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Mr. Srinivas.
What is Component Interfae!
A means to aess the Peop"eSoft app"iation without using the
Peop"eSoft pa#es.
It e$poses a Peop"eSoft omponent for synhrono%s aess from
e$terna" app"iation&peop"eo'e,(pp, )ava*.
E$terna" app"iations nee' not +e onerne' ,ith the 'etai"s of pa#e
str%t%res an' omponent 'efinitions in or'er to aess the %n'er"yin#
'ata an' +%siness "o#i thro%#h omponent interfaes.
Arhitet%re of Component Interfae
F%n'amenta" e"ements to the omponent interfae arhitet%re.
Component Interfae
Component Interfae API
E"ements of ComponentInterfae
Every omponent interfae has the fo""o,in# fo%r main attri+%tes
0enerate' in CI ,hen the Use tab on the Component Properties 'ia"o# a""o,s
the A'' ation
E"ements of ComponentInterfae&ont'2*
3* Properties an' o""etions &fie"'s an' reor's*
Provi'e aess to +oth omponent 'ata an' omponent interfae settin#s.
T,o types of properties4 Stan'ar' an' 5ser6'efine'.
Stan'ar' properties an +e set to tr%e or fa"se.
E$amp"es 4 InterativeMo'e, 0et7istoryItems, E'it7istoryItems.
5ser'efine' metho's
5ser6'efine' properties map to reor' fie"'s on the Peop"eSoft omponent an'
are 'isp"aye' in the Peop"eSoft App"iation 8esi#ner.
A omponent interfae collection is a speia" type of property that orrespon's to a
A metho' is a f%ntion that performs a speifi tas1 on a omponent interfae at r%ntime.
T,o main types of metho's4 standard an' user-defined.
Stan'ar' metho's
Stan'ar' metho's are those that are avai"a+"e for a"" omponent interfaes.
-.Cane"4 Cane"s any han#es ma'e sine the "ast save.
..Create4 Creates ne, instane of CI
3.Fin' 4Performs partia" 1ey searh on the parti%"ar instane of the CI
%sin# searh 1ey at "eve" :ero.
9.0et 4Retrieves a parti%"ar instane of CI.
;.Save 4 Saves an instane of the CI.
<.0etPropertyByName4Ret%rns the va"%e of the property speifie' +y name.
=.SetPropertyName4 Sets the va"%e to the property speifie' +y name.
5ser'efine' Metho's
Those that yo% an reate to meet the re>%irements of an in'ivi'%a" omponent
A metho' is simp"y a Peop"eCo'e f%ntion that yo% ,ish to ma1e aessi+"e thro%#h
the omponent interfae
Eah metho' maps to a sin#"e Peop"e Co'e f%ntion
The Component Interfae o+)et, instantiate' from a session o+)et, is reate' at
r%ntime as a ,ay to aess the 'ata speifie' +y the Component Interfae.
?oSession @ ASessionB
?oSI'n-Ci @ ?oSession.0etCompIntf&CompIntf.SCI8N-CCI*B
When yo% pop%"ate a Component Interfae ,ith 'ata, the first thin# yo% fi"" o%t
are its 1eys, as yo% ,o%"' in a omponent. These an +e 1eys for #ettin# an
e$istin# instane of the 'ata or for reatin# a ne, instane of the 'ata.
Component Interfae properties provi'e aess to the 'ata in a omponent
Component Interfae metho's are f%ntions that an +e a""e' to perform
operations on a Component Interfae.
Component Interfae an map to on"y one omponent.
A omponent an have any n%m+er of CIs.
Component Interfae 8efinition
Developing & Implementing CI
8efine Fie"'s
Reor' 8efinition
B%i"' Reor'
8efines Pa#es
8efine Components
8efine the Component Interfae
Din1 the Component to the Men%
A%thori:e 5ser Aess &Se%rity*
Test yo%r Component Interfae
A omponent interfae is a Peop"eToo"s o+)et that yo% reate in App"iation
A'' in'ivi'%a" o+)ets, or #ro%ps of o+)ets, to the omponent interfae +y
'ra##in# o+)ets from the omponent vie, into the omponent interfae vie,.
