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Culture refers to the norms, values, and beliefs of a particular group or community in a

particular area or geographic nation (Hofstede, 1980). In other words, the respective
norms, values and beliefs will affect the way of the society members act in their daily life
which includes business activities. Obviously, there is a big different between Asian
cultures and western cultures. The values, norms as well as beliefs in both of Asian and
western society are totally different and even certain norms in both society might conflict
with each other. For the example, the western people will hug with each other when they
are meet with each other regardless male or female. The respective practice did not
acceptable in the Asian society.
asically, the Asian culture is more far more conservative that western cultures. The
Asian culture will focus on politeness, patient, caring as well as humble in the daily life.
For the example, the Asian people will humble in whatever achieved success.
Comparable, most of the western people would li!e to share their "oy of success with
other peoples. At the mean time, the Asian culture also very emphasi#es in the
relationship between the society members. As for them, the relationship between each
society member is invaluable and it supposed not affected by any external factors such
as business activities. $owever, the western value or culture is more emphasi#e on
democracy, sociable, and law%by%law policy. As for them, each of the people in the
society should have their own human rights and none of the people include employer
allowed to ta!e away their human rights. esides that, the western country also very
emphasi#e on the procedure and policy. As for them, the relationship between human
cannot affect the setup procedure and policy.
&ue to many differences between the Asian cultures and western cultures, the
management writings based on 'estern (alues and practices have limited application
for Asian business manager in helping them respond successfully to the challenges the
face in the early twenty ) first century. As in early twenty ) first century, the Asian
business manager needs to face lots of challenges. The respective challenge includes
the proposed of Asian Free Trade Area in Asian countries by year *++,. -nder the Asian
Free Trade Area .AFTA/, the involved countries need to allow the foreign investor or
company to enter their domestic mar!ets and compete with their internal business firm
or industry. Therefore, the Asian business manager will face a huge challenge in
compete with the international firm from other countries to con0uer the mar!ets.
esides that, the technology of communication and computer is developed and
established rapidly in the early twenty ) first century. 1ore and more communication
technology will be used in the daily business activities. For the example, the business
entity will use the 2!ype as a communication tool to communicate with other business
sta!eholders. Thus, the Asian business manager will also face a challenge to adopt and
the respective new communication technology in their firm or company. It is because the
respective business manager might not familiar with the used and concept of the new
communication technology.
The last challenge which might be faced by the Asian business manager is the rapid
changes of the taste of the Asian people in using certain products or services. For the
example, the Asian people might be easily turns to use other brand products. Therefore,
it always becomes the huge challenges for the Asian business manager to maintain the
royalty of the customer in Asian mar!ets.
The Asian business manager did respond positively in the respective of challenges. For
the example, the Toyota Co. 3td in 4apan start uses the usiness to usiness .*/
concept in their daily sales transaction. In other words, the customers from all around the
world can boo! or purchase the car from Toyota Co. 3td through the e%commerce
websites. 5ot only, the Toyota Co. 3td also ma!e use of the new technology in early
twenty%first century such a harmoni#ation of 6%commerce with territory system. The
Toyota Co. 3td will add various new types of business methods with the various types of
services activities and the existing practices for car business composed of the territory
system will be partially replaced with the new types of business practices, such as auto
mall, catalog business, and Internet services. (Kiichi Kageyama, 2004)
As for today, there are lots of management writing based on western values and
practice which guide the business manage in their daily operation business activity.
$owever, it is not applicable to the Asian business manager in helping them respond
successfully to the challenges they face in the twenty ) first century. The main problem
which faced by the Asian business managers is struggling with the 0uestions of how to
change the traditional culture managerial methods in their respective company. It is
important for the respective Asian business to solve the respective problem as the
opportunity for business success is the development of a holistic strategy involving new
managerial mindsets and new organi#ational capabilities. (HBR, 1994).

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