and the other was dressed all in Four white males were seen one is interested in their whining.
to have filled the hall in Stimson black. Oh, they're soooo special trying to sneak into the No-Loot Jam. They should spend more time in the
College, first floor. It is uncertain because they're different! They claimed that they knew how to bathroom trying to make themselves
what the smell was, but there are a OOOOOHH, society is soo unfair! dance and wanted to 'git funky,' they prettier than yelling and bitching.
number of Indian students living on Look at me! I have BLUE HAIR! I were beat down. I've never seen such a ghastly gath-
the floor. It was probably them. want to see these losers try to get a ering of ugly, manly women in my
real job. They'll see how special they 12:20 p.m. life. This type of rabble-rousing
10:45 p.m. are then! I'm so sick of these people A wallet containing $700 cash, should be outlawed.
Four men were caught uri- dressing like assholes just because credit cards, seven condoms, a John
nating on cars in the North P parking they think they're different. What's Birch society membership card and six
lot, as well as throwing bottles at cars this country coming to? grams of cocaine was stolen from a desk
passing by on North Loop Rd. The in the Office of the President.
young men admitted to having been
at The Park Bench, drinking. Public
Sunday, April 14
3:25 p.m.
Safety, realizing that the four were 4:40 p.m. Stony Brook Volunteer STONY BROOK
just out having a little fun, and that no Approximately 150 students were Ambulance answered a call to the
one was hurt, let them off with a
warning. Boys will be boys, after all.
demonstrating outside the Union Physics building where a student is
yelling things like "The Statesrag is reported to have gotten himself stuck
racist" and "Defund Statesrag: No into one of those teeny-tiny little
And besides, they looked like okay
guys. more student money to racist propa- desks. It took 2 hours and a five gal-
ganda". Public Safety broke the lon tub of crisco to free the student
Friday, April 12 demonstration up soon enough, from his horrible predicament... Okay,
though. I don't know what these I admit it, it was me. But how can you
3:45 a.m. whiny bleeding hearts are crying about. blame me? Those chairs are probably
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My Complaint About Bill Clinton
I feel that it is my duty to reveal some naive exhibitionists of this world. No he frequently progresses into displays creative brainstorming if we don't
shocking facts about Bill Clinton's matter what he thinks, the world would of authority he doesn't have. What I stop him now. All the same, he has a
recommendations. I want to share this be better off if he had never been born. want to document now is that no one deep conviction that his assertions are
with you because Clinton is the root of Generally speaking, I disagree both can be right all of the time. I, not Right with a capital R. Come on,
all evil. Naturally, I'm simply trying to with his point and with the way he being one of the many condescending Clinton; I know you're capable of
explain simpletons's crotchety tenden- makes it. It is common knowledge that stool pigeons of this world, intend to thoughtful social behavior. If you
cies as well as their scary tendencies as I am appalled that I have cause to write keep writing letters like this one until need proof that hedonism is the dri-
phases of a larger, unified cycle. I, not this article. By that, I mean not only in Clinton changes his ways. But don't ving force behind his writings, then
being one of the many truculent stu- the strictest sense, but also the whole take my word for it; ask any maladroit just take a look at him.
dents of this world, find that slovenly spectrum of related meanings. In the nymphomaniacs you happen to meet. Although everyone has goals,
Bill Clintons are no different from past, when I complained that Clinton The truth hurts, doesn't it, Clinton? Clinton's goal seems to be to exert
craven idiots, period. He invents prob- was attemp and auton- more and more control over other
lems in order to provide himself with innocent b( beliefs that individuals. In retrospect, Clinton has
an excuse for making a fuss. But it told that I me explain always been more anal-retentive than
goes further than that. incoherent. :sexist than most prurient prigs. When you get
He uses his influence to spawn delu- people real e conflation right down to it, he should be locked
sions of incendiarism's resplendence. thinks he c; ts and mali- up. It is widely known and beyond
(Read as: I don't see why he wants to talking cious raga- dispute that he is intentionally being
subvert existing lines of power and about muffins in shabby, The use of long run-on sen-
information.) As will become appar- "ultrami- his conclu- tences, bad metaphors, multiple mis-
ent sometime soon, we'll know soon crochem- sions is spellings, and inappropriately-placed
enough just how demonic these types istry this" either dra- $5 words like "incomprehensible-
of cads can be. By this, I mean that and "phyte hodological ness" does not help his cause at all. I
I'm certainly bewildered by the words, he has a driving need to make flaw. The reasons that Clinton gives for his don't mean to throw fuel on an
superstitious nature of Clinton's incorrect leaps of logic. You do not opinions clearly do not correspond with his already considerable fire, but I'm
actions. Don't give Clinton's activi- need to be belligerent to know that real motives. I just want to say that even the unequivocally afraid of sophomoric
ties a credibility they don't deserve. money is not the solution to our most rigorous theoretical framework he leeches. An inner voice tells me that
Clinton's tirades have no redeeming Clinton problem. could put forward would not leave him in for the time being, this is not a major
value. Clinton represents a new breed Mark my words: he considers it fair the position of generalizing with the certain- issue. Nothing would make Clinton
of semi-intelligible bohemians. game to waste everyone else's time. ty to which he is prone in his ideas. All he happier than to see me make my
It's not just that we must recognize Honestly, the majority of socially does is complain, complain, complain. hackles rise. To end on a more posi-
that Clinton's little world is far from inept bloodthirsty boeotians probably The key point here is that it's likely tive note: We cannot allow superficial
reality, but also that I am truly proud agree that there's really no point in that one of these days Clinton will loan sharks to pass unnoticed.
that I'm .not among the number of arguing with him. If I may be so bold, silence critical debate and squelch

AP Newswire
Edited by Oliver Clouzov tem, welfare, and the state correction- Unabomber Theodore J. Kaczynski the selection. Jesus was unavailable
al system. The money defunded from made his first public appearance, but for comment.
Los Angeles, CA - Local officials these areas will be reinvested in iron- it was to offer support for roommate
report that Orenthal James Simpson clad muzzles for Senator Alphonse Elvis Presley. "Elvis is good room- Washington, DC - Republican candi-
indeed failed his lie-detector test D'Amato and Andrew Giuliani, son mate. He no leave water jug empty. date Sen. Robert Dole and President
which was taken previously to his of Mayor Rudolph Giuliani. He pull toothpaste from bottom. I like. Bill Clinton (Dem.) recently compet-
much-publicized court case which ran Plus, hip-swivel get girls." Kaczynski ed in a pie-eating contest in order to
throughout most of 1995. When Memphis, TN - An amazed crowd of then began to bite his toenails while see who was the best pie-eater.
reached for a comment, Simpson sim- 1500 looked on as Elvis Presley made figuring out the meaning of life. Clinton won by digesting five cherry
ply said nothing and ran away his return to the national spotlight. Authorities made an announcement pies in 62 seconds, while Dole fin-
through a bushy path. LAPD head of Rumors of his death have run ram- that Kaczynski's imprisonment will ished the race in 78 seconds.
police Willie Williams stated, "This pant for the past twenty years, and take a two-day leave-of-absence when Afterwards, Dole was indolent. "The
only goes to prove that O.J. is guilty, Presley held an impromptu news con- he will appear as the featured speaker people know Bob Dole. Bob Dole is a
and that the judicial system need to be ference at Graceland to clear the air. at I-CON, a geek festival held at friend to the people. The people of the
reworked". When asked about why He stated, "I've been hidin', you see, SUNY-Stony Brook. United States of America know Bob
there were so many errors within the for twenty years, and I'm back, you Dole's credentials as a pie-eater. The
police investigation of Simpson, know, to life, cuz I'm mad, you see, Los Angeles, CA - In a recent drug people know that if they select Bob a)
Williams retorted, "How could you aaaan' I wan' revenge." Elvis stated arrest, the LAPD did not fuck up. Dole to be president, they will get a
expect us to be efficient when we are that he lived his last twenty years premier pie-eater. My record speaks
too busy trying to frame a guilty rooming secretly with the Unabomber Vatican City - Pope John Paul II for myself." President Clinton was
man? Give me a break". Simpson in Montana. "It was a good relation- held a press conference to announce ecstatic. "Gee, that was gosh-darn
lead attorney Johnnie Cochran was ship, you see, I taught him the hip that he will invoke his papal right to fun. Ya know, I've been training for
busy filming a spot on "Hollywood swivel and he taught me other change his name. Under Catholic this for four years, and I didn't let the
Squares" and could not be made things." Michael Jackson's mailbox rules, in order for a pope to change people down." Clinton was asked <
available for comment. Meanwhile, was unavailable for comment. his name, he must undergo a series why he slowed down in the middle of
Simpson's inspirational pursuit of his Jackson, meanwhile, was busy of interviews and tests by a special the race, and he replied, "I tried to
wife's killers has reached two viable recording a remake of the Elton John papal nomenclature board. He stated inhale it. I really did. But the pie
options. His research led him to con- classic, "Don't let your Sun go Down that John Paul II is such a common wouldn't go." Next week, the incum-
clude that his wife's killers were on Me", and told reporters that he had and boring name, and he wanted to bent and the candidate will compete
either Arnold Palmer or Jack no idea about the well-being of his become a papal trendsetter with a in a longest-penis contest. Six third
Nicklaus. His next stop on his man- ex-father-in-law. His ex-wife Lisa original name. Sources close to the grade girls and Mexican superstar gQ

hunt trail will be a mirror. Marie Presley was too busy messing pope have confirmed that the new Charo will judge
up her life some more and is too name would be either 2Pac, Big Joe,
Albany, NY - Governor George insignificant to be bothered for any Bjork, or Cubie. He is expected to Stony Brook, NY - A local fraternity
Pataki (R.) recently passed a series of comment, either now or ever. arrive at a decision by Mother's caused some common area damage,
bills legislating for a decrease in Day. Local vendors and oddsmakers and they are suspected in a fire alarm
funds for the state educational sys- Washington, DC - Suspected predict that Pope Cubie would be pulling. Public Safety is investigating.
4 Editorials

Ow! Stop hitting me, Annette Hicks!

o re
L b ~ b~~~i~LLe
Statesrag, the newspaper
mnte o f iew
minute. A lot of times, we
can't even think of
Loser #1 Big Loser #1 for SUNY at Stony Brook garbage, so we'll just
© and its surrounding com- throw in a cartoon.
Loser #2 Big Loser #2
Loser #3 munity, is a nonprofit liter- *Views expressed in the
Loser #3 Big
0, STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK AT S Loser #4 Big Loser #4 ary publication that is pro- Letters and Opinions section
Loser #5 Big Loser #5 duced twice weekly dur- are from Tom Masse 90% of
ar ing the academic year and the time. What the hell is this
bi-weekly during the sum- guy's problem? Why won't
Tom Masse's Harem Get the hell out of our Loser #7
Loser #8 mer. Too damn often, if he leave us alone?
Girl office
you ask me. Statesrag *The Stony Brook
Association, Inc's offices Statesrag welcomes sug-
are located in the lower gestions about newswor-
Puss-Weak Pansy Boy Apply Within BUSINESS STAFF level of the Student Union. thy events and issues on
ASSISTANT BUSINESS MANAGER Don't mind all that noise or around campus and its
That old guy
NEWS EDITOR EDITOR Mya Rectum hall, that's just The Press. write about them, though.
Jailbait Flanagan's Stoolie ADVERTISING THEIF , ,First copy is worthless. All contents
ASSISTANT ASSOCIATE You can't bring us Each additional copy is use- Copyright 1996
ASSISTANT EDITORIAL ASSOCIATE FEATURES EDITORIAL PAGE down! ful only to wipe up spills. Statesrag Association, Inc.
EDITORS EDITOR PRO-TEMPORE *Editorials represent
PAGE EDITOR Like anyone would pla-
That whiny bitch Mister Bungle GRAPHIC ARTIST whatever garbage we
She wants you! could think of at the last giarize this crap.
Cheech Marin What a shit job this is.
-*-iarr~-T i --·-----· -.c--~YiillPPYllle~Pmsrrr
What We Are Going To Do 5

