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Carrie Brown, Ph.D Carrie Brown, Ph.


Assistant Professor
Department of Journalism
University of Memphis
(202) 251-571
'lo%( http())!han%in%ne#sroom&#or*press&!om
+#itter( $"ri,,y!
University of Missouri, PhD, 2008
-!hool of Journalism
.PA /&0
University of Pennsylvania, M.., 200!
Annen"er% -!hool for 0ommuni!ation
.PA 1&2
University of "isconsin#Madison, B.., !$$8
Dou"le Ma3or( Journalism 4 'iolo%i!al Aspe!ts of 0onservation
.PA 1&2
Continuin% Education and &'ill Develo()ent:
5nvesti%ative 6eporters 4 7*itors "atchdo% "or'sho( (2011)&
&cri((s *oward Entre(reneurial +ournalis) ,nstitute at Ari,ona -tate
University (2011)&
8aun!hMemphis)Upstart Memphis -8 *our .aunch (2012)& 5ntensive #ee9en*
startup pro%ram for entrepreneurs&
8aun!hMemphis Business Boost Ca)( (2012)& -eminar on "asi! prin!iples for
Poynter ,nstitute/s Develo(in% a Mo0ile &trate%y &e)inar (2012)&
cade)ic E)(loy)ent:
ssistant (rofessor, University of Me)(his (2002 : present)
Develope*; su!!essfully propose*; an* !urrently mar9et an* mana%e ne#
%ra*uate !erti<!ate pro%ram in entrepreneurial 3ournalism
Develope* an* tea!h t#o ne# !ourses in so!ial me*ia at the %ra*uate an*
un*er%ra*uate levels= !ompletely re#or9e* e>istin% reportin% !lass to intro*u!e
multime*ia elements&
0on*u!t resear!h on !han%in% ne#srooms; *i%ital an* so!ial me*ia; !han%in% s9ill
sets nee*e* "y 3ournalism stu*ents; an* entrepreneurial 3ournalism&
7>tensive professional *i%ital an* so!ial me*ia outrea!h to me*ia professionals
an* 3ournalism a!a*emi!s; in!lu*in% more than 5?00 follo#ers on +#itter alone&
-erve* as *ire!tor of the !ity#i*e hi%h s!hool ne#spaper pro%ram The Teen
Appeal from 2002-2012&
A!a*emi! a*visor an*)or !ommittee mem"er)!hair for 2? %ra*uate stu*ents an*
/? un*er%ra*uates&
1esearch and teachin% assistant, University of Missouri (2005-2002)
Parti!ipate* in the plannin%; e>e!ution; an* evaluation of the 2ew Media,
Endurin% 3alues (ro4ect; a 3oint e@ort "y the Missouri -!hool of Journalism; the
0ommittee of 0on!erne* Journalists; the 6eynol*s 5nstitute; an* three me*ia
partners to *evelop an* test strate%ies for "rin%in% the fun*amental prin!iples of
Auality 3ournalism to life on the Be"&
Bor9e* #ith the ssociated Press Mana%in% Editors ssociation to *esi%n;
!on*u!t an* analy,e a national survey of mana%in% e*itors on !re*i"ility-"uil*in%
a!tions ta9en at their ne#spapers&
Bor9e* #ith professors at the tea!hin% ne#spaper Columbia Missourian to
*evelop an* assess their *i%ital e@orts; #e" !ommentin% poli!y; an* !urri!ulum
Assiste* in the *evelopment of a report for the 2ational 2ews(a(er
ssociation on !onsumer "ehavior an* me*ia use #ith a fo!us on the youn%er
au*ien!e (12-1/)&
+au%ht a %ra*uate !ourse in me*ia ethi!s; a 250-stu*ent le!ture !ourse on
prin!iples in Ameri!an 3ournalism; an* a me*ia #ritin% an* reportin% !ourse&
1esearch and teachin% assistant, University of Pennsylvania (1-2001)
Assiste* Dr& 'ar"ie Celi,er #ith a Pe#-fun*e* stu*y of Auality in*i!ators for
!overa%e of reli%ion an* pu"li! life& +he stu*y o@ere* 3ournalists a set of ne# i*eas
an* pra!ti!es that !oul* help them to "etter !onvey ho# reli%ious perspe!tives
relate to important pu"li! issues&
-erve* as a tea!hin% assistant for 2onver0al Co))unication an* ,ntroduction
to Mass Media 5 &ociety !ourses& .ra*e* e>ams; a*vise* an* tutore* stu*ents;
le* *is!ussion&
Assiste* in the *esi%n an* e>e!ution of a stu*y evaluatin% Be" site priva!y poli!ies
!on*u!te* "y stu*ents for the De*eral 0ommuni!ations 0ommission& 6esults
pu"lishe* in the nnen0er% Pu0lic Policy Center 1e(ort &eries in Mar!h 2001
"y Joseph +uro#( EPriva!y Poli!ies on 0hil*renFs Be"sites( Do +hey Play 'y +he
1elevant Professional E6(erience
ssociate City Editor, Colu)0ia Missourian; (200?)&
Assi%ne* an* e*ite* stories= #or9e* #ith youn% reporters to *evelop "asi! ne#s
reportin% an* #ritin% s9ills&
7ravelin% Curriculu) Pro%ra) Mana%er, Co))ittee of Concerned +ournalists; a
