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Este tiempo verbal se forma con el pasado del verbo modal Have (HAD /hd/) ms el Participio Pasado
(3ra. forma) de un verbo principal y se usa para describir una accin que ocurri antes que otra accin
sucediera. Por lo tanto este tiempo no se usa en forma independiente, pues siempre va junto a una
oracin expresada en pasado simple. De dos acciones pasadas, la que cronolgicamente ocurri
primero debe ir en el Pasado Perfecto.

Escuche, lea y aprenda

Hans left at 8:15. You phoned at 8:25.
Hans had already left when you phoned this morning. /hns had ordi lft wen i: fund is m:rni/
Hans ya haba partido cuando t llamaste por telfono esta maana

The show started at 10:30. Paul arrived at the theater at 10:40.
The show had already started when Paul arrived at the theater. /e shu had olrdi st:rtid wen p:l
arrivd at e ater/
El espectculo ya haba comenzado cuando Paul lleg al teatro.

The old man died at 11:25. The ambulance arrived a few minutes later.
By the time the ambulance arrived, the old man had already died. /bai e tim e mbiulns arrivd e
uld mn had olrdi did/
Cuando la ambulancia lleg, el viejo ya haba fallecido.

Al igual que en el Pasado Contnuo, las expresiones de tiempo que acompaan al Pasado Perfecto,
son aquellas clusulas compuestas por WHEN + S + PASADO SIMPLE: When you phoned this
morning; When Paul arrived at the theatre; By the time the ambulance arrived.


They were having lunch when you called. /i we:r hvi lntch wen i: k.ld/
Ellos estaban almorzando cuando t llamaste. (La accin no haba concluido)

They had already had lunch when you called. /i had olrdi hd lntch wen i: k.ld/
Ellos ya haban almorzado cuando t llamaste. (La accin ya haba concluido)

En la primera oracin, la accin expresada por el Pasado Contnuo todava se estaba realizando (They
were having lunch) cuando la segunda accin ocurri (when you called), mientras que en la segunda
oracin la accin expresada por el Pasado Perfecto ya haba concludo (They had already had lunch)
cuando la segunda accin ocurri (when you called).

La forma negativa se expresa con HAD NOT (o HADNT /hdnt/ ) ms un Participio Pasado y la forma
interrogativa se expresa invirtiendo el orden de HAD con el sujeto. (Recuerde que en las oraciones
negativas debe usar yet en vez de already). En las preguntas introducidas con una palabra interrogativa
como what, where, how, etc., se debe seguir el mismo orden de palabras usado en las preguntas

Lea, escuche y aprenda:

Hans had not left yet when you phoned this morning. /hns had nt lft yt wen i: fund is m:rni/
The show hadnt started yet when Paul arrived at the theater. /e shu hdnt st:rtid yt wen p:l arrivd
at e ater/

Diplomado del idioma Ingls


The old man hadnt died yet by the time the ambulance arrived. /i uld mn hdnt did yt bai e tim
e mbiulns arrivd/
Had Hans left already when you phoned this morning? /had hns lft olrdi wen i: fund is m:rni/
Had the show started yet when Paul arrived at the theatre? /had e shu st:rtid yt wen p:l arrivd at
e ater/
Where had they lived before they moved to Santiago? /war had i lvd bif:r i m:vd tu santigou/

La pregunta habitual en este tiempo verbal es:

WHAT HAD YOU DONE? /wt had i: dn/ (Qu haba hecho ud.?)


Ex. 1. Complete the following sentences using the appropriate verbs in the Past Perfect tense.

1. Mary ___________________already ____________________ to the cinema when I arrived. (go)
2. They ______________ already _____________ the discussion when we entered the room.(start)
3. Bob ________________ just _________________ typing the report when the general called him
to his office.(finish)
4. When the police arrived, the thief ______________________ already
______________________. (disappear)
5. She said she ______________________ there several times before. (be)
6. As soon as he opened the door, he noticed that someone _________________ his TV set. (steal)
7. The policeman told us that we ______________________ the wrong road. (take)
8. They arrived only ten minutes after John ______________________. (leave)
9. By the time the firemen arrived, the neighbours ______________already_________________the
fire. (put out
10.Mary _______________ already ________________ to bed when we arrived home last night. (go)

Ex. 2. Complete the following sentences using the verbs provided either in the Simple Past or in the
Past Perfect Tenses.

