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CAtLNo. __ 954082 LJho.
O.G.I\. 79.


' ..

. i


aa;n LlHII. \ RY '

EIIW.\IW E..;q-
AUTIIOR OP I NDIA. m. STATil ,\'OD p&Q; n;CT!'," .._ ..._
VO J, II :\1 Ifl.

T .. - ... .,.l"'!...._a'ltl
'-oz;J."' I K r. .
,. ' , ... _ .. ' rll .
Aoo No . I 1,(1 / ........ ,
Dt.te 3/ t.!.t. .M ......... .
Call No ........... '!..C!:t.:.L.f.J.-., >
........ J.I- a. . ..__ ......
.___ .......
rtR gr. No.
<: 0 NT EN T S
C' HAPn!R X\ ',
Appnia' I ol the Earl ollolomiDpn m
the relimDrut or Lonl Tcignmoutb-l'uoiliua ol the Britiob
Oovmltn<ut iu India nt tbiJ; time, ita IJangero and Difli
c:u!a-B<tr110nllnary Conduct ol Ti(>(>Oo Sultan- Arri...J
ol tbellarl or Mum.ington in ludio-AJprchended J>o,p
fn>m baotilo llo:oigaa o....mor,
s<:D<ft! to 1'fl'd it-Dioa>angiag liom at H)'derabod and r-for_,,
ll'TKtiDg Pre""b Tnoty "'tb the Nizam-
Dinolutinn or lho french in tho _,.;,., of t,lat
ftinro--F .. 1uro of atttmpll! to ooncluolo Tmty or AIJi,
onro ..,tJ, tho l'lhwa-Pt."""'tion .,.., 11ppoo-
ol tbe tD
put the Armt ol the c.matie in Barrio
llft'Diated to lbr l'anmacd -.Vrar vrcnt.hd iD l.W&-
bo.r vmlcr Umcftl :;1.1101t- Uaupo<c..l Au.ok oa lhat
Atmt by 'Iii'!""' Action bctwftD Army
or the Comoti< IUld Tippoo. l&tt<r O..ft<d-Geoeml
Uarrio adnn- on ScrinJ:aJfallun by an owuonal Route-
EIJ!raaioo ol loon<d by the Bri
tioh a-..J-(>nopontlooA for Srp.
ciWaa - botg< --'-- "-1 ditlodpd ,_ laot
exterior ntnnebmeot by C<>looel Wtllcslcy- Fartl!U
alt<mpt of 1"1J!1100 to n..pondeney-
SeringapotAm .... ulted 1111 nndo:r oommo.nd of
G.onen! .. tn tl1o Fote of tho Sultau-
lnterriew of Major Alkn with ')'ippoo's SaDJ-PLiace
rurrendercd- DiJ<ovcry of the Body of tbe
oumtiDDCf!! preceding and attrnding bil! Dcotb-Surnm
der of another or Tippoo'a Sorus- DU.ooTl!riea illllltrative
of 11ppoo'o ba.trtt1 of Uool'.nglith-1\ertorntion of Tran-
quillity in Scringupatwn-Settlemcot ul Myoore-l leato-
ration and Entluvni'Ulent of tho Heir of o.neient llaJnho
-l'lortition Treoty wlt.L N'IZDtD- Obtcn>atlono 011 the
F.orl of Momingtn11'o Policy-Diltnrbunceo c,.tcd by
Dboolldia-Hia ftight Ocro!S the Mahratto Boundary
Pp. 1 to 9G
in 1'1111joro-Otatb of tho Rajab and tlurpation
of bis:Brotbn 1.0 the prejudice of tho Rajab'allllaptod San-
Reotonltian of the latter by tho Erl of ?.forWngtw.--lt.,.
troopcct of Britih eonnot:tion with Sorat-Auumption
by tbe Briti.b Gu\'el'IUDmt of tbe entim Civilouul Military
Admumtrlltioll- Fret!hDi.I:IIIbnntolexcltedbrDhooodill-
A .Lllvil!ioo of bis Army urprioed nd datro}'cd by Colanol
Wcl.h:111cy- Dhoondia Jliu, io piiT!!ued, defmtod, wul
kilk.J- Ob!enntioo of Sir TholllAI Munr<>-Go<emor
on:ated MArquil Wellctley- Diff..,._, betw<!!ll
IUld Admirnl Rainier-EI]leditioo to
Egypt unrfu Geoe,.l Boird-AIIhln of tho Caruatio ; diJ-
puta .. -itb Omdut-ul-Omrah, Son of lllabomet Ali-0;.,.
.. ,..,;,. modo in S...ingaptlllll of the petfidy- of M.Mmet
Ali end Omdut-ul-Omnh-Sobocquont mv..tigotiao-
Ounrnor-genen:al determi.uet to PSume. the GoYc.rum"-t
ur the Crnatic Cor the Coml"'lly-Deatb or Omdut-ul-
O!IIJ'ab-Communio\tiora betweeu bia tcmmta nnd
tin of the Britiah Gov.rumenl the Sue<...,..m, of
AU Hu.I'Ciu, tho Nohob' '"putl:ll of

Lon! CU., 'ltlth All of 1M latt.r-
bttocul inlzrrirw with Lon! C"lino -ADa-al-Dowlab.
"""oml Soo of Mahoa>ot Ali, audo Nbot>-,;ow1'""'J
with tho N"lZa!!l-lto oouno
tkn by the 61>veroDTJ!t!l'I'DI in the CODtOe of r.bc Ne-
gotiation . l'p. 97 w 1 G I
Alrain or Oude--Muq.U. Wellftkr' of
lt'ftnl Englislimct> br \lzift All-lutrq>id cwdtttt ol
ud capr.ure ol \IDtr All-Commani-
oationo with NAbob \-W.. CXI R<form- Dola,.. ami
cn.oioua or the rw.-r-Diffir.ult.Jo of d<aliDg with l;ub-
oidiury Stal<!I-Funhcr <Ommunita&i.>n lrom l}on,mor-
J"!lroi-Di.opum betfttn \lrJcr 111d port ofhio Trooro-
lldnmiuatlun of the IJOTtmorJI'!D<ftll to IWgm<nt tho
llritl&h t"oree In Owle-lnquiry into the jutti'* of this
-->W.. "cleaire 10 tbe
.Jr-im Comm,.,. d!.t.,Niing ba. cn.o.dedfl"rmmpt-
Erila ami lhlua IB tile C'nil .-\dmluloaatiao-""'P<-J
10 the >mer "' rc!inqol>h the or m gino
T<rritm:iol s..:.uity l'or Bntiob Nego-
funry Wclk>lcy dtpt>lc<i to Ondo-f"unh<T
JR>O<e<lingo-New Treaty courludrd-Coudua at Go-
>t'ttlorB"DO'lll t.onrd.o Oudo di>cti..W....Oocmor-gwcnl
wta Northern Prorinet-.-lotuvicwo with the VJW-
with r.b Nhob ol fiii\IChbod--&ttlem<-at
of l'rori.- ....led by ..... w the Britiah
111101 Utpazmre oOi r. H<JII1 Wellal<y l'p. 162 w I
CH.\PTKR X\"111.
O..U.. of the to of the
d.,..,.,-llcqufta..,.r to J'l'>loc;; his OIAJ, ami _._
DuJllrity ol the P.W.a-!111 diar-llim to
.....,! .. a Britiob ::;uboidiary FO<U-R<lll:nd Negotia-
,.....,_Ad"""oc uf Holbr upoo l'vaua-l'cAirn quoto the

C"ry-VD<Imakeo 10 f- o IMmm< AlliaDoe with doe
Compuy-Dd .. t of tho Anny of the Pmhwa ODd SciDdia
by Holkar-Fiight uf tho Pdhwa 10 Buoein-Britioh
K.oidmt L:J. .. l'oona-'l'rtoty of 0.f<ILoie Alllao .. COD
eluded-A Britiili Forre unclcr Clc nrral Wellotley ..mmc:ro
UJ'PD Pua11A-Ratrn ihe City-Thr Peiohwa Reotored-
Communlcationa wiih S.india-M,..lon ofC<>Ioao!Colliao
"' that o;,r Jun<tioo or Scindia ODd the Rajoh ol
llcrar-Commw:...;...,. ol <:uloo.l ColliJD with botb-
Dqwtare of the Britioh ll<>idctlt from Sc:india'o C&mp-
lm>.-..1 W en..Jey man:ho from p.,.,._FalJ ol Ahmed.
arul Brooch-Opening vf UlrnJibip by tho Anuy
<>! of 1'<-non, of De lloigne, and of the
urigin of ihe Fl't'Ucl! Corpo--t..ord l.ake ottocl<. ond die
IM:nc!l Puron't Force-'l'nke1 I)Qa8Cflloion o( Coe.I-AJy ..
shnr mkrn by Stonn- P<'Tl'UII qnita tho eoroiccol S.indin
-Part of lUI Fora: uDder Louillloipc drfi:ated noDT Ddhl
-E__, (a of Dolbi bJ tile Pl ' R j jon of tho
llriliola c- d by doe Lj*IOi c ....... Ooidorlwf
loft R-ideDt ot DeiiD-.....,_ of Wellooley lro
tho o-...-&ttle of A..,-.,_Ai"' wrreaden to O...U
ocarpied loy l'olonrl Rarcoort-Oaunl
We """"beo from Agn in l"'"uit of a Mohratta Foree-
llattl< of of (l ......... W.u.,.)ey-Ne.
wtlation with Agwto of Sclodico-S ... ol Arma
iih ihot Chid agmod upua-lm>rral W rllaltl}' adt11n ...
t...,.nlo a Foroe belonging 10 t!ICI Rajah. ol llcrv-Bottle
u( Arpam-Gawilglwr bcoi<pl arul ...,.
dadtd with tho Rajah ollkrar ; ODd with Sc:indioo-De.
,,,., ol 8oDdiui br (lftwr.l C&mpbeii-Oocupatloa ol
BnDdieamd-Eigbt S"J'''loo-Dd Atbclts odded to tile
Treaty ollluaein-Attllrk U(l<>O 1 Frmdc SqaodroD by a
'loci of ComJII'IT' SIUJ--Treaty AlliaMe
n.oadu.W orith Sc:iad.iii-T,..tloo with ndaar Chlo&-
l'ropc-.1 ubjecto ol the 0...0111U1poenlltlalaod
Pp. 242 to 387
,\IF&in of Cqioo-lurs('<diOD<)' of Sepuuiog that lolaud
fnxo the GeumLI Gov..,.,..nt of llrilih lndio-Proc:...d-
inp of llnliob ao..m-t in Cq-laD .nth ,......t to the
Kiogdom or Clandy-War oommo:nc><d-Tho Capital ol
Cuc!y uttVpi<d by the crmdadtd
.nth the &cmy-Furtbet Eag1W1
in the City .r Candyonad..t. IUld IIUftiUitr Cll --
The 1mn1 l"iolaml. ""d thr rortJ munkml--l:lubojumt
""n-Furtt... -" on tho imp<>IM:y ol -tuliafl
the Briliob I' 'o in Cq-laD o""""""" Ooftnuac:at
...._ 88810 419
fl E of H<>llw-Coptvrw ol IWoJJOCJrob by
the Rngu.h-Further !0....,..-Ttmporary s ......... r
Am<or Khan in of Colaad
Mo-n md of Colconel Rctnat or
the for .__. .......
oivo Opcntioaa -Halkar r.-n bo{.,.. DdiU-Bra,..
J)d'...,. of the C"Y by C""-1 llalot-
111>00 -.. by l'ol-.1 llumt 01 1'1-'r Gmenl y,.._
mo.n:bel in ronwt o1 ,.,. of Hoolbr' Fam BeuJc of
Dt.w-Auodr by o-J lAb .. Halbr'o C.....p-l)oq;
taka& by the of the """" in the
Dooc:u--Copcure- o( ad otb.r plo<o-Gt'aonJ
lAb lofl to Bbuttpono-R<J-Illd md ....._.
f'ul Alto<:b .. that ..,_ N>N1 wido
the Jtojab-Coptain Jtorl dehtlt """>' o1 Scilklio'
eo...ur. lllld bod)' o1 H..U...' ......,._
Tr.&ty of !'-" ...,.....W ..-ith Rojoh of Bbw IJG B,.
pid.No <ciDdud ol Sri=* , .. od up by - a.w
10 lbe reoblnlioa of Gwolior ood Oolwd dw= t Pro-
an SciDdio' Coap-Arriftl ol su-r !too
Glootpy of bio a .. ,.., lloinotia ratmly

undtr l1it tGWQnlt liQtollcing
abad-lkmomtnlllre< oOir. Wrhbe, tbeBrithh
enlertllit><d .nth "'J!U((to tho llajah of
Bnv-ll<atb o( Mr. Wobbe,,..._., duU.. tbueby de-
vol"' no of Sdndia-i\ttetnpt
or the llriwh octing to irul...., him to art in
..,..,rd.,..., with hi& ongngtmellt.-Camp or tlao l!rifub
Reoidcncy all.&cled r.nd rrom Scindla
"' o....,.,r.0><nol doliwml altor ex..-dinary dclay-
Communkationo ur like cb&nu:t.:r mode to C<>lood Claoe
at IJIOWmJ !'kmoha'a Lctla'
-Extt> Jlrtl)'ndon for countrrarting
riew.-Sir Arthur W.Ueolry quit.a lrulin.- Shirr .. Roo
di>patehed hy Sdndia m Martindcll
liciodia' Camp-Scin4ia ""1- bit with-
dna...t to a dimnte, ,..hi<b i. rtluood-Ameu
Klw> .m ... In Sdndia'o Camp, and Rolbr-Ambajoe
Inglia ociftd by Rolbr, IUI<I;hution '"'tOTted Cram
bim-CurropuDilimt'tl h<tw...,. l:'cinclla md I A>rd Lol<e-
Ordcn al the for E<k.We
for War -"hi! 'ed-t.,._ of tbe rbao, ... -Mr.
J...m. r.- '!"ittill Camp-Aml;o..
joe la(!lia iDlo fa-.r by Srindj.-.Arrinl ol the
Marquio c,,..,.1111iJo, and ll.'J'OrfUle of tbo Wel-
letlt)-ObocrniHma on t.hc l'ulioy or the lattrr-Notio of
the or the Marqoio Wtlloolty, and Rowatb on IU.
C'1oanc1<r T'J. to 5i5

CliAI'TER X\'.
Som: besitntion O('('Urred in prmitling for thr cnu. xv.
\111'11111")' I)C('n.';i<ncd hy the reti:rem<'nt uf Lunl Teigto-
month. The Covemur of Lnrol llnhort,
had tn "'IC('('(!<) to tho chief Jlno:o in tlol.'
govemmtnt of lleug11!; lnrt the U}lt'<'tation 11"11!1
tlisappointcd hy the stlol'linn of T.nrd Comwnlli to
re-n!umo tho duties whit-h a f(W )'l'11l" Lefnn loc
IJAtl t\'linqui.lte<l. Thi appointrul'ot uotifieol
to Indlrt. but ot'ver mrrlt'll into tlli'Ct, his lonl,.hit
bein_st'"tly lord-lit'Ul:t'DAlll of 1 n-
l:md. The cltnico of the home authoritit-s ultiruatly
f('(l upon the Earl nf whn Jrtlvinuoly
stood appointe<! tn the go.-emmomt of )lwlra.., lllld
EngJnmlJnte in tloe 1<'nT 1i9i. Tlw PCW A.D. 1197.
govemnr-gentralluul '"'UihiLhecl for loiln!!tlfthe l'I'JIII
tAtion of a di!tiui!Ui;,hc1l !<'h"IAr, a brilliant po.riQ.
ru. 0
cnu. X\' , mi!Iltary speaker, amliUl nbleman ofbu!lin""!'. His
- attention hrul for n I!Crietl of yeMI been !'l<'fluloWoly
devoted to the of snch inforrnntiQn ns wM
tn fit hirn fnr tho office which be hnl nnw
nttnined. His pumlit of this branch of knowt .. tgc
wn."- in all probnhility, tlto result of inclination mtber
thao of any otbt'r Lq the l'"'bability ohul'-
to my upirant to an office so honounlble and
110 highly rcmonl'mted 1111 that of goTemor-gcoeral
m05t be regarded M lllllllll. But the mo-
tivH, the rosuJt ffi08t happy. The r'-AI'l Of
Momington Jmcttdcd to his destinntion rroparol
for his duties by 011 perfect llll ncqunintancc with
the history and clreamataneee of BritU.h lulia as the
mo.t -idwqiDqulrlea-w-. Ia addition to
&be fruita ol hill pri..te lt1Mties, he W dwhed -o
adTantago from ba,;nlt eened u ajmDor-borof
the Board of Commiaaioaers for tho AlliWs of India.
At th!' Cape <>f Gaod Hope he met with Kirlt-
Jllltri<!k, an offirer who hacl filled the office of British
r<.,.ident at more t han one of tho natiTC eClUrlli ; and
the information dcriv!'d from him, aclded to that
wbifob had already acrumnlated by reading and
official ohlocrvation, !'nabled the goTemor-gcneral to
nter uron offioo itb a confidenoo wbi<"h in bill
I'Q5C Will! well 1I'Uftllted, but Thich. with inferior
"l'l"'rtunities. no ono would be jwi8.! In enter--
'fhe position or thf.' Britilh Ia India
at tltiB lime '11'1111 not iDAL'mrately deeeribed by Lord
Teignmouth M "rt'tpOI!table." The Company

BIUTISB f:lll'lllll l'f lliDIA.
S("'<c-..1 a coru.idcrable, but not a cnmpect territory. CJJAP. :\V.
llt'youcl their own dominion tbcy <'X<'rrised a CC'r-
lnin whll'h might hnvo l>Cen much grentcr
clltonion bern C'nrountgld lm<terul of being
dwd.:rd. Dot still tho politirnl J'I'O!'jJCCto of tho
llriti'h in Incllil were far from bdug bri.t:"bt. In
quarters the of c!anger were gather-
ing Into laca\ 1 ,.bit'b the 11101'-t -opine ob-
!i('rfl'r of the times eould l'Cftraly overlook; anti
lllP poli<'y which fnr orne Y<'ai'S hac! lk.'\'11 ptll'8Ued
thrct\lcucd to lcnvo tbe BritU.h go,crnment to brue
tbt: tilOrm without os..i'ltance. Tho rrub:Willty, in-
tle..d, !lel'rncd to be. tbnt, in tho rvcnt of ita being
by any native power, it would lind in
alm<><t cv"ry other nn t'nemy. Statcmlen, whose
no><l entirely monlded tljiOD Eunpean experi-
cnec, were incapable of adapting thcm."ches to a
Ftntl' nf ro widely diJlirent aa that exist-
ing in lnlia. hAd determined thD.t if eYer tho
Dritlh J.:ov<'rnmont should cmcrgt frem the passive
ILt'CJIIit'l'CI'IIC'U to which it Wl\8 umniJy doornO<l, it
!lloclld be f11r tho purp<>Se of mniotaining a principlt'
wlaleh luul long been rcgardol a.q thl' t'01Jier\11Wr of
the pearo of Europe-tho halauec of power. Tbn
attempt to pl'\'M'rve the (>C&C<l of India opoo any
surh principle must now appl'lll'. to every one ac-
qanintcl with the mbje<'t, not onlr idle, lm; ludi-
crous. But nt the period under rovicw, tho hope,
wilrl as it w1111, found hnrbour in tho brea5b< of tiat'1-
mPn uf high reputntino; noel t hr n<'W govcmnr-
geoeral was camC!'tiT enjoinl'tl to maintain the ba-

IDST()JtY Ot' Tlf&
cl!A.P. xv. Janet' of power ns estnblishcd hy the trmty of
Seringaputnm. That balance, however, melt 1\S
it "118.. bad been destroyed ; nnd tho apathy or bad
faith of the Britiih govtmllllcnt had contrilmted tu
nccclcmtc its destruction. T11e dominions nod rc-
&OurCc$ of the Niv;::un hrul been l11rt. to bo partili!med
by Uu.> M tlhraltlll! nl tltcu pl<'1urure; noel though W<'
di&'leDSiolll! of the conquerors bad relieved the cnn-
qucrel rr.rty from a portion of lite humilintion nod
loss incurrel by his Ulfent, he had, uot'llilh.,tond-
ing, sufii.>rocl greatly both ill }Jonour nDU pow.-r.
The means for preserving nny portion of citht'r.
which hod been forced upon him by tim polil'y of
tlte British go,-cmmcnt, nlfordccl, ns hilS been seen.
ndtliticruU caDIC for rullm\ lo thnl government. Tho
nlllin !ltrcnglh of his army wns under Fnmrh eon-
lr"l; IUld ns, in states constitnloJ like Umt nf tl1o
NiY.nm, tho influence of the lll'DlY is lilr greater than
in lhDSc wherein the due subordination of milimry
to ci vii autllority is wule.rstood nnd mnintAined. the
rouuoili! of thnt prince woro in a great degree
swayed by those who the powm of the sword.
The drutger of the British go'ernment from thP
continued maintcnnncc of snclJ n force in the acrvico
of the t\iz1tm wns sufficiently ob,'ious. No hope of
from tllat prince, ngniMl Tippoo
.....---"or any other enemy, could he lnolred for; and c.-en
Iris mmtrnlity could not Mfl!ly be relied upon.
wa. not the only evil, perhaps not tho greate.;t evil,
remlting from tho llllfortunnte coun;e of poliry
"ltieh hnd pu-rrul>d. The hO!'tilc fel'ling" \\itb
\\llich the nnd French l'!'gnrded Cnt'h ulhcr <:llAP. :n.
were knn"n throus:bout lnclia : awl tire lno" lcclge
dUJt the star uf French fortnnt'l \\11>! in the aaceucJ-
ant, "hile the iutc""'t of tht Enl(lih wns declining.
WIUI eminently eaJculuted to give ronlidenco to the
\'lltmies of tho lnlltr nnlion, nntlt"\!11 to :ultllu the
numl.ocr llf tbtir ciWlllit'!l by cl('('itling the wukring
On turning fnun the Xwun lt1 the Mahratt....,
tl1cro WBI! littlll to l't'lieve tire creat .. J by a
ronteruplation of thP unpro;qwnus of thl' Hri-
ritoh interu-1.8 at thl' rourt of Hyd .. nt.d. The
t'Oune of eentll had greatly <limi.uWte-1 tilt! p<>wer
and inftuenre of tlw au<l there '""" little
J'l'lllmbility thnt the inferior would holt! lllt'm
t-dn'S bound bJ t>utcre<l inJo by llwir
nnwinal lcad<'r to e<H>pcmte V)j!oroudy in nny com-
own object. The predominant inlfucnre at l'uuua
wa' that of &intlia, who wrr.. out believed to June
nny ,.,'001.1-will tm>nrol tbe Dritili gu-crJIIIlcnt. :-iurb
\\'l'Tt' the nltcnl circumhl.:utet.'A uf WI! twn luh!ll
wlru hu<l t'tH'Ip<'mh.J with tilt' EugW.h in re<lul'iug
rho po..-er of MJoon. Areut 1111d TnnjcN remnill('cl.
n they W..l long lJC<'JJ, -onrre< of cnku("ii< mther
thnn ,. 8rr .. ngtlt. The new uf Arent, f.,J.
lnwin;{ the I''<RmJcl! uf his lll'f'<ICt'l"'"'lr, gnvo IIJI hi1
t'OIIII(ty nn UIIJ'I'tllt.'t1e.:J pny let the mf'CSf'ity <f
115111'!'1'1'. Tb.- tlall' of Tanjore ,.,. In thl n."'t"-ld
littlo l.octm: nrul tbcre llll intril'llte queFtion of
cli.opuwtl atlclitiunal t'ftUfl(' e1f
<'Ill hnrrn&!m<n t
CIIAP. X\', In the north, tho cxtrnol"llinnry scenL-s which lllltl
N'<:cntly taken in Ouclc were yet fn..,h iu tho
memory of nll, nne! tlw new "hich
Lord TeigrunouU1 hnd bc"n eo1npellcd by duLy tn
l'!lt.nblib. though in &trit't ncconlnnce with puhlir
ft'C!ing, had not yet n<'quin:d any portion of thll
I'Oofidence whiclt it the growth or time. It was
apprehended that .\IIIIAII would rerut it by nms.
anl !ems 11'ete cnttrtnined of RD imul't'CCtlon of
the Robil!A chief<, a hiU'<ly nod wn.rlikc l'lli'C,
novcr slow to drnw tho swonl wbeu no opportunity
Jll'f!llented itself for asserting their indllll<lndcnrl.l.
7.elllllun Sbo.b, the ruler of Canbul, who had
un 110\'E:ml diAturhL-d the JlCacc of India,
might. it ..,.. thought, c)eem the cxktin,e: comlinn-
tion of cirenmatrulCC!! to & renewal of hiJ
attempts.. This belief did not r""t un mcro
jecture. It w118 known thnt ZeDUIIUI Shah hnl
been in communicntion 'vith the bitter and irrtcon-
cilnble enemy of th11 RritiHb power, Tippoo Sultnn,
and the mention of tlai8 prince let1ds to tho cmti-
clemtion of the chief tlnn,l!\cr whiclt the Compnnfs
go,crnmcnt bad to apprehend. The nnt:uucnblo
h01-tility of Tippoo, & fiX'Iing &S acti\'e aa it wa.;
inl<'lllK', bad led him, Eince the concluaion nf
the Jli!IU'O negolinted by Lord Comwn.Jii.., to ICCk
iu eTery qnnrter tho mL'l111S of regaining hit! )QSL
power nnd inOuCil.Ct.!, 11nd of humbling tho strnnK''"'
who luld inllic:ted ourh th'(p o.nd pninful cu
hi nmbitioW! miod. Hill int<>rwnrse with 7.emnun
directed to tbcsc objects. An imaslou
of the uortb of India from Cauhul "'.;ulrl lmve faci- uur. :\'.
litn.tcrl any hostile meMnn'tl tnktn hy TipJKIO in the
south by ilistl'llt'ting tho ulhntiuu of tho
go,tmmwnt nod dividing force. At Poona. Tip-
JttH htul lnhoured :l..<!<ldnoWily to countcrMt Driti..h
nnd to cngn.,rre th<" \l11ltrnttn chief, in
1icW'i. .H Ilyderabnd ho bar) nutured to plll"uc
tho eamc eoui"'C, and here he fount! his puqiOSC'<
IUIIiWCn'<l hy the co-opel'lltiou of thu French
in the of the Sizrun. It wn., not in
qn11rtcr only tbut Ti)lpoo !!Ought aid from the
nntionnl feeling of hOf!tility 110 lnng existing
tll-t'll Uo French and tho Englhlb poople. During
n pcrlrHl of IIUUlJ )'l!:ll'!l he bnrl tmployed nll the
means snggerted for inducing the
French to lend him efficient IUilltance in driYiug
their rinls from India. An emba!,y "<!nt by him
to Cotllitanlinople h:ul bc<-n int.,nded to prueeed
from thence to Pam ; Lut cluuli!('L
the tltllnnination, and nnotlwr l'mbnosy, ronsi,;ting
trf thrl'<' pcl'!!on.q, wns subsNJUC'ully liJIIllrhetl dirrrt
to proceeding by 1!1.'0 fru111 Puu1ucherry. ll
arrlvctl while the u.nfortun:lto X \'I. Ftill 'lillltt
on the throne of his IID<'CStoN. and was rt'Cein"l
W<"'t gnaciou:Jy; but il.:i oltiiX't '11'11.1 UWitln.ined.
Tbo .French government, tbcn tllttt'ring to it, foun-
da.tiuns, "llll in no condition to n.nlcr &it:wce to
a dl,:j;)lot soparnted from Frnwu Ly tboummls of
mill.,., nud who.e only rlnim til '1\'1111 fowtdrd
1111 hnt1.-l of tho Englih lu&tiun, It lw been
Sec 'n:Jl. u JllSV4fJ
nnm.>ll 'I' oP TB1'!
riUP. n. laid, too, that'tbero w1111 little em the
pnrt of the French King to listen to the onrtnn'l
of Tippoo-that bhl eXJH:ricncu of the bitter fruits
of Frenclt interfcn:nco in the clispuh.'!l bc!t""cn and bcr coltmit'll in America, whieh bnrl
taught th05C who for centuries had recei\"etl tho
won! of the &cmreign u lo.w the doctrines of the
natural eqtmlity of mcn and the &npn!l!llley of tho
J>pular will, bad n-rulon.'<l him cautioua of embark
in!!' in mil'S which hatl no better jnti:fication tiiAD the
of injuring u Jllltion by cutting
off rlisfnnt clepc>nclcnoics. Certain it i, howt:v!'r,
thnt tho mission failed, and tho mennnl!t'll of the pre
TipJ>OOIIA<llhougbt worthy to oo offl!n-'<1
to tho moll&l'eh of one of thl moo powerful nntioll!l
in the world ai!Onlc<l abun<lant room for thole
cR'mtol18 of wit and ridknlc which C!Tetl tho obvloU!!
npproncli of the moral l'lllthqunkc whi.-b wa:s to
lmkc nil the thnlUt'l of Europe could not b11ni\oh
fwm tho F1VIIch court. Tho tuo,
IJUtlrn:Uetl among lhlm'flw"i as to thc UPI"'rtittn
mcnt of I'Cttain Jli'C"'CDI.8 which the libcmlity of the
Frcnch King bclotnnl on them; and on their return.
"ithnut eti'eetinlt any tbing for tho l'urpo!<"' uf the
mi ... iou. one, who h:ul bct>n lighted by his
un account of hi& ha'"ing prc>imt!oiJ lJiX'JI in tbll
l""'ition of 11 meni:tl l!'rvnnt. himlK'lf by
tlt'<'UJoing them uf purticiJonting in indulgcnct'.!J f.>r
l.idrlrm by the l'rnphcl. Ti[roo, not nnpreJ>IInd to
dkpJeru.urc nt tile llllilatitolilcwry termination or
an AU.:rupt which had IJccn the talliC or CODIIidcr
niJle expen!ll', his ft'ellng>l by"di.sgrncinA' the CliAI'. xv.
umbassadoro. But b.e did U<1l. thws n:lin
qubh liD. 1!'1 near heart. The ft':lrful
bange. Thich ovo:r 1-'runrc !iliortly arttr the
l<pnrture of TiJ'roo's mini,tl'l'l'l from that roun-
try ronde no nltcrntion in hi. l'iews or oontlut.
He wa., to no Jlllrlirulnr I!Cbool of Julitir&l
JtlWosophy, IUttl. tho lilllit6 of hi:! own tlumi
nion:, he C'lU'l!d not what funu ,,f go=ment prc-
miled it \\We not 8\lCh to interfi'N "ith
uny of llli! or The red CIIJ of the
,J nco! in wa..., in his eyt.,;, IIJI n!tp('CtAblc as th11
rro'I1'Jl of Saiut Loui..., anl he the roant ....
UIUICX! and suproort of tho SUCC<.,.he
l:.....,,.,.mmeuUt ruo o.'llidnOU!lly IIJI hi! hud irnplonl
mnrks of faYour from tho monareh whose
t!(thronemcnt and murder lmd !lllllle way for
num .. roo.. CXJX'riments in the art of a
;mu commenced anti relin-
<Juhhed with 11 lfity thut !dcl 11 htd.icr<>ns colouriug
nnr tiJe hom1M1 b) which they \lt!fl' nttenlLd, nncl
the "'"lo to re"'!lli!.J,. rnthcr a .Jw,Jowy cx-
hiblti<ln o( the wilt! buffoon<'ry ,,f frantic dl'lll"IL'-
tbnn a oeries of <f ml'll!t gra v., and itnJ"'rlant
luunckr p<'rf .. nn ... t by IJ<>inl!" 1<1 ..wily
unrl to tho onlinnry (I[ ltllllllUl nature.
Through tlo of Ull' b""'l'mmeut of tho
'la.uritiu 'uioll!l <unmuniouions were ll!Adc t.y
Tipj>oo. in nll of which he the litrongnt
alludmtcut to till' 1-'rl'uch JICOJtlc. and nttributcl l1>
ti<'O l\lood w-.u... llk<tchn

' liiSTORY 01' TilE
CUAP xv. this couso the 'hostility nf tho amlluo l.ll.iJ;-
fortunC!I to wilich hu hnl in oon..<eqmnc bn ijlli>-
jeded. "'<II dk"f''l>1ll us thnsa who ndmi-
nik,..l thl' go.-emmcni of Franro to tntc.r into
MY proj.-ct for gh-ing unuoyllllcc Dritn!n-
nnxioUB 11;1 they wcru In viudirnte th1 nfltionnl glory
in Imlia. "h<'nl the Oag tf Fmncc l.uul 10 often
lunred In JUhmission tn tle ri..-al nation, the state
of atTain in Europo long rendered it impractimblc
for th French to bet<tcw much of att<-ntion nnd noy
portion Of IU'!!istll.llCil 011011 ll SUp(llillllllt frtlDI II diJl.
tnnt part of the world. Tippoo, bowuvcr, w:l5 ttl
anlently bent upon his obj ect to abandon it in
def!-.air; though tbo apparent indiJI'crenco of thu
great natiun must hnvo nnnoyed, it tlid not cllio-
courngc him, ll.lld l!<liDO limo in tb11 1 i97 a
circUDIIIJUIDe OOCUJTC<l which re"{luinlllt<:d his hopes.
A priYattcr from tho )laorititb arrhetl at Manga-
lore dimwted, ami tho COlllilllUidcr tb"
mt'll.ll.! of n-pm. Tbl' officer exerciing th chief
llllVnl authority nt Mnngnlore, n slight
ncquniutnnce with thl French langnngt", entend
into COII\crsation with thP. master of tho dba.ble<l
and reported, as the re:,ult. that tbit perun
repre.o;cut.ed bimself in t'Outrunnd nt
tha l\lnurit!us, IIJld thnt he hnIIICt'n spceinlly
i.ol!troctcd to t-ouch at )fnngnlorc for tlo J>urpoae nf
ascertaining the Sulbl.n' news regnrding the eo-
operntinn of a Freurl frrec which \\'U J'l'll<ly to he
emplnyld in the expulion from lndia uf thll com-
uwn NINny, tua EngliHh. NC>tbiug tuull be murt

!:lll'me IN INUJA. J 1
to the Sultan tlwt nn "oerture: tho en U'. X\',
ronster of tho pri11Ll>et '1\118 promptly ulmittetl to
thu roynl (lre;;enco, llltcl with long nncl frc-
qnent The rc.<Uit an nrmngemcnt,
by whi<-b the rruu.tcr of the though I'I!CO;!:
nized in hill high eltn.raeter of nn cnvoy, wn., for tho
sake of eoorcnlrocnt, to bo into
the i'Cn'ke of Tippoo: tho TC"'!CI wns to I.e pur
c:h:u.ccltm the pnrt of thnt prinr<>, nntl to be laden
wilb mlrchnndlzo for the Mauritius; ood confidcn
tial agenta of the Sult&ll wer to proeeccl in her fcr
the J'urpa<'Kl of concerting nll thnt related to the
propo!k'd armament.
ThP IK'nanu of Tippoo wt>ro lctsS eredulous thnn
their mo.&ter. They had con.-ci'SOO with 110010 of the
crew nf tlJo privatC<Jr, and dlo;coll!n.'d thut the rank
lllid llli..!sion of tho <rommnndl'r wero fictitious. Tho
re:;ult (If their inquiries w:11 tommunic:tled to the
Sultno, to;;ether with a repre_-<>utation of the
which be would ineur by disclll'ling vitWl! to t!IP.
.Englitih without nny pl'O!<JlCCt of timely or
mccour from the Freru:lt. But Tippou was too
anxion_ thAt the J>reochman'a lihouJd 00
true to a.Jlow him to cntertnin n dou ht of tbem.
HI' mill tho warningtt of hi minialers by 11 rcfereuco
to the doctrine of pr.-dl."'tinntion. by ,.hirh a ,;n.,.c-rc
M a"Slllmllll consoll'S himself untlt:r aJI mlwnitics.
nnd <'XI.'lll!t:'S his \\llnt of cJwrtiou to 11nrt thmn.
The ptll' of the ,.l_l wa. D.IT&llgtod, but as the
master wu to renuln lu M,-..ore. the -r wu
cntfWILll to one of bis countrymen to nuU.c the
IllSTOltY OF Tilt:
t nu. xv requin'<l]'l'ynl<'llt on ib anini at the Mauririu-.
Thi perJj(ln with tht amount ob-
tni!te<l, nnol hLq fate is unknow11.
Ilis untxpeeted night dL<cunecrteol in !!<oDIC de-
gree thP Jlam. nml even ohook hi ronfi-
ohnee in tho ff'Jln!!lt'nlntiunB of tho )'rctentle<l Frtncb
moy. whu pbred nuder p<J'!Illnal on
supiriou of l.Jeing in cnllusioo with the d,faultcr.
Cnrwdemhlt tolOk hl'fore TiJJOOO ooultl
oiNermiuo whnt oonrso to pnrsUl'; hut ultimntely it
reo.olvcd to re;;toro the to the nn
his giving hond fur tho :unount to his
ruuntrymnn, nml to ollow him to proceed to the
llfnurithu, C<Juveyiug with him two scmmts of
TiJ>JMlO. as amla-.!on to the government of tb:u
iland, -.ith ltlten; from their 10verelgn. Tbe IUJ-
picion with wbjeb tlw of the ,.,.11114,1 bad
IK'<u regu.lod probahl} n ;miliJ.r feeling
in hi.. miuol : and, heforc he bad heen long nt -,
be demnnolod to exnmino the ltttcno in ciiii"!,'C of
'l'ippoo's antb:t.'llllol'!', thrcatcninJr thnt, if Nfn...OO,
ho would pro<'l...d on a privatPeriug expedition, in-
t!':ill of mn ldng fl,r tbc Some nlterca-
tiun took pltl('o', whil'lo wns ended by tbe Frt!ndomau
nlnpting tbl' hort nnl eftectivc coUN! of forcibly
&el2:ing mol peuing tho of hb rorl(l5ity.
The pt:ru>AI or tho lettt-nt t;C(:JIIB tu Jon.-e rcm.,vtl his
ruul he Stl..'l!l'l'll without to the
lt. D.t;,s. MnuritiW'. where he in .la.ulllll'!, J i9"-.
Tbo wt'rc n.'<.'<!in'<l by tht l'n:ntb
with li..tuoJ.!Ul,hLl bouour; hut tho pub-
F.Ml'IR!l IN lllrtT". I !l
licity thuq ghcn to tht>ir anhal, bnwi\'t'r llattmng. CIL\P. xv.
wns inroni.>tent with the scency whieh
lt wns inllUllerl should be wiUt rognrd tn
thcir mission. Their being OJICIII'd, =ro
fonrul to CXpre< tlon great of TiJ(>O< for
the <'<l-flJtl'rntion of lht French inn plan whirh Willi
laid tloown for the I'OD!JUOO of till' Eng'lih nnd l'nr-
tuJ!Ue'C J'O.'"es&ionf in Tnol.i:l. :mol of the tcrritqri<"
<J their nati\'C o.llit'l'. Th<' nnwcr wo.s mo<t cour-
teous, but little AAliRfuctory. 1'he fnlJBCinnnc:> nf
the "hi cit bntl hront:ht TlpJ>O' run-
ba.""':ldnrs to the :\lnnritiu,;, nnd the nf the
wbida lollll imlnc<"l the Soltau tn s<>n.J
thtm. were il!Mtrntod by tho ltclamiion nf tuc
French authorities, Utat they bad not at their di..
f""'3l any adequate m= of aiding the Sultan'
viows, but thnt proposniR hou\<1 I.e traumitteol
to the gowrmncnt of Fmntlt', who, it \fWI not
d'>ubteol, W!Juld ormply mtb wih"'
Tbe Jette!!< of tl1< Sultan won; acconlingly tro:n.<-
fcrrcol to Franco in cluplicut; but llll n lung tocriool
would Dl'<'t ;;:uily cbl'.., b..forr tlctC'nnination
of the gm.-mltiCn' there could be knmm. tloe go-
vcnaor of tbc i!-lunol, Ocnernl )Ja!Mtie, mahed to
manifo..,l hi ''Yilll'l'thy with tho cnu>-e of Ti[>J>OO lly
i'lling a procl:onation. reeo>nnting the proJooeal of tltn
!'nltan to fonn nn nlliiW.Cc with the Frt'nrh; and Jib;
uvo\\lll thnt he only wnited tho moment wh"n that
nation hnnld romt ln !JiR a...sitaneo to olecllll'll wnr
a1,rainst th<' wbum it was his ardmt d(-in
to t'liJI('I frnm I nlin. The prudamatinn lh<n nrl-
Cll.\1'. xv. vertcd to tho impracticabiUty of the island govcm-
ment nny portion of itA regulnr trOOJII! for
an.! eoncluded with invitinl<' citix< Rll,
both "llite nne! Llack, to enrol Utcmselnq under tho
l'allall's tlag, 8S!'11ring- tlm,;e who might be tli>fK>S<'I to
roluntccr of good pay, the amount of which \111!!
to bo fixed with tho nmbn."'ulnl"'l, nnd of llling
permitltJd to return to their own country whcn-
cvc.>r thty might Little could be hoped from
thi!l mrnsure; nnd it aCc.>ITI!! imptll'l'iblo to lll'Sign any
reaso1111ble molivl! for tlui.S, -..;thout n!!l'<!--.ity, anl
mthont any protipeCt of ndvantage, giving publicity
to tbnt which it was important to conceaL The
lmet'Uil <>f thl' experiment cmnmCllltlrate with
it wi.8.Jqrn. Tippoo'e ro-mnbnrkod witl1
a meta handful of followers, ancl they fur the m""t
JlUI. tho refuso of th<' i.,;land rabble. With thla
pt'\'clous nddition to tbc fitrengtb of tho Sultan, th"Y
,.D. bndcclat in April.
AJ Tippoo had t>xpected to reecho from the
French islands 11 largo nnd elfl-ctive force, he mut
ha,e lilt 80mo dlsnppointment on the arrha! of the
extraordinary group whitb accomrmnied his amhllf;sn-
do"' on their return. Though fi.-w in number wd low
in rll:ll'llcter, they bad at least onu lQ
tho favou:r or tho Sultan-they in hi8 hatred or
Tbcir 1II1JIIbon ..... cldffftlldpctaled. The coa--ptftl,
ill a ml11111e ,_rded 179R, coaclud<S that tlq
did not uceod 1100 hlllldrod. Colond W'llks, who hod the op.
partllJiily cl ......ttlllg ll r-autboriU.., - the nwaho<
to ba"' hen! ....,tlr DD>tty-aint.
BRrf!SB nt1'11Ul 1'1; n;Jl!A: l;i
tl"' Engll,h; and though their feeling.., with regard tlllP. xv.
to tbe nlfipectiw riglot' or nnd f>e"Ple,
"'<'re not ns coohl well bo roeonrilcd with tloc
of a dei'pot. thi. ein:um<Uillc ..eems tu hA,..c
j!iv .. n llCl conCtn eithtr to them or th!'ir employt'r.
lluminsr ,.;th zeal fnr those prinripl . tht> proptt-
gntiun uf which ltnd deluged Euro1oc with blot!,
they mncle no attempt to oonreal their
nnol--n fllt't 6til1 more e:ttrtLOnlinnry-tho Sultan,
"'' far fnm lllllnifesting IUIY liliko nf tlll'ir view!l,
o-nsihly g:n-e thorn tho rul'l'llliUlgt! of hi!J anetiQtl
nr11l pntrunage. One of tho L&rli<'8t ml'A!IIlreft of
Tippoo'8 new friends was to Ol'gUiizo a JIM'Obin
dub on those prindplus of national eqnnlity anti
uuivms:U fmwmimtion which formed the of
thdr countrymen a.t home. This association Willi
not merely to!Nated by the Soltan-it -was ho-
noured loy his !<pi!Cia.l apprnbotion, and he CTt'll
t'fmdesccndc<l til bceomo a. momber of iL 'Vlethor
or not ho rolmutted to the fratemAI embrace il
unrcrtnin ; hnt it is beyond It doubt that he wa1
enrolled amoug these ...... ,rto111 of liberty nllll
lity, nod 11tlded to tho titles which bo previomly
bore another. whic-h. in the Eut, hnd a.t h-....t the
dmnn or novdty: the Snltao of :\l)o.on> lx-can<'
Citir.en Tippoo. The tn.oe of liberty was rlllllte<l.
nnl the aLp of t'tfU&litY clcvat<'ll. The cit:izcll ad
turcrs met in trimary L"-'lemhly; " instruct..'tl each
sny Colonel Wilks, the t>Dforeement or
thtir MW nnd the ahe.ndonmcnt nf tht:ir
old duties;" tho Pmhlenu r.f royalty Wert' publicly
m'<TuR\ oF nn:
UIAP. w burnt, nml rui nnth of hntf('<l to tllnt nntittlllted
institution puhlidy nlrniniien'<l nnl tnktn; ruul
thof'(' ren:mouieR tt>Ok Ilnce in n country wlwre one
man helol at oli"JK'"&I the liv,..., lill\'rty, awl prn-
pt.rty of nil miU\, Dlnreowr. though not
only a hut ft tymnt, rt'puh-
lit-rol with npproving cy<". nnd tu them
by t'nuntt'n!tnre nnl !!tll'lwrt. In truth,
tho wholo life of Tippo< 1ms lUI exemplifk'lltion uf
tho> force nf ('IV' ion; nnl no ("\rt. of it moro
stron,!Zly att.ts hi total want of onlinnry Jmllf'llCC
nnd Felf-cnntrol thnn conchwt towl\rds tbr rtll'D
whom hi' illy to the Mauritituo b:ul hrnngbt
front thenrt, to l'r<:>nch und('r hiR nURJlit't'S
whit'b, if tractically folltJwe<l out. W"Dlol b11w )Pvrllecl
the miH!t imperi:oW! with the mll'ltwr<tehed
olnvo whom be Tho t'bampions of the
Dl'W opiuio>r hatl'<! thMB whom thr: Sultnn Rlso
mOAt inttnt'\y hat(d; M<l tltis \m." uflicient, nut
only to aluOII fr.r Rll tbc-ir extni\1\S!Uit:(', lout to fl'-
eommtmd tlwir tu '>'JIN'iru flwnur.
The F.arl of \tomiugton Ill 'Isulm io
April, 311cl at tl1o R!nt of his gnmnumnt in Dcngul
A. D. 11111. in ?lilly, I 7f)R Shnrt11 n.fu..rllr.rd,;. a ropy of tbe
pi'U('lamati .. n isru!-d at the nnnounciug
tho deoigtl of ruul invitin!! .Frl'lleb !'itizens
to join hillltandnrd, nppt'lll1'd iu Calcutta. It nc-
nttrnctt'cl the attentirm of the gnvernor-
g.ural, wh01e fi,...t impre,.qon 'll'll.q to dno1Jt its llll
thentieity. The ncton.l cxi>tenl'C of 1'0 wilcln
10 wildl1 pn,...'Uc-1. Wilt' nnt. inoiCL'<\, to Joe bdic'ftod

11Rin'!11 EliJ'rRJ: II' L'ltll\ I 7
npnn blil!hl ground. '"lt Fef:rucd itit-redlbl(','' sniol CIIAI'. "''
the gm-emor-j:t'n<ml, in reeonlin;r ltw \ic'll'l! on tho
"tlutt if tbc Frl'uch rl'lllly entcrtaiMu n
dl'Sigu of furuh!hing aiol to Tippoo, tltry wuul<l pub-
licly dNInrc thnt dl'toigu, l\lltn no other apparent
t.nd could be ll!liwered by 1111l'h a rf<'t'lanttiuu. ex-
l'l'pting thnt of the project in il infnu<'y tn
the obwn-ation our j."'ventmenl!! hotlt nt hom"
nnd in lnlia. nnl of pro:paring '"'tlt for a timely nnl
!'ll<l'twt.l It tli!l nnt apJ'!'Rr mort' J>rt>-
Lahlc that TiJIJ""' (wbateTer might I>O hill I!Ct'n!t
dolliJ."'l) would ltn\'P mktd so JlnLlie nuol nngunnle<l
au nrowal ofhl h""tility: Tho
ltowc\Tr, it Jln>JH.'l' to gunrd ngninst tho dnn-
t:CI'Ii of ruh rutd ob!;tinate disbelief. no than
against the inconvenicnc('l! tltnt might rerult from
ovcr-hllh-ty credcncr. Ilo forthwith inlituteol such
inquiri('!l might lcrul to the determination of the
qul'Stion w bethl'r or not Fuch n pm<'IIUillltino haol
hl.'('n is;."Uctl : and to be preJifti"C<l !or w IUW!'I'cr llll!ll
might become lm dircctt!d llu ttoTer-
nnr of Malras, Gl'neral Harris. t to tnm bi;; attention
to the culll'('tion of n fni'C't> on c>OAI't to ml'ct any

The nutbcuticity of the prwLuruition was eoou
&beolrtllincd; but ILDOLbrr doubt occurred-wlwthor
the step migbt nut been tnt.en hy M. l\falartie
mthnul the nf Tipp<JO, nnl pro-
Minute ......U..t oo B<ftpl OoftnUDCilt c-....w-, I 2IA
A"'!"ft. 179R.
t Lon! l:fcllon bod cltpartld ill Oct<>bct, I '97.
\'<11.. Ill.

Rm'I'01IY or TB&
CHAP. xv. motion or oljject or the Freaeh ........
1IHOIIIII!ded with hM in&ereet. and 1lll&llthorlle4 by
bil 001 1 t Tbe in'ft!l&lgation whic:h follo'ftd 41e-
Teloped all the f'acta that been related u to tho
-busy dispatched by Tippoo to tho Mauritl1111, Ita
llaumDg teeeptioa, tbe previous abeeoee or any
Yiew oa the put or t1ae Freneb udharitiea or aid-
ing Tlppoo In any and the --.omt
proeeedill8'o down to tho embarkation or tho Fldley
had or 1'0IDDtcer!!, their landing at Maoplore, and
their ad into tho Sultan's ler\ic:e. Tbe
feelings of TiJIJIOO townrds the British nation and
JUVI'mmrnt were previously no 11eeret ; but had a
cloabt existed on the subject, it mW!t bavo been rc-
..-d by eM lei 1 '"- elicited by the inquirit'8
of die p-e enl. k ,... ....... .- oaly
that Tippoo would gladly aftil hbnlell of 11q ..
poitlmity that might otrer for the reooTery or hl8
hmer power, bat that be - not dilpoled to wait
till might throw the -in hit way; that
be wu colleeting lltmlgtb for hl8 med"led &ask ur
dri'riuf the Engliah from India ; and that u soon u
be Jhould be in a situation to oommt'DCC war with a
probability of IUcc:eAA, his revengeful @!'irit would
be from the reetnlinta to 1Yhieh, for a time.
it had mOBt reliiCitantly and most painfully bee-b-
jeded. Hil awJieetiaa for French 11 I ltaoe W
thua lilr &lied; ba& the 6Wure wu -' a&tliJIIdable
toanyunwlllingn on the partoftMier61 d to
lllbld the Sultan all be Wlll&ld. The F...,.. fOlelll-
.-at home ita aepa ti"" abroecl-woald
lllllTISR OIPIRI' L" n;:nu.
nlike ha\'0 rrjnkl.'l in an OJIJ>Ortunity or a crl.\r, XI',
Llow tit power of Great Britain in ltulia. The
feeling bal bo.,'<'u lDIIDif.,.tt'<l by the m01l<' in which
the dcrruu11ls of Tippoo hatl bocu met. Thous:h what
WI\R yielded to his MJUt">l Will! but n mockery nf Ilk
"nut .. it WIL'111ll tluU. the Mnnrl govon.untnt toulol
nffionl ; an<l iu miiug 31ld dipntchiug to Man,gr..Jun
tbe mb<rahlo bwrd of adventurer'l who liollowro
ministcll'l, the de!'in to annoy the Briti.;b
gannunrnl WM not struugly munift,tcd than
th.' want of nhility to rt!ll<ltr noooyuno "fli.'<'tino.
Tlw feling uf hnRtility 1multl <'eftainly routiuur,
anl tbc means of plfecthcly g;ratirying it might in
tlmo be found.
With t11c aid of tho British g<>vtnunent
had not found the conquest of Tippoo 1111 cnsy lo.k.
The now was. that at no di>t:mt period
tb(' same lnbour ww.t bP undertaken withuut aUk.,.,
with a Fr.:mb force nctiug in conjunction with the
sovereign 11f :.'\fyorc. and with every untiVIl Jll'"'""
nf filre.ugtb or im(IQrlaurll nnllctl with tl""' inwtc--
mt(' cru:mit'S <>f tbl' Euglih in thu common
uf drivin,lf tlwm out of lnlia.
h wns fir the govt-rnnr-go_:nl'ml t> dt>tcrmine
w!Jcther hu would nffunl Tip(">O furthtr limo h> his plnn, and to filr ""rryiug
tbcm into clli.ct, or whl'lbcr ho would .triJ,;,. hile
the l'DeiDJ I'll!' oompar.atinly UDJI'l'p:llt"l. lie pre-
fl'rred the latttr comsc, anl the l('Aii(lDJ br.,..hidt
hill jtulgm .. nt wos t.lctcmtined <'lliiiJOl he more
fairly or more l"'werfully given than in hiol own

cu . .r. :w. ,mr.ts :- "If." ;;:Ud Jo,.l-bip. " the uf
'ripJKlCl Sultnn luul hccu of n nnturc which <'oull )!('
ltnn<l nmbi;rnnus or if he hn.J llll'rvly
bL force Jx.wnol hb onlin11n- c<;
. .
tlll"lll, nr hac) tlltinOI'd it in liOIDO (oo<itirm of our
confine;>. or on those of our alli,... "bich might
jutify jcu.lollY or alnnu; if be bncl hi
l!('<'l'l'l intrigue.,. nt the ('<lllrt' of llyl('mb:ul, l't)()nnh.
ruul Cnubul ; or t'\1.'11 i.f ho hnrl Nllcred intn nny
"''Wtintion "it!t FmnN'. uf whith the objr<'t
at all ol<'un; it might be our duty to n"'rt, in
tho firot to con,tructinn nf l'"ll'"cl-
whi<'b, bE-ing of IL doubtful <'hamcter, might
aolmit nf 11 li4ti..C:Wtnry rxplllillltiun. Dat "lwru
th('ro ;,; no doubt th('Te can !10 no ma.tll'r for
tXJlanation. The act of TipJw'"'" ambcuoRaolol"'.
rntlfie<l by blm,;clf, nnd ll<'Comp!ini<l by th11 lantl-
iug: of n F n'nrh force in his country, is a,,
unqnAIJJie<l, anl unamlJiguotl!! tlet'lllrntion nr nrL
11f w11r, nggnwnted hy nn avowal that the 11ltirct
nf the wnr i neither CX(tlan:ltinu. n.'I'n.rnlinn, nur
k"'nrity, but the total 1lestructi"n of tbe Rri-
tU.h government in I ndi11. To nlfect til miuu-
tlln.tand n.n insult lllltl injury 11f such n com-
pllXioo. ,.oulcl argue 11 consciou.crnt"<s eith<'r nf
WCI\Iml.,.,. or far. )io mtc in Jnclia. can nlli;-
ron,true till' I.'OOtluc:t or Tippoo; the CO'"'"tlOnd-
(11('(' of Ollr n.,.itlents at If ydcrabnd anti l'oonaiJ ouftl-
ritntly the coo..truc:tion which it l.cnnl at
both uf th06C' ronrts : an <I in "0 cl!'llr nud plnin 11 (':1.<1'
our dlrunnd of E'lqllnDlltlon would JK. ju.'itly nttrllmtefl
DIUTillll 011'111&
l'itlwr to a vf pirit or of powl!l': the l'<"'illlt en II'. xv.
of Mll'h n would thcNfurc be the cli>;;mco uf
uur rhnnwter, ant! tho diminution of our inJlnmwu
nncl iu the tyl"' of our allies nut! of
l'VI'l')' power in lrulin. If lhu moment ahonhl np-
fl('lll' fuvuu:rnlM to the cxcC'utinn of Tipp<10's cl-
he wonl<lnn\\cr ncb a dem:UJ<I l,y
. .
an iuuncli:tle nttaek; if, 1>0 tho ullll'r luuld, ]l't'-
J>:II'IIti ... not be ullidtntly ncl''llll<X'<l. bo
woulcl cleny the cxk1:enc of l'ngngtwcnts with
FnUIL'Q; would pel"'lit in thu tl<ninl until be luLOI
rl'R]'('CI the full heneflt of thl'm; nnd finally, aftl'r
lu1ving completed tho iwprovcmeot of his ou-u
nrmy, noel received the ncec..,iun of nu nilditionuJ
F rrneh force, be would tum tho combined !ltrength
of buth ngai:lbt our )IO''o('-.ionl "ith nu abcrity anl
c:nnticlcntc in.-'pi:red by our inncuon. and with nd\1Ul-
Ln;l\'' rt'<loubled by our rldny. In thl' pn'S<'nt (:1."'
the icll'n. tbcn.'forc. of clcmant!ing CX]lnnation mut
IJ<, njected, tl5 being cli'J.''l'llCl'ful in its prineiple and
in ita object. ThL' ciPmnnd of
in tho trirt !;C!L."' of U10 term, cnnnot properly bo
apf'litl t11 cnses 11f intlOcltl injury, in
thcooc iJLlrutl'l"' whl're the nnturo of tbe Np<Uali11n
d<nuutled DillY be e-. ... utially c:nnnc-.,ted 'Cifitb sec.'U
rity ngnint the injnriou intention. Where a into
lw l;t!izecl the I'"'J>C'rly, or im:uled the tl'r
11r tlte of Rnothcr. reparation
mny IJO mwlu lty re"toring bas boon
l11kt'n, ur by 11 rubooequent nf IIJc
right "bil'b haa lx>cn infrin
rccl ; hot the mll>u uf
our tnmplaint Til'l""' i UtJI that bt1
CIW'. '\T, bas ecized a portion of our property which bo might
n,.lorP. 1>r in\1ldc<l n tnrt of our territory which be
11gnin cede. or \lnlntl'll n right '1\hieb he
ltNcnftur ncknowlcdgi'-WO cnm(olnin that, JlrOfcli6
ing the most disposition, bound by
treaties of 1''-'II!'C nnd friend!illip, lllld UUJr<,..
oked hy any olfcncn on our JIIU't, be ba..i lll:lloUl'-111<1
1\ tl...,.ign to effect our total dC"<trnedon: he 1138 Jre
l'arorl the and inttruml!llts of a war of cxter-
millAtioo against : he h1111 solicited and r<'Wh I
tlw nil! of our inwtemll' eurruy for the lil'l'lnnl
pnrposc of nnnihilnting our I' a:nrl bo tonly
woit.lhc urrivnl of n moro cll'uctun1rnceour to strlku
n llow ogninst our Thnt he illl!' not yet
l'l'C'ci\'Col tht! .:.ffl'ChW tiU<!CnUr wbith he hns
may be citll'r to tho wt'Akne;.. nf tho
,ernml'llt of or to their want nf zeal
iu hi Mltl...<e, or to the l'll!-hncs. and imbecility of IliA
own eounci.b: but ncithlr the llll?IIOnre of hilu..,ti-
lil), nur of our right ll ,,.,.tmin it, nor cf our
from it, ru-e to bo 01otimnte<l by the nmount of tho
fotrre which be hlll! nehmlly obtained; for we ktiOW
that demands of military were unli-
we know thnt they were addrc...'Cd
ml'roly to tbt> of Mauritill.!!, but to that
of franee: :and ... ,, t'almot a.o;ecrtain how I'OOn tlny
may bo oati.fied to the full extcoL of hi atknow-
lt-dg\.-d expectation. therefore, k not merely
llo ra..<e of on injury tn bu l'l:'Jnirtd. but of the puhlic
Nlfl'ly to be secured ll,l(uinsl the prl'5Cnt llUd future,,,
nf nn l<"J'f'mte, nnl lrloarhtmnM
rnmy. .\gaimt an ucmy thi.> 111'6<-rij'tinn nn
M'Cllrity can otloo\rwi:se than by ru.\P. :w.
>Uth a reduction of his power B!l shnll not only
oltlint hi ll('tunlprepnmtioo,, buL cotablisb a pemln-
ncnt =tmint upon his futuro OHl6JL of ollimce. To
thiR of !!OOUrity our right i
IIJK'Il the grounols nlreauly l'tRtt'tl: but it cannor loc
UJ'JIOS<'<I tbut Tippo<t Sultan "ill voluntarily t"<ln-
t"C<I<I l<1 u.' 11 of this nature again.>t tloe
tlf("Ct" nf his own rt'S('Iltmc'llt, t!Uil'lo,.ry, 11nd IUDbi-
tinu, anti againt the jUC'\'<""' of th mo;l f11vouritc
(ll"f\jt-et of bio mind. Sinct, tlocrefore, tbc prinrl('lt'>l
uf ju,tict, uno! nf tbe lAw nf nlltinu.. entitle ua w
A 11nd since wo t'llnnot po!!Sibly obtain
it loy Uw voluut:u-y concesl!iton of Tippoo Sultan, it
iA the of the Comrmny to compel him to yill
it; JWtl it is eqnally my duty to IL"C t.I.Jat compul-
sion .,. itbout de Illy, prond,.( the of the
CurnJoGDY committe<] to my rhlll"gC be not moro
rnIRngrcd by the nttempt tluw t.y the unrestr:Unccl
of his prcpnmtion for \lllr."
lJ ntltr tbl' inOucnce of tht icw thns Cleponutlotl.
thn li:nrlnf l\lomiogton meolitntccl n !'eriCll of boll!
nuol l'xl<nJed operatioJ]Jj n)\'llln.t !\f )"!OJ'I'. It "ll!l
in tbr. I!Ontb tb:tt the blow n. to be m-ucic. ADd
it llol'tcfort becanw or importllnrt> to III!CCruUn
pruhe.bility of the pctody a:.semhha!!'!
.,r n P''" crfnl :mny on tho ,.....,t nf COJUIDAilold.
Tbo tHmmonirorioos from !\lntlru were
'l'hc l'l"''UJ"Ce< of pi'CIIiolllnt'y were repn.'-
ll(nlcol M exhausted ; tho t'fJUiJmcut of an anny, it
Minute of I!OT<rnUt-gmtr.J. l!ltb Aapot. I i!ll'.

' llll!TORY OF TilE
WAP. xv. wns nllcgt'll, 'coultl not within suciJ 11
period as would 1ulmit of its ncruug "itb 1lect; oml
6Qrnc of the more inllu('[ttial of tho Brvmts of the
('Tell tbe daugtr of umking
nuy pnp:uutiou for \1111', lest TiJ>JIOO .houl<l U1ku
uhum, nnd invntlc tbr Cnrnntio \.lcforu the
nrc in o condition to rt'Sist him. Bdorc the rcceiJt
of U..cso repl'l5!ntotiow., the 11:11
been k>cl to conclude that it would he tu
l""lJlOilO the exc:c:utiou of his pion fur an imrncli
ntc nltnrk upon Tippoo. The ad from
this view ; but ns thu nttnek "'lill only
to be dcfC!l'n!d, not rclinqui:.hed, nnd as moreover,
undrr any it would w ncce..sary tu
pl1100 tho British territory: under the government of
Fort St. George in n Mate of defence, dircctiuns
were giT<n to extricotll the anny of that tresitll'nry
from the wretchetl ooudkion of incflidency to "bieb
it ba.l been reduced by the enforcement of a blinrl
nnd nndiacriminoting fntgulity. The E:Jl'l of :.'\Ior-
nington W'IIS not dut('rred from this eou.rse by tbu
fear of lrming 'fippoo into arlion. " A.t what
IUOID('Ilt," wd the gun:mor-gcncraJ, '' be DJay think
fit to a'trike the Ll!>W \lhieh he h1111 (J.enly mcwu:c.-1
mmt al w11ys be 11 mo.tlt>r of conjecture. The intcr..t..o
11ml, of Franco nrc decidedly in his fumur;
Tblo poiu1,... ttnmgly mt;t<l by llr. om<laf to
l'<><t t:-t. Georsv. a ..,...nt gm>l nptrim<t-,
lrDII who mjoJW a blgb r<plJIAtir.n far aLility u ...U u inlt
Vttr I but wtu. r.....,. on !hie oocuioo 0<.1:m to bav
mut<ITI! W.

URITI$11 llr1Rl: IS lS'OLL 25
the pn.'t'il!o peri01l of timl' hu'mar be able CIL\P. 3-V.
to nllhnl him lll>.istance mu,;t Le uncertain; it ;,
l'l"n.ll)' nnl'f.rtain whether tho UnJ't'tU05ity ni !til
temjlllr will sutfer him to wnit fur lhnt lll!Sistnnee.
Vtlrinus ewnts in lndin might ollcr opportnniti1.:11
which be wight deem (nml pcrbf'5 with reason)
fnuurnhlo I tlte of hit h05lile project:o<, 1md
without pretending to C:"limate tire coni<lt'nltio03
w!Jirh may his condurt, it, i:! 1nident that
while wu remain "itbout a prepared to Ww
tho litlcl in the Cam:Ltic, ani! without nu ally to
nsi't our opcmtions, ,.._, yillll lt thiR implacable
nd nrRnry tho dt>ei<lcd ad vantngo of tho
time anl of hi:! long mlltlitattl nt!Mk again.t
our tlt'fcuc...k'l!ll possessions. U ndcr tltese cireum-
I lum! never considered tbal the option be-
tween peace and immediate wv re.idccl
in our O'l\"0 hand,. The motionless condition of our
nnny on the C(l8!;t, cnntrwMd with the adrl!ln<'Cd
of Tippoo's prep!ll'lltion.o, pln<'ca in his hand
not only tbnt OJtion, but tl1o choicu of tho mmucut
of rontiUl"ll; for, in our f'l'l'SCIIL wl'!lkness, bioi lmt
nssnult bt. -ucccssful. 'II baterrr might afterwnnls
"'' rt'gllinc.J by our J"'ll!C\'I'nlii('O atul
Tbc tn1c of Lhe th<'refore io:, whetllt'r
by o.nanned and nnallic..J wo 6hall at.n-
don the i-,uce of peace. \flU', and certain Yit'tory. to
lUI! tli .... nticlU Of ll nnilieti\'C CDI'WJ. or ")lt'tht'r. by
n'!iuming the power of mc't'tiug him in tho field. \\'O
olmll pin'<' in our lurnds tim othnutag now )"',._
h) hiw. With thlll ic" .. r tLu mbjO<'t, thu
cur X\'. o.-.nbling Olir fnree;, and lllo placing In
a of prepll.l'lltion for war, nt lcut equal to thnt
of tho cnPmy, nppearcd to from tho fil1't mo-
Dt('Jit of the autbcntimtiou of the prudamntion, to
liCl not of choice lmt of lmqiqtilJlc necC!4-
ity and of in<li"JJCillllbl" 1luty." A fitr that
)tj, ncM bad e.xkurfc>d Oll.fOnd mere dt.fcnsiVi.'
opcrntiun, an! adverting to the r"llllOUS \vhich bncl
kod him to defer ncting U]'OII th('l)l, the l!'ll(!rilftr
gtnl'llll thus lriurn1hnntly dillfto"ed of the ... liun
t ruaku no improvement in the IDl'lltt;; nf clcf .. ncr,
Tippoo lllwuld thereby ho pwvnllltl to nn
attllck :-" If tho f!'ILI' of 1111 attack from hl.m in
Lht e!U'l) blngt> of our propnmlions is nbsolutdy tn
_.... t>rffliiflo us fnml Dlllking thm, we 11re inolt ><I
mo>t nnt-qnal hrms with him. nnd wt mut then nt
onNJ u<'lcrmino to )ptne our fate nt his di."J''Oiill.
Fur it ,. ill tlt!lll appctlr that we daru not tnke thu
t"<lmmon precnutious of deft'JIC<', whil" he, witb im-
tnnity. into an oflbahe allillDee with tho
French for tl10 tleclnrcd pnrposc of exptIUng thu
Uriti.b nation from [n,lia.
The llfiDDd nnd judidons \;em! thus cxpreortl
Wl'lC carried out with clllllllttcristic promptitude &111
\ if.'ODr. The SfttVI!I'JIIllCDt or Mndnt wa.s instrucl\'tl
to rofon11 it. military loo;tablihment in sucb & mnn-
L<ttCT Cn>m tht. Eul oi Morninpn 1<1 a-n! Hanb,
tu:tlog goml<ll' of Julr. 1198. Tiu.lottn wiD be
Cound m .\!r. """"'"' oi the life and
O<mca ol Lmd llarrio, p. and iD that .. ,;.,.
of tate pupm!, entitled the O..rotrba, Minuta, rtd C.,.
o1 the M.,..P. Wcllcolcr, '101. i. l"""" l :IS.
ncr n. remedy Ute cxiting grnunds of rom- CHAP. xv.
Jllnint ; nml, in the mcuntim.-, tbu ncgotintionR in
Tho nature o( the ddret. in tho Madru CMtabllthmmt, the
cau"' from wlllcb they had ariJon, anti the nc .... it) of """"riag
them, are ahly out in a minuto n-conlrd by the g<mmor
b'fotnl, 20th Joly, 1798. The """"I'OCJ t.od impoi'Wl of the
Jl<Dtftl prionpleo laid dowu tbtftiu ,.. .. ,Jd amply j.,.ti!y ito qoo-
t>otloa ia lobe tut but .r the inunuptioa which ......Jd lhua be
gina 10 the progr<M of the aarntift. The reader, i>owrftr,
wi1lnot be- W.ploued by lobe w.m;on of a obort utJVt in a ooce.
" My iootuirieo ._., ...nmally hom <lilttled 10 ...,...,.;. the
.,.,... wbith occooiooed eo aluming a dill'....,.,. bohreal the
IWI<o of our """1 opoo tlu! mut IUid that t4 lippoo wilh rela-
tion to th<ir n:tptlre power or moving at a abort 1>0I:ice. n..
J'eoolt ol the <onaidl"n.tioll whidt I he Jina to lhil nbjcd
lead> mo 10 bollm that tbo I"Miiool cleloelo ill the -otitatb> of
the ormy.., lloe-. hid! muot .. , .. l't't1Ud ito "'JUillmmt
for tlu! S.ld, are thOle ,-the Wlllll of a p<t1WIJlCilt ...,.tdihmrnt
of dnl\ bWiocb; the .....t of a f<l!'llar IJil..., .r the
eollt(tioa c4 ..m.r bulloda ltota the OOUAtry: lhe 'n1lt of
.. t>ob!i.bod . ...... or groin ond al other oappfi<o .._,.for the
rroriloa or ... """1 ill the iidd : the 1rt.11t or prop<r
CoY J"''"i<ling camp IUid, the 1rt.11t of rq:;ularly
.. blhlihrd trllio ofutillery with all ito pwJ...- <qoipiDC!Ibt.
" T!.c moti"'" which pmmled !rom prmiding the
llmlJ "I""' tho ._t wilh tho .. .. c.hliahmeoto in which it I
now d6cil'ot have certainly JII'OC"<'dod from on anxl<ty to limit
ti<O miliborJ rb.,... of tho pcnidmry ol t'ort St.
" It - ho dalied that uy ti'O<tual improqmeot of t.t-
dddcs>t-Nieb"'"'t>o ......Jd --nly bo ettm.W '""1
boaTJ' a,._, : bod it io equally conaiA !hat lll>til that
.,. ill<1UT<. t1ae ...
... the coeat onn ..... t- t1ae JlO'IlU
of niAlUog (orwvd ""'"""""'ale alwt-. l'oder l.t-
citcum>OO><n, it ia a -impraridmt 'JIIftll of -r to aob-
mil to tho ""r<D'" of OtoilltaiaioJ 10 bur ao """1 wllilol w
withhnld tho ..,......,. meaaa of puu;.., a pruportloa of it ia
modolo upoo t.oy nold.:u emergoll<J.
" Thr J>Oik'1 bel becu qoitc dili!nmt ID BeopJ. wbon tJ. part
cu \P. n. progn.'!l>4at tlte courts of Hyi!('mhncl o.nf1 Pnonnh Wt>rtl
contluul with rcfcnnro to lhl' )l'n'IIL ni>jcctg in
Yi<>w-tbe annihilation of French inlhunce in lnlin.
ami tho iul'J'ellbt.'ti -urity of tbe llriti!.h dominiuus
in tbnt hy humbling tho chicf (nemy wbidt
tla Euglih luul to dnnd, TipJIQO Sultnn.
The Niznm hnl OO.:n llllXiou for n closer
I"OIIII<'dion with the llritih th:w that.
whkh bctw,ocn them; hut 5< far frum auy
nppront'h baring bt.'fn mttdc to gmtify hi wil;hc,; in
this I'OHJK'Ct, for ntt.tlching him mure
intimately to Englih had hwn
mnch to tl10 detriment of thO&' intcrc-ts,
and to the adnnceml'nt of those of tho Frc11rh. Tu
the F..arl of lllomington fell the of
the 1.'1'1'0111 of th01e whn bad preceded Wm. A tuw
&ubeitliary treaty, consi"ting of ten articlce, was con
oltbo: ...... .. ....,. ..... the ...... ery u
olwar> u -sly ill the iold, ODd it .quippad fw
tu>dcrtakiDg a1 the abo....,., wammg ""1 rmoion either
IIi.., or d<r...m ... ; ;. undoubt<dlytho ran ur our poo-
in India the S...t .. lOony wuoldm olt.tdt.
"l'bo - o( oou .. c,J.Iieh.....,t iD lndi., OAd the rapid
cla.aDt!n wbi<h .rue in tbe politirU rjlvetjme or the Dati"' I"""T ...
ba"' bem sa-oJiy Kbowlcdp!ID nqain that 'ft ohonld """"
llantly be iA otate ot f'nr ,..,. ; tbio
priD<iiIc bu evidauly Cont>td the bui> or tlto wltole oyat<m ot
our military .. tablilbmrnc. in lAW.. which it luut been our bod
poli<')' lO maintain upoo a o<sLo in point o( niiJilbt,n grady a.-
tftdia(; a pmce: nrwhJi.!Jmmt.
.. n..- priD<iplo , , n
d=wk that lur pro.
port;,., "' - umr lboald be ai-r ill ...t.iDao ( Kli ...

DlliTI!III Ellll'11lF. IN !!'IIlJA. 21)
c-lu;Jeu witlr the Niznm. Tho fi"'t fh-e l'l'golntcll CHAP. Jtl".
tlo<J pay nnrl dutieto of the sub.idinry force, the
numlK'r of ,.-hicb Wll!! fixed at thou.oancl. The
Wll!! a mr .. t importsot artide. It
tlont, imml'dinkly UJOOn the nrrh1ll of fnrco at
llyolcmbad. tho "hole of tho ofticers and IK'Ij<'llllllo
rof the party were to lJC ciUomi!tled, and t!K
tnoo1 .. uruler tht'm "!!0 lllipmJe<l and di.<Organizc.l.
thnt no trnro uf th<' former C!OtabW.hmt-nt ahall
notuniu." It wu further rtipull\ted, that thenre-
li>J'\\11nl no Frcnd1man ahonld be entl'rtaiued in the
M>rnl'e of the Nbram, or ol uy of lie dUe& or de-
pt"ndenta; that DO Frenchman ohould be suft'm.>d to
n.'lllain in any part of that prinoo's dominiollll, nor
any Enropean wlonle,er be o.dmitl('d into tb(' ll!r-
,ice of the Niznm, or permitted to rl'Side within
territories. without the and con.o;ent of
the Company's gnnmment. By other tho
Britib govenumnt pledged th<'ir endmvouril to ob-
tain tbe insertion, in a new tl'('llty
IK"twcen the Company, the Niwn, 1111.d tho Pciab-
....., of &UclJ a <'I&UIIC u should place each of th<
t- latter at - Yitb regard to tho other. Should
the Pcillhwa relliiC', the Briti..ob goYCrnm.ent under-
took to mediate in UJY d!JI'crences that might ariwe.
The bound hlm8clf to refrain from aggr'l'Mion
on the government of Poonab. UJd to IK'qUie8co Ia
the dceiaions of W. Britiah ally. No
on allili"' ofimportaoce was to be twried ou with the
1\fabnatta rules, t>ithcr ly the Nizam or the
lilh, without the mutual COII!l('nt IUid pririty or IM>Ih.
30 Ill '<TORY OF TliF.
"'" r . xv. The Fron<'h C<li'J" in tho scnioo of the Jliir.:un
hnd been nti!oed hdiore llltl eonuncncemcnt of tho
wnr in which that primc wa. <ngngt:"l, in l'!llljunr-
t iou mtb the J<;uglisb nnd the Pei'lhwn,
Tippoo Sulta.n. hut it origino.l clid ncot x-
r<-1 huuclred. In a ft-w yl'IUS it bnd inrnoa'!Ctl
to rlcnn tbonmml, and, 111 lit<' J><'riO<! of tho arrival
ef thu E:ul of ) fomingtou in !nella. it ('C)nitt>cl of regiments of two lattaliaru; each. 1unount
ing in the whole to U)l\lllrtl ef tbouMnol
mtu. ltl! dio;ciplinc, which hnd been n!Zftnhcl 101
vl'ry defediw, luul l.ccn gnmUy irupmvctl; ntul
nlthougb deemed hy militnry judges inferior in thiq
"-"'pe<'t to tho Engli'h nnny, it w:Lq f.'U' utc-rior to
the ordinnry infantry of the Dlltiv )>OWCI", Ilc;.io!t>;<
lield-pi<>t'e8 to l.'llt'h ngiment. there ..-u atlllt'.bc.l to
tho Nrp!! a park of forty pit"tc"es of ordnanrc.; ehiclly
bnL"!!, from to tbirty..,ix f'oundcr.<, with 11
well-trained body of llrlillcrymcn. tnnn} uf \1 hom
Wt'l'e Europenn. }t. dt"<ign exiRted of miin!( o hotly
of envnlry I<> net with tho ccorps, nnd a cornmrnc<
ment had been mndt. The national spirit llllUlifc:t.NI
by ilb officer-, rutd tht l''<'lll arul activity which they
in ho.uring thl' interest of tlc1ir ow 11
rollllt1"y and unclrmtiningo thOie of tho lul\c
ix't:n aln.>ady uotirol.f Tho of it mmnullld<'r.
M. Raymond, whirh had nctul1"('f} a short timu I.e-
foro the period unclcr con.ilcrntion. did not IIJ>IOCilr
ThQ tmd "v .... nrh .. mtat be llll<kntoud .. applying c.uly
tu thM principol otEcm : U.e ....,. -..e gt:D61illy
t Ste rol. ii. PI' 65-1,

1\RITilill DIPIRE 11' I'WIA.
lo baTe Fn.neh infllrence. t nu. X\',
Haymhrul wn.q an nu1tt'r of
llll<i n 81ll'C< ... rut prnctit:ioncr of nil t hl' nm of Bll4llwtl
polioy, hut ho enjoyed little reputation for military
II is succc!li'Or, 1\L Perou, Willi 11 more active
1111<1 cntel'jriing mllll than JU.yn111nd. bi. 110litirol
Wl'tll more lioJcot, &D<I be was fnr better
ll<"quaiot<'ll with the priut-iplcs nf thl! military art.
Tbt> NJCCod in commanl au offil'E'r naDlt.!d Battitt,
though inferior to Peron in military
c<>IIIJI(>JL-.ltt'cl fur the clrliicrlt'.)' by a burning hatrod
of thu Englih, and a tl...gn_"C of 1111noing which nm-
dcrod him a most WlCful imtrummt for carrying on
the dNigm In which thl' French (lllrly had fur Jl'lll'l'
bet>n l'ngngcd.
But thils rorps, so long in a comtant <tate of in-
cn.'llliC, and "" long the 11f annoyance nnd ap-
pn.heninn to th Dritbh gon-rnmtoL, """ nnw ,...."_
l<'llCt'<l tn tllld tho tnltn!J! of its offia>rs.
"Jwtlll'r for Wlll' or intrigu(', "'''"' nnnhlt. to IUTt.'flt
ill! fat<' The govc'mor-g.,ncml bnd o!i1'1.'Cted tho
gov<Jnnnt.ut of Mndrns to Ulnku a drlllchm<'nl for
tho purpoi!C of co-opcrntiug with tire Britt.h trooP"
already at IIydcrabad agai.nat tho fon.-e aL
that Jlare. de..-pondcnq wLida on former oc-
lml Opt'rnted 80 at )ladnls, bad
on_ thio lll'R!'Iy po.ralyud tilt am1 of the DritWt
gnwnlmtnt, when rah;ed to striloo nt a IU06t formid
able nrul nul6t insidiou tit>uroo of Ianger.
were rai8ed, nnd, but fir tl1c finnnt'M and public Jpirit
nf General llani"' th" 1t'"'10r, they 11'0Uld
CHAP. xv. been fatal. he met them lty tl<!clnring thnt h<> wa
l'repnred to take the respon!iibility of the ID(!j)SUl"l!
upon himself; and lbnt, if no public money could ut'
bod, he would furni5b from hls private fuu<ls the sum
ncce.;onry to put the troop in motion. The reqttircd
d<!tachmcnt wns nccordiugly mndl!, nntl plnced undtt
the command of Lieutenant Colonel Roberts.
little tlelny eccmrcd in its quitting the
tttritorios; but it nnived nt Hydentbrul on the lOth
of October, nut! joined the Driti!Jt force previou;,ly
at thnL plnce.
On the nrrivnl of the dctnchment. Cn1lnin J. A.
KlrJ.:pntrick, tho acting J3:rifuh rcsitlont, dCDIIllldt:>d
the full execution of thnt tllticlc (If the treaty which
related to Frencb corps. llut intrigue wns nl
work tQ procure its postpomment. nml the Niznru
hesitated. His minister, tl10ugh wcll inclined to Ute
English. recoiled from a measure so vigorous ns that
called for by lho British resident, and w.u; def!irmJS
thnt resort to e1ttremi ties should bo delnyed, nnd,
if po .. sible, nltogethtt nYoided. The resident en
denYDu:red to put nn end to the vncillntion of til('
court of Hydcrnhnd by n powerful remonstmnce,
conclmling "ith an nvownl of his int4llltion to net
without the 1111thority of the Niznm, if that nutho-
rity continued to be withheld. The clfe('t of this wns
Sir John Malcolm. who ..... In tho Britt,b ..Wdent,
opeoking, in bD Shtclt or tho Politk:at Hlitury o( lrulia, of tho
cluirnctor of tho minil.tu, del.:n1leo it u vo:ry timid. 1ll a prinm
JcttCT writtm at the time, IUld pubfubed iu the Ufe of Lord
ElanU, be""""'" mare otrvngly, owd dttlanoo tho minillter to be
tht: mott timid of coward!."
llRITtstt UIJ'lRl! 1'\ ISt>L\: !l!l
by n munnumt of tho liritih furotl to th< I'U.\P.1.j,
gnund which tho l'rcnoh line!;. ThNo
\\liS no..- no lnngl'.r any room fr,r ,.,1l.ion-the Xiam
nn<l hi ministl'r cro comJ><'IIl'd tn llUlle rlmied
English ami tht J.'nHrh; nnd, ru; """
tuillfi.1 ""lll!l'tl'ol, tlwy olNennilll'<l in favour nl' tho
funn<'r. A l>ooly of twn thou.;:uu] ho"'e "w; fl('nt
to the np[>(Jrt uf tho forre, and a mu-
tiny "loicb l11'1>ke nut in thll l-'r.'tldt eawp aidt-1
tho oi' llJO&O "Jon OOII!flot itS <li>)',.,.ion.
Tho object HJ>t.'ldily oft'tcttol, ruul without thn
11>!11< of n ,;ingl life. The Froncb oftiL'Cnl wrren-
len.-.1 lhCIIl!OCbl!l u 1wi.;;ooo1'8. not roluctant t1uJI!
tu t'l!alpe tho fury of their men : anl thP ,;epoyoo.
jtnr some pnrlo) ing, IBid down thrir = Tht
wholu rtllhlr occupirl hut n few hour<. Tho totnl
numh<r of men di.,nnueol ahoul ele.-eo thou-
ntul, part of Uhl rorJI!I bciug a!N'Ilt on do.:tal.'lmwnt.
Mrons m!1'e mkcn for the llm..,.t nf the offirers eurn-
mnncling the d<taohed fon.-e: and tho whole Wl!ro
onllrool to lw i'Ntl to Clllcutta. frnm thl'nrt to l>t
ll'lUli;JIOI'tl.l to Englnml; the gnn!rnor-grnrul en-

gaging lhn1. no thl'ir nrrinU thl.'re. thl'J
not be treattod u of war, hut bo imme-
oliatcly to thtlr own 1')'
wit bout mf-
ft:ring nny detf.'otion for cxrbnngr. 1'h1 I""I"'"Y
ur lhl cuptlll'Cd nfli<'l'f!l wru; ennfully preserTt!<l for
tll'ir use. aul their pc>nmiary e!Airus bn thl! "Siam
duly actti.,J. through the iD1100111 of the llritioh
IL ltad becu the tll'l'in' t>f tiM' gmt!r&M-gnM'ftl to
VOL. nr.

I;IHP. X\',

IIUifOR\' OF Till:
\11th the l'dhwn 8 t:renty to thAt
w!Urb h:ul betn cutl"re<l into witlo the but
the Willi not rottnilltl. Though lhfl relntion
l.oi>twcen the Pci-hwn mul the English
wcw lrof., . ,.,.<lly fri<ndly, there prhal" not
8 )lllhrntta chief who woulol !uno v:icwe<l the 1111-
tnilintinn, cor c>tll the du,,tmctiun, of tb<'
1\;tloom dt>light: aml amiol tim <'<mplkatcd
of which n )Jnlomtta lurbar is ever the
sccu., tb!! attempts uf tho Enrl co{ to
n:-torc the triple 8llianro to a 8tl\te or l!i:licienry
Wln. thfcntrl.
In tbe mc:mtimc the Jn:r>arntion a::nin-t Tii'J>O<>
l"'o..o,l!:'<l. The of tlw gnmnwr-scent>nol, llR
explninoo by himself, were. by uhtnining the "holt'
maritime in tho (II>I!St'>inu of
Tippo Sultnu below tho (lhnnl!i 110 tho of
Mnblm, to hiw from nil futuro cummu-
niriLtinn hy S<'ll with hL 1-'rcndo nllic-tn cumjl('l
him to cltfrny the entire of tho wnr, tlu111
reimburwnli'Ot of the nutlny nnlt'nl ne-
hy ltli br, eripplinz llis re-nurct',
the of future Plturity-t<>
pre mil on bim to tvlmLt I'C!oiolrnt bb
l'Ourt. from th11 Engli-b :md their nlli!", aud tu trol-
cnn tho e.,pul<inn of nll the nutive:. nf Fnu:wc in
bi; "tlv:icc, t<>getloP.l' 'l>ith nn engagement for the
pcqwtu:ll I!!CI'IIlsion of nil Prondmhn both from his
army nnd Before t'ommcnre<l.
hQ" Tr, till' Sultan wn.o. nll<.wr<l time h> lerl
by tinorly "''""'"ion. doubt haol nri-en wlte-

thcr or not t.he litrirt of WC'ro imlurled IIIAP. :l\ ,
in the CCti.ioll5 tr the Enl(li.lili nt the Jl<'llt'l!,
:1111ltheir dnim h> it ,..1111 nbauoloncd. Dil'puti.'l! had
oriS<.' II bt>t WL'<'tl Tippoo nnd l.lw RJ\jalr of Conrg,
whom ,.,.,rdlaJiy Irat ... l, nnd th!'!oe it
to refl'r to the olc<'iion of ('I)IDnliil."iinntl'JI. In X!>- A.D. r;lJII.
vcmher, news ftl'rh(?<J In lniliu nf thu invuinn of
El!)l'l by tho French. anol of tho \iet.ury ubtain..d
owr the flrct of that nation by J.ord Noloon.
hrtdligen<'tl was ronununil"tlted to Tippon. with such
l't'hllll'ks n., the mlticoct nrul tht known 'fiews of tho
Snltan Dlllurally &uggmt'd. Dmmg the -
month. auothl!l' letter 1I'IUI addm!sed hy the JIOTcr-
nor-scncml to T.ipJ>Oo .Wverting to the ll'IIJlSlltltions
bchn't'D that prin<'o and the Fn:nch govcmnwnt of
tho nml proposing tn senrl nn Eugli'lh
oRi<''J' to Tippoo for the pul'f'OSC of communi-
cating tho view:< of the CumJ!nny nntl tbcir
Another lcller \\11. ;;u""'-'iueutly tli.'ipatchc.l . ..,lling
nthntion to rho fnnncr; rmd !<1 be pnpnrecl oither
to lond vigour to the oporntioru of war. or to fn<'ili-
Wo tire Jn'j,rre;<." ul' negutintiou, llrt govcnmr-gtJll>.
l".il tlrtenninerl tn pl'OCI.."-"' to Murln111, .rhl'rc bn nr-
on tho 3ut of OoJreJDher. Hero IrE" ft'<'t'ITed
an nnswcr frum TipftOO t11 the two lcttel'!i which h!!
had last aoltlnsed co thnt priuct>. .\ ridic-ulous
attempt Wall mSAin to exploin ""ny t.l1u to
the Mauritill!;, and its CfIL"<'<)U('n<'<"'- In all other
.l'l!lpe<'t8 tire commumcatiun WIL< \llgtlt'. almOIIt be-
yond the onlinnry mnuro of Ori .. nt&l deficiency of
meaning. The proposal tn dipatl"h a Rriti>h olliN>r
ll :?
lllliTORT UF Tllf:

l ' tUP. :X\'. '"the ronrt of tim Snlum might he ....gunlt>tl a,.
dt"elined, Tippoo snyiug, tltnt be would infonn tbe
goventor-gencral nt wlmt timt and Jllll<'<' it wou)t]
he t!OO\'Cni<nt to nttivt him. hut ucitlwr time
nor plnco !Jtoiug IIUIJI<'JI. 'fhe answer of tht E.nrl
of .Muruington coutniucl nn uMt n1nl inoliguunt
expo-ure of thl.! nnduct of the hut the lour
li>r negotiation wns II ill kept pen. nnd IICC<'Jolnnoo
nf th<.> pmJlO'DI previouly mntlt rrennouly
upon Tippoo'< c<>W>idomtiun.
A few dnyR lntl'r communi<'lltinn Willi
mnl<\ reJli.'!lting lht! 1''"1"'-w, nnd eud1'1ing n Jl'ltor
from the Gmnl Scigrml' to Tippoo, denouncing thl'
ronduct of tht- Fnrlf'h in and rnlling "I'""
the Sultan l.o co-operate agaimt them. 1'hruagL-
A.D.JlW. 011& JIIIIIW'!' and & part o( the IIUt'
ooediDg month, th<' lctt<'r& remaioed n-wered.
or the .mte of nffni111 in Egypt nothing ptU.fac:tory
known : the nrrhal uf n French tl('('t in the
A rahinu Gulf wW! IIJprelwnoleil. nod it Willi llllt'<r-
lnincd thut wb[Jo Tippno L'itlwr negll'rtcd tu
the <'omntnllk"ntins of thn RritWt gowrunwnt, nr
nnswcred them with truli!!<l evaoinu. rw em ba!sy
from him to the Uireetory or l'rant'C wa.q
nLoot to takt> it tiIIIU'turc from tho Dnnf,;h tietll..-
mcnt of Tr"'"Jucblu-. {h,rttlJ'('S for pesceful ar-
rangemE>nt/! of difti.n'lll'<'o; Wtrc ohviowtly wa!!lcd on
a man. nml tlu J(""'"'"'-gt-nernl pn>perly det;,r-
Tbo emhuty .. ilml early in Fbnwr Tbtl Earl o( Mur-
""'KI"" ditpout:hod a .... rt fut tbo purpwe al &.rcm-ptiaJ! it. bot
the cl>jort ... - o<DipliiLml.

minl'<l tu ''l"'J>eud all nL",;otintiun witio the Sultnn
uutiltlw ouutld foree oft he nnn, of llll! Cornp:my rut< I
uf thl'irttlli("' '' "httn mndn nn impl'C1.ion
lllo hiK tlrritorll's" n.< might "giw full cffioct tu till!
jut nprePIIlations of tim nlliol pnwc,.._ Befort
ll1t hnwmer, Nllllainin,!! the rt'JKtrl nf
this wns clo,.,d, 11 wa n't't'irel from
Tif'poo. hingularly brief ruul frimlou.-,t hat vhi.-!1
tunwyud the Sultan's n."'<'nt. "'' nfitn l'('tjU<-st'-"1,
to tim mi--ion of a llritih offitr tn hi oourt.
The lrtii<JJ f the Earl nf urningtun un t nc-
niun Wtlll marked by his jndgruent :-Th<
"l ... ign," snicl U<', .. is endcntly tn gnin tim' until A
I'!IAU,J(l' uf a111l uf .. )uul cnnLI<'
him In 11mil nf the llfhtanrt of l"nwl-e. I
hall uolcn\our to frustmttlhis cll'!<i;:n; and llltbougb
0 from the to the S<rn:t Cowalt ...
u( the Court ol Oinctoro. ISih Fbruuy, 1;'1)9,
t '!'o tbtw that tho u:ttn i aot ""''"'l'"''r .
Nl(')' ol it [o :-" I '"''" l.o..'O mu<b ptilinl by tho
tlf{l'l'('Uhh Nt"t'jpt ufyour WnJthil two rntwllr lt:ttcn. tht! tint
ly a <'Wlll!bon, the laoot hy himoll'lllo, ami urulaswod
thdr <1>ntcuto. The letter o( tho (11'ioo-o io tlaiiOn like Jutuabc:ld,
irb laJli'Cl.t bit pAnh, 111 i:tb :troopt QQIDif'fOt:Q u the suaP.
lloe OUQ OJuauning tJ.. ...,.jd of tho'-- m ompit.o IIJid dcJmi,
Waoo u.. lumlaary girlag I I lJ (D u.. UDi'IUie ol .. "-
- ol &by """ p<nrtt. tbo .wn.. ot ll>c - """ tho laDcl.
tllo Kio;; ol !tome [1. the Gnond &i,.'"D<>r], loe bio anpin ...!
bia poJrer perJKblal! eddn!at.:d 1.:1 - whldl mteh<d ,_
throtoglo tloe llritlab t:IITO)". CUll! which you Jnnomil!od, loa. IU'
rh-..1. lleiu8 frequrncl;t W.poo<d to mM.n e><anl0110 and bUill.
( am f'unhn;ly qpon }uauting t-xcunion. You
will be jl-"1 to dipoL<h Majur I lu""ton (boot whoolt coming
)""UT ftlnu!l! i""' LM r.pontedly...,.ott<D) oJiPt11 U<Dd<d (or""'
Ahnro """tlnue to cntifr .,. ..,. :&lrndlr lctt<n
hQii(yirrg fOUl' wd&rc."
CUAP. xv. I ehnll not tlcclino oen this o.ntl iusiilious
nccept.'IJlre or my J'('prnted Pt<JI>O!-itions for opPniug
11 negotiation, I nccompnny tlte negotiation by
the movement of the anuy, for tbc purp<l>e of en-
forcing Rich tennq of (H'IIce ns !!11nll gi>e elfecwnl
security to tho Company's against nuy
ho!<tlle cull:iequence; of the !=lultnn'R nlliruue wltlJ
the French ...
'l'he communl of the llnny nt tile Cnrrmtic had
hcen for Sir Alnretl Clru-lw. the com-
mo.udcr-in-<"hief nf tl1o nf Bengal; hut tl1e np-
prchenj;ion of nu inmsion of tlJ< north tJf Imlin by
Zcmnun Shall the neee!il'ity of
that offil!<'r nt C:ucnt:ta, whl'l'll he was nppnintcd tn
exercise tbe cb.ief fumtions of goverrm1ent the
ab.!ence of the Earl of Mornington. 'fhe cnDIDlnud
lhW' ,nmted was bestowed on General who
with dil'interesledneF", when tlle olurm on
ncccmnt of f;hall hnd been lispt'Ued by tho
retmgrnde mnrch of that ,;o,crcign, there-
npfK!i.ntment l>f Sir t\ lured Clarke in 511Jltrct"<illtl of
himi>t>lf. The c:ommnnd. however. WDS retained hy
General Harris nt tllc CXI>I'C!' dCO!ire of tbl.' govcruor-
general, nnd be nc:uordingly joined lhe nrmy,
consil;ted of two tboUflllld six hnnd:red caYnlry
(ocnrly a thousand of whom were Enropenn.).
between fiw nml hiJililred Eump<.an artill<ry-
meu, :fuur tboiJIInntl Pix hnndml Enl"(lpenD infantry,
eleven thouAAnd nntive infnntry, lilld two !ho118ruld
scvc:n lnuulred gun-lnsc:tJ>, nnol piunref"; fo>mlinj:
nltugt!thcr n force of nhont tllou.-nuol.
::;.., Lifo and Tima ol Goncrlll Honi. pp. !!42, !N3.
The nnny wns hy 'ticld-pi<'<'e'o. t:ll w w.
arul wn., well rupplied witlt .tun"'- .\ und .. r
Lit"lllnant-Coloncl Rcn<l. "''" to rollt.:ct.
nnd llVl'nluuUy I!UJ>J1lic nf Jroviiun. to thi
ttnuy during its llthllllce. \ 1irullar i'C>I'J><. nmkr
LitUttuant-Colonel Bnnrn, WIIS ap['uintcd to tho
lisd1arg of inillar in CoirnLaton .
nnny, of six thou.'lllld Jll(n,
on the nf .\lnlabar. under tht
comnuuul of Geneml l'treut, llil('tnl<'rl into <.:nor,::.
It WM Bgnilhl thi5 nrmy thnt tlu lir/ot tlfort nf
1'ippno WIL directed. On ll1o !!nd of i\lan'b, n .\,Jl. llW.
of thn.'t' ru.tivc l111ttRiinnt!, tmolor Li<numant-
Colnuel .. nlf>'<r. took I'""'' nt &odn-r, rfutant
a few miles frum l'erillJllllrun. On tho morninz nf
tbe 5th, an en<'1Ullpmcnt nncxpcctcdly ob,.erm.l
to he in l'n>gri.'SS of fommtiun nl'llr the latter
Before thu it bad lll'umcd 11 formi<lublc llf>-
l"'"nuwf ; !-<!v .. m.I hundred t<nu Wtrc <"<>uuteol, 1111ol
""" of them hl'ing grcuo. fl'l'tnll<l to mnrk tloe f'Tl'-
1'11<'1' of Sultuu. Thu uoul ncont inli>nunt ion.
l!uw!\tr. Wll' opposed to th( hdid that tlor. trnt
\l'llll """igned tn Tirpoo, it l.cing npn .. t.'llll
that he ma.rrbt'<l to mcl't lhl' Mild Ill'! arrn.r. and
that a nnd(')' "altomrl l{t'%:1. \Ta tho
hnly fnnl.' left in neiglohonrLOO<I of
patruo. ho thi. state of uuctrtaiuty, G,n'ral :"umrt
n>.BOiwl In tn:n)lth!!D W\l ltrignolonf Coloud )lout-
. .
n'!lOr 1111 R<fcJitinnnJ oottaliun l>f "''J"I}l', IUlrf l'llJL
lior furlhor int...lligeru:e to ktcrmin11 his fntlll'l!<'<lUI'!'O
.\t lm'llk .,f hn nu the 6tlo, <knl'ru Hml''' tire
. .
CU.\P. XY. li<.ocontl in "'mruzuul, mhnncco to rooonuoitn.. 1lt>
could tlisccru that tloc whole uf the <nemy' nmy
wn in m11titm, but tbt tllick jungle wltiell conond
the rountr) :mrl thu haxinKq uf Ull' ntmopl1cre
re:ndcJ-ed it iml"'""ibl< to Wlt'Ntnin tohj!>ct of tim
l.Tnc-t'rtuinty \lliJi nmon..J 80nn nft<r
nine o'clock by nn attack uu the lin. Tlll'
front llll<l rear W<re lll!M11od nJmo,t at tho sznne mu-
1ueDl, nnd the "'lrnnc. of the enemy bad hNn cun-
rluctcd with sud1 SCCli)Cy ruod thnt tho
junttiuu of the bo.ttnlio11 de!<tinecl to reinforoo Cule>-
nd :\fontrc;;or 11'118 JlrcnmttJd. brignlt Willi
romplt-reh Mirrocmrlerl, IUl<l for "0\l'rlll honno hrul to
115Win tb< nttnek of the enemy ttndrr thr rli:i.ud-
or great ditl]wity oC ownll<' rv. Oeoeral
Stuart. o11 rerehiog lnt..llienee or tho attaek,
marched with a etmng body oC Europeamo, aod tm-
-ountering the cliviFion of the rnemy which '""'
on the rear nf tlltl Englio!b hrij..'Utll', JlUL
to llight aft<"r a &mart engngt>lllPnt of about balr au
lurntiuu. 1'hc nttnk in the fnuct till eon-
tinned, :ml on J'('nclilig it t:cnt>rall'tunrt fucmcl tlw
tni!D with fa.tiguc, nrul nlmnst de-ti-
tutll of nmmnnitiun; Lut the fortune of tho dny wn><
cl<'cilrtl, allll the eocmy retreated iii nil lirections.
tlu report. of the Snltnn having
nd\1111<'(.><1 to oppo;;c Geneml Ha:rri., tbit attack Wll8
rnut!c lmd,r hi> lursorinl com maud, nnd be WM pro-
lobly to It by the recolleetion of the
u<'CI'M "birh nmc Yl'lll'!l heforo bad follu1l'l'd 1111
lllleiDJ'I JJOt \'fry di,dmiJar in the dl.,truction or till'

UIIIThl! lo:!>IPH<F! IX INI>I.4. 41
forrl' undPr Colonel Baillie. 'l'hu howl!l'l't, in t 'HAI'. X\'.
tlti imtnnrl'. gained honour nor ad\'llntage.
IIi lot'S has l100n estimated as bigb u tw<o thouwul.
w hil< that of llu Engli91t fdl Bhon of a
r l o;;;;!::::;;:;:;iijJ<I fifty. Tltt di,;covcry tltu1 made of till' unex-
pectt>tl Jlroximity uf Tippoo inlnet.'ll Gcncml Stnart
to change I be omJI"Sition of l!iR foRX', llncl to DIIIID-
o}on the JIOSI OCl'Uf'ied at &'C!aMoer. This cift"tiiii-
enabl<d tbt> Sullllll, with hi. U!!Uill \'4'rneity,
fo clnim u 'Victory. It WIIS arprcbendoo that he
might attack. bat, a&r Mlllllaiug
ileYI.'ml days on the &pOt whlrh lie b8d lint oeeupk>d.
he retired without attempting lipiD tG dilturb the
tmdl't Geneml Hi r.llim
WDI'e now tlire<"tlol to l'l"'bt U1c nolmuce nf (;,nrrnl
"bo, htnlng jnhll'<l hy the rootinj!<'lll
of Hydl"rubclol nnl the lnl<lf'S uf .\li. h:ul
l'roASetl the }l)IIOmut Cronti('J', with an army about
tlunuoanol :;tmnj!'. om tbo clay an which
'l'iJIJIIlO ruuiDNUD)lC<l Dl'lll' I'oritniiUD, Jlj, Dlln'h
wM nttemlt'tl witb ronny olilfltullics, but they wcr!'
&umountcd hy f'lln' aod J'CI'fiC''ei'IUice. lllld on tbe
:!7th of lfarcl. the U'IIIJ Of the Canux!ie bad Ill)- A. D. If"
'11Ul<'Ccl to llallavl']ly .ubin fortr mile!! nf Serio-
Rajah otl:aarr. who ..... with n ......... ... IIIlo
occulom, in lcun tu the llur> nLattd bio hD-
I'moioao:-HTu d<Kn,_ the bottle
wilh tbeoe t1<Q rq;im<uto ol EaroJ-ao. tbe
Esc, ........
otmogth. omd magnaa!mlty til tbo: bWj doe WJ4 I
upoo the annr of 'rrppoo, lUJ'UOOO oil namp!. ia 1M ....W. Ia
our Slwl.,. and l"lorl""", t11r beUieo r.apt "r AbMI ud M
J.arul ""' mU<b cdtb,..ttd. but t1>t1 ..., uatqaol tD thio t.ul<o."

RrSTOitY OF '1111':
wur. xv. gnpat.nm. t.hl! occuried some height"'
from which they openl'd n c:mnonnde UP<D tho Eng-
force. A general Mtiun followeJ. in. whith
TippO<> wns defented with severe loss. lie rutircd,
nml his mo,ement wa to plnC"e
his nrmy in the n!at of tlmt of General JlllJTiS. who
he exvected would ntl\'nllee tnwnr<ll' Seriugnpatnm
by tho route lllkcn by Lon! Comwnllis. Ou tbnt
route TiJlpoo hrul tillten bi.. usunl Jlreeaution of
dtomroying nil the fornge. Dut the Sultnn "-'M di.+
appointed of the smcress which he lmd nntidpnle<l.
At ll.ll enrly perjod of the mareh, Gcoer:il llarril! hnd
formed the design of the Cauvery at a ford
Mme 1\istnnce bclow &ringnpntnm. The mnthes
to deviation from the Ul0\1111 mute were
one object to mil;\eatl the tnemy, unotlwr tn
1\lcilitnte commnniNition with the u.nuy of Mulnl>ar
and with tlte COI'J'S under Colnucl Brown nnd l'o\1)-
ncl Rend. Besides tht.'Se inducements. the ford wns
tillid to be ensr. the country WIIS heli,vcd to hnYu
' .
esroped the OJ>Cruti<>U of the devru<tating JlOJicy of
Tippoo, and the southern pllrt of Seriu!o"'lJ>ntrun Wll8
regnnl<lfl ns the defen!<ible. Tloe WM
efioote<l so secretly, thnt tlte nrmy, with pnrk nod
nrdnnnre, had cro!;!lCd the ri"er nnd encautped ncru-
lhc fort of Soorilly OOinro 'fippoo wns nf the
movement. When, too lnte, he bc.:-nme IIJ'Jll'izetl nf
it, he i;; srud to ha,c exclni:med, " we hn"c ani \'t-el
at the }liSt etngc, n nnd to bo vc solemnly dcrnnll!ftd
of hill prinripnl oftkers whrtL \1-:u< their clctLrmlnu-
tion. They nnswetl'll by J>mfc:,.,;iug their

UIUTbll Cll'ntt: IN INDIA.. '13
tu <lie with him, ami henQtforwurl evpry art of Oitu. XI'.
M."'itnnce 11r Willi p<'rfomu.ld under tlu chil-
lin)! inlht<'nt'C nf
The nf the Britbh anny. wr Cro&!ing
tlte Cmnery. In the intcndl-d tn 1.., &liken
up beforo Rringnptllnm wn.' Tho lllruwo
wru. unly milt"'; Lot though umliturhQ<I
by tltl' l'llt'toy, ueh "11:> th<' t'Xhnu.ted otllto of the
draught cattll'. th:lt me were rommncd iu per-
limning it. Till' dclicie!tuy or these hBd
!>lriously imptdtd tltl! nf tim onny fn1111 ila
C(Jillliii!DCCIJit'JII, It had been a IIOUJ'OO of ('OIIIJllaint
frum t.hc time of Sir Eyre C.otc, if not frum all
lwlier period : hut nn m.,.,.on."' lllll been talwn '"
du; inonwnicncc. Th.: neglo:t I"'""
hnp wns eJW<>urngoti, if il not originnl<'tl, by
the 1:'.1JIItlline belief whiclt wn' o;t> widcly
lllllt I!'"III'J '1\at in wbich the English bnJJI'lwd
to he in lnlia \\'liS to be the 1:1.-t. At
the t'llJiiW nf TirJ"'" wa.. within vio11, ancl
tho Engliab gencnol Ml unltr nt I>Dl'O lrit'
nml inriring. h nul iJio., :-" 'l'loc cammanof,.r-in-
rhid tal.:e;o thi5 nrrortunity ol' his dt'Cp
&1.'0."4) or the !!CIIcrnl exertions of the tl>>Op!l t.bmll!lb-
OUt n long n:nl tcliow; mnrrb in thn l'nt>my\ wontry
witlt the largt.-t<l Jnipment l'l'tr known to moc
with nny onny in lntlia. Ho tungrntulat('f nffi('
&lui men on the ai::ltt of A ronti
of the llle exenlon- ...-111 shortly put nn
tnol to their Jnboa..,., 1111d the Britj,h rololm!
in lriumjJll an lUI
tiiAJ'. xv. Tho npemtion. t>( tl., Brltilth nrmy \\WI' Jtromptl)
eommf!I!Cl'fl. On tht ui,t.oht of its nrrlml nt
pnoition, au nttm(t '1\'llS made upon the cnenfs
:vh-anccd poot.:;. It partilllly failed; hut tht> attaL'k
being rtnLwc!l lln t lu l;llmring momiug, wus <'Om-
pletely Ou t lmt dn.y, Gtntml Floyd \111.11
tlipntchtd with n con!irlcrnhle l10rly rof iufantry unrl
ca,-uJry, IWtl tw-enty ficld-picet-..., t<> join General
Stuart. Tipj>(ll) mad n larg rle!D.dmmnt t<) in-
ttrttpt them; hut nil fuiltd. nnd tbt!
unittd hod.ies Oet1L'ful ilnrri ln ,.ru'ety nt
l'cringntmtnm. &fon tllC'ir tuThnl, TipJKlO hnl
aololre;&....t n letter to Gcneral Hlli'Ti, tlw fin.-t that
he luul formm!Pd I our En,..ali.h authority for
a ronsilrable ]Wriot!. Iu pu:rrort wn.;, t!# dcelan
tbut the ' hrul adb!!red finuly to ln?illl""
:mol to rltmwtd the mi:'IUling of the n<h11nce of tho
Engli5b annie., anl the of bosb1itia
Tho Euglih commanrler hy
ntt<nti<>n to du letters of tlu
!n'lllml fur ex]JinnBtion.
The Jreparntion nf the iegt- eantiuuod to L.
on, lllld moch \\"1111 of ,I:JT:IL import-
:mceo. the relatinn of wbi.-!1 wouW '"-' lt'<liuu.... On
.-.Q. Hli'J. lith of .\pril nn attempt mntll> hy the enemy
to .. tnbli.!;h u uu the northern htu1k of
thl! riwr wn. lefentl hy ll ft>rcc uml('r Colotll'l
,-ou:;lllll Hart. thoul!b to a heavy rnnnonadc
from the fort. n.e JIOSt gnined by the Eugli-h
l'OWtt'(ltcu with ullllr.< prenowly fl!itnblisbl'l.
with n vilW tn the ftrtur,, uf thr sicl!l'.
nnrrtXJI hliU'IJtF. IN II<DIA
The :10th of April was mnrktl Loy n tardy o\"er-
ture !"rum Tippo" to lll?):ltintc. Tho govcmor-
gl.lllllrttl luul prcpnntl Genernl ll:orrl" to tnl<t nn
this tll.k hy trnu.mitHng with his liulli iutn ... lion,
uu tlw "{M'IUn.f! of t),,. campnign, dmfu of 1 wn tren-
t it.,., either of wbidt be 1\UI borized tu adnpt
11111l<'r ctrtliin SJUtilltd drcumhm<'ei\. ,\fhr cc.u-
uliing the commiS>iou<'I'S nppuintl!d to IIS!!it tho
s:cnernl iu politi<'AI nrmngt!Dlcnt, he lotl!nnineJ,
in reply tu the RtlmnN, to trnnmit u tlrnft
nfprelimiuaril'5, vmhmlJiug llm enntlitiullA uf tim ll"'
favournt.le of th6o two propoo<...J treaties
wbieh Ito had to clJOO!i. Tbi,., n. it Bf'l"-'1\n.l from n
cl(1l!Jllllela utlclrc5sNlly the goV<riUJr-gem>ntl tu Gene-
rnl Htnli three dn)i 1\ller the nf tlw Clvertun,
unl whrn, tlal' former w11:1 not n\lllro
of it:! ltn1iug be!'n mnM, wn. in p<rfect nt-cnnlanet'
with lai view1! ttf 1 bt' cour;;o proper to h1 t!lk<'n
under tbu tale of in-Ulllot:lnct "hieh then c.xistetJ.t
The llrtirh.,. thllli I Tippou pnniILl for
thu retwptiou ut hi of lUI nwbll'""lnr from
cnclt of tho Jir the imuwdiatc pf
aU foreignl'n;, bciug naliws uf t"Ounr.rie!l at W'llr with
The! funrti.uDJ o! tbe.g Cl'JQ)miuiouc" .OD rocmblaact: w
tbc.e. of t.hcollitt:l"' w!o. ur1dtr a simi.IIU'tlllrne, LAd toml'l.hnn bem
authoriood to dootroy tho <JT,'<t ol military """"g<"mCll"' bo,.......,
n.e. ........ lxlnliDat.oto lht -Mr.-io>.drid;
their dco"""' "'poLtinl lll!d diplomatlo olli&in; -'
""'" in 1111110 they could uoly tuiW.., not coutml.. Tba object of
tbcir 11J>ftointment ..-u to ...U... tho SC"""'' d ollow of bio
lkotiag hit i..U att<Dtioa to hilt milltory dutioo.
t The dapu.d> of the s-rga>enl no claud tbe 2W <C
<11 U' .'0'.
.\ D. t;f'J.

CII.\P. Gl'l'tlt Britain; for the renunciatinn hy the :-;uitnn
of hi' ennuectiott with LhC' Frendt. nml for tlw per
p!'lnn..l exclusion of th11t J><!oplu fnmt hi "'"ite ami
dominion; for the to tlw nllil'!ll of
dominions of which hC' >iO<"I J1'>o" .-,ed at tl111
commencement of war; lior tho relinquhltmnt of
thu t'laim., of Tippoo tn any iliotrits in dirmte with
the allit.'!l nr thl' Rajah nf Coorg; for tho
to the nlliUti of two crartls of rutJee, nn<--hnJf
imntt'<liat.-Jy. Mol thf' n.'lllaintler \\ithin ix mouths:
for the rclcnse of pl'iBnllllJ'S; nnd for tho dclivtry of
ho, a< s..'CUI'it! lior tht due. fulfilment nf tim
provioWI Thew cnnclitiollB were
!rut unt m11re '"'ere than justice and m;re-ity wnr-
l' Whil<> TipJlU<l retained tho JIOWcr4!f being, it wu e<>rtaln he would never <"C:L<e tn
allhl'l <'nii!IC for al!lnn. flo intne \1'1\ll lllio hlltnl
of the Enll;llih. and "" perfilioas W.. chn111c:t<'r, thAt.
inst('nd of allowing llim tho choice ur retnining n
diminkhCtl Ehan> of dominion llDtl or nf
Jo,inl! nil, the Britillb authoritill!! wnulrl h:m IK'i'u
jw.tilied in declnring, like tlte great puwct"' of Eu-
rope at n Inter dntB, with regard trJ nnothrr
thnt they would no mare trmt ";tb him. nor witl.t
tuJy meml>t'r of bi fnmlly."
Gcneml llo.rri retJnired an IUI.SWl'r tn he .-c11L
within forty-eight bolln', with the n'<jiUn'll
hr1$lnp :.nd thu fin;t crore of rnpec,, under pain of
hk clrmnnd to tiH sumniltr of S.rlo.l!'ft-
Nn Jlllftwer arrived, nnrl the lnhmm nf tiH

IIJlmsJI l:.VPJRF; '' ISIIIA. li
hoil'gl!r< went bri;kJy on. They wcro only !'U8- cRAP. xv.
J>cnkl wlll'n nn ottuck from tbo ummy required to
ho rJllllerl; nnd in inmriablv
with c.ho Englifib. On tho :!lltb of April ic A. D. m
hc.c.umtJ III'Ceso;ruy to dllodgtl tlu enemy from tbcir
IMt c:thrior "ntroncbrucut, di.taut le!s
th:w fiur hundred from the fort, Ctl\en.od on
the right by a n.'<!onbt. &1111 on the left by a mtAIJ
rireullU' open in the n:oar. Tho loty was cn-
tn.-ul to Culoncl W t'llc"'l"Y whn in
the tr.-ncfu,.. It was o. acnic<' of diffirulty; but, in
thll oours< of the night and of t!Jc follol'ing mom-
iug, Willi uccl'll!lfully perfurmocl, though not with11ut
conaicluruhlo loss. This >t'JUII to hal'o
hco.'n deeply ftlt by Tippoo; rued, "baking off tbe
lethargy or tlw disdain had bitlacrt& withlu:J.I
him from replyin::c to General Harris's pl'lpo,al.., ho
di.p11tdcc.l another letter. acku .. ,.J.-Iging their tran;;-
mi-.inn, lmt that, as tho 1int& in quemon
wen wdghty. nnd without thu lntPrWntion of 11Dl-
could not he brought 1.<1 11 ronclusion, hl'
'11111 nlxmt to lwll J>N'Inm for lhl' pllrp<>;'C uf
I'Onf,nnc :ut1l csplanntioo. fientrol Harris. in b1o
an!Oll""' ulli:reol Tippoo onc-e tnoro tho DAhantage .,f
the pmJ"'&::IS formerly tnm.mitte<l. \l"ilhuut an nrl<li-
tiou to the tlmnh tben>in mnrlo; !Jut dHiined
It ;. -'r .., 1 to obo<rft that !hit .....,. ...... tbo
brotba' ol the gvnmo:rgmo'ti. wbo. alttt atahlihin:r brilliut
miL ClUj rrJmU.tvm in Indio. iu tU"'C''tloa tbol!""' g<-
lll'r.W "'"""' Clllr!ubo 1w1 gi..., fame and tlominlnn "' rrpolollcan
and i.mptriM.I 1-'ran.c:e. inrhvling U..t ctrswditaarJ 111&11 at Yhote
,...,. oll Eunl"' quoikd.
Ulh70RY OY TilE
CII.\P. X\". w recoin' vakools. thoy wcro ON'mnpan.ied by
the awl 8pede, in rceognition of
the term beinjt' W:C(piL'<I! The deter-
mination WDi by t.hree o' clod un thu fol-
lowing olny. No 1\')tly WM fur\\11J'1lod hy him; nnd
from the u10mcut in which he rerciv<"l thi,; com-
munientlou frum I [arri,., he i ropre:.ent<l
as pali6ing rapidly through nn liJ!'O"Y uf J:rid into a
!'ilent atupor, from whirh he seltlom awoke except
fhr the purpose of l'"'f,....Uog a contiolt-urt wbich he
cuuld not fc'()l, tbnt bU. capitnl \l'onlrl ho 81lCC(.'I!6fuUy
A.D. u". On the 3tlth of .\jril tho tire of tho
batU!ril'll oJoencd fur the imporialll optmtion of
breochblg; IIJICl uu the eveDing of the :Jrtl of
tho breloll Will pi'Mtieable. Before day-
break ou tbe 4th tho troopa dl!8tined for the -rut
were stationed in the They colllliited af
nlllrly two thollSIIDd four Eunt)ICall, aud
about eigbu-en hunclrt'<l rmtiw infantry. The CQUl
manti WUII entrustccl tn 1\fn.jur-Goncml BAird. Tho
nf the commruull'r-in-chiuf h> tloi oftioer
were to mnke the cartur" of tlw hi- fi..-t
object. For thk puqw>iO Gt>neral Bait<l clhided tho
under hili commnuol into tw11 ouo
"l'bt nbjrat of Til' PI"' ;,. all tlu!te advanca """' dlay: (did
bio chanoctor lD him! born perfectiJ tiDdnaod by a--
to! Ham.. Writing to a rri<ad 10011 aftr!t bio atair>K .., tho
mmmand tho oayo-" \'oq are oo om I.
But the ruca) [Tippoo) 'lfOUL! hllll>bc>g IDO, lfllll mole 1111! -
tho f!UIO if Le <OOid on"' gtt ..., to liotm to lolm."-Lik of
Lrrijluris, P"h"' !li; y.

llRm&H Elll'lll!: IS 1'11>1.\. 49
by Dunlop, the ca \P xv.
ntbcr loy Cnlnrul c.:llllt was J:l)
tnkco plmc nL Ollll o'clock; nnd uL a fow minu1C9
pMt thnt hour, GlllWrnl Dnird, bning compiC'to!d ull
llis nrnmg<'lDCUt!l, steppeol out of the t"'nclt, nnol
drnwing biJr :;word, exclnirmd, " my
fellomt, fnllow me, ana pnnc yourNlt< 'lfortlry of
the nnm of Britkh soldiel"' !" In an i.rr..taut both
eolunul!l from the trenc!u't, and cnlc.n.1l tho
lx.l of the riTcr nndl'l' cowr of tbo fire from tho
battorit.-,. Tlwy wero instantly cliru\ei'Nl by tht
en ... my, ond AAilllilnd by a h<>nvy tin uf rocket.; nnrl
Jlllll<kfltry. Ou tho prerituq night tbo river Lad
bwu tJ>ruuincd by two mumtl FIU1JWil' nnd
Lnlor, nntl tick. lmd heen f'('l 11}1 lo itulimle tbe
mo,t COII\l'UitIJt pbce for fording. Bntb the at-
tncldng partil"' m._<eeruled the and lbe breaches
in the ful&S.'Ie-bmye tngeth('f. On .tope of the
bl'(>llrh till' furlom-hnpe W1Lq tnrntmltred hy a !xMly
Of tho tlllt'DIJ, nnd the grrottr f><ll'tion or tbo,e en-
gtlgtd fill Itt tho htrugglu; hut tlw JljjJ!Itilnut pre:.-c.l
on, uu;l wituin I'C\cn ruinutt'>l uft.:r lht!y hucl il'mll'll
from tlt(ir t.rcnclrcs tho ling wn.-1 ,<a,ing
from tho tilluuuit of the broarlt.
,\, AOOU u &ufficiem fort-e wu toUcc:tcd. tlw two
part iN file.l off right and h!fl. nrconlimr to tbe plnn
1'"'1"*"1 h) General Baird. The p:1rty dctaclral for
the right mul'l'hed mpidJy fhnr1U'1l nn tht outhtm
rrunplll'l, nwltr Colonel Slt1-rhruok. Th., gnlll1lltry of
Cn1tniu 1\fullt, lhtt nf the
Srotth hriwul<, \1111< tminutly '"'""''iMI<>U ant] <(I'
\'OL. Ill.

IIIS'rollY OP Tit?.
CIIAl'. TV. ,;C('ahlc. R"unning forward n)mo.tlliugfy, he JIUI"OUOO
the cntmy till he rtdcht.od 1\ mud ra\'l\litr. where he
pla.nhl n ling tuultlisplnyetl bh bot on the point of
hi' ,word. Ht men "0011 rollect('ff nrnuod him. and
being joino-1 hy tit!! uf the lrooJI' cugngecl in
thb'}' fllvanred "'l'idly, the l'llcmyntnmt-
ing b!'foro tlwir b:t)onet& Tbe "'lll:liuing l':l\'lllicl'l-
""ru rruntl in nnd in thnn :10 hour
nfhr Bbrending tho hl'(, the party. afttr <><:<:nJ')ing
the whole of the southern r41llpnrts. arrinod nt that
portion of tlu:m rumtonnting th taton gntewny.
'J'lw progn..,.q of the column which hnd proeNrled
to th lcl't o. not t)uite 0t1 ra1id. Colnnd Dunlo}>.
by whom it "'liB cnnunanll'<l, bnd been woumlld in
the ronllid at th< ummit of th and ju.ot
o.s tbt party began to ruhnoco fmm that point, the
mlitnnce in fl'Ont Wllll JK>Werfully aided by tbo
tlnnldng mukctry uf tbc iDiler nuoplrtS. All the
kncling officer< being t>ltber kill('d or tliilltlllel, l.itu-
tennnt Farquar ('lllt'lld bim,.cl! nt the beud of the
party, bnt inst:tntl y fell del\<). Captnin Lamhton,
brignl'-Dllljor to Gt'IU!I'Ill B:rinl, now as&umed the
commnud; nod tho column, though not
'-OIII..timES ling brought to a tand, pushed for-
wan!, killing many of tho enemy nnd !lrhing tbe
......,! beforu them. tiU reacbl!d 11 point whero
the appi'OG(b of the right c:olnmu wu jlCrt"('ptihle.
iler tho wtru thrown 1uto tbr utmnl ('ou-
fu,.iun. &Dtl the l!!:mghtt'r t.e<oame d.roadful. Tbe
or thi <'olumn wen a.bly 1'11pportcd
by a ll'l.adunent uod(r Caf'talll Goodall, '1\ hid.1,

l.!'ll'lllll 11'; 1"-'lllA.
cfft'<'t.i'<l n J>ft.<"Ug<' owr thc .Jiteh ctl\r. :w.
tbc c:<trinr nnl interinr rampart& lunlo: the t'tlemy
in llnnk awl rt>nr. Thn l'e!<ult of e<mhiml
ntt:l<'k8 WW', that "bt>n JM,th division& of tb" Bri:til.lo
forro met on tbl' t'fLh:nt r:uDJ>art the "hole of tim
wero in tlwir Thtt only l'l'maUI
ing ohjet-tA of auxicty '"'"' the and of
the Sultrul.
With regan! to the the gl"('atelot ont'('r-
tniul) \VlNhor or JJOt he bntl pcriho>el in
tb!" t'llllllict, and, if he -till sunned, wbl''r Joe lwl
I!SeOJ><'. or r<ID4ineol to fall with hill
ropltal into the bnnrh of the .-icto"' wore 'l"'""i"n
C... whirh nu nti.fi1rtory llll!!W<r couhl he
Tbr.'C olliccno of tht> ,tnff, )fajors
Allllf_ ancl Bcatoo, pn.-iug nlong the
li"<'ocred thr.oe mt'll dt""}'l'l'lltcly wowlll'il anolnpJ"'
rently dead. Two of thC"t', fmm lb!'ir clrt'811 rut!
nlhtr rircnntbmces. llJf><'ru'ed JIC'Nlm of distinction;
and une, urn lllUlluinatlun. mnniftl>'tinlt' til8'fl' uf r<'-
lift, waa ml.OO bY tbe Hrlti4 offit'('r.<. It WDI!
nnt Sulttm,ulal hut oun of hill
mt'l!lt <li.!ltingul.bed nffirf'no narnl!<l !'J'l'!d Saih. Ilu
m111 by Major Dallal'. who him
hy tuiDH'. He bad AJ'JX'IU'l"lexritt'l anl
Thi ill the -t sl"" by Afajo>r cl the pom.
rrncnt. Cololl<l Wilb :ro that ....,. dloo ouod -
....,, - cl ham _,_j cl .WtllldXm. ,. ... , m' cl ..
.,. .;,.,... boo 11(<:11 rd rml hJ that to( "" outho< ..... --
tbo ..... .......... "'t lha - limo It ...,..Jd ......... 10
om>t IJio roppcortw;itycibaoritJ; -710 llle c--J-WIICJ
aod Jll'l"f'I.rou o( \\1lk.t't ICal.cmmll.

alarmed: but the kincllx>aring of the Britieb oftkt>.,.,
aud the 11f his penon l! one of lh<'DL.
to divCIIt him of fcnr, nncl he bt.'('AJJ!o ln-
lfl.antly nml trunquil. Ik rniH< .. J MI\Jor
Unllss's bruul tu hi fnrl'hcnd and em\lm<'(!(l knt'<!fl,
hut Wll8 uimble tn On pnrtnking uf
Willer, his power of returned. and hu incp1in.'<l
ho,. Hallu l'amo to know him. Being in-
formL'fl tlult lw was th<> officer commanding the
l'!<.'Ort of the cummi";oncMI at Mangnloro many
yt-:1,.. befoN', Syt'tl .Snib nt once rccoll<'('.IAJI him.
A surgeon pnsoing \1118 l'ltllod by the uffiCI'n! tn I hr.
of tilt' WOIIOIICII DIJUI, but !111 v!ng with
him neither illlltrunu.'llt nur ht \filii un-
aLie to alfonl any. The pnlanquin f Syll'11ih wa.q
tbm !leUt for tn cnney him to r.ant(, and tho up-
portnnity wao taken t<> Inquire if the Sultan 1IV In
the fort. :::yed that be WIL!! in tho pal41'('.
Th<' attention of 1lw Britih wu now
oft' by a firing of uectiSitUled hy o. 1511lly nf
the enemy, 11nd thy ltn 8ytt1 Sail> in the thnrgt' of
two sepoy!!. llut tht'ir \1111! uunvoiHng.
rut<'r tho dtp:lrture of tho.c who hat! (tult'll
VOlll"e<i to re;,.uo him from <lenth, the uufur<utllltc
milD ottempted tO rt>!e, but f"Dl the
C>e<.'aNonctl by hi8 wound, he fl'll into ll111
inner ditch.
Tlte firing which intl'rntptt>d the hewn
by the three olfirl!l'll to Sy<'fl Saiu hnviug t'tlllll(cl,
thry tn 11 whl'rc they could uhtain B
di.!ltinl't YiCI\' of part uf the inttlrior nf till' paiArc.

Jlll.mlill Dll'fllll IS IN[tl.\.

Tlrro tb<y could j)CJ'C('ivo a numll(r uf pero:on, a- tiLIP. :w.
,q>IDblccl a.. in tiorbsr, on" or two l'roted. aud
11tbt'n< RJ(n>nching tbem wiU1 gn:'Rt They
tlwu Ocuoml Bnird, ln cmnmunirote t.o
offirtr \\hut they hnrl hl'llrtl, nml wb:tL they bal
The geneml ho.ol provioll:!ly J"CCcivt..J
infummtiun or 8imila:r lmlkirt, 111141 luul baited hlo
tn>JIS fvr refrebmCilt bcfuro lao pr<>t't'ttft'd !u UW
mon the p:ilnrt. Tbe rucu lteillj\' somewhat rero-
nnl tbP nect. .. "AA')' pnrnratiun. made fir
nunrk htoull the .ummous 1"' llnjr
A linn 1\ tlt"'JntclJL'<I tn ulllr P"lvttinn to tho
:,.\ultnu nml .. very Jll!l"'<lU within tbo on
inuncdu\11) nnl uncoui.liliunnJ hllrrtmlcr. 1 hiving
futcDL'<I 11 white doth ou a pike. bo
pn>L'('('I"l '' iili some European liD< I 1111tive li'O<l'
to c.xo'('uto mhsion. He fouml JllU't of the 33ru
J"eWDil'nl tlrnwn Ull bcforo the 1oalnce, nnd Q!vemJ It(
Tippno'M in the balcony "I'PMutly in wuat
cnn>ltrnntion. llfnjor Allnu m11olu tlw comnumk'll
' Linn with "bich hP '"M ehnrgt..J, nntl tleire<l thnt
imuwolinto intimnlinn of iL mighL bo ginm to the
In a llClrt tim" tho kiiLulnr nnclllDotbf!r
,,ffirer cnmc over tbc terrao uf doc front builoliog
aol oiL"><<en<lt><l by nn nnlinihl part t>f the wai.L" C\ itlo:ntly laboured unokr great emba.mL<>-
nocuL, lout IICJt to such an txttnt ll" t prerenl. dw.
t'Jttn.ifie 11f thl'ir ingenuity in (JU!t'!IVUliMDg U> J'ftt
l'lln' oltlav, \\ilh n view, 1111 Mnjur AUnn thuught,
with (t'l'l'lll ftJiii(,'Rl'IUICO of Jnlhillty, uf
their l'IK'Il("' uol"r cmcr uf the nigbt. Tt> tht-<
Major A linn repeated tho of
his meu ge ; pointed nut the dangeor of neglting
it u-' tbe nect'll8itv of immediate
tioo; pledged itimself for the due J>Crfoi'IIWlOO of
the promiee which he bol'l'; and, finally, requiroct
to be intu the tl11laee. that might re-
peat hiiii!OIIUnmet.'!l of Mfuty to tho Sultan himself.
To tJu. proposal Tippoo'a senant.s rniUlifl'Bted grmt
dislike, Major Allan insisted. and called upnu
two Englillh oflioono, one of wbCJm IJK>ke the native
language "ith extrnonlinary Rucnoy, 111 aceompany
him. Tho party BScrnded by the broken wall, and
from thlnce Iowen.'<! tbrm.;rlvcs down on a tl!1'l'lll:ll
wht'ro a large body of lltDled men wen
It ..... forthwith explained to the!!e }'('l'!On!l, that the
flag borne by Major Allan wu a tledge of lleCUrity
to them pro'fided no "-'llil!tanoo were oft'ered, and a
eingular I!Wp was in order to lnrlure them to
giYo credit In tho a!IOW'rtion. W itb a degree of
eonfidt>nc:1' "bicb ran only be WI im-
prudent and rash. Mnjnr Allnn took off his &WOrd,
ILIIrl pllll'l'd it in charge or Tippoo' offirtT.l. The
..ituntinn nf the Sultan ww. still uD81!CCrtained. Tle
la1ladar anl OthE'l' !'<'1'!011!1 affinned thnt he '111118
uot in tho palac.>, thuugh his funily were. The
oril'lllal fondnet!s for d\'lay wns still indulged. and
the killlular I!Cellled tmt to know in what manner to
act. After a further fl'!ll'lition of the
am! the 1nll'llingw which bad been already giTl'D,
the hcing, cnfnrrerl by reference to the (('('l-
ings of the lrooJIII before the fllllaoo, which the

killadar w:111 apprized c>uld not b< re.iraiu<'ll with- UI\P. XY.
out difliC'ulty, that J>el'l'OII&gl) anol his
hft tho Dritill office,., who now to ft-tl their
JH>ition critical. A number of per!!OW. rontinu ... l
hl moYclmrriedly J,.,.Jnr:udi and forwards wit !tin the
J>alace, ntul of tho oLjt't't of tla<'!!tl monnwuts llnjnr
Allnn nnd coU<:a),''lll1S were ignorunt.
IT e bt'l'it.ate.l wuall'r he shoHtltl not rt"'ume hi
hut, with mMe pmolencc ho haol di,-
Jllnyetl in tlhellting him!ielf of tl1c m:ws of d<ftmt,
he rcsol to abitle hy the thuire whieb lw had
made, lest by an appcai'IUJCt' of litrust he ahould
110mc dma<lfol act. Tho people nn the
t!ITIIOO, howcYI!I', RJ!Jil'ttred to l>t> for the
eufCCfill of the Dritih mi.iu11, ami to fntl great
nlarm at tht ))(J!;Sibility of its failure. The) cn-
lrt'11t<.'<l thllt the flag might be hcltl in a
Jlol<itioll, in nrder at onco to gho eoniidtm'C to the
inmllt"' of the palntc, :uul tho! Engll.h
troops from folcing tbc gates. At length the fur-
111'1t.rancc uf ,\linn lx.."Cam\ o:tllAUBtcd, nnd ht
u. Wl'!'M,"I! to tluJ ijODS of TipJIOO, whu were nol-
mittc.l tu Lu in the pelac:t>. lll'Jling upon tbcm once
more the net'(o;!.ity of dcci,;ion, nud infom1jug lbem
tlmt hiR tluw \ll),ij limilod. Tbuyml.Will'\!<llhnt they
would 1'1.'<.'\:i\ll him 118110<11 a;; arorpct
for tbl' JUl'JOO"e, anol ohorlly af'r11.rd:! tim killsdar
ro'-nppcnrcl w cuntluet him I )retoence_
He wM to or the princ('ll, one
of '11'11om he n.>coUoet...J from bniDg bi>
ddirery, "itl JWutbcr brother, iutn tho ebarJ::e of

lllllrl>RY OF THE
CIIA.r. X\', Lon! ComWnlli. All a hmMgc for the due rerform-
- of tht> treatY ronduoled b1' tbat nobleman with
. .
tb<olr father. Painful tllld bumili:uing u YU tbat
.-eoo to thP hoU"<' of 1'ippoo. it WM ufi'eded in
hittemess of by the whirh Mlljor
.Allan now wltnf9Ctl. The 80115 of Tii'[>OO were
then to he temporary ft'llidtontl with the Hnglish till
the territorial C'Cfd'iOI18 ronlol be clltl'ol, IUiol tho.:
J><'t'Dnillf}' pnyrncntll OJBolc, hy which their Cather bnol
Bgn'f.l to ]>urrhnse thP of retaining hiA
plni'C among sowr..ign print'CII. They bad now
fure tlo('l]l onthing but unconolitional I!Uhnaillrion to
n foreign powtr. whi!!b Ill' lei JIOwro!!sion of the en pi tal
of their country; whil!b ronlcl dL"flll"C 11t pltta..'mro of
eYery Yestige of territory whil'b yet o,.,le<l Tirfwn
u illl lord, and to wbllSO humanity himtt'lf and bit
family woulol owo thPil' lh'C!I ahoulol be llplll'ed.
The ft-eling!l of <lef1{l0ndenry nud fenr rt..Wtlng from
thco;o ili5a.truu. c.-irennlanl't'li Wert> @tr,.ngly
picted on tho ftoatures nncl iadk'nteol J,!' tho wanner
of thp princ<'!l, notwitiL<tauclio,c: their to snr-
pi'C!OI their exhibition. ,\lnjllr Allan having endeJt-
Toureol to gin conlirlt:' nce by to the
of hi miion, ,...pre._..cntl'f.l tho int)l(>$.ibilitT
nf tlwir l"'<'llpt', nucl tntreatw tlu<rn, 118
ouly wny of l'l'\'"<'tling b.iM lift, to dlscowr the place
o>f his CODt'mlmrnt. TbPy anwered, that be 1I'U
not in the Major Allan then JI"IIIC*"I
that the gatct hC> "('t'n<1 to the Englil!h.
This n,newCJ<l lht nllll1D wlii<'h tho courtrous bt.'uing
and JIIICific or tho Britillb otlit't'r bnd. in
110me degn><'. cnlmcd. nnd they <'::tpreo!'MI n CH.\r. x1.
tlino.tion to tnko important a StC)' withouL tiJO
authority of tho Sultan. The Dl.'C.'t>s;ity of yidtling bowcH'r, n)lllin trongly ruul )lajor
A linn hning prnmbed to Jk"'l n gunrd of thdr mm
acpuys within pnlnce, nnd o Jlnrty of
\l;tltout, to no pem.n to enter without big
uwn cpE<rinl uutbority, nnd to retum and flmoin whit
the priDe<"" till Gl'ncr.U Baird nrrhcd, tll'y coo-
rmtcd, nod tho pnlncc gntl't IIJWDOO to 1ulruit
couqocrol'!l that p<'Ople utter expuliou fnIU
1 udin bn,J ix>l'n meditated hy its mnster.
Bt-rore the wu Gtntml Hninl, a111l .\1 nj<r .\I.
l:an wns ordi'I'C<I to bring tho ('rince< to the gt'IM'ra!'!l
. \IIU'trltod and reluctant. they 'aril'lU.II
olucctiollii to <]uittiug the pulace, but at length tlwy
1lllowecl to lXI ltrl to tho gnto. 'l'hu mo-
ml'nt WliS not tlw mO<t fn'I'OUJ'llble for their inti'O<lur-
tinn, for Bsird hnol not lung befnre 1'\lCcivctl
information of TiJ'l'OO in lltrict with his
cho..mctt>r, luning murdl'rl'<l n number of EngiU.h
Jlri!iQUE'n! whn hnl fallen iul<l bit bonds. Hill irulig-
nntion wn.- .. xciU!d. autl to a foding nAtural
nrul c\'<:D laoolahlc in ilBell; may perbap! be
tho han<hoe!!e whi<"h in um f\.'tiloect he eetIDll to
J,n,c<'lltcol tnwnrds the cnptJn S<tiU! of Ti(>JIOO-
l fl in the fil'!lt instance lwltatud to confirm the
conditions mndu with them hy .Major Allan. 1llllett8
they would inform him whf're their rather Willi. The
attempt to procuru the d$red inronaa&ioa
IWtl the general finally ... ured cbe .,n-.. r pnr
CllAJ'. X 'f.
HJIITO&Y or n11:
Wetion and lllf'ety. It Ia not to be suppoeed tbAt
Geuen1 Baird bad any ..erioWI lnt.ention of nolat-
iDg a promile IIOiemnly made by one of W. otliren
under instructions frum himself. and by virtue of
which ...-ion of till' palac< lwl OOcll obLaintd;
bot it is to be lnm<nted tbat thE> glory <-arut-><1
by tl1e enpture of &riugapatam llhould have been
by eYen fup IIJIJ>c1U'811Ce of want of ll''ntro-
ity or good faith. AJ>rut, indel'<l, Crom all re(erente
to the perial oblil(llion which the Britiah antlw-
rititJS hsd inrllmld, the ntiem)t to extort from tho
of tl10 1<0ns an l'XJ'<>o"lln' of the rcln!ot of the
father muot be oond!'nmecl,as at '1Uirulre with li<>IDl'
of the huli!'r feelingw of the humJUl henrt. 1'bl!'re
wu no pi'O(>f tbat the young men, who nnw
U.e prilloDen of the Briti&h geueral. bad partici-
pa&ed in the guilt ariaing rom the 1llU.I'der of ru.
eoldie"; and they ought not to h11ve boon 1nhjected
to moral torture for th" purpoiiC of di.COYt:ring the
lt'tn>at of the crinlina.l. he bcing their futher. The
cruelty t>f Tippoo rurited tbn J!('veru.t ntrihution
which coulol be infUQltld, but if (\en bt luul bet:>n
fiund within the palace, be mu"t ha\e the
eaf.-ty prumi .... ..t to all ben!'atb it.. roof, or th honour
of the BritU.b naliuu would han boon irrv)>4n\hly
At tbio put ol tbe nanatie ro1t1 ooldy - oliciol popen,
il '101Rl!d be 1o tho --in the text
...., porti<-ularly ....., oot tho r ... :t rdolecl iDcmlible. It
io ., thcr<loft. to - tLot it io --- "' o-.1 Boinl
..... ia bia rq>wt to tlcaenl a.m..
KMPillF. IN INlliA. liO
A minute throughnnt the was or-
tlt'rcd, with n iew t<> securing tbc )l('I'IIOU of the
Sult&n. who, uotwithtwuling the d11uinl nf IJi fol-
lo\\tl", wa yet to b< \\ithin ito w:ill.. The
rennnn 'rns excmptt'ol from but n guanl
111"11. plAced round it &nfficient til prcn-nt the C5<'ape
of TifJIOO if he were coocenletl there. The
l\"88 unnvtilliug, nnd will' next sought by
on tlto fcal"' f the L iliM:lr. This offirer,
upon being tbrcntcne<l, place<! his hnnda on th., hilt
of )f,\ior .\llnn' nntl !llolcmnly repeated
fomtcr prot<"S!Atinn. that the Sultan wu uot in the
('l\1400; Adding, boweer, and as it I<'('ID8 for tho
fin.1 limP, thnt be lny nt a dU.tmi part of
tlto fnrt. To the pot which he named he
to <'Otuluct the Bri officers, nud profoNt!ll him"<' If
1't'41ly to ruhmit to nny the g<uc-
ml mi.L(ht be plrosed to inJiict, if be u-ero found to
lulvo dt>eeiwrl him. The J>lnC(' to which tho kii-
Iadar 1.-1 wu a l!BlCW'IIJ on the uorth .i<l<' of tbl' fort,
Hen of bodil ... were pil<l one upon
nnntlll'r, ruul the tlnrkue'>. ren<lored it nJmo,.t iw-
J'O"''ible to di>tingul&l l'ith<'r form or featnrett.
wero pi'OOOl'lll, nnd llD exnmiontion of tlto
falltn ictim of IW1t.iti"o wns cmumt'ncl!d. Thr. dis-
em-ery nf th Suluw' J<alnnquiu, anti of a ...-oundeol
pcn;nu lying Ullder it, to inrlicntl' that tb"
of tho l'elli'Ch Willi nllloinrd ; hut the man
wh..;o j>O:JtiD i.n thi ,o('CI)t' of dl>Stb and
Major iloAU. ap, " ... tlornlcned." Ot...rai!Wiru,
iadeal, - to !lave enl<rtAiDod no dillike to _..,....
ClUJ'. XV. appeered to inark him out u the Saltan- only
- oae of his roolldential l!l'l'ftllbl who had atteoded
him throughout the day. But the n0001181ty for far.
thcr l!llareb wu at an The wnnncl<'d &e" ant
polntod to thl' 1pot where his 11188ter hoc! fillen ; and
a body d.raggcd fn>m tbo IL'Ctllllalated mass ahove
and around it was by the kilbular as that
of tlto Sultan. Bl!ing in a pnwu1uin, it Willi
I."Onveyed to tho polnce, wbcro mnltiplit'd
to itl idl!ntity nmoved all pt>Utod for doubt.
Tippoo lmtl fallen, but bi.t fnll wn. !mown,
utul it eert.llinly cootribnttl nothing tow11rds tlw
n'!lnlt of the dny. Doring tho J.:u;t fourli.'I'U duy>1 of
tho tit'ge bo luul lind hi abode at 11 1I1U'c fur
meriy OC'alpled by a water-gate, Lido Tippoo b:ul
tome yaus before clOIICd. Here be crcetc<l a IIDIAll
fltono choultry, by rurtainB, and four small
t4'Dtlwere fixed for bi8 I!Crvanlll and OTer-
wlulmed with he sous:ht romolation
in thutle mi5erublc dogtnOB, half oommou-plfl()(', balf
parutlox, which ha-ve 80 JtMHCtl current 11M
110nnd philosophy. anl to rt'llll\lll.e hoi"'
hy the or judirial utrulogy. .\ rigid lla-
bom<'tnn, he ditl not in tho hour or hi
the knowledge wbiob the bmmin were n.o..
putc,J and their art was inmked for tho
infonnation. Either from the e8"eet o(
doancc, or from ob!ervation uf the nf
It it =rm<llbat - ol the apotbopo - tmjumtly oo
... I!Wian'alipo dlllin dUo- no the .......sag .,plolam. tbal
- - clio ""'r ....... the ....... til lillie
DlriRE IN ISOlA. fl1
Uw lmtl.t Mnhomctnu nncl Hiniloo CHAP. X\"".
clttlnred 11111 -llh of :.\fsy n il:&y uf cbwgt>r. To awrt
the thrroti'UC<] tnlrunity, thl' bramitll! n.'<'UIIlJDencll"l
on oblatinn, and thl' of S11lt.rua induced him
to 1><1'1t>W the of making it. On tbe morn-
ing "f the rlny on which l"''ril Willi npprl'lwntk'tl lltl
pfOI'eetledll> !he Jl:lluce, J.athc.t, anti, .1\flll!lfulmnn u
lu1 Wll.', pn."<>nted, through n bnunin of high I'I'Jnta-
tion for NUccUty, the ohlntion "itb n]J tho
t"Utomnry fonnalitil't!. A jar of oil Conned port of
tlw oft'erinjl; ruul, in with n Jlintloo
eutuut, Sultan PDdeavoured to uoeruin the
81i)ICCt of fate {1'0111 tbe fonn of hie l'al:e aa reiJeetro
from tho surface uf the nil. U1e cxhibition
indieatl'tl good or il i, knoW'D; but. L C'ulnncl
the resulL deponcls ou meehnni<'lll
cnu';(oq, nncl "t11e rclledinn of nny frun may lll'
foml!'d to nny fortnne." .\!>nut ncn lht' lcncl
eompletOtl tlw eerl.'mnnit'!l which dc:>pnir bncl led him
to at lhe ex peJlS(! of Li> as a
litvtr in Mn1wmt, Mel hi' npaired to rhoultry In
Jlllllnkc:> of hi mict .. Jay nJOW<t. Ou hiR way ho WIU!
informed by two pi.,; that lhL I.Jciegt>rs w,re J>n'-
J'Rriog to He remnrked, thnt an llllO<D.Uit lty
.Jay was not probabl<'. An offic;:r "bo roiDJJWitlccl
the bn'tldt npprizro him thnt there ap-
f"'t'l'll to an uurumnl ouml,.r of nwn in the
treuthe;<, nol rn..'Vmurendetl that ordc:>n aboultl be
f11r the to 00 OR thL alert. TiJlJIO"
apln txproiitl(.'<l I.Jclicf that tbL attempt to ll!;tlllU)t
\\'OUicl DOl It< mntlt> hy olny: and roolly .. ltloo, thnt ;r
rHAP. xv. it llhonld, tbC ntmck must ho "'!l"lled. Tilt! next
intelligence that n=bro him WD.I! enlamltoas. It
UUIOUJict>d tht> dooth, by n I'Bnuou-hnll, of tbe mm
from whom he bnd reeeifod tbo communication.
111d wbo wu ontl of his chief nflicers. Thc'
wu agitated, but gaTe the onlcn li>r the
and ate doWD to his l'l!'pUt. It Wll8 yet
U11&nillhed when he n n!(Kirt tlmt the
lwl Nm!mence<l, nnd he hMttnl>d lA> tho northeru
He found that the Englih had surmounted the
and plnt'ing himself behind ODll Of the tra-
\'lli'IK'll of the nmpart, he 6rod sc'l'eo or eight time!!
011 the Nilant,a, aud. u wu bdievcd by tlu-se who
u ided llim.ldlled Eftlal Earopt'llll!L The Hight
ot Ida troupe bebe tbe W.'epaa eompel-
lecl blm to retire ; though wbeneTOr an opportlmlty
c6red for making a stand, be is ltated to baTe em-
bnred it. But no e!Tort.s wbfrb be wu able to
make could tum the etlm'Dt of succes8. He bad
a alight ound, Allll tbe ext>rtintU wbieh
he wu unanilingly makin,ll' rendered painful the
iaJnroe!os uncler which he laboured. Fituling a
Major 1leco- ,..._ the onlrr o( the two a<eoantl h""'
Mti....t-tbe nceipt of the aen o( lh otlic:tt'o ck:alh ud that ol
tho uaoJt. Tho ........ t ,.,.,.,. ia the ten io that ol Col.ol
wnu, ""- .,.,..lliilitia .,_'" w,---- o1 acl-t d'clocl a p I 11 ol ilio --
_,. Ill regvcl .. lbe ......,..t w.tor, o( T'oppoa. ..... a.-
..... the deuh ol T'appoo' ..... - bariac -..mol
u..t loalf aa loaar bofare the -ah, wilido;. pafoctJy nmoioleut
... Calc.oi ...,..-, .. __,.willa w. ....
horse. he mounted anl rodl' toward,. the gate of tbc tiiAP. :o.
interior wnrk, with what does not nppear.
J I ere he rccdved a wound in lho right iddo from n.
musket-hall. IIl' rod(' forwarl n. fuw par()!<, wbi.n
he reel'in"l BDotber ln\11 in hi ldt bn.'l1llt, and hb
bon>e Willi nt tbe snme moment brought down. Tlu
faithful !l<'rvllllt who hnd nccompnuiecl him through
the day. and who bllT\ iwd to p<>int to his l'flnqucrers
I he plac<> \\here tOP tyrant bal fallen. urged !Jim to
rlllicover himself to tho Englih !l<lldiers who were
pi'(";Sing fnrwn.rd, u the most )'rohable lli<'IWll of his life. Uut the i111tinct of for-
lnule thiA coun;e. TitJIOO remtml>ercd that bo bad
r<'Ct'.ntly murdered some of th1ir comnul1 with
rircnmstnnl'<"' cf hn.rbarity, and he npprc-
hcndcd that by diliCO'I"t'ringwbo hl' was he but
nrceleraw the fnto wl1ich his zealous thm
JTI'()posed to avert. lie nccordlngly tbu
irnpnrdcnt ugge;tiun, as t.> him it nJ'pcarcd. by
ptL<Sionntcly exclllimiog. "Are ynu mnd ?-be ciii'!It."
But !lihoncc, though it conetnltd his nml.., nvuilt>tl
n11t to l'fL""'l'Tc hil life. Tippou plul'<l l.y
follnw('r in hili pa!Allt)llin under an an:h t>D orw
t>f tl11 gateway. A gn:ooditr cute ring Rll.<'lllptcd
to seize tb Sultnn' which \tns -.cry
rich. Had he "tlhmittC<I to the loes without resi:;t-
nnee, the num woull ('rolbly lm,o on : but.
though titiuting,nth thl' ltrSS of hlood. Tip1100 l'ilt'<l.
with. f,.,.J,to wru'l' " .,.ortl whkh wn. nrar him.
nod malc a at the ..-hu bad thiiB rom-
CIIAP. X\'. lhl! ' vork of by whom ho mil> im-
ml!diatl')y shut through the tempi' The circum-
ntt.eu11i ng tho discllvt:ry nnd reco!fOitiou of
his OO.Iy have been dtailcd.
On the nwnling nRer the capture of
trun, an English uffioor l1nYing gone tiJW!lnH the
liTer with n party of Jlt'rceivt:ll on tlw
opJOOtite silk u fmr hol"oCJllcll, on<! of wbom "11wd
n white &g. The officer 1u !hi! bank.
wns m0t by one of the who inforzncd
hiru that Abclo.l Klanlik rle-irom of thro";ng
himwlf on tho protootion of tho Hugli:!h,
his pcrc;onnl -nfety were cun.-d and hi b<>Juur
pn!S<:rred. This cnndidatCI for DritiJJJ rk'lllcncy
wa the secontl son o[ 'l'i)'po<>, a.nd thr. elder of
tlu! two princ1.-s ubu lmd fu11lllrly bccn l'I!C('in>d
ly l111' Engfub govcrnor-gencro.l ns lir
their lather',; good fllitb. Tim R'<Juire<l rrnmitoc
uf soourity w1<l IIOIIDill'llblc trentmcnt WM lnune-
llintcly gil-en. nrul prince surrenclere.l bim,clf to
the Britiob pnrty. In tho ow.'DillJl' the of
the Sultan WCJe depo:oitcd in the mnu.,._
rrectcd by Hyder Ali, with 11.11 tbc pomp which
coull he be.tnwed. 'l'he arrangements were un1ler
tht' nperint.enclt!llre uf thu priucipnl
nuthnrities; tlu! chiefs of tho Niz:un's nnny joinetl
with tLe rou .. ""'" or 1.00 in the fiOlrmn pro-
lle!<!'inn which fuUowd bis rcnlllin, nud !111 mili!ury
with ,..hicb it is the emtom or I:nro1-e to
!(niCe th1: l!Cllclids Qbi.e.1uics nickd t he IIOI<mnity of
UIUTISII EArP!llE J'); l);[l[A. o:;
tho ll<'ene. Tho evening with n <lreulful CIIAP. n.
Htonn, by which per;on were ldllNI ruul
mMy more !ll.'\'t-n>ly burt. &ringnJInm wlut!<"t
to I!UCh mitation!l, IUld there ":L ll"l remarka-
ble in tbe stnm1 wbirb ucceedctl the funero1l riti"JJ of
exccJt itg extrnonlinury vinll'nre. Yet the
imngiuation runnol fn.ll to be impl'l..,.,"{'d by tilt' fnrt,
that the of the bocl)' of Tiproo to iu
I'C!Iting-plnce ,.,_, folln...-cd b) a dt'I!Ol:lring ronTUI-
eiun rwt with b,i,. rwrturbed aud mi. ...
chit>,ou life.
The oouqut ... t nf Seringapatam w'IUI not achit.-llfl
without a ronlidNahle amrr. hut the lOll! of tbc
Jlririh llnll.T Willi (t-. S!'Yeft' than 111il(ht Jm.-e
Tho totnl :unount of killi.od, woutlt.lcol.
nnd mi;sing, iu tho whole of tho op!'rnlions
out the hiege, fell tillort of fifl!'Cn hnudred. Tb!'
''*' uf the en('my cannot be with 1'1'1'-
ci-iun: J..ut it bas l>t'(n 1!!-tintatc<l that. in the
nlnn<', <'ight tllllt,.nnd fell. Dn.-;Ltlful as it i t
ntltct on .. lnugbtcr, it iN A'mlifying to knuw
thnt i!('lU't'(')y any uf till' unnnnrol iuhnbitant8 "''l't'
injurotl. A few ntta <iolably lllllfcrt.'<l frum l'lllllunt
: but the -ult being DIAtlc by dnylight. en-
the power of di...-rim.inlltitJO, and it wns l'Xtr-
ri.w<l to tbe utmi)Ojt pmt'tic:tblt cxttut.
Tbt rnpturo uf plnred in J"""'t'AA!on
of the \ictor-- j!UII". tores, anol trea.o;ure to a laiJJO
an1nUDt. l\ine hUDolr..d 1111d twenty-nine JR- of
onlnance of 'ariuWI wem fowld lri&hin
the fort, two hunrlnl nnd eighty-<oMcn ufthtm ll(inJl
VOL. lll.
lrt!!TOR\" 01' TnE
nn.r ,,.., ofl the :\m.rly a hundn>d
Utousnnl mU>kclq nud \"J.J'biur<l ""<'"' tW. fouuol. a
groat uomlK'r uf -wonls rmd a rnn-
weight of .hot ami powder, and llp<'('ic llDd
jewca dcven hnndr<-cl thnmnnd pm1nol
in &lue. Thll h1'"U'J uf tho Sultlm ,.,... nut tho
len..L nmnrkahle portion of the proJCrty trnnf<rrcd
J.y the reornlL of the The of rntllll
ml u.c; but th<> pri mte rol.lcctlon nf tnte {>pel"<
W&ll of incalcnlahle inttMt ruul u thry
rnntributetl to re1ulcr the C\;<1\'nco of TiJpoo's
hatred of tht> English, nnd tho extent of in-
trijlUI!Ii ngai.nKt thfm. ton strong to be or
duuhiAlcl by the most dotennined nd,ocnteo of n
policy undeflatlngly J-.cl6c. The hi-1.ory of hi
negutiatinn with tbu u( .Mnuritiul!. nnll
of its e<>l*.oquent'Cll, wu illll8tratc<l by copil!li nf nil
tho e<>mJ><ponMnco which aru!le out of l11<,..o pro
Other ducumtnts wl!re found rclnting 1.<1
his mi.,.ions to Turkey and Fmncc. Ollil'r<;,
de-veloJ>l-..1 hiij intrigul., nt th" court of the Ni%run:
ruul among thC!'e wt>rc copk of cnm<pnnlnco
JIIIB.'ing lletwccn Tippoo nnd ccrtnin c!Jiclil of tlw
-riizam\ &rlllf durinjf the lil"'t campe.ipt of Lnrd Com-
w&lli!!. The cvirltnoo of en den vours to CUI\'IIge
Ute Mahmtta.. rtgaiut tb" Eoglih wr,. in like m1umer
cun6rmcrl: und it Willi ftmLtr thiLt it wn.;
n<ot mcnly the grt'lltL'l' f>0"\1"1!11! of tbnt Tippoo
10ught tn w1itc thl' ,,bject of hi1 hatred-
be bnd tiCS<'tnk-d lo '-<>licit mnny "bo might bnvr
ll('('n t.n unimt><rtnm fhr tbeir fricnd!!hip t.<
DRITISU &:oiJ'lRE f); l!'o'TIIA.
IK> 1lesired or their iudiJl'enlnco r111d hl\tl cnAr. llV.
olh<N whn might ha,o bt..'Cn supj)O"C<I too
ditnnt to attract W(l Sultan' atltntion. k Thi cor-
rti'J">ndcncc," ""Y" Colonel Kirkpatricl.t. by "''"'"'
it \l!lll exrunimd, " proves Tippuo to bn.-e bt!'n tx-
trtmcly nctive in his cndco.,ours to open and eAtablli<h
:ur interest ewn" ith princt'!! whll'-t! nruneo might l>e
rmppooed 10 huo hardly ret!J'hed h.iro.- The iut.,u-
ity of his lt.Rtrc<l t.xtended the hourufari<.., .,(
obscrv11tion, which in Ahi.n Wl'n' not dctermintd cn-n
by tho or India. II iR ('Orr .... pondenre WIIIJ
:.:tended to P< aruJ to tht pl'tty EO\'l'r<'ign nf
.\ mbia; o.nd ita 11ingle and in\'llriablo wu
tho dl\rtruction of tba 13rltb;b fMlWer in FA!it.
England lwi ha.<J mnrc able nod mol'\' fur-
nlidnblo tho.n Tippoo, but ncvor one more bitter or
m.,re implnl'4hlt.. Y ct eH:n hr. hut for the ilis-
co,cries JDJldo at Scrinppatam, might ha'c fouucl
11pologbi>' among thn-c who !'1\D diocem ncrtbinjr of
g.>lll in the poliry or their own <'ountry, nnd U<>-
thing of cru in tho of its cnemiCJ:<. 'l'hr.
n>c:<..._ of tlm Ruttan's cahiuN fumisboo J>n><>f
wltich ect at <lcfianro all tbe artt of ""Jlhlstl'} nul
mire}>m"<!ntation: and whidt u IIUlply
tho .'lgi\City whidt hlld penetrat.'<l ilil' view of 'l'il>-
poo, ns the l't'-<-ult of the wnr attl'bd the wisdom nntl
C!DCI'IfY by which thO(' YiLom> luul b..'<'n countt>t'llt.'hl.
Til<' command of Scringn)llltam Willi
entru.<ted to Colonel W clle>lry, wbo cxi'J'tcd bim-
Thlo oppoiohacDI, u ftll u the "''J''iotmeDt ol the .._
utlleor lo the COIIIIAOIId of ll>o Nizam'o oouliDII"Dt. led In l<lm
. :?
CRAP. XV. self YISO"'Usly, U GenenJ Baird had pnmo1J81y
dour, to nlllbain ex001111, and restore order, tnmqull-
lity, lAd eonfidenee. The inhabitant. who bad
quitted the city I!<>OD lK>gan to return, tbe exer-
c:ile or the art8 of inc)ustry and tbe daily
conunorm incidl' to n populoli!O town recovtrecl
ita wonted llt'th-ity. " In a few daya." !IIIJS Major
.. tbe bBzal"'! wtre with all toOrt .. r
and m('rehanolizt, for wbic:b tbt're wu a
mulv ancl llllrnntng.-nn sale. The main street or
R(ringnpnttull, three dnyR nfter the furl Will taken.
wa. mudt crowdcl, 11!1 to be almo"t' iruJlGI'Il'llhiP.
and exhibitro more thl' nppellruJ('ro of a Cnir thnn
that or. tn'll11 tak('O t.y IISSI\lllt." Tloc l'llJDC p<ri<Hl
oftime wu &uftieient to convinee tim military chicf
that their bolt. coune Willi to bow to the authority
whieb bad IUec:eedell that of their muter. On the
anc...M.d uodd!umnioulmtrmnlb in tho Lifo ol Sir llaTidJ!elnl,
compiled by Mr. n-l<n K Hook. n-Otaka>CIIto bare boon
amply lllld ot.d.loily muted, <Opeciolly by tiU> author ol tb'l " Lila
or Lord Hurio ;" lUid thq aro uutlced b.,... only J..t it might be
p<eted that ,.."' dtaignedly pa>...t a..r. It ill gt!ll>tly
to be lamt:nt<d that tJu, m:urd or the acmca ol l'ir O.vid Bainl
aboald ..... boon made 00 rroq ..... tJy tbe ol aalir
t1ae .--or tho ,_, ..... """"" .u the
""""" bio oountrymca <!<light to hamar. The pnulmoe or ... b
a COUfltt" * (Ill IUC:b an oetuit.n, i not gftl.tT than itl justice or
iC.JI"U<raoity. Sir lloYiol lloittl ....,.., aad ID IIIIIDJ ..,.
porto on eutileut o6:er: bat if bio ao1act Ia - - io
"' be takm u ... lad..,. ta bio opiJiioau. il - be belioftd hr thoosbt 1m lightly ol tbe pal ..llibrJ daty ol oabanli.
Dation. Mr. lfook'o ....t bu palolidty ta ad daeu.
-Ia whkh tlae boot rrieuolo ol Sir Dmo!IWnl-"*"" claired
.ollaoald - - the !ipt.
U&mlill UIPIJI.J: IS l!iliiA.
ith of Ali Reza, ono of th< who had r.n '"
A<'C'onttnuio-d Til'l""''s """ to tho MIDI(I uf Lor.! A.D. ITJ'J.
c .. ruwnlli. nrri.-e.t nt So:ringnpntnm ,.;th n
from 1\ UUlliJlr-<>t>-D.,.,n, tho l"''l"'rt nf wWoh
tn mqunint Goocrol llu1t R!l fntu brut dit(l!;("t(
nf Tit'l""' l'ult411, nrul tnurflm-cl ill )lOwer' to tho
hands uf tho Englbh. he w,rgl to toe nlmitt<'<l '"
:r. and in the menutime ho had ..-nt Ali
Heza tu announce that four men
<'Ommand were nl till' oliJ"NU of thll Britih
gl'nl'nd, nrul n.uly t.o oL.y hio onll'n'. Within tho
tlnyM nil tho chi!'fs who rnutimttl to hold mili-
t.nry nmnumd, includi11g Futt<>h Jly4ll'l', Uw eltlet<t
"''" nf tb<.> d<'Ccascd Sultnn, lmd J>en;oonlly tcndf?n.41
their >ulnui.-iou to Gl!llt'ntl lllll'ri, nod thf? exam-
tll rf the ehlcfii was rnmptly follnw,-d b) tbe,.hole
of tho tn"'P' On the 13th of <rtul'J'lll Stnart, A. o.rm.
"itlt lhl' anny of llombny. mnrd1l-d frow St>ringapd-
lam on n:tum to Malnbar by \lay of Ce<rg. .\
dltaclunt'nl from that linn)' mach fur tho occupa-
li.n of Clillllm. 'l'he powerful in that pro-
irwe,nnd in Olb(!)' Jlllrl onlpn, Mlfi'\'IUleretl to UJO
oonttn('l'fl'!!; th' rultintors of the Mtilpursned their
Ot'l'llf'Btionu tbougb no had taken pi:JCl.', and
a ditllition "lid .. l to 'ubmit to the
g...,.J fortune of whum TiJ'I""' in the
uf un.......,.uinl( J>ll&'iou, had tlt'!olilll'll to cli..I!J'a<.'t!ful
lli,ctlt from thl Mbores of Tnclin. Tim fall of hi c:-nJi
1111 ancl hi' Ollncll."nth btul put nntacl tu nil t>Xt!rt"i"'
f uutlmrity in the oam<' of tho Sultan vf M.nun.>.
Tlu co("C"II('I\Uou of tlw l'OJIIjiiCn.l country being