nonpro<t national asso!iation of 3ournalists !ommitte* to stren%thenin% the professionFs
values an* stan*ar*s (2002-2005)
5n*epen*ently !oor*inate* all aspe!ts of a pro%ram o@erin% on-site professional
*evelopment trainin% to ne#spapers of all si,es a!ross the !ountry; in!lu*in% the
Ie# Jor9 +imes; 0hi!a%o +ri"une; -an Dran!is!o 0hroni!le; an* many others&
0ontinuously re<ne* an* up*ate* #or9shop materials to reKe!t !urrent issues of
relevan!e in the 3ournalisti! !ommunity an* soun* tea!hin% pra!ti!es; in!lu*in%
-o!rati! *ialo%ue&
ssociate Editor, CD Pu0lications; a ne#sletter pu"lisher !overin% pu"li! poli!y
*evelopments in Bashin%ton; D0 for nonpro<t or%ani,ation an* %overnment a%en!y
su"s!ri"ers (2001 : 2002)&
Atten*e* 0on%ressional hearin%s; reporte* on le%islative a!tions; an* #rote an*
e*ite* arti!les&
Editorial Board ,nternshi(, Philadel(hia ,n8uirer (2000)
Lr%ani,e* a forum for area !iti,ens an* %overnment oM!ials to *is!uss politi!al
issues; atten*e* e*itorial "oar* meetin%s; an* monitore* rea*er fee*"a!9 to
9nline Political Discussion :rou( Moderator, University of Pennsylvania (2000:
.ui*e* parti!ipants in tal9in% a"out politi!al issues as part of an Annen"er%
resear!h pro3e!t assessin% the potential of the 5nternet to foster pu"li! *ialo%ue
*urin% ele!tions&
1e(orter, Eau Claire .eader#7ele%ra); a *aily ne#spaper in Bis!onsin #ith #hat #as
then a !ir!ulation of appro>imately 12;000 (12-1)&
6eporte* an* #rote har* ne#s an* feature stories for all se!tions of the paper;
from !rime an* !ourts to foo*= "rieKy !overe* the health "eat= !ontri"ute* to a
spe!ial ma%a,ine for #omen rea*ers&
Pu0lications ; 1efereed
'ro#n; 0; Nen*ri!9son; 7& an* 8ittau; J& (201/) OIe# opportunities for *iversity( +#itter;
3ournalists an* tra*itionally un*erserve* !ommunities&H -o!ial Me*ia -tu*ies 1(1)
pp& 1-1?&
.roves; J& an* 'ro#n; 0& (2011)& /0 million pa%e vie#s is not enou%h( An e>amination of
the 0hristian -!ien!e MonitorPs evolution from -7L to en%a%ement& ISOJ 3(2); pp&
'ro#n; 0& (2012)& Memstorm( +#itter as a !ommunity-*riven "rea9in% ne#s tool& ISOJ 2(2)&
pp& 5-12&
.roves; J& an* 'ro#n; 0& (2011)& -toppin% the presses( A lon%itu*inal !ase stu*y of the
0hristian -!ien!e Monitor transition from print *aily to #e" al#ays& ISOJ 1(2) pp& 5-11?&
'ro#n; 0& an* .roves; J& (2010)& Ie# me*ia; en*urin% values( No# three ne#s
or%ani,ations mana%e* !han%e in an a%e of un!ertainty& Electronic News /(1)& pp&
Pu0lications in Pro%ress
'ro#n; 0&; Billis; 7&; an* 5r#in; 6& Drom tail%atin% to +#itter( DansF use of so!ial me*ia at a
%ri*iron mat!hup "et#een t#o histori!ally "la!9 !olle%es&
'ro#n; 0& Ie#sroom 2&0( Lr%ani,ational !ulture an* mana%in% !han%e at a *aily
ne#spaper in the *i%ital a%e&
Pu0lications ; 2on#1efereed
'ro#n; 0& (2011; De!em"er) -tartups nee* to a**ress real nee*s& *arvard<s Nieman
Journalism Lab; http())###&niemanla"&or%)2011)12)startups-nee*-to-a**ress-real-
'ro#n; 0& (2011; June 12)& Memphis "rin%s *iversity to entrepreneurship in 3ournalism
e*u!ation& PBS MediaShift;
'ro#n; 0& (2012; De!em"er 20)& Journalisti! s9ills are still mar9eta"le& *arvard/s
Nieman Journalism Lab; http())###&niemanla"&or%)2012)12)3ournalisti!-s9ills-are-
'ro#n; 0& (2012; Dall)& -tu*ent paper at Memphis <%hts !ensorship& Media Law Notes 41
(1); p& 1&
'ro#n; 0& (2012; June)& Parti!ipatory 3ournalism( A !ase stu*y of emer%en!y ne#s in
Memphis& Convergence Newsletter 5Q (5)&
'ro#n; 0& (2012; April 1)& 'oo9 6evie#( Parti!ipatory Journalism( .uar*in% Lpen .ates at
Lnline Ie#spapers& Journalism: Theory Practice and Criticism 3(1); pp& 122-12&
'ro#n; 0& (2012; Binter)& 'oo9 6evie#( 0han%in% +he Ie#s( +he Dor!es -hapin% Journalism
in Un!ertain +imes&
News!a!er "esearch Journal 11(1); pp& 11?-117&
.roves; J& an* 'ro#n; 0& (2012; Mar!h 12&) A !all for lea*ership( Ie#spaper e>e!s *eserve
the "lame for not !han%in% the !ulture& *arvard/s Nieman Journalism Lab,
"lame-for-not-!han%in%-the-!ulture) =2ote: 7his (ost %ot -,!08 (a%eviews, -:>?