1. Robert (be)______________________ a taxi driver before he (become) ____________________
a businessman.

1. Mr Smith (feel) _______________ a little better after he (take) _______________ the medicine.

2. The teacher (give, already) _____________ the test results when I (get) ___________ to class.
3. The detectives (leave) ______________________ the place after they (collect)
______________________ enough evidence

Diplomado del idioma Ingls


4. It was raining hard, but by the time the meeting (be) ______________________ over, the rain
(stop) ______________________

5. The show (begin, already) ______________________ by the time we (get)
______________________ to the theater, so we quietly (take) ______________________a
seat in the back.

7. Millions of years ago, dinosaurs (roam) ______________________ the earth, but they
(become,already) ______________________ extinct by the time man first (appear)

8. The students (see, never) ______________________any of Renoirs paintings before they (visit)
______________________ the art gallery.

9. Gloria almost missed her plane. All of the other passengers (board, already)
______________________ by the time she (get)______________________ to the boarding gate.

10. Yesterday at a restaurant, I (see) _______________________________ John Palmer, an old
friend of mine. I (see, not)_______________________________ him in years. At first, I
(recognize, not) ______________________ ______________________ him because he (lose)
____________________________ at least fifteen kilos.
Ex. 3. Change the following sentences into a) the negative, and b) the interrogative. Remember in
the negative you must use YET instead of ALREADY.

1. Tom had already left the office. ___________________________________________________
2. Theyd already spent all the money. _________________________________________________
3. Paul had already sent her a fax. ___________________________________________________
4. Jane had seen that movie twice. ___________________________________________________
5. The children had already had supper. _______________________________________________
6. Mrs Bentley had gone to bed already. ________________________________________________

Ex. 4. Ask questions using question words like What, Where, When, How, How long, etc.

1. John had eaten three sandwiches that evening.

Diplomado del idioma Ingls


2. Dr. Black had studied at Harvard University. __________________________________________
3. The engineer had graduated from UCLA in 1945.
4. Paul had sold his house the previous year.
5. The plane had taken off from JFK Airport at 23:25
6.-Hed worked in the Army for 29 years when he became a general.

7. Theyd spent over US $ 3.000 before they arrived in Tokyo.
8. Bill had made the same mistake three times.

9. John had visited them that evening.
10. The girl had studied French at school.

Ex. 5. Translate the following sentences into English

1. Ellos no haban estudiado all por mucho tiempo. ______________________________________
2. Yo no haba visto un partido de crcket antes. _________________________________________
3. Habas comido esto anteriormente? _______________________________________________
4. Por qu no habas escrito a nosotros antes? _________________________________________
5. Ella no haba ledo ese libro an. ___________________________________________________
6. Ellos haban visitado otros pases antes de venir a USA. ________________________________
7. Dnde haban estado ellos esa maana? ___________________________________________
8. Ella haba trabajado duro por mucho tiempo. _________________________________________
9. Ella nunca haba estado en el extranjero antes. _______________________________________
10. El dijo que haba estado muy ocupado ese da. ______________________________________


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Los pronombres reflexivos son los siguientes:

Singular Plural

myself /maislf/ ourselves /auerslvz/
yourself /io:rslf/ yourselves /io:rslvz/
himself /himslf/
herself /he:rslf/
itself /itslf/
themselves /emslvz/

Los pronombres reflexivos tienen tres usos frecuentes:

1. Se usan para expresar acciones reflejas.

Bob cut himself with the knife. (Bob se cort con el cuchillo)
The men killed themselves. (Los hombres se suicidaron)

2. Se usan para expresar nfasis.(en este caso se traducen con las palabras mismo,

The King himself will visit the devastated areas. (El Rey visitar personalmente la zona
I myself will do it. (Yo mismo lo har)

3. Se usan (con la preposicin by) para indicar la idea de alone (= solo, sin la ayuda o la
compaa de otra persona).

The poor man lives by himself in an old house. (El pobre hombre vive solo en una casa vieja)
Hans studies in a group but I study by myself. (Hans estudia en un grupo, pero yo estudio solo)
The girl solved the problem by herself. (La nia resolvi el problema sola)


Ex. 1 Supply the correct reflexive pronoun:

1. John hurt ______________________________ when he fell.
2. The baby cannot dress ______________________________.
3. Helen burnt ______________________________ with the match.
4. William shaves ______________________________ every day.
5. We enjoyed ______________________________ at the concert.
6. She looked at ______________________________ in the mirror.
7. Some people like to talk about ______________________________
8. Do you like to talk about______________________________?
9. The little girl cut ______________________________ with a pen-knife

Diplomado del idioma Ingls


10. I shave ______________________________ every morning.
11. The poor man killed ______________________________.
12. He fell and hurt ______________________________ on the ice.