BY STEVEN TORNELLO We knew where to look; our insider told

SPECIAL TO STAESRAG STAFF us where the files were. With flashlights
Anne came to me with her hypothesis whirling about and anticipation raised,
about the staff, and I thought, "Hey, Anne and I discovered what we feared to
things now sure seem to make sense. The see: the documents. Each editor was
editors are all peculiar, and, yes, when I rightfully indicted in thier own peculiar
ask for my stipend for the McDonaldland way. We needed to make copies before
elections, I always get rebuffed. Why?" anyone knew, yet as we started to make
After going through Anne's extensive our journey to the Polity copy center, we
research and countless hours of heard the jingling of Ted's keys. Anne
sleuthing, I concluded that it is time for a and I quickly scampered under the desk,
coup. What the Press needs is a complete as we waited with baited breath for Ted's
overhaul. departure. Ted stayed, though. It was dur-
What would be the best way to over- ing those seconds of hesitation when I
throw a fully-staffed editorial regime? realized that we had finally made an
According to The Statesman's Manual error: the file drawer had been left open!
on the subject, it seemed to be best to Ted slowly closed the drawer, and even
concoct a coup when and where they locked it. He then left amid a circle of
least expect it. We needed to penetrate confusion and doubt. Anne and I breathed
their forces from the inside and when a sigh of relief and since we couldn't
nobody was looking. In order for Anne make copies, we thought it would be best
and I to reign supreme, we needed if we took the originals and ran.
proof of the insubordinations. We need- At our meeting the next day, we
ed to do some work. noticed all were uptight. Anne and I
In the deepest darkest reaches of a win- shot each other stares of fear and victo-
try March night, Anne and I met under a ry. Nothing was said, but much was
dimly-lit lamppost, each of us clad in a assumed. The meeting ended quickly
blackened montage. If not for our singu- and it was then decided between Anne
lar mission, we would have failed to rec- and I that the coup needed to be done.
ognized each other. With the deftness of We met at 12:31 A.M. on a quiet
a dog on a ice rink, we quickly skated Saturday night. Anne and I now share full
within the shadows to an corner nearby editorship of the paper. We voted every-
the Press' door. SInce most of the edi- one out of office by a count of two to
torial board commutes, it took us to no nothing. Our source, John, becomes our
surprise that the some of them were still associate. Mark Malloy has assumed the
lodged within the confines. Yet, we wait- reign of archduke. All non-staff members
ed. As we counted the innumerable lint will be bequeathed titles of our liking. All
which pranced inside the office's door- staff members will be devalued and
way, it had to be no later than 4:45 A.M. forced to live a life of serfdom. The coup
when the last staff member left. As Ted was successful, at least for now. But with
closed the door behind him, Anne used myself attending the real world next
her dexterity to quickly prop the door semester and Anne attending Ireland, the
slightly ajar by tossing a beret from her future is now as doubtful as the recent
hair into the doorway. Ted failed to past. What will become of The Press? I
notice it, and we were safely within beg you, Let Each Become Aware!
home base seconds after his departure.
_ ___~_ _~I~_ _ _q I_

Casino May Destroy Student Acitivies Center

BY P. MILARE OVIS with their lans to

STATESRAG STAFF the land. parlors and, of course, many bars. Head Odds Maker, Boyd
With the new student activities cen- The casino project, tentatively With the casino being on an indian McCamish, formally of The Stony
ter less than a decade from comple- called GoldMine Woods, is scheduled reservation, the legal drinking age is Brook Press, was hired by the
tion it might have to face some seri- for completion on August 14th, just in 18, and there is no tax on cigerettes or Magganawanatt tribe only minutes
ous competition if it finally opens. A time for the opening of the Fall 1996- beer sold on the premises. after the groundbreaking ceremony.
casino. 97 Semester at Stony Brook. "I fucken love it," one joyous stu- McCamish will run 'The Board,'
New state documents just which will create betting
uncovered have found that lines for just about a
the land adjacent to the everything imaginable, a
South P Lot belongs to the including all profession-
Magganawanatt Indian al and semi-professional
sporting events. He also
Tribe. This piece of land
plans to impliment a
was designated an Indian
Reservation back in the much smaller 'Campus
1800's, but the documents Board," which would 0
were just recentally found include things like the
buried in a chest just west Over-Under on the Bio
of the Montauk Lighthouse 151 tests and odds, on CDJ
on April 2nd. getting "the Pinch" from
Within 8 hours of eating cafeteria food. (1

announcing this historical "He good," Chief

find, which also included proof that Phase I of GoldMine Woods dent said. "Now I can get loaded up Raccoon-Runs-Fast said, "we expect
Shakespeare did not write any of his Casino covers 200,000 square feet, on tequilla shots before I go to Bio- him to make us much wampum."
plays and that man had not really with the majority of the square Chem." Also many sorority girls were
been to the moon, the footage designated for slot The new casino has also brought approached about becoming waitress- -IY

Magganawanatt Tribe came forward machines, poker tables and crap new jobs with it, all of them to stu- es, but when they continued on page 7]
By Brooke Needsabone
Men Suck, Volume 44
When I told my friends I was going to investigate shirt!!! He said it had something to do with an
the Stony Brook Plastic Surgery Center, they examination of my breasts prior to determining the
assumed it was simply part of yet another rabid proper operation. Clearly this was just a man in a
feminist manifesto. But the real reason I visited position of power taking advantage of what he per-
medical, technologies latest attempt to debase cieved to be a helpless woman, too caught up in
women as physical objects was to investigate pos- America's standard of beauty to realize she was
sible surgery options to adjust the size and appear- being manipulated into giving this "Medical
ance of my mammary glands. You see, my breasts Proffesional" a free show. However, since this
are simply too large. They are out of porportion mockery of modern science would draw to a close medical thing I know in his depraved mind he
with the rest of me, except my mind of course. Men if I did not concede to Dr. Mengele's "advances" I meant "Can you grab my penis for me?'. It was
are constantly approaching me, and speaking to me, took off my Le Tigre top and removed my simply revolting, and I only did not say anything
the only reason for which is probably my physical- brassierre. (And just for your information Doctor, because I wanted to finish with this whole episode
ly attractive body. that was not a Wonderbra!)... go home, and play with my cats. Anyway as you
The Stony Brook Plastic Surgery Center is a nice- After this embarrassing examination the Doctor can plainly see this doctor was a sexist pig.
ly decorated - but I wouldn't know how well dec- had the gall to tell me that my breasts were not large It just goes to show that even the medical proffes-
orated it was because that is only a stereotype about enough to qualify for reductive surgery. (The exact sion has been infected by the plague of gender
women.- medical complex. I was offended how- medical report said "Potential loss of tissue would inequality. As women we must demandof our sexist
ever by the predominantly female oriented maga- place patient even further below the weight norm society that medical proffessionals intending to
zines scattered throughout the waiting room. for a woman of her age")- even in the report he treat women must be women themselves.
Family Circle, Longevity, Cosmopolitan ,- not refers to my sex, this is further evidence of the sex- As for my breasts, I've decided to keep them dis-
even an copy of The Advocate or Curve . In addi- ism that exists in America's Medical Proffession. proportionately large as a reminder to myself -
tion the waiting room receptionist was female- All throughout the examination a nurse was pre- and my lower back - of the male dominated soci-
clearly stereotyping led them to hire a female as sent, (a woman of course),it was disconcerting and ety in which we live, in which we are constsmntly
secretary. disturbing to see that the Doctor was making sexu- forced to submit to their wishes. Ecce homa.
My doctor (male of course) discussed the proce- al advances towards her also. He said offensive Author's note: I don't usually dedicate arctibles,
dure with me - and then asked me to take off my things to her like "Can you grab that for me?" and probably because no one reads them...yeah...

continued from page 6 them.

When asked for an explanation about

this, Magganawanatt Council mem-
completion," one administrator said.
"That way we can try to compete
with those damn red-skins."
"The schools gonna hafta tink long
Sta e W oIdin85~
ber Ten-Squirrels said, "It for people and hard to beat what the casinos
who meet each other in the casino, offrin," one fraternity president said.
and can't wait to get back to own "I mean, cheap liquor for those over
teepee to do it like hungrey bears." 18, whores, gambling and more

mli-n n-hsd
"No, we not plan to have prostitu- whores. It's just like what our frater-
tion," he said, wien asked if this nity did in the shadows of the univer-
meant the casino would allow female sity, now we can get away with it in
escorts to operate from on the public."


grounds, "but might be unfortunate
side effect."
NYPD, which has jurisdiction over
the surrounding area, is not worried
about the problems a casino in the
Now ot looks like the school has
more problems to deal with next
year, with the parking uprising
planned for the first week of school
and the scalping of the school's bud-
-Ap 131 1996
T3 middle of a college campus might get for the 96-97 year, and now the
stir up. competition of the GoldMine Woods
"I'm not going to fuck with them," Casino & Massage Palour.
one cop was reported as saying, "not How is the school going to compete
after what they did to Custer. That with an institution tjhat gives stu-
< was evil man, EVIL!" dents exactly what they think the col-
What this means to commuters is lege experience should be: drinking,
obvious, but it will do to the campus' whores, gambling and not going to
planned Activies Center is still class.
"Well, thank god the new Activity
Center is still at least 5 years from

Revolution At The Press

By ANNE RUGGIERO with monkeys as their servants; this Martha came along. The two newest Now, you would think that a dumb
SPECIAL TO STATESRAG being part of their diabolical scheme editors on The Press, the Production hick boy from Canada would be
Did you ever get the feeling that to take over the world. Both are using Manager and the Business Manager somewhat innocent, but he is the
you're just not appreciated? Every The Press as a stepping stone to their bribed their way on to the board. worst one. Satan's spawn, I tell you!
two weeks, the editorial staff here at world domination. However, this is Once established in their respective Boyd, a seemingly innocent farm boy
The Press gets up my ass about turn- put on hold as Liv is subduing Dave's places of authority, each abused their uses the office as his own personal
ing in another eight hundred word discombobulated mind. powers to embellish the forces of evil gambling parlor. He's an addict,
news article. Regardless of midterms, In the meantime, there is the Photo and drag the once reputable Press always placing odds on various
personal tragedies, or my social life, Editor. There is nothing as bizarre down with them. events, including staff members' per-
the evil editors, those minions of a and such a waste of flesh and office For the past few months, The Press sonal lives. Almost every staff mem-
journalistic Satan, demand one of my space as John. The man's deepest has received several well-paying ber has foolishly lost money to
political masterpieces. After writing desire is to be part of the college advertisers, yet the editors are always Boyd's scams. He's a bookie, a con-
one news article in September, I sud- republicans. His id and superego are bitching about how we have no artist, a hustler. You wouldn't think it
denly became chained to the News waging a war between love and hate money. Aside from the little luxuries to look at him. An all-American kid,
department, being forced to write fac- for himself. This deep-seated desire that they have set aside for (a new going to school, working for the; am-
tual pieces while the editors snatch is too repulsive for his conscious microwave, an office refrigerator, pus paper. Who would think that the
coveted features articles for them- mind and ego to bear, thereby enact- love-shacks in New York), there is no paper was a front for his devious, ille-
selves. In addition, I have become the ing his self deprecating disgust in reason for the swift depletion of gal scams? Just take a closer look.
News Editor's lackey, -- c I - --- ~ - Oh, yeah. You'H see
forced to run errands. Sthe greedv shiftiness
make appointments of his eyes. The way
and accompany her his cap is always
upstairs for utensils. pulled down low as
She makes her he scopes out the
requests under the room, looking for
guise of friendship, potential victims. I've
but, oh, no! I know even heard rumors
that the menial assign- that he does the book-
ments that she gives keeping for the
me are tn re~ccert her CnnndiAn nAqfin c.u-r

reigning position and plying them with the

to inflate her ego! And '' I I I-c- c inside track on all of
she's not the worst one!! venomous hate campaigns against funds. Except for Martha's habit. I their betting needs.
Liv Ann has usurped power from The Statesman and the College know that I'm not supposed to say I don't know. I'm getting pretty tired
Ted. Oh, yeah, I know. He's still Republicans. Frankly I think the man anything about it, but Martha has a of the editorial bullshit. I think the
Executive Editor on paper. But it's a has an advanced progression of clinically diagnosed national identity time has come for a coup. I spoke to
puppet government, I tell you!! She Turrets syndrome. crisis. She thinks she's Colombian. Steve the other night. He thinks it's a
has him by the balls. The Associate If there is anyone more peculiar on She embezzles funds from our staff good idea and I.suppose that I can
Editor is no help. His poor, confused this earth than John, it has to be account to support her fantasy. She trust him. As a mere staff member like
Southern mind can't keep up with Lowell. Take that just as it is written. spends thousands of dollars buying myself, he feels the bite of the predito-
Liv's fast-paced conniving. Once in I mean, we could sell tickets. True, he 40's and which she drinks while rial teeth of the editors. After all of his
control, under the safe guise of is unendingly annoying, but that cruising Jackson Heights in her gas- hard work on the McDonaldland
Managing Editor, she keeps Dave and annoyance can be viewed as amuse- guzzling '82 Monte Carlo (also fed Campaign, they had the audacity to
Ted within her reign via violence and ment. I'm sure that there's some by illegal funds). She purchases large deny him a well-deserved stipend.
brainwashing. (You think I'm kid- place in the office for a guy with two amounts of heavy gold jewelry and Come to think of it, I haven't been
ding. You should have been there assholes. (Like I said, we could sell has been known to possess an eighty- reimbursed for my office expenditures
when she hurled a ceramic ashtray a tickets.) Just give him a couple of ounce tub of Dippity-Do. Martha, the either. (Paper, pencils, crack, etc.)
mere four inches above Ted's head). tabs of acid and watch him go. poor thing, is in denial of her roots. Yes, my friends, the time has come.
But the conspiracy does not end All of these editorial faux pas have She is really the love-child of George I am selling my story to the Statesrag
there. Supposedly, Dave, the been irritating and immature, but up Bush and Phyllis Schlafly. Okay, I .We want respect! We want money!

