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By Art Sobczak

Copyright, 2007, Art Sobczak, Business By Phone Inc.
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"Reprinted with permission from Art Sobczak's 29 Telesales
Tips You Can Use Right Now. To get your own free copy of
this ebook right now, and get more free Tips each week, by
going to . Or send a blank
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29 Telesales Tips You Can Use Right Now 2
Art Sobczak - www.BusinessByPhone.Com (402)895-939

Get out your notepad! We're going to travel through every part
of the professional sales call, in order, discussing proven tips
that can help you right now. Let's go!

Pre-Call Planning

1. Have a primary objective for every call.

Defined as:

"What do I want them to DO as a result of this call, and
what do I want to do?"

2. Prepare questions for your call using your call

Ask yourself:

"How can I persuade them to take this action as a result
of asking questions, as opposed to talking?"

Remember, people believe more of their ideas than yours.

29 Telesales Tips You Can Use Right Now 3
Art Sobczak - www.BusinessByPhone.Com (402)895-939
Before Reaching the Decision Maker

3. Treat the screener as you would the customer.

This person determines whether or not you'll even have a
chance to speak with the buyer.

4. Gather as much information as you can from
whomever you are able, prior to speaking with your

Busy decision makers get bored when they answer basic
factual questions.

Say to screeners:

"I hope you can help me. So I'm better prepared when I
speak with Ms. Big, there's probably some information
you could provide me . . ."

5. Have a reason for needing to speak with the
decision maker, and be prepared to sell this to the

What they're thinking about you:

"Does this person have anything of interest, or of value
for the boss?"

29 Telesales Tips You Can Use Right Now 4
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6. If leaving a message on voice mail, or with a
screener, be certain it offers a hint of a benefit/result
that sparks curiosity, but doesn't talk about
Screeners are told to get rid of salespeople who sound like
salespeople. They talk about products and services. Those
who are put through talk about the results they may be able to
offer the company and decision maker.

Opening Statements

7. The objective of your opening is to pique curiosity
and interest so that they will willingly and
enthusiastically move to the questioning.

You must answer, "What's in it for me?" for the listener, or
they will immediately begin the getting-rid-of-you process.


8. When prospecting, don't start the call with,

"I was just calling people in your area . . ."

People want to feel like they're the only person you're calling .
. . not just one of the masses from a list of compiled names.

9. Use what I call "weasel words" when opening
prospecting calls:

"depending on," "might," "maybe," "perhaps," and
29 Telesales Tips You Can Use Right Now 5
Art Sobczak - www.BusinessByPhone.Com (402)895-939

These are non-threatening words that intimate you might have
something of value for them, but you really need to ask
questions first.

For example:

"Depending on what you're now doing in the area of
employee benefits, I might have something that could
potentially increase the number of options you offer,
while possibly decreasing your overall contribution. I'd
like to ask you a few questions to see if this is something
you'd like more information on."


10. Get information before you give it.

How could you make an effective presentation otherwise?

11. Don't use a "benefit list" to present from.

Instead, use it to create questions to determine if those
"benefits" truly are of value to your prospects and customers.
Some "benefits" could actually be liabilities.

12. Ask one question at a time.

That's how many they'll answer at a time.

29 Telesales Tips You Can Use Right Now 6
Art Sobczak - www.BusinessByPhone.Com (402)895-939

13. After asking, be quiet.

Resist the urge to jump in if they don't answer immediately.
Don't be intimidated by silence. They're likely thinking about
what they're going to say.

14. After they've finished, count to two (silently, of

This ensures they're done, plus they might continue with even
better information.

15. Be confident in your questioning.

One reason reps ramble with questions is that they're not
prepared or confident. Prepare your questions. Role play them
with yourself if necessary.

16. Always know where you'll go with answers.

Regardless of the answer.

29 Telesales Tips You Can Use Right Now 7
Art Sobczak - www.BusinessByPhone.Com (402)895-939

17. Quantify the problem whenever possible.

"How often does that happen?"

"How much do you think that is costing you?" "How
much time does that take?"

18. Resist the tendency to present too soon.

Some reps get so excited when they hear the slightest hint of
an opportunity they turn on the spigot of benefits.

Hold off, ask a few more questions, get better information, and
you're able to craft an even harder-hitting description of
benefits, tailored precisely to what they're interested in.

Sales Recommendations

19. Again, you should only talk about your
product/service after knowing specifically how it will
solve the problem, meet their need, etc.

