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Design of CMOS logic gates with enhanced robustness against aging degradation

P.F. Butzen
, V. Dal Bem
, A.I. Reis
, R.P. Ribas
Center for Computational Science, Federal University of Rio Grande, Rio Grande, Brazil
PGMICRO, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil
Institute of Informatics, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil
a r t i c l e i n f o
Article history:
Received 4 June 2012
Accepted 24 June 2012
Available online 4 August 2012
a b s t r a c t
The continuous scaling in transistor dimensions for improving speed and functionality turns device reli-
ability one of the major concerns for nanometer design. This work aims to evaluate the effects of three
aging mechanisms acting on the CMOS logic gate reliability for different styles and topologies. Electrical
simulations associated to analytical and Spice wearout models are used to compute the circuit degrada-
tion. Simulation results reveal that the restructuring of intra-cell transistor networks avoids up to 17% of
delay increase due to aging, while the decomposition of single stage circuits into multi-stage topologies
tends to produce worse results in terms of performance aging depreciation.
2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
CMOS technology has been permanently scaling down during
the last decades. Several aspects ignored in earlier technology
nodes are becoming critical concerns in nanoscaled design [13].
The circuit reliability is one of the major challenges in nanometer
CMOS circuits [4]. Aging mechanisms, such as Hot Carrier Effect
(HCE), Negative-Bias Temperature Instability (NBTI), and Time-
Dependent Dielectric Breakdown (TDDB), have become a serious
issue to guarantee such reliability during the entire system
Therefore, to overcome the overall design constraints, the cir-
cuit reliability must be carefully modeled and evaluated since at
very beginning of design stage. In this sense, the same logic func-
tion can be designed through different transistor networks. These
variations can be achieved by modifying the logic style or by
restructuring the transistor arrangement. Also, such logic functions
can be decomposed into multiple stages. It is well-known that dif-
ferent topologies tend to present particular characteristics in terms
of area, speed and power consumption [5]. They also present dif-
ferent levels of degradation due to wearout mechanisms [6].
In order to achieve a robust design, many solutions to mitigate
wearout degradation have been proposed in the literature [3,5,7
9]. At circuit level, some techniques explore the input signal
dependence by reordering the gate inputs [7]. Other approaches in-
sert additional modules to explore supply and threshold voltages
inuence [8]. At gate level, there are techniques that add a time
slack margin to compensate the degradation upsizing the transis-
tors width [3]. Most of proposed techniques deal with only one
wearout mechanism. The interaction of different mechanisms
may produce a worse case scenario [9]. Moreover, related work
usually evaluates only simple gates as inverter, NAND and NOR.
However, it is expected that logic functions designed based on
more complex gates may improve circuit performance [5]. In this
sense, it is important to understand their robustness related to
aging effects for producing reliable high performance systems.
In this paper, a methodology to evaluate and quantify the long
term aging effect in CMOS logic gates is proposed. The method ex-
plores the signal and switching probability of different transistor
arrangements. From this procedure, some guidelines to design ro-
bust gates are presented considering the aging effects individually
and their interaction. CMOS gate design considering multiple
stages is also evaluated.
The major contribution of this paper is a novel method that can
be used to easily qualify the logic gate robustness. As a result, de-
sign guidelines for improving the reliability of gates when HCE,
NBTI and TDDB are pointed out.
2. Aging effects
The shrinking in critical transistor dimensions to nanometer
ranges and the increasing substrate doping densities result in a sig-
nicant increase of electric elds in the channel region of MOS
transistors. These high electric elds act in several ways changing
the transistor characteristics during its lifetime, as discussed in
2.1. NBTI
Negative-Bias Temperature Instability (NBTI) refers to the gen-
eration of positive oxide charge and interface traps in metal-oxide-
0026-2714/$ - see front matter 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Corresponding author at: Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, PGMICRO,

Porto Alegre, Brazil. Tel.: +55 51 3308 6165; fax: +55 51 3308 7308.
