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a.) Keen on = Im keen on reading books.
b.) Fond of =
c.) Passionate about
d.) Long for = Everyone longs for the eekend.
e.) Look forard to = I look forard to !nding a signal for my "hone.
f.) Fancy = I fancy atching #$ tonight.
g.) %ttracted to
h.) Fascinated by = Im fascinated about "laying the guitar.
i.) %""eal to
&.) 'earn for
k.) (a"tivated by
l.) #em"ted by
a.) Loathe = I loathe the smell of !sh.
b.) )read =
c.) )etest = I detest cooking.
d.) (annot stand = I cannot stand studying in a hot room.
e.) *e"el = Im re"elled by something.
f.) )isgust = )elicious
g.) *evolt
h.) (annot bear = I cannot bear to ork++ orking all day.
Learn = a skill
-tudy = a course+ a sub&ect
)omestic .ad&) = refers to home+house
/ereditary .ad&) = coming from your "arents.
0y intelligence is hereditary.
Inherit .verb) = I inherited my intelligence from my "arents. #hus1 it is
-ibling = brothers+ sisters
-ibling *ivalry = a sense of com"etition beteen you and your siblings
3readinner .noun) = you are the "erson ho su""orts your family
Foster brother = ado"ted brother
2et on ell = have a good relationshi" ith someone
Take a!er "y "o!#er $ i%#eri! your "o!#er&s c#arac!eris!ics
'(#ysical a((eara%ce) (erso%ali!y) e!c*+
It runs in the family = its in your genes
Intelligence runs in the family.
2ood looks run in the family.
Fatherly concerns and duties = orries that only a father has.
(losely resemble = look like
4"bringing .noun) I can say that my u"bringing as really nice.
3ring u" .verb) = Ive been brought u" by my grand"arents.
Fle5ible orking time = you dont have an e5act ork schedule .6am 7 8"m)9
ork schedule can be easily changed
In charge of = res"onsible for
0aternity leave = hen a oman takes some time o: from ork to give birth
to her baby.
Paternity Leave
;orkaholic = addicted to ork9 cant seem to sto" orking
Laid o: from ork = you got !red
#ake a break
3e made redundant = be laid o: from ork your services are no longer
-u=cient = enough
>uali!ed .ad&) = having the necessary skills1 certi!cates and educational
background to "erform the &ob ell
Financial ? advice .noun)
$ DO NOT use !#e sa"e e,ac! -or.s/ (#rases ro" !#e 0ues!io%*
$ Al-ays be -illi%1 !o !alk* Gi2e a lo%1er a%s-er by e,(lai%i%1 your
a%s-er/ (ro2i.i%1 reaso%s*
$ Use co%%ec!i2es/ si1%(os!s*
$ S!ar! your a%s-er ro" 1e%eral !o s(eci3c i you .o%&! e,ac!ly k%o- #o-
!o s!ar! you a%s-er*

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