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... through Bertha Dudde

Intercession for souls in the beyond.... I.
I repeatedly ephasi!e that people still li"e in too uch dar#ness
and that therefore a light shall be #indled for the. But uch is
described as light $hich is ore li#ely to intensify the dar#ness. For
decepti"e lights eerge fro %y ad"ersary and are transitted to
people by spiritual po$ers $ho ha"e no authority to teach but $ho
e&press thesel"es $here contacts to the spiritual $orld are
established $hich can be inter"ened by iature spirits' because
the conditions that guarantee the transission of pure truth do not
yet e&ist....
%y ad"ersary $ill al$ays ai not to lose his follo$ers' and
therefore he $ill try to pre"ent people fro lo"ing acti"ity of any
#ind. First and foreost he $ill try to stop the souls fro lea"ing
the abyss' fro coing out of the dar#ness into the light of day.
(hus he $ill do $hate"er it ta#es in order to pre"ent the souls
being released fro the abyss' if they entered the #ingdo of the
beyond still not ha"ing found faith in )esus *hrist.
+uch souls can only be helped through lo"ing intercession because
this eans certain rescue fro the fall into the abyss' fro the
$orst dar#ness.... But this is $hat he $ants to pre"ent people to
do' since lo"ing intercession is the only eans to strengthen the
$ill of these unfortunate souls' so that they becoe recepti"e to
the teachings gi"en to the in the #ingdo of the beyond by
spiritual guides....
,ll unredeeed souls lac# the strength to ipro"e their situation.
(hey depend on lo"ing intercession by people $hich in turn gi"es
the strength $ithout any #ind of obligation.... -o being $ill be
able to resist lo"e fore"er' and that is $hat the ad"ersary $ants to
If a huan being $illingly accepts to be taught by the spirit $ithin
hiself' he $ill al$ays recei"e truthful clarification.... But if the
$or#ing of the spirit in the huan being is .uestionable' if he does
not recei"e #no$ledge fro %e directly but fro beings in the
spiritual #ingdo $hich he cannot control hiself' he should be
cautious and seriously scrutinise $hether the iparted teachings
correspond to truth.... For then he can easily becoe +atan/s
helper if he spreads spiritual #no$ledge $hich contradicts the truth.
It is easily "erified if a person uses lo"e as a guideline....
Does it corresponds to %y lo"e and $isdo to deny help to an
unhappy being0
Would I allo$ a being' $hich is longing for redeption and light' to
reain iprisoned by +atan/s cla$s0
Only the being/s $ill decides $hether it accepts help' but help $ill
ne"er be denied' +atan $ill ne"er be granted this po$er' for I $ill
ne"er conden but only e"er try to rescue the souls fro the
abyss. ,nd this sal"ation.... if the soul itself is too $ea#.... can only
ta#e place by eans of strength of lo"e $hich is iparted to poor
souls by people or by the beings of light....
,nd lo"ing intercession by soeone on earth has the effect of
strength $hich benefits the soul and fortifies its $ill.... but the $ill
of the soul $ill be coplied $ith.
(he fact that %y act of +al"ation is continued in the #ingdo of the
beyond has its foundation in %y iense lo"e for all %y li"ing
creations.... (ie and again I $ill help the fallen beings to ascend'
although I respect their free $ill.
, person/s lo"e on earth for such unredeeed' unhappy souls is a
flo$ of strength $hich touches the souls and can stiulate their $ill
to accept the instructions $hich they are also able to recei"e in the
spiritual #ingdo' pro"iding the at first $ith a faint light $hich
$ill increase in proportion to their $illingness of accepting
%y lo"e has no end' it also applies to these souls' and I $ill ne"er
allo$ the ad"ersary to stop the $hen they loo# for the path to the
light.... +o I continually entrust these souls to people that they ay
reeber the in silent intercession and truly' no soul will be
lost who is remembered in loving intercession.
1reaching people the futility of intercession for souls in the beyond
is a truly satanic doctrine. (his teaching cannot ha"e originated
fro Me since it is copletely contrary to %y plan of +al"ation'
$hich includes the #ingdo of the beyond' and e"eryone on earth
can participate siply through lo"ing intercession....
(ie and again I say to you that you could redee all inhabitants
of hell by "irtue of intercession.... For %y ad"ersary is po$erless in
the face of lo"e' lo"e $ill sei!e fro his hands e"ery soul he $ould
li#e to #eep capti"e.... *opared to lo"e he has no strength' and
thus he $ants to stop people fro acting $ith lo"e by lying to you
huans about the effecti"eness of your lo"ing intercession. ,nd he
finds $illing people $ho accept such error and eagerly endorse it as
,nd if these people $ould consider that their doctrines totally
contradict %y love and wisdom' they $ould soon realise their
error thesel"es' for I $ill al$ays try to redee and ne"er
conden the souls. ,nd e"ery huan being $ho is $illing to lo"e
$ill support %e in this act of +al"ation so that I' for the sa#e of
their lo"e' can besto$ strength and yet do not act in opposition to
the la$ of eternal order....
