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Q: What has a foot but no legs?

A: A snail
Q: Poor people have it. Rich people need it. If you eat it you die. What is it?
A: Nothing
Q: What comes don but never goes up?
A: Rain
Q: I!m tall hen I!m young and I!m short hen I!m old. What am I?
A: A candle
Q: "ary!s father has # daughters $ Nana% Nene% Nini% Nono. What is the fifth daughters
A: If you ansered Nunu% you are rong. It!s "ary&
Q: 'o can a pants poc(et be empty and still have something in it?
A: It can have a hole in it.
Q: In a one)story pin( house% there as a pin( person% a pin( cat% a pin( fish% a pin(
computer% a pin( chair% a pin( table% a pin( telephone% a pin( shoer$ everything as
What color ere the stairs?
A: *here eren!t any stairs% it as a one story house&
A dad and his son ere riding their bi(es and crashed. *o ambulances came and too(
them to different hospitals. *he man!s son as in the operating room and the doctor said%
+I can!t operate on you. ,ou!re my son.-
'o is that possible?
A: *he doctor is his mom&
Q: What goes up hen rain comes don?
A: An umbrella&
Q: What is the longest ord in the dictionary?
A: .miles% because there is a mile beteen each /s!
Q: If I drin(% I die. If i eat% I am fine. What am I?
A: A fire&
Q: *hro aay the outside and coo( the inside% then eat the outside and thro aay the
inside. What is it?
A: 0orn on the cob% because you thro aay the hus(% coo( and eat the (ernels% and
thro aay the cob.
Q: What ord becomes shorter hen you add to letters to it?
A: .hort
Q: What travels around the orld but stays in one spot?
A: A stamp&
Q: What occurs once in a minute% tice in a moment and never in one thousand years?
A: *he letter "
Q: What has 1 eyes but can!t see?
A: "ississippi
Q: If I have it% I don!t share it. If I share it% I don!t have it. What is it?
A: A .ecret.
Q: *a(e aay my first letter% and I still sound the same. *a(e aay my last letter% I still
sound the same. 2ven ta(e aay my letter in the middle% I ill still sound the same. I am
a five letter ord. What am I?
A: 2"P*,
Q: What has hands but can not clap?
A: A cloc(
Q: What can you catch but not thro?
A: A cold.
Q: A house has 1 alls. All of the alls are facing south% and a bear is circling the house.
What color is the bear?
A: *he house is on the north pole% so the bear is hite.
Q: What is at the end of a rainbo?
A: *he letter W&
Q: What is as light as a feather% but even the orld!s strongest man couldn!t hold it for
more than a minute?
A: 'is breath&
Q: What starts ith the letter +t-% is filled ith +t- and ends in +t-?
A: A teapot&
Q: What is so delicate that saying its name brea(s it?
A: .ilence.
Q: ,ou al( into a room ith a match% a (arosene lamp% a candle% and a fireplace. Which
do you light first?
A: *he match.
Q: A man as driving his truc(. 'is lights ere not on. *he moon as not out. 3p ahead%
a oman as crossing the street. 'o did he see her?
A: It as a bright and sunny day&
Q: What (ind of tree can you carry in your hand?
A: A palm&
Q: If an electric train is travelling south% hich ay is the smo(e going?
A: *here is no smo(e% it!s an electric train&
Q: ,ou dra a line. Without touching it% ho do you ma(e the line longer?
A: ,ou dra a shorter line ne4t to it% and it becomes the longer line.
Q: What has one eye but cannot see?
A: A needle
Q: A man leaves home and turns left three times% only to return home facing to men
earing mas(s. Who are those to men?
A: A 0atcher and 3mpire.
Q: Which eighs more% a pound of feathers or a pound of bric(s?
A: Neither% they both eigh one pound&
Q: 'o many months have 56 days?
A: All 75 months&
Q: A frog 8umped into a pot of cream and started treading. 'e soon felt something solid
under his feet and as able to hop out of the pot. What did the frog feel under his feet?
A: *he frog felt butter under his feet% because he churned the cream and made butter.
Q: A horse is on a 51 foot chain and ants an apple that is 59 feet aay. 'o can the
horse get to the apple?
A: *he chain is not attached to anything.
Q: If a blue house is made out of blue bric(s% a yello house is made out of yello bric(s
and a pin( house is made out of pin( bric(s% hat is a green house made of?
A: :lass
Q: What goes up a chimney don but can!t come don a chimney up?
A: an umberella
Q: We see it once in a year% tice in a ee(% and never in a day. What is it?
A: *he letter +2-
Q: "r. ;lue lives in the blue house% "r. Pin( lives in the pin( house% and "r. ;ron lives
in the bron house. Who lives in the hite house?
A: *he president&
Q: *hey come out at night ithout being called% and are lost in the day ithout being
stolen. What are they?
A: .tars&
Q: 'o do you ma(e the number one disappear?
A: Add the letter : and it!s +:<N2-
Q= What goes up but never comes don?
A: ,our age&

World 'ardest Riddles
Are these the hardest Riddles in the World?

0lic( on the Anser belo the riddle to see if you figured out the correct anser.
What has a tongue, cannot
walk, but gets around a lot?
What invention lets you look
right through a wall?
What has feet and legs, and
nothing else?
What has four legs, a head,
and leaves?
What has four legs, but
can't walk?
What has holes but holds
What has many keys, but
can't even open a single
What has no beginning, end,
or middle?

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