E-mail address: (P.F. Butzen).
Microelectronics Reliability 52 (2012) 18221826
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silicon structure under negative gate voltage biasing (V
= V
), in
particular at elevated temperature [7]. PMOS transistors are mostly
affected, since these devices are negatively biased when they are
conducting. NBTI effect increases the PMOS transistor threshold
voltage (V
) over time, reducing the device drive current and cir-
cuit speed [8]. For a specic technology node and a given set of
environmental conditions, the DV
can be expressed by the
following equation, as a function of the transistor stress probability
(TSP) [10]:
a TSP t
where a is a technology dependent constant, t is time, and n is
the NBTI time exponential constant. TSP is the probability that the
PMOS transistor is under negative biasing. It is a function of the in-
put signal probability and the position of the transistor in the
arrangement [6].
2.2. HCE
Hot Carrier Effect (HCE) consists in the process where some
electrons and holes that are traveling in the channel gain enough
kinetic energy to be injected into the transistor gate oxide, causing
permanent changes in the oxide-interface charge distribution [11].
This process results in a shift in the threshold voltage, transcon-
ductance degradation, and decreasing of the transistor drain cur-
rent drive capability. Due to the fact that the mobility of the
electrons is higher than the holes, NMOS transistors are more de-
graded than PMOS ones [12]. For a specic technology node and
for a given set of environmental conditions, the DV
can be ex-
pressed by the following equation, as a function of the transistor
switching HCE degradation probability (TSwP) [12]:
b TSwP t
where b is a technology dependent constant, t is time, and m is
the HCE time exponential constant. TSwP is the probability that
the NMOS transistor is switching and connected to the output node.
It depends on the transistor switching probability and on its posi-
tion in the arrangement.
2.3. TDDB
Time-Dependent Dielectric Breakdown (TDDB) can be dened
as the process when a conducting path emerges between the gate
and the substrate or source/drain regions [13]. This conducting
path is caused by a large electric eld in the transistor gate oxide
that eventually generates traps in the oxide, leading to tunneling
currents. Once enough traps are created, they start affecting the
electrical properties of the device, mainly the gate tunneling cur-
rent [14]. A power law degradation model is usually applied to
model the TBBD degradation [13]. In this work, the power law
model is converted to a dependent resistance model, as follows:
where K and p are technology dependent constants, and t is time.
Since TDDB degrades both PMOS and NMOS transistors, the TSP is
the probability that PMOS is under negative biasing, or the proba-
bility that NMOS is under positive biased.
2.4. Interaction between aging mechanisms
Each of the previously discussed aging mechanisms has its par-
ticularities. HCE can be dened as a dynamic mechanism that af-
fects the NMOS threshold voltage. NBTI can be considered as a
static effect that affects the PMOS threshold voltage. TDDB is also
a static mechanism, but affects the gate tunneling current in both
PMOS and NMOS transistors. Their effects may be combined to
provide a more accurate estimation of wearout device degradation.
The exact physical mechanism involved in each transistor aging
effect remains an open subject. The most accepted theory is the
existence of several physical mechanisms that contribute to the
degradation caused individually by each effect. Analytical models
group these contributions in the technology dependent parameters
to represent the device degradation behavior [9]. As mentioned be-
fore, the aging mechanisms can be classied in static and dynamic
components. Moreover, the mechanisms at the same class can af-
fect differently the transistor characteristics. Based on that, their
contribution can be considered independently and the interaction
can be computed through the sum of each degradation effect.
It is intuitive that the degradation in device characteristics be-
come even worse when the mechanisms interaction is considered.
The most important point in such interaction analysis is verifying
the efciency of techniques that are proposed to treat aging effects
individually. Some of these techniques may provide opposite re-
sults when the interaction is actually considered [9].