CHAP. xv. pronded fW, the next point t'&lling for declsioa ne
ita ultimate dlspoeal. The governor-general bad
lamllbed Gt'neralllanit 11'itb instruetiou for --
eluding a preliminary treaty with Tippoo, under eor-
tain cll't'UJDJt.ana-8 ; but the infatuated of
the Sultan, aud the extraordinary 111.-- which
had thence re.ultcd to tho Britlah army. bad giYeo
me to ll statu of tbingl dilfereot 6om any whit'h
bad con!A!mplatod in framing th<*
tiona. The govemor-guoeral, in ..,_
IJem!d the llnal amwgemrnu for the eet..,._t
of the country to Jlis tlnt mt<II8UJ'C 'WV
to aLII for iufoi'IIUitiou on nil n.'t.l>t't'tiUJC the
-.y of M,_. md tho JIO!illihlc canclidaw.
tor it ae--t. aod for the ne'lll'l of the <'om-
lnamllpa8 the bJeot. ha -'"'Jlur to them
Ida onlen OD poiata, the rcvaw g ml took
oecuion to lltllte certain u fnnclamental,
md requiring attention in any mode of ttlement
that might be adopt!. Tbete were. that the mode
of IICttlement to be )referred wu that whiclt would
unite the m .. t rertoratinn of pcll('e and ortler
11'ith the gn>atl'l't pmcticablc dlgree of R-enrity for
tho t'OutiuUan('o of both ; tltnt with tbil! view not
onl;v the iottruots of the Company, but tbosu of the
Xiuun, of the Mahrattas, and of the ll'llcling ehlel-
tains in were to be regarded; ilia& tbe
military power of llywore must be lnkea, or ab-
li<ilutdy id<'lltifit'(l with that of the Compaoy; tlw
S..rinppoatam must be in el'eet a British (!Uri-
-. wader nomillal authority it mipt be
J'laccl, 11111 that tho Company ruu.-t retain tle whole tur.
uf the Sultan's U.:rritory in )lalabv, ns \\oU ns in
CoinJbntoro nnd Dn.rnporam, wllh tho hc.1<ll of nil
the pru..'<Col on the tahlc-lanol. of th('S(! pointa,
it will IJC retru!IIlbered, weTO pmponnd<l by tho
as iudispen;;nble condition!! of peat'O
at lUI enrlir period.
The nC\\b of tho go\emor-;:eneral were
not les.; by moderation thnn by wkdom.
'l'hll jubtioo of tl10 wnr ngnint Tippoo could be
denied by none but tbO"C who 'vere ddicilUt either
in intellect or canl"ur; it.o, was as lit lie open
to dispute; and the Compnny and the Niam ron-
o<oquently thl' right, iii nc:conlanco
with the reocivod principles which regulnte the
mnduct of n:Wons tomud:. each other, to di''ide
between tll'!lllSelves the territory wbich their
drawn in n lnwful cnuo had won. Cleruuucy or
tate might urge the aba.tulonment of somu
portion of tleir claim, but thl'ir right to 1"1.'8Jl the
run n(hlU1lnJ!l! of their 8UC00>'l'll WliS evident. To
the fn."' 11111 nnchec.kt-d exerci ... of their right tho
81Aie of the country 1>frered 11o impediment. Tho
rriOire<l to render willing obedit>noo to th11
new authority. There was nothing indicate Lhe
problldity f nny outbteak of popular fcding in
fa\-onr of tbe fonner n<>r of IWJ at-
tempt lly Uw military chieC. in fitvonr of tht> h01180
of Tippoo. It hal bn tho poliry of tl1e olect1111ed
Sultan w and reduoo all power fouD<Ie<l
on hendillU)" right, t'tltllblibed office; or cnritorial
:tV. Jl""""''ion, and to NJPrenrrnte nil RUthnrity, nn<i l\1!
murh a.. wn. of a<lmiui!trntive fnnctiou,
in him!H'If. of the military chief; bal fallen
in tlu 1\&r, and th<<o<' 11 ho "W'Tin'<i 11!1<1 yicldt>tl to
the -.idnr.!. Then \1111\ no ren.snu, tlun?fure, to np-
pr<'hcml thnt nny clirnltion of the ruuntry wltida
ho macle loy thll"<' who lwl conquPJ'ffi. it
,...,ulol gh'e rie to fonnirlahlc OPJ>05ilinn titlu.r from
the poop II' or tlo<> l'<'n of the latu Sultan.
llut tlwro wero n1w1DR agnint tho npportinu-
UINtl uf tht< whole bctwet'n th<l Contpnny lllld tho
riizom, ari<ing from the reL'Itive IH"'itinn of thn<.o
I"" I!" mrb otlwr nnd other >tal<'.
Such a <liitribution 'IIHlltll ha'e tltr jca.lotU.}
of tlu.l Jtlahrattas, a111l gh-cn tlt!'m groml'l for di.-
euntent, hu'lll'cver nrueiUIOnnble. It \\'flUid. at thu
IIIUJIO time, have incnII6C<l the !>OWer of the l\imlll
to a !lnttj!t'n>lll! extent. It would ha,o t:nm.fcned
to Ids man} of tbl' on the northern
frt>nticr of llfl'Ore, "hilo it woul<l hnc left tbu
llriti It frontier in lltnt qunrtcr PXpOl'ul. The iu-
<'1'1.11111' nf the atreugtb of the Dritih go't'ltUIIc.ut
woul<l lhtt have home no proportion ta the c:tlt'n
11f its dominion. ThP. :llaloratta- would havc:1
f.,utul fretoh cntu.e of l'ttmity both towar'tl!l Coni
JUUIY ruul tlu.o Tho Nizam, from n usdi:tl ully
of lhContp.'IDy, might h11ve bt.-en cou nrttJd into a dan The partition nf MJ1!0r0 bet.,.'ilell the
two pt>Wcl"o who united tb<ir tlltDS agairLt TiJjYJ<! tit till
Jromirl littlu for lht p<nnnucnt )l('fl('t of htlia.
S.nlo uf evil might hnw lllcn ttnr.ecl by
nRrhl;u Llll'IR& lM>LL
almitting the to 1111 c1u:U participation en \P. :.w.
"Hh tim Company arul tho hut ot.hc:s, nul
inferior, would have lll'lo introduced. An
(Wil ll'lo!l<ln would han! lx'<'ll nlli>nk'il to those on
wht>H<l aid the Brltih migbt in future
ha\e;. If the .Mnbrnttn, witlii>Ut an effi>rt in lht
cnnunnn ("lou-.e, were to bo n<lmitted to in the
tuhliiiUif:'CS IM.'Ctlred by tl11 tllhrtB uf their alli., thLre
<'<>Itt.! little doubt. from tloe dilatnry lmbio; anl
unprincipled cb:tmctt>r uf llritntal tlut
nlhtN would oo enconmgt'<l to nclnpt a .nmiiar COiln<4'
in tho hopo of &intilnr good fortunl'. }'urthcr, it Willi
ln>t dt111lrable to add to the tnmgth of a &tate Jll!T
flcUuus to a proverb, nnd nc\et t-o fitnnidnble 1111
wlll'n t..nt on JIIUJ'O'cl of mi-chicl. NJnnl
partition between tho thn.'C powers mU>t abo
ha\C ti'IIWfem....t to the :\lnbralta.:. those fortn-s;;o..,.
Hn the northern frontier "hith wtre not oc:cnpiC<l
by tho t\izwn, IWd tbu, bll\'c j,"n!!ltly incre:LSed tbt
fnrilitit"' of these for cxercit!ing, Ill the
t'XJIL'Dt of tho that preclntnry wadi\ro
" bioIJ con.tituted their l'ltiof tmploymcnt. Still,
u it ,...., expedient to f>l'l'tll'nt M near an appro&l'h
to a guocl with tho Mah.mtw a.> tho
('hanlrt<'r of tbe peoplt admit ted, the governor-
g. n<'ral, :Uler much comicleratioo, determined on
:uloptiug a tla.n of di.tributicn. "bich. &..o.igning to
tht a small portion of thl! territories of
1'il'l"", R larger to tl1o CompAny IWd to the
tho h=.,. nl' th ... lW latter powen ixoiu;:-
of e.rual 'alull; while, t gtUU\I apimt we uf the
\" 01' TilE
CI!AP. ;t\", 'lrhich be pcreciTcd to l>e
tn the rompletl! olismcmbcrment of he
re90lved on forming n of l.he country iutu 11
l!t'Jlru111.C state. It i>< to oo olo!Korvctl tltnt the.> hocm
proposed for tho rcilnva was nnt to be glwn \111-
('0Dditionally, but Will inUnclt..:l to fonn the nf
11 Dew tJeGty wiU1 the M ahratta empire.
This mode of cli.tributiug the ronqDl'red olomi-
nions hanng been re11oh .. 1 upon. questioo.q of grt_'flt
iutcrt'@t and important-a rentAincol for detcm>iuntiotL
Who 'It'll!! to be tho ruhr of the rcnomtcd tnt<' of
)1<01'1'? Shoulcl it bo ont of tho rou .. nf 'l'i ppon l
lw:uoed in the wlllcb had thnt
prince to destructicm--ec<'U!Itomcd from tho mom!'nt
when reuon dawned to regan! tho Englib \\ itb
iutelll!e hatred. eould a IQU of the I-' ::;ultnn
"'l'ft berome an cfticil"nt or cTen a snfe ally of tho
British goremmenc.! Would his hereditary antipathy
not be i:nftur.oce-1 t.y the J'I.'('QUtoction tlult those to
wlu>ot he tiWt..:l elevation were the invndcrs of his
couutry, and the of the power which bo
luul txr>Cttcd to inbcrit in unlimiobiliel folnt'll!l, but
vhhich he WM J>t'rmitrd to retain only asm!ill share?
W oDid not hi re,entmcnt, on IIC<'UU11t nf thnt "birb
bu bad l011t, be a atrungcr and more aethe fc!Ciing
thnn his p:Uitude rur the furbcanwce which had
kept him in thu rank of a II>TCI'{ign priDce! W oald
he not brood incl!!llalltly OT<!r his humiliation 1111
'fippoo ba.d dono ?-llku him be tempted to tlrwc
ia huard that which he 1.--l. in the hopo of
nopining that ill bieh IIC! had lolt - and like him
c:'all nn Endbh anny into the lu.'arl 'of !riA dorni- tllAP. X\',
nillll.>? l'lumld thi cn:;n(', who ('1>ultl
the 1 Who ecmld ltll wlrulh<'r tho Dritih
fort'e put into action by the ambition of Tippoo's
retire-with honOilJ' irulced, but
without advantnJ;l'. n' dirl Lon! Cnmwalli fmm his
fin<t nltt'mpt 11gniltt 'fippoo's tnpitnl-or whether
l'lfecU ""ultl be prematurely tcnninllte.l by ilty
rwgutiation, as tmrrl('nL'<I in tlaat lleCOnl
nttempt-or 'vhctht>r Mysoro ebould btl njlnin the
rl?ne of n t'<'ries <>f bplcru.lid triumph,. to tho Driri!lb
nnn--or (for thill cuuld not lle Cre>m tho
rntegnry nf l'o,;,;ihility) whetlur they \H'I'\l there to
be Ql'trtnkl'n by tiiMl.,lor nnd cloflont! were
lliOID('Illoli.M inquirk.... They WM.' "0 fdt by tllll
J:nvemur-gcnernl. He wu rulurtnnt to mbjed tbc
dailrlren of Tippoo, bom in the state of roynlt).
nnl t'ducatt'<l "ith the proudet uml mot1t cxnlted
uotiollll <>f and powtr,"' to the udden
tli-,appuintmrnt of 1111 thcir 'plenlitl p-(OC<'t: it
would, 111' dccl.urcd, tunc boon more grntdul to hiB
m.ind tn re.i:or.-1 tho fnmilr of Tippoo Sultnn
to the thmnr. tlmn to lmo it to an-
other. if d1o t"nnld bnvc becu II.I'C(iM-
without l'Xl""'iug to the )1C'rpetunl
hazard of int.emal oWJJlotion :nul fnreign 111V, and
"ithout the 5tahility flf w the intcrt'!!U
;of tlw Compnny and their nllioe in thnt rart of
India." 1'he cltnrartcr cf tht at-
tt'l!ts the 6Wrerity of the declatation: bot he ronld
not ptif' hia il'<'ling!' ,.ith!lul lefying his ("()0\it"-
, . n. nrul bdm,_in<P hii dot,. llu therefore ol<:tcr-
CIUP. X -..,
miul't! a.ide the bouse of Tit'l""': ami his fl11-
were thull stated. '"In tho most nnrro>W
of the I'Ubjt'l't," !!:lid he, " it be ndmitkcl thnt
tim son of Tippoo Sultnn mnst have felt a
iut<rt'St in .uhc..,.ion of any acttlemcnt of :\fy-
foundttl on n pnrtltlun of hi fnU1cr's dmnininns,
anl on :. limitation of hi own inlltpernl<nc<'. If,
tlurefore, a prince of thi.i mce hal plnl'tod on
tlw th.rouo of Mysore. thl' foUlldntinus nf the IWW
,..ttfement \luuld llno been lnitl in the priu-
tiJ'les of it 0\1 u tlk."'iution. with n }'rill<'<', uo
ahu-ere :illiwwl', no conrord of bl'utiments or,n
uf views. tnultl ever hnve b<.,'('n cqroblisbctl; tho
DJ(I('a.ranctll of Qlllity or attachment mu;rt hnvc IM'Cn
dehaive; eYeD hillmbmi!llion mWit ha'<e been fl'lnc-
tant, if nut trenc>btronH; while oil his inttrelll, his
bo.hits, hlM and l'ns;;iuu, his vi!'!"', nnd
cvon hi most have roncUTI"lod to dlt'rih an
irreooncilahlo A\'l!J'Sinn tu our namo and I"'""r nud
nn <onger dt.,.iru to nlx>t tl1t Cnlll't', to l'XII.I![Icntto the
nnimDSity, Rnl to receive the ai1l of c1en- ctwmv 1>f
the llriti.h nation. Whlltt:'l'cr d"gree ;f inllu:nc-o
or strength might hn>o been hfl. to tho untho
ur in &'Uch bands woulrl niWily>!
ll!lve been tbruwn.iuto the 8t'3le 111'1"""--d til" nor "iu-
Tbc h06tilo lweruf :\[ Y"'rc would bne breu
but not dc!totnyt'li; nn n('Dly woulcl mill
llll\'e in tl1u C'<ntre of" our
l'H!ry to n'}.Wr the lliL!fortm<"'
nf hi.! fiuuily nt" uur "I!XjiC!tlit!, IUul u l'"illt
i i
nf uninn for tb!' maehination of l'lcry" rlicontcuted cn.\1' X\'.
faetion in lndin, nod for tho intriJrUI'S of every
t:'mi-AI")' nf Fnwco. Undtr tltl ... C
lht un:dety for the RCCnrity nod repose of"
11ur which origiunlly cnmJKIk'<l me to
the JIOWPr of Tippoo :'ult.un, now &}l[lCarecl
to rc<ruire I hut I ;,bould pnl\irle agaiullt the rcoowal
uf nil)' rlcgree of a !illni.lar in the JlClSOD of
pnlicy thus forhirlrliug the J'('Storation of
tlw or Tippoo, th!l govenllr-gencral DDturally
tuntlrl tc the ropl'(';l('.ntativt of the aneient royal
family of J\IYJ!OI'C, whoso rightH hntJ 0000 WIUrpt!ll
by llyolrr Ali. The heir un infant only 1he
yr-ano of D!fe. The intention of the
wcru bigni6w through Pumcah, a bramiu, whoo;e
talcnh a.1 nn ncoountant had led to Ill:, retention in
high llfliCl' hy Tippoo, but "ho WIIS quite ready to
tran,fcr hi. .crvices to the new prinrP. Tbr l'<llD
municntion wns followed by n of ceremony to
L<ttl'f (mm tho go<t'mllrscnrrel 10 lho C'.ourt ol
3rd Aupt. I 7!19. lt JDAY bo propor oo rrmult, that in the u-
trvt qiJOI<od light a.partme trom the .m,;aoJ r. .....-.....Dr
....,.., by ol the ''"""""' n.. 1<ttcr be-
addrea<d 10 tbe C'ourt ol DirmcD, their iatA:rotto ILDII poo-
-"'""In'"'"""' to the ...... ol tbr wtTe
of u .. J'OW' int.l:r'labo.u tmd roar r IH CF tiomt." To kaYe 1."daiDed
tbo }'ftcito pbrueoiosy would '-e I"'OId<r<d the -
witho.out aplaualior>, whidl could not coo<nl<ntly be !;i._ Ia
tbe,j<'llt. It i< jrLI lD tat<, tlral (o>r the tObtan .. u( the eblf
"''l"""'"t iljr;llint the rcttaral10n or 11Jql00'1 family, which
the oucm. lulo oddun>d in hio ..,..a bo b IAclebled ID tle
""""'" .......w hy M""lait w.n..,..
lll!ITOIIY Of' Tml
cuu. XT. tbu infant RAjah from the eommis!iolll!lS wbn bnd
appoint('<( to conduct the IITI'IIIII(enlt'nt.l fur thl'
&ettlrmcnt of tho country. They founcl tbl' fmnily
of Hyder Ali' mn.ster in n stntc of great
and bamiliaticm. The ancient palaeo of :O.lyorl'.
tl10ugh snffCI'lo.l by the 1'-111'J'l'r" grnclunlly to full 111
de<"lly. hnd for !lOme y<'nl'l'l nll'orul>tl a misernbh ,JtcJ-
Icr to t.bo5e whom tlwy lwl supplnntcd. Tht> pri-
rilege of occurying ewn the ruiruo cof tbt> bnilling
which ltnd once been tl1o of tlwir powar wns at
length thought too grent. The paine< wn" con\crte<l
to a storc-bocJ-C>, and tbl' Mysoroon fnmily Jlm,il<od
with annthcr rellidenct (I( Vl!lJ bumble prt.oll'IU<inu.
In 11 menu npnrtment of this hou"' the cmnmis-
lionel'! n.-c .. ived. .\ portion of the room was
eecluded by & curtain, b. hind wltit'h W<rc tb rann
and the femnlc rclntion!l of the fnmily. The
Jurronnded lht> pe:rson of the ltnjalt. A for11llll
ronmmnicatlon of tbc dt .. ign of the nriu..b !:"' m-
ni<>Ot '1\'1111 ma<le; noel the rnn11, through nnu of
her nttendllDt.s, ackno"lcdgctl iu Htrong tcmiH of
1(1'11titude the geoelt>'ity of the British nntion in
I'Ck1ling her family from the dcgnulutiun and mi-ery
in whieh tlcl'y bad bt."<'n so long cnthmllNI, unci the heir of the hoU:le to tbc mnk nnol tli"-
tinMion of a I!O'I'I!reign. A few nfterwur.J, the
infant prince ..,. aolcmnly tlnt<"<j on the tlcmnt:'.
The c.'ercmony took place In tlco ol<l town of VliOre.
The pal.u-o was nnw incapable of all'orcling u-
COIIUilodati<>n (A) its muter; aad ao romplew !cad
'-o the I
"'1,'1'Cf<8 of ruin within tho c.oity, that it

DR1TJ'<ll DU'IJU: IS IS"OIA. ill
cootaint'<l no building in which (If caur.
cnthrooement could be performed. To supply tb11
n tkmpomry .lwd wns erected; anti
tl1ough nrcbitoctuml grandeur waa nccc!<!<arily Wllllt-
hg, there wcro seYcml eulcuhated to
gmli fy thl' \\f yMreu.n frunily ll.llil their llllherent.
It Willi on tho Tery spot which hnd the seat of
thr exercised by the ancestors of the ynong
ltajah thaL his title was 50lcmnly n'CO,l!Ui.zed; and
the mu-nud on which be sat waa the same whieb
fonnt.'r bnd occupied on timilnr OOCAAions of
state. Tb<.> HritiRh witla tl1o eom-
rnnndrrin-<'hiof a.t their hl'nd, wRiltl tho nrrivo.l of
tho lujnl. 1\ft't'r Allum, th<' t'hicf offirer of the
Nizno1, nnl his son, l\leer Dowrn, n=panietl
tb,nt; and the of n large c.;cort of bo""'
and foot gnro to the depopuiAltl to'l'l'll an appear-
Moe of gnlcty and splendour to which for mAOY
yenl'!l it hrul !x'Cll unnccu.tomllcl. 'fill' print'(' was
nttt:!uded by nil the male part of his fumily, and
follnw1l by n Tnst conrour11c of peoplo. At Uw
<'utroucu of tho building un-ctl!l for the oeeo..iou hu
mct hy Genernl Harri. ancl .1\le.-r .\11om. enrb
of "hom took his bane]. llr thlli condul'k'fl
to tbu musnnl 110d plact..'<i Ui'On it, unli!r n royal
saluto from fort.. and tbreo of mUiil.;cl.r\'
- .
from tho lronJlS present on tbc O('rw;inn.
While tho frunily of the lnle Sultan w .. re cx-
frnm JlOiilicnl power, thdr nlflli'U wns ron-
'l'bo tbrone fonn<:tly u...t by tM rajalu o( M,.....e bad bc!m
fou1ld at Rmpallllll.
XV, Jnlt.ed to the fall e.steut tJ.t politiraJ prudl'JK'e
woold permit. Tbe p.-cmor-general 1'801Yed to
uaigu to tht-m a more IUllplc maintl!naJK'c than tboy
bad enjoyed under tlw rule of Tippoo, aDd if thtn
weze any error in hi8 IU'I'IlllgeDll'llls, it wu In tho
dbiproportio011tc magoiliooDCC with whieh tho nola-
tiona of the falll.'n prinee were pro'lided fOr. The
!'ailing, howeYer, ha.l ill! origin in poeroa1 and
noble feelings. U odtr the ioftueuee of' limilar feel-
ings the Dl.'l'e'MJ} ('n>('ClCdinll" for the I'IWtonl&ioD ol
the ancient d)'Til\l'ty had heen tleferred until after
tho departure uf Tippoo's I>OJU from It
wns thought a point of rolit-y, uut less than of 1,'1'111'-
ruoity, to concilintl.' th!' principal chiefs oml ofllt'<'r!O
of the late pvemment by a liberal proriion, allll
to exemso similar coa.ideration with regard tn I he
familiee of' thole who had fallen in the 111\f. This
prineiple \11'118 extcntlinly actl'<l upon. and in eome
instances ill! applicatinn drew from tho p<.noll! in
whose fa'I'Our it Willi e:urd.SCtl &pl't?Mions nnt only
uf gratitude but of wondcr, at tho
manifested by the Cmnpnny' goY!'mmeot. Knm-
reccivtrla jagbiro from tbelliizam, aDd
anothl'r fr<lm the Cnmr>nny.
The ebange. ,. hicb bne been notii'Od 'Wl'I'O
cfrecled undet- two treatiCll, the earlier of wbieb,
called the partitioa treaty of My.ore.- -taded
lwtween the Company and the Niam. The tint
article BMignod to tbe Com)lllly a certain Jortlon
of tho territories of Tippoo, out of which pro-
'rillan ,...,. to l11 mad.. for his family and For tbac
nrunn Dll'lllE JS JSI>IA, Rl
of hi father. Thl' prilli'ipal of these ' B"quisitinns CHU.JI\',
vero Cannrn. Coimbatore, and Wynnnd. The sc-
cond artit'lt detennin!'d tho to be nddt'd
to the territories of the Niuuu, \lhich wPro AI'I!'Cted
from nllja!'ent to Ills fonwr lmninions, and
rerogniz!'d tba elnim of Kumml'r-on-DLl'n to n per-
IIOllal jnghiro fnm t1u> revi.>nllt"l of tb08< distrit'bo.
The thin!, &ftl.'r redting that fnr the
of J>Cal'tl nnl tnmquillity. uul for t be g.>nM'Ill l!e-
<'nrity nn tilt' fnondatinM thun ()jltablisll<'<l by the
contracting pnrties, it was CXJK'<Iil'nt tlust the for-
trc88 nf &-ringaJI&tam should lxo lllhjL'Ct to the
Company, tmnsforred that fortl't'll8, and tho island
on which It wu wituated, togl!thlr with n 11malll'r
ialaud lying to thl' to thl Compnny, iu
(uJ) right and !'0\'l'reignty for The fourth
providld for the establ..ishment of the new goTem-
mcnt of )[)"'re; and the firth pl'l'><'ril>lod th ces..ions
to be mndc for its e;;tabli<hmcnt. Thl' ixth resi'J'TCcl
to the Company th!' right to J'f'(luro tlw amount of ibo
paymentR to tho families of llyl<'r All anrl TiJIJIOO on
thetleath of lillY member <If thl faunili!'H; nnd in the
eTont of any hoetilc attempt again! the Company.
the !'iizam, or the Rajah of M ywol't'. to mspend the
of the whole or of any part ,,f stipulated
The artidt related to the re-
8Cf\e of tl'rritnry made for the Ptilob'll'a in llCt'OI'IIamv
with the gowmor-generai'R vic'l' u thf'y have been
already expfnio('t). Thi' addition to the dominioM
of tho J>eilh,., WM mndc tlf'J>entbwt nn hill -.
llioa to the ll'l'llty within ''"" month after it oboulol
nnr xv. loo to him.lllll alo;o UJ>OII hi! ghing
entiRf8"tion to thl' Company anti the on sudo
l"'intf! of dift'crcucc 11!1 txitetl betwern him8Cif IUll
l'ithcr of pnrtic. Dy Ute eighth artie it.', If tlu1
rcihwa sbonld ruf11so l!l nccede to the tnuty, wul
give satisfnl'ti<>u hl original partie< to ol, tllll
trritory inteotlctl fnr him wn.q to re.-crt to tho
joint di<pOSI of tloc Com pony and the The
ninth nrtide l'"";dro r..r the reecptioo of lUI Rn!:'-
li.-b subillliary fnl'C1.' hy thr lUj:ili of }f YJ'I't', uniltr
a separate treaty to oo nb'<Jncndy onntlml<MI ,,..._
hn.>un the Compnny ruul thnl ptinee. By the \(nt b
nrtirlc the ncgotiolol'!l nnd!'rtook f<lr tho rntiflmtinn
of tim treaty loy tlll'ir go.-emment. Thtr\l
wt>re two 111lolitioual nrtidt'!t, by the tir-.t of whirh
the two partie; .,.,.n cxemJ>tcd from aeoouotAhility t>
other in <'OilllC<jiJMI('(! nf :my dinilimtion of tho
stijll'Dd payal>lo to tho families ofByd('r Ali and TiJ'-
1""' !':ull:Ul by the Cou1pany. or oftht J"''""D.'II jn!(bire
of Kummer-<10-l>ctll from the N1zo.m. Its op.rntinn
thus 1'1'eiJ1nwol; hut tho object of introtluciug
il wn.s n prud<!nt on the pnrt of tho llriUh
1-!"VCrnment to uxclulo lht> Nimm from iuttrf,ring
in tho arrang .. mcnt "ilb tbe maintru.
lllU'(! of tbe exilt'<l famili.-.. Tbe Rlditinnal
wa.Q 1111 of tbe E>ighUt in tho tl"{'l\ty,
and 1l'liS fnunt'<l in Mnt<-mpl11tion of the Jl58ihlit
nfuo;al nf th!' PdhWil Ill o,uiJ lrim.'lf of llo< tul-
\11ntnge!l to he )'I"'ffinl fctr lti art't'ptnnr(. In
lhnl cns1, it WM pmvi!l(d thnt of tht'l
nllk'r\'t'li tcrritnrit!JI luoull f..JI til tl1o 1\iznm. anl

tht romnining ont.l-thir<l to tht' Cmnprrny. Tl"' CII\P. xv.
ttoaon of thi. uucqunl dimibutiou wns. that if the
Pt>ihwn Fhould n<'C(cle In tht coutlitins
h> his t'laim to the acJ.Iitional wrritory, one of thCSt'
t-onclitinDB being lht uti!!factory fi<'Ulcment of c-tr-
trun JKlints of diR\>rcnce behrrtn him and tho
Nizam, the 14ttl'r J>OWI'r would thl'r<'hy derivt! cnn-
llick,rahle bem6t ; 110d the .. r the article 1111111
tn Rlfonl ltim amplc: indl'lllllifit'lltion in the event of
tho of hi ot Poonnh.
limier the fourth and fifth tlrtidcs of the par-
titinn treaty, the new state of Mywom Wll8 esta-
blished in the maunt'r which hu breu !!et'tl. I n
roul'ormity with tlu. pronsion of the ninth, a mh-i-
diary tl't'Bty wns courlndl'<l with the guntmment tbu
l"nlletl into cxisteU<'C. For 1'001'0118 nlrl'fi!ly
tht. gonJmor-gun<'rnl bnd deemc<l it mom
to en.oct a new tatt on the ruins of the old go.-em-
mtnt of )fy.ore thau to divide thr entire country
lhH-cn the conquerors; but ht> hnclr.e\1!1' contm-
plsted this stnto t.xccpt ns a barrier to the Com-
(l&ny'" interest..!; in f11L't, it to I in nil
thingw bat th., name. This int..ontion WliS uevtr
cont.'tla!ed from who wwc inte""""l in beU11r
acquainwd with it. A stipulation for the def<'DN'
of l'tlyflQro by an 61lbsidin.ry force, which
,;rttmlly gave to Uw Engllh tbe l'Uilrt' rommand o(
the countrr, ""'" itL'K'rted in the treatv with tho
. .
Niam, and the ll'nn. un which the inf'aut RYW
wu to ueend the throno wore at an early period
indk-altld tn bil lll!vil<t'rF. The mhlldirary tn.'lll y
t 11\P. rt.
oiK'IOtletl un hi hdnlf f nrti-
l'la The lin-t thnt the frienl nul 1'11<'-
mi"" of eitbl.'r of th1 lwn rontmcting pnrtk"'
bo COtl!<idcrcd ns till' untl enl'lllil"' of both.
By the the Company nndertonk to mllintuin,
and the Rajah t> 11 military fon11
for the tlefencc anl e<.-eurity of hi5 dominion!!, in cun-
of whirb bt wu to JlGY r.eT(.'n lncs cof lrtnr
paj,....ta.;. the diJoosnl uf whirh together" ith till
arnmgement and eml'IOJIIII'Ill of the troop!!, were tn
bo ll!ft entirely tco tlu Cnmpany. The thi"l artid
wfl.!l importnnl. T>,mnl the intrensl!d incur-
'""' by the J>fO!'I.'cntlon uf wur for tbv dcfcucc of Lhll
territories of lb t" tnrtico, or of eiUwr of tlum. nr
by pn.11111'11tinu fur the I."'IIliD<'DI:l'nll'llt uf
boetaliti('S.. the Rajah wu tu <'Ontributc in n jnrt ami
rt'a80n&ble l''"l"rtiuu to his ru:tual net N' etlUC!!, tho
amuont to be afu.r ntteuthc
tiun by ;;ovcrnnr-J.ttncrnl in council. Tb1 f<111rth
1uticle Will' dii'\'IHd to pl'f)\'i..ion agnint any
fnilure in tho dt'!ll to defray oitlwr tlll' tx-
pen.'H!S of tl1e JWrlllUUI'Ut military force iu time of
J>ence, or tho l'XtrMrcliunry inrlll'ffil during
or in J'N'J>arntion for \Vllr. For thbo pufJ">SO tiU"
wheoenr they might haw ren>nn
to apprehend fa.ilun, were (!JUfJO'"''"''l tn intn>-
duce !OUch fl'gulation; be dCE'med expodint
for the IIUliJIIgemcut mul collection of thl' rc,t-nlll'll,
or for thP better onll:'ring of nny otbcr d('J>artmcnt
of the gowrnm .. nt; ur they might llllllnml' tuul bring
un<ltr the I'IUUlAj(('DIJ!Ill of the !'Ctv811tK of th1 Com-
pnuy ruty p:lrt uf tht' nf l\fysurl!. 'fhl' t!flb ciiAJ>. xv.
pr"'itlctl for the clue l'XCCOtitlll or tht> fourth nrtirlt.
Whl'ncYer tltl' S!'<"CnJOr-genrml in council obnulcl
to the Rajnh that it hnd to
loring that nrticlc iut<t O)lCI'IItiou, thr Rajnb \\M to
i,.;uo orders either for o01.'C.'t to the prcowribod
ngulnt irms ur fl>r phu1ug tho territnric'!l
utul<'r Eng!Lh mnuagcment. Ir onJ,rs wen.
for t<'ll tl11)"' after fomtal application for
thlm, the gowmor-gPnernl in cuuncil might, uf !tiM
111111 authority, tnkt the nect"-nry But
in nil cncs wlll'ru )..,.,_ion WM tak<n of any pnrt
uf thl Hajnh'H tcrritori'>', an Bt'<'nnut was to he
n u<lcl'l.'<l. ancl the lncomP of tim Rajah In no
case to fall hort or one me of tilor pa.,"Odn..;., in-
cn:t.l'cl by one-fifth of the net rcvemws of tim
"hnlo of the territory cetlecl to him by the Jlnrlitiou
trtaty. the J>nyuwnt uf which mn the Coutpany
Thl"'<' ('OlTiprchcn,iw orticles
(0 thll Brillih b'UWnlDli.'Jlt all tht Bth1lDlllgt'& tluat
uuulcl he clerivccl from the t'!'lllt.lisbmcnt of dtt ntlv
tnle. 'fhcy tnrril'cl uut the nvnwod of lbl'
in n IDIIDD<'r not to
J.j,. baracter for manlr ond tmlgbt forwanl clll\ling
fnr fM>Iitit'lll 11hility. Ui' HWII explanlltiun of
!Ji view 1111<1 his justifil'lltiOII of their UDrelt'nc<J
t:\hi!Jition, crumut fwJ t11 bo lnttn"liog. " In fnwt
ing thi>l engag.;mtnt. the jrt>wruor-gencnl, "it
Wll!l my detennin:ltiuo to ..-tobiU.h tho mu,;t DDIJUII
lili<-1 community .,f IK'twl!t'o the goent-
mcut of nncl the Cumpan), nnl to rcmltr
ltnjah's fr11ntitr, iu oJrcrt. n Joowcrful lim; of our
t IIAP. X\', defcnrt-. With tlili! tiew 1 have to uodl'r-
take tlte protl'etion nf tltiH C'r,unt ry in cQn.'!ichrntinn
nf an annual of """'D lar.s of ]03lf'"IM:
I JUt, recollecting tho incon 1111cl entlmrrtl!l!!-
m<'nts whkh have to all parti('ll cnn('('fllcd
muter tho douhle IIOVPmmtnl.!o and an-
tboriti<-1! e!llahlilhed in Oude, tim Car-
DJllie, nnd Tnnjoro. T re<ohed to reteHP to lht
Company the most extA:mhc e.ndindi!!putabk> JIO'II'e1'11
of int<'l'J'''"ition in the ufli\irt of Mytare, aa well 811
1111 milimited ri;:ht of t\.uming the clircrl11111D8f!0-
m<'nl of the cmmtry a otep aught
asJlf':ll' for the et-cnrity of Lim fund dc!ll-
thwl to the uhidy), nnd of nquiring extr:umlinary
nil beyond tiJo amuunt of the fixe-d uhoidy, citbtr
in time of war, ur of preparation for lw1<tility. l: ncler
this arrangement, I "lnt. I ohall be l!llllhled to com-
man! till' whulc l'e!IOUrcce of the ll.'lj11b'
to 1'\tlthntion, lo extend its ('Ontmercl',
nml to o;c.nre the wt'lfaro of jt inbahitanbc. It ar>-
l<1 me n moro ('IUII]icl nucl liberal, n.s wl'll n
more wi"" policy, to ll(prize the Rajah di!>tinrtly. nt
thl mcmttot of hill occllt<!ion, of the exnct nnture of
on the Cnmpnny, than to lt'li\C Dll)
nouttrr fur futuro doubt or dil!Cmion. The right of
tltt Ccltll{'an:r tv ct..bli-h surh an amm!rl'mt'nt,
ither M allcrtiug tho Uojnh or the ttllit;!!, baa Ix-tn
already tat.:d.w
Lettu to lho Court ol Oirerton. 3nl A1J!110t. 179!1. Thonl
io 110 put cllho admimble lrtt.:r '""" hlch tloc JIOIAil" in lhe
tut is Uttoo<-11 "hid! will oot <TpeY an attcatio rmllll. aod
tloo .-In will DO\ be -.,. 10 ........ tlat it ;. tlllhliobed
Before referring to the remainin){ of the CJJAP. XT.
IMlty, it may be impro("r tu ah<'rt lu a pllln-
iblc ntlol popular ol\jt>ttion urgvd 11gninst nil cngngt>-
ments of tho like kiud. It i Nlld thnt thl) pllii'O
lLe oocreign in a Flate of dtjo<odantt
and pupilng,. The is not with!Ut a foun-
du.tion in truth. But tlw dcp{'nclnnt po'lition of tho
110\'l?l'(-ijtll i not pro<Jueed by 111d1 engal!('mcut,._
it e.xistll inolcpencleotly of tlum. Ex<"<pt in t:'lltii'!l
where tho prince nlnrufcots a <llpco of nbility 11ntl
tncrgy exhiloitcd IIWOII!; tho pol<'tilall'!< 11f
the EILt., hut by th01< wbo haYc raised thdr own
fortw<'ll on tbe built of DSIUJ"'' ion. the eov<'reign
is inmriably in n of depcuunnce. A mini-
ter implieitly trusted, nr toO JMlWcrful to be tJJAk"n
off, ;, n.<tJnlly the master of the weak and inexpe-
rienced person to whom be own" nominal obedience.
lti it brt ter thnt the flOwer of l'ontrol Ahould be
exercised by printc.-. nod, for th nost part. unprin-
dplecl Jlf.'I">>IIS, \l'bt!A! ittllnenl'c, dcpcnolant on the
lulri.!,'lli!S of tho durhnr or tho zcnnnn, will
1.., for private objt.oet.s, or that it be
'lricldecl by & great :uul cnligbttned ba'"-
in lbe ie<Ond 1'0IUDlO nf tbe Diopatcha or the M""'IIU Wei.
l.,.ky. 'J'ha wbole of the )'llperl calltcted under tloat rille
thould bo mdiod by ""f'f'f- wbooe clutin""' OIICil>eCI<d witll
Brilioh lDdia, or wbooe '-1 him to tab aa
iu that aoUDtiJ'. Br tbc otatamm, ... Ilia f)1bore vi ..,.
ticm, the worl obould be re .. rtro to u a mlllllllll of political .n..
daa. n.. jud.......,. ol tlot Eut-lZMI.ia Company.., ... ,..rita
hM lt<s oh<'"' by their Jun:bue of a larj;o IIUIDhu vi cupioo !or
t.bc u.e ot their Kt"''8DD andc:1 the tL1Taat pa r \ .:
iog no a ., tMhaMe but tbe mutual bene&t of the
two t._t whieb pnMctA. aud that which ill
proteetecl t It Ia true that tbe r-the protec.-tlng
.tue may, in maoy CMCtl, be unable to do mueh for
tbe geueral bappiMw or the eouutry whieb it bound
to defend. and that the military l"omt deltiaed to
eapport tbe prinee -Y be -timee eaiJed
apou to .n againet bit owa eubjeata where they
haYc j011t ground for eompfaint : bat lh.e r.da,
10 far from proYing that the protoetiog roxaweot
hll8 too mneb power, only tha& k U. IMK
The same evil., or evil of equal Dllpi-
tudt, would cxht wbl.'ther the inferior sta1e were
dependant or not. If indtJICDdlnt, and the "'"e-
reigu were powerful, ubetlioueo to bU. or to
dla& or hil mlner, would be l'nfon-ed. If he
were weak, OPJlrOIIIIIon would be 1uet'l'<'ded by
IUIIJ'ehy, and the J>rohobility L<, that the
of jlll!tinl and bumnnit) ""uld jl1lin lirtlc. llcow-
rer the doublt of Iutlia,
they lll'lllll ll net'l'NIIIry ttt>p in tloe tmnsiti11n to a
betttr dilopc,..itio>n of politieal JIO""l'r It mny be that
tuost of the ijUbclidiary &tntes woulcl be I'I'DfJICr-
uu.-, &llf] the J"--ople under them fur mol"l hU)'f'Y \H'ft!
the I'Dtirt authority, ehil as well as in the
hanoi of the Britioh govenmwut. But that
ment e<ould not grp at uninreal dominion wit.boai
txdling 11 degree of alarm throughout bdl.. wlalch
woulol he tbugerom, if not fatal, to ita
\Ohilt the amnog the dedaimen a&"-
llpillN Eun>)I(1Ul iD India 1POUid be in-
flamed to fu.ry. The Enrl of Morningtob, therefore, c::uu. x \",
art.-1 "it1l'ly iu not :\l).,;>ru ostctL<ibly n Bri-
ti..h Jlll.c;..ion. He acted no k ... , \\i!;cly in mnkiog
iL 1\lb..tautinlly so, a.nrl clniming lor his own govern
ment. 1111 Inrgc a hharo of power 1111 WIIS consistent
with thu mniutetlllllce of the llJIJ>Cnntnoo uf a separate
clnlt. Tho power for which be >lipulatcd \\'liB to
I.e exc-rci<ed for the good of yoorc, liS weD 81! for
tho iuttre,.lll of the Britib 1(0\ommC!Ut; &Dd tho
inHnenco of thAt gtn-emtll('nt-itl undi.gnised au-
thority, if lll'Ce!'"''ll'J- WIIS to bt tmployL>d for the
imprnwmtnt of the Rnjub's ltrriltlry, the extention
of Its oomm!'I'C(', IWd the promotion uf the
of itt inhabitanl.!;. The govcmor-gcnl'l'nl thus cf-
ff'Cte<l a great improvement upon all former pl:m.s
of tl.hitltl nuthority. The opportunity .._, o rare
HU<', and he did not suffer it to c;.eape him. In
ca.;;e there were no preTiort> engnt:"mtnt!'. no
J.Ji,Jul in:-titution.<, to him. The Rnjub
toulol clllim nothing--all thnt hl' reeoh'W was a
of puro bount). 'rho gowmor-gt'llcml
rni ... ol him from po\erty to aillnl'ftrt'-from degrn-
cllllicn ln hnuonr; but Lc tliol liCit forget the ju,t
dnims of his OmJ country, nor tLD!'t of the people
O\l!l' whom hr hAd e.-tahlilol'<l thll autho-
rity. The beacons afforded b) Ouclc, Arcot, an<l
Tnnjure, """' ueithcr unub,<'rvl'l nor
nwl thll UJK'rntion of the enusc..., whirb brul plnetocl
tho..o cowltril' nmung the mo.l !!Veil of
cucth!! lllll'!l WIL'< l'Xclntkl frmn .

'fill' nrtidc.,. uf the lrl'llly which sui'N'Clled thl'
'-" uo. n. important. bnes already CliJIIainl'll must now oo
brielly ootict'd. The Rajah ,.. l1011nl to abstain
from any intorli!rc1noo in tho alfnirs of the allit'!l of
tbe Company, or e>f any o:.thcr and precluolutl
from holding any communication or corre!ponclcnce
with aoy foreign atatc wbatcTcr, witbout the l're-
and of tbe Company. Like
uther allies of tbo Dritillh be WM
ttrietecl from emplo)ing t:DnJpi'UII without tbe
c.-oneurrcncc of lhl' Company. or snft'erlog tbem to
n..Jde in ills dominions. This nrticle wu f'raiMd
with unu..<unl streu,atlt. Tho Rajah engapl to ap-
prebeutl nnd olcli\cr to tho Company's govcmml'nt
all Enrtlpeans of wbauver description '1\ho
oo l'oun<l within hill tcrritorict "'itbout regular
porta from the Eoglih gonmm('nt; " it IK'ing his
determined resolution not to suffer. evoo
for 11 day, any European foreigner to I"(!!Mjn within
tbe territorii'S now !Object to his nntborit y, uo-
IIJ88 hy con.oent of tho Company." Aootlur Jl"int.
which tlte governor-gcueml bad jmtl y rognrded 118
imJoortAnt, w-as prondl-d for by an artie I giving to the
Com(111lly tllc power or detcrnlinlug what fortrt--'5
and ruong places obould oo placed in their cluugu,
und thcreuplln of gvri'llning such plaees in wbat-
crer manner tlu.>y might think proper. Thc Cllm-
JIIUly'a goreroment ...-ere to be the oole nf
tbe proprkty of di!!mnntling nod deetroylng a.ny
fnrtll, or of &tren/tthening and repairing tbem ; a.nd
tb elmrges lncum.-d by anylllldl nrerationt were to
be home in t-qual pnoJM>rtiOIIII b7 tho two partit'tl to
the trt"&ty. II the employuwnt nf the troo('ll Cli\P. w.
ff tluJ llt:t:omo DCCl.,.;nry to the
nuunhnMCl' of the nuthority, their, upno
fonnnl nptliration being mudc, w38 to be uftbrdt.lll
in mnnuer 38 the Compnn) 's gowrument might
lit; but they were not to be c-mtloycd in ortli-
IL'U"f n:vcnue tr:ms:u:tions. Tlw llltjllh to ri'I)-
Titlo tht fund for pcnsionin;r tlo 111nloomctan
whom it hal IK.'t'n thought politic to conciliate; hut
ht incnrre.l no t'hor-
'11 on nct"ouut of the lnte Sultllll's
fnmilr, "bo wc-ro to be hy the BriU..h
guvcntrntnt, nor of Knmrntr-ot>-Dt'<n, who '''llil pN-
iltl fur lyll'llignments of jnglin. It "11Utipnlatt'<l,
t hat Jn>TiimtA nntl other for the ue ,.f
tho gnrriStHI of Seringnpatnm should be nllowed to
cnh'r that place, from any part of tl1e Rajah's tlo-
mituon'\, free from duty, ttL'<, or impediment; that
n treaty should be rooclud,tl between
the t"n gonlrntncnts; that lbe Rlljah nt nJl
tim0>1 pay tbe utmost attention to such ndTice m.
the Engli.l1 go<!rrunent shonltl jotdgo it nece!i1!Rry
to otltr, " with ll Tiew to tho cconnmy of hia liuanct"l,
tho ! .... tt<r coUection of hl I'C'I't'IIUCS. tho adminis-
tmtiun f ju.tit'l.', the cxtcniou of oommen-e, the
cne<mmgtom<nt of trode, agricnltun, 1111tl iudn._<:try,
or nn,Y other nbjects connect('cl "ith the ad'F!Illoe-
ment of hi intt-rcts. thu hnppines& of
p<-oph\ nntl the mutunl welfare of both state11.w
With 11 \'icw to the proper of re-
JI('('tiYI Lilll"' of frtlntier, proTiinn wu made for an
of territory betwwu tbo ComJ'IIIIY ami
III>TORY ur Tllt:
CIIAP. xv. tbe ltnj11h, o't for nn nrljnR!mcnt by such othet means
311 huited to the <l<'cnsion. in I'""'' it .boulcl
be fuuud that any IISSignecl to either l>alt)
by the Jl1lflition treol) nf )lysore wcro
ently situated. Such wns the sul,uwec of tbu
from the oixth tu the lifto<'Dth ; the six-
Lt'l.'llth anti lnst pro\'iding for the mtifltation of till'
treaty hy the go\\!ltlor-g,nt'ml.
Thu' uid the unccmtrollnhlo enmity 11f Tippoo Sui-
to the English nat lou n'tiUit in a vo.t n<'quisition
of territory, power, lUI(\ infiuenco by the fll.'Of>lr'
whom bo hnted, noel whom It luad tlw labour
of lift> tD cirtonnHrnt. The mean. tnkt:n In him
to efi't'<'t their de<truction entletl in hi' mm; and.
as if tu rt.'llder the rotrihution moro kln1ting, the
officer whn dealt t\w lima\ l1\uw, to which Tippoo
owed hi clcthnmcmNII nnd liloatb, luul been one
of the victim of his tyranny. Genrnl B11ird bnrl
lhllcn into bk. hnnd:. aft<r the !nt:ll do:f,11t uf Colonel
Baillie' lt:lllchment, nnd for ECveml }l'nn. hnd betn
to the I!Uil'urin).<N ontl horrorfl hy which hu-
prisomncut 1mtler Tippoo Snltau WJIS II!'I'OmJanied.
In tbt, new of o;ome difficulty
Wlll1 G(IJ'I'(bcnded from tho attempt.. uf tho polignnl.
who bad been by Hyder .\li nml Tip-
prwl, to thrlr aloimH. TL hail ilccn cm-
<len ourucl tn b'Winl Ol!llin"t this ln th., mod" in
wltich thl c\wngtl wn' cRi.octed. The blWl>'tmt!llt ur
the Raj:th with the character of a l!owreign -wa.
tl't'4tlod uot Ill! tho l\'tomtion of thl.! ulil goveru-
ml!nt but the ert-atiou nf 11 tww oue, ruul tbe anti-
cipated diOiculty wa <rorct'l} felt. Sonw of tho CllAJ'. xv.
t'OJiliUlUltlant.s of fortn.."'""' ,.ere llllxiOo.'! to !;('ll
thl'ir litltlily nt n gool prict: nnd others. who bntl
cnll('('t.-1 plunlcr, ummdt't" to gain time
for Focuring it: but the luJNtile
tLWI rumlcrc..J were not of .uffidcnt in-
ttn'tft to merit n.'t'itnl. Tbu nnly uf
importance O<curred in the Jr<vinc< of Bclnore,
"lure lUI ndYenturcr muued Dhoorulla ga'"c i'QIIII'
n.tniring tbc di.']lntclt of n forct> for it
o;nttres>.ion. Ohuondia a patlln, Ybo had in-
curred till' I'\'IICntment uf TipJIOO by committing dt'-
predatiom on the Sultan's terrltori..._ He ..-u aL
length nut! tho piou of the princ.
pslifil'll hy the comJttl"'lry conversion of hi
tu tho l\Tnhonlltnn fnith. Dhoondia mad!'
such progruss in Tippoo's fa,our ns lo be tru .. le<l by
him with miliiAr) employment. But hi, good for-
tunc wn. of short durution, nnrl for somt tituu IH!foru
the eommncemtut of the Will" tho lwl been
I'UIIfinud in iron... On the full uf Seringapntnnt tbu of tbr set him at llb<ort). and
Dh<>irulin him.,clr of hi- newly-gninNI f"low-
tlum by an from tbr plnce of his impri .. >u-
mcrtt, a lliOVI!Jlll"llt tn "hlch his liboratm> "ouM
be likely 1.11 ntw.cb litlle imporlnnee. Rcswuiug
old habit--., Dboontlia, on the wbanding of Tippoo'
ar111y, colllcted tl fi!W cMlLlry, with whom h lnnk
tht direction of Detlnon. Th" ,r.aro nf the country
wM not unfn..-ouruble for ami
bt 1'<.>011 ffiUDd hit b11JJ<I of fiiiJOWl'r!l ron.oithmbfy
Ollri'ORT OP TH 1':
our. xv. iocreued by""men anxious for ~ of - kino),
llllCl DOt troubled with any acute lle!lllibiliiy of --
~ ~ ~ l i e n e e in relation to its rhnmrtcr. By the lnftu-
- of motin.,. which it is not ca<y to ell:plain.
oortain lrilladan! wert! pre,rulN) npon to bctmy thl'lr
t:nu1ta to bim, and in thi manntr !'Oint' of the ]'rin-
cipal plOCI'11 in tht province fell into hiR hnnt!.,
before it 111111 in tbt power of Gclllral llarriH l.o
detach from tho army a !'Ufllcient forte to act
against bin1 "ith cffi'Ct. In Ull' mennwhilt Dhn<m
ilia madu lhc be;t lll!e of tbt tilru. thus t.Oiml<'d
him; h!' levil'd hmry contributions on the rich
rountry lieb lay at his mcrey, enforctod thl'l'e exAf'
tions by tho m011t unn.>letJting cnu:lty. nnd t l l l ~ l l the
pnl"rinee with &eta of rapine anol munler. To tnp
his eereer, a llgbt eorpe of e&Yalry and riAiivt in-
lultry, under the eommaod or Colonel Jam<'ll l>Rl-
rymple, moTed from Chittledroog, 1111 IIOOfJ as their
eenicee I'OUid be S)JQI'('<). Thl'y 5()()D fell in with
a party of the banclitti, ronsiflting of about two
hundred 1111d fifty bonse nnd four bunilieol infnntrv.
which tJx-r eompletely destmyed. The tllfltlll'll by
the Englil!h force of a fort on the l'llllt bank of the
ri't1'r Tuughuddra follo10.-d, and not long afler"'\"arOs
BDother on the WC!It bnnk was tAken. While
Colonel l.lalrymple wu thus l.'tlgllgt'll, Colonel Ste-
venson Wll lld1"&0cing into Bc<lnolt', by aDOtber di-
I"C.'d.ion, at tbe of a light fi>ree. com.,.-1 aho
of eaftlry and nati-re infimt7y. 8imcJp - attaebd
by thi8 force, ..nd ruritod by a nlt. On tbe 17tll
A D. 17,. o( ADgut Hbooodia - aUaebd - SIUbr-
BRmSH Elll'IR!: IS f)o;DU.
poor, anrl !.i ea.-nlry, after t'<>ru.idemble crur. '\',
l<>'ll'. Wtro tlriwo into a riwr was situattl(J
in tluir Thl' fort nf Shiknrpoor nt tht> oao1o
timo ftll into tho hnnds of tho Dhoondin
l...cBJM'd IJy c, the riv.-r in n lxo:tt. whirb hat!
lot'l:'n pniC.'UJ\tl fur the ocl'l\Siun. lie wns d01oely
purwcd, rwd t"01Dpclled to take refuge in the Ya.b-
mtta tcnitory, where he enmmtOC<I with the rl'm-
nnnt <If w- fnllowl!ll'_ ThM 'll'nuld , .. , .. been D<l
t!iffit"ulty in taking or deotmyiDJr !tim, bad the Dri-
tih fon l>t('O lit liberty to (- btynnd tbe lf:ab-
mt!A l.ounJary : but thitl tl111 bad
filrbitltlcn, rwd CoJooul SIA.Vl'JUIQn accordingly balted
his tlctat'bmnt.
But I lbovurli:1 W1.IS not in a ion where he rould
ralrnlall' on cithl!l' safuty or J'C}l<-e. A robber and a
murtltrur by profession, he had limited the cserci.--c
of hi lll'cupatinll." to no partil'nlur rlimicts. Wbl'lt'-
evtr hi foot hntl pressetl h<> l<>ft 1'\.'Nrds of bis pre-
l'l('twe in net of violence llDtl The )ln!Jrnttn.,
it. hnd somo of tbilr cbarnt'ter
him, aurl they procl.'l.tltl wy sUlllDl!ll'ily to
nlminitcr 11 dejtnoe of punihmcnt, which. if in:uli"-
tn tho rriml"!i of Dhnouditl. "11 qwte in
tunlan<'C "ith the Lemper aul of the ('eorle
"hom he -ojuomHl ,\ rhiPf, {'(lmmandinrr
n tli' iion of Lhe Peishwa'g t.rmy, t>ai<l tho! wa:mlllft>r
n "ii'lt within a few boors afttr Ill' hud pitchoo hi
ramp within tbe M:lhrntlu nud rellt'v<ol
him uf twry thing which wns titht>r to the
fnturt <'Jnni"' uf hi' traJh Jlurultr, ur to tlw liUJI-
Bli\TOitY OF 111
CHAP. xv. ply of the wants of tbe po."6ing day. It woul<l bt.
too much to GIM'rib<> this viitatiou to the oreratiou of
the mol'1ll !!CJlJ(' in who Dlllde it. H11d tht' <'ha-
1'1lt'tcr of Dboondi11 hoon pt110 ns it Wllll dl'pl1lYed,
hi ftttl', undLr tho rircunuttnnces af sitnntion.
"'"old lul\e tlul!aDJ<. It h6
not hill rrimL'fl, whkh iln ited tho inllil'tion to "hich
be '11'118 8llhjet'trd; and it 'lrnul<l lit' an inju:;tit'< to
Mahratta inglnuity to tbnt if the l'!ih-
wa'a sen ants hnd \x,u without <>:qoerilDCl' rofDiwon-
din'R tl1cy would hn vc wnruw a Jlrctcnc-c for
plundering him. Rut. whntoHr their mrotin.,., tlwy
nmdcred a u.l:'ful ll<'nice to thr English which the
latttr power rould not f rerform.
The great "'Jrk which had !.n>ught the j..rowmor-
gtncral to Madru bo.1ing betn eomJlell'<l, Uw liP-
COMity for bit Jll'l.'foelll'e there haol ecnsed, anol bc rl'
A.D. turned to &ogni in Scptt>rnll<'r. At hoth pl'l!!litl{'u-
l'ie!i enthuoia.tie congratnlati .. ns tlowoo in "l"m
him, which, All soon as the new of bi; uc.l"' could
be dis!;(ominat.,d. wrrc l'j'hoed from l''"l')' JIIU't nf the
wur!J '"btro an Eugli.Juoan or a friend of EogliUII
"'1111 to w found.
TnE remnrk:tbln promptitude energy whlch CHAP. '('"J.
I-"" tntorgcneral hal dipln) ,.,J in ruunt<'l'IICting -
the cft,.igns of Tippoo Suhnn miJtlll lr:ul tn the belitf
lllllt tho Rl'l'untpli,hruent of thi ul!icut fond ooaupil'd
his tmrlhikd But sui! II wns fnr from hl'iog
tbt liltl. Other allhlrs of wrigbty itn(l<lrL'IDL'e pres-..00
on Li8 ronitlcrntion, and among tbe;c \tre the sUL'-
ef"oinn to throne of Tnnjore, n.ud necessary
IDl'BSllrN for <tiling the gocmmcnt of that country
in 11 m:umtr which &houlcl relicw tbo (l<'Ople from
I he np(lrt"<ion In which tlwy !ln.l long h<>t.>n l'Ub-
SomC' yMrs beforo tbo ttrrl\'nl of the E:ll'l of
1\f omington in lnclin., tbo Hajab ol' htning
))('Cll rtl'pn\(d by death of :til his lcgitim:tte (bil-
drcu, prondcd for I be suctt--ion in n manner not
unfrequcnt in tbe Ea..."t, by adopting a son. The
gunrdinnship of the child, and tbl' care of the go-
wmmcnt during hls minority, 'rero n>."lij!'Ded by tbo
llajab to hiR brother, Amot.'r l'ingh; hut thl' ,iem:
of lhnl pcrsonngc extenclC>d l10yond the rxl'rdse of
n rlrlegnl,.cl nncl lempornry authorit.r. The de:tth
nf t.Lc Ilnjnh, which ()('l'WTed Cl(lll 11firr the act of
\'01.. Ill. D
llllir"ll\. Of Till!
tRAP. X\"L adoption. gav!' OJJoor1unity for tl,.. amhition of .._\mt't'r
Singh to it&!lf: the litlo of the youthful
CCM<r 'O.!i forth"ilh di-pntC<I, and tb" nlidity of
the act nndl'r which he daimtl
oJ.Uetiolb '"'re rni"<'<l, 11nd tbt FU!i>Ort of the Bri-
tiAb $:'>H'l"DDlcnt being invnk"l on both tho
qut.,.tion nt ;,,,te refeml by tbnl nuthority
to thl' dL>cwon of a t'Ottnt'il r.f pnnlits !CllliJr.l in
Hinoln<o lore, Sjlecially nmmouood for the
In Inking tbi coun.t, the Cmnpnn) 's g<m:mml'nt
had no objet'l in vii'" hot to rio
had O<'Cnrred wbicb could leol them to I' nny
feeling of purtinlity or pr11judke with regnrtl to
nf the CJUldirlatl"' fur thE' munud, nnol thl' :mswcr to
the fJIII"'tioM UJ'<>n -whirh the tl,.,.;.,;on of tbu confliet-
iug rlaitru< d'{I<'Dd(.'jl wruo hnth ut
and Denga\ with perf'Ct intliffC1'1!11Ce. lfnllliJ'I'iiY the of tlo British authorit it-s to lo jut ire w 118
aided by tlw knowlcdg nect ..ury for it' guitlonoe:
nne\ in re;orting to tho Rlhiro of lllltiw expound<'tll
of lbt lnw. hnd o\rn11 Iittlt to gunt'll
from trror. The bet a chi hi lllld 11 man
of mature 111ft' an unequal on11: anti thP. thci-
liiou nf the lt>ru'Jlcd pundits Wll!l in fovour of the
party who hnrl the btttn mra.n of .mainlnininl: hi.
claim and the readier opportunit) of rewnl'lling th1ir
The Britil goverunwnt prt>Jtumed not to
undel'lltand th Hinl> law than ib! rcrog-
nizcd expo!liton, ami the brotlwr of the d('('I'Ucd.
RAjnh '1\1111 oltoclarcd the Jowfnl 1'\JN'...,r to the
mwmnd, tn til(' exch1iun of tht' adopti'CI rbiltl. Tit<
fonner Wli.S nctonlingl) pln.t>ed on tho throne, hut cu \P XVI.
not "itllout n di,nucl intimation of tht> expcctntinn
emtrlrunt-d by the Britih gown1ment that the
aludld infant \HlUld bl' protectcol!lnd mniotained in
11 mantll'r !<llital>lt !CI tbr bopi'R which ' Ito had l)('to
!I'd t" tberuh. :\othing rould be more ""-"J' nothing
more nl\turnl. thnn tn prnmiRe cnmplianl'c with tbt>
wbbM of thoooe- who had pmwr of IH,.tnwing ur
ll'ithhulding n kingdom; :uul. n far "'' trnfe-sion
wl!r!l toneeml.'ol, Am!'Cr Singh gtiVIl to hi pntrnn1
full "'ltkfaetinn. But "" ...-put no liu1hl'r. Cnm-
of tbr tn'lltment by bi. infant rival
..oon fx.C'amc lonol and fnoquent. He w wo mhjeetl'll
to rigornU!I <:!!_n6nl'lDPDt in a dark and unhealthy
plac<>. nod minrl lllrn unimproved cnn by tht>
narrow me:lh-urt llf nceorded to
oriental youth. The go(:rnor of &t
felt cnlltd upnn to adlln..s to .Amecr Singh n letter.
lht> nt"Cl'"ity of takinj:' prnJ>Pr C&J'(\ nf
the llDI t><lucatinn of tht hoy. By timf'
Amt'<'r Aingh hntl bo.>come impre;sed "ith n full
"Cll.'il' of his own dil:flity. nnl tl11 ret't'ipt of tho
lett<'r fiiiPd hirn with indignation. Ill' had pro-
mise<!. indeed, to t>omply with the wiht"' of the
Engllih gon>n1ment on the !'UhjPCt. hut be now
trrotl'll it.! ml'll.iation a.t an imprn(f'r
with hi- olometit' armngcment.. He alll'j!t'd that.
during thr rt'ign nf hi bmthcr, hi '''"I
had hown than that of th11 peroon in whOM!
be!Wf hf' ...,. addreAAI'Il, II.Dd that the Britbob go-
vemmf'llt had llt'rer inttMPd in hie liamur
It 2
CUAP. xv1. was the spirit in wbieh the communication
Wllb rccdwcl, UIILL it wns found nece.o<nry itnruedi-
ntely to foUow it up by nnother of moro dedsim
toot'. Amel'r Riugh \\'llB<l upon, in terms ..OiliC
what peremptory, ))IlL sulliciently wnrraotcd by tho
of tho to l'xhmtl to the lldoptt'd
ron of hill brother certrtln spccifietl indnlgances; nnd
with 1l view to some hotter thnu uricot:tl
promises for the fulfilment of the tl!'lrire of the Bri-
tiffi government, it wns iuthuo.te1l thaln smnll gunrd
1f hnd beeu directed tu ntteml on
his person. After vnrioWJ attempts on tho pnrt of
the resident to intluce Amoor Singh to yield
1omplinnce to tho wishes of the Driti1llt government,
th<'y were ultimntcly carried into ellect by
force. I t could n1>t he that tho hatred
bomu by Amcer Singh to civnl would thl'reby
be nbated; a.od he continued to lllllnifost it by nil
ll1e ml)au8 in his power. Further mensures for the
protection of the r-c.rscuutl'cl youth bccnmo obviously
11ectltssa.ry; nnd u wish which be expressed to
1e rmnove<l to Mndrns was gratified. Thll widows
of the deceased wbo had been grie,ousl y
lPPre>LsOO by his succe$30r, likewise found a refugp
in the Compa.oy's territories. One object of their
removal m15 tu D.>l!ist by their inflot'llce i11 foroing
upon the British a of its
deci..ion in regnrd to the title of the reigning prinee of
1'nujnro. It wns nlpresentcd. o.od with grenL n ppeur-
uuce of probability, thnt the to "hot;C opi-
nion he owed his tlfevation had been bribotl, :md
lll!ITIRU t!MI'IR(-; Ill INDIA. Jill
judgment whieh they h11d ddin-n.<l hnlleng.,J. CHAP xn.
The IJritiBIJ govantnl\'lll lheroupon it('('uto<l it -
to l'nlcr llJlO" n foruu1l cxwninntinu nf the
titlu in di-tmte. The oltil'Cti""' taken tu the cll\im
of tho odoptl.'d """ of till former Wl're thn.'l':
-Fir.t, tll#t at th" time Ut(' act of nloptiun '"'"
r.erfonucd tlw Hajnh """ in 'nch B stall' .. r m<ntlll
and boilily inOrmity rrnden<l him imnpnhl< of
dnly txrentinjr ;o0 importnnt a fun<"tiuu. Thu
<eeonrl IUld thirrl related tu point- uf Illnl
lo.w. It WM nprt"'<!lltl'd that tho hting 1\U
only >On, hi nclojtiou wa. un that gnwul iu-
; nod thnL his ogo xCO;l('<k'<l that to whkh
lhl' Ia" l'elltrittl'd tho I!Xl'n.'l!!l' of Uu pril;l<j:(<'
The of the R:tjllh wns amply
dispmvcd. On the n.'mo.ining n nnm))cr
of hnuninical opinioll!l were ohtained, nil of thcm
funmrnble to the clnim of the )'OUtb whom the ''"'
prince bod to buccccd him. Thu
adoption of 1111 only on, thon,l(h Bdmill(d to I.e
'nlll tll..,lan.><l noL to IX' invnlid; it
WBA nu llCt whitb not l1> be dun1, but "lirh
,.-h u th>Ue r<nll u .. t lawfully he 'i't ide. Tt&l'
<JU()lslinn of nge was olottmniuLl unequh.,.onlly nul
without re.r1c in fn,<nr of tl1c rivnl of
Singh. And the-e upinion. re !lilt roofin.-1 tn
tile cxponnclcl"' of llind0<1 lnw in the south uf
Irulia; tlwy wl're I) tbt' jurlgrmnt uf
tbtir hrethnn in &ngnl, anol at the gmt dtJIO-
of bnuninirol hnrning, ll.:IUU'l"' Tho ig"'>-
ur tloc r<rruptiun f the pundiVO. upnn
CIUP. X\ I. >CDU'IM:e the adopted JKJn had been by, tbUs
became evident, and it \\'118 but juat to retnet the
(alee Jtep -whirh hncl fonntrly heen made.
eYt-ntl! ami iuqniril"' cxll'lHlml through scvf.'rnl ytJ&n.
during which Lord CnmwnlliM nntl Lord 'l'cignmoutb
exercised the powPn< uf govcmor-gencml, and ll
tcriet' nf go\'"emuno, with Sir Archibald
CllDJbcU and with Lon! nobart, prt .. i<lll at
Tht!re IIJIJ'('R"" throughout to have a
JIMJill{ leaning on th part of the Briti!ill autboritit..,.
in favour of Amt!l'r Singh, and against his youthful
competilor. The tiUCCillf<ion of a brother umlluhl-
cdly more coUBOiliUit to feelings tbnn thnt
uf a cliqtant rola.Uvo rn(lriciollllly iuvcstecl 1\ ith a
title: but llhulc>O ft.'t'lintr is diOcrent: nnd
in thbi CUC!, monovcr, the t'lnim of Ameer Singh
wu vitiated by the faN nf hi ll(ing
Tbt right thP throne nf Trutiore had ct!Me<l tu
I.I.J matter of doubt "b!'n !be Enrl of :\fominj[t(ln
e.rrhetl in lndi11. '!'he Court uf Directolll lu1d .._ ...
tilllvcd tn uphold the of the JnwfnJ <'&ndidnto,
ancl it only remnined to determine the time nncl
mode of cu.rryiug their dcei'lion into eJii!l.'t. 'r!Jo
Earl of Momington clctemJincd thnt no delay
take plnce. Tbere wM, indeed, no pretence for
delay; but bad there bt:en any, the re&."'rul in
fnour of the rt-,olwd upon by the gocrunr-
general were IIDIJIIY to jrudify its adoption.
The causes of 1 bo mihcnhlo condition of Taujoro
required a setU'I'hiug in,e..tigation, lllld it Willi in
contemplAtion tn iune a t'C)mmi.,.ion to
RRJTIMII &111'11!1, lfi:J
aJJCI report. Tho: goventor-gennll nt Oll<'l' JWI'- I:IIAP li;Vt .
IX'I\L'II th4t to takl> ncb a >tPp while Am!ir Singh
nmo.inrd 1111 the nllonutl woultl he but a mockt.>ry
of inquiry. [ t roulrl not lw exp('l'tNI that bt wuuhl
pnnuow whieb, if <ucresful would hAw
l111 t.>ffoet uf expo"i"ll' hi o" n migovenomcnt; and
u. rontinuan<'t' on lloc throne wnulol cnalolo him to
lhrow imJif'fliments in tho \lay nf tlw commi,.ionen.
Ht \lonlrl huve h111l lhl' Jlll"f'r Dill unly of tnotro..t-
ing their lahou"'- but of them nin. Tlltl
wluptt>d heir uf the oli'<'I'OJed Iuvah was act'onlingly
Jl11Ctl <Ill tin throne. TblA '111118 euy:
but, in eBOOting a lltltil!fa('tory !M."ttltllJ(!llt of the t'Oun-
try tlltl cxpcrif'I1Cld rlitlleu It in-
calrulahlu an I a!Jn, ... t Ln,unno<mtaMt. Tht'l' di<l not
in nny ariMO from the ebnructer of the "''"'
Rajah, which was nmi:tbl< and gt'lli'I'UIL". but fmm
thl' 1\CCUmulntion of abu- und.-r former g<lH'nl
m<nts. which bnol proportioned to
thll 1 ime during ,.l,ich tb<y bad nisteol, and tiKI
nunuJrons intcre:.tR "hich wcro connC<'te<l wirh
)'J'E'I(>rl"atiun. Th r.f thti j[Ol'Crnnri!('neral
ultimate!! triumphl'<l owr nl1 tltc obmlt'l"" that
in thr way ur a I!PtlllmcnL: nnd the roanlt
"'"' 1 bat, with the frf!e ('Consent nf nll in-
lel'('jllCil, tltl' Ilritih g..-emnt.,ot n. .... um('ll the entiro
cll'il and military olminht rntion uf TMjort, a IIJ>!Mt
did l'"'"i;.iuu being l"E'!!('rtl'<l for the R&Vab. Thla
lllTilngem('IIL wa. und<toht<>tll J henclitial to the in-
nf Gn.'Gt Uritain: hut it i 110
to y thAt it """' far mon henelldal to tluo poorlt>
JIJ'<rnRY nP TilE'
cH.\P. "' 1. of Tanjore. I t d<'liwretl them Crwn the cft" .. nf
oath(' nud Europcnn cupidity.
tllt'm "hat tlwy hnd JII'Vtr before Jl0l!ISCS8<'f!-tlw
eccnrity tlmivcd fnnn tho odministrntion 111' juMt it'(!,
Tlw Rajah, who cmccl to tlw JJritish govcnwwnl
IIi!; prcvio\llj cnuwcipntiun from thrnltlom. iu.ult.
twd pcl1!0nal dnugcr. wos now indebted to tho ><ame
l"'"'"r for his elcntion to a of lUll
J>ll'nclou.r which mllt hnv('> fuJfilll'il all txp<-cta-
liou,, It '1\11.8 fotr the pUfJI(N'!I of
gowmment lhnt lo retnin little of nctwtl
pCiwer; hut in the cujoym!!nt of n splenditl rcvtnut,
tulcl of n limited degrN of militnry zmUtority,
\m.:; brightly contrnlltcd with ilint in "hich
bU. t-arlicr were J>B."'tl. The trenty wns (.'(ln-
A.D.II.,. t'lurled on the 25th of l)cto))('r, li09, and
by the in rounril on the !!9th of
!'ion t'mhcr fi>llowin:t.
A cbn.nge, t;imilar to t118t made at Tnnjore, wns
tRt>cted with regnnl to thl' plincipality of 1-luntt.
Thv city of Surat Will! 11110 or tho fust in Tutlill in
point of eommcreio.l importnnrc. There nllio
in n;,t number'! the pi 'otaries of the .\rubinn
prothct. in search of the mt'lUl'l of tmn.'']l(lrt to the
c:il) guod .lltLNtlman is anxious to
Jwlcl ; tllul Sutat tlttL, c.-ant to lit' eJ>Oken of u ouo
of Ll1c gnt"" of Tltl' Englhlt at an <onrlr
ptriotl haol e-tahlihLI n fn<'tory nt Surat. Ml nlut
tlw middle of the 'fl\!ntconth century hrtol lruwly
dtfPntleu uot unly tbn CnmJllty' factory, hut
JIIU't of the to" o, un attack of tbe .Mahrattas
lUtlTISU :MJ'IRE I" l.'IDlA Hl:i
uncltr For llti< they rcceiveol tho ::<on
thnnkM of the )foj!Ul c .. mmon,l<.r. Nenrly n ccmury
:Utcrwunl-, thu oglih 1H'l'C in by the inhnbi-
toniM w tnkc pclfi!ICSI'iou of the ('llijtle ami the fll)<t.
Tlli>y hC!iitattol, from 1111 of ineurriug
the nt of thl' )luhr:ltta>o, wbo mome ) care
llefnn bad n lnrgc portion nf tbll pro-
Tine< uf Somt, nnd, more roctntly, by tuking 11<1-
nntal!C of di-pute; cnrriLo<l on for thu jl'>Yemmr.nt
uf tho romnincler, bad ... tablilu>tl, with rc,;peot to
the dt) orul tht <li:.-tri<'tt attac:ht-cl to it. 11 c-laim for
chout. Some outrnges c-ommitted upon tho
by thOIICl lljlllilllt whom t!Jey hncl IKtn initt"l to .wt
finally induced the:> gtiTcmment nf Boml!ll) to int<'r-
fero. The gowrnment of the lmm hncl lung bet-u
!ieparnt!'d from llw eorumruul of the <>Mtlo nnd nf
lhe tlc...t, nnd the peroou who thc fir-t
ngrct'll to ns.i>t tbe EnglW! in obtaining Jl005Se>iun
of till' two latter on tunclitiou of being prol<..>c:Ltcl
in hi llllthorit). The gorenum nt of Bombay had
proviutudy h<'lll in eorrc"'JIOndcncc with 11 riml rnll
didate for tho rhil :,mnI1IIDI.'nl. reigniug NnLu!J
bt'ing cuum.ctL...J "ith tho put) wbum tlu Englil
olesiml to Dut U1o ic>w Df tho Jlt.m'ull 111
wbcm the mn.ntlll wn. Lu han I>Nu trruf,rred nul
being famlU'ell by the intlucntinl part of tile inhnbl
tont.>, n Wll!l uncll.'r whirb thu
wa.< to rcl.ain his nftice, ami hi rim! wu to
IM> imi.'O!lt.-d with tb1 rluuact< r uf naib or ehltf
IDIIDllgl'r Littlu difticulty "M fuund in rarrying
tbia intu IR'Ct. Tbe Engli!h tOQk
Of' TilE
CHAP. xn. of tho castle nnil the fleet, a111l IL'-
t!Urnption of the command WllS nfterwardQ
confinnud by the imperinJ court of D0lhi. All wb.,
lmd ever excrebcd ruty description of uuUturlly nt
Sumt, excepting tho hnd profe5S{. .. t to
act in Ute n.'U1le tmd Ulldcr tlw appointment of lite
Mogul Ewperol'. The firmttD of tho Emperor tnws-
ferred the chnrge of the Cll.Stle nnd tl1e Beet to the
; the Mogul Jlng cuuseqocntly continued to
Boat from the castle, nnd wns hoisted nt tlte mllt<t-
hentl or the Company's cllief cruizer on the 8lll'ltt
station. The ncquit<ition whiclt the Company had
made app<.'urs. iudc<.>tl, to bave wanted scarcely nny
ground of justification. The movement
which they bad h!'udcd wns trictly n populnr one;
tbepeoJ>Ie ofSurnl bad t.Ought thetnterfereuce of the
government of Bombay, :wd l'l'joicetl in tbc thnnge
which hnil tllkcn plnce. The Emreror of Dclbi,
who claimed lhe rovereignty, acquiesceil, nod ap-
pointed the Company his 'icegerent. The Nnoob
professed to be lhe servant of the Emperor, aod
rould not con&istlmtly object to yield oootlleuco to
bis commrul!ls ; and he bad, moreover, become vo-
luntarily a po:rty lo the tr:wsfer of tbe military and
nnvnl power to [he English. It !'WillE, therefore,
tbat little l!ltot'J!tion cnn be t.nken to the step by
which the Engllsb first obtainerl lh!! public and
recognized exerci;.e of nntborit)' in Surnt.
It not to be bolienJd that the Dnmlmy gn'l'"em-
ment, in the rlefonce of Sumt, were
actnaterlt'OIPiy IJy a 1lesire to benefit the JlOOple, nr
BR!TlSI1 XI'lRE 110 IliA. 1 07
to mniutnin tho honour of the state. 'rhoy cn.u-. xvt.
had lUidoubtc<lly viewl! both to rliticnl
and t-onunercilll achnntage. and it i5 enough that in
patifying thoo.e lien thl'y in.-ack'tl no authority
tl1nL was fonndl'll uu right. whih they nili<'Y,'fi tho
people of Sumt by employing for their defence
J>WPI'!I which luul prmiously lx>cn exercised for thtir
oppn..,.,.ion. As in other e&..-t.., the .. r c\cnt.ot
aidtl the nggrandizC'ment of the Company: and at
Surat. "bile they <>"lCilibly )lQ">''."'-"'-'(1 only a portion
of the authorit)' <lf the state, it 80tlll bl.>camc almott
inevitable thnl tbey 8hould make pn>vision for the
t-Jlc-rriloe of th" wholt. Thll wu in truth coon-
tedl'<l by the 'll'hen hu n.'("()gniu'd thl'ir
ril(ht to appoint a nnib while ho was
"" tho chief authority. Tho total of
tho l\logul 11mpiro r<Jutributed to increa.oe tho JlOWIr
of the CompMy, and to render it more firm. Tbt
:\ahob of , orat , nllllble to maintain him-l'lf in
hi position without theiro..i-lancc. Ill' had. intlt-ecl,
uo rights but whnt he derhed fn.ul thll Emperor nf
l><lhi: he tb!' llCnant of tbnl monnrclt, ruuJ
hi!! fortunes Wt'ro to be reJ.,'81'1lt'd ao dcpendl'nt 11!1
tbe of his DIUtn. I t iJ; true thAt, in t"llle'!,
tbo V!Ui:i4ffl of tho :\fognl empire took 11dwntoge
of the fnllen of their llUpcrior to ""tnulih
lhNnsch-es M intlcpendl'nt sown'ilt1" They tbuo
acW<I eYeD in tho hotter da)11 of t hl' oWJ'ire w!M-n-
el'r an olfered. But it i ohvi008 that
IIU('h an usurpation of sovl!l't'ignty ,..,u[d dahn ""
"'"t"rt beyond that "bich th(' trl'ngth of tht Ill'"
RTSTQR1' Ill' TilE
cflAl'. XVl. stnte migbt be nl>le to commttntl. As In 1';nmt,
indeed, U1o ltnation of tho Company wru; lhe
f'Ollle as that of the Nnbub. Power wn.;; <li\'id<d
between tbcm, nod both clnimcd to hold it und1r
the finme bU.UCtion. The destruction of tho wperior,
recognized by both. elfectt'tl, howl)vcr, a chnng(> in
their They had no longer a common SUJlll--
rior: lhl'Y might lo nt'knowledge ns their
chief a mnn who was sometimes no and
llOmet:imes n prisonE'r; but, sulll;umtinlly, the two
nuthoritios hail become independent. The uond. too.
which hnd wtited tlaem wns severed. It wns cnrtely
possible th11t di."J'utcs should be nvoided, :uul who
sh<mld decide them 1 None but the pnrtics them-
selves, hy uegotiatlou or by the ij\I'OJ'\1. In cuses like
that oSurut, wbero a sovereign becomes permanently
unnulo to protect his dominions, tho<:e 11ominiollh must
oo regarded ns falling into the lrtnte of territory which
hns never been approprinteU, or which, having heen
npproprio.tcil, hns been nbnndoned. Thfl!'o on tho
!lpOt will bnve the beHt opportunities of securing it..
posse5$ion, and their right i nt lcn!'t a gootl as that
of sl:rnngel'!!. The English and the Nabob of Snrnt
were in this case the pnrties most likuly to estnhlib
thclllliclves 118 Jllllbters of the place. Their clni.rrJH
on the gnrurul of right were cqonl. Each JlOti-
session of a share of power: hut wns impossible
thJit they could continue to usc tlu:>ir respE>Ctive
shares on n footing of perfe{'L equ11lity. '!'hough
each might 11bstnin from invading the province of
the othLJ, the wl'llkcr could uol fail to fculllmllw
Will' di'Jh!ndo'nt 1111 the will of the Tltr CRAI'. xn.
nuore l"'"''nul might <'Onet.'<le to tbl! U,cbler a giwu
('Ortiun of powru-, lout the act wonlol be 11
and tltc ft'latil-e l""itiou of the partie \1 <>ull Le n
thnt of U<jUul!!. even in imagina
I inn to n l'Otumon upcrior. The 'trongo.:r would be>
thl' Jon), tll<' woolwr thn deptnrlt-nt. In tWs mnnncr,
by tht nlinnl') Opt:ration or 1'\'etlt" did the Engli<b
ho.'CODII' inntcd with thu cl1>minnnt po\\t!t at Surat.
'l'ht>y might incltl hAt l'l.'nuunet.'<l it, but only hy
t\IO Tbty mis:bt have \\ithtlrawn from
Sural nltogt'tbl!I', ahnndoning the rommtrt'ial adYIUI
arising from their C'OIIJit..-tinn with that pJaa..
which wero then very conaitleroblt:>, or they might
loavc J .... n t"Ontent to be upon th
lXlb. They wcro not weak us tn l'hOQOie oithcr.
Tt Wlli' impot-<ible to pre..:rvc I!Ciuality, ad they
elw-e oupremncy rntltcr thAn dcJ>C'ndcnce. From
the timo "!ten tho Engli:oh obtnine<l the militazy
<'>IIliiilUid, the succcsiun to the scat of civil go-
vrrnmtnt Wl\l< ngulntcd by th<'m. The office of
onib aftr a lime nholi.slwd: t.nt thh! \\liS an M't
of fll\nur tbu on rt'IL'I(Jil5
<>f exJI('(ficn .. y on th" 1rt of thO!oO who it.
The Xn\Kih!. uf Surnt wl!ro more .olrhtly MJll'n-
dtnt till' Engli>b than iu thl' later cia)" of the
:IU(Iiro tbty hnd ewn bt'tn upou tbl'ir nominul
Wbcn tho' Briti-b '-"'"enml'nt untlt>rtook the
duargc f tim ,Jt.of,noo <>f Sumt. revenue wu u-
KignCtl for dtfm)'ing the exf"'IIJCil of the duty. It
proved lnsnllidcnt. nnl it not bo expt.'dt'CI
lii.UO. xn that the Company' goven1mcnt lumld burtlen other
)>Ortioru; of territory "ith tLo cha.rge of ll'lo:oening
So.nt Crom dang.r. Thi ri>e to "'rious di-
putt'll and nrgnlintinll!. Otlwr of oliRC:rllnre
wtre furnibNI by the gmo mimrumgt>mrnt of thllt
portion of rnwer which bad bt't'n rommitte-1 to the
Nabob. With the abuse!! l'xisting unolor an inde--
JI<'ntll'nt that of the Company "oulrl
have Jl()S."('!l!,Cd no right to interfere; but tbl.' inti-
mate oonncction whlch t<ul,..j,ted bet11L>en the Eng-
IU.b nnd thr Nabob-tit<> nature of that Nmnection.
which could Ill' <'OIIrl'ftll'd from no one, nncl the cir-
under which lLll power of tbc Comrany
in bad brf>n acqnil'll, rendered it lUI incum-
bt-nt iuty to rxtreio;e tl1at I"Wtr. not only for tbl'
advantage of thO'II' who bclol it, hut fc>r tbc promn-
tl<on, a)9o, tn tht wi<le..t JK-ill extent, nf tl1e p,...,.._
pc'rity and h&pJinc!l!l of tht JIC"i'IP.
With rl'gartl both to it o\\n cJaim, and those of
till' people of Sornt, tho Britih govrmmcnt long
t'Ot!rto.incd fP!liugs of rli-ntlsliletion townrds the
Nabob. The of the ml'lliiS Jlaced at
their dkpot:al fi1r the defence of the plac<'. and thu
ahu.t'S of the riril aclmini,tratiClll, bad nlike fur-
nihod grmwds of protrocted lwfore thn
nrriml of the 1-:tlrl or in lntlitt. With
mllt'b relut'tanr<, the reij!'lling KalM>b agree<) to
nutke -om11 addition to tl" papnl'llt III'Mlred to thf'
Company for lhl' defento of the hut befon-
the was conrluded be died, IP&ving an
infant oon, .-ho qm-\yl!fl but a sbon timP. and
RRJT!Sll F.\1r111E 11' I'<I'!A. 111
-..bose tlo11th afforded an OJ>t!Dini( for tht.> claim of tJIAP. x'l.
liD unci< to to tho ulliro. The opportwJ.ity
wn n fnvountble Olll' for elfl'ctinsr rhnnges
which were net'c-ary to tlw good
gu..-emment of the plaN'. Britib anthoritie;;
had long rwrcL-ed thl' powt!r of di!!JIO"ing of the
ofllce of \'nhnb nt llwir discrcli<m, ns tl1n Mogul
Emperor bad fonnerly done; and though tlot>
of relation-hip bad bft>n re.-peeted, they Lal oPver
been l'l'gnrolod ns con fcrring 11 right to t loc> uccl!!l-
$iUn. Thty were litill tl'<pected, hut not w lbP ex-
tent of ,ubjeding thll inhabiUUIIlo of Surat tu tht>
whida they haol long t'lllunxl under native
rull". Tll<' fin Lhc oal>oll!'hip WM un"il-
ling to <'OIII['ly with lbt> requiitioiJS made of Wru,
and tbe Briti.,;h go,<>mment tlt-t<>nnioetl to a.ume
thl' entire ci vii and military aclmi.niJ;mtioo - a
<'hnogc in which the people of Surnt hrul far greater
re...<on to njooice than cwn thn..,. hy whom it waq
t>ffucte<J. The per-on "bo;e daim tn the exl'rci-e of
power wn! thu., '!EilnidP wns inoluljll)d by Ltiog ele-
\lllc<l to tht> ro.nk to "hich be llJirod. .\n
l'"'vj;;ir.o wu made for him and thP linnily to which
h : nnd the only obstarlt to im)'rtl\ t'meo1
being tbn l'l'IDOVOd, the refonnalion of tho Wrt>ttbed
iotitution nf Surat Will! with prom{'ti-
tude aod Xcvr luld thtn. e.xistt'<l gn..Wr
n!'<'es:-ity fo1r I'UCh n lal><Jur. I t "''L' truiJ tall'l that
" the fnaud. t>xartiton., nnd miIIIIIIIAjZI'DI<nt in the
ullcc:tinn nf tht> reTCOll<.', tbp a\u"cd t'OrnlJlion in
alu aclmini.tmtioo of anl the Mltiro iiiCIIi-
W!ITIIRl Ill' Til
nt. dcney of the police, 1111 manifest!'cl in the
- tumults bad "llCt.'lll'l'td in tbl' eity. l'articu
larly that cxeiu:l in 1 tlllbrded .. ahunlant ,.,.;.
chnte that the N nbobs w11ro a incompetomt to
el net lhttlnt(II'IL'llgmrmmcnt of the:' eity fl." to pro
'itle fur its l'Xtcmnl cldt:tll'<'" The riul nhow
M\"Crte<l to "..,. cau;;c.l by the ri.-al fanaticiml
,,(the ;\lahoml!dan anl llimloo inhabitant of thl'
nnd wn.,. mtb lhl' pcfl'('tmtion of
nuuay act> of atn><'iou., harbllrit) TJ,,. Bumbay
go.-crnment hrul ghl'n tht' i'lnbob some goo<l advice
on this occamoo, but hntl not felt nt liberty to lo
morr, ruthougl the Drilih r(\Sjrlent nt Suntl hnl
urged thrm to take 110me decisive ml'IL'UI'l'il
fur the pre..crvatiou of onlcr in the city. The
lliruloo inhnbitaut complaint'd lullly of thdr wnnt
of IC("llrity, alleging that thP trade and j'(pulatinn of
the city entirely tl<)><'llded on the protection of tho
Englih. Thill proU>ctiou, howe,er, thcy remlll'kl'll,
hnl been only nominal since tbe nbolitiou of thll
of nnib. Wbilv o01ce was ruaintniiil'd,
the person holdinq it wn. (l!lpecially entrusted with
thl cbnrge of the police of the city, a.ud he wns
nttonntahle to the Driti,Jt government for the f'X
rciJe of this fl. wt>ll all of all other puwc"' with
whit'h ),.., wa:. itm!"t<od. The abolition <>f tho ufficc
hnd df:'ptivtld the Com1oany' j,>overnmcnt of
of tAlci('Dt eontrol, :uul Clltnmitted the Jl{'ll<'O of thl'
city to tb08c who 1\Cro oitlll'r unAble orunwillingto
Letter ol in rouncil to f:O\"<I'lUIIOOI
Bomhar. lllth Mu<h, 11100.
narnsu EliPtR.F. I' 1"111'. IJ!l
maintain it. Tht- muntl of tht- questi(lll cnu. :n t.
an cxhihit<'<l furribly rutd hr.'l) in hw !!hort ptt
"llgt"\ of a dipatrh on thi ntlolrL""'''' by thr
govcrnm<'nt of Bengal to that of Bombay: The
.. right," ny tlwy, u of di") nf lht oflico> of Nabo\J
is Bt'COIDJ'I\Ojcd by llD indLpt'll'llhlc duty of pTtrrid-
ing a jlll't, ,..He. and efficient tulminit:ratioo ll>r tloe
aft'airo of Sural: the lapse of tho J'<>'llcno of govern
mcul haTing left nn JBrl). rxrepting the
Compony. in a state to prote<-t thP po:-r<nns and pro-
perty of the inhllbiUllll!l of tlnt rity ." Anol, afuor
ndvQr(ing to thO o)\iOOtA to wltidt the IIOWCt of the
Nabobot nngbt to have b4>en clirc<hol, hut which they
bad signally failed to accompli>.h, tht cli"Jlnldt con-
" It i oh\'ious that thcoe important oltioob
can only oo attained by tbC' Coml'auy taking tlte eo-
tire cinl anti military govemml'nt of the l'ity into
their own hand,; and. ron.'l'<JUt'ntly, it i.o thdr duty a
well a!! thrir right to lune re<"Otti'IIC to that measure.wt
i'< a jul!t view of lht- t'ti.'W; nnd Sumt nlford
one inlltanl'e nmong many, in whhh territory nnol
power huvc bc>eo, by tlw tncn' forrt' of circum-
tl'llllfcmtl from native hnucl to tb()!;E' of
Ute Eut-ludiA Company. Tho ittt(>ot
tanco of Sural rendered the Jn'S('nlltiou of peaff
and t>nlcr an ol:i<'ct of great inttrct to tbt> Com-
pany, which ltatl long mllinta.inl'<l there one nf it.
prinrip11l for the JIUI"Jl061"' cof trnrlP. Thi
(('d to t Itt intl'l'ft'rcncP of thr I.'"CJVImlllf'nt nf
Ilomhtly, nu intrrferonc" whirlt, it will he l't'nwm-
' 141tttu, ot t Ibid
\'IlL. Ill.
111..-luRY liP Tlfl&
X\'1. '>'8" invited I) tlw principnl inhnl.tltnnts, whu
knl'W tlu ''llluE' of n Britlh eonni"Ctioo. awl wbo
rt'polk-...1 a dl'gl'CC of canfidence in thu power :uul
of the ComJIIUlY' l'r> whith
thP of no other goHmment cnuhl
inpirr. 'l'bt> Mogul confirmeil to tllt'
CtmJonny the powcl'!l of which tluy hnla."'UUlcd tho
tnu-b<; the powel"' of tloc wen,
by till' cL-ent o>f the to & deputy,
whom tht Compnny woro to nruole. The Mnjl'lol
dy11Mty fell into irrot rit'vnble ruin, nne! the
of nominnting the :'lal)(lh of Surnt JIII!Ncl by n:tn-
1111 !'<lD"<'<JUcnce into thE.' hruuls of th""" who Jm.l
the IDC't\11 of maintaining their GJIJIOIDtmt>nt. Bnt
this prlviltgo tlley olicl nnt nbuoe. So fnr fmm se<"k-
inp; tn lncn.'llSC power. they mhmtnrily n.olin-
quiJu,.J 11 portion of It whlclo th .. y might. wit hoot an
PID>rt, !Ja.,.c notainc.l. The offioo of ualb was abo-
lishl, and the Nah11h innted with th mcurtailt"l
CXf'l'l'i>!ll tf thOilC function.. which 'wre ,Medin
officc. Tbe rosultR wc:>rl.', that the.> nhninl;;trntion of
nlfai"' into nttl'r tli-order, nod that neither tht
stat!' nor the pcr.ons an<l prorerty nfirulivitlu .. 'll, W"crf'
5eCilre. Tht:n. and not before, the Company under-
took tbc tluties pre,;ously ru;signt'tl to tho Nabob ;
and, liS lirr liS the JWOplo Wlll'C <'OnotmNl, the only
grooncl filr l"''pc!t Wl).O, that this slt!p h.W not !J<.'MI
IOOODN' tabn. OnP good effi!ct, indt'Ctl, &lteudc.t
thl' cltlay: the and forhoaranCt> of the
govcmnwnt were :unpl) nttt.,lt:!l. Tho
!It Surnt WCrl' tmh<lllitd in 11
IIJUTlSU Elii'IU I); ISDIA. ll,j
ll'l'llty. whit'11 was signed by tht' (l&rtie-> intt!re!tl'<l WI.
on the l3tb of )lay, 181)(1. A.D.Ii!OII
About tbP t.i:me of the settltmcnt of lhr goTem
ml'nL of Surnt, it becrune neCC!Il'IU')' to take ulefl
Bures for tbl' presenntiou of the lllyliOro frontitr
fn1m predatory attacks. Tho dnngl'r arose from
Uhoonlin W:wgb, who bnol founcl to repair
the clnmngl! which he hAd c:u;;tnioecl from the Mah-
mua.-, 1111d to place him"<'lf in a rouditioo to re-11mo
tbe c' :tt-rt'i"( of hi occupation. Thf' IIC(("!>ity of
putting down thlo nrlorentmw - U'llt'lll with a
vi(W not only to tbr nctunl iu<'OUH'Ilicnce ocra-
h) mvngc.!, but nlsu In !Itt po..,.ible ron-
M'IJIICDC'('II of allowing them to I><' l><'rJlCI'ltlted with
impunity. Dhoondin WM endca,ouring to roi-.1.'
Wnt"<'lf from the position of a \'Ulgv robber to that
of the bead of a political conft'lhracy. Tbe di..<ron-
t<.>ntl.'<l within the Compony'F ltrritorics anol tho<c'
of t allie:. were im;ted, by ll'tterco written in llli
nnml', to take ndvnntnge of tll(' OJIJIOrtunity affhnlt>d
by invn.,ion of Mysore, nnn risu BimultllllCOU-ly
ngoi!\111 tho objetts of tbcir half'. though
in bimII: a.. bo wu justly tlrllltl hy Colonel Wel-
J.._J<'y, "a depicable l'llemy," '-arne a fior
miclahll' nnt'; a.nrl both hi, dta.rac'Wr and hi attempt
may oo l'l.'fl1lnled a;. banng gained rolllL'lhing of
dignity from tbe fnct of the grcatt"'t gt>neral of
modl'rn time. having talwn ll!ldajl'llint him.
Tlhonnclin having eotnhliht!d himPlf in the ter-
t .. u.r to tho J!arl ol Mcorning1on1 Ouk or Wellingtm'
V..racloD. ml . i. s3.
lllTOM\ Uf TIU'
tiiAP. "1 of the l'dh"a, be had "'i.z:cl anl
"''"'ral furt, it hc-c:une tu "'"
tnin the coru;..nt uf till' llabrnlt.n rWf In tht
llllMIIgc of the Drit ih troops over the hounclarit'!l
in S(>ftreh of the ft1'Vll<><tltr. Tllis was nt lin-t 1'1'
nntl11r prel!nrl' tbnt hotl bt..,n jliHn
for his expubiou. Suhso.>queutl) nn att ... mJI wus
mnd" to limit tilt' of tu IN' t'ntployl
Dboonlia. by n promi-e th.nt a :\11\hrnttn
fun:e -bonld C<H>Jl(mte with tbem. Finally, a11tl
"itb roluctance, tbc required permj,_,ion for th11
cntmnce of nny nmnht.r nf British lrooJlS thnt might
oo uCCCll&lr)' for !Ito pl\i!IOScol object wns llttort!!'d.
Colonel Wellt'Sky c:onlcrtod upon the duty which
de, on him with CDI'Jfr) ; anol
1\1\er drhilllt the .,n.,my locforc him fur ,;omo week,.,
nnd capturing I!CH!ral J!Aoos whirh lwl OC'Cil O<'t'U
A o - J'it'<l by Dhooudia. 'urccctlctl on the 3(1th July in
n di,;sion Clf hi n.rmy while cncaruJ>ccl on
the right bnnk or thu )1o.lpoorbn. Tho oltnck \\'8,
crmrued by the compll'te succi!SS. 1\iot a mnu
within the enn1p c-cnjl('d; nnd a qunntiLJ of hog-
J..l'lll(l', elephants, enmclll, nnd bnllock.., lx-cauw
the prey of tho a&.o.ilnnl,.
Alter tbe de<Otruction of this portion of his ann),
Dhoondia retin.'<l "itb tbt remainder to tfle opposite
of tb" Thi.. operation Will! not
t-Ri.cted without much <lifficnlty. Dciug without
boots, be had made way through jmtglus to till'
IKlllrees of the rivcl', round which be had
Tht t nmo;port rof I h1 gtiiU! tun) of I h< Engli8h
BJUTI.'ill lii'!RF. Jl 7
anny h) a route wuuld hac bco:n extremt>ly Cll\1', :1.1"1.
incumnitot: it tii'Mtwl Jn-ftruhle to waill11e
of hoots; but in tlu mo:an time a. de-
tnchmcnt, lightly t:quipp<"l. Wit'< dikpatcbcd to barn.""
llhnnmlin's ronr, nod eudenmur to rut off pnrt of
1'11f!.'1ll."' .\ brigu<lc \IlL' nl.,., lipatcbed to
<H't'np) tloc pa._...cs of the riH'r uwt t<) be
fordahl<', ao<l thns to gn:tr<l aguint Dboondia re-
CI'U"ing "ith nny coni<ll'rublt number of foUoweN.
Thiii fonc in it guilll'd f""'il'S"inn of ;;everal
tiJrt llhich wcro belt! by pllrtit"' in tho of the
:uiHnturw .\t nn> nf th<'"'' plat>("<, DllDl<"l Sirbitty.
nil l'lttrnunlionry instnoct of C<Nil nncl determined
hmvcry Qt'curn.><l. The outer gntc uf the fort Willi
nllwked nod cnrrieiL The inner gnte wns next to
l.> J(llinL'<I, but the pa;;,age WIL foumJ tIO DlUTQ\\ tO
,.,Jmit a Thi tliOirulty, however, '<8.>
uot uffcn'<l to cheek the progn- of thc
gun wa. W.tandy Ulkt'n off the rorringc. nnol,
unthr n wry hea'7 firt from thr fort, tran.}N)rt:d
hy n l>t>Cly ul' led hy Sir ,Jobu Sinclnir,
tu the gnt!'. which wns very burt open.
Tlu.- Jl'l'<'aution& wbirh luul ll('tn ta.kcu to prevent
llboorulin the riwr '"'rt' rcmlcro-J una,-aiJ-
by ita I!IJ<Iden fall. wbid1 c1UJhkl the
to tntAr the territorie,; of the ')llizam. Thither he
wns rollnwcrl by Colond \\'tUt,.ll'y. willt as much
l'f'l'dll'< eonllittnt with tho tliflicultil'!i nttcntl-
ing the UICJ\.I!Ult'lll nod tJw nrmllj{\'UiltUll!
fir lli'tting till' junction of till! nrinu portiollfl or
th Till' rooJpnigo w:.w uo\\ npprnuching to
llllfl'l> II Y 0 P 111 &
tliAP. xvt. a clO!It'. On the lOth of Septlmber Colonel \Y d-
A.D. '"'"' ll.'Sicy tmeountcrcd Dhooudin.'s o.nny at 11place cnllecl
Conahgull. lrongly hi mar IUld
&nlc being co,-cretl by a \"Hinge nncl a rock; hut
one chars.,"' put hi lroop!l to the mut,
the whole bo<ly di.pcned, ruul ...-ere IOCIItterool in
smnll (lllrtit:'!! over the face uf the country. Many
were IJIIed, and among the number WlUI the author
uf Dhoondin. hiJlJJIC!lf. Part of th
entmy's bng)l'llgc Willi lnken in his crunp. and an-
other J'<>rtion. 11 itb t 11 o :nms, nil that n!DWn...t to
him, in the pnn.uit. Thus t.:rminntl'<l tbc cnreer of
Dhuumlia \Vnugh, o mn.n wbo!'C vie'lll! wtrt. din'<'tcol
to hisrbec fortuoClS than be wa. f.1ted to attain.
a&!llntl-d tho tillu of king of the two \IUrlilio, nnol
eleTBtcd some of hU. offioor.1 to the rn.nlc of uollii
ancl nal>nho<. From bo.ginninl:" 1101 moro n.>spectahle.
stllttK untl tlyuust:iCft bnd pre,iously sprung Ujl in
In din ; nnd Dhomulin W nngh might ba ve b.. -en a
seeond Hyder Ali, hnl hi:; not a
tinwly Sir Tbolllii.S Munro, writing to
net W dle,.lcy, on his fall, wd :-" A 1'8DlpaiJlll of
two month.. lini;ilied his empire. and nne nf thr duration bns put n.n end to tbe enrthly grn.n-
d('Ur. at of the soYereigo of the hm "tmrloJ,o.
Hat! you mul your regicido anny been nut nf the
way, Dboouelia would undoubtedly have
an indepenol ut and powerful print'(', and the
foumler of a Dl'W dynru.ty of tTUel 1111d
Lifo ull:-a TLo- M ..... o. ol. w. rr 14,, 1511
n&msu IN L'iDIA. I 1!1
Tho from Europe at time Will< highly t liAr X\'J
uufnroiiJIIhle. Tbo triumpb nf the Fn.nh tht're -
would, it was leave them at liiX'rty to
Urect tht>ir llrll1S to nwro cmtnnt qu:uters; nud India
or Eg:yt.. iL W3l' would l>t> among
tle panu To IX' pn.pared for dan8l'r
whel't'wr It might occur, the govtruor-gen!lrnl (now,
by tl" \HII-merited fn,our of thll Crown, tilt' !\IIU'-
'I"i- 1r elle.lty) pro)HN"<) to CNJf'l'ntrnte tht trength
of biR Ml\i<'Sty's <;()Ullolron in till' rmUan -. .. to-
gttbcr with an amount of military force 118
India tould 8Jllll"'?, at oome point whl'll' they might
be aile to pi'Ot'eed with promptitude JUJd fatollity to
any 11aco 11bere tluir servic<'11 might h< \\antetl.
The Jniut rbosen wns Trutcomalcc; ancl throo Eu-
npcu regiments, a thol158lld Bengal vohmtcers,
will letnils of EumpclUl and nnti\e inf'antry, ...-ere
di,Jatchctl thither; "bile Ad mimi Rninicr, wbo
the .CJ!Ulllroo, wn,; cn.mestly I"{'(JU!"'tcd
h c:o-operaltl ill the arran,nemPot., by proctliog to
without rl!!lay. Tim empluynll'nl uf
II<' fon'l' thllll as.ttnbll'd to 114' deteruaiucd by
ireum'itanel"'. It wu to J'TOM.'C'<l citbt>r UJ the lled
.Sea, to ro-op<.'ratt' with any Hritih force that m.i:;rbt
1x> employed in Egypt from tho !>f the Ml'di-
temweut; to advnlll'c to nny JHlint in ludin me-
naced by the Frt.'lleh. hould th) d.i:;'}>RI<'h a f<m.'t'
thither; or to be dirt't'tcd to the re<lnctiun uf thc
'!'his hitter object. \\R. one whith tlu, ill-
fiormatic.n of lhl' l:"nmor-gl'IWrnl bin1 tn l!t'lil'<l"
be uuc)(rtn!.n "ith tht best P""'l"'''t .. r
IIISluRV llf' Ill
UIAP. HI llllo.l it "a.. vno .. r "hieh tho iu1purtuncc
woulcl fully ju.tily the: nttcrupt. In Hcry wnr ht--
twNIl Great llritnicc ncccl FraccCt:, from th t imu
wlu'!l thu two l.x'(':uno riYnl" in tiP Esu.t,
till' pll"e<>.sioru of tlw iu the Irulian "'II hncl
furniEhcd ahuJI!IRnt flll'llll for nnullJ;ng tlltl trucl< uf
tht fonner. Numcl'clls prh-ut.een<. fitll'cl nut t tho
U!laud< of llanrilim nucl Buurbnu. ;<Wl'{'t tl1c <oet.'all
nucl enriehl:d llll'ir tcWllN'" Ill th(' l'X}'('IlSC aiko of
the E:Lt-India Comrany nnd of tlu>,;e l'Ugage<l In tho
luml tradu. Lnnl lfuhru-t adruinibl!<l tlw
j.tmvmmeut of Mnclrns, tbu cllspatch of rut t!JNii-
li<lll f1-om thnt Jll'l.''lclNiry for :m ntmck 01 tlw
\Inuritius wns Cflntcmpltttccl; but tbc dolicntc Rtnto
uf tho inttn"'t in lndin rendel't'cl it r p<lint
uf prudctlC1! to relinctuL<h the design at tbnt time.
Tho object, bnwc er, W1l8 waclily kept in '"" by
the llnrquis Wellr-hy; and the .. mhl
mocrt probably hAw lct'tll nttucked but for till' -
fu._"R] of Admiml Hninitr 111 ttHlJit.'rnte. This reftl!ll
nppeiU'Cd nt first to lw grounded on nu opinim1 th.t
it wuulcl be to any consltllruhl
portion of the Janel nud M'3 forceJY on ditant uh
jl't'b of enterprize; hut ultimately nntotht>r n.'ll. .. n
wa. permitted 111 lnlnJiirc. The ailmiml lu:l<l,
ur pmfL"'--ed to holcl, tht principii!
that the e:rpe.lition c1>ulcl not be unclertaken with-
cout the expl'l'l<! ccmunnnrl of thl! King, oignificcl in
the uounl ollicial f11rm to the Briti@h l>"'' ' ermnent
iu Iucliu :mel t11 tilt' emmumd1m of l1iM Mnjf'IOty'
{ .. .,,... .\rlmiral Rainier, it !eem., PXJ><:c:tecl that
* pYel'llor-geooral would diaent fioom hill 'riew; CBAP. DJ.
lllld the expedation - 11101t j1ll& ud 1 e""'
That 10 DMpd M a priadple lboald baYII been
gravely m'""''-' II 111ft!okmtly atartliDg; that it
abould ba'ftl ben reprded .. ._.. lllld trae hr a.y
1m- 1JeiDs. wboee eduratioa aud. hahiill qaalHJed
.Ida to fbna an opinion on IIUeh asa1pct. ilat&erfr
illaecllble. Admiral Rairrier. ptuf 1 J 10
to reprd it: and the 8'h6FJ =' h he
oondetott.'lldt'd to bouou tile l'lprtl wlda an elaJio.
rate 11118wer. ..W Ire. JilL f/1. ,_
euelhaiiJ'a V , ._ ... 1 J I w: all'
totilaYuiP m ... ....,,..... m'nle
... ...... of tile 1lllJIIIIr)' .........
- olw Ia tlleee distaDt duriug the emt-
eace of war, I app"'bi.'Dd thnt tho greatest advu-
tagc mllllt I'('Sil]t fioom tbeooo to the l'aDie or the
enemy. It is an ('Stabliahed maxim of Jtate, 1111 well
u an unqualifil'Ci principle of publie duty, that in
time or war aD publie oflleen ehOilld employ their
......,.. mdeavoun to reduee the power Ulll u.
-- of the ClOJDUiiOD eaemy or the and
lhoalcl aYail &lletmelw. of "fir! adftllt.p wblch
eiat w m _, 14 t ilr tile
tht' iuterelta ot &heir eoantry by the Yigorous pro-
lM.'Cntion of boltilitle.. Jo remote JK rHB iOJII die
or this duty iDrrta- in propoctima to ...
dW.Ot'e from the .,..,.m etate, and to the 0' I mt
diftlenlty or obtainiDB r- l'lome upc .. ,..
eile orden appJallle ta tile ..taaa a rh
tUAr. x n. that tDWit armc in the ronl'Sl' uf war. If no advan-
can ever bo taken of the tempol1ll'Y or
lental wt.-akne-<>< uf tho J'O"'I.'N!iou in India
"ithout exprc" ortlcMI from Englnncl,
Lhnmgh the tU<nal 1lliliul l'lmtmel$, not only tn tlw
gti\CrntDl'Dt of Jntlin but to Ill!' COIDJOlUidt!MI Of hiM
lrutd ancl 8<'& (ol'Cil8, it is C\iflt>nt tlu1t
of rcclucinl!' the en .. my'M I"'"''' nml
1'<'5011l1:C> 111mt fre<Juemly be 1..,-t, ithout tlte hn11t1
uf rerorery, by rcf<>reU<'C for limnal (OIJlrnands t<l
lb..-. sourec of sovereign tmtbority at home. l n 1 h11
pr<<;tnt instance, nn !xtrnonlinnry nud fnrtuoaw
ncciclent hnd discluH<'<I to ml' the weak ruul rumooot.
<l<'fi'U<'t'luss state of the important
n-mnining t<l Fran!'l" in thi IJUIU'ter of tl1C glob<-.
In my judgment.. I have failecl in my tluty
towanL. my King and !'oumtry if I had "aite<l r.,r
his Majesty'b (.'Ornrnand, or for onlro;
through tbo official channel loJ
l'nrlirunent for tho gov<>mnumt of India, oor.m1 I
luul pi'OC(!('(!ctl to tnk; tltl.' IIOCC'.'l.'lry steps for nynil-
ing myself of the critirnl posture of th(l Fnnuh
within the re:wh or the force entrostl'<l tn
my rontrol After $01lll' observations on th<> """
nnd responsibility or the governor-general in J ntlia,
the marqui3 ro('l'111 to hi1 o11u conduct nncltr imi-
lnr ciretumOtant:t. .. , 8JJI nsult& " Of thl rull,"
be, which T llltl'<rt I ba''t' fumiJilied au ux-
nm pie in my om practice; nntl if lho 1rind1lt>
"hi!lt your I'Xl'fllllncy hll!l adopted luul guvcn1NI
my eonduct, tho conquest of M 180re would not haYe CBAP. xn.
been -
Some time befilre thill dilpote, the atteution of the
had been tnmed towards BataYia.
He had dine& ioatrueti0111 from tho Killg for brior-
iar thil eetdement unck>r the prot.eetioD of the
Bridlh crown, on terms similar to thOIIe which hrod
been granted to the Dutch eolciJiim ol n-enn,
Berbiet', and Surinam. h WM pnp m I ao elllai
thbo by negotiation, and Adminl Rainier - to
undertake the C.U. aidell hy .-ll .a - ttl
- ad ........ ,..... .. t .......
'I'M tD WI JN111 ' d- Tile
tile NijillltiMl fbmt -td be empJoyed - ..t'ftD-
.. uwly ellewhere It'd to the JIOIItJ'ODMUeDt of the
att.ftnpt; but -wl1en the Jlrojl'ct for nttneking tho
Mauritius was dcfootcd by the pener&<:Detl! of Ad-
miral Uainicr, tht' Yien of the go.-emor-general
ftre apia tUllltld to Batavia. But the Datcb
oo)ony - to enjoy a fttrther period of repcMe.
8ooo after the fall of Serinppatam. the MarqW.
W eDelley had to the lllinilten at home
the of employm, a l'orce &om IDdia,
tD ea bf widl 1111 &ba& JDiPt be dllt-tebed
from <nea& Britala, apinlt. the Freueh ill Egypt;
and it lw been MOll that the IUI8elllblage of UOO,.
at Trincomalee ,.... made with rt'fel- tD dlil
UDCMJg other object& ..... ;
and the goemor-genenl ,.... iDII&rueted tD X 1
TM por-pnonl to v-,...Adoolnl ........ M . 5.
r to by "ITa) of tloo Reel Sea. a foreo of about
a thousand E uroJtCAn nrul h\O thuu.'I1Uid natho in-
fnntry. undE'r th" rommatul uf an active and iutelli-
gt'llt officer. 'fhi'O intruclions wert! imm.,llotcly
llt'tl'tl upon. The fi>t'C<' ut Ceylon. stl't!ngllumLocl by
11htecu hullllrt!<i nutho iufnntry which luul lwcn
ll!!lembled at Domlmy fur foreign oervi('(', wu ('II
tntstcd to thP uf Hl!lll!J'Il! Baird, aul tho
wholt> emooked \\ ith all pmcticable expedition. .\
"'luadrou nf Corupnny', UJJler .\>!mimi
Blnokt'tt, with n rnrul body uf ll'OOJI". hal "'tiiLcl for
Egypt some tinJl IX!fnl'('. Geoernl Baird ftlul hi
nnny, JK'rfnnnlng 11 mllfth of cxtntonlinnry
l'<'ril :wd difficulty tho desert. proce('(lt<l 1ln" n
the Nile to Rhon<IB, fnom wbrnce they nrhanrC<I tu
R08C'tta. But the fato of tbr F I'('Uch attempt UJ'OD
(,:;rnt h:ul IJOCrtjreinul) cleddl>d; anl the lnclil\11
n'infun-emrnt 'njO)o.!<l no ufliiOrtunity of gaining
dit<tinctiun. cxeupt b) itJI pntient and dtL-crful ub-
mil'-.:ivn to loordillit"' unl toil,;. :mtl the ready ur-
rtnder by tho nnth<> rortion of the troops uf thdr
pl't'jouliet!a to their hell"" of militnry tluty.
The ('Xpedition to Egypt WtL dispatebrd nrly in
.l.D IMOI. th rear 181)). In tb( rm>nth of Juh, in tho .amu
- .
Je&r. a change lHk plnl't in tb<> allirlr- of the Cru--
natie, whi<'h ...-i.ll "''IUil't! rt'ferenee to a ><'riC!' uf
l'\COIS of prior <Wt:Umnrt t'UDIIPt'tecJ 'lll'itb tJont dh j.
i"o of the routh of l uuin. The dwh nf :\!nhnnwt
,\li tluri:og the of Sir J obn
nncl the di'I]JUtt lo<"twttn the Britih nmltnrlti<'>l
tu "hkh it lmve llt'\'n noticed. \!abo-
Ultlli'U F.lll'liiE IN IIWIA 12:;
milt Ali smvt't'ded h) hl w41n, Ollldnt-ui-Om- t'HAP XVJ,
rala. wlau. from the of hiR nil!D.
mnnifl'!itl'd n <liJ"'ition to pnn.ur tht> IIIUIIC nlinmt
poliq ,. hil'h luad uuuiwtl that of his Tht
:&la"luis Welle&ler, on bit fnm England.
ooeupied ll portion of timo which
he l)lt!llt at Madras in 1Un to obtain thE"
J>rinrc's <'Onseot to the nrrangcnt<'llt.i ft r
cxtrirotin)l' him,_..,. If and f'UbjectA from the wrrt.-b-
ednl't!tl in whirh L<Jth woro inTuht'tl. Tbe Xnbob
wru. ob:.tiDittcly bent on ,._.,.;!'ling ttll l'hanjll, 1tnd the
loft with a ronriction that
was uck.,.._ It Will', lwwev<'r, ohYiull!l
that, without tlo adn(tiou of "'me new arranll"'"'
meota, it would bt impo-;sibh; to the Com-
pany from loos. to :;ae tltl' from min. or to
te.CUC tho Opprl,_qed iohnl)il8Ul8 Of the CHUIIlty
from the in!A!osity of mkery in wbicb llwy were in
The WOl' "ith Tippoo rolll1Dt!II!'Pd, and with it the
necc..,.jty fur all the aiol wbleh the :\abob t'<ltlld
atl"urd to hi DrilMt ully. At thlq twriod tlw com-
durt of th Xahtoh's oflirr;., with r<'gllnl to thl' cul-
k"Vting of npfllil'!l for tlotl usc uf the llriti-b nrm].
indicaled a hlal nbst-oro 11f fritudly f<tHng "" thl
part of tho prinrt, if tb!' 11cts of the !otn1lllh W!'rc
to he .,j()wl-d lib fumibing M) e;d,n<'e of tho
wil-hes of their JllAI.tcr. They '"'"'for the mlSt part
irulcthe. TbO!'C "bo nuule Rn) LxcrlinUJ; ilinoctcd
tbom to> ob-trucr., not to farilitatc. the illf'ply of tlac
want of tll!' gownumnt. Thl \I'lL'
I RAP XTI. not toparing in of fricnol,hiJ\ and hll
- a,rree<1 to advance a enlll!i<ll'mhl.- 1111m of tnonl'y lir
the ll!!e of the anny, ou specified ronlitinll!l. Tbl'
('(lndltions were n.<SI'ntcd to, but the money Willi not
forthcoming, IUid but for tbu opportune arrhul uf
trcn."tln! from Bengal, till' con.-.cqucni'C!l of the di.,_
RJ'I"'intment might IK'tn seriOUJ;]y ineouw-
After Lord ) l al'llrtnt,.. plan for ererri!injl' thP
acbniniotration of the Canullil' territory hal llt'l'n
abandoned, nn attl'mpt wns made to u.djut tht
of the Company nrul the Nabob b) n trl'llty
('nncluded by Sir Art'hihnltl Campbell; but tho t'-:o-
l'nlion of its w& soon found to he im-
praeticaWo. and itM tie<> worthles.. .'\ "''"
t reah\ IDOr\l indulgenL to the wa C'tnrluciNI
by Lord Com'lr1llli": onP artide of which t.,._ty
gae to the Company, in the cent of W'lr
out in the C:mtntir or thl' contigutlll!l countries, a
right to the of full authority within tht
Nnhob's dominions, \\ith respect to C'f'rtnin
jngbil'e'!. ThiR trenty wn. in fore!' at tho porioc)
undl'r nol.ire; and on commendng the war with
TiJll'"" the go,emor-gt'lll'ml. by \irlUC or thnt ar-
ticle. might at onNJ a.-.umed tbe entirl' rontrol
of tho all&iJII of the Camatk. Witb great m,.ll'-
ration be abstainl-d fmm the immediate e."ton-i!!C uf
trus undoubted right, nnl only took advanla)!ll nf
O<'cnsion tn ctult'!lvuur to gni:nlltl'
to at l1n"t 811 I>Pnefieial tn himiK'lf n
tn tlll' CnmJlMl.f. Th1 ,IIO"I'nlnr-f!eneral ncld..--.1
tn him n le---pnttb of rnlll!idtrnblc ndverting t"IUP. xn,
tu tbe dimKt' l'ntl'rtaincd by tbt> nnd his
li1ther to the 8-""UlD]ltion nf tbe of
tbr Cnmati<" by tht' Company. anl to tl1c de.;iro of
thu Britieb governml'IIL tn hew rt'h"jl!M)t for their
ft'<liugs to the utmn&t cxt.,nt conitcnl itb l!t.'('IJ-
rity; pointing out mildly,lmL distinctly Mel fort'ibly,
tbe n('('$ nf tho ::\ubob's lminitrntion, nnrl the
gtncral min thfiL con!fl not fnil to fullo" ; and rnm-
plRining t>f the nolntion of tbe treat\ of J,t>F'II

moro t'Sf>('('ially hy n pmrtice whit'h luul
plNail<'<l, uf ll"f'IIUting ll!&ll'fimenta of
revenue on the dil'trict whida fonned the !l'ttrity
fur the Xnhoh's tn tlte pmc-
tir< not nnly inconsistent with the purpo-c for whirh
tboy had heen but In contnwention of nn
CX]tn!SS pro\'"i!<ion of the treaty, thftl no IL"'is::n-
ml'nl.s hould be gmutt'd. 'rhe gtwenu'tr-gcncrnl
tn the moocrotion <hewn ill relaxing tbl'
pl'ftvioion of treaty hy Sir
bn!ll Cnmrhell. nnd placing tbt Sab<lb in
mure fayournhlc JIO'!itinn t.o him hy tho Inter
trt'llty. urging that, the gmcrnnunt
l11N1 wnh<l an undeniable right under 11
ing treaty. IUld roll!i<nW.I to a new arranj:<mcut at
tlw solirilntion of tho Nnhol.>, an<! for his ben<'lit,
that gowmmenl had a juSt c-laim w cxpt't'l that, in
r<prt-.entlng tb(' necl'!oity of furthl!r mc.olilieatiuu,
it 'icW!l Rn<i in!tntiuM honlol be jnolgtl "ith tb<'
nmc lil><'rulity \1 hirh Lorol Curn\\alli .. .,J to-
\1111'11 tlo""' nf .\l:ahumct Ali. Tin--e J>Oint lKinst
CHAP. :I.'TI. Jy pres'<i.'<l, thE> proceeded
to llllUDH:rate the principles nf the propo>ecllillUilg<'-
liiCDt. It was de5ignecl to o:octend to every brnneh
of the li abob's nflnirs uonnected with hls relnti<Jn to
tl1c Company, nnd by tllill ttl
guard, ns fnr ns precanlion could elli.>ct sucb ll.ll ob-
ject, agniust future misunderstanding; tq provide ta
tbe utmost pmcticab!e extent agnint the necessity
for nny fllrther chn.nge, a nil to relicYe the CnrtUitic
from the iuconveniences of 11 divided govcrnm.eut
or of 11 llnctu11ting or precnriouij authority.
All enwncmtion of dctnils followed, nnd the
believed to be most interesting to the Nabob wew
first. noticed-tho ndjuatment of his debt witl1 the
Comp11ny 11nd of certain claims on his pnrt of n
pecuniary nature, arising from vnrious soul'('e;:.
Modes of nrrnn,..ntg these bnving hE>Co snggL'!ltcd.
the gnyemor-general deciRred him!!(!l re11dy to re-
linquiEh the right of the..Compnny to assume tbo
entire government of the Cnrnntic during the exist-
ing wnr, or 11ny th11t might thereafter occur, on con-
dition of a territory eqWII to securing the nmnunt
of the monthlypayments to lhe Coml\lU]y for which
the Nabob Wllll liable, being plnootl iu perpetuity
undl!l the exolusive management nnd authority of
lhe Company. If the required territory pro-
duce mnre lho.n the amount of revenue nnticipntNI
from it, the <mrJliW! 'VIlll to be pnid over to the
Nabob, while, on the other hllnd, if from lll1 uufn-
vnu.rn.blc &ellllon or IWY other camJn.lty n d ..
were to nri..oe, the Compnny were tn hcnr ll1c [tl!Ol',
liRITT'IR DP'IIII> 1:00 1:\I>IA. 129
nnl thP Nn\Joh to be entire!) l'Xoner.tted from tllAP xn
cb!U'flO on this necount. Tht Jl"'l'"'illl indndt>d
otlwr poinl of detail relating to tlu llPfLnee of the
countrynnrl tho of tho private debts of
thP Nuhoh. !Klmc of which wcro NJll(.'rYQil for con9-
<ltrntion nt 11 more ntl ''anced period nf dicu<Sion.
The an!wrr nf the Nabob "1\.' hut littl!.' ,;ati.oo-
fnctory. tone wm. lofty. The r.'abob
J10'itiYcly refn;ed to ron...enl to nny modifil'ation of
tho trent) of 17!12. Thi, have llCCD contem-
plated fnmt hi prelions ; hut hi refusal
wns II&SO('intNI with nn application \rhidJ cl!rtainly
could nut hn,c been looked (or. IIi lttitr wll8
u-rllll'n afttr tht> fnll of nml tbo con-
tnur-fer of the dominion of Tippoo. The
}; a\Job himsclf of tb(''<' l'\'t'ulo to <;et up n
r!Bim to hnre in the di>tribution nf the conquered
countri<"'- lie who was UJlllhle to go\'cm hb nctun.l
P'l"""""inn \\'118 desirous of adding to tlil'm, and of
cxttndin,ll' moro 'l"idely the wrotcb('l(nc.- which over-
tht' dominions which nlrcnlyul'lmowledgcd ll!l tlll'ir mnstel'. This wiU not nppenr Vl'ry
e.rtraordinnry. Ambition S<'4'ko itR gmtincation. fnr
more ('Ommonly. in subjcctinl!' tc.rritorie:o
to the miscri,-. of n bad I!O'emment, than in be-
!'towing "ithin JWTOWer limits the blc<:sings of
ordt'r, nnd scenrit). The hnppinC"'' of tbe
go,cmcl cnuors not into thu Cnlculations of grasp-
ing But the tvM<>nublcnc.;." nnd de--
ct'nry of lhl' r!'I)UC!<t of tho l'lohoh nt the time
when it wM Jlrl'(t>l'l'C<i wrru l'min!'nlly illuotrated by
\'IlL. Ill.
CUAP. xvt. lbo fnct, that within the re<'ll8!K'II nf Ht'rlngnpntmn.
OJICUI.'d tn tbt vit\1 of c.unqllf't01'8 by the SUt'Ct'M
whkb attcwh.tltbt'ir c.ffnrt., wus fonnl c,idcnre mm.t
:oali>ofacturlly corn kring 'in bob Omtlut-nl-Ommb
anti fatltel', :Mnhnntct Ali, of hnviu, ptmdiomly
violl!.ttl their engng.mMlll with tho Drlthlt govrm-
mcut by intriguing '1\ith Tippoo Ruttan agn.iust thnt
power. Tbi-. evidcnc.-c was coni.Airwd in a rolu-
minOWI l'<lrm,-ponINtC:C b<otween TipJIO() DDd t'flo of
hiR vnkt .... l!l. uamecl Gboll!.um Ali Khan and IW7.n
Ali Khnu, who :lffOrnpnnil>d the hu,tng<"' to MadMIH
at the do..o of the wnr undertaken by Lord Com-
'1\'11] li '
T110 subject 'il'l!.ii taken up 11000 after tltC
arrlvnl .. r the vak('tIJ al Madm. Ju nn c.'8rly
Jetter limy gn.vt mn..ter llll IIC't'llllllt of lUI
inunic.w which luul lnkm plnec !Jctwrtu tlu'
Nabob, .\:\hornet Ali, the two prineuc, and tht!m
On that Oc.'t'IL.ion the !\aboh ....._.. repre-
5eut<'tl not only to June profeed thr wflmh.o:t nt-
tachment to Tipp<Jo, which might have bl'ell tlw
effect of hollow courtcli), but to lrn,c.
th war then just concluded, and to ha,-e decll\t\'1
that it bad been uruhrtaken by tbc allied JlO" ""'
fol' tbo subversion of tbc Mnhametan rcligino. Thi'
ebnrgu Will! not very probublc, seeing thnt the Xiznm
n J>lll'ty to lh<' wnr; but whilo it rcould not fnil
to ))(' a,-eeable to Tiprono by him to regard
himself a martyr in the canae uf t be prupbet. it
also gratified the mnlilflUUlt feelings which Maht>-
mPt Ali hrul lonj!' t>nhrtainoo tnWilnl Brl tih
liRITISU IN l['flJio\. 131
prntectoN. 'fill pml-. of Tipp<>O Wnl! euiJillll't'tl by (II AI' X\'1.
tnot:rn:;ting IVith hi' t'Undoct tlmt of t hl' l\ i<3Dl.
'' ht!Se futurl' fl'tcibnLiou filr nicling in lhr tlltnu:-
tinu of ltligion "11" lnrklv sluulowcd forth. Ac-
cording In tbP vakNI-, .MAhonwl Ali did not t'ton6ne
bimsttlf lu gtncrnl CXprt""'ions mpathy with the
Sultnn ru1rl t'llll!lo. At the nutl tbe bu.t mc-cL-
inl!" be C); tr..,.,;cd the mo-t \\ioht.,. fcor thr
c-tabli.slmwnt or relations of frientl!bi(' ruul h:mnonr
betwetll himelf anti 'fipp<>O, 1111 tLt! gmnucl nf t'om-
mllllity of noligiou huliPf, nnol with n vit'W t" tin
tnaintmruw of tbt lioitb of llahonlf'l. Ti)'l'"" a.q
mny be fiUJ'Jon>e<l "11>' ('1..-..1 with the-e manirrta-
tinM, nntl dll'l.>ct.ed hi to gi:w thom all
cucoura,""ml'IJt; and in two lttlen<, whitl <onlf>
rnontlt. latlr be l"l.'!ipl'<'tiwly to 'tnbomel
Ali lllld Omunt-nl-Omrnb, he professed thl' moot
entire eonlltlcnt:t; in their llXIlrtions in lbo cnnunon

These di"C<<UB.'" lllld commuDit':ltinns wnultl hi
to l"<lnLliBlt tlw !;tntc of fccling with bid1
the Nuhoh IUld ,nn regnnltd thu :trion Jl!lrtiN
e<>nrenwtl in tlw...,.,. ,.;,h Til'l'""; hut th) might
hnve IK'tn nntlling mnn ll1l1D thr 1nr
flO!!ole!ia ovtrllmvinl!" of nnrontnllnblt nol
the nets of the n. .. prince< CO!Tt"fK>IIdecl wilb thl!ir
pn>r.,.-um.-. )[abomtl .tii nmint:ained so.'C"'' enW!-
Mrics in B<:ognl. to cullcet infurruntiuo f<>r bi woe.
From l'ei'SODH hr ll1ll11Ctl tlu1L tbe Britih ret!i-
clent ai l 'oooah hwl RJpri%1.'11 hi that
Tlppon wt111 intri!!Uin.r ,.ith the TJ,j,
liiNI<OitV OP ntll
tHo\,VI. artidc of int<'lligenrc Willi duly commnnit-atcd tn 11111'
of the Take<> of Accompnnied h) a fril'tnlly
intimation of the nf tbe e<>une wbirh hi..
lllll!llOr wM pnntulng, nnl on urgent nchnooition tn
di;;wJtioue it until a more lil\'l>ll.rllblc lime, "hicb
W8!' judged D'll to lJO far dinant. Lonl Com,.alli:<.
it \liM rcpn."'l'ltted, ,.onld aoon go to Enmpl!, tho
ba.tage princes wnolol rdum to thcir father. awltb<'
I"'Y""'nl of Tippoo woulcl I.e !'tlmpll' w Ano'l'
bis lord!.hi]1'6 olrp:utnrt, tbe lictnidntion of tbt> kits
:md ntlwr point, Yhnte,er" mit:hl be "Ju. bigh-
j>leastlrt," would, it Willi cleclartd, right
nod proper." It ill to nscrioo tbiR ad't'\re
to any frienlly feeling towards tbe llritih govern-
ment. It is true, that it ...-n de:!irahl() for thnt go-
vcnomcot that iotrignl'!! hould he dcfl!at('t(;
but tho communication to that princ of the
thnt his opon1tions wtro known lllld ollt-Crved could
only baTe tho clfc.'Ct of putting him on his
and inducing him not to relincJnih his but to
postpone thtitlxecntiun till n more conwoic:mt time.
Such. indee.l, is the tone of tht ;:\abob'q ad,ice. He
did not tell his friend that be ,.a@ doing wrong in in-
triguing ngairut the Drililill government, but that he
'1"11>! incurring clanger. llis language j, uot-rolin-
quil!h altogathur your at Pounah; but, defer
them till the man by whom )"U have been \'811-
4 J, n the rountry. till tho 1-:0gli8b ban
lx:CJI (n)Jec) into C!Uic"'''t.'OL"C by the JiCJUidatiOII uf
their p<'I!Wii&ry Claim!', tiJiyour IOIIll arc nUl of thl'ir
pow,r, and thtu takl' your own cour.e. W ('II dicl
ni!J:rtSII EIIII'IR: Ill INDfA, J:J3
tba Nabub know \\'hat that COUl'lill \\Ould be, and CILU'.llVJ.
t'OJ"tliaUy did be appro"' it.
Thill'""' not the only iostauce in whirh the NAbob
gave tbe Soltau and advice. He rom-
muoieated to bim tilL' intended lll81'C."b of Britloh
troope apinst Ponolleb<>rry, on tlro eommrmcemeot
ot war between tbt English and tho French. IUid
WllniN the Sultan to be ('antiowl u to the manner
in "hidt he t'll!Ticd on hi intercoui'IO with the
latter JICOJ>It>-oot to dirocontioue it, hat to aYUid
oommunicatl0111 there being no objec:tlnn,
u tho Nabob 18 reported to lumt l&a&ed. to 1-'-1
in - oC net.-lty. All the Na-
bob b.d be&>re eautioneol Ti1poo ngaiDit OODDl'Ct-
lng bimself with be now
the friendly office with regard to tlw
tncmics of th<.> English. W the Nnhob
eio lbnt ron,ultatio!lll with the frt>o<"h
wool I cau-e harlll to hi Engl:iJoh ally? Ilu knr:>w
it, under the tircumHtnnccs, to ll<' impt""'iblt. It.,....
for the &afety of Tippt..-it was tn pre1'{!Dt hili I'"'"'
maturely ruking Ute \'tmgeance of Britioh go-
Yemment that lbc admonition wu gi"ren. To Tip-
poo be looked u tho elder IAlpport of a future gmat
.MIIhnmetan t'onfederacy to driw tho tilnwgan
from lnclin, and be feared that the of tbil
magnifict-nt piau might be todangered by the im-
prndonoo of the penon who wu. at a proper 1 a 1 110,
to llllllenake iw Jll&ll&l!l!llleL
To a ee1ta1a extent tbe e\'lclenoe or &be csrhnlul
lal aaa111110 llllft'ied on by Mu-.t AH ... hi8 1011
1118TIIIl\ Of TUE
liiAP.J.\ 1 with Tii'J'OO Sultan oloJM!tUI on the ercdibllit) of
Tippoo's l"aket-1: ch,y mij.'ht invent, or they might
The bol C\'ef. of tJ, hn
ing had rt!CClUI"'' to Pithrr mocle of deecptiou np(llil'll
only to tbe geneml exprt.,.ious of nllri
buh-d by them to tho N11boh-tbe u1nro material
parts of tho evidence an unaft'ec.-tt,.J. In nppriainj.'
TipJ""' that hi intrigues Ill Poooa were known to
tbc Driti.<ill GO\ ernrucnt-in u11iorming him of tlw
mt'llit.ated lltt<mpt of !Itt upon Pondiclterry,
j, it t'Oncchable if tluy were not iudebtc!d to tht
Nabob for the whieh they comruuui-
<'llrocl, they sbouhl, for un IIJI(lnrent putj>l!!<, haYti
.._.;ven him a tl<'j.'rt.'t' nf te.clit which they migl1t '"""
lnimed for their owu "ltrines.' n11<l acth it) I Wuul<l
the! not IK'l'n glaul to have addl'<i to their
claim.! upon tho :-:ultnn' f11mur, by him
how :waloul) they "aubed owr IW, inten"'t. anol
what rulmimblc mt'lln they o(
llNjUnintl>d 'l'itb the I'OIIII"''JK of his ('tli.'IJl.ilS 1 Tilt'
inlll)('l'uce of till) nuol his SCln, tbcreliu'\', tnn-
lllll llf' inlilrrcd, without c.n.'llil to wtcmn
oliplomntists. IUH] thoc nri<>ntru diJ.oloiiUltkt, lir 11
cll'gTE'e nf di"lt'ganl to tbrir O\VD repullltion nnl iu-
trrt.'fOt. as extraortlinary a it would be dcmid .. r
ruotil'e or r:ttinnal l'Od. lf tlJC of
tho '":&keel>. Dl to tho of tho ill tbeee
cmnmunieation.. "Wl' fitl.c>, thdr "'mll
lw- too ab>-unl for crit icim nr
Thvre i< tbUJI IICI nnsnnnhlc mocle of tho
<"Onrlu,.;i.,u. tbat tbL muro im(urtnnt ("'rtinu,. nf lh<'
JIJllTillll liP1118 J!'l ISDIA. 135
n.porU of the ftlcecls to their'r Wtre tnu. Cll.\1'. x"'
arul those clearly cstnblish the b06tile
inJlS of ilil.' Xabob towards tb.- Englib. h shnuld
bo remcombt.n.>d, that by the tTCI!.ty lx--
t woon the English aJid thnt prinet', bt> Wl&!' n.-strainl'<l
from carrying on any negotintioo or corl'l"'Jl>ndeucc
,.;th auy sta!t>, Europcun or OAtiYt, witlmut tbe
culli'Cnt of tho Cnml'any. Hi iutcrron,..., with
Tippnn. wbalcYer ib aim or nature, wu con.'!l'-
'l"cntly n lmaeb of his off,noo
gl't'fttly aggt1>\nt.:d lty itt ub,; bootile tcodeot<y.
1'o flll'ilitatc thu )IIUJ"l''Cli of thil; unlnful corm-
a cipher of name wu prtJIIU'l"d. the
to which ., fonncl in 8ringnpntnm. Tli paper
11_, to hn\e l"'n drt'\fll "I' lty Omclut-ni-Omnb,
"'h" during the lift of bis fnthcr wns dC<'ply tn-
, in thl.' intrigue with TiJI""'- and wbn :.e<:m'
tu lww rontinucd nftcr the clcalb of ltis pnrot to
for um time his illidt int.ereoursc with
tltnt prince.
Tbt di><:<nry of the dnt'mnmtc rtlating to tbC!!f.>
tnuuladioms Uj.'f;l"'l.tod tlw prnprict) of
ig to hwithlt. thcld by lUI tlXIWiin:ltion or ... m .... of
tbu nf Tippoo. Among till""! "'''re tlJI.'
t\\O vahoc!t<. wlwo;c tcmpnmry at -'faclru
bad allhrded opportunity fc1r optuing n cflm'lij1<11111-
Tippoo lllll liahnml't .\ li. Tbe dutr
. r conolurting the tliAminalion WliS cnti'Uiitt"l to twu
tl<JIIl:ril:nced ""f\l&tll or tlw Cum(IAIIy, .\fr. "'ebbc
anl Colonl'l Clnse. Ghnlaum Ali Khan tndt'llri>unol
to cv:ulc the tobjet'b nf th<' inc1uiry, I
ltlliTOltY 01' Tllll
CHAP xn. bn.w fallen into a f dotnge ruul imloecility. Ali
Reza Klw.u was more cnnilid nml commuoicathe, but
little of imponnnoo Wlll! elicited. 1t wns l"pl'e!!Df<)ll,
Jwwever, thnt a between tho two
hod been Olli! of the subjectll of negotiation ; Md
tho ''nkcels endeovoured to show thnt ull the secret
commuoicatiom which bad tuktm Jllncu .rcltlted to
this But they illd not ngree llq to tho
purty fro01 whoUI the overture came; nnd if such
:m engngePlent really formed u suujcct uf discussiun,
it Wll8 certainly not the only one, nor Wll1! it of such
n nntnre 3S to require the protection of a
ci Jbcr, whicb cljJhcr, loo, wns oln;ously fmmcd for
npplication to politi('lll purposes. Furtl1er, if the
11\'erture, IL one of the ''llkeels nffirmed, mme from
Arcot, tho desire there nuwifeeted to form nn nlli-
IIDCe with the litter nml implurobk L'llcmy nf tho
English conJd onJy be regarded as nn a.dditionul
(lvitlence of hostility tt thnt ]ll)<Jp]e.
The innJStigntion of tho evidence of the Nn-
bob'o lreoeheiJ' required time ; nnd, when comJ1lcll'd,
rt wns obnonsly desi:ru!Jlc, in a matter so delicnto
nnd 1!0 Jiublo to Ioi8representntiou, to avoid ru:ting
without due delilwmtion and 11 full cowidetntion of
colL<eqnences. There were also motives connected
witlt 3 penrling negoti11tiou with thi> Niz:un for
A.D. tsol. some deluy. At length, on the 28th lia.y, lt;OI,
th& Mnrqois Wellesh.y uddre;;sed to thL gnvemor of
Fort St. Goorge, Lord Clive, 3 despatch. commu-
Son or Lhr cli.tingu11hod (ouader of Lhe Aaglo-lndbm em-
Dieatiag bill detorminat.ioo u to the llnallldJIM NAt CIIAP. DL
of tho allilin of tho Camatk. It wu eleu-, that If -
tho pcrfidy of Mahomet AJi bad '-o dilaln!l'l!d
during bill life, &be Brltilla woald haft
'-o jttilleol ia iDllie&iBg punilbmeot OD it. trea-
cN- dep- dent, IIDd J'I'OTiding for itllelf
Omdat-ai-Oaarab bad, OD tbo palt or bil &tber,
3 .... ted the treaty with Lord ConnraiJil: ..
bad also been confederate with bill &&her Ia tlla
ml"hiniona euried on apiDJt bil Qddlb .U,.
Omclut-ui-Omrah ...., iDdeed, illllm&laJlr a..-,
to the trea&y; fbr k ll!Ca:od lo JUI th dJIIt ef
........ - 41DI' .............
... wlllelt ll't Md to &be rip& ol bill &&laer. Tile
a-&y bad '-n Tiolated by Mahomet AJi-lt bad
J-n nolated by Omdut-ul.Omrab both before tho
cll'llth of lti3 father and to tbat UYODL
No cuofidenre t-ould be repo!!E'd in one who bad
aJfurcl<od 110 many proof of boortillty and tre.clll!ry-
DO afety could be eusured without the anoibiJatioo
ol bill power. The Drit.Dh goTernrneol, by
tbe 8Ct8 of the other eontneting pu1is froiD tile
obliptioal or Lord Corowallil' trea&y, wu boiUicl
to look 101eJy to itl OWB deli- IIJid _,jty. Jt
bad, by the de&wlt of the Nabob aacl hla &tber,
I"IJ aired a elear to eetabli..b any sywtem lor
the administration of the ei>il and military JO-
meDt of the Camatlc wbieb might ..,._.- .a_...:
.U tile impediment. wbieb IIlii*" lor the ......
&eliDp of the Nabob bad 1 1 to
improTI.'IIII.'IIt bad ftllillhod befin ... U a,...-
HtiTOil1' OF nJE
nuP.J.n. uuule at Seringapatam. How Will the
thtUJ pbwcd in Utl' luuulll of tbt CmnJIIIDy'a gu>ern-
mcul to be oxerebcd ? Exj>Cricnre had but roo
w.,!) pro>t'<l that power iu tlto bane! of the Nabob
Will but an engine of It had
L..otn eDt)loyecl by him to tho dttrimcnt of the
Cumpnny, of hiA ptoople, and of hlm ... lf. Jw.tire to
tbt tinct, charity tu tiiJ' two latter, alikt:
thnt thl' Nnt..ob shoulcl be divclltt.-d of the authority
which. il the futnn: were to bo judg....J by the put.
bt wouhl be certain to ahusc. The I(OVcmor-tzcueral
dl"t"idecl thnt the Company sbould o.-rumo tim go-
\'trnmcmt of the Co:ruatic, ruul tllllt the :.\'nhob
hhunld ),.,...,men stipt.'DdilllJ U)MID its rewnul.'l'. He
could uut doO('idt> utheni"t', "itltout betmying tbc
interests "hirh he wns 8\lom tn prHII't.'!.

