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In the U.S., about 19% of all electricity is used for lighting (ACEEE, 2!. Industry uses about 1%
of lighting electricity, or about 2% of all electricity in the US.
"raction lighting electricity use by sector (ACEEE, 2!
#odern lighting syste$s are $uch $ore efficient that %re&ious syste$s. 'hus, lighting %resents an
o%%ortunity for energy sa&ings. (o)e&er, an effecti&e lighting syste$ $ust do $ore than deli&er light
efficiently. Effecti&e lighting %ro&ides the right *uantity of light, )ith good color rendition and
$ini$al glare. +uality lighting has been sho)n to i$%ro&e %roducti&ity and enhance )or,er
satisfaction. In $ost cases, s$all i$%ro&e$ents in )or,er %roducti&ity greatly out)eigh lighting
energy costs. 'hus, )hen considering changes to reduce lighting energy costs, it is essential that the
changes $aintain or i$%ro&e the *uantity and *uality of light.
In this cha%ter, )e describe-
Case studies of %roducti&ity increases fro$ lighting u%grades
.ighting funda$entals
o .ight *uantity
o .ight *uality
o /lare
o 'y%es of electrical lighting
o .ighting efficiency
o .ighting %erfor$ance su$$ary
#ethodology for i$%ro&ing %lant lighting
o #easuring current lighting le&els
o Suggest i$%ro&e$ents )ith current e*ui%$ent
o E&aluate daylighting o%tions
.ighting 1
o E&aluate lighting re%lace$ent o%tions
.ighting design
o Electrical .ighting
o Calculating the illu$inance fro$ s,ylights
o Calculating the illu$inance fro$ &ertical )indo)s
o .ightSi$ daylighting analysis aoft)are
/rainger lighting data base
0allast and la$% dis%osal
(eating and cooling interactions
E$erging .ighting 'echnologies
1e then illustrate these conce%ts )ith actual reco$$endations for industrial facilities.
Productivity and Lighting
(I2 lighting in industrial facilities usually dra)s about .3 14ft
)ith lighting costs on the order of
5.2 %er s*uare foot %er year. I$%ro&ed lighting %lace$ent, technologies and designs can
dra$atically cut these costs, )hile i$%ro&ing %roducti&ity and $orale. Se&eral studies ha&e
docu$ented %roducti&ity i$%ro&e$ents due to lighting u%grades. 'hese studies suggest that
i$%ro&ing %lant lighting $ay be the $ost single cost6effecti&e i$%ro&e$ent you can $a,e. A fe)
e7a$%les are listed here.
/eneral .ighting U%grades
In the %ost office in 8eno, 9e&ada, a lighting retrofit )ith a si76year %aybac, increased the nu$ber of
letters sorted %er hour by :% and decreased the rate of sorting errors to .1% $a,ing the 8eno ;ost
<ffice the $ost efficient in the 1estern US. Energy sa&ings )ere about 522,= %er year, but the
increase %roducti&ity )as )orth about 5=, %er year (8o$$ and 0ro)ning, 1999, >/reening the
0uilding and the 0otto$ .ine?, /lobal Energy Conference, @ancou&er, #ay!.
0oeing recently )ent through a lighting u%grade )ith a t)o6year %aybac,. In addition to energy
sa&ings, >the things that %eo%le tell us are al$ost $ind boggling?, said one $anager. #achinists re%ort
being able to read cali%ers and tools $ore easily. 'he i$%ro&ed contrast i$%ro&es )or,ers ability to
detect i$%erfections in the sho% by 2%. 'his is i$%ortant because >$ost of the errorsA )erenBt
%ic,ed u% until installation in the air%lane, )here it is $uch $ore e7%ensi&e to fi7? (8o$$ and
0ro)ning, 1999, >/reening the 0uilding and the 0otto$ .ine?, /lobal Energy Conference,
@ancou&er, #ay!.
(yde 'ools lighting u%grade reduced electricity costs by 5=C, %er year. (o)e&er, >the *uality of
)or, i$%ro&ed significantly because )e could see things )e couldnBt see before?. 'he $anager
esti$ates that the i$%ro&ed lighting results in about 523, %er year in additional re&enue (8o$$
and 0ro)ning, 1999, >/reening the 0uilding and the 0otto$ .ine?, /lobal Energy Conference,
@ancou&er, #ay!.
;ennsyl&ania ;o)er and .ight sa&ed 52, %er year fro$ their lighting u%grade, but the ti$e re*uired
to %roduce dra)ings decreased, sa&ing the$ another 5=2, %er year. In addition, sic, lea&e
decreased fro$ D2 to 3= hours %er year. It )as a%%arent that >lo) *uality seeing conditions )ere
causing $orale %roble$s a$ong e$%loyees?, (8o$$ and 0ro)ning, 1999, >/reening the 0uilding
and the 0otto$ .ine?, /lobal Energy Conference, @ancou&er, #ay!.
.ighting 2
1est 0end #utual Insurance Co$%anyBs $o&e to a ne) building )ith ad&anced (@AC and better
lights reduced electricity costs fro$ 52.1: 4ft
to 1.E2 4ft
, and i$%ro&ed %roducti&ity by 1:.C% (8o$$
and 0ro)ning, 1999, >/reening the 0uilding and the 0otto$ .ine?, /lobal Energy Conference,
@ancou&er, #ay!.
