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Table of Contents

1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 4
2 About GATE ......................................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Financial Assistance ...................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Employment .................................................................................................................................. 5
2.3 Administration .............................................................................................................................. 5
3 Basic Features of GATE 2015 .............................................................................................................. 6
3.1 General Information on GATE 2015 ............................................................................................ 6
3.2 Important Dates related to GATE 2015 ....7
4 Pre-Examination Related Information .................................................................................................. 7
4.1 Eligibility for GATE 2015 ............................................................................................................ 7
4.2 GATE Papers ................................................................................................................................ 9
4.3 Zone-Wise List of Cities in which GATE 2015 will be held ........................................................ 9
4.4 How to Apply .............................................................................................................................. 11
4.4.1 GATE Online Application Processing System (GOAPS)................................................... 11
4.4.2 Filling in Application Online .............................................................................................. 12 Supporting Documents 14 Eligibility Documents 14 SC/ST/PwD Certificate 14 Certificate from Principal 14
4.4.3 Application Fee Payment Options ...................................................................................... 14 Online Net-banking Payment Details 15 Online Net Banking Payment Procedure 15
4.4.4 Photograph and Signature Requirements ............................................................................ 16 Photograph Requirements 16 Sample Photographs 18
2 Signature Specifications 20
4.5 Admit Card .................................................................................................................................. 20
5 Examination Related Information ....................................................................................................... 20
5.1 Structure of GATE 2015 ............................................................................................................. 20
5.1.1 General Aptitude Questions ................................................................................................ 21
5.1.2 XE Paper ............................................................................................................................. 21
5.1.3 XL Paper ............................................................................................................................. 22
5.2 Duration and Examination Type ................................................................................................. 22
5.3 Pattern of Question Papers and Marking Schemes ..................................................................... 22
5.3.1 Pattern of Question Papers 22
5.4 Marking Scheme ......................................................................................................................... 24
5.4.1 General Aptitude (GA) Questions ....................................................................................... 24
5.4.2 Question Papers Other than GG, XE and XL ..................................................................... 24
5.4.3 GG (Geology and Geophysics) Paper ................................................................................. 24
5.4.4 XE Paper (Engineering Sciences) ....................................................................................... 25
5.4.5 XL Paper (Life Sciences) .................................................................................................... 25
5.4.6 Note on Negative Marking for Wrong Answers 25
5.5 GATE Syllabi .............................................................................................................................. 26
5.5.1 General Aptitude (GA): Common to All Papers in Engineering ........................................ 26
5.5.2 Aerospace Engineering (AE) .............................................................................................. 28
5.5.3 Agricultural Engineering (AG) ........................................................................................... 29
5.5.4 Architecture and Planning (AR) ......................................................................................... 31
5.5.5 Biotechnology (BT) ............................................................................................................ 33
5.5.6 Civil Engineering (CE) ....................................................................................................... 35
5.5.7 Chemical Engineering (CH) ................................................................................................ 37
5.5.8 Computer Science and Information Technology (CS) ........................................................ 38
5.5.9 Chemistry (CY) ................................................................................................................... 40
5.5.10 Electronics and Communication Engineering (EC) ............................................................ 42
5.5.11 Electrical Engineering (EE) .............................................................................................. 433
5.5.12 Ecology and Evolution (EY) 45
5.5.13 Geology and Geophysics (GG) ......................................................................................... 466
5.5.14 Instrumentation Engineering (IN) ....................................................................................... 48
5.5.15 Mathematics (MA) .............................................................................................................. 50
5.5.16 Mechanical Engineering (ME) ............................................................................................ 51
5.5.17 Mining Engineering (MN) .................................................................................................. 53
5.5.18 Metallurgical Engineering (MT) ......................................................................................... 55
5.5.19 Physics (PH) ........................................................................................................................ 56
5.5.20 Production and Industrial Engineering (PI) ........................................................................ 57
5.5.21 Textile Engineering and Fibre Science (TF) ....................................................................... 60
5.5.22 Engineering Sciences (XE) ................................................................................................. 62
5.5.23 Life Sciences (XL) .............................................................................................................. 68
6 Post-Examination Related Information ............................................................................................... 73
6.1 GATE Score ................................................................................................................................ 73
6.2 GATE 2015 Results .................................................................................................................... 74
6.3 GATE 2015 Score Card .............................................................................................................. 74
7 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) ................................................................................................... 75
7.1 Application Process..................................................................................................................... 75
7.2 Admit Card .................................................................................................................................. 77
7.3 GATE 2015 Examination ............................................................................................................ 78
8 Contact Us ........................................................................................................................................... 79
9 Appendix A ......................................................................................................................................... 80
9.1 Authorities Empowered to Issue Certificates (SC/ST) ............................................................... 80
9.2 PwD (Person with Disabilities) Category: .................................................................................. 81
10 Appendix B: Qualifying Disciplines ................................................................................................... 82

1. Introduction
Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is an all Inuia examination that
piimaiily tests the compiehensive unueistanuing of the canuiuate in vaiious
unueigiauuate subjects in EngineeiingTechnologyAichitectuie anu postgiauuate
level subjects in Science. The uATE scoie of a canuiuate ieflects a ielative peifoimance
level in a paiticulai subject in the exam acioss seveial yeais. The scoie is useu foi
aumissions to postgiauuate piogiams (e.g., N.E., N.Tech, uiiect Ph.B.) in Inuian
institutes of highei euucation with financial assistance pioviueu by NBRB anu othei
uoveinment agencies. The scoie may also be useu by Public anu Piivate Sectoi
0nueitakings foi employment scieening puiposes.
The infoimation in this biochuie is mainly categoiizeu into PreExamination
(Eligibility, Application submission, Examination Centeis, etc.), Examination(Syllabus,
Pattein, NaiksScoie, Nouel Question Papeis, etc.) & PostExamination (Answeis,
Results, Scoiecaiu, etc.) sections.
2. About GATE
The Inuian Institute of Science (IISc) anu seven Inuian Institutes of Technology (IITs at
Bombay, Belhi, uuwahati, Kanpui, Khaiagpui, Nauias anu Rooikee) jointly auministei
the conuuct of uATE. The opeiations ielateu to uATE in each of the 8 zones aie
manageu by a zonal uATE 0ffice at the IITs oi IISc. The 0iganizing Institute (0I) is
iesponsible foi the enutoenu piocess anu cooiuination amongst the auministeiing
Institutes. The 0iganizing Institute foi GATE2015 is IITKanpur.
2.1. Financial Assistance
A valiu uATE scoie is essential foi obtaining financial assistance uuiing Nasteis
piogiams anu uiiect Boctoial piogiams in EngineeiingTechnologyAichitectuie,
anu Boctoial piogiams in ielevant bianches of Science in Institutes suppoiteu by
the NBRB oi othei uoveinment agencies. As pei the uiiectives of the NBRB, the
following pioceuuie is to be auopteu foi aumission to the postgiauuate piogiams
(Nasteis anu Boctoial) with NBRB scholaishipassistantship. Bepenuing upon the
noims auopteu by a specific institute oi uepaitment of the Institute, a canuiuate
may be aumitteu uiiectly into a couise baseu on hishei peifoimance in uATE only
or baseu on hishei peifoimance in uATE and an aumission testinteiview
conuucteu by the uepaitment to which heshe has applieu and/or the canuiuates
acauemic iecoiu. If the canuiuate is to be selecteu thiough testinteiview foi post
giauuate piogiams, a minimum of 7u% weightage will be given to the peifoimance
in uATE anu the iemaining Su% weightage will be given to the canuiuates
peifoimance in testinteiview anuoi acauemic iecoiu, as pei NBRB guiuelines.
The aumitting institutes coulu howevei piesciibe a minimum passing peicentage of
maiks in the testinteiview. Some collegesinstitutes specify uATE qualification as
the manuatoiy iequiiement even foi aumission without NBRB
To avail of the financial assistance (scholaiship), the canuiuate must fiist secuie
aumission to a piogiam in these Institutes, by a pioceuuie that coulu vaiy fiom
institute to institute. Qualification in uATE is also a minimum iequiiement to apply
foi vaiious fellowships awaiueu by many uoveinment oiganizations. Canuiuates
aie auviseu to seek complete uetails of aumission pioceuuies anu availability of
NBRB scholaishipassistantship fiom the conceineu aumitting institution. The
ciiteiia foi postgiauuate aumission with scholaishipassistantship coulu be
uiffeient foi uiffeient institutions. The management of the postgiauuate
scholaishipassistantship is also the iesponsibility of the aumitting institution.
Similaily, ieseivation of seats unuei uiffeient categoiies is as pei the policies anu
noims pievailing at the aumitting institution anu uoveinment of Inuia iules. GATE
offices will not entertain any enquiry about admission, reservation of seats and/or
2.2 Employment
Seveial public sectoi unueitaking have, in the past, useu uATE scoies foi scieening
foi pioviuing a salaiieu employment. A select few such oiganizations aie: Inuian 0il
Coipoiation Limiteu, National Theimal Powei Coipoiation, Powei uiiu Inuia, etc.
Note: uATE auministiation is not iesponsible foi employment oppoitunities. The
qualifieu canuiuates must check newspapeis anu othei ieliable souices foi any such
2.3 Administration
uATE is auministeieu anu conuucteu jointly by the Inuian Institute of Science (IISc)
anu seven Inuian Institutes of Technology (IITs) on behalf of the National
Cooiuination Boaiu (NCB)uATE, Bepaitment of Bighei Euucation, Ninistiy of
Buman Resouice Bevelopment (NBRB), uoveinment of Inuia. The uATE committee,
which compiises of iepiesentatives fiom these auministeiing institutes, is the sole
authoiity foi iegulating the examination anu ueclaiing the iesults.
uATE is conuucteu thiough the collaboiation of eight zones. The zones anu the
coiiesponuing auministiative institutes aie:
Zone1: IndianInstituteofScienceBangalore
Zone2: IndianInstituteofTechnologyBombay
Zone3: IndianInstituteofTechnologyDelhi
Zone4: IndianInstituteofTechnologyGuwahati
Zone5: IndianInstituteofTechnologyKanpur
Zone6: IndianInstituteofTechnologyKharagpur
Zone7: IndianInstituteofTechnologyMadras
Zone8: IndianInstituteofTechnologyRoorkee
The oveiall cooiuination anu iesponsibility of conuucting GATE 2015 lies with
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, which is uesignateu as the Organizing

3.Basic Features of GATE 2015
1. Examinations foi all the 22 papers will be conuucteu by an ONLINE Computei
Baseu Test (CBT). The online examination papei will contain some questions foi
which numeiical answeis must be keyeu in by the canuiuate using the viitual
keypau. Rest of the questions shall be of Nultiple Choice Question (NCQ) type.
2. Biometiic infoimation (Photogiaph anu Fingeipiints) foi ianuomly selecteu
canuiuates may be captuieu befoie the stait of the examination.
S. uATE 2u1S examinations will be helu uuiing foienoon anu afteinoon sessions on
alteinate weekenus (Satuiuay anu Sunuay) between S1
}anuaiy 2u1S anu 14

Febiuaiy 2u1S. Examination foi some of the papeis in uATE 2u1S will be helu in
multiple sessions. Exact uetails iegaiuing complete examination scheuule will be
notifieu at a latei uate.
4. Foi uATE 2u1S the entiie piocess of filling up of application foim, uploauing of
ceitificatesuocuments, etc., will be online anu the canuiuates shoulu not senu any
haiu copy of theii application foimuocuments, etc., to any of the IITIISc zonal
uATE office.
S. The payment of application fees woulu be online thiough uiffeient moues like net
banking, uebitcieuit caiu, echallan, etc.
6. The aumit caius foi uATE 2u1S woulu be available thiough the online piocess only.
Canuiuates can uownloau theii aumit caiu fiom uATE 2u1S website. No haiu copy
of aumit caius will be posteu to the canuiuates.
3.1 General Information on GATE 2015
1. Application Process: Foi uATE 2u1S all infoimation ielateu to the canuiuates
will be available in a single uATE 0nline Application Piocessing System (u0APS).
Canuiuates have to iegistei anu fill the application via ONLINE mode ONLY by
accessing the zonal uATE websites of IISc anu any of the seven IITs. The photogiaph
anu signatuie of the applicant must be uploaueu uuiing the online application.
Please note that all necessaiy ceitificates, such as, uegiee ceitificateceitificate fiom
the Piincipal anu the categoiy ceitificate, if any aie also to be uploaueu. Please note
that application foims aie notavailableforsale anywheie else.
2. DownloadableAdmitCard: Aumit caius will NOT be sent by emailpost, they
can ONLY be uownloaueu fiom the zonal uATE websites tentatively fiom 17

Becembei 2u14. The canuiuate has to biing the piinteu aumit caiu to the test centei
along with at least one oiiginal (not photocopieuscanneu copy) anu valiu (not
expiieu) photo iuentification. It may be noteu that one of the following photo
iuentifications is ONLY peimitteu: Biiving license, Passpoit, PAN Caiu, votei IB,
Aauhaai 0IB, College IB, Employee iuentification caiu, oi a notaiizeu affiuavit with
Photo, Signatuie, Bate of Biith anu Resiuential Auuiess. The uetails of this IB pioof
have to be given while filling the online application.
3. NumericalAnswerTypeQuestions: The question papei foi uATE 2u1S will
consist of questions of both multiplechoice type anu numeiical answei type. Foi
multiple choice type questions, canuiuates have to choose the answei fiom the given
choices. Foi numeiical answei type questions, choices will not be given. Canuiuates
have to entei a numbei as the answei using a viitual keypau.
3.2 Important Dates Related to GATE 2015
Table 3.1: Important dates related to GATE 2015
GATE Online Application Processing System
Monday 1
0ctobei 2u14
Fiiuay 21
Novembei 2u14
Weunesuay 17
Becembei 2u14
anu Sunuay
}anuaiy, 1
, 7
anu 14

Febiuaiy, 2u1S
Naich 2u1S
(17:uu Bis)

4. Pre-Examination Related Information
4.1 Eligibility for GATE 2015
Before staiting the application piocess, the canuiuate must ensuie that heshe
meets the eligibility ciiteiia of uATE 2u1S given in Table 4.1. So please stuuy the
following table caiefully anu make suie that youi yeai of qualification is not latei
than what is specifieu.
Table 4.1: Eligibility Criteria for GATE 2015

of Eligible
Year of
cannot be
later than
Copies of Certificates to be
Passed in the year
2014 or earlier
Expected to
complete in
2015 or later
Bachelors degree in
Architecture/Pharmacy (Post-
Diploma/Post B.Sc./
4 years after 10+2)
Currently in
the 4
year or
2015 Degree Certificate
from Principal
B.S. Bachelors degree in Science
4 years after 10+2)
Currently in
the 4
year or
2015 Degree Certificate
from Principal
completed Completion
M. Sc./
M.A./MCA or
Masters degree in any branch
of Science/Mathematics /
Statistics / Computer
Applications or equivalent
Currently in
the final year
or already
2015 Degree Certificate
(pertaining to
Masters degree)
from Principal
Int. M.E/
Post-BSc Integrated Masters
degree programs in
Engineering / Technology
(Four year program)
Currently in
the 2

year or already
2017 Degree Certificate
from Principal
Int. M.E./
M.Tech or
Diploma or
Integrated Masters degree
program or Dual Degree
program in Engineering /
Technology (Five year
Currently in
the 4
or already
Degree Certificate
from Principal
Int. M.Sc/
Int. B.S.-M.S.
Integrated M.Sc. or Five year
integrated B.S.-M.S. program
Currently in
the final year
or already
2015 Degree Certificate
from Principal
(equivalent to
equivalent examinations, of
Professional Societies,
recognized by
AMIE by Institution of
Engineers-India, AMICE by
the Institute of Civil
section A or
equivalent of
NA Professional
Certificate issued
by the Society or
Copy of
Marksheet for
Section A

Certificate from Principal
Canuiuates who have to submit a ceitificate fiom theii college Piincipal, as
ueteimineu fiom Table 4.1, have to obtain one fiom hishei institution befoiehanu
anu uploau the same uuiing the online submission of the application foim.
Candidates with Backlogs
Canuiuates, who have appeaieu in the final semesteiyeai exam in 2u14, but with a
backlog (aiieaisfaileu subjects) in any of the papeis in theii qualifying uegiee
1. uploau a copy of any one of the maik sheets of the final yeai,
2. have to obtain a ueclaiation fiom theii Piincipal along with the signatuie anu seal
befoiehanu anu uploau the same uuiing the online submission of the application

4.2 GATE Papers
uATE 2u1S will be conuucteu in the subjects (also iefeiieu to as papeis) shown in
Table 4.2. Canuiuates must familiaiize with the papei coue foi the papei of theii
choice, as this knowleuge will be iequiieu at the time of application foim
submission anu appeaiing foi the examination. A canuiuate is alloweu to appeai in
ONLYONE papei.
Since a canuiuate is alloweu to appeai in ONLY ONE of the 22 papeis foi which
uATE 2u1S examination is being helu, the canuiuate has to make the choice of the
papei heshe wishes to wiite caiefully. Table 4.2 gives the list of uATE papeis anu
papei coues foi uATE 2u1S.
Table 4.2: GATE Papers and the Paper Codes for GATE 2015
GATE Paper Code GATE Paper Code
Aerospace Engineering AE Geology and Geophysics GG
Agricultural Engineering AG Instrumentation
Architecture and Planning AR Mathematics MA
Biotechnology BT Mechanical Engineering ME
Civil Engineering CE Mining Engineering MN
Chemical Engineering CH Metallurgical Engineering MT
Computer Science and
Information Technology
CS Physics PH
Chemistry CY Production and Industrial
Electronics and
Communication Engineering
EC Textile Engineering and
Fibre Science
Electrical Engineering EE Engineering Sciences XE*
Ecology and Evolution EY Life Sciences XL**

*XE Paper Sections Code **XL Paper Sections Code

Engineering Mathematics
A Chemistry (Compulsory) H
Fluid Mechanics B Biochemistry I
Materials Science C Botany J
Solid Mechanics D Microbiology K
Thermodynamics E Zoology L
Polymer Science and
F Food Technology M
Food Technology G

4.3 Zone-wise List of Cities in which GATE 2015 will be Held
Choice of Examination City: Theie aie two piimaiy choices anu one seconuaiy
choice. If you choose a paiticulai city as youi fiist choice, then the coiiesponuing zone
to which this city belongs will appeai, anu you will be able to choose anothei city as
youi seconu choice only fiom this zone. These choices will be youi piimaiy choices in a
specific zone. Bowevei, a thiiu choice has also been intiouuceu in uATE 2u1S, which is
youi seconuaiy choice. The list of S
choice cities will be as specifieu by each zone anu
this will be useu only when youi cities of piimaiy choice aie not available. Bowevei,
because of opeiational constiaints, the uATE committee ieseives the iight to auu a new
city oi iemove an existing one, anu allot a city that may not be any of the choices of a
Table 4.S gives the tentative list of the cities (zonewise) in which uATE 2u1S will be
helu. Also shown in the table is the Zonal 0ffices (one of the IITs oi IISc). The Zonal
0ffice uealing with youi application will be youi point of contact foi any enquiiies
iegaiuing youi examination centei anu othei matteis.


ZonalGATEOffice TentativeListofExaminationCities*
1 IISc Bangaloie
Benguluiu S6u u12
Alappuzha, Aluva, Ananthapur, Attingal, Bagalkot, Bangalore, Bellary,
Belgaum, Bidar, Chengannur, Davengere, Gulbarga, Hassan, Hubli, Idukki,
Kannur, Kanjirapally, Kasaragod, Kolar, Kollam, Kothamangalam, Kottayam,
Kozhikode, Kurnool, Malappuram, Mangalore, Manipal, Muvattupuzha,
Mysore, Nedumangad, Pala, Palakkad, Payyannur, Port Blair, Punalur,
Shimoga, Thrissur, Tumkur and Vadakara
2 IIT Bombay, Powai,
Numbai 4uu u76
Ahmedabad, Ahmednagar, Amravati, Anand, Aurangabad, Bhavnagar, Bhuj,
Gandhinagar, Goa, Hyderabad, J algaon, Kolhapur, Lonawala, Mehsana,
Mumbai, Nagpur, Nanded, Nashik, Navi Mumbai, Pune, Rajkot, Ratnagiri,
Sangli, Satara, Secunderabad, Solapur, Surat, Thane and Vadodara
S IIT Belhi, BauzKhas,
New Belhi 11uu16
Ajmer, Alwar, Bahadurgarh, Bikaner, New Delhi, Delhi-NCR, Faridabad,
Gurgaon, Hisar-Rohtak, Indore, J ammu, J aipur, J odhpur, Karnal, Kota,
Mathura, Palwal, Sikar, Udaipur-Chittorgarh and Ujjain
4 IIT uuwahati
uuwahati 781uS9
Website: http:www.iitg.einet.ingate
Agartala, Asansol,Dhanbad, Durgapur, Gangtok, Guwahati, Imphal, J orhat,
Kalyani, Patna, Silchar, Siliguri, Shillong and Tezpur
S IIT Kanpui
Kanpui 2u8u16
Agra, Aligarh, Allahabad, Bareilly, Bhopal, Gwalior, J abalpur, Kanpur,
Lucknow and Varanasi
6 IIT Khaiagpui
Khaiagpui 721Su2
Balasore, Berhampur (Odisha), Bhilai, Bhimavaram, Bhubaneswar, Bilaspur
(CG), Cuttack, Eluru, Hooghly, J amshedpur, Kakinada, Kharagpur, Kolkata,
Raipur, Rajahmundry, Ranchi, Rourkela, Sambalpur, Tadepalligudem,
Vijayawada and Visakhapatnam
7 IIT Nauias
Chennai 6uuuS6
Angamaly , Bapatla, Chennai North, Chennai South, Chittoor, Coimbatore,
Cuddalore, Dindigul, Ernakulam, Erode, Gudur, Guntur, Kadapa,
Kanyakumari, Karimnagar, Karur, Khammam, Madurai, Nagercoil,
Nalgonda, Namakkal, Nellore, Ongole, Puducherry (Pondicherry), Salem,
Thanjavur, Thiruchengode, Thiruvannamalai, Thiruvananthapuram,
Tiruchirapalli, Tirunelveli, Tirupati, Tuticorin, Vellore, Villupuram,
Virudhunagar and Warangal
8 IIT Rooikee
Rooikee 247667
Ambala, Amritsar, Bathinda, Chandigarh-Mohali-Fatehgarh Sahib,
Dehradun, Ghaziabad, Haldwani-Bhimtal, Hamirpur (HP)-Una, J alandhar-
Phagwara, Kurukshetra, Ludhiana-Moga, Meerut, Moradabad, Noida,
Panchkula, Panipat, Pathankot, Patiala-Sangrur, Roorkee-Muzaffarnagar,
* Please

All ca
* PwD: Pe
SBI Icol
anu ech
bank fio
foi State

consult GA
4.4 How t
anuiuates h
e 4.4. Thea
erson with a P
oi GATE20
lect oi Axis
hallan facilit
om wheie th
e Bank of I
is anu whei
An online in
nteiface you
. Apply foi
. 0ploau p
. Pay the ap
. Check the
Status, Sta
. Contact th
. Bownloau
. view youi
ATE 2015 w
to Apply
have to app
Physical Disab
015 paymen
Bank ICon
ties ONLY. A
he money is
Inuia (SBI)
ie the mone
teiface is p
u can
the examina
e fiom Piinci
pplication fee
e Status of yo
atus aftei R
u, etc.
he Zonal uAT
u Aumit Caiu
i answeis, m
website for c
ly only ON
nts woulu h
nnect, oi usi
s being tian
ICollect a
ey is to be ti
ioviueu foi
ation online.
signatuie a
pal, caste cei
e thiough ne
oui applicat
TE 0ffices in c
maiks anu uA

complete lis
LINE. Betai
have to be m
ing any ban
charges w
nsfeiieu. Ta
anu Axis Ba
i youi intei
anu othei
itificate (if ap
ion foim: Re
Rejecteu wi
case of any q
ATE scoie.
Sirmaur, Solan-S
st of cities.
ils of the ap
maue thioug
k Bebit Cai
will be appli
ble 4.S give
ank IConne
action with
pplicable) et
eceiveu, 0nu
ith valiu Rea
Shimla, Sonepat
pplication fe
gh online by
iuCieuit Ca
cable as pe
es the chaig
ect wheie
h the uATE
like giauua
uei Sciutiny,
asons, Aumi
t and Yamunanag
ee aie show
y selecting e
aiu, Net Ban
i the iule o
ges as applic
the uATE 2
0ffice. With
ation ceitifi
Accepteu, B
t Caiu Reau
wn in
of the
h this
uy foi
The login to this interface is through your GOAPS Enrolment ID and a GOAPS

1. GOAPS: uATE 0nline Application Piocessing System (u0APS website) can be accesseu
fiom the website of the iespective Zonal uATE 0ffices oi fiom the website of the uATE
2u1S 0iganizing Institute.
2. Registration: You must fiist iegistei youiself, by pioviuing a valiu email auuiess,
mobile numbei anu a u0APS passwoiu. Choose the email iu that you check fiequently,
as all communications to you fiom the uATE 0ffices will be sent to this auuiess (B0
0NE email ABBRESS). uive youi peisonal mobile numbei because most of the
communications may also be sent via SNS.
GOAPS Password: This will be the passwoiu that you will be pioviuing to the u0APS
uuiing the Eniollment. You must iemembei this along with the u0APS Eniolment IB to
login to u0APS. Choose a passwoiu that cannot be guesseu easily (it shoulu not be youi
name, uate of biith, oi some stiing of numbeis oi letteis like 12S4S, abcu, etc.), so as to
ensuie that the uata you pioviue is not accessible to any peison othei than youiself.
3. GOAPS Enrollment ID: 0pon iegistiation, an email containing youi u0APS Eniolment
IB will be sent to you. You neeu to iemembei this along with the u0APS passwoiu foi all
uATE 2u1S ielateu communicationswebsite opeiations.
4. Data Requirement for Application Filling: Befoie you login to u0APS using
Eniolment IB anu Passwoiu, keep the following infoimation ieauy:

a) Peisonal infoimation (name, uate of biith, youi peisonal mobile numbei, paients
name, paients mobile numbei, etc.).
b) Auuiess foi Communication (incluuing PIN coue),
c) Eligibility uegiee uetails (College auuiess, PIN coue of college),
d) uATE papei, choice of uATE examination cities,
e) Bigh quality image of youi photogiaph confoiming to the iequiiements specifieu in
Section, along with what type of photogiaph is accepteu (Section
f) uoou quality image of youi signatuie confoiming to the iequiiements specifieu in
Section 4.4.4.S.
g) Betails of a valiu IB Pioof that you will caiiy to the examination hall.
h) Youi Netbanking login anu passwoiu to make the application fee payment via
online netbanking moue. In case you aie making the payment thiough uebit
caiucieuit caiu have the following infoimation like uebit caiucieuit caiu numbei,
passwoiu, Cvv numbei ieauy with you.
5. ApplicationFilling:Fill in the necessaiy uata in the online application foim by caiefully
following instiuctions given theie. You may euit the uata at this stage if you iequiie.
0ploau the iequiieu soft copy of photo, signatuie anu Ceitificate fiom Piincipal (uuly
signeu anu stampeu by the Piincipal). Check the coiiectness of the photo anu youi
signatuie that aie uploaueu. If you aie not satisfieu, you may uploau them again.
6. You will have to select the payment option (uetails given below) while filling the online
7. The u0APS allows you to entei uata, Save paitially filleu foim, Logout, anu iesume
filling in by logging in again.
8. Befoie you make the payment, you will be shown a Pieview of youi application, wheie
you have to caiefully check foi any eiiois.
9. 0nce you piess Confirm and Final Submit button, no further changes to the
10. Canuiuates who have selecteu the online paymentICollectIConnect option will
follow the instiuctions given in Section 4.4.S foi payment options.

