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Six Million Homicides Annually in America, Undetected and Unpunished: New Book

AGESM A!"#SM $y %udy Hanna

Chalfant Eckert Publishing Company's new book release AGEISM ACTIISM by !u"y #anna is the
only book that e$poses the sheer magnitu"e of who is mur"ering people age %& an" ol"er in
America' how they are getting away with it' an" how to stop the epi"emic(
&allas, "', %uly (), *(+, -- AGEISM ACTIVISM: Deadly Secrets Revealed That Could Save
Your Life, is a critical uide, a! eyeo"e!er that ar#s every $a$y $oo#er a!d se!ior citi%e!, over
&'' #illio! of the#, (ith the esse!tial facts to )ee" the#selves safe fro# har# i! A#erica (here
o!e i! three se!iors is a victi#*
There is fear a#o! health care "rofessio!als a!d la( e!force#e!t that the u!+i!vestiated deaths
of "eo"le over the ae of ,' is a -uiet e"ide#ic of .ray ho#icides. oi! u!detected a!d
u!"u!ished /01R I!vestiatio!2* 3hat if your hus$a!d, (ife, "are!ts, or ra!d"are!ts could have
lived years lo!er4 3hat if so#eo!e or so#ethi! actually caused those deaths a!d !o o!e )!e( or
eve! sus"ected it4 These are -uestio!s author a!d e5"ert research a!alyst 6udy 7a!!a e5"lored to
u!cover that #illio!s of A#erica!s do!8t actually die of old ae or !atural causes, $ut at the ha!ds
of fello( A#erica!s*
7a!!a said, .The societal culture i! A#erica to o"e!ly e!ae i! aeis#, disres"ect a!d
discri#i!atio! aai!st se!ior citi%e!s $ecause of their ae is si##eri! to a $oili! "oi!t to(ard a
civil rihts revolutio!*. 9ver a s"a! of t(e!ty years i! $roadcast a!d "ri!t #edia, 7a!!a (as
a""roached ofte! (ith chilli! stories a$out se!ior citi%e!s (ho (ere violated i! hos"itals, care
facilities, i!de"e!de!t livi! facilities, i! their o(! ho#es, a!d $y those i! (ho# they "laced trust*
Gover!#e!t ae!cies aree there is a "ressi! !eed for "u$lic a(are!ess a!d "reve!tio!* 7a!!a8s
a(are!ess a!d "reve!tio! strateies focus o! the diverse ty"es of cri#es aai!st $a$y $oo#ers a!d
se!ior citi%e!s (ith critical i!for#atio! that (ill alert a!d (ar! a$out the da!ers, reco!itio! of
si!s, the civil rihts that are violated, ho( :ustice ca! $e served, a!d ho( to avoid $ei!
Se!iors (ill read a$out victi#s (hose #or!i! coffee, :uice, IVs, or #il) sha)es served $y !urses
a!d careivers (ere laced (ith da!erous drus that haste! death* These "oiso!i!s ha""e!ed
secretly (ithout "atie!t co!se!t or a!y #edical dia!osis* The Cri#i!al 6ustice Syste# i! so#e
states has se!t ad#i!istrators, doctors, !urses, "har#acists, a!d aides to "riso! for the illeal act of
usi! drus to co!trol a!d sile!ce se!ior citi%e!s* I! o!e case, the chare (as referred to as, .assault
(ith a deadly (ea"o! + the (ea"o!: Ris"erdal*.
I! the course of her research, 7a!!a discovered a horrific "atter! across A#erica (here o!e i! four
se!ior citi%e!s is sca##ed, #urdered, $eate!, over#edicated ver$ally, "hysically, #e!tally,
fi!a!cially, a!d, se5ually a$used* The #istreat#e!t of Se!ior Citi%e!s i! A#erica is a crisis that
ca!!ot $e overloo)ed* The violatio!s are occurri! i! every co##u!ity i! the !atio!, a!d, !ot o! a
s#all scale* .It8s !o (o!der,. 7a!!a said, .that so#e se!iors $elieve they (ould $e treated $etter if
they could o to "riso! (here they (ould $e uara!teed three s-uare #eals a day, #edical atte!tio!,
access to a y#, li$rary, i!ter!et, a!d ;<+hour security*.
Aeis# Activis# is availa$le i! "a"er$ac), =i!dle, a!d 0oo) at A#a%o!, >ar!es a!d 0o$le, a!d
all #a:or $oo)sellers*
Dr* =itty >ic)ford
&';? S* >isho" Ave!ue, De"t* &@?
Rolla, Missouri, ,A<'&

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