2ay .ighting
A furniture co$%any recently built a ne) $anufacturing %lant )ith a large %ortion of its lighting
%ro&ided by s,ylights. ;roduction out%ut has consistently been o&er 2% higher than in the %re&ious
electrically6lighted %lant. E$%loyees re%ort that )or,ing conditions are e7cellent
.oc,heed #issiles and S%ace Co$%any co$$issioned a ne) office building in California in )hich the
cost of e7tensi&e day lighting added an e7tra =% to the buildings cost. (o)e&er, electricity costs )ill
be reduced by about 53, %er year for a four6 year %aybac,. In addition, absenteeis$ dro%%ed by
13%, )hich %aid for 1% of the first cost in the first year (8o$$ and 0ro)ning, 1999, >/reening the
0uilding and the 0otto$ .ine?, /lobal Energy Conference, @ancou&er, #ay!.
S,ylights )ere installed on one half of the roof of a 1al #art in .a)rence, Fansas. Sales data
indicated that the de%art$ents under the s,ylights sold $ore than the de%art$ents under the electric
lighting, and $ore than si$ilar de%art$ents in other stores. 'o test )hether this )as due to the
s,ylights, the de%art$ents )ere s)itched fro$ one side of the store to the other. As before, sales fro$
de%art$ents under the s,y lights increased (8o$$ and 0ro)ning, 1999, >/reening the 0uilding and
the 0otto$ .ine?, /lobal Energy Conference, @ancou&er, #ay!.

A 1999 study conducted for ;acific /as and Electric e&aluated ele$entary student test scores and
found that, in classroo$s )ith daylight, test scores i$%ro&ed by o&er 2G%. 8etail sales in a chain of
1G si$ilar stores )ere also e&aluated. Sales )ere found to be as $uch as =% higher in stores )ith
s,ylighting ((eschong #ahone /rou%, >2aylighting in Schools?, ;acific /as and Electric, 1999H
(eschong #ahone /rou%, >S,ylighting and 8etail Sales?, ;acific /as and Electric, 1999H
.ighting E
Lighting Fundamentals
Effecti&e, energy6efficient lighting syste$s %ro&ide the right *uantity of light, )ith good color
rendition and $ini$al glare, )hile $ini$iJing energy6use. Each of these conce%ts is described briefly
in the sections that follo).
.ight +uantity
'he *uantity of &isible light radiated by a light source is $easured in lu$ens. 'he theoretical u%%er
li$it for the con&ersion of energy to light is :CE l$41. 9atural daylight has lu$inous efficacy of
about 11 l$41. Electric lighting ranges fro$ about 1 to 1 l$41. Illu$inance is the *uantity of
light di&ided by the area on )hich it is incident. Illu$inance can be $easured by ine7%ensi&e light
$eters. 'he co$$on $easure of illu$inance is footcandles. <ne footcandle is one lu$en %er s*uare
1 fc K 1 l$4ft
'he Illu$inating Engineering Society of 9orth A$erica (IES9A! %ublishes reco$$ended lighting
le&els for &arious tas,s and s%aces. IES9A reco$$ended lighting le&els for so$e co$$on s%aces are
sho)n in the table belo) (IES9A (andboo,, 9
Edition!. In general, reco$$ended lighting le&els
increase as the siJe and contrast of the &isual tas, decrease. 'hus, the reco$$ended lighting le&el )ill
be near the lo)er le&el of the range sho)n in the table belo) )hen the siJe and4or contrast of the
&isual tas, is large, and )ill be near the u%%er le&el of the range )hen the siJe and4or contrast of the
&isual tas, is s$all. "or e7a$%le, )e generally reco$$end 13 fc for )arehouses )ith large bul, ite$s
and 23 fc for )arehouses )ith hand6stoc,ed ite$s. Si$ilarly, )e reco$$end E fc for general
$anufacturing and u% to 3 fc for $anufacturing tas,s re*uiring &isual %recision
Recommended Lighting Level (fc)
Offices and classrooms 30-50
Corridors 5-10
Restrooms 5
Dining rooms 10
Merchandise Displa 50
!areho"se 5-30
Man"fact"ring 30-50
#nspection 50-100
.ight +uality
<ur eyes e&ol&ed to see in natural sunlightH thus, )e distinguish colors best in sunlight. .ight fro$
electric la$%s is generated at lo)er te$%eratures than sunlight and reduces our ability to distinguish
bet)een colors. Color 8endering Inde7 (C8I! describes the effect of a light source on the color
a%%earance of an obLect. C8I &aries bet)een and 1. A%%ro7i$ate C8Is of &arious ty%es of
lighting are sho)n in the table belo).
.ighting =
.ight 'y%e C8I
Sunlight 1
Incandescent 99
'C "luorescent D36C3
#etal halide :3
'12 "luorescent (cool )hite! :
(igh6%ressure sodiu$ 22
So$e tas,s, such as ins%ection and %ainting, clearly re*uire high6*uality light. In addition, $ost
%eo%le %refer to )or, and li&e in light that is as close to sunlight as %ossibleH thus the C8I of a light
source should al)ays be a consideration )hen selecting lights. "or e7a$%le, $any %eo%le re%orting
seeing better under fluorescent lights )ith a C8I of C3 than under high6%ressure sodiu$ lights )ith a
C8I of 22, e&en though the illu$inance le&el under the high6%ressure sodiu$ lights is higher.
.ighting is characteriJed by color as )ell as its C8I. 'he $etric for color is the te$%erature of a blac,
body. .o) te$%eratures of 2 M E F %roduce )ar$ red light. (igh te$%eratures of 3 M :
F %roduce cool blue light. A gra%hic sho)ing so$e relationshi%s bet)een color and te$%erature is
sho)n belo).