'l'he clet<patcll addl't$C<l by tbc Mtuqnis W cUc.;ly
111 L<on) CliTc wns nccompiUlit<l by 11 lett<r tu Om-
olut-ul-Ommh ..-bidt. nftrr adverting l<1 the lung
>ttf>CI.I!iiuu of nil communicatiuu on the pnrt of tbt
gro\ t'm<t-gt!UNal '" yoncl tho tnUJ.MIIi<;>inn of t>nli-
nnr) compliuwnts, explained tlte t.'all>e to oo tuc
di.....,n1ri111 macle nt &.>rinppntnnt, nnd Nf1rrccl tho
Nalb to Lnnl Cihe for infonlUlti(>ll ns 111 tht llpa
nl.<tut tu Le taken in COIIl;()<JIICDru nf tl1ose cli.'l'o-
verics. of humanity prewntcd tbi letter
from the Nnboh. On itB 1111'ivul at llaulrae
the princo 'II'U undrr mnrtal ditlealiP; md
from nn liJ>pn>hcll."in that the I'Ommunication mif'bt
),j, nmJIaint nrul D<'n'lenatc il.ll fatal tr-
minatic>Jt, nil .,f tbt: iutntiou.. t>f th
BvnsH aii'Ja IJf IIQ)Ll.
BrftWa gotEIDUkfDt - wilhbeld. Bat I& .... CUP. 1m.
lllldentood tJ.& - _ ..... ot .. &uaily w -
lllbudueed -- .. iaiO &lie peiMe. with tile
Yiew ot ldftlll!llrr thalr cnm ol!feota Oil tbe -...
- ar deatfa ,m-. iiDO&......, .._.
Chit Ia 1Utwpeditiut to d-,.tclla putyottlle
0 J 7" boopiiO Clllce po 'aa ot abe P' 'p;l
p6uway. This ... etrected witlioat 1 '-;ad
It being explained to Omcfa&.ai.Oauafl IW ...
object of the ---.t - die pi a Iii fill
order, he - ,... ICIJ :1 I Oa .......
.. ..., be .... .. w ...... 011' dQ ,. oLD. Jill,
aw.,,. Hlietter '
.-"1 ...... ot tile Nabob' oiiL It
- lilllted that the! Nabob had left a will, but -
difJi'Uity wu rai!led in th -1 of prodoeiug it.
The British deJIUtiCM. bnwe\'<'1'. hll!isting on 118 beilsg
brought forwanl. jt w1110 at lenjtth exhibitLod. On
IK>ing read. it W. Omdut-ul-Omrah t.d
appolntl'CI a reputed 1011, kuoW'D u AU H-m, to
_.him In &lie P' 1 oa of all hla ript.. .-.
.... auc1 property, lncludillg the goOI'IIIIM!Dt or
die Cuuatlc. The Brltlab theu ft<jill!lled
a prlvae aade.- with ,_ ..-lldaitlal U...
who atuocl hip In tile -'ideuco of &lie late Naholt.
and who were uomled iu W. will u -.1.;.. ot
his hcir in the administration of, To .._
funetlonariH tho di!putlea lltated the IUI&ilrO of ...
dilco'feril!l at 8eriDppaa.a. Tile .......
-- the! MIIUIIUDieotina wl&h - II I ot
.... ...,..-. aad I!Ddea-.M 10 t I ...,
can. xvt. e'l'idenee on whit'h the charges agaiult the lata
Nabob and his father rcst<.>d. The profcttlions
of frifludshit for Tipl'oo weru declared ont to ,_
tho bounds of onlinary c:h ility. 'l'hc t'ipber olfcre.t
great4'r diffienlty; and the khans lmd no
exCUIIO to bring fonrard than the wry probable
BUggcstion that the J"lpel' containing the key had
been plAced in lhc atclrivCB of Tippoo by some
enemy of Omclut-ui-Omrnh, with tho view of preju-
dicing iliat prince in the .. tiruation of the Dritiala
l'hr of the IJillllS was ob'l'iou.Jy to obtain
a proti'IIA!tell cliscu.>ioo of tho question, in tbc hope
tbat !IDDif' favourat.J,, chance might <n.<perul tlu:
I'Ctientrneut of the IJO''enmwnt. Willi
8<"'!D and fl'\ltitralt:d by the tkoputit'll, w bo, aftt:or re-
ferring to the intention entc>rtninecl of clenwuling
from Omolut-ui-Omnah sat.iafactiun and llCCilrity,
nod cxplniuing why it btul not previoUBiy l!e('ll
acted DJ>on, demanded to know 11hethcr tbu khans,
on tho pnrt of ll1u reputed eon of the dcecasccl Na
bob, wen.: di-Jl<>"d tt.o an adjusbm:nt of tho
of l110 Dritish government by :ua nmicnble negotia-
tion. They atlllwen.<d by making almntlnut pro-
fllliblous of I'C!'JK'Ct for the DritiW goverom!ut, llt:-
dMiog the fnmily of Omdut-ol-Omnah dependent
on its Jlroleetion, and dwelling on the impcaaibility
of their norting to llllY other than Dmicable meaDfl
ofslltllcmcnt; but a\oiolecl any clirecliUUIWt'l' to tho
l!tll'fOtion J't'OJ'O!K'<I to tbem. The clay 111 now con-
,jo,krubly odvaoccd, :wd the IJwlll heartily tired or
i 'Hdnl

f I f. f f f f l f . ;; f t
1-al t J.'

l I! lllJI!f

tHAI'. xn. their with au intimation that, at tht timt
th.-y ohout.l ''"J'C"'l a clthmtinate BM'IItr.
The answr giwn nt the l'Wining rnl't!ling wn.
DOt llll<'h 1111 tlt'tutit:s hrul re1nireol-a dmple
llt'!CX'f'l&Dce or n:jcction of the prnposal 111.1111<' hy the
f)ritbili govcntml!llt. The khnllll shtted thnt tho
entire fnmily of the lah Nabob. 1111 well a. hi5 minil\-
leN, having OC't'o ae>'('mhled to CCIII!Iider the pm-
J...t. the n..qtJt of their 'll1llo, II COIIvir-
tioo that, notwitlu!tnnoling thl ltcided lnnguagc
in which it was submitttol. the Britih govl'mmmt
wnuW be to MD"CDI to a mo.lifi..,.tion vf
the ti.'DDA l'l'tjUirod for its t-eCUrity in the Cnntntic;
and they nrcordingly prn<luced n nmttcr-INlf"J;;ttl.
which tly olcsired might be tnm-111itted In Lon!
Clive. The clf'puties reiterated the asmnm<'c whi<"h
tbry bad alntuly givon, thnt tlu.y hnl full p<>W<'r uf
rejfoeting any I'"'IIO!IIIJ inroosiot('nt with tbu prin-
ciple laid down by them 11. tho bet!>- of
uolj!IStDlPnt, nnd that no Hthl'l' roulol be ndmittecl.
'flwy wurnl'ol the khnnM of the t'Oll"<''tncnc"" wliclt
mut follow the rojectiou of their plan; nnJ finnlly
intimatt>d tbnt, in a quCMtion whic-h relatt'tl c;o;<'lo-
to tbl interc.ot!l or the late 1\nbob's 1'\'I!Utf'd
sou, they wtrc of receiving from bim .. lf
lh<' IIIISWI!r which 'II'M to dell.' hi. futuro llitua-
tion. Th" khans grt'llt dislike to thil!
propoea.l. Tht'Y 118 objectiollll tbc youth of
tbl.' hl' WM nearly eighteen J'CIU'II o(
inexrl(rienee, thl' fuar of his mothn, and
tiN! ft'fi'nt oi('I'UJTe.nro nf fathrr'8 death. But

.. ttl lr; !rt r1 Oq >f
r as
I H"'! It lr H f l! ! I! 'i m f f f f . . ai ;
e. .. ;... r .. .s-= ;:j
r J
1r i tr - I ! w l J . i [ 1 =
i!1' ! f, -s- tl
i "l r 1 1 l r- i 2. r ,,, r I a. I f r f 1
tr !,[{ c

l H
lliB'I'OR Y nF TJ1Y.
CHAP. xvt. one. It is int"l'lliUMld til the highest degree when it is
J'('OOilected that it i9 the of Arcot. where in
triguo and e!l}lionngc hnd long been eaniod to IUl
extent which, if in those ar!R <'fmrtrrc<l
IUl honoumblc distinction, might shame hy itA tx-
aDIJIIe eTery court with w hida it could l.k bn>ught
into comparison.
At the 41'P"intcd time the British d'putil'll n:-
pllired to the pnln.e', nnl hclng: lim introdu{'('<l to tho
!.han,., they demandcl of tbo..e offieel'!l wh11ther fur
lhN ronidemtinn hncl wrought lillY chango iu thl'ir
ll('otimcnts. They thnt it wUB not tho
intl'lltiou of Ali Ilut-'K'in to recede from the tPnnl
or the project 1'1'\."'l'llted at the pre,ioUl! in-
terview. The heir thrn rntred, in with
the nmUtgement rnale Hll hhc belaalf. and. iu noply to
a question from the dtJ>Utie;;, dedared that he con
idered the khans to ba,o lx>t>n appoint<'<! hy lais
father faT the pDrJ'OII(' or ll<;Siting him. and that tllll
nhjt-ct of his own ml8 not ropn.rntel from
theil'!l. Tho dl!putiL'\1 thMoupon rondo 11 comnauni
cntion, which they had lll'<'n irurtrocted to d!'livcr, of
tho of Lord Clive to holtl n pen;onnl cou-
f.:renre with Ali ITus<'in provio115ly to canring
into eft"ect the mt'LCUI'I'II io contemplation.
took the ldaa.n:> by and appeared greatly to
alnnn them. Yariolll mO<Ies of the pro-
posro conference n'f!Orted to ; the dll'utillll
inRiRting lhnt the governor's orders admitted no cx-
CWlC or delny, the khans retired to make preparo.tions,
and Ali Hussein took ahautal(l! of their al>'il'nCo to
of this aYOWal, the
eatire 10batanre of the ronl'ereoCUI ,....l't'ellpitulated
to Ali lll&cin. the proofs of tho violation of the
eDpgftlleDbi of tho late Nabob with the Britiah go-
'fft'llllltlllt were distinctly tiD1IJIIel'ated 111111 the edeDt
of tba -.ulfiT ftliJahl 11r the latter -
pie' erL AI Rasa lti tt.l d a II red "'" elf wiDIIiir
............... JIICI!IIBI: lllllafteriOIDeeob'-
; r 'L :talietm'
p.lll!iW a ...,.lilllil.tfMJpNpMIJ. Mlug ...
oltll .... 'lwdlilllty In the
.-1)' to
CJr""'lrithoat the ...... , ftldle ..... .&lllliltiiMQ
.... eoJiferllaee wiD6Ia- ........

ffi!IT'ORY OF TilE
, IIAP. xv1. ing; bot a change had ra-1 n1't!r hiA mind, and he
announced. thnt u the two khAn8 hat! been PJIIint,.J
bY hi will to wit hilt rouncil11, ho roulol
ndopt n line of incont'istcnt with tluir
advicl', nud that uo furtlwr intenil'\1'
with the Willi nct'l-ry. He mut llrJ:C<I.
notwithmulding bhi uc..- determination. tu lite
AJJ>Ointment wW<"h hnl been matll'. llJid h ron
M!lllt."l The tunft!lnu;o with Lord Clive, lilw thl'
fconnl'r, tOOk witbnut tbc pm!i!DOO o( tbt
l..lum., ; hut Ali Jl ""'''in nmintni111l thc llllDie t<Jm
which ht11l mnrk!'<l pnviottS to
I h llling l'I'I'JIIi:lt'd tu
nnti .. n. h sail lhnt lu \I WI nwarc tllll! tim &<uti
m<ots wbicb be nnw <'XJ>I'l'SIR") clilfe,..... <'lltinly fnm
thOI!C which he bad avow-ed nn the prceetling
but that the chaugc '11'1111 the I'CI!Uit of rcllecti<ln :
thnt the whole fnmily h01l ll('('n assembled to deJi-
IK'mte on his nlfnir;-thnt ht had. in t'On.ii"<JU<.r!CC,
j.,htn the 1111 hject l:tttr cun.i<lcmtion. n111l tlmt b.,
nnw col1!li<lcn>d it to h1 tolltlly incompnt ihl1 with
interest nnd hi, honour tn acrede to the JIN">J">AAI
It which be had J'rt''iouly !(hen hh! ruu..,.nt. 11.-
Wll!; rtrninkl Clf ntlmi inn that the kbnns
l'm<"til;cd dl!l'eftion nn ltim-t.bc nf
pc..,.itiog in hia uc" t'ttUI"'C were JIOiot<-d out, 1111<1
u.""nrnn<'CS were J,>iwn of pn>t<ction from any irunalt
ur that hu from an a<lht'-
nmrc to fnmt('r dcdinn : but all thl'l!l! tltJ1it'8 "tn
urj.,'l'd in min. A .,., then intimat.-1 tn
Ali Jlu."-"-'in thut lm had been l'IH:<tUI'IIj:!t.l ltv iute-
BlllTUR ltln'IU "' nrDIA. Iff
Nlllld JII!IIOM to adopt tbe &tal Nane oo which he ea.u. xn.
l.d eoterod *bt tbelr tepa eutatlom bad iDclueed
him to djsbel-.. t1ae meriOII fll Olden 6um aile
-tiD& the popcwl wbleb ...
beea .... to ..... IJIId ., --1111 ,... -
""'' I It W--.lll'pd. Be Mllmi&ted .._ be W
... If I'm 1111 ca tbe -'!Ia at. bat ....... *'he
.. ,, I II II ..,. 11111 u I .... fll ... I at ...
,, ...
I&,_, tin he, 1' '"\
tiJiP;'Mi .. JWIIII to tire mtereetod pet IIIII W rete.-
thole who held tuocaa and other alaima 1111
tbe Camatie k>rritory. TheRe Jl'!1'10111 bad 11tnmJ
mothe1 for oPJXWIIg tbt> aettlement ol the IIIIU .. fll
the eoantry In tire way pro.,_.t, a In the lmlll& fll
ita War pJ.oed 1JIIder the -mal fll the c a : .,' ..W ..... DO llope fll tJac. +-
1&._ ....................... lfiiJ wfllllld
ds rp' 11 1 ,...,. CSJ 1 e lh t11at the)'
_.. .. I tl 'A ... die pa MDiiil\ ...
teft!lla ad h n :zr tbe Nabob's "family to ...
attaiD!!1811t of tbelr h!!malitte ww
wat metDt by a tbe p;blelplea of the p ._
lllhlded to .. IIIIi _, .. 4 ,, -
Blft'OilY or TB&
CRAP. XTL .... I ... I&IW Ill !!II pi 1 ........... the
.. , .. 5 I ptaa-- to diOI8 I I ..... ...
laetl painaip'lel by which too many ua pill I;
tb.e coampted onea whk!h hare 110metimee led-
Ia ebwerity and honesty to rerpctratc In tilt
belie( that they were f'ulftlllng the demruuls o( duty.
Tbe DieD relened to bed no - eWm to Jrin-
dple than ha-re the mlaor JMiditioren o( tbc a1111
o( uquisition by c.:bicane or Tiolmce on- 1llt'll
plkotl on a large ICill<' the wlaiell their
bumbler nro to follow ou alllll&ll
on1. Wil'<'ly nn<l honnnutly wns the youthful t'llll':
lidllte for tho muAnud nf Arcot wnmcd ngniruot
their maehiuatiolll!. 1\I<>Ht jutly Wllll it lnt.d t"
him. that the oppnwon of the Co.matic.:, with the
l'f'lll!llll body of Ju. fa&her'e erediton, would feel &II
iDtelat m pawadlnr him to ft!jeet the J11011Ca.1
whJt:b bed been made to him. and to eherilh a
that the mf'llllll'etl of tbe lueal g<>Yem-nt
would he di$lpprovcd in England and aevened by
tbe autboritit.'S tbere. Tho bi8tory of A root nt that
time nft'onlcd record of th1 suct'essfuJ prn<'tit'O of
t<imilar dt'IUllioM-uc('('o;o:fu] na to the pro-
piOI!C<I, thnt of enriching Dn('rineiplcd ndwnturel'll:
that period tbc prDClil't.' lwo not been totally
oliarontinued. and inlltnncl'S of more l'tlCleiR dale
might he quoted. In which the lnteree&a ol aa&iTO
priul'es baYe boon crifieed, that fol'tunft might he
accnmnlntcd bylltranl!lln. Agaimt the milchioYowt
cle>ptions heUevcd to be employed to mWNt him,
AU wu wvucd l'efaeatcdly though waavall-
BRITISH t:Ml'ml: fs INDIA.
149 "
ingly. lie nppriu.-d if be cnt<rtruul'd any liiAP. xu.
ltn(>O lhnt what might IJf' oluno by the j::'Owrnmcnt
of Fut Geor8" would oo undone by n uperior
authority, be himself. llc w1111 Uillurcd, not
ouJy that tho onJcrw of tho j11><Crru>ri!CII('ra) Wl'I'C
In carry into clli:d the plan wbiclllwl
been mlnnitted for I tiM coorurrcncc, but thnt the 8l11Dll
'lieq were cnterlain<-d by tb< gowrnmeut at blllllt,
and tl'iat.. all Cllf><!Ctntion of revision in
thnt IJUllrtl!"r mu.t IK vain. 101UI
that. <'<mid be mppoeod likely to lead tho lnl'atuatod
youth from tbe danger J>repuW lOr him by thole wbo
t'llllod tbellllclTell hit l'ricoia; bot all endearool!f
were Yaln. Aecortling In vii!Wlt, Ill' might IM
nogatdcd u flliecl tu n .. liuqukh nutk :md wcnlth with
all their nttmetion IWd on\o:Uience:-, fur tbt.> stlt
of pr<tn ing to omo Wltivto< tmoll'<(tmll)
wortlll!'\11 the m<>ruts of on!Jnlluwcd
--mt "hicb, ILftcr all, w&i! not nuniml. Tho
ronfM'llnC:<' rondu<ll'd on the part of Lurd Clh-o I)
rcpMCntiug to Ali II U>Scin lbnt no pain bnol been
pared to guanl him ugainst tim whido
be ,.. about tn incur; thtlt the uf bulD!IIlitJ
to11'!1nla him, and nf attention tn the honour of till'
Dritilt onmc. hue! bt'<!Jl satitlull: lbo1t in
,..,..;ety luul '-n detcnnine<l by him"'tr. nud that
bL fut uru ituation "uul<l bo that nf n )riTllle
liOn. n:gnrdcol n;; ItO!! tile to tlu inte>r<...U. aucl
dl'J"'tuh ut for sUf'f"'rt on the voluntlU)' bounty of
the Comf'QDY. Ali lliL...eiu lilltelll'<l to the go>('J'
nor" a-rUng a<ld"""' "ith coml>lliUn>, and r<tirtl
Jlllll'OKY or nu:
lW.V. :tV I, from the place nf audi- withoot oll'erlug any uh
eenation on it.
The endeavoul'l! whirh '"'n' mnck to t'rcnill!p()U
AU H11811ein to Rt'OOJII tho oiler of thl' Hritltb
government wl'ro Jlr!IIIIJIII'tl l>y n. ck'l'itl' to rorry
into effeet tbt "ish<'ll of Omdut-ui-Omroh. ,\ li
IIUIICin Wll!l the BOD of a woma.o of lnw ttntinn,
who cert.aiuly ne-rcr was the legal wife nf tho
ce:l""'l Nah<>b. Ito haol, howcYer, been recoPixcd
by him as his heir, and in deferell! to thlt re-
cngnition the Britih IJnY!'mmt>nL hnd to
ncknowledgp him. 'l'lw right to olemnnd frnm him
lh<' !<lllne rouditillns which it had been robnhotl In
clnim from Omdut-ui-Omrah <lOCi! not llolmlt tof
IJUC!IItion. That priur<' luul ll(ll'n E"ngaged in 11 &tric't
of intrigues directed against the fM>Wer to "bleb he
o'ft'd maintenance on the throne. It ,. ... jU811y
held that be had fnrf1itcd the rigbtll to 1tbirh
und .. r tnoaty be luul 111'<'11 I'D tit ll'd, so long 01 be
cunlinned to l'flf!l<'t'l the runditiOIDI nttarhl'l Ill
thf'm, and a ucw nrnmgvmont contomplntcd,
till' tompletion of whid1 Wll!< clt-ferred hy the dnn
st.1te of thu Nnhoh' hmlth. P-mg hy the
nhjl'!'tinn: that migM lit' lllken to .\Ji'a
titl\', on the grnund of illcogirimary-grn.nting that
hi father's 1lill eulitlcol him to the right or in-
liL"rilnnC(', it Is th11t hi' conld claim to
inlu,rit no mon tb11n his fitther bad the )"'""''' tu
tnnwy to him. llnol llmclnt-ui-Omrab nlt'Ovcnl
hi heolth. tbc Nllnt npn'l<'ntatiom wbirh "1\"('ftl
lu .\11 lln!;S('iu ""uld have ht'(:D mn<lc to
him, tltt 'nmo wnnltl lmvl' lcn "''lui red n,, our. :otVI,
cuutlitiou nf Ill ntaining tho mnk :uul titlt nf
I'lnloh, llll<l if 0Ja<lut-ul-llmrab ruut ba'"
IKNJ content to tit '!!l-en <I tn 11 pri>nt tnt inn. llrul
Ill' r<>JJ.'!('Utcd, hi hdr wuull lmvo IJL'<'D admitted tu
!olll'l't'<'tl llim on tloo "''IDil' ht'l)lS with hini!Cif-ha<l
lmnfU!;<.'fl, tloe "''" likt 1111' fathcr. "nnltl bnw lon
au u)JSetif':'
The lll'l'idl'utul JI<Wt}l<tlll'menl nf till' intendotl
uf tht> llritib ,.,crnml'ut, CIUJSC(l lo) tlw
illnt-s nf Orutlot-ul-Ommlo, <"<oultl mnkl' un clitf.,renM
in tho rightl Of all)" party. If U Ul'W IUTDIIjCefUt'lll
lutl Loeen ma<lt> tlnring the life uf Omdut-ui-Omral,
hi wnultl nut ha,u re\iwcl. iu fu\uUr uf hi
lieir, the right "('CUrt'<! by Lord Cnrnwa.lli&'.
unl it woulcl he nll'\ttrtl to mniutain thnt tht bumnnt
C"nniti(;J".ltiou of tlw Hritih guvenmwnt, iu nb!!tnln-
ing (rom pn.-;iug it )Ht ancl 1\'ll"'nnltlc
up1>11 11 clying mun, shoulll dcttriw them uf tit<
i"'""r of tlwm his
Ouulnt-ul-Orur.ili lmtl, iu<h .. ..t, J, ... u prt\ino:Jy tll
,t.ougtl in Utt<ltnuiniug tl"' llritilt inli'Tt'>ot, nnd Ali
II luul not: hut if tho 11Uthority f thl! btttr
migltt prtp<rly b.-n ouhjt"'lttl t" llUtitntious
tbC Jifo." nf fathl'r, (J.tre t'OUJ.I
lJc 110 UUlltic' in the E:UIIC lirnit:uiol"'
frmn the t.-rind of !llllur's di'Oth. Tht
wcro not imp<.'l!t'd: thl'y 'KCI't1
"'"'''""<try, M hnl hewn, to thu !I('('Urity
.,f tlto Dritbh ;;(0\cnnntut. nly "'""' further,..,_
rt'J!Mf} to the imprto\lnttnt <Jf tht ruuntry and thu
llllfTOilY OF TIIR
CIIAP. xn. of the people. On thl'Se groulltl!<, the
British gm ermnent lllld loug IJccn ll1lXiowl for
chnnge; tbly bud withbcl<l from making it
AAI!Iy from n regard to t]u) pn.'!lcnntion of good
faith. Thcy h:W now nn opportunity of
tbc ccuutry fnm -uitl10nt bringing Ally
hnpnhltinn Uf'Oll the nntinonl honrmr: nnd none
them for it, xeept tho.- who
Jreferred tht interet.!! of a knot of re<'IJc,.. US11rel"ft
to the hojpineo< 11f tho'e whtN industry Wll8 ex-
erted in dmwing fo:rtlJ the rich!'!! of tlu eurth.
The p<:tih:nt inOucoce which bad heen
l'Xcrtcd to counternC'I oil gool go,=ent in the
Cnmatic ww> in coden,ouring to JIDrtliJZC
tlw nrm of thl' British g<n>mrncnt when to
etrike nt the source& of uppn:'S"iun. The bore of
coul<l La>e h<lln but >runll, hut it \nLq re-
llllved tp ri8k tho cvtnt. Ali Jlu><<cin, like
father :wd gnudfutlr, wus urruunk'<l by nt(n in-
t.'11t only on their own admntag., hot liCCUOltnm:d
tn cloak their !'CI&b the of pro-
moting tbo honour o.nd iuhrecrt. of tht! prince. The
t"'unler prt".,llh-1 hy the Uums on njlcting
the O\'erturc of thc Dritisb gownuuent, wns ob
Yiow!ly not of A!!intio mnnnfnclun. It benr.o inclu-
hit.nhlc mllru of westcm origin. It wos
to the British deputiC>I (and tho fact is noticed in
tht>ir 1\'port), that it hac! tmnla.tcd from 1m
Enrapenn lnngDIIf!O; nllll no nne "'hn rend it in
It will bo b1l1d ia lhr Collmioa 1 n:
uu&ly rolinool "'

llRilllUI Elti'UU: IS llWIA. 153
English CtUJ clluht that it hill' IJtcu to tho CIIAr. xvn
nf donhlo tnmslation. Something more .,.,...
nuucifet!t on tho f!K'o of this JlnpN. Oreal cnro 1flll
tahn to r.xl.'lndc the cxccutinl in India
frmn any &bare In the 1114IUlg<'ml!llt of tho funds
allotted to the liquidation of tho consolidated debt.
of Mahomet Ali: it \\1110, therefore, to be legiti-
mately inferred that thlw who dn!w up tho proJect
Wt>re int<rc<;tetl in the propoeed exehuion. Into
tl10 htUJtl of lrucb pei'IOUJ barJ the youthful IIOD or
Omclut-ul-Omrah fallen. Tbroup similar
Malsomet Ali bad r-.J a life or mltery and cH.-
booour-bated by his 1ubjeett, diltnalted by his
alliel, ud tlattrred only by those ,. ho meant tu
prollt by his weaknes!<. son inheritcd his throno
and his incumbmuce11-his mshcrsal unpopularity
nne! his miscrnblt' fully: but hiij reign, llko thllt of
!Jj, father, was "rdeht'CI lA> himsdf, mi,;chic' nus to
his nncl U6rful 111 nont Nne whQtu it
...,.. infamy to st .. rve; but it wu far muro britf, IUld
with him the rnmpnnt n.oeencliL!lcy of usury and
extortion passed away.
Omdut-ul-Omrall to have left no leglti-
mato oiJi,pring; and it bad becr111etcmlinl'<l, "huuhl
hil teBtanumtary heir n:ie.-t the throne on tho rnodi-
iil'tl tcrnu; on which it wns in fntun to IK> bcld.
to t<ncler it to the a...-.ptanee nf .lzim-ul-D<twlah.
prin"l' wns the only lpgitimatc 81>0 of Arul!t'l'-
ul..Ummh, the fi('C'(IUd Jl()ll nf Malsomet All. Tbe
unlinary l'riuciples Qf would th01 bu
littlt vinlnttld ; aJIIl l'Xl'l'J'l with rcrerenre tu tht

tu.,r. xu. te!ltamelltary di.IJIOI!ition of tho throne by Ouulnt-
ui..Omrnh. they woultl not be violat.col at all. It
....., boweYer, in this l'AfiC far more euy to deter-
mine than ta mrry tho dctcnnlnnti"n into etft'Ct.
Azim-ul-Dowlah WM in tho l""''cr nf those who
,;upportro tho treteollioll!l of Jd;l C<lll!lin. Oppor-
tunity was 1011ght for making a. primte communi-
mtinn to bim: lmt 110 1trictly 'I"IUI be wntched. tluat
it \Olll found impnutit'ltblc. A negotiation might
hnw oc'l!n cumml'ncwcl openly; hut thill, there """
I'CII>onn to Oi'J'rl'ho:ud, mig-bt involve tho prin<-c in
till' fnll' wbirh iu th< t::a.t Sll nfieu nwrtAkl"!! tbcllltl
wlau njoy tlw clnngcaous cl.istinction nf nyal hirth
wit bunt tbe lllf'llfu> of !!f.lf-dl'fcm Before tbe tm-
tion of bow to e<DIIDnnicnW. \lith wao nhr.-1,
it Willi the riva.ltRrty wcru dispbl) iug
much aeti-rity, and no inconsiderable share of linda-
city. Tbe khallll privately, but formnlly, plaoocl
Ali Hu....ein m1 the mu.uod nf Arrot, oncl a tublie
tocnmnuy nf the lil.:e IUlturu "'''to take tlare wltL-
out tltloy. A f<Wlh nu inn-.titlll'l! wnultl bo thu
igual for chi! war, Lonl Clive felt it III'C<'S."lll)' lu
n'I!Ort to tn pro\'tnt it. The
nffic'tr I'Ommwuliug-tho UritM1 tlctaolurwnt in chargc
of tLc t>a!Ju gatt..-ay WI\.'< onlt're.l to talcc 1""'-
or tho l'utire oncl to remove tlKl
I,''Uilnl of thn lnte NniHch, who bad hitherto hoon
ouR\rool to continue at their poeU. TW.
tO\:c:u ... t, tbu cliflic.-ulty of communieating "ith
.him-ul-Dnwlnh wa.' a Jl&rl:f ul' tbc
CompnD) ,. being subottitutc-d nl the tlace
whirh be i11hnhite.l for tho uf the lalu l'\nl11th cnAI' . .xn.
n-un J'l'l'l;otLly tatinuod tlll'l'l'. The prinl'tJ
\\ll.q by the nnl ht, II)'
JICill'!! to hnvn bt.<!IJ not DJJtnixt'll with nlarm. It wna
cxplnincd to him that the ,.,b intended for
hi uwre <'lfll('toal pmtectiou, ntul hc wn. l!lltisfit'<l.
Although hr. Ntnll uot be &\\are of tht pn.'d8C nelll
of the Britih govtnlmt.>nt, lu. coull at lm.t placo
confidcnct In Its honour, 1111<1 hnvu felt l'ertAill
tlult 110 ebnngt> of inmhc him in grt.'lllt'r
oliUlglr thnn that wltith pn,iou.sly surroundetl him.
On the morning alter tho l'bange the prinro \\'U
,;,itcd by Culonel MacNeil, the offi<"Cr in command,
"''" lntirunhd that, if he folt any clt ... iro of retn.
lil!nllnl:' the il&tc of hi aflhir.o to tbl' llritih
mtllt, the llll'tlllil of oluing were now O)"'" to him
rlnnj!'l'r. Tim oll<r was embrace\!, ruul Azim
wa.. admitted to an inhrriew ,.;tu Lunl Cli,\!.
He IIJI)teaTcol tu entNtllin no nmbiFious dc.i!,''ILQ, ruul
be f'rnbe.IJiy <lid nut aotkipatc thl' J>O"ihility of hit
elt,ntiou trl the dignity whidt Ali IIU . .'<sein hBd
uonnC'\.'<1. eomJIIPined uf injurit-s n.nd hnrobbip,
of JKrwrty anl ineoO\ .-nitnC.--, anol'l with
gn'llt thn.t, in ony scttlcmt'ot thnt
be made of the afiGir!i of the C.1matir, hilt elainll!
might he eunsidm.l: but ho nppeared to limit IJU!
ln tho pm,i,;ioll nf mnn arcmn
m"hation fir bi, fumily. II ll'll.' M!ured that hi.
"lllt"< wouhl he reJ:'nrdtol, IUH! the t'<lnfuronC<l clll@ll
\l;tlwut lUI)' lntinmtinn tlJat l'XJ""'Iatlon wei'\
lii"'I.Y tn he l'XI'L'Coltl. ,\uutht!r iutcrn<'w took

rnt. Wllllbra aiJIM.
.... tiped. .., wblela 1lle
.... die c-,...,-..... ..
aM ... prewlowly cJetermiDed oa; a ,_._
- illaed by the pwruor of For& St. a-p.
tilrc bth die plllllda apoa which the Britilh ,.
..... , ........ .-ltlaladle ...,._eel &em-
:*;:;na::: :.
, tint' 7 h ..._ 111' 1w. pill a' !JUS
f 1 ,_ .. 'lfll- 8mplyjrMIIIMiD h1 "C
6e '17 1 a at die &o be "per1u1p1 die
.... w' .. ., ... wefal V IILU wJdch 11M '-a
1i ;1 II lliDee tile -.ailltioa of the de-1 at
..., ...
I' .... been that the DOC 7 -
- ... die .at'-t of the Camado,... ...
&r..a f11111 wid! a.., to die p1etiow 'zJIPf 1
ot - ''" ,_
am, willa e l ,.J,
n-llllled lata. ' hula tf rl i'U irJIII
tllat jill ............... 5 I I :! ., ' ... .
nnmsn m n;lltA. 1 fii
increllii4.' of the fot'<'C mnintmn<'l by the ut.IJ'. :nt.
Compnny for the <htencl of his uml the
)"IJ1ll!'nts nctnring un account of thl' whole \l<'l'l'
ommutcd for u. .. ignmtntij of terri!l>ry. Fur this
J1urposc tlw 1tholt.' uf th territory ne<Jui, hy thl!
N iznm under the t rtntU.s uf Rringnpntum and My-
WJI!I, by on nrticle nf the new tn .. ty.
rt'<l in \lt:'rpctuity to the Englih ; lJttt 118 nf the
<litrict l:1y inconwnitntly li>r O<'CUJ.Uion.
mndt by a sulii!Cqutnt nrtirle
fnr tho tx.clutnge of thotkl districts for others, whieh.
diUUJ:b of somewhat kM Tlllu<. wt-ro moro favour-
nhly llitunted with to Dritiloh
The Welli!til>y tbu_q 5l'("l]rol fnr eoun-
try the full h<ucfit of the cOII<JUc,;t of l!y,on,
thiq w;tbout invading U1!' just of the
nlly 'll"hu hnd t.nken 11:1.rt in the ciJnquc.t. A portiun
of th.- nequi,itious of that nlly was. it it! tru. no:>w
Knrrenclort.>d to the Englih. nml n further C('q-
of territory wa rondu in cxcl!nnge for the 1'('-
nlllinder; but for ruh:mt.ngc.. no ODJ!>lc equi-
val<'nl wns oflin'<l. in relitnng the fn>m till'
nb;idiary pnyment.J; to which hu rnu;;t otbcrwi"'l
lun bt.'('D liahlc. The !\iznm was thus ..Stmptl'<l
unt bum tbu uecr$<ity uf J'll),III'Dt, hut from
th lmr:L"ing which En.'tcnt prior"' ""wr
fail to when mont>y is ttl be dlbUJ"('fl.
Hi< I"'"l'le hnl Nil"'" tn 1't'j11ieo tlu1t excmc
fnr ..-xtortion wns rtmow<l, while till' inluabitnnt.Jo
u( the hlll still gn.'lll<r I.'&Wie for
liiR m!mlAY OF TUF.
!"II&P. xn. ron(!mtulation in tbt than!\'t' nf rulel'!!. To the
Ilritih the tn.'tlty J:ll"" for
thl! expell'll incurre<l uu of the Nilmm, llll
improTed fr<lntier, :u11l nil the Jower anol l'( .. pect
n.>sultiug from n consiohJ'IIhle exteuion of U'rritory.
,\11 p:uti(' ncre l><nefitcd, rutl thl' go\"<mor-
gonernl hnol the entifnrtirm of fo<'ling th11l, while
h<' wns the l""'itioll of W. uwu governnwnt
nmnog stak> of Inolin, he wns indire<"tly ('OD-
Iri buting to penco ll.lltl hnJrinL'l>i of oll1er. The
oun<e nntl connection nf public cv!'nts is tb" pro-
vinte Of hi>tory mthcr than the
of the acton> in them, yet it hu.q ever lotQn cs-
tol'tllnd ooc, nt of its secondory function!', to
c\loihit for ndmimtion nr for com the rcmnrknhle
uuits of ;:oo<l or of 1'\il manifcstcol hy th<ISC "Ito
hnv<' conspicui>W< plnct., ron tltc j,"l'''BL Jlogt'
uf humnn nllhlf". lf tbiK vii!W !Jc <orrect. it woull
be nnjun to pa.>.' nitbout notice one pnrt of
the t'Onduet of the )Jarqoi< in tht pro-
of thco n!'gotintiou with Llw Niznm. 1'hr re-
nt llytltmbtul. wull'r the inJiul.'nce of
7<-nl for tho cunclnsion of nn ammgcmcnt wbi<h bl?
IK'lived to he importllllt, hnd C.'(ft'<'<ll'll
his powers hy agreeing lo with to
tho c:ommutntiou of .ubsidinry payment.. by t<'rri-
torial <'eion, wbirh <lid not tlcarly dclino till' l'E'-
righb of thr> CompllliJ onol thn Nizum; nnd
h< boll to justify }lJ'tK'rt'<ling in a mnnncr
"hich. tbuu!lit not lllll<>OI! diplumn-
tits. .Ire" from tilu a !14'Vl'rt' c ur xvc.
renure. " Any in th<' grant. M writl'S
tho 'lnr<t W tllcsley, .. to rni!!l. a
doult of il peml&DeDt't', or tn limit the po"cr nf
tho CoiiiJlllny's intcrnnl govcmnwut of thc country.
or to fa -.our t.lw l\11UUJ1's llf l'('!iUIIlJllinu, \Onuld
Pvidcntly J>revent u from t'Onchuling way ll('ltlcment
worthy of our diJirol'ter. Clr ad\1Ultagt'ons to our in
tNf"'l"- In purngraph fuur of your of t.lw
2Gth of May, you Jllllinly tulmit that tho conrt of Hy-
nnclcntand the fourth and fifth uticn to
havolleCUnJd to the Nizam an arbitnuy right of re-
the districts l!llbat-qoently to tlae intended
and you etlllt'BTIIUr to remo..-e in-
l!DI'IIlonntahlt oltiet'lion to tho!<(> nrtiell hy ulloj{ing
your of th!'ir upo-ition to be di!T."nt
from that maintained by t.l>e Nit.ttm mul his
ter-. It is to me to he t-om1oelltd to nmnrk
tlmt your nrgunwnt in thiK paroj,'Til(>h is founcl<-d em
trinriJles inromJmtible with the mnintcnnncc of J>uh-
lie fnith, anol expiO<hcl by the \Oilldolll. ju.tire, uul in
tCjl'rity of the Ia" of natio1111- To intnxluC'e amhigu
OWl Jhi'IUICII into formal instmmenbr, designed to
eomtitute tho hui.R of tublic obligation ll<'hn-en
gn.'ftt &talct, i@ a pr&t"tire repugnant to JNIicy,
honour. ruul dignity of tho lJritisb 114tion. Tlw llf'r-
8)lienity nf our 6)'n..,.;iont in ull ad;! nf obligation
UJn our 11111 ionul fnith should he M u the
IRiperiority uf our (wtr." Sul'b YPre tho lofty ancl
gent'I'OWI princi)'ln! "hich then guided the adminis-
( XVI. ustioa or tha snrommi!Dt or Britiab India. Tho
immediately rollowing that whieb bu IICt"Jl
quoted mrril'6 forwtll'cJ the di"<'Usion or the qut.'!!-
tion, but plao. ... 'll tho cl...tcrminnticn on clilferent
of lUI e.xtendtcl unci enlightened
"If it ""re po!48ihl for tnr," t'ontinnes
the "to aft'onl my coontennn<'' ln
a contrnry il)1!tem. common diiiClretion wnultl pro<'lndc
mo fnm I'U<'h a c:olll'1<' in the present ease. hen ) ou
distinctly uvow tbnL lht' nmhiguous pbi"'ISe8 on which
ynu profl"'C to n'St the future clnim of the Britil1
ngniu"t its nlly arc nt this moment,
previnu,Jy Lo tho rntificntion of Lite lrmty, mstrnccl
loy that nlly in n """-"" clin:ctly e<>ntrntlit'tory to thnt
"bwh you desire tv mnintuin. Your furtbtr nrl,'ll-
DJC.'Ilbl on tbl' nrtic:lo onder rousieleration !!Cno only to
proTe that the .Nimm might he cmbarra.Ned in the
txerd"" of the right which ho intl'Ddt'<l to to
llilll."<lf. It' your on thi J18rt of the <JUCII-
tion bo ndmitte<l, the I'C:t'Uit would he nut nn noli-
table, linn nllianrc. r .. unclcl on clear, iiU.tinct. nntl
intlisputnblc prinripk..., but an of
controwrsy, nod of
dnubtful claim,. nnd of incompntiWe right."
ran the;:c remlll'n
without thnt his countn-meu iu Jndin hncl
nlwuv IJ(ocn u.etunted h1 th11 wbicl. thPT
. . .
txpre.;. It i$ unnecc&snry to n.fer to in&IAOC<'!< in
IA:tt<r Croat Ma"' WUeol.y to rnirlnlt at llyde.rabwl,
I Jth AprU, I 800. S.. U..)"'tcheo 'I'DI. ii. pp. 278. 279.
E.Vl'UlL IN l!>"llU. 161
which eurb wM too ob.-iou9y not the fuct-t.hc cn.\P. xvt.
m('JJ)ory ur him who bll!! read t.he earlier J"'rtinus
or thi work will EUJ(IIy t.hcm. Ko blol or thit
<l!!M'ritliou o\Rrl<lU tho cnreer of the
W ellt'fllty. I tJi 1urity i.. uot )e;;s striking tluln
i!JI !<]londour.
\'OJ.. Ill
Clf..\.Pl'ER XYIT.
CRAP. XTIL muot now be tarried back to thl
comnwncenwnt of thl' Marc1uill W aclmi-
nitltzatiou. ancl c.lilertltl fnlm the 110Ulh('l'tl to tht
northmt parts of Indi11. In Oude thl' rightful
hnfl lx.'i!n ploced on tho mu.suutl ; lmt in
other n'!opcct.., all Wlll!<!llllcnt and dis..,.tlcr.
The Brifub moody waR nlwnys in nrrenr, while tlu
most f"rigbtful extortion was Jll11ctill<.-d iD the noaliza
tion or the revenue. Jumce waa unknown; the
army wu a dleordcrly IIWII, formidable only to the
power whom it profl'8800 to IW'"" Thete c'filt or
native growth 'lf('re aggravated by tho prt:tence or
an extnwrdinary numl:K-r of Enrot>COn
mO!!t of whom were dettitnte of cbnracttr and
principle aa they wet\' of property. lt ;. worthy uf
remark, thnt no iJI.go,6m('cl Indian is prc-
t'i&ely the place which a disfoptd.ahk <'Ia. ... , of Euru-
JI('lllll find tl11 mn;t Bllitnble to the ex!'r<io;e of their
talent... To aU lhNiC point.;, M w('Jl as to the extra
ordinary degree of powcr, far tuo great for a subjloc-t.
,_ ... by AliU&ll, the attt>ntioo of the goyemor-
gt-neral was tnnaed !!0<11 after his arrival, and bi
Thl'l pow and io.dumer.: of thM penon have brat nutiOtd ln
dooptor ...!. li.
DRITISU IN 11'\'DlA. l(l!)
vieWJ lhu cxplnined in 11 letWr doted ft\\' CBA P. xn1
month ofter tllllt event, und uddressed to ilie rt>!<l -
dent at Lucknow. T!J,.. of providinsr r<>r
the dof<nce or the Curn11tic, nml for the rurly revhnl
of our lillinltl'<"" in tho Jll'ninsuln, n well as for the
se&l!Onable redurtion of the growing inHoence or
France iltlndin, ltll!l not ndmitteol oithor of my
Onde, nr of my turning my undh;ded nttontion to thP
ref'ono of the Yizit'T\ nlliliro. There ore, howc,c>r,
two nr three le11dlng con.,iderntimtij in tue state or
Oude to ...-hirh I 'Tisb t<> direct your parti<'tllar not in',
intenoling ot nn Utrly period to enter fully into thl'
llmlll!{l'mentll In whlclt they ltrminllh. Whrn-
pv.,r the death of .Almasl!h.nll happen. on opportu-
nity mil ofl'!'r of securing the beno6t11of T..ord Teign-
mouth' trellt y, by pro,isions which seem ueccs..ury
for th< I'UI"Jl''-<' of 1''\"Alizing thr mbsidy under all
contingeucieF. The Cnmpruty ought to ucceed to
the power of Almllf', nod Ute munngemcnt. if not
the "<l\treignty, of that port of the Donh which lu
now oul(hl to lil pliii'W in nur band!!, 11 propor
tioMto reduction being rnncle fn,m tbe suJ,..idy. The
clfc..,t of nn w01uld not bl1 ronfin"'l
to tht of our M'<,nrlty for thl' f'UhHhly;
the !<trength of onr nortb-wll!llt'm frontil'r would
a!J;O he gready On the othl.'r hand, in
thE> ownt nf Almns's dtllth. we tibull hon to RJ,.
prt'hl'nol either the dan!lrollO l"'""r of a
PqUILI tn him in tnlomh n.nd nethity, nr thu we&kn-
of out inf\>Jior in bntl1. nr the nf tht> CQUO
try anonnl! " llnt'ty nf n>nl<'"'- fn tht' fiN ,_.,we
UIAP. xv11. shoul<l risk intemnl c.-ommotion, in tiK> two l&tt!'r the
fmntltr of Otull would Ill! C<JIUiider&bly wcaktnl'd
agai08t the &ttac-ks either 11f th11 Abd&lli nr &DY otb('r
inntl('r. The only romcdy for these will be the
JIO!!"C8"ion of thl' Doab, fixed in tho band of our gn-
,.,.nunmtL The tAte of the own troop5 iA
aoothl'r ntn!>l Jll'e'<l!iug vii. Tn )HU J need not tn-
IIUJ:(' 1111 their incfficitnry Mrl irLubonlinntion. '' y
intution i to I"'J"'UUYit cxrollonty at s P"'l"'r&l':l-
l!oD to tlisbund tho wholt of nrmy, with the l'Xrtl>-
tion of 1141't of it '"' lllllY be nt"'05S:lry fur th"
purpn'-CS of tnto, or oft lw colh ... tinn of t hu rcwnue.
Suuw WU!It for pro,;tlin)t n
m:UnttnnnN for ouch lcnler.onnol uffiCX'f'i n. fnmr their
birth or habit. r&nnnt l'nsily II<' tlheste<l .. r their nili-
tary prcten_oinns (I olo not militAry rhiU'IIc.-tl'r, fo1r I
do not helieTt' that anyi!UI'h ol..,...rittlon of men cxi.>t
ot l,nrknow). In the J>lnct ofthc mhhle whkh
"""" lllflmL tht> Vizi('r nut) hie toemi('JI, 1
pr<JIOf!il to 111bstitutu an intl'('tL<erl numll('r of the
Curulotllly's of infantry nnd rovnlry, tn 1M'
relitWI from time to time. ami to oo pnid by hi:;
e3rdlrney." Mmmunkation thnt it
wruo tltJ pnrt of th<' policy to ltnvc
tho tll'lormination nf tate C!n..,.tiuns to arci-
clent, nor to l"'l'tJ'ono thP fonnntion of a plllll li>r
meeting contingeociP until th< rontill!ll'"l'il'l< hn<l
actually OCI"orre<l. Tho remclies propoeed for ex-
isting ,.,;ts were 1111 u their wns
tinttly, hut tllf'y were not mnre ,;gnrnns than ,.,.,
""JUfre<l ''J too cli!I:-MeS wbirh they -..r-1'(
J.rtttr to ,1 , Lumt<lcn, R.q., 2:tnl O.:.tmhrr, I
nlUTIJIJl IS fNllLL 105
ltt.'!>;gnl'll to crnclicnte. In nddition to tlul rne351l'"" crur. XVII.
in tho ul10n <'lttract, tho govt>ruor-gencml
m-tlitak'<l tlu relief .. r the country from the ho-t uf
Ennpt'tlJl!j whu luul fixed upon it as their pn,).
ThL'!,C proJ,ocd to tliperro by as summnry n Jln>-
CC!l>o of .-jectioo a. 1ould be cousi..<tcot with huma-
HLfore thl .. C dl2igos could I>C put in cours< of
I!.U'CUtiuo, a. tmgiL-ai <Kc=nrc, arioing uut of the
di!l{lutou dninl to thu IIIUBilUtl or Outlc, clisJihl.)' t'tl
witluutl cligui,.. tlw nf the>nder, \<lm
h:ul ht'<'n 11 Lord Tcignrnouth.
Ali hurl bl.-eo allowed I<> resitlo nt Bcnnn..,., o. Jllncc
ingulnrly illo("llf>i'<'D mtb referent to bi. preteuinn
nml ebumctl'r, lllltl frum which the new go\'enJ<Ir-
gencml, with sufficient rcnson, dotenuinotllo remO\'t.J
biru. llis num<roos retinue l11td more than once
t!ibturbt>d the pence of the city.; and tltu orilirttll}
militnry fore< ta.tiourtl thcrl) was not deemull
ut to gwml ngnill_-,'t thu dmg\r cither nf
trOrnluntinn or t:ScnJ>e. It wns nJ,.., nutlt:,.tnocl thnt
Yixitr Ali luul di>pntrltL'<i n 'nkccl with
to thr .\ fftlum prim-e, i'A.'llmUD !'luili ; 11111! it "ll
lnfcml Uant hu wonld nut fuil tu turn tra
lti3 ndvnutn;."l! any "l'l'"rtunily l1111t migbt w nf-
funll'tl hy tbc npproutlt of tht 111111 tbt> l'Ort-
employment of lhe Dritioh troup at n di..-
tlllll"-' !';:uulut Ali h.'ll appliell fur hb n.muml : anl.
of tbj,., .u,h a I<'Jl WM ol"iuualy .-aile. I
fnT l1y "''unci pulity. CherrJ, the British lljtlnt,
inrrnt'IL>tl h> igu.ify
lliOHII<\' U!' nu:
CJU.P. :nu thu govemor-gt-neral' luttntiou that Irati>
r.r w. n.'Siolcnre ttl tht ,;clnitj of Caleutta: at
timt Mnring him tbat nro oliminntiun to( hi
allow:wccs 11r PI"'intmcntto would be
anrl that at hi. lll!W abode he 1<ouiJ ucithcr be snb-
j('Cted to 1111) ndditiunnl n .. tJUi.ut, nor nny
lndulg..ucu whith ho bnd nttutumud lu tnjy
at \\"hen this communiMLtion wM made.
\'izier ,\li CX(n>-<-1 relurtance to the re-
tuir..'d chBDI(t', Tlu luul lll'eu hut in 3
b11rt tim hi fetillnj!1j tu hn'fe unrlui'J(one
lie c('IL"<!!l to w:mif.,.t lUI)
to 11'l1Jonl, UJUI .-:ocmcd pcrfectl.l "ith the
IUI!!urnnet.'!i whiclo he lontl recchcol uf touthtut"l llt-
tcntiun aud indulgenrt!. Tbe couolurt of r. ( uerry
to<nnls \'bier .-\li D to hue bfion kind.
delit'llll!. anti con<"jjiatory : and tht latter, 10 filr from
affording IUIJ ptiWI<I fror au.pidun, had uniformly
to w'llllnloi tbu Drillib agent
fC<"Iing of alft'Ctiouat gratitudt. But tim part
whirh Mr. Cherry's nfficinl duty hno.l impo,td un
hitu, in n:lntlou to the llcpositioo ur \'izier ,\Ji, had
bt'tl in the mind or that person the ... t hatred.
'I r. Cherry \\1la \lll.nH:I of Lut unhnpl'iiY tho
wn.rniog "..,. clisregurdttl. Pntdl'nre and the nrilel'!l
or goemmtot alike COUil'<!lleJ ('ft'<'lllltiOD, hut IIODe
,,..,, tucu. A .-mt ,.hich \izicr . .\li made, aa"Om-
l'a.Jtietl Ly his nite, to tht> Dritit.b ngent, afford .. tl thl'
ruearu. of ar<umplihiog tht merlitalt'<l ten'Ugt'. Ue
had I!Dj!ajt('l hinL<elf to blftklt ith Mr. Cherry,
and lite l';trtir, met in apparent am it). The
tnmpliment ...-ero I!Jtthanl(Ccl. .\li thl'n cu.u. xvu.
INgan lo m:putinto on his wrong!'. nnd ha\'ing J>nr-
this aul\iect for (l(omc tim", he nddt'nly ro.;e
"ith hi alt4"ndant.'<, and put to death Mr. Cherry
and Captain Conway, au Eugfu;h nflic"r who haf>'
l'"ned to br pi'E'O<nl. Tht> tbt:'D nL!!hl'cl
nut, and tllultlocr Engli$hnum nnmt>cl Gra-
luun. tb('y alolc>tl him 1<1 the list of tb('ir victimt..
They JNlt:'l"'rletl to tbt bouMl' of )fr. Dnvil!, judge
ancl mngL<trate, who had just tintc to l'f'moe his
family t< an UpJ>er terraee. whil'h could o .. y bo
by a \ery llliJTOw staiml8t'. At tbe top of
lltail't'Ue Mr. n..-u., ann('() with a apcar, took
hi. poet, and 110 'ucoo-ofully olitl h defend it, that
the -ilantA. an"r ...:nml atttmJU to tliloclgt him,
wure eomp<ll('{l to rctir(l without ob-
j'-'<'t.. The derhcd fnm tbP n:-.L<tanec of
this intrepid tnan cxtt'ndt!l his ''" n fnmily:
the dPI&} thPreby occn.inned atrordP<I to the ""'' of
the iulutbitant!! npportunlty of ('ll('tlpinif to
tl1e pla<-e wbtre tl< trours 5tation('<l fnr tlu. Jmtec-
tion of the <"it y Wt>rt Pnrantptod. Genl.'ral Enckinl',
un looming \1 bat luul l'lt"Currt'd, di>patt'htcl a party
to the rdie-f nf :Yr. Dait. ancl Vizitr Ali th4"r4"Upon
retired to hi!< mm Thi.q, n.fttr liOtlll' re-
itant"C, wa,, bnt not until its ma.o;ttr had
made his e>oeape. with mMt uf principal atlbe-
n:nts. l'io farther Ulcasur1'11 ,.,..m to hare been talreu
till the fuUowing wheu a party of ea'r&lry
W&l a0rr him; but the rapidity of biP
IIIOYtlmf'nt.s. and the :uhantagt! wbich be bad pine<l
IIIJtrultY uF Til&
tHAI'. :n 11. ly the It lay of l'('rulcred the attempt tu
o..-crto.lw him inulfcctunl.
The misei'C".ult found n:fuge in the territoriP.> ,.r
thl! lt4jnh of Dhotwul, n thiof trihutu.ry both to
Yit.i<-r Dlll th Rajah of 1\cp:ml, nt which !attN
plnco thu lliljlth of Hhotwul wllil at the lime in
duranec. By hi replellentutiTNO. bowe'"cr, Yizicr
Ali wns hu!!pil.llhly nml nllo"ed to tako
mnns r;,, eonidcrably the Otml!xr of bi1
foUOWQnj. Tlhl govlll'llmeni rt:'mooslrntcl
...-ith tbt> llajah of li cpnol ngaint thii cuntlurt of
the T(ltinh of Obotwul's dt'J>CIU.lcnts. and
m11n.tnwre protlucc<l mc:b dcmon.trntiollll on tho
pnrt of llac J>t.!"'on lo whom it wns &<I
lucl Vwtr Ali to lbnt Bbotwul V!"ll(l nu
longtr An l'ligiblc tIII<'C o n.'llitlcnce. Tho
which he luul I.'Oablt.'li him to dhoplny n
lK1hl front, :wl he aclnwet'll into Horudcporc, wbi-
tlu:r a or tlll! Compn:ny'M bntl
JUUJ't'h"'l. Witb Utl"'I n kirmih touk pine('. to
lht dis:uhnnl.llgu of Vizil.'r Ali. llis followorM thCII
to lmp ott: nnd hu b.'l.,v
'"""'" lnkl'n, but for the tnncbry of n hotly of tlll.!
troops wbo luul bc.:n to iutor-
CCJ>t him. Pw--ing nlong the foot of lhll nnrthcrn
hill. he in n':IAbing .Jyncgbur, wbcru
'"' wns rt'<'ei veil, but ploced unclcr r.,.lmint. h
h..-inj! hy C' c .. uin... the Hritih
nirlffiL "ith i:!1iudin, tlllit the Rnjtili nf .Tynoglmr
1. iudur.-l. t.l1c niTer of a t"llnil<mhl.
1\'"lll"tl, to burNIHlcr hi!< vU.itur, UIJit otlk-.,r """ iu-
IJJIITISU t:)II'IJI.E IS L'il:li.A. 1()1)
trnrtccl to or><>n n negotiation for the JlUI'JNI'-C. The CIIAP.
tn>-k WIIH nut uuntteu<lrtl with olit1irulty. 'l'he l11w of
hon .. ur, li:i undcNood nt J yueghur. <too<! in the wny
ur ghin!( up to pul'!luen; cv,u n munlcrer. On
the other htUld, the Rnjah ' Bl'J'I'lile for wt'lllth "w;
nolently .timulatOO by tho lnrgc om ,
Colonl'l C1>llin n the price of the trnl\llr.,r of tho
pcl1!0n of Yizitr Ali in teo his l.a>tping. A romJ>11>-,., wa;; at l<ngth Ywtor Ali WlL given
up, ou conditinn thnt hi life sl111uld be 8I1Cll"\.'<l , lllltl
th:tt ltio lin1l,. alunld not be diJgmred by ebaiW!.
):;uml! uf his accomplil'el lwl pmviuualy &uB"crod tbt>
punilohlii<'Dl tlul! to thtir rrimes. The jtn'lll crimirutl
EOICiafJI!d throujth the S('rlljlt> of the Itajah uf .T yul'-
gbur. Those l<'rupJe., ilitl not treveot his
h!lim ing his of tho charge of n t)Unnlity uf
j e,.cl... This ll<'tui..,jlion, with the o;um ubtaint-tl
from tbu Englih, prohnbly thu ltllj;th fir
the tninl which honour luul ineumd.
Tlw \ic'" which the lm<l )1'\.'-
viom-ly proptmnrlttl tu tiLe nilrnt at Lurknu"'
won ilin'Ctttl to 1Kl J'I'C""''tl upon th
uttentiou .. r tht \'izicr. It \I'll.< ju...tly
nlrmn hy tlu n.ocent of
:'bah to "l"'rntc ru; lUI ioduccnll'nt 111 CJDjlny
lhe ,..11-<n of npo-c nllonlt!tl hy hi- in
pro,-itling .ruch tllcctur,) nwnns of nNi>;tntw a might
l to :ni!J't lioc of future dan-
gt'r. 'l'h militAry e;;tablihmtut of 1 he \ 'izier 'lfM
..tmitl<)ol, by ltt ho fur tbc Ill'[K.;o
nf d<'f('DCI.'. It "lL' Woto<1 tbau w;cleao; for at th<
muw.nt whi'u tb., l'r<...,llfl! uf till' Uritbh fuce hal
liii!TUIIY OF mR
CHlP. xvn. been required to make a formidable demonstration on frontier, it had been fouucl nt'<'CIIIIIII")" to 1"\!tain
a put of it in the c'&pital to pnctert the Jl('n;QD and
authority of tlll' priDe<' frnm thu cof bill owu
wffectro ami dilord,rly lnmJ.... The
wbieb this of tbiull" mm ... tc-1 tu tho 1!0-
vemor-gonf'ral wna llll&ll"werable. " Tbu infenuco
to be druwn from tht'!!C eventl," said he, "iw ubvi-
ou.oly that tlll' defence <f bia excellency's dotni-
nioDS against furcign attMk. Ill! ..-ell as their int<"r-
rut.l ron r>nly be sccttred by a recluclion
of biot 1L.'<'k"'-, if nut flnngcI'OU, t:ro<cpa, &Dd by
a pruportiollllte augmentation of the Britloili rQfal
in his (111) ."
A change "bich not lung allerwanl took plaee
ill the office nf meiclent 111 I.ucknow eauoed ROme
delay in the rommunication of the
rai'A Tieww to the Vixicr. Mr. J,umllcl'n ,. . .,. 8\IC-
by Licotenaut-Cnlonel Scali, who bon a
letttr fnun Sir Allllt.'d Clnrke, tlten bnld ing th'
offiee of ,.icc:"-pre<icl('nt in Thngnl, ('B]]iug awn-
tiou to tlw uf military refonn. .\ finunr-
ablo opportwtity for pre-11ntiuA' tbll WtL., of-
fun.'CI by tb11 \ ' izi<'r's romplaina of tho turlu-
lcnt and clit.onlcrly tllte of somo of his IJattaliuns.
Of thi.! Colood Srott tu<>k aohantage; and the
prin<e, ou I'CIIoling the letter, dPClarecl hi!! thorough
roneumnro iu the ecntimf'IJt 'IO'hll'lt it t'OIItaincd.
The re-iclrut thercuJ'<m 1..-i an early
ruiocn uf the and noqne,oted that the re!IUit
might be ("fl!llmuni""trd to him .,. liOOU as
He, at till' Yme tinll', llg.ll""h..t tlu fll'IIJ>ril't)' of
uruTIn f:.\II'UU: L:<> lil
preparing C'<nain t.'ltcm.-uts uf the numbl'r and CHAP xnt.
UXpl'lt-.! of the troot"' of Prel')' d('$('riJ>tieou empluyc..l
by the Vizier.
More than twenty day fWOM'CI ,.;thont auy .atk-
fllt'tory ootlre of thilo rommuni<-atlon. The n."'idcnt
then pl't'lllltld fOr the appoimmcnt rf a day for tho
liiiCU8lliou uf the ami n rlay wns tixerl. On
il8 rurivlll, bowHcr. nutlowl!' coulol be drawn &om
the Yizicr but the most 'llgut' anol duk intimati<>llli
uf lrio no" nml fcl'lings. He ob8e"ed, that tbe
pruJN>!it..l wu not impl'll(!ticahlll. but auch as
ht hoped migbt be accorupU..hed : but be added.
that he bad a to make, rouueCted wltb bill
own ..-, tlnJ prOt<perity cof hls gonrmnen4 1\lld thu
of his aud "hicb, iu its Ot>t<rution,
oould l>e prej udiC'illl to no one ; but all intima-
l irm of it.. nnture or ch1U'11cter he dlf<rred till 1111 cx-
fll-'<'lcd villi! uf the to Lucknow. or
till the C'X<'utioo of the projectcol measure "L1 C"Om-
rnittcd to the l'l!f!id<-ut. f\'('n.'i!<'ntarioM cuuld
intlutl' him to explain; but he promiiiCd t<o , the
n"Sident on 11 future day. aJUI dicta!<" a memonuulum.
lie rame, but the -ttl'r dictated tor n,port to the
gnvcmor-gt>lll'rrU proYt!d to be nothing more than a
repetition of wh&t he Will tated ,,., the fonmr day.
The resid<nt entered int.. RrgUDI\'UtA w oh""' tbt>
propriety of l!<'J>ar8tii1R' the t wn project:", as the
rtfo!Tflof the military <IPpartment mlbt be gnl&lly
protl11Cttl if it Wl!n! matle dcpenrlant nn the eeeept-
anre of tlw \'izier' unuplaincol proJ-:1 On
that prof'OO'III it ,..,. Utj!l'i no rlctl!rmination could
cnAr. xvu. be fonn<'ll for a COJlHidomhlo time, inrummch ns
the l'n.o;;cw:e at L111'kuuw
ont be immedint<'. nne) it WIIS not to be expected
th:Lt bo would dt!lo;gate l"'"ers f11r tlw rondu.inn
of IW nrmngement with the nntun nn<l olti<JCI
uf which hu W115 U1lnlly llllllqnnintol. But tilt'
Vizier Will! unmoved, 11ntl the eonfnuce rermi-
nntetl without nny pJ'l)gn'll& having lx.'Cn llllllle in the
From the maiooR deportment of the Vizi,r
nothing could he known nf hi wlshlll! ur
All Will! left to conjcetnn. The re<itlcnt
bcli11'cd tbnL anxiun;; to nnnibihto the fnoc-
liow. of the rnin.istcl"', who were the onlinnry orgnns
of cummunicntion \\ith thl resident, o.ncl to becomu
tho 110lc executor of hiR owu purpo!i<'fl. W ll11t tho<u
I"UJ"""'!I W1rc, nnd in what ID1Ulll1r they were ror-
ricd on. wn,; manir.,t Crnm lh<' whole nf the
gu\crntnl'lll .dnre iL< n.<,umption l>y Nladm .\li.
The nppr<>prinill>n .. r the prnfit- of Ct)1J'tc->ion b1ul
hoon in n j(l'cnt d!'bYJ"C:c (hnngetl, lmt w> obnnge hud
lnkcu plru.c lor tltt hnl'fit ol' tltt> J'l'Ojtlt. Tbe same
nbu..c noel the loallu frightful cx-

the rovcnuo collcctiom.

onclcr tlu> fonner gu\'emment, rnnlinuetl to pro-
\'oil unclhuini.hed in xtt'nt or under tlutl
of Snulut Ali. The ttnly wn., the
entire fncits went into the priv:utJ tn>Mnry or the
"'V.rcign. nncl, a.o pllr'oilllnny wn.; a trlking f!'tlturu
in his rhnmctcr, wcro c.nnfnlly honr<ltcl hy him.
Furmlrly, 11 lul'g'lll'nrticm '"'llli npprororillltl hy tlto ...
BRITI811 EMNRE IN U.'lliA. 173
who lltood b('tlfC('Il the prince anti the peoplt, and CHAP. Xl 11.
the pnrt wWch the n>yal rofl'cn1 "118 -
in wi)IJ and thoughtle!lll " I
cannot huL reel," laid Colon<') Scott., " that the min
of the rountry, enmmencecl In a of profusion
and lndolenee.. will progre!Rivdy J'nK'C<'<I In a
o( panimony and cliligenff."
No experienced l.tltemmn indnlgce a vision 110
l l top inn, ns tho hupe of llilcnl'iog cnlumoy or t<'t'UT-
ing uoiwi'03! approlation. Tbo folly of IIUCh an cx-
)l('('ttttion, if it existed. rould he mom lltrik-
ingly ilhntrated than by rofonmef to tho opiniClflll
which ha"te beea at ftrlou. timet on the
modo of cll'Siing adopted hy the Hriti!dt gtncm-
ment of Jndin. ";th thl stnh.'ll in snlJiclinry nllinnuc
with it. If the Wlrt"'trnin(l of tho ehil go-
'cnmwnt-th11t ;., the unro&tMiioed pow.,r of jlrind-
iug to tho clmt lhlltlllL<;S of tim nod tll')ing
ur tho ..... 1(1'\.'$ of Jli'O:'perity-hc lcft in tho hnnds
of the lllltive rrinro nnd his minions, the Briilih 1!<'-
vcmment is nceuMtld of snrtmrtinp: hy its authority
abwlee which it bu the mean. of !<ll(lf'M, W hrn
it inuppoeed to enllet tain an inl'lination to n'11trnin.
howen'l' cautimudy and moderately, tho power of
it is of vio111ting treaties and
invading the rights of incll'J"'"dcnt princes. l\o
who feel I'Otlfident in own integrity
will regard the damour on l'itbcr side; boL
who liw no the hn.>ath o( popular and
R)'llrt fr.,m it fim) UO satifal'tion in the eotJAriolll'-
i108!1 of )l('rforming lheir duty, l'UIDOI fai) hl !i<.'<'
,:.....,. .. -.:a-lklludllt. at tile tlllill*lik
eo I rn ,. _, ,.. . .._ ... ..._ .._
JJ lull 'tit tUe 6e nf 1]1$ )!tJISob JIPI'III't!d to
lillto ..... tile H..-..tJitt 2 57 n. tile belt.
a1 let ietlallke by trearoftlle ' fJ's Cll._
who mipt cboole to think. or to ..,10 tM11,
that be did either too or too llllleli, & -
ner to the o( the rt'&ldent wa to
the ef'ect, that the pment ('()odition of the govem-
111811t appeuec1 to procludo tho of the
lnl w - '"! to tile lnt 1tep in the pro-
pOIII I I ; ... It 'WM to 'belidped aD lpllllta-
lfa al' t ltotlle'VIIItfbytlleauriiDifoJ .-.1.
"" 11 ill) wkll Ilia -anhwl41 to Coloael
Seo&t. -w 1'81110ftl aD dillealty. ...
resideat In the clepee or iollueuee and eGIIIIIcleradoa
wlricla it ... De< I "Y be lbonJd eqjoy ; but j( thie
eapeebitloD lhoald be diappoinkod, tbt> rosidmt
was to inalllt, In the TUIDK' of'"- on the
Vbier pt.cing his gtncmment In auch a .tate
lboald alGid tile reqa!.ite means nf infonoation, u
weU Gl ....,m, the neeuuwy military ...,_
eompletely and epeedUylnto e&eL Tba n I 'liD-
Dieter, H-m s- Khan. ... war""' a
bar to JUt n 111 wUJ hli ._ ..
_.._, u il .,...,, _. pDanJ JBIJipl 1
....., liCit IIIIC!II .. to ..... d I .... to .......
RRmSH EJil'IIU: 1:\ IS IliA. 1 i5
him in nl'l'"ition to roe wih.., of th Yizier. nnd CHAP. :nn
tlw gncmnr-gent>ral wn. ready to a.s.._-cot to his re-
mnml, due provision being- mntll' for md
snfct y, provided l.hnt lnlt'C<'""r be a
JICr!!llU tliiCiflth-ocnlly well to cultivate nod
impro,e t be existing conn<"Clinn h<'l ween the stnt<'
of Ouc!P nnd the Compnny. Thr pmpo-._'() military
refi>rm. howPwr, wn. dPClnrocl In be the great nod
immt'llillte nhjcet of the l.'O!ici-
tnde. Tbi point was to be wid! tllll'I!IIlitu-
earut.,tnt.-s. and the Vizier' lli"IJUi<'!M.'ence in the
necCAAary rnl'II8Un!S wn.o expectNl to be tntlllly un-
qnnli6td hy nnycooditionR nnt DN'<'""l'rlly connootod
with it.
Thn OI"CUITl'nee nbout tlllil time 1>f n dl"Jlule btl-
tween the Vizier nod p;u1. of hi troops llfi'ordl'll
such l'trikinl! Ulu_<tl"lli:ion or chnrncter oi the
prince, anrl of the relation <:Ub-i-tin!( betm!en him
nnd n.rmy, tbnt on account it nofu-e.
One of hi' bnttlllinns. station.-! nt LurJ.:now, refusro
to mur\'11 ln 11 purt of the I'OUntry "btre its IICr\'iOOO
wcn:o nquiJ'('d nntil a portion of nrrear& of pay
were diH<bn.rgrd: for &adnt .\li l'Crupulonly nh-
fllntd tl1e t:"nd old nathe nMmn of keeping sol-
dier<' pay ltt'llnly in ant"&r, ROll OCTl'J' indulging hi
troop!' with the luxury of till it Wll" nb,..-,_
luttly impoc,ihle to withhnlil it. On cbis oceaSon
the Vi>Jitr was ao dispted with tho pn"'llmptiao nf
the rtqu<l for lhe issue of JlllY long mer dul', that
lw d('rlnrrd hi intention of t'IIDIJ'Iying with
thl' 1lcnmncl of the dnmnrou halbllion. IUid then
mnoRY uF TilE
uur. xvn. du.banding it. Thl' l'rt!icltnt appmwclof tht tlPtcr
minadou ; 6n;t. beeani!O I ho troopo luul sbe'III"JI soma
")'lllptoau of di;;all'edion ; an<l, !OCC!llldly, becall!!c
the di:mll.""iuu cof tbc \izicr's battaliOtL<.,
O('t'1L"ion might nrifil'. a clr.sirahl<' mociCJ
of tntonring for tho intnHiurtion ol' n gcmml refconn
of the militAry of Oucle in tbt m3llllrr
dl'Sired hJ thP>ncml. Bot atoeltl('mL'lll
of nc'('C)Unb< r... in tho r;ost. alwaY!' a matter of dif
lieulty; ami tbP nrmn,:cmPnt of tlu of the
\'izicr's clirontcotc.l lmttnlinns 'l\'llli nnt c)L"Htinro tn
fom1 nn cx""'ptioo from R nc)(', the XIlnt uf wlcich
all J.nt unht.'r!o.:l.l. Arronlin!!; to tJ,., \'izier, on I y
th""oe mouth,' 11111 was bnttalinn riMmed
lin. Tlci point wu tulju!o>U!tl, whl'n tlll.,tber im
arOI!t'. Thc Vi:<itr requinl that the cJif.
fl'rc. cumJIIlnif.'jl bhoulol ('roroOO tn thl' ti'CIIStll')' uf
tho Jcalat-e. t!K-.rc t.o I'C('Ci\'c Jlaymcnt nnd dcli'l'l!!' 111
their llrlll!l and rcment . The men tlwcption, nnrl l'l'ljuirecl tlmt the mont>y
Ill -.nt to their t'l1C'IliiiJID11'111, or thllt 11
hll'ltlll!l' remain thero IIi! !K;.urity for tlw
t!uc JM'rformaoct' nf their l'llgl!JrP101!11U.
Tlcc llriti-h re<i<l<'nt having found, h) lUl WJOCC
tion of th<' thnt the modo ,.f
atlju,tmtUt wa.' l'(JUitnh)P, untl ha\ing nl"'> O.'<'r
tainro tlmt the mi'D to pn:ocel '" tbe plrul
(.or their payment and '11'88
to .<apport thl' authority of the Vizier by
th1 of mu1 uf t!JC Cumpnny't
Rut ho Wll$ not. thoroughly .atiRt<l of the 011.\P. nu.
inhnlinru; of the the dl"('()ntcnll'<l
IDf'll, rlJln'ing confi<lencu in him they "With-
111'1<1 fmm UUU!ttr, 5ellt a t!cJUlation to tx-
plnin to him tlwir nncl "ihcs. I t \111
n their IMhnlr, llmt lh!' \ffilll nf JIR)
lnl!l produced rt>'.tl ditn.oss; thnl thtro wns no com-
mnrulnnl or hl'ft<l <>f the bnttruiun through 11l1<>m
they coultl n.ogularl) apply tn 1hc Yizier: nnl
tbnt the feeling of uatrust. \\llkh dt'tl.>rred th<m
from guing to th<> pnlnce in rout1JMnity with tho
orti!'T" of the nmply justifietl hy tlu
D<tn-fulfilment of flnn<"r promises. The rt:!>idcut
took pAins tn '<ltlf) thc mind8 of the appli-
l'alltM, anti th<) nppcared to submit.
ThOJ of king tlommuni-
rntcd to the Vizier, b(', too, I!X')ITC!"led himself Mti-
filtl. ,\ d<"prerotory )l('tition from the
wa 1'"-"'-'Ute<l tu tho prince lhnmjtb the Britih<nt, who. pnrtnking of till' of
"hii'11 nol only the hnttruim in qul'"tinn.
hut oil mnk>. nntl onll.'l'!l of men ut Lucknow,
the Wl'is:ht nf W.. OWJI'rt'('ffliiiDlrulntiun to the eounr.
which hi' deem ..t niO"t tho Yizicr
orc<'pt lb(' ul.lmi.-iou of tht> hnttlllion, .:cttle
the uf Jlll)' iu thll mJUuwr propoo;ed, nncl
follow up tbe otttltm!'nl hy tlimi,nl. Thl'
C'lill"<:llll'il with 8 f.!'l'ftCillll'iUI""' worthy uf hi eJc\11tl'll
olatiuu; ond vromi"'-1 tbnt ll1Tllll;:t m<"ul houli be
mwll! fur into cHi.>ct on a >Jtl'lified clay thl'
VllL. Ill.
nurroaY or THE
CHAP. XVII, plan eupportA!<l by Col011el Scott. The l"''a
1y at'
- quiellccuoo of the Jrinc.-e 1100108 to have lulltMI tho
IUIJ>icions of the llritib reoitlcnt, though hi
rienoo of the valuo of tho roynl ""ord might hll\'O
been 110ppoeed 11111licicnt to kce{l lbem awakl'.
IICCOUilt of hiA of the change elli.'<'ll>tl in
them. and of tho ea11110 of that cbangt>, shall
_RiTcD in his own wonll. " I had DO appn-bt'I>Sion."
M)" be, u that L.c (tho \"izier) would deJIUI. fmm
l!ll""!!eJJlCDlc, ur tiL'\t any obstruction on hll

would be thrown in thu wny of a final oonclaaiun.
lfuw great., tlnm, my nhtonishrrwnl, to fhul
thut the persons employed to ruljust tho nrtnuut.l
luul eommnndlod tho nlttmlnnce at lbe (1.'\lnru of
foOJ' of the ontive ufficel'l! by DAIDt', for tbo J>lll'JIO!'Il'
of l!ettling a demand of aeveral thoul!llrul rll}'C<'"'
which they laid had been brottgbt r .. rward by tle
fol"'1JJ.'r commandant <tf the battalion. who bas ht'l'D months in C(nfhll'rncnt, which sum 111111 l<t b<'
dloductt!d from the aggrt"gatc nmount of pay due to
tlw battAlion. 1 n mi"!WWge to the Nawaub
(Yizicr), this new nml unsca-
..,DAhle demand, "hich, if ju.'ltly fornle<l. ought to
luuc been includNI in thl' account originally fur-
nilibed fur my WJtion. The Yawauh (\'i.&ier),
undf'r the moot 110lemn a. ... ,un111c.,., 110d .nth many
,.,lid argumente on the fJOlio>y (I( good raitb, deelai'Cd
hiA finn res .. lntinn ,,r aclhtriog to tbe
hut hia excelltmcy nnt out this morning to a garden
of AlmBS'II. abool<igbt mill'll from lbe city, without
leaving nny inAtrurtio1111 for the Mljustment nf -
Cll'UU: IS I!> lilA. 1 i9
cumll M nf 1U"reat""." AgninRt this !'Cnn- crur.
nf huru,tyColond Scutt
tutl, thn>ugb hi' <'X<rtinn:;, the troOP" re-
t'<iwt.l theil J<Rf.
Thit< prelimirmry oTer, thty depcl"itl'd
nmtM nnd dispNoctl wlt bout lumu It or dlsordm-. Tlw
ruutlurt of thl' rc.<itkut throughout these pror{'('ll-
ll('llrcc)y eem! tn require RJKtln:!y. If rmy Le
>31), it funu.-he<l in ""D apprnl ttl the
-"own10r-gen,ml for an indul;:tut .. n.
" If," snid hr, " in the coun.c uf lhiB tmnRntlion
1\IIY part of th!l Nmduct pur--uO<I by me 8bnuld Dj)-
pror 'to your lor<hloiJ exceptionalllc, I tn rur
loniPWp' liltCml nf tho emb:u-.--..
nlt'ub< n 1lltlll mul labour uudcr wbnl artiliee i.
OJI[lOI.!Ccl to plain <looting, where the crimes of tbu
originate in the funlu of the govt'mmcnt,
n111l whl.'rt', umlt'r the ma.k of ,;;,'Our, attempts are
mndc to elm...- rnc into a partiripntioo of a
nf l'fU<.'l 111111 nl\iu.-t a-verity r tim gratification of
was tbt of Cuhlll'l
ltns 1...-en and "till tLe situ.ati<ul nf those Loldiug
appointment 1.<1 W<. :-\nmouude.l "" C\cry
i<lc hy temptAtivn tu err, tho m.-t intlexiulo
nnd th" mlll't rnutinw nre
inlipcnsnblo to tlw cl"l...titnhlc <IU.charge of their
lltrnw duties..
Ilut it i5 tiruo to return tn tho I'IOli"'"' or tbc
Letter of Col..uel IX'tltt to (th Octo!...-,
I pnblisbtd in ParhllUiwblrJI'llpert.

ntSTORV oF Til
cnAt'. xvn. uegotlatlnn for rurrying Into Jlu
gcncrnl" Yilw of military nfoJnn. ln n.,nr lo n
lettl'r frum the g<>l cnlur-gomrul .ln.soly
tho Vizier doclan-d tllat thtl ndnnlagl'!l, ltth imm<'-
dintl> ruul future, of o rclinn in milit:try esln-
wcro mon t rnngly impno.o1tl 1111 hi Ol\1 11
mimi thnn on that f hi" illu.trinu r.url"C9(M>ndcnt.
lind that ht wouloJ, "ithuut n murul'nl'a I in> t-on-
suit "ith Colmd Sc<ttl 11(1011 whnl ,..,.,. ('mclir:ablc.
and CIIIIIOIIIRicntl! the n.ult of tlu:ir juint ldil><"r:l-
liCinR. 'rhis prouill.u WIIN fulfillad in till' mnmur
liJ!Ulll with tho Vizilr-it Ulllll-t"hnry t explain
thAt, in JIOint of 111"\. it wns not fulfiii,Jtl at nil.
Colnrul &-ott dci.eritx.l the cllnrnetcr lUll! hahitl eof
thi Jrinr<' with t:<JIIIll truth nnl lm,ity. Hi
hll, " o man incolll'l'ivo.bly
ficult to konl with umltr uu nb-ermnrc nf thP rom-
mon fumt, due to 1'\:')"'<'t lind decorum. Hi retttly
101d thorough ncquiet;(-.. n,c in the proJricty etf almo-L
enry OJI)a>ure to him prechh'l! di'K'ub.>iou.
but Uw ox1-cutioo is nlglected by 11 tollll
of pmmi.c, or llVnded b) 11 ll.imry Tlu:
p1'0Uii-.l commU.tlicaliun of the 6cntinR'Dl.t
nol a.rrinn:r. tbc go..-crnttr-gcneral again n
letter ict him, reprllticnting U1e obligntion of Com-
pany tu d..Ccml thu prillll' dominions ; thu insuJii-
cieucy for the J'Ul'J>O' uf the numlr uf Dritih
Ooo["' unlinarily otaliolltltl W'itltin them ; the danjCt'r
impending from tbo intt-ntims of i' ... mnun Shal1,
aud J--ihly fnm otlwr t>OUrc< ... ; the mt.,..ity of nn
nognllllllltiou f the Hritil<b foret, unci lhc rencly
rn<'ftn nf providing for the hy li,bwJdiog tht' C"lur. :1. \"II
lirnkrly lmttnlinn-. which were n l!<>tuce not of
lnngth hut of weaknc .. Tho lttlcr concluded hy
iut inmling tlmt tbe Briti>h I in Oul!e "uuld oo
inunNiirlhly ninforced by n porliou of the proposed
nnl{nwnhot ion; the nm1Ai11thr were to follow 31. a
fiJIUNI pt.riod.
Till! jutire or this mt'li.UN' mmt "''
1,\' the> C<mtlitiolli! of the =lt>r .,..hi('h tho
. .
n..Jntivc dAim. of the Tizitr arul tin Drifulr goreno-
llU'Ill """"'-,__it hy the rirewru;t:alll't'>t
muler which it WB!I n""'rt"l ln.
'l'loe tn:aty \\11,. thnt t'onchultd hy Lord Tcign-
muuth nnl l'tltl<llll .1li on plndug lhnt prince UJ1<111
tb thnull'. Thi in1-lmmnt fimunlly rceo.,'lllt"l
lht oblil,'llliou incurred by th<' &!,t-lrulia Compnny
nnltr fimner ti'I:Ati..s. of dcfl.'nrlinJr tbe lominion. of
tht> Yi>:itr a;,'llinst all it thl' \'izier
to Jl.'l) n 'J><>ci6.-.l amount of nl>-itl) fur nil F.nglish
force to ht. ronlinuully st.ttiowl in his
whi"h fun:o oavcr to ho lbwJ lln t bmtlilllul
stnmg; anti ifni llD)' it hnulrl btt:'ome
to AUJ(IIU'IIl the troop of th Cnml'nny in Outlt IK'-
JIIIIII t henumht:r <flhirt<-t:n t luunntl nu-n. including
1111d oath.,., infrurtry.t'tl\nll), anl arl:ilk>r).
th :\n\\nub Saalut Ali Khnn," agrt.'l.-d P=lY tho
nctunl tlilfl'rcnce ocro:.imu'<l by tht txrt.,..abtn'l' tbat
uumhcr.H Thr augnwntatluu nf the lhrw
IM)>IItl thirttcu thow.nnrl lun tltwly rontl'm-
J'InttlnnrlpruvitiC<I for. t\ 't"'"'tiuu urill(ot, who \\OR
!'eTanh III'Udc vi uaty

lllln"I>JtY Ul' m
CJUP. to judge of tbe m.'<"l!"l'ity? and to thi the treaty
uo answer. If the Vizier. it might har('<'U that a
Jrince, who, like Snadut Ali, wru. at once undN tlw
of nn extreme love of money 1\Dd u lwnol
blnmg will, might, with n vicu to the gratillrntinn
of bU. J>as9oru;. deny the y. when it cxitencc
wM ck-ar to eYery ouJ cl!;c; nnol if his denial wcro to
ddL'Tllliru? the qul"'tion, the t'Oilntry might bo O\Cr-
mn by enemies, wh"'< ul>'tJU<nt expul<ion ruigbt
C!Cca.sion to t.he Company nn amonnt of trouble anl
of loss which IK-ttcr would lm.-o awrteol.
'fl1o Company, it is to bo rcmcmbcrC<l, wo:rc lxmnol
uolmcrely to nssist tho Vizier with specified :Uilllllllt
of foyce for the tlcl"coc<! of hi olnminion&-tbey own
bound efficiently to dt:fntl thi.'TII : :wd to l'e<JIIirt'
th<m to do thi, with a fnn-e irmdc-quate to tho t:Jti
of the ClliC, woulcl be altogether nnrcaaonahle
and abmrd. The to defend the t<'nitory
nf Onde invohoo the nblij,T!I.tion of :illotting n ulli-
citnt fo?OO for thu duty: if thirtC('u thou"'l!ul mtn
were irumfficient, they WlI'C bound to I!IDJiloy mon',
for the country wns to bo dcf('f)ded nbsolutcly nnd
uurN!r.-edly. The ohligntion \1 hlcb the Comp1111y
bad nndert:nkcn WIIS tltt)n.-foro hy the
right of determining upon tbe Dt'ce"-'lity for on inCNB-"0
of rom:. It tho right I'CI!tcd with any otht.'r JlGrlJ,
the Tl!!'tllt n-ould be. that the Company might bo
lomully enJW upon to rtrrumttm impossibility.
Some lilliiapprdttn.ion mny June aritten from the
mntuwr in tht u11('rntinu of the @CV<'ttth nrti
t'lc of Lord Tcignruouth'e lmLty iJ; nalwrtcl to in
tbv htteT to the Vizier. It iR "Ritl ... The i'\'Coth cn,\J'. x I'll.
nrtirle uf the tnaty CtJnclodccl with your Cxt'l-
lonq by Sir .r ohn Shon'. pn" itl<'!l for the t>Cru.ioDJll
:utgmt>ntation of the ComptuJ) \ troop>< in Y"''' e:c-
eelltncy'R cluminimt.ft TJti..l not tritLI\' nrcumte:
. .
the words nf tnnty nr<'. "if. 111 llll1 time, it
bhoull bt-cnml' D<'<'essarl to the tnl"" f
t ht Compnny in Oude;" tho 1rnvision is 11'-'llt'rnl
-it refer< oot to tbl' nuputntation b(oing (itbc.r
ottnsicnutl or pc.rmnomJl. lnucttl. thc 1srngmrh of
thl' lct'r pl't'Ct'ding that in whirb ll('<'Unt the n_ofer-
onrt to tbu powtr of Rlllfllll'Dtatiun Rll only tteea-
.. ional ma&t hue Mtisfil.'<i the Vizll'r that that whirh
wu pn>JlO!le<l """' to lJC pennnnenL MIt
lllijrhl not loo in tlw powc:'r of the Hritih govenuucut,"
it i. llllid, " on n ulrlen cmeJ'!:t'llt'J to n!ioforro tbe
in your excellency's conntry with
CX]><..tition: my firm O]linion thrrefnre L<, that the
Compnny t'llll in no other fulfil cllif'tcmlly
tbtir t.o dcftntl the l)l)lninion uf your
CX<"I'IIcory ru[ tn!'mit'!<.' thu.n hy maiutaru-
injC ron>tantJy in tho;:< tlumini"'l!< 11 fnrt'tl ru.
iohall :at nil time.. he ati<"<JIInte to )OUr tll\:ctu .. J
U.oet ion, indtJ>entltully hf nuy rulnliorutmcul whiclt
tlw cxigtuey might uti ... rtjuire. but "J.icb
migltt not be in pnJlCr &\'" Tlu
,;c.,.. c>f the Wtre thu most dtvly
nml oliotinctly 1!:\[tiD.ioool.
Should it he .aid. liull if tilt' nhon- C'Onstmrtion
uf tilt' ln111) 1.te t'ttm.,t, tho \'izi<:r, 118 to IlK C:<
[!('Ok uf 'lll'l"'rting lht Briilih fnreu, .,..,. allnge-
cu \P. xnL tbt'r at the rnt'rcy uf the Dritbb gu"mm.-nt-thi!l
is quite true. llP J'IO.ccl himotdf nt their mt>n-y hy
dl'IPpting to thf.'m tht> dd"tnet nf his lominion
Hi wwlme!' nq11in.'<l rnu: ... nll to re-
rcin it frnm n JlnWtrfulnuigbbollr. llo hud plot'<.'d
him.elf in a t'<ndition of dc)l('ndenet, nnd baTing
ngreed tu JlUrtbll.'<tl curtnin nlvBIItBgcK <'trtuin
terms. be 1 ... 1 nu right lo to thn..e
lwing The right of thc 1-:uglih gnn-m-
"a.< not indttl to ,,._. pi'('SS("t] to its full txtenL
without reason; but if rCMOn;ttl, bu rould not
jn tly qul"'tion its <xercU.c.
'fht. lend'< to the @CCnnd point of iuqoiry-
whctht:r nt the timo it lfM CAJ'"diunt to <nil nton
tho Vizit>r tu enurtniu an 111tn1lxr
lJritih troop ! ruul thi ndmit of n ,cry r<.ontly 11.0-
or Onde was mtnanod by 7.tmaun Shah, wbu hill I
nut only tlrnllllenl'd invn.iou, but ndvall<'tl to Lahnru
to t'lll'l') his ,J.,ign into True it 'll"a>t, thnt,
ulurmed for the .aft! y nf hi.< j><ll"fPr at homt, he lllltl
ultienly retn.'llietl ; but hL< return nt o conwniem
M'lll!OD "08 fnirly tn IJU txrcctd. Seiudiu, tno, ,....,
IJclievctltn chtri-h design nctfuYuurolile tu lilt> !'net
nf Oude. The Rohilln.,, ahm) turloweut liD I di..-
cuntentetl, W!'rc r!!nily to cmb11rk iu tltt oeeutlllliou
tla) loH-d. nul 1'\"<lf)' part of the Y clominioll.f
Oltrmn ";th li,;ordtr, erime. mioH!t), an I d.iJ!-
afl<"<"tinu. The tatu of till' \'izier's nn:uy has been
uln'lld) lll>tinoL but it mny nut loe irupr"tr to 'lllotc
" f"w nlllllri: on thi from ccomullwi.,atit1U8
writtcll n fclil muuthll !.dun thi.. to:riud Sir
.Jmm"l Crnig, whn commlllldetl the British foret in CIU..P. 'I:YII.
Owl tn tim :\nwnub's troop..," he >'!lid, " it
i lior IDil to oonwy to your lunlbir a
mnre OJ>ininu lb to thtir nullity thll.n I hnll'
alrL'IldJ hnd tho honour of cmnmnnicating to )our
l<tnLItip. With tlw view, howewr. of dm" ing from
llll'DI tbe only M.>nice which it Pl'tDIL'<l po.-iblu tn
hupu f<>r, I ... l trongly li>r tho llJlp<linhm:ortt uf
ncucral Martine to tho of tho.e statinllt'<l
in Ruhilcund, 11hith the Nn,.nub IUL1! tu."
llt ndus shortly nfirwnnll!. it is cxtromd) llilli-
cult to tho ol,.tnclt.,. 11hich nri.c fnmo llor
txtrcmc pu.ilhuumity and unlit! n,orice of lht
l\sa.,ub.- .\tul in illu,.ll'2tion of tltb po:.;liun Sir
J am.,. Crnig ndtl..: "I am well n""llr('(\ thnt the l\n-
'' a11 h's troop nro uciUter a.rmcd nor clothL'fl, nor
there n gun in tltc tlil!lrict which put under Gtnc-
ml rommnnd that rnn bt mrule tlb(' or. Jn
of tour reJresentatiotL he has pmnait-d
l<1 cncl some but he tiN 1M.., thnt be hM
mitlll'r lliDll! nor l'lothlng lwynncl whnt ho mn"t fur-
nilt to the lmtllllitms lhnt ho nenr his pcl'!<On."
Hut thouj!!J th!'SC tnK('S -were in a tate "hlcb would
loae reru:llln-d dorm valuciCSA a.:aW:ot an
tla> wcre not wilhnut the power of pmdudng in-
tlmnllll1ichilf. l u niiOihcr luUN Sir JnmC"S Crnig
I know not wh11.t tnay mth to thl
trooJ... I would I>< ('ttllftnl thnt they huuld
he uscles:,. Lut I tlrL'IUI their unl<'i@
""""' tcp i. tnkcu "ith rL-gurtl to them. I hnultl
I><: nlmot unwilling to lcaw thom bo:hilld IUl' tL- I
X\IL llhould be to leave a fortrt'lll CJf the l!flemy. 'fh<>
Nanwb iR highly unpopular. and of all hi
I belieore he would lea..t exp< .... t attaclnnent from hi
army." Now iu the f.'\CC uf all tii(>;:P nf
dangt-1' to the stall! which the Ea-t-lrulill Compllll)
wen hound to l""t('Ct from all the
pro8p('Ct of itl\-...ion by a prince who bnl recently
ll'a\'tlfoC<), without muell tliffirulty, 11 c:nnidcrnblc
pnrtion uf tho countries between bi1 o"n nnol thnt
of thf' Yizitr, and wb<>"l' future the
n.uarunder could n!)t he r<'gruo<led nN imprnctieablo--
with caw.c for dil;ti'IL<ting the pnrilic diJMitlou of
11 powerful aud Mahmttn. chid ou the
horrlcrs <1f Oude--with thet perils without.
:wei with 1111 OJ(lreootl Jl'-'O)oh> ruul a di,onl rly mob,
callt'tl by courtesy an anny, within, woul<l the g>-
vcmor-genl'ral hATe heeu jllltifietl in rongntulating
hinuleU: that in the north-wl.'l!t, at ICBllt, all ..,..
tuiot, nnl in lhl' cxerci .. of tlli .oothing
k:l\ ing lhut JOU't oflndia without a<lclitioDAiclefcnrc?
Ht miglrt hnvc tltl&tycd trengtlwning the Tiritih
fnrce in Otulu tiU Schuli.:l W3S in the lltmb. lllld
Ztmaon l;bnb at D<lhi. from thence the
l"l'l<torotion of tho ('JJipiru nf lnrlin. llu
R"hilb cbi,., in anus, anti tb<' rohble ,..,Jrliery of
S:wlut ,\Ji C<ldng thcir furtuncs in tht' IJC't way
that tbc univeNII ronfttllion might oflt>r ; he miglot
haw awnlunro frum a drvam of sreurit1' to ll'llnl that
om, or !5CWrnl. or nU of tlt;!it' e,cut& bad tAken plaft!,
n.. t.o lcttrro frnoa> thew atno<to ""' talu:n iU be
Jw.d "' ht ""hunc IJi lhc Wellaley
anrl then bll'l'l' proc-ded to l'XJ>I"('!;S t11 the home 1:''" cuu. xnr
vl' rnm('uL hiB l'l'!,'l'l!t for tlu.' tbnt h1ul oc-
enrred, hi lbt<>ni-hmcnt and ..orrow at the infn
htntioll of the Vizier, Blld bis enrnest <lctenninntivn
tn do nil within hi. power to retrieve the di"l.ltro
"hich lw might hn,c .u,'wnetl no hullUUl furc.;ight
wuld ba,c IIJllicip:ltcd : but the Earl of llon>ington
"'ruo not o IllJlD to fold hiM n.nn in llUpinenl.,.,., and
cru.t tho ft'!'JKJn.illJility or ill upon fortniiC
found biro fur thtir nrrirul. In
pnparing for them, t hongb be llteadily kep& in Ticw
thl' grt'llt of julit't' nnd moclemtion. ho
d('l'pi...ed that alreeted regard for them wbir.h _.k
temponry popularity by tlw AA<'rifioo nt' lllll>ortllDL
intcl'l'1ltl<. Ho roulcl n'lt but know, tbllt in inter-
to tho Yizier from the t,ru;cqut>UCCS of
his own foUy. bo hnuld ineur !iODJo obloquy from the
j>l'l.:judic:d. tho incnn,;lderatc, the nr tht
bno; but thi conitlerntinn \Highc.l not
ll nog:r.rol for the pctll'' of l ndia. Blltl for the htJnnur
nniiReCurity of the Brit:kh n:unt>llnd tluminiun. llo
.aw that a n.-gard to tbl'fol. cnlll'll for a Ctr-
taiu rounoc of pnlil')'-tbtlt 11 cnurso Wall nt 1ho
snme tin<' to b.uefit the roiN anti J>tlOI'I"
of Oude, though tho fonncr, hlirubl by p:L....Jorll!,
bSW" it not : aud, -nt:islird on th(',.., grt'ltl
ho kept on way, undint:lJll by diffiC'III
tie.. anl nntlte!1'00 by the ft-ar of
;\ new ..ctmo .....,. nuw ahnut to IICD at Lurk-
now. 'rhi! Vixicr lmtl fnr bOWl! timu bec:n in tho
ULU'. '\ VH.Ioal>it of dwclJing, in hi t"OIIYer!llltiiiD 'II itb th11
UritU.b resident. uo t.lou imt.,..,ibility of hi runohwt-
ing tlu- affiirs tf the tomntry. So fre<JIIf'ntly hnl
this occurred, thnt the '""'idcnt stated bo hnd ht<'D
lt.ol to conje<"luro thnt tlw princo l111d it iu ronll'lll
plation to retiro from the <'111'1."1 nml fatigut nf I{U-
Hnlrnl!llt. Thi he baol it'll I
to the goTemor-gcncral, aml be impute>- his ilroco to
\:uitoll3 ealL...,._thl' llJII'IIJ'CIIt absurdity l>f CX!'t.'t'
tation, nnd the coun!4:nnuet nlfonled t<> a contrury
by the conduct of lhc Yizicr, in rnllitatiug
regulnlionll, pr!lj(!l)ling hnilolings, ruttl making
loousehold nrrnugement. implying tho lnll-utinn of
l''rnlBDPntly re!<i<linA' nt Lmknow. Ir, howonr, lhu
ro...,itlf'nt baJ ever !Jft.u ll'ol to fonn tho curu<tluro
nfi1'11'<1 to, it bU. duty to bam int.illlnte.l il lo
the authority Web he .en, .. !; Oflt, inolcc<l, u n
lllllltt.>r ole.cning murb attl'ntion, but a. thu <l<'l'D
J't'Sult upon hU. mind loy tlw ron-
cn.:tion of liJo Vizil'r. It n ]>rimnry tlnty of ,uch
an ullici!J' to ketp bia gnv11mmcut nd,U.OU, noL omly
uf <'''cry thing of politicnt intcrt'St that occun 11t
tlw .:cenc of his duti( ... , bnt of Ws own impre-.ioll.\i,
fixed or vnriublc, with rcgo:nl to tbclll.
Tiw time, how<>r. wbt<U C-olonul Nntl
luul f.Om<'thlng moro thllll hi own t
e<Utmunicatc. Tlw \'izi<r mnde n f=nl U\'O'I0111 c>f
biR drooirc nnd to rolin<Juh.l a gn'fl.nmltnt
which be decl!ll'('l( hiliiSQlf unnbl<' to mnnnJll.> dtll<!r
"ith tn him"'lf nt'-ruul in thi
till' udmisoion c1rtuiniy ru. lilcmlly trn Wi iL
llRITJSH l:lCI'I&F. IN D'T>IA. 189
wlll! nppar!'ntly canclill-with nlmntnge to tru. mh- CIL\P. xvn.
jt..-{,o. Colnucl Scott made !'QDIC n'mnrk, tending -
lt> sl1ow tll4t, by following his advice, tho nllilinl
of country tnight be. administered li>r the be-
nefit of the 1''-'"J'le, and nl lite llllDle tlmp with
und n.putntion to the prince. ThE" \'izif.'r lt'
that thilt might btl o;o. lmt it was impo,..i-
hlo for one pel'lllm to jutlgo of the fcelinjl!! of nn-
"tlur: that his mind "'as not diJIOC<l to the raMI
anl fntigu1-s of goH'niDlt'nt; that be w11.' firmly
to retire from them; nnol th11t, ns one nf W.
"''"" "ouM be rai>o<.d to tho mmnutl, hi name would
nlllllin. , \ t a IIUb.c<JuODt porirnl of the c"nfcrence,
ho added. that in rt>linquihing the j:O'cntmeut be
l'l'llouncL-d l'nry thought of in its cvn-
trns, or of residing within il>! thnt tbe money
hi' ['ISC8St'd wns sufficient for own "UJ'J>m1:, twd
for tho ntttlinment of oery grntifi.e11tinn in 11 pri\
Ato.tion-which was t"<rtainl) the fact: hut he dt.,.in.-.1
to Fti}ulato for 11 due l'roviion hcing mn;lu for his
IOQDS. and li>r tho otbtr lmtnclu:.. of hi fumily, whom
be lllt!llllt h leaH nt Ludmnw.

In nJHrting tn thu h""cmorgenrml tlte inten-
tion uf the Vi%i'r, with the JODhot.nnro uf
comersatin1111 hclol witlt him on tlol' sulti,,..t.
Coloucl C\!rtain points li>r t'<>lli'i-
o],ration. One of tht-.e WIL'I. whether it w oultl not
!11 nrotl' if the Vizier" corl.'lellt roultl he
obto.itlt'L that the aMkntion. iruotcad uf Lcing t'OD-
fillt-d tu hiJ! own JlCI'I4>U, lwultl W.O l'Xt<ud to h.iJi
IKJ&tA!rity. In ronn(-etion w rtb tbi4 IIUJOtt'lltlcln. It t.
CIL\P. Uti. right to state. thllt though the Vizil'l' ho.c] SQD.O, none
of them were legitimate. Another qul!!'tion milled by
the resident related to tho dispCJSo.l of the
Jell. by the former Vizier. Til is l1:ul btlen rowowtl
by $n:ulut Ali fl'Om the public troo.snry to tho !emnle
npnrtmcnts of his pnlncc, o.ncl it wns conjecturud tlmt
this step might hnYc tnken in contcmplntion
of the design of relinquishing tho gowmnmot. Tbo
debts a tho Vizier's brother, t., wh<>Se pbwe aud
trensm'e Sandut Ali hnd sncceedod, wero considcr-
nble, nnd no part of them luul been prot!. &lnril!!l
were doc to pnblio scrvnnts, Md n
nmo110t of o.llownnces to pemrlonl!f!l. All
clni= it 'ms probnble Sandot Ali IIICIIILL to cmde.
Colonel S('ott bad recommended that lhe Vizier
hould hioll;elf wrile to the go..-cmor-genernL
Ita decliued. ou the ground thnt there 'Wll.' no one
nbcml lrim to whom hc could confide oo cleliente :u1
aRhlr: nod he desired tbe resident to draw up a
in Pcn;i:m, emboclying tho views of tl1o
prince n.s previoU!!Iy t>xplainod, for t.rnru.mission to
Wll which wns nccorclingly clout'.
It h; unni!Cec<Snry to trace minutely the proceed-
ings wlrieh followed. It will to stntc
Urnt, in reference to the various oommunicn-
tions wlrioh he hnd rceaivcd, the govcmor-gen('l'll)
tTammlittcd a serie:! of instructions to the )'('Si-
dent, n ilmft of a propo;lcd t:Mrty, nnd u p!IJK>r i'l!:-
plnrul.tory of the Tie11s of the Briti8h government,
lntcruleol for the pel'lli!l11 of tht Yit.itr.
The tendenry of th(><;() clO<'U'Dlents wo.s rnthl'l' to
tlto meditntl'll step of nbdicntion tbM ('U&P. xnt.
utltel'\\i'-". Tbt SO"""'Or-Jt>.U<'ml .aw tl111t man,.
ntlmntngl'S would retoult from it, if the entire rvl-
minL<tnuion of the g<l'rcnunl.'nt, cil'il and ntilitMy,
w tre t:rnusferred to tlto ComJ>IlllY: but he !JilW nJ..,,
that the n..Usation of advantages would IX'
gt'\'Rtly if tbr alli('lltion nf Sanclnt ,\Ji
WM to ho folluwl.'d hy lLe of a suc-
.,,....,..r. Tbr c.'\rtninl] that ti11.J evil by wloich tlu
C'Cluntry wns nfllirted wmud bo coutinuud nndtr o11"h
an arrnn):l.'mi'Dt, ruul the iuronHnim<'t'"
tu t'>1111tl11t Ali him..clf. were puintL>d nut. and the 1\"-
prc--entntinn wns fntnl In the \'ixier' n.solution. lit
n:j<'<'ted tbc conlitinn to bt attJwhcd tn
hi rcUnmcnt,and dcdnrtd thnt, liS tlw
of a -ucresmr wn. ohjct....J be wa. n.oarly to
ttlliiJJdon his dl'Ril,'ll. n111l retain the charge of llu
Wlwtbtr loe b.1cl "'er any
shwtrc intention of it, i! n on
w hicb it i Dnf'O"iWt Itt arrh t at any satifnetUJ')
The tic livery uf the llllcr In the Yilil'r,
the mnrrh of ai .. ,.Jy of tbo Companf trooP" tn lltl)r
m .. nt tho Hritih fori.'<' in Onclt. bacl IK.'Cll clif('rr!'ll
rndin;.: tbc rm<.'('>'<litlj:'!! ari-in;: nut .. r the \'izicr'
to niKiicntl'. Wllt'n thnt
abencloued, tho ll't!cr wa. Jre..entt>d.
JK>ot'll rcinfortemcnt nl"" \1 illu>nt further
dclny. a111l after mnltiplilod suhtcrfu;r 1111d cnllion
on the pllrt uf the Tizitr, tbt .. r .mt.Ddin;:
hi clioonlrrly ltnttalion <'(>Jlllllt'lle<'Cl. Tltt IU'l'Olll-
t:nAr. x,u. plifohment of thia mCIISUn! required murh
- eare to avert dangemus ccmcquence!; : but the
quititileare Will not wanting, 1\Dd the llritn.h autho-
rities 'taking an intcrot in tho iru.pection of the ar-
t'ounts, and the due of nrrean<. tlw louim"'
proceeded with It"' rliffiC!Ulty tlllUI eonlol loti\ I! INen
antidpnte<l. IUld without any disturbance of ..erious
WIU!e <c>me pn>gn..,.. W&ll thWI making in n.funn-
ing the ruilitllry allail'h nf Oudt, ibl chi! gon'mJDtnt
rtmained in the sruuu hy
which it hnd enr been Tbo Vizier
tonk ndTnntngt of I hiM tn Intimate the prnhahllity
of lUI nppronching fnilurc of hill engagement with
tbt.> Britih ThL step nccell'mttl a
mt'SIUre really -rr and important. but whid1
tbe Vizier ...-as mC\!<t t'!l)>t.'C'inlly anxiou. tu J>Oit-
1"'11<!-an inquiry intn the raw;c of tbat milery
and di,;on!cr which Will< universally "('l't'tl<l OYl'r
l11u fcrtile conJitry subjtt't to biii
Thnt tnusc, ns poiotl'tl out hy the wwemor-gtnl'rnl,
wn. the Adverting tu the tornnm-
nit'lltiuu from the \'izicr, thl' go<ernor-gtnenll, in
ad.Jrt>E.,ing Colon .. ! Rrott, "Had tht !trri-
of Oude ll('(o to tbc O>r
OCl'llliional devutat ions <>f nn en!'my-hncl tl1cy
l>t.'t:n vNted by Wlfnvuumblo -..on,;, or by utlur
rnlumitie; wbirh iml'oir tlw I'Uhlic the
mpid dt-cliue of tho \'ooor's revenues might
bo imputecJ tu utlwr c'AiliK'!I than a deltoctiYtl
lldministru.tion. Hut nu web calamito1111 'ialta
UJIJTl.ll l:MP111X ISOlA, Jf)3
hnve nlliiclt'<l the province of Our!<>, \lhllr, CUAP. :nu.
in consequenc<" of the protedinn which it
fruna the of tbe Britih it bt.'Cn
nUtimnint-d, togctiH'r with all thu Compan) \ ,.,...
C'<'iinfl:l on tbl of ludia. in the
cnjnyuumt of J>l'tiC'' A dtf<'l'li 'I'll nrlminiotmti>n uf
tbe j!OYemment ;, th<'refore tho t>uly wt.ieb
ron hue product-d >< markeol R cliffirenre bet wc.'t'n
thu !!lllte of hi. dnminiuu;; and thnt ttf
tho t'onl iguom krriturie.; uf tlw Cumpany. W bile'
tbo territories of tlw Cmopany hnn bt.'CII ndvanl'illlf
during tbc la.lll'n Jl'n!!l in J'1'1"'J"'nty.
pnpulation. and nJ>ulcnce, tbc olominiom of t loc
\'izier, though enjoying equal of tmn-
quillity nnd ll(.'Curity, Jan,e rapidly lllld progn:o.-hd)
A dutnil of porliculnrs woultl amply
bt.'ll!' out lhu gcncml remnrks above qooted. " 1
hnH! repeatedly represented to your
tbe gonruor-general, addn..,.ing the \' izicr,
.. tht> elfects of tho ruinous expt'<litnt of llUticipntiug
tlw tolleetion-Uco destructive llrB!'Lice of nnli1i11.1(
tbcm hy force of nrm..._tbe nnnunl diminution uf till'
jumma f of the <'lmntry-tbe pret'Drion:. lA:nure h)
.. t.idt the aumil, and farmcl" bul<l lbeir JO!'ll<'ll-
mil!Cry of the lower !'lu.scs of the JlC()plc,
nl.IROiutcly !lXclutlccl from the protl'llLion of tbt gn-
th' utter inSt'Curity of life :mol I'""
Lrtkr &.., I!'J'I'C'1'g<II<'Rl to Colood S<ctt, :!2Dd J.-
hUilf)', I >'0 I
t n'Dbl or Utt'l&lnrnt.
VOL. Ul.
CHAP. XVII."flCrty throughout thu province or Outlt'." Tber;c
positions nre iUUI!tmted by refercllC:e to fnt"bt then of
rt!Cellt occurt'(' ; nnd the represeutation being
addressed to tho Vizier, the truth of tho nllegetl
facts wcmld beoo impugncd bail it ]le('U Jn..<i-
ble. Tbu Yizier, indeed, hnd ndmitted the miserable
condition of his revenue odministrution ; nud ruJ
nuthorities concur in the stnte of his
dominioliB 118 littlt' remon:d from compl<.:tc anarchy.
Under circumstnncl!fl the .:cmtinui.'Cl paymlmt
of tho British sub$idy could not reasonably be relkl
upon; and tlu! Vizier llilllsclf bud, by hi own f!Ug-
gestious, lent cucourugoment to llulSe
which, on other groun<l,, there abundmt reliSon
to entertain.
It bns been soon thllt, nt an early period of his
administration, the W ellesk'Y ltnd
impressed 'l-ith t!Je necest!ity of obtaining turritorial
security for n pnrt, at lellSt, of the Vizier's pecuniary
cogn.gcments with the British The
desire of abdication, which at ono time the Viner
entertained or aftected to entertain, litlggested an-
other mode of =gcment, which the governor-
general now instructed the re!!ident at Lucknow
to press upon tbe consideration of the prin<'e.
ThB wns the tramfer of tl1e government
of the conn try, ci Yil ns well ns military. to the
CompM.y, under llllitoblo provisions for the main-
Letter fromg<n'l,rnM-gcml en Vaier, 8th April. 1801.
I See page IGJ.
PRITJSB Ell1'llUt IS ]!),;
of lbc Yizier nrul his family. Colonel Scott ceu. un.
'l'ml< direct<'tl to prepnre thl' lruft of a for tbUI
(llll'(lOSt'. m tbl' modt>l nf the treaty concluded with
t lw Rtojah of Tnnjore nnd tbnt proposed to tho
Vizier nt Ute periot.1 of mrclilnteil nbdicu.tion.
In framing uch n treaty, tho re,idtul wns instruewl
!11 ket"(l in ,-;,.w its primary ohjl'<'b-tbc abolitiun
of nnd the rub,.ritntiun of "A wi--e and bene-
"'ltnlplan nf gu'l'l!mDlent. tn in..l'ire lb<>
Jl<.'nplo with confidenei' in tho fi('Curity of property
n111l of Lifu: to .-ncoumg<! imhttry: tn prott!Ct tbu
fruit8 uf huncst Libour, lllltl tn C514blilih order nnil
8\llnniinu to tltE' just nuthority of Uu: til.atc, un the
liOiill fuuutlatioru of grntituclo for bencBts receh-ed
owl cxpoctntinn of continue.! :" but be \\'!lit,
nt tlor arne time, to defer to the inclinations nnd
pl"f'judic:c:"' of the Vizier, as far a. might be oom-
pntiblo with tbe attainment of the main ohjeeb nf
thr tn11ty. The dmft, wbcu pre('nted, was to be
to the Vizier. If on H be might
mnuirt"'L nny disposition to nr<'f'lll' to gcnerru prin-
l'iplo'!i, but J<lonuld dl'<i:ro >">IIIli p:u-ticulnr ru00i6ro-
tiuns, hi' 11;:!11\."'linn W<'tc tn he for tb!l
kdinn of the llat :1!1 it
nhnnuly 1110ro probabl, that bt would reject th
JltOJ'<l"'ll thi rt..,.,,(t "n.' rrolided for.
In thnt Clli'C tht ..,.,;dent \l1lb tn fall back on the
pllm'lo the hD.d l'ntcrtaint'<l
f11>1n tltt lf cnttrlng nu thE' clutit-s of
nllil't'. urocl rrobahly from nn lrlir Tho
WlUi tn bo infnmu"l thnt tlw fund for tho
niAP. XHI, regular payment uf tho &ul.-idy mut he
without olo>lll) b<) onol tho lto.zanl of fnilon-, ruul tior
thi tmri1<Jlle tbe ,.,.,,inn 11f territor} uf nhotnalt
t>XIcnt wm; to hl n><Jtticd. Tlw Don!J, inclu<lincr
trilontu from Vornlcknlmd. wn, to fonn pnrt 11f
tbel<'l'ritory to l thnA olcmnnolool, untl Robiltunol \In
l"'intl'll out nn RAI<Iitiun. Tb<' (""''""'inn
.. r tbe<e pronnc,.., loy tho ,.-.,ulcl ttnl tu
the \izitr fnm fortign eonlll't'tion.,; aul
furcign 11f clanJI\r: and it tnggcstel
that tbeir tr:lru!for wuul<l Itt less mortifying to him
tlum that of nny uthor portiOIIb of hib tlominittn.
lnn><mncb os tlacy 1nrc nut 11urt of the more nuci"nt
p<._ions of hi huue, but bntl l)('Cll &cquinol f.r
it hy the Britibb lll'lll..
The absence of tbl.' Yizier on a MI"Dil!lcm,
uul tbt ol.<..-qolll Nkbratioo nf a )nlmmelau
ft..,tinl, delayed for I'OillC time tbe executi11n of Ill<'
""'""" of tbe go"emor-gcncrul. W'hcn Un, olmft nf
tlac trenty \\Ill' at llmgth submitted tn tim
\ 'izier, deportment Willi such us ullbnlctl 1111 thltl
tn hi" probablt! <ltci.lon. lie rc.'Ceive;l the olrnft,
witl1 n letter to him by the glll'c:'Mlrtr-
l;'twn!. mtboot any manifltatino of emotiun, nrul
to commnnicntc with Colonel &-ott tht
rubjtt't as "'"'" ru. bP. bnuld IJa,e full\' romidcn.:tl
it. Two dap u toerorul ronfl'renrc
took plru:e, wl1cn tlw Vizit'r, though bl' olio! nul
l"lbitivcJy reject till' lil'><l JlfO(lO!Iru--that nf tho
lotl<l rdinquisbnwnt nf the government of Ouolu In
Ulo repugoant'C In it.
BRITl11 1011'111& T!> INDIA. 1!17
Culotwl Scott cndro..-otln'<! to rcm<'ile him to tho en \P. "11,
by 110 nppcnl to hi<. pntriotic feeling><,
bot the ntttmpt wns n fnilun.. The m,idont lm\iog
lhnt the sacrifito of fer ling on the pnrt of
t lw \'i1.ior would be comprnnttd hy the
tioou wbith be would <l<'riH' frum the
iuorcasin!! pro<)ll!rity of the touutry aml the hnp-
pialL"\11 uf till' peuplc umltr lhu of the
llriti-h .. the print'O rulliwcrcd with J:Tl'Sl
c-.uJIour, that, nnder tho cirt'tlOJ5lMt'l'8 in which !10
houlol lll pl:ued. the uf the.;e thins:>J
wuuloJ nul nfliml him the mo.Jit.,.l gmWit'lltiun. ll <'
rt>fon'\'U to o. Iutter of uohito nololl't'!<!ied to
hy Lord Conmruli, which, lhough it
tuntaiuctl fur the introt.luc-
tivn of \nnuu.s reforms in tho t!ilfcrcnt branches of
left the e.'tccution of the proposed
nwn.urc. to the b:md.s of the \ 'izicr 110d bi, minii-
tl'l's. To thi lhl:l'O wn.; llll obiott llllio-wel'. LoJ'II
Coruwnllid ljUilted India in 1\UJl'll"l, I iD3: the
,.,.,_..ation iu which !tis mhic'<> Willi referred to
took pl:ut un the 26th l'ehrun.ry, 1!-llll. Tho in- A.O.ll'lll .
ttnnl little IE!>l!l tlt:m clqhl J<'lll". nntl not ono
81<'1' hnl li('Cn taken. eith<'r by tlao n:ij,.'lliug \'iT.ic.>r
or bis l'rt.'h'<'<'!<"'J', towardJJ t"AIT}iu;c into efre<>t any
portion of th<' olft."rot.l to them.
Tlri, M the nrgnod, hcw,,l dtbE>r that tho
nchir w11. dbrcga.rded, or rhnt tbe l""'cr of actin)l'
111<11 it Willi mwtiug, tbe lt<tlcr hll('f""'itinn being
nnl<'nmolt:ol hy tbo '' hirh tho V izicr bnd
roomo time l .. fon rnfc,cd tu ullitnte. The Yizilr
CHA.P. XVII. further rq>re&ented that bis O'll'll J111Y1DeDtl Of !illh-
eidy bad been punctual. '1\hilc tbt,;c of his
ectllor bad been imgulnr; tuul be u.rgt'd that it
would be time enough tu dt:mnnd security "lwu
failure actually t11ok piMe. To this it 111 nn-
that if that ptriocl wtn "!lite<! for. it 11oull
then not be within the 1'\'Seb of humau wiS<Iurn cw
p<>wer to retriec alfail'l! of an e.sluw!ted anl
deptpnl&ted country. The Vixier might bac
reminded of hi own l!:qon:,._'W'<J apprehension of ita
making some rcm11rks on tbe propoa'<l
eo;tnhlilrn}(nt of tuurt uf to whirh tbo
Jlriurc to cult'tlniu grent dislikE>. ho ro-
Jne..h."'l to be furobht'l. on 11 future day. with 5<>mc
account of thP !ICCOntl wbirh Willi
toofined to the demanl of territory a,; a ecrurity
fUr tilt' clai:ml! of the Britih goemmeut, which
W&ll nfforded. Being now in ['O"SC;;.ion of tbe
Tho mit-nco and opp ..... iun oxtrcioed in reoli>illl( lha ..
nnu.c hue bern Atltertcd to; but it L. farther to be
that the oeema to haft atnlined hi. ciJUm for the credit nf
1n<hllllity quill! u far u cin:umnan ... ..,.,.,..,tl!d. tau
ottual .t.lault """ occarred. tloeft bad btrc .,.,.,.;Qcr&bfc bcotlll
ti..o11 ia makmg ror- ... .,_... from a!"''''"" U. alcU<r
from the to Col-I rre
d_... "I .rub," ..W hi> lonlobip, "the N...W. could-
that lt -.rould be a mon- dij:wied I.'IJUne to pay bio llllltoMiy With.
out Jidng me the Uv<t!.le of iml"'rtlll>Dltr bim. He nplarly
Iaiit into am:v, and u ngut.,lr I'"Y up the .....- wbau:v<t ho
I"""" from me thAt it IIU atttaetl!d my notice, Would it not he
morr (or bU. bonour, .. nd lor my cue. 1f be would not wait fur
Jappliation, but I*Y puactaally u the auboidy bccom<o d110!"
llRITIMn f;)fl'fJU; IN li(OJA. 190
l.'ntire vit>ws of thu gtvernor-gtneral, the Vizitr caur. xvn.
fimnally and ditinctly rej'<'lcd both bnwcbes of
the nlt<n1utive suhmittod to him. c1>uld not, he
!<did. with llli own hands. c."{clutlc himelf from his
patrimoniAl dominion-. h for. M ht! naiwly a.k('<).
what ad'1'1111tagu lu111ll 1 from"' loiogr'-
nor couhl ho COUSt!lll to nny Jll"'ith'e tt'rrit<>rial <'CIO
toion by way of for the Britj,;IJ subsirly; and
the rt'a.fll 11...,;igned for tills n:fwoal is truly wonder-
ful, wbon coruritlenl in relation to tbe cbamcter and
condutt nf the Yixitr. " I t.xpect," snid be. " tu
deriru tht moat IAJItantial profi!Jo from bringi.njt
into a ftonrWrlng ronditioo thi t'ODDtry, wbit!h h ..
110 long IM.'t'D in n sttLte of Wllllte ami ntin; by a
III'J'Ill'8lion of territory my of tbE'!;C lllll"tnntial
profilli would be entirely cut ofl:" How lameutal>lo
was it that the good intentions hatl bO long
Flumbetetl-how thut thoy
awakl'u ju<t nt tbt mt>ment whcu seeurity for
wn.' deliUUlde<l. lie bad D<'<'UJ'k'tl the
musnul fur sevl'ml ytll.l'll, not! during thnt pcriool,
either from inability or indip.,.ilioo, ho hnd dorw
nothing to tbc ruuntry Crow thut tate of
" Wlll'h' Bod min" into whil'b it had fallou ; hut th
pleJU,'lltl' nf continuing to be tu-knowlc.lgtl lord of
lbi:; .. of wue" Willi not to be relinlluiF.hl"l,
and in thu bOJoe Of r\'lruoing it I1C bad n'CIIUI'C!(' to
to w hicb no of liOund mind
c-ould gin ,,,eo a tualified 'rill')' r.'tX'iTt'<l
liar mnre altcntiun than m('ritl-d. The J(OT<'r-
nor-gt'Deral 11 In the 'fiakr, teod<"r
mtrroaY or 'riiB
tiUP. xvu. ing the two J'"'JIO!!nh! for a111l
an,..ering at great tl1c ubje<"liolll' of I hu
!!hewing thnl tlwrc wn. no hope for the
nbulition of the mru .. of by whiclt the rounll')
will! overron lmt in its tmnfcr to the llritikh
wmment; and thl'i dOOrnblc event ehouhl
talw Jllnre or not. exhibiting rigbt of thnt gil-
\'crnment to dema.ucl acle<Jnnte teeurity that it.! in-
ll'l'tt.llillould not be invoJ.-ed in the geneml n1in.
It would be 11Un nuc\ fruill<i!!l," !iaicl the gonmor-
grneml, " to nttl'mpt nrduous taak"-that of
thorough and cfl'-'Ctnol reformation-" hy
interferenre, or by imperfect modlficnt.ionM of 11
YIrm of which ovrry Jlrindple is fmmdcd in l'rror
nne! impolicy, and t!\Cf)' iru;trnmcnt tainted "ilb
injmttice and romJIiou. After long and mntnn.
.klibenu:ion," he " I offi!r to ytnr exctl-
lency a renewal of my fom1er declaration. that tho
of Oud" crumot otherwise be p!'lliiCnccl
tlum by tho grndlllli ruul regular opemtiou cof n
'Jtcm of adminibtrulion founded on princijil('f! of
'nb!rtrultinl justice run! of romprebensive policy, nncl
c:nforced by nlltbc power nnd energy of the E11glib
;lll\'l'mlllellt." After illntmtiog some of the nl-
of this plru1. ht added. "but "hat<'''"'
be )OUT scntiml'llts with ngard to
t be lin;t propogtion. tlll' right of the Cnml'nr tn
cltmnnd a ccssitm <Jf territory MlcqWlle to the M.'t'll
l"ity of the fund!; for defraying till' tx-
nf our dcf\'nin "ith c.x-
b .imliJ>utnhlt>." 'rhut right nltcl
Elll'IR& 1!'< ISOlA. 201
pritU'ipnlly uron the notorious fnct!l, thnt the m;J, CHAP. :n u.
MJI abuses of the ")'t.em of ndmini,tr:rtion
luul greatly impcrircl the 1'1!1!<JIJJ'CC'O of the 6latc, lnt<l
the well-grounded infere.nco thnt tho c:ttll!<('ij uf dct'tl)'
woull to o1oemtc with in<"tea..o:cd and ne'--
1\mtl'll l'Rcrt, until ultimntcly tlw prinrc Klronltl
become 1lllllhlu to fu1JiJ hio with tlu.:
Company. The rn:ttndetl cxpcctatioll5 uf tbe \ 'i-
zil:r Wt'J'O j\llitly m('t by rut imJuiry, \1 bctbcr Ito conltl
n.'ll.'l>ltably hnpe !11 indnro the gowrnori(t'JJtrnl. loy
tbis UIJSllJIJIOrlcd ILS!!C'rtion, to re<t the of
lht Comr-.any in tho province of Orulc on a founda-
tion 1!0 pn.'t'llrio011 and as the uf
an improT('mcnt obtitroct<'ll by the whole tern of
tbo anti hy C\cry relathe cir-
in the lltntc of his
Tho Vizier continued to witbhohl his w.sent tct
t'itbt.'r and to erulea"rour, by a to all
pn.;iblo of ev31!ion nncl deloy, to defer the final
l'<:Uioment of the qucstionJ at i<f<Uc bcl\n'('n tbr
Rritih gowrnment and him!'clf. At last Joe dcur-
rninNI on a list of cmclit ioJI8 or lo
whkb he dC!Iired tho .-nt of the
oofilrc to the rtUiMI c"""ion of t('rritory.
Tbt'y Wl!l'l' in numhcr and rclate.:l to a great
mri('ty or The fiN '1\"31> a '"CIT chamettr-
i<tir IIIII!. ] I rt(erl'\'tJ to lhn pl\)'llWDt <lf thO cll'bt!l O(
A'llf-al-Do"lah r .. r the \"izior rortl!T111Dlaled
himi<Clf he "11. not oct.'Ountoble, anti, ronrl'Ovcr.
aTniH-.1 that ht' wn.-uuable tu prmitle: ani!. referring
to thtJ u .. nn"J"on,ihilrty .,f the t'omf'U'::r

lllfi'TORT OF Till!
cuA.P. xvn. to infer that their )l'Overnme..nt would ronfirm tho
ucmJllion which elnimcd for Other of
tbo Visier'a demands ('Ointetl in the >UD<' dinJctinu.
The fourth woulol DJlfll'llr, on n <'UI'l'Ory to
be little mon tlum idle verbiug<' ; but it ho.d n <lceJl
anol im(>Orlaut mflU!ing. It mn tbu :-" " ' lultevcr
hcn!tlitary of this lltale to the lntc
Nawnub Azoii41-Dowlah now olewhl' upon mo his
succottor; let Wt' enjoy such right I!XCiuiwly, nnrl
let all the inhcritnncl15 of my &ncesto" and the
boll of the right- attached to my fumlly l'I!Dtre in
mt, and let no J>lll"if>D interff.' rc in or them."
Colonel Scott Wllq Mtllicienlly O('ltturlnleol with nathu
ditlmM('y, nml mth the character of the Yiz.icr. to
be to mJI that muro \\118 ml'llllt tluw
mel the eye. lie that it lJC in-
to the right of thf' Vizitr to ll(tpro-
priatc the projWrly of tho llho Begum. ntul. with
womo thi.. mb Mkno.,.lf'dgt"<l
by a moula'-y retained h) tht \ ' izier to oo tho cor-
J'Cct ont.
'!'his wns, therefore, an indirntion of n d<"ign ou
tb11 tnrt of the prinl'C to re80rl to t.hc mem"
of t'llricbing tn.>a.<Ury whirb bad lxocn
hy hik JlrOOeclC!!or untlcr tb!' patronngo of Wlll'J'Cu
llalings. It 'm believed that. in 11dditiun tu tbe
appetite for which the Vizier
wanift..,ted nt a.ll and uncl<'r all rircumtotance;<.
thl'rt' wns n pc<'Uiiar l'l.'a8f!o for the att"ntiun which
bll tim. be!!toWL'fl ou tho nputod wmlth uf the
begum. With the in. prolaWy. uf lil:t:uring,
llllJTI!O Ull'IR IS l!<DIA. 203
tluring own lift, the l!lljoyml!Ut of that wt-nlth, OIL\1'. liVJl .
sho b:ld Jtrop<IIS<'<l to th lirimb to male
tlto COUI(IIlllJ htr heir. Thl' i.mpmdCllcO or the
or 11f sume of btr had, iL '1\b
6DJlflno<etl, u!fert'd the to ruteh th<.' 1'1111 of the
\' izii!J'. a.ntl th<.' mJ!itcrious article by whid1 lw
sought to tirtify hi, clnimc to uc.-cccl to all that
wu enjoytcl or iuberit\d bit! prtcl<.'cessor wru;
to hun> bet:u tho n .. nlt. 'fl1e rooiclc:nt
rrry fairly look ot'CMinu to contrMl this orticlll
with the lir>t, in which be dhtrlaimed the ckobts of
tho prinro whom '"' mret't'ded. He daimed all tho
property wltil'h hd Jll:edll<t;or JK-I,ttr to ,.bich
be wu eotitlt.l. but he ha.'e nothing to clo ,.;tb
tbat f'rlnl'c' liabilities. Colonel N!olt luquirl by
what rull.' of 'Ciuity the d<.:btor and creditor olicJ,.., of
tho ncconnl wero to be thus St'JIItmll'd, but it olc>eS
not oppear tlw be rereived any Tho fi.fth
srtidc wa., not in it.. nl!ject fJ'fm 1hot by
which it \\IL f'n.'<.Jctl. It 1\llq wide ond S'H'eping
in it. rnngc :- " l'hou.ltl My ptI"''o," it 1110, " haw
obtained, nr hrna.fhor hy hri.'D.I'b of trUbt
or otb<'r mco.o,., of f'CCi" tor prnpt'rty
belt111ging to thi drear, let nu one oh,'tnact my
taking had propt'r1J Ol'
lltiH wns not open to ohj<'(:tion. Xo 11nc coulcl J>ro-
l"'rly to protect the of
frnuduleotly obtnint.J; but tho ciTL'Ct ,,f the provi-
sion would lum. 111-en tCI !ICCnre to tlu Vi.lil'r tb\l
poer of '> lmm he pleooe<l to tboo.:l
of l'"'"""lln! br wlaith Oritutnl l'otcntAtC!I nn
CIIAI'. :wu. to rclime ww.lthy subj<'<'lll of a portion
uf tbcir t...vnre. During thr conf, .. inn that <u<'-
('(-edoo tlu. dl'lllh of>owl:th, Bntl
tltrough the bhort reiA'tl of \ "izier .\li, it 1111. n8
1tl'<'lt.'<l that much Tnlnllble ]roperty hrul car-
ritd llll"li.Y from the private l!'eJLmrJ. jewd-<>ffi<'l',
nnl wardmh<-; :mol the 'II1IS pruhaloly
well founded. The Dritih authorities diol Ul>l
"ih to give impunity to tbi.'!IC tbeftA. nor to ..-nocn
from punishment ll111o;o by whom it wu moritt.'<l:
but ocither did they wish to let looooe on e'"l'r)"
Jtl'rson w IJOm the Vir.icr n1ight think a fit tiub-
j't'L for experiment. the pniCes.'C by whiC'h arc
u .. ted t)J(1 J-.._ioo of pmptrty, and the dl'P'l'O in
whieh the ro""{'!!;.'lllr wducd with the JII'IWI!r of
ttnacity. CoJ .. nd SC'utt d., that the smpeck'<l
l"'n<Oill4 might '"' poiutt.'<l out, hot bt eondtmned tho
tiCI'igtt uf in"''hing pcrun about thl' roo:rt Ill
'cxutious nccn'lltiom. The thirtl'l.'nth of the n-
'luired was not less my>tcrin!L than
of those which hrul prtocedcd it It com-
mcuccol with this noeitAl :-"" Some arrnngetn<'nt
amonl!' the SCI'TMts of the rircnr CJtlculntcd
to diminih ID) cxpen."('!l will lxoeonll'
Utili to ob,-int<' oliturlmneeoo, it will become oCCl'S-
NUJ to rcttuu I!Uch nnmhcrR only tiS cru1 bo paid
month1y and rtwtlarly: Tlw-<' j>l"("mi-t.,. were fol-
lowed hy 11 pertmjotory clmehtinn atul a wry
lk-IDAllol :- Tlti nrrangtment t'all only
1,... t.'lli'<'t<'tl by olimi,.iou, aJJOI I d<'loll'l' that nu inll'r-
et.'illiuo lit' DJotlt (or nny pcn;ou "hat<'rl.'r ." \\' ho
llRITllill l'.lll'rRE IN INOLA. 20:i
W\!liJ the de;;tin<'tl for clilllk.ion, and thus xvu.
exdu;lcol frttm U;o bt:lll'flt of i:ntL'rt'ef'<dun?
soevor the \'r pll'IIS<--..1-bi, uroth .. :r;.-tbe begum
-tho fmnily uf tho <h't't'!Led Vizier-the puhlie
Fer\1Ult nf tht ami niL pcr-nn
nr cnJymg roeu.ion.. The-e pro' iion "ere in-
((ntl.-1 to nJli;r;l the \' izier n 6elll filr plumltr.
'fbtn \\tre ntbeni, th"l;,'lled tu 'N'UJ\' to Wm lht
priviljlc uf hi:< clomitUon witltout
ltt or molet>tntiuu. I t r.-1uin.'ll that oil corn-
"J"'IIdon('l <huui<l in fntun he rmric<l un clin..,t!)
bctwccu the gommnr-j,'l'tll'ml or tbP nllioltnt on the
uue part. ami tho Vizier on the other, to the exeln-
l'ion of the miniti!N hf th, Iotter-" 'inct I hi'
pn..,..ut Slit! the print'<', "is apt to renollr
pl'Ople contumacious." 'l'hl! resident wa. It!
bhnt lti'f to C\ery tbiug but what the \i:.icr
chose tnter thom: "Let the rt ... ident," he
AAid, " rurdially nnd Ulliling with mt,
JlftY nu -.ort of attention to the npre-tntntion.' of
cvent..,;tan:hiug, ,..,.( f-intcrt'><tetl [tt-r<oons." Further
it wa.. tbnt the Driti,b lro<J(lft tu (...,
JICiid by th" \'im-r &houhl remain pcrmnnl'ntly
in tlJC tountrit ... , nnd thnt no
in th' woy of a<hice. whould !.'Ike Jll:tl'tJ in
" any olll' of the afl'oi..-,-urb were tho Vizi<r'
wordJ;-of govemmlut. Some or llao rropooot<l
t"Ouditiorui would "CCCII nlmO!;t to ba,e ho..:n
with tbo intcntirm of ntl\'l'ing JICIS<ll.lal nfl'e.- to
the gt>\t.'mor-gtncml. 'l'bc itupulntio!U!
in lhe toolo.l not be ntiBnndr-
nnrrunY OF ntll
CRAP. uu. :-" \\'ben the runttpyq now under disMI<<:iiJII
luill ban lo:n finally aljw,k..J, nceonling tn '\\hat
lonllit hns writton. let no fresh tlnim, of
"hate\-cr i<lrt, be nhanced; l<>t no iucn'B..:c be
<l<mamltL" .\nd aj:llin-M Let tho
onten.,J into b<twccn lordhip nnd thi circor be
lirm nnd Jll'rmruumt, untl let n treaty he now
up, that no guwmor-jtent:>ral, who !!hall hel'('-
nfter be IIJI>Uiutro to tho charge of the
nlliJi.., runy have it in his roower to alter, change.
or infringl.' the mid tr.nty." or the all'ronta
offered to hillL<elf the goTCmor-gcn!'ral took no
notice : hut he rejL-clctl the "lillie of tho trof"R"l
cnuilitiow;, tnrtly on tho growul thnt the lemand
mnrle nn b(ohalf of tlt1 Company bdng n. mnttcr of
ri,srbt. complinoce ought to be 1111thackle<l with nny
eonditionoc, cnu though they be unnhj<ction-
nhll', nncl partly heronCJ the ctulitiou prnJ"'Cl<l, !lO
f11.r fmm being of tbill t'haracter, were t'alculated to
lring digrocc nn the British nom!', and ruin to the
honottr or the ViziCJr, the dignity nnd security of his
relntina-. and the bnppiocss of Ad-
verting to the wbicb manif ... ..,ted murc
dally tht' Vizier's tlilike of Driti!'h iJIIIrf,renCE',
the govcmor-gcnenu .,tid : " Fmm nrtiel<'!i it!! that the X11wauh Vizier ha.. already fnrgotteD
th.nt tht' o,af,ty of hi. person ruul the erlotcnte of
his govemm'nt hn' I' !J<o!'n mo.inlnlnt.'d Clltcln&irnly
J.y the Bri tib power. nntl by the pi'C!I('IK'C .. r Briti!!h
l.roo("i- IIi. exrellcuc-y uow diJ">!K'd to
hi, unwarrantable SU. "Jlidolll! nt tltt hlll'.anlnf
IIRITISU J;.llra IN L'IOIA. 2(17
the c<mtinunnc" 11f hi nolhority over hi sobjN-I.!l, CRAP. xvn.
lllltl !'Veo of hiq per!l<llllll S.'lfcty. by romoviog tho
Britil1 forces from loi tcrritorl<.,., 1111d by eooJi<ling
his nod hi life to thooe whnsc tl"I'MOII
hnd nprot...Jly cndang<:rcd both." 1' nn to
the which \lln dbij,"lll'<l to gratify tloc
nvnriC<', tho govcmor-gtncroltbus cxprt-...Kl
hili u}'inion wilh regnrd tn tllMll : " Tho ubji'CL of
th.,.., &rticle- DJ'JI(.'ai'S to be, nnlcr the shdter of thu
onm.:, tn CIIIICd all thn public <lt>bts of tho
'!late nf Oadl'; to defraud llllol plunder the anrlont
llOd \enl"rable rom:Urur of tht fAmily anol bouseholol
of togethtr with who.ttw!'r ill n'-
!iJM!Ciahlt tbl' urvinu;t r<'latinn aol fricn<IR
of tlw late .holf-ai-Dowlab; to in.-ohc
tho whule nobility lUlU gentry of Ouilo in vcltatinm
lllld pi'O!'CriJltiOIL>; to depri'o
the l'>'tablishrd dependants lllld of tloe
fL'tte of the nwnns of 1<11 histenco: to fnttrate ewry
institution found<:d in tbt> piNy, munifiN!IlN'. or
ebarit) of pn'l!t'diug go'mmCnt, and to owr
tho whole rotmtry n swneml of ra)IIU!ious
contiso:ation, arbitmry im,.rbonm<'nt. and crue11Jan-
Till' ialiou to drag ou for senral
month-< without appan;utly making any
The Vizier, on ))(log RJ1Jlri.zed nf lbo !lrtermination
of tbl' in ro.p<'Ct to the p1'11J"*lll
!!tipulRtiun., thAt l'fithout their roocelllion
on tb1.1 J>CUt of the Drilih gonmment he would
yield his to t'itLH f 1 he plan. which had
llllltllRY Of TIIC
cn.\1'. :nn. been oohmitt.od to him ; but while thw; In J,p
a IOIU'tY to the !!efJIU'llliuu dominion.., ho nllt"l"t<'<l
n pirit of UW<'k nud pnticnL rt'l>iguatioo, dldruwl
thut he hnol neither inrlinnlinn uur strength I>
nut! cxpru:>oed a rlcl'il'f to proc.:>t>d on a pilgrimng'
hi nL-cnt't' he prnJ""''"' that of hi
11huuld he with the ollico .,f deputy, nne I
cmpowcred to carry into cflt'<"t tho territorial 1''-"'inn,
ns well a. to eompltte tbc yet imjJ<'rft-ct nf
rl'<ludng the military foree.
Before this ll<'htmo \\M brought to the knuw-
lctlge of the gov('fllor-gcnoml htul. oltll!nttint<l to
his Mr. J hmry Welle,Jty, n 1!"11-
tl('mun endowed with ingulnr tnlcnts for diplt)lnncy.
tu C<HJperute witb C11l<Hil'l Srt>lt in In
bring the Brithili ret..tion ";th the Vizier into 11
lllnl'(' hlltiafactory lAte. Oue mothe to this tt1
Willi tho belief thllt tho prefi(!neo of on.:> nt'llrly
111lied to the govemor-gtncrnl would hn,c the l'fli.'cl
or nccelerating tho Vizicr'R detem1inntiou, wul It
\VM further intended to put rut end to n hopu wbitil
the Vizier ww; bclievl'd to entertain of
ing hi decision till tbu arrh'!ll of the Marquis Wtl-
lc.-ley on a visit, whirb bo had IDng meditatt.'d, toth
northern pnrtg of lndiL To pnt an enol to tlti
hope, it was di>tinrtly intimat.-d that the gmcmnr-
general WRS reo;olwd unt to holt) 11ny pcr>oOnnl inttr-
toon;e witlt the ,. while the in diMJIIII<
romnined nml!'citlod. Uuforc 1\f r. a.rriwol,
II intiumtinn by tbt l"'!!!illtnt tu ('('r-
etcalnl Lonl Cowie) .
Dllmhll l:lll'IUE IS ISJ>IA. 211!1
lain nnmil as to the in tlo t<>ming year of cn.P.
thn ll'<inut"' for which tlwy wt:rc r1 JIOILiiJIP, gnv11
tlw \'izicr u pretence r,,, withhuhlin,!( of
Ute lill nrlunlly nuc. Thore in thiR rllliO
lo lJlnme on lxlll il. 'rho
ought nnt lo havt! l'lithhdol D<'tu.nlly 1!<'-
tun'l loy tn-aty, unlcs hc I'"'I>OB()l tu Jut nn cod
t" tlw ll'l'llty nnd WM able tu maiutnin hi intention
ly f<>rcc. At the <arne tirnl'. BS tbcro was no im-
no'<'t"'il) for the intimation giten by ColotK'I
Sr11tt, it was an ontrag" "l"'n ''"' of the
\ izipr "birh might well hAw httn It wa
nwru impnul<'nt untl rcpnhcnihlt, 111 tl1c
thpu!Atinn uf 1\l r. Ht'nry W to a diplolllllti<'
mi,..iou Ill tla I'OUrt nf tluo \'itirr hacl lJ<.'Cll nn-
nounr <1. .\lth .. ugb thiR appuintmcnt did not tclicve
Colon!'! Srott from the duty of "at<'hing the cou-
lurt of tlu Yizicr and nffit'<'MI. ntor pn,dude him
from hring!ug U10 negotiation. in tl1o;> wean time to
n favuumlolo isue if it \n'r(' within hi power, jt
"ughr to lun" u !'llt't'ful nl,..linen"fi fmm
nny mrn,un.. not obsoluttly which was
t'Rirubtt'CI tn ght' t>II'f'llr. Nul tim to cml.IIU'I'IL" a
Ji,cu.sinu in tho m:magcmelll of "hidr another wa.
;oon to l1!l\C a principal ,J,:tro. Tbo \'izier re-
'luinl tbal. 111> '<>me repnmtiou, tho re-itlcut honltl
<'All upon the aumib tn pny tbrir re-toect, at tho
'11 MllnjiiD Wclktlty ll>d i .. uo:d iutruct.out to ooopeod
f"r a tuuu aiJ ur-1\.nb etl.ftbl,"hinJ tho C:Ompan.y"a
authority ill llw dittric:LI the ecuioa u( hath wat but
C1 >1-1 N<>ll had not.....,..., thrm
\or. 111.
tRAP 'JI\ n. prinre' durbar .,. wrual. Tbi it tbt'y bad
never to h anl the re;idl'Jlt, f..eling that I!UCh intimatiun from him would ..eem 111 lnli-
cate that the fnltl'MI in it.ll
<lll!Rrmination. ff'fll"('ll to ghe il. llu
Vizier made the JymcnL"o to &8
hl ""d. tbt Ccmpnu) ' affilil'i frum h..Jn;: !'llllClr
r-.-1 by Jti, withholclin!t' th{'m.
Mr. Well.,. ley arrin'<l at Lncknow con the :lnl oC
A n.11101. !Wptember. On the 5th h pre.cnted to tho \ 'iti<>r
n memorial, recounting the mothl"i which llllt! 1.-tl
to his misliian, nnrl retirring to the dtt<nnitutinn
of the goVN1lOr-gtnorul to 8\'lli<l n ]WI'IIIJIIIII hlhr-
,;(lw with thl' \ ' i1.i..r wuler the txiting uf
C'iff'llmU\n('('o;: waming him that no ehnnA'I! in II
1\riti.h CU<rncil at hnme ..-uald nllt.-ct the gmtI'DI
hunr of the JKIIiT uf the Hritbh gowmmt'Dl in
!rutin. and that nu nlax.atiou W'()Uid talw Jlaa in
pursuing tltc mnurc:; )11'1!\ iously deeml'tl lll'C'C'5'!llry
for the peaco oml proop<'rity of Oadc and tllfl ...
turity of the 1om inion. The
Mr. Pitt and hit chief auppcli'IBI, Lon! Lon!
l;pmee, Lon! Camden, Mr. WU>dlwn, IUld Mr. Dundu, bad
J5eo iJI ......... 4l1:11Cle of the -;cjetjpu ...... p1a o(
a-g. m. "'the r>toJ-t c1 11oe di-.bilitiea "'which
the IlGman Ca1holjro lrdaaol ""'"' a1 that ,_ oubjtaa.
\'ogu IUld iDalnrct ...,.,.U cl <hAuge W .....,bod Indio -
moirtlio 'brian Mr. \\'.u..r.,r ani..! "' Ludaw <- a a.u..-
Cnun th< l\lllnjlri> WoU .. try to Colonel Soott. !!ht June, 1801,
roumia< in the Ourle JIIIJIOl'l', by the Hou10 of Gomn1nuo
to hc 2.Sth nd Juno, lllOl), and it wu ,_.,rtlllll
what !h.! VW.. mlgLI ba bani. or .-bat ..-..:! tho- ialloilpe
hli!Lr ha"' bad u,- Lna.
BIUTI!m f!.llriRII: IS JSl>IA. :til
ron<"iud<od by calling Yizid" nttenlion to the CRAP XTII.
fil'llt of two pmpMaJ, which hurl mbmitted
to him, anl in\;ting n of h
\ 'izier cugngod to lh\ Md nfil'r
1'{!\'l'tal tlayo delh-ered UIIRWtr, M on
provinUJI t>t'ai!Oions, to ngn>c to nny BI'I'IIIIJ(\.'llll'nt wbirh
mlgbt invo)v., tbt> nf hi "'''"t:rcignty. Tb"
British lll'j!Otiatcm sought to 'hak this dl>tennina
tirn, hut in The Vizil'r .,. .. in
nmwing hill rljecti11n of the plan. and declared it t11
1'< tuH)IIftlillll. Tho diaeworion of the oerond pm
Jl<llllll made to tho Vizil'r by the governor-general
wu lbt'n ro.tlntl'll ; and aftt"r days bad been
t'OIIIIllmctl in disputntion. tbA priru-e signi-
liecl hi n-alint ..... to to it on trrtain conilititJJL.
Tbt"SC touditiono were, that be huuld be permitted
to nn 11 Jilgrimage; that hill authority during
hi- 1\l>-<nre boultl be excrch<"<l no!! of bh sou"'
tim righlnf l'l"iDming the 110 h1i return
lKing rt"'<'rnu w the YiziPr, in the cnot of to a>uil himlf 11f it. The llriti,Jr
nt!gntiutu,. felt 110me doubt 11. ll> tbc ro111-.;e wbio)J
it \\molt) he exptodimt th-ru to but
linally the}' <lettnnllied to IU't't')t tho \'izier's con
..eot tim "!uali6M. But a or" diflirulty '1<11. im
iot(rroo<ed. by o kmaool fmm the prioC<>
f4r the iutmuu"tion of an nrticll, Jnnidiog that u
th., tlrriterril'!l t11 be Cl'llc<l wen 1<1 lao 1:11tinl! undf'l'
the nuuu1gement nnd contnl of tlw fit
tl101M! to be n:taioed hy him be exclwohely
uod!'r hi <n. HT thnt nf hi htino anrf I!UHe'llOT>'.
UIAP. XTII This W&!l &<> llil't'(;tly at llrin.occ with the 'j.,..,.
amwl'tl on tht Jmrl nf tho Britih nuthnritlt'll
lbrnuA"bnut tltt llO!I with on" muin
uhj'l'l of the IU'I'U.Ugcm'nt. tlmt th11
Vizier mu<t hnvr known it roullnot bo l'!Jt<rtninol.
The prcFUilljlliun i11, that the<'lll['t to n\iVe li
ru .. ion upon a IJU<'$linn loog kfore set Ill ll!!!l 111115
only ru:ulc fc,r the I'"I'JIOfi!l Hf tlcla;r. Ollocr
di1nll< for were fuunl with the
f.1rility u.<unl with Oritntal cliplnmatim nu 6t1C'h
wroiou; bnt nt hnj,'th n tTLonty was c-<>rwltull,
A.D.III41. 11hich on thl! 14th nf Nonmbtr rt.'l.'dvl!ol tl ... nttili-
t'alinn of tlw govtrnor-gl'lli'MII. By t'IIJ!"II.(t'-
llltnt tbl' Vizilr J,.mul biru!ldf to l'L-dt ll rritnry
yitlding n re'l'tllue hf ""'' ,.,..,...., tbirty-6w thun.anol
Jar,., iu!'luding t'XJ>cll-- eof rollcM:ion. in eommutn-
tion of all claim 1111 the JoAn o( till (!On>m-
mcnt. nnd be in return \\lUI rd-t from nil futuro
<ltmnndo, on DCI'Olllll of thu [rntection nf Ou,Jo ur
it dependencies. Tho cugngcment on tho pnrl uf
tht> Compru1y to dcfNHI the Vilr.i!'r from fnrdgn 111111
duruC..tic wn. rcpt'Dtt.'tl nnd <-mfirmt'<l, uuol
tho priu<'e rt"trirl!tl to tho f('tl'ntion 11f a
linaitl'l number or trnop fnr Jliii1llliSCS of tnte and
rccnne. A df'!arbmcnt nf Britih trool'"' areum-
{>411ioo.l by a projl<rtion uf nrtillery. ':1.' to l.oc at all
lime attached to thr. Y izirt'ti p<'lSOn; tbo remalndl'r
\Wnl to be statinnf'll in Mtll'h pnrb of his
ru- alright earn tit t11 Ill<' Oritisb govcmmt'ut. The
hrritorie>< nut In '"'' \\W\' r .. nnniiY
guanmt""l tu the \ ixier. till' j.,'WII1\IIh'<' IM:injf
affOnt)tiWiCtl by uno.: uf tlnOK' pr"' isioo \\bicb tho en uo. uu.
trium hal mo;;t 1111.<dou, tu avert-that in tho
l'Xlrti'<l uf bb authority lt!l' \\IL' in nl1 cm.e. to llo
guithtl hy t hu nd ,ice of tht nnicel!l or the Com-
Tltt pnl4'('()dings. whicl haH rlnt< he<:n reportetl
at length. mut """ Ito nhrnilt('<l tu
that tu "hlch all thu acta .. r .tAIC5DltD
"rc jutiJ nltict't. Tht. right .. r w<"n>a..<ing tht
uurnl .. r of truo)"' itatiuut.J fur tLu <ltftDt'e of Otul
Ll" ln nln.July lliset-1. It 1'\mnius tu nm.itltr
\\ llt'thtr the Dritish gvnmrutnt \\ t111 Just.Hit>d in
U1BJ11Jing <'itbcr entire 1-Uri'\IUI<r 11f tho.l govt!rn-
mrnt nf Oudl', or tho CC>:'iou of I!< I tumh tcrritoJ')'
a hnuh.l rover tho just of tbl! Company, tho
Jatll'r )'llrl cor th.e alt.emnthc oadd.letl.Otb ll
contlition. giving to the Britih nutboritic3 the power
.,r inhrft:riug iu tb<' ch il goH'"mll'nt of the re-
mnintlcr to rut umlefiucd exti.'Tit.
Tlu <JIIt1<lion whether it "''f'l' 111\\ ful to prop..,.,e
tn tho to tmnsfer Ws tlmniuitms eutirely to
till' C'tiiiiJ'lUIY Dltd gi'r1.1 litUu LI'\>Uli)l. The circum-
1-lnnN'S UJtll'r wbieh it 'I'll. wrulo 4N t<ucb liS to t.le-
priw of nil l'l'IIOoQilllhlt 1111! almo,t uf all
tlnnsll.le !fl"Unl f cxt'<'ptir..,. Thtn i- U<; rule nf
mnnu wlrith can prcclntl any iolhilwll or any
eurnnnmit), nuy prhnte f!t'I'OII or M) tut\1, fnm
wb<>thcr nuy uth<r ilulh;.Jun.J, cummunity,
nr lute, l>t willing, upon t'<rtnilll'unlitiull.ot. or w;th-
out tUIJ ntlltiorL, to .urnntlc thing tJil'
)'RriJ opplitl t 1DilJ IHIJ'I"'" l!IJ..-, l fn ,..{astl
lt\11. br. it ls ct'rtain tlmt iu IWLil)' Celllt wonll 11<!
- highly rriminal to Ntl'fltunr to obtain th
1onght by \iolencc; hut a mere application, nnnJ>-
port'tl by fol't!r. frcr frout ull impntntiuu of
mom! l'\'tn though the of it
he UllJ'C".L.'<IUIIhlc nr cxtrua$[8Jlt. But U11 J>m-
1>0-<BI to the Yizitr to @llJ'Tencll'r Ws dominicm9 \\'U
neither nur eJrtl"'lmgtlllt. He \<L<
nnahlc to def.cml th1-m, ami the trw;t bad beNt tum-
mittcd to IUlOthcr JIOWl'r. lie was l'<tually unahlo
to thcir internal gtmmuncnt, thl' wlwlu
rountry being ovcrnm hy obusu and crime. lie
himelf hi1 inromputency to twrform
the duties of 11 o"n:ign. either .. ;tb to
him!'(')f or hcnl'flt tn hi J""lple; be hAI bhnll<lf
trotK!8ed to alxllcatc hi tllf'Oile, ancl it j,. to be I'Cl'OI
ll'<'tecl tht by llt.licating in fAmur of the Compul)
hu wonll hllfl' urrrnlcn-d no rights but hi "" u.
Hb .ofu, b)' tltc of their birth, '1\"cre de
of all clahnM IJut what their rnthrr might
chooso to give them; uud though it wonltl han!
hl-cn unuaturnl and unjukl to "ithbold fnmt thcnt
the of t'Omfortablo hc might "ith-
uut reproaclJ withhold from auy. or from all of them,
the dan:reron. JIOWtr ,,f I!Q\Cn>i;..'tlty. to wltidt, tXet>J>L
by hi. ftnour, the) ItA<! no pretcn:;lou. All to the
rll't'<'l of tlt<' lrnn.frr the pcopl ... no
one will be hardy tttouglt to aver that the ehMgn
\\'Onlrlltae hcen fctr tht \\Of"t'. &me imlt't'd '1\"IIUltl
h&\P grt'lll !'l'Dlerl' and fl'fCIIIIC COlt
I ra\'1111"", "bn \\ itJwut re.traint the rower to
)lillnge nnd opprob-Ull iullt'Cd wbu JlfOilt('(l by llnH'HAP. X I'll.
ennnnous 11111.-r< of e'il hich txit<ted in the rlnmi- -
oion. of the ould have thought tht'l'n!M.'ht.,
but tbe J'(!Opl<" at laJ1!0 ould hllH> t,.'CD
immt...UatdJ from a pnrliou elf tlwir uRi-r-
ings; and though, In n country li'J lung to
UlUogi)VemDil'Ut, the )ll't.>gre.<8 Of itnpTO\.etJI('IIt
ban been low, iL would, unhr the Eoglih autho-
rity, have "'-"-'II bad 7A'III in the good caULOe
nut out;;tript <lirotiou. At all cvmt.;, .,,me im-
)lro\cment wuuld han been t>Ntain. It &)lpt.>an.
llr<rofore. that in pm)'O!'iug tlw eulin> tranfr of
the or tho \'izier to tht 1-:..A-India c .. m-
.... ,. the nulhinA' that
woul<l lta\'e intc>rfered with tho' right. or nny nn-
untbiug thm, unoll'r the circuntJolnnc('!l, could lw
lit\'00 lo be diongreooble to tht Vizier bimll{)f.-
wbile the :vl <lllltUII{'S would not hn n been ronfinud
to the }JOWer ,.hieh the )ltuquis W elle;..Wy nsre-
tot.nted, buL wonlol have rell!'htl to the nwmrolll!
and ll(l)'felll'ed popullllinu whidt th11 Yizier
t<1 govern. The right to mnXl' th" prop<NII hclnl(
cvidrnt. ruul iu njc.-tion nut been f<tiiO\\f'CI
by thc:o employnll'nt of (orr.,, it would Le tulll<'<""'
to say more 011 the lid not ju-tiro nt-
t)uiro t hP mlmiMion that tho lllgotintol'!!, to wbum
Uau care of thn Drili!ill. inten!l<t at Oudc ,..,,. n
tru.Jl\.0. do uot ap)'ear on ,.,t>ry oec-a;,inn to laue
ntainLilined that din.'Ct nod Mraigbtful'11"lml -.roe
wbiclt the of their <lcmandcd. Tbil<
;, a common error uf dip) (I milt.)', and the instanrC'I
CHAP. XVII. in which the Brit isla agcut5 fdl into it 'IHm IIOL
DUJII('I'UUS; but lliiU f:.J)aty \\hieh llll) nughL
to imJHI!!O on tht Yizitr nm!<l not oo p:L"'CCI llitlonut
nutic. l'hc hucl tim\\ II U[l a pnptr, in \\hith
hu hnd avowed ,cry ronl(ly his nveno.ion tu
rumkr hi.!! thrcnw. On the ,lfrnund thatllWI') )oint In
it hu<l wfore bt.'Cn tboruugloly atgnt'<l, th{' 11\'gotir\lfl!i
'cry 1'1!8.-nnnbly a fresh cliJ!rWiiiou a U!ll'ltl!i!
" of time: but. in communicating thi
'inn to the go\'t!nlor-go:utml. thty 11tldcd, " tbNo
Willi, bowHer. ''"'' tart nf it \\hida it \\liS
tu 1111tice. .llis cxcellcnoy rcnonecl u)"'" thu lil'lot
prnpoition"-that which HU!\'!(t'1iletl thu uulin trnntt
flr of his dominions to tlw Company-" !IH if th"
W<l"<-'Utiou uf it tlcJrhl him uflhc JO&;<">ion of tho
muMaucl; wbcro:u the truu I'Xtl'nL anti tn<'all!ug .. r
it, anol indeed the prim:>r) wa.. lu ""'talolioh
bim..,Jf nnd fll"tcrity more finnly anJ on
thu mn-untl. \\;Ua all tho tntc, dignity,
nJJ'rlltiuiug to his exnltt'tl IIU. txttl-
the negutintor11 ncltl, mntlo " no Jxply tu
tlw ni.Kno obhcrvotion; nnd it certainly
noll<'. In. Ol'dinary the throno iurlit."utLos
thr cxcrci..-e of t.rl\crt'i(ln JIOWt:r. To P'''''''" tlu
Jllll>IIDd of Oudc wns merely tu occupy a ccrtuin
l><'llt. or w be aldro:,,e<J by n certni.u title: it io-
voi\'Cd tbe exerci-.. uf aumt', nt I toast, uf the fuuct.ions
uf gcm.mment. " Rtntt. and
miJ,:ht, l'TIImised. lmn 11\ltlilt!<l Saatlut ,\li un hiw
rltKctnt. Ill' mi;;ht hn''' ginn nuolicut In rtl)lll
' lodlcr Ito G'>l-<fllQIGrllmol, I 7th tioj>umher, 1!1111.
bllPilll: IN 11.-T>L\. 217
tat<.>; lro<p< of thpcnobnlll might l1nvo bent in CIIAP. xvu,
b<>IDJllf<l before him : he ruul hk "'JCCCi"''"' might
Juno bor1111 the nruuo of in like munncr a
the J>lltcntatc fruut wboru he tlcrhcd tlw title,
wh.....e M-rmnt lte pnf.,gsed t" he, continocl; fnr uwru to the
title of Emperor; wenltlt mijtht into>
his C'uJ all that coulll cnch4IIt thu !iellS(S or corrupt
lhc hloart: but it would be idlo to rupru!elll ag-
glornenttinu of tht' 1hnumts uf pomp, anl Jril\
and pll'nJ-ure a.s what m<'ftnt when
power is fnrth untlr tho name
of that which is its etat 81J>I symbol. Though the
foJ'tllll of "nuld lmw remnirwtl to
Ali. ita would ba,c been Thll
<"b.:wge, inde..'<l, would lulw lx."CU hnpp) for hi
nnntry, ond not unfortuD!lte for Wm..-clf, but such
would hflvo been its uxtcnt; lllltl il bencatlt Uu
chnmcttr uf Britih nlogt>tilltn to reprt" nt it a..
thnt which it ""US not.
It nmnitlll to n,,ccrtninNI whetlter, ou th<' rt'-
jt-ction uf hi fil'lit propos.'U, tiJ!
.,.... jutiliohlc in olt'UIADdinl:' o <'< ion uf lrritul)
uf ntli<oil'nt extt'nt t01 !'CCili"C the di>ehar,..'\1 of tJ,.,
l'l11\'.'lgt!IUent" to lhu 1-:n!lt-Imlin Compuny,
and further, in the of th11
right of thu Briti-h gunmmcnt to intcrlire in tbe
nclminiotmtiuu Qf tho.-c territorii'S which ,, nut
'flw dcttnttinutiou 11f tlw ftnntr uf tht"""'
Jluinl, mu'L r'Ci't partiJ "n tho gtncml rV:bts t>f
trt.oditon;, arttl l'"rtl) uu tb" l'"'sitiu! l'rmbiuu.o. uf
\"' UF Ul
UIAI'. lt\ 11. the l:n'aty ,.itb Ali on his t>ltll
- tion to the thrunc. .\ crt'ditnr who. at Uo timo of
nn engnj!\'mrnt, may be "''l.tifil<l with
tho mcru promiso of pnymcnt, mar, at n futuro
period, see to reltniro AAme security.
O<'t'ur. there i 11rnng in hi!. dl!lllllllcling
it; and if his apprebcniulll! be l'l'OSOiuWll'. i,
nuthing ftar-.h in th11 dcu1nncl. Tho Briti.b J:rm-
ment !mel nncl!>rt.k.-n a ccrtain cluty in consiolemt iun
of l'E!rtain paymi!Ilt to roimblliSt! the at-
tl'nling the perlonnnnro uf it. They bad w
llf'Jirehcnd the failure of pnyment-no II'NI t'tlUI!O
than the represrntmionK of the JlDrly frm "hum
pu.ymcnt. 'l'llS to proccccl. Did, then. tho ropre,;(U
tntive of the Britib justly incur hlwnt
fur l'OIDC for the ful61nlf'nt uf
rngag1:meuts bo who Wllll bounrl by then
dcelruro to be in danger ,f failure? Thl'ro " ..
but one other c:our>e open to him-to "ithclm,.
from the protl'Ction of Outle, and lea Hl tho cuunt ry
to ib! fnte. He tako nn cxtmordinnry io:w uf
thl.' right!!, dntii'S, ruul policy of nations who 11 nulol
maintain that this !'lep 8houlrl btne been tal.tu.
Tbe Ea!tt-lndia Company \mro not mtretnnry
brolcel!' in the trade of d!'fCilding nations--UI('} olitl
not hire out tbtir tro<J"' tn the best bidder, 111 be
retnined so long a. the hirer might want or could
pay for them-nor \\'liS their connection Omle
intended to be lt:mJ>Orary. It W8ll
furmed and solemnly ronfinned by 'violl!l trlmtiMr.
1'lo ubjecL of tbe nolcrs bad bet:n to 1!11 w the
Blllll>ll l:.XI'lll IS 1!\0I>IA. :!19
t'Ountry from falling a prey to its "bieh CIIAP. :nu.
would undnubtecll,- b:m been its fnte but lor tbc -
prnlction tlf the Briti-h gonmment ; anti tb.u
objet'! bnd wen uttrunNI. But it not to be ntr-
J><>lll'fl that thl' C<lmpllll) ,. jrO\t'mnwnt were
to "hat tll<')' had looe hy lbc d!'!<irc of (II'CSI'l'Viug
dominion In 11 of ambWon TD.-snls uf the
Mogul Empt-rol'-tbcy luul itws tu tin.' IIC!('tirlty of
tbc Britbb and thO!lC wouM bam
\,(>en tlillaJlJlCintctl had Oudt llt'eame a prorincQ of
auy neighbouring tt&te. All the links of the chain
bJ whir.h Oude had betu bound l1 the BritiAh lfO-
' <'mml'nt miJrht not bu of the Jurost or IIHJ hrightC!!t
metal. but witb thi tlw go'tmnr-.:tnerul of 1801
bad nothing to do. II c found a ct'rtain conneetion
"tlbolsting: that ronncction was IJtonefieiul tu lbe
rountry "hicb he rcprc-cnted, mul it wt\S his duty
111 DIAintuin it. Il was his dnty tlio to lo('C that tbc
cnutlitions ntbu:llt'd to it wt're ptr(om11'<1, and if
thero were Will\'' of tht-ir bcing he "1l'
bound to
Tbll5 flU' gent'ral principl0o;. 'l'unting In
rhc tn11ty with Stll\dut Ali, it \1 ill he fowul tbllt tbo
eleventh artkle runs lh\18 :-wAll the of
chc C'ompnny'8 II"O<lJl'i in Olllle upon tbt
regula.r di....-bargc c.f tbt <ubsidy <1.8Led in the "'llrul
nnd third nrticle. of tho trcnty, thn ..Ud X11waub
en):t&g< .. tD exert bi> utmuot tnolt .. murs to
thl' tipulnt(ld J,.i"t.:i with pllnctDAiity: but if. ron-
tmry to tbt iotontiom anl exertions of tbe
cuu. s 11, 1111ill the paywcnt of tlm kist& hnulol fall
into a!Tl'nn!, tbc 11:1iol Sruulut Ali tng:t}:'!!l
IUtol pnomi.;t't! thAt will tlu:Jt giw 'Ddt
w t he Comp311) fur llu <lidtnrge of tho 1xiting
IUTl'al'l! and the futon rPgulur of tl111 kilil
'"' luul be Here is 11 olitirll't
l'" ''tinn fvr >eeurity in 1'11."6 uf IAilun: nf J>ll).,ncnt.
Sa:ulut Ali bad ofuC'bargcol hi l111t not with
out prt:_'-iog. Tb'} hnol I>Crn ('ontinually in arrenr.
J.ut nmo0tmtt<'l! bnl nut yet failtlll to )'l'O<'IInl n
cl<nrnnce. 'fhe otc>urnnrc> ,,r an 31TI.'G.r WM. huw
tnr, suJiicitllt to brlug thu pruil;ioo of tin
into opemtion: ulthough to ntt U(ll>ll tW.. t'lntml'l-
tiun would h:l\e lw:n l111nob, hnol there IJ<.tn '-'ll"""
to roudrultl thAt tho futnn woull not IJc mrukllll
hy llllJ gn.>altr lcintions (rum thaD hnol
o.ct'llm..! in tb(' [lltllt. Hrtt ""' not au. It hM
nlreaoly been .eco that tht tatcmcnt.s of tho \ izicr
tended lH t"xcito thll l!XJ>l'CI.:ttinu of \try
clillbrent Ou the oceunenoo of tho cnn
tiu).nmcy lor which lhtl l'!ovculh nrticle of Llu: tttnty
pro,ioled, be wns to giw I!OCUrity not only for c.\iL-
ing llJTt.'ID'8. but for futuro rogulnr )'3ytocnt, anl thi
W"S.. 111 bo '"' 'ltonld be li:ltis-
It bo. rioliculnus to m:l, ""ti<f'nrt<n
. .
tAl whom! I t C'rrtainly nnt intt:lll.ll.l<l that tho
\ izil'r hould till! point-11 ,., 'l'f lllight
would ntify him. If the hnw
n11y mcuniosr, that mut be tlmt tho 1101'11
rity be '<tliJitl'lor) tu t he l'nUIJIIltl}
rucut. Wiwn tu cutorre it. tltu he11ol uf
thot ::0\l'TIIIIIl'Ut tbnugbt the c:CS:.illll nf territory CIIAP. XTIJ,
Uw unly noli1Jitlll(' iil'l'ltrity, nnol be thought jntly.
Whnt nth('r ('nulol lJC

