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The story of DAP

By Rowena F. Caronan and Karol Ilagan
Philippine Center for Investigative Journalis
IT TOOK a peeved senator, who was being accused of corruption, for the pubic to be
inadvertent! introduced to what is now "nown as DA# or the Disburse$ent Acceeration
&et a$ost a !ear after Senator 'ose ('inggo!) E*ercito Estrada + now in *ai for aeged
punder + gave his priviege speech that ed to the reveation about DA#, itte re$ains cear
about the controversia progra$%
In arge part, this is because of the apparent propensit! of the A,uino govern$ent to be sting!
with detais about it% #-I' itsef has had a re,uest for specific data on DA# pending with the
Budget Depart$ent for the ast nine $onths. b! $ost indications, the wait is not about to end
an!ti$e soon%
In the $eanti$e, #-I' has atte$pted to buid the histor! of DA# in the ast three !ears b!
trac"ing its disburse$ents, as we as identif!ing significant poitica events that coincided
with "e! $ove$ents in the progra$% To co$e up with the ti$eine, which $a! hep provide
so$e carit! about DA#, #-I' referred to the 'u! 1, /011 Supre$e -ourt ruing on the
constitutionait! of the progra$, as we as to various news reports and issuances fro$
various govern$ent offices 2particuar! the Depart$ent of Budget and 3anage$ent4%
The #hiippine econo$! grows at an average rate of 5%6 percent, beow the five7 to si87
percent forecast, according to reports of the 9ationa Statistica -oordination Board 29S-B4%
The figure represents a sowdown fro$ the :%/7percent growth in /010 when eection
spending boosted the econo$!% ;overn$ent underspending, $ost! in infrastructure pro*ects,
which began in /010, and the unfavorabe word econo$ic environ$ent, is puing down the
countr!)s econo$ic growth%
#resident Benigno S% A,uino III is critici<ed for the econo$ic sowdown on account of
poicies that focused on reducing deficit, as we as the introduction of carefu screening of
govern$ent contracts, that has apparent! ed to i$pe$entation dea!s% =hie the $easures
are touted to i$prove fisca baance, the! have not heped the econo$! to absorb e8terna
shoc"s fro$ poitica tensions in the 3idde East and 9orth Africa, an earth,ua"e and
tsuna$i in 'apan, and the recessions in the >nited States and Europe%
The first haf of /011, however, has the egisative branch $a"ing swift $oves that are
dee$ed to aign with or favor the ad$inistration)s pans%
On 3arch //, for instance, the ?ouse of Representatives woud vote to i$peach then
O$buds$an 3erceditas ;utierre< on grounds of her aeged inaction on the fertii<er fund
sca$, 9ationa Broadband 9etwor"7@hing Aing Teeco$$unications E,uip$ent Inc% 29B97
@TE4 dea, BEuro generasC scanda, 3ega7#acific dea, and the #hiip #estaDo case% The
O$buds$an)s ow conviction rate is aso cited as another reason to have her i$peached%
The fertii<er fund sca$ supposed! invoved for$er #resident ;oria 3acapaga7Arro!o%
Arro!o woud be ceared in this case b! the O$buds$an in 3a! /011% She and her husband,
however, woud re$ain respondents in a graft case reated to the 9B97@TE dea%
;utierre<, $eanti$e, woud announce her resignation fro$ office on Apri /6, /011,
subse,uent! canceing the i$peach$ent tria that was supposed to ta"e pace at the Senate%
Aso on 3arch //, the ?ouse approves ?ouse Bi 9o% 111E, a $easure see"ing to
s!nchroni<e the Autono$ous Region in 3usi$ 3indanao 2AR334 eections with the 3a!
