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Expression Widgets for Learning Environments

by Marcio Galli
Taboca Labs and Friends

This document proposes ideas that enhances the current Web browsing experience
and allows users to participate collaboratively to build open learning resources. In the
scope of this document, the term learning session relates to a synchronous learning
event that has a team of participants involved for a period of time. Examples of
leaning sessions could be a lecture, a test for students, a discussion, users watching a
movie, and more. The term expression widgets refers to browser enhancement
tools that allows participants to create data content that can be shared and re-
purposed into online documents that supports a given learning session.


This section offers a brief overview about a few areas that are considered the main
motivation points in this proposal:

Web Quests

The WebQuest [1] model proposes that the Web itself can be used as a resource
of experiences that supports inquiry-oriented tasks. This model suggests the use
of real-life online data as a means to enhance engagement and discussions
among students. The wide aspect of the Web has the value of the unexpected
and ever changing real-life data but it also presents potential challenges as a
participant could loose its focus. To help with this challenge, the quest model
proposes that guidelines can exist as part of the quest. These can vary from
using tools, such as a video conference session, or guideline requests such as a
list of pre-determined Web links to follow. These parameters are used to
support participants to achieve goals towards the presented challenges. In a
similar analysis, the Mozilla Labs Design Challenges projects can be considered
as examples of quests that uses certain parameters that motivates and engages
participants to get involved.

Open Educational Content

The Open Textbook project [2] identifies barriers at educational institutions and
the need to raise awareness and knowledge about open educational resources.
The project suggests that the strong preference of publisher's textbooks is
associated with assumptions that instructors prefers to adopt these materials.
The strong culture and dependencies with traditional publishing are key
challenges for new and open learning systems. In this scenario, this project
proposes a more natural way in which users can participate and express their
input as part of ongoing leaning events. The idea is to get participants more
involved in the process of content creation without a strict authoring structure
that can be confused or compared with traditional textbooks - such as text
writing. Instead, it is proposed that the content creation can be more like a free
form browsing experience and feels like the action of re-purposing Web content.
The more users are involved in content creation, more likely they are to accept
the general use of open educational resources in future learning conditions.

Social-aware Web 2.0

At educational institutions, the general use of e-learning systems may raise
security questions related to information security governance [3]. Governance
aspects may demand complex maintenance solutions to keep e-leaning
ecosystems up to date. Social Web 2.0 apps can fill certain gaps when learning
systems are not as up-to-date and when groups of individuals wants to take
advantage of creative social systems in team-driven projects.

A study about an online tutoring using Second Life [4], shows that Web 2.0
applications, such as wikis, are being used as a resource for collaboration that is
defined by the community of learners. This model allows team-based external
systems to affect interaction dynamics that could be previously set by a tutor.
In the case of a game environment with strict rules, such as second life, the wiki
page could well serve as a quick for quick annotations for everything else that is
difficult to do under the game rules.

Expression Widgets with JetPacks

In the scope of this project, a learning session is a synchronous session such as a

lecture of 1-2 hours given by a tutor. While some of the ideas can be used for
asynchronous sessions, such as an assignment task that lasts one week, the
synchronous scenario seems to be a good candidate for an implementation that could
go along with a future evaluation test program in a real class. The initial scenario is a
traditional lecture with a number of learners following notes from a tutor. It is
assumed that the participants are also using laptops or other types of devices where
they can directly control a Firefox user agent with the JetPack infra-structure installed.

An expression widget is defined as a JetPack-based application that lets participants to

use Web content and applications as resources to create and repurpose Web data as
their expression notes, and share into a repository that represents the leaning
session. The remote repository itself should not enforce too many rules. For this
reason a wiki is recommended. Similarly to the way that a wiki page works, the
repository itself should represent the conventions established by the partitipating
members. In some cases, the wiki could start empty, other scenarios can be tested
with a basic framework set.

Jetpack infra-structure supports the direction of a free form easy to use browsing/
editing experience that allows manipulation over Web-based content. As an example,
a student could write in a hand book and easily put arrows to connect objects of
information previously written. These expression widgets could function in a similar
way and support the easy manipulation of elements from the Web or previously
created, or previously shared in the wiki repository. The following table enumerates
the main capacities part of the expression widgets:

Capacity Description Examples, Comments

* Possible to get
Widget code may offer
anything from the Web;
interface elements that
Web Content - Re-
allow participants to re-
purpose * Examples are: take
purpose existing web
screenshot, take text
content from pages.
from pages, take
numbers from pages,
takes mathematical
expression from pages,
takes SVG elements from
pages, and more.