Tht qnetoiinn
tltnt ,.,uJ.J nrii! WM, ''l.tetlu r the -ion lmuld
1 ttmpomr, or JWnnnucnt ; nnd thi mic:hL be
:ub<WcreU loy n>fert>D<'C to the UAIUTC 11f the daim.
I t "llll not for n Kum, 1\hioh, on<'it pru<l, wooulol
put <lll cncl tu ,.u futnn rlemnnol ; il Will' a dnim nf
jrili,...J. IM'('ll.l'l"t'O<'t'. a.nol of perpetllllloluration: it
\\118 the nmuncrutinn nf nil irnportnut oervi'o nf
UOt'<'!lill,!! ntc'C!t<ity; nnol it ,.,.,. fittinll', thl'JVfuft',
tlmt tlw sccnrity sboulol be P"nnanent as 1I'IUI the
C'luim 111ul tho 61!1'\;et out nf which it Thil!
iew i warranter} .. ,. the !l'rtllS or tho! artil'll'--
lll'CIIrity .,...... if nL<:c:'(lry. to .ho giHn for "tbu
futuru rc,;,rulnr pnyment of tho
Till' rotiJ'oo' 1.4ken loy the in
mnnoling i'Cnrity for the Rl'cruing from
thl' \'ir.ii!J' tn the Britih govl'rnment, iH thus dlfpo-
<ihlo, J,.,, h no ground and nn<ltr the
nf tlu treaty. W'ns ht jtL-qjfit'<l in cnrryiog his \icW>!
ht)unol thiA, mul tlcmunoling )>O\\tr of
ft!n'lt ro in tbcadmiubtrntiuo ufthe \'izicr'
tluminl"''" 11>1 migbt "'' utlieiunt to 11lttt (>nrl uf tho
<'\'il wbkh pre,'llil <I in thcrn 1 'fhi,
tinn mny bo with rt'fcrencu to the onli-
nnr) rights nnd dutilS of lll.ltion townrol'< encll nt)u'l'.
cor with rcc:nnl '" tJ.,. J"-'CD!inr nod nnpret'edcnted
,,r tbt coon('C'tiun "ltich em" het'll'eell tlw
Hritl.Jt gnwmmrnt in lt11liJl uuol it ubtlidiary all
Tu fix tho limit of lh ric:ht of OIW iuc1Ppctultnt
liJ!OTOJlT or TR
CHAP xvn. !llatc to interfure in tht intE'rual d'ain of anntbrr
a task of much <liffirnlty and delicuy: but th11
1ractiee of the nwt civilized Mtions ....em ron-
clWihO all to tbl' of tha right. \" arion
lMtance& mighl be addnct'tl of its exl'reko by Eu-
ro('l'411 g.wenuoPnt" within tht last half-<>rntury;
and thl' right of iutervrution clenr. when thr
roufi!C uf in an adj&('('ot conntr) i. IJU<'h
ft.q ohvinos:Jy tend tuwnnJ, ronru.-;oo anl anan-by.
F.'<rry >Uite is intcrc,tcol in the prt'll('natino of
JH:ace and order in ul'ighhouring SUII'1'. allfl tltl!
of .intcrfenmcr ln tllnintniu them hut JlOI't
uf the right llf self-<ltfcncr. Oude wns rnpi<ll) )11\!'>f-
ing-it would Ill mnro correct to nr it hal
IU'lnally .--o-mto that tate or bnrbcu-U.m in
whlcl. the formt of g.lYemmeu1 are all tbat rentaio,
the power being altngetbt't" loot. The law bad no
foree eitlwr tn UJ>bohl ciYil rights or to J1UDilh
l'rime;>, and no 111011 tbnugbt of io">kin;r its aid.
Within tit' paln()P of Luckuuw Mte ODI' whc.Ml luty
it \\118 to restmiu 11.nd mo.into.i:n right; but
the people only knl'w of hi' 11xistence by the llt'nry
kmands m:tcl<- on them In hi, nru:ne. Thl') knc,.
!.im only n. l11e fi)Witnin 110<1 origin of oppn..,.iuo-
as the ,..un't' of pn>let'tion. un<ll'f
nil the elit. which fi1llo" when go\emm<'llt i;1 pcr-
'<trted altogether fr<m it11 and whl.'P eyee
the appeanw<'P of di:regardtod. Oude \\'U
inn fearful roudltion 1\itb l'l'lfl'"l to itatlf, and not ll'llll
"'' with regurt] to it.! and it may 1111fdy
""allirmed thAt. if Nlr a exiR'<1 in whidt one
nnm!lll IS INDIA. 223
might proper!) intcrf,J't' to intmolure into liD cnu. nn
otlior MUIO npprouch to ordt>r, it WM nffo!'fltl by
Oullt-. Thl' inlt>rfel'l'net wa.q loy tht'
to tho Driti..U dominiuw. WI1Nber it would bne
.. n justifitod on 11Doil1er ground wl1irh might be
takttl-tbat of reli!',ing tbr uppi'('Mo('<} people nf
(luk'--without nftnnt-e to lbe htt<n ... of lh!'
BriW.b BO''I'mmi!Ilt, may be nroro .Jouhtful ; hut
tim llffirmative of thi1 qllelitinn is maintained by
eminl'nl juri..!.
Among o<har., by Grotiu>, wbo "''""" that if it 'IIW<
@111111..1 t.bat "'hJta qht -. _, ....... 1M -
to Qlke up arn1 ap.intt tla.ett pl'inf 11re .bwld DOt
tht..,. be ohlif!<'l to tondude thnt otb.,.. mif'hl oot do It fur
them. "For wh<'l'eT<'I'," r be, " tbe obotatl" to OIIJ ortion
on... !tum the ponoo and oot the tboD wbt - t. ""'
o.llowcd to do for himotlf anothM may do for him, auppoting t.h
cur be .u<h u ..,.. may be oervi...,.ble ill it to IWOtb<r. 'l'but,
for wt.ll>ee, prdion cw or o<htr -1""'"'" oa Alit o( law
for a mioot, becal1"' be il nol CIIP"blo of doling it hlmadf; and
11ny one ""'>' without utdl.r or oommluion, Jleod for a tttnon
a!.-at.. ['l'lm ;. aid m ft{.,...,.., to tb. ofti<>o o( tirf,..,,, uod
the ROIIWI law, u oppoted to ......... ,.,.,.] Now, wlllot pl'<lloiloitt
a ubjc:ct to ThUll, doea nut at all prncetd fnmt a tau_._, "Wrb it
the- MI'Df! in ._ wuhject u in hia Lo i nut .a. hut !rom t.hC'I qua-
lity an4 cirnua- ol the rr<- wbicll q..Lty dooo 1101 puo
to otbn.. AoJ tbucfare, "' I mar ...Ue wv
upou a IDJ.D, and l tae ()(' did"e:rt11t if he d_....
twb "' """"-t hit.,.... ooantry." In layiag dowD tbil
Grori - ....... t.bat it ..... ......, liabl. lO bt obwal: ud be
goca on ID "'1l" tbnt the ml u... o( any thin!{ by 'lridl ......
d ... not preclude Ito lawful W1ploj'1JI<Ol with an bon .. t intrnt:
eo:.tludiog with the lligl>ik=t .-..k-tloat .. .. ..a ... tile
... -' thirrn draw onla .. ...,n ,,.
&IIi rl l'ri, ii., ebar. :lS. lt D>Af be "'"'"rlt<d U..t the
utomJ u ol JkiWA to!'""'"' lor<i!;n nation eugaginf( iD
doe lne-lniM mmt be ju>tiW CliO prin<ipl<> - -r diatimilar
fro1a tU.. W.rn hr Gmtiu.
mmllY op nt
xnt. But although to th'*l YUJtathi"' with
priue<,;i nre strong, ,. ben thll!!C are the ru('-
mioll of their rouutry, it Ill:\) he to re-
Otulc M nn imlctwndl'nt etntt tntitled l(t
tlf'gntint> on Hmts of I.'<)UOiity with tht Dritihlt
g-remment. uo n f'l't'"5enlation r:tu !.c further fn:om
til<' tmth. Oudl' had newr 1>0011 indet tul.,nt. It
\1118 n J10rlion of tbr Mnlwmrtnn (.'rnpin of Trulin.
whn"t> ruler ncknowlcdgt>d up<>n tht
nurt of Delhi, mul profe.. .... d to !uno no right to
)!on m hut tbllt whieh he tltri\ ed from ita plt'Dure.
Tht m<'llSuro of hi8 obedience wns, ru; hat>-
in nil l''"IK>rli<olll'<l to llw tltgrt.-c of
,tn with olx...Urut'tl cuuld lte tnfureeol;
ltUt., tltNJ'(lirally, the (M,.jtion of Ondc ....... that
whirb w be<-n etntt>d. Tho wt'flkuel'!t on<l ultimate
tlintptinn 11f tluJ mtirc I!UIIhlt<l the 1-:mp<rnr's de-
puty in Oude to take high1r ground. lie might
han mode a l!llld fnr the on the
of nctnal JlO>.,.inn ; but runhitittn lt:d him to
tlw t;dcmion of !tis dominions nt. the uxpcnsa of
hie Britbh ncighboun;. ruul hy llwm be wns Yrut-
'J"ilw<l. The 8C'ric, of C\CDlA tbnt ron-
tintJtl to Jtl:tcll him moro nnd more "it !tin their
until IlL length U1cy e:tme to txrrrlc tho
f'Oi-ihlu net of nf tlet<r-
the ourc iuu to the tbn>ll<'. Tbi.i lnlt>ed wu
!lll int\itable f thcir unlertaking the
military dcft'llt'l' uf till' enuntry. Tbe l"'"er of tbf'
""""' rnrrie11 "ith it 1'\l)ry otlwr powtr. It dtlf.'S
llllt giH tl1- W(oo Wield j( thP right nF nrting li.C
thty <htai rwt rl'lit '" thl'm fnru tht ob-
DIUTlSR &XrrRE ISlliA :?"25
ligations of jru,tire :mtl goo.l fnitb, but it cnAr. :\\"11.
them to d<-citll', without app<-nl, what jru."tic:e anol
gno<l fnith di.'IDilllrl. They nr< lnnd to decide
utconling to right ns fur liS tll<'ir juol),'lltl.'nt OMIJics
tlll'm lr; dhocom right, l\forl thtir nll\pnu8ibility
increased by the thnt, mny
he their dC<'Lion. it CWlJJot oo uftcl'tuolly
tlwy ban' at their corumnnl rho JIOWI!f of
I!Jlfurl'injt it.
Ir to h<-ar in mind that tbt nlation
nf two one of "hich untlortak<-.t tbu eol<
militnr-y dtftnrc of anotlll'r. tntnlly ditlt-rent from
tltt rl'lntion sul.l!!isting betw<-tn 1111 nnny and the ciil
JK>wcr of the to whi<IJ it IJ<Jinnp. In the
latt<r m-. the nrmy is tho crcnturo nf the ci vii
"xist;, only by k' will and for iu. pur-
JKN. So long it is mnintaine<l, it to execut{'
tloe unlcr- of the chief civilouthoril! without be<i-
tntiun llntl "ithnut qut'l!tion; o.nd if by ti.Jc
I!DDll' nutl111rity to lny down nrm., it is bound w
obt) with t'!Jnnl promptnc- nud decision. Not 1!0
when a stntt tbe ohli)..'lltiuru. irn)K""d upon till'
British J:ll\troment by it emrutttinn .,Jtb Oude, nnd
liku tlw latter, ronMnts to 1.1'1Ull!fer to a
neia:bhonr th" right of ir. The engall\!llll'Ot,
in -urh n CIIS(', i. uot h<>t"'"'" a l'i<'iiiiDrl a military
autbnrity, hut lJt>t...-a>n tw-o rivil
tof tIll' ('unt rnrt.iug tall':>, the onP. of '' bich under-
tali"' t<t l'nt)llll), in omiX1nlhU1tion In its.) f. n l'"rtiun
uf milittll')' force in 11 llrc-<riho:tl "hill' tho
nthrr n!(TI.'<'f tn li>)IO:!:,e,s iL ... If, whnllr nr in joarl, nf
VOL. Ill. Q
c:n&r. x"fn. itt military power anl tnll!L for J<rotectinn to illi u.ll) .
From thl' mnnwnt thnt Muh a treaty rondtul,'<l.
the oni' stuto iJ! and tho other itl'pt.mltnt ,
The tmperiority t'nlt>'IJtll'lll on the maint.mut<'C nf
u military forct, huL it i not 11 supl'riority of mili-
tary uwr civil po"llw. The cinl :mthority <If tlu
tnt('('tiug !<late i tn.'-<'mincnt. untl emJln) nn
anny n.q thl' intnmwnt of its t>Sitlmt
nrul fnlfillin::r it Qbligali<UL. Surh the relation
nf the Briri.;b g<l\emmtnt to the &llhf!idiary
nf relntion to Oucle. Outll',
therefore, Wtl8 not irultJIIlotlcnt-it wns, in n certain
!'nsc, n portion of lhP British Itulinn f'mpiro--
mun properly o, ptrhnJ"' thnu it bnd cwr lMtn 11
trtion of tht )lrlhomctau empire. In thi8 \it\1.
coultl the Britih f:""'nnut'nt be blawc.l fur <'lt<lcll-
'ouriug to thl' "l'Jrc,ion. Ullder \\ ltidt thn
J>eople groan!'<H W uul<l it nut by tuglerting thi
1>eeomo II piU'ticipator in the guilt uf
tltoc to whom till' ntin of tht' eountry wn nttrl-
hulnblc! "The authority of the Nawnub of Omit,''
'ai<l the 11ru-qui Wtll;sl;y, nd;lrcssing Ul<' St'l.'nt
"wn.q ustnin!'d excln>iTely hy rnn-
llt!t'lion with tho Company's goverumCill; arul the
I'{'Jubiliou and honour of the Britih untinn in
lnlia were d('('jlly in the opemti>n of thai
authority on th welfare nod bnppine81 of thi!IOil
over whirh it Wtl8 uplolden by tbo Wrn>r
tlf our name, or by thu immediatu
nf nur nnn.." Ir it l11 criutinal to OJJJn.'llll, it i
L<:tter to S>rtt Cuownit...,, Htb Ntm911bu, I t!OI.
l.'riminnl ID lmd to oppn:-,-iou Ct>Ullt<llllltCC >llJ>- rn \P "11
trt-thi hdug gnmtt .. l. thl' right nf the llritib -
gunnnmnt tu in tile udmini,trn-
tinn of u,., 111lilirs nf Oudt i clnblill\tl ThP
('<lliry pnn.ued J.y tbc MnriJUis WdleoiC'J towrud"
0111ln wu.s not f!U!(gi!Gtetl, IL' hncl hem arl nf
lti J'I'CItrt ... -'>1'8, by n k-ire tn nplonkb an ex-
tn'll.m'J-it hat! nn ronnet'tinn. like tbt.>
:u-t< t>f otlt"" with of prh'lltt
thl' grruuuls (If it OUIJ be dMiy in nry few
'l'hu of tbu Jlriti.J military fort't'
iu Onlu "n necessary, nud hl'ing 11('<'<--rr. the
tr<aty with Snodnt Ali proridtd for it. The de-
mzml nf eurity for tbr pnymtnt cu-cming 011
OCt'OUDt Of this forer WI!.> also U(t'(.,.\1')". in coru;e.-
'llll'llrl.' nf the indk-putable. ruul ilult ... l nntlkl'utt><l,
fat. thnt without grent chang ruin mu-t <oon
"hthn IIIIth" n ... o= of tb11 ('UIIIItl'J; rulfl no
<JURI<' fM<nrity could be n tlonhl t rpt in the wny
nf t< rrilrll <'<'.ion. 1 u the ttrriwrit'tl retnilwd by
tlw \'i>.itr. tl11 gnnrnnll'llt hnd 11 ri!tht to iu
t!'rftro.t tu prol<-ct the P'-"'1'1": it luul tlw uf
tHi'<'tunlly; nnol th" rll(ltt nnd tht
pt'l\\"f"r, n lilt).
1'bo 1.obcy punuad .ntlo noprd to Oude ,... ottachd Ill
rorlh=rot -.o a11tt the""""' d the Marquio W.n..lef to hlo
0"" cOODirf l but DO JIU11 juin<d in the attad., oad
a r"'Jl<CtSllc iDdiridual. 1t ""' hcodod br.,. obonm-
adnnUJN'T n111ued Plull, 111lao 1tM uodrr dt"C"p to thr
nnMtman .-hom h1 acm.ed. Tb4.-.e he 't'J'ahl by f'a..deavourirqr to
ouhj-t hit loonlbip to the espthlr, -lion. and oualety.llttlllding
a parlituoa>tary At J"''l" 387, nol u .. ol Aul.o<r'
HIS'I'OBT OP 1111:
CHAP, XY1L When the treaty witb tho Vizier WU ratified,
tbe wu nn tbroogb tho
" JUoe IDII Procr- of the Britah Powrr iD Indio," a auiouo
1ot11or Ia p.m, add.......S by Mr. from LutlmCJW, to Sir
Jolla Makobn, thotl Major lolabba. IDII ....mary to tho
V... dciA it.,...... tLat Mr. PucU wu ...
pp1 iD - cauoordal bc:aiocooo Ia Oade, wl:icb madeud bit
pnw:Kc t1cfft ....,._,, lcat tbat lice V"uior, wlco lucd tabn
:come dialJJte to him, it. B)' dee ia-tina of tho
Britlob pm111Drnt u .. obje<tioc: wu........., MdAir. P:c..U
1101 only tool< up bit rcoicla><e iD O:cde, lcat, Ice - li-'
.. -u
..;tb Coww Soott," t1ce Ilritiah .....,_, 1a ..._.
kdpg the &our that bad hct'n h..,. him, lee ..,.. Aa dee
JAOJt pemiclout muat baYe attnded a 5 S e
witb the V<rf unjuot ""lUCil of bit hlgbn ... , I feel a pr<ljiGitiowa
aLlc d<pe of oblipctioa to you, """ ....... o( palitJcdc, tbat
cliccWUob." Ruinf: ""'!cUtted bit - llnr:cnh
dee __ ,, Mr. I'::DilpCIIJtiOdo, iii d ... time, to
- dcdr _,. tba rcmn-a-al Be bad, it - ....
..._.. paper to tl:ct ccuuqccl::, .-ploloing o( - allopl
.... ... to wl:icb lclt ..,..........,w pam:ito ....... lltlll Mlbjootcocl.
and tl:io paper leo f<ocred. J.aring bftD IJciCCmlitlc!d iD -
-a, .. - lee ..U .....s.-.d. " I aiaccrclj- hope and --."
aald he, " that I ba DDt offo::cc.kd b.u esc:dl<tu:y in tbc mocJe I
ad<optcd of ID!llmittlng my addteto to Iii lorclhlp. Colocu:l
l'!cott, to whom I onbmltlt'd it, thought it out of hit d"Jlllrtmcnt:
aad mylricnd !lydcnbam ""'!"&inl< me that din>ct cwnmccnica
tiowa witb Lord Wollcolcy wu bnL If, I ban: oblod.
it wu .... a ; f tlo I fmtir o4&.f- I
- ruuhr to lcil for .. A ... I "- .. 11 _,..,_ of
,..u,.., at1 ,.,.foou rtoptrt." In the moe letter, Mr. l':cDil
t1::t Viaior to be vcrr duro....... and. u. lcia boW.
vcrr bod -.. Tlce date or t1::t ;. dee 8dc or F..-..y.
11<03. Oct tlce 2-Stl: of J-. 11105, Mr. P:c.IL ..... ia dct
intrrim m:u:mrd to aad ob d a ..e t. 1 ' '
aco....S for paJ*'. on wbicb leo propooooliD ......_ ........ ol ...- opiilat tlce Marq:Ua Walloalq, .-., a low
-u:. bdort, leo bad p
I ID --dee ...........
1 11 tlreb ,, .col
nurtlll'nl prmince.!. with uw view ofCIIAP. 't\"11.
iufinniug hinL-clf of their totale more
tlmu he efl'ectetl nt Cnhutta, of stimulntinjt
by his pn.'!leo('e the zenl nf till' Curnpany's dru anti
millt11ry crvo.ots, o.od ultimatllly of proceeding to
Lmkuuw to COOlJJlctc tlw nrnwgcml!llt. wlrieb lwl
Ll'CII '"'1.'1111 nnd <'Mrkd forwnnl tn 11 certaiu Jl<int
h.1 nt!Jc,.,.. On the lOth uf .Janunr), l/,112, be """' A..D.tll02.
md at Cawnp<lre by the \'izier, wl10 fnm
hi tnpital for the expl'\JSS purp<..-e nf
the gnvcmvr-gcrwnLI to Lucknow. Concluol-
ing tlmt the mind uf tho tritwu toultl not fwJ
til h 11un., from tbu cflt't!tK of the long coun;o of
which lh ""'"" ba.Wg takro !''""" IIODlC lim bdur<
J\fr. tauJJ'a lc:Ucr wu 'tf'l'in.dtt. and undt.r bi.J: OYJl immrdite ob--
..,...,.._, II it """""""" lD oak, could ouch "" ........,. be ""
b-.t - ) u it be oaid, that ,.n ... tc fccliago .t-Id - be
allowed lD inlafm! with II>< ol rublie duty. the
IUD- io, that 0 IIIIOil obooaJd Dot omort o/ (a.....,. wbido ....
Dl<'tlDI W with blowa. But it io 10 be oboemod, that Mr.
l'all' odoowlalj,;mmu ..-..e not ronfincd to lhe e:xpreooion .. r
J, nvmn abo bi u rearpect"--tEEpec:t fur man
whom '"' mcdltat.>d bringing to lho bur or tho llouoe or Lonlo,
un cbluJreo uf high aim,. and rnbd """"'"'" I But it it idle 11
W'l.tlt Limet ia ditcUMlng 1M churartcr of uch an aocuaation.
ar of ""'-h on It ill be -gb to IIICJ1tioo, !bot
tho Marqola Wolloooloy. tbonl!b in.,rod by II>< King to
olfioe, on II>< c&w,lutinn olthe GtmYille 1807.
cl<dilled 11, oa tho groad ol the cJarsn r-liug .pa.t him.
1be obotacle ..,.. of brio{ dunatioa. 'floc 1111hopJ'1 """' by
whum the Cb"'!J"' ,.._ iAoi...S IWuclf, by a .,..;.. of
m:kt. .. m dilliculti<o o1 ,_., kind, IUJd u. q.......a
wotb ....-y rclpec:tab1e p<-'l lron> wL..aa ba bad ..,., _. lrith
or Hi. u-n b.n.J ttJ'UI.inl,ted his lift". uul
with bim (d) r ........... the dtAfKtl apiott bio prot-. the
Marqu11 Wtlleolq,
Rl)ffUHY u flU"
t 11 xvu.auritlon whirb the ronduion of the ll"ll:lty.
thoJ gt"emor-gt-nl!l"lll jwliduu.Iy n"'ohe<l to derCT All
nftrrnl'f' to tltt: ohjc<'l nf bis vlil till hy r!J,, intl:'r
of {'<'I'I'<>JUI! riilitit'" OJ'I"""hmity 1niglt he
nfliu.,Jed of nny fl'Clin;:oo of llbp<'ril) thai.
might linl ploc in till' \'izi<r', lwart, nntl
him to nnw menoun nf cordiality mul <mliolonN.
The uf t!JC \\118 wsidu-
ouly din.-rtlod to thi 1'"11"""' anl Bl! ho wu en
tlowcd in 1111 degree with th001 ptnllti--
wbicb nro cnlcuL!ted to win for tllt'ir tit<'
--teem n111l afli.-ctiou f to1lrtl whom tbeJ
nr1 exercil-cd. hi hop11 rof rucct.'OtHng WM rt'Monnhlc.
HtHHI nftcr at Lut'lmow, tlu go\"t'rnnr-gon,.rul
lml :1 priTilh' ronf,rtnJ'C witl1 tht! \'izicr, in lrltil'h
tho attentinn of the print'C Willi lirt'Cte<l tu nrinu
points of hnportrut<'' Iouth to tlw En-
gllh gonmmcnt atHI thnt of 1 h" Yizier. Ont nf
tho..., miS the uf immediately taking mca-
'UI"Cl! for intrtt<ludn;r nn impmvt'fl Kpteru of almi-
nitrntion into the \'i:r.itr'# n"!urwd clominiuu,, iu
c:onfom1ity uitb tht> twaty. wa further J'I"C'-e<i
lit a intenin, wh('J) \'izitr ntunn"<l
tu llwl S) ,tem of l''niun which hn.hitunJ tu
him, nnd which wus never reliocrui.hcd but uutlr
the pres.mrc of nt!e,...,ity, and tlwn only fi>r a '"'1
hrief periO<I. He aclmittetl th< ur the
uhtucs n.ncl ,.,.iJ, poinuocl mt. rule) ncknowle<lgt"l the
ruopriety thl' wruclinl meuun. hut
llt'<'umpanit-d tht""' hui ... ious t.y mrtotl'riiHI l'<)IJI
plainllo of hi un.nt uf nuthurit] tu
l:MPIRl; II< II<DIA. 2!lJ
tllf C\ iJ nr enforrt tlu> I'PJJll'<li<""' AJI Rtlttuplll !H Cll.lP XVII
tlraw fnln him nny cxpl:matinn nf the nAtUn' of the
intpedimruts thn lurklr allllllt'tl to wert min: but
n pnptr "Wch btl nfwrwnrds delhlnl shewerl
the point tnwnrd, "lai<h W, WtJ'(' t!in.>Cte.l.
The mll!lttr griemnrt \\1lS the (heck inltI'Joo<ed by
thu pn.ttNtCu nnrl conntl of till' llriti<b It
wnulal '"' illt Ill tlant tlw cxistenrt of a
cuultl t:\er be f'l'nlcrE-<1 ugrt'l11hl ore\ln tole.,._
nhlP to n prinC<' "hn low the l'XetTic ,r tnrer.
If, murt><avc:>r, tlw Inn nf p<tWlr lit'
by a tJ,..,in to excn-lsc it for lmol pui'J.o..t,._fnr tur-
(>05<'5 "hil'h au hnuc.t Briti!lh fullrtional) llllbL fL><:I
it Ws '""""'''II dut) to irksollll'll""" nf
thu K'8traint will lw gnontly imrtn..OO. 'l'ht hnlrctl
of rei>lraint will tbu, loeeome gn.'llter in l'"'l"'rtion
to the IIC'l.,;ity for impo>ing it. Sru1dut Ali Iovett
power; but still mnro ilid bo love tbnt whid1 power
l'nahll'tl lliJU to obt,tin. Ill hnd C<llltrnrt<od rut
uncunttn<rahlc B\<'Niou to Cnlu11PI St'tJU. hut be
statetl hi' view$ iu gcucml umns, :uul l\ithuut llll)
UJijllll'l'lll l<> tlmt nlflt(r. Jt !ICI'Il
that the \'izicr "liS mud1 li>J>OS<'<I tu be hi, om1
ministl!r; and lw tl('luAUIe!l that whatc\t'r ah ire
tho n...,itll'llt might bnn' to givo obonltl bo llfm
to Wm, in the lin-t wit houl the
Jl'l"<'nN! of any ntlll'r f"'n.<Jll: n11d fnnll'r. tWit tho
l"'!!!idl'llt lumld not laull &n) t'lllllliUnit-atinn with
llw Vit.itr's "'lbjcrl, through hl inteneu-
riun. Thia knumt! Will' m,..l lnt'('rly
I n lllli-11't'riu.; it. the wl

ms-tnRY OF Tnt:
CIW'. xvu tln'lm a princiJole ought e1 er to oo me in
mind unler Aimilar " Tt IIJJl(.'lll"', M
Aid " to be inli,ptllhilbly nt'fi,;s:Lry fur tlw
I'Cl!ilent'R tnl'l'('ct iufrrun.tinn, ru< well M fior tLP
of bill autlo11rity. that he Shonll wain-
tnin the free ruul intel't'llUIOK' :uul
with nil rnukH Utlll t!!"-Ctll'tilllli! of
Joe<ple." 'fbc fir..t point was rnnctlcd, ''" th un-
d tlmt tle Vizil-r wuu).t not llt't in any
impormnt mntter witltDut tho con.-tut t1f tbt 1"\'i-
dcut, whn.t judgment wos to lx fino!. Tbe njt'<'tinn
f pnrt orb iHI rruuub ga' e grt"at tliS!!at i:.;fnet ion to tb"
prince. rio his prop,.al of prnnoeolin,11 nn
n (lilgrimnj,l't', which Juul for SPil\1' time slept : bul
finally be nptnrs to bn H' beeon11 tn the
cin-um.t:DC'C5 in which he ml!' pbr;,l, whirh he bnd
M power uf modifyiug, :uu] which I'IIUid ntl modifil in ntl) mnde to hirn!OI!If
witbnut innicring gm inju.tirc nn hi peoplt, One
uhject of tho gto\'entor-;,"'\!ncral' 'iit to Lnr k uo"
\1'1111 to nrrangu an exchange of torritory, for the
con,cnienro of both parties intero<lld, anrl was
without difficulty.
Among mndc by the Vizit:'r to the
Britih gtiVtrument wn of tlw tribuh pnl41 111
the fonner by the of Fnrrud.:nbad. 'f bc
111"1"81l.,"CCDl'llt we.-n thC'!ll t..-o ...., not
unlike thO!!<: bdwctn the British goYI'l'DIIIent and
tmhsiliar) ltpenrlcnt... The Nabob o( Furrur-
kaloul "n. n ... trict('<l from maintaining mon lruor-
than 10crc rl"ljui.;;it" fur )>UJ']IOd<'ti of orul th
wn.s with tlw dt.fenee of tlw tro- r;nu. xvn.
,irue IH1th from intcmnl nne! l'xteJ'tul! l'tll'lllic.,.,
Tlot :"inlKob with whom l'ngag;ement \1'1b ton-
rluclL'Il. :\lnznm .. r J w:u; murd= ... l by hi clclL-st
8110. Tbo J'llrricidc l'SC:!Jil'd the k'verity uf punisb-
llllut which hL wt>U life Wlll<
lout he wn.q to Lucknow and t.bcrt
by unler uf the Yizier. CnttSt:<JIWnt upon tJ,.. ron-
virtion of tho l'lcler the inloerit.:mee wu ti'IUI8-
ftm..J to th N"rund ,;on of the murdcrt'tl priure;
but lw being n minor, it Willi ""'"""'ll'Y to npJKoiut a
mn.unger. A I"'"'"" nanu'll Khiruclmuncl Kbnu was
M"lt't'ted for tho ofliro: bot baviug )Nlwt'tfnl
who bo]oed tn ohtain :m asretulllll</ in dtc new go-
Y<"mmcnt for thcm..-elves, bc nfn..ed to umlertAkll
It wlthc>nt fulll'!>t o<.!!DtrulCC of nnol Jl'l'-
lt'Ction from tho British J!'l''crumeot. wo"
Riwo. nool tin manager entt'n.'<lupoo his uOk't' un.trr
the jint pnllNin of tlutt gowrument anl the
Tl11 ptnmi,... llfsnpJ>Orl wloirh Khlnu!mund Khrut
luul requiroc), tlot BritiiD 1\'CI\WIIlllen.t wn.. llll \'lll'l-
ou owNii'ion!, o'lllll no to fulfil. The <'DI'mit;; of
the 611CetX'<IC<l in t.ll<tllhli!oloing nn onbmondt'<l
inllul!D<C on-r tlw mind of Lloc young Nnboh, Ml
nbout the tinw of tho.: change:; nL Oudt', th" Xabuh,
minority Wlll' oL RU end, lnid rlaim to
tlu Irivi)('gt! 1f takiujt intu nwo Lauil the al-
ntiniitrntion of alfairs. KhirudmunJ Kh1111 "liS
'"'nlllly nnxi,.tu. or llffccted tu loc !'tJWllly
to l.l rcJi,..,.,j fruul lllii rloarll'' wul tn retire "ln n
tiiAP. X\ U.J>nlvio!ion whid1 luul l>C(n I!Ct'un...l to him nu tin
,,.,urrcnee of fiuch nn TI1e milking 1!<1111('
arranjZ\!IIl('nt fur tuuduttinl! the rulilin; nf Furm
kahad Will! implrntiwly (ti'O'Wtl ntnu th
Hritih gnVlmnwnl.
There wrut cliftirulty in dettrmining \1 hnt
Utili llmwgement hroulol '"' !1> I' loinad
muud Khan. tbu cli;.t>Sitlnn <f lhP young .:\a),.,),
oofl, aruJ hi, unlllnll )Ot(l<'JJ!oitit!ll tu lond
IK'tn Rggnl\1ltc<l hy tho ahiee nml cxamtlt nf
his Thi indcl. WM tu
be recoiwd with rnutiuu, for the Nuhnb lru 1111
good-will tu tho ntnn hy whmu it wns nuula, mul
the n."ociates wlwm lat> tharg..u \\ith cuer,urngiug
und ruultiplyiug lh11 :>ialoh' vices \\ en hi$ "" 11
CUl'miCll, and ba<l he<'ll for tht I"'" r
he Ill', too. \\llli lll't'UiM.'<) by tilt'
Salh of ahu-ing his uffii'(O. lin neither i<l oln
the au;;:ttioni '"('Ill to have bt'Cn sul,.,truatinttl:
hut on neither idt wen llwy tle!'titute or
IJility. It is not inorl'ilihle that nn Orientnl !{IIIII'
clifUl should en.Jrovnur lo profit. unduly by hi utlltt'-
it innt incroclible thnt 11.11 fhul
odnSI.'rs aDI) li>tco w th1m. In both MLOCS tlou
J'l'l'wnption again! thl (>:Uties accn..,.,d.
Tlw fiO(Illion of th ljlll"'tion in what manu'r the
I(O\IlD.IInCDt of Fumtrknbol ho11ltl in future he
ndmini>'tered \\1lll tntru'ltttl by the
lo lli!! brother. llr. Hrnry W<'llt"'l"Y who bad been
piArocl nt the hcntl of n NJUmti,..ion for the IKlltlll-
uwnt of the ce<ltod .. "it.h title nf lilu-
Mr. WeUc--l,y hi clUJ'. XVIL
task h.1 P.alliug upon Kuiruclmuud Khan to tom-
mnnirnte lili view "ith to thP futun
j,'"llVI'nlnlcUt uf thu pro<iue 'fbc lliiiWigt!J" di
pl:tyl'd a truly casten1 reluetnncc to nny d.i.n>lt
a.-own! of opiniuu: buL wit.h '<1011' clifficult) be wa
brought to !ltnlu thnt three tlitlirout nHIt'S
j.,'{.,.'U'd thcm:<tlws to bi" mind :-thnt Ute tulmini,._
tratiuu nf affiUn< houlJ l>v runtinul'd in th" snmc
lmntiR hy which it ltnd bwn cnrri..t on during tbt
Sabub\ minorit)": thAt the on the att.ain-
nwnt of the proper age, .boulol be nllnwed to
1\!0illlllo tho j,'llVcrnmcnt: nr thnt tlw cntiro cil'il ruul
military md.uuuistrntiou sboultl IK trmnf<ITC<I tn U1c
Britib The lir.;t woul!l pn>IIClhly h:n"C
bl'Cn tlw ngrceabll' tn the UlllllllJ:,''t'r: tbc
hi' might wonl<l I.e the m""t IU't'ptablu tn
leis nulitor; but tbc mll'y nfticer contenlcl him'l'lf
\\;th nncl pnlllll<'d not to whicl1 uf
the pl:uL wa the let. \\"t'lle!il<) tlil
nut bi, .,,,., leaning in fnvunr uf till' tmnfr
.. r all puwer to tll(l whirt. bt> npn'!'<'nt.l,
a111l Klirutlmnnd KLAn proft""""'"' loim.."<'lr n'IU.Iy tu
tromotll his but it i:; wwthy nr
that ht IIPH'r ltNol.: 11 iugle in furthcmnc .. r
them. A propo<3l for the cntin tnmsf< r of the
tlominiml!l to th\' Cumpnuy mt11, ltowcwr,
malc \\' dll'll'v tn tltc Xra.hob. Tht latter wv
. -
very unw illiug to relliurui>b tbc l""'er to too mtioJ-
tomt of \\ hkh hi hop<"' lml "'' lnntr heeo cllrect<'<l :
hut oo rcloet.:wtl} Thu l'""inoo of Fur-
......... 'IIIII
CIW'. lmLI ., ... ,. ...... -die .. I I I die Com-
,..,, JDCl &be Nabob wu eadoN wBia a
F ,...., tbe IIIC!IIrity of which ..,.. aome n!'*ntinn
b tJie .. of tho depeodeot IOYereipty of wllieb
I& - tbe price.
Tbe tnMfer or J'ui'I'DCbbed to the Company
- ... UDder Wi!ii I II dihiDg In IIJIDC de-
pee from thc.e or uylballu
'ha aader tbe
IIUIJo adminilltration. At Taqjan tbe Jill- owed
every thing to tbu BritU!h ptem ..,. By ita
ponr hu '11'1111 from danger 111111 i 1 ' J"m,
and nWecl to a &tate of l1ll1k ud dlpity.
numc.-rous evilll exiJitio!f in Tanjoro bad loag .W
lOr CireuDII!taueel euabled the
BrilWI govenuoent to apply them In the 11101t el"el>
&ual -"er. 111111 1l"ith the free co-t of tho riJU-
1111 - c 1 N to the throne. In the CIU'IIalic, the
perldy of MeboiJM!t Ali 1111d his 10D gate to the
Company t he right of ul:l'Ci.oing, in 11111 DII!DDUr
-., for their o'lnl et>eu.rity, tbe powur whieh
they1rieldl.od. Jlere, too, momtroUJt al10- weru to
be re1-..d. and the rriminal fully of the Nabob..
all'orded opportunity for repreo&iug them. Jn Oude,
again, there W88 abuuohmt cnuMu for tbe interpo8-
tioo of eome powerful aud1ority to deliver tho
roDDtry from the oppro.'81ion whieh weiped k .....
I u Oude, too, the prinee, as In Taqjcn. Oftll 1111
demion to the Britieb govt!I'DIIIell&;. liD 1111 lfPt
to thu of 101eaelp&y .... ._ ,..._
.u-1. wu m.,..... I& -w..,. ._-.,de-
lllnble that his domlnloge a llld bate "-a baM-
nn ITISII Dll'IRF. I'< IS Ill\ 2:Ji
ftl'1'f'<l Itt th<' Compnny-JI"'imblt>. nnt fnr CUAP. XVII
tlwm, hut for Lllll nf humllllity. Thl'
"n. :m<l refu.-..J. onvtbtr ru:mDJ:lID('llL
wn. :ulopllltL It ww <IL.,.in.!Jil!, thnt Furrockn-
l.tnl httuld pn..- undrr tlu ro ... ,.r of th ..
Cumpany. Hn".lt nform Wl'rt. UI'Cl'tOliU'J'; mJn
'"'Jocrinlly as to the nf chil ri)!ht-. the
Jntntinn of criiDl', allll tlu> Jll't'>'('l'Vfttiou of tho
puhlic ptnre. Court' of ju.tict "''(!II) In ha"c bt'OII
ns unnecc.;..:ry itt! nmwnts of luxury: rob-
OC'ne,o ruul mtrnlors "''"' act. of II<'CIIITI!JK't',
ruul uo meam wert tnktn clthtr to provl'ut or tn
them. Fnmrd.;nhcul Wall tbu at onro un-
happy in it."(' If nod a oun of aln rtu to ill< n<:igltboun<.
It hnl prt'nooly b..-..n dept.ndeot-tbc l!!pt'nll!llt of
11 lpendcnt--lul nppcudng" to lhc dominion of llat>r, the croatnl"'' of the Britkb go"-'m
mcnt. The Nabob, like hi. hAd gi"t'o
up the pom:'r :mrl thl' right of dcfcn<ling bi111iM'lf,
anl retnined only those nf t."'"'mml'nt
which nnlerel him formil11blc to lWl Olnl
I t C'rulllot be tlouhtNI thAt the of tht
Hriti.h gnnnnnent '""' wa.rmnted, ruuJ tba' it
mi!!lat lawfully hllm irW.tot! 011 t''tc:rt'iing the !!:uno
JW!\H!t' nf "uptrlion wbidr hAd obtAined iu
Sudr a Jllnll R't.'ltl.S, from lhe fullnwing
Jl.'l'"l\j!C !If n ll'ltt>r fmm i\Ir. lll'llty Wellelt>y to
tlau to ha "' I>C('n mc.Jitnlt'<L u I
ehnuld he unwilling,'' ...Ud II<', tn a.""ume tht' mall
agemt'Dt of tho Jtnnut'e nf Furrockabad withuut
the Nabn1>'8 ronrumn"<: lmt &hoold he remst in
CHAP, XVII withholding his l'OIIlll'bt to 8Ut'b an &mlllg"rn<'lll, \H'
baTe a wcll-founled daim to a ponion uf
territory l'flual tn tho nmow1t of tho trihutt, 1111tl tu
the C:lp('fii('S of tht RnlOUIII,. ln the C\'ftlt.
thl'refort', of hio h'jeetion ofthl' TMJIII!illl of trnnfl'l'-
ring the whole prnTinro to tht authority of th" Brl-
tU.h it is my inttntion to clt>maud tht.'l'o$-
inn of 11 portim of ltrritory "'ual to the Blllllnnt uf
the trihnt, anl tn lht t'XJ'I!D"''" of J hall
likewise i1t.:ili.t 11 pon thl' of rhll awl
trimiiUl.l rourb of ju-tice thronj!'hout thu 1nnnoo
nf Forntknlmd, IUld upon hciog- j."ien fur
tlw ft'll\I]IU' payment or the -1!\"t'ra.l tif"'nt!, 1\nl
pn-iwl!l: 1L doc" not. ll)IJII'Or thnt
tho b.lti'MinHve olli!N'<I In tlu \'izir hndcnl
to the :\nboh of 1-'rrurkahatl. The only plnu
ln him Willi tbt ll'llll8f1r of his cntll't'
authority to th Company. lie nlticcted, hut hi1!
\l'M nllererl with thn tloftrencc nnturnl tn
11 weal. power 'll'heo rnntcnlin): with n tnng ont'.
I h clnim"l the "'Dlle lgrce nf indnll(I'IH'C which hnol
I>Nn exttndt'tl by tbe Company to uthcr <ILpcndcnl
lout in \run: nnd the> rt'-
prt-.entnti Sl't'DlR to h:1 ve diplnyt.,J .(:l'I."J.t IUix.iety tn
hring tho llffilir to n condu-ian. ), ... i, 1\ nL'<'eoity
shoulol nri-e <'illmr for nllo1ring tho Nn!Job to snl'-
l'f-d ro ..,me limitt'd i"ttrci .... uf drominion. or of rorri-
hly him or thot be tu
ntnin. \\"hctbH the wnold baw l>een hene-
litt'll by htiog cnt rw.tUII with pnwcr mny n-mnbly
Letter 1o 4th Mav, l!llrl.
CIIAP. xvn. tbe moia e ol -a. ...n. Bat it cbo - opp:ar tluu
tM 0j1j ' I ,...I ia q.-ioft - lioble ID tM cilorF of Dlt.
plitr. Tho Court ...r......s to tbe 33 Goo. 3, ..,. s2, - n,
but if doe which thoy .ought tope thia oct bo cor
nod, no JUmbcr oC tho military ..mce could ..., be IIJIIIOIAk'<l
to o ciil o!lke. It will hortaftn be _,. thot OD ollnlpl wu
mode to OJ<Iel>d tho inlofl>ltlotion ol tho low thu (or. It lo
.....U... to r thot oach o C'OIIOtra<tioo oC the low II aot the
.-I ODe, tho um-:a ol adlitary _, beinK appuinUid to ciril
aa- lJriD& too IIIIDIOI'OQI to '"'luire or to pormit ol
stiU tho .......JJon o1 tho ciril wm.e ba..., tmdo!lbtodlr tbe best
cw- to c:iviJ and it ;. 1Uidor .-w;.r
thot ..,. othor ahould be aproiol.<'d. Ia tho cue ol !
w.n...r.y poculiat He ... nominattd to
coaduct tho nrgotiation with Ute Vizier. not only beta..., he wu
" tDAD of great ability, but buuae W. o.eox rciAtlrmtluptu th..,
govcrnor .. geut'J'lll. tN'U calculnretl tu ICC\IJ'e (or him h.n t :umonti
DAIJ' dcgnoe uC attentlon ancl in6utnce. frtt. tubkqu<"nt pJIOUll
D>OIU to .. the eed<d ditrioto moulte-d from the foi'DU'r; and title attached to hio o!lioe iu<lleat.d thot it wu ol an ntn
onlioary dutrw:Ur. Tbo oaght - to be
bla-.1 r ... tokiatt tho 1xM -u.e t...t ...,. rna a11 .....
*'==*" ol CDIIJpu&tiTe tt.ining tho obJect wlaida
be bed ia ..;,.. ; nor lhould the DiTect.on be ..... .....s
for erillciJJg a jeolooJy of eRn oa ianaioa or the npto
nit following JliiiiOg<l from ft feller adcJre ... d by tlu- hnJ of
CommiAilion""' to the Court of Direct<m!, in rekrenoe to 110mc
n:J'f'C'I"'Itatian from the<r on the aobjec:t, diilinc:tly th.,.
diaiatereoted cbanu:tu of tho ;- " We ban tho lou
t..-.. talioa in rccom-odillg thia c:oune ol [tile ..,..
ol ony upn:ooioa of oplaioo em the oubject] u it appea10
bJ tbe from, to tho f'U!Ppb
in q-tioo &J!Pnmd 'by the Court (. pongnpb clioapprvring
olthe IJ'I"intmenr, and Mr. Wellalcy'a 11!1110tal], thot
Mr. Henrr W.U..Joy rettiftll Dt> emol,_.,,. ..-bato<tr (rum tho
lot< appointment beyond thcloc whirb be htforo ftljoyl, und.,. the
p<eial outbority or the Court or Oirectora ... privato *retarJ 10
the govemor-g<nerol. 'l'hia i &Cirt'UDillllll>cewhidl we on:11tialkod
tho Court. regard bring hot! tO tho iDIJIOI'liDCe 1Jid ft'lpODaj!Jility
of tho tnut, 'vill nol only tontidl't' oa l"'rulinrlr bonoumblt to CIIAr. xnr.
Mr. Weli.,.Joy. but at.o .. furnU.Iting in itadl, u for 01 the rr<
IClllt might itt !uture be hAzardous ... p:rt<'edtnt.. no
oecurity a,...Wt ....:h a danj;u: <>pocilllly 01 we
mayot all ume. oofrtr ttlr oo the oud llllht.ritr ... th
whkh the Court ill b<- J"'<J'IIft'll to enfoJ't'O Lhr ta
own ..m(lt". whaJM"tr tL thaJJ up pear to t.he: m tlJat tllcy han b-n
uawitl7 or \IJIDrC.,..arily &-.,on thlt aubjecl, V.,.
"f-leboo, \'01. Y, )IOl;H 7) lO 81.
''ot. m.
A D. 1"''1.
Rlli'I'ORT OP rna
ON tho 1st of Jnnullry, 1602, 11t 11 time wh0n bit
policy ,.,... t'n'I')'Vh\"ro thrnughout India crowned
witlo the mo;;t hriDinnt success, the Mnrqui" Wei
II'SJy tlo' Cuurt of Dire;,ton; 11
pntch, intitunting his d('l<irll to resign his ollico
nt tho cJ.,.... of !.hat y('SJ' hr thr comntencrment
11f tho:> ont:>. The desire of the go'er-
nnr;: ... uW'Ill to 1.., thus early n:liu1'ed from an officr
in which he hnd n:ndered to bioi iUCh
9lonful .. niC'(', and ncquired for hitrul<M so
honour, '"ould hu int'Xplicahlu witltout reference to
t1w r,-clinl!' with wltkh bo was regnrdt'll at home.
Tn onicilll d!'Splltch bu did Mt entl!r into tho
ft.'lllilllt. "hicb lt-d to tho tender of It is nsigttlltion.
but Othtr dOCUJUI! th11 deficiCOCf. flu
had not the wnfideucc of the Court of Din.octors,
nncl ho Ml it. Th11y b:td, on variom
i,.u..,ol oroll!IS whiclt tho go\emor-genernl ftlt liS
l'.opeo;.!ly a loner 10 Mr. Ad.!Wgt.aa, dat.od tell daya after
the d"'pat<l1 ffitm,d ID in the 1m!, aruJ ntaiucd iu ..,1, ii. of
!he Ooop.tcloa.
DRmiiJ F.llPIRII IR ll'o"DIA. 2fS
oll'ealiTO to IIJid othen which be Yiewed at
claugeroua to the pablie aeniee.
Among thi!Ml wu a peremptory onler to
the army, eiiJI8Cially In tbe penln8ula. Thia arriYed
at a time wheo it eould not be obeyed wit.boai
JH1&&Inl In buard not only n.oceat eooque.ta, ba&
... eatbe &brio of tho Britiab empire in India.
Tile p;eaoor-gelleJU IIDpellded Ita es-tloa, and,
u will hereafter be eeen, ._.. amply
justified the exerelae of &his dlwae&lua. Aa tile ia-
- of the_,.. hlld beell tbe .. or ... go;a-
,_., .. II 1 t die crier lw to
._. -. 6.-1 1n ..,uk or .,. .... boldlky;
W I& ftl probably only the oOiprinll' of a blind
I E ei). Some other iastaacee of frugality wonld
- to be more open to the BW!picion of Jle"C)nal
aim. Colonel W cUl't!ley, wbo tbo chief emu-
maud in Mpore, wu by the nnturo ofbis duticuub-
jeded to bea'IJ' expe-. Hit allowancee were eoa-
teq-tly fixed by the J01'CrDJDellt of Madru 011 a
lihelsl--. The home authoritiet thought them too
...... 0. &his MJbjee& hiiJcrilhip Upi E II I d biiii.IClf'
In die._,, r or iAdlpaat After
J*V1nr that though the daty ol bing the .no-
of Colooel WeDGiler ftl part of the ordinary detail
of the go;erwaent of 1bdJu, with wbicll the po
1'el'llor-gerrenl did in&ert'ere, except in - .t
tllldgouey. it mUIIt yot be I'IIIIIODRbly ...
.. ftl copialrt. of the IRIIUeet. 111111 had II tl J
.. Jnftp-t witb rqprcl to 1&, altbcap - ...,.....
fll.-Judpumt might l'Xi&t, the qzls danuuk,
M Can the Court of Dirceton 8Uf'J>OIIC that I nm
eapable of permitting the government of J.'ort St.
George to grant 1111 e.xtrnvagant nllowanco to my
brother, and that my brother is l'O)'nhlu of IU'rept-
1111eh an allo'lrllllre? II !'llcb IK tlte opinion of
tbe Court. it ought to remove Colnnrl W tllt,.l<'y
from his t'OmmWld and me from my govemmm1t.''
lie <'Otltinn4:!< : M Tbe fnt't io, that the alluwaucc i
ll'aft"t'ly t't]Ual to the unnoidahle t'.Spellllel of Cello
nd \Y clle!!ltf "hich iB knoWD to be of a
Vl') pcculitir nnture, inn1lviull tho lll'CCIIIity of a
gn'llt estal.lih1n1nt anl uf othtr reqni5itn for
lhl"l mllintcmmcc of uur intei'C!ot in tlntt 1'\'t'outly
rnuquerctl J..inj,,rtlom." After dwdling U(IOU th!l
a.lfront ullinl to brother. ntul iU. l"""ihlo
cITt.>ct, the t11IIL; : " I t t'ruluot k
lmiro that I Ill' Court, t.y retlucing th"
ollnwnncr.,. of Colonel W l'lll'!llov, ba otr .. ,.,.J me
tlu.' mr"'t dil'('ct, runrk1l. aru.l di-gn>ting l>CI'S(llllll
"loi1h rouM Ill! deliKI. Tht ,n; ... t
uf litis onh r mw.1 lx, to in<ulcntt an UJiniltl
thnl I ban uiT'cred my brother tn dcrhc
mt nt.o lxoyond the limit. of ju.tirll awtl tro(ll'iety: tlllll. 1 I:Xhlbikd nn examtl!! CJf Jlrufu.iun
nut! <'Xtmvngunec in nu nllowruwo grnntt'l.l t.
1 111
nt':ll\..;t CODill'l' tioo. I bavl! nln.'ltllv latetl tlont the

of tloc order b ..,. unjMt awl unWIIITIIIItcd in
J><int of fict a.q it:. ll(l<'nttion U. calculak'l.l 111 bo
injurious nntl humiliutiull' to my 1'\'f>Utation 111111
Lc.uer m Mr. Adclingam. ul IIJft.
BRrriBII EJIPtaa IN Dn>IA. m
baanur. If the Court of Uirecton really wu of
oplaion that Coloool W elleeley' allowancee were
too hlgb, the l'l!lpiiCtfld and det'Oroaa COIO!I8 would
'-to .. .., 1e1Btred the queation to my coo-
lideratiaa; - all it bo Imagined the Coait
woaW ...._ amittod eo a
Ifill c1a1111111 and Juatlro, unl- tho Coait adell 1lllller
a ....... - of aud dllaunt.ea& a &be
s-aJ tenor of my admh letd&luo, ad llillllr die
inllnenoo of an el*7a.a..
Tldl I 11 a1o1t a elae to - fll die .ec.
ol ...... ............ _, eompllined. 'l'bere
* lit llome a strong l'eeliug M of dlaplcuure ad
uat at the gcnt>ral tenor of" tho Marquw
Wellreley'e "atlmiuitratioo," ancl wan unconquer-
uble jtonloiJlly of" hill iotenlioD!I." He luu.l addtod
gn.oatly to the Dritish dominiollll in India, and bad
etiU widely extended British influence. Thla,
Ia the eyee of the politieiaua who bad 00oo eda-
....,.. Ia die eabool whleh ftouriabed l'or thirty ,._
a- tM &Jme of W anea lf..t.lap. '11'1111 an otrcnce
DO& ..... npillted ,.. llllitller cWeuce nor -
IJUC!It caa he a eted withoat annies, and tbe DllliD-
tcmanco and equipment of IU'IIlics retjulrc money,
the great ctemgn.. whleh had been promoted with 1111-
parallelcd 'rigour aDd -ee, bad nee rilr p.
rile to an incn.'IUklll DJilituy Be
of Fnueo bad '- . .,,a.,
k.W 1Uid ineeJOei .. Ne -1 1111 E g' , 1lad
!i:itroMaed; llld tbe Bmlah pea 'ialndla.

BlSTOilT OF Till:
in plaa> of nt lll!'rt ll power, BS
the Marrtuis W t>lleslty hnl founrl it. was now in n
poaltion tel ghc law tel tlul mritod nati01l8 dift'u!<:d
o,-er llindnsto.n and tho D(!('C'IW. Till' poliry whld1
hnd lc.l to theoc reoulu wn not thnt which htul 110
long fnnnl'd n 1tanding topie fnr the alhiX'IlC)' uf
frothy omtors and ""o"ly JlniD(IhlctL'Ill'9--it wns nut
thnt which had been embodied in every fonn thnt
folly, undrr tho gulio of prodrnce or of gt'Derol!ity
or of jurtire. rould B!'SUmcr-whlch bad C\'1!11 found
a recognition of truth in the resolutions of
parlirunent nnd on tht> Ftatute-hook of the try-
it wns not the f"llicy which the Ma.rqyi Com wallis.
both a good nnd nn nble man, hntl upheld in word!!,
white, with 11111rwUons be dep;.rtctl
from it in uut which his SUCCI!S..<or hnd fuJ-
JowL'<l with gn.11ter ting!e-minrlcdn-, anrl with a
tulhcrencc which, pursutrl n fuw yenrs more,
wuull have brought the llritiab "<ttt!cmeull to that
mnte in which Clin1 fouml Bcngnl "hen be ontlcr-
took ib! delhcranccr-far 1100\'1! thie sonred tho
policy of the Marquis W eUeslcy- flU' ahem,> the
undcl'!'tlwding of tlllll'e puny politicilllll! who luul
bco.:n nceo.<tnmcd to Wit Ouently about the
mcnt of Iodin. in ignorunce nlike of tbc cittum-
5tances of tbc country, of tho principle'S of
geMrnl rolity, anrl of thf' whirh hittory
aO'ortls to thOI!IP who will rrofit by them. A l""ty
popularly c>lectcd mu.t always in a
nf the fi.'Ciings nnrl pn.jmliccs of those
"bom tltq reprllbent. The \"ieW!o of tbooe who

looked to Indio, not to considrr how wo
maintain our powlr thr>re, but rather how we houJ.I
get rirl of it, or nt least prevent its incrcnse, fonnecl
part of tho popular t'rt-cd on the l!llhjl'Ct. and of
nntural ronseqnNtce tlw!le view& fouml tlu:ir
iuto the Court of Director!!. It k true that thcy
could hanlly be a.-owed there or nnywb<'ru
Tho ruhjugntioo of Tippoo Sultan wBS tiO com-
plrtc; the glory which attendtl it wu J;O lrillinnt;
the wnr wns withal so obviously nt'CCill'lll'}'. tbnt it
waa scarody JIO"I'ible to impugn it. 1\ono did im-
pugn it. The rnthn.<inom with wbirh tho ncws of
tho conqoCt of M }"''J'C wa. !'IX'CiTed in En
the uiWiimous ndmiratiou which \\115 swardt'tl lo its
author, were probably nided by the cousidcrntioo
tltat the conqueot of Tippoo was tirtnally a defeat
of the Fronch; for though tbo English pooplu nt
lh.t period found it hard to conccivo that lnwful
occaaion for Will' ccmld over nrise in IndiB. they
weru quite aliTe to the existence of c!Angens nClll't'r
home. When between themselves nod n powerful
an! deadly enemy & llllrrow channl:'l only iutl.'rvrned,
a hlow &t that enemy WitS welcome even though it
wero struck in India. !'till bcomlh tho of
gratulation t:'&l1cd forth by tho fall of &:ringnJl:t:tlun
nnd its mnstcr, tbero wns no nruler-current of long-
l!!'tahlished prejodire flowing in an opJ'O"ite din-ctioo,
which, ns the former suln<iiled, nppe&rld once moro
on the surfnce. nnd earri>l wilb it thAt nuiiM'rotl!
<'la.oll of light nnd ''11111hring mind", "Ito, no
:IT Ill
BiiilOitl - 'I'D
Ofiiai- flf ** CIWII, re111Dy l4oJt' 6ale which
"''J..II" ,.._ IB'1 - &o be 1 eraJJr IJ: liNd-
-' ... - Joag. the ltlnieel ol the ........
'Welllllhy- to be usociated with tho reba ..
-neetJoa tha &bey bad been perf'onnod wltat
rellpiiCt to llr NW!eol plljri'M, although the.
pr$dlcea WIIIV Mtknled 'by the wildom of parlla-
Thtm. too. though the ~ u p t w_., w
etfected great objects-though he 11&4 JheD .retJ,
cobereru.oe, stability, &Dd grandear, co tta. lt1,4
l'abrlc which bad boon committed to bit k ......
one thing W1ll wanting-be bad not performed the
lllilvle or moYing large armiea, conquering r.,r-
midable -jes, IIDd derending a 'fiR extent or
country, Without a eoDSidorablo oatlay of moaey.
To tha wbleh loon at tho eo1t ra&her than tho
'IBlueohnymeaure. thlt could not filii to be A he.
Nations baYo been ruined by profusion, bat thm hla
been wben wealth has been lavished in minltterlng
to tbe &ellllllll deligbu of thcir rulen-in enriching
Jllll'lll'it{'ft und ftattel'l!ftl-in hi'Gping on the unworthy
11Dd the IJASC lh!>'c tn'4Ftln .. 'l'fhich 5bould lw."u been
rlevot<'<l Ill object. of n:ationnl importance. No
nation w119 cvtr ruin<'d-no nation 11"1111 e1'er im-
)'<IVI'ri!hlod, by keeping its lleots and IU'1llics in such
n state of cllleienry :L4 should render it at
honw and rellpcclcd nhrond ; but 1leglee& or-u...
precnutions may be IUld tbe min tha& IU}'
ensue will not be alleviated. uor thoee in'IOI'fl!d in
it t'ODI'<lle<l, hy the rt'<"oll:.-lion tbnt the
lllll origin in B moti\c try lam\ahlc in ih
dc;siro of diminihing thu burdens of the

'l'heijc fuelini(S-tbe morbill ijllotiment. which,
wl1ilu it allowL-d Eogli,hmrn in all Jlnrts of the
world Inilin to keep tbl'ir fil("s at a clistruJce,
Cllllcrl up<ul them there to wait till the rmteblock
"B J'I'\!Sl'DIL'\1, or the o;cimitar rai5ed: anJt!ult
of thrinfoss p:tn.imony w!Jit-!J !ICCS DO erif hut th<'
txptJulituro of mono:y, hat! ttutlol to produce what
thu l\tul'f)uis Welle.Jcy ILl " u Mtmng senst
of liplt.>llllure and dlontcnt ut tho general tenor
of " hiM "administration." But thi WIUI not nil:
lw lxlicR-d, and not without teaJj()D, thAt tho"tl by
wlwm h<.> \IBM tbwnrwl actL-d " under the inllncnJ:C
of llD je:l.loury of" llli! "
Tbty augured of the future from th(' past, They
ba.l found the Mnrquis W a very dilfL'I"CIIl
J:lOWnlor-gencrnl Crow hb pretlt.,-c;.-.or-tbey bntl
tJJUt while the Of JHlWer Wenl [u hiJ>
bruul. no one throughout India would be pennittctl
with impunity to olfl!l' to tlw 13ritib go'emmcut
ciUwr injury ur inmiL Tllll 111110 "lloe IIJIJ1le hAol
long 00cn 11 terror in I ndia ll:ul fu.llcu before hiw.
The govcmor-genernl had lmml TiJ'poo Sultau in
his lnir, and the name 110d dynn.t) of tbllt 1rincc
bnl dimlppe:J.tcd. Somr otlltr t:ncmy might call for
ftnd tbe .:m1c rcsull might folluw.
'f h., ltutl t bu rlomi-

nr mr;
nioM of tho tonquerod dl'tlp<lt that a IIIJ'I!C portion
of tbum bad become 1\ritil'h in n:un<. aud nearly
tho "bolo Britilili in fact. If jutit CllUIIC of pmcoea-
tinn ahonl<IIU'ise In other lmt mil! to prevent
a n.J><'tition of this toQrtiC 1 and if it tluml<l l>t ro-
rcat"<l, whnt \Tllnld beromc of nil the de-
nunciation of cxti'Dtletl dominion in whieh iudi-
\'iolunl philnnthmpibts l1ad lnrlnlllt'd, atul of thu pro-
hi hit ions by which parliament bad MUght to limit
glory, power, and rt'f\Ourct,ot of tho l\ritiol1 cm-
pir<' f what of the numerous pmpbccica which had
betn uttered, of min to Great from the en
lnrl(cment of her l::nstcm cm{'ir!l 1 If ruin dirl not
follow. loll\<1 the prupheci<'!l wm: thus faliJicd, what,
abo,-c o.ll. wll!l to oocumr of tho crctlit of the pro-
phtt.. 1 "1lero 111ch Tii'WS and such fe8.J'!I were
Cntrtllineol, bow coultl confidence bo in tho
l\larquiJ W cliel!ll'y1 How could thllee who ch.e-
mbed them rcgaril his intentions mth any fe-eling
but that of je:llOWI)' 1 Every ship that ILI'lived might
be t'lCJI(!('ll'<l to bring intclligtmco of some fre-h act
by whicl1, in tho eurclo of no enlightened and
=ly policy, he hsd ll, offered violcnco tn tho
petty nnd imprncticnblo rules by "hich the lcgi!<la-
turo bat! Pntcnced India to bo goTern\!IL SomP
now outbreak of patriotic feeling-some new tri-
u:mpb bearing 'ntnesa to the
sagacity and decision, nnd cruhing to duot tbe
mibcrablu thcorice lnid down for his guitlanct!, miA'ht
eollltantly be apprcbcndl:d. opponent.< of tbe
llJUUSIJ EXl'fRE IS lltl>IA. 251
Manpti, Wdlll!11ey were thus not only dLqo;ati4ie.l
with ptu>t actl!, but tlwy lonk!'<l to the futuro
with dillllly. He who in 110 a time hrul
chrmgl the fnce of Inrlin, might chnnge it still
mon.'--migbt make the Britih rrower slill penler,
111111 more irresistible, thnn hl hat! mrule it. On
lbl'llt' grounds. those who ditferod from his TicW!l
cnter14im-d "an unconquerable jealousy of" his
" inttutio.DJL"'
It ma:.t not be suppOsed th11t all who Celt thia
jenlouy were in!eruliblc to tlrlir country's honour or
advci"!Kl to its interests. Circumstllnces hlld 1!<1
men to rcuon with regnru to I udin M they would
not l'CIIIOII with regard to nny other spot of the
habitablo t'llrth. The opinjom once so current con-
cemit.g I ntlia--opinioDS had they been act!<!
upon, would long ago have rcliev!<1 the English
roenpll' from the l:lbour of cons:idcriog how their
Oritntnl empire bhould be gtrvcmetl-h:we not been
nppli<l elcwhere. Men "bo contended iu blood
ngnjnt tho scpnrotion from GN(IL Brit:tin of her
lmn!>lltlMtic (>08!!011Sions, havo been willing to leave
Britit<h Iodin a prey to citlur nntho adventurers or
EumpcM lien 'l\Jro w oulol mther hare 6I'CII
Britain (ngulphed in the ocean which eurroumb her,
than yiclol her claim to the f'()('k of Gibmltar. hare
<le.:mc<l the most DJ:IS1lifi(l('nt t'mpirc ever held in
tlttrt'lllltnco 011 J;CarCely worth tho It would
oo tPrlious to iliscuss nt lcnl{th tho rotL.<eB of thlliiO
hn.llucinntioru;. Tl1cy txist, ntttl ull whO!!C
vi"""' hAw bccu fl'l'll fr<m >"Uch tlciUIIioDII havo re-
Cll.\ P.
... , .... vi palltltd
.-,- GDIJa- vita.
o11r '"' l the 11Mtp1a Welleeley. A body vi
tiJat time euralaed a very pow!!rful
iDaea ia &be--- vi &be Cuaapay, tlODCCived
t11a their wete io,jurioally a& cted by
- - adopted by the p..-g nu
with regan! to trade. The CompaDy'a RIJIMI..,..,
bad a few :rear- bef'oro boon reluod, by an eoaet-
meot mjuiring thl'lll to pro'lide a certain lliJIOUJit vi
tuuuage annually (or the am o( prift&e ml'n:hanta.
Aa far as tbp uport tmdo &om 01'811& Brit.aiD wu
1....a, the emmt oC tho pro'rilioo wu probably
P I mt, a daat time there na liUJe d "' ill
IDc1la l'or Britllh maouf'acturet! : bat it wu IIIII& ..._
rimt for the return trade. Thl!re wu
Europe a eollliderable demand (or Y&rioua artielll
wbieh lodia could funlish, ancl the llll>ply o( tbil
upeoed a mode or rcmittaoee to p!!niOill
wbo had nequired fortune. in that conotry whieb
they propooetl to ioveet and eqjoy al. homo. FIOID
this l&ale oC thiDp a lup portion o( exporta
of India loaad their way to Earope ia INelp -
ping, though the t.nde .... lllj'fllltell ... i I a
on by Britiab MD"* kef of die 11111\o
nutll of tbe Eut.-ludla C 1 J For &Ida IW.e
or lht're Willi 110 bat the employ-
ment of lndiu-built obippilljl', to 1111 t'Sieal wlliall
Jlliltli& ...,...,. the deticieaey in tbe Compuay' toa-
... ; tliU l i ~ a ftluable ud mu ,.g de-
partment of 6am lbrelgn to Britiab lhipe.
Tboagb in B ..... eUnordiDary delieaay of t'eel-
IIJI W beeD -we.ted with roprd to Jndian
prl .. ........ the exerclae or lhe rip& of ..,_
._ been alma.t pi'OICJ'ibed Ia 111ek .._,,
lltde .yDJpathy has rver be. dlllpla,.a towdt ...
peorlc at ~ Suf;ec&N Co B II' ..a.. tlleJ
bad been treated u ...._ _. I I ..........
joyed by CYerf ......... GI.f?' 0 ... I 3 ...
Loadaa .... WI ...... I I ttdw .......
liao flfJ IU"tt 6lla liD Mt ol Jqp tll!e to
..... ,. ii ..., helbre the departure of the
~ .. Welleeley they remonatratcd ~ It,
111111 tbouj!b it wu obvioiiS that tbc emp?oymeut of
lndi&:boilt ships would rlii!J>Ilu.'O not British but
foreign'. they demnndcd it.< prohibition. The
~ of juatiee attending this demand ill K-
eura&ely and fom'b!y depicted in a commnnioa-
tioo 6om lb. Dundae, then Preeident of the Boanl
ol Connnloch-n for the AJiiWI of India, to tbe
..... 1 , of &be -ittee of llhip-bailden. "Tbe
lqJuRioe of ... JIIUP''Iitlon," .,. he. M ~ '1te in
depriri"l a JIM& dmeriptioa of tbe JUbject of Grea&
Britain of a right IUidoubtcdly belooging to thea.
The Drir.lab lt"rritone. in ladia aro under
IOYereign&y of Great Bm.ID, ud the -,. ...
there aro equally entitled to aU tbe ~ of
BIWIIa-bullt lhipping aa thGio bam Ia, k Welt
lMfet, or Cenatla, or uy other I1Jc lp I 'I 1 DJeney
our. af._ g' .,-..rwnli.lllf!llilf!llll!*
..... :lilA Uf1 of the lbJppiDg Ia .. ,11\
.. 1lrlqlug home the produce or thee
Ia .... of \heir 0- building, If they fouiiCl Hi ebillllll:
; IBa' to do 10: ad 18' Hi II olmo111 that the -
plea of iDterel& IUIIl iUJIIIGiill would equally
apply... Ha'ring "''iilccic!!teflleJighta of the people
of IJidia to be regarded .. Bddlh rigbt
l8ldGm thought of by the ......,.,... Jpdlen
YIOIIg&, tho writer proceeded to lhew tbat &I* ....
tabo by thole wbom he wu add,_ing, of their
own inaen.ta IUld thole of the Britilb nation. were
eu--, oberYIDg They (the sblp-buildere)
ooaeeiue that the prohibition of Indian-built ahir-
ellilllllf to 0... Brilain woald make proportionate
.a I' or - lbr &be lhlpplug or tbe &It-India
Compuy. n would baYe DO elect. It would
baYe no other elfect than tbat which it hll elwaya
11M. of dri'ring &hoee sbipe. with their cwg-. iDto
foreign lllld thereby eaabllshing Ia laitlp
IIOIIIItriee an Asiatic eommerce, fou.nOOd on Brftl.b
capital. which, by a contrary policy, ought, in the
flret place, to centre In the rier Tb.unee, and he
from tbeDae I&OSported for the 111pply of ot11er
lllltloDII.. 8oaDd .. - .....
they failed to lll&llty die ""lA lme1nt, wblela
continued to IU Yilt i cl WDI ill tile
Letwr ,_ doe 1itk R '' a..; :U... .......
.....,., tot JaiJ, 1m. a tllllt .., .. .,.., .,.
w.....,o, .
BIU'rulll EliiPIU lli 11-'lliA. 255
courts of tlte East-India Comreny to withhold
from tho Rhipping of India all ('nrticipation in
Uw trado ctUTied on lx!tween thnt country nntl Great
The nt'CO!olity, however, ctf providing some ex-
tent of l'Xlrtl tonnnge Wll8 80 ll)'f'llretl\, tltnt it WM
to resist it. Accortlingly, nutbority waa
j!"iTcn to tho go.-emm!!Dt of Bengal to take up a
amount of ton!lllge on acrount of the Com-
pnny. nod relet it to the mcrt"hanrs of Calcutta.
Tho ;\lnrquis Wellesley, on his arrirnlat that place,
by J"\pn.'lienUitions from tbc mer-
Clllltilc community in fuvour of thc employment of
I ndia-built ships, and in into effect the
ord<'nl from home, he mndo somo chn.ngcs cnl-
cul4tcl to dh'l!St the nuthorizl'll mCIISUre of <orne
incuntbrances which tended to impede its bene-
ficial (11'\!r&tiou. He took the IBDIO COUl"Se at &lillb-
period, and thus nt oneo earned the grati-
luclc of lhu mereantilo of India, nnd tho
relcutlt88 enmity of tho of tlte port of
J.ood\10. &tween tho two pc!riods of gmnting in-
to India-built Bhips n )f'Br had intenenccl.
clurit1g which it had not been rcstlrtf'<l to; ancl tho
ext.cricneo of thnt year W"lli b) the governor-
general to June atte:.-ted the ex)ll-dicncy of restoring
it. " GO<><L. t.o a largt> amount." hu said, " origin-
nlly intRndt..U for tho port of London. were 10ld t.o
fol"\ib'llCI"S in lbe port of Calcuttn, :mel thus diverted
to tho oluuuu:-1 of the foreigu trade." Thia result
Lett..- to Court or t>in.cton, :JOib Sept.oaabor, 1800
cu' r.
f:)(P[JU; IN INDIA. :?;; 7
from it. llo l'omplained, in a letter to )lr. Dund08.
thllt the pri\11lo tconuagc had given hlm great trou-
ble; nnd ad<ls--" 1 hall entlcnvour liJ [II"OCl'Ctl at
len.t "0 fCU' Ill' to pn:..-ent the tnule [rom a
bent fonign EurO[K.'an thig
antl you nught. in ju.-.tict to DIJ ito:ltion, to tltcide
the <(Ut't'lion nt home: Yet, "biJe SU!tpt-nd-
ing for a i'l'ttSon the opl'mlion of metLDJ'CS "hlch
he Mt to oo just, 11 be. a111l nec<-...:a.ry; while Ol('l!k-
ing to be rtllio\'l,.l fmltl tho pninful tluty of up-
holtling tht.'lll ou bU. own ret'J'OIIt'ibility, hl' ittMtrt"<'d
the l'l'tielltnwnt of thosu "ho t<UJI[lO"''<I
injUJ'('<) by tho.e nu'&l'ur\..., anti tlnL'tl Bllltther
active ingn-tlient to the eltments of OpJ!Ot'ition "ltich
wen femttnting at home.
Afttr tml'ing to their ti0urel'b
the hostile feel-
ings lllnniftoted townrds one who had ext'reiwl till'
powers to him 11;th nn nbility :uul l't!C
ces:. unequullud hy nuy nf his l'rcdcacsors. iL will
be proper to adn>rt brietly to mruuftla-
tinns nf lith-o fctlinss Ill! hmc not hitherto bt.'l'U
notic<d. The onloN to reducE' the nnny hnvo ken
mentiuncd, II! wdl liS th....e relating t<> tho nllow-
lln<'t'tl of Culonc] \\' t!llcll'Y 'J'Iw C11urt hcul, in
11tb .. r inst:tnct'S, nnimadvcrt1.od on men.<urc,. of policy
in n rnnrutl'r wWch tht gnventor-gcn<'ml regorded
olf<m<ivc. On some of the.e point.. he tJ"1ll'll
t. lul\e fplt n degree of intlignntion which, &l this.
distoure of timP, ...,ciDl! "ir.ln'allt<..t bY the
. .
tteeaaiou. high Jl('llins e .,, with
Soe Wdlcalcy O..palchts, '<01. ii. J10C !103.
8trong sensilility. The Marquis W elle8lcy knew
own purity; lae luww al!<l tbt "it h
which he wD.. nt home; and it mcdto
no RDTJ'risc, if, irrit:\tc<l hy rumoynnee whith h
thought nn rdum for hi:; emin<lll
vir;..,;, l1e tibould haVIl nllmlC'Cl to umc of thl'm with
more im(>ntieucc lhnn they nnw f'l't'm to
Tbr from lnmc were not to>
the emoluments of thotoo in whom the
g.-ncral reposed in -mrion.
their remoml from tht> which they
wns tlirected, nod th!' RJ11l0intmmt of otl1cr
spcdnlly nnrued. Ue wbo studies tlto hi,...
tory nf Indiu ranuot fail to be gratilill n
he alnoee8, by f4lding that matU>I"' merely J>'ni01141
becmnc of less frettul'nt n.'tnm:nce :md <>f Jcg I'""'
minent interest. For n long period per;oual
occupy a Tery lnrgt' portion of the <.eene: these an.
after IL nhnot entirely superseded by ques-
tions of higher int<'rest. the great t'\'l'nt"
whicb mnrk the ndminbtrnlion of ll1o Wtl
ll:"'ley, it would be wrong to pilose for tho
of di-;cu5Sing the merits of sermnts nf tb ...
vernml'nt, "<> far as they were ronoC('tl'tl
witb thO"<' important flll'h which it is more C>pt'CiAIIy
the province of bi-tol')' to A TN')' IJrlrf
notice of the net> of thn Con:rt, in displacing "'rbtin
scrvnnts from cffirc ancl llPJ>(tintingotlwr.o, mWit tlwrc
foro suffice. Tbe bn<l nppoint('<l
Colon!'! Kirkpatrirk S('('l'l'tllry io the dt'part
BRITISII Elll'OUl llol INlliA. :?JO
mt'nt. The Court. ordl!rl'll the appointment to be
reticlndttl, on tho ground tlmt military colllfllis-
di-qunlilied him for rhil offirr. This " n
new coun.tmctil>n of the !:ow, and eertainly hal the
npp<.1U'IUICO of hni11g been >llt.'CinllJ fi1r tile
<>c:C4.llion. The WciiL"<ley WIL' not !Itt fiN!
gnvemur-g.ncro.l 11 ho had nominated military nltn
t o politico! or chil duties. Tic found tho l'mtiro
to u ecrlnin extt'ut t:xi,tiug; nnd it i; not iunppli-
rable to tbnt it hus uover l..:-cn Pntir,.Jy dis-
roulinuctl. Tbu lflllt'l'lll Milt, umlunlot!'<lly, 8hnuhl
ho to tlitrilout" l'ivll nppuiutlncnts nuwng tho uwm-
bl'r.; uf tho dvil but, ..-ith LO
tht p..'<'nlinr and difficulty of till! politirnl
oflic:l:ll untler the A'llV(Irt1or-gcnernl, it mny sometimes
b<>come to dispcnc \Tith tht rule. Where
a Dtilitnry officer a pre-emintnt dl'gi'('O of
fitness for buch nn nppoinlmenl, it is ob\'illiLly not
for tht bcneilt of tho public C'mco tn pnss hlm hy.
On tl1C' nmo prinriJlc whirh \\US to Colunt>l
Kirl..l'ntrifk, onl<I'H were given tn ro\i!'C t.ho np-
of Colnnel St-ott at Lurknow. with n
tq n""<ind it. 'fhi. was C't'rtainh au
ic.'p town rd. both till' go.-,rnor-gontnll nnd Colonel
Scott. A most i111portunt nogotintion had l)('('n
bnmght to a <ure('1;fnl ronclru;ion-tbnt hal
hct:n dono WM fonnnlly 11pJH'(J\'od fmm homL..__yct
nnd, indircl'tly. blnme, wt>re ca.t but b
on him "bo had di'Vietl the pl-Ln anc] on him by hom
it luul JJ<>tn t':lrriCII into t'ffl!l't. In fllllC'I' instanrt'!t,
IHtth nt lkngal nntl Mudl'll.., tho Court bad din't'tlod
C If A P.
clumi(C!I no rt'forencc to the trioriple np-
tllcabl<l to those llbow noticud. ur t<l <other
that can now be di"""cred. The boml' :autho-
ritit.,. rarely interfere in the exereL"' of tbc lue:U
patronngc uf IndiA. but in tbe wny of dti'Ck 1!.111
control. The dorived from tho IHlwer of
nnd ro' iioo wuul<l, it i clear, lit'
1<>-t, if tht' Court were tu dkl""'-' in tle 6"'t in-
stnncc, of the oJJk-e.. of till! lnlian
th<'y ttel.'Ordingly, for n long h<-'ric.,. of yea,..,
exereiHtd greut cmntion in interfering witb the lis-
rribution of office in Intlin. ru1 officer hall
been unjlbtly remo,e<J, the J>Om!f of the Court
m:ay I'"'JI('rly be to n::;tore hlm: but in
onlinnry l':LSC>, it is certain t.hnt the B>'umption bJ
the homo authorities uf the riglli of liJwn>ing the
loeru lllllronnge W(>ultl bo tiubjeet to great oupicion,
and mi11ht possibly ri..-e to great atm .. '<-'. The
W clleoley bcJic,ed that the txtmonlinnry
interfuroncc from home Wll!l intended to gin personnl
annuyunco to himself nut! Lord CliYe. 1'hl' Inttcr
entertnincd the snme impl'Cl'ion. He bnl
entertd I'Ordially and into tho polin- of the
Mnrquis WeUt..Jey,and the bO"tilitydiplaycd
the WIIS believed for thi, fl:li..."'D to
be cxtcndL'<i to tbc go,croor of ForL St. Gl'orge.
Tbcn. wns one furlhl!r ground of cliAi.rence lx'-
tw""n tho Court o( Directors ll!d tlll'ir I:O'ernor-
gcneral, which, although it had not bctn fully dcn'-
loped, it will be convenient to notiec htr,, to nvoill
See. 81 of 63 0,.,. !1, <ap. 165, WUiptCially de>oiJ!Ded to
interrupting the progre:,s of tho rurrmtive hcrenftcr.
'l'hl.' 11ltcred situation of the Company bacl not at
this time produced any nltemtion in the mode of
sclcetinjl: U1cir llen'llllts, or of preparing them fc>r
tbcit duties. The Marquis W elleslcy saw the ovil,
nul dctcrminl'd on providing a remedy. In a
minnte of grcnt length and ability, be adwrted to
the Vll!;t wbic:b bad taken plaloe Great
Britain first obtninccl n MJltlcnwnt in lndi4. t11 tho
extent of the Company's dominion_., the important
duties dcvohing on their servnnts, nllll to the qunli-
wbirh tb .. y ou;tbt to 1"- Mtr dw!!ll-
ing DJK>D JKiint.P iu dctnil, he tbus surom(.'<] up
his :-" The civil servant.. of the Englih ED.-t-
I uclill Company, thorcforc, can no longer ho coni-
clcrcd all the ngents of a concern. They
arc, in fnet, tho ministers nnd of n powerful
1o0vcrcign : they mu..ot now be vie" ed in tbnt capn-
city, with reference not to their nominnl but to Uwir
mll occnpatiun. Tbey are rcquin.<tl to eli-charge
l11(1 funrtioDH of mngistrntes, nmlm_.-.,aolors,
nnl gm.,mor!O of pronnt'..., in aU tbt' c:omplicat('Cl
111141 exll!tL'!ivo relntion.q nf those sa('red trusts ami
l'ulted tatiorL, :tncl under pcculi:lr cii'Cillll>t:mc.-1',
11lticb IJrenlly tho !'Olemuity of e,cry public
obligution, 110d a.,<>gravato lbo diftkulty of eTI'ty
pul1lic cbnrgc. Tbrir duti(.'q arc tbo<c of htate;mlrn
in oTCry otbc:r part of tho world, "ith no other
('hliJ'IIctC'ristio rliffercn('es than thl' "I'J'O'M"I
by nn t111favourablt dimate, ''> a fonign langnngt'.
Reeonlal IOib July, ISOO.
X \Ill

llll<llllt\ ot' TilE
by the pet>uliar uonges and laW" of l nclia. anl loy
tb< manuc,.,. of it inhabitants. Their 'tuhcs. the
cli"l'itlino of their <clurntiou, their habiu of lifl',
tll<'ir mnnnlll'!l unci momh tbcrcfore lw eo
ordered llDd r<.'gnlutcJ 1111 to ('lnblish a ju"t ron-
f,.rmity betw.:en tlcl'ir J>tr;tmal eon5itlcmtinn nncl
the tlignity nnd imtKrttlllre of tbcir tublic stntlont,
:ml to mainmin a ufficient ..,,"""locmd<-nl'c bet Wt'<'ll
tttnli6cations tUll thlir Tbcir lu<n-
tion be founclcd in a general knnwl.-IJ,'C nf
tb0!111 of litrmture nnd science "hith lhm1
the basis llf lht cdurntion of [ll'n.ons du.tintl to
occupntiou in To this fouuc!Mion
>honJd b.: l)r]c)ed 1111 intimutt Ul't(uailllliDCC ll'ith tim
hitnry, C<hlOllll!, an<l JlllUlllL'"' .,f tim
J'C'O('lc of lnlia, with the :mil llinluo
rotles of law a1111 nliJ:iou. and with the tlitical
11111 colDIIU'reial intll'(-..1' of Grt'at IJritnhc in
Aia. They Flu'lulcl lx in.lruttl in
tho priul'ipiL'ti ancJ wlticb cow;titutu tltc
nf thnt ldH<' cnde of nllll
l:lwA enacted by tlco gowrnor-geneml in couudl.
f<or the l'lll'Jl{lS<' of -.ruring tn tbe people of thi
unpire the hl:ncfit nf th<' aucit>ot nntl nrcu.t,.nwd
IB\1 of the country, ntltnini!otl're<l in tho >pirit of
thl' Dritih olumld t.c wdl in-
fionncd of tbe true noel prineirlc, f1f tho
llritiill con.qtitution, anti l<uflicit'Iltly gronnclcd in tlw
g<ucrul principiC!! or olltil'8, cil il jurisprucltlll'<'. tho
lnw of nnriow, 11ntl hilnry; in orclr tllllt
mny lx- cuabl<'tl tu tli,...rimirutt< the ch:tn1e-
111liTJ811 ;.'lll'!RE IN 11'/UL\. 263
teri.tic clifTcren001 of the 1;eYeral codes of lnw adm.i-
ni.tered within tho British empire in Inclin, and
rrncticully to combino the spirit of roch in the di.s-
pilll54tion of ju..tlro nnd in tho mnintcruwce of
order nnd good, tltcir early
habib be so fimned Ill> to cstnblibh in their
minds Mtwh Nolid foundttiou.s of iudutry, pntuencc.
integrity, 11od religion, ns would dli.-ctUlllly puard
them again-t those u:mptation and rotTUJllion.' with
"luch tho nature of tltis ctimnte nnd Uoo
depravity of the pc<tplu of TuoliB will scJrrouool :wd
llS'iail tbrm in en!l')' ttation. l .. Jo<'('i:illy nu I hl'ir first
nrri rnl in I culiD.. The cnrl) li<'ipline of the -enioo
calculnted to counten1ot tho dofccts of
the eli mnto =d the Yiees of tho JM!OIIe, lllld to
fonn a nntural bclrrier 11gairu.t habitual indolence,
di.sipntion, IUld liel'ntious indulgence; tbt of
emulntion in honotu11ble nnd useful pursoHs shouhl
b<> kin<IJ(>jl nod kept alive, by the continnnl pro-
pect of di<tinction nod rewlll'tl, of profit and
hnn01tr; nor lilioald nny pn.'<'tlutiou be relllXod
in Indin "l1icb is dcLmed Ul'C('nry in Engl110d, to
furni-h u snflicient npply of men qualitit-d to fill
the high oRirl"! of the Ftatc wilb credit lH them-
:mel with utlvn!llnge to the public. Without
n contnnt t;UCff-ion of m<'n in tb('
bmndw, and departmnts of tbi. goyenunent. tbc
lliclem nncl hcucvoltnce of tlw law mul provo
crlo nnol iul'flicient. 'Vhatever t'IIUlSe mul syotem
,,r tncly may ill' dmo1l re<JUiitl.' in J-:nglaul to
fi<'<'nre 8Jl almndmt &.Jill pure ..... ur ... .: r..r the rtHcient
supply of the public &emee, the p<'C'Oliar nature of
our cstabiWmwnhl in the l::W.t. 80 tnr fntm aohnit-
tiag any relaxation of tbute WiiiC :111ol oulutruy rnlt!S
atul Teotruint, olcmiUuL! that they be cn-
with a dcgrw of additional vigilauce and
care, l'"'llOrtiuned to tht ..l clifticu.lto of
civil and to tbe numPMIII!I bnzard! IIUI'round-
ing the cntnutee to public lif .. in Inolia."
Such were tho views entertained by tht )Jnntuia
W llll to the importanee of do.c prrparntiun
lhr tlw lliscllnrge or the important dutil'l' uf the
ci\'il .en ice of He JI'OCCt.'ded to >hl!w that
the miudo, of the young mcu nnnuolly aninng at
till' Jlref,iduncics in the cnpncity of" rit= htld mroly
undergone :ll'ly llkqUAte P""tmratinn-th:tt from
1;0me, nil imtruction iu libcml k-nrning bud lx.'Cn
itbbcltl. -..bile in othcl'!'. tb< cour<e of tnly ha<l
been jlrt'Cil;ely at tltt' tJCriod wlll'n it might
bnve Wen w;tb incn:a.-N rulvanlllgl.'-that
in T ndiu they hod no opportuui ties of BCIJUirinjl even
th" wclurieal know led go to iit them for
ci vii office-knowledge of the and cu.. ...
toms of the nntivcs; of the regulotioDB nnd IBWti;
or or the detAils of the estahli-bc.J I!J''m or
the nnd inrlmt rious wert
bt.wiWrcd for want or a "IUie otbl!r<, dL"-
H>ting them<lves wholly to luxury nnd ee11:mnl eu-
juyment, n:maineol "1llll in indoltnce, until their
in the .Cr\'iCc rendl'I'Cd thl'm cligilole tn
I:<IUe ORlce of tru:.t, for wbic.b, hOWO\'CJ', they Were
from waul of preparn.tiom. awl rrum the
tlifficully of breaking habit..
of i<llcn<"-ol and di-.ipntion. 'l'hlre were uot WlDit-
ing, indcc!l, iMtaucc-< of npplic11tion t.o tiludy oml
bnbittml pro(rriety of conduct; but nJJ tbr IIIMIB
of the C'itil S4!nlUII'I, it l\liS ur
'l'd, wero to be
fiS('n"Oc<l l<l thcmd,e--, while tbt>ir were to
lk! nthil.111ted to tho constitution nnd prnl'tico of till'
IJ('r,irt, \\hicb bntl not beeu to the
in chang\"' of our ituntion in Inllia-
hnd not ktpt pncc with the> !,'l"t>wlb of tho CIDJ>in,
or with tlw lnCrt'Uiiing cxtuut nUtl importnnce of the
and tluti"" oflbc Comp:wr' .-('T\nllt. Tn
renwdy th" cxiting cTil-. tho gt>\"eroor-gc.mml pro-
flll'll'll to c ... tnlol.ibh n CHJicgu in Cnlcuttn, for tho re-
of writcl"' fur the tlmc (>re.idtnt>k.,., who
Wtre thc:rt. for :t limited )Nlriod, to be suhji!Cted to
tho =>lrnints of n<"ndemic cliBeipline, nnd truinud in
kuclt stud it's ns might fit them for their future duties.
These tolto pursued uutlcr the l'UJIC!rinte:nde:nr<>
of two dcrgymen, chnplain in the Sl'r
-.icc : for the nnthe lnnguugt'R moousllf.)(l" were to
be prmill<l. Tho OlC(lilllS!l of lbo intitulion wn
to t... pro,ioled for in a marult'r "biclt blroul<l not in
lht: fil't irt-tnnce the> Company to any adrli-
tivnll! chnrge; uuL tire govcntor-genornl (xpres.;col
n hofltl thut the lilxrnlity or tiro Court of Direclol"'
would in clue time be extendcd to it. It wa l!"ta-
blishcd wit bout prt'' ious refcrcllcQ homo, and the
Mr. llrown, the oenior chaplain, md Buclluaa. a/Ur.
wardi oo woU lmo'"' brlllo meritoriou.o exertiou 1o dira:t llllm-
10 the <eclcoiutiAI <Uubti<m or I odia.
following groun<ls were nl'lgned for tle omission:
a eomictinn of the great immediate benefit to be
deri-ve<! from the e:uly oommencement ucn of llto
Jlnrtial operntion. of the plnn-the ex11Cricncc of
the admntnges which .had already in some inst:uu-es
been derived from the systetlllltic study of the Dllth"O
langunge...,._tbe anxiety f0lt by the governor-general
to impart lo the young men :uri e d from EuroJU
'1\ithin the three prnceding yeBrs a sbnre (lf tho
1111licipated benefits of the- institution, nrul a !;Olici-
tude, perfectly naturnl in its projector, to I'Uperin-
lend the foundation nf the college, twd to nccelemw
Md witness its iirst ofroots.
It will be judge<!, from the rapidity witlJ which
the design was carrleil into execution. thnt the estn-
blilunent of the College of Fort Will.iruu wBB n
fa vourito ol!jcct witl.t the :Marquis W ellcsley. It wns
nnt so fortu:nntc 118 tp meet equal favour in Great
Britain. The Court of Directors, prepared to look
"<itlJ suspicion on nny proposal origiontiug with tl.Ju
gowmor-genernl, feeling perhnps 1;0me displensure,
not nltogetber unwnmmted, that the plan had !Jeen
nctunlly carried into effect without thcir coneurrl!nce,
nnd nntic.ipnting 11 charge upon their finances ofheavy
nnd undefinnble extent, \\itbbeld tbni.r appro,'Ul of
t11e mAgnificent e>tnblisltmcnt llhlnh b:td boon dt!-
,;scd, hot voluntarily sanctioned the formation of :m
institution or more humble pretemions, nl each o(
the presidencies, for instruction in the vcrnncular
lnngnnge>. The abolition of the coUt>ge followed.
'l'lt<' plnn thus fmstmt.ed lly o r d e r ~ from l.Juwe
IIRITISU Ull'IKI. I!> l.'<DIA. 267
clemaorls 110me exnmiuntio11, on llt'Cf!Unt both of tho
impnrtnnt objects nbicb mL dl"igned to promo!<,
nnol till' cbarocter of him to nhom It owed its origin.
Thnt iL ih drirnhle thnt thl' ci'Yil I'('J'Yauts of tho
Ent l wlin Company should be well-educated mcu,
is n puil i<>u from which few "ill k found to diAACnt.
Thl'ro nrt' iu,tnnces in whi.-h men. ho,,ing few of the
arhautagt..,. nf libc!ml t:dut'lltiou, hli\O not only J'Bi..o...J
thlIW!Cln to bip:h tntion, but luue htWll an emint>nt
rl('jm.'l.' uf fitnc- for thu ("l!!itlnn which they hue at-
tnilll'd. nut thl."'...e imtllll('t'O, \\ b('fO llllti<c strenjfth
of miml hu.' enwlil...t tho gift \\ hicb in ord.inary l/ll8ell
Ill'\' only tu ht ncrJuircd hy rnnnot be uclmitted
to aRion) on nrll'<jUOle foundation for the
uf n gl'ncrnl rult'. There renson to belie"e tho.t,
at the lime tho Wellcley n.>corded tho
minute from which his Tiews on the subjcd l.a,e
bc,u quot<'d, the education of m1111y of those de:.-
tinrrl to dbr:hiU)!'e in Iodin thl' dutil"' of statesmen,
hjtilnli1l'l<, judges, aurl fiuunl'il'r<, WBB extremely dc-
n. 'l'he originn.l commlrcinl chnmcter of thP
Eu.t-lnrlin Cllmrmny bnd leo! to tho belief thnt tho
of education "hirb fit a youlb for the
rtruming-hou-c--r,..rho.p .. ,om<'lhiug than the
onlinnry l'nlngh to qualify him for
tlw ci vii ,,.nire of lntli:L During the latter half of
tilt' lust the fl'4.'1illl{ on the RUI>jt'Ct
of ldut'lltinu wn, lllUTOW nml illibrrnl. At nn carlitr
pcriorl, wlwever recehod nny l'rlutntlon at all WIIS iu-
lnwtol in the cltJmentij nt (.,at of clll!ll4iCill know-
led!!'' Thu l.'lotcnion of tlw interest of
C P.
X1i IlL
Great Britain bad Jed to a dltrerent COUrRe. Educn-
tioo wu more widely diR'uoed, hut it wu -tially
altered in ita cllaracler. Tho6c of kno-
ledge which could bt> immciliatcly a-vail-
able to the atquisition or wealth came to bo
regardt'Cl aa tho only objects orthy of nttcntion ;
and tho graceful and llboral lltudics which hRI
formerly b<'Cn culthated, to the exclullion of all
ot.ltCFR, were in their tum cx<'lnded, IK>eaiiiC they
nuld not readily be made to uing a
fortune. I ndepcndently. therefore, of the dcllbente
opinion left on rceord by tht Marquis W
there i. good ground for believing that, in mnny
-, the <'hiliiC'rvnnl!! of tbe En.tlndia Compnny
at that period hnd devoted little nttention to thoMO
studi(ll ..-hicb tend to refine, libernlize. and
the mind. Tho bitlllK'li 1111 Ill'
('Urllto anti elegant scholnr, could not fail to bo
&truck with the deficitnCy, 1111d to lament ill! come-
With n>gard to the OriE'ntnl tongu<'R, tlto tlcfi-
cicncy, though srorccly more lrun<:nlablc, cxr-
taioly moro cnlculnt<>tl to (IX cite surprise. Men
upon to perform duties of tho highest important!O
in a country in wbirh tbry were
imoh;ng the rights nnd interests of millioru;.--mcn
With tho Marquia wcn .. the otudi .. ol hi youlh ha\'11
boOQ!JII! the delight &ad ca .... latioo ol hil oge. at
't:rf ad<IWC<<I period .,( li( th th-go.nt am_,.,t whooh
clauical compoajtlnn alrunl!, bo bu .hewn that ,...... loa"'
abal.<d D<itbcr bit Jo,.., for mxm 1"""""1: nor hio power of di ..
Jdaying ot.
BJUD8H EliPillll IN INDIA. 269
incurring thi., l"e"JlJru.ibility. 11111! by
alnwt cwry l'pecies of J>l'M"t-N.' inlllll!llCe ,. hich
rould oltbll.'oe or wcro not even required to
&ubmit tu nny pre;;crlood coun.Q of study. for the
purpnlj() of ncquiring tUI ortlinury mensure of skill
in tlw tunguCII >JH>kom by nil nround tlum.
Hut fur the extrnordinnry manner in which thl'
l rulian empire of Great Britain Irati JmHm UJ>-but
for t'xtnwrdinruy nf'lthy ,.hirh pre'llilcd at
hiHlll) On aU snbjectll connCCll'tl \\it h lndia,
wht:n pcrirnlicnl fits of Jity fi>r tl1< ,. rungs of Inilia
the naliou, and innrinhly rlit('Cted its nttl!ll
Uou (AJ' fl'<lm all useful nod I!Ub"tnnlinl motles of iru-
!Inch a st.'lte of things could never hn\"1'
Pxik'<l. Tt wns ccrtninly not creditable thnt it
>houhl Juno continued so long, nnd much honour
doc. it reflect on the Marquis W elk ... ley, that if be
\Hro not the first to percei the evil, be m!S ccr-
ta.inl) the first to sugge>t n remt'tl) .
\gt1in, notlling could be more pitiable thnn the
nwml cltMI itulion in which tho youths Sl!llt to
T JH!in \\WC loft, n.t thnt rerlod when the
bey j,. mpidly gro,.ing iotn thu mnn. In some
<'n.""' tlwy might bn.-u frienols l'l"iding at tho
pill('( nf their destination, care might
counteract the temptation to ,. hich youth c.-l'l')-
whlrt'. but nowhere o;o much D8 in India, aro
OXJKI>M ; but unless when n ocnr olcgrec of rt'-
lntionhip existed, tho connection would bnvulittlu
of nulhority, and instllllces mw.t hn.vo been uumcr-
IIWI, ""h<'re n. young WTitcr wn.s thmwn upon tho
lllll'tO&Y OF n111
&bores of Jndin without having a claim upon nny
Britu.b. inhabitant.. beyond thn comnwn daim of
country. for ad,ioo or nllCiltioo.
l t mn) be thereli>ro>, lhnt thrrc '"ere
abundant gromule for mc:n,ul'eft 11 hicb t.!tottl4l
rai.c the struul:ml of g..nernl Bm<llll: the
rhil et'\nnts nf I ndia. make aole<tuntt' J<ro,;lnn for
thc culti \ILtlOO Of the langungt'll. alfor<l oW<'
Jlrot.cctiun lo tho ami eomc n.'!ltr:dnt
upon the levity nf who"" imprutlenoo, while
it could unt fuil tn be injurious to them<ll'!.-(Jfl, woultl.
in nil probability, he 4lutrimcntal to tJto itlter<'iits nnd
ltoppin""' of 11 IIU'f.,'0 tbO&C among \\hum
they wcro to hold oflic:c.
J t remnins to inquir11 whetlwr tho C6t.'lhJi,hmcnt
of the College of Fort William w'the OC..t rnodll
by wbich tho existing evils could oo nvertt<l; 31:ul,
in heating of tbi, it will bu convcni<'nt to r<venc
thl! order in which thoo mils have notice!.
How flU' such nn in:;titntion was likt>ly to II<' IL"<'-
ful for the purpo-cs of moral lminiug, is a. question
"hirh it is not eusy to There may be dr-
cumstanccs in which the "ntch!ulnCF< of friend
mny supply n fllr better modo thm1 can he fur-
nihcd by C\'CO the ht!tt conducted collegiate E-Sta-
bliohmcnt; but ir provLion it! to he rnnde for nom-
ben., i1 cnn only be on principll'S tltat am
be nppliod to all. On this ptut of the plnn tho
cxpre-"Ctt him"''lf with e:t.m
t'htncss and <-on841.-net". " Tlti institution." Mid h4'.
" will he best appreciated by C\'t'I'J afKoctiunnto
J>&lt'nt in the hour of 8C)'IU'fttion from his child
for the public Fmic in India. Let nny
f'lll'l'llt ( C.JX'Cinlly if he has himo,elf passecl through
I he Company'a enicc iu Inclln) cll'CliiJ'u whether the
prospNt of this institution hll8 nggravntcd or mili-
gntcll tlw <ollcilude uf that painful honr,- whethcr
it ha, cnu'K'tl aclilitionnl doul>td nne! r,'n,.., or iiLpiretl
a more lhcly hope of the boonu111l>lc nnd Joro--peron
-en ice-of the IUll fortunate n?tum of
chihl Still lhc lc..sollJi of cannot he
fori(Ut!Cn. Tl1c premiling of morn!., wherever
Jl)llnjf nwn nrt congregntt-'<1 in lllrgo numben;, is not
ijueh 11>1 to nllhrd much l'l!Cou.rngomcnt to no cxtcn-
siou nf lht t1J1-lcm. All that CM be urged il!, lhnt
l'nn partinl and imperfect l'('.!ltmint is better t!Uln
total :abe.nrlonruent.
Tbc &tudy of the untivc it may be
pn:-umcd, Mill be more eflicicntly pun;ucd in India
thno nt home. A degree of acqnaintiUloo "ith
their grnmmntical principles may be o. useful pre-
pnrnlinn; but aU ID-JII!ricnco 8hcW!! tbnt thing
lnngungt'l nre more readily. 1111 well ns more per-
fectly, ncqnired among thu with whom lht'y
an> '<'l'flllculnr, tb:m undl'l' all1 otlwr
It 11ould not bll difficult to asoign n.'II30U$ for it. but
it iJ unnecessary, since all that requisite is an
appeal to fnct.
On tho rc.>mnining JlOint, the balance of adVlllltagc
SloQm the College of Fort William. J.'or
tim nltnlnmeut of gtmcml lcnrning lurlm JIOS.'tl'SSL'll
Afmute abo\ .. qunu-.L
1.! II
no pcculi11r fAcilities; nml to tnko youthR tbrre to
teACh tlum thBt tlwy might more conv{'uiently
IP1llll al home, ill n piAu Ulitht:r hy rrin-
citll' uur Tn the public 111\ll pnmte
seminarillll of Englo.ncl 1 ht of tlul leanlt>d
langun!(t"l Bud the arc
l'fficieut enough to romo\l' the nCC<"'ity fnr pro>itl
ing for the ervnnts of the East-India CmUJillllr nny
mean' of tun;uing thl' lllUt.l of youUt.ful 'tucly
which &I'(' not open to tho rest of their cHuntrymen.
All tltut crut be sccurocl by n colleg;- f11r llwir l!>oJIL'-
ci:tl bcucAt might be Meourod quite Ok cO'i>dually,
:rod fill' more cheaply. a.' uL'll as moro
by other modes. If eaoditlatcs for ci,il office in
Iuclin can pa;,s 11 te!t of it
mnll<'l'll not where lh<'y ntquirccl th1 IJIIRii6cntion;
but it rcl'lrun that lndin is not the mo..t likely
plncc tn DNtniro it eitltcr or "'l'illy. Tlti
obj<-etion was foreseen by the goventor-:rcneral: it
is. indetl. so ob,iou,;, thnt it was imt"'"iblo thllt
his ooulll o''trlook It. " It mny he cou-
tcndL<I," wid he, " thnt mttny of the <rmmero.ted
e,iJ.s mny be precluded, by not allowing the urit"l'!l
to to India until they ball ho,e rt'llt'bcd a
more llhBnced age tbnn that at "' hieh they oow
usuolly <'tnbn:rk; wul by rl'quiring tlwm to undergo
exruninnlinns in Euglruul, for the plll')Wil() of asccr-
tnining their proficiency in the brnnclJc, of l..nnw-
ledgt> ncce-...ary to tbc di....-barge of th<ir dutie;; in
India." Ho comb:tts thi by a .-nril'ly of n>a.solll!.
!OW.l'd with grent foree nnd Among
lhcoe, thl' of pnrenti l<tarul promimntly
forward. 1t """ to IM llJ'I'relu-nd!'<l, imlt'Cd, th:lt
lllllll) would <>bjtct to tlw t'Xjl('tt<e of i>f.,.tnwiug on
I heir '"n.' ftn "''"""'ion 1 n rhn.t 11 hir!J hntl
f<lrrutrl} bt'('n n'<tnirtl; nrul thi do.-. not
nppenr, gmtmnr-gNwnll might probnhly tnler-
tnin ou mall Jlllrlion nf f\'111', that if hi, plan wert'
not inw efrtct, it.< plact would not be up-
plk..J hy nny other; that uu t'Xftmiulltion in Eng-
lnnd would 'llpcl"edc tbt for a rotlcgt in
India; and that the PTill of the c>Xltitrg would
IJO continued without diminution. Tbc> fear of bC'ing
dii!BpJlllintt>d in fnmurite of imprmin,l!'
tbe of the !'in I &en icc prnbo.bly opc.mted
to prompt tht c.<tahli<luuent of thr l.'ollegt. without
11niting for nuthority frm11 honw. All tlw motiVl'li
""igrwd by tile l:'"l'rnur-g.neml undoubtedly opc-
rnted upon mind; lmt it cliffil'ult to
tbnt lw did not tnterlnio orne dt'gl'lt of dt,pnir n
w tlw efted of lllffi't' of tlu nr , . .,,_
ily nf l.llking in a rnntter upou which he
f,.lt riC('rly: nnd he mny IKl to haw !'bl.'-
rihcd n bnJIII thiLI whtn tlw '""' e-tcthlihe<J.
and nctnnlly in tbP C'OIIl"l' or "'filizing oumc of tht
brnc6t from it. uu nltl'ffi(lt "nnlcl J,..
rnndt to di.turll it "t"mtion.
'l'be cxttnt of" lt'<lt:'' to "hich the
gtnl'rnl I'C'fon<, AA l'l'IJnliw tn tho dtu perfnm11111t,..
nf tbt rlntit'"< nf a t'ill <cnant, i.. \1'1')' widt anl
rompr...Jum<ive. Tt runll he mMtered nt
art agu I'Wn c:nnoi.ltnthly c\CI'fling thnt Ml
VOL. tn. r
CHI I 1'.
l'1U. P.
X \"Ill
writers 'llrerC ordinarily IK'Dt out. anl ..,me nf its
dJvj,oioo.-. ethiC!! ami juri.-pnulcoce, Ill\' j<L<tly l-
C'lared by him to oo uitl'tl only ll thu rip<ucl
inli.'IIN!IB of ID!ltunr ytars. In "lult mn1m<r tlu
t>ultiyation of I.'IUI Ue!lt l)(l promnltl
nnrl ndvanN'd tuiiiiiiJI: tho uwml,.,,... of thl' C'i\'"il
ic<', it iq difficult ltl'nuine; but it iq Nrtnin
that they arc not the JfOJI('r ttudie& of bo) !tOO< I.
arulthat the miol CCUI neither be otrengthene<l nor
infonuro by lU}:ing upon it di.proJIOI'Iillluul
l<> its state of dl'\'!'lopnunt.
The nf tho colll'go nllMI mtl' fur-
liter mortifirntion ln l110 which the j,>'H\'trnllr-
genl'ml bad nlrenly l'X)ll.'ritJJC,l<i; but his <le><ij.,'ll to
ntum ht>me at lht CXJimlirn of 11 Jl'llr frc>m
time when he announcl'li It was not carrie<! iutn
tllid The Court t>f Dite<'tul"l MJlli'>led him tn
('rolvog his stay fur 1111<>thu Y<'al', ru:k:nowlctlging
that., though they luul dilfl!rcd from him in IODII'
mntl'ri:U point-. it "M impc,.,ible not to ItO im-
pl't!Wld hy tho ?.cnl nnd l<bility which he hnd <11-
plnyl.'d in the gencm I nuumgemcnt or tlwir afiiu,.,
11nd intimating 11 conviction that tbe intel'(>o-ts nf tho
C'omp:uly would be e-.,..uti&Uy promot..><l hy loit
)i<ldiu:r to thcir re<JUe>ol. \\' bethcr or not hl "''"'ld
hafe eompliC<l, lwl lnlia remaiuro at )ll.o:te<, mnnot
II<! lrnown; hoi a "tate t>f a.flai..,. bad ari."ln whlc-b
dcprivod him of the opportunity or witb
honour. Tic eron..ciJIINitly rtmaiol'<l to tnt('r UJMIP
11 new conJSe of nrclunu nnd impm1ant "''"it't',
wbit'h mu..<t nnw loe foil"" <'<I.
The ji"01'('fDOJ"-getK'ral had been dftlirous or draw-
big more y the llOIIDI!etion bet..._ the Brltiah
goYemment ud &lie Peilkwa. He had inYited that
prince to eo-opeonte 1D the wv apilll& Tippoo Sul-
tan, UICI thoaP the llfllltl&l was disregarded. he lwl
prop..J to bellow on tbe Pciabwa a portion of the
terrlfol1 whicla the Britil>b U'IDI bad conqaen!d.
He had '-n anxloWI to eondude a egbeldiary Ilea&)'
with the bead of tbc Mahratta but tile
though pus ed IJr a ...
period, bad f8iled. 'l'llrw' wt &Jiele DIll" 'h
the Peilhw did ... clflcaeclii die ..,. ... -w..,. ._
..... ot CliuaDtiJ- Air profloleney m an the
.-!tl .. ulte 111111 pol.iey. While lllleking
.. .._ the Brltiah arnte by a of iliW!Ory
repi"Cilentatlnn...., he 'Wlll' employl'd in erulea "mring
to detach tb!' l'ii1.11m from his ullv, nod to
bim in a ronfedt>racy thtlt JKwer to
whieb be ,...,. indt>btl'd for J>roteetion. At ll'llj(tb,
lue iD the year 1801, the Peiahwa, being ourrounded
will d!llcmlta from whieh he knew DOt bow to
wdl'kJ I "' e I( elpHied Ida wiDingn- to subli-
clillt lis or Brltiah tnM1p1. 011 the conditioa
t.llat they lhoalcl aot be lltationed within bia own
dominion-. bot be prepared at all timftl to at"t on
W.. and for the payment be propotted to
lllllign territory in lliD<btaa. TIK' propoeal ,.
qaired ud receiYro JDatunt coaeiden&iGa.. fte
P ' ' wa was obYio1111ly aud not UUD&tur&D)'
taM a der u .all a porti011 or power l aNe,
He - a-...e &hM the 11t"I1JIUiellt -c Hill moot of
nu r.
111"1 UltY til TIL
a Britib fi>rce at P.,.ma ,.,mid '"' f.lta\to hi ..
thlr<>foro iitlllgbt to ko;p it nt n li-
tam.t, in of l'llll'IJ!;l'IICY. In the upiuion
of thl goveruor-g.:nNal, be pmoobl) t-n!culateol that
tho of hi nbilit) to cummnuol puwcr-
ful a boJ<Iy of trn<.t"' as lhnt \1 hiclt prop<Ntl In
sub!oiliz "ould IJC ruflicil"nt tu ut'l""i bis autbn-
rity untl ovcr.l\11' tlu..e wbu might IM tn
'llhHrt it. to the J>Ort iuu of the tlrritory tu
sssigtotl for tlu pnyuwnt nf the re<1uired f<rtt. it
wns simply stnll'll to bo in lli"'lu>tnu. From this
intimation it wns inferred thut it Wflllln tlflrth of
tltc Xtrbudda. Tbl'n.'. bowc,cr. tit<' PcishWil ,..,....
sesletl only u nominul authority, anti till' a.'i!'igmncnt
of terrltury, 1111dCr WM vcrr
diffl'l'eut to trnmftrring its l""""''iuu. It "n
peeled, al:sn, thnt the ltnitory lllil(ht lJc iielot"tcl
with n ,low to the reductiuu of the l""ver of
or uf Ilolkar. or of relieving the Pci>-h wa from till'
cum:rol L'Xetti.ctl over him hy thl former chid:
which lw had long o burtlcn, ami lhnt th ...
mocle hy this object was to Ill' was
byinvoh ing Scintlin io n with the Britih 1:0-
vemmtnt. Thoro were sonw other pn>p()S('t\ con<H-
tion of inferior importan<'<', I<> wruch it i nuL mt'l'"-
l!&l}' to 11.1hert. The 011 a nnew
of tho rchttive pll"itioos of the Peishwn, his nmninnl
depcodmt& 11.01lth" Hritih I{O\'cmtllnt, d>em .. t the
iundmi--ibJ,. "it bout modifi-
cntioo; but there were in the JK>Iitlcal
hnraon which tlit"*-d him h> IIL'<JIIil'!lro in thl'
qaln!d limitation a. to the portion of tlae subsidiary
fom>, a objertionable for
tbt> diMob&rJ!e of the nbaidy could IX' eRected.
In July, 1802, the British J'CJildcnt at Pooaa wu
inst.ructed to illtlmate that be wu prepared to make
a eomJIIDIIioeion on the mbjerl of the Peillhn'e
propoea). The Pl'hiliwa reeeived the illtltioa
wUia pat indiffl'rl!n('(', and manifested a remubhle
aiMente of curiusity u t1 the p'J81'1101'110neral'l
determination. .At *' tho dlllr ..., apePeCI aad
the propoeod antlillll' c!J J, ba& with little
p10babillt7 of aa early C!IIIICiuaioD. The
appt .. ttl Bolbr, who wa in arms against Scln-
dla_.. ltil -ina! be.d. the Peisbwa, the
DfJO&Ia&ion to a mois. On the 23rd of October
Holkar encamptotl within a diHlnnet of Poona.
On the 2iitb an 11ct.ion took plnce 1Mtwl't111 his anny
lllltl thl" foree of the Pd>Ja\\a nne) Scindia.
Tbt> l'l'iobwu, to he pnpared fer the enml, wbat-
evl!l' it might be. moved out of tho city attended
by tho lllaDdard of the empire, and at the aame
time dJipetebecl hia minjeter to the British re-
lideat with an iDIItnlmeot under tho prioee'a ll'al,
declaring hla eoDI8Dt to the propoled
nUJDber of lrooJlllo and engaging, for their subtlist-
enc<', to cede to the C-ompany U.'l'ritory in Gcuerat
or in tb<' BOn them qu.utert of hia dominions, yieldbtf
an annual revenue of twenty-six 1aea. The minhtw,
at the time of p..-.nting thia ioltrument, pw tile
Bdlilb resident the fuUeat --that it wa the
PIWawa'1 bateation and ltk'alling. that a,...... de-
lllbTCIIt f OF
fenivu hont.l !10 t'<lnrluded l>Hwcen lum-
f!clf nuol the Company. on tlw b:Li of tlw trt'flty or
Hyclt'ra!Ja,L The n ... il<nl ckcmed it
unflcr imml'<lintely to to
tb.- nlll of )llldrn. anol the
sity tof preparing a bOO} of trn"l'' at t'tlrh l're-iclemy.
for the evcntunl SUJlJ>rt ur the Peill\vo', g"' ('ffi
He mnde a. tu tho ,. ... ;.
at Hydcmbatl, with a ,;,.,.. t tht f!emco .. r a
conidcrnblc d .. tacbnl!'ut &om thl' rut .. idinry fune
;;latjuned thcr. Tb< prepo.mtion, wcro ont
le-.. The lattle, "hicb bnll conunenc:'(l at hnlf-
l'a."t nine iu the momin_R", I'DdE.'fl ul .. mt mid-dny, 11 hen
with Holkar. a reult to IX' attrihutcd
in n ci<>J.,"I'l'C to own dt'!opcmte 'l'ht
Peihwn fll'cl witl1 a body of r:miliy to the furt nf
Singurb. The Comtllllly' noilcnt, C'olunel Clo"''
n'lllnincd nt Poon.n, nnl tho British Illig, which \IM..d
c:onpicuotlloly at hi;; twute.,., commnncl('(l tlw rc-
sp<cl of all parties.
Tho cugngQmeut of l!Je P11ihwn hncl lx.oe:n
mitt I withcout d!'lay to the gmemor-gonerol, whn
rntifiC'd it on the dny nf illl nrrivnl. Ordel'll
nt tht' snow time.> U.ucd to tho governmtnts of Mu
d111.'l and Bmnha, nml to the n .jclent nt H lcltnload.
. .
eonlinning the noquiNitioll!l of l"ol<md (;J,,.e foor th
atN:mblage of trooi" The Ptihwn. <Juitting Hai-
gtU'Ir. ('Mt't<e<lrd to :\1 bar. \1 h<'u<" l11 di.pnt<'hccl
lettrr. to thr llomli:y gnvcmnwnt.. r"
uo ... ting tlmt
.Jtip, might he N.>nt '" onwv him 11111 hi, full
In thnt J't'e>olllt'hC\. \lnnncol 1,, the Rdlli.II<-Q of
. -
IHtLTI"II &\ll'lll.ll fN ISDIA. 27{)
of t roop'l, lat AAHU nftcr lll'tl to Se-
'emdroog, lw fur ;;omo t irne under pro-
tectiloU of tht fort. A Rriti'h &hip fuwly l'<nwyed
Jilin to ll:u,."'l(:in, \\here he nrriwcl 011 thf' lOth of
D<'(>lliiJ( r, attended bJ n mnll e-eort of nlxmt n
hu11clred aucl thirty foliO\!''"'
Tht DritiHh re.iclent remained at l'ooJm for
time after th; clo:partnre of the Pcihw., and had
sevtrul of all UJ>Jlru't'lltly friendly rhanu--
ter with l!olkar. Tho objt'Ct of that cbif \\lUI to
obtai 11 ll(-ion of the )"'l'li<ID of th" l'cl.!b,.... aud
u.c the name aud nuthority f tht jlri11ce, 1111 &i11dia
had JroYiously don<', for ltitl uwn (lll'JKse:.. To thi
tnd be was dt'l!inollll of haiug the '"I'Jl<>rl vf U11:
Britib W"'encmc11t, ruul lw invited the r.ideut to
unchrtakt th,, bW;. of cll'erting an atcommUtlntiou
for hiru \\itb thl' Peihwa. Clo- reftrred
him to tho gnvemor-gcnernl; ruul with somo cliAi-
t>uiiJ nbtl\inl'fl Jlt!rtlli.clon to det>art. Tie nrriwtl at

X \Ill.
Bmnooy on the 3rd of Decl'lllblr. On lhf' 6th he A.D.IIo02.
rect h<'<l a commnnkoaticmfrtun thl' go'emM-gerll'rnl,
approrinjZ' of thl' IU'I"IUigt'lll<'lll into '1\ hich hl' had
tnhre<l. On the nrrhnl of tbe Peihwa ut
Colunel Cl(l!;( waittod ull the priut>c, rmd tloc m-cc-.-
..nry I<'J "l'l'(' ron>niNU't'<l fur till' coneluiou
of u clcliniliw trenty. Sonru tlifrf'rcnt'C t.x.i.hl aoo
to the u-rritMi;>s to bo Moigned for the 1ny of th
kuiJ+.iotiury forel', hut it lNninntl'fl bJ th
Pl'i"h"'" lillolol<'nly nnl nn<:o:pcttllly signifying hi
l.t tlJP 'l.llTl'ndtr of tloo..: "" "hicb the Bri-
ti..Jr n.o;,itl;ut hnl iraitl. On th la>ot tlay .. r tht
Cll \P.