.ighting 3
Source- htt%-44))).good$$4facts4lightIbulbs4colorIco$
/lare is unco$fortably high illu$inance. /lare can be %roble$atic )ith large )indo)s )ith direct
sunlight and )ith direct high6intensity artificial lighting. "or this reason, )indo)s are often e*ui%%ed
)ith so$e ty%e of shading and lu$inaries are often designed to diffuse light.
'y%es of Electrical .ighting
Co$$on ty%es of electrical lighting fall into three categories- incandescent, fluorescent and high6
intensity discharge. So$e characteristics of each category are described belo).
Incandescent .ights- 'ho$as Edison in&ented the incandescent light bulb and it re$ains essentially
unchanged today. Incandescent lights %roduce light by si$%le radiation fro$ a heated tungsten
fila$ent. 'he lighting efficiency is generally lo) since $ost of the energy is released as infrared
radiation rather than &isible light. In recent years, halogen has been added to the fila$ent increasing
the efficiency and light out%ut by about E% in so6called Nhalogen lightsB. Incandescent lights are
ine7%ensi&e, re*uire al$ost no )ar$6u% ti$e, and the lighting out%ut does not degrade significantly
.ighting :
o&er ti$e. (o)e&er, because of their inefficiency, they are generally being re%laced by co$%act
fluorescent lights that use about E% as $uch energy and last about ten ti$es longer.
"luorescent .ights- "luorescent lights )or, by energiJing Ar, Ar69e or Fr gasses inside a tube. 'he
gasses %roduce U@ radiation that is con&erted to &isible light )hen it interacts )ith %hos%hor coatings
on the inside of the tube. "luorescent lights ha&e a higher lighting efficiency than incandescent lights.
'hey start *uic,ly and lighting out%ut degrades only $oderately o&er ti$e. <ld6style '12 fluorescent
la$%s )ere 1.3 inches thic,. 9e)er 'C la$%s are 16inch thic, and $ore energy efficient.
All fluorescent lights re*uire ballasts. 'he ballast regulates &oltage and uses so$e energy itself. <ld6
style '12 la$%s used $agnetic ballasts. 'C la$%s use electronic ballasts. 9e) electronic ballasts are
$ore energy6efficient, eli$inate the flic,er associated )ith old6style $agnetic ballasts, are *uieter and
use less hea&y $etals than old6style ballasts.
'he fi7ture that houses the la$%s and ballast and directs the light onto the )or, %lane is called a
lu$inaire. 'he lu$inaire efficiency is the ratio of the out%ut lu$ens to the total nu$ber of lu$ens
%roduced by the la$%s. 'he $ost co$$on ty%es of fluorescent lu$inaries are recessed troffer, )ra%6
around and industrial lights. Sur%risingly, recessed troffers )ith acrylic lenses ha&e better lu$inaire
efficiencies than recessed %arabolic troffers. (o)e&er, the recessed %arabolic troffers %roduce less
glare, and are therefore )idely used in roo$s )ith &ideo dis%lays. 1ra%6around lu$inaries hang
belo) the ceiling the direct light side)ays and do)n)ardH because of this they ha&e high lu$inaire
efficiencies than recessed troffers.
8ecessed %arabolic and lensed troffers (ACEEE 2!.
'he o%en lu$inaries co$$on in industrial a%%lications ha&e the highest lu$inaire efficiencies, if
reflectors are attached to the sides of the lu$inaries to direct the light do)n to)ards the )or,%lane.
'he lighting efficiency of industrial stri% lights )ithout reflectors is &ery %oor. 8eflectors $ay ha&e
a%%ertures (s$all slits! that allo) about 1% of the light to esca%e u%)ard to)ard the ceiling.
Although the a%ertures slightly reduce the a$ount of light on the )or,%lane, they also allo) heat to
esca%e, thereby ,ee%ing the la$%s cooler and increasing their lifeti$e.
.ighting D
<%en industrial fluorescent fi7ture sho)ing nona%eratured and a%%ertured reflectors. (/rainger, 26
.u$inaire 'y%e .u$inaire EfficiencyO
8ecessed troffer M %arabolic :9%
8ecessed troffer M lensed C%
1ra%6around C3%
Industrial 9C% (2 =6foot la$%s!, 9E% (2 C6foot la$%s!
O A&erage of three $ost efficient $odels for = =6foot la$%s (ACEEE, 2!
(igh6Intensity 2ischarge .ights- "luorescent lu$inaries are generally designed to be %laced 13 feet or
less abo&e the )or,%lane. (igh6intensity discharge ((I2! lights are used for a%%lications )ith higher
ceilings and are the $ost co$$on ty%e of industrial lighting. 'he three $ost co$$on ty%es of (I2
lights are $ercury &a%or (#@!, $etal halide (#(! and high6%ressure sodiu$ ((;S!. 0ecause the light
out%ut of #@ lights degrades significantly and continually o&er their lifeti$e, #@ lights are generally
being re%laced )ith #( lights. #( lights %roduce a )hite light )ith a C8I of about :3, and ha&e a
lighting efficiency of about D l$41. (;S lights ha&e a lighting efficiency of about 93 l$41, but
%roduce a yello) light )ith %oor color rendering (C8I K 2!H thus, these lights are best suited for
outdoor and )arehouse a%%lications.
