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topic posted Fri, June 18, 2010 - 8:02 AM by Maggie

Here is some info I've !t"ered #"i$e rese!rc"in %imbi:
In H!iti!n &odou, %imbi '!$so %im'bi( is ! $!re !nd diverse f!mi$y of serpent deities from t"e )est *entr!$ Afric! + ,ono
reion- %ome prominent %imbi .o! inc$ude %imbi /$o '!$so %imbi d'$'e!u - %imbi of t"e )!ter(, %imbi M!0!y!, %imbi
Ande1o '%imbi of 2#o )!ters(, !nd 3r!n %imb!- 2r!dition!$$y in t"eir ,ono conte4t t"ey !re !$$ !ssoci!ted #it" #!ter,
but in t"e H!iti!n &odoun conte4t t"ey "!ve #ide r!nin !ssoci!tions- For e4!mp$e %imbi M!0!y! is ! re!t sorcerer,
!nd served in p!rticu$!r in t"e %!np#e$ secret societies- %imbi Anp!0! is ! .o! of p$!nts, $e!ves, !nd poisons-
%imbi spirits !re s!id to perc" in trees $i0e t"e birds !nd descend to t"e round to cre!te m!ic- 2"ey !re be$ieved to be
t"e source of speci!$ b$essins !nd ! "i"er c$!ss of !ncestors, e$ev!ted by de!t" to ! "i"er st!tus t"!n "um!ns5 yet ,
sti$$ !v!i$!b$e for consu$t!tion !nd service- %imbi is !$so ! $#! of communic!tion- 2"ins re!rdin communic!tion #"ic"
move !t t"e speed of $i"t !re in %imbi's dom!in 'suc" !s nerve impu$ses, Internet, e$ectricity-( He is !ssoci!ted #it"
crossro!ds !nd "is veve 'ritu!$ symbo$( encomp!sses t"e e6u!$-!rmed cross '
Mi$o 7i!ud '*ity .i"ts, 895 c1:;:5 <%ecrets of &oodoo<( spe!0s of %imbi !s t"e &odou Mercury, t"e messener of
.eb! 't"e %un(- In t"is !spect %imbi is t"e be!rer of sou$s to !$$ p$!ces, !nd t"e cre!tive princip$e-
2"e ,ono .#! of H!iti!n &odou
%imbi: =riest ,in of t"e ,ono 8!tion
%imbi>veve%imbi is t"e co$$ective n!me for ! very diverse roup of !ncient !ncestr!$ spirits, #"o come from t"e ,i0ono
!re! of )est *entr!$ Afric!- ,ono spiritu!$ity is p!rticu$!r$y sop"istic!ted !nd cre!tive- 2"e ,ono #or$d vie# divides
into t#o pieces - "e!ven bein t"e p$!ce of t"e ods !nd t"e e!rt" t"e dom!in of t"e mort!$s- ?et#een t"ese t#o #or$ds
$ies ! v!st se!, !n oce!n of f$uid t"!t spirits tr!verse in t"eir move bet#een t"e t#o dom!ins- Here is #"ere t"e %imbis
$ive- In ,ono spiritu!$ity t"ere is reconi1ed ! spiritu!$ "ier!rc"y- Immedi!te$y !bove $ivin "um!ns !re t"e !ncestors, or
80uyu- 2"ese !re t"e !ncestors #"o !re n!med- Above t"em, !nd more removed from "um!ns, !re t"e %imbi- In t"e
,ono be$ief system, !$$ %imbi '!$so c!$$ed ?!simbi for p$ur!$ !nd ,isimbi( !re !ssoci!ted #it" #!ter- 2"ey !re t"e source
of speci!$ b$essins but !re 0no#n to be some#"!t unpredict!b$e- 2"ey !re !$so s!id to be <t#ice born< #"ic" me!ns
t"!t t"ey "!ve not $ived recent$y on e!rt"-', !ccessed @+A+0@( Hence, t"ey !re ! "i"er c$!ss of
!ncestors, "!vin been e$ev!ted by de!t" to ! "i"er st!tus t"!n "um!ns, yet sti$$ !v!i$!b$e to us for consu$t!tion !nd
%imbi is !$so ! $#! of communic!tion- 2"ins re!rdin communic!tion #"ic" move !t t"e speed of $i"t !re in %imbi's
dom!in 'suc" !s nerve impu$ses, Internet, e$ectricity-( He is !ssoci!ted #it" crossro!ds !nd "is veve encomp!sses t"e
e6u!$-!rmed cross 'see !bove(- 2"ere !re m!ny %imbi, so t"e co$ors f!vored for e!c" #i$$ v!ry- In my o#n peristy$e, I
#!s t!u"t by my =!p! ,!n1o to !ssoci!te Ande1o #it" 2ur6uoise !nd 7ed5 M!0!y! #it" 7ed !nd ?$!c0, /$o #it" ?$ue
!nd 3reen- Bur "ouse !ssoci!tes %imbi #it" t"e im!e of t"e 2"ree ,ins- I re!$i1e I !m bein very r!dic!$ "ere, !nd not
usin t"e tr!dition!$ c"romo$it"or!p" of t"e ,ins- ?ut !s !n !rtist, I !m e4ercisin my ri"t to brin fort" im!es t"!t
#or0 for me- Bt"er "ouses use %t- Andre#, t"ou" t"!t im!e most often refers to ?!ron ,!$four- C!c" "ouse in H!iti
"!s it's f!vorites, but t"ese seem to be t"e most common-
Dn$i0e t"e re!t serpent /!mb!$!" )edo, %imbi is considered to be ! $on, s$im sn!0e- %!$$ie Ann 3$!ssm!n "!s
interpreted %imbi posed !s t"e 7ider-)!ite M!ici!n c!rd of t"e 2!rot, #it" "is !rms r!ised in t"e tr!dition!$ )estern
M!ic s!$ut!tion- )"!tever "is im!e, %imbi is !bove !$$ t"e preeminent m!ici!n, st!tesm!n !nd #ise sou$ #"o brins
po#er, #e!$t" !nd insi"t to "is servitors- Bffer "im #!ter 'if it's Ande1o, offer #!ter from t#o sources, suc" !s oce!n
!nd fres" #!ter(, r!in #!ter, especi!$$y r!in #!ter from ! $i"tenin storm, reen ribbons !nd c!nd$es, sn!0e s0ins !nd
?ut t"ere's ! simi$!r-is" spirit c!$$ed <.! 7en *ono< #"o mi"t be c$oser to t"e M!m! %imbi you're t"in0in of- '%"e's !n
!m!1in d!ncer, !nd s"o#s up !t our fetes ! $ot, p!rticu$!r$y #"en my brot"er, t"e d!nce te!c"er, is !round---(
%imbi is !bove !$$ t"e preeminent m!ici!n, st!tesm!n !nd #ise sou$ #"o brins po#er, #e!$t" !nd insi"t to "is
servitors- He is very "e$pfu$ #it" !$$ m!ic!$ #or0, divin!tions E r!ntin second-si"t !nd c$!irvoy!nce- *!$$ upon %imbi
for !ssist!nce in !ny m!ic!$ ritu!$ or ceremony- 2"e %piritu!$ princip$e of smoot"e #!ve$i0e f$uidity-
BFFC7I83%: )!ter, #"is0ey, reen ribbons or reen c!nd$es- %pec0e$ed roosters !re s!crificed to "im- Bffer "im #!ter
'if it's Ande1o, offer #!ter from t#o sources, suc" !s oce!n !nd fres" #!ter(, r!in #!ter, especi!$$y r!in #!ter from !
$i"tenin storm, reen ribbons !nd c!nd$es, sn!0e s0ins !nd 0$eren-
*B.B7%: 3reen !nd )"ite ener!$$y- /A9: 2uesd!y %9M?B.%: He is ! crossro!ds $#! !nd "is vever is ! sn!0e in !
fie$d of crosses- In t"is "e is re$!ted to .eb! !nd !$so to 3"ede-
.i0e Boun, t"ere !re ! f!mi$y of %imbi's 'or *ymbie's(- %imbi is t"e co$$ective n!me for ! very diverse roup of !ncient
!ncestr!$ spirits- His prim!ry 7!d! function is !s p!tron of sprins !nd r!ins, of r!inf!$$ !nd fres" #!ter5 in t"is "e is
simi$!r to /!mb!$$!"- Ho#ever, "e is most often c!$$ed in connection #it" "is ot"er m!For function, t"!t of p!tron to
m!ici!ns- A$$ m!ic is performed under "is p!tron!e- %imbi c!nnot do #it"out t"e fres"ness of #!ter- &oodoo ritu!$s
!re "e$d ne!r sprins- He is ! very 0no#$ede!b$e $#! bec!use "e spends ! $ot of time $e!rnin !bout t"e n!ture of
i$$nesses of supern!tur!$ oriin !nd "o# to tre!t t"em- He oversees t"e m!0in of c"!rms- %imbi is one of t"e t"ree
cosmic serpents of H!iti!n voodoo-re$iion, t"e #!ter-sn!0e $#! '$on, reen !nd s$im( 8AMC%: *ymbie5 2"e %n!0e in
t"e 7iver- %AI82%: 2"e M!i, Moses, %t- Andre#
3r!n %imbi
'3r!nd Gombi(
2"ere !re t"ose #"o s!y t"!t t"is n!me comes from <3r!n %imbi-<
2"ere's ! son by /r- Jo"n '*re!u4( !0! M!c 7ebenn!c0 'of 8e# Br$e!ns( t"!t mentions <2"e 3r!nd Gombi< in it:
<)!$0 on 3ui$ded %p$inters<
<%ome peop$e t"in0 t"ey Five me,
?ut I 0no# t"ey must be cr!1y
/on't see t"eir misfortune,
I uess t"ey're Fust too $!1y
Je suie $e r!nd 1ombie
My ye$$o# be$t of c"oisen
Ain't !fr!id of no tomc!t,
Fi$$ my br!ins #it" poison-<
from some p$!ce on t"e #eb: 'don't 0no# "o# !ccur!te t"is is(
<%imbi 'sn!0e( m!nifests itse$f in 8e# Br$e!ns in ! uni6ue form- &oodoo rites often m!0e use of .e 3r!nd Gombi- 2"is is
! force c!$$ed t"rou" ! sn!0e, !t time ! r!tt$esn!0e- .e 3r!nd Gombi is t"e c"!nne$ t"rou" #"ic" t"e r!ce of ?on
/ieu ?on f$o#s into t"e ritu!$ p!rticip!nts- 2"ere is ! c$ose simi$!rity in t"e n!mes %imbi !nd Gombi, t"e po#ers of %imbi
bec!me !ssoci!ted #it" Gombi-
%imbi is represented by ! #!ter sn!0e, !nd most #!ter sn!0es !re poisonous5 poisons of v!rious 0inds !re !$so
reputed$y used in t"e cre!tion of t"e Gombi- In 8e# Br$e!ns, t"e po#er t"!t is %imbi rides #it"in .e 3r!nd Gombi-<
Here's ! ood p!e by ,en!1 Fi$!n !bout it:
2"ursd!y, 8ovember 1:, 200:
2"e 8e# Br$e!ns &oodoo H!ndboo0: 8s!mbi, %imbi, !nd .i 3r!nd Gombi
Accordin to ,ono $eend, 8s!mbi cre!ted t"e "e!vens, t"e e!rt" !nd t"e !nim!$s- 2"en, !fter cre!tin m!n !nd
#om!n, "e t!u"t t"em "o# to survive in "is #or$d !nd "o# to "!rness t"e m!ic!$ po#er of "is cre!tion- ?y usin t"ose
te!c"ins t"ey cou$d bre!0 t"e b$!1in drou"ts !nd brin do#n t"e summer r!in: t"ey cou$d "e!$ sic0ness !nd ensure
ferti$e crops- 2"ey cou$d !$so communic!te #it" t"e mpun!s, dece!sed !ncestors !nd n!ture spirits #"o !ssisted
8s!mbi in m!int!inin "is cre!tion- 2od!y 81!mbi is sti$$ "onored in *ub! by pr!ctitioners of .!s 7e$!s de *ono '!$so
0no#n !s =!$o M!yombe(, #"o s!y I8s!mbi primeroJ or I8s!mbi is first-J
,ono cosmo$oy envisioned t"e cosmos !s t#o #or$ds K n1! y!yi 't"is #or$d( !nd t"e nsi ! b!f#! 't"e $!nd of spirits(-
?et#een t"ese t#o #or$ds $!y t"e 0!$un!, ! v!st oce!n #"ic" !$so served !s t"res"o$d bet#een t"e $ivin !nd t"e de!d-
?ec!use sn!0es #ere fre6uent$y seen c$imbin trees, burro#in bene!t" t"e round !nd restin in or ne!r rivers or
bodies of #!ter, t"ey #ere considered tr!ve$ers bet#een t"e re!$ms- %ince ,ono re$iious pr!ctices #ere concerned
$!re$y #it" commerce bet#een t"e v!rious #or$ds, it is not surprisin t"!t sn!0es p$!y ! m!For ro$e in ,ono re$iions-
In H!iti &odouis!nts "onor t"e %imbi f!mi$y of $#!- .i0e t"e b!simbi, sn!0e spirits $ivin in t"e rivers !nd stre!ms of
sout"ern Afric!, t"ey #ere 0no#n to be s"y but po#erfu$ m!ici!ns- 2"ose #"o !ppro!c" t"em #it" due p!tience !nd
respect !nd !in t"eir trust find t"ey !re po#erfu$ !$$ies #"o c!n !ct !s intermedi!ries bet#een t"e #or$ds of f$es" !nd
spirit !nd $ife !nd de!t"- Mi$o 7i!ud s!id of t"em:
2"e voodoo Mercury "!s t"e n!me of %imbi, ! $o! of m!ny forms- He is t"e conductor of sou$s, #"o $e!ds t"e sou$s of
t"e de!d in !$$ directions bordered by t"e four m!ic!$ orients of t"e cross- He is t"e Messi!" of .eb!, t"e messener of
t"e sun- %imbi corresponds to t"e "ermetic Mercury of t"e c!b!$istic !$c"emy of t"e ritu!$ s!crifice-
2"e $#! %imbi M!0!y! is one of t"e re!t sorcerers of H!iti!n &odou- As p!tron of t"e secret %!np#e$ society, "e
te!c"es "is c"osen fo$$o#ers po#erfu$ #!n!s t"!t c!n be used for "e!$in or destruction- 2"ose #"o !re not members
reu$!r$y !ccuse t"e %!np#e$ of "um!n s!crifice, corpse desecr!tion, !nd !$$ sorts of re$!ted misdeeds- )it"in 8e#
Br$e!ns .i 3r!nd Gombi "!d ! simi$!r$y mi4ed reput!tion- ?e$ievers !nd pr!ctitioners considered t"e re!t serpent !