The approach explored in this work computes the degradation
in device characteristics due to each effect individually. The inter-
action consists in summing the contribution of each effect. Further-
more, the severity of each mechanism is represented by the
technology dependent parameters presented in the degradation
models, and provides another potential source of analysis.
3. Transistor arrangements and probability
It is well-known that the same logic function can be designed
using different congurations of transistor networks [5]. As men-
tioned before, these variations can be achieved by using different
logic styles, by using different transistor arrangements or restruc-
turing the same arrangement, and by decomposing the logic func-
tion in more than one stage. For instance, Fig. 1 shows two versions
of traditional CMOS AOI21 gate with restructured PMOS pull-up
plane. Fig. 2 shows the logic function OUT = !(-
a d + a c e + b c d + b e) designed over conventional series
parallel CMOS topology and exploring the bridge concept. An
example of a logic function decomposed into a multi-stage version
is depicted in Fig. 3.
The aging effects have been previously classied as static and
dynamic mechanisms. In both cases there are specic conditions
when the degradation may be considered severe and relevant.
The correct degradation analysis of these effects is achieved by
the right identication of such conditions. It deals with the interac-
tion analysis between the transistor arrangement, signal and
switching probabilities. The signal probability is relevant to static
degradation mechanisms while the switching probability is impor-
tant to dynamic effects.
Fig. 1. Two logically equivalent AOI21 CMOS gates.
P.F. Butzen et al. / Microelectronics Reliability 52 (2012) 18221826 1823
The severe degradation condition is directly dependent to the
transistor biasing. The static degradation is related to the voltage
across the gate oxide, and the dynamic one is related to the
drain-to-source voltage before signal transitioning. The exponen-
tial dependency makes the non-extreme cases almost insignicant.
In this sense, it is important to compute the extreme degradation
cases in the aging analysis.
The TSP parameter has been previously dened as the probabil-
ity of PMOS is under negative biasing or the probability of NMOS is
positive biased. It is a function of the input signal probability and
the position of the transistor in the arrangement. In previous work
[10], only the input signal probability has been considered to de-
ne the transistor stress condition. However, when transistor
stacks are present in the arrangement, the position of the device
has to be taken into account in the stress probability evaluation
[6]. In this work, the probability of intermediate and internal nodes
of a network is computed to precisely identify the occurrence of se-
vere device conditions. The transistor arrangement is logically
evaluated for each possible input vector (steady state): the internal
nodes are dened and the severe conditions are computed. The in-
put vector and the degradation condition probabilities are used to
dene the state of each device. This device probability is used to
obtain individual transistor degradation in the network.
The TSwP parameter, in turn, is the probability when the tran-
sistor suffers HCE degradation. Instead of NBTI and TDDB, that
are static degradation effects, HCE degrades the transistor when
it is switching. Since HCE effect is exponentially dependent to V
[12], only transistors that are directly connected to the output suf-
fer signicant HCE degradation. For this reason, the switching
activity is not enough to compute the logic gate degradation due
to such effect. The transistor position in the arrangement has to
be considered for a more accurate evaluation. To obtain this data,
a logical analysis with all possible input vector switching is per-
formed. All transitions in intermediate and output nodes are iden-
tied. TSwP is considered when the transistor that causes an output
signal transitioning is directly connected to the output node. In
multiple stage designs, intermediate nodes play the same role of
an output node. The signal switching in such nodes can also char-
acterize a severe dynamic degradation when the transistor that
cause this switching is directly connected at the intermediate
node. This degradation has also to be computed even when the
output node does not switch.
4. Aging robustness logic gate design guidelines
The following guidelines explore the particularities of each
aging mechanism individually. When these mechanisms present
the same characteristics, it is outlined.
Several considerations can be pointed out when the transistor
stacking is explored.
To prevent NBTI and TDDB degradation, the transistors with
higher ON probability (input 1 for NMOS and input 0 for
PMOS) must be placed far from power supplies. Since NBTI deg-
radation affects only PMOS transistors, when such strategy is
applied to the pull-up PMOS plane, both NBTI and TDDB degra-
dation are mitigated. On the other hand, when it is applied to
the pull-down NMOS plane, only TDDB degradation is affected.