/015 pos% This thereb! postpones the AR33 eections origina! schedued to ta"e pace on
August :, /011%
On 'une E, the Senate passes Senate Bi 9o% /FGE, the counterpart $easure see"ing to
postpone the August :, /011 AR33 eections%
Three wee"s ater, on 'une 50, #resident A,uino signs into aw Repubic Act 9o% 101G5,
which s!nchroni<es the ne8t AR33 pos with the 3a! 15, /015 $idter$ eections% R%A%
9o% 101G5 i"ewise aows the #resident to na$e officers7in7charge to serve in AR33 unti
'une 50, /015%
On 'u! /E, A,uino sub$its to -ongress the proposed #1%:1E7triion budget for /01/% This
was considered to be A,uino)s first officia budget after having assu$ed office in the $idde
of /010%
August %
In an interview after the Deveop$ent and Budget -oordination -o$$ittee 2DB--4 briefing
for senators on the /01/ proposed budget, Senator Hran"in 3% Drion e8presses concern over
govern$ent underspending, which e8perts sa! coud hurt growth targets% BI a$ gad that the
DB-- is aware of this and the! are e8erting e8tra effort in order that there can be $ore
spending, there can be $ore pubic infrastructure spending,C Drion sa!s% BThis is rea!
so$ething that $ust be oo"ed at carefu!, especia! given the recession in the >%S%C The
senator notes that the DB-- had agreed Bto $a"e $ore accurate assess$ent,C but not
necessari! to revise growth targets, in two $onths%
DB-- at this ti$e is co$posed of Budget and 3anage$ent Secretar! Horencio B% Abad,
Socioecono$ic #anning Secretar! -a!etano =% #aderanga 'r%, E8ecutive Secretar! #a,uito
9% Ochoa 'r%, Hinance Secretar! -esar I% #urisi$a, and Bang"o Sentra ng #iipinas ;overnor
A$ando 3% Tetangco 'r% Arsenio 3% Baisacan woud ater repace #aderanga in 3a! /01/%
August &#
In his outoo" for the third and fourth ,uarters of /011, #aderanga hints at an Bacceerated
spending panC that DB3 has in the wor"s%
#aderanga sa!s in a press reease, B=e want to opti$i<e fisca spending)s contribution to
growth% As such, the acceerated spending progra$ ai$s to fast7trac" govern$ent
disburse$ents in the second haf of the !ear, in order to shore up the eve of econo$ic
activit!% Hor instance, recogni<ing the ow utii<ation and absorptive capacit! of its
depart$ents and agencies, the govern$ent focused on fast $oving e8penditures to beef up its
'epte(er #&
In separate press reeases, Senators Drion and Edgardo (Ed) '% Angara, chair and vice chair of
the Senate -o$$ittee on Hinance respective!, urge the Depart$ent of #ubic =or"s and
?ighwa!s 2D#=?4 to boost infrastructure deveop$ent to sti$uate growth%
Drion sa!s D#=? shoud acceerate its i$pe$entation of infrastructure pro*ects% Angara,
$eanwhie, stressed the i$portance of Bsti$uative spendingC at a ti$e of Bi$$inent crisis%C
On the sa$e da!, the Supre$e -ourt issues a te$porar! restraining order against the
i$pe$entation of Repubic Act 9o% 101G5, a aw postponing the schedued August :, /011
eections in AR33%
'epte(er #)
The ?ouse of Representatives approves the proposed #1%:1E7triion nationa budget for
*+to(er #"
DB3, in docu$ents sub$itted ater to the Supre$e -ourt, ad$its to $a"ing actua
disburse$ents of #EF,F//,/:0,000 of the #F/%117biion DA# on October 10, /011% 29oteJ
These docu$ents were cited in the concurringKdissenting opinion that Associate 'ustice
Antonio T% -arpio woud write about DA# in 'u! /011%4
The reease of the first tranche of DA# funds woud happen two da!s before DA# was
actua! aunched or introduced through a 3e$orandu$ for the #resident that Secretar! Abad
issued on October 1/, /011%
*+to(er ##
In a press reease, then Senator Ed Angara sa!s, L=h! are we hoarding so $uch pubic
$one!M 3one! unspent, is $one! useess +a useess asset when there is so $uch urgent
necessar! infrastructure and pubic wor"s cr!ing out for prosecution and i$pe$entation%C
*+to(er #!
