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To: Carol Tempest, VP of Human Resources.
From: Ryan Brown, Director of Information Technology
Date: July 18 !1".
Re: #aron $e%% an& Jamal 'oore case.
(n t)e last wee* after we start us+n, our new software we foun& some %lo, post+n,s
a%out t)+s company, &ays after ( rece+-e an anonymous ema+l accus+n, #aron $e%% to %e
t)e person t)at +s post+n, t)+s +nformat+on from )+s computer )ome. $e &+sco-er t)at t)e
anonymous ema+l come from Jamal 'oore, w)o remote accesse& '+ster $e%% )ome
computer w+t)out )+s aut)
#s you are t)e person +n c)ar,e of )uman resources cases, ( want to +nform you of t)e
s+tuat+on, so you can ta*e t)e appropr+ate measurements. (n my op+n+on we s)oul& use
t)e +nformat+on from Jamal 'oore to &+sc+pl+ne #aron $e%% for -+olat+n, t)e /D#, an&
caut+on Jamal 'oore a%out )+s +lle,al act+-+ty.
'y recommen&at+on +s %ase& on our o%l+,at+on to )onor employees0 r+,)t to free
e1press+on on t)e+r own t+me, %ut also ma*e sure t)at sens+t+-e +nformat+on +s not ,o+n,
to %e pu%l+c. ( also see 'r. 'oore act+on as a s+ncere concert to )elp t)e company.
T)+s et)+cal act+on w+ll %e a-o+&+n, poss+%le lawsu+ts +n t)e future an& *eep two ,oo&
employees +n t)e company.
Howe-er, ( trust +n your a%+l+ty to ta*e t)e %est et)+cal &ec+s+on, please let me *now +f
you nee& more +nformat+on a%out t)e case.

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