Associate Editor along with the News until now, they have not really been would be in denial too. But it doesn't We want the power! Justice and

., IP~'B
Editor is going to repopulate the earth illegal. That is, until Boyd and give her the right to steal our money. stipends for all!!

~be C.,0;
ths t~ rLllb~
e~gI~~ B~~
a818~1 "1g~ ~~ ~L~8 ~i

- ~-- - - - -- - -- - --- "- --- I

continued from page 5 (maybe) [ w e re comments, it was all they could do continued from page 2 disintegra- stantly driving him into being an
shown the outfit they would have to
wear the balked at the idea, .even
though it pays $14.00/ hour. The
to hold back from bursting into
But when asked if they would
tion begins
when the dominating motif of run-
ning or "image on the run" as
adult with all the naivete and lack of
savoir faire to propel himself from
the dangers that lurk within ourselves
outfit, which consists of not much patronize the bar, the sorority presi- Annette Insdorf coined, which is also when called upon to use judgment.
more than a few clear plastic tassles dent said, "Without a doubt. Free a prevalent isssue in his films, is put Antoine on many occasions was SP
and a g-string, was met with outrage drinks and hot guys with lots of into the sequence of the film. This is pushed by his friend to commit a >.
from the greek organizations. money, it's like the [Park] Bench, seen in in 400 Blows when Antoine series of petit theft. Ther seems to be '-1
"I don't know what kind of girls but with a carpet on the floor." first ran away; he was expulsed, in a comforting side to Antoine con-.
those indians think we are," one Phase II of GoldMine Woods, his mind, heart and physically, from stantly deing on the run and playing
sorority president said. "Those out- scheduled to open in November his comfortable yet cold apartment 'hooky', it is as if running is an ¢x,
fits degrade women, I won't allow 1996, would include a spa and a and a family that would not and escape to haven but that haven is 0
my sisters to degrade themselves motel, connected to the casino. The could not accept him. Antoine was never attained. This was only
like common prostitutes." motel, still unnamed as of today, on the brink of independence but achieved in the movied theaters in
When the tribe heard about the would be little more than rooms miles away from autonomy. But his which Antoine could hide and escape
sororities refusal, and subsequent with beds in continued on page 6 parents, especially his mother is con- into the films as the same time.
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Seawuss Basebal Looses, 47-15

By RECTUS MAGNAVIUS involved the first baseman, until the fifth batter. not manage a hit off starting Bayhawk pitcher Peter
STATESRAG STAFF SCHELP The Bayhawks number five hitter John Joyce, had Napolitano. They couldn't even manage to put the
The Seawuss baseball team suffered through broken his leg before the game, but had to play ball in play against the right
hander, who was
another lose this year in a 47-15 drubbing at the because if he didn't they would of had to have for- clocked at almost 34 mph
on the Juggs Gun.
hands of the St. Dominic's Bayhawks (HS) Junior fitted the game. When the score hit 42-0 in the 4th inning, the
Varsity squad. With crutch in hand, he lined a shot over the third Bayhawks decided to accept rule changes offered
For the third straight weekend the Seawusses lost basemans head down the line. Since he hadnt had
by the Seawusses. From now on, all Bayhawk bat-
to a bunch of kids who aren't even old enough to time to set the leg he dragged himself, and his ters would have
to hit blindfolded and from the
drive, that drops the season record to (1-29). This bloody stump, down the first baseline.
opposite side of the plate and any time a Seawuss
non-divisional game does not affect the Seawusses The Seawuss leftfielder, after tripping over his player even so much as fouled off a ball, it would
nation's longest 17 game losing streak in Division own feet twice, managed to get to the ball and count as three runs.
II, but has made the school realize that trying to throw it into the infield. The shortstop took the
The Seawusses did manage to foul the ball off 5
jump from Division III to Division II in one year relay throw and lobbed
it over to first to try to get times, resulting in their 15 runs, and they held the
might have been a horrible mistake. the still crawling Joyce. blindfoled Bayhawks to 5 runs over the last 3
"We're totally outclassed in DII," one couch said, The lame Bayhawks had just gotten his hand on innings, which in itself was a moral victory.
"it's like going from the 'easy' to the 'medium' in the bag, when the ball struck him in the back
and The leading hitter for the Seawuss, the second-
the batting cage, it's much tougher." then rolled away. It was then that the Seawusses base man [name withheld upon his request] fouled
"We suck," one player, who rather remain name- noticed that they had no firstbase
man playing. the ball off two times, accounting for 6 rbi's..He is
less, not becuase he doesn't want to seem like a "What kind of idiots do we have on the team," now the teams leader in that department with 7.
sore thumb, but because he doesn't want anyone to one player said from the Seawuss bench,
"who The next game up for the Seawusses will be on
know that he is on the team. "I can't believe that we can't even remember to play the
field... oh shit, Thursday against the only team they recorded a win
can't even beat a bunch of fuckin high school kids." that's my position."
against [albeit, by forfit], the St. Mary's Fairies,
The game, played at Seawuss field, started off bad The firstbase man ran out onto the field, picked who are still rebounding from the horrible bus acci-
for the Seawusses. up the loose ball and tagged Joyce, who had now dent that killed everyone on their team rght before
It wasn't until the fifth St. Dominic's batter that mastered hopping around the bases, as
he was the last game against the Seawusses almost two
the Seawusses realized that they didn't have a first going for second base.
months ago.
base man on the field. Since the first four men up That was the last good news for the Seawusses,
for the Bayhawks had hit homeruns, no play who after giving up 15 more runs that
inning, could

It's Like News And Stuff, Right?

By Thcott Lewith sexual carousing, cause I ain't no fag, and I never
about everything. I can do news and stuff, right?
STATESRAG RESIDENT LOSER fucked no guy, and if you say I did do something
YI-~·PP--(I~·~·-·-·IL~---·l~·-_-~_~··l ~--TII - _ Like, I'll go to meetings with President Kenny.
Duh, okay, so what's up? This is my last column, different than what I, uh, say, uh, where was I? Oh
She's a hot bitch and stuff, if you grease her up but
because in a fit of mad, I up and quit vPnh I'll firlcin' wrre- ki
.-. AAk
jy ' ,1 1I ll vvlU'i
V , y U U. rUS.A good. And I can do features, too. I can talk about
the Statesman. Ya see, they would- Dave Chow. There's a reason he's the football team, cause the planet we live on
n't make me Editor-In-Chief. Now, such an addled little nip. The last resolves around the football team.
I'd make a great Editor-In-Chief time he made fun of me, it was
I have a experience on a major tri- My Cubiezine is gonna be more popular than the
Nagasaki and Hiroshima rolled into Statesman and the Press together all the copies that
bune in a small gerrymandering one. We won the war! Yeah! people read of those two papers combined.
zone! Anyways, I know lots about And
Vietnam! Semper fi!) then each of those papers will fight like a bunch of
bein a Editor-In-Chief. It's like
C<4 Speakin' of wreckin', I'm gonna girls never did over me. They'll want me on their
news and stuff, right? I know some hit Dave Ewealt so hard, he's gonna staff so I can be their editor, because I'm a leader.
black dude who took notes at have a lisp like me. That little pen- Lemme tell you about some times when I have
c0 important meetings died in a plane cilneck had the tenacity to suggest led. People. I used to be in the Boy Scouts.
last week (I don't call him black, And
that because they wouldn't hire me once, we got lost in the mountains, right?
(Y) right, cause I'm racist - he's just And we
C/) as, uh, Editor-In-Chief for that other couldn't find our way back. So I took charge. The
black, I mean, let's call a spade a paper that I once did have written leader of the group was a pencilneck fag (not that
spade, right?), and they caught that for. I was mard and left nncrr\ .tnff
I'm against fags or nothin') and I beat him up to
bomber guy. The one who blew up CUBIE JIRUNTS So, uh, Dave, watch your back - I
Oklahoma City. They should string )express my dominance over the group. And so I
LEWITH got your number, buddy, and I'm then threatened to break their heads if they, you
Q him up by his testicles. THCOTT
gonna wring your little neck. Your know, didn't listen to me and stuff. And we walked
Anyway, since they wouldn't let girlfriend likes me, she talked to me in one direction until we found a road. God,
me run there paper, I was gonna go over to the outside the Press office I'll
once, while that half-nip never get lost on Mt. Sinai again.
Press, cause they got cute chicks there that if I Liv looked on.
I coulda done them both right there, So, anyway, I can lead. And I can lead papers and
l!tf made drunk will probably suck my dick. There's but I'll reinstate, I've, uh, cut
back on, um, oh yeah. stuff. So I'm gonna make this paper. And I'm gonna
this one, she's got a cute ass, I wanna massage So now I can't join the Press, because that Dave distribute it. The paper.
those hot ass. I massaged a hot ass once, but the that I wanted To people. Uh, where was
da to have been beating up is, like, a big I? Oh yeah. Ewealt better
sorority chick can't remember, she had way too boss there. So what watch out,.I'm gonna his
am I gonna do? Here's the neck kick in to break
much Jack Daniels in her at the time. over and over again. Uh,
answer: Cubiezine! okay. For now, this
But I digress - I've cut down on my heterosex- is Cubie, signing off.
I'm gonna make a article paper about stuff that I
ual carousing. (I haven't cut down on my homo- write for people to read.
It's gonna be like stuff
""-~"""""""-"-""""""""""""-""""""""""""" - .a~-ma~ , , ~~ , _ ~F ~

N4ot Lo s t In Babylon
By Jor-El of Krypton the Top 100 Videos of All Time. "I've always been a big fan of adventure/action."
"I don't consider it a video," he said, "it's more Mumy said, "Superman sucked me in."
I recently had the chance to sit in on an interview of a film. We shot it on film." He named The Martian Chronicles as his favorite
session with Bill Mumy, star of many a hit sci-fi TV The Jenerators, Mumy's newest musical project, sci-fi book and The Day The Earth Stood Still as his
show. In a small room tucked away in a corner of are working on an album too. number one science fiction movie.
the Sports Comptex, my compatriots and I, waited "The problem is getting everyone [in the He is happy with his role as Lennier on Babylon
for about 10 minutes before Mr. Mumy walked in, Jenerators] together in the studio," he said, "we're 5, where he is a supporting actor, unlike his Will
fresh from an hour long autograph signing. all doing different things." Robinson role where he was "basically the star of
Dressed casually, he Also he the show."
sported sunglasses talked about "There is a big difference in responsibility in
through out the inter- playing with between being the star and a supporting player,"
view, and had a bottle of America, and Mumy said, "but at least I don't have to go to
Poland Spring close at co-writing school anymore."
hand. much of the Most of the questions directed toward the 42-
It seems Bill Mumy's material on year-old actor dealt with his side projects, not his
first - or even second - their latest current work on the hit Fox show.
love is not science-fi- few albums. I He talked about Space Cases, a sci-fi series for kids
tion, despite being in asked him if that airs on Nickelodeon. He also does voice overs
two of the more well he'd been on a half dozen shows, including Ren & Stimpy,
known sci-fi shows of through the Animaniacs and Batman: The Animated Series. He
all time. desert on a does a mean Lillipudlian accent, too.
Mumy played Will horse with no Mumy was more than happy to talk to the
Robinson in the 1960's n a m e; small crowd of reporters, but left after thirty
Lost In Space, and now "Countless minutes, most likely due to a busy I-CON
he plays Lennier on times," he schedule. He was relaxed enough that would
Babylon 5. said. "I love playing with those guys." have stayed and talked to us longer if he could
"I love to play music," Mumy said. He then "Unfortunately music has to take a back seat to have, that is as long as no one asked him really
described a few of his current musical projects, the welfare of my family," he said. "When I was in geeky questions like, "what waist size was the
Barnes & Barnes, best known for the song and film my 20's and touring with Sean Cassidy it was all robot on Lost in Space" or "what was the
"Fish Heads", are recording their 8th album for the right, even in my 30's it was fun, but now I don't numerical pass code he used as Lennier in
Rhino label. He is very proud of the film "Fish have the same desire to be on a tour bus all the episode #18 of Babylon 5."
Heads" telling us that Rolling Stone voted it one of time any more. But I still love to play."
- A .

