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Jane's kisses
were not then
but they were
in that they
woke up those
senses that
had beore
been dor!ant.
Outside s"hool
ater that
s"hool bus ride
to our ho!es,
and others
had #one their
ways apart,
she re!ained
her bein#
on the ed#e
o so!e $ast
within her.
%an we walk&
'he asked !e.
I you like.
(he s"hool bus
had #one o,
the others
not in si#ht.
)e walked down
the side lane,
#rassy banks
on both sides.
(here is talk
at our s"hool
o a #irl
in !y "lass
who's pre#nant.
)hat #irl's that&
I asked her,
ha$in# a
$a#ue idea
what it !eant.
Jane drank in
ea"h aspe"t
o nature
about us*
wild lowers,
the son# birds,
the bird's nests.
%an't say na!es,
Jane replied,
!ustn't +ud#e,
Daddy said.
,er ather
was parson
o our s!all
dull $illa#e.
'he's our a#e&
-es, Jane said*
+ust ./.
,er bla"k hair
had two #rips
either side*
neat, pre"ise.
,er s"hool skirt
was dull #rey,
with white blouse.
)hat happened&
I then asked
not knowin#
the pro"ess
o those thin#s.
I don't know,
Jane replied.
'he didn't,
be"ause she
ne$er lied.
'he stopped still
and looked down
at the strea!.
I stopped, too.
(hose lowers
#i$e the s"ene
Jane then said.
0od #i$en,
not !an !ade.
'he knelt down,
I knelt, too.
'he in#ered
the lower,
brushed alon#
ine petals,
dipped in#ers
in the strea!.
)hose baby&
I asked her.
'he pulled at
the skirt's he!
to her knees,
brushed in#ers
whi"h were da!p,
on skirt1s "loth.
)e don1t know.
'o!e lo"al
boy I #uess.
'he stood up2
so did I.
'he looked up
at the sky*
birds in li#ht,
puy "louds,
spread o blue.
)hat, I asked,
did they do&
Jane ollowed
with her eyes
a"ross sky,
a swallow.
3o$e those birds,
their win# spread,
how they ly.
I studied
how she stood,
her dark eyes,
her ba"k hair,
her pink lips.
)e had kissed
and now there
I needed
to kiss her
lips a#ain.
4ot 5uite sure
what they did
Jane1s lips said.
Our eyes !et.
,a6el and bla"k.
More than kiss&
I asked her.
-es, Jane said,
I expe"t.
'he "a!e "lose.
,er s!all breasts
tou"hed !y "hest.
)e kissed shy,
then less so,
our lips !oist,
our ton#ues tou"hed,
senses stirred.
Our eyes "losed.
Our lips !et,
hands entwined.
4ot pre#nant&
I en5uired.
4o, she said,
!ore than this

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