avera%e ti)e on (a%e, @?2A hours of total ti)e, ?08 tweets, !8 Bace0oo'
li'esCshares, !2A .in'ed,n shares and was referenced 0y the #uardian
'ro#n; 0& (2011; De!em"er 1)& +he so!ial me*ia "u""le may "urst; an* more pre*i!tions
for 2012& *arvard/s
Nieman Journalism Lab; http())###&niemanla"&or%)2011)12)!arrie-"ro#n-smith-the-
so!ial-me*ia- "u""le-may-"urst-an*-more-pre*i!tions-for-2012)
.roves; J& an* 'ro#n; 0& (2011; April 20)& 0hasin% pa%evie#s #ith values( No# the 0hristian
-!ien!e Monitor has
a*3uste* to a #e"-<rst; -7LF* #orl*& *arvard/s Nieman Journalism Lab
s!ien!e-monitor- has-a*3uste*-to-a-#e"-<rst-seo*-#orl*)
'ro#n; 0& (January)De"ruary 2010)& 'oo9 6evie#( +he +ruth A"out 7mail Mar9etin%& The
Bridge (2?)1( p%& ?&
Conference Presentations ; 1efereed
'ro#n; 0& (2011)& Ie#sroom 2&0( Lr%ani,ational !ulture an* mana%in% !han%e at a *aily
ne#spaper in the *i%ital a%e& Paper a!!epte* for presentation at the
,nternational Co))unication ssociation !onferen!e in 8on*on; 7n%lan*&
'ro#n; 0&; Billis; 7&; an* 5r#in; 6& (2011)& Drom tail%atin% to +#itter( DansF use of so!ial
me*ia at a %ri*iron mat!hup "et#een t#o histori!ally "la!9 !olle%es& Paper
a!!epte* for presentation at the )erican dvertisin% ssociation
,nternational !onferen!e in Nonolulu; Na#aii&
.roves; J& an* 'ro#n; 0& (2011)& /0 million pa%e vie#s is not enou%h( An e>amination of
the 0hristian -!ien!e MonitorPs evolution from -7L to 7n%a%ement& Paper
a!!epte* for presentation "y the ,nternational &y)(osiu) of 9nline
+ournalis) in Austin; +Q&
E0han%in% ne#srooms( 0ontri"utions from ne#sroom ethno%raphy in the *i%ital a%e&H
(2012)& Propose* panel a!!epte* "y the Ie#spaper an* Lnline Ie#s Division=
serve* as panel mo*erator at the ssociation of Education in +ournalis) and
Mass Co))unication conference in 0hi!a%o; 58&
'ro#n; 0& (2012)& Memstorm( +#itter as a !ommunity-*riven "rea9in% ne#s tool& Paper
a!!epte* for presentation at the ,nternational &y)(osiu) on 9nline
+ournalis) in Austin; +Q& (Note: Acceptance rate was 32 percent)
.roves; J& an* 'ro#n; 0& (2011) O-toppin% the presses( A lon%itu*inal !ase stu*y of the
0hristian -!ien!e Monitor transition Drom print *aily to #e" al#ays&O Paper
a!!epte* for presentation at the Co))unication in the Milleniu) !onferen!e in
-an Die%o; 0A&
'ro#n; 0; Nen*ri!9son; 7& an* 8ittau; J& (2011) OIe# opportunities for *iversity( +#itter;
3ournalists an* tra*itionally un*erserve* !ommunities&H Paper a!!epte* for
presentation at the ,nternational &y)(osiu) on 9nline +ournalis) in Austin;
.roves; J& an* 'ro#n; 0& (2011) O-toppin% the presses( A lon%itu*inal !ase stu*y of the
0hristian -!ien!e Monitor transition Drom print *aily to #e" al#ays&O Paper
a!!epte* for presentation at the ,nternational &y)(osiu) on 9nline
+ournalis) in Austin; +Q&
8ittau; J&; 'ro#n; 0&; Nen*ri!9son; 7& an* Lye*e3i; +& (2010)& E0urate* !reativity( +he
relationship "et#een +#itter use an* "lo% pro*u!tivity&O A!!epte* for presentation
at ssociation for Education in +ournalis) and Mass Co))unication
conference, Denver; 0L&
E'rin%in% in the au*ien!e( -o!ial me*ia an* ne# !onne!tions in ma%a,ines an* the ne#s
!lassroom&O (2010) Propose* panel a!!epte* "y ssociation of Education in
+ournalis) and Mass Co))unication Conference, Denver, C9.
'ro#n; 0& an* .roves; J& (200) Ie# me*ia; en*urin% values( No# three ne#s
or%ani,ations mana%e* !han%e in an a%e of un!ertainty& A!!epte* for presentation
at ssociation for Education in +ournalis) and Mass Co))unication
conference; 'oston; MA&
'ro#n; 0& (2007)& E'ias in the Ie#sroom( Ie#spaper sta@ *es!ri"e the personal;
or%ani,ational an* stru!tural inKuen!es on !overa%e&H A!!epte* for presentation at
the ssociation for Education in +ournalis) and Mass Co))unication
conference, Bashin%ton; D&0&
'ro#n; 0&; +horson; 7& an* Dlemin%; R& (200?)& E+a9in% a!tion on !re*i"ility( Does APM7Fs
0re*i"ility 6oun*ta"le Pro%ram have measura"le e@e!tsGH A!!epte* for
presentation at the ssociation for Education in +ournalis) and Mass
Co))unication, -an Dran!is!o; 0A&

Conference Presentations ; ,nvited
5nvite* panelist; O+ea!hin% entrepreneurial 3ournalism&O ssociation for Education in
+ournalis) and Mass Co))unication !onferen!e; Bashin%ton; D0& (Au%ust
5nvite* panelist& OPresentin% the "est of the "est stu*ent 3ournalism entrepreneurs&O
ssociation for Education in +ournalis) and Mass Co))unication
!onferen!e; Bashin%ton; D0& (Au%ust 2011)&
5nvite* panelist& OParti!ipatory 3ournalism&O ssociation for Education in +ournalis)
and Mass Co))unication !onferen!e; Bashin%ton; D0& (Au%ust 2011)&
-ession !hair; OParti!ipatory 3ournalism( 6eima%inin% the role of au*ien!es an*
3ournalists&O ,nternational Co))unication ssociation !onferen!e in
8on*on; 7n%lan* (June 2011)&
5nvite* panelist; E+he Di%ital 0urators( Din*in% the si%nal in a sea of noise&H ssociation
of Education in +ournalis) and Mass Co))unication conference in
0hi!a%o; 58 (Au%ust 2012)&
5nvite* panelist; EBePll Do it 8ive( 6eal-time 6eportin% Bithout 6e%rets&H ssociation of
Education in +ournalis) and Mass Co))unication conference in 0hi!a%o; 58
(Au%ust 2012)&
5nvite* panelist; O8o!ation; 8o!ation; 8o!ation( Usin% 8o!ation-"ase* -ervi!es to A**
some Mo"ile to your Journalism 0ourseO ssociation of Education in +ournalis)
and Mass Co))unication conference in -t& 8ouis; ML& (Au%ust 2011)&
5nvite* presentation; 'ro#n; 0& an* Arant; D& ODa!e"oo9; +#itter; an* Journalism( Bhat
-o!ial Me*ia Means Dor L"3e!tivity an* Seri<!ation in the Di%ital A%e&O Colle%e
Media dvisers conference, 2ew Eor', 2E (Mar!h 200).