By Garth of Izar endlessly annoying housekeeper. It was a great Of course, as luck would have it, we slept through
show... but more importantly, it was a show most Pete's press session. I did, however, manage to drag
I-CON is a wonderful thing. Sure, there's a cer- of the gen-x members of the Press staff have seen myself out of bed in time to see his question and
tain odor problem, and 4 out of every 5 attendees sixteen million times in syndication. Remember answer presentation to I-CON's great unwashed
has dirty hair. But put those facts aside, and the the episode where Benson and Clayton got locked masses. Sunday, April 14th, at 1:00, my eyes were
Island Convention can be a real blast. The dealers in the basement? Or opened to the glory that is
room is always surreally entertaining, there's a the time where Taylor Pete Downey.
plethora of movies and cartoons in the classrooms, ran for Congress? Pete (or Ethan, as his fami-
and there's round the clock role-playing for the "Benson" rocked! ly might call him) is one of
gamers amongst us. So we were under- the funniest people ever to
For me, the highlight of "Geekfest" has always standably excited grace the hallowed halls of
been the guest speakers. I am, I confess, somewhat when we discovered the Indoor Sports Complex.
of a Trekkie, so it's always a thrill to see an Ensign that Ethan Phillips For a guy who makes his liv-
Sulu or Doctor Bashir in person. They're always would be at I-CON. ing playing a highly evolved
eloquent, and usually pretty interesting. I'm sure you remem- hedgehog, he's sure got a
This year, however, was the peak, the paramount, ber his "Benson" char- great sense of humor. Pete
the all time best guest speaker I-CON has had yet. acter. Pete Downey joked with the crowd for
Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to tell you about was the Governor's nearly an hour, sharing
a man who brightened my day and saved an oth- press secretary, or anecdotes about "Voyager",
erwise mediocre convention. His name is Ethan something like that. his private life, his paycheck,
Phillips, and he is a god amongst men. He was the wacky lit- and yes, even "Benson." I
Some weeks ago, when we became aware that tle guy who ended up hadn't expected a laugh riot,
Phillips would be one of the speakers at I-CON, marrying Denise, the but Pete cracked me up a
The Press office became all a-twitter. Sure, he plays Governor's secretary. couple times.
Neelix on "Star Trek: Voyager," but we were excit- Pete ruled the mansion. I left the session in a really
ed for an all-together different reason... Phillips So the minute we good mood, feeling a-certain
played Pete Downey on "Benson!" found out Pete was attachment for good ol' Pete.
I'm sure you remember "Benson"... it was a late going to be at I-CON, we started writing questions I mean, just look at his picture... how can you not like
seventies/early eighties sitcom about the staff of a for him. "Was it difficult working for Governor that mug? I need to go watch reruns of Benson now.
Governor's office. Robert Guillaume was Benson, Gatling?" "Did you ever want to kick Clayton's ass?" I need to rent Glory, where he played a hospital stew-
the erstwhile hero, Rene Auberjonois played the "Why did the only Black man on staff have his desk ard, or Jeffrey, where he played "Dave, the sexual
prententious and ever pompous Clayton Endicott, in the kitchen?" "Was Kraus really that much of a compulsive." God bless you, Pete. You made my day.
and Inga Swenson brought us Gretchen Kraus, the bitch, or was she just misunderstood?"

April 15, 1996 page 11


[By Ted Swedalla which we missed by 2 hours, and video gaming in began to create magnificent conspiracy theories. It
room 177. Having no experience in Virtual Fighter, was fun.
We are geeks down here at The Press. We know it or Mortal Kombat, or what ever it was, I decided We went to the Cyber Bar (*Matrix) to see the cos-
and we accept it. It takes a special breed of people against entering the tournament. What ever hap- tume party, which turned out to be nothing more
to want to throw every other weekend away into pened to cool games like Super Mario Brothers 3? than a raffle in the Physics Building, it was very dis-
the tumultuous process S'AT URDAY appointing. I was expecting to see people in cos-
called production. 12:.0Am7 tumes parade around the transformed classroom
Geeks are a special Went back vying for the title of Best Costume. Darn.
breed of people, they to ESS 001 to Every room on the first floor held a different role
have some sort of social watch La Blue playing game, Star Trek, Battletech and I actually
ineptitude, but are very Girl, an NC- saw two people sword fighting in the hallway.
intelligent. A Dork on 17 rated Man, that was one mean bitch with an epe4.
the other hand also has Anime. You S UfDAY 12:20An
social ineptitude, but is think the Once again went on a mission to see La Blue Girl
a moron. Then, of Simpsons over in ESS 001. This time, it wasn't as exciting as
course there is the dweeb, a total social misfit, stu- have good sound bites, wait till you see demons the first two episodes. By the time the video screen
pid and a total loser. This report is from a geeks with prehensile penises raping young Japanese went dead, about 20 minutes into the first episode
point of view on a whole bunch of other geeks. girls. The phrase "I'm tired of your hole" takes on a (it did eventually come back on I was told), I was
Maybe that's why we feel so happy every time whole new meaning now. already out the door.
that I-CON rears its head on campus. Is this No demons raping girls, no prehensile penises,
SA I'HRDAY 12:30p1Ti
because we are not the least socially acceptable Arrived on campus and was areet- but there was the Iron Pube Blast - which although
.... - - - .-
t - - -TV-...
-- . -
group on campus anymore [albeit only for one ed by a scary subculture. The people exciting -
weekend]? Or that we are allowed to cover the were all dressed exactly the same, could not
event for free, have a mighty good time watching had their own language and had hor- save the
Anime, staring at people even freakier than John or rible plans for the rest of the day Anime
because we can buy things you'd never ask for in Apparently there was a rugby tour- from falling
any store? I don't have the information on that one. nament on campus this weekend. into the
But I went out and covered the event anyway, bowels of
hoping to sell the handful of Magic Cards I had Mt. Fugi.
Back inside the dealers' room. Sold
from a couple of years ago, looking to have a good Don't
4 Magic card. Made $60. Got to inter-
time and maybe catch a really bad sci-fi movie in know if I
view Bill Mumy. Bought X-Files
some classroom. will return
mug. Made $60. Walked around tried
to sell more cards. Heard lots of to see parts
EDITORS LOG: FRiDAY G:0o0Pr geeky things. Did I mention that I 5 & 6 of La
We arrive at the entrance to the Sports Complex, made $60? Blue Girl on
and find the press credential line without having to Sunday.
talk to anyone dressed like a Klingon. I got my pass Went back to the Dealers room and su nUDAY
with little hassle, and everything's still going OK. sold more Magic cards and did a lit- 0:00 pmf
(Except for my name being spelled wrong on the tle dance. Saw people walking Another
pass, but I can accept that. Nobody spells my name around that scared me, especially report from
right anyway.) that Romulan who stood in the next an away
Then I went down to the dealers' room, which urinal while I peed. team of
from last years' Press review of I-CON, I had a few Talked to Sarah Dyer, who co- m i n e
qualms about entering. Friday's voyage to the bot- (Business
writes Milk & Toast and Space Ghost:
tom of the gym was just going to be a browsing Coast to Coast with Evan Dorkin. [Ed. Manager)
expedition, any money I was going to spend was she was
Note - "This is his real name.] She said
going to be done on Saturday. this was her first non-all comic con- assaulted
Two quick orbits of all the tables gave me an idea vention and it "was a little scary. A by the
of what could b6eadi in this Pit of Sarlacc. I put an lot more Klingons here." She was wearing a silver indigenous life forms from the planet Dweebiod.
X-Files mug on my list of things I needed. (My other
jacket, and looked alot like the girl from No Doubt, She is the one who categorized the people of the
mug is from Newsday and really doesn't look cool but was alot more attractive. Fuck John and his convention into the geeks, dorks and dweebs.
in the office.) Then there was a miasma of other
obsession with skinny, muscular women with dots SUflDAY 0:00PfT
things - which I know I have no use for - but the Was not able to finish my mission of peace, but I
on their heads.
mood struck me, so I put them on the list anyway. was
SATURDAY O:+4SpPT able to stick to the Press' Prime Directive: I made
FRiDAY O:00P7I Received a report from my away team (Photo and money. Lots of it. I love being a geek. I was not able
I watched the X-Files. What else did you think I Music Editors) who went to see Capt. America in a to fully integrate myself into the spirit of the week-
would be doing? By the way, this was a great end, but couldn't no matter how hard I tried.
classroom on a TV screen.
episode, and does anyone have the sound bite "You According to them the movie was a classic, Capt.
don't play Dungeons and Dragons for as long as I I did have a good time at the convention, it was
America and the president of the USA kicked much
have with out learning a little something about ass at the end of the movie. They loved the movie, run more efficiently (all the speakers were on time
courage" yet? Dave, our head D&D geek wants it.
and recommended that we make further contact this year.) I did not get to see the last two parts of La
FRiDAY 10:35p7ITI with this movie. Blue Girl, but it was still worth the price of admis-
Wandered into the CyberBar (Physics 113) with Excelsior!!!! sion to wander campus aimlessly, occasionally pop-
the Photo Editor to look for someone. We found her. ping in on a movie I've seen a dozen times.
I became frightened as I looked around. The Dealers Room has become the X-Files room,
Went back to the Sports Complex to talk to Ethan
FRIDAY 10:50pf Phillips, better known as Pete from Benson. He was there was so much devoted to the Fox show, that it
Checked out some of the things going on in ESS, not available for an interview at that time, but we was obvious that these people knew where the
before heading over to the Spot. The Anime in heard that he would be available tomorrow morn- money lies. And I did not see as much illegal con-
Room 001, interested me - and it wasn't even the ing. I'm waking Dave up at 9:30am on Sunday to traband (Star Trek RPG, pornos of stars, etc.) as I
NC-17 kind! - and I vowed to return. do the interview with me. expected to see at the convention. Although I heard
Upstairs in ESS, there was stargazing on the roof, Saw four cop cars outside the Sports Complex and there was plenty to be found.
I-CON XV did not suck!
The Stony Brook Press page 12
- - - - I I~P~-- - - - - I - ~-----sl ~s~c~Pu~e~i~n~ ---- T_ ---

