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This is a customizable kit based on the works of Marla Cilley

AKA FlyLady. I basically wanted my control journal to fit with

my main lanner size and look well ut to!ether. "lease #isit$ read Marla%s books and join the &ahoo !rou
to really benefit and understand how to FL&.
I ha#e also created 'uick (eference cards for FlyLady%s main
tools that I #alue. If you are a Fly)aby$ then start with the 'uick
(eference cards and Fly)aby a!es. Thousands if not millions of
eole know and lo#e FlyLady and I hoe this can share the lo#e
* +
"lease remember that this is all coyri!hted by
C ,--. FlyLady / Co. Inc
Coyri!ht ,--0 All ri!hts reser#ed1 FlyLady and Comany Inc.
2isit them at
FlyLady Kit 0.1
Before Bed Routine
This template was created with the D*I*Y Planner Widget Kit for !aila"le free at
1. Clean up the house before go to bed. (20 minutes - tops)
#i!ing room$ Pic% up and put awa& things' maga(ines' dishes' clothes' shoes.
Kitchen$ )lean it up' shine sin%' la& out clean dishcloths' and run the dishwasher.
Dining room*entrance$ )lear the hot spots.
Re!iew chec% list to ma%e sure I ha!e not forgotten an&thing.
2.hin! about tomorro". #hat $an % do tonight that "ill ma!e
tomorro" morning easier&
)hec% calendar and*or planner for appointments.
+tart a POD ,Parade of Dail& d!entures- or .To Do. list for tomorrow.
/ather up items needed for tomorrow and place them in a spot "& the door.
+tart Brea%fast$ +et ta"le and plan what I am coo%ing ,0ust ma%e a mental note-.
)roc% pot dinner1 +omething to defrost1
#a& out clothes for tomorrow' %ids2 and mine.
'. Fo$us on yourself before going to bed.
+hower*"ath. "rush teeth' clean face' com" &our hair' ta%e !itamins
)ool down time$ Reflect and 0ournal ,TaDa list' 3ran%lin 4irtues' +harpen Knife
Pra&er and Dail& Psalms
Before Bed Routine in three parts
TaDa List: Accomplishments
Before Bed Routine
This template was created with the D*I*Y Planner Widget Kit for !aila"le free at
Done ?
Before Bed Routine in three parts
TaDa List: Accomplishments
1. Clean up the house before bed. (20 mins - tops)
#i!ing room$ Pic% up and put awa& things' maga(ines' dishes' clothes' shoes.
Kitchen$ )lean it up' shine sin%' la& out clean dishcloths' and run the dishwasher.
Dining room*entrance$ )lear the hot spots.
Re!iew chec% list to ma%e sure I ha!e not forgotten an&thing.
2.Think about tomorrow. What can I do toniht that will
make tomorrow mornin easier!
)hec% calendar and*or planner for appointments.
+tart a POD ,Parade of Dail& d!entures- or .To Do. list for tomorrow.
/ather up items needed for tomorrow and place them in a spot "& the door.
+tart Brea%fast$ +et ta"le and plan what I am coo%ing ,0ust ma%e a mental note-.
)roc% pot dinner1 +omething to defrost1
#a& out clothes for tomorrow' %ids2 and mine.
". #ocus on $ourself before oin to bed.
+hower*"ath. "rush teeth' clean face' com" &our hair' ta%e !itamins
)ool down time$ Reflect and 0ournal ,TaDa list' 3ran%lin 4irtues' +harpen Knife
Pra&er and Dail& Psalms
5orning Routine
This template was created with the D*I*Y Planner Widget Kit for !aila"le free at
1. %ise and &hine
5a%e &our "ed as soon as &ou get out of it ,unless &our D6 is still there-.
/o into the "athroom. +wish the toilet "efore lea!ing.
+hower and clean the "ath tu"*shower while &ou are there.
3i7 &our hair and face.
2. 'itchen
8mpt& the dishwasher.
5a%e coffee and start "rea%fast.
3eed the critters' famil&' and self.
".Think (bout )our *a$
)hec% &our calendar and )hec%"oo% ,"ring down &our "alance-.
5a%e &our list of what &ou are going to do toda& ,POD or To Do #ist-
Thaw something for dinner.
6it the hotspots. If &ou did &our Before Bed Routine there will not "e an&.
+. ,ow Think (bout )ourself
8at "rea%fast ,if &ou ha!en2t alread&-. Ta%e &our !itamins and medications.
+it down for 5orning /I3T$ /od' Imagination' 3ocus' Than%sgi!ing
9ow reward &ourself with some computer time. )hec% &our e:mail.
he morning routine is bro!en do"n into four parts(
.. 3at Lunch
,. 4rink 5ater and eat a healthy snack
6. (eboot laundry
0. 7tart 4inner1 e#en if it is in your head.
8. 9ot 7ot Fire 4rill
:. 7wiffer the floor
;. Feather 4ust.
fternoon Routine
5orning Routine Date
-ome .ornin %outine
/et up and ma%e "ed immediatel&
+hower' fi7 hair and face.
In the "athroom$ +wish and +wipe; pic% up after &ourself.
8at "rea%fast and ta%e !itamins
8mpt& dishwasher
Bless &our heart "& mo!ing; we hate the <8= Word.