benevo$ent protector !nd #ise te!c"er- 2"ose #"o #ere not so !ffi$i!ted ener!$$y !ssoci!ted 3r!nd Gombi #it" ories
!nd devi$ #ors"ip- As #it" %imbi M!0!y!, oneLs !ttitude to#!rd 3r!nd Gombi m!r0ed your st!tus #it"in t"e roup-
In 8e# Br$e!ns t"e sn!0e served simu$t!neous$y to !dvertise to oneLs c$iente$e !nd to set t"em !p!rt !s outsiders- 2"is
is simi$!r to %imbiLs $imin!$ position in H!iti- As ! tr!ve$er bet#een #or$ds, %imbi is tou" to pin do#n- Bne of t"e most
popu$!r %imbis, %imbi Ande1o, $iter!$$y resides Iin t#o #!tersJ '!n de 1o(, occupyin t"e sp!ce #"ere fres" #!ter meets
t"e s!$ty oce!n- .i 3r!nd Gombi is simi$!r$y p$!ced bet#een pub$ic &oodoo ritu!$s for tourists !nd priv!te devotions,
bet#een re$iion !nd entert!inment, bet#een Afric!n root !nd Americ!n money-m!0in spect!c$es- In t"is, "e is ! fittin
p!tron for t"e city of 8e# Br$e!ns !nd its re$iion-
2"e best #!y to "onor .i 3r!nd Gombi is #it" ! $ive sn!0e- 2"is is not ! commitment to be undert!0en $i"t$y- 2!0in
responsibi$ity for ! pet is no sm!$$ m!tter, especi!$$y #"en t"!t pet is !$so ! spirit !nim!$M )"i$e sn!0es !re re$!tive$y $o#-
m!inten!nce comp!nions, t"ey "!ve
cert!in needs #"ic" must be met- If not provided #it" !ppropri!te temper!tures !nd "umidity, t"ey !re $i0e$y to become i$$
!nd die- A suit!b$y $!re c!e must be procured, !$on #it" ! supp$y of t"e proper food-
A sn!0e #"ic" is oin to be "!nd$ed in pub$ic ritu!$ !$so needs to "!ve ! suit!b$y tr!ct!b$e disposition K !nd #"en
stressed even t"e most doci$e sn!0e m!y respond by bitin, mus0in or defec!tin on t"e ne!rest !v!i$!b$e t!ret- 2"!t
$!re pyt"on you !re d!ncin #it" m!y be $ess impressive #"en you !re so!0ed #it" runny sn!0e dun or nursin !
b$oody open #ound- 2"e c!re of your person!$ 3r!nd Gombi is beyond t"e scope of t"is boo0: !s #it" !ny ot"er pet, do
your rese!rc" before m!0in your purc"!se !nd m!0e sure you !re !b$e to $ive up to your commitment-
%"ou$d you be un!b$e to do so !t t"is time, t"ere is no s"!me in !dmittin t"is- %n!0e s"eds c!n !$so be used !s
offerins for 3r!nd Gombi, !s #e$$ !s sn!0e st!tues or im!ery- I do not recommend usin sn!0es0ins, since t"ey !re
"!rvested by 0i$$in t"e !nim!$s- '9ou #!nt to "onor t"e re!t serpent, not present "im #it" t"e corpse of one of "is
sib$insM( 2"ese c!n be p$!ced on !n !$t!r !$on #it" offerins of es, c!nd$es or, if you !re r"yt"mic!$$y t!$ented,
drummin- A$$ t"ese #i$$ s"o# your devotion !nd "e$p you to est!b$is" ! $in0 #it" .i 3r!nd Gombi-
=osted by ,en!1 Fi$!n
2"!n0s to /r- Co"!n ?!$$!rd for "is very usefu$ comments #"en I #!s first dr!ftin t"is c"!pter, !nd !po$oies for t"e
ross oversimp$ific!tion of ,ono cosmo$oy- '3ivin it due !ttention #ou$d "!ve re6uired ! boo0 of its o#n, never mind
! p!r!r!p"M(
posted by:
)est &irini!
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Re: Simbi
Fri, June 18, 2010 - 11:2A AM
t"!n0s ! $ot for t"e inform!tion-
i c!n Fust !dd my o#n t"ou"ts-
i #i$$ ce$ebr!te simbi d$o in t"e forest #"ere i 0no# ! sprin - ! p$!ce #!ter is comin out of t"e e!rt"-
simbi !nde1o !s #e$$ is !t t"e bo!rder bet#een s!$t !nd s#eet #!ter-
i fee$ simbi is so interestin becu!se "e is !t t"e bo!rder bet#een t"e t#o e$ements- t"e veve for simbi 'cross in ! circ$e(
st!nds in conte4t #it" t"e Fo#! or di0en! cross from t"e cono peop$e-
simbi is s!id to be t"e co!stu!rd, t"is is !not"er bo!rder$ine !!in bet#een #!ter !nd e!rt"- i #is" "e c!n protect t"e
co!st !nd t"e !nim!$s t"ere-
if i c!n m!0e it t"!t simbi $i0es to $isten to me i #i$$ !s0 "im to c!rry my #is" from t"e source !$on t"e re!t #!ter-
net#or0 !$on t"e "o$e p$!net-
beein !t t"e bo!rder, bein t"e p!tron of m!ic!ns- do you 0no# t"e #ord "!!1uss! for ! #itc", it me!ns <t"e one
sittin in t"e "ede<- from t"ere s"e c!n $e!ve to t"e bus" !s #e$$ to t"e d!i$y $ife in office or #"!tever s"e is doin-
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o Maggie
Re: Simbi
Fri, June 18, 2010 - 12:08 =M
9esssssssssssssssssss, I $i0e t"is, too, $en!- "!!1uss!--it sounds $i0e somet"in t"!t %imbi mi"t s!yM Anot"er term for
<)itc"< is <Bne #it" ! foot in bot" #or$ds-< I #i$$ t"in0 of you !t t"e %prin----sprins !re suc" s!cred p$!cesM
A$so, seems $i0e %imbi is re$!ted bot" to .eb! !nd to 3"ede, bridin t"e bound!ry+b!rrier bet#een t"em------
I !m !$so fee$in t"e po#er of t"e *ono peop$e, !nd I'm t"in0in of 8obuoni, #"o is prob!b$y very busy ri"t no# #it"
t"e ne# b!byM :-/
M!ybe "e #i$$ c"ime in, !bout %imbi 'or ?!simbi( eventu!$$yM :-/
A$so, it is s!id t"!t %imbi c!n re!$$y /A8*CM M!y #e d!nce toet"er in %piritM And m!y t"e spirits of t"e #!ter d!nce
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Re: Simbi
Fri, June 18, 2010 - 12:10 =M
F! simbi is !t t"e !te $i0e $eb! !nd t"e "edes- i "!ve t"is picture !s #e$$ in my mind-
"e is !t t"e !te of t"e #!ter spirits - IoI-
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Re: Simbi
Fri, June 18, 2010 - 1:N@ =M
B", one $itt$e t"in, but it me!nt ! $ot to me-----#"en I #!s te$$in %p!nis" 3rey t"!t #e #ere oin to "!ve ! service for
%imbi for t"e %o$stice, !nd I #!nted to brin offerins to t"e river-----#e #ere ridin !$onside #"ere t"e *"e!t 7iver oes
into t"e Monon!"e$! 7iver---!nd Fust !s I s!id t"is, ! be!utifu$ )!ter H!#0 s#ooped in front of our c!r, b!re$y missin itM
It #!s so c$ose up I cou$d see t"e p!ttern on its fe!t"ers------
%ince H!#0 is ! %piritu!$ !$$y of mine, t"is #!s sinific!ntM 2"e H!#0 is my Anim!$ %pirit 3uide for t"e 8ort", me!nin, it
s"o#s me t"e =!t" to )isdom- It s"o#s me #"en to spe!0 !nd #"en to be si$ent !nd $isten- H!#0 is s!id by m!ny
8!tive Americ!n tribes to be ! bein #"o reminds us to <=!y !ttentionM .istenM< 2"is, too, is !n import!nt p!rt of
I'm $!d H!#0 reminded me of t"is-
%imbi is s!id to be !b$e to #!$0 undetected- 2"is is !not"er !spect of %i$ence-
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Re: Simbi
)ed, June 2N, 2010 - @:28 AM
%imbi is ! ,ono $#! served in t"e =et#o-,ono rites- He is ! $#! first !nd foremost of fres" #!ter, inc$udin sprins,
stre!ms, !nd #e$$s- Ho#ever, t"e n!me %imbi represents ! very diverse f!mi$y of $#! inc$udin %imbi /$o, %imbi Ande1o,
%imbi Anp!0!, %imbi Anpo$!, %imbi .!#ou1e, %imbi M!1!, %imbi 3!n! /Fimbo#!, %imbi M!0!y!, !nd so on, #"o !re
served in &odou- 2"e re$!tions"ip to fres" #!ter for some of t"ese is more or $ess !pp!rent, !nd some, $i0e %imbi
Ande1o '.iter!$$y, <in t#o #!ters<( "!ve ! connection to bot" fres" !nd s!$t #!ter- Bt"ers "!ve no !pp!rent connection
#it" #!ter !t !$$- For e4!mp$e, %imbi Anp!0! is !ssoci!ted specific!$$y #it" $e!ves !nd poisons- %imbi M!0!y! is 0no#n
!s ! sorcerer, !nd #"en "e enters t"e peristi$, t"e =et#o s$!ve #"ip is tied !round "im- 8eit"er one !re offered #!ter-
%ome of t"e $#! c!$$ed %imbi m!y be served on t"e 7!d! point in some circumst!nces, t"ou" most !re served in t"e
=et#o rites- )"i$e t"ere !re no fem!$e %imbi, t"e $#! c!$$ed 3r!n-n %imb! is considered by some !depts to be t"e
mot"er of !$$ mysteries c!$$ed %imbi-
%imbi is !$so ! $#! of communic!tion, !nd in t"is c!n be seen !s r!t"er mercuri!$- He is !ssoci!ted #it" crossro!ds !nd
t"e crossin of po#er, !nd bec!use of t"is, "e is 0no#n to be ! consumm!te sorcerer, $endin "is s0i$$ to m!ny "oun!n,
m!nbo, !nd bo0O 'sorcerer( #"o "!ve ! re$!tions"ip #it" "im- He is !ssoci!ted #it" t"e fiure of t"e e6u!$-!rmed cross-
2"e %imbi $#! !re of ,ono oriin- 2"ey descend from t"e spirits 0no#n in t"e ,ono !s b!simbi #"o $ive in fres" #!ter
ponds !nd stre!ms- In t"e ,ono, t"ese spirits represent t"e "i"est c$!ss of t"e !ncestr!$ de!d- Interestin$y, t"e 8!tive
2!yino #"o first in"!bited H!iti 0ne# of simi$!r spirits c!$$ed Gimi #"o $ived in fres" #!ter stre!ms- 2"ese c"i$d-$i0e spirits
"!d copper or red co$ored s0in !nd $on si$0y b$!c0 "!ir- In &odou, t"ese spirits !re sti$$ 0no#n tod!y !nd, t"rou" no
sm!$$ $inuistic confusion, !re c!$$ed 2i-%imbi, t"ou" t"ey !pp!rent$y "!ve no direct re$!tion to t"e $#! %imbi
#"!tsoever- Interestin$y, in .ouisi!n! t"e o$d peop$e sti$$ spe!0 of cymbees or cymees #"o !$so did e4!ct$y t"is sort of
=ossessions by %imbi m!y run from mi$d to vio$ent, but fre6uent$y t!0e ! $on time to m!nifest !nd on$y !fter muc"
e4pedition- M!ny of t"e $#! c!$$ed %imbi, %imbi /$o for e4!mp$e, !re 0no#n to be s"y !nd some#"!t $!1y, tendin to st!y
outside t"e "ounfO unti$ c!Fo$ed by t"e peop$e to enter- Bt"er %imbi, suc" !s %imbi M!0!y!, !re 6uite be$$icose- ?y
n!ture, %imbi tends to bot" be #it", !nd protect, t"e serv!nt #it" #"om "e "!s ood re$!tions, or #i$$ turn "is b!c0 on
t"ose #it" #"om "e does not- M!ny sons for %imbi spe!0 of "im bein <"!rd to 0no#<, !nd t"is is true even for "is
c"i$dren- In t"e "ounfO, &odou#i1!n sin, <3r!n %imbi .!#ou1e- M'c"!c"e pou'#5 m#en p! #e'#- M' #e$e'#5 m#en p!