Ex. 2. Supply the correct reflexive pronoun (emphatic use):

1. I myself will do it.

2. Helen ______________________________ will deliver the speech.
3. He said that he ______________________________ could meet us at the airport.
4. They ______________________________ will deliver the merchandise.
5. We ______________________________ will wait for you.
6. The President ______________________________ attended to the meeting.
7. Miss Smith ______________________________ will speak to us.
8. The ambassador ______________________________ will sign the agreement.
9. John ______________________________ wrote to me.
10. Mary ______________________________ will attend the meeting.
11. You ______________________________ must speak to him, Peter.
12. You ______________________________ have to do it, boys.

Ex. 3. For the word ALONE substitute the preposition BY with the correct reflexive pronoun:

1. John lives alone in an apartment (John lives by himself in an apartment)

2. She likes to study alone. ________________________________________________________
3. I went to the movie alone. _______________________________________________________
4. Do you like to go to the movie alone? _______________________________________________
5. He likes to walk alone in the park. __________________________________________________
6. My aunt lives alone in the cottage. __________________________________________________
7. He works alone in a small office. ___________________________________________________
8. He prefers to work alone. _________________________________________________________
9. I do not like to eat alone. _________________________________________________________
10. I do not think he can do it alone. ____________________________________________________
11. Both the boys and the girls study alone. ______________________________________________
12. He wrote the entire book alone. ____________________________________________________


Diplomado del idioma Ingls


Este tiempo verbal est formado por el presente perfecto de To Be (HAVE BEEN /hav b:n/ HAS BEEN
/haz b:n/) ms un GERUNDIO de un verbo principal.

Este tiempo verbal describe una accin que comenz en el pasado y ha continuado realizndose en
forma ininterrumpida hasta este momento, hasta esta fecha. Normalmente este tiempo describe
acciones que se empezaron a realizar hace poco tiempo.

Lea, escuche y aprenda:

Tom has been working there since 8:30 /tm haz b:n w:rki ar sins it :rti/. Tom ha estado
trabajando ah desde las 8.30.

They have been living in Miami since 1985. /i hav b:n lvi in maimi sins nintin iti fiv/ Ellos han
estado viviendo en Miami desde 1985.

Weve been studying English for over two months. /w:v b:n stdii iglish for uver t: mns/ Nosotros
hemos estado estudiando ingls por ms de dos meses.

Its been raining for about an hour. /its b:n rini for abut an uar/. Ha estado lloviendo cerca de una


Hes worked there for many years. /hi:z w:rkt ar for mni yarz/ El ha trabajado all por muchos aos

Hes been working there for about 2 hours. /hi:z b:n wrki ar for abut t: uarz/. El ha estado
trabajando all aprox. 2 horas

They ve lived in the South ever since they got married. /iv lvd in e su ver sins i gt mrid/ Ellos
han vivido en el sur desde que se casaron
Theyve been living in that house for at least two months. /iv bi:n lvi in e su for at l:st t mns/
Ellos han estado viviendo en esa casa por lo menos 2 meses.

La forma negativa se expresa usando HAVENT BEEN /hvnt b:n/ HASNT BEEN /hznt b:n/ ms
el GERUNDIO y en la forma interrogativa de debe usar HAVE/HAS delante del sujeto de la

Lea, escuche y aprenda:

Tom hasnt been working there for more than 2 hours. /tm /hznt b:n w:rki ar for m:ar an t: uarz/
Tom no ha estado trabajando all por ms de dos horas

Have they been living there very long? /hav ei b:n lvi ar vri l/
Han estado ellos viviendo all mucho tiempo?