Then you can tailor your remarks specifically and personally
for the listener.

29 Telesales Tips You Can Use Right Now 8
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20. Avoid the question, "Anything else?" when
attempting to upsell.

Just like when a convenience store clerk asks the same
question, the answer is usually, "No."

Instead, give them a suggestion, and help them answer.

For example, after they agree to buy an item, or a service,

"Many of our customers who get _____ from us, also find
that ____ is also very beneficial for them. What are you
now doing/using/buying in that area?"

Getting Commitment (Closing)

21. Closing is not the major event in a sales call.

It's the natural, logical, validation of the professional sales
process up to this point. It is like the football team running the
ball in from the one-foot line. What is most important is
getting the ball to the one-foot line. What IS important when
you get there is that you run the final play: asking.

Commitment also must be gained on every contact in order to
move the process forward. If there is to be a follow-up contact,
and information is to be sent or faxed, there must be
commitment on behalf of the prospect regarding that material.

29 Telesales Tips You Can Use Right Now 9
Art Sobczak - www.BusinessByPhone.Com (402)895-939
22. Ask large. Think big.

Buyers will often move down from a large recommendation,
but they rarely move up from a small one. Those who ask the
biggest have the largest average order size.

Never suggest more than is in the best interest of the
customer, but not making a large enough suggestion when
appropriate is actually hurting the customer.

23. If you're going to schedule a follow up call, get a
commitment of some type.

Why would you call back otherwise?

If they won't commit to doing anything, reviewing your
literature and preparing questions, surveying their existing
inventory, etc., they likely have no interest.

Addressing Resistance (Objections)

24. Objections can be avoided by doing everything
else correctly up to this point in the call.

When they do occur, resist the tendency to attack in defense.

You must back up and revisit the questioning stage of the call.
The voiced objection is simply a symptom of the real problem.

Start by saying:

"Let's talk about that."
29 Telesales Tips You Can Use Right Now 10
Art Sobczak - www.BusinessByPhone.Com (402)895-939
25. Most price objections start in the mind of the

Many sales reps aren't 100% sold on the value of their
product, therefore they're apt to offer price concessions even
when the prospect doesn' t flat-out ask, or they present price
with a shaky tone of voice.

Ask the right questions, present the results of what your
product/service can do, and state the price boldly.

Wrapping Up, and Setting Up the Next

26. When sending information, samples, demos, etc.,
know precisely how they'll evaluate the material.

How will they know if they like it? What criteria will they use?
This way, you'll both be clear as to what would need to
happen in order for them to buy.

Your Attitude and Self Motivation

27. You never have to experience rejection again.

After all, what is rejection? It's not an experience, it's your
definition of the experience. So, ensure that you accomplish
something on each call, and you can hold your head high with
a sense of achievement.

Remember, a decision of any type is better than shadow-
chasing someone who will waste your time with wimpy or
misleading statements that cause you to believe there's a
chance, when, in fact, there's not.

29 Telesales Tips You Can Use Right Now 11
Art Sobczak - www.BusinessByPhone.Com (402)895-939

28. A good way to end a call where you don't
accomplish your primary objective (and to never
experience rejection) is to plant a seed for the future.

Give them something to look for, based upon what you
uncovered during the call . . . something that might just cause
them to call you back.

For example:

"Pat, it looks like we don't have a fit here, today, but I
suggest that if you ever find yourself needing an
emergency job finished, and don't have the staff to handle
it, give us a call. We specialize in those type of projects,
and would love to talk to you."

Everyone has been surprised by those written-off prospects
who later called to order. This is a way to proactively make it
happen more often.

29. As a sales professional using the phone as your
main method of communication, you perform a
function that very few people in the world could do
well, or would even want to try.

And that's persuading someone to take action and make a
decision, based almost solely on the words and ideas that
come from your mouth. It's quite an awesome feat when you
think about it.

And do think about it. It takes a talented individual to be able
to do that well. You are that person. Feel proud of what you
do, and always strive to get better!

29 Telesales Tips You Can Use Right Now 12
Art Sobczak - www.BusinessByPhone.Com (402)895-939
Weve just scratched the surface with these 29 tips. If youd
like more in-depth, how-to material on each of these parts of
the professional sales call,

After going through these tips,

Questions I often get are,

How can I get to the decision maker without being screened?

What can I say on voice mail?

What can I do to create interest at the beginning of a call?

How do I avoid getting brushed off?

What do I say when they try to brush me off?

