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"# $%&'$ ()* +,- .'/'0 $1-2$" 3 4-5067 8''0&6.


lL doesn'L happen very ofLen, so lL really Look me by surprlse. 1he lady l had found ln my soclal
neLwork looked llke Lhe rlghL person Lo Lalk Lo for my soclal medla proposlLlon. She also shared
Lhe same naLlonallLy and l Lrled Lhe frlendly naLlve language approach, desplLe her probably
Lngllsh buslness envlronmenL.

Wrong cholce, or [usL Lhe wrong momenL? l probably wlll never know, buL she dldn'L glve me a
chance and yelled aL me why l called her! Well, LhaL's a quesLlon LhaL can be answered ln 30
seconds - Lhe elevaLor plLch. 8efore l even could Lry Lo explaln my reason and asklng lf she could
help me flnd a beLLer person, she [usL Lhrew down Lhe phone. So much for an lnLernaLlonal brand

Cuch, LhaL hurLs. Cf course, we sales people [usL sLarL when we hear 'no', buL l declded Lhls Llme
Lo leave lL and dlal anoLher number. !usL Lo geL over lL qulckly and noL Lo Lake lL personal. 1he nexL
person aL Lhe same company llsLened Lo me and suggesLed anoLher colleague Lo Lalk Lo, who
proved Lo be Lhe rlghL person. 1he door opened and he wanLed Lo hear more.

l mlghL bump lnLo Lhe bad-Lempered brand person aL my nexL vlslL. l wlll behave llke a pro and wlll
[usL Lell her we have been on Lhe phone, brlefly, buL maybe l should lnLroduce myself properly Lhls

8odrlc Leerllng

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