All (I2 la$%s re*uire a ballast. 'he ballast for a ty%ical =61 (I2 la$% uses 3 to :3 1. (I2
la$%s ta,e about E $inutes to start6u% )hen cold and about 23 $inutes )hen )ar$. 'hus, $ost (I2
lighting syste$s include a fe) fluorescent safety lights that start u% i$$ediately in the ad&ent of a
%o)er interru%tion. ')o6stage and di$$able (I2 ballasts )ith occu%ancy sensors ha&e recently
beco$e a&ailable, ho)e&er, in general, they re$ain too e7%ensi&e for retrofit a%%lications. ')o6stage
(I2 ballasts ty%ically ha&e a lo)6lighting stage that %roduces E3% of the light )hile using 3% of the
rated energy.
.u$inaries for (I2 lights ty%ically use s%un6alu$inu$ or acrylic reflectors. S%un alu$inu$
reflectors, the $ost co$$on ty%e, direct all light to)ard the floor. Acrylic reflectors s%read about 1%
of the light horiJontally and to)ard the ceiling. (I2 lu$inaries are classified as lo)6bay, for
%lace$ent 23 feet or less abo&e the )or,%lane, and high6bay for higher %lace$ents. .o)6bay
lu$inaries ha&e acrylic lenses that s%read the light out)ard o&er a )ider surface area.
.ighting C
(Source /rainger, 2621!
.ighting Efficiency
'he efficiency of con&erting electricity to light can be $easured as the ratio of light out%ut (l$! and
electrical %o)er (1!. All co$$on ty%es of electric lights e7ce%t incandescent lights re*uire a ballast
to regulate the &oltage to the la$%. 'hus, the lighting efficiency should include the electricity
consu$ed by both the la$% and ballast. 'he lighting out%ut of $ost ty%es of lights degrades o&er the
lifeti$e of the light, thus the $ean lighting out%ut should be used )hen calculating energy efficiency.
'he a%%ro7i$ate lighting efficiencies of co$$on ty%es of lighting syste$s (including ballasts! are
sho)n in the table belo).

.ighting 9
.ight 'y%e .$41O
Candle .13
Incandescent 1C
#ercury &a%or E3
'12 "luorescent 3C
Co$%act fluorescent D
#etal halide D
(igh6%ressure sodiu$ 9:
'C "luorescent 1
OA%%ro7i$ate l$41 calculated using $ean lighting out%ut (l$!
and energy use (1! including ballast.

.ighting ;erfor$ance Su$$ary
.ight 'y%e Efficiency
C8I .ifeti$e
Incandescent 1C 99 D3 /ood Instant
Co$%act fluorescent D : 1, <F I$$ediate
'12 "luorescent 3C : 2, /ood I$$ediate
'C "luorescent 1 D3 2, /ood I$$ediate
#ercury &a%or E3 2=, ;oor E $in
#etal halide D :3 2, "air E $in
(igh6%ressure sodiu$ 9: 22 2, /ood E $in
OA%%ro7i$ate l$41 calculated using $ean lighting out%ut (l$! and energy use (1! including ballast.

;o)er "actors for Co$$on .ighting Syste$s-
(Courtesy of Andre) 0ier$an, .ighting Syste$s S%ecialist, .ighting 8esearch Center, 8ensselaer
;olytechnic Institute!
'he %o)er factor of fluorescent la$%6ballast syste$s de%ends on the ty%e of ballast o%erating the
la$%(s!. Si$%le $agnetic cho,e ballasts, co$$on for ine7%ensi&e residential fi7tures, ha&e %o)er
factors in the range .= to .: )ith a lagging %hase angle. Co$$ercial $agnetic ballasts for fluorescent
la$%s are often %o)er factor corrected by $eans of an included ca%acitor and are labeled Phigh %o)er
factorP )hich $eans the %o)er factor is o&er .9. #ost electronic, high fre*uency ballasts contain
circuitry to gi&e the$ a high %o)er factor as )ellH often as high as .9C. 9ote that )ithout %o)er factor
correction in electronic ballasts, the lo) %o)er factors are not due to current and &oltage %hase shifts,
but rather to har$onic distortion of the current. Correcting the %o)er factor in these ballasts is
achie&ed by $ini$iJing the '(2 (total har$onic distortion! of the line in%ut current. 1ithout
correction, the '(2 of electronic ballasts (both for co$%act fluorescent and linear fluorescent! can be
as high as 1:% ($easured )ith res%ect to the funda$ental, : (J co$%onent!, )hich corres%onds to
a %o)er factor (caused by the distorted current flo)! of about .:. "or $ore infor$ation &isit the .8C
)ebsite at htt%-QQ))) . See the 9.;I; S%ecifier 8e%orts- Scre)base Co$%act "luorescent
.a$% ;roducts and S%ecifier 8e%orts- Electronic 0allasts (for linear la$%s!
($! (I2 ballasts beha&e si$ilarly.
.ighting 1
Methodology for Improving Plant Lighting
.ighting u%grades should not be coo,boo, engineering. 1e try to infor$ the client about the
i$%ortance of good lighting, e&aluate the lighting in the facility and discuss a full range of o%tions for
u%grading lighting. <ur general %rocedure follo)s the >)hole6syste$ inside6out? a%%roach to
identifying sa&ings o%%ortunities. 1e start on the NinsideB at the %oint of use )here )e deter$ine
current lighting needs and in&estigate the lighting already in %lace. 9e7t, )e in&estigate the lighting
distribution syste$, including such as%ects as light %osition and fi7ture efficiency. "inally, )e consider
the actual energy con&ersion e*ui%$ent, the lights.