,nvited &(ea'in% En%a%e)ents
Deature* spea9er; E8etFs t#eet a"out it&H 0arpenter Co)(le6 Co))unity Center,
University of Me)(his& Bas as9e* "y a stu*ent)resi*ent assistant to tal9 a"out
so!ial me*ia #ith a %roup of un*er%ra*uate stu*ents& (L!to"er 2011)&
Deature* spea9er; E-o!ial me*ia( BhatFs ne#; #ho is usin% it; an* #hy&H Mem!his
Commercial $!!eal% -po9e to a"out 15 e*itors an* reporters at reAuest of the
e>e!utive e*itor; (April 2011)&
Deature* spea9er; O+appin% into so!ial me*ia&O &ociety of Professional +ournalists
!onferen!e; University of Mississippi (April 2011)&
5nvite* fa!ilitator; .unch "ith a .eader& University of Memphis cele0ration of
"o)en/s *istory Month& (Mar!h 2011)&
Deature* spea9er; ET-o!ialJ( Journalists an* +#itter&H Mee' &chool of +ournalis) and
2ew Media at the University of Mississi((i; (L!to"er 2012)&
5nvite* spea9er; O7*u!ation session on so!ial me*ia&O Phi Fa((a l(ha Braternity
(Au%ust 2012)&
Deature* spea9er; Ie#s 2&0( No# -o!ial Me*ia 4 Di%ital +e!hnolo%ies Are 0han%in%
Me*ia 5nstitutions 4 No# Be 0ommuni!ate& "o)en<s 1esearch Boru),
University of Me)(his& (Iovem"er 2011)
5nvite* panelist; O+he state of ne#sroom innovation&O )erican &ociety of 2ews(a(er
Editors. (Iovem"er 2011)&
Deature* spea9er)*is!ussion lea*er; O-torytellin% for the Mission&O 2on(roGt
.eadershi( Colla0orative of the Midsouth Ball "or'sho(. (Iovem"er 2011)&
Deature* spea9er; E.oin% -o!ial( +he Po#er of Ie# Me*ia an* Jour 0areer&H 0areer an*
"usiness *evelopment event sponsore* "y 2ational ssociation of Multi#
Ethnicity and 2ational ssociation of Blac' +ournalists at University of
Me)(his. (-eptem"er 2011)&
Be"inar lea*er; E.oin% 'eyon* Da!e"oo9( +ea!hin% -o!ial Me*ia in the 0lassroom&H
)erican dvertisin% Bederation. (Mar!h 2011)&
Deature* spea9er; the Fi(lin%er Pro%ra) in Pu0lic Hairs +ournalis) at 9hio &tate
University; the <rst so!ial me*ia fello#ship for 3ournalists in the nation& Dello#s
!ame from top ne#srooms aroun* the #orl*; in!lu*in%( +he Bashin%ton Post; ?0
Minutes; Drontline; U-A +o*ay; 8os An%eles +imes; IP6; +he Ryiv Post; 0hi!a%o
+ri"une; 7l +iempo an* many more& (Mar!h 2011)&
5nvite* Panelist; EBomen in the Ie#sroom( 'urne* Lut an* De* Up;H hoste* "y
2ews(a(er 1esearch +ournal and the ssociation for Education in
+ournalis) and Mass Co))unication& (January 2010)
5nvite* Panelist; E-o!ial Me*ia an* 8o!al Journalism;H 'ro#n 'a% 8un!h& Me)(his
&ocial Media Clu0. (2010)&
5nvite* Panelist; O7>tra; 7>tra; +#eet All A"out 5t;H hoste* "y the University of 9re%on&
A fe# of the other panelists( 6yan +ea%ue 'e!9#ith; *eputy e*itor at Congressorg=
Mathe# 5n%ram; then !ommunities e*itor at the Toronto !lo"e an# $ail= 'rian
-telter; reporter #ho !overs television; *i%ital me*ia an* more at The New %or&
Ti'es& (Dall 200)&
Deature* spea9er an* #ritin% !oa!h; 7een ((eal Ca)(. Aroun* 70 Memphis 0ity
-!hools stu*ents !ome to !ampus for one #ee9 ea!h summer to learn the
fun*amentals of 3ournalism& Dun*e* "y -!ripps No#ar* Doun*ation an* the 8ionel
8in*er Dun*& (2002-present)
-pea9er; OMana%in% 0han%e -ummit;O hoste* "y Co))ittee of Concerned
+ournalists and 1eynolds +ournalis) ,nstitute; hel* in Bashin%ton; D0&
Atten*ees in!lu*e* senior e*itors an* top e>e!utives from the Ie# Jor9 +imes;
Politi!o; Ameri!an Pu"li! Me*ia; .atehouse Me*ia; an* many others& (2002)&
-pea9er)panelist; Curtis B. *urley &y)(osiu), EIe# Me*ia; 7n*urin% Salues;H
Iational Press 0lu" event; Bashin%ton; D&0& (L!to"er 2007)&
Courses 7au%ht
+A!00 Entre(reneurial +ournalis) and Media Mana%e)ent , University of
Me)(his (2012- present)
5ntro*u!in% stu*ents to the s9ills an* 9no#le*%e they nee* to not only potentially
start their o#n me*ia-relate* "usinesses; "ut also to "rin% entrepreneurial;
innovative thin9in% into le%a!y or%ani,ations& Lver the !ourse of the semester;
stu*ents #or9 in %roups to *evelop "usiness plans an* investor pit!hes&
Parti!ipate* in a su"stantial revampin% of this !ourse; #hi!h use* to fo!us only on
me*ia mana%ement&
+A200 &ocial Media 7heory and Practice, University of Me)(his (2011-present)
Develope* this ne# %ra*uate !ourse e>plorin% the latest resear!h an* theory on
so!ial me*ia& -tu*ents pra!ti!e applyin% their 9no#le*%e in the use of "lo%s;
+#itter; DoursAuare; an* a host of other servi!es an* tools&
+-$!0 &ocial Media Practices, University of Me)(his (2011-present)
Develope* this ne# un*er%ra*uate !ourse intro*u!in% stu*ents to the "asi!s of
usin% so!ial me*ia in strate%i! #ays as reporters; pu"li! relations or a*vertisin%
professionals& Nelps them *evelop an un*erstan*in% of the many !han%es ro!9in%
the me*ia lan*s!ape an* "uil* the s9ills they #ill nee* in to*ayFs me*ia !areers&
+A0>0 Mass Co))unication 7heory; University of Me)(his, (2002-present)
.ra*uate seminar !ourse intro*u!es stu*ents to important theories in 3ournalism
an* mass !ommuni!ation& -tu*ents !on*u!t a literature revie# an* rea* many
!lassi! an* !ontemporary arti!les in the <el*&
+?!20 1e(ortin%; University of Me)(his, (200-2011)
0ourse helps stu*ents hone intervie#in%; reportin%; #ritin% an* multime*ia s9ills;
#ith a spe!ial emphasis on *evelopin% an a"ility to report in multiple me*ia forms;
from "lo%%in% to vi*eo to more tra*itional te>t& -tu*ents also learn to
!omprehensively !over a "eat; "uil* sour!es an* *evelop au*ien!e& -u"stantially
retoole* this !ourse; #hi!h *i* not previously feature multime*ia elements&
+2!2! Media "ritin%; University of Me)(his, (2002-200)
5ntro*u!e* stu*ents to the "asi!s of ne#s #ritin% an* reportin%&
+2!00 2ews, University of Missouri (-ummer 2007)
5ntro*u!e* stu*ents to the "asi!s of ne#s #ritin% an* reportin% for print; television;
an* online me*ia&
+!!00 Princi(les of )erican +ournalis), University of Missouri (-prin% 2007)
+his intro*u!tory; 215-stu*ent le!ture !ourse for freshmen an* sophomores
!overe* the elements of 3ournalism; the !urrent state of the ne#s in*ustry; me*ia
la#; an* ethi!s&
+8080 Mass Media Ethics, University of Missouri (Dall 200?)