* local apps dont have

URI could be a problem;

* local app can perform

really well;

* remote input, over the

wiki, can also carry
Widgets to allow
reference to the JP-
participants to simple
based script;
Web Content - Create create new content not
exactly tied to existing
* As an example a
pages on the web.
canvas-based drawing.
While this case is not
considered a web-based
page, the
implementation itself can
be available using the
very same Web-based
model with URI.

* post an item from user

A in section A in the wiki
General idea is to have page; The item has a
content to be shared in a timestamp and also
friendly way that meta-data about the
participant A input, when widget plus data section;
posted to the wiki, does
not conflict with * the convention is part
participant B in terms of of the posted expression
the wiki requirements. statement. The
As an example, widgets aggregated view of items
can be smart enough to could represent more
Conventions - Share
add content under its complex conventions to
separated wiki section. other widgets that
Each expression interpret the whole data?
statement should have would it be possible to
enough meta-data, such re-express a whole
as timestamp or UUID, aggregated view of
so that re- expression statements?
contextualization is also Like sum votes[a+b+c]
possible . where a,b,c are users.

* widget should post in a

friendly way with the
convention rules
established over the
remote repository;

Expression widgets can

also render content from
the wiki in a richer
format. The wiki itself
may end up with a list of
user sections and bullets * possibility to make a
that represents each game or expression rules
user expression action. that takes into
The more complex the consideration input from
widgets are, it may get many users;
to a point tha the text is
not readable by a * possibility for
Conventions - Interaction
human. This is a tricky statements of user A to
point it needs to be be cloned by user B as in
discussed; a retwitt effect in the
Participants should be
able to refer and possibly * means to resolve a
reuse and modify the widget;
expression statements
from others in a way that
is friendly to participants
evolving conventions and
boost constructivism.

The following illustration shows a sidebar on the left with some of the available
widgets available at the bottom left corner of the participant's browser experience.
Examples are Screenshot, Drawing, Text, MathML, etc. The upper left area has other
note books ( other learning session repositories .) The content on the right is the
widget-powered view of the content that can be transferred to the repository. This can
be considered a visualization mode / editing switch mode. When in creation mode, the
widget can let users to add over the very same page or capture and re-purpose
content from other tabs over to this session page.
The following illustration shows the basic wiki view page that represents the learning
annotation space for a given event ( a lecture for example ) that happened for a
period of time. Each section of the wiki page holds the collection of statements
provided by a participant. Note the presence of timestamp attributes at the beginning
of each statement. This page has three different sections (in yellow, blue, and green)
representing input from three individuals.
Other visualizations would also be possible and could mix the wiki view with the
widgets-rendered view. Depending on the mode of operation, widgets could also be
used to render the rich view over the wiki page as in creating additional realities of
visualization. There is also opportunities for special display panels that could be used
to give some general views to the whole class in case of a real live session.

How JetPack supports this implementation

This section enumerates some of aspects in the Jetpack infra-structure and how it
may related to benefits in the learning space based on the proposal ideas.

Description Learning Aspects
Higher security means
that participating users
can use the widgets in a
natural way that
Unlike the traditional
requires less technical
extensions support in
expertise or
Firefox, the JetPack
understanding the
infra-structure offers a
widget code.
sandbox model where
certain types of
The user can quickly
Security extensions, called
review the list of
JetPacks, can run with
installed expression
improved security.
widgets, disable or easy
import new widgets to
A survey with Firefox
their session. Once a
extension study [5]
user knows about the
shows that a number of
list of trusted
the popular Firefox
expression widgets, he/
extension behaviors are
she should be able to
related to features that
simply use it in a
could be exposed
natural way that is
without a need to
similar to an common
expose the full API.
browsing experience.
The JetPack Security
This aspect may also be
Model [6] is currently
an opportunity to
under development and
enable university
defines limitations in
environments to accept
terms of the resources
the wider use of
that a JetPack-based
browser widgets as part
script can access from
of their learning and
the browser XPCOM
authoring systems. The
security aspects in a
JetPack powered
experience can lead to
an opportunity for wider
acceptance by
educational institutions
as they may have
information security
criteria as part of their
governance structure.