How long have you been practising English today? /hu lo hav i: bi:n prktisi glish tudi/
Cunto tiempo has estado practicando ingls hoy da?

La pregunta ms habitual en este tiempo es:

WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DOING? /wt av iu: bi:n d:i/ Qu ha estado haciendo Ud.?

Diplomado del idioma Ingls



Ex.1.Complete the following sentences using the verb provided in the Present Perfect Continuous

1. Tom _______________________________ here for several months (live) .
2. They _______________________________ in the office for several hours. (work)
3. That man _______________________________ there for about 2 hours. (sit)
4. The cadets _______________________________ at attention for about 15 minutes. (stand)
5. I _______________________________ for the bus for more than 10 minutes (wait)
6. Jack and Mary _______________________________ in the park for nearly an hour. (run)
7. The commander _______________________________ the report all evening. (read)
8. Miss Black _______________________________ her new novel since April. (write)
9. The officers _______________________________ in the gym for about 45 minutes. (work out)
10. The generals _______________________________the situation all morning. (discuss)

Ex. 2. Change the following sentences into a) negative, and b) interrogative.

1. Hes been living in Caracas since 1995.
2. Theyve been playing tennis since midday.
3. Janes been feeling well since March.
4. Theyve been discussing the new project too long.
5. Bobs been swimming all morning.

Ex. 3. Ask questions using question words like What, Where, When, How long, etc.

1. Henrys been reading the newspaper all morning.

2. Bills been sleeping all morning.
3. Theyve been staying at the Rex Hotel.

Diplomado del idioma Ingls


4. Theyve been saving money because theyre planning to buy a house.
5. My friends have been living in Madrid since December 2002
6. The boys been listening to the radio since 7 oclock.
7. Theyve been waiting for a taxi for about 15 minutes.

B. EL PASADO DE GOING TO (subject + was / were going to + infinitive)

Esta estructura se usa para referirse a acciones que, habiendo sido planeadas o planificadas con
anterioridad, no se llevaron a cabo por alguna razn.


We are going to play football at midday today. (Nosotros vamos a jugar ftbol hoy al medioda)
We were going to play football at midday yesterday but it rained. (Nosotros bamos a jugar ftbol
ayer al medioda pero llovi)


Ex. 1. Substitute the past form of GOING To for the italicized, verbs:

1. I intended to call you yesterday but I forgot

I was going to call you yesterday but I forgot.

2. I planned to go to the beach but it rained.
3. We planned to telephone you but we couldnt find your number.
4. We intended to wait but we had to leave.
5. I planned to come back earlier but I had to work until late.
6. I intended to go home early but the manager asked me to help him.
7. We intended to walk in the park but it was too cold.

Diplomado del idioma Ingls


8. I intended to write you a letter last week but I couldnt find your address.
9. We planned to eat early but our guests arrived late.
10. We intended to go to a movie first but we had to wait for our friends to arrive.
11. We planned to study for our examination but some friends called on us (= visited us).
12. They intended to leave New York yesterday but they missed their flight.

Ex. 2. Answer the questions as in the example

1. Ann: Did you telephone Peter last night?
You: No, I didnt. I was going to telephone him but I forgot.

2. Ann: Did you buy the car?
You: No, I didnt. I ________________________________________________________________
3. Ann: Did you visit your friends last Saturday?
You: No, I didnt. __________________________________________________________________
4. Ann: Did you go out after dinner last night?
You: No, I didnt . __________________________________________________________________

BASIC VOCABULARY : Study these words

NATURE /nitchar/ La Naturaleza

a) Geography /dlligrafi/ geografa

air /ar/ aire landscape /lndskeip/ paisaje
archipelago /a:rkiplagou/ archipilago moon /mu:n/ luna, satlite nat.
bay /bi/ baha mountain range /muntin ringll/ cordillera
beach /b:tch/ playa ocean /ushn/ ocano
canal /kanl/ canal (artificial) peak /pi:k/, summit /smit/ cumbre
canyon /knion/ can peninsula /pennsiula/ pennsula
countryside /kntrisaid/ campia planet /plnet/ planeta
city /sti/ ciudad pond /pond/ laguna