This has already been reported considering only NBTI [7].
Fig. 2. Logic gate OUT = !(a d + a c e + b c d + b e): (a) conventional CMOS
and (b) bridge topology.
Fig. 3. NAND3: (a) single gate and (b) multi-stage circuit.
Table 1
Average delay degradation in inverter, NAND and NOR gates.
NBTI degradation
HCI degradation
degradation (%)
TDDB degradation
Degradation considering all effects
interaction (%)
Average delay
degradation (%)
Tp_HL 0.09 8.32 8.44 0.43 7.91 10.15
Tp_LH 13.35 0.07 13.44 0.32 13.08
Tp_HL 0.06 3.11 3.17 0.80 2.33 6.92
Tp_LH 13.72 0.20 13.50 0.87 12.47
Tp_HL 0.03 1.41 1.44 0.23 1.19 6.08
Tp_LH 14.09 0.25 13.81 1.69 11.75
Tp_HL 0.70 4.02 3.29 1.17 1.93 7.75
Tp_LH 16.47 0.02 16.50 1.16 15.08
Tp_HL 1.92 2.25 0.30 2.01 1.88 4.58
Tp_LH 17.91 0.01 17.93 3.06 12.72
1824 P.F. Butzen et al. / Microelectronics Reliability 52 (2012) 18221826
Due to the same reason, when the transistor arrangement is a
combination of series/parallel associations, both NBTI and TDDB
degradation can be mitigated placing as many transistor as pos-
sible close to the output node. Again, when applied to the pull-
up PMOS plane, both NBTI and TDDB are positively affected,
while in pull-down NMOS plane, only the TDDB impact is
improved. This concept has also been already reported consid-
ering only NBTI [6].
To mitigate HCE degradation, the opposite of both previous
statements must be followed. As the HCE effect is exponentially
dependent to V
, the transistor with higher switching probabil-
ity must be placed close to the power supply. Also, the amount
of transistors far from the output node must be maximized. As
HCE affects mainly NMOS transistor, this guideline is more valid
to the pull-down NMOS plane.
Although the above remarks may be considered in complemen-
tary, the guidelines to deal with NBTI and HCE can be applied to-
gether at the same gate. The complementarity of HCE and TDDB
in the pull-down NMOS plane let the designer to choose the proper
guideline to be followed according to the severity of the effects.
Due to the characteristics described previously, the logic planes
that present transistor stacks tend to be more robust against aging
effect than the planes that have only single devices between the
power rail and the output node.
The following consideration is related to design a logic function
in a single complex stage or using several simple gates to imple-
ment it in a multi-stage version.
Designing a logic function in a circuit with more than one stage
leads to a higher device count, increasing the number of transis-
tors under aging degradation. Moreover, multiple stage solu-
tions tend to use simplied structures, reducing so the
intrinsic robustness resulted from transistor stacks.
5. Simulation results
The long terms models presented in Section 2 are used to esti-
mate the device degradation due to aging effects over 10 years. As
the severity of aging mechanisms depends on the technology un-
der evaluation, the degradation applied in this work considered a
maximum V
impact of 50 mV for NBTI and HCE effects, and a
range of breakdown resistance from GO (fresh device) to KO (max-
imum degraded device) for TDDB effect. The behavior of each
mechanism follows the ones already reported in the literature
The 32 nm CMOS predictive technology model (PTM) has been
used to evaluate the circuits [15]. The stress probabilities for the
devices have been computed according to the procedure presented
in Section 3. Equal switching activity and a signal probability of 0.5
for all inputs has been taken into account. In functions designed as
multiple stage circuits, the probability of each logic gate and inter-
nal nodes were also computed. Electrical characterization was car-
ried out for different design versions of some logic functions,
considering fanout four delay (nominal and degraded delay).
