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2 +# 1*/3/,+&/% +%4 4/,56$%0

lergus Peron
Alexander 8odchenko, Adveruslng osLer !"#$# (books) for Lhe Lenlngrad ueparLmenL of
Lhe SLaLe ubllshlng Pouse, 1923
.less Lhan aL any ume does a slmple reproducuon of reallLy
Lell us anyLhlng abouL reallLy. 8eallLy proper has sllpped ln Lo Lhe
funcuonal. 1he relcauon of human relauonshlps, Lhe facLory
leL's say, no longer reveals Lhose relauonshlps. 1herefore,
someLhlng has acLually Lo be consLrucLed, someLhlng aruclal,
someLhlng seL up."
&'()*+) &(',-), clLed by WalLer 8en[amln, . /-*() 0#1)*(2 *3
4-*)*$(56-2, 1931
!ohn Pearuleld7 8*'(#"$ )-' 9:',;<*"'(, 1933

!ohn Pearuleld, =#++#*"1 /)5"> &'-#"> =', 1934

!ohn Pearuleld, .>*+3 )-' /;6'(?5" /@5++*@1
8*+> 5"> /6*;)1 A;"B, 1932

8arbara kruger, C*; .(' D*) C*;(1'+3,

8lchard rlnce unuLled (Cowboy) 1980-84
Sherrle Levlne, .E'( 9>@5(> F'1)*" D*GH,
eLer kennard, I'3'">'> )* I'5)-, 1983

eLer kennard7 .E'( J*"1)5K+'7 1983

eLer kennard, from uomesday 8ook, 1999

eLer kennard, from I',*(5<*", 2006

eLer kennard and CaL lcLon - hllllpps7
4-*)* L6, 2007
kennard hllllps, 8ankers, 8onus, eoples, Loss, 2009
kennard hllllps, Llb Con, 2010
kennard hllllps, 1hugglsh and ulsgraceful, 2010
lmmo kllnk, ?ves SalnL LaurenL from Mayday aL Mayfalr
Lmma Charles .E'( )-' &'++
Lmma Charles, sull from .E'( )-' &'++7 2009
1homson and Cralghead, L,)*K'(7 2012
karen knorr, from 8'")+'?'"7 MNOM P OH
Lva SLenram, 8ucklngham alace from 9;(*6'5" 45+5,'1, 2001

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