+his masterFs level online !ourse emphasi,e* ethi!al theory an* its appli!ation to
me*ia or%ani,ations&
dvisin%C&tudent Co))ittee "or'
Be%innin% (rocess Joelle Pittman (Committee Chair)= 6ussell 8una (0ommittee
Mem"er)= 6a!hel Bilhite (Committee Chair)= 0alvin 0arter (Committee Chair)=
John -tevenson (Committee Chair)= 8auren +urner (Committee Chair); 7rin
Der%us (0ommittee Mem"er)&
ndrea .e7ard (5n Pro%ress)& 8o!als in the 0ity( 0reatin% a 'usiness Plan throu%h
0ustomer Dis!overy for a -o!ial Me*ia +ravel Be"site& Co''ittee $e'"er
*en%en, Charly. (5n Pro%ress)& A 0oast .uar* 6e!ruitin% LM!e an* -o!ial Me*ia(
Da!e"oo9 0ontent Analysis& Committee Chair%
DeMuro, 1o0ert. (5n Pro%ress&) Thesis Nealthy 8ivin% 'lo%%ers an* the Ie>us
'et#een Journalism; Nealth 0are an* 7thi!s& Committee Chair%
very, Pa). (2011) (ro)essional (ro*ect +he 0ommunity Ie#s Be"site(
Bill Nyperlo!al Bor9 in Narris 0ounty; .eor%iaG Committee Chair%
7ano, +anine. (2011)& 5s Pu"lishin% the Difth EPH of Mar9etin%G Bhy Mar9eters
Iee* Journalisti! -9ills to "e -u!!essful& Committee Chair%
Perry, Elle. (2011)& (ro)essional (ro*ect Be" +ools an* +a!ti!s( A .ui*e for -mall
Ionpro<t Lr%ani,ations& Committee Chair%
Bloc', Brittney. (2011)& Thesis Mo"ile Appli!ations an* A*vertisin%( -!an vs&
-ha,am& Co''ittee $e'"er
*uchton, *ayley. (2011)& (ro)essional (ro*ect 1?5 Days of -o!ial Me*ia( Analysis
of the -o!ial Me*ia -trate%ies Use* "y Ii!he Print Ma%a,ines& Co''ittee $e'"er
Per'ins, Brian (2011)& Thesis 0onKi!t of 5nterests( No# Bi9ilea9s Dor!es a
Bith*ra#in% of the 'attle 8ines 'et#een the Dirst Amen*ment an* Iational
-e!urity& Co''ittee $e'"er
Clar', &ha'ia (2012)& (ro)essional (ro*ect 'usiness Plan( Soi!e-A!tivate*
0hil*renFs 'oo9 Appli!ation
Committee Chair%
&adler, +ennifer (2012)& (ro)essional (ro*ect -o!ial 6e!ruitment( No# to Use the
5nternet to Din* to .reat 7mployment& Committee Chair%
7owler, Chandra. (2012)& (ro)essional (ro*ect -omethin% Ll*; -omethin% Ie#(
An Analysis of No# to Use -o!ial Me*ia to Mar9et a 'usiness in the Be**in%
5n*ustry. Committee Chair%
Cochran, da). (2011)& (ro)essional (ro*ect Usin% the Nyperlo!al Pro3e!t as a
+ea!hin% +ool& Co''ittee $e'"er
.ynch, .isa. (2011)& (ro)essional (ro*ect Developin% the Playhouse on the -Auare
Au*ien!e( A**ressin% 'arriers to Arts 7vents Atten*an!e& Co''ittee $e'"er
Brittany McManus (2011)& (ro)essional (ro*ect 'aptist Memorial Nealth 0are
A -o!ial Me*ia Poli!y& Co''ittee $e'"er
:wynn Bradley (2011) Thesis& +opi!s of 5nterest( A 0ontent Analysis of 8o!al an*
Iational 7*itorial 0artoon +hemes& Co''ittee $e'"er
Donna &udderth (2011) (ro)essional (ro*ect .ra*uate 0ourse in -o!ial Me*ia(
Preparin% University of Memphis -tu*ents for the 0han%in% 8an*s!ape of
Journalism an* Pu"li! 6elations& Committee Chair%
2ilse Burtado (2011)& Thesis 0omparin% -o!ial Me*ia 7@e!ts in 'ra,il vs& the
Unite* -tates( +he -hift of 5nterpersonal 6elationships in the 21st
0entury& Co''ittee $e'"er
&hannon .ittle (2011)& (ro)essional (ro*ect 6e*evelopin% Lverton -Auare( A
0ommunity A#areness 0ampai%n for Memphis Nerita%e& O+tsi#e Co''ittee
$e'"er (0ommuni!ation Department)&
Fathleen Bo6 (2011)& (ro)essional (ro*ect A 0ontent Analysis of +he 0ommer!ial
Appeal -ports -e!tion& Co''ittee $e'"er
Brittany BitI(atric'. (2011)& (ro)essional pro*ect Ie# #e"site for the 2011 'est
in 'la!9 A#ar*s& Co''ittee $e'"er
:uy Ca)(0ell (2010) Thesis& 0orporate 'ran*in% as a Doun*ation for -u!!essful
5nternal 0ommuni!ations( Applyin% Pu"li! 6elations +heory to the A*van!ement of
5nternal 0ommuni!ations& Committee Chair%
&arah Bolton (2010) (ro)essional (ro*ect -ustaina"ility an* -o!ial Me*ia( A
Iatural 0onne!tion& Committee Chair.