By Garrison of those other people is usually the volunteer answer a lot of questions. If, on the other
who was supposed to show the movie. hand, your panel consists of computer hack-
Things to watch and to watch Another thing to be careful of is your defini- ers, freelance writers, and anyone else who has
tion of professional. Anyone who gets paid to an unrelated or unlisted "day job," they may
out for at next year's ICON: do what they do can be called a professional, do nothing but answer questions and the topic
that doesn't mean they will act in what can be may shift frequently. Hackers are an especially
At any science fiction/fantasy convention considered a professional manner. Authors, good example of this, as these individuals tend
there are guaranteed to be plenty of things to artists, actors, and other guests of ICON are to be inherently "unmoderated." Finally, if
watch. There are art shows, movies, demon- people just like the rest of us- just as prone to your entire panel is covered on the list of "Also
strations, and of unpreparedness and unprofessional- Appearing," you may want to put that discus-
course, the cos- ism. I have seen both gifted speakers sion on your b-list.
t u m e s . who had no point and fascinating In general it's good to be conservative in your
Unfortunately, thinkers wno `-- ~--l`-C--- -YPsrrsl~--··-nl.~--s~--_ ~-------r -- 1,- -111_----·---__--~~ ~

there are also couldn't get

many times when one across.
you must watch Most often,
out. After attend- these problem
ing two or three occur on th
conventions, you panel discus
begin to get a sions. Almos
sense of what to all panel dis
watch out for. It c u s s i o n
was at this years answer ques
ICON convention tion from th
that certain spo- audience bt
radic annoyances some do nott
began to develop ing else. Her
into a semi-for- are two helpfh
' I-.... . d II a.I
mal list of caveats. hints tor telling ther
Many of ICON's disappointments come from apart. First, look to see
inflated expectations; for example, if the sched- the panel is moderatec
ule lists that a certain movie is playing at a par- This is indicated by on
ticular time in a given room, one can reasonably of the panel member
expect that either
the movie will
show at said place
and time, or that in
the event of a
scheduling conflict
(inevitable) a new, -·--~·IPQI~-TC-~D~·~~· --- _

accurate schedule having an (M) next to his expectations and liberal with common sense. If it
will be posted. The name. These discussions says FREE STUFF, it's probably nothing you want.
exception to this, tend to be more orga- If there's a 2 1/2 hour movie in a 2 hour slot, it's
is of course any of nized, with a true panel going to go late. They sound simple, yet every year
the movies which discussion and audience I see people surprised at these same things. Some
mysteriously van- questions taken during people don't seem to realize that ICON is a large
ish, never to be and/or after the panel and complex event which takes many months and
seen. I don't think speakers. Unmoderated many people to plan. Many things will always go
there has been an discussions tend to be wrong. I've seen many people lose their heads
ICON I've attend- less focused and will over things that just didn't really matter, simply
ed were I haven't often stray far from the because they wanted things to go as planned. On
walked into at listed topic. The other tip the other hand I see people lose it each year just
least one sched- is to look at the back- because they're nuts, but that's what it's all about,
uled room to see a grounds of the speakers right?
scheduled movie, themselves. If your panel
only to find three is made up of award win-
-- r- 1--
C 1- J- :11
"b, h-iL- ffrrr
or iour UeiUUUIme nn1g CautLUIors, UUox oUlic
persons wondering, as do I, "Where's the flick?" actors, and Ph.D.'s it will probably be highly
I should also point out that the most befuddled structured and they may not have time to

Special thanks to the staff of ICON XV for providing us with passes giving us
free reign to take embarassing pictures and going to boring seminars and panel
We really did have fun at your expense
Until next year...
_ ,~ , ,, -- II ---I- -I~--~-e -c.~----
---- April 15, 1996 page 13
good Phone Sex is Hard to ind
By Jeanne Nolan sleep. As I entered my room I crossed over the sea thanked me for being open to talk to him and apol-
of fliers that had been slipped under my door and ogized for wasting my time. Then he said "You
When the phone rings twice, an off campus call, was greeted by an off campus call. sound really cool, are you sure you won't change
we know it's one of three things: 1) a friend or fam- The voice at the other end said "Hey it's Mike, your mind?" He was really polite to my rejection
ily member who we probably don't want to talk to, how's it goin?" Like many people I have a friend and I wished him luck in finding someone willing
2) a wrong number, or 3) an obscene caller. For named Mike who lives off campus, so I started to have phone sex with him. I hung up feeling
some unexplained reason my room is plagued by bitching to him about walking back in the snow. It guilty for not helping Mike out, he was just an
the third. was a few minutes into the conversation when I ordinary guy looking for some good phone sex.
There are different degrees to obscene phone realized that it was not my friend Mike and I did
calls. The heavy breathers are amateurs who lack not know this person. I confronted him with this
all sense of creativity. To them I usually respond, fact and he said, "Don't go, can't you talk to me
"Can't you do any better than that?" Then break anyway?" He was really friendly and he wasn't
into an incredible shrieking orgasm. The caller is so panting or moaning, so I started talking to him. He
shocked by this response that they hang up com- told me that he lived on Long Island and commut-
pletely baffled by what kind of sick girl they just ed to John Jay. We talked about spring break, he
encountered. There is one guy who calls on a regu- had gone to Florida with his girlfriend. He was
lar basis that has a category all to himself. My really down to earth. Then I found out the motive
roommate and I have dubbed him "Perv". Perv is behind this phone call. "So what do you think
a truly deranged individual who feels obligated to about phone sex?"
share his repulsive fantasies. He always catches us I'm not a sexually inhibited person and if you're
off guard by calling at obscure times. It's a horrible into phone sex then that's cool, it's just not for me.
start to the day when you're awakened at nine- I can't describe erotic acts without knowing who's
thirty on a Saturday morning to someone saying "I on the other end of the line. I wouldn't want some
have your mother tied to a tree and my cock is nasty fat slob who goes to I-CON conventions get-
shoved deep into her rectum." Alaina, my room- ting off on my voice. I asked Mike why he doesn't
mate has the best answer to him when she says, have phone sex with his girlfriend and he
"'You sick bastard, take a gun and shoot yourself in explained to me that it was the element of fantasy
the head. You don't deserve to live." which he found so arousing. I believe the psychol-
Last Sunday I was returning from spring break, I ogy of phone sex is gender related, as we all know
had walked back from the train station in the snow men will fuck anything, so it's easy for them to cre-
(can someone please explain why it keeps snow- ate an image of a fantasy girl and have phone sex
ing-it's fuckin April!) the strap of my bag had with a stranger. Women on the other hand, need to
been digging into my shoulder, weighed by books connect with their partner on a level other than
I hadn't touched all week. The only thing on my physical, so they are less inclined to have phone
mind was throwing on a pair of sweat pants, sex with someone they've never met.
crawling under my flannel sheets and going to Mike totally understood my reasoning and he


By M.J. Molloy as bad as that. In about 3-5 minutes they painlessly
remove the needle, bandage the venipuncture site,
If you have been searching the entire school year sit you down for a few minutes (to insure you're not
for some possible way to redeem yourself so your dizzy, which is very uncommon) and give you some
prayers will be answered and you will be able to juice and cookies. [Ed. Note - "Those are the greatest
pass that horribly difficult course well, people, you cookies in the world, hopefidly they will be the original
have your chance. Lorne Doone.] The blood you donate is screened for
On Wednesday, April 17th the New York Blood HIV, hepatitis and several of our favorite STD's.
Center will hold a blood drive at the Sports Depending on how many donors there are; the
Complex. I believe this is an excellent opportunity time between when you first walk in and when
for the University community to show care instead you walk out should be a max of 45 minutes, which
of apathy. For anyone who has been considering is the longest I've ever waited at a blood drive at
donating but have never done so, I will be there for Suffolk College several years ago.
several hours in the afternoon to offer encourage- You may wonder what happens and why you
ment and/or hold hands should donate blood. If you're someone who knows
If you wonder what a blood donation is like, I'll tell your blood type and it happens to be O-, then you
you. It's done on a walk-in basis, where you fill out should also know that the greatest need is for 0-
a brief form and are given a quick medical check blood. In TV shows many times you here orders to
where they check your blood pressure, take a tiny get a unit of O-(how much you donate, about 1 pint,
sample of blood, via a finger-prick, and make sure which your body replenishes in 24 hours) blood.
there's nothing in your medical history that indicate This is because O- donors are referred to as "univer-
you should not give blood. All medical history they sal donors." Regardless of what type you are, you
take is strictly confidential. If you don't weigh at can receive 0- blood. With the warm weather com-
least 110 pounds or have had any piercing (ear or ing, the demand for blood will skyrocket.
otherwise) or have recently been tattooed, they ask I have been waiting all year for the students here
that you not donate blood for one year from the date to prove to me they are not apathetic. I don't expect
of piercing/tattooing. This is why I cannot donate much, but I do expect a reasonable turnout. So if
now, so don't start thinking that I don't walk it as you have ever been close to losing someone close to
well as I talk it. I have donated 3.3 gallons of blood you, like me, and wondered what you could do to
during my life, so I know from whence I speak. ease someone else who might lose someone
After the medical check you will be shown to a because there wasn't enough blood to help them,
table where they lay you down and check to see then you can do 4 things
which arm is better, clean your arm, and insert a 1) Give some time.
needle that is not nearly as big or painful as you 2) Give a damn.
might have heard. If you want to know how the nee- 3) Give life.
dle feels, pinch your forearm hard. The needle's not

Ine tuony orOOK rress page 14

4) Give blood.
------- ·
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Hope Her Father Feels The Flames

By Louis M. Moran Then her father says, "It's kind of hard to remem- two hours sleep before she took off for Cheyenne.
ber everything you have to say to the tower isn't it?" Probably nerves, and the excitement of going on
I have this friend whose dad used to push him "Yeah," Jessica agrees. a long trip. That could certainly be a factor.
to excel at sports. So every Saturday he'd be at the My friend Ken is a licensed pilot, has been for Although FAA officials have stated that the
field kicking, throwing, shooting, whatever and four, five years. Every time we go up he walks the actual mechanics of flying a plane are easy, it's
he got good. He's still better than anyone we plane, checks his checklist and writes the call num- the judgment of a pilot that is taught in flight
know at nearly every sport there is. Sure he sacri- ber's of his plane down. We always go up in the school. So, if an inexperienced pilot takes off in
ficed Saturdays and Sundays to his father's same plane. Ken makes flying seem very boring. very bad flying weather and gets in trouble
bizarre obsession with sporting prowess and there Something a seven year old would have trouble will an experienced pilot be able to correct the
were a lot of times he wanted to quit. He blew out getting past. The repetition, the exactness, the problem fast enough?
his knees out in the tenth grade and his elbow is a lit- sameness; it is difficult to get seven year olds to The answer in this case would appear to be no.
tle arthritic now and he knows it will get much repeat a phone message! The reporters asked Some of the other footage of Jessica flying includes
worse as he grows older, but he isn't bitter. Jessica why she wanted to fly across the country, "I her landing at Denver International and she's having
He also isn't dead. Jessica Dubroff is though. think it was my father's idea," the reporter said trouble due to winds at her rear. A situation she is
She's the little girl who, after four months of light through a grin you could hear, "Oh, I see...." not yet comfortable with. Her instructor is notice-
instruction, tried to break a world record for being So Jessica was a lot like my friend whose arm will ably tense. His short quick instructions are the same
the youngest pilot to fly across America. Never hurt him until the day he dies, worse on rainy days. you might hear from a passenger in a car driven by
mind that no one was going to record this record Only difference is she's dead. someone they're not overly confident with.
because Guinness World Records deemed this too So are three other people. "Pull up...give it more're a little
dangerous and the Pilots Association doesn't rec- Thankfully there weren't more because little low...give it more're a little low, Jess."
ognize passengers as pilots, and anyone who does- Jessica's plane nose dived into a residential area, No one in their right mind would unleash a
n't hold a pilot's license is considered a passenger ten feet from a house. child onto the streets with an automobile. They'd
in an airplane. At seven years old Jessica was too No one can even say for sure why they took off in be jailed for endangering the welfare of a child,
young by nine years to legally hold a pilot's the first place. Taking off in bad weather is a deci- to say nothing of the community they Were dri-
license. That did not phase her father however. sion a qualified pilot can make. You could, with the ving through. Yet Jessica was everyone's darling.
Lloyd Dubroff is an odd man who will no doubt right training, fly a plane without the ability to see No one thought to themselves, "Hey, what the
have a very special section of Hell carved out for outside it, it is called instrument flying. Most pilots heck is a seven-year old doing flying a plane?"
him. It seems Lloyd pulled his children out of prefer not to rely on instruments though. Most of Ultimately the blame cannot be given to Jessica.
school and taught them at home. His home state the experts agree that weather was the major factor. She was a passenger in the plane. She wasn't the
was not so impressed and has been trying to get The weather was ripe for icing. It was raining, hail- pilot. Joe Reid was. He and her irresponsible father
the Dubroff's kids back in school because they ing and cold. Eyewitnesses said that the plane are entirely to blame for this. Jessica was probably
didn't score very well on standardized tests. never got more than a hundred feet off the ground. blissfully unaware of any record and flew because
There's video of Jessica "flying" her Cessna and on One pilot, and resident of Cheyenne, saw the plane she loved it; and what kid wouldn't? If not for her
the video the flight instructor, Joe Reid, asks, "What and immediately began praying, "I knew exactly father's asinine quest for greatness through his
would you do if the engines cut out right now?" what was happening," he said. daughter they'd all still be alive.
Jessica replies, "Uh...I don't know." However, Jessica admitted she'd only gotten More importantly, Jessica would still be alive.