11. Problems in Login into GOAPS This step may be useu, if the canuiuate foigets the
passwoiu oi the Eniollment IB oi uiu not ieceive the Eniollment IB. visit the
ProblemsinLoginintoGOAPSlink on the u0APS website.

a) In case of forgotten Enrollment ID or nonreceipt of Enrollment ID via email,
canuiuate must pioviue mobile numbei anu the u0APS Passwoiu. The Eniollment
IB will be sent to the canuiuate via SNS.

b) In case of forgotten password, canuiuate must pioviue Nobile Numbei anu
Eniollment IB, which will be veiifieu anu a new u0APS passwoiu will be sent to the
canuiuate via SNSemail.

c) IncaseofforgottenEnrollmentIDaswellaspasswordorpaymenthasnotbeen
made, the canuiuate must ieenioll. If the payment has been made, then the
canuiuate must contact the Zonal uATE 0ffice.
Eligibility ciiteiia anu necessaiy suppoiting uocuments can be founu fiom the
eligibility table foi uATE (Table 4.1).


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B anu
m that
4. 0nce you confiim anu the payment is successful, you will be ieuiiecteu back to the
uATE 0nline Application Website.
5. If you have some uifficulty (uue to inteinet connection oi powei failuie), anu you aie
not suie whethei youi payment has been piocesseu oi not, then please login back to
u0APS anu check the status of the payment. You can also check the status fiom youi
6. In case the fee amount has been uebiteu fiom youi bank accountuebit caiucieuit caiu,
howevei, u0APS uoes not acknowleuge any fee payment, then the money will be
cieuiteu back to youi accountuebit caiucieuit caiu within thiee woiking uays.
7. In such a case, you may initiate a fiesh payment using u0APS, even without waiting foi
the money to be cieuiteu back to youi accountuebit caiucieuit caiu, so that youi
application is on time.
1. At the secuie payment site choose the methou of payment which is Net BankingSBI I
CollectAxis Bank IConnectechallan.
2. Login with youi Net BankingSBIAxis Bank 0sei Name anu Passwoiu.
3. Follow the instiuction as shown anu fill in the uetails anu make the payment. The uetails
of the piocess of how to fill thiough Net BankingSBI ICollectAxis Bank IConnecte
challan may be seen at
4. 0nce the payment is successful a Fee Payment Numbei will be geneiateu which is
unique anu MUSTbesavedbythecandidate as it will be useu in the latei stages when
heshe fills up the uATE 2u1S Application foim.
5. Aftei successful payment of the Application Fees the canuiuate will be iequiieu to fill in
hishei uetails (as given in Section 4.4.2) to complete the uATE 2u1S Application
6. It is essential that the canuiuate fills in the uetails (as given in Section 4.4.2) without any
eiioi as the application isliabletoberejectedifthereisanyerror. As a checklist the
canuiuate N0ST veiify that heshe has filleu in anu uploaueu the following as iequiieu
a) Peisonal infoimation (name, uate of biith, youi peisonal mobile numbei,
paients name, paients mobile numbei etc.).
b) Auuiess foi Communication (incluuing PIN coue).
c) Eligibility uegiee uetails (College auuiess, PIN coue of college).
u) The signeu application foim (with photogiaph affixeu) with Piincipals
ceitificate, if that is the pioof of youi eligibility to appeai in uATE 2u1S OR
0thei eligibility uocuments iequiieu to appeai in uATE 2u1S (e.g., uegiee
e) Bigh quality image of youi photogiaph confoiming to the iequiiements
specifieu in Section, along with what type of photogiaph is accepteu
f) Categorycertificate ONLY foi claiming uiscounteu application fee.
g) uoou quality image of youi signatuie confoiming to the iequiiements specifieu
in Section 4.4.4.S.
h) Betails of a valiu IB Pioof that you will caiiy to the examination hall.
i) Feepaymentnumber.
Note: Befoie submitting the uATE 2u1S Application please ensuie that all the uetails anu all the
necessaiy suppoiting uocuments aie filleuuploaueu anu theie is N0 ERR0R. Application once
submitteu CANN0T be changeuiectifieu. The cuiient status of youi application will be upuateu
aftei the ieceipt anu sciutiny of youi application by the iespective zonal uATE 0ffice. This status
can be checkeu anytime by logging into u0APS.
The uATE 2u1S 0nline Application Piocessing System iequiies that youi
photogiaph anu signatuie be uploaueu electionically at the time of submitting youi
application. 0ploauing photogiaph oi signatuie that uoes not meet the
specifications can iesult in the uisqualification of the application without any iefunu
of the application fee.
Please pay attention to uploau goou quality photogiaph. Pooi quality of the
photogiaph submitteu will leau to iejection of youi uATE application, without any
iefunu of the application fee. The uATE scoie caiu will be piinteu with the
photogiaph you submit.
1. The photogiaph must be in coloi anu must be taken in a piofessional stuuio.
Photogiaph taken using a mobile phone anu othei selfcomposeu poitiaits aie N0T
2. The photogiaph must be taken in a white oi a veiy light backgiounu.
3. The photogiaph must have been taken aftei 1
}uly 2u14.
4. In the photogiaph, the face shoulu occupy about Su% of the aiea, anu with a fullface
view looking into the cameia uiiectly.
5. The main featuies of the face must not be coveieu by haii of the heau, any cloth oi any
shauow. Foieheau, eyes, nose anu chin shoulu be cleaily visible.
6. If you noimally weai spectacles, glaie on glasses is not acceptable in youi photo. ulaie
can be avoiueu with a slight uownwaiu tilt of the glasses oi by iemoving the glasses foi
the photo shoot.
7. You must not weai spectacles with uaik oi tinteu glasses, only cleai glasses aie
8. Ask youi photo stuuio to pioviue the image in a }PEu foimat anu also on a stanuaiu 4.S
cm S.S cm piint.
9. Naximum pixel iesolution foi }PEu: 64u 48u (u.S Nega pixel) (Ask youi stuuio to
ieuuce it to this iesolution if it is highei).
10. Ninimum pixel iesolution foi }PEu: S2u 24u.
11. Foi youi own benefit it may be piuuent not to intentionally change youi facial featuies
oi haii style as in the photogiaph until the uay of the exam.

ReasonforRejection Acceptable






ReasonforRejection Acceptable






1. Please uiaw a iectangulai box of size 2.S cm 6 cm on an A4 white papei. Put youi
signatuie with black oi uaik blue ink pen within this box.
2. uet the signatuie uigitally image scanneu by a piofessional using a scannei, anu get the
image cioppeu to the box by the piofessional.
3. 0nly }PEu image foimats will be accepteu.
4. The maximum pixel iesolution foi the image is 8uu Suu.
5. The minimum pixel iesolution foi the image is 4uu 1Su.
6. Photogiaphs of the signatuies taken using mobile phone aie not acceptable, anu can
iesult in uisqualification of the application without any iefunu of the fee.
4.5 Admit Card
The Aumit Caiu can only be uownloaueu fiom the zonal uATE websites tentatively fiom
Becembei 2u14. Aumit Caius will N0T be sent by postemail. Biing a piintout of
the uownloaueu Aumit Caiu to the Test Centei along with the oiiginal anu valiu photo
iuentification(N0 photocopy scanneu copyN0T expiieu). Pleasenotethatyouhave
to give details of this ID proof while filling the online application. Canuiuates will
NOT be peimitteu to take the test, if this oiiginal anu valiu photo iuentification is not
piesenteu. It may be noteu that you woulu have specifieu one of the following IBs
uuiing the online application piocess: Biiving License, Passpoit, PAN Caiu, votei IB,
Aauhaai 0IB, College IB, Employee Iuentification Caiu, oi a Notaiizeu Affiuavit with
Photo, Signatuie, Bate of Biith anu Resiuential Auuiess.

5. Examination Related Information

5.1 Structure of GATE 2015
Foi the uATE 2u1S examination, a canuiuate can apply foi only one of the 22 papeis
listeu in Table S.1. The syllabus foi each of the papeis is given sepaiately. Naking a
choice of the appiopiiate papei uuiing uATE application is the iesponsibility of the
canuiuate. Some guiuelines in this iespect aie suggesteu below.
The canuiuate is expecteu to appeai in a papei appiopiiate to the uiscipline of hishei
qualifying uegiee. Bowevei, the canuiuate is, fiee to choose any papei accoiuing to
hishei aumission plan, keeping in minu the eligibility ciiteiia of the institutions in
which heshe wishes to seek aumission. Foi moie uetails iegaiuing the aumission
ciiteiia in any paiticulai institute, the canuiuate is auviseu to iefei to the websites of
that institute.

Paper Code Paper Code

Aeiospace Engineeiing AE ueology anu ueophysics uu
Agiicultuial Engineeiing Au Instiumentation Engineeiing IN
Aichitectuie anu Planning AR Nathematics NA
Biotechnology BT Nechanical Engineeiing NE
Civil Engineeiing CE Nining Engineeiing NN
Chemical Engineeiing CB Netalluigical Engineeiing NT
Computei Science anu
Infoimation Technology
CS Physics PB
Chemistiy CY
Piouuction anu Inuustiial
Electionics anu
Textile Engineeiing anu
Fibie Science
Electiical Engineeiing EE Engineeiing Sciences XE*
Ecology anu Evolution EY Life Sciences XL**

Engineeiing Nathematics
A Chemistiy (Compulsoiy) B
Fluiu Nechanics B Biochemistiy I
Nateiials Science C Botany }
Soliu Nechanics B Niciobiology K
Theimouynamics E Zoology L
Polymei Science anu
F Foou Technology N
Foou Technology u

*XE (Engineeiing Sciences) anu **XL (Life Sciences) papeis aie of geneial natuie anu will
compiise of Sections listeu in the above table. Noie uetaileu explanation is given below.
All the papeis will have few questions that test the ueneial Aptituue (Language anu
Analytical Skills), apait fiom the coie subject of the papei.
A candidate appearing in the XE paper has to answer the following
1. Section A Engineeiing Nathematics
2. uA ueneial Aptituue
3. Any two of XE sections B to u
The choice of two sections fiom B to u can be maue uuiing the examination aftei
viewing the questions. 0nly two optional sections can be answeieu at a time. A
canuiuate wishing to change miuway of the examination to anothei optional section
must fiist choose to ueselect one of the pieviously chosen optional sections (B to u).
A canuiuate appeaiing in the XL papei has to answei the following
1. Section B Chemistiy
2. uA ueneial Aptituue
3. Any two of XL sections I to N
The choice of two sections fiom I to N can be maue uuiing the examination aftei
viewing the questions. 0nly two optional sections can be answeieu at a time. A
canuiuate wishing to change miuway of the examination to anothei optional section
must fiist choose to ueselect one of the pieviously chosen optional sections (I to N).
5.2 Duration and Examination Type
The uATE examination consists of a single papei of 3hour uuiation that contains 65
questions caiiying a maximum of 100 marks. The question papei will consist of both
multiple choice questions (NCQ) anu numeiical answei type questions. The pattein of
question papeis is uiscusseu in Section S.S.
The examination foi all the papeis will be caiiieu out in an 0NLINE Computei Baseu
Test (CBT) moue wheie the canuiuates will be shown the questions in a ianuom
sequence on a computei scieen. The canuiuates aie iequiieu to eithei select the answei
(foi NCQ type) oi entei the answei foi numeiical answei type question using a mouse
on a viitual keyboaiu (keyboaiu of the computei will be uisableu). Canuiuates will be
pioviueu with sciibble pau foi iough woik anu these have to be ietuineu back aftei the
examination. At the enu of the Shoui winuow, the computei will automatically close
the scieen fiom fuithei actions.
5.3 Pattern of Question Papers
In all the papeis, theie will be a total of 6S questions caiiying 1uu maiks, out of
which 1u questions caiiying a total of 1S maiks aie in ueneial Aptituue (uA).
In the papeis beaiing the coues AE, Au, BT, CE, CB, CS, EC, EE, IN, NE, NN, NT, PI, TF
anu XE, the Engineeiing Nathematics will caiiy aiounu 15% of the total marks,
the ueneial Aptituue section will caiiy 15%ofthetotalmarks anu the remaining
70%ofthetotalmarks is uevoteu to the subject of the papei.
In the papeis beaiing the coues AR, CY, EY, uu, NA, PB anu XL, the ueneial Aptituue
section will caiiy 15% of the total marks anu the remaining 85% of the total
marks is uevoteu to the subject of the papei.
uATE 2u1S woulu contain questions of two uiffeient types in vaiious papeis:
(i)MultipleChoiceQuestions(MCQ)caiiying 1 oi 2 maiks each in all papeis anu
sections. These questions aie objective in natuie, anu each will have a choice of foui
answeis, out of which the canuiuate has to maik the coiiect answei(s).
(ii)Numerical Answer Questions of 1 oi 2 maiks each in all papeis anu sections.
Foi these questions the answei is a ieal numbei, to be enteieu by the canuiuate
using the viitual keypau. No choices will be shown foi this type of questions.
The questions in a papei may be uesigneu to test the following abilities:
(i)Recall: These aie baseu on facts, piinciples, foimulae oi laws of the uiscipline of
the papei. The canuiuate is expecteu to be able to obtain the answei eithei fiom
hishei memoiy of the subject oi at most fiom a oneline computation.
Q. Buiing machining, maximum heat is piouuceu
(A) in flank face
(B) in iake face
(C) in sheai zone
(B) uue to fiiction between chip anu tool

(ii)Comprehension: These questions will test the canuiuates unueistanuing of the
basics of hishei fielu, by iequiiing himhei to uiaw simple conclusions fiom
funuamental iueas.
Q. A BC motoi iequiies a staitei in oiuei to
(A) uevelop a staiting toique
(B) compensate foi auxiliaiy fielu ampeie tuins
(C) limit aimatuie cuiient at staiting
(B) pioviue iegeneiative biaking
(iii) Application: In these questions, the canuiuate is expecteu to apply hishei
knowleuge eithei thiough computation oi by logical ieasoning.
Q. The sequent uepth iatio of a hyuiaulic jump in a iectangulai channel is 16.48. The
Fiouue numbei at the beginning of the jump is:
(A) S.u (B) 8.u (C) 1u.u (B) 12.u
Examples of each of this uesign aie given in the types of questions above.
The questions baseu on the above logics may be a mix of single stanualone
statementphiaseuata type questions, combination of option coues type questions
oi match items type questions.
(iv) Analysis and Synthesis: In these questions, the canuiuate is piesenteu with
uata, uiagiams, images etc. that iequiie analysis befoie a question can be
answeieu. A Synthesis question might iequiie the canuiuate to compaie two oi
moie pieces of infoimation. Questions in this categoiy coulu, foi example, involve
canuiuates in iecognizing unstateu assumptions, oi sepaiating useful infoimation
fiom iiielevant infoimation.
5.4 Marking Scheme
Foi 1mark multiplechoice questions, 1/3 maiks will be ueuucteu foi a wiong answei.
Likewise, foi 2mark multiplechoice questions, 2/3 maiks will be ueuucteu foi a
wiong answei. ThereisNOnegativemarkingfornumericalanswertypequestions.
In all papeis, uA questions caiiy a total of 15 marks. The uA section incluues S
questions caiiying 1mark each (subtotal 5 marks) anu S questions caiiying 2
marks each (subtotal 10marks).
These papeis woulu contain 25 questions caiiying 1mark each (subtotal 25
marks) anu 30 questions caiiying 2marks each (subtotal 60 marks). The
question papei will consist of questions of multiple choice anu numeiical answei
type. Foi numeiical answei questions, choices will not be given. Canuiuates have to
entei the answei (which will be a ieal numbei, signeu oi unsigneu, e.g., 2S.u6,
2S.u6, 2S, 2S etc.) using a viitual keypau. An appiopiiate iange will be consiueieu
while evaluating the numeiical answei type questions so that the canuiuate is not
penalizeu uue to the usual iounuoff eiiois.
Apait fiom the ueneial Aptituue (uA) section, the uu question papei consists of two
paits: Pait A anu Pait B. Pait A is common foi all canuiuates. Pait B contains two
sections: Section 1 (ueology) anu Section 2 (ueophysics). Canuiuates will have to
attempt questions in Pait A anu eithei Section 1 oi Section 2 in Pait B.
Pait A consists of 25 multiplechoice questions caiiying 1mark each (subtotal 25
marks anu some of these may be numeiical answei type questions). Each section in
Pait B (Section 1 anu Section 2) consists of 30 multiple choice questions caiiying 2
marks each (subtotal 60marks anu some of these may be numeiical answei type
In XE papei, Engineeiing Nathematics section (Section A) is compulsory. This
section contains 11 questions caiiying a total of 15marks: 7 questions caiiying 1
mark each (subtotal 7marks), anu 4 questions caiiying 2marks each (subtotal 8
marks). Some questions may be of numeiical answei type questions.
Each of the othei sections of the XE papei (Sections B thiough u) contains 22
questions caiiying a total of 35marks: 9 questions caiiying 1mark each (subtotal
9 marks) anu 1S questions caiiying 2marks each (subtotal 26 marks). Some
questions may be of numeiical answei type.
In XL papei, Chemistiy section (Section B) is compulsory. This section contains 15
questions caiiying a total of 25marks: S questions caiiying 1mark each (subtotal
5 marks) anu 1u questions caiiying 2marks each (subtotal 20 marks). Some
questions may be of numeiical answei type.
Each of the othei sections of the XL papei (Sections I thiough N) contains 2u
questions caiiying a total of 30 marks: 1u questions caiiying 1mark each (sub
total 10 marks) anu 1u questions caiiying 2marks each (subtotal 20 marks).
Some questions may be of numeiical answei type.
Foi a wiong answei chosen foi the multiplechoicequestions (NCQs), theie woulu
be negative maiking. Foi 1mark multiple choice questions, 1/3 maik will be
ueuucteu foi a wiong answei. Likewise, foi 2mark multiple choice questions, 2/3
maik will be ueuucteu foi a wiong answei. Bowevei, theie is NOnegativemarking

5. 5. GATE Syllabi
1. Verbal Ability: English giammai, sentence completion, veibal analogies, woiu
gioups, instiuctions, ciitical ieasoning anu veibal ueuuction.

2. Numerical Ability: Numeiical computation, numeiical estimation, numeiical

ieasoning anu uata inteipietation.
Q.1.Choose the appiopiiate answei to complete the following sentence:
Aftei seveial _____________ attempts to senu the missile into space, the spaceciaft weie finally
launcheu successfully.
(A) aboitive (B) uifficult (C) expeiimental (B) pieliminaiy
Q.2.Choose the appiopiiate answei to complete the following sentence:
Neuicine is to illness as law is to _____________.
(A) uiscipline (B) anaichy (C) tieason (B) etiquette
Q.3. Reau the following paiagiaph:
The oiuinaiy foim of meicuiy theimometei is useu foi tempeiatuie ianging fiom 4u
F to
F. Foi measuiing tempeiatuie below 4u
F, theimometeis filleu with alcohol aie useu.
These aie, howevei, not satisfactoiy foi use in high tempeiatuies. When a meicuiy
theimometei is useu foi tempeiatuie above Suu
F, the space above the meicuiy is filleu
with some ineit gas, usually nitiogen oi caibon uioxiue, placeu in the theimometei unuei
piessuie. As the meicuiy iises, the gas piessuies is incieaseu, so that it is possible to use
these theimometeis foi tempeiatuies as high as 1uuu
With what, besiues meicuiy, woulu a theimometei be filleu if it was uesigneu to be useu
foi measuiing tempeiatuie of about Suu
(A) Pyiometei (B) Ineit gas (C) Iion anu biass (B) uas
Q.4. The cost of manufactuiing tiactois in Koiea is twenty peicent less than the cost of
manufactuiing tiactois in ueimany. Even aftei tianspoitation fees anu impoit taxes aie
auueu, it is still cheapei to impoit tiactois fiom Koiea to ueimany than to piouuce tiactois
in ueimany.
Which of the following asseitions is best suppoiteu by the above infoimation.
(A) Laboui costs in Koiea aie twenty peicent below those in ueimany.
(B) Impoiting tiactois into ueimany will eliminate twenty peicent of the manufactuiing
jobs in ueimany.
(C) The costs of tianspoiting a tiactoi fiom Koiea to ueimany aie moie than twenty
peicent of the cost of manufactuiing the tiactoi in Koiea.
(B) The impoit taxes on a tiactoi impoiteu fiom Koiea to ueimany is less than twenty
peicent of the cost of manufactuiing the tiactoi in ueimany.
Q.5. In a suivey, S16 of the people suiveyeu tolu that they piefeiieu to use public
tianspoit while commuting uaily to office. S8 of the people suiveyeu tolu that they
piefeiieu to use theii own vehicles. The iemaining 7S iesponuents saiu that they hau no
cleai piefeience. Bow many people piefeiieu to use public tianspoit.
(A) 7S (B) 1uu (C) 12S (B) 1SS