Creating & Working with a CI
To reate a ne, omponent interfae
Se"et Fi"e, Ne, from the App"iation 8esi#ner men%.
Se"et the Component Interfae o+)et type from the Ne, 'ia"o#.
Se"et the omponent on ,hih this omponent interfae ,i"" +e +ase'.
Save the omponent interfae.
A'' properties, o""etions, or metho's to the omponent interfae.
Set the se%rity.
Test the omponent interfae.
Wor1in# ,ith Component Interfae
8e"arin# a Component Interfae O+)et
Component Interfaes are 'e"are' as type ApiO+)et. For
e$amp"e4 Doa" ApiO+)et ?TESTCIB
Sope of a Component Interfae O+)et
A Component Interfae an +e instantiate' from Peop"eCo'e, from a Eis%a"
Basi pro#ram, from COM an' C(CFF.
Earia+"es 'efine' at Component an' 0"o+a" are on"y for Component Interfae
In this e$amp"e, yo% are #ettin# an e$istin# instane of 'ata for the EMPDCC7EC/CCI
Component Interfae, ,hih is +ase' on the EMPDCC7EC/DIST omponent, for the
5p'ate(8isp"ay mo'e.
Doa" ApiO+)et ?TESTCIB
?TESTSESSION @ 0etSession&*B
(K 0et he1"ist Co'e K(
(K Set Effetive 'ate K(
Component Interfae
Working with a CI Setting Security
T,o ,ays to Se%re Component Interfaes
-* Can +e %se' to restrit aess to in'ivi'%a" metho's or entire Component Interfae
Setting Securitycontd..!
.*App"iation 8esi#ner
M To ma1e in'ivi'%a" property @Rea' On"yN
"sing the CI #ester
"sing the CI #estercontd..!
Speify ,hether to r%n in Interative mo'e.
In noninterative mo'e, if yo% set a property, the property is not va"i'ate'
%nti" yo% perform the save. 7o,ever, in interative mo'e the property is
va"i'ate' imme'iate"y.
Speify ,hether to #et or e'it history items.
Se"etin# 0et 7istory Items retrieves history 'ata
Se"etin# E'it 7istory Items ena+"es e'itin# an' savin# of history 'ata.
These options app"y to effetive6'ate' fie"'s on"y
R%ntime onsi'erations
WinMessa#e 5navai"a+"e
Oo% annot %se WinMessa#e in a omponent that ,i"" +e %se' to +%i"' a
omponent interfae. 5se Ms#0et&* instea'.
Emai" from a Component Interfae
To %se a omponent interfae to sen' emai", %se Tri##erB%sinessEvent
Peop"e Co'e event, not Sen'Mai".
Re"ate' 8isp"ay
Re"ate' 'isp"ay fie"'s are not avai"a+"e for %se in a omponent interfae
as they are not he"' in the +%ffer onte$t that the omponent interfae %ses.
Ro, Inserts
If Ro,Inserts have +een 'isa+"e' for a pa#e, yo% m%st ta1e are ,hen
a""in# inserts a#ainst the orrespon'in# omponent interfae.
Any Peop"eCo'e assoiate' ,ith p%sh +%ttons %se' on the pa#e to a''
ro,s ,i"" not +e invo1e' +y the omponent interfae ,hen an insert is
Benefits of CI
Aess to a"" +%siness "o#i
8e"ivere' Peop"eSoft "o#i
Oo%r %stomi:ations Ins%"ate' from omp"e$ities of app"iation
8ata re"ationships
8ata Inte#rity
5p#ra'ea+"e Peop"eToo"s o+)et
Res%"t4 Saves Time ? Money
Than1 yo%

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