m.-roln' ut Til&
H"llr 1!:11,..2 the tn.'atl" ,. .... awl .ealetl; anti
cuun1t:rJlllrt. th;ly mtilietl by the gonmnr-
I(CIIernl, wn.. bhllrtl) nftcr\\nnL! tnm.;mitt,.cl to tlw
'rhi" tlocunumt \\u uf gctnt ltngtb, turupri-insc nu
fi.\Hr tb:ut nimttcn artirlt'!<. lt clt>dnreJ tht fril'nciK
rttul t:III'Dit"'- of citht'l' uf the rootrnctinj:! parth,.,
(ru and t:nNnio.,. uf hutlr, and ronlirmed all Conner
and n;.'!'t._nwnt (>(>twtoen the twn sll\tcs nut
ouutrary to the It nor of tiro ww <to<'. I t pru iol"'l
li>r joint cnrtilltlll ufh.,lh, to dcfcrttlthe or
retln!!is tile wrrn)n' of uitlwr, tor of tlwir tle-
!l<'tnll.'nts or illill!l; provi:;ion wM by
811 t:xplonntory ndditicm, thot the Jlrilih
gnn:rumtnt \ltou]d ptrmi( any JIO\\(r tr tii(C
"llllt<rrtl to cnmmit "ith itnJtmit)' any :ut of un-
1'"'' Jw..-tility or ion agninl the ri,l%lotio
and territ<rie- of tlu l'ci-bwa. bot wuulol a.t all
time, ruoiotnio and tlcfl.'cul tlwrn, in the '<LDlC mon-
lllr n the right nne! territorit:s of tho Contjlmoy.
'fbo fol'l'l' \flll:l to consist 11f ix thonnt1d
regular nntie infrmtry, \Iillo the u ... unlJlrtlJr<trlion ur
and European artillerpnen nttnrhll.
tlllol the:: JlCOJ'I'I' t:<(UiJtntcnt 11f warlikl' mul
ammunition. Cllltl it wa to be tati111wd
within the Pei-l11"1\ ol.,miuioru-. Thi, lttt l"'iut
an important doJonnul'l' from tho plan pru-
[>Oed by the Pcihwn .. nncl to wbirb tbe !(O\'l'nltlt
lfl'lleml was preprm l. if ''liry, to r''""''"l: hut
1 lor concession lfll mt hy the ( ul'('t uf t' ir-
urulnnte,: it hurl .lit:hkl hy tlw P<illllllll
l'ooun, nne! heforo hls fortunu hrul tnken the un-
fnTuttnlblo turn which led to his lligllt. A sueeee<l-
ing ruticle provided for ceS!'ion of territory;
in n atluchetl to the treaty for
llte payment <>f tlw force: and auotbt!r
ptcnidlod for exchange of territory. shonl(l it nt
litturP )X'tincl npp!!nr tlesiTnble. The total rumual
of the force was elitintntcd nt twenty-five
lncs-the estimnted laluo of the lruJcl!i ceded wns
twenty-!fix lacs, the additional ltw being intended to
lUl'Ct J'O>'liblc rlcficiende,;--:m ru-rnllgt!lll<'nt, the e>;-
peuiPncy of whid1 will be dNJwtl by nnne who ha,"t.>
hnrl opportunity of the wide clillerent>e
whid1, in mnttel'll CJf JuW:In rcvcune, ordinnrily
exi"'ts between e.<timntes ond renlir.ntion. By the
next nrticlc, ut.,.ignctl to a\art a collli;ion of nulho-
rities and clnitruo. it was stipulated tbnt order!' should
hP given fnr :vlmilUng the Company's office:rll to the
rhwge of the cedecl clislricts ns SQOII ns it be
&iguified tbnt they were prop!ll'ed to tnke it: tltnt nil
colle('tiort made hy tho Pcihwn' otlict!fll
tlw dati' of tbe trenty and the periD<I of the Com-
t.'lking po""e-!'icm be rorried tu the
credit of the 111Her; and nJ I clnims to halunQe on
nc:count of antecedent periods oo cow;ldert!d roicl.
All forts within tho ecdetl districts were to be giYcn
ur without ir\iury Ctl' dntrulgt. nucl witlt thcir ccJnip-
mont of ordnance storei! nnd Grain.
:nul nil lll'tidiiS of COil!lumptiou, :md anc.l
all >Ort of matoriuls fnr wctl.riug U)lJnreL tugl'tltcr
with tbc necc..."llry nnmlH!lll of ho...,., untl
CliA P.
lL\ Ill.
nF TilE
taml'hl, for the furl'<', woro to b.
entirely eJwm(te<l from olutie,.--tbc oomniAIMiing
offit'>tr and thl' oflictrs of the C.tro't' were to l>o.
tnnted " in nil in a muuwr snitl!l tu the
olijCility of both tat< .... " Till' furoe
wa to be at all rotuly to l'XC'Cnte M"I'Ti('('JI nf
imJlOrtll.uce. 8nch as the protection of the
(lt'l'llllll, thP onorawinjr anl <'hastillcmcnl of or
nrpl't'S"ion of dio:turLnnres in his dominions, an I oluP
rof hiq oubjl-cl n.orl olPJ>t'UIIPnts who mis:flt
"ithholtl payment of tbt just duilll>l of the Mtut<':
t.ut it WIL:! nut to bt t'OI(lloyl.'d on trifling OCt'Minns,
twr in 11 of wayq \\hicll "''rc l'Durut mto..I.
Tlc nl'gntintioon of thU. lrtnty nJlirolcd oppl>rtunity
fur reJic,;ng Surut fr111n certuin ;\I nhrnU.n dnim..,
whieh hAd been n l'OUI'<'O of much 1<xatinn anl tlb-
tnlt>, nrul it "n not Tl,.,.., claims "'"re
In oo nbrul(lnnool on nf the l!llmuohr,
on tbr part of the Comp11ny. of hmd, the ren-nuc of
"hich should he equal to the annuall'l'timalll ,alue
of tlw Mabralt't tribute. Some f<imilo.r in
other placl.'ll were to be extinj\'llihcd in tlw nmo
ouu1nor. The article with regnrd to tbe tmph>y-
mtnt of Europeans by lite Peihwn WDS far IC"S
stringent thnn thnt inl,trlctl in other
of like chamdcr betwoon the Hritih go,cmnumt
nnd its am,.... In plncc c.f <ti('Ulnting for tho tn-
cin. exciU>ion of European., nnd from
tlto rervil!o of the l'dhwn, the treaty, n.ncr re-
..iting that it had IJ<X'h tllo'Wll fur that prinl'C tu
tlllh.t :uul n.tain i.u hii '*nire E11n!>t.1Wl! uf olif-
1-:Ml'll!E U. INDIA. 283
fercnt countries, [lrovitltld that, in the evcnt of
loruakiug out the English and nny
EoropellD nn.tion, and of di!;cnvl!l'J' being made
that any Europe-.llll! in the Peishwu's sen;ce be-
longing to tmch nation at war 'vith the English
should lw.vo meditated injury theh govern-
ment, or bnve entered into intrigues hostile to thoir
interests, such per!iOilll were to be nnd
not suffered to reside within the Peisbwa's lomi-
nions. The followiug nrticla rlll!trninuil tlae Pci8hwa
from committing nny net of nggn'8Sioo the
C<lmpnny's allies or dependllDts, or ngaimrt any of
the brnnchcs of the Mohro.tta empire, or
ngrtint nny power whatever; nnd hoUild him to
ubi<le by the Company's nwnrd, should differences
nrisc. Two other :uticles, whicll referred to e.'\;t-
ing disputes "it.h various parties (the 1\iahrnttas
were ne\'er without n standing llmlY of diSlJules
willa every ln<litm pow!'r), gnve to the Comptmy the
right of nrbitration, nnd pledged the Peislnm to obe-
dience. In the cvt'nt of war, the .Peishwn CDj,'nged,
jn addition to four battnlions of force.
to uid the Complllly immediately willl six lllousand
infnntry and len horse from hi own
tr04J15, tmd, rith 111> del:ty as to bring
into the field the whole force "bicb be might be
able to from The Comrmny,
ou the other bond, engaged to employ agninst thu
common the large.t furro which they might bt.
nlol ln furni.h. over anti nbovc lh1 uumll<r uf tho
subsidiary lo'OOJ"' When war 111ight appear proooble,
lt\ Ill.
lfl!ITURY 01" mt:
till' l'eiohwa '1\118 tu J'I'O>idl' nml other nil in
1m fnontier garriiKln.<. Ht '1\IP' n<'ither to e<>mmtnet
nor putl!UC 1\ ith any Jl<lWet w llBI<'\ t'l'
without givinJr notice m1tl puterlng into
ti<n 'lrith the Company' gnvcmnll'nt. Wbih
reiAtiutL wen tJm, rl'!'trainecl, the ri::hta
Jores<rved to him in hi own were 111ut
runJIr. Tit CntUJIBllY olitic-laimed 11ll "ith
the rltildrcn. reiAtioDI!, &objects, nr !K'I'-
ruu,., with npe<'t to ''loom ln. highnt'!!!!
clna'('tl to be n!J.!olme. The subsidiary fnn-< '1\'l'l'l'
to 1" cmploycl, if nec..,.ry, in liturb-
in the l'e<k'<l ditrict..: nnol if oli.turooncs
huulol ariw in the Peih"n' tt'nitorit..., the British
grovtmment, <Ill ttquisitinn. 1wre 1!1 olirecl uda
f tl" trooP" n.< should he mo-t con\e-
uiently t.ati<>nt-d for thll )'UI'J'O>C 1o II! il in IJUlling
th(m. The nrticlc. in Oril'ntnl fou.hion,
olodnred tbot thl! treaty 'hould la.t Ill> long 11.0 the
un nut.! the moon ehould
The condUbinn of thi treaty i<l tu be as
All important !ol<'p in thl' Of the ;.nlutary
of thl' Brillih go\"eromcnt in India. Tbe
funnntion of ncb an l'llgtlgl?llJl'llt hrul long lx.>Cn
ruuiouly tht hope of succi."'<, rt'(ll'fi.t-
t..Uy h:td boen l'O ofh.n dtfenl'11 thnt it
1!1'<'"" foint. Tbc internal cli!!putl:!! .. r tl.te l l ahrntt&
at lu.t nfl'onlcd nn OJ'J>Ortuuity, which wu
impro1cd botl1 by t ht' nntl tho n'l!i-
olont at Pounn "ith udmirnLie tnrt promplneM.
lr the term "''"' n .. t tll'h a ,., n in Rll re!I)Jt.'<'ts
DRil'lllU F.YIIU: I'< I"OIA. 2ii:;
'" oo dtl!'il"l>d, they W('re the hc ... t that could be oh-
tniml. To han- dPft'rred thr l'On<'luinn of the treat),
iu th< hope of 1 hcm, rnijrht ha..-e be..n to
tlw cmly opportunity which !mel I.'H'r oftbeci for
twgotinling with a chnurt of "llCl'C' Tltc
imleNI, \IlL" powerle..:s in himi!lf; but he wns nnt
compdlc'<l to ehOOSl! the Britih JliiWnmtPnt C.or hi
cIIAmJimt. Ho might hnu1 thrown himS('lf into
tho of dtber Seinwa or lloiL:ar. He woul<l
then, it i trul', han enjnyo<l hut tlol' mtre shadow
nf autlooriry: hot he might have J'"'ftrrt'd that tloe
mhod.anro I111Uid bu hJ n Mnhratta, mthC'r
tluuo nn Eumpenu power. H certnin!y dnn-
to risk tloi. Most important WM it, nut
onl} that the Pcishwn Fhoultl l><enmc attnchetl to
tho Britih government l>y tlw bon I of n 'illb;:i<linry
:Uiinnct, but that liliould lJCl efl<-etro without
delll) Tht Peti,hwa, too, bad l'ltltl'("<ed n desjre tn
plnrc him,.,lf altogether in thl' power of the Eogli,.b,
b) t11king r.fuge nt Bomba). Jliij nl'plicntion bad
mot '"''" complied with; hut it wn.' nn cxpl'e!i'imo
uf rnnfioll'lll'l' in the cbnrorl!'r uf tlw British guvl'fn
no<nt whirh t'llliL'd fnr a ruitnhlt roturu. He bad
pletlgv<l bi10:odf, befure tltjnrtlng to
n-c,iu n b-Jd.inry fort'<', AIUI l.ll mnke a ce>iun of
tt!rritol') to tl<-fray tJw l"X(N.'LL'Ie. Tb, .... important
)'Oint btinA' 'CW't'tl. tb Drilih gtl\t:nun('Jlt, in n-
fraiJoing to take ndmnt.agt uf th" fnlltn fo>rt1llll)l; of
th1 prillr!', pursued a nt unr "i ... """ gc-
In cnnfunnit) with thl' "Llgg't'lltinnM nf Colund
I II\ r
A 1>. 11103.
IJI8'['0RT tiP 'DIP.
Cllll<l, ronfimte<l by the gn' cmor-gt>ntral. the whnlc
o( the subooiliary (UJ'l'O! .tatiooe<l iu the territ.ori<l!>
( tho 11DlOUutiug tu mor11 than
eight tbou"'Ulrl three hu111lrttl uwu. m:lrchl'd frum
lly<ltrnbad at the dll!oe hf the month of
2-"itb <f M=h .... 1 the to\111 tof Paruin<lah,
sitnnta on thu '"'"t""' fnmtier uf tho -:\hnm'" <lo-
minion"' ahoul a hunll'l!<l BOd ai:\te('n ruilll5 fmrn
l'ua. Tho fun-e ..._ attOmpanic<l
,.jx thoUSIUld uf the'., di;;eif'lint.'<l infnntry,
n111l nine thoo!'fl.ll<) en miry. , \t MaclrM Lon!
CliTC preJnrud fill' c;IJ'I') iog out tho ,;e"" of the
go'tmor-gc.nt rnl. On the 2itb .. r Fdon111ry he
in tml'ted Gcnl'nt.l Stt1nrt, then l'"'"'''nt "itl1 thl
anny l>ll tho frunticr uf tn n1lupt th<' liP('''""
I&J1 IDearurt'8 fur the tuarch of tho Driti.h tn"'l""
iut.o the lfal,ratta lea1ing it til the Judg-
mtnt of the gt'ncrnl to clctcnnuw the anmunt of
fnrcc IICCI!I>."'ll')' to I.K' for the (lll'l"*'
The choice of n et.nunandur Lon! die! 11ut
ddtgate to nuuther. 11 o for the coJUllllltJcl
Mnjor General W who, in atlditio11 tu
military clain1..., hnd acquirt.od in lly-ore mucb lcocal
lonledgl' thllt could not fail to bo tmineutly u,...._
ful, nnd by his ngnin.<t DIH>otulin Wm1gh,
hn1J t-.tnbf.U.bcd among tbr Mnb.rntt.n chief\llin a
hi!(b clt'gl'CI' uf nputntinn and inlht<net>. Tbc tle-
lnhmrnt m:tdt by Ct-ulral :-;twlrt ('ullloited nf (Do
ngimcnt of Eunpeau nnl threo of untivt>
anwry, t\lo or f.ul'fpeatt and six hatta-
lint" of nnti'e inf.ntry. \lith a due pnpnrtion .. r
BRITISH ElO'IRt: 1!11 !SJ>U.. 2f/.j
nrt lllery. It nwount4'11 to nt'IU'l)' t .. n thoruo:uul nu:on,
nncl to this forct Wll tldded two tltous:m<l fht> hun-
fln'Cl of the Hajnla nf My...,re's hnl"'c. It i imJN.l8-
iblo l<1 adTCrt ln thi.. without rcftrring to ouo ad-
' motagt> of the t'1>111JDe>'t of StringttJitltnm, onl the
trt'llf) which the m<H'l'lll!!llt <Jf tbt'
11'1oOJ"' nuder Gtucrnl W clltlty bring\' tn not iN'.
1-'or the fin!t timu in the wru>o uf Groat Britain with
the natin> tales ...-.. re the i"'"{'r anti of
\1 ysnro bmlljl'ht to the lllllristaluo of the Com pan,-
.l(llnrnmeut. Hitherto that 8tnte bad boon a IIODI'tlft
nf uncruing dangur aud nlarm. Tbe policy of tho
Mnrquw W elleslty bad ClOOYerted it into a Tllluablo
IIC'ClOIIIion or streugth.
General W cll<'l!lcy his mnrt'h fr.>m
Jl urryhttr, <>II till! frontier of y!Wrc, on tho Olh of
Mnrl'h, nnd crot<.'4d the Toomhuddm ri.-er ou tbe 12th.
Tht tuarclt of thr. Britbh troop:. through tbe "<Julbtm
dhlion of tho Pdhwa's tcrritorit'fi had the etfc'<'t tf
re.toring a of "hith the country mrcly
CXJKricn<'t'd. Tht chieftnins nJHl jngbN'rolll"'. whOIIl'
pctty diftili'I'Dc<'R bml pre,iouly kept the
npp,._} by tbtno iu a stat. uf con.ortant wnrfun'
:uul uuti'Dgl. their ronle><ts for "
"'""] by tht> pn.;.enco of a commander Ullm<'
terror un all distllrben! of tbu penet>. Mnt
of them joined Brlilih nrmy in of the
t-&llliC of tho l\ihwa. tbt numh<>r wt'ft!
IM!veral ..-bo had incurred that Jrincc's di.opl-rt',
and who bope<lthat the iotlu('noo nf the British go-
YI'rlomrnt, txcrri .. ,J in neknnwlt'f!l[IIK'nt of
("II.\ P.
A..U. lal.
I!Clrvict."S. might b!! ,ufficif.'nl to them tu
fanur. On the 1 !ith hf A fori! Gctwntl W
elTI.'<'tt'<l a junction with the fort'e from H)kmool.
As be Jro.'l.'<lro, lhll al .. m;'C.I <h:laclunent of Holkar
retreat<'<! bcf<re him, anti on hi appm:uh to Poo11:1
tbe dtitfinin ltinuo<olf Mired fn:om tlmt plnc to
Cluuulo;or, a town n.bnut 11 hwulred anol thirty milt"!
dktant., !roving nt Puunn a garri...m nf fiftt''11 hun-
dred ntlU. under tb,;o it \\11.1! nnt
ok't'llll'd to nohanw to Pnoua nil tlu> trooJ"
at his di'I>, a111l Ill' tlw rountry liM muth ex-
haust(';lnnd a gtl.'nl dPiicitncy of fioi'Uj{\1 (lrl'\'ru!ffi,
it was U<>t !ldl;_"llLJo:>. c;tnrnl Wdllt) tllf'n>fon.
det.ermin,.,J .,., lo dktrilntl<' loi troop- tlont tb" wbolt
might rrocure forng nnol hut at th
sam" tillll' to resenc tht' JWII\cr of n>:ulily folrntingn
junct ill II, "houlil <ruch 11 Ill' olt .... imblt. Colontl
Stt-wn.on. 1\ith tbl.' Hyolrub:ul fort'<', wn.' or-
dt'tl!ll to tuareb til Ganloor, 10 It'&' c ncar that
plare, nnl within tbt Ni1JHn' dominimo, all thnt
print'\'" nnd to plntt bi,mself. with thu Briti,Jo
snbsidiauy force, inn poilion on the rher,
Ponnll. nenr it junrtinn with the Mota
Gt,n<'rnl WeUe>lty ontinut.d hiq om mnreh to-
wnrds l'oona by t:!Je ro:ul of Bnrnmont). He hal
rt.'Cl'hlldnrlt.'ated iutiuuation.q tbnt it \\ItA intend .. ,(
to pluultr aud burn tlat rity on tb aprmn.:h of the
Briti:;b troop-.. .lJ; tlai.o wuu ).J baTe n nn exploit
in llccordanre with tht :\l ohrnttn cbllJ'IIo('ttr.
tbr J>nvnltnt llf.'lief 111\l< h) "" lll<'niiM impmlmlolt.
Tlw Peihwn. ttlanned fctr lhc> of his cnpitnl
nurl his family. Urgt'Dtly that MUle of hi'!
"'m troop might h< dh<patcherl for tbdr protection;
hut the Briti.Jt cnmmaotll'r knew too "eD lhfl cha-
rnrtr of th011e tnl<l"' to net upon the Fnggt.,tion.
On the 18th of April, it was lll'<'crtained tl11\t tbr
Pdkbwa's frunily hnd br>n remoed to thr fnrtn:s
of Snogbur, n Ul<'II.IIUI'e li)IJlOtrl to oo prepnrato.ry
to Uu dl!"tntction of tbc tity. Wbcn this intl!lli-
gtnro WM Clmml Wcllt'Sll'y was ndvaor-
inp: to the rclief of Poona witb the Briti,;h t'Anlty.
At nis:bt, on the J!)tb uf April. be c<>mment'l..! a
Ullll't'h of forty mill'l'. ovcr o wry ru,crgt'<l rttuntry
and a dillit'ult pn."-". The nxt day Mw
him at the hcnd of <'R\illry beforl' Poollll, the
wbole clit;Wce in ilil' Prefi'ling tbirty-
two being >ixty mile!'. The Cl\mmnncl\r of
Holkllr's force iu Poonn. on hl'llring of General
W C'Jl!'"ley's npproMh, prl'Cipitlttcly quilted thC' place
"ith hi to tb<> Euglih the my
dot) nf taking l"...,._inn. A great part of the
inhnbitnnt hnd <JIIitted thcir nnd Rltl to
tho bill rl111ing tho ()('('U)'ntion uf Uolkar. The
few thnt rtmninrl gn>nt plt'lll<lll'l' Itt tbe
orri'nl of the Engli..h 11'00)1". anl th.,.... "ho lta.J
Hcd gll\'0 of thu confidl!nce lu which tbc
eh:wge gaw birth by to their bomt"' and
n.'Sunling tht of thcir u'unl OCCUf,.tious.
Wbill' Genrml Welle!'ley wns on hi marrb. p..,_
tion.' had t. .. n making &U Roml111y for tbe teton of
the l'ti!l!n ... t to hi rnpillll. Frnm tlu tima \\h(!J)
\'OJ.. Ill.
" o .... .
A.D. 11<03.
HI81"0RY OF "mE
he tool. up hls re!lidenoo at Bosscin, he had, at hilt
own request, boon attenrlcd by a guard.
This foree wa.s uow considernbly augmented, aud,
boing plaeed undar the commn:od of Colonel Mu:rmy,
fonned the prince's e.cort on his march back to the
!!1lpitnl. '!hence he bad so recently mndc nn ignomi-
nious lligbt. On the 27th of April he lefi Bnssciu,
attaudc<l by the British resident, Colonel Clo;:c; on
the 18th of he took his seat ()n the mll!!Jlud in
l1is pnJncc at Pooua, amidst t11e roar of cannon from
tho British cnmp, echoed from rill the posts and forts
in the vit'inity.
The ncceliSion of the principal Mahmtt.n. states to
the great confederation, of which tho British govnm-
Jnent in Inilin was the head, had been nn
whic!l .. the govemor-genenil had long and stf('Jluon:uy
laboured t{) effect. llis !!lforts, so lung and oft<'n
frustrnte1l. had at length :meceeded with regard ro the
chief authority in the111":Wrntta cunfeder:wy, and the
Peisbwn wru; now the subsidiary nUy of the Englisll.
To conciliate Scimlill, tho r<.>SOurces of diplo=y had
been tried, almost :JS perseveringly as they had boon
used to will the Peisbwn, hut with no better 6UCcess
Uum hnd attended theil" exerci!!O with the Jattcl"
chief, before the impending loss of every of
power led him to seck, ill a J3ritillb allillllce, the
me:ms of delh'eJ1lllce from the ambitious dependents
who were anxious to ts:ke charge of l1is [lCr80D nud
authority. Scinilia bad mot the overtures of the Bri-
tish resident eivilly, but evru;ively. The tum which
alliliM had taken set"med to Wllrrant lhr hope of 11
J:J.IPI:RE IN fl(JJIA. 291
11ifl"erent issu""- bope rorroborated by a letter wltkh
Seindia addn.-1--..ed to the nner the
flight of tbo Pei:;b"a from capitaL ln this t'(lm-
munication Sdnclio announced his mnrchfrom Oujoin
tnWIU"It. the IK-ccan, for tbe dl-<'IAred piUJ><>oe of re-
orchr and tranquillity in tltnt qunrter, and
t>:rprt"SO<:d a de-"iro that, in of the
friendhip &ubsistin!f bctwcc:u tho Dritillb gon.-m-
ment and the Pei.hwa, and of the relation in whid1
Srindin Elood to bot b. IL to tbe treaty of
Snlbye, tbe fnnntr would. in .. ronerrt and eonMU-
N'JJOO with him. ll'Diler the t'OtnJIJ<JratiiiO f)( tbe
r..unclaliOII$ nf atlM"hmenl and nui<m. and the ntaiu-
ttman<' of tlw of frirnd.<hip unol r<'ganl.
with rcpeet to bjj bighm.ll>ll tbr Peith\\a, aa bcnto-
fure, and confi>rmuhly to existing engngewcnt.'!, tbe
of its attention." This \1118 suffidently \1lj!'Ue:
hut it Will! not more vague thou the gentnility of
communication;. U it could IJc regnroled
all belll'lng any mrnning. it was to ))(' unde ... tood as
n call upon the British goemment to nit! in the
n!!ltoration of the P<>Lb 11 n to the muoud at Pooon.
A few daJ!' after the conclnion of the treat) of
Bat!scin, Colonel a letter to Scindia,
announciag that engagements of a drfenshr Wllnro
hnd ix'cn fonned betwe<o the Britib gowmm<'nt
and tlH Peish'lfll; and that, ngrccably to the tenor
of thno.e a force would he
etation!'d within thr Pokbwa I n making
thill cnmmunication. Cnlonel exp1 ea rd his
hope that &>india would ro-op<'l'llte with tbr BritiQlt
t' 2
c u" r.

nt'!TOR\" or Tlll:
gonmmPnt in rnolm.-ourinl{ tu ammge the affi&lr,.
uf tbl! P<>ishwa. and lltt prince to the tx-
l!rt'ioo of his authority at PtlOlln. The anwcr of
&-india was sathfnctOrJ, o.s ftiJ' M nny Mllhmtta nn-
"wt>r rould be sallifuetory. n Willi in the foUowln!(
:-" 1 M'<t? \xoen fuHmrod with your a.ecept-
Ahlt lttter, intima.tinl{ that, 118 the relations of fril'ntl-
lutl long 1'\lh,i,.tl'<l the Peihwa ::-:Uh
Bobnodm nnd the Enl:lih Com]'GDy l3o.hatulur, en-
1;11.11t'ments of a dPfcn.iw ldnol were coocludoo bl!-
t w('(On tbe two tole:<: anti that nl'OOrdingly. with 1\
vitwto the QCclll'I'CuCC8 thnt hud taken plnre nt )''""'"'
tlw Nnhob GoYemor-Gentrnl Halumdur bad dthr-
mincd to fonmnl n forre tn thnt qunrtt'r. I
the tnl that, with concurrence aut! tiHlpemtinn.
thr nfmctory may bo brought tn ('unibllll!nt. M)
fri!'nd, in truth. the IUlCitnt relation. of friNulbip
anti unit>n wbidJ hold "tl(n the different MrcaN
TC<juin..J n de;;igu nncl ruch a C<H>pcratiou.
tiJ'TII), which Ita; nbo mnrohed from Oujein toward
th<> IJceenn, with a \icw to l11y thu tlust of rommn-
tion nnd the di-rll!lJlCctfal, crossed the N1r-
buddo, uudar happy a.uS(liCC!'I, nnthl' Rtb ofFt'lmu\ry,
lllld will shortly reach .Boorhnlll('ore. :\1} frilnl
Colhnl'l Collin!!, \\'bo, agt'\'ellbly to tbe orilel"' nf loi
l'XI't>III'DI.')' the mo;ot IHlbll' the go.-em01-gencral. hu
J,.n, Furrucbh:ul fnr thi4 qti41"Wr, may be e;{J>el'lf,.J
to join me in a few days. lmtomach IL'!thP ('('111N:OMI4
of tht> iliJferent circnrs nrc nne, nnd ndmit of no tlj,._
tinction, 1111 the nrrivalof my fnrN .. 11! Bnllrhnmpnn,
I 10hall without rt'!'<'rvo rnakl' Jnll ,u-qnaintNI with
.8RITI811 f:'IPIIIH Lli INDIA. :.!93
the meaioun: "hich hall Ill! on f<Jr t Ito
nrnmgcrutnl auol adju.lm!ot of" Th1 letter
t"<mclude<l with .aum exln&ilonb of piety, very
from :& :\lahratta, but not to oo
Tho mi. .... iuo of Colonel Collin:<, reft!rred to in the
nbovo lc:tttr. h:ul It< origin in for\lardtol
loy Uw go-.mor-genl'ml tn tlutt officer OO<JII alter
the Poishwu hu.J coo..tnte<l to tnter into a suJ,.J-
tliary lllli:utce with lh1 Compnny. Colunel Collin
IWCor<liugiJ proM't't.-dool l u the camp nf Sciwlia at
On hi wny ho n.-cchod n lttttr from
t'nlont'l Clnol<'. him of thl' l"fmcluion of
the tn'llty of & .... in. nnd of thn fact thaJ Scindin
lutd t .. .,n iufomtod of it. The fiN. eommunieuion
mtulc hy Colonel llflor hi nrrivnl in
t-amp, therefore, thl' Briti,b
kunwlcdj,"' of t\lllll, nnd his nutbority to
cnter into \lith Scindia similar to
tho.-c "hieb hnd bt>en tnnclnded "ith the PtLhl\a.
St-in1lin, in nply. refemod tint dil!t'USS'ion of tho irn-
Jrto.nt puint of tlib communirariom to pl'NOnal
runknno'l); but the opportunity fur thu dil<('lll'Jiiug
them was long in arri'ing. .At )('ugth a mL-eting
took pluce, when U1c Brith1h rt"<ideut slulc1l tbe
olticct 11f mi-sion to be thrtt:fold: to C'<tucert
11 itb Rcindiu the most ('fTcctunl means tlf .nJo<tnriog
nud <.<curing tranquillity in the ; to nffer t"
thnt chit:f thl' ml'tliru.ion of the llriti.b gnununent
for th11 of tffccting n rreoncili:uinn btt l\ceu
him anrl lJnlkar: an1l to make tu hin1 a
:1.\ Ill.
111,., lllt y 0.. TliJI
of admission to th!' alliani'C Ull
ltnu' ,jmilar to tho,;c "lib h11l been aceeptel hy
the l't!iijlnm. It Wllij llllllwtn.rl, on the pru1. of Scin
dia, thllt the ilnportnnL nnturo of theso rroJl()l;nlb
cultl'd for mnturo dcllbcmtion, nod tlult limo w111;
uPccssnry far tho Jl"l'l""''' Tlse conferenct ltcro
terminated. Five riB)" 11ftNTanl", one of Scinlia'a
ministen attcntlt..l lbc<nt tn COD\"e)' to him
the results of tbe consideration wbkb luul been
Jx.,towed on his pro(MN&k To the fin;t it wna
aD.>flnred, with rme i\1nbrnlt(l ambiguity, that for
tho British gomrnmcnt to concert witlt Sciudin tht
most c:lfecturu rnl'tUJH of rc-toring nod securing trnn
quillity in thl' D;.ccnn wa,q conformable to tho rdn-
tiow of fricnd.JJi)l between the h\11
the !K'conrl, that the alrui" of tim
families of Scindia nnd Holkar had been one and
tho same from futhcr to sou; that herPtoforo tlif-
fi'I'('Det.'S bad arisen bcotween them. but that tht"''
dlfli.orencCll bnd nlwny!l been udjusted by tbeml!l'hl"!."
To the third of Colnncl Collins's proposuL; thl nu-
swcr wns, thllt Scindin, being gun:rnntcc to tho 1 rcnty
nf Salbye, hnd been ut the uf
the dd'eru;iTC nllillDCe bet w<'Cn the Pebhllll llllll tht'
Britih go-remment "itbout hil> knowk>dge; thnt,
after a personal conft:n-ncc "itb the Peiha. "''
he apprized of the rml fitllte of circum,tnnct.,.,
anti then at'l iu uob n manner as might he
suitnble and Jlrflpl'r. I t will be unnert,..nry to
woqte time on !be llllRWNS t o the first ond of
C'ulnncl Collins'R tbPy are merP onli-
DRITlSil l:MJ'lRJ.! lN INlllA. 295
nary of the eo.:,.t<>ru art of putting together
wonl for the et1r alone, not for the undemnnding.
The third mn.y jMtify some cxnminnlion. Although
Scindm now di'Ciared thnt he h11d !.Pen !inrpri-ed at
the ronclu!'ion 11f the dl'ftni,e alli:tnre between the
Britih government 11nJ tho PeiBhwn without bis
knowledge, it i to be rememlx>red that be bad ex-
J'n:tl!ed no surprie when, 110me time befon, the
snme fnct bud boon communicated to him by Colonel
Cloee. Advertiu:r, in IW-""r to this IUTIUlgt'nll'nt,
to thf.' ron'.'IJD('Jlt mo'ft'mcnt of a Britih fort'<', and
to the rt'4JDC8t for his co-llperatioo, be luul Baid that
the 1111dent rolatlom of frit'lld.bip and union wbidt
hold the diff ... reut n1uirod urb a
design lUld lJllcb n oo-op4!MIIion." This lnngungo
dues unt imply bis apprO\ol of the tn'flty
h L-. acconling to Mahratta custom, adnpted to re-
ceive 11lmMt nny interpretation it might be
cou,enient to put upon it; but if it cxprn!'<e'l no
approbation, it certainly no and
if Seindia were bincero in suhsc(!ul'nt nvownl of
this feeling. it mut be conrlurled tbnt whliP, in all
other 11(-""'os. l<lll'Jrie is tbe instantan ""'ul t of
t-Ome uutxpeclt"<l di!le04!J1, in the )1 ahratto chief
it required a con.idernble RJIIICO of time to mature
nnd brinl( it furtb. Hilt complaint.. that a treaty to
which ho W1IS guarant4.'0 had llt'ell oct nside wilhoot
Ius wns ns frivolous as his nlfectnliOJI of
loUtJlri." was uo warranted. bad no iuterett
ill the treaty-L l!'&.t be luul UlitelllliblJ no intere--t
See Jll!lC
X\ Ill.
llllrnlkY liP Tllt.
in it. lli uHice of 1<1 long .., it tun-
tlnuOO, bound him to o nfrt:e il.i! upc>n
both the pnrtil.,. for llhOb6 beuofit tho eugago:ment
\01\10 cnntml'ltol: but It cortninly gave no authl)-
rity to their mnL.iug IUIJ' additional
nll'nt.. or tnu abrogating tho original trenty by
mnhutl Tbt> unly efl'ect uf ouch DJC!MUros
with l'l'J:,'tml tu would he to nlt..e l1i111 frum
the obligation of E>nful't'ing, in b!A l'llloacity of j.,"'IA-
mntLoe, th .. >liJ!ulatiou' of tlw 1n11ty which bad
bcC'n moclifictl ''r nnnullcl. To dicllSS tb ... nature
of the relation i!Ub:ru.tiug betwe<n the Peiabwa and
those cb.ief who acknowh:ilgeol him ail tltl.'ir hl'lld
woul!l be idle, becnu>O uo satitofnttory condui>iou
could ho ottuined; but if any rooint touncetcl "ith,
it be dear, it i" the right of the to hind
himoelf hy trt'aty without oon,uJting tho inflrior
chiefs. Scindin Wtl8 nol n pnrty to tho tn111y of
&lbye, and he had no claim to be n pnrty to any
new treaty. If, howcocr. be we:rc anxiou, to form
llll alliance with the British government, tho OpflOr-
tunity oms nfl'orded hlru. J [e, thought Uutt
tho new treaty was injurious to hi intcre<t, and ao
it rns. by tnl.;ng thl' Pl'hhwa out of his f'O" cr.
the [J(>Hr which ltr had eJ(ert'i!'Ctl WAS lUI llli\tt(l
ntiou unauctioncd by the nvowed principlt-. tif the
)lnhraUo cmf,-derat'y. .\11 indl'UIJ within that con-
ft'flPracy "w. u..urpntiun ; but tho whole IIUl'fllion
tllll)' be !'1lliucet1 to 'l'f.l if the
theory of tlw i\lahraua t1of'oociation were to be
uplteld. Scinlia "11.' a dtptrulcnt nf the I'l'isbna. and
hi attempt to hi, u>vu uuthority on the min
uf that of his superior wcre little if at all &hort of tml
'()U ; 1f tlw tllL>Ot) were to !)I) oli..cnl'\lool, and Scintlia
to be vio.m cJ us an independent trincc, &ecking to ad-
bia "" u lo) another to hi.lrill,
tho ufthe lnttcr to sook ll1c mo>nns of ('<I(RJt<; ami
the right nf a neigblmu ring statu 1 o lillonl tholl<' ml'alll<,
""' Tho ooul'!le of "'cot!< "IL'j
unfd>nl111lhl1.' to the 'icus of ::;<'india, lntt be l111d not
tho ground fur rca..onublc carurlaiot. His
iutinmtion of tho Dl'<'<"'l'ity of a JH.'I'!kJDIII confnnro
14ith tho r,Lhwa imJ'Iit.-d citl1tr ll doubt uf the
troth of mnlt by thl.' agont.. of
the Britih government, ur an lnlontiou to ol.otnct
the of till' uuv arrungements. To iu-
clicatc a wru; utf.,n.ive to tbe Britkb
l.''tmrrnmcnt-to entertain an intention \\11.'1 tho
to a. stnto of hobtillt). Sornl' of these
points were presseti no the notice of Scimlis anl
miuit<IS by Cnloncl Colliu!l, and be >uceeeded.
aftl'r a timl', in tlrn"ing from the chief " clccln-
nltiou untxnmplctl rocrlinps io the auuals of
raun tli)'lomaty fur cxplicil:ne-. Scindia nuw
thnt be could not J..olH' 11 dccidL'<l rull!wer to tho pro-
of tb< Britiob govemwunt till ufwr n con-
frence \1 hicli he propo.ed to boW, not with the
Pckhw:a liimelf, but with nn ag\'Ol of that rrince.
"hose arri\al be but he :u.lolc.t, tltnt Jw
ltnd oo inl<'ntion whllt(vcr to ob,lruct thu comple-
tion of t.hc arnwg<mcnb lAte!) c<mdudcd ll<'l
t.bc :md t hu Brifuh ; that.
lUST OK Y OF 1"11
on the contrary, it waa his wish to impnl\'l'
friencWtip ut pn.'IM'nhuhoi>ting between the P<..U.hwa,
the Dritih and hiJ own Mah. Not-
withstanling throe fnvournble fceliogt-, SeintliA ma-
nifested a trong likJil to the mlll'Ch of the Britih
tJ"OOfl!l tu Poonn, and be requested tbnt ordc.n
might b<> i'<!llerl to l't"Jl them. Ht> prefel'l'l'll that
thu city should remain in of J [o]kl\1'
rather tbnu be <ll'liTl!n><l by tho inl('I'JNIE'ition of a
British foree. At the period when this rcOJionnble
\\liB made, no ordtoN could han
i ... ued in tim!' to pru\"l'nt thl.' martb of Gtueml
W cllesloy to l'oon11-lt is needles to add that,
eHIl bnd time f"'rmitt"'l, no I!Urh ordtl'8 would bnve
been i5su!'ll.
In addition to the inferenet.., to h! dra"u from
lllC contlort of Scindia nnd his minil!tel"!!, other
ground for SO!l]lCCting their intentions exi;teol. On
the day on which Colonel Collill!l joined tbo chief-
tain's romp, he received iutdligencr tbnt 11 cou-
fl."<lcmcy b-twoou Scindia and other )lnbmtta chief,
for fltii')J08C8 laostile to the Dritisb intereSt!<, wu
in course of llrl'llllgetnent. Scindia's prime mi.nj-
tor bad been dl'puted on a mission to the Rn.jah
of Berar. Another confidential sennnt "..., dil;-
J'Dirbed to the Peishwa, rtmonstmtc, llll it was
oolieved, ngninst the of lla&K'iD, and '-akeei.
from Hol.kar arrived in Scindin'a eru:n1 for tbu pnr
pose of clfl!cting nn adjwotment Qf thl'lr difl\renct'll.
Tb!! or mini..te"' to..-l\l'lb the
Britirlb bccatn( intemJteral.e ruui ofl'tllllivc,
BRITIHU t!ol 2!)!)
anol early in Mny that chief nlllrcbecl from tbo vici-
nity or Boorhamporo to nlt'Ct tho Rojnlt of Dcrar,
who lwl tukl'lt thtJ field "ith n large nnny. He,
howo:H.'r, a wish thnt lh11 Britib mil<nt
tu.uld follow Wm, with which Colonel Collin. com-
The governorg<'neml bnd douhtecl tho cxi!!tl'nto
uf the confe<lcrncy ngaill!ll thE' Br:itib I!Q-
lcn=ent, and tbo grounds of doubt weJe not un-
1'\'t\.'<lnable. That Schulia and tb" ltajah of Berar
be dkpOI!Ud to reduce lhl J>oiohwa to a elate
of to their might readily be
l>t'iiove<l; but thllt they should venture, in carrying
out a plllll, to Jli'Ovoke tbu bo..tility of the
llritib government was scarcely crt>dible. Happily,
tho goveruor-gcnoml did not suffer his doubts to
uvorcome his cnution. He Willi by comparing
llw l'atby of Sciudio, while Holkar was in
turbo:'<! po;o;;e.ioo of tho Peiha's capitnl, with bill
l"l'nlwl:'d nl'thity whcu tbnt cnpitnl 'I\1IS about to be
n"'cm:d by n force. Ill' \\iscly, tb('l"l'foro,
dl'<'mPII it tu.>Cl'!IN\J'Y to instruct Colome! to
remntttmto with &inliB. and to rt-quiro from bim
UIINJuivocal e,id<'Dl'tl of friendly intluliom; it being
P"i out that the only oati:;fnctory evidence would
be hiM roti("('mcnt to his dominiQIIR nortb Qf thu
N lrhmld!l. Rcinclill wns further rt'IJnirt'<l to disavow
lht imputation of bdng eo8"ge<l i11 a confoclerary
"itb llolknr and tho Rajah nf &rar agaimt the
Englih. A remMlranee ....., al.o to
the Rajah of Berar, which 1ru followed by a
A. D. 11103.
lll!<TURV ot' '1'111:
romruunieatiou of like character. oD tlw gownwr-
!;(:DI.'rtll receiving thut tb11 ltnjnb hool
put his nrmy in motioe for the purpo"e of ml'l'ling
Colonel Co\liru, on n.t;hing i:nstnactiorll!, 1'",_
tl:decl without delny ln act upon them. Hn,ing
explained at the tn>Aty of Bru-.tin, he dc-
lllillltlcd whether it contained any thing at varinnce
"ith &india' righL. One of the IW-
b"Wel'('d thnt it did not, and s.india hinuoclf crou-
firwctl the nckuowlt'tlguumt. CniQil{!l Collins tlwn
claimod to bol infomwd of tbe nature and object nf
the r<-eent ncgotintioru nmnng the ?tlubrnttn
He "'IIR answered tbnt .Scintlin hnd no intt:ntinu to
in't11Ale the of cithcr r-;;,.,Wl or tho
Peihwa; but, on the !"'lf<itlcut urging tho 11f
a di-amwal on the part of Scindia of any lntentiun
to dilurb till' treaty of Ba.,ciu, it """ no,\\cn.-d
thtt &india could atlord no b!ltisfnction on thnt
J>Oiut until hu had coufett\!<1 with tho Rajah of
Berar. Tho resident continued to the point
sugg.:stcd by hiB instnclions, representing thnt the or Selndm to aOird satbfaetory cxplnnation,
combined with the unremitted prosecution of
milltnry nmUigutnent.., would compel the Britlh
go,arnment to adopt precantionnry m!'flloure!l upon
e,cry part of f'rnntior, nnd thnt tho confir-
nlAtiuu of the n!porl of his llCCMon to a
tler:w) ngninl the Britih tr wuulcl lt'lld tu !ht
irurucdiato conunenceuwut of nrtivc h(l!ltilitie!!. 'fhe
chief, to whom the J'('(ll''e>!entatiou wru;
IIRJTLqll f:lfi'IRK IS IS'O!A. 3()1
n'm:lind unmoved bJ it. adhered to th ilt>nee
"hicb he batlre.oh .. to maintAin !Ill to hi fnt:un>
inll'lllion.., ltnd Wnninntcd the '<ith thi
nmnrknllc :-" Aft<-r my in ten it>w with
the Rnjab of Bemr, you ball know whdlo1r it wiU
IX' peat'(' or Hu.,pcnsc wa. thus oon,rned
into rerttlinty. Sdmlin WM pnpnl't'll to ilo
ll w11r with tbt> Britih j.tOvcmmcnt if th 14jah uf
ll<'rar woulol join him. On the deciion nf thAt
prince it rt ted wbrthl'r it lwulol be pmro or
wnr." Srindia haol nrknowll'd.r.:col that he bed nn
jnt ground nf cxrcption to tho treaty of DA.'I'!I'in.
lout that tn..u:y mL<, nonlilb>tnnding. to loc tbP
raunc of im oMug tlu: 1\fnhrattn tuuntries in nll the
('ll[lllnitil."' nf war if the Rajah of Dl'rnr &boultl 1and
firm. Tbc in-mit offcrL'<l to the British 'tete Ly
Rt-inclin's declArlltion, that ilatc might pcrbnp" have
nlforded to oll!!lJliSe wlti.D coming from n chief nf
fn-tbooten; but the jto!'ithe Mnjll' r indiClllt'<l ronld
not be din'j!lln)ed, auul the pm-
C<-t'<l(d with promptitude and to prt'pnro for
Lhl' crikis which \\11. nlwinnly appmaching. Dcl<>re,
loo\\ C\'<.'r. aoJ\'Crting to tloc JllCII.Un."' l'C!;nrt<..J tn for
th<' l'll11"'"" it will '"' cunrenil'ltt to foUow t lw Jr<r
ro. ... <lingl! llt the =r of Scimlin and the of
&rnr lon!f negntintion mnintniawo! with
th<>m by lbl' Englih 11utboriti On tho! ltb .. r A. D. Ism.
,J no(' lht' nwditatetl nw<>tiug bet Wo.'l'n Utlltie tw<>
took tlnce 3t Mulknport, nn the froutitr of
llu olmniuinn<: lout '"' thllt
notlting Jo:t<e<l bt'ymul thr exdumg. of thr. INUil
ooromonies. On the 8th a long conference took
place, arul on the following day Colonel Coll:iru> re-
miJuled Scindia of his promiro to give 1lJl E':t)>licit
answer after his inteniew with the Rujuh of Dcrnr.
The reply of &india '\'\'88118 Ul<unl O\'IIBive: and on the
subject being more funnally pressed upon him throo
dAys the of another
WM M n reMOO for the dclny of n dPdrletl
IUJ.SWer. The &juh of Benu, in auswer to J'e}111!-
sentations made to him uy the Brltih
referred in like manner to an inten<lcd conference.
in which not only Scindia and to I'll
gnge. but also Holkar, :whose name \TIIS uo"- for the
filst time, introdlll!ed 118 n party ne<:esMry to 1le con-
snlted in deciding the question of war or peaco with
tbe Engli8h. This suggestion FCCmed to JIOii!:pone the
decision indefinitely, o.s Holkar wns nt a grent distance
from Mull;uporc. Scindia !illbsequenUy inti:nmled n.
wish that the resident should pay n visit to tho
Rajah of DertU', and Colonel CollJns, in cOJl!lequenee,
requested the Rajnh to appoint n day for rccehing
him. Tho lkjnh deelinel to oppoiut any day, ami
nppeared nrudo05 to dispense with IJJe proposed visit.
1u it could not he doubted that Scindio. wns ac-
quainted with tl1e &jab's feelings, and that wh<'n
he made the suggestion be well knew what recep-
tion n"11ited theproposnL Colonel Collins justly con-
cluded tlmt be had been wantonly exposed to i11!'1llt,
nnd intimated his intention to retire from Seindia's
camp- Ho wM entreated to pO!Itpone his departure
fm 8ix days, nnd he He was further arl-
BRl'l'llJR EIIPlRit n; ll'DI.o\. 303
mittccl to nn llDdienec of the &jnh of Berar, but the
Rajah simplyacknowledpi that be bad recehcda let-
ter from the governor-general. declining to enter into
nny disellll!;ion up<>n it. Little intei"CiftwouJd
to a dctail of further ronfereo<'eS and rorretpondcnO<',
wbicb would nothing but a reptitltion of 11
dl!t'irl', on one sidl, ttl procure a.n explicit 1Ul811"er,
and an exhawotiou of all the IU1:i of o.-...ion and clelar.
on tllo other. to avoid it. In conformity with
instructions from the govcmnr-gt-ncml, (ienenal
Weii.-.Jey, nhout tho middle of Jnly, add..-d a
letltr to n.'fjUeoting him to separate Jilio
anuy from that of the of lkrar, and retirl'
aci'OIUI Nlrbuddn; which being eff'cctt'll, the
BritWI tlOOf"' Ulldcr Gcnrral W ellclry, "bo had
made ooml' nd"l'!llld', were to retiro to thlir usual
stntiuus. The transmismon of this letter, and dis-
cussion of itt. euntent., ga,r rise to furthrr eom-
mnnicntions between the resident nrul Scindia's
minio;t-1"', of the sune character ";th tho..e which
hacl prec:OOtcl it. ProriOSills which Jmve been
kno" n to be unten11blc were mado to Colour! Col-
lim ; and 'lfhln, at length, he Jmd cnn..entccl to for-
ward one IJOm('what less ol\icctiouable than otltcn
which had pn.-cedc..:J. it ma.. tn.nenitted to him for
dispatch to Gcncml \\' cllcsley, ";th nltemtion.'l which
were in direct violution of its lfpiril. The rc;rident
now jn,;tly conceiwd tlmt further atll'mpt to pre-
serve the rel11tions of peace were a.t onco hopeltW and
imprudt>nt. On the 3rd of .\opt be comtue'Jleetl
hi8 march from Scinclia'i' ramp, and from that period
011A P,
CHo\ P.

HI!<I'OII\' OV niT.
lh<' Britih go..-ernnwul wn.' to be aq nt
war with the
Tht' governor-geucrnl hnd cxtclll!in prc-
pamtiou for carrying on hostilities with vig<mr
nn<l effect. A vn._ql plnn of milit.nry nnd polit i<AI
embrnciog within its the l'ntire
U>rritory of India, blld frume<L nnd nil it.o tic-
taU., ith a due rcfl!U'<l to rontingeocie-. hnl lll't'U
lll'l'1lllg\l'l with minute <'lll't'. It COIL<iste<l of t" u
grand di..-i;;ion. tlw of whi,h "n
ru<igul'<l respcctiwly to lht> roiJlJJlaJJdcr-in-<-hi<f.
Gencml Lnke. nntl tu Oe11l'rnl Wellesley. rn tb<
fcmner oRiour \H!rc committl.'d the :Uihlrs of lliu-
dutan-to the lr1ttcr tluiM of the Deccnn.
In plnn. tbe vic\'\ of the MIU"'luis W<'ll"'l<y
were directed uot m<'rcly to the tem)'ornry al-
justment of tho dipnt"" which bad rendenl it
to put annil'i iu motion. J.ut to u<'h
a ns bnuld affi1rd a rcasonnblc pro!!(ICf'l nf
rontinnccl peace nod to the BriU,IJ go\crn-
mcnl aml its alliC'!!.
Geneml W ellesky bod mnrcbed from Poono., wilh
the mAin body of the forct'l! umler his command. un
A o 1803. the 4th of JUlie. Tb< Pl'ishwn was to ban pro-
vided a contingent to llrt'nmpany him, but 11 ..-,.,.,
tomall ]'Ortiou of lhP stipubtcd fort'e was fum.iJ.hecl.
Under !be 11uthority r11nft'ffll on hin1 J,y th" 1-.'"'"Cr-
noJ<-geoeral, Gelllral WlllL"'Icy exerci.-ed a ltcmml
owr tho diplomatic intl'rcool'll( nf
Colon<! Collins \\' ith Rl'indin nod lh Hnjuh uf On thi to an entl. ht !fll"'
DRITToll I!< l!<DIA. !JU;)
imm ... """'"' f1>r tbc nttutk of frt <of
Hatollrb, and i..,ul'd a l'""'hut'ntioo xplaining lh<'
upno which it hod llt't'Omt' fnr
him to commi'!D<'t'! hrwiliti..,. a,Pinllt tbP rnmiint'd
<'hielio. The mrre untler hilt immediat"
romm11nd at tim of thft't' hundred
and clgbty-blr Eun>p<sn. and nne th-d thrt'C
l1undrod an<l ngularnatlve <'llvalry: nnl'
thoutand hundn..J and J:uro.-n.
nnd 6vt lbnumntl !lix hunt!FI'd and thirty-on<! natiYf'
infantry. In ndtlitino In numhtl'll wrm ali>w
artiliC'..,.-m('ll,between !lix an<li!I!TPII bnndretf pinn'""
I wo thtn9Uid lOur hurnlr<'ll hnN, h<olnn)rlnjl' tn
nf MJI""rt'. and tbl"<'<' tlumf!llllll :\fahmtta
bol'8l'. Nt'Uiy <'ighkn hundn-d mt'n, Euro(""'D
11nd natiYP, with 0.01111 Bombay IM<'.SI'll, aJIII n
po.rk of artillery. hall It'll at Poona for the
Jlnlfll<'tion nf lb!' rnpitnt nutl uf tbt l'ti!lhwn..
The ,.....thf'r [ln'\'l'llt<l c;OOE>MII W t'lll .. hy from
marching M early 1\1! hl' On the of
Augutt it rlf'IU't>ll, an<! early in the m<>ninll of tlnl
day bo di8J'atC'boo a to I he killadar nf ,\b-
ml'dnuggur, w "''t"i"' him tn "um>udcr thl' lirl.
lie ...,r,..oo. and tho pettah na immediatt>ly attarkt-d
ut tbzt'l Tbu cont<'"l wa. ""'<'re. but it t<'r-
minat<od in fa\'Our of till' Britih. On the liJllo" lng
pnJ10f8lion ere madn fir attaC'king the fort.
On the lOtb a lmttery of w1111 Opc'Pl'd; tJK,
fire of whit-h snon had tht> efR:,..t nf indarlng till'
killatlar to makr au ov<'l'tnn of ... JTt"Ddrr upon
\D. INS,
Cl UAr.
A.D. 1803.
terms. On the 12th, he with his go.rru.o.n nf four-
teen hundred IIlllD JlllU"Cbed ont, 1111d the British
cmmnandnr t.ook possession. The effect of thU. eap-
tme WIIB "to place nt the command of tho English nl.l
Scindia'a territories south nf the Godavery.
A few days nfter the fall of Ahmednuggur, Genc-
ml W cllooey bad the sntisfucLion to hem- tbnt his
onlen; for the attack of nnrooch bad been succe!!S-
fully all!Tled into effect. Tbi duty wns porfonned
by Colonel W oodiogton. He bad expected ruurist-
nnce from a schooner with two elghteen-poundeiS,
which was to ha1e been bronghl to anchor within
a short diatauco of the fort. It wns fonnd im-
practicable to bring her up, nnd in consequence
Colonel Woodington was CODipeUed to mn.Ke nn
arrangement for bringing up tho eighteen-pounders
nud stores in boots. The pettnb, though defended
l>y tho enemy in grenl force, feU into the hnnils of
the English without much either of dillk'Uity or loss.
The fort wns subt;eqnently stormed, nnd though a
vigorous resistance WWl offered, the attack '1'118
eventually successful The lo!lll of the British wns
small ; that of the enemy dreadfully heavy.
The capture of Bnroacb wo.s eftected on the 20th
of August. On tho 8allle day on which victory tbns
graced the British nrms nl the western e1trcmity of
the peninsula of IndiB, the onny of Bengal, under
General Lake, struck the :fin;t importont blow agaimt
tho enemy on the frontier of Ondn. Its object "1\11
II French corps in the service nr Scindio. under the
Nmlll DIPIU llf DrDLL 807
e.n.d ol1111 o8leer ..ued Perroo. Thlt
wbleh ... oripally Jailed by 1111 olicBr llllllled De
Boigne, had aoqulred pat celebrity iD ludla. De
Boipe II .Ud to !line 1leeD a oatl.a of 8aYOy, wbo,
after .... ac ' ;ely In the armlel or"-
lllld B I I 111111 ha1iug. whillt ill the .... "'
tile ll&llr power, been made prilooer by the Tub.
llaBII Ilia -r to Macbu, wbere he 111 1111
ap iD the army of the Bn:t 'fr=ll C 1 I
Aeeording to IOJDe W), Nl&l-. ... d' I a JIOIII r&
or paoiDOdua Ia &W --....... ldlil; ...
_,.. .. IT,.._ ... -.aaol
tile JOf '3 DPJ W. .. II .. the -.he quWed
v a _. pn-w to beiDg pro'rided
wida ....._ ol iDtroclbeticm to Mr. Hutinpr FIWl
Oalt!atta be proJIC*!d to OY('rlaud to R.ollia.
and the design. it has been alleged. wu not then
tint fonned. It is ll&id that at St. Peterabnrgb De
Boigne had laid before the Emrr- Catherino a
pJo,jeclt for exploring the eountriel bet- IDdia
... R I &bat., In the eseroiae oll&ll aaual polloy,
6e p I -' W c6Nd c NiNpi""Ut to the
plllll , ... tllat. <AJmdta De Bo ............. ii
to Heetlup. -m, ,_ 111m the &et did the
ol B-. .._ lntenlted in the project.
llutlnp. wbo .. u-,.. _._ lOr the extemiala"'
the bonndarieeof posnpbicallmowledp with ......
to Iudia 1111d the IUD'OIIDdbc eoautriel, pw Jdirr a
rm endatmy lett to the Vilier. wilD l ;" arl
... ,... .,.a ..... .,...,
X 2
-..... -.....
......... .,. ........... rifb au u;-. af a taw: I a..
,..., 2 I I .- -ftlob - dillereDt'- n!.'ell;ll:llilla:to
We 'I
, r aaf1i1 t1te dilllcahiel ot 1:li ,...
jeel8l joolni8J to B.lia b a -tinued ned II
ta-.....aH "-- ..... t!wDeBoipe
1:14 eldenlcJ the wtlee tltlle ol J eypow.
'lbernilVI"'IID..J dwtt ,,., 1 Whim to Cal-
--. aDd, thoagb lie W 110 ,.._._, II f ':c &he
aall, De Boipe tlloagbtlt toollefl&. 'II :1 I
in bla paee with H ........ all nli' '
Ills penulwioa to retura. In tbe lntenal the R9lb
ol J.,_- w neoiYed to dllpe- with bis -
... bat ........ bi:D b'belal ,.-nt; and, 110-
-mr to-. ne Boll"" fu&her l:uproftd bis
llallta hf u 'ol tpeeU!atlla Ia billie. But
DeB 's -.,. tl& rur lie loapd to :au.e
1:111 ..-c.y IIUlta ad oeeapetioaa, 111111 opfllll'-
ta:lity - 110& wadDJ. Scladia ... lll&hel7 --
Pf!"!ld ia promoting bla o'tlu aggnncH.ment at the
... .-or bla nelgbboun, and De Boigne deemed
tJw bla O'ti'D inteftllta would be beet ldYUlOI.'d by
Wlitinf them with the8e of &india. l n bit all
temC!el were alike if they olfered bope of pmnod m
ol pia. WJaether be .ought &india, or s.mou.
him,- doaldd; bat be entered the wdlt fill
that IIIII - eeewed lllda a 1111
a led to &he rapW h z
411 W.
oWD power aad lrdlw ..... a Ina
cwamodecl two J.etteDns Ia ol time
.. umber- a a .. elzl:&, ..........
1\li.ITIKII EliPnt& I!< ISOlA 3U9
<Jnrntly to sixll>tn, w;th n train of eighty
nr I':Ulruln. \ t Inter pert<Kl4 till further addi-
...-ere, ftll<! the whole were fum1e<l into
tim"' the lim aml thin! eommimd,l t.y
Frtnchncn Pcfrt\n nnu till' lil:C<IRd
h) '"' Eug!Uhman of the uarn<' of Sutherlnutl. ne
Uoigne retire<! 'om<' y= J,cf,,,.. till' peri<>cl
under notire. prutly, it ill from a
f,'llr that jt'llluu) of hi< nvcrgrown power mil:lt
l!'ntl to ""Ome ntttmpt to retluro it. partly
cun,titution Willi broktn 1111d lrhilitatrd. anti f'IU1I1
hcmu..e one objN't to which hi CXl'rtions hal 11('('11
aaiduolll'l)' directed ,.,.,. attained. in the liL'CUJJIUia-
tioo o( a fur11111e MUJIJIOSI!d tO RDIOUUt lO four JtUll-
llm<f tboosnnd JKIUUl. The retircmtnt of De Boign<'
lcl to n l{or the honour of sueccciliu!l' him
in the chief commnud. Sulbt>rlruul a.spinld to it,
but Perron. buing the advant""'"' of &nl
the till grcatl:'r achlllltage of bt:inJ.: pre-t.'llt witb
nt the time lbe vacancy !'('('Und to
the Oc5irctt JK>t.
The origin or ,..... WI')' humble: he had
in lnlin u a common Milnr. Having en
hro<l thl' f'Cmro .. r f><, Dnignc, Ito an
nptitutle for riing not inferior lO that of !liS COlli
mruuler. Ott "tti'C('(}ing lo lltt.' thi<f commru1d, lu
Tbo ....,11111 o( 0. lloi$!Dr and bit n<ftDOr, doro DOC
mt ... offi<ia1 ducum<DI1, but ;. taltal portly !'rom.-ia Oar
HJotarr olta Mahnltu, pwudc<l ... iu!m ti fomiaMd 10 tile
....nm b)' De &igu< .., tmd panlr froiD """" ... btW " A
$!.mil of the RU., andTmni.-honoftb< R.pJar CG.po
BlSTOR v or TH1l
toduloasly Improved all bJportuuities fOI" iDI!nlUing
hla own po'lrer. Dt> B<>igne had reeciTed rertain
Ianda for thu maintl'I!DJICO of hlH troope. l'crron,
.ucceeding to a.o Wl'IJ 118 to lh< Outbority of Jtjs
pn'<leeeto!Or, I<>Dght both to extend b6
to render Wmaelf indt'I)Clldent of the chlt>f from
whom thl'y had bet>n ohtaine<l. Hcindia' locnl
authority in Hincloo;tan bnd declino .. l, aud that of
1\rron bad inmJII!ll!((. The dittrk>lll mbjt'("t tu the
latter yielclctl 11 revenue of vnst amount. T11o iu-
hnbit&nts wgnrded Wm 1111 their immediate dlicl,
while till' of the tmoJ'" at his eommand
wu naturally and ner.;-rily yielcll'<l mtb("r to the
man from whom they rl'OOivecl onll'l,., suh-illnro,
and pay, than to an authority nf .. -tuch knew
little, and which '08 never tisiblyllXcrcised. The
deeigns of Perron hnd bct>n aidl'<l loy a of
Though a Mahratta. Scindia was
gn.-atly inferior to him io cunning a.cthity. The
alm ... t exclusive direction of that chiers 11ttcntion
to the DccCIUI-tl1e anxiety with w bich ho hnd
eought to promote hill interests nt l'oona, l!llf! greatly
fimDocl cmd ......-d<d in the .....,.;ce ol the !o:atm
J>ri,._ of t..dia, with ot the prineipel E...,ta IIDd Artiont
o( tile ._ llfahtaLta War, by Lewis FerdiniL!Id l'i.Uih. tat.o Major
iu Dooat Roa &ludia'a ocnice. Th writtr had goo<1 -
o{ iolorma-. cmd u..... ia ttay - "' bdlc-oe
that be .,.ployod tbtm boneallr. The book. whid> ,...
publilhed in Calcutl<l, iA curiouo in itao:lf. The oopy in tbo
library ot the Eutlodia will, 1<1 ..... , .-ao oddi
ticoaal iDtzreot from the i iptiw :-" F.-
tbe Marqa:io Wolloolq-. 26th April. 1808.
BRmSil EMl'!RE Ill INDIA. :11 1
weakcurd Jus inllucucc in tilt oorthl!nl parlt! of
lnclia. In tates c .. nmtuted like tho;;c or lhc Mah-
ntta t'onfrdcracy, tho authority of the prince is
alwap endangered by abet-ore or and in
the ea..e of Sdnclia, the cnnses uf d!K'Jine preTiowdy
11t work bad been powerfully aided by the IU<'C:el!l of
llolkar. Tlac rB!IIIIt waa, in the wor.L! of the govor-
" to found an independent Jtate
on the mQf't nln1rahle JIRrt of the Comp1111y'a fron-
Nor 'll1l8 it to be oft!rlooked that Penoa'
inllneure uxtt>oded eoruaiclerably beyond tbo doml-
uioos of which be I"* d the llCtual acbninjltq-
tion. He eoupt to clietate with tho antbority of a
IAlperior to the petty around him. and nen w
IIOIIHl 11t a tiU.tanro; ruad having at hill dillposu.l a
military fon-.. which neither itla refl'l"'!!lCC to num-
Lcrs nor cli:lCiplino could be deRpi!!ed, hiB 11ttempt.s
Wlre Mt unattcodecl with The govemor-
S,"'.memJ the nec.ossity of \lithout delay
this ncw and formidAble enemy. General Lake Wll8
inltruewd tu regard w tho efft-ctnal lemolilion ,,r
the Freoeb 8tllte, erectod by ll. Pt>rron un the
INWU of tho J UDliiA, 1111 the priuwy object or tbo
campaign," and the FDemlwu to tl.istribate hila f'orre.i
ami J'('gulllt(' hi8 operatioDI in Juch a mruwer u to
it witbuot delay.
On the 7th of August LorcJ Lake tua.1 marched
frum Cawnporo with lhe infantry em that station
under the ('fltomllDd of St. Jolin.
Leiter 10 Oon<rollAk. 2ilh ol July, !BOa.

A.D. llilll,
or TilE
The cawrr. Cololl<."l St. foUowed on
the 8th. On the 13th the whole army eacampetl
_, Kauougt>. It 'ifll!j Jy joioed by
MJUor-Gell('ral W aru ,.;th nlebubmcnt from Futty
j!bur. On the 28th it crwnm)'cd on the frontier,
and at four o'doelt on the munJng nC the 2{lth.
l"llWrOO tho territory. time \\'l\>! !o,t
in moving to the attack of Penoo't fort"e, which..-...
nt n clilotauet fr<m tho fortn'811
f .\l}ghnr. ,\t 1>(;\'!:u o'cloc).; the:> BritUb ta\lllry
ntlmucecl upon them in two line11, support1..'<1 by the
infantry and gu""; bnt the rapil ntrt'11l uf tht
eucnry put no curl to tl111 actinu almr110l a.. Ill! it
had oomnrCIJCtl. AttemptJ; """' madu tn
110100 bo<lies of cnalry .,.bo made pre--
lent'e of lltaDdiD)(, but in \'!lin. All fled, and \\ ith
web bCilrty ngunr ali left to their pursut-n littlu
chance of overtnking or doing them nny l'OD8itler-
nblo mL""hi..C. The took po!iM'Mion of the
to'"' 6( und wnde f11r nttaddng
Alyj:bur, "hih pi3<'C l'emm hnrl lt:ft in dtiiJgl of
Colonel but the nttruk wu delayed for a
fL>w lay tu try the ..!foot of negotiation. lt hll!l too
often betn th" prnrtice of EuroJlCA'" in I otlinn
warfare tn lta\'c 1'\'COIII'!!C to of ntto.irliug their
ol>jl'C'I, wltic:b, rommon in nati\'c:> ronle6U.
nre highly tn nnti<ns to be
by higher otandards of naorality anti ho-
nour. It was lhoojtbl that corruption might prove
an l'flirieut bllh,.titutc for &111111, 1111d it ,... not tiD
too hope of ncc'CM frum thi IIOIII'Ce had failed thai
iL wn re;ohed to try more honourable of
ulotainiug of Alygbur.
In pn..inr( OCiliUn: on anr part of the aandtll!t or 10 .,..,..,.
l<nt an oJiic.,r, ond-notwiU.t4ntJin# bi.o O<c:ui..W ruott tD
I'"""*" which bollh<tnoble r..m.g lll1l>1 ..-...L:mD-> hi(!b
mindbl n num nt C'Y<no..U l..nko, it i.o jUtt to allow him thn benefit
,,(explaining hlo own motJn.. In i<Uu to Wl-
lc>lcy, clatl'l lXptrmbcr lEt, 1803, ho ""1" :-" I Ito.., DOl yet
to<m<l rmw lw>re [Cod], nor om I in l""'>cuion of the rnrt ol
Alrgbur . mr oLject ,. to the out of the f<.rt by bri-
btry, ... btch 1 flattl!T mJ""'Ir ill bo done. My.......,. forll"iniog
it w thl. '11)' p........t. from with to cxpedi!e mattcro ....r ..,
tl aoopo." 1'bc gaocnl dx-11 p.-<1 tD 110tioe the dit6oultiee
OJid objt'CtiOill IP tlt'm[oting tbc mfll"timt or tho pia tither by
rq;ular ........ ,. u..U., aftuwiU<h, ... caru.inoN, "Tbc
lau cr( men. puticularly i a m01tt criout;:ra ..
tton. 1'h<re{o,., if by a liui< m....,. I ran .., the 6,.. of t.hooe
nluaLir ....,., I""' lordtLip will nut think I llAn: owrocl wrong
ur '""'" too lavi.oh of cn.oh. No one rl<ll'l:! mare o( a oaldier than
myoc:!( wh<o I it aboolutdy ll<ftAAIJ' tD call forth their
.. miun ; at th< same time 1 '"'"" """' ri>klng tho life
of a ooWior wht-n it aauld bc pami." The gmonliDD<
t<nbmrull la highly tmlitablr IX> tho writt:r; yet it mnt bc
reml!tDbered that if humanity be, .. it unq.,..tlanably io, a
in tho chara ..... or ,. .,.J.Iiu. "" .boo;. thot cbinlrou& wl-
.. , or honour," hicb would obrink fn>m tnnptitlg an OJf[>OUttlt to
act -whidi the rtmpter !t'"Lt would inrolR-hi.nueU' ill u1lll.tta'lhlc-
T'htn ia. i.o thil one ct.tC"'JuatinJ( cinoum-
lant"'l whjch ir. \Youltl Lc unju.,.t to pGM On!.r. The to be
bought ..... "'" ...... "' tbcir """"""T' intcn:at fUid
b .. aour, but mm:cnary hi...W.go ..-t.o... owordo were purcll.-ble,
aod whooor alli:pnct'. it bc praua,,d, ,......w be tnDofcrml
J'rom_ QlbC CD&!1B to auother as circu.m.canct:!! might Knckr COIJTt-
oient. To ouch mtn the olfer ur a bdbc did not canr the inoult
bleb it bart wbm wwl<n!<l to> ooldicT booe .mo...,.-
tUJU"ketall; but ttiD. aa tb ... m<n had Lt>und tlom..,hu to..., ..
they ouglt to """" oc!lltml w thrir bupia: fUid it of f.UU. ... ...,. iu tht111, it wu rqnbatN'blo
alto to t tupt thtm tu t>umnDt it.
l RAP.
;\ VUI.

A.D. lila.
After weighing the romparathe adftll&ages of
seeking the n.odu.ction of the place by a regular
1ief!e or by an immediate assmlt, th<' latk>r coune
wu resolvlld upon. Tlw 4th of !'lptcmher Wll8
fixed for the attark. The for<'c dC"timd for it
wu com(>Of'M of four companies of thE' 7Gth
regiment and olctac.'hment8 from twu regiments of
native infantry. It was led by ColonPI :\[on!!On,
an uflioor of distinguisht'<l bravmy. During the
precooding night two batteries of four l'ightet>D-
poundel'!l each had been erected to cover the np-
of the ltorming JJII.rty, which left I ht' camp
at threo o'clock in tho morninll' and nth-anced in a
corved din.-ction towards the gateway. On arriving
within four bundn.'<l ya.nls of it tbt')" balled till
broalc of day. Wl1ilu tiJUf waiting, an officer, whu
luu.l been reeonnoltcl'ing. n!J">I'U!d that tirty or
110vcnty of tl1c enemy were 8\lnted r.mnd a fire
!OIIloking in frnnt of the gate11"1ly. A BritU.b party
was immt..Uatcly detllchcd in the hope of t.aliug
them by anti to cntleavour, nmid,t the coo-
fusion which it was expected would ttL'UC. to enter
the fort with them anti bCCUm the gnto till tltr main
bo<ly arrive. The latter objtoct wn. not at-
The was SO COmJII<'te, IUid the
atdour of the British ('arty 10 that all OJ>JM>r-
tnn.ity of rctn.>at for tho onomy WM rut oO: Nut
one of them escaped to relate tbr of the
lll'(ri>e; nnd thongb the on the
gave fire oo lu:ving tbr listurbanre. no extraordi-
nary alarm wa. elll'ilcl. the all'air hcing taken to
BRll'l811 DII'liUI IN Th'DU. 115
be the ...,,ult only or a ncar approaclt of tho! tiilet
of the Briti.JI force.
The morning gun wns the ignal for tho move-
ment 11f the tomtiug party, which, t'OHred by a
heaT} firu from tloe two hatterieo;. a<.h"IU!t'ed till
thl'y camo within n hunilntl yards of the gull'.
liere a lmverse hnd been TI.'CNttly thrct\111 up. unil
mllunlll 'With thl"\'0 !U-pountltN, but the enemy
-.vero disloilged bcfurt' they l.tatl t.imc to dillebargo
them. Colonel pusltl'll roT"IV&I"ll with thu
two llauk rompanil!!! uf the 7Utb n.ogimcnt to enter
the fort with the retft'atiog guard. bot tlto 8"1e wu
shut ud tho approa<'h txpoec<l c.u a dcatru<'li w fire
or PJK' Two lmltl<l'll were then brouglt to tho
wall!!, an! l\fJ\ior with the grt>nadiers, at-
tempted to mount; they were oppo!'Cd by a formi-
ilable row uf pikemC'n, aud det.ile<l. H WitS then
proposed to blow open the gntl', nod a ID:-pounuc:r
plllt'e<l for the purpte, but Cnilcd. A twelve-
pound"r was brought up. hut a difficulty &r'Ut'O
in tlnriug it, anti in thew attempts full twenty
minutes wert' during which tho OR-ailant
1rt're tu a oJ.,tructho 6n:. The enemy
bchae.l with great brnvcry, clt'S<'eucliog tho &caliog
htildl'rll "hicb btu I hren len uj!<rt tlte wnlls. to
ootenl with the pnrty to force an [utnuwo..
The fir..t g<lle at length !ieldL'<I, ani! the a.ttac!ring
pnrt y aluug 11 JJIUTOW '1111}' lufcnded by a
ricrtt'tl with loopboJ(..,., r .... m which a I.'OIIICant
aucl dcad!J 6rl' W1lll kcpt up hy ma&claloc:k-meu.
Ulln'llRY OF Till!
"hilt> &howel'!i of PI"' l"'ured rom the bath ric.
The British party. howe\et, kept on ita ..,,. to tbt?
IOe<'Ood gatl', \lhicb Willi furel'tl 11 it hunt much clifli-
rulty. At tlw third the pnN>d In with
tho retreating l'lltmy. lont n f<>urtb .. till remaittl'<l lll
'"' c'IUTied. Hem tltc rrogrc .... <f th< Wlll<
ngniu FlO(I(>Nf. The atl<'lnpt to blnw npcu tlw g11tc
but mcca'<letl in forl'ing hi,
") through tbe \ticket ancl uecuding the rampart.
Ht .. itonee """ beeam11 fL'Cble, unci the of
Aly)('hur pl)t;S(d into the lumd. of the Britih, the
"'""nl of about an h"ur' 1ignrous ullort. The
J,...,, <>f the EugliJ;h wnR l'oe,'t!n', and anu>nl{ tho
""umled '"'"' uncl llrojor :\I'Lcncl.
'l'hc lOt<' of lill' I.'Demy wn-. howuwr, mucl1 grcott<r:
and u thP bad lxot11 made by the French their
J>rincipal for the Doab, n vnt qunntity of
military were trnm.Cerrod with iL to the
Hritiob, bc-idt" two hundrocl and eighty-on .. pk...,.
of rannon.
Tlte Wrror inspired by the IiLII of Alyghur
the lmmediatu cmeDlltloo of 80me minor fort.-. the
governors l.eing unwilling to aW'aiL tim arriv:U nf the
iftors. Tlw cvPnt "" Ill"<< followt..l by nnotbtr,
importnnt nml This wRR tho
8llrtendcr of f>t>I'TOD to thP Brillib general. The
,. official drlllill of tbo r..:n or AIJ1!LUr ..... Dol .. ,.., r.u.
and their dtficienrict ha"' b11 oupJ>iied by ...C<noce tu tho M
moir ol theW., io India uy M<,l<r Willialll Tbom. wbo onnd
IIAdcr (lTo.:raJ W r.
stPp "" not occti.Siun,.J, perlul' it wn:; !'<'are<'ly
by the of the Uriti.h artnJ< at
Alygbur. SomP time ixofor,, the 11rtunJ
rmnt of hostilitk'S, Perron hnal nnnounred to tht
gnnntnr-gcllcral hii! to aptit th<J 11f
!kinolin. ama.l obtain p<'rmi.-ion to pn. through tbt
Britiila ltrr\iori<"' on ffi, "3} tel Eur>JI<!. A favour-
able brul bet'tl retuml'<l, hut l't'mlD dicl not
follow out hi, pmpooc<l plan. lla aubee<joently
maole nertun ... to Gt>ncral Lakt, and eome DPgUtia-
tiun '"''k plare wbieb eo<fud in nothing : a1ul tbe
Britib anny, u baa been llOOD, atta<ktod the F11!nrb
ndvcntul1!r on entt>rlng the 1\lohrattn
territory. lliJI rapid Jligbt '"' tbnt occasion scemP<I
to indicah littlP dcll'rtniuotion tu n...,.ist, ond ,;."'"
after tl11 l'll('turl' of Alyghur l10 rene" etl hi appli-
catiml for r"-"rmb-ion to enter the llrit:kh
It ,.,., ('rllWJlly complied "ith, 11111 great ob-
j('('t of the wnr wns tlao' nehicnwl without
on l'lfurt.
Tho retirom<'nt of I'crron, nfil'r miing himself to
the rank of o J"'lty scnercign,connut hut B)lpi!ar l.'rtm-
nrdinary. It '1<1111 not thut>fr,-ct of moleratioo onr of
"'lli<'ly. but ol oerelllilty. Ptmn <'Oiltinncd tn love
puwtr, noel all that JIO"'"' <'&II romruancl, W! ..-ell a.
be had <:V('r lo'<ed them ; l>ut a c"mhination or tir-
had rendered J.iR ICII\11\' o( joOWt" in-
llt.'<'Utt', lllld be it bttttr tn hio
mon-ablc property, wbich ,. . ..,. <'<>Wiiderable. than
risk it in B cnntl.'l!t for dominion wbicb might pm-
hablr br ulll'UCCt'!ISful. Englbrb goYE'rnnwnt
c H.\ r.
bad determined on the deetmction or hi rower iC
praetlcahle. But, bl>llides this <'IIUSC for alnnn. he
bad othen arising out of the of the
atllte, of which he wns a dcJ"'DdPnt. Pl'r-
roo'a eooduct hnd givtn me, in Sdndia's mind, to
liWipicion. A lhier, named Ambagt!c lnJrlia, t<>Ok
ad-ant.agc of it to a<IY11Jlee hie own ioll'rt"l!ts and
orull'nnint th......, of l'l!lron. IliA .-it...,. an Miol to
bnn OO..n aidLd by IIIIUJlJIIy of momy to moot the
111111te of anl the llllthority uf tlc Freneh
chief wns tranftrred to his lllltivc rh-al. 'l'o render
the tnmfer ctrcctin-, Ambngce Inglin intrigm,.J with
Pcmm's officcl'l!. II a.d they been faithful. thcir
t'OIDiruUldcr might nut betn rompcllC!Cl to eeelt
..U...ty in Right; WI where intcrost ill the
aolo motive of action. fidelity nevl.'r to oo nlied
upoa: and aomc wbo had Bigaal
marlca of Pllrnln's favour, went over to his enemy.
He bad com;equently no choic-e bot to withdraw:
to remain to devote him>KIf to plunder and
perbapa to death.
The retreat of Perron was the> virtual dilololatloa
of the Freneh state which be bad formed on tbe
Jamna. This did not neee>o!arily invohe the redt-
tion of the foroe which he had commanded : bat the
1088 of ita clrief, preceded u it bad been by a eoane
of conduct on IliA part, wbich v.u at the lll&llt nnde-
ddeol, iC not pusillanimont', &book greatly the Jtrellldl
of untivc ronfideiU'(l in Fn!Dch ollleen, and Ia
P"--'<1 th011e officer.. with a lltrong reelin&' or d.-
o.r. Hiltory ol tho .,.._, .. &.idl' ... I I

IIIUTtml EII.Plal [!I; ll<DIA. 319
nec<1tity of pro,;ling for their own Mflty. An
oflk-.,r Flrury had attacked a body of troop1
ondlr Colood Cunningham, who, 'igorow;ly
resisting and lillDJtomrily bf:>nting on a forro pently
SUJ"ri"r to hia own, had been rompelled to accept
for hims<.Jr IUI<l his mcu tcnnissitD to retire with
their arms. on condition of not aguht I!Cning apinlt
l'kiodi.n during the wnr. .\ w1111 Af'nt
ngainot Floury, "birlt he to evnd., but Ito
accom('an.ied bU. cltil'f to tlte British camp.
Anothcr offir(lr, nlUilod Louill DollnJuln, who rom
mantled a diTiAion of Perron' fon"C, ..-.lved to
IWlko a stand l!pin5t the main body of the
onder General Lake. Till' met on
the lith S..jtember. about .U: from the im-
perial rity of Delhi. The Briti:;b bad performed a
mo.rcb of eighteen miles. ancl hod jut lllken up
tbcir groWJd fM cneampmcnt, when tho enemy
npJlPnrod in force os to C>IJiigc the grand gnnrd
and adfllllc<J pietJUCI to tum out. The numbcra
I'Ontinued to inCR'II.<', and Gcnoml Lllke, on recoo
noiwring, found them dralm up on rU!inl!' j!l'Oand in
great forre and compiNc order <>f hattl<'. Thri.r
pooitioo 'Wlll< wf'IJ dcftnded. tncb flank being covel't'd
by a tnnmp, beyond .,.hich caahy were taliCHll!ll
whilt> a.rtHilry guardt'd the front, wbicb deriTed
further protc-ctian frurn a line of cntn!nchrncoUt.
Tho Engfub commandl'r l'llfiOJved, howCTer, to giTe
them bnttll'. Tbo whole of hiH CAvalry bod aceom-
pulied hirn on his l't'COillllliasaru.-e, and that bring
completed, hl' .... nt ordel"' fnr the infantry and artil-

lllSTtlRY or Tll1l
lery to join. Thi. eonW not be ellie&ed In JQU! tlmn
an hour, during which tbc British na.-.lry, whic-h
were two miles in were I!XJKIIM.od to a '-11
fire !'rom the l'Jlf'my, which hmught1lown many men.
During inttrval IIIH'I!' of Gtntral T.ake
ehot undl'r him.
Altbnugh the Britlehcomni&Ddtr bad
haznrdiug an net ion, ho felt that to atlark tbo cIH'III)
in the pooitiun \\hirb hnol been tabu U( wuul<l J,..
attcn<led ..-ith hut a fc>thlo chanre of --.. lie
llunforo onlt-reol his en,nlry to fall loaclt, pu\ly to
rrovcr the <Lt.lvnnce of the infnnlrJ. hnt prinMJllllly
with a ,-jew tn allure tbr. <'hcmy frnm th<'ir ad\111llll
po:o-t loy the nppcaraur(! of n retreat. ThP
had till' deire<i etl'i.t. No tht>
Dritih e&\-nlry in motin11 dum lhl\ t'n<'my n;.lel
f.nnnl with wild manifestntinll!l of triumph IWd
d<'lisrJt, the vivadty of the Frentb J,!lldl'l'8 having
tunmmnicntcd i!.i<elfto 'rhom tbcy rommandccl.
Dut thl'ir l'xultatioo W1lll 'oon The caalry
<"Outinu('C) thir retrograde onoHwcut till tbe infnn-
try t"Dme up: tho fonnl'r then npenl from ito Nn-
tn and allowtl the latter tn pru-" to lht> fn.ut. l'r-
l'&rutiun. lining: ken mn<l(' for I!Wlrding the
f tin! Britiab f<>rel', n uf "hich
by110me nntivt ravalry, thl' wholr li1w movcd fi>r-
wanl. A fin from a bunoln-d
pil't"tla of cannun, liOID<' of 1 hem of IAFJ!e ealihre, ft>ll
around tbl'nl; lut the flrllih tronpi!. nnmoHod loy it,
ad,nnced Sll'atlily ruuJ wituuut remoinjl'
kttJ frnm tlol'ir l!bcmldt"l'lll iiJ 1rithin II hundred JliiM'
1\RJT!Rll F:lllPJR IS JNI>IA. 321
ol the l'llemy. OnltrR were tbtn glvt'n to chargt---
thc wholo lirw fired a l"olley, 1111d, betuled by the
eommnnder-in-<"hief. p11Sbe<l on tbt'ir bayonet 10"ith
,.._.,.itl- foroo. Tbe fate nf the day \'filii detide<l--
and 'lrbeo the troppo halt...! af\er tbe eharge, the
enemy were lying in all din'l'tion.'l. The TictoriQUII
IDfilntr,- lmmediatl'ly l!nk into eolumns of e<IJP-
,.._,by wbir-h mon'llleut tbe wboleor theeatalry.
both Eurllpc.'On and uati'l"l', 1l"t'ftl eaahled to
through the iote"al1 with their gallopper p1111o
punning the -1 to the JIIIIID&, rime
numben perilbed. All the artillery ud IIOft!B o(
the _,- tell into the bands or tho Eoglisb. 1111d
tJuw da,. aftn the battle, Lotm Bourquin, with four
other Fn>neb nftl<'ero. thml'('heo.
In thel'ity llhich fortlmitb tvacualt'll
by lht> Fnneh, tlu.lmttlt hnl betn nn of mueh
iuten>st. Thl'rc, nt tbe nncit'nt "<'llt of tbe powtr
whichBtther hnd r..nre;l-wh<'ro Akbnr lulol plnrl'd on
ret"'rtl th length nnd bl'l'llollh or tin J'I"O\illCI!!I w-bil'h
owued ill swny-bl'rc .\unlllji"Zebc hal a....,mhltcl
mighty annk>to to l'Jua.!titre bit< nemics and red ore
to tributary kinp-tbero dt>lt the living
of tbe bawoe nf Timour in thP l>er!IOII
uf 11 millf.mblt old, blind. nllll <lrcnJiid-wilh-
nut JIOWtr, withouiJ""lll' or Mate or ntinuc--nlmOIIl
ritluml tht! mean n( tlu1 l'niDIDOII
liCC<'""IlriCKOf lifP. Thi WIIJ< Shah ,\ltum. 0000 tbe
jlllllnnt !"\lui7.Jtda, "h""l' military I'D"I)O" bad alarmed
anl nnnmet! tho.' Britih govrmment, bu& for many
YPIIrll th raptiw of thooe who !U't'tln'fl hi4
}>('non for the we of ahU!Iing bill name to I'll"'
J">lk'!l of I! n$!grnndizl'mcnt. Rc bad alliol
bhn11Clf with tbr :\tnbrntu nod through thl'ir 11!-
itanrc had obtai nell roo;c-ion of Delhi.
i not the plo.ce to punmo tho lrooblctl history of
hi lift:>. It euffico tn M) thnt thcnccfonnrd
it :m :Umost unhmkcn fiCriC!I of cnlamity. The
ttrritories nominall) liultiCt-t to the l'ffiJl<'ror "l"l't'
th<' oorutant scene of llisurdrr aol relx>llion. l'ur-
ronntlrd by tl\1Ublt'S of l'"<'ription. he <'00
<'l'ivl'd the mo..t 'inlenL mpiciollS of the loynlty
<f eldest !!On. Sut'la MlJicioos nro nf tum-
muu occurrence in Oricntnl monntt;>hies, nod nrc
ftxqnenlly not unwurruntcll. ln this in.strul<'o tlwr<
cern' to hnYe been no gmmul for them.
frum tht alfootin11' of his futbl'r by tbo.e who bntl
110 inten-st in foml"ntiog tlisaension-. the Slmz31a
J'D!\5CII 3 great part of his lif<.' at a <litan<'c from tho
dl) "hicb WliS tho Of th(\ foi'DlCr glory Ult)
Jlrt'Sent degradation of his hno,;e. HI:' mad!' re-
JU'ntod efforts to obtruu thP nid of tho Britib go-
vonlment for the dolivcrnnco of bis from
thrnldom, but in vnln. W(U! not intlili{Kl5<'tl
to 11.Rilnl it, but was rCiitminl'd by orders from honl<',
dictated in the t!pirit the non-intervention policy
"hirh then prenliled. Tlu. Shazru.IA dil'd in th<'
British dominioll.!!, of fl'\'l!r, and noL long
tbr calamities of hi8 wretrhe!d J1!ln!llt were enmum-
mntcd. A ruffian chi<'f. of Rohilln origin. nom,tJ
Gholnur'll Kaudir Khnn, hnving ohtninetl
s.. ii. P"'" ss.
of the city of l'>clhi, 1111d with it of the penoa of
the emperor, committed the moet draulful
whieb 1111 hiltorlaD bu felt justified In
di'Ciaring to be " almoet without puallel ill the
1111111111 of the world. The apartmeDtll of the
w-. wbW1, ill the East. usually command -
a ; eat - f'rom the most abaudoaed, wtll'll rea-
deled by Gholaum Kaudir the - of eri-, of
whleb violeut aud lndilcrlmiDa&e plunder - die
: 1111d the -peror. after lleiDr _,.... &o
(lYCry inauJt wJaleb ........ iee
TDI eRIII .....
... deprited ol.r,M .,. the ... of Wft!tAIIa
....., ... jWiluwly heaped 011 him nery other
I ,, ,... - ,, Seindla ..-ued the 1lllhappy
iiiOiW'eb from the power of Gholaum Kaudir, and
the of that miscreant met II feorful n>tribu-
tJon. t The authority of Shah Allum WB8 onee more
l'l'Cognized. but the recagnition wu only formal.
All substa11tial power was exercised by tbe Mah-
ratta autboritil'L Tbe otlice of Yakecl ool-mOftlk.
ar -the prm. minfeter of the Mogul empire,
- bntowed 00 the Pelabn, hat Sebulia bad 110
tnteDtkla to hardea bit biJb- with the dude. ,
c.plllia Dal' ...... "' the Rloeary "' tile l'dahnttao.
t He W 10 U-1 ... '-! .,.-...! tlooft by the ua-
- he oli!cllOd .... -.... bat ... oalloeqaosldy taba. ......
with inao, ad n,_.t Ia a ...-. .Mer tlUo be wu d ; i ...
"'hi> t'J" ..... - lwlcla, ad ..... """ ia JJaio loarriWt .....
lloa- 10 Dollol. .. he-........... - fl
Jaio 1111 "'" t11a1b ...... a ........ W. ' I .__, .
..,._ .,..._._. ... , ,. a * , .....
...... ........... :! ................ I i "'
.... 11 't' flp:u u .... 7 t.
Clla.P .
11111TOR \' nF Tll &
the uffic-e. The tli.!chnrg uf du't(' he Jl(!l""<mally
.,. thtl'd;hwa's clejuty, Dtl<l the fuutiun.
with all its Jwer and intlucnc<, 111 hi nr-
l'trnm, in thn coun.c cof hi re<tltK iu-
trigut'l-. oLtnirttl the UJJ>intment cof <'cotUIIWltlnnt tof
tb., fortn-.,... ,,f I l,lbi, run) the J>tr-con and l"'"''r
nf Shah .\Jinm wAA tn111fcm'd frnm the :\luhrntt:J.
t the Frerwh. Frmn ncither clicl the
111'1!1 with citlwr eor lit WL>
unt men>ly dtprhed of power-.,( rlci lu t'tonltl
"''nwely t'!OIIIJ'Inin. hninll'. hy hi" cown nct.
f""''' bi riJ:ht to otiHf'O-hut hi rnnk nncl rnl"-
licrtutllii mrnru:llld .. cl 1111 J1Dpalh). and C\1!11 the
m<rul!l of nwt tardily nncl cuntily cltalt
nut to him. .'1. cou..itltmhle hn<l been pro-
to tht IIUJI)H>rl of the f0.)1lJ Jc<cUS(-
hcolcl, lout..., louolly \mlf it ('uitl. thnt tlw eDlJH'I'Icr nntl
hi liunily nfkn iu wnnt.
'rh1 triumph nf tb<' Hritih nnns untll!r
Lal ... oJI('Utvl a ne" >Ill' II<'. I aftr the
lcnttlo the cmporor hncl n tn tLt:>
vi<'tnriou ommlloltr, ufl'oring tht mounrch' cou-
putulatiorl!lnnd olicit protection. \ n &i't'n'IJrillte
' P I SAl. ru"" ,.r "'1." nt umNl; mul on tb<' llit !J of SeJI<IJill('r
till' heir of 'fimmll', "" lung lbl' 1it'lhn of ulno;t
fiortnuc, se:ctl'd in tho rUJlitrtl of hi nnct!iti>P, 1(11.\'e
nucli.,nce to tlw Englbh J:'<'lleral. In that plAoo his
Jll'l!<l!'f'ffi.<nr-. clnt ho:od in tlH moo.t Jll'lllluc-
tiorto, nf tlu loom. bncl I':HI' upon thmlll'S funnccl of
J(OioJ, Rlld Dlllth- mtJjant J..r ll cluzling pmfuAiOII o(
tbe m"'t '""'''' jew!'l. ""'und tbttn bat!
Y.MPIRt! Ill ISDIA. 326
lnmdi'I!<Lo or OI"""JUlOUS guanl8 and dt"JJIllldenta,
-.iting in mate aud att4'11tioo the t'xpre&-
oion of tbl' 1101'el"ll'ip' will, aud to JPYt' it
etrl'et. 18 .ooa 18 uttered: while "_. f'rom dirltaut
COUDtril!ll, 01' their tenderl!cl JUf*t-
faJ bumap to the lord of thl' f'althl'ul throagboat
...... 111111 WOOl'fl bis favour by p11!1M!Dbl worthy of
IIIIIUL Far ditrereot "Willi the - whiab met
tbto "11' of the British geuera1 111111 hill 1t11ndnt&
&neath D small aud nged v '*"' die "1'1 IOJ8
of which IMmed a _....., olnpl....., lllle-
whoae liP a:miD'I tiiM -oy "'ned by-.
Will..._ iif1XWL1C6 the opentl011 of time wu
...... Ul then that of long aud hnreJ- milery
.. '11&)-chret- Yft"' bad OYer bill bead, ud
they bad been fillt-d ith troublt anti 80rrow. While
hi nruoc wa. held in n!>"CreJit-., thnngbout India.
hi life luul been pa._..l nmid clanger. anrl
11111fering. anrl nil arcmncl him at thill molllt'llt iorJi.
eated the DtOIIt wret<'hl'<l But tMre ,...
- eiOJDI!IIt of mieory greater tbiUl all. The llgbt
ot llaa-. the I!OtiiDlOD -""' o( eqjoynumt to tht>
......... - aud the wrek'Jred. lboue not for bim-
tbf! ,_ ol .me - to hlm blank. The JDJ.or-
able atll&e&ioa or Clllltnlting the of aD
thing.. IU'IIUDd him then with formt>r t.ceoe& ._ ..
Died him. Stl'llllgelll from a far diRIUlt <'OUIItry...,..
befOre bim-io their bauda Wll bill 'ab ...,. .a-
ds ! d to him wordli or IY'Dpatby. aDd ........
ec.b1. bat be l'Oilld not read In &beireiAI ' -
'SWIIti= of the friendly b ..... whim fioll
1115TORY OF Tilt:
on his cor. Poor, dependent, aged, inJinn, nnrl
sigbllc!;!!, tho bend of tlte empire illustrntcd in his
pen>on the wide-spread ruin which bad overnltelmt:!l
the empire itself.
Shah AUum regarded the English ns his deliYerers,
nod ho ou Geneml Lake 1\ host uf titiL>,
in temmoninl of hi brn.very 1111d militllry skill-the
sword of the sto.te, the hem of the In uti, lord of
the age, and lhe in wnr. Such wore the
tenus in which, in tl1e spirit of Oriental o:mggern
tion, the scrnces of tho llritib c:ommonder were
Colonel Ochterlony wns left at Dclhi, in n oopn-
city similar to that of resitlent, and Lord Lake
resumed march. But bt>fore adverting to lhe
subsequent of hi Cllreer, 11ttcution mm1t be
directed to the progre..'lS of the British nnns under
Geoerol Wellesley in n diiTereut pnrt of Inilia.
Scindia and the Rajllh of Bernr bacl enteron the
territories of the Niznm. and it ""OS supposed would
cross the Godnvery, which wns fordnble, nnd nttack
TI ydnrobod. W cUesley moved lo rounter-
act them, nnd tho coofodorates rot! rod towwd'l
point by which they hnd entered. They were soon
after joined by 11 eoDBidemhle detnclnneut of rE'guln.r
inf.wtry under two .French officers. On the 21st of
September. Genernl W ellcsle; wns so near the corps
of Colonel Stevenson, who comlllJUlded the Jlydcr-
ab:ld snb!>idinry force nnd tl1e horse. ns to
be. able lo bold a conrerenc:e with tlmt officer, when
n plan wns concerted ror attacking tbc enemy on
11/UTISlf Eli.PUU: IN r.>1D!A. 327
the 2-Ith, it being oodllr-tQOIJ that their mny l4llS
cullt:ctNI at a place nantt-d Dok!'rduo. Generul
W cJit.,.Jty 'flLq to attack their len, Jtnl Colonel Stc-
thl'lir right. The fonJJllr rlirected hiS mlll"Ch
with tht view of nrrivlng on tho 2!JNI within twelve
or fourh<'ll milL'S of the cucruy; but illumed out thiLl
tilt.' iufurmntioo upon which tlu,t pLm hiLd been ar-
luul d('Cehetl the t'<lmmnudlr. The enemv

catJII' in.tA.'t.d of being at Uokc1'1lun, had its right
a.t tbnt, and exl('JJ<IC<l scv,ral ntiles to AI.")<'.
Thl'l'l' n di>lrict, as well u a 'illage. calk..! .Bo-
lwrtlun: lhll camp was entirdy within the diHlrict,
ntul btnco zuwe the mMnkc. result wns. that
Gemral W clltosley on the 23rl fount! himself within
Aix milt'fl of the enemy, of tho distance which
lu l111d t:rpcctt'd.. To add to tlw surpri.c which the
disconry t1f tht! enemy's po.ition was enlculuted to
J>ro<luet, aool to iocre:J.bC tbl difficulty of d!ridiug
how to dt:al with the unmrpoctcd of circunl-
Gcutrnl Wellesley rct-tivcd inl!.lligcocc thnl
the confcdorntcs wero nbout to retire. If, therefore,
h() poolp<mo.ol t.hc nttuck Ull tho nrri ml of Colouel
on tho following dny, tho llflportuuity
migiJL l>o Jr,.,t, by the kpa.rturc ur the in tho
night. It was probable that tho.> might ha"c hcnnl
of &ffll'<mch, and the int lligcnco 'lrnUI<l be lihly
to their remo,nl. Sbt>oltl tbb not be the
l'll!i<', tbo.rc \\Ill> IWOthcr lang. r of 11 diJJhent chllrnc-
hr: Wellesley cuuloluot hopo to withdraw, nntl retront woultl haw t':rpo!lt1<1 him
tn hu1'11811ing attacks from lht \"'tll'my'M ranlry, ot-
X \IlL
t!'ndeol. iu all with tho of Jllrt of hi>

IH'rt n-n.'<lllS aglliut retrellt. lin
the other lomul was tlw alanning thn.t in hi.
front wus n l10tile nnn). cOffiJlril,ing n body of iu-
fantn thn.' rr four :L mam a.. hi Q..-u. 11 nu-
. .
mNuns aualry. nnd a "'"' quiUltiLy of ronuuu: tht
who!" olCCUJ>ying a fonnidn!Jiu fn l'lller-
like the hnldcr cou .... ill nut unfre-
qunlly tlw Gene !'Ill W dl<:tley pl'(>f<rn.'<l it.
ruul rtS<11 V('t) to attack.
Tl10 t!llemy's rigllt ccmiKtc-d entirtly of camlry. 1mol
it Wtl:l in front nf thb tl1al lbt Rritbh fOmrnnncl .. r
fnuntl hinuodf. He dt!trmined, hml<'l"l'T, In direct
hi uttnck tn tlwir lrft, thP kfent of tht' luliuttry
"a' the mow likely to be etl'ectual. Betwttn the
lo .. tile :rrruil"' llowed tlu.o riwr Knitn.'l. This ,...,
c:-n-.:1 hy tho Britbh furrc at a fun! which hnJopily
tl11 euemy luul to occupy. T!Ju iulimtry
"l'"' imrnllintely fonnl"<l into bn liD{">. anrl the
Bririh c:\mlry, as n n..,. ... ,c, into a third. Thu
hol'l'e wero cm)'loye<l iu kl'cping in eheck n llll'ge
hooly nf tlw tou:my's ca mly, which hml followtol l11e
mlll'clJ of tbc British fon-c.
Thr nttatk wns made with l'romptiulllt: :md
it. \IRS ntteu!lrocl by corr<'&pondiufC
Stme milakl."< OCCn.rN"I, which. UIC\ all\'C'lt'tl
nnt the fortune f tl.c added gn:ttly to tit" ),...,.
<of the Thl' cut'llll nuulo n dmU).,'<' in
th<'ir ptition, \\b.icb thl'l'w their lfi tn '""Y" in
"hi<h l' thry hal t;otuc 11(111 ,. bi<"h
u >urrowultd rnnnu11. Gcnl'l'tll W nb-
JlRITIll Elll'LIII> l.'l 11' UIA. 3: . .'1)
Mrving r.llliJ, dirt:ctod tl1e officer tummnntling lht! tic-
tnt.'tR ou the right to kt-ep out of >l1ut from tbat
,illllgt>. 'fho oflic<'r, misarrn.lwntling tho onlcr. le<l
dirt'l'tly upon it. The i-!tb wbitb lal
llt'('D ordtn'<l to the til'qnct,;. aol
IICT(rtly. 1'1w 111istnk1 ren1leretl Ul>el'll--.nry
tho iotroducti(lll of the camlry nt lUI t'tll'licr peri<HI
than wa;, Y :uion '"il att<'n<IP<I thi
t<'l' The rn,alry ntfcl't!c) much from the auuion-
n<lt>; tbey ....... ,,. inrntacitatod fnr pnnmit. wb.,o the
)l('riotl for thuK employing tbcir l<(>rvi<'es and
wi1P11 they Wl'rt brought (orwunl then> no
One roosequen(.'(l o(tbiR deficicmy wa<., that tMijl'gl!'no
lt'ft. in tb!' rear r.f 1he Britih fol'le. who hluiJrt'-
lt'llded to be cll,ul, w-ere ,;udtlculy reo---tor<'!) h nui-
mntion. nnrl tunl their gunB upon the backs uf thn
)Jut t !w victory. though bought by t ha
Ntorifirc of runny vnluable lhC!!. was complet!'. 'fbc
n.,.;,dc-,,. of the Ilritib troops dro\1! lhll
t11tmy before lhl'Ol in l'l'[ll'8tc<l tbal'{!('S. aut! "lwn
tlll'ir IRSt fnmurl l)tl(!y of iufnulry gnve wny, thu
wholo went ofl; lta,ing the Englih n.:1stel'l! of tho
fltfl, llllfl of n\'lltly II hWidre<l pit'('e.< Of <"IIIIUOII
alomdnoed by tho c:,.n<'ni Wclll'l'l<'y
111111'\Jtl larg..,J) iu till' lnboUI'l< 111111 till tlllllgcr>< (Jf tho
conftict. Two hvr.,.s were killP<I under him, nml
cvrry officer pf otnll' espcriIW<:'<l ..Uuilnr I'W<UAI-
111"1. The Jo.-., ou tlol' pnrl of the Engli:;h amounted
to nrorly limr buru)red L.ill<"l. The number of
wounle<J mL fCllrfull) llftloen a111l
sixteen hundred. The cti<'DIJ let\ twl'lve hundrct!

4. D. Ja:l.
lfi8TOR Y OF Tire
killed. and a numiM'T were wountlt:'d; but mnny
of the lath:r being "<'nllcre<l over the count'). not
evf'n lUI c.timntc coulol w formt>d of thl.' amuunt.
Among tho uuJrtnlly wounded wna Scinlit1'8 prin-
cilllll tnini.ter, who but a hort tim'.
The bnttlc of Assyt> places in a <'Oll"''icu<>u light
the cool d<-tcnninnUun of tho grncrnl, nnl tho
admirable qualities of tloe lroc>J"' nt lois
Entnngle<l in tlifficultil't< from wbirh there "a' no
t"'tnpo but through dnngor, he cht....c the modt \\ hicb
W the SU(II'rfieiul or tllll timid wouhl hnve nppenred
the most dnngeroo.s. l!o wa. jll!ltificd by thl! chn-
m<'lcr of hi& troops, and the remit wns alike honour-
able to his owu judgment nnd lo lhl' intr.:Joid
11f those on wlmm be rcli1d. Miinformntion brous:bt
tloc bnttle pnm:1turel) on-misL,ko added to its
dnngvrs and tlifficultk.,.; but all uuto\\1lru cil'l:nm-
wero nvt'rcomo by the admin;blo
jurlgmeot of the lender nnd the olovote.l l'Ull..rt-
ue:,., of his followers.
So ropitl and 80 nomeroo.s wcro tho of
the Brltih nrms, 110d 80 much were toll thCJtoc npcm-
tiuns p:trli of one conitcnt "bole, that it l-1 im
(lO"'iblc to n:lltrict tho attention or tho }'(_'1\lhr for
nny l<>ngtll <Jf lime t.o ouo !!eriel!, without owglloting
and throwing out ofplnee other trannction uf
inten!'-t ruul importance. The of
rnl I..ake mnt now for n brief the
rcconl of tho"<C of his <'O:tdjotor in the soutb. On
IJnitting Ddhi, Gerwral Lake huol nosrch,l tcowru''-
.\ };'1'11. at llbil'fl pJnce lw arri1'l!d l>ll tbc -kb of (kto-
8RIT1SD UI1'111F. IS ISI>IA. 33J
IK-r. Tho fort 'l<liS summont"l; hut no nn.wrr being
retun1.-l, pnpnrntions wero made for ditdodging
hottalionq who held J!Ofli;C"iun of tbo town. of
nn eueampml'nt with n lnrgt.t number of guns on the
gltwil!, and of tbo on th(' sonth and sont.b-
"""'t fn<'t of fort. This !)(.iug elrceted with I!UC-
""'- though not con-itlcmblu lo..._ ope-
ration& of the iege rommenred, tht! appn.nclles being
madn unolcr ro'<er of tbe -.bieh bad been
wnn fnun the enemy. On tbt Hth a I'OJDDlnnica-
tion Will' r('('thl'd from tho fort. rltmantling a CCS8a-
liou of lulOililities, on tho ground thnt tt>rms wcro
nbout to btl proposed. Gcncml Lnkc, in
qut:nre, dil't'Ctt>d tbe lidng to ('l'/180 for n fe,v houn.
anl nqull"tcd that a conlhlentinl ptrot()n might bo
aent n-ithout delay with the proposed terms. Terms
''"I'C Sl'nl, and General L.'\kc diopatcbcd one of his
own officxrq witb letters. gi.-ing IIS"Cnt to them.
The fort hnl b.. -en for some time tho lM:CDo of mutiny:
but in tho comnmnicntion w General Lnkc it was
Hlott>tl thnt nil ill-feeling was nl tUl end, 1\nd thllt
officLr! nud m<'n wero nlilce n-mly to nbidl' by wbot-
ever might be made oot'ln-cn their com-
mnndnnt. JIE'S!'ing, and thr Englih geol!nll.
But tbi nn:uoimity, if it c.-cr exiote.J, lTliS of short
dumtimo. The Briti:.h offii'C'r di-pall'hed to ma!.u
the linnl arranltl'lllents (ounl grt*L rli vc,.ity of OJ'i-
nion anumg MtiYC cllit!Ji., nnd a great rlt':llire to
rni!IO objtctions. While he w11 <>ruleovouring to
n'IIIOvo tlw. the firing frnm tho fi1rt Wll8 n't.'OIII
ml"nl't'll "itbout any npJIU'Cilt l'f\118('. On this the
A. D. 11103.
II!!ITORT or Tilt:
English returned. The \,..lid of ncnlral
Lake.,..... that th!! owrture \\Ill! but an ClCpedient tn
gain tim<'. IID<I this opiniou highly prohnhlc.
Throughout hi <'Brecr tbe huma.nit) uftbc N>mm3n-
hr-iu-<'hief \IlL cmintntly t'On,picuous, nnd it ;, to
this fl'<'linA" that bi" onent ton ('< -atiun offiriut( i
to be <L"<'ribcd. It run), b01C\tt, be r.
un(lcr the jutified in eun-cnt-
iug to di:.c<mtinue hi fire. llith a lk,.. to ohtailling
a surroudc:r on termM. He lutd t'XJ'R'!o>*'d his Ut!litl'
that tltt place "ould Mt stnul ten hom .. ' l>n'llduug.
and auy appNtrauce of heitntiou \IllS cnlonlntnrl w
gi'l'e confideucc tu thr ctll'llt_l'. nnl dimiuib chat
fteling hi:! 011 n troor
On thu lith of Octolx:r, rhe grnnl of
being COIDJ<Icted, they \\('N l'U:thi:.J (u
open n <lestrucli>e firu on tlu: point nf th., fort which
appeartl il'&l>t C'llpnllle of n--itrut<'C. A traNicahl
would !tnve blmt ntndc:. lmt in rlu' C\'Cn-
ing the garri'<lll sent no offer to '"'('itulate, and oo
the following dny, nt noon. mUJ'Ch<'d out, "hen th"
place wn.q immediately OCL'Util'd hy a portiun of rhr
Brir.i!>b farce. Tile fort contt\inet\ one bnncln. .. J nne!
8Qventy ... ix gullli, whlt'lt, y, ilh ropturcd
bt,yonl tho Yo all<, made a totnl of t"o Lunclred nod
Lotter to tlt MarqtuJ W t:llt>ll')'. Oct I Oth, 1 !ID3. S...
t A-thr orcfaol>n. ol ..,.. a t;ao d cw a o=
mgmtudr. coJJed the "gr<ll guu of Agro.'' It ,.... aid 1'1 l.-
<o111pooo:d of ..riou .,.t.l.t, ineludDJ thoK to wbidltbe en=
JIRJTISH El11'111E J>; ISDI.\. 33:!
In ft<l<litittn to the l'laua "hidr Gen.,.,!
Lnkt and Gt>lll'ral w .. Jle-ll') Wl'l'\! '1lcet>-sfully
wurldng uut, tlll'n! wen: ,nrillh rlt-tochl'<l operation_
nt thi timt' in progr"""' nil hcarml( ome relation
ttl utlwr, nucl nil uunclnchtl "ith vlgnnr nud
'!'he uotice of om!' or th'-"'C mut be
dttim>J tu a L'lt.<r J>Criod, hut Hw <>c'CUJ>aliou of
Cuttatk, "bich Wl\S C<>DlJ>lftLI cluring the month of
l:ktuhcr. InA} properly 1.. ahtrte<l to in thi pta('(>.
'fbi- "a" t'fl"l'<'tcd hy Colunl'l II "bo.
hMin,lt uecupi"lllu1t gnoat I!CIIt uf l linh' nroe.,.ti-
ti.m, pnx't'l'<hl td reduct the fort of
nh.>nt 11 milt frolll the tom of
Cnttnrk. fort wus hniH of otour. nnd wru; 'iUr-
ronnci,..J hy 1\ clitrh ft..:! rlt'('p, nml mrying in
hn!llcllh. AN'<mling to the ituntiou of the ha.tions,
from thirl)fhe to a hnndl't'CI anti tbirty-fiye r.,et.
:I;\ Ill
A lxlttrrJ wa. comjlleted em tlu of the 13th D IHI
uf OetuiMr, and em the momill,ll' of the 14th optmed
its lln. Dy C!lwo not ()f tlt' in
I hut part olf the fort otgniust \1 hich the fire Willi
lir.N(ol \lcrt tnkc.>u nJf. tilt' <"111'111) ' gun were
iltntool, nne! Colonel Hatt.'<tnrt tunt the tirue
fnr allt:lll('tina p<>"L'-iun Ort>r
the ditrh wn a uJUrW to lbe<',
and b) this e<mmuniati<>n the wpre to
C"OOI<Itt CJl IMoJWwl Jou the opthet prt<iouo: ODd it
..... , ..... i!.\y ... .hrolfa CJl the '1 ojf, nd!
commanJor o. Ia.: of TUJ><eo fnt the pn runclf to mrlt dowa.
The nbb" u( tbi. c:xt:raardinary i.uururotot of dt!'Jmu1:iou w ...
33 ind'" it.t lu,..U.. H '"'' :1 iru:ht:a; ou .. lgla, 9r..IJ()O (>OIIIldt.
A hall of f11Jt.jmn fOr thU f'1-lU W'ttuld .. tfth foSfJII pxtodt4
C B 1',
X\' Ill.
en<ICI\TOUJ' to eft'ect an entraure. Tl10 party, "lnrh
of EttfO)IODDS nnd Rl)><Jy, wns hd by
Lieut<IIIUlt Colonel Clayton. They ahai\Cetl urulcr
a lire of musketry from the fort, but
to \lbich they wurecxposed for forty minult.,.,
Tho l(lltt' wu to be blo"u OJ>t'n, but nu impn: ion
coul;l be mnh1 I.'Xetpt on tlw 'll'ielu:t, tlw n:lllainder
!Jdng fortific;l by 1111')\1! 1114._-"11 uf stono. The"
ba' ing yicldl-d, the a.'IS:Iilantt enterooL hut unly
f1llb:l Notwithst1111diug tlth< dil!ilhiUitng<', nutl
B very dct<'rm incd ro<istauec." ollered nt thu ;,Iller
a01l two suCCt'Cding jl'lltc, the Britih ]11ll'ty 1!3ined
fltltlll!'"'ion of all, nod the 'ictory \IIIR tho mure
._'l'll.tifying from its hnving b..n Bttainccl with rum
pamtiwly little lO!o. The rapturo of &rohutwo
wus followocl by tho entire bllhmi:isiun of the yoro-
linc. of Cuttack. nnd tile greakr po.rt of th> '""'P'
by "hom tho conquC'St hrul liCX'n cfi'c'('tcd were ot
lioorty to enter Bernr, to ClHlJl('rnte with thu nnny
und!'r General WcUt'le,.
The month of Nu,cmbcr opened \llth n brillinnt
nddilion to tho spltudid s ut'Ct><S which in cnry
quarter hnd cro'll'lletllht' anns of Eoglancl.
Lnke from Agra on lhe 2ilh of
in (lun<Uit of 11 1lahmttlL eom(>Ot-Od of snme
<Wpatcbecl from the! Deccan in tht 1'81'ly
purt of lbo l'tltnp:rign, nnd of ll fcv bnttnlions
had cflccted t bcir N'nfl!' from Delhi. flreut aruil'IJ'
wns fi'lt to ur dipei'SO this C01Jt;<, on nrr.onot
of f>eing proyj;}('fl with A IIUIDl'l'llUB llrtilll'f'J'
Tht martb or the Englil'h army !JaTiDj!' been 8l'ri-
DlliT18ll EMPIR& IN INDIA. :J3!) imp<'fkd by unfavourable weat!Jcr. it wu re-
"''tvcd tn lea,c llw hmry rutiliPry nt Futtyporc, rmd
J>U1l'lll' the enemy by foreed m11rches. On the
the Brit.i-h r ... n:c ('llL"llmped at a short di<:tllnro fn>m
the ground which the enemy hntl quitled ou tlte
l<!ltne rnnnting, nnl Geneml Lnkc dctonnincl to
Jah fonrnnl with ca"l"lllry, in the hope of
tnling IUid dclaying thl'tll b) alight tugngem<nt till
Uw inf.'Utlry sboulrl be nhlu to COUll' up. ,\t mid-
thu ca,alry was ll<nlingly put in motion,
an<l, llfur 11. JJllU'clJ of twenty-live miJ,.,., eamt up
with tht Ctll'my 110<111 nfter dny-brmk. On dCSCIJ lug
thcm. tho I-;ngfuh oornDillllol<r SUpp!>"<'<l that thf'J'
Wl'l"'l in ntft'at. anol, to prennt their <fl't'cting
object, hu I'('S()]ved to tltem at once, iru,tcatl of
ncting upon the !Inn wbicb be had propoed of kcc(J-
them in check till tbo infantry arrived. The
officinJ clctnils of tho oo.rly proceedings of this dny
nrc but thi.. much is certain.
thnt tbt> attempt to make MY permwcnt imJ'I'l"
hinn on the lllahrnttn line by lllonc un-
Tbc enemy's artillery mo"cl down tn!'n
and bon;.._ in and tho l!lltl'ilico """" nln.
Tha mlour by tht:> British !'ll\'lllry in this
fruitless comllllUldi imlecd tho most un-
bounded llllrniratinn. mixed with a de<>p feeling of
reg'1'lrl- tbnt it shoultl haTe bt= oo utt!'rly ...,.,tt'<l.
N otbi:ng t.'nuld cxcu" the prcmntu:re cnoHict pro-
by Gncral LAke. but tbc mistak onder bi!'h
be in l.oclil'';ng tho tn<my to bo in roln-a.t,
and tht which ht> felt to pl'l'v!'nl till'

-,e of a 6llee wldah - reprded wid! eoollider-
ahle appoebealioiL The infantry, wbleh 11M llllln!bed
I& lldw. arri'ftd at eleven. having Ia &heir
_. ooly twn houl'!l more than tloe =aalry. At
t1a1a tlme a meMage waa n.oet>iwl fnom the tnemy,
o&riDg to IIUftiiiCier their guns upon Urm11. Thill
- II nee ap to &hie period .....
1'11ltU bad no - to be d'=' fml with the for-
tune or the day. The probability ... U.t it WIIS liP
esp4!dil'nt to gain time for eome Wred objt'C!t.
and the rt'IRllt IOOIJlA to countcnaoce eueh a beliJ.
Gt'nerul Lake fiC()('JIIed tbt oOl.r, "anxioue: 11 be
llliJl'o " to prevent the furtlll'r cll'ulliou of blood."
He might have 1110ther n.'880n ble
inf'antry, aner a leug nwcl&, performed \'(ry rapidly,
uuder a burning ntocdcd l'elt and rofl't'tlbmea&.
WbateYl"'' might be the motiYo of tho Mehmttaa for
-king delay, tiW. made delay not
11'111 dl'llirahle for the EngiU.h. General Lake al-
lo .. ed tbe Mnhrattll8 nn bnur to 1letcrmine wbeo
tber they would 1,11'1'00 to hi al'('eptane< of their
own propoo;alo, n mode of III'OC('eding more N1i1y
rocoucilublo with the onlinary course of lndillll
Dl.'gt>tintioua than with eommoo SI'DS<' The J.';qgJIM
seoeral !leentll to have little from th. 0-
ture, and, "'hatever the 111111.ure of hi.
b( al"t<'ll wisely in 11mploying thu iuten'lll of ..,
pctwl in making prell&l'lltion for renewiag the U.
tack untltr ID4li'C advantageout 'n.
infantry W!'re formed into Lwo eghrnme 011 die
Tbe ll,.t, rom polled of the riP' wlag, - cletllilllli-

tum thll ril(hl Onnk of tbl' l'tlcmy anrl to attaok
th<' of La..<rn'ltrt.-c; the "'"-nud wno
to utllll>rt tim fiNL 1'hore WI'N' th!'l>e brigatl"
of ra11lry. One of tb,.,.., tht thi"l, wu instrurtcl
tn support thn iufuntry; the wu <letnChl'<l
to tb right to ...,tth till' IJU)(ioll'l of tho l'IIL'Itl.)',
take a<ivautllg<> of nny confusion I hat mijfht tccur,
and fall upon them in lh rvent uf :1 retrrot: the
f\maining brigade--the tinor, wbicb WM lhrmcd l>e-
tween the tlairtl nurl seootul. romJ>08t'<l the reto<'f\'t.
A mnuy fitM-piet'CI! liS rould oo hmu,ll'ht up with
t.lw gnllopen lll:tocohl'<l to the cavalry form<l four
rlistiud butt>riee fnr the oupport ,.f tbc opt>ratinu
of tho Infantry.
Tbe hour of l'XjX'('tJition pn!!tl, ami nothing
further l"'in,lf from tht> mmy, thl infuntry
were ordered to nrlmuce. Their mu.rch l:ty nlunl:
t lae bank of n rimlct, Md fol' a tirne tbc) !'"""""''
it 11114lcr caret of lligh !,''nlAA nnl umirll brnkNI
gnnnl ('QIII'oalo.l from tho l'UI!IDJ. Aa ,..,.,u, lon\f
uver, 1111 thly wen tlii!C'Mtn,,l nnrl lbcir nltiN'l """
lhu threw back tbdr rij:(ht "ing
undrr<nwr 11f hen") tli.;clmrgi'S nfnrtillry. .Shu\\ r .,..
.. r gmp poun'<l ff}rth fnm L'lrgtl tnf)rtliJ'I! n. wll .,.
frnm uf 1'1Liibn, olitl un
the Britil!h i nfnntry, wh""" battc>ril'>l ntu ml'<l I hr
lire \\ith (U'OIII(titulP nn<l 'l'i.:Our int!l!ll<l, lout, from
their iuferiority in nnmbrr. nnrl weight nf m1tal.
with wry iuf"rie>r ctli:<'t. The Kiox's 76th ....,. at
thu b(!nrl of the ndvnn<'ing r<Jlumn, and II<> dn'llrlful
were tlte rnnl.'< .... uwlc in its t'ILl1h by the storm .,r
VOL. 111.
)o \Ill.
X\ Ill

fin to which it wu I!X!'<*"l. t.bat, on ibl JUTivin,:r at
tbt from whirh the rbargu to I.Jt' maclr.
neraliAkc reaohl<} ratbor to pi'OCI.'C<l to the atlnrk
with that. nnd wlflc Dlltivu infantry who lllld
cln"l>tl to the front, tbnn to wnit for tho rcmnindcr
of the column. wb""" ntlvnncu hnd from omo
c:nn>te, Tlw C'Onduct of tho won nobly
the confiIDl'tl rcro-1 in thl'm by their
oornmanclur. They ndvruwcd wit h 011 much l't'guln-
rity II!> "11-q practirohle, under a shoWI!J'
of canlster-8hot, which further thinned J>l'l.'-
viously weakrned mnks. Thill Wtl! immccliotely
811reoodcd by u cbnrge from the t>ncmy" ennlry;
tboy were rcooived in n mnnncr which sent
them l>:U'k in ronfu.ion. Tby rnllilod ot a hort
nncl thure being to npprchen!l fur-
llll'r mU.Chief, the King's 29th 1lragoons WL'J'e
orclored to ultnck them. '[hey fonm..,l on lhl'
outward nank of the 76th, by whom they wcre
rccl'ived with che<>rs, which were ech-t LAck
by the rovnlry with no diminution of vigour.
Frnm this lime the detnil of the oottle be-
r.ame too invol\'ed to be nnrrntcd wlt11 JX'rspiruity.
A Jl('nernl churge of hot"C anol root wtl! ma<lo, in
wloicb the dPr<J<lrntc vnlour of the at<nilllllfll ot
C\('IJ ol,..loclt nnd defit>l cbnger. At
I h1 moowut wbru the comm:mollr-ino('hicf WD.\1 about
It i clue II> lhnoe who oba,...l the 1vt or baaoor with doe
King' I 7Gtll ift till. -.. of dc.lJ,, to W.. that U.., ol
llw o<'l'and btttLolion of I :!Ill iolutry and &... ..,..._
..t tile 16111
to plnl'o bim6(>1f at tbo heru:l of the infantry, his
lwr;c Wl\8 tihot under hinl. While in Bt nf
mounting that nf lib ..on, Lake, t hnt om,.,.,
wns wounded by his sirlo; but wn 110 time for
lho inclnlgt-nec of the dcl'pest 8ympalbic uf
nature. Tbu of tho can.lry troml't:ta sound-
ing w tho clmrgt---which caught the cnr when tho
lhund,r of thf' guns from the cnf.'my'q lint'l! fur a
momnt that thoso lines wtnJ to he
won, nml tltosc runlt urh WlU! the
re-ult. The rtwmy fought "itb n determination far
CXffiling all that bad ht'<!D t!XJ>t.'('tcd of them, tm<l
it WtUJ ncot till th<'y bad boon dipo""<1SSetl of aD lbl'ir
gans that they relinqubhl'd t.herontest. Even tlt1U
li"ntc of the of thu cbnrncter of n
110ldier were diJtlnyed, i o an attt>tnpt mndc by tht>ir
Jcli "ing to ciTed an onlerly retreat. In thi'!,
however, liB in every oUutr point, they were clcfcnted ;
a regiru<'nt of British dragoons. nnd auotbcr of
caTDlry, breaking in uf>OD thl!m, many tn
pieCI'!<, uud mnking pri"'!ncrs of I he m-4 with !It I'
.. r their
Tiu '""" nf the in killel ttn<l woundC<I,
nrnountNI to more thnn Pight hundred: but tlti,
thongb hravy. wAA not to be compared "itb that of
the roomy. Ahont two thou.4Jtrl of lhelnttcr W<t'
ta'ken prillonc"" nnd with the of th""'
nrul of a feu "It om the Jlll'-.c--inn of gnc,.J
and lll<'tll lcno" !Mige might ennhlt> to r5MIJ>e lu R
rlistnnrt, lbt> whole of tlw /ICVellt<-tn bnttnlir>n. Wtn
tli'Stl'OyP-<1. 1t lm. be4>n that the num-
:I. \"Ill.
Ler of fil:tin ;-.ultl lwrolly Le h1!il tho.n !leWD tlmn-
o.wl. 'rill' oltlrnciiou nf thiM fore .. '"''
ll'fl" im]>Ortnnt "ith rtJ!llrol It tloal !iln'JII:\lo ,.loiolo
is hMed em opinion, tlum on .l('rount of it artuul
anol immcwatl' t'lll>ct in erlJJIIng th tl'"'otttN'fl Hf
the l'Oemy. Tloe hattulion whid1 feU nt LD.swnn'i'
o'<>ntitut<'<l tilL' nf Stinclin' nnny, nml lonl
hL'Cil hy the iuo)'<>!!ing unme nf tlu
l>t'<'!'llll Iminl"ilolco. Th" cbam1 "Wo uo lonol.<n;
not only hml the iovilll'il.ole IICCn mu-
<JDilu:cl, lout '" entin hurl (l('<'n thl'ir ol<feat tloat
tbey hal c. " .-) to l'Xit. Tim uf
olt'!ltruct ion \1'11! iud('('t) in one t;enll lonuoum lol
to tloc:m, for it ntti!S""I llu. 1iJtUur of tlll'ir r, ,;,,.
llDel!; lout bow proud was tlw li>tinrtinn mmcl
loy thO(' wlm hntl tbt> illusion wwl'll h:ul
mi ... l tbi" ''"fi'' abow tht n :oclo of thu ehnuce5
of "ar, an<l rlnimP<I foot it n rlollrter of pc:rptolunl
Tbe 'it'tOI') WD entirely loy bnnl fighting.
The conl'S!' tnkl'n by Gen!'ml Lnk" in vnrion. in-
tanrt 'VIIS loot.l eTl'TJ to tbl' >'f'rg of mhnc:,-. l'<
nearly did it npJn>ncb I hi' linP whicb -.p:unteo cnu-
Migt! fmm tc.mwrily. that bnd the r(,ull IIP('JJ uJJ
fn,oumhll', it wnulol pn>bnhly haw h< .. n .. !
by tlat nunU.'ftU da.' "ht><c juoljl'Ull'nt. if nut ultn-
getlu.or )10\'E'MJC'I) hy tlot ovenl. i muclificl hy
it. Hi to attaclo; the rnL m> with his
11lon<' t'l\nuot I dPfonolNI without nfor-
L'llN' tu till' lliof unclcr whido nl!lnlution ,...,.
J1U. io tho .. IID>A!<> o( ll '1)0' l'hcm
lllUTISit Ull'lit lSitlA. :111
tuktn. He fmuul lhu enemy W<'W nbout ln thult
him n(lugetlJer. 'J'fll' nof\'lllltle l<'l l'llllrj(l'
"ilh ouly pnrt .,r his infuntry j, more t-eily
oldtnible. as tiJcy "''"-' to 11 lire w hith
""' rapidly couuming th.,111, it !l<'nrccly p,.ii;J(
tllllt they eoulti ill iu nwrt unfnmunthlu dr-
tumtnnce!. whil nu iuilicntion ul' fettrlc.- tldtr-
minntion wa. at uucc to l.t-eJ up tlwir
pirit nud lO nhntl) t!Jnt or the ('Of'lll). Hut \O)Int-
l'\Cr upinion may hl fomcJ nf tllll '"'"'!oct otf tlw
hntllo uf LW!wnret, it iij impo .. ililt t<l lmcc it pro-
gn'"' n111l n.o.mlt "itlwut a ole;, I' uf
for tiJnt itulnruitnble COUfRilO uno)
"' loich victol')' "'!C111\:tl to tht Eugii-h, Tlw
:uul imnginntim will, from n ptru.-nl of il
hitnr). rotob of the ririt wbicb hnrnurl
in lht llroosts or those by whom it wns won ; nut! if
n t':LUnl recoUcction of it >houltl eHr !lit o"fcr tltl'
uoind of one amid equnl dnnget'l in mnin-
tuinlng the cau>< of Englnnd in lnutl, tht
ln(J<;t! of will <lotrnct uuthinlf from tiJe fnrtt uf
tlw t!tiiDIJll": llw ohiWitltJS lll'rnim of thno.t \\ lw
ftughl lllll nt La.wnn"tl wiU aid ln n<rw
tho lli'ID.' IUld hrat'C the biuew, of tltt ooldier, 50 l!tUJt
11s tlwir dt .... nn. rememben:cl.
oloctt it oocome IIL'Ct"'Nlry to direcL ntttn-
til)ll tu the nnn) ho thl' S>utlt. fnr tim put]><o. ,,f
notido\{ in tiJcir ('roper rontrihutio05 to-
"nnJ, tb" o;sf.:t\ 111ul honour of till' Uritih ,110\'t'm-
omnc. Gcntrul Wdhlt') !Jaol np)'rit.oll'olmll'll'w-
wnun nf tht m"il) imJ"'""'d "" him uf aUutkinl(
CUA 1.
IUS'J'U,IU' lit' 'UIFl
the enemy llt A!t.'l)'ll without waiting for his jWlC-
tion. The lntter immcdintely mnrched with pnrt
of his and the ent!J'Ily, on hearing of hih
advance, departed suddenly from the spot where
they had }>llSSed thll night after t be hu!tle, and pro-
ceeded tnwnrds the Atljuntoo Ghllut. Colonel Ste-
venson. having met with difficulties 011
his march, Ullllble to punme them ; nnd lw wRS
further tbat the wouuletl in tbe b:Jtllu uf
ASi!ye migllt hnvc the a....rurt:anco of his trnrgt'!lns,
great incomenience 110d ruftering hn,ing boon oecu-
l!ioned by U1e w:mt <Jf a sufficient number of uu-dirol
ollicers. 'Vhen Colonel Stevenson aclvnncecl, the
enemy's infantry. or ruther the wreck of il. retiree!
towards the Nerbudda. This division of the
force met with no interruption in th<J field, ancJ
Colonel Swvenson obtained posse88ion of several
important fortresses 'vith little difficulty. <h!nernl
W ellcs!ey in tbc mean time mnde some m11id anl
lmrnssing mlll'ches, nil of them intended to pro-
mote important objecta. llis situation cnnnot be
better jlllinted than in Ws own words. Since
tho battle of Assye," says be, " I have been like ll
man who fights with one biWd nnd clefends hiJruHM
with the otber. With Colonel SteYeUllOn's corps 1
Jmye acted ofl't'DSively, IUld have token A;;;;ecrgbur;
110d with my own I bnvo CO\"cred his opemtion, and
tlafwded tho territories of Ute Niznm lllld t be
Pcishwn. In doing this, I have mmle IKmlC tcrrllJic
DL'\rllhes; but I have been remnrknbly fortWlnte-, in tlce cuemy "hen they intclltlecl to
DRITJSil 1:11Pm& IN li<OIA. 343
('RM to tho onthward through
ruul, n!WrwnrdR. by a m1id =h to tlw northward,
in stopping Sdndin when he \I'll.' mo,;ng to interrupt
Col01wl Stevenson's opcrntioru
in wlaicb lw would hnvo undoubtedly suc-
I moved up the Oimut M I'OOn B8 Colouel
got possession of 110d I think
that in a day or two I lUll! tum ltng<>jee BbOf,n-
&lah, who bas p:L_<;Sed tbroujth to tlo !!Oulhward.
At all t>vcub!, I :un in time to tnmnt him d<ing any
mischief. I tbink that we aro in lf".'llt >tyle to l><'
ahll' to on the at nil in quruter;
hut it i only dono by tbo celerity of our movements,
and hy acting on tho oftCn!tivo or tlcfen!;he with
eithl'r l'nrp. 1\CCoriling to our ant! that of
lbt' I!Ul'tny. "t
In pursuit of the Rajah of Bcrar, Gcnernl W el-
arriv('() nt Aurungubad on the 20th or October.
The H.njnh was <0 little nnxiolll' for a me<ting, tbnt
in tbo lWII succeciling the nrrivAl oftbc Brilib
forco nt tbnt plnco he moved Ill" camp tho timl'!'.
lie, howcvor, gnthered "onfltlence by tho
3LBt. to vcntun, ";th n body of li>ur nr five tbousrunl
bol1;l', to a 8IDnl1 foroo in protecting
a roo,oy of flnrteen thousand bulloela., but was
comj>ClJcd to retire without IUIJ ad\"'..ltage beyond
tbe capturo or .. few of tliC
Several weeks before this trruu.nctiou, '11goe 110tl
Tho Raj!. a( Berar.
t Lolau or Geo..-.1 WoOeolcy tu Aljor tlbawc, Oetubtr,
1H03. s..., WtUingtoo D.:.patcl.<t.
A.D. II!O:I.
lliSTuJn uP TilE
arpan'lltly unauthuriz...t for De,rt"tilltion hnol
loren made nn tlu tout of!:"dulilltnC'n'tleral W db ley.
F..arly in Nnn'IRlocr thtn nrriwol in the Engti.h l'llhll',
un a mit.;irou fr<m l'dn<liu. n rhitf of <'toll
mnk. tulllll'cl.hwnut Ilno GhoNrmmJ,IIItcl
n Urn!Jmin naoctl Punt; hut th""C t>'I'II'IIU' ,
,. ben ealled upon tu tlwir crecl<'Jtlinl, hnl
11<110 to hew. Tb<'J wt'n pcrmittel to runniu in
tho EngJbh cai.IIJ' till lll<a&lll't., M>Ut.J IJ<l tnJ.c II ftor
n'tTit'dyfug thi Ul'fcct: Lot hcfe>n any au...'tl"t'l' cuuJ.I
ho n-ceiR><I to tlwir applil'lltieon fur tlw I'III'JW!K', n
t,ttcr reccht'd hy Gtn('ntl W tlllc) fn.nt
dii>tlvowing .Ttwnnt H11o Gho11pumy mul
hi" oolll'ngtW. nud intimntiug nn intention of ul-
cmotber pci'!'On In n<"gt>lintc with thu Llntih
::t'11cral. The lattf'r wn.s nnHI itl..!tnucl-
ing. that Scindia bart n'llll] <li[':ltl'hM thf' mis;iun
whirh he nuw di .... ,,owe<l, and, not..-ithtamlint; the
hmr of Scinoli.n, it \\u uot cli>nm.,.,.t. Gcurml
W tll(\'!ley Wit>! not uuncqnnintc..J with tbe t'hfll'll('-
of Mllhmttn tllflomncy. "In Jli'OJl!lftinn;
Ntid he, as I of the "MnhmLttl", I
ll:tVC more retFIJII tu be 1\l the luw 1\IUI
umwronntllhlc trick' "hil'h the hi):he<-t daset'l!
of tic till prncthe, \1 ith a .,.jew. ho...-cnor rl'mot. to
forwanl thcir "" o intc n. ... t .... ,\11 aclolitiou to his
l' Xtot'l'ienc" now nJ.,ut to be mrule. ['CrfL'('tl} in
nttccrclnnce w itb that '' h idt ht had prenottly gnilll.J.
Shnrtly nftcr fht rt'l'tipt lettr. olin'"""
l.<lt.-r <>f (lcntrl \\'riJ.,Ir tu tlat lith
IIRITIU EliPillE IS ISlliA. 346
In .J<"!want Ran Ghorepumy nnd his Brahmin 11110-
l'iate, those pnrtif'll prodorcd a letter from tbrlr
m81114r, rom"l'yiog to them eertain powers litdlicirot to
t'tJm>borau> their rlaia. to be rott'iYed u rt"pre-
IK'ntatms of Seiodla. but iDIIUtliC'ient to justify
lirltlllh commander In e.-co opt'ning a
Unable to treat for a jlllftee, the mkecl!t pro)J(Jie<l a
cemporary of arDl8, aud t.bil - aeeedt.od
tn on C'Ondition that Sdndia with llil -r lhoald
t'llter Bemr twenty co. to die 11 hnotd of Ellic!h-
l'"ro arul keop, at all &ime1, ai tbat dill I-&am Drltilti &rDopL Oa the part of &India, I& -
d fed CW tile e tioo of anna llhoald exteod
to IRtll bat tn t.bil Gmeral Wellesley rd'aM!cl
to _..t. The mle," Mi<l General W clleeley,
" not tp l'OO.'!t' hOKtilltics till J><'IICC be conclud,,.J, is
a guod one in gNwmJ."t His cllltf reason for ccm-
thnt n. clc,intion from it would, in thls cruoo..
t,., t ... , ... flcial, wn-, thnt if b(l6tilit j,,. continued unio-
t<'rrnptl"lly. Scinolia would probably em bona. tbr
oontemplated opcratione of Colonel StewDBOn, while
too Englieb would be unable to do any tWng ttftoc-
tually apilllt Scindla. the anny with him in the lie1ld
beinll" comJIC*!d l'Dtirt'ly of bOIIM', to fuDow whit'b
mulol draw tbe 1-:0it"lisb force too far &om ""''rc.."'
uf nod pr..vrut its being dirtctcd agnin.qt the
Hnjnh ur Bemr. Colonel Wll8 J'rll!IILring to
attatk Gawilghur, ithin tht territom of the lu&-
awucd chief. auol the fall of that P'- ..,.. ,....ted
About forty ...a...
t Lotkf "' 23rd N..--, 11103.
c ......
A.D JlOOl.
lllS'WilY OF TUJ:
u of great importanct>. An irruption of till' enemy
into Guen.t. which 1I'1U but weakly \\ith
tbc means of dcf('net, Willi al..o npprdJendl'<l, ruul to
avert this wos one of tho ohjcets of the Dritillh !."-'"'"'
ral in concluding tho truce: nnotber wnA, tu tlli'('t
a tlivilrion between S<'ln<lia an<l the Rnjnh of Hlmr,
who Willi not inrludod in it. The agctA 1''"-
.,..,.00 that it hou!J extend to the fni'OO! nf
but the inoltp('Jldent]y of it, interfer-
ing \\itb one main nbj<>el of the Briti>h
tlw.t of sepnmting thl' intcn:ots of the conf .. ltrult,
not have fnilorl to be rejrotcd. Th!' ngnt
or Scindia lmd no JlflWCN to trent for the ltujnh uf
&rnr, and c<Jn<equcntly he tould not be bnun<l loy
llll.f mpulntioos which th<y migbt mnko on hill lk-
bnlf. He might IUIVI' npuoliatcd them on tiiC' ul'lli-
nary priodpJCli of n'M<ln ano) ami "ithnut
any DL>ces!!ity for re-orting to the conTcni,nt n'-
loODree" of 'lahrattn morality.
Coloncl Stevenson, baYing equipped his 111
A!l!ieergbur for the of Onwilgbur, mnrchl to
nnlllipoor, wbcro bo WIIS join<'CJ by the convoy which
Uti' &jlih of Bcrar hnd in vnin attempbl to rot
oR'. To support &nd conr operations, Ocnrral
W !'!lesley tbc ghnots by Itojoora 1011 the
2;;th uf At Partcrly we,< a fnJTC 11('-
to the of IIJld commnnciC<I by
hill bmthPr, llanO<l it compri!;<.od. togttbl'f
with 11 body of cnvnlry, 11 ll'l'l'llt prut. if unt tbtl
\\hole, of the R4i11h'H infnntry, nnd 11 lo.rgto
tiou uf artillery Sciurlia'
uamsu EXPU&E IS n.-na. 347
loy Geucral w clJL.,Iey'a (I) this r .. rce, and
uutrcntod lltnt it might not be ottnok1tl. I lis
answrr W1l<\ there wa. no "11.f'CII."" of e.rtm
with tho Tt4jah nf &mr: and to thi communica-
tion bl' appcndctl IIIlllther, trobably mort' Wlf.'X
1"-'t'lctl, that there wns none with Scimlil\ till he
tluonld comply mlh the tenu of the I,.<Tf"('(!1Jitnt.
The Jtr<wi.iou that Rcin<lin should occupy a poo;itinu
twenty ross to the nf bad not !xoen
I'Ompli1>d wilh. thnt chief bting enmmpt>cl at Ser-
ruOOJ, 11Lout four from thl' fort'<' uutk>r Manoo
1'14ppoo. That 5<-india houJd confom1 to nny obli-
l!lltion except .., far as it apr-re-I to a prc-
flt'Dl pui"J"*' wa.., indo.'t'd, not to be expected. l lill
rouduct, had redut't.'d lite nm1i.tire to that which
Mnhrntta may, for tbt> mrn;l pn.rt., be
oon:;idcred-n idh nnd pil-cc of writing,
"ithout force and wiihclllt vlllne. Genon1l WCll-
k"'ley nccompo.nied his notice of broach 11f
C'ngngrmen! by a tltnt he nttlwk:
thl' entnieA of tho Company wbcrcv& hu sh.,u!tl
Hml them, anti 5<-india WM to be nc
counttd n11t mcnly os nn but 1111 uno I'D
gn,::ed in active
At Ptuterly Gcntrlll W Willi joined by the
tlhision unrlr Colonel 8teYClll!(!IJ. Shortly aft.1r
their o.rriml pu.rtil!!l of tbc hon.e tl('pt.!IU'\.1.
"itb which the :lfJ<ol'l'all caYall') during
J>llrt of the dny. Oo General Well.,. ley
tu puh forwanl th1 pir1nctb of thi! infantry to UI>-
Irl thu M)oUI"C".lll be )"'rt"t!iYtla lung lin,
c '" 1'.
;t\ Ill.
mmrn uF n!E
vf infantry. tavalry. nntl ortillcry. n'gtllarly <lnt\\ n IIJ'
on the tloiDII uf .lrguum, obuut ix ruik.,. from th<
Jlaro wbLre lw luvl intl'lllh>cl to euMiliiJ>. I t \\llll
lal tbu <lay had b<'t'n intu.<ely hot, nnd thll l\ritilt
lu\11 mlll'tlhc .. l n lonA' tli>truwe: but, uoLwithtonliug
tb""' General W l'lll">'l<r n,'i!Oinl not
to IOtie tho <lJ>JI"rlunity "hicb iu,clf, tlll<l
lw N'conlingly omrdwd fui'WIInl tn nttn<'k. Thl
:tthnnce wns mndt! in u inglc <'oluruu. in o olin.oc-
tiun ncorly pnmllt'l to tlmt of I bu emmy' line, the
llritU.h lc:uling. Tltl re:tr nnl J.,ft "'<!rc
<.'<1\l'rOO by nuthe rnnlry.
Tltl! ', in.liuury anl jtUO '"'tu on tho left
ur thoir <'CIIIrt, nnol un tlw left nf thc.;e wns n
uf _-a,alry. ann), cun .. i .. tiug uf 'ery
bNl\)' IJ1Hly of 1.'6\nlry, wn" nn tlu. nnd In iL
right 'lriUI o bocly of jitularic.. nnl other light tn"'l'"
Tlw line cxtA>ndl'll about lino wiJC!I. bovinA"
in n.01r tbc illagc nf Argnutn. "ith cxtLnivl'
gnnlcn" nrul In it. front W& a plnin,
but con:oidcrnhly intLrsecll'tl l1y \\llll.'r-coullib
\ tho Briti.b lll'IIIY IIJtronclll'd thr enemy it \\81
fonned into Lwu linL'll, th!' ini:LUlry in th<: fir-t, the
toaairy in thu -.,cvutl, U11' right, "hich
WWI nuhor nolvnn<'l'<l, to ''" tho 1.'Utmy's ldt
Tbc left ur lhl l.lriti'h h) tht :\l ngul
:nul cnvalt). S.omc dtla) lrH>k. plllC(' from
pnrt the unti\'e infunt ry g.:tting intu nnfnion.
By ""'' of thtose illliXJlil"lblt rtw.i<'>l which !!OOit"-
of whom nwrc will &f'P"'I' Ill tiJe loltn
Cl( lbc W.....,. o( I odia.
DRm5II 1:1ii'Ulk: I)< 34!)
t imt the Jx.._t '"""IN .. nne bntmlion"'
which luultmineutly tbcmoelves At tht
lmtlle uf A;..<)<'. were,.., by tbl'
f11r infcrior ns it wn;; to whtt lluy hn!l prenoualy
trwounhnl, thut they broke nml f!'ll into t'onfusion.
llnppily, tlu Wll8 nt uo gn'llt clit:mce, anol
tlot pn!$<n<'C of him who hnl '"' Intel) led them tu
\lrtury hrnu)!ht them hnck tu their duty. The
wl"'l" thtn nthanct..I in tire hcsl ortl.,r.
Thl' toonftirt wn.< not J,y any 11 th"""
vid,itutlc "hich lend inttn>il tu tht liAITiltivc of
'Itch <'1'1'1118, wlll'n ,;ctory lu huvl'r betwear
tho cumbntunt. The bnttlu wn but
lhom tbn rnrurwnt when the ltmtumry rnnfirooirlll in
pnrt. nf tht flritih Line Wall tliJK'IItl. the result wa>o
out for an itltllnt doubtful. 'l'lu Kiug'7Gth and t'-tb
regiment>< wt>rc fiercely lltlnckccl hy " large botly of
Ptroinn truors. nnrl the latter wen de:.tmye.l.
Sciodin\ t'nmll') mntlr n dmr11' ron tlw fir.:t l;:at-
tnlion of thl' 6th regiment; but ''-'J'DL"<'<l ";tlr
gnnt thP wholt lint uf t!H' enemy gnw
\Ill]. nutl lhol in the utmo-;t olil"trrltr, nl.wdoning tu
tbt 'iC'Iur>i rlolrty_,..ight pil't'o'" ,.r I'Rnn .. n nnl nil
tlwir tllnntunitiun. TbPy wen pnnncL nnd gr<'llt
numhr."" 1>f the fn!!iti<c-- ol..,.tmyeol. The ciO-<
lb< clnJ -omc nd\:Uttag<' In tlu tl) in)!, but th<
light uf thl' moon W:l$ !'Ulliricnl to the JUr-
trutN ln ntlol tn thl'ir mptu""' mony elc-
nnrl nuol R l'ttllicltmhlt rtunntity nf
lnl(k'tll!t'. 'l'h<' lo ot' th1 Engllh in killtd anti
"'>lltnthol nmuunh'l tu lnonlnl nncl liorty...,ix
CIH r.
R" P.
A. D. 1!103.
The enemy suOi.>red clreadfully. anl C.enl'ml W el-
l.,.IPJ dodart'tl hb> lxlif tlult.. with one boar m1m.
uf daylight, 110t n. man would haw l'"''nJ'('tl.
Alter thl8 victory, Gom!'ncl W ell lcy cle-
l('rntined to pi'0'\.'<1 to the ic'l:"' of Gawilj:lmr.
Bntb clininM of tho army acl'Orrlingly marrlll'd un
t hi' 5th uf lleccmoor, Mel a.rrhucl at Ellichpol'(> on
the saiiU' tln.y : here they hlillet.l nn tbl' 6tb, tu pro-
'icle an hllbtital for the wonnlt'<l.
C'TS.wilgbur is thus clllbCl'ilx>d by Gt!!wrnl Wei-
J,...Jc:>y:-" The fort nf Gnwilgbur i tdtuall!d nat a
nf mnantains tho E<Ul'I'CI' of tlw riwn1
POOlUl anl Tn('tOO. It 6tand em n lofty mnuntain
in tl1is rnng, nud of one compk-te innrr fort.
which to the !I<IUih, where the rock ia most
1teep. and 1111 outer furt, which Cll\1'r- the inul'r tel the
nnd north. Tbe ont<l' fort hns n third
wall. wbich coven; thl' nppro!ICU 111 it from the north
by tbe ,.illlllt!' of Laboda. A II tbl'l!e 'mil are
ltrongly built. and fortified by'nrts nnd tuwt!l&-
'l'ho communicntious '' ilh tbe fort nrc th.roul{h three
gat<'s: Olll' lu the !!DUtil with the inner fort; one to
I be uortb-\1 est mtb the ourer fort; and Ollll tu the
nrorth mtb the third \Hlll. Thu Jll'('COt to the ft.,;t it
V(ry loug ruul stwp, ruul is pmctitnhle oul) for men ;
that to tho "''Cowl i b) a for tho
communil'at iun.q uflll!' l!:lll'ri......,u "ith the I'OIIDtrii'l to
the southwnrd; but tho road pn""'"' rouncl tho
ide of tbc:> fort. :ml is for a gn.oat ditaDte
tu fire : it b OCI Ulii'TQW as to make it hn('I'K"
tkahlt> to npJlllftch "'l!nwly t.y it. ond thl' roek if
BliiTISU !:XPIIU! L" lSilU. :J.>l
on C<trh qde. Tbi road ah;o lcruJs no fur-
lhr thlllt the gate. The communication with tho
nortlll'nt gnte is direet from the villnge of Lnbadn,
nnd luro thu ground is luvcl with that of the fort:
but tho rorul to I.n!nuln len It t hrongh the moon-
lnin li>r n.hout thirty from Elliohpore, tWd it
'Will< obviollS tbn.l the tliffilulty nml lalwmr of
rordtwtro atnl store:. to Laoodn would be wry
the erimng a,l!'llinst
Uw llll<t-nll'nriooed route, it "1111 moolved to
ntlopt it, on the ground thnt it Willi the least objee-
tinnnhlu uf tho three, nud tho n!IJUi>ite measun.'8
wl'ro immetliat!'ly taken. Two detnchmeots '!\'Oro
matll',-<me to drhe the f.'ncmy from the ground
which they occupied to the I!Outhwml of the fort:
the other to oeize tho forti61.od ,;J.bge of Damcr-
gaum. covering the eotmnce to the moont3i,o, which
were to oo ttbSC<I in tho way to l.abndn.. These
dctacbmcnts succecd(.'fi in tJCrformiog the sernces
on wbid1 tltey Wl!l'll rC8t1eethuly tlipntclu.od.
Uu thl1 7th of Deeemhcr bntb d!vL;Jons of the A.D.lloo:J.
arruy rnnrclwtl from Ellichporc; Colonel Stc\"l'DSOD
iuto tho mnnntains by HAml'rgnum, nod Gt-ncral
W dlc<J,y to...-anb the f.u'tl of the fort of
G:r" ilghur. From that day till tbe 12th, when
Colonel broke gt"lWld nCIIJ' Labada, the
tr""l'" in his divi<ion went through n ...,ri<" of cx-
llnutiu/{ not unpreet'<lcutt,.J in Indian wt\1'-
fill'l.', hut rnnly p:trnllelcd dbtwlwro. Tlr bea''Y
unln:1Ut'1! null Wt'l't! ol hy luuul over
mouutnin nnd tlll'ough m,incs fur nt'llrly the whole
dj,otnnl't' h:ul tn IJ< p:L-eit, 111111 thi h} TtiUI
whkh it wa previou-ly II"Cl'-"3.11 fur the troops tu
COUI!Irnrt for thocru:;dw. .\t night, "'' the l:!tb,
Coloml Steven>-011 orr('tcl twn 1Jatll'rit'8 iu front nf
thu north fnro nf the furl; ono, cumiting of 1\w
iron ,.jghtecn-pounolcr< ntool thrt-t irun
J"lllllflcn., to tloo uutel' furt nnl third wall;
the ollwr, uf l\\u IJI':U'
nod l\\11 fhe-iucb ho11 to rltar row! de<tn>)
tbc oltfcnce on till' point of ultcCC'k. On lhu
!':mw night tho troop nr Gcoerttl \\' dltley' dhi-
iuu cunstntrtecl 11 hntttry on R mmnt du
the !'<>Uihcnt gate. T"n fmo" '"'1'1:
here noouuted-hm iron ont-. "''1'1: tn lmve bc<:on
:ulolt<l, bnt no uf till' II'O<!J"' tlll'lll
intn thoir pluct,;,
Ail tlac batteril."! OJI('neol their fire nu tho morning
of tlac J:ltlt, and on tlw 14th, nt night, the hn'llchco
in thu of tbl' nutor fort Th<'
party olttinoo for lht mnil1 frnm the mrth
WI!.\< lcl hy Lirotennut Colonel Kenny, nuol, trlolhcrt
the t'DClll)' attention, two1nrtru:k, \\CI'C uuul" from
tbc >onthwnrd hy troops fmm Guwral W c!Jt-,olcfe
olimi<m, .. J hy Licut=t Culnll \Y nUBt't'
nnol Li<nlcmmt Chnlntcr><. A bout t<n in
the mrm1lng llie titre J'nrlie>; nrlmnctrl, nml nCilrl.Y
The oJo.tachment twler Coloucl
Chn.lrnc,. nrriTeol at the north-wo'llt gate nt the mo-
m<llt "hou thto I'll(' Ill) wcru noltnvnuring to eflCI!Jii'
thnmgh it from the .. r tIll' II"'!Uilnnts uutl<r
Ct>Jon .. J Kenny. Thill> fur, tbl'refnn, tbc aU.'lCk hnd
l'lllirdy 'IUCC<.'l'Cicd; but tlw \\RII oft hr. illllf'r fort, in
which no bn:ncb hrul l>el'll mn<ll, wllti tn be
curried. A ftcr some ntt<'mpt upon the gnte of
ccmmnmicntion ootwecn tbo inner nne! nutcr fort. n
plttrt' wn. funnel nt which it wrut dC)(nwtl pmcticnhlc
I!> l'llenlnclP. L:ldders were IJrough t, Icy "bkh Cap-
tain Cantphdl ancl the light infantry of Ute King'"
!'14th n....,cmckod : by them tbP gaw" '1\"t>l'C opened tu
the party, nnd the furt wu in the Britbh
1;.-""""''ion. This acquisition wn made with com-
pnrntinly IIIJilllllOAA. During lice:> il'g< nml o;torm.
th<' total amount wns one hccudrl"l nnd twenty-E<i:t
kllll'll ancl wounded. Tlw wus nmnerous
nrul \HII nnnccl: \'liSt numbcN of them were
ldlkd, pnrtirubrly at the diO'encct j(&lCO. Much
ordoanec nnd mnny stnnd of I>ni(lih IU'IIIS were
fnuml within tht> fort. The lcillrvlar wns a Rajpoot
of lmirwnt but whose juclgnllnt SC<'lns to
hn,!' ht'Cil so greatly inferior to his cour:rge tbnt hi'
lrntllK'CII rumble to fr.une nny n.gulor pion fnr tlr-
fttccling llu inner wnll. lit wsu; nidtcl by nnotbtr
lwjl""'t. lll-ni l'iugb, boll nntl intnpi.t ru1 him.elf:
lut tht lrrnvcry of the lt'alc:P ''"'"' nut >etm to ba\1'
llt'<n hare.l by tba:.e whom tbty l'l>tnrni\D!It..L Littll'
of thl'ir 'l'irit Wlb di>plnyro hy thl' s:&rri'\Oll. 'fhl' two
lujpoot runiiiiiUltlet"' npf'('tlr to haw c'<onioll'rcd the:
fall of tht pii\Ct> 118 ine,-itabl<', nnd to lutve
nul to "llrvin tht' Ci'WDL Tlwir IH>clil' wcre fuund
lllllnlljl' II htfiJI rcf fain; II IIICITI' ft:trfuf c,-idence
\'(11. Ill.
C II A r.
X\ Ill.
of the dcllnnined in wl.ith tbl)' hnd nrt<'tl
'119 :LII'onlcd b) tlill lis<-m-ery, I hat. in Nnfcormity
with the f1'<'1ing of tlwir country, they hntl
their wh't"' nnd dnughtcl'!' to L.rntn!l hnrcl'l in the
fate whirl they st"<>nhol to cvGdc for theii!S('h'e!'.
But the tnk bad bt'<n imrcrtt ... tl) A
few of tho women wcru dtntl : tho n'!lt,
whmn luul rcccilcol llt'Teral '"'un.b, tmn iw.l to
affinl cxrofl'i"' to the hunmno frelinl!'!! of thr ron
ljllri'OJ'!O. Jt is "<'3Tt'cly nccef,.,_'lf}' l<l ruld, that (}enc-
ml Welle>olty directl.'ll nll attention nwl rCI<p<'Ct to
b<> Fhewn them.
The bnttln nf Argnum and thl' t'llpturc r"'wil-
imprt"OO the Nmfedcmto \dlh a
lll'n<oe of th!' ntce::sity hf IJnirkening their <'nd'llvnlll'!l,
In l;('cure to tht!lll>('he,., rome JHrtion of t.-rritory
and f.OJIIC ltj.,''l't'(' of l"wcr. Bcfon the (l{'currcu'<'
nf the lnttcr event, the Unjllh nf Berar hot! dil!-
('ntcltcd 111.kl!('b to tltc of General Wl'lfc.,Jey,
anl on tho 17th of Dl'CI!IDber a "'JIImltf' nl
J>t'!IC<' witl1 thot eonclllllcd. Dy thi treaty
tl1e ccdt'cl the f><'I'J'Clunl B<I\CI'l>ignty of tho pro-
,;noe of Cuttack, including tho fort anr! r!i.ortrict of
llalnsorc, to the Company and thcir alli('jl. The
h1ttt>r were not, and W d]l.,ILy, io
tmn.cmittin:r U1c treaty tu the gmcmor.,cnl'ral, ob-
.-r, ed : " Tl10 rea.-on! fnr nmitting tnllll.IDe the alliel
in the treaty, and to cngnge t.hnt th<"y shall ratify it.
.,., cliacooey or u..e ft..W.. io rdatm iD a joumal ol Sir
Jupor N"ICOI!t. quoe.d iD tile WciiiDpa
llRITISll l:lO'IIlE L'l L" DIA. 355
will ll('<'(lmc '<Uffieicntly olmous when the clta:nu:U>r
o.nd of the gol'Crlllll<'nt of thCS() allies nre
rt't'nllL'Clt'<l. It will remain with yunr cxccll('Jlcy,"
lit l'Oulinucrl, to gi\c ordN'!IIIll you mnythink
1ropcr to the rcsiiJ(UltB nt tbt' d illt,rcnt durllnr!!, to
oltaiu the n.cnt of the llllics to tho trenry, but 1
slwnlol illlnginc that tb" Rajah of lltrur "ill he satb-
tictl 'ritb yonr excellency's rntifit'lllinn." In truth.
tlJ<'n> "I!! nc.t, JIDd nm-er bNn, a prinre in India
who would not feel more t'<mficlcncc in the simple
of tbto brod of tlw !fO'"Cmm.ent than
in !Uc. ffi<l><l 41ltmn .o;(!CDTitieH or any oative SOYC
nigu wit hin tbu conntry. Tlw gtnurul terms in
whieh till' rt$11illiUI were ronde wtrc accounted
for l.y Gt'mrnl '\' ellesley: " Tbe l't ions under the
treaty 11n1 made to the British guvcnunent and its
:t.llic,.., and I hove drawn it in this mnnner in order
that your cxcd1cncy mny ba>"e liD opportunity of
of tll!!m heren.ftcr, in bUCh IDIIDDCr as yon
may think pr.:tJCr." Dcsides the ubo,c men-
timtcll, lbt Tlojob of Bernr nll claims on
ohl of tho Nb:am, t hc rcvvnues of
which hwl for Silrnc time been colkocted by the two
prince in ,oriou. proportion.. .\t fi.r;t tbe Rajah re-
only a fifth: the encroaching !'pirit of Mahratta
policy 1110n increased bi, "bare to a fourth. It tben
became half, by trt>aty, and lalll'rl)" four-fifths. by
CSBction nod 'iolence. By the trc:1ty partition,
l\ith tcndeneyto throw lbe wboli into the bantls
of lht prince, camt to nn (nd, and lbc
frc>11ticr of I h(' N"i21Ull wo.s rnrricd forward to t1lc
X\ Ul.