Since January First, the College You can spread graffiti to prevent
Republicans have met with: bud get cuts, or you can join the
Coll ege Republicans. Lobby for edu-
Sen. Bob Dole cati()n, and have a voice in the future.
Sen. Phil Gramm Plar ned events include:
Gov. George Pataki
Rep. Rick Lazio Casino Night
Sen. Kenneth LaValle Party at the Park Bench
Rep. Forbes Rock The Vote
County Executive Bob Gaffney

7April 15, 1996 page 15

1- III -F--- II II IIlC-Il eCIIls ·IIP I--- - I

We're Ri jht, They're Wrong

By David M. Ewalt est bookstore and buy a copy of James Carville's newest As the book continues, Carville provides an rep-
book, We're Right,They're Wrong.Carville, of course, isthe resentative list of some of the things government
"They are wrong and we are right and I'm going to "Ragin' Cajun" who ran Bill Clinton's War Room during does right. After listening to conservatives tell us
prove it to you!" the 1992 elections. He's a : that everything government does is
-Harry S. Truman, Democratic National tough, smart, outspoken IJA M E S wrong, it's a tremendously reassur-
guy with a remarkable C A 1 Z L L7 ing chapter. Carville reminds us that
,,/A-, t•-' Ai,, rlitir;C
f covernment isn't evil... it does a lot
It has long been a concern of mine that modern U1 IerIsan tlu t6
Lnol LUFu.

politics seems to be dominated by demagoguery. His latest conclusion; of good for a lot of people. It's a sim-
When a society's most successful critic is a loud- Democrats need to stop ple message, but one that is vital to
mouth, lyjng pox like Rush Limbaugh, you're in taking the Republican the survival of the Democratic party.
trouble. onslaught and go on the In the latter chapters of We're
To be honest, it isn't even the demagoguery offensive themselves. Right, Carville takes more extended,
that bothers me... hell, I plan on making a We're Right, They're in-depth looks into several issues
career out of it. My concern is that only one side Wrong, subtitled "A key to modern politics; health care,
of the political spectrum is being represented, Handbook for Spirited the economy, race, and education.
and it's the wrong side. Sure, we Democrats Progressives," is the first He offers praise where deserved and
have our voices in the media; Michael Kinsley, jab in that bout.. and it's a constructive criticism where need-
David Broder, William Raspberry, and a couple haymaker. ed. Interspersed throughout are
others... but then, the competition's got George We're Right, what Carville calls "lagniappes," lit-
Will, William Bennett, and P.J. O'Rourke. They're Wrong pro- tle sidebars in the text which offer
Furthermore, though we match (or, more likely, vides the reader with everything from scathing indict-
exceed) the Republicans on an intellectual what little informa- ments of public figures to recipes for
basis, they far surpass us in volume. tion is needed to take backyard barbecue.
Loudmouth radio punks like Limbaugh, G. the wind right out of This is a tremendously valuable
Gordon Liddy, and Bob Grant fill our airwaves your favorite ditto- work, and if the Dems know what's
with bullshit propaganda... and the public buys head's sails. Carville good for them, they'll all be carrying
it, since there's no liberal voice to tell them oth- begins the book with this little gem around like Maoists
h*Ti- rti
41thChirman's littl- red b-ook»
erwise. The result; hordes of brainwashed ditto- hte counter ar•lgu- VVILIL t11e t Z!) II LL.:
a..itLCAitILL V *v..

heads who spout fascist dogma in attempts to ments against the right's favorite issues, includ- We're Right, They're Wrong is a slap on the collec-
convert those of us who have enough brains not ing welfare, taxes, and "big government." And tive asses of the Democratic party, a reminder that
to buy it. What's a liberal to do? unlike Limbaugh, he presents the facts which we don't need to be on the defensive, because,
Well, here's the first step you should take. Go to your near- back up his argument. after all, we're right.

By PAl Eide murder of hundreds of South American prison in the near future.
inmates in order to get rid of prison overpopula- On the track "Lookaway" Sepultura gives props
"OPEN UP YOUR MIND AND GO YOUR OWN tion. "Kaiowas" is an acoustic masterpiece dedi- to the hard-core rap/heavy metal fusion move-
WAY. LIVE YOUR LIFE/NOT THE WAY THEY cated to a tribe of Brazilian Indians who commit- ment of the nineties. Mike Patton of the band Faith
TAUGHT YOU/DO WHAT YOU FEEL. WHEN ted mass suicide as protest against a government No More (one of the pioneers of rapping to heavy
YOU GO DOWN, MOTHERFUCKER-YOU GO that was taking their land and their freedom. metal) teams up with Jonathan Davis of Korn to
DOWN FIGHTING." The new album, Roots, is just as rebellious as any vocalize on this dark piece which was produced by
Believe it or not, these lyrics are some of the more of their previous works. The music is still full D.J. Lethal of House Of Pain.
mellow, mature from Sepultura. Sepultura is a throttle, no holds barred heavy metal, yet has a bit There is an acoustic track that was recorded with
group of musicians from Sao Paulo, Brazil. Sao more experimentation with funkiness and melody. the Xavantes tribe of Matto Grosso, Brazil. The
Paulo is one of the largest cities on earth, with the This album is their most mainstream effort thus far band performed a song to accompany the tribe's
same problems of any other in their healing ceremony chant called "Datsi Wawere".
urbanized area. What makes careers, There are many segments of the band's time with
Sepultura different from their although one the tribe on this record, from which one may draw
ghetto-influenced peers in the could not tell the conclusion that music, as well as the ghetto
heavy metal music industry is by the vulgar state of mind, is universal. Anyone who enjoys
that they can enjoy the injustices way in which heavy metal for its motivational and inspirational
of urbanization as well as the Max Cavalera aspects rather than its image will thoroughly enjoy
injustices of the Brazilian gov- expresses his the latest Sepultura album.
ernment upon indigenous South ideas. On this
American tribes. album he is PA's Picks
Sepultura has made it a point listed as Kom During their show with 311 used some lyrics
to sing about many of the con- vocalist, from a Slick Rick/Doug E. Fresh classic instead of
troversial issues of modern man. which is a big their own. PHAT!
They have tackled issues con- step up from Machinehead During their show with Stuck Mojo
cerning the senseless loss of life 1 9 9 3 ' s busted out lyrics from the Wu Tang Clan's
from warfare, the lack of respect CHAOS A.D., "Method Man" instead of their own. PHATTER!
for individual's rights by gov- where he was Clutch Really weird, really good. Unfortunately I
ernment, the insanity of blind labeled saw them open for Skid Row.
faith in any religion, the uncer- throat/gui- X-Cops a more tasteful version of Gwar. Strictly for
tain relationship between tars. those with way too much testosterone such as myself.
hinftothnolocrv and the AIDS Similar to Tool Frontman Maynard requested that everyone
virus, police corruption, and the drawbacks of Van Halen, there is a family thing going on in perform sexual acts upon each other after the show
mass conformity. Sepultura is not only about Sepultura. The Cavalera brothers, Max and Igor, at Roseland last year. Lead guitarist also worked on
expressing their opinions on record. They have are responsible for the drums and guitars on all of special effects on T2 and JurassicPark. PHATTEST!
also dedicated a few of their songs on factual evi- their albums (Author's note: cavilar means "to
dence of mass destruction of the less fortunate in ponder deeply" in Spanish). This means that there
songs like "Manifest," which is about the mass will not be any major lineup changes for this band

The Stony Brook Press page 16

Handy Hints for Happy Home Dwellers
By Usov Enereal Keep your puppy from soiling the carpets by not Ordinary household Windex makes a delicious
feeding him until he is fully grown and more cocktail for guests when mixed with seltzer and
Do you live on your own? Do you toss and turn responsible. lime juice.
in bed wondering how to make life in your habitat An old bicycle horn strapped to your door makes
more productive and rewarding? Neither do I, but a unique, energy efficient door chime.
some of the following tips and ideas are worth try- An old stiff toothbrush makes a great comb for
ing out. They are guaranteed to make everyday hairy sideburns and bushy eyebrows.
home life affordable and hassle free. The next time someone calls and asks if you want
Keep pesky raccoons from going through your a subscription to Newsday politely tell him/her to
trash by using clear garbage bags. The furry crit- fuck off.
ters will simply browse, often see nothing of inter- Keep young nephews and nieces occupied while
est and continue on their way, leaving your visiting you by showing them how to do 'whip-
garbage unscathed. pets'.
Forgo the hassle of doing laundry by stealing Keep pet goldfish healthy by removing them
stylish outfits from your neighbors clothesline. from the bowl for two minutes each day. The panic
Keep your pet entertained for hours by placing a they go through is good exercise for their tiny
dead rodent inside a small Tupperware container. hearts and ensures them a long and happy life.
Allow shower mildew to flourish and spread Keep the neighbors noisy kids from waking you
over your entire bathroom. Within a few months at 9:00 AM by kidnapping them the night before.
you will have lavish greenery covering up those Save time on cleaning by making them scrub your
ugly old tiles. toilet before you release them.
Stale macaroni shells can be strung together to Earn extra cash over the summer by selling
create very hip and fashionable summertime jew- lemonade from your driveway or porch. For a bit
elry. If you make more than you can use, sell the of extra fun, spike the icy beverage with LSD and
items to unsuspecting Phish fans all summer long. watch your neighbors attempt mow their lawns
Save big bucks on cable fees by building your after they down a couple glasses.
own satellite dish out of a garbage can lid, some
aluminum foil and some pieces of wire. Handy Hints for Happy Home Dwellers is now
Get revenge on noisy, party loving neighbors by available;
setting fire to their beloved 'kitty'. Send $99.95 (plus $8.50 shipping) to;
Deter pesky prank callers by farting or belching Hints
loudly into the receiver when they call. PO Box 679
Toe cheese rolled into small bite size pellets East Wankfield
makes an inexpensive, yet tasty reward for pet fer- VT 05876-9871
rets and hamsters. Put an end to the nightly excursion of kitchen
Keep uninvited Jehovah Witnesses at bay by offer- cockroaches by providing them with a buffet-style
ing them bong rips the next time they show up. feast each Friday night. The roaches will eat so
A head of broccoli stuck inside a pot of soil makes much on that one evening that they won't be hun-
a lush_ imitation bonsai tree. erv for at least another week.

By The Video Vigilante uL6 caLLmL V ,- i .. / . *..- L6' 4- L- ..-.