S.S.2 Aeiospace Engineeiing (AE)
LinearAlgebra:Natiix algebia, systems of lineai equations, eigen values anu eigen vectois.
Calculus:Functions of single vaiiable, limit, continuity anu uiffeientiability, mean value
theoiems, evaluation of uefinite anu impiopei integials, paitial ueiivatives, total ueiivative,
maxima anu minima, giauient, uiveigence anu cuil, vectoi iuentities, uiiectional ueiivatives,
line, suiface anu volume integials. Theoiems of Stokes, uauss anu uieen.
Differential Equations: Fiist oiuei lineai anu nonlineai equations, highei oiuei lineai
0BEs with constant coefficients, Cauchy anu Eulei equations, initial anu bounuaiy value
pioblems, Laplace tiansfoims. Paitial uiffeiential equations anu sepaiation of vaiiables
Numerical methods: Numeiical solution of lineai anu nonlineai algebiaic equations,
integiation by tiapezoiual anu Simpson iule, single anu multistep methous foi uiffeiential
Atmosphere:Piopeities, stanuaiu atmospheie. Classification of aiiciaft.Aiiplane (fixeu
wing aiiciaft) configuiation anu vaiious paits.
Airplane performance:Piessuie altituue; equivalent, calibiateu, inuicateu aii speeus;
Piimaiy flight instiuments: Altimetei, ASI, vSI, Tuinbank inuicatoi. Biag polai; takeoff anu
lanuing; steauy climb & uescent,absolute anu seivice ceiling; ciuise, ciuise climb,
enuuiance oi loitei; loau factoi, tuining flight, vn uiagiam; Winus: heau, tail & cioss winus.
Staticstability:Angle of attack, siueslip; ioll, pitch & yaw contiols; longituuinal stick fixeu &
fiee stability, hoiizontal tail position anu size; uiiectional stability, veitical tail position anu
size; uiheuial stability. Wing uiheuial, sweep & position; hinge moments, stick foices.
Dynamic stability:Eulei angles; Equations of motion; aeiouynamic foices anu moments,
stability & contiol ueiivatives; uecoupling of longituuinal anu latuiiectional uynamics;
longituuinal moues; lateialuiiectional moues.
Cential foice motion, ueteimination of tiajectoiy anu oibital peiiou in simple cases.0ibit
tiansfei, inplane anu outofplane.Elements of iocket motoi peifoimance.
Basic Fluid Mechanics:Incompiessible iiiotational flow, Belmholtz anu Kelvin theoiem,
singulaiities anu supeiposition, viscous flows, bounuaiy layei on a flat plate.
Airfoils and wings: Classification of aiifoils, aeiouynamic chaiacteiistics, high lift uevices,
Kutta}oukowski theoiem; lift geneiation; thin aiifoil theoiy; wing theoiy; inuuceu uiag;
qualitative tieatment of low aspect iatio wings.
Viscous Flows: Flow sepaiation, intiouuction to tuibulence, tiansition, stiuctuie of a
tuibulent bounuaiy layei.
Compressible Flows: Bynamics anu Theimouynamics of IB flow, isentiopic flow, noimal
shock, oblique shock, PianutlNeyei flow, flow in nozzles anu uiffuseis, invisciu flow in a c
u nozzle, flow in uiffuseis. subsonic anu supeisonic aiifoils, compiessibility effects on lift
anu uiag, ciitical anu uiag uiveigence Nach numbei, wave uiag.
WindTunnelTesting:Neasuiement anu visualization techniques.
Stress and Strain: Equations of equilibiium, constitutive law, stiainuisplacement
ielationship, compatibility equations, plane stiess anu stiain, Aiiys stiess function.
Flight Vehicle Structures: Chaiacteiistics of aiiciaft stiuctuies anu mateiials, toision,
benuing anu flexuial sheai. Flexuial sheai flow in thinwalleu sections. Buckling. Failuie
theoiies. Loaus on aiiciaft.
Structural Dynamics: Fiee anu foiceu vibiation of uisciete systems. Bamping anu
iesonance. Bynamics of continuous systems.
Theimouynamics of Aiiciaft uas Tuibine engines thiust anu thiust augmentation.
Turbomachinery:Axial compiessois anu tuibines, centiifugal pumps anu compiessois.
Aerothermodynamicsofnonrotatingpropulsioncomponents:Intakes, combustoi anu
nozzle. Theimouynamics of iamjets anu sciamjets. Elements of iocket piopulsion.
S.S.S Agiicultuial Engineeiing (Au)
LinearAlgebra:Natiices anu Beteiminants, Systems of lineai equations, Eigen values anu
eigen vectois.
Calculus: Limit, continuity anu uiffeientiability; Paitial Beiivatives; Naxima anu minima;
Sequences anu seiies; Test foi conveigence; Fouiiei seiies.
VectorCalculus:uiauient; Biveigence anu Cuil; Line; suiface anu volume integials; Stokes,
uauss anu uieens theoiems.
Differential Equations:Lineai anu nonlineai fiist oiuei 0BEs; Bighei oiuei lineai 0BEs
with constant coefficients; Cauchys anu Euleis equations; Laplace tiansfoims; PBEs
Laplace, heat anu wave equations.
Probability and Statistics: Nean, meuian, moue anu stanuaiu ueviation; Ranuom
vaiiables; Poisson, noimal anu binomial uistiibutions; Coiielation anu iegiession analysis.
Numerical Methods:Solutions of lineai anu nonlineai algebiaic equations; integiation of
tiapezoiual anu Simpsons iule; single anu multistep methous foi uiffeiential equations.
Souices of powei on the faimhuman, animal, mechanical, electiical, winu, solai anu
biomass; biofuels; uesign anu selection of machine elements geais, pulleys, chains anu
spiockets anu belts; oveiloau safety uevices useu in faim machineiy; measuiement of foice,
toique, speeu, uisplacement anu acceleiation on machine elements.
Soil tillage; foices acting on a tillage tool; hitch systems anu hitching of tillage implements;
mechanics of animal tiaction; functional iequiiements, piinciples of woiking, constiuction
anu opeiation of manual, animal anu powei opeiateu equipment foi tillage, sowing,
planting, feitilizei application, inteicultivation, spiaying, mowing, chaff cutting, haivesting,
thieshing anu tianspoit; testing of agiicultuial machineiy anu equipment; calculation of
peifoimance paiameteis fielu capacity, efficiency, application iate anu losses; cost analysis
of implements anu tiactois
Theimouynamic piinciples of I.C. engines; I.C. engine cycles; engine components; fuels anu
combustion; lubiicants anu theii piopeities; I.C. engine systems fuel, cooling, lubiication,
ignition, electiical, intake anu exhaust; selection, opeiation, maintenance anu iepaii of I.C.
engines; powei efficiencies anu measuiement; calculation of powei, toique, fuel
consumption, heat loau anu powei losses.
Tiactois anu powei tilleis type, selection, maintenance anu iepaii; tiactoi clutches anu
biakes; powei tiansmission systems geai tiains, uiffeiential, final uiives anu powei take
off; mechanics of tiactoi chassis; tiaction theoiy; thiee point hitches fiee link anu
iestiaineu link opeiations; mechanical steeiing anu hyuiaulic contiol systems useu in
tiactois; human engineeiing anu safety in tiactoi uesign; tiactoi tests anu peifoimance.
Iueal anu ieal fluius, piopeities of fluius; hyuiostatic piessuie anu its measuiement;
hyuiostatic foices on plane anu cuiveu suiface; continuity equation; Beinoullis theoiem;
laminai anu tuibulent flow in pipes, Baicy Weisbach anu BazenWilliams equations,
Noouys uiagiam; flow thiough oiifices anu notches; flow in open channels.
Engineeiing piopeities of soils; funuamental uefinitions anu ielationships; inuex piopeities
of soils; peimeability anu seepage analysis; sheai stiength, Nohis ciicle of stiess, active
anu passive eaith piessuies; stability of slopes.
Byuiological cycle; meteoiological paiameteis anu theii measuiement, analysis of
piecipitation uata; abstiaction fiom piecipitation; iunoff; hyuiogiaph analysis, unit
hyuiogiaph theoiy anu application; stieam flow measuiement; floou iouting, hyuiological
ieseivoii anu channel iouting.
Neasuiement of uistance anu aiea; chain suiveying, methous of tiaveising; measuiement of
angles anu beaiings, plane table suiveying; types of leveling; contouiing; instiuments foi
suiveying anu leveling; computation of eaith woik.
Nechanics of soil eiosion, soil eiosion types; winu anu watei eiosion; factois affecting
eiosion; soil loss estimation; biological anu engineeiing measuies to contiol eiosion;
teiiaces anu bunus; vegetative wateiways; gully contiol stiuctuies, uiop, uiop inlet anu
chute spillways; eaithen uams; watei haivesting stiuctuies, faim ponus, wateisheu
Soilwateiplant ielationship, watei iequiiement of ciops; consumptive use anu evapo
tianspiiation; iiiigation scheuuling; iiiigation efficiencies; uesign of iiiigation channels;
measuiement of soil moistuie, iiiigation watei anu infiltiation; suiface, spiinklei anu uiip
methous of iiiigation; uesign anu evaluation of iiiigation methous.
Biainage coefficient; planning, uesign anu layout of suiface anu subsuiface uiainage
systems; leaching iequiiement anu salinity contiol; iiiigation anu uiainage watei quality.
uiounuwatei occuiience confineu anu unconfineu aquifeis, evaluation of aquifei
piopeities; well hyuiaulics; giounuwatei iechaige.
Classification of pumps; pump chaiacteiistics; pump selection anu installation.
Steauy state heat tiansfei in conuuction, convection anu iauiation; tiansient heat tiansfei in
simple geometiy; conuensation anu boiling heat tiansfei; woiking piinciples of heat
exchangeis; uiffusive anu convective mass tiansfei; simultaneous heat anu mass tiansfei in
agiicultuial piocessing opeiations.
Nateiial anu eneigy balances in foou piocessing systems; watei activity, soiption anu
uesoiption isotheims; centiifugal sepaiation of solius, liquius anu gases; kinetics of
miciobial ueath pasteuiization anu steiilization of liquiu foous; pieseivation of foou by
cooling anu fieezing; iefiigeiation anu colu stoiage basics anu applications; psychiometiy
piopeities of aiivapois mixtuie; concentiation anu uiying of liquiu foous evapoiatois,
tiay, uium anu spiay uiyeis.
Nechanics anu eneigy iequiiement in size ieuuction of gianulai solius; paiticle size
analysis foi comminuteu solius; size sepaiation by scieening; fluiuization of gianulai solius
pneumatic, bucket, sciew anu belt conveying; cleaning anu giauing; Effectiveness of giain
Byuiotheimal tieatment, uiying anu milling of ceieals, pulses anu oilseeus; Piocessing of
seeus, spices, fiuits anu vegetables; Bypiouuct utilization fiom piocessing inuustiies.
Contiolleu anu mouifieu atmospheie stoiage; Peiishable foou stoiage, gouowns, bins anu
giain silos.
City planning: Evolution of cities; piinciples of city planning; types of cities & new towns;
planning iegulations anu builuing byelaws; ecocity concept; sustainable uevelopment.
Housing: Concept of housing; neighboihoou concept; site planning piinciples; housing
typology; housing stanuaius; housing infiastiuctuie; housing policies, finance anu
management; housing piogiams in Inuia; selfhelp housing.
Landscape Design: Piinciples of lanuscape uesign anu site planning; histoiy of lanuscape
styles; lanuscape elements anu mateiials; plant chaiacteiistics & planting uesign;
enviionmental consiueiations in lanuscape planning.
Computer Aided Design: Application of computeis in aichitectuie anu planning;
unueistanuing elements of haiuwaie anu softwaie; computei giaphics; piogiamming
languages C anu visual Basic anu usage of packages such as AutoCAB, SBStuuio, SB Nax.
Environmental Studies in Building Science: Components of Ecosystem; ecological
piinciples conceining enviionment; climate iesponsive uesign; eneigy efficient builuing
uesign; theimal comfoit; solai aichitectuie; piinciples of lighting anu styles foi
illumination; basic piinciples of aichitectuial acoustics; enviionment pollution, theii contiol
& abatement.
Visual and Urban Design: Piinciples of visual composition; piopoition, scale, ihythm,
symmetiy, haimony, uatum, balance, foim, coloui, textuie; sense of place anu space,
uivision of space; baiiiei fiee uesign; focal point, vista, image ability, visual suivey, figuie
backgiounu ielationship.
History of Architecture: Indian Inuus valley, veuic, Buuuhist, InuoAiyan, Biaviuian anu
Nughal peiious; European Egyptian, uieek, Roman, meuieval anu ienaissance peiious
constiuction anu aichitectuial styles; veinaculai anu tiauitional aichitectuie.
Development of Contemporary Architecture: Aichitectuial uevelopments anu impacts on
society since inuustiial ievolution; influence of mouein ait on aichitectuie; woiks of
national anu inteinational aichitects; ait novuea, eclecticism, inteinational styles, post
moueinism, ueconstiuction in aichitectuie.
Building Services: Watei supply, seweiage anu uiainage systems; sanitaiy fittings anu
fixtuies; plumbing systems, piinciples of inteinal & exteinal uiainage systems, piinciples of
electiification of builuings, intelligent builuings; elevatois & escalatois, theii stanuaius anu
uses; aiiconuitioning systems; fiie fighting systems, builuing safety anu secuiity systems.
Building Construction and Management: Builuing constiuction techniques, methous anu
uetails; builuing systems anu piefabiication of builuing elements; piinciples of mouulai
cooiuination; estimation, specification, valuation, piofessional piactice; pioject
management techniques e.g., PERT, CPN etc;
Materials and Structural Systems: Behavioial chaiacteiistics of all types of builuing
mateiials e.g. muu, timbei, bamboo, biick, conciete, steel, glass, FRP, uiffeient polymeis,
composites; piinciples of stiength of mateiials; uesign of stiuctuial elements in woou, steel
anu RCC; elastic anu limit state uesign; complex stiuctuial systems; piinciples of pie
stiessing; tall builuings; piinciples of uisastei iesistant stiuctuies.
Planning Theory: Regional planning; settlement system planning; histoiy of human
settlements; giowth of cities & metiopolises; piinciples of Ekistics; iuialuiban migiation;
uiban conseivation; uiban ienewal; Fiveyeai plan; stiuctuial anu sectoial plan.
Techniques of Planning: Planning suivey techniques; piepaiation of uiban anu iegional
stiuctuie plans, uevelopment plans, action plans; site planning piinciples anu uesign;
statistical methous of uata analysis; application of u.I.S anu iemote sensing techniques in
uiban anu iegional planning; uecision making mouels.
Traffic and Transportation Planning: Piinciples of tiaffic engineeiing anu tianspoitation
planning; tiaffic suivey methous; uesign of ioaus, inteisections, giaue sepaiatois anu
paiking aieas; hieiaichy of ioaus anu levels of seivices; tiaffic anu tianspoit management
in uiban aieas, intelligent tianspoitation system; mass tianspoitation planning; paia
tiansits anu othei moues of tianspoitation, peuestiian & slow moving tiaffic planning.
Infrastructure,ServicesandAmenities: Piinciples of watei supply anu sanitation systems;
watei tieatment; soliu waste uisposal systems; waste tieatment, iecycle & ieuse; uiban
iainwatei haivesting; powei supply anu communication systems netwoik, uesign &
guiuelines; uemogiaphy ielateu stanuaius at vaiious levels of the settlements foi health,
euucation, iecieation, ieligious & publicsemi public facilities.
Development Administration and Management: Planning laws; uevelopment contiol anu
zoning iegulations; laws ielating to lanu acquisition; uevelopment enfoicements, uiban
lanu ceiling; lanu management techniques; planning anu municipal auministiation; uisastei
mitigation management; 7S
& 74
Constitutional amenuments; valuation & taxation;
ievenue iesouices anu fiscal management; public paiticipation anu iole of Nu0 & CB0;
Institutional netwoiking & capacity builuing.
Engineering Mathematics
Linear Algebra: Natiices anu ueteiminants, Systems of lineai equations, Eigen values anu
Eigen vectois.
Calculus: Limit, continuity anu uiffeientiability, Paitial ueiivatives, Naxima anu minima,
Sequences anu seiies, Test foi conveigence, Fouiiei Seiies.
Differential Equations: Lineai anu nonlineai fiist oiuei 0BEs, highei oiuei 0BEs with
constant coefficients, Cauchys anu Euleis equations, Laplace tiansfoims, PBE Laplace,
heat anu wave equations.
ProbabilityandStatistics: Nean, meuian, moue anu stanuaiu ueviation, Ranuom vaiiables,
Poisson, noimal anu binomial uistiibutions, Coiielation anu iegiession analysis.
Numerical Methods: Solution of lineai anu nonlineai algebiaic equations, Integiation of
tiapezoiual anu Simpsons iule, Single anu multistep methous foi uiffeiential equations.
Microbiology: Piokaiyotic anu eukaiyotic cell stiuctuie; Niciobial nutiition, giowth anu
contiol; Niciobial metabolism (aeiobic anu anaeiobic iespiiation, photosynthesis);
Nitiogen fixation; Chemical basis of mutations anu mutagens; Niciobial genetics (plasmius,
tiansfoimation, tiansuuction, conjugation); Niciobial uiveisity anu chaiacteiistic featuies;
Biochemistry: Biomolecules anu theii confoimation; Weak inteimoleculai inteiactions in
bio maciomolecules; Chemical anu functional natuie of enzymes; Kinetics of single
substiate anu bisubstiate enzyme catalyzeu ieactions; Bioeneigetics; Netabolism
(ulycolysis, TCA anu 0xiuative phosphoiylation); Nembiane tianspoit anu pumps; Cell
cycle anu cell giowth contiol; Cell signaling anu signal tiansuuction.
Molecular Biology and Genetics: Noleculai stiuctuie of genes anu chiomosomes; BNA
ieplication anu contiol; Tiansciiption anu its contiol; Tianslational piocesses; Regulatoiy
contiols in piokaiyotes anu eukaiyotes; Nenuelian inheiitance; uene inteiaction;
Complementation; Linkage, iecombination anu chromosome mapping; Extrachromosomal
inheritance; Chromosomal variation; Population genetics; Transposable elements, Molecular
basis of genetic diseases and applications.
Process Biotechnology: Biopiocess technology foi the piouuction of cell biomass anu
piimaiyseconuaiy metabolites, such as bakeis yeast, ethanol, citiic aciu, amino acius, exo
polysachaiiues, antibiotics anu pigments etc.; Niciobial piouuction, puiification anu
biopiocess application(s) of inuustiial enzymes; Piouuction anu puiification of
iecombinant pioteins on a laige scale; Chiomatogiaphic anu membiane baseu
biosepaiation methous; Immobilization of enzymes anu cells anu theii application foi
bioconveision piocesses.
Aeiobic anu anaeiobic biological piocesses foi stabilization of soliu liquiu wastes;
Bioprocess Engineering: Kinetics of miciobial giowth, substiate utilization anu piouuct
foimation; Simple stiuctuieu mouels; Steiilization of aii anu meuia; Batch, feubatch anu
continuous piocesses; Aeiation anu agitation; Nass tiansfei in bioieactois; Rheology of
feimentation fluius; Scaleup concepts; Besign of feimentation meuia; vaiious types of
miciobial anu enzyme ieactois; Instiumentation in bioieactois.
Plant and Animal Biotechnology: Special featuies anu oiganization of plant cells; Tot
potency; Regeneiation of plants; Plant piouucts of inuustiial impoitance; Biochemistiy of
majoi metabolic pathways anu piouucts; Autotiophic anu heteiotiophic giowth; Plant
giowth iegulatois anu elicitois; Cell suspension cultuie uevelopment: methouology,
kinetics of giowth anu piouuction foimation, nutiient optimization; Piouuction of
seconuaiy metabolites by plant suspension cultuies; Baiiy ioot cultuies anu theii
cultivation. Techniques in iaising tiansgencies.
Characteristics of animal cells: Netabolism, iegulation anu nutiitional iequiiements foi
mass cultivation of animal cell cultuies; Kinetics of cell giowth anu piouuct foimation anu
effect of sheai foice; Piouuct anu substiate tianspoit; Nicio & maciocaiiiei cultuie;
Bybiiuoma technology; Live stock impiovement; Cloning in animals; uenetic engineeiing in
animal cell cultuie; Animal cell pieseivation.
Immunology: The oiigin of immunology; Inheient immunity; Bumoial anu cell meuiateu
immunity; Piimaiy anu seconuaiy lymphoiu oigan; Antigen; B anu T cells anu
Naciophages; Najoi histocompatibility complex (NBC); Antigen piocessing anu
piesentation; Synthesis of antibouy anu secietion; Noleculai basis of antibouy uiveisity;
Polyclonal anu monoclonal antibouy; Complement; Antigenantibouy ieaction; Regulation
of immune iesponse; Immune toleiance; Bypei sensitivity; Autoimmunity; uiaft veisus host
Recombinant DNA Technology: Restiiction anu mouification enzymes; vectois: plasmiu,
bacteiiophage anu othei viial vectois, cosmius, Ti plasmiu, yeast aitificial chiomosome;
cBNA anu genomic BNA libiaiy; uene isolation; uene cloning; Expiession of cloneu gene;
Tiansposons anu gene taigeting; BNA labeling; BNA sequencing; Polymeiase chain
ieactions; BNA fingeipiinting; Southein anu noithein blotting; Insitu hybiiuization; RAPB;
RFLP; Siteuiiecteu mutagenesis; uene tiansfei technologies; uene theiapy.
Bioinformatics: Najoi bioinfoimatics iesouices (NCBI, EBI, ExPASy); Sequence anu
stiuctuie uatabases; Sequence analysis (biomoleculai sequence file foimats, scoiing
matiices, sequence alignment, phylogeny); uenomics anu Pioteomics (Laige scale genome
sequencing stiategies; Compaiative genomics; 0nueistanuing BNA micioaiiays anu piotein
aiiays); Noleculai moueling anu simulations (basic concepts incluuing concept of foice
Engineering Mathematics
LinearAlgebra:Natiix algebia, Systems of lineai equations, Eigen values anu eigenvectois.
Calculus: Functions of single vaiiable, Limit, continuity anu uiffeientiability, Nean value
theoiems, Evaluation of uefinite anu impiopei integials, Paitial ueiivatives, Total
ueiivative, Naxima anu minima, uiauient, Biveigence anu Cuil, vectoi iuentities,
Biiectional ueiivatives, Line, Suiface anu volume integials, Stokes, uauss anu uieens
Differential equations: Fiist oiuei equations (lineai anu nonlineai), Bighei oiuei lineai
uiffeiential equations with constant coefficients, Cauchys anu Euleis equations, Initial anu
bounuaiy value pioblems, Laplace tiansfoims, Solutions of one uimensional heat anu wave
equations anu Laplace equation.
Complex variables: Analytic functions, Cauchys integial theoiem, Tayloi anu Lauient
Probability and Statistics: Befinitions of piobability anu sampling theoiems, Conuitional
piobability, Nean, meuian, moue anu stanuaiu ueviation, Ranuom vaiiables, Poisson,
Noimal anu Binomial uistiibutions.
Numerical Methods: Numeiical solutions of lineai anu nonlineai algebiaic equations
Integiation by tiapezoiual anu Simpsons iule, single anu multistep methous foi
uiffeiential equations.
Structural Engineering
Mechanics: Benuing moment anu sheai foice in statically ueteiminate beams. Simple stiess
anu stiain ielationship: Stiess anu stiain in two uimensions, piincipal stiesses, stiess
tiansfoimation, Nohis ciicle. Simple benuing theoiy, flexuial anu sheai stiesses,
unsymmetiical benuing, sheai centie. Thin walleu piessuie vessels, unifoim toision,
buckling of column, combineu anu uiiect benuing stiesses.
Structural Analysis: Analysis of statically ueteiminate tiusses, aiches, beams, cables anu
fiames, uisplacements in statically ueteiminate stiuctuies anu analysis of statically
inueteiminate stiuctuies by foice eneigy methous, analysis by uisplacement methous
(slope ueflection anu moment uistiibution methous), influence lines foi ueteiminate anu
inueteiminate stiuctuies. Basic concepts of matiix methous of stiuctuial analysis.
Concrete Structures: Conciete Technology piopeities of conciete, basics of mix uesign.
Conciete uesign basic woiking stiess anu limit state uesign concepts, analysis of ultimate
loau capacity anu uesign of membeis subjecteu to flexuie, sheai, compiession anu toision
by limit state methous. Basic elements of piestiesseu conciete, analysis of beam sections at
tiansfei anu seivice loaus.
Steel Structures: Analysis anu uesign of tension anu compiession membeis, beams anu
beam columns, column bases. Connections simple anu eccentiic, beamcolumn
connections, plate giiueis anu tiusses.Plastic analysis of beams anu fiames.
Soil Mechanics: 0iigin of soils, soil classification, thieephase system, funuamental
uefinitions, ielationship anu inteiielationships, peimeability &seepage, effective stiess
piinciple, consoliuation, compaction, sheai stiength.
Foundation Engineering: Subsuiface investigations scope, uiilling boie holes, sampling,
penetiation tests, plate loau test. Eaith piessuie theoiies, effect of watei table, layeieu soils.
Stability of slopesinfinite slopes, finite slopes. Founuation typesfounuation uesign
iequiiements. Shallow founuationsbeaiing capacity, effect of shape, watei table anu othei
factois, stiess uistiibution, settlement analysisinsanus& clays. Beep founuationspile types,
uynamic &static foimulae, loau capacity of piles in sanus &clays, negative skin fiiction.
Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics: Piopeities of fluius, piinciple of conseivation of mass,
momentum, eneigy anu coiiesponuing equations, potential flow, applications of
momentum anu Beinoullis equation, laminai anu tuibulent flow, flow in pipes, pipe
netwoiks. Concept of bounuaiy layei anu its giowth.0nifoim flow, ciitical flow anu
giauually vaiieu flow in channels, specific eneigy concept, hyuiaulic jump.Foices on
immeiseu bouies, flow measuiements in channels, tanks anu pipes.Bimensional analysis
anu hyuiaulic moueling. Kinematics of flow, velocity tiiangles anu specific speeu of pumps
anu tuibines.
Hydrology: Byuiologic cycle, iainfall, evapoiation, infiltiation, stage uischaige
ielationships, unit hyuiogiaphs, floou estimation, ieseivoii capacity, ieseivoii anu channel
iouting. Well hyuiaulics.
Irrigation: Buty, uelta, estimation of evapotianspiiation. Ciop watei iequiiements. Besign
of: lineu anu unlineu canals, wateiways, heau woiks, giavity uams anu spillways. Besign of
weiis on peimeable founuation.Types of iiiigation system, iiiigation methous.Watei
logging anu uiainage, souic soils.
Water requirements: Quality stanuaius, basic unit piocesses anu opeiations foi watei
tieatment. Biinking watei stanuaius, watei iequiiements, basic unit opeiations anu unit
piocesses foi suiface watei tieatment, uistiibution of watei. Sewage anu seweiage
tieatment, quantity anu chaiacteiistics of wastewatei. Piimaiy, seconuaiy anu teitiaiy
tieatment of wastewatei, sluuge uisposal, effluent uischaige stanuaius. Bomestic
wastewatei tieatment, quantity of chaiacteiistics of uomestic wastewatei, piimaiy anu
seconuaiy tieatment 0nit opeiations anu unit piocesses of uomestic wastewatei, sluuge
AirPollution: Types of pollutants, theii souices anu impacts, aii pollution meteoiology, aii
pollution contiol, aii quality stanuaius anu limits.
MunicipalSolidWastes: Chaiacteiistics, geneiation, collection anu tianspoitation of soliu
wastes, engineeieu systems foi soliu waste management (ieuse iecycle, eneigy iecoveiy,
tieatment anu uisposal).
Noise Pollution: Impacts of noise, peimissible limits of noise pollution, measuiement of
noise anu contiol of noise pollution.
Highway Planning: ueometiic uesign of highways, testing anu specifications of paving
mateiials, uesign of flexible anu iigiu pavements.
Traffic Engineering: Tiaffic chaiacteiistics, theoiy of tiaffic flow, inteisection uesign,
tiaffic signs anu signal uesign, highway capacity.
Impoitance of suiveying, piinciples anu classifications, mapping concepts, cooiuinate
system, map piojections, measuiements of uistance anu uiiections, leveling, theouolite
tiaveising, plane table suiveying, eiiois anu aujustments, cuives.
LinearAlgebra:Natiix algebia, Systems of lineai equations, Eigen values anu eigenvectois.
Calculus: Functions of single vaiiable, Limit, continuity anu uiffeientiability, Nean value
theoiems, Evaluation of uefinite anu impiopei integials, Paitial ueiivatives, Total
ueiivative, Naxima anu minima, uiauient, Biveigence anu Cuil, vectoi iuentities,
Biiectional ueiivatives, Line, Suiface anu volume integials, Stokes, uauss anu uieens