IIISTOR Y 01' Til F.
W un14 rivt'r. The minitt'r<; of tilt! mjab wore olt'-
of itll!l'Ttiun of nn nrtiole ronfinnin;.: all
grant.! a1111 trvntil!!' mnolu bert'tof<Jrt> hy the Niznm nnol
the Pei!.h w11; but Geneml W ell<hr objcetllthat he
('Oilld Ml coii5Cl11 tn ('nofirm that nf which bo bad
no knowleol(!('. In place of IIUcb confimlnlion, ht>
propOI'<'tl tlu mcdiatiun and nrhitrntion of the Dri-
tih, nnol a claim upon iu justice, u the ht.!t
that the Rajah <'Oulol hnw for hi8 nt><o the
other pnwl'rs; nnd the propognl lt<'ing IU'N'pt('<), nn
rtrtit'](' \\'111; hinoliug tbl! Company's gmcru-
mtnt to thr tli-clw;:t> of the requisite clutiCII. The
tt>mmeut of Geu!'r:tl Wellesley up..n this part of tho
nogotintion i4 full of inslntctinn. " It Ofll'l'nrs to
mr, ..ays h<>, u nn important pnintgnined,IUJcl highly
lmnoumlola to tho of th!' guvl'm-
ment, tlmt l'ven its arc "illing to nprl('al to
it'< justice ngninst lhl' dcmnml nf its nlliC>l." To nn
article binding the llnjnh DI!TI'r to lake nr nt.ain in
hi nny Frcnthmnn. or buhjN"t of nny Euro-
pean or Amcricnn gtJvl'rnment nt wnr with the
English, or ouy Briti.b subject, whether Eurnpeao
or Indian, without tbt' Mnsent ofthl' Dritbh govern-
mrnt, uo ohjrction wns ollbed by his minitcrs; but
" claw;(> wa>< noided, nt th(' &jnh's request. by whit'b
the ComptUly engaged not to aid or tt>untcrtan(8
nny of hb cli;conteut('<) rclotion, rnjobs. umin.W..
or subjet'l, who migl1t lly from, or rebel ngninJ>t, his
nnthority. A nrtit'll'. rroricling that -
<'rt'<lite<I mini-tel" fnm r,;uoh goycmmeot llhoaW
,..,.ide at thl' Mtrt nf tlu nthl'r, 1118111\llmittt>d by the
Hll]n.lo'ij ministers 1\'llh facility, l>ul """
the of oomc difficulty. Tht gowrn-
rncol bad c:ooduded tnmtieg .. ;tb minor chicf-
tllio..., fcudatoru"' of the Uajah. The article in que--
tion required that tlwc treaties slmnld oo conJimwtl,
tuul It wwo provitltd tbnt lists of the pnrti(s "ith
\\bum treatieo lttlll been made bould be given tu
tho Rajah, "ben that with him.o;elf be ratified
by tht govemor-gcucml. Tha Rajah' mUW.ter ob-
jt-etud that, aflt>r the cL'IISiOD!I wWrb bill luul
mud!' loy former urticleo of tho ln'Bly, he had ll4l
l<'rritory left wltit'b ltc might not w bound to ght
up loy Yirtuc of the article undl!l' C<>oNcll'ration. Tlw
atllltr or GPnl'ra.l "'cl.le;;ley dccwve. Tbc
Rajah' mini.>wr """' told that tluJ article wns huli>+-
JWn><nble, !llld t'ould not lJe given up; but it \IIIli
added, tbat the government would not bavu
cou-.:nted to cnnclUilc a treaty of peace with the
ll.ajah had it dt"<ired the del;trucloon of W tatr.
Tht 1trliclc, it wM n(lt inteudttl tn
RJIJ>Iy to more thuu were nb!oolntcly Dlll:C>-'IU')'
to Jlrt."'<'rve grood faith of the Hritih govi.'lllWtut,
anrl it was tall'<l tlll\1 it Fhould oo appli<'<l to nu otiJ<'r.
The satilfi1'<l, nut! the artirlo
"ll>i otlmitted. lly nu nrtide immrtlintely follfl" ing
Llmt "hit:h bntl lk'l'JL'ioned the nbovc uo-
ticc<l. tbellnjah ngreetl to bimo;clf from till'
l'<lllfl.Ucrury fom1cd by Scindin a11d other Mahratlll
again.>t lin C<>mpany. Tli., likt the pn'('(..!
irog nrtitl,, \\JL" n llf i<lmo rlillitnltj-o<>t that
it \In In h) thl' Hnjnh, hut lht Rriti,Jo Cfllll
X \'Ill,
llltiTOIU UP TH&
IDlUlder demruull'<l n h"'tngt> for its due J>l.'rfi.nnnncc.
Tbe aru;1rer of the l{njab',. \1\kt)t'l wn.., thnt hi
ter would S('Ril whomoue,cr the Eoglih gcnlml
pleased-with cortnin oxccloliolll!--tbO>O
tdending to the only J>Cr>'OIIR whose pru;.l'lll'!o in tltu
Englioh camp ,.nulcl he of tbo lenst nine tl a
M'curity, the hnother. I!OD. or nephew, of the Jtnjah
Fe-aring thnt thi' puiul would he oon('()<ilod, and
that the trenty, which it \Oil! C'f.'l'!Aiulptry dl'8imble
to the Britib govcn1mcnt to obt:Un, might JCO oil'
ou the que>tion, Gt.'tll'rnl 'V ellesley n .. soJn.,J not to
persist in dcruontling n The Int
The Marqui.o Wdi .. Jey, in primtc letter to (ltao-
nl Welleley o. few claya oul""'!ueatly to the oonoluiun of lho
lrt'lty (of which be wu not awvo), directed ._ta;;eo to be ro-
quiml, tho J'O"'ihility of the two prindpAI eoof<drr.
ala being b<loaga for thoir .,.,. sood roadDct. Tho ltttn bu DO
p..blie mtcRst, bvt it ia ao harM' pocimen oi.,Utolary ooml'*"
ball. and ia wir.hal 10 briof, that ill inaortion CIJDlot fail to gift
pleuuro to the roadn. It bu all tl eue, vigow, and 'lrti.-
wbich mark C&re'a familior lottc:ro, with ( .. migbt be: ospoctool
from the ou]X'rior admn"'B,. of ito writer) grcnter oorrootnrta ..,..
elcgan..,. Such eJI'UJion1 oro oluable u eviden"" of th< tlllllli-
mity which m.inda of high nrdc:r m! ounid circ:umar-
which would bt fclt by inJ'rrior intcll<:o Ol'l'A"hdming. .n.o
lettuwill befuuud in the Doopatclla of :-
.. FM William, 2:lrd 1803.
u llr dear Arthur,-1 r<ctind tbio morning your ru.poldl t1
the 30th ol NOTtmbor, from Patuly, with the an:ouot ol .,-
aignal and moat -..naLio iotory of Argaum. Altlu>ugb I
tire.lyappcvv...U or your armillic:e, o.nd thought it ll m ... t
m'""""' I oon(cu tbat I l>rtfrr your victory to your ormillioot
o.nd I think )'Qur blot bllttJe mu.t baye mooved OTefT obotaelo II
and W:ilitatod <To1')' """'DlJIIOdotiou wbio.'b <SD ...,.r;e the clwuwa or anucable llllerrouno.
to the Fnti,factory or the wa.;
tho n;>tnohd. and the agninst thu Bri-
t[...h gon-mmcnt mlB tlcprhll of 0.11 important limb.
Tho trcnty Will! duly by tho RtlJnh of llcmr,
nml hy the govcmor-gf'ltt:ml.
Tht S<'<t.,;sion of the Rnjnh of Jkro.r probably rle-
tcnnhu'<l Sciuclin to ]l('fiC'II with more eame>t-
nt 1111d sincerity than lu. hnl hl'f\lolin-e
Je!lwant Hao Gh!m!pnray nncl :\aruo Punt had re-
mnint<l in the British l'llmp. wul on the 23nl of
Dt:rcmbc.r they were jCliDL'<I tlwru hy two of Scintlia'
nnmed Eitul Punt nnclllnvul Nyu, with thu
ch-clared olticct of concluding A Jl'llct. Tlw ordinary
coui'!IO of Mnhrattu .Uplomlll'y might, however, hnvu
Lc<n ]llln.ued, but for tho extraordinary decision of
Gl'IICrnl w cllc,.lcy; o.nd the or his fii1Jllll$, was,
that on the 30th a tre&ty \\115 oigned, which, like
that with the Rajnh of Bemr, was declared to be with
" I haYO oot ,..t cli!c<m:ml .,.b<thn the battloo wu ocaWOildl
by a mptm or the uuce on tho lllU't ul tkihdla, or by Scind.ia.
n-ru...l to lfl'lUll to blo ...mi. the powt" which you llllKI pro-
J"'rly """' nquiMI far tho 1"''1"*' of foundrug th< bou<ia of the
Qrgol1tW.ln oo the ad.miuinn of i\ rtlc:hUou oi a part of' o-ur con
'!"""'" or by Sciudia'o ,....w....,.-.1 of bio o9Unl of J<>'ll"1Ull Rao
Gorq1tu-ay. 011 by u accidntl t"eDtOatre u(lhc U"'D.ief. bef'ore lbo
tt= bad rommawwl, .. by trcvbcrouo brlwotn
N:i!ldio Uld ILc Rajah of Bav. Bot, rid, a battle !o
a pro&t with tloe aalioe p<rft10.
"(a lnf ttUa! or lmoty. ynn mat DOW n-qllin! bomgcs r,_
Scurdia't or llagojee' [Rajah of llt r.r'o) family, at- Lord
C'omnlli principle in li02. 1r yuu lwul.t hllpJI"D to llllr
tlot l"'"'ono of ScindiJl or 1\lrgoj<'<', yuu will I>C:Jld thrm witb "''
,J lw1wur w Fort Willirun ru with m'-" nod
tu he tf1tir owo for it.i du.e c,cuwm.:
Cll\ P.
X\ Ill.
.\.D. 11143
CR.\ P.
Lim Company a.rul ill! allie', tbt b.tter not IJ\'ing
named, awl tht> to be maclt to the
plowers !,'1'11\ll'lllly. Those cessions ull the
turritcrieo; north of tbu of the ThUal"' of
JCYJ>Ore ancl Joudpon, and the Rana nf ()obud,
with the of certain l"'rgunnahl tun<ti-
dtn:d the private property of Sehulia's bow;c. 'l'be
jnghire lands of the o hi family, awl thlli!C n
10me of his l"'""rful minilerl! and irdan. "''"'' to
romnin in thuir under tl1o prott-ctiuu of
tllo Britihb goverument; nod otbersirdtu'!l in &iodin's
weru to t.e Jro ided for by l"'lhloru; or jag-
Wn.q, e"Ubjc<'L to a pro,Non fixing a limit tu the
total amount Lo he LhuH applied. Gcnernl Wellt!olty,
in <'ODlDlunirating tbi. Arl'IIDgentent. to the gmcrtllor-
gt:ncral, U1w. a...,.jglll! hit J"eliSOill' for roll><:nting to
it: It woultl luwe lx'()n impo,<ihlt to armngl U1i
gnnt et!Shlon, in the olisturbed statt of Seimliu's go-
wnlDlent.. undl.'r all tbt rireunJ-IJWet: 11f hi.., mb-
fortum.-s in the war. and of tlw great diminution of
military power ttml rrpntutiun in cowp:tri"lln
with tlw.t of rivnl llolknr, without deto:nnioing
to provide, in !oOIDe degree. for thOoool who reaped
buncfit.s from the revenue of tho <'!'ded lorrituriL-..,
or lilt my mjud to tbrow inttJ llullmr's
hnnL-. nnl tn add to bbi ann,., nil the s:irdnl'll and
tm.JJI!! who !Jad been by Lhu reooul'<'{"' of
tho:,c couotrk .. , who must ho.'l'u lx:cn forthwith dill-
from "-'l'Yice, and mll!ot hau ''"'k....I
tu Uolkar for proteNiun nnd futuro empln}'TIIeDt.
I l'lu>-c t!Jc furmer. whih I think m""t cuntistcnt
with your excellency's policy; nod it nppen:rs that,
avoiding the cnl of innrelll!ing the numbers
of tho followers of tlte only freebooter that remains
in Indin, it tends to estnblish nn influence in
Scintlin's durbar, which must guide its mensure!' in
n great degnm, even if Scindin !!hould omjt to unite
lrlmnelf more closely with the CompMy, a.ud must
tend greatly to facilitate nil the objects of the British
go,emmenL in his tlurOO.r, if be t;hould agree to the
terms of the geucrul defensive alliMce."
Besides the districta already described, Scindin
agreed to give up, in JICtf'etnuJ so-vereignty, the forts
of ami Ahmeduuggur, a.ud the territorii'S
depending upon, except so rouch of the terri-
tory deJJendent on tho lntter WI fonlll.'fl Jllllt of his
tinnily property; but into the lnnd thus reserved to
hlm be \>liS never to introduce lUI)' lTilOps to colleut
revenue, or under pretence whatever. Further,
Sciudia renounced for ever all cbirus of every de-
I!Ctiption upon the British goverllllli!l1t and their
nllies, the Nlzam, the l'eishwot, nod the Gnicowar ;
he tu coufinn the treaties concluded by the
British gmcrnruent with the mjnhs and others pre-
viulll!ly hit; feudatorjes ; to admjt the rights of tbu
Peisbwa to certain lands in Malwa ns formerly
exi!Jting, and, in <.'USe of difflll'Wlce, to submit to thu
arbitrntiou of the Compnny: to relinqnish all
upou the emperor, nod nbstniu from all inte?ferencc
in hi!; nlf11irs. Tho provision, uxrlu1liug
from ScintUn's servicu Frenubmen nnd otb()r fo-
rcignen>, was tlw Sllllle 11!1 Lhnl in the treaty "ith
CRA !'.

the Rajah of Berar. ACM'Cdited from the
two .tates were to b. rociJitol'lllly .. ). Sduolu
w .. to be admitted, if htl tbl>f'<, to tho gt'OCntl
fe01ivo llllianro b<Jbiting between tlw Cmntru>y
and it1 llllies; and in tlw Lwcnt of his con-.uting
within two to btoeomo a pnrty to it, tho
Company engaged to fumii!h a force, for the clcfcuro
of biB territorii'S, of &ix of infantry. "ith
their complement of onlnance and lll'lill<'ry, anl
uulll lmt 1111 pt-cuniary payment or
fnrthor territurial l!l'for.iun uaq to be ma.le on
nccnunt; the expense uf tho furce was to be tltfrayttl
out orthc revenue of tholnnd corled by otbf.'r nrticll"!!
of tho treaty. If Sdnolia olleline to lwrclhln
a party to the gcueml rl.,fcru.ive llllinnro nntl n.'-
t't'iYe 11 fnrec, tloc l"''fu,aa wa.. not tu allhct
any uther stipulation of tloo treaty. Tbe cxlmttion
of Scin<lia from any atlrlitionlll cluuge on aA:count of
lb<' British, sbo11ltl bo cenS<'ut to n.'Ccim such n I'"'"
tt>ction, mill one of tho mot cxtrnordinary, hut, nt
the same timt>, one of tim moat jndicioua points of
nrrnngl!ment exhibited in tbu trenty. The reM<Jna
oJK'rating on the mind of the Briilih ntgotintor,
rutrl tending to its nrloption, are tbw stateol lty him
8Cif in tbu gtn l'mor-gcneral :-" In the
cnurse of this war. Sc:imlia's power. reputation. and
military hn\u llt*n gn_':l.tly dimiul;.bed,
,vJtile his rivnl, Holknr, nf\<r hnTing reco..-en.od the
J>tll'!ll"ions of his fnmily by hiM trellty of with
&inrlin. remnim with ttnlliminislwd power and ln-
cn!ll!<od reputation. CoJntiiLI'IltiYt>ly with tboee of
DRITH<U ElfPill" II< INVIA. 31J3
Scimlia, power and hi military M<>lllft'l' nro
much greater tbnu they were pre,;oiL ln the wnr;
rmd 1 hnve but little <louht thnt the coniC!<t IJctwut'n
tho"!\ chiefs \\ill be rc\ ivcd. w"ulcl 1Jc 11
mnttcr of but little colb<.'<lllen-a to the Hritihll J:'>-
wmrncnt, if tl1c pnrties wcro equnl in point o(
strength, IUld hhilitit'S, as to remiE'r th
event of the cont!"'l doubtful. Dot llolkD.r is cer-
tllinly, at this moment, !!llpcrinr to Scindia in every
point of view. 1111tl tbu con""<Jucnt'<l of lt'Bnng tht
lntkr to his mOIUIB must be that bo 'ltilJ fa..U an
eJ1Ff prey to Holku; or if he @bonltl cndca,.oor to
avoid the conteot, which [ clc> not think probable,
his govtrnmcnt will, by tlcgn'<'. bet'Onlo depcndtlll
upon that of hi_q ri,&J. Tinder theoe cinntru.tanct.. .. ,
and partit"ularl) I was aW'Ilro of your excellency'
dctcnninotion to support tho J!Cnce, nnd the relntho
in which it shouhl ll'avc tho different
in the mlllll1er in which that bnd l.e.n
e;tabJi,hcd by till' U<'rtise of tbt' forct of tJ1c
lr'''crnmcnt, I thought It l'X('t'tlit'nt to holtl
forth tu Scindill nn option of I""'Omiug a party of
the get1er&l d,fl!nsiTo nllianro; and, u a funh<'r
inducement to blm to ll.ifl"'' tn that tn'llty, to
tlant tho n-.istnnro which AlHJuld be given to him
-ion uu further oliminution of his re,.,._
nne. I \lll:o iodot"C<I to make tli la.t tnga.amadlt
by tho t'Om;ction that Scindia would nnt llgret' tu
the tn'llty of gruwr&l 11-fi:!lll'h!l aUiance, lllt bough biq
mini-h"' proJoooe<l that he unlit him.'<'lf
moro luscly with tho if ho '""'C to
ublig.:cl to pay for the ru.ill;taucu which he .lwu lei
n.-echc, lbnt if bu ,loos ngrcc to that trenty, tlw
of lrulia as far Ill< it can h.: by bwunu
mean. I bnvu every rcnsoo to bclicw. n.lso, th:tt
when SrlndirL hnll wind op hi..latlil.irs at tho en I of
the WlU', he will n.,t l1avo a W..poable clear ruHnuc
sn<'h M tho Britih government would rt'<lttlre to ptY
the Cl<ll<!nse of the force whleh might be givo:u to
lL thuo nppcnrs thnL WIIB to
that Sciudia could nut ba\e ]laid for a ubsiliary
force hlll.l be l.1<:cn diof'O'""od. ami that. if ho bad 1..,_
lle5hctl the powor ,f paying, be have
unwilling to pay. It wus importAnt lo uphold hlm
Jlolkar, nnil to nttach hlm, if JIO>iiJle, to thu
Britih confetlvmcy-80 important, thut "ith 1'\'ft-
reoc:c tu the fact that tbe Engli.b aequirt.>d by tim
treat) large territorial cc.-iuus, 1111d in
of lW' athantng<t, it Willi worth while to tillord to
Scindia the of the Briti.Jt force witlwut
tlemancling more. Such were tho vieWH of Gcncl'tll
W cllt.,.lcy, IUJcl they \\ere jm.tified IJy tbc circwu-
under "'hieh they were formed.
Thl! dny on which tile ucgotintions 11llh Sciutlia
were brought to a termi04tion "aa di.tinguh!hed by
llll event of 11 clifl'ercnL character, but one cai<"U-
Iated to promote the intci'I!Sts of peace lllld unlr.
General Campl,.ll, "ith a fotco
in t.lcf('llCc of tho Niz:uu'ij territorit...., b.nrl been rli-
Letter frnm Welbl<y to 11>c :lOCh
ll<aabcr. !bOO. !:i<-< \\' tlliaj;tOil Dnpatcbco.
patc.-ht'll into the south :\b.hrntiA rountry to rhl'('l.
llf>nll' indication, <lll lht part of tbt' jllg-
hi retllln< lhtre. On 27th of Dceembt'r be re-
Ctiud nt Woodusoory infom1ntinn tllllt ll party of
Mnltrnltn plundl!l'Crs, amounting to obout ten tbou-
hu""-' with !lOme pind11rics no foot, hnd pllSiK'II
the K at tile Dhnro<lr Glmut, anti were pn>C('(-.1-
iog tnurd :\Jodllmool'. Gt'nl'rnl Campbt'U mart'bcd
on llu fnUowiog morning with hi r.anllr1 a11rl
llnnk compnnies lightly equipp<!d, and on the 29th
rcnchcd ,JnJiybnJJ. when a partyuf mlll'llutling
fil'nt to wateh his mntinllll Wl're AUI]<l, nrul their
<'hitf, a ootoriollll plunderer. with >lt'vernl of his offi-
I'CI'8-if they moy ll(l cnlltd-hrought in pri-
511Dt'rs. The leader of tho ntffian foree. of whiclt
Campbell was in IJCllreh, was a mnn DlliDNI
:\laloOJncd Bey Khan : bot nruue bo rcrudi:Ued
as unsuitable to his purpose. That by which he
to l.'llown was Dl1oondi11 Waugh, & naote
"hirb it will bt' recolleetcd was bomc hy a preceding
whNitunr, care.;or Mvctcigut). ns
wl'!lu hi" lift', \\'Crt' nhridgt'<l by GtDI'
ml Wdl< .. lly. Although till' dt'lllh nf Dhoooilia
\\111 a llllltt<r of suJiiticot nntnritty, the new
adnntun:r fnund frnm <'IUtlm credulity a
atlmi-.ion nf hi:. prctcmion9. He WIL. moroo.-er. a
deHllt!C', and exhibit....! that rombiOAtinn nf unoli,._
gui:'t'<l n>bbtl)' nrul avowcJ canNiLy, which. bo'fRnr
rxtrnordinary eL;ewbere, is not Ill' rNnnrk-
nblo in C'nuntrieR whrl'(' though CJ<tcnol-

.\.D. 1803.
ing its contr<>l to :limost every outmml net ''hi<h
men can perfnnn, aspil'Ci' not to the office of puri-
fying the hew;t. At ,J Guuuml Camphell
he:ml tllnt this sniuUy rnbbm' l1nd pitched hi" cnmp
between Doody hull nnd 1\toodianoor, ''ith the iut.en-
tiou of intl!rcepting tlle British convoys llltd eruT)ing
his depredll.tionsbcyomlthe Toomhoddm. The British
commnndrrr thl'J'CUJIOUDULI'Cbed on U1o ooemy on the
ovooing llf tJ1e 2Vth of Deecmber, ond nt four o'clock
on the morni og of l.hc 30th lenrnerl tbnt he WtLq
within ll'ix miles of those whom lw sought, llDtl t.hllt
they were entirely ignorruJt of hili apprQach. At
dn'm of dny be came upon them, nnd }lnshed hi.
cnvnlry into the centre of thoir cnmp with little op-
Jl<lffition. An hour RUIIlced lo destroy part of the
bruld tho sham Dhoondi11 Wnngh hnd collected
nround him, nnd to disperse the TebL Two thou-
snnd of tho enemy were killed, and llJHVu.rds of one
tboW<aud wonncled or mnde prisoners ; the remninder
threw down their llTtDB and Bed. Among tho pri-
soners wns the venernble facquir, who, under bor-
rowed plumes, hncl Jed to the work of plunder nnd
dev(!Stntion. His bmmcr, on the day of his defeat,
was followed by four Frenchmen, who. it li9CmS, in
tho senrcll for military employment, were oppressed
with few semples ns to its chnractor whoo tet;tcd by
the principles of moru.l.ity, or the degree af estimation
in which jt must be regarded by men trnined in
Enrnpelln modet! of thought. One of these, whO!!O
tlrcss nnrl nppolntmfmts seemed indic.'lte him to be
11 pen>u noovo the common rank. wM killed: the rc
nnn1n t:X1'lJt ts JXDIA. 367
mnining thrc by tho b1IJ10f goo;l bon;c nnd
tlwir own wbicb J>nllllptcd tbem tn
ut 1111 early rri<N! uftbe eugagl'lnt'nt. Tho ll!mlt of
the frtebootcrs' loaggul!e and and up\flllds
t1wn81Uld lmllocikho taken. Only two
mtn in thu Eng!Uib force wore 1111d fif'tL'<'II
\\IIIUttll'd. Th!lhwk or tlte King' k3nl,!!: thirty milcs.cMtt up witb tho ranlry,
IUid had their full hare in the nttark upon tbilo bnnle
nf l'lunderer<.
tht ohjt'rl by the gt>Ternor
comprobcnhe plan uf wurfurc wns the
<I('('Upation of DundiC<'und. Thi tlt-.igu Wllll J>n>!!<-
Mik'<l during tho of tloe imJ'ortAnt <>J><'ratiOJ,.
wbirb 114'"" been narrnted, but wa.. uol C\Jtlrdy
murl.,ted until ufur the conrluion of pclll'o \lith
tht: Rnjnb of Heror 1111d Scintlin. The Peishwn lm<l
Nrtain clnima 1111 Bundlocwul, and it "\\1IS Ill! hi lllly
that the En'{ltb, in the lil"'t in,tance, &J'I'CarecJ
th('re. llorc tban -e-elltf l.efore tb(' O('('Ur
renee of tbt traru..'lctions under rone'l', a Jliwloo
Jriol'O of llundftcnntl, Mmt'll Cbitoor Sill, hdng
hanl by o Unjpoot !'1111111)'. l!Olicitcl tim nit!
uf tbc PeLbwa. 1t was pruml'tly gmnteol. and .....
was tbc A(>n-iec ai'J'fi.'Ciated by Chitoor Sill,
thnt be :tdoptccl lht> Pci.bwa 8:1 o tiOn, nod on his
<k'llth left him nn Qqunl sbnru of his with
tw<l ;ons, wbo-t rlnims to Ute title WI!J'e fuunclt"l in
nature. This ,.,.. the origin of thr PeL<Jiya't rlgbt.
It j, Ill )JUJ'qll'lhc hltory nfBundlocunl
minutely-it ,.-ill Le enmtgh tn My it 1lill't-r1.'<1
C II A r,

). \Ill.
lll!(ftlllY nF rnr.
little from thnt of other J-.rl.ll of IndiA unltr 1111
th Jtf''eznmtnt ar nntiH IUlllrehy. LattJ in thtJ
century we find the pro'inee nwrnu1
by two chief., nnmccl All Bahaudnr o.ud llimmut
Dn!Jnudur, the form<'r An illegitimate scion of t ln.'
hou"'l of the Peibwll, tlw 11 !'Olclier of fnrtlllll',
lillie ftli ln mudl"' nf obtaining fR\nur.
tlmgh rli.tingubbtll r., hh religion.< attaillllll'lll ..
tuHI holding high rank iu ont> of those al'!leoei&tinn
which open to funnticim Dll'Ml.' for l'piri-
tunl pride, =d to im(lO!<luro opportunity fm [rtfil
11hl\l deception. l1o was 11 Gown. Ali Halaauolur
"The Gooui111," eay Ooptaln Dulf. " properly 10 callr<l
.,., followen ,r Mahdoo: the Jlyragta gl'lll:J"I&IIy .,.;nwn 1ho
OYpranocr ,r Yilhnoo. ,,. o-m. ...., a amch """"'"
fOM body in the Ahh,.1 .. CIOWllly thaD the B)'Til;,-.- 1 thdr
W... -.rhea thoy.....,. olothcs, io in.Wldy dyed c>naoge, a"'"""
ol Mahdeo. 'l'he Q,-u,., for the ...,., 1..n.
batt dnial.edtr- 11M> rul.-. nf tb<ir onlu in a....,... uni...-
..Uy ttigraaliud by Hindwo. Tbq in !:node; thq
cnliot u toldiens: aomt of thtJD many, and IIWlT of tl10m I"'
""ncubinto. G....U.a who go witlwut clothing ""'tuire '"I"'""'
cbnnoctcr: but thDOo of 8""'tl'ft tnnolity ""' the Guooruna who
nt'vtr or cuL lhcir buir or n.all, or who have \lOWed to l.ftJ
thtir b..W. ot limbo in a partlculllt 'J'be pennn..-.. by
at host and <Old, and tilt <oluutary tnrt1lJ6 which "'""'
1>1 thaD andugo, are olttD gn:at.:r thaD ooe mJsht 1Wpt>OM the
hu- (rame coUI mduro. Mm who ,.,m-, tueb expooare ond
.,,.,.tarilylllhmit tn m<h bodilyaall'oriJ!g .,.., it -r eaail7 be
qzy formidable wbe take up arma. GaiMin
ond ha'" Croqumtly a rcligioao war, and aom< ol
tbo divitia .. of a....; .. baft bad dttronte!A!A th -h
otbf"r. Uruler a. weU- or unttttlt,i the GOtaaLn and
lly"'SCU h both bren guilty oC dn:ndCul outnp on th pe-r
IIJtU utd )Jtoptrty tJ tilt" inoff'c1uht put o( the eommunity; but
tht- fut' lllit! 1Kituriuu. i.o u.t. rHJJl thau tl.eo latter.
BlliTISR Dll'lll. IN ISOlA. 369
ack.uo" lt'llgL'<i the param<unl authority or tbe
Pcih\\'11., anti O\\'lled his own liahilir y to n:nder tri-
loutc, huL \1 hich, neeording to ori<ntal fa..hion, be
U('Vt'f pnid. Jlis death Jert tho 1\Ulhority o( Jlim.
mul Bulumdur predominant; but thnt pionstcniDn
n..y -.1 to in llJ:1Ded poortiH, and, undor pm.tKe of -k-
UIIf charity, Jened <CIIltrihuliona on U... a>UDITJ'. When ,_..
caaMiy ,...Pted, plulldct<d. -.dued. ad ,__
,..tted the ,.., brutal mormitin. "-Dar Hiolo<r oC the Mu-
noUu, TOI.i.rp.l6, 18.
Tbe religiou ,.,.....;..."<]' o( the a-lao thao .. dnely ......
..... bid tbat DO IIUlJ"'de ....... be fdt at the ......
of the two purouito. ID a Date .. port o( the abaft
quot.<d, Copala Doll', after otating that tht-te are ll'n divioiona
o1 o-luo, dllltingubhm by oom obad.. o( 1fill'nmce io their
.,-.-... gino the lollowing ........,, o( tbc proceu by whidl
theN turbulent devol ... an' fabricated:-" To bm>mo a Ooo-
aolao, urh tao! .. u ...., the I:Jngool ot trinl round the loinJ
deotroy it. and llllbetitubo pi<ce o( dotb i( mJ be
"-' _,.,; md the - auatbco himldi"'
-"""of tl Crakmity, aodeolrooao to bm>- dJa or dia-
riplo. nao noTk>e _,. prood th"" far ond .till l'rtrt!llt; the
irmno:nblo otcp by wbidl be bo.'CWI t a o-in for i.o in
tba .........,..,, tolled biob, in tlai.o .,...., mlli1 be gone
thJOfllh iD the moot man ocr. It it (lft'formoo by taking
on ...-theD TCUI'I, one cubit '"!!llrC t<rmod trnul..t; tl>la i to
be fillod with pun! l1lliDW>cl mould, ovc-r wbit-b powdcro ol
n:iuo.o coloun ""' to be .u.wod upon thio a fino io kiJadled,
aod OYU tbe ,.,_ 11&.. or .. ill< it fOUl"d lor a cutaia DJIDiber
ol - donn; wbiah -,.or ayotiaol .,.. rrpeal<cl,
aoo1 "''" ooWamtr or pon!ttf, anc1 pa.-J pii-
J!ri-r "' the diffi-rmt holy P- lhroqboot IDIIia." n..
of thao """ boo booD illooln.ted br C.pBU> Dolf'o -
meoto u tO the practjcea o( thoae who mok thom. & oddt,
that " the dltripl,. of a ore obtaiord in lhrfe ..-.yo-
oluolal) (ollo.-.n, ola- pun:haoed, ODd rhUdi'I!D oblaiDtd fnlm
poftllll whn owrd to mok thm Gooaoina prrriaua to tbrir
VOL. Ill.
X \Ill,
IIQ& f<-eling quit<' 0.-t'Uf\l in hi authority. atui think
ing that a jagloirc nnlt-r a (ltlWcr able to prowct ill
d.-peodcnts wu !referable to the (>O""''"iOfl uf Dl>-
minnl without the means of mnintnininl\'
it, made n temlcr nf the Jll'll''iucl' of Buntll,cuntl to
lbe Briti::"..h govcrnnwnt. The ofter \\118 mnl<l to
)Jr. Henry while holding thl' ofli.-e nf
of tbe ceded proTiut'<.."''. It Wall
dediul"<l on tho ob' IUI<l bnnoul'&ble ground thnt
it roold not be accIlll'l without ,;olAtinA' the njlht
of the Peil<hwn.
Tht> capture of the llight of llc P"U.hwa.
nml tile conclu-.ion uf tho trcnty of Jlru.-win, by
cbauging the poitiun of the Brim.h gt;'enlmnt
ell',-cted a change in it dlcrmiu.ation. The to('t'IIJ'B
tiou of Bondlccnn.J, in the nanw llDd an tl1c II(' half u{
the Pmhwa. c-oMitcot wilhju.ticc. whil', at tOO
NUDe time, it wa. unduuhtecll) tlX['edienl, w'ith a 'firw
to pn:wnt its falling into thP baruls f>f the
mte1l Mr. a medical offir<r, who
hod been i!eet('tllry lo Mr. Jlenry Wellcl<'y, waa
acconliogly tli<qntchw to llla.ltahnd, to confer with
an agent of Himmut llabaudur, and termq fur
co-operation of tl10t Jll'IWU&hrc were Tbr
Gooqin. it appeared. had a relativo who bad bed!
engaged in the ruuopimey of \izier Ali, nrul on
that wa. kept pri oner at Lucknow. llil
liberation 'Was demanded by llimmot Dabaudnr, aad
the .British gnvl'mmenl unMrtook til oolicit &he
Vi.10i<>r to grant it, on I'Ondition of the ('artY tb
fayoured giving "'-'<'urity for bill future j!OOd rondad.
lliUDm Elll'lRl: IS OJ A. 3i I
Thus much did the holy mnu M i)'nlate for Iris rcla-
lion: but, nlbeit bib TOm! Bhouhl hnvo wenned him
from nny 08jlirntions nftcr thC' ortlinnry objects of
IJunltlll dl!!'ir'll,he luul yet >t>Ulltbiug tel nsk for hlm-
J l wns not a. cell, wbcro he might his
iu ulitnry medibltion. uor n of money to bo
in ehnritu.ble giiL<-it waq n jngloire in
tho IJoah, uitabl!!, uot to !Ji., but to
.. rnnk aut! anti au uf
nue in Bnnolll'CIIIld nf twtnty lno nf ni.Jlt"C'> for tht>
of n lx'<ly of tronts \llaich dc.-piscr of
oortbl) gnorl rropo.. .... d to kctJ Ill hi, comm1111d. In
cuuhhmtlou of thi nrnmgouumt, the troops were
to he ul\\11}'5 prepnred ltO nbC) tho onlers of rue
Britih gnvcmrnent. The!'C hml!l 'rero granted,
the l'ropet.s of the negotiation being fncilit11ted by
nnotlwr l'Mried em .nth the T'tihwa for U1o
to Uw British gonnunent of territory in Bundle-
cund iu Jllnce of oilii!J' nuulc by the treaty
of &sciu.
A del:lchnwnt wWrh h11d lll'cn fonned Dffil'
IJinJobnd, under LicuUmllDl Colontl P.,well, !!bnrtly
nfhrwnnl entl'red the country, and wns joim'<l at
Tcron by Ilhnmnt Bahalllur, at the h<".td nf eight
lhou..-nnl il'n'gnbr infantry, about four tbous:md
ho,...., thn.-e rq;ular battalion.s rommanded t.y a
European officer, llltd twenty-6'c pice, of ordwwcu.
On nrri,inll nt the riTer Cant', Oo\'l'lltbruugb
Rundlecnnd 1111d fuJls into thr .I umnn u little below
tl1c tuwu11f Cornl1, tbcy f<lnnrl JII!Httool on thc OjiJIOI'ite
irll' the lli'UIJ of Shumhrf>r B:1hnudur. "Oil of .-\II
X\ Ill,
Bnlunulur, "lw, like lh<'"l> l.ty '' hctllt !11 wru. tun-
fruutt.'<l, to Ut'l in the ruuno uf tiJP l'cishwa.
Hadng reduced -e' rral fort" in tlte 'iciuity, ruul
the Britih nntburity h<t"<'CII tlt<' Jumnn
:mol llw Cane, Colotll'l l'owcll the
.riwr. .\ ,...ties uf clt .. ultnry nml iltdl'i'iin
rugntintiuu follO\<t'<l. Tllll Dritih nntl111rity cnn-
tinnNl. in the DWI.D lim!', to bo <'3.lmule<l. Shum-
,b,w llahaudur founol gn'lll difficult) in )'reTailing
on bimclf to submit, nlthough .,ahmi ion W:J.> oh-
>'ionl) illl'vitublu; but ma nlfl!T to scttlu 1111 him nud
hill lnmily 3.11 a.nnunl urn of four lnes uf lliJl"'"'
brought him to the Englih crunp. II i 'ubmi--ion
WU:< s(!C<'<Iily followe.l b) the sum:mltr of all the
fortA in Buudlecun!l hclrl hy hill n;lla!'nmt.
l\lollti<lll ho.s bctn lll!ltll of 11 negntintinn mtb thn
Pcishw11. ltn,ing for it. oiJjed an cxdanng. of n JK>f
tion of the mad1 unoler tho tro'llty of na.-
sein. It endl'd in tho formation of eight Uj>JIIe-
mcmtnl nrtick.,. to thnt lf\'aty, II}' th lll'<t of whith
rt>rlni11 torritories i11 the Curnntic, yit>ldtug n revcnur
of i."Ctl't'll Inc;., wert- rcton.'<l to Uto 1\ilawL Ry
the f'<'Oflll, the Cl>mJ>any' gn"cmmnt I'I'IIOUDced a
portion of territory in GU7.ernt. three !31'!1
tlaouoand 'l'ht.! tllinl Jtrn\itlcd for
th(' rulrlltion to tbl' Pooam llorc of n ngi-
Dit!Ul .. r n:othe eavnlry. of the unte >lnugtb nnl
t'nntJ'IIruent tlot! t'll\11lry regintt.'llt belonging to
the ll)l ruba<l <ul>-iliniJ filn'('. Thll fourth all-
llu lint'Cllth 11rt ilo of the "hieb rt'"
gulnte<l tlw nmount of fni'Ct' to lro hruughl into the
Elll'IRI: J!l; I!';DJA. 3i:J
titltl by tho in Cll..OCofwnr, nnd fu:ed it nt fuur
tlmu-,and ravnlry nntl threu tlum<:Uld infantry, 11 ith
a due prnportinn of onlnnnre lUI I milit.ary 'tnrcs;
thi, 'll"as ll t"flt i<li'ml>le redu<'llnn from
amount. wbidt wa ltn lbountld t.:l"1llry ru1l i:t
infnnt ry. The fitlh )Jrovitletl rhnt
n corp .. of mvalry. :uuouuting to liw tlum-
lilllul, .houlJ, the war, be maintaine.J h) tho
llritih go, .. namtnt for tlw I!Cf\ ire nf the .,f
p.,.,nn, two thnu ... of wbum "''"' to t;<>nt. "ith
the Pi,;ltwn. mul lhrt.'t' tbou..,uul with tlu Britiob
nm1y in the flt.ld. The sixth to tlJc ,,.,..i.,n,
tn be made in ronsi<ler.ttion nf tht muntrics nlin-
'<f by the Com('any tbt fi,..t ant! t'<'Clnl
artidf'<'. ant! of th rulditirnnl exf>tn-e by
tllt'm onder Territory in Bumllet.untl pro-
lucing :1. equn.l tn tbnt cet.led in Cnr-
n:llic and G=mt, namely. oinN<co l:J.rb
tltntt-:wd nl)>CC>. WI!& to bP tranfeTn'd to the t'utn-
pany; n furthtr lrnct of yielding lifly
thou!iautl Wtt., to be in rnuithm-
tinn of the high \A[w of tl1e nuntry l'l .. tnrt'<l in
a.ol to the amrount of
IIU'!< Pula half.fh., Inc:<. awl four Ja;o,.,
to meet tht c:tJmLoe nf the r.'jtimenl altll'<l
w the &ubsidinr) filrc!', tbnt nf mniutnioing thl Molt.
rnttn uf )J.,,.., aml tlJC cxtmuruitULry cxp<'II"CS
11f putting tlown h'f<itllllre in aJIII
the Rriti>b tmtbority thl're. Tho tntnl
nluc nftbc in lluudlt'<'ltll<l \llli' thu thirl.l
ix !11!'>< thuu-nnd MIJ>C'"' H) tht I!CWIII It

CH.\ P.

1118T<>RY OF TRE
artide, the whole of tlm!c were to be c.ak('ll
from thole publ of Buntllccuncl moot to
the nnclmMt convenient fi.r the
ComJ>any's O('eupntiou. Tlw eighth art ide nlatt'd to
thl' territory n'l!tol'!'ll in (J tu:l'mt. 1111rl, nftl'r rtt"iting
that such territory WBH partieularly vnlunhle to tho
Company, by reuon of Jli'OXimity to the rity nf
Surat. in I'""'J'('rity ofwhi<'b the Britih J:<Y<>m-
tutnt an anximl!! t"OIIcem, it
thnt the territorit.os nftl'l"l'<l to hould be 10
aut! goTemed ru nil timt">< by the l\Iahnatta autbo-
ritil.,., 31' to ronrluce to tit!! ton1cnitnrr of Rural, by
nttention to tho ntltR of good neigbbourltoocl, nnd
til(' Jlrclmotinn of nmit'llhh nurl t'omm..,rclnl intrr-
roUJ"N> betwf'en tltt on both ih.... h
wu fuTlher pm1irlecl, thnt 11. the uf the
river Taptee to tbc Britbh gtncmment.
the Mahmtts authority in tbt territory
8hnuld han! no right nr N>nN'm whnll'l r in tbfl
wreck of BDY Ye&<<'l thnt might be ca-t upon any
part of the country hortlering no tho rivl'r, but
be bound, in tlw twml of IIDf wnk taking
plnt't', to l'tlldcr tht 1 c-4'1 all procti(jlhlt ai<l, for
14hirh the 141!1'1.' t" IX' mtitl..d to
l'!<.'t'hr, from the o"n"N ,.(the "n.'Ck,just IUtrl roa-
6nllllhle rorn('Cn..ation. Thi J:u.t nrticlc "as not DJIDtlo
I'L,..ary. Even in <"nuntric;o where bigbe.r prineiplef
of ottinu than prernil nnwng the Mahratt1111 111'11 pto-
fl'N!Crl, the frngmrnt of J>MIJit'rlf tbnt b ... e mmftll
thP rle-lruetion oct'ftllioued by temJM!IIt or aecldtnl&
lli't' but ft)l) fre<JUI'ntly noganted u lawful objeatll vi
llll.mSH l:lll'l&t: IS IliA. 375
fpropriation. The)lah:rattM, in this ie.,.,
would only be extending In the uutcl'! the prind-
JII< by "1'1 hich their Cllnduct iH invariably
no tht lnncl. On tbl.' remainder of the I!Upplomental
urticleA llttle obsermtion iA n<'<'et<ary. The ex-
cbnnjl<'fo of Lerritory were t'on,t>nit'nt to both
iutereeted in tbl.'m. Tbe BritiRb g.mmunent ob-
tained territory in a quarter "lu:ro it...,... very de-
sirable to it. Peih,... received back a
rountry from which he wonlcl rt'llliu! a revenue. in ex-
ebo.nge for one from ht' bud never dPrived any;
whil11 Hundlt"l.'1llld, by heiug plat'() under the au-
thority of the ComJlnny, wr111 rcliowd f:rtnr tho
anar..trinl state which brtcl lnug prcvn.iled, llDd ploctd
in rirrumlances to partake of tho goo<! order nnd
pi'Oiii)o<)rity whirh dtaracteruc tbt Briti'h
in Iodin. compared with lh(ll'o(' uudcr native go-
A brief from th11 of ecnt in
lnrliu mnt now be permitted, fur the purpose of
noticiujt n nnval action of cxtrnnrdinury brillili.Jicy.
in wbirh the Comp1111y's unuiclt'<l hy nny VE"'
Cjf "ur, w.tninetl tire lwnuur of Great
Britniu iu tl Indian I'CII.. .\ tltott from Clllltnn
had 111'('11 tli<patcht'l! from that plnr" on the :nt
January, 1804, under the <'an' of Captain Dance, 11. , ...
"bee t'tlmmruull'<l one uf thr. filips nam<'<! the Earl
Camden, ruul who ,...., kk'C'kl fur th<' u-
igucd Icc him rue wing tlrt' <tuinr cuunnnnde1'. On
tb<' llll>nlillg of the Htb c>f Fchnmry four lltmng.
Nlil wtrt cii'!Cc:nlt"<l. It &UI>4C<JUl'.lltly n.'!t't'r-
t&inl-d that they comitcd of a ship of eighty-four
guns, two ht>avy un1l n corvl'ttc of twt?nty-
eight gm111. At t!ayt.n-aJ.;. on the 15th. the ships
whi<'h lwl be..'ll on the l'n_ff<ling day
ero ol>Mn-cd lying to, nl.uut three milt" tct wind-
ward of the Englilo fk'<'t. Tbu
hoisted tlteir coloul'!l and offel'IXI bnltlo if the
atmogcMI chO!'oe to como tlown. The fom ship11
imme<lintdy boi'ted Frcn<'h Mlool'!l, and the ID.rgt>r
wa.. to ron). a fCaHldmiral't ftag. In
addition to lhu shit" ulmuly mentionod Willi & brig,
which hoited Bntnvlnn cololll'S. 'l'bcy formed 11
"'IWidron '' ltich hal di,;pntchcrl untlt'.r Ad-
miral r.inqis to lhe lurlinn -en- 01\ tht I'('C()mmeu(X'-
menl of botilitie:; bci\H'Co the Engli.h and Fll'J1cb
after tlw hricf p<.'aNl of AtuiCJJll. Tloe cnem y
evincing ntt nincrlty in atoeepting tlw invitntioo
of the Dritih comwnndcr, the latter formed iu
order of ailing nnd lt.'('re<) his COON'. The enemy
lhPn fillt-d thdr saib tUtd edged down towards tho
English, ..-ith tho intention of cutting orr
thl!ir l'l'nr. As 1111 this W3!! pcrct>ived, Com-
modore Donee nuulc the signnl to lack bear
dlln. Tlt> was perfonned \\ith great
preebinu, and tltl' gnlltUlt merchMtmln w>Od to-
" tho enemy under a pl'llN! of Nlil, 11nd forth-
with op!'Dl"l lbeir fin on the hoodmo!!t 'l'ho
ltoyal (hl()rgP, commnnrlrd by CaptAin Timioo;,
\u.s the leading l!bi( nf the Englih lin"' and was
canietl imo 3<'tion in achnil'llble style. The Gaogo..,.,
Caf'l.ain wa. Uw next, and thill WRJI followed
bytbo commodore' hip. The tire ur three IJAI
an on the entmy. Umt l.oefrre the remaining
8hip!l t'Ould l.oe broujl'ht up tloe) nwuy to the t'Wit-
"lll'<l undtr till the sail tlll'y !'1?1. The EngliJ1
commander made signal for 11 gtrwnu chliS(', and tlw
tntm.r 1111111 pursued for hlo houl'!l, wlwn Camruodoro
Danl"t', f<'llring lhat he might II(' rnrrit'd too far out
uf hit COIII'!Ie, nnd with rl'ftl't.'nc:C' to tht jrrellt value
nftbe tbiJII :.nd (tostimatcl at eight DllllioDJ),
dwnlf'd it prudent to dil!<.,ntiuue further atteiDJIs
IC> 0\Crtalo;e thJ.! frighted foe, llatl circmwotancc.
Tho intnopid corulwtt of Commodore O.n.., and tbooe undu
W. tommaod excited a vuy g1'Dotlll and hvdy toellng ot admlra.
tion at hollltl. From the Orowu, lhe oowm!Miore ....,.,;.,.d the
boaour ot l.uaghthood. 'I'll<! C..urt or Dirl'C'tora of the Ea!t-J udia
C.... poor , ........ !I'd to him tho ..... or llOO thoUIOUld guineu. ond
a or plAte or the nlue or tWO buodml. The Prvpridoro or
a.t.Jadia :'lock manj(rwd tboir ...... orhio Ulftits by & I'HO!U
t.ioa pas>oe<1 in g'l'lllDI court. bootowing oo him a pmticm or liTo
hulldr<d p<.....W. per ammm. AU tlae ollircno and mea
roeriT<d l'lom tho Court ef Direeton tokent Q( ito af'PI'Obatiun.
CIJ1t4.i.a. TimW. wbu ia iD tbe text u mmmancler of
the lt.Jral O.Orge, wb.i<h led the athl<k, wu with a
thoooand guin<ao, and pi<oo of t>hlte uf tho -.Inc ol a hundr<d
ri .. aa. Captain Moffatt, ol the 01UIII" (oloo mrotinned in tho
rcxt), .....-if'<l fin hundred !!Wnru, and a pi"''" ol plAte worlh
ooa buDiin<l P-o- To the follo11U., ollicloro the Court awoedod
fin buadr<d ,;aiDeu eocll, and a J'1I'CI' ol plal2 worth fifty
piatu :-Otpcain wa- ol the Wori.T. CoptaiD
et tho Alliod, CapUiD ToriD ol C....ttt, C..ptoin
CIAtL ol tJoe Wa&d, c.pcain llmtoo of tho Exeur, CepcalD
Wonlwwth ol the Earl ol Ah.Tganmr. Captllin Klrkpalridt ol
tho Hmry Addington, C'ptain Hamilteo ol the &aaboy Coull<,
CaptAU1 Word y.,..,.. et th< l'umbetbuad, Cottain PeGdorgrua of
the Hot'" raptain Jlurttrl Brown of tbe Captain
l ..,k, .. or tla Warren tta.tinso, and Mr. Lochnu iD command
Xt Ill.
(: JIA P.
H lft'OI.Y or Til&
permitted, there caD be no doubt that th010 who
10 braTely 'll'flnld baTe bruapt the
allidr eo a worthy tonelusion.
AD eTent "" bonourablt to tb<' maritime -ice
oC the East-I ndia Company Nluld not be 1-oo In
allenee 'll'itbout injWJtice to that service, and to the
-try to wbieb it ,.... an omamt'llt and a Nlf'e-
pnt. The JW'l'athe must DOW return to Ute
oounoo f negotiation on the Mplendid
8UCCI'tll of tb1: British army by land. The opening
aRi.n!l)fi for Scintlia'M aece<ion to the de-
feMhc alliance "M impnnetl hy tbe W)'atcb of
Captain Malcolm In t1u! c:amp of that chidtnin, to
endt"vnur, by n<'gotilltion. to uttain llm objeet.
After !'ncounterin!l the uo;wol amount nf diRieulty
intcrpoeed by Mahratta habit" of delay anl cli .. imu-
lation, be 111lCel'l)f)ll, aml on the 2ith of Fthrunry a
ol the Ocean. Captain Sbulley Clarka, above Jnelltiun<d, lo DOW
a Dir<dnr ol the Eaat.lo.U. Company. To LinlalaAt Fowle-r, ol
the .,.. ""Tf who .,... a .. belarll the Earl Camden.
ami who enutlcd bimoc:lf to he honourahlr DDtiud, thne hundred
sui.,.. ,....,.. \'Otcd (Of tho purclw!o ofJllte. Tho <nireooftl1e
olli""" and men ,..., llllliJlowletJsW b7 gmtuiti .. of the following
IUDIXIIlt"-Cbiel ...,.n, ISO; .......,d o!licen, 12S; t.hinl
_. fourth o4iren. .,, : lith _. oath o!licen, co
1 1
and <>0: - boatanitts, gunnen. and
...,...,tm, !iU: midhirmm, 30: rrtty oJiiccn. not named.
i.JS; -oru:u and ........,t., l.t;. It tlUJ PJl"'U' that nut a .Wgle
penoo wu in tho di>trih"'- ot mrud.
The f'.amlllittH ol the l'atriobo; Food 'f'Oiod to CapW!> PaD
a .....-.! aod a >we, ad! of a lumdml .-...Ja .-.Joe. A nrorcl
aod a ....., of tho oame .-.Joe .....,. '"tfd to c.paiA 'limiao: to
M ul tl,. other tJl!Jlaino, lllld to Liau-t Fowltrr, a oword ol
the ftlue ul 6fty poundt.
BJI.InSfl Eloll'IRE IS L'o/DIA. 379
trraty of alliance waa signed. It eonillted of sixteen
article. The fint eontainctl an ordinary df'Ciara-
tion of frit'lldship and union. By the HerUnd the
]lt\rtic bound theosehe11 t eunN!rt and prosecute
llll'lllllln'8 of dcft>IICC in 118/10 uf either being at-
tacklltl, the expres<non of thi mutual ohligation
being II''mpanicd by n long cxpliUllltian declar-
ing that tho British guwmment would never per-
mit any power or state to rommit any ad of un-
1""' ok!'<l bu..1ility or against Scindia,
but, on hiH l't'qnisition. would maintAin md defend
hill rightll and tl!nitori,. in like manner with th0110
of the Company. By the third, &india wu tAl ro-
ceiYr. n force of n11t k"111 thnn six thoulll!Jid
infantry, cluly prouded with nrlillery nnd properly
Ctjllippetl : nnd by the fourth, U1M prince wn:; exunP-
rote<l from all nrlditionnl l'X!KO..C on account.
Tho fifth article pnn;tled for tbt mutual c:remptiun
fnm cluti"', of mppliN for the of the Com-
pany or of Scindio wlwn in tb1 territories of <'lll'h
othl'r, nnd for sel'lll'ing tu the officel'l! of tbe twu
AtaiCII due nnd onsidl'rntion. The lrlxth
cltoclnrcd the JlUl'IKJIIe! for "bleb the mboricliry
fono W1l8 to be C'ruJloyl'!<l, which were
l[t'IIN1111y tn be senitct uf dt'-
k'riptiou illutrated by enumerating a few iu.anoe.
of lmilar chamcter to th>Se rcfcrrc<l to in other
trcatie:<. The SC\'C'nth artitll:' exteod-
ed. IUid rendered moro Jtriug.:-nt, the pro'filiou
of tlu.! forml!r trellty aguimt the employment
nf fol'l'igtwno. The rhanl{(' WM made on thl' ng-

UlliTOilY or THE
gcstioo of tbo governor-general. By the fon ner
tnoaty, Scindia wu restmined from taking into bili
or ntaining tbcnin any Frenchman, or the
IIUbject. of any Europ('ftn or Americ:w JNlwer, the
govemruent uf whitb might be at \I1U' with Hreat
Britain. Tb am<ndl'<l artick inlrocluc!'J into the
new treaty cnotaiuL-d no rcfcrenre to tho e<>ntin-
gtncy of "Br; &india WN! never to cmJIny in hio
or JC>rmil to rcuuuu in bi domiuions IUlJ
or Anwric:m "hnto,cr, "itbout the con-
,...nt of the Urilih g<>l'l'rumcnt. In return, the
Rritih untltrtook ncwr to tmplny or
NUU'tion thc re-hll'IICe \\'itbin it, clominiollll of any
J'C1'!'<11 1,'1lilty of eor bO!>tillty ngnimt Seimlin.
'l'be sc1entb nrti<'l rciraintl Scinclia from nc;.:o-
tiating ml!J nny JlriDCiJmf M JIOWCnl
giling ooti<X' to the Company's goveruol(ut and
tntcring into con,ullntiun with them. Ou the otlwr
luuul, the Company\ tlo-clnr<"<l on their
Jmrt thnt thl') "cmld "lulve 1111 manner of couccm
11 ith any of the "ahara.iab' relation.,
mflitary chief"' or ll<'rvtutts, with tl11tpect to "IJnm
)f:lliarajnh" """-' atlmittcd to lJe The
Oritih go,,rnmcnt to atrnrcl " tneonmge-
nunt, 'oppurt, or t., :my of tht
nhclw l'numcmltcl "who mil(ht c'cntoaUy act in
"J'J""'ilioo teo the authority. hut, on the
cCinirury," on requincl, werE! "to nit I amliiS!!il!t
tn ptutib lllll n..In,e all uch otrcnclcno to ul.e-
dicmrt," nncl no cof till' Com1oaoy wu w in-
terfere in the intc rDAI tdlilii'M nf Scinclia' gtn un t-
DRITTSB Dll'ffiP. IN TSn!A. 3"il
m nt. If nlertakiug the militAry defence of
rnuntry, it ,.-.,. not lliU'eA901lllLit thnt the Britbb go-
wrnuwnt houltl Le b<)lllltl to lt:fcud the prinre from
intNunl l\tl well fl!j e'tcmnl nttnck. The tiiUJger
from tcbt>llinu wight he groot ns from iuvnsion,
nutl it wnultl he ab,;nr<l w mailltnin, llmt whilt> tht
British gnwmment might jutl) rq,.l the lnttcr hy
fort'<'. it Wl< to sit still llDl $ilcntly witness the rm-
nf thtl f<m1ll!r-<uift:rinl:' it to triumph <>r 1<1
I.e nppn:,'i('d by the onaitlt'<l li>rcc of the prinN', liS
the O\tnt might chnncc In he. It i ccrl.llin, inrl001l,
thnt thll mojorityof a:ro ood, and
thnt th.-. Rritisb govomnll'nt, hy upllololing lhcm,
n certain meusurt of uhu"'' But th.,re
nollling he foro it but n chuiec of l'' ill<. The govcrn-
mo;;nt would be bntl nnd,r nny cittnJn,t:wces, 111lcl
thP iuOucoce of tho Com)IClJI)' ib o.lwnys diredcd
tnwnnl nmking them IK!ttcr. II.A:wllions in thl'
Ent uunlly originate in J><'I'SOIItll fLoeling-<, nnd rc-
111111 in the of ono oppi'C!o-or for n.notht r.
Thn peopll' hn.-e littlt to t'XJK'Ct from them. whilf'
fnnn tlu At<:uly exercise in thl'ir fa 'our of the corn-
l>imcl inllncnce of know ll'<lj:C<', dmmrtl'r, n.nd pow!'r,
t hi') mny hope fe>r moc!J. Tlll'rc h; a J>nint, ttl<>,
J,.., nnol "hieb nntiro prince!! under British protl'C
tiun CIUwut Le alJOl\\ltl w They will b..
milu!Pol. arul if D('('e-<-ruy in the m011t decisiYCnuum<'r,
thnt tlwy han rlutic.s 118 w..tln. rightA, n.nd thnt thn
ultict uf tbl' Briti..J go,,mmtut in forming l'X
ll'rultool lll'll unt tu J>lrptluall' OJlJlrl"''iton
nnl til the ember!! of inumrtiun, hut to maintain
('ll P.
X \'Ill.
extemal and iotemal and to ditruee through-
out lndia the clemeutA of Jr<oq>erlty.
The eighth artidl' bound Scindia to refrain &om
entering into bnetilitics with any tate in alliaDN
with the Compauy. and to eubmit all li"Jllllt'll with
any t;Ueb sta!A<s to ita &rbitration. The tcnt.IJ anl
clt>veutb n>gulated the amount of fone tn be fnr-
ni&bed by J'nrty in the eYent of thtir bting
in wur with any otbt'l' power, and provik'tl
fnr the llCC\IIIlnlntion of ston.'l!. Thl' twelfth prn-
fnr the l'<Jual purtition of CClDIJUC\014 made iu any
mwh wnr, on eontlition that t'ach pn.rty honld bave
futtill .... l the of the trenty. The thir-
related tn point.. nf drlnil C<IDDt'eted "itb tl1C
t'mploytn<'nt of thu fiJrce, und of ollwr
fort"eS <>f tho in Uu en nt of tlisturbant':t'!l.
The fourteenth rl'lllrict<>d l)l)th Jlnrtio'>f fnnn inhr-
fcring with the tributarice of the other. By the
fiflN'11lh the Com1nny agn.'t!d to I'Xert thrir inlln-
f'lii'C to maintain the oheenrUJoo of e(l'\'monies
and l'W!tUJII5 as &('J'I!AT to he fixed iu rom-
mllnicnt ing hetwcen the Pcihwa and Sciudia, and
to the right nf tbe latter to all the Jl<"'"
wbir.h be bcld either hy written or un-
"rittcu authority, Jlro,itled the written lluthority, if
au). boultl not rnntra"ene the pro,i-ion.1 of the
lr<'ttty, nnd that nil diJIUt1.'11 relating to
ltcld by unwritten authority ..boultl be referred to
tlte arl!it:l'lltiolt of tlte Hriti!!h g<>Ternment. In this
CUt', thtrefort, tlw Company only agreed to reeog-
nbe that Ybirb ahou(d cJt,termioe to ht>
IIRIT!Sfl ElllriRl: IX INOlA. S!i!l
rig!tt. The nrticlc eonchuled with m engft!l'l'Willlt
on the p:lrt flf the Britih gownuncnt tAJ tL<OC in
to Jlrl'\ent rmy nets done by ScinrliB or
his one<e..ton<. under tbe authority of the l'ch.bwn.
from nhHrte<l: prm i.Jed, however, the main-
lc.wtmo of sowh nets shoulol bo eonistent with the
honour end dignity of thl' Peisll\\lt nrul tlw tipnlo-
tiona nf tb<' of The \nlul' of !lorh an
eloj(llgl'mcnt, <JIIlllifiel, lit Yery !'n.U.r nppnociatcd.
Tb!l >-ixteentb nrtielc to tlw negotiotiuo and
mtifit'lltiou of tiJC treaty, 11nd tn thr lelhCf) nf the
rntiflod eopy.
Jo'J'1JIII C3UJ'C>I W nich Wi l1 bennfhr BJl))C41'. tho
JroYit<inn of thi treat) Jmct:i!.'Aily of no
importa.nw; but a just co.timBte of the polic)' thl'n
pursmd in Imlill l'onld not h:we been fomcd wltb-
n full expoition of the new$ entertaint'd and
tne mt'BSUI'C ntloptcd with regnrd to Scindill.. For
this reotSOn. the principnl pnrts or the trenty have
been nhibitecl "itb a d..,gret! nf <'are whii'IJ, for
nth<'r \IIIHid be unneec--a.ry.
A lluion hrv< hccn m;uh to trmtie <uucludcd
";' h miuor chief. Tbese w.-re ilie &jabs
of Bhurtpol'l'. JfHiepon'. and
Bhomull>e, I bl) Rann <If Gnhml, nud Am bajee In-
glia. The territories of the whole bty in tho re-
giou of the J nnUUl ; all the l:relltiN were conclu-
lcd by Genernl Lnke ; Bnd, in most instnncx..., tbe
friendly desi:reol of the nntivo prinl'f"l an
impnl<c from tbe tt."'"lllt or the bnttle o( Luw&ree.
Th<> fir..t to tender his ndherenr WM tbe fiJ\iAil of
C II\ P.
Bllu.,_ ...... hr __,,.... I e,
oo .. li. at1t :lr'hg perpetaal lb' )'lf'lll'ti' ..m-
BritiJh go-.ernmeat .......
... Ill tile a11ae 1n111 ortbe oor to euet; >I J 1
fll 111m. mel fftllllag l!lleb party to
W dllg \be terrltoriel of tile other. Dy the traty
w1t1a tM B.;.Ja fll M t IJ, tUt chief agreed to
Rlllr W. 6pata b utS rs to ... Company'
JO'feJ'IIIIIeDt,Uid to clehytM ' 5 ., ..... cled
him for tho dl!fllnec of his domlm,.. I& a. -
rate 111 other ebieli of Rindoatan. Tbe ... ol
Jeypoor made similar eugagemenlll, Uld fiaa?
lp!('d to lll't. in time of war, " thongb in ...u&y
JJWter of bill own army," agreeably to the adriee
of the British commander employed with hill
t1oopL He alao DOt to entertain in bia
II8ITioe. or in uy manner giYe tdm'rh to uy
Enropee.n without the eoll8ellt of the ComJIUii
goYel'lllllent. The treaty with the RAVab of Jodepm8
eorrespondcd with that formed with the ehief list
m\'ntioned. Ambage\' lnglia was a powl'rful &errant
of Scindia, who bad bcon appointed to supersede the
authority of Perron, and wbO!IC appointment led to
thl' pn-cipi!Ate dl)wtllrt' of that pei"IIOn from tho llpo&
where he hid CQJJtcmplated thl' fonnatioo of ao ia-
dl.'pondent atatc. Part of the tcrritoriel wbiela .&..
bagee bill been authorized to administer funDell die
IUK'ient of thl' bo.- of Oobucl. wldeb W
lx-cn conquered by Seindia - y-. bellle. Am-
No "'P1 ol tile_,.......... ...
............ tho-.
DRJTim &..'liU: II' JSJ'l!A. :.!>;.)
Lnroo m:ult> overtUJ('S tn the HritW. gon!mmt>nt,
tu dtU..,h bjm..,Jf from rho &<'nife of Scinrlia
nnrl l"como a tributary tn l htm. 1L we.. dcsirublo
to allord him cn<ou.rog<:rnl'nt. nod tlto difficulty of
J't'('t>r<ilinll bU. claims witlt thn'O of tlte uf
Gobud WM gut owr by lhitlht!( t.l11! country. nru1
MSignlng tbt iud<:J!Cutlent l'" iun of p4rt to .\m-
IJBgiX'. in comideration of I is aurrcodcriuJr the right
of tulministcrinlt the wholt. .\ nt"got1ation with 'thi
'iew "Ill! opened. and. after much t'\11Sion. a treaty
cnnrlulecl, by which Ambalzoo to 8111'J'I!D1ler all
thr. trritnry north of Gwnlior, with the
fort,.,. of thllt DaDU.', t.lw Hrillh go\'t'l"lllllent gun
mntllt'ing to Ambnf!ee the Mnnindtr nf the territory
which h:ul under !till mllltng..rntot. A Ioree
wu to take of the fortreo><.
nnl Amhngee readily gave an nnler fur it.. delirery.
Tho cnmmaodant. however, refu,ecl to obey the in-
,;tructiun. nfhb and were taken for
t bt Mlnrt iun of the place h) fore,. Wlten a breach
had ll('(n !'tf('(!tcd the ulli ret! to surn.!llll<'r
iu rnnltl<mtiou of tbe of fifty thnusruul rnpt.'l!ll.
This l,.;iul!" rcfuaed, the, tho ,aJue of cer-
tAin Jlij the price of 'll"bich bciog
pantro, .,-ion of the fort WM obtainro by tho
ny the treaty with the Rana ofGohutl. Gwalior
wu to the Company, lf whom the territnrie
to bl'r und& tho &n'IUIJtlIDMit with Am-
i.mgt'C " .. re j!UJl11111lte<l. Tho IlAna \1 WI to ubsidiz<
11 Jlrltioh fllrre ofthrcc lllltLAiionA nriufantry, BDU tbe
(.; UA P,

lii!ITORY OP Tlrt.
payment WM fixed at t<C\'enty-iivc tholl!alld rupees
per month.
For the emperor, "Whose pcrsonlhe surcell!l of tltc
cllDlpnign bad trnnsfcrred into English keeping. a
munifi<X'nt provi,.ion wns made, nntl on rulequntc ...
grec of stnlc provided. lie '1\11!! not invested "ith
nny actual power, nnd indeed no human agency
conJd bnvP Tt.'!itorcd the 1\laJoometan etn(lire to l'C
Rpectnhility. It belonged to nn age which had
p:lllsOO, nnl it wa.q better for the penre nntl happi-
of India that no nttem)lt be mwlo to
revhe it.
The conclusion of pence with Scindia und the
nf Dernr suggcst.s the inquiry, bow fur the
objects proposed by the govemor-genern.l ut the
commencement of hooilitlcs hnd been eJfccte<l? .A
more convenient opfo<>rtunity ill be found for
inquiring whether the pursuit of tle!!C object were
cotlhll;tcnt with nsdom and jwticC'--(111 tlwt ,nn I.e
ntlt!mptcd here will be n ve.ry brief noticc of wl.nt
Wnfl prnposctlos compared with wlmt wos performed.
We nrc not left to cOnjecture wbat were the
proposoo lly the govemor-genernl, nor wbc:the.r hl
ba<l accumrely defined thorn to himselr. H c rlnetl
them on n.>cord iu a letter of instruction nddrt ...
to tbe cornmnn<lor-in-chicf severnl weeks before !l
'blow was struck. They were, tbc destru<"tion
of the French &tnte on the baukR of the Jumnn., mth
ll!I its military re;.ources; secondly. the exteuJ<ion of
tbl Comp:my's frontier to tlu JllJJlJlll. with thl' pns-
of Delhi, anti n sullic1cut chniu offurts
natnsa Dll'IRE tl> mnu. :Ji>7
on ilK bnnks; thlrrlly. the of tltt> nmnimJ
rmthority nf the Mogul; fourthly. the
f with petty chief.; southward 8Jid Wt"'l-
"1lnl u( tin J lllliDa, from .J} l'IIAjthUr to Jlnndft'-
CUJtd; fifthly, tltt aune:utiun nf Burullccunfi tn the
Cnutpany'e clomiuioos. Suoh were tho uhjtrt-.
t he attninmt'llt or which. in the C!>tiruntion tlf
the f.,'Ofl'tllor-gcncrul, wuuld rnwotitutc M tho m ... t
l'""f'CtoDS i"mC of n war ,. ida Scindia anl the
Hajall of Brmr on the oorth-wc.otem f'rontitr of
ll iuuostnnh-untl they were nttnincd .
t;oe V..paldleo. n>l. iii. J>OI."' :n.; .

CliA P.
tui!TOa Y oP mv.
CUAP. XIX. TRB Oil the IslaDd or Ceylon
had fullen into tbe1 hand of the Engli5h during the
timt> that Lord llnbart t'>:l'roised the governnunt of'
M11d1'88. For 11 short p!!rino tllry formed nn npJK'n-
dngo to that Jll"("'itltnry; hut lll! soon us the
nt borne found lei.uru tn on the subj;,rt, it
as dt'Cml'Cl tlJAL Ceylon !illoulol cuutinut"
undl'r tho adminitmtion of the EL<t-India Corn-
J'IlfiY It 'II'BS pbced nnler the rlireet 1-
mini.tration of the Crown. nurl a gm emor appointed,
wbo \\'11.1; to be independent of the autho-
rity which wns p.unmouut over all the BritiAh pn!t-
on tht> Indian It would he idle
to waste time in conjecturing the of thi
The are too ob,ions to be'mistaken.
All parties when in oppo-itiou dt'Claim againt tbe
in.-reue of ministerial parti<'S "hen
i.o office labour to adl to its went, till by
"oroe strong i.oti.mation tbnt tbey baTe ru.-hetl the
verge of parliamentary fnrbeanmce. It i ram
indeed that suelt check intcrpOfied, M those from
""" .... ,;, .,..., $58.
BIUTISII llJ'IJU! rs ISOlA. 3tlfl
whom it ahould come aro often too much interetite<l, cuu. XI X.
eithor fur them-lel\"efi or their frionds. to impooo
any limit on & prh;lege from wbicb they bope to
I t iH worthy of remJll'k, thnt tho chief llU)vor in
the Jrot"t!edings which !'E'cnro<l tn the ministry tho
entiro Jtronage of Ci'ylon WIIS Mr. Henry Dnndato.
one of the m ... t vehement oppoet"n of the India Bill
loy tlw fantOW< coalilion miDiltly, the main
oltit'ct of which wu to ti'UIIfer the patrtmage of
lnflia to that minilltty. Mr. Dundu wa then ill
opposition-w'ben tho Ceylon question wu to be
W.poood of he W1IB a cabinet miniHter.
Tbmo op.-n to ban bedl much lndecilloo {or tbo appear
..... or it) ... d<tnminmg an the final diopooition or the Wand;
bat, &I the oam lim<, llll UDpanUJoiN dogne or promptitude ia
-.dalDs the miiUawioJ cllliaa to ito P'IJ' ""'S" The fun I"'
- wu tloo H.......ble :olorth, wbo, in a lcltrr to
tbe Earl ol Mo...m.s-, clal2d Bombay. 3nl JIUII!, 1 i9S (pri1llld
iD .W. i . o( the W.n..tey Dspatrba), Bl- a whimlialllCICOUJlt
or hil pooition, and or the <Okrity with wblch he bad been dil-
poldlod to take poo.-io11 of m ofti<e to wbich h4 had ool hetn
"''JJ"'ntod. ll Mf', " AI I lefl F.nglaDd on t he 18th of
Febnwy, tba letter, &Old thooe whido OO<ODJI"'lT it. will probably
)'011 tbo 6rot iofarmatim ol 1 bot...M.I nominotioo to the
j;O-t ol Cqolooo. lean CliiJ it U Jet DO ....... tb&ll Uot.odod,
u I ,_jqd orolen from Mr. Domdoo to lob "'1 cleport1ue on
booonl ol tbe fint lleot diM obould OO&il, -' to -'1 for .., __.,_
,;.. a4 wtt'fl<t;.. o1 What lloal _..;..;... 111M1
tbooe iMIToiCtioooA -r he I <UIIOt rooiti..ty Mf. I am Jlldl7
.. u &NIIIod that Mr. Dudu'o i11tnotooa io to a<Oid oo IDllllll ao
poooiblo tbe ineonftDieoco of ciolat! up tho iUuul at .,.- to
the Com!>Onf, and tM 'FH'f OD& or -olering it aolinJy ja.
d<penolmt or the Coaopomy'o l!"ft""IDftlt 1 but Ia wbat -
theN mdo will he ....,.mpliohrd I OIIDnot pnc.od to By a
debate on the India ll<n., fOUl Jonllblp will rmol in tbe

CHAP. XIX. To ditrover any rcuon why the goTemm<'nt of
Ct>ylon mould be lit'parated rum t hat of British
India wouhl lit' imp<llloihlc; hnt no one hctow
a ..,rioWI thought on tho \1 ithnut [><r<-ei,ing
10me of the inron'fcD.iell<'el likt>ly tn remit from the
ll('paration. It ia remarkablt>, too, tbat smh 11 collll!C
WIUI lirwtly oppcliK'd to thnt which had long bt>cn
)llll'!Ued with regard to India. The or
111me oni controlling authority. whoee decillion on
political IJIIl.,.tion lit' eltcept by
Ute homo nutboriti!'ll, hnl been nrul tho goYem-
popon. ond wbkh t.aalt ploctl ,.;...,. I Wt Laadcm. it - u if
Mr. Ourulu hl!d gim> R pro.U.., tht in C&te the illancl hoald
he pra<rTod at UJo tho Cro-.u would r<lgn it to tho Com
.-uy 1 hut for thia I bov no authuriry but tloc .,.,..._
popmt. ud "'1 printe opinlooo of the P"'''ri<lr of the --"""
All !bot I know io, tbot wb<a I ldt Loadoo, thne w<d.o b<fore
my embatkaMo, Mr. Dnd41 AoJ/ tkciJI..J tAot 1 ..,,.; ,; .. o4
tAll of tAl lilA" politirol d ililary ........ , of ti< got.....-.t
U...l<l kriwf..- IM Crn.ot but that at tho ...u time Iohould
be I"" undrT tho directit>n -rro1 of tho
ral." That UW. Jut point ,... .....tookcd or J>1IIPO"'I1 oD>it.t<d
v.ill from the .rrmonnrance of tho tub-.
.-qu.ntly q1001od in the rut. 'l'be afrty of Ceylon, and p<rbopo
olladil, wu tho but tho JlO"'-rWII ..Co to tho
llliuimr. Mr. Nortlt wu not tho DDiy penoo ...,, out ID Incfia
in anticipation of a commiu.on to be- tBOJti'Dittrd t a lAter ptriod,
but of which Offil tho eha,....l<r orul eonditlo .. "'"" undeter
miDtd. loa kltl-r 10 tho Eorl o Momi"!;ttJJ, dated tw<> daro
after tho formn, lie RJO I '"'"' ..,.;...., .,.,thor printe lcacr
10 tho gon-raor-1;"....-1. who I ouppooe will wiob to lttuurlt b-
tbe orrin! in Indio of a I"'I'IOU Ullbou>ellod, unappoooted, unan
u I lUll, trit.lonu "' rigil .. ,.. '!/Ail alii .. ,.,-''
;. noMJo, who, hb myt<l!, bare u :f<l oo lllriry for t.bcr .,..
f'lo1.,...t but tile w,..! of eloiatnY. 11- ol
ADd the aptn"" w n<cttoory lrtf"'ll'll!!U.''
unuu Drllllt rN umu. 391
IDellta of Madru Utd Bombay had boen roqulllld by CIW'. X1lt.
law to yield Implicit obedienee on 1111Ch questiona to -
the pYCIWIIellt ol &mpJ In diroct oppoUtion to
tbe no-.. by whioh dill liae of po1iey had been die-
hwL...wi!WIIIaft lliDee recehed a &r wider pne-
t.iealappHcatJoe-it wu determined to p to &be
pra IDI ol Ceylon an lndepenclent autborlty.
Tb8 ..U. of 11111b an - clirltiDc&IJ
pOilded out by the JluqU Wwl ill a JeU.-
add.-1 to the mblllrterw.ltllwllaa k W ted
d!w 'tile' p '
J U alc.,t.ill
reladoD ......... he trn.
....... as , . ., - .... "are to
be ...._. clil&lucdy from other bnDebel of polkieal
'f atio.., I am tha& the rev- of
Ceylon wonld bo Infinitely better administered, and
more productire, and that ita ext- would bo
mul!b moro moderuro, if it were perman(!lltiy an-
llt'Xed u a pro'rinre to the gowemment of Fort SL
Gemp. than If it bo rotainod u a aepa.rato and dJs...
..... pr r -\ lillller &lie Cnnna. Tbe penar
lllllit ..... al CeriDD to .... c.-u. while &be
Oi dl t fll J..u. llaiiJ I J
" ........ pcaa-
lllt!D& ol &lie EM&-I..u. Comi*D)'. ... hoWimll', ..
IV - ""I ...... ill Y eatbntion, with ...
IIJll!cl to it.8 polideal tban to ltl llnanelal ope..tiao.
It is -mial to the Yipar of em. empire &hd ...
of all ltl pGta lhoaJd be W II ....
hiDed npoa the- 1 , ..W rf ., ' L'
pdllelplea. and dinle&ed lo limDir old Ill .. --
llrdoi1&4Wa.f, ... &
lllft'OaT or Til&
CIUP. XIX. Unity of poww, aDd 1111 bnuiable of
I) t- 1111111 .aoa, throughout the whole f"abrie of
oar JO iEI mwmt, are the belt aecuritit!ll wbieh t'all
be pi'D'rided apiiiA tho dangen to wbioh e aro
Dee rily expolled in India, by the -rut oxteut of
oar P' 11 im18, aDd by tile ftl'lety of interettt whleh
tbey -brve. If 10 tbe _._. priucipJew or din-
.. aDd m-ad ...tthtf ha die te pomion
of our proTinl't'S, wnd &om tile dWea m tl Joeal
p!Tjodiees wnd ronfticting intt'l't!llla, be _... 'tile
eflt.ablisbment or diotinct authorities, ill
aubst.ance wnd in form from tho gcnt.-nLI government
or t he empire. and exempt from itA l'ontrol, tho
Wt'ilk.Def!ll of OVCfATOWD dominion MIL-4 ultirDIMI)
fallvp<>n us; and in llYl'1'1 arduoUII crisis our JtoWor
will be fotmd inefficient in J'rop<>rtion to ite DOillinal
and exteJrt. Wbatever, thererore, -r
be the nature of the sovernfDellt wbieh tile -*1om
of parliament lflll1 rermanmlly establisb for I..U..
I hold two principii'H to bo for
pemu1nent cllicil!llt'J noli vigour: First, thal !'rcry
J>o.rl of the empirl' In Iruliu, l' llJ! well u
inuJar, 5hall bt -,;ultitct to the gent:>nll control of
nc undivided autborit) ; "hich 1'<1"--... energy
in to maintain ordtr, connection, and barmoay,
Lt-t ween All the cliftoen<e<l braudJcs of oar dominlo111,
nut! to extmd equal bcn!'litA of good gonmmenL
to e.-cry class of unr nunlerotlll and \"UiouBUbjeetl;
llll<l in war to direct cnry spring of action to llimllar
and rorn.'sponrling movemcnta, to eoiiClelltrate "'erf
reeoun:c in an uuited eft'ort, 1111d by yttematlc
JUUT(SU UlNaE IN U..'D!A. 803
suoordilmtion to t!ift'w;o such II ")lirit of nlrumty and CR.\1'. XIX.
}lromptitude lo the remutet;t cxtremitic.; of the em- -
pir .. , ns shnll !'('('ure the CIHlp<mtinn of every part
in any t':.iJ,'I!ll"Y which may d<>mand the colii'Ctivo
stn.ogth of the bole. Secondly, Lbnt the consti-
tution of every hrn11rh of tho empire shtluld bo
liimillll' and wtilhrm. and, abon1 all, thal no subortli-
nutc part lx. so constituted 8JI in nny
to hnld a rhalry of dignity, form. .. ith thu
At a Inter period, when the ahow vieWII bad re-
ceived some illllltration f'rom experience, the Mar-
quill W ellC81ey retumml to the uf tho
queetion. "Tho>oluture," ..Ud he. "bas vested
iu the gtnernor-goneml in council, to tlut
e<ntml in England. th., o;ole power of making war
ngaiJlHt any native stnto on tho continent of India:
the ..rune principle requires thal the govemor-gene-
rnl in count'il lmuld JM"'<:esS Wnilar po1ren. with
regnnl to wnr in Ceylon. Tlw .,.;.Uom of tl10 legili
lature ha.. pmTitl<'<l an unity of executive power Ill!
thu most cRectoal security for l.l1e BritiMh emJire on
th.: t-ontint!Dt of India: and bas ddtrminoo that
Lbe lliLthority inn .. ted with the sole )'ower of dili-
I""'ing of all the rosourc4.-s DI'Cet\Sill')' for tbtJ pro-
of "'a.T nlso J>f"'.._ the sole power
of making war, thaL ntl )'tO\'incinl, local, or
bllbonlinate authority oo enahk'<l to inTolre
Lclta' irom the MotqW. WcU..t.,. 1o the Right
Hauy Dlmdao, lOth May. 1801, iD 1'01. ii. ot lhe 'W.u.Jry
o .. tMUcltn.
CD1P. XIX, lJJC general intcl'l'Sts o( the empire in the CXJ><'IISC
ancl baard of b08tilitil'l!. The same prinripl.,. halt!
boon wil!cly "ith l'<'j!t\rd to thl' politicnl
powl'n of the govcntmcnt on tlw routi-
mmt or India; o.ncl it hull b..>to hy pnr-
linml'nl, thAt the governor-general in ctlundl, who
alone can be eomJ>etcnt to form a eomprchetl>livo
\iew of the interasta by treatid or by wlll1!
,. ith the nntive aball alone be to
""'dude treatic-; or to mnku wnr. But UDder the
cxiting coostitotiuu uf tht lhmcl or Ceyluo, your
lordhip will oherw lhnt the order unci sy:ttm
t'!Otablh<buil for the> gttwntl go\.N'flml!llt of lruli11 nm
ul.-olulely revon;t...t : I hu gmmor of Cl'ylon cxcr-
ri""" lhc !lolhority of concluding of umkiug
wono, =d of t'Orulnrting military opemtiort.q iu lhu
islaud, without tho J.OWcr of 111Pllics
either of men or mouev lK'Tood tbc fixed e.;tabJi.,h-
. .
mcut of tht; kLuul; while the guwruor-gt'ncml iu
council is requirt'cl to furui.Jt uf men nu<l
muncy fur tl1e pnllll'<'nlicnt of wn.r in Ceylon, witl111ut
any pclwer of controlling the ol'igiu, t'on-
cluct, or prog.J'l'!\.'1 of tho wo.r, which IDlly, b01nnr.
dt'(ply di'Ct the curity, and hcn ... ur .. r
thu J:1:Dcnl gon-mmtnt of India. The J,Janol of
Ceylon. b<ll\"1!\'cr, ratmot he exduded from the
g.-neral operation of thC!!C wise and salutary 1rin-

mnuka ..,.. tnottd lrom a letl<'r oddi<IIO< to Lorn
llt>hort, tlorn pn:.idrnt or tho ll<"lnl uf Commlbion<!n fur tho
Alfain It lo &.tt'\1 tloc :Jj"b N.....,.h<r, 1811:1, ..... will
b< fouD<I"' the 40. Tl>lunoc ol tl><> Wellcoley .O..tlllld>a.
........... Ill IIIDU. ..
.............. ii .... rt' w ............ ......
c;Hl am ol Mmlllclrfaova ' 116
.. Illllla. ... st!
Jillki.-.111& 'lie lfJIU'iltell r.- 6e 1 m' a ' II
wkboul llaarcl to tile eafaty bada ol .-& &Dphe
1114 ol the hlaad or CeyloiL. The eatU. 111i1ituJ
1 NWm sat of Iadia Vlllh' to be app"ehh to die
... -of....... '1'110
Rlmll'r (JF no:
CHAP. XIX. tho COJilltltutiou bt.'tltowl.'d on Ceylon, L\10 l\IBnjUUt
W ellealoy ub@ern"l :-" The indcpt:nden<'tl of the
govei'Uili4)Jlt and military romiiWld of Ceylon would
c:GW!iderably (')Jiharrut tbe gG\'emDJ('OIj!l'Deral in
the r-ution of operations againt the remaining
1"-.'tol!ioof uf the 1-'rcneh and to the cG.t--
ward uf the Cape of Good Hope, or agaiut Egypt,
or api115ot nrioU! plaees In th- -. or ewn iu
any tran._<f'er of troops from the leTenl awitinu.'
gnrriJI<JWI in India. Y<ur lonlobip ia intilDatcly
a<'<JUnlutt,d with the ahant.nges "hich the l"'rtli of
Ceylon ollir for 111<'!\'Uihling t:rop1 11nd bip11. and
fur c"tnllcting ewry dcrlllt in the
parndon uf 11rh The
rcr-tcdly clerhoo iml><>rlnut<'!l from lhu
full command of tlu'l'O puns tluriug tht wnr.
In tho lntc of th<> Wand, it wunlol not he
]"""'iLic 10 u._-e its pmu ami reoourres with 1imilar
eAt : a rollltidPrnblo tHrtioo of the nunc of
CeJII>n, in time of "nr, i:i therefore actually SUI!-
rcrulnd loy tlle exi.tiog of tbo govern-
mtnl of thf! io;!nnd." Somo further oboocrllltions on
military J'"ints follow the"<! remarks, after which
the tbn., cootinue11 The pro-
c<'<ling tatE'ments will Bl'l'rize )'IIDr Jutdbip that,
if C') lon b.. cntil't'l)' ClHmpted from the rontrol of
the g<>JJtml rim anti militnry govemnwnt of Iutlia.
anl f.,m the l'OmmArul of the cumnraruler-iJH"hi<'f
an<l or the in India, tbc military
t'!!lnhli-hment:o of that ilawl Cllllnut be dcentl'll tu
cou.-tituh an lfiicil'ut pnrt uf our gt'nrml re,;otm'""
untl power in ludin, excepting only to the \Xl!'ot to C:IL\P. XIX.
\\hieh C!ltllblihments may ll<.' l'ufficicnt to pre-
vent the reduetion of the hlancl of Ceylon by the
fon-P- of nny l'llrmy uxclurocly ngainot
that po&;ei'Sinn. Your jndgment ami cx-
Jlf'riente in the nllilirA of thi. of the glube
will enable you to tk-citle with fncility, w.hcthlr suth
a tit'pamtiou ami <Jf powcl"' be prefl'rnhlo
to no union of all the Briti.h reeolll'Cei< and strt>r.gtb
in the hAnds of one sopreDl< authority in lrulin.
po!SCS'<ing pow<>r to apply entry brnncb of the
l(l'llCral to the drft'ni!O of cael1 part or
(,f the whole. and erubraeing In nne comprebniH
view the general welfare and R>Curity of the mJin!.
together with tho rnrticuiM' nod locnl of
OI'OI')' province llntl rosse51'ion. The dl'Spntch nd-
to tho l'tt'l'ident of I he Board of Connnift
$inoers for the A ffnir& of In<lia, under date 1Oth
Mny. 1801, tn "bich I bad the honour to rt>fer
in the thirt)"-st'\'cnth pa.rn.gmph 11f this letter, wiU
ronvey to your Jortlshlp my on thiR
important qul'!ltion. llCnlintt-nl.s hav<' hl't'D
coofirruE'<I by tlw mn<lt DUIIurc and delibNntc 1'1'-
llection. and by c)\cry event n.lativg to tbt'
of Ceylon which ha. reacbt'il rny knowledgt>
the> iudependonce or tbnt gtl\"('mrrtltlt h4s been 1'<14-
In ono l'Ciipe1lt only b011 my opinion undtr- '
any dt>grce ,,f .-ariation. Tam now cno>inml
that the most rft\_>ctual mode nf n-ndering Ceylon a
Tit tlQpoh:h from which. the fine quot.atloo in U... ca.c ia
cn.u. XIX. vulunblc a.ri.Ji'tion to the Dritih in Tnlin.
an! an effidlnt nugtn,ntntion nf oar military ami
lll'llitirnl p<l'll'cr, \\'onll be to nnnux it u.s ll ('rtninc<l
liro.!ctly to the suprolnll gownm1cnt of Dtngul, with
or<lcllj to tlte glm:rnor-J.:cncrnl in cowJcil to tttlnpt
mllll>!'lli'('S as might IIJJ<v for regtl
lnting the chil nn.J military go\'emml!tlt ;uul ('!.Ul
Mi.-lunentl! of the iland. Such m llmlllJ!\'111\'Ilt
wouhl write (On.idcmblt! n<h'IUltages in nf
economy mtb n grt!lll itnpnncmcnt or the int<"mnl
tmnquilllty, hnppiue><o;, n111l pnJSPeritr of the ioland,
nnd with n CIJri'CjOJlOndcnt iulll'CllSil of its mllttnry
otTcugtb. Tim go,onJmcul of Ceylon might cilh!'r
lxl formed npon 1 he model of thttt of nny of the pro-
,inces subjctt to the immediate WJYemment of
Hcngn!. and mndc tltc 8t&tion or :a court of rircuit
twd appe-al. mth OJtaiJ!ihmcutJ; for the rovcnnc wul
._.,.mmen:e of the U.lnnil, nnil with wm of his Ma-
geneml oflkcn. UJlOD the st:tff rommnnling
the troops; or lbc go\'crnm..,nt of Ceylon might ).._.
airuilru' to thnt of Prince of Wales Islruul, "ilh o
lieutenm1t-goyemor RJIJIOiutod from lhc civil
of &ngnl. In thi, cao;c, nl;o. Ceylon !'hnulil ho l111
of n gencrnl olliccr on the Ftan: I nm f<:tt ;,..
that, tmdcr either of the,.., nrrnngcmcnt,. tlu
hliiDd of Ceylon "'onhl l><.'<'<lrne n more vnlnnhk ruul
n moro SC<"nre l"'"'"-"'ion tlmn it CliD )ll'O'I't'
the pi'Cl'mlt of chil IIDtl mllitMy
Your lnrdhip ttill receh<' tlll'l't' nh-
Such.,..... thon Lh LaJ.Ii>btDml of l'rince o( Waii'O llond.
In lllO.'i it'"' errct.rd into Pnool.J.t-aq. and at a
rm.-t mlu<:el!.
Dll'lllP. Ill nllliA. !J99
scrvnti<>tl II" 11 of my anxiety fur the nuP. xtx .'ly nml pl'OI:!perity of thi grcnt (mpire.
upiniollil llrl' fhnnu,>d UJIUU :m<l
CXJ}('rillncu: and it npJll'&l"!l to me to be
my pn,itiw clnty to !ltllmtit lh<m to yuur lonlshi)l
iu thl ruJ<I
Tlu. n'I\Souing by whkh thl' gtl\!'mnr-gtnlrnl
SDpi"'rtO<! hi judgment j, iJTefutahJ<; and l'OD
dn.lnn atnnot e.-en be qncstiono<l itbout a mr-
renhr of the priucipl!'S applie<l tn tbc g<J1'1lmmeot of
I no! ill, with COil>!t.nntly inen!Ming during a
period of nearly Heventy ymn<. The ut;,>ttnJcut.; la.t
qnolnd Wlln 'tlll<ol f<rth by tho or<'ltrrourc of
in tho J,ltUJol uf Ceylon to "hicb it will nnw be
no:.._)" to tum.
In tlw int<'riur of the i>lruut 1111o tho kingdom of
Cnnol)--ll of ""me extl'nl ancl )>Ower. Pre-
to tb< ncquisition of tho Dutrh -dllemeot-
iu C<') Inn. more than on<> nltcmpt hncl l>l'en made
hy th11 Englih to ('!'tnblih nmicnbll nolntiou. with
till' of this stntc, witlwnt ,.\n
from the guvemmNtt nf 1\lall'lll', o.rtcr thl'
runotnl&t, \Ia. nt>t fortnnnlc in its rt"!ults: nnd
on tl1n nrriml t>f Nnr11t, tho lil't gnvemor nJ>-
Jiuted by tho Cmwn. 11ot only ,. cru til('
of Candy to the Brithll g<l'nnllcnt ertirely on-
but tim roontry \111!1 in 11 tato of l'tm-
fn.ion. ori!rloatiug iu the death uf and tl1e
lltvntinn uf u thurper in his phu-c, to tho exclu.iou
uftlw rightful cluimant orthll thrnnt. 'fbi hnull('tn
tnt ... t.-11 hrough tllll iulrigw, of n 1111111 l'<>limr
cRAP. XIX. Talauve, who bet.! the nffice of c:lrief adigur, or lim
minister. The per.oon "IJHm be bad pla.ccd un I he
throne was of low extmrt ion. tllld dt'Stitute of tahnt.
'TI1ese ciretun8tnnCL'S pnhably constitntNI chief
<Jmillfications in the of the ambitious ndignr, who
intcnded, in eastern fllllbiou, tu exercise tlw f"'""r
without IISSilming the title of IIO'fereign. flo IUC
ceccled in attaining his obje(t. The &eroo<l adigur
retait1t'<l his allegiance to Mnotto Sa"ll"llly, tho law-
ful inheritor of the throne, ;md paid the prioo of hls
fidelity in lhll rc of head. Tb" quoru
rul(\ nil the relatioM of tho drceased king 11cre
thrown into lmt, afil't n lime, FPWntl, nnd
among them MQOlto &wmy, found rni!Wl!i to l'SCaJK'.
Thcy clained J>notccti<JU from the British gncrn
mcnt, which wns grantc<l. but under restrirtion8
wbirb dt>pri.-ed them nf All power to tho
(xiotiog go'f('J"Iltnent of ClllldJ.
Pclime T:ilnmc WlUi npparently not less dL<poet.'<l
to seek the aid of the Dritih gmemment, lllld hu i
statlC'd to bnvc m11de very ntrocioru; 11rO[Ul<I\IH
for his own accompanied by N>ll
ditions which be heliovN:I woul1l be ncceptnblo to
the English. Th!!!<c "ere with
ex)'res-ions of indignation; bot !00011 nftcrorn"ls,
from moli1"ll!l which do not "fety clfc'Uly appear.
:Usjor-General :\I'Dowall \f11!l displltched on a m
to the rourt of Cu.nily. The instmetinDJ pren
to Oenl!ml M'!Je>,mJl Ptocm to indicate a on
the pnrl of the gonm<>r, to establilih tho Drltilb
authority in Cnmly, WJd to ronnect it with hill go-
llRITI811 EMJ'IIIt.: IS 1(11
wmmcnt by the tic of n. nllin.nce. Uut CJL\r. XIX.
tlw 6n;t inter,icw nrlmsiut"!! pnt lUI tnrl to nlllmpo
uf clfeeting nny of Ow objcl'h of tbl.' 11 bnt-
cer tboy wert'. General )IDowalJ\ first MIU<"'t
wns modl'rnte; thut wlticlJ be nskcd wns calculntc.l
n<ot lel; for the lx'nolit of the subjects of tbc
nf Candy dum for tlte nf the l'''")'lc
under tho British govemnwnt-it "1Uo for permi-
iott to eoOl!trurt 11 road through tloe kiug'M t<rri-
toril'l!, to ronocct Columbo with Triuromalet'. The
llll<rn"tl wus 1111 unqualified denial, tbt king mrpn..,._
ing his tlttiued,ion to nuy lntercourSo betW<'t'U
nod Europ.:ru15. Such W1l!l the fruit nf
thi mu..iun, whidt h11d been dL"Jlntched at vn.1.
General J\t'Dowllll boiug nttcnoled tn th'
fnnticr by a large force, noel be:mng mn.,"llilircut.

V nriou!l nttempts nt nogotinlion folio wild, which,
ns they w('ro m.,rkcd by no cireunt><!Mces of in-
trN!St IUUI led to no rerultll, OUIJ be J>wOO OH'r.
Tltu bO!!tiiC ti('Signs of tbe court ofCnndy were, how-
c\'t'r, bcyoncl tlouht b) thu warlike Jl1'1'PilMl-
tiuns reported to I"' in p:rogn.....s in the t>eluntry, antl
h)' nets uf nggret..ion upon British subjt-et.
One of t'lillcd forth a romotThtrnncc from the
Engli.!h gt"emor. A onmber of lad<n
'' itb nrdcn-nnts, bolonging to who '"'nl
pt'tlcenbly pursuing nn ordiuu.ry brnncb of tmlllr,
"'"re :ut'<l ('onfl--call'<l. Tho ruL'""r to the
h'l'"""'utnlinn of tltl Uriti.h pro01iwcl
l"l<k'l'iJ>hon lun, bylbo 1\c:\', Jam .. ('onlinu. AM.
Ill. 2P
CIIAP. XIX. retltitutlon: bot the fulfilmt'ot of tho promise wa.
constantly evadl'll uuder some frholou pn'llJIC<',
and no WliS The gocntor now
A.D. uo:s. determint'd on war, nnd no tbc 31.t tf January,
1803. Gt>ncral M'DoW1lll IIW'Clhcd from c .. tum 1Jo
with a foree about two th0U18.1ld tltrnnJr. A few
clays later Colonel Bubutt mattbed with a
forte from Trinc:onml>. and on the 20th of Fl'hrusry
tho two <livisions met before the city of Candy, tb"
capital of the ct>uut:ry. Gl:nl'ral M Do,. all's dhiainu
bad perfnmted a march of 3 huuilretl ancl throo
milt.,.: that of Colont'l Barl>utt had traverse I n hun-
dn.ltl and fortyt'llo; ruul though tltt pmgl'\."'b of the in-
T&dt'rs Will not alt<>gHbcr nuoppo-cd. tim rc!'itanco
till')' exporionc('() was too inconjderuble tQ
call lot Mtice. On the 21-t of 1-'ebruary a
detnchntt'Ut marched into Cnndy, which tbey fooncl
completely encUD.ted, and in se'l'eral plues on fino.
Tltc gl'\.'llt rusenru btu) been blown up, but a COII8i
derable quantity of ammunition, bi'II.'>S cannnu, nnl
smnll nmtl!, were fount! in vnrious
:\loottQ Sawmy, tho lawful claimant of the throue
of Candy, bnd OOi.!n plnccd undel' tho of Colonel
Barbutt. In eoru:e<Jucnoo of representations from
that olliC(Ir of tho disposition of lho iohabitlillts of
th._ parts of Cnndy with which bP was acquaintetl
to receive Mootto Sawmy 118 their sovereign, it wu
dctcrminl'<l to 1'\'COgoize hill title and Jroelaim him
king. On the 4th of Ito urivud iD the city
of Candy, and a convention was eoadudod. by wbieb
the Hritih gowrnment to deli wer over to
him tbat pl:t..e, nnd rut tb<' brJonging to CIL\1'. ""
it. wbich \Wrt' nt thnt time in their orrupntion, with -
t-ertnin !'Xrcption,., among which '1\'0. included aatrit
ground DCI'O!iS tb<' Candian terri tori,., of sullici<nt
breadth to fum n road from Colunbo to Trinco-
mruee. The priuce engaged to ccd<' this ami tlw
other exC't[ted portions of territory, :tnd to p<mtiL
aU Mnln.)H resident in hls kingdom to proceed with
thdr fnmilics to tho Britit.h from which
h" to receive an auxiliary fon:e in cue he
n>quiro it. to maintnin his authority. The dtpoect:l
king was to bave flll.fe conduct to Columbo, ruul o
tuftirit>ot pro'fision lhr hi, maintennnet.: a gt'll<'rlll
IUDDf!!ty '1\'M to be grantt"i.l, nrul tlm Eogli5h were
to be eecured cerltlin privil<'gns with r<gu:rd to the
trrule in cinnamon, the cutting or wood in the Can-
dian fo,.,l.., nnd lhl' suncying of riTcn. nod water-
courses with a view tc rendering them navigable for
the J'l1l'PO"<'S of trade and tbo mutual advantage of
!.nth e<tunoies, which nbj<'Ct the king \\'88 to pro-
mote by bis 456istanro. " In this mottcr," tm)''A n
nnrrator of thi!P<' pruceediog.o. w amulf.:Cments wt!rt'
rnnde with the m<lft ainrere rordiality between tlie
llritibb govemmtnt :md 1\lootto Sn'l\my.n Hul.
neither tbo trlnccrlty nor the eordiality withheld the
govemmcnt (rom I'ODt'lnding. within a f, ....
dnyo aficrwnrds, nthrr arrnnwmcnbl utterly ut 'l'llri-
IUtce with the former, and dcl'rivinl!' Mo..tto &lwmy
ur nsrly a.ll that had t-n '''
him. It 14 .aid tlult print'c. although well re-
11> fl... J&PtU t'cm!inu
CIIU.DS. eehel1 llftlae Hd4taDta or the floatier, met with
A ta he approached the Cllpltlll, aucl tha&
lilt J"'''h--ID his paJaee at Caudy IIIU'IOIIIIded ooly
tly .. OWII c1omelties, aucl 1111pported by DO olJKor
powr bat tiM!& ol tile Bd"lt umy. H tJail be true.
I& ...... tM Gil P I lrqii' 'nee with wbi. tbe
111" mllllt w beia n ah 1m ta c1oa .-
that Mootto S.ftl1 M 1 " W .wed tbe
8ritiab goYemmeDt, U to the ..... fll WI OWII
pnpularity, it il dillicult to _, u.- wW 111 wla
or jaati- or good faith be oould bt> ..miC!IIl. w..-
palr u error u1aiDg out or tho cn.odnlity aucl pn!l!l-
pitancy or otben. Pellme TalauYe bad neYM
to pumae bl8 trade or IDtrigae: be "bad the em--
,_.,,-1' Mr. Cordioer, " to carry oo a deeeitrul eor-
a!lpODdenee, 'IIJider the ... or frlendlbip, with the
OOfDlN!der or the Britiah f'oreel," a th8& -
mander, he might ha'nladded, bed lbeww a to be
by him. " No art: aya die lliltoltu, ....
left untried which might clther dupe or oar
Pelimo Talnuve bad no re118(1n to
complain of want of l!Drcess. He pmmiaecl to betrsJ'
his puppet mMler to the Engliooh, and rt'qlles&ed tbe
to tbe J>1- where the prioco "tl1lll to be eebled. The
required MechiD<:!Dta ID&I'Ched. and bad proeeeded
only a f'ew mllea before beth were eat;jBBted to a
heavy fire from trtery dlreetloo : .-,. 1 J! 1 1,
however, to 010\'e on. Tbeir..,... ...... illttlllol
tile WOl'llt. r-ihle dn lflh -" y6t I 'f
..._die aooor- otwiiWI..., w aeeema..,
WIITil!B KVI'mE IS ISiliA. 4115
t11rl) a J>o.'dml'll. They at lll'l'ivoo nt tbu tll.\P. ,.,.
plrtcc "hero lbo king wns to ha >o ix.'t'n fo11nd, but
Jt,. hn<l nut lbouj:rbt lit to wnit their approach. Tho
inolcJiltignblc Pulimo Tnlauvc llishcd to dmw them
forward into fro:!h 8Jll1l'e8, tho officer in com-
mnnd. Cnlouel Baillie, declint'd to ho further tn.'-
utul returned without tlday to hend-qlllll'tcn.
In I ho meantime jungle fe,l!r bad wade it. 3('JI<lllr-
anco in the Britih fore.:, and c-ommitted frightful
ra ,.DII'"'
l'climo T:Uau..-e continued to cori'C!Ipood with tho
gowmmeut, cxprc;;,;ing hi 8tii"Jori..o lhnt the go-
wrunr shuultl incur ..o much truuhlu nod I!XJII!Ill!C,
uucl J'M('>"lng 411 iu which hilll50lf, os
mii:hL hu llXpec!lcd, was to be tho party chiefly
J .. mliu.l. Thc,.c o..-ertun:s n fn,olll'lililc
:uh,.cr, and they were follow()(] by tho nppeanulOO
nl CIUid) of the pct'hOll holding tlso office of second
or miniter, c:nt'l');og n lirolook nod m:uch
wmppccl in white muslin-" as no emblem of pence,"
1<11)8 thu hltorion-perhaps ol"' til! on emblem of
purity. Thi peMJonnge wn.; fnrthwitb to a
with Geneml nucllht' rit:hL.
w hid.1 a fen day. b.;fort> hnd ix.'I.IJ ...,Jcmuly ><.'l.'un:d
l<l wert Unln.ltlrily cut in
t'onfurmit y "ilh more recent 'iuw' of conH:.uicnre.
Tltt> lt.'f\11111, uf lfootto &wmy't ri>nl Tcrc not
ll''" Moly to thu cllllm8 nf their nou.ter thnn
"'<'<' tho EugJi,h to th.,..c 11f their nlly.
H) nvucrul i\lDo"ull llncl the Cnucliau ul!gotintur
C<>nlino. r.
1 llAP. XlL wu agreetl tbat l'clinll! pogennt king
hould be given up to the Englih, and the nli).'tlr
himself with supreme authority in Cnmly:
that be houlo.l pay nnuwilly a to( thirty
thousand ruJo<'e!l to )(tJOtto Sa\Tllly, wb<1 '
to bold tho of a eourt at J affuap:llaru ;
that certain be made to tho
oliffi:ring little from th08C @tipulated in the
mcut with Mootto Sawmy. and that a -tion of
nmts imme<lintdy take plllL'e. Soon after
thi< armngcmtmt Gcn<'rnl :\1:0<>\\-nll di!J>ute<l for
Jca,iug in tho city of Candy a of
III!>Pn huntln.'tl .Maln111 nnd threo hundred Euro-
JlllllDB, besides n gJ'\'nt nUlllber uf sick who.o ro-
numu WlJ.S impmctic.'ablt.
Pclime Talatm! n<>w a desire to be
ao.lruittoo to nn nodicnoo <1f the British govl'nlllr. fur
tJw purpot>ll Of nmwging II dcfi.u.itho treaty tof J'l'liCC.
h wu about the same time t<> the go-
, ... ruor that prese:uc:c in tho JITOvinoo of l<"rcu
oorles, which wos to be one of tbu might
bo desirable ; be thitllOr, nnd there, on
the 3rt! of May, Pelimc Tal:mvc. Tbe
Lenos which lmd been upon by General
MDowall wcru confim1ed by the governor, nuo.l np
parently lit tie to be done bot (or the
EngiWl to O-'ttri(:j;te tltl'm-clves from the difficulties
llf their pn!VioOB engagement with Mootto &wmy.
Culoucl Barl>utt undertook to negotiate with that
prill<'\\ lmt ,. ... l'"""ntcd by an aitaclt or (CJYm",
which in 11 few day terminated hill life. l'eliml.'
Tal:ulY<' expressed great at tltio;, it CIIAP.
ntigbt J>mt met lite execution uf the cuticles of the -
tl'(>llty; to to vert which inconvunicncc be eru:nestly
rcqnuolod that Gi!neral MDowall might be sent to
Cllntly to Jll'rform the task which hntl beoo desigutd
for Colonel Barbutt. In nccordnncc ";th the ndi-
gur' w ibN, Geucml ]\I' Do wall mnrchcd from Co-
lnnliiO "" the 11th of :lfay, allfl at Candy A. o. uoa.
n tlu :?3nl ; but being ,:oon IM.oizcd with fever. be
wn.! rorupclled, on the 1st of J tml', to quit it for
a more lilvonnililc to the l'CIItoration of
Tilt gvrinn at CI!Ildy \\"lUI left. under the L'Om-
mlilul uf Mtljor Dnvie. At this limo the inteutions
of l'l'limo Talnu\c beatme tviclcnt even to the
Britih nutborities. who h.'\d !'0 long: ghcn him credit
for inl'"rity. He ma<le anothl'r attempt to entTai>

tho Dritiah coii1Jllnnder into the tll"IJlltch of a force
to take the pcnoon of the fngitivo king, but he wn:.
not !'0 weak tiS to full intll tho Hlllro. All nmurul
w111 war, notwithsliiilding tho enj!UJ(Omcnl$ which
luul ht'l'll nwdl! for jb !'DS)lCDioo ; cuul the Candinus
!oUCl'l!t.'<l'll in diBJlOSll( the EugiU.h of
.troug Joo&l. Ou the 24th of .r UU<I they attacked
tht> tnpit:U before daybreak. The1 \H!ro repobod.
but ""''II J"'"'umetl the att.'ll'k, IIJid n lire was knpt
up from both ide!! till two o'dO<'J.. wbcn the Brithb
di.T>I:syecl a white Bag, an! firing CX'tL'l'd. At-
tides nf were with little difficulty agreed
upon. Uy tlulll Cn.udy W"M 111 IK dtliYt!l'l'<l up, with
o.ll lhu store.. RDd nmmunitlon ithin it; the Britbb
lll!ltniiY ul' TUF.
UhP. XIX. tronl"' W<'l"'! to Jlllln"h out with their lU'Ilb. on tht.
roatl !eftlling to Trincumalt-e; Y ootto Sawn1y "ll!l
to be to IIC<'ompMy U1l'lll. nnl thl nligur
tngaged to protect nnd Khunl<l
II< ullllvoidably lt!ft, ruul provitll' tl1em with J'r<l'i-
ii>D.!! and mediciD('II till they could be n:mon,d to
Culambo or Trinc<>maloo.

At liTe in the afternoon the BritV!b t:loo}o8. rou-
of fi>urteen Eul'l>JoCan officers. hrrnt) Eu-
"'rc&D nou-eommi-.ilnli oftiror" ed pri'lltes. t wu
hundred nnd fifty Mal&}'ll, 11nd n hundred anl fort)
marchctl uut t!f Candy, ou th runtl
ll!mling to occompnnicd by Mootto
Snwmy. After ath-Mdng a mile nntl n lUllr, the)
w"re compeUed to brut for tbe night: 11 rin:r \111.'!
tn he cros;ed whkh wu not ford:lble. anol the party
luul boots nor raft. T u tht> ruoruing. "biln

t'Dllm-ouring to pro\ide lhe means of trau.-it.. &nne< I
of Can<liiiD.!I ob!oerved to gathr arunnl
rl>l'ID. A pnrty of rhiof.., nfkr a time,
nuol informed .Mnjor Dnvio thnt tbe klngwlllj !,'Tl'llll)
ineensefl thu utligur for allowing tho gnrrion
t.l II'RVU Candy, but tbnt if they would delhtr ur
Mnotto Snwmy, they should ho 81lpplied with
to noss tbe ri,-er, anol l'l:ceive every as.ilanl"l' vn
tbdr march. ajor D:nie, in tho FlO!>tl l'iril of
11 Dritkb officer, reftt-<'<1. Tbe olrer was rt'!'t.'llleol
hOlii'S by 1111otber pnrty. act'um-
p:tniL-..1 by B.'lSllrllllCCll of AAfuty om! VI'Oli.'Clit>ll ft>r
ltlnult.u S11wmy. Mujnr D&nil, on lbbl t>CX'allinu. i
npli.'IICnted tu lmw I'UWIIIIU.d lili; if tho
DllJTISB Dll'llllt l'l ISI>IA. 40!)
of surrendering the unbnJ'I'Y prince to hhl cu ,r. xr:t.
tJWIIlil-, Were QUO Of doubt. Jt f, tn he preRIJllf'ol
tlmt tht tuhicc which he wo. such as bc-
l':lmC Uwso to whom the I'Ommamler npvlit'll
1!1r cnul, for lllii nnw;;r to the Camlinn chiefs
ww;, thot be could not pnrl with 11\ootto Sn.wmy
"ithont from Columbo>. Tbc Candians
part.--.1, lut l!OCU returnL-.1, thnt if Muottu
1-'a,.my \\CJ1! not given up, tho king wouJ,J,.otl hi
"lml foree to oei7.e lrim nod to J'n'Yent the Britb.b
frum t'rn.<ing the riwr. Dtuie th.-u
l:nlrt.'<'IIIU"'C to another coosultntiun. How be Wll<'
n<l vO.d CIUUiot be known-ho\1 ho i8 but 11>11
rortnin. llo infoi'Jlll'll llfonttn S11wmy thAt hu Juul
no longer J'OWI.'t to protect him : OJJd the uofor-
tunnt' princ<'. with his relati\'CS nnl t;et\nnts. wn
<ll'liwtl'tl up to the agt:nC. of tbe l.iug of Candy, or
mtbl'r of the tniU1 wbo ruled tbo Ling. It !':lit)
tbnt M0<1Ito Snwmy, on lenrning bb, imlig-
nautly txt"L'Limed-" I it poiblc thnt tbe triumph-
nut nnnR of' England cnu he 811 hmoblel til! tu oo
ll\ll'fl .. ,. tho lDI'IUlCCS ur !>Utlt CflWIU'Ih< IUO thl' Cnotli-
nn ?"-hut this nppenl to natiunnl ftding wns min.
Ml>utto &wmy wa. tonrellll to Candy. nnd there
pnt to dcnth. Two of bb relnti than. ...I bi,; fau..
$i:t Wec>b after his bo!ing eight of Jti,;
ll<'rvanti OJI[lOOl'Cil ru: TrintomnJ,,..., llfier hein,!l'
tlcJirivot! of their nntl bnd bccu ulfe:rt'd
to <lttmrt.
'rho tilL\ nf t!itlhonour, on \ll&irb .\loottfl OOW111f
. .
'W1UI lo dl'>lructiou, JICllioK'<l without tbo
411) nll!TORY OF TilE
CJJAP. xn. Englil'h llllvinj:( been nblo to ctfeet the r-gc of the
river IUld wit hoot tbcirrecei ving llll y ll!isi.Jot.ance for the
purpose. On that whicl! followed, a. bOtly of C:tntliruts
ha.-ing taken post within nhundrod yards or the Britih
party, tltcir leader ta Major 111111 inti-
mated tllllt it was the plensure of the king that the
garrison should retu:m to tll111ll1100, and that
ilatnut death "'88 the penalty of rofl1811L Tbe retrui-
ailion wns complie<l with; nod nftar procecdiog a short
tlistnnce town..W. Candy, the whole of the British
officera nnd soldien! were murdered, exccrting
Davie nnd two other officel'S, who were spared, lllltl
n COrj!Orul wuned Georgo Barusley, who, nfter being
left for dead, recovered nnd Ws N n-
tive officers nnd men, \rho refused to enter the
senice of the Jcing of Cllltdy, were dispatcl!ed in
,arious modes, !lOme of them of C.'ttreme hnrharity.
The tilck loft in Candy, consibting of n hundred nnd
twenty men belonging to the King's lOth regimt'Jlt
of foot, were nll murdered in cold bloou !l:j tlmy :Jay
ineapable of resistance in the bO!<pital.
Tho of the earlier part of this melancholy
nod discreditable series of are too inl-
perfoot to admit of confident remark. hntJ
greatly diminished the strength of the garrison oom-
mnntlcd by l\1ojor Da-vie; some desertion.!! from U1e
native 11lll't of it seem to have taken place. ;md
moro to have ))coo apprelllllldoo : hut !'till Ito was
not reduced to extreluity. Reinforcllments wero
nu U1eir way to bi8 relief. This, indeetl, he uitl not
know; lJUt bo ww; certainly hound to JH'Iltract the de-
fcDre as long as J'Ol!'ible, in the hope tbnt either some :ux.
-istrulcu might n.'llcll, or 110mn ncd<lcnt
him. But if tlto propril'ty of his of
Candy b.. open to oloo1t, that of his

ubnnduumcnt of th!! nnhaJI'Y prince, Mootto S&" my.
is liuhle to none. J\footto Snwmy bad bt'Cil iuvitl.>tl
from Trincnmal('(', where bo miS in a:.fcty, to Candy,
where the English either W'Mted thl JlO'II"Cl to plaro
him on tlte ilironc., 11r wero h.r thf! Arts of
Po.'limc Ta14tm! to abstain from using it. Tbry
then, witb nn e.lttraordirwy degree of Jemy, de-
grmled .Mootto S11wmy from the rnnk of n king to
that of a Btipendiary upon tbe bounty of tho lllJIU
wbn bated him, BUd bad aln.'&lly nolcutly
him of bU! righl8. This wtlll n great 1tllin upon the
honour of the British notion, but one far dnrkcr
folloR'tl in tbe surrender of lloouo Snwmy to rer-
tnin death. For the snfety of tlmt priuoo tho f11itb
of the British go\"cmment pledgt'd, nnd it
the doty uf evcl")' man in to t-hed hL'I last
oln>p uf blood in llcfcnoting him fron1 harm. Honour
wu !!ll('rUicetl to r....,., and lle roWDJ"tl wu worthy of
tbo art. TbO!IC ,. bo devolt!<l Mnot1A1 Saltllly to
destruction thought by tho tlihommmble dL'C<I to
Mfcty to thcm6t'1vct. But tht)' were <IU..
III'IIIlintcd- their wcnkn;:, and p<rfidy were re-
wanlt'll by a nili;.rahle dentb or a more miscrnhlc
c11plhity. Painful Ill! Ml the fueling& e:tcit<'<l hy
the oarr:atiw of tilt' 'tm'Cnltr (I( Cnwly and tho
IIUbecqulOt cwut..., tbll >luiJ l'l\:tiellt a '-a llvl
to hu forgulti!U.
HJsrnll Y or Till!
cull xn. Thr. eQI"jM>ral, Uamly, wbo lwl lrtily ISCftJ"-"1
the duatb whkb lmd cl\ertakl'll his comrrulcs unoltr
Dane, liiiC:cec<l'"' in his wuy to a
Britiab po.""t rnl.k-d Fort :MDnwllll. whiclt wao
f1nok..J by u tomllll gtuTOOII under CaJILAin )J olgt.
That no bearing the t'<>I'J>onal'e
to uftCUate tbe fort and retnat
'frinromalee. He tleparted in the night, autltluring
a wan It of fi,nr '""' to a eoD!Itant lire
from lru-gc or Cnndinn. He then r.,u iu
with a detlll'hrm!llt }lftXeedinj: to the relief ufCIWcly.
:m<l the enemy thereUJinn <lbJ>erot'd.
'flw defcnco of nnotber English l"'"t, Ul\DII'ol
Durubrulenin. cl=nnob notico. not from it' imtKrt-
anc:o nor the mngnitull of till' upcrntioM carricol 111
befcro or within it, hut from tho gallunt oli>-
IInyt,<l by a mllll n wcu, not one of wbuln
wa.. in a C<llltlition for nethe lk'rnc:o. Dumboohnia
waa n i!mnll redoubt, blightly tontructl'il of JUcim.,.
and earth: it.; g:trri.lon c:on.-itl'd of only fimrteat
oomnll'M'enlll of tlw lOth ngiment, 'lito wc:ro 011
lhdr way to Columbo for UJC) restomtion of thdr
bcaltb, and twenty-two invnlicl Milia)"' It
t'Onmuwdeol by no cru;ign lllUuetl Grnut. TLc Cuu-
tli:m. hcudctl by the h{<Cuml adigtn, ruutered h...tirc
it in lleT<!ral thouoamb, 1111<1 kept IIJ' nu
fire fo1r :,ewml the garrison lying shcllln.od
behind a bn.111't1rorl, nod only d.h.ciw,tiug au ocna-
hllnnl hl!ot "l"n Uto lncmy to ftJJirnach
oulliticnll) utur tu remlcr it lnviwio1111
to aurrcnkr 'H'rc WIJ, h) -
DRJTigll IN INDIA. -l}:J
lemn pmmi!K', ofltonoumblc whirh would cn.u. XL'\:
doubtk.,.h b:ne \l('(n n strictlY n. nt
. .
CJUtdy. Euign GraM mil! 1!0 NU<>eblel by !>ick-
111"'" n.o lo bo >oenl'<'tly cnp11blo uf onlinnry motion;
hut F)>irit WL filtlwfued nl'it!J<r by ODr
the apparcntly tlt'<'pctatc natun> of bi>o
Ht> slrt'ngthi'nci! his Hbcltl:'r hy hngs of ric'<' IUIII
llll<'h DIJite:rinls ns could l><l obtnittt'<l, IUld
J;OJnd tct I>Crse,ere. ,\ Sl'a."'>tiDhlo n!inforreDM!Dt.
nfl<'r n rcdut'Cll tl1o ft-nrful disproJiortion of
n,t.'llint wbieh h" bod to rt>utend : nnol lliiOlb<>r
tnnhlecl him to bring any in !<llf<ty tlw whole of
tlc bJ'IIYe men by hom be bnol h<>en
nl\er dettroying oil tho n111l Jlrovi,;ions in th1
A long of he>ootilities on a minute $('ale fol-
llwed. 'l'ht King of C'llDdy, embolilcued hy tl1c
which b11d nllcnoled him, surrounded thc
llritisb JIO>Ol"sions, nnd thrcntcn('<l even tluir f'11J>i-
tal, Columbo. Bot his army being totally clef .. oatccl
nt llnngwcll, nbout eigbtcon mile>< from that rity,
hy C-aplniu Pollock, of the King' 5h!t regiment,
the Csnlian prill!'C maoiP a prt.ociJ'ilote n .. trrot, IUld
rcnnge.l hi olisa['POinlnll'nt ly tuttiog nlf tlw IJI.'ftd,
of twn or his wbo hnd thll indi.crution to
fillow his mnjCf'ty's <>xrunplc with w murb n-al "'"
t Wm b<'foro his in<lignatian boo! l'i111nJ
IJportuoity (or
It would he uninkrt."'tiog to JlUI'!Itte thl! history
of this wnr further in ll'lail. Tlw impencet llK'Glll>
, of lefcnre hy tlol! Ceylon guTcrmncnt 'IH'n'
cnn.:ox. by M@istanOO frum Bengal and Mnlnll'.
The dri'"en from the Dritim
t'Ontinued fnr I'OID<' timt' to tbe frontill'!'.
t.. u. In the spring of lflO-l tlwy meditated n g1ncrnl in-
\'uion o( the Briti.b dominiollll, but wenl antici-
pated by an attack on their own. In the follm.-ing
'JNr the enomy l'll8UIIIe<l their att!'mpts, but wero
l'llpU'-1. From that time there wu a IW'JI('nl<ion
of a.cti'l'c h(l(ltilitielo, but the relatl._ of the two
et.ntes were not determined by any treaty cq-
meot. ThiN at.nte oflbinb'!l bas been
" a ta(:it of bostilitic...'' The war. in-
begun and imprudently eoruloett-d. mt!!
thus tcnninatetl. The of
tlw IIUJ..\!n..-rc of Candy remnhwd unavt>ngcd. nnl the
bonmu of the Briti1b name nnvindieated.t
Wbcn the llarqtm W ellC!lley fil'llt cxpotl'd ta tht>
King's government tho inronvonienrt'll ami dangel'!l
llttCndin,l!' tJ>t'ir determination to mlare the gGYenl-
ment of C<'ylon from that of contin<>otAI lnlim. ho
('Ould not luwe nnticipntt>d tbnt views Hhoultl at
t In tho- bi.o!Ory <41he ...,. wi\b Candy it io pruJJer ID 1lalc
\bat the autlmr hu 11ot eo joyed ...,.. t.o any 10a.- or iruaram
tion whlob ha<D Dot been Dlada (lllbfu:. '010 hiJtory io rounded
pArtly an rubli.thed doeum(otl, aud potlly oo the iofonnati011 1o
be ro..nd in r.., .. llllrn1i1'to, aoorr .. .,.,...u,. thao< """t.;....d in
tho Aoialic A..-1 ud the """"or J-
Conlli>er. TM uthot of tho latter pubu<:atiao atata thot hia
Wll'fQtin wao C<lmpooed lt Columbo (where be wu cbaplaUI
during tho war) ..... 1 that it b r<IWl<i<d.., uw.-tiaa aJrardod by
lhe Jlrillci9oj cjTjJ ........U ol JOIU f Mil - f ' ... -
....... _ ..,tb ...... llw liold.
..., early n period haw rct'chccl IU strikinl! nnd, in CR\P. xtx.
m:my n.-J'('Ct,., so disastroOll no illu.trntiou. The
\\11r "ith Candy bad proved that. nor! .. r the exk-ting
rumngt:mlnt, the i.laud a bOllrt'C tu
India rather t!Jno of llnct the go'l'emm-
gm<>rnl l"'""esoed the power of control, be wnut.l
(ithl'r hnn f>O!'tponed the wnr or h&ve made ade-
quate P"''ision for it on rfl'l-ctnally. That
t!.tt Cnodian.t hoold insult th" Hnp;l.ish authoritiCll.
and inHict wron::r on thOlie subject to Enp;l.isb go-
nmtmcnt, W"ll:l of common occumnco; nod though
it wn.q the bounden duty ofthc rt'f>Mll!C11t4thc oHhe
Cn'>Wll to n.'bl!ot ncb tnntmt:>ul, it Wlll! not
).,. a duty to ehoose 11 proJtCr time for carrying
n'll<'llllntut into elrect. llo hnd l>:en mtmed by
tJte gll\'Cmnr-general of f ndia, l\itb reference lO the
!'tate of &lrairs in that country. to aToid " by all
J!O""ibll a breach ";th lhc court of Candy,
but the warning wns not regnrdod. It is true thru.
tlwrc WUlO cau.oc for war, but nut uch 111! admitted of
no dehy. f>n.vious injuries bnd l>ccn ffnbmittcd t!l--
otlll'"' involving fu.r dee)l<'r Wl'Oil,lr were a-ubecqoently
pcnuitt!'d to J'!Wl 1'1Jc N<izuro of 11 few
areka nub! took lhe Engli>h to CaDdy-tho munler
c.r ntlllrly a hundred and fifty or their countrymen
did not 1.-.1 thtllll there a III"CCnd time. If it
be JIJiliWll'('(), that the mardcrou Candi:ws enjoyed
impunity IA>cau..-c the Englit.b bad not ttrengt.IJ to
!;to letter ftwn Muquia Wtlleol<J In tho H011. Frederi<k
Nnnb, Nomuber,lSOO, in the Wtlkoky o..p.!cl> .. , Tol. ii.

t'll\1'. x1x. puniRb them. the !tlmo 11ru.wer might hAve
in the ..a-c uf the Tho "birl1
the gowmmcnl tliplnyed, in wnlliring jt,...Jf tu lJC
hJ the nruliot of Ptlimc
oliht>Dour which it h) it treatment nf
Mo.ottu &lwny-nctocl no remark; they lul\o IJt.'<'ll
IIUfficientJy 11[tparE>Ilt in the COUI'IIC of the llnrntti>c.
The war wn.t not WJll\'OiclAble, uul it proolucecl littl<'
<'X<'<pt lkpce. It len the n:latiou nf C1111oly tm<l
th<' Britih Mnnscttloo llB it fnnml 1lwm
nt couuncnC<>ment.--"ith chnnga mtrely,
that the Ccmdi= bad bo:cn tauj!bt tbnt tlttre wu un
IDI!ft."W\' of injury to "bicb tht Britihh go t:nomcnt
would not uhmit, nul txccrting C\'Cil the fcmcinu.
murc1er of n lnrga uum11fl' of Drililih fur
the oakc of pcare. live<;, nt tho con-
cluion of I he \\111', were of lll!!ll imJoortnnro thnn
hntl been wlum it wruo cnrumenrtll.
The fut infonDlltion whid1 till' gown>orjfeDenU
n>ccin>cl of the Wlll' \\"liS from tho Ct'ylon Gazel 1<'. eon-
tniniog tho proclnmntion of the gocmor of tho ihlnll(l
tumouociJJg its corllJJlcnccmeut. A heavy pccunin.ry
d<>mand for the necc,...ary outlay v-as immU<liat<>ly
afit!I'\\1IJ'II:! mnllo upon ncognl, but it \\'38 intimllt<'d to
thl' govt:'ruur of i\Lnclms tbnt no troop'! would lw
"lllltoo ('tlmpaign huuld '"' Dlc-c-,;ary,
which Will nut thought prohoble. J-;ub.cttucntlytroops
were rcqnt..,tcc1; but tl10 reqnt'><l being 1'\"<lll prin-
cipally ou the IIJ1pl'l:lwn!!lou of a l'l'UC!wnl of the war
,. itb Frauct, and t.y
n'(n"'clllatiun of thl! l'"'gt'{"" Will' in Clyloo,
llllfllRil EXPIRE IS 11 7
nml the mrotl!l at the go,eroor'e !lispootl for rnrry- CUAP.
ill!f It on, there wn LIP n.'lll!llll tn hdiove thnt tho -
" rutt wns Ul')l'<'lll; 1\nd thr applicnthm Willi mon.-
"'"' mntle nt a for tho
Tlw of the fntAI C\CJJl. in C:tnly
np<>n(tl thl.' n'111 wtnto of :Ul'u.irs in the island.
tli' time. a.ll tho resources of Intllll were
fnr the diit-it'nt }'l"((SPCntion of the \IUr.
lint Ct'yloo ron hi not be left tCl ntiu ; and J,.., Wt'Cil
thl' :Wtb of J the Jlr.,t IK'('tllut A.ll. uCI:I.\m, and thP 1\"11\t'llllllr, the ilnml
\\M reinforced from J rulin hy I \\'II fiNncllmen!to nf the
King' troOJ"'. amounting rt."ptttiwly to t"\\n
anl and one humln....t arvl cigbt)-tte\CII,
lo) liTe bU11tlrcd .Jknga.J ,olunl<.'<'ro, 1111d tl.rrec hun-
' l'hc pffects of tho sepnrlltion of Ceylon from the
of I ntlin were not left for nny
long pl'riod to he roojectun>d. .\lmo..-t as >elon
c.' the epamtirJ e1fected tho fruit;, hl!jplll 111
"l'l"'nr. The l!oPcquenccs bud ht'l!n foJ'eSCI.n nnd
fur..tol<l by llao !(11\'t'nlllf-gt'DI'Mtl, lmt his \\IIJ'Uilll:,<ll
l'Xfl'riut-eol tbe fnte thnt uunlly O\l'llil
"hich runti counter to men's J>rt'judic..- and int..,.e:-t..
lwl """ become fact. Pnd('r the new
cou.tituliont &aicl il1a W ('J]Cliley, .. trcltil_,
hun; been couclude<l ll1ld a wnr been tuulr-
tnk,n by tho guwrnment of Ctylon without the
1roious knowlcdgu of tbe the
".xpcu.t"' <fthnl \\ar hne, ho\\C\W, Leen "''l'lli.-1
in thl! fi"'t inlnm't' h) the ouol
VIIL. lU. 2 t;
Ulll'l'"ll Y oY nu:
CIIAV. XIX. tJlO ealllttlitit'S hnvo Ottemlltl progt'Cf!l! of
Ute war IU\vo for tr<)OJU! from
the Wbf'thCl' "ar in Ct>y-
Jon cuul<l hanl been alto;:..thcr &\'Oit!ecl: whether its
eommtnccmcnt couM lm"u been Jl()!olJou .. tl to a
nwro counmient !'(!MOll; or 'i\'ltuther ill
eoultl have been intronl, and liD t'llrly n111l honour
nblo , .. -aco cstahlislttl upon permanc:-nt fuundn-
tiou' nro question' w hicb it il' neither my prt"'Cnt
duty inttnlion to examine ; lut it i tnlcnl
thnt cvtry umutgcmont rounc<'lCfl with th<'i'e '1'1';;.
tionll might hare formccl witlt ICfi!Dlcr ad
unde:r tilt' tliro.-ct authority of tlte po1Hr
which mu.t wriruatc.'!y fanllih the >Upplic.. for war
IIJld rroidc the ........ uritil .. of JM'llt!C. Had the go-
vernment or Ct:>ylnn !!UIKmliuatt to thi
gowmmcnt, the war in that hJand, if deemed uc-
c<""llry, wowd b:nc t..:cn undertaktn nftc.r a dtli-
t..:ratc pn:J111rntioU of rufficient and after
n fall t'Oruridemtion of tbc IDOijt clfo.ctnnJ means of
bupplying lbem. ThiR govemmcnl cuul<l not huvo
lK!t.'ll t.:lken by surpriro with respect to tbc actnlll
eommcnccmcot of the wnr, or to its rt'nlt; nod an
opp<rlunity wonltl lu" e been alfortlecl of
in!!' nt an early pcriod of time, to tho in
Ceylon ai<l Uij might ha.vo oppl'nrod, on n jusL
of objrelR nnd mean!<, to oo cumpntihlu
with duo attention to othrr brnnchl'll of tlw scniet'
in hl<lin, or to be intlil>C"U.<;ahly for tho
safety of Ceylon. Tho independ.,nt'C nf Ceylon bas
Tlncctl nil thC$1: con!lidt:nltirm. beyuml tlw 1'\'t\Ch of
IIRIT!lill DU'IRE IS r.mtA. 419
the governor-gt>ntlrnl in council, who wns unnppriu.>d CHAP. XIX.
or the nppronch or wnr in C<>ylon until it luul oe-
tunlly CODIJJil'JI('('<), lllll) or thtl proiJIIblc for
n infurc..'mwl.!\ iu Clylon. until a \\'lll'
"n the rontintnt of India had limited tho or
rurru8hing thl'm."
Letter &.lm Marquia W.U..lcy 10 Lon! Hobart, 30th Nov.
1803. publiobnl in ,1Jl. iiL of the Wtli8ky Doopat.cboo.
While it"""""' be daUod that Mr. Sanb, iD hio cnm-;,.,
with tbe court ot ....., fur the ..... , '""
tont.:, juotiee '""'lui""' tbe ......... that be "''J'''UU Ia .... .,
been nn anWiliL! awl ali...W. maa, lllld Jo haft bama lrido him
from C-f)IIOR tho JIOOd wl....., of .U the llrit!tb inbobiwu.t. 'l'bc
W.u..Jey .llepotd- ...,lltain a C.. of b;. L!uem, which .W.tlay
aD doe Craubeoo, 'JOnl, awl .nt fur wbidl hi di>tit>,....w.h<d l'<la-
lift piaod Cftdir, ....., bum <"'- wbo ,... re<; the ma-
""'7 beach, olwhil:b be u oo luog tho aJ,]i: ddadn-.
ntiSTOR\' OP TilE
CllAPrF.R X.X.
t:DAP. xx. Tm: eouclnsion of with ami thl'
llajllh of Berar tlid not rclie,e th1 Britillh l:"'<'m
ment from all npJtrthension of dM&"r from .Milh
rtLltn l'twmies, nor nllow of the immdinle nenl uf
its nrmj,.,. from tho lict.l. llulkar '\\11.1 to M\'0 o.itlet!
tlaOS<' two chief b'llinst the Engli,Ja, and actually
tlispntchod for thu Jlurpo.u n body nf nnler
a milita.ry adventurer known o.s Am1r Khan ; lout
the commanler, hl'llring of the glorious bnuln of
A''!)'e, oocruue too much alarmed tt1 proc..-ctl, und
JTtnmoo to his en1ployer. llolk11r p:u'liciJ'IItl'<l in
the fright of lilif llcn':mt to an extent ruffident t<>
restrnin him from taking rmy deci1-i rc steps ognilllSt
tbe Eogli.h ; but hu endeavoured by
to rou'-( the of the ontive princes o.gruwt
them. lle nl!'ll plundered tho territories of <tf
the nlli1-. and tii'JIIllldenl.9 of the British gmcrn-
meut; and thong\1 this wn.. by no moon an Ulletlui-
tkmonstntlitln of enmity, seeing that it i the
Mabrntta custom to plunder 1md with
the imf"''1iality. it was jutly dl>t."'llt'<l J'I'O-
Mcmoiro of Moltwnmud Am.,:r Klum, printed ot Calcutta,

Jl(lf to wnm him agaimt n repetition nf sudt nutll, cru 1'. xx.
nnd In take moosures for dcl"uncling the territories
of the Compnny nnd thcir nllies from attacks
whlclt tl10ro wos some reason to apprehend. Ge-
neml Lnko aetcmlingly took up n po>ition which
ennhluu him to n."!trnin llolknr's predatory opern--
tions in the qunrler whero they were Dl05t to l.le
IIJ>prebemled ; nnd nlso, under in.<rt:roctions from the
ruldrcssed n to that vbief,
&prell.'!ing llw of the DriUili government
to lenvo him in the umnuiQ!!ted of his nu-
tlwrity. pro' ided he would nbst.uin from net of
ngninst that govel1lllJont ruul its nllit'S.
In proof of his nmicable intentions, he was re-
quired to withdraw his army from tho menacing
position whiuh iL hnd taken up, to retire within his
own territories, nnd to ubstnin from exnuting tribute
from the allies of tho Company. Holknr wns alB>
invited to sencl vn.keels to the British Cllmp, to make
known his wishes IUld form nrrllllgcmonts for Lbu
e:.tJlblisbment of reJntions of friendship. Aftor n
consiill!rnble time, during whlclt II olknr occuJ>ill
hlmst<!f in ndd.re8lling fricmUy letters to General
uud lett= to tlte print't't. 1illcd
\\ith denunciations of the lllltion and govcrnmcut
) which Gcmornl Lnko represented, mkeels were dis-
patched by him to the BritL<b C1lmp. They were,
fib usunl witlt Mnhmt:tn nufurni.hed with
powers to conclutlc nny cogngcment; their function
wn.s to eommonit'ato the demnndo of their 'rhi'J!O clumauds were, thnl he Rhouhl he.>
CIIAP. xx. pennitt1 to collect rlllmt, nrcording to the f:"nstom
of hill anct'Ato- cn,tom wllicb Ilolku rt-gnrdL-tl
1111 too laulnhle (to Fay nuthiog of ito. profitahlen..,.,)
to be n:linqW.hed; thnt 1'0' inns formerly
hcht by hi family, indnliug twelw p<'rgunnnhs in
t11e Donb and a pergmuulh in Humllccuml, shoulll
oo wn to him; tl1nt till' eouutry (I{ l!urrianll
I.e tranferrctl to him; the c"untry thl!ll in
hl'l guamnte<...,J, ILild :1 tn.'llt y ronduded
with Lim 1111 tbs >-am<' tenw; a.; with AJO
these t(lnll8 were not propob<ld with tho txpl'<'talion
of thl'ir h<'iug uccpll'll, it is to diacn4
their or tho propritty nf putting
them forwllrd. They were of eoun-c rejcete<l, with
II lllltUraJ CXjlrt!SSiOII Of Oil tbo flllTl Of
General J.ake that they hnvo IIL'CII 811hmit-
ted. With reference to a Jlromi .. fortn.:'rly givl'n
by Holkar, the \1lkecls "'"re "ht1her their
chief 11;ould withdraw hilt troops from their oiTcMhe
position. The answer explicit for hcyond the
orditmry measure of l\lohrattn cnn<lour; It WDB, lhnt
Hollulr would not conidcr tbo promi-c binding un-
Ics. till' df'tnnnds which luul mntiL M hi" IJehalf
!Jioull oo compJk-d with. After the cunclllhlon of
thi;; the vakuels iotimntNl that .wruc
relrLXntiou of tho 111 igl.t be mnrll. The Bri
tish comwnnt!cr rcpli<'d IIJ referring 111 f<mncr con
ncctiuu' "ith Holkar; and a. rtn
(J<-'li'>AI>Ic trvliminsry 111 Plj:l>ti:ttion, th< immLW:ItC
return of the chif to li- own Tt
Wo\111 1.., IHl'lu. 1!1 folhw iu lJt.:lil lht of
IIIUTL."ll Elll'UtR IXDIA. 423
a urg.otiatinn tlitinguihcd in nothing from ollo<l'll nur. \.X.
in whieb Mnh.rattas arc pnrtil'll: ne;zotintion
came to nn cml, 1111 it wa" tht\l it nmst,
without any nrrnngement hcing cllc'Ctod; Md orrlot'>l
ill!luo'll to J.nkc nml Ccnentl W dim. loy
to oummlncc hostile opcmtions 81ffiinst Uolkar both
iu HinclD<!I.'ln lUld the Decmn. These orders Wl'rO
dated the lGtb of ,\flril, l tHll. Ccoeml Welle>l..y .\.O.Ittl.
hnl EOmu time IJefore a ml'onciog letiL>r
from llolkar, dmn:mdiog thu !'f.'SI'ion of N>rtaio pro-
'inrl'8 in thr ns tho r<molitiom of p<'3Nl;
nnl cultling that. in lllll ewnt of wur, though TloJka
mil!'hl bt unublc to oppO+;O tho British artillery in
lhu fldol, "countril"' of mnny CM Fhoultl be over-
mo. oncl plunMrccland bumt ;" tlu\l G'oornl Lnko
" &h<oulol nut ha.-e lei'lll1! to bn.atbo for 11 moml'nt ;
and that c-alamities would full t>D of bUUlllD
in C't'ntinned war, thu of" Hul-
" uru1y. "hicb o'en.lwlm liko the wo.,cs of
thr. I!C'n." One of tho;;u military t}ltn-
litil.s \lhloh )11'('-('minently oli,tlooguhhcd tho l!"reat
vonnntouolcr In whom tl1is lctt,r """ nuol
whirlt W""'"Y to Li Lrilliant ul'-
lll'l91, ;.., tit" lrnl,jt nf lmving to rhlllll'\\ nr I
11 hll$ty auJ nrr:tnj!orul'ot. when tho
"l'JM>rtnnity t'xi.<ts of ra:tlduj! pn ious J'ro> io-ion (II
mft ewnt:o. In tho l'-X<ni.oo of thi nm-
J>r<htnil'c pmdtnC<', Gcn,ml \\'tlkll'y f.rtbwirb
prurt<ll ln )tln<'l.' unohr hi imtnt'lliat<
C'Uintulttu\ iu n St:LtO fl( l'lltlipllh'UI f(IJ Sl"f\in,
nu1l tn rdufiatn ilil curp" in C :uzcrnl flu ro-
nnrroRY or mE
en .r. xx. t'<'hing onlers for th<> comml'ne<'m<'nt of li""til(l
roti11ns, Geneml Wcllt'-lcy dinrted Colonel :\l urtlly,
rommandiog tho force in lhnt province, lo mnrch
with the gTellli!r part of il for lhe purJlMl' of co
npemting "ith thl' commandcr-in-cllief in such
mnnnt:'l' Ill! cirellJlllltnnrc might require. lit
wi.'l(! tho n'!lidt>nt at Scirulis'JO court.
ing fol' the al<l of that rhieftain' anny in mttl'l
of the common cnu" of the o.llk.... Scindia protni.;('<)
to comply, and to adopt tho IIIl!IISU1'e'! suggcsteol by
fll'neml W elle-ley.
Tiolkar had boon at Ajruccr, within the ltrritnril"'
nf fnr purpu!!ell of d(votion,
for Hindoo robbct'!! nrc rcmnrknbly devout.
dcfotioru. being complcltol, be rctum<'d through tho
territories of the llnjuh nf J where he n."-
m3inf.'ll for some time with a eno.<id<>rablo hndy nf
boN'. <'11Pzed in a of predatory o<'t'll!'l'tion;;.
which it mny be hii! rectnt viit to Aj
mccr had sanctified. Tu prnteet the city of .1 yonn
ghur, Geocrul Lnko mndn n detnchmeul of lhrco
oottlllions of nntivo infnnlry, which wcro plnctotl
under the eommnnd of ColoneLllon.on, oft hi!
;Gtb regiment. Their approach dktuTbPo-1 Holknr
in thl! e:rerci."C of 'ocatioo, and rouscol him tu
ntin "ith t<>DII' pn>eipitAnt"J to the !o<lllthwnnJ.
Ill' was foUo\l'l'<l ly General LAke. the d..t:lL"Iuncnt
under Mo11110n continuing in nrlnnc('. On
" n. 110o. tlu. 1Oth of .May, n dctnchmout was made fntn tho
main Lody for the purpnw of attncldng Tnnk Ilnm-
tra. a t .. wn nbout &ixly milt'fi frtlll th
nn 1T1 S D Elll'l It& L'1 IN IliA. I :!5
t'llpital of .r yenaghur, in the occupation of llolknr. en IP. xx.
1'lte dctarllmcnt, of bntto.lions 11f
nnthe infnntry, a n.-gimnt of csml.lry, a111l a
proportion nfnrtillcry, WM by
Colonel Don. The ntusck was made nt two o'clnck
on the morning of tho 16Ut of Culoncl Don A. o. ti!OL
arhant'Cd with hiM party undiscowred to \\ithln two
burulre<l nod fifty )llrd of Ute gnkonay ; they wcro
tlll'u fired upon by n picquot on their right, but the
party mo1'cd on without ootkinl! the intcmtptioo.
On rowing witbio a hunrln.'ll yard of tbc 1""""'119
eo('ouolert'<l n Slllllrt fire from tho rnmpnrt.
...-u by a fire of mu,kct:ry, whit'h clid
N>llllitlernble exooulion nmong the men on the rnm-
Jarl. Tbl' lir!ot gnte u-ns then ht .. ...-n
open ; the fire of mlhkctry being kept up for 1 he
purpose tof dislotlging the> peoplo who occupie<l Use
"orb. The second gnte, being out of !"('pair, was
nul &bot ; the third and fourth were blown O(lCn,
nnrl tho RritiEb force entered lbc town. While
l<>ntC of the assailants scoured thl rnmpnl't<>. Colond
Dun on "'ith tbo f('tlln.intl<'r to tL !rtllnll jl11lC-
way 110 tlw south irlc of th!' furt, through which tlc
1ncruy lWrc mn.kinj{ their The tiUC<'<.,.. uf
thi nltt'ID['t rlcprhed Tlolknr of tlse only footiug
tbnt he had in north of tho Clmmbul.
'rhl' country commanded hy the fort of 1'11nk Rnm-
1'""1'11 JOO.'lSI.'d under tbc ('ODtrol of tt.e
Jlllli>'e"SOMI or Usc fort.
bowl'wr, had fled so rapirUy, IUlrl to
tli.tam.._., tlmt it "D.:> clt'<'me<l fur tt.c
CIIAP. xx. nlJlln body of tl1n 6rllly to attempt
him; anl r;, ntral Lake determined t<l march his
trooJ"' into qunrt<'r, leaving lli Co!!illl'l :\fon-
aon, with tho rlctnclmcoL onder hiK commnn;l, the
duty of guanliiiJ>t agnin.t tlc return flf Hollar, wbilo
:\f urrny, it '1\115 UXJK'Cled, \lllb monng ogniust
him from Guzcmt. Thill detenniunt.inn of tho cum-
mruulcr-in-cl!icf l'eeiWI to be little in ti('I'Onlllllcc
with !.1! gl!ncral nor ill it _,- tu undf'r-
&tand why tho maio body of the army couhl uut
l.cct (he fidil 111 =II 1111 Colonel l\lonsoo's lctach-
tnLnt. It RJ'IO{'M'S, inilei!d. that Gcorral nnny
were much in hrolth from tho operation of
tho hot wiucl!O, nnd tl;nt tbl.'lr cnttlc were J>t'rihing
from w:mL of fbrnge. Colonel dctnrluucnt,
bcin;t composed cntirdy of iufnntry, woul<l ha\"O
fu1 cr mwt tlum a f1rco uf "hich n lnrge propurtir.n
W(IO cmvalry; hut, un tbo uthcr bnn;l, fnmt tht want
f romlry it would J'O"OC;;s fewer fndlities fur
rl)in; il<i ncr itil'!l. Till' :n:lro.;raclc mowm .. nt
uf Genernl l..1ke sooms nlw to lm1c ))()en ul!jt'<'t to
;llfllcultittS und hnrdsh.if>!! not inferior to tbose
rni:tbt han llf.'Cu exJII'('tcl to attend hi! n;hnnre,
rutd the ill!!" of men nlnti>Nl incre<lihl<'. with rof<'l't'lll'o:>
to tho fnet thnt they ucv<r met nn ttwmy, Cllt't'JIIing
n ftw l'l)bhl-rK of lower grade than the J'rN>I>O<ll!f"
whom the nnny brut IUI\"llllClo'd to {nmi,b. The
Major "Thom .-ho wu a wimeu o( the milc..U. rrulurt"'l
IUld a J"U''icir,.t.or in r.J'""' rTJ>arU tb., ...,.,
,. n utTering " ia
do.-mibahlo mii<IJ frum 1he b=ing ind, which, altu
.,..., tile!!'"'"' """'' dc.m, &mJ'Af1" "' lloo &tut<( in thew
ltD lllkrully cJ ho:a1 W be JD!!Cif.,) bJ'
mareh wu at length <"omplct.c<l anl tho lrUOJ>S dii- cu.u>. xx.
poJSC<I to t.bcir nllotl.t:d
th..., who bnve boon .......,nod to cbc fury af a rtil:!ll ono.
In C!1W'J' dlrecti<m," bo ...,.., " ,..bono U., peacif<tous oa-
reD!. baa 1111 jmft e U.. <lfe<n .,.. poin!ul to U.... who
baoe of beiug to it. but ...,.twvd of
the Jumna the li!!tJ bl .. t it till more diltrnting, from tha
'Want o( riven Dlld to temper itt IC\'Crity, the: .neaJ"e!!C
.-mhLUice to which. i'<'baJI", Uo tho tl<ttrJDe gloW o( 011 inJD
r.-by ia tha height of IUDIJDOr > thqugh ._ that d bat a
[C<ble cempuioon, on id. can bo formed of the camticity
Of ilie lAndy po.rticJH Wllicb ate bomo loog wid! I be wmd, !ilc
hot embmo, poeling Olf the akin and r11i11og bll!ten whnevu they
chOIIce to fall," M .....uio prriodo oE the -n-h, Mlljur Tlxn
- that "- 1m to 6!tun Earopnas """" bw;.J cL.ny.
Vonog mea; be ooatinuee. wbu ttt out in the full
ofepirita od in oil tbt vigourofb<altb, droPJ1Cd dead i<o<Dedialdy
on rcacbiog tbt gn>and, and many ,. .... JIIittm ou
the .-1 by '"" roree or u.. """ e.potlollr """ "'
the m<ridloo, the 1"1)'1 dartiDg downward lib a - ol m,
uodcr which many b"''"' aod athldie men feU, "itbout tho Jl""'i
bDity or rt'ivinlf any Tl""" wht> """" thu atruck 1!Ud
dCD!y rurnod p!dy, fJ>am,.J at tho mouth, and u intantlllle<Hl5IJ
lifdes. E,.... wheJI eaampt<l, Ilk ol the ..,,.
dioft WftO nmociating 1 for the ""'" iu f,'I:ZI<fOI "' iD odoptod t.>
ap;in.e.L dJt.tollll' lttnt 11t tiJI wucn. btu the th!M'
IDIIIJ)rtrr in thtt 1badtl fn-tlllttJ.tly excenh:cl one hundred and t!Urt1
d<lmft u( Fabn:nbelt. The 1Jiitrry WU furtbl.'.'r in""""od by the
_...,.of .... ' r. mns the clo:bility md martality that
1IJII<ltlg the Mlwtin, or prrooao om pi" )'lid in proc:uring tiUo ...._
cimobluortklo. NomL<ro uf tbC1'e wtrl'!lrril.npnibd through
th filtigu "hi<h they unolm1:llt iD thia fiery elimltt, whm: the
uaticu ufl'cr taore thaD r''l.'Jt Europeant t.hc:nu.el''" wbrn eaDal
toextnMiiot.rr cnrtlono. tiu<h"""" tho o8lil:tinst dmlm>1Uca
of ""' man:h : nnd u,..., -- furtllor "1!1!"..-..trd by d ............
loll nurubtr o( our Jirk. many of whQm WIS"e obligtoct to Le
nyrd oa. tl.e eotDJDOD ftto:ltrir1.or eocmtryratb, withuutuyl"'t"cr ..
jag, a Co tbe IUD throuj:b tho .. lo>k day, tbe
... hicleo T<rf citm ""t ,_biag tbe CIUIIp bofonl .,.cmz.g," Sub
cull'. xx. Although tho celerity of Holknr's retreat lmd
rendered it impmc:Licable fnr ilie Eugfu<h nrmy tn
keep uenr him, his movements hacl been accom-
pnnicd hy a body of Himlostanee Cll.vnlry dispatched
fur the It co05li!ted of two parties: one
commnndPd by Captain Gtmliner, nn officer in the>
scnicc or the Rn.jnh of .Tycnnghur, lht> other by
Lieutennnt Lucan, of the King's senico. On ilio
.\.D. lSIM. 29th or May. Colonel Gardiner learnc<llhnt n native
chieftain nnmed Tuutiu, iu lho interelit of llolknr,
wns encamped with n considerable force at no great
distance from him. With tbeiiSsistnoce ofLieutcnnnt
Lucan tbis plnoc WIIS attacked, aud tbe wbolo of the
infantry, amounting to about two thonsnnd, sum.m-
dered, on condition of behtg eseortc>d to tho earn]!
of llapjJOOgee Scindin, who commnntlod lite troops
which Dowlut Row Scindiu, in osteru!ihle confor-
mity with his engagements, hnl tmt in motion
ngninst Ilolknr. There the priooners were to be
r:'t'leiiSccl, under promise of nevcr ser"ing agninst iliu
British goverwncnL
In anothcr quarter tho British nn:ns met wilh re-
verses. Amecr Khnu, n largo loody of predatory
horse, fell suddenly on two compnnics of
SCf)(JYS nnd about fifty artillerymen, employee! in lhc
trencbes against n smnll fortin Bundlecund, destroyed
Major Tham .. N'mcll'm EurvpetW!l ,....,
buriod W. day; ond melnncbDly indeed it """ to ..,., the routu
of ouri1J'Iny t:rll<!l)d by beopo of earth, giving -..-to the remnino of
oo many gullant young ooldien!. who, aflet .. tho dAni!('J"
incident t.o lho 6ro oud lceel of \l'llr, lhll pitfublo oicti.o>t to Uu:
cUmate."- NIUnltiTC, !"!!"" 345, 3-16, 347.
DRITll!B EMJ'IRE IN I!:Ol'A, 4_')j)
thl' whole p:u-ty, and cnrried oO'thoir guns nncl tum- CJTAP.Xlt.
hrils. According to marnudcr's report bo guiuoo
other ndvantagl"', but the Englil:h nccouult! vnry
from hJs own: and ns bt1 entirely forgets to recorcl
his <llfl'ln and the di,]>eJ'!oion of his fore'
though sullicienlly notorious, it is cvitlent thnt hiH
=ot be almitted without a minute in-
quiry iuto its truth, which tho of tho
faM' is not t;Officicot to warrant.
The trifling <li!!.'lBtl'fll l!ll,tnim'fl in Bunollt>conl
Wl're suctcl'Cloo by oth('rH far mnre ..,rlou .. . Soll!<l'-
quontly to tlw capture .,f T<lnk ltrunpocun, Colund
D<>n, with ,oo ID411Y of his detnchmcnt w; wore uot
""tuire<l fnr the garriiiOD of that plllCI', j"incd Cllontl
who, llniB reinforced, moved in the tlirec-
tiou of Kotah, ADd nrriml in its vicinity cnr:ly in
.J unc. Ilcrc he was joined b)' n body of ln'IOJIS in A.D. 1110.
thu service of the Rajnb of Kotah. Pnr<ning a
wutherly courB(', he ndv11ncl'Cl to the JIII.O.S of
llfnkundra. where he hal h .. '<! a ftw dny'l to colltoct sup-
pJi,.,.: afltr which, re>'llming IDlll'Ch. be arriHll
on the bt of July in th neighhnu.rbmwl of tho for-
or Hing-laighnr, an 11ld or llnlkru-'
anol heltl in his nnmc lly a gnrri.,on of tight
hundred li>nl anol thn."' hnnolred hb-. ll was on tilt> :!nd, nnrl carried with great rupiclity
nntl incnnl'iderablc 11>'11. Colonel Monson
CJUCntly tulnnCl'<l his po-ition about fifty mil.,; bo.-
the Molrumlr.1 )>Ill'<, Lo 11 tlaot when he WM
in funned UJ'J>lit"< cunlcl )I(' obl.llint'd, nnl from "W<'h
"'"" h(' xpecltol II> '"' nblr tn rommuoit'lltt with

CJlAP. xx. Colouel 1\ftnT:ly, nt thnl time ou his march from
Guzernt townr<IR Oujein mth a considernhle
tnchmenl. Coloool MonSon's corps hnd been origl-
11lllly nunccowpunied by eavnlry. but heforo this
perioo it hrul heenjoinnd by two lx>dies of irregulnr
horso, oue (nlreudy mentioned) under tbe co1DIIUlJltl of
Licatcllllllt Lnctut, the other commanded by Bnp-
poojoo Scinilin.
Colonel .Murray, after admnciug a certain ill&-
tance towurds Oojcin, becruno smlolenly alnnnetl; re-
to rotiro behind the Mnhlo rh-er, ani! nc-
fell back for tho retrogmdo
movement gave confidence to Holknr, who, nftcr 1m
retreo.t, had tl1keu poHt in MW.wo., with the Chumbul
n vcr bctwoon bim and Colonel llfOII$011. Thill Jost
'he now quitted, recrossed the river uith hill
whole nrmy. It had boon tho intwtiun of Cull'llcl
:Monson to attack Ilolkar, but nuder tho intlueuce.
ns it is represented, of motiveb orisiug from v:uious
causes-a deficiency of gmin in hiij cnmJI, the ub-
sence of n dotanbment employed to bring up n sup-
ply, of another port ()f bill fQioo tltat was un
its mnroh to join bim from Hinglnisghur, but nbo,e
nll, lhe retreat of Colouel l\iurmy- he detenninetl
to retire to the Mokundrn ptl.:!S-U determination in-
duced, it is sUd, by the tnmcherous nd \iee of Bnjl-
poojee Scindia. Accorilingly, nt four in the mom-
A. o. ing, on the 8th of July, he oent off tho "hole of hill
So atllted by Ameer Khno, wbo, having on thlo oo:eW<>n nt>
"''P"""'t mutive {or ousJ!t not perbnpo to be
nne! Flot'M to :=:O<Inarnh, ttoo}'! remain- CIHP. XX.
ing <Ill thn ground nf tncrunpmrnt, in order of battlP,
till b:tlf-p:tt nint>. The inf11ntry thi!D mo\Cil on:
the cnvnlr) being llft on the ground wilb o"lcrs to
follow in half an hour, lllld to -cud \lonson
th" t'W'licst intelligeont'n of Holkar' motion. The in-
fantzy met with nt1 interruption ; but :tfter mMChing
about twthc u. nport rcncbt.'ll them, that at 11
ronsidcmblt dl<tanw in their rear Lk'lltenant Lucan's
h:ul been by tho whole of that of
llolknr. Colonel 1\l nWIOn fomtt-d hill
troops in order of ha!Ul', and "WI J'r()('<-..<ting to
the support of the pu-ty atta<-k'<l, when &ppoojt.'C
&india nrrhed ";th the fi.'llrful intclligcnce that
they wero nn longer in 11 sitwtion to reccin! sup-
port. Thry bad been nt-arly enl to aJifl their
J,'llllant t'omrrumdcr, drt:udfoll) wounded, bad fallen
into tho luuuls of the enemy. 1t that this
nla..<l:ro)lhe wns oecatiloucd by tho cavnlry hlHing
n:maiot.'<l lun.t:er on tho field than Monson
Ou ret'<-'irlng Us" news of th" dcstrul'l.ion of tiO
a portion uf hi fottc, Colonel re-
JUIIled hi march tmonnla the wbiclt
bu reac:ht-d nn the fullo1ring d11y without molestn-
Thia bnn-e who laul .....Jrnd erallmt m Ill<
..., ..-ltb Sconclla. di<:d """" all<T tho ac:tion-<>f hi> ..........U.
urgket awl iUtldlllDenl,l<lCCirding to..., "part-
ol paiar, .........sing ID onu!Lu.