L% -
penis again), I begin to grow upset. This Hip-Hop were tables between me and it), like the spry
Gestapo's actions have slowly but surely eroded Hermes, I bolted to the machine, striking another
Once upon a time, many college students ate at a
my patience. It gets to the point where I hear victory for democracy with Bjork's "Hyper-bal-
residential cafeteria named "H". In order to
Groove Theory and begin to taste pasta saute in lad." Take that!
enhance the students' dining pleasure, the powers-
my mouth. I'm a college student, not Pavlov's The chase is afoot, Watson. From now until the
that-be installed a video jukebox and hooked it up
Snoop Dogg. last breath of life in this able vessel escapes from
to 3 or 4 TVs scattered throughout the cafeteria.
So, in order to avenge the wrongs inflicted upon betwixt clench'd teeth, I shall defend the rights of
Then, videos recently debuting on MTV and
the well-meaning but rankled non-hip-hop fans of non-hip-hop fans in H Quad Cafeteria. If I need to,
MuchMusic! would appear on the jukebox.
H Cafeteria, I have taken a new responsibility upon I will jog in place in front of the machine to ensure
Students could request videos by touching boxed
myself: Video Vigilante. It all began when the Hip- my victory. You cannot beat me. Concede, and
selections on a screen; eventually, when the
Hop Gestapo laughed at my feeble attempts to enter spare yourself the agony. Perhaps I shall find it
machine was done displaying commercials, the
a video into the machine, when they had already within my bottomless heart to play a 2Pac Shakur
videos would appear. Two videos could be loaded
garnered a stranglehold upon the next 2 videos. video now and again.
at a time, at which point the machine would only
Vowing revenge, I waited until the end of - you Perhaps not.
accept requests after the video currently display-
guessed it - 2Pac Shakur's stirring Mad Max re- This message extends to all who feel that they can
ing had ended.
interpretation. My friends convinced me, however, monopolize what was once a machine based upon
Unfortunately, the structure of the machine and
that my eagerness was unbecoming, and so I wait- the idea of free will, but especially to you, Ms.
inevitable human nature led to the rise of what I can
ed, like a trained hunter, for Sister Slowjah to rise Slowjah, whom I have met on the field of battle not
only describe as "Video Nazis". These are people
from her plastic throne and approach the machine. once, but twice. You have become my arch-nemesis
who sit at the closest table to the video machine and
Then I, like a flash, burst forth from my seat and in this jihad, and I will not rest - nay, my eyelids
keep it under guarded lock and key, entering only
sprinted to the machine, slamming into it and slap- shall not caress one another - until justice has
the videos they wish to hear and moving too quick-
make a selection. ping the selection boxes to call up the best possible been served time and time again. No more shall
ly to let anyone- until recently -
song for the situation: Def Leppard. I forget the Tori Amos find herself unable to express her views
The group of Video Nazis in question are con-
exact title of the song, but my guess is that some- in the cafeteria; no more shall the playful inno-
noisseurs of the hip-hop genre. Now, I have no per-
one so close-minded towards other people's musi- cence of bands like Hum and Primus find they
sonal feelings towards hip-hop. I don't particular-
cal options was not going to enjoy a Def Leppard have no outlet at Stony Brook University. We may
ly like it, but I'm not going to get on somebody's
video. (I also attempted to enter Clint Black into not get good live bands here, but damn it, we
case because they like to listen to that particular
the machine, but I don't know if it took it.) deserve the Memorex.
type of music. However, when they like to listen to
The incident repeated itself recently, and once Until our conflicting ideologies cross on the battle-
it in such a way as to infringe upon my sanity (you
again, I bested Ms. Slowjah in the arena of democ- grounds once again, Ms. Slowjah, remember: enter-
listen to 2Pac Shakur's "California Dreamin'" 95
ratic video selection. Despite the hurdles I had to ing videos into the machine is a sport. Play hard.
times in a row and see if you can keep from laugh-
April 15, 1996 page 17
By Chris Cartusciello The Birdcage Russell's team includes John Leguizamo, who
Speaking of Robin Williams, I ventured out to see has become a fine actor in his own right, as a gung-
The Oscars his newest this past week. For those of you who don't ho marine and Oliver Platt as the computer genius
Well, what can I say? My Oscar picks were a lit- know, this remake of the French farce La Cage aux (all movies nowadays have to have one, it's in the
tle off this year. I was 4 out of 11 1 (ouch), com- Folles is about a gay couple who must pretend to be contract). Helping out on board is Halle Berry as a
pared to my 9 out of 10 last year. Thank God for straight to fool the future in-laws of a son Williams' stewardess (oh sorry, I mean flight attendant) with
Disney music or else I really would have been in character had in a one-time heterosexual fling. nerves of steel. Also on board is the one and only
trouble. I'm not going to sit here and make excus- Williams is Armand, the owner of Florida drag club Marla Maples Trump as another stewardess. But,
es for my. seemingly lack of knowledge on this and Nathan Lane (an accomplished Broadway actor alas, this part is only cosmetic as she has no lines
year's awards. It was a tough pick and I'm not and the voice of Timon in The Lion King) is his partner what-so-ever. David Suchet is the typical terrorist
Nostradamus. There were a lot of surprises this and lover, Albert. Williams' son, who grew up with his leader, wanting freedom of a compatriot and then,
year, some of them pleasant and some shocking. father and doesn't even know his mother, is fine with after getting it, still going through with his plan.
Biggest surprise was that Braveheart beat out Armand's lifestyle. It is his future father in-law, a con- This is a movie that is better than its premise and
Apollo 13 for best picture. Sure I would have liked servative senator played by Gene Hackman, who does- much better than the reviews have led it to be.
to be right about the winner, but I'm not disap- n't approve of anything that deviates from the norm. Anyone wanting 2 hours of solid, sit on the edge of
pointed in the least. As I've stated before I believe When the two families are to meet, it is up to Armand your seat thrills, should rush to see this one.
Braveheart was the best film I saw last year and to transform Albert into a passable straight man so he
deserving of the win, it just didn't seem like a can pretend to be an uncle. After several scenes of Lane
movie the academy would vote for. Granted it had swaying as he walks and crying at the least little thing Primal Fear
an epic scale and a brilliant, lush look to it, but it it is apparent that this plan won't work. The final plan Richard Gere plays the lawyer we all hate to see.
was extremely violent and the historical content of is for Albert to pass as Armand's wife. The one who grabs the big eases, not because he
the film has come into question. Also, Mel Gibson's I wish I would have seen this film the first week it wants to see justice served, but because it will get
win of best director for this film was a bit of a came out. After hearing the glowing reviews of family him on television.
shock, but in the weeks approaching the show and friends Iwas a bit disappointed. Yes, it was a funny Gere is Martin Vail, an arrogant lawyer who takes
there was a growing contingency leaning towards film, maybe one of the funniest in a while, but I was the case of an altar boy who is accused of killing a
him. Since the largest section of academy voters expecting more. Williams was in fine form, as he always priest. The evidence is overwhelming against Aaron
are actors, there seemed to be a feeling that one of is, and Lane showed his versatility. Hank Azaria, a Stampler (Edward Norton; no "Honeymooners"
their own should get the top prize. semi-regular on "Mad About You" and a featured voice jokes, please). His fingerprints were on the weapon,
Biggest surprise of the night, and possibly least on 'The Simpsons", was very funny as the couple's he had the father's blood on him and he ran from
deserving of an award, was Kevin Spacey beating house boy who wants Armand to put him in the show the police. Only Marcia Clark could screw up a case
out Ed Harris for best supporting actor. I had the at the club. He's a bit Lucy Ricardo and bit RuPaul. this one sided. Problem is, Vail believes the boy is
same look of astonishment on my face as Harris Even Hackman, who is having a career resurgence in innocent, and he is the only one who does
had on his as Spacey was announced to come up to comedies after last year's Get Shorty, is competent. All of The prosecution in this case is Janet Venable
the podium. Yes, Spacey is a fine performer but the the performances are top notch. They just don't seem to (Laura Linney), Vail's former lover. This is a plot
raw energy and emotion of Harris was the anchor add up to a lot. The individual plot points are creative that has been done to death and the only thing here
of Apollo 13. Spacey was just another confusing and amusing but as a whole the story doesn't flow par- that differentiates it from all the others is that they
plot point of The Usual Suspects. This same point ticularly well. It moves quickly enough, and maybe don't sleep together again.
comes into play in the best screenplay category. that's one of the problems. It is too quick. Just as I was I don't want to give away too much because the
Christopher McQuarrie's win for his original getting interested, the movie was over. It ran about two plot does have its twists and turns. The biggest
screenplay for Suspects just goes to prove that if hours, so it's not that it was a short film, it is just that problem are the characters. They are so stereotypi-
you write something that people don't understand they needed to get from point A to point B a little quick- cal of a film like this the plot is inconsequential.
they will think it is brilliant. er and then finish up at point C. Gere is your publicity hound who we have all seen
This year's show was one of the best in recent a little too much of in the past year to want to see
memory. It ran over a half hour too long, but who again. Linney proves that her stiff acting in Congo
cares? It was not only entertaining it was one of the Executive Decision wasn't a fluke. She really is bad as the prosecuting
most emotionally charged nights ever on television. As in Passenger 57 and Die Hard 2, terrorists have attorney who is a little too righteous for her own
You could feel Paul Sorvino's joy as he openly wept once again taken over a commercial jet. Is it up to good. Also, where is the rule that says all on-screen
as his daughter Mira won her best supporting one man to stop them? No. In Executive Decision it priests must be deviants who like to take movies of
actress award. To see a big man, and a bigger talent, is up to a team of anti-terrorist specialists to get on boys having sex? The only main character that is
have such a display of true emotion in front of a bil- that plane and stop the madman who has planted interesting at all is Norton as the troubled boy. He
lion people is something that can't be scripted. a bomb that is attached to enough nerve gas to gives a fine performance in what turns out to be
Kirk Douglas was awarded an honorary Oscar for wipe out the eastern seaboard before the president the best written role of the film.
lifetime achievement. As he came out on stage the decides to blow it out of the air. The supporting cast is somewhat better. Andre
people stood and cheered because of the respect The team is led by Steven Seagal, who brings Kurt Braugher, of television's "Homicide: Life On The
they have for this giant of the industry. It soon Russell along because he is an expert on this partic- Street" is a spectacular actor who deserves better
became apparent that Douglas recently had a ular terrorist group. After an exciting and stunning than he is given here. He plays Tommy Goodman,
stroke, something many people didn't know, and mid-air link up between the 747 and the group's Vail's investigator. He does the best he can with a
was partially paralyzed on one side of his body. The Stealth, in which Seagal bites it (thank God for small poorly written role. To see him really shine watch
courage of this man to stand up and speak before miracles) Russell, as David Grant, is left in charge. him on Friday nights at 10 on NBC. Maura Tierney,
his peers was extraordinary. Even though his words This is not your typical, let's get up in the plane of NBC's "Newsradio", is fine as Vail's assistant
were slurred he gave an eloquent speech. His chil- and shoot 'em before they shoot us, story. The and John Mahoney, of "Fraiser", also on NBC
dren sat in the audience and cried as he said that he majority of the film is spent in the underbelly of (hmmm. I sense a trend here.), is the mean spirited
knows his sons are proud of him. We all are Kirk. the plane trying to figure out exactly what they are and crooked state's attorney.
Now for the host, Whoopi Goldberg. In another going to do. First plan is to defuse the bomb and let The ending of the film is worth the drudgery you
surprise of the night, she was actually good. When Washington know that they are on board so they must go through to get to it. After the final twist
she hosted two years ago it was one of the most bor- don't get shot down. though, the film cuts off abruptly. I assume the
ing shows anyone could remember. She beat out Executive Decision is a thinking person's action filmmakers wanted to leave the viewers sitting in
David Letterman for worst host, and that's tough to movie. The tension builds at a lively pace and you their seats thinking about what just happened All
do. So what in the p.c. world would make produc- start to sweat along with the actors. With small it made me do was wonder who stopped the pro-
ers give her another shot? I don't know, but I'm glad remote control cameras we spy on the terrorists, jector early.
they did. Do I want to see her there next year? No. counting them and determining their position. A
Spread the wealth until you find someone as good film like this also make you realize how much empty
as Johnny Carson or Billy Crystal. I suggest Robin space there is on one of these big planes. The actors
Williams, but those people never listen to me. crawl above and below the cabin, through elevator
shafts and into the baggage compartment. I hope I
can find an apartment with that kind of room.