#easure current lighting le&els
Suggest i$%ro&e$ents )ith current e*ui%$ent
E&aluate daylighting o%tions
E&aluate lighting re%lace$ent o%tions
#easuring Current .ighting .e&els
/et a %lant layout before the initial )al,6through. #easure lighting le&els in footcandles throughout
the facility on the initial )al,6through and record on %lant6layout.
#easure lighting le&els on the )or,6%lane, usually at belt or des,6to% height.
9ote lighting le&els under tas,6lighting and general ceiling lights.
9ote areas )ith une&en lighting.
9ote areas )ith day6lighting through )indo)s or s,y6lights.
9ote areas )here color rendition is i$%ortant.
9ote on4off ti$es
#a,e a second tri% through the %lant to do a thorough lighting in&entory. Co$%lete the follo)ing table
before you lea&e the %lant. 'his table beco$es the reference for all lighting reco$$endations and also
hel%s identify ho) $uch of the total de$and is attributable to lighting.
.ocation Annual
'y%e +ty Unit
.ighting 11
Co$%are $easured and reco$$ended lighting le&els as reco$$ended by the Illu$inating Engineering

Location Task Minimum
Foot candles
<ffices 8egular office )or, 3
Asse$bly 8ough, easy seeing E
8ough, difficult seeing 3
#ediu$ 1
Ins%ection <rdinary 3
2ifficult 1
#aterial (andling .oading 4 unloading 2
1arehousing 8ough 13
#ediu$ 23

2iscuss the i$%ortance of good lighting. 'here is substantial data that sho)s that )ell6lighted )or,
%laces ha&e higher %roducti&ity, lo)er absenteeis$ and higher $orale.
Suggest I$%ro&e$ents )ith Current E*ui%$ent
'his is an i$%ortant %art of the lighting assess$ent and is so$eti$es o&erloo,ed. 1e try to $a,e a
conscious effort to $a,e sure the client is getting the $ost out of )hat they ha&e. 'hings to consider

8e%osition lights o&er underused areas, o&er shel&es, along )alls, in corners, bloc,ed by
scaffolding, etc.
.o)er lights o&er critical )or, areas
S%ecify light colored ceilings
'urn lights off )hen %ossible
#a,e sure that night safety lighting is not e7cessi&e
Consider s,ylights, es%ecially )hen color rendition is i$%ortant
Consider tas, lighting
Clean or re$o&e unneeded, dirty, or yello)ed diffusers
8e$o&e diffusers fro$ high6bay fi7tures
E&aluate 2aylighting <%tions
Sunlight is abundant, free and the best ty%e of light for &irtually all &isual tas,s. <ur eyes e&ol&ed to
see obLects illu$inated by sunlight. 'hus, )e ha&e better &isual accuracy and color rendition in
sunlight than under electrical lights. Sunlight also has %ac,s $ore &isible light into each )att of
energy (about 11 l$41! than electrical lights. 'hus, cooling loads are reduced in daylit buildings.
"inally, study after study sho)s that e$%loyee $oral and %roducti&ity increases in daylit buildings.
1hy then do )e find so $any industrial facilities )ith %ainted6o&er s,ylights and little )indo) areaR
'his $ay be because of %roble$s )ith lea,y s,ylights or the e7%ectation that heating and cooling costs
)ould increase. "ortunately, neither of these %roble$s should inhibit use of natural light for $ost
facilities. <&er the years, s,ylight $anufacturers ha&e de&elo%ed ne) $aterials and $ethods of
.ighting 12
installing s,ylights. 1hen s,ylights are selected and installed correctly, lea,ing is no longer a
%roble$. "urther, the decrease in electrical lighting costs, cooling energy costs and %roducti&ity
i$%ro&e$ents associated )ith day lighting &astly out)eigh %otential increased heating costs.
Evaluate Lighting Replacement Options
'his should be the last ste%, not the first, in a lighting assess$ent. /eneral guidelines for office and
industrial lighting are %resented belo).
<ffice .ighting
Use light colored finishes on e&erything abo&e table height.
Choose the lo)est ceiling heightH use &inyl acoustical tile
2esign circuits so lights near )indo)s4s,ylights can be turned off
Use ti$e cloc,s or $otion sensors to ensure that lights are turned off
Use di$$able ballast and %hotoelectric controls )ith daylighting
Use lensed, E6la$%, 'C, recessed troffers e7ce%t in co$%uter intensi&e )or,s%aces
Use %arabolic, E6la$%, 'C, recessed troffers in co$%uter intensi&e )or,s%aces
8e%lace incandescent and halogen lights )ith co$%act fluorescent lights
8e%lace '12 syste$s )ith 'C syste$s- consider = '12 to E 'C )ith reflector retrofit
8e%lace acrylic lenses if $ore than C years old
Industrial .ighting
2esign circuits so lights near )indo)s4s,ylights can be turned off
Use t)o6stage di$$able (I2 ballasts in ne) )arehouse a%%lications
Add reflectors to industrial fluorescent lights and reduce nu$ber of fi7tures
8e%lace '12 syste$s )ith 'C syste$s
8e%lace E #@ )ith 2 #(
.ighting 1E
Lighting esign
Electrical .ighting
'he IES lu$en $ethod calculates the illu$inance on a )or,%lane, E) (fc!, as-
E) K Cu 7 " 4 A)
)here Cu is the coefficient of utiliJation, " is the total lu$ens %roduced by the la$%s, and A) is the
area of the )or, %lane. Cu is a calculated fro$ a $anufacturer6su%%lied table based on the ty%e of
lu$inaire, roo$ geo$etries and surface reflecti&ities. 'y%ical Cus range fro$ about .2 to .:
(Freider and 8abl 199=! (eating and Cooling of 0uildings.