Abad see"s the #resident)s approva to i$pe$ent the Disburse$ent Acceeration #rogra$
through a $e$orandu$ containing a ist of fund sources for #F/%117biion worth of pro*ects
supposed! ai$ed to speed up disburse$ents%
In his state$ent introducing DA#, Abad sa!s #resident A,uino has instructed his govern$ent
to e8ecute additiona pro*ects to boster econo$ic growth for /011 because the disburse$ent
perfor$ance had not been enough that August%
Drion, $eanwhie, had earier re$ar"ed that he was doubtfu of Bthe abiit! of the
govern$ent to acceerate spendingC given its perfor$ance in the ast eight $onths of /011%
*+to(er &"
A DB3 disburse$ent perfor$ance report reeased for this $onth sa!s so$e #/E biion
worth of disburse$ents in October had been attributed to DA#% The report aso identifies nine
pro*ects that received aot$ents under the DA#% 2See Sidebar Table 14
DB3 aso ac"nowedges in the report that dea!s brought about b! reaign$ents and carefu
pro*ect identification and panning had caused $a*or bac"ogs in the fisca progra$% But it
,uaifies that these were necessar! to ensure the ,uait! of spending% B=ith these
deveop$ents, the govern$ent re$ains positive that pubic sector spending wi continue
acceerating in the co$ing $onths and that the prudent e8penditure $anage$ent e8ercised b!
depart$entsKagencies in e8ecuting their budgets wi reap onger7ter$ fisca and econo$ic
benefits,C the Budget Depart$ent sa!s%
,ove(er !!
Ioting 1:71, the Senate approves the /01/ budget proposa on third reading% On! then
Senator 'o"er Arro!o opposes the approva, as he raises concerns against u$p7su$
appropriations% LThe function of -ongress is to chec" the e8cesses of the e8ecutive, I do not
thin" we have done our *ob,L a Sun Star report woud ,uote Arro!o as sa!ing%
,ove(er &"
In its 9ove$ber /011 Assess$ent on Disburse$ent #erfor$ance report, DB3 sa!s it has
reeased aot$ents for four pro*ects worth #16%/ biion under the DA#% 2See Sidebar Table 24
The Budget Depart$ent woud ater e8pain in its Dece$ber /011 report that the Bbu" of the
reeases fro$ the >nprogra$$ed Hund went to 9?A for the AH#K#9# housing pro*ect 2#5%G
biion4, Ioio resette$ent pro*ect, and 9orth Triange Reocation #ro*ect%C It woud aso sa!
that these pro*ects were funded b! the windfa coection of ;overn$ent Hinancia
Institutions 2;HIs4 dividends re$itted to the Treasur! in 'anuar! /011%
De+e(er #!
DB3 re,uests an Bo$nibus authorit! to consoidate /011 savingsKunutii<ed baances and its
reaign$ent to fund additiona pro*ects totaing to #15%1 biionC as suppe$ent to current
DA# funds% B! end of Dece$ber, DB3 woud state in a press reease that it had disbursed
#F%E biion and reeased aot$ents worth #5%G biion fro$ the #15%1 biion additiona fund%
In tota, DA# woud now be worth #:G%G1 biion%
Aso on Dece$ber 1/, the ?ouse of Representatives i$peaches Supre$e -ourt -hief 'ustice
Renato -orona on grounds of aeged graft and corruption, cupabe vioation of the
-onstitution, and betra!a of pubic trust%
A ;3A 9ews report woud ater sa! that 1:: of /:1 ?ouse $e$bers signed the verified
co$paint against the chief *ustice% This aowed the co$paint to be trans$itted direct! to
the Senate without undergoing ?ouse co$$ittee deiberations%
De+e(er #-
#resident A,uino signs the #1%:1E7triion nationa budget for /01/% The /01/ ;enera
Appropriations Act incudes the #56%G7biion conditiona cash transfer progra$, the
ad$inistration)s $ain anti7povert! $easure%
De+e(er !#
DB3 ad$its to actua disburse$ents of #11,001,1GF,000 under DA# b! this date, according
to -arpio)s separate opinion in the Supre$e -ourt ruing on DA#% Tota actua disburse$ents
under DA# a$ounts to #F:%F5 biion, incuding the disburse$ent in October /011%
These figures, however, woud differ fro$ those in a 'anuar! 6, /01/ DB3 press reease in
which the Budget Depart$ent announced tota actua disburse$ents of #E1%5E biion b! the
end of Dece$ber /011% (See Sidebar Table 3)
In the sa$e press reease, DB3 woud aso identif! the 1: progra$s and pro*ects as part of
the #15%17biion DA#% (See Sidebar Table 4)
De+e(er &"
DB3)s disburse$ent perfor$ance report as of Dece$ber /011 identifies the foowing
aot$ent reeases under the DA# for 3aintenance and Other Operating E8pensesJ
1% Hinancia subsid! given to N;>s that are endorsed b! the Depart$ent of the Interior and
Noca ;overn$ent 2DIN;4 as recipients of the Sea of ;ood ?ouse"eeping 2#G%/ biion4.