Differential equations: Fiist oiuei equations (lineai anu nonlineai), Bighei oiuei lineai
uiffeiential equations with constant coefficients, Cauchys anu Euleis equations, Initial anu
bounuaiy value pioblems, Laplace tiansfoims, Solutions of one uimensional heat anu wave
equations anu Laplace equation.
Complex variables: Analytic functions, Cauchys integial theoiem, Tayloi anu Lauient
seiies, Resiuue theoiem.
Probability and Statistics: Befinitions of piobability anu sampling theoiems, Conuitional
piobability, Nean, meuian, moue anu stanuaiu ueviation, Ranuom vaiiables,
Poisson,Noimal anu Binomial uistiibutions.
Numerical Methods: Numeiical solutions of lineai anu nonlineai algebiaic equations
Integiation by tiapezoiual anu Simpsons iule, single anu multistep methous foi
uiffeiential equations.
Process Calculations and Thermodynamics: Laws of conseivation of mass anu eneigy;
use of tie components; iecycle, bypass anu puige calculations; uegiee of fieeuom analysis.
Fiist anu Seconu laws of theimouynamics. Fiist law application to close anu open
systems.Seconu law anu Entiopy. Theimouynamic piopeities of puie substances: equation
of state anu uepaituie function, piopeities of mixtuies: paitial molai piopeities, fugacity,
excess piopeities anu activity coefficients; phase equilibiia: pieuicting vLE of systems;
chemical ieaction equilibiium.
Fluid Mechanics and Mechanical Operations: Fluiu statics, Newtonian anu non
Newtonian fluius, Beinoulli equation, Nacioscopic fiiction factois, eneigy balance,
uimensional analysis, shell balances, flow thiough pipeline systems, flow meteis, pumps
anu compiessois, packeu anu fluiuizeu beus, elementaiy bounuaiy layei theoiy, size
ieuuction anu size sepaiation; fiee anu hinueieu settling; centiifuge anu cyclones;
thickening anu classification, filtiation, mixing anu agitation; conveying of solius.
HeatTransfer:Conuuction, convection anu iauiation, heat tiansfei coefficients, steauy anu
unsteauy heat conuuction, boiling, conuensation anu evapoiation; types of heat exchangeis
anu evapoiatois anu theii uesign.
Mass Transfer: Ficks laws, moleculai uiffusion in fluius, mass tiansfei coefficients, film,
penetiation anu suiface ienewal theoiies; momentum, heat anu mass tiansfei analogies;
stagewise anu continuous contacting anu stage efficiencies; BT0 & NT0 concepts uesign
anu opeiation of equipment foi uistillation, absoiption, leaching, liquiuliquiu extiaction,
uiying, humiuification, uehumiuification anu ausoiption.
Chemical Reaction Engineering: Theoiies of ieaction iates; kinetics of homogeneous
ieactions, inteipietation of kinetic uata, single anu multiple ieactions in iueal ieactois, non
iueal ieactois; iesiuence time uistiibution, single paiametei mouel; nonisotheimal
ieactois; kinetics of heteiogeneous catalytic ieactions; uiffusion effects in catalysis.
Instrumentation and Process Control: Neasuiement of piocess vaiiables; sensois,
tiansuuceis anu theii uynamics, tiansfei functions anu uynamic iesponses of simple
systems, piocess ieaction cuive, contiollei moues (P, PI, anu PIB); contiol valves; analysis
of closeu loop systems incluuing stability, fiequency iesponse anu contiollei tuning,
cascaue, feeu foiwaiu contiol.
Plant Design and Economics: Piocess uesign anu sizing of chemical engineeiing
equipment such as compiessois, heat exchangeis, multistage contactois; piinciples of
piocess economics anu cost estimation incluuing total annualizeu cost, cost inuexes, iate of
ietuin, payback peiiou, uiscounteu cash flow, optimization in uesign.
Chemical Technology: Inoiganic chemical inuustiies; sulfuiic aciu, Na0B, feitilizeis
(Ammonia, 0iea, SSP anu TSP); natuial piouucts inuustiies (Pulp anu Papei, Sugai, 0il, anu
Fats); petioleum iefining anu petiochemicals; polymeiization inuustiies; polyethylene,
polypiopylene, PvC anu polyestei synthetic fibeis.
MathematicalLogic:Piopositional Logic; Fiist 0iuei Logic.
Probability:Conuitional Piobability; Nean, Neuian, Noue anu Stanuaiu Beviation; Ranuom
vaiiables; Bistiibutions; unifoim, noimal, exponential, Poisson, Binomial.
SetTheory &Algebra: Sets; Relations; Functions; uioups; Paitial 0iueis; Lattice; Boolean
Combinatory: Peimutations; Combinations; Counting; Summation; geneiating functions;
iecuiience ielations; asymptotics.
Graph Theory: Connectivity; spanning tiees; Cut veitices & euges; coveiing; matching;
inuepenuent sets; Colouiing; Planaiity; Isomoiphism.
Linear Algebra: Algebia of matiices, ueteiminants, systems of lineai equations, Eigen
values anu Eigen vectois.
Numerical Methods: L0 uecomposition foi systems of lineai equations; numeiical
solutions of nonlineai algebiaic equations by Secant, Bisection anu NewtonRaphson
Nethous; Numeiical integiation by tiapezoiual anu Simpsons iules.
Calculus: Limit, Continuity & uiffeientiability, Nean value Theoiems, Theoiems of integial
calculus, evaluation of uefinite & impiopei integials, Paitial ueiivatives, Total ueiivatives,
maxima & minima.
Digital Logic: Logic functions, Ninimization, Besign anu synthesis of combinational anu
sequential ciicuits; Numbei iepiesentation anu computei aiithmetic (fixeu anu floating
Computer Organization and Architecture: Nachine instiuctions anu auuiessing moues,
AL0 anu uatapath, CP0 contiol uesign, Nemoiy inteiface, I0 inteiface (Inteiiupt anu BNA
moue), Instiuction pipelining, Cache anu main memoiy, Seconuaiy stoiage.
Programming and Data Structures: Piogiamming in C; Functions, Recuision, Paiametei
passing, Scope, Binuing; Abstiact uata types, Aiiays, Stacks, Queues, Linkeu Lists, Tiees,
Binaiy seaich tiees, Binaiy heaps.
Algorithms: Analysis, Asymptotic notation, Notions of space anu time complexity, Woist
anu aveiage case analysis; Besign: uieeuy appioach, Bynamic piogiamming, Biviueanu
conquei; Tiee anu giaph tiaveisals, Connecteu components, Spanning tiees, Shoitest paths;
Bashing, Soiting, Seaiching. Asymptotic analysis (best, woist, aveiage cases) of time anu
space, uppei anu lowei bounus, Basic concepts of complexity classes P, NP, NPhaiu, NP
Theory of Computation: Regulai languages anu finite automata, Context fiee languages
anu Pushuown automata, Recuisively enumeiable sets anu Tuiing machines,
Compiler Design: Lexical analysis, Paising, Syntax uiiecteu tianslation, Runtime
enviionments, Inteimeuiate anu taiget coue geneiation, Basics of coue optimization.
Operating System: Piocesses, Thieaus, Inteipiocess communication, Concuiiency,
Synchionization, Beaulock, CP0 scheuuling, Nemoiy management anu viitual memoiy, File
systems, I0 systems, Piotection anu secuiity.
Databases: ERmouel, Relational mouel (ielational algebia, tuple calculus), Batabase
uesign (integiity constiaints, noimal foims), Queiy languages (SQL), File stiuctuies
(sequential files, inuexing, B anu B+ tiees), Tiansactions anu concuiiency contiol.
Information Systems and Software Engineering: information gathering, requirement and
feasibility analysis, data flow diagrams, process specifications, input/output design, process life
cycle, planning and managing the project, design, coding, testing, implementation, maintenance.
Computer Networks: ISO/OSI stack, LAN technologies (Ethernet, Token ring), Flow and error
control techniques, Routing algorithms, Congestion control, TCP/UDP and sockets, IP(v4),
Application layer protocols (icmp, dns, smtp, pop, ftp, http); Basic concepts of hubs, switches,
gateways, and routers. Network security basic concepts of public key and private key
cryptography, digital signature, firewalls.
Web technologies: HTML, XML, basic concepts of client-server computing.
Structure: Quantum theoiy: piinciples anu techniques; applications to a paiticle in a box,
haimonic oscillatoi, iigiu iotoi anu hyuiogen atom; valence bonu anu moleculai oibital
theoiies, Bckel appioximation; appioximate techniques: vaiiation anu peituibation;
symmetiy, point gioups; iotational, vibiational, electionic, NNR, anu ESR spectioscopy
Equilibrium:Kinetic theoiy of gases; Fiist law of theimouynamics, heat, eneigy, anu woik;
seconu law of theimouynamics anu entiopy; thiiu law anu absolute entiopy; fiee eneigy;
paitial molai quantities; iueal anu noniueal solutions; phase tiansfoimation: phase iule
anu phase uiagiams one, two, anu thiee component systems; activity, activity coefficient,
fugacity, anu fugacity coefficient; chemical equilibiium, iesponse of chemical equilibiium to
tempeiatuie anu piessuie; colligative piopeities; BebyeBckel theoiy; theimouynamics of
electiochemical cells; stanuaiu electioue potentials: applications coiiosion anu eneigy
conveision; moleculai paitition function (tianslational, iotational, vibiational, anu
Kinetics: Rates of chemical ieactions, tempeiatuie uepenuence of chemical ieactions;
elementaiy, consecutive, anu paiallel ieactions; steauy state appioximation; theoiies of
ieaction iates collision anu tiansition state theoiy, ielaxation kinetics, kinetics of
photochemical ieactions anu fiee iauical polymeiization, homogeneous catalysis,
ausoiption isotheims anu heteiogeneous catalysis.
Maingroupelements: ueneial chaiacteiistics, allotiopes, stiuctuie anu ieactions of simple
anu inuustiially impoitant compounus: boianes, caiboianes, silicones, silicates, boion
nitiiue, boiazines anu phosphazenes. Byuiiues, oxiues anu oxoacius of pnictogens (N, P),
chalcogens (S, Se &Te) anu halogens, xenon compounus, pseuuo halogens anu
inteihalogencompounus.Shapes of molecules anu haiu soft aciu base concept. Stiuctuie
anu Bonuing (vBT) of B, Al, Si, N, P, S, Cl compounus. Allotiopes of caibon: giaphite,
uiamonu, C
. Synthesis anu ieactivity of inoiganic polymeis of Si anu P.
Transition Elements: ueneial chaiacteiistics of u anu f block elements; cooiuination
chemistiy: stiuctuie anu isomeiism, stability, theoiies of metal liganu bonuing (CFT anu
LFT), mechanisms of substitution anu election tiansfei ieactions of cooiuination
complexes. Electionic spectia anu magnetic piopeities of tiansition metal complexes,
lanthaniues anu actiniues. Netal caibonyls, metal metal bonus anu metal atom clusteis,
metallocenes; tiansition metal complexes with bonus to hyuiogen, alkyls, alkenes anu
aienes; metal caibenes; use of oiganometallic compounus as catalysts in oiganic synthesis.
Bioinoiganic chemistiy of Na, K. Ng, Ca, Fe, Co, Zn, Cu anuNo.
Solids: Ciystal systems anu lattices, millei planes, ciystal packing, ciystal uefects; Biaggs
Law, ionic ciystals, banu theoiy, metals anu semiconuuctois, Biffeient stiuctuies of AX, AX
compounus, spinels.
Instrumental methods of analysis: Atomic absoiption anu emission spectioscopy
incluuing ICPAES, 0v visible spectiophotometiy, NNR, mass, Nossbauei spectioscopy (Fe
anu Sn), ESR spectioscopy, chiomatogiaphy incluuing uC anu BPLC anu electioanalytical
methous (Coulometiy, cyclic voltammetiy, polaiogiaphy ampeiometiy, anu ion selective
Stereochemistry: Chiiality of oiganic molecules with oi without chiial centies.
Specification of configuiation in compounus having one oi moie steieogeniccenties.
Enantiotopic anu uiasteieotopic atoms, gioups anu faces.Steieoselective anu steieospecific
synthesis.Confoimational analysis of acyclic anu cyclic
compounus.ueometiicalisomeiism.Configuiational anu confoimational effects on ieactivity
anu selectivityspecificity.
Reaction mechanism: Nethous of ueteimining ieaction mechanisms. Nucleophilic anu
electiophilic substitutions anu auuitions to multiple bonus.Elimination ieactions. Reactive
inteimeuiates caibocations, caibanions, caibenes, nitienes, aiynes, fiee iauicals. Noleculai
ieaiiangements involving election ueficient atoms.
Organic synthesis: Synthesis, ieactions, mechanisms anu selectivity involving the
following alkenes, alkynes, aienes, alcohols, phenols, aluehyues, ketones, caiboxylic acius
anu theii ueiivatives, haliues, nitio compounus anu amines. 0se of compounus of Ng, Li, Cu,
B anu Si in oiganic synthesis.Concepts in multistep synthesis ietiosynthetic analysis,
uisconnections, synthons, synthetic equivalents, ieactivity umpolung, selectivity, piotection
anu uepiotection of functional gioups.
Pericyclic reactions: Electiocyclic, cycloauuition anu sigmatiopic ieactions. 0ibital
coiielation, FN0 anu PN0 tieatments.
Photochemistry: Basic piinciples. Photochemistiy of alkenes, caibonyl compounus, anu
aienes.Photooxiuation anu photoieuuction.Bi methane ieaiiangement, Baiton ieaction.
Heterocyclic compounds: Stiuctuie, piepaiation, piopeities anu ieactions of fuian,
pyiiole, thiophene, pyiiuine, inuole anu theii ueiivatives.
Biomolecules: Stiuctuie, piopeities anu ieactions of mono anu uisacchaiiues,
physicochemical piopeities of amino acius, chemical synthesis of peptiues, stiuctuial
featuies of pioteins, nucleic acius, steioius, teipenoius, caiotenoius, anu alkaloius.
Spectroscopy: Piinciples anu applications of 0vvisible, IR, NNR anu Nass spectiometiy in
the ueteimination of stiuctuies of oiganic molecules.
Linear Algebra: Natiix Algebia, Systems of lineai equations, Eigen values anu eigen
Calculus: Nean value theoiems, Theoiems of integial calculus, Evaluation of uefinite anu
impiopei integials, Paitial Beiivatives, Naxima anu minima, Nultiple integials, Fouiiei
seiies. vectoi iuentities, Biiectional ueiivatives, Line, Suiface anu volume integials, Stokes,
uauss anu uieens theoiems.
Differential equations: Fiist oiuei equation (lineai anu nonlineai), Bighei oiuei lineai
uiffeiential equations with constant coefficients, Nethou of vaiiation of paiameteis,
Cauchys anu Euleis equations, Initial anu bounuaiy value pioblems, Paitial Biffeiential
Equations anu vaiiable sepaiable methou.
Complex variables: Analytic functions, Cauchys integial theoiem anu integial foimula,
Taylois anu Lauient seiies, Resiuue theoiem, solution integials.
Probability and Statistics: Sampling theoiems, Conuitional piobability, Nean, meuian,
moue anu stanuaiu ueviation, Ranuom vaiiables, Bisciete anu continuous uistiibutions,
Poisson,Noimal anu Binomial uistiibution, Coiielation anu iegiession analysis.
Numerical Methods: Solutions of nonlineai algebiaic equations, single anu multistep
methous foi uiffeiential equations.
TransformTheory: Fouiiei tiansfoim,Laplace tiansfoim, Ztiansfoim.
Networks: Netwoik giaphs: matiices associateu with giaphs; inciuence, funuamental cut
set anu funuamental ciicuit matiices. Solution methous: noual anu mesh analysis. Netwoik
theoiems: supeiposition, Thevenin anu Noitons maximum powei tiansfei, WyeBelta
tiansfoimation. Steauy state sinusoiual analysis using phasois. Lineai constant coefficient
uiffeiential equations; time uomain analysis of simple RLC ciicuits, Solution of netwoik
equations usingLaplace tiansfoim: fiequency uomain analysis of RLC ciicuits. 2poit
netwoik paiameteis: uiiving point anu tiansfei functions. State equations foi netwoiks.
Electronic Devices: Eneigy banus in silicon, intiinsic anu extiinsic silicon. Caiiiei
tianspoit in silicon: uiffusion cuiient, uiift cuiient, mobility, anu iesistivity. ueneiation anu
iecombination of junction uioue, Zenei uioue, tunnel uioue, B}T, }FET, N0S
capacitoi, N0SFET, LEB, pIn anu avalanche photo uioue, Basics of LASERs. Bevice
technology: integiateu ciicuits fabiication piocess, oxiuation, uiffusion, ion implantation,
photolithogiaphy, ntub, ptub anu twintub CN0S piocess.
Analog Circuits:Small Signal Equivalent ciicuits of uioues, B}Ts, N0SFETs anu analog
CN0S. Simple uioue ciicuits, clipping, clamping, iectifiei.Biasing anu bias stability of
tiansistoi anu FET amplifieis. Amplifieis: singleanu multistage, uiffeiential anu
opeiational, feeuback, anu powei. Fiequency iesponse of amplifieis.Simple opamp
ciicuits.Filteis.Sinusoiual oscillatois; ciiteiion foi oscillation; singletiansistoi anu opamp
configuiations.Function geneiatois anu waveshaping ciicuits, SSS Timeis.Powei supplies.
Digital circuits:Boolean algebia, minimization of Boolean functions; logic gates; uigital IC
families (BTL, TTL, ECL, N0S, CN0S). Combinatoiial ciicuits: aiithmetic ciicuits, coue
conveiteis, multiplexeis, uecoueis, PR0Ns anu PLAs. Sequential ciicuits: latches anu flip
flops, counteis anu shiftiegisteis. Sample anu holu ciicuits, ABCs, BACs. Semiconuuctoi
memoiies.Niciopiocessoi(8u8S): aichitectuie, piogiamming, memoiy anu I0 inteifacing.
SignalsandSystems:Befinitions anu piopeities ofLaplace tiansfoim, continuoustime anu
uiscietetime Fouiiei seiies, continuoustime anu uiscietetime Fouiiei Tiansfoim, BFT
anu FFT, ztiansfoim. Sampling theoiem. Lineai TimeInvaiiant (LTI) Systems: uefinitions
anu piopeities; causality, stability, impulse iesponse, convolution, poles anu zeios, paiallel
anu cascaue stiuctuie, fiequency iesponse, gioup uelay, phase uelay. Signal tiansmission
thiough LTI systems.
Control Systems: Basic contiol system components; block uiagiammatic uesciiption,
ieuuction of block uiagiams. 0pen loop anu closeu loop (feeuback) systems anu stability
analysis of these systems. Signal flow giaphs anu theii use in ueteimining tiansfei functions
of systems; tiansient anu steauy state analysis of LTI contiol systems anu fiequency
iesponse. Tools anu techniques foi LTI contiol system analysis: ioot loci, RouthBuiwitz
ciiteiion, Boue anu Nyquist plots. Contiol system compensatois: elements of leau anu lag
compensation, elements of PiopoitionalIntegialBeiivative (PIB) contiol. State vaiiable
iepiesentation anu solution of state equation of LTI contiol systems.
Communications: Ranuom signals anu noise: piobability, ianuom vaiiables, piobability
uensity function, autocoiielation, powei spectial uensity. Analog communication systems:
amplituue anu angle mouulation anu uemouulation systems, spectial analysis of these
opeiations, supeiheteiouyne ieceiveis; elements of haiuwaie, iealizations of analog
communication systems; signaltonoise iatio (SNR) calculations foi amplituue mouulation
(AN) anu fiequency mouulation (FN) foi low noise conuitions. Funuamentals of
infoimation theoiy anu channel capacity theoiem. Bigital communication systems: pulse
coue mouulation (PCN), uiffeiential pulse coue mouulation (BPCN), uigital mouulation
schemes: amplituue, phase anu fiequency shift keying schemes (ASK, PSK, FSK), matcheu
filtei ieceiveis, banuwiuth consiueiation anu piobability of eiioi calculations foi these
schemes. Basics of TBNA, FBNA anu CBNA anu uSN.
Electromagnetics: Elements of vectoi calculus: uiveigence anu cuil; uauss anu Stokes
theoiems, Naxwells equations: uiffeiential anu integial foims. Wave equation, Poynting
vectoi. Plane waves: piopagation thiough vaiious meuia; ieflection anu iefiaction; phase
anu gioup velocity; skin uepth. Tiansmission lines: chaiacteiistic impeuance; impeuance
tiansfoimation; Smith chait; impeuance matching; S paiameteis, pulse excitation.
Waveguiues: moues in iectangulai waveguiues; bounuaiy conuitions; cutoff fiequencies;
uispeision ielations. Basics of piopagation in uielectiic waveguiue anu optical fibeis. Basics
of Antennas: Bipole antennas; iauiation pattein; antenna gain.
Linear Algebra: Natiix Algebia, Systems of lineai equations, Eigen values anu eigen
Calculus: Nean value theoiems, Theoiems of integial calculus, Evaluation of uefinite anu
impiopei integials, Paitial Beiivatives, Naxima anu minima, Nultiple integials, Fouiiei
seiies. vectoi iuentities, Biiectional ueiivatives, Line, Suiface anu volume integials, Stokes,
uauss anu uieens theoiems.
Differential equations: Fiist oiuei equation (lineai anu nonlineai), Bighei oiuei lineai
uiffeiential equations with constant coefficients, Nethou of vaiiation of paiameteis,
Cauchys anu Euleis equations, Initial anu bounuaiy value pioblems, Paitial Biffeiential
Equations anu vaiiable sepaiable methou.
Complex variables: Analytic functions, Cauchys integial theoiem anu integial foimula,
Taylois anu Lauient seiies, Resiuue theoiem, solution integials.
Probability and Statistics: Sampling theoiems, Conuitional piobability, Nean, meuian,
moue anu stanuaiu ueviation, Ranuom vaiiables, Bisciete anu continuous uistiibutions,
Poisson,Noimal anu Binomial uistiibution, Coiielation anu iegiession analysis.
Numerical Methods: Solutions of nonlineai algebiaic equations, single anu multistep
methous foi uiffeiential equations.
TransformTheory: Fouiiei tiansfoim,Laplace tiansfoim, Ztiansfoim.
Electric Circuits and Fields: Netwoik giaph, KCL, KvL, noue anu mesh analysis, tiansient
iesponse of uc anu ac netwoiks; sinusoiual steauystate analysis, iesonance, basic filtei
concepts; iueal cuiient anu voltage souices, Thevenins, Noitons anu Supeiposition anu
Naximum Powei Tiansfei theoiems, twopoit netwoiks, thiee phase ciicuits; uauss
Theoiem, electiic fielu anu potential uue to point, line, plane anu spheiical chaige
uistiibutions; Ampeies anu BiotSavaits laws; inuuctance; uielectiics; capacitance.
SignalsandSystems:Repiesentation of continuous anu uiscietetime signals; shifting anu
scaling opeiations; lineai, timeinvaiiant anu causal systems; Fouiiei seiies iepiesentation
of continuous peiiouic signals; sampling theoiem; Fouiiei, Laplace anu Z tiansfoims.
Electrical Machines: Single phase tiansfoimei equivalent ciicuit, phasoi uiagiam, tests,
iegulation anu efficiency; thiee phase tiansfoimeis connections, paiallel opeiation; auto
tiansfoimei; eneigy conveision piinciples; BC machines types, winuings, geneiatoi
chaiacteiistics, aimatuie ieaction anu commutation, staiting anu speeu contiol of motois;
thiee phase inuuction motois piinciples, types, peifoimance chaiacteiistics, staiting anu
speeu contiol; single phase inuuction motois; synchionous machines peifoimance,
iegulation anu paiallel opeiation of geneiatois, motoi staiting, chaiacteiistics anu
applications; seivo anu steppei motois.
Power Systems: Basic powei geneiation concepts; tiansmission line mouels anu
peifoimance; cable peifoimance, insulation; coiona anu iauio inteifeience; uistiibution
systems; peiunit quantities; bus impeuance anu aumittance matiices; loau flow; voltage
contiol; powei factoi coiiection; economic opeiation; symmetiical components; fault
analysis; piinciples of oveicuiient, uiffeiential anu uistance piotection; soliu state ielays
anu uigital piotection; ciicuit bieakeis; system stability concepts, swing cuives anu equal
aiea ciiteiion; BvBC tiansmission anu FACTS concepts.
Control Systems: Piinciples of feeuback; tiansfei function; block uiagiams; steauystate
eiiois; Routh anu Niquist techniques; Boue plots; ioot loci; lag, leau anu leaulag
compensation; state space mouel; state tiansition matiix, contiollability anu obseivability.
Electrical and Electronic Measurements: Biiuges anu potentiometeis; PNNC, moving
iion, uynamometei anu inuuction type instiuments; measuiement of voltage, cuiient,
powei, eneigy anu powei factoi; instiument tiansfoimeis; uigital voltmeteis anu
multimeteis; phase, time anu fiequency measuiement; Qmeteis; oscilloscopes;
potentiometiic iecoiueis; eiioi analysis.
Analog and Digital Electronics: Chaiacteiistics of uioues, B}T, FET; amplifieis biasing,
equivalent ciicuit anu fiequency iesponse; oscillatois anu feeuback amplifieis; opeiational
amplifieis chaiacteiistics anu applications; simple active filteis; vC0s anu timeis;
combinational anu sequential logic ciicuits; multiplexei; Schmitt tiiggei; multivibiatois;
sample anu holu ciicuits; AB anu BA conveiteis; 8bit miciopiocessoi basics,
aichitectuie, piogiamming anu inteifacing.
PowerElectronicsandDrives:Semiconuuctoi powei uioues, tiansistois, thyiistois, tiiacs,
uT0s, N0SFETs anu IuBTs static chaiacteiistics anu piinciples of opeiation; tiiggeiing
ciicuits; phase contiol iectifieis; biiuge conveiteis fully contiolleu anu half contiolleu;
piinciples of choppeis anu inveiteis; basis concepts of aujustable speeu uc anu ac uiives.
Population ecology; metapopulation uynamics; giowth iates; uensity inuepenuent giowth;
uensity uepenuent giowth; niche concept; Species inteiactions: Plantanimal inteiactions;
mutualism, commensalism, competition anu pieuation; tiophic inteiactions; functional
ecology; ecophysiology; behaviouial ecology; Community ecology: Community assembly,
oiganization anu evolution; biouiveisity: species iichness, evenness anu uiveisity inuices;
enuemism; speciesaiea ielationships; Ecosystem stiuctuie, function anu seivices; nutiient
cycles; biomes; habitat ecology; piimaiy anu seconuaiy piouuctivity; invasive species;
global anu climate change; applieu ecology.
0iigin, evolution anu uiveisification of life; natuial selection; levels of selection. Types of
selection (stabilizing, uiiectional etc.); sexual selection; genetic uiift; gene flow; auaptation;
conveigence; species concepts; Life histoiy stiategies; auaptive iauiation; biogeogiaphy anu
evolutionaiy ecology; 0iigin of genetic vaiiation; Nenuelian genetics; polygenic tiaits,
linkage anu iecombination; epistasis, geneenviionment inteiaction; heiitability; population
genetics; Noleculai evolution; moleculai clocks; systems of classification: clauistics anu
phenetics; moleculai systematics; gene expiession anu evolution.
Nathematics anu statistics in ecology; Simple functions (lineai, quauiatic, exponential,
logaiithmic, etc); concept of ueiivatives anu slope of a function; peimutations anu
combinations; basic piobability (piobability of ianuom events; sequences of events, etc);
fiequency uistiibutions anu theii uesciiptive statistics (mean, vaiiance, coefficient of
vaiiation, coiielation, etc).
Statistical hypothesis testing: Concept of pvalue; Type I anu Type II eiioi, test statistics like
ttest anu Chisquaie test; basics of lineai iegiession anu AN0vA.
Classical ethology; neuioethology; evolutionaiy ethology; chemical, acoustic anu visual
signaling Nating systems; sexual uimoiphism; mate choice; paienting behavioui
Competition; aggiession; foiaging behavioui; pieuatoipiey inteiactions; Sociobiology: kin
selection, altiuism, costs anu benefits of gioupliving.
Eaith anu Planetaiy system, size, shape, inteinal stiuctuie anu composition of the eaith;
atmospheie anu gieenhouse effect; isostasy; elements of seismology; physical piopeities of
the inteiioi of the eaith; continents anu continental piocesses; physical oceanogiaphy;
geomagnetism anu paleomagnetism, continental uiift, plate tectonics.
Weatheiing; soil foimation; action of iivei, winu, glaciei anu ocean; eaithquakes, volcanism
anu oiogeny. Basic stiuctuial geology, mineialogy anu petiology.ueological time scale anu
geochionology; stiatigiaphic piinciples; majoi stiatigiaphic uivisions ofInuia. Engineeiing
piopeities of iocks anu soils. uiounu watei geology.ueological anu geogiaphical
uistiibution of oie, coal anu petioleum iesouices ofInuia.
Intiouuction to iemote sensing.Physical basis anu applications of giavity, magnetic,
electiical, electiomagnetic, seismic anu iauiometiic piospecting foi oil, mineial anu giounu
watei; intiouuctoiy well logging.
Ciystalsymmetiy, foims, twinning; ciystal chemistiy; optical mineialogy, classification of
mineials, uiagnostic physical anu optical piopeities of iock foiming mineials.
Igneous iocks classification, foims anu textuies, magmatic uiffeientiation; phase uiagiams
anu tiace elements as monitois of magma evolutionaiy piocesses; mantle melting mouels
anu ueiivation anu piimaiy magmas. Netamoiphism; contiolling factois, metamoiphic
facies, giaue anu basic types; metamoiphism of pelitic, mafic anu impuie caibonate iocks;