UISTURY 01' Till:
tiiAr ltL On the morning or thu lOth of July. lar;:tl
A. II. 1110<. of the enemy's made thcir appeara.nN', nnl
their numbcn! grndually to inrn.'<I.'IC till
noon on the 11th. "lwn llolknr, with n of
mmll'1!ty becoming his chn.ructer, sent n lcUtr to
C'oloncl Mon.."<>n, d!mtmolinJ.r the uf tlw
guns nnol l;lllAIJ 11f the Dritih Ji>rt'' On n-
a it nt>eol be tated
thnt the insolent demand wu.; refused-llolkar f)j.
his force into three htldic,;, whieb at tht 1:1111<'
)>Oint of time atlllektl tbe front nnl flaula of
Colonel Monson's Tho IIS!!tilln.nto wen ltro\'tl)
ntmlllefl; but, not dlmnyed by their fir&t foihn,
tlwy repentcdly returocl to the ottnck, a111l \\Crt' M
11riven bGck "ith loss. Finliosr thot
he could mnke no nn tlu.> ml'n "hniO
he had coolly ckmanriL..J. Bolkar tin:\\ nfi' hi1
troo)l" to the di..W1c.c of abont funr mill'!', whcru ho
was joined by his infantry and guns.
The bmve J'CI<it.'lllcr 11fiiml by the Britilt fnrl'tl
on this ooonsion is hut n brillinnL speck in tho tmiu
of llinst(ll' and 1runi:ring. Coloocl Mom.oo hnd in
tended to make a nt Mokundro, bot
that the enemy might gt:t to IUs atul tut ufl'
hi, communirotiuo "itb the )'lll>S nntl ...-ith the tnwn
of Kntah, wu the only pbce from whtD<'c bil
Clould obtain truppliC'fi-Otl\'erting. morooHr, t<> the
rircumscnOed nntnrc of position, to the rt.rmt<.J
>ln.'ngth of liolknr'11 fnrce, nnrl the !ro)IJ'O"l'll \\light
nml UU!llllOr of that l'llil!fttlin'R gnus. he rt.osuhoo to
rontinut' his "'treat to Kotab; and so great Willi hi CHAr. xx.
anxiety to an engngPmcut. thnt he lt'ft hi
(';lllnp to dt'<'CITO the tncmy. Hi.
to Kotah WRH perftmnod under lnclem<:nl eki"'
and through an inuud:ttNI country, n.nd when ho
lllTivcd fN.'&h cliftkulties nwllitct! him. Tbt> Rajah
d<>clincd to admit th<' Briti.W into the to\111,
110<1 ck'CIAn'<l tbnt he could fumiah no pnnil!ions, uf
wltith they b<'!,>nn to be greatly in want; Colonl'l
.M llllSOn therefore, compcllud to JIUli!UI' bla
mnreh amitll't nouly all tht prhation nod sutfcring
which Cllll attend tho movement of an anD). On
the l ath July thl' guns bl'eame 110 fimtly A.D. lhc)L
in the nmd "llhicb forme<l the of the ro:ul by
which they luul to oo tnlll.!lportocl, ns to defy nll the
eRbrts mntle to cxtrit'lllc them; they Wl'rll Mnse-
(JU<ntly Hpikccl lllld nlJUwlonod. Tho mnnb WM
thn coutinnl'd through 11 C'Onnlr) ('Q]])plctely undtr
wntN. The Chumbuleo cro!!M'tl, :mel
on the 29th t!Jt ,,.bole of the curp WllS Ill Tonk
Rampoorn. On ill' )rogrt..s stwrol trifling ron
llict took in all of.,. bicll the cbarnctt-r of tho
Dritiob was maiotninod.
A MMIU a11 the J;ituatiou uf Colcmd nt
.\l nkundrn lnul beellme kno= to tltl comntnndt'l'-
a of t\1 u hntt:ilion.q of 5<'Jl0Yll.
"itb four six-pountlrrs o.nd ho lWei a
h<Nly of Jliod""tanco e&\11lr-y, 11AII be< n tfupatebed
from to hi, l"lli..f, a. well 1111 a MUJIJIIY of pain.
Thia reinr.n:cm('Ut joined Colonel .MOD>Ql at Tnnk
Rampoom. whll\l Itt r.mninr<l ftor """'rnl tlaJP. 111' If
\oL III.
1118TORY OJ' TilE
UUP. xx. with tile iutention of making a titand. He, hnwc\'et,
finally rll8Umed hiK retrent, but not on til the tm>my
A.D. tiD<. wo:ro dose UI!Qn him. On the of Anjtn!it he
at tho &nn.s riHJt, "hich wn. ro
as to render it itnJOOA6ihlo to l'I'O!!!'. A halt '1111\S thus
WID.\'IIidabll', IWd opportunity , afrordc.J for tho
ll!l!lmblagc nf lhl whole forto. of th!l tnemy in tht>
ncil(hbonrhood of the lleta.-hmunt. On the the
ri-rer being fortlnhl!' was cro.sed iu tht facl.' of the
enemy. A ilharp action lO<;k phlrl', in which n single
battnlion nf oatiw infantry not only nn nttlU'k
of tlu.l eiK.'Dt), but a.nd dro\"C them Crout scv ....
raJ or their gutlll, \\hicl1, howl',cr, th<y wen unnhlc
to So ru rum carrying oil' th guns.
the was unable to ll<'curo hi
own baggage. tbl' wboll' of which wa. a.bandont>d to
fuc:ilit.llle the retrt>tt.t of lbc corps to
wlic-h he reached on the night of lh<' 28th.
At KOQ!Iha.ilghur Colonel llonS()n found a pclrty,
oon.i-ting or six compenics of ""(10)-. which be bad
sent forwaru under Cnptain Nicholl, \lith tho trea--
sure of the detMhment, the day l'rcc.:ding the
nctiou nt tho Bllllns river. This part), on thr night
of it' arrhcll, bad been attacl.:cd by n bo<ly of ttnopl
lJelooging to Sciodia, but succceded in ma.iutAining
their JlOSt till thl.' morning. "hf.:Jl thl' "holt of
detnchment. with 11 comJnny of native infantry P"-""
viD11ly stationed at Koo.hailgur, po!(ored the fort.
having lenrol.'d thAt it Willi the iotentiun or Scindia't
commander to ].,, ) a ""otribution liD town.
though it belonged to tho R.IUah of Jcypore. 111 all7
Dlt!TISH Dlri.R.E lN l!lo'!llA. 435
of tba Briti'h go'fermnent. llrro a formal dcnnnnd cu u.
was mnclo by the 1\Inluntm k-ntll'J' of the 1iU1'1'eDdcr
of nil tlw elepbnnt,., trca."llJ'e", nml of tbo
d<>tnchrnrnt; on complintH't' with which, Cnptrun
Nicholl grnclously IISSUI'Ccl he honld be per-
mittlcl to depart without mokstntino, "bile refur-:nl
Willi to he- \"iitcd by a cannontult>, Thi W'U out
an empty tlu=t. for a hatwry of ten )!'Oil5 wa.o
opened no the fort; and a f<w hou"' afu.J"Ill'lll'do a
body of Sdndm's infantry rntrN'd tit!' town, from
which pnitioo they 1rl!nl clrhcn by a
party of 111'1""]11. not execed ing, ir h. ruuounted to, onr-
Aixth nf the number of the emmy, h;l by LieutllliJUit
H11rrintt. Captain Nicholl to folluw up
this tt'<'l'NI by storming tho battery, hut the Sciu-
prud<>otly disappointed him by monng olf thll
guns lll their carup.
At KOOl!hnilgbur Colonel ll.oocoo'l!
He lwl to find there fi'fe bat-
talion., nntl twenty piecC!I of cannon hclcmging to the
& jab of J eYJ>e>re, but h11d lw-cn withdrawn be-
foro biA nnivnl. The whole uf 1Jolktll''8 mnlry W('l'('
gatltering nnd rnenmping arounol him ; nnd at tbis
momrnt, the fidelity anl bracry of cnry.singlc
m:w wvre of the ntmP..t important'<', hl' a
corrc-pnoden'-"' betwlll!ll IOIDI' natin commi.,.ioocd
office"' and Holm, bnnog for the ti'8.D!Ofl'l'
of t'<' hnttalions to tho l'll('DI). Tlw dangt'l'
hcing kno\m, or pl'l'C.'tlutioo wert.' t.aken:
but 1h1 gnn!l'r Jlllrt of two r<>ntp411k'l of infantry dc-
llened. with nhnut filur hunolrctl of tbo irrt'gUIIU' bon<e.
CHAP. xx. Colon!'l 1\toiiBOD len. on tim day nftl'r
hi. &rrival; lllltl. formed his dd.JIC'hmcnt into
an oblong resumr..t his man-b. The enemy
followe-1, bat'BllSing tb!'m by ntt('mpts '"
cbnrg.'. which Wt>ro ml't with exi'T!Iplary cooln ...
A. 0,1804. l).n.l K(lirit. At MIIPIKt, on the 28th of Augru;t, thCI
d('tnchnll'ut was at tho Diana JlllAA, wlll're it '-M
to 1utlt for tho night. t be man-h h:tTing
ktn ('(IDtinued from one o'clock in tho momir%
8Dd tht Lroops hn.' ing OC'Cll ('llfll'll "I"'" not lo11)t
before to repel n dCRJlorntc charge from lht
Th< reception gi.-t'll to tht' cmmy
them from immediattly n-oemng tht' attt'mpt. hut
thdr .J:'IO arrie<l at tho Dilllla po imultllllL'OUly
with llu Britih fun:'. nntlthc hnlt uf thr lntler was
tht for th(l of a puwt<rfnl
canJuonnd tcnnpulhod Colrmol Mun.<on to
pi"'('('t'<l ; and Crom this roeriod the ordCJ" ami
brity which bar! prenowly bt'en lllAinwnt.'fl nppeal'!!
to hn w IJE>en lost. Sqnmte portion. of the detndo-
m<Jnt mndu lbeir way, iu their own mntwcr, tu
Agm, nnd by the 3ht n.ll who cscntxrl the enemy
had omhed there.
Tlto retre:rt o( Coloncl !ltotL<on mllit be plaet"tl
anwng the most lnnwnto.blo tl'31NlClion. wbicb tlto
histnry of Brit:iFh T IHlill to nntit'l'. Tht
suffcriugo; of .;o mnny ltra,e men n- \lt'n'
in the cal:amitl', tl.e of 50 manT \1IIUAhle liH'!I
. .
a.. 'lfCJ'(' unavoitlnhly to pnrclwe the !'Afet,r
of the nmninder. IIJIJ'('al tttrungly to tbaee (eelinJ!'l
of ympnlh)" whirlt nm ll'll'nlumNl whon, I'E'B.'Iing tu
1'\'gllrd nn army as a to as CRAP. L"'<.
a m.<t mnthine framed to clf<'CL great c.ltit>eL!, we
eomteml'lnta its ns lmli\'idunl lllt'n. in-
fluenced J.,'llOd nuol Cl'il circmru;tnnces, like tho,;u
li>r whnm their sworol< are drawn, nnd on wb"m the
hl,;tory 11f an eventful crunpaiW) nrts but n_q nn ex-
romnnrc. Tht> futo oft hn"c who nnd of
thm;e "bo -urvived to unde'boo nnewcol trial :uul
J'rivation". was the more bitter, IICeaUiil', with re-
to llwm, the CuU<Jutror's tritunJh M:cured not
tho COU<Jtll'rur rewnnl. In :tLl their conflits with
the em my the ED,I(lih were &uct'hfuJ : hut tbe ear
uf tht> dying ""Iiller '"' not l'<llac.,J by tho of
\ictory, which told him tbnt tho field bnd ht'CU won
uno! I>< bclol hy his coUUtl'),llt'U :md rolllJ'll.dc:;;
uor could II(.' wbu had t"'CClJ>od the by which
It hnd lll.'t'n 'illl'l'OUJHit.'d e:rolt in tho :reOeetion that
the only rontniniug duty wns to pursue thoo( whom
h had airlt'd in dicomfiting. When the enemy
"''"-' reJot.IIL'<l, the unl) hope atlilnlod by <uct'-, "'a:!
that linw might IH 1,rnined for punming tho move-
ment wl.ich Wllll to cnrry the further from the
, . ., .. my-tho nnly pniO)o('Ct bc;forv the ,..,l<Jicr ,...... a
rq>ctitiou of similar cunJiicl, unolcr cirewu,t.anc<l!l
of l'qnnl or grcntcr dironragemout.
Such 11.n tlw retlections naturally cngcnlore<l by
one new of tJri., all't:cting in the hi-tory of
tottr country's with Jnt!in. Tuming to
th(' eolt!cr IIH)X'<'t in \fhiah the 811\t .. mtlllt re-
h'lll<l it, tho cfll!ct i not ''"'' <lishearteuinj:. Thc
n.otreat nf l'oloucl )lou,..,n' liu't'C bc;fore ll nlkar in-
CIUP. xx. volved not merely the 101!11 of so much territory. the
oc:t'Opation of which 11ould ha ro aided in bringing the
fieobooter to term&-nol merely the los; uf 110 much
time, and tl1c: incWini' (IO'<lpontmcut ofthe oltjL-ct in
Yiew-oot merely the WK'IE!iii c:xp<udituro of the: re-
80Urc:e5 of the state, by a great llacrifice of biO<Ml and
trL'GSU!'e, unattended by UIY retum--1lll the11o wore
e,ils, but none of them wu the master "' il. U
1111>1 the mol'lli ell'eet of this grE'Ilt ml!fortu-it ...-w;
tbc loss of a portion of uatiounl honour, uul, coiLoc-
qucntly, of national Ln,ogth-it Wllll tho ftllllf'ul on
coumgcment which it llfl'onled to tho uot
only of Holkar but of enemy of thu Uritih
government throughout India, nnd tho dUl'pondt'ney
and diollru.'t likely to be gt>nerotll<l in the miucl!l of
the native of that gc>\'E'rnmeuc, and of its
friend lxyond the palo of itll own lominion. Hure,
itt 11 pollticnl ,;1'11', were the chief grounds for n.ogret.
&ut>h theck as that Teivo<l by tho Dritilh
anns in tbit ease something, for a time at
lout, from UJBt confidence Qll tho oue side, and that
dread on tho other, which an io}lercnt ten-
dency to reali%0 tho anticipations w which they gaTe
birth. However equally matcilit>tl in all thnt con&ti-
tutos natural Mtrongtb, the eombntrutt wbOile
glows with the expectation of Tictory, and h.,
spirit quait. under tho fear of dcfeo.c, meet. in uuth,
upon very unequnl terms.
An inquiry into the 80urceM of the ilillutcr will
t('nd to hew thAt it wu uot a milfortuDc re111ltiug
from Cllllll<'ll "hicb cuuld not ba'fC been guarded
DRIT!SR Ul'IU 1'1'' I.'IOIA. 43!)
againtt; it will aL-o evince thAt tho bllUIU! :dt:u'hcd cu " X't.
to it to more than one person. 'When
Cencml Lako detach('<} Colonel llonon, his ordCJ'!l
were thnt tho latter should remain at such n di!;tnncc
from tho main army M might cnnble him to receive
8UJ'l'Ort from it: yet GenCJUl Lake, not long nfter-
anl., l'l.'tircd with his army to cnotonmcnts, lenillg
Cnloucl )lon.-on without the po.-cr of obtaining that
!>UJIJ>Ort which bo had prc, lhoogbt it IH.'a!S-
sary to pl\-erw.
Coluncl however, incM\.'I(.'d tho danger
by ndvrutcing beyond tho JIU>'ilion which he hntl
lxun iustnJCltlll to tnkl'. TWM wns in the vicinity
uf tho J'tl""'-'8 of BhoondiX' nnll Lnkcry, in the dulin
of mountains to the southward of Tonk RmnJIOOrn.
H u lhought that adnntage would arise from :vl-
\'1lllcing to :\lokundm, .,.hic:h he represented M a
placo O<JUally defensible. Subo;cqueotly he extended
nd>1111CO 11\"M fur beyond thus grcaUy
adding to lho clistnnce between dctnc:hment and
lho umy which had reccdecl fnmt il. llo did not,
bnwev!'r, calculate on bt'ing nttnckod-thc return of
Hulknr wna11 atcp for "hicb tho Englih
was quite unru-cpared. llu bdiut..I the frcebooting
chirf t1 IJO ciL-.titute of lho WI'IIIII of offi..ring any
t!Criou. Blluoy:mre, and lhi1 wns by
Lake. The la.t-wwul offi<'tl, acld.resoing
the snys :- At tlU.. period" -the
\\ h,u, h.avi11g l'e'>'lhcrl tu It'll H' Colonel Moo-
in tho 6drl, be his ow11
umy mtn <'nntonments- At thiJ ('Crill<i I Wll.!! ill-
ut.\P. xx. fcmn<od from all <(114rtl.'N thAt HolkM',. ("-'<'Uilhry
.,ere re<lucO<I to the (Qwe;t cbt.: that hi
army '1m!! filled witlt trmr anol dil'IIUiy: nnol tllllt
biR troll(.., '"Ito IJtfurt lonrl been mutinou nnd olis-
cnnt .. nted, now d()!l<.rtiog from him in gn'lll
nuruhets. Tbl'1W rcprotwnt.ations ,.-ere ronolcnd
more probabl.> from the couiderati<m tbnt n
,.,,,,,.fu( "Dr i to retain togctber an army,
and to !'tiJlP''rt the contilnce of 11'00(18 whoso tllil'f
bono! of union i!l plun<ler. I therefore gBTl' tbtnt
coni<l!.'mble t"retlil, I found it iml'*ihle
t1o obtrtin al'tlnntl.> infonnutiuu. nDII nwnn nf
the ('xnggerntion which tho unth"es of litis ctmntry
l(hll to aiJ thcir relntion11. Tho reduce<! tnto nf lht
t'lll'IIIY's power ami rc .. ourct'!l. and tho great ditnnco
to which he haol hi appearing lO
n><l in a great mca.uro to ha,c rclca._ocd those titalCl!
"ith we were in allianrc from all huartl uf
future deprodntillll'l, amllf> IIAve deprived Jt,.wunt
1<3<> Hollror of nil hO(l\."1 of '<UCCC&i in auy futul'l!
ntturn(t to invnolc tht' territories in Hrrulh'l-
tnn, I determined without further delny to witlulmw
the IDllin lli'IIIY to their l'CSfJCethe c:mtonmcnt.o<
"itltin the Compnny's provin<'t'l!." Such "'M thu
"''uroo of the erron. of both General Lllko anl
Culonel1foo.-on, and ingtanc:es of simii:Lr dclw;iolli
nro nnt unfreqtlE'llt. A lllrge portion of the revenK"
wltich have been wrtointd by tlte British natiun In
tlu. East are to oo to an nbt.urd
titlwr in the good fnith uf nn enemy. or in bit Wl,.k
IICI(I. or in hi, "ani uf rliJlOt;itioo to attack.
DRlTlSJI Elii'IR IS J!<LIA. 141
lint "bile Colonel :'!lonoo did out that CllAP. :u.
eJ,,,_,..,.-c of nppreheo..<ion with to Hollar wbicl!
the of that chirf wnrmutcd, it ill but jU>ot
to rcnwmbcr tbnt he ditl not thnt com-
tlL'titilntion of support which it wn. fnte to
cxpc:ri!!nro. He confided in tho of Colonrl
fmm Gnzernt; nne) tAl tbe nxtrnordinary
t-ondn"t of tbnt officer in falling bnck, the ruin wbicb
mcrtook Colonel :lloru.on'R corps may be attribntt'<l.
::lent forward by the ('l)l!lmnrulcr-in-chicf to a eli...
tmcc nt hidt no aid conlol bo furnllwd within a
nanllAblu Jllriod- led on to n till grmtcr tlisumcu
t.y hiH o""' urdont tcruJWrRIIUtnl nnl relinnct em
tho nelvnmo of Colonel 1\lurmy-Coloncl Moru.ou
"'"l'nlt to ha\c felt no nll\rnt till Jlolknr's sudehm
duUt;,'C from to od\llllcc rou..'<'d him to CV('U
won thnn a ju,t -cn>e of danger. From thi.
mumcnt he oppesr.! to have Jo,..t all confidence in
hirnl!l'lf. nnd to have nO -ettled plnn of
Jl""'<'tling. IIi first impro5ion WM to the
cncmy; nn<l whatever might hnvo been tbo event.
itt lflill't <"Otud haw lll'CII won;o tban tllol>C
nl" I be tnmcr cou.rse which llu Jtrcftrrt>tl, nnd in which
lm jO('ni(terecl till he 11!8Choo ,\j(TB. lie gem-rally
n\oitll'<l tbo when pructicablc, &lthouab "lu!n
foMcl into be wns Adverting to
Uulkar been pennittl"<l to cro' the Cbom-
bulnnmolellttetl, Lv.ko My :- 'Pe.rhapil the
umi--inn ba\'e been ntmircd by lUI attack
tim fnvoumblo vircnru,tnnc'ti tbot conlol
IK' obttlinll. II ill numb..-"' 'lh'ti: ccr-
ntBTOilY OP T1l
CIIAP. xx. tainly inferior to thOtW of llw CllillllY; but he hrul an
his Mido diloeipline, opprovcd vBlour, anti the choice
of tlOI!iliQII. A bold effort mil! likewi,;e evidcully
tl) extricate him from his and to
aYOitl tho ili.egrocc ond miBforttme< iuo:ra.rablc from
a rapid rotroat." A hololer lll1l1l tlum Colonel
Morll!un ncvl!l' drew a aword; and yet hiM rut.rcnt
beforo llulknr was characterized by 11 tl<'gn!" of
timidity and vacillntion of which the military b.i:;tory
of Great llritain pl'OI('nU few =!1.-. lie ml'tli-
tated 11 BIA!Ifl at Mokuudrn, but BUdolcu nlarm in
duccl him to abmulon camp nnd quit that placo
with eingular precipitation. At Tonk ltnmpoora be
lingered till the entmy ns eloso on bi5 rear, lia-
tructe<l, as it appear!'. between tho ortltrs of the
COillUlllllflcr-in-chicf forbidding his further rotroat
nod his own conviction that retreat WllA incvital.ll!!.
The fatal detention at thi!l place led to all llo calami-
ties tlont followed in mpid till di.-ciplioe
gave wny before them, nnd retreat bt.'C411le fUght.t
l""'kr to Masquis W.U.oley, Jnlyl, 1805.
t f:poaking or Colonel at latc!r ptriod, Otn.....U..Ue
aid r-" It io ......,.bat exlnlordinary that a man bra"' as a lion
aboWJ ha,.. DD jadg;tuent or n!lltctiaa. u Wilboot takmg tho
nC i!ICpliring whether lbio propooitioa ba -tabd br
s-al tXj .. i<&-, a-.J;c might. b)' ..t ...........
alone, J,. Ut:<:rlained tho p<>MJ1rility or man bMng .. bno"' ..
a lino," though tndom but macleratc!ly with the inteUeetuAI
powen whieh ... ,_.,.to tbJo Cotm.tion or a ptrCert g<ncnl.
Gentnl W.u..Jq-, m a letter tu cw-1 Wllllace, l:ltb Sop-
lalber, I &Of <- Depatdoes). oaako - .......u
..-itb """"'- to c..a-J Mt1111011'1 - wbldl - the .....,
nluablo ao they nlu"bit aum or t1ae pdaclplct. the om...
""""' of which baa mainly cwotrihuiAOII to tho cmiJKot =- ..C
DRmliU DIPIIIJ: 11'1 INDIA. 443
To erase lho scruulnl on the Brititih Mmc CRAP. xx.
by tbc unfnrtunnle result of Culnucl Mon!lOn'e move-
m!'nt, en>ry l'\'80urce of the govPrnment '1\111! irume-
dintcly employed. were taken for the
I')'Ccdy equipment or liCYCnll cJiktinct anni..-., cll .. tinCCl
to act in dilftl'\!nt qlllirters, nncl Lo net ofl'cll!lht'ly.
Tho govemol'-gencrnl avowed decided prof('l''!'nco
(or mch a plan, n9 compared "ith nny plans mtrely
tlefensh-e; and llli juclgmcnt on thill point entirely
coincided \lith thnl of hie du.tinguisbed brother.
the greatwrila'. He ayo. "We han oomo important ...
r.- tiUa """'P"iP:
.. lint: .. cohoodol - employ. <'<Jrjle 011 a-ror which
it io - fally ecpol.
"Secoadly: in
c:ncmiro, ... ahould tab ...,., to "" 111m! or plenty of proriaiu ...
" TbinUy: csperitnoe hu tbown Ul lhot .Britioh truopco aau
ll<!VU depend upon rajoho or ouy allieo ror tbcir ouppliet. Our own
ollk-en mmt purc:haoe lhtm : and u "" ohould employ a nati..,
in IIUc:b au UnJ>OrtiDt ...,.;.,., we lo ..., the Gj'plito bcforo
ft C"1ppOe oar troopa in the sirmtim in which we may tbem.
"Fourthly: wbm we him: a bt whicl> can auppmt our,..,...._
tb, ouch u Rampoora to the oorthward, or Ailm<dnupur or
C:.'bandore in,.,.... quarter. we ohould iJDmediattly adopt efl'ectual
- to &II it with pnm.;c.a. and - in-o{ ueod
.. F'dlhly: ............... ,;...,. lilctly to be fuD in tho ..;,,
wa ought 1D ban: a poot and boooto at- it: ao I bae at- aD
the ,;..,. .., ol Puoaa. and .. )">>I ...... l bupo, at- the
u..m.h and the Ooda..,..,.
" lu .-..pect to tho operarioao ol a <orpo in the tituatln11 ol
M""'""''o, thc:y muot t.l clodded and quirk ; md iA aD "'-
it mut be ru:uUrct<d that they IIR' ud -:r iD Jll'li'OI'ian
tD the IIIIJD!e cl attacb by the attaiOiliJt& _,... &t
-liaR to lho "'" "'" wiD. 1 hope,
Bcitiob <'<Jrjle from JCtmlling."
0acta1 Wtllcoloy, writing 10 UCb1:nl s-t. oe d.., 7th
amoRY OF Ttl
ca.u. xx. Among tho &nt and mOIIt Important uf
preparation Willi the C!!Utbli!!hmtnt of 1111 nnuy in
Hilldoetaa. equipped for light mo\'cmCUts, and of
iiidlicient &t.rongth to tneonnt(>r, with a J>l'O!!}>l'Ct of
IAlt'CCIII. the main body of Holkar's fore(>. This army.
it Willi prop<*d. aboald be -andccl by (kn,.raJ
Lak(>, and j oined by a body of irregular boi1Ml to be
furnished by lbtl a))i(>8, All relianre on merely ole-
fenahe w:tl to bo abandoaed. Holkar
wn.' tu he pn'l!Sed, if (IIJSl'ible, to nn netion, and if tlw
atumpt lilloulll fail. to II(! punoued to the Jut extre-
mity. The corumllllcl<'r-in-chief n.arched
on tltt' 3rd of S11ptomlwr from Cnwu(Hll'l', with tho
,.bole of thu European tu\'alry and mr.'llltry nt that
plnec, nnd ou the nt Agra. Thl'n'
an<Jtlll'r portlnullf tbt nrmy of lliudOoltnn
ha<l loec:n ll!l1CII1Ll<'<l, ancl 101111 at this time eneamrecJ
nt Sl"tundrn, ubout Bix miles distant from Agra.
Tho QIOocruhhcl force'<l t>f thn'<l n.>gimCDll of
l::un)>ean light . ., fi,l! n-gimcnt .. of nnthe
ctnllll) nnd tltt' hot"f'l :utilltry, tho 711th
regiment of foot, the Hank companies of tbe Kiug'IJ
>>mJ foot, ll.'ll OOttalions of lltllin;o infantry. and the
ustml proportion of art ill cry.
llolkar btu! Iuken of 1\futtm, l.ho Britiah
May, 1801, .Ud :-"I! G.:ocral t...ko W<l1lld mab a good club
at Hullcar, the ,..,. could twt wl a (ortnight: but it be ....W
IWld .-the ddoMi're iA lflfllbto.a, it latlar. Joactlo ol
time." 'l'be _._ c>piniaD wu ULpi od ia alrau 10 My.r Mal-
tulm. Doth lett<l'l will !Jo fou11d in tho W .w..p. n..p. .....
Tbe dekrmiuatiun of Gc.arral 1.-b to act 1111' ' f he
-.,..1 all J1R1kbiliJ ol the ... " oiMort -.
BRmsu IN l!WIA.. 44.)
foroo thero hn. ing nbnndouud it on tho 3nl S(>J>- CRAI'.liX.
tember,leaving behind them alnrgG qunntity of grniu A. D.
and baggagt.>, whirh, togetler "ith the town, fell into
the hnndi of the enemy. On tle lli'Proub of 1 hE'
Jlritish army, which llllU'Cbed from 1111 the
l et. or Oetober. llolka.r drow oil' to the north-we!.,
along the lxmk of the .Tumnn. .lllnUrll W1181'0-<lCell
pled by a r .. unlcr Colond lloo. and aue-
:rtteru]IIA were mrule by the c:ommandcr-in-
!'hic:f, 011 tho 2ud, ith, and I Oth of Oetobcr, to
bring tho cnomy'e cavalry to action, bot in l'Din.
In the meutlmo his infantry nne! gum bn<l l>t-cn
moriag in the direction of O.:.lhi, and on the tsth of
Odober they arrivl:d befon that <'ity.
The Britih Colonl'l Ochterlnny, 1141
Anticipated the nnd as fM ns lny in
powpr, for Hit' consequcnr..., by calling in
OU. portions of troop., regulll1' aud irregulAr, nnd
DIAking other [repnmtiOib for the dcfcnre uf the
city. To Jllll!'C it in :1 dcfen-ihlo state wa.;, ho"
oww, no CUJ tuk. The rity i" of groat txtcnt;
It wu uoprotoowcl, exrept by n woll badly l'mt
in many without a pampct, and
110 f'ar from being capnh)e Of rOOoting the !fUJlC nf
the f'llemy, unnhle to bellr tho !!bock of
thnt might m clito<hnrge<l in d<"fcnce.
werl' constntr!<'d at two of tho gatels, nncl aomc
(lllrtial repairs of th!! nld defcllcctl performed. But,
al\.er aD bad been effl'Cted, the DleiUlil of mdltance
were eontem('tlblo; wlu1e n great JIIU't o( the tn"']"'
within tbl' rity "'""' of sn<'h 11 cll'8CriJ1tilln thnt no
llltm>RY OP THE
CH.o\1'. x.x. n'liance rould bo citbl'r upon their &Mlity
or lb<'ir C'Otuage, nnd the geoeml popnbtion '11"11.'1 of
the ,.-orst ehnratter.
Holknr's nrmy tllDouutl'(l to nbont tlmu-
IIIUI<I men. The fnrto ._ hich was to dl'fcml llt'lhi
agnin!it tb.i!o overwhelming boat coruoit<'d of hi o
hottalions of native infantry and funr tnmp:Ulil!l! 1>f
Mother, bnt a of these wero t>hliJ:C<l
t4l )II' devoted 1.0 the protection of the JU<'C 111\<1
person of the Emperor. &-sid<'S the regullll'
thl!l'e were :Wont two corps of irregular bni'IC nne!
tho BtllDe number of irrcgulll1' infantry, o.nd n
of mntchlock-meu. But nll tlw irregulnr hon<e d!'-
!ICrtctl on tbc np[>ro!lch of llolkru--Mmc <rf tl11m
tc join him---ancl the Dllltehlock-men broke into
mutiny. The mutiny ..... 1!UIMI1U!<l by !<'VCnl pun-
iahmcnt. but mo.;t of lhfl rorp& llllbi!cqucnlly dc-
The Briliib forte wu at this time ent'8JDped under
the WIIOR; tltey wcro SOtlll nftcrwa.rds and
driven into tho town. Tho enemy then brou11ht
up a hundred and thirty guns and commcncccl 11
tremendous cannonade.
The offirer in conllllllll<l of the ..-as
Lieutenant Colon('] Hum, whll, with Ilk e<ll'}"" hac!
W\>n ralled in from Saharunpore. and a soldil'r h.. tt('l'
t'tllculated to cnnllmd 'lith the difficulties nf
situation could not hrwc bc(>n found. Amicht all the
dibt'llftening Cirtumt.niiCCf! of thnt tituation W118
nne which yet to be noticed. Tho rom-
under the belief that It wu impot-
sihle lir a f<>l't'(' to tl{'fcnd both the city ctur. XL
the p..r1>0n of the Ew)l(ror, hnd ordered that the -
fonnorsbonld b.: nba.niloned nml that of
t.lw gnrriklm sbonld bo lcvotecl 80lely to the defence
of tlw dt.utlcL The politico.! wid!'nl fonvarded thiR
ortll'r to Colnnel Bum, witl1 instructions to act U(lOII
it. He I!UIN>qnently went in pcr-oo to require cnm-
pliam"C; but in the mcantiml' Colon(') Born, in addi-
tiun to the of hLo; own enelllnt judgm .. nt
an I noble 'Tirit. bnd furl ified hiUibClf w;tb tbe <>Ji-
nion of smne of his offi<'t.'"' in "hum bu pla.:e.l confi-
dcnct, and luul detem1inrd not to abandon the city.
llowwucmindedofthc peril wbich bo incurred; but
lw 1\'M Jll't'(lnred to encounter it.
The cnnuonade commen001l hy Ilollmr was con-
tinulod, without intennis:,ion, day and uigbt. It W&
rnd.nt that a practicable bn.-aeb would soon be
cf'rl't'tcd, and Coloorl Bnm l'C'<Ol\'ed to interrupt the
pmgn .... of the besiegers by a oortie. This wns made
on the llHming of the 1Oth of October, when a party, A.D.
l'hnitinjt of two hundrnd men of the 1mtt31ion uniler
Colmwl llurn, and one lmnill'll nne! fifty irregultLJ'!o
comrntuull'lly Liente01Wt n, .... , l'">et>cded to tnrm
th1 bnttery. Tbt:'y ""='<'lied with littl<>
dillirulty in gaining of it. piked the
and ret l'l'l.ted with loss.
On th1 13th thert> apJ>e<Ut'cl of an ap-
prnnehing atlado: of n funnidahlo l'hlllOcter; unwmaJ
'igilrmcc wna them fare hy tht gnrt'iAOn,
and supporting parties were tlif1'tttl to be in rwcli-
neNt. 'rho t>XJlCClntion of ll nttad: VIIS not
cHAP. n. vain. At <l&ybresk on the 14th tim rncmy's gun
opened in every Bill\. tltlolcr c.wcr nr the
('8J)DOJI&<IC, L Uuge I><Hiy Of infu.ntry, With Jnddt:>N,
Jlllllle an .-nit on thu Lahore gate. This was the
realobjl'ct of attack. but, to di\'crt tlw attention of
the IM.'flil'gcd, guns pointl'l1 agniuL thl' Ajml..,r
gat<', wd n British oftieer 'll'atl tl1ert mortally
wounded. The attack on the Lah11rc gal<', 'II hil'h
the enemy confidently l'!tpected to rarry. llignall)
f.'liltd. Th<' a.,..UiantR were dri\'cn in l'llttfw;iou,
an1l with eonsiderahlt l1!1ning bt'llirul them th
lathllno by which tlwy wrre to hn,c gainC'<I cntmnel'.
TW.. d<'ftont to eompll'tely the
l'llemy. In the enminJ: a Will mnde of tlraw
ing l!tltnC gtm5 the Ca.hrurro gat<', whi<-h
the gnrri1>0u tn the lab<Jur uf ma.king 110mc
prcparntions for deftnr. there ; hut none Wl.'l'll
need...!. The disappointed foe retired iu the nigLt;
:u1<1 all lho.t '11'118 \il!ihlol of the
of Dt.-llli '11115 the of tbrir ca\lllry, at n
conidt:ntble diotnuoc. Tl1e succeto'ful cof
a Jlnce llf no strength, a force numorically in-
to n.JI'ord the requisite reliefs, \\115 adllli-
zably cnlcol.atetl to rciw or rt'l'Jll!t'l
for the Britihll1111S, nn<lto di..,.ip11to the unfnvonrnhlc
by lht unfortunate retrcnt nf
Coloucl Moll!Oll. Tbo noble dctcnninnlion evinc<'d
this critil':\1 period by Colonel llttrn was invalu-
able to country: and jU'ltlplid tbt> politieal md
wnt l"'tinuu;: the clfL'II:ta of the exertio1111
made hy that oOk'CJ' and hi.o trool'fl. Tbc
DRIT!Sfl DlPIRE 1.' 1:-IIHA. 4-I!J
saifl he, ,ulfcrod by both ofiko,.. and mom could be Cll\l'. n
by nothing but tht nrul po-
ticnco with which it was cndur.-1; ami it erumot but
nflcrt llw grcatc..t honour 011 thu cournge,
nnol fnrtitutle of Brilish troop, in tho <'yes of all
11 iurlntan, to observe, tlult with n small forc:-e they
sutairwl n of nine tiny, repelled rut a."'!nult,
anrl ohf,udt'd a city ten in circumferenc:-e,
nnl "hith had ever before l .. :cn ghcn up at the
llf'Jit'l111UI<'C of nn enemy at iu gates." Thi eul<>gy
Cmm ouo who ltrul recorwmndl'fl n o!Hfcreot cmlliM.'
nJnirc.< neither aolditi<>u nor oommcnt. '\'hut might fcrlluw"l h111l Colonel IJuru in lht'
view" of till! comruamlcr-iu-cb.iof nntl the retlidcnt.
anrl luul tl11 loos of Delhi be\!11 nddcd to pTevioll
tlisn.ltn<, it b fearful to imngiut.
Foill...:t in his attempt upon Delhi, llo!kar lll05ill'J
the J umna Bt the ford of PBUniput, threatening to
do.'-olnte the British territories iu the D011b with 6l'f'
1tnd kWOrol. Gencml. Lnke nrrivt,l at Dt>lhi on tbt
nf October. Il e did not, howen>r, cnter 011
tbu ]lllrtoUit of tho Cnomy tiJJ lbt 3l>it, ruthough hi
Jr!l!lllt'l' nt Delhi cout.l llii.IWcr uu 11urpose. The
hIAy RJIJK'fU'Ii lo bow bau po.rtl) hy a
dt6d<ucy uf nnl 11f draf't. Tbc
of Hollar' irruption into 011.' British JroTillre'
in thl' Doab roused bim to l!:lcrtion; and dettl.t:hing
Some of the details of tho ocooWll o( tht aicge of Ildhi .,..
df'rim) (n:rR the priftle coau:uunfnttiuut of A
then on the tAft' of Colonel Buro, and ,,.,,. holding rank iu
tho Indian army.
VUL. lit, 2u
r.,- UDder Gcnl'ral 1-'rnzer, the in rom-
(;HAP. XX.
mand, in of llolkar' infantry unJ gmas.
General Lake n':OOJn.,.J to procre<l in Jlt:Nlll \lilh
the whole of the Eurol'''ru' dmgooll!', thl'l't' ro.>l{i-
ment8 of nuthe cavlllry, tho horse artillery, 111111 tht
n'IM!rre of tboJ army. of two comJnnit'5 of
EunJ>ean and tbn..., batt.ulions of infantry, in
pur.!Uit of tb .. om<mf rualry in tho Doah. The
tint henil"C "bkh thi forre "...,. ealled "I"'" "'
form was to relicw the gallant romwanJI'r nf tl11
garri,.un of Dolhi nud battalion. Afhr tho olo'-
parturo of the I.Jo..,itgtnt, Coloue11Juru bad qnittol
Delhi to proceed to olntiHn nt Sahuruul"n, fmm
wbicb l1e lmri\IC(n rullcol by Colnnel Ocbtorlnuy, to
rltfenol the imJll.'rilll t'UJ'ilal. enemy's bonoc li.ll
iu ,.itb his party Dl'llJ' CauoiWt, and cnmplehlr our-
rounde-d tbi.'Jil; hut Burn. dearing a ruB I
11"itb waolo goo.! hi way to h1uuulcc.
where, getting into a amnii mud fort, be prepare<!
for n de><J>emte oltofeut'l.. The fort Wll- al ... ut a huu- yards "CJDO.I't'. '!'hi' pnrty, ill Bli['Jllied with J'I"H
\1"CJ"C UouiJJe l<l uutain nny from tJw lltljoNIIl
town of Sbamk't'. tho inlmiJitllnts of wbi<h JIIU"<
mnnifcoted ll strong ft'C'ling nf boRility, anol
clkutountt'll boi"!Cmen in from the
tnwn wall with matt'hl.cks on tbo;;e wbo bat! taken
nfugc in the fnrt.. About a hundred Brii.WJ l!l'JM>)'ll
tln1..q lo>t their livl'' Tn this extl"t'ruily Ma-
looml!tnll part of Cnptniu Hum's forco we"' eul>-
by !'ncri6cing th olmn bullocks to the Ul'r<"'
oity of pnwitling fnu<l. The UindOOI'. h,-
BRmSR E>'lRJo: IS INOlA. 4;i I
th.,ir pnjuclicc, from thi ruOoll' of I'UStaining life. uur. xx.
hntl lxcn mthonL fuo<J for 80111C time, when the
appronrh uf Lakt rdirvcd tl11'm from th"
(ll'l-''''lli'C of the enemy. 11nlknr's troops <lid not
think llt tn wrut the nrrivul oftlw Driti>h cammtul<icr
nor lO take ll'f"' townr!b USCI'r
taining tlw l'Xtent :mtl Mlure of fone. ..
I!O<rt('r W('n the of dUJ!t which nnnonnced the
mnH menl uf tbc EngJ1.b rulwnn perreptible than
tlor l'ttcmy disappe:m.od.
A fuw <lay nfter lAke boul ).,fl D<>lbi
tho rlhioion under Genrml Fmz<'r nutrched in pur
suit of Tlulkar's infuntry llllrl On tlte 12th of ,\.D. lBO<.
1'\nnmbcr be lll'rinod nt Guhurdun, where from th..
!eights the nemy were vi'ihle, encrunpcd betw<>etl
a dt'('l' truok nnl an e:thniw right
rowrt'<l by ll fortified Yillajt,, and their left erti!Dd
tu the fort uf l)e.;>g. tiow "'llS lo<t in pt't'-
po.ring for nttneking them. At thl'l'<' o'clock in th1
mnMJing uf th .. 13tlt four of M'fiOY" ruul
two l<:urop-'ftn regimentR mnrtlwrl for lhP purpO@C.
A rhtuur 111' cun>itlenthlf' tStl'llt "'"" to
avui<l tim Dll>Mll'fl. at ""' lm'llk tht Britill ,., ...
I u m 11 a r rh ed :tt t be forti fiol ' sit Ul\t<' <lll a
hill ... t.ido <'Overed the eocruf right; tbe trooJ"'
immtliat..ty wheeled, the 76tlt regiment
:awl t"'' C>f thP lr.&ttaliuuil fonninl( a flr-l line, anl
the reml!indl'r a I!Ct'ood. Tht 7Uth ltl the way,
"itiJ it. wont.,l nlaerity an I dtttnniuarinn, by tak
of tbo villag11: whirh wu no sooner
art'<lllll'lilwl than. rlr\1'11 tltt Wll. they
!? t
Ill STU It\' I)V TilE
xx. r!IJlJ'ge<l and Clll'riecl the fil'>t ranJ:.<e of ilie et>l'RI) '
gtm, undt:r a t"'nwnclons of rounl !:"'I"'
&Jt<l 1'hc lint bnJ now
the village, o.utl, on c)i!<(onring tbe 76th far in nl-
\'llnrt> surronntled by the cMmy, rnpidly plL'Iltrd firr-
WIU'tl to their nrt>nrt-the Company's fil'!'t Euro-
J>CilD n.-gimcnt king fonmD!It, nod tbe two ""I'"Y
battalions follo...-ing. Thcl two rcnllliniDg hattnlim
1\tl'l' employed, undl!r Major li&JDIDond, in watd-
ing the enemy'& bril!lldc:'!l and gtUll' neu tll' mo"""-
llntl k<>eping them in chc'<'k. When tbe first nutgt'
of had been Clllricd, the victors \WI'l' OJIJ>O!Il.'<l
by n most dc.trnclia llro from the second rnnJ:Il;
nml GCIIcrnl Frnz<'r Jo.tng n leg by a t'nnuon""'lmt,
the command de\ulv<-<1 upcn Colonel 1\louson. Xn-
thing cl:r.unteU by tho unbAJJY ucident which hnl
befallen their cotnmandcr. the British t:ro01"' a<l-
mn<'e<l. captured the tcenrul nutge of gum. and tlu'lt
emtinucd to Cbarg\lllllt tcry afwr battery for a
of two miles, wbt>n, heing close under tbe wnll of
Doog, they were firod upon from the fort. Whilt'
lhllb 11ursu:ing Urdr the first l'llllge of
had been retaken by n body of the enemy'M hul'<'.
ancl tumed tho Cnglib. But tbe admntago
'II'Bil <'Djoyed for a lei'} 'bort time. Captain :-lurfo,..l,
with only twenty-i!ight own, rctrie'ed tbc gut.., tho
lifo of thl! gallant ul!iccr bc:ing unhappily liiK'rifired
in tlte exploit.
The whn hnd IH'(tt ()Og&gcl in ..arrying
tit httllerie.o, bnvinjC punsuctl thtlir liUC(.'C511 u fnr Ill!
""" pmrtieahll' l.tlwtu'tl roturned to attack
namsu rs L'<OIA. 4:i3
tlw body which, during their rulvlUlcc, hnd l)(l(n kcjlt CUAl'. xx.
iu dr<-ck by the huttalions under )flljor 11Dmmorul.
Thnt offic\r, with th aid nf, lm<l
DJAiutaiu .. ,J w,. po!<itioo in the fnee nf n
J,,.tl\ y fin from nrtillery fnr SUp<'rior to own.
Culnnel Morlllon. hrving ordered up !K'\'I'ml mnn
>iX-JNmrulcr-. routul under Cu\cr flf tbcir tire
the ldi llnuk of tlru tucnry. who fi,rtJmith
n Jlrccipitatu retreat into thr mo.-, w ht n
numbtl"' pcrilwtl. Two I.Jn.ttnlioru; uf 8e}N>)8
load ltft with the nnd surnt nativ
csnlry had been in watrbing the
huMiC.'. Tiu- now erune up to in thr
gun11. nod the wounded ; and tho BritU.h
.. nt ... mpcxl ou the field which they had gnll:wlly
'fhc lo. of tbe l'nemy, on tbc field nnd in the
murru,.,;, hli!IIK'ell c..timat<:d at nearly two thousnud,
:uul (ighty-I'Oveu pitces of cnnuon fell into thu imllll'
uf thP Euglih, iochuling !lome ...-bich Co loot! )J ou-
IM>U hlld l111t on hiM rctr<nt. Till' ictory \\Ill! bril-
liwrt arultumpletc, but it W'llli out with-
out !teary ,.,.,... The Engli.h nturu or h.ilk'll ruul
wouwlt'tl nmountt'<l to of huruln.'<l nnd
fort). and IIJUong them "a. the hm,e \\Ill>
hnd nncl commaudclthc ntmck: the wowul
of GlucmJ Frawr ulltrtal, a11tl hi'
tim \ict.ory only a fLw da)S.
llnlknr wM llt'Stinel tu lJljtain nuotb(!J' n-
vente. aUt! hi.; canlry h&AJ been fur oeTt't111
ln}f ll);ng wilb gront mtiuity bcft>ru Gcncn1l Lakl,
mma Y or TJO:
CRAP. XL pul'ltJed with nen gre&Wl' rapidity by that romn\&11
der. Tbe dmancc them kept gralually
A.D. liMN. diminilhing until, on tim lith of )iovemlxr, a
night march, the h!-acl of tbo British oolumn rcacbrd
the akirbl oftlto romp. Tbl' boftl('o ,..,...,
at picket, and bctido tbem lay tbl'ir riden, wmpt In
their blanketa, alooping. For DWIY da)"ll the
had been to moet ba, mardK"S: &ad
ithin the tenty-fuur i.tomediately prcc'Otling
tbdr :trri-mJ Bl lJn('s Clllllf' they had mareood fif\y
tight mill-s. Their were. forgot
ten, for the <'IIMIY wltum tltcy had so per.oenringly
tmrsucd was now hcfun them ; and on thr pn'"
C\.ling en'niug fn-'l<lt viwur bad bt>en given to tlwir
by the receipt of the uen of the glorious
battle of Deeg. Tbo fiftlt intimation which the
&lumbering camp of llolkar rceehed of the
of the 'Ifill a of grape &om their
bon;c nrtillery. "lt 11-kened some: :n
Thorn; "but seniNI many in nn everlatttittg
&fore the t'Bitll('d by tltis fearful W11n1ing
t'onld be shaken oil: th11 llritih cnvnlry dru<he<l into
lbo campnt full gnllop, nml cbnrging in n.Jl clii'NI-
tion" the platl<' wlticb bud liQ lntely bt>en the est
of rcpoe<' and m;oun,Jed with the daah of
ewonl. the shout nf an txt'ited !'O(tlipry, and the
groon of the dying.
llvlkllr was slow to lxJi,.,c that the disturbaneo
in CQuld ht' nccpioned by Lakt',
whnm be liUJIJW>Mil<l tn he at a ClOIIIlderable dilt.ID""
Nundft. ,.... 190.

\\'h<'n ron' inced of it. in-tr:ul of nny ml'n- nur xx.
f<>r the of hi army, Ill' mmmtL>tl
hum'. :UJcl, with the troop immcdintely nbout hilll.
rndt olf ut full !IJ>ecd. Tho fnte uf nn army
need he rclntttl. Dispersing in
tnt-y clin'<'liron, somr, utht"rs on f1>0t, their
!.<'inA' too much jalt-d to carry them, they
wero fnllnwt'<i and cut down in 'nl nnmbas so
._, thu llriti.h W('J'I! ablu tu tbe pn,.,.nit,
whid1 e:ctcmcle.l for ltu mile!!. The !0001 nf
thu tnrmy in kmt-d \\118 comrmr.-1 nt three tbnu-
hut this fonntl but n 1111\nll tmrtion uf the
umunnt by which IIolknr's nnny WnR wenkened. l!y
till' numlwr of tll'Serlious which foll11Wetl-by the
otl' of 11llL<ses of fujfitilt"', who ue-rer rt'-
jniur.l till' l'l11lb of tlu:ir nnl.ler, it wru. believecl
thAt hiA foYee had OC't'D diminihed 111 tho
cxttnt nf nne-lwlf. Ou the part of the Englkh, only
'"" mcu wen. killed ancl nlxut l\\tnty wounded.
Red nero;;;; tho ,Jumnn. by Gcno>-
ral l..nkc, who, on tlu' 28th l'iowmbtr, ut A.D. IAOI.
Muttra. liNe ht! f<11111d tho cliviion uuclcr Colonl'l
Mmu<>n, "bieb hnd rclire1l t<> thi plnr to cl.-t...,.iL
th(l ""nncft'<l BL tl10 battle Hf Tll't.'j!, QUI) to di,.._n.
it...-lf <f the \"liSt ttunntity uf nrdrumce 11 hil'h
fnuc<l port of tbe !OJil iu that m('mornblc nction.
The had '-n for\\1lJ'Ilccl t11 .\ gm, nml Columl
Mou9tm, it h stated, inttudt'<l t<> fnll lJD('k bcyonl
but for the :tJThnluf tho cllmmandcr-in..-hi<f.
Thur., afl.('r nf u month, the two
hran.-lww of the urmy met untlcr tirrnnl!'tnnces whirh
liJtmoRY Of' THf:

CHAP. xx. jill VI! jult ground for mutual The
nne bad routed infMlry awl ltim uf
most of hit onbuwoe : the other hnd
tf,., hundred mile!', not a tep uf wllich luul been
taken in rtruck a fatal !Jlnw at the forre
on which Holkar mainly depended, nnd W1LII now
rady to co-npernte 1n any that might tend
to C'Ollduct the war to a ati&factory conelwlinn.
The rn..t 1luty to which they were callt.>d Willi to
puniAh the J>l:rfidy uf tho Rajah of Bhurtpure. Tlut.t
prince, it will be recoUt.>cted, hlld boon amnnjl' the
tvlil!llt of the lfahratt.a trihutarit.'11 to seek the fritncl-
llhip of the Brilitib gonmiDCDl al'Ur the Jirwt bril-
liant mcc('!IIM.'tl of General Lake, oncl gnmt nliance
llt.'t'tll8 to hove been plAt-ed upun bill fidelity. He
bad fumiabe<la body of horse to the Brium
nnny, &Dd which W1UI tbUR employed till tho con-
of the 1!8Dl)oaign. About tho period of Co-
lonel Mo1110n's l'l:tn:at 10me circulllBtallcea Cleeaned
to excite of the Rajab'M Rineerity; and, in
coru;equcnc<' of informntion which roncbed tho oom-
maoder-iu-cbicf, n person nnmed Ncrungiu Lall Willi
IK'i%ed in the town of )[ultra, who, on examination,
<'nnfc;;sed tl1nt he hlld bt!CD employed for 3 curlllider-
nhlc time in mrrying on. communimtions lllhn't'll
llolkar on the ODl.' lutnd, on the other,
chic& tlDd including: th., Rajah of Bhurt-
l'orc. Col!onll MoD!!on noo forwarded from Tonk
Hnrupoom 110me intN't't'ptcd lettn. to
llulkar by tht' H.ajab or Bburtl"'re ru. eldelt -.
hiol tolltidculn.l Sl!rYUILI, and Nenaap Lall, wlaich
BRITI!<H L)II'IRtl IS li'lDIA. 4:ii

fully corroborated the t..>-timony of the last-JWDe<l CJJAP. xx.
I"'"'" n.
The>-(' licoveries, ho,n,,cr, Wl're not deemed suf-
to wnrrnnt nn iDlllleditlt!' disolution (If tlie
relntions of llDlity whidr nppurrntly bU'b.ited tx.-
t wc;.n tbo government and the Rajah of
'turd which the fonner was desirous of
pr>,..,rving. GI!Deral Lake was iJ.Llnrct<-d to re-
mort-tnlte, and to cnll upon the ltajah to adhere to
hi But or I'I.'$Uit being prudu("('tl
by thl' rq>r>'Sentaticn. of tho rommandt>r-in-<'bicf
thcro nppl'nred little hope. It \fll8 00-
licnl thnt Holknr lrnd been cncoun1god to achnncu
to Urc .l umllll pr!ncipnlly hy tlw protn1;(os of tho
Hajah of Bhurtpore; it wns &UJlJ>O"<!tl tbnt the Rajah
had a.. .... il'tc.l him mth money-it was "nain th&t
be hncl "11ppUed Holluu's anny 'II itb pro,kiolll!, lrad
pmtl'Cled his baggnge and buwut, and, through tbe
mc.ns of nn ngent di"JIIlt<"hed to the Brit.i.<ili Clllllp
for the oot,nible pDrJ>OSO of ('Onfrring with tho
oowruandcr-in-ehief respecting thu junction of the
u.Jiill forces, had e.ndeavourctl to excite di.<afl'oo-
tiun within the Driii>h Jl08"'-'68ion.o, 110d to pro-
nil ou the zc.>mirulars in the Dt>llb to intercept the
upplits for'lllll'liing to thn Englih anuy. At lhl'
blttl<' of Deeg all ru;enu Wlll! thrown asi<le; thu
Rajal1'1 mmlry openly jninetl that uf Holkar, &rul
tho gnglih fired npnn from till' wnJI" of D('l'g,
which bdong,;d to the R!Vah ruul gani!Kiru.'tl

by hi troll("'- H could lx' no Iunger a
whether the ltnjnh WM IIJ bu tn.'lltt'Cl "" n friL'nd nr

cnAr. :u. an enenay, and it WM rt'l!<llvll<l to lAy tn De<g
u 1100n aa a battering tn1in conld he pnK'Urcd from
'""' def.>nded hy a mml wall, with
baltioll8, and a d<'t'JI ditdt J'&l"''iug tutil'lly round,
exce(>ting at an anglu, where st<)(Ml a high rocky
mnuut, alm011t a form. in iteelf', haing an an.-a of
aiM>ut 6fiy yards 5<JIUU'1.', and four com-
00..-tioa at the foUJ' cardinal pulnt.t.. A J..,ut
a mile from this plart, ami nearly in the ecntru uf
tlw town, tl1e huilt, in guucl
and Yidl with 'l'hl' r:nn-
JIIIrt Wtre high anl thiok, fnmishel with besti<>lll'.
and unuun<l<'l by a dit.-h with tJm...nry
. Mwhe gnteways 11ntl ti>Wt'l'l of rollfii<ll'rahle height
dcf<'ntkl the near 1111d di.tant nppn>ll<'lwe. On tho 13th of Utctmher, the batttring lr.tin
bluing General Lakl' took UJ> the pno!itima
bcfon> flt'eft he meant to OCCU(Y daring the
It bt'ing pl't!liuuly occopitl hy tlao enemy,
it wn n!'Cc<"Rty to tllelll; but thJ. Sl!n;cu
was JHlrfonnetl witlu>ut allfficolty, nncl without the
OCCUfi'\!UCO of any evtnt l'4lliog f(tr nntit'e. ,\t
night the pioneen; brolo;e jlroUIId, and on t h& t'Vl'tl
ins: of th" I Gtb of Tl,oclmber a hl'l.'llrhing bcLttery
WIUI l'tiiUJ>ICtNJ within IIOVCU hwHJretlnmJ fifly yanLf
of n high outwork Use ruagle of the town intended
to bl ottnrketl. On the o('xt morning illllire
from ciglateen-pooncll.'r;, four t1i'elve-potmders.
and limr mortlll'!!; but the e!Wet being YUI'f iiDalL
nu. d<ocript:ion ol 0.., io p... ..,. lbjor Tbano.
llRITim Elfl'IJC2 IN IIWIA. 4511
a hlllttry of thret> cightet'nfN>\IDill'l'!\ '!IV erected CRAP. XX,
during tloc night of tho 20th to the lcJt n the be- A. o. IIOf.
eitj,oing nnny, and nCSI'l'r to the works than
tlont 1roviollllly ereeW<I. 8y thi'!Kl mell08 a pmc-
tit'ablc brelw-h wu etfet'k>d hy tho 23rd, and tho
commander-in-chief tletcnnincd to tonn on that
night. The fi>rce tAl whum this I'Cniro WlUI 11!1-
tlped Will! dh;ded into thn-c The t'CD
tre column, led by Colonel who bad the
(' .. mmaud of tht' 'lfbnl<', rontpoo!Ctl th<' otonning
Tho other column.-. <'Ommnndc<l ret!J)('(',o
tinly by Captain Kelly and 1\fnjur llntclifll>, Wl're
to makn two l!epru!Lto ftttCU'k to the right nnd
loft of thl! flrinripru point. The liflt.nmt pnrtil'k
nuvt'd "' IL!! to rencb the plncx'l! for nttnek
liOOD nfi,r t..-che, and all The storming
f>arly f'OO-"I!el through n galling lire of can:non nod
mu-kctry to the breach, a111l soon gnined
nf tho The two remaining column.", di-verg-
ing nutwnrd&, nttackJd the cnrmy und!!1' the wall,.,
wooro tloey had ercctotl !l(lnt( hntl('rit'>f which thO!tO
of tho Englioh bad been unable tn tourh ; tb!'8CI
wtrc t'IJT!ed at the point of tho baynnct. The Bri
tU.h were now in po!!SCl!Sion of the trwn and of tloc
loattcri('.!! with<JUL it. Pl't"paratiol]jf mado fur
tltc inner fort. hut on the night of the 2-tth
it wa. ll\a.cuated. A hun.trecl ltD"" were eaptured
at Orej!'. with 11 quantity of ammuni-
tion and military 11U1ros. The }'tV 1804 tbu
in llintloslan with a triumph tAl tho Britillh

Hla'l'ORY Oi' Til
o;IIAI'. x.'<. Jl<.furc lllll'4uing further its ltitm'}' in tltnt qu.u.rttr.
it wiJI be proper til nohert to llw opcrntionl! <:;trritl
on against Holko.r in the sont.h. In June. Gcnr.d
W lx!ing about. to proceed to Beog-.U 1111
ttublic service, resigncol tho Jolitical nml militnry
f>OWel'4 1\"hicb be I!Jeereu.,.J in tho Deccan; but before
witbolmwing frum the seeoe wlwre bu luul wuu
much reno"'U he lmgg1l!ltt-d to the resiILuto llt l'ouun
nnd Hylembal n piau of opernliuU tn lot nn
ogniu.t Clumdore, nnd thu other provinces of Holknr
ruuJ bis pnrtiznns in t.ho :tt the proper """"
.an. The troops for thi, were to corubt uf
detachments from the I<Ub!!illillry forces l;l'ring with
the 1'ei>Jnm ruul the Niz:un, with the tu
be furnished hy those twu p0..-1!1'1\. A
oottcriug bnil boon pretnred nt l
oollll; which,
ns ..oun rus tho ...-enther tihnnl<l )oermit., wos to be
to Aurun!lllbad, whltbEtr Licuttuant Culuul'l
llalil.lurton, who eomrunnd!!<l the portion of the
HydtraOOd oullsidiary force dt.,.tino:d for lhis sen icc.
wns to procood with his t:roo)1li os soou ns hu wns
nclv.ised of the movement of the Lmin. Ou
coming knom at l'ooun that Colonl'l H:iliburton
bud commencc.:l his IIUir<b, Colonul W "11!1 to
movu with tile detacllnlL'nt from the Pci.;hwu'
sidiary force, 1111!1 t.ho whole "ere 1.(1 join in tbr
of AurtUJgnbml. Iu with
his w.ual pruclcotial habil:i', General W .,j)L,.Jey made
aciJnirnblc fur lll>curing of
Uloucy nnol pruvi.icou,. for Lbu Ul!C of the dctat'h-
mCJil. The btatl! of the country throujtb
E'LPIRE l.'i ISiliA. 4tJ1
"hieh Coloni'IIIAliburton l111d tn Jruuch, rerulere<l it tUAP. XX
that cau\ny of l!'l'ILin hould be ad-
l<o him from Hydernlul; nml it being un-
olt:'l"<(O<l'l thnt mt their receipt that offiecr would im-
nll'UiD.lcly lllti mB1'cl1, Cuhmtl W allllcc
mmcd fn1111 Pnonn, crossed till' Goduvery about tho
ruiololh nf and nt the ln<l of th:ll mflnlh .\.D. 18111 ,
wv juincd by Colonel llaliburtnn; the lld11ll1CC of
lx,tb hnling bt,.,_.n greatly by the weather.
1-:a.rly in Oetober the Pi'ih1111' routingmt
On tlou lith of th:lt uumth. Colonel UL'tae]u,.J
n pa.rty to tltko pn.,e:,sion of n fort belonging to
Holknr, mll;rl Lnlo,cJgung, nbool twelvo
mill!8 frnm Chunclore. They 8Urcte;lc<l in occupying
tht pdlnl1, lmt the nttempl to .tuml ll10 fort fniletl.
Tlcc trength of tho det4clrrneot WILi Ule1'1'11.<ed, 11Dd
on a l!<c'<'Ond attrmpt the fort wu carrie<!, though not
without a lo<'l which, with refercneo to the objert
m not be conidercd SCTCl'l:.
'fht> town of Cbnndorc 1\119 otNtJ>Ie<l by Colonel
W nllact> 11;thout l'n.>J>nmtions wei'{'
marlu fur altncking the fort, tun! a battery wet
n.11dy to open. when cUJ cllir wu made to
l'llrrenclcr on tcnm which c .. Jnn,l w alla.rc acoopl.t>d.
Tbe conclitioru. were, tho 811fcty of pri\'llte property
and permill.ion to the gam-on to depart wbcl"P1cr
they .\ number of ,'lDilJI fort. yieldcd
within a ft>ll daf'l after the <rumnlt'r of Chnndnl"(',
nnol Cnlnncl Wallace. =bing from tl111t placB on
tlu I 7th of nrrh .... l hcfcm1 Gnlnu em tbe
21Kt, nne I imnwdintely took of the pcttab.
ctLil'. n.
BntteTies were lor tLc reduction nf the fort,
nnd nftcr their fire bOll ellected twu J>rncticnlole
the gnnison summdl!l'cd on the s:unc rnn-
ditiull!' whlcll ltGcl been grouted nt ChruJdor(>. Tho
comnm1HI of thc..e forts dPprivod Jlolku of nlllti
pnssessi011 to the soutbwnrd or the Tnptoc; rm<l
nfter making the neee!ol!llry llrrnngements for their
tlefl!llce run! ndministrntion, Colonril W nlluce prG-
CC(!(lcd to tnke Of' n position nt Dorl}llllire, from
whicb he might be nlilc to mm.-o in nDY direction
where the BSsi>tnuce of his dctachw<ml migM bo
Colonel W.U.ce ......,. tpccilllly """'mmenaod to thi ""rricc
by G.!nm.l '1\'ollcsloy, whooe judgment in &electing fittingpcnOill
m work out hiJ pn>foundly orgnniled pllWI is not J ... trilcing
tb!Ullhe wisdo1u br which tho!e p!M ""' cluw...,tJ:riled. Tho
followillg llllcdote or C<>lonel w.n.ce il relAted by Colonel Gur-
wood, tho oditor of tho Wellington lleopatches: " A oharncter-
troit of Lhia oifuJu ia by who ottTed wilh
the ll'1Df in the Deccan. At the mg., o{Gt.wllghor he hlul heeo
ohnl'Jl"d with the oxo:c:ution or ccrtoin dobull neceaw-y to the
""pturc or tlmt pl-. A heavy gun h<ul been directed to be ccu-
<eyed by night to ao important point, and ita tranportati<lu otr
the mott rugg<d monntainl 10 long ballled all endca'"'""
thAt the artillery officer, in despair, reportt:d tho lltWIPplhl>-
mcnt of it to be impouible. Jmp06.Wk, Sir/' o.xclalmcd
Oolond W'alloco, who biUl 1111 billlfe nlnintAioed the moot rigid
illlhcrnn.<!! m obodit:n..,_, I"'fHJni6ltl Let ,.,: He thtn
called for & llght. pcUed the inltrcction from bil poclret, ond.
J'I.'Oid them, l!ald, Oh. 110! oot impoiSibk; rAe onln il
The n:oult evinced the elliwcy or order, and
olio olforiled lllllll.bcr prccf tlmt implloit obtdiltnce whoc -
JliUli<d by devoted ...U will in gmem1 OvertOI!Ie 0\"'ll)' diJJiruJtr.
Tho <Xpn"'-'i<m attributed to NIIJlOleon on a Bimilllr cx...,..jon """
mote poetical. MDuil'flr! fllint fimpouihf,.. r't'ft F'nt..('llil !'
'fltia ,,.. mnre ohlmlrou, lUld oo doubt partirolarly exciting
lliUTISR Y.!fl'lRII IN 4G3
The llflnnre tof Colonel llurm}. "itlr the fnn'.t' crur. xx.
under hi rummnnd, toward Oujtin-ltis
I'HI'\'Ilt 111111 J'('SU]J)ed already
in =ting the rct1"1.'4l of Colonel i\Ion.on.
Colorwl )f urrayarrlvcd nt 0'\iti n "ilhout enoounk'r-
iug ouy "l't""'itiou, o:nd took of tho whole
(of llulkar's Wrritories in that qulll'tcr, incladinrt
thn chicl\.ain'q capitaL lndon-. Ou the 18th uf .\ o 11101
O..tnl><r be lllh11Dccd ttnm Onjciu, and ou ilw 11th
of :'\0\clllbcr arrived ftt Munda.s<>l'\, Ianing acupii:'Ol
the of Bnm>'lnln and .J "" ra. through
"bidr ltc had directed W DlOJ1'h ; n.ften11.l'd.
nhatlt'ing from lw took of
mrinn of grclltur or k"' importance, and by
th<,.;c "1"-'rf<OOD. completed tbr l!Oil<JUest of thr
wlwlc of Hollmr's "''"'t of thl' Chumhul.
Continuing Ill :td'I'IUlC<'. be arrhcd at the Mol.."UJldra
JilL"" on the ;10th of Kovcmbcr, and at Slmlahad.
about forty miles woo of 1\annr. on the :!Sth of
nlwrc be hi! CC>IIlmllnd to llajor
Utlltrul .Jon!'<, who had nrrivt'tl fmm Bombay to
11111'11010 it.
1 u Cutta<'k 10me rumoynnect!. 1'1'\'tlted by the
of Khoordah and tll' rtminlar nf Kunkn,
,..,.n- '"I'J'!'e-'&e<l l.y a unll!r Colonel Harrourt.
After iOIIIC millor m the Jttttab an! fort of
Khounlnh nrc carried ...-ith j!l\'llt j:lillaatry, by a
dttal'hDlcnt under )fajor Flttchr of the Madra!o
when tu:Wrtlll"'d to a FreMhmm ; llut. tlle!i c:xpruaiaa c4 Cul.ood
bad Ito IOW'Ilt' in U.o hK""' m ..... oobcr military
keliftK of duty, thAt .-JIA'r It" ORPK&aO .1111T 1
Ulwrt>RY nF TIU,
<:nA.P. xx. European n>giment. The Kunkn chief, nlnnml by
the rapid nnnibilation t>f the power nf tlw Raj:h of
Khoordah, n-ad in Ws frot> the of prompt
.ubmi!siou to the Britih authority.
The proceedings of Lukt to
the Call of Dl'l'g now call for notit't. A fo"
an<'r that e)Jlt he broke up bl" camp, "ith the
loigb!'>'t unticipatiou. of future nod mnrdted
to l\lnttna. wb .. re be \I D.. jnuu'<l by :;\[ajor Gutnr.l
nuwdo .. w..-11, with the 7uth regiment and n supply of
A. o. 1&05, res. On the 1 of .r nnunry, H\!15, the army tlms
n-inforecd moed towanls the capital of lht ltJV:ili
of Bbnrt]IOI't', wWch \lti to be tho ucxt of
attnck; on the 2nd it took up it pll!<itlou lxfnn
the pbc<', and on the 3rcl preparntions for tbo
...-.,re rommcnt'ed. A or ganll'n, I'Oilil<
in adv:ntN of the =r ww. occurk"'l. On tlw 5th
a broo.ching bnttcry f.Jr six eighll'lln-pourultl!i Willi
cnrnmenl't'd : on the 7th it opeuNI ita fire. An-
other b!lllcry of four l.'igbt-incb nnl four fh t'-4Wd
n-half-inch mort41'8 being completed by noon on Uw
dny. commenced throwing sht>lls into the town.
CMnonading on both continul'd with littlr in-
terruption till the al\tmoon of tho 9tb, ''!ten the
brcncb in tho wnll boing ccportcll it Will<
n..--.olvl'il no that evening to to stonn.
About r;cwn o'clock the part) for thE'
duty moc,J in three colwnns. I.ilutennnt Ctllooel
Hynu, with oue huntlrctl nnd fifty of the Compnny's
EuropelUI!IIUII!a ha.ttalion f>f ........ ,.... was onll.'red to
attt>mpt a gutony to tlrold\ of the Jriuclpal battery.
BBITISII Dll'llll! IN 1N1>1A. 4()5
Major Hawkes, with two rompanil'll of tho i.iU1 CUAP. :u.
and nnother bnttnllon of M>floys, wns to
cmry the advanced guns of the enemy on tho right
of the battery. Doth columns to enclt1nour
to mnko their wny into tho lom:t 'lith the fugitives;
hut if that wcro impracticnhlo, tbty t" tum
atul !'UJ'J'Ori the column in cndl!avouring to
in nL the bn'!lch. Tbnt column r<>mm:utlli'tl hy
Lieutenant Colonl.'l Maitlnn<l cOJLo:iot<41 of the flnnk
<'ompanit"' of tht King' :!'2ud, 75th, nncl i'tith rcgi-
ment,nnd rhe Compnuy's Eurup\au regi ml'nt,
amountin!l' in tho whole to nhout fiw hundrcl nan,
with a battalion of Colonel .Mait lnnd' on!trs
were to tal..e tho cmmy but in this he nlto-
g<tber lilill'd. Tbt' ground ooing broktn by SWUIHJI!!
nnil pool, the onltrlyadvancc of the Jlllri)'W!IS gJ\'1\tly
rhecl:ed; many Jr,.t their way, and DICII belonging to
one column followt'tl another. H iR r<'prt'80nlcd
that, to nwid the fire from the rampart". Culunel
.Maitland led IJj, men 10 much to the lei\ II to
lncrtmch upon Colonel Rynn's linl' of mn.rch, nntl
that '!OUUJ alt.ert'utiun took pint'(' tb('!,C two
nllic.:r- ru. ttt the n:lntiw uf tbc bl'('llcb
nnd lretll'ht-s: thnt Maitland, tlum mnrd1ing
to the right, founol at the l'ntrnncc of the
ln!nclu!s, when ho re:;oh eel to direct tbP of his
column once more lu the lfl. and in that mrumt'l'
to procretl the plnin the bn11cb.
Long IJC'furu thi>i period 11ll was cunfu__<ion. The
nemy n'('{'ived tht 61onning-pnrty "ith a hl'1lry
lire of rnu.k\try nnl of f(l'OJll! from thn'l' in
\'OL. 111.
cou. xx. the !lank of a rin-ular t.tion next to the hrcarh :
ncvrrthcless. !;Omtl nf tho mt'll, herulcd by lhl'ir
oftltel'll, in j.,'(!tting IICJ'O'Os llw clitcb, thn
water in which was bl'('B!!L-blgb, 1111d n few MC!'ncltcl
the breach to within a hort ill.t:uwe of till' loJ>:
but thcir number WM too ll1lllill to admit of thcir
attl.'mpting U> lltorm thclntmy's guns. In
time Major Uawketo, "itb tho right colwun, had
in drhing the enemy Crom tbtir aJmn<'t'<l
gt1ll!l, and, after th1m, "lL' on his rctunt to
uapport tho cculro; "hill Colonel ltyan. with tho
llft, h11d compE'IIltl the to quit lhl'ir in
tbnt c!Jrection, but Wllll prevented by the
tioo of a deep drain from Jnrsuing his Co-
\\Mt<>vcr might hllw been em"
or mifortnne-., nobly RJJ>Orled the chllractcr of the
Dritiill ..oldier, ancl DC\ er rvlaxl!d in his exert i<>ll< to
his men fQrwanl till be feU mortally woundc'<l.
The greater part uf thu troops E'ithl'l' f>tO(pccl 11r
went back to tho bnt!<.'ry M 800u ns they got to the
wntllr. The few dcvotocl men who hncl
tho breach, being wel'O compl'llcd to
n.'tire; nod this ill-jucl.!(l'<i nnd unfortunnte atl<llll't
Dhortpofl' <nclel in CJXposing tile British
am>- to lhe of tbo enemy. The of
the English wa. hllllvy, and among the ldlletl and
wounded W an nnuuru proportion of offiM'n.
On the day rurcl)(.li ng this di&astrvuA failure
tho enemy began to repair t!Je hreach through whiob
the EngliJ.<.h bnd III>JI'cl to pus to Tho
nnt eROrt agailll't tim P'- it Willi N!oald
lllUTlKll DIPIIIE n; INDIA, 467
00 t)jl'l'('tctl n J'lU't of tho wall n little tO the CHAP. XX.
right of thl' romwr J>OinL lf al1.1ck. 'iel'll
ne<:ortlinA'IY nnd two lwcnty-fnur-pounders,
,...,en and
cight mortlll"<, a dt'!ltructho fire on thu 16th
of JauiUiry. Part of the rnDlJIILrt of the t'urtain A.D. 110).
WDJI down, but tL\1 next mom1nl( the lm.nclt
''":t" limntl &tocknll.'fl: the 6rinJI' contimud,
th" piles Wive "ny, nml n Lnlt WM nlll<l< 1'<1111-
pJ..,toly through tho work; but on tho l"th the
broacb wa 11,1!11in @tockadl...J. On t.h.1l clny tho Bri-
ti!lh nnny ninfllrel'tl hy tlu1 nrrivnl of l\fnjor-
G<u<'rnl t'mith with thre. batt.alit>lll! of 1'<'[10.)"" a.rul
somu comnle&eent Europl!llDS, with n few lield-
pit""'!l. The battcril!'! t'uotinuetl their tire until lltl'
2ht. "Len 11 brenrh, fl1l0rt<'d pr:tctic:tblc, hnd lx>eo
mutlt; nnd the entmy, frorful lbnl their '-"IllS
he tltmouutcd, withdrew tbl!ltl b .. hiod the pnt"'ljKts,
kooping them In rc><en'l' to be emplnyt'tl ngnin.t.
u,, .... who might he in n fntun1 art(')))pt to
stonn. On the l'"'<'f'lling night the had
!Jem romp..IIMI to remo,o f"mm the l.,.tldio.. t be
twll twenty-fonr-pounde"'- in con..equt'neo nf tho
wbolo of tho shot being t-X"(K'mh-d, ami to upf'ly
tlu., tldicicncy by two four-nm}-B-bruf-inth howit:>.l.'rs.
To mit! to Ute difficullie of the hesilgt1'1', :Auu ... r
Khan had b!oen i"' it....! by thu najah of DhuriJtore
to mlll'Ch to Ilia 111!-i,tnnct, nnd thu invitation, lxiJI!f
lltt'f1mpanil'l by ...,,cm.l l:u.'fl of mpoo5. lwl
ll<>fotre a ,.-corul '" cro- the
CHAP. xx.. moving with a icw tn an attaclc upon n clilf<"rent
point, the pnrt y therenpon The
naeftitated nttnrk of the nrlvnnclng clumn, bn\\CVI'r,
being found imJ>rncticnblc, the whole fc:ll
leuving to the tnomy lite bridge nnol tocaling-
laclolers, tllld. which w-u fnr worse, n lnrgu
of woundt>d. Throughout the ruhlUlee of tho British
daring the dday at the bridge ( wbirb
at ll>ast hnl 1111 hour), and on the reln!at, the
enemy kel't up a ole-tructivc fire of gt'I'JI(', round-
eJ,ot, and mmkctry. The t'lli.'Ct ml!l attcotl'<l hy a
melancholy rclun1 of tightcen oflkers llllol fhu hun-
dred men killud nnd wounded. During the nttnck
lhn Britillh CA\alry wuru engaged in kcepiug ntf
llol.knr anrl Ameer Khan, a task readily etft't'tl'ol by
tho gallopper gun. .\bout fifty of the enemy wtre
On the day nfltr tln!IK' nnfortunate attempts a
detachment under Ca)ltnin W clsb 1\"ll!l clispateh<'<i
to bring in a <'onvoy of J>rnviJ;iom on its 11uy from
Mnltrn. On returning 11ltl1 it.! charge it at-
larked by Amoor Khnn \\' ilb a \'118t body of Jl'l!-

dn.tory horse. Cnptnin W took JlO"'l"'ivn nf a
on a lofty itt, and succeeded in ketpin nd"
the a ..... ilo:nts till the arrival of a party of ca\'lllry
Wldl!r Colonel who bad been on
tb.e bOund of tho firing being heard at th!! British
camp. Tbe Briti.b tk'JlO).., on percehing the ad-
ancc of the rciuforccnwnt, railK.'Il 11 loud tlaout of
rxul!ntinn, IIDd, nsl1ing teo tho enemy's guns. mrricd
tbtru at the puint uf the buyonct jU&t at tho moment
whl'll the cu.-airy arrivtJ<I: tlw lntter cla!.hlng in, :u.
e<mpltll'<l ilie nctory. The eummamler-in-chief,
.. ;th the nmllindcr of hiq mnnnk'<l force, followed
Captnln but fow1d thnt. nothiug wns lefL for
them to pcrfonn. Four j,'IIIIR nn<lncnrly forly stnncl
of wiili Ameer Kluln's pnlruquin, fell intu
tho lnnciR of the victol'll; but, on tho other hnncl,
thry l""t a greot portion of tho e<moy which th1y
"''"' t"'''orting, and of which the anny was greatly
in wnot. Their oeee;,ity wu UJplied by disp:lt<'h-
ing Colont>l Dun "ith a cl<-tadmrnt to bring 1111
immenl!l.l l'onvoy from 1111 wltich wn.,
RUCt'c't!llfully cO'ectcd; tho of ilic enemy
to intt'rc'(opt. tbiR supply being rcndore<J vain by tho
juclirinut armngemrnt.s maclc fnr itR Fnfety. Soon
aftcr thi-. Amt.'CJ' Khan, di...atistit.-d with
his a.!IO<'iatcs, Holkar and the Jlnjah of Dhurtpure,
dt:J>Srlccl into Robilcuod, followt.'<l by a British de-
undl'T Genernl Smith. which, after pur-
rning him fur hundred miles aml compelling
him to t be Gaugt'll, rotururd (I) the Britih
IKfcro Bhurtporc. During thcir ab;cnce tho
J""'it ion uf tho camp luid hifttcl, n mpnsure
ahsnlutdy ncct'!\sa.ry the lwalth nf it I'>CeiiJlllllt,..<,
anl wlil'b morooYer \IlLS calltl f"r hy 11 cluwge of
porp<NIIIB tu the future point uf attack. The anny
!mel 1-n trcngthcne<l by tl1c &nival <>f th.,
dl>'ii<u under Gt>ncral nriginnlly <'Ontmanl!t>cl
by Murmy, unci fortlnr 4ltcmp!>l baol lxn
mwh fhr Uro nllinttlnn uf Hhurtpuro. Ilattcri<..,
llal lil'\'11 c>re<:l1:1l nod int11 nptr.J.tinn on n
new point, and the state of the breaeh waq deemed
to WlU'ftJit a third attempt to ftonn. The 20th
Jo'ebraary waA nppoint<'d for the purpose. and the
lltorming pnrty was ordered to tb!' lrencbCI! ut an
early hour, to be in l'('adiness for attack al! IW)Otl u
the battcrit'8 aboold baTe beaten do'Wll the dofnces
and sto<'kiiAll'll whieb might baTe been rnioctl in
the night. At bn.'llk of day the enemy mndo a
II&IJJ on tht> nntis!J trenches, and fOI' a time
to Jun-e rt'laincd a dt-cidcd They wero
nt length driven back; but tho conflict
to have lutl'd for !!CWral houn!, and tho English
I roopo, Catigoed by their exerlioru;, and di>piritcd
by the long opposed to them, eM not he
IJ<'lii!Ved to hnve beoo in the bt"'t eondition for the
duty or IUiflllulting a strong forl:rcotl from whidt they
had been twiw repu l,;cd.
A. column onder Colonel Don, compoeod pllrlly
or Eurojl('Rns and pllrlly of sepoys. was to adftDCc
to "torru: a liL'COJld col= tiimilarly COUl(KM!d.
nuder Cnptnin Grnnt, wns to C't\try the <'D<'rny's
trenches nod guns outside the town; nod n third,
romJIOSCd in like U1411ner or Ewnpean and n.'\thc
li'OOJl!', onder Lieutt>nnnt Colcmcl Taylor, "''" to
nttnck n gnto called Dcam Nwrnm gnte, "hich WILS
!'('ported to be easily ru:eessiblc. C'aptaiu Grnnt,
w;tb the "M'nntl column, arrito<l the intrcncbmcntll
and battcriCI! against which his effio..U were
und pursuiug lhP fugithl to the wnlls of lhe town.
nMirly in obtaining cot.rallee, lhc -r
not bcing nhlo to d<..c t be gato tiU the helld of tho
column was clo.;e upon it. Eleven guns were token, cuu. xx.
all of "hi<-h were safply brought into l.'&lllp. Tbo -
thin! column was less fortunnte. lin ring loet it.s
scnling-lmltlcn;, and onn CJf itA gun! being dis-
mount!)<( by n shot from tbo town, tho !4ttempt on
tho guto Willi deemed improcticabll!, Md tile column
The movement of Captain Grant's column \\11!1 to
he tho for the adTDDre of that of Coloncl Don
t() stomt. The forming the head of the
column were accordingly orol'l"l'<l to advance. and tho
DAtive infuntry to follow. Firty moo carrying fa.<ocintlll
\\Om to pn:occde the former," l1o, nf"tcr throwinJt tho
fll&'inl'fl into tho ditch, wero to "he< I outwn.rih> and
kC('p up a fire of mmkctry on tho brrudt while tho
rc!<t of the party n.dvanced to tho assault. But a
IIL'sitatioo occurred: the IISS:lilllllt, were expoeecl to
an enfilading fire--.on apprchcn ion pre...Wed that
tbc during their ooeupation of tllo crtremity
of the trench bn<l established n mine--tho effect
c..f theso circumMtanet'S wM nided IJy
tho Might of the in tho coufiict of tho
morning lying nrouml, oncl lhl> groans drawn
forth by thuir mlf.,ring!>; sue) Cttlon!'l Don stnno
in \"Uio tn countE"rnct tbe impn; inn tbn:. ereaU>tl.
Tho European in front would nnt mon. A
bettl'r tj'irit wu UlllJiiti!,lted by the mruUll!l of
tlu. R11nker!! of th(' King'R 2'ln1l regiment D.Dcl by tho
1 :!tb infuntry. TliCiie. folluH.I their
loot conmwulur, :md I \\O 1<ix-pouncltn1 W<'nl run
out 11)0(11 tbo plain to keep IIJI n lire on tbo will;
CHAP. xx. ancl bo.tteriet while the troops ntwmptNl 1111
-lt. Tho ditclt Willi imra-hlo at th hreach
from the depth of tho water. The party,
therefore, proceeded to another pnrt, \\ the
water ,.,.. .JuUlow, nnl where a rs,.ngcd hMtion
8eemcd to olfo:r the means of dimbing. Jlanng
JIGIIIed the ditch. eevcral in !ICnuuloling
up. nnd the coloun of tho 12th regiment of
natin! infantry were planted on tbe top of tbe
bastion; but the &S<.'CIIt "118 su difficult, tbnt
fioilnt numoors could not he b'OL up to HUJlJlOrl
carh other and render etrectual tho ad mnl4gt' that
bad been gained. Tbti6C who rtWhcd the -um-
mit, I!DUIII as 'lnlll their number, were roacly to
pcn;iat in the enden11lur to mnintain it nt nuy
bunrd; but Colonel Don, awnre of the hopde;s-
11<.,.. of their exertion., rccalkl the wboJ,. J>llrt)'
Roon after the BS83ult the emmy sprang 11(1\'l'rni
mini'S in the breach ami counhfiK'.IUJI, but there
being no near thl!!!e (Mlints, the cxl'l"ion.;,
were harml""", except tn those b) whom lhll) were
onu..OO, in uclding to tbo dnm3go which tho
bntteries hAd inflicted nn the works. The 1<11' of
tbt' British anny on this disa..<troru day to
t:igbt hnndMI and ninty-fonr killtcl tmd wounded.
On tho morrow tho rommander-ln-chicl' B['f"->ared
on jl&mde. anl add.rcs!cd in tern .. tbe
troops wbO!'C unhappy on tlw prcct....ting day
bnd brougLt diltonour on the servito to whirb they
J..,Jongt'd. The cll'ect "..., that on tho!c who rhoole
to Yolunteor for IUiotbcr -.It bcinr re<Juin.'li to
aleJ out, tho whole IIDBwcrotl to the cnll. Tho rur CUAP. ltL
Mult, it dltcrmiuccl, take (llare on tbot
clay, and al>Clnt fmll' o'clc>ek tic., tmol>s mORl to the
Dttock. The party W1LS t"Ommantled by Colon('!
J\!rmson. It Ddvnucro with perfL-c:t regularity to tlw
hatinn on which thu eolnur!l of the 12th native
infuotry hlld on previollf< cloy liecn pbmtc<l. A
'Mt gap bnd IJe.,u made in the lo"w part of it, "hich
lltfonled Fhelter to thO!SC whn cucdd &'-ail
of its protection, hut, n.s before. thC'ro were no mMin'
of getting tho mtu fnm thi!. puint to tho in
nnmbtl'f4. ,\lltbat could bo done, howlvcr,
11111 to, and enough '11118 nchie><>d ttl n...JL-cm
tho honour of who, on the pro'l'ious dfty, bncl
tibruuk from tht which 111'0 but the ordinary
incidents of ft sohiJcr's life. SceruJ or the solcliel'l!
drovo their bayonets iuto tho wall, so as to fonn n
of oteps b) "bicb they bopt.'li to reach I ho top.
but in the ftltcmpt to a.oeend they were kuodr.t.od
down by logs uf 11ood, l!hot, and mi ill'
from nbo.-e. Othtrs ottemptt>tl I< cfiect tbdr nhjl'Cl
hy llll"IUIS of till' by the En,(llih
Ore, hut th.'). gtncmlly aml the fAll 11f uno
man brought I own tho.e l>encath him. All tbilo tillli'.
thu <:IIL'lllY from nl'xt bat.tinn kept up a cq>-
in}(' ntld dt'titrocthc fire; but amongst All Ut!'>!C
dau)tlll"l and Templeton, 11
,(lllllant young oOirer who lwl oluntet"red ttl !toad
thu (nrlom-bnpt', in planting tbu
Hritih colour. ncar th ... nmmit of tbe bastion. Aa
eoon M he bnol (ll.!rformetl this ftcl bo fell dl.'fttl.
:a. lhsjor Jlernd" a 'tUhmteer, and alde-dM-mp to the
- I .LU -'-- am ... atln8' 1---- -.0
W*' ........ W.UU.SO -----e .UU
._., +v are repreeeoted to baYO iDipired with
IW6Wed 8lleiJY all who were enabled to heu" the
--oWene the other, met. the - (ate, after
IIPiDr acl lly piDN the -it., At eYerJ poilai
wbme an 11wec1 to it.lelf an aa.
'-J" to reDder It a'fllilable,. 1lllllle. On the I*'
of the enemy, an Inc e ut Ire of ppe wu k.
up, anti from the walla were potU"ed llbowen of de-
ltructive llliBBilee pontlelOllt picees of timber, ftam-
ing pacb of cotton lleeped in oil. followed by pota
filled wida gunpowder and other OOIDbultlblel, whicb
exploded witb fearful etreet. Thus ragod the con-
tlicl fOJ" a 1paee of two hoan, when Colouel M0111011o
finding it hopol-, ordered a return to the tnlrba
Sacb wu the Jellllt of the four\b attempt to r:arry
Bbwtpore by .-ult.. It wu &tt"Mied willa a .._
of n01rly a tho'OIIIId in ldlled aud ...........,
In tho "Vioas attempts against Bhurtpore tho
Englillh had 1081. about three thouMltd men; and
they were not now in a condition to renew boetlle
A.D. IIIIlS. opemtion. On tlo night of the 22utl of FebJ'U&17
the ordnance '111118 withclrawn froln the batteriea Ulll
the ti'Ooflll &om the trenches. The battering ualll
with the army wu declared unfit for &e"ic:c; not 0118
eighteen-pounder shot remained for lUll; ftr'/ liUie
JIOwtlcr was left, aud l'ew other at-. Prot" I
aLio were 8C4lc:c. On the 23rd the euemy bnrped die
Britiah b&tteriee, and on the &lie B I(;'! .,
ohsp! opcnticw ill wltjall t11eJ,...
lUliTI'Sn Dll'lll' TN INOlA. 477
lml'll..,cd by llnlknr's rovnlry. lt.! CHAP. u.
new pol'itiou was about six milt'OI of
Bburtpore, t>nd 1'<1\t'red tho 1'06d lcailing to tbo
depots nt Agru, Muttrn, nncl Deeg.
1tuch argument ba.; bet'n expended on the cau.-
of the fuilum of the British = bcforo Bhurtpore;
lmt the ilujuiry dOl'll not appear ,ery dlflicult or
perplexing. 1\l.nny mi!,rbt L.: committed in
the ronduct of tltc kiegt>, hut thll fniluro wn.s un-
d!lubtedly attribntahle I<> the ,.nut of ufficil'nt
stn:ngth. Gl.'ncrnl Lake, confidnt in tht hrnn ry
of troopll. npp<'.unl to hnw conidcred tbnt it wns
lltlflicient tu elfect any thing. Tlu> of hi
nrtilltry, conllidereu with rofcrencc to the duty wltil'lt
it bad to Joerform. WlLii contl'lllptilole. nnd tin! in:.uffi-
eil'nt unmoor of men mny bo inferred from the in-
tC!''IWt nn<l labouni which they were c:illetl
on to, as recorded in the extract
from n joumnl of tho l!iego :-.. Tho cnvnlry
anl horse artillery lrooJ>. det.aclled Cl'lll'J third olay
on lirngiug partit..., were often out of cnmp from
dnyhrcnk till dark, ond nlwn)1.1 cnllcd for ou orcn-
uf rnnoy ntul duty.
S(l't'ltt flltigno iu tho long pursuit of Amocr Kluw
null in tlut acwral attAch upon llollmr, besid<"!
doing mudt duty in protL'Cting thu camp. Tbo
infnntry haol to rnrry on the principal dutilli' of
tbe ramp and trenrbe;;. With o;c&JUiy a :reli<'f
from O!<IIDI.' l11lily duty, they had n in aU forlljt-
ing rortiL"' and e<>moy esc<>J'tt., Ailol cxclwlhclr
tbo brunt or M1'11ult.t. Tbo nrtiUI'ry

CIIU. XL ad prE F .a fred. day lifter clay and aipt
after aftbt. -Dtly on duty. While the otMr
- of the army bad 110mo OCCIIlriooal ad
tM iDiudly iD the tmldle1 1I"Ol'e rolie1'tld daily, the
udllerf md pial m, '-the extreme lo,._ at
tllelr DmDber bath Ia ollcae aud -. were ba.-1
llr be)uad tbelr tta sds, ad hlld a Jlftldigioullhare
fll upcwte aud &t1pe. The of the BhUJt,.
]1016 tho writer adell, "will, it ill bopecl. em-
that dotici('IICy or 11iego materials II to
-oomy u it is fatal to hDDIIIIlity, and eene to
iJwoakate Colaoel JOIK'8'1 maxim, that
DO policy at
a liege can be wone than begiDDiag opel'&tioB with
a llllall quantity of materiall, and making tbe attaek
keep paee with the ltlpJlly. In lodia, wbele IIIC
i1J the eritcricJD or IDperiority, and wiJme the trao
qalllity or our empire depeode tolely IIJUI the high
opiDioD of our military pro._ bJ the
aati'fl'l, our l!llf"ety may be C!OIIIIcleJell Ia&! '11J
eoiiiH!C'ted with the or eorory No ml.'ans.
tlM'rcl"orc, should be neglected, no efl'orts spared.
to l'D!'ure succcs in such operatioUJ."t
Both plll'liefl had now become weary of the war.
Skp in SpaiD.
t Tile c6iU - ol the .. ol Bb111tpaft .... 10 -
tremoly-.n. !bat it bu boa fouad _,-to .-tiD ......
in onler to praoal the r..ter with myapproecl> to !bat
detail wbicb eo importut Rbjed dens+. B w ...
therefore been bod to tbe Nornthe ol Major 'l'bcn,IDtlle ......
olia .... aarratift ol doe........-... m lfWC I I r I f
bJ c.ptaiD CreigbiDD, lllld, Ia - IDe--
1 'M ' ' Ia the Eut-ladia U.W a.m. ,...., .....
dde otw a """7
The ill-urcc!'S of tho British commnnder ngninst cru.r. n.
Dhurtporo had ronfidenc.-c lfith "bit:h
bl) htLd nndcrtllkc>n thl) Bicge, while it lm<l for n time
Mnibilated hi means or flllJ'>uiug it : and tllough
tho Rajah hlld n'tlsOn to rejoice in dte good fortune
,.-bitb b1ul nttended his cO'orto fur the tlefl!llce of lllit
C11piuU, h<' \1118 not without same apprchen.-inn for
thl' futuro; more purticulnrJy 118 it bc<'nmc 'ident
that Hollar could not hope t maintnin war me
ces.f11lly ngninst the Engliilh, and, tho
Rajah ofDburtporc conlol oot but feel his own rouse
to be deoop<rate. The Rnjnb bad 00..-n led to join
llolkar by the w bich heM the Enl(lish :
the olark pro!!perts of IIolkar now ... parattd thc
Rnjub from that <hief. l'ursuing tltc policy of nd-
bering to tbe 6ido whlcb SllCCl" seemed mo,t di-
po;ied to favour, the Rlljnh conde.<cencled to make
th<' linst oerture to lbc for peace. On the
1Oth of March vnk1.>el:s from bim were into A. o. ti!G6.
tlot Englih camJ>, and negotiation immLdiatcly
cnmmenc..l. 'VhlJa tltese "ere in P"'gro the
Briti.b ctnalry mnrelu,d out to Jx,at up tbe fJtlllrWN
of Jlolknr. But Holkar had n"<'<'h-cd information
of tboir opproru:h, nod, uot likittg tho \'ioitotion, mill
prt'parcd for flight-an OJ"ration which h!' per-
witb ru. ll.bnal cd<rity nnd lie rc-
tircd ton I'Onsidcmblo distance ...,t ofBhurt-
pon, when. he lbougbt him;;clf but ,.hen'.
not 11.-ithstntuling. ho wRA J'llrjlri..e;l hy tbe IJritlBb
!'Bvalry at ;laybreak on the 3rtl .. r .\pril . About a
thuu ... md of bk followers fell on this ; but
.1.. D. 1110$.
t:ba Ticto" failed of I'OmpletenCfiN &om tho l'lllllC mu..oe
whi<'h bad eo often produced n'!lull!l. 'fhe
ehief and hB tJ'OC)p. ronl<'nclcd for priority in lligltt..
aud all that '''llll Jon to the Euglil!h wn. to puMle
lUI rut and as far as [Ito nud str!'ngth of llteir
bonoes woulolllllow.
UapJ""P &india, whO!!C namo will he n'Cnl-
ll'Cted ln connection 11;tb tho unhnppy n!tl'CliL of
Ctlonel .\[on.on, hnd now openly joined till' en11my,
nml his "ere titationt'd n-ar T>oUporo to
the rcmniM of infuutry. !'Om
mnnol!'<l Ly Singh. To diblodgo this foree.
n tl<tncbmeot. C()DI)lo!<(cl of rompanit.s of
nc,.Jy 111i..OO ..cpoyi!, n battalion of !'\gular inli111try,
nnol n party of i:n\gular bon;<', dispatrhel fn>DI
A!-'1"11 undl-r the conuunod of Cnptnin Royle. lie
mnrebOtl from Agna on Uu. 2fltb of 011 tho
3ht bu ft!ll in \lith the !'llvalry of 1\utJ>OOgt.'e St'in-
di:l nnd totally rout<.-d it. On the Mb of April he
nltnekt'd tho powerful forco under Hemnut Singh,
con.i:.-tinjl' of betwet>o three and four m<'D.
iulimtry nnd cnvnlry, nnd occnp)Wg o. strong Jl""llion
unolcr the fortified town of Adowlutnnghur, hning
tho town in itl! rear, nod its frunt nn!l ftnnls co.-ercd
by deep mnnc fill<'tl "ith troops. Captniu Royle
mndc hill disjl05itions for attack with e<tual JJoirit
nne! judgment. Tim enemy's infnntry ktpt ur a
henYy nnd 6re, aided by three guus:
but Cnptnin Royle'N party l'UlJbing in ..-itb ebaJrd
Dr. Forbeo 1\oyk, lhe diatiDguiohed .,.tanliot. Ia a-a1
thitt nllicor.
DRTTI!IlJ F.)ll'llU: N ISlliA. 4\ll
looJonel-, took posscs:tioo of tbc guns awl put the CIHP xx..
wholl! body to tligbt. Captain Pohlmnn. with thP -
irrt'gulnr hol""e, pursuPtl anti l.illl-tl ,ctrrot oombel"" of
tl111 fujfitin,. Bcaide.. the gnn, aU the culllly's
bnggogr takoo, mor!' tlinn tw(lllty stand of
colon I'll, and, in addition lo n quantity of
and JliLco. & nnmlll'r of of Enrol't':lll
On tbc day di tingubbccl hy brilliant
tbc nnny l)('fore BburtpOrc ngoiu duw,..""-"1 its ground,
IRLing up rwarly the .amc (108itinu which it bad
occupied. This mnwment appetU'S to
han ginu tiOIDI.' lo tbl f{:\inh, ltniJ pm- n<'cclcmtcd tho of the treaty. On
the 11Jth of AjriJ prelimiruuies were ngrot.-d upon: on A. 0.1110)
the liolluwing clay the tl1ird o11 of the Rajah arriu-d
in tloc Dritiah camp M a and on tbe 1 itb n
drfiuitho treaty was signed, under which the fortress
of Dl'Cg WD.S to be relitorcd by thu Briti.Jt guvem-
mcnt, "lwo of tire fi<lclity of the &jab,
who himself to nicl thnt government agnin.t
cmtnil'l, and ne'fl!l' to bolol nny
or luno nny mtb them, uur to entertain,
witlrmrL tlr11 sanction nf tht IUIJ' European
in bi8 IK'nicc. Rc further RJ:n.'C<l to pay t-wenty
IAClli nf rul'eo ' in rompcru;ation of tbu cxpen._<es of
tho war. tlal't)(' of wbich were t be :ulnLDced im-
: but the pn) nllnt of lht lal
ttf the to he remitted on prrxf of tim Rajnh's
l'nntinutd nllllcbmcnt; nnrl M a I'CCJnrity fDI' the
ohll' l'XN'nllon of tui part of tlw om of tbe
VOL. Ill. 2 I
ntiiTOR'I' OF m&
CILU'. xx. ltajo.h's soM WIUI to reoitlc romtiUltly with the rom-
manling offil'(!r of thl' Britbh foi'('N in the liOUiAihf
of Delhi or A gra.
These terms wem not to tht Dri-
tlah; yet the precctknt of suhotitting in pn.tience
to repube anl 5Uft'cring nt>gotiation to wait npoD
dcft.'at wnt1 n. hn.d on1. Thu Dritih eommmlll('r-in-
c!tief, hO\nnor, wns Ut>l 11orry t" hu rcliew<l on lillY
tcnns from the ncce;ity of nuking further aUl!lllpls
ngairu;t Bhurtpore. Nut only 1<11. h(' tlisconrnjl<'li by
hi rcitemt<'fl fnilurt'l', lmL he wns npprehcnKht, nnd
jutly so. uf the cll(-cl wltich tb<'y might hA'e upon
the hollow of the Brit:i.b 1-"'"'rnml'nl; lllld
more upou Sclndin. '\lhllliO con<lutt &inoo
U1o conclnion of pt.'llC!' with him hn.d never rClll'Cii
tu be During the IICJ:ntiations fur the
ll'l'al:y nnrlr which Rcindia batt n,"l'l'<'d to n-cche a
Rriti.)) furce fur his prnll!t'tion, n vakeel from llollror
luul ILI'rih'<l iu the crunp of his brother ehief; lllld
he to noside there, not unlv &fl,r the
roudnsion of the trenty, hut alh>r Ilolktlr h11cl plllcecl
him"l'lf iu n l'"'itloo of unequhoeal bo..tility "itb
1'\'g:u-d to thr English gmernmrnt. Ou hdng ap-
prized nf till' intention of that go,cmmeut tn
the power of Tlolknr, Sl!indin t:tpTC!'SI'<I himsclf
mdy to nnrl be nctoally rli,patcbed a force
under l3appoogee Seiorlia (aln'&d) mcntiooctl), pro-
fl'scdly to co-opern.w with tho Tiritisb commlllldet-
in-{biPf; but Iw ilid not dismi.!tl llolku'a mkeeL
IIi dismi""'' wns nt ltogtb fonna.lly demanded by
lbo Brit.ieb fl-:oidl!Dt; who, at tbl same time, JDb.
mitt eel a plan fnmu:d by General Wellesley, which cw.P. u.
ront.ninl'<l '1D'in0l! for tho effectin. co-
of Scindin in the ho,tilt:o procooding!! which
wcro nhout to plnce. fly this plan it was pro-
p<l!<{'d t hut Rcindia aboulrl sufJfl llll oOicer to join
tl1c nnny unum- Colonel :\Iurroy, fur tl1e plllJ>O"C of
the of the re<Oources of that
thicftniu'< ttrritorie;; to the exiJZ'I'oCi"' of the Brili!!h
fnl'l:e, ancl of tnking .,r uth ponion,. of
Holkar'a 1"''"-ions in Malwa u Colonel Mnmay
might auhdut' nod think Jli"<IJWr to eouust to tbnt
tort!; tbot Scindia 8buuhl provitlc nt Ou-
hnttcring guns for tbo \lhO of Colonel Murrny,
nntl thnt h.- l!bnuld employ hJN IJursc without delay
in l'l.lucing the principnl poso<ious of Holkar.
&india, in reply, promi.-.ed to wood an officer to the
camp of Colonel Morrar u but he took
,1lJ'ious objections to otht>r pam of the
piii.D. He nlleged that, from ncting upon it, dnnger
wuulcl nrii'O to his own ro-inll>', and that be had
no ordnance of the de"Cripticm n!<]uired to be pro-
vidll n.t Oojcin ; but it Wll8 adclccl, that if the
gulll' taktn from him in the lnte wur by the Brili!!h
ILrttlY "ere !'('Stored, tht>y abnuld oo applied in aid
of the of Colunrl ;\lurray's force. Hol-
kar'a Tllkl'<'l. it waa repre-.entP.<!, waa on bad terms
with hi! m:urter, nod tran.<;llt"tl'<l 0<1 bu-iot'Sil for him;
his continuPd resiclenco in Seindia's camp 'W1IIi there-
foro jUiolilit!d, on the ground tlmL his knowledge of
nfl'nln1 might be made Ufl('ful. These re-
were followed hy the of an
11\'ITtlll\' OF TITR
1 IHP. = txp<.'("l:ltiun tlult. n lht g<l'ernor-gtneral hnl
dared an intention of W Nindia a I"'" inn
nf tho terrilCiry which be taktn from llnlknr,
he would rt"<lllrn to l:;dutlin t.h(J furl of Gohml uwl
Gwnlior. ami fonber mat.c comp<'nsation to him for
tho loss hy the tempomry alicn:ll iun of
thnt portion nf his
The Jn..-t tlt'runnd """ a nf a claim "hirh
hod b<:cn di...-used, atul, a., wn."
on the part nf the Britih :mll1nritil>!, 1-d nt n. ... t.
The British g1Wcrnmtnl hncl ncquirctl lht right of
cli1106i:ng of tlc countri in IJUIion umltr tho
treaties conrluded "ith Ambnjee T nglin nnol tlu
lln,na of Gohud, bctwO(IIl whom II dhision or tPrri-
tnry had been Ulllde, (l wnlior falling to tht Jut of
tht> lntter party. by "hom it wu urrend ... rool 10 the
English. Iuglin soon nbnndoncd hi1 Eng-
llllinnco, nnd ri!'!UUI('Il nlltginnce to l1i for-
mer master. But the gowmnwnl t'Ontinued
to maintain tbciT engagement!> with the lwu& of
Golmd, 111111 their own right to k(cp poS!'Ciosion of
Gwnlior. Jn opposition to their tletel1lliruJ.tiun on
these point, cindia's diplomatit appear to Jmre
urged that the territories in fonnol part
uf tl1e ootual possessions of their chiuf, nnd luul not
betm directly by the trwty; th:rt the IlAna of
Gohud ha<l fur m:my yt'&J'S nn
lo til<! titlu uf n J;O\'cnlf,"Tl prii1co; thut ncithtr that
nor Amhajoo Jujtlin t'nDIC untll.'r de-
IIMiptioo of .. and with whom trN
tios ,..e.,. hl be oou.fimll'<l, und('r thc ninth artit-lc
of tilt' lr"Bty mtlt Scindia;
lllld tltat &india' CIIAP X:\
mini,ttr. ball undei"tood, in tbu of tbt
nl'gotiotinn-. lbD.t the fort of (h,nlinr nnd the coun-
try of nnhucl were to oo ntllin'tl hy Sc:indin. The
firtot uf !ht"l nllt!g:ttioos was true: tlw of
tl1e ltann of Gnbud were not t!irertly ceded by the
trt'llty; hut the right of the Hru1a W:IJ! indirectly
lcclb'l'tl in the <eeoncl art icll, in which cer-
tain a.rc dc..criiK'<I as to the north-
ward of the territorit.,. of the Jww of Gobud : and
n;.'llin in tho ninth. which for the eonfima-
tinn ut' treatil-.1 mncll' by the Engllb, pro-
' i<l<><l olid rtnt inwrfcro "itb Sci odin's clnims
tu thu of tuo territories of tho Ranr t>f
G"hutl. The denial of tht righL of that prince to
dw rnnk llf a oovemign W1UI to be nal by refet'l!llCC
to tle fact that be was the repre-cntati.-c or a bouse
wh...._, right to role was far tbru1 tbnt of Scinuia,
by whom it boll been dispo;;'le"-cd. Scindin's claim
'11lo article n.a thu :-" Certniu troati .. have bot1:l mad by
the Britioh l!"ttnmmt with nt)aluc nd other., hcrelufo,.., feudo
wrico of the Moiuulcjah Ali Jah Uowlul Roo Scinclia. '111...,
lm>li .. ...., to be oonJirmed. IUid tho Malaal'lljalt l.ctTby n!IIDIIIII
nll ci.Um upon the P"f''O with hom outh trcati '-" hoeD
m do, ODd d<dareo them to beiod.,.,.dnato( hia ptmme!llt ODd
anthon cr. 1ororided that aonr of the l<nitorioo bobogil>g to the
Mahartjah to the -th.......t or or the &Jw or
J<fl">re IUid Joadpore ODd tho Jr...& ..C Gut.ud, or wbic:lo 0...
.......,,... '""" '*" coDect.:d by him 0< laio auail<l&r.. or ban
hoeD Jpliaoble, .. mriojaumy, to the r-J'III""t cJ bio troopr,""'
pntcd away by ouda tn:atieo. U.t.t ol 0,., I" tiCIDJI with "-
ourh trc.'&ti .. bave hoeD .,.dr .. ,u be gien to 0... Mllharajah
(IQwlut IIIIo l:icindio when this IJ<Ol) ohll be by hi
n.....:llenn dlC' ..
C!U.P. xx. upon Gohud 'nl that of a CGDqueror; that of tbe
EngiU.h t o dil!Jl089 of tl10 country "118 the 8lllllc.
Tbe Itana. in altlition to tho right whicll he drnve<l
from the Englih, had that of ancient f>OSSl'lll!ion.
I t is rt'mnrkablc, too, tb11t while Saiudia Will! deny-
ing that there W'll! any Rann or Gohud, tho lmlt) of
whit<h bt' hnd ratified lihould contnin in l wo
of it artiek'! by name t o this prince, and
to hLf territorial r..-ions. It bas been oai<l thAt
the right of tlw Briti.h gt>\WillllCnt to tli.JYO-O.C of
Gohud WIIS tho right of a conqurror, nncl virtUAlly
thi 11-u the 'ut. It it true that it "._.. oeeupk.J
under an ammgcment rondo '"ith Inglin;
but force would otherni>oo have been
indeed the emrtloymeut of BOlD!! !lt:'groo of force '"'"
at lllllt neceS>IIU'y-illld it wou ltl be os o burd to
deny the right of the Urirl..h government to OM-upy
the country, tbat right Will' "\.otained by
treaty, 118 to quc..tion the right of 11 brlligenmt
pow"r to occupy 11 fortre-<, bccau.oe, when about to
be subjected to stonn, the garrison rorrcndend
upon l<'nns. It was a condition of the transfer of
the country, tlmt Ambejco Inglia should obtain
part of it-a condition very disercditabll to him,..lf
B!! a servant of Scindin. but perf<'ctly in nccordancc
witb the gencntl cbarnl'tf'r of tbr lllru1. Ambnjce
Inglia, in the ecquel, tmitorou,.Jy olescrtcd the Eng-
IW!, as be bad bt!fon1 Scindin. Could
&eCODd ti'Cllcllcry invalidAte his yru'<itll!l nr
destroy tho which others hnd nt.wut>d unoltr
t hem t He might forego the adnntap wbirh be
BIUTISII EloiJ'llt& IN 4f<7
bad to expect from British protection, but bo cnulcl CIIAJ'. :n.
not thuq clopri,o others of the> benefits wbirb they -
hAd derived w1clcr a treaty to wbith ho "a.s
The final dispoeitlou of oonquc:rt<l oountril!!',
mut in ordinary cues be clnJo<ndl'nt on the
uwnt made at tho of tho wnr; but bncl
tho English gOW!rnmcnt been clipocd to l'('o<tnl\
I lobud to Scintlin, they conlcl nnt ba\'e clone it
without a bnl:teb of fn.itb-1hcy had parte<! with
tho power hy n:in.tating tho ltana in tbl' authority
to which be WIUI justly entith."l. The tn.'Oty with
tho ltnna of Gohucl WliJl not till nRcr thf'
oooclosion of th< treaty "ith l'kintlia; but tlco
EnRfjab c->nlcl not \'tith booom hao a poillt
to 1urely formal in excuse or the iolation of tlll'it
l'ngngvment!:. Gwnlior might htl\1' b..>en 1'L"'lorccl,
it rt'!'ignotl to tbe gc1\omm'nt; but
if tho right or tbt> llann of Gobutl be
tlcl'ro '1\"'l\. no obligation to l't."'tnro it. os it
tionably forml'l J>Rrt of the uriginal po ><ions uf
bill family, and WIUJ loy him rrlincrnibccl to tho l""nr
to which he owed th" rc-cstahlltbm"ut of biB
l111d it b..oen pi'Cietirnblc, tho ll'\lllty with &luella
ought to ha'l't' 11rmicled in cli!.tind term;, for the
tnil't by the RAnn of Clohrul <>f hi
dominion., nntl for the valiclity of All ncb
qnent upon r011tnrntion, inclucling tbe ecinn of
Gwalior to the I>ngli8IJ jtOYemntlnt; but whcn the
treaty concluoi..J, tba Dt'g<>Uator11 wprc iji'DOJ'IUlli
of tle intcntiolbl uf the auol frnm
thio l'aDIH! tho.: 'IIIC>tiou Will> ld't unl<'<'illcol. The
clcmhlc rcfercnrc, bull ccr, tn thl.l ltnnll of r.uhucl
CIIAJ'. XL amountro to a mfficif."nL of hi, right;,
and ltft. SeituliaL nny tlnim upon the British
government with ngonl to Guhud. l':tC<'jlt a. a
matttr of fa\our. In this ,icw of tlau qul"'tloo
the British lfOV<'MJmcut coulrl do uothing, hl.'ing
bow.l hy thl'ir "ith the ltana.. 'fhc
objec:tiou tlu1t Amt.qjc Inglia1 ruul th1 Hana or
Gulmol weJ'I not of the uf roe..,.,n
ftlnl to in the ninth article, rnj<ilis and othtrs
heretofore fcudntorit'S of Stimlin, WM of no irn
p<>rtnnre as to the Rnna of Gohud. in tlw fnc1 of
the rccogniti<on of hiM rigbu in othcr pau1; uf tho
trenty; nnd M to A.mhnjce lnglin, th1 Dritblh go-
,enuncnt had 110 longer nny inten,t in tiro qucatiuo
"hNhcr the lrenty \\ith him "ere good.,, lmd.
'fho 'ision or Mnhmlln dipl(lmntita too u.outc
to nclmit tl1c I'UJlposilion that tho full cfl<>ct of
in tl11' treaty n'fcning Ill the Himo. of Guhud
uoperudved by thtlh; Allll if the Ilana bad no
territmy, nor the right to any-if he wtre to rc-
gnr.lcd, ns Willi now eonlcndl'll, merely ru. 3 priVllte
iudlvldunl, with whnt object was bi name intnl-
l!ncod into th!' treaty, or what Wl\lj to bo undenotcMMI
by his territories? It nppenrs that Orneml W L'l
lCl'Jey, who ne_gotiatOO the tmlty on till' part or tbe
Britih government, wns not aware that the &tat< of
G<lllud hud bl)cn overrun by Scindin. thul he regnrded
Goh111l os n stall actually exitinJl, and nut as on to
bo n-tored : l.ut Sl'inclia's p<.-:-sscd e full
kllO\IJ!\dgc of tho actual BtlllC or alfrurs-witb this
' of G-nl W dleolty 10 Major Mko'e, I ;th Aapoe.
lro!, O..J*kheo.
&MPJR 1!'1 lNUIA. 4'-9
knowledge they n treaty tho !Wuaor CHAP. X-'t.
llohud, nnd knowll'dl;' Srindin mtilll'<l it.
,\a f<>llDY bopcs thnt might hnm !x'CO bcld out in tbu
of the ncyotiutic>n, that Golmd nnd Gwaliur
\lould be left in p<,. .... ,..,ion, it might Lc
snflitiPnt to nmnrk thnt these lwpl"l, if they cxi,lccl,
uriginnted with the llfnhrnttn
they were not cneourngod Genl'ral W ellCIl'J, u bo
W& too a npgotiator tu txcit<> expect4tintllt
which o.rr:mgmncnts beyond r<ntrol might
111in. On the contrary, ho "arncd them uf the
)l("..jh(t' of delay in nlluwing time lir
fonninll' wbicb might be dclrinli'UW
tu tlo int{'rest.of ur their mastl!r, hut to whicb, "h!n
the Briti-h I(OVertllllCIIt would be bound (I)
nlhcrc; nncl bo to inf'l!rl in the treaty JUly
thing tbo.t might. tend to tleftmt tlac effect or any
nrh enga.,"'!!IIent.s. The clniru I!( Scindia W88llll't
on tho part of tho go'\'l!mment by a nricty
t>f nrgu:ments "hich it would ])(' tedious to tnote:
thu aho\c may pc.rhnps be 8uflicilnt to lead to n
jut tund!Uiion upon IIH merits.
Tbc renewnl of &:india' clnim to the n.'1ititution
U<nmai W .n .. 1<1. wbo to ba,... lll<laglot tbat G
lior to be rt.tumlto Scindla, txprcoot'd "'""" n-gn:t thai
the poiotluad nut b<tn c:L....,Iy expiAind ht!ore the treaty waa
oiJ!Ood. (Lettu 1o Mojr Mlloohll, 22nJ May. III(H, in
""' n .. &r thco .we o1 ru. intwmaticm Olrlllclot.Uy
UCUMS the ....... of gmlltr pmmttioo, bile lt io caWD tbat
the hishnt o1 .,....,_ wocdd be inou16r.imt 1o pndude
a Mahndta ero. tl>C utn:iR ol hia old omd much-land prmt.r
cr t:hicahr.
coAl'. xx. of Gohud And Gwalior, togeth<r with lht' ol\it!t'liom
mudo tn th11 llOUJ'!Se pointed out by tho Britih
for the condul't of the 'll'lU'. j!IITe risu to
eolllli<lmhle di!!<"u.osion lxhnocn &iodin's miniotl:'nc
nod tht> remdcnt. At hngtb, huwcver, all
point.. of dipule appeared to bo nmieahly adjustctl.
Scindin eDg1lf.'t'C\ to ltll<l niJ the aid in hi, ftWl'f
townr.U prO!'t.'Cuting with vig .. ur thr "tll' agnin.t
llolkar, to dbmb. that dlicl\nin's nkccl, to .,._
nounce uD ]'"'tensions to Gohud nnl G" ali or, nnl
to emtftnn !hi! lreatk>fl rt'f<rred to iu tho uiutb IU'til'lo
of that betwe<'n the Briti-b I:O'"rumcot n.n<l him-
self. Rut hi! uuulo bt'll.V}' comphtilll$ nf pecuuinry
distre'il. and rcprt"<(''l"'l an ad' .ml'f' from
ally 8J! n>ee<"lli'J to cllllhlt him to mr.-, hi K'"'d inU'n-
tioOll into ef!'ect. \Vhill' Dowlut lllioSdmlin wns thn
friend>hip for the anl
pecuniary n."itance tltrm, llappgt.e Scindill
hnd himself iu dl;n(ntlng lbo tC'rril<orics
of Bhooodi. from which Coloo(l )loJL"'il drew pnrt
of his mpplil,., hnd sei?.NI eighty
to thnL ofliccr'R rumy, nnd had stopJK-1 tho trunsit
of tbu Britislt po'<t.
Notwitb._qtnmling thC'llo 5USJ>icious indicntinn., nUtl
others of a 'imilnr ehumcter in of w(,j,-b
Colnnd romplaincod. the nL Sciuclin's
CD.Illp \IllS authorizer! tn nll'ord him pecuniary nit-
ance, pro.-idcd lOIRe rt'IL<onahll' "CCUrit} could be
obtained that the object fur wlold1 the ath1l11Ct. ",..
madll would be elfectlt(. With this iew. it w ...
that tl1e chief .boulcl hilwlelC ll88ume tlw
nnrrrsn 15MPU11l m rNDrA. 401
command of the IIIIDY undrr Bappoogcc Seindi11, and CliAP. n.
that be should proc!'ed from Botbrunporc. wh,ru his thou wn.s, to his capital, Oojeiu. 'rhcso IIUg-
gestious jlrcw from minist<J'< a decl&nuioo,
tbn.t to their adoption two couditioll!l were intlk-
.(K'IOOblo: the might readily have been cx-
)oected-it was. tbn.t the resident tiUJ)Jly
fund to defray tho expense of Scinclin's IDJU't'h to
lili! capital. 'l'bo second couljl scart'<ly hnVl) ll<'C!D
nntieipatod, even by thooc best a"'jwlinted with
Mnbratta modesty, and befit qmililied to judge of its
extent-it was, thnt in tho ovcut of a junction of
Scindia' anny "ll'itb n Britlh force, tho .\lahrnlta
leader mould excrci.c command over botb. The
I'IJttident rtplied, that Scindia might be
of having the di!JlO"lll of a Drltitih force be
might apply for the 6ubsidiary force, iu conformity
with tho of tho of defensive alli-
ance; but tbn.t tho proposnl to suhjcct n Drilib
army to l1i! commnnL or to that of hi! nAice..., ......,
utterly inadmissibll.'. The RJpliC'11tion for ftantl4 to
undertake tbe mnrt'11 to tho I' wu Wl"wcrcd
by intimating that tho Hrifuh hal pre-
n dispo-ition to rclioo Scindia's
immediate thongh It could not nndllrtako
to pro' itlc for tho l'(:rmnnenL of tbo
etate. Tho nmount of the J>ecuniary n.o..istanco w
b!' the Ctllltlitiom on whicl! it wns tn be
giYell, anl the !"'rlod to IJO avpointc<l for ropay-
menL rontinued for 11 lengthened period to fumi!.h
for by
CIL\P. J(X. Scinolia's sen ants in a mnnn!'r which clid not clir
c.n.-dit the ,.,.tahlishetl chnmctlr of :\lnlu'lltta eli plo>-
maey. In o.olciitioo to the-<: topit><. tlu m"l'' in
'llfbich &inolin wru. to co-opcMIW 'llfith the English
weu< clcbntC<l; nnd nnwug oth1r Mahmitll'il for
tbe eousidi!Mitlno nf tho Briti,h reoidcnt \Ia!; one.
by which l:icimlia to takr the 6clcl in pcnk>O.
with n larg!! hotly uf hul'l!e nne! a prol'ortion of in-
funtry n.nd artillery. at a monthly ClOJ"'IL"C of about
n quarter of a million fiterting. Tn,atllacr with thi.
plan, tltrre otlwl'l leAA costly wl'l't' sugRe>otcd: hut on
thu "-,qdent inquiring by whllt mean' the I'XJ"""'llliC
of nny nf them wns to ho Jll'O' iolc>cl for, h wns glven
to tanclen;taud tho.t Scin<liu relic-t in tlait l't":'pt!l:t on
the Drillih gu"!mmcnt. This rcneHl the intcr-
minnble djscu-iou which b:ul nlnmly cmL<n.uH'ol ""
and whi'b continued tu "'''"'I'} the
re-iolcnt nnrl the :\lobMitta miniAiet!l till the aJThal
iJt L'llllljl of n pen;onnge.,.wb- Jm!Sencc o.ugurccl iU
for tbe Brit1oh can.-.:. This Scindin's futhcr-iD-
Ia", Hoa Ghntgay by nrune, n mnn prufti-
gntc, Intriguing, rnpucioru;, nod MWl, h<>yood CH!D
tbe onlin3ry measure of Mobmtta prolligney, intrigue.
mpncity, nntl cruelty, nod not more diHtinguisbcol by
biq l'l'C-eminlnccin all the ruopcnitic>s wbioh ole-
form the :\lobratta chnrncter, tbnn b) hi iDYetcrate
bntrecl of tbt' English. H 11 had l>l'Nl npJ>ointed.
WJtlcr extraonlillll11 lin:lllllblnnrt-. &intli:.'s dcwau-
Tbn :'lppointment origiMted in the follu'l\ ingmanner.
Beforo the nmrringe ofScinrlin with th <laogbt<.or of
Rno, a compaA.'t had bo made betweeu lbe
lntl\'r perqonagc mul the l'dsbwn, by virtue of which, CIIAP.
in uf equhalt!Dt the:' Pt ihwa
autbo>rizcol Sbirzt'l' Rno to mnlw n promie on hilt p:n1:
to Srindia of two rrores of mpc<.-hc ol-.o cngnj(ed
to procun. Slrir-.tcc ltao to bo nppointe<i Scinoliot's
wnn. Tbu CXJ>E'IL""" of exhnw;tetl
hill tren.ury. auol he wru. hf't without the mt'tlll of
provirling fnrtbe chruges ofhimilitnryo,.tnhlu.Jmwnt.
I n this CUII'rgmtC) he Jl-'<.'<1 the Peish..,. for rar-
moni of tht tw<> <'fllr('!l nf mp<'("' wlrirh hnd ht<'n
promi'<ed. Tht prince dcd:rn.'d him.<:clf unablo to
:raiRo them : hut thal Sbir7.Ctl Ro.o siU>uld
be S..irulin.'s dcwau. and in thi chamcter
lory for tho amount upon tho rich inbnbitant.; or
Poona. 'fhl' plan wns adopted, nnd trea-
sury repleni.hed by the perpetration of a scri"' of
ntrc)CitiCll rarclycquolled 0\(!0 in coutltrics where wch
moclc of oiJtnining money 11re iu onlinary prnC'tiiX'.
All who pn .. wenlth, or were suppo!'ed to pos-
-it, were ulijccted to thr meN. frightful
ondtr tbo inflictiun of whirb oonw t!itcl. Captoin
DuO: after detailing tbt> cireurmtanCt'l of tlal ap-
pointment, NIJ'l!, M Such the SC<"'"Ct IDI'lllll! by
wbith Shirzt'O Ro.o becnme nriniktcr tn
!!On-in-law, and by which Rao let
looc upon his trulljccts tim violvnce nml cxlnrtion
or a molliter wb""' name will he n:memb<-rcd. wlile
Poo1111 cxit, with horror orul nccrntion.,.. Tbt>
conn<.> of the tlewan wa wortl) of i!J; cumtnclll'()-
ment: but nt hmgth he (ell nntlcr tht> dLplea.nrc uf
lllllDo; o( 1M Malmnw, 1'<11. ui.
mnotY OP TRlt
cHAP. u. 8rindia. and ...-u not only dismilecd from his
ployment. but llll"eRt('(l, nnd for a time trubje.t{'Cl
to impriltonm<'tlt. Whrn !let at liherty, be ((}IIl
meDC!ed a new CAI('Cr of and crime. In
releasing Sbirzee Itau, RcindiA bad ll("<>n influ-
ent'OO by the advice of a mini, JIAIDocl Balloba
Tattyba; and the llnit 1110 whit"h Sbirzoo Rae made
nf hi& fioee<lom ....,.. to tho cleNruction of
hi.; benl'fiwtor, together with his aclberent&. llal-
lnliG ww. at hJ., in.tigation thro\rn into prilon, where
11 untuml deuth l"t'ltw;ed him from further
tiun: but hi relatives arul lll!ociaks tho full
fni'C'e of ShJrxee's Vengt'4DCC. For one of them
Shil"ZC(' inTl!IItcd a now mode of exc>cution : a nuru-
IK-r of mcbts Wt>ro fa..tcned on ltiJD, ,. hirb being
fin>d, l'llrried the wrotcbcd mau onwanl,
hil bocly in a Lorrihle manner, to the amll>!('ment
of the brutn.l eontrivcr of thiM new modo of fright-
ful poni.Jm"nt. When Scindia departed to
nortbwnrd, Shirzce Rao renmlncd in the Deccan to
manage the chieftain's a!l:'lirs in that quarter. T.efl
t.ltcro !>ilcnsihly t(l mppress the trouble.< and di5-
ordf.'llj whkh promiled, his presence tended bot
to incrM&e them. After purruing his vocation of
plunder to the southward, bo rE'paired with o I!IDlill
party tu Poona, ,.hero be bE'eamP imJ"'rlnnato iD
his dCDJancls for money, and Rat in dbuma at tho
d>Or of the Peisbn' fu,onrile miniter. Tidll es-
pcrimcnt bal nearly COO!l him his liberty, If DOt hil
life. Tho minister, u:oder preteuca ol JiWig him
Fw oa _, ttf tloio uomy - ..... i. JIOI"' 531.
billA on rcrtAin hankel"', invited him into the botll!e, CHAP u.
him thcre with I!Xtrannlinary courtesy, and
nfll.'r n due intert"hnugo of rhilitic-<, rose nppn-
rontly to fl'tcb tho promiserl bills. the favour
\lhiJh Ill' intended to lwHtow of a. dilfenmt
kinol . IIi dP)mrture wns to bo the sigrutl for
seizing and perhaps mnrdering UDIIelroml' 'ioi-
tor. g)airzN. Hao, either apprized of the intcn-
tinn, or, 11hich i. more prohablr. it
from FOIDt' indirotion on the f>ILI't of ht host. t1tew
hi ewnrtl, at the thr .. at uf the minister,
anol in thU! manner tlrn.,rrgel him into the street,
whl'ro vaulting upon biR hers<', be with his pruty
made thl' OO.t of their wny to tho nrmy which he
rommnnclcol: tho whole of wbicb he forthwith
tn Poona, n"''hing to Jllundcr and bnm
the dty. The interference of the llritisb resident
l>eenmc to mi-chief; and it miS
only want of the of this turbulent
and tnulncious unm in nnCJtbcr pine<' which relieved
tho P<ilnm from tho fear nnd resulting from
lti pnximity. This wns tl10 man who now OJl-
pQni'C<) ot Sciutlin's durha.r to inllnmc the ill feel-
llln11dy ptc''lliling tbtnin ngnin<t the EngU..h.
inHu<nro over Scirulia appL'&I"ed to be Ill! great
it haol evcr beeo, and be '\'U atlmitted to fre-
quent oonfenmce,.., His chllJ'IU'U>r and ft't'l-
ingo Wolro too \!'eU known to lcn.-e any doubt of the
uoo mtulu of the;e Hnd lilii views
lllust:rnlion. it would bavo llCt'n found in
Dull" a Hiltory or lh Mahrauu, ""' iii.
CHt.r. xx. tbe Cact that be wu ... wtecl hy Jlolb.r's mket>l,
whom be reeclvecl with mnrkN Hf distinction. Tbl'
uri<ral or Shirzee Rao. the attl'ntion wbirh bt
llllC!I1led. and the ('(llltimtl'd of llolluu'
weel. forth frclh from the
British residcot, which were m t by fm;h IL!I8Ul1Utct'!C
of good faith and good di11J>081tion towards the Eng-
liob. In tbe meantime O.l'J'OClgee Scindia, with
army, bnd fnllm1 ,,n to the rnl.'my. Tbil defl'Ction
bdng hrougbt to the notiec or
br, witb that imJlllllent rolinncc upon
dulity which Mahnatta negotintms o often tn.'lllifc:st.
and fnr the indulgence of which, it must be nd-
mitted, European diplomatiots lum. nnt uufroquNttly
afthrdll &mjtlo eoconmjt<menl, i.all'<i the mb&taocc
of oomc lettcl'!l, or pretended lctti!J'II, from BatJI<KIW.'<'
Scirulia, repn>sentiug hi. ubmission to Jlolb.r as a
rnl'IISlln of but llXJII'CI!I!inA' hie reeolution
to return imm.:<liately to his duty. This wu-.
wbnt more thnn tbo reRitlent WW! pnpantl to cn't!it:
anti aft<'!' I!X")res"ing some @UTjlribll at his want <f
Iilith, Scindia's mini'lterl promisetl inquiry ex-
planatiun. Not long nftcl'WllJ'tiR. Dappoo Wittul, tlon'r who wns l)('lim-cd the be,.t nff'ecte<l to a Bri-
tish alliance, was nttnckrtl by dbellJiu, "hich tl'mti-
natl'd in his l<'nth. Hi. illn, .... trnnsftrretl
entirely into thl.' of Rhir:eco Rao, whose in-
triguing "!'irit found fit ocCuJntion iu monliliog the
mind of weak. vncillnting IIHU-in-law to hll will.
&india now IIW'I'hcd fmm Dorbampore. He Willi
attentl,..), 11111 nuly by his mlnisten ancl N'rnnl!<.
httt nl'"' by Holknr' vakl!el. This wn,; one indi<>n- CIIAr. X\
tion of hb feeling toWllJ"d., hil British ally. He tlitl
not mnrrh ditfft ro Onjein, ns suwtcd lly the
British ni<llnl, nnd ns of aJI\Iir<l imperl-
0\t-ly l'(quirr<l- ancl another. It wa
Qfficiall) intimatl'tl to idcnt that Scinclin
wottlcl Jlr<Weed in the lil'l\t intanco to ,J,IIode, n
plnro "ithin his own dominiun, nnd tlll'l"<' settk
the fnrurc cliret'tion of Ws rna,.,.),, On the morning
of the dny, however, fixNI on fur commtnccment
uf IIlii\'(' h. nnd nftcr both Sdnclia o.ntl th1 resident
were IU'tually in motion, tbc former, \\ithcmt nny
announl'<'mt:nl of hi, intention. nddcnly b:mged
his conl'llt, nnd prO(.'l'Ciled in the direction of Bho-
pal. HhnpRI w11.q nt tim<' on objcet nf somn
interest. Tbt> fort and territory of Jlf,.J,.,ingabacl,
belonging to tbe '\nhob of Bhn)lCII, hntl long been
coveted by tho fuljtlb of Barnr. who ultimately
attained his hy cnrrnJling tbe )'I('I'!'Ons in
barge of thP fort. When the 1tajnh of 1krar wM
in hostilitic;. with th11 Britbh gnvl'rnmr:ont,
the Nuhoh of Bhopal took ad.-nnlage of thu rircum-
htanee to cndrovonr tu "'gain llo-heingallllcl, nne!
UCC\.>Ctlt>d. It bacl )'I('CD 1\lllllll.lrl'tl tbnt Scindia, in
of a Rum of mmwy to be 11nid by tho
Rajnh of llemr, to ass:iqj, tlutl chief with a mill-
t:uy fori"', to be t'mployed in reducing llo:illciog-
ab3d onl'f' more hi nuthnrity; ancl in con-
the Xnboh or Bhopal hnd mucle Rppliratinn
to tbP Uriti>h re-icknL w-itl1 In ).., pl:trPcl
uruler thl' J'l'Oll'f'tion of the Britbh
VOL. Ill.
2 K
cHAP. n. He 114d 110mc claim, nn the groontl of fomter ..:'T-
viCM. to llte trotl'<tion which lio !'OUght, hi prolc-
-r in lltc goYentment ha,;ng I'OutP. J<'IU'i' IJc 14re
renderecl vnluable ..:-rvicc to o Britlh force under
Generol <loddord, when that rommandtr wns 'W'-
roundt.'<l hy boetility and perlioly. The owrture.
bowewr, was met by gllllerol expree&iona of
WJ<y. ocromJl&llieci by a atatemont \bat the poli<'y of
lh<1 Britih goHlrrunent precluded ita interposition
t11 inftutuee the rmult.. of any contest bet'lrlli!D states
with it \\'lUI at amity.
!'erious illn...., luul prcentel tho Briwh rt."'ident
frmu kt'I!Jling up with tho IIUU'Cll of SciJiolin, ami he
diol not owrtal<e him until h< hod orrhcd within
tim lerritoriC!< of Bho)>nl, where hl wen>
employed under ::>hirzco Rao in IILtAC.k:ing a mall
fortified ,-mag., 1111111ecl Clteon-e. lnunL'<iiatcly ou
TCII('bing the CODlJl. the BritiAh repn'!H!ntativo dis-
patched Ur. J enJcin,o, tho &t>Cretary to tho residency. t
to remonstrate. Thnt gcnthmlln ae('orlingly re-
paired U> tlw durbar, :mel after to tho
u.:dwting slate of facts. prooccued to point out the
luconsi..tcn.-y of Sdndin's conduct with the oblign-
tiuns of the defensive nllinnf'o. lie npl'C!l(nted
that. altho>ngh Scindin, in reply to the British resi-
denL's I'C)leatod &J>('limtions, hAd cl'l'brcl thnt he
Wll.i uunblc to mureh p.-:cuninry aid ""1!1\'
On rufll'l'h of Orneral Ooddanl Crom ll<ogalto
during the Mohtatt& wat llDda Hubni("'o
t Now Sir lli<.banl Jcnkitl, G, (;. II., ond a a-.r ol
Eu&.llldia OomJ*Dy.
SRJTlSll IS ISL>lA. 499
aJrnnJ,.J lo) the Ilriti-b he luvl llllU't'he<l, Lll '' '-'
notwitlt>otnniling be bad r,c.:i\'!'C) no such aid, ruul
to 11 rfi,lnuce which, in tllll ,Jirtotion recommendllll
Ly the woul<l bnvl! tnnhlcd him to fonn ll
junction \lith the Britioh fonu unolPr Colonel Mur-
ny: thnt tht late monnwut vf nnuy wn
w;tb any single nhjt<'t of the ooutc..t
with llnlkar: lhnt it W1!-q to the injury of a
state which maintained rclntinu .. r penl'e both with
ruul the British gm rnmwnt. and thni a
,;oint inn of the Jlrincipfl.,. uf oltft'lll!he allinnN>,
whil'l1 \\Nt' op(>Q6Cd to nggn..,,in war nnd the spirit
of cnnornest; nnd that the nttntk UfHJIJ Jlhopal Willi
at vnrin!ICe w;u, the pro\'iolon of the t'Ubsidiary
treaty, whkb 11'\'ftty, on the oth!'r hand. wns
>iulntM by the withdrawal of forces from
the Wlll' with ITolru, and the!' l!'mployment of them
on in which the allied flOWer; h11d no just in-
ten-...!, ttnol in n manner ealculntctl to th1
number nf their cmemie!l.
After runny lo 1>lld1 dU.Cusion nllo-
gtlhllr, Rtindln ronde llll oRort lo jn,lify his <'nn-
durt. I[,. maiul1UnC1l lhnt hi! wns destitute of
the mt'RIL of oo-operstiog tffil'it>ntl) with the Britib
ftu'l-e; 8J')flling thllt as llolkar'" con-i-too prin-
cipally of ro>&lr), thirty thousand borse would oo
tu oppo:;e him, thnt Colonel )[urrny
hnd uo htll"'c. His m!U'\'h to Dhopnl Scindi11 ju.ti
fit>u hy nlltging thnt tlw NtLIH>b 11n hi trihutary-
1 hnt tlw Al!'p "hich he Jmd ofliC!'I'!!
to joiu him whn would nthorwiS< hnw lk'l'll tleterred
Til "TTR \' OP TllR
by the wnnt uf pecuuinry n.'tionrtC!l, anolthot !i<l fnr
&om mnrt'h bcing. os tht> llritlh fnnrtionnr)
alleged, unruuuectm "ith thP object of the war. it
'II'U undl'rtakcn with I'S}I('t'W rofcrcooo to
Scint!i,.' dl .. igo being, n' he st:lte<l, to l<'vy ('ootri-
em the NalKol uf llbopru., for the pnr)ll>'U
of placing ttmcy in n C'<lnolition to llt'l ngniust lhu
enemy. On ptlrl of tbi& explanation the BriU.h
Wchbc, in n l"Ommuniration to hi
gonmmunt, remnrkcd- The 1\olKob of Rhopnl i
not 11 tributary to Srhulin, 110 colll!.idl'n'Cl, nltbouglc
it is truu that he hns been to b"tcch ox-
actiotlll M the SUJ"".'rior force of S<"indin ocCA-
sionally noolered it for him tn lnfo.rce:
but tho true objPCt of SdndiJ!.'q m:m'h 1<1 this plarl
wu foundocl on n plun concerted hch\'l<n him anti
the Rnjlllc of Nngpore, for the Jllll'l'C>'o<l nf
Ru.ll'!l"Ojce Bho(ljjlat in Wl't!Sting tbu furl a.ncl terri-
tory of Ro.Jteiogahacl fmm the :Sahoh "r Bhotel."
The dt>igns of tho Rajah of Bcrar "ith n::pect tn
Hoshcingabn<l lune lx:cn already ml'ntioned. lt
believed thnt his views extended further thou lhu
recovery of the fort Md territory lrno\fll by tha.t name-
There was some ren.."''o to apprclll'Dd that ho medi-
tated tl1 rommption, by force of nrm.., of lho ter-
ritory which bnd been I!Urrenderod by thll tTenty lOQ
lately concluded by him with the DritU.h gurcmment.
The cxitcnre of sucb \iews was altl.,tecl by a
of <'OITC!'J'ODdcnce "hirb fdl into the lmncl of the
Briti'lh rtll'ideot at Nag"Jro; 110d liiiS further cor-
n .. Rajlh ot &rv. t Rajlh or Oerar.
BJUnSIJ Dll'ffif: IS INDIA. 5111
ruboraW<l hy the made hy the to mise cuAr. u.
fund.;. and the extraortlinftl') arth;ty which at>-
t><nn.ol to ptn,ndo> the ruion11 of his
gonn1meut. For some timo pre, to these di!>-
cn' tril..,., it hnd been obscr\'(tl thnt no cordial feelings
nf frientlhip existed on the pnrt uf the J:Wjnh towards
the Brit ib That gcl\cmmcut felt bound
to adhere to certain enga!(Cmtnt.< made with parties
Jln''i.,uly di'J>endcllts UJM'n tho &jab ofBerar, and
to continuc to to thtm its protection, al-
though ill. >'lome instanet'!! tlw date of the t:n.'81illi!
l\'0>1 8\ll.oil.'<jUCII! to that of the Jll'lli'O with their
fonner chid'. Repnmliou wns olfcrerl to the ltajnh;
but thougla hu aullenly tho lli,t tendered tu
him of hi 1\lienated dependcots,lw refm.ed to
of the repiU'IItiou, or to enter into liD}' additional
though attended with nd,-antngu to
himdf. T11e Rajah, inda>d, c\l'ntu.'llly expl't!!'-ed
himdf that the Driti-h government hnd
n<'ted correctly: but it \nl8 evident that he hnd
CXJiuric>uccd n degree uf olisnpt>Olntmcut which mut
lung Jlrtocludc nny implicit relinnee 011 biJi fril'nd-
'bip. ..\ t llUgtb a militmy "ns put in motion,
\\bicb mnrcht.'tl nrorly five miiCI!i from Nngpore. in
tb., din.octiou of Hc> ; wWJu military pre-
were in progrc;;; in ltutten(IOre. for the
rult>god Plll'JIO"C uf reducing 1o0mo refractory xemin-
daN, but tho l.'xtent of which .et>med di"ffl'OJIOl'
tionl'<l tu the In othl'r quarters imilar pre-
were made uncler pretence!'. In
tbo ffil'IIUUinl' R C(Ofl't.'ti(IOIIdCUCC WM
Dlll'l'Uil Y 01' TUlt
cuu.:u earrie<l on tbt R:ljah of ll<>rar an! ,\ml-<'f
Khan. According to tlo< ltajab' tllc ob-
jtel.!l of tho ln.tter wcro tn .Jetl'r the Rnjal1 frum 1'1'0-
M.'t'ling agnlnt the Nnboh of Ulwpal, nuol to ohtnin
a IIUJD of m<mt"y. The Dritib rt"'ident wu of
opinion that his P1lrll06t' was to prc,.Ul on tbt It.j:ili
to join in n. combination llgainat tho Englib. The
lntrl'C()nrw. of nntie princes it wmmnl.-1 with
10 mneh m)'ttry, that it is alm011t diffi-
cult to n.sccrtnin it prcri..e oltil't'l. There was nn-
duuhtedly Koffidcnt for tho di@trust ftlt by the
Drit:i5h uutlu,rit:ie!< in this ca.<e, hut the conf>.t' of
ril't"'IIDStiiDC'C" seem!.'<! tn countcnnnoo the stnH:mcnt
of the Tttynh, IUl Anwtr Kbnn 11clunlly iuvndvcl bh!
l<'nitorics anti commilttl YnrioWI ClCtecs.
While the intentions of the Hajnb of Bt:rar wero
thus doubtful, the Ftntu of alfuin1 at Scinilia'a <'nrnp
tontinucd to indicntc the h<ttiiP ft'tl!inpt of thnt
chieftain. 1'ht' Britilb re!!idl!llt, llr. Weill,.., di.,d
toon after the adnnc:u from Borhampore. Colonel
Clo-e mill inmructed to prnct-ed from l'ooun, to
nqumo charge \'llcated by tht> dentb of i\fr.
tho dutie.. of whieh w .. re in the intenlLI
J>trfonned by Mr . T.:nkillll. Scinclln, llo-
"lo!'iOj,''llbntl in his r!'nr, hnd now nolvnnced into the
trrritorie of the ltajalo of Berar, and Mr. J t'nl..iwl
' It appo:;n proboble t1oat, but Cor hlo routh 1llld pooiaioA ill
tl1 .r:nicr, Mr,. Jmldnt w'ould ba,e bf.eo appoi:ntcd tl) 11ut'C'ft'd
Mr. Wtbbc. Hit bdlliant ean-.r in tbe t'ull<'J:<! ol Fort Wllllllm
b tl be.n lotlo,.,-.1 hy tbc .u.
,fy or a dc;;ree ol aptitude for public
'--him, but far the cin,.-.,.... abcm: ..,[cmd ID, would
baft "oiJJII'tiJinlolle IJ'IIOfDIJnml..
fclt bound to cltmnnd nn exphuu\tion of move- Cff.AP u ..
llUnt, DB well of thP known lH hnve
tllkcn pla<-P &india nod the fujah. After
e:q,<"nl.o< fur N-indin a[>-
Jintetla clay tu tbc nctin;.: resident, \\hcn,
iu '"'"'n'r to tho lnttor poinltf imJuiry, hi! cii'Chu\'d
tlwt lht ltttinh tf Bcrnr luul IIJI)IIiecl to him to ni'"ist
him in re<'OVtrinl( Ho.,bcingnh:ul and an<ollll'r r ,.
I rtl50 from Ua :\a huh of BhoJ>al, lout that he h10d
not auswewl the opplkatiun, nud dil not intc1ul to
interfere in tlu pm"cutinn uf m1 iu \\loi<'lo he
lmol no intl'n't't. Tu thl' fomwr inquiry. nnd to
ulhl'no. 115 to tloo fnrl of his hn1in;.: onltred hi, troop!<
in Mnlwa to quit tlmt nnd join the anny
m11lt'r his JM'l"'i"nul comm:llld, n ll !tb ha1in;.: re-
tnirl'tl his rimlnrric'S also to join him, nnd rus tro the
olt,tiiUllion of hiJI mlll'cb, bo aiiH\I'Ilrtld tbnt he hnd
du.,en the roulo "hicb he wAH 1111rming bccau c of
lim J>Carcity of groin in lbe diJ"e('t route to 0\i.,in;
I hnt he was thronSth the tcrritoril':- of the
ltnjmh uf B<"l'nl", lhr the purposl' of the Ncr-
huclda nt n funl whioh w1mlcl t' llnblc him to Jll'<ll'l'Cd
t<t :->augur, mud thnlloc bat! 'llitlulmwu his ln!OJI!I from
M!Liwll for the I''"Jeo<e of .,_._,.rnhling !tb mnn> in 11
l'ltutiful rountry. Having giTtn tbi, e:q>lrutation
uf his conolucl, l'cindia os UUnl with
\tnhmttn under smh circumstance .. , hy
IIUI'IIDOOS of fnitloful ndbl1'nrc ta th
tiun of bis I'D,Irllgt'meuts with tht Hritih gowm-
Alloul till' tinll' whl.'ll till'"' t'f'I1Umtioll1 nncl
llltrroiiY or TilE
cuu.:u. these U8Uranee5 were alfordl'<l, tile British ngent in
Bundlt!CUnd a nddn.........t hy \ m-
Inglia to a 11\"tty mjnh dcp<"nrlent on the
Poishwa. stating that &india and the Rajllh of lkmr
had C!<lmbincd against the pnwer; that the
former with bia armywu on bia march to join Amt'CJ"
Khan ; that when tho junction llboulcl be ctli...-ted.
Scindia WBI! to direct his courso towardt CniJte<.', on
lh" Julllllll, while the Rajah of llbnulcl
Dcognl; and tbut Amoojeo bnd dispalt'lll'd a force
into the territory ufthe IlanA ofGohud forth., purpose
uf reco,ering of it. The immt'dinto
f the letter Willi to incluce tile fJCrROD to whom it wt\S
ndtlre'<"Cd to unite bia "ith the tnlOJ .. 'l'tlt by
Ambnjcoe into Oohucl. It \\118 !lOOn that
nne portil>rr at k'lll>t of the intelligenco. tmrL"lTTitted
hy wus true. .\ crudd<-mblo body of
IJ'U<opo! belonging to that JI('J'AADagc had nctnully
invudctl OoiLDd, Md laid to a furt at a abort
from Gwrilior. This ""lUI folluw!'tl by t'he
attack Md dtfeat of a bod} of Uw Rnn11 of Gohucl"s
troopti. Thus \\lll! furnished new ground of 1"('-
monstrnnce wilb Sciudin, nod the ncting
nt hi;J CamJ' reeehed inst.ruclioru. :ulnptt'(l tu th<'
Before tbcir arri'\111, Scindia, who bad been pur-
his mnrch nlong the uortb bonk of the Ner-
budda, intimated that be held front the Poioh,.a
nu Wlliquitlllted n..,;igumcnt upon Saugur, and ex-
1"'-"""d tlD intentiou uf n'nlu:ing the nmowll. Mr.
Jtnkin Hl't'DUOUJoly ori"J8C<l the of tbito
DRIThll b.ll.l'lll.f. IN IN"DIA. 5(1j
projN't, "hicb be declared would be l'l'gnr.k>d as nn CIIAP. xx.
act of ht>-lility a.,"'lirl tho Pl'ib"-a. lit demanded
th.'\t th<! design >hould bo ahandont'tl, nrul tbnt
f.!t.indin'H proffigat1.1 mluiJ;ter, Sltirzee Rno, bo
ilimli--.'<1 ; anol, '"' fnilnl'l' of cow tllnncc "ith
demancU., intim&ted chat hh. from
camp would lx!comu ncc<:SS.'\ry. Scindin nll'<.-ctecl tu
comply in both in-tauees; hut Sbirzcc ]tao was uot
clismi-t-d, anol IIi master continued to uJAreb to-
wnrds tho town of Saugur. Tb dept'l'daliun' com-
mittee] by Scindin's lrooJ"' in tho counlry henring
that nnm<' again rallt-d forth n:monstnmt'(' from ::\lr.
,J enl.inA. nnd as rtnn\OIJ of biq demand for J>crmi.,.ion
to dopaut. In COM<.>qucncc he rL-ccinld 11 viit from
n b<lr\'llnl of Scindio., who rull'god, in cxwnuation of
tile olf.n.he conduct of his rhicf, tlmt disatpoint-
ment ast not rec<iYiug the nit! CSJN!Cletl
from lhc Gnglisb hnclled him to Snugnr. Mr. J enkinq,
in reply,!ted on the point previously urged. tlmt
the pluntil>r of t!JO country by &india's PiruJanic,
t'OUStitntc<l an :1.rt of direct hu.tility an 11lly
of tlw Hritab go\crument: nnd tho
grounds of hi rqot.oated n'moll-'irant't"'- he\\ing
thnt. in.-tcnd of guiug to Ottiein. as W11. Dece5-.Bl')'
ror tho lx:neftt of the C'.llllli' uf the allil ... ScincJiJL
hlld ll8Crificcd lito interests of that CliUAO by proceed-
ing in an opposite direction; &n<l tbm. although I he
wlltlt of funds for the pay of his tro<>J"' .,..., tbl
('011-'lnnt ubject of complaint, the numbers of hiw
troor- c-mrinue<i w ht augmntll. Tho ncting r. .. i.
den I tuuduled his repre.ental ion prvmiing tluu,
Htll'l'IIRY OF TilE
coAl'. xx. if would pmcce<l in tlw 11i:w'
tion uf Oujdn. auol would in Tl"'("'''l<i
his rou<lu"t aerurding tn his lw woull
continue to alllnl hi ronri. Tht at
whidr tbo abmu rommunkatinn wa made t<><>k
A.D. tll!.('e on tlw ht 11f January. 1811;;. On tltu Gth
&irulia tu !)augur, whlore bt wwo joinOtl
by nine bnttnlioos of hi infantry and aisty-liv11
F ... m tLe 7th In the 9th the army of &india l\'115
t'lUJ>luyc'<l in the fort of &ugur, li>r tho
Jll'liO"C of renlizing the amCJunt of loi protl.'llded
elnim; and in be WM informeol thnt tlu
Urithh "'mid rnnrcb on the ft>llow-
in/o!' muruiog, ruul J>116$J'OAA To this inti-
mntlou and demand iL wns Umt an ngt>nt
from Sciuclia hould wait UJ"'n the rt!!'itll'llt, and
that all 1.oint be nrrnngt>d.
But the fCidl'tlt having rejll'llted LU. apJlicatiun,
tbc ronciliatory tone Willi excbang.,,] for that of
armgnuco and dtfiaucc. It tbnt Am-
lll\iloe Inglia waa C:q>e('ted to a.rrirn in the of
Pight da)'ll. and that on Ws arri'lll it woulll bu
determined whether Scintlia thould go to Oojeio
nr the Britib rcproseotulive r!'CI'ive bio dilillli!ll!iou.
TbU. mc-.-age rc,.,mbled a fonner comnmuil'lltinn
r .... m l:ieiudill to ll BritU.h 3gt'DI, tbnt the l'l!tilllt of
11n appl'OD.chi.og intel'\iC\Y wonltl decide wl11lltcr it
.bould be or war; nnd c,inc:ed that tho )('BSOo
"hid Seinlin had fl'l.'\heol hnl o11t suili"'"' t ..
t'ralit-atp tL< lllTOJr.Uit!t. "hicb load thl'n lld him to
oltfy tlu JIOWUI' uf tho Euglioh gn\cnlmtnt. On
it, . Jtnkins immoo.iately -truck his CUAP. xx.
tent. and prepnnl fnr Seindia then
thought Lhnt b" had gonl" too fur, and rcpre.;en-
tntion \Hre mao.le to rl'fliduot which
him to poetponl" hi march. lie W1LII ol.,mnJy ll.ll-
thAt on the 16th Scindin woulol march for
Oojeio, nml would net in cery n
fl)li!Ct in nccordnnco with tht> nrhice of the Brict.h
Tbo:> delay hf ix <lap Will! required
in t'Oiht'f!Ucoce of tbe dt>Oth of n ml'mher of the
rlrioftnin's flllllily; and the crm!l('nt of the ncting
wu IICCon'<l by iufnrmntion e<U\cyed to
him, to tbe efli."t't that the &nirnl rof ArohGjt'e
wouhl (lruha.bly lead to the tlqmhion of'<l
Han. 'Mr. Jenkins wos not then nworc of the in-
l"&Sioo of Gohud by Ambajre; and according to
gt'Oenol npioion, that was ndcrse to the
renewal of b01;tilities with the British govcmmenl.
On the cwniug preceding the day ou "hich llu.-
JJUlf'ch, in ronfonnity mth the lnst arrnngeml'nt,
"ns to commence, Scindia apr lied for 11 further
rlclny of two occomJonnying the nppliootion
with o eoiPmn promiR f thl'n pi"O'I<'Ctlting the
uum:h tn Oujein "ilhonl a bolt. With 8<1UJ.C reluc-
tht- n.'Sident nssented; llDrl on the 18th of
J :umnry the chief actually t'Ommcnccd his mnreb. A. D.
It wa, ot.-I'TI!.hlc. bowe.-er. that only a pan
of hi! army nccomprulli'll him; the ill.rglr portion,
"'itb lh<' guns, continued tn nl'cupy their JlilSition
In the. \idnitv of S1>t J....., o._,rvable .-...
the l"lln' "!rich hi. monifect.e-1 fur those of
CRAP. xx. ln><>JIIl who "{"re p11t in motion. ;pirit.l
Wl'I"O not broken nor their eJii!"irnty iwp:tired by 1\
JlW"cll of bara .... ing len,.-th. Till) rccciHol onlcrs
to pit<"h their ttnts nt the end of three will"'; and
the n,.i<Jcnt wu iruomll'd that it "as the intention
uf the sinRJe-minded )fahratta ebitf to bait ou the
pot fur four dny.. The Briti.h oftit"Cr bal rocounll'
to & oluty which l"CJ>Hitlon muat haw "'rulcnol
f:uniliar. He remunstr&tt.od; a.nd we. aus,.cn"<l that,
in t'onfonniey with the pledge thnt had givcJt,
Scindin hrul llliU't'hed nt the time ; but
that, within thirt .. en dny nfter the death of n mem-
ber of hi.H fnmily, it wns inconsistent with ctllblilillod
custom to IJUit the PJI(>t wlwre the calamity ball
taken !lace. llc dcclan.d, that nc thc
end of the four tlnys "bleb reiDAinet1 to complcto
the rcJUired period of mourning h woulcl posith..Jy
pi'OC('Cd to Oojcin. Whnt of cnodit the
British resident gnvc to thill prom i.e mny readily oo
concchcd; but not bo:ing dCl!irous to pnocipiu.te
wnr, Ito acquiCIICed in tho pro!J<lt-ed arrangement.
Before the expiration of the period of halting
arr . Jenkins lK.'<'Il!lle officia.lly arquainteol with thu
ineun,ion of Ambf\iee lnglin into Oohuli. llc thun
upon, in tonfomtity with in:.truclions from the go-
'llm .. r-gtucml, e.ddres...'ll & mrmorilll to Scindia,
setting forth the fnot of the hostile incul'llion. with
11 copy of Ambajre"s lctttr to the Peilihwa's tribu-
tary; Clllling for proof that n."-"'lrtion
that S<oindl11. tht llajnb nf &rur . \me<>r Kbnn. 1111<l
himodf Wt:J'\.' cnntbin<-d l\ltlliOSt lhll Britioh govern
rncnt wns nnfnunrll!d. nnrl lhnt Rcillolin hnol no CB.\P. xx.
l'Ontcm ill the of Ambnjee; nnl dc-
nuwdillg the imnu"'Jinte i<;SU!! nf an ordPr tlinx-ting
that f'C'J"SOII to withdraw troops from Gubud. to-
!!"tlcr with a fimnal declaration of <ntire
in the moosurcs that might be nc<'l"'nry
for hiR{'nt. 'l'he mt:'motinl, which wru; n<curn-
J>nnircl lly n wrlml J:IU!SSagt' the irnmc-
cliatc truru;oni. ion of prop<r rnmmunieationo t" the
gnvcrnor-gcnrml nut! to not prnchwin!l
nny SlltiBfo<'tnry n'Slllt, strong romanstrruu fol-
lowed. lli'<'l>'lll>llnicd by 1111 inlirnntion tbnt. in tho
c\cnt of Scindia marehing on tbc following mtnling
in the dil"<'Ctioo of Oujcin, tho re-ident he
induced to rcmnin ill the cnmp, nccordinl{ to tlw
urtll'lt! of Uu: gnwmor-gencrnl; but lhe intimntion
of net of forbcnrnnce wns nucompanied by vl!ry
ignificant WllMlillgl', 85 to the COII.'*'C)UOII'S to 00
apprehended from ho..-tilc nnd tl'ea('bcrollS couf<'l'S
Jn,.'lled by the ehief and cli'JX'nd,uts. Fn....W
atti'mpts to lull the >mSpicions of the rcsi<l<'nt, 1111d
to irulnee him to eousent to furlbPr delay, followetl:
but no sallifnl"t(}l')' steps taken, the ""'idcnt
again demandcl I>IIVJ!Om. IIi> dl!lll3lld n'l"('hed
11n il..olent llll."\ ur; and on tbe 23nl J :muary he
<lcparted without them, nnd morebcd fourteen milt...,..
'l'bls was a pi'OCOCding lor which Scindin wru> not
prepared. nnol it excited somo di"'llny. Tw< IK'I"!!oll!<
.. ere immectintl'IJ to OH!rtake Drit!.b
llf!iCtr. :md, ir ]lre\llil U(l<lll him to furogo
hie intention. Jenkins nfu"'l to )iQ{I'JI tn tbl'ir