Diplomado del idioma Ingls


cliff /klif/ acantilado prairy /prari/ pradera
coastline /kuslain/ costa rain forest /rin frest/ selva tropical
comet /kmet/ cometa river /rver/ ro
continent /kntinent/ continente satellite /stelait/ satlite
country /kntri/ pas sea /si:/ mar
creek /kr:k/ riachuelo shore /shar/ playa
channel /tchnel/ canal (natural) slopes /slups/ lomas
desert /dzert/ desierto solar system /sular sstem/ sistema solar
earth /:r/ tierra (planeta) space /spis/ espacio
forest /frest/ bosque, foresta spring /spri/ vertiente
galaxy /glaksi/ galaxia star /st:r/ estrella
ground /grund/ suelo, tierra strait(s) /strit(s)/ estrecho
harbour /h:rbor/ rada, baha stream /str:m/ arroyo
hill /hil/ cerro, colina town /tun/ pueblo
island /iland/ isla valley /vli/ valle
ithmus /mas/ istmo village /vlidll/ pueblito, villa
jungle /dllngl/ selva volcano /volkinou/ volcn
lake /lik/ lago water /w:ter/ agua
land /lnd/ tierra waterfalls /wterfo:lz/ cataratas
landmark /lndma:rk/ hito

b) Vegetation /vedlletishn/ vegetaciin

branch /brntch/ rama plant /pla:nt/ planta
bush /bush/ arbusto roots /ru:ts/ races
flower /flaer/ flor seed /si:d/ semilla
fruit /fru:t/ fruto shrub /shrab/ arbusto, mata
grass /gra:s/ pasto tree /tri:/ rbol
leaf /li:f/ leaves /li:vz/ hoja /s trunk /trak/ tronco

c) Animals /nimalz/ Animales

alligator /ligitor/ caimn flea /fli:/ pulga
ant /nt/ hormiga fly /flai/ mosca
bear /bar/ oso goose /gu:z/ geese /gi:z/ ganso /s
bee /bi:/ abeja hare /har/ liebre
bird /b:rd/ ave, pjaro hen /hen/ gallina
bird of prey /b:rd ov pri/ ave de rapia horse /ho:rs/ caballo
bfalo /bfalou/ bfalo horsefly /ho:rsflai/ tbano
bumblebee /bmblb:/ moscardn insect /nsekt/ insecto
butterfly /bterflai/ mariposa lion /lion/ len
cat /kt/ gato louse /lus/ lice /lais/ piojo /s
cock /kok/,cockerel /kkerel/ gallo monkey /mki/ mono
cow /ku/ vaca mouse /mus/ mice /mais/ ratn /es

Diplomado del idioma Ingls


crocodile /krkoudil/ cocodrilo ostrich /stritch/ avestruz
chicken /tchikin/ pollo rabbit /rbit/ conejo
deer /d:ar/ ciervo rat /rt/ rata
dog /dog/ perro rhinoceros /rainoseros/ rinoceronte
dolphin /dlfin/ delfin seagull /s:gal/ gaviota
donkey /dki/ burro seal /si:l/ foca
dragonfly /drgonflai/ liblula shellfish /shlfish/ marisco
duck /dak/ pato snake /snik/ culebra
eagle /:gl/ guila squirrel /skurel/ ardilla
elephant /lifant/ elefante tiger /tiger/ tigre
fish /fish/ pez turkey /t:rki/ pavo
flamingo /flmgou/ flamenco whale /wil/ ballena

Diplomado del idioma Ingls


StudentS name: Team.
Module Four Valoracin personal del entorno
Skills Knowledg9: Recibe y da instrucciones referentes a ubicacin geogrfica y espacial mediante
el modo imperativo.
Exercise nm.9 : Repaso de escritura y pronunciacin de vocabulario.

Diplomado del idioma Ingls


StudentS name: Team.
Module Four Valoracin personal del entorno
Skills Knowledg9: Recibe y da instrucciones referentes a ubicacin geogrfica y espacial mediante
el modo imperativo.
Exercise nm.10 : Repaso de escritura y pronunciacin de vocabulario.

Diplomado del idioma Ingls


StudentS name: Team.
Module Four Valoracin personal del entorno
Skills Knowledg9: Recibe y da instrucciones referentes a ubicacin geogrfica y espacial mediante
el modo imperativo.
Exercise nm.11 : Repaso de escritura y pronunciacin de vocabulario.

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