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Honorable [name], Respected [name], Mr Chairman, our most valued invited

guests, ladies and gentlemen! It's my privilege to have been asked to propose a
vote o thanks on this occasion!
I, on behal o [name o the organi"ation o the event], and the entire [other
supporting#sponsoring organi"ation, team, cre$, even special guests in the
audience i you like] let me call it raternity o [ield o interest] here together, and
on my o$n behal e%tend a very hearty vote o thanks to all speakers or gracing
your important $ork and sharing $ith us your indings and opinions today!
& big ''hank (ou' to [name speaker], or her # his eorts to$ards [speech topic]!
Reer and respond to )ust one central idea o the speaker that you ound
particularly interesting!
If there are more speakers, then consider these vote of thanks examples:
I must mention our deep sense o appreciation or [name speaker], or her # his
e%planation o [speech topic]! [Again refer ... ]
*urther, $e are greatul to [speaker], or demonstrating her#his [speech topic]!
[Refer and respond to ...]
I may like to e%press our sincere thanks to [name], or giving an e%cellent
coverage to [her or his speech idea]! [Refer ...].
I also $ish to e%press my gratitude to [name], or providing encouragement at
[speech topics]! [Refer].
I am also very grateul to [name] or her # his analysis o [point that struck you
&nd, $e also $ould like to ackno$ledge our gratitude to [name], or e%posing
her#his theory o [speech topic]!
+e are all inspired by your great $ords!
*inally, I $ould like to take this opportunity to place on record our hearty thanks to
[name], [unction] or the perect logistic support and guidance she#he has
e%tended to all o us at [occasion]!
I also e%tend my thanks to [name], [unction] and also to [name], [unction] or
their enormous cooperation in the organi"ation o this event!
,ary in language $hen using these vote o thanks e%amples!
+ell, Mr! Chairman, ladies and gentlemen, an event like this cannot happen
overnight! 'he $heels start rolling $eeks ago! It re-uires planning and a birds eye
or details! +e have been ortunate enough to be backed by a team o very
motivated and dedicated colleagues o [institute, organi"ation] $ho kno$ their )ob
and are result oriented!
I cannot thank everyone enough or their involvement and their $illingness to take
on the completion o tasks beyond their comort "ones! ,ary on these vote o thank
e%amples till your e%press motion its the atmosphere right!
More sample vote of thanks speech input. Think aout people !ho are responsile
technical arrangements
stage setting and lighting
the press and media contacts
et cetera
Mr! Chairman, ladies and gentlemen, once again I $ant to state that $e are all
most grateul to all speakers on this stage! +e thank you or being $ith us this
evening . it/s been a great pleasure!
'hank (ou ,ery Much!

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