l.'UU. XX.
mS"mkY uP TOR
entreaties until IIPUJ"Ufl loy them tlu\1 thf'y \\<:1"1.'
authorized to plcdgu JWIIO for the pcr-
of nil) corulitlon which might bo
aary to )>roCUn' the rctuna. lltl th!'n
prnpoeecl the following: that on tho day af\f'r hi
l't'tum to lht nunp Scindia !K'riow.lyt-mt>r
upon hi.! long promised and long dl'fcrred mt\rch to
Onjin. nnl procet>d thither without any furthM'
halt ... exreJl at the nCt'l"l.'iilJ"f ancl uma1 lotcl"Vlll.&;
tlont he houlol without dclny act in confonnity "ith
thl resident's arlvice iu regard to AJUbnjE'<', and nlso
ill a J,tter to the goTemor-gcneml tho acts
of that l"'roon. and of another "bo hnd Of'J"1tn'd
in the chnmctcr of ngcut nt Hydtrnbnd,
wbl'rc, by cxn)!I!Crntinl(' the of Hnll.'llr 1llll
announcing 1111 againt the Jlritish
lfi>Vemmeut. to which S!iuilill amol the Thajnh of
&rnr Wl'I'C to be he b110l endea.Ynurel to
promote the ,. hkb ruch au allin.ncc would he
inttnded to ad\"'lllcc. The recal of thi. J'<'r-Dll wns
roqnired to be lllfectcd through tJ.lcttM' from KrindiB
to oo delivered to )lr. J oukins. and by hlrn for-
wa.nled to the Britkb reoident at llyderabatl. The
agn.'Cd in tho most r.,mtal maml!'r t,
thu prescrilx><l condition><, nod i\lr Tcnkw rltumcd
to l'amp on tlu morniuJr of the day nftcr
be had qnitt"'J it.
Tbe cxp:rience of n few bout8 to test
Sclndia'ii l!inc\!rily. On the of Mr. J eaakin.'s
.,.tuna. he llI\MU'Ol that Scinclill intended to halt on
the clay. Tloi n din...-t "rit>latima of
uno nf the of re-iolt:ot' return, he had CUU'. x.x.
unly tn choo'-<l again quitting the e:unp or
remaining n monument of the ol1grtulation of the
wnumment which he represl'ntcd. I !c did not blllri-
tntc in t.nking the tonner but had proceeded
only n. dislnncc when lu.> Will! n)(Uin called rock
b) n from S('indin, <'XIII"C'"''ing a desire tn
K'Ct'hc a from him. He IICconlin!:IY clirecteol
hi, IJaj.'!,'llgc to rclllllin nt R gn,.c in the 'icinity of
Scindia', regular brigaole, an.t with Lieu-
tcnDJit Stullrt, tbc officer ('fotnm.'tnding his ct'C'lrt, In
thl' ll.'llt of tho ,ncillnting nntl trcncborous chiuf.
iollu ntU!mJlls wore lliRolo hy Scindin. to exclli!O
hi$ <'()nduct, rutol these Jxoing oli(JI)qed of, he cx-
himself rendy to comply immcdintely with
the rcidcnt's request a. to .\mhajel', llllol to recom-
nwru-c big march on the following morning.
"llli !'\.'qUested to retire to another tent ";th
some Mllhmtta officers, to prepare the letters; nnd
B11mc pmgrel;<'l had been, wbcu it was :m-
notwcd that Seiodill's do.-otionR h11d llllcn intermptt"l
by tho nrrh1ll of tbc JlritiRb be wrur
nnw to resume tbem-tl111t tho letters, when
eom(lllhol, be .cut for tJtc reilll'Jlt'8 WJ>CC-
tion, aut! tlont if th('ir term slmul<l not entirely at'-
C<lN with hi he could return to tJte chief-
lAin'> tent in tbe e.-cning nnclau,crgt't tbe require<!
nltl.'rntiou, On tbe faith of thi nrr:mgrntcnt .Yr
l,ukins llipntchc..J onlei'R l'l'tulling his ooggnge.
The hug!{ttgc, however, bcfortl thu nrriml of the
nrtltl'!!, hnol oul of lltC' hnntla oof the>!<! left in
CIIAP. 1a. charge of it. The Britih rlWIJ' hal been alta<'ketl
by tltt! entire ho>ly of Pinolarrie:; rctain<>d hy &-irulia,
ancl rlunderetl of every n11 ide nf nine. Tlu tnrt
in clefenling it bad !'ltflirttl seY()rl'ly, nnd amun!f tlol'
wounded were the licuhmant in rommand nnl tbe
snrgeon to tht Tl'!iidenc-y. An attempt to
rlund()T lhl' C'nffiJI bad bc<n m:trlt! oOIIll'
weeks befol'll with ra.rtinl SUCCl'811. In thiB !<t'('OOd
intancc Ute wu 'OIDjlcte. Tho l16l' of
though !'rOOIIdiYe of lh1 nwst in
cml\'eniunllll to tlw ro"irlrnt WJd nttenrlnnt., wn.
not the wol'llt rtSU.!t or tltc which hall>t.'CD
perpebatt'<l. The circum..-tane...,. nf the n."'i<llOcy
ci<'Jlrivcd it or o.ll out,mrcl clnims tu I'(Rpeet, ancl lbe
pirit rre--ailing in Seiudin's CnDIJI WIIS uot (LQ
to supply tho w-ant of thi'UI. .\lr. Jeukim wus
naturally nnd jui'tly anxious to \\ithdraw from a
situation where otlirc C'Oulcl no ltmgcr t'Oilllllllllil
cvom decent regn.rd, o.nd he requesk'<l permU..ion to
retire U) place or lltlfcty, "W!toJ'tl !Je might am)
him"'!!f of tlw first opportunity thnt otll-r of
JITOO<.'Cdlng to n Brit:il!h <'amp. Srirulia in nrly ()X
pres:---ed great roneent at what t.atl happen .. !, but
declined lo comply with t he wib of the to
<tnit the camp. lie accordingly romtlinocl, and the
con.<equent position or thl Briti-h r<',idency
descn'bed hy himself:- tinder the operation rof
the late 1'\'Cllt the BriliHh residNlCY is b<-rnme a
clcgmded l11 a cnmp hy which it "'WI for-
m<rly held in the utmnst Tl'nl'mtion and TI'IJ,.-,..c
Our cqniJlllge i l'l'llo<'c<l tn a oingl> tent, wbirb
OIJ'IRI!! L.,- INDIA. 513
IJ("<'IIIiii'S o small of Scindin'R encampment; cnAP. xx.
nnl in this situntinn we aro l'XJi<N'<I to tho dcriion
of the pluoderef'll, who triumph in the proteelion of
a ntf01ri1>us go..-croJn{'lll, muler the cuuntcna.ucc of
whirh tbcy prc.;umu to iru;ult us with the proffer for
Nllo uf our plumlertll'lfuct. Jo:xpobf:'d to thct<l.! iu-
nnd to thu entire neglect of the gowromlnt,
wbirh does nol think it lllM'<"'-<IlrY tn!D to
rt'jm:t for- whut ho.o p:l'-<ed, thu cscon of tlrf:' n.'l'i-
lcu<'y dcpriwd of ih nnn 11.11d ocroutremt'nt, llllrl
by tho 10'!11 nf nbout fifty ml'n lcillld 111111
wuumled, while (oO liu- from wing protect;,_..! \I'll
have been OJX'nly attncked by SciudiA' rumy, you
will In !lome JU('LUro conceh" ti<U irkoomcnc:,, of
our situatioo."t
Ju this coorutioo ;li;l the British rNi-
dcn<'y nceorupauy tho JnfU'Ch of Scindia, who ll.'ft Lhl'
of SnuJllll' on the 24th of February. lt'nving A.D.IW.
then, howl.'n:r, battaliOJU UDder au officer
uliJntl Bnptite, uf but nnti.-c birth,
to rt-alizo tuntributiun wiJitb it bud bl.'en tho
pltMnro of tlat Mohmttn chil.lf to cxnrt. llr. Jen-
kins, fel'ling thnt nnlr it.l! pre!!Cnt
tho Britih c .. uld e<onmuuul no
ami l .. irous of tho intructioll!f or thu
g-awnJor-gencrul f11r the goidnnN uf his fntnrc con-
duct, wi!lbed to d.:>tlino llllY JOOliticnl intercounJu with
li<iDdla ........,.Uy csr--f bot a&:ial1r - wu
t Lttb!r from Mr. Jnkino ID Co"-1 n-, lOth fcbru.vy.
VOL. liT.
2 L
mtrroaT oF T!ltl
CHAP. xx. 1-'cindia or his but the L'llml'!<t tof
tho duef the to COIL-eJlt to receiTC
a [rum him. On that orcaion Rt-in<Jia di..o-
playcd a Cflmbinntion of b)l>Ot'riy nml nucliU'ity
worthy of the race to "hich be helonged. lie en-
deawur<"l to justify tho j!('DCral of h.,_
Ttmnmnt in regard to hie engagements wilh tho
1-:ng!il!b, anl to remow from the minl the
which bo mnot ju&tly concludl'<l mun
find plnro there, tbnt tho outmg..1 J>erpdrated an
the CllDlp lmd not bccu committ!'tl with-
out his apprnhlltion IJr It wn.'<, be al-
lt1,'1!(1, t<> bt entirely to the Pinlarries.
whom be bad 110 control He exprC1!8Nl, too.
a hope thnt the mU.fortune wnulol not inttrrupt
the friendship snh<itiog benrcco the two 101atcs.
The rt"ioll'llt matle little ruuwr, concchiog this
roun;o the mc>!'t aceonlnnt with the due mrunte-
oanee of tloe dignity vr his c>ffiee and
Of the mothes wbicb actuate a Yahratta it is
nt all tim1'!1 tlifficnll In jndgo; but liS Scin!lia bad
before tbiR period held language widely dillcreot
in its chanlcter, n111l had addro<--1'<1 to the ROvel-
oor-gcncral a lettt'r framed in n leone fnr frnm con-
eilintol"). tho expression of n dcirc for tho rrl'Sel'-
\"lltiou <tf amity ,.;u, a state "boooe ropr..'!ICntatiTe
lmd so n!f'('Titly bet-u to il.l$nlt awl ioh'llre.
must bo ns tho effi.-ct of I!Omc temporary
rnnsc. prol>ohly of a in the cTeDtuallllccet!l
of the Briti.h arm. Tho of Sciodia's
clwact'r, tt>rubined "itb his intell80 bat.retl of the
arunsn M.Pl.II.K JN r1<niA. 516
En:rlih anti his p:trticipotion in the duplicity 'lfhitb CJlAI'. :n.
U. tlhmyw an clment in tho moml coru.titution of a -
produced grent fluctuations in his fcel-
ingH nntl lllpllrtment. Tho hU.tory of the letter to
tho govl'mnr-J!Nlcrnl above nutiecd iB rcmnl'ko.ble.
The lt>tt.,r bore tho dnte of tbc l flth or October. It
......, forwarded by on foot to a per-
@Oo n'Jiiding at &1181"CS, who for many yea.rt ball held
thP nominal pf"'inllDl!Dt of lifl'\ to the pre-
ofDowlut lUo Scindia, nnd t.o
hum<'lf. 1'ho \1\kecl '1\"aB tn with tho letter
to CaiMitla, in ordru- t.o dclhw it in pcn,on ; but ho
dill not npcrt hili nrrh'lll in t.!Jnt city fill the 18th of A.D
}'ehnauy, exo.cUy four month! nftor the date of the
letttr. Jt hilS been whether &india
knew any thing of this letter, atul wbctlocr pre- -
Joaration atld tron"Uli..<sion not nltogetber the
of bill'rs. But this i n point of little
imJ>Ortnnt'&-by wbomsocver it might bo &runed, by
"bnm..oevrr fonMded, it i lXtmonlinnry that it
hnuld have bero fou? mnnth on il journey to CnJ-
MJtla. Tbo only p(lfl!liblo 11ulutic.n of the difficulty
;, to bu fnuod in the "'lf>jlQI!itinn tbat th!' letter Willi
rittcn unler the iulllll'IU'\I of lht- foclings excit4lll
by tho WI'CCS!ICII of HoJl;ar nnd tho di<:J.Sters or
Culun<l )fon80n-tbat Htnt.l g&ve ri..e
to foolings an! ('XIl('(tations, whlcb mg-
gt.,JNI tho prudence of kt.'Cping it bu.,k, and tltDt
tho uh imnto dctcrminntion to rccrt tu the origin.'ll
inttntinn nf tloo writer, by Cllllliing it to be t!eliven:'CI
at ila dt.,lhwtion, wns prompted hy the reven;es of

Rl!fl'ORT OF Til
cou. xx. lhu Engli..h before lllmrtporo. AnothN cxt:rn-
onlinnry ronooctt'<l with thb i,
that it ,.ns without tho knowlt>dge of
the Britih \\ith Sciuolia. wb....., duty it """
t11 foAard to nny n.'J!rc8t'Otntiun
lw might J'C'Ivu from that to whit'lo ht was
dtpukl. and who, it <"Onld not W doubt...!, \\1110
renoly faithfully to clL-uhiiJ'Ill' this trust.
The letter. ancr an onlirutry eompliml'nl, aohert.,l
to the nlntious sotbsil!ting between nnd thll
Cumprut) goYemment, ruul thence pmco.,.,)..-cJ t
('ccmplllin of tl1o neglect of tho latter to nJforcJ to tho
chief pct'Unillry n.,,istnnct>. Tl,.. next nhjtoct w:L- uu
which "'culd JMrhaP" hnYo bctn n\nid'tl by ntgotin-
tOI'l' of any oth"r rnee tbn.n lhnt of the ::\Tu.hmtta.. It
an-<>nl of thu furmer, and l'n.-sentc;ln. euri<JIIS Yl'r-
Hion of thu cireUlllStiUICCS lllltll'l' which
J>B....OO o\'C'r to tlu! enemy: a wbieh will
nttribntl'<l to lht wru1l of It wns nllcJttl that
on an application mndt by Il..I'J'008'-' tu Co-
lonel :\lonc;on for money to pay IU.. troops, thu Dritih
e<JIIllllliUd<'r thnt ho could nl1'llllt.'t' nout,
nntl l"l'fcrn'tl the applit'llllt to Genentl Lnkc. This
wo.. 6<mwtbing more tlum mero
it ....... a JIOSith.: rnJ.. ... duHJC!; for Coluud Munscm hncl
!1111'llllc<'d to BnJIJlOOgt'!' n eou.itlerulolt sum. Bnp-
Tbio ,.... originallf IUJ!!:">Ird by Mr. H. H.
WU.On,J'l<>tlrn Prof""""' of ftllllfCrit lo the Ull!nnity c.f Orlonl.
If '"PI"' ... that th. ..u.t pabmcd hlo :J<mDo1 tram Jlco.
....,.. to C.kutta omy kiourtly, in pnlcr to t.oke oclnwhiC" uf
II"' tum of <vcntl, in wbatntr din:ctioo ii llligltl bo.
BllmSIJ Elll'Ill IS ISlltA, 517
howccr, it '111111 being. for '1111Dl xx,
uf rhc required a..."8kia.rJCt, uuahle tn hi
lMOfl!l, WM obliged to nn officer nnmcl'<l Rno, with n body of hon;c Md foot, in
of prov;.ions; bimstlf, with lhn-o thous11.ntl
nll'n. n:runiniug with lllun!Oiln, in whlcb
itnatinn, nce<nling to Scintlin'A tilalt.'lOent, they
cxertt..I mo.ot mtritoriouly. The sue-
ce<>tling J'D.rt of the ...,.,. n li ... ue of ml-
truth nnd cnling "ith n state-
ment nf the N1l.."llllil whih leol HaJ'I"'"'.-'f'l' to jnin
Hulknr, tlitli-ring but littlt fnm1 thnt "h.ich Wll!'
J\'ht'n tn till British remdPnl. Aftl'r the cmwncnL-
til>ll nf hl J>CI'Wlimy grii'VMCt.,., proceeded
to tlw of nthcr grounds of cornplninL
Tlu. fir-.t relmu>d t.o n qne-tinn "bicb had been _
..:-ttl<-.1 prof<'S..'o(.'llly to the "fttifnclion. nnrl certainly
"ith tbl! ncJni'-Cencc, hf mini:.tcrs-tbc
tranfr of Gohud and Gwnlior. Tht:>re were hC\'Cil
1mn. Tbc name of tho Rl!Jh of Jmlepore, it \\:111
onid. hnd ))(en improperly lncrtctl in the list of
In whom t])(' J'M>Viiuuo o( ninth
urtidt.' of the treAty npplitol: !Ia> Jlii)UJCnt of e!'r-
lAin p.:-rioM os stipulntl'<l \\1111 repn:...mtcd to be
irnogular: tlcla) in dclhcring tn &-india som" db-
to "bich he was cntitlNI romplnined of;
n >imilnr e<>mtlnint \\"DS to collection..
from othl'r dihtriets: thl' mnhnrnjru1 hnd been pno-
\OIIt<ol, Ill! he nllcge<l, fnm plnriug in specific<!
N>nntril'll n Kufiicient uumlKr rtf t roop for their
pml!!diou, iu Hf \\hid llwy bnd he-
IDS'f<JKY 01' nu:
Cll.l!'. xx. rome a seenc of the jaghit\>1 in Ilin-
do&tan. rovennnlcd It he rctumd to Scintliu, '"''"'
he etill retained ; onl. la;.tly. the
inrurro<l by thn ComJ'DIIJ urulrr the !'("('<>Otl
to pmtect tcrritorie in the f,.1ftiO mannrr
their mrn. wid &tate<! to be ThCIC
eomplaintA were intertpened with ahuuolont ahuliO
of tllll British 1'\.>f!ident, Mr. Wcbbf.. Tltc t'onduiun
'11'111 J""'uliarl) edifying, frum the high moral tone
.,.-hicb chllml'lt!rizcs i(, tmd tht' h<'llntiful txpooilion
af tltl' obligations of fritnrl:.bip whieb it att:>mjl, On
sueb o rnbjl!"t a Mahmtta mny wdl hl' I:Xpet'tNI to
be tIOI)uent, nnd Scindiu did not rliBcredit either his
themn or hi conntry. u Wbure." 1\:Ud b.:. fril'IUI
lihit hu been cstabw.hc<l by tl'<'atif!!! and ensras<'-
mcnts lrctwccn prinrca nnd cbil.'f of high mnk ant!
power, It i4 incumbent on both J>al'tiCI to ob!i:on'e
it on all nnrl they COIIJ\ider tbe injuri!'ll
nnd lo"'!cs of friends nnd nlliee to ba tbcir o1m;
nntl, in tbe umt manner, the F>lrcngtb and pow11r of
frit>ntls nnd to lrc their own trengtl1 nnd J>aWtT.
My continWUII'O during so long a period or time in
the icinity of .&rlwnpore bas be.,n owing entirely
to my llX}l('Ctntion, founded on the union of tht! two
stntC". of nit! iu nJl my nll'air!i nn tho port of )OUr
W<>hl>e, "h" re-il with nw
on tho pnrt of your pmc:UJllll delay and
in ecry point, and nvoida tho .. hliDI:o of
'l'bi1 imputaticm on tl1o character ol Mr. Wcbbe oapt not
ID J1U1 without aotice, whMl <OIIIiar; ,_ a Maluatta..
A_,. tllo qualib<t whi<b .n .,.,._.....,. lltpart --10
nnmsn EMJ>fRI! tN fliOII\. 61!)
mon>y itt the fonu of .Uol, of 11 or UIAP. u.
on nctouul of tbnt whirh it nllll jiLll) due
by tho conililloUll of tro:nty, I ho vo dt-omctl it
uooe""'lry to I'Omruunimto a.ll inUJibi.itlr< h1
your My nnny bnnnsr reached the
bankft of the Norbuddu Ly mnrch1'!1, is
beginning to I now remain in t>X-
pect.atiun of an Your exi!t!llcm-y enduwt><l
with grouL wisdnm null ftm'lright, nml is um<JUnUcJ
in lbe 'irtul'S of fulli.l.linJ:' the ohliJ:ntims of
meuti. nnol of frit'n<lhip. 1 thercfure n.'qlll't<t ) nnr
llXC<'Ill)ney to tnko iJ1to your dl'lill(ltnW cort,;tlorntion
aJl that I have w ritlt!D, am! adopt hlll'h merutun'>! n.s
may lll<"'t "JJL-..lily both tcnninate th1 eontl"ot with
J ei!WUDl lmo turd ful61 tho obligation of
the troo.tics suh<itiug \}('I weco us, nnd strength om
in the m<>'lL perfcd degree atrd perpl!tunte tho foun--
dationij of IDlion nnd allinnee bo: tweeo tho two
etntcs. Let your exoollcncy furtlwr be ple:II'Cd tu
roll5id('r where the achantnge uf ulferinA' that
which hill! been token fmm to fall int> tbe
hllllds uf enemil'tl: your
Jrovit!eot wisdom and corrort wulel'!ltaruling "W
oen:r approve 11\lcb 11 sinre the and
trenglh of one friMt! mut be roruoidl'red to bv the
l"'"'cr aut! strength of anotber, anti the W<'llknc.<i!
ami t!cfl'Ctive l'l)ll()urccs of tho one nl'o tbosc of tbo
Mr. Wbb<-. hooeoty and lnlit; oi&Dd Coremoot. ro
IDultipl)' t.-liwmin io u.wa 7 wbm iL Ia oddal tl I 1.;.
-..1 u ... u .. h.. iut.U..:UW <jualili<:a1io< .. ""' attnt,..J bt,c.b
t.,. tho Ma"luio W<U<kr awl tlao ol W<IUo;;ttlll.
1118T011T OF THE
csu. xx. other. If I ..-quire strength by territory and money.
ll1at stf'(>ngtb (Ilk tlu ronf'l}ncure of otrr union) }l('-
e<>IDCII in trot b the trenglb nf the CnmpMy nl1.
Bnlng mntnnly wl'igbt'll llntl ronilenl nl.l
point.., llt your exreflency be plt'llH<l to fil \'oUr mt>
with 11 PJK't.!y and fa\'oUrnbJe Bnotr. JC h) tbc
time of my at'I'Olll nt MaiWB 1\ full ruul d1tniled
llDIIWPr to all that I bavc ..,.jtt<'n arriv<'!l, it will be
extreml'ly projl<'r nml :ulvisahl1."
Complain!J. to thOS<! rontained in
Mter hnd lH'<'D nd<lre""f'll by Mime ngcnts nf that
chit'( to Culotl<'l ClOt-< at to w birh plar< hr.
barl pr<IC'<'I'de<l nn hi WllJ to unrler!nlcr.> thr
of m<i<lC'nt at gciudia's cnmp, J.ut "" }('llming tho
"hirb hno! O('Citm'<l, haol thought it upedi('Dt
to wllit for further iwnuetilln fl"flm gmcnuutnt.
- TbC!!e, when din.Metl him to JI'OCCC<I to
IIIBilme the to tim of which he
appointe<!, anl to demanol l''}'aration for tho
nutmgc which had heen cnnnnittl'd on thu Britih
A ropy of thC"e iutructiolli' l)('iug fur-
nihed tn i\tr . T eukins, tbnt gentleml\ll immc.>diatdy,
in lleCQrclMI'e with their ''jlirit, re-a."<Ume<l tlw func-
tions \\birh hnd l'inM! thl' attot>k on his rampliC.'CD
permitte<l to r!'main clormnnt.
The cnmpkints <mboolit.l in the ltter nf Scinolia,
to,l!(tlocr witb the rommnnications to C'-olnntl CIIMK'.
n-roi\'1'<1 fmm th!' go.-enur-g:.nernlM lnhorate re-
ply. nrlvertlJtj:r to the dnte of Scinolias J('ttl'r,
to the cxtr-.. onliruuy delay wbkh hat! takl'n r'- in
lrli <.'ring it. &1111 tn tbl' rut by Sclndia
BlliTillll Elll'UU: IN l'<DIA. 52J
on tb<' tharnrter of Mr. Webb<', tl1e cu.u. XX.
g..ntrnl J>r<l('<.>e<led to CX])(>"C tho trickery and injus-
tice of rc.-hiog the clnim lo Golnul nncl Gw,tlior,
after rcrentcd recognitions of tho nets of the Bri-
t hb A'IIWrnnumt ";tb to I pnsses..<ions.
Rdndia waq ruminiled of tho various nct9 by
"hid1 ho wns pledged not to di,turb lhe =ge-
rncot which hntl been mn<lt, nnd nL called upon
nr< mmv. by n fonnal dedaration in 'll'riting, to
rcnounro hL claim. Tbi!! woul<l hn" ndtlccl !lOUit>-
tbin,ll to the evidence pr.,vionlily l'Xi,tiog on the
nl!jt'rt, hut it ennoot he that it wuultl
llllvl' npornttcl in the dt>pcc to precnt tho
n.Tial nf the claim whcncwr it mi)l'bt the
Jllll')'""o or the caprice of tlti unlnble ebief to
n.-rt it. The of the Raj:.h of .T o<lepore ,.u_
dife<ted nf all diflicu]ty. He hnd refused to abide
by the which hn<l IICcn made; his n:une
in wBS ilirectcd to trn..'Cd from the
lit pi'C!Wnted to Scindia, but by some error or ncci-
dt>nt thl hat! l,e(,n omitt<'tl. 'l'ht' pnymcnt of the
)l(DJ<Ionll, it WM Fhewn, !mel not only bct>n strictly
regulnr, but that the p<riml hnd been
antiripott'd. I n an'<Wer to &:india' complaints of
the non ... nrrentler nf the I'<'rgunnll. to whicb he hail
n daim, it 1\118 stated. that no J'('l"'<<ll cluly nulbo-
ritccl hacl r\'l!r been !'l'DI to tnko rhnrge of tlwm.
It wn.o TI'I'Y properly arldi'Cl thnt, "ith reference to
tbc1 C>Jl('rntinn of the mr with ll olkar, it bnd "'-'-
rome nt that J>triutl to give them up;
hut thnt would he urnudcrctl nt tue tcnninn-
lllS'I'O&Y OP TIU:
CIIAP. u. tion of hostilitiE-S with the la.t-namecl or
rented by the EngiM1. M l'ciudin might cb4Hltit!.
Payment of the roii!'Cliun rn.m l"'rgnnnu,
Scindia Willi iufunnf'll, "ould l1<1 l't'l(lllarly IDlldc to
ru. ollioora until the dcliwry .. r the With
regvd to other wltieb Sciuilia claimed.
tho gonmur-geooral never l!efurc to have
heanl of the claim; lmt that an inn'i!ti-
gation sbuuld toke !Uid thnt "lll'n tht accounts
\\wt adjnted, ('1\ym .. nt b< ruado of 'II h.'ll!'TCf
might bo found due. 'l'o tho cht:IJl!o of tho British
abandnned tu dc\a.'tation p11rt uf Scinolia's
territorit.'tl, the govemor-generul replied, that tho
British were not hound tll auppn*' iutcmnl dia-
turiiOUIN.'!!. or to tho country ngai.ntlt robh!'n;
_but that, nul\\ithsbuuling, dircctionubouM be given
for the }'reternlion of order. The relinquishment of
tho jagbires in llinolustan, it wu stated, would tAke
plat-e fortlnrith. on a proJlt"f pJI.ication to tbe com
manderin-icf; !Uid thi jagbin'<lara would n.oc:eive
fnnt the Uritioh go,emment whatever Umt gowm-
mcnt ha41 received on :u-connt of tho jaghire land.
the treaty of penro. Jn reply to tho lut
OD!m far the rei .... of th were iuucd ID tho ciril
olli..,.. Ia wh<. j..U..U.tion they "'!ft titualed, b1 the com-
-z,.;,-chie(, imrnrclib!ly on ruMad! granted b1 Culoael
MAlcolm bdng ""*"'cod by the ogmt.orthe
riJJacoo, ........ pon vf oae ;opr., bciag bcld loy a rdodi-re vf
the Emperor, it wu dixmtd Wld.,irablo to .u..- lila. oad
an "Jili...U..ut ""' olfered to the jagbirodar: OD fur
wlliob c..Jund Malcolm had aln:ady protidod in !do dioollllioal
wi&la Scinolia' ...W.tcn.
Dll'IIlF. 11'1 TSDJ'A. 5!?3
heat! of Chtu"gC. that tho Britih lllld not prottro CRAP. XX.
Seindia"ti territory from inva.-hm. hut hrul per- -
mlttctl Jlolkor nnd Amt'l!r Khan to nn-nge :md
Jlundlr within it, it wns lbnt tho oblign-
tion of 11 defensive allinnoo Willi mutuo.J, nnd Utut
tho Britih might with cqnnl jntitk-c of
&india for not preventing thl.' incunrinDS of tht>
t-my into tho tcrritoriuo. M .\n appeal
to the of fact;<. howcnr," continaud the
govemor-B"ocral. " -.rill tho dcgn>e in whic:'h
eithrr Plate hiUI t!Jc nhligntinn of t:ht! de-
fcllllive allinnel. By the valour, ncti vity, ond
of thl' J Rno llolknr hiUI been
<lepri'l'ccl oi nearly all his territorial pos,;essions, o
J>nrl of "hich, including the capital city of lrulore,
._118 clclin,rt'<l o-er to yonl' higbnl' ' ofliCE'rs. Tho
1rhole of hi fon:e has been rl'pt!lll(.'lily defeated arul
nearly dc.-troyed, with tho lo of all artiDery;
and hu has been deprived of o,.cry rt'SOuroo but that
whitb he dcri,es from the fcl'blo 1111d prec:-mious aid
of tho 11.1\jolt of Bhurlpore. lill8 your highness,"
it wu then l'roiterly IIBkcd, " tU'cor<llng to the pro-
,.i.inDI of the treaty, eontrilmt<'<l in any degree to
th., ... nrtoriel< 1 On the contrary, lw the con-
duet of your ligbne<;;; and of your officers aided tho
rausc of tht> cncmy ag:Um.t tl1c p<>weT by which
victories bavc been acbie .. ed. &nd ..,;th
yom higholl'<l was pledged to C()-(lpcnlW I" After
eomo n.IMrkli on vnrio0.:1 p11m of tlw conduct of
Srindio dnriug the war, his more noceut proceed in!(!!
Wl'rl' Jlllticcd. Ou C\l'l') ,,..,.Mion when till'
Ul!ITOltT OF Til I'!
CHAP. XL resident UJ'!!ed your higlml'S!! to procred to Oujin
for the JUI'J>OIOI! of J'C!toring the ,.!!!Our of your
gowmment. of re\ h ing the efficiency or your cle-
clining n!IOnrc<-R, and of with the Bri-
tillb tron)"' in the Jroscrution of the wnr. ynnr
bigboe!ll uniformly U!ertA.'<l ynur inahility to Jn>-
CI'OCI fur "ant nf fumlt! to pny your tronp; nnl in
your bijlbnl'!<' letter you ba.-c Blltrill!'<! your clc--
untillO nt Bnrhnmpnro to tht! Anmc )"our
bigbne:>s, hOWCH.'r, tatecl in the s:un<- ]d tcr. thAt
you bnd IIN'lt cnnuiL'fl by lnnnq 111 provide ucc-.ies
fir yuu.r mard1, anti fur collecting your trullf>s; thnt
you had lll'<or.lingly mlll't'hL'tl fr.>m &rh:unporc; that
yuu hnol writhn tn nil thu of your 1 to
join you from e.-ery <iuartr; a no! that it ) nur
_int(lntion to mioc ncw On thl' founclatinn of
tbe facts referred to in )>IWillgO tho go.-cmor-
gcncra.l rai.eo tbl! following eunrlwrion. anol noldro;,.es
tho exhurtati111J which l!tlccec-d!l. M It il evident,
lhercfo"' th11t your bigbnC"S m.-er intcmk'fl to tnru-
ply with the of the n:idCIIt on tho tinltjl!ct
of your rl'tn:nt to Oujeiu; for your higitJw., a.-.sign..d
the dcrlicicncy of your funds as the only cnu>10 "hicb
your return to Onjein in cnnf1nnity "ith
tho resident's nlhil'l'; nml when your higlme..,., ac-
cor.ling to your mrn k-claniliou, luld ubt.ain'<l funds.
you nnrthrd in n dilli>.rent direction, and affo-.dcd to
tlw I'I)Sjdcnt no rxpluoation of tl1e unturo of your cJe..
Under rircummnc<'S. it is c,-ident that
your newr lbt tk'llil{ll or pro-
to Oujdn. tr or ('1>-UJI('rating with the Dri-
BlliTJSB JIPIJlK 1!'1 INDIA. 52;)
tih in the of tbc WD.r. With C'HAP.n.
degn.oe of justiC(>, thcrcfort., can your highnl""'
c<Jruplnin of the conduct of tim Britih /.'1lvcmnuut
in withhuhliug the aiel which you solicited,
until ntltctWito security bad been obtllined for tho
due RJ>ftllcatinn uf those func)lf (II I he l'<lUUUOD c:lUllC
of the it, im.tend of pencrlinA' the nid fumishe<l
by the! tu the mu.c uf the cntmy? Your high-
nCBS," the cuutinut'JI, " stawd
in ycur letter, tluct it WIL your clcltnoiue<l res<olu-
titm, a fu-r collt>etcd a uumenu..q anny con-
!<iling huth <of ulcl l.rocl(ll! nucl uc\\ lo1 il-s, lll proct'l!cl.
to tlw enemy; ruul )"Our llig!web;S mlcls,
bow ron 1 IX' eontlllit to set n llrritory which fur 11
long timo hru; bt.'ell in my poN,...inn, rmd in the CC>n-
IJUC><t crore:. of tup<!t have oc-en cxpenilcd.-
nncl J!TIIGl liCltth.s have been fuught, in the posse-....;on
of another ?'-and th:1t it is on clillieult matter to
tho territory froru the hanoi uf the enemy.' T
nru wwblo to comprehend your bigbnc>s's moruling in
the p WiRRgt! Dhove cJUotcd. 'l'ht I!JII'IIIY hns not at nny
stagt of the WIU' bc.oen ublu tu l'lli..,t tlw eouruc;!t of
u litrid, and "lwrcv.r the Rritih tmups
have npp1"03rbl!<l, the enemy hL tltlU):ht .afcty in
:a 1nwipitatt! fti,::"ht; nnl altlcuugh, 'ul....cquently to
the dah uf your higbnc..;'! ynu ha'e
ron.tnnt rt')rl5 of the rtJ><111ctl defeat.; of the
cu<tll) by the British tro<J"" you.r lciglm""" bas c:nn-
tinuccl to augment your fort"UH uucl to ruhnncc into
Th<'Se llll'll>lUJ"t:ll, tlu.>nfore, must be
IIICribt.'<l to ohject entinly clillinnt from thoo;e
a.P. SL JIYI" Na' .. cJeeJued. Thia iutimadaa
- &WSein.U.'w.,_ 1nll'll pereei-t Willi
117 a ""4 log up of tbat oftbDtel apilll&
... JH:! t piemmeat, und thlrteeu head& 'l'be
IL ablblta the r-tinr poiDta of the -
I 'J, .... widiUz hrlaly. 1M& k wUl ..
.a1ll1tJa to qaota It '-lila -- &11M to ,....
i1nt: Altar 1WI' bigbn h
npeMed and IGIOIDD - to dae l!'8llidea\
yoar tnteation to retnm to your Cllpkal. b the ,...
pall! of eo-open&ing with the Britiab ll'"au' rt ..
dae 1*-utloa of the wv, your higtme..
.-...u., a iJ1i"uUOD to the aecilleut. db 11 ..
,_ ..... to-ell the &eraitoryol"hopel, Ia ,....
li'fll YioJadOD of }'OUJ' jNiiiUDil paomlle,. rep etedly
---L to &be aczi4eat s-dly: Notwi&lllltudhlg
... II et oltlte a tldet on the
"1 up ltq ol ptnPlllinf ... el tile
en8111)"e meeJ .. r-ytt 't _, .... .._.
- permitted to -m tnd to -JIIIIr ,_
lllllt"b ; and, with your rugbn- lcno'I1"100Sf', the
perMo to <'barge you committed the e..,..
tim atlministration of your &ffiair& mainttiMd a
collltant and clandestine interrouno with tht& 'ftkell
ol the -1 Thinlly: The oftleen or roar ......
- gownmetat a Ou.iftu, m..-1 of J ' 1
Colonel Murray with any part of the ti'OOplrilf t
a tba capital. or allbnlillg to ColoDel MiliiSJ' _,
aid whae\'lll' In for die lelll. .....
a. eted the- a aw of 1111& dtw, ... IJJ1'
. .._ .....
nnmsn El!l'IRE m n.'lliA. 527
every degree of difticulty to his C;(ertions in com- CIIAP. XX.
plctlng the equipment of the nnny un1ler his com-
mand. Fourthly: Two of your highness's militory
commnnrl,en;, with the troops under thlli:r commnnrl,
who were appointed to co-operate wilh the Brituh
force in H.indostnn, deserted to tba enemy, and have
ncted with tl.te enemy during the whole war. Fiti.hly:
Your highness hns openly justiliod the conduct of
those officers in deserting to Ute enemy. on the pk'll
lhnt the British c:oiiUillUlder refused to admnce
money far the pny of the troops. wbieh your high-
ness wns bound by treaty to furnish nt your own
charge; thereby mnintoining a principle inconsistent
with lhe spil'it of the tre:tties of peace, and of de-
11:-nshe allinnee. t Sixthly : Your highness bas with-
drawn your troops from those distritrts wbiab hnd._
been conl)uercd from the enemy by the BrltisbfoJ'OOII,
nnd surrendered to your bigbness's officen; thereby
restoring to the enemy o pn:rt of bis resources of
wltich he hnd hew tlcprivcd by the CX('rtions of tbe
r i t i ~ h troop!', and of which the benefit hnd been
exclusively tl'llllBferred to yuur highnllS!L Seventhly:
Your big1Itte8s has conducted n !;eCJ'e.L negotiation
,\;th the Rajah of Bet'llf, without ru!'ording to the
British resident MY explrulntion of the lllltnre !lDd
ohjcct of it; thereby vi ointing an express stipula-
tion of the treaty of defensive alliance. Eighthly:
Your bigltncss has violated thu territory of hJ,o; high-
Bappoogee Scindia 11nd Su<lubeo Rao.
t The alleged fiU!t JIIOTOOT(!r wu aloe, Co!Oad Mon.oon ba-ring
adnncod money to llo.ppoos<e Scindia.
Hti!TOilY or TllF.
cuu. s.x. - the l'ei&h,.a, th<' ally of Uritih gnwm-
weut, by invading and plundering the oil! trkt nf
Saugur, by dt,.troying tb" city and ""'i!!j{ing the
fort, and by a c<mtrilmtion f"m tlw l'
by foreo of l\intbly: Xotwitlu;truuling )toUr
bigbn....'1 repeated and mnst li<>lemn a..,unmros to
the fi!J>I'C>I<nllltive nf your inttntion to pnH.'t'OO
to Uu. l'AJ'ital Hf your clominioll8, your Wglme!i!! has
warchecl witb a largo army to l'iarwn, on tht frun-
tir uf tlw territory of an ally of the llritih
wnt. 'l'cnt.!Jiy: Your hill continued to
augtnut your anny by colll'('tiug J toUr lrtH>pil from
all qllllrU'tM, by new lc,i"'- and by tho attCS!Ii<>D of a
nuruerou traiu uf artillery, your ltigbntl!'-"
P"'f .. ._l an uttel" inability tn lllJtl! fund for the
_.J>Ryntent of your nnny pro\iouly to it" nugm()ntntinn.
lllld altboup;b the dcdarecl olticrt of tbOf!C ml'tiutt ..
"had Cl!alltm to "xiat ; thtrohy jutifying a Stlllpil'ioo
that your higliDe"''" 'iews wure dirocttld mtlter
ugnillSt the Driti!<h government <or ito< than
:l!(llin:.t the common I'Utmy. Elcl'ntbly: Your
highm!' hos sullerecJ the late llagrant outmgr against
the per.ou nud property of tllf.l Briti"h nprcoqnta-
thc IIDI h6 l'uite, committed l>y trsor\o in )our
&et\ice, nntl "ithin tbl of ynur
camp, to pa.., unnhtict!tl and unatoni'd.
without nuy tndeavcmrb tu <lisen,er and Juni.!b the
oll<ndctM, Md ,.;tbmt auyl!li'<'l'tual for re-
cowriug tlJ() (lundtr..-d property. or IUIJ dec-Jared
inu ntiun nf repn}ing thl! aruouut ; witbout olfering
pnbll" &Jwlogy. or ndtli'Cllling (A) me any (A) pal-
IIRm<m Oll'IRE IS ISI>I.\, 5:?9
liatc tm outragl' "'' atrociou Rl!llinJ tLI' ,;:u-zed dm- en \P Xl[.
lht n'Jlrt.-"''!Dtath-p of thl' Rritih
l'el<idiug nt your bighn!!'!'";'s enurt ; nnd without auy
l'tllkavour tu lllle\i1ttl' tlte p!!rtmnl ... of W<'
llritiAh tith<'r by coutrillUtiog to hi
or by nny acts of or hi>!' pi
talitr. Twdtthly: Your ... , ho.q ""vi-red )Our
rlailu to tb" dl'tricts ofGobud anl
from your dominion by tho operation of
1\11 urticl<' of th tn'llty nf J>eaN'--4lfWr a minot,.
(11111 dcJibtmtt><JiJocussinn UJH>Il tllllt Ulti<>Ct mtb your
a111l after tht nwst solemn
tmd publir rtnunciation of thut m the part nf
ynur hlghnl'!lli in of the British rt.'!>ident at
yuttr higlnu ,'q <">>urt: nnd aftr having publicly
III'C<'('IC<I 11111] confinned the lil or tre:otie-. by 001'---
nf" hidt thi 11lit'lllltinn wa. .tcdan;cl. Thi rt'{!l)tbly:
Tim ronduct of your bigbn(.-'s go,emmPnt.
IUlo]t'l<Jlt'l'iall) tht of yHur higbne,.,
fuf('l nnl your march to bllV<!
lhu l'lll'llly I<> expect your nr
"hirb tXJI('('lltHon tbt eucmy lui>i mnolt 11 publll'
IM>Il!!l ; 111111 n upioion<xi.t in llin<loo;llln and
'"" lJt':C!'an. that your ltiglutC:!I!I Ita n.""lhel to mutt>
yuur fni'CC! with th!! n!moant .. r th<' (1<1\Hr
in a tltc Dritbh j(lln>mment, ynur
frienol n111l ally." Thi \tllla hual) of offcnt'"':
but it "'11., Jthl, liS Lhe I'WJril mi):(ht n.on_ ... mnbly ba,cl
tht Jlrelude to u oltclnmtion that lht
l)ay uf Wll!l j>:U.t, lllloltlmt 1111' ptrfitly or
wn.q abnnt tn ,j.iltl with ('till
\'oL. Jll, 2 H
cHAP xx. dign punishment. Notwitluotanding all that bad
oceurred, SdndiB WIIS nssure<l tho ,1!0-
YI!nlmeat wcro !IO!idtnu to ,.-jth him the
relations of amity, nrulto the provbion of
the trcatiCll nf JM'IlllO anl defClll<ivo alliaurc, prmilcd
be ebonld otlopt a counc of !n>cf'{'(!ing nccordant
with tb....e
So ltrong iruk>t.>d 'IOWI the deeim entl'rtAincd by the
Britih government for the pro.wrvation of fll'aC'l', and
so eamL-<1 the wi>h tbnt Sciudiu hhouhl be NAtislltd nn
this point, that in contemplation of the p...Ubility of
the Dritisb nJn'Wlltatin. bciug to ,.ith-
<haw by the rcfuRu.l of Hdodin to aJI'ord any .atiofac-
tiuo fur the on the Britiob camp, lu.! ...-u in-
to tato that hi though renll'rt><l
- -Dect'fi>lllry by the condll<'t of Soindio., ha.J nu connec-
tion with any bootile detig'DS that ehiof un
the JIIU't of tire Briti81r govenrment, which would
cootinne dil!poero to peace 110 lnng 1111 Seindia llhould
ab<tain from any act of direct agairut the
Company or their
But ScindirL wn.s nctnnted by very dif!lreut
mg,.. His court had for l'Omo time nppt-ared tn be
ocrmpird by snme llllllltr of importanct. At length
the lncli('jl of hi fumily nnd his bra,y IGgga,.cre were
sent out or nunp to he coo >c) l'il to plai-e of
safety. and it Wll.!i obvious that 110me utmordluary
monmcut wu aoout to take pill'. In an in&erriew
by I ho acting Driti811 n...Udcnt to oae of
A. I). IOU, miniters, 011 tbe 23rd or Mardi, tbetee1"8t
wu re'ffS!ed. Scinclia'1 agent lltated that hill .....wr
BRJ:TISH EllPIRII (SOl.,, 5!!1
bad .-ie w with 8ll'lOW nod n:gret the continued
length of tbe betwe.-n IIolknr and the Englith.
nml n person of sioguJaul'noibility) lhe con..'e-
qncnt l'ftlunon nflolood. humanity WM of too
ocliw a to be conteutcd with mMely lrunenting
tbeJ!<l !'aiAmilie!!; he brul n plllll for putting an end
to wns by marching directly to Bhnrt-
porc fnr the J>lll'J>OSe of ofli-ring mediation tn
the ble<:<ing\' of pt'a<'C. The purport of the
miuiter' it explained. ,.,._., tlu!refore, tn
l't'qne!!t that thl' Britisb ""ulol write tn
dilfln.'nt nftiet'l!l in comrullD<lof Hritih rletachmcota
in tbe neighbourhood of Gw.Uior. and other piAeo:-
in the direction of Scirulin'ij prnpMell march, to in-
form tlll'nt of tl1at chieftain's intentioD& nod
to prc\'I'Ut his being molested hy the troop!! stationed
at t.hc ghaut.S no hi." route. Mr. ,J enJ.Jns repli!!d,
that be wu entirely lllliiC<Juainted \\;tb the llJTilllgt"-
mcnto mncle hy the gownor-gcnt'nll and the oom-
mnndor-in-ehief for the prol<'Ction of the countries
to whi<'h ltiiDllion bad modi', and that it \\'US
impoNihle fnr him to comply with thl' rcqu('St made
on b<ohnlf of Seindia. &I! th, oOicers in command of
the Britilob troops recciTl't! their ordcl'!! from t.he
c:ommanlr.r-in-<'hief; 110d \Hre in UQ =-p.:ct under
tbc n.:tiolcnt' authority. ]I(' aoMed. mlh becoming
l]lirit, mtb reference to the mediation,
tltnt 1111 lung a. Scindin <'<mliuue<l in alliaure 'll'ith
tbo Brilih power the utmost athntion would liP
('llitl to hilntN'I"!OL ns wt>ll u to thORC nf all other
hut that the jlOHmmrnt nl'ither ......,
!IIHTCJR Y tlf Tilt'
. ...:- nor 'mitted the arbitrntion of am. Uitt
( IIU. AA ....
whntllv(lr. S<'irulin, it will be rc.-r<>llllCh'<l, bact tru-
fCl!!!ll<l to l'l'glll'l llollar 1\ rut denied
thu tbu vakcel of that rhid ":lllninl'<l l<ith bi L'lll
RcDt ur lmowiLIgt within Ws ramto-hnu
of the Britih gowmml'nt for not pro-
tecting hi olurniuiouo ngninst llolkar, nncl of tlwir
"itbbultling 1!10 pecuuinry GS><itnnl'C "hid Wll.l'
qnirecl tu enahlu bim til take tlut fidtl lfedually
llgWlll<l the COUIIIIOU l' rl illl1y. 1'ht :Ull>l\l'f ufSdntlin'll
miubtor to Mr . Jcnkw-' dl!1lial uf the umlum\inh''
right to arbitrate l"'t"D tbc Britbh goncrnmcnt
and Uo;lkar wn, that mn.tor huol n-
po.>at<-<1 tolicitntihn., to unolcrtalo tbu oflirc hutb frorn
fl>lbr a.nd th lujah of Dhnrtpor\'; thu., with
_ 8'!'lllinu M.ahrattn uudndty, avowiug n l'llfrLOSJml
enoo w bich had t... .. n l'I'JII-nt<MII y Ou
t.L.e fullnwill,ll duy Mr . Jcukin. "''ch-tl anuther 1 iit
frorn ngcnt, w t ... o. furtbcr uf
the durolirity uf l:ki.ndi:.'o court "ere Dllinll'<l. 1 be
miniter dcni"d that 1hu of bad clu-
or tbnL the b<.>al] bnggngc bnol J.e<.u I!Cnt
away with llD) itw tu rapidit) of tua.rt'h, Lut Ito
tll!mittcd (why, is not 11!1)' nl'l'nrcnt) tbrtl l'cino1Jn'8
minkltr bad tillu '"t'rJ r.>eent ('(riot! IJ(cn inimical
to thu BritU.h go\emmunt, no\\ it wM u-
'"'rt<.od hu hnd btcorue r,f folly. Thero
wa.. inrk"(.'1. nu louht !hat tlw lim jlllrt of thil
lal.t'ruent "n.' true--1hnt miuU.ter,
Rao, bncl tlu m<l\8t ihleterate feel.injp of
hatnld toward$ thf' UritiMJ government, IUld had
llRrriSIJ DIPIJUI: IS iSOlA. 533
IUU.ionly mltched the nniml uf n fitting opportunity tUAP.
fnr gmtifying tlu...e lmlnf wioll'l) dilferent
{'bllnlcl<r wtn the profe!"'ion mntlt by Scindin nml
hi" l!t'rtnnt tn thl' DritM1 nuthoriliet<. Tbi!HI
,.,owt'tl f'ritnlhip. while tho notion of those ,v!Jo
mn<lt llum p<>ke only The <'IUUJge which
it "''M nll<'gL"I hnd t>:lShCII owr Shin<'<' !tAo wru. II.'!
11.' it 'Wn. mnno:lluu-. atul n m""t extm-
"rdinnry mnnifestntion nf its wv thl' projccU:d
mar<h to BhnrtJMrc.
!'our tlnys llt'fore tl1e Mlllmunit'llfion of Scindia's
iultntiun In \ l r Jenkins, one of
hnd bt'<'ll mhnitlctl lo nn lnhrvitw wit!J Colonel
t 'In"' nt He luul unthiug to tbnt
hu Bt'Crt'<lite<l by the Mahrnttn chief, hut be wn.
11 f'C""" of bigb nwk nod clninu'<l tn IN.' aecreditetk
Thi 1"-'I'!IOD tlid not to the nlienation
of Scintlin , from the EngJ.i,b, nor tho
vil.w umlcr 'l'hich be ltntl moved in npposition to
lite R:commcntlntion of tho Uritih rt"<itlimt. Tie
w.k<'d whctlll'r it \\'110 n11t pcrrtiV<'<I lhnt &indiu Wtl!!
ufftnltl when Ill' llllU't'hed to tlw nurthwnrcl: wul on
('ulond Clt'<'l" fill>!\\ering tn the ctli!lt tltnt it cuuld
not be l!ll]'l"'*d tha.t :;.,inli& would art iu oprl<bitiou
tu jll5tl<'t nnJ !l'">d faith, au attenIMt u110n
ng.ut a.L.'tl. if it \\ere not UJ(I(-..-d tbnt
SdlJIIia moYed to the north wnrd in tllbt.'IJUCnce of
t._ing ollirultl, to wlmt motiH Willi that 3!!-
tribcll! TbL"'C thnt Scindin's wov<:mcnt8
Wtro inllurnoc'll by dl!liis,rn,; wbidr lw l'Uneen.letl from
the Britlt<h resident l'blltnl"t trikiugly with
'" xx. ufteo "Xl'J'dl!io05 uf a desire to lvmply
..;u, th" aoh I<'C of that fuuctioTUiry, hi ded:aratiuos
of to the Britih cnn!;e, lllld his
profo,;,.ioo <of auxicty tu fulfil tugagcmcntl< 1111<1 mimpsire<l his allillOce 'llitb the Urltu.h
Tho goYcrnor-geoernl was no I!<>Ool!r npprizeol of
the communirotiJns IWlde tu Mr. Jenkins 1111ol C<>-
louel Clo.c. than, with hi> dmrnc:tcristie coerey, he
took for Irw.tmting tht> tlClligDll
of l:ieindin. lntruct icons were forwllf<letl lo the
coiOJIWldcr-in-t'hief. him to rejoo' pt'remp-
torily all don18.1lds ou the part of Scinclia "hicb
Dlight 00 Ill With the treaty of JK'fl('('
npt'l llDJ ncL of hn-tility from l'oinolia ...-ilb
thude :aud c.lf,'<'t, 110d to proviolt, in the ev!'nl of
war. for th1 !!al'ety uf Mr . Jom1..ill8 und tho British
l'l"'ideney. Other of the intructlo011 l't'forn'<i
to tht> of "ar l> lillowcd ly oogo-
tiatian; and it was di.tinetly laid olowo. that St'india
was not til 111.1 pemtlttcd to troo.t for Holknr, nor
Hulkar for Scindin. onlerB were explained
aJJd enfore ... t by otbCJ'I forwardeol a few dnya
wards. While proviion wa:. mnde for frus-
lrntiug thu hostile d!>i!igns of Scinolin in tho north,
the south \\L n<>L nl'::lected. with a
I<'IIJ'(' of tho ad\'lDlt&J:CS l'l'Mllting from the y.tem
nlr,pted in tlll' wen with lhl' oonfeclonated
Mlll1ratta chirflains, cof cutrusting genl'ral and
r<"l'f'. botl fl"'litiral and military. to the
hiUlcl!' nf a cinglP authorit)', the
g.meral t'I'!Ohed to in"<e"l Colonel Clo.c with thO? "''
61101<' J>OWtr< which hnd fmmrly cxerci,.,.l
by Gtrll'ml W in tllo with tho ex-
ception of thll contN>l of tlw militnry cnmmnruld
in Guztmt. Ou tbc rtturn uf Gtrwrnl Wellt'i!lcy
from Cnlcuttn to .Madrns, it R(IJll'nl'!l to hnve bemJ
for &onll' lime doul1tful be would resume
tW. inn in the or nut. T t ,.,.. ultimatdy
d .. trnuiroed in the negnthc; Goncral, nnw, by the
\HIInllritecl grnce of his &<>H'n'iJilr, Arthur,
Wellc-lcy, b:ing nf opininn tlrnt hj, "<rvice>r were
no Dl._.-y: being tmxiou, with r11gurd to
thl.' Htnto of hi well M tu hiR profes-ionnl
I''""J"'CtR, to proceed to .Europl': thirJking also that
bii prt!!ICIIN' there might ennhle him to diFpel 'Orne
with regard to tbc policy lately
JIUI"'UI'<I in lndin, :md being di;;;;atlified
with tire nuthoritiC!' nt home. It is !latif'ndory to
Ilia wu not confined to tru Ebt-Iru!ia Cum-
'*"1 but Pr-t" from 101110 mtia1ationa w th.e Wol.lingtun D
.. to .. nmd..S to the blghtot milita:y o11thority. But
l:;ir Artlour W clkoky had loomed to auh)l"t lu to luo
duty. and OJ) PJ..,...,l light JIUl UJ.,.. bim after hll n!lum <>nly
lft!med to draw forth more CGDJpiuou.Jr ...... of the lll<ritarioot
'""" of hll boncta- The folJmrins ltat ...... t io g;..... .,.
Gu....--1. the edit..r of IMpo1:<:ba ;-
" Aa c:r)'fttitioa bod 11om iu.d ""' ia the aullUun of lli05, to
procd to u..-er. l1llller the Lord C.lhattt; .....
Mo}or-o.-.1 :<ar Art!= W.U..Icr. - ofiB hill l'f'tw11 to
from ladia, wu appOinted to tbe .....,_"" of brigoode
iD it. But the COJlle<!"""""' of tbe bottle uf Au.t.;rlir:a m>dcnd
it pl1ld.,ot to "'call thio forue, and tit< truopo eampooingit were
plaoed on tho oout lor futnn: op<nti<>tao, 11r fur the d.Imoe of tho
cvuntry opinat irrvuioo.'' To lb .. nanath-o Cot-!
c:a.u. u. l'lll&o tba& die p t lelf nommuuler of modem dmlt
-- ,... pwallh4 tAl quit. tbc _,e of his ea1J
..... will 1 1\ 2 '!n'"llliee Wlll'lll and abandau&
W. z ' w tle!l Soldien ud eiriliaM. Earoo
--.... -*'"!It 'ried Ia blm balw .......
powen 'tPrl tAl-
1Nitiolllke tile f I of die ..Ja-y ladle
Du I" In of tJae ._ of tba p:
--mend. Colonel wan-, .. mending ....
"""idkrylilroe at Poona, and Colonal
Oarnaol ....... 1M M wile-:-" 'l'1aoN ia --
IIIICI lhore - 1111 cia *awiD whleb aa .._of IIIII..,
MJ ........... -Ia-__ ........ _,...
wllbiiii....,..Wt I \2 of .............. Aal 1 *
friead ....... i ,,.,. iD ..... - ......... ...,.,.
...... "' HulliDp, ...... , .... "" ......... olbtfdlaolo
- -.1-ID!I.Iold .............. rt
r.r?olor I fu ...... tloc ..... K.Jplfll ..... _..
................ 10 ... ., ....... ol laiulll)'l
Pcwtbloploia-.'_dle __ ; a-.....
we ..y iD tho! J!Mt I .... io. ........ of IMJI3et'e
thorefoft I ._..;..., it 10 .. 1BJ dutJ' ID ....., with iDilleoitatilil
-' iUid obterfnloeu wbm IIIICI wben:oft doe Kiar' goo a ..
may think f'I"O(>Ot to mrloy me.' TbiJ mulm ba doe ,..._
fortoco, rrom thoro bomg olfirtro in thr army wbo.
.r ilirm, luning dJmtd "'bonlioa"' emplor rr- n 1
tlonuel.,.. with tllp<'ricr '"I otool lhoilr
chuiac tlleir .. " ,;..,.p lnM; .... it ial'or tbio-IIIII&*'
-Pior ... P"" """'to draw doe --ol doore who
bonofter lit placodiD lliailor "--new 1D
prio<i .......... to doe osomple of ... Dab
,Wiliwy ...... - ;;, 1114 jrMlJ ,_
-"" iarpliclt .... nod)',. It io ....... ., ....
.-w """furpt ..., 1M datr whle?l ...,
'-Ia ..._it......,.._ ,_ 1
......... =dtWrwtl -...-
BR!Tll'H DII'IRX IS ll>OU. 537
C'>llllnllD<Iing that n1 llydcrnh:ul, WCI't' ordered tO CIIAP. X'\
OCl'upy with their troop .. tlw poitiow mo-t
fur the "'!izu:re, if Rl't'--nry, of Scindin.'s po"-
of the Xcrbutloln; hut thc;;e officers
wro not to <ommrnCI.' ugniust Sciutlia
without orders. exctJl lu tbu of intel-
li:,rtncu I'('UClting them of tho u<'tunl cotUJUI!IlCCillcllt
uf ho ... tJUtit"' in llindo.tnn. In Guzrmt it wns ne-
c<'$5Ur') tu 1ro,ide eoD>idcrnLio rcinfin't'lllcnts, tltl'
rmmher of troops in that pnninco lul\ing be<'fl
trrttttly by the dtJUiehmcnL of the foroo
whirh mnrebecl untllr Colonlll U>
Oujlin. ond ubscquently, nndl'r Gtncrnl Joue>;,
juhll'cl tlw urmy of llintlo,trut. Tu the de-
lidcMy thu cx-ea.;ionl'<.l, llw ,Vl'mment of Bom-
1111) "crc in,lruetro to tu GozCJ'Il.t as ,;ooJ)
Jml'ticable, IUld by the s. .. r,-.t and mo:st c;oq>C<'Ii-
liun mull', " corp:. coD>i.-ting of at least four
companies of Enropean infantry. n company of
Eurupconn nrtilltry. ruul ono hattulicln of ""POJl'. with
"Inc protpurtlou uf camp cquipngt, pioneel'll,
IM("Il,., 11nd t\l'ry Oojuipnwnl to crlllble tho
''"'1" tu liQ un lil'ltl M.rvkc tho moment
it huull Guzernt. Columl W1>o<lington, the
uiticl'r e<mrnnnding in thtl J>r<>\illl't', \\"liS to be in-
tniCti!l to pla<c the corps under him in an l:ftkitut
tnh of "L"itment, and to Ia) up, at 4.'flnvenil'nt
plnN"S on tho frontier, <npplil'S of gmin wtd ..tore;.
rtiuforcccl, it wo.s l'lll>l"'tl'tl thnt Colonel
W umliugton wnultl be nhlt, not only to defuncl
finzt111t fnm ill\n.ioo, but tu Rlt&<'k "itb >llCCeto-
CIW .U. ........ I n of Seiadia iD that
- lllauld_ .....
.. .... ..... ol thole illltl'IICti.-
...... - reileiftd rr- tho IICitiDI ft!Jiidea& ..
s r.a __,. wllicb mell &o lildleee -,...
............ Gil .. par& ol 8ejwl!e &baa Ud bee
: s I I ll&ell. !lie 111illeal W held OOIDDlJIIIilao,
t.l willa &lie elaler IDil W. wd -, whiela W
Jll'lld_. leUer to lbe ao-a
al m Nply to the demand for repua&iGil Gil 1111 c ....
ol the Clldlwp 1IJIOII the retidoney, a lllll]tlplioltJ ol
---ollliiDdiJ IPatket, aud a promite diM
............ 1I(IOil tho aa-IJal IIPill ...
..mat ol CGhntl c-. Tile .,-- ,.. UP'
wit.h :Mahratu ll&1telnea Sebldla Ntbecl to su.
A.D.- faJibar: 110& Gil tho 7th ol April h eer KhiD leA
-. Blwrtpoae wit.h tho mett... ., Jolni"l
SeiDdJa I aud on the - daJ & 1 Jleo, wkla a
larp body of PIDdurlel Ulll a I'm& JU' ol
Sciudia' caYaby, -wd Bhiii'tpwe.
vioully to bit dPJI8rlure one of Scindia'e
wa.itt.>d on 1\Ir. Jenkins tv announce the int.tllllil
movl'miiDt, and to explain thAt it. bad rer- ..
the propoeed mediation. Tho resident dtm"pdeol
&P aodienee of Scindia biiiiiOII, which - paatl4
aud tho cltlef P'"' the ame explenetloft wbWa W
been ofli!a.ld by bit miniltor. The *"' ..
IIIICOUipanied by ltroDg Jll"Of-i0111 ol lcJeJM7 ....
Uli'UU: l'intA. 539
and by a repetition of o. reqllllSt fonuerly CHAP- u.
mode, that l\1r. Jl'nkins would write to the cmu-
tuAUdl!l'in-chief to that hoootilitics with Holkar
mh:ht be u-r.cndcd. The obj<'<'t of dL"f>&tching
Shirzee Ra.u tu Dhurtpore wa.; undoubtedly to pre-
the Rajah from entering into n pacific
mtnt 1ritb the Dritkb government; but tlw dC>ilgu
wu ted. On the 11th the conditions of a
tn.'llty were finally determined upoo: md on the
17th, 1111 has been already relatA.'tl, the treaty wu
On o.rriviug at W cir, a placo about fifteen miles
from Bhurtpore, Shirzee Rao acldm..;;ed a letter to
tho cniDIUlllldcr-in-chief. intimal iog that. at the n.'-
'lllt"'l of the British re.t'ident, had consented
to wnit at 8ubtlulghur in cxpettatlon of Colont)
Close's o.rriml. This wns true; but it would bo iu-
.,.;th )1o.hrntta eutom to offer truth un-
with alloy of fal-t:hood ; Md tho :m-
nouneemeot or Scindill's (lO"ition. and the of
his ut-cnpying it, Will! n..'<Sllcintcd with a
tioo that the Britib rcsid<ot hntl expressed n lt.,.iro
that Sciodia lntCI'p(>!'<' biar mediation for
tahtlng JIOIIOt'; in COII5eqUI.'DCe or which clcsiru bioi
bigbnP!S bad tlipatched Uao to Bhurtl'oro
to ntogotiate. 'l'bu oommnnder-in-chiei; in roply,
stnll'll. JM'l'Ol' llAving bcQn e-tnbli!hed hl'twoon
thl' British and the Hajah ofDbnrtpnre.
tho Jreqmoo <r l'birzee Rao at Hhartpore '1\"M un-
Re<'<'AAII.IJ': that br most not think of adancing, a

...., ........ I*' aea.., '-rt tile DiaD eabM'!
- .......... tile c-puy 111111 8ciDdiL Oa
' p tlllf ay, laowi!flll', Shmee Rao did, witla
,..., .., ..... - 'Widlba .taort
tilleef Blnartpaae, ..... !Ued to tile Hal-
,) 111: ..,.u a 1 ' Tile -
)lleii ,... .. I' the .,., ""' ud
.. , I I ft.WIItple4r.aytbblr
At Weir.,..,_. by Bolblw
wldl ..._ or four tbomuJd hone, aad hath ,....
neJJad fltwardl the -p of Scindla a& Sulwlg .....
SeiD& W llr-cime -!ntaluecl, tluuaP -
lljJS& of 1111--. a - 1 Mllhna 'Widl die -a
of Holknr. s- of .......... ol &Jain ......
his employer, whleh feD illto the hnndn of the Ella
..... ftally eouluued .U tha& ,.. IUpUted of
....,.. ol Srillltin, 111111 ol die ' gaw of aedlt to
be giYeD to hit up
of I lh; ... '-''
meut. It ia a .,. to taa a lrt 1flt;
nmih! 80 frequently Co the tuk of ushJbit.fng-a-
raUa cbkanery and dillllimolatioo, bot it is lift-
to tbe jullt of the relative cin-tll
lllll!'OI and Jl<:'"ition <lf the Dritisb goeralbl!llt ...._
tbe Ma.luatta rbicfil. While Seiuclis wna
wi&h Holbr, who 'W'U in a lltate of avowed Will'
the Company' gomuueut-while tile l'ciiWIIDIII' .. ..,
'II'U adVWDeiug towuU Bbartpore in tile
.uiking a bJow a& tile iutereRI of Ide EJII!M--M
he -pro'- ill olliDIIIritkJ .. 1!!,.
llitlt. Nefti - 1111 p1 F ;' I
namm D!l'IRF. rx rqJA.
than nt p<'riod; 11lld it mn) J,., nlcled t!Jnt never rrHI'. :ot't.
"'ro tho) either more or It"<
In nf tho. mmcnunt of Scindin lo
the nurtlownrtl, Colooel.MurtiJUltll, who bod beeu sta-
tionrol iu n poition to en.'lhle him io secUI'e the trnn-
tnillity llundkoeuuc.l n.ud to protect Gohud from
in' Mie>Jl. ah nnced in the rsanw direction, uncler
from thn '"'"'mnnder-in-ehie(, canfnll} avoiding nny
\ inlutim of tire f t"itlwr 5<-irulia or his
d<pcnclcnt; llnl on the hlh uf .\l'ril ronche<l
llin:Urnh, a po,.;tiou ou thn I!<>Uthcn hank of tho
Chumhul, 111 a llllrt <listnnrc fnom Dboll'J.ore. Ris
proximity wa <listn.<tcful to l'ciudin; nnd on tho
11th tlmtl'ltitf I'CIIUL'lt:'ol tltnl tltt Britih resident
would Jll'"<vrnt the approach of Colond
nlltin t 11 cnty of hi cnmp. )! r. JcnkiiL an-.
""W\ltl by expn><o.;ing that l'dudin
feel tUI) unl."'"" in the pn:."':nrc of thr Briti-h
tro<J"' unoll'r the continued 1\!Ntmurc- ghcn that lw
t'IIUi.loNI him<elfst::tnding iu tho clnscrt relations nf
nllinucc "ith thll nntih gownum>ut. l!onmnrkl'll.
thnt utull'r thll ltnn,; nf the lrcnty tlw Hritilih troop
'"'n' to iu concert." ith rho"' uf tht tnnhnrujnlt:
nurl lu nminlc.J the chicflniu that Col not I
)I urray ""'t' tatioru.'<lat Oujeiu uo apprehension '\'11.'
cXJ'""';ccl, lout, on the contrury, S!'itulin II'&> ron-
tinnally Jll')rcnt fur the Jllli.4tanec uf the Dritilr
trool'" fur the JrrOtcction of cuunlr). lf ;o;dmlin
hnc.luu utlwr icw thnu tltnt of nmiutnining his rr-
latiou with tlw Jli>VCrnuttnt, "hat, the re.<i-
dcut '"'" then> to RJrprduml fnlll Ull' twigh-
A.D. 1110>.
CIIAP.:U. houibood oftbe troope of his ally! He added, that
Colonel Martladell wu within the ComJMy'a tcrrl-
toriel, and that hill ad\'lln' lwl been rendcrecl
DEc ry by more especially by \be
mo'f811121lt of tho notoriOUII &ppool!('C Reindl& bl
tile dlreetion of Seinclia'a eamp. and the 'idnity of
ecalderable bodies of We troopa of II ol.kar and
Ameer Khan, in clwgo or the bagpgu of thole
rhiefL The p<ointed qul'llion pat by the
it 111111 not ('ft!ly for .Mnhrnttn ingt'IIDity l an"wer;
but Scinclia llfll'ed, that if the l'indarric11 of his eamp
lboald happen to rommit any or ehoald
ente1' into with 1\ll,Y of the infl'rior people
of the British l'8111P, the blame of meh mlpt
to the govemmenL Mr. Jenkin lllli'Wered
tbet the known and oxt-mplary diaciplluo of tho Bri
tilh troopa mould proelude any uaeuiDeJII respeetlnr
theiraoadart,and thatSdndia'odiltl"'let of the inftrior
part or hi& own army only afforded a farther proof ol
the nec.'e!lrity of Colonel ad\'llDee to the
frontier, though uotbing short of arlanl nggn.-IOD
would produce 1\llf bOAtile pi'(>('C('ding1' on the pan
of that officer. Scindin renP\\ing hill request tU&
an applicatiun be madu to Col11nel l!ofanilt-
dell, to keep at a distAnCE' of twtnty - from tile
Mahratta's camp, the residrnt ahrewdly sugg ted,
that if the maharajah clt!!iited to maintain thll dJ..
tanee between the two eampa. it woold be WW
that hi higbnCI!I should himlelf make a mow....-t
for tbe purpocct>. To thi Seindla dpiYI a biJD..
..u' a'fene, and (ut'.Oiding to hill owa aal )
DRlTtn F.MPillE IN ISDtA. 543
hnd n most cre.litnlJle origin, being CHAP, Xlt
founded on Itt pronu;:e to Mr. J<'tlkins to wait lu -
tbc l'O'!ilion wlilt be now for the nrrival of
Colonel Cln-c-e< ..acred olid Sdnrli.'l deem a pro-
mi>c. tcn though tho! p.!l!!On tn whom morlt>
"""" willing to rtlioo him from th!! obligution, to o.n
whirb would <'nnble him to ellect n purpO!!l'
which Ito to think iU1portant. &india at
lcu.l{lh him-elf 5atifie.l. and adnrtiug to
the presence of &ppoogre Scintlia in tb<' ncixh-
huurhood, iutimntlod nn intemiun of valting him.
'rho rt"'ident ""llq ilcnt till his opinion of tho nu!tli-
tate<l vi.dt "liS &k<.:d. He then refcrrtl to the
ltlAhAnV:th's """"C of propriety. to determino whcthtr
or not it mt ttthi'3hle to a tnaJJ 'Wltn-e tmitqr-
ou" conduct h11d pltiCl>d him in the position nf IUj
enemy to tho Britih government. Scindin mnni-
ft..,ted his te"jleCL for thllt go\"CMIWtmt, nud biR re-
gnrd for the ol'inion of it< re>pn.-...cntati.-e, by paying
hit promiSNl \' tn BnppooJ:,'l'C on the 'llmc
On tJu.. 14th nf April tho nrrhnl nf AmPCr Khnn A.D.
announcx-d to> tho Brirult n.pre-entlltivc, ''" a
J>np&rathu w the puhlic reception llf the mpt"Ct-
ahlt.l freebooter and temporary U<Ociate of Uollmr;
and 111> it m111 to n plausible prctuxt
for recehing bim, it wns stntcd tbat Scind ia tiUJ>-
Jl<>&<,'<l. tbnt Khan lwl t .. dL"}XXtclti:'d by
HolW with 'ieww with thooe
luul !I'd to thP mi-ion uf Shirzoo &o from the
('afftJI nf Sciorlin tq Blmrtp<1n. Two lnT'! nftl.'r-
JIIIITIIKY 01' 1"111\
tliHP. xx. ,.-ar.l tc1 ...Ongratulnto the rt"'id!-nt ou
till' concluinn uf hetw1.0 the Britih gowm
nnd Dhurtpore. The l'<'r.;tn who wn- un thi
CJC('ll!lil>ll thl OI'WIJl of Scindia's potilC'IICS tork IK'-
CIIJ!ion to intimate tbnl llolknr bar! to
renew his attack on the Cnmtoany'& territori<"" but
llllll nbantloneol his inllntiun nt tbc J><n;tlaiun nf
Shirzt'<' Ran; thnt Ilulknr bul roiiS('nttl t<1 ar.ctl
the 111'-lintion of Sciudia, :wol, in e<liiJ'IWY with
Shin<>e Jiao, "n.i on way tn <'tunp. On
thP fvllu\\"lng olny Ill.' "ith :UI hi n:nu\ildn)t
fon, anrl W1lll ,.;,;t.d by :->dnclin a:uol
principal f>Oi<'<'T'. This <'trtmony "n. pnc li"l
by n H'ry J:ciuHn of <In
plicity nnd ius-.Mne<>. s,india
to :\l r . TcnkinH, intimating tlmt hi! WM hy
the arrinl of llolkar: that he lml dt!illc<l
tbat chief not to c,..>68 tb" Chumbul, hut thnt tin
rC<JIWL bnvin,R' been Seitulin WDS nut
peUd In mit him: anl tlr.\t it "11.:! his prti(':Uinr
wil that tho British rcpresentnti\"e lunJit! h;
sent nt the nll'Cling. The rc<i<ll'Ilt tmwcrel t.y
pointing out tlu extreme impr<pri(ty of the rcqncst,
an I that 1-kiudin'A inll'IJ<ll'tl 'bit wllJI
utterly incon.l .. ttnt "ith tho relntiun "''hl'iting
IK!to ecn him nnol tbe flritish gtn cmnwnt.
1'hc l"C$ltltnt, in rt'h'llrt! to the luly which bo
owt.'ll to the I!Urmm!nt repn".!!Cnted b) him. did
not, thcrefon, atlt!n.t the aupioiotllj inteniu" he-
tWL'ell the t"" whO!!C hen.,JitarY
and Jo<'r..nual quarrel W('re now to en
abl!' tllt'm to combin<' aJ:ain.t a e<mm"n object of
Lot r.-1. But he WlL" '<>Oil oumnou.,ltol 1111 int<'rvitw,
nt wbich mrion attel.lltt onndt to pr<Hnil 011
him to IKIi\'C that nll tlmt hntl O<'Cnrrt>d was occn-
ijimwol hy 11 inrore rl!gnnl to promote the Jl<'RCe of
l mliu. 1'ht of Sciuoli:o on thi
thenn with thdr hnbitunl llucn<'}, till oli-concerteol
by a nro:orl thro"n out by Mr. ,1\'llldn-, that inn
tlu "l'l'""'d' of the l:moJ'" of nn nlly within twenty
hnl lnt<'ly rrt':lted o mmh lliiCtlill" in thl'
mhul uf :o-t'inclia. it C'l>ulol not lioil to txeitc "Dt'[>ri-c
to thul lh11 nrmy of hi highm:>O I'IIC41DJ"'d in uuin11
with I Jon I of the ('OlDJUOD CDC Ill)'.
llolknr hod not long r>ecupi<<l hit poi-
tinn til S<'irulia hcforc he hi, JkiWer by
IK:iT.iug tb<' p<'l"'On of Am llftj!'t Tnglia. Thb :u't
v.11. to exton a runtribution, and it npJ'l'".tr'
to haw Utt'cl'<led to lhl' l'Xlcnl of obtaining a pm-
mi""' frnm .\mbnjee of lhl' Jl:l)lllt'nt nf fifty InC".
Amhnj"c mill at thi lime ill the eenice of SciJJdin.
nnol nppnrenlly in his ronfldcur4.': yN the tbief olio!
unt inltrfcre tJ protect hi Mrvnnt fn1111 phut<ll.' r.
1 fi N>lllnet in tlllit l'eoJ>e('L tton to bnw <l<'cidtol.
in tbe mlnl nf tbt.' the <JD<.,_
linn in wlmt l't'lntion RrindiA tciOCI touanb tho
gnwmml'nt; and be SII(Q1tlioteol thnt tho
llritib n'!lidt'nt shoulol talc!' I he enrlicst prneticabl
o}portmoitJ <f quitting SeindiG'8 nunp. On the 21st
of,\ pril, tl1e <'Ommtmrler-in...,hitf now relic,oo
frn111 nnxicty nitb regnrd to tuittCtl tbut
piM with tlw uhnll' of th nnny undlr bil: pel"'llnnl
\'01- Ill. 2s
A.D. ..
romlllllnl, and in the directioo 1C lwre it
\\1L.. t!Tident his 6l'nit'Cil Wf'M about tu 1.::, rt"-
quired. IIi nrc:cs. lml heen
hy a Jlt'l.'rngt'. and lw nnw ore t ho title of l.o<>rtl
r ... tw.
On hiJI march Lurtl I.ak11 r<'l't'ived n. l<tlcr fmm
&iulia. refrring tu th< tnnty of p<'lli'C rourluol('ll
,.jth him, IWd titnting thllt ''"Cr rorll'lLion
the fricrulhlp bet" <'C!n the t wu I!Ult. .. - hnl lot'<'ll
"The uf the
Srindia, "wa tu gi'<' p=l.' to tb" r .. uutr)' owl
quiet to its inhnhitruJiij; uno! with 11 ,;cw W
ulojt>et, frientlshij' wn L'!itnblhlw.) llet">ell nil till'
<lill(reut ehl<>f uul thu Dritih govN1tlllcut. .J f's-
wuut IUo Uulkar alunn rcullliu to he with:
uul for the purpn8<J of dil-J'UlN IICh<cOCII
llnlhr lllld the Briti!h and coodulilllf
a pc->nce IJetwe<n them. I hue msrche<l frum the
tity nf Borh:uuport', nncl have nrri,ed nt :::;ullul-
gbur ;" he having fnnmrly profe-<;ed to IK' nctunt(!(i
hy .-ery ditTcrent 'iow8. 1'hc letter tl1en tuhcrt<..!
toJiw wu tlw C'omrnny's gowmnlf'nt mul
tho R'ljah of Dburtporr, mul to the IE:'p tukcu by
him in reg'.Lrtl to it--omitting. howt'Tcr, all nutice
of Seiudia's Mldl'AVIIUn< to indut'f> the Raj:W (cl rt'-
in -.rv. Rut the allpged -cr<ire. .. r l'c!ndla
in llolknr fiTcm mTllging the ComJ>AIIy'l
tl'l'ritol'ie;o Wl're nut forgllttl'n; aml the remainder
11f lhl' l!!tter wn.; mpiuyl in rommenoling itll bearer
In the Britih L'OIIUniUulor, 1111 " ,. mAn of tcW!C," aud
unr. enj<oyiTig Srinclin' "ec-mftclen..e ;" with
DIUTISH Elll'JIIE II< l!<llJA. 647
mcndntion to negoti:ue "ith llolknr, :md to en \P. xx.
from him. nn'w1r of Lord Lnkc
wtLq ru- n. BritM1 nOic()r. It
tbo pretence;; uudor whil'11 Hcintlin sought to
hi rmnity; npprized l1im thut Mr. Jenkill$
btu! in<truoted to witburnw from his romp;
nnd intinml<<l that Britih would
ron-i<hr Bcindia respom.i!Jie in his nwu per<011. in
1m li1mily, hi:< lllinib"tcn;, :wd hi """'n.ots, for the
!<.'Ue tlllcl nnmolest.:>d jounwy of ils rtpn."Selltatiw.
with nttood:mts nnd propcrty, to tbe uclll'CI<t
Drllih cnmp.
&tw,wn the dispntch of Sci ndin'R letter ontl 1uo
rt'Cri f'l of J .. ord Lnke's Mr. J cnkiru hnd, in
('omplinnco with previouq intructious from tho com-
mnnIN-in..ehief, rcqucotcd lUI nmlio:nce of Scin<lla.
for Jhl' purp<>-e of fnnnolly dNmuuliug the rctin'- "'\
rul.'nt nf tho chieftnin from tb() po!rltion which he
occupictl, nud 1m !iep.'lllltion from llolknr. Scindln
n for rccch'inl! tile British re.Urlent:
nncl th!' lnttl'r, \\;th o view l1 plnciug RcincliB in : L
itnntion to uflbrd n snti'!l'notory nnswer, tro.Ju;mittcd
B Dll'muriul .-ml>urlying tlu Jrlndllll wbirh hi'
intcruiNl to urge At the upproarhing arulicnce. AL
lh< tim< however, Sdrulia neither llf-
thr promL'(>d intcf'itw, nor IWSWered the
nwmurinl. Great rnnfu,ion ni1tl no
portion of rJ11rm was now ftlt in N:iodin's crunp,
frmn 1t rtJIQrl whll'h pro,niltd tl1nt the
trn<lj'- wtrl' in tltc vicinity; nml on tlw morning of
th1 April lb< nrruit"' both uf Scindin 1111d A. o

CHAP. lX. Ilolkar retreated with the utmo-t precipitlllion in
the Jin,..tion uf a town citualt 1\ lwrt
south of tho Cbumbul, on tho """' tn
Kotah, nnd nbout filly mill.'; north-cat of tlmt
plat'<. They lllJU('hl'<l on that tiny twl'nty mile. nu
the follomng dny funrtt'NJ, nnd on tlio thirtl <lny
arrh""' at Sheopon.. Their ruute lay nlung the
banks of the Chumhul. 0\cr dt'<.'J' mrincs; tho lif-
ficulti{';< and fatigue of the mltrt'h were IJ:'ItJ'II'"tO<I
by exr., bent nne! tho wnnt of water, ttntl """'
'ilcrttble nwnll<'r>l nf tho tJt)l>l"' of both rhil'f
ft will be rtcollctt<<l tbot, on tbl.' npprmwh nf
S.,in!lin. toward, HhnriJ><>n, vigorous mt>n.ul't' hn I
IIQI'n adopted for plodng the 1\riti!ill
u1it Indin iu a eondit ion f<r M!'l) iug <HI till uJI('rD
tion of war with effect. Unoler the ortll'nl issue< I
fur ti>b Colonel Cl""" brut directed (',.Jonl
IJu.liburtnn. commruuling the II vdcmbatl uJJ&i,Jinn
. .
fore!', to ndmnce to l\lnolupol't', there tu b..o jniml
by tllo Poonn suht<idlnry force under Colnnol Wnl
luce>. At Fort St. Gtorgt it ""US dcemctl n<hiOoJII>hl
to 11.\o()Jilble 11 t'Oill'idl'ruhlt rnrco in the'<l
tritt-. A C41l mndo the Dewnn f My
<!Ore to take the fiE' I <I "itb n b<><ly of the
tn10p-. to whirl. l'nll he promptly
am! n body or Sillaolar hol'l'iO in tbe ocrvit'O uf the
Rajnh wns to join tl1 llritih trooJ>l; to 110 DMCm
1>1<<1 nt Bellnry, in tho litrids. At llomlY
<"JUlll Rctivity Willi rlirlny<d in complying wit h tb.:.
<ordero or thE' WlWrnor-gvneral for reiufort' ing Co-
loud W nndington in <iJUemt. Bnt the retmat of
anti his MnJnoattn colll'lllr\le from Suhdul- <:II" :1.:1..
ghur a.-igned "-' n renoo fur modifying the
in.tmctinns untlcr whkh tbl"t' bnd
httn tllntll'. Th() nf Fvrt St. George
olin:dt'<l to su.pend f'rt'JlnmtiollB, to olistri-
bnt<' tho nrmy of the In its uounl
n11<l tn prr>reetl immediately to with<lruw from thl'
IIM'<'IIII all COrJIS and l ... which
INl l':tlrn to the field c;.'taloliolunt'lll of the subsioliary
l'<rving with th<! l'db\\0 and the !'iizam.
Thu l'\.lrn butiAlinllli on tbt of tho
Jln"'ltll'ltr) were n.lio to be nud t'Yery J>rllC
tltnlolt <lituiuulion of t:XJttnr Coluuul
' l'ln> haol cnmmenccd hiH rtturn to ) (oolnporo, to
lnkt lht Ct>IUJJllUid uf llll' nnny tn ht asoembiPI
tlwre. Ou Lis wny he n'<'<i>tl o. copy of the
1 fnnnmled to I\ort St. ( with order.
tu t"IT) intu clti!ct of th= n.. miglot
hrwutl UJI<lD the ruur-eil' of hi nnthority. The
txtmunli11nry mililnry uno! J'UIIlicnl puwcrs vl"'ltol
in him wtrt nt the snmt timo 11 itbtlrown; rmd ho
wt lirttotl tu ntum lu l'rHIIUt. to rc<.umu
tint it'>; u rt"'irll'nt at tlm cunrt ul' the l'oislmu. l n-
HJ1utiutL in cbarnrUr wtro 1<1
UnntiJG) and on the nuthmiti<"' nf thi'
tilt' uf ,.lli
Tho I "'"I"' in wtrc w he cantoned. in
unhr tu 1\\oitl the cxpcrc-o uf fi('lol :LOci
1111 litlcl l'XJIC.Ul'C.. wert lu imurrctl without tin
t><rinl ..unctinn of lhl' gmDrutwnl uf rkngttl, cxetpl

IIIST1 tllY uP TilE
cHAP. xx. under uf urgtnt nnd nHrnntrollllblo

The pacific auol t'<.'t>Uumicnl policy uuw ntlopted
was Itt tht anny or Lord l.akc..
and Uolkar wero tu lly "ithout li!turhnnec nnd
without alann. The Wl\8 in
ltntCltcl nul to (1U111UC tltl! retreating fort't"' of tho
ehiefi! cnnfoolrrnted tho Britl&b gov .. rnmf'nt.
and who hdd in durance 11 coll!iolcmhle number or
its !ttlticrt., but to dircet nttcntiun to tlte nee<'!
sary nrrnngrmentd for cantoning lro<JL<. The
Bombay anny, unt!Pr 0f'ltlrul J one,., w1.- tu
to lwnpo .. rnh. on iLs retnm to Gutt:'ml ; nnd all
the im.irular coq.,; in the Briti.b I!Cnico wt:'rc to he
redn<"CI. At tlu: tinw, howc,er, wbtn ordl'n
i"""''' pcnrumtnt tnmquillity Willi not ''"(lt.'Ct
ed; fvr the probnbillty of II nIJ()Wal of ho>tilities at
no di.!tant JtCriod was litinctly nntlct.,J, and, as far
as the redut'tioll8 woui;J admit, PJ'O' iolcd

Tho JH'IIiey of nll<lwing nn OJllill ttll'lll)' nnd a
trenrbtr<tui> nlly to enjoy for 11 timo immunity from
1'\.'tribution Wlll' oQt til at which for "'"'Ill }'t'IU"' bad
been runmt,oi in foclin--it wns not that whkb bad
mi!OCII tho Briti:JJ f>UWtr to tho l<>fty fH>$ition wbidl
it bucJ Rtlllinod. Tho cnnnnt fail to excite
iruJuiry 115 to its 'fh<' nnswcr ;, that tho
poliry nnw pursued WIL< not tlcl' p<licy of the Muquit
WPIIC!<Iy. It wu. that nf tbc homo authoritiet:
the uf tltat hlinl reurence for rwiYe
whatever th<:ir char.ACter 1>1' desert.., wWeh b.'Ul .., c:thr. :u
lung Jrcuuk'<l in Eoghuul, llfltl uf a futuituu. dt
t-jro to ""'''O mmlC'Y tmder nil boweYL'r
imliJrlllllblo iU< axperulituru might l>< tn lhl' houtJur
mul intllruots of govenuucnt. 'J'Im hru. ni-
,...,..Jy beLn adverted to, nntl rurtlu:r uulirl' i;< here
It lx howllvttr, thut
tho lll lll'ltui' W elle.ley's tulmlnitmtion wa8 ap-
pl'OO<'hing it .. conclu._..jun. II is BUN'ell80r 1ll'll8 on tht>
,...'11, eomwi.-.-iom-d to dLpd. if JKle!Oihlt!, th11 remtm-
hmnr .. r all the glori"' "hirh hal irnadiat<'<l tbt
bright<.'l!t JK!riod of Englruul'o t'OIIImctlon with I ndia,
anti tiJ n lnr!l' Nilllrc ul' the !iOiiol tuhnn-
tnj(l'!! which httd been gainl'tl; tu lltr.w b:tck tlw
country intu tho nnarchy umltr \\Iucio it hnd so long
gru:uol'<l, lllll to lay thll fuund11tiuu 11f futun
future \\&1"!1, aod future .. r feArful amount.
'l'bt ""''''"llr-geneml felt that ho cnultl nt
Ul tnmplctt> MY large nod cxtcnhc pln.u. itnil:ll' tn
tbi>Nt upun wbieb be hntl lx>tu ncru>towcd to uct,
and, ,,,_,., by representatiun frnm homo of a tom
111111 rhiU'IU'tl'r peculiarly annoying tn o noblt> spirit,
bu l'l.'llfltt'fl to Utlt'ntl ]lt'MI!inn, lt'Uving hL ouc-
re.<&<r in n C<llltlition to 1'\.,.UIII' tbtlll if Ito
thiuk 1'"'11('1', ur if hl intrut'linn penniL
uch 11 liNe. is thl' I'X)'Iaualinn of the t:.Hra
<onlinary rb:wgi.O which lw bet-11
Sdrulin luul tied with hi" cumronni .. u llulkar. Tb.,
Britih ILrriturieot "'"rt' not fni'IIIIL'<'<I; rmd tlwugh
r lulkti .. nwut wn. tlefcrr.l, it tlitl nut IIP'l'lWll'ily
f<,IJ,,., tlmt it '"''' llltn)l'('lht>r nhnrulnnLI. llul tlw

cuu. :u.. llylng ronfedcrates bad c.-arrie<l with them the 8ri-
tiah nlllide.ney deputed to on!' of thl'm, and the
of the n.'Sidcnt and hi nttl'ndonts WIUI nn uhjt'llt of
Interest. On tn&D .'mitting to Seinlia Lord Lake'
reply to the. rbicftain'a !Lotter, lfr. Jenkin. a.herted
to the inJtrurtioDR which ht bad reeeiwd 111 with-
draw, and requested to bo infonncd of tho orrange-
DII'nls which thl' IJ1AitanUah might bo pl..-1 to
malt C.or tbt JIUrpt>C of fncilitating hi!o departure.
nJlit'<l that, his ministtr, Uao,
wna nbsent, he> cuultl not return n rlocided 1\tUIWer,
but that in lht conr.-c of '" o or 11 l't'ply
kl l..ord 1.41ko' lettt'r "uuld bo pre('llll'tl. The
l'eli<le.ot nfterwarcls renew<! tho np[lirAtion,
hi lilosntiafurtiuo at hdng [rcvcntetl from
with the onlcno of the
and intiotating that tbc I'OU!Ie llll'lignl'd for d...Jny
innJJIica.blc to the calK'. ill08much 1111 Lord Lnkc did
not cxpeet auy answer to letter, bot would be
ju.tly if the Drithh rcpl'l'8CDtativo a
Sl'intlill'> ruurt wen not permitttd to obty the
of bi.'i own gnwmmcnt. Mr. Jtnkin forth
uut th<' projriNy of hi." ''' partun taLiug
pine<> with tLt 'llllction nnd unolr tloc protloctiou of
l'oimlia: tlwt n'l!;:e. o. w,JI rut the prln
dpltos of justirt ant} Jnhlic- fuith, "-"JDirt"l tbat a
Jo<'I"''il in hi situation be .. fret (MID
n,.traint; anti that a commuuirntiun of Seiudia'a
int .. mimL' UOCC!<'IIIry to l'nalolc tbe reeident to
e.seulfo&te from the chUJCl' of a -.oiiiD&IIl'1
det"iation frnm onll"nn birh he wu bowad &o obey.
RIUTiliU Elli'IJ!& IS I:O.OIA. 553
t'iuthing followl.'tl this
hot ) f r. Jenkin wu infonnetl tbnt 11 copy of tho
ccomuuwdt>r-in-<"lli.,i letttr, tugtthl:r with th bnb-
of :llr. JmJkin<, m.-ges un the sohjcd of
hi dPpartu'. hool h,,,_.n eommunicatl>tl to the mini,_
l<r, l'hinee Rno. To nbale ll111 rtJ:;itl<'nl.'<t olicitudc
to withdmw, the lllubruttu oflicors cxpntintcrl with
Wtlt'b powcr on the d:wgers to which he wunll 1,.,
XJ"""'-od from the state of the cotmb")' bot '""'o
Scinlia's c:unp nnl tbt herulofJtuut<,... of the
nrmy. To tlw!<o Mr luulu
muly IW.!!Wtr-thut wbencvt'r n tiny .Jtonld l.x fixc<l
for 1m dcf>nrtnn. the commnnl<r-in-chief would
<li)'atch a fort"C t" meet him, nrul that be
n'<ptin n convoy of Rciocli:t' cavalry merely to
thnl he had tho mnbnmjnb's pnol1vtion, nwl nul 111
"'J"l('l nny tlnngt>r. 'l'hiR n
that the ndvanct of a British force wll!l UDDL'Ct.,.,-tll),
fur that wbr.nchr the departure houltl t:tke plll('t,
l'xtlu,hcly nf 1\00ut a thoUSilncl hof"C tn be fun1ibcd
in t'fJU:U prupurliuus hy &indir1 nrtd llolknr, tl1e
llritih re;ddent 1<huultl receive the protection tfnny
fin-o of inC..ntl') nnl, tltnl might lt.,.in, arf61
thM lior his F:lft ruuduet to tho bead-quam"' of
thl! Hrilkh anuy thl' mabarnjru1 would be fully n. ...
On the l Oth of :Mny till' rl-rnm-
lUl'uel'd tlwir nonnlt in the di!'l'<:ticon of Kotal1, it b-
out thl' Driti.b Yr Jenkin
luulrrcvioLI) >ll,l(l{61P<I. with nftrcn,.. lu th"
ll'mntic c"llbinn nnd del&.) \\hkh duuacterizl! tho

.\.D. 1>10:1
Cllo\P :u;. (>ltwe<:<lings of a Mn.l1ratta r.ourt, thai the com-
munoler-in-ehif'f tilloul<l rul<lress n CJ>!U'IIIC lctttr to
Sc:inolia, till' tof \\ bitb slmnlol I.e limited to
tbo tlemnnu of lillfl' conlud for the l\!$iolcut Blll tbc
gcutlem.,n uf tbl' tu tho Britih l'UIIIJI.
l.ol'tl Laku llt'U'tl on llic ldter '11116
tmruomill.:d, uml tb ll[ll'litnltiou met with tlw l!nme
"ltkh had attcole<l fonucr tkmruub of tbe
"1111c dcscril'tiuu.
The confcckratecl cbid. contiuul to mo'<o in n
"'l'!lltrly direction towu.rWI Ajmeer. 'rhdr progn""
wus tnnrlwol b) fillllHl extmortliunry cnt: tbn lil'!'t
to he nuticed ll'lnon.,tmtcs tbo uf llo!kar in 11
UUIIIII!!r UOL tll't'idtl than tho Joy tbnt
chief of .\mlaJ"c Jnglia. alreoly moo
tiuncol :u. in tho scrice uf ScindiA. hud mnolr him-
sell ohuoxiou to lhl! wnttb of Holkar. and. it Wll!l
'!:lil, mlitall"l tbe IK'izurc of that thitft.ain' pen<>D.
n,., letter ul LOTd LBJ.e W1UI cl""""lciRd b1 o<ddil'l'hl<
brn\1}' ud olcoo:iolC<> : ..... it '-' ""J'J"i'Ud by lab lonl.bip' od
...,.,, it a.uld ..,..,..,.,)y have fruled lo produw tho clmred oo.d.
'I'bc followm;; io traA&Iatioo ul it :-" I b .. c ab.dy wnlldl to
Jour high-a ,..t4r to your letter, ><'!""'bug th your high
- would g;..., at'< c.. Mr. Jl'lllci .. , ouvJ the Gthtt p
tioaa<D at!Mbrd to the rotidwoy at yonr court, to tbe
cawp of tl"' Oritith tamy: but thito h,,. IWt hilher\0 tllk<-u 1'-
llDd fOUl' PI""'" dia('<*dto Jt!ay and ondc tbioo r<q1li
11tion.. ftao OoJ*Ul JLin.nadtll'. whom rou. diJllltCht.:tf tQ mF.
br<n olooi,..lm mom Cram tbe middk> ol hlo n. Ath-.rtuq; to
1"'r higbnea' ......_and dthy,l y;o 'lfrita 'tn:yuur higlonest
wtl the t,. ol trirndb.r. to that J"'U will raa.., thooc
..-1. DK! "'Al'ctp until hich time I .ball 0011-
ic.l, r your lugbnr..a IUld ytuar ... tbtretatlf t.o be rupobtible lur Lbcit
'"""ud J'IVI'G'lJ. llDd tbdr J"''IU'CC>>D froat iaoalt.-
URI rlstl CIPffit: IS INt>IA.
'fhu tlirit of wngcnnce in Jlnlknr'" CHAt'. X."t.
found grntifiC'lltiou in tho ntprchPn.-ion nf his
whn \\11 iwwcdintl'ly "'ltiedlod to on; of
th.- l.mrlxuon. iutlic:tloru. of "hkb native annal
ntl4ml so many in;,tnnces. 'l'hc unhnrpy prioncr
WIL' nf He did not luug endure tlw
uf the prhntion, the outmgc leatling tu his
death. Tbn did llolkar. the enemy of t:he Dritih
&tllt, act to\\nnl a nf Seinli:t. its pre-
ttnll'd nlly : nnrl Scinrlin suhmitltl.
A still mor<' l'l'liUU'knblo ewnt followed, if any
thing can he nognrtlcc!RS remarkable in a :!\[nhrntttt
court. .\n,LGjL'C ln11lia ha,iug l>t.>tu tn
tloc pi'O<'ess of pluntl(r, anol the I'IU!uhr bcton
&<cure<!, wn. from the 1'\!HlrainL im(l'O!I<'cl
upuu Wru fur tho purpose of dntwing forth 11 ontri,
Lntion. Thi Willi not very n:mnrknble. Tho ob-
je<-L being at taind. the ml!aJlJj "hieh it wru, to Lc
pl'O<'ured wero cliI'Ontiuued a. no Dect.""31'J.
But the lib1:mtiou nf AmbajPC 1 \\118 folluwecl
by oxtrnordinary honour. He"'" loy 8cin-
clin with the higlmt lgn>l' of -ltl<'t 11Utl nll<ntlnu,
anti tho ccnmnny nf bt I'C('t'ptiuu was
!Ill in<lieatinn or bia intcndt'<l tu the
thnrg< of cxc.:utive authority in plnre of :o;bim't
llno. Snnb instnncl.,. of cbn.ngu nr, in-
rt. ... 'll. but ordinnry events nmung tlrl' :\lahrattM.
ne clancla' cC U.:. poop&e hu bcca llluotnard ;, lh<t 1'"'-
sn:u oltloio ... t oullideally, pcr!apo. w nndo:t - cr...y
&Df rnd..-r "' IJ,,,. !urthor li;l>t urao iJ. But it -r ""'
he unintt'rtlting tee thtir cl.ian.eta n ly Cine of thcmKlvn.
110nmcnt. The llj!IOiD detrutnlc'<l C'ILAr. X't.
their rdriii!C; an1l ultimntlly the govcmor-gt'nt'rol
a lett<'r to &-inlia. thcir dimi"-
;.ion within f01Il'W<'n day- from thu rt'<'cipt of the
lt>ttt'r. Jt doted the 25th July. On Llw 3nth
tbt> W eiJt,Jey Figut-d fn-t dCSJlnlt'h to
the Committee of the Court of Din'C'turs:
tmd nt o'clnrk ou tho cwning nf tlmt dn). a
!olllntc from tlJC battery Rtmoun""'J that Ill' "ru;
in Li.. high function hy thtl arrha.l of tlw
Tht policy punuetl by till' Mni"JUis WellP,il') IJtt<
aln"S<ly bctn rei,wc'<l in rderenl'O to eTcry im-
portu.nt nrt of j,onemmtnt, ext't'pting the 'lah-
mttn '1111'. A f<'W on thi.., urul on the
cirt'um-umces nut of ..-11i<'h It Ill<'
not n much by thr tliJlicult) or rightly as
hy tho mi.repnlRCntntions in wWclt th rubjet't
so long nhmucl cl. It ml< tbc mi-fnrtune of tle
Wcllt"'ley that. during tlu l:>lter )'.,."' m
but the olntmty ol tlu> polalrr Ia ...- than Tho
)l.ollmtta priace ..... blmoelf probably dlaplo,-in 00.,. ol thr
more qwilitl .. ol W. toWittymen. .. wiol!iag
to be politK:." MJ Cptrun Dllif, "
aW m a.JdmoJng a J'.un>r-u Dhlbing il more OOIDJDOD than to
r-1< ol ... decoiliul ,_ ofmllrllUdu-.
on whom no ohould bo rllad. One """""'"""u.l
with thrlr """""'"'or who uu '"J .. m.ially obool'\'ad tbfm. w..Wd
11Ut .-lily thAt they JD<n-Jy ilill!nd an iwlir<ct COP>J'li
- bow hlj;bly c.uth 8M rJala are ootimatld
IUIIOllJ; "'"-lli.story ol tho Ahbnttoo, W>l. iii. pace 131.
Thut it appcnn the Mahratta chanctcr io truo 1<> nothing
bvt u. ......, iuhrmlt

_., u. 1111 wle!IML!oaq Hr .. wu lleftr -di.JIIy ,supparlej
- Ina ta..; 111111 th..a who ehould Juno all'ordell
Wa ewa11 -ee and were bat
Gfta .Wy to join !Ddmduall who !'ffllrd a
Wldoh tllay were uuable to 'lllldentaDd, ar wbo
or puty DiiU&Itw lllllle that poliey an
tllnw rk Tl!lul vaticw doel.- ...s:lln_.tlllil
to the authority In ditea& C!cn!W!JII!e.etJoa wltla
in India. The ooodaot of tho
pnli'IIJDeDl oa \'Vioaa occasious wu DOt llllllll
the 8QYe!'110"1!"Deral bad 1'011100 to especl or
to ha"Je mtperionced. Timo, howeYel', tho
............. of the truly great, hM well peif<NJ11811
a5ee with reprd to tho poliey panned by the
qall Welleeloy.
'1111... wilD haft caken ap &heir opinlolll "-
- nwt of tbe .......... wUl feel
"W' t a& tbe ..m.ioa &bat W. Jlll)lq WU
tially ..... Yet llallll wu tile .._ Hit
objeet-tha& to wbieb all Ilia mea lh!l - dbiii!Mif.
Willi to I'J'l'!I('M'O the pearo of India. After
pmbablo l'llutleS of di"tnrbantx' bad been Oftl'lllll ..
one ralrulatt .. d to ext"itt' rolllltant llld deep ..,.""':.
heiiAiou remained in the Mabratta
Marqail W elleelcy eougbt to remo"Je this by ad-
the C.'blef of the Mabratta aeneiatloa In a
"ith the Briti,h Bnt the en \P. 'IX.
f'd,hwn. ,cr'J mneh in with the eu'<tonr
nf tilt' \\111> in to a chief nomi-
nnlly olotoNIII:mt npon him. lt WM not for the in-
t!rtml <>f tbnt that such n should ho.
fomll'ol, nnol in consequence 1'<'11\.'Rtcd overtures from
the llriti;h gmernment wen or
Thcso owrtun"' wrrc not oniJ in t,.,ufunnity with
the policy of tho W rllllMey. hnt
thc) hnl nfcnnre to a parrirnlar nltit'<'l-the pn>-
tl'ctiun of the on whom tl11 'lnhnottn.s mndt>
claim whirh, at any f:n'llunthlo OJlt>Ortnnity, tltey
wen ronoly to ut<eJL hy 1'hoy might hn,c
'""'n dl'f<'lll"l hr tbc cmtrln),owut nf a British foret;
but tilt"'' mo't loud in <lcnouneiug tlu. policy pur-
,ncl in int:mc:e will that it i,
!wtlcr lll in\a>inu th:tll tn bn\'C occasion to
n(NI it.
The circumstnnces which let! to the treaty of
8nl'Stlu lmn been too rectntly noticctl to need
ropt.tltiuu. 'flu>!IO cin.'ulllStnnct'>O nUhrdeol the go-
tlte opportunity ''" lung ""ng:bt. nnl
rreiuuly'"' lainly, of the rcihwn within
the pal" uf Dritkh allimc<. By the interference of
tb" Cnmp:wy'1 tlto Ptrih.-a rt'-
hi. dil!'llity, and tn more of BM114l p<>wcr
than bo hnol tn <njoy. But be
o"Oulol not hn mnintained himwlf on tho thruM
"ithout lht u.itl of the pnW<r thnt him there;
all() tiJI nf ni'CC>lSity gtl\'l w thnt po\\Cr n high dP-
gree (of intlurncc at hi t>nurt. Tho C:t"istent'c nf
au.P. n. tbiA inftut'lloo oould not fail to IN.' to
thoec wit.h whoee ambitintL pmjectll it interf('rt'd:
to Seindia, who wihtlfl tn kt"<'Jl t lm Pcilnm in a
of pupilage tn himself; to 11nlknr. vbn ta.d a
riYal Pelihwa uncltr biB lrotL'l'tion, whum bo in-
leaded to lllllMge for hie n1r11 benefit, in I he lllAJIDet
whleh &india bad pi'IIClised with n.gard to IJY!It
Rao; to the Rajah of Jkorar, wbo in YimMI
of his afliuity to tlw R,,jah of Sattam. to
thu cbitf encutivo pcnnr in the }tuhmtta etate.
J II the .. linJ;S of t ht-sc oriA'i113tN the .....
whirh cru-'tltl; anol it mny lw n.ktd, <lil the Al&r-
qnie W clle.-ley fomtee thl' COMeqUl'nct'll of the
trNty wit.h tho I'dhv-.1 and If so, did b" aet wilely
in rieldng thcm?
I n regard to the first inquiry, he could not hal
ro- that to render the British inHucnre predo-
minant at l'oona would be offeuh-e to all who
wihed to cxerei!o their O'lnl. Thill might hL foro-
"'"'n u rer!Ain. Dut that tbc malrontl'llt8 l'hoalll
bnn: l't'Coun;o to nrrns, in tlu! hope of winning t.dc
thnt "hicb thl'y hud lo.t, ur of obtniniug thl&
tn wbicl th11y fll<Jircd, could only be tireeeea
J"'"t'iblt. It did DtJI fnllow that. IICC!Ilutle Seindia
WDil t:li>l('outenll'<l, he would in a C!Oillea 111
wbi<'h he must alnwt hnc I!Uro thnt he !ihould
wo""ted : nor that the of &rar tlbaald
tllko a imilar cou1110 with IJirnilar pltliJMlCU: nor
that Holka.r ebould pereilt in proYokia a power
wbich bat! tl1t moiUlll of altogether Cl'lllldDr hila;
.... &be probability ..... not great tha& ..... Jlill1ia'o
BlliTIIl Df1'Tlll! ll< INUIA, 561
11 it h tiCptuutc ruul wbonhl unito to CD At'. x.-x.
diJ""'ess the Euglih 11f authority, thc- cxerri"< nf
whid1 wnold imnu:ltlinwly hecnme a nuretJ of dis-
put(._ among thi'Jrul('ht". in f4tt, tlid tl{y "'"'
'" nnit... )\'hilt :-;rindin nnd th< J{njnh of Btmr
1HMln nnu tl1e Eugtih, llulknr kept ulnnf.
When 8cindin :uul llnlknr the Rlljuh nf
llcrar. thongh nut irulipo...:o.J In join tbl!lll, WIUI
(('rr('d eithl'r h) hi- or hi jealou.y from alnp!-
inf{ ouch o coUJ'IW. \"\ben tbe lrt<lly of WM
t'nncludcd, it mut hn vo been nb,inus to all pcnoonN
11i'Jnaintcd with Mllbratttl>; that dicon-
ltnt would be cxdt<.l the inftrinr mcmiK'I"l
n{ thc ronfe.Jerocy: but ..-bcllll'r or not thAt. di<-
nnhnt wooltl mnnifc'!t it.elf in optn nrt, of Ju,..
tillty, nnd if it bhnultl, nx 11 hnt period tlur
mnnift'!llotion would tllko pine<', C11uld be re&.lmnhly
prtlict.l by n11 on... The ;\lan,nb \\01
not without hoj.O tbllt hther mcmbtn. of the \lnl-
mttn ronfed!!rnty might, like the Pdb\\a, lx in-
dnet'<l to BC'C<'(ll n( nn EogJioh fllltl tht
hn(ll! was not unwtlrrnnted. f'ow nntiv., stntCI! hn,e
tntt'red into nrh alliances frum pure Iriend.hil-
the ronn<'<'tion bu fur the moot (ICU't been th!l ntr-
pring of coovl'Oittut; 110d it \\'til not
thot other ) lnl1rutll1 rhieftnin might be
to totrure tn tlwir own 1ower tbnt stability "hieh
Britih protcetion bad gh-en to the authority or the
Pti>hW'L In the En.<t, as ei!!C\>bl'....-perbap far
mon> thnn <'I'<'" htI'<'-J'I"'Cf heg<ts powl.'r, anti
IIUC<.'l'l!ll cottcilinto fvllowero. E1en the lnwh"'
\'OL nl,

CUP- u. 1pirit or a Mahmtt bends before riAintt and
'we aua&uel!l
If, howeYer, the seril!fl of events tbll&
lowed the eonelOBion of the treaty of DoMt.oin
been cliltiuetly foreseen to be certain and
efttable 4!0IIIeljlleDCGI of the troaty, the polic!f
that trellty would remain unimpugned. Tho
lllltu were rlangtoroua neip'-n-clans-
tho British govemnwnt, dnngerou to ita ally
Nizam. Freeboott'l'l! by prof($<ion, they
neYer fall to find oavion fo>r invading any
or territory wflen.o O'rt'D temporary adftlllap
Hkely to e11111e. WberoYer their inftuenee ext_.
--d ltl t>xtent wu nearly ro-eqUIII with
o1 Iuclia--tltere exiatcd the elrnreot8 of dill!-.
bat tbe will of the molt unprincipled
- to brina them Into Ktlon. To hope for
mainteunoe of tbe peaee of lDdla wbile the
lllltu - free &.. act raiM - aJ.ard.
nppertnnity offi.>IM for fonning an allbmc:e
thcir bend, aud thus obtaining the right ud
power of tnfurcing, with regn.rtl to thll& priaee
lca!it, the Ill WI ancl of ciriliRld mea. 1$
tmbraood ; 1111d the w>vemor-gcneral who, eYeD
the full eonvietion that war would follow, ebGIIIII
haYO eull'ei'Cd it to .- onimptowd ...W
'-n guilty of a P* dereliction of du&y. n
eomllll not the cJuuoacter of tbo Britieh plllll!ll
to eugage in an uqjUB& ,._ IIWe ill& lalelllf!
to deelioe a jult 111111 11e "1 - 'Die
lllhllllt.a ehie& had 110 r e r hie #0 f
BJI.IDSH El!l'lll& IS' ISUlA. 5()3
<'Ontcut; nnd nnreasonnble rli-. .. tifll<'tion ought uol CIIAI'. xx.
tn lot to .tand in 1hc my of gn!:lt and
bencficiul meru:.ures.
1'hL wnr, too, wns not \\;tbout !obvious r.dvnntllgo
-rL""tuniug the prnl.mlJility nf tuuducting it with
the pn>spcct which it 11lforded of re<luc-
ing the I:'n:nch power, \\hich, untltr tbr:> prote<'tiou
nf Sdwlia, h:ul growu to a .ize nnd strength fur-
miolnblt.l ccn to Scindia hlm<(!IJ: nnrl wbiclt, ,.., long
as it wnuld be n con.uun around of nlarm
nrul dnngcr to the llrltih. Tht rlllllgcr l..,htg ]last,
it is o111<y to lnngh Ill the fcanl lbnmrly e:orprc;;soo
with rognrcl tn Fr(luch iu {tulia, hut
"t the timu of the 1\ln.rquiq W dlcslcy's ndminis-
tralion dtt fl!lll ml!! not chimt>riml. A pl:w hnd
been b'Ugg<.'tOO (or the e-tablihm<"nt of n widci.Y
pnoad dominion, to be mrried on in the
nnml'. nml under the nominnl authority, of tha un-
fortunntc emperor Shalt Allwu. The wreck of thl'
empire wns to form tlw foumlntion of
n 1111\\ l':umpe:m on!:. 'J'Iw pion mny be derided ns
but those "'htl fl indinllll to Wke
thi' viow &honhl previuu,ly rdlwt on the =tm-
nrrlinnry CB!'('('r of buth tlw .Frrurh and Englih in
lmlin, uwrr: tho latter, tmtl on that of
tht> fommr nntion in Enrope. Tbt hnmhle gnL<e in
which tho Englbh first nppc,m:d in lndin nflbrded
no t11krn uf tlwir futurt> gnmolvur. .\mit! t.he early
<':ttro,ngnncic., nftbeFrerwJ, '"'vnlutinn it would buvp
ht'{'ll lilli,.ult lo gntber itulirtlliotL uf tho appm:lh-
ing uhjt'Ctinn of the l'ontiuNtL of EurnriC to the

R I!!TURY 01' Til R
1 IIAP. XX Jli'O('Ie among \\hnnl lluSC l!:'ttnll1l!1allci._... Wt'rl' Jli!r-
Th<> prcjuclire which lrtrrmim'l thnt in nil trunl!-
utions with the untiw tale5 uf lnlin in
the wrong, La. l'llllcd forth hoot nltil'ctitll. to
trenty <>f nnol it. etli>tt. Tbe fin.t i nlm""t
hullcrml!l. It ba lwNI llrfZU<"l-nnl h) a man
"h<N! lire wr.. J'B!'"''t.l in high oltien -t11:1t as the
Pci..b'-11 "lL but tbe lwnd of a rtonf<otlemtinn. no
tnalyought to hnc IK'l'n condudt<l 11ith him with-
out the couPUt of tho remaining llll'mll<'no. SuclJ
an ulti!.'Ctiun I!Ctlrt"dy ck"'<'M"e. nn IIW!\\cr. The
of tin clitfurtnt mcutbtno of the :lfrlhmtta
ronfetlcroey were buL nnm innl. No e>uc rt"'[>t>eted
th1m wJ ... n any wa to 00 l'rornnted
t.y forgetting them. Tlw Pchhwn him.,.,lf. 511(\I'C(J)(I
M he 10nwtimes nprc ..... ut. I, 11 w;, nccortl ing to
the fiction on whirh the conf .. I!IL"t...!.
only a en ant. BL mater, the nf Snttva.
he kert out only in t.lrr>>ntlane but unt.lcr
Ill though ut rrrtniu he nuululum of utli?riug
tokens of hc,mage, anti un o.:ca.oinn nf war ueTer
t.ot:k the lif.'ltl without a.-ling Jl<'mli-.iou of lim man
"bnm ho nwcked by hi afl'ectccl nllf.'ginnrc. That
wWeh th!' l'tihwa bad llfootcd with repnl lo ilia
ehiPf .,..ere <l!!'iMu of
with regard to him ; and thev SOlnl'tin:tet; surnoet.led.
Tho Pcit<bwn rule<! hi run.otcr, nrul for a
'The late L<'lllloacloy. whaa , .......,.,
-t !loud of c..,.,..,.;.aioocn for tho A6irs ol
EJIJ'IltK IS INOlA. 51!5
Ht'rllK.IIl ruler! tho Pti,hwn: whllt lh' llujah of BNnr <:liAV
n.pind to the 11uthurity nominnll) enjoy(ol h) me
ami nctoally oXt"l'\'i'!ed hy tlrt utht'r uf Ure-c chi<ofs.
Tlw entire )ltn 'lnl.-.JrnNimll> a .,._'J"ie--nfu,urpa-
tiun., ami to claim for the ronstitutiun ftf
tlw J\lnlmLtta eonfodtrncy Ul! in worrl. us
it haol11 r.:nl existent'!'. i' tht clfcct citlwr uf
or of o 1tilful iutt-ution tu milt'lld.
'l'ht' ,eroud to be rwt ic.od l thi-t lwt
Ul() t'OnUDI'l nf till' flritbb gunrllllll'llt in 'l't!klll.l{ to
obtflin inHuonco mer the Pd.,ft\\11 wns but tlw
M that nf wlm bad J>n'l il>uly CX('rt"i.,ol
inlln<"nce. Tb11 lin" cr that the one party c:ur-
\'il;(.,} fur J!O'"I I"'I'J'O"L"' tht l"'wer ncquin..l, the
utl"'r exertised it for e1;1 JIUl'JKl',..' Any attempt to
rf>rtl!llt tbo nhjtvt of the ronlondinj.t pruti'!1 the
nmo must lioil. !'In one \\ill f'l't:tend that
!trw nny other than J>er-oMI
unc can fail to tM:I't'ei\"c that the gowmor-):'twnJ
conltl bne uu urh objet"t, onrl that bi, ('nnntry
galntol nothing huL au uc.lolitifmul becnrity for llw
of ber """ dominioruo. nrul for the rnuinltn-
IUlOO nltiruat('l), if not 11f gencraiJIC!tlrO-
In thi l:tttt-r the )!ahratta tate bnl an in-
lt'l't.."'t nut iufcriur tn that of Gnont Britain.
did not, indeed, recognizo it; but r!Qts
noll im:tlidntc thP position t.hnt uch wa:, thr fact.
Tb .., who lim h) the Jnactiel' of dlhIICt arli
"ill he .low In nlrnit t.hat tbc) ""uld bt.-coml' hap-
pi<'r n wt'll "' l>ttllr lli<'D h.1 lnntins;: to
"'''"''"'of lifo: lrut th<' tntth i lli>L
lii!ITIIIlT 01' TIIY.
CILU'. xx. inseDsibility to it. So the MBhrattlll;, li' ing by dilt-
turbancc and plund<'r, might b<'lin' and
plunder to be to their wdl-bciug; l.ut i&
'11'111 not thlll< essential becnusc their ditorte<l moral
Yiews led them to it. The arts f inlUSbJ
ad arc rar better instruments of
and Wt'alth tbi\D tbuec of rapine; and he must be
deeJIy imlmed with the Anti-British pf(>juolice iD
to lnolia, wbn t'8n think any wrong \IV ID
llieted UfHlD tbe Mnbmttas b) alt<'mpting Uo brinr
!htm to 110 outward oli!K'n-nnN.', if IIJt to lUI in"-ard
conTiction nf tbe \aluo of tbu of pca!'C and
bontsty. The ;\labrnttal', from th rommcnrcmllll1
of their <Xi"llmee 1111 11 JK'Oplc, hnol J..,N, continually
<mgnged in the <K"Mipntinn rof l' yot they
hd accumulnted no wealth. Evt:'r RI'J'ropriating to
tbemseln'll the proJrty of othl'l'tl, they Wtr e\'el'
In Wlmt. The le.<ooll>l of experience, however. were
J.,.t on these natiTe freebootel"', Ill! they umally liN
on indivilnnl criminAl; and lll't tley mu.t he, not
Jt.,.s, on hiru who ea.n mnintnln ev1n tbc JU>I!IIihility
of the "\labrnttns bn,inJt been inju,.d hy the thange
1rbich it "M tl1e buti<'II'J of Briti-h poliry to in-
lrodnro nmung Litem.
The urn of the thnt hns IICf'n adduced
thi: that tbe C'UUrJt,_ion of tJIO tnoatT Of n..eiD
wa., nnd tlrnt it invulwd no. Tiolat.ioa ol
right or thu wlricb
ally follow1l l'ould nut hnvl' hcen rertalnly foull!-.
thongb th") migltt haw IIC't'IIAJ'f'"'bended: bat tb.t.
b..t tlwy IX'Cu fon.'!IC(>U, they ougbt to ba'c beeD in-
RRITIU QIP!RY. r.< i>tii
curnd. l'tLing nn to tbu ctlnicleratiou 11f lhc cllAl'.
nt'lunl J'e!'WI.s of lht which tusucd. we llml, at
tlmpcriO<]at wt ha\'l'l 1\rrhc.:<l, Seirulia nuclthc
twn the moo olnn)(ln>US oftht \loh-
mttu chicftuin-, of c:uuilcrnblc [t\lt'r :111!1
cluminiou, nntl tlw Iutter, with hiM rlefc>atcd <ullt1tguu
ll ulknr, in from tbe Ilrithh lll'Wl!: tho Pnncb
l"'"'"r ilK etDJ>ei'Ot n">CUcd fnom the
loarul- of theN.\ \lho abu-J the of lai
I"'"""" and uumiunl authority t<a their own Jllrr-
fkl!'l: n .. nl,Ju number ofminorstnteo bnught
frum undt'r 11 rlumiuion aili'CI"C to tln! Hritih gu-
Vt'nlmcnt awl bcnC!lt!a its tlau
Britirlh tcrritnt) ru1t only hut tnm;ttlacll<l
unci r .. ut!el'l'll murc deferuJblt: run! tbc Britih gl-
n.--umiug thnt )>O:.ltiom to 1\hicb lilt' cmn;,"
cof CI'(!J}\;;; bncl lcoug impcllcd il, but from whirh the
IH1J.Ln.,_,ofthoS< hJIIwm it hnli>c.'Clt condudccl bncl
kCJL it l>acl-rllllt of the grt'Dt (rt'llominant I"'''< r
uf ludi.'l. Tloc ni'Cuntpli..mmcnl .. r th.i.'S olti, d wu.
rt'tiC'rYI'ti fr1r tht '!\\nrc)Ui.' \\' t:iJt'lJ(n) flo II hnt
""""' uf hi>l t'<>ulol not nr wuulol nccl
dist!'ru-tlmt tbc llrillih !-'O"'ntUtcnt cuull ruct,
ilher with nr with honour. n &t'<"lUclnr)
pl!U'tl th fitutc f T 111lin-th:.t il mu-t loc
lil"t or nntloing-nncl he hnd lhP vigour nnl lim
:tlilit)' tu ul'l upon th" pet'<'lptiou.
Tilt nuly nttinunl ulti<-clion C\tr taken to his nl-
ministratiuu b on the uf Its U)o('ll"'' llut
tr th <'Xll( 118<' l>c Tirwccl in tnnttcctlou \1 ith 11 hat
\fh rttlticHI. llnl 11111>;1) ul hrillictul nplllfllinll, lout
uurruaY oF Tit&
CHAP. XX. or t10lid ad\"IUitage, it ...;lll>e fhund to he the chcaps
adminiKtration that cv<'r in India. Latterly
the views of the jt(>Wmnr-getll'rnl ""re in ""me de-
gree erunped by tbt unlcrs for n-trenell-
ment from home, Mel to thi drcurntanoe.
.moog otben. it il to be D.:lt'ribed that the '(ll'ridJ
of Seindia did not moot prompt and ignal
It hBII been said tbat the pc>licy or the Marquil
W ..lie. ley "1110 es .. ;ntiaUy pncifir, n111l &uch, in truth,
it '1<88. Uc lilmght to gnt}t<r the o!AtC!! or lodia
unde-r the lltandlll"ll of the llriti.Jt j..'Owrnnwnt., by
wbuw the bc.lance M to be bt>ld. the pru-
and iii-<IipmK'Ii n. ... trainecl. The. "JW!DI
of nbeidiary dirl Dr>t originate "ith him,
bqt be gn.'lltly extendro ita opwntion. On tbU. Jl!tela
lOme oh.enatiom baT<' bc.>en made in a fonner part
of this work, anl tbougb unlnubtroly tbe -YI't-
i. open to it is difficult to eoncl'he by
what othc.-r mrom. in the exi><ting tate of India.
JH'Il<'C nwl order coulrl be I'll clfc-ctunlly mllintained.
ln one of hl dc..-p:stebc, afttr tlw t>Xteut ol
tlu liUbidinry BUf'porltl iu tliOinnt
tht :\f3r1Juis WeiJo.,.ley'"' :-M Till' poontioll,
exttut, nnoi <'IJUipuwut nf military force. eom-
bin.-1 ...;,h tlc rrh ilego \1 hit>b the' Britilih gti1'CI'Il
went po..-'1< of nrhilr.lting tlilf<'rtnces and adu! _,.
bt'l ween thl IIC\"cml "ith which It It
COPIIet'l<d hy tbe oJ.ligatinns Of aiJian, _ .....
British (">WI'r to control the catJ1e1 of thU' interaaJ
1rVfue wbi<'h, durint: 1.00 lonll a tenn ol yMn, ....
BRITilill Elfl'IRI! IS ISDIA. 66!)
tl!'IIOI!ltcd nl!lll) nf the fertile pro,inr''li of CRAP. L'(,
Iurlil}. has n con.-t.Jint tutti hazn.rtlou llllc-
tuati<m of l'""cr IUlloD.!! tin nathe 5U\tei', hn. en-
COIIJ'IU!Cfl a pml11t0ry anrl mllit.'\1)" spirit amnng the
inloahil:lllll, ntttl frmned 411 intxloaustible .core.. for
the tinpply of rnilit.Jiry nd\<'lllnn.'l'l! to join
the l!taodllnl of smy turbulent 1'11 itf'trun for tht> pur-
l"*' of lllllhiliou, plunder, or It rnuy
oo added, that tho indirect llert of prin-
ripk'!lantl nf thought. nrting up<>n nntivt'!l of
inlloence andnuthority thrtmgh the
of the Dritih ,ll'll\'<'mmcnt, fBi! to bt loNte-
8rial. Although lht> denlopcrntut may IJC
" Tbis empir,," Sir John of
thnt of Gnnt llritain in Iodin, " though rni>MI lJy
tho opCTIItion or mu.ny nnd vnrlnus causes, hill! bccu
be coustaoUy Dnlintaincr),
by the swortl. But though wt mu-t. rontinuo to
gonJm as conqutron:, it our luty to make our
rn le a bl:mfit to mnnkintl, anti to carry among
th01t0 whom wt l111ve subdot'fl the blll<!oings of pe11ce,
kuuw!Ngc, llntl irnpnmmll!ul in all tlw of d,;_
liz<l life; nntl ot that lajle which our J"'Wl'r in
lnli:l attainel, Wl' .J.all prohahl) lind the GCt'<>m-
pli-hment or .uch !lD t'il.icr IWd more tonr.luch u
to our authorit) llum nlJ lhu WIU'I! 110d conh;,t in
"hleb n 11nd Dl'ntrnl policy can ever in,ohe
uur ncighhonr<." He adtlo;- Tht:rC 'lmnltl hn,lly
appear to be o greatt>r or mure nohle objt'Ct for tbo
cxercioeuf burn:ut ..-L..Uom, or unc more worthy hf &11
iDIIVIll - ,...
.-MrL the l&tentiM ola pll& llate. &baa thai of ei&IYI!IIj-J
- ... tiDil eelnte...,. thJouib &be l'ltion of l&a
- .. po'INir. 1lllioD llld tnuaquiWty OYer a
'I we par"'..iaD of tlae globe ; ud of brb:lglu;r t1
gatf f I ..... il faad baYOiftd in CODtioaaJ
---.tile b' I ol--7
1irifiilaetlla ... a:cyl4..t ee&ed .. .-bJ
.._.. W ellelley. Oa 1M 1 Jl daul bal&ilil._
wHh Sciudia and the RtJah of a-, be
Collowlng oblenatioDB in reply to a OOIIIj!JS&ail*"
...... r.- the lobabitantl or Calcutta_ .. Ia
t. '!lou ol my 10Jicitude bu
db 1111 to the im ....... t JIIUII!*' of ell'ecltiJW
& mw ,..;don o1 11111a Clil prhoeiplel of
..-IJuRiae ad .W lloa. Tbe power,
&lllp. ad dlpiy ol the Btlthh ..,U. ba
1lill4mml eA.IhimeJ -"9 ad ..... 6oa
, 'IP nt or Pf*8 llllll pocl Older 0'11
Dati.,. .... Ia .. ...,u .. of ........
baferior ..... -:r. periapt. haft pbaecl tAIIIP-J
rarr ..rety by fomenting the dillcord of
powers. In any extn.'lllity urh a policy i1
rantable and dilgnceiUL DOl' can I-'
be secured upon JUCb ,._no.. fo.mdLik-
IIGtual condition of tbia eoapbv. I - ..,.
deolue that &be -nl ol the ee'eN' ted ....
the lntemal ,_or their mpeethe
&he ud heppl.- ol _ ......
.air114 will lellll to
RIUIISil Elli'Jllil IN INDIA. 571
I"'""E't auol of the Drit ih government. :md C:ILU'. xx.
must the ruoc.t olticct' of the
British policy in lmlill."
the prtlCt'lling pngt-8 pwlng tlJmugh
the pn--. the h:md of death rtmo,ed lynnd tht
n-:tt'h of pmi,;c or nm'' the grtJat tlllln
'vhoso policy tlwy nro to llu.tntc. He
hnil snni Hl the tnonl!l in which he Willi llo chiflf
actor.., long, &bat cHn l1is life thu.e event'
ronld bt. with that calm hrirty nf
jutlguwnL "hich di.tnure only cnn OII'<UJ'(!. J lc is now
"ith hi, pre<lece--oro, :mel tho voit'c of
1uhlic gmlituilc, tnnlily but I"'Wcrfnlly
cJCcrletl, upon nn enY unconocioU!! of it ntter-
The of tho nuthor of this work upon
the chit'f fU'til of tht '{nrqui W almini-
hao been gn freely zuul so frcttutntly ox-
1'..._,.1 in tho cour..t. of tho mlrnztivt!, that it cu.n
I!<'IU'Ccly Joe Uec\''<111) to ent<'r at iut
further of lt<'b; nod bntl th" li.fu nf
the revcnl stnlCl!nu\n llcen lmzger spnl'<'tl. the vn-
lwue ruuld ha'l'e cnl<'<l ";th tloc wnrdll nll'c qunttl
fJ'OIIl hims;lf. His tll'llth Fl'l:m to ('ll)l fnr a f.,w
UJ"'u bi" anll though it is n
pninfnl IILk to aiL in juolgoumt u might) 'PiriL
"hid1 h:ul !K'an't'h It fi it. t':lrthh l<'ll<'IOtllt. tho
. .
author '''"-"' not it.
cuu. xx. The morh11llttl brilliancy of the :\fnrquis Wo>lles-
lcy'4 adminhotration ha.., pcrbnl" trnk...t In <Jl><Mtre
tho rare tmilili!$ \\hich 1<1 urr.,.. Tlw tirst
of tb_. IJDAiiti"" \\1L< his I'XInlOrtliuary $:\glldty.
He JIDW the tnll' rwitiou of I be Britlh J!'f>l'('mllll'Ut
in India--n Til!inn witbbl'ld nut only from hi<! pre-
d\'Cll8110nt, but rrom \'lllllt'llllwrnri"' It i rom-
mon to ..ny of tho gro.-at minol wbtl1!e gtnit"
out in hold nlitf alllid unhenoal tL:.t tb!
are !o('yund tht'ir age; nnol if l'll!r thi 11..-ro true
of lh;ust mnn. it j, uf lbu J\ W cUIy. I lit
minl ""ll" not led rnptiw by IH>nl-it not tu
be tl'UIImelhl hy runnntional opinion. Hl uci-
thcr gn "' to tht Jlnnilln;:r cnnl uf hi8
time on the nhjE'I't of I ntlia. nor affi'<'lll tu
cnclenee to It; :UII tbbl ll>nl to the notiC(' uf an-
other mHinjt' f.Oilll of his ehllraettr-lhe ruflllly
bolcllli'O!I with "bich he and mnilltaiul'<l
O(>inionR not light!) fonmd, aut! which ho tb!'rdiml
felt wcru not lightly to bt abftndc.u.d.
The 1igour with which he CIU'riecl into nction tho
grt'&t "hich his i lK'lltt'"l1
remtll'knhlc lbnn bU. sagat'ity. Wlll'll n .. olvcd
to trike a Mow at ..ono, he ww. wet by tlifli-
cultics whkh onlinu.ry miud.. woulol lunc .lt.-ened
in.upcmhlc. llu tlctenniucd thnt they "h<ull be
o1creowt, :uul thl'y were ocreome. Tbe aame
d"h'rmi11ntion of l'WUc Wl!thrinkiug
CD<'f!.'Y am lllllnif""t"l iu his tran.oa.,tioll!l with Arcot.
with Owlt, with tlw Peihwn, nml iruleed in all &be
)rineival of hi' gon-mment. Like all truly
BRlTIStl l:lil'IIIf!' IN LND!A. 573
grcut men, lw wns not the slr1vc uf circumstnnrtfl- CJU.P .xx.
be made pro mot t' ltis J>Urp()!;O!I.
Eminenl arc 11 lolc or 11 c:un,..> alike to
tlwir IUJI lo thu worlol, etconling to the
uo rnnde of tlwru. Those uf tbt Mmtuis W tlle!.-
lty inmrinhly rlirected lu the Wghest tuul bust
pnuuotion of pence, of the inll'l'l'l, of
I Ito two roontrill! with "hid1 he "'liS connN:tccl.
with ODI' by birth and with hoth by nffil't'-nud to
lhc of mnnkind. II" lnid in lmlin the
foundutiollll or tcnco und incnrking prol!fll'rity, nud
if th" roJ>er><tnll'ture wel'l' not tompleted in actonl-
anre with the dl."'i$!'1\. tho crime 1'\.1-ts on
tlw hrods of othero.
It i not le rcmo.rkable thnn h1udable that u mind
kO nud rlctcrminl'll in the I'X(II'Cisc
of nlmo:;t boumllt" lllno heen kept in con-
oubjectinn to the dictates of jru.tice. Tbal he
thus witb.<tood the temptations 11f his po"itiou a
proof of the of moral strength propor-
tinntl to hi., intulltoclunl ebilitJ.
Tu bi.s di>.intlrCJ!tcdne.; it is )of'tbllJl'! lesH
l achcrt, a. the -onlid ,;0004 aro rarely
with gmilli; but the unhappy example or "Clme or
bis tretlec.,..>al'!l jlllttifics .umo 11otire of bi.s purity
iu lhis respect. 'fbey gmspod Rt wealth, ";th little
rognnl to the llll'lll\!.1 hy it wa. to be ncquired.
or tn the imputaliom whlclJ thcJ mi,.rht He
on one extmnnlionry .-i .. n rv<.'Oill!d from tho al'-
of a lnrgl! <:um to Wm under
l'if!'umRtnnc's whioh would, to nu-.t mimiM,
1Uft0&1' OP THB
CRAP. u. appNred to jutify its retl(ipt, lmt 11hich wen; not
IIW!h u roulol l&liBfy tho !!(>Dilivo lwoour wllitb
8\'01" governed him. Tho king, in th<' e.11erritK nf
bill preroptiYe of of prize, had deter-
mined to allot to the u
tleooMwl pounds from the fruitli of the ratturo of
Serluppatam; but the 111yal favour Wll- ol<-di1ll'd,
heala8e he for 'lrbot!e benefit it wu lntenoll'l woulrl
not bint-elf at the exJlt'll!Kl of the hrave
IDI'n who.e hntl wlll for his nml t lwir coun-
try 10 noble a
The f!llnte cl\olk"tiCJ whi<h him to cledino
Son>n.oign's bounty a m:mift-..1<'<1 after hiA rctun
to England, in Ius to act<'tt .. m .. c,
retiCatedly pmoK'<I upon biru, 110 lnug as the
malignant charges nwlc against him were 6Ul'-
twnded over bi8 head. lie ht>ld thnt a mun D!{nint
whom IIW!h imputatioD!I were aft01at ought nt tn
hnvt> plate in his eoundll. When they
ftll to lbt> ground. be reaclily l'<'tume.l to the ser-
vict> of hiK country.
In clr-<'n1>ing th<' cbarnetcn. of I,'Tt.'lll men, th<
8pt'<'k or human infirnlitv, wbich is to be founcl In
all. honld not J,.., J'AI'S<I 0\t>r. Tht' MaNJnis W el-
lt'lllty Wll8 but his ambition l!ongbt p-
tillcation not in mtl'f' pcnonnl nggl"'llldizcment. but
in his own fame with that of the laad
to 11hidt he helongNI, and of the goenlDlcnt which
be admini6ten,.J ; -in the ditrllliion of _.. ..
liberal knnwl<dg'O). 1111d the extealion ot &IMt -
or J.ppillell" among miUiona of - .... bew
nul his pl!r>Hu. untl bC!IIIl! uf thtm r:trtply hi ,fi,IP. xx.
11111110 Thai 1111111" i.., hOI\"1'\t'l', stlliDJ>e<l lir (\'t'l'
1111 their bi-tnry. The llriri,h C:uvmml'nL in ln<lia
Oll1J' pn.<; aWDy-it thrratiun. llli (nr a; human moons
nro cunt'<'mml, will leJ'<'IId nn 1 h in which
1 h" Juliry 11r tht W clltley il' mni lllllin!'tl
nr nllllUJiuurl-buL it tilt<, nr tho lcn!tth
nr it exi..t<>n't, the tuune awl ln!mory .. r tho grt'nt-
, .. , slate-'nuw hy ..-how it ewr nlruinittn'<l nro
._,_0 UP \'OT.t'VIt fit
,.,._.Itt 1. J.,; ras M .. n. a......,_.. ... Wit.
.......... lltll,..... ..



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