F#en ou- %imbi, pi! m!$e rive'#-< '3re!t %imbi PofQ t"e de#- I $oo0 for you5 I don't see you- I c!$$ for you5 I don't find you-
%imbi, be c!refu$5 i$$ fortune #i$$ beset you-( And--- <%imbi Ande1oM %! 0i fe yo p! v$e #e m#en yo po0o 0onen m#en- 9o
b!y m#en p#en !5 se pou m m!c"e $! n#it, BM %imbi Ande1oM %! 0i fe yo p! v$e #e m#en yo po0o 0onen m#en-< '%imbi
Ande1oM 2"e re!son #"y t"ey don't #!nt to see me is bec!use t"ey don't yet 0no# me- 2"ey !ve me t"e m!ic spe$$5
it's so t"!t I c!n #!$0 in t"e ni"t, o"M %imbi Ande1oM 2"e re!son #"y t"ey don't #!nt to see me is bec!use t"ey don't yet
0no# me-( His b!se co$or is #"ite- Ho#ever, t"ere !re m!ny %imbi, so t"e co$ors f!vored for e!c" #i$$ v!ry- For e4!mp$e,
%imbi M!0!y! is served #it" red !nd reen- %imbi Ande1o m!y be served #it" red !nd #"ite- %imbi 3!n! is served
#it" red !nd b$ue, !nd so fort"- %imbi's d!y of t"e #ee0 is 2uesd!y- He is !ssoci!ted #it" *!t"o$ic s!int c!$$ed *"!r$es
?oremo- %ome "ouses !ssoci!te "im #it" %t- Andre#, but t"is is more common$y t"e s!int used to represent ,!$fou- %ti$$
ot"er "ouses !ssoci!te %imbi #it" t"e im!e of t"e 2"ree ,ins of Cpip"!ny- Ho#ever !!in, t"is im!e is more
common$y used to represent t"e ,ono n!tion of spirits in ener!$-
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Re: Simbi
Fri, June 18, 2010 - 12:0: =M
A $itt$e more rese!rc" !bout %imbi:
2"e %imbi $#! by definition !re <"!rd to 0no#<, !s m!ny sons !bout t"em #i$$ !ttest-
Ho#ever, t"e %imbi roup is composed of %imbi /$o, %imbi Ande1o,
%imbi M!0!y!, !nd t"e fem!$e %imbi, 3r!n %imb!- A$$ of t"ese $#! !re
=etro $#!, t"ere !re no 7!d! %imbis, !nd t"ey !re be$ieved to be
,ono in oriin- 2"e #ord <%imbi< is be$ieved to derive from t"e
,ono #ord <8s!mbi<-
%imbi /$o, <)!ter %imbi<, $ives in stre!ms !nd sprins- He is most$y
concerned #it" #or0in m!ic-
%imbi Ande1o, <%imbi in 2#o )!ters<, is concerned #it" t"e #!ter
cyc$e !nd t"e tr!nsform!tion of s!$t #!ter to fres" !nd b!c0 !!in-
He is !$so very muc" ! m!ici!n-
%imbi M!0!y! is t"e fin!$ $#! in t"e =etro $itury, !nd "e is !$so
served in t"e %!np#e$ societies- He is t"e most import!nt m!ici!n
in t"e =etro roup, #it"out 6uestion- 2oet"er #it" *!rrefour !nd
%imitye '*emetery(, t"ese <bi t"ree< !re invo0ed in !$$ sorts of
m!ic!$ !ctivities-
Here is ! son for %imbi Ande1o:
%imbi Ande1oM
%! 0i fe yo p! v$e #e m#en,
9o po0o 0onnen m#en-
%imbi Ande1oM
%! 0i fe yo p! v$e #e m#en,
9o po0o 0onnen m#en-
9o b!y m#en p#en !,
se pou m m!c"e $! n#it, BM
9o b!y m#en p#en !,
se pou m m!c"e $! n#it, BM
%imbi Ande1oM
%! 0i fe yo p! v$e #e m#en,
9o po0o 0onnen m#en-
'Cn$is" tr!ns$!tion:(
%imbi Ande1oM
2"e re!son #"y t"ey don't #!nt to see me,
Is bec!use t"ey don't yet 0no# me-
%imbi Ande1oM
2"e re!son #"y t"ey don't #!nt to see me,
Is bec!use t"ey don't yet 0no# me-
2"ey !ve me t"e m!ic spe$$,
it's so t"!t I c!n #!$0 !t ni"t, o"M
2"ey !ve me t"e m!ic spe$$,
it's so t"!t I c!n #!$0 !t ni"t, o"M
%imbi Ande1oM
2"e re!son #"y t"ey don't #!nt to see me,
Is bec!use t"ey don't yet 0no# me-
2"is son, by t"e #!y, #!s recorded by t"e roup 7AM, !nd is
!v!i$!b$e on t"eir most recent */-
?on M!mbo 7!cine %!ns ?out %! 2e .! /!inen
%imbi is ! ,ono $#! served in t"e =et#o-,ono rites- He is ! $#! first !nd foremost of fres" #!ter, inc$udin sprins,
stre!ms, !nd #e$$s- Ho#ever, t"e n!me %imbi represents ! very diverse f!mi$y of $#! inc$udin %imbi /$o, %imbi Ande1o,
%imbi Anp!0!, %imbi Anpo$!, %imbi .!#ou1e, %imbi M!1!, %imbi 3!n! /Fimbo#!, %imbi M!0!y!, !nd so on, #"o !re
served in &odou- 2"e re$!tions"ip to fres" #!ter for some of t"ese is more or $ess !pp!rent, !nd some, $i0e %imbi
Ande1o '.iter!$$y, <in t#o #!ters<( "!ve ! connection to bot" fres" !nd s!$t #!ter- Bt"ers "!ve no !pp!rent connection
#it" #!ter !t !$$- For e4!mp$e, %imbi Anp!0! is !ssoci!ted specific!$$y #it" $e!ves !nd poisons- %imbi M!0!y! is 0no#n
!s ! sorcerer, !nd #"en "e enters t"e peristi$, t"e =et#o s$!ve #"ip is tied !round "im- 8eit"er one !re offered #!ter-
%ome of t"e $#! c!$$ed %imbi m!y be served on t"e 7!d! point in some circumst!nces, t"ou" most !re served in t"e
=et#o rites- )"i$e t"ere !re no fem!$e %imbi, t"e $#! c!$$ed 3r!n-n %imb! is considered by some !depts to be t"e
mot"er of !$$ mysteries c!$$ed %imbi-
%imbi is !$so ! $#! of communic!tion, !nd in t"is c!n be seen !s r!t"er mercuri!$- He is !ssoci!ted #it" crossro!ds !nd
t"e crossin of po#er, !nd bec!use of t"is, "e is 0no#n to be ! consumm!te sorcerer, $endin "is s0i$$ to m!ny "oun!n,
m!nbo, !nd bo0O 'sorcerer( #"o "!ve ! re$!tions"ip #it" "im- He is !ssoci!ted #it" t"e fiure of t"e e6u!$-!rmed cross-
2"e %imbi $#! !re of ,ono oriin- 2"ey descend from t"e spirits 0no#n in t"e ,ono !s b!simbi #"o $ive in fres" #!ter
ponds !nd stre!ms- In t"e ,ono, t"ese spirits represent t"e "i"est c$!ss of t"e !ncestr!$ de!d- Interestin$y, t"e 8!tive
2!yino #"o first in"!bited H!iti 0ne# of simi$!r spirits c!$$ed Gimi #"o $ived in fres" #!ter stre!ms- 2"ese c"i$d-$i0e spirits
"!d copper or red co$ored s0in !nd $on si$0y b$!c0 "!ir- In &odou, t"ese spirits !re sti$$ 0no#n tod!y !nd, t"rou" no
sm!$$ $inuistic confusion, !re c!$$ed 2i-%imbi, t"ou" t"ey !pp!rent$y "!ve no direct re$!tion to t"e $#! %imbi
#"!tsoever- Interestin$y, in .ouisi!n! t"e o$d peop$e sti$$ spe!0 of cymbees or cymees #"o !$so did e4!ct$y t"is sort of
=ossessions by %imbi m!y run from mi$d to vio$ent, but fre6uent$y t!0e ! $on time to m!nifest !nd on$y !fter muc"
e4pedition- M!ny of t"e $#! c!$$ed %imbi, %imbi /$o for e4!mp$e, !re 0no#n to be s"y !nd some#"!t $!1y, tendin to st!y
outside t"e "ounfO unti$ c!Fo$ed by t"e peop$e to enter- Bt"er %imbi, suc" !s %imbi M!0!y!, !re 6uite be$$icose- ?y
n!ture, %imbi tends to bot" be #it", !nd protect, t"e serv!nt #it" #"om "e "!s ood re$!tions, or #i$$ turn "is b!c0 on
t"ose #it" #"om "e does not- M!ny sons for %imbi spe!0 of "im bein <"!rd to 0no#<, !nd t"is is true even for "is
c"i$dren- In t"e "ounfO, &odou#i1!n sin, <3r!n %imbi .!#ou1e- M'c"!c"e pou'#5 m#en p! #e'#- M' #e$e'#5 m#en p!