/ffice .ornin %outine
)hec% last night>s list of things to remem"er
5a%e coffee' open up classroom
Drin% water and ha!e a health& snac%.
)hec% &our wor% calendar for appointments
he morning routine is bro!en do"n into )ome and *ffi$e(
fternoon Routine
his afternoon routine is bro!en do"n into )ome and *ffi$e(
/ffice (fternoon %outine
)lear off the 6ot +pot on &our des%.
8at lunch and drin% &our water.
)hec% teacher "o7 and email' Return phone calls* emails.
Record class scores and post Tech Points
?pdate wipe "oard for tomorrow
)lean up class @ clear off des% to go home.
Turn off e!er&thing and loc% door.
-ome (fternoon %outine
7tart 4inner1 e#en if it is in your head.
9ot 7ot Fire 4rill
7wiffer the floor
Tools to 3l& B&
Ba"& +teps Ba! Routines
AB 3ling Boogie
C 5inute Room Rescue
"ot Spot #ire Drill
"ot Spot
Ta$e Re%ular Brea$s NOT&S
Don't try to do a full blown routine
the very first day. Pick three things
for the morning and three things for
the evening. After mastering this
you can work up to more.
Starter Before Bed Routine
. !lean kitchen sink.
". #ay out clothes$put clothes away
%. Brush teeth.
Ta%e a gar"age "ag and wal%
through &our home and throw awa&
AB items. Don2t loo% in the "ag' 0ust
throw it outD
9e7t' ta%e an empt& "o7 and
collect AB items to gi!e awa&. s soon
as &ou finish filling the "o7' ta%e it to
the car for donation. You are less
tempted to rescue the items.
hot spot is an area' when left
unattended will graduall& ta%e o!er.
5& fa!orite analog& is of a hot spot in
a forest fire' if left alone' it will
e!entuall& "urn up the whole forest.
This is what happens in our homes. If
left unattended' the hot spot will grow
and ta%e o!er the whole room' ma%ing
the house loo% awful.
What is a hot spot1
Identif& &our 6ot +pots
+et a timer for EC minutes
+tart clearing off a 6ot +pot' ta%ing
e!er&thing to the place it R8##Y
"elongs. Don2t 0ust create a new 6ot
+pot "& mo!ing the pile.
When the timer goes off ta%e a "rea%
+pend 0ust C minutes clearing a path
in &our "orst room. You %now this
area of &our home$ the place &ou
would ne!er allow an&one to see. Fust
C minutes a da& for the ne7t AB da&s
and &ou will ha!e a place that &ou can
"e proud to ta%e an&oneD
Establish small routines first
Consistency is the key to all of
Take your time an! en"oy the
7to for .8 minutes e#ery hour and
take a break. 4urin! this break$ send
.8 minutes sharenin! your a<e.
"rioritize a To 4o List$ lay with
your family$ just rela<$ or drink some
Then !o back to work with a renewed
Wee%l& Plan
'ednesda! Thursda!
#rida! Saturda!
Sunda! NOT&S
)ull*toss old maga(ines.
)hange sheets.
8mpt& all the trash.
4acuum or mop all rooms.
)lean mirrors and doors.
3eather Dust furniture.
I want you to think about the things you need to do every week. Select
which days you want to do these things, put it on your calendar for
next week, and stick to it. Make an appointment with yourself LOL
!ry it for one week. It may surprise you that your week can revolve
