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Luigi Pirandello

He was born in Kaos on June 28Th,

1867. His father’s name was Stefano
and his mother’s was Caterina Ricci
Gramitto. He studied doctorate in
Romance philology in 1891.

He started writing Novels in 1869,

then he wrote poems, shorts stories,
comedies, collaborations with news
papers editors and other journalists
in magazines, his last work was
written in 1925.

In 1921 he published six characters

in search of an Author. One year
later, he published Henry IV and two
years later he wrote Each In His
Own Way.
When he was twelve, he had already written his first tragedy. In
1894 he married Antonietta Portulano and they had 3 children:
Stefano, Fausto and Lietta.
Luigi Pirandello won the Nobel Prize in literature in 1934. Two years
later he died in Rome on December 10 Th.

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