Intercession for souls in the beyond .... II.
Reply to the doctrine that only 2.ualified3 praying
en are entitled to pray for souls ....
I $ill only e"er e&plain the Gospel of lo"e to you' because you $ill
achie"e your tas# in earthly life $hen you accept this Gospel'
$hen you fulfil the coandents of lo"e for God and your
fello$ huan beings. 4ence you need only e"er as# yoursel"es
$hether your thoughts' $ords and conduct correspond to %y
coandents of lo"e. But only the lo"e $hich is #indled deep
$ithin your heart $ill be re.uired' for I cannot be satisfied $ith
ere $ords and gestures ....
,nd thus all labours of lo"e ha"e to be done unselfishly' since the
e&pectation of re$ard diinishes lo"e' and then the deeds $ill
erely be "alued by $orldly standards.
(he innerost feeling of $anting to help and to bring happiness
$ill al$ays be decisi"e. When I as# you to li"e a life of lo"e I
ean selfless' gi"ing lo"e' only this $ill result in your aturity.
But this pure' di"ine' selfless lo"e unites you $ith %e' and
$hate"er you as# of %e in this lo"e for your neighbour $ill be
gi"en to hi' be it an easing of earthly hardship or the
con"eyance of spiritual "alues .... 5our lo"e for your neighbour
$ill al$ays accoplish it.
1rayers $ithout lo"e' $hich are spo#en by the outh but do
not arise fro the botto of your heart .... ight 6ust as $ell not
ha"e been spo#en' for they do not reach %y ear and therefore
cannot be ans$ered either.
But since the actual the purpose of earthly life is to do $or#s of
lo"e' I $ill not stop preaching lo"e either. I $ill only e"er assign
the labourers in %y "ineyard to spread the Gospel of lo"e' to
appeal to e"ery huan heart and stiulate it into selfless acti"ity
of lo"e ....
(hat I $ill never pre"ent a person fro doing a #ind deed ....
goes $ithout saying. It only atters that he is li"ely and
propted by lo"e' because I ignore foralities since they are
$orthless for a person3s soul. (hus I %yself shall assess the
huan being3s $ill' and only I #no$ $hether or not his heart is
in"ol"ed in e"erything he thin#s' says or does.
5ou huans should al$ays 6ust preach lo"e' but you ay ne"er
pre"ent people fro doing #ind deeds .... $hich also include the
prayer for the deceased ....
For do you #no$ the degree of aturity of those $ho pray0 ....
,nd do you not cause doubts in people you caution about such
prayers0 Do you belie"e that they can 6udge for thesel"es
$hether their prayers are heard by %e0 .... Do you also $ant to
stop those fro praying $ho are $orried about their deceased
and $ould li#e to help the or they $ould not be praying in the
first place0 ....
5ou $ill cast doubts into their hearts' because a huble person is
not con"inced of his aturity' and only that should .ualify hi to
pray for those souls ..... ,nd $ho can clai to ha"e such a
profound basis of faith that only his prayers are "aluable0
)udging a prayer3s "alue should be left to %e alone' because I
e"en "alue e"ery soul3s $ill to help' and truly' I $ill shield every
praying person fro %y ad"ersary3s po$er.
Only epty lip7prayers are $orthless' but such praying en are
still sub6ect to %y ad"ersary3s po$er or their faith $ould be ali"e
and their prayer $ould coe fro their hearts.
(hus you should not $arn against prayers for the deceased'
because it is not true that a praying person becoes sub6ect to
%y ad"ersary due to his prayer. , prayer 6ust cannot be
ans$ered by %e if it is erely "oiced by the outh. ,nd such
prayers $ill truly not sa"e the souls fro the ad"ersary .... (hese
praying people need not fear his re"enge because they do not
ta#e any souls fro hi.
8et %e tell you that I only $ant to correct your thin#ing $hich
becae isguided' because you did not get such teaching
aterial fro %e' as it contradicts the truth $hich I send to earth
for a light to shine in the dar#ness $hich $as spread across
huanity by %y opponent.
Where"er a spar# of lo"e is #indled the huan being dra$s
nearer to %e' and only such a spar# of lo"e $ill propt a huan
being to pray for souls in the beyond ..... ,nd a person li#e that is
not $ithout faith or he $ould deny all continuation of life after
death and ne"er for$ard a prayer for the souls ....
1ublished by friends of ne$ re"elations of God 9Inforation'
do$nload of all translated re"elations' thee7boo#lets at:


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