Table 1 presents the normalized average propagation delay deg-
radation of inverter, NAND and NOR gates. The columns show the
degradation when NBTI, HCE, and TDDB are considered individually
and combined. The results show that the TDDB effect reduces the
propagation delay. The conductive path through the gate oxide cre-
ates a voltage divider that reduces the output signal excursion,
reducing the propagation delay. When HCE is considered, the tran-
sistor stack in NAND gates recovers up to 83% of delay degradation.
The transistor stack in NOR gates is affected by NBTI, and they pres-
ent anopposite behavior to the NAND, increasing the delay degrada-
tion up to 35%. These results are easily understood since the HCE
only affects the transistor connected to the output node, while the
NBTI affect all three transistors in the NOR PMOS pull-up stack.
The last columnshows the average propagationdelay. Fromthat col-
umn, it is possible to verify that the transistor stack structure may be
explored to reduce aging degradation in CMOS designs.
The degradation recovered due to the transistor arrangement
restructuring, as illustrated in Fig. 1 through AOI21 gates, is pre-
sented in Table 2. A pull-down plane restructuring is represented
through two OAI21 gates. The restructuring shows a recovery in
delay degradation up to 21%. According to the results, the benet
of network restructuring on NMOS pull-down plane is higher than
on the PMOS pull-up plane. This higher improvement follows the
same behavior discussed in previous analysis.
Table 3
Average delay degradation in NAND3 and NOR3 gates designed in single (SS) and
multi-stage (MS).
Gate Normalized average delay degradation (%)
NBTI HCE NBTI + HCI Interaction TBBD Interaction
NAND3 SS 6.5 0.6 7.2 0.9 6.1
NAND3 MS 7.3 2.0 9.3 3.2 5.7
NOR3 SS 6.9 1.3 8.1 2.7 4.6
NOR3 MS 7.5 2.2 9.8 3.9 5.3
Table 4
Average delay degradation (%) in different designs of logic function
OUT = !(a d + a c e + b c d + b e).
NBTI HCE TDDB Interaction
Fig. 3 (b)
Tp_HL 4.16 1.79 1.90 4.42
Tp_LH 21.00 0.18 8.74 8.36
Fig. 3 (a)
Tp_HL 2.07 1.71 2.09 2.58
Tp_LH 18.77 0.23 3.72 13.29
Fig. 4
Tp_HL 5.94 2.16 2.67 5.26
Tp_LH 9.44 0.31 3.90 5.81
Table 2
Average delay degradation in AOI21(Fig. 1) and OAI21 gates.
Gate Normalized average delay
degradation (%)
Degradation recovered (%)
NBTI HCE TDDB Interaction
AOI21 (a) 7.4 1.6 1.1 7.6 11
AOI21 (b) 6.9 1.5 1.3 6.7
OAI21 (a) 6.9 1.7 0.8 7.6 21
OAI21 (b) 6.8 0.8 1.4 6.0
Fig. 4. Multi-stage logic gate OUT = !(ad + ace + bcd + be).
P.F. Butzen et al. / Microelectronics Reliability 52 (2012) 18221826 1825
The results from multi-stage design are presented in Table 3.
In this table both NAND3 design, illustrated in Fig. 3, and NOR3
design are explored. The data analysis can be divided into two
steps. The rst one considers only HCE and NBTI. In this case,
the multi simple stages design present worse delay degradation
when compared to a single complex stage approach. Such result
is justied since simple gates do not explore the transistor stack
robustness presented in more complex design. The second anal-
ysis, when TDDB is included, presents opposite degradation re-
sults. Again, the conductive path through the gate oxide
reduces the output signal voltage swing, reducing the propaga-
tion delay.