What are some great questions to ask?

How can I be persuasive on the phone without sounding like
a telemarketer?

What can I say to close the sale, appointment, or move the
process to the next step?

How should I handle objections by phone?

How can I beat rejection and stay motivated when I get no
after no.

Maybe youve asked, or wondered about these questions too.

Usually Id give a brief answer, and perhaps direct the
questioner to my website to see an article or look at one of my
books or audio programs that might answer it.

Well, I decided to put together one single resource that
answers all of these questions.

29 Telesales Tips You Can Use Right Now 13
Art Sobczak - www.BusinessByPhone.Com (402)895-939
Its a brief 70-page e-book: "How to
Place the Successful Sales and
Prospecting Call- Exactly What to Say
and AVOID to Get Agreement and
Eliminate Resistance."

And you can have it in your hands
and get these questions answered
within seconds

In this book I take you step-by-step
through the Seven-Step sales call
process. This is the same process I
teach at my $895 Telesales College
two-day seminars. The same process
companies pay about $10,000 per day to have me customize
and deliver in a training session for them.

Her e Ar e The Spec i f i c s You' l l Get
In this step-by-step guide, we cover

Planning For Your Call- Exactly what to do before picking up
the phone to ensure success, and set your call apart from
every other one they receive that day. Bonus: Also see how
you can AVOID rejection and never experience it again.

What to Say Before Asking for the Buyer- Regardless of
whether youre prospecting or selling to existing customers,
you can get valuable information before you ever get to the
buyer. Learn how to ask, what to ask for, how to avoid being
screened, and how to deal with voice mail.

How to Create Interest in the First 20 Seconds. Most
people blow it right here. See what to avoid, and what to say
in order to seize interest.

Questioning to Move Them Into a State of Mind Where
They WANT What You Have. Lousy salespeople dont ask
questions. Good salespeople ask the most basic questions.
The BEST salespeople ask questions at the next level. Use
the simple Iceberg Theory of Questioning and youll get to
that level.
29 Telesales Tips You Can Use Right Now 14
Art Sobczak - www.BusinessByPhone.Com (402)895-939

Persuasive Recommendations. See what to say in order to
get them to say YES!

Commitment for the Next Step. Follow all of the other parts
of the process, and the close/commitment is easy. See word-
for-word examples of commitment and closing questions you
can use to get that YES.

Setting Up the Next Action. The secret to having a great
follow-up call isnt really that secret at all. Youll see how to do
it here.

In addition to those steps in the Call Process, youll get,

The Professional and Successful Way to Deal With
Objections. Forget about what I call Goofy Objection
Rebuttals. Thats when you hear an objection, and are
supposed to respond with some nonsense like, I understand
how you feel, many others have felt the same way, but after
they found Stuff like that is laughable. Ill show you how to
deal with objections conversationally and professionally.

Dealing With Early Resistance. Weve all heard Im happy
with what Im using, and Im not interested. Those are NOT
objections. They are attempts to get you off the phone and
they work. Ill show you what to say to deal with them so you
can call their bluff and have a shot of at least staying on the

An Actual Case Study of a Call. Ill go through an actual Call
Guide sent in by a sales rep, and point out what is good, and
what should be changed. You will likely be able to use many
of the same things on your call.

How to Get and Stay Motivated and Beat the Hell Out of
Call Reluctance. Lets face it, most people would rather have
a colonoscopy than make cold calls. There are two reasons: 1.
Most people are horrible at placing them, and, 2. They dont
do anything to keep their attitude up. The process in this book
blows away the first reason, and this section gives you ideas
to keep you performing at the highest level.

29 Telesales Tips You Can Use Right Now 15
Art Sobczak - www.BusinessByPhone.Com (402)895-939
Any one idea in any one of these sections could make the
difference in getting to and selling that tough decision maker.
Or, helping you reverse a tough objection that in past blew you
off the phone

"I just got off the phone with a prospect who informed me that
this was the first time he gave a sales call more than 3
seconds over the last 10 years. I used your opening
statement advice to attract his interest.
Cameron Mitchell, Ryzex Group

Art, I have been in some kind of marketing, mostly sales, for
just short of 50 years. Your stuff is among the very best I
have come across.
Peter Quinn, Sr

And by following the process, youll be more confident in
EVERY call you place. And youll sound like a polished

What would all of that be worth to you?

Many times more than the tiny ridiculously low investment in
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Just $29.

Thats it. Just $29. for everything in this book.

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