'his e*uation can also be )ritten as
E) K Cu 7 (.;" 7 9! 4 A)
1here .;" is the lu$ens %er fi7ture and 9 is the nu$ber of fi7tures. 'o deter$ine ho) $any fi7tures
are needed si$%ly sol&e this e*uation for 9.
9 K (E) 7 A)! 4 (Cu 7 .;"!
@alues of the coefficient of utiliJation, CU, for ty%ical =6la$% fluorescent troffer fi7tures, =61 high6
bay $etal halide fi7tures and :6la$% high bay fluorescent fi7tures are sho)n in the tables belo).
CU for recessed 2B 7 =B lu$inaire )ith =6'C la$%s fro$
.ighting 1=
CU &alues for high6bay =61 #( fi7ture fro$
CU &alues for high6bay si76la$% <8I<9 =1: (;# fluorescent fi7ture fro$
.ighting 13
CU &alues for C6ft =6la$% or =6ft 26la$% fluorescent fi7ture fro$
In each table CU de%ends on the roo$ ca&ity ratio, 8C8, )here
8C8 K 3 7 h 7 () G l! 4 () 7 l!
CU also de%ends on the reflecti&ity of the ceiling, rc, and )alls, r).
Electrical .ighting 2esign E7a$%le
2eter$ine the nu$ber of =61 $etal halide fi7tures and 2E61 high6bay fluorescent fi7tures
re*uired to light a s%ace )ith the follo)ing characteristics-
E) K = fc
1 K )idth K 3 ft
. K length K 1 ft
( K height K 23 ft
8c K reflecti&ity of ceiling K 3%
8) K reflecti&ity of )alls K 3%
8C8 K 3 7 h 7 () G l! 4 () 7 l! K 3 7 23 7 (3 G 1! 4 (3 7 1! K E.D3 S =.
CU (=61 $etal halide! K .3D
CU (2E61 high6bay fluorescent! K .:9
.;" (=61 $etal halide! K 2E,3 l$
.;" (2E61 high6bay fluor, )4 E 26la$%, 1.2 0", DC61 ballasts at C, hrs! K E 7 :,C= l$ K 2,32 l$
9 K (E) 7 A)! 4 (Cu 7 .;"!
9 (=61 $etal halide! K (= 7 T3 7 1U! 4 (.3D 7 2E,3! K 1=.9 S 13 lights
9 (2E61 high6bay fluorescent! K (= 7 T3 7 1U! 4 (.:9 7 2,32! K 1=.1 S 1= lights
.ighting 1:
Illu$inance fro$ S,ylights
'he IES reco$$ends an illu$inance of about 2 fcs for )arehouse s%aces and 3 fc for %recision
)or,. 'he general e*uation to calculate the illu$inance on a )or, %lane, E) (fc!, fro$ the
illu$inance on a horiJontal s,ylight Esl (fc! is-
E) K Esl 7 Cu 7 trans$issi&ity of the s,ylight 7 trans$issi&ity of the )ell 7 Asl 4 A)
1here Cu is the coefficient of utiliJation, Asl is the area of the s,ylight and A) is the area of the )or,
%lane. Cu is a function of ceiling reflecti&ity, floor reflecti&ity and the roo$ ca&ity ratio, 8C8 )here
8C8 K 3 7 h 7 () G l! 4 () 7 l!
)here h is the height of the s,ylight o&er the )or, %lane, ) is the )idth of the roo$ and l is the length
of the roo$. @alues of Cu for s,ylights are tabulated in 'able 1E.3 of Freider and 8abl, 199=, (eating
and Cooling of 0uildings.
@alues of the trans$issi&ity of the s,ylight )ell, as a function of )ell geo$etry and reflecti&ity, can be
found in "igure 1E.D of Freider and 8abl, 199=, (eating and Cooling of 0uildings.
2esign &alues of the illu$inance on a s,ylight, Esl, can be found in "igures 1E.= M 1E.: of Freider and
8abl, 199=, (eating and Cooling of 0uildings. Alternately, Esl can be calculated fro$ the total
radiation on a horiJontal surface Ih (0tu4hr6ft
! by assu$ing that the illu$inance of sunlight is 11
Esl (fc! K Ih 0tu4hr6ft
4 E.=1E 0tu416hr 7 11 l$41 7 1 fc4(l$4ft
According to a local roofing co$%any contacted in 22, the $aterial and installation for a = ft by = ft
s,ylight )ith a 16foot shaft )ould cost about 52,.
Calculating the Illu$inance fro$ @ertical 1indo)s
'he IES reco$$ends an illu$inance of about 2 fcs for )arehouse s%aces and 3 fc for %recision
)or,. 'he general e*uation to calculate the illu$inance on a )or, %lane, E) (fc!, fro$ the
illu$inance on a &ertical )indo) E& (fc! is-
E) K E& 7 Cu 7 trans$issi&ity of the )indo)
1here Cu is the coefficient of utiliJation. Cu is a function of the )indo) length and height, roo$
de%th and the distance bet)een the )indo) and the )or, %lane (e7%ressed as a fraction of the roo$
de%th!. @alues of Cu for )indo)s are tabulated in 'able 1E.C or Freider and 8abl, 199=, (eating and
Cooling of 0uildings.