F#en ou- %imbi, pi! m!$e rive'#-< '3re!t %imbi PofQ t"e de#- I $oo0 for you5 I don't see you- I c!$$ for you5 I don't find you-
%imbi, be c!refu$5 i$$ fortune #i$$ beset you-( And--- <%imbi Ande1oM %! 0i fe yo p! v$e #e m#en yo po0o 0onen m#en- 9o
b!y m#en p#en !5 se pou m m!c"e $! n#it, BM %imbi Ande1oM %! 0i fe yo p! v$e #e m#en yo po0o 0onen m#en-< '%imbi
Ande1oM 2"e re!son #"y t"ey don't #!nt to see me is bec!use t"ey don't yet 0no# me- 2"ey !ve me t"e m!ic spe$$5
it's so t"!t I c!n #!$0 in t"e ni"t, o"M %imbi Ande1oM 2"e re!son #"y t"ey don't #!nt to see me is bec!use t"ey don't yet
0no# me-( His b!se co$or is #"ite- Ho#ever, t"ere !re m!ny %imbi, so t"e co$ors f!vored for e!c" #i$$ v!ry- For e4!mp$e,
%imbi M!0!y! is served #it" red !nd reen- %imbi Ande1o m!y be served #it" red !nd #"ite- %imbi 3!n! is served
#it" red !nd b$ue, !nd so fort"- %imbi's d!y of t"e #ee0 is 2uesd!y- He is !ssoci!ted #it" *!t"o$ic s!int c!$$ed *"!r$es
?oremo- %ome "ouses !ssoci!te "im #it" %t- Andre#, but t"is is more common$y t"e s!int used to represent ,!$fou- %ti$$
ot"er "ouses !ssoci!te %imbi #it" t"e im!e of t"e 2"ree ,ins of Cpip"!ny- Ho#ever !!in, t"is im!e is more
common$y used to represent t"e ,ono n!tion of spirits in ener!$-
2"e n!nc"on or division of H!iti!n &odou 0no#n !s *ono bre!c"es !cross t"e rites of 7!d! !nd =etro, especi!$$y is
t"is t"e c!se of %imbi Ande1o, t"e $#! t"!t is seen !s "!vin one foot in t"e s#eet #!ters !nd t"e ot"er in t"e s!$ty
#!ters- Ande1o is $i0e !$$ %imbi $#! enim!tic !nd mysterious, !s reve!$ed in m!ny of "is sons, #"ic" spe!0s of "o# "is
vot!ry see0s to 0no# "im, but "e "ides from ettin 0no#n-
2"e n!nc"on *ono is ! comp$e4 f!nmi #"ere t"eir comp$e4ity is #e$$ demonstr!ted !midst t"e %imbi $#!- In *ono
t"ese spirits #ere c!$$ed b!simbi !nd desin!ted t"e spirits $ivin !round ponds, rivers !nd fres" #!ters- 2"ey #ere !t
times considered to be ! c$!ss of spirit composed of "i"$y deve$oped !ncestr!$ spirits- 2"e %imbi r!nes from t"e
b!$!nced !nd benevo$ent, !s #e find in %imbi Ande1o to forms $i0e %imbi M!c!y!, t"e $#! t"!t #!s !dopted !s p!tron for
t"e ?i1!no cu$t formed by M!0!nd!$ durin t"e rebe$$ion in 1RAR- %imbi M!c!y! is seen !s vio$ent !nd d!nerous !nd it
is s!id t"!t s$!ve m!sters #ere s!crificed to "im in t"e time of M!0!nd!$- 2"e *ono petro rites !re s!id to be b!0ono in
oriin, !nd some s!y t"!t it is t"e b!0ono #!y t"!t informed =etro ritu!$s !s #e$$ !s m!ny secret societies !nd more
obscure rites, suc" !s G!ndor- 2"e p!tron for t"e G!ndor rites is 2i Je!n G!ndor !nd Cr1u$ie G!ndor, but it !$so count in
its fo$d, ,r!bin!y, M!rinette !nd %imbi 9!n-,it!- 2"e ,it! $#! bein ! sub division #it"in t"e *ono n!nc"on toet"er
#it" ?oumb!, *!p$!u, ,!n! !nd M!nd!ne- Accordin to Metr!u4 t"e *ono division is !$so p!rted into *ono du bord
de $! mer, I%e!s"ore conosJ !nd *ono s!v!ne, S#i$d conosJ- It is t"e $!tter t"!t forms t"e inf$uence into t"e G!ndor
rites !nd t!0e of ferocious !nd nef!rious 6u!$ities #"ere t"ey imp!rt superior 0no#$ede of "erb!$ism, m!$efic! !nd
2"e se!s"ore conos !re s!id to be of f!ir s0in !nd possess $on b$!c0 "!ir !nd be of ! superior inte$$ect !nd possess
better m!nners t"!n t"e #i$d or interior conospirits- 2"is form suest ! connection #it" .! %iren !nd A#e !nd
t"erefore #it" t"e potency of prop"ecy, dre!ms !nd inspir!tion- Interestin$y it seems t"!t t"is c$!ss of $#! #!s !$re!dy
0no#n in H!iti prior to t"e popu$!tion from Afric! !s t"e 2!yino Indi!ns 0ne# ! spirit c!$$ed Gimi, s!id to "!ve ! copper
red "ue !nd $on b$!c0 "!ir, $ivin !round sprins !nd fres" #!ters- Dsu!$$y t"ese spirits !re c!$$ed 2i-%imbi-
%imbi Ande1o is t"e %imbi t"!t, $i0e .e"b! !nd /!nb!$$!" possesses t"e perspective t"!t sees t#o sides !t t"e s!me
time- .i0e .e"b! "e opens t"e crossro!d for entr!nce into t"e rite, but Ande1o opens t"e crossro!d bet#een t"e rites
t"emse$ves- He possess t"e po#er to m!0e t"e s#eet into vine!r !nd t"e sour into "oney- He is ! %imbi of inspir!tion
!nd secrecy, !nd !$beit s"y !nd difficu$t to 0no#, !s !$$ %imbis, "e possess ! uni6ue J!nus 6u!$ities bet#een t"e 7!d!
!nd =etro rites #"ere "e brins ! form of e6ui$ibrium bet#een t"e sides-
2"e *!t"o$ic im!ery used to disp$!y %imbi v!ries from Moses to %t- *"!r$es ?oremeo, but 6uite typic!$ t"e 2"ree M!i
,ins !re used to represent %imbi !nd t"us t"e ;t" of J!nu!ry becomes !n import!nt d!y for t"e ce$ebr!tion of t"is
%imbi is served #it" t"e co$ours #"ite !nd reed, Ande1o for inst!nce is served #it" #"ite, red !nd reen- Bn "is vTvT
#e ive ! p$!te of #"ite c"in!, #"ere ! $!ss of 0$eren !nd ! cup of coffee !re presented !$on #it" c!nd$es- )e ive !
t#ist of $emon in "is coffee !nd 0$eren, !s t"e sit#on tree '$emon tree( is s!cred to "im-
%imbi Ande1o %! 0i fe yo p! v$e #e m#en yo po0o 0onnen m#en-
9o b!y m#en p#en !
%e pou m m!c"e $! n#it B %imbi Ande1oM
1 comentUrios:
Audrey Me$o disse---
B" %imbi,
&en"! V mim
*om c"uv! ou r!io,
=e$o rio ou pe$o m!r-
*om *Tu ou Inferno,
*om %i$Wncio ou feitiXo-
%erpente de du!s Uu!s,
2u 6ue tr!nsit!s pe$o tempo
7eve$! os destinos com s!bedori!-
B" %imbi,
*ru1! o c!min"o dos meus inimios
C $ev! todo o veneno Vs su!s vid!s-
2u! Urvore T o meu cor!XYo,
Meu s!nue sYo tu!s Uu!s,
Meu !mor T teu si$Wncio-
1@ de novembro de 200: 0A:1:
%#edis" H!iti!n b!nd: I%imbiJ$i"e_1/blog/1(*(8*5
ome peop$e erroneous$y c$!im t"!t t"e $#! %imbi '%imbi Ande1o, %inbi
Anp!0!, %imbi M!0!y!, %imbi .!#ou1e, et !$( come from t"e ?!ntu
concept of 8s!mbi- He does not-
Actu!$$y, 81!nbi Mpunu, 3od A$mi"ty in t"e ,ono, is t"e oriin of
t"e 3r!nde Gombie of 8e# Br$e!ns <&oodoo< f!me-
=!p! %imbi in H!iti descends from t"e %imbi spirits of t"e ,ono #"o
!re ! <"i" c!teory of !ncestors<, !$$ of #"om !re !ssoci!ted #it"
!nd d#e$$ in fres" #!ter sprins- %ee 2"ompson for more !u"torit!tive
info on t"is---
He is !$so coni1!nt #it" t"e 2i-%imbi of H!iti, sm!$$, c"i$d-$i0e
spirits #it" n!tty "!ir !nd red s0in t"!t d#e$ in rivers !nd stre!ms
!nd #i$$ entice you under t"e #!ter- 2"ese !re !ctu!$$y t"e %imi
'no <b<,! nd no I do not me!n t"e 1emi--- !not"er concept
!$toet"er(( of t"e 2!yino-Ar!#!0 <Indi!ns<- 2"eir myt" is !$so found
in %- F$orid! !$on t"e 3u$f co!st to 8e# Br$e!ns--- #"ere #e find,
no surprises, t"e *ymee-
Houn!n AboudF!
.ots of &eves:
%imbi Ande1o, t"e .#! of m!ic !nd du!$ity- %imbi is ! M!ster M!ici!n, brinin "is enery of movement !nd currents
to t"e #or$d- )"en you need to incre!se t"e f$o# bet#een events, c!$$ on %imbi Ande1o for "is e$ectric enery-$...go.html
%imbi /$o is t"e s"y ,ono spirit of m!ic #"o in"!bits ponds, $!0es !nd stre!ms- )eLve m!de "is s"rine ! sm!$$ piece
of t"e Fun$e He so $oves- 2"e e4terior is i$ded #it" peri#in0$e !nd peridot co$ors- %"immerin Fe#e$s, o$den !ccents
!nd mi$it!ry sty$e embe$$is"ments !$$ ec"o t"e m!ny !ttributes of t"is ,ono spirit- 2"e interior is ! $us" Fun$e of si$0
ferns, reenery !nd br!nc"es- Cnt#ined #it"in is ! bo! constrictor s0in from Afric!- %imbi "!s m!ny !v!t!rs, so #e
c"oose His !nim!$ form for His s"rine- A m!ic!$ !rden for your !$t!r, #"ere t"e spirit of %imbi /$o m!y resideM %"rine
inc$udes %imbi /$oLs e$e0es, !nd instructions on t"e m!ny possib$e uses of t"e s"rine #it" %imbi /$o-
%imbi /$o Z %econd %i"t !nd =rop"ecy-
%imbi M!0!y! Z Incre!ses M!ic =o#ers5 =rotection !!inst ?$!c0 M!ic !nd *urses-
%imbi Ande1o Z *ombines bot" %imbis !bove-
In H!iti!n &odou, %imbi !re ! $!re f!mi$y of serpent deities- %imbi is t"e be!rer of sou$s to !$$ p$!ces, !nd t"e cre!tive
princip$e- As t"e #!ter-sn!0e .o!, %imbi is t"e m!ster of t"e r!ins, river currents, !nd most c$ose$y !ssoci!ted #it"
Moses !nd t"e M!i- %imbi oversees t"e m!0in of c"!rms, !nd is very "e$pfu$ #it" !$$ m!ic!$ #or0, inc$udin
divin!tions E r!ntin second-si"t- He "!s ! very ent$e n!ture !nd usu!$$y $ives ne!r m!rs"es !nd ponds- As t"e
m!ster of !$$ m!ici!ns, "e c!n brin !n incredib$e !mount of po#er to !ny ritu!$ or spiritu!$ #or0M
/et!i$s: 2"is &oodoo !rt do$$ is constructed in t"e tr!dition!$ 8e# Br$e!ns &oodoo f!s"ion- His f!ce is "!nd-scu$pted out
of po$ymer c$!y !nd p!inted- His "e!d is #r!pped #it" re!$ sn!0e s"eds, !nd "e "!s ! #!ter sn!0e cr!#$in up "is
c"est- He is "o$din ! ris ris b! t"!t cont!ins "is speci!$ m!ic0 for you- He me!sures !ppro4im!te$y 1@ inc"es t!$$
!nd comes se$f-st!ndin !nd sined by t"e !rtist-
In H!iti!n &odou, %imbi !re ! $!re f!mi$y of serpent deities- =ictured is %imbi of t"e )!ter '%imbi /$o(- %imbi is t"e
be!rer of sou$s to !$$ p$!ces, !nd t"e cre!tive princip$e-
%imbi d'$'C!u, !$so spe$$ed %imbi /$o, simp$y me!ns %imbi of t"e #!ter, ---
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Re: Simbi
%!t, June 2;, 2010 - 8:N2 =M
from .e!" 3ordon's <2"e ?oo0 of &odou<---
%imbi is t"e p!tron of t"e r!ins, t"e currents of t"e rivers, !nd t"e m!ster of !$$ m!ici!ns- He !bides in bot" t"e
"e!ven$y !nd t"e !bysm!$ #!ters, t"e s#eet !nd t"e s!$t-
%imbi's sp"ere of inf$uence in"!bit t"e re!$ms of bot" /!nb!$!---t"e s0ies5 !nd A#e---t"e se!s- In !n urb!n
environment, %imbi oversees t"e f$o# of e$ectrom!netic enery from $i"ts to te$ep"ones- %imbi's roots !re be$ieved to
come from '1emi,' t"e indienous Indi!n #ord for m!ic fetis"- As t"e p!tron of m!ic, "e oversees t"e !ssemb$y of
p!0et 0ono-
%imbi is ! #it"dr!#n spirit, preferrin t"e so$itude of "is #!tery !bodes, !nd peop$e possessed by "im #i$$ be dr!#n to
ponds !nd stre!ms-
*B.B7%: #"ite, reen
%9M?B.%: %n!0es in ! fie$d of crosses, ! #e$$, or ! sprin
BFFC7I83: )"ite !nim!$s
FA&B7C/ 27CC%: M!no, *!$!b!s", C$m
*!t"o$ic *ounterp!rts: 2"e M!i, Moses
2"ere is ! ye!r$y festiv!$ !t %ou0ri in "onor of t"e ,ono n!tion of spirits, #"ere "undreds of ce$ebr!nts submere
t"emse$ves in ! $oc!$ river in %imbi's "onor- Ccst!tic #omen $ie !mon t"e reeds in t"e s"!$$o# #!ters #"i$e t"eir #"ite
dresses f$o# in t"e stron currents-
F!ir-s0inned c"i$dren !re #!rned !!inst p$!yin too c$ose to sprins for fe!r of bein 0idn!pped by %imbi- 2"e !bducted
c"i$dren !re t!0en under t"e #!ter to #or0 !s serv!nts- )"en t"e c"i$dren !re re$e!sed from t"eir !6u!tic prison !nd
returned to t"e surf!ce of t"e e!rt, t"ey !re re#!rded #it" t"e m!ic!$ ift of c$!irvoy!nce-
From <&odou &isions< by %!$$ie Ann 3$!ssm!n:
%IM?I .A F.AM?B:
*!$$ on %imbi .! F$!mbo #"en you #is" to do m!icM
9!ms tied up in red met!$$ic ribbons- 9!m c!ss!ro$e #it" peppers- M!no c"utney- 7!in#!ter co$$ected durin !n
e$ectric!$ storm- C$ectronic components !nd computer p!rts- =rinted em!i$ tr!nsmissions- 9!ms coo0ed in "ot s!uce-
%n!0es0ins so!0ed in rum- &i!$ of Mercury, %imbi .! F$!mbo's im!e
%imbi .! F$!mbo is t"e =et#o %imbi in "is purest form, $ic0in, movin, mercuri!$ fire- He is t"e enery of !$$ t"!t f$o#s-
He is t"e fiery c"!re of e$ectricity !nd t"e tr!nsform!tive enery of m!ic!$ c"!ne- %imbi .! F$!mbo is !$so fiery
medicine, rus"in t"rou" t"e b$ood to cure-
He c!n be "!rd to "!nd$e- He c!n communic!te t"rou" "e!ted !ruments, deb!te, !nd fiery orde!$-
%imbi .! F$!mbo #or0s t"e 2!ntric Mysteries- He is t"e !$c"emic!$ m!rri!e of conFunctio: t"e union of opposites, "e!ted
!nd tr!nsmuted in t"e furn!ce of desire- He is t"e fire of )i$$, directed t"rou" t"e body of t"e sn!0e- Ho# c!n "um!ns
s#im t"rou" %imbi .! F$!mbo's f$!mes[ 2"rou" $ove- 2"rou" union- 2"rou" $ove under )i$$-
%IM?I /.B
*!$$ on %imbi /$o for protection of stre!ms, sprins, !nd !$$ fres" #!ters- *!$$ on "is communic!tion s0i$$s #"en
neoti!tin bet#een t#o p!rties-
*oc0 fe!t"ers, y!ms, river roc0s, m!noes, sn!0es0in in b!sin of #!ter
%imbi /$o is t"e best 0no#n of t"e %imbi- )"i$e %imbi is ener!$$y considered ! =et#o .#!, "e is !ctu!$$y ! ,ono .#!