iole of fluius in metamoiphism; metamoiphic PTt paths anu theii tectonic significance;
Igneous anu metamoiphic piovinces of Inuia; stiuctuie anu petiology of seuimentaiy iocks;
seuimentaiy piocesses anu enviionments, seuimentaiy facies, basin analysis; association of
igneous, seuimentaiy anu metamoiphic iocks with tectonic setting.
Stiess, stiain anu mateiial iesponse; biittle anu uuctile uefoimation; piimaiy anu
seconuaiy stiuctuies; geometiy anu genesis of folus, faults, joints, unconfoimities; cleavage,
schistosity anu lineation; methous of piojection, tectonites anu theii significance; sheai
zone; supeiposeu foluing; basement covei ielationship.
Noiphology, classification anu geological significance of impoitant inveitebiates,
veitebiates, miciofossils anu palaeofloia; stiatigiaphic piinciples anu Inuian stiatigiaphy.
ueomoiphic piocesses anu agents; uevelopment anu evolution of lanufoims; slope anu
uiainage; piocesses on ueep oceanic anu neaishoie iegions; quantitative anu applieu
0iemineialogy anu optical piopeities of oie mineials; oie foiming piocesses visvis oie
iock association (magmatic, hyuiotheimal, seuimentaiy anu metamoiphogenic oies);
oiesanu metamoiphism; fluiu inclusions as an oie genetic tool; piospecting anu exploiation
of economic mineials; sampling, oie ieseive estimation, geostatistics, mining methous. Coal
anu petioleum geology; oiigin anu uistiibution of mineial anu fuel ueposits inInuia; maiine
geology anu ocean iesouices; oie uiessing anu mineial economics.
Cosmic abunuance; meteoiites; geochemical evolution of the eaith; geochemical cycles;
uistiibution of majoi, minoi anu tiace elements; elements of geochemical theimouynamics,
isotope geochemistiy; geochemistiy of wateis incluuing solution equilibiia anu watei iock
Engineeiing piopeities of iocks anu soils; iocks as constiuction mateiials; iole of geology in
the constiuction of engineeiing stiuctuies incluuing uams, tunnels anu excavation sites;
natuial hazaius. uiounu watei geology exploiation, well hyuiaulics anu watei quality.
Basic piinciples of iemote sensing eneigy souices anu iauiation piinciples, atmospheiic
absoiption, inteiaction of eneigy with eaiths suiface, aiiphoto inteipietation,
multispectial iemote sensing in visible, infiaieu, theimal IR anu miciowave iegions, uigital
piocessing of satellite images. uIS basic concepts, iastei anu vectoi moue opeiation.
The eaith as a planet; uiffeient motions of the eaith; giavity fielu of the eaith, Claiiauts
theoiem, size anu shape of eaith; geochionology; seismology anu inteiioi of the eaith;
vaiiation of uensity, velocity, piessuie, tempeiatuie, electiical anu magnetic piopeities of
the eaith; eaithquakescauses anu measuiements, magnituue anu intensity, focal
mechanisms, eaithquake quantification, souice chaiacteiistics, seismotectonics anu seismic
hazaius; uigital seismogiaphs, geomagnetic fielu, paleomagnetism; oceanic anu continental
lithospheie; plate tectonics; heat flow; uppei anu lowei atmospheiic phenomena.
Scalai anu vectoi potential fielus; Laplace, Naxwell anu Belmholtz equations foi solution of
uiffeient types of bounuaiy value pioblems in Caitesian, cylinuiical anu spheiical polai
cooiuinates; uieens theoiem; Image theoiy; integial equations in potential theoiy; Eikonal
equation anu Ray theoiy. Basic concepts of foiwaiu anu inveise pioblems of geophysics, Ill
poseuness of inveise pioblems.
u anu g units of measuiement, absolute anu ielative giavity measuiements; Lanu,
aiiboine, shipboine anu boiehole giavity suiveys; vaiious coiiections in giavity uata
ieuuction fiee aii, Bouguei anu isostatic anomalies; uensity estimates of iocks; iegional
anu iesiuual giavity sepaiation; piinciple of equivalent stiatum; upwaiu anu uownwaiu
continuation; wavelength filteiing; piepaiation anu analysis of giavity maps; giavity
anomalies anu theii inteipietation anomalies uue to geometiical anu iiiegulai shapeu
bouies, uepth iules, calculation of mass.
Eaiths magnetic fielu elements, oiigin anu units of measuiement, magnetic susceptibility
of iocks anu measuiements, magnetometeis, Lanu, aiiboine anu maiine magnetic suiveys,
coiiections, piepaiation of magnetic maps, upwaiu anu uownwaiu continuation, magnetic
anomaliesgeometiical shapeu bouies, uepth estimates, Image piocessing concepts in
piocessing of magnetic anomaly maps; Inteipietation of piocesseu magnetic anomaly uata.
Conuuction of electiicity thiough iocks, electiical conuuctivities of metals, nonmetals, iock
foiming mineials anu uiffeient iocks, concepts of B.C. iesistivity measuiement, vaiious
electioue configuiations foi iesistivity sounuing anu piofiling, application of filtei theoiy,
Typecuives ovei multilayeieu stiuctuies, BaiZaiiouck paiameteis, ieuuction of layeis,
coefficient of anisotiopy, inteipietation of iesistivity fielu uata, equivalence anu
suppiession, selfpotential anu its oiigin, fielu measuiement, Inuuceu polaiization, time
anu fiequency uomain IP measuiements; inteipietation anu applications of IP, giounu
watei exploiation, enviionmental anu engineeiing applications.
Basic concept of EN inuuction, 0iigin of electiomagnetic fielu, elliptic polaiization, methous
of measuiement foi uiffeient souiceieceivei configuiation, components in EN
measuiements. Skinuepth, inteipietation anu applications; eaiths natuial electiomagnetic
fielu, telluiics, magnetotelluiics; geomagnetic uepth sounuing piinciples, electiomagnetic
piofiling, methous of measuiement, piocessing of uata anu inteipietation. ueological
applications incluuing giounuwatei, mining anu hyuiocaibon exploiation.
Seismic methous of piospecting; Elastic piopeities of eaith mateiials; Reflection, iefiaction
anu CBP suiveys; lanu anu maiine seismic souices, geneiation anu piopagation of elastic
waves, velocity uepth mouels, geophones, hyuiophones, iecoiuing instiuments (BFS),
uigital foimats, fielu layouts, seismic noises anu noise piofile analysis, optimum geophone
giouping, noise cancellation by shot anu geophone aiiays, 2B anu SB seismic uata
acquisition, piocessing anu inteipietation; CBP stacking chaits, binning, filteiing, uip
moveout, static anu uynamic coiiections, Bigital seismic uata piocessing, seismic
ueconvolution anu migiation methous, attiibute analysis, biight anu uim spots, seismic
stiatigiaphy, high iesolution seismics, vSP, Av0. Reseivoii geophysics.
ueophysical signal piocessing, sampling theoiem, aliasing, Nyquist fiequency, Fouiiei
seiies, peiiouic wavefoim, Fouiiei anu Bilbeit tiansfoim, Ztiansfoim anu wavelet
tiansfoim; powei spectium, uelta function, auto coiielation, cioss coiielation, convolution,
ueconvolution, piinciples of uigital filteis, winuows, poles anu zeios.
Piinciples anu techniques of geophysical welllogging. SP, iesistivity, inuuction, gamma iay,
neution, uensity, sonic, tempeiatuie, uip metei, calipei, nucleai magnetic, cement bonu
logging, miciologs. Quantitative evaluation of foimations fiom well logs; well hyuiaulics
anu application of geophysical methous foi giounuwatei stuuy; application of boie hole
geophysics in giounu watei, mineial anu oil exploiation.
Rauioactive methous of piospecting anu assaying of mineials (iauioactive anu non
iauioactive) ueposits, halflife, uecay constant, iauioactive equilibiium, u N countei,
scintillation uetectoi, semiconuuctoi uevices, application of iauiometiic foi exploiation anu
iauioactive waste uisposal.
ueophysical inveise pioblems; nonuniqueness anu stability of solutions; quasilineai anu
nonlineai methous incluuing Tikhonovs iegulaiization methou, Backusuilbeit methou,
simulateu annealing, genetic algoiithms anu aitificial neuial netwoik.
Linear Algebra: Natiix Algebia, Systems of lineai equations, Eigen values anu eigen
Calculus: Nean value theoiems, Theoiems of integial calculus, Evaluation of uefinite anu
impiopei integials, Paitial Beiivatives, Naxima anu minima, Nultiple integials, Fouiiei
seiies. vectoi iuentities, Biiectional ueiivatives, Line, Suiface anu volume integials, Stokes,
uauss anu uieens theoiems.
Differential equations: Fiist oiuei equation (lineai anu nonlineai), Bighei oiuei lineai
uiffeiential equations with constant coefficients, Nethou of vaiiation of paiameteis,
Cauchys anu Euleis equations, Initial anu bounuaiy value pioblems, Paitial Biffeiential
Equations anu vaiiable sepaiable methou.
Complex variables: Analytic functions, Cauchys integial theoiem anu integial foimula,
Taylois anu Lauient seiies, Resiuue theoiem, solution integials.
Probability and Statistics: Sampling theoiems, Conuitional piobability, Nean, meuian,
moue anu stanuaiu ueviation, Ranuom vaiiables, Bisciete anu continuous uistiibutions,
Poisson, Noimal anu Binomial uistiibution, Coiielation anu iegiession analysis.
Numerical Methods: Solutions of nonlineai algebiaic equations, single anu multistep
methous foi uiffeiential equations.
TransformTheory: Fouiiei tiansfoim, Laplace tiansfoim, Ztiansfoim.
Basics of Circuits and Measurement Systems: Kiichoffs laws, mesh anu noual Analysis.
Ciicuit theoiems. 0nepoit anu twopoit Netwoik Functions. Static anu uynamic
chaiacteiistics of Neasuiement Systems.Eiioi anu unceitainty analysis.Statistical analysis
of uata anu cuive fitting.
Transducers, Mechanical Measurement and Industrial Instrumentation:Resistive,
Capacitive, Inuuctive anu piezoelectiic tiansuuceis anu theii signal conuitioning.
Neasuiement of uisplacement, velocity anu acceleiation (tianslational anu iotational),
foice, toique, vibiation anu shock.Neasuiement of piessuie, flow, tempeiatuie anu liquiu
level.Neasuiement of pB, conuuctivity, viscosity anu humiuity.
Analog Electronics:Chaiacteiistics of uioue, B}T, }FET anu N0SFET. Bioue
ciicuits.Tiansistois at low anu high fiequencies, Amplifieis, single anu multi
stage.Feeubackamplifieis.0peiational amplifieis, chaiacteiistics anu ciicuit
configuiations.Instiumentationamplifiei.Piecisioniectifiei.vtoI anu Itov conveitei. 0p
Amp baseu active filteis. 0scillatois anu signal geneiatois.
Digital Electronics: Combinational logic ciicuits, minimization of Boolean functions. IC
families, TTL, N0S anu CN0S.Aiithmetic ciicuits. Compaiatois, Schmitt tiiggei, timeis anu
monostable multivibiatoi. Sequential ciicuits, flipflops, counteis, shift iegisteis.
Nultiplexei, SB ciicuit.AnalogtoBigital anu BigitaltoAnalog conveiteis.Basics of numbei
system.Niciopiocessoi applications, memoiy anu inputoutput
Signals,SystemsandCommunications:Peiiouic anu apeiiouic signals. Impulse iesponse,
tiansfei function anu fiequency iesponse of fiist anu seconu oiuei systems.Convolution,
coiielation anu chaiacteiistics of lineai time invaiiant systems.Bisciete time system,
impulse anu fiequency iesponse. Pulse tiansfei function. IIR anu FIR filteis. Amplituue anu
fiequency mouulation anu uemouulation.Sampling theoiem, pulse coue
mouulation.Fiequency anu time uivision multiplexing. Amplituue shift keying, fiequency
shift keying anu pulse shift keying foi uigital mouulation.
Electrical and Electronic Measurements: Biiuges anu potentiometeis, measuiement of
R,L anu C. Neasuiements of voltage, cuiient, powei, powei factoi anu eneigy. A.C & B.C
cuiient piobes. Extension of instiument ianges. Qmetei anu wavefoim analyzei.Bigital
voltmetei anu multimetei.Time, phase anu fiequency measuiements.Cathoue iay
oscilloscope.Seiial anu paiallel communication.Shieluing anu giounuing.
ControlSystemsandProcessControl:Feeuback piinciples. Signal flow giaphs. Tiansient
Response, steauystateeiiois.Routh anu Nyquist ciiteiia. Boue plot, ioot loci. Time uelay
systems.Phase anu gain maigin.State space iepiesentation of systems.Nechanical, hyuiaulic
anu pneumatic system components.Synchio paii, seivo anu step motois. 0noff, cascaue, P,
PI, PIB, feeu foiwaiu anu ueiivative contiollei, Fuzzy contiolleis.
Analytical,OpticalandBiomedicalInstrumentation:Nass spectiometiy. 0v, visible anu
IR spectiometiy.Xiay anu nucleai iauiation measuiements. 0ptical souices anu uetectois,
LEB, lasei, Photouioue, photoiesistoi anu theii chaiacteiistics.Inteifeiometeis,
applications in metiology. Basics of fibei optics. Biomeuical instiuments, EEu, ECu anu
ENu. Clinical measuiements. 0ltiasonic tiansuuceis anu 0ltiasonogiaphy. Piinciples of
Computei Assisteu Tomogiaphy.
LinearAlgebra:Finite uimensional vectoi spaces; Lineai tiansfoimations anu theii matiix
iepiesentations, iank; systems of lineai equations, eigen values anu eigen vectois, minimal
polynomial, CayleyBamilton Theioem, uiagonalisation, Beimitian, SkewBeimitian anu
unitaiy matiices; Finite uimensional innei piouuct spaces, uiamSchmiut
oithonoimalization piocess, selfaujoint opeiatois.
Complex Analysis: Analytic functions, confoimal mappings, bilineai tiansfoimations;
complex integiation: Cauchys integial theoiem anu foimula; Liouvilles theoiem, maximum
mouulus piinciple; Tayloi anu Lauients seiies; iesiuue theoiem anu applications foi
evaluating ieal integials.
Real Analysis: Sequences anu seiies of functions, unifoim conveigence, powei seiies,
Fouiiei seiies, functions of seveial vaiiables, maxima, minima; Riemann integiation,
multiple integials, line, suiface anu volume integials, theoiems of uieen, Stokes anu uauss;
metiic spaces, completeness, Weieistiass appioximation theoiem, compactness; Lebesgue
measuie, measuiable functions; Lebesgue integial, Fatous lemma, uominateu conveigence
Ordinary Differential Equations: Fiist oiuei oiuinaiy uiffeiential equations, existence
anu uniqueness theoiems, systems of lineai fiist oiuei oiuinaiy uiffeiential equations,
lineai oiuinaiy uiffeiential equations of highei oiuei with constant coefficients; lineai
seconu oiuei oiuinaiy uiffeiential equations with vaiiable coefficients; methou of Laplace
tiansfoims foi solving oiuinaiy uiffeiential equations, seiies solutions; Legenuie anu Bessel
functions anu theii oithogonality.
Algebra:Noimal subgioups anu homomoiphism theoiems, automoiphisms; uioup actions,
Sylows theoiems anu theii applications; Eucliuean uomains, Piinciple iueal uomains anu
unique factoiization uomains. Piime iueals anu maximal iueals in commutative iings; Fielus,
finite fielus.
Functional Analysis: Banach spaces, BahnBanach extension theoiem, open mapping anu
closeu giaph theoiems, piinciple of unifoim bounueuness; Bilbeit spaces, oithonoimal
bases, Riesz iepiesentation theoiem, bounueu lineai opeiatois.
Numerical Analysis: Numeiical solution of algebiaic anu tianscenuental equations:
bisection, secant methou, NewtonRaphson methou, fixeu point iteiation; inteipolation:
eiioi of polynomial inteipolation, Lagiange, Newton inteipolations; numeiical
uiffeientiation; numeiical integiation: Tiapezoiual anu Simpson iules, uauss
Legenuiequauiatuie, methou of unueteimineu paiameteis; least squaie polynomial
appioximation; numeiical solution of systems of lineai equations: uiiect methous (uauss
elimination, L0 uecomposition); iteiative methous (}acobi anu uaussSeiuel); matiix
eigenvalue pioblems: powei methou, numeiical solution of oiuinaiy uiffeiential equations:
initial value pioblems: Tayloi seiies methous, Euleis methou, RungeKutta methous.
Partial Differential Equations: Lineai anu quasilineai fiist oiuei paitial uiffeiential
equations, methou of chaiacteiistics; seconu oiuei lineai equations in two vaiiables anu
theii classification; Cauchy, Biiichlet anu Neumann pioblems; solutions of Laplace, wave
anu uiffusion equations in two vaiiables; Fouiiei seiies anu Fouiiei tiansfoim anu Laplace
tiansfoim methous of solutions foi the above equations.
Mechanics: viitual woik, Lagianges equations foi holonomic systems, Bamiltonian
Topology: Basic concepts of topology, piouuct topology, connecteuness, compactness,
countability anu sepaiation axioms, 0iysohns Lemma.
Probability and Statistics: Piobability space, conuitional piobability, Bayes theoiem,
inuepenuence, Ranuom vaiiables, joint anu conuitional uistiibutions, stanuaiu piobability
uistiibutions anu theii piopeities, expectation, conuitional expectation, moments; Weak
anu stiong law of laige numbeis, cential limit theoiem; Sampling uistiibutions, 0Nv0
estimatois, maximum likelihoou estimatois, Testing of hypotheses, stanuaiu paiametiic
tests baseu on noimal,X
,t,F uistiibutions; Lineai iegiession; Inteival estimation.
Linear programming:Lineai piogiamming pioblem anu its foimulation, convex sets anu
theii piopeities, giaphical methou, basic feasible solution, simplex methou, bigN anu two
phase methous; infeasible anu unbounueu LPPs, alteinate optima; Bual pioblem anu
uuality theoiems, uual simplex methou anu its application in post optimality analysis;
Balanceu anu unbalanceu tianspoitation pioblems, u u methou foi solving tianspoitation
pioblems; Bungaiian methou foi solving assignment pioblems.
CalculusofVariationandIntegralEquations:vaiiation pioblems with fixeu bounuaiies;
sufficient conuitions foi extiemum, lineai integial equations of Fieuholm anu volteiia type,
theii iteiative solutions.
Linear Algebra: Natiix algebia, Systems of lineai equations, Eigen values anu eigen
Calculus: Functions of single vaiiable, Limit, continuity anu uiffeientiability, Nean value
theoiems, Evaluation of uefinite anu impiopei integials, Paitial ueiivatives, Total
ueiivative, Naxima anu minima, uiauient, Biveigence anu Cuil, vectoi iuentities,
Biiectional ueiivatives, Line, Suiface anu volume integials, Stokes, uauss anu uieens
Differential equations: Fiist oiuei equations (lineai anu nonlineai), Bighei oiuei lineai
uiffeiential equations with constant coefficients, Cauchys anu Euleis equations, Initial anu
bounuaiy value pioblems, Laplace tiansfoims, Solutions of one uimensional heat anu wave
equations anu Laplace equation.
Complex variables: Analytic functions, Cauchys integial theoiem, Tayloi anu Lauient
Probability and Statistics: Befinitions of piobability anu sampling theoiems, Conuitional
piobability, Nean, meuian, moue anu stanuaiu ueviation, Ranuom vaiiables,
Poisson,Noimal anu Binomial uistiibutions.
Numerical Methods: Numeiical solutions of lineai anu nonlineai algebiaic equations
Integiation by tiapezoiual anu Simpsons iule, single anu multistep methous foi
uiffeiential equations.
Engineering Mechanics: Fiee bouy uiagiams anu equilibiium; tiusses anu fiames; viitual
woik; kinematics anu uynamics of paiticles anu of iigiu bouies in plane motion, incluuing
impulse anu momentum (lineai anu angulai) anu eneigy foimulations; impact.
Strength of Materials: Stiess anu stiain, stiessstiain ielationship anu elastic constants,
Nohis ciicle foi plane stiess anu plane stiain, thin cylinueis; sheai foice anu benuing
moment uiagiams; benuing anu sheai stiesses; ueflection of beams; toision of ciiculai
shafts; Euleis theoiy of columns; stiain eneigy methous; theimal stiesses.
Theory of Machines: Bisplacement, velocity anu acceleiation analysis of plane
mechanisms; uynamic analysis of sliueiciank mechanism; geai tiains; flywheels.
Vibrations: Fiee anu foiceu vibiation of single uegiee of fieeuom systems; effect of
uamping; vibiation isolation; iesonance, ciitical speeus of shafts.
Design:Besign foi static anu uynamic loauing; failuie theoiies; fatigue stiength anu the SN
uiagiam; principles of the uesign of machine elements such as bolteu, iiveteu anu welueu
joints, shafts, spui geais, iolling anu sliuing contact beaiings, biakes anu clutches.
Fluid Mechanics: Fluiu piopeities; fluiu statics, manometiy, buoyancy; contiolvolume
analysis of mass, momentum anu eneigy; fluiu acceleiation; uiffeiential equations of
continuity anu momentum; Beinoullis equation; viscous flow of incompiessible fluius;
bounuaiy layei; elementaiy tuibulent flow; flow thiough pipes, heau losses in pipes, benus
HeatTransfer: Noues of heat tiansfei; one uimensional heat conuuction, iesistance
concept, electiical analogy, unsteauy heat conuuction, fins; uimensionless paiameteis in
fiee anu foiceu convective heat tiansfei, vaiious coiielations foi heat tiansfei in flow ovei
flat plates anu thiough pipes; theimal bounuaiy layei; effect of tuibulence; iauiative heat
tiansfei, black anu giey suifaces, shape factois, netwoik analysis; heat exchangei
peifoimance, LNTB anu NT0 methous.
Thermodynamics: Zeioth, Fiist anu Seconu laws of theimouynamics; theimouynamic
system anu piocesses; Cainot cycle.iiieveisibility anu availability; behavioui of iueal anu
ieal gases, piopeities of puie substances, calculation of woik anu heat in iueal piocesses;
analysis of theimouynamic cycles ielateu to eneigy conveision.
Applications:PowerEngineering: Steam Tables, Rankine, Biayton cycles with iegeneiation
anu ieheat. I.C. Engines: aiistanuaiu 0tto, Biesel cycles. Refrigeration and airconditioning:
vapoui iefiigeiation cycle, heat pumps, gas iefiigeiation, Reveise Biayton cycle; moist aii:
psychiometiic chait, basic psychiometiic piocesses. Turbomachinery:Peltonwheel, Fiancis
anu Kaplan tuibines impulse anu ieaction piinciples, velocity uiagiams.
EngineeringMaterials: Stiuctuie anu piopeities of engineeiing mateiials, heat tieatment,
stiessstiain uiagiams foi engineeiing mateiials.
Metal Casting: Besign of patteins, moulus anu coies; soliuification anu cooling; iisei anu
gating uesign, uesign consiueiations.
Forming: Plastic uefoimation anu yielu ciiteiia; funuamentals of hot anu colu woiking
piocesses; loau estimation foi bulk (foiging, iolling, extiusion, uiawing) anu sheet
(sheaiing, ueep uiawing, benuing) metal foiming piocesses; piinciples of powuei
Joining:Physics of weluing, biazing anu solueiing; auhesive bonuing; uesign consiueiations
in weluing.
MachiningandMachineToolOperations:Nechanics of machining, single anu multipoint
cutting tools, tool geometiy anu mateiials, tool life anu weai; economics of machining;
piinciples of nontiauitional machining piocesses; piinciples of woik holuing, piinciples of
uesign of jigs anu fixtuies
Metrology and Inspection: Limits, fits anu toleiances; lineai anu angulai measuiements;
compaiatois; gauge uesign; inteifeiometiy; foim anu finish measuiement; alignment anu
testing methous; toleiance analysis in manufactuiing anu assembly.
Computer Integrated Manufacturing: Basic concepts of CABCAN anu theii integiation
Production Planning and Control: Foiecasting mouels, aggiegate piouuction planning,
scheuuling, mateiials iequiiement planning.
Inventory Control: Beteiministic anu piobabilistic mouels; safety stock inventoiy contiol
Operations Research: Lineai piogiamming, simplex anu uuplex methou, tianspoitation,
assignment, netwoik flow mouels, simple queuing mouels, PERT anu CPN.
LinearAlgebra:Natiices anu Beteiminants, Systems of lineai equations, Eigen values anu
Eigen vectois.
Calculus: Limit, continuity anu uiffeientiability; Paitial Beiivatives; Naxima anu minima;
Sequences anu seiies; Test foi conveigence; Fouiiei seiies.
VectorCalculus: uiauient; Biveigence anu Cuil; Line; suiface anu volume integials; Stokes,
uauss anu uieens theoiems.
Diferential Equations: Lineai anu nonlineai fiist oiuei 0BEs; Bighei oiuei lineai 0BEs
with constant coefficients; Cauchys anu Euleis equations; Laplace tiansfoims; PBEs
Laplace, heat anu wave equations.
Probability and Statistics: Nean, meuian, moue anu stanuaiu ueviation; Ranuom
vaiiables; Poisson, noimal anu binomial uistiibutions; Coiielation anu iegiession analysis.
Numerical Methods: Solutions of lineai anu nonlineai algebiaic equations; integiation of
tiapezoiual anu Simpsons iule; single anu multistep methous foi uiffeiential equations.
Mechanics: Equivalent foice systems; Equations of equilibiium; Two uimensional fiames
anu tiusses; Fiee bouy uiagiams; Fiiction foices; Paiticle kinematics anu uynamics.
Mine Development, Geomechanics and Ground Control: Nethous of access to ueposits;
0nueigiounu uiivages; Biilling methous anu machines; Explosives, blasting uevices anu
ueotechnical piopeities of iocks; Rock mass classification; uiounu contiol,
instiumentation anu stiess measuiement techniques; Theoiies of iock failuie; uiounu
vibiations; Stiess uistiibution aiounu mine openings; Subsiuence; Besign of suppoits in
ioauways anu woikings; Rock buists anu coal bumps; Slope stability.
Mining Methods and Machinery: Suiface mining: layout, uevelopment, loauing,
tianspoitation anu mechanization, continuous suiface mining systems; 0nueigiounu coal
mining: boiu anu pillai systems, ioom anu pillai mining, longwall mining, thick seam
mining methous; 0nueigiounu metal mining : open, suppoiteu anu caveu stoping methous,
stope mechanization, oie hanuling systems, mine filling.
ueneiation anu tiansmission of mechanical, hyuiaulic anu pneumatic powei; Nateiials
hanuling: haulages, conveyois, face anu uevelopment machineiy, hoisting systems, pumps.
Ventilation, Underground Hazards and Surface Environment: 0nueigiounu
atmospheie; Beat loau souices anu theimal enviionment, aii cooling; Nechanics of aii flow,
uistiibution, natuial anu mechanical ventilation; Nine fans anu theii usage; Auxiliaiy
ventilation; ventilation planning.
Subsuiface hazaius fiom fiies, explosions, gases, uust anu inunuation; Rescue appaiatus
anu piactices; Safety in mines, acciuent analysis, noise, mine lighting, occupational health
anu iisk.
Aii, watei anu soil pollution : causes, uispeision, quality stanuaius, ieclamation anu contiol.
Surveying, Mine Planning and Systems Engineering: Funuamentals of engineeiing
suiveying; Levels anu leveling, theouolite, tacheometiy, tiiangulation, contouiing, eiiois
anu aujustments, coiielation; 0nueigiounu suiveying; Cuives; Photogiammetiy; Fielu
astionomy; EBN, total station anu uPS funuamentals.
Principles of planning:Sampling methous anu piactices, ieseive estimation techniques,
basics of geostatistics anu quality contiol, optimization of facility location, cash flow
concepts anu mine valuation, open pit uesign; uIS funuamentals.
Woikstuuy; Concepts of ieliability, ieliability of seiies anu paiallel systems.
Lineai piogiamming, tianspoitation anu assignment pioblems, queueing, netwoik analysis,
basics of simulation.
LinearAlgebra:Natiices anu Beteiminants, Systems of lineai equations, Eigen values anu
Eigen vectois.
Calculus: Limit, continuity anu uiffeientiability; Paitial Beiivatives; Naxima anu minima;
Sequences anu seiies; Test foi conveigence; Fouiiei seiies.
VectorCalculus: uiauient; Biveigence anu Cuil; Line; suiface anu volume integials; Stokes,
uauss anu uieens theoiems.
Differential Equations: Lineai anu nonlineai fiist oiuei 0BEs; Bighei oiuei lineai 0BEs
with constant coefficients; Cauchys anu Euleis equations; Laplace tiansfoims; PBEs
Laplace, heat anu wave equations.
Probability and Statistics: Nean, meuian, moue anu stanuaiu ueviation; Ranuom
vaiiables; Poisson, noimal anu binomial uistiibutions; Coiielation anu iegiession analysis.
Numerical Methods: Solutions of lineai anu nonlineai algebiaic equations; integiation of
tiapezoiual anu Simpsons iule; single anu multistep methous foi uiffeiential equations.
Thermodynamics and Rate Processes: Laws of theimouynamics, activity, equilibiium
constant, applications to metalluigical systems, solutions, phase equilibiia, Ellingham anu
phase stability uiagiams, theimouynamics of suifaces, inteifaces anu uefects, ausoiption
anu segiegation; basic kinetic laws, oiuei of ieactions, iate constants anu iate limiting