Table 4 shows the results of three different designs for the logic
function OUT = !(a d + a c e + b c d + b e). Two designs are
illustrated in Fig. 2. The third one is a multi-stage approach, de-
picted in Fig. 4. Several considerations could be extracted from
these data. Considering single stage designs, the results show that
the NBTI is more expressive than HCE. This can be veried due to
the higher degradation in low-to-high delay than in high-to-low
delay. The higher NBTI degradation contributes to reduce the
high-to-low delay. Since the traditional CMOS design has more
transistors than the bridge topology, the NBTI is more expressive
in the rst approach. In multi-stage design the delay degradation
is balanced due to the presence of several stages. As mentioned
in previous analysis, the TDDB effect improves the performance
at a cost of reduced voltage excursion.
Table 5 shows the normalized power degradation values. The
power data has been divided in dynamic and static power compo-
nents. Experimental data shows that HCE and NBTI generally re-
duce the dynamic power, but are almost irrelevant when
compared to the TDDB inuence. TDDB creates a conductive path
through the gate oxide and contributes to reduce the total voltage
excursion. Since dynamic power is quadratic dependent on the
voltage excursion (difference of potentials), TDDB contributes to
reduce it.
In terms of static power consumption, the analysis of static cur-
rent represents the device degradation level. NBTI and HCE reduce
the static current since they inuence directly V
, i.e., a higher
reduction in the static current means a larger increment of V
lue, and consequently a more signicant aging degradation. TDDB,
in turn, creates a conductive path across the gate oxide that
changes the dielectric properties and increases signicantly the
gate tunneling consumption. The degradation level of TDDB is also
directly reected in static currents. The multi-stage designs are the
ones that present the higher level of TDDB degradation and conse-
quently the higher static current degradation.
6. Conclusions
Different design solutions, that can be used to represent certain
logic function, have been investigated considering the inuence of
aging effects in terms of circuit reliability. Electrical simulation re-
sults show that the transistor arrangement restructuring is a po-
tential design solution to recover the delay degradation. The use
of logic functions designed based on one single complex stage, in-
stead of multiple stages of simple gates, can also be a solution to
reduce the aging degradation. To achieve more reliable designs,
the guidelines proposed herein can be easily used together with
other techniques already presented in the literature.
Research partially funded by Nangate Inc. under a Nangate/
UFRGS research agreement, by CAPES and CNPq Brazilian funding
agencies, by FAPERGS under Grant 11/2053-9 (Pronem) and by
the European Communitys Seventh Framework Programme under
Grant 248538Synaptic.
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Table 5
Average power consumption degradation.
Dynamic power Static power
NBTI (%) HCE (%) TDDB (%) Interaction (%) NBTI (%) HCE (%) TDDB (X) Interaction (X)
Inverter 2.90 0.48 2.90 2.90 33.2 32.1 384 383
NAND2 0.22 0.11 4.00 3.67 26.2 17.7 330 328
NAND3_a 0.22 0.52 3.93 4.54 21.8 9.3 386 386
NAND3_b 0.41 0.35 18.94 21.13 28.0 16.8 943 940
NOR2 1.01 0.09 5.31 6.68 35.2 17.6 372 370
NOR3_a 1.53 0.14 6.61 10.05 35.3 9.9 516 515
NOR3_b 0.81 0.00 19.24 22.06 33.0 17.9 1021 1016
AOI21_a 0.40 0.12 3.61 4.57 35.0 13.2 296 296
AOI21_b 0.78 0.02 4.23 5.76 29.7 10.2 305 303
OAI21_a 0.59 0.35 2.77 2.83 26.2 19.0 215 214
OAI21_b 0.92 0.35 3.71 4.80 29.4 9.0 293 292
Bridge_a 2.27 0.03 6.64 10.07 24.8 10.3 298 297
Bridge_b 1.30 0.21 4.57 6.76 28.5 9.6 219 218
Bridge_c 0.30 0.25 7.92 8.33 32.4 8.6 461 460
1826 P.F. Butzen et al. / Microelectronics Reliability 52 (2012) 18221826

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