#"o str!dd$s t"e n!tions bet#een =et#o !nd 7!d!- %imbi /$o's dom!in e4tends t"rou" t"e fres"#!ters upon t"e e!rt",
!s #e$$ !s t"e Abysm!$ )!ters of t"e sou$-
He is t"e u!rdi!n of fres" #!ter sprins, $!0es !nd poo$s-
%imbi is te$$uri!n 8!ture, t"e under#or$d bene!t" t"e topside #or$d- 2"ere, in s"!do#s, #e encounter our dept"s- )e
fe!r %imbi's #i$d eyes, "is bite- ?ut "is poisonous venom c!n be medicin!$- He s$it"ers t"rou" submered reions
#"ere dre!ms, t!$ent, !nd m!ic $ie- %imbi bites do#n on ! mout"fu$ of #!ter !nd tr!nsforms it into serpents t"!t s$it"er
in ! t"ous!nd directions- From our s"!do# side, ! t"ous!nd impu$ses communic!te our dept"s to our topside
consciousness- If #e !$$o# ourse$ves to e!t or inter!te t"ese impu$ses, #e r!du!$$y tr!nsform t"e dept"s into
*!$$ on %imbi for "e!$in, to improve communic!tions, !nd to 0eep your computer troub$e-free-
9!ms, ! M!ic Mirror, reen sn!0es0ins, $i"t reen c!nd$es, m!noes, turt$e s"e$$s, river roc0s, mercuri!$ incense,
%imbi is t"e m!ic!$ serpent of &odou- He is $ord of t"e fres"#!ter rivers, stre!ms, r!inf!$$, !nd !$$ t"ins t"!t f$o#, $i0e
e$ectricity !nd e$ectronics- He is t"e mercuri!$ serpent t"!t c!rries communic!tions---t"e perfect p!tron .#! of em!i$M His
veve depicts t"e f$o# of eneries !round !nd t"rou" t"e crossro!ds- %imbi s$it"ers !cross t"e crossro!ds, uides t"e
possessed t"rou" t"e d!nerous no-m!n's $!nd bet#een t"e moment of $oss of consciousness !nd t"e t!0in on of !
.#! durin t"e crisis of possession- =er"!ps t"is is one of t"e re!sons t"!t "e is !ssoci!ted #it" c$!irvoy!nce- %imbi's
m!ic e4tends to t"e re!$m of bot!nic!$s, t"e $e!ves of #"ic" "e uses for "e!$in-
%imbi is syncreti1ed #it" t"e 2"ree )ise Men- His co$ors !re r!y or $i"t reen- His !nim!$ is t"e tortoise-
2"ou"t !rises in t"e Mind !nd runs in ! t"ous!nd directions, ! t"ous!nd t"ou"ts- *oncentr!tin one t"ou"t, one
#ord, one )i$$, t"e m!ici!n m!0es "imse$f t"e courier of t"e m!ic!$ po#er of c"!ne- As "is eye or purpose becomes
sin$e, "e is f$ooded #it" $i"t- It is t"e f$!s" of t"e %pirit-
%imbi de$i"ts in t"is p$!y of m!ic- It is fun to #or0 #it" !nd direct t"e enery of c"!ne, t"e po#er of )i$$- %imbi is !
m!ster of m!ic- He d!rts !nd f$!s"es t"rou" t"e d!r0- It is "is #or0 !nd "is Foy- 7un t"e mercuri!$ points #it" %imbiM
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Re: Simbi
2ue, Ju$y ;, 2010 - 11:0@ AM
)est-*entr!$ Afric!n 8!ture %pirits in t"e %out" *!ro$in! .o#country
7!s Mic"!e$ ?ro#n
/i$$!rd Dniversity
*!ptives c!rried from )est-*entr!$ Afric!n ports to t"e s"ores of %out" *!ro$in! !rrived in $!re numbers t"rou"out t"e
dur!tion of t"e $e!$ !nd i$$e!$ Afric!n s$!ve tr!de, p!rticu$!r$y durin t"e ye!rs #"en p$!nt!tion s$!very be!n to t!0e its
f!mi$i!r form !nd e4p!nd t"rou"out *!ro$in!- 2"ese ens$!ved )est-*entr!$ Afric!ns p$!yed !n especi!$$y import!nt ro$e
in s"!pin t"e cu$tur!$ mi$ieu of t"e sout"e!stern se!bo!rd- A number of sc"o$!rs "!ve $oo0ed !t t"e inf$uence of )est-
*entr!$ Afric!ns on be$iefs !nd pr!ctices in t"e Afric!n-.o#country cu$tur!$ tr!dition-P1Q 2"is p!per is p!rt of my
contribution to t"is topic- In p!rticu$!r, I e4!mine t"e e4!mp$e of n!ture spirits in %out" *!ro$in! !s ref$ective of t"e
profound !nd uni6ue imp!ct t"!t )est-*entr!$ Afric!ns "!d on t"e deve$opment of Afric!n- .o#country cu$ture- I contend
t"!t )est-*entr!$ Afric!n n!ture deities, c!$$ed simbi spirits in ,i0ono, served t"e ens$!ved peop$e of t"e e!r$y
.o#country !s spiritu!$ benef!ctors !round #"ic" c!ptives of diverse Afric!n oriins !nd t"ose born in t"e .o#country
bui$t t"eir communities-
%imbi %pirits in t"e %out" *!ro$in! .o#country: Cvidence E \uestions
In 18@N, ! eo$oist in se!rc" of m!r$ deposits in t"e soi$ of %out" *!ro$in! recorded in "is Fourn!$ t"!t ens$!ved peop$e
t"rou"out t"e .o#country t"!t #!ter spirits c!$$ed <cymbees< in"!bited cert!in sprins- 2"is e!r$y !ccount !nd $!ter
ones from t#entiet"-century sources !$so report t"!t Afric!n-descended peop$e in t"e .o#country fe!red t"e <cymbees,<
especi!$$y in inst!nces #"en individu!$s 'usu!$$y #omen( tried to dr!# #!ter or c"i$dren ende!vored to s#im in t"e
sprins- Cns$!ved peop$e described t"e spirits !s v!ue$y "um!n in form, e!c" possessin uni6ue c"!r!cteristics, !nd
$!ter inform!nts re$!ted v!rious n!mes for t"e spirits suc" !s 2"e Cvi$, Bne-Cye '!t Cut!#, =oos"ee, !nd .!n %yne
p$!nt!tions(, !nd 2"e 3re!t /esire of t"e Dnrottin )!ters- Indeed, from t"ese !ccounts <cymbees< !ppe!r to fit #it"in
t"e c!teory of m!$evo$ent spirits t"!t popu$!ted t"e .o#country's forest !nd s#!mps !nd inc$uded suc" specters !s
=$!t-Cyes, <conFur-"orses,< !nd spirit be!rs-P2Q
%uc" !n interpret!tion does not consider !ddition!$ cruci!$ inform!tion, "o#ever- 2"e eo$oist's !ccount in 18@N furt"er
re$!tes !n incident in #"ic" ! p$!nter !ttempted to bui$d ! sm!$$ #!$$ !round ! sprin to m!0e it more !ccessib$e- 2"e
p$!nter's effort #!s rebuffed by !n e$der$y ens$!ved m!n #"o !rued t"!t t"e proFect #ou$d !ner !nd drive !#!y t"e
<cymbee-< Bcc!sion!$$y sprins spont!neous$y dis!ppe!red, #"ic" ens$!ved peop$e interpreted !s ! sin t"!t t"e
resident spirit "!d died or "!d dep!rted bec!use of some "um!n offense, bot" unf!vor!b$e circumst!nces- A$t"ou"
t"ese #!ter spirits e$icited fe!r, Afric!n-descended peop$e desired t"eir presence !t t"ese import!nt sites-PNQ
2"ese brief !ccounts of #!ter spirits r!ise ! fe# 6uestions for students of t"e Afric!n- At$!ntic di!spor!- )"ere did t"e
<cymbee< spirits come from[ Ho# did t"ey become p!rt of .o#country spirit $ore[ )"!t purpose did t"ey serve, if !ny, in
t"e #or$dvie#s of Afric!n- descended peop$e in t"e .o#country[
An interpret!tion of <cymbees< must bein #it" !n e4!min!tion of t"e #ord's oriins- First, <cymbee< is c$e!r$y !n !ttempt
to represent t"e pronunci!tion of t"e ,i0ono #ord simbi- 8ot on$y do t"e #ords m!tc" in sound, t"ey !$so m!tc" in
me!nin- 2"e n!ture spirits 0no#n !s bisimbi 'p$ur!$ of simbi( !mon m!ny ,i0ono spe!0ers often t!0e t"e form of
#!ter spirits- As suc", in bot" sound !nd me!nin, .o#country <cymbee< spirits unmist!0!b$y derive from )est- *entr!$
Afric!n underst!ndins of simbi spirits- For t"e s!0e of ort"or!p"ic c$!rity, .o#country <cymbee< spirits #i$$ be c!$$ed
simbi spirits t"rou"out t"e rest of t"is p!per- 2"e sure etymo$oy of simbi !$so points t"e #!y in investi!tin t"e
sinific!nce of t"ese spirits in %out" *!ro$in! cu$tur!$ "istory- Bur !ttention t"us turns to t"e ens$!ved peop$e #"o
brou"t )est-*entr!$ Afric!n cu$ture #it" t"em to t"e .o#country-
%imbi %pirits in Afric!