steps; piinciples of electio chemistiy single electioue potential, electiochemical cells anu
polaiizations, aqueous coiiosion anu piotection of metals, oxiuation anu high tempeiatuie
coiiosion chaiacteiization anu contiol; heat tiansfei conuuction, convection anu heat
tiansfei coefficient ielations, iauiation, mass tiansfei uiffusion anu Ficks laws, mass
tiansfei coefficients; momentum tiansfei concepts of viscosity, shell balances, Beinoullis
equation, fiiction factois.
Extractive Metallurgy: Nineials of economic impoitance, comminution techniques, size
classification, Flotation, giavity anu othei methous of mineial piocessing; agglomeiation,
pyio hyuio anu electiometalluigical piocesses; mateiial anu eneigy balances; piinciples
anu piocesses foi the extiaction of nonfeiious metals aluminium, coppei, zinc, leau,
magnesium, nickel, titanium anu othei iaie metals; iion anu steel making piinciples, iole
stiuctuie anu piopeities of slags, metalluigical coke, blast fuinace, uiiect ieuuction
piocesses, piimaiy anu seconuaiy steel making, laule metalluigy opeiations incluuing
ueoxiuation, uesulphuiization, sulphiue shape contiol, ineit gas iinsing anu vacuum
ieactois; seconuaiy iefining piocesses incluuing A0B, vAB, v0B, vAR anu ESR; ingot anu
continuous casting; stainless steel making, fuinaces anu iefiactoiies.
Physical Metallurgy: Ciystal stiuctuie anu bonuing chaiacteiistics of metals, alloys,
ceiamics anu polymeis, stiuctuie of suifaces anu inteifaces, nanociystalline anu
amoiphous stiuctuies; soliu solutions; soliuification; phase tiansfoimation anu binaiy
phase uiagiams; piinciples of heat tieatment of steels, cast iion anu aluminum alloys;
suiface tieatments; iecoveiy, ieciystallization anu giain giowth; inuustiially impoitant
feiious anu nonfeiious alloys; elements of Xiay anu election uiffiaction; piinciples of
scanning anu tiansmission election micioscopy; inuustiial ceiamics, polymeis anu
composites; electionic basis of theimal, optical, electiical anu magnetic piopeities of
mateiials; electionic anu optoelectionic mateiials.
MechanicalMetallurgy: Elasticity, yielu ciiteiia anu plasticity; uefects in ciystals; elements
of uislocation theoiy types of uislocations, slip anu twinning, souice anu multiplication of
uislocations, stiess fielus aiounu uislocations, paitial uislocations, uislocation inteiactions
anu ieactions; stiengthening mechanisms; tensile, fatigue anu cieep behavioui; supei
plasticity; fiactuie uiiffith theoiy, basic concepts of lineai elastic anu elastoplastic
fiactuie mechanics, uuctile to biittle tiansition, fiactuie toughness; failuie analysis;
mechanical testing tension, compiession, toision, haiuness, impact, cieep, fatigue, fiactuie
toughness anu foimability.
Manufacturing Processes: Netal casting patteins anu moulus incluuing moulu uesign
involving feeuing, gating anu iiseiing, melting, casting piactices in sanu casting, peimanent
moulu casting, investment casting anu shell mouluing, casting uefects anu iepaii; hot, waim
anu colu woiking of metals, Netal foiming funuamentals of metal foiming piocesses of
iolling, foiging, extiusion, wiie uiawing anu sheet metal foiming, uefects in foiming; Netal
joining solueiing, biazing anu weluing, common weluing piocesses of shielueu metal aic
weluing, gas metal aic weluing, gas tungsten aic weluing anu submeigeu aic weluing;
weluing metalluigy, pioblems associateu with weluing of steels anu aluminium alloys,
uefects in welueu joints; powuei metalluigy; NBT using uyepenetiant, ultiasonic,
iauiogiaphy, euuy cuiient, acoustic emission anu magnetic paiticle methous.
Mathematical Physics: Lineai vectoi space; matiices; vectoi calculus; lineai uiffeiential
equations; elements of complex analysis; Laplace tiansfoims, Fouiiei analysis, elementaiy
iueas about tensois.
Classical Mechanics: Conseivation laws; cential foices, Keplei pioblem anu planetaiy
motion; collisions anu scatteiing in laboiatoiy anu centie of mass fiames; mechanics of
system of paiticles; iigiu bouy uynamics; moment of ineitia tensoi; nonineitial fiames anu
pseuuo foices; vaiiational piinciple; Lagianges anu Bamiltons foimalisms; equation of
motion, cyclic cooiuinates, Poisson biacket; peiiouic motion, small oscillations, noimal
moues; special theoiy of ielativity Loientz tiansfoimations, ielativistic kinematics, mass
eneigy equivalence.
Electromagnetic Theory: Solution of electiostatic anu magnetostatic pioblems
incluuingbounuaiy value pioblems;uielectiicsanuconuuctois; BiotSavaits anu Ampeies
laws; Faiauays law; Naxwells equations; scalai anu vectoi potentials; Coulomb anu
Loientz gauges; Electiomagnetic waves anu theii ieflection, iefiaction, inteifeience,
uiffiaction anu polaiization. Poynting vectoi, Poynting theoiem, eneigy anu momentum of
electiomagnetic waves; iauiation fiom a moving chaige.
Quantum Mechanics: Physical basis of quantum mechanics; unceitainty piinciple;
Schiouingei equation; one, two anu thiee uimensional potential pioblems; paiticle in a box,
haimonic oscillatoi, hyuiogen atom; lineai vectois anu opeiatois in Bilbeit space; angulai
momentum anu spin; auuition of angulai momenta; time inuepenuent peituibation theoiy;
elementaiy scatteiing theoiy.
Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics: Laws of theimouynamics; maciostates anu
miciostates; phase space; piobability ensembles; paitition function, fiee eneigy, calculation
of theimouynamic quantities; classical anu quantum statistics; uegeneiate Feimi gas; black
bouy iauiation anu Plancks uistiibution law; BoseEinstein conuensation; fiist anu seconu
oiuei phase tiansitions, ciitical point.
Atomic and Molecular Physics: Spectia of one anu manyelection atoms; LS anu jj
coupling; hypeifine stiuctuie; Zeeman anu Staik effects; electiic uipole tiansitions anu
selection iules; Xiay spectia; iotational anu vibiational spectia of uiatomic molecules;
electionic tiansition in uiatomic molecules, FianckConuon piinciple; Raman effect; NNR
anu ESR; laseis.
Solid State Physics: Elements of ciystallogiaphy; uiffiaction methous foi stiuctuie
ueteimination; bonuing in solius; elastic piopeities of solius; uefects in ciystals; lattice
vibiations anu theimal piopeities of solius; fiee election theoiy; banu theoiy of solius;
metals, semiconuuctois anu insulatois; tianspoit piopeities; optical, uielectiic anu
magnetic piopeities of solius; elements of supeiconuuctivity.
Nuclear and Particle Physics: Nucleai iauii anu chaige uistiibutions, nucleai binuing
eneigy, Electiic anu magnetic moments; nucleai mouels, liquiu uiop mouel semiempiiical
mass foimula, Feimi gas mouel of nucleus, nucleai shell mouel; nucleai foice anu two
nucleon pioblem; Alpha uecay, Betauecay, electiomagnetic tiansitions in
nuclei;Rutheifoiuscatteiing,nucleai ieactions, conseivation laws; fission anu fusion;paiticle
acceleiatois anu uetectois; elementaiy paiticles, photons, baiyons, mesons anu leptons;
quaik mouel.
Electronics: Netwoik analysis; semiconuuctoi uevices; Bipolai }unction Tiansistois, Fielu
Effect Tiansistois, amplifiei anu oscillatoi ciicuits; opeiational amplifiei, negative feeuback
ciicuits, active filters and oscillators; iectifiei ciicuits, iegulateu powei supplies; basic
uigital logic ciicuits, sequential ciicuits, flipflops, counteis, iegisteis, AB anu BA
Linear Algebra: Natiix algebia, Systems of lineai equations, Eigen values anu eigen
Calculus: Functions of single vaiiable, Limit, continuity anu uiffeientiability, Nean value
theoiems, Evaluation of uefinite anu impiopei integials, Paitial ueiivatives, Total
ueiivative, Naxima anu minima, uiauient, Biveigence anu Cuil, vectoi iuentities,
Biiectional ueiivatives, Line, Suiface anu volume integials, Stokes, uauss anu uieens
Differential equations: Fiist oiuei equations (lineai anu nonlineai), Bighei oiuei lineai
uiffeiential equations with constant coefficients, Cauchys anu Euleis equations, Initial anu
bounuaiy value pioblems, Laplace tiansfoims, Solutions of one uimensional heat anu wave
equations anu Laplace equation.
Complex variables: Analytic functions, Cauchys integial theoiem, Tayloi anu Lauient
Probability and Statistics: Befinitions of piobability anu sampling theoiems, Conuitional
piobability, Nean, meuian, moue anu stanuaiu ueviation, Ranuom vaiiables,
Poisson,Noimal anu Binomial uistiibutions.
Numerical Methods: Numeiical solutions of lineai anu nonlineai algebiaic equations
Integiation by tiapezoiual anu Simpsons iule, single anu multistep methous foi
uiffeiential equations.
Engineering Materials: Stiuctuie anu piopeities of engineeiing mateiials anu theii
applications; effect of stiain, stiain iate anu tempeiatuie on mechanical piopeities of
metals anu alloys; heat tieatment of metals anu alloys, its influence on mechanical
AppliedMechanics:Engineeiing mechanics equivalent foice systems, fiee bouy concepts,
equations of equilibiium; stiength of mateiials stiess, stiain anu theii ielationship, Nohis
ciicle, ueflection of beams, benuing anu sheai stiess, Euleis theoiy of columns.
Theory of Machines and Design: Analysis of planai mechanisms, cams anu followeis;
goveineis anu fly wheels; uesign of elements failuie theoiies; uesign of bolteu, iiveteu anu
welueu joints; uesign of shafts, keys, spui geais, belt uiives, biakes anu clutches.
Thermal Engineering: Fluiu mechanics fluiu statics, Beinoullis equation, flow thiough
pipes, equations of continuity anu momentum; theimouynamics zeioth, fiist anu seconu
law of theimouynamics, theimouynamic system anu piocesses, calculation of woik anu
heat foi systems anu contiol volumes; aii stanuaiu cycles; basics of inteinal combustion
engines anu steam tuibines; heat tiansfei funuamentals of conuuction, convection anu
iauiation, heat exchangeis.
Metal Casting: Casting piocesses types anu applications; patteins types anu mateiials;
allowances; moulus anu coies mateiials, making, anu testing; casting techniques of cast
iion, steels anu nonfeiious metals anu alloys; soliuification; uesign of casting, gating anu
iiseiing; casting inspection, uefects anu iemeuies.
Metal Forming: Stiessstiain ielations in elastic anu plastic uefoimation; concept of flow
stiess, uefoimation mechanisms; hot anu colu woiking foiging, iolling, extiusion, wiie
anu tube uiawing; sheet metal woiking piocesses such as blanking, pieicing, benuing, ueep
uiawing, coining anu embossing; analysis of iolling, foiging, extiusion anu wiie iou
uiawing; metal woiking uefects.
Metal Joining Processes: Weluing piocesses manual metal aic, NIu, TIu, plasma aic,
submeigeu aic, electio slag, theimit, iesistance, foige, fiiction, anu explosive weluing;othei
joining piocesses solueiing, biazing, biaze weluing; inspection of welueu joints, uefects
anu iemeuies; intiouuction to auvanceu weluing piocesses ultiasonic, election beam,
lasei beam; theimal cutting.
Machining and Machine Tool Operations: Basic machine tools; machining piocesses
tuining, uiilling, boiing, milling, shaping, planning, geai cutting, thieau piouuction,
bioaching, giinuing, lapping, honing, supei finishing; mechanics of machining geometiy of
cutting tools, chip foimation, cutting foices anu powei iequiiements, Neichants analysis;
selection of machining paiameteis; tool mateiials, tool weai anu tool life, economics of
machining, theimal aspects of machining, cutting fluius, machinability; piinciples anu
applications of nontiauitional machining piocesses 0SN, A}N, W}N, EBN anu Wiie cut
Tool Engineering: }igs anu fixtuies piinciples, applications, anu uesign; piess tools
configuiation, uesign of uie anu punch; piinciples of foiging uie uesign.
Metrology and Inspection: Limits, fits, anu toleiances, inteichangeability, selective
assembly; lineai anu angulai measuiements by mechanical anu optical methous,
compaiatois; uesign of limit gauges; inteifeiometiy; measuiement of stiaightness, flatness,
ioununess, squaieness anu symmetiy; suiface finish measuiement; inspection of sciew
thieaus anu geais; alignment testing of machine tools.
PowderMetallurgy:Piouuction of metal powueis, compaction anu sinteiing.
PolymersandComposites:Intiouuction to polymeis anu composites; plastic piocessing
injection, compiession anu blow moluing, extiusion, calenuaiing anu theimofoiming;
moluing of composites.
ManufacturingAnalysis:Souices of eiiois in manufactuiing; piocess capability; toleiance
analysis in manufactuiing anu assembly; piocess planning; paiametei selection anu
compaiison of piouuction alteinatives; time anu cost analysis; manufactuiing technologies
stiategies anu selection.
Computer Integrated Manufacturing: Basic concepts of CAB,CAN, CAPP, cellulai
manufactuiing, NC, CNC, BNC, Robotics, FNS, anu CIN.
Product Design and Development: Piinciples of goou piouuct uesign, toleiance uesign;
quality anu cost consiueiations; piouuct life cycle; stanuaiuization, simplification,
uiveisification, value engineeiing anu analysis, concuiient engineeiing.
Engineering Economy and Costing: Elementaiy cost accounting anu methous of
uepieciation; bieakeven analysis, techniques foi evaluation of capital investments,
financial statements.
Work System Design: Taylois scientific management, uilbiethss contiibutions;
piouuctivity concepts anu measuiements; methoustuuy, miciomotion stuuy, piinciples of
motion economy; woik measuiement stop watch time stuuy, woik sampling, stanuaiu
uata, PNTS; eigonomics; job evaluation, meiit iating, incentive schemes, anu wage
auministiation; business piocess ieengineeiing.
FacilityDesign:Facility location factois anu evaluation of alteinate locations; types of plant
layout anu theii evaluation; computei aiueu layout uesign techniques; assembly line
balancing; mateiials hanuling systems.
Production Planning and Inventory Control: Foiecasting techniques causal anu time
seiies mouels, moving aveiage, exponential smoothing, tienu anu seasonality; aggiegate
piouuction planning; mastei piouuction scheuuling; NRP anu NRPII; oiuei contiol anu
flow contiol; iouting, scheuuling anu piioiity uispatching; push anu pull piouuction
systems, concept of }IT manufactuiing system; logistics, uistiibution, anu supply chain
management; Inventoiy functions, costs, classifications, ueteiministic anu piobabilistic
inventoiy mouels, quantity uiscount; peipetual anu peiiouic inventoiy contiol systems.
OperationResearch:Lineai piogiamming pioblem foimulation, simplex methou, uuality
anu sensitivity analysis; tianspoitation anu assignment mouels; netwoik flow mouels,
constiaineu optimization anu Lagiange multiplieis; simple queuing mouels; uynamic
piogiamming; simulation manufactuiing applications; PERT anu CPN, timecost tiaueoff,
iesouice leveling.
Quality Management: Quality concept anu costs, quality ciicles, quality assuiance;
statistical quality contiol, acceptance sampling, zeio uefects, six sigma; total quality
management; IS0 9uuu; uesign of expeiiments Taguchi methou.
Reliability and Maintenance: Reliability, availability anu maintainability; uistiibution of
failuie anu iepaii times; ueteimination of NTBF anu NTTR, ieliability mouels; system
ieliability ueteimination; pieventive maintenance anu ieplacement, total piouuctive
maintenance concept anu applications.
Management Information System: value of infoimation; infoimation stoiage anu
ietiieval system uatabase anu uata stiuctuies; knowleuge baseu systems.
IntellectualPropertySystem:Befinition of intellectual piopeity, impoitance of IPR; TRIPS
anu its implications, patent, copyiight, inuustiial uesign anu tiauemaik.
LinearAlgebra:Natiices anu Beteiminants, Systems of lineai equations, Eigen values anu
eigen vectois.
Calculus: Limit, continuity anu uiffeientiability; Paitial Beiivatives; Naxima anu minima;
Sequences anu seiies; Test foi conveigence; Fouiiei seiies.
VectorCalculus: uiauient; Biveigence anu Cuil; Line; suiface anu volume integials; Stokes,
uauss anu uieens theoiems.
Differential Equations: Lineai anu nonlineai fiist oiuei 0BEs; Bighei oiuei lineai 0BEs
with constant coefficients; Cauchys anu Euleis equations; Laplace tiansfoims; PBEs
Laplace, heat anu wave equations.
Probability and Statistics: Nean, meuian, moue anu stanuaiu ueviation; Ranuom
vaiiables; Poisson, noimal anu binomial uistiibutions; Coiielation anu iegiession analysis.
Numerical Methods: Solutions of lineai anu nonlineai algebiaic equations; integiation of
tiapezoiual anu Simpsons iule; single anu multistep methous foi uiffeiential equations.
Textile Fibers: Classification of textile fibeis; Essential iequiiements of fibei foiming
polymeis; uioss anu fine stiuctuie of natuial fibeis like cotton, wool anu silk. Intiouuction
to impoitant bastfibies; piopeities anu uses of natuial anu manmaue fibeis; physical anu
chemical methous of fibei anu blenu iuentification anu blenu analysis.
Noleculai aichitectuie, amoiphous anu ciystalline phases, glass tiansition, plasticization,
ciystallization, melting, factois affecting T
anu T
; Piocess of viscose anu acetate
piepaiation. Polymeiization of nylon6, nylon66, poly (ethylene teiephthalate),
polyaciylonitiile anu polypiopylene; Nelt Spinning piocesses, chaiacteiistic featuies of
PET, polyamiue anu polypiopylene spinning; wet anu uiy spinning of viscose anu aciylic
fibies; post spinning opeiations such as uiawing, heat setting, towtotop conveision anu
uiffeient textuiing methous.
Nethous of investigating fibie stiuctuie e.g., Bensity, Xiay uiffiaction, biiefiingence, optical
anu election micioscopy, I.R. absoiption, theimal methous (BSC, BNATNA, TuA);
stiuctuie anu moiphology ofmanmaue fibies, mechanical piopeities of fibies, moistuie
soiption in fibies; fibie stiuctuie anu piopeity coiielation.
Yarnmanufactureand yarnstructure &properties:Piinciples of opening, cleaning anu
mixingblenuing of fibious mateiials, woiking piinciple of mouein opening anu cleaning
equipments; the technology of caiuing, caiuing of cotton anu synthetic fibies; Biafting
opeiation, iollei anu apion uiafting piinciple, causes of mass iiiegulaiity intiouuceu by
uiafting; iollei aiiangements in uiafting systems; piinciples of cotton combing, combing
cycle, mechanism anu function, combing efficiency, lap piepaiation; iecent uevelopments in
combei; Roving piouuction, mechanism of bobbin builuing, ioving twist; Piinciple of iing
spinning, foices acting on yain anu tiavelei; iing & tiavelei uesigns; mechanism of cop
foimation, causes of enu bieakages; woiking piinciple of iing uoublei anu two foi one
twistei, single anu folueu yain twist, piopeities of uouble yains, piouuction of coie spun
yain, compact spinning, piinciple of nonconventional methous of yain piouuction such as
iotoi spinning, aii jet spinning, wiap spinning, twist less spinning anu fiiction spinning.
Yain contiaction, yain uiametei, specific volume & packing coefficient; twist stiength
ielationship in spun yains; fibie configuiation anu oiientation in yain; cause of fibie
migiation anu its estimation, iiiegulaiity inuex, piopeities of iing, iotoi anu aiijet yains.
Fabric manufacture and Fabric Structure: Piinciples of cheese anu cone winuing
piocesses anu machines; ianuom anu piecision winuing; package faults anu theii iemeuies;
yain cleaieis anu tensioneis; uiffeient systems of yain splicing; featuies of mouein cone
winuing machines; uiffeient types of waiping cieels; featuies of mouein beam anu sectional
waiping machines; uiffeient sizing systems, sizing of spun anu filament yains, mouein
sizing machines; piinciples of piin winuing piocesses anu machines; piimaiy anu
seconuaiy motions of loom, effect of theii settings anu timings on fabiic foimation, fabiic
appeaiance anu weaving peifoimance; uobby anu jacquaiu sheuuing; mechanics of weft
inseition with shuttle; waip anu weft stop motions, waip piotection, weft ieplenishment;
functional piinciples of weft inseition systems of shuttleless weaving machines, piinciples
of multiphase anu ciiculai looms.
Piinciples of weft anu waip knitting; basic weft anu waip knitteu stiuctuies. Classification,
piouuction anu aieas of application of nonwoven fabiics.Basic woven fabiic constiuctions
anu theii ueiivatives; ciepe, coiu, teiiy, gauze, leno anu uouble cloth constiuctions.Peiices
equations foi fabiic geometiy; elastica mouel of plain woven fabiics; thickness, covei anu
maximum set of woven fabiics.
Textile Testing: Sampling techniques, sample size anu sampling eiiois. Neasuiement of
fibie length, fineness, ciimp, stiength anu ieflectance; measuiement of cotton fibei matuiity
anu tiash content; BvI anu AFIS foi fibie testing. Neasuiement of yain count, twist anu
haiiiness; tensile testing of fibeis, yains anu fabiics; evenness testing of sliveis, iovings anu
yains; testing equipment foi measuiement test methous of fabiic piopeities like thickness,
compiessibility, aii peimeability, uiape, ciease iecoveiy, teai stiength, buisting stiength
anu abiasion iesistance. FAST anu Kawabata instiuments anu systems foi objective fabiic
evaluation.Statistical uata analysis of expeiimental iesults. Coiielation analysis, significance
tests anu analysis of vaiiance; fiequency uistiibutions anu contiol chaits.
PreparatoryProcesses:Chemistiy anu piactice of piepaiatoiy piocesses foi cotton, wool
anu silk. Neiceiization of cotton. Piepaiatoiy piocesses foi nylon, polyestei anu aciylic anu
polyesteicotton blenus.
Dyeing:Classification of uyes.Byeing of cotton, wool, silk, polyestei, nylon anu aciylic with
appiopiiate uye classes. Byeing polyesteicotton anu polyesteiwool blenus. Batch wise
anu continuous uyeing machines. Byeing of cotton knitteu fabiics anu machines useu. Bye
fibie inteiaction. Intiouuction to theimouynamics anu kinetics of uyeing.Nethous foi
ueteimination of wash, light anu iubbing fastness.Evaluation of fastness piopeities with the
help of giey scale.
Printing: Styles of piinting. Piinting thickeneis incluuing synthetic
thickeneis.Piintingauxiliaiies.Piinting of cotton with ieactive uyes.Piinting of wool, silk,
nylon with aciu anu metal complex uyes.Piinting of polyestei with uispeise uyes. Nethous
of uye fixation aftei piinting. Resist anu uischaige piinting of cotton, silk anu polyestei.
Piinting of polyesteicotton blenus with uispeiseieactive combination. Tiansfei piinting
of polyestei. Bevelopments in inkjet piinting.
Finishing:Nechanical finishing of cotton.Stiff.Soft, wiinkle iesistant, watei iepellent, flame
ietaiuant anu enzyme (biopolishing) finishing of cotton.Nilling, uecatizing anu shiink
iesistant finishing of wool.Antis tat finishing of synthetic fibeifabiics.Beat setting of
EnergyConservation:Ninimum application techniques.
Pollution: Enviionment pollution uuiing chemical piocessing of textiles. Tieatment of
textile effluents.
Linear Algebra: Algebia of matiices, inveise, iank, system of lineai equations, symmetiic,
skewsymmetiic anu oithogonal matiices. Beimitian, skewBeimitian anu unitaiy
matiices.eigenvalues anu eigenvectois, uiagonalisation of matiices, CayleyBamilton
Calculus: Functions of single vaiiable, limit, continuity anu uiffeientiability, Nean value
theoiems, Inueteiminate foims anu LBospital iule, Naxima anu minima,Taylois seiies,
Funuamental anu mean valuetheoiems of integial calculus. Evaluation of uefinite anu
impiopei integials, Beta anu uamma functions, Functions of two vaiiables, limit, continuity,
paitial ueiivatives, Euleis theoiem foi homogeneous functions, total ueiivatives, maxima
anu minima, Lagiange methou of multiplieis, uouble anu tiiple integials anu theii
applications, sequence anu seiies, tests foi conveigence, powei seiies, Fouiiei Seiies, Balf
iange sine anu cosine seiies.
Complex variable: Analytic functions, CauchyRiemann equations, Application in solving
potential pioblems, Line integial, Cauchys integial theoiem anu integial foimula (without
pioof), Taylois anu Lauient seiies, Resiuue theoiem (without pioof) anu its applications.
Vector Calculus: uiauient, uiveigence anu cuil, vectoi iuentities, uiiectional ueiivatives,
line, suiface anu volume integials, Stokes, uauss anu uieens theoiems (without pioofs)
Ordinary Differential Equations: Fiist oiuei equation (lineai anu nonlineai), Seconu
oiuei lineai uiffeiential equations with vaiiable coefficients, vaiiation of paiameteis
methou, highei oiuei lineai uiffeiential equations with constant coefficients, Cauchy
Euleis equations, powei seiies solutions, Legenuie polynomials anu Bessels functions of
the fiist kinu anu theii piopeities.
PartialDifferentialEquations:Sepaiation of vaiiables methou,Laplace equation, solutions
of one uimensional heat anu wave equations.
Probability and Statistics: Befinitions of piobability anu simple theoiems, conuitional
piobability, Bayes Theoiem, ianuom vaiiables, uisciete anu continuous uistiibutions,
Binomial, Poisson, anu noimal uistiibutions, coiielation anu lineai iegiession.
NumericalMethods:Solution of a system of lineai equations by L0 uecomposition, uauss
}oiuan anu uaussSeiuel Nethous, Newtons inteipolation foimulae, Solution of a
polynomial anu a tianscenuental equation by NewtonRaphson methou, numeiical
integiation by tiapezoiual iule, Simpsons iule anu uaussian quauiatuie, numeiical
solutions of fiist oiuei uiffeiential equation by Euleis methou anu 4
oiuei RungeKutta
FluidProperties:Relation between stiess anu stiain iate foi Newtonian fluius.
Hydrostatics:Buoyancy, manometiy, foices on submeigeu bouies.
Euleiian anu Lagiangian uesciiption of fluiu motion, concept of local anu convective
acceleiations, steauy anu unsteauy flows, contiol volume analysis foi mass, momentum anu
Biffeiential equations of mass anu momentum (Eulei equation), Beinoullis equation anu its
Concept of fluiu iotation, voiticity, stieam function anu potential function.
Potential flow: elementaiy flow fielus anu piinciple of supeiposition, potential flow past a
ciiculai cylinuei.
Dimensional analysis: Concept of geometiic, kinematic anu uynamic similaiity,
impoitance of nonuimensional numbeis.
Fullyuevelopeu pipe flow, laminai anu tuibulent flows, fiiction factoi, BaicyWeisbach
Qualitative iueas of bounuaiy layei anu sepaiation, stieamlineu anu bluff bouies, uiag anu
lift foices.
Basic iueas of flow measuiement using ventuiimetei, pitotstatic tube anu oiifice plate.
Structure: Atomic stiuctuie anu bonuing in mateiials. Ciystal stiuctuie of mateiials, ciystal
systems, unit cells anu space lattices, ueteimination of stiuctuies of simple ciystals by xiay
uiffiaction, millei inuices of planes anu uiiections, packing geometiy in metallic, ionic anu
covalent solius. Concept of amoiphous, single anu polyciystalline stiuctuies anu theii effect
on piopeities of mateiials.Ciystal giowth techniques.Impeifections in ciystalline solius anu
theii iole in influencing vaiious piopeities.
Diffusion: Ficks laws anu application of uiffusion in sinteiing, uoping of semiconuuctois
anu suiface haiuening of metals.
Metals and Alloys: Soliu solutions, solubility limit, phase iule, binaiy phase uiagiams,
inteimeuiate phases, inteimetallic compounus, iioniion caibiue phase uiagiam, heat
tieatment of steels, colu, hot woiking of metals, iecoveiy, ieciystallization anu giain
giowth. Niciostictuie, piopeities anu applications of feiious anu nonfeiious alloys.
Ceramics: Stiuctuie, piopeities, piocessing anu applications of tiauitional anu auvanceu