2esign &alue of the illu$inance on a &ertical )indo), E&, can be found in "igures 1E.= M 1E.: of
Freider and 8abl, 199=, (eating and Cooling of 0uildings. Alternately, E& can be calculated fro$ the
total radiation on a &ertical surface I& (0tu4hr6ft
! by assu$ing that the illu$inance of sunlight is 11
E& (fc! K I& 0tu4hr6ft
4 E.=1E 0tu416hr 7 11 l$41 7 1 fc4(l$4ft
.ighting 1D
If the )indo) is shaded fro$ direct solar radiation, then the I& should be the diffuse co$%onent of
solar radiation.
.ightSi$ 2aylighting Analysis Soft)are
.ightSi$ daylighting analysis soft)are si$ulates hour6by6hour illu$inance on a )or, %lane using
'#V2 $eteorological data. It is s%ecifically designed to assess the feasibility of daylighting in
buildings. .ightSi$ can *uic,ly deter$ine the fraction of ti$e that &arious daylighting designs can
$eet or e7ceed a target illu$ination on a )or, %lane. .ightSi$ is a&ailable at no cost fro$ the
Uni&ersity of 2ayton IAC.
According to a local roofing co$%any contacted in 22, the $aterial and installation for a = ft by = ft
s,ylight )ith a 16foot shaft )ould cost about 52,.
.ighting 1C
.ighting 19
;hotocontrols for outside lights turn lights off during the day and on during night, )ith an a&erage on6
ti$e of 12 hours %er day. #ost outdoor (I2 lights co$e )ith a W6inch ,noc,out or an 1141:6inch hole
for easy scre)6in $ounting. #ost %hotocontrols ha&e built6in delays to %re&ent false cycling fro$
headlights, etc. ;hotocontrols ty%ically cost less than 513 each (/rainger Catalog 21622, %g.
:2D! and can be installed in less than W hour. 'hus, it is &irtually al)ays cost6effecti&e to install
%hotocontrols on all outdoor lights that are left on during the day.
Occupancy !ensors
<ccu%ancy sensors turn lights on )hen so$eone enters a roo$ and turn lights off about = $inutes after
the occu%ants ha&e left a roo$. #ost occu%ancy sensors use infrared sensors to detect body heat in
$otion. <ccu%ancy sensors are a%%ro%riate for lightly used areas such as la&atories or conference
<ccu%ancy sensors can also be co$bined )ith bi6le&el ballasts to di$ $etal halide lights in
)arehouses. 0i6le&el ballasts ty%ically reduce the lighting le&el to 14E of full le&el at W of full energy
use )hen on occu%ants are detected ())).ad&ancetransfor$$!. According to lighting &endors,
bi6le&el ballasts ty%ically cost about t)ice the %rice of regular ballasts. "or e7a$%le, a regular =61
$etal halide ballast costs about 511 (/rainger Catalog 21622! and a bi6le&el ballast costs about
8esidential occu%ancy sensors cost about 513 each and co$$ercial4industrial *uality sensors cost
bet)een 5C and 52 each (/rainger Catalog 21622, %g. :29!.
"allast and Lamp isposal
0allasts $anufactured before 19D9 contained )et6ca%acitors )ith the haJardous )aste ;C0. After
19D9, ballasts used dry ca%acitors and contain no a%%reciable haJardous )astes. 0ecause &ery fe) %re6
19D9 ballasts re$ain, the <hio E;A says that, in general, ballasts can be dis%osed of in nor$al )aste
"luorescent and (I2 la$%s contain s$all a$ounts of $ercury in the %hos%hor %o)der. #ercury is a
%otent neuroto7in and is har$ful to both ani$als and hu$ans. 1hen unbro,en la$%s are dis%osed of
in landfills, &irtually no $ercury leaches into the en&iron$ent. (o)e&er, if la$%s are incinerated, the
$ercury is trans%orted through the at$os%here to )ater, ani$als and hu$ans. S%ent la$%s can also be
recycledH ho)e&er, so$e studies indicate that $ore $ercury is released into the en&iron$ent during
recycling than by %lacing the la$%s in landfills.
Currently, la$% dis%osal is regulated on a state6by6state basis, or indirectly by the 199 8C8A, )hich
recogniJes $ercury as a haJardous )aste. Under 8C8A, s$all *uantity generators that dis%ose less
than E3 =6foot la$%s %er $onth can legally dis%ose of s%ent la$%s into the $unici%al solid )aste
strea$. 1e reco$$end that s$all *uantity generators use this o%tion if $unici%al )aste is sent to land
fills. If the $unici%al )aste is incinerated, or for large lighting retrofits, )e reco$$end that the la$%s
be sent to an E;A registered recycler (.a$% 8ecycling Coalition C2622E69! or haJardous )aste
dis%osal co$%any. 0e sure to research the credibility of the recycler or )aste $anage$ent co$%any.
If the )aste is not dis%osed of %ro%erly, the original generator is legally liable. 8ecyclers and
haJardous )aste handlers generally charge about = cents %er la$% for dis%osal or recycling.
.ighting 2
In <hio, the <hio E;A says that all traditional s%ent la$%s fro$ businesses are considered haJardous
)aste irres%ecti&e of the nu$ber of la$%s being dis%osed. 'hus, all s%ent la$%s should be sent to a
registered recycler or haJardous )aste contractor. .a$% recyclers in <hio include-
::3 1illia$ ;itt 1ay
;ittsburgh, ;A 132EC
(Charges E3 cents %er la$% and %ic,s the$ u% for free!