7ecords from t"e seventeent" !nd ei"teent" centuries 'penned !$most e4c$usive$y by *!t"o$ic mission!ries( !nd
t#entiet"-century e4p$!n!tions 'produced by ,i0ono-spe!0in Afric!ns !nd forein !nt"ropo$oists( ener!$$y !ree in
t"eir observ!tions of t"e be$iefs !nd pr!ctices 0ept by )est-*entr!$ Afric!ns in re!rd to n!ture spirits-P@Q %imbi spirits
!nd t"eir !n!$os in ne!rby societies occupied especi!$$y import!nt st!tions #it"in )est-*entr!$ Afric!n cu$tures-
A$t"ou" diverse t"ou"ts !bout t"e oriins !nd c"!r!cteristics of n!ture spirits e4isted, t"e centr!$ ide! rem!ined t"!t
t"ey symbo$i1ed t"e perm!nence !nd potency of n!ture- 2"ese spirits, c!$$ed 'in t"e sinu$!r( simbi, n0it!, or n0isi !mon
v!rious ,ono-spe!0in popu$!tions !nd 0i$undu !mon ,imbundu-spe!0in peop$e, #ere seen !s princip!$ sources of
Bt"er )or$d$y po#er- Above !$$, t"e $ivin turned to n!ture spirits for t"eir commun!$ #e$f!re- 8!ture spirits provided
!bund!nt "!rvests, re#!rdin "unts, !nd soci!$ "e!$t" for communities t"!t m!int!ined s"rines, up"e$d ritu!$
observ!nces, !nd supported t"e offices of t"e "um!n represent!tives of territori!$ n!ture spirits 'suc" !s ,ono itomi,
sinu$!r 0itomi(- 8!ture spirits #ere !$so t"e !nim!tin forces be"ind c"!rms emp$oyed by roups or individu!$s for ood
fortune- )est-*entr!$ Afric!ns re!rded simbi spirits !s ! fund!ment!$ source of po$itic!$ !ut"ority !s #e$$- .oc!$ $e!ders
!nd invested c"iefs re6uired t"e !pprob!tion of territori!$ n!ture spirits to comm!nd t"e !ppropri!te po#ers of !nd
respect due t"eir positions-
2"e re$!tions"ip bet#een !ncestors !nd simbi spirits "o$ds !ddition!$ sinific!nce for t"e present in6uiry- *onnections
m!de by )est-*entr!$ Afric!ns of !ncestors #it" n!ture spirits suests t"!t territori!$ deities represented e$ders of t"e
Bt"er )or$d !s t"ey #ere once !ncestors #"o entered t"e $!nd of t"e de!d so $on !o t"!t t"ey eventu!$$y $ost ties to
specific $ine!es to become u!rdi!ns of !$$ in p!rticu$!r !re!s- 2"e sinific!nce of t"e $in0in of !ncestors !nd n!ture
spirits e4tended to t"e re$!tions"ip bet#een t"e $ivin !nd t"e $!nd t"ey in"!bited- 2"rou" t"e construction of tombs, t"e
proper decor!tion of r!ves, !nd time$y offerins to t"e dece!sed, $ivin descendents not on$y ret!ined cont!ct #it" t"e
de!d but !$so re!ffirmed t"eir o#n ties to t"e $!nd- 3r!ves provided foc!$ points for t"e co$$ective eneries of
descendents, #"o "oped to receive b$essins in return for t"e !ttention, !nd $!ndm!r0s of identity in t"!t ! person's
country #!s #"ere "is !ncestors #ere buried- 2"is sentiment is c!ptured in t"e ,ono proverb t"!t intones, <)"ere your
!ncestors do not $ive, you c!nnot bui$d your "ouse-<PAQ 8!ture spirits served simi$!r functions- 2"eir presence !$$o#ed
t"ose #"o $!c0ed ties #it" n!med !ncestors or #"o m!y "!ve come to ! reion !s str!ners to sti$$ "!ve !ccess to
!ents of Bt"er )or$d$y po#ers !nd to fee$ !tt!c"ed to t"e $!nd #"ere t"ey $ived- In t"is sense, #e see simbi spirits
contributin once !!in to t"e #e$$-bein of communities-
)e s"ou$d not be mis$ed, "o#ever, into t"in0in t"!t simbi spirits, #"i$e essenti!$$y benevo$ent, #ere !$so ent$e, p!ssive
entities- 2o t"e contr!ry, t"eir disp$!ys of terrifyin mi"t comprised ! centr!$ component of t"eir bein- ,!vun! %imon, !
,ono m!n born in t"e nineteent" century #"o #rote !bout ,ono cu$ture in t"e e!r$y-t#entiet" century, provided !
memor!b$e !ccount of t"is !spect of simbi spirits:
2ru$y t"ey "!ve re!t po#er !nd !ut"ority, for t"eir po#er is reve!$ed by t"e force t"ey s"o# in t"e #!ter !nd in t"e
u$$ies- 2"ey stir up very "i" #inds !nd un$e!s" torn!does, so t"!t t"e bodies of peop$e !re fi$$ed #it" fe!r !nd
tremb$in- 2"ey bre!0 peop$e's cour!e !nd render it feeb$e, #e!0, $imp, petrified, "o$$o# !nd fevered5 t"ey !re stunned
!nd rove$ in terror- 2"is is "o# t"e bisimbi s"o# t"eir strent": if t"ey see someone come to dr!# #!ter from t"e poo$
#"ere t"ey reside, t"ey rise to t"e surf!ce !nd cover it #it" fo!m !nd turbu$ence, turnin !nd t#istin- %o t"e person
dr!#in t"e #!ter is sc!red stiff #"en s"e sees "o# t"e #!ter boi$s in t"e poo$- %"e m!y tumb$e into t"e #!ter bec!use
s"e is di11y- If s"e does not cry out so t"!t t"ose #"o rem!in in t"e vi$$!e "e!r "er, #"en ne4t t"ey meet "er s"e m!y
be de!d-P;Q
&io$ent disp$!ys by simbi spirits demonstr!ted t"eir Bt"er )or$d$y po#er, Fust !s t"e !bi$ity to spi$$ t"e b$ood of #i$d
!nim!$s s"o#ed ! "unter's !ccess to t"e s!me po#er or t"e c!p!city to spi$$ "um!n b$ood !ut"entic!ted ! c"ief's ri"tfu$
use of it- A$$ peop$e needed intermedi!ries suc" !s n!ture spirits, c"!rms, !nd s0i$$ed individu!$s to ensure surviv!$ !nd
prosperity- As suc", vio$ent simbi disp$!ys did not !$ien!te peop$e- Inste!d, t"ey simp$y confirmed t"!t n!ture spirits !nd
t"e sites !ssoci!ted #it" t"em #ere $eitim!te c"!nne$s of Bt"er )or$d$y po#er-
From t"is ener!$ description of n!ture spirits, #e see t"!t t"ey #ere vit!$ components in )est-*entr!$ Afric!n
communities of t"e $ivin, t"e de!d, !nd ot"er invisib$e po#ers- %imi$!r conceptu!$i1!tions of n!ture spirits e4isted in
m!ny )est Afric!n societies !s #e$$-PRQ )e s"ou$d not be surprised, t"en, to find t"!t c!ptive Afric!ns c!rried !cross t"e
At$!ntic brou"t t"ese ide!s #it" t"em- Indeed, #"i$e specific, n!med territori!$ n!ture spirits #ere not port!b$e, t"e
conceptions !bout t"eir e4istence !nd t"eir re$!tions"ips to $ivin peop$e did m!0e crossin-
)est-*entr!$ Afric!ns in t"e .o#country
A fund!ment!$ step in !ssessin t"e deve$opment of Afric!n-.o#country cu$ture !nd m!0in ! "istoric!$ connection
bet#een )est-*entr!$ Afric!n !nd .o#country simbi spirits inc$udes determinin t"e provenience !nd numbers of Afric!n
c!ptives t!0en to t"e .o#country over time- 2"is ent!i$s more t"!n simp$y computin ross fiures for c!ptives t!0en
from v!rious Afric!n reions durin t"e entire period of import!tion- %ensitivity to t"e tempor!$ dimensions of import!tion
permits ! better underst!ndin of t"e processes of inter!ction !mon c!ptives in cu$tur!$$y diverse p$!nt!tion societies-
2"e rem!inder of t"is section connects t"e 0ey f!ctors of numbers, oriins, !nd c"rono$oy !nd !pp$ies t"em to !n
interpret!tion of t"e cu$tur!$ mi$ieu of t"e %out" *!ro$in! .o#country-
2"e er! of import!tion of Afric!ns to t"e .o#country c!n be divided into t"ree periods t"!t correspond #it" sinific!nt
p"!ses of Afric!n-.o#country cu$tur!$ "istory- 2"e C!r$y =eriod 'c-1R10-1R@@( e4tended from t"e beinnins of
sett$ement of t"e *!ro$in! co$ony t"rou" t"e est!b$is"ment of $!re-sc!$e p$!nt!tion !ricu$ture- 2"ese form!tive
dec!des #itnessed t"e ro#t" of t"e ens$!ved popu$!tion, #"ic" consisted $!re$y of Afric!ns but inc$uded !n
incre!sin$y $!re .o#country-born continent !s #e$$, !nd t"e emerence of Afric!n-.o#country cu$ture- ?y t"e end of
t"is period, ens$!ved peop$e in"!bited !$most !$$ of t"e *!ro$in! portion of t"e .o#country- 2"e .o#country e4p!nded its
territory durin t"e Midd$e =eriod '1R@:-1RR;( !s p$!nt!tion s$!very re!c"ed t"e rivers of t"e upst!rt 3eori! co$ony
sout" of t"e %!v!nn!" 7iver- 2"e muc" "e!vier import!tion of Afric!ns durin t"is time contributed not on$y to t"e
peop$in of t"e 3eori! .o#country, but !$so to t"e continued ro#t" of t"e *!ro$in! .o#country !nd t"e recent$y-sett$ed
interior- 2"e Fin!$ =eriod '1R8N-1808( corresponded #it" t"e retoo$in of p$!nt!tion s$!very fo$$o#in t"e tribu$!tions !nd
destruction of t"e )!r for Americ!n Independence, t"e e4tension of sett$ement to t"e se! is$!nds of %out" *!ro$in! !nd
3eori!, !nd t"e e4p$osive e4p!nsion of s$!very in t"e sout"e!stern interior-P8Q
2"e import!nce of )est-*entr!$ Afric!ns in t"e .o#country e4tends f!r beyond t"eir numbers !$one- )est-*entr!$
Afric!ns, !$on #it" sm!$$er roups of c!ptives t!0en from %ene!mbi! !nd t"e ?i"t of ?i!fr!, bui$t !nd #or0ed t"e
m!ny rice p$!nt!tions t"!t set $eve$s of production unsurp!ssed unti$ t"e mid-1R;0s- 2"is me!ns t"!t !$most ! fu$$
ener!tion before t"e ce$ebr!ted connection bet#een t"e .o#country !nd Afric!'s <7ice *o!st< 'p!rticu$!r$y %ierr!
