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Chao Charlie Huang 1 July 21, 2014

Chao Charlie Huang, Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Research Staff Me!er " Center for #ioengineering
Micro and $ano %echnology Section " Materials &ngineering 'i(ision

)a*rence )i(erore $ational )a!oratory
+000 &ast ,(e, )-22., #uilding 1/++, Roo 200+, )i(erore, C, 14000
21 31204 424-4041 " huang./5llnl6go( " ***6chaocharliehuang6co

Microfluidics, !ioedical de(ices, icrofa!rication, M&MS, 7article and cell ca7ture8se7aration systes,
electro9inetics, acoustofluidics, nano7article synthesis6

Ph.D., #ioedical &ngineering, Cornell Universit, :thaca, $; 2014
!.S., #ioedical &ngineering, Cornell Universit, :thaca, $; 201.
".S., #ioengineering 3*ith College Honors4, Universit o# $ashington, Seattle, <, 200=

National S&ien&e 'oun(ation )ra(uate Resear&h 'ello*shi+ 2010 > 201.
Cornell )ra(uate S&hool Resear&h Travel )rant 201.
,ohn !. !&!ullen 'ello*shi+ -Cornell. 200= > 2001
Dean/s Un(ergra(uate Resear&h A*ar( -U$. 200=
Ro0inson Center #or 1oung S&holars Para(ise S&holarshi+ -U$. 200+
Un(ergra(uate S&holar A*ar( -U$. 2004 > 200/

16 ?ir!y #J, Huang C6 Hy!rid '&P-:C 'e(ices for Ca7ture of Circulating %uor Cells at High Purity6
Pro(isional 7atent 3$o6 /18/=4,.004 filed ,ug6 20126

16 Huang C, Sith JP, Saha %M, Rhi ,', ?ir!y #J6 Characteri@ation of icrofluidic shear-de7endent
e7ithelial cell adhesion olecule iunoca7ture and enrichent of 7ancreatic cancer cells fro
!lood cells *ith dielectro7horesis, Biomicrofluidics, =344A 04410+, 20146
26 Huang C, )iu H, #ander $H, ?ir!y #J6 &nrichent of 7rostate cancer cells fro !lood cells *ith a
hy!rid dielectro7horesis and iunoca7ture icrofluidic syste, Biomedical Microdevices, 103/4A
141-=, 201.6
.6 Huang C, Santana SM, )iu H, #ander $H, Ha*9ins #B, ?ir!y #J6 Characteri@ation of a hy!rid
dielectro7horesis and iunoca7ture icrofluidic syste for cancer cell ca7ture, Electrophoresis
3co(er article4, .43204A 21+0-1, 201.6
46 Ha*9ins #B, Huang C, ,rasani7alai S, ?ir!y #J6 ,utoated 'ielectro7horetic Characteri@ation of
Mycobacterium smegmatis, Analytical Chemistry, =.314A .00+-10, 20116
06 Pratt &'C, Huang CC, Ha*9ins #B, Bleghorn JP, ?ir!y #J6 Rare cell ca7ture in icrofluidic de(ices,
Chemical Engineering Science, //3+4A 100=-22, 20116 C,uthors contri!uted eDually to this *or96

Chao Charlie Huang 2 July 21, 2014
16 )annin %#, Huang C, Hartan J, ?ir!y #J6 &lectrorotation of cancer cells to o7tii@e 7erforance of
dielectro7horesis ca7ture de(ices,E Gordon Research Seminar (Bioanalytical Sensors), $e*7ort, R:,
Jun6 20146
26 Sith JP, Bleghorn JP, Bodla M&, Huang C, )annin %#, Pratt &', Santana SM, %hege F:, ?ir!y #J6
Circulating %uor Cell 3C%C4 Cancer #ioar9ers Gsing Beoetrically &nhanced 'ifferential
:unoca7ture 3B&':4 Microde(ices, Society for ab Automation and Screening, San 'iego, C,,
Jan6 20146
.6 Huang C, Sith JP, )iu H, #ander $H, ?ir!y #J6 &nrichent of 7rostate cancer cells fro !lood cells
*ith a hy!rid dielectro7horesis and iunoca7ture icrofluidic syste, Micro!AS, Frei!urg,
Berany, Hct6 201.6
46 Huang C, Sith JP, )iu H, #ander $H, ?ir!y #J6 , Hy!rid 'ielectro7horesis and :unoca7ture
Syste for &nhanced Ca7ture of Circulating %uor Cells, BMES Annual Meeting, Seattle, <,, Se76
06 Huang C, Sith JP, ?ir!y #J6 , Hy!rid 'ielectro7horesis and :unoca7ture Microfluidic Syste
for &nhanced Rare Cell Ca7ture, Cornell "anoScale Science # !echnology $acility Annual Meeting,
:thaca, $;, Se76 201. 3in(ited s7ea9er46
/6 ?ir!y #J, Bleghorn JP, Bodla M&, Huang C, )annin %#, Pratt &', Santana SM, Sith JP, Syed S,, %hege
F:6 Ca7ture and interrogation of circulator tuor cells !y use of geoetrically enhanced differential
iunoca7ture 3B&':4 icrofluidic de(ices, Gordon Research Conference (%hysics and Chemistry of
Microfluidics), )ucca, :taly, Jun6 201.6
+6 Huang C, Santana SM, Ha*9ins #B, )iu H, #ander $H, ?ir!y #J6 'ielectro7horesis-&nhanced
:unoca7ture of Prostate Cancer Cells, BMES Annual Meeting, ,tlanta, B,, Hct6 20126
=6 ,rasani7alai S, Ha*9ins #B, Huang C, ?ir!y #J6 'ielectro7horetic S7ectroetry of Me!rane
Pro7erties in Myco!acteria, Gordon Research Seminar (Bioanalytical Sensors4, $e*7ort, R:, Jun6
16 Huang C, Ha*9ins #B, ,rasani7alai S, ?ir!y #J6 'ielectro7horetic Characteri@ation of Myco!acteria
and Prostate Cancer Cells, BMES Annual Meeting, Hartford, C%, Hct6 20116
106 ,rasani7alai S, Ha*9ins #B, Huang C, ?ir!y #J6 'ielectro7horetic se7aration of Myco!acteria to aid
in %u!erculosis research, &&
"e' (or) Comple* Matter +or)shop, Syracuse, $;, Jun6 20116
116 Huang C, Ha*9ins #B, ,rasani7alai S, ?ir!y #J6 ,utoated 'ielectro7horetic Characteri@ation of
Myco!acteria, BMES Annual Meeting, ,ustin, %I, Hct6 20106
126 Huang C, Ha*9ins #B, ,rasani7alai S, ?ir!y #J6 ,utoated 'ielectro7horetic Characteri@ation for
Microfluidic Cell Se7aration 'e(ices, Micro!AS, Broningen, %he $etherlands, Hct6 20106
1.6 Huang C, Ha*9ins #B, ?ir!y #J6 ,utoated 'ielectro7horetic Characteri@ation for Microfluidic Cell
Se7aration, &,
"e' (or) Comple* Matter +or)shop, :thaca, $;, Jun6 20106
146 Ha*9ins #B, Huang C, Stranic :S, ?onda7alli S, ?ir!y #J6 Particle screening in 7olyeric icrofluidic
de(ices using insulating dielectro7horesis and freDuency-odulated electric fields, Micro!AS, JeJu,
?orea, $o(6 20016
106 Ha*9ins #B, Huang C, ?ir!y #J6 'ielectro7horetic Characteri@ation and Sorting of Myco!acteria,
BMES Annual Meeting, Pitts!urgh, P,, Hct6 20016

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