A$erican 8ecycling Co., .'2
D=D1 'yler 0l&d.
#entor, <hio ==:
(21:! 9=:62221 "AY (21:! 9=:6=3
Clean (arbors Custo$er Ser&ice
=CD9 S%ring /ro&e A&e.
Cincinnati, <hio =32E2
(31E! :C16:2=:
USA .ights of <hio
3E:: Este A&enue
Cincinnati, <( =32E2
(C! DDC6::=3
'he three $aLor fluorescent la$% $anufacturers (/E, ;hilli%s and <SI! ha&e recently introduced lo)6
$ercury la$%s. 'hese ne) la$%s ha&e about 3 $illigra$s of $ercury co$%ared to about =C
$illigra$s for 19C3 &intage la$%s. 'he lo)6$ercury la$%s cost about the sa$e as regular la$%s and
are not considered haJardous )aste. 'hus, they )ill be e7e$%t fro$ future )aste dis%osal regulations.
1e reco$$end s%ecifying lo)6$ercury la$%s for all ne) la$% %urchases.

.ighting 21
#eating and $ooling Interactions
8educing the lighting energy added to a conditioned s%ace )ill increase the cooling load and decrease
the heating load on the (@AC syste$. In buildings )here interior co$fort conditions are not
rigorously $aintained, )e usually ignore this effect. In co$$ercial and institutional buildings,
ho)e&er, it can be $ore i$%ortant. "ro$ si$%le energy balances, the additional air conditioning
electricity sa&ings )ould be about-
6 ;
! 7 hours4year U 4
'he additional heating costs )ould be about-
6 ;
! 7 hours4yearU 4
)here ;lights is the total %o)er dra) (,1! of the lights and is the efficiency of the s%ace
conditioning e*ui%$ent. 1e usually assu$e that air conditioners si$%ly run less after lighting
retrofits, and hence donPt ta,e credit for de$and sa&ings. "or e7a$%le, if the lighting load )ere
decreased fro$ 3 ,1 to = ,1, for 2,3 hours %er year during the cooling season, and the a&erage
efficiency (coefficient of %erfor$ance! of the air conditioner is E., the additional cooling sa&ings
)ould be about-
T(3 ,1 6 = ,1! 7 2,3 hr4yr U 4 E. K C,EEE ,1h4yr
If the lighting load )ere decreased by the sa$e a$ount for 2,3 hours during the heating season, and
the a&erage efficiency of the furnace )as D3%, the additional heating energy needed )ould be about-
T(3 ,1 6 = ,1! 7 2,3 hr4yr U 4 .C 7 E,=1E 0tu4,1h K 11D 7 1
9ote that )hen the heating and cooling %eriods are about the sa$e length, as in this e7a$%le, the
increased air conditioning and decreased heating costs $ay be nearly e*ual. "or this reason, they are
so$eti$es ignored. In buildings )ith co$%le7 (@AC syste$s, heating and cooling interaction effects
can be $ore accurately $odeled by building energy si$ulation soft)are such as ESi$.
Emerging Lighting Techonologies
.ight e$itting diodes (.E2s! are se$iconductor $aterials that e$it light )hen electricity is %assed
through the$. Currently, .E2s are used in thin6screen co$%uter $onitors, thin6screen tele&isions,
)atches, e7it signs, flashlights, traffic lights and $any other a%%lications. 'heir a%%eal lies in their
energy efficiency and longe&ity. Current )hite light .E2s ha&e efficiencies so$e)here bet)een
incandescent lights, at about 3%, and fluorescent lights, at about 23%. Current .E2s last about 3
ti$es as long as incandescent lights. "or e7a$%le, California has re%laced thousands of 1361
incandescent lightsbulbs that last about 1 year in traffic lights )ith red, yello) and green .E2s that
consu$e about 13 1 and last about 3 years.
A %rinci%le challenge for )hite light .E2s is con&erting the colored light %roduced by an .E2 into
)hite light, )hich a co$bination of $any colors of light. <ne current design uses a .E2 that
%roduces U@ light to sti$ulate %hos%hors )hich e$it red, green and blue light in the %ro%er %ro%ortion
to $a,e )hite light. Another a%%roach is to de&elo% organic .E2s, )hich rese$ble a %atch of softly
glo)ing %lastic. <rganic .E2s could so$eday be $ass6%roduced using in, Let technology on a
.ighting 22
substrate. 'heoretically, .E2s could be 1% efficient. (>.E2 &s. the .ightbulb?, 'echnology
8e&ie), #ay, 2E, %gs. E6E:.!
Freider, Z.". and 8abl, A., >(eating and Cooling of 0uildings?, 199=, #c/ra)6(ill Inc.
SuoJJo, #., 0enya, Z., (yde$an, #., 2u%ont, ;., 9adel, S. and Elliot, 9., >/uide to Energy Efficient
Co$$ercial E*ui%$ent?, 2, A$erican Council for an Energy Efficient Econo$y.
>/rainger Industrial Su%%ly Catalog?, 2621, 9o. E91, 1.1. /rainger, Inc.
>.E2 &s. the .ightbulb?, 'echnology 8e&ie), #ay, 2E, %gs. E6E:.
<rion Inc., 12= ;ilgri$ 8d., ;ly$outh 1I, 3EDE, )))$

.ighting 2E

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