Polymers: Classification, polymeiization, stiuctuie anu piopeities, auuitives foi polymei
piouucts, piocessing anu applications.
Composites: Piopeities anu applications of vaiious composites.
Advanced Materials and Tools: Smait mateiials, exhibiting feiioelectiic, piezoelectiic,
optoelectiic, semiconuucting behavioi, laseis anu optical fibeis, photoconuuctivity anu
supeiconuuctivity, nanomateiials synthesis, piopeities anu applications, biomateiials,
supeialloys, shape memoiy alloys.Nateiials chaiacteiization techniques such as, scanning
election micioscopy, tiansmission election micioscopy, atomic foice micioscopy, scanning
tunneling micioscopy, atomic absoiption spectioscopy, uiffeiential scanning caloiimetiy.
Mechanical Properties: stiessstiain uiagiams of metallic, ceiamic anu polymeiic
mateiials, mouulus of elasticity, yielu stiength, tensile stiength, toughness, elongation,
plastic uefoimation, viscoelasticity, haiuness, impact stiength, cieep, fatigue, uuctile anu
biittle fiactuie.
ThermalProperties: Beat capacity, theimal conuuctivity, theimal expansion of mateiials.
Electronic Properties: Concept of eneigy banu uiagiam foi mateiials conuuctois,
semiconuuctois anu insulatois, electiical conuuctivity effect of tempeiatuie on
conuuctility, intiinsic anu extiinsic semiconuuctois, uielectiic piopeities.
Optical Properties: Reflection, iefiaction, absoiption anu tiansmission of electiomagnetic
iauiation in solius.
Magnetic Properties: 0iigin of magnetism in metallic anu ceiamic mateiials,
paiamagnetism, uiamagnetism, antifeiio magnetism, feiiomagnetism, feiiimagnetism,
magnetic hysteiisis.
EnvironmentalDegradation: Coiiosion anu oxiuation of mateiials, pievention.
Equivalent foice systems; fieebouy uiagiams; equilibiium equations; analysis of
ueteiminate tiusses anu fiames; fiiction; simple ielative motion of paiticles; foice as
function of position, time anu speeu; foice acting on a bouy in motion; laws of motion; law
of conseivation of eneigy; law of conseivation of momentum.
Stiesses anu stiains; piincipal stiesses anu stiains; Nohis ciicle; geneializeu Bookes Law;
theimal stiain; theoiies of failuie.
Axial, sheai anu benuing moment uiagiams; axial, sheai anu benuing stiesses; ueflection
(foi symmetiic benuing); toision in ciiculai shafts; thin cylinueis; eneigy methous
(Castiglianos Theoiems); Eulei buckling.
Fiee vibiation of single uegiee of fieeuom systems.
Basic Concepts: Continuum, macioscopic appioach, theimouynamic system (closeu anu
open oi contiol volume); theimouynamic piopeities anu equilibiium; state of a system,
state uiagiam, path anu piocess; uiffeient moues of woik; Zeioth law of theimouynamics;
concept of tempeiatuie; heat.
First Law of Thermodynamics: Eneigy, enthalpy, specific heats, fiist law applieu to
systems anu contiol volumes, steauy anu unsteauy flow analysis.
Second Law of Thermodynamics: KelvinPlanck anu Clausius statements, ieveisible anu
iiieveisible piocesses, Cainot theoiems, theimouynamic tempeiatuie scale,
Clausiusinequality anu concept of entiopy, piinciple of inciease of entiopy; availability anu
Properties of Pure Substances: Theimouynamic piopeities of puie substances in soliu,
liquiu anu vapoi phases, PvT behavioui of simple compiessible substances, phase iule,
theimouynamic piopeity tables anu chaits, iueal anu ieal gases, equations of state,
compiessibility chait.
ThermodynamicRelations:Tus ielations, Naxwell equations, }ouleThomson coefficient,
coefficient of volume expansion, auiabatic anu isotheimal compiessibilities, Clapeyion
Thermodynamic cycles: Cainot vapoi powei cycle, Iueal Rankine cycle, Rankine Reheat
cycle, Aii stanuaiu 0tto cycle, Aii stanuaiu Biesel cycle, Aiistanuaiu Biayton cycle, vapoi
compiession iefiigeiation cycle.
IdealGasMixtures:Baltons anu Amagats laws, calculations of piopeities, aiiwatei vapoi
mixtuies anu simple theimouynamic piocesses involving them.
Chemistry of high polymers: Nonomeis, functionality, uegiee of polymeiizations,
classification of polymeis, glass tiansition, melting tiansition, ciiteiia foi iubbeiiness,
polymeiization methous: auuition anu conuensation; theii kinetics, metallocene polymeis
anu othei newei techniques of polymeiization, copolymeiization, monomei ieactivity
iatios anu its significance, kinetics, uiffeient copolymeis, ianuom, alteinating, azeotiopic
copolymeiization, block anu giaft copolymeis, techniques foi copolymeiizationbulk,
solution, suspension, emulsion.
Polymer Characterization: Solubility anu swelling, concept of aveiage moleculai weight,
ueteimination of numbei aveiage, weight aveiage, viscosity aveiage anu Zaveiage
moleculai weights, polymei ciystallinity, analysis of polymeis using IR, XRB, theimal (BSC,
BNTA, TuA), micioscopic (optical anu electionic) techniques.
Synthesis and properties: Commouity anu geneial puipose theimoplastics: PE, PP, PS,
PvC, Polyesteis, Aciylic, P0 polymeis. Engineeiing Plastics: Nylon, PC, PBT, PS0, PP0, ABS,
Fluoiopolymeis Theimosetting polymeis: PF, NF, 0F, Epoxy, 0nsatuiateu polyestei, Alkyus.
Natuial anu synthetic iubbeis: Recoveiy of NR hyuiocaibon fiom latex, SBR, Nitiile, CR,
CSN, EPBN, IIR, BR, Silicone, TPE.
Polymer blends and composites: Biffeience between blenus anu composites, theii
significance, choice of polymeis foi blenuing, blenu miscibilitymiscible anu immiscible
blenus, theimouynamics, phase moiphology, polymei alloys, polymei eutectics, plastic
plastic, iubbeiplastic anu iubbeiiubbei blenus, FRP, paiticulate, long anu shoit fibie
ieinfoiceu composites.
Polymer Technology: Polymei compounuingneeu anu significance, uiffeient
compounuing ingieuients foi iubbei anu plastics, ciosslinking anu vulcanization,
vulcanization kinetics.
Polymerrheology:Flow of Newtonian anu nonNewtonian fluius, uiffeient flow equations,
uepenuence of sheai mouulus on tempeiatuie, moleculaisegmental uefoimations at
uiffeient zones anu tiansitions. Neasuiements of iheological paiameteis by capillaiy
iotating, paiallel plate, coneplate iheometei. viscoelasticitycieep anu stiess ielaxations,
mechanical mouels, contiol of iheological chaiacteiistics thiough compounuing, iubbei
cuiing in paiallel plate viscometei, 0BR anu NBR.
Polymer processing: Compiession moluing, tiansfei moluing, injection moluing, blow
moluing, ieaction injection moluing, extiusion, pultiusion, calenuaiing, iotational moluing,
theimofoiming, iubbei piocessing in twoioll mill, inteinal mixei.
Polymer testing: Nechanicalstatic anu uynamic tensile, flexuial, compiessive, abiasion,
enuuiance, fatigue, haiuness, teai, iesilience, impact, toughness. Conuuctivitytheimal anu
electiical, uielectiic constant, uissipation factoi, powei factoi, electiic iesistance, suiface
iesistivity, volume iesistivity, swelling, ageing iesistance, enviionmental stiess ciacking
Food Chemistry and Nutrition: Caibohyuiates: Stiuctuie anu functional piopeities of
mono oligopolysacchaiiues incluuing staich, cellulose, pectic substances anu uietaiy fibie;
Pioteins: Classification anu stiuctuie of pioteins in foou; Lipius: Classification anu stiuctuie
of lipius, Ranciuity of fats, Polymeiization anu polymoiphism; Pigments: Caiotenoius,
chloiophylls, anthocyanins, tannins anu myoglobin; Foou flavouis: Teipenes, esteis,
ketones anu quinones; Enzymes: Specificity, Kinetics anu inhibition, Coenzymes, Enzymatic
anu nonenzymatic biowning; Nutiition: Balanceu uiet, Essential amino acius anu fatty
acius, PER, Watei soluble anu fat soluble vitamins, Role of mineials in nutiition,
Antinutiients, Nutiition ueficiency uiseases.
Food Microbiology: Chaiacteiistics of miciooiganisms: Noiphology, stiuctuie anu
uetection of bacteiia, yeast anu molu in foou, Spoies anu vegetative cells; Niciobial giowth
in foou: Intiinsic anu extiinsic factois, uiowth anu ueath kinetics, seiial uilution methou foi
quantification; Foou spoilage: Contiibuting factois, Spoilage bacteiia, Niciobial spoilage of
milk anu milk piouucts, meat anu meat piouucts; Foouboine uisease: Toxins piouuceu by
Staphylococcus, Clostiiuium anu Aspeigillus; Bacteiial pathogens: Salmonella, Bacillus,
Listeiia, Escheiichia coli, Shigella, Campylobactei; Feimenteu foou: Butteimilk, yoghuit,
cheese, sausage, alcoholic beveiage, vinegai, saueikiaut anu soya sauce.
FoodProductsTechnology: Piocessing piinciples: Canning, chilling, fieezing, uehyuiation,
contiol of watei activity, CA anu NA stoiage, feimentation, huiule technology, auuition of
pieseivatives anu foou auuitives, Foou packaging, cleaning in place anu foou laws.; uiain
piouucts piocessing: Nilling of iice, wheat, anu maize, paiboiling of pauuy, piouuction of
bieau, biscuits, extiuueu piouucts anu bieakfast ceieals, Solvent extiaction, iefining anu
hyuiogenation of oil; Fiuits, vegetables anu plantation piouucts piocessing: Extiaction,
claiification concentiation anu packaging of fiuit juice, Piouuction of jam, jelly, maimalaue,
squash, canuies, anu pickles, pectin fiom fiuit waste, tea, coffee, chocolate anu essential oils
fiom spices; Nilk anu milk piouucts piocessing: Pasteuiizeu anu steiilizeu milk, cieam,
buttei, ghee, icecieam, cheese anu milk powuei; Animal piouucts piocessing: Biying anu
canning of fish, post moitem changes, tenueiization anu fieezing of meat, egg powuei.
FoodEngineering: Nass anu eneigy balance; Nomentum tiansfei: Flow iate anu piessuie
uiop ielationships foi Newtonian fluius flowing thiough pipe, Chaiacteiistics of non
Newtonian fluius geneializeu viscosity coefficient anu Reynolus numbei, Flow of
compiessible fluiu, Flow measuiement, Pumps anu compiessois; Beat tiansfei: Beat
tiansfei by conuuction, convection, iauiation, boiling anu conuensation, 0nsteauy state heat
tiansfei in simple geometiy, NT0 effectiveness ielationship of cocuiient anu countei
cuiient uouble pipe heat exchangei; Nass tiansfei: Noleculai uiffusion anu Ficks Law,
Steauy state mass tiansfei, Convective mass tiansfei, Peimeability of films anu laminates;
Nechanical opeiations: Eneigy iequiiement anu iate of opeiations involveu in size
ieuuction of solius, high piessuie homogenization, filtiation, centiifugation, settling,
sieving, flow thiough poious beu, agitation of liquiu, soliusoliu mixing, anu single sciew
extiusion; Theimal opeiations: Eneigy iequiiement anu iate of opeiations involveu in
piocess time evaluation in batch anu continuous steiilization, evapoiation of liquiu foous,
hot aii uiying of solius, spiay anu fieezeuiying, fieezing anu ciystallization; Nass tiansfei
opeiations: Piopeities of aiiwatei vapoi mixtuie; Bumiuification anu uehumiuification
S.S.2S Life Sciences (XL)
Atomic structure and periodicity: Plancks quantum theoiy, wave paiticle uuality,
unceitainty piinciple, quantum mechanical mouel of hyuiogen atom; electionic
configuiation of atoms; peiiouic table anu peiiouic piopeities; ionization eneigy, election
affinity, electionegativity, atomic size.
Structureandbonding:Ionic anu covalent bonuing, N.0. anu v.B. appioaches foi uiatomic
molecules, vSEPR theoiy anu shape of molecules, hybiiuisation, iesonance, uipole moment,
stiuctuie paiameteis such as bonu length, bonu angle anu bonu eneigy, hyuiogen bonuing,
van uei Waals inteiactions. Ionic solius, ionic iauii, lattice eneigy (BoinBabei Cycle).
s.p.anddBlockElements:0xiues, haliues anu hyuiiues of alkali anu alkaline eaith metals,
B, Al, Si, N, P, anu S, geneial chaiacteiistics of Su elements, cooiuination complexes: valence
bonu anu ciystal fielu theoiy, coloi, geometiy anu magnetic piopeities.
Chemical Equilibria: Colligative piopeities of solutions, ionic equilibiia in solution,
solubility piouuct, common ion effect, hyuiolysis of salts, pB, buffei anu theii applications
in chemical analysis, equilibiium constants (K
, K
anu K
) foi homogeneous ieactions,
Electrochemistry:Conuuctance, Kohliausch law, Balf Cell potentials, emf, Neinst equation,
galvanic cells, theimouynamic aspects anu theii applications.
Reaction Kinetics: Rate constant, oiuei of ieaction, moleculaiity, activation eneigy, zeio,
fiist anu seconu oiuei kinetics, catalysis anu elementaiy enzyme ieactions.
Thermodynamics: Fiist law, ieveisible anu iiieveisible piocesses, inteinal eneigy,
enthalpy, Kiichoffs equation, heat of ieaction, Bess law, heat of foimation, Seconu law,
entiopy, fiee eneigy, anu woik function. uibbsBelmholtz equation, ClausiusClapeyion
equation, fiee eneigy change anu equilibiium constant, Tioutons iule, Thiiu law of
Basis of Organic Reactions Mechanism: Elementaiy tieatment of SN1, SN2, E1 anu E2
ieactions, Boffmann anu Saytzeff iules, Auuition ieactions, Naikonikoff iule anu Khaiash
effect, BielsAluei ieaction, aiomatic electiophilic substitution, oiientation effect as
exemplifieu by vaiious functional gioups. Iuentification of functional gioups by chemical
StructureReactivity Correlations: Acius anu bases, electionic anu steiic effects, optical
anu geometiical isomeiism, tautomeiism, confoimeis, concept of aiomatic city.
0iganization of life.Impoitance of watei.Cell stiuctuie anu oiganelles. Stiuctuie anu
function of biomolecules: Amino acius, Caibohyuiates, Lipius, Pioteins anu Nucleic acius.
Biochemical sepaiation techniques anu chaiacteiization: ion exchange, size exclusion anu
affinity chiomatogiaphy, electiophoiesis, 0vvisible, fluoiescence anu Nass spectiometiy.
Piotein stiuctuie, foluing anu function: Nyoglobin, Bemoglobin, Lysozyme, Ribonuclease A,
Caiboxypeptiuase anu Chymotiypsin. Enzyme kinetics incluuing its iegulation anu
inhibition, vitamins anu Coenzymes.
Netabolism anu bioeneigetics.ueneiation anu utilization of ATP. Netabolic pathways anu
theii iegulation: glycolysis, TCA cycle, pentose phosphate pathway, oxiuative
phosphoiylation, gluconeogenesis, glycogen anu fatty aciu metabolism. Netabolism of
Nitiogen containing compounus: nitiogen fixation, amino acius anu nucleotiues.
Photosynthesis: the Calvin cycle.
Biological membianes. Tianspoit acioss membianes. Signal tiansuuction; hoimones anu
BNA ieplication, tiansciiption anu tianslation.Biochemical iegulation of gene expiession.
Recombinant BNA technology anu applications: PCR, site uiiecteu mutagenesis anu BNA
Immune system.Active anu passive immunity. Complement system. Antibouy stiuctuie,
function anu uiveisity. Cells of the immune system: T, B anu maciophages. T anu B cell
activation. Najoi histocompatibilty complex. T cell ieceptoi. Immunological techniques:
Immunouiffusion, immunoelectiophoiesis, RIA anu ELISA.
Plant Systematics: Systems of classification (nonphylogenetic vs. phylogenetic outline),
plant gioups, moleculai systematics.
Plant Anatomy: Plant cell stiuctuie, oiganization, oiganelles, cytoskeleton, cell wall anu
membianes; anatomy of ioot, stem anu leaves, meiistems, vasculai system, theii ontogeny,
stiuctuie anu functions, seconuaiy giowth in plants anu stellai oiganization.
Morphogenesis & Development: Cell cycle, cell uivision, life cycle of an angiospeim,
pollination, feitilization, embiyogenesis, seeu foimation, seeu stoiage pioteins, seeu
uoimancy anu geimination.
Concept of cellulai totipotency, clonal piopagation; oiganogenesis anu somatic
embiyogenesis, aitificial seeu, somaclonal vaiiation, seconuaiy metabolism in plant cell
cultuie, embiyo cultuie, invitro feitilization.
Physiology and Biochemistry: Plant watei ielations, tianspoit of mineials anu solutes,
stiess physiology, stomatal physiology, signal tiansuuction, N
metabolism, photosynthesis,
photoiespiiation; iespiiation, Floweiing: photopeiiouism anu veinalization, biochemical
mechanisms involveu in floweiing; moleculai mechanism of senencensce anu aging,
biosynthesis, mechanism of action anu physiological effects of plant giowth iegulatois,
stiuctuie anu function of biomolecules, (pioteins, caibohyuiates, lipius, nucleic aciu),
enzyme kinetics.
Genetics: Piinciples of Nenuelian inheiitance, linkage, iecombination, genetic mapping;
extiachiomosomal inheiitance; piokaiyotic anu eukaiyotic genome oiganization,
iegulation of gene expiession, gene mutation anu iepaii, chiomosomal abeiiations
(numeiical anu stiuctuial), tiansposons.
Plant Breeding and Genetic Modification: Piinciples, methous selection, hybiiuization,
heteiosis; male steiility, genetic maps anu moleculai maikeis, spoiophytic anu
gametophytic self incompability, haploiuy, tiiploiuy, somatic cell hybiiuization, maikei
assisteu selection, gene tiansfei methous viz. uiiect anu vectoimeuiateu, plastiu
tiansfoimation, tiansgenic plants anu theii application in agiicultuie, moleculai phaiming,
Economic Botany: A geneial account of economically anu meuicinally impoitant plants
ceieals, pulses, plants yieluing fibeis, timbei, sugai, beveiages, oils, iubbei, pigments, uyes,
gums, uiugs anu naicotics. Economic impoitance of algae, fungi, lichen anu bacteiia.
Plant Pathology: Natuie anu classification of plant uiseases, uiseases of impoitant ciops
causeu by fungi, bacteiia anu viiuses, anu theii contiol measuies, mechanism(s) of
pathogenesis anu iesistance, moleculai uetection of pathogens; plantmiciobe beneficial
Ecology and Environment: Ecosystems types, uynamics, uegiauation, ecological
succession; foou chains anu eneigy flow; vegetation types of the woilu, pollution anu global
waiming, speciation anu extinction, conseivation stiategies, ciyopieseivation,
Historical Perspective: Biscoveiy of miciobial woilu; Lanumaik uiscoveiies ielevant to
the fielu of miciobiology; Contioveisy ovei spontaneous geneiation; Role of
miciooiganisms in tiansfoimation of oiganic mattei anu in the causation of uiseases.
Methods in Microbiology: Puie cultuie techniques; Theoiy anu piactice of steiilization;
Piinciples of miciobial nutiition; Eniichment cultuie techniques foi isolation of
miciooiganisms; Light, phase contiast anu electionmicioscopy.
Microbial Taxonomy and Diversity: Bacteiia, Aichea anu theii bioau classification;
Eukaiyotic miciobes: Yeasts, molus anu piotozoa; viiuses anu theii classification;
Noleculai appioaches to miciobial taxonomy.
Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells: Structure and Function: Piokaiyotic Cells: cell walls,
cell membianes, mechanisms of solute tianspoit acioss membianes, Flagella anu Pili,
Capsules, Cell inclusions like enuospoies anu gas vesicles; Eukaiyotic cell oiganelles:
Enuoplasmic ieticulum, uolgi appaiatus, mitochonuiia anu chloioplasts.
Microbial Growth: Befinition of giowth; uiowth cuive; Nathematical expiession of
exponential giowth phase; Neasuiement of giowth anu giowth yielus; Synchionous
giowth; Continuous cultuie; Effect of enviionmental factois on giowth.
Control of Microorganisms: Effect of physical anu chemical agents; Evaluation of
effectiveness of antimiciobial agents.
Microbial Metabolism: Eneigetics: ieuox ieactions anu election caiiieis; An oveiview of
metabolism; ulycolysis; Pentosephosphate pathway; EntneiBouuoioff pathway;
ulyoxalate pathway; The citiic aciu cycle; Feimentation; Aeiobic anu anaeiobic iespiiation;
Chemolithotiophy; Photosynthesis; Calvin cycle; Biosynthetic pathway foi fatty acius
synthesis; Common iegulatoiy mechanisms in synthesis of amino acius; Regulation of majoi
metabolic pathways.
Microbial Diseases and Host Pathogen Interaction: Noimal miciobiota; Classification of
infectious uiseases; Reseivoiis of infection; Nosocomial infection; Emeiging infectious
uiseases; Nechanism of miciobial pathogenicity; Nonspecific uefense of host; Antigens anu
antibouies; Bumoial anu cell meuiateu immunity; vaccines; Immune ueficiency; Buman
uiseases causeu by viiuses, bacteiia, anu pathogenic fungi.
Chemotherapy/Antibiotics: ueneial chaiacteiistics of antimiciobial uiugs; Antibiotics:
Classification, moue of action anu iesistance; Antifungal anu antiviial uiugs.
Microbial Genetics: Types of mutation; 0v anu chemical mutagens; Selection of mutants;
Ames test foi mutagenesis; Bacteiial genetic system: tiansfoimation, conjugation,
tiansuuction, iecombination, plasmius, tiansposons; BNA iepaii; Regulation of gene
expiession: iepiession anu inuuction; 0peion mouel; Bacteiial genome with special
iefeience to E.coli; Phage anu its life cycle; RNA phages; RNA viiuses; Retioviiuses; Basic
concept of miciobial genomics.
Microbial Ecology:Niciobial inteiactions; Caibon, sulphui anu nitiogen cycles; Soil
miciooiganisms associateu with vasculai plants.
Animal world:Animal uiveisity, uistiibution, systematics anu classification of animals,
phylogenetic ielationships.
Evolution: 0iigin anu histoiy of life on eaith, theoiies of evolution, natuial selection,
auaptation, speciation.
Genetics: Piinciples of inheiitance, moleculai basis of heieuity, mutations, cytoplasmic
inheiitance, linkage anu mapping of genes.
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology: Nucleic acius, pioteins, lipius anu caibohyuiates;
ieplication, tiansciiption anu tianslation; iegulation of gene expiession, oiganization of
genome, Kiebs cycle, glycolysis, enzyme catalysis, hoimones anu theii actions, vitamins.
Cell Biology: Stiuctuie of cell, cellulai oiganelles anu theii stiuctuie anu function, cell
cycle, cell uivision, chiomosomes anu chiomatin stiuctuie. Eukaiyotic gene oiganization
anu expiession (Basic piinciples of signal tiansuuction).
Animal Anatomy and Physiology: Compaiative physiology, the iespiiatoiy system,
ciiculatoiy system, uigestive system, the neivous system, the excietoiy system, the
enuociine system, the iepiouuctive system, the skeletal system, osmoiegulation.
Parasitology and Immunology: Natuie of paiasite, hostpaiasite ielation, piotozoan anu
helminthic paiasites, the immune iesponse, cellulai anu humoial immune iesponse,
evolution of the immune system.
Development Biology: Embiyonic uevelopment, cellulai uiffeientiation, oiganogenesis,
metamoiphosis, genetic basis of uevelopment, stem cells.
Ecology: The ecosystem, habitats, the foou chain, population uynamics, species uiveisity,
zoogeiogiaphy, biogeochemical cycles, conseivation biology.
Animal Behaviour: Types of behaviouis, couitship, mating anu teiiitoiiality, instinct,
leaining anu memoiy, social behavioui acioss the animal taxa, communication,
pheiomones, evolution of animal behavioui.
Food Chemistry and Nutrition: Caibohyuiates: Stiuctuie anu functional piopeities of
mono oligopolysacchaiiues incluuing staich, cellulose, pectic substances anu uietaiy fibie;
Pioteins: Classification anu stiuctuie of pioteins in foou; Lipius: Classification anu stiuctuie
of lipius, Ranciuity of fats, Polymeiization anu polymoiphism; Pigments: Caiotenoius,
chloiophylls, anthocyanins, tannins anu myoglobin; Foou flavouis: Teipenes, esteis,
ketones anu quinones; Enzymes: Specificity, Kinetics anu inhibition, Coenzymes, Enzymatic
anu nonenzymatic biowning; Nutiition: Balanceu uiet, Essential amino acius anu fatty
acius, PER, Watei soluble anu fat soluble vitamins, Role of mineials in nutiition,
Antinutiients, Nutiition ueficiency uiseases.
Food Microbiology: Chaiacteiistics of miciooiganisms: Noiphology, stiuctuie anu
uetection of bacteiia, yeast anu molu in foou, Spoies anu vegetative cells; Niciobial giowth
in foou: Intiinsic anu extiinsic factois, uiowth anu ueath kinetics, seiial uilution methou foi
quantification; Foou spoilage: Contiibuting factois, Spoilage bacteiia, Niciobial spoilage of
milk anu milk piouucts, meat anu meat piouucts; Foouboine uisease: Toxins piouuceu by
Staphylococcus, Clostiiuium anu Aspeigillus; Bacteiial pathogens: Salmonella, Bacillus,
Listeiia, Escheiichia coli, Shigella, Campylobactei; Feimenteu foou: Butteimilk, yoghuit,
cheese, sausage, alcoholic beveiage, vinegai, saueikiaut anu soya sauce.
FoodProductsTechnology: Piocessing piinciples: Canning, chilling, fieezing, uehyuiation,
contiol of watei activity, CA anu NA stoiage, feimentation, huiule technology, auuition of
pieseivatives anu foou auuitives, Foou packaging, cleaning in place anu foou laws.; uiain
piouucts piocessing: Nilling of iice, wheat, anu maize, paiboiling of pauuy, piouuction of
bieau, biscuits, extiuueu piouucts anu bieakfast ceieals, Solvent extiaction, iefining anu
hyuiogenation of oil; Fiuits, vegetables anu plantation piouucts piocessing: Extiaction,
claiification concentiation anu packaging of fiuit juice, Piouuction of jam, jelly, maimalaue,
squash, canuies, anu pickles, pectin fiom fiuit waste, tea, coffee, chocolate anu essential oils
fiom spices; Nilk anu milk piouucts piocessing: Pasteuiizeu anu steiilizeu milk, cieam,
buttei, ghee, icecieam, cheese anu milk powuei; Animal piouucts piocessing: Biying anu
canning of fish, post moitem changes, tenueiization anu fieezing of meat, egg powuei.
FoodEngineering: Nass anu eneigy balance; Nomentum tiansfei: Flow iate anu piessuie
uiop ielationships foi Newtonian fluius flowing thiough pipe, Chaiacteiistics of non
Newtonian fluius geneializeu viscosity coefficient anu Reynolus numbei, Flow of
compiessible fluiu, Flow measuiement, Pumps anu compiessois; Beat tiansfei: Beat
tiansfei by conuuction, convection, iauiation, boiling anu conuensation, 0nsteauy state heat
tiansfei in simple geometiy, NT0 effectiveness ielationship of cocuiient anu countei
cuiient uouble pipe heat exchangei; Nass tiansfei: Noleculai uiffusion anu Ficks Law,
Steauy state mass tiansfei, Convective mass tiansfei, Peimeability of films anu laminates;
Nechanical opeiations: Eneigy iequiiement anu iate of opeiations involveu in size
ieuuction of solius, high piessuie homogenization, filtiation, centiifugation, settling,
sieving, flow thiough poious beu, agitation of liquiu, soliusoliu mixing, anu single sciew
extiusion; Theimal opeiations: Eneigy iequiiement anu iate of opeiations involveu in
piocess time evaluation in batch anu continuous steiilization, evapoiation of liquiu foous,
hot aii uiying of solius, spiay anu fieezeuiying, fieezing anu ciystallization; Nass tiansfei
opeiations: Piopeities of aiiwatei vapoi mixtuie; Bumiuification anu uehumiuification
6. Post-Exam Related Information
6.1 GATE Score
Aftei the evaluation of the answeis, the iaw maiks obtaineu by a canuiuate will be conveiteu to
a noimalizeu uATE Scoie.
Fiom 2u1S onwaius, the uATE scoie of a canuiuate is being computeu using the
foimula given below.
Calculation of Normalized Marks for CE, CS, EC, EE and ME papers (multi-session papers)
In 2015, examination for CE, CS, EC, EE and ME papers will be conducted in multi-sessions. Hence, for
these papers, a suitable normalization is applied to take into account any variation in the difficulty levels
of the question papers across different sessions. The normalization is done based on the fundamental
assumption that "in all multi-session GATE papers, the distribution of abilities of candidates is the same
across all the sessions". This assumption is justified since the number of candidates appearing in multi-
session papers in GATE 2015 is large and the procedure of allocation of session to candidates is random.
Further it is also ensured that for the same multi-session paper, the number of candidates allotted in each
session is of the same order of magnitude.
Based on the above, and considering various normalization methods, the committee arrived at the
following formula for calculating the normalized marks, for CE, CS, EC, EE and ME papers.
Normalization mark of ]
candidate in the i
session H