)y Dun0ar (2010) Thesis Dire!t Au*ien!e -e%mentation for 7ner%y
0onservation Usin% U- Metho*& Committee Chair%
Meet in*ivi*ually #ith ea!h stu*ent at least t#i!e annually to a*vise them on
reAuire* !ourses an* professional an* personal *evelopment&
dvisees, (2002-present)( Am"er 'lair; 8ouis .o%%ans; Jalysa -immons; Mar9 Pa!ini;
-arah Sala*ie; A*am Dou%las ; DominiAue Billiams; -tefanie +aylor; Destini Johnson;
8a.erra Billiams; Jessi!a Pi!9ett ;0rystal 6ussell; Ii!ole Narris; Jamar Bhitesi*e;
7li,a"eth 0ooper; -ha*ell -el*on; -ara Narrison; Relsey .illiam ; 0ollins Peeples; Mi!9y
Piet9ie#i!,; 7llyahnna Batts-Nall; 'riana .oo*e; 7*%ar Mulrooney; Mi!hael 8an*er; Joey
Ra!hel; 7van Da#s; 8ee Bat9ins; Mar%aret Pera; Jeral* Narris; Jasmine Morton; Ale>a
Rin*er; Dru!illa +hompson; Roli!ia 'as9in; Ar9eshia Iorman; -amuel Pra%er; Joshua
0annon; 6aven M!0lain; Mi!hael -imonetti; Nannah -mith ; -amantha 7s%ro; 0orey
0armi!hael; Joshua 'ol*en; 0ol"y Prin!e; Ii!olas 0o>; Ale> 'ri%%s; Anna 'at!helor;
+ristan M!Ren,ie; Nannah 'ailey; 6ay"ourne Johnson; 'o""y -o*en; Ja!o" Boloshin;
Dylan 'ro#n; Ale> .illespie J7otal: >-K
Baculty )entorChonor<s thesis advisor, +aylor -mith& In progress
wards and *onors
Iame* to Journalism De%ree&or%Fs Best in L+ournalis) .ist (De"ruary 201/)&
Iame* to "ho<s "ho in Me)(his 7witter "y lo!al alt-#ee9ly The $e'phis ,l-er
7o( 1esearch Pa(er ward, 5nternational -ymposium on Lnline Journalism (2011)&
Bellowshi(; 0ity University of Ie# Jor9& Bor9in% on a pro3e!t to e>amine the s9ills
3ournalists of to*ay an* the future nee*& (2011 : present)
Binner; lu)ni ssociation Distin%uished 7eachin% ward; 2011& A university-#i*e
Iominee; 7ho)as ". Bri%%s Boundation E6cellence in 7eachin% ward& (2011 an*
Dello#ship; &cri((s *oward Entre(reneurial +ournalis) ,nstitute at Ari,ona -tate
University& (January 2011)&
Iame* one of the Es)artest (eo(le in 4ournalis)H "y Narvar*Fs Nie'an .a"
(De!em"er 2012 an* 2011)&
Iame* to 7o( !00 Most 7ech &avvy Professors of 20!2 list "y 'est Lnline
Universities 880& (2012)&
-!holarship a#ar* #inner to atten* Poynter ,nstitute/s Develo(in% a Mo0ile
&trate%y &e)inar& (Mar!h 2012)&
)erican &ociety of 2ews Editors J&2EK &cholarshi( (2012)& Iominate* "y
Co''ercial Appeal e>e!utive e*itor 0hris Pe!9&
Iominee; lu)ni ssociation Distin%uished dvisin% ward& (2010)
Rappa +au Alpha 3ournalism honors so!iety (in*u!te* 2002)
Phi 'eta Rappa (in*u!te* 17)
Phi Rappa Phi (in*u!te* 17)
University of Bis!onsin DeanFs 8ist for seven semesters (1/-12)
University of Bis!onsin Ma*ison -!hool of Journalism -!holarship (17-12)
Bis!onsin A!a*emi! 7>!ellen!e -!holarship (full tuition) (1/-12)
6o"ert 0& 'yr* Nonors -!holarship (1/-12)&
:rants warded
&cri((s *oward Boundation, MA!,>00Cyear for 7een ((eal, !ity#i*e hi%h s!hool
ne#spaper pro%ram& Brote annual %rant rene#al proposals; a*minister fun*s;
se!ure* in!rease from V70;000 to V71;500 in 2010& (2002-2012)
.oo'in% 9ut Boundation; M!000 for esta"lishin% the &afeNone (ro%ra) an*
provi*in% materials for trainin% sessions& +his pro%ram esta"lishes a visi"le
volunteer net#or9 to support !ampus 8.'+ !ommunity& Brote su!!essful %rant
proposal; a*minister fun*s& (2011)&
,ndustry &ervice
Da!ilitator; Lnline Ie#s Asso!iation *0amp Mo"ile; University of Iorth 0arolina; 0hapel
Nill& Joine* lea*ers from Ameri!aFs top ne#s or%ani,ations; from 0II to the Ie#
Jor9 +imes; in lea*in% a *esi%n thin9in% #or9shop to *evelop ne# mo"ile ne#s
pro*u!ts& (De"ruary 201/)&
6esear!h A*visory .roup; )erican Press ,nstitute. Iame* one of a Esele!t %roup of
thou%ht lea*ersH helpin% to Efor%e ne# partnerships an* !olla"oration an* to
a!!elerate the level of 9no#le*%e an* innovation in ne#srooms an* ne#s
!ompanies; #hile at the same time raisin% the level of appli!ation of s!holarly
resear!h&H (2011-present)
-o!ial)*i%ital me*ia professional outrea!h& Ln a *aily "asis; this involves sharin% results
of resear!h; up*ates on the !urrent state an* future of the ne#s "usiness; an*
resour!es for tea!hin% on a "lo%; 7he Chan%in% 2ewsroo); an* a host of other
so!ial me*ia sites; in!lu*in% Bace0oo', 7witter, Pinterest; ,nsta%ra), Blic'r,
Delicious, :oo%leO, Bours8uare, and )ore& +he au*ien!e for this e@ort
in!lu*es more than 5/00 +#itter follo#ers; amon% them lea*in% a!a*emi! thin9ers
su!h as Jay 6osen from Ie# Jor9 University an* ma3or me*ia 3ournalism
pra!titioners li9e Davi* 0arr of the Ie# Jor9 +imes an* Ratie 0ouri!; as #ell as
3ournalism stu*ents an* fa!ulty from aroun* the %lo"e& Bhile this form of
pu"li!ation is not peer-revie#e*; sharin% resear!h an* i*eas enhan!es the impa!t
of a!a*emi! #or9; an* prompts *is!ussion an* the *issemination of 9no#le*%e&
&a)(le Chan%in% 2ewsroo) 0lo% (osts:
'ro#n; 0& (2012)& +o# 6eport +a9ea#ays( EPro!ee* Until Apprehen*e*H
