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For all who are Interested: Meet

in the AC Lobby Wednesday,

Tomorrow: We will go over the basics
of Green/Living Roofs, and Discuss
which roofs Hawken Students want to
Year-Round Jobs
• Ecology Club Writer ______________
Writes Affno articles/blog entries based on events held by the Ecology
Club, or current topics in ecology and environmental issues

• *School Neutral* _______________

Using a program derived by a carbon – credit company, this person will
calculate our school’s CO2 emissions and possibly garbage stream

• Composting Evaluation ______________

This person will use all the results from composting this year to present
in a graph or other educational format which will be posted at school
or through Affno/Hawknet
Where We’re Headed
The Rest of the Year will be Relatively Open:
• Our first project: Research Projects for
Renewable Energy
• Later Projects: Research and Develop Plans for
Sustainable Schools (Ex: switch to partially-
recycled cups, expand recycling program)
• We will be open to fundraising to fund these
programs, or we can participate in green events/
green politics. The decision is up to you.
Everything above will be done in groups. After topics are chosen, I will
make a worksheet with an agenda so that groups require an
equivalent work load.
Renewable Energy & Sustainability
• Geothermal • Biodegradable take-out
• Solar (photovoltaic containers (for teachers)
panels, solar water • Recycled cups, napkins,
heating, etc.) etc.
• Wind (through small- • Electronic Recycling
scale and large-scale drives (batteries,
wind turbines) Computers, etc.)
• Energy reduction &
efficiency (ex. Insulation)
• Carbon Credits (purchase
credits to offset our
carbon emissions)

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