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Too Much vs Too Many - Cul es la
Diferencia en Ingls?
Para aprender cmo se usa TOO MUCH y TOO MANY visita
Termina las oraciones con TOO MUCH o TOO MANY.
1. Oh dear, I think I've drunk ________ beer.
2. Our teacher gives us ________ homework.
3. I can't stand it anymore; I have ________ problems.
4. I weigh ________.
5. I hate it when its so crowded. There are ________ people here.
6. Kids, be quiet! You're making ________ noise!
7. I wouldn't like to live in Britain. Theres ________ rain.
8. I don't have enough money for a BMW; they cost ________.

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Respuestas y Explicaciones
1. Oh dear, I think I've drunk ________ beer.
too much - Correcto, la cerveza es incontable.
2. Our teacher gives us ________ homework.
too much - Correcto, los deberes en ingls es incontable.
3. I can't stand it anymore, I have ________ problems.
too many - Correcto, los problemas son contables.
4. I weigh ________.
too much - Correcto, "peso demasiado".
5. I hate it when its so crowded. There are ________ people here.
too many - Correcto, las personas son contables.
6. Kids, be quiet! You're making ________ noise!
too much - Correcto, en este caso ruido es incontable.
7. I wouldn't like to live in Britain. Theres ________ rain.
too much - Correcto, la lluvia es incontable.
8. I don't have enough money for a BMW; they cost ________.
too much - Correcto, "cuestan demasiado".

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A t xito sin lmites,
Jessica Ojeda fundadora

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