is given by


- H

- H
) + H

: is the actual marks obtained by the ]
candidate in i

: is the average marks of the top 0.1% of the candidates considering all sessions
: is the sum of mean and standard deviation marks of the candidates in the paper considering all

: is the average marks of the top 0.1% of the candidates in the i
: is the sum of the mean marks and standard deviation of the i
After the evaluation of the answers, normalized marks based on the above formula will be calculated
corresponding to the raw marks obtained by a candidate for CE, CS, EC, EE and ME papers and the
GATE 2015 Score will be calculated based on the normalized marks.
For all other papers, actual marks obtained will be used for calculating the GATE 2015 Score.
Calculation of GATE Score for all papers
GATE 2015 score will be calculated using the formula
0AIE Scorc = S
+ (S
(H -H

- H

In the above formulae
H: marks obtained by the candidate (actual marks for single session papers and normalized marks for
multi-session papers)
: is the qualifying marks for general category candidate in the paper

: is the mean of marks of top 0.1% or top 10 (whichever is larger) of the candidates who appeared in
the paper (in case of multi-session papers including all sessions)
: 350, is the score assigned to H

: 900, is the score assigned to H


In the GATE 2015 score formula, H
is usually 25 marks (out of 100) or +o , whichever is larger. Here p
is the mean and o is the standard deviation of marks of all the candidates who appeared in the paper.
After the declaration of the results, GATE Score Cards will be issued (mailed to the Correspondence
address given in the application) to (a) All SC/ST/PwD candidates whose marks are greater than or equal
to the qualifying mark of SC/ST/PwD candidates in their respective papers, and (b) All other candidates
whose marks are greater than or equal to the qualifying mark of OBC (NCL) candidates in their
respective papers. There is no provision for the issue of additional GATE Score Cards.
The GATE 2015 Committee has the authority to decide the qualifying mark/score for each GATE
paper. In case any claim or dispute arises in respect of GATE 2015, it is hereby made absolutely clear
that the Courts and Tribunals in Allahabad and Allahabad alone shall have the exclusive jurisdiction
to entertain and settle any such dispute or claim.
6.2 GATE 2015 Results
uATE 2u1S results will be announced on March 12, 2015 at 17:00 hrs anu will be
available on the uATE 0nline Application Website.
uATE 2u1S scoie is valiu foi THREE YEARS fiom the uate of announcement of the
uATE 2u1S iesults may be maue available on payment basis to uoveinment
oiganizations (euucational institutions, R & B laboiatoiies, inuustiies, etc.) in Inuia anu
abioau baseu on a Nemoianuum of 0nueistanuing (N00) between IIT Kanpui anu the
oiganization intenuing to use the uATE scoie. Betails in this iegaiu can be obtaineu
fiom The 0iganising Chaiiman, uATE 2u1S, IIT Kanpui.
6.3 GATE 2015 Score Card
Aftei the ueclaiation of the iesults, canuiuates can uownloau theii uATE 2u1S Scoie
Caiu foi the papei (foi which heshe has taken the examination). Bownloauable scoie
caius will be available to only those canuiuates whose maiks aie equal to oi above the
can b
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4. M

5. Y

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6. HowdoImakethefeepaymentforGATE2015examination?
You can make the payment uuiing the ONLINE application piocess by choosing the
following option:
a) OnlinePayment:NetBankingthroughthepaymentgateway.
b) ICollect/IConnect Payment: Payment by online procedure of State Bank of
c) echallanfacilityofbothSBIandAxisBank
7. IfIwanttheOnlinePayment(Netbanking)option,howshouldIcompletethe
Aftei filling all the fielus in the 0NLINE application foim, choose the 0nline Payment
option anu pioceeu foi payment by following the instiuctions.
a) Youi biowsei scieen will ieuiiect you to the bank you choose. Login with
youi Inteinet Banking cieuentials anu confiim the payment.
b) Aftei confiiming the payment, you will be ieuiiecteu back to the uATE 2u1S
application website wheie you woulu be iequiieu to fill in all the uetails.
c) At the enu of this piocess, a PBF file will be geneiateu with the following
i. Page1: Application foim with the necessaiy uetails of the canuiuates, like full
name, uate of biith (BoB), scanneu photogiaph, sex, categoiy
(uE0BCSCST), PwB (YN), full contact auuiess, mobile numbei, email iu,
ii. Page 2: Bacheloi uegiee ceitificate oi ceitificate signeu copy by the college
piincipal (uepenuing on youi eligibility status).
iii. Page3: The uploaueu caste ceitificate.
iv. Page4: The uploaueu PwB ceitificate.
v. Page 5: 0nline payment uetails like youi bank account numbei, bank name,
tiansaction iu, uate anu time of tiansaction, amount paiu, etc.
u) Take a piintout of the entiie PBF file foi youi futuie iefeienceuse.

8. Mypower/internetconnectionfailedduringonlinepayment.WhatdoIdo?
When you can get back online, fiist check the status of youi payment on the uATE
application website.

a) If the payment was ieceiveu by uATE, you can continue the piocess of
piinting the application foim.
b) If the payment was not ieceiveu by uATE, you have to stait with the
payment step again, to complete payment.

9. Mynetbankingaccounthasbeendebited(moneytakenout)morethanonce.
This can happen if youi bank account was useu moie than once oi you piesseu
iefiesh oi backfoiwaiu button of youi inteinet biowsei. Please check youi bank
account aftei 48 houis. Any unaccounteu oi excess money that was ieceiveu on
behalf of uATE 2u1S fiom this account will automatically be ietuineu (cieuiteu) to
the same bank account.
10. My bank account has been debited (money taken out), but GATE Application
This happens because of some failuie in inteinet tiansactions (incluuing failuie of
inteinet connection at youi enu). As soon as possible, you N0ST initiate a fiesh
payment piocess on the uATE application website, anu make the payment again.
The money that was uebiteu (taken out) fiom youi account in the fiist attempt, will
be cieuiteu (put back) to youi bank account within 72 houis. You will be chaigeu
only once. Any excessunaccounteu uebits will be ietuineu to you.
11. If I want the Bank challan option, how should I complete the application
Theie is NO option of payment thiough bank challan.
12. DoIhavetosendtheprintoutoftheapplicationform?
13. WhenandhowwillIknowthestatusofmyapplication?
You can check the status of youi application by logging onto u0APS website.
14. After completing the ONLINE application process and generating a PDF file,
NO. Aftei completing all the steps upto PBF application foim geneiation in the
0NLINE application piocess, you can only uownloau the application foim anu
CANNOT mouify the uata. Bence you neeu to be veiy caieful while enteiing the uata.
You may also save a paitially filleu application anu login in again at a latei point in
time to complete anu submit the application, howevei it must be within the
specifieu ueauline.
15. I have missed to take a printout of my ONLINE application at the end of my
You can login using u0APS Eniolment IB anu passwoiu anu take a piintout.
7.2 Admit Card
1. WhenwillIreceivemyadmitcard?
2. Is
1. F

2. A

3. W
4. A
Aumit Caiu
Becembei 2u
NO. Biing th
etails have
hoto iuenti
Aauhaai 0IB
Photo, Signa
he exam if th
7.3 GATE
A canuiuate
he iesponsi
1. The c
of his
2. The c
After subm
Requests foi
oim will no
e accepteu
aiu in the fo
t the city o
uATE office w
Will I be p
A sciibble p
woik. The ca
NO. Canuiua
uiing the te
can ONLY
u14. Aumit
he Aumit Ca
uscanneu c
been entei
ifications is
B, College IB
atuie, Bate
n uocument
he oiiginal
E 2015 Ex
e can appl
ibility of th
canuiuate is
hei qualify
canuiuate is
ssion plan,
h heshe wi
mission of
i change of u
ot be consiu
till 21
oim of a Bem
of the iespe
wheie you h
provided w
au will be p
anuiuate has
ates will NO
est. Canuiua
be uownlo
Caius will N
aiu at the t
copy) anu
ieu while fi
s peimitteu
B, Employee
e of Biith
t aie not acc
anu valiu ph
ly foi only
0RE oi uAT
he canuiuate
expecteu t
ying uegiee
s, howevei,
keeping in
shes to seek
uATE Exam
ueieu. Bowe
vembei, 2u1
manu Biaft
ective Zona
have sent th
with any w
pioviueu to
s to ietuin t
OT be allow
ates aie allo

oaueu fiom
NOT be sent
test centei
valiu (not
illing the ap
u: Biiving li
e Iuentificat
anu Resiu
ceptable. Ca
hoto iuentif
y ONE of
TE website.
e. Some gui
to appeai in
, fiee to ch
minu the e
k aumission
on, am I
mination pap
evei, ieque
14 with a fe
t (BB) in fav
al uATE 0ff
he applicatio
white paper
o the canuiu
the sciibble
weu to leave
oweu to leav
m the zonal
t by post.
along with
expiieu) p
pplication. O
icense, Pass
tion Caiu, oi
uential Auu
anuiuates w
fication is n
the 22 pa
The choice
iuelines in
n a papei ap
hoose any p
eligibility ci
pei aftei the
sts foi chan
ee of 4uu
voi of Chaii
fice. Please
on foim.
r for rough
uate that ca
e pau aftei t
e the exami
ve the comp
uATE web
h at least o
hoto iuenti
ONLY one
spoit, PAN
i a Notaiize
uiess. Phot
will not be p
ot piesente
apeis listeu
of the appi
this iespec
ppiopiiate t
papei accoi
iiteiia of th
d to chan
e submissio
nge of exam
(foui hunu
iman, uATE
senu this B
h work an
an be useu
he examina
ination hall
putei laboi
bsites fiom
ne oiiginal
ification, w
of the follo
Caiu, vote
eu Affiuavit
tocopies of
eimitteu to
u in the u
iopiiate pap
ct aie sugge
to the uiscip
iuing to his
e institutio
nge my G
on of Applica
mination city
uieu only) t
E 2u1S, pay
BB to the z
nd calculat
to uo the i
l foi any ie
atoiy whei

ei IB,
f the
pei is
ns in
y will
to be
e the
exam will be conuucteu only aftei the closuie of the test at the scheuuleu enu of
examination in a session.
5. What items are not permitted to be brought with me inside the examination
Electionic uiaiy, mobile phone, anu any such electionic gaugets, blank papeis, clip
boaius anu logtables will not be alloweu in the examination venue.
6. CanIuseacalculatorduringtheexamination?
NO. Buiing the online uATE 2u1S examination, all canuiuates will be pioviueu with
an online scientific calculatoi which has to be useu to answei the questions.
7. Will there be any arrangement at the test center for the safe keeping of my
NO. Such aiiangements will not be possible at the test centei.
8. Contact Us
uATE is jointly auministeieu anu conuucteu by the Inuian Institute of Science anu seven
Inuian Institutes of Technology. Table 8.1 gives the uetails of each Zonal 0ffice. Each of
the institutes auministeis a zone anu cateis to examination cities neaiby to the
institute. Canuiuates aie assigneu a zone at the time of application, baseu on the fiist
city of choice. Canuiuates must note this zone numbei foi contact puiposes.
Canuiuates must use the u0APS (uATE 0nline Application Piocessing System) to
contact Zonal uATE offices, which will pioviue quickei anu cleaiei infoimation. The
phone, fax oi email may be useu only if someone is unable to get infoimation even aftei
going thiough FAQs.


Zone ContactAddress Phone
FAX emailId
1 Chaiiman, uATE
Inuian Institute of Science
Bengaluiu S6u u12
u8u2S6u 1227
2 Chaiiman, uATE
Inuian Institute of Technology
Bombay, Powai,
Numbai 4uu u76
u222S72 S7u6
S Chaiiman, uATE
Inuian Institute of Technology
Belhi, BauzKhas,
New Belhi 11u u16
u1126S8 1S79

4 Chaiiman, uATE
Inuian Institute of Technology
uuwahati 781 uS9
uS612S8 27SS
S Chaiiman, uATE
Inuian Institute of Technology
Kanpui 2u8 u16
uS122S9 u9S2
6 Chaiiman, uATE
Inuian Institute of Technology
Khaiagpui 721 Su2
uS222282u91 uS22227824S
7 Chaiiman, uATE
Inuian Institute of Technology
Chennai 6uu uS6
u4422S7 82u4
8 Chaiiman, uATE
Inuian Institute of Technology
Rooikee 247 667
u1SS2284SS1 u1SS228S7u7

9. Appendix A
9.1 Authorities Empowered to Issue Certificates (SC/ST)
Bistiict Nagistiate Auuitional Bistiict Nagistiate Collectoi Beputy Collectoi Beputy
Commissionei Auuitional Beputy Commissionei 1st Class Stipenuiaiy Nagistiate City
Nagistiate SubBivisional Nagistiate Taluk Nagistiate Executive Nagistiate Extia
Assistant Commissionei.
Chief Piesiuency Nagistiate Auuitional Chief Piesiuency Nagistiate Piesiuency
Revenue 0fficei not below the iank of Tahsiluai
SubBivisional 0fficei of the aiea wheie the Canuiuate anuoi heihis family noimally
Auministiatoi Secietaiy to Auministiatoi Bevelopment 0fficei (Lakshauweep Islanus)
Ceitificate issueu by any othei official will not be accepteu.
9.2 PwD (Person with Disabilities) Category:
In oiuei to avail concession unuei the PwB categoiy, the canuiuates shoulu attach a
iecently obtaineu piopei PwB ceitificate, which shall be iequiieu to be submitteu to the
aumitting institution at the time of aumission. The onus of veiifying PwB ceitificate lies
with the aumitting institute. The uATE committee will not be iesponsible foi any
incoiiect ueclaiation of the PwB status of canuiuates. PwB canuiuates will NOT be
pioviueu with any sciibe to take uATE 2u1S examination.

10. Appendix B: Qualifying Disciplines
Table 10.1: Qualifying Disciplines for Eligibility Degrees
Discipline: Engineering/Technology Discipline: Science
Aeronautical Engg./ Aerospace Engg. Agricultural Science
Agricultural Engg. Applied Electronics
Applied Mechanics Applied Physics
Architecture Biochemistry
Automobile Engg. Bio-Sciences
Biochemical Engg. Chemistry
Biomedical Engg. Computer Applications
Biotechnology Earth Sciences
Ceramic & Glass Technology Electronics
Chemical Engg. Engineering Physics
Chemical Technology Geology/ Geophysics
Civil/Civil & Environmental/Structural Engg./
Construction Engg.
Industrial Chemistry
Computer Engg.,/Computer Science
Life Science/Veterinary/Animal Science
Control and Instrumentation Life Sciences
Electrical Engg./ Electrical and Electronics
Engg./Power Engineering
Life Sciences (Botany)
Electro-Chemical Engg. Life Sciences (Zoology)
Electronics & Comm./Electronics
Engg./Comm. Engg. /Telecommunication Engg.
Materials Science
Energy Engg. Mathematics/Applied Mathematics
Environmental Engg. Microbiology
Food Technology/Food Processing Engg. Nano Science & Technology
Industrial Engg. Nuclear Physics
Industrial Management Operations Research
Information Science/Information
Technology/Information and Communication
Pharmaceutical Sciences/Pharmacy
Instrumentation/ Electronics/Control Physics
Instrumentation & Process Control Radio Physics
Manufacturing Engg. Radio Physics & Electronics
Material Science and Engineering Statistics
Mechanical Engg. Textile Chemistry
Mechatronics All other disciplines in Sciences
Medical Instrumentation
Metallurgical Engg./ Industrial Metallurgy
Mineral Engg./Mineral Dressing
Mining Engg./Technology, Mining & Machinery
Naval Architecture/Marine Engg.
Oil Technology
Paint Technology
Petro-Chemical Engg.
Petroleum Engg./Technology
Plastic Technology
Polymer Technology/Science
Production & Industrial Engg.
Renewable Energy
Rubber Technology
Textile Engineering &Fibre Science
All other disciplines in Engg./Technology

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