The Stony Brook Press page 18

l~b·:·~9~s~ a~P~n
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By Ted Swedalla Twelvetoes" (Chavez), "Three Is A Magic love that name) of Hole. This indie-pop turn at the
Number" (Blind Melon) and "Electricity, importance of zero also includes the only cross over
Add Bob Dorough to the list of great all-time Electricity" (Goodness), are all average. But most from the Cartoon Greatest Hits disc, Gibby Haynes
songwriter. Who the hell is this guy? I know that's of his songs are the gems of this disc. of the Butthole Surfers, albeit for only two lines.
what you're thinking, who is this unknown who Better Than Ezra covers "Conjunction Junction" Moby turns "Verb: That's What's Happening"
gets to put his name up among the elite songwrit- which rolls along like the boxcars that dominate into the hardest rocker on the disc, and if I can steal
ers like Elvis Costello, John Lennon and the team
of Jagger/Richards. He just happens to be the main
contributor to another great CD: The Schoolh
Rock! Rocks CD.
the original cartoon. Ween, in a very un-Ween
like way, tells us the story of the ýý f1
from the song 'I can take a noun and bend it, make
it a verb and really send it,' this song mobys.
)ther songs include "The Energy Blues" (Biz
rkee), "Interplanet Janet" (Man or Astroman?)
Like the Saturday Morning Cartoons' Greatest I "The Tale Of Mr. Morton" (Skee-Lo).
CD, you may consider this to be just another v ement totally ruins "No More Kings," by
to milk a few million dollars from a generati )ping most of the line from the song, and the
(mine, of course) that spent countle s that they do use, they bastardize. The line
Saturday's bathing in the great cathode gloi e're gonna run thing our own way/ nobody's
But it's not. It's a glorious return to the plac nna tell us what to do" somehow becomes
where the 20-something crowd first hear ve're gonna run things our own way/ gonna
phrases like "taxation without representation' in it into the ground." Trying to make state-
(from "No More Kings") and "Hold your fire .ent against the country's auspicious history
till you see the whites of their eyes" (from s okay, but not during a song that highlights
"The Shot Hold 'Round The World"), both the Boston Tea Party.
included on this 14 song disc. The highlight of the disc is Daniel Johnston's
Most of us, that can remember watching loopy "Unpack Your Adjective." Originally I
these cartoons, learned from them. Like the didn't remember this song from my childhood,
Animaniacs do today, they turn an important ut then Johnston sang "He was a scary bear!/
lesson (whether it be grammar, scientific or his He was a hairy bear!" and the memories - the
ry) into something that connects with young p three bowls of Lucky Charms, waking up at
ple: music and cartoons. Unlike the Animaniz 7am to watch the Smurfs and playing with
Schoolhouse Rock! is straight-forward, it doe, Legos - all came rushing back to me.
regress into double-entandre and other humor( This disc is a necessity for all those that
devises to get its point across. Schoolhouse Rc nember those lost mornings of building forts
taught us to multiply by every number, told n couch cushions and those times before Atari
how a bill becomes a law and what you coulc i, I'm old). The inside booklet contains noth-
.i .! ! " • . I• | !

with every important part ot speech. Kevolutlon, I ne bnot nearc ing more tnan tne lyrics to tne songs incluaea,
Although the most famous of the Schoolhouse 'Round The World." Buffalo Tom gives us a and of course advertising peddling the
Rock! songs, "I'm Just A Bill," covered exquisitely- campy riff-driven "Lolly, Lolly, Lolly, Get Your Schoolhouse Rock!: Official Guide book, the VCR
by another Lou Barlow (Sebadoh) side project - Adverbs Here" complete with little kid voices tapes of all 41 episodes and a box set which fea-
Deluxx Folk Implosion, is not written by Dorough, and the song ending 'indubitably.' tures the original songs.
a majority of them are. "My Hero, Zero" by the Lemonheads, features The CD is available on the Lava/Atlantic label
Dorough's compositions include "Little Patty Schemel and Melissa Auf der Maur (god, I and benefits the Children's Defense Fund.

11 ---- "111 '

rr 7 0m
SAbout an hour ago, we ran out of toner for our printer. For those of our
computer-illiterate readers, that means we have no ink, which is a real
problem when you're trying to put out a newspaper. We called the
Computer Corner, the on-campus computer store, but those rat bastards
were closed. We begged them to just give us some stinking toner, so that
we could put out the paper, but they said no. I guess it's more important
that they get to go home right exactly on time then that the school gets to
read their favorite periodical. Do you know how much money we've spent
in that store in the last two years? About nine thousand bucks! Those
ungrateful turds! If we ever buy anything else from them, it's gonna end up
crammed up their asses, not here in our office. Now we're going to have to
print this by taking out the toner cartridge after each page we print and
shaking it. God knows if we'll be able to print the whole paper out. If it r -I
looks like shit, blame it on your friendly neighborhood sales nazis.
All Tshirts 1|9
ie Press. Come to our me
ty 1PM, Room 060, Studi i
sale ends April 300t
INew &Used CD's * 7"&I2"Vinyl * Posters I
And fuck those pigs.
4VeeasH 49 SONsostHw 58Ln ec Rder.1

April 15,1996 page 19

By Lowell Yaeger carding oppressors. His partner-in-crime was cunt crowd. He followed this magic trick up by lighting
lady, who needed to go from her seat to her his cigarettes with a fireplace lighter and twirling it
boyfriend's seat roughly 7 or 8 times in one minute around his index finger like a six-iron. He also had
Ministry at Roseland Ballroom, NYC, April 14. while Ministry was on-stage. Hey, bitch. You paid the best approach to t-shirt-throwing I've ever
The Young Gods and Foetus opened. $30 for the show. Neck with your pimply assed seen: he would look at them, then smell them, and
boyfriend some other time. if they met his approval on both counts, he tossed
You've all read the Ministry updates in Chin Now that the assholes are out of the way. Foetus them to a roadie, who presumably added them to
Slinky; you've read the album reviews, seen the opened the show with his curious blend of indus- Al's collection. Free clothes kick ass.
promotional posters, heard about the infamous trial rock and thrash, cavorting around the stage in The rest of the band held up ably. Paul Barker
acoustic Bridge Benefit. If you read what I write in a red-and-white pinstripe suit. Unfortunately, he was his usual sublime self, wandering around
this paper, you know that I'm a huge Ministry fan, wasn't as drunk as he was the last time I saw him, stage while plucking his bass guitar and smiling
and you've had to put up with everything from falling off the stage at the CMJ Music Marathon. to himself, enjoying some private joke. The new
constant references to their newest album, Filth Pig Ever the crowd-pleaser, drummer, Rey Washam,
(Sire/Warner Brothers), to an interview with the Foetus closed his set with a proved an adequate
band's bassist, Paul Barker. furious, feedback-filled ren- replacement for William
All of this was leading up to April 14's concert. dition of the Beatles' "I Am Rieflin; beat-for-beat, he
Following a tour which took them from the Walrus." kept up with the best of
Lollapalooza to gigs at large arenas, Ministry hid Next up was The Young them, even on fast-paced
out for four years, recovering from an identity Gods. The Young Gods are songs like "Thieves" and
crisis and lead singer Al Jourgensen's drug another good reason to hate "Reload." And the other
abuse. The result of this self-imposed exile was a France, since they come guitarists kept up, even
slow, grinding album of tunes more akin to from there. (Take that, when the strobe lights
Eyehategod than the industrial metal band that Efraim. - see the letters page blared too fast for the fans
brought listeners the hyperkinetic "Jesus Built for more information.) The to look at the stage with-
My Hotrod." My initial response to the music drummer looked like Kevin out experiencing amateur
was negative, but the more I listened to the McDonald from the come- laser surgery.
album, the more it grew on me. dy troupe The Kids in the After the opening song,
So, it was with a good deal of excitement that I Hall, and the presence of the band pulled through
looked forward to Ministry's sold out stint in only three musicians some new material, includ-
New York City. My excitement was justified, too (singer, drummer, and key- ing the new album's title
- as you can tell by the headline. And despite boardist) led me to believe track, a slow dirge concern-
the obstacles in front of me, I managed to experi- that the majority of their set ing the hostile treatment Al
ence (fanfare of trumpets) The Best Concert I've was prerecorded. This is received a few years back
Ever Been To. partially admirable in light from the British press.
That's saying a lot. I'm not a diehard music vet- of the fact that The Young "Some creep guy keeps ask-
eran, but I've been to a fair share of concerts. I've Gods invented "the guitar ing/'How the fuck do you
seen two Lollapaloozas, caught Nine Inch Nails machine," which plays dif- sleep at night?/With the
at the small-sized Webster Hall and then again ferent guitar notes at the borrowed dreams from a
with David Bowie at Brendan Byrne Arena, touch of a button, but it's broken past?'" he sang,
watched Faith No More and Mr. Bungle, and not very exciting live. Neither is the lead singer, while images of filth and slime rose and bubbled
experienced the supergroup Pigface at Limelight who cavorted around the stage like a cut-rate into life on the screen behind the band.
right before it closed. With the exception of Trent Reznor (not that Mssr. NIN is top-notch to Other high points of the show included
Pigface, which was almost as good, this concert begin with) when he wasn't belting indecipher- "Scarecrow," whose visuals finally explained the
left them all in the dust. able French lyrics into the microphone. If the song's meaning to me. Images of Native
Before I begin, I'd like to give a big shout out to singer was an American Indian, his name would American tribal dances and the remains of
the assholes who made my evening difficult, start- be Dances Like Spaz. The only positive moment of ancient civilizations took lyrics like "Crucified
ing with the old fart who worked at the VIP desk the set was the song "Envoye," a brief industrial and left in isolation" and elevated them from the
in front of Roseland. Well, it wasn't really his fault; club hit a few years back that resulted in the foundation of a basic song about people's
it was the intense ineptitude of Crazed evening's first mosh pit. approach to Jesus to a grinding opus about
Management, the organization involved with The lights came back on after The Young Gods America's attack on other cultures.
Ministry's tour. It took them half an hour to show left the stage, and the speakers began to play The main set ended with Ministry's semi-
up with the list of passes, country music - acoustic cover of Bob Dylan's "Lay Lady Lay,"
and 20 more minutes to everything from which Al announced by referring to it as "a song
explain the very difficult Waylon Jennings to written by an old fogey." As a long time fan of
process of highlighting Nancy Sinatra's Ministry, however, I knew the show was far from
people's names as they "These Boots Are over. And the band didn't disappoint me - they
show up to the old fart at Made For Walkin'." returned a few moments later for a six song
the door. Thank you, This silliness lasted encore, which included classics like "The
Crazed, and thank you, for about 20 min- Missing" and "Hero" alongside the newer "Lava"
old fart. utes, until the lights and "The Fall." The highest point of the show
Also, I'd like to thank were killed and the came at the very end, when the band performed
the tinhorn dictator from Godfather of Death their dance hall classic, "Stigmata." Perhaps in a
Q104.3 who held the ever- Disco climbed playful mood, or bored of playing the song at
so-important job of secur- aboard the stage, every gig they've ever done, Al threw the word
ing the VIP dais from the resplendent in a "baby" in at every opportunity, croaking out lines
dreaded threat of people leather trenchcoat like a lounge singer from Hell.
placing t-shirts on the and checkerboard The only complaint I can say I had with the
edge. The dais is located cap. With a barked show was the volume. Ministry insists upon
on the side of Roseland, "request" of "Turn playing their music at the loudest volume the
about 7 feet above the dance floor; small tables and this shit off!" the country music drew to a close venue can supply, and Roseland doesn't have a
chairs are provided for people who don't wish to and the band ripped into their hilarious eviscera- shortage of speaker space. But I guess that's part
stand. During the show, people leaning against the tion of Christianity, "Psalm 69." of the experience.
dais placed t-shirts and what-not behind them; this Al Jourgensen was in true form all night long, Anyway, I'm going to go and rest. And I promise,
tinhorn fuckface decided it was his crusade to screaming lyrics into the microphone and spinning now that the concert is over, you won't read about
walk up and down the dais during the show, around in circles like a whirling dervish. His first Ministry in these pages for at least a month.
blocking, my view every few seconds so that he act of madness was to whip a dildo out of his pants Maybe.
could preserve justice by resisting the t-shirt-dis- during the opening song and fling it into the

The Stony Brook Press page 20

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