.eone( #!s formed, t"e found!tions for *!ro$in!'s pre-eminence in rice cu$tiv!tion !nd for Afric!n-.o#country cu$ture
"!d !$re!dy been $!id in $!re p!rt t"rou" t"e unp!r!$$e$ed efforts of )est-*entr!$ Afric!ns- )est-*entr!$ Afric!ns not
on$y constructed t"e p$!nt!tion comp$e4, t"ey !$so so#ed t"e seeds for t"e uninterrupted ro#t" of t"e Afric!n-
descended popu$!tion- Fo$$o#in t"e %tono 7ebe$$ion !nd t"e outbre!0 of ,in 3eore's )!r, bot" in 1RN:, %out"
*!ro$in!'s Afric!n tr!de foundered under t"e #ei"t of pro"ibitive duties on import!tion of ens$!ved peop$e !nd
decre!sed tr!de ener!$$y-P11Q =eop$e from )est-*entr!$ Afric! t"us constituted t"e $!st $!re inf$u4 of Afric!ns for
!not"er dec!de- 2"is brief respite coincided #it" t"e st!bi$i1!tion of se$f-reproducin communities by t"e end of t"e
1R@0s-P12Q 2!0en toet"er t"ese conditions reve!$ t"!t )est-*entr!$ Afric!ns #ere preeminent !mon t"e f!t"ers !nd
mot"ers of ! bureonin .o#country-born society-
%imbi %pirits E t"e Founder 3ener!tion
A$t"ou" #e $!c0 #ritten sources t"!t identify simbi spirits in t"e .o#country before t"e 18@0s, I m!int!in t"!t t"ey
bec!me p!rt of t"e Afric!n-.o#country cu$ture durin t"e C!r$y =eriod of import!tion !nd sett$ement- 2"e e!r$y p$!nt!tion
center ne!r *"!r$eston e4perienced its re!test inf$u4 of Afric!ns, especi!$$y )est-*entr!$ Afric!ns, durin t"e C!r$y
=eriod- Addition!$$y, !$$ t"e 0no#n !nd n!med simbi spirits, inc$udin t"e most f!mous simbi !t )!dboo, !ppe!red on
some of t"e o$dest .o#country p$!nt!tions- 2"is suests t"!t Fust !s )est-*entr!$ Afric!ns #ere p!rticu$!r$y import!nt in
peop$in t"e e!r$y .o#country !nd bui$din t"e *!ro$in! p$!nt!tion comp$e4, t"ey #ere !$so t"e princip$e desiners of
Afric!n-.o#country perception of t"e $!ndsc!pe, especi!$$y its s!cred dimensions-P1NQ Bf course, c!ptives from ot"er
Afric!n reions contributed to t"e deve$opment of t"e Afric!n-.o#country #or$dvie#, but t"e core structure rem!ined
)est-*entr!$ Afric!n- My p$!cement of simbi spirits in t"e e!r$y p"!se !$so derives from specu$!tion on t"e me!nin of
simbi spirits in t"e .o#country- 3iven t"e "istoric!$ connection bet#een .o#country simbi spirits !nd t"ose in )est-
*entr!$ Afric!, !s #e$$ !s t"e ener!$$y simi$!r descriptions from more recent sources, #e m!y im!ine t"!t .o#country
simbi spirits functioned simi$!r$y to )est-*entr!$ Afric!n simbi spirits in t"!t t"ey !$$o#ed ne#comers to root t"emse$ves
in ! $!nd t"!t $!c0ed !de6u!te !ncestr!$ buri!$ rounds, !t $e!st in t"e e!r$iest times- 2"rou" t"e simbi spirits !nd t"e
continu!tion of )est-*entr!$ Afric!n buri!$ pr!ctices, ens$!ved peop$e in t"e .o#country c$!imed t"eir p$!ce on t"e
$!ndsc!pe !nd !c0no#$eded t"e connection bet#een )est-*entr!$ Afric!n !ncestors !nd t"eir c"i$dren in e4i$e-P1@Q
Addition!$$y, t"e presence of simbi spirits m!y "!ve offered ens$!ved peop$e po#erfu$ spiritu!$ benef!ctors #it"in t"e
"!rs" re!$m of p$!nt!tion s$!very, !s c!ptives m!y "!ve focused t"eir !n4ieties over "e!$t" !nd ferti$ity on t"e simbi
spirits- %ic0ness durin t"e Midd$e =!ss!e !nd sever!$ epidemics in t"e e!r$y .o#country !ff$icted m!ny Afric!ns !nd
t"eir descend!nts- Furt"er, ens$!ved peop$e re$ied on t"e produce of t"eir %und!y !rdens !nd "untin to supp$ement
me!er p$!nt!tion r!tions- .!ter ener!tions "e$d m!ny of t"e s!me concerns !bout t"e m!inten!nce of community !nd
spiritu!$ !nd m!teri!$ surviv!$- As suc", simbi spirits rem!ined vit!$ fe!tures of t"e ment!$ !nd p"ysic!$ $!ndsc!pe into t"e
t#entiet" century-
.o#country %imbi %pirits in 2"eoretic!$ *onte4t
2"is interpret!tion of simbi spirits in t"e .o#country continues t"e $ine of rese!rc" t"!t emp"!si1es t"e continued
re$ev!nce !nd vit!$ity of !ncestr!$ cu$tures to ens$!ved peop$e, #"o conscious$y m!int!ined Afric!n tr!ditions in t"e
Americ!s- ?ut t"is is not !n e4ercise in <surviv!$ studies< or in t"e b!sic identific!tion of <Afric!nisms-<P1AQ Inste!d, I "!ve
ende!vored to s"o# "o# one inst!nce of t"e e4tension of Afric!n cu$tures into t"e Americ!s fits #it"in t"e process of
community bui$din in Americ!n p$!nt!tion s$!very- 3iven t"e mu$ti- et"nic composition of .o#country p$!nt!tions 't"ou"
t"ey #ere not !s diverse !s some "!ve !rued(, #e must consider t"is process !s somet"in re!ter t"!n t"e simp$e
retention of one Afric!n tr!dition over m!ny ot"ers- ?y $oo0in !t t"e demor!p"y of t"e At$!ntic tr!de in Afric!n c!ptives
!nd t"e c"rono$oy of p$!nt!tion sett$ement in t"e .o#country, #e see t"e dyn!mic interp$!y of sp!ce !nd time in t"e
form!tion of ens$!ved communities in e!r$y *!ro$in!- ?y t"is p!t" #e see t"!t )est-*entr!$ Afric!ns #ere especi!$$y
inf$uenti!$ in cu$tur!$ deve$opment bec!use t"ey !rrived !t cert!in times t"!t corresponded #it" form!tive p"!ses in t"e
ro#t" of .o#country s$!very, not simp$y bec!use t"ey domin!ted numeric!$$y !mon imported c!ptives- Afric!ns from
ot"er reions $i0e$y m!int!ined m!ny of t"eir o#n be$iefs !nd pr!ctices, !t $e!st durin t"eir $ifetimes- ?ut t"is cu$tur!$
p$ur!$ity eventu!$$y tr!nsformed into ! comp$e4 Afric!n-.o#country cu$ture t"!t incorpor!ted v!rious inf$uences into !
fr!me#or0 t"!t "!d been est!b$is"ed by )est-*entr!$ Afric!n founders- In t"is process t"e fund!ment!$$y simi$!r
perspectives concernin n!ture spirits t"!t Afric!ns from m!ny reions brou"t #it" t"em #ere ret!ined but u$tim!te$y
e4pressed in t"e idioms of )est-*entr!$ Afric!n ,ono cu$ture-
At t"e s!me time t"!t t"is interpret!tion dep!rts from tr!dition!$ <Afric!nisms< sc"o$!rs"ip, it !$so reFects t"e notion of
cu$tur!$ deve$opment t"!t emp"!si1es !$most e4c$usive$y t"e cre!tive impu$se of ens$!ved peop$e in m!0in Afric!n-
At$!ntic cu$tures- Bften $!be$ed t"e <creo$i1!tion< mode$, t"is position typic!$$y dismisses t"e inf$uence of p!rticu$!r Afric!n
cu$ture roups in f!vor of t"e ide! t"!t ens$!ved peop$e !cted !s cu$tur!$ free !ents #"o dre# free$y !nd #ide$y from t"e
diverse cu$tur!$ mi$ieu of t"e Americ!s to f!s"ion dyn!mic, ne# cu$tures- Afric!n contributions !re reduced to ener!$i1ed
inf$uences !t best, !nd e4!mp$es of specific Afric!n continuities !re re!rded !s !nom!$ous or insinific!nt- 2"is mode$
derives in $!re p!rt from creo$i1!tion sc"o$!rs' $!c0 of det!i$ed 0no#$ede of Afric!n cu$tures !nd t"eir mist!0en
!ssumption t"!t Afric!n cu$tures !re fi4ed tr!ditions in"erent$y resist!nt to modific!tion !nd e$!bor!tion- )"i$e t"e
present in6uiry into .o#country simbi spirits reconi1es t"e im!in!tive efforts of Afric!ns to underst!nd !nd !d!pt to
t"eir Americ!n circumst!nces, it does not e4c$ude t"e fund!ment!$ import!nce of !ncestr!$ Afric!n cu$ture in s"!pin t"e
direction of suc" cre!tive ende!vors- In t"e end, discussion over cu$tur!$ deve$opment in t"e Afric!n-At$!ntic di!spor!
must tr!nscend t"e f!mi$i!r tone of continuity versus cre!tivity- I "ope t"!t t"e e4!mp$e of .o#country simbi spirits #i$$
"e$p to "i"$i"t t"e comp$ement!ry cre!tive !nd conserv!tive forces !t #or0 in cu$tur!$ deve$opment, !nd continue t"e
trend to#!rd more nu!nced tre!tments of Afric!n-At$!ntic cu$tures-P1;Q
1- ?ein #it" %ter$in %tuc0ey, %$!ve *u$ture: 8!tion!$ist 2"eory !nd t"e Found!tions of ?$!c0 Americ! '8e# 9or0:
B4ford Dniversity =ress, 1:8R(, N-:R5 7obert F!rris 2"omspon, <,ono Inf$uences on Afric!n-Americ!n Artistic *u$ture,<
in Josep" C- Ho$$o#!y, ed-, Afric!nisms in Americ!n *u$ture '?$oominton: Indi!n! Dniversity =ress, 1::0(, 1@8-8@5 !nd
M!r!ret )!s"inton *ree$, <3u$$!" Attitudes to#!rd .ife !nd /e!t",< in ibid-, ;:-:R- Bn t"e $inuistic inf$uence, see
Josep" C- Ho$$o#!y !nd &!ss, 2"e Afric!n Herit!e of Americ!n Cn$is" '?$oominton: Indi!n! Dniversity =ress, 1::N(-
2- Bn #!ter spirits, see )i$$i!m M- M!t"e#, ed-, Aricu$ture, 3eo$oy, !nd %ociety in Antebe$$um %out" *!ro$in!: 2"e
=riv!te /i!ry of Cdmund 7uffin, 18@N 'At"ens: Dniversity of 3eori! =ress, 1::2(, 1;@-;R5 F-)- ?r!d$ey, <',no#in
9!rbs' Me!ns Abi$ity to He!$ #it" Medicin!$ Herbs,< *"!r$eston 8e# E *ourier, 1: Febru!ry 1:A05 Jo"n ?ennett p!pers,
18;A-1:A;, %out" *!ro$in! Historic!$ %ociety5 !nd 7obert F!rris 2"ompson's ess!y in 3rey 3und!0er, ed-, ,eep 9our
He!d to t"e %0y: Interpretin Afric!n Americ!n Home 3round '*"!r$ottesvi$$e: Dniversity =ress of &irini!, 1::8(- Bn t"e
ot"er spirits, see )riters' =ror!m '%-*-(, %out" *!ro$in! Fo$0 2!$es: %tories of Anim!$s !nd %upern!tur!$ ?eins,
*ompi$ed by )or0ers of t"e )riters' =ror!m of t"e )or0 =roFects Administr!tion in t"e %t!te of %out" *!ro$in!
'*o$umbi!: Dniversity of %out" *!ro$in!, 1:@1(, @@-A1-
N- M!t"e#, Aricu$ture, 1;R-
@- For ! s!mp$in of )est-*entr!$ Afric!n n!ture spirits in prim!ry sources, see Andre# ?!tte$$, 2"e %tr!ne Adventures
of Andre# ?!tte$ of .ei" in Ano$! !nd AdFoinin 7eions- ed-, C-3- 7!venstein '8ende$n, .iec"tenstein: ,r!us 7eprint,
1:;R(, A;-85 B$fert /!pper, Dmst]nd$ic"e und Cien$ic"e ?esc"reibun von Afri0! 'Amsterd!m: J!cob von Meurs, 1;R0(,
AN@-R5 3iov!nni Antonio *!v!11i d! Montecucco$o, /escriXYo "ist^rico doe trWs reinos *ono M!t!mb! e Ano$!, 2
vo$s-, 3r!1i!no M!ri! d! .eu11!no, ed- !nd tr!ns- '.isbon: Junt! de Investi!X_es do D$tr!m!r, 1:;A(, b0- 2, A:-;0,
;A-R5 !nd M!rce$$ino d'Atri <3iorn!te !posto$ic"e f!tte d! me Fr! M- d'A `1;:0,< in *!r$o 2oso, ed-, .'An!rc"i!