'ro#n; 0& (2012)& +#itter L@ers Ie#s Lr%s Lpportunity to 6ea!h Diverse;
Un*erserve* 0ommunities
'ro#n; 0& (2011)& 'oots on the .roun*( -tu*ents as 8o!al Ie#s -our!es
Monthly !ontri"utor; Carnival of +ournalis). 7a!h month; a "roa* ran%e of s!holars
an* 3ournalism pra!titioners #rote essays in response to a Auestion or prompt; le*
"y Davi* 0ohn; then of Spot/s; no# of Circa& 7a!h entry #as summari,e* in a
monthly roun*-up an* #i*ely share*; fa!ilitatin% a "roa* e>!han%e of i*eas "oth
#ithin an* outsi*e the a!a*emi! !ommunity (2011-2012)
Ju*%e; Central &tates Cha(ter of the &ociety of )erican 7ravel "riters contest
sponsore* "y the Pea"o*y Notel; Memphis (2007)&
Britin% !oa!h)instru!tor; 1eynolds *i%h &chool +ournalis) ,nstitute trainin%
pro%ram for hi%h s!hool 3ournalism tea!hers; sponsore* "y Ameri!an -o!iety of
Ie#s 7*itors an* 6eynol*s 5nstitute& (July 2007)
, have 0een 8uoted or )y wor' has 0een )entioned in the followin%
0ar1ar# 2+siness 3e1iew; $asha"le (a site for *i%ital; so!ial me*ia an* te!hnolo%y
ne#s); the Iational -ports Journalism 0enter at 5n*iana University; Nie'an .a"; a
pro3e!t of the Iieman Doun*ation at Narvar* University; 4ansas Cit- Star; 6eynol*s
Journalism 5nstitute; Cali)ornia 5atch (a pro3e!t for the 0enter of 5nvesti%ative
6eportin%); Ie#s 0hannel 1 in Memphis; $e'phis 2+siness Jo+rnal; The 6ail-
0el's'an; Poynter (the nationFs most presti%ious 3ournalism trainin%
or%ani,ation); $e#ia!a7er (a top a%%re%ator of me*ia ne#s an* analysis); (2S
$e#iaShi)t (site sponsore* "y national pu"li! television !overin% ho# ne# me*ia
are !han%in% so!iety an* !ulture); $e'phis Sport $aga7ine; 0enter for 5nnovation
in 0olle%e Me*ia; +he Almi%hty 8in9 (site authore* "y Revin -a"lan of the Orange
Co+nt- 3egister); 'eat'lo%%in%&or% (aMliate* #ith Ie# Jor9 UniversityFs Arthur 8&
0arter Journalism 5nstitute); B670-AM 6a*io; The Co''ercial Appeal; Lnline
University &ervice
lu)ni ssociation 7eachin% ward &election Co))ittee (2011-present)&
"ritin% ,nstructor search co))ittee (-prin% 201/)
Entre(reneurial +ournalis) CertiGcate Coordinator (2011-present)& Develope*
an* su!!essfully propose* a ne# %ra*uate !erti<!ate pro%ram in partnership #ith
lo!al a!!elerator -tart&0o& Pro%ram #as approve* in April 2011 an* laun!hes fall
2011& Bill mana%e all aspe!ts of mar9etin% an* a*visin% stu*ents throu%h the
Me)0er, University of Me)(his Entre(reneurshi( E6(loratory Co))ittee
(2011-present)& Provost is loo9in% at #ays to e>pan* entrepreneurship a!ross !olle%es
an* *epartments throu%hout the university; an* this %roup #ill e>plore options to
a!hieve that %oal&
7een ((eal coordinator search co))ittee (2011)&
&ocial )edia wor'in% %rou( )e)0er (2012- present)& A %roup forme* to
!oor*inate; *is!uss; an* improve university-#i*e e@orts to inte%rate so!ial me*ia into
the !urri!ulum&
Broadcast faculty search co))ittee (2012)&
Boundin% e6ecutive co))ittee )e)0er, &afeNone (2011-present)& Bor9in% #ith
net#or9 of fa!ulty; stu*ents an* sta@ a!ross !ampus to esta"lish volunteer net#or9 in
support of !ampus 8.'+ !ommunity& +he University of Memphis #as the last of its 12
peer institutions to esta"lish this pro%ram; #hi!h trains volunteers to help 8.'+
fa!ulty; sta@ an* stu*ents an* refer them to relevant resour!es& 5 also serve as a
volunteer an* have re!eive* the trainin%&
Professional Develo()ent Co))ittee (2011-2012)& Be #or9e* on *evelopin%
ne# pro%rams that en!oura%e* stu*ents to parti!ipate in more opportunities for
mentorin% "y the lo!al professional !ommunity an* other events on !ampus *esi%ne*
to "roa*en an* improve their s9ills&
"e0site 5 &ocial Media Co))ittee; University of Memphis (2010-present)& 5
maintain the *epartmentFs Da!e"oo9 pa%e an* +#itter fee*; postin% a"out stu*ent
an* fa!ulty a!!omplishments; 3o" an* internship opportunities; 3ournalism-relate*
!ampus events; an* other ne#s an* resour!es for stu*ents& +his reAuires a fairly
si%ni<!ant investment of time an* e@ort&
Pualitative CertiGcate dvisory Co))ittee (2010-2011)& Assiste* fa!ulty
mem"ers in the Department of 0ounselin%; 7*u!ational Psy!holo%y an* 6esear!h in
the *evelopment of a ne# university-#i*e pro%ram that #ill train stu*ents in
ethno%raphi! o"servation; intervie#in%; an* a host of other a*van!e* Aualitative
metho*olo%y te!hniAues&
Baculty ,n(ut Co))ittee; (200-2010)& +his !ommittee assists the fa!ulty senate
an* the university in the assessment of fa!ulty opinions an* priorities throu%h the
!reation an* analysis of surveys&
,nternshi(CPlace)ent Co))ittee; University of Memphis (2010-present)& Be #or9
to help stu*ents <n* an* prepare for 3o"s an* internships "y maintainin% listin%s;
o@erin% resume an* intervie# preparation; an* more&
*ardin Chair &earch Co))ittee; University of Memphis (-prin% 2010)&
Curriculu) Co))ittee, (200 : present)&
