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H ouses w ithout H eating System s

20 low energy terrace houses in G teborg

T h e b u ild in g s have been designed to provide a pleasant indoor envi-
ronment with minimum energy use. The courtyard facade towardsthe
south haslarge windowsto make full use of solar heat. Balconiesand
projecting eaves provide protection against excessive solar radiation
during the summer. Owing to the terrace construction with housesof
11 m depth, there are few external walls, and these are exceptionally
well insulated and airtight. The roof window above the staircase gives
light in the middle of the house, and isalso used for effective ventila-
tion in the summer.
H e a tin g
Supply air isheated by the exhaust air in a heat exchanger. The rest of
the heat requirement iscovered by heat from the occupants, applian-
cesand lighting. The heat from occupantsisequal to an energy incre-
ment of ca 1200 kWh/year. Heat gainsfrom lighting, fridge, freezer,
cooker and other appliancescome to about 2900 kWh/year, provided
that the most energy efficient appliances available in the market are
used. A part of thisisuseful to heat the building. The houseshave been
designed for normal climatic conditions. Low outdoor temperatures
over extended periodsare rare and are regarded extreme. In such cases
the indoor temperature may drop by a degree or two.
H o t wa te r su p p ly
Solar collectorsof 5 m
per house are estimated to provide the energy
for half the hot water requirement. The 500 l storage tank isequipp-
ped with an electric immersion heater to cover the rest of the require-
Ve n tila tio n
The ventilation system consistsof a supply and exhaust air unit
with a counterflow heat exchanger which provides 85% heat
recovery. In the summer the heat exchanger can be turned off and
the house ventilated with only exhaust air and open windows.
E x te rn a l wa ll:
U value: 0.10 W/m
Framed construction with 43 cm
R o o f:
U value: 0.08 W/m
Masonitebeamswith 48 cm
F lo o r:
U value: 0.09 W/m
Concreteslab laid on 25 cm
Win d o ws:
U value: 0.85 W/m
Threepanewindowswith two
metallic coatsand krypton fill.
Energy transmittance43%.
Light transmittance63%.
E x te rn a l d o o r:
U value: 0.80 W/m
I n a n e n viro n m e n t o f g re a t n a tu ra l b e a u ty a t L in d s, 2 0 k m
so u th o f G te b o rg , th e c ity o wn e d c o m p a n y E g n a h e m s-
b o la g e t h a s b u ilt 2 0 te rra c e h o u se s in wh ic h a tra d itio n a l
h e a tin g syste m h a s b e e n re p la c e d b y a h e a t e x c h a n g e r in
c o m b in a tio n with a n e x c e p tio n a lly we ll in su la te d c o n stru c -
tio n . S o la r c o lle c to rs o n th e ro o f p ro vid e h a lf th e e n e rg y
n e e d e d fo r th e su p p ly o f h o t wa te r. T h e te rra c e h o u se s
we re d e sig n e d b y th e a rc h ite c tu ra l p ra c tic e E F E M a rk i-
te k tk o n to r, a n d a re th e re su lt o f a re se a rc h p ro je c t e x te n -
d in g o ve r m a n y ye a rs, c a rrie d o u t in c o o p e ra tio n with
C h a lm e rs U n ive rsity o f Te c h n o lo g y, th e S we d ish C o u n c il
fo r B u ild in g R e se a rc h F o rm a s) , L u n d U n ive rsity, a n d th e
S we d ish N a tio n a l Te stin g a n d R e se a rc h I n stitu te .
tthet = airtightness- oms/h = ach
T h e h o u se s are neither more nor less complicated to live in than
ordinary houses. Obviously, a house without a heating system
demandsthat those who live in it modify their behaviour, but mostly
it isa matter of using their common sense. If it iscold outside, they do
not open the windows to create a through draft. If it is warm and
sunny, they lower the blindsor the awningsoutside the southerly win-
C o sts
Building costsare estimated to be normal. The extra measuresin the
form of greater airtightnessand insulation, adaptation to "passive solar
heating" and heat recovery in the ventilation are paid for by the much
lower costsof the heating system and the savingsin energy costs.
Illustrations: HansGrnlund, EFEM
E stim a te d e n e rg y u se in a n o rm a l ye a r: H o u se h o ld e le c tric ity 2900 kWh
H o t wa te r 1500 kWh (50% of 3000 kWh, rest provided
by solar collector)
E le c tric ity fo r se rvic e s, fa n s, p u m p s e tc 1000 kWh
To ta l 5 4 0 0 k Wh
S e m in a rs
The regular seminars about different research areas, attended by the
playersand experts, were an important part of thiscollaboration.
R e se a rc h a re a s
S we d ish N a tio n a l Te stin g a n d R e se a rc h I n stitu te S P hasdrawn up
the specificationsfor the functionsand propertiesof the building, and
was responsible for measurements and evaluations. Its staff also took
part in the research into heat exchangers.
B u ild in g P h ysic s a t C h a lm e rs U n ive rsity o f Te c h n o lo g y C T H has
studied the feasibility of preheating air in a buried pipe, and took part
in designing the foundation insulation.
E n e rg y a n d B u ild in g D e sig n E B D ) a t L u n d U n ive rsity LT H perfor-
med computer simulationsof indoor climate and researched into issu-
es such as thermal bridges, properties of windows, the need of solar
control, and into ventilation systems, heat exchangersand energy effi-
cient electrical appliances.
T h e p la ye rs in th e p ro je c t " H o u se s with o u t h e a tin g syste m s"
Client: Egnahemsbolaget
Contractor: PEAB
Architect: EFEM arkitektkontor, Gteborg
Constructional engineer: J&W, Gteborg
HVAC consultant:
Bengt Dahlgren AB, Gteborg
Electrical servicesconsultant:
Probeko, Gteborg
Site worksconsultant:
Landskapsgruppen, Gteborg
T h o se in c h a rg e o f th e d iffe re n t a re a s o f th e re se a rc h p ro je c t:
Project manager: HansEek,
EFEM arkitektkontor, Gteborg
EBD LTH: Maria Wall
Building PhysicsCTH: Carl-Erik Hagentoft and Fredrik Sthl
SP: Svein Ruud and Leif Lundin
efem arkitektkontor

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