/% Hunding for i$prove$ent of disaster panning and response through the Depart$ent of
Science and Technoog!)s 2DOST)s4 9ationwide Disaster Ris" E8posure, Assess$ent,
and 3itigation 2DREA34 progra$ 2#1%E biion4%
Tota actua disburse$ents in Dece$ber /011 a$ount to #F:%F5 biion, incuding the #EF%F/
biion in October and #11 biion on Dece$ber /1, /011% But this figure woud differ fro$
DB3Os press reease on 'anuar! 6, /01/ and which woud announce that as of Dece$ber 51,
/011, actua disburse$ents a$ounted to on! #E1%5E biion%
January #)
The Senate sitting as an i$peach$ent court begins the tria of then -hief 'ustice Renato
.ay !/
Twent! senators vote to convict -orona% Three others 77 Senators 3iria$ Defensor7Santiago,
'o"er Arro!o, and Herdinand (Bongbong) 3arcos 'r% 77 vote to ac,uit hi$%
June !-
DB3 re,uests an o$nibus authorit! to poo savings and to fund proposed pro*ects% DB3
woud aso ad$it to actua disburse$ents of #/1,GE1,G:F,000 under the DA# on 'une /F,
according to -arpio)s separate opinion% Tota actua disburse$ents under DA# now a$ount to
#100%/6 biion%
July #%
Abad issues 9ationa Budget -ircuar 9o% G11 or the BAdoption of Operationa Efficienc!
3easure + =ithdrawa of Agencies) >nobigated Aot$ents as of 'une 50, /01/%C The
circuar provides that Ba reeased aot$ents in H& /011 charged against R%A% 9o% 1011F
which re$ained unobigated as of 'une 50, /01/ sha be i$$ediate! considered for
The withdrawn aot$ents, the circuar sa!s, $a! be reissued for the origina progra$s and
pro*ects of the agencies concerned fro$ which the aot$ents were withdrawn, reaigned to
cover additiona funding for other e8isting progra$s and pro*ects of the agenc!, and used to
aug$ent e8isting progra$s and pro*ects not considered in the /01/ budget but e8pected to be
started or i$pe$ented during the current !ear% The ast condition sha be sub*ect to the
approva of the #resident%
July &"
According to DB3)s Assess$ent of Disburse$ent #erfor$ance for 'u! /01/, another
Disburse$ent Acceeration #rogra$ is panned for i$pe$entation during the !ear and this
woud be based on the e8tent of appropriations that re$ain unobigated to date%
July !-
A,uino sub$its to -ongress the proposed #/%00E7triion nationa budget for /015%
August #
The ?ouse of Representatives starts its co$$ittee7eve deiberations on the proposed
#/%00E7triion nationa budget for /015%
'epte(er 0
Hor the third ti$e since /011 DB3 re,uests an o$nibus authorit! to poo savings and to fund
proposed pro*ects%
DB3 aso ad$its to actua disburse$ents of #/,F51,0:0,000 under the DA# b! Sept% G,
according to -arpio)s separate opinion in the Supre$e -ourt ruing on DA#% Tota actua
disburse$ents under DA# now reach #105 biion%
'epte(er !"