2ews Curriculu) &u0co))ittee Chair; University of Memphis (200-2011)& 5 le* a
!omplete overhaul of the *epartmentFs ne#s !urri!ulum that #ent into e@e!t in fall of
2011& +he ne# !urri!ulum emphasi,es a variety of ne# multime*ia s9ills stu*ents
no# reAuire #hile maintainin% a stron% emphasis on !ore #ritin% an* reportin% s9ills&
+his overhaul reAuire* !onsi*era"le "a!9%roun* resear!h; "rainstormin%; preparation
of #ritten materials; an* numerous meetin%s&
1ecruit)ent Co))ittee; (0hair( 2002 : 200= Mem"er( 200-2010)& Lr%ani,e* an*
atten*e* a variety of events to re!ruit ne# stu*ents an* promote the *epartment&
Paper revie#er; ssociation for Education in +ournalis) and Mass
Co))unication &outheast Conference; (201/)
Paper revie#er; Di%ital +ournalis) (2011)
Paper revie#er; Co))unication 5 &ociety 3ournal (2012-present)&
'oo9 revie#er; 96ford University Press (2012)&
7*itorial "oar* mem"er an* paper revie#er; Co))unity +ournalis) 4ournal (2011-
Paper revie#er; 2ew Media 5 &ociety 3ournal (2011)&
Ju*%e; Best of "e0 20!0 wards; Asso!iation for 7*u!ation in Journalism an* Mass
0ommuni!ation (-prin% 2010)
Paper 6evie#er; +ournal of Ma%aIine 5 2ew Media 1esearch (200-present)
Paper 6evie#er; 2ews(a(er Division; Asso!iation for 7*u!ation in Journalism an*
Mass 0ommuni!ation (-prin% 200)
1esearch dvisory :rou(, )erican Press ,nstitute (2011-present)& Iame* one
of a Esele!t %roup of thou%ht lea*ersH #or9in% to fa!ilitate "etter national outrea!h
from the a!a*emy to ma3or ne#s or%ani,ations&
A*visor; 7een ((eal; !ity-#i*e hi%h s!hool ne#spaper pro%ram (2012-present)&
Mentor pro%ram !oor*inator an* sta@ mem"ers&
Monthly !ontri"utor; Carnival of +ournalis) (2011-2012) 7a!h month; a "roa* ran%e
of s!holars an* 3ournalism pra!titioners #rote essays in response to a Auestion or
prompt; le* "y Davi* 0ohn; then of -pot&Us; no# of 0ir!a& 7a!h entry #as summari,e*
in a monthly roun*-up an* #i*ely share*; fa!ilitatin% a "roa* e>!han%e of i*eas "oth
#ithin an* outsi*e the a!a*emi! !ommunity&
Director, 7een ((eal. J2008#20!2K 0ity-#i*e hi%h s!hool ne#spaper fun*e* "y
the -!ripps No#ar* Doun*ation an* pro*u!e* in partnership #ith the University of
Memphis; Memphis 0ity -!hools an* +he Co''ercial Appeal& +his su!!essful pro%ram
tea!hes stu*ents the "asi!s of 3ournalism ; an* many of our alums have %one on to
!areers in the ne#s in*ustry; helpin% to in!rease *iversity in ne#srooms nation#i*e&
As the hea* of this pro%ram; 5 mana%e* all relations #ith the -!ripps No#ar*
Doun*ation; #ritin% *etaile* reports t#i!e annually; tra!9in% all of our alumni; an*
han*lin% paper#or9 throu%h the university %rants a!!ountin% oM!e& 5 also mana%e*
the pro%ramFs !oor*inator an* assistant !oor*inator; line e*ite* the paper ea!h
month; assiste* in the mentorin% an* #or9e* on the *evelopment of a ne# #e"site&
Un*er my lea*ership the pro%ram 3oine* the 5nters!holasti! Lnline Ie#s Iet#or9 an*
parti!ipate* in the 6eynol*s Ni%h -!hool Journalism pro%ram& 5 also help or%ani,e;
atten*; present material at; an* serve as a #ritin% !oa!h for our #ee9lon% 3ournalism
!amp for +een Appeal sta@ ea!h summer& 5 steppe* *o#n in 2012 in or*er to *evelop
the ne# entrepreneurial 3ournalism pro%ram; "ut 5 am still involve* on a #ee9ly "asis
#ith the pro%ram&
&cri((s ,nternshi( Place)ent Coordinator; University of Memphis (-prin% 200-
present)& 7a!h year 5 han*le !onsi*era"le paper#or9 involve* in helpin% our stu*ents
se!ure internships #ith The Co''ercial Appeal& 5 also e*it the stu*entsF resumes an*
!over letters an* assist them in preparin% for intervie#s&
5nformal !onsultin%; Co))ercial ((eal& L!!asionally meet #ith *i%ital !ontent
e*itors; assi%nment e*itors an* reporters a"out #e")so!ial me*ia e@orts& (2010-
Ju*%e; Central &tates Cha(ter of the &ociety of )erican 7ravel "riters
contest sponsore* "y Pea"o*y Notel; Memphis (-prin%; 2010)&
"ritin% CoachC,nstructor; 1eynolds *i%h &chool +ournalis) ,nstitute trainin%
pro%ram for hi%h s!hool 3ournalism tea!hers; sponsore* "y Ameri!an -o!iety of Ie#s
7*itors an* 6eynol*s 5nstitute (July 2007)& 0olum"ia; ML&
Professional Me)0ershi(s
5nvesti%ative 6eporters an* 7*itors (2011-present)
5nternational 0ommuni!ation Asso!iation (2011-present)
Asso!iation for 7*u!ation in Journalism an* Mass 0ommuni!ation (Mar!h 200? : present)
Ie#spaper an* Lnline Ie#s Division (200?-present)
0ommittee of 0on!erne* Journalists; (2001-present)
C7,3,7,E& 5 ,27E1E&7&
$e'"er8 Bis!onsin Alumni Asso!iation; (L!to"er 2001-present)&
$e'"er; Memphis 6unnin% an* +ra!9 0lu" (2010- present)
9ol+nteer8 'olton 6efu%e Nouse (1:::)8 a shelter for vi!tims of *omesti! violen!e
Ans#ere* telephone !risis line an* assiste* in other tas9s su!h as !hil* !are&
5nterests( Distan!e runnin%; Pa!9er foot"all; travel; yo%a; "eer

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