Seamless Installation JetPacks can be If expression widgets

installed without a need can be smoothly
to restart. With installed, there is a
traditional Firefox greater chance for the
extensions, the need for aggregated of these
a browser application tools at the same time.
restart is required. There is an opportunity
While Firefox offers for association between
session restore
collection of Jetpacks
features, the act of
and a given learning
restart is time
consuming and lead the
user to loose its focus.
As an example, a
In the case of Firefox,
student part of a math
most of the extensions
class maybe using
do not talk with each
widgets such as page
other and they in
screenshot capture, text
general interact on Web
capture, MathML, and
pages or the user's
SVG generators.
profile browser session.

The JetPack infra-

structure allows Web
developers to deploy
Web-based JavaScript The browser and the
that can access and Web becomes the
Access to Browser manage data from the content
Session user's current session. generator that allows a
variety of data to be re-
A JetPack script has purposed, created, and
access to a variety of shared under a given
resources proposed as learning session.
JEPs and allow
developers to come up
with great ideas to
enhance the default
browser experience.
Examples of items that
a JetPack script can
access are: Information
about Tabs, content
from pages, perform
XHR operations, and

Participants can post to

Posts and reads using collaborative
feeds model and XHR repositories that they
transport - compliance understand what is it
with to Web 2.0 about. The use of wiki
Collaboration and
negotiation model as collaborative
application - for remote resource offers less
or local data-sources; barriers to other
participating users,
tools, and
transformation systems.
Example Ideas

• Professor requests a circle; Professor talks about a species of a fish; One

student grabs a image of the fish from Google Images, other quotes part of
the definition available in the wikipedia document. Other student finds an SVG
of a fish that is not really the real fish, other student draws a fish. While the
students could be using skills associated with quests on the Web, there could
be chances that the use of these communication languages could inspire
students to pay attention or discuss other areas too.

• It is important to evaluate how to create more complex scenarios where

students are can create things together and possibly the expression evaluation
is also associated when the aggregated view is rendered. Let's say a
mathematical expression and additions or insertions. The insertion statements
are more complex and each item refers/quotes item from other participants,
and adds to it. Example: @felipegomes %01 { x=10 } ... @marcio %02 {
"@felipegomes %01 {math:x=10}" math:x=10+10 }

Final Words

The general goal of this work is to identify opportunities in the online learning space
and propose scenarios to support participants to annotate, organize, and collaborate
about topics occurring in events. This work also explores emerging opportunities for
collaborative and learning frameworks that may friendly, or even disconnected, from
specific governance rules that are in place as part of learning systems at educational

In terms of future works, a system implementation is suggested with focus on a set of

widgets that can support certain types of classes in the technical and engineering
field. The technology field seems to be a good candidate for a pilot evaluation
program as it should be easier to get buy in from professors from respected
universities. A pilot evaluation program is strongly recommended and also a criteria
for tests and analysis. Additional documentation should be provided in case the
evaluation program and widgets implementation is required. Thanks to Felipe Gomes
for the great contributions and the many learning and brainstorming sessions we had.
Also thanks to Mark Surman and Frank Hecker input with open education materials.


[1] Dodge, B., (1997). Some Thoughts About WebQuests. From

[2] Baker, J., Thierstein, J., Fletcher, K., Kaur, M., & Emmons, J. (2009, November).
Open Textbook Proof-of-Concept via Connexions. From International Review of
Research in Open and Distance Learning website:

[3] Chang, V., Uden, L. (2009). Governance for E-learning Ecosystem. School of
Information Systems, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia. Faculty of
Computing, Engineering and Technology, Staffordshire University, Stafford, United
[4] Fedeli, L., (2009, August). Avatar-assisted learning: Second Life and the new
challenges of online tutoring. University of Macerata, Macerata, Italy. VIWO 2009

[5] Felt, A., (2009, October). A Survey of Firefox Extension API Use. Technical Report
No. UCB/EECS-2009-139, website:

[6] JetPack Security Model. From Mozilla wiki website:


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