around these appointments. !his is what I do. "ith the #asic
"eekly $lan, we decide on a day to do things and stick to it. I
never knew how much this would help my lack of organi%ation.
&nowing that I do my shopping on !hursday, my cleaning on
Monday and my desk day on 'riday allows me the freedom to
schedule things according to the day. "hen you know what the day
is, you know what has to be done. It is another way to be on
W e e k l y H o m e
B l e s s i n g
Free 4ay
Water and fertili(e plants.
+pend EC minutes in the
current (one.
=one / 4esk Time
3rrand 4ay
Plan menus "efore shopping.
5a%e * )hec% grocer& list
Ta%e &our list with &ouD
5a%e onl& E trip. /o to the$
#i"rar&' Post office. e7t
Bu& gifts' cards. misc.
3inish Gone )leaning )hores.
)hec% refrigerator.
Wor% on menus and grocer& list.
Balance chec% "oo%
Write letters *than%:&ou notes.
/et food down from the free(er
Pa& "ills and file papers.
5ail "ills' letters' cards @ film.
)lean out purse @ car.
5end clothes and polish shoes.
Paperwor% and 5isc.
3amil& 3un Da&
Renew Your +pirit
+hine Your +in%
+teps to /et You +in% +hining
H for the first time &ou shine &our sin%.
B8 +?R8 9D RI9+8 W8## B8TW889 8)6 +T8P O3 T68 WYD
E.Ta%e all the dishes out of the sin%.
A. Run some !er& hot water into the sin%. 3ill one side at a time to the rim. Pour a cup of
household "leach into the hot water. #et it sit for E hour. 9ow' pull the plug with a pair of
tongs. If &ou don2t ha!e tongs' then scoop some of the water out of the sin% into the
other sin% and use &our hand to pull the plug ,wear glo!es and don2t get the "leach:
water on &our clothes-.
I. Rinse &our sin% well.
J. ?se some cleanser ,)omet' 0a7' or Ba%ing +oda- and scru" &our sin%. 8nsure &ou
rinse ## of the cleanser from the sin%.
C. Ta%e a sharp edge and clean around the rim of the sin%' 0ust li%e &ou would clean dirt
out from under &our fingernails.
K. )lean around the faucets too. You ma& need an old tooth"rush or dental floss.
B. 9ow' get out &our window cleaner' I use Winde7' and gi!e it a good shine. If &ou still
don2t li%e the wa& it loo%s' then &ou could tr& a light coat of lemon oil or oli!e oil or
e!en some car wa7. Fust %now that the sin% is clean and doesn2t ha!e to "e perfect.
9ow if &ou ha!e a stainless steel sin%' I recommend one e7tra instruction$ after &ou
soa% &our sin%' rinse well' use +O+ pads to scru" it. This will "uff the finish. It will loo%
li%e new.
3T8R 8)6 58# rinse dishes and put them straight into the dishwasher.
8!er& time &ou use the in &our sin%' ta%e &our clean dishtowel and dr& it out. Before &ou
%now it' &ou will "e doing this e!er&time &ou lea!e &our %itchen. The rest of the famil&
will too. 9o more water spots. You will ha!e a clean and shin& sin%.

To insure that &our famil& remem"ers this' put a note in the sin%. It will get their
attention and remind them where to put the dishes. Be patientD The& ha!e ne!er "een
taught either. It is going to ta%e some practice.

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