The ?ouse of Representatives approves the proposed #/%00E7triion nationa budget for /015
on second reading%
*+to(er #$-
The fiing of -ertificates of -andidac! for the /015 $idter$ eections ta"es pace during this
,ove(er !%
The Senate approves on third and fina reading the #/%00E7triion budget for /015%
De+e(er 0
T!phoon Pablo wrea"s havoc in 3indanao, affecting $ore than F11,000 fa$iies and eaving
over a thousand dead%
De+e(er #/
#resident A,uino signs the #/%00E7triion budget for /015%
In the $eanti$e, DB3 for the fourth ti$e re,uests an o$nibus authorit! to poo savings and
to fund proposed pro*ects% DB3 woud aso ad$it to actua disburse$ents of
#55,0:/,E05,000 under the DA#, according to -arpio)s separate opinion% Tota actua
disburse$ents under DA# now a$ount to #15E%1 biion%
De+e(er !#
DB3 reeases a ist of identified pro*ects and progra$s that woud be funded b! the
additiona #55 biion% 2See Sidebar Table 54
.ay #&
The /015 $id7ter$ eections are conducted% The senatoria pos coincide with the oca
eections and the genera eections in the Autono$ous Region in 3usi$ 3indanao%
Tweve senators woud be eected, haf of who$ woud be re7eectionists and the other haf
newco$ers bearing fa$iiar surna$es% The winning re7eectionists incude Senators Hrancis
(-hi<) Escudero, Norna Regina (Noren) Negarda, Aan #eter -a!etano, A,uiino (Ko"o)
#i$ente III, Antonio Trianes II, and ;regorio (;ringo) ?onasan II% Senators Benigno
(Ba$) A,uino II, 9anc! Bina!, 'oseph Iictor ('I) E*ercito, 'uan Edgardo (Sonn!) Angara,
-!nthia Iiar, and ;race #oe i"ewise woud ta"e their oath of office%
.ay !"
DB3 re,uests another o$nibus authorit! to poo savings to fund proposed pro*ects% This is
the fifth of such re,uest b! the Budget Depart$ent%
June #1
DB3 ad$its to actua disburse$ents of #1,EG:,/1G,000 under DA#, according to -arpio)s
separate opinion% B! this ti$e, DA# disburse$ents tota #110%: biion%
The Philippine Daily Inquirer pubishes a series of reports on the #riorit! Deveop$ent
Assistance Hund 2#DAH4 based on accounts of whistebower Benhur Nu!% The reports sa!
businesswo$an 'anet Ni$ 9apoes and at east five senators aeged! eicited $one! of the
#DAH% Nu! is a cousin and for$er aide of 9apoes%
Inquirers reports ead to an investigation on the por"7barre sca$ b! the Depart$ent of
'ustice 2DO'4 and the 9ationa Bureau of Investigation 29BI4%
August #)
-OA pubishes its specia audit on the use of the #riorit! Deveop$ent Assistance Hund and
Iarious Infrastructure incuding Noca #ro*ects fro$ /00F to /006%
-OA identifies adverse findings on the use and $anage$ent of the por" barre that e8cessive
grants of #DAH to so$e aw$a"ers and the reease of funds to dubious nongovern$enta
organi<ations and pro*ects%
-OA)s specia audit triggers a Senate investigation on the por"7barre sca$% Earier, the
Senate had announced that it woud not conduct a probe because of the pending investigation
being carried out b! the DO' and 9BI%
August !&
A wee" after the reease of the -OA specia audit on #DAH, #resident A,uino announces the
supposed aboition of the por"7barre s!ste$% &et instead of being a u$p7su$ ite$ in the
budget, the #/G%117biion #DAH woud ater be re7aigned to si8 "e! agencies in the /011
nationa budget% E8cept for D#=?, each agenc! woud have a bigger #DAH to i$pe$ent in
/011% The agencies woud aso focus on on! one t!pe of pro*ect%
August !)