*ono$ese ne$ sec- a&II- .! re$!1ione inedit! de M!rce$$ino d'Atri '3eno!, 1:8@(, @8N-;, @::- Amon t"e second!ry
sources, see Anne Hi$ton, 2"e ,indom of ,ono 'B4ford: *$!rendon, 1:8A(, c"!pter one5 Jo"n ,- 2"ornton, 2"e
,ono$ese %!int Ant"ony: /on! ?e!tri1 ,imp! &it! !nd t"e Antoni!n Movement, 1;8@-1R0; '*!mbride: *!mbride
Dniversity =ress, 1::8(, AA-R5 2"ornton, <7e$iious !nd *eremoni!$ .ife in t"e ,ono !nd Mbundu Are!s, 1A00-1R00,< in
.ind! Hey#ood, ed-, *entr!$ Afric!ns !nd *u$tur!$ 2r!nsform!tions in t"e Americ!n /i!spor! '*!mbride: *!mbride
Dniversity =ress, fort"comin(5 )y!tt M!c3!ffey, 7e$iion !nd %ociety in *entr!$ Afric!: 2"e ?!,ono of .o#er G!ire
'*"ic!o: Dniversity of *"ic!o =ress, 1:8;(, R@-815 !nd M!c3!ffey, ,ono =o$itic!$ *u$ture: 2"e *onceptu!$ *"!$$ene
of t"e =!rticu$!r '?$oominton: Indi!n! Dniversity =ress, 200;(-
A- \uoted in 3eores ?!$!ndier, /!i$y .ife in t"e ,indom of ,ono: %i4teent" to Ci"teent" *entury, tr!ns- He$en
)e!ver '.ondon: 3eore A$$en !nd Dn#in, 1:;8(, 2AN-
;- \uoted in M!c3!ffey, ,ono =o$itic!$ *u$ture, 1@1-
R- Jo"n I$$ife, Afric!ns: 2"e History of ! *ontinent '*!mbride: *!mbride Dniversity =ress, 1::@(, 8A-85 !nd Jo"n %-
Mbiti, Afric!n 7e$iions !nd ="i$osop"ies, 2nd ed- '=ortsmout", 8H: Heinem!nn, 1::0(, A0-R, R;-80-
8- For t!b$es !nd ! fu$$er tre!tment of t"e numbers, see 7!s Mic"!e$ ?ro#n, <')!$0 in t"e Feend!': )est-*entr!$ Afric!ns
!nd t"e Forest in t"e %out" *!ro$in!-3eori! .o#country,< in Hey#ood, *entr!$ Afric!ns- %ee !$so, /!vid 7ic"!rdson,
<2"e ?ritis" %$!ve 2r!de to *o$oni!$ %out" *!ro$in!,< %$!very !nd Abo$ition 12,N '/ecember 1::1(, 12A-R25 ="y$$is
M!rtin, C4tern!$ 2r!de of t"e .o!no *o!st, 1AR;-18R0: 2"e Cffects of *"!nin *ommerci!$ 7e$!tions on t"e &i$i
,indom of .o!no 'B4ford: *$!rendon =ress, 1:R2(5 !nd Josep" *- Mi$$er, <2"e 8umbers, Briins, !nd /estin!tions of
%$!ves in t"e Ci"teent"-*entury Ano$!n %$!ve 2r!de,< in Josep" C- Ini0ori !nd %t!n$ey .- Cnerm!n, eds-, 2"e At$!ntic
%$!ve 2r!de: Cffects on t"e Cconomies, %ocieties, !nd =eop$es of Afric!, t"e Americ!s, !nd Curope '/ur"!m: /u0e
Dniversity =ress, 1::2(-
:- \uote t!0en from Fr!n0 J- ,$inber, 2"e *!ro$in! *"ronic$e of /r- Fr!ncis .e J!u '?er0e$ey: Dniversity of *!$iforni!
=ress, 1:A;( ;:- %ee !$so, Jo"n ,- 2"ornton, <Afric!n /imensions of t"e %tono 7ebe$$ion,< Americ!n Historic!$ 7evie#
:;,@ '1::1(, 110N-110A-
10- %out" *!ro$in! 3!1ette, ; Auust 1RNR-
11- J!mes 3$en, <A /escription of %out" *!ro$in!,< in Mi$$in, ed-, *o$oni!$ %out" *!ro$in!: 2#o *ontempor!ry
/escriptions '*o$umbi!: Dniversity of %out" *!ro$in! =ress, 1:A1(, @A- %ee !$so, 7ic"!rdson, <?ritis" %$!ve 2r!de,< 1N15
!nd %tu!rt B- %tumpf, <Imp$ic!tions of ,in 3eore's )!r for t"e *"!r$eston Merc!nti$e *ommunity,< %out" *!ro$in!
Historic!$ M!!1ine RR '1:R;(: 1;1-188-
12- 3$en, </escription,< @A- For !n!$yses of demor!p"y of t"e ens$!ved popu$!tion t"rou"out t"e ei"teent" century,
see Mor!n, %$!ve *ounterpoint, R:-:A5 =eter )ood, <'More .i0e A 8ero *ountry': /emor!p"ic =!tterns in *o$oni!$
%out" *!ro$in!, 1R00-1R@:,< in %t!n$ey .- Cnerm!n !nd Cuene /- 3enovese, eds-, 7!ce !nd %$!very in t"e )estern
Hemisp"ere: \u!ntit!tive %tudies '=rinceton: =rinceton Dniversity =ress, 1:RA(5 !nd Men!rd, <%$!ve /emor!p"y,< 2:1-
1N- ?ro#n, <')!$0 in t"e Feend!'<-
1@- Bn buri!$ pr!ctices, see 2"ompson, <,ono Inf$uences,< 1;R-805 !nd Jon Mic"!e$ &$!c", ?y t"e )or0 of 2"eir H!nds:
%tudies in Afro-Americ!n Fo$0$ife '*"!r$ottesvi$$e: Dniversity of &irini! =ress, 1::1(, @N-R- *ree$ '<3u$$!" Attitudes<(
provides ener!$ observ!tions on )est- *entr!$ Afric!n inf$uences on .o#country perceptions of de!t"-
1A- For b!c0round on t"e fo$$o#in comments, see %idney )- Mint1 !nd 7ic"!rd =rice, 2"e ?irt" of Afric!n-Americ!n
*u$ture: An Ant"ropo$oic!$ =erspective '?oston: ?e!con, 1::2(5 Mervyn *- A$$eyne, <*ontinuity !nd *re!tivity in Afro-
Americ!n .!nu!e !nd *u$ture,< in %!$i0o0o %- Muf#ene, ed-, Afric!nisms in Afro-Americ!n .!nu!e &!rieties
'At"ens: Dniversity of 3eori! =ress, 1::N(, 1;R-1815 !nd =!u$ C- .oveFoy, <2"e Afric!n /i!spor!: 7evisionist
Interpret!tions of Ct"nicity, *u$ture !nd 7e$iion under %$!very,< %tudies in t"e )or$d History of %$!very, Abo$ition !nd
Cm!ncip!tion 2,1 '1::R(-
1;- For !n e4ce$$ent e4!mp$e of t"is 0ind of sc"o$!rs"ip, see Mic"!e$ A- 3ome1, C4c"!nin our *ountry M!r0s: 2"e
2r!nsform!tion of Afric!n Identities in t"e *o$oni!$ !nd Antebe$$um %out" '*"!pe$ Hi$$: Dniversity of 8ort" *!ro$in! =ress,
%end corrections+suestions to ,ennet" )i$burn, )eb Cditor for %C7%A%-
First Bn$ine Cdition: 2@ Bctober 200;
.!st 7evised: 2@ Bctober 200;
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o Maggie
Re: Simbi
2"u, Ju$y 8, 2010 - 1:@0 =M
Anot"er $in0 !bout t"e <*ymbees< ',ono #!ter spirits( of t"e %out" *!ro$in! .o# *ountry:
From t"e !bove:
<At t"e end of 7uffinLs !ccount, M!tt"e# notes t"!t in Indi!n fo$0$ore d#!rves, #!ter b!bies, !nd o$d #omen v!rious$y
in"!bit sprins !nd ot"er #et p$!ces-<
Just F9I, t"ere is ! p$!ce ne!r my "ome, in t"e #oods, #"ere I encountered N Indi!n #om!n spirits ----<o$d #omen< #"o
u!rd t"e %prin t"ere-
<He st!tes t"!t t"e s$!ves I"!ve peop$ed t"ese fount!ins #it" spirits #"ic" t"ey c!$$ cymbies, !0in to t"e undine !nd t"e
0e$pie- Bn %!turd!y ni"ts you m!y "e!r ! str!ne, r"yt"mic t"umpin sound from t"e sprin, !nd $oo0in out you m!y
see by t"e #i$d, fitfu$ $!re of $i"t#ood torc"es d!r0 fiures movin to !nd fro- 2"ese !re t"e nero #omen !t t"eir
$!undry #or0, 0nee deep in t"e stre!m, be!tin t"e c$ot"es #it" "e!vy c$ubs- 2"ey !re merry enou" #"en toet"er, but
not one of t"em #i$$ o !$one for ! piin of #!ter !nd if you s$ip up in t"e s"!do# of t"e o$d o!0 !nd t"ro# ! stone into
t"e sprin, t"e entire p!rty #i$$ rus" !#!y !t t"e sp$!s", scre!m #it" fe!r convinced t"e cymbee is !fter t"emJ ')i$son
1:2;: 1A;-1AR(-<
<If !nyone disturbs t"e sprin, t"e *ymbee #ou$d be !nry- If it #!s destroyed or muc" inFured from !ny c!use, t"e
*ymbee #ou$d $e!ve it, !nd t"e #!ters #ou$d dry up- 2"e *ymbees #ere proportion!te in si1e to t"e sprinJ
<=oos"ee =$!nt!tion comes up !!in !s ! $oc!tion occupied by #!ter spirits in ! muc" $!ter conte4t- A b$!c0 #om!n by
t"e n!me of *$!r! Mi$$i!n #!rned some #"ite c"i$dren #"o #ere p$!yin beside of ! poo$- %"e #!rned I3ot to be re!$$y
c!refu$$y if you o in t"!t #!ter- %imbiL$$ et you-J
<In ,ono, bisimbi in"!bit roc0s, u$$ies, stre!ms, !nd poo$s, !nd !re !b$e to inf$uence t"e ferti$ity !nd #e$$ bein of t"ose
$ivin in t"e !re!- 2"ey !re c$ose$y re$!ted #it" persons born !bnorm!$$y 'c!$$ed b!!n! b! n$ono( !nd min0isi #"ic" !re
m!ic!$ devices or Ipo#er obFectsJ 'M!c3!ffey 2002: 212(- 2"ey !re po#ered by n!ture spirits suc" !s bisimbi-<
<2"e difficu$ty in c!teori1in t"e m!nifest!tions of t"ese spirits is i$$ustr!ted by ! 1:1A ,i,ono te4t, #"ic" st!tes:
)"!t !re bisimbi[ 2"ey "!ve ot"er n!mes, too- %ome !re c!$$ed pyt"on, $i"tnin ourd or c!$!b!s", mort!r or ! sort of
pot- 2"e e4p$!n!tion of t"eir n!mes is t"!t t"ey !re #!ter spirits 'n0isi mi! m!mb!(- 2"e n!mes of some of t"ese min0isi
!re: 8! ,ono, M! 81!n1!, 80ondi !nd .ond!- 2"ey "!ve m!ny !ppe!r!nces of !$$ 0inds- %ome !re seen to be reen,
or red, b$!c0, or per"!ps in spotted or sp!r0$in co$ors- 2"e body in #"ic" t"ey !re !ppe!$ed to is of t"ree or four 0inds:
1( t"e body of ! person 2( of ! sn!0e suc" !s ! pyt"on or viper N( ! c!$!b!s" or ourd @( of #ood or pottery- %ometimes
! sp!r0 of fire '6uoted in M!c3!ffey 2002(- M!c3!ffey '2002: 21N( st!tes t"!t t"ey !ffect t"e $ives of peop$e in t"ree
modes- I2"ey !re t"e tute$!ry spirits of p!rticu$!r territories, t"ey become inc!rn!te !s t#ins !nd ot"er speci!$ c"i$dren,
!nd t"ey !re t"e princip!$ !nim!tin forces in min0isi- %ince t"e destruction of indienous po$ities under co$oni!$ ru$e, t"e
re!t, n!med spirits !re sc!rce$y remembered- 8o#!d!ys, bisimbi !re most f!mi$i!r !s !nonymous spirits !b$e to c!use
troub$e if t"ey !re not tre!ted #it" respect-J
?ro#n '2000( suests t"!t t"e fe!r IcymbeeJ spirits invo0ed did not !$ien!te peop$e, but simp$y Iconfirmed t"!t n!ture
spirits !nd t"e sites !ssoci!ted #it" t"em #ere $eitim!te c"!nne$s of Bt"er )or$dy po#er-J

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