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Eleven people died when their light plane crashed in southern

Poland yesterday (Saturday 5th July 2014) just shortly ater

their !S"#ade aircrat lited into the air ro# $udni%i airport&
't was pro(a(ly too overloaded caused (y carrying an e)cess
nu#(er o very well"ed and highly overweight passengers
*here were 12 people in the aircrat (eore it too% o and the
plane #anaged to clear the airport runway (ut it soon +uic%ly
headed downwards (to the ground)& *hree people #anaged to
ju#p out (eore i#pact (ut only one o the# survived& ,e is
now in a very critical condition in hospital&
-ccording to local #edia. the 12 people were all #e#(ers o
a local s%ydiving clu( and were going to practise so#e ju#ps
using the !S aircrat& ,owever. so#e o the# could have (een
#e#(ers o the Polish #ilitary secretly preparing or action in
!%raine& Poland is %een to join any war (y /iev against $ussia&
*he pilot o the ill"ated aircrat tried to crash"land in a near(y
orchard (ut the plane (urst into la#es on i#pact and all nine
on(oard died and their (odies were (adly (urnt according to
the local ire 0 rescue services& Preparing or war is very ris%y&

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