#rotesters trooped to Ri<a #ar" in 3ania caing for the aboition of #DAH% The ra! dubbed
as the B3iion #eope 3archC woud be considered the first and biggest de$onstration !et
during the A,uino ad$inistration%
August !/
The Senate Bue Ribbon -o$$ittee starts its hearings on the por"7barre sca$%
Businesswo$an 'anet Ni$ 9apoes, whistebower Benhur Nu!, for$er Technoog! Resource
-enter director Dennis -unanan, and Rub! Tuason woud be a$ong those who woud attend
and testif! during the Senate hearings%
'epte(er &
In a etter signed b! D#=? Assistant Secretar! Di$as S% Soguion, the D#=? updates
#residentia Adviser on #eace #rocess Teresita Puintos Dees on the status of i$pe$entation
of the three pro*ects under #a!apa at 3asaganang #a$a!anan 2#A3A9A4 #rogra$ for /01/,
which had been funded through the DA#% 2See Sidebar Table 64
The #A3A9A #rogra$ was estabished to e8tend deveop$ent interventions to co$$unities
affected b! confict% It is being $anaged b! the Office of the #residentia Adviser on the
#eace #rocess%
'epte(er #)
The 9ationa Bureau of Investigation reco$$ends before the Office of the O$buds$an the
fiing of charges of punder and $aversation of pubic funds against 5: individuas% The ist
incudes businesswo$an 'anet Ni$ 9apoes, Senators Ra$on (Bong) Revia 'r%, 'inggo!
Estrada, 'uan #once Enrie, and two for$er $e$bers of the ?ouse%
'epte(er !-
In his priviege speech, Estrada reveas that so$e senators, incuding hi$sef, had been
aotted an additiona #G0 $iion each as BincentiveC for supposed! voting in favor of the
i$peach$ent of -hief 'ustice Renato -% -orona% 2See Sidebar Table 4
On the sa$e da!, DB3 re,uests another o$nibus authorit! to poo savings to fund the
rehabiitation pan for the areas affected b! T!phoon Pablo a$ounting to #10%G51 biion% The
a$ount is to be sourced fro$ the /01/ and /015 pooed savings fro$ progra$$ed
appropriations and revenue windfa coections during the first se$ester, $a"ing up the /015
>nprogra$$ed Hund%
'epte(er !)
DB3 ad$its to actua disburse$ents of #:,1:6,E00,000 under DA# b! this date, according to
-arpio)s separate opinion% DA# disburse$ents now reach #116%/G biion% This is the ast
DA# disburse$ent before the progra$ woud beco$e controversia%
'epte(er &"
Abad issues a state$ent e8paining that the funds reeased to the senators were part of DA#, a
progra$ designed b! DB3 to ra$p up spending to acceerate econo$ic growth%
The budget secretar! sa!s DA# funds are usua! ta"en fro$ unreeased appropriations under
persona services, unprogra$$ed funds, carr!7over appropriations unreeased fro$ the
previous !ear, and budgets for sow7$oving ite$s or pro*ects that had been reaigned to
support faster7disbursing pro*ects%
*+to(er #

In a state$ent, -o$$ission on Audit -hair 3aria ;racia 3% #uido7Tan sa!s that in response
to Senator 3iria$ Defensor SantiagoOs etter re,uest, the -OA was aread! oo"ing into the
DA# reeases, particuar! those issued pro*ects identified b! egisators%
BHro$ the initia reports of our audit custers, there are at east two agencies found to have
received DA# aocations fro$ egisators% The corresponding audit reports sha be reeased
in due course%C
*+to(er 1$,ove(er %
9ine petitions assaiing the constitutionait! of DA# and issuances reated to it are fied
before the Supre$e -ourt%
*+to(er !!
The ?ouse of Representatives approves the #/%/E:7triion proposed nationa budget for
/011% The budget proposa is rid of the #DAH u$p su$, which is instead reaigned to the
budget of si8 i$pe$enting agencies%
*+to(er &"
Addressing the nation in a teevised speech, #resident A,uino hits bac" at critics e,uating the
controversia #riorit! Deveop$ent Assistance Hund or the por"7barre s!ste$ with DA#%
BThe Disburse$ent Aocation #rogra$ is not por" barre,C sa!s A,uino% BOf the DA#
reeases in /011 and /01/, on! nine percent was disbursed for pro*ects suggested b!
egisators%C ?e sa!s that spending through DA# is cear! aowed b! the -onstitution and b!
other aws, as we as argues that it is on! a na$e for a process wherein govern$ent can
spend both savings and new and additiona revenues%
Aided b! a sideshow, A,uino tries to e8pain what DA# is and its supposed Brea, tangibeC
benefits to Hiipinos% ?e cites so$e of the pro*ects funded b! DA# such as #ro*ect 9OA? of
the Depart$ent of Science and Technoog!, Training7for7=or" Schoarship #rogra$ of
Technica Education and S"is Deveop$ent Authorit!, construction of infrastructure in
3indanao and other areas, and pa!$ent of ;overn$ent Service Insurance S!ste$ pre$iu$s
for DepEd e$po!ees, a$ong others%
,ove(er %
T!phoon !olanda devastates parts of -entra #hiippines% !olanda 2internationa codena$eJ
"aiyan4 woud be recorded as the strongest and $ost destructive t!phoon to hit the countr!,
"iing over E,000 peope and da$aging #:G%:6 biion worth of properties%
,ove(er #/
The Supre$e -ourt conducts the first ora argu$ent on the constitutionait! of the DA#%
On the sa$e da!, the Supre$e -ourt en ban# votes to decare as unconstitutiona the use of
the por" or #DAH% It reverses three prior ruings that uphed the roe and power of -ongress
over the use, aocation, and disburse$ent of por" for the pet pro*ects of senators and
,ove(er !)
The Senate approves on third and fina reading the #/%/E17triion proposed nationa budget
for /011% The Senate version is #5%/ biion ess than the a$ount origina! proposed in the
E8ecutive)s Budget #roposa%
De+e(er !"
#resident A,uino signs the #/%/E17triion nationa budget for /011% To speed up budgetar!
reeases, the DB3 adopts the ;enera Appropriations Act as reease docu$ent in /011%
Agenc! budgets, e8cuding u$p7su$ funds, specia purpose funds, and auto$atic
appropriations, are considered reeased as aot$ents when the /011 ;AA ta"es into effect%
De+e(er !%
Abad sub$its a $e$orandu$ to the #resident co7signed Hinance Secretar! -esar #urisi$a
and Socioecono$ic #anning Secretar! Arsenio Baisacan reco$$ending the ter$ination of
January !)
The #hiippine govern$ent and the 3oro Isa$ic Niberation Hront sign the Anne8 on
9or$ai<ation, paving the wa! for the signing of the -o$prehensive Agree$ent on the
January !%
The Supre$e -ourt conducts the second ora argu$ent on the constitutionait! of the DA#%
Fe(ruary #%
The Supre$e -ourt conducts the third and fina ora argu$ent on the constitutionait! of the
July #
In a 157071 decision, the Supre$e -ourt rues that certain Bacts and practicesC of the DA# are
July 0
DB3 reeases a press reease in response to a report cai$ing that #5G/%F biion was $ade
avaiabe at the disposa of the e8ecutive for DA# pro*ects% According to the DB3 press
reease, a tota of #15E%FG biion 77 #EG%G6 biion for$ the /011 budget and #F1%1E biion
fro$ the /01/ budget 77 was $ade avaiabe for DA# pro*ects% DB3 further notes that the
tota a$ount actua! used fro$ the